#bulletproof fics
lauronk · 3 months
I was watching a movie (that one with natalie portman) and I got an Idea. A ficlet where joel is a professional hitman (or a retired one) and ellie is his daughter. She loves him, and he is devoted for her. He is wrapped around her little finger and he knows that.
What he doesn't tell her tho? he actually killed her father for his client. He only realized there was a baby in the house when it was too late. The truth eats him alive everyday, but he will never tell her. Never.
hi anon! thank you for this prompt, it fully latched into my brain and derailed the other stuff i had planned on working on lmao i hope you enjoy!
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(this time baby) i’ll be bulletproof
length: ~2.6k words
tags: pov joel; joel & ellie; modern au; death/murder; brief mentions of blood; tess is alive; kidnapping; ellie’s whole life is a lie she just doesn’t know it; joel’s a hitman so what do you expect; joel’s also a great dad, what did you expect; no beta we die like david
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Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Gentle finger squeeze on the trigger. Exhale.
The target drops before he even realizes he’s been shot, a small pool of blood gathering on the carpet underneath his head. The man had been nice enough - not that he’d realized it - to leave his window open, so there wasn’t even the shattering of glass to alert anyone. He’d be found in an hour or so, when his wife returned home from her nail appointment, and by then, Joel would be long gone.
Sometimes he regretted the path he’d wound up on, the way his life had diverged from everything it should have been. Joel could look back and pinpoint exactly where the fork had occurred - his daughter, a victim of the wrong place at the wrong time, one man so bent on vengeance he didn’t care who he’d hurt in the process.
He had been the first one Joel had ever killed. Twenty years later, and he hadn’t stopped.
Only difference was, now he got paid for it, and handsomely at that.
The television is still on when Joel opens the front door, and he pauses, hand on the knob. It’s entirely too late for anyone else to still be awake, and he turns his head towards the dark hallway that branches off the living room towards the back of the house.
He makes sure he makes a fair amount of noise in the process of taking off his shoes and hanging up his keys. His pistol he secures in the safe over the fireplace, making sure it’s locked again before he slides the wall panel back in place. The TV he shuts off, and he pours a glass of water before finally making his way down the hall to the second door on the left.
“Ellie?” Joel knocks gently before pressing a hand against the door and nudging it open.
She gives an exaggerated deep breath, and Joel chuckles, stepping all the way into her room. He can make out the shape of her under her covers, curled on her side, a faint hint of moonlight trickling through the window.
The glass of water he deposits on her nightstand - he knows she’ll want it later - and lowers himself carefully to sit on her mattress near her hip. Her breathing picks up and then slows again, like she thinks he hasn’t already caught on.
“C’mon, baby,” Joel shakes her shoulder gently, his voice teasing. “I know you ain’t sleepin’.”
Ellie rolls over, blinking at him owlishly. She even brings a hand up to rub her eyes, widening them comically like she’s surprised to see him. “Dad?”
“TV didn’t shut off all the way,” Joel tells her helpfully, snorting when her hand immediately falls from her face and her head flops back dramatically on her pillow.
He tucks the comforter around her a little more tightly, brushing a stray piece of hair back from her forehead. “Yeah.” Her hand comes up and wraps around his wrist, squeezing gently. “You’re pretty busted, kiddo.”
Ellie shakes the hand holding his, waggling his arm around. “Why do I even still have a bedtime? I’m fourteen. Dina and Jesse don’t have bedtimes.”
He shakes his arm right back, eliciting a small giggle from her. “Dina and Jesse ain’t been caught sneakin’ out recently, have they? Maybe that’s got somethin’ to do with it, hmm?”
Ellie huffs, but she doesn’t argue. She had been busted after all, caught down at the neighborhood pool with some other kids by Marlene, the HOA president, and brought to his door dripping wet at one a.m. Bedtime and curfew had been reinstated after that, and Ellie had three more months of probation from him before it would be lifted.
It didn’t feel good to do - he’d struggled with punishing Sarah at all too - but it let him give free rein to some of his paranoia, gave him an excuse to keep her locked in the house a little more. It wouldn’t last forever - nor should it, Joel knew well and good that Ellie needed to go out and live her own life - but while she was still young enough, he’d shield her from everything he could.
Sarah hadn’t made it to fifteen - Joel was determined to see that Ellie did.
“Get some sleep, baby girl,” he tells her softly, brushing his fingers back and forth across her forehead in the way he knows will soothe her to sleep best. It’s worked since she was a baby, and sure enough her eyes are already drifting closed. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Waffles?” Ellie mumbles, rolling on her side and burying her face into her pillow.
Joel smiles down at her, feeling that same tug behind his heart that he has every time since he first held her. “Yeah, baby, we’ll do waffles.”
This time, her breathing deepens out naturally, mouth falling slack, and Joel bends forward to press a kiss to her temple. “Dream somethin’ good,” he whispers, same as he does every night. He ain’t superstitious - can’t afford to be, in his line of work - but he’s always been afraid that the nights he hasn’t been around to tell her, she’ll have nightmares.
Joel shuts the door behind him, padding back through the living room to double check the locks on the doors and windows and set the alarm. When he’s sure they’re as secure as can be, he makes his way back down to his room. He can’t fight the urge to open Ellie’s door one more time and peek in on her; she hasn’t moved, not that he expected her to.
His own room is dark, blackout curtains preventing even a hint of moonlight coming in. He’d wanted to put the same curtains in Ellie’s room for safety, but she’d put her foot down - I need to see the fucking sun, Dad - and Joel had relented. Her room faced the backyard, and they had no neighbors on that side, just a tall fence with motion sensors spaced carefully along it.
Joel doesn’t bother with a lamp, instead making his way straight through to his bathroom and flicking on the light there. As always, he avoids the sight of his reflection, instead turning his back on the mirror and flipping the handle on the shower. He cranks it as hot as he’ll be able to stand and tugs off his clothes, tossing them into a small pile on the floor. He’ll have to do laundry in the morning, get the first load going before Ellie’s awake.
The bathroom is already filling with steam by the time Joel steps under the spray, the water immediately stinging his skin like a thousand small needles. It immediately starts to soothe the aches in his body though, and Joel turns slowly until it’s beating between his shoulder blades.
He’s getting too old for this. Fifty-six, with nearly twenty years of it under his belt. He’s still deadly, sure, one of the best to ever do it as Tess so frequently tells him.
But his recovery times are slower, his reflexes dulling. His already damaged hearing in his right ear is only getting worse.
He’s not far from being a liability - he knows what they do to liabilities.
And he’s got Ellie to think of.
Joel rotates again, sticks his head under the water and lets it sluice down over his face.
He’ll bring it up with Tess soon, Joel thinks. He doesn’t know what the protocol is here - few in his line of work live long enough for it to be a consideration - but they’ll work something out. Better for him to get out now, after a damn near perfect record, while he’s still got enough health and energy to spend with his daughter.
Better that than him getting old and slow, getting sloppy and getting caught.
He shuts the water off and tugs the towel around his waist. The rest of his evening routine he does by rote - dressing, brushing his teeth, turning down his bed - and by the time his head hits the pillow, Joel’s able to slip straight into sleep.
He doesn’t usually dream when he sleeps - a side effect, he’d guess, of the way he lives his life. Maybe there’d been nightmares at first, flashes of the lives he’d taken, faint remembrances. But those had stopped with enough time and blood, and his sleep became peaceful again.
Not this night, though.
The hallways stretching before him is dark and long, shadows stretching out like fingers, and Joel walks silently as close to the wall as he dares. The floor is less likely to squeak there, but too close to the wall and he’ll brush against a frame or hanging, send it crashing to the ground. Easiest way to get caught, if you’re stupid.
And Joel Miller ain’t stupid.
The first two rooms - a study and a guest room - are clear. Tonight’s unfortunate soul is a widower, a man whose increasingly large debts to Joel’s employer were beyond the point of repayment. Nothing left to do but put the man out of his misery, leave the murky back-end of liquidating the man’s assets to the techies. His only job was making it look natural.
The third room is the master, a four poster bed in the middle, the target in question asleep under the covers.
It’s almost absurdly easy, and Joel leaves the body behind with a mental note to ask Tess for something more challenging next time. He doesn’t know what it says about him that this murder felt boring, but he doesn’t bother dwelling on it.
This is who he is now.
Joel does a final check, sweeping the hall with a flashlight to make sure he left no trace. He’s just clicked the light off when he hears it - a muffled sound of some sort, coming from the only door he hasn’t checked.
Joel advances, feet light, and draws his pistol as he approaches the door, turn the knob slowly with a gloved hand. A faint beam of light meets his eyes, and Joel blinks, inhaling slowly to keep his heart rate low as his eyes adjust.
The sound echoes again, and Joel pushes the door open carefully, pausing when the hinges emit the faintest squeak. Nothing stirs inside, no other sound follows.
Might be a dog or cat, Joel reasons with himself. Wouldn’t be the first time.
After another moment of stillness, he nudges the door open further, eyes scanning back and forth over the room. Taking in the bookshelf, the night light, the tall dresser, the —
The crib against the wall.
Joel’s hand falls limp next to his side, pistol dangling from numb fingertips.
He doesn’t do parents. He’s made that clear to Tess and her bosses a thousand times over. He’ll kill just about anyone, but not if they’ve got kids, and especially not if those kids still live at home. Tess knows - she knows - that’s a hard line for him. So either he was lied to when given the file, or their intel had been bad and they hadn’t known.
But there is - a chubby hand lifts from the crib - there is a baby in the crib. A small, now orphaned child.
Joel orphaned them.
He tucks the pistol into the back of his jeans and takes a careful step closer. And then another, and another, until he’s right next to the crib, hands gripping the railing as he peers down.
Bright brown eyes are staring back up at him, chubby cheeks framing an open mouth. The blanket covering most of her body reads Ellie.
“Ellie,” Joel repeats softly. “‘s that your name?”
A chubby fist waves up at him as if in response.
He should leave. He needs to leave. The job’s done, and the longer he stays here the longer he risks getting caught or leaving behind a trail.
But Ellie is staring up at him from her crib, rosebud mouth opening and closing and little babbles escaping.
He should leave.
But instead Joel bends down, hands carefully scooping underneath her back until she’s cradled against his chest. She rests there easily, something like a contented sigh - if he thought babies could make such a noise - escaping her. The warmth of her against him has something in his chest fracturing, splintering, breaking wide open. All the pieces of him seem to realign, and without thought Joel bends down to pick up her blanket. There’s a nearly full diaper bag by the door, and Joel snags that too.
Ellie doesn’t stir against him as they exit the house through the back and Joel winds them through the trees lining the back of the property. He doesn’t have a car seat, he realizes. He’ll need to get one of those - for the time being Joel lowers himself to sit in the backseat of the car with Ellie still held against him.
He’ll call Tess, Joel decides, back of his finger stroking gently over Ellie’s cheek. She can come get him, get someone else to get his car out of here. She’ll be mad, probably more than a little freaked out, but it ain’t for her to worry about.
Ellie’s his.
She stretches a bit, a small fist making contact with his neck. Immediately Joel starts to rub her back, low voice murmuring in her ear.
“It’s okay, baby girl. I got you.”
Joel blinks awake, the familiar sight of his ceiling coming in to focus above him. He doesn’t dream about the night he found Ellie very often, but every time he does it’s as clear as if it had just happened.
A glance at the clock on his nightstand shows it’s nearing on eight, which means Ellie’ll probably be up soon.
He totes his laundry basket down the hall to the laundry room, hitting the power button on the coffee maker when he passes. He’ll get the laundry going, his coffee made, the waffle batter started. And then they can have breakfast together, figure out how they want to spend their Wednesday. It’s summer, so Ellie’s out of school, and he’s off for the day.
Joel strolls over to the window facing the backyard as he sips his coffee, waffle batter made and sitting in the fridge. He’d moved around a lot before Ellie - hazard of the job - but he’d wanted her to have stability, safety. It made it trickier, meant he could take fewer jobs, but he’d stashed up enough money to make that less of a concern.
Tess had predictably lost her shit when she’d found Joel in the back of his car, Ellie snoozing against Joel, but within a matter of hours he’d had a crib and enough supplies to last two weeks. Within three days he’d had a birth certificate listing a dead woman as Ellie’s mother and Joel as her father. Any trace of her in the target’s house had been swiftly and carefully eradicated.
And Ellie had never known about any of it. If Joel had his way, she never would.
A yawn from behind him has Joel turning around, smile spreading across his cheeks at the sight of Ellie shuffling across the living room towards him in her pajamas, hair tousled and eyes half-open. She all but collapses against him, head thunking against his chest as she yawns again.
Joel chuckles, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “C’mon, sleepyhead, let’s get you some waffles.”
There was nothing more important to Joel than his daughter. And nothing he wouldn’t do to keep her from learning the truth.
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sopebubbles · 10 months
Hobi's babies
Pairing: bulletproof heart!hoseok x seokjin x reader
Wc: 10k
Warnings: threesome, oral sex: male and female receiving, vaginal sex, lots of dirty talk and pet names. I'm probably forgetting some things bc its been a while and i dont have time to reread this bitch, but nothing crazy.
Happy Thankstaking everyone!
A/n: So i sat down to write last night and instead just cried bc im too tired. But i didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing, so i went into the vault for this unreleased piece of filth. This one is for those of you who have stuck around since Bulletproof Heart. But if you didn't read that series, I think you can still enjoy this bit of debauchery.
Hoseok sucks harder on Yn's neck, relishing in the little moan that he pulls from her lips when he does so. He'd been too overwhelmed by the scent and the heat of her to behave while they watched a movie--now long forgotten--in her bed on Saturday afternoon. Yn’s nails drag down the skin of his back under his shirt. He's warm, too, as his body pushes down on hers. Heavy breaths from his mouth wash over her skin as he continues kissing her neck, traveling slowly down to her collarbone. Her lips find his shoulder where his oversized t-shirt has left his skin exposed. Hoseok grinds his hips down between her legs, letting her feel the distinct bulge in his pants over her covered core, which she knows is already sopping wet.
This has been getting worse recently. Not just with Yn and Hoseok either, but with Seokjin, too. It's been harder for them to keep their hands off each other. And harder to stop. That's why Yn made a doctor's appointment last week to get birth control without telling her mom what it was about. Because she didn't know how much longer she could resist both Jung Hoseok AND Kim Seokjin. Not that either were pressuring her, not purposely. But with two beautiful, sweet boyfriends, who would want to resist? It's certainly proving difficult right now, with her legs wrapped around Hobi's hips.
His hands find their way under her shirt—well, it's actually Jin's shirt that she's had for months. His fingers brush against her skin as he pushes the fabric up. Hobi pulls back so he can move down to kiss her tummy, his hands holding firmly to her ribcage as he covers her skin in kisses. When his lips press just below her breast, he knows he has to stop. He sits back on his heels, bringing his hands to rest on her bare thighs.
"This is getting harder," he tells her, heavy breaths raising his chest.
"Something sure is," she smirks, eyes glancing down to the tent in his sweatpants. He rolls his eyes and delivers a slap on her thigh as he sighs.
"I guess maybe we should talk about this."
"Talk about what?" She asks even though she already knows. As she sits up, her shirt falls back down to her hips, and Hobi frowns as she moves mere inches away, even as his hands remain on her legs. He waits until they're both settled and comfortable before he replies.
"We told Jin that no sex would happen until we're comfortable, so I think we should talk about it. Honestly, it's all I can think about these days, but I don't want to pressure you."
Yn touches her hand to his cheek. "Hobi, I don't feel pressured. I feel the same way, actually. And I'm ready. I want my first time to be with you. But…"
Yn sighs. She doesn't want Hobi to feel like he's not enough, but she knows they can't forget about Jin either. "I don't want Jin to feel left out, at least not from the conversation. Maybe he's not ready yet. And if he's not, I don't think he'd make us hold back, but we need to know either way. And if he is ready…" Yn looks away to the floor beside her bed, but Hobi takes the hand on his cheek as she begins to fall away and places a kiss in her palm.
"It's not how I imagined my first time, but I love both of you, and it would be amazing if we all had our first time together."
"Let's see if he's back from visiting his grandma then," Yn smiles and reaches for her phone. The two go back to watching the movie they had abandoned after Jin says he'll be home soon.
Jin smiles fondly when Yn opens her front door wearing his shirt, which is big enough to almost completely cover the pajama shorts she's wearing underneath.
"I like your shirt," he chuckles as he enters.
"Thanks. It's my favorite. A very sweet boy gave it to me once when I was sad," Yn recounts after she’s closed the door. Jin wraps his arm around the small of her back and pulls her close. His other hand cups her cheek and strokes it gently with his thumb.
"He must like you very much," Jin whispers, "to give you his favorite shirt."
"I never knew–" he cuts off her words with a kiss, somehow gentle and passionate, leaving her breathless when he releases her.
"Hobi's here?" Jin wonders, to which Yn only hums and takes him down the hall to her bedroom. "Hey babe," he greets the younger boy with another soft kiss on the lips as he joins him on Yn's queen sized bed.
Meanwhile, Yn sets about turning on various lights around her room to illuminate the space that had grown dark as she and Hobi lazed about all afternoon. Finally she comes to sit on the bed with them, a nervous smile stretching her lips as she completes their triangle, all three of them facing in toward each other. Jin rests his hand on Hobi's thigh while his other hand reaches for Yn's.
"You wanted to talk about something. Is everything okay?" Jin looks between the two of them. They both feel anxious but excited. Neither feels uncomfortable, having grown accustomed to Jin's need to talk things out but also always feeling calmer in each other's presence.
"Everything is great. Wonderful, actually. We just wanted to discuss something… important." Hoseok looks at Yn for a way to continue, finding the words difficult to locate. It's not any easier for her, so she chooses the most obvious ones, pushing them out in a rush.
"Hope and I had a talk earlier, and we think we're ready to have sex."
"Damn, babygirl. That was very to the point," Hobi laughs.
"And we wanted to know what your feelings were on that subject…at this time," she stutters, losing her confidence with Hobi's reaction.
Jin's eyes are wide as dinner plates. When they'd messaged to say they wanted to talk, he wasn't sure what he could expect. Of course, he considered the obvious negative possibility, but he didn't think it was likely. He hadn't even thought of this. Not that he hadn't thought of it lately. He was struggling to keep his hands off his boyfriend and girlfriend just as much as they were. It would be difficult for any hormone-fueled eighteen-year-old boy to hold back from being intimate with their significant other, and he had two that he not only loved very much, but who were also insanely attractive. Jin cleared his throat before he opened his mouth to utter a simple, "Oh."
"Of course, if you're not ready, that's totally understandable." Hobi places his hand reassuringly over the other boy's and gives him a gentle smile.
"Yeah, Jinnie, whatever you want, we'll completely respect that," Yn adds.
Jin's eyes soften, and a new smile spreads across his face. It's amused and enamored. He takes his hands out from both of theirs, and for a moment, their hearts race with panic. He turns first to Hobi to grab his head and give him a firm kiss before he releases him to do the same to Yn.
"I love you two so much," Jin sighs happily. "And I'm glad you brought it up because I don't know how much longer I could carry on like we were. I'm ready, too. Especially if it's with you."
All three of their faces are transformed by bright smiles expressing both joy and relief. Yn can't help leaning forward to throw her arms around both their necks, and neither fails to respond by nuzzling into her neck.
"Wait. Hold on," Jin interrupts their warm embrace and pulls away, allowing Hobi to pull Yn into his lap. "Don't pout," Jin teases when he sees the frown on her lips. "I just want to know what we're talking about right now. Are we talking about all three of us? You two? Me and Yn? Me and Hobi?" Jin is clearly starting to get into his head about it as his eyes drift away from his partners. Yn and Hobi smile at each other as they watch him become flustered over the permutations.
"We were thinking we would like us all to have our first time together," Hobi admits.
Jin's mouth hangs open, midway through a thought. "Cool. Yeah. Sure. A threesome for my first time. Cool."
Yn clamors from Hobi's lap into Jin's to take his face in her hands, forcing his eyes to meet hers. "Jinnie, it doesn't have to be. If you're not okay with that, it doesn't have to be. You know we won't pressure you or do anything you're uncomfortable with."
Jin's broad shoulders relax under her gaze and her softly spoken words, and he smiles again.
"I'm never uncomfortable with you, heart." He leans forward to give her a peck on the lips and then looks at Hobi, who's watching them lovingly. "Of course all three of us should be together. I wouldn't want it any other way."
"You're sure?" Hobi asks, weaving a hand into Jin's soft hair.
"Of you two? I'm very sure," he replies, pulling Yn tight. Then his head snaps up with an idea. "Wait Yn, what about you? We should talk about birth control and-"
Yn stops his wheels spinning once again, this time with her hand to his mouth.
"I've taken care of it. I've been on the pill since last week."
"That means we could, hypothetically… today…"
"Get over here, babyboy," Hobi interjects, aggressively pulling Jin's face to meet his own in a rough kiss.
Yn slowly backs out of Jin's space, enjoying the sight of her two boys kissing, as she always has. She leans back into her pillow to take in the view, fingers rubbing her mound firmly over her shorts.
"Fuck, I really like that," Jin admits when Hobi releases him, fingers still locked into his hair.
"Feels good to be Hobi's baby, doesn't it?" Yn muses, to which Jin hums.
"What do you think you're doing all the way over there, babygirl?" Hobi asks, coming toward her with devious intent in his eyes.
"Waiting for you, daddy," she replies, loving the flash in his eyes and the teeth-baring grin, not to mention the low growl from his chest, at the use of that name. Once again, Jin is left staring in surprise as Hobi devours her mouth until the younger boy holds out his hand to him, inviting him to join.
"Come on, babyboy," Hobi smirks, and leads Jin's hand to Yn's bare leg when he gives it. Jin comes up onto his knees, following his hand up her body until his eyes look into hers once again.
"Tell us if you want us to stop," he says in a voice just above a whisper.
"I don't want you to stop," she assures him before she pulls him in to join Hobi in kissing her neck.
Jin's hand reaches the apex of her thigh and cautiously slips under the fabric of her shorts, fingers wrapping around her to give her a squeeze. Her legs fall open when he does so, and without thinking he lets his hand travel over her clothed pussy, causing her to breathe in sharply from surprise before her hips lift, just slightly, to meet his palm.
"You really want us, don't you, babygirl?" Hobi asks with his lips against the shell of her ear.
"Yes," she hisses in response when Jin finds the sweet spot on her neck. It's still tender from Hoseok paying extra attention to it earlier. That boy's teeth are now nipping at her ear lobe instead, causing her back to arch away from the bed as his hand glides over her stomach, stopping hesitantly just under her breast. She can sense how he's holding back before entering that uncharted territory. She's not wearing a bra and he's never felt her like that before, but she wants him to, wants to feel his large hands on every inch of her.
"Hobi, please. Please, touch me," she begs breathily.
"Fuck," Hoseok sighs into her neck at the sound of her whining. He'd give her anything if she begged like that.
In a second his hand cups her breast, gently pressing the supple flesh with his fingers. His thumb grazes over her nipple, dragging the most beautiful moan from her lips that travels straight from his ears to the growing bulge in his pants. Jin's hand, which has still been rubbing gently over her panties, follows his curiosity up to her chest. Finding her softness beneath his shirt, he gently pinches and rolls her peaked nipple between his fingers, making her squirm with pleasure. The two boys pull away to share a mischievous grin.
"Sit up, princess," Jin instructs thoughtlessly, the other two smirking at the new and unexpected pet name. "What?" Jin shrugs. "That's how I intend to treat you."
Yns smile grows as she follows his orders and when the two boys grip the hem of her shirt she raises her arms to allow them to strip it off her body. Instinctively, she pulls her arms back in to cover herself. Hoseok tsks.
"Don't hide from us, beautiful. You'll make us sad," Jin coos, pulling her wrist gently away and placing her hand on the back of his head. "We want you, too."
His mouth meets her skin once again, placing kisses of appreciation all over her chest before honing in on his original target. Yn's fingers slip into to Hoseok's hair as well, just as she whispers the other boy's name when his teeth capture her nipple, and he realizes he's been staring at her face this whole time, utterly awestruck that he's found himself in this situation with someone he loves so entirely. Still his eyes don't leave hers as he lowers his head to find her other peak with his tongue, not until her eyes slip closed in ecstasy. The boys smile slightly at each other as they listen to her moans. Their hands meet over her navel, fingers searching one another's skin for contact as they give her pleasure.
Yn can feel the jolts of electricity shooting straight to her core with each lick and kiss, only making her want them more, wishing they'd find their way to where she needs them most. But she doesn't want to be greedy or to rush. She wants to make them feel good as well, yet when her hands find their hips, touch their skin, both jump up in shock. Yn pouts.
"Angel," Hobi starts without knowing how to finish. Jin stutters. Yn pouts harder.
"It's not fair. You get to touch me and see me. What do I get?"
The boys look at each other before looking back at her and both slowly remove their shirts so they're all equal. She should be prepared for Hoseok's physique at least. She's seen him without a shirt before, at the pool and on other occasions. But it's been a little while and he hasn't been dancing so much, so she didn't expect to find such a well defined stomach on him. She can't seem to stop her fingers from gliding over his smooth brown skin, taught over the muscles of his abdomen. She sits up and leans forward in order to plant soft kisses all over his chest.
She's not the only one admiring him though. The boys look each other up and down, drinking each other in. And while Yn's mouth explores Hobi, theirs meet in a lustful, excited kiss. Jin's fingers in the other's hair pull him desperately closer, pushing his warm, soft tummy against her in the process. Finding herself unintentionally caught between them--a position she has come to find she loves-- Yn simply giggles and turns her kisses to the skin of the other boy. Her hands skim the waistband of each boy's pants. Both boys freeze once again as she palms the growing bulges inside of them.
Acting in unison as always, as if through telepathy, they swiftly take her hands and push her back down onto the bed, holding her hands hostage above her head. Jin's lips capture her own in a rough kiss, while Hobi's slowly work their way down her side, from her breast, over each rib and down to her own waistline. His fingers hook around the elastic and then he pauses. After a second yn tears herself away from Jin to look into Hobi's eyes. Reading the unasked question there, she nods confidently. She wants nothing remaining in between them, no barriers. She already knows she belongs fully to both of them, and she feels fearless in that conviction. Jin distracts her once more with his plush lips against her jaw as she lifts her hips off the bed, allowing Hoseok to pull her shorts away and her panties with them. Now fully exposed, the air seems colder around her, causing her legs to close involuntarily and goosebumps to raise on her skin.
"It's okay, babygirl. I'll take care of you," Hoseok promises, lips brushing the skin of her inner thigh as he spreads her legs apart. He sighs at the sight of her, wet and plump already from hours of anticipation. "Jinnie, baby, she's so beautiful," he coos. "So perfect."
Jin wants to see for himself, wants to take in all her perfection, too. But it's hard to tear himself away from her kisses. Hobi takes one of his hands from Yn's breast to coax him.
"C’mon, babyboy," he urges. "I want you to see before I ruin her."
Jin pulls away and she misses him already, but he still has one hand gently massaging her breast so he hasn't left her completely. As he moves down to her lower half he pushes her leg to the side so he can see her.
"He's right, princess. You are so pretty. So perfect for us." Jin murmurs as he strokes her thigh, not daring to touch her yet. Yn feels her cheeks heat and redden at their praise, but neither notice as their eyes fixate on the essence coating her slit. "She looks so sweet, daddy."
Hobi hums as his fingers graze her skin, swollen with arousal, and she shudders at his touch. The kisses he leaves on her move closer and closer to her core. His eyes look to the side, to Jin. "You want to taste her?"
Jin only nods as he watches the other boy. Tentatively, Hobi licks his tongue over her outer lips, breaking the seal at her entrance and they see her open up a little, enough to see how wet she truly is. Her moan is music to Hobi’s ears and all the encouragement he needs to have another try. This time he gets closer, sure to collect some of her juice with his tongue, getting his first real taste of her. He hums and takes another, licking from her hole to her clit. He turns his head to his partner and grabs Jin by the chin, pulling the boy's him and pushing his tongue into his mouth to let him taste her. Their sloppy kiss parts with both smiling, and Hobi guides his elder's mouth to Yn's heat. Jin fights off the voice telling him he has no idea what he's doing and takes a lick of her folds before closing his mouth on her clit and sucking gently. Yn's hips lift, begging for more while Hobi watches, lower lip tortured between his teeth as one hand strokes Yn's thigh and the other Jin's head.
"You're doing so great," he praises both of them, although he has very little idea himself. There's simply a sense of joy filling him up as he watches his two lovers.
"Our girl is amazing," Jin agrees as he pulls away, his lips wet with her, and allows Hobi to take his place again. Hoseok probes his tongue around her dripping hole as Jin works his way back up to look at her face. "You're so good, sweetheart. Did I make you feel good?" He asks, in need of reassurance.
Yn smiles widely at him, her eyes heavily lidded already from the pleasure he and now Hoseok have given her. She grips his neck and pulls him in to kiss her, tasting herself all over his mouth, but she doesn't mind. She simply wants more of him, more of everything and everyone. Hobi’s tongue finds her clit as her hand searches for Jin's waistband. He gasps when her fingers find his hardened length.
"Please don't pull away from me again," she begs in a whisper, eyes locking. "I want you, Jinnie. Unless you don't-"
A smile twitches at his lips. "No. It's okay," he assures her. "I'm nervous, but I want you, too."
"I'll be gentle," she promises as she slowly pulls down his pants to liberate his cock. Hobi's mouth never leaves her, but he watches on with curiosity and anticipation as Jin's thick, hard cock is released. Yn looks down at him breathlessly before she takes him in her hand again, delicate fingers barely managing to wrap nervously around his shaft. She knows she'll be destroyed by him later, but it excited her more than it scares her. Hobi pulls back from Yn's core to run his finger along her folds.
"Bet we'll have to stretch her out nice and good before she's ready for you, babyboy," Hoseok grins, but Jin hardly hears him as Yn strokes his length slowly with her soft hands. Hobi massages his fingertip over her wet entrance before pushing slowly in and hearing her take a sharp breath. He pauses inside of her.
"Did I hurt you?" He asks, eyes softened. Yn merely shakes her head, the slight discomfort not worth stopping for weighed against the pleasure of having him inside of her at last.
Jin cups her cheek in his hand. "Tell us if it hurts, love."
"I'm fine. Please don't stop," she pleads, smiling softly up at him, but Hobi doesn't move again until he receives a nod from the other boy. He bends his finger experimentally inside of her, feeling her walls tighten around him and the soft spot just beyond her entrance.
"So fucking tight and warm, babygirl," Hobi hums as he removes his finger from her, spreading her arousal all over and gently rubbing her clit. "We'll have to take our time with her, Jinnie."
"That's okay. I've got all the time in the world for our princess," Jin tells him in a shaky voice, struggling to concentrate with Yns continued ministrations.
"Do you want to try something, babygirl?" Hobi asks quietly.
"What?" Yn responds without her eyes straying from Jin's.
"Suck Seokjinnie's dick, baby," Hobi suggests, much to Jin's surprise.
"N-no, you don't have to do that, sweet girl," Jin stutters. But Yn looks at him gleefully.
"I would love to, Jin. Please let me."
"Please let her, Jin. I wanna see how pretty she looks with your cock in her mouth," Hobi encourages as he continues to tease her clit.
"Only if you're sure, Yn," Jin stalls, but she is already grabbing at his hips to pull him closer. He manages to rid himself of his clothes completely before he scoots closer to her on his knees, as close as he can get to her. He takes his hard cock in his hand and strokes himself several times before he slowly guides the tip to her mouth. She leans in to meet his head with a soft kiss, her hand touching his gently as she reaches to take control. As he lets go, she sticks out her tongue to swirl around his smooth head, getting a taste of his precum when she licks him. She looks up at him with large doe eyes, seeking his approval and finding him already coming undone, with his eyes nearly closed as he looks down on her and his mouth hanging open. His hands rest on his hips, unconsciously pushing slightly forward to give her more.
"Take his head in your mouth, babygirl. You can do it," Hoseok instructs, watching from below. His middle finger plays at her hole again, coating the tip in arousal. "Use lots of saliva, baby."
Yn does as she is told, closing her lips around Jin's girth. She sucks gently, gathering spit in her mouth, and it draws a choppy sigh from him.
"I'm sure she's so good," Hobi muses with a kiss on her leg as he pushes his finger into her again and she moans on the other boy's cock. "Let me see that spit, baby." Yn pulls off to let him see the strings of saliva connecting her to Jin. "Fuck, you're doing great, angel. Spread it around with your hand and stroke his cock. Jinnie is such a good boy, too. I want you to make sure he feels as good as you feel. Can you do that, baby?" Hobi asks, curling his finger inside of her.
"Yes, sir," she moans, sending a chill down Hoseok's spine. She takes Jin in again, deeper this time and begins to bob up and down, lathering his shaft with spit from her tongue and stroking the rest of his long cock with her hand. Once all his shyness has left him, Jin's fingers find their way into her hair, pushing it back away from her face.
"Jinnie, if she's doing well you should tell her."
"Mm. You're doing… so well… princess," he manages to get out through his haze, but he means it completely. Nothing has ever made him feel so good, and the image of Yn below him, her wide eyes leaking tears as she takes him into her throat, the saliva gathering around her lips, makes it difficult to comprehend anything else. She's so beautiful in this lewd act, one he'd never dare to imagine with her, but Hoseok is talking to him and he knows he should listen.
"Do you think she deserves another finger, babyboy?"
"Mmm, yes," Jin groans. "Have to stretch her pretty pussy so she can take me."
Hobi grins, surprised by his frank dirty talk. "You wanna fuck our little princess?" Hobi spits into his hand and pushes in another finger. It's a very tight fit, even for his slender fingers, but yn opens her legs wider for him, eager for more as he stretches her.
"Yes. She looks so pretty with my cock in her mouth, just think how pretty she'll look when I fuck her." Jin drags his fingertips along her hairline, admiring her face, and takes hold of her jaw, fucking into her a little deeper. Yn can only try to relax and take what she's given as she continues to look into his eyes, transfixed by his words.
"I'm sure you're right, but I want to have her first," Hoseok announces. "Is that okay, baby?"
"Whatever you want, daddy," Jin agrees, reaching out for Hobi with the same hand to brush his hair out of his face.
"And my other baby?"
Yns mouth releases Jin with a pop, and she pants, her lungs burning for oxygen but she doesn't mind at all. She looks into his eyes while she answers but her hand still strokes Jin lazily. "Whatever you want, daddy. I'm yours. Completely."
"That's my good girl," Hobi grins. "But first, babygirl, you'll have to take more fingers, and you're going to have to cum for us. You can do that, can't you?"
"I think so," she answers hesitantly.
"I'm sure you can, angel," he murmurs supportively as he lowers his mouth to kiss above her clit.
"Jinnie, there's something I want," she whispers.
Jin leans his face closer to hers and kisses her red lips. "Anything you want, princess."
Pressing her lips to his ear she whispers again. Jin smirks back, pleased with her request, and leaves her with one last lingering kiss before he gets off the bed. Hoseok is lying half way on his side, his hips pushed up on one side by his bent knee to accommodate his erection. Jin comes to sit on top of him, straddling the leg that lays out straight behind Hoseok. He slides his hands over his skin from his lower back up toward Hobi's shoulders, massaging gently as he goes. Pressing his chest onto the other boy's back, Jin latches onto his neck with his mouth, knowing exactly where Hobi's most sensitive spot is. The smaller boy moans onto Yn, adding an extra layer of pleasure.
"We're lucky, you know?" Jin whispers in Hobi's ear as his hand snakes around to his chest, rubbing his nipple gently.
Hoseok's mouth falls open to ask, "why's that?" in a breathless tone before his tongue returns to Yn, his two fingers never ceasing their movement inside of her.
"Because Ynie is so beautiful and sweet. And she loves us so much."
"Yes," Hobi breathes as one of Jin's hands travels down over his abs, his teeth pulling at Hobi's ear. The large hand slips down between his warm skin and the elastic of his boxers, finding purchase on the boy's hard cock.
"And she wants us to feel good."
Hobi whines, feeling undone by the unexpected contact. "Is that what she whispered in your ear?"
"Something like that," Jin responds.
"Jinnie," Yn whines, both from the pleasure Hobi is still giving her and from how long Jin is taking to complete her request. Jin's mouth travels down Hobi's back leaving a trail of sloppy kisses as his fingers curl into Hobi's waistband.
"What are you doing?" He wonders.
"My lady wishes us all to be equals," Jin responds as he slowly removes the younger boy's clothing.
"Is that so?" Hobi looks back up at the girl's face above him. She looks back at him through cloudy eyes.
"Mhm. She wanted to see what she has to look forward to. And she wanted me to pleasure you, too," Jin tells him as he takes a firm hold of his partner's long, veiny cock once again. "Can I make you feel good, too, daddy?" He whispers to Hobi as he kisses his cheek.
Hobi loses himself in the ecstacy of the boy's touch. Not just the hand on his hard, throbbing member, but also Jin's chest pressed against his back and the cock rubbing gently against his ass as Jin moves his hips subtly. He forgets entirely about Yn's clit, but it's only a moment's interruption, as Jin's tongue is there to take his place. He can't say how long the moment lasts--minutes or hours--before a small voice breaks through the haze.
"Daddy?" Yn calls gently, half sorry for asking for his attention at all when she was enjoying the euphoric expression that graced his features. Hobi clears his throat and looks back up at her, the doe-eyed expression on her face calling him back to her.
"Yes, angel?"
"I want another finger."
He finds the meekness with which she asks endlessly endearing, and he's happy to oblige. "Of course. Jinnie?"
"Hmm?" He responds, opening his eyes again after devoting himself so entirely to his tasks.
"I want those pretty lips around my cock while I make Ynie cum," Hoseok commands, regaining his composure and his sense of control. Jin merely smiles in response and repositions himself to do as he's told, but not before he's pulled into a rough kiss. Hobi pulls his fingers out of Yn's pussy and puts them into his mouth, licking the essence of his fingers and replacing it with his spit. She takes his three fingers with a groan, fingers fisting around the sheets beneath her body. "You still okay, angel?" He asks as he rubs his thumb in circles over her clit.
"Mhm," she responds quietly, holding in a breath as she adjusts to the pain. It's more than she was expecting, but she knows it's necessary to get what she wants and it will go away soon. She's distracted by the boys below her moaning and props herself up on her elbows to see them.
Jin and Hoseok are tangled in each other, the younger one twisting at the waist to give the other access while Jin lays between his strong thighs. His long fingers wrap around the base of Hobi's cock, his thumb rubbing smoothly over the thick column underneath, while his tongue moves fluidly around his head and shaft. Jin wraps his lips around his pulsing head, leaving both his partners breathless. As she watches Jin take in more of Hobi's length, Yn clenches around Hobi's fingers, drawing his attention back to her. In addition to feeling her, he can see the way she's watching Jin's actions, both admiring and taking mental notes.
"Babyboy, I think Yn likes watching you suck my cock," Hobi smirks. "What do you think, babygirl? You like what you see? Or are you jealous?"
"Fuck," Yn moans when Hoseok gives her his mouth again, sucking her whole bud between his lips before rubbing his tongue quickly over her. "Jinnie is so pretty," she manages, her love agreeing with a hum. Jin's eyes look up to see her watching him, her hands clutching her breast, thumbs teasing her own nipples. Jin pulls away to rub the tip of Hobi's cock over his tongue, letting Yn see his full length and how it glistens with his spit. Then he takes the other boy back in, deeper than before, until he chokes. "Mm, Hope, Jinnie is such a good boy," Yn moans.
In response Hobi fucks her faster with his fingers, his tongue rubbing faster, as if to tell her that he agrees, and that they're both very good. She falls back onto her pillows as his actions push her onward, the tension inside her building until her hips begin to writhe beneath him and she cums with a cry.
"Fuck, Hobi. She's so pretty when you make her cum," Jin, who's never taken his eyes off her face, moans. Hobi's mouth releases her and his fingers slow as he presses soft kisses around her throbbing lips and quivering thighs.
"So pretty," he agrees. He pulls his fingers slowly from her, leaving her feeling empty, and comes to hover above her face, licking up her sticky essence. Jin moves forward as well, to clean up the mess Hobi left behind with his tongue. Hoseok brushes her hair back with gentle fingers and looks lovingly down at her, checking her eyes and face. "How do you feel?"
"Great," she smiles, still feeling dazed.
"You're bleeding a little. Are you sure you're okay? I didn't hurt you?" She can see the real concern in his eyes, even though they both know it's to be expected.
"I'm fine, Hobi. You made me feel so good. I loved it." Yn's eyes darken as they glance down and her fingers grasp his erection. Hobi's smirk returns.
"You want my cock, babygirl?" Yn bites her lip and nods. "I want you to say it."
"I need your cock, daddy," Yn whimpers, melting beneath him. He presses his lips to hers passionately, brushing her hand aside as he strokes himself.
"Get on your knees," he orders. Without a word to him, Hobi gestures for Jin to go to the head of the bed. Once he's claims Yn's former place he takes her her face in her hands to kiss her
"Did you miss me?"
She nods and smiles before she turns her head to kiss his neck, starting a trail that leads over his collarbone to his chest. His soft moans are interrupted by the sound of Hobi's hand falling harshly on Yn's ass. She yelps and turns back to look at him, but he's already rubbing the spot gently. He grabs her hips and pulls her further down the bed and thus further down Jin's body until she's hovering just above his thick cock.
But she doesn't have time to think about that just yet though, because Hobi is rubbing the tip of his cock around her entrance. He holds her steady with one hand on her ass while he uses the other to guide himself into her wet pussy. A moan slips past his lips when he feels how tightly she's wrapped around his head and he doesn't give her any more, slipping back out a moment later. He rubs over her soothingly once again. Jin smiles at her gently to ease her mind. He reaches out to touch her face, thumb brushing her bottom lip and she licks him, taking the digit into her mouth. Hobi pushes into her again, awed by how amazing her wet walls feel as they grip him while he sinks deeper into her as slowly as he can. Yn whimpers, looking Jin in the eyes as her own brim with tears. Jin leans forward to take her face again and kiss her.
"You're doing so well, princess. Daddy's gonna treat you so well." He glances up at the other boy's face, his eyes nearly closed as he looks down on his lovers. "You have no idea what you're doing to him, love."
She can't resist looking at him over her shoulder, pleased with the look on his face that's turned slightly toward the ceiling.
"Do you feel good, daddy?" Hoseok bows his head, his eyes opening a little more so he can see her more clearly.
"I feel incredible, baby. Your pussy is so tight. So wonderful." He groans, fighting the urge to move, but she does it for him, pushing her body forward slightly, meeting Jin in another kiss. This makes Hobi chase after her, pulling her back by her hips. She moans loudly when he thrusts into her, harder and deeper than before. He didn't mean to. He just got excited. He pauses briefly before he hears her one little word.
"More," she pleads and pushes Jin back onto her pillows.
The two boys smile at each other as Hobi begins to move his hips, slowly at first. Long, even thrusts evoke soft moans from her, and as she adjusts, she has attention to return to Jin's still hard cock. Despite the lack of attention he's turned on by seeing them fuck, admiring their bodies in the process. It's like a private show just for him. Yn licks her lips and waits patiently with her tongue out, ready to receive him as he guides his cock to her. She takes him down happily as Hoseok quickens his pace. Jin lets his head fall back when he feels himself hit Yn's throat. The wet sounds of yn gagging on his thick cock turn both boys on even more, and there's no holding back now as they both thrust into her. She's never imagined feeling so full and complete as she is now with the two boys she loves buried deep inside of her. The fingers of one of Jin's hands knot into her hair, keeping her head down, while the other hand laces his fingers with hers. Hobi's hand lands on her ass with another smack.
"You're doing so good, baby," Hobi moans. "You both look so good for daddy. Fuck, I love you both so much," he groans, feeling himself come closer to climax but not wanting this to end.
"Are you gonna cum inside her, daddy?" Jin wonders, noticing the desperate look on the other's face. Hobi grabs onto Yn’s arm and pulls her chest up, tearing her away from Jin who watches breathlessly at the strings of drool dripping from her mouth as she was unprepared to move. He strokes himself as he watches Hobi pull the girl flush against his body, one hand holding her by her breast while the other turns her chin and grips her neck, still fucking her passionately.
"Should I fill her up with my cum, babyboy?" Hobi asks as he stares into Yn's hazy eyes. "Maybe you just want your turn?" he laughs.
"No. It's just that I want you to feel good, and I wanna taste your cum in her pussy," Jin admits, stroking his cock faster at the thought. Hoseok feels his own cock twitch at the suggestion.
"Play with her clit for me, babyboy," he instructs before attaching his mouth to Yn's, swallowing her moans as he continues to fuck her. Jin licks his fingertips and begins to rub her sensitive bud as he comes to his knees before them, their skin brushing, heat rolling off of all of them. It's only then that he notices the sweat that's begun to roll down her body, a rivulet dripping from her neck down between her breasts, and he laps it up happily before he latches onto her nipple and sucks hard while he continues rubbing circles around her clit. Her second orgasm crashes over her, creating spasms through her whole body and when she clenches around him, Hobi can't hold back any longer, coating her walls with his warm cum. She can barely hold her body up, but luckily she has two boys to help her. Sandwiched between them, she lets her head roll back onto Hobi's shoulder and he takes the opportunity to kiss her exposed neck.
"Are you sure this is your first time? Because you seem to know exactly what you're doing," she whispers through the aftershocks as he continues small thrusts inside her, milking himself dry.
"I promise," he tells her between kisses. "I've just thought about it a lot. And then, some things just occur naturally."
Jin has stopped rubbing her clit at least, but his hand hasn't gone far as his fingers rub the base of Hobi's cock. He can feel the sticky mess they've made together thats already leaking out of her and he gathers some on his fingers.
"Open," Jin tells her and she leans her head forward, obeying without question and allows him to shove his fingers in her mouth, lapping up the tangy mixture with her tongue. When Jin pulls his cleaned fingers from her mouth Hobi pulls her mouth back to his, licking his tongue deep inside to get a taste for himself.
"Mmm. You good, babygirl?" He asks gently, pressing his forehead to hers as he strokes her hair. She nods and hums, incoherent and a little tired. "You're incredible. I love you," he murmurs with another softer kiss. Jin gently pulls her mouth to his.
"You've done so well, princess. Do you want to take a break?" He asks in a soft voice, assuring her it's okay. She shakes her head and wraps her arms around his broad shoulders.
"I want you, Jinnie," she smiles happily.
His hands travel up and down her sides as he responds. "Not quite yet, sweetheart," he tells her and she pouts. "Don't be sad. I just want another chance to taste your sweet pussy again, that's all. Then I swear my cock is all yours." He unwraps her hands from his neck and gives each a kiss before he lays back flat on the bed.
Yn looks back at Hobi, unsure of exactly what she is supposed to do. He kisses her temple and pushes her forward by her hips, his considerable length slipping from her messy pussy.
"Go on, babygirl. Give him what he wants," Hobi encourages as he pushes her up Jin's body until Jin is able to lead her the rest of the way, until her heat is hovering just an inch above his face.
He uses his tongue to clean her up, licking between all of her folds, soothing her skin in the process. When he's decided she clean enough and she can only keep herself upright by holding onto to the headboard, he wraps his hand around her thighs and pulls her closer, where she has no escape as his tongue explores her core, probing so to eat up every drop of Hobi's cum that he can and rub against her g-spot. She begs for mercy he won't give. Her legs shake and she whimpers, but Jin gets a surprise of his own when he feels Hoseok's hands around his shaft, his tongue and lips following close behind.
"Fuck, Jinnie, your so big," Hobi praises between lavish licks. "I hope you don't hurt our sweet girl," he smirks. Hobi continues to suck him for a minute longer while Jin sucks unforgivingly on Yn's clit, until suddenly an arm wrapped around her waist pulls her away. He centers her hips over Jin's.
With one hand stroking her hair, he holds the other infront of her mouth. "Give me some spit, baby," he commands. Yn spits into his palm and he does the same before rubbing their mixture on Jin's already saliva covered cock. Hobi rubs the round head of Jin's cock against her clit a few times before he aligns him with her entrance. Yn pushes herself down to take him in, biting her lips to muffle the cry leaving her throat as he stretches her more than ever before. She's only ever had her own fingers.
"Ynie?" Jin calls her attention with his gentle hand on her thigh. "Are you okay?" She merely nods her head.
"It's okay, babygirl, take it slow," Hobi tells her quietly. "Jinnie's cock is all yours. You can take your time, right Jinnie?"
Jin's head is clouded with the pleasure of her tight walls around him, but he nods and strokes her thighs soothingly. "I'm yours, baby, no rush," he agrees. He's worried about her, terrified of causing her pain. But he knows she knows she can stop anytime, that no one would be bothered. She wants him and he can see it in her eyes when she looks down at him.
Yn let's herself sink further on his cock until she's taken all she thinks she can. Her legs are burning though and she leans forward over him before she dares to move. Slowly she rocks her hips, gliding carefully up and down his thick cock as Hoseok watches, stroking his own while his other hand caresses her curves.
"That's it, babygirl, just like that," he encourages.
"God, you feel amazing," Jin sighs as she moves above him. His hands take hold of her hips and guide her movements as she gets used to how full she is of him and tries to keep a steady rhythm.
"There's so much of you, " she smiles as she moans.
"But it's all yours," he reminds her, lifting his head to give her a kiss. Jin's hand slide up her slick back to hold her still as he moves his hips, fucking into her faster, making her cry out in pleasure to the beat of his thrusts. Hobi jerks himself off as he watches him fuck her harder, her screams of ecstacy adding to his arousal. Knitting his hand into her hair he pulls her back up, and standing, shoves his cock past her lips. He holds her head in place so he can fuck her mouth, even as she continues to moan for Jin. Yn holds her hand out for Jin and he takes it, pulling himself into a sitting position as well. Yn pulls Hoseok's cock from her mouth and pushes him into Jin's, who sucks the other boy graciously. Cradled into Jin's hips still, Yn fucks him slowly with smaller movements. Jin removes his mouth from Hobi only for a second so he can share him with Yn. Their tongues and lips glide in unison along his long shaft, caressing each vein as Hoseok throws his head back, guttural sounds of pleasure escaping from his throat. He leans forward again to be able to look at his two precious lovers, doing everything they can to please him as Yn cups his balls in her small hand and Jin gently rubs his taint.
"That's so fucking good. Mmm you're so good," he whimpers.
Yn pushes Hoseok's cock back into Jin’s mouth, watching him take the other boy's long member down his throat while she grinds her hips in circles on him.
"You hear that? You're such a good boy, Jinnie. You make daddy so happy. And you look so sexy doing it. Fuck-" she moans as she sinks deeper on his thick cock. Jin looks into her eyes as he moans at her praise. He pushes his middle finger into her mouth for her to suck on and cover with spit before he teases Hobi's asshole with the same finger. Hoseok curses in delight, digging his fingers into both their hair and drawing their eyes up to him.
Suddenly, she takes Hobi's cock from her partner's mouth and takes him down as far as she can, gagging herself loudly as she looks up at her daddy with big eyes.
"You better share, babygirl," he admonishes her. She pulls him from her mouth enough to let Jin lick his beautiful shaft while she sucks on his head. Hoseok begins to crumble as Jin's finger pushes playfully into his anus. "Fuck, babies, I'm gonna cum soon," he warns.
"Please cum for us, daddy," Yn whines.
"Mm, yes. Cum all over us. Wanna see what our princess looks like covered in your cum."
"Fuck, Jinnie," Hobi moans, that much closer just by the image he conjures. He takes his own member again and strokes it quickly above their faces, which are waiting giddily with their tongues out. "Damn, you two are so hot. How did I get so-" Hobi groans loudly as his orgasm hits him, "lucky." Thick silvery cum spurts from his cock onto the waiting pair, hitting their lips and chins and falling onto their chests as they're pressed together. They take a moment to admire each other before Yn licks whatever is left from Hobi's tip, making him shudder. He sinks to his knees beside the pair and pulls them close to him, all three of their tongues moving together as they kiss. Jin pulls away to taste the cum on Yn's chin, pulling her hips down at the same time. She moans into Hobi's mouth with the movement. He holds her there a moment longer before releasing her to clean up the mess he's made on Jin's face, which she does greedily. Jin holds her close, moving his hips rhythmically and enjoying the filthy wet sounds made by his dick inside her pussy. Meanwhile Hobi moves behind them to rest against Yns pillows, leaning on the headboard.
"Come here, babygirl," Hobi commands, causing them both to stop their movements. Jin kisses her one last time before he releases her and she crawls across the bed, in between Hobi's legs. He kisses her once and then turns her around, bringing her down to lay her back against his chest and talks in her ear, just loud enough for Jin to hear, while he rubs her breasts. "Time for you to have a rest, little one. But we still want Jinnie to cum for us, don't we, baby?" Yn hums her agreement. Hobi reaches down to open her legs as he looks up at the panting boy. "She's all yours, Jinnie."
Jin smiles and leans down to take a few licks of her pussy adding his own spit as lubricant before he kneels at her entrance and slowly pushes into her. He's enchanted by the way she stretches and envelopes him so tightly, enthralled by watching her tiny pussy swallow his thick cock.
"You're taking me so well, princess," Jin praises as Hobi presses kisses to the side of her head. When he's sure he's not hurting her, he begins to move faster. He pushes her legs back and Hoseok holds them behind her knees.
"Play with yourself," Hobi whispers in her ear, and she obediently reaches down to rub her clit. "That's right, babygirl, play with your clit while you take Jinnie's big, fat cock. You're doing so well baby." She continues rubbing as the pressure becomes too much, and Hobi can tell. "That's it, baby, you can do it. Let him feel what it's like when you cum all around him. Let him feel your sweet cunt," he growls in her ear as she has another shattering orgasm. He holds tightly to her spasming body, keeping her safe as she cries out from the overwhelming sensation. Hobi notices Jin begin to slow down. "Don't stop. She can take it, can't you? You've got me. You can take it. I want Jinnie to fuck you til he cums, too. Make him feel good, won't you, babygirl?"
Yn is unable to form words and she clings to Hobi’s arms. He releases her legs and cradles her to give her some comfort as she looks desperately into his eyes. Her body pushes onto his with each powerful thrust from Jin, who keeps pounding into her with pleasure.
"You're okay, baby. We love you. And you're doing so good," he coos as he caresses her hair and kisses her face. "Isn't she pretty when she cums, baby?" he asks Jin. "Isnt she pretty when you fuck her? Just like you said."
Jin watches them as he goes deeper and faster into her. "So fucking pretty," he grunts. "She's so beautiful and she's ours, daddy. Fuck, I'm gonna cum soon."
"Good, baby. Cum on her tummy for me. I wanna see you paint her up so pretty and nice," Hobi smiles.
Jin pulls out quickly, leaving Yn suddenly empty, and gives just a few quick strokes before his cum shoots out, reaching all the way up to her breasts, leaving abstract lines all over her abdomen. He remains above her on his knees, panting, spent.
"Come here, babyboy." Hobi holds out his hand and Jin bends over to be received by him, his pulsing cock grazing Yn's stomach as he does so. Hoseok kisses the boy with his hand on his neck, a reward for his hard work. "Come, take her," he tells Jin, who falls down beside them. Hobi slips out from under her and gives her a soft kiss on the forehead. "I'll be right back," he whispers before he gets off the bed and leaves the room, grabbing his pants on the way out.
Yn turns her head to look at Jin through heavily hooded eyes. "Hi, Seokjinnie," she says tiredly, reaching for his hand to entwine their fingers.
"Hi, Ynie," he smiles, laying on his side to look at her.
"Did I make you happy?" she wonders.
Jin looks at her softly, touching his hand to her cheek. "You made me very happy, sweetheart. I couldn't be happier. What about you? Was it too much for you? Did I hurt you?"
She smiles gleefully despite her exhaustion. "I'm great, Jinnie. Tired. I'm sure I'll be sore. But I loved every moment. Don't worry."
Hoseok returns carrying an armful of water bottles and warm wash cloths. He places the bottles on Yn's bedside table and then sets about cleaning Jin up first.
"I can do it," Jin offers as the other boy wipes his face, but Hobi brushes off his hand.
"Let me," Hobi smiles softly and continues tenderly wiping the sweat and cum from his body, all while yn lies between them, but her eyes are closed and she's paying little attention. "Perfect," Hobi proclaims with a kiss pressed to Jin's plump lips when he's finished. "Now, let's take care of you, angel."
He hands a warm, wet towel to Jin and they both clean her very gently as soft, sleepy sounds come from her lips.
"Jinnie, she looks cold," Hoseok notes quietly as he takes the wet cloths and puts them in her laundry basket. Without needing to think about it, Jin pulls Yn to him with her back to his chest. Hobi returns to get into bed with them, pulling the cover over all three of them as he lays facing them.
"How are you?" he asks Jin, his thumb gently brushing Jin's cheek.
"I'm amazing," Jin replies with a smile that makes his eyes almost disappear as he nuzzles into Hobi's hand.
"Today was...unexpected. Next time I promise we'll be prepared. We'll make it all about you, babyboy," Hobi vows, running his fingers through his lover's hair.
"I won't say no to that, but I promise, I'm fully satisfied." Hobi leans over to give him a soft, lingering kiss before he settles back down.
"Are you still with us, angel?" Hobi asks, petting her cheek.
"Yes," she responds quietly, forcing her eyes open to look at Hoseok's sweet face.
"Hi," Hobi smiles fondly, light in his eyes.
"Did we push you too far, my love?" He worries.
"No!" she responds eagerly. "I loved it. I knew I was safe with you."
"I'll always keep you safe," he promises with a kiss to her forehead.
"We know. Thank you for taking such good care of both of us," Jin expresses gratefully. He holds Yn tightly and kisses her shoulder, emphasizing that he's thankful for Hoseok's care of her as well.
"You don't need to thank me," Hoseok denies with a shake of his head. Looking between their two faces, nestled together, he thinks of just how much they had given him--how much they always give him. He scoots closer so there's no space between him and Yn. "I love you both so much more than words can say. You're mine, and I'm so grateful. What we had today was incredible, and I can't wait for more, but first and foremost, you're my sweet babies, and I'm always going to care for and protect you."
Yn beams at him. "We love you, too, Hope. And we're lucky to be yours."
Hoseok pecks a kiss to her nose. "Go to sleep now, little one."
She's grateful for the permission, but sorry to close her eyes on his sweet face. She snuggles more deeply between the two of them, feeling warm and secure.
"You, too, my prince," Hobi coos.
"Aren't you tired?" Jin wonders.
"I am," Hobi answers, leaning his head into his pillow, and caresses Jin's arm. "But I want to watch you sleep for a little while."
Yn's eyes open slowly. She's surprised to find her head cradled in Hobi's shoulder and no one behind her. Hoseok doesn't realize she's awake until she turns her head to confirm Jin's absence.
"Did Jinnie leave?" She asks, and Hobi can hear the disappointment in her voice.
"Look how sad you are," he chuckles, plucking her pouted lip with his fingertip. "Jinnie is just in the kitchen getting us something to eat."
"Oh," she breathes. "You're watching tv? And you're dressed." Hoseok hums. "Did I sleep too long?"
He turns his head to see the guilt in her eyes and strokes her cheek. "Of course not, little one. We just woke up a little while ago. We're just relaxing. You sleep as long as you need. Go back to sleep if you want. No one is leaving," he assures her.
"I don't want to sleep. I want to spend time with you." She pulls herself closer and snuggles into his side. He responds by turning on his side and wrapping both arms around her. "What time is it, anyway?"
"Mmm...late," he replies casually.
"You're gonna stay with me all night?"
"Of course, babygirl. Nowhere else I'd rather be." He kisses her lazily, holding her there for several minutes until her bedroom door slowly opens and Jin backs in with a tray of food.
"You and Namjoon really live off the stuff in your pantry?" He asks, shaking his head.
"We survive," she laughs and Hobi laughs with her.
"What did you manage to get?" Hobi wonders.
"Well, it's mostly ramen, but I also got some cookies and chips." The pair in the bed sit up while Jin puts the tray in front of them.
"Hey, you're wearing my shirt," Yn pouts.
"It's my shirt," he reminds her.
"I'll leave it with you when I go," he pledges, but she continues to pout at the thought of him going.
"I guess at least it will smell like you. That might comfort me when I'm all alone."
Jin rolls his eyes. "Speaking of shirts, you need one." He hops up from the bed to go through her drawers.
"Does she though?" Hobi questions, eyes scanning he'd chest.
"She can't eat hot noodles with no shirt on, Hoseokie," Jin tells him as he searches.
"Sad, but true," Hobi frowns, but his expression soon changes to a smile when he sees which shirt Seokjin has chosen.
"What?" He wonders when the other two giggle as he slips the article over her head.
"That's my shirt," Hobi smiles, amused.
"Do you own any of your own clothes?" Jin asks as her head comes through the neck hole.
"I have two boyfriends, why would I?"
"Jin doesn't have any of my clothes." Hobi shakes his head as he picks up a bowl of noodles.
"Well, you left your green sweatshirt at my house last month, and it smelled like you, so I never gave it back." Jin blushes cutely.
Hobi chuckles, endeared. "I guess you can keep it, just because you're so cute."
"Thank you." Jin grins. "Now eat up."
"Wait just a second." Yn interjects. "Hobi, don't you have something to add to this conversation?" She looks at him accusingly.
"No," he replies quickly before he shoves noodles into his mouth.
"Oh, yeah? So where is Jin's Ramones shirt?" Jin's eyes go wide as Hobi stops chewing.
"Yah! I knew someone stole it!" Jin shouts, much to Yn's amusement.
He chews quickly and swallows, practically choking. "I didn't mean to steal it! You left it on the bench in the locker room and I was going to take it and return it to you...but then I tried it on and I liked it."
"Thieves. Thieves everywhere," Jin laments. "You're lucky I love you." The others finally pick up their bowls and begin to eat and it's quiet for a few minutes.
"I'll go clean up," Yn says as she scrambles over Hobi to get off the bed. "Do you guys need anything?" As soon as her feet touch the ground she finds her legs weak and wobbly, collapsing beneath her. She catches the edge of the bed and Hobi holds onto her just in case.
"Damn, we really overworked you, huh, babygirl?" Hobi chuckles, but there's sympathy underlying his tone.
"I'm a little sore," she admits, though it hadn't bothered her until just now.
"Get back in bed. I'll take care of the dishes," Hobi tells her, pulling her back on the bed by her hips.
"No," she whines. "I'll feel like a bad girlfriend if you both come over here and cook and clean for me."
"Aish. What do you mean 'bad girlfriend'?"
"Yeah, baby, we're the ones who fucked you up. Let us take care of things, princess," Jin offers.
"You two stay here. Pick a movie and get comfortable. I'll be back in a few minutes." Hoseok picks up the tray and begins to leave.
"Can you bring me tea?" Yn pouts, even though she knows she doesn't need to. Hoseok simply smiles and nods and hurries to the kitchen. "What do you feel like watching?" Yn asks, handing Jin the TV remote.
"Something nice we've seen a million times?" He suggests as she wraps herself around his back. He shrugs to ease his muscles as she leans into his neck.
"Does it hurt?" She wonders with a light kiss.
"Just a little, from sleeping funny, I think." He shrugs again. She pulls away and begins to massage his shoulders the way he likes while he continues to search for something, moaning lightly to let her know when she's found the right spot.
Lol this last part wasn't really needed but I could resist the little bit of fluff bc I always torture you with angst. I also didn't know how to end it so I just left it here and you can imagine how they all three take care of each other 🥺
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Final chapter of in the morning i’m bulletproof is live!
For the day 31 prompt: setbacks (don’t worry it’s minor)
Read on ao3.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
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Follower Recs
I recently reread this and wanted to rec it ^^ It's fun and its tone is pretty light most of the time with some moments of more seriousness
From the Future for the Past
by friedchickenlord
G, 27k, Wangxian
Summary: Silent flaps of butterfly wings. Given the chance, he will gladly change the past—or making new branch on the road, Lan Wangji isn’t picky. But looking at his awkward fifteen-year-old self trying to come to terms with his feeling is kind of fun. He… might understand a little why his husband is so fond of teasing him. ~~未来から過去に Bonus Chapter, Wei Wuxian's side: Please give back Wei Wuxian’s husband. He is three years old and he wants kisses.
hey ! I want to recommend this amazing story on ao3.
It is an absolutely delightful story with fair amounts of angst and a happy ending
The themes it's explores are a bit heavy but as it is mostly in the Junior Quartret pov it's comedic and light hearted. Wangxian are present equally as much
It's been a while since I read it but it's an amazing read and perfect to lift up your mood !
Also the author has many other great works ! @beingdesiandqueer
how to make your dad fall in love with your high school teacher in five steps; the complete and bulletproof guide
by ravenditefairylights
T, 90k, Wangxian
Summary: Wei Yuan stares at the photograph, where two boys are perched on the front steps of a regal building with a sign introducing it as GUSU UNIVERSITY, sitting close together. One of the boys is taller, with short dark hair and light eyes, wearing white from head to toe. His face is severe, but there's a small smile turning his lips. Next to him is a boy with a messy ponytail, an arm thrown over the other's shoulder, in a red jumper with a purple jacket thrown carelessly over his jeans. His smile is huge and blinding, lighting up the photo. It has always been a favourite of Wei Yuan's among their dad's photographs. “We can—” “Please don’t say set them up, you don’t even know Mr. Wei.” Wei Yuan hears Xuanyu mutter, and they stifle a snort. “—set them up!” Jingyi finishes triumphantly. Xuanyu groans in defeat. “Wei Yuan, what do you think?” “Won’t that be a bit disrespectful to Mr. Wei? You have known he exists for like, ten minutes.” - or the fic where the juniors are a bunch of chaotic teenagers, wei ying is just a tired single dad and lan zhan has spent enough years pining over the love of his life, in jingyi's opinion
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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todd-queen · 1 year
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I just love comics so much bc these are both the same character <3
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bizlybebo · 2 months
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months
also it's something (better) like, the exercise of deliberately [art imitates life imitates art] holding up Billions to My IRL Things Perspective and going like whaaat would i want for winston. first answer is you want any character to not have been within the scope of the show in the first place, and to exit it since they are. and you kind of get that in the accidental reward in banishing winston, since like in the end it's just that the show doesn't care about him existing at that point But like it's winston sitting there quietly as everyone leaves & turns out the lights & Then he can leave too; others have peaced out & nobody remembers he exists so Now he can go off & do whatever.
but like in true form i think they definitely accidentally baked in another divine reward for winston in that, like, the way he's kept around as fodder for these fun little [pov: enjoy abusing this guy] asides with him, where it Just So Happens that he's autistic as something they're unaware of but is completely relevant to the expectation we understand him to be inferior(tm), it Just So Happens that he's also ""bad"" at not ""causing"" abuse to be turned on him. he's ""bad"" at staying in line. like well yes Yes that's what i want for him. just like In Real Life it's like yeah Ideally i'd want people to be able to extricate themselves from where they're trapped in power structures & i'd want them to have the perspective about it of understanding they're not Inferior / i.e. they are as much a person as anyone else and they're not corrupting everything good / i.e. it wasn't them Bringing It Upon Themselves and it's not them being Destructive by toppling a jenga tower of a hierarchy that happened to be pressing down on them. and winston is the kind of [the ruinerrrrrr] who is Turned On exactly because he keeps acting like someone who's on the verge of breaking out of the [being in line] someone demands of him as autist, employee, whatever other supposed manifestations of [inferior]
like in the 5 second stretches in which winston's allowed to speak before retaliation, it's because he's like "matter of factly" delivering whatever Information that's useful for another plotline. then he Brings It Upon Himself by making people aware that he's Also existing in his own right as a person rather than what they think serves their own deal / what they want from him at all times, perhaps by expressing his personality (didn't appeal to them! so it was Wrong) or not b/c of anything in particular said or done at present, just b/c people have a constant / accumulating contempt for him so their being in the same room as him & able to see & hear him is already dangerous. the [we're just seeing Any Abusive Dynamic in action] continuing apace.
and it's like, well, right there. he's written as acting like someone who doesn't blame himself for how he's treated, which billions frames as being Rude & Mean, and so too does everyone's abusers lmfao like and that these are his moments that are written to be Bringing It Upon Himself. and it's like hell yeah he doesn't blame himself. hell yeah that his self-esteem can manifest as anger at all. hell yeah that he keeps expressing himself with personality & confidence & doesn't even disguise his having been hurt, & it's this [his ass is Not grey rocking] that billions frames as both him "causing" his abuse & making that abuse "successful" lol, wrow just like real life!! and when like speaking of real life yeah it's not "bad" that people Do engage in strategies to mitigate & survive, including things like blaming themselves or being too "boring" to be anything but a non dialogued background character b/c that's all that goes unpunished, it's bad b/c it's done to them at all, not [ohh they're doing it to themselvesss] and like i'm asking myself like Ideally. what do i want Ideally. and i'd want winston to know that it's being Done To Him & i'd want him to find as much room for his personhood & autonomy as possible. and that's basically how he's written anyways, and billions hates that like You See this is why he deserves it this is why he's doing it to himself. and i'm like my god if that's not Inspiration for like "so what if people don't find you Personally Likable" and not preemptively holding back all personality or anything that'd draw attention as if you exist as a person in your own right & not something that only either gets in the way of or serves their wants of a Real person (someone with more power) like hell yeah you have him out here doing it =']
another fun addendum is like, billions isn't getting into it much b/c it doesn't seem to care much about "what if some people were peers & seem to have a genuine, recipcrocal relationship?" but that it just so happened to be like "oh tuk as the next closest loser who deserves it might be nice to winston" while it's framing winston as the "worse" Loser as being....unconditionally supportive of tuk. while the one downside of billions Also giving bentuk as much as it is is that it also inevitably has that shadow of "but ben is Superior to tuk" and like that it's correct that everyone encourages tuk to Stop Bringing It Upon Himself and start being less of a loser; it's wrong for winston to be like hey let's go have a foursome. like yeah probably don't make a list of the women you work with you'd be dtf but it's not like i'm convinced "ah billions and it's strong anti misogyny stance like" roflmao and billions is Not reflecting on "the downsides of unconditional support?" there when winston was beaten up for criticising taylor earlier like we WILL take his ideas while looting his [beaten unconscious] body there but he WAS wrong to express them as though he's BETTER than taylor!!! mafee's beautiful show of loyalty in kicking his ass even when he might agree with the argument and then benefit when it's adopted by taylor anyways! so it's as usual actually purely based on hierarchy & who gets to be in charge of people. it's correct for ben to be in charge of tuk, unless he has to step aside for that bizarre dead-end subplot about how it's tuk's fault if he's treated badly, b/c it's really his own Failure to have Confidence to know he has good ideas [raising our voice to deliver this message over the sound of breaking desks and chairs and computer monitors over winston because he had the confidence to act like he deserved to talk to someone and because he knows his ideas efforts & results are good & valuable around there] like. and isn't it sooo fucked up to talk about who you're dtf in the episode that has it be neutral if your boss is dtf & lets you know but is nice about it (and you're already Correctly tending to their ego, which you're responsible for!) like hey no possible problem! it's not even so much of a problem for a boss man to have the sex they're entitled to & be rude about their leveraging their power in that acquisition that it Stays a problem into the next season. ew, winston is Known (Inferred) Dtf??? we'll use it to exploit His vulnerability, exacerbate it, & punish him further for good measure in another episode that just revels in abuse & violation with a sexual aspect once again, but like, hey tuk don't do that, winston's such a Bad Influence for being like, shrug, kneejerk intervening with the Good Friendship where the One In Charge leaps in & Tells tuk the Correct thing to do. obviously there's also the tragedy that billions will Never let winston push back against Real Winners like rian or taylor in A Way That Matters (actually gets in their way at all) lol like. one thing that would have really been fun, winston should've literal kneejerk started physically fighting wags in either pertinent scene in 7x03 for real 110%. i wouldn't be like Gasp Violence Is Never The Answer if he just hit someone to hit them b/c fuck you. or broke anything on his way out etc etc. billions would Never let him. which is the other side of the same coin of [why he should get to]
tl;dr how great that winston's being "out of line" means he's basically always noticeably flouting & rebelling against the [He Deserves Abuse] agenda lol. that IS what i want. his being "beyond hope" like ohhh he's sooo stupid he doesn't realize how much he has the bad tastes & wrong interests & annoying personality He Will Always Be This Way like hell yeah!!! billions like oh no winston's personhood will never stay tamped down & locked away such that some godawful person tolerates keeping him in their inventory :( ohhh the ABA will never work :( that's right!!!!!!!!!! although they're not sad about it because it's about relishing the promise there will always be True Inferiors you can enjoy abusing with your righteous power over, but like well you wrote him escaping anyways even while dragging other "better" characters into standing around to serve axe's need for more than 1.8 employees and [crickets, reverberating cough, sneaker scuff] like. another ""wrong"" thing for winston to do, another thing for him to not "deserve," which is itself godawful actually lol like lord what it "rewards" its Good, Deserving characters with, no thanks. meanwhile winston's punishment is that he's autistic and """bad""" at being abused like lmfao good for him, fantastic for him, just what i want
#winston billions#a series that did inadvertently power up the stances of someone who actually is Not a fan of ableism; abuse; authoritarianism; and cetera#real winston billions fans might also get written off the series into the ether....but hey. the power up#the ''i saw the autistic character. i saw the tour de force'' was there & it mattered#myself marked glad to be A Ruinerrrrr; to like be present where other people might be aware & even say & do things & [my personality]#throw it back to the last post like my experience going hahaha >:) but you made one mistake. decade old minivan in my name#enough to Get Outta There....but that naturally if it Wasn't that Would be an avenue of punishing / reeling people back in#hey you Stole this from me. hey winston that's Stolen Time and stolen data who give a shit. it's the principle of [we own winston]#my experience also indeed getting ''''worse'''' at being abused lmao i.e. more conflict & resentment as i was increasingly aware i didn't#deserve it. no thanks to much of anything i learned in; say; interacting with others as an autistic person lmao. hmm!#meanwhile even if exploring like Winston Having Fun Being Himself it's like one thing is just. never having the Site of that be like#first & foremost An Romance lol. like even if it's like sure someone could interpret this as romantic that's like; an extra thing#and it's not The Guideline like; not thinking that for winston to be okay he Needs to get on the soulmate track#(billions does think that lol) and like. while billions says winston Has dated (i do think they meant to imply Multiple Times in 5x05#i just think we see that they usually don't care oh so much abt continuity; certainly not across the board) & that he has a crush#like then uhh yeah sure it's like. well i can readily extrapolate then that he's had abusive dating relationships.#billions does Not put forth that someone treating winston Well is where he gets the bulletproof confidence or anything lol#just cursed like again i'm not. i'm not gonna accept [wild you dropped steph into our Visuals as like 1 Confirmed Winston Ex]#but it's also like well then any Depiction would be The Perspective....not like. the abuse currently happening & in any way that is meant#to be ''''obvious'''' & ''''convincing'''' to someone w/no idea what it looks like anyways. vs the mundane ordinary parts that speak to it#or just the ways that experience & concomitant perspective could manifest outside of it even with No look inside it#running into issues like [good thing riawin didn't even hook up or that'd be More vulnerability in an abusive relationship already]#but what if they did & Montage Of Malaise? well to even brush up against inevitable more ''blatant'' things would then either be like#well immediately move Away from that then. before or after but Exit the [current] situation. Or it'd be like. rian has to Reconsider#but a) the character absolutely does not & based on everything will not. & b) if she actually Does; e.g. in a fic. well it's about her now#but i can think of ''yeah maybe winstuk fic that is also framed with bentuk b/c it's not really about Romance & if it's like sure then why#Not presume winston has experiences w/abuse & violation aplenty b/c that's the full context for the character lol it's then still like#and here's little details in which that could Manifest that would just be [??] or unnoticed to others anyways. just like real life!!''
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lauronk · 2 months
All of your fics are amazing but that hitman! Joel AU is fucking brilliant. I know you probably have a billion things to do in your life and other fics to finish but that one is so unique and it kills me that it’s just a one shot because I’m obsessed with the what-if’s of it. It would be so interesting to see how that plot could potentially line up with the original story like maybe Marlene (or someone else from Ellie’s mom or dad’s life) tells her how her dad was killed or maybe she begins to suspect Joel’s real job so she sneaks out and follows him and it causes their falling out
thank you! 🥹 this was so sweet to wake up to, i really appreciate it!
yeah my current wip list is uhhhhh over 50! 😅 (including all the bthb prompts) BUT the hitman one (and also the bodyguard one) is one that i would really love to come back to at some point, because i feel like i really just scratched the surface of it. so i'll never say never on it! i've thought more about how to flesh out their daily life and stuff but not really how to tackle ellie finding out what joel does/did (man's looking at retirement at this point) and what that would do to their relationship. it's a vastly different thing for joel to be a killer in canonverse than it is outside of it, so ellie's feelings about that would be 😬😬😬😬
hitman au ficlet
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genia-caliber · 1 year
Hello hello
Call me GC! I'm a fanfic writer in my late 20's. (They/them pronouns)
Made this blog to post about SxF, my beloved heterosexual propaganda franchise.
I make the disclaimer here that I'm a manga-mainly fan who reads the chapters as soon as they come out! I tag my own posts as spoilers, but otherwise, I am counting on other blogs to tag their spoilers when I reblog.
Against all common sense, I do have a Twitter
Fanfiction I have written:
Wine Red Eyes (All ages and complete. Touches on trauma and nightmares)
Red Wine (Not all ages, lol. Explicit 18+ content and complete)
The World Keeps Turning (Explicit 18+ and ongoing)
Sweet Sadism (Explicit 18+ and ongoing)
Counting Heartbeats (One shot, angst, death from old age)
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wiccawrites · 1 year
(the future is) bulletproof - ficlet/fic concept
Dystopian AU || Kim had never really bought into the kool aid that his father seems to have successfully sold to everyone else in Oasis City. There had to be something in the barrenlands beyond the Mirage – otherwise, there wouldn’t be such strict laws on leaving the city borders. He sneaks out in search of the truth and finds so much more than he bargained for.
AKA son of a corrupt government official!Kim x youngest in a ragtag group of rebels!Chay, but in a post-apocalyptic setting 😀
Pairing: KimChay
Tags: Alternate Universe - Dystopian
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hey! so I have a doc full of all my fics, so you guys should give me a word and i can look up what line has it, and what fic its from!!!
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For the ficwip word:
Missing, foot, day, later
Thank you my talented friend!
Here’s a snippet from chapter 8 or in the morning i’m bulletproof which I have not given up on. Just have a few tweaks to the last chapter.
And when Jamie climbs into his twin bed later that night, he dreams of Wembley, but not the changing room interaction with his Dad. He dreams of his England debut, and it’s more intuition than memory when he wakes. He slips his brace back on after he showers, and this time, its presence is more a challenge than a hindrance. He glances at the England memorabilia around his small room and looks in the mirror after he’s dressed. You’re Jamie Fucking Tartt, he tells himself. And you’re going to the World Cup.
A new mantra repeating in his head, he goes downstairs to see his Mum and Simon. Jamie knows he has lots of work ahead of him, but he’s never shied away from hard work. He’s reminded of his original drive every time his Mum smiles at him. She’s why I work so hard. Jamie’s finally realised working hard and being a good lad don’t have to be contradictory. And he can be both of those for himself, too.
And as a bonus, below the cut is a snippet from an untitled whumptober entry that’s Roy supporting Phoebe and his sister when she leaves her husband.
“Happy Uncle’s Day!” they greet, holding hands.
“What the fuck is this?” he asks.
“Uncle’s Day,” Phoebe says excitedly, jumping up and down.
“What the fuck is Uncle’s Day?” Roy asks, looking at Ruth.
“It’s our new favourite holiday,” Ruth explains. “Phoe wanted to celebrate Uncle’s Roy so…”
Ruth trails off and widens her arm, palm up to show Roy a homemade banner and spread of food on the table.
“This is a made up holiday.”
“No, it’s not,” Phoebe says confidently.
Roy looks at Ruth with raised eyebrows.
“Any day that annoys Roy is a holiday for me,” Ruth gloats.
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ohfallingdisco · 2 years
Oh i would love to hear about Bulletproof heart. jonwill my beloved AND also the title reference my absolute beloved
UGH this one. My biggest hurt/comfort project that just flows so well.
It’s pretty straightforward actually, not too complicated, but I like it. Jon and Will from immediately after s1 get transported about seven years into the future, when Mike and Will are almost nineteen and living in the same apartment (both Wills coexist).
Here’s a screenshot:
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patwrites · 1 year
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Please accept these two gifs of a smiley happy Laurel. Hold tightly onto them as you learn what I’m about to put into fanfic-land. They are an olive branch.
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aw someone read one of my old cs fics on AO3. makes me so happy to know people are still enjoying those 🥰
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