alolanrain · 1 year
Ta!Ash and Burnet’s relationship is exactly the Little Brother and Girlfriend to the Older Brother absolutely vibing hard. Like their platonic soulmates and Kukui only fucking hates it because he hears shit like very hard core party music blasting on full volume from Burnets tiny crappy Bluetooth speaker she’s had since college while the two clean around the house on his two days off.
The only reason while Burnet is up up is because Burnet cleans the house at exactly at 7:30 AM when the sun is finally up but it’s not to late in the day either. Even if all three went out binged drinking yesterday night after school, it’s not gonna fucking matter. Burnet is up and out of bed, leaving Kukui to be alone for all of 10 minutes before she wakes Ash up and the two start dancing. Only then-and only then-will Pikachu, Litten-the whole gang will come into the bedroom. And either hide under the bed or pile on top of Kukui. He’s fucking suffocating.
The only reason why Ash is up is because the kids always pull at least one free day out of his weekend. They somehow fucking succeed every damn time and Ash will always moan and groan about going. But “He has too because they need someone to protect them since their so stupid-“ and so on. It’s so dumb and it’s not hard to tell the kids fucking no once in a while, it’s not like Ash can’t do it. He’s done it a million times with other things. He’s such an pretentious little asshole. Ash uses the music to hype himself and drink to much coffee until it bypasses his ADHD brain and actually starts making him hyper. His aura eats his energy up so much and Kukui only knows that is because of Ash’s non stop pilfering through their snacks. Like the fucking gremlin that he is.
The only reason why their up at 7:30AM on Sunday is that Burnets still not done cleaning-the house to be messy since they work so much and it literally looks like a fucking frat house by every Friday-and Ash is ever the mama’s boy. Burnet calls his name once in a warning tone and he’s shot across the house to do what ever he fucked up. If Kukui does it Ash will flip him off and of course he does it back, it’s become their thing of some kind and it always makes Burnet smile so Kukui is fine with it-as long as it’s not in front of the kids. Ash also bakes some bomb ass shit or has some kind of treat from all the little bakery’s he goes to for munchies in the morning during his early ass morning walks with his Pokémon when no one but Kiawe and his family along with other farmers are up… and bakery’s.
At least Kukui gets uderly spoiled by a happy Burnet who’s exhausted and mentally happy while also dressed in his boxers and shirt hanging off her frame and nothing else with a plate full of good shit more often then naught with a fresh cup of coffee just how he likes it. Of course Ash is out of the house and is either training, reading, or sleeping on the couch or in the hammock a few yards off from them so it gives Kukui and Burnet much needed privacy for some more… spicy moments.
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malama-art · 2 months
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do we fw t4t kukui x burnet?
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zacharyius · 4 months
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protective father, he would totally have the shovel talk with him
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spookyshooti · 2 months
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Twitter folks really liked my vision.
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jadeazora · 2 years
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Pretty much the entire core cast, minus Goh and the rivals unfortunately (tho at least a number of them made cameos in previous eps), watching the battle!
Incognito Rose and Oleana and Todd Snap also spotted!
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hauntinglyghostie · 4 months
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@harukaenthusiast lmao :)c
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star3synth · 2 months
the pokemon sun and moon anime: why it’s actually good and how the pokemon fandom is wrong about it
aka me analyzing (and defending!) an anime i really like purely because i can
so. the pokemon sun and moon anime. according to a large majority of the pokemon fandom, it absolutely sucks. most of the fandom completely ignores its existence at best or just spends way too much time complaining about it at worst. aside from pokemon journeys (which also doesn’t deserve the amount of hate it gets but that is a topic for another time), the sun and moon anime is probably the most widely hated portion of the entire pokemon anime series.
…..well according to me it’s actually good and worth watching, and i’m tired of people dismissing it without actually giving it a chance!
so first of all, why is it hated on so much?
one of the main reasons that people tend to hate on it is the anime’s art style. the sun and moon anime’s art style is drastically (like dramatically) different from the xy/xyz anime, so much so that it is a bit shocking and jarring going from watching that anime to this one. to be fair most of the series has stylistic changes in between regions, but this change in artstyle is huge compared to stylistic changes that were made in the past with this media. the characters are drawn and animated in an entirely different fashion than in previous region series, and the style is a lot more simplistic. people tend to just see the artstyle, hate it, and then proceed to complain about it without watching the anime at all.
i was one of those fans at first when this anime initially came out. it came out around when i was in middle school. having watched a good portion of the xy anime previously, i was pretty dang mad when i saw how the sun and moon anime looked and proceeded to ignore it entirely. fastforward a few years later and i see that’s it’s finished and out on netflix, and i randomly decide to watch it and give it a chance because i had a lot of free time on my hands. upon doing so i was amazed at how much i liked it, astounded by the quality of the story, and internally going “how did i miss this what”
concerning the artstyle, it is a big change like i previously mentioned. however, i think that most* of the characters are animated very well, and i like the artstyle (*the one exception to this opinion is ash. i do think he does look a bit weird in this artstyle). one of the things i think that this anime is very good at is expressions, and all of the characters have very varied and funny emotional expressions. there are multiple moments that i saw that i personally thought were beautifully drawn and it was clear that a lot of effort was put in. i think that the style really shows a large range of what these characters are like and how they act, and i personally think that is really cool.
some other reasons i think that people tend to hate on this anime: the change in structure and pacing, and the (admittedly small to me) change in humor/ maturity level. compared to the other main pokemon series, the structure of this anime is entirely different than the previous ones because there are no pokemon gyms in the alola region, and the league is not developed until much later on. ash instead focuses on attending the pokemon school and completing the island challenge, which results in a much looser structure than previous series and a lot more “filler” episodes. additionally, although the pokemon anime as a whole has always been aimed at children, there is a change in maturity level between the xy anime and this one. while ash and his friends still have their silly moments in the xy/ xyz anime, that anime as a whole is a bit more serious than the sm anime, with ash acting a bit more mature in that series. the sun and moon anime as a whole is a bit less mature and focuses more on humor than the xy series.
while how the structure thing is interpreted is often up to personal preference, i can see how people dislike it. personally, i think it is a refreshing and needed change of pace compared to other anime in this series. to me, the “go to eight gyms, defeat the leaders, and challenge the pokemon league” structure got pretty old pretty quickly, and i personally felt that by the time the xy/ xyz anime rolled around, that structure was getting boring and super predictable. it felt nice to not have that happen for once. additionally, the so called “filler” episodes offer a lot of insight into each character and their motives and still sometimes advance the plot in some way, with some of my favorite episodes in the series being considered filler.
the change in maturity level is not all that palpable to me. again, the pokemon anime has always been aimed at ten year olds. the xy anime still had its goofy silly moments just like other series, but there still is a change between the two. personally, i liked how the sun and moon anime was a bit more silly than previous pokemon series.
are critisms of these previously mentioned topics valid? yep! all media is interpreted differently from person to person, and everyone has their likes and dislikes.
however, my issue is that most pokemon fans refuse to even watch it and give the anime a chance before hating on it. most of the critism i see of it online doesn’t go any deeper than “well i think that the art style sucks!” when this anime has so many good things to offer.
so here are some of the things that i like about the sun and moon anime that have absolutely nothing to do with the art style, structure, or tone of it!
the anime has really good characterization. i would argue that nearly all of the main characters that get decent screentime, including ash, are multidimensional in personality and flaws, which is something that is not super common in anime sometimes. i would also argue that each character (besides the random side characters that only show up for one or a few episodes) undergoes some kind of character development, and i really like how that is handled throughout the series.
it also handles complex and hard to talk about topics really well, and talks about them in a way that a younger audience can easily understand. for example, lillie’s story of how she is afraid of touching pokemon and how she overcomes it and later finds out that it is due to a traumatizing incident that happened with a pokemon when she was younger felt like a realistic depiction of fear, traumatic experiences, and how hard people have to work to overcome their fears. this is done in a way that children can understand and digest really well without going too much into detail. (i don’t have experience with majorly traumatic events. this is my perception of it and i could be wrong.) there are also multiple episodes that talk about death and grief in a both symbolic and literal way, communicating the lessons of those stories in a way that would be clear and appropriate to their target audience. in one of those episodes a pokemon dies, and it is not communicated directly/explicitly for very obvious reasons, but the depiction of it on an implied/ symbolic level felt very thoughtful and it was interesting to me how the story was told (it still hurt me emotionally though….that ep had a lasting impact for sure). most animes aimed at a younger audience do not touch on topics such as these, and i think this anime does it particularly well.
the found family dynamics present are amazing. ash and his friends feel like a very close-knit group as the series goes on, and their dynamics are really done well in my opinion. ash’s pokemon team really does interact almost like a family, and it’s really cute in my opinion. and i didn’t forget ash, kukui, and burnet! it really becomes clear how much those three care about each other, they really do feel like a family of their own, and i just. god i love them and their dynamic so much aaaaa
ash WINS THE POKEMON LEAGUE IN THIS SERIES!!! like full on wins the whole thing!! he really deserved it after all this time!! the league also felt a lot more interesting to me this time around, with most of the major battles being well thought out and having interesting dynamics between characters. and ash coming out on top as the victor felt like an achievement that was a loooooooong time coming! (in my opinion he should’ve won the kalos league as well but whatever—)
the team rocket antics that we get in this series are top notch. the three of them literally live with a bewear and stufful (with the bewear capturing them after every single battle with the main characters) and open a malasada food truck and interfere in almost every competition event in the entire series. they also manage to watch ash during every single league battle he has in this series while *insisting* that they’re only there for work reasons and still being super happy when ash manages to win (personally i think that this is adorable). they get so much screentime compared to other series and personally? i’m here for it. i love them. they also almost manage to actually defeat ash in battle! they get so close and i was honestly a bit proud of them. james and jessie’s pokemon also have really interesting personalities and are adorable. as a whole i feel like the TR trio are just so much fun in this series while still having very few serious moments and personally i think that’s fun.
kukui and burnet are literally the cutest couple i have ever seen. i don’t usually like straight ships in media. they are the exception!! the episode where they get married almost made me die of cuteness and was so sweet!! and after they get married and the series goes on, it is so clear how much they love each other, both platonically and romantically. they win the award for most wholesome couple i swear.
team skull was also super interesting. admittedly, they didn’t show up all that often, and their interactions with the main characters were pretty short sometimes. i think guzma’s characterization was really interesting and well done. we also get glimpses of team skull in multiple episodes that emphasize their complexity and show that they are human like ash and his friends and that despite being “the bad guys”, they have their own desires too and also care about their pokemon.
ash’s pokemon also have really interesting developments and paths they take in order to become strong. litten’s and rockruff’s development are particularly good and compelling examples of this. his pokemon also have personalities that are really distinct from each other. (rowlet was my personal favorite of the bunch. it’s so cute and great.) additionally, there are multiple moments where it is emphasized that ash likes and accepts his pokemon exactly the way they are (🥺😭)
so in conclusion, i really like this anime. a lot. it has a lot of good qualities that make it worthwhile, and i think that the majority of the pokemon fandom tends to wrongly dismiss it on first glance without actually seeing what it has to offer. you don’t have to, but i would be glad if you watched it :)
*side note: i mentioned multiple times that the pokemon anime has children as its target audience. this is just simply me stating a fact. i am not meaning to imply, in any way shape or form, that it is purely just for kids and that teens and adults are wrong for enjoying it. anyone is welcome to enjoy the pokemon franchise! heck, i am 19 and am obsessed with the games and anime! i thought that mentioning the target audience was a pretty important thing to do while talking about this anime, and offending anyone with mentions of that is not my intent. i also do mention the xy/xyz anime multiple times and compare it to the sun and moon series. i do this because it is logical to compare these two series to each other since xy/xyz came shortly before sm, but it is not meant as a jab or insult to the xy anime. i also think that the xy anime is cool too i promise.*
(also if i see one more critism of this anime that is just “well the art style is bad and i hate it!” i WILL throw something out a window /hj /lh)
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stgosupremacy · 1 year
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Saw this on pinterest posted by wattpad (🤭) and yeah um
If I could get even more convinced satogou is canon then I did
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Ash: Professor? Where do babies come from?
Professor Burnet: Baby Gun. :D
Ash: What-?
*Burnet shoots at Kukui with a large gun- revealing the "ammo" to be their child, Lei, now that Kukui had managed to catch him safely*
Lei: :3
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thena0315 · 9 months
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tsuutarr · 4 months
Could you please do a mini fic of the Alolan class with a reader who got her period in the middle of class? Like full on clutching her stomach and sobbing. Maybe a fire type (cough cough litten) decided that they'll allow themselves to be used as a heating pad. (I have heavy flow so I'm kinda projecting here lol) also I almost forgot to mention but reader is from galar and they have a quaxley and ponyta! :D
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(My first request!! I was very excited to get this, thank you sm for sending it <3 In terms of the Pokémon anime, I've only watched until Sinnoh, but I hope I got the Alolan characters right! I focused more on their game characterizations, though, I think... Also, the requester requested a Sobble instead of a Quaxly in a separate ask, so that's what you'll see. Anyway, sorry for the rambling!! Here's the fic!)
Word count: 1516
Contents: periods, female reader, everyone is just very sweet about it!
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The day had started like any ordinary day – Professor Kukui standing in front of the class, talking about how to use moves the most effectively. What wasn’t normal, however, was the sudden, sharp pain that cramped your abdomen. You winced a little at the pulsing pain, but thought nothing bad of it, preferring to pay attention to class. You’d just transferred to the Pokémon School in Alola from Galar about a week ago, so seeing a Litten, Rowlett, and Popplio was a new experience. Not wanting to miss looking at the new Pokémon, you decided to ignore your discomfort.
However, you soon come to regret that decision as another, much sharper, pain shoots through your abdomen and doesn’t leave, instead deciding to settle itself and linger. You clutch your stomach as you lean over your desk. Not wanting to embarrass or bother your new classmates, you try to keep your breathing easy and hold back any cries of pain.
Despite your best efforts, Kiawe, your seatmate, notices, reaching over a warm hand and placing it on your shoulder. He quietly calls your name, drawing your attention to him. “Are you okay?”
“’m fine,” you mumble, quietly, trying to steady your breathing. The pain doesn’t let up, however, causing a sob to leave your mouth. 
Lana, your other seatmate, leans over, whispering, “Do you need to go to the infirmary?”
You can’t respond because you’re in pain, trying to stifle your cries as much as possible. It’s hard, though, causing tears and sobs to escape you.
“Professor Kukui!” Mallow, from behind you, calls. “I think the transfer student’s feeling ill! Can we take her to the infirmary?”
Professor Kukui pauses the lesson immediately at that, opting instead to walk over to you, concern etched onto his face. “Hey, cousin, you feeling okay?”
You weakly shake your head, not trusting your voice to come out the way you want it to.
With a purse on his lips, Professor Kukui turns to Kiawe, “Kiawe, can you help her get to the infirmary– whoa, hey, Litten!”
Litten had followed Professor Kukui, deciding to settle itself on your stomach. The small kitten purrs as its warmth begins to soothe you like a heating pad.
“Sorry about that, cousin.” Sheepishly, Professor Kukui rubs the nape of his neck, unsure of how to extract Litten from you.
“It’s all right,” you respond finally, shaky hands cradling Litten closer. “It’s helping.”
Professor Kukui’s eyes soften at that. “Do you want to stay in class or would you like to rest a bit in the infirmary? I can call your guardian to come pick you up.”
You nod your head, trying to steady your breath and focus on Litten’s warmth.
At your agreement, Professor Kukui and Kiawe help you to your feet. Kiawe lets you lean on him as he helps you to the infirmary, Litten still cradled in your arms. Funnily enough, Kiawe was warm enough to rival a fire Pokémon himself.
After you arrive at the infirmary, the school nurse gives you some medication, a period pad, and allows you to occupy one of the empty beds. Using her Munna, she uses hypnosis on you to pull you into a nice, sweet rest, Litten still curled on your abdomen. Kiawe lingers for a bit, worried, but is soon shooed out by the nurse.
When you open your eyes, everything is blurry and bleary, but you’re feeling a bit better. The throbbing pain is still there, but the dozing Litten helps. You yelp a little when you feel something nuzzle your cheek – your Galarian Ponyta has somehow been released. Your Sobble, too, is besides you, crying its eyes out like you don’t experience these bad pains every month. You laugh lightly as both your Pokémon worry over you.
“Oh, are you awake?”
You blink, finally taking in the other figures in the room.
“We were all super worried!” Mallow says, looking relieved. “Man, and I thought my period was bad!”
“Are you feeling any better?” Lillie inquires. She was sitting next to you, her Alolan Vulpix on her lap as she read a book.
“I am,” you say, feeling a little sheepish. “Uh… What time is it?”
“It’s after school hours,” Lana supplements. “But we all wanted to check up on you before we went home… Especially since there’s actually a rumor about this infirmary about a ghost…”
“Give the poor girl a break!” with a laugh, Mallow nudges Lana. “Lana’s joking, there’s no infirmary ghost.”
Litten purrs from its spot on your abdomen, making you smile. “Even if there was, I’m sure my Pokémon and I can take them!”
“I wish we could battle,” Sophocles says, eying your Galarian Pokémon. Kiawe nods in agreement. “But I suppose you’re in no condition to fight.” Carefully, Sophocles approaches you, something in his hands. You peer at it curiously, not recognizing what it is. “Uhm… I heard chocolate helps when you’re having a period so… it’s from my personal stash.”
Your heart warms at your new classmates’ attentiveness to your pain, as well as how open they are about talking about periods. You’ve met plenty of people that were grossed out by the mere mention of periods that you hadn’t been too comfortable asking for help.
“If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask,” Lillie pipes up with a smile from beside you. “I know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet new people in a new environment, but we want to help you if we can.”
“Wow…” You can feel another burst of tears coming, but not from the pain. “Thanks, really. I appreciate it.”
Your new classmates all smile kindly at you as Professor Kukui barrels into the room with Professor Burnet in tow behind him.
“Ah, cousin! You’re awake! We were all worried about you,” he says, his previous worry gone from his face. “And look at that, Litten seems to have warmed up to you!”
“Aw, is this your new student? She’s a cutie!”
You smile bashfully at her. “Hello.”
“Hey there! I’m Professor Burnet, this handsome guy’s wife,” she laughs, pointing to Professor Kukui. It’s the first time you’re seeing Professor Kukui look so bashful, but you think it’s cute. “Anyway, we came to take you back home. Your guardian was a little preoccupied, but we wanted to make sure you got back safe.”
“Thank you,” you reply, hands gently petting Litten.
From the corner of your eye, you see Professor Burnet nudge Kukui, who clears his throat. “Well… That Litten seems to like you quite a bit. Why don’t you keep it?”
Your eyes widen. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly–”
Litten, at this very moment, decides to open its amber eyes, staring deep into your soul. It stands up from your abdomen, walking across your chest to headbutt your chin softly. Everyone in the room laughs at Litten’s affections as you blink in confusion.
“I think Litten chose you, cousin,” Kukui grins. “Why not let it be your first Alolan Pokémon? Think of it as a welcome gift!”
“I…” you murmur, staring at Litten as it stares back at you. The Litten places a paw on your nose, eyes narrowing. “...Okay,” you agree, finally, making the Litten nod in satisfaction before walking back to curl up on your stomach. You blink, “Am I going to be stuck in the infirmary until Litten decides it no longer wants to keep me hostage?”
Kukui laughs, walking over to hand you Litten’s Poké Ball. “Don’t worry about that. Litten, be a pal and go back to the Poké Ball?” 
Litten huffs, but obeys as you recall it.
“Now, let’s get you home.” Professor Kukui places a hand on your shoulder. “Ready to go?”
“We’ll go with you!” Mallow says brightly, making Kiawe nod.
“We’d hate it if you got accosted by some hoodlums,” Lana chimes in.
“Lana, stop joking– okay, this one is less of a joke,” Mallow murmurs as Lillie picks up your bag, which had been beside her chair.
“Shall we go?” she says, standing up with your bag in her hand.
“I can carry my bag–” you go to say, but everyone very strongly refuses. 
You didn’t expect your period to get your ragtag group of classmates to walk you home, but you can hardly complain with how warm and kind they all are. Sobble remains stuck on your shoulder as your Ponyta remains by your side, helping support you alongside Kiawe, who is designated your bag carrier. Your new Litten is curled up in your arms, peacefully dozing.
Your classmates and professors chatter and joke as they walk you home. There’s an existing bond there that might’ve made a regular person feel excluded, but somehow, everyone is so good at including you and making you feel welcome. You’re still in pain (thankfully, you got some more medicine before heading home), but your heart feels warm enough that you almost don’t mind it. Almost. Regardless, you’re excited for your future in Alola alongside these amazingly kind, welcoming people and your cute new Litten.
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dubstepdragon · 10 months
New mega headshot drawing ft. The pokemon professors!
Me when smart people
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Speedpaint down here
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malama-art · 2 years
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i miss alola
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zacharyius · 5 months
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Love this family dynamic they got going (aka I’m rewatching pokemon sun and moon)
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alolababy · 7 months
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✧·*:🏵️🌺🏵️🌺🏵️🌺🏵️🌺🏵️:*·✧ 🥼🥽 Caregiver Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet icons! .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
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rosiespokemontwitterau · 11 months
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I'm a homosexual rawr! (≧▽≦)
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