#bull murphy
whibleysims · 1 year
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“Who’s this?” Nancy cooed, rubbing Bull’s happy big head. He panted and wagged his tail in delight.
“I didn’t invite you over to make friends with my dog.”
“Sorry, buddy, mama’s gotta pay the bills,” she said to Bull.
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she-wolf09231982 · 9 months
Chapter 2- The Talk
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Summary: You find out your first mission is to Carentan with Easy Company. This will be your first jump with the boys, but there's some who are opposed to your tagging along to which Liebgott defends your honor.
Author's Notes: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFemMedic, Pre D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Aggression, Angst, Mentions of Sex, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, A League of Their Own Crossover Characters & Movie References, Mentions of Weaponry, Yiddish/German/Dutch language with English translation, Smoking, Crying, Banter, Pining, FLUFF (Joe defends reader's honor)
German is identified with (g)
Yiddish is identified with (y)
Dutch is identified with (d)
Story takes place mid-late Episode 1- Currahee
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of the historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
May 1944
Easy Company along with allied British forces locked down the town of Aldbourne. You and the only other two females (two aid station nurses) were finally allotted with a temporary hardened facility (instead of a tent) to yourselves just on the edge of the village. 
You shared this space with Doris Murphy, and Mae Mordabito. They each sat on their own tufted lounge chair in their night gowns, gossiping about some of the officers they found attractive.  
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“Ok, so pick one: Spiers, Winters, or Nixon?” Mae purred in a breathy voice while smoking a cigarette. 
“Ooo that’s a tough one, Mae.” Doris cooed with her heavy Statton Island accent.  
Doris paused to think about it. 
“Come on, Doris, it ain’t that hard.” Mae teased. 
“Oh yeah? Who’d you pick then, Mae?” Doris prodded. 
“Spiers for sure.” Mae replied almost immediately with honey in her voice. 
“Ooooooo!” Doris squealed as they both giggled uncontrollably. 
Their laughter was interrupted by you entering through the door in your linen robe and your hair wrapped in a towel carrying a shower caddie. 
“Well, hello there, Y/N.” Doris welcomed teasingly. 
“Doris.” You greet back with a faint smile. 
“So, how’s Joe?” Mae asked sweetly with a shimmy. 
You directed her a look of annoyance and a grin. You remained quiet, removing your hair from the towel. 
“He walked you to the shower, didn’t he??” Doris squawked with shock. 
Mae tittered biting her red manicured fingernail, waiting for you to admit it. 
You ‘psh-ed’ through your teeth trying to suppress a laugh. 
“Yeah, Doris, Liebgott walked with me to the shower.” You confirmed. 
You never call him Joe in front of them or the other guys. 
“And?” Mae pushed after you fell silent again. 
You turned away slowly from your vanity to face them. They waited with excitement and impatience all over their faces, each on the edge of their seats. 
“And he walked me back here.” You finished with a mischievous smirk. 
They both groaned. 
“He’s been walking you around every night for almost seven months now, honey, what’s the hold up??” Mae asked. 
“He walks with me because it was a direct order, Mae. Winters doesn’t want me walking alone when it’s dark because there are hundreds of ravenous sexually deprived wolves out here waiting for the opportunity to get a Little Red Riding Hood all to themselves.” You explained plainly. 
“I wear red under my uniform all the time.” Mae admitted with a wink after taking a long drag from her cigarette. 
Mae being the more promiscuous kind, didn’t see a problem with hundreds of horny men in the general vicinity. 
“Mae!!” Doris said clutching her chest with a gasp. 
You laughed together as you continued to dry your wet hair. 
“But seriously, though, that man’s got it bad for you, hun.” Mae continued. 
“Yeah, real bad.” Doris emphasized. 
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You roll your eyes. 
“I don’t think so, girls.” You argued. 
“Oh yeah? You ever catch how he looks at you?” Doris challenged. 
“Or how close he gets to you so he could smell your perfume?” Mae added. 
“He does nothing of the sort.” You dismissed. 
Doris and Mae looked at eachother. 
“Ok, deny it all you want, Gams, Joe Liebgott is sweet...on...you!” Mae said booping you gently on the nose after each of the last three words of her sentence. 
You huff then shook your head. 
“Sure, Mae.” You say hoping it’ll end the conversation. 
The three of you get into your respectable beds after Doris dimmed the lamp. 
Silence and darkness filled the room and you almost drifted off to sleep until... 
The three of you gasp, sitting straight up frozen from fear.  
You started to hear snickering outside. Specifically, men laughing. You spring out of your bed and throw open the door catching Liebgott, Luz, Perconte, and Malarkey running up the road towards their end of town. 
“LUZ! CONTE! MALARK! LIEB!! GODDAM LEATHERHEADS!!” You yelled out after them, genuinely furious and somewhat embarrassed. 
The four soldiers stopped and turned to wave mockingly back at you, then all howled again. 
You heard Mae and Doris giggle behind you. 
You stood arms crossed staring back at the guys stunned by their immaturity. 
You and Liebgott locked eyes. His playful smirk appearing across his face. You pursed your lips and furrowed your eyebrows shaking your head at him. He brought his fingertips to his lips blowing you a kiss, and winking as he turned on his heel with Malarkey pulling on his sleeve. 
“They must’ve been listening to us.” Doris pointed out. 
“If I’d have known that I would’ve had a thing or two to say about Luz.” Mae declared with a sultry smile. 
You released an irritated breath, shook your head while slamming the rickety door. 
“Idiots.” You whispered to yourself. 
You left the town’s only serviceable cafe with a thermos of coffee and made your way towards the makeshift medical unit to start your day. You see Easy Company gathering in the field nearest to your workstation preparing for convoy exercises. Liebgott and Perconte ran over to chat with you. 
“Hey! Sleep good last night, Gams?” Joe snickered. 
You roll your eyes at him. 
“Hey, why does Mae call you ‘Gams’ anyway?” Perconte asked genuinely clueless. 
You and Joe looked at him perplexed. 
“Really, Frank? Gams? Because Y/N’s got legs for days, you dunce.” Joe explained. 
Perconte just nodded releasing an ‘ahhhh’ after it all came together in his head.  
“And how would you know I have long gams, Lieb?” You interrogated crossing your arms. 
Joe looked at you alarmed at first but recovered quickly.  
“I can tell just by lookin’ at’chya.” He declared flirtatiously. 
“Frank! Joe! Get over here!” 
Lipton called Perconte and Liebgott back from across the field. 
“See ya later, doll, gotta go.” Joe said quickly before rushing off. 
You watch them run off until Mae’s voice breaks your focus. 
“See? Told ya.” Mae gloated. 
You looked at her and began to protest but she winked at you and waved you off before you could get a word in.
You growled lowly to yourself in frustration and proceeded to med storage to start inventory with Doc. 
June 1944
You and Doc were instructed to attend a briefing with Easy Company. You sat in the rear with Doc while Captain Lewis Nixon spoke from a platform, referencing a map on easel. 
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"Sainte-Marie-du-Monte. Causeway number one. Causeway number two. The ultimate field problem. The estuary of the Douve River divides two beaches, code name Utah, here and Omaha, here. Seaborne Infantry will hit these beaches in force at a date and time to be specified."
Nixon proceeded after stepping down from the stage.
"H-Hour, D-Day. Airborne's objective, gentlemen, is to take the town of Carentan or Carentan, thus linking Utah and Omaha into a single continuous beachhead."
Lieutenant Meehan addressed all the companies from the platform, briefing the operation order of when and where to engage the focus targets which was a German garrison just beyond the Atlantic Wall where the troops were to drop 5 hours before the 4th Infantry lands on Utah.
“-Easy Company will destroy that garrison. Each trooper will learn this operation by heart and know {their} and every other outfit's mission to the detail." Meehan scanned the crowd making sure he still had everyone's attention before continuing.
"We’ll be having the best members of the wound care unit accompanying us as our designated field medics. Corporals Roe and Y/L/N. This will be L/N’s first jump with us, so keep an eye out for her, gents.” Meehan added with a fatherly expectant gaze across the crowd before him."
"You’re all released for the day. Police your gear, make sure you have what you need and ready to load up by 0700. Get outta here.” Nixon dismissed. 
The men all rose from their seats and began filing out of the briefing area. 
“Well, that was cheerful.” Luz voiced out loud to Perconte. 
“What really grinds my gears is we got princess to babysit.” Guarnere bleated. 
“Jeezuz Christ, Guarnere, give it a rest, will ya?” Luz barked. 
“You know what your problem is? Your pride is still dented. She put you in your place in front of everyone with some politically correct facts about your bloodline. You just wanna give her shit every chance you get.” Corporal David Webster interjected. 
“You can shut your mouth, Web.” Guarnere sneered. 
“Hey, Guarnere, shut the fuck up.” Liebgott snapped. 
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“Hey, Joe, why don’t you shut the hell up. I wasn’t talkin’ to ya! Just because you wanna bed her don’t mean I gotta be nice to her.” Guarnere spit back. 
Liebgott grabbed Guarnere by the shoulder, swinging him around, grappling him by the front of his uniform. 
“You watch what you say about her.” Liebgott hissed at him. 
Guarnere shoved Liebgott off him. 
“Get your hands off me. And tell your girl that if she sees me in the field bleeding out, to keep her Mick-Deigo hands off me too. I’d rather die. Fuck the bote’of’ ya’s.” (The both of you) Guarnere snarled back, spitting at Joe’s feet before walking away. 
Liebgott stared him down, chest heaving, until he disappeared around the corner. 
“Let it go, Joe.” Bull said patting his shoulder a couple of times. 
Liebgott glanced to the side barely catching you scurrying away towards your barracks. 
“Pretty sure she heard all that.” Bull added. 
“Yeah...I’ll go talk to her.” Liebgott said almost as a growl. 
You sat in a rocking chair that one of the locals left behind in your sleeping quarters. Wrapped in one of the olive drab wool blankets that was standard issue for soldiers. You rocked back and forth gently, lost in the flame of your oil lamp until you heard a knock on the door. 
“Who is it?” You call out. 
“It’s Joe, Y/N.” Liebgott replied. 
“It’s not even time for chow yet.” You responded as you checked your watch. 
“I came here to talk, Y/N.” Liebgott clarified. 
You exhaled loudly as you walked to the door and opened it. You found Joe leaning with his forearm against the trim of the doorway. Your heart danced a little as he looked at you through hooded lids. 
Your breath hitched before you composed yourself. 
“Talk about what?” You queried. 
Joe slowly straightened up rocking back on his heels as he slipped his hands into his front pockets. 
“About what happened back there.” He specified as he gestured with his head behind him. 
“What’s to talk about? It don’t bother me.” You asserted in the most convincing voice you could muster. 
Liebgott chuckled as he looked down at his boots then looked back at you. 
“You ain’t foolin’ nobody, sweetheart.” He stated. 
You looked off to the side avoiding eye contact with him. 
“Can... I... come in?” He dared to ask.  
You look at him appalled, grabbing the front of your robe. 
“Excuse me?” You asked as you narrowed your eyes at him. 
He laughed almost nervously. 
“Look, I just thought it would be better to talk in private. Don’t worry, I won’t try anything fresh, ok? I swear.” He promised placing a hand over his heart. 
The wheels in your head were working overtime. It must have shown on your face because Liebgott felt the need to be more reassuring.  
“Nobody will see me come in or out. There’s nobody around right now anyway.” He pointed out stepping aside presenting the view behind him. You look beyond him and scan the area. He was absolutely right. It was a ghost town because it was getting dark. You look at him suspiciously. 
“Fine.” You say curtly. 
You step aside and let him pass through. 
You secured the door behind you. He put his hands back in his pockets and started surveying the room. 
“This is actually kinda nice.” He admitted with a nod. 
“It serves its purpose.” You reply simply. 
 Liebgott sat on one of the tufted lounge chairs across from your vanity where you sat facing him. He rested each elbow onto each of his knees with his fingers interlock between, preparing himself to speak. You sat across from him, sitting with perfect posture and legs crossed and hands folded on your lap still avoiding eye contact. 
“Jesus, will you relax?” Joe finally urged. “You look like I’m about to yell at you or something.” He added. 
“I’m just waiting for you to talk. You said we should talk, not me.” You reminded. 
He sat up and huffed while rolling his eyes.  
“Ok fine. Du bist azoy ekshn (y) (You are so stubborn.)” Joe said under his breath in Yiddish. 
“Ruf mikh nisht ekshnus (y) (Do not call me stubborn).” You shot back. 
Liebgott looked at you baffled. He wasn’t sure if he actually heard what he heard. 
“You...you speak Yiddish?” He managed to ask. 
“Und Deutsch (g)(And German).” You added. 
He just stared at you, eyes wide and utterly at loss for words.  
“En Nederlands. (d)(And Dutch).” You continued. 
The corner of his mouth curled into a faint smile. 
“That’s...that’s really something. You’re one up on me with Dutch.” He accredited. 
“Well, that’s one of the other reasons I was assigned to Easy Company.” You revealed. 
“Makes sense.” He summed up. 
You took a deep breath to reset your patience.  
“So, before you called me stubborn, you had something you wanted to discuss?” You prompted. 
“Um, yeah. About what Guarnere said. I know you heard.” He expressed. 
“Ok. So?” You reply briskly. 
“So, I know it probably upset you. Bull even noticed. I wanted to make sure what he said didn’t bring you down too much.” Joe explained. 
You walked back to your rocking chair, tucked your knees up to your chest as you rewrapped yourself in the wool blanket. You buried your face in your ‘cocoon.’ Joe got up and squatted next to you, placing one hand on your exposed foot from under the blanket, the other on the armrest of the chair to steady it from rocking. 
“Y/N?” He said softly, his head tilted so he could look into your eyes if you happened to look up. 
You cautiously lifted your head from hiding, only to meet his concerned gaze. Tears had welled up in your eyes, but not from hurt pride or sadness. These were tears of anger and confusion. 
“I just don’t understand...” You began. Your voice was hoarse and scratchy from choking down your tears, and it hurt your throat to speak anymore. Joe waited silently, just letting you vent. The hand he had on your foot gently squeezed and released in an attempt to sooth your frustration. 
“Just because I’m a woman? Because I’m from Chicago? Or that I’m Italian and Irish?” Your words stumble out, as the tears start to flow staining wet streaks down your cheeks.  
Joe was steadfast and quiet, hanging on your every angered word. 
“I feel like nobody takes me seriously, Joe.” You finally make eye contact with him as you sniffle.  “A woman can’t be their own entity in a man’s world without being someone’s ‘girl.’ Like I can’t possibly do anything on my own because I’m a female and in the Army working alongside men.” You concluded your rant by resting your chin on your knee, staring out into the room lost in your own thoughts. 
Joe shifted closer to you. 
“You know that’s not true, right?” He whispered to you, almost in your ear. 
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“What isn’t?” You asked. 
“That nobody takes you seriously. The guys, well, they like ya. Except Guarnere, of course, but nobody listens to him.” You both chuckle together. 
You dried some of the tears with your blanket. 
“Anyway, what I’m trying to get at here, is that we respect you for what you do for us and glad to have you on our side. Woman or man, you’ve shown us you won’t take anyone’s shit and that we can depend on you to have our backs out there. And I’ll always have yours.” He reassured you. 
You looked at him surprised after catching that last part. 
“I mean, we’ll always have your back.” He tried correcting himself as he leaned back to put a little space between the two of you since he was close enough to your face he could’ve practically kissed you. For a split second, you almost thought he was going to. 
You decided to let his little unprecedented confession slide so you wouldn’t embarrass him or yourself. 
“Thanks, Joe.” you said fondly with a weak smile. 
“Anytime, Gams.” He said teasingly.  
You exchange a smile. 
The door suddenly swung open as Mae and Doris crashed through the threshold. They froze when they saw you and Liebgott next to eachother in the corner of the room. An impish grin spread across Mae’s face as her eyes flitted back and forth between you and him. 
“Hey, Joe, whaddya know?” Mae asked in her playful kittenish tone. 
Doris shamelessly laughed, enjoying the torture you were enduring. 
Joe stood up progressively, then faced her. 
“Hey, ‘All the way Mae’ whaddya say?” He puffed his chest out triumphantly, quite proud of his comeback.  
You hiccupped from shock, covering your mouth to suppress your laugh. You stood up placing a hand on Liebgott’s shoulder gently pushing him towards the door. 
“Thanks for the pep talk, Liebgott. I’ll see you later.” He looked over his shoulder at you. 
“I’ll be back at 1830.” He told you before striding to the door. Mae and Doris were coyishly smiling as he passed them. When the door closed behind him the floodgates opened. 
“Y/N!!” Doris shrieked. 
“Spill the beans, honey! How was he??” Mae asked implying you had sex with Liebgott. 
You could tell the anticipation was killing them. You looked back and forth between both of them, almost considering going along with the ruse that you had slept with Joe, but decided against it because Doris and Mae would tell everyone they knew about it. 
“You two are ridiculous.” You finally said. 
“Awww, so no details??” Doris asked disappointed. 
“Doris, don’t you get it? It means she didn’t screw him.” Mae explained rolling her eyes walking away annoyed and disinterested. 
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You laughed to yourself, then decided to freshen up your puffy face before Joe got back. 
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grantgustluv · 1 year
it’s 🫶🏻man crush monday🫶🏻 again
this weeks winning hottie is🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
🏆🥇du du du du max verstappen🥇🏆
🥈cillian murphy (love u😘)
🥉lando norris - he’s just so dreamy
reasons: slight delusion, his accent and we like a man who wins
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i am so fucking normal about dragon age inquisition
im less normal about how ugly this game makes my characters facial expressions
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fazcinatingblog · 1 year
just saw a "if you like nathan murphy, you'll love lauren brazzale"
aw man
i just.
that's not it
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streetsofdublin · 1 year
The swimming shelters are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are free to use. The water quality at the Bull Wall is generally good, but it is always best to check the website of Dublin City Council before swimming.
ON THE BULL WALL I visited the Bull Wall with the intention of photographing the large Star Of The Sea Statue but the images were corrupted so I will need to return at a later date. While I was there I photographed the well known shelters. The Bull Wall is a long, narrow spit of land that separates Dublin Bay from the River Liffey. It is located in Clontarf, County Dublin, Ireland. The Bull…
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georgeclarkewifey · 3 months
Inconvenience | g. clarke
Chapter 5 - The Bach and Arthur Podcast
Summary: Noa spills all in an eventful episode of her favourite podcast
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: swearing (I think that’s all of them? lmk if you think there should be more xxx)
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liked by arthurtv, italianbach and 18,938 others
noamurphy Issac wouldn’t smile for the photo :(
but hey, catch me on the Bach and Arthur podcast where I talk about literally anything and everything (sorry Chris)
Comments open
italianbach i look so cool
chrismd10 what do you mean sorry Chris??
⮑ noamurphy guess you’ll have to watch and find out ;)
⮑ chrismd10 Noa…
⮑ noamurphy Christopher…
arthurtv best episode yet id say
⮑ noamurphy yeah bc I was there
⮑ maxbalegde useless hotline when??
⮑ noamurphy 👀
fan1 the silence from George is LOUD
⮑ fan2 yes!!! Bc why is the entire uk yt scene following her except for him???
⮑ fan3 speculation 👏 means 👏 nothing 👏
⮑ noamurphy fan3 speaking facts
gkbarry_ everyone prepared to get jealous bc I’m meeting her tomorrow
⮑ noamurphy giggling and kicking my feet like a child
⮑ arthurhill can confirm this
⮑ taliamar can I come 🥺👉👈
⮑ gkbarry_ noamurphy odds on making it a London girlies meet up?
⮑ noamurphy let’s do it x
⮑ gkbarry_ freyanightingale consider yourself invited
⮑fan4 this meet up is going to be legendary
“Welcome back to the Bach and Arthur Podcast, where we have a very special guest, please welcome the very cool Noa Murphy!” Arthur introduced, grinning as Noa moved onto the set.
She sat opposite Arthur and Issac, relaxing into the plush sofa. “Hello hello, thanks for having me.”
“You’re very welcome, to be honest I’ve wanted you to come on ever since you moved.” Arthur said.
“What can I say, I’ve got some great stories to tell of our childhood in Jersey.”
“Please tell me you have embarrassing child Arthur stories.” Isaac begged, adjusting the microphone in front of him.
“Oh of course I do.” She replied, grinning mischievously at Arthur, who closed his eyes.
“How am I regretting having you on already?” Arthur asked.
“Maybe you should give yourself a small introduction, so those who are watching who may not know who you are?” Isaac suggested.
Noa nodded, and waved at the camera. “Hi! I’m Noa, I grew up in Jersey with Arthur, and the even more famous Chrismd, and I’m currently working as an architect.”
“God you’re instantly cooler than all of us.” Isaac replied, glancing at Arthur and shaking his head.
“I mean I’ve got a law degree-“
“But you’re not an actual lawyer.”
“But I trained-“
“But you quit two months in.”
Arthur sighed. “Fine.”
“So, growing up in Jersey? What was it like?”
Noa smiled fondly, leaning back in the chair. “Even though it was small, I did really enjoy my childhood ya know? There’s been times where I’ve thought I was a bit hard done by, like missing out on being near London, and all the cool stuff there, but at the same time, as a kid who was fond of the outdoors, being able to run around in fields for hours on end was really good for me.”
“All fine until you encounter a bull.” Arthur added, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
“I’m sensing a story…” Isaac said, leaning closer to the mic with a smile.
Noa rolled her eyes playfully and looked at Arthur. “Shall I tell the story or do you want to?”
“You’re the guest, all yours.”
Swiping a few stray hairs away from her eyes, Noa smiled fondly and set about telling the story. “So, next to the roads where Arthur, Chris and I lived, there were loads of farmers fields - some had crops in, but the majority of them were grazing pastures for cows.”
“Jersey cows, one of the main things we’re known for.”
“Exactly. And so as kids, we’d run around these fields whenever they were empty, which would be a couple of weeks to a month on rotation. The farmer knew we did this, he didn’t really care so long as we weren’t in with the cows.” Noa said, exchanging knowing smiles with Arthur.
“So one summer, I think I was about 12? So Arthur and Chris were 15,16 maybe, and we’re running around these as we do, with the other kids in the neighbourhood. And it’s getting late, so before we go home, what we would do is we’d go up to the fence within the field, to try and feed the cows, Arthur even had a favourite.”
“He what?”
“Oh my god, Moovis! How could I forget about her!”
“You named a cow, Moovis?” Isaac asked, slowly turning to look at Arthur.
He shrugged. “She was cute, and she liked me, so I thought why not?”
“So we went up to this fence as usual, but for some reason the herd wasn’t in the adjacent field, which we all thought was weird, so we decided to investigate.”
“Hindsight shows that we should never have done that.”
“So we all climb over into this field, and start exploring. I think we got about halfway across when we realised why there weren’t any cows in that field.”
“I’m really scared about what’s going to happen next.”
“There were bulls. No cows because there were about five bulls in the field.”
“Honestly, it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.” Arthur insisted, nodding furiously. “The fear that went through me was insane. I think I’m still apprehensive to go in fields with cows now after this.”
“So we then have to get out, but we’re trying to creep backwards in the hope that they haven’t seen us, and that we can escape without dying.”
“I’m guessing that something went wrong?” Isaac asked.
“So as we’re backing it towards the fence, this fucking massive bull spots Chris, who’s wearing his bright red Arsenal shirt, and does the normal thing and starts charging. Which prompts the rest of them to start charging us. So, we are all scared to death, sprinting for our lives - I’m pretty sure Kelly, Chris’ sister and Chris were both holding my hands and dragging me along, because eleven year old me could hardly keep up.”
“That sounds deeply traumatic.”
“Trust me, it was.” Arthur said, looking a little pale.
“Then as we get to the fence, I reckon they were about ten metres behind, so we throw ourselves over, and as we tumble over, poor Chris landed headfirst into a cowpat.”
Isaac’s jaw dropped, and slowly formed into a grin as he looked between Noa and Arthur. “You’re kidding.”
“She isn’t.” Arthur confirmed, biting his lip in an attempt to grin too much. “He then started screaming about how he had cow shit in his hair and all over his face.”
“So we did the sympathetic thing and laughed at him, because we were all so high on adrenaline and were just happy to be alive.”
“That might just be the best story that’s been told on the podcast yet.”
“I think I have to agree, poor little ChrisMD.”
“He complained the entire way back, and then to make it even better, we had to hose him down, because his mum didn’t want him coming inside with shit covered hair.” Noa added, grinning. “He stank for a couple of days though, he had to play Sunday league smelling like a cow’s arse.”
“So, Noa - the question everyone wants us to ask, are you ever going to do content creation?” Isaac asked, glancing over to Noa, who was happily curled up in the chair, cupping a fresh mug of hot chocolate.
She sighed. “It’s a complicated thing - I’ve obviously got my regular job, to which I am very happy in - my project is going well, which is always a plus.”
“For those who don’t know Noa is a really cool architect.”
“Arthur is exaggerating, I’ve just started at my dream firm and this is my first proper project.”
“But you’ve got a Masters degree, yeah?”
Noa nodded, rolling her eyes at Arthur. “Yes. Distinction in Modern Architecture with a Special Specialisation in Greco-Roman Architecture, is the full title I believe.”
“And it’s from Cambridge.”
“And that.”
“So, vlogging, TikTok? Are we going to see you there in the future?” Isaac questioned, trying to steer the conversation back onto the right track.”
“Right, yeah. I have considered it definitely, seeing as nearly everyone I know is a creator. But I’ve really considered the pros and cons, the biggest factor being that I don’t know how to edit, and I don’t really have it in my budget right now to pay an editor.”
“But if you found something that you were good at would you?” Arthur pressed, exchanging a glance with Isaac. “Because we must admit, we both think you’d make really good kinda micro-vlogs, or just really minimalistic ones.”
“Yeah, like they’re only like, ten, fifteen minutes long and it’s just your entire week, and it’s just you doing your normal routine.”
Noa raised her eyebrows. “You guys genuinely think that people would watch that?”
“Hell yeah! Even if there’s hardly any voice over, and you kinda just have some gentle music over your soft footage almost?” Arthur suggested.
“I mean, I’ll consider it. If people would genuinely watch it then yeah, I would probably start doing something like that.”
“You’d want it to be manageable.”
“Oh for sure, because it’s got to come after my job, and I’d also feel a bit weird if I become that one coworker that does YouTube or TikTok.”
“I mean, that was me. And I was working at a law firm.” Arthur added, trying to convince Noa more.
“Well on that subject, how did you get into architecture? Was it something you were always into?”
Arthur gave Isaac a slightly panicked look - this wasn’t something they had planned to talk about. He glanced at Noa, who didn’t seem too phased about the question.
“I mean, kind of? It was my special interest as a kid, aside from other things, and it was always fostered whenever we’d go on family trips to literally anywhere, because I’d just be walking round a city staring at all the buildings. That’s also how I was nearly run over by a bike as a child.”
“Stepped into the road without looking?”
“Indeed I did. Always look where you’re going kids.” Noa said, pointing down the camera lens that was focused on her. “So yeah, when I was applying for uni I knew that it was what I wanted to do.”
“That’s pretty cool. Would you ever design a house for one of us? You know, if we paid you enough?” Isaac questioned jokingly, raising an eyebrow at her.
Noa huffed, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. “Maybe? It would have to fit the style of what I enjoy designing, but maybe.”
“You hear that Sidemen? You want a new house, get Noa to design it.”
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author speaks: hello! I’m back! Sorry for the break in updates, moving out of uni took a lot of my time, therefore hardly any time to write :(
but I’m back now, so we vibin 😎
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queenshelby · 5 months
Our Little Secret (Part 35)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap,
Two weeks later....
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It was a Monday afternoon when Cillian's brother had made the call to admit himself into rehab, and it brought a sense of relief to all of you. Cillian's mother had been distraught over her younger son's behavior and the damage it had caused to both of her children. 
Cillian had been discharged from the hospital shortly after a short two-day observational stay and you finally had your post-partum follow up appointments with your obstetrician and gynecologist.
Despite the pain from his broken ribs, Cillian accompanied you to your appointments while your mother stayed at your house to watch Mara. Ove the past 14 days, she had grown quite fond of her and you allowed her back into your life for Mara's sake, albeit with caution. 
To your appointment, Cillian walked slowly, careful not to aggravate the pain in his chest, as you carefully navigated the cold and slippery winter pavement.
 "You should have stayed at home ," you said, eyeing him with concern.
"I wanted to go with you," Cillian insisted, his grip tightening around your arm as you walked through the hospital doors.
You nodded, appreciative of his support, but secretly worried about his health. The doctors had told him that it would take at least six weeks for his ribs to heal, but he was already pushing his limits.
He was helping you tend to Mara's needs every day even though you didn't need his help . You had become quite independent due to the circumstances, but you knew he needed something to focus on rather than mope around the house.
During the day, he would bring and retrieve the laundry, heat up the bottles, and wind down Mara once she had finished feeding. At night, he would give you a break by getting up for the late-night feed, allowing you precious and uninterrupted rest.
Despite the age gap between you, he was the perfect partner , both caring and supportive. He attended every single check-up appointment with you, and he was always the first to jump in whenever you needed him.
Cillian was the kind of man who would make any woman swoon, with his tousled hair, piercing blue eyes and chiseled jawline. He was both rugged and surprisingly gentle and you knew that albeit everything that happened between you, he was yours now.
"I love you, you know," you told him as you were sitting in the waiting-room where other patients were starring at you both. You had been subjected to a fair bit of criticism by the press lately and, in the past week or so, Cillian had fallen victim to some selfdoubt.
Believing that he was truly too old for you and that you would soon want someone younger than him, someone who could give you more energy and excitement than he ever could, he became rather conscious about many things.
And, even though you had tried your best to reassure him, reminding him of the unbreakable bond between the two of you, he remained somewhat distant, unable to fully shake off the nagging doubt that had wormed its way into his mind.
You almost put it back to the stress of recent weeks and the lack of intimacy since the accident and the birth of your daughter, but  you still had your suspicions that there was more to it than met the eye.
As you sat there in the clinic's waiting room, you decided to take the bull by the horns and raise the subject once more. 
"Hey," you said softly, placing a hand on Cillian's knee and looking up at him with eyes filled with love and concern. "Are you okay?" you asked, sensing the tension in his body as he stared blankly ahead apparently lost in his thoughts.
Cillian turned to look at you, his piercing blue eyes filled with a mixture of emotions that you couldn't quite decipher. "I'm fine," he said, managing a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
You nodded, even though you didn't quite believe him. You knew that something was bothering him, something that he wasn't ready to talk about yet.
When you were finally called in to see the doctor, Cillian's mind continued to wander, as the doctor went through the usual checks and questions. You noticed his distant expression and gently nudged his hand, aiming to bring his attention back to the appointment.
"Do you have any questions?" the doctor then asked you both , and you could sense that Cillian had barely listened to the entire consultation.
Cillian shook his head, saying, "No, I think we're good," and the doctor gave him a brief nod before turning to face you.
"I do actually," you told her, smiling. "I was wondering about intimacy. I mean, when can we have sex again?" you asked bluntly , causing Cillian to awkwardly cough, and the doctor to give you a surprised look.
You didn't care, though. You had waited long enough to have sex with Cillian again, and you were dying to get back into the saddle, so to speak. You missed the closeness that you share with him, and you were hoping that the doctor would give you the green light.
"Well, whenever you feel ready, it is safe for you to engage in sexual activity again. Everything seems to have healed fine," the doctor said carefully, her gaze shifting between you and Cillian. "However, I would advise you to start slow and listen to your body. If anything feels uncomfortable or painful, stop immediately and give me a call. You did experience a traumatic birth, so sometimes some more time is needed." 
You nodded in understanding, a flush spreading across your cheeks as you thought about the different ways you and Cillian could reconnect physically.
Cillian, on the other hand, seemed lost in his own thoughts, his expression distant and unreadable.
You couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his mind. Was he regretting the decision to be with you? Was he thinking about someone else or the life he had left behind? You didn't know, and you were afraid to ask.
The doctor cleared her throat, and you realized that you had been lost in thought for a few moments. "All the best then," she said to both of you as she stood and opened the door to the consultation room.
As you walked back towards the parking lot, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Cillian seemed so distant, and you wondered if it was just the stress of the past few weeks or if there was something else on his mind.
You had always known that Cillian was a private person, and you respected that about him. But the not knowing was driving you crazy. You wanted to help him, to be there for him, but you didn't know how.
You had always been open and honest with Cillian, but you could tell that something was holding him back.
When you arrived at home, Mara was having a sleep. "I just put her down," your mother said, when she saw the look of surprise on your face, for not hearing the baby cry.
"Thank you, Mum," you replied, your voice sincere.
You couldn't help but feel grateful for your mother's help, especially with Cillian's recovery. It was clear that she had developed a bond with Mara, which you appreciated despite everything that had happened between the two of you and Cillian's mother.
Cillian sat down on the couch, his movements slow and careful, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern and, shortly after your mother left, you joined him in the livingroom.
"Are you in pain? Is this why you have been so quiet today?" you asked quietly, not wanting to nag him but worrying about the distance that had formed between the two of you over the past few days.
"No babe. I am honestly fine," Cillian reassured you just before you leaned in to give him a gentle kiss on his lips before straddling him gently.
"Sure?" you asked, searching Cillian's piercing blue eyes for the truth. You had always prided yourself on being able to read him like a book, but for some reason, he was more guarded than usual.
Cillian nodded, his hands resting on your hips. "I am sure," he said , trying to reassure you.
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, you were relieved that Cillian wasn't in any physical pain. But on the other hand, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bothering him emotionally.
You decided to push your concern aside for the moment and focus on the intimacy that you had both been craving. You leaned in and kissed him deeply, your tongue exploring his mouth as you ground your hips against his.
"Mara is asleep and the doctor said it was okay for us to have sex again, so should we take this to the bedroom?" you whispered in his ear, eliciting a low growl of desire as he ran his hands up and down your sides.
"That sounds like a great idea, although you might need to do all the work," Cillian managed to chuckle , a hint of a flush creeping up his neck.
You smiled against his lips, feeling your own arousal spike as he palmed your breasts, his fingers tweaking the nipples through your thin top. With a quick move, you lifted yourself off his lap and took a hold of his hand, pulling him up from the couch.
"Come on then," you teased, walking towards the bedroom and casting a seductive look over your shoulder but Cillian decided to have a quick shower first.
"I really  need to wash off the hospital smell," Cillian explained as you sulked in the doorway.
"Okay, but be quick, I need you," you whispered, whispering the last words on your lips before turning and slinking back into the room but, when after as much as five minutes, you didn't hear a sound coming from the en suite bathroom , you opened the door to check on him.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you asked as you watched him stand there, in front of the mirror, attempting to shave his chest. 
"Uhm, I am just," he stammered , avoiding your gaze. "I am shaving," he  finally blurted out and you stepped towards him and pulled the razor from his hand.
"You are shaving off your chest hair?"  you repeated incredulously, staring at him in disbelief. 
"Yes. Many men do it," he mumbled nervously as you raised an eyebrow at him. 
"Maybe, but I don't want you to. Now drop the razor and come to the bedroom," you demanded, your tone firm but husky with desire.
"I will be quick. I mean, I tried to pluck out the greys but it takes too long and fucking hurts, so just let me quickly shave them off..," he began to explain nervously, causing you to giggle. 
"Is this what all of this is about? Grey hairs?" you asked, trying to contain your laughter at the sight of Cillian, standing there in front of the bathroom mirror, with a determined expression on his face. 
"Maybe," he admitted , his expression sheepish.
"Well, I like them. I like everything about you, just the way you are and, if anything, it turns me on,"  you said, leaning in and kissing him passionately.
"Now drop the fucking razor and don't ever think about shaving your chest hair off again, because I think it's goddamn sexy, especially with the greys in it,"  you whispered, tracing the outline of his fading pecs with your fingertips.
Cillian nodded, throwing the razor in the trash can and pulling you in for another kiss.
"Ok, I won't do it again," he muttered, his hand finding its way up your half naked body. "I just thought you might like it better, you know. Because I am a fair bit older than you and all,"  Cillian explained, sounding almost embarrassed.
But you silenced him with another deep kiss, your tongue dancing with his as your hands roamed over his muscled chest. "I love every inch of you, just the way you are," you whispered against his lips. "And I love the fact that you are older than me. It's a huge turn on, Cillian. And I most certainly don't care about the grey hairs on your chest. In fact, I find them incredibly sexy," you murmured, your lips trailing down his neck and chest as you spoke.
Cillian growled, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he backed you up against the wall. His erection was pressed against your belly, and you could feel the heat radiating from him.
"You have no idea what you do to me, Y/N," he said, his breath warm and ragged against your ear and his ribs no longer bothering him.
"Oh, I think I have some idea," you murmured, grinding your hips against his as your hands fumbled with the button of his jeans.
With a swift movement, Cillian tore off his jeans and boxers, his erection springing free and pressing urgently against your belly.
Your lips met in a hungry kiss, your tongues exploring each other's mouths as your hands roamed over each other's bodies.
Cillian's rough hands cupped your breasts, and he pinched your nipples through the fabric of your top. You moaned, arching your back as you pressed yourself against him, feeling his hard cock against your belly.
"God, I want you so fucking bad," Cillian growled, his voice low and husky with desire.
"Then take me," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper as you tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head.
Cillian complied, his lips moving down to your neck as he trailed hot, wet kisses down your collarbone. His teeth scraped against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as he made his way to your breasts.
You moaned, your head falling back as Cillian's lips closed around your nipple, his tongue swirling around the sensitive flesh. He sucked hard, his fingers pinching and twisting your other nipple as you cried out, your hands reaching for his hair.
A small amount of breastmilk  escaped one of your breasts, evident of your recent motherhood.
Cillian didn't seem to mind, evident by the way he simply swallowed it down.
"Fuck, you're so hot!" he groaned, his hand snaking down to your panties, rubbing your clit through the cotton.
You moaned, writhing against his hand as he increased the pressure.
"Please, Cillian!" you begged, your voice husky with need and he obeyed, yanking your panties down your legs in one swift motion before giving your wet mound some more attention. 
"What about your ribs? You should take it easy... oh my god,"  you moaned, forgetting all about his broken ribs as you ground yourself against his hand, desperate for more.
"I'll be fine," Cillian said and he didn't hesitate, his fingers plunging inside you with ease, curling up to hit that sweet spot deep inside.
"Oh fuck, Cillian!" you cried out, your legs trembling as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
He cursed, too, his hips jerking forward as he dry-humped your leg, his cock leaving wet patches on your thighs.
And then he was on his knees, his fingers still working your pussy as his tongue darted out, licking at the juices that had leaked from you.
"Fuck, you taste good," he growled, his gaze meeting yours as he sucked your clit into his mouth, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh.
You cried out, your hips bucking against his face as he continued to eat you out, his fingers still pumping in and out of you.
Your orgasm built quickly, your muscles tensing as you neared the edge.
"Oh god, I'm gonna cum!" you gasped, your fingers threading through his hair as you held him in place.
Cillian hummed against you, his tongue flicking against your clit as his fingers curled up, hitting that sweet spot deep inside you. You cried out, your hips bucking against his face as you came hard, your juices gushing out of you.
Cillian drank it all down, his tongue lapping at you hungrily as you rode out your orgasm.
"Fuck, that was amazing," you panted, your legs trembling as Cillian stood up, his lips glistening with your juices.
"Glad you enjoyed it," Cillian said with a grin, his erection still rock-hard and dripping with precum.
You dropped to your knees, your hands wrapping around his cock as you looked up at him with a wicked smile.
"No! I need to be inside of you!" he growled, his eyes blazing with desire. "Stand up and bend over the counter," he demanded and you did as you were told, your heart racing with anticipation as you leaned over the cool marble countertop. Cillian stepped up behind you, his hands gripping your hips as he aligned the head of his cock with your entrance.
"Tell me if I am too rough,"  he said, his voice husky with desire as he squeezed your hips.
You nodded, too caught up in the moment to speak as he thrust into you carefully at first, filling you up completely.
"Oh god yes, I missed this," you moaned as he started to move his hips, slowly building up speed.
"Jesus, you're still so tight," Cillian growled, his fingers digging into your hips as he pistoned in and out of you.
"Harder," you begged, feeling that familiar ache build deep within you as he slammed into you. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the room as he pumped into you harder, faster.
You moaned, your fingers gripping the edge of the counter as he buried his cock deep inside of you.
"Goddamn, you feel so fucking good," Cillian growled, his hips snapping forward as he plunged into your slick heat.
You screamed, your back arching as another orgasm ripped through you, leaving you trembling and gasping for breath. Cillian cursed, his fingers digging into your hips as he chased his own release.
"Come for me, Y/N," he demanded, his voice a guttural growl as he slammed into you.
And then you were both crying out with pleasure, Cillian's hips stuttering as he filled you up with his seed.
He collapsed against you, his weight pinning you to the countertop as the two of you struggled to catch your breath.
After a moment, Cillian pulled out of you carefully, turning you around and pulling you into a tender embrace. You clung to him, your legs still weak as you nuzzled against his chest.
It was the quickest and most intense lovemaking you both had experienced in a while, but it had been exactly what you needed.
Cillian gently brushed your sweaty hair away from your face, his expression softening as he looked down at you.
"I love you so fucking much, Y/N," he murmured, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You smiled and looked up at him. "I love you too Cillian," you said, feeling a warmth spread through your chest just before you heard a cry from upstairs.
"Shit, I think Mara is awake," you muttered, pulling away from him reluctantly. "I am so glad we made this quick," you chuckled and Cillian groaned disappointedly, but he knew that you were right. They couldn't just stay here in the bathroom, getting lost in each other's bodies while your daughter was alone in her crib.
"I'll go get her," Cillian said, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead before pulling up his briefs and making his way upstairs.
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
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Formula 1 / MotoGP Fusion - Prologue (Prestory)
Summary: You are the first female MotoGP rider ever. You race for KTM Factory Racing, leaving Jack Miller your teammate, and one of your main sponsors is Red Bull. You grew up with most of the riders but your best friend is the multiple MotoGP Champion Marc Marquez. After your horrific crash the year before, you are ready to start the new season and probably a new love?
A/N: This is my first Social Media Story, so please go easy on me :) It's a mix between "Breaking News", Instagram posts, Twitter reactions and Insta-Stories :) My OC in this story is Jamie Murphy and she is the first woman to accomplish to drive in MotoGP. It was easier to have a face for this ;) Oh and this is like the "Pre-Story".
Ship: Not telling yet (Marc Marquez, Carlos Sainz or Charles Leclerc)
Warnings: Major accident
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Terrifying Crash Shakes MotoGP World: Y/N Y/L/N Hospitalized After Horror Accident at Silverstone!
August 7, 2022
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In a Heart-Stopping Moment, Y/L/N's Life Hangs in the Balance as Fans Pray for Her Recovery
Breaking News: In a shocking turn of events at the Silverstone race, Y/N Y/L/N, the trailblazing MotoGP rider, has suffered a horrific accident that left her unconscious and in critical condition. The accident, which occurred during a high-speed collision, has sent shockwaves through the racing community and has fans anxiously awaiting updates on her condition.
Eyewitnesses report that Y/L/N's motorcycle made contact with another rider's bike, causing her to lose control and crash violently. The impact was so severe that a part of her motorcycle became lodged in the side of her stomach, resulting in immediate medical intervention.
Emergency medical teams quickly arrived at the scene, providing urgent assistance to Y/L/N. Due to the severity of her injuries, she was airlifted to a nearby hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery. Medical experts worked tirelessly to remove the foreign object and repair the damage caused.
Further examination revealed that Y/L/N also sustained a small fracture in her neck, requiring additional surgery to ensure her long-term well-being. Despite the complexity of the procedures, the medical team remains optimistic about her recovery.
Y/L/N's condition is currently listed as stable, and she is being closely monitored in the intensive care unit. Her family, friends, and fans around the world have rallied together, sending their thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes for her swift recovery.
The racing community has been deeply affected by this harrowing incident, with fellow riders expressing their concern and support for Y/L/N and her family. The accident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by these incredible athletes every time they take to the track. 
As the MotoGP world awaits further updates on Y/N Y/L/N's condition, one thing is certain: her strength and determination will undoubtedly play a crucial role in her recovery. Fans worldwide join together in sending their love, hoping to witness her triumphant return to the sport that she has dedicated her life to. 
Stay tuned for more updates on Y/N Y/L/N's condition as her fight to recover from this terrifying accident continues.
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🌟 Inspirational Comeback: Y/N Y/L/N on the Road to Recovery After Terrifying Crash 🏍️💥💪
October 10, 2022
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✨ Defying the Odds: Y/L/N's Remarkable Progress Amazes Doctors as She Embarks on Rehabilitation Journey 🏥⚡🏋️
Breaking News: In a stunning display of resilience and determination, MotoGP rider Y/N Y/L/N continues her remarkable recovery following a horrifying crash at Silverstone. While the road to recovery has been challenging, Y/L/N's strength and unwavering spirit have astounded medical professionals, providing hope for her return to the track in the near future. 💪🏁
After undergoing multiple surgeries to address the injuries sustained in the accident, Y/L/N's progress has been remarkable. Doctors have confirmed that she will not suffer any long-term injuries, a testament to her strength and the excellent medical care she received. Visible on her neck is a bulging scar, a reminder of the ordeal she endured, and it is believed that a scar on her stomach serves as evidence of the motorcycle part that became embedded in her side, narrowly avoiding potentially life-threatening damage to her lung. 😱💉
Y/L/N's recovery journey now enters the rehabilitation phase, where she will undergo intensive therapy and training to regain her strength and mobility. Physiotherapists and specialists will work closely with her to ensure a safe and efficient return to her athletic peak. 💪💙
While the road to recovery will require time and patience, Y/L/N remains optimistic and focused on her ultimate goal: returning to the MotoGP World Championship. However, it has been confirmed that she will not be able to compete in this year's championship, prioritizing her health and well-being above all else. 🏆🏍️❤️
Fans around the world have rallied behind Y/L/N, flooding social media with messages of support and encouragement. The outpouring of love and admiration for her bravery and determination has been overwhelming, reaffirming her status as an inspiration to many. 🌍💕
Y/L/N's journey serves as a powerful reminder of the risks that professional athletes face and the strength required to overcome adversity. Her story resonates not only with the racing community but with individuals worldwide who have been touched by her tenacity and courage. 🌟🙌
As Y/N Y/L/N continues her rehabilitation, the entire MotoGP community eagerly awaits her return. Her absence from this year's championship only intensifies the anticipation for her comeback, as fans eagerly anticipate the day when she will once again grace the track with her unparalleled skills. 🏍️🎉
Stay tuned for further updates on Y/N Y/L/N's rehabilitation progress and the inspiring journey that lies ahead for this extraordinary MotoGP athlete. 📣💪✨
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🏍️ Revving Back to Life: Y/N Y/L/N Returns to the Track with Unstoppable Determination! 💪🌟
December 12, 2022
💥 An Unbreakable Bond: Miller and Marquez Stand Strong as Y/L/N Embarks on her Thrilling Comeback! 🤝❤️
Breaking News: In a triumphant display of resilience and unwavering determination, MotoGP sensation Y/N Y/L/N has made her highly anticipated return to the track after months of intense rehabilitation and hard work. With the support of her teammate Jack Miller and her best friend Marc Marquez, Y/L/N is proving that nothing can keep her away from her passion for racing. 🏁🔥 
Witnesses have spotted Y/L/N spending an increasing amount of time at the KTM headquarters in Munderfing, Austria, immersing herself in the world of motorsport once again. With each passing day, her dedication and commitment to her craft become more evident. 💪🏆
The heartwarming sight of Y/L/N back on a test track, straddling her bike, has ignited excitement and joy within the racing community. Her infectious enthusiasm and indomitable spirit have not only inspired fans but have also captivated her teammate Jack Miller, who has been a pillar of support throughout her recovery journey. Miller's unwavering presence by Y/L/N's side speaks volumes about their unbreakable bond and the camaraderie shared among teammates. 🏍️🤝❤️
Furthermore, the ever-supportive Marc Marquez has stood shoulder to shoulder with Y/L/N, offering encouragement and guidance as she regains her racing form. Marquez's own remarkable journey of triumph over adversity has uniquely positioned him to empathize with Y/L/N's challenges, making their friendship even more profound and inspiring. 🌟🙌
As Y/L/N continues her training and testing on the track, her presence is a powerful reminder of the indomitable spirit of athletes and their ability to overcome any obstacle. The racing world eagerly awaits her official return to competition, where she will once again showcase her extraordinary skills and tenacity. 🌍💨
Stay tuned for more updates on Y/N Y/L/N's remarkable comeback, as she proves that setbacks are merely fuel for her relentless pursuit of greatness. With Miller and Marquez by her side, the future looks brighter than ever for this remarkable MotoGP star. 🌟🚀💥
Next Part >>
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whibleysims · 2 years
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Caroline, who? Geoff has moved on -- meet Bull, Geoff’s new lifelong companion. There’s a reason dogs are Sim’s best friend.
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a-lil-bi-furious · 3 months
Top 10 Ships Involving POC in 10 Different Fandoms (Round 4)
Thanks to the wonderful @welldressedllama for the tag! 🥰 Just for funsies, this time I’m doing enemies-to-lovers/rivals-to-lovers/maybe-not-traditional-enemies-but-way-too-antagonistic-to-not-fit-the-bill-to-lovers edition. In no particular order:
1) Macy Vaughn x Abigael Jameson-Caine (Macigael) - Charmed CW
I ultimately respect the AbiMel plot, but these two were literally Right There. Excellent chemistry from moment one and they perfectly mirrored each other with Macy as a witch with demon blood (struggling with darkness) and Abigael as a demon with witch blood (struggling to accept lightness). To think of what could have been with the two of them and the acceptance of good and bad and the whole complex mess of the self makes me insaneeee
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2) Nicky Shen x Zhilan Zhang (Zhicky) - Kung Fu CW
Idek what to say their dynamic was just so fun and watching them begrudgingly grow close was chef's kiss.
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3) Eve Polastri x Villanelle (Villaneve) - Killing Eve
Literally THE enemies to lovers imho. What more do I need to say? Eve said seduction into my darkness? Yes please. Villanelle said feel emotions for one (1) woman and obsess over her? Okay. They're enemies AND lovers. They've both tried to kill each other. So? They get each other like no one else. No one's doing it like them
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4) Scott McCall x Theo Raeken (Sceo) - Teen Wolf
Sorry but I'm clawing at the walls, gnawing on my hands, howling at the moon over them. Exploring all the tension and the guilt and the fear and the longing is delicious. And the layer of long-lost friends? The subtle seduction into trust and the mutual destruction on Theo's part? Sorry I'm crazy about it sorry.
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5) Mona Vanderwaal x Spencer Hastings (Vanderstings/Spemona?) - Pretty Little Liars
Somebody in this fandom needs to tell me right meow why they're not a bigger thing??? Quintessential 'they hate each other's guts but no one matches their freak better'. Throw Hanna in the mix and that's the perfect formulation, but they hold their own on enemies-to-lovers grounds sooooooo well.
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6) Raven Reyes x John Murphy (Murven) - The 100
Truth be told they're not my top ship for each other BUT they are the epitome of enemies to friends (to lovers). Some of the best relationship development I can think of.
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7) Bonnie Bennett x Nora Hildegard (Bonnora) - The Vampire Diaries
Literally why were they not a thing? Bonenzo ily but look at them! They had such a fun little antagonistic flirty thing and Nora was canonically crushing on Bonnie. All I want is queer Bonnie and I was so close to having it
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8) Kitty Covey x Yuri Han (Kitturi) - XO Kitty
Kitty literally took one look at rival Yuri making music and crossed that thin line from hate to love. Girl was like "I will take this Angry tension and transform it into Sexual tension" and I respect that
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9) Kathani "Kate" Sharma x Anthony Bridgerton (Kanthony) - Bridgerton
I've only watched one full episode and seen random bits here and there but I'm obsessed with her and I'm obsessed with them. Literally scene one I was all in. They are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires
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10) Luke Alvez x Penelope Garcia (Garvez) - Criminal Minds
I missed Morgan as much as the next guy, but Penelope and Luke's banter and chemistry is unmatched. Shame on the new seasons for lying to me and saying they went on a date but didn't have the same chemistry, that is such Bull
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Honorable mention: Zafira x Nasir (Nasira? Nafira?) from the Sands of Arawiya duology, who I feel I cannot officially include because I have only read a small excerpt so far, but I expect to like very much
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3
As always, no pressure whatsoever, but I’ll tag @freddieslater @aconfusedidentity @userlaylivia @scribeoffate @sees-writes @rhyslahey and anyone else who wants to play! :)
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umgeorge · 28 days
george russell is interviewed during the press conference on media day, netherlands [part 2/2] - august 22, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Journalist: "David Croft, Sky Sports F1. George, I think Logan's cap isn't as good as the pink cowboy hat you were wearing at Wembley, to be fair. But I don't want to talk Taylor Swift. I want to talk the last ten races of the season. I know you touched on it a bit, but what can Mercedes do in the position that you're in? How good is your car now compared to McLaren, compared to Red Bull, and have you thought about the Constructor's Championship, as a team, at Brackley?" George: "Well, for sure. Yeah, there are lots of people back at base looking at the championship, because this is what we're fighting towards, but it's no secret whatsoever that we want to fight for championships, and to get there we just need to keep on evolving this car, keep on improving, keep on working hard. And I think with the regulation going into next year, for all of the teams, it's just going to be an evolution of what we see this year, so we want to continue that improvement. I think right now McLaren have probably still got the best car on the grid. They seem consistently up there, every track they go to. The swings in performance from Red Bull are quite surprising to all of us, I think. I don't think anybody would have anticipated that after the first four races, myself included. And I think we're optimistic that we can have some more strong performances. I'm full of excitement and motivation to try and get some more wins under our belt, but for me the priority is making sure we have the best car possible by the end of the season and going into next year to really mount a challenge." Interviewer: "Thank you, George. Right, next one, please. Yes." Journalist: "I'm Tamira and I work as a kids reporter for Sky Germany, and I have a question for George. Who should play you in a movie?" George: "Who should play me in a movie? Oh, my goodness. You really put me on the spot there. Who do you think should play me? I need some inspiration. People say I've looked a bit like Cillian Murphy. I don't quite see the correlation. I don't know if it's the hair, maybe." Journalist: "In what role? Peaky Blinders?"
George: "Peaky Blinders. Yeah, I do love Peaky Blinders. So yeah, I say Cillian Murphy." Tamira: "Okay!" Interviewer: "Alright, thank you for that. Any-" George: "Thanks for the question." Interviewer: [laughs] "Any more questions? Yeah, Felix." Journalist: "Felix Gerner, RTL Television. Question to George: George, what do you think? Who has the best chances this year to beat Max, in terms of the championship?" George: "Yeah, I think at the moment there's only one driver. It's probably Lando who can beat Max in the championship. They obviously had such a incredible start to the season. But who knows? With the number of races we have… Lewis and I were talking this morning about when he first started, I think there were seventeen races in the season, so there would have only been three more to go from this point in, and the season would have basically been over already, so there's still lots of opportunity. But personally I don't see anybody catching up with Max and Red Bull, in normal circumstances. They have an exceptional lead. It's just we've been used to crazy dominance in the last two years." Interviewer: "Thank you, George." Journalist: "Mara Sangiorgio, Sky Sport Italy. A question to George: George, are you ready to welcome near you Kimi in 2025? Do you think it will be a big change for you two, personally?" George: "Kimi Räikkönen? Sorry?" [journalists laugh] Sangiorgio: "Kimi Antonelli, you know." George: "He's the F2 driver, right? [laughs] No, I think whoever's going to be my teammate next year, of course we'll welcome them, and excited for the challenge together. Kimi's an exceptional driver, such an amazing track record in his junior series; always destined to be a Formula 1 driver, and if it were to be him I think it sort of shows the strength, also, of the Mercedes junior program and reminds me a bit of my journey, starting off as a young kid, walking through the doors in Formula 3 and climbing the ladder. And it'll be a great story for the team, but who knows?" Interviewer: "George, how much contact have you had with Kimi Antonelli?"
George: "Yeah, I mean, I see him every time he's racing F2. We always keep a close eye on how he's getting on, watching all of the races. We did a test together in Silverstone a couple of months ago, so that was a great opportunity for him to get behind the wheel of a Formula 1 car. He was exceptionally fast, so I'm sure if he were to get a drive in Formula 1, I'm sure he'd do a great job." Interviewer: "Thank you. Yup, next one." Journalist: "Roldan Rodriguez from DAZN, Spain. A question to George: You have done a very good first part of the season, extremely fast, but good drivers always try to improve themselves, I mean, be better. I would like to know you as a driver, where are you trying to improve yourself to be even faster?" George: "Yeah, I think qualifying this year has definitely been a real strength of mine. I feel that I've been driving faster than ever, and I think a lot of that's down to being in a really great place, psychologically. I've worked a lot in making sure, when I arrive into Q3, how to deal with all of that pressure when you're going to do a lap, and I think that's been great. I still think I want to improve a little bit with… Well, I was going to say tire management, but obviously last race was pretty good. But tire management is something, having Lewis as my teammate, I've learned a huge amount on, and I think he was always the very best in race pace and getting the most out of that. So just very small details to make the difference." Interviewer: "Thank you. Yep." Journalist: "Moritz Steidl, Servus TV. A question to George: Toto always mentions that there is a no finger-pointing culture at Mercedes. What happened at Spa is something the driver is not in charge of. How did you deal with that and how did you discuss this internally? Like, how did you react when they told you, 'Okay, you will lose the victory'?" George: "I'd been pushing the team for a long time to keep pushing the boundaries. If you take margin in everything you do, you'd never be disqualified, you'd never make a mistake while driving, you'd never spin off. But you'd never know what the true potential is. And of course it's very frustrating that the one time in three years we've been just under the weight limit was the race we won, but there's zero hard feelings because we're in this together and it will make us stronger for the future. And that race I lost 25 points, but in my mind that is still a win. I've kept my helmet and it's going to be going on my bedside table with my other two victories. And, as I said, those celebrations I had with the team in that moment straight after were some of the best feelings of my career, so I'll only take positives from what happened." Interviewer: "George, you want the team to push the margins, but are you asking for them to give it a little bit more margin this weekend?" George: "I don't think you need to take more margin. I think the processes weren't quite in place to cover all the different scenarios. I knew before the race I was a little bit light, but it was too late to make a substantial change without eating a steak or something, which was [laughs] probably not the best pre-race routine. But there are things that now with the benefit of hindsight, we can do better and we will be doing better moving forward and, as always, you need to make a mistake first until you recognise there's a problem." NOT SHOWN (transcript taken from FIA website):
Journalist: "Carlo Platella, FormulaPassion.it. Question for George about the new floor that you tested on Friday in Spa. What was your feedback and are you going to use it again here?" George: "Yeah, I'll be using it tomorrow morning. Lewis will be on the floor from Spa, but we see no issues with that. I think we were uncompetitive on Friday in Spa for different reasons, and this is the challenge when you bring upgrades to the car. There's thousands of reasons why you may be competitive or you may be uncompetitive. This was one factor, but it wasn't the factor of the lack of performance on Friday. So 99% will be proceeding with the new updates on both cars this weekend." Journalist: "Rodrigo França, Car Magazine Brazil. George, Mercedes, McLaren, and Ferrari got wins, and everybody expected a Red Bull dominant season. Did this happen because the three teams got a bit improved the performance with upgrades, or maybe Red Bull lost some performance and stayed in the same level?" George: "I think definitely ourselves and McLaren have moved forward, and when you look at the gap to the teams lower down the order that is definitely very clear. So I don't necessarily think Red Bull… I think they've made a small step backwards with the upgrade they brought, but I think the upgrade we have been bringing to the car was a bigger step forward than we've seen on any other team. So let's see what the next upgrades bring, and hopefully it's more of the same." Journalist: "Stijn Keuris, Panorama. Also a question for George: Do you think that Mercedes' past experience of winning has helped the team getting back to the front of the grid, and maybe also taking most of the opportunities that have been given that other teams may have let slip?" George: "Yeah, without doubt. Mercedes have a team filled with winners, and I think James Allison has said it before: you don't just forget how to build a fast racecar. You encounter problems, you may make a mistake in trying to rectify that, but the team at Mercedes have not just forgotten how to win races. And the same as Lewis has won so many races in Formula 1, won races in junior categories… You don't forget how to win when you have that opportunity. That was never, ever in doubt and why I personally have always kept the faith that we will return to the top of the grid." Journalist: "Ben Hunt, Autosport. George, question for you, please: Just based on your observations of Lewis' working relationship with Bono, I just wondered, what's the strength of that relationship, and how difficult is it going to be for Lewis to replicate that relationship they have with someone else new at Ferrari?" George: "Yeah, I think relationships take time to build, and trust takes time, too, and respect takes time to earn, as well. So with any change of job, as such, or professional… Whatever it may be, when you're working with new coworkers it's going to just take time to learn. So I don't really have much more to say than that, really. They're obviously extremely close for everything they've gone through."
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ashtxeman · 9 months
Punch-Out!! Pet Headcanons :]
I thought it'd be nice to get more info out there from the massive 12,000 word document I have for Punch-Out stuff. So, here's what the boys pets are (excluding Don and Hippo who, as of now, don't have any)! Silly disclaimer that some of this information has been put on some individual headcanon posts, so if you think you've seen it before, you probably have! Still nice to compile it all together. Now enough yapping..
Joe would love a cat, but he's allergic so he can't get one. He might cave eventually and just power through it. He does consider Kaiser's pet to be his own, but he's allergic to them so isn't a fan of handing out belly scratches or pats.
Kaiser has a schnauzer called Stahl who rocks a mustache just like him! They get along incredibly well, matching from the military force in their steps when they go on walks, or the muddy green colour decorating their overalls and leashes respectively. An inseperable pair.
Disco has a budgie called Bingo and a parrot called Donna (an odd name, but he insisted on naming it after Donna Summer). He's always been a fan of birds and loves teaching them to talk so he can someday create his own bird choir (where he is the main vocalist).. so far, results are less than desireable. But he still lives his birdy babies.
Hondo has an absolutely ferocious Scottish fold called Tofu, who Hugger named. She will bite, claw, scratch, and hiss at anything that moves, and often times she's been compared to Aran in nature which Hondo sadly agrees with. Deep down she truly does love Hondo, she just has a very violent love language.
Hugger, as anybody would think, has an ungodly amount of animals in his house. A maine coon called Bobby, Murphy the squirrel (who Hondo named), Maple the bear, two horses called Dusty and Valley, a flock of birds that constantly hang around in his garden, a fox called Muse that stops by occasionally, a landseer dog called Beethoven (he couldn't get his hands on a St. Bernard, so he improvised), and a terrier called Husk. 
Tiger has his white tiger, Gahana. She's a gorgeous creature and has the exact same smug nature as her owner. Often time she's kept in India since owning a tiger isn't very common in the states, but whenever Tiger fancies a visit he can easily go over to her or bring her to him.
Aran has a surprising amount of pets. Two weasels called Tom and Jerry (reference intended), a cat called Lucky, and a few lizards named Burren, Porter, Druid and Mulligan (all names of Irish pubs that Aran has definitely been to). His house smells like animal pee and he does not care how much you complain about it.
Soda has two huskies, Sila and Vlast, alongside a miniature pinscher called Sergey who he rescued from the streets. Sila and Vlast are powerful, boastful dogs who love to show off a little, whilst Sergey is more humble but does enjoy playing copycat with his siblings.
Bull doesn't have any personal pets, but has plenty of farm animals (and several bulls) back in Turkey that he gets along well with. Suppose they bring him comfort.
Macho has his three dobermanns, Duke, Cooper and Ace. They are spoilt to death and whenever he has the opportunity he WILL bring them up, so chances are if you know Macho you know the doberbros just as well.
Sandman isn't a big animal fan, but has a guinea pig called Drowsy who loves to cuddle (and sleep). She often loves to snuggle in bed and keep the big man calm when he needs it. She's a suberb emotional support animal.
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streetsofdublin · 1 year
Fishamble Street is one of the oldest streets in Dublin, dating back to the 10th century. It was originally named Vicus Piscariorum, or Fish Street, after the fish shambles or stalls that once lined it.
AND THE SURROUNDING AREA Fishamble Street is one of the oldest streets in Dublin, dating back to the 10th century. It was originally named Vicus Piscariorum, or Fish Street, after the fish shambles or stalls that once lined it. The street was also known as the official fish market for Dublin until the end of the 17th century when the city markets were moved to the north bank of the Liffey. In…
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fkmarrycill · 8 months
This article, on Cillian's role in In the Heart of the Sea, gives a little insight into how our man may have gotten into his Oppenheimer body.
According to the article, "The 39-year-old star lost 20lbs in just six weeks to play a naval officer of the Essex, a 19th century whaling ship which was attacked by an aggressive bull whale, leaving the crew stranded."
I don't want to glorify or promote rapid weight loss at all. Being Cillian-centric these days has opened my eyes to the kinds of things actors do to prepare for roles, and it's fascinating (and sometimes harrowing 😬) I love reading these nerdy BTS bits about the process of creating movies.
Thanks for reading my geeky revelations. For your troubles, here's a pic of our boi in his jaunty, sea-faring cap ☺️:
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hbowar-bracket · 8 months
Albert Blithe 
Alex Penkala 
Alton More 
Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks  
Antonio 'Poke' Espera  
Antonio Garcia 
Army Chaplain Teska  
Baba Karamanlis  
Bernard DeMarco   
Bill 'Hoosier' Smith  
Bill Leyden  
Billy Taylor  
Brad 'Iceman' Colbert  
Burton Christenson 
Capt. Andrew Haldane  
Carwood Lipton 
Charles (Chuck) Grant 
Charles Bean Cruikshank   
Charles K. Bailey  
Col. Robert Sink 
Cpt. Bryan Patterson  
Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje  
Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw  
Curtis Biddick  
Darrell (Shifty) Powers 
David Solomon  
David Webster 
Denver (Bull) Randleman 
Donald Hoobler 
Dr. Sledge  
Edward (Babe) Heffron 
Elmo 'Gunny' Haney  
Eric Kocher  
Eugene Jackson 
Eugene Roe 
Eugene Sledge   
Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford  
Evan 'Scribe' Wright  
Everett Blakely   
Father John Maloney 
Floyd (Tab) Talbert 
Frank Murphy   
Frank Perconte 
Frederick (Moose) Heyliger 
Gabe Garza  
Gale 'Buck' Cleven  
George Luz 
Glenn Graham   
Gunnery Sgt. Mike 'Gunny' Wynn  
Gunnery Sgt. Ray 'Casey Kasem' Griego  
Harry Crosby  
Harry Welsh 
Herbert Sobel 
Howard 'Hambone' Hamilton   
Jack Kidd  
James (Mo) Alley
James Chaffin  
James Douglass  
James Gibson   
James Miller 
Jason Lilley  
Jean Achten  
Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carisalez  
John 'Bucky' Egan  
John Basilone  
John Christeson  
John D. Brady   
John Fredrick  
John Janovec 
John Julian 
John Martin 
Joseph 'Bubbles' Payne   
Joseph Liebgott 
Joseph Toye 
Josh Ray Person  
Katherine 'Tatty' Spaatz   
Ken Lemmons  
Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley  
Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick  
Leandro 'Shady B' Baptista  
Lena Basilone  
Lew 'Chuckler' Juergens  
Lewis Nixon 
Lt. Edward 'Hillbilly' Jones  
Lt. Henry Jones 
Lt. Nathaniel Fick  
Lt. Thomas Peacock 
Lynn (Buck) Compton 
Maj. 'Red' Bowman  
Maj. John Sixta  
Mama Karamanlis  
Manuel Rodriguez  
Mary Frank Sledge  
Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton  
Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan  
Neil 'Chick' Harding   
Norman Dike 
Old Man on Bicycle 
Patrick O'Keefe 
R.V. Burgin   
Ralph (Doc) Spina 
Renee Lemaire 
Richard Winters 
Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal   
Robert 'Stormy' Becker   
Robert (Popeye) Wynn 
Robert Leckie  
Rodolfo 'Rudy' Reyes  
Ronald Speirs 
Roy Claytor  
Roy Cobb 
Sgt. Mallard  
Sidney Phillips  
Stella Karamanlis
Teren 'T' Holsey  
Vera Keller  
Walt Hasser  
Walter (Smokey) Gordon
Warren (Skip) Muck 
Wayne (Skinny) Sisk 
Wilbur 'Runner' Conley  
William Guarnere 
William Hinton  
William J. DeBlasio  
William Quinn  
Winifred 'Pappy' Lewis  
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