#but I didn’t
letraspal · 5 months
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“The only time she ever pissed off our parents was when she married your dad—a lowly Grimm!—but that turned out to be the right thing, too. […] Do you even know how cool that was? That Natasha married badly, for love, and then proved to the whole World of Mages that she and Malcolm could be unstoppable together?"
Natasha Pitch and Malcolm Grimm For Day 11 | Side ships/alternative ships | @carryon-countdown
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cerealforkart · 8 months
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One Piece characters please stop wearing hats challenge
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dumpstergxrl · 7 months
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Sawtober day 30
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emily-rambles · 3 months
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britcision · 1 year
Y’all I totally forgot it was Wednesday, but I didn’t come empty handed! No answers, of course, just a peek back into dinner while Danny’s off committing Crimes 😏
Jason really wished he could just focus on having a good time with his family. The food was, as always, exquisite, and Sam and Tucker were moaning happily along with the others.
It smelled great. It looked great. It tasted great, but something in the back of Jason’s head just wouldn’t switch off.
Not until Danny came back.
Even the thought that Danny might be in danger while he just ate dinner sat like a lead weight in his stomach.
The expanded aura… well. It kind of helped? Being practically choked by Danny’s presence, aware in every pore of his skin that Danny was there, was fine, wasn’t hurting, did help.
It just. Made it impossible to really think about anything else.
He was barely following the conversation, just reading the intricacies of Danny’s mood changes and losing track of sentences as people said them.
Finally, finally, Danny’s aura shifted again.
<<Done-got him-no big deal-coming back>>.
Jason almost sagged in his seat, shoulders unknotting marginally (they probably wouldn’t finish until he could see Danny and prove he was fine).
Sent <<impatient-relieved-happy-hurry back>> as well as he could, and nearly dropped his fork at the warm swell of <<affection> he received in return.
Clearing his throat, Jason did his best to will away the heat along the back of his neck. Nope, he wasn’t gonna blush when Danny wasn’t even here to look at him while smothering him in those feelings.
And it was definitely just the pit curling up into a little buzzing ball of happiness in his chest. Definitely not actually Jason melting like snow under a blow torch.
Danny was fine, he’d be back soon and Alfred had saved them both plates. And sure, maybe something in Jason wouldn’t unclench until he could see Danny in person, but letting Alfred’s cooking go cold was a sin.
He dug into his still steaming plate, forcing his shoulders to relax a little. Tucker and Tim were still talking about tech, currently disparaging what GIW thought were elite security measures.
Harley had lured Sam, Duke, and Cass into a discussion of her new place in Coney Island at the other end of the table, and yeah, Jason could get interested in that.
Someone might have already asked, but hey. He waited for a convenient pause and leaned in.
“Didn’t Croc move down there with you? He and Riddler attacked the gala last night,” he explained when Harley made a curious noise, head cocking to one side.
Her brow furrowed, so apparently the others hadn’t gotten this far yet. Not sure if he was glad or gonna tease them mercilessly later.
“He what? Yeah, he moved in, but he came back this way ta keep me company as I came up here. Someone’s tryin’ ta give me a hard time cuzza my criminal record, an’ they’re gettin’ intel from one of your local problems,” she added with a shrug, waving her hand.
Cuz yeah, that was also on the list; she’d been up with Ivy, neither of them noticeably causing trouble before apparently Ida Manson got them out of town.
Cass made a small noise of concern and Harley patted her hand, grinning.
“Oh, don’t you worry about me doll, it’s all under control. Thought it might be Pengy havin’ another go at my spot but he burst into tears when I walked in so it’s prob’ly not him,” she said with a very self satisfied smile.
Jason chuckled softly because… yeah, he could picture that. It tracked.
“Smart man,” Duke agreed with a snicker and Harley gave him a fist bump.
“Yeah, I’ll run ‘em down. But why was Waylon at the gala? He jus’ said he was gonna look inta some shit while I was gone,” Harley asked, looking around the table for an answer.
Jason shrugged.
“All their demands were for Harvey Dent. Apparently he was planning to make a run and they beat him to the punch,” he explained, in as much as he understood.
If no one else had a hand on Dent by tonight, he miiiight stretch one of his Red Hood patrols out of Crime Alley to go for a look see.
The man missed his party. The least Jason could do was pay a personal visit.
“Croc mentioned Jason,” Cass noted with a small frown, looking up at him with concern.
And, yeah, that was the other reason he was thinking of getting involved. He couldn’t imagine what the fuck he’d done as a civvie to annoy Dent.
Harley huffed, blowing blonde bangs off her face and lacing her fingers, pointing at Jason.
“Okay, so we gotta go talk to Waylon tomorrow and find out what’s goin’ on. He’s comin’ with me back to Coney when the time comes so he ain’t got time for Arkham,” she said firmly, and something settled in Jason’s gut.
Waylon had so badly wanted the Red Hood not to turn out like he had; another criminal permanently trapped in the system. Yeah, he’d like to return the favour.
Of course, not everyone in the room was up on all the secrets. Sam leaned forward, breaking her quiet streak that as far as Jason knew was her longest ever.
“Wait, you’re going to break that guy out of jail? He wanted to strap a bomb vest to Jason,” she said harshly, finally snapping Tim and Tucker out of their little happy world.
Jason raised both hands.
“He didn’t succeed.” Much as Danny had freaked out about it, Jason wasn’t gonna complain about things that hadn’t happened.
Too much like it actually happened every day, he’d never be done.
Oh. Maybe that was kinda why Danny had freaked out. That probably wasn’t good.
His personal revelation was dampened by Harley waving a hand easily.
“Nah nah nah, we’re not gonna break ‘im out tomorra. He’s gonna tell us what the fuck he was thinkin’, I’m gonna break Dent’s kneecaps, and Batsy’s gonna give a character statement an’ get ‘im released to me for community service.”
And if any of that didn’t work, they could still just break Croc out the next day. Jason knew the unspoken corollary.
Tucker’s eyebrows raised and he said the very stupidest thing that Jason had ever heard from a genius, and he’d seen Tim on 72 hours of no sleep.
“You know Batman?” He asked incredulously.
Harley stared at him for a long moment. Then snickered.
“Yeah, we know each other from work,” she said dryly, waving her fork, “we go way back.”
The assorted bats snickered to themselves and Tucker sunk back in his chair a little, grinning sheepishly around the table.
“Yeah… sorry.”
Sam rolled her eyes, arms folded as she frowned down the table. She clearly had a bigger question, which was probably fair for anyone who didn’t know the combined Harley-and-bats history.
“And you think Batman will do you a favour? He’s not exactly known to listen to reason,” she pointed out half sarcastically. Not that anyone in the room would argue.
There was a reason Jason loved her.
Harley weighed her up for a moment, then grinned, leaning forward.
“Y’know, kid, I don’t think we were introduced. There’s somethin’ real familiar about you,” she mused, folding her arms on the table and leaning over them, plate slowly nudged aside.
Sam smirked and shrugged. They were meeting a lot of new people these past couple days, but if she’d been doing the gala circuit her whole life?
Yeah, this probably wasn’t the worst. Harley was better than Jason had ever met at a party.
“Sam Manson. Friend of Jason’s through Danny,” she added with a nod to the empty seat still between her and Jason.
Harley beamed, hiking forward onto the table a little more.
“Oh, you’d be Ida’s granddaughter then?” She asked brightly, clearly pleased to have been right. “Your granny’s a real doll, sent me and Ivy on a real sweet vacation this week.”
Sam chuckled softly and nodded, giving Harley a half apologetic half cocky smile.
“Yeah, that’d be my fault. I’m not allowed to come to Gotham if there’s a chance Poison Ivy is in town,” she explained, fingers on her left hand tapping against her right arm.
Both of Harley’s brows went up.
“Oh? Are they scared somethin’ might happen to ya?” She asked, tone already very firmly suggesting she knew the answer.
So did most of the rest of the table, though Duke hadn’t actually heard the explanation last night. Not like he needed to, having met Sam for more than five minutes.
Sam didn’t disappoint. She gave another elegant half shrug, her smile turning fully dark.
“Oh, more the opposite. They think I’ll run off and join her if I see her,” she said innocently. Across the table, Tucker snorted most of a laugh.
A moment later Harley joined him, tossing her head back and laughing.
“Yeah, that sounds like Ida’s girl,” she agreed, wiping a dainty tear from her eye, “she was a real spitfire in her younger days, the stories she told Ivy when they were protestin’ together were wild.”
Sam was practically glowing with pride, and Jason had to admit that he would kinda like to meet her grandmother. He’d met her parents, and… well, maybe awesome skipped a generation.
Harley suddenly stopped, head cocking as she noticed something, a sly smile creeping across her face.
“So if they think you’ll run away with Ivy… whadda they think’ll happen if ya run into me?” She asked with a delicately studied innocence, examining her nails.
“Only good things,” Cass offered, grinning past Jason at Sam. Sam grinned back, giving Harley a shrug and a similarly innocent smile.
“Y’know, they’ve just never mentioned it. Clearly there’s no concerns there,” she agreed, and Jason snickered, raising his glass in a toast.
“None here,” he noted and Sam laughed, clinking her glass against his. Dick raised a hand, fighting a laugh.
“One concern for the integrity of Bruce’s skull?” He offered innocently, and laughed when Jason threw a napkin at him.
“If Bruce’s skull was gonna break it’d have done it years ago,” Steph opined as the voice of experience. Jason raised his glass to her too, but she was a little far to clink.
She grabbed hers up and raised it back anyway, and Sam filled the gap, clinking hers to Jason’s and then to Steph’s to pass it on.
“It’s good for him ta get his eggs scrambled,” Harley agreed from the other end of the table, raising her glass too, “and I’m gonna guess you did some percussive maintenance too that I’ll ask about later.”
“Bruce might still have a concussion,” Duke offered, not completely certain where he sat with this kind of joking, but the kid was new.
You had to watch Bruce try and kill himself going out on patrol with more bones broken than whole a couple times before you gave into his indestructibility.
Shit, maybe he should ask Danny if Bruce was liminal. For all the guy was technically a default human, Jason knew literal aliens with a better grasp on humanity.
And ghosts, now.
Harley gave him a nod anyway and patted his hand.
“I’ll aim low then sugar, don’t you fret. But to answer yer other question, Sam, Batman’s gonna get Waylon out for me cuz he doesn’t want ‘im in Arkham any more ‘n we do. Bats wants us all ta get better, and Waylon does best left alone,” she explained with a shrug.
“Until you leave him unsupervised and he teams up with Riddler?” Tim asked with a slight smile.
Jason shook his head, leaning forward on his arms too.
“He wouldn’t do it for no reason. He asked what I’d done to upset Two Face, but I can’t think of anything.” They didn’t even cross paths often.
Dent had taken Red Hood’s claim on Crime Alley as a given, learned quickly that Jason didn’t give a shit about playing nice, and minded his business.
“You sound like you know him pretty well,” Tucker said with a slight frown, and Jason shrugged.
Yeah, Tucker wasn’t in on the Robin thing yet. Luckily there was an easy answer.
“I grew up in Gotham. You guys keep coming back and you’ll get a feel for most of ‘em too.”
Tucker hesitated for a moment, probably thinking back to Amity and their own ghostly rogues. Then he nodded, settling back to poke at his mostly finished plate.
Tim still didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t know Waylon the way Jason did. They’d never had the chance to talk beyond the usual Robin-and-Rogue.
Jason could prove his point tomorrow. Maybe bring Danny along.
And like the thought summoned him, Jason’s phone buzzed to a text from Danny.
‘DannyP: who tf is Constantine??👀👀🤣’
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @eonic @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion
(I see some of y’all got your search problem fixed hello!!!!)
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
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i was at work and eating a hot cross bun when i saw this.
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tmnt-has-ruined-me · 2 years
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I just thought about it
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heyyallitssatan · 8 months
So I saw a headcanons about Janus being colour blind, and when he lies he can see colour for a minute, but no one else knows about it
So here’s my headcanons for how the dark boyfriends sides found out below the cut
Remus and Virgil were watching Disney conspiracy theories on YouTube when Janus came down to see what all the ruckus was about.
As it turned out they had since moved on from Disney conspiracy theories and were currently watching “Ultimate Trump Fail Compilation”. They were dying of laughter when they noticed Janus standing there staring at them.
They pulled him onto the couch and rewinded to the last clip, and watched Janus as he watched.
He fought back a smirk as he said in his usual deadpan tone, “Well that wasn’t the highlight of my day.”
They died, right then and there, all over again, Janus brand of deadpan sarcasm had always managed to get them going, especially when they were already giggly.
And with that one little lie, Janus saw something he had never seen before; Virgil’s eyeshadow had turned purple.
With every lie that Janus told, he got to experience colour vision for a moment, something he lacked the rest of the time, and given that, along with how little Virgil relaxed enough to make a colour change, this was the first time he had ever seen it.
“Virgil, your eyeshadow, it’s… purple.”
He had scrunched his face up in a look of confusion, something that Virgil’s over analysing brain took to mean he didn’t like it, as such, the eyeshadow started to lose its newfound colour, which Janus didn’t notice, thinking it was just his vision fading.
Remus popped up right in time to almost save it, “Of course it is J-anus”
And in a small, vulnerable voice, Janus asked, “Has it always been purple?” As he looked away from Virgil.
“Of course not Janny, only when he’s happy, and the storm cloud over there doesn’t do that often,” Remus responded, indicating to Virgil, who was still confused and staring silently.
The smallest ‘oh’ escaped his lips, as he stared down at the ground.”
“How could you not know that, it might be rare but he’s done it around us plenty enough for you to notice, I mean, even I did.”
While was faltering for words to write this off, some suave lie that would get him out of this and show him if there were any other colours he had missed Virgil seemed to at least somewhat piece together part of the puzzle.
“…You’ve never seen it change, have you?”
“How have you never looked at me long enough to see it?”
“What? No, it’s not that, it’s not that at all, the truth is…”
“Come on Jan, tell us.”
“…I’m not colour blind.”
“Oh Jan, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” came from Virgil at the same time as Remus’, “Why the hell didn’t you tell us?”
“I…don’t know. I just…”
Virgil sighed, “It’s okay Jan, we can talk about it later, for now, let’s just watch the video.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what we should do.”
“Ok then, you want to explain?”
“C’mon work with us here, we gotta pick something.”
“Yea J-anus, explain, we’re just dying to know,” Remus responded as he mimicked some strange death scene, maybe Romeo?
“Fine…I’m not colour blind, and when I lie I can’t see colour.”
“Oh Jan…”
“Don’t, don’t pity me.”
“It’s not pity J-anus, he’s beating himself up for never realising, something he should stop doing before I turn in a brain eating amoeba a feat all the bad thoughts.”
“You are the bad thoughts?”
“Oh…I’ll eat myself then, starting now!”
“Yes of course Remus, you absolutely should,” Janus drawled out while he pulled Remus’ hand out of his mouth.
The night continued similarly, important conversations being had in between bouts of goofing off, mostly from Remus. He did it whenever one of them started thinking too much, they’d always had a bad habit of that, but it seemed to work, so he kept doing it.
Eventually all of the necessary explanations and talking had happened, and now they had to decide what to do. So naturally they chose for Janus to tell blatant lies over and over, so that he could see different colours they were showing him. It became a game of them describing the colours to him, then showing him, which seemed to make him laugh quite a bit. They also discover that when one of them lied Janus could see their colours, like their hair and clothes.
But of all the talking they had done that night, they had never really brought up Virgil’s eyeshadow again, but it stayed purple the rest of the night, and they realised that the white strike in Remus’ hair could glow radioactive green when he got excited.
At the end of the night, which was actually the beginning of the morning, they had shown Janus all of the colours they could imagine, so they asked him which was his favourite. He responded, in a quiet tired voice while he stared up at them from whatever strange pile they had found themselves in, where limbs went numb and melded together and no one really knew where they ended and someone else began, “Not purple, or green,” in an effort to see them one last time before his eyes finally slipped shut.
Virgil and Remus fell asleep just the same, but not before quietly admitting they they quite like yellow too.
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lovevamp · 4 months
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP 🙏🙏🙏
this was supposed to be finished for day seven of valenfangs (pearl necklace and high heels) but it got away from me and now it’s just gonna be its own full fledged thing.
inspired by an ask @hekateinhell got about armand being a groupie for lestat, louis, marius, and daniel’s band. thought i’d take a stab at the concept 🫡
After that, Ally decided the best way to test this theory was to watch the show from the back, so they could easily exit and make their way out back towards the tour bus in hopes of seeing them before they left after the show.
She’d put a little bit of eyeliner on him and some lip gloss too. He didn’t really like how his curls kept sticking to his lips but it was all worth it when he caught the drummer’s eyes wandering to his mouth when they finally came outside.
“You want an autograph or something?” The drummer, Daniel, had asked him, pushing his shaggy, ashen blond hair out of his eyes. He was tall and lanky, and Armand could smell the sweat and cigarette smoke clinging to his clothes. He wore a faded t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, Armand could reach out and tug on his armpit hair if he wanted to.
And he did want to.
Shit, he didn’t bring anything for them to sign.
“I don’t have anything,” Armand says with a frown.
“Not to worry,” he hears a voice say behind him, making him jolt. It’s deep and lightly accented, though Armand can’t place exactly where it’s from.
He turns, only to find himself directly at eye level with a man’s sternum. He looks up and sees none other than the face of Marius de Romanus smiling serenely down at him, before he feels a large hand at the small of his back. “I’ve seen you at quite a few of our shows, why don’t you step onto the bus and we’ll find you something special, hm?”
Armand doesn’t know what to say, his brain firing on all cylinders as he desperately searches for Allesandra. He finds her a few feet away over by Lestat. She’s holding her t-shirt up to expose the black, lacy bra underneath, with Lestat signing her breast.
When she meets his eye she gives him a thumbs up, smiling wildly, and nodding enthusiastically at him.
“Okay,” he says.
“Perfect,” Marius replies, giving him a dazzling smile.
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book-buni · 11 days
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marimbles · 5 months
will you finish Love Me Not?
yes, if you believe in me, and if I believe in myself. sorry that I am the way I am
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adharafirenze · 8 months
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Need I say more
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agentplutonium · 4 months
8 Word-Description of a Mystery Fic
I got tagged by @penncilkid !! These seems like fun actually.
Rules: Distill your published story into 8 or fewer words without using character names.
Tagging: You, reading this. Ummm idk who else did this and I don’t want to like. retag someone. So yeah.
ANYWAY the fic I will be giving:
Berating is a love language, right?
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miguelhuerta23 · 5 months
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He’s here! He’s HERE! 😭
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porkbeverage · 25 days
Some personal stuff for that thing my friends and I are working on
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mxwin · 8 months
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