#but I shouldn’t be angry
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mickeym4ndy · 19 days
You can spend a lot of time trying to justify everything a character has done, and it’s great to look at the reasoning behind their actions that people might not understand.
But you can also sometimes say yea it’s understandable why they did it but it was still a shitty thing to do, and that’s okay. Humans make mistakes, your favourite characters will too. It’s ok. It doesn’t make them bad people.
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sasukeless · 4 days
crazy how the “i will kill for you / i will die for you” it’s classic dynamic when it comes to duos similar to naruto and sasuke, but what kishimoto makes to set them apart is which one of them he gives those roles. like typically you would think the < i would kill for you > would be sasuke’s and sure, sasuke would kill for naruto given the chance, but this is not something he would do JUST for naruto as we see him being ready to kill also for his family/loved ones. it’s not a naruto only thing. meanwhile the < i will die for you > is a naruto only thing!! because sasuke is a goals driven character that thanks to itachi, he views himself as a tool that has to put his goals above everything else and yet. he would die for naruto and this is the ultimate proof of how much he loves him. meanwhile on the other hand you would also think that naruto would be the < i would die for you > and again! he would! but this isn’t really a specific sasuke thing. naruto sacrificing for a friend is something you can see him do for anyone, that’s who he is. however kishimoto making him the other side of the coin with naruto being ready to kill for sasuke is naruto’s own ultimate proof of love that he would go against his own morals for sasuke. and it’s just ughhh
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 2 months
So not sorry when i say that I’m a tracker hater and a Nara fan.
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fagtainsparklez · 9 months
there is NOTHING i hate more than people who don’t understand peter pan trying to make it edgy and/or making the entire thing about the peter-wendy romance. die die die die die
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 16 days
Hot take but I actually hate the idea of Brooklynn secretly being Ben’s girlfriend.
I genuinely think that would be a horrible route to go.
First, that’s just a plain out shitty thing to do to a friend.
Secondly, I can’t see Brooklynn doing that to Ben or the rest of them. And if she can than I think I might have to rearrange my favorite characters.
In what world is it okay to catfish one of your best friends? To do this while they think you’re dead? To take advantage of their fragile mental state? To betray them in so many ways?
Brooklynn would be a terrible friend if she does this. And the thing is, she’s not a bad friend. So I really don’t understand why you all would want this. I think this is something that could destroy her and Ben’s friendship.
Also do y’all realize that hey, bi people exist? The way some are y’all have been acting gives off some severe biphobia.
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itspileofgoodthings · 19 days
two sort of related teaching thoughts I’ve been having as we barrel towards the end of the school year:
1) an aspect of the job I feel I’m just growing into—well, not an aspect, really. More of a central tenet—is being able to see and remember that I teach KIDS. And that is so important to remember in all cases but especially with my high schoolers. They are so young and more than that so much has not happened to them yet. There is so much they don’t know. And the more I see it the more I can be compassionate and yet also removed? Distanced? Not under the illusion that I’m addressing people of equal maturity or experience to me—or even close—and so being at all times mindful of the incompleteness of pretty much everything about them and thus being gentle with them. And also at the same time remembering and rejoicing in their humanity and all their glorious funny raw potential. It’s amazingly hard to do, harder than I thought. But I do think I CAN do it. And it gets a little easier with age.
2) It is shocking how many teachers don’t see kids that way and are uninterested in trying. It’s almost an epidemic the way that teachers swing between appreciating kids as if they were other adults—gassing them up, frankly LYING about their depth or intelligence in ways that shock me on the daily (when people call a kid mature and act like that is a literal statement and don’t contextualize it, I have to laugh, literally none of them ARE mature, they’re all raw; also the smartest of them aren’t deep. They CAN’t be, they’re KIDS)—or on the other hand being disgusted with their immaturity as if, again, they’re dealing with adults. And expressing their scorn and disappointment as if some of that behavior isn’t par for the course. There’s a cruelty in either extreme; there’s a lack of common sense; there’s a rampant sentimentalism. And it makes me almost sick to my stomach sometimes.
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infectiouspiss · 1 year
gonna be real here if the people who went to every mcr show start bulk buying everything frank is selling i’m gonna be pissed. he’s literally said he’s going to have a wide price range so his stuff is more accessible. he would HATE those entitled assholes
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astros-silly-place · 10 days
i forgot to unfollow wilbur soot on instagram and than I was casually in the car and got jumpscared!!!! I felt sick. /srs /neg
no way bro thinks he can come back after an ASS apology and try to promote his stupid music??!?! And gloss over the “response” himself!!’ Fuck him!!!
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mellomadness · 3 months
okay so I’ve been watching The Magicians for the first time with my boyfriend, and we just got to season 5 and I ???? WHAT THE FUCK
killing off Quentin was so??? WHAT! WHY?! Why would you do that?! And like. Why why WHY would he move on so quickly? He was so dedicated to magic and to his friends and he finally FINALLY got Eliot back and he didn’t even get to SEE OR TALK TO HIM AND THEN HE OVERSAW HIS FUNERAL?!
That betrayed his whole character. His whole arc. HIS WHOLE STORY!! He should have been able to fucking live in peace for a second, with the people he loves, and even if he had to die why couldn’t it have been temporary?? He’s moved on, there’s no coming back from that!!! ARGHHGHGHGHGHG BAD WRITING DECISION BAD
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yashley · 2 years
“You like to be angry at someone. And I like you to do what you like.” imogearne brainrot of imogen fighting how charmed/protective she was of fearne in favor of distancing from and resenting fearne after the coin toss, and fearne just smiles, says something with incomprehensible intent, and lets imogen blame her.
because of course fearne didn’t lie about the toss. the weight of fearne’s guilt was how much fearne wanted it to be laudna. instead fearne gets to keep her person and stand by watching imogen lose hers. so fearne can say something with a vague, unsettling smile. fearne can make it seem like she’s just fey and selfish and lying about choosing orym. if imogen now looks at fearne with a cold resentment, at least imogen feels something now when she looks at her.
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galaxytoons · 1 month
I just found out that women can’t get their tubes tied until they’re 25, married, and has at least one son and one daughter, but a 19 year old dude can just walk in and get a vasectomy, no questions asked???? Wow, time to add this to the list of “Reasons I Fucking Hate My Country’s Government”. Also, fun fact, Ancient Romans used to crush a man’s testicles between boulders if he was found guilty of sexual assault. I think we should bring that back 🥰
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ultimaid · 2 months
as someone who works in the mental health field. the way some of you talk about mentally ill elderly people is absolutely atrocious and i’m going to need you to start seeing the elderly as human. that will be you one day and you’re going to wish younger folks had more compassion.
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wixterirox · 21 days
Can you explain the bleach trigger ? 👀
Yeah! I’ve only ever remember reading it in two fics, and both are minor details. I’ll link to the fic I remember.
Bloodshot by Attack_on_mgl
Please read the tags. This is a fic about Billy and Max post season 3, so this could be potentially triggering.
But basically post season 3 I headcanon that Billy cannot stand the smell of bleach/chorine or other strong cleaning chemicals. The smell reminds him too much of the mindflayer, and it makes him spiral.
I think the chorine would be the most tragic part. He misses swimming, and Indiana is hundreds of miles away from Ocean. But he can’t be around pools. The smell, heather, fourth of july, karen. It’s all too much.
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