#but I also really REALLY liked Ron for Reagan
glitchkoi · 2 years
Ok I promise I’ll be normal but part of how Ron and Reagan gripped me so fast is the fact that once Reagan realizes she actually really likes Ron it’s like. The one and only thing she’d ever prioritize her job (even if at her own detriment).
Is that good? Is that healthy? No, but neither is her job for her health and mental state. She has never had a close relationship before Brett, and until Ron never one that she cared to deepen.
This isn’t even necessarily a shipping post bc personally I think both Ron and Brett give Reagan things she needs, kindness, compassion, laughter, and she has gained a desire to forge actual human connection with from them. I am just. So sad. That she lost someone who meant so much to her that she would sabotage her own work for THEM to work.
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mbat · 2 years
okay but like, i cant be the only person in the whole world wondering if we will ever see orrin again, right? was he just a device to show how awful rand is? will he get the chance to see how far reagan has come, maybe even come back into her life? get to be a real character?
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I have some kind of mixed feelings about part 2 but some things I appreciate under the cut (messy and non-linear):
I love that we’re getting more content from the other team leads this season and also that we’re seeing interactions between them that we haven’t seen before? Like Glenn and Myc bonding over looking different in the first episode? Brett and Andre defending Gigi in that episode? Brett and Andre friendship in Rontagion?
This kind of falls into the top one but Reagan and Gigi becoming gal pals and Reagan having her first ever female friend? I love it
Also the Reagan and Brett dynamic is top tier this season. Brett is so supportive of Reagan and I also love that they’re allowed to be so affectionate but still platonic friends (no offence to Breagan shippers, it’s just not my cup of tea and I just love Reagan and Brett and platonic besties).
Myc being a nerd who ran away from the other mushrooms because they were mean to him is a great backstory. Tropey? Sure, but I love it.
I also love that Ron actually says he would’ve liked Reagan to confess to him in the broom closet (like she originally planned) - they really are good for each other
Andre fucking his own clone is great. Honestly he was just an icon this season
I thought it was actually nice to get some actual development of Reagan and Tamiko’s relationship this season. It’s nice that their relationship is considered salvageable (not so keen on how they handled the thing with Rand but I did like that Reagan still put her foot down and sent him to Shadow Prison X)
The dynamic between Rand and JR this whole season is great and I love their college flashback as well.
JR definitely lost the games on purpose every year so he could be humiliated by kissing the ring in front of everyone (you’re telling me this man doesn’t have a humiliation kink?)
Also the dynamic between Rand and the head of the Illuminati was great and the second we had the reveal of Ron also controlling the head of the Illuminati I just knew what was coming but I still loved when it happened anyway (the kiss)
I don’t know if I should admit to this one but I definitely found it hot how Rand was being humiliated in front of everyone at the games
Brett having a secret passion for puppets is adorable and I love it
Also the Hand family ranking their children every year is hilarious and extremely in character. Made me feel so bad for Brett, I love it, 10/10
I like that we’re getting recurring appearances from minor characters like Mothman, Grassy Noel, Kate (and RepliKate, what a great name)
The fact that Myc’s dream timeline was one where he was pregnant is fucking adorable
You’d better believe I cried when Reagan forced Brett to his own dream timeline and when he returned because he made notes on his poster
Also at the reveal that Reagan saw the only way for Ron to be happy was for them to break up and chose his happiness over their relationship. Also I know some people weren’t fans of Ron because they felt like he was unnecessary/rushed but honestly having a gender-swap of the typical ‘female love interest is just used as character progression for the male protagonist’ felt pretty progressive. I also liked how he was shown to be similar to Reagan and actually had his flaws presented similarly to hers (e.g. not getting on well with people) even though female characters are often hated for the same flaws that are excused or even enjoyed in male characters
I have to admit that the end scene with the robes ‘how could she? After all, she’s only human’ was fucking cool
I loved everything about Alpha-Beta this season
And finally, thank fucking Christ that Ron wasn’t revealed to secretly be Reagan’s brother or something because as an RnM fan I can’t take much more incest at this point
Side note to that last one: fun little theory that Ron is actually a clone of Reagan (one of them can be trans, as a treat) and it was revealed and that’s what actually lead to the clone fucking discussion at the start of that one episode but they erased their own minds and everyone else’s and let Andre take the fall (either it was intentional and they set that up as a distraction or it was unintentional and Andre just happened to be fucking his own clone anyway, take your pick)
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usuallythebadguy · 3 months
Seeking RP or collaborative fanficing!
Looking for RP partners/new pals, SFW/NSFW/Evolving, Short/Long term, play by post or chat form. These are my favourite settings, and stared characters/settings are those I love playing best! Of course, I'm open to many other characters also. I have no hard limits, can play dominantly or submissively as any oc and am adaptable to any ideas, concepts or pairings.
I have plenty of plot ideas, but I'm just as excited about catering to yours. Likewise, as much as I love canon pairings, I also love OCs and will happily romance or befriend your characters of any kind.
I love playing morally ambiguous bad guys and crazies but can be a perfect angel when needed. Will rp in inbox, discord, telegram, flist hell even email. Whatever your preference is. I'm nonbinary and in my thirties. While not necessary, would love to rp with people my age. Like mentioned, sfw and nsfw rps are fine, and I have a list of my nsfw interests here: https://www.f-list.net/c/universal%20kinks%20-/ Also really interested in doing fanfics with others! *Arcane: Silco*, Victor*, Sevika*, OC Brawler Jack, OC Scientist Jack *Deathnote: L*, Light*, Mastuda, Mikami, OC Light Mass Effect: Mordin*, Jack, Wrex, Jaal* *Skyrim: Cicero*, OC Listener 'Sin' *Dragon Age: Cole*, Varric, OC Qunari Jack, OC Elf Va’Lithra *Baldur’s Gate: Astarion*, Abdirak, That spider guy, OC Tiefling Jack Steven Universe: Jasper Detroit Become Human: Connor*, Hank, OC Android Jack Inside Job: Rand, Reagan* *Hannibal TV Series: Will*, Hannibal She Ra: Hordak, Entrapta Horizon Zero Dawn: Aloy, Erand, Kotallo, Nil* Encanto: *Bruno, Camilo Kipo: *Jamack, *Kipo Simpsons: Flanders, Smithers, Mr Burns *Rick & Morty: *Rick, Morty, Jerry MLP: *Discord, Queen Chrysalis Avatar: *Zuco, Lin Beifong, Soka Harry Potter: *Snape, Harry, Draco, Ron *Fallout: *Cooper Howard, Lucy *Farcry: *Joseph Seed, 
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Rewatching Inside Job again and just thinking about how great the ending is in a sense of what it set up and ended. It tied up so many things but also made up so much room for different and new opportunities.
Like Rand and JR are in Shadow Prison, allowing Reagan to be the head of cognito. They aren’t super crucial to the plot but they still can contribute to the story in different ways (ex Reagan going to them (mainly Rand) for advice or the robes using them as bait/threats).
It introduced obviously the whole Robes as antagonists and a mystery to be solved, while also introducing a new dynamic between the main Gang and the different secret societies. It also introduced a really interesting place for Reagan as a character, having to be an actual leader on her own, limited influence from her parents, and, ofc, how she would deal with Appleton. Also Brett! Brett in Appleton showed a completely different side of him- a leader with a lot more confidence in himself but still needing the support of a team or others around him. It would have been great too to see how he could grow as a leader and a person. Like you can tell how much Shion wanted to grow these two characters and help them find happiness.
(The scene where Reagan tells Brett she’s running away is so good AHHH. The silence and how he just says “I got this” after looking at her injury, her deadlines, and her medication and how this job will kill her if she keeps going like this. This issue was never tied up or addressed and it would have been so amazing to see Reagan working in a place where she has everything she wants but so much to prove and so much work + the grief from Ron and Rand, how would she handle it??)
I also feel like, had the show gotten the chance to exist in its finality, I’m sure there would be so many callbacks from the earlier episodes. Nostalgia Brett would be powered up for the series finale, The Flat Earther guy would return as king of the mole men, and I’m sure even Ron would find a way to come back whether it be as just a reminder rod what could have been or as something more.
It was such a good ending to set up for so much. I can’t stand that it’s cancelled and I need some more fandom content. How many fanfictions can one gal read. Ugh, everyday I’m begging someone to bring this show back.
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 year
Reagan, Brett, and Ron w/ a friend who’s scared of the dentist
fandom: inside job
warnings: mentions of dentaphobia, medicinal drugs, dental work, etc.
a/n: I just randomly started writing this like a half hour before I got two fillings
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to some degree, she totally gets it, the dentist is not fun
she had some dental issues as a kid, so she’s been there
if you have an appointment for anything other than a cleaning, she can tell just by looking at you
I’m not sure if she’ll go into the room with you, but she’ll definitely be there for you when it’s all done
if it’s an extraction and you were given a lot of painkillers, she’ll watch over you until it wears off, making sure your back and head are elevated when you go to sleep
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I can see Brett being the kind of guy who’s very meticulous about taking good care of his teeth
mostly because he probably also dreads needing dental work
if you need the emotional support, Brett’s your guy
first of all he’ll make sure you don’t psych yourself out too badly
And will be right there with you (if it doesn’t get in the way of anything)
he’ll let you near crush his hand if you need to until it’s all over
reminding you that it’s going to be okay, and it’ll be done before you know it
if you’re still dizzy from the numbing meds the dentist gave you, he’ll put on something relaxing for you like an animal documentary
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I think Ron would be relatively okay with going to the dentist, but it’s not exactly something he looks forward to
when he finds about about your phobia, he doesn’t totally get it at first, but he can tell how much it freaks you out
to a point, he understands. especially if you’ve had some not-so-great experiences w/ it in the past
one time he stayed with you while you got a filling, and that was probably the most relaxed you’ve ever been in the office
if it was something big and you were really drugged up for it, he’ll probably record you while you’re dizzy
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uneducated-author · 2 years
I will never be over the Reagan Ridley Brett Hand dynamic. Genius woman vs Gentle himbo is the perfect dynamic on its own, but the show does it So Well. Brett is too charming and gormless to be at all horrible, and he's also, really good at his role, which is to be very sweet and a sort of social lubricant. He's a people pleaser and that's formed him into more than a bit of a doormat. They work so well together, chill out and have fun.
Brett heals Reagan on an emotional level being a) wildly likeable and b) a safe and genuine source of support, while Reagan, after seeing Brett's merit just seems to genuinely like him. In some places she seems like taking a him as a kid who needs protecting on some form, but she also recognises that he has skills she couldn't dream of. Season 1 set them up perfectly, and season 2 has them taking the risk of offending the other to help them (see Brett hurting Reagan's feelings to tell her to go to therapy) and being comfortable insulting them (saying that Reagan was kind of a dick), while stilling loving them totally. But overall, it also sets up that Brett and Reagan, maybe unknown to anyone, even themselves, put each other first. Reagan without thought abandons the mission to sabotage Brett's career, and also seems genuinely interested and a little hurt that he never shared his crafting hobby with her. Brett is the only one who sticks with her, and is the only one who she sends away, for his own safety. She tells him about Ron and the memory, and he chooses to let her leave after seeing that the workplace is toxic, specifically for her.
Them growing from each other has me feeling so happy, I love how good they are for each other.
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mandareeboo · 2 years
Dude I’m sobbing pls talk about the ending of inside job I need to know wether or not it’s bad I cried hard, for a 30 minutes, while eating a cookie
Listen I was NOT expecting to be so invested in Regan and Ron and I was and I was heartbroken even though I'd figured it was coming.
The thing is. The thing is- even without all the timelines to prove it- Reagan and Ron were clearly not meant to be in the long-term. I don't mean that in a "damaged people aren't meant to be together" kind of way. I mean that in a "their damage repels and attracts them like magnets and it will always hurt when they clang" way.
Ron is passively suicidal when we first meet him. This is not exaggeration- a single blast of a memory gun can wipe an entire life, and Ron tried to chug an entire bin of it. Chances are good that he'd have lost all bodily function, if he survived at all. The season goes to great lengths to show us that, for all his charm and care for Reagan, he's clearly very guilty for the things he's done- to the point he tries to keep Reagan away from it even though she does worse regularly. He constantly blames himself for small shortcomings or mistakes and sabotages any friendships he could make along the way. He goes silent for a solid week to plan an entire new world for them because he's so tired he decides to run.
But Reagan isn't! Reagan is a short woman filled with big rage against the machine and a dwindling patience for bullshit. Reagan doesn't want to run, or to leave Cognito- she HAS to fix it, has to tape that bitch together, has to tear anyone who stands in her way a new hole. It's how she copes with a childhood that was chosen for her.
And in the finale- Ron is basically dead, you know that? His mind is erased, and the script gives him a new name and ambitions and life. The man Reagan loved is fucking dead. Sure, she can see his face, sleeping peacefully for the first time in likely a decade, but it's not him. It'll never be him again.
(There's also the side note to be made here that Ron seems to really want kids- he mentions schools in Appleton, his perfect future has one, etc- and Reagan doesn't seem to want any at all, to the point she agrees to ghost protocol after seeing them mentioned by Rafe, so that would be a massive issue in their dynamic eventually.)
At the end of the day, I still really believe Reagan and Brett are best for each other, friends or romantic. They bring out the best in each other. Reagan's blunt nature helps Brett remember she wants him around and is happy to do family dinners or admit a walking dog onto the team, and Brett's positivity helps ground Reagan's pessimism. Ron and Reagan only brought out the best in each other in private- outside their home it brought out their worst constantly.
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yellowstarwater · 2 years
Okay everyone I woke up randomly at 3AM and instead of going back to sleep decided to binge watched Part Two of Inside Job which spoiler alert only has eight episodes this time?!!! What the fuck?!!!! Any way these are some of my takeaways from this season. I will be doing an episode by episode analysis later but for now theses are my initial thoughts!
Spoiler Warning!!!!!!!!Seriously do not read if you don’t want the season to be spoiled!!!!
First let’s get the biggest part of the season out of the way the Reagan and Ron relationship(romantic relationship) And I know I might end up pissing off some shippers, who might have ended up liking them together. But they were doomed from the start and this was hinted at from the start of their relationship. I will go into more detail when I do the episode by episode analysis but if you look at it objectively it’s true. Now let me admit to you now that I am a Breagan shipper(and yes I will be talking about the few good moments we got this season) but the running theme for most of Reagan and Ron’s relationship was one them both wanting different things when it came to their careers and two stuff going wrong whenever an issue about their relationship came up. Ron made it clear from the beginning that he wanted out of working for the shadow government. He was tired and guilty and only stuck around longer because he fell in love with Reagan. He doesn’t want to stay and change things for the better because deep down he doesn’t think it is possible. Reagan in the meantime resents her job but deep down isn’t ready to give it up completely. She believes that she can change things for the better and wants to be in charge of making those changes happen. And even though she would be much better off walking away and forgetting her job and just being with Ron. She knows that she’ll never be able to completely stop because that’s who she is. And this is why their relationship would probably have never worked out. They were not on the same page from the very beginning. I do believe that overall this was a good relationship for Reagan to have in the long run but it was never healthy even Mothman pointed it out!
Now for the next important part of the season Rand’s progression and eventual downfall. While we can all agree that Rand is an asshole. This season goes out of its way to tell you that the reason for Rand’s behavior is because he wants what he believes to be his old happy life. To the point of rebooting reality just to get to a universe where both his ex-wife and daughter still love him. The downside is of course that nothing he does brings him what he wants it’s brings the gang to some of the things they think they want but they end up being wrong. And betraying the shadow government makes him end up in jail. This was a great example of how trying to make thing’s perfect for yourself could actually make everything else a lot worse. As for JR I would feel sorry for him if he hadn’t been willing to blow up the universe because he didn’t get an alternative perfect life. I do get why he is the way he is though!
Next we have the Reagan and Gigi friendship. No notes I loved it even though they try to explain away the change by pointing out that Reagan has no female friends. I thought it was sweet that Gigi was there for Reagan, giving her advice and helping out when needed. I hope their friendship continues.
Next Glenn, Myc and Andre, I’m grouping them all together because yes they have some good new developments here and there but they don’t really change overall. We just understand Myc slightly better after his High School reunion.
And now for all the Breagan shippers out there! I was worried going in that with Ron as Reagan’s love interest that there wouldn’t be any good Breagan shipping moments but god was I glad to be wrong! From Brett trying to get Reagan to go to therapy for her own good to Reagan being there to help Brett at least stand up a little to his family. To Reagan also deciding to keep her best friend out of danger and to Brett encouraging her to leave even though he would miss her was just pure shipping gold. (Again I will go into more detail in the episode by episode analysis) If the writers goal was to get me to ship them more then they succeeded! Because Reagan and Brett continue to have the most solid relationship of anyone in the show!
Final thoughts, while I know a lot of people were turned off by Ron I do think he was needed for Reagan’s journey(which wow kind of sounds missed up that way) I do like that he was a red herring, where I’m sure we all thought he was secretly a villain (or Reagan’s secret brother) we were all expecting him to turn on Reagan but he never did and that is nice. While I’m not sure if he would ever come back I think his ending made sense for what we learned about him. And despite being heartbroken right now I hope that Reagan will still eventually try to move on with someone else(cough Brett cough cough) I would hate to see her not trying to have a New Romantic relationship because she thinks Ron is the only person who could ever love her.
Tamiko did you really just break up with Keanu Reeves because he was older than you thought!!!😤 That is so stupid but in canon with the idea that I had that Tamiko only dates younger men.
If anyone is wondering when I’ll update my story ‘Probably not a good idea but we were drunk’ I just want to say that I was waiting for the new season! So that I could add elements of it to my fanfic. Plus I have a ton of other fanfics, plus I started working on my Master’s degree this month….plus I have a YouTube and a TikTok account for tarot readings! The point is I am only 32 and am doing a lot! I will update soon….or at least before the end of this year I just got to rewatch this series again!
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noahzanehethey · 2 years
Loved your breagan + inside job HCs!, was wondering if you got any more to share?
Always do! (Season 2 spoilers + poly Reagan headcanons) -After Reagan found out about Brett's love for puppet making, she gave up part of her home office for Brett to use. -And Gigi let him help on some of the shows they control, so he can put his puppets to use so they don't just sit on a shelf all the time. -I feel like Andre would slowly help Glenn realize that he's not entirely straight. (In s1 e1 Myc said 3 people in the room were attracted to Brett and Glenn got really defensive about it.) -Brett was there for Reagan after the whole Ron situation, he might not have entirely liked him at first but he knew how Reagan felt about him. -Brett and Reagan's apartment is covered in Brett's favorite boy band posters, and there's like one bill nye poster he got for Reagan. -Their apartment is covered in fidget toys, weighted blankets, and so many fucking stuffed animals(mainly squishmallows). Brett was the one who suggested they get this stuff at first, and obviously, Reagan was hesitant at first because she didn't want to waste money on things she didn't think would work for her, but they ended up helping her a lot. -They do not have metal silverware, they have those rubber ones made for toddlers and stuff because neither of them can stand the noise of it scratching against the plate. -They also have those plates with separate parts on them, it helps Reagan get full meals in her instead of just eating a bag of Deli meat for lunch and dinner.
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your-mums-nuts · 1 year
Honestly because I feel like Reagan and Gigi were the only two women in the office (and lowkey the most competent ones) that they always kind of wanted to be friends but just never approached each-other because they assumed they didn’t like eachother. Even in season 1! When everyone is bitching on Reagan about how she looks (tired) Gigi always makes sure to ask her if she’s okay in a follow-up
And they never shit on each others work either! Their work is very different with Gigi manipulating the media and having to keep up with current news and everything, and Reagan being a scientist and co leader of the team. They have never acted like the other is beneath them (ok maybe Reagan did in early season 1 but she just did that to everyone). They do little projects for eachother (Reagan making Gigi a robot for the news, Gigi helping Reagan with the Keanu drama)
And in season 2, Gigi never tells Reagan to stop asking her about Ron or getting her help with her life drama and Reagan makes sure that Gigi knows she finds her work really cool! because well now they’re spending time together and it’s a bit tentative but it’s also a solidarity they’ve both been needing for a while.
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bean-spring · 2 years
My take on 2x06 & jealous Brett because I just remembered I have social media and I can tell this stuff to people other than my fiance
Inside job s2 spoilers / Breagan my beloved / PLEASE DO NOT REPLY WITH HATE i can't stand negativity
- My overall take because I am a very organized person (I am not)
Whether I liked the episode or not really depends on the actual meaning behind it. The plot and structure were excellent! Ron and Brett's little rivalry was hilarious and I felt Reagan's anxiety all the damn time. I really enjoyed it and I always appreciate Andre's screentime <3 However, there is some stuff that just... Doesn't make sense? The ending is what I would call... Not rushed, per se, but forced.
I found the episode funny and cool (and stressful if you relate to Reagan or Brett in any way) and really worth it! But that's it. It's like they were trying to build a really sad and shocking climax for Reagan's relationship with Ron, but using a filler episode as the conductor. The whole episode focuses on Brett and his negative feelings towards Ron to end up with Ron and Reagan taking a break from each other. Which is not a bad way to focus on the story, but I feel like if they wanted us to focus on Reagan and Ron ONLY they would've made the episode only about them, and make the Brett/Ron argument shorter and less crucial for the plot.
I also feel like the conclusion (Ron deciding that maybe work is too dangerous for them) makes sense! But Reagan's? She says something about balancing work and their relatioship, and it makes sense too, but they don't really show how work affects their relationship in specific.
Another thing that just feels odd to me is Brett's behavior. Of course, this whole post is to defend my view as a Breagan shipper and you might think that I'm just gaslighting manipulating girlbossing you into thinking he was jealous, but I couldn't care less about people's opinions (that's a lie, I kin Brett). I genuinely think Brett was acting weird and definitely not in character if it's meant to be seen as only platonic. I didn't even ship Breagan this much until I finished the season and without having them in mind I still thought he was acting a bit too strange.
Aside from the ending and Brett's behavior (which I will address now), the episode is really good! One of my favorites for sure, and it's not even because Andre has more than three lines (It really makes a difference, though).
- The ending and how it made my girl Reags dirty
Let's start off with the ending, just like when you find an interesting movie on TV but you're too tired to watch it from the beginning so you just enjoy what's left without context!
Ron's conclusion makes sense, but Reagan's "We will find a way to balance our lives and jobs" just... Doesn't. You may not agree with me about Brett being jealous, but this is something that's been bothering me for a while and I know I'm right.
Ron decides, after being chased by his girlfriend's coworkers, realizing that her BFF doesn't like him and that Cognito is darker than he thought, that it's not a good idea to mix work and love. Which is fair, to be honest. He literally saw clones of Hitler and organs of babies, like, I wouldn't feel safe there either.
But it's not what Ron thinks about Cognito and work that bothers me, because nobody would want their girlfriend working there. What he thinks is completely valid and although I didn't like the fact that he ghosted Reags (dude just text her my girl was literally begging you for a proper answer), he has the right to want to step out from that world. What truly makes me angry is Reagan's search for the perfect reality in the last episode.
I know what's the point they were trying to make: Reagan is a workaholic and wouldn't be able to keep a stable relationship with Ron.
Which makes a lot of sense and it's not out of character at all! God knows Reags has been obsessed with Cognito and being the boss and changing the world for forever. But the show doesn't give us an explicit example of that.
I know. We aren't dumb. We read between the lines. We get Reagan. It's inside the subtext and her entire persona. Easy to see, easy to understand, doesn't need to be explicit.
This argument would work if it wasn't because there's no subtext! We don't see (not even ONCE) how work is more important for Reagan than Ron. In fact, it's the opposite. Every time she has to choose between work and love, she chooses love:
Date with Ron >> Their mission in Rome -> Rome on fire
Desperately trying to convince Ron to work for Cognito and forgetting about actual work to a point where you would think she wouldn't get anything done if Ron was there with her -> Zombie apocalyspe (that was on Brett but she was the one forcing him to get along with Ron so-)
Being scared to lose Ron in one of the timlines >> Actually saving the timeline (by this I don't mean she didn't care about the timline and the others, but she was pretty much focused on not losing Ron. Which is valid and pretty damn romantic so go girl!!!)
(This is not Reagan slander, by the way! She's been through A LOT and deserves to be selfish. I support women's rights but most importantly I support women's wrongs!)
So how the hell my girl (at the end of ep 6) gets to the conclusion that they couldn't balance both things? She was doing pretty well until the Halloween party, and it didn't even get in between their relationship, it just proved Ron's point about the work not being safe. Which, again, makes sense, but doesn't really get in between their lives in the same way the last episode says.
Episode 6: Work is dangerous and it gets in between our relationship. We have proof. Here's a whole episode putting Ron in danger to prove it.
Episode 8: Work gets in between our relationship because Reagan would put work first. Which makes sense due to her personality, but we've been proving otherwise the whole damn season!
Just stick with one reason or develop both of them but don't change them!!!!
We suppose Reagan would be a workaholic girlfriend if Ron worked there due to her personality and ambition, but we don't actually see it? And it's not really that important and y'all must be thinking I'm reading too much into it, but I just think an explicit confirmation of Reags caring more about work than for Ron would've been great. The different realities in which she treats him like shit aren't out of character but feel odd, considering that she's been choosing him over work multiple times this season. Man, just a little tiny example I'm not asking for much.
Maybe it would've been different if she hadn't gotten that promotion. Maybe she would've been happy with Ron. I know those realities are focused on the possibility of changing the world she didn't have before Ron asked her to move in together, but... I don't know. As if she didn't care for her job before the promotion, y'know?
Basically, for me the whole workaholic thing appears out of nowhere and doesn't make sense with the Ron/Reags dyamic we've seen.
And this whole thing is connected to episode 6 because I think that episode would've been a great moment to introduce both points of view: Reagan prioritizing work and Ron not finding their jobs safe enough.
- The writers' decision and how I would've written the episode because I apparently have too much free time in class to think about this
The episode is great, but I don't understand why Brett is the protagonist here. If the conclusion is meant to be about Reagan and Ron taking a break from each other and asking THE question ("Is work getting in between our relationship?"), why is Brett the one we focus on through the episode?
If it's meant to be just a slight dislike and just not getting along with Ron, why is it so damn crucial to the plot? It's not just Brett wanting to be friends with Ron in a silly, little, sitcomy way. It's Brett wondering WHY he feels like that towards Ron. It's Brett wanting to support his BFF's boyfriend but not being able to do it for no reason whatsoever. It's literally Brett provoking the reason why Ron decides to take a break from Reagan.
Whether it is meant to be romantic or platonic, Brett is technically the reason why Ron acts like that in the end. He even makes a whole zombie apocalypse happen! Just because he didn't like Ron! C'mon it's absurd to think that's strictly platonic. This plot has been going on for years in thousand of different sitcoms: F/M best friends! One starts dating someone! The other doesn't like them! They don't know why! Wow, turns out they were in love the whole time and didn't realize they were jealous.
Classic trope for best friends to lovers.
But yeah, let's say it's platonic. Let's say Brett's reaction to Ron is just a silly plot device to make the guy realize Cognito is dangerous and even the simplest guy with the most innocent intentions could cause an apocalypse.
Why make the episode focus on Brett, then? If his feelings for Ron aren't that related to his relationship with Reags, why are those the ones to make them question their rellationship?
If it's just platonic then I find the episode a bit unnecessary.
If they wanted to show us how work affects them, and not only Brett, why wouldn't they make an episode about that in specific? It isn't that hard.
I personally would've kept the same plot: Reagan trying to convince Ron to work for Cognito using the team's opinions and views on their work!
They go to Brett and everything's the same. They don't get along. It's uncomfortable. But it stays there. Brett makes some comments about how fun it is to work for Cognito but accidentally reveals how dangerous it is, and Ron starts getting a bit worried and confused because... Where the hell has been his girlfriend working?
Then they go to Andre, Gigi, Glenn, Myc... Basically, individual meetings with each. Funny sketches. All of them fuck everything up by talking about work and how it actually is and Ron gets scared with every experience he hears.
And meanwhile, Reagan gets caught up with work! There's drama everywhere! Something something someone died. Something something the Hitler clones scaped. Something something Kanye West is a nazi now and we need to end him. Something somehing zombie apocalypse.
That way we see Reagan sort of neglecting her relationship with Ron because of work, and Ron realizing how dangerous it is.
It doesn't need to be all about Brett. At all. The ending is still the same.
So why would they make Brett the main plot point, wondering why he acts the way he does, if not to be important later? Not to mention that his character is reduced to this from this episode to the end.
- Reasons why Brett could dislike Ron and why I think they don't make sense bc this dude would get along with fucking Mussolini
"Ron made fun of Brett's interests and was lowkey mean to him!"
Brett is a pathological people pleaser, and as the pathological people pleaser I am I can confirm that that wasn't the reason why he disliked Ron. Brett likes everyone. Everyone. No matter what they do. It's not even... Like, like. It's just having to see the best in everyone because he wants to be able to get along with them so they don't hate him.
Making fun of his favorite music? Drinks? Comedian? That's soft compared to what half of the people he knows say to him. Literally you could meet him for the first time, tell him that Friends is a shitty sitcom and he would literally tell you that you're right and then cry while watching the finale.
He's constantly putting other people first and swallowing his opinions and pride, so why not sharing the same opinions as Ron would make him dislike him? It doesn't make any sense.
Besides, Ron wasn't even mean or intentionally hurting Brett. And even if he had been, Brett would've probably been the one apologizing, too. He has encountered horrible people through his life and you're telling me that Ron, his best friend's boyfriend, is the one that makes him dislike someone for once? Not buying it. Doesn't make sense.
"Brett is just worried about Reagan."
Literally doesn't make any sense because Ron hasn't shown any signs of being a bad boyfriend. And if that was the case and Brett was just being an overprotevtive best friend, it would've been explicit. There's no need to hide it in the subtext. And it wouldn't even make sense for the last episodes.
"Brett has abandonment issues."
Yeah, this one's true I can't fight against this one. However, it doesn't prove anything. He can have abandonment issues and still be in jealous. It can be both!
"He's just scared of losing his best friend."
Once again, yeah, true. But it doesn't make sense to me! The reason why Brett is so obsessed with Ron is because he can't figure out why he doesn't like him. If it was meant to be platonic they would've just said so explicitly and it wouldn't have been the main plot.
"They just don't have chemistry."
Ron is like a sad boy version of Reagan with religious trauma, there's no reason why Brett wouldn't like him. They do have chemistry! Brett is the sun, Reagan is the moon, and Ron is an eclipse! (not in a bad way like- I hope y'all have seen that friendship dynamics pic because otherwise this doesn't make sense but I swear it's really cute).
They end up having chemistry and getting along! But only because Ron gave Brett a reason to like him, which Brett has never ever needed before.
"It's just a plot device lmfao stop looking this much into it."
Maybe???? But idk I would like to be a screenwriter someday so looking into things a lot is my thing.
- Brett and his people pleaser soul slowly breaking through the episode
Canonically, Ron is the first person Brett has ever disliked. Which might be an exageration because this boy tends to say stuff like this a lot, but as far as we know it's canon. So, having that in mind, we know that Ron is actually the first person to make Brett panic over not liking someone.
It's completely normal, he just wants to make Reagan happy. Everything he does is for Reagan. Can we PLEASE remember that he's doing this for Reagan? Because I think we don't talk about it enough.
The thing about Brett not liking Ron is that Brett doesn't know why he dislikes him...
Despite being a horrible father and boss, Brett likes Rand! We've seen them interacting or, well, at least we haven't seen Brett hating him. Brett likes Myc despite being a total asshole to him and the others, and he probably is the only one (except Andre) that considers Myc to be a real friend. For literal no reason. Brett still likes his bullies. He likes his shitty family. He liked Reagan although she treated him like shit in the first episode.
And maybe it's not like, like. But it's enough to make him have a normal life with them and be able to to be of service for their approval (istg this guy's just like me fr).
So why's this any different with Ron? Maybe the writers were just trying to make this a plot device and forgot about Brett's inability to hate people. But is that really what happened? Why make it the main plot of the episode, then?
And why make Brett ask himself why he didn't like Ron?
If it was because of not sharing interests or being mean or whatever (something tangible) it would've been obvious. But he spends the episode asking himself that. It's not just a silly little dynamic, it's Brett actively wondering why he doesn't like his best friend's boyfriend.
In fact, the first time he finds out about Reagan being with someone else he's excited for her! He's happy! And I don't want to project my neurodivergency on him, but maybe the fact that Ron was just an idea and not someone tangible for him yet made him unable to picture him as a threat. And when he truly is there, he finally has someone to be jealous of.
He ends up having a soft spot for Ron, but it's only because he explicitly gave him a reason to like him. And then the last two episodes his whole character is reduced to missing Reagan, projecting on a golden retriever they have to kill, and sacrificing his happiness for Reagan's.
Yeah, totally platonic! As if this clearly wasn't the same exact plot of every romantic comedy to ever exist.
-B plot and parallelisms through the season because I've rewatched this like three times already since it came out. I need therapy. Please help me get out of here.
You thought I had forgotten about Rand's plot??? Well, jokes on you, I was waiting for the parallelisms!
I couldn't care less about the B plot in this episode. If I'm being honest I found it funny but didn't really understand the reason behind it until the last episode and after rewatching it a couple of times.
B plots are often meant to be the juxtaposition between character arcs, parallelisms or just funny little stories to make the main one softer. This time it's the three of them.
Basically, two boys fighting for a girl. That's it. That's like the whole plot. Tamiko comes to the conclusion that work is what made Rand such a shitty and crazy person. Do I really need to say more? Like I'm genuinely tired of writing and the parallelisms with this subplot are pretty much obvious.
Then we have more parallelisms in the finale!
"I had everything. I had my job, I had power. I know it's a fucking cliché, but it's true. You don't know what matters most until you lose it." - Rand about Tamiko and Reagan, 2x07
Brett is well aware of how much he loves Reagan, but maybe not in what way exactly. Her dating someone else might just be that thing that tells him: "Yes. This is it. You're losing her forever. She's gonna move out and be with another man and you're going to be abandoned again. She doesn't love you as much." And I don't know if they're going to keep up with this thing next season, but it wouldn't be weird to follow this statement.
Although I know this quote is meant to be about Reagan and Ron and probably about her regretting not moving with him next season, so the Brett thing is just a theory.
"You can't just hit a button over and over and expect a relationship to go back to the way it was. And I know it's scary to give up control." - Reagan about her parents and her and Ron, 2x07
Once again, obviously about Reagan and Ron. But would it be crazy to think this could be about Brett too? Like wanting constantly to go back (after finding out about Appletone) to when it was just Reagan and him. Talking to the dog as if he was Reagan. Missing her. Wanting her back. The thing about Brett is that he doesn't hit any buttons to go back because he cares more about Reagan's happiness than for his own. But yeah, I think it makes sense.
"And I got this. All I care about is that you're happy." - Brett to Reagan, 2x08
"And as long as the person you love is happy, maybe you can be happy later." - Reagan about Ron, 2x08
"Thanks for sticking by when no one else did. A good leader wouldn't drag their best friend into their dad's bullshit. I don't know if we'll ever get back to our realities, but I've seen yours and it looks good. If I succeed I'll see you again. But if not... Good luck, Brett." - Reagan to Brett, 2x07
"I searched a thousand lifetimes for the one that would make you happiest. And you'll find it one day. Just... Without me. [...] I'll miss you, Ron, and I know it were possible, you'd miss me too." - Reagan to Ron, 2x08
Do I need to say more or....?
They both parallel each other so damn much- And to be honest, maybe it is unrequited. It probably is unrequited. But it could go both ways someday! Let's be optimistic.
-"I listen to Accidentally in love from the Shrek 2 soundtrack every day!!!!" Brett. Love of my life. Is it the vibes or the lyrics?? IS IT BECAUSE THE VIBES OR THE LYRICS????? ANSWER ME BRETT HAND-
"So, she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know. Well, maybe I'm in love. Think about it. Every time I think about it."
"How much longer will it take to cure this? Just to cure it, 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love. Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing bout love."
The writing team choosing the song Brett could mention while starting an uncomfortable dynamic with his best friend's boyfriend: What about a song about falling in love accidentally and not being able to stop it?
Okay so maybe it's not THAT specific. Maybe they just wanted a silly little song from a silly little movie so people would look at Brett, smirk and say "haha he's just like me fr". But?? Is it really?? As I said I want to be a writer and I wouldn't choose something as important and cool as a character's favorite song (okay maybe not FAVORITE CANON but he loves it so) just for the memes. It has to mean something, c'mon.
-Why I think Breagan wouldn't destroy the show (as some of you say) and actually would make them one of the most powerful couples ever (this has absolutely nothing to do with my love for coworkers to BFFs to lovers)
I do agree with a lot of you: We need more M/F platonic relationships. However... Have you ever considered that Brett and Reagan are just... Not really that platonic anymore? It's not the first time we've seen this. Mostly in sitcoms! Jim and Pam from The Office, Jake and Amy from Brooklyn 99, Nick and Jess from New Girl, I can keep going... And going... I kin Brett I know about sitcoms!
Reagan loved Ron. She truly did. But it's true that he needed a normal life and she was... Midnight rain. Sorry, Taylor Swift reference. But!! Reagan would end up choosing work and it doesn't mean she doesn't love Ron, it's just that work is equally important to her and knew he wouldn't be happy if they stayed together.
But it could work with Brett. it works with Brett. Because if they dated he would understand Reagan's priorities. He would be always there for her. And he wouldn't try to keep her away from danger (he would be worried sick, ofc, and always would be there to help) because he knows Reagan wants that.
They work well together and their dynamic is sweet, a bit cliché and easy to build. Maybe it's the easy path but that doesn't mean it's necessarily bad.
As an aroace person I love platonic dynamics, but maybe this is not the one we need!! Or maybe it is, tbh I couldn't care less because either way I trust the writers to give us a great relationship development, whether it is romantic or platonic. But idk I would like to see more of Reagan with the other guys and Brett with Gigi! Maybe Andre and Gigi? It would be great not to rely on just one platonic friendship.
And by the way, there's also this possibility of them being completely platonic and Brett not being jealous. Maybe he's just a good best friend that feels a bit worried about his friendship and that's all! If you don't agree with my opinion, that's great too! Just respect everyone's points of view on this because I've seen a lot of hate towards breagan shippers and it's a completely harmless ship!! <3
If there's any mistakes just know that english isn't my first language and it's like 3 am here right now-- Thanks for reading!!!! <3
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yokiidokii · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly write what Andre and Reagan look for in a partner? Thank you! ❤
We’re all doing a little bit not great. I was having a little bit of trouble with this to begin with because I don’t think I really think I know what the ideal partners for anyone in this show is.
So we’re just going to clarify that like- this isn’t end all be all everyone can have their F/O’s and share and be very different with all the different dynamics so like- Also like sjsjjsj sorry it might have gotten away from me so if this isn't exactly what you wanted please let me know!
IF YOU FEEL LEFT OUT OR IT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE YOU BUT YOU LOVE THEN IM SO FREAKIN SORRY IM TRYING MY BEST- I think I’ve decided I’m more fan of like the longer kinda story-ish formats? Like this request! I’ll still do this kinda stuff for sure but I think it might take a little bit longer, and if I don’t think I can do it justice it might never get done :(
I mean while I think we got a pretty good look into her kind of wants in a partner both with Ron and with the dating episode within the first part, I think I could take a crack at adding something to this for you!
Reagan likes a good person for the most part- Like sure I think most people working for the deep state have kind of skewed morals but pure evil isn’t on the agenda.
I think it would be reasonable to assume Reagan likes someone with goals? Like sure the world might make said goal kind of unattainable sometimes, especially in the kind of world you all live in. But actually wanting to do those things is pretty neat!
Respecting her space and having your own interests and things to do while also being able to talk about it? Sometimes it’s nice to hear someone you like talk about something they love, she likes seeing the unabashed joy in their eyes.
Also just- lovingly, do cheesy shit with this woman. Like if she isn’t feeling it she’ll tell you but like- WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER! GO GET ICE CREAM TOGETHER! DO SOMETHING SWEET THAT MAKES HER FEEL NORMAL AND HAPPY!!
Eat ice cream in your jammies and show her movies and stuff that you love or think she’d like!
She just wants someone who’s able to understand her while being themselves.
Something that I think shouldn’t be shocking is that Andre would enjoy a partner who can kind of keep up with all the energy that he has.
Like it isn’t necessary. He could absolutely adore and love a partner who is less energetic or spontaneous as he is! 
Honestly if he has someone who just doesn’t mind how he is when he’s all pumped up then he’s set.
And of course while he want’s someone who can handle him at his high. He also want’s them to be able to handle him at his lows-
Will you be able to listen to him talk about his high stakes elder scrolls campaign- will you???
But even if you don’t have all of the knowledge to take care or make sure that he would be okay given a panic attack or some other kind of mental shut down he’s smart enough to let you know some kind of plan of action should it happen if you’re around each other enough.
As long as you can retain that information and help him calm down and stay with him he’s sold.
While I would assume you’d be friends with him before becoming his partner this still is still something I can absolutely see him feeling strongly about.
You have to get along with his friends- like at least be amicable.
Like sure he knows not everyone can get along but the gang? Ride or die found family. They mean a lot him and you do to! But having a partner who can banter and get along with if not tease them back.
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rae-arts777 · 2 years
I actually really liked Ron and though my theory was wrong, I was right the end part, still hurts, but also makes me relate to Reagan more too, it does kinda of hurt when a person you love, and you realize theyre happier in…a time where you arent part of their lives
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I wish they did Ron and Reagan differently. I wish, I really wish I could love them.
But I don't.
They felt rushed, the main conflict of the whole season was about Reagan relationship with him, and while I didn't hate that, I most certainly didn't love that either.
But what pisses me off is that it had potential to be done right.
They didn't have to hook up in the very first episode. If only there was just some more time to built their chemistry it would be great, but instead their romance felt very dry and rushed.
For me it was literally 0 chemistry, I felt absolutely nothing when I saw them together. I was happy for Reagan, but it also didn't seem that it gonna last.
But while failed chemistry is just a little failure and rushed relationship can be seen as a coping mechanism, I wish it was just that.
Rushed romance completely replaced Reagan's main conflict with Rand and his screw ups. I know, they said in the show that it could be coping mechanism and may be in real life it actually works that way but in fiction conflict between two main characters doesn't just go away. But all they did is Reagan letting it go in first episode and letting it go again in episode 7. Like, you can't get us invested in some royal shit of Rand wiping Reagan's memories about her friend and not mention it again. You can't just build this much tension of Rand getting Reagan's job and just let it go in the first episode. How they did not used all the potential of Reagan having a problem with Rand as her boss?
And they let go all the above for some kind of romance for Raegan? When it's even not in her character to want a romance when shit this big happens in her life?
So yeah, I didn't love that plotline.
At least almost everything else was great.
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cantsayidont · 9 months
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November 2019 to present. There's about a season and a half worth of really good TV in this speculative fiction series, co-created by Ron Moore (of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and DEEP SPACE NINE fame), Matt Wolpert, and Ben Nedivi, which postulates a world where the Soviets beat the U.S. to the moon in 1969 and thus keep the space race running strong for decades afterward. Unfortunately, FOR ALL MANKIND is now in its fourth season, and its smattering of interesting and sometimes stirring moments remain mired in frustratingly erratic pacing (especially in the third season), an aggravating amount of truly shameless melodrama, and character conflicts that are too often driven by contrivance rather than personality.
The strongest moments are near the beginning, where the Soviet landing of a female cosmonaut on the moon triggers a frantic scramble to put an American woman into space — a storyline that also serves as a tribute to real-life pilot Jerrie Cobb (fictionalized as Molly Cobb and played by Sonya Walger, second from left below), who died in 2019 — and the political recriminations about the American space program's supposed timidity snowball into a series of deadly accidents.
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If you like movies like THE RIGHT STUFF and APOLLO 13, the premise is hard to resist, but the further the show gets from the period where it begins, the clumsier it gets, and the more facile its simple-minded politics become. (The first season's apologia for Wernher von Braun's use of Nazi slave labor was quite bad enough, but did the second season really need to valorize Ronald Reagan? In what universe was it defensible for the third season to have Don't Ask, Don't Tell invented by a closeted lesbian Republican and her awful closeted beard husband, or to make the show's obvious Melon Usk pastiche a self-made Black billionaire (played by Edi Gathegi) whose family is from Kenya, rather than a wealthy white South African whose popularity and predatory impulses are inseparable from that background? Why does the show's vision of the Soviet Union more closely resemble the 1982 Clint Eastwood techno-thriller FIREFOX than the historical USSR?) The show also never really recovers from the eventual loss of key members of the original ensemble, in particular Gordo and Tracy Stevens (Michael Dorman and Sarah Jones, pictured above center), who depart at the end of the second season.
A central dilemma with FOR ALL MANKIND is that the storyline covers four decades of alternate history, and the terrible pacing and frequent time-skips make it difficult to sustain any kind of emotional connection to the characters. Even if you're really invested in certain characters' relationships, you have to resign yourself to the fact that they may only have one scene together once every 15 or 20 years of story time — and in the meantime, you'll have to put up with a depressing amount of Ed Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) being insufferable to Danielle Poole (Krys Marshall), who has the misfortune of being one of this very white show's only recurring Black characters. The current season, set in the early '00s, is still struggling for a coherent story direction, suggesting the series may be running out of gas.
I dunno — I really liked this show at its outset, but the longer it goes on, the harder it becomes to accept its many flaws, and the current season has repeatedly made me wonder why I'm still bothering.
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