#but I have since changed my mind on that wording because 1. it's a lil misleading tbh and 2. 'girl' does not capture it correctlywhatsoever
sleepvines · 4 months
being genderfluid is such a ride because my two flavors are boy (boy) and boy (butch) and sometimes a secret third thing (silly animal)
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halucynator · 10 months
Hi Sweetie ~~ ✨
Please can I request a fic based on Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter? Any Slytherin boy will do 🤣 I just need fluff in my life~~ 💞
No worries if not x
I'm lazy so this is the second part of Someone Will Love You Better lmao. I think it fits. Part 1 is here.
Also I'm so sorry! I didn't even notice that I got sent this! Idk how long it's been in my inbox but if it's a long time I'm SO sorry!! Hope you like it xx the red italic writing are the lyrics xx the lyrics are edited to suit the text (ofc)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: implied smut (like 3 words?), kissing, not proof read, I think that's it
Summary: based on the song Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter.
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It had been a couple of weeks since you and Draco had broken up. You had to face Mattheo which was easier than expected.
Think I only want one person in my dorm. I might change your nickname to don't leave me alone. Said you like my eyes and you like to make em roll. Treat me like a queen now you got me feeling thrown. Those were the words that clouded your mind as you saw the love of your life.
Who could you possibly be talking about? The answer stood right in front of you. Mattheo Riddle. You'd liked him since forever. Well, since you'd known him which was after you started dating Draco. And to your delight, HE asked YOU out a week ago because Draco told him you liked him. Crazy, right? Here you thought you'd have to make the first move.
I guess he liked you just as much as you liked him. However, one think he didn't like was PDA.
But he was so hot and you couldn't help yourself, when he got close to you. And so he was forced to partake in any public display of affection and he grew to not mind it as much. It was you, after all. And he'd do anything for you.
Your tongue went numb around him, and made you sound like a complete idiot constantly making it sound like you were saying unintelligible words such as bleh blah blee.
You didn't want no one else, you were in too deep.
"Here's a lil letter I wrote. It's about you and me." You handed him a love letter, your cheeks the deepest shade of crimson.
He smiled, like a full one, which was a rare occasion. Usually he settled for subtle smiles. So subtle, you couldn't be sure if it was a smile.
Inside the letter the following words were written:
I'll be honest. Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in. And when you got your arms around me, oh, it feels so good I had to skip a passage because otherwise this letter would be too long. I think I got an ex but I forgot him. And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it. I don't even know I'm talking nonsense. I'm talking all around the clock, I'm talking hope nobody knocks, I'm talking opposite of soft, I'm talking wild wild thoughts.
Your princess,
Mattheo laughed as he shook his head. "You didn't have to write it down! I already know I'm irresistible."
"you've gotta keep up with me, I've got some young energy. I caught the L-O-V-E, how do you do this to me?"
"Do what love?" Mattheo asked.
"around you I get butterflies. But I can't help myself when I get close to you. Baby my tongue goes numb. Sounds like bleh blah blee. I don't want no one else. Baby I'm in too deep."
He kisses your lips and hands you a letter.
"Here's a lil letter I wrote, it's about you and me." He says grinning as you open the letter.
And surely enough the letter had the following words written:
I'll be honest. Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in. And when you got your arms around me, oh, it feels so good I had to skip a passage because I don't want to keep you too long. I think I got an ex but I forgot him. And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it. I don't even know I'm talking nonsense.
Someone who you don't want to leave you alone,
Mattheo Riddle.
"This love catchier than chickenpox is. I think your dorm is where my other sock is. Woke up this morning, thought I'd write you a letter. Wanna take a quiz?" You asked
"Sure. What about?" Mattheo questioned.
"how quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz." You chuckled.
"You're adorable, you know that?" Mattheo said as he kissed your cheek.
゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:*
A/n: hope you like it as much as I did writing it! It's kinda short! Request again anytime love 💗 again I am super sorry for the wait !
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Forbidden Fruit
A Grayson Hawthorne x oc fic
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Warnings/notes (regarding the whole fic) : slight cursing, sexual innuendos, no smut, MLM, friends to enemies to lovers, might be a lil ooc (forgive me first fic ever if you dont count 'Wine and Woes'), i also changed Cassian to a human instead of a faerie, also, it's gonna be a little slow, please bear with me.
(please heed that this only a work of fiction, so do not be influenced by it, and for the love of God don't do anything that's happening in this fic.)
(trespassing is not a light matter, especially when you're breaking into a multi-billionaire's house. Doing this will have its consequences 🙏💀)
Word count: Idk man, lots of words here 💀
Summary: Grayson Hawthorne had always wanted to be like his grandfather. He had never been in the business of making friends, until he meets someone who is going to turn his life upside down, and possibly make his brain short circuit
Part 1
"your ego is bigger than Jupiter itself. Your IQ on the other hand, is the complete opposite"
"i know you ain't talking like that when you don't know what basic slang is, blondie"
"i prefer doing more productive things than spending all my time on such uselessly mind-consuming pieces of media"
"........ This is why you have no friends and no bitches"
"i have you." Grayson smiled, something he rarely did "maybe that's all I need."
Grayson Hawthorne was not in the business of making friends, much like his grandfather, Tobias Hawthorne. Even though he was only 13 years old, he relied on himself, he did not ask for help. Grayson knew he was extraordinary, his grandfather had made sure he knew.
He was prepared for every possible outcome in every possible situation. Or so he thought, until he was face to face with a rather unusual looking boy
Unusual in the sense that the boy was wearing muddy overalls, his fluffy brown hair had leaves and twigs stuck in it. His smile is too big, too bright, much like the sun shining overhead. Grayson's eyes trail down the short boy's appearance, hes holding his hands out to Grayson, holding two red geraniums in them. The geraniums are muddy too. Grayson's face scrunches up looking at the filth.
"Who are you?" Grayson glares at the boy "And how did you get in here?"
For anyone else, Grayson's glare would have been terrifying. His silver eyes making them uncomfortable in their own skin. But this boy? He kept grinning, and holding out his flowers. The audacity he had to ruin Grayson's peaceful garden time agitated Grayson.
"My name is Cassian!" Cassian smiles brightly "Whats yours?"
Grayson did not want to answer, this boy's innocence was.....annoying, but he did so out of politeness, and perhaps the hope that maybe this boy would leave if he knew who he was talking to was far superior.
"Grayson" Grayson introduced himself "My name is Grayson Hawthorne."
Grayson did not see any flash of recognition in the boy's midnight blue eyes. That agitated him more. First, this boy had the audacity to interrupt his peaceful garden time, Now, he didn't even know who Grayson was?!
"Woah! You have a cool name! Grayson. Gray, like your eyes" he says in awe, as if he had never seen gray eyes before
What was Grayson even supposed to say to that? Grayson frowns at Cassian. Hoping that maybe he'll see the obvious annoyance and leave. But Grayson's hopes were nothing if not futile, because Cassian just smiles at him.
Instead, he just tells him something Grayson does not want to know
"My last name is Moonbeam!" he smiles
Cassian Moonbeam? What a ridiculous name..... Grayson thought
It was also not a name Grayson recognised, so one, this boy was not from a prominent family, and two, he was not a worker's son. Since those children never approached Grayson, knowing who he is.
"You do realize that you're trespassing, right?" Grayson raises an eyebrow, looking down his nose at the boy
Cassian cocks his head to the side a little "Trespassing?" he says, expression neutral "but there's only one of me, wouldnt that make it unopassing?" he grins
This boy..... Grayson's mind comes up with a few rude words, but he decides to keep them to himself.
Instead, he calmly says "That wasn't funny"
"it wasn't meant to be."
"How did you get in here?"
"i slid through the tall border thingy" Cassian points at the tall border that separated the woods from the estate. Grayson's eyes slid from the metal border back to Cassian
"And no one saw you? Not even one of the guards? And how in the world did you manage to slip through the gap?!"
"oh. Um. Well, i kinda watched the guards routine a lot, so I slipped in when they were away." Cassian grins "And it's not that small of a gap. Plus, I'm small and lean"
Grayson was so done with this kid and this whole conversation. He wanted this boy gone
He sighs and states "Trespassing, especially onto the Hawthorne estate, is a crime"
Cassian's grin disappears and he cocks his head to the side "Crime? Are you saying the police are gonna arrest me?"
"im saying they can if they are notified"
"Then let's not tell them." Cassian slightly juts out his lower lip
Grayson was appalled. Things like this should be notified. So no one else creeps onto the territory. Tobias Hawthorne was a man whose head multiple people wanted. Grayson didnt know who those people were or why, but he knew that with power, came risk.
"Are you seriously telling me I shouldn't tell someone that someone trespassed onto the territory?!"
Cassian shrugs and Grayson wants to strangle him, instead, he sighs exasperatedly
"How old are you?"
"11. Why?"
"Doesn't that explain so many things" Grayson says sarcastically and rolls his eyes
"What does that mean!?"
"Nothing you should be concerned about considering the situation you're in. How do you even plan to get out of here?"
Cassian looks a little confused "Huh? What do you mean? I'll just go back out the same way I came in"
Grayson scoffs "Thats not what I meant. Now, hypothetically, I don't tell on you, but do you really expect to just leave without a scratch? One of the guards could see you as you're trying to get out. Fate isn't in your hands"
Cassian pauses "But I already have scratches"
Grayson grits his teeth "Those are not the kind of scratches I'm talking about, Cassian"
"Doesn't matter." Cassian frowns slightly "What about you? How old are you?"
"I have no reason to tell you" Grayson replies dismissively, pauses, and then says "13"
The smirk on Cassian's face is smug "oh, so you're a baby. Like me"
"Baby?!" Grayson looks offended "I am not a baby!"
"You are" Cassian leans forward, and with one muddy finger, boops Grayson's nose "Boop!"
That's it. How dare this....this commoner touch him?! It was bad enough not knowing who he is, now this?!
"Do that again-" Grayson starts to threaten, but is cut off with another boop to the nose "Wha-"
"You said 'do it again' " Cassian smirks cheekily
"I swear to God-" Grayson takes a deep breath, composing himself. It was not like him to lose his temper over something like this "Do not do that again. Now, state your business for bothering me"
"Flowers." Cassian holds up the geraniums "For you."
Grayson paused, processing this information "......"
"you trespassed onto Hawthorne property to give me flowers?!"
Cassian nodded excitably
"You are either exceptionally smart or extremely stupid" Grayson sighs "i do not want your flowers"
"ill forgive you for calling me stupid, since I want to be your friend."
"i do not want you as a friend. Why would you even want to be friends with me?"
"Because you're a loner with no friends to bring you flowers" Cassian shrugs
Grayson had to admit, that stung. He did have so-called "friends", but he never was close with them, so they were more like strangers that he knew. But was he going to admit he didn't have friends to Cassian? Absolutely not.
"i have friends" Grayson grits through his teeth, fists clenching at his sides. He was getting impatient.
"No, you don't. I would've seen them if you did" Cassian says smugly
Grayson pauses, inhaling a sharp breath "you were stalking me?"
"i wouldnt say that," Cassian takes a step closer as Grayson takes one back "More like, saw you sitting here alone everyday as I passed by."
"And if i dont believe you?" Grayson says, internally prepared for a fight
"Well, I'm already here and giving you flowers. Red, right? Your favourite color?" he holds up the flowers again
"Youre a wierdo," Grayson slaps his hand away "i dont want your flowers."
Cassian frowns a little "oh. That's okay, maybe you hate these ones. I'll bring you some more tomorrow"
"Do not come back" Grayson grits
"im gonna" Cassian places the flowers at Grayson's feet, stands back up, looks at Grayson, shoots him a mischievous grin, and boops his nose again, making Grayson's nose officially the most booped part of his body.
Grayson opens his mouth to finally curse but Cassian starts running away "Oh, no, you don't." Grayson runs after him
But Cassian is surprisingly fast, and dodges Grayson multiple times
"We're playing tag, now?" Cassian snorts a laugh
Grayson realizes what's happening and stops dead in his tracks and frowns, glaring at Cassian.
"Leave." he says, barely holding on to his anger
"Why-" Cassian begins, but Grayson interrupts
"Leave before I tell on you. I'm giving you a free card once, don't expect it again" Grayson takes a breath through his teeth
Cassian slowly blinks at him, but then smiles softly and says "Okay! I'll figure out how to get out by myself next time"
Grayson watches as the boy sneakily watches out for the guards, and then darts into the woods without being seen, and eventually vanishes out of sight.
Grayson lets out a huff of irritation, and begins to walk back to the House, when he notices the muddy geraniums on the grass in front of him.
He hesitates for a second before picking them up.
I'll just throw them away, it doesn't matter. He thought
But a small part of Grayson, that he desperately tried to push away, wants to keep them. He doesn't want to admit it, but he really did not have any friends to bring him flowers. He was still suspicious of the boy, but he decided to see where all of this would end.
But for now, all he had to focus on was getting inside, taking a much needed shower, because of that pesky boy, and then attend lunch with his brothers and Grandfather.
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Prologue part2
@never-enough-novels @pink-mask-06
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Non is either dead, he's dead and now an evil spirit terrorizing the boys or he is alive and the main killer. Thai horror films leans heavily on ghosts and supernatural but the creators of DFF seemed to have also taken inspiration from western horror/slasher films like I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Blair Witch Project, Scream and Friday the 13th.
If they are following western horror tropes then the obvious killer(s) or accomplice(s) would be Phee, Tan or both. If that is the case then Jin is clearly the classic final girl.
White has no personal stakes at this point or role in the story. He would be a pretty underwhelming final girl because I think hes boring so far. He's either cannon fodder to be slashed or he only survives because the killer is defeated. I would love if they changed my mind but we are already on episode 8. So unless we get more backstory on White that seems to be where his storyline is headed. Tee has been the more interesting character of that duo.
If they actually want to "surprise" the audience then revealing White as the killer or an accomplice would be a cool twist.
Anon, have you realized that I'm being UNREASONABLE about Dead Friend Forever? You've seen my Wild Ass Theories, so you must know I'm losing my mind with my little whiteboard and red string trying to connect the dots, right?
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I'm prepared for all outcomes because I'm unhinged about his show, but . . .
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"I think [White's] boring so far"
White slander? In my inbox? On a Tuesday?!
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White is either an innocent bystander like his name implies caught up in this fuckery because his boyfriend Tee SUCKS, or he is a killer whose big doe eyes and kind demeanor tricked all these boys into believing he was there for love and not for *murder*, but either way, White will survive.
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White realized there was no cell service.
White found the walkie-talkie.
White got the walkie-talkie working.
White found the knife.
White found the gun.
White saw part of the video.
White keeps dragging Tee's ass back when Tee wants to run.
White saw a rash on his skin.
White didn't know Tee's uncle was going to jail.
White wasn't supposed to be there.
The boy is propelling this plot forward, and it could very well be because he is Non's brother and is lying about not knowing anything about Non or Tee's uncle, which is why he swindled his way onto this trip so he would be the least suspicious and take Tee's ass down!
But what keeps me stuck is he is actively dating Tee. White is having shower sex with a man who roped his brother into money laundering, watched him get beat up, and possibly left him for dead?! Is Non's brother actually that crazy?!
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In my mind, Jin could be a killer before White! But Jin is being extra creepy about Non, and I think it is being easily dismissed. Too easily.
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Jin keeps touching Non. Jin keeps staring at Non. Jin convinced Non to stay with his bullies. Jin took a video of Non and planned to upload it, so regardless if the upload happened or not, the boy is still not Final Gay status.
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I have not liked Jin or Tee since the first episode. Tee told White he was being disobedient and Jin had too much attitude to be on a trip with his buddies. In the words of Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz, "if yo ass wanna act, then you can keep your ass where you at."
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So if Jin was sooooo upset to be on this trip, why did he come? As a killer? Possibly. But as the past as shown us, Jin does what the group does. He might protest and make side comments, but Jin is always going to do what the group wants. That's not Final Gay behavior.
This is Jin's going away celebration, so he really could be a killer and planned this entire ordeal to get everyone back together before he kills them all and peaces out to America.
But at this point, I'm completely biased.
Jin is my #1 enemy
Tee needs to die by White's hands
Tan and Phi are in this together
Non is alive
White will be the Final Gay because Phi and Tan wouldn't take out an innocent boy who wasn't even supposed to be there
And I'm quickly losing my mind
White lives.
Or else.
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
26 askss!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD actually, Bibi never minded being the shortest. Because Jangles and I never made fun of him for it. But he's probably happy that there's now 2 people short enough to give him proper hugs 🥺
And to be honest, I haven't thought too much out about character facts :0 other than Cici is a smarty pants and can be a lil sassy at times XD But in a harmless/charming way.
Also oh yeah, Gerald loves puns. XDD Although he hasn't had any cake before.. so idk what his favorite could be. What ever is the funniest flavor I suppose XDD
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Happy holidays!! :}}
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Oh you're new to Tumblr? Ahhh word of advice then- If I may? It might be a good idea to change your profile picture. Tumblr has a big bot problem. And a lot of the bots have default profile pictures just like yours. A lot of people might see your account in their feed and just block/report on sight. Not fun.. also I suggest you do the same though, if someone with default profile picture, banner, no bio, no posts follows you... that's probaaaaably a bot and should be blocked--
ANYWAYS! So for the Captain Barnacles/Crab comic. I don't plan on finishing it. And the reason why I abandoned it was because the way I had written the comic had everyone acting out of character. The blood was over the top, it was too dramatic,, ugh.. I got tired of my own comic half way through making it. <XD
The comic was gonna end with the rest of the crew showing up, they take the Captain to the octopod, and Peso cries because "I was too scared to help the Captain.." Which is just stupid <XD
Peso would not cower in fear in this situation. Even if Captain Barnacles turned like that and became very scary. Peso has had an extended history of getting it together and braving through anything to help creatures in need. And if his own Captain/friend was hurt? Nothing would stop him. Nothing could scare him away.
In the perfect re-write, Peso would ace this situation. He would approach Barnacles perfectly and calm him down. He would patch the wound, guide him to the gups. Guide him into the octopod and into the med-bay. Expertly deal with the wound and clean up all the blood.
Sure maybe after everything was done he would cry a bit out of the stress of it all. But originally everyone else did everything for Peso because he was too scared to help the scARy CapTAIN OOOO!!
Nah, that dumb. Peso is way stronger than that. #justiceforpeso
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I made one yeeeaaarrs ago when I was into Sonic. But it centered around a Sonic OC of mine. <XD I don't tend to do much insert OC stuff anymore..
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I imagine Bonnie would just sigh and try to get through it on his own. And not go to Foxy for help.. Worse case scenario he gets overwhelmed and shuts down on stage and ruins the show. Which is fine by him. He'd think, "Serves them right for puttin me on that stage. Faz-bear entertainment deserves to have their show flop for how they've treated me.. for how they've treated us."
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XDD Hey! That's Veggietales isn't it?
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XD That's what I was thinkin! That, and they were basically fully fleshed out characters but their bodies just didn't exist yet. Since their future existence was so set in stone Jangles was able to connect to their minds..?? XD I guess??
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Thank you so much!! :DD Also CAPTAIN BARNACALES FTWWW!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD New friend indeed! Cici is technically an old friend, she's existed longer than Jangles and Gerald! XD
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Also thank you! I'm glad you've stuck around and like what you see! :DDD
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1: AAAA I'm glad it fooled you! When I drew it in I knew that anyone with a different Tumblr theme wouldn't be fooled.. but I'm glad I got at least 2 people! XDD
2: Also aww.. even if they were happy tears, sorry for making you cry! <XD
ALSO WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Also also don't worry, I'm taking a nap and drinking water at the same time as we speak! XD
(Also also also that heart shattering might come sooner than you think..👀)
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Nahh, my gnome is built different. All he needs to thrive is a steady supply of pepperoni pizza and a very large 3 inch deep puddle XD
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Maybe! :0 At the very least I imagine they'd get along. My Seam is soft spoken, polite, mellow.. he's probably a nice person to share a cup of tea with! :}
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@coolkoaladeer @thesweetishfish
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Its hard to say, I didn't ever like.. try to replicate an art style and draw something unrelated. Like- if I was drawing in the gravity falls art style, I was drawing gravity falls stuff. I wouldn't draw in the gravity falls art style and draw random ocs and stuff. If that makes sense-
But maybe one style was easier to draw hands in than another. So I.. might have adopted some stuff..?? I guess??
I guess that would mean my art style developed off of the different franchises I made fanart from? If that's the case it was likely Gravity Falls, Sonic x, and Steven Universe..? Mostly?? XD Sorry this answer is all over the place-
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Many actually! Its just unfortunate because all of them are giant comic ideas but I'm too wiped out from my 20k celebration to really draw any of themmmm... 😩sighhhh
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XDDD I'm glad you like them! And I can imagine that they might be shy to hug new people- but Gerald probably wouldn't mind! XD
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Since that statement I have re-written the timeline.. So who's to say any of that still stuck and what her motives were/are now..? 👀
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<XD I've never played the paper mario games so that's why I've never drawn them.. it sounds really cute though! :D
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Taking the quilt off does nothing, the quilt doesn't bring them to life either! Remember that Bibi could talk when he was a still picture and was brought to "life" without the use of a quilt or even any glowy effects. Also Jangles had a quilt as a drawing and was "brought to life" using a pen!
The point I'm getting at is, Pen? Quilt? It doesn't matter. None of these methods actually give the characters life. I do. All these fancy ways I seem to bring them to life are just for show <XD
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XD The first thing that came to mind was Freddy telling Fredbear about Gregory.
Freddy: "I'm keeping a child hidden in the basement.."
Fredbear: "...you're keeping a CHILD in the BASEMENT??"
Also thank you! :DD
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Naahhh he'll be fine 😉
And yay! Cici and Gerald!!! XDD
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To put it simply, fanart makes me feel bad. And Comments make me feel good. So I prefer comments to fanart. 👌
To complicate it a bit, when I post artwork I'm just sitting there all giddy waiting for the first "AKSJKASAU WAAAAA 😭😭😭" comment to pop up. When I get fanart I immediately get frustrated and uncomfortable. Fanart feels like stealing and usually invokes a negative reaction from me. So if people want to show their appreciation for my work, leaving comments is 100% more effective and preferred. 👍
Also thank you! :DD
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XD These are great match ups!
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froyaoya · 7 days
FRIDAY WAS TOO FAR. — kageyama oneshot. gn.reader
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mlist ┊ navigation
CW / SYNOPSIS : he’s sick. you take care of him and pray time works in your favor. (no explicit details ab. the sickness, 1 mention of chemo and treatment, implications)
© froyaoya all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, steal, plagiarize, or translate my works on any platform.
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five more days! you say enthusiastically as your forearms flex, making use of your body weight to push the wheelchair forward. they’d never compare to his, but he had years of training ahead of you. cheater. he tilts his head back at you and smiles knowingly—weaker than it used to be, but you’re grateful he’s still offering you one to begin with.
you swivel around together till you reach the tall fig tree that rules the garden; surrounding trees bow under—failing to match its height.
“it looks like you” your own voice echoes from a distant memory.
the mental image of his scowl makes you stifle a laugh. “and what exactly do you mean by that?” he’d flick you on the forehead.
“it’s the king of the land!!! you’re the king of the court!!” you’d beam at him. his expression would soften, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. but his confusion wouldn’t dissipate—he wishes he could see the world you do. as brightly as you do.
four more days, the doctor tells you, pity washing over his features. “we won’t have the technology for his chemo until then.” and you nod, ignoring the scratchy feeling in the back of your throat telling you it’ll be too late by then. because you believe in him. you believe in trying. you hope he believes too.
three more days and they’re here, tobio” you whisper, shooting a grin at him—who’s diligently squeezing a rubber ball to ‘maintain grip strength for the upcoming season’ . he glances at you, apologetic.
“i was listening,” he states warily like a son afraid to anger his mother. but you don’t mind, he already knows his highschool teammates are coming to visit. it’s been marked by an x on the pink calendar that waves at every guest who stops too look around his four by four hospital room. despite the sterile environment, it smells like yogurt. for muscle growth, he’d defend. his dedication to his sport wraps your heart in hope.
two more days till he gets better? hinata asks you expectantly. he’s never changed—your lover’s best friend. he zips around, spreading the good news to kageyama’s beloved high school team after you confirm. your chest swells with pride at the people showing up for him. secretly, you think: I’m glad it’s not just me.
you look to him, and his expression mirrors yours.
one more day marks a year since you said your goodbyes. you stand between his teammates from different walks of his life—some shoulders slumped over, some with faces buried into them. a few walk over to you to say their condolences, words intended for comfort. they don’t know that you’ve already had that talk.
you remember his weary expression, hand clutching yours like he’s not ready to let go.
“I’m sorry.” he breathed out. “friday is too far.”
“don’t apologize,” you choked through tears, an attempt to comfort both of you. it fails. “you can rest now.” his hand goes limp in yours.
the group stands around the tall fig tree, a gold plated plaque nailed deep into the wood: dedicated to the king.
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author’s note: hellooo first oneshot on this account. not super angsty but it’s got a lil kick to it .. :”) sorry ab the abrupt ending HH this was my break from writing mousetrap!!! getting back to it..🚶🏻‍♀️
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olympeline · 1 month
FrUK FACE family Parent Trap AU, part 9! Part 1
Last time: shock! Horror! Alfred, and by extension the whole scheme, just got rumbled! By Uncle Gil of all people! Who could have seen it coming? Not Alfred. But then he hasn’t known Gilbert long. Under that nutty exterior tick-tick-ticks a surprisingly sharp mind. Gilbert had been suspicious almost from the start. He didn’t say anything because that’s not his way. But now things have gone on long enough that even Gilbert has to step in. If for no other reason than he needs some news of Mattie.
So, under threat of an immediate call to Francis, Alfred is forced to confess all. They sit down over delicious and nutritious frosting sandwiches and Alfred tearfully confessses all that’s gone down since the twins were reunited. Everything from their chance meeting to their time living the other’s identity. Gilbert doesn’t let him off the hook, prodding for details and making Al show him his phone so he can confirm what’s been said. Alfred burns with embarrassment when Gilbert scans some of his early descriptions of him (the words “freaky” “weird” and “totally batshit” may or may not have been used) but Gil doesn’t comment. The let up in the grilling (gilling?) is when Gilbert sees a picture of Arthur in his conservative dad clothes.
“HA!! Mein gott, that’s precious! Old punkass, slutbag Kirkland turned into a right old tory, huh kid?”
“What’s a tory?”
“Ask your dad. He dresses like one of their rentboys.”
“What’s a rentboy?”
Gilbert changed the subject after that. To what the two of them intented to do now. How long were they planning to keep this up? What were they hoping to achieve? Alfred just shrugs helplessly. They weren’t really hoping anything. He tells Gilbert they just wanted to get to know the other half of their family. Finding the missing piece that’s always been there for both of them. Gilbert listens, takes another look at Alfred’s phone, then gives it back. Alfred sees it’s open on a selfie of Mattie and Arthur. Matthew has an Alfred-style big, sunny beam. Even after playing his brother for weeks, Mattie isn’t a good enough actor to fake it to such an extent. Gilbert knows him well enough to see that.
Alfred haltingly asks what Gilbert’s going to do now. Gilbert is quiet for a long time. Then he shakes his head, grins, and ruffles Alfred’s hair.
“I’m no snitch, kaulquappe, and I always thought what your dads did was moronic. I can’t imagine doing nothing after finding out what you did. Hell, if it were me and Lud I would have done the same. So don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Really?!” Alfred’s heart leaps and so he does too. Right off the couch. “YAHOO! Thanks, Uncle Gil! I-”
The rest is cut off when Gilbert stuffs a sandwich in his mouth.
“Cool your jets, yanketito. I wasn’t done! Remember I told you about my lil bro’s wedding?”
Alfred nods through a mouthful of frosting.
“Gut. Obviously I’m going down to liberty land to be his best man. Ha! As if he’d dare choose anyone else! I’ll put Honda over my damn knee and spank him with his own bodypillow if he even thinks of muscling in on my territory!”
Alfred has no idea who this Honda is but pities him anyway. He nods as that seems the safest option.
“So! I’ll be going down to NYC. And you’ll be coming with me.”
Gilbert gives him that rust-coloured stare again and Alfred, for one of the few times in his life, knows it would be futile to argue. Uncle Gil is like a force of demented nature.
“Like I said, I won’t snitch but this can’t go on forever. So enjoy your time up here, kid. It just got a curtain call, ja?”
Alfred swallows the sandwich and nods. What else can he do? Gilbert holds all the cards and they both know it.
“YEAH! Good choice! Now, call Mattie. Tell him to get his maple-print panties in a bunch because Uncle Gil knows and Uncle Gil wants to talk.”
(Have a small update! I’ve been very busy lately and I will be for a while so I can’t promise when there’ll be more. Just when I can snatch a few minutes. Until then, please enjoy and stay tuned for part 10! (´ε` )♡)
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Konichiwassup mate! How do you do this bright evening! I am simply buzzed with excitement because I've finally managed to shake off my post exam exhaustion after sleeping through one whole day~
I was wondering what kind of medieval/mystic being our Ateez boyfriends might be and here are my thoughts:
1. Hongjoong: Fairy. A garden fairy to be exact. Like LOOK at his tiny ass (we're the same height) HE'S SO SMOL (He's actually pretty tall) HOW CUTE! (Well that's true.)
Also I can imagine him fly around in the garden perfecting the aesthetics of the place. And no, he'll not keep some basic ass fancy grass, nuh uh, natural vegetation and grass😌
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2. Seonghwa: a Heavenly Nymph. Bro is gorgeous beyond words. His beauty is so sublime he can NEVER be just a mere earthly being. He'd be the most beautiful nymphs of all but equally as deadly. Crpss him and you might just lose a limb.
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Yeosang: Forest Elf. Okay hear me out. LONG BLOND HAIR YEOSANG. AND WE ALL KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL THE COLOUR GREEN LOOKS ON HIM. But yes he seems like he'll be the forest protector elf. (Maybe Hongjoong and Yeosang play together idk)
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4. Yunho: Dragon. Bro is dragon coded. Like he's SO dragon. Ouu but he'll ne such a sweet dragon tho. Maybe he let's all the forest creatures sleep near him during chilly winters since he naturally exudes warmth.
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5. Woosan: Nine Tail Foxes. They're a pair. Do not separate. I'm thinking Wooyoung would be the Nine Tailed fox that goes "Ohhh you look delicious. I wonder what you taste like!" And San would be like "Wooyo we talked about not scaring random travellers for fun anymore." T~T The Yin-Yang Foxies
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6. Minki: The mountain diety. He's the one in charge of the forest that the boys live in. Though he's just a babie!:(( like one day a random bunny will he minding his business when he comes across Mountain diety Mingi yapping about his problems to a sympathetic Seonghwa while pouting.
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7. Jongho: Moon Spirit. He descends down to the forest at night to sing to all the creatures. The animals sometimes bring him gifts like leaves and shiny pebbles. Has kept them all in a secure box back home.
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okay but i love your brain? ateez as medieval/mystical creatures? hello??
okay i've always thought about demons and darker stuff when it comes to hongjoong but now that you say it.... he fits the concept of a garden fairy so well? tiny lil joong (says i who'd look like a dwarf next to him) with his little trinkets and colours he's so fairy coded actually you've changed my perspective of him.
and seonghwa-- you're absolutely right about this one. prettiest nymph in the area and also the deadliest. too pretty for you. too pretty to belong to the earth. im glad all of us agree on that LOL
i always think fairy when i think of yeosang. fairy or angel. but forest elf is such a cute concept i can def entertain it (esp if it's long blonde hair yeosang wearing the colour green you've found me weakness). he would def be friends with hongjoong, often spotted hanging out with him. seonghwa would sometimes join them hehehehehe
yunho! dragon! coded! TAKE ME HOME!! my gut told me i had to make him a dragon and its worked so well (considering i just became an atiny when i wrote take me home, deciding his animal form should be a dragon is sth im a little proud of). you bet he'd have everyone lined up next to him in the winters for him to keep them warm and snug hoho
omg woosan as foxes yes doesn't help they look like actual foxes. nine-tailed fox duo? even better. yin-yang foxes? im violently sobbing right now. wooyoung would def scare the villagers away only for san to scold him afterwards and he would be like :D
omgg minki mountain deity trust us to give mingi some mighty role when he's literally a babie :(( but yes! yapping about his problems to anyone who sits with him long enough and the mountain creatures be like ah shit here we go again :') sometimes yunho the dragon would find this mountain deity and they would hang out im so soft rn
jongho. moon. spirit. lemme kiss your brain. descends down each night to sing the creatures to sleep? (i need him to sing me to sleep too) im gonna write a whole something about this one day just you watch BUT OMGG imagine its winters and all of the ateez are hanging out next to yunho the dragon and jongho joins them and for a while they all hang out until its time to sleep and jongho sings them to sleep and watches his hyungs with those (◠ ◡ ◠) eyes im gonna cry
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wednesdaymunson · 1 year
Head Over Heels
Baby Daddy! Eddie x Fem!reader
Summary: Part 2 to my Baby Daddy! Eddie fic.Slight time jump. Eddie has half assed professed his love for you, but neither of you can bring it up. You're still seeing Keanu. Wayne makes an appearance and scolds Eddie. Eddie is a lil toxic at the end.
Warnings: smut,angst,unprotected sex, creampie, drunk sex(f), mention of oral sex(m receiving)..I think that's it.
A/n: I wrote and rewrote this several times. I'm kinda okay with this version. The ending is opened to the possibility of a third part, or you can make up with what happens in the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I Was Made For Lovin' You - part 1
Word Count: 4,609k
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It had been about a month since Eddie left that message. The both of you would always tiptoe around it. You were never direct when trying to ask, and Eddie would avoid it anyway he could. You were afraid to be forward, possibly hearing something you didn't want to know, but it was killing you not knowing 'Why now?'.
You've been on a few low-profile dates with Keanu. He didn't want to alert the paparazzi and drag you into the crazy spotlight. Even with Eddie's fame with Corroded Coffin, you were very much in the background, unnoticed. You weren't even thinking about that, you just wanted to live in the moment. Keanu made you feel seen and heard. He calmed your mind, you knew where you stood with him. 
You made it home just in time. Eddie was dropping off Evelyn at 9am and here it is 8:45. You change into your pjs, wash whatever makeup was left off your face, to turn around and see Eddie behind you. 
"For fuck sakes, Eddie! You scared this shit outta me!... how'd you get in?"
"Well, hello to you too! Look, your door wasn't shut all the way. I got nervous, so I came in preparing to bash some skulls or preparing for the worst.."
You could tell by his tone and his eyes that he was genuine. You hugged him before you even realized it. He tightly hugged you back, and you melted into him. 
"Wait.. where's Evelyn?!"
"Oh! I told her to stay in the car and if someone tried to get her, to hit them with the crowbar I keep in the car." He boldly stated. 
"Eddie, you left a 4 year old in the car with a crowbar? Please go get our daughter." You sigh. 
"On it, sweetheart."
You pinch at his side. 
"Y/N, don't start that." Eddie laughs. 
As soon as Eddie is out of sight, you shut the door and quietly break down. You haven't told Eddie about you seeing someone else. You've been pretty good at keeping it under wraps. You think to yourself, 'Keanu and I aren't exclusive. I'm allowed to date and do whatever, I'm single! Eddie doesn't have to know. I don't know what he does when he's away or when he's not here.'
You splash some water on your face, dry off, and compose yourself. You hear Evelyn knocking on your door. 
"Mommy, open the door! There's no bad guys! It's me, Evelyn Starchild Munson!"
You greeted her as you opened the door. 
"Hi baby! I missed you." You smiled. 
Eddie's eyes met yours, and he could tell you had been crying, but he didn't want to mention it in front of Evelyn, and he also had some business to take care of. 
"Y/N, I have to get going, but I'll call you later. Evelyn, be good for mommy. I'll see you soon, baby. I love you."
Eddie rushes out the door. 
It's almost midnight, Evelyn was tucked away in her bed after a day full of arts and crafts, a melt down because you told her she couldn't get in the oven, and a chicken nugget dinner by the pool. You're drifting off, and your phone begins to ring. 
"Hello?" You answer soothingly. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
It was Eddie on the other end. Usually, you would be bothered by the late call, but you didn't have the energy tonight. 
"Mm 's okay, Eddie. What did you need to talk about?"
"I'm sorry for calling you this late, just got caught up with stuff at the studio. But I wanted to tell you I'm flying Wayne here in two weeks and wanted to ask if you would have dinner with us. I know he would love to see you and I know you would too."
You haven't seen Wayne since Evelyn's first birthday. He was very much like a father to you. You started calling him "Dad" after it slipped out one day when he asked you to run to the store for him, and it stuck ever since.  He taught you a lot, especially some skills, so you would never have to rely on a man to help when Eddie wasn't around. You haven't spoken to him much since the split, and you did miss him dearly. 
"No worries. Oh, that's nice. Umm yeah, just let me know what day and what you have planned."
"Great! I'm actually hoping to get the old man to consider moving here. He's retiring soon and I think he'd be better off with family around."
"Oooohh…you sure about that? You know how Wayne is." You giggled. 
"I know, I know. Maybe you can sweeten the deal."
"Eddie, I want no part in your shenanigans,buuuuut I do miss him. Evelyn should have her granddad around."
"I knew you'd see it my way."
There's a small silence, and you hear Eddie sigh. 
"Everything okay with you? You looked like you were crying earlier today."
"Yeah, I just got soap in my eyes. Burned like a bitch." You quickly replied. 
"Hmm okay… I just wanted to make sure."
You could tell he didn't really believe you, but he wasn't going to push. 
"Oh, one more thing…what are you wearing?"
"Ugh, goodnight, Eddie."
"Hey, I tried. Goodnight, Y/N."
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"Y/N, I know it's only been a few days, but I really do miss you. I can't wait to see you when I get back from New York." Keanu cooed into the phone. 
"I miss you too. How's New York?"
"It's great! There's tons of places I'd love to take you. Oh! I didn't get a chance to tell you, but the rest of the band is here in New York, and we're doing a few secret shows while I'm here!" He exclaimed. 
"Oh, that sounds fun! I'm kinda jealous of the people who get to see Dogstar live." You frowned. 
"Well, maybe I can talk to the band and set up a show when I get home."
"That would be awesome! But you don't have to do that, Keanu."
"I know, but I would definitely do it for you, beautiful."
"You're too sweet."
"Y/N, you know what else I miss?"
"Hmm? What's that?"
"I miss your plump lips wrapped around my hard cock while you look up at me with those big beautiful eyes. I'm sorry if that was brazen of me, but jesus christ Y/N! Any time I think about you, that's one of the things that come across my mind. And you get so wet for me while you do it." Keanu breathes heavily. 
"I enjoy it, and if I can be honest, I like being in control sometimes, and in those moments, I'm very much in control, aren't I?"
"Mm, yes, you are, sweetheart. I'm practically puddy in your hands when I'm in your mouth. Fuck! I can't wait to see you when I get home, I'm going to tear into you!"
"I can't wait either. I.."
"I'm sorry, but I have to cut our conversation short. Evelyn just woke up."
"No worries. I'll call you when I get some free time. I hope you have a good day,  gorgeous. Bye."
"Thank you, you too. Talk to you later."
You lay in bed for a few more minutes to gather yourself. You get up to check on Evelyn, ready to start your day super early. You find her back asleep, arms spread out, one leg hanging off the bed. 
"Oh, my wild child. Just like your dad."
You gently put her leg back in the bed and cover her up. You think about calling Eddie on the walk back to your room, but it's around 5:30 am, and you're sure he's passed out by now. You open your closet and pull out a box. It was a box that was a mixture of sex toys, lubes, a Polaroid camera, and a velvet bag that held a pair of handcuffs. You opened it and pulled them out, the biggest smile flashed across your face. 
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It was your first week in Hawkins and your parents moved you and your younger siblings there after your graduation. You saw a flyer on the side of the building for a band playing at the Hideout. 'Corroded Coffin? Hmm might as well. It'll give me something to do in this boring town.'  You thought. That night you met Eddie. Somehow you'd catch him staring at you and then quickly turn his head. You were in the crowd when his band played and you did enjoy the music. After the set you went to the bar and got some water before heading home. 
"Who celebrates with water?"
Eddie stands next to you at the bar. 
"Well, I'm not celebrating anything…should I be?" You laughed. 
"Is this not your first Corroded Coffin show? I've never seen you at any of our shows, and trust me, I would notice and remember a pretty face in the crowd." Eddie smiled. 
"You're correct. This is my first time here and seeing your band. I just moved here a week ago with my family."
"So come celebrate with me and my band. I can make sure you get home safely."
"Oh yeah? I'm not sure about that. You may try to keep me handcuffed in a basement." You giggled while hooking your finger on the handcuffs he was wearing attached to his belt.
"Oh! No! I would never do that! Do I come off like that type of guy?!"
"No, you don't come off like that. I was joking…maybe. " You could barely control your laughter. 
"I'm Y/N, by the way." As you extended your hand. 
"Eddie, amongst other colorful names the town has given me."
He takes your hand in both his, feeling the cold sensation of his rings against your warm skin. 
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Soooo are you gonna stay?"
"Sorry, I really gotta go. See ya around." You smiled and made your way to leave. 
"HEY! HOW DO I GET A HOLD OF YOU?!" Eddie shouted.
"COME FIND ME!" You shouted back. 
Eddie just happened to run into you at Starcourt Mall, got your number, and eventually asked you out on a date. He was very polite, a great listener, and made you laugh any chance he got. You both shared secrets that you swore each of you would take your graves, insecurities, and dreams. You two were inseparable. 
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You take the bag, put everything away and put it in another box full of things that you weren't ready to get rid of. You decide to try to get a little bit of sleep before Evelyn wakes up. Your eyes close and you feel a slight dip in the bed, a small arm wraps around your stomach.
"Mommy, can I have waffles and bacon, please?"
"Of course, baby. Coming right up." You giggled. 
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"There's my girls!" Wayne exclaimed.
"GRANDPAAAA!" Evelyn yells, running. 
"Hi Wayne. It's been too long." You smiled
You spent the whole evening laughing and having fun. It felt like old times. You took some pictures and set up the camera and got a "family" shot. Evelyn was getting sleepy, so you offered to put her to bed. 
"You ready to go to bed, love bug? 
"Uh huh. Mommy, are you going to spend the night too?"
There was an awkward silence through Eddie's penthouse. 
"Oh no, baby. I'm going home to sleep in my bed. Grandpa Wayne is staying here for a few days, so he'll sleep in the guest room, you have your room, and Daddy has his." You explained. 
"Can't you share a bed with Daddy? Like other mommies and daddies?"
You nervously looked at Eddie and mouthed "help me" to him. 
"Uh,sweetheart, some mommies and daddies don't like to share beds with one another. "
"Okay. Mommy, can you read me a story please?"
"Of course." You smile and follow Evelyn to her room. 
"Boy, you should have done right by her. I don't know what got into you when you signed that deal and went on tour. That girl was head over heels for you, and I knew that the first night you brought her over. Eddie, I love you, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kick your ass. You lost a good one."
"You think I don't know that?? When I left the house that morning after she kicked me out, I thought I would be fine. Off to the next one, then the next, and so on and so forth. I found myself comparing every woman to her! I tried to stop, but it never failed. 'Y/N would have handled that differently. Y/N makes this better.' Sometimes I can't sleep knowing I destroyed my family and hurt her. She didn't deserve that, I didn't deserve her. I want to make things right, Wayne."
"Son, I'd be surprised if there weren't about a hundred men trying to break down her door for a chance. She's not like these Hollywood girls. She's a genuine and caring person. You better act quickly before someone beats you to it." Wayne huffed.
You walk back into the living room. 
"I gotta go. I promised Luna I'd have a few drinks with her before I go home, and my taxi should be here soon."
"Well, sweetheart, it was good to see you. I hope I see you a few more times while I'm visiting." Wayne said as he hugged you. 
"It was good seeing you too, Dad. Ya know you should move here when you retire. I'd love for you to see Evelyn more. She needs her granddad around."
"Did Eddie put you up to this??"
"Oh, no!" You smiled and winked at Eddie. 
"Wayne, just think about it." Eddie stated. 
"Fine, I'll think about it."
"My taxi is here. Thanks for dinner, Eddie. Goodnight."
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"Maybe you're meant to be together? You really need to talk to him, or you can ignore it, move on with Keanu, and keep second guessing yourself. "
Not only was Luna your babysitter, but she was your best and pretty much only friend out here. She helped pick up the pieces after you kicked Eddie out. She was pretty protective of you. She kept you from making rash decisions in the wake of your breakup that would have landed you on the front cover of the tabloids. But what you didn't know is that she was also a listening ear for Eddie, and she knew how he felt about you. Fortunately, she was a good friend to you both and was unbiased in this situation. She gave you advice when asked, nothing more and nothing less. 
"Luna, I just don't want to go through it again. I can't let a man tell me twice that he doesn't want me."
"Did he ever say he didn't want you? He cheated, I get it. Some people like to have their cake and eat it too. There was nothing wrong with you then. There's nothing wrong with you now."
"I know." You frowned. 
"Y/N, I gotta get going. I have a nanny gig in the morning. I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?" Luna grabbed your hand and squeezed  it as she smiled. 
You stayed and had a few more drinks, and the liquid courage was flowing through your blood. You asked the bartender for the phone. It took you a few drunken tries to dial Eddie's number correctly, but you finally got it. 
"YESSSSSS! YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR!" You drunkenly yell through the phone. 
"Why are you yelling? Are you drunk??" Eddie questioned. 
"I'm sorry, Eddie." You whispered. 
"Y/N, just try to speak in a normal volume. Are you okay? Where are you?"
"Yes, maybe…I don't know. I'm at Sunset Bar."
"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll tell Wayne to keep an eye on Evelyn."
Eddie finds you at the bar nursing a glass of water.  He thanks the bartender for keeping an eye on you. 
"You lush." Eddie chuckled as he grabbed you by the waist. 
"Let's get you home, Princess."
"Thank you, Eddie. Will you make a fluffernutter when we get home?" You murmured. 
"Anything for you." Eddie smiled. 
You sat in the seat and stared at Eddie. You admired his profile. He had his hair pulled back into a ponytail with a few strands of his wavy hair in his face, and he had a fresh undercut. The way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. When he belted out the words to his favorite songs, the veins in his neck would bulge. You could feel the wetness pooling in your panties. You reached over and lightly scratched the back of his head, feeling the prickly hairs on the tip of your fingers. 
"Mm, that feels really good."
"I bet it does. You know what else would feel really good?"
"Hmm?" Eddie hummed as he gave you a side glance with a raised eyebrow. 
"Your fat cock deep inside me."
Eddie's ring clad hands gripped the wheel tightly, his knuckles whiting. 
"Fuck, Princess are you sure? You've been drinking. I don't think we should."
"I'm a little drunk, yes, but I know exactly what I want, Sir." You grinned. 
"Y/N, you don't even know what that does to me. Thank god we're almost home."
Eddie ups the speed a little, making it to the gate, pushing the access button repeatedly, trying to get it open as quickly as possible. You start to unbutton the top of your dress as Eddie pulls up to your house and places the car in park. You take off your seat belt and press the release button on Eddie's. You're straddling him before he knows it, his bulge pressed against your warm, wet core. 
"Sweetheart, you couldn't wait until we got inside?"
"No, Eddie. I need you inside me now! I need to feel you. I need to feel something other than these god damn conflicting feelings I have for you! Please, I'm begging you." You pouted.
You left Eddie speechless. All he could do at this moment was to grab your face and kiss you. Your lips pressed against his hard, tongues rolling over each other.  He breaks away, grabbing you by the back of your neck, he licks the side of your neck and reaches your ear. 
"You're so fucking needy, I love it when you beg." He growled. 
Eddie pulls on the handle to lean his seat back. He reaches up your dress to find your panties. 
"Oh, baby, I hope these aren't your favorite panties." Eddie grinned.
He pulls out his switchblade and cuts your panties off you and tosses them in the passenger seat—You haven't seen Eddie like this in a very long time. Sure you'd let him paddle you every so often and do a little dom/sub play, but he was always so soft spoken and well mannered ever since you decided to start hooking up,b afraid of fucking things up more. He unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, releasing his hard member,  pre cum already forming at the tip. You firmly grab it to line up to your soaking wet entrance. 
"Wait, I don't have any condoms. Did you bring any?"
"No, I didn't. I'm out, and right now, I really don't care. Just don't cum in me."
You gasp as you sink down on Eddie's thick cock. You feel a pleasurable burn as he stretches you out. He grabs on to your hips as you start riding him. 
"Fuck, your so wet for me, Princess. All that for me?" Eddie breathes haggardly.
"Mm, yes, it's all for you, Eds. Your dick.. f-f-feels so fucking good!"
"I've missed being inside you, your tight pussy gripping around my cock. Fuck, if you keep riding me like this, I don't know how long I'll last, Princess."
You love it when he calls you "Princess", it sparks the fire growing in your stomach.  Eddie's thumb finds your swollen clit and rubs it with a little bit of pressure. Your breath starts to hitch. 
"There it is. I know you're close, sweetheart. I want you to cum for me, cream all over my dick."
With your hands on Eddie's chest, you lean slightly forward, your hips roll desperately to reach your orgasm. Eddie frantically runs circles on your throbbing clit.  
"FFFUUUUCCCKK!" You yell as you dissolve into pleasure. 
You keep riding Eddie while you ride out your orgasm.
"Princess, I-I'm.. you gotta get off, or I'm gonna bust in you!"
You're already chasing your second orgasm.
"Mmm Eds, I-I-I can't stop! I'm cumming again!" You panted. 
Eddie holds you down by your hips as you both reach climax. He spills himself into you, covering your pulsing walls, clenching around him, milking every last bit of him. 
You fall on to his chest, trying to catch your breath. 
"Eddie…I-I love you." You breathed. 
"I love you too, Princess." He huffed. 
"Y/N, as much as I love being in this, uh situation with you, I think we should go into the house and get cleaned up."
"Yeah, you're right." You giggled. 
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You're both laying in bed after your shower together, your head resting on his chest.
"I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I wish I could take everything back." Eddie whispered into your hair. 
"Then why did you do it? I know I'm not pretty like the groupies on tour or the women out here. Why wasn't I enough for you?" Your voice trembled.
"You're gorgeous, Y/N. You were when we first met, and you'll always be. You were enough. I was just a scared little boy. Everything happened so fast, getting signed, Evelyn, moving to California…I just didn't know how to handle it all, and I didn't know how to tell you."
You sat up to look Eddie in the eyes. 
"Eddie, look at me. You could have told me anything. We've shared so many secrets that we knew each other inside and out. Whatever the world threw at us, we were in it together." You cried. 
Eddie held you in his arms. 
"Shh, I know. I fucked up. I'm sorry Y/N. I'll do better…if you let me try."
"I..I don't know, Eddie." You sniffled.
You eventually fell asleep in his arms. Only to wake up in an empty bed. You roll out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Eddie is sitting at the table having a cup of coffee. There was a lull in the air. 
"Good morning, Eds." You smiled. 
"So when were you going to tell me that you've been seeing someone else? Keanu fucking Reeves of all people!"
"We're not that serious. We're not exclusive. And why does it matter who I'm seeing or if I'm seeing anyone? You're the last person who should be concerned about my dating life." You snapped. 
"Well he sounded pretty fucking serious in the message he left this morning!" Eddie bellowed.
"Does he know about us?"
"He knows what you put me through."
"So he doesn't know that you call me over here to fuck you senseless when you want to get off?.... Are you fucking him?"
"What? That's none of your god damn business, Eddie. I'm single, I can do as I please. YOU! YOU CHOSE THIS FOR ME WHEN YOU DECIDED TO FUCK EVERY BITCH FROM HERE TO THE EAST COAST AND LIE TO ME UNTIL ONE OF THEM HAD THE GUTS TO TELL ME THE TRUTH!" You sobbed. 
"Fuck, Eds. I love you, but how do I know you won't cheat on me again? I would look so fucking stupid for trusting you with my heart again."
"... Why him?"
" I dunno, he's nice. He makes me feel seen and heard. I know where I stand with him. He knows I have responsibilities, and he supports me pursuing my passion in art. If it wasn't him, Eds, I'm sure it would have been one of the plethora of guys that came around after we broke up. I didn't realize people knew who I was, but obviously, others were paying attention to me."
You could see that Eddie was disappointed in himself. His eyes were darting back and forth. He seemed like he was analyzing an invisible piece of code on the table.
"Let's get married!" Eddie blurted. 
"Eddie, you can't do that to me! This isn't going to magically solve any of this."
"You love me, right? And I love you. Let's do this!"
"Eds, it's going to take a lot for us to even get to the idea of marriage. Maybe…we should stop having sex…take a break…just strictly co parent."
By this time, Eddie has already standing next to you at the counter, arms folded. 
"Is that what you really want?" 
"I think it would be best for now. We can figure out what we really want out of this, if we even want it." You sighed. 
"I know what I want, and I'll fight for it. Even if I have to burn this world to the ground. But if this is what you want, I'll respect it. " Eddie muttered. 
"Thank you, Eddie. I think you should get back to Wayne and Evelyn. I'm gonna hop in the shower and gather myself. Lock the door when you leave, please?"
"Sure thing. I'll see you later."
You head to your room and start your shower. Before Eddie leaves, he picks up the phone and dials *69. The phone rings a few times before Keanu picks up. 
"Look fucko, whatever you think you have with Y/N, you don't anymore. Leave her the fuck alone." Eddie gritted through his teeth with a clenched jaw. 
"Oh, this must be Eddie, her ex that cheated on her while she was pregnant and up until the point she kicked you out. Look dude, she's a big girl, she can make her own decisions. We're having fun and living in the moment. But I do see myself pursuing this for the long run. May the best man win, bud." Keanu chuckled. 
"Yeah? Well… Dogstar is dog shit!" Eddie yells before he hangs up. 
'What an asshole.' Thought Eddie.
When you came back out, Eddie was already gone. You weren't sure if you did the right thing or not. Maybe you should have broken things off with Keanu. You decided to grab some breakfast at your favorite diner. As soon as you were leaving the phone range. 
"Hey there, beautiful, how are you?"
"Hey, Keanu! I'm okay, a bit hungry, so I'm on my way to get some breakfast. How are you?"
"I'm great, just missing you. Would you be able to have dinner with me tonight?"
"Oh, you're coming home early? Yeah, Evelyn is with Eddie and her granddad for the week. So I'm hanging solo."
"Unfortunately, I'm not coming home early, but I'd like to fly you out for a few days, if that's okay?"
"Of course! I'll let Eddie know that I'm going out of town for a few days."
"Perfect. I'll have a driver pick you up in two hours. Don't worry about packing, we'll go shopping. See you later, Y/N."
"Bye, Keanu."
You're all smiles and butterflies. You grab your sunglasses and head out the door to the diner. In a few hours, you'll be in the arms of another man. Did it make you feel bad? A bit, but you deserved to be happy. 
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Divider @racingairplanes
A/n- I feel like I formatted weird due to the amount of dialogue or maybe it's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let me know what you think. Leave comments, reblog, and like. It's greatly appreciated.
Tag list: @marvelnbangtanslut @bimbobaggins69 @heyyimmisunderstood @hiscrimsonangel @sweet-villain
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buck-up-buck · 1 month
Ya'll can blame @theredrenard for this because I was told specifically to stop manifesting this, so guess. what.
So, as per my post HERE I talked about the potential to burn Buck's loft down. Now, again, you don't have to tell me twice about how AO3 this theory is, I have been in this fandom since day one and I have read an unhealthy amount of fanfictions with this plot line, but, indulge me a second, will you?
So, at the beginning of the season I know that SOMEWHERE, there was a scene where there was a housing market crisis headline on the TV in the background, but I cannot for the life of me find it, so here is a screenshot of a post I saw talking about it!
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We also have the scene where Buck is touring Harbour with Tommy at the start of 7x04 and Tommy mentions that he sometimes responds to "high-rise fires."... interesting Tommy; do you sense a high-rise fire in your near future to save you boyfriend, huh, HUH?!?
AND THEN, we have Buck at the end of 7x04 before Tommy knocks on the door seemingly going through paperwork, bills maybe? This, accompanied with the housing market crisis SCREAMS that Buck is maybe having issues with paying rent, or with living in the loft in general and is potentially looking for an out?
Now. all of these combined alone are enough to see a potential storyline to do with the loft (and it burning down, cough cough), but what really sealed the deal was Eddie's comment in the last episode (7x07).
Eddie walking in and commenting that he could smell smoke, with Buck telling him the new recipe he is working on is cracking him, rubbed me the wrong way. What a STRANGE way to word that scene. AND THEN, Buck looking up at the ceiling, where I assume the smoke detector is, all confused as if it should have been going off, but wasn't, is potentially foreshadowing issues with the building.
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NOW, all of this together, SCREAMS a storyline to do with Buck's loft, the scene in 7x07 just solidifying a potential fire even moreso.
I will admit, I have changed my mind on Amir's involvement in the fire. I now highly doubt this man would go through all this effort to burn down an apartment complex, after suffering such a loss in one himself, and would not go out of his way to injure innocent people. BUT, what I do think however, is that his conflict with Bobby is going to potentially do some more foreshadowing for the loft potentially burning down.
I doubt Amir would use the words as direct as "karma is a bitch", but I do think sentences like...
"The universe has a wicked sense of payback." "Life has a way of serving up its own brand of justice." "In the end, karma is a flame that burns with the heat of our actions."
that all basically SCREAM, fire. And this makes Bobby super anxious but Amir is gone, he is either over it and has moved on with his lil ominous departure, or he's been arrested for his conflict with Bobby, and Athena is like, "he is gone, that man is gone from our lives." and Bobby settles because she is right, it's fine. everything is fine.
Until it isn't.
Until something happens that causes Buck's loft to go up in flames and all Bobby can think about is, fuck, this is my karma, and he is like, no, I will save my son, and he goes all badass and he gets Buck outta there.
Below are my messages in my beloved 9-1-1 server that I sent literally as that scene in 7x07 was playing out in front of me, including a 46-second-long VN about why that comment from Eddie just, didn't sit right with me.
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ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed. As always, let me know what you think. Am I crazy? Am I onto something? At this point, I don't even know anymore but I am having so much fun terrorising the Clown Car that now I just do it for the bants.
Whenever anyone sees me type "I HAVE A THEORY" they all immediately log off, it's so weird.
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
Um, hi! I hope you're doing well! I saw your match up event and I'd like to request a Genshin and HSR match up (if you still can ofc, I don't wanna force it owo). I don't really wanna be paired with any of the female characters (as much as I love em, I perceive them more as best friends or sisters than possible lovers, if that makes sense—).
1. My pronouns are she/her. My MBTI is ENFP.
2. I hope you don't mind if I give you more than my big 3 in Astrology, since the planets up until Saturn (especially Venus, since it's in conjunction with my Sun, and Saturn, since it's in conjunction with my Rising) are pretty prominent for me. My Sun is in Aries ♈️, my Moon is in Leo ♌️, and my Rising is in Cancer ♋️. My Mercury is in Aries ♈️ as well (natal retrograde), my Venus is in Pisces ♓️, my Mars is in Aquarius ♒️, my Jupiter is in Libra ♎️ (natal retrograde), and my Saturn is in Cancer ♋️ and a few degrees away from my Rising.
3. As for my appearance, I have a height of 147cm (idk what it is in inches and feet, but it's pretty short, I know, it runs in our family), and I'm on chubby side when it comes to my body, but I sure as hell don't have an hourglass body shape. I have wavy-ish black hair (currently experiencing some form of hair loss tho) that reaches just above my chest. I also wear glasses and my fingernails are often short because I bite them.
4. A lot of who I am is influenced by the fact that I have ADHD (mostly hyperactive/impulsive presentation), so I tend to be restless and hyperactive, energetic and talk excessively, sensitive and emotional (emotional dysregulation go brr haha). I have pretty strong opinions about a lot of things (mostly politics and social issues), but I'd be open to discussion that could possibly change my mind unless I consider the view to be morally or wholly wrong with regards to other people.
I consider myself to be intuitive and able to sense even the slightest change of emotion or energies within someone or in a room, wanting to be the one to support, comfort, and advise someone when they need it. Idk, I like feeling needed and wanted by others. I'm pretty expressive with my emotions and can become easily vulnerable and share/be open about them to others. I do know that I often don't like being told what to do or how to feel, in addition to becoming defensive, closed-off, and silent after being given certain criticism/comments.
5. As for what my friends think about me, they probably find me a bit too overwhelming, especially when I become too restless and overthink and about tasks, but I'm also kind of the mom friend in my friend groups, trying to be a lil level-headed and making sure everyone doesn't get into too much trouble. I'm also pretty affectionate with them, saying how much I appreciate and love them often, confiding to them about how I feel and vice versa. I enjoy showing and giving love to the people I care about, and sometimes I get scared that I'm too annoying or that I'm overwhelming.
6. Other info about me is that I love playing games, designing, and learning in general. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. Because of my diagnosis and my experiences in life, I'd like someone who'll make me feel at ease, someone who won't judge or limit me, but instead support and be patient with me, especially when I (inevitably) fuck up. I like being reassured and having healthy communication okay—
I hope this isn't too much— Thank you so so much in advance, and please take care, wherever you currently are! Sending lots of energy and appreciation your way! 🥹🫶
Heyy sweetheart
Albedo is calm and analytical, he's a non judgemental being and always open to learn more about his sweetheart
Similar to you, he enjoys learning and designing, he's very open to any new knowledge, so there could be mutual conversations about different topicd
Albedos calm nature can provide you with reassurance, his patient and quiet attitude can provide you with a comfortable feeling without feeling overwhelming
He's willing to support and encourage your interests.
When combining this with his love for words of affirmations, it creates a comfortable environment all around.
As an alchemist, he appreciates you sharing your thoughts and feelings, opening an environment of healthy communication.
Jing yuan, the perfect man
He's incredibly good at communication and reading people
He's the type of person that you could tell everything that bothers you without feeling like he's gonna judge you or disregard your feelings
He's a general, meaning he's dealt with a lot of new people at the job, he's got more than enough patience and rarely gets frustrated or mad
His love languages are mostly words of affirmations and physical touch
His sweet words and soothing voice could make anyone fall to their knees
Jing yuan is someone you can love for an eternity and he'll never get enough of it, his heart is always open and he'll definitely rainprocrate your love and offer you the same if not more back
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Look at how my tears ricochet.
(or the unoverse fic)
(part 2)
(the MuSan is less subtle and more tragic because hell yeah, but it still could be seen as platonic since the plot is focus on the angst and not on the romance at all)
(also some background HanKisa if you squint it)
(link to ao3, in case someone prefers to read it there)
Introduction and Part 1 here. Read it before for this to make sense!
I want to dedicate this chapter to @souyaddiction because your post of this morning gave me the hype to finally sit down and end it because it was half-done for more than a month. So thanks, really. your words meant a lot! (and for the rest of you, don't hesitate to comment on the fics you like, it will make an author so damn happy 💜)
Also, a song for this chapter, courtesy of @just-sp-in-inginthevoid and their amazing Sanzu playlist!
Warnings: Angst and hurt/no comfort. Sanzu is having another mental breakdown (once for chapter, seems like a good ratio I guess?🤔). Mental health issues and a lot of self-hate because lil gremlin is not having a good time. I promise the ending will be bittersweet and have some hope on it (but not for Sanzu, sorry blorbo!)
MANGA SPOILERS! (Sanzu's mind it's a big manga spoiler)
Notes: Okay, I know I said it would change POV between Kisaki and Sanzu, but I don't know how to write Kisaki, his mind is a total mystery for me. So...this is Sanzu's POV again because thank god he's a stalker and I could fit all the plot just with his point of view. I don't feel too confident with the part of Kisaki's dialogue, but I did my best, I hope he doesn't sound OoC! (also, the thought on Kisaki and Hanma belong to Sanzu, not me, I love my HanKisa weirdos)
Next chapter will be the last one, yuhuuuu! Stay tunned 💜
'This are his intrusive thoughts' and 'This are his regular thoughts'! I was trying to show how broken his mind already is and this seemed like the best way in my head of showing it, I hope it makes sense :)
Also, I did that game with the names again because I love it. I used "Haruchiyo" when he feels more vulnerable, more emotional. And "Sanzu" when he's trying to hide this vulnerability or more close to the edge, to becoming that deranged Sanzu that we saw in Kanto Manji and Bonten.
(Same for "Mucho" and "Muto", since is Sanzu's pov the first one is used in more affectionate moments)
(English is not my first language, so be nice please 🙈)
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To be honest, Sanzu is bored. He's plan was pretty simple: following Kisaki around until he discovers something he can use. It's also really easy to do it, at least for him. He's too used to being a shadow, to not being looked twice. Something that used to be painful but plays in his favor when he needs to spy on someone. 'Sure, keep lying to yourself, you love being nothing more than a mere shadow for everyone. Always so easy to ignore.'
After more than two weeks of doing this, the most interesting thing that happened was when Kisaki managed to make Hanma a new captain in Toman, pulling off an alliance that apparently impressed some of the other captains. Haruchiyo felt a punch in his gut at this, as if this decision was the same as spitting on Baji's memory. But he shut up, even if he couldn't understand why Mikey did this, at the end of the day, who was he to question the king's decisions?
If Mikey had asked Sanzu about this, he would've said it was a terrible idea. But he didn't, no one asked him, so he just kept his opinion for himself. 'No one ever asks you anything that actually matters, right? Because they don't trust you.' 'That's not true, Baji trusted me. That's why I'm doing this, I can't let him down.'
His own thoughts are starting to go out of control (again) and Sanzu is sure that the cause is this tedium. 'Do something, fucker! Plan a murder, plot some evil shit or whatever!' But no, Kisaki just keeps doing the same routine almost every freaking day (at least that allows him to still keep an eye on Mikey, since Kisaki actually goes to class, that bastard it's so boring). He tries to distract himself wondering why on Earth Hanma looks so amused around the boy with glasses, like he was in some kind of circus. 'What a freak, he genuinely likes spending time with that fucker'.
To be honest, Sanzu actually learned some important things spying on Kisaki. Like how he never locks his window at night, giving Hanma the freedom to sneak in and out of his room. The scarred boy felt like Christmas came earlier the day he discovered that, a maniacal grin under his mask.
He also learned that Kisaki was panicking after the stunt that Baji pulled on him. Haruchiyo loves knowing that Baji left such a big mark, a force of nature until the very end. But that's not all, Kisaki is scared. He doesn't want to deal with another one of Mikey's childhood friends wreaking havoc on his plans. So, apparently, Sanzu is next in line.
Not that Sanzu is complaining (at all). It makes his job easier, actually. No need to be worried about collateral damage if he's the target. The only thing he has to do, is discovering how Kisaki is going to try to put him out of the picture. Once he knows, he'll find a way to mess with that plan and kill the bastard. No middle points, he's not going to risk it (Baji is already dead, he can't risk it).
'Maybe his plan is killing me from boredom. And it's working.' He almost laughs out loud with this thought, but Hanma and Kisaki are close now, he has to keep it quite. Shrinking himself further into the shadows of the alley, Sanzu tries to sharpen his hearing.
“You've been talking for ages about how you're going to take down the 5th Division vice-captain, but you still didn't tell me exactly how. C'mon Kisaki, don't be mean, you know my curiosity is piqued!”
Hanma speaks so loud that it's quite easy to hear, always acting like he was on a theater. Unfortunately, the other boy is more cautious, so he's unable to grasp everything.
“...Toman's traitor. He'll be the key... he should arrive in a few minutes. Be a good pawn and stop whining.”
The taller boy grins at that, but Sanzu is not really paying attention to their weird dynamic anymore, his efforts are finally paying off. And it's better than he imagined, he's going to be able to uncover a traitor in Toman!
If it weren't for the fact that he's being sneaky, Sanzu would jump from excitement right now. Obviously, it would be much better if there wasn't a snake within the gang, but one of the many things he learned from his captain, is that there is always going to be scabs. That's why the task of the 5th Division is to purge them.
So yes, maybe Sanzu shouldn't be this happy about this. 'You definitely shouldn't, are you glad of having to kill someone else?' He ignores his stupid brain, because he knows that's not it. He isn't glad with the idea of having to do that. He doesn't want to become a murderer, he just wants to protect Mikey. And he's willing to pay the cost.
But that's not it. Not all, at least. He's about to find a traitor all on his own, without any type of help (well, with Baji's help to be fair). Haruchiyo is going to prove his value to his captain, he's going to show how useful he can be. He's sure that Mucho will look at him with a delighted smile on his face, that he'll compliment his skills and his hard work.
Yes, that's it. He'll protect Mikey, he'll honor Baji's last will and he'll make his captain proud of him. Mucho will see that he's more than a wild animal that needed to be tamed. His captain will see that he's worthy, he's certain of it. And Haruchiyo will finally be able to believe it, to feel like more than just a nuisance. 'Are you really worthy?' 'Yes, I am. I'm going to be after this.'
The minutes seem to be passing slower until, finally, the three boys catch the sound of someone approaching them. Sanzu makes sure again they can't see him, trying to be one with the darkness that surrounds him. Until the person arrives and he almost stumbles against the wall from the shock. What is his captain doing here? 'Maybe he knows? Maybe he discovered what this two were planning. Yeah, it has to be that!'
He feels a excitement through his body at the idea that they can take Kisaki down together. Like it should be. But something inside his brain is telling him to wait, to evaluate the situation before. 'You say it yourself, you can't risk it. Are you gonna bet Mikey's life on Muto?' Sanzu shakes his head and decides to listen. 'Just in case, right?'
The 5th division captain stamps Kisaki against the wall, fury flowing on his eyes, keeping Hanma away with the other hand.
“What makes you think you have any right to call me here, Kisaki?” The voice is calm but harsh at the same time.
The boy with glasses just laugh and puts his hands up, showing a false submission and calming his lap dog with a gesture.
“Calm down, Muto, I just wanted a few words with you. We have a friend in common, don't we?”
Sanzu ears perk up with this, unsure of what he should think of that. But his captain seems to understand, because he loosens his grip, allowing the bastard to be free.
“Izana.” Muto only grumbles one word, but it's enough for Kisaki to show a satisfied smile on his hideous face.
“I knew we could understand each other. Now that we clear out the issue of your loyalty, there something... Some one, in the middle of the way to crush Mikey like Izana wants, isn't it?”
Muto just clenches his fits, his knuckles getting almost white. But he doesn't deny the words, he doesn't deny that he is... A traitor? 'No, he can't be. No. No' 'Are you sure? He looks like one. Still happy about it?' 'Shut up, he can't be. He can't.'
“Would you kill for Izana, Muto?” Kisaki's voice feels like a poison, rotting away everything Haruchiyo used to know about his captain.
“What do you want exactly? I don't have time for your little games, go to the point.”
“Sanzu. Your vice-captain is too close to Mikey, knows to much. He could jeopardize Izana's plans to isolate Mikey. Sanzu must go, is that simple.”
A fist punches the wall, right next to Kisaki's face. The boy flinches for a second, but keep his composure.
“That simple? No. I know Sanzu, he's loyal to me, he isn't going to do shit without orders.”
The scarred boy wants to laugh at the irony, they both thought they knew each other so well, didn't they? And they were both wrong. So, so wrong.
“Oh, really? Do you think Sanzu would still follow you around once you betray Mikey?” His voice gives off a false sweetness. “After what you saw in that funeral?”
Muto just purses his lips at that, almost like it the first time he has to confront this fact. That he can't have everything.
“I see you understand now. Don't worry, I'm merciful, I'll let you a few days to think about it.”
This are the last words that Haruchiyo is able to comprehend, his mind, his whole world, seems to be spinning out of control. He tries to stabilize his own body leaning against the wall, feeling too dizzy, ends up slipping to the ground. He's shaking, not realizing how much time has passed, but the others are no longer in his sight anymore.
Taking off his mask, he throws up, feeling sick. 'This is too much, this can't be...Mucho... I trusted him.' 'Did you? You kept so many secrets from him, didn't you?' 'Because I promised to Shinichiro, that's different!'
Haruchiyo just wants to scream, to bang his head against the wall, to disappear swallowed by the shadows of the alley. He can't even go back home. 'What home? The one you share with that damn impostor?' But he should, he should pull himself together or he'll compromise his plan.
A pair of dark eyes come to his mind, a reminder of why he's doing all of this. 'Mikey. I can't fail him. He's the only one that matters, Muto can burn in hell.' 'Are you going to be the one sending him there? Can you really do that? After everything he gave you?'
Sanzu steadies his own breathe, trying to focus on his mission, on what he knows it's the right thing to do. He's finally able to start walking, the breeze of the night helping him to come back to reality. 'Yes, I can do it. The only thing he gave me was lies, it means nothing. It never meant anything, anyway.'
He can hear that annoying voice inside his brain laughing at him and oh, he hates it so much, he hates his own brain so fucking much. 'That's it, then? You'll just keep the lies going on, use him to get to Kisaki and kill them both?' 'Yes.' 'And how far will you go with your lies? Are you going to snuggle against him in bed tonight? To ask him for affection like a desperate puppy like you always do?'
He stops on his track at that, unsure of how to handle it, if he'll be able to pretend like this tonight. Maybe he doesn't need to, it wouldn't be the first time that he spends the night out, his captain never asked too much questions before. That's it, he can just sleep in one of his old hidings and think carefully about how to get rid of those two bastards. Face Muto tomorrow, prepare himself before.
'I'm going to use that fucking betrayer to get to Kisaki, they'll regret trying to stab Mikey's back. I'm going to make sure of that.' Sanzu smirks cruelly with this thought, savoring the idea. The punishment. He'll be the one imparting justice in the king's name. And he'll enjoy it, it doesn't matter who receives the penalty. They should've known better. His captain should've known better. 'You should've known better than trust him too.'
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When the morning comes, Muto is not in their small apartment. He seems to just left, most of his things aren't there. A shoji board and and old leather jacket that Haruchiyo used to steal from him seem to be the only important possessions his captain left behind. 'Coward, he's a damn coward.'
Sanzu is burning in rage, a renewed feeling of betrayal growing inside of him, staining and corrupting his already broken mind. 'What are you going to do now? You were too weak to face him when you had the chance and he ran away. You failed. Again.' 'No, I didn't, I still know how to get to Kisaki. No more waiting.'
The place feels suffocating without Muto's calm presence, but it doesn't matter, he knows exactly what he needs to take from his own room.
In the middle of the night, a silent shadow climbs until he's manages to sneak through the unlocked window. Stepping inside, he waits until his eyes get used to the darkness of the room.
“Hanma?” A sleepy voice asks with a not-so-subtle insecurity lingering in it.
“Wrong answer, fucker.” Sanzu snickers, before slamming Kisaki's head with the hilt of his katana, knocking the boy unconscious.
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avissapiens · 1 year
What would be the middle ground between nerd and himbo or bro? Like the confidence, looks and slutty attitude + brains?
I enjoy questions like these because there is always a range of answers. The archetype system is super versatile and it opens itself up to a range of possibilities. Its almost sociological in that way. So many theories you could take. So i'll give you a frame work of 3 potential options. And since you wanna be a nerd so bad, i'll use big smarty words here and there to keep you interested.
1) Idealist
I think Himbo works best with a nerdy/intellectual dimension. It takes on an almost manipulative character when a Himbo slut has the cunning to really make use of their body and sexuality. It becomes an active application of the right thing at the right time, using the social clout you have be being perceived as a Hot dumb hole to get ahead. Every area of life is benefitted by being sexy as fuck, you could coast by just on that, but it really makes the difference when out of nowhere you can jump and surprise someone with your competence. Slutting it up while knowing your shit. Being the best of both worlds and using each to enhance the other. Never sacrificing one or the other. As an addendum Nerd "culture" is already pretty steeped with Himbos. Many of the role models and inspirations for what a Himbo should be and look like come from games and media properties. And a Himbo loves playing dress up and fun lil video games with his cheeks out and a cock in his mouth.
Bro is harder to mesh with such desires because with the bro mindset there needs to be an active refusal for intellectual pursuit and the mental stress of thinking too much about shit brah. So for bros i think it'd be more like a light switch. You turn on the nerd when you need it, and then when you're done you shove that loser back in a locker and go about your day.
2) Materialist
These Archetypes are Ideal forms, almost Platonic, existing in a higher realm of ideas. But in the material world I never expect anyone to try and adhere to them perfectly 100%. These are meant to be Aspirational, not Hegemonic. They have a form and structure, but there is always room for your unique performance and identification. To bring a part of you in Heteroglossic dialogue with these concepts and Ideas. In a way these archetypes are rather Bahktinian because I have always developed them in conversation with others or with wider social constructs in mind. They grow and shift and change. They are not absolutist conceptions of the world. So for any further questions about whether one thing or another can co-exist with some aspect of an archetype; I might have my own ideas on it (and my ideas are usually pretty damn good), but the answer can usually be yes if you twist and turn it enough times. That said, ya know, i'm still gonna make my archetypes and ideas how i want to. If you want to call yourself a Himbo or a bull without any of the characteristics or aims of being one, that's up to you, but uhhh me and my colleagues in the abyss will laugh at you.
3) Critical Theoretical perspectives on "nerd"
Why are some of the most common questions i get about the maintenance of intellect? Is it really so great? You already admit that you hate the body being a "nerd" gave you enough that you want to change it. You hate the social situation enough and the kind of person it made you. Why are you so hyper attached to concepts of intellect? I think there is a kind of false consciousness to the allure of being smart. It gives you a sense of superiority, when in reality, its just a tool of your own oppression. What does being smart really do for you? Make you more exploitable to the system. Make you more passive and docile because you understand the way the system works. Make you miserable because you perceive everything through the same Iron cage of rationality(that's Weber for you sociologists out there) that industrial capitalism enforces upon the world. I think its a good thing that nerd is becoming an insult again I think the rise in Himbo worship and a return to muscle and shallow aesthetics is a clear response to whole generations of little kids who were encouraged to be smart nerds because nerds would rule the world one day. Those same kids put everything into being smart, their whole meaning and purpose only to realise that it didn't mean shit. And rather than ruling the world, the nerds only ruined it.
As you can tell, I am procrastinating from school assignments to answer this question. If you wanna support me being able to drop out of university to become a bodybuilder feel free to subscribe to my Patreon or to just come and ask to give me money.
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cock-ainee · 3 months
Fortuitous pt. 1
Sanemi cosplayer x fem!reader
Word count: 1.5k
Notes: So, I'll be completely honest - I have no idea what i'm doing there and why. The idea just popped in my head - as something i'd like to do, haha - but then i thought of making a story out of it. So! I want to say - this is not a typical fanfiction with Sanemi, it's about reader with a cosplayer!
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Since her childhood years, YN has been always viewed as a normal, sweet, intelligent girl. Everybody, always, has been jealous of her knowledge, grades, judged her every move and pointed out smallest mistakes.
But yes, YN has always been a normal girl.
Going into her teenage years, she had plans - ambitions, big hopes for the future, aiming for college and a good middle school to get her ready info further life.
But when she actually got accepted into her new school, she didn't realise how much of a mistake it would actually be.
The first year was going quite well, nothing seemed to be foreshadowing the nightmare that her school days would become. But as YN's best friend - only true friend in class she had - changed schools. Gradually, YN has dropped her grades, and started closing up from others.
Going into second year, her life became an absolute nightmare. Scared of talking to people, teachers, ditching school, getting authorities over her head - it seemed like NOTHING was going well anymore.
Her cousin enraged her, also. She never had perfect relationship with her, but what made her most furious was their conversation weeks ago.
Why do you even want to switch schools?? With your attitude, you're always going to complain about anything. Everything's going to be the same whatever you do. <
YN gazed at the message, her mind flaring with anger.
The next messages her cousin sent were just self-centered yapping about how she struggled with her own work, her colleagues, her situation, her mood, her feelings - her, her, her, her. Not even once has she thought of YN's feelings. The fact she may not be in total control of the things going on in her life.
> Go fuck yourself
YN texted back, seething the same words trough her gritted teeth.
Since then, she understood that she doesn't want to have anything to do with that bitch.
YN was scrolling trough Instagram - once again ignoring the fact she should study - and noticed a quite pretty post. A cosplay of her favorite character.
Oh, right! Because there was an obsession YN had. It was Sanemi Shinazugawa - a character of her all time favorite anime.
- Fucking hot.. it would be lucky to have someone cosplay him for me.. -
She stared at the pic for a moment with a blank expression on her face. And then she blinked, because then it clicked.
Usually YN overthinked everything she did - but not this time. She texted the man without hesitation.
> I've got a deal for you???
And then she waited.
Regretted her decision.
Then waited, waited, waited.
It was agonizing, almost. The hope of the man texting back was slowly fading, replaced by a shame caused by her doing. She was so taken over by this revelation that she dreamed of it, until one day, finally, she woke up to a reply.
What kind of deal?? <
Oh now THAT was the moment for action.
Seeing he was active, she carefully chose a reply.
> I'll pay you to cosplay Sanemi for me
Oh now that's new. If you want a pic with me, i won't make you pay. I suppose you live nearby??? <
The girl's face heated up at his words. From embarrassment, but also because he would be willing to take a picture with her for free. But that wasn't what she wanted.
> No, i don't want a picture. I'll pay you, for pretending to be my boyfriend.
He read that. He's seen that.
And do I get to be a lil touchy 😏 <
> I'll cut your salary in half
Worth it <
> Is that a yes??
Let's say so. Where do i meet you up, princess? <
> In front of my school tomorrow, 7.50. I'll send you the adress later
YN felt like she needed a cold shower to take that news. And so, she went to the bathroom and spend nearly an hour there, nearly dying from excitement.
Then it was time to tuck herself to bed, to the thoughts of having a.. new boyfriend???
The next day, YN was waiting for her "boyfriend" in front of the school. And just when she was about to give up to her anxiousness and get inside the building, somebody grabbed her by the hips and she was pulled against a firm chest.
- Hey, princess~! Not like i stalked your profile, but i did stalk your profile. You're looking even cuter in real life than those silly pictures -
- W-WHAT?!! -
YN was so startled, she almost pushed her elbow into the guy's face.
- Are you insane?? Stop attacking, immediately! -
Just in case not to get murdered, the guy let go of her and stepped aside.
And when YN looked up she was even more startled than before. The guy was towering above her, at least a head taller than her. His hair were white, and he had this makeup indicating those iconic scars on his face. He was wearing a simple white button up shirt - with a few top buttons left undone - and black pants that were tight around his waist.
- I-is that a wig..? -
The guy's face expression softened as a chuckle left his lips. She didn't miss the fact that he had purple contacts.
- Oh? No, i dyed them this way. -
He put a hand over her shoulder, bringing her a tiny bit closer to himself.
- You wanted me to be your boyfriend, why so silent now?? Do you not love me?? -
He pouted, enjoying the teasing. YN huffed, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him after her.
- Let's just get inside -
They didn't exchange a word while walking, but he changed their position, so that now their hands were entwined together.
As they walked down the hallway, some people who knew YN were eyeing her - and she, deep down, swelled with pride.
YN had to be honest. Having a man like that walking around with her for the whole day, like a puppy, was satisfying. Her lovely "Sanemi" was all smiley - a little out of character - and his acting skills were perfect. He had no problems with playing pretend, as if he and YN knew themselves for a longer time than just those few hours.
- Wait. What even is your name? -
YN spoke about that matter after the first lesson, when she realised she never asked him this - and there were no informations about it on his profile.
- Oh fuck, right, i never told you. I'm loosing my head here with you, see? -
He let our a chuckle and brushed a hand trough his white hair.
- My name's Aiden. But you can just call me Sanemi, you know. That's what i just am for you, right? -
YN raised her eyebrow questionably.
- You sound pretentious -
- Huh?? No offense. You're just oversensitive -
The girl didn't like his response at all, but decided to just wave it off.
For the rest of the day, she had a loyal puppet running around her like he was over the moon with her.
Maybe he was?
Or what's more possible, he just wanted to be worth the money.
What YN noticed, and wasn't against, was for sure, how touchy he was getting. Seems like his message wasn't just a joke and he really was taking the opportunity. Though they knew each other for like... Max 9 hours, YN didn't complain. It would probably be the only time a man would be touching her anyways.
After school, it was time to pay him off. Aiden got dragged out of the school by his "girlfriend" - while he talked with the friends he apparently made - and when YN made sure they were far enough from familiar people, stuck a bunch of bills into his hand.
- Isn't it too much? -
His purple contacts pierced trough her as his confused face expression almost made her giggle.
- I'm paying in advance -
Her explanation was fairly brief, but Aiden didn't comment it. The thing that surprised him was how she just chose to ignore him as she quickly walked down the street.
The girl jolted in surprise as she felt her hand being grabbed.
- Why are you running away from me? Let me just walk you home -
The white haired man spoke, taking YN's silence as an agreement. When they stood in the door to her house, he did so much as to lean down, kiss her cheek and smile before walking away with a little wave.
- See you tomorrow! -
YN was too stunned to answer to his words, as she stared at him before he disappeared around the corner.
When she laid in bed, the only thing she could think about were his hands over her, the WHOLE day. She knew she shouldn't, but she felt a tiny squeeze in her heart anytime she recalled how his hands would squeeze her waist or hold onto her own.
And so, even though he wasn't hers, it seemed that YN's "boyfriend" would be what pulls her out of the cage of her own misery.
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics posted or completed during the month of August. We really hope you enjoy this list and that you give these fics a lot of love. Happy reading!
1) Baby Blue | Not Rated | 929 words
Louis rides Harry in a baby blue skirt.
2) Office Rendezvous | Not Rated | 1250 words
Louis surprises Harry at work because he knows his partner is stressed, Harry shows him just how grateful he is.
3) Little Things | Not Rated | 1576 words
Louis is very insecure about his body and looks, so Harry shows him just how perfect he really is.
4) Right Tease | Explicit | 1727 words
"Louis buckled himself up, about to make a snooty comment when he was cut off by Zayn's lips against his own. His surprise only lasted so long, baby blues shutting closed and lips parting to let Zayn's tongue in because this was his Alpha how could he not? He pulled away with a hum after a few long seconds, licking his lips and savouring the taste of his mate.
"What was that for huh?" The lil Omega questioned, fingers grazing Zayn's recently shaven jaw before moving to curl a long strand of dark brown hair."
5) Little Black Dress | Not Rated | 1973 words
Based on the song ‘Little Black Dress’ by One Direction
6) Only You Have The Answer To My Problems | Teen & Up | 2356 words
Liam and louis are dating,they can't find louis prostate so they go to Doctor Harry styles for help. Stuff happens.
7) Nebula | Explicit | 2575 words
Louis is alone at home. When he sees a shooting star, he makes a wish for his life to change. What he doesn't expect is the visit of some kind of alien incubus to service him.
8) Stand Still While I Paint a Picture in My Mind (Capture This Moment and Hold It Close) | Mature | 2954 words
Harry gets horny at work and calls his wife, Louis, for some relief.
9) Sun And Summer Wind | Explicit | 3954 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Oscar Isaac.
Louis and Oscar, Guatemala, archaeology, and (something like) dancing.
10) It Wouldn't Be Make-Believe | Explicit | 4251 words
It's been a few months since Harry left to focus on his career. Louis misses him every day, but especially tonight. Something is burning inside him, and what happens should come as a surprise, but it just fits them like a glove.
11) Shouldn't Have Said It | Explicit | 4941 words
Louis and Harry fight about something stupid because that’s what they do. And then they make up because that’s also what they do.
12) Can I Bite Your Tongue Like My Bad Habit? | Explicit | 5570 words
The hooters boy Louis fic where its Harrys 21st brithday and he gets cake in more ways than one.
13) In Doses At Night | Explicit | 6019 words
Harry eyes are trained on the slight crevice of Louis’ chest bathed in a purple hue, the darker colour of his nipples peeking out from behind the bralette.
A firm index finger and thumb grasp at his chin, pulling him from the daze, to make eye contact with Louis. Glittery eyeshadow amplifies the dazzling sparkle of the boy’s thin irises and blown pupils that are more prominent with intricately smudged liner. He’s the fuel for every wet dream Harry will have, as well as something to tie him over until their next time.
“Eyes on me,” he commands.
Swallowing, Harry nods as much as he can with his head gripped. The fingers drop from his face to hold both sides of Harry’s neck, Louis then, ironically, stuffs his shining chest in Harry’s face as he moves his legs to straddle the man’s lap.
In the brief moment of contact, Harry’s nose pressing into Louis’ left peck and dragging up towards the column of his throat, he breathes in deeply. Vanilla and cinnamon tingle his nostrils and coat the back of his saliva-filled mouth on the way down to his lungs where it sits above the arousal in his gut.
14) I'll Love You Endlessly | Not Rated | 6136 words
‘How was that darling?’ Harry asks.
‘Wonderful... It was wonderful...” Louis whispers, not seeming to be able to raise his voice more. He leans back in bed, grinning up at Harry.
15) Hold Me Tight | Not Rated | 8530 words
He collects plenty of money, and struts off the stage eventually, walking among his clients, half hoping for someone not too ugly to take him for the night so he can buy that new fur coat he saw the other day.
As he walks among the tables in the shadows, he spots an attractive man in his mid twenties. Short painted nails, a light blue suit that shows enough of his form to see he is strong. He is the guy. Louis circles around a couple more tables, and makes his way over to the man.
16) L'Amour De Ma Vie | General Aufiances | 8829 words
One where they meet at an impromptu ball in Paris during pre valentine’s week and things that happen after that are unplanned but meant to be.
17) Good Panic | Explicit | 14517 words
Louis is an Omega student studying botany at uni. He suffers from a disease trigger by the SFG (Soulmate Finder Gene). This is a disease that makes his scent strong, and alluring to all Alphas, but makes everyone, Alphas and Omegas alike, smell absolutely rancid. Everyone except for his Soulmate.
For three years he has used scent soothers, and neutralizers to keep himself safe. Even though the majority of the population deems him ungrateful of such a “blessing”. Who wouldn’t want to find their Soulmate. Right? No matter what the cost.
18) My Baby Honey | Explicit | 22508 words
The au in which Louis’ got a bad past, trust issues and is cold towards Harry who’s a bit weird but overall a genius.
19) The Kissing Booth | Not Rated | 28557 words
High school student Louis Tomlinson finds himself face-to-face with his long-term crush when he signs up to run a kissing booth at the spring carnival.
What happens when the crush just so happens to be his best friends older brother, Harry Styles.
20) Lust For Life | Explicit | 32708 words
The 1970s au where the pressure of being an aging starlet begins to weigh heavy on Harry's heart before he meets Louis.
21) Wishful Thinking | Explicit | 52627 words
"Well I have no escort with me, Mr.Tomlinson I'm asking you to be my fake date to my parent's ranch." Louis starts laughing at that, he clutches his hips because it's so goddamn funny but then when he realises Harry's not joking he looks up,
"You're not serious are you?"
22) How Many Times Will It Take (To Get This Right) | Explicit | 150303 words
Louis and Harry used to be good friends (and casual fuck buddies), until Harry's music career took off and he left for a world tour. Louis disappeared from his life after that and for the next four years Harry mourns the loss of his friend (and his lover) until fate brings them back together, and Harry's life turns upside down...again.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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boiboiperson · 4 months
Hello! Could i please have some tips on drawing plus-size bodies? Tysm!
Yee ok. I'm not the best at drawing plus sized people btw and I'm also a lot less confident in drawing bigger male bodies characters than female, but eh I'll try my best. This is gonna be quite long so I hope you dont mind reading heheh.
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I start off doing the very basic stick figure pose like I would on an average sized person. This can be very rushed and vague since I know I'm gonna be changing the proportions a lot, but it's just to get the basic proportions and sizes out of the way.
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Heres the female figure after I had finished with it. Fat tends to pack in the upper thighs and hips so I made that larger. Boobs are also usually bigger, and since they're also mostly fat they tend to sag downwards when not wearing a bra. I usually draw boobs first since it helps me get an idea of the torsos shape.
I think it varies for each person but theres sometimes a lil ring of fat just below the boobs, so you can remove of take them away depending on the character. For the belly, that also sags downwards, like an oval shape; a round belly just looks like they're either pregnant, got a beer belly or are just full. Use the bottom part to help match it to the hip dips. Also the hip dips are a lil chonke. The belly button stretches. Idk if this will help you, but I tend to draw the crotch to help with leg placement. It usually ends up mostly hidden under the belly, but it also helps make it look more 3d.
Think of the arms as being cushioned. The top parts got 1, the bottom the other. Ankles and wrists also tend to be a bit more thick. Something a lot of people forget about are double chins. It's a bit hard to get used to drawing them. I recommend drawing them taking up most or all of the neck.
In the side profile I've drawn three bumps on the belly. The top is the little flab ring the character has, the middle is the belly section and is the biggest, the bottom is the uterus/womb thing sticking out. I'm female and idk the difference between the words lol. Brain smol.
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Ok here the male body. It's actually quite similar to the female one. The main difference is that the shoulders tend to be larger, but that was made during the skeletal construction in the beginning. They got bigger boobs, too, but I made them flatter to make them look maler idk words. Fat also packs at the upper thighs and I think also the hips, dont trust me on that, but to make them look smaller we just depend on the skeletal structure again. The final difference is the slightly smaller dumpy and lack of womb/uterus bump.
Didnt draw feet and hands because I'd be fucked if I could be bothered to lmao. I used reference for both of these, so I'm still learning drawing these body types. Theres also of course variations in proportions depending on the person, like rounder/saggier/bigger bellies, bigger boobs or hips, pear shaped, apple shaped ect.
While this is a more realistic style, it can still be applied to more cartoony ones once you understand the shaped and how to exaggerate them into a cartoon style.
Hope this helps and sorry for making you read a lot!
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