#but I wanna get it off my chest.
angstflavoured · 29 days
shakes my hands above my head and paces around the room im so sick of everyone acting like ford is a dumb stupid idiot baby who was completely tricked by bill and did nothing wrong. yes he was lied to and bill was abusive, but theres so much more to everything that happened. ford was soooo incredibly willfully ignorant and pushed other important people in his life away, YES bc bill tricked him, but mostly because he wanted to be important. he was actively ignoring red flags from bill and hurting the people around him and was complicit in so much stuff bill did just because he wanted it to be true that bill picked him bc he was special. ford was the one who summoned him in the first place, but then bill just??? told him that he picked ford bc he was special which makes no sense and ford is smarter than that, but he didnt care bc wowwwww he picked me bc im so awesme and smarter and better than everyone!!! he was fucking HEAD OVER HEELLLSSS OBSESSED WITH BILL BTW THAT SHIT WAS NOT ONE SIDED!!! idk why everyone pretends it was. he was building shrines and worshiping him like a god. and never questioned him for a second????? like girl he is the most scientific, curious man in the world and he never once thought bill was lying. he let bill into his life and let him take it over sooo fucking quickly. and he didnt tell anyone bc "they would throw him in a loony bin" ?????? THATS OBVIOUSLY NOT WHY HE DIDNT TELL FIDDLEFORD. he was LYIIINNGG. They were building an interdimensional portal, fiddleford obviously wouldve believed ford and taken him seriously and kept a secret for him. he didnt tell fiddleford bc he was one of the only people in fords life who saw through his bullshit. hes nice, but he stands his ground. as soon as things got too hot, he left. and ford knew that if he told fiddleford about bill that he would immediately be like "dudddeee this is so fucking sketchy you need to research this guy theres obviously smthn else happening." if ford looked into the runes and the messages in the caves, hed probably deduce pretty damn quickly that bill was evil!! but he didnt bc hes selfish and self righteous and wanted to be a part of soemthing bigger than himself. thats literally all he ever wanted. I think the most interesting thing about TBOB is that it shows that it wasnt as black and white as it seemed and that ford wasnt the perfect victim. its shown in the show sooo much how fucked up his morals are. and im not saying this with malice, i fucking love ford and his character so much, i just think so many people act like billford was like a fucking domestic abuse situation where ford was just sad and pathetic and helpless. its so much more complicated than that. ford is not a super great guy and thats such an interesting part of his character. IDK.
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tearsofcalamity · 5 months
boothill who gets way too worked up before the two of you have even started any intimacy.
you don't even have to do anything, straddling him while he's practically strip teasing you himself, removing each garment oh-so slowly so that he doesn't rush it and ruin everything. every peek at your bare skin has his circuits going into a tizzy, his breaths slowly devolving into needy panting.
"god, ya look so gorgeous..." he murmurs, huffing as he tries to keep himself composed. his cold hands brush along your bare shoulders, down your back, feeling up your waist until he's back at your chest. "fuuuudge..."
he would be doing a good job at keeping himself decently composed. that is, if his circuits and inner workings weren't whirring so loudly you could barely hear each other's voices by this point.
you chuckle to yourself as his face lights up, unwilling to meet your gaze and instead focusing right on your chest like a pervert to avoid your mischievous eyes.
"getting a little excited, boothill dear?"
"y... you keep your mouth shut!"
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crookedfivefingers · 3 months
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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(this is part of the calendar 2024 lore, now on pre-order, to know more check out prev posts)
April was Keith's idea of relaxation. He enjoyed parks, the feng shui of them, nature's ability to thrive despite and against anything happening - the silence of it. Watching Keith wind down and relax when he is a strung wire most of the time, would definitely make Lance feel all lovey-dovey and clingy (as he tends to get) and when he’d worry he is disturbing, Keith would comment this is exactly how it should be - the constant yin to his yang, and the yang when he feels yin.
Also - both shirt and hoodie are Keith's (he has way too many hoodies with quotes). Lance took the hoodie for Keith, but Keith insisted he won’t get cold, so he wore it himself. On the way home Lance funds Keith the biggest sushi serving he could find on the menu, and, believe me, nothing lights up Keith's eyes like a table full of rice and algae. Lance just watches with a soft smile. (Keith does end up getting cold)
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cavennmalore · 4 months
Something weird I've noticed in the kotlc fandom that I really cannot wrap my head around is the treatment of the Vacker family, specifically Alden and Fitz. These are understandably popular characters (and for good reason) and it makes sense that people interpret them in different ways. I can't help but notice that some of the predominant discussions around them center on personality traits they just... don't have in canon.
Most of the characterizations I see of Alden treat him as a rampant child abuser. He's overbearing, stern, and determined to force his child to live up to the Vacker name by any means necessary. Naturally, Alden is not a perfect character or father, but such a harsh depiction flattens much of what makes him dynamic in the books. As I see it, there are two main flaws that Alden has in canon: his past with Prentice and his meddling.
What Alden did to Prentice is treated pretty seriously throughout the series. In Exile, it's made clear that falsely accusing (or, not so falsely, depending on what you consider the real crime to be) Prentice and performing the mindbreak is the biggest regret of his life. So big, that it shatters his sanity and ruins one of his closest relationships (Exile, Chapter 35; Nightfall, Chapter 3). It's the mistake that keeps on giving, and it's made abundantly clear that while Alden wasn't aware of what he was truly doing, he bears responsibility nonetheless. It's a burden that Alden takes extremely seriously, pushing him to search for the Moonlark for years, but more on that later. While his guilt over Prentice is an important part of his character, it's not the flaw that I usually see given the most weight in his characterizations.
Alden's meddling is prominent, to say the least. It heavily features in most interpretations I see of him online, largely negatively and largely without specificity. In canon, there are really two ways that his nosiness presents itself: his children's personal lives and his hunt for the Moonlark. The two best examples of his meddling as a parent come from his interventions in Fitz and Biana's friendships. In the first book, Alden encourages Biana to befriend Sophie because he worries about her (Keeper, Chapters 43 and 47). He acts similarly with Fitz and Keefe, encouraging Fitz to invite Keefe to Everglen so Keefe can avoid spending time with Cassius (Flashback, Chapter 21). In both cases, Alden doesn't go beyond asking his kids to spend time with potential friends. He doesn't micromanage their hangouts or insist it's for status reasons; he's interested in supervising kids who he worries are in a bad spot. This is notably different from Gisela's meddling, which is for personal gain with tangible, selfish goals (Neverseen, Chapter 63). Maybe Alden shouldn't be pushing his kids to spend time with those they don't have an interest in. But the eventual friendships that arise from them make up for it, in my opinion.
The other form Alden's meddling takes is his hunt for the Moonlark. As a manifestation of his guilt over Prentice's mindbreak, Alden enlists Alvar and Fitz to search the Forbidden Cities for the Moonlark. I've seen this search used as the basis for a lot of the animosity between Alden and his sons, which I think is incorrect. Alvar is the first hunter and is very open about how pointless he thought the endeavor was (Keeper, Chapter 28; Neverseen, Chapter 1). The difference of opinions over the Black Swan between Alvar and Alden is a point of contention in their relationship, but it's important to note that Alvar doesn't claim to feel pressured or pushed into the search. He just thinks the conspiracy of the Black Swan is stupid (Keeper, Chapter 28). Of course, much of this protesting was a cover for the fact that he was working with the Neverseen and would've been searching anyway (Neverseen, Chapter 63).
Fitz takes over the search at age six (Neverseen, Chapter 1). Fitz's age when being sent out is questionable at best, and I think is fair to criticize Alden for (though, I think the age has more to do with Shannon being unable to decide how Elvin aging is supposed to work since none of the other characters seem to think six is unreasonably young). But while the reader can freely critique Alden for this, what's crucial is that Fitz doesn't seem to mind this. Rather than be upset or resentful that Alden had him search for the Moonlark, Fitz calls it "the most important thing [he'll] probably ever do" (Stellarlune, Chapter 43). He's proud of the work he and his father did; if anything, it's a positive in their relationship. I've seen some arguments that pushing Fitz into the Forbidden Cities is part of a pattern of having kids do dangerous work (per Sophie doing Fintans mindbreak in Exile, even though that wasn't Alden's idea and he offered to disobey the Council if she didn't want to), which isn't necessarily unfair. What I do think is a problem is acting like the search for the Moonlark had a significant negative impact on Alden's relationships with his sons.
Part of the reason I think this interpretation is so prevalent is a contributing misunderstanding about Fitz's character. Fitz is often portrayed as anxiety-ridden over his role as a Vacker and the expectations that come along with it. Being a leader isn't something he wants, but something he feels pressured into. In canon, Fitz is almost the complete opposite. He's shown at being naturally gifted at telepathy and school and is incredibly charming. Being a Vacker -- and the expectations that come with it -- is something he embraces wholeheartedly. In fact, it is the loss of his leadership that causes struggle. A main point of contention that Fitz has with Sophie in Stellarlune (Chapter 43) is that he "still want[s] to be that guy that everyone looks to" even though that's no longer his role. None of this is to say that Fitz is perfect, or that he doesn't fight against the idea of being labeled so. Instead, much of Fitz's arc is about learning when to step back and change his perspective on the world, including recognizing when his privilege has clouded his judgment. His rejection of being labeled perfect has more to do, in my eyes, with having a difficult time reconciling his "idyllic" childhood with the harsher childhoods of his friends (Flashback, Chapter 21).
So what is the problem between the Vackers, if not fanon? The one issue that is repeatedly brought up by both Fitz and Alvar alike regarding their father is favoritism. Alvar felt ignored after the births of Fitz and Biana, claiming that Alden replaced him with Fitz whom he refers to as the "Golden Child" (Neverseen, Chapter 72; Flashback, Chapter 49). Fitz feels betrayed by his parents' immediate re-welcoming of Alvar when his memories are gone, insisting they prioritize Alvar over Fitz and Biana's safety (Flashback, Chapter 16). In both cases, Fitz and Alvar feel like an afterthought or the lesser child. It's that feeling that fuels (or encourages, considering Alvar's done quite a bit throughout the series to create independent hate lol) the animosity between them and Alden.
It's this "favorite child" dynamic that I find really interesting and unique about the Vacker's dysfunction in the series. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a reason to paint over this dynamic with bullying, especially considering there is a father-son relationship in canon that is the Vacker fanon almost to a T. Cassius spent Keefe's whole life attempting to pressure him into becoming a "real" Sencen, which Keefe tried to do before realizing it was unattainable (Flashback, Chapter 21). It's the bedrock of their non-relationship. To shove Fitz and Alden into that pigeonhole is a disservice to each of these relationships, which have their own intrigues without sharing. None of this is to say that people can't headcanon as they wish, and to try and play with characters is the fun of fandom. I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from that or shame them for it. But to claim those relationships are canon is disingenuous to me and a misportrayal of the books.
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idolomantises · 2 years
ngl, the more I think about it, the more I feel conflicted over how people sexualize my characters.
On the one hand, it would be silly to deny that I don't go out of my way to create aesthetically pleasing/attractive characters because I love to draw what I enjoy, and I love it when people simp for them.
But on the other hand, sometimes it does bother me that people are so fixated on sex and their own arousal that they miss important lore/plot information that I get a bit frustrated
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softerhaze · 1 year
idk if it was the venus retrograde or what, but july 2023 was quite literally the worst month i've ever experienced in my life like.....every single day? awful? worse than the last? it's more likely than u think
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pcktknife · 8 months
i am always filled with so much dread
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missrosegold · 10 months
Okay okay okay so I know I tentatively put out the idea of MMA fighter!Dabi/Touya, BUT -- what about Cyberpunk!Dabi??
Think about it: the LOV is still a terrorist organization, but with cybernetic enhancements - most of them are damn near on the verge of going Cyberpsycho as it is with how much chrome they're packing.
Their fire fights with the NCPD/Militech and Arasaka are legendary and brutal; no one leaves unscathed, and even the rest of the gangs that terrorize Night City give them a wide birth - least they get pulled into a turf war with them.
Poor little you is just trying to get home after a particularly long day at your job (your hours are shit and the pay is arguably worse), and you find yourself running for cover as a gang fight breaks out between the LOV and Maelstrom.
One thing leads to another, and suddenly you find yourself looking up at a white haired man - more chrome then flesh - learing down at you with a grin so terrifying, you almost think he's gone full psycho, had hd not made any move to snap your neck.
Giving him a quick scan, you can see that he has a cybernetic arm that spits out blue hell fire, and mechanically enhanced eyes so insanely blue it's a new shade to you completely, amoung a plethora of other enhancements that make you question how he isn't a fully fledged Cyberpsycho.
You know who he is, everybody in Night City knows of the white haired pyromaniac with specialty fire resistant implants, and of how dangerous he is.
It's Dabi from the LOV. You're in trouble now.
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savemebeel · 4 months
Sorry for the lack of edits recently, I’ve been trying my best to keep up with it all but I’ll be honest it’s a little difficult doing that since I’ve been sick for this past week. Not only that but I recently changed jobs so now my schedule is a bit different than what I had before.
I’m still keeping up with editing the latest cards but I’m still behind on finishing some memory cards from the last 2-3 events which I apologize for. I’m hoping to get over my fever so I can get the energy to edit and upload those cards for you guys. I appreciate you guys being patient with me while I recover.
Also I’d like to be fully transparent about this as well but I feel like I’m losing that motivation to edit as a whole. Before I say anything else I wanna make sure y’all know that I’m not quitting on editing any time soon, but I would be lying if I said I don’t enjoy doing it like I did before. Editing now has turned more into a chore than it does as a hobby. Maybe it was when I lost my first blog or it was the lack of engagement but I do not enjoy editing like before. I feel bad saying this since I know to those who’ve stuck around me do like my edits…idk I just feel stumped on what to do or how I’ll move forward with this. For now I’ll be editing at my own pace and give myself small breaks in between so I can finish edits at my own time.
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year
I know that analysis of Rest and Ricklaxation (toxic Rick) have probably been done many times now, but I just wanted to have my own go at it.
In my opinion, both versions of Rick are toxic. They both exhibit traits that are negative in their own way. And they both display traits that are healthy.
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Here's some stuff I noticed about healthy Rick and toxic Rick.
Healthy Rick
- Both Ricks are equally intelligent. (Makes me wonder why Rick wouldn't think his intelligence is toxic since intelligence is part of what caused his family to get killed).
- Healthy Rick is kind, considerate, modest, and has full control over his emotions.
- Healthy Rick admitted that he "didn't give a sh*t" about Morty.
- Healthy Rick slaps healthy Morty, and shoots toxic Morty without believing that it's a toxic action. (Possible hatred towards Morty because he is Rick Prime's original grandson?)
- Healthy Rick pointedly says that Morty is an "irrational attachment". (Another reference that he believes loving the grandson to his primary enemy is toxic or wrong?)
- Healthy Rick asks that Beth be left out of the dangerous commotion.
- He is capable of manipulation.
- He curses.
- He uses violence to fight when necessary- mostly self defense- up until he manipulated toxic Rick by shooting toxic Morty.
- He couldn't win against toxic Rick in hand to hand combat. He's physically weaker.
- He found toxic Rick's vulnerable reaction to Morty's endangered life amusing.
- He was completely certain that he wanted his toxic self back even though his toxicity wasn't actually necessary or needed.
- Despite believing that his attachment to Morty was irrational, I think a tiny part of his healthy self either still cared about him or wanted to care about him.
Toxic Rick
- Toxic Rick never physically hurt Morty. Yeah, he was a little rough with the manhandling but he still didn't hit or shoot him.
- Toxic Rick's most toxic traits are dominance, narcissism, anger, controlling attitude, lack of self-control, burping, alcoholism, vulnerability, loneliness, sadness, clinginess, attachment issues, lying and manipulation.
- Toxic Rick absolutely DESPISED the healthy version of himself. (Perhaps because he knows that that part of him does not care about Morty. Idk. There's something toxic going on with healthy Rick, I just can't decide what).
- He always needs/has toxic Morty with him.
- He is gentle with toxic Morty and openly displays vulnerability when he is hurt. He even tried comforting him.
- He always asks to make sure that toxic Morty is watching and listening to him. He loves the attention.
- He doesn't care about Summer or Beth very much. Though he does willingly leave when Beth steps into the commotion. (Perhaps he hoped to turn her toxic as well?)
- He is physically stronger than healthy Rick and more violent.
- He openly displayed fear and sadness when toxic Morty's life was in danger.
- Even though he hated healthy Rick, he still sacrificed himself to save Morty.
Things I wanna know.
- Why did healthy Rick want to merge with his toxic self when he obviously couldn't lie and admitted to hating having toxicity in him?
- Why does healthy Rick not care about Morty? And why does he consider Morty an irrational attachment?
- What is so bad about healthy Rick that made toxic Rick absolutely freakin' hate him?
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toshio · 6 months
You’re gonna get someone seriously hurt by pushing this idea that you got that chest from pushups alone when the reality is that you’re clearly editing your photos. I’ve been working in fitness since 2016 and I know those results aren’t possible and the overall composition of your body doesn’t add up for what you’re saying you’re doing. It’s concerning that so many people are trying to mimic what you’re doing to achieve those “results” when it’s goin to damage their body in the long term
editing my photos? okay i’ll admit the only thing i do is abuse the lighting and angles in my room. do you really think i have time to go on photoshop and edit my photos? that would get extremely tiring. don’t you think i would have given myself six pack abs or something if i were to edit my photos? i don’t even put a filter on my photos. this is just crazy. the fact that you confidently sent this on anonymous as if you think you’ve cracked the code or something is insane. 😭
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cozyqueerchaos · 6 months
Oh no, what's the bad news
uhhhh okay well now i feel bad, um.. basically, im insanely burnt out and the sonic hyperfix is dead. i think i just need to commit to that for my own health, so. here we go.
i'm well aware that everyone follows me for sonic content, but at this point it's making me miserable to even engage with the franchise, for a number of reasons. i'm really sorry but i gotta do what's best for me
im considering posting a bunch of my unfinished stuff in one big doc, but it's all really fresh right now so that likely won't be anytime soon
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vmbrq · 11 months
ovulation horny is something neither ethan landry nor charlie walker is equipped to handle LMAOO
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jichanxo · 3 months
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date outfit kitakata save me......... save me....
#kuwana jin#jin kuwana#lost judgment#judgment#jichanart#fic extras#fic:senseific#was itching to work on something related to kitakata on his date with yagami so. here#have actually drawn this outfit before but i don't like that art much anymore so. lol. new one!#the wrist cast is a new addition though cause i think it would be funny#it's not locked in yet BUT fingers crossed i can include it (something something plot)#anyhow other notes about this:#clean shaven bc it's kitakata as opposed to kuwana#jewellry bc you can tell he's really trying here#necklace to draw the eye to the chest#and earrings just cause i think he likes em. plus it's a fun extra detail for yagami to notice#kitakata doesn't get to wear em at his job so it's fun to have that little extra edge you know#i like to think his shirt would be fitted to better show off his arms and chest. he's been working hard on em after all#he can wear his canon boots cause they're practical. i also think he's wearing some cologne#if not for the cast he'd be wearing a decent looking watch too. again. kitakata is REALLY TRYING#and is generally a little more put together than kuwana is#anyway (chews my own arm) i can't write their date until i work more on the actual fucking PLOT#but i reaaaaaaally wanna make this happen so 💔#anyway. yagami shows up to their date wearing what he always wears. can we all make fun of him#because he thinks it's practical and he looks good (which is why he wears it all the time). kitakata is not impressed#ANYWAY#live laugh love senseific
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