#bullying nurf
mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
giving camp camp characters favorite dog breeds
preston: english cocker spaniel. he'd flip his hair while holding his dog and shout "GOOD DAY." and then walk away
harrison: goldendoodles and black labs!!
nerris: bernese mountain dog!!!!!!!! "the perfect sidekick for any sorceress"
max: any, but i feel he'd like a golden retriever. soft, friendly, cuddly, what more could you want
nikki: wolf, but if she haaddddd to pick a dog breed itd be a shiba inu, if only because theyre the closest dog breed to wolves, or a chow chow because blue tongue, big, and fluffy
neil: poodle!! he admires their intellegence, also i feel theyd get along
space kid: pit bulls or yellow labs!!
dolph: german shepherd! and no this isnt a "haha german boy like german dog" joke, i love german sheperds myself and i feel their personalities would go well with him. plus i hc him to have a gsd, so
ered: husky!!!!!! shes also the type to get that pet friendly fur dye for her dogs and dye them bright colors
nurf: sadness or one of those unbearable dog squeaky things you see at the mall
david: border collie!! he gives the vibe of a border collie lover
gwen: charles cocker spaniel, aka missy's dog breed
cameron campbell: corgi. he would say "i am so manly i am the man-est of men" and then see a corgi and suddenly its his firstborn son and anyone who goes near it without permission will be killed on sight
daniel: pugs because he likes seeing things suffer /j or probably pomeranians
jasper: rotwilers. he seems like a rottie guy
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user-name-h3re · 11 months
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yay girls
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also the fact that Nikki canonically hangs out with Ered and Nurf is killing me can you fucking imagine???
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rotomartsblog · 1 year
I hate a lot of things about the Camp Camp fandom when it was at its peak but one of the things that pissed me off the most was the fandom’s portrayal of Nerris
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queeniecamps · 5 months
Ellie showed me Nerdy Prudes Must Die and likeeee???? Lowkey imagining a camp camp animatic with the campers to this
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chettyspagetti · 14 days
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Shes really the middle child and definitely has middle child mentality
She tries to not care how people see her , she’s herself and it’s fine if people don’t like that. She knows people don’t like her and it doesn’t bother her… most of the time.
She was based on Zooble (tadc), Robbie (gravity falls), Violet (Incredibles) , and bit of Max (cc)
She won’t be mean unless provoked. Shes really rude to Max, Nurf, Neil, (all can be big dicks to her) Preston (he’s just kinda annoying) and the Woodscouts. (Do I even need to explain)
She’s only been rude to Nikki and Harrison (both for doing soemthing wierd) a couple of times , but realizing they aren’t too bad don’t do anything to them after . She’s never been mean to Nerris (so similar to sk) , Dolph (he’s really young), and Ered (actually likes her for her. She seems cool) .
She is “scared” of the flower scouts, they remind her of her middle school bullies. She’ll shut down and not know what to say to them even with being older.
She sees her siblings in weird lighting . Her older brother is “the responsible good role model” and her little brother is “the golden child” and resents them for it. She finally sees sk for how he really is treated when he is bullied and lonely . So she stops holding such a hard grudge against him
She loves MCR, Good with Grenades , Rio Romeo , 100 gecs, and Kesha :))
She lives in her hoodie, even sleeping in it at times . No matter the weather she will have it on
She brushes her hair when she really shouldn’t
Ered thinks it’s cool how Sawyer doesn’t care about how people think her , Sawyer thinks it’s cool how Ered got everyone to like her without effort
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korny-mf · 5 months
i had sum thoughts like i always do while eating strawberries w chocolate
we all know harrison is magical
bro is just different he got the sigma energy
he so skibidi sigma slay gyatt he b mewing since 1914
okay now that i got the attention of gen alpha i can continue
i think when they were makin the characters they made max first cuz main character
they made him a jerk
then they decided to add a magic kid cuz of the "ooh this camp is very weird and unnatural and nobody is normal" shit and that kid was harrison
i bet they thought they could make harrison the bully or jerk of the camp cuz he magical he can flex on everyone w dat talent n threaten everyone n make everyone do what he says etc
but then they remembered max already exists
and they probably added nurf cuz stereotypical bully or whatever
and so they went "damn we cant let this boy go to waste lets just give him all the fucking trauma out there"
with that our boy has a dead brother 2 parents that r scared of him 9 kids bullying him (maybe 7 without dolph n sk) and 2 counselors that dont stop the kids
i bet they later decided to make him the emo kid that was gonna get his revenge soon thas why he changed like dat in s5 but they already had the cringey hitler character and didnt wanna make another cringe character that everyone would say is stolen from the 2019 gacha videos
cya later on my next random ass thought autistic ppl
edit: im realizin that last part makes no sense lol this old ass show was made in either 2017 or 2016 smth
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Nurf: For your information, there's a lot more to bullies than people think. Nikki: Example...? Nurf: Example? Okay, um... bullies... are like onions. Nikki: They stink? Nurf: Yes - no! Nikki: Oh, they make you cry! Nurf: No! Nikki: Oh, you leave 'em out in the sun, they get all brown, and start sprouting little white hairs? Nurf: NO! Layers. Onions. Have. Layers. BULLIES have layers.
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derpy-thebdayclown · 1 year
I would like to know more about Eris and Graham pls, also you have very nice art
you dont know how much these asks get me excited i heart you (also tysm!)
eris was my first ever cc oc! i made her when i was 11! she’s in fantasy camp, she’s a sucker for fairytales- she’s a hellraiser of sorts whilst playing pretend and is kind of a mess. despite that, eris is one of the meaner campers and is often a bully. she snaps very easily and makes a lot of remarks. she has to sit in with nurf during behavioral correction camp sometimes lol. that’s led to them being really good friends though! they feel that they get eachother lmao. eris improves by the end of summer, but she’s always incredibly sassy.
graham is part of the woodscouts, they work as an engineer- mainly making all of pikeman’s dumb weapon ideas and other similar things. they’re very grumpy and cold, but graham enjoys what they do. they’re mainly cooped up in their workshop, they don’t really participate in popcorn sales (“it’s dumb and nobody buys from us”) but they’re ultimately a pretty helpful/resourceful scout otherwise. pikeman hates admitting that graham is the smartest but he knows it’s true (deep down 😔).
graham thinks their scoutmates are very stupid but they do love them. not jermy tho. never jermy.
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shining-stxrs · 1 year
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A few spare nurf x preston headcanons
Them being boyfriends over the summer and long distance boyfriends for the school year. They exchange romantic letters where nurf and downright poetic and also call each other like once a week.
Nurf even visits him and when he witnesses someone making fun of him he beats the shit out of them and even stabs one kid. They probably get stabbed for making some homophobic remark towards their relationship
I just think nurf's mom would really like preston and compliment how fancy and cultured he is. Just hopes he won't hurt her son like chris did.
Nurf would be a little distrustful in the beginning of their relationship. Since his trust issues stem from chris being ashamed to be with him in public. To this day he wasn't sure if he was ashamed of being gay period or just ashamed to be seen with someone like him.
Nurf for dates takes preston out on romantic boat rides or tries to prepare picnics for the two of them. Either sneaking or taking the best snacks he can find from campers. On special occasions stealing david's credit card to get them pizza or snacks from the town nearby.
Writes romantic poetry and performs it for the boy. He is actually very good with poetry similar to helga. He mainly comes off as stupid due to his limited vocabulary from where he grew up. When he's given books to research like preston's romance novels and plays he's very poetic and intelligent with his words.
He can take down preston's bullies with just his words if he can't be violent. Can pinpoint their emotional weaknesses. Why they resort to bullying and has atleast made one of them cry on the spot.
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kidcore-cosmic · 1 year
the moral orel kids at camp camp
Joe: oh my FUCK I hate it here MAX WE’RE GETTING OUTTA HERE Orel: *chilling with David* I dunno Joe I think it’s pretty neat Doughy: Orel this girl keeps talking to animals I’m scared Christina: well I think Nikki’s alright Tommy: Neil is cool. I like Neil
Joe probably punch nurf without a hesitation if he started bullying orel
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campcampau · 3 months
What are the group dynamics between the characters ? Like friend groups
Likely somewhat similar to the original show, though based on previous answers I’d say Neil would be quite a bit more chaotic lmao. This could lead to some sort of acquaintanceship between him and Ered, maybe where he build her super cool hydraulic-powered skate ramps that can launch her in the air and stuff. Nurf would maybe bully him less, because he has common sense not to mess with the guy who build a nuclear bomb. The main trio would use his skills a lot more in the escape attempts. (Sorry I’m ranting abt Neil, idk much to say). Nikki is on slightly better terms with all flowerscouts except Sasha (it’s worse). I saw I think Queenie make a pose saying Sasha kicked her out cuz her eyelashes were naturally longer, fuller, and prettier than hers, and I think that hilarious and so would happen. So that’s the reasoning for that. I think Preston switched back to theater, because the whole acting thing was barely prevalent throughout the season (to me), and it seemed like he wasn’t as into it as theater. Though, Dolph gives wannabe actor vibes so maybe Preston could give him a few pointers, hook him up with his old agent? Idk.
(Also hi! Lol, love ur art it’s so adorable:)))
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
way too many camp camp headcanons? why not
part two: preston (my favorite boy)
preston's parents died when he was a baby (car crash or something), so he has no memory of them and no real attachment. he likes hearing gram gram's stories of them, but to him, gram gram is all he really needs. he doesn't wish for what he never had.
speaking of gram gram, preston is a grandma's boy. he doesn't get embarrassed when she shows affection towards him and he returns it with the same intensity.
preston and his grandmother live in an apartment, so it's quite small. that doesn't stop preston from decorating the hell out of his room.
preston performs plays for his grandmother in the living room. she's very proud of him, even though she doesn't understand much of it.
preston's grandmother wrote poetry when she was younger, which preston found and inspired him to get into dramatics.
gram gram will sometimes get sad over the death of preston's parents. when she does, preston will try his best to make her feel better.
preston picked up on a few of his grandmother's skills, two of which being cooking/baking and knitting.
preston initially had very bad stage fright, but overcame it as the years went by and he performed more in his school's drama club.
preston has an entire bookshelf in his room dedicated to ideas and plays he's written, as well as the scripts for various famous plays he enjoys. he's fascinated with sequels and the expanding of stories already completed, which is why he makes so many. two of them being ones we already know, romeo and juliet II: love resurrected, and forrest gump 2: too much shrimp. a few others he's workshopped for now are heathers 2: college and hamilton: next generation.
preston has an alarm clock which blares meant to be yours.
preston has a complicated routine in the morning to make sure he looks his best. he probably takes the longest out of all the campers to get to the mess hall for breakfast.
preston takes great care when deciding which camper gets what role, and tries to match up roles with skill set.
after eggs benefits, preston tries his best to not get on nurf's bad side. still, he's a victim of nurf's bullying a lot more often than the other campers.
as a kid, preston was the type to make entire powerpoint presentations to convince his grandmother of something. it worked sometimes.
preston also definitely wanted a pet at some point, but his and gram gram's apartment doesn't allow pets.
gram gram still has drawings made by preston when he was like five or six hung up on the fridge. she hasn't dared take them down, and preston appreciates it.
gram gram has hearing aids, but forgot them during parent's day, as she also doesn't have a good memory. preston usually helps her remember things when she can't.
preston autism. preston autism. preston auti
preston can recite every single line in hamilton at this point, because he'd watch it daily when he was a bit younger.
preston has regular dreams of winning trophies for his plays and becoming successful. his nightmares usually consist of him failing or being publically shamed in some way.
preston is very affectionate. he has all five love languages for giving and receiving. he is not ashamed to show affection to people in public.
when preston sleeps over at nerris' house with harrison, he usually helps nerris' parents cook meals. they enjoy having him help around, and preston enjoys helping out.
preston tends to be the mediator when nerris and harrison banter, and usually stops the arguments before they get too heated.
preston was considered weird and annoying at school, but he never minded, and wasn't really bullied for it.
pansexual preston because 1 alliteration 2 he is not straight
preston's favorite color is purple, and after camp it's the color he usually wears (though after camp, yellow became one of the colors he started to like, and sometimes wears outfits similar to the one he did during camp). he also has green and white striped scarves that he wears, because you cannot tell me he wouldnt.
preston inherited poor eyesight from his gram gram, so they both wear contacts.
preston can speak a bit of french. he gave up after a few months of duolingo, but he knows the basics.
preston's gone to broadway during visits to his aunt who lives in new york. the first time he went, it was when he truly fell in love with the theatre.
one of preston's most prized posessions is an autograph from miguel cervantes, actor of hamilton.
when harrison and/or nerris sleep over at preston's place, gram gram always makes them cookies or brownies and makes them feel as welcome as possible. nerris and harrison adore her, especially harrison. the performance trio will sit in the living room and listen to gram gram talk about stories from when she was a little girl while they do their own thing.
preston has about six books he's working on writing at the same time, because he can't focus on just one. he's probably never going to finish most of them.
preston reads fanfiction. you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me he doesnt read fanfiction.
preston is allergic to bees. he freaks out in the most dramatic way possible when a bee is in a mile radius of him. (same, preston)
preston carries a mini notebook around with him so he can write down ideas when he gets them in public.
preston's pens are all those feather pens that look like quills but they are just normal pens.
preston talks and argues with himself a lot of the time. he also enjoys narrating what he's doing like he's on some sort of reality tv show.
preston had a youtube channel as a kid called 'XXGOODPLAYXX' where he recorded himself doing one-man plays. he deleted the channel and all of the videos when he was 12 and remembered they were out there.
trans ftm preston. supporitve gram gram.
preston gives random gifts to nerris and harrison whenever he feels like it. (can be platonic but intended to be romantic)
preston always goes all in when LARPing with nerris. its similar enough to acting, so he gets as in character as he can. his character is Preston the Brave, a bard who teamed up with Nerris the Cute and Harrison the Magical to save the day.
preston takes inspiration from events happening around him for his plays, though he often exaggerates them or lets his mind wander to the point where the actual event is nothing like the idea he's using.
preston planned an entire surprise birthday party for harrison, with the help of nerris and their parents, after learning harrison hadn't had a birthday party in a few years.
preston loves disney movies. he'll often watch them before going to bed. he always cries over Up.
preston would always lie to get out of doing PE, because he is the least athletic person in the world.
preston takes note of things people he care about say in passing and keep them in mind for gifts. nerris once mentioned that they enjoy baking, and for their birthday preston got her a baking book and some DND related cookie cutters.
prestons two favorite holidays are halloween and valentines day. he never dresses up as something scary for halloween, though.
as a kid, preston promised his grandmother that he'd become famous and rich and get her everything she'd ever want, and live with her forever in a big mansion. even now, preston still holds that promise in the back of his mind and hopes to live up to that promise
thats all for preston who btw is better than everyone else
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user-name-h3re · 8 months
If Nurf ever does ONE horrible thing or ever so slightly CONSIDERS hurting Preston in the new episodes i'm going to projectile vomit and gouge my eyes out the ENTIRE REASON HE WENT TO CAMP WAS TO BE BETTER WHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE THATS HASN'T GOTTEN BETTER WH-
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Hey anybody remember that episode of Camp Camp where Nurf was terrorizing the other kids & David refused to hit him but the episode ended w/ him tripping and slapping Nurf? And then Nurf had this introspective spiel about how he didn't realize the pain he was inflicting on others and he thanks David or something? And then Max is like "i guess sometimes you just have to hit kids"
on one hand its pro corporal punishment. that's the obvious reading. But its absurd that Nurf would completely change his tune after getting accidentally slapped. And he's felt pain before. he's a human being. Maybe I'm taking this Rooster Teeth cartoon web series too seriously but you're telling me your archetypal middle school bully character hasn't experienced getting hurt before? Come on. So maybe its absurd on purpose and the point its making is that hitting kids won't suddenly make them more compassionate? Idk i haven't cared about Camp Camp for five years but this is haunting me. And no I'm not going to rewatch the episode.
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aceofsleeves · 4 years
harrison,, harrison has burn scars on his hands from when he was still learning how to manipulate fire and he uses the gloves to cover them up because he thinks theyre ugly
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deerlow · 4 years
Nurf: I am a moderate, peaceful boy.
Nurf: Which was a peaceful, moderate compromise of the table I wanted to throw instead.
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