#burt's polycule
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oh no! mistledrone! anyways.
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captainsaltypear · 9 months
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can you guys all pretend i posted this at the start of the year when it was the year of the rabbit THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR 9 MONTHS DEAR GOD
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i had a dream about severance where season 2 they have to give their worksonas like time off (or rather time on) outside of work which led to shenanigans
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kronoose · 2 years
My headcanons of the invincible II +bandit and lady polycule (does this ship have a name)
Pt 1 dynamics
Captain is romantically involved with celci engineer mark Gunther and burt
They're in a Queerplatonic relationship with bandit
Burt is monogamous with the captain (he's not dating anyone else atm)
Engineer mark and Gunther are also dating
Celci is not dating anyone else from the crew but is trying to romance lady
Bandit and lady are dating
Lady still holds a grudge against engineer mark for his less than savory comment towards girl WUG
Engineer Mark and celci are cordial around the captain and when doing group things but otherwise still figth like cats and dogs
Lady is good friends with Burt but doesn't get Gunther and doesn't really trust him
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insane4fandoms · 2 years
Ok but. Have you considered. Gunther/Burt/Mack polycule?
~ @sammys-magical-au (who is on a mission to spread this brainrot through the entire fandom goshdangit)
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
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floofle-universe · 2 years
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Strong.. w-woman😳😳
Some invincible polycule Based on this prompt by @captainsaltypear
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faeriescorpio · 2 years
I hope I’m not just a content creator to you guys but also insane
The Greater Invincible II Polycule (a.k.a. Y/N's best idea since sliced bread, except Y/N has been alive longer than sliced bread, because of WKM)     (YES THIS IS THE FIC TITLE ON AO3)
theres not really a plot, except Y/N solves everything by kissing everyone and its a happy ending and part 2s not out yet so i close my eyes and this is the canon ending thanks
Chapter 1: The First Loop
In all honesty, and with a lot of hindsight, having the ship wide polycule probably saved your life a hundred times over. Also, you think, staring at Gunther in shock as he points a shaking gun at you, the crew members by his side sharing the same look of doubt and confusion that you could see in your head of defense's eyes, it was probably the only thing saving you right now from getting your head blown off.
  You were something of a celebrity. It doesn't take much for a good captain's name to spread like wildfire, and the better of a person you were, the more people whispered your name with reverence.
That being said, it was a little disconcerting to see how desperate some of the crew members on the Invincible II were to get even an iota of your attention.
"I can park this shuttle with the blinds down," The Shuttle Pilot brags, slamming the blinds down to prove it. You furrow your eyebrows and take a glance at his Identification Tag.
D8198. You commit it to your memory. It feels important to you that you should know every name of every member of your crew, because it's your duty as captain to take care of them all.
When the shuttle crashes into the side of your ship, you're prepared- a good captain is always prepared, after all- grabbing the Shuttle Pilot and steadying him. He gazes at you in open admiration. Your hands slide down from steadying him by the shoulders to loosely holding his hands.
"Would- would you like to grab a coffee later?" He asks almost desperately. You smile back and with a gentle squeeze of his hands, arrange a time for the pair of you to share a coffee. D8198 lights up with joy.
  L5199 is pretty. Almost stunningly so. You're not sure if your breath is knocked out by the impact as she walks into you or from her beauty. She stares up at you in surprise. She hadn't been paying attention, walking along with her face buried in her tablet as you headed toward the bridge of the Invincible II for the first time since the start of the trip. You stare back at her, the moment seemingly suspended in time.
"I'm sorry!" She squeaks, and time moves on again.
You gesture towards her eye makeup and give a thumbs up. She flushes.
"Thank you."
Then she scurries along. As you should too, there's a schedule to be had.
  Sexy Crew stares at your interaction with L5199 in open jealousy and rushes forward for his moment of attention.
"Oh no," he says aloud with a dramatic flourish of the hand. "Captain, I'm falling! Catch me!" He sways forward in a trust fall, the kind that promises that despite the dramatics, he'll be hitting the floor hard without any strong arms to catch him.
You reach out almost on autopilot. It's ingrained in you, the instincts of a good captain, the ones that will never let your crew mates fall, even if its very silly and on purpose.
B5147, Sexy Crew's Identification Number reads.
He stares up at you in wordless surprise, like part of him had wondered if you were really going to catch him. You're a busy person after all, and sometimes the rumors describe you as rather no nonsense and straight to the point. Which isn't a fair descriptor- you're just an efficient captain.
You help him back to his feet and his eyes never leave yours. These two crew members are going to stay in your mind for a long time.
  It's stupid. It's goofy. Mark is going to laugh his ass off when he hears you say it out loud.
But Theory Crew is cute. You find your eyes meeting his as you give your speech, holding your glass of champagne, and as the warp care countdown begins, you watch in amusement as he downs his glass faster than anyone else around him.
You don't even get a sip of yours; Mark takes it.
"Mmm!" Mark gestures towards your cryo container as he places the empty glasses away, and you roll your eyes, leaning forward to give him a quick peck on the cheek before you step towards your cryo tube. Mark looks pleased.
  One date. You had one breath-taking date with the man, with the wordless promise of more, of adventures and heart-stopping thrill, and now he was ripped from your grasp. You curls your hands into fists.
Mark was gone.
  The Asteroid Defense System is offline. You stand in front of the door, trying not to let yourself succumb to the panic and grief of having watched Mark fly through the glass window in the bridge. You look at the two options in front of you, then back at the door between you and the misbehaving turret guns.
Wear a Disguise, or Wake the Crew.
You saw how Mark built those things. Like hell were you going to think for even a second that a disguise would work on them. You pull out your tablet and use the Wakey-Wakey Protocol to take Gunther out of cyber sleep.
With a bang and a scream, Gunther falls from the ceiling. You take a step forward, concerned, but he straightens up (or as straight as he gets; he slouches a lot) and removes his cigar from his mouth. You frown. He didn't have that in his mouth in his cyber sleep, right?
"The B stands for Bullet," He smirks, and heads toward you and the ADS room. You reach out with both your hands, silently asking for a hug. He accepts it.
"I hear you have a problem," He states, a question lurking in his voice. He takes a glance around. "Hey, where's Mark?"
Your eyes water and Gunther grimaces. "Oh." It doesn't take a genius to know that Mark would only stop following you around if he were dead.
Gunther squeezes you gently, once, before pulling out of the hug. "Come on Captain, don't fall apart now," he half-jokes, half-warns. You straighten up at the title. "You have a job to do."
He looks towards the door. "Don't worry, Captain. I've been through hundreds of battles. A few rogue drones won't get the best of me." He hesitates. "I'll be careful, though."
True to his word, he defeats the ADS with ease. "Give me a challenge next time," He teases, and you give him a kiss out of relief.
It's disappointing when the temperature suddenly drops.
"Do you feel that?" Gunther asks, but gets interrupted by the computer.
"Warning: Coolant leak in cryo."
Gunther backs up. "Sorry darling, but that's not my expertise. I'll keep working on the ADS, see if I can get it working the way it's supposed to, or at the very least, I'll man the turret guns to protect the ship from asteroids. That was supposed to be the drones' jobs, but..." He trails off with a shrug, stepping backward back into the room with a wink as the doors shut in front of him, leaving you alone in the hallway.
  It makes sense to just. Keep waking up the crew. They are very capable people, after all.
  Celci gives you a quick forehead kiss when she arrives.
"Mark found out the hard way glass windows and space don't mix?" She asks, but it doesn't sound like a question. At least she knows better than to gloat right now. She places the spare winter coat around your shoulders and steps into cryo, closing the door behind her.
Fixing the coolant leak is quick work, but soon she steps out only to pull you in. There's something wrong with reactor. Luckily, she seems to agree with you that waking Burt is the best idea.
  Burt confuses Celci sometimes, but when he steps out of reactor with the problem already fixed, she greets him just the same as she did you. You give both of them a relieved hug, thinking all the troubles are over, when the computer announces that the Warp Core is Unreachable.
  Even Celci misses Mark right now.
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weaver-z · 2 years
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well. mistledrone rules still apply. they kiss.
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captainsaltypear · 2 years
oh?? I1 with Gunter, Burt, and Celci has some sweet potential to me
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This took a while because I kept on trying to decide whether I should draw celci kissing burt or gunther's hand sO I JUST ENDED UP DOING BOTH
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sugarcarnation · 3 years
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i dedicate this to @mostlygleethoughts who always supports my weird ramblings about the relationship status of every glee character
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greeniscosmic · 2 years
iswm rarepairs i could potentially ship if i think abt them for too long:
mark / celci
mark / gunther
mark / burt
mark / lady
mark / mack
invincible polycule
mark / captain / mack
mark / captain / lady
mark / captain / celci
lady / bandit
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 13: ball pit
who else is terrified that dorian being at the ball is going make his parents aware of where he is and they're gonna pull some fuckery to make him come home and that's how robbie leaves the game
trying to explain to my partner how every week we're all going "is this it? is this how robbie leaves? how are they going to hurt us???"
it is not a healthy relationship
"god help me....nord vpn" A Mood
unironically want those fidget spinners tho
laura ur sweater
laura's sweater right after the caleb comic came out
oh NO
my birthday's coming up. just sayin.
"you're halfway done!" don't remind me
"midnight tonight" false
still  not over matt's ponytail in the intro. is that a weird thing to focus on? probably!
"you've proven to be somewhat creative" true "and capable" mmmmmm
"everyone dies" "us or them?" yes
man I need to finish leverage
"was that obscene?" "yes" "I'm sorry"
"these two are really charming" YEAH they are
"I'm not as good at lying as I thought"
mala: 24 of your exandrian hours
"it's not because my feelings are hurt that you don't want to go on a date with me"
"what is this plan about?" "we're all fucking"
liam has a whole secret b plot to get the group into a polycule
at dawn we poly
"they know exactly what they're doing" yeah each other
"it's the same plan!" "but better"
"it won't be in my hand, I'm tucking it back" .....chetney
"if you want anyone to become suddenly punched we excel at that"
"have you ever tried putting them in your mouth" laura immediately bursts into giggles
the collective age of the table tonight is 12
burt reynolds is always with us
I am only picturing lovm!elf!matt as the check clerk
thigh dagger
give him a little orange zip tie, it's fine
god I love them as a group
like I love all of them always but EXU crew + imogen is winning my heart tonight
this might be a niche reference but any time a ballroom with big chandeliers is described I just picture the lobby of the renaissance waverly hotel where they used to have AWA
oh imogen's gonna have to roll for overstimulation isn't she
"there's a sharp thing over there, good to know" "currently being held by someone" "they're holding it for me"
everybody find your overstim buddy
"all of those are the same shape" "...none of those numbers you named look the same"
very "I don't respect literally any of you" vibes
they all know better now, they just remind travis of his own backstory
someone draw chetney in a jolin tsai getup pls
I want a phd in weird-ass dreams
it's full of politicians, they're all evil
copernicus and maude was my favorite nick jr series as a kid
can't believe laura murdered robbie in the parking lot
[percy voice] new money
sam: shit my other job
fantasy electric slide
this plan can only go well
and then a dragon descends from overhead
well that felt rude
"apparently anxiety pays off"
"oh my god I wish I could drink"
invisible prop work
all pronouns!
fantasy cha-cha slide
robbie making me revisit my thing about Dudes With Ponytails
"hey STUPID get in the corner"
"I dropped an oops stone!" dkfjslk
CAN they get some sage??
LinkedIn dance
"I don't know if it's luck so much as you cutting in line"
you are not invited into the cule
oh god it's being a polyam person on a dating app
"nothing good comes from 9th level magic"
here we gooooo
imogen's gonna explode their heads
marisha has forgotten how to chair
forgotten how to chair AND the notebook
robbie why do you EVER gamble on a roll, it NEVER works
propose to me by launching a ring across the room or don't bother
mala: pandemic proposal
excellent comeback fearne, a+
I was wondering if eshteross was seeing this shit
lmao poor robbie
mercury is in its gatorade this week I swear
I zoned the fuck out, has ashton stabbed anyone yet
well now it's just foreplay
[john mulaney voice] and now I've thrown him off his rhythm
well rip cyrus
I just want to take this moment to defend myself and say that just bc I stated a fear at the beginning of the episode that doesn't mean I manifested it to come true
I didn't do this, cyrus was stupid all on his own
was emoth six kobolds in a dress
the shadow fucks!
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whifferdills · 4 years
top 3 ships:
Doctor/TARDIS (Dr Whom) -
dgmw i love dr/master and some flavors of dr/companion but at the end of the day that alien asshole gonna fuck that ship and it’s gonna be, yanno, kind of cute actually
Eleanor/Chidi (The Good Place) - like bless that show for not even making me want fanfic, all of my emotional needs were met BUT. fuck. god. the arizona trashbag and the paralyzed-by-choice philosopher, like. i’m for ships where their issues are both The Same and So Fucking Different That It Causes Slapstick Comedy and then they - find each other? themselves?? fuck dudes thats the shit right there
actually kind of blanking so i’mma toss it to
Sisko/Kasidy (DS9) - which like AGAIN the bickering opposites who are secretly The Same and also that Homey Feeling which i think out of all the DS9 polycule options this one really nailed. They came home to each other, yanno? love it
last movie: Parasite, i’m in one of those periods where movies feel Too Hard unless litcherally everyone is telling me to watch (spoiler: it is a good movie)
lipstick or chapstick: i have like four mostly-finished Burts Bees floating around my apartment right now
last song:
reading: i’ve had such a shit brain for reading lately. i read work emails and threads on r/baseball, iunno. what is a book, even . conquest of bread, i guess
totally spies or the powerpuff girls: i was born on the cusp of Ren and Stimpy and Aqua Teen Hunger Force so, uh, watch she-ra
TAGGING: fuck man iunno, if we’re mutuals assume i want you to feel free and if you’re just floating by then yeah you too, do this
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