glitchkoi · 2 years
Ok I promise I’ll be normal but part of how Ron and Reagan gripped me so fast is the fact that once Reagan realizes she actually really likes Ron it’s like. The one and only thing she’d ever prioritize her job (even if at her own detriment).
Is that good? Is that healthy? No, but neither is her job for her health and mental state. She has never had a close relationship before Brett, and until Ron never one that she cared to deepen.
This isn’t even necessarily a shipping post bc personally I think both Ron and Brett give Reagan things she needs, kindness, compassion, laughter, and she has gained a desire to forge actual human connection with from them. I am just. So sad. That she lost someone who meant so much to her that she would sabotage her own work for THEM to work.
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funniest parts of inside job pt 2
mommy likey drinky
“santa is fake! but student debt is real!” “you had to learn sometime, brayden”
“this is gonna be the most globally damaging midlife crisis since elon musk” oh that is APT
“ok boomer”
“are you poland? because that german guy straight-up owned you”
reagan saying that alex jones “looks like an orangutan fucked a fire hydrant”
“i’m the only one left who will listen to me!”
spending the whole episode confused on why oprah is back and then seeing her yell “i’m not the first oprah!”
“our missions do feel suspiciously like b-stories”
“why is my wallet on a metal leash? where would it be trying to go?”
lights being mothman’s kryptonite is a very obvious joke but it still works every time
“MOTHERFUCKER!” “well, he is fucking reagan’s mother, so yes. motherfucker.”
*takes out a lotus* “i don’t put these in my pocket. they grow there spontaneously.”
“i’m feeling drained from staring meaningfully into the distance”
“after dating so many billionaires, his millionaire lifestyle keeps me grounded”
the pussy posse being amazed and confounded by brett’s respect women juice
the real reason leonardo dicaprio only dates women under 25
“someone on the internet found out margot robbie is cgi” FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME
reagan accidentally imitating owen wilson
“when i’m done with you, men will look at you the way they look at me: briefly!”
gigi’s reaction to her make-under: “i wanna cyberbully myself!”
tamiko’s reaction to rand turning into a literal manchild: “way to turn subtext into text, rand”
myc’s absolutely SAVAGE comebacks at the constitution heist
“how would the founding fathers feel about this?” “probably the same way your father feels about you”
“ok, give me the word and i’ll blow the hell out of this thing” “said your ex-wife to brett’s dick”
“aliens? a woman being in charge of a team? nobody’s gonna believe this!”
“it’s a psychic union where everyone thinks the same and acts the same like fucking marvel fans” HGFHJGSDHKJHSJGH
“the last time i saw a white guy that generic, he was on a don’t walk sign!”
“fresh dirt is brought to you by blue apron. do you only care about the environment when it’s super convenient?”
“how did he get that hoodie?”
“WE’VE BEEN FUCKED BY THE POPE!” “for the love of god, CONTEXT!”
saying “when in rome” is half the reason people come to rome
the gay dog weddings
“i now pronounce you two very good boys!”
“that’s me in the corner, losing my religion.”
reagan offending the italians (again)
“oh man, if god is real, i’m fucked”
“in the name of the father the son and the HOLY SHIT”
in a vow to make air travel as inconvenient as possible, the third wright brother invented sharing an armrest
“i deserve to be punished. i still quote borat sometimes”
“look! a woman’s ankle!”
*takes one look at hell* “those flamin’ hot cheetos commercials really nailed it.”
“i love cable news. it’s like watching the apocalypse in slow motion.”
gigi describing brett as “the comic sans of people”
andre reminding us how old millennials are now
“destroying your brother’s political legacy. what are you, a bush?”
the ayn rand tattoo
brett accidentally unionizing and legalizing sex work
“the solution just seemed so obvious”
“because faking your own death worked so well last time, reagan. redundant much?”
“maybe all conspiracies are real!” “oh, that’s not good.”
brett’s lil brett puppet
lil brett dying
lil brett going absolutely batshit crazy during the entire end credits of that episode
“you look like a white girl at burning man!”
the coughing and face-touching station
“the only way you’re associated with the number 300 is in pounds.” “you calling me fat?” “explicitly!”
“i literally have no idea what you’re going to say next!” “vagina egg.”
“i feel like we have the same interests. wanna start a podcast?” “no! this is like a siren song for straight white men!”
reagan once used cheetos as croutons
*route 96 turns into route 69* “haha, nice”
the fact that andre is just the original text of the “one fear” meme
“fun for ages six to six and a half!”
berenstain bears originally being berenstein makes SO MUCH SENSE
“and finally the rich white underdogs became the rich white ruling class. an inspirational story”
jr refusing to put his shirt back on
brett gives a tinfoil hat to the shazaam poster and it WORKS
“turns out i wasn’t pregnant, i just had way too much del taco” “i’ve been there”
“you said something nice, but it felt mean!”
mothman’s alternate timeline was a reverse of the fly
andre is canonically into tentacle hentai
lampshading the plot holes
“me? in charge of a whole workforce, like santa?”
“how many oscars is meryl streep supposed to have? three seems kinda low”
andre, just having shoved nixon back into his grave, now covered in blood and holding a shovel: “i don’t wanna talk about it”
air bud!!
“i could beat a dog in chess! probably.” same, brett, same
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tokosparrow · 1 year
hello! i heard you were looking for inside job related requests. so may i request some general reagan x reader relation hcs? have a great day!
a/n: sure thing anon :D!! i hope you have a good day as well :))!
extra info: reader is gender neutral so anyone is safe to read this :DD. also whenever reagan is mention speaking she’ll be bolded with green (+ brett being orange and robotus being blue since they’re being mentioned)
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> you and reagan most likely met while you both are working at cognito, from there, everything played out what you two would’ve never expected.
> reagan was a little cautious to let you get close to her, probably because she doesn’t really know who you are.
> like she did with brett, she’ll literally find out everything about you, soon she’ll find herself much more interested in you then she thought she would be.
> she will probably casually bring up some things from your life so you could talk about it in more detail and wow, she’s vv much invested in whatever you’re saying.
> “heyyyy (Y/N), have you ever tried joining *insert whatever activity* ?” “oh gosh, i haven’t done that since highschool *proceeds to talk about it for the next hour as reagan listens*”
> god, now this seems like some childhood crush, she hates it SO much, she’s in so much denial, she couldn’t and can’t like you, liking a coworker is not a good idea.
> whenever she brought this up to either brett or robotus, she’s met with the realization that maybe she DOES like you.
> but she won’t really admit it out-loud
> “god i don’t know guys, they seem to stick to me, i don’t know how but it makes me feel all mushy i don’t like it” “maybe it’s the L word if you’re catching my drift reagan ;D” “what you talking about brett?” “im assuming it’s about love reagan, (Y/N) has been the main person you’ve been talking to lately besides brett. i’ve watched on the cameras”
> she tries to hype herself up to try and confess to you, she’s nervous she’ll admit that, REALLY nervous.
> she pulls you to the side after finishing a meeting with the gang, she decides to get this over with, weither or not this goes great she just wants this to get this over with.
> she’s muttering and stuttering through the whole confession like a idiot, but soon she got side tracked when you cut her off with your own confession (thank god).
> “y’know (Y/N), uh, i really like, yo- uh i mean, i..like..yo-“ “i like you too reagan, like a lot, i think you’re really smart and i like that about you” “wow… heh, thanks?”
> regan would probably take you to museums for dates on the regular, theyre the sexiest places on earth cmon now, she loves them a lot, cmon.
> she also likes to ramble on a lot about either her inventions or like whatever stuff she’s interested in at the moment.
> she would love listening to you as well as she works since she would at least something to listen to while she does her work. she also just loves it when you talk but she doesn’t like admitting it
i hope this is good enough and pls tell me if this is what you meant dear anon, have a good day, noon, or night :DD
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yellowstarwater · 2 years
Alright time to start my episode by episode analysis of part 2 of Inside Job. By now I’m sure that most people have seen the second half of season one. But if you still haven’t (for some reason) spoilers ahead.
First up P2 E1: How Reagan got her Groove Back
I do like how it starts (mostly because it confirms my own theory) but it does feel in character that Reagan would have gone on a drunken bender. Love or hate Rand Ridley he does establish early on what he wants out of running Cognito Inc (His ex-wife and daughter) it makes sense that he would not care about what the robes want from him and only work towards his own agenda. If we go by what Brett says in the beginning of the episode then three full months have passed since the end of part one. That means that for three FULL months Reagan has been on a drunken bender and not working at Cognito!
So then why is anyone surprised that the team doesn’t back her up when she goes on a rant about her takeover plan from her father?! By all accounts Reagan left her team to deal with Rand alone and in those three months the gang is able to see that while a lot of things around the office is messed up and while they do not like Rand nothing has changed for them in terms of their jobs! Not to mention that Reagan probably created that plan when she was drunk and was still drunk when she brought it up to them!
But most people aren’t really mad at the gang as a whole. No the take that I’ve seen even some of my Breagan shippers take is that BRETT was wrong for not backing Reagan up in that situation. That it ruined his character?! What?! How does it ruin his character when he had to watch his BEST FRIEND go on a dangerous drunken bender for THREE MONTHS and has to be the one to pick her up from god knows where she ended up during that time! Because you know that it was Brett looking for her every night! Did everyone also just forgot that Brett goes to therapy?! That maybe after Brett spent three months witnessing Reagan’s behavior he would have come to the conclusion that what she needed was therapy and not to take over Cognito right now! That moment was a peak Breagan friendship moment! Brett put aside his need to please his best friend’s supposed wants and wishes and instead prioritized what Reagan needed which was therapy! And yet people have the nerve to say that BRETT was wrong for not having Reagan’s back EXCUSE ME?! How is it not having your back when you basically say hey I’m really worried about you and I think you need time to sort things out!
But I get it Reagan looked betrayed so therefore Brett must have betrayed her right? NO Brett cares about Reagan enough so that he can prioritize her safety and wellbeing over her personal wants and wishes. And if that is not solid character development right out the gate for Brett? If that is not a solid Breagan friendship moment let alone a potential shipping moment?! Then I need to hop off this ship and delete all my Breagan fics because people we are not on the same page! All I’m saying is that there are THREE full months of context that we the audience didn’t see…but Brett did!!!!😤
Okay so now that that rant is over I do like that Reagan listen to Brett and went to Anonymous Anonymous. It shows that despite being upset with him on some level she can see that she needs help. And I do think group therapy would have really helped if she stuck with it. But instead she gets distracted.
Alright ReaganxRon shippers please do not take this part of my analysis as a personal attack on your ship. You have every right to ship Reagan and Ron if you choose to do so, and I can concede that this ship is cute and that some of my opinions on this ship could be influenced by me being a Breagan shipper. But this ship rises red flag after red flag and I’m going to talk about it. 
First off any progress that Reagan could have potentially made by going to therapy is ruined by Ron. Because what right does Ron have to basically say that Reagan shouldn’t be there complaining about what happened to her because she quote ‘has to wait a little bit longer for her dream job.’ I’m sorry but the F🤬. So right off the bat Ron insults her and her reason for being in therapy. And when Reagan rightfully fights back he basically says that having your memories deleted isn’t as hard as being the person who has to delete the memories?! Again the F🤬, I’m not saying that Ron’s job doesn’t take a toll on him because it did! But still, next Ron insults her intelligence which pushes her to go after her father again. This is just the first interaction though and I will get to the other red flags in this episode later on.
Okay so Rand using Reagan’s nano bots to win the competition is interesting because that would have to mean that Rand really trusts Reagan’s invention’s despite also still insulting them and her. AB pointing out that Reagan is doing a villain monologue but also showing up because he just wants to chat foreshadows a lot of changes that will take place for him in part two. The Bohemian Groove scenes are also really fun to watch plus we finally got to see the Atlanteans! Plus the entrances of every organization pretty much sums them up easily.
I love how supportive Andre and Brett are to Gigi, honestly if Breagan turns out to not be the slow burn ship of the show I wouldn’t be surprised if Andre and Gigi are. Seriously the interaction between these three are wholesome and it does show how far the gang is willing to go for each other. Oh and Myc and Glenn were at Bohemian Grove too and must have done something too I guess.
Okay now it’s time to talk about Reagan and Ron’s second interaction. So question everyone does anyone know what Ron’s motivations are for sabotaging his own company? Oh that’s right he doesn’t want to talk about it! Alright even I a Breagan shipper can admit that Reagan and Ron have some good moments I can even understand why they hooked up but I stand by my statement when I say they were never going to last. Ron admits in this episode that he was caught trying to drink an entire vat of mind-erasing liquid and that’s why he was sent to group therapy! 🚩🚩🚩Is anyone out there starting to make the connections? Because I was able to make that connection at 3:00am with only about two hours of sleep!
One of the things that I think we need to start considering is that just because two people are compatible doesn’t mean that their goals are. And this can affect their relationship, in Reagan’s and Ron’s case their romantic relationship. Yes Reagan wants revenge on her father, Ron is right about that but Reagan hasn’t given up on the world just yet. Ron has given up on the world and that’s going to be important seven episodes later. This relationship is basically a distraction for both of them until they can fulfill the plans they want to fulfill. And while I do think it is good that Reagan decided to stop trying to fight her dad and put her happiness first. I do think this also means that in that moment she decides to stop trying to come to grips with her what happened to her which is dangerous. Think about it after this episode it’s not mentioned again even though there are still a lot of things that Reagan still needs to unpack and work on .Yes moving forward is important but how you go about it is important as well. Also the two of them not noticing that the wooden owl that they are hiding in was on fire because they were too busy hooking up?😔🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
But their hook up causing Rand and his rival is funny as hell though! Oh yeah Glenn and Myc become clowns…for two minutes! And JR is still alive.
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flyingspicerack · 2 years
Inside Job Pt2Ep3 Myc Analysis Pt2
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OK SO!! ASSIMILATED MYC HUH?! First of all, the color palette change..... i like it in what it represents, its a good way to depic that he's different without having to keep that like, blue aura aura around him. HOWEVER, it makes me feel weird because THIS ISN'T MY MYC!!!
Also his voice...... not.... not for me. BUT I LOVE THE warbling echoey quality they gave him right when attuned. A lot of this is gonna be me PRAISING what the writers did, but me being pupsetti cause thats not my babygirl
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AHHHH Brett's face here is so cute, hes so excited to be included in girls night!!!! Also! I feel like at this point the Hive isn't tapped into anyone but Myc so... does Myc genuinely watch Sex and the City? I think so.
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MYC'S TOWNHOUSE! UOGHHHHHH OKAY SO FOR REALS!!! Does he have one? I GUESS SO? Is this what it looks like?? I DONT KNOW! Could the hive be making something up? Maybe?? But like, how would the hive know what to make up if they have been in the hollow earth for centuries, they have to tap into Myc. SO, is this REALLY what Myc's townhouse looks like? Or is this what he want's his friends to believe it is?? Because all of this is a hallucination so?? Like they cater to Brett and Gigi with the rock wall and bookshelf, so would he cater it to look like something he wants? THEN AGAIN! We saw Myc's little nook in his office in the beginning of the episode and that was classy as fuck with his little couch and the record player, so who's to say if this is mostly a REAL depiction of his brownstone. I will say though, it's fucking hot as hell and I think it IS at least the floorplan, like i think the floorplan is the same, whether or not its decorated like this? HHHHHHHHHH I dunno?? BUT I LOVE IT EITHER WAY BECAUSE I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
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I genuinely think this mural is so.... SO beautiful, if I could have it as a poster or a tapestry i fucking would. I also wanna know what the writing system is like.... UGH ITS SO PRETTY
ANYWAY I THINK its so so funny that they totally retconned the whole thing about the mushrooms being aliens, like at first Myc would get so mad and say they weren't but then now they are?? lmao and the whole lore they made of early apes eating mushrooms and then evolving? FUCKING GREAT
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I just like myc's house.... look at his fancy kitchen ... AND IS THAT A FIREPLACEEEEEEEEEEEE uoghhhh
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Also!! I reallu like these weird globby mushroom cave wall things, theyre soooo cool
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"Who wants some fucking dirt to eat? I'm still being nice, I like dirt!" BABY GHUIDSRHNS;G HES STILL A LITTLE BITCHY?????? HUAOGHH Baby i will eat dirt for you, i will eat it and like it
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OKAY HERE IS SOMTHING I HAVE CONFLICTING THOUGHTS ON!!! THE poetry night thing. I saw another post (here) about the gang actually being there and Myc not sensing them, and i like that take, but ALSO I like the idea of them genuinely not going because they don't like him and dont think his poetry would be good, and Reagan is just talking out her ass about it? Like, I can see both ways being real good, IDK!!!
And then the thing specifically ANDRE said.... the jacking off in the break room over the pic on a box of mushroom calzones.... baby, honey.... that is somehow both so pathetic and so hot i don't know what to do with myself other than save this information for later
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This image.... HURTS THE ANISE he genuinely looks SO upset, sad, distraught, deflated, this is THE SINGLE MOST upsetting image of Myc IMO, because its HIM in there that's being tormented and the hive is trying to fight it, but Myc is just.... he's actually SO sensitive and he cant handle a roast WITHOUT HIS DEFENSE MECHANISM OF HIS PERSONALITY THAT THE HIVE TOOK AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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LOOK AT HIM!!!! HE IS SO!!!!!! UAGHFEFFS HES IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ALSO!!! You can see with the blue glow that the hive is trying to regain control of the situation and he's glowing blue
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Mmmmmm yeah, Myc was right to get really mad for this, Brett went too far, and I think thats why he said it, to break him... I just think it's so interesting they went with a roast to get Myc back because it seems like roasts are like .... a bygone era? Like i bet if youre watching this show in your mid-late 20s you can remember when roasts were like, on tv all the time, but now you dont really see the concept all that much?? Idk i think it's interesting I guess. Anyway comparing Myc to Jar Jar Binks is a hate crime and im gonna beat up brett for it <3
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oh my GOD look how curled in and angy he is.... his little fists....
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SIDEBAR!!! Eberyone SO HAPPY that he's back, like all of them so fucking.,... LIKE I SPECFICALLY want to talk about GLENN of all people. Like dont get me wrong, all of them are really pleased, but GLENN? Like.... look at how SOFT his face is?? Like he is so genuinely glad to have this fucker back,,,,,, hgusehkl;s and also andre.... oh dr lee dont make that face ur gonna have me actin up ohhhhhhgggh hes so satisfied
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Aaaaaaaaaan, boom goes the dynamite
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SO! ANOTHER THING TO NOTE!!!!! When Myc is getting ready to do this whole spore process thing, and use his big powers here, he very slightly switched back to his hive color palette.... but then a moment later we see him in his normal one, so im thinking he is like.... getting all of the hives influence just.... out of him for good? maybe i dunno but i like that
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god god god god. okay HERE his voice is SO CALM so!! JUST SO!! He understands that Reagan isn't insulting him, he knows that she really cares..... he makes me MELT ANS THEH NUN THE HEHPFIE:SJFKNK ANDS THEN AND THEN AND THEN IN THE NEXT SCENE IT CONTINUES OKAY
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MMMMMMM YES podcast myc ,,,, love this guy LOVE HIM LOVE HIM SM SMS SMSMMSMSMSMSMSMSMS AWOOOOOOOOOOGA I AM THE NUMBER 1 LISTENER OF FRESH DIRT UAGHHHHHH (i would also like to know if gigi and reagan drunk kiss pls)
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pregnant myc.... aright i am gonna give my OWN motherfucking opinions abt this because im TOO SERIOUS about it....
Myc is a mushroom, hes not a man, while he may use he/him pronouns, hes a mushroom first and foremost who canonically uses Mx. instead of Mr. like all of this is canon. He ALSO when finding out he is preggers, he says he wants to be a mother, a MOTHER, he wants to experience the joys of motherhood.... NON BINARY LEGEND! FUCKING mushrooms have NO TIES to human gender, so TEACHINALLY this cant really be considered mpreg, and it ISNT in my eyes, fucking label it mpreg all u fucking want but I DONT FUCKING AGREE OR BUY IT, dont come at me for this ill bully you into the ground
Anyway, my name is Anise and I want to thank everyone for their time for reading my Myc Cellium analysis. This character means more to me than anyone on the internet or even Shion Takeuchi herself can fathom.... and as far as IM concerned, i love him more than ANYONE ever will, whats that post? If Myc has fans, im one of them, if he doesnt, that means im dead, or whatever. I DONT KNOW I JUST KNOW that I love him more than EVERYONE and that is a FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway if you like inside job and like self insert shipping content folow me to see my silly little guy kiss this stupid mushroom and stream inside job on netflix <3
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cognitosclowns · 1 year
I'm not sure how it would happen, but how do you think Alphabeta would deal with getting his consciousness moved over to a human body? What would he like? What would he hate? (No pressure to respond of course!)
all sfw!! references to eating + nausea
Miscellaneous sci-fi fuckery? Miscellaneous sci-fi fuckery
Accidentally transferred into the body of a clone? Some last ditch effort to save his life? The Specifics aren't really important, what matters is he hates it.
He's absolutely gonna have a Last Unicorn Amalthea 'I-Can-Feel-This-Body-Dying-All-Around-Me' moment that isn't gonna be good for anyone involved. Bone-deep nausea when he realises just how fragile he is.
It's probably the most distressed anyone's ever seen him? Lots of pure fight-or-flight reactions, if anyone tries to touch him they're getting decked (sorry Brett). It takes a solid couple hours to get him calm enough to Process Information And Start Working Out A Plan With Them.
There's definitely some stuff he deals with. better than others.
Breathing is surprisingly easy? I mean the process is automated, but also he was already able to breath before.
Granted this all feels a bit more Fleshy and Loose, but it's one of the very few things he actually finds. kinda comforting about having a body?
Eating is,, weird?? but also he doesn't hate it?? Entirely?? He definitely hates elements of it, but the actual process of eating is kinda. Soothing? He definitely likes that slight dopamine kick. He likes that his body provides Little Rewards For Taking Care Of It.
It takes a while, again, to get used to how eating feels as a human versus as a machine.
Sleep! Sleep is perhaps the only thing that feels the same. That soft feeling of slipping into unconsciousness is really comforting.
Dreaming however is weird as FUCK and nothing like it was as an AI. usually his 'dreams' were just vague colours and sensations, maybe some memories, as his servers filtered through the events of the day.
Not,, necessarily bad, but definitely weird?
he hates having a heartbeat he hates having a heartbeat he hates having a heartbeat he hates
A solid 2 hrs post-humanification is just spent rubbing his chest with the hard part of his palm, as if he's trying to rub the heart right outta his chest alskdflsdakrlds.
It's incomparable to anything else he's experienced. There's something thumping in his chest. He can feel the blood rushing from the tips of his fingers back to his hear, and down again. He can hear it, like water rushing past his ears.
Ofc the Extreme Awareness does go away after a few days of acclimating, but whenever his heart-rate spikes up. Expect Him To Be Unwell.
Another thing he can't stand is how,, limited he is. Dear God this man is so under-stimulated he's gonna rip his teeth out KAJFKSJDAS
usually he's seeing through several wavelength of light, hearing things humans couldn't hope to hear, layering sounds and images within his own mind to keep himself stimulated.
now everything's,, quiet. really quiet. eerily quiet. He hates that he isn't as aware of his surroundings as he used to be.
He definitely has A Bit Of A Moment (tm) when he puts on several different shows at once, and realises that This Body Can't Process All That. he can't listen to music and watch a show and read a book all at once his Fleshy Human Brain can't make all those make sense.
Also the limits of his strength?? He used to be able to like,, lift tables with ease. Now he gets tired when he walks up too many flights of stairs. Experiencing Being An Old Man.
The limits of his memory ohhhh that freaks him out like nothing else
The fact that he's able to forget things is so eerie. He's never had that problem before. Reagan asks him how his day was, and when he realises he can't remember what he had for breakfast, or what colour his slippers were? Oh Boy.
He does need a. well I don't wanna say babysitter. Chaperone?
After Reagan realises that this man is 100% gonna forget to fulfil most bodily functions necessary to keep him alive along enough to transfer him back into his body,,,, yeah she makes sure there's ppl keeping track of him.
not up his ass or anything, he's allowed to go about his day as normal,, just,, around. to make sure he doesn't accidentally give himself a kidney infection or starve to death.
He won't admit it, but it's kinda?? nice?? having somebody around?? who understands what the fuck is going on??
'Why do my joints hurt?'
'You're old.'
'Mm. Don't like that.'
Generally? Worst experience of his life never make him do that again
Alright, there were some upsides - hindsight is 20/20, and once he's actually back in His Body,, he has,,, maybe,, just a slight,, appreciation for human resilience?
Because Dear Fuck he had to experience it for a month and barely came out of it with his sanity intact he has no idea how these freaks exist day to day managing all of that. How does anyone manage to get anything done.
The robot went through a Bad Experience and gained a little more empathy. Look At Him Go.
ABWBABW THIS WAS SO EXTREMELY FUN <3 lmk if you had something else in mind, and as always feel free to add your own ideas, I love hearing other ppls thoughts <3
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busterheadspace · 1 year
I love your fics! I have a super niche request but it’s sm I think about a lot! What about like Brett working with the robes (he’s still not all that bright and it’s mainly because he’s such a yes man that he ends up doing it bc I don’t want to change core aspects of his character) but then yk he befriends the team and totally falls for Reagan and hes planning on telling her but whoops he just got outed for it and now she’s super pissed at him and refuses to see him. Canon timeline and stuff-
Also don’t feel annoying for posting your fics! Inside job content is the GOAT always and I will always be personally tuning in to read what you write
aw. Thank you for the compliments. And yes, I’m also believing this theory very well too.
Note: Open to request. Whump Bingo open.
Brett came out of his workplace with a happy sigh and began humming as he walked back home. 
The new place he was hired out was pretty fantastic. Small offices, a company bookmark as a gift and a lot of people who seemed really interested in what they were working and making him choose a side of the toy they were making, 
Okay the last one wasn’t the funniest thing to do. Choosing sides was too much pressure for him and he watched as the two sides yelled at each other at the conference. But once they got too tired or their throats were too sore from the yelling, Brett suggested an idea. Both sides loved it and made the product.
A fidget toy that looked like an airplane. Maybe not the best of ideas but they stopped fighting and Brett was very happy about that. He wondered how his second day of work would go.
“Okay Brett, you’re going to prove yourself at that company! You’re going to show them all the great ideas you have! Maybe make your family proud. But I’m going to change the world- MNHH!”
A bag was thrown onto his head and he screams in fear. 
The bag was taken off and a bright light blinded him. Brett sat on the floor as five clocked figures stood in front of him. Each wore a golden mask and triangle heads. His eyes widened and he got to knees. 
“I’m sorry if I did something! Please don’t kill me or sacrifice me!” Brett begged. The Robes figures just look at each other, laughing. Why were they laughing..?
“Stand up Brett.” One said. Brett listened and did what he was told. He gulped when the middle one approached.
“Who are you guys? Where is this place?” Brett ignored what they said as he looked around. 
“We are The Robes. We are the rulers of the world.” They explained. “We’ve been watching you. You have quite the skills to help us.”
“Me?!” Why him? He’s nothing special. “What makes me a good ruler do the whole world?”
“You see… we can’t really expose ourselves to humans. We aren’t exactly human and.. how social skills aren’t exactly the best..” The Robe in front of him looked back to another Robe with what seemed to be a glare.
“You have the people skills and seem to know how to solve problems very easily. The Reptoid have also said you know how to keep peace and prevent them from overtaking humanity. ”
“Potentially you could change the world” 
“Uhh..” This was very confusing and nerve wracking for the man. Him? Ruler of the world? How would he be able to do that? That was too much pressure!
 But The Robes were staring him down, the one in front of him holding a hand out. They do seem like they really need his help..and he liked helping people..
With a rather forceful grin, Brett shook the Robe's gloves hand. 
“I’ll do it!” He declared. “So.. when do I start?”
“Now.” A black cloak is thrown at him and he catches it surprisingly along with a mask. “Make sure it fits. We can’t have any part of you exposed to any visitors.”
“I’ll try my best!”
The job was full of surprises. He went undercover a lot. Learning about what celebrities were doing and trying to keep peace between the Shadow Government. He told the Robes about all progress and what their next plan should be
It was hard sometimes . He got punched left and right, insulted, and evaded death many times.. His family often talked about how he doesn't do so much in the world and Brett so badly wants to tell him he was the one ruling it. But The Robes made it clear that they prefer non-shadow governments to not know about their existence and he kept to that. With a forceful smile Brett would just get through the meetings without spilling anything.
In early November, Brett entered the ruined building as the Robes were at the round table. He adjusted his robe and mask and joined them
“Brett. We have a mission for you.” 
“Alright. What is this time!”
A video screening came up and revealed a woman with brown hair and a lab coat. Next to her was an older man with glasses
“This is Reagan Ridley. We need to decide if she’s up to be CEO. While she has a very brilliant mind, her social skills are quite lacking.”
A feed of Reagan in a yellow robot and shaking a dolphin mutant. Brett looked at his coworkers confused. What does this have to do with him?
“We need you to go to this Barbecue. That man before is JR.. ugh.. he’s such a pain in the ass… You need to get hired by him and you’re most likely going to be placed with Ridley. Your job is to use your social skills and help her advance to CEO.
That sounded kinda easy. Brett took off his mask and grinned.
“I won’t let you down!”
Getting hired was the easy part. JR instantly liked him and put a bag on his head and brought him to meet Reagan. She glared at him but he tried his best and tried to become friendly with her.
He could tell she didn’t like him. He kinda got it since he was taking all the credit for the Robot President project. The Robes didn’t make it easier with saying his name and he could hear Reagan groan in frustration. The next day she made a slide show of him JR fired her for a period of time and the Robot President was in his hands. Although it went crazy and decided to killed the whole world
But they made it work in the end. Reagan looked at him with a little smile and they shook hands. In all the missions he went undercover with, that was one of the most genuine smiles he’s seen.
The months passed and he soon started bonding with the team. Each of them had their own quirks and annoyances but he loved getting them hyped for their missions. 
He spent a lot of his time with Reagan. They would hang out, come up with ideas and maybe..just  maybe he was starting to really like her. The day he went on a Nostalgia Spread, her words really made him feel warmed and loved despite the unpleasant memories of his family . The suggestion of a movie night and it becoming a common thing and her falling asleep on his shoulder made him feel so many things.
She didn’t find him annoying and enjoyed everything about him. Not many people were like that to him. Even if she did yell at him or get frustrated, she tries her best to apologize and treat him to lunch or something in her own way.
The day she was selected to become CEO made Brett excited. She finally got her dream job but.. he also wanted to tell her his secret for being here.
“So.. Reagan..” He met her up while she was heading to her new office the day after Bear-O attacked. “About me-“
“Are you talking about yesterday? Brett, we’re the Shadow Government. There’s always going to be suspicion and mistrust if something big happens. It’s not your fault that you didn’t stick with me.”
The happiness he could see on her face. He decided to tell her after she got her promotion. He smiled back at her as she went up the elevator. 
 But not long after that, the promotion was taken from her and he couldn’t understand why. To Rand Ridley? He’s the whole reason why Bear-O existed!
“But she saved the company! Why would you let her dad take over?!” Brett asked The Robes after work. The middle one steps up with answer. 
“Her dependence on her father is what made her unfitted for it.” The Robe explained. “She’s planning a revenge plan as we speak. You still will be working there, perhaps she could still be worthy. However do not joins her revolts on her father and let everything play out”
Brett wanted to so badly defend Reagan. But he knew that once they decided on a choice, it’s permanent. He let them go and just tried his best to support Reagan through this hard time.
Months passed by and Brett noted Reagan talking about this guy. She hooked up with him in the closet at Anonymous Anonymous. She stopped talking about him after the Rome disaster but he did meet him eventually.
Ron Staedtler. Brett didn’t like him. The way he grabbed Reagan’s hand and they looked at each other with such affection made his mood a little sour. Maybe he was being jealous but he wanted to be the one giving Reagan love. At the same time he didn’t want to sabotage their friendship.
Brett kinda liked Staedtler now but his focus wasn’t on that guy after the zombie party. The Robes told him early about Rand uncovering a device that could change the universe. The Robes gave him a Shazam Poster and a little bit of aluminum so his brain wouldn’t completely forget about the regular timeline. It was pure chaos as they headed toward where Rand was and the crew ditching was not good.
The heartbroken face Reagan made as she hugged him and sent him to his better timeline made his heart ached. Luckily The Robe's help made him remember and fix the whole timeline problem. He was happy when the Robes had declared Reagan would be the next CEO and announced it to the whole company.
That he had to deal with Air-Bud and the potential chance of losing Reagan as Staedtler asked her to move away. The relief he felt when he saved Air-Bud and Reagan staying was immense.
Another surprise, Reagan was now partnered with the Robe. He felt like he needed to tell her about who he was. But Reagan was very busy and any attempts of talking were dismissed.
That changed one night.
Brett was in the middle of a meeting with the Robes. His mask and robe were on him and the elevator dinged. Reagan stepped out. Her hair was messy and her eyes bags were deep
“What plans do you guys need this time?” Reagan asked before blinking her eyes. “Am I seeing six of your guys right now or is my sleep deprivation really hitting me?”
“No. It’s just Brett-“ The Robe is cut off as one slaps their arm. 
“You idiot! Don’t say anything about him!” Although it was too late as the friends heard what the Robe said and froze in place
“Brett..? What do you mean?” Reagan questioned. “He’s.. not here..?”
Oh God.. Brett knew he had to tell her but not like this. What could he do now? Just stand there? Slowly, Beett approached and took off his mask and undid his hood. He looked away as Reagan gasped.
“You., you were a Robe?! You were part of the Shadow Board?!” . 
“Yeah.. Ever since I started working.” 
“But..I trusted you!” Reagan yelled. “You were some powerful overlord of the world?!” Her mind thought of all the incidents that happened in the year “Did you make those problems that Cognito had to deal with?!”
“What no I-“
“You couldn’t solve any of them?! You could have raised the funds for the company when JR complained , you could have spoken to the Reptoids and we wouldn’t have the court case. You could have fired my dad earlier! Did.. the Shazam Poster actually make you remember our timeline..?” 
“Well.. No., I mean kinda.. I had something beside the poster that made me remember some stuff.” Brett mumbled, looked down, shame engulfed his whole body. A tense silence followed afterward 
“I can’t believe this..What the hell was real or fake..?” Reagan mumbled and stormed off to the elevator. Brett reached out for her but she quickly moved. After the elevator's door closed, it felt the whole world was blurring and it was getting hard to breathe  
“Great job asshole.” A Robe said to the one who spilled the secret.
Brett did everything to get in contact with Reagan normally at first. Calling her, sending texts, and pleading for her to open her lab door. She stayed in that office for so many days that he was getting worried.
The Gang was very confused about what happened. She didn’t tell them his secret and he was grateful He begged them to help get her out but they state that they tried and she won’t come out.
Eventually Brett decided to wait at her house in hopes that they could talk about what happened. He sat on the stairs until the evening came and he saw a car pulled up. Reagan didn’t seem to notice him until she approached the front door. She glared at him.
“Reags, please. Can we talk?”
“About what? That fact you were just playing with us.”
“No. Listen to what I have to say.”
Reagan rolled her eyes but looked at him. Brett sighed as he gathered his thoughts.
“I was sent to Cognito to help with your promotion. The Robes really saw the good in you and wanted to do everything in their power to get you to that position.”
“Was JR’s story a lie too?” She spat
“Yeah.. But I was made a Robe because they stated that I could change the world. I was sent to so many places because I could manage the peace between the societies.  It was hard. No one really liked me.” He saw Reagan’s face soften and continued .
“I really did enjoy the time we spent together. Even if I went to help you, I really thought of you as.. well.. someone I loved.” Brett felt his face heat up and Reagan’s face was slightly red. That wasn’t the point right now
“I know I could have done more to help but I had to follow the Robes orders. I would have loved to solve all of the Cognito problems but they have a system in place. I’m sorry”
Reagan frowned as she listened before sighing. She looked Brett straight in the eyes.
“It’s just.. I felt lied to. You seemed like this random guy who just happened to stumble to this shitty job and change my life. Learning that you were somebody so much higher.. It almost felt like dad and JR. Just taking advantage of me.”
“It was never that. I wanted to tell you but we were so busy..” Brett said and brought Reagan close to him. She stiffened before returning it “Maybe I am some random guy but I think you've helped me more than you realize.. You didn’t have to help me with my family problems.”
“It didn’t feel right for them to treat you like that.” Reagan muttered. 
They stayed there for a long time before Reagan pulled away. She mumbled an apology for how she reacted earlier and Brett smiled.
“Do you want to have a movie night? You know.. forget all this shit happened.”
“Yeah. I’m done for that” 
She smiled and opened the door for the both. Brett began talking about what movie they should watch.
The Robes watched as the two humans. They decided on Akira and we’re halfway through the movie. 
“You think these two are going to fuck later on?”
“Give it some time. Didn’t she just get over her boyfriend.”
“You never know with her. But is it fine that Reagan knows about Brett.”
“Yes. I believe so. They see, happy together and technically completed his mission. Brett helped Reagan get to CEO”
They watched as both of them fell asleep. Reagan leaned against Brett as she fell asleep. Brett softly smiled and laid on his back, bringing her to lay on his stomach. Maybe it was his feelings playing with him but he kissed her head and played with her hair before falling asleep himself
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rae-arts777 · 2 years
Omg I wanna know your thoughts on s2, particularly the ron-brett drama (if you haven't seen it then I hope it's not too spoilery, if you have then yk what I mean)
I loved it a LOT! and no worries I binged it in one day (sorry took so long to reply finals been crazy)
I really loved season 2 and the way they went, even giving us more backstory on characters, the start of Cognito, and I also loved how much Brett's character developed this past season.
I found it so funny when Brett did not like Ron, and look, maybe it is his favorite song, but...Why is Brett's fav song Accidentally in Love, and why does he listen to it everyday lmao.
I did love Ron and Reagan's love story though, it was good for Reagan, and it really was one of those things that, even though they were good, it was never going to work out cause they both want different things in the long run. Like YES, they both want to be together, but Ron wants a fresh life and to move away from everything, and Reagan does not want that, yes she was willing to give it all up for him but knows deep down, she couldn't make that sacrifice. Yes, relationships are about sacrifices, and it's okay if you're not willing to make it in order for you guys to move forward, it's okay for it not to work out no matter how much you love the person.
Also the last ep, Brett is becoming more comfortable speaking up for himself, people are surprised about him swearing in the last ep, cause they notice it more now cause he is so emotional. Like when he goes "So this place doesn't have to be a FUCKING NIGHTMARE." carries more impact and catches off guard verus when he says "Oh fuck!" if that makes any sense?
I also loved Gigi and Reagan's friendship and their becoming closer, and honestly in the end I understand why Gigi was like "look..it's my dream okay..? I have to try." Idk, I just get it, she had to take a chance to see.
Also, it broke my heart when Reagan pushed Brett away, again a relatable moment for me, and I was so happy when he came back for her. I just love them so much (The little pickup hug and spin omg)
I really loved this season and the ending was also amazing preparing us for S3
also Rand, man they really wrote his character really well, even though I still lowkey hate him, I appreciate his character too and can get where he is coming from.
Anyways, loved season 2, ready for season 3 already lmao.
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🎵🧾🌺 with reagan!! <3
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Thank you both! Also, I’m sorry these are late and if these get a little too long winded. I ended up having a lot of say apparently. ^^;
Also I don’t know why Tumblr made the space between answers so big when I pasted this from my notes app.
🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
So I don’t really listen to many songs that personally remind me of my ships, so I don’t have three songs (oops), but one song that does remind me of my ship is ‘we fell in love in october’ by girl in red! I can’t quite explain why other than it’s just a sweet song and I sometimes imagine cute scenarios between the two of us when it’s playing. :)
🧾 What’s your favorite headcanon someone else has made about your F/O?
One of my favorite headcanons is that she can fall asleep anywhere, and I mean anywhere. It’s definitely from the fact that she works so much that she barely lets herself sleep, but the idea of me walking into her lab only to see her passed out in a pile of robot parts on the floor seems very in character for her.
🌺 How do you and your F/O cuddle?
With Reagan this is an interesting one! She has some trauma related to hugs due to her father using a robot bear to do it instead (the hugs weren’t nice hugs either). After the incident at the gala, she slowly starts to warm up to hugs and other forms of physical affection. It isn’t really her first choice, though. She really had to be in the mood for it. One of the things we like to do is spoon, usually with her as the big spoon and me as the little spoon, which works because she’s taller. Another way we like to cuddle is with her laying on my stomach or chest with her arms around me while I either wrap an arm around her back or play with her hair. The big thing is that she doesn’t want to feel trapped while cuddling, and I don’t want her to feel that way either.
💌 How did you/your F/O confess your feelings to one another?
After all of the events of the dating app episode, Reagan gets the guts to ask me out at the end of the work day while I was still in my office. It was out of the blue, since I knew her goal was a partner for a bet that she had already won using the robot she created of her “true match”. She told me everything about how the robot ended up turning on her, created her own robot clone, and how she had to stop her own robot clone from going out with the guy she made the original robot of in the first place (yes that’s confusing my bad). She then explained that she realized that she was using the bet for her to find a partner as a way for her to distract herself from the fact that she had feelings for me. I could tell she was terrified as she was unloading all of this onto me. Eventually, when she popped the question and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner with her one night, I said yes immediately.
💚 Who are you most jealous of when it comes to your F/O?
The answer to this would definitely have been Ron before he also became an f/o (yahoo polyship). However, now, it would be Brett. I love the man to bits (platonically) and love his and Reagan’s friendship. However, seeing a lot of the ship art of him and Reagan, as well as the strong possibility that they would have been made canon later if the show was never canceled, makes me feel some jealousy. It doesn’t really comes to mind much though.
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
anywayssss, I wanted to request Brent x male!reader? Like the reader loves Brent, but is SUPER scared of kissing and making out. I would love for it to be fluff, but it could be whatever you decide, and how would Brent react to the readers top surgery scars?
A/N: I apologize again for not doing requests! I swear I do a handful and then disappear. I've just gotten a new job as a teacher! So yeah, I've been busy and now just getting to my requests.
You had been dating Brent for a while now, and it had finally been a whole year. He had said something at work about how he was planning something special, which made you a bit nervous.
You two hadn't done anything sexual yet, and you knew your coworkers were very interested in your sex life with him, and you were sure they had asked him multiple times about it. [Mostly Andre and Myc, but that was another conversation. Those two loved to hear about your intimate lives]
You were finally off of work, and you had told Brett to meet you at his car, and as you drew nearer to him, the worried pit in your stomach grew when you saw him.
"You ready?" He hums, opening the door to his car for you, "I have a couple of things planned, but it depends on if you're hungry or not."
Pressing a kiss against his cheek, you slip into his car and close the door, watching him get in next to you, "I'm not super hungry, but I could eat something."
"We can order something then, I'm really excited to show you what I did. I kind of when home during my lunch to get it all ready," He says sheepishly, pulling out of the parking lot, and you can see him looking at the corner of his eye.
You were still worried, but you couldn't help but find it cute that he was so excited.
It was kind of a quiet trip to his house, he made some conversation about work, talking about what he was helping Reagan with something she was building, you were only sort of half listening to him, you were honestly trying not to throw up from the only increasing worry in your stomach.
He led you inside when you had finally gotten to his apartment, and when he took your hand, you tried not to squeeze it too hard, and when he finally unlocked the door, and it swung open, you kinda did a double take.
It was dark, but not enough that you couldn't see, but he had pulled all his blankets and pillows out and placed them all around his couch, not like a fort but honestly, it kinda looked like it.
"You've seemed really stressed lately, and when I had something big planned, I figured that maybe something smaller would be better." He says quietly, wrapping his arms around your front, pressing his face into your shoulder.
"Thank you babe," You say quietly, moving your head to kiss him, "What are we going to do? Watch moives or something?"
"It's up to you, I don't mind, and like I said, we can order dinner if you want, I also got a lot of snacks too." He hums, finally letting go, leading you over to the couch.
It took you both a second to get into a spot that was comfortable on the couch, but once you finally got comfy, you laid your head against him, wrapping an arm around him.
"There's a couple of movies that just came out," He says, reaching for a remote, "I think there's a comedy one on there."
"That one sounds good." You say softly.
When the movie started, his hand slipped to your back, and you could feel tense up for a second.
You weren't sure why you were so scared of Brent touching you, well, in certain areas anyway. Past relationships maybe? But still, he was nothing like them but you couldn't help but to still feel that way. It was silly, sure, but the thought of him seeing you naked made you feel so exposed.
The movie was a nice distraction though, it was funny, but you could still feel your mind race back and forth.
About an hour and a half went by, and the credits rolled. You were a bit more hungry now, so when you pulled up away from Brett, you were about to ask what he wanted to order.
"Are you alright?" Brett beats you to talking first, his gaze soft but you could tell he was worried, "Please, tell me babe, I can't do anything to help you if you don't tell me anything."
You sigh, scratching the back of your head, "It's, it's really silly Brett, it's nothing big."
He frowns, obviously not believing you, "Why did you tense up when I touched you earlier? Are you mad at me? Did I do something?"
"Of course not," You massage your temples, "Brett, you did nothing wrong, it's me I promise."
"Then what's wrong." He says softer, taking your hands from your face so that you look at him.
Well. You couldn't say anything now.
"I'm trans."
"I know babe."
You stare at him, sort of dumbfounded.
"You told me when we first started dating, and I told you that I love you just the same, you're my boyfriend and nothing changes that." He searches your face, "Is that what this is all about?"
"I guess." You say quietly, sort of embarrassed now, "I'm just nervous to do anything intimate. I didn't want you to see me in any weird way. Or thinking my body is gross, I guess."
"You don't have to worry about that." He says, "I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever met."
"I'm serious." He says, leaning to kiss you, before pulling away, "Can I do something? I've… I've never seen your chest."
"Uh," You bite your lip, "Yes, you can."
He tugs you onto his lap, his hands at your hips, and you shudder at the touch. The touch isn't doesn't feel weird like you were anticipating, and it sent shivers down your back.
Your shirt comes off, and Brett is starring at you, his hands slowly moving to your chest, his fingers brushing against your scars and you can't breathe, this entire thing seemed unbelievable, you felt so, light right now, the look Brett was giving you wasn't helping.
"You're so handsome," He hums, his fingers still brushing against your scars, "I don't know how I got so lucky."
You were pretty sure you could pass away right there.
What he did next sure didn't help, as you squeaked when you felt his lips brush against your skin, as he peppered his lips against your scars, kissing you gently.
Warmth blossomed against your skin as you turned red, as you watched him.
"Brett, I love you." You say quietly.
He pulls back a bit, smiling at you, "I love you too."
You wrap your arms around his neck, "Thank you for being patient with me, I don't think I'm ready to do anything else beyond this right now, er, clothing-wise, but I'll get there."
"And I can wait." He says, "But I do think I'm ready to order that food now."
You laugh, and swat at him, "You're a dork."
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Inside Job req! I headcanon that Reagan as wlw and I was wondering whats your take on her developing a crush on a girl for the first time and being a gay disaster?
yessss <//3 love it love it! Goddd we need more wlw content on this acc we love to see it <3 also while the gender is female, I didn’t use she/her pronouns !
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- Reagan has never really.. thought about romance tbh.. never really thinks that it’s totally weird she has no interest romantically in any guys she meets up with or anything of the sort .. she starts to think she’s just not really into dating .. and then you come along
- it becomes clear to her, but not at first. She in fact doesn’t even realize she has caught those feelings.
- but it’s so obvious, she’s blushing and staring at you like some highschool girl, she does that nervous thing where she plays with her hair or puts a strand behind her ear, all of that bro
- she also gets kinda awkward mid conversation and laughs awkwardly before leaving the conversation. She has a habit of wanting to talk to you so she will talk to you for such a long time even if there’s nothing to talk about lol . Let’s hope you’re a good talker
- also since you totally work with her cuz duh, she actually cuts you slack unlike the others. Like everyone could be high as shit (you included) and she’ll yell at them but not you
- she talks about you a lot when you aren’t around and it’s so obvious she’s into you because she’s not only smiling like a dork but she ends up gushing about you. Mainly talks about you to robotus and Brett but sometimes the others too but they usually tell her to stfu (Gigi will tell her to go on tho)
- “god… aren’t they great…? Such a talented woman..” She says with a dreamy smile, elbow on desk, cheek smushed on her hand.
- she twiddles with her thumbs sometimes when talking to you, she was already bad at eye contact but holy fuck it’s so much worse and she’s even more awkward around you
- she doesn’t realize she likes you until brett suggests she ask you out and she’s like “wait what why would I……. Oh shit…”
- as to which she’s now in panic mode because holy shit she likes girls? Like girls for real and not boys? Has she ever even liked an actual boy? Like really genuinely liked and thought she’d end up with forever and marrying and having kids with?
- she’s also panicked becsuse should she ask you out? Holy shit what does she do? Girl is at a loss
- she really doesn’t wanna fuck things up this time though, no robots to practice on this time!!! She’s just going to ask you out like a normal person would… but should she?
- she ends up saying fuck it and does ask you out :)
- “l-listen I’m really new to the whole … romance thing alright.. I .. especially with another woman.. I’ve never done this before but I’ve never felt this way about another woman before and it would mean everything to me if you’d be mine?”
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peachringwithpiss · 3 years
Inside Job music + dance hc
Ok so I was thinking about this earlier so now you guys have to deal
I literally can only see her listening to the radio
Like flipping through stations everyday to fit her mood
She likes 2000s pop/punk though and has a youtube playlist of her favorite songs
What I'm trying to say is she's basic but will jam to MCR if given the chance
She does like the white woman shimmy but other than that cannot and does not dance lmao
80s rock like this is just canon
AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Journey, Guns N' Roses, Dave Matthews Band lmao
The whole nine yards
But just like imagine walking past the most unthreatening person in the office and hearing "welcome to the jungle" blasting out of his headphones
Since he was a goth/jock in high school he will also listen to shit like MCR with Reagan
Ok 1. Since he was born in the 90s I feel like thats what he would have been hearing on the radio and 2. YOURE GONNA LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME BRETT HAND WOULD NOT LISTEN TO GARTH BROOKS
His playlists are a fucking mess
We all saw the clip, he heard dance like no ones watching and took it heart
Like don't even try to insult him cus I'd like to see you do better with that much confidence
Anyway thats enough of Brett
Glenn listens to SiriusXM ASHDLSKDHALDJDSL
Specifically Willie's Roadhouse
Like Johnny Cash vibes fr
He has an Amazon Music playlist that's just the American anthem on loop for 10 hours
He is secretly really into like dad rock/metal
So like Rob Zombie, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Nirvana
When he got divorced he blasted ABBA and Fleetwood bc they reminded him of his ex
He can square-dance nothing else
He has a playlist for literally any occasion
Disco/dance?- Camel by Camel (he would listen to it unironically), Funkytown, Earth Wind + Fire, Play That Funky Music
Girlboss(aka gigi)- Doja, cupcakKe, Lizzo, Nicki, Full Tac, Shakira, Lily Allen, Harry Styles, Lady Gaga, Yung Gravy
Sad- Mitski, Cody Fry, Hallelujah(shrek ver.), The Moldy Peaches
Random(aka myc lmao)- Soul Bossa Nova, icp, Oingo Boingo, the entire mlp discography, A Cruel Angel's Thesis, Dan Bull, The Living Tombstone
You get the gist they're all over the place, but he also has a curated playlist for everyone in the gang so give him the aux fr
I like to think he took ballroom lessons when he was younger so if ever needed he could do about any well known style
Other than that he dances about as well as you'd expect from someone who is constantly high
I basically already said the gist of it in Andre's
She is the definition of Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
What people dont know is that she is a total theater nerd
She has the entire 3 hours of Hamilton memorized and can recite it verbatim
In the heights? Yup. Rocky Horror? You bet your ass. Grease? Regrettably lmao
Her comfort movie is Dirty Dancing
She probably had an aneurysm when Mamma Mia came out
She photoshops her Spotify Wrapped every year, because having The Phantom Of The Opera in her top 5 isnt exactly on brand
Speaking of she can hit christines high notes lmao
The only person here that can actually dance
She eats and leaves no crumbs
Myc 💀
You know male manipulator music
Yeah that
MSI, ICP, Hollywood Undead, Filthy Frank
And like no one can tell if its ironic or not and theyre frankly too scared to ask
He also listens to like 80s era er0tic club music
So like Love Shack- The B-52s, Super Freak- Rick James, Girls on Film- Duran Duran, Carless Whisper- George Michael
I want you to look me in the eyes and explain to me how Myc would dance....
Thats right he can't............ not as a mushroom that is
As a human he'd tear that shit up are you kidding me
They would be one of those people that can dance when there's not music
I'm only adding AB because ❤him❤
He would and could listen to hours of static he doesnt need to listen to music
But that doesnt mean if you took a radio down to him he'd be mad
(Ps he really like the friends theme song and if you told him there was an extended vers hed have a conniption)
Cannot dance because he has one arm and no legs, but even if he had legs he doubts he'd ever dance
Thats a lie this domestic bitchboy would 100% dance with a partner hes just an asshole
OMG this was my first time writing something like this, I hope y'all like it :)
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reaganseyebags · 3 years
I got a request: “A Reagan x Reader. The reader was once a past romance of her but moved away. They get forcefully hired into Incognito Inc as meeting Brett he accidentally reveals about its existence.”
Oh man this one is gonna be sad.
tw for violence, blood and manipulation
So we all know how Rand made that antiboy perfume,, well it didn’t really worked on you
You two fell in love- teen romance yknow,, knight. You two did silly things that kids in love do. (I never fucking dated anyone so idk what kids in love do sorry not sorry)
Overall it was pretty innocent
Well,, when Rand found out about this,, you were lucky you were still alive.
He really went out and beat the shit out of a 14yo kid-
“Listen here you little asshole,, I’m not letting some shithead take my daughter’s future away just cuz you wanna get some pussy. You are gonna move away and never, EVER see or contact her again,,, am I crystal clear here?!” He was holding you against the wall, your whole body was in unimaginable pain. In pure panic and fear you just nodded. It was more of the begging for dear life
You didn’t wanted to move away- you had so many memories in this city, but after Rand started assaulting your family you knew it was better to give up.
You moved few weeks after The Who incident happened, leaving your beloved Reagan behind
When Reagan got the news, god she was so sad- she just sobbed into moms chest for few hours- and still cried for few nights.
She didn’t care what the others said, she really did love you and this absolutely destroyed her-
She never really moved on, she kept your pictures and everything you ever got her to her adulthood. Sometimes she thought of with tears in her eyes.
And well,, you never moved on as well,, she was always somewhere in your mind
You were living your life like a very other normal person. You gratulated high school and collage and had a boring until one day some dudes threw a bag over your head and the last thing you know, you were lying on a cold floor in random building.
“That’s enough fellas, they had enough-“ said masculine voice
The figure took the bag off and you were blinded by the sudden light.
“Oh eh sorry, I should have done it slower. Well welcome Reader to the Cognito Inc!! My name is Brett!”
“Wha- What is happening,, god f-fuck my head-“
“I will explain everything later, now let me get some water-“
After you felt bit better Brett actually took you to look around,, so many strange people and not just people
“Ok well,, that’s cool and all but like why am I here?”
“Oh yeah well, you were chose to work for the Media Manipulation team!”
“Wait did I apply to this job?”
“Nah not really, sometimes we have to chose random strangers since we don’t have much applications” the man giggled. What the actual fuck? Are they just gonna kidnap you force you to work for them. That’s some bullshit
You two continued walking though the building as you passed a lab with the sigh that said “Reagan Ridley”
No fucking way
“Hey Brett,, does Reagan Ridley work here?”
“Yeah why? You know each other?”
“Yeah kind of…”
“Well I think she will be in her lab so you can try-“ you didn’t even let him finish the sentence- you just ran into her lab looking for her.
She was doing her paper work at her desk as she turned to face you.
“Who the fuckkkk-“ the moment she spot you she instantly knew. You could see the tears-
“It can’t be- I thought y-you were dead!” She sobbed out, running your direction.
At that point you were crying as well.
You open your arms, she quickly hugged you, squishing you so hard as she sobbed into your shoulder.
You were trying to say something but your mouth was shut, you just let her squish you, she smelled the exact same way as you remember maybe I bit more sweaty
The ending was rushed cuz I’m really tired but I hope you like it hun
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harkingspot · 2 years
puppet: a jr scheimpough thought dump
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OKAY so im writing this as a continuation to this response. i was listening to mars argo “runaway runaway” and immediately thought of jr for some reason?? then it kinda hit me- from all the analysis/theory/thought dumps ive accumulated over the years, i feel like im starting to GET jr. so here it is!!
“jr is merely a puppet and everyone is his puppeteer”
let’s say there’s a certain parallel between jr and brett
and from what we know, brett is a major people pleaser- possibly one of the worst case ive ever seen (look who’s talking JKDAKLSD)
he’s willing to go through extreme lengths to please others around him even if its at the sake of his own well-being
while jr isnt as “nice” as brett, we also see the same pattern in him- immediately getting on his knees the moment something goes south, making decisions solely to be favored by higher-ups (kissing ass)
but most importantly: letting others shape who he is
when faced with a difficult situation, he merely surrenders and succumbs to the act. to that fakeness (e.g. blue bloods, inside reagan, etc)
we have no clue what jr was like when he was young- the only thing we DO know is that he used to be more “morally aligned” and had “values” (ep 9)
but for all we know is that whoever he is now is the result of years of working in a company drowning in lies and secrecy
when you work for a company like cognito, paranoia is part of the package deal. you HAVE to play characters to get where you need to be
and if you’re at the top of that company, you ARE the character you play. you’ve done it for so long that you’ve slowly become it
jr has spent so much of his life kissing every ass that individuality is no longer in the equation
another important thing to note is what he said to reagan abt his younger self having more moral and values- what if he did the same thing reagan tried to do?
maybe he believed that there were ethical ways to run the company- only to quickly realize, you really cant and that to win this game, you have to give yourself up
“so hark what are you saying” im saying that MAYBE- jr isnt really jr
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Explained: Evangelicals, the religious right and Trump | USA News
Washington, DC – Huddled round Donald Trump’s Air Pressure One desk final month, two reporters from the Christian Broadcasting Community (CBN) interviewed the US president as he launched into a cross-country blitz to drum up Republican assist for the midterm elections.
The dialog shortly pivoted to Trump’s expectations from his lauded evangelical base.
“They’ll present up for me as a result of no person’s finished extra for Christians or evangelicals or, frankly, faith than I’ve,” Trump stated. 
About 80 % of white evangelicals voted for Trump within the 2016 presidential election. Since then, his administration has prioritised, and delivered, on quite a few marketing campaign guarantees to evangelicals, like appointing conservative Supreme Courtroom judges and transferring the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Sixty-one % of evangelicals say the US is headed in the precise course, in line with a 2018 ballot by the Public Faith Analysis Institute (PRRI). In stark distinction, the identical ballot revealed that 64 % of the general public, which features a majority of different Christian teams, imagine the nation is critically off observe. 
Because the 2016 election, a lot has been stated and written in regards to the bewildering kinship between evangelical Christians and Trump. Misplaced in a number of the protection is the advanced nature of US evangelicalism and its conflation with the spiritual proper. So, what’s necessary to know?
What defines evangelicals and what’s their connection to the spiritual proper?
“Evangelicals” is an umbrella time period that encompasses quite a few Protestant denominations that share core tenets of Christianity. This contains the Bible as the final word ethical and historic authority, the will to evangelise and unfold the religion and the necessity for a non secular conversion generally known as being “born once more”.
Greater than 1 / 4 (25.four %) of US Christians determine as evangelical, in line with the most recent Pew knowledge. Of that quantity a overwhelming majority, 76 %, are white, 11 % are Hispanic, six % are black, and two % are Asian.
“Throughout all racial teams, those that outline themselves as evangelical are usually rather more conservative than those that don’t outline themselves with that label,” stated Janelle Wong, a professor of American research on the College of Mary and the writer of, Immigrants, Evangelicals, and Politics in an Period of Demographic Change. 
Whereas white evangelicals overwhelmingly backed Trump within the 2016 presidential elections [File: Jae C Hong/Al Jazeera]
There was a transparent racial divide, nevertheless, when it got here time to 2016 vote. Whereas white evangelicals overwhelmingly backed Trump, solely seven % of black evangelicals voted for him. About 31 % of Latinos and 37 % of Asians voted for him.
The opposite key purpose white evangelicals have a giant impact on elections: They vote.
Though Trump will not be on Tuesday’s poll, the midterms nonetheless function an emphatic litmus check for his administration. And the assist from his evangelical base is more likely to play a decisive issue.
“There is a hanging discovering that white evangelicals during the last 10 years shrunk from 27 % of the inhabitants to 15 %, but within the voters, they’ve held very regular at about one in 4,” stated Wong. “That is an incredible feat in American politics to mobilise so dramatically above your proportion within the inhabitants.”
Muddying the waters in understanding evangelicals is the label “spiritual proper”. Many typically conflate and confuse the 2. 
The spiritual proper is a potluck of conservative spiritual teams joined collectively by comparable ethical values and political objectives. It’s comprised primarily of evangelical Christians, but in addition contains Catholics, Jews, and Mormons. And on election night time 2016, these teams confirmed their assist, too: 61 % of Mormons voted for Trump, as did 52 % of Catholics, and 24 % of Jews, in line with Pew. 
The spiritual proper’s different hallmark characteristic is its organisational construction, which contains a free community of conservative political actors, spiritual organisations and political strain teams.
How did the spiritual proper type and who formed its mandate?
The spiritual proper has a well-defined origin and agenda. Though conservative values and US Christianity have lengthy been intertwined, it crystallised right into a political technique within the 1970s below the steering of evangelicals like Jerry Falwell. Falwell, a Southern Baptist preacher and televangelist, utilised his affect and political savvy to create the “Ethical Majority”, a non secular political organisation.
A part of Falwell’s blueprint for the spiritual proper was to win over a variety of believers by deciding on sure ethical points that may unite them and manufacture votes for Republican candidates. Central rallying calls included a rejection of same-sex marriage and abortion.
Mel White, a former pastor and ghost biographer of many main evangelicals together with Jerry Falwell, witnessed the origins of the spiritual proper. He recalled a major dialog between Falwell and Francis Schaeffer, one other distinguished evangelical chief.
“Francis Schaeffer was speaking to Jerry Falwell and Jerry stated, ‘I must win the world to Christ, however I am unable to do it with all of the Christians we’ve, we want extra,'” stated White. “Francis Schaeffer stated the Bible exhibits we are able to use pagans to do God’s will … And that is after they invented the time period co-belligerents. Discover points that they’re co-belligerent with, so the Catholics will come on board towards abortion, the fundamentalists will come on board with you towards homosexuality.”
Many credit score Falwell’s work for serving to to elect Republican president Ronald Reagan.
“Jimmy Carter was an evangelical. Reagan did not know whether or not he was saved or unsaved,” stated White. “When Jerry went for Reagan and left Carter, you knew one thing had modified ethically within the evangelical world. I believe that was the start of the tip.”
Many have adopted in Falwell’s footsteps, mixing spiritual affect, monetary means and political ambitions. One key determine is televangelist, and former presidential hopeful, Pat Robertson. In 1961, Robertson created CBN to affect viewers along with his model of Christian ideology. Right this moment, the community is broadcast globally and price a whole lot of thousands and thousands of . CBN makes use of its attain and riches to advertise most of the spiritual rights core political points.
Robertson is notorious for his controversial feedback on hot-button political, and cultural points.
Falwell and Robertson have been central within the motion’s basis, however right now, it is teams like Tony Perkins’s Household Analysis Council, Ralph Reed’s Religion and Freedom Coalition, and leaders like Jerry Falwell Jr, and Franklin Graham, which have actually taken the baton and pushed the spiritual proper’s agenda by means of President Trump. They’re his loudest, most steadfast, champions.
The Trump administration can be stacked with religious evangelicals, resembling Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Schooling Betsy Devos, and Secretary of Housing and City Growth Ben Carson.
“The [religious right’s] objective was to take operational management of one of many political events,” Peter Montgomery, a senior fellow with the Individuals for the American Method informed Al Jazeera’s Fault Strains. “They’ve successfully finished that. They’ve made the Republican Social gathering the spiritual rights social gathering”.
What guarantees has Trump delivered on for evangelicals?
So far, there may be ample proof that Trump took his guarantees to evangelicals, and the spiritual proper, critically.
“We as evangelicals really feel he is doing an A+ job,” stated Joshua Ferenstein, a controversial pro-Trump evangelist and social media character. “I might enterprise to say he has been anointed by God to return America to its basis, which was Biblical truths.”
The Supreme Courtroom and conservative judges:
Trump’s principal marketing campaign promise to evangelicals was to appoint conservative Supreme Courtroom judges. With the lifetime appointments of each Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, that objective is firmly achieved. 
For the spiritual proper, the Supreme Courtroom supplies the means to meet its long-standing want to revive the nation’s ethical basis. One often-touted goal is to reverse Roe v Wade, the landmark Supreme Courtroom ruling of 1973 which deemed state restrictions to abortions as unconstitutional. It is unclear what impact the Trump appointments might have on Roe v Wade. 
“Trump delivered on his promise to appoint pro-life justices and those who imagine in Biblical values,” stated Ferenstein. “Individuals who imagine that there’s a ethical code and morality that must be on the core of American jurisprudence”.
Trump has additionally appointed quite a lot of conservative federal judges.
Marketing campaign guarantees for stricter immigration insurance policies, like cracking down on undocumented immigrants and the so-called Muslim ban, have additionally been achieved and supported by many evangelicals, particularly amongst white evangelicals. 
A January 2018 ballot by the Washington Publish and ABC revealed that 75 % of white evangelicals within the US believed the federal government’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants was a “constructive factor”, in contrast with 26 % of non-white Christians. 
“Trump’s immigration agenda is the white evangelical immigration agenda,” stated Wong. “They’re listening to it and serving to to form that agenda”.
One other marketing campaign promise that has satiated many in Trump’s evangelical base is recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and transferring its embassy there. For a lot of evangelicals, the transfer affirms the Bible. For others, the transfer is in accordance with the e book of Revelation and helps pave the best way for the tip occasions.
Johnson Modification:
One marketing campaign promise that hasn’t been fulfilled, however continues to encourage Trump and his evangelical base is eliminating the Johnson Modification, a 1950s tax code provision that stops non-profit organisations from collaborating in political campaigns. Many on the spiritual proper see this as a roadblock to free speech. Trump has lobbied Congress and unsuccessfully tried an Govt Order to loosen the modification. If eliminated, it may open the floodgates for spiritual lobbying within the US. 
Will evangelicals stay loyal?
Many have questioned what it might take for evangelicals, and the spiritual proper, to desert Trump. However with so many guarantees fulfilled, Trump’s quite a few immoral scandals seem to matter little.
“There’s all the time hypothesis that the group will flip away from Trump,” Wong stated. “I do not see white evangelicals abandoning Trump.”
Non secular Trump supporters, like Joshua Ferenstein, stay unshakeable and switch to the Bible in Trump’s defence.
“God all the time used those who had a previous, ” Ferenstein informed Al Jazeera. “You take a look at David. He had a number of affairs. But, the Bible says he was a person after God’s personal coronary heart.”
“Whereas I do know that Trump’s previous has had ethical failure after ethical failure, I’ve little doubt that he’s standing on a God-centered, Biblical agenda,” he added.
The Trump administration is loaded with evangelicals, together with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Schooling Betsy Devos and Secretary of Housing and Growth Ben Carson [Josh Rushing/Al Jazeera] 
Different Christians, nevertheless, together with Mel White who has distanced himself from evangelicals, see Tuesday’s midterms as a defining second.
“You’ll be able to’t name them evangelical. You have to do away with it. It is advisable discuss them as being fundamentalists, or fascists,” stated White.
“If we do not take again Congress Tuesday, to me, it is over. There is no approach again in,” he added.
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/explained-evangelicals-the-religious-right-and-trump-usa-news/
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
your food asks always make me so happy SO WHAT DO YOU THINK THE GANG (and your robot husbands) FAVORITE CHRISTMAS-TIME TREATS??
tw : food and baking mentions!! Also brief alcohol mention!!
Christmas was never that big?? Like Rand wasn't a great cook it was usually just,, going out to eat, if anything.
<3 she really likes chocolates though - like specifically chocolate truffles? She always buys herself one of those big La Suissa chocolate box-bags to munch <33
OH HER FAVORITE IS HAZELNUT CHOCOLATES <333 she'd probably adore Ferrero Rocher <3
plus then <333 his house smells like christmas, its fantastic <333 all the sugary goodness
if he had to pick, its gotta be a classic! Chocolate Chip Cookies <333 with these Big Chunks of dark + milk chocolate?? Like the cookies are MASSIVE and GOOEY and you feel full after eating like,, half of one BUT HE LOVES THEM <333
MOUSSE CAKE, MACARONS, JUST,, ALL BAKED GOODS. Wheat and Butter and Sugar can never go wrong <33
She loves super dense, fudge-y desserts?? Like cake so dense and fluffy and buttery that it feels like your mouth is being cemented shut.
she has a tradition of stopping by this,, Small Bakery near where she used to live and buying WAY TOO MUCH LMAO.
She goes in for one, maybe two things and gets distracted because,, who can say no to fresh baked eclairs that just popped out of the oven <3
<3333 her favorite is this,, Super Dense Cheesecake?? She can feel her arteries closing up, its decadent. She coats it in Raspberry Sauce and Ganache and has never looked happier.
<3333 you wouldn't guess it but he's very good at baking - as the youngest, he was too young for a long time to go out with his Siblings to their parties so instead he'd watch his mum cook!!
<3 usually its either pumpkin or sweet potato pie??? The farmers down the road always had them for cheap so his mum would snag a few for both christmas and halloween!!!
IF NOT THEN <333 yule log yule log he swears his mother used to put crack in there bc,, no matter what he does he can't make it taste the same as hers!!
he's also a sucker for cider <3 he purposefully stops by a local orchard to pick out apples and makes it himself!!!
TURKISH DELIGHTS <3333 some of his only happy memories of Christmas were when him and his siblings would make towers out of them while waiting for dinner to finish cooking <33
SO NOW HE JUST MUNCHES THEM DURING THE HOLIDAYS BC,, IT GIVES HIM THAT NICE COZY FEELING. No nuts or anything inside, just plain sugar-dusted Rosewater Turkish Delights <333
On that note he'd probably like any,, gummy candies. Like not specifically christmas but he'll absolutely be munching down on some Gummy Bears and Jellybeans during the holidays <33
I HC that he eats kinda like a Gelatinous Cube?? Like he just Shoves it into his orb hard enough and it,, pops through and disolves?? Not directly associated to this ask but,, Yknow lmao
<333 HARD CANDYYYYY. Especially like,,
this is one of the rare moments he'll swap into a human form to eat smth because,, the experience of shoving a bunch of Ribbon Hard Candy into his mouth and crunching is fantastic.
OH FUCK,, he'd totally love like,, Liquor Hard Candy?? <3333
I don't know why but he strikes me as a Mincemeat Tart kinda guy?? Its the only thing that he goes out of his way to get during the holidays <33
Alternatively if he's feeling super nostalgic and wants to wallow in self pity, he'll go to that Dinner him and Rand used to go to.
Back before Rand got hitched, that was their christmas tradition?? They usually worked through the holiday season to get a leg up on Other Shadow Organizations and stuff but,,, after everything was finished up?? They'd head to the diner and order a Massive Cherry Pie to celebrate a good year. (yes JR always footed the bill but its still one of his last good memories of Rand)
he says he ''''''DoESn'T LiKe cAnDY''''' but he's still gonna get caught sneaking mints from the Sweets Bowl <3
ITS,, Cold-Sugary?? The flavor of mint is just <33 he adores mint and Christmastime means he's completely surrounded by it.
I love the idea of him having a massive sweet tooth but being too Prideful to admit it, so he just,,, steals baked goods and candies from ppl at random intervals. Little bastard <3
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