#but I actually watched the first couple eps of this show years ago for an English class and let’s be real
commander-diomika · 3 months
Watched the first couple of eps of the ATLA live action and after the brutal character assassination they did on Suki ('thanks for bringing the world to me' what if I killed the writers with hammers) I don't think I'll go back for more.
Also, the first 2 eps absolutely RIPPED thru the pacing of both the world building (shortening Aangs refusal/acceptance of the call to a tiny weeny little arc, showing the events of 100 years ago rather than letting them unfold slowly) and then rushed the romance between Sokka and Suki and I thought "oh, they must be having to shorten for screen time, which sucks but is understandable." but then I looked it up and the actual screen time between animation and live action is pretty similar? So wtf are they adding in that they decided to hamstring like, the most important character arc of S1?
Also I found the decision to open with the annihilation of the Air Temple to be hmm. Tasteless.
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winchesterride · 4 months
The first time I watched supernatural was in high school. I had this Friend 1 who was obsessed over it and used to tell me to watch it cause the main couple "d*stiel" was really good.
I watched some eps, Blood Mary scared the hell out of me and I dropped (yep, ep 5 season 1, shame on me). So I never really went back to see it until couple years ago when I saw the Eye of the Tiger video and went like: isn't that the supernatural dude? He's gorgeous! I should try watching it again since i wouldn't get scared stupidly easily anymore
So I started watching it and I liked the plot and kept going, but eventually I went: "where's that castiel she talked so much about?" I googled it and found out he would just appear in season 4. And I got "really? 3 whole seasons before romance?"
I usually watch things for the romance, but I didn't care that much cause the brothers dynamic was really good and then there were Lisa (and I actually liked she and dean)
And then I finally reached season four and I waited excitedly for the romance. And waited. And waited. And waited.
So I went to this Friend 1 like "this is it?" *disappointed* and she answered "this is it!" *excited* so I said: "I didn’t see it." And she said "it's all over there"
Honestly I didn't have a main ship while first watching the show, I shipped a lot of different characters but nothing seems endgame, something always seemed to be missing.
I finished watching the show, accepted the lonely life of the characters (cried a lot when Dean died and even more when they reunited in heaven). Until one day on Pinterest when I saw a wincest fanart and I went: 🤯
That was it. That was what should had been since the beginning. But I didn't find much content about it and that's how I ended up in Tumblr.
I always see posts of how people believe d*stiel is real based on posts and what they hear people saying and that's so true. There's a lot of misinformation about the series and what is canon and what is not.
I'm not saying wincest is canon but for me still more realistic than d*stiel
PS: please don't hate on my friend, she's super nice. She says she think shipping the boys is weird cause they're related but she's really not a h*ller. We're rewatching the series with Friend 2 (she never watched), and when we try to convert her to our ship (we just reached season four and during episodes she goes "d*stiel" and i go "wincest". Its fun) but when we watched Playthings and passed THAT scene (with all the touching and begging) and Sam just lay in bed with his butt up and camera focused on Dean's face I went like "c'mon!" and she said: "You got a point, but still weird to ship." I think she just need a bit of work.
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precuredaily · 2 months
Precure Daily's Sixth Anniversary
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On April 10, 2018, I posted the first review in the project that became Precure Daily. It wasn't actually on tumblr at that time, but on Facebook. The plan was to watch an episode every day and just post some thoughts, but it evolved into reviews and screenshots and that necessitated a whole blog, and here we are. That was six years ago today!
Six years. It's hard to believe. I honestly, truly didn't think I'd still be doing this. Whether I petered out before the end, or managed to get it all done in the 2-3 years I anticipated, I figured I'd have stopped by now. But somehow I haven't given up yet! I'm still watching, still writing, and still getting new fans to share with, and that makes it all worth it.
The past year was slow, I will readily acknowledge it. I only got about 7 reviews out in that time, including the one that just went up earlier today, but one of those was the Go Go movie. That was a whole undertaking, it took me nine months to get out. Granted, for about 6 of those 9 months it was just sitting there unchanged. I'd open it occasionally to poke at it but then not end up getting much done. Maybe it still wasn't the best it could have been but I'm proud of it nonetheless. It was a good review for a good movie. Also, I got to review the very first All Stars, even if it was a short film. Having recently wached the most recent All Stars brings that experience full circle and it's real nice.
One small hiccup is that, at the time of writing, I haven't yet gotten out the traditional Honoka birthday post. I just haven't had time to sit down and gather artwork for it. Hopefully that'll come out in the next day or two!
Outside of the blog, let's look at the wider world of the Precure series over the last year
I said last year that I hadn't finished Delicious Party, and that's still true. When it was on air, I was watching it with a friend and she was really into it; we are going to resume watching together to finally push through it.
HIrogaru Sky's second half was good, it lacked a little bit of the driving power of the first half and the villain plot never properly came together in my opionion. I still love the characters, I think they're my favorite cast in a good while.
I did not watch Otona Precure. Although I've watched Go Go before, I want to finish this current watchthrough for the blog before I jump into it. Maybe I'll even review it as I go, that remains to be seen. I've heard mixed things about it and I'm not very big on the idea that the girls just go back to teenagers when they transform, but I'll reserve judgment.
Wonderful Precure did not appeal to me when information started coming out, and I fell off it for a few weeks when the first couple eps didn't impress me, but I decided to keep going and it's thoroughly enjoyable. I don't think it's going to crack my top 10 but it should be a solid middle of the road series.
I watched the Delicious Party Precure movie and Precure All Stars F with friends in fairly close proximity, and wow do those movies exist on opposite ends of the spectrum. DeliPa's film was one of the weakest Precure movies I've seen, while All Star F was phenomenal. I need to rewatch it.
I did say last year that the blog would look different when I finish Go Go. That is still true. I should be able to wrap that up in a few months, then comes the next phase of things. Deets when it happens.
And also just because I can, here's some recommendations for shows outside of Precure you should watch that came out in the last year-ish:
Oshi no Ko
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (featuring Wonderful Precure's Tanezaki Atsumi as a monotone elf)
SPY x FAMILY (featuring Wonderful Precure's Tanezaki Atsumi as a psychic toddler)
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
The Last of Us
And I think that's it for this year's update! Here's to another year of watching and writing about Precure! Thanks as always to my loyal friends and fans for making this project a success: @sailorzombiestar, @vertixscribe, PaintedOutlaw, @hanasaki-tsubomi, yugimon135 (can't tag you for some reason), and my newest fan @nono-bunny.
Here's all my previous sappy anniversary posts if you want to go back and read them.
First Anniversary
Second Aniversary
Third Anniversary
Fourth Anniversary
Fifth Anniversary
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waitmyturtles · 7 months
Crossing shows off my list as I catch up from my trip!
1) Before Last Twilight (the Last Twilight special ep): Anything, ANYTHING by Aof Noppharnach gets watched by me. I gotta say -- if there's a single person I trust in handling JimmySea, it'll be Aof. This looks GREAT.
Has there been any theorizing as to whether or not there could be a connection between Last Twilight and Last Twilight in Phuket? A couple scenes at the end of Before Last Twilight seeeeeeemed to maybe indicate a little inspiration. But, at the same time -- two people riding on a motorcycle in twilight is a common motif in these shows. We know Aof has spoken to I Told Sunset About You a couple of times in Bad Buddy, so a reference to LTIP wouldn't surprise me.
1) Wednesday Club: het Only Friends, with, listen, a MUCH clearer premise than OF at the start. A show about neglected middle kids, some rich, some poor, some into each other, one dude cheated on another dude's sister. Phuwin's character is a messy mess with a chain. (We started the year with his ship partner, Pond, playing a prostitute in Dirty Laundry; we end the year with Phuwin in a similar sitch, and I'm not complaining, let' em be boyfriends or escorts, whatever.) Satang's gonna be a dangerous gossip, but the show starts with Phuwin cryingly waving a gun, soooooo.
I've watched only a very few het shows from the GMMTV slate over the short course of my time watching Thai dramas -- Double Savage, 55:15 Never Too Late, Dirty Laundry. Why am I watching WC? (Lol). Literally because the previews had Ohm Pawat and Nani Hirunkit running around without clothes -- I am SHAMELESS (and shallow).
The divide in acting talent with GMMTV's slate is worrisome -- Ohm and Film need to lead Aof Noppharnach's first never-to-be-filmed het drama (god, maybe he could cast them in a movie) (or maybe Fon Kannittha could cast them), because they run away in every scene they're in. Piploy, who plays a love interest of Ohm's character, is a very weak, eye-rolling link, which is unfortunate, because she was great in 55:15. Satang can sing, let's give him that. I thought Kay Lertsittichai was great in 55:15, but I don't think he's gonna get a huge role here. Anddddd.... if I'm missing anyone of the ensemble, it's for a good reason. Can Nani act? Nani can look. I have yet to know if he can act.
If I have time for a trash watch, Wednesday Club will certainly fit the bill. The potential for family trauma storylines is high and too tempting. Ohm Pawat getting cast again as a problematic middle child whose name starts with a K and is saddled with a bad parent is a WILD way to be stereotyped, and poor dude CANNOT catch a break with on-screen parents! Literally the last time an Ohm Pawat character had a great parent was Thun's single mom in He's Coming To Me, which was SIX FOUR YEARS AGO, my gawd (@c1nto, I can’t math! 🙏🏽).
Anyway, I actually have no excuse to be watching this, except that I'm recovering from a very stressful couple of months, and I need a show that's like a glass of really fruity rosé, something alcoholic that actually quenches a thirst, and I'm a mom, so I have lots of thirst. And! I am indeed impressed that we have a GMMTV ensemble show that, I'll repeat myself, went far faster in defining what it's gonna do, as opposed to Only Friends -- and I do have lots of OF PTSD at the moment. But WC gets dropped if my work on Last Twilight and Playboyy (and/or whatever else gets added and/or replaces those two shows) takes up too much of my time.
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my-mt-heart · 29 days
Wait, what do you mean with "half of the EPs are misogynistic, ageist assholes"? Have you watched the first eps of TBOC? Also, what makes you think they are doing this marketing mess because of richonne fans? Have they campaigned for Caryl to split or smth? I try to stay away from social media except Tumblr so I dunno what's up, but I'm seein ppl worrying and even considering not watching so I'm getting concerned... One thing about richonne stans... i think some of them (quite a lot actually) deep down wanted michonne to get together with daryl. That is the vibe they constantly give me because why are they always talking about daryl, attending norman's events (i was there), stanning him like a very dedicated fan? never seen them being THAT passionate about andy/rick. I mean they got rick and i believe they love it but daryl is just like that cool bad boy you had a crush on and never got together with, y'know... otherwise why cconstantly being all over our business?
The marketing strategy for TOWL was rooted in competition, positioning the characters as the best while passive aggressively tearing down other characters/ships/actors, and that seems to be spilling into TBOC's strategy as well in order to keep TOWL's fanbase on the hook (the comments on a couple of posts made by official accounts about Caryl's "friendship" were full of Richonne fans mocking Caryl/Caryl fans). It's a short-sighted strategy to bring in more viewers and it'll backfire. They should be focusing on getting all Caryl fans onboard, the ones who are wary because of what happened a couple years ago and the ones who left many years back, and growing that viewership along with drawing viewers who might have an interest in other elements of the show that doesn't directly conflict with the interests of viewers they can rely on the most to invest long-term.
Side note, because I see this coming up a lot too: Yes, Daryl and Carol are friends. It never bothered me when Caryl called the other their best friend in the context of the story because 1) as many have pointed out and as I wholeheartedly believe, the best romantic relationships are rooted in deep friendship 2) it has never been written to exclude the possibility of fans seeing their friendship transition into a full-blown romance 3) I trusted I would see the payoff in the near future. However. When you beat the audience over the head with it in the promotion, when you know your core audience has built up expectations after a prolonged wait, when your showrunner isn't trustworthy, and when you're encouraging other fans to invalidate Caryl fans' experience, I do have a problem with the word "friends." No, they can't spoil what might happen for Daryl and Carol in the show, but that doesn't mean they have to define the relationship at all when they're promoting it. For Example: "Relive the moment this incredible bond took root" (if they want the flower imagery without the alliteration lol) is vague enough to encompass all perspectives until it's explicitly defined in the show, and it should be defined as romantic since, again, that's what the core audience wants.
I don't spend time in the Richonne fandom, so I don't know what the draw is to Daryl's character. People can have a variety of interests for a variety of reasons, but at least from what I can gather, some of it isn't genuine and some of it is about what Daryl's position as a character and Norman's position as an actor can do for them as well as what they don't want it to do for Carol and her fans. That's as far as I want to delve into it right now seeing as though any mention of Richonne from a Caryler is viewed as an attack, which this is not, and I don't have the emotional capacity for unnecessary fighting.
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Congrats on the win from a stucky shipper! I have actually never heard of your ship before this poll and am of course vexed by the results (because I do love my star crossed lovers who got fucked over by canon), but to honor your hard earned win I would like to read one fic about your ship to see what the fuzz is about. Can you or anyone recommend one or should I choose the one with the most kudos on ao3?
If anyone wants a recommendation the other way I think most stucky’s would choose Not easily conquered:
😲😲 thank you so much for the kind message! Also that fic does look good, so I'm thankful for it
At the end of the day, it's a silly shipping poll, and it illustrates how the current landscape is far better in queer rep than it was ten years ago
And ooooh, if you like canonically queer pirates who have seemingly opposite aesthetics but are both insane and want to break free from their confined roles, then you'll love gentlebeard and Our Flag Means Death as a whole. Perfect timing, since s2 is coming out Oct 5th.
And I know you said one, but I hope you don't mind a few. I'll specifically talk about gentlebeard, but I'll mention a couple general crew ones
Anyone else can reblog their own favorites or their own writing if they wish!
First off, my own :)
Dancing With A Partner (E) - nebulous post s2, so eventually not canon compliant. Stede and Ed's first time, a one-shot. I tried to capture what I picture will happen in the show, which led to this emotional lovemaking scene with hints of playfulness
Clowns To The Left of Me, Jokers To The Right (T) - some of Stede and Ed's crew gets stuck in a walk-in closet. More silly, and I tried to capture the side characters personalities. One-shot, post s2, eventual not canon-compliant
Now, a couple bookmarks of ones I saved (tried not to have em all be explicit, but yknow):
B is For Beach, V is For Vacation (T): nebulous post s2, one-shot, the captains and all crew are on a beach for a vacation. Slice of life, and hear you'll see all the main characters and they're personalities, so I recommend this if you want to understand the show before watching it.
Hold Me (T): one-shot, post s2, eventual not canon-compliant. Stede and Ed cuddling in bed and showing each other love, really summarizes their relationship.
Distant Worlds (T): canon divergent after ep 9 of s1. Multichapter and finished, Stede is trying to find Ed a partner, believing he's bored and wants to help him. Really funny, really interesting, an overall fantastic story.
In Favor With Their Stars (M): A finished multichapter AU, Ed is an engineer on a spaceship and falls in love with S.T.E.D.E., the ship's AI. If you want an AU that still captures the characters and their relationship, then you'll love this. Even I'm picky about AUs, but the writing is by far my favorite out of all of these choices.
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iwsynttr-project · 4 months
WAAAHHH I just saw people have been posting about the project on Pinterest???
I am so pink oh my goodness aaa
I'll give some updates then so people know we're not just slackin', haha;;
This past week we've been hella busy with church, school, trying out programs, still figuring out the whole learning to drive thing, stuff with disability, etc... but especially with Valentine's Day & Moose's birthday.
CJ came up to visit which was really special & we got to eat out & get boba all together which was super nice as he doesn't live too close by ever since we moved a few years back.
I recently got most of my m3dz figured out so I might be able to start hrt within the next year, & it sounds like the date has been set for CJ & I to get married this April 29th!
On top of all this we recently found out that a couple other plans have been thrown into the mix:
Our folks are planning to head out for a week a few states away to spend time with family & celebrate our twin cousins' birthday & then they'll be goin to Medieval Times for Moose's birthday possibly with another friend or cousin.
My mom & I are gonna try & see a show with CJ & his mom if they're able to come for my 21st birthday (Which is March 13th!) & CJ's birthday is at the start of April.
Right before our wedding is my dad's birthday & we're gonna see another live performance in another state, & then right afterwards a few days later is gonna be the wedding.
We're just gonna make it small & Soukoku themed, but maybe years later from now when we're livin' alone & financially stable we might do a bigger more official wedding. We'll renew our vows, maybe have custom made suits, special stuff like that.
Somethin' we're hopin' to do is for the small one we might make custom Lego Minifigures to be in front of/above the cake & then if we save up... the four-six hundred bucks... we wanna get the Soukoku "wedding" figurines that came out a bit ago.
It's a dream.
Anyways, as for the actual project!
I'm still working on the script when I have time, I just got stumped since we don't have Golden Demon written yet- but I managed to come up with some content to fill in for during or after the scene plays out for now & continued from there.
Moose has decided to try & make two versions of Life's Better With A Little Party In It: one that's a trashy pop song, & one that's his own take on the song based on artists like YOASOBI. (Into the Night, Monster, Idol, etc...)
We're also thinking about making a Cover Album on the side to go with the soundtrack just for fun with covers of songs from bands & artists like ONE OK ROCK & Set It Off.
I'm still thinking I might go for making The I Was Screaming Your Name Through the Radio Project into an episodic animatic series, but with everything going on I might wait to record the actual script & songs until we've got most of the script & songs written out more at the least if not also until after I get a better microphone & possibly start injections. (Maybe I'll still do the first few chapters since they're just teens anyways but meh whatever; we'll see.)
I did do a drawing while I was free last night though & have been talking with my dad who's voice is basically his life & career about vocal training of sorts or if I should find classes online or something along those lines for it.
(Back to the drawing) I made a concept design for Moose's online/music persona AquaticSnow & a possible first EP/Album cover. I'm not sure I'll post it (yet?) since he might use it for stuff like his avatar, channel/s, music, etc but if I do it'll be on my personal main Tumblr, Instagram, & probably Deviantart & Twitter/X.
I'm also nervous about somebody tryin' to steal the art &/or concept.
Another reminder that I do have a personal server where I stream drawing, gaming, sometimes reading & writing, watch parties (movies, shows, etc...) & I post planning & updates for the project there!
.:Charli's Discord Server:.
( Don't forget to pick roles & read the rules! Otherwise you can't see the other chats;; )
Sorry 'bout the long post, haha;; we hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
This show is giving me everything I wanted folks to get out of Lovesick the series. Last week we switched to Tinn's perspective and learned that he's just a nerd suffering from benign neglect that fell in love with a pretty boy with a nice voice that was kind to him once. We also learned that Tinn has unsuccessfully attempted to confess his feelings repeatedly for years. I love Tinn.
Now, after spending a whole episode anonymously helping the music club procure replacement instruments, he's committed himself officially to seeing Gun succeed in this competition in the hopes that maybe they'll date.
Gemini and Mark are fun together. Tinn is such a simp and it's endearing.
"When did he get here?" - "A while ago."
I like the scale of the villain of the current principal. She wants to cancel troublesome clubs, and I think demanding that slacker students perform academically isn't necessarily an unreasonable request of students who want permission to represent the school in a public competition.
We should be seriously concerned that the school building has a termite intrusion.
Holy hell they're so dense.
These marble tables are giving me Make It Right flashbacks.
Tinn's fantasies being consistently ruined by reality is actually such an important subversive creative choice. As fun and adorable as this all is, I'm glad young viewers are being subtly reminded that your fantasies will not always align with reality. Tiw reminding Tinn to focus on helping his crush is *chef's kiss*.
I love Tiw with my entire being. We haven't had a wingman this committed in a long time. He might be a winner for the NAMGOONG BEST BOY AWARD for 2022. I'm glad the rest of the music club affirmed that Tinn is a good tutor, but Gun has specific challenges with math.
I also like the fantasy sequences not only because they reveal how ridiculous and adorable Tinn is, it allows Gemini and Fourth to have more fun interactions before they get together.
Okay, but I actually think it's awesome that Tinn's parents still are attracted to each other and can express that in front of Tinn. That Tinn only laughs about it means this is normal for him.
This apartment does seem very nice.
Not sure why they don't just share the bed.
And now we're ballroom dancing. Tinn's going to implode.
Did Tiw suggest he watch Bad Buddy to flirt, and then diss Ohm and Nanon to highlight Mark (his actor) while the Bad Buddy intro theme played? Yes he did, and I am losing it.
Scrubb is actually good, so I totally get the fantasy about "Close."
They always seem to have fun with these Canon ads.
Tinn's dad is the hero we needed when we needed him.
I'm all for baby gays being delusional about their crushes, but not when it comes to knife safety.
I do like the joke about how silly "baby is a messy eater" is as a trope.
They all passed! I wonder if we'll get a side couple out of Tiw?
Fourth is really charming. Gun's appeal is plain in this pool scene.
Hey, Tinn's first attempt at flirtation! He didn't cover it with a "just kidding" either.
One of the benefits of the last episode was showing that Gun isn't totally oblivious if someone is making active choices. So, when Gun suggests that Tinn join him on the bed, I can't help but wonder if that's a bit of curiosity from the poolside hint of a confession and the nervousness about dancing.
I love this dancing fantasy. Really a lovely sequence.
Well well well, looks like Gun is starting to fall, too.
Ahh, it's time for third party complications next week.
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summer frenzy accountability post
In the name of me having a lot of time on my hands for the next couple months + wanting to vary up my content here a bit... time to post the watchlist I hope to at least cull through if not actually finish all of. This is not in any kind of order and will be updated as I get through stuff, and also isn't all of my planned programming for the near future (there's also one movie I need to rewatch, a few others that will be totally new to me, and a book series I need to get through). The goal is to fall in love with things, write as much as possible, and have a good time.
Housekeeping notes: if a show name is underlined, that means I already have a ship tag for something / that's a link. If it is not, I'm still eyeing some obvious bait unless otherwise noted. I've at least kinda started watching most of these shows and in some cases the "currently on" is a guess because it's been too long for me to remember. Any commentary on why I should prioritize something on this list above the rest will be listened to but not necessarily followed. (There are several things that I dropped because the timing was wrong for me.) Again, not an exhaustive list but posting it anyways so y'all have some idea of coming attractions.
Without further adieu, the list:
Rings of Power (currently: maaaaybe 1x04?)
Wheel of Time (currently: hell if I know, I am aware WHY I quit watching previously but can't remember exactly which episode it was / I do know it was somewhere in the middle of s1)
1899 (currently: no idea)
House of the Dragon (currently: 1x02)
Stranger Things (currently: early s2?) (yes I skipped ahead and watched the Chrissy episode because of the cuteness that is Hellcheer and it somehow made total sense to me but that's not even what I was there for)
Shogun (currently: 1x03?)
The Gilded Age (currently: somewhere in the middle of s1 / I think I finished the ep before the dress that got me interested in the show but I'm not totally sure)
Silo (currently: have not started) (almost definitely not a fic show for me but creative ideas in other directions?)
Foundation (currently: have not started)
Fringe (currently: have not started / if I remember right I did get through about the first season ten years ago but it has been a moment so I'll be starting over)
Fallout (currently: 1x02)
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ah0yh0y · 10 months
tagged by @ribcagelikepiano for the get to know you game!! thx friend !!!!!
questions: last song you listened to, currently watching, currently reading, current obsession
last song: Come Hang Out by AJR off the top of my head by my tabs say Providence by Poor Mans Poison . Come Hang Out feels so nostalgic to me even if i only listened to it recently reminds me of a graduation song (it came out 5 yrs ago so it makes sense. I just really love Poor Mans Poison's vibes generally great fuel for daydream and also matches well with the feeling of revolution (and seeing everything collapse i guess.) (ish) mentally listening to Your Love is All I Need by Sami Yusuf tho at all times lately, probs because i have been trying to wean myself off listening to music for like the 50th time. (its slow going but IM GONNA TRY inshaallah ill be able to do it) (he also took the old nasheed music video off his channel? sad its so good)
currently watching: does d20 mentopolis count? only watched one ep but its good. i havent watched anything regularly besides like school vids for a bit. tried watching the dragon prince s5 when it came out but buffering (the video player i mean) and dissatisfaction at the pacing and characterization kinda stopped me. ill back on it at the end of the yr when everything is settled. if we are talking about podcasts started relistening to wolf 359 and keeping up with the greater gatsby (the latter has SUBLIME noir vibes as it is a noir i bloody love shipwreck's work it scratches that itch in my brain so well) . i may have seen spoilers for wolf 359 so i am anxiously waiting to see if i am proved wrong but im on s4 so its soon prepare for a barrage of reblogs for it. watched s4 of malory towers it was very nice i cant wait for s5 - the pantomime hopefully we get new members for the older years next season i miss the larger cast
currently reading: not much really. fanfic alot. i guess. caught up to the end of the To Make a Legend series on ao3 (pjo) and other fics for a couple of other fandoms (in one false move by Kalidium is really good if your into murder most unladylike - spoilers for A Spoonful of Murder though) also been reading barbie 2023 fanfic? was bored and started hunting for good ones (slim picking at the moments but if you want character study and grief and some bloody good writing def read something in me in you by telm_393 i cant explain it its that good) also reread My Memories Came Back in the Form of Someone Else by Lucy_Luna yes its that really good spiderverse fanfic do check it out
BESIDES THAT THO in terms of actual books. have the audiobook saved for The Valley and The Flood so gonna listen to that later. Have to read The Hate Race for class (not my fave but i need for analysis ive read it like 3 times but I STILL DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING) .
started rereading The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes a couple of weeks ago ahead of the movie coming out at the end of this year but never got the chance to finish it so ill have to get on that too.
also dracula ive been reading as well but more on that the next section.
current obsession: re:dracula is the first that comes to mind im so bloody invested in jonathan's wellbeing and his relationship wiht mina and the whole story its insane . i should read more older books its good . re;dracula DOES SUCH A GOOD JOB AT SUCKING YOU INTO THE STORY THE VOICE ACTORS REALLY MADE IT FOR ME i just cant with ti it makes me so bloody happy!! Renfield's voice actor is a standout for me everytime he's there i just have to pause and stare at a wall. also jonathan's actor as well hes SO GOOD i was geniunly worried about jonathan not sending me voicemails into my phone i was THAT endeared to him
besides that PLAY IT BY EAR the musical improv show by dropout is also a obsession of mine i cannot with their talent. the MUSIC so good i want to play it all the bloody time . i am in absolute awe in the performers ability to create a story and TIE IT ALL TOGHETER SO WELL like every piece of information is used whether you expect it or not . DN THE BAND OH GOD I DONT KNOW HOW THEY SO IT THE MUSIC IS SO FUN AND CREATIVE AND FITS THE MOOD AND MADE UP ON THE SPOT???!!! HOW I DONT KNOW (if u ask me who my favourite guest star is at the moment its ross byant hes an absolute delight whenever he is on a d20 show- the improvised shakespear episode blew my mind)
no pressure tags: @filmloser04 @mistichallow @charlies-a-thief
@literallymahir @quotidian-oblivion @monochrome-anomaly @suksiili @miseria-fortes-viros and anyone else that wants to join!!!! (you dont have to do a brain dump like me i always go overboard)
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bedlamsbard · 8 months
btw, what are your thoughts on WandaVision? I really liked the concept and the execution of the first half but was a bit disappointed by the decision to have a Big Enemy To Fight instead of being entirely about Wanda's duality and internal conflict.
I don't mind the show having an enemy to fight, though I think WV might have complicated it a bit too much by having too many antagonists that turned up in the last couple of eps, particularly because none of them have since shown up in the MCU and explained what they were doing there in the first place. That last is really a Phase 4/5 problem, though, not a WV-specific one. (When I did my rewatch a few months ago, I also said that WV really should have had a cameo from either Ross or another Avenger -- it needed a tie to something else that was relevant to Wanda.)
I like WV a lot -- it's very rewatchable for me, and I like how playful and experimental it is. I think it's also pretty good at actually dealing with the post-Blip chaos when it acknowledges it, and a lot of the character dynamics are excellent. On rewatch I can pick out some nitpicks with it -- for example, they never acknowledge that Pietro also got Infinity Stone-kickstarted powers, despite Fake Pietro and Tommy both having superspeed in the show. And "Agatha All Along" is a bop, but like...what did Agatha actually do aside from insinuating herself into Wanda's life and enchanting Ralph Bohner.
From a two and a half years later perspective, WV's biggest problem is what I think of the as the "CATWS Problem" -- although it's individually excellent and does pretty well at building off preceding installments of the MCU, it's essentially ignored by the later installments, even the ones that depend on it (a.k.a. DSMOM; we'll see how The Marvels does with Monica, I guess). Through no fault of its own, it becomes retroactively worse just because of how it's incorporated, or not incorporated, into the rest of the MCU.
Fun fact: my department at the university was consulted for the Latin that's in Agatha's flashback scene, since the movie was filmed in Atlanta, and Jac Schaeffer's assistant e-mailed the nearest classics department to make the Latin be Not Google Translate. I've seen the request letter with the original Google Translate version, it's pretty bad. The Latin in the show is accurate now! A friend of mine did the Latin translation and Marvel Studios sent her some WV merch when the episode aired, though I don't think she's credited in the ep.
Other fun fact: the first time I watched WV I hadn't seen anything Wanda or Vision had been in, because the only three Marvel movies I'd seen since CATWS in 2014 had been Ant-Man and the Wasp, Thor Ragnarok, and Captain Marvel. So WV was actually my introduction to Wanda and Vision.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 9 months
Why I am Predicting a Beth Appearance by the End Episode 3:
OFC, this is TOTAL speculation based on TWDU and non-TWDU clues.  I am NOT saying that Daryl will necessarily see/know that she is alive by the end of ep. 3(or in a post credits scene), but I believe it will be revealed to the audience by then that she, or someone who looks like her, is alive. 
I’ve seen symbolic clues in “Diverged” in Season 10 and Dead City. 
DD was in the writing/development stage FAR longer than Dead City. So, Dead City writers already had access to the outlines for DD before production began. So, when Maggie showed a family picture with a person we can infer to be Beth having eyes gouged out in the shape of the surprised emoji, that was a major red flag for me.  That happened in episode THREE of Dead City.
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 In Diverged, a wholly symbolic episode, Daryl takes off on his own and his motorcycle breaks down. It is in the THIRD place he looks, that he finds the knife, symbolically representing a love interest. he needs to fix his bike and continue his journey. 
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Some of my belief is based on storyline conjecture. So, back to Dead City.  It was considered a success by most, but why did it do well?
Some wanted to see NYC zombies. Some wanted to see Maggie and Hershel. I would argue MOST wanted to see the development of the Negan/Maggie dynamic. How many would have watched just Maggie trying to get Herschel back?  Some, but it would not have had the same viewership, and the TWD fans actually care about Hershel as Maggie and Glenn’s son. 
So, why will people watch DD?
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Some are looking forward to variant zombies, some want to see Daryl, but for how long will the average American TWD viewer tune in to see Daryl hanging out with new French characters with accents and subtitles to boot?  
Personally, I would enjoy it regardless, but I know many people that hate subtitles and won’t be particularly interested in how things went in France.  Sure, the scenery is beautiful, but it won’t hold the interest past a couple of episodes. The “cure” premise was JUST seen in The Last of Us.   TPTB should also have learned that the decline of the flagship was largely due to killing off “family” characters we cared about and bringing on lots of new characters that never became as important to the audience as the original characters of the first few seasons. Hopefully, TPTB learned this lesson. 
While I DO expect to see a Carol flashback in season 1, the show will need to bring something to the French story that will excite and surprise viewers. If MMB would have decided to be in season 1, it may have been a different story. The Daryl/Carol dynamic would have been there, and I would be predicting your typical “cliffhanger” style reveal towards the end of the first season.
That is why I think there will need to be SOME reconnection between Beth/Daryl in season 1 for the audience to care enough to tune in to Carol/Daryl finding her in season 2. I wouldn’t expect them to connect until late episode 4 or episode 5, but they will have to be separated again by the end of 6.  They will need that time to tell their story and have the audience care again about their connection. Nicotera said in a recent interview that the DD spin-off talk began 7 years ago.  It was supposed to be set in the American West where Daryl encounters different groups each week.  He referenced three OLD shows as examples.
 One was Kung Fu with David Caradine. 
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I could go into detail, but each show he referenced is about a man who is searching for something/someone and encounters different people who they change and are changed by them before moving onto the next place on the search.  Yes, I had to research each one.  They were before my time!  This stretched out search for Beth would have made sense then because the audience still remembered her and their connection vividly. That will not work now. It’s been too long and these series are finite. Gimple, sort of, said as much on the red carpet at the finale of the flagship. He said he was already past the spin-offs in his planning and was now thinking about how to develop the next generation and new stories while integrating the “iconic” characters. So, I don’t think these spin-offs will go much past three seasons. Especially with only six episodes per season, it doesn’t give that much time to develop these stories. 
Some non-storyline clues are that the release of EK’s album is on the 22nd of September right before episode 3 airs.  She has been releasing singles all summer.  Why wait for the album release until then?  Norman said in interviews last year that he would, “run into some familiar faces” in the spin-off.  Who else is going to run into in season 1 in France?
Just a few days ago there has been even MORE weirdness. An extra-long first episode?  All of episodes 1 and 2 being screened in theaters in four major cities on Monday?  WHY? I almost wonder if they decided to reveal Beth is alive at the end of episode 2. The ONLY reason to prescreen is to increase buzz, but really what hasn’t already been teased about those first two episodes? I understand that they may need more publicity due to the writer/actor strikes leading up to the release, but why would “spoiling” the first episodes really increase the buzz if it is JUST about the Laurent story?
I’m excited to see how it plays out!
I absolutely LOVE everything you’ve said here. Love the symbolic clues you’re looking at. Love your points about Dead City. Love your research into early iterations of the DD spinoff. (I kinda wonder if all the New Mexico symbolism from 11x01 was a nod to that.) Love all your points about publicity and such.
And you’re right. I heartily agree. I don’t have much to add, but all of your conclusions are the only thing that make sense. The only other “faces” we could run into are people like Heath and Davon. And don’t get me wrong, it would be fun to see them again. But it’s not like any of those characters will do much to further Daryl’s story.
And let’s not forget that ep 1 starts with an echo of Judith’s line about Daryl deserving a happy ending, too. Which means that one way or the other, he’ll find his true love and soulmate in this spinoff.
Can’t wait! Thanks SO much for your thoughts! Xoxo!  🍁 🍂 😍
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oldsargasso · 4 months
WELL. The last ep did not provide any contradictions wrt Kenta getting Kim out of Tony’s, so we are free to continue just assuming it happened LOL. I also think Kenta must have helped Kim get settled in! He did seem more emotionally invested in Red Racing than Tony was, like he protested Tony pulling their funding (and perhaps he’d foolishly hoped that it could have become a venture that Tony cared about more than the trafficking). Benz made an offhand comment in a live about Kenta contacting him to join Red Racing, so I’m just going to tell myself they knew each other before the kidnapping, because that Look said everything. And what an odd shift in dynamic that must be, from having someone show you your new apartment to having them hold a knife to your neck to having them kneel at your feet. 
(screaming about Kim giving Kenta a collar PLEASE)
I’m also going to assume that Kim saw Kenta collapsed by Tony’s body with a bloody knife in his hand, put two-and-two together, quietly crouched by his side and lay a hand on his shoulder. (I can’t stop thinking about Kenta looking like a puppet with his strings cut)
Kim and Winner’s relationship this episode… there’s so much to unpack there. Kim certainly did get his payback for Winner kicking him while he was down. But Winner pointing a gun at North and Sonic is gonna hang between them for a long time, those are Kim’s BABIES! But also the way Winner always folds so deliciously when he’s overpowered, like can him and Dean have matching collars with Kenta? I think Winner and Kim would have a (hate fueled) physical relationship before they develop anything else. They’ve certainly got a LONG way to go.
I think Kenta paid someone to sabotage Babe’s car, and since there was a gap between Kim finding the footage, letting Tony know he knew, and getting kidnapped, he could have informed X-Hunter and they ideally banned that dude. (there are SO many plot holes to patch up ahdjfj) I do think Winner could easily have mentioned Dean as a candidate, yes!
And yeah I agree, it’s WinnerDean + KimKenta in my head. I’ve got a couple different ideas on how the pairs would get tangled up with each other, and I’m trying to weave them together into a cohesive thread.
First of all, I think Kenta and Dean could easily end up doing community service together, and it becomes this weird bonding thing for them? Like they’re both left with their lives in pieces at the end of this crisis, and they end up in the same place. At the start of it, Dean can’t look at Kenta (or anyone really) without glaring at him, while Kenta just radiates sad puppy energy even though is expression is completely flat. But by the end of it, they’ve got this sort of… companionship with each other. (watch me end up writing KentaDean fic once I wrap my head around their complicated emotions)
(And this is where I tie in our WinnerDean poolboy thread) So when Dean gets hurt by Winner, Kenta finds out about it, which means Kim finds out about it. And Kim already has five hundred bones to pick with Winner, which means Winner gets his face slammed against the tile of the diner-bar bathroom and a very harshly worded interrogation of what his intentions are with Dean, which prompts him into actually fixing that situationship this time (because oh, it was in fucking shambles when he had the audacity to offer Dean money).
And it also means that KimKenta start a regular thing of taking Dean out for drinks/coffee, because Kenta cares and Kim realizes Dean doesn’t have anyone looking out for him. And Kim isn’t blind, he sees the looks Dean gives them, especially the wistfulness when Kim has a hand on the back of Kenta’s neck. 
Anyways that’s just a thought! I’m just glad they all survived (no WAY SonicNorth would be killing someone) LMFAO WE MADE IT AND NOW WE HAVE THE MV TO LOOK FORWARD TO.
And no you are definitely not alone in that Winner -> Babe thought! They fucked once years ago and Babe told Winner he was stinky and a bad lay, and Winner basically never got over it.
I am so sorry it's taken me like a week to answer this. I kinda want to just hoard these in my inbox forever honestly
the one real advantage of caring so much about side couples is there's so little to go on we can just make up whatever we want lol. SHUT UP I never even considered that Kenta was the one to contact Kim after Tony choose him for Red Racing. omg. [have I discussed with you the fic I'm very very slowly working on where Kenta collects Kim from the airport when he arrives and they hook up from then because for a long time Kim thinks Kenta is like Tony's super buff but totally regular P.A. leading to delicious betrayal when Kenta pulls the knife] I forgot about Kenta actually arguing about cutting the funding. he's so invested!!
I often think about these events from Kenta's perspective (since we kinda get more of him onscreen) but Kim truly has the wildest journey of everyone in the show. like he's already got a career racing. and then he moves to Thailand for a bunch of money and finds out his new boss (I almost typed owner but um.) is actually in the market of human trafficking and organ trading? and then gets found family'd into a whole new racing team. and the whole time he's just so cool with it?? god I love Kim.
(listen if anyone deserves a collar it's Kenta and if anyone deserves to collar someone it's Kim)
the fact that no-one went over to Kenta after that…DEVASTATING. I haven't been able to rewatch the episode yet - I want to watch the whole series from the beginning - but that being the last we see of Kenta is the second worst thing the show has done. (first worst is Dean not even getting MENTIONED in the final episode I cannot live like this) but it's okay because we know that during the race at the end Kenta was sitting in the stands supporting his boyfriend 😌 had a handmade sign and everything 😌
Winner pointing a gun at North and Sonic but also going "but first: are you two…y'know…" I love him so much he's so terrible. he was SO PATHETIC at the end of that encounter. and NOT DEAD just injured. North and Sonic are KIM'S BABIES!!! (in another universe what a fun ship the three of them would be unfortunately my heart cannot go there. I think they have fun together for a little while though.) I especially love that Kim got another chance to be a badass.
oooh I have so many Thoughts about collars. like for Kenta it's 100% ownership (at least 15% of my brain is just constantly going "he's a loyal dog a LOYAL DOG") I feel like he wants to wear it all the time. a conscious reminder that he's not on his own. Winner does not want a collar. why would he want one! I think it plays well with the still-antagonistic relationship he and Kim have. Winner gets a collar more as a reminder: "behave or else" (perhaps a leash and muzzle to reinforce the message) and then Dean, hm. part ownership/belonging, part 'look how pretty you look in it' you know? I will refrain from going on about what each collar looks like lol. also Kim should get a physical symbol as well. maybe a pretty necklace, perhaps with three pendants/charms or something.
I GOTTA GO READ THE FIC YOU JUST POSTED AJSHFAJGFIA. I still haven't read the pacific rim au either because I want to devote my whole brain to it. but yes. YES TO EVERYTHING ALL OF THAT!! community service as a gateway to a happy poly relationship. the system works. not Dean's wistful little looks :(((
I love poolboy Dean :( screaming at Kim slamming Winner's head into the wall. it's what he deserves 😌 I just love how emotionally clueless Winner is. like it never even occurs to him that other people might have Feelings because he's spent a long time not acknowledging his own. he's not a narcissist he's just oblivious. it's an interesting dichotomy because Winner has a high self-esteem, he loves himself, yet it never occurs to him that other people might like (love??) him. his immaturity after Tony appointed him Kenta's replacement is such a lovely character detail. for him the events of the show are basically an opportunity for him to play-act as a bad guy, because he's got the secure foundation of his rich family. he's been the star of Red Racing for years(?), he's popular, he's talented. and the contrast of him v. Kim, who's got much the same background is so fun.
ETA: I automatically put this in my queue instead of just posting it lol BUT now I can add. forgot to talk about the start of the polycule beyond kentakim + winnerdean. although I love your ideas and would like you to tell me 5 million words of them. I have been Thinking about Kim/Dean where Dean serves his community service and he repents and is absolved by Babe (Way gets to take the easy way out :|) and rejoins x hunter BUT not as a driver, just working in the garage. and he's like mad at Kim for taking his place but at the same time Kim doesn't have the History the others do with Dean, so Kim's actually the one Dean finds himself hanging out with the most. and then it leads to hooking up (it's great) and the tentative start of a relationship. and then Pete comes round like "I found this 🤨" and hands over Kenta. and then Kim has a new project to focus on and Dean is NOT JEALOUS but he is, Kim doesn't want him anymore, it's very tragic. perhaps he goes out and has ill-advised revenge sex with Winner (it's great) and comes back to Kim like "what do you think about that huh!" and Kim's like. "hot." and it carries on from there.
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trashlie · 10 months
I’m so curious what’s going on with Kousuke!!! What do you mean a hormonal imbalance?? The whole time my sister (a soon-to-be doctor) was trying to diagnose him because she said “turns out all the tics I found cute were actually illness”
Also unrelated but am I the only one still wondering who gave Shine Ae the orange sweatshirt in the flashback after her first concussion? Did we ever learn? In my head (I don’t know if this is an uncommon theory) I always believed Nol tried to hurt himself on that rainy day where he didn’t show up to see Dieter or Soushi before they became friends. What if he ended up in the hospital at the same time Shin Ae was (both would’ve been around 3-4 years ago? Give or take) and that sweatshirt has some roundabout relation to him? Maybe I’ve just watched too many kdramas and I’m trying too hard to find the red string of fate lol
Just a heads up to anyone following along! This is the last ask that I am responding as pre-236! So spoilers for this response only go up to 235 (though this one doesn't really have any spoilers)! However after this ask I'll be back up to date with spoilers up to 236! Just want to make that clear to anyone who may not be up to date with the last ep or not!
Had a bit of a laugh about your sister because lmao I've been trying to get my bestie back to reading ILY as she's a nurse and I've been DYING to hear her thoughts on Kousuke, too lmao but alas she hasn't been in the headspace for ILY yet so I continue to wait. But LMAO "all the things I thought were cute about him are AN ILLNESS?" alfjkakjfkjafjkafjk FEAR NOT to be fair I think a lot of what we see IS him, just... amplified by whatever Yui has been drugging him with and how it's affecting his system.
So the thought a lot of us had about the hormonal imbalance was that it was probably testosterone, since Hansuke didn't seem to want to divulge it in their mixed company, but also because he implied it was something that COULD be affected by stress, so it wasn't an IMMEDIATE red flag - but still something peculiar and wasn't something to be dismissed. Even outside of being drugged - which Hansuke certainly wasn't thinking of because WHO would be drugging Kousuke and god bless his sweet naive soul there was no way he was going to think of Yui doing it - there are other things that could affect his testosterone, thus it stood out to him but it wasn't "wow there is something SUPER wrong", especially given uhh.... EVERYTHING happening in Kousuke's life in the last couple months.
Ngl that ABSOLUTELY sounds like a kdrama plot LMAO like!!!!! They do NOT miss an opportunity to give their romance pairs a brush with each other before they ever "met for real" don't they? LMAO and like look don't get me wrong I love childhood friends to lovers but BOY do kdramas take it to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL! lmaoooooooo But I have seen similar theories before! I know a lot of people have wondered if it could have been Nana who gifted it, like she just knits things and randomly gifted them to kids who were in the hospital.
That said, timeline wise that doesn't QUITE line up, though I don't think it was a reach to think it at all, because the fact that it's a mystery still makes us go HMMMMM doesn't it? Nol met Dieter the summer before high school, so if he did try harming himself at that time (and yes, I, too, think that he did), it would have happened after Shinae's hospital time, which was in middle school and she was out t finish school before the term ended, so Nol's event would have come after (assuming we have the timeline correct of course!).
But YEAH it still remains a mystery and I'm really, really curious. I had initially wondered if Alyssa might have done it, the one thing she could do for her guilty conscience because you KNOW her parents didn't want to get any more involved in it and probably paid off the school to keep it under wraps and keep her name out of it, but the sweater and hat seem like they were probably handmade, so I don't think my initial thought held any water. Of course that doesn't rule out Nana as a potential, because a Christian lady like herself might participate in church charity efforts and making gifts for children who have been in the hospital for a long time could have been something she might have done in the past! So while Nol himself may not be directly connected, that red string of fate you're looking for could still be there, in a somewhat subverted way, haha!
I really look forward to finding that out because I still find it so interesting that Shinae said "this shirt isn't even mine" when that lady threw her drink on her. What the heck did she mean?!
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negrowhat · 1 year
so i just finished watching between us and kinnporsche, and was kinda corious about news and what the actors are gonna do next. like i was really sad that between us is over, but then i saw some people say, that there is gonna be a special ep in march, about them getting married...do you know if thats true? Also i heard that bounprem is gonna have a new bl together (is there out what its about,and when its going to happen?) and that they are gonna be in different (movies/shows) like prem something thriller like and idk about bouns tho.(do you know?).im really curious about this, and im exited for them!
And i thought for sure that kinnporsche is gonna have a season 2. Like its such a popular show, and the show kinda ended on a cliffhanger, so i thought for sure there is gonna be a annoucent about it. but the show aired 6 months ago, and there are still no news :( i just heard about the actors having new bls together. (Im not totally familar with the names yet) . like the actors from every main couple is gonna have a series together. vegaspete, kinnporsche, and kimchay (where im corious about, how this will look, since im not sure if they are going to have much romantic scenes, like a kiss scene, because of the age, they didnt have on in kinnporsche) like is there out, about what this shows are about? and when they will come out? Im really exited to watch this shows, even thought i would have preffered a season 2 of kinnporsche. Do you think there is still gonna be one in the future? (im sorry for this long ask, but im not really in the fandom, and i think you probably know this things....anyway i love youre blog!)
Hello Anon! Thanks for dropping by! I do have answers for you but it might not be the answers you want. I'll put a "keep reading" because this will be a long post.
As far as the Between Us Special Ep goes, it hasn't been officially announced by Studio Wabi Sabi if there is going to be one or not. The reason everyone is anticipating a special wedding ep is because there is evidence of an upcoming wedding in the final ep and also a few of the actors had posted similar content on their social media. We're assuming March 2nd because that is the date we saw for their actual wedding.
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There hasn't been any announcement for a s2 of Between Us either, though it is totally possible considering the source material is still ongoing and there is already some chapters written about after Win graduates. I'd say keep hope alive but I don't know if that is actually going to happen or not. It took us a very, very long time to get Between Us.
As of right now, there has not been any announcements on any new BounPrem (the actors who play WinTeam) series. Boun (the actor who plays Win) is going to be in a zombie series though. Hopefully Studio Wabi Sabi will post a 2023 project video so we can know what to expect this year. There are some Between Us Special Episodes on YouTube from last summer. There's 6 eps, they're really short but oh so cute and features them as an already established couples.
BounPrem do have a few other series they've been in together and if you'd like I can make a list or give you some recs! Just let me know. The actors the played DeanPharm (OhmFluke) also have a few series out together as well. The actor that plays Manaow (Sammy Coates) has an extensive credit list too.
As far as the KinnPorsche cast, a lot of things have happened since the main couples' new projects were announced. I'm not going to get too heavy into it but I will give you a short update.
First the KP cast is still doing their KinnPorsche World Tour and I don't know how long that will go on for, I think their next stop is Hong Kong.
JeffBarcode, the actors that played KimChay will be getting a Korean based series called WuJu Bakery. Jeff's character will be some sort of alien and Barcode will be a bakery owner but that's really all the information that was given though there is a very tiny trailer.
MileApo, the actors that played KinnPorsche, are going to be in a movie together and it will be call Man Suang. We did get a trailer for that a few months back. It's gonna be a period piece so expect lots of pretty costumes. Tong who played Tankhun and Bas who played Arm will be in it too.
BibleBuild (VegasPete) WERE supposed to be in a series together called 4 Minutes. Idk what the actual plot of the series was supposed to be but I know it's supposed to be written by a famous writer. I don't know if the series will still be happening because Build is no longer working for Be On Cloud because he was accused of some really messed up stuff by one of the KP writers. (I won't get into this one because I am NOT part of the majority that believes Build is innocent)
If it is still going to be happening then they will either recast Build or wait for the verdict on his pending case. Idk how long BOC willing to wait because Build no longer works for them and I hope they don't make Bible wait for this mess to end because it's not his fault.
As far as a s2 for KinnPorsche....I doubt we're getting one. The writers for the novel were really disgusting to actors....like really, really disgusting to the actors...so they have been fired from Be On Cloud. Also they were going to ruin everyone's characters in their new novel anyway. It was just awful and I'm glad they got booted because the just did some horrendous stuff to the actors.
And now that one of them has accused Build, they will both be going to court. I think at this point, if we would be expecting a KinnPorsche s2 it would be written by all new writers and would either not feature Pete OR they would recast him. I personally think with all this mess that we don't need a s2 and to just let it be. Things have been ruined Behind the Scenes.
I'd be happy to suggest a few other series that have been circulating or if there is a certain type of plot you're looking for in a series or character dynamics. It really just depends on how interested you are in the world of BLs or if you're just interested in the casts for Between Us and KinnPorsche. LET ME KNOW! AND I HOPE THIS HELPS!
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pynkhues · 1 year
Hey!! Not sure if you watch variety mash ups. The actors on actors. I think the pairings are really good and sometimes really uh interesting lol Was wondering if you have a pairing that you would really like to see ?
Hey! Yeah! I love all of the round tables and the actors on actors sessions, although I haven't watched many of them yet this year (just been a very busy few weeks!). I've been particularly looking forward to watching Kieran Culkin's one with Claire Danes, espcially because I think Kieran actually interviews other people so well - his Actors on Actors with Dan Levy a couple of years ago shows that really demonstrates that.
There are so many Actors on Actors interviews I'd love to see, but I have Succession on the brain still and given these sorts of interviews are usually in the lead up to the Emmys, I'm going to do the main Succession actors and the current Emmy contenders I'd love to see them do one with:
Alan Ruck and Henry Winkler (Barry). Two actors who broke big as iconic 80s characters (Cameron Frye and The Fonz!) who made their careers in sitcoms only to get these new career defining roles in their 60s and 70s? Love it for them and for us and I feel like they'd be a lot of fun to watch.
Jeremy Strong and Rhea Seehorn (Better Call Saul). I couldn't tell you specifically why with these two, but I do think they've had some similarities career wise where they've been jobbing actors for such a long time and are both experiencing unmatched recognition and success in their 40s. I also think they're both really thoughtful actors who have real insight both into the interiority of their characters and the themes of their respective stories, and I just thinking getting to hear them talk would be neat.
Sarah Snook and Melanie Lynsky (Yellowjackets). I almost put Sarah with Rhea, but it feels almost too obvious, haha. Yellowjackets is a really different show to Succession, but I think there's this really interesting territory between the shows in terms of female rage, repression and survival that would be super ripe for discussion. Plus Sarah and Melanie both being antipodean - - it just feels right to me.
Kieran Culkin and Bill Hader (Barry). The comedy vs drama balance! The cycles of violence and trauma and the different outlets their characters have for that! Another opportunity for comical height difference! The convo would be great, I can feel it.
Matthew MacFadyen and Hannah Waddingham (Ted Lasso). This would be the most British Actors on Actors imaginable, haha, but they're another one who have interesting parallels personally and professionally, particularly being the children of performers (Matthew's mother was an actress and Hannah's an opera singer), and to talk about that along with the English theatre scene, which they're both very familiar with too, would be interesting, I think.
J Smith Cameron and Sheryl Lee Ralph (Abbott Elementary). I mean, who wouldn't want this one? Their respective backgrounds in theatre, their roles in formative 90s cinema (The First Wives Club! SIster Act 2!), both of them having paid their dues in a zillion one or two ep arcs on every imaginable procedural. I just love that.
Brian Cox and Harriet Walter (Succession / Ted Lasso). I mean, obviously, right?? We were robbed of more scenes with the two of them on the show, but the fact they've been acting with each other on stage since at least the 1980s is magic. Tell me everything, and also every headcanon you dreamt up about Logan and Caroline's relationship.
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