#but I will probably employ aspects of the style going forward
inber-art · 1 year
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I have never done Mermay before, so I thought I'd challenge myself and learn some new skills in the process. This took far too many hours but now she is my gf and she promises not to drown and eat me (probably)
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christiansorrell · 7 months
TTRPG Read-Through: Patchwork World
Here is a read-through I did last year (originally posted on Twitter) of one of the most unique PbtA games I've ever read: Patchwork World by Aaron King! - Christian
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Credits up first. I know a lot of these folks and they are really cool! Excited to dig into this. I've heard good things, and it's been a while since I've read or played any Powered by the Apocalypse.
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This is a cool, strong set up for me. I really like settings that ask characters to face a changing world and either take up change themselves or work to restore the old way of things. It's a headspace I find myself in a lot IRL these days so it's fun to explore.
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I'm interested to see how the no stats, no playbooks angle of this game works, considering playbooks are typically such a staple of PbtA games.
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Standard three-tired success, mixed success, fail forward resolution for rolls here and questions on the moves determine your bonus to the roll. Easy peasy. +2 is the max bonus.
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Other types of rolls are described here. Interested to see how they come into play. I also love clocks and use them in pretty much every game I run so it's nice to see those laid out here too.
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We just love a lil guy, don't we folks?
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A good chunk of the opening here is spent on laying out a lot of solid foundations of roleplaying generally. It feels like a book (so far) that would work for entirely new players. It doesn't feel essential for me, but I never mind a game that supports varied experience levels.
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Character creation is wide open, especially since there aren't playbooks and the text stresses that character creation is very much worldbuilding because of this. Fate-like concepts and tags are in here too which are things I generally enjoy. I like the Drawback mechanic.
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Moves are in the playback I set in the other room so I'm gonna go grab those. You get two chosen moves and everyone has access to a number of default moves. You've got three other life/XP things to keep track of too. I'm especially interested in Hex.
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There are a lot of moves! They seem quite varied and often very weird, fitting well with the titular patchwork world. You can have a duck's slick soul to dodge more easily or a magical space suit or speak to birds or be good at cartography. Overwhelming, but in an exciting way.
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You also choose a community as a party. While PCs all have their original homelands (before the end of the old worlds), you know have a community that gets its own little sheet. This is a cool reshaping of the Gangs from Blades. I also like how the community can change over time.
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Coming back to a PbtA game after months of more OSR-minded stuff, I think a lot of what these games contain are things that experienced players would say you could just do in any game at any time that it makes sense in the story, but I do find value in stating what's possible.
Esp since many players come to games with artificial limits on their options (whether that's from video games, more traditional RPGs, etc.). I just think good GMing here requires making sure that the players don't limit themselves just to the bevy of explicit options either.
GM moves (mostly to guide the response to failed rolls). I really think the community aspect of this set up is one of the biggest appeals to me so far. That and the wild list of moves, which I'm sure makes for amazing parties of characters.
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I always feel like it's never something I should be in my own writing (for some probably unnecessary reason), but I enjoy the first-person, casual writing style throughout the book. Makes for a very chill read.
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Good to see this game employs the Branson Reese style of NPC naming.
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Stress acts as a single catch-all health and challenge rating for NPCs. Ideally, I'd hope this would help lead to the PCs approaching encounters with more than just violence.
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Sections like this are what I'm referring to when I say this book feels very friendly to new players. It's got little anecdotes and thoughts like this throughout.
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Look, it's been a while since I've seen A Christmas Story but... it didn't have ghosts in it right?
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There's a sample adventure in the back (which I'll skip for this read-through) plus loads of random tables. Some wonderfully bizarre stuff in the characters and faction tables. Really gives you a good idea for how gonzo you can go with the setting.
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Love these two in particular
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Optional rules include hard mode (which I just think is kind of funny to see in PbtA, but could be cool if you lean heavy into the post-apoc setting) and some optional moves. I like that some moves focus on romance, something I enjoy IRL but never think to focus on in games.
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I was wondering why this was the sixth edition!
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That's all for the book itself. Going back to the packet to dig into the things I missed. Some expected bits in here but always one or two unique options I really enjoy. Leaking hex is cool (and could have some troubling cascade effects in certain situations).
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I definitely wish, at least in sitting down to read like this, that the contents of the player packet was also in the book itself. I think PbtA has this tendency of leading to loads of pages on the table, but it can make them very easy to pick up and play or to learn as you play.
That element is definitely here, but I think the vast number of wide-ranging moves and the excitement that would drum up in my player group would more than makeup for that initial overwhelming feel of "whoa, that's a lot of papers out on the table".
Overall, it's the most I've wanted to play a game in this style in a while. I like that the base setup for the world is very much up to the players to determine via the characters they make. I like that PCs here will probably feel unlike any other folks have played before.
The community aspect feels like where I'd want to center my story around, as a player. Seeing that shift and change over time feels like it would be very rewarding and would help lean into the "the old world is dead, what do we want the new world to look like?" theme I enjoy.
Because Aaron King is cool and recently hit a lot of Twitter followers, Patchwork Worlds is now Pay-what-you-want over on Itch.
I'm not sure if physical copies are readily available. For full disclosure (guess I should have said this up front), I got this copy for free from Aaron! Not for the purposes of this thread or anything, just for fun a while back.
Thanks for reading more ramblings from me! If you like to do that sort of thing, check out my newsletter - Missives from the MeatCastle. It's got writings on my work, cool stuff I've run across the web in the last month, and exclusive rpg stuff! https://meatcastle.substack.com
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dynimest · 2 years
Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Scam – Just Don’t Miss Golden Opportunity
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shihalyfie · 3 years
I’m a diehard 02 fan who does not want a reboot and never wanted a reboot, and here’s why
This is one of my few editorial-esque pieces, but this is something some friends and I have been discussing for a while, and given what’s going on right now, I feel like this needs to be said at some point.
Sometimes I feel like there’s a really massive gap between what 02 fans want (especially diehard ones) and what people think 02 fans want. I'm not saying that media should only be catering to hardcore fans, and if more casual fans of 02 or people who simply just happen to have a stake in the full franchise have their own opinions on what they wanted to see out of 02-related media, that’s perfectly fine, and they have a right to have those expectations. What I’m mainly writing this about is sentiments that talk about how Toei is apparently doing 02 a disservice or sweeping it under the bus by not rebooting it (which basically comes with an implication that giving it respect would mandate it being rebooted just because Adventure was), or talking about how doing a reboot would please 02 fans just by giving their favorite characters more rep. (Although, I suppose the simultaneous reveal of an actual 02-related movie kind of killed any grounds for claiming that the lack of a 02 reboot meant sidelining 02. You can’t really claim that they’re sidelining 02 when they’re making a whole movie, after all...)
Of course, I don’t claim to speak for every single 02 fan out there (so if you’re a 02 fan who doesn’t agree with anything I’m about to say, I apologize and hope I don’t sound presumptuous), and I highly doubt I represent the mainstream, but I felt I should input my perspective as a 02 fan who’s friends with a handful of other 02 fans, who have discussed this extensively and all have the same feelings on the topic, and why it’s kind of frustrating to keep hearing this kind of thing from people who assume that all fans of something should want to see more things that resemble them by default without any more nuance to it.
It won’t actually improve much that’s worth it
I’m going to be blunt about it: I think more people who supposedly want this 02 reboot are people who hate or dislike 02 than people who actually are fans of the series, because they’re doing this under the sentiment that “this was a bad series, so a redo would improve it.” You can especially tell because a lot of people acting like a reboot is in 02′s best interest are the same people being scathingly critical of the current Adventure: reboot right now, so you can see that this kind of mentality comes from people who clearly understand that a reboot won’t necessarily be something everyone likes all that much, and thus believe 02 is so unsalvageably bad that you couldn’t possibly make it worse. So you can probably understand why I’m not exactly patient with this kind of take.
If we are to be charitable, though -- if this sentiment comes out of a genuine feeling that 02 had missed potential that could be addressed by the reboot -- I want to ask everyone if they really believe that this theoretical reboot would be a net improvement, especially one that’s worth all the time and effort involved, and even more especially given the writing style that the current Adventure: reboot is employing. You don’t have to claim it’s a perfect series or anything to understand the sentiment that it held up enough by itself to not necessitate a whole anime series being made to do another take on it.
Something I would like to remind people who love to claim that 02 is such a despised series is that it made around 89% of Adventure’s revenue at the time it aired, and despite those who despise 02 being very vocal on the Internet, the actual mainstream tends to be very positive about it, especially in terms of anything to do with Ken (whom most reasonable people will agree had a character arc that deserves acclaim). So in other words, if you want to do a reboot, most likely you would want to do it without offending the base that likes the series already, right? (Especially since, you know, recent events have proven that upsetting the real-life 02 fanbase is actually a pretty inadvisable idea...)
Here’s the thing: Once you filter out most of the “scapegoat” reasons people tend to criticize 02, the one that’s generally the most agreed upon is how disorganized the plot gets in the second half. So this so-called ideal situation reboot would supposedly iron out all of the messy plot writing and make use of the “wasted potential” the series had -- but 02 was way more than just a narrative storyline with characters walking around in it, and when it comes to the reasons people were so drawn to it, they’re tied to the series themes about regrets and making up for the past, and about the unreasonable pressures that society places on children. That, and also the most important one, the central theme of human relationships, and the charismatic and well-developed (yes, really) characters. The so-called “messier” second half of 02 was full of payoff for a lot of what was set up in the first half in regards to its themes, and a lot of its subplots or character flairs are packed in really small nuances that are easy to miss on the first watch.
What this means is that 02 is a series that works off of a lot of delicate balances. Adventure could be “rebooted” because everything was very clear-cut and straightforward, which meant that you could change almost everything about the plot and still relatively adhere to the primary points of “kids gain self-awareness through a journey in another world”. (Like, I really hate to break it to those who put Adventure on a pedestal, but this is mainly possible because Adventure doesn’t really have much of a plot besides “defeat enemy” followed by “defeat bigger enemy”...) In the case of 02, everything regarding the story is, for better or for worse, much more deeply tied to the plot, the narrative behind the Kaiser and the traces of psychological horror laced into everything, and the second-half evolution mechanic, Jogress, has a lot to do with the developments related to the human relationships narrative. Moreover, a lot of the reasons that people call it “bad” for are deeply tied to the exact same reasons a lot of people like it -- that its takes on certain topics were heavily nuanced and unconventional, meaning it could cover ground that most media wouldn’t go anywhere near -- and so the series loses too much of its identity if those aspects are removed, even if it ostensibly seems like “streamlining” it.
So if you mess with one thing, a lot of it falls apart -- and in fact, considering the writing style that the Adventure: reboot is using right now, it’s hard to imagine that applying it to 02 would make it any better. Actually, it seems like it wouldn’t address any of the grievances anyone has with it to any substantial degree, and it’d be more likely to axe all of the stuff that were integral to 02′s identity, like the social commentary, or the heavy focus on human relationships, or the unusual sort of character nuance it employed, and...basically, we go back to the same question: is this actually worth it?
02 itself was about not having this kind of sentiment
The main reason most 02 fans get upset about the 02 characters not being included in Adventure canon-related things that should rightfully include them is that, quite simply, they’re part of the canon! In fact, most 02 fans like Adventure too, so they like the way 02 built on Adventure’s worldbuilding, and moreover they’re attached to the web of relationships between the Adventure and 02 groups -- 02′s additions to Adventure’s worldbuilding and the nature of what it established around the neighborhoods of Odaiba and Tamachi were not only added on but also deeply entangled with what was established before, so you can’t just act like none of it exists!
So this also means that once we’re talking about a completely different universe, absolutely none of this applies and there’s no expectations to adhere to any of this. The 02 quartet doesn’t exist in this universe? Cool.
Funny thing about 02: one of the biggest themes the story revolved around was “not getting caught up in the past, and moving forward with what you have instead,” so it’s probably pretty understandable that a lot of people who like 02 would be the type who wouldn’t be fond of rehashing stuff too much (and even more so it involves 02 itself), especially since being okay with 02 as a sequel likely means being okay with change in general. To make something really new out of it, you might as well...actually make something new out of it, or cover some truly new territory, instead of bothering with this whole reboot business, you know?
One thing you might notice about a lot of 02 fans is that they’re not actually all that fond of the idea of canon putting the group through more massive suffering or emotional ordeals after 02 compared to most. I mean, I think it’s pretty normal to enjoy your favorite characters going through emotional trouble, but the aversion to it often tends to be much stronger than usual, regardless of what country’s fanbase we’re talking, and even the official staff for Kizuna seems to have somewhat recognized that the 02 group is most in its element when in the context of fun and silliness. All things considered, this probably isn’t particularly surprising when you take into account the fact that “just being able to hang out with each other as casual friends at all” was considered such a blessing, and such a difficult goal to reach, that there’s a natural aversion to seeing them go through more emotional suffering again. The new trailer for the upcoming movie seems to have Daisuke in a relatively good mood (and even then, “please don’t make it too emotionally vicious for them” is a pretty common plea).
So if you want to talk about rehashing all of their old problems, seeing it all over again is just not very fun. It’s like holding Ken’s sins over his head again, even if it’s in a different universe; it just doesn’t feel right when the series itself endorsed the best possible outcome for these kids to be “to live happily and at peace with themselves, no matter what happened beforehand”. They worked so hard to get out of it, so to decide we have to do this entire rodeo again for the sake of doing it again, instead of trying something new is...well, it’s not that appealing of an idea, I have to say.
The real-life impact would be intolerable
It’s no secret that the 02 hatedom is a bit uncomfortably vocal about it, but what tends to be really frustrating about it is how many of them love to dunk on the series based on misremembering it. It’s fair that, if you don’t like a series, you probably wouldn’t want to watch it again, but as someone who’s spent a lot of years unpacking all the little details in the series and noticing that it’s much deeper than it initially seems on the surface, it’s honestly annoying to see “criticism” of the series that’s actually just dunking on it based on details that are genuinely factually incorrect (it’d be one thing if it were a question of subjectivity, but no, so many of the insults 02 often gets are based on things that legitimately did not happen in the series).
In the end, I admit that 02′s penchant for ridiculous subtlety probably worked against it a bit too much, and I’ve already covered its impact on how the series gets misread a lot. Thing is, this kind of subtlety was a thing in Adventure too, and it all leads to the unfortunate effect that a lot of people tend to forget what actually happened in Adventure if they haven’t seen it for more than a few years. With the current reboot right now, you’ll see people saying that certain characters are the same as they were in the original series, even though in most respects they’re actually the opposite -- because a lot of said people only remember them by the surface characteristics that seem to be similar.
So when you look at 02, and consider the fact that even official media -- including the official American English dub and V-Tamer -- has been a bit too prone to not handling Daisuke’s character tastefully and reducing him to traits that make him easy to dislike, you might realize that handling these characters improperly runs an extremely high risk of actually turning them into the flat, unlikeable characters that people tend to accuse them of being -- imagine Daisuke where his entire character is about fixating over Hikari and being impulsive, or Miyako being nothing but self-centered and selfish, or Iori being genuinely stoic and missing the nuances of constantly holding his emotions back. And making it worse is that this would basically solidify these negative perceptions of the characters even further -- because people, especially those inclined to hate the series, would take it as further evidence that the characters have always been like this, reflect it back on the original, and everything would really just become a miserable experience. (Those who are particularly inclined to be malicious against 02 would probably even claim a reboot to be “better than the original” no matter whatever it is, because of the belief that 02 is so incredibly terrible that literally anything would be better than it.)
It’s not my business to dictate other people’s opinions, but it’s already been a frustrating twenty years of dealing with this kind of thing, so of course I’m not going to be enthusiastic about the idea of putting up with more of it...
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livlepretre · 4 years
for the writing ask! 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 32, 44, 48, 51, 53, 54 (any other advice?) - sorry for all the questions. im just really curious, lol
oh geez haha I will endeavor to answer!
8. Favorite trope to write.
obviously enemies to lovers 😈
9. Least favorite trope to write. can I list fluff as a trope 
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
I hit publish the same way other people do impulsive things like jump off a bridge (I did that too once. woke up with nightmares about it for weeks). When you’re doubting yourself-- and I doubt myself all! the! time!-- the best thing to do is to steel yourself for like 5 seconds, take the leap, and then wait. Most of the time people are incredibly kind and receptive, and whatever plot point was causing the anxiety will either go unnoticed or will be appreciated by someone out there. I feel like so long as the writing comes from a place of honesty and isn’t about sensationalizing or taking advantage of anyone, then it will work out.
13. How do you deal with writers block? I let myself put the work down and don’t stress about it. I have a rule where I only write if I feel like writing. It’s a hobby for me, so if I decide I would rather watch The Office or go for a walk with my husband, I just do what I want instead. A lot of times that’s because I have writer’s block, but writer’s block can’t be pushed. 
If I am determined to write here are some strategies I employ: 
Chances are I’m stuck because I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen, or I’m not certain of what a character would do. So I reread the story up until that point, make notes on anything I laid down earlier that is relevant to the part I’m on, and map out character motivations. Hopefully this helps me create a working outline that will push me forward. 
If I’m stuck because of trouble writing the story in a more profound sense, I put the story down and start something new and low stress. In other words, I intentionally start a project where the bar for publication is super low.  For example, both Love Bites and (The Stars Were Brightly Shining) are pretty much first draft stories. I would write the chapter and hit publish same day (most of the time). This gave me something fun to do that was still exercising the writing muscle but also gave me the opportunity for positive feedback and made writing fun again. 
If I can’t write at all, then I turn to reading. I read things that I really like, and I take notes on what I like about the story both from a narrative structure/plot perspective and in terms of the writer’s style and word choice. In theory we’re supposed to read a lot as writers, and writer’s block is a great chance to do so. 
And, eventually, I’ll be cooking or typing up something for work or in the shower and the missing puzzle piece will fall into place. It’s okay if that takes months. I’ve had 4 hiatuses on FE that have lasted 4-6 months each. So long as you want to finish the story, you will. 
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book? ehhh probably watching seasons 1-2 of The Originals so I could figure out certain plot elements for FE. I do get sucked into research holes every now and then, but as they’re largely useless I try to scramble out of them as quickly as possible. (I say this with fear in my heart for the research I would have to do to write the 1492 time travel story I have in mind) 
15. Where does your inspiration come from?
Poetry, books I read and love, folklore, songs, my unhappy adolescence 
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
Honestly I get A LOT of motivation from everyone who reads and sends me a message. FE is a much bigger and much more arduous project than I anticipated, and the support has been a HUGE help. Also, for my other projects like SWBS, it’s such an inspiration to keep thinking about it and to get back to it whenever someone mentions it to me. I really do thrive on the community aspect of writing. 
Also, it’s turned out that the older I’ve gotten the more disciplined I’ve grown as a writer. I’m 30 now, and there’s a huge difference between my writing habits the last few years and what passed for them when I was 21 and writing After the Fire, But Before the Flood. 
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on.
Three broken ribs, a punctured lung, a broken collarbone, and a concussion, with bruising along her face, from where it connected with the side pillar, and along her throat and chest from the seatbelt. Two dead parents. A low buzz throughout the town: her name on everyone’s lips. - Nights at the Museum
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
Damon looks at her and cants his head to the side and he tells her, voice flip and unreachable as only his can be, “I see you’ve cheated death again.” He makes it sound like it’s him she’s cheated by not finishing the turn. 
She opens her mouth to respond, but what can she say? Death still sits heavy in her lungs. Smoke burns her eyes and blood clogs her nose. She could choke on the smothering weight of it all. On the weight of his expectation in her. His disappointment. 
“I never wanted to be a vampire,” she tells him, finally.
The look Damon gives her strips her bare. Somehow over the past six months she has let him in, and now that he is here, she cannot hide from him. “You never wanted to make a choice with your eyes open.” 
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.
well this is pretty spoilery for FE, so, reader beware: 
Rebekah has her pinned by an arm around her waist, her back flush to Rebekah’s front, both of them kneeling on the bed, while Rebekah reaches around and slowly fucks her with her hand. - Fairytale Ending
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
Right now I am very fond of this: 
Looking up into his face, into his eyes, gone dark and blue as the river back home when the moon was low in the sky, she finally admits the truth she's been hiding from herself for months. The thing she has been most afraid to ever, ever say, even to herself. Her gravest sin, which in this moment, feels like her redemption. "I love you." Saying it out loud is like the moment she drove the knife into her own side. - Fairytale Ending 
31. Hardest character to write.
Damon -- he has a very particular kind of humor and cynicism which I find really difficult to replicate (although I think I’m getting more confident) 
32. Easiest character to write.
Klaus-- literally there is nothing too extreme, it’s so much fun 
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. This will make like no sense but it’s from a creative writing class I took in high school, and the feedback was actually given to one of my friend, and I’ve remembered it ever since: “You have to use your avocado knives.” The context was basically he mentioned a pair of avocado knives sitting on a table and they never come up again. It’s the chekhov’s gun idea: when you put something down in the story, you have to actually use it. Everything in the narrative should have meaning if it’s mentioned, and work either functionally, metaphorically, or emotionally. 
48. Favorite genre to write in. Horror. 
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words. I’ll assume this is for FE: 
Gothic horror, where the blood is both in the grass and on the heroine’s hands. 
53. What does writing mean to you? It’s just something that I really, really like. 
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
I shared the bulk of it yesterday so here’s the rest: do what you want and have fun. 
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thesportssoundoff · 4 years
“An intriguing PPV with two title fights and then ???” UFC 248 Preview
March 2nd, 2020
The UFC returns to Vegas and to PPV with a card that is pretty solid but was way more attractive about a month ago before injuries and card shuffling took hold. What was expected to be a show featuring two title fights, two really good MW back up fights and a superb featherweight clash between Jeremy Stephens and Calvin Kattar. What remains is a pretty solid card featuring two title fights, some intriguing stuff at welterweight, the return of some decent prospects and not much else of note. The main event is a bit of a placate fest as the UFC throws Israel Adesanya a bone after a hectic 2018 and 2019 vs Yoel Romero while the co-main is a stupendous title fight with some bad blood mixed in as Joanna Jędrzejczyk takes on Zhang Weili for the UFC's strawweight title. Long story short? It's not a bad card and fight fans will probably leave pretty satisfied.
2020 Stat-O-Matic:
Debuting Fighters (6-7): Jamall Emmers Main Event Exemption:
Short Notice Fighters (6-6): Main Event Exemption:
Second Fight (5-8): Giga Chikadze, Danaa Batgerel, Mark Madsen, Rodolfo Vieira Main Event Exemption (0-1): Vs Debutantes (0-1): Giga Chikadze
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (6-3): Sean O'Malley, Neil Magny Main Event Exemption (1-0):
Undefeated Fighters (3-6): Israel Adesanya, Sean O'Malley, Mark O. Madsen, Rodolfo Viera Main Event Exemption (0-1):
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (3-4): Guido Cannetti, Jose Quinones Main Event Exemption ():
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (2-4): Polyana Viana, Saparbek Safarov Main Event Exemption ():
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- If you know me then you know I'm a pretty big Yoel Romero fanatic. I don't think he's ever lost a fight ever. That said, this fight with Israel Adesanya is entirely about doing a favor for a champion who the UFC feels did them a solid. Yoel enters this fight on a two fight losing streak, he's fought three times since the start of 2018 (I think Adesanya has fought like eleventy times), he's missed weight for two title fights in a row and he's stylistically not a guy I expect Adesanya to have a ton of issues with. He's also AT SOME POINT going to age. I know Romero has been alive for 100 years per his own calculations but at some point the common rules of aging and human biology will win out. This fight for a lot of people is being sold on Yoel Romero being a wrestler but Romero isn't a wrestler anymore than Madison Bumgarner is a strikeout pitcher. Yeah he used to be and maybe sometimes he still can but he's older and has to rely on other means because it's just not there anymore. The last time Romero tried to employ a wrestling heavy approach he gassed out vs Robert Whittaker and that was in 2017. 2017 is twenty years ago in MMA time. Romero is now a patient purveyor of chaos; a wild man who chooses when he wants to work hard and when he'd rather just patiently eat 1,000 punches and kicks to get to the point where he can just unleash years worth of pent up anger on you. Yoel Romero fights like a dude who has pains in real life that do not compare to what getting punched and kicked feels like and so he just chooses when he wants to go Waterboy on you while being confident that nothing will hurt more than whatever he felt growing up in Cuba. The point of all this is to say that Adesanya is getting a guy who isn't going to try to overwhelm with him with lunging shots from the outside backed with the benefit of leg kicks (as Robert Whittaker tried) or brawl 'n clinch the way Gastelum did. He's going to get a guy who will choose when he wants to fight, opening the door for Adesanya to probably calmly break him down by virtue of his tremendous offensive reads and top flight fight IQ and vision. This doesn't mean that Romero can't win because MMA etc etc, it just means that this is a really tough fight for him and one that's more about allowing Israel Adesanya to fatten up his resume a bit more on the way up to potential ATG status. We had 3-4 other qualified middleweights who could've fought for the title but Adesanya requested Romero and here we be.
2- One of the more underrated aspects of Adesanya's game (and I spoke about this with the Korean Zombie as well) is his vision in the cage which when combined with a high level processor allows him to read and react and initiate better than any other fighter I've seen since pretty much Jon Jones during his prime. Can you read and prepare for the madness that is Yoel Romero human instrument of chaos? How much of Adesanya's game is going to be read and react vs "You better throw it now because he's coming" style offense?
3- Is Zhang Weili vs Joanna the best women's title fight since the Joanna vs Rose rematch of 2018? Is it better than the Claudia vs Joanna II fight on paper? It's hard to think of a title fight with this much
4- Often times you hear "She's never fought anyone like me" and it's a bit of a scoff and a shrug comment but there's truth here. I don't think Joanna has faced someone with the strength of Zhang, the output she can put on and the flexibility she has to be offensive from pretty much any avenue granted to her. Valentina has SOME of those qualities and is a better fighter overall but Valentina Shevchenko is not trying to work too hard when she doesn't have to whereas Zhang Weili is offensive from the start and maintains a similar pace throughout. Conversely I don't think Zhang has ever fought a woman who is as offensively versatile as Joanna is. Joanna's reputation was built on being this hyperactive hyper intelligent striker with superb takedown defense and I think even if repetitive weight cuts have hurt her cardio or taken the pop off of her shots, she's still got great takedown defense and a tremendous pacing as a striker. The 4th and 5th rounds are going to be REALLY interesting going forward.
5- Going to be interesting to see these two clinch up. Joanna is the poster child for "Make em pay in the clinch for bad takedowns" whereas Zhang's knees are superb in tight. REALLY think this fight has the potential to be amazing throughout.
6- Totally forgot Neil Magny is still in the UFC but him vs Li Jingliang should be fun. Li Jingliang passed a big test for me when he finished Elizeu Zaleski his last time out and Magny is sort of the guy you gotta beat to start title talk conversations. Li Jingliang could be a Magny +1 away from sneaking on the back end of this Masvidal, Covington, Woodley, Edwards lineup for the title shot.
7- Sean O'Malley being gone for a few years sort of helps cover up the fact that O'Malley was VERY VERY RAW prior to his PED suspension and time away. O'Malley is the sort of fighter the DWCS collects; athletic guys who finish fights and have a lot of sizzle but maybe still have very apparent holes in their game. If you fight at 185 lbs or above, it's easier to skate by and have minimal close calls but when you're a guy fighting outside of that safety zone, every flaw is potentially a fatal one. O'Malley survived a close call vs Terrion Ware who was probably his best opponent to date and he looked pretty good vs Andre Soukhamtath prior to a bad injury that should've cost him the fight (But didn't). Now the UFC has gotten him back in the cage against Jose Quinones who is a competent yet safe challenge. Quinones is the sort of guy who just kind of wins his fights but lacks anything remarkable enough to give you cause for pause. He has a lot of O'Malley traits but at a lower level. That said we have no idea what the hell O'Malley has done for two years now so....who knows dudes. He could've been smoking weed and training once a week for all we know.
8- Cowboy Oliveira vs Max Griffin HAS to be a violenceweight quarterfinals bout.
9- Jamall Emmers vs Giga Chikadze is SUCH an LFA headliner.
10- If there's a bit of a theme on the undercard, it's that there's quite a few "international prospects" on it who are specialists in a set field. For instance Rodolfo Vieira is a ridiculous grappler with all the gold medals and trophies you can shake a stick at; attempting to carve his niche in the UFC as a middleweight. Mark O. Madsen is an insane wrestler with an Olympic silver medal in his back pocket, attempting to make it in the UFC's lightweight class. Then you have Deron Winn who is a freakish anomaly of a man trying to rebound from his first pro loss vs Darren Stewart and Polyana Viana who has gone from a pretty intriguing Brazilian flyweight to a slumping fighter changing weight classes looking for the special sauce. Throw in the return of O'Malley plus European "prospect" kickboxer Giga Chikadze trying to figure stuff out in MMA.
11- Kudos to Jamall Emmers who has been grinding away on the regional scene plus had a failed stint on DWCS before finally making it to the UFC. He's one of those guys every company needs; a tough veteran who can challenge prospects/skidding veterans and put on good fights.
12-  So....do we have a single back up for either Romero or Joanna?
6 notes · View notes
comicteaparty · 4 years
January 25th-January 31st, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from January 25th, 2020 to January 31st, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
When dealing with criticism, how do you personally decide what is and isn’t legitimate criticism for your story?
Deo101 [Millennium]
For me, the only criticism i take from any critique (even professors) are the ones that I feel push me closer to my goals as an artist. I also only consider critique that comes with my consent and from a place of trying to help me grow. This second bit (trying to help) is something I can't really explain how to tell, you just kind of start to learn over time.
My philosophy regarding criticism is twofold: I don't take crit from people that I wouldn't take advice from, and I don't take unsolicited crit. I tend to seek out crit from people I know, respect, and trust who also get what I'm doing with my work and get what I'm aiming for. That, and after a certain level, crit is a matter of taste. Saying "this anatomy is squirrelly" or "push your contrast in values" is very useful and somewhat objective, but something like "you should shade like this, not like that" or "use a different colour" is simply a matter of taste in my opinion. It's why I don't take crit from everyone as everyone's tastes are different. I don't take crit from, say, @xX_roxas_fan_69_Xx saying 'your story sucks' with a three paragraph rundown of why. Random commenters? I don't listen to them if they're not paying my bills. Besides, a lot of those randos seem to enjoy tearing someone down and looking like the smartest person in the room, rather than doing something useful. It really speak to entitlement that someone thinks they can swan in and offer an artist their great and wise critique - who made you the boss of art, @xX_roxas_fan_69_Xx? There's a certain danger in listening to too much crit and advice, and after a certain point you just have to pay attention to your own instincts.
Rip I usually don't take crit from folks on the internet or irl if I don't ask for it. Most of the time I often check with my peers to give advice because I know they'll help me push forward in my work. Though I'm thankful that I had advice from some industry folks but dang, that kind of stuff is uncommon.
I do have comments that really doesn't address the story at all and some superficial comparisons. Those I don't respond.(edited)
Everyone's brought up excellent points, many of which I personally employ as well. Here's one I haven't seen yet: If a criticism is extremely negative, to a point where "if this is correct, then my entire comic is garbage and I should start over" is the only logical conclusion, then I'm not going to consider it. Because yeah, I'm not going to start over. Doesn't matter how genuine their intentions at that point. Either they're right and I have an irredeemable pile of garbage -- which I'm not willing to throw out, so rip. Or they're "wrong" (as in, they got that negative because they are 10000% not my target audience) in which case, it'd be pointless trying to please them.
To clarify, "extremely negative" doesn't have to be a literal "your comic sucks at everything." Maybe they'll have some positive things to say, but with regards to my most important goals with the story, they'll have nothing but total negatives to say. e.g. "None of your jokes are even remotely funny, but hey, nice art" for a comedy comic.
DaemonDan (The Demon Archives)
I like to think I'm fairly opened minded with regards to most crit, as long as it feels well intentioned, and as long as I can see where they're coming from.
That doesn't mean I'm necessarily going to change anything on that given page (too expensive for me since I have to pay my artist for everything), but it's something to consider going forward
Especially if it is a concern/question about plot or something that I haven't explained well yet and didn't have planned to explain/show.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I can’t put into words exactly how I ‘tell’ if it’s legit or not. If it’s just ripping my work apart and delivered in an aggressive tone, I know that it’s ill-intended and not to pay it any mind. If it’s also from a serial nitpicker, I usually disregard it as well. If it’s polite and well thought out, I’m more likely to pay attention. Even then, I’m usually able to tell if it’s good, applicable advice or well-meaning, but subjective opinions that simply don’t apply. I’m usually pretty aware of the flaws in my work and can hold it at arms length to see if a crit really does have a good point. If I think it will genuinely help me improve, I’ll start incorporating the advice into my work. Because if a critique helps me get better at what I’m already trying to do, then I’m all ears. I’m always open to con crit, and I think carefully about what was pointed out, but I also take it with a grain of salt. Probably the biggest thing I learnt as an art student wasn’t about making art, but how to parse critique I received.(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
There's really only two types of criticism I completely disregard - 1) Something that shows the critiquer's vision of the comic is completely different from my own (e.g. "I liked the bad drawings better, you should have stuck with that"). 2) Some variation of "stop making the comic" (e.g. "you should stop posting art until you improve more") (both of which are real criticisms I've gotten. the latter one surprisingly recently.) Also, sometimes a criticism is... difficult to understand? Like I'll try to take "the dialogue doesn't pull me into the next page" into consideration, but... it's hard to nail down exactly what that means, y'know? Fortunately I haven't really gotten any bad faith criticism or un-asked for criticism, so, that's nice.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Luckily I haven't received too much critique/criticism on my comic work, and (so far!) certainly nothing harsh or insulting. In all honesty, I could use a bit more critique, and should probably actively seek it out, so I could keep learning and improving! As such, I've taken all the criticisms into account to varying degrees. If I can't easily go back and fix something, I can always keep that note in mind for future pages. I'm usually most concerned about clarity of plot/progression - aesthetic choices are a matter of preference, but if a reader just plain can't tell what's happening, that's my biggest concern. A comic can be many things, but it should at least be legible, both in words and in images. I take notes on legibility/clarity very seriously.(edited)
I liked deo's comment at the top about considering crit if it gets you closer to your goals... for me, that's often the most important aspect. Feedback from someone who understands what I'm trying to do is really valuable, because it can help me pin down things that I was already kind of aware weren't working but couldnt put into words. When it comes to unsolicited crit, honestly the most useful ones I've gotten were from readers who didnt even realize they were making a crit. When I start to see comments that appear to be misunderstanding what i intended to put into a page, then I know I need to make some changes.
In a world of very quiet readers I've had to seek out criticism. Much of what I've gotten is pretty legitimate as a result. I find that legitimate criticism usually can back up its argument. You'll have examples of what's wrong, point out counterexamples, of have suggestions to how to make it better.
Illegitimate criticism is usually cases of personal insults or just saying "it's bad." However there are also cases of people attempting to give legitimate criticism, but missing the point. Usually those who didn't do their homework.
For instance in AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ one of the biggest failings I've seen at giving legitimate criticism was "I didn't finish it, but it seems incomplete." That's a good example of someone not doing the reading necessary to back up their comment.
And lastly those who just don't realize that the subject matter isn't for them, and confuse that with a judgment of quality such as "I don't like black and white comics," and "I don't like anthropomorphic animal comics."
More legitimate arguments I've gotten, that actually did help me improve were comments on the old site design, which was really stuck in my rather late 90's HTML coding skills, so I took the time to learn a bit of CSS, and improved upon it. Others were about the early art style, which I've grown and evolved from since then. And of course about the text being hard to read, so I moved away from hand written text, and tried several fonts before settling on a free and open font. Jr Hand if anyone is interested.
In short, legitimate criticism helps you improve, illegitimate is either an attack, or just misses the point.
I tend to seek out crit from people who I trust, first and foremost. Usually before I even start the work. Unsolicited critique, I think about it for a few days and then decide whether it’s appropriate or not. I do this because I’ve gotten critique before that HAS hurt me enough for me to stop a project. Other people’s opinions of me affects me a lot, and I have to mull on their words to decide whether or not they’re being honest or if they’re saying something to me in bad faith. Sometimes it’s hard to separate what’s legitimate criticism and what’s just entirely incorrect, so that’s why I take a few days to mull on it before acting on it.
Yeah, sometimes even a good faith critique can just... miss the point entirely, and it can demoralize me in a unique way. 'They're genuinely trying to be helpful, so they have to be right..........' kinda thing -- which is not always the case, I've had to remind myself.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Another thing about critique, is if it is truly in good faith and trying to help you grow... They won't mind if you don't take it.
I've always said thanks no matter the feedback...but I've definitely gotten crappy critique that wasn't helpful before. One of the worst I've ever received when I was soliciting feedback was from someone who couldn't pinpoint what they didn't like about my comic, but said it was "wasted potential" and needed to be more serious. (Wut.) They then tried to tell me that they'd be willing to help me if I'd invite them on as a writer/editor, and now I'm thinking that person didn't even read my comic and was just trying to neg me into giving them a spot on my site so they'd have a project with their name attached to it or something xD(edited)
(For the record...my comic is a very lighthearted comedy. Like...way to miss the point! xD)
Oof. -_- Reminds me of an art teacher once putting "Not Creative Enough" on one of my works. I dunno what to do with that...
Lol art teachers like that always got under my skin.
Yeah, critics missing the point is a big part of why I've become extremely selective about who to ask crits from!
I don't really solicit feedback much anymore.
Not because I don't want critique
It's just...There are not a lot of people who actually know -how- to critique
Sometimes you can glean some good things from a critique that just missed the point -- like, sometimes it can help you see why they missed it and how you can maybe prevent that. But.... I don't have the spoons for that kinda gleaning anymore.
I don't mind people reviewing my comic, because, well, hey exposure! But if I ask for feedback, I'm asking people who make comics. Because the best critique I've ever gotten was over on the SF discord. A user actually gave critique that was extremely helpful and on-point.
Even fellow comickers can be unhelpful, too. Every person whom I've asked for critique was making a comic, but the helpfulness has varied a lot.
Yeah that's true
"I hate, hate, HATE your MC, so you should kill him off or otherwise get rid of him forever" was told to me by a fellow comic creator.... and I was already doing like, chapter 7, so yeah, removing the MC wasn't really an option X'D
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
You could always do a 180 and really trip out your readers
very ~experimental~
The critic who hated my comic would've loved that
I gotta dig up that critique because it was really funny. My husband and I will make jokes about it from time to time lol
Like have I totally turned this on its head? I'm critiquing the critic
When someone asks me for feedback I tend to ask what specifically they want notes on.
Otherwise I don't really offer it. >.>
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I usually ask if they want critique first and then do the compliment sandwich if they say yes.
And try to really emphasise the things I like and feel are working.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) "compliment sandwich" I love that.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I didn’t come up with it, but thank you! XD
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
In regards to how I myself determine what critiques are worth my consideration... I like what @Deo101 [Millennium] and @varethane spoke about with the idea of our personal vision for our work. Whether or not someone gets what I'm trying to accomplish from my work or not plays a huge role in whether I'll take their critique seriously. An example of this is in my comic Whispers of the Past, there was a scene where a character had a flashback, and to show that it was a flashback, I made the background behind the panels black instead of white. A commenter told me I should make the background behind all the panels black because it adds more contrast. By itself, the critique wasn't that harmful or incorrect, but in the context of "this story is gonna have a bunch of flashbacks and I need a way to differentiate them from present time," it definitely was a critique that wasn't really helpful to me. The commenter clearly didn't understand that it was a flashback. Another type of critique I don't pay attention to are critiques where the critic is pointing out something that I can't really change. Or are being unintentionally rude, "It's too short." "I can't remember what happened in the past updates because of the infrequent postings." "I would rather you wait until you have X pages before posting." Um... I can't just simply draw FASTER. I'm not a GOD. And finally, critiques that have to do with taste and not quality. I had an art professor whose common critiques of my work included, "This is too illustrational," and "The colors are too saturated." To which my responses were: https://media.tenor.com/images/7dfa6d3d76a277b8c204945ae8fd3161/tenor.gif(edited)
for me, I tend to ignore a lot of random critique, or at the very least put it aside and ask a friend later. What I do trust for critique is when the critique comes from other comic writers and artists who I know, and I seek out the critique on my own. I also tend to take more to critique when it's constructive or from a good-faith helpful place, like "hey this page could use some more clarity to get your point across" rather than "whut? Idk what this is". I also am in some writer groups where we do crit nights, which are very structured and from a "I want to see you succeed, lets help make that happen" standpoint, so Im much more likely to listen to them than a rando on the internet saying "draw it, but gud"
@keii4ii i once read a webcomic where the author killed the main love interest after 100 chapters and replaced him with a clone xD i really respect the author's boldness there
lol what a legend
Usually I try to put any criticism for anyone into consideration, sometimes a stranger might have more knowledge of what I'm trying to do than I do, and I have gotten really good advice for randos popping in with critique and suggestions. Although, due to my story being super tight, I usually end up weeding out whatever doesn't apply to what I'm currently trying to accomplish with it. This sucks because that's a lot of story critique, and it makes me look like some child who can't handle negative feedback. There has been comments that I should make more happy scenes or get rid of some heavy stuff, make the comic more like Breaking Bad (Never seen this show. ) because it's too boring, having romantic scenes to fit the title, make my MC Julian less "weird" and more likable. I can change small things, but big stuff that has an affect on the main plot would make me have to rework the entire story... which then it wouldn't really be TGtaHR. I can do some tweaking to the main stuff, but the person giving the critique would have to know the whole story, and what I'm trying to accomplish. At least in my extremely anal opinion.
Art wise I'm more open, there have been really good suggestions about me using more contrast and values to draw the audience's eyes to what I want them to see, I've been told to simplify my backgrounds or use less bold colors which is a problem for me since I'm REALLY into drawing detail, or that I need to make my speechbubbles more readable. These are valid critiques because these things do hinder the comic, and I have been trying to work on improving, although admittedly I do have a lot of trouble changing up my coloring and details. There have been a few interesting ones that I've kinda ignored since they don't really help? A couple people have said I should switch to drawing digitally because it looks more professional/polished, I've been told to stop drawing backgrounds entirely, someone said I should draw in a more aesthetically appealing style, and another one was that I drew too many dynamic angles. There is a critique I've gotten a few times in particular that I've kinda ignored, but I'm not sure if I should apply, which is that my shading is weird. As in my style of complementary shading looks bad, and while I really like that type of shading I'm not sure if I'm applying it correctly. The people who usually say this don't ever elaborate on what they mean, or how I can do better... except one person who said I should use a darker version of the same color or black for shading, which is kinda gross looking to me.
But yeah, I generally try really hard to take in criticism, but if I can't make it work for what I'm currently trying to do I move on.
Too...... many?? dynamic angles.....??
wut omg there can't be too many dynamic angles
Yeah, uh, pretty sure you can disregard that one lmao
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Lol, I WISH I had that problem
Yeah, that one totally caught me off guard, I've never heard of drawing too many angles. Usually the criticism is that you're not drawing enough. I told them I was practicing my perspective, which I am, but... yeah, didn't know what to say to that.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
God, what I wouldn't give to have more angles I guess too much detail can be an overload, but still, better too many than too few
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Actually, one of the most legitimate critiques I ever got was from a professional editor at a convention where he was doing portfolio reviews. And you know what he said? That I should have more interesting camera angles.
Lol! I do think most people have to force themselves to think about the camera angles. I certainly do at least! I think the key to good critique is to understand that it's not really about liking or not liking something. It's not about preference at all. It's about letting the artist know what the audience is likely seeing or experiencing so that they know whether their intentions are coming across. And if you're getting that advice from other artists usually they can tell you why something feels a certain way. For example, a reader might say, "it seems really hectic", but an experienced artist might be able to say "I think having a lot of different camera angles so quickly is making the scene feel very hectic." (just using camera angles as an example, since it came up) And then as the artist, you can say oh great, that's exactly what I was going for, or you can think about changing it. But critique is just about helping an artist refine their vision, letting them know if the tools/techniques they're using are matching up well with their intentions.
Yeah. Somewhat to the above, I could see a critic saying "too many dynamic angles" if they meant that there wasn't a good visual flow and it was hard to follow in that regard
It's always good to remember a lot of the people who have time to give critiques for a whole webcomic are actually not professional artists. So they can't always accurately describe in that realm what theyre seeing.(edited)
mariah (rainy day dreams)
This conversation reminded me of a Tumblr tutorial from m forever ago by one of the Adventure Time folks. It talks about a lot of things, but specifically I could see someone thinking the camera is "too dynamic" if a comic artist is breaking the 180° rule a lot in their panels or not following screen direction. Though screen direction is probably a little more forgiving in a non-animated format. Anyway, I'll put the link for that tutorial in #art_resources
Critique is a tough one. Because for the most part I accept critique from close friends that I trust and from my professors. Sometimes though, I personally feel like my art will be going one direction and will waylay the critique for another project. If that makes any sense. I guess what I mean is that sometimes you've already done so much on one piece or comic and when someone gives you critique it's like "okay thank you, I hear you, and I will implement it in the next thing I do, not this page that I am currently doing." I also tend to ask my friends if they don't mind critique? For things that are WIPs and shared. My friend once said "I mean what do you say to that... Can you even say no?" And I was like, "Yes you can completely say no and I wouldn't give critique it's as simple as that", but I guess when you're closer friends,it's less apprehension maybe. That being said, I haven't really run into the unsolicited critique category quite yet. I mean, I feel as if I'll run into that eventually, I've just been lucky enough not to. Plus, a lot of critique I get is actually about things I'm already aware that I need to improve on? I got some pretty fair critique from several people on several projects that I should work on backgrounds, layouts, and location. Which I know is a weakness I have, and honestly I avoid it a lot because I'm really scared of it? And I know that I have to just... work on it and do more visual studies if I ever want to improve. It's just a very daunting task, especially since I'm studying as a character animator, so the backgrounds are almost always secondary (I kept handing off backgrounds to friends to help do rip) And with what was said above about 'too many dynamic angles', I can see why that might be a critique for action sequences. Something like Boku Aca actually suffers visually from that! It's so dynamic that pages can end up looking clunky? I guess?!
Urm to cover my ass, I do agree and see how too many dynamic angles can be a hindrance, but for out of the norm stuff like that I unfortunately need to be shown an example or elaboration on why that isn't working for me. I don't remember how far back the critique was, maybe around chapter 2 or 3. They never pointed anything out, but I believe they were responding to pages like these. Edit: DON'T actually read the contents of these pages, a couple of them might have some heavy stuff that could make you uncomfortable.(edited)
(I do agree that the circular perspective page is awful, it was my first attempt and I didn't have a drawing table at the time to make a larger circle. I might redraw that page at some point.) But it's really hard to know exactly what they mean. Should I do more eye level shots? More talking heads? I'm super thick in the head, and need a little hand-holding, when it comes to understanding critiques like that. I do agree, though. There are so comics that have so much going on that they can be really hard to read.
I think in terms of dynamism it's just important to keep in mind that if EVERYTHING is dynamic ALL THE TIME, then it ceases to be 'dynamic' and becomes the norm, and it can be as whip-lashy as a movie that uses far too many jump cuts in an action movie. Like you want to be able to follow that continuous string of motion and jumpcuts can disturb that? So similarly in comics it's something people will say to keep in mind
I mean I don't see anything particularly wrong with the angles you're using in the pages you've linked! And at the end of the day, if it works for you then it works? And it's also a personal taste thing i think
some people LOVE comics with tonnes of dynamic panelling and angles. Other people prefer things really grounded in reality and more gentle in terms of the cuts
So I guess to string this back to the critique stuff, it's things you can take note of and be more aware of but doesn't necessarily mean that what you've already made is 'bad' or whatever, because it definitely isn't. I always see Critique as just things that other people notice that you don't, and sometimes they're helpful and sometimes it's like "Okay thanks for pointing that out"
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, those pages look good to me.
I particularly love the lighting in the last page.
Oh this is a good creator question. So, for me, legitimate critique is when a person labels specific things in the story and proves that they actually read it, whether they do or don't like it. I might not take that person's suggestions but I do think about how the story's coming across. For instance one of my writing group friends hounded me over explaining each and every little thing in my story...but honestly I'm not going to infodump upfront. But her feedback is terribly important because if she's asking this kind of question about what's going on, she can't possibly be the only person who will be a bit lost(edited)
even though I'm not implementing her suggestion specifically the way she wants it (big simple infodump), at least I'm thinking about what information is clear and what's waiting to be explained later
There's also observing people because that can give me bigger clues than what they say. If they trip over a sentence when reading aloud, then I definitely check it out and see if I can make the prose easier to read. Little stuff like that.
@Mei Sorry, haven't been online much this week. Oh yeah, that is totally understandable, and I have seen how too many odd camera angles or jump cuts can be jarring! I just thought it was an interesting critique since they never elaborated on what they meant, plus even though I've heard of certain angles ruining a scene, I've never actually heard about having too many dynamic angles so it just surprised me. A good chunk of webcomic creators default to more standard angles since perspective can be such a pain in the ass, and takes up extra time, so the feedback I usually see is to have more variety. Sorry if any of this came off like I was complaining! I really wasn't, I just wanted to answer the question with some examples of different types of criticism I've received. Talking about some of the ones that were odd, or I couldn't take for one reason or another. Didn't mean to draw so much attention to myself. xD That is true, though. It might have been personal taste, who knows, we can always improve more.
@Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) Thank you! I was really satisfied with how that page turned out!
@DanitheCarutor Oh no I never thought you were complaining at all! I was just responding haha sorry if that made you think I was being overly critical or anything. But yeah, I mean some people have different tastes or they point out different things that may or may not be problems. I think having a lot of critique can be a double edges sword anyway. On the one hand, it's great to hear outside opinions. On the other hand, they can give such varying advice that's all based on personal taste that it could not even apply to you. So it's like... take what you can and leave the rest or something?!
While I normally don't participate in these, I will this week as a fiction writer and as someone who used to do webcomic reviews. For me, when it comes to dealing with criticism and critiques and deciding what's legit is to look for trends - which is the advice I generally give for anybody who doesn't know what to look for. Creativity is not an exact science, and as such, critiquing creative projects is not an exact science. While there are certainly foundations, in the bigger scheme of things, every critique is going to be different and unique. Every critic/reviewer/etc. has their own personal tastes, their own personal goals and aims when giving the criticism, their own personal style for giving a critique, and so on. This is why you can have two reviews that are completely opposite from each other in opinion, because each person is not only influenced by what they think makes a work good, but just their own personal focuses no matter how objective a critic tries to be. But, to me, this is why when you get several people all saying the same thing, that's the time to get concerned and consider changing something. Cause again, every critic is coming from a different place, and if people coming from different places are reaching the same approximate conclusion, they're actually probably on to something. So, I play the patience game, gather multiple critiques, and look for trends before putting stock into any one piece of criticism.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But what do you do when a bunch of people all say the same thing, but fixing that issue would take a ton of time and effort? A lot of people have said that my font is too small and hard to read. Is it worth it to spend a day just changing a bunch of letters on 70+ pages and saving and resizing them again? Despite all the people telling me it's an issue, I still don't really think it's that bad. I'm used to reading page format comics, and my font size is comparable to other page format comics. I think a big part of why people are complaining is because I'm a page-format comic on webtoons. But also I'm using a custom font which is my own handwriting. Obviously I'm used to reading my own handwriting and find it very legible, but other people aren't and so might find it more difficult to read. Maybe I can't look at the font objectively because of that : /
I think font issues and readability are... A different issue. One thing I noticed as I got older is that the small fonts I used to tend towards got harder and harder to read. So finding a balance between page legibility on the web and print is... Challenging. But it can be done. If you have a small screen with a high resolution (more than a cell phone), might be worth seeing how much you have to zoom in or focus to read it
Granted, I'm not yet 35, but my eyesight hasn't improved...;;!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'm not sure about updating the old stuff, but if it's something that's been repeatedly brought up I would definitely increase the size on pages going forward and see if that helps. I can see the value in also updating the old pages if people are dropping off because the type is too small, but also I feel like 70 pages is like right on the board for me of not worth it for the time it would take. The value of your time is a personal decision though.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Even when taking critique, I almost never apply that to old pages. Webcomic readers generally expect a level of improvement, so they can understand if early pages have issues that are fixed later on.
Agreed, though if you have a way to batch process files for export, that might not be bad? It really depends on how much of a barrier to readability it is.
But in the context of critique? Eh, worth knowing for future projects at minimum!
Anyway, to answer the question I suppose... How do I determine what's legitimate and what's not... I guess it depends -- I saw a few people mentioning whether the interests of the critique align with your growth (or I think I saw that; admittedly, I'm not really inclined to scroll up too far right now), or whether or not you trust the person giving the critique. I think those are two good things look at, for sure! I also think it's worth considering whether or not you care. Like, at the end of the day, if it's not a show-stopper or making the work unreadable or unenjoyable, then... Meh? Make a note of it for the future, see if it's something you can incorporate if you solicited the critique. If it's entirely unsolicited... bigger meh.
@Mei Nooo you didn't make me feel that way, I just know it can come off that way to a lot of people and wanted to clarify. Differentiating critique based on personal taste from you doing something objectively bad can be really hard to do sometimes! I usually do what Rebel Vampire said and collect them until I see a trend, but sometimes I wonder if that single critique is someone noticing a flaw no one else does. Although that might be me over-thinking things. @RebelVampire That is a good reminder of how different people are, and how variety there is in how they view things. Man, I wish I knew about your reviews back when you still did them... and I also magically had a decent chunk of my comic finished, I really liked your style. For the most part I try to apply the idea of going off trends. Unfortunately there is one I do tend to ignore since it feels like ends up fitting with my intentions, which are critiques about making my story less sad/uncomfortable/heavy. It probably is a legit flaw, and I might be executing my story poorly for all I know, but I did want to make a comic that could be really sad and/or uncomfortable. Due to that I kind of ignore those critiques... even though I probably shouldn't, it's hard to tell for those ones specifically. But yeah, hoarding critiques like they're playing cards, then finding patterns to see what needs to be improved is a good way to find a quality in your work that might be objectively bad.
@DanitheCarutor I think that's a great point, especially for those of us making very niche stories. Even if you get 99 people telling you they don't like your work because of X, sometimes it is the 100th person that you're writing for, the one who LOVES that (very intentional and pivotal) X in your work.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
ESPECIALLY if those 99 critiques are not aligned with your artistic vision to begin with.
Yeah, the hardest thing about making something niche is a lot of people aren't going to like it no matter how well you pull it off, also getting feedback that works with what you're trying to accomplish is kinda hard. I went into my comic know it wouldn't get a whole lot of people who would understand or enjoy it, so I decided it would be for myself to vent and whoever does like the story can tag along. That seemed like the best plan to keep from getting discouraged. It IS really nice when that 100th person comes along who loves that weird stuff as much as I do.
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) To add my own two cents to previous replies about fixing old pages, I think this depends first off, what others have said, how you value your own personal time and whether you think its worth the effort. Second, though, I think is to consider what the issue is that needs to be fixed. Some issues are definitely more minor than others, and ppl accept if you fix them later. However, then there's issues like readability, too much front-loading of information, etc. that can be a bit more major because its effecting readers' ability to understand your comic. It's at that point I personally believe that it'd be better to fix earlier pages. Cause the average new reader isn't going to show up to the comic and go "Maybe this will improve with this major issue later." The average new reader is going to give your comic 20 pages at most and then leave if the issues are still there and they can't follow the comic. In other words, always remember readers still have to read the beginning pages in order to get to the improved pages. So the question is, do you think the issue is something that will make readers drop the comic before they even get to that point? Again, though, emphasis, this is a personal decision. There are people who would put in the effort, and people who wouldn't. And both are right because what you do with criticism is ultimately your business.
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eulogy34-blog · 5 years
Not known Facts About hair vitamins
What’s Similarly discouraging for women is the fact that their hair loss is not really as Evidently understood as hair loss in men and, In keeping with an post in , “..provides by itself fairly in a different way through the much more recognizable male sample baldness which generally commences using a receding frontal hairline that progresses into a bald patch on top of The pinnacle. Hi Domen, did you accustomed to advocate ArtNaturals Argan Oil shampoo? I purchased this another day as I missing all my hair because of chemo and drugs and even though it has grown again it is far thinner now. Which one is best? That’s a tricky connect with and, without the need of endeavoring to dodge the concern, our check out is which you could’t go Incorrect with possibly a person. The massive three is often a typical Edition of a terrific all-about product and you ought to see a similar, or at the least quite identical, benefits from the Large 3 and Big 5. Hair grows at unique speeds and different lengths. Its composition leads to unique hues and textures, which impact how long the hair strands grow. Stem cell therapy is easily the most economical baldness treatment and that is non-surgical in mother nature. Stem cells provide the innate capability to renew and multiply on their own. Quickly forward –>> After 6 – 7 decades my hair gave in to this chemical abuse. I started out shedding numerous hair. Furthermore, my once easy and soft hair was tough and lusterless. And I was still left grieving coupled with my hair. Nizoral’s A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo wards off any flakes while avoiding hair loss, earning this grooming merchandise really worth your thing to consider for regular use. The real difference with hair-loss shampoos, however, is that you ought to go away them in for an extended time prior to rinsing. Doing this makes sure that their elements achieve your hair’s roots and scalp, the place they have got the most important effects. It is too early to mention if This is certainly Doing work but fascinated to hear what you think that or whether or not I really should use something else. Thanks Fantastic to learn about a good deal a lot more of shampoos that I can use for my hair care. Thanks for these terrific means. I'm suffering from Hair fall and Dandruff, which would be the most effective appropriate for me among these checklist? In truth, Medical doctors now say baldness styles are inherited from a mix of lots of genes on either side of the household. There are some environmental components that appear into Participate in, much too. Previously, we talked about the constructive influence that caffeine has for halting the spread of hair loss. It’s the principal active component in Alpecin’s great caffeine shampoo, which many users say generate the type of final results they’ve extended sought. The strategy for making use of hair loss shampoo is similar to normal shampoo, i.e., you apply it to moist hair, therapeutic massage it to the scalp and rinse it. We’re likely to record 5 for you personally which have been the actual offer With regards to hair loss shampoos, but consumer beware when you’re roaming the hair treatment merchandise aisle and thinking of obtaining anything at all lower than the most effective.
New Step by Step Map For hair fall
Maintain your hair treatment as simple as attainable. It is possible to pre-ailment your hair with coconut or almond oil and afterwards shampoo. As well as, it is possible to swap the conditioner with plant infusion or hair rinse (see the next position). When it is vital for getting more than enough vitamin A, too much could be hazardous. visit that an overdose of vitamin A might also add to hair loss (4). Not merely have you been picking a form of chemical castration, you’re also ignoring the warning signs coming out of your entire body. All the more interesting is, when people from these parts move to nations around the world such as the US their likelihood of heading bald also raises up towards the national average. Shutterstock six/ Other kinds of hair loss can be a results of scarring injury from incredibly hot combs, weaves, chemical relaxers, and hair dryers, so it is vital for being gentle with all your hair. Generating a hair rinse is as simple as making a herbal tea. Insert sizzling water towards the herb of the selection, Permit it steep, coated right up until it cools down, then use. My most loved hair rinse could be the initially just one within the list. 2/ The most typical form of hair loss is male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Physicians estimate this condition could have an impact on approximately 80% of white Guys by their 70th birthday. Before going through a hair transplant, you’ll have to inquire by yourself a few thoughts. These incorporate: Nonetheless, there are many anecdotal studies that supplementing with much too higher of a dose might also add to hair loss. Your just lately considered goods and featured recommendations › Check out or edit your browsing heritage This shampoo combines the advantages of biotin, zinc, and coconut oil to produce the growth of recent hair even though restoring slim, destroyed strands. This B-Sophisticated System stimulates hair follicles in order to really encourage your hair to get started on growing once more. Pure Biology results in products that are backed by scientific final results, and their Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo pulls out each of the stops With regards to effective Lively ingredients that could wholly change the well being of one's hair. To carry out this review, researchers recruited seventy six male individuals with delicate to reasonable AGA. They have been break up into two groups. What is also appealing is the fact pattern baldness is basically non-existent in secure indigenous populations.
5 Easy Facts About hair loss Described
Just located this website. Have read through some excellent Information. Will likely be seeking the recent oils. I've negative hair harm from around 20 years or chemical compounds. Thanks for the Info. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw may result in hair breakage and finally hair loss. After you use a gentler, all-natural shampoo your hair has the prospect to grow healthy and robust. Ditch the sulfates for an incredibly Light shampoo, and you should see outcomes that has a number of months. A bunch of topical prescription drugs known as prostaglandin analogs have not too long ago commenced undergoing testing for probable hair regrowth. https://www.wikihow.com/Choose-the-Right-Hair-Loss-Option may be Utilized in Guys and women. These medication are usually not at present FDA approved for scalp hair loss. At the moment, they're mainly useful for eyelash enhancement. Among the list of new drugs is named bimatoprost (Latisse). More screening and studies are required to evaluate the efficacy of these products and solutions in scalp hair loss. Bimatoprost solution is usually used off-label for assist in picked situations of hair loss. It's at this time FDA accredited for beauty eyelash enhancement. Many conditions generate a "shock into the program" that alters the hair growth rhythm. Subsequently, around https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ %-40% of the hairs can cycle into telogen. A few months later, hairs occur out in a large shedding (effluvium), Specifically close to the entrance of your scalp. These consist of Have you at any time noticed, immediately after employing a selected shampoo your hair fell like crazy? I've. Which created me toss absent even the quite pricey bottle within the rubbish bin. Audience Opinions eleven Share Your Story There are actually several solutions to categorize hair loss. One particular should initial take a look at the scalp to find out When the hair loss is as a result of Actual physical destruction and loss of hair follicles (scarring or cicatricial alopecia). When the scalp seems perfectly typical with a lot of empty hair follicles, this is named non-scarring hair loss. On the other hand, cicatricial alopecia forever destroys the follicles. With this shampoo, we add two much more things: pure honey and castile soap. Honey is a fantastic moisturiser and provides luster to uninteresting hair. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ is usually a natural soap made out of plant oils and it is free of unpleasant preservatives, colours and perfumes. Use steptoremedies.com with other hair goods. Sure necessary oils happen to be reported to promote healthier circulation and stimulate hair growth. .coconut and castor oil in 1st leaving on for thirty minutes..my hair is past my bra line…it will take about 6 months ..nonetheless it does do the job..I also use coconut oil below my eyes From time to time…no wrinkles…I smoke…drink and consume junk meals additionally observe my grandkids element time…enjoy lifetime Thick, lustrous hair is looked at with awe. Folks expend a lot of money to keep up their hair and are able to undergo treatments just to make sure their hair is voluminous and shiny. Dropping […] I am on Birth Handle, but I by no means realized what number of aspect has an effect on you'll find… I hope these help, my hair I wan to grow it out quite a bit longer. For those who’re not sure why you’re going through hair loss, see a doctor to find out what’s going on. The following disorders usually induce hair loss: Thyroid challenges Try out an oil therapeutic massage. Adding oil into the equation aids circulation even more than a typical head therapeutic massage. more info helps you to unclog hair follicles and permit new growth to come back in. Once or twice a week, decide to use oil to massage your head. It’s easiest to do it during the shower, then rinse away the oil after you’re concluded. While lots of medicines list "hair loss" among their possible Unwanted side effects, most medications are not going to induce hair loss. Alternatively, cancer treatment (for example, chemotherapy or radiation therapy) and immunosuppressive drugs usually produce hair loss. Entire hair loss after chemotherapy commonly regrows after six to 12 months.
natural hair growth - An Overview
Why we like it: One of the best anti-hair loss shampoos for lengthier hair. It will protect against hair from finding too frizzy and tousled. Shea Dampness is often a nicely-recognized manufacturer from the organics attractiveness treatment sector. The corporate is very best recognized for making African black cleaning soap that assists with a lot of ailments including acne. This shampoo within the manufacturers stays correct to your natural and organic branding. For the duration of this phase, the hair follicle is completely at rest plus the club hair is totally fashioned. Pulling out a hair On this period will reveal a strong, tricky, dry, white product at the foundation. About twenty five to 100 telogen hairs are lose Ordinarily day after day. Nevertheless it’s the presence of natural saponins which make besan a tremendous cleanser. Common use of chickpea flour shampoo is likely to make your hair shiny and strong. Though the hair loss that causes partial or complete baldness needs prescribed medications and surgical treatments, the temporary or seasonal onset of hair loss can be treated by […] Scientific tests have revealed this medication works well in certain varieties of hair loss, and patients need to utilize it for about six to 12 months ahead of comprehensive outcomes are decided. This medication doesn't "perform" in times to months, and its onset of visible enhancement has a tendency to be gradual. It could be finest for men who even now have enough hair to keep but also may also help some regrow hair. Doable but quite unlikely side effects involve impotence or even a diminished intercourse drive (libido). Research clearly show that these Unintended effects were probably somewhat more common than witnessed in the general population and they are reversible when individuals cease having the drug. The cost is about $70-$a hundred/thirty day period, and many health insurers tend not to reimburse with the expense. Besan also consists of incredible amounts of antioxidants which protect the hair from detrimental consequences of free radicals. Yes go on and experiment with distinct herbs. As soon as you come across the ideal kinds for you personally It's going to be worthwhile. HairGenics Pronexa treatment shampoo is usually slightly highly-priced for many potential buyers. Nonetheless, https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+thining are very well worth the funds you devote. The power of the shampoo emanates from its uniquely varied formula. If a compound continues to be known to circumvent hair loss, you will likely find it In this particular shampoo. The sebaceous gland is important mainly because it generates sebum, which situations the hair and pores and skin. Soon after https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnph35Svtew makes much more sebum but as we age we start to make fewer sebum. Women have considerably significantly less sebum output than Males do because they age. The hair over the arms, legs, eyelashes, and eyebrows have a very limited active growth section of about thirty to forty five times, conveying why They are really a great deal shorter than scalp hair. Androgenic alopecia - is really a genetic issue. Males using this situation experience what is commonly referred to as male pattern balding, which might start in the course of late teenagers or their early 20s. I realize it demands performing some do the job, it requirements some scheduling, but then it gives you final results — which can be so important. "I assumed I am going to by no means have nutritious and thick hair. I did not endure with my hair graft.. I bought the exact same success, for less than a cup of coffee! I appear and feel good!"
5 Easy Facts About hair regrowth Described
Vitamin E increases the blood circulation and aids the follicles perform more efficiently to promote hair growth. In addition it maintains the oil and PH stages harmony which if exceeds can clog the hair follicles and cease hair growth. Biotin is, certainly, a key ingredient, but will work at the side of Hair Growth Components’s other natural components to spice up its Over-all usefulness. Highly-priced doesn’t essentially mean far better for just about any merchandise, which include hair growth supplements. The crucial factor is to locate a complement that actually works and It may happen over the deal with in locations wherever the hair is commonly styled. Plucking or waxing one particular's eyebrows usually, for instance, can yield suppressed hair growth in the region. Several of the medications utilized to defeat again cancer unfortunately may also induce your hair to fall out. “Chemotherapy is like a nuclear bomb,” suggests Dr. Glashofer. “It destroys fast dividing cells. Meaning most cancers cells, but also speedily dividing cells like hair.” Comment:Thanks guys I under no circumstances had a good hair ever because I grew up so I'll try out these this strategies and come and thanks Biotin has the included as well as of being balanced to your hair, pores and skin, eyes, nails, and liver. A person review even showed that Expecting women are biotin deficient Which having a complement may perhaps assist in healthier fetal improvement. Eggs are hugely helpful for faster hair growth as they are filled with protein as well as incorporate iron, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. You can utilize an egg hair mask at the very least at the time a month. Additionally, These are the primary ingredients you ought to see in any shampoo that’s supposed to end hair loss, encourage growth and block the effects of testosterone on follicles. Following replication, they inject it back into the scalp where it is needed. check here has finished a phase 1 scientific demo and will enroll one hundred sixty male contributors with mild to average hair loss for his or her Section two demo. In more info from stepto remedies introduced a study collaboration with College of British Columbia. They aim is to produce a map with protein and gene expression of hair follicle cells to aid RepliCel further make improvements to their cell therapies i.e. hair loss prevention products. Overlook advertising ploys and hype. With lots of hair growth merchandise on the market, it’s simple to get confused. Don’t opt for a shampoo just because it's got some superior testimonials on Amazon – look for a brand that’s been proven to grow hair and it has basically many hundreds of beneficial critiques from buyers. As always, feeding on a well balanced diet program abundant in fruits and greens along with lean protein and “very good” fats for instance avocado and nuts might be superior for the hair and also your All round wellbeing. Why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB1IExS4Kp0 need to keep away from hair dyes: Artificial hair dyes contain severe chemical substances which include ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which could irritate the scalp and bring about strain on hair follicles. I've currently finished the uninteresting research for you personally. Over the years I have tried using a different blend of herbs and clays and also other natural elements and possess shortlisted only the ideal that nourish the follicles and market hair growth.
Everything about hair vitamins
I’m incredibly informed that Ketoconazole is found being a essential ingredient while in the fight against hair loss, so I’m wanting to listen to your views and suggestions. As visit mentioned, DHT is connected to hair loss and male sample baldness, and noticed palmetto will work to block your body’s development of DHT. It’s also used as an herbal treatment for an enlarged prostate and to spice up Guys’s intercourse drives. This medication goes because of the title Avodart. It's used for the treatment of BPH often called enlarged prostate. Having said that, you'll find a large number of consumers employing it for your off label purpose of treating hair loss. Try to remember the 5 alpha reductase we stated that Propecia blocks? Alopecia areata is undoubtedly an autoimmune problem by which the body assaults its individual hair follicles. Most individuals, however, do not need systemic difficulties and wish no clinical assessments. Minoxidil has a tendency to grow pretty fantastic tiny hairs wherever it really is applied. It can be crucial in order to avoid jogging the liquid on to the facial area or neck exactly where it may also grow hair. It truly is marketed for women at the two% concentration but can be Utilized in greater strengths as directed by a health care provider. Besides these tips, try some household solutions such as Indian gooseberry or amla oil, fenugreek paste, a mayonnaise hair pack, together with other healthful hair Thoughts. Multiple vitamins, which include biotin, are actually promoted for hair growth, but strong scientific experiments For most of those claims are missing. Though having biotin and various dietary supplements marketed for hair, pores and skin, and nails probably won't worsen anything at all, it may not automatically assistance the problem. Freed from chemical substances and sulfates, Lipogaine’s All Natural Shampoo is effective at combating hair loss in Adult males and women. When you have any doubts, the company supplies a one hundred% pleasure assure or your a reimbursement, so you recognize you happen to be acquiring a major-rated shampoo that can fight flakes, thinning, and any problems that hinder your hair and scalp wellness. Although the dream of having remarkable hair isn't really not possible to obtain, you merely want to know the correct items to perform and observe them with commitment. Just follow these easy hair growth elegance guidelines for healthier hair, so you’ll have the capacity to sport locks that even Rapunzel would have envied. Platelet rich plasma acquired from the processed entire blood of male clients with sample hair loss and afterwards reinjected into their own personal scalp has long been instructed being an adjuvant treatment. The efficacy of this type of therapy is currently underneath investigation. While people routinely blame alopecia areata on "strain," in truth, it could be the other way around; that is, owning alopecia may bring about anxiety. Would there be any hurt/advantage in combining the usage of two hair-loss avoidance shampoos, to make use of unique substances and features? Mainly Nizoral, at the two times per week recommendation, as well as the Argan Oil Shampoo two times a week? When it comes to chemical compounds, significantly less is a lot more-so, prevent utilizing closely scented shampoos and also conditioners approximately you are able to. The lesser the quantity of product you use, the longer and much better you hair will continue to be. I don’t ever go away feedback on articles, but This is often very properly created. I do material advertising and marketing for your residing, and I’m super amazed. Thanks for The nice data
hair fall treatment Options
In most straightforward conditions, hair cloning entails the extraction of the healthy hair follicle from the individual’s scalp. The follicle is then isolated and cultivated, and also the freshly-multiplied range of follicles are then injected again to the client’s scalp. An autoimmune difficulty is when the body starts off attacking by itself. This is actually what comes about when DHT assaults the hair follicles, leading to it to miniaturise and at some point fall out. And lastly, get sufficient daylight, around twenty-thirty minutes of Sunshine publicity is sweet for All round well being and hair. Daylight is important to produce vitamin D, whose deficiency can result in hair loss, sleeping challenges and hormonal problems. There’s also another excuse why blood supply is so important for your health of the hair and avoiding hair follicle miniaturisation. Biotin Just about the most usually recognised vitamins to promote sturdy hair is biotin, a B-complex vitamin that is typically often called Vitamin H. https://steptoremedies.com/argan-oil-hair-growth-skin-care/ promotes healthier hair by rising the hair’s elasticity and guards towards dryness, which also will help avoid breakage. The second significant treatment for hair growth is using a broad-tooth wood comb. It’s really comforting and enjoyable around the scalp and stimulates the hair follicles to get up and grow new hair. Alternatively, you can also make use of a wooden hairbrush to comb your hair. On the other hand usually there are some ‘unnatural’ means you are able to cope with baldness. Perhaps you by now learn about them (Propecia and Rogaine) And that i’m going to discuss them as well on this page. Bear in mind break up-ends mess up not just your hair's length but also have an effect on the glow, volume, and smoothness within your hair. Constantly recall, a bit trim consistently, is a fantastic tip that may naturally assistance hair growth. This collection of germs that make up the human physique is called the microbiome and we are just obtaining out how vital a healthful microbiome is for All round health and fitness (and hair health.) The catagen period, also called the transitional phase, allows the follicle to, in a sense, renew alone. Through this time, which lasts about two weeks, the hair follicle shrinks on account of disintegration and also the papilla detaches and "rests," reducing the hair strand off from its nourishing blood offer. Alerts sent out by the human body (that only selectively affect one percent of all hair of one's system at any specified time) decide when the anagen section finishes as well as the catagen stage commences. So now you will need to be pondering how can I make shampoo at your house. And when I tell you it’s as simple as earning immediate noodles, will you not give it a  consider? All through this process, many proteins are created (which Participate in a critical role inside the hair growth cycle). Nevertheless, the overexpression of specific proteins – including SFRP1 – can cause the cycle to take place much too promptly. This causes structural problems on the hair strand, and eventual shortening. Eventually, I would like to add that you choose to got to help keep tolerance. If you start any new ritual, it'll acquire about four to six months (I am getting honest in this article and not providing a shorter timeline only to remember to my superb audience) for any recognizable transform to look. In 2005, Prasad et. al. researched the effects of Finasteride within an 80-gentleman randomized analyze. The Males were being addressed around a period of a single yr and were being split into two teams:
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callmemoprah · 5 years
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bookandcover · 6 years
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Cloud Atlas. This book was quite a process for me to read. I ended up drawing this book out over about six months, interspersing it with other reading. It was a hard book to read quickly because of its structure-- a series of fragments move first forward in time and then backwards in time, and the second half of the novel completes the stories that were begun in the first half. This structure contributed to the novel being easy to put down and walk away from for a while. As I’d start a new story, I knew that I wasn’t going to get the resolution to this story for a while. This is a fairly long book at 500+ pages, but that normally isn’t daunting to me at all. However, in this case, the intertwined narratives with many characters, as well as the long amount of time I spent reading the book, meant that as I was reading the second half and returning to each established narrative, I struggled to remember what had happened and the complex situations that had been built up earlier in the novel. That meant I needed to do some re-reading each time I returned to the book. It’s not a great book to read over six months time. But it is a book that is also hard to sit down and plow through quickly. But, by the time I reached the poignant ending, it was worth it. 
While reading most of the novel, I struggled with my feeling that the structure was simply clever rather than “emotionally impactful” or important to the story itself. If the plot structure and many genres and writing styles that are dexterously navigated is the ONLY POINT...than this novel would be reduced to an exercise, reminiscent of an indulgent piece by an MFA student. Luckily, late in the book, I feel this novel’s structure was self-justified--and perhaps all the more powerfully because of my cynical assumption that it existed mostly “for show.” The last ~80 pages were very moving and I cried heavily through the last page and a half. Only late in the book did I feel like I truly understood what was happening and what was linking together these six different narratives. Of course, I’d continued guessing about the link and making a lot of assumptions, which, I think, were less interesting and impactful than the way in which the novel ultimately ended and what I understood to be the real connection among the six narratives. Ultimately I thought this book was very powerful and unexpected, but it felt like I had to fight through a lot to reach that conclusion. Which, perhaps, is part of the point; this ending would not have been as powerful if it hadn’t been delayed so long. The link is not a simple one, so it doesn’t get spelled out on page 250. 
There were several minor points of connection among the six narratives and, as I read, I kept reflecting on these, assuming that they would explicitly connect at the end of the novel. For example, each narrative reappears in the following narrative (in chronological time) as the character in the next narrative somehow has access to the “text” of the previous character’s tory. Another through line is the presence of the birthmark that looks like a comet on the bodies of some of the central characters. It would be easy to feel that the structure of the book was "trite” if the only point was that these characters were reincarnations of each other (unless, of course, you believe strongly in reincarnation...although I think this “answer” would still be troubling and flat. Why use a novel, with entirely fictional stories, to try to claim that reincarnation exists?) 
In retrospect, I felt like the presence of the birthmark and the circumstantial way in which the narrative of each character was passed on in the narrative of the next character were both employed by the author as intentional red herrings. These threads of connection distract us from the main point of the novel, the real thing these characters and their lives had in common. Only while reading the last page and a half did I fully realize that each one of these characters fought and struggled with an end goal in mind, with a cause. And that cause was truth. Freedom. They believed in a better world for themselves and for others. It was quite powerful that the connection among these characters and among their narratives wasn’t something tangible like reincarnation or the fact that they had found and read each other’s stories. It was instead something intangible and, therefore, more powerful as a similarity. A resemblance in characteristics and mindsets was explored in six characters for the purpose of this novel, but the same resemblance truly exists in so many people in history and in our world today--this desperate need to fight for a better world. And, as the final pages articulate, this arises from a true belief that a better world is possible for humanity. This is, ultimately, an incredibly powerful resolution to these six narratives. Our human minds look for connection. And when I thought the connection among these narratives would be something easily explained, some kind of clever trick or narrative plot structure, I didn’t find that very satisfying. I felt like I was being asked to read all these different interlinking novel narratives--and for what purpose? Any one of these six narratives would’ve been a good story on its own, but we weren’t given the opportunity to fully enjoy any one story. Right as I grew to care about the characters and I wanted their story to go on, it was interrupted. For some of the characters--most notably Robert Frobisher--I was skeptical about them in the first half of the novel. Only in the second half of the book, as I saw the second half of each character’s story, did I feel like I fully understood them.  It was when I started to care about Robert Frobisher, who I’d disliked in the first half, that I started to realize what this book was actually about. It’s very funny, in retrospect, that I didn’t notice the connection sooner. I caught myself saying aloud, during Sonmi-451′s section, “I wish I could read a whole book on this character and topic! I like this character so much. I like her story so much.” It’s interesting that hers is the first story to repeat in the second half of the book and I grew increasingly attached to her as this happened. Robert Frobisher, on the other hand, was the character who I had liked the least during the first half. He comes off as “a player,” as a man living to serve his own needs. In the second half of his story, we see him grow so much as a character and his passion was admirable to me. He lives his life so differently than I live mine, I realized. I think sometimes I’m too rational. There was something in his lifestyle and his choices that was deeply genuine...his ability to give himself over entirely to his art, to deeply love the things he cared about. The letter he writes about falling in love with Eva was one of the most moving sections of the book for me. And his statement in his final letter to Rufus Sixsmith that they both knew, in their hearts, who he really loved made me gasp out loud. 
As I was moved by this man’s story, I started to see, even though it wasn’t conscious yet, what was actually happening in this book. It’s amazing how my realization happened retroactively at the end of the novel--I had to think back over each story and reevaluate my understanding of everything. I saw how I’d become much more attached to Louisa Rey during the second half of her story, how her commitment to the truth was so admirable, while her ability to survive each crazy sequence of near death situations showed how much faith she had in her truth. Not all of the characters professed a Christian faith, but there was, at the heart of this book, a deep religious conviction, a commitment to the power of belief. I know I read this book with a religious lens, because of my own faith, but it is indisputable that those who fought with belief (in truth, in love, in a better world) did make a better world overall. The story isn’t over when each character’s story ends. There is still “the fallen world” that moves on, that persists. Empires rise and fall and this is shown so well by the way we move past our own time into the lives of Sonmi-451 and Zachry. During their lives, our current world has fallen apart and remade itself, and fallen apart and remade itself. Even in those distant futures, which are still full of all the same kinds of suffering and betrayal as our human world today, there are still people with faith. Faith is something so timeless, so pervasive, so ever-present, that it’s like the clouds. These characters in their distant futures are deeply admirable because of their faith. 
You don’t need to read this book through a lens of faith, but I think if you read this book even without any religious spiritual convictions you would see the way in which these characters are connected through their beliefs, rather than through something finite and easily digestible. It didn’t matter whether these characters were somehow the same character reborn over time. It didn’t matter if the way in which they found each other‘s writing was fate or some kind of random chance. Because this book suggests there are many more stories like this--there are many drops in the ocean, many people striving for a better world. Just because we got to hear this particular set of stories doesn’t make them unique. And I think that idea is one of the most powerful aspects of this novel. 
I’ve been waxing poetic about the ultimate point of this book, which is, of course, powerful. In addition, the novel is masterfully written and probably one of the things that garners attention more often than the themes I’ve been talking about is David Mitchell’s great prose. He moves us through many genres and writing styles seamlessly. I did find it a little bit frustrating as the voices of his characters were so distinct; Zachry’s section was almost difficult to read until I got used to the style of the language. I would have to adjust myself to the voices of each of the characters and then adjust back when the narratives switched. This jarring genre-hopping was, as I mentioned, frustrating to me fairly often, especially when I was ready to stick with a character or plot line. But, ultimately, the adjustments and the variety all fit into the larger thematic point of the book. 
It’s certainly rare that I feel the ending of a book makes me thoroughly re-examine my experience of reading the rest of the novel. But that happened for Cloud Atlas. 
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askia258-blog · 6 years
The very best area video games on PC
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Followers have been arguing since final century over which of the Grasp of Orion video games is the higher of the sequence and so they solely appear to agree that the third most undoubtedly isn’t it, which makes the widely-available double pack that includes the primary two MOOs one thing of a vital and stress-free buy – at the least till Wargaming end their MOO reboot with the assistance of some “key members” of the unique group. Launched in 1993, Grasp of Orion took the ideas of Sid Meier’s traditional turn-based Civilization and utilized it throughout a galaxy of planets reasonably than one, in order that as a substitute of assorted flavours of human settlers and terrestrial biomes, gamers got a variety of planet varieties and races to regulate and conquer, such because the Silicoids; capable of thrive in essentially the most hostile of environments, albeit at a glacial reproductive charge. Whereas the driving pressure behind Grasp of Orion and each 4X recreation since has been technological development and colonialism, this was the primary recreation of its sort to essentially nail diplomacy and provide a path to victory during which some measure of galactic peace could possibly be achieved. The sequel went even additional, with customisable races and a political victory that required you to be elected because the Supreme Chief of the galaxy. What's simple is that MOO I and II are necessary historic references, as seminal an affect on turn-based area conquest as the primary two Doom video games have been establishing and defining the FPS. In contrast to Doom, nonetheless, MOO has forged such a protracted monolith-shaped shadow over the whole area recreation style that many would argue that the Orion video games have but to be eclipsed.
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Mass Impact 2
Admittedly, there’s not a lot fizzing and fwooshing of spaceships to be loved in Mass Impact, however it’s nonetheless a planet-hopping, alien-seducing area journey, and top-of-the-line sci-fi RPGs you’re prone to play. Mass Impact 2 deserves inclusion right here for 2 causes: one is the apparent energy of the story and the characters, a narrative that began sturdy within the first recreation and blossomed all through its center act to such a level that the conclusion was at all times going to wilt a little bit. Secondly, regardless of a whole lack of direct spaceship management, you felt not simply a part of a crew, however accountable for a functioning ship with a capability to discover the galaxy. Parallels have been drawn – not least by Bioware themselves – between the Mass Impact trilogy and the traditional exploration sequence Starflight, which was notable within the late 1980s for being one of many very first area exploration video games and is notable as we speak for not having been bettered in that regard since. When it comes to storyline, with all that historic know-how end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it gubbins, Mass Impact’s storyline is remarkably near Starflight’s. Certainly Starflight may virtually be seen because the ’70s unique to Mass Impact’s BSG-style gritty reimagining, solely with out the risible Galactica 80 spin-off sequence to besmirch its status.
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FTL: Sooner Than Gentle
Area is terrible and can most likely kill you: that’s the lesson FTL makes an attempt to impart on courageous spacefarers. The permadeath ship administration recreation is, on the floor, a easy race to ship data to the arms of your allies, however you’re being chased. With each diversion explored, the enemy fleet will get nearer and nearer, and even when you do keep forward of them, random loss of life lurks round each nook. Random violent encounters, procuring sprees, new worlds and races, unlockable ships and configurations, masses and a great deal of extraordinary weapons and instruments – there’s a lot in FTL that each recreation has the potential to be dramatically completely different. One may see you managing a troublesome vessel that employs ion cannons to disable enemy methods and drones to pepper them with lasers. One other would possibly encourage you to make use of thoughts management to defeat your enemies, or teleporters to fill their ships with your personal crew. A lot can go fallacious. Typically it’s your fault, like while you mess up a battle and find yourself quickly trying to patch up hull breaches and put out fires. However typically luck simply isn’t in your aspect, like while you agree to assist an area station take care of a plague and one in every of your crew will get sick. However each failed try is a whole story filled with adventures and misadventures, and an awesome excuse to make one other valiant try.
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Distant Worlds: Universe
One other 4X recreation so as to add to the checklist, however actually, Distant Worlds is no matter you need it to be, and we have been reasonably taken with it in our Distant Worlds: Universe overview. It’s an exploration recreation the place you've got one vessel that’s a part of a large empire, and also you spend the entire time flitting across the galaxy. A commerce recreation, the place one eye is at all times in your checking account, whereas the opposite is hungrily taking a look at aliens, looking for good offers and diplomatic alternatives. A recreation the place you're the grasp of all the pieces, sticking your finger in each conceivable pie, from army issues to colonisation. It’s enormous; mind-bogglingly, overwhelmingly huge. A whole galaxy is simulated from personal merchants going about their enterprise, to pirates getting as much as no good. It’s essentially the most formidable 4X area recreation that you just’re ever prone to discover. At its core, it’s a software for creating your personal galaxies to play in. Gamers can curate the sport to such a level that one recreation may bear no resemblance to the following. Every little thing from the age of the galaxy to the aggression of pirates might be dictated earlier than a recreation even begins.
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Star Wars: TIE Fighter Particular Version
LucasArts could be gone, and one may argue that it died lengthy earlier than it formally shut down, however we’ll at all times have reminders of what it as soon as was, with sensible video games like Completely Studio’s phenomenal Star Wars: TIE Fighter, the villainous sequel to X-Wing. Its predecessor was nice, there’s little question about it, however TIE Fighter’s marketing campaign allows you to play as an Imperial, and the Satan is at all times extra enjoyable. It was additionally, throughout the board, an enchancment over X-Wing, from its graphics – now very dated, admittedly – to a concentrating on improve that allowed pilots to deal with particular components of an enemy capital ship or station. This isn’t some arcade area shooter like its not-quite-successor, the Rogue Squadron sequence. This can be a area sim first, which comes with larger complexity but in addition larger management. As an illustration, when you’re being battered by laser fireplace from a pesky X-Wing and your ship’s been broken, then you definitely assign the order during which methods are repaired, permitting you to prioritise so you'll be able to survive for just a few extra seconds. Simply sufficient to win the battle. Being an oldie, count on a wee little bit of fiddling to get the perfect expertise. Fortunately, we’ve bought a Star Wars: TIE Fighter newbie’s information, which ought to prevent from some potential issues.
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Sins of a Photo voltaic Empire: Rise up
A recreation that efficiently manages to mix the easiest of 3D real-time technique – albeit with no correct single-player marketing campaign – with the form of empire constructing supplied solely by the very most interesting 4X titles. Sins of Photo voltaic Empire: Rise up is performed throughout a user-defined community of stars. Gamers start forging an empire across the gravity wells of planets with shipyards, analysis outposts, extractors, and defence methods, then assemble fleets combining frigates, corvettes, cruisers, and capital ships to map and finally conquer neighbouring methods. In earlier variations of Sins of a Photo voltaic Empire, conquest was largely achieved within the time-honoured RTS vogue of dragging an enormous field round each single rattling ship you owned and directing them in the direction of the enemy methods in order to permit sheer pressure of numbers to win the day. Nonetheless, with the introduction of diplomatic victories in a earlier growth and analysis and occupation victories as a part of 2012’s Rise up standalone – to not point out new Loss of life Star-like titan ships as a much-needed counter to the ultra-defensive starbases constructions – the stalemates that will typically trigger video games to peter out might be pursued as probably successful methods. And let’s not neglect in regards to the mods that allow you to play out your Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica fantasies.   That’s our choose of the perfect area video games on PC. Whereas we've you, why not try a few of the most enjoyable upcoming PC video games, or when you’re within the temper to learn in regards to the absolute best titles of all-time, try our checklist of the perfect PC video games. Within the meantime, lose your self within the area epics above. Hopefully, by the point you’re completed taking part in them, that bloody impolite E.T. could have lastly checked his voicemail. Read the full article
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fauxcreche · 3 years
Northanger Abbey: A self-aware satire
Throughout the entirety of Northanger Abbey, the reader is persistently followed by an omnipotent voice of Ms Austen. The use of satire and parody in Northanger Abbey gives a perspective into both the author’s opinion of the time, as well as the lengthy tedium of day-to-day life in the upper echelons of that same society. In hindsight, Northanger Abbey highlights not only the aforementioned tedium, but the social pressures on women to marry into prestige and the limitations of the imaginations brought forward by Gothic novels, particularly in the context of entertainment for young women. The objective of this essay is to illustrate Jane Austen’s use of satire and parody, in order to discuss how with the use of these devices, she comments on the absurdities and impossible formalities of the society at the time.
To further expand on the position taken in the introduction, it is necessary to state that that to an audience in the 21stcentury, it is not immediately obvious that Jane Austen is being satirical and parodying her own style of literature. As the novel goes on, it becomes evident that the choice of interactions and relationships formed upon Catherine Morland’s arrival in Bath, serves a specific purpose. The chosen secondary sources will further elaborate on this position.  
Catherine Morland is introduced to us as an unlikely heroine. “No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy, would have supposed her born to be a heroine” (Austen, 1993:3). It is not often that an author displays an outright contempt for their main character but, in in Northanger Abbey is plays the role of a writer mocking character types that they have often used in past works, referring specifically to Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice, where both protagonists, who are also both women, take centre stage as the undeniable victors of each story. Northanger Abbey deviates from this by putting forward a society that is well aware of itself and the expectations placed upon its participants.
Tara Ghoshal Wallace makes the following statement in accordance with Austen’s style Northanger Abbey, “In Northanger Abbey, however, Austen does more than invite her reader to join in a collaborative effort to debunk the conventions of the sentimental novels, more even than to witness the emergence of a new kind of novel based on probabilities and psychological realism (1988:262).” While this essay will not delve into the psychological implications of the use of parody and satire in the novel, it can be said that Wallace points to the one of the important aspects of Northanger Abbey: it mocks itself.
The mockery is especially evident in Mr Tilney and Catherine Morland’s courting. While Catherine presents as exaggeratedly naïve, feminine and in awe of how different Bath is from her countryside upbringing, which, is a characteristic of satire, Mr Tilney is the calm, assured and kind young man, who instead of colluding Catherine, he rather treats her as somewhat of an equal.
Catherine’s interactions with the Thorpe siblings is the most obvious of the satirical strategies employed by Austen. Both Isabella and John Thorpe play their roles in Bath’s upper echelons dutifully: Isabella is graceful and gregarious, but not too loud and is never seen in a sombre mood. John is an exemplary man amongst men, unafraid to share his opinions- despite never really being asked to elaborate when in conversation with others. Following their introduction to Catherine, the Thorpe’s appear to be well contacted and respected in the circles that they frequent, which may be why Isabella takes such a fondness towards Catherine almost immediately- although, it is fair to add that both characters are also exaggerated in their actions and articulation.
As previously stated, Northanger Abbey is aware of what and who is it mocking. It is a novel of a young woman’s entrance into a more realistic and demanding world, but the novel does lack a certain structural consistency that makes it less believable as a serious satire. Much of the comedy can be found in character’s such as Mrs Allen, an aged woman concerned with her attire and not much else. Although Mrs Allen wishes to interact with familiar acquaintances in Bath, it is not for leisure or in order to elevate loneliness (since Mr Allen himself is often away from his wife, without much explanation), but rather to gossip about her dresses and the latest fashions of the time.
To continue with the line of thought that was introduced in the introduction, it is clear that Jane Austen is not only commenting on the lack of depth amongst the people in these higher societies, she is also quietly commenting on how imprisoned they all are by strenuous formality. This is especially evident in how casually everyone lies to each other, without second thought. Such an example is in Chapter 13(1993:75), where John Thorpe, in an attempt to steal Catherine away from her walk with Ms Tilney, goes to where the Tilney’s are staying and makes the Tilney’s aware that Catherine will not be able to join Ms Tilney on their previously scheduled walk.
This is a turning point for Catherine: previously, she had taken John Thorpe’s word, charmed by the promises of Blaize Castle, a place that Catherine is fond of seeing only because of her enjoyment of Ann Radcliffe’s Mysteries of Udolpho. Mr Thorpe had lied about seeing Mr Tilney driving round with another woman. “Well, I saw him at that moment turn up the Lansdown Road, -driving a smart looking woman” (Austen, 1993:59). Mr Thorpe was able to manipulate Catherine, as he knew, with added corroboration from Isabella, that her heart was set on brining Udolpho inti her reality, as she has been most comfortable inside the pages of a Gothic novel.
In the former part of this essay, I illustrated how the protagonist is a satirical device used by Jane Austen to comment on the feeble way in which female characters are portrayed in romantic literature; often, there is always a man who opens up a world of possibilities, and not the woman themselves. In this instance, and particularly at the proposed visit to aforementioned Blaize Castle, Austen now comments on the limitations of the Gothic novel.
I will re-iterate that this essay is not focused on the psychological aspects of Northanger Abbey, but its author’s use of satire and parody to comment on the society in which they existed. Continuing with the previously stated, Waldo. S Glock (1978:35) adds this to my position: “[…] we must still remember that Jane Austen’s practice suggests unequivocally that she is as much concerned with design and pattern as with the reproducing the fabric of human life.”
While celebrating her, Austen also mocks Catherine Morland’s lack of reality. While the protagonist is naïve and impressionable as a young woman would be at that age, Austen does appear to convey an irritation with Catherine’s fixation with Udolpho. Furthermore, when Catherine Morland is caught in Henry Tilney’s mother’s bedroom, a stark realisation comes over her: she is an ordinary, young girl, not destined for any sort of nefarious mysteries. She sees that there are consequences for living in books, there by becoming the example for not the limitations of the Gothic novel. “The theme of growth into knowledge and wisdom develops by way of contrasting layers of successive experiences, each contrasting variation on the theme affording a sense of balance and security to Jane Austen’s novelistic world” (Glock, 1978:36).
As a reader, Northanger Abbey may initially go over one’s head, with its fast pace and gregarious social climbers but upon close analysis, the audience are drawn into a self-aware staple of literature that employs satire and parody in order to discuss and comment on what was wrong, and in some ways, continues to be wrong within the upper echelons of society.
Austen, J. 1993. Northanger Abbey. Hertfordshire; Wordsworth Editions Limited.
Glock. S. W. 1978. Morland’s Gothic Delusions: A Defense of Northanger Abbey. Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 32(1):33-46.
Wallace, G. T. 1988. “Northanger Abbey” and the Limits of Parody. Studies in the Novel, 20(3):262-273.
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christhatcher · 6 years
11 from 2017
Holden – The Animal Spirits
What a time to be alive!
Musically speaking. Great swathes of musical history lie just behind our little Black Mirrors (is there a more perfect summation of our relationship with technology than the phrase ‘Black Mirror’?… thanks Charlie Brooker). Previously, styles were pegged to moments, and evolution and revolution, inspiration and reaction took their turns gathering acolytes and detractors. But the Black Mirrors have done for that nice neat musical timeline and brought disparate styles within touching distance and enabled previously unthinkable musical bedfellows to spoon and make the beast with two backs at their leisure. It’s a freedom from purity that makes musical stews like Animal Spirits as inevitable as those monkeys with typewriters eventually turning in some Bard. Fantastical technology, older technology, rudimentary technology and the absence of technology repeatedly collide on this album, synthesisers sound like they’re genuinely trying to imitate the random patter of chimes and bells, graceful chord patterns churn in endless loops and wind instruments and wordless incantations bubble around the mix. An Esoteric Albion Rave Mixtape. With added Krautrock and Free Jazz and Aphex Twin and Prog and what can only be described as an Earthy quality (Earth as in grit and ooomska, Earth as in one of the Four Elements). It’s an amazing thing that manages to sound like everything and nothing at once, but it does beg the question:
What time are we alive?
Genres don’t explode out of nowhere very often any more, haven’t, for almost the last two decades, given their times a distinct flavour (compare and contrast with… oh, all the usuals). Do we live in an age of eternal musical re-hash or in an age of ever more imaginative re-combinations of existing styles? It’s not a major challenge - to be poured over by the Boffins for the sake of humankind’s future - But I’m guessing that the (probably already made) ‘Sounds of The Naughties’ is destined for a full blown identity crisis when it does emerge (if it hasn’t already). On the flip side, the overall quality and quantity of new music hasn’t dropped. And in answer to the question, What time are we alive? I’d argue that we might as well concede that Space/Time doesn’t like a straight line, musical or otherwise, that we need to get to grips with the cyclical nature of Things and that we should probably accept that we’re at the point where All The Music is getting thoroughly blended up as it spirals ever closer to the Event Horizon of a Great Musical Black Hole… Who knows what will spill out on the flip side? Maybe we’ve already ejected and The Animal Spirits is an emergent howl… something with distinct traces of Human, but augmented, magick and operating in ALL the dimensions, not just our earth bound ones. What A Time To Be Alive!
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Space Witch - Arcanum
Speaking of Space/Time. Did I ever tell you about the time that Hawkwind found themselves at a loose end in the Midlands with nothing but a stash of Mandrax for company? Thought not. Well, they downed the lot and were about halfway through rehearsing Doremi Fasol Latido (during Lord of Light according to Wykypedia) when two things happened. 1) The Lemmons kicked in and 2) Brian Blessed, with little else to do and generally on the faff, stopped by and, infuriated by Dave Brock’s laconic delivery, decided to give some impromptu elocution lessons. The laws of Space/Time couldn’t handle the at odds ripples set off by a heavily sedated Hawkwind rubbing up against a Brian Blessed enraged by poor enunciation. During the first third of a critically lysergic rendition of Time We Left This World Today, the fabric of Space/Time ripped open like soggy kitchen towel and flung the results ‘forward’ into the future, emerging first in 1980 - where Brian briefly took the form of Prince Vultan in a film adaption of Flash Gordon – before shuddering to halt like an ectoplasm blancmange hitting a wall, in 2017. At this point the whole temporal merry-go-round-the-bend took the name Space Witch and spat out a child called Arcanum.
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The Cosmic Dead – Psyche is Dead
Did I ever tell you about the time that a consignment of Monster Magnet’s Tab EP (it’s basically an LP) got washed up in Glasgow and Customs & Excise officers became embroiled in a game of Cat & Mouse with a bunch of local stoners who half inched a few cases, ostensibly because tradition states that Tab must be played as a first dance song at a local wedding? No? well… along with that definitely happening, I should probably point out that, unlike the plot of Whiskey Galore (which this story has up until now utterly coincidentally borne a passing resemblence to) the Customs and Excisists actually did round up all the copies prior to said nuptials. But. As it transpires. Not before a few of the ushers had had a listen through and decided that it wasn’t really a brutal enough listening experience and could do with a few less notes. So they dropped all but two notes and proceeded to played a game of musical chicken, whereby the first person to progress from the first note to the second would be… phhhhhhhh… I don’t know… just called a lightweight or something. Unfortunately the three pieces of music they’d prepared did not go down well at the wedding, even though one of them was actually quite beautiful, in the way that maybe Boards of Canada* are beautiful. The assembled Aquarian Noodling Muso Soup loving guests might have been mortified, but the experience was a proper Road to Domestos moment for The Cosmic Dead. They’d seen the truth behind the Haight Asbury tinted spectacles. They had given the newly betrothed Psyche. And it had Died. Psyche Is Dead was born.
*Boards of Canada might be a bit of a leap, but it’s genuinely the first thing that popped into my head when I last listened to the title track, and I can’t be arsed to try and avoid a tenuous comparison: we live in such a plural musical world now, the musical evolutionary tree is way passed the point that it can be pruned and indexed back into £50 man-style shape and order, let’s face it, who’d want to? Embrace the chaos (See The Animal Spirits).
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Oh Sees - Orc
See that Orc on the cover of Orc (below), he’s the guy who made this album. They’re spikey, Orcs, both personality wise and physically, and it comes across in the music. Those boney fingers and sharp but fraying nails wring gnarly, scuffed riffs out of guitars stored in damp and dank. They also have a problem regarding attention span and the only way to keep Orcs on track, as is widely known by those in the know, is to employ two drummers to keep pace and hope that they tangle together like creepers vying for the same patch of sky. You can’t be a creature from the realms of Fantasy Fiction and not adopt some of the trappings of a Prog act, and this particular Orc appears to have decided that the two drummer approach is the most appropriate nod to that ouvre; it makes for some frenetic, seat of the cod piece, extended instrumental work outs, brought (presumably) to a close by some form of sacrifice or the booming exhortation of a wizard in the studio control room. There’s definitely a human aspect to an Orc’s voice, so the melodies are recognisable and at times sit about where you’d expect. However, all that time around fires of unknown origin, with just bare branches, mist and the detritus of deep forest for furnishings, has rendered their voices ragged and ever verging on hysteria – liable to take fright (screech) or fight (bellow) at any moment. Imagine trying to sing a lullaby with all those needling teeth. Never going to happen. Lyrically, Orcs have a tendency towards understated reportage of their everyday lives, “Let's witness the whole occasion, Piles of bodies fill the garden, Smash the hedgerow with their plummet, Stop with panic, ugly banquet. Floating in the vile moat yeah, Crack their skulls upon the cobbles, Ringing home their lemming's message, Fill the streets with awful messes.”. They don’t really do braggadocio or anything as flowery as metaphor either, and sometimes just sing to-do lists “Old is warrior drink the poison, I am warrior crush your head in”. They do love smashing heads in and this album makes an excellent accompaniment to said act.
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Jarvis Cocker and Chilly Gonzales - Room 29
For this song cycle about the Chateau Marmont Hotel, Hollywood, Jarvis Cocker splits the difference between the kitchen sink magician fronting Pulp and his role as narrator of the nocturnally themed Radio 4 show Wireless Nights. An embarrassment of lyrical riches leap out as he pillow talks the exploits and tumults of famous patrons, ruminates on the way Hollywood is buoyed along by our suspension of disbelief and spills beans that can only sprout from time alone in a hotel room (if you want to read that as a euphemism, then it wouldn’t hurt). He’s part raconteur, part sage, part documentarian delivering filthy one liners the other side of a comma from heartbreaking observations. All the above is underscored by Chilly Gonzales’ minimal piano, occasional strings and the odd sound effect. It’s a perfect musical accompaniment that puts you right there, in the hotel, wandering the lobby, corridors and in and out of the rooms, drinking in the atmosphere and faded glamour, surrounded by ghosts, gossip and fading echoes of the Hollywood dream.
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Here Lies Man – s/t
I’m pretty sure that it was Face-of-90s-Golf, Nick Faldo, who first uttered the immortal line ‘It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing’ (He really had a face for Golf-in-the-90s… God himself must’ve been imagining him prowling the Fairways like a 9 Iron toting lion, when he crafted that face out of his own ManFatTM) and the debut album by Here Lies Man is a strong candidate for the defence of that little aphorism. In this case, the swing is brought by African Clave beats trampling all over some Sabbath style riffage. This kind of explicit fusion can sometimes sound very cut n paste, sometimes at the expense of the magic of the original sources as they’re bent out of shape and squeezed into a mould they were never meant to fit into. HLM avoid that pitfall by allowing the Afrobeats to reign. Structurally, there’s very little by way of verse-chorus arrangement here. Instead the rhythms push the songs between percussive breaks and tone heavy, syncopated, Low Fi riffs with the vocals largely chanted, repeated phrases (honestly, if you read the tracklisting then you’ve got about 80% of the lyrics; “letting go of the human race, sailing to, into outer space” is the closest they get to Leonard Cohen). As a result, the 8 tracks all have a thematic unity but one that offers enough room for variation to keep the album from descending out of the groove and into a furrow.  It’s the use of keys and electronics that bring out beads of sweat though. They’re the last thing you notice, often washes of synth, tingling harmonic flourishes and bubbling organ stabs, but they glue the tracks together and provide borderline subliminal hooks and moments of revelation on repeated listens.
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British Sea Power - Let The Dancers Inherit The Party
I couldn’t begin to claim to have listened to even a remotely measurable proportion of the music released over the last twelve months, so this is most likely bollocks, but concision did seem to be a recurring theme of many of the new releases I got round to listening to last year (The relative brevity of Endless Boogie’s Vibe Killer almost resulted in the band changing their name to School-Run Boogie, Kamasi Washington went from 2015’s triple album The Epic to half hour mini album Truth, Destroyer released an album simply titled Ken wherein 7 of 12 tracks came in at under 4 minutes… I could go on, but am a man of my time and my brutally diminished attention span won’t stand for it). I’m going to venture that perhaps a collective, subconscious realisation dawned in 2017 that we really don’t have time to fuck about with exploratory musings via the medium of theremin solos. Attention to detail, actually listening (let alone repeated listening) have not been hallmarks of this age. Maybe some actual tunes needed banging out, just to be sure that a flicker of humanity pulsed its way out into the universe, before one of the myriad nutters we’ve given distracted, denial ridden bunk ups to, finally locates the big red button that his staff have been desperately trying to distract him from. BSP certainly gave a lot of bang for buck on Let The Dancers Inherit The Party. Hooks were veritably ladeled in, exploratory urges were reigned in and yet none of the idiosyncratic and eccentric ticks and whistles that make BSP so special got lost. See Keep on Trying (Sechs Freunde), which, apart from opening with the fantastic couplet “If you must act like a beast of the field, oh what does it yield?”, has Yan Wilkinson yelping the ‘Sechs Freunde!!’ part of the title in a manner worthy of double exclamation marks and moist with euphemistic glee (he basically makes Sechs sound like sex… cad). See also International Space Station; a paeon to the titular escapee from our there-but-for-a-hair-trigger planet. Also. Fans of classic British Understatement… Tired of saying “This. Is. Typical” through gritted teeth? Try Saint Jerome’s opening gambit ‘Oh it’s strange the way that things work out, running out of matches and the fire keeps going out’, it’s wordier, but provides up to 64% of disappointing scenarios with a soupcon of tragic poetry/poetic tragedy. Delicious.
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White Hills – Stop Mute Defeat
Another band positively not fucking about these days are White Hills. The ecstatic guitar pyrotechnics and eye on the horizon kosmiche workouts of the past may have been largely purged for the time being, and yet, in spirit, the album from their back catalogue that this most reminds me of is the one where they gave fullest vent to the afore mentioned inner/outer space explorations; their Dystopian Sci Fi epic H-p1. Thematically, H-p1 confronted greed and our societal dissonance, on Stop Mute Defeat Ego Sensation and Dave W sound a call to arms for those left standing as we reach what must surely (hopefully?!) be a nadir. Musically it comes over like H-p1 triple distilled and reduced down to base elements. That album was a largely instrumental workout. In 2017, a skeletal, industrial vibe pervades and although the tracks are shorter and punchier the vocals to music ratio probably isn’t that different, infrequent vocals punctuate the tracks like slogans racing across LED billboards. If H-p1 was their Abstract Expressionist masterpiece then Stop Mute Defeat is the Brutalist monument. Sounds depressing? Not really, the title track is something of a techno banger.
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Pontiak - Dialectic of Ignorance
If you’ve ever found yourself thinking ‘I want to listen to something that sounds monomaniacally baked’, then Pontiak’s latest is probably the go to. You could be thinking ‘baked’ as in the bifter soused sense of the word or baked as in dry, it doesn’t matter, it covers both those bases… offering up tunes akin to visions brought on by a combination of dehydration and lens flare at sunset after a day chasing heat haze with your head in an oven and only Mary Berry for company. The sounds and performances are chitin hard, like a particularly determined scarab marching against the sun, through the sand, while listening to Pink Floyd’s ‘Welcome to the Machine’ on repeat. Returning to the baked metaphor, it’s certainly not an overcooked album, there’s space everywhere and I doff my cap to this sense of restraint, the drums often consist of little more than the simplest patterns over which guitar, bass and synth lines take turns at wringing the life out of subtly unpredictable riffs.
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Electric Wizard - Wizard Bloody Wizard
Of all the Lovecraft-ian feats that Electric Wizard have managed to pull off over the course of their long and subtly varied existence, perhaps the most satisfying, for me, has been their ability to sound like an inhuman approximation of Doom; The band themselves (Eldritch/Antipodean) imposters masquerading as humans in the vein of characters from The Shadow Over Innsmouth or The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward (if you want to go lower brow, imagine the Alien Cockroach in Men In Black who crams himself into the skin of that farmer, fronting a band). It’s an impression I get most strongly when listening to ‘Black Masses’ and ‘Let Us Prey’, but it could be applied to much of their output; their mixes in particular don’t conform to doom metal’s bludgeoning but crisp, stentorian but actually kind of conservative standards. The Wizeeeeerd consistently left instruments unsettlingly out of focus, FX broiling in a mire of fug so dense that your brain and outstretched devil horn salute gave up trying to settle into a comfortable 1-2 and just submitted to the Cosmic Horror.  With Wizard Bloody Wizard though, they’ve stripped away the elemental hideousness that have up till now left them unseeable, like the Horror bestriding Dunwich, left mics and amps together unchaperoned to let nature take its course and gone to town with the bass runs and some bouncing, rolling tempos… and it suits them… really suits them. They sound energised and souped up. At times (Necromania) they come across like Uncle Acid’s actual Uncle - he’s thicker set, looks at you with sunken, you weren’t there man eyes and definitely ran with a Bike gang who may or may not have (definitely did) perform satanic rites – and the results are actually (whisper it) catchy. But then I’ve thought that there was a great pop writer lurking in Jus Osborn ever since I spent more months than I care to remember humming Vinum Sabbathi to the point of Randolph Carter like distraction. Overall, this is the most human that E Wiz have ever sounded – there’s overt blues underpinning See You In Hell, a veritable romp in the form of the Witchfinder-General-covering-Hendrix’s-Manic-Depression stylings of When The Siren’s Scream and there’s an actual laugh at the end of The Reaper. Admittedly, the track’s called The Reaper and it’s a laugh that’s more Christopher Lee than Jimmy Carr, but it’s definitely a bona fide Human laugh.
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Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats – Vol. 1
First things first. This album is more or less proto everything. It’s the borderline unreleased debut by a proto Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, actually dating from 2010 but only officially released in 2017. Secondly, It’s a proto-metal feast, a mud wrestling Blue Oyster Cult before the Pearlman got put before Swine, Masters of Reality style chuggers morphing into King of The Rumbling Spires rumpuses, a whiff of the Kinks at their speaker slashing-est, Crazy Horse getting stuck in a toy box with Alice Cooper, eyeing each other suspiciously but deciding to make a go of it for the sake of John’s Children. Thirdly, it sounds like a prototype of an audio recording to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that the drums were recorded using a pencil mike plugged straight into a cassette recorder. However, you couldn’t expect/wouldn’t really want it any other way. Uncle Acid is founded on tape worn thin and the impossibly red blood of no budget Amicus productions. Perhaps the moment that best sums up Uncle Acid’s determination to prevent considerations of taste, decency or proficient sound engineering from pissing on the bonfire of escapism is the fact that during Witches Garden they use a gong (3:24 in the link to be precise). A fucking GONG. The instrument drummers plump for when success has become inversely proportional to self awareness, usually around the same time they start thinking that going swimming with a limo is a reasonable way to fill days off. This album first emerged as a run of 30 CD-Rs. And they/he put a gong on it. And the gong sounds like it was recorded about 4 miles away. But it’s a fucking GONG. Inspired.
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