#but I dig this ship!!!!
saturnpanther · 1 year
Do you like Stoken/Stolkien? If so, can have headcanons for them please?? ❤️❤️
So this isn't a main ship of mine, but I actually do really like it. Especially in the context of last nights episode. Although we don't see Tolkien in it- the whole context with the farms and exploring Stan and wealth has me thinking about them.
I understand that this may not be the popular interpretation of the pairing since Stan is down to earth, but i'm inclined to write/feel what I know soooooo let's go.
They could so work with the despondent wealthy youths spending money on fast cars just to feel something trope. I think Tolkien would handle it better, but take Stans dysfunctional upbringing/new found wealth/proximity to Tolkien. Do you know the song Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean? Yeah.
Thinking about them as late teens/young adults exploring that strange distance where they relate to their peers, and are still down to earth, but also have many new privileges that wealth provides.
At some point they're going to enjoy it and let fucking LOOSE. Because maybe the stress at home is too much, and maybe their friends are being shitty, and it's really easy to blow off steam when you have a little extra cash. I like the idea of them getting lost in a wild youth, and maybe experiencing things together that feel disconnected from reality because they can AFFORD to disconnect from reality.
Of course in this- theres kindness and gentleness. These are good kids. So maybe it gets taxing, and although the sex and glamour of exploring new freedoms is fun, sometimes all they want is the simplicity of a trip to Starks Pond, or a night camping in the woods, sleeping in the bed of Randy's old farm truck. They can vent about expectations, and how much they want to live for themselves, not what their family expects. I see them really enjoying the outdoors, quality time over anything else, and a really stable romance.
Also MUSIC! They would 100% both be into making each other playlists of whatever they're feeling. I think they are both okay with words, but music translates better. They're in Tolkien's room with a vinyl on, just talking until 2am because they feel so comfortable with each other- and the silence with just a song in the background, and Tolkien playing with Stans hair is just as comfortable.
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soranker · 4 months
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tomorrow :)
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jicklet · 1 year
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Ember and Wade in Elemental (2023)
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mr-president · 1 year
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DISCOOORD i’m howlin at the moon n sleepin in the middle of a summer afternoon
format stolen from here
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theofficialuriel · 4 months
girls when Han Sooyoung sacrificed 63+ years of her life for kdj and yjh traveled the galaxies for hundreds of years for him but they can’t even get a text back
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kevindavidday · 2 months
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truly the randomest kevin ship i have ever shipped
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ba1laur · 1 year
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you better not be trigun twins gnc as fuck chapter 20
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computerboyboobs · 11 months
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tibli · 1 month
people really act like labru is just gonna evaporate as soon as m*thrun and kabru interact in the anime lmao. as if the labru explosion wasn't primarily caused by the ending and post-canon content of the manga (which was built up throughout the entirety of the story)
ship what you want, but acting like k*bumisu is somehow more compelling just because kabru physically cared for him (because he literally HAD to for his own goals lmao) is... shaky at best.
and at worst? dont even get me started on the way m*thrun is infantilized and treated like a helpless waif who simply cant do anything for himself. or how kabru is treated like his fucking nanny or servant or something. really weird ableism/racism when it comes to certain people that ship them
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iizuumi · 19 days
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Enough general kn8 art, time to make everyone look at my weird little ship hello
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skyward-floored · 4 months
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joshua-beeking · 1 year
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Monochrome Commission of the classic '99 Mummy movie for @golden_asp on Twitter Featuring Rick, Evie and Ardeth, which I had a lot of fun doing!
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toxictoxicities · 8 months
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Your Honor, I love them-so much
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mrstargkonnen · 1 month
I think people are focusing way too much on the s*xual side of things with Noa and Mae.
Like…stop 🛑
I’m going to assume no one here needs anything explicit to happen between them to ship them. If that’s the only way you consume ships, then that’s on you.
But by ‘certain’ logic, then shipping Noa, Soona and Anaya means you like to watch animals getting it on irl. Is this true? I doubt it.
Thankfully, I’m capable understanding that shipping the fictional characters we were given is easy because of their human-like qualities and relatable dynamics. The CGI helps to suspend our disbelief a ton too, and of course, the great chemistry the actors delivered IRL. They did a fantastic job!
Because let’s be honest, if these characters behaved or resembled irl apes 100%, NO ONE WOULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THEM and these movies would not be what they are.
They’re shippable because of their dynamic, because of the themes and narrative devices they are using, because of the idea of two opposing worlds coming together through the kindredness of two unlikely heros, because of their relatability in the face of fear, prejudice and the unknown, because of the Shakespearean tragedy of it all-
NOT and I repeat, NOT because they might have s*x 😒
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vellichorom · 11 months
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ai ai ai ~
the collaboration you've surely ALL been waiting for since 2009!
MAGNET ~ ✨✨✨
featuring !!!
@blackkatdraws & @vellichorom! ( --who respectively drew their own narrators & totally didn't sing every song but the one depicted while making this; )
& @the-friendliest-freak! who lived up to their name & supplied for us a customized backdrop to use! THANK YOU FREAK!
v- based off of this horrific edit that came to me in the night weeks back //
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rhinocio · 4 months
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it was always you
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