#but I’m loving how the lineart has turned out so far
cicadaart · 3 months
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Preview to a little comic I’m working on at the moment…
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Morning Routine
"Can I borrow your eyeliner?" Kerry asked, causing V to pause a moment.
"Yeah, sure thing," he then said and handed him the pencil.
"What?" Kerry looked at him with eyes slighly narrowed, but smiling still.
"No, nothin'," V shrugged, looking at their reflection in the mirror, side-by-side, getting ready to head out, as if it was the most normal, natural thing already, "But... I think it's the first time I have someone over to ask me that."
Kerry chuckled.
"Well, better get used to it."
lkdadjfdlljdfasdflökdf it's finally done and I have so. many. feels.
First of all... I started this ages ago, as a funny little doodle idea for the morning after Boat Drinks. In my HC they go to V's apartment after the end of the yacht trip. Then halfway through the lineart I realized "I'll have to draw Vince's vanilla tattoos again..." which I really didn't want to, so I put it on hold and went to design his custom tattoos I had wanted to give him for so long anyways. Then when that was finally done, my graphics tablet acted up and I physically couldn't finish the drawing even though I had time. Then so much work stress and prep for the con happened inbetween and yeh... it's been a journey and a half to get here, but I'm very happy to have arrived and how it all turned out xD
Then also... my feels ;___; Vince has had a variety of relationships in the past, but either they never got serious enough for his partners to even end up staying the night, or they weren't as alternative in the way to dress and present themselves as he is. He was always the odd one out in one way or another, in his relationships, in past jobs, the one that either had to try to fit in or accept that he never would. So, it's something super minor really, but Kerry asking to borrow some of his makeup is a surprisingly huge deal for him in that moment, catching him off guard. Another instance of "you just get me" that they keep having with each other over and over again which makes them click so well and so fast. Like, Vince doesn't give a damn about what other people think about him anymore, dresses and presents himself however he wants and feels like. But Kerry makes him feel "normal" in the sense that he can just be himself authentically by not fitting in. He also has his quirks and an outwardly loud appearance and personality and all that, they just match so well, even though at first glance they don’t seem to... I know I'm rambling and only making half sense but I just love them lots, okay? xD Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
Since you've read this far, here's a short process gif as a treat:
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palimpsessed · 2 years
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It’s Wednesday?! Again?! Apparently. This has been a weird week but now I guess it’s nearly over. Except tomorrow is my busiest day of the month soooo well it will be a relief when it’s done.
Thank you lovelies for your tags! 🥰 @frjsti @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @confused-bi-queer @martsonmars @angelsfalling16 @artsyunderstudy
Does anyone remember a cracky piece I teased a bit ago where Simon and Baz were coming up with...uh, “nicknames” for each other? Anyway. I have started putting that rough draft into something presentable and I’m really loving it. So I’m going to share some of that instead of yet more SAE which I’m sure everyone but me is tired of by now. New working title is “By Any Other Name...”
Under a cut for very slight hints of spice. And I have another ART! update
Simon POV, post canon, post coital:
"It's not my fault your prophecy is full of ridiculous sexual innuendo."
"You're making it dirty! It's not dirty!"
"It's a little dirty," he murmurs.
"Well it's not mine and I'm over all that."
He sighs. "Fine."
"Fine," I say, and turn over to kiss him. I get as far as his cheek before he's speaking again.
His brows are knit. He's being proper thoughtful now. "You are a mess of innuendo."
"You can't call it that," I say. He cuts his eyes to me in confusion and then barks out a surprised laugh.
"No, no. Think about it, Snow."
I drop back onto my wings again with a huff of air. So much for post-coital kisses and cuddles. Of course Baz wants to write his fucking dissertation right now.
If we had a whiteboard, he'd be making columns and phoning Penelope for consultation.
"Sword of Mages. Excalibur—that's definitely one for consideration."
I'm going to object again—I'd die of embarrassment—but he's already moving on, quoting the fucking prophecy again.
"'One will come to end us.' Come?"
"I'll end you," I mutter.
"How, Snow? With your great big, powerful sword?"
"Oh my god," I groan, burying my head against the duvet where it rests over his arm.
Also, more progress on my Between Simons piece for his bday. 👀👀👀
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This was just before I added the lineart. Wasn’t sure how to make it look like the side Simons are projections and @tea-brigade and @gekkoinapeartree came in clutch with some great suggestions. In the end, I went with red outline and fine black interior outline, then I’ll just keep the pencil for the interior detail lines. And try an under layer of light red pencil. Lots of color testing ahead. Also, I feel obligated to say I did actually bother to draw in Simon’s hair before I lined this 😂
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A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2020 - June 13, 2021
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: It's our first morning
Date: Aug 20th, 2020 Time: ~ 2:18 h I really like how this one turned out!!! The 2020 Emma b-day edit has a lot of major panel redraws, but this is probably my favorite. I I really enjoy how I made the shadows work!! And the ear banfage looks pretty neat. Nice!!! Immagine
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#2: Norman birthday edit 2021
Date: Mar 20th, 2021 Time: ~ 2:21 h Awww, soft Norman :') There was a bit to redraw, but I think everything turned out pretty neat!!! I believe everything works out fine. Though looking back at it, the part of the ID I added is definitely top small :')
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#3: Manga dub: Yuugo gets knocked out
Date: Mar 27th, 2021 Time: ~ 5:05 h Here start the Manga Dub redraws to which I gave my everything ahah. This one turned out nice! I think the shoes turned out particularly good eheh. I like how Yuugo's clothing lineart- for the texture, I wanted to go for something heterogeneous, but I'm not fully confident in the final result. Gilda looks very rushed but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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#4: Manga dub: Yuugo makes his dramatic entrance
Date: Apr 5th, 2021 Time: ~ 4:02 h This is pretty cool!!!! The coat took ages to redraw, but sis it turned out perfect!!! I'm very proud of this.
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#5: Manga dub: RayGildEmma hug!!!
Date: Apr 9th, 2021 Time: ~ 1:31 h Awww, a beautiful panel I was really happy to have the chance to redraw. Taking into account what there was to redraw, I'm actually surprised with how little this took! Ray's backpack was a pain to make, but I think it turned out fine. I'm very happy with Emma and Ray's heads!!
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#6: Manga dub: Formalities
Date: Apr 12th, 2021 Time: ~ 5:31 h It is not always easy to give sense to Demizu's perspective, but I do my best!!! In this I am *so* happy with how Don and Ray turned out, they look neat! The background on the other hand... It took hours to make ahah. I'm not fully confident in the perspective, but I'm happy with the details I've added- I really did my best to make it look like athe other manga panels and I think it paid off!!!
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#7: Manga dub: We may be weaklings, but we're still alive
Date: Apr 30th, 2021 Time: ~ 1:37 h This little Emma is so cute!!!!!! I think the redraw turned out pretty perfect. I'm really satisfied with how this one turned out, and it's such a cute little Emma!!!! She's so brave and optimistic, I love her. It's a shame this panel didn't make it to the episode :')
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#8: Manga dub: Goldy Pond Gang
Date: May 7th, 2021 Time: ~ 8:44 h lmao This is probably the panel redraw I'm the most proud of ever :') Just think everyone turned out very nice!! The ceiling is not exactly perfect, but it still works somehow. I'm very happy with how Gillian's back turned out!! I don't really like the fading effect on the right, but 8h in I got pretty tired of working on this ahah
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#9: Manga dub: This is Goldy Pond
Date: May 21st, 2021 Time: ~ 1:29 h I'm very glad for how the Manga dub has been challenging me to learn to redraw backgrounds, something I had quite literally never tried before. It can be a little frustrating, but it's so satisfying to see the final cleaned piece!! With this panel, I also learnt to use copy and paste, which is something I had never done before beyond texture
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#10: Manga dub: Good morning doctor
Date: May 21st, 2021 Time: ~ 3:42 h This is another background that turned out pretty good!! That one Norman is one I knew I would have had to fully redraw sooner or lager- the background was a bonus ahah. I'm very happy with the final result!!
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: The Promised Neverland manga ending edit
Date: Jun 14th 2020 Time: ~ 12h 41min (5h 45min of cleaning panels in the edit + 5h 37min of cleaning panels that didn't make it to the edit + 1h 19min of resizing) + time spent cleaning panels I've deleted the file of so I can't see lmao This is overall very nice!!! The concept of an Emma evolution through her back is cool, and I think overall the edit turned out very aesthetically pleasing. The concept idea came to me while I was working on the 2019 Emma's birthday edit, a long time before the manga ending announcement- back then I wouldn't have imagined using it in occasion of the manga ending, but I think it ended up making a nice tribute. The colors add a nice touch, since so far my edits had always been black and white- it makes a sweet closure. To make that edit I selected 76 panels of Emma framed from her back; I plan to make other versions of that edit using the discarded panels eventually!
#2: Emma - Chapter 181: Beyond Destiny
Date: Jul 12th 2020 Time: 2h 57min My last edit for the manga 🥺🥺 I think this one is my very "manga ending edit" because to me it really signed the ending of weekly chapters and their weekly chapter edits. It makes me a little sad to look at it, but it's also, I don't know, kinda sweet to see how I grew both in my panel cleaning and as a person since I first started my blog. I'm glad I got into TPN!
#3: Emma birthday edit 2020
Date: Aug 22nd 2020 Time: 8h 54min This one turned out so well!!! Though I used the same concept for all the trio edits, I think this one is the best one. The two panels on the left / two panels on the right alternation combo never fails ahah. The colors are nice (shout-out to my sister for making me a palette), despite the fact that it was hard for the lighter ones to make them work with the images without having those disappear. I'm very satisfied with the panels I chose for this, I think they work really good together! Also, it got me very happy to read everyone's comments saying they liked the fading effect in the last panel :)
#4: Emma + Eyes Close Ups [1/?]
Date: Jan 24th 2021 Time: 5h 55min This one was really nice!! Another idea I got when working on the 2019 Emma birthday edit I was glad to finally execute. Started the edit in September, finished it in December. I'm overall very happy with how it turned out... I hope I will be able to make more in the future!
#5: The Promised Neverland Parallels → (9/?) » 114 // 122
Date: Feb 23th 2021 Time: 5h 7min (panel cleaning only) Aaaaahh I really like this one!!!! A parallel I love very much, and I'm really happy with how the edit turned out. All the hair redrawing looks neat!!!! The gif is maybe a little excessive, but I think overall it's a nice edit. I like it!!! Fun fact, I completed it on August 26th 2020, but I couldn't find the right moment to post it ahah.
Honorable mention: The Promised Neverland Parallels → (5/?) » 08 // 16
Date: Aug 30th 2020 Time: 2h 52min (Second picture cleaning only; I deleted the first picture art file so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) I don't have much to say about this one except!! It turned out very nice!!!!! Love the pen lmao.
Top 10 analysis:
Too many analysis,,
#1: Post chapter 181 Emma analysis
Date: Jul 9th 2020 Mmmh a nice analysis. I think it was important for me to put down in words what I think of Emma's characterization and the manga ending, so I'm happy I did it!
#2: A long Oliver analysis because I love him very much
Date: Dec 6th 2020 What can I say I just love Oliver tons 😔😔💕💕 This was very fun to make!!!
#3: TPN s2 previsions
Date: Jan 14th 2021 Really love the effort that went into this + me proving that 11 episodes GP could have possibly worked + it's just a lot of fun to read again after s2 ended pffft
#4: More s2 delusional previsions lmao
Date: Jan 27th 2021 I think the points and previsions I made where pretty neat!! In my defense, it was pretty impossible to predict the anime would have ended with this season. I always feel honoured when friends and Anon ask for my opinion, I'm like "you wanna know what I think? Wow. I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍) " Thank you to anyone who ever sent me an ask!!
#5: Why Emma not wearing pants is 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘
Date: Jan 29th 2021 Really proud of this!!! Pants Emma is important!!!!!
#6: Post episode 5 manga Emma analysis
Date: Feb 4th 2021 A depressed analysis, but a necessary one 😔
#7: Norman analysis
Date: Feb 12th 2021 I love him!!!! And I'm happy I eventually got to put down in words what I love about his character. The day I posted this ww3.readneverland was in maintenance so I couldn't use the volume scans for it- the thought of that post having fan edited and fan translated scans still haunts me
#8: RayDon rambles
Date: May 12th 2021 I had a blast writing this and like. It's likely the post of mine I reread more often of them all. I love this ship tons!!!!! I'm satisfied with how I put down in words what I like about them. I LOVE THIS SHIP
#9: Chapter 58 analysis
Date: May 23th 2021 I've wanted to express this concept since like the first time reading the manga- I'm so happy I finally did!!!! This concept is one of my absolute favorite things about tpn- the feelings that people are good. The concept that kids who got to live in an healthy and supportive environment will always be inclined to kindness and altruism, because humans are just inherently good. From the Three Character Classic: “people at birth are inherently good”. I want to have faith and courage to hold on the goodness in myself, and to hold on the goodness in the world, no matter how difficult it to do that (Chloé Zhao).
#10: Norman and Lambda squad relationship analysis
Date: May 24th 2021 I think this was a pretty sharp analysis and I like what I did with it!!
Other stuff:
#1: Krone birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th 2020 This edit is so good ;; Like not perfect since it was my first attempt at coloring gifs but still I believe it turned out so good ;;;;;; The time and effort that went unto this is crazy, but... Maybe I'm happy to have dedicated time to something I like for a satisfying result.
#2: Get to know my ship- Wolfpack Trio
Date: Aug 24th 2020 Uuuh a good post. A good ship.
#3: Gilda + blank glasses
Date: Aug 27th 2020 This is such a cute nice compilation!!! I love looking at it. A few panels are missing but still :')
#4: Apollo Ray AU
Date: Sep 7th 2020 (Though it was written Sep 2nd 2019 lmao) I'm so happy I finally gathered the courage to post this 😭😭 I really enjoy what I did with this AU, so this one and its other installments are all posts I have a lot of fun rereading. More than everything, I was astounded and overjoyed by the positive response it got: that gave me tons of confidence to put my ideas out there, no matter how unique they sound!!! Here's to hoping I will be able to post my RayEmma Hadestown AU, by other big AU from late summer 2019 :')
#5: TPN timeline project
Date: Dec 2nd 2020 This is like. I don't know it's a lot ahah. Arguably the project I'm the most proud of ever making. I'm just so happy of all the months long hard work and of the final result!! The post didn't receive much response (though the ones I got were extremely kind and sweethearted so that totally makes up for it), but in the end I don't really mind? I'm just so proud I accomplished that idea :')
#6: TPN calendar
Date: Jan 4th 2021 A nice sum of the tpn timeline + everyone's birth dates!!! I really like how it turned out visually. It's a cute little tpn calendar!!!
#7: Ray smiles compilation
Date: Jan 17th 2021 Ray's smile. That's it that's the post :')
#8: Trans Oliver headcanons
Date: Jan 24th 2021 MMMH really like this headcanon I think about it a lot
#9: Thoma and Lani theory
Date: Jan 28th 2021 I really don't want to brag but this is the best joke I've ever made :')
#10: My TPN AUs
Date: May 10th 2021 Ok you gotta admit those are very good AUs, I'm glad to have made a list out of them!!!
#11: Ranking Emma promotional art outfits
Date: May 16th 2021 This is one people seem to have liked a lot which makes me happy ahah. I'm glad to know we can all agree Emma deserves more pants outfits!! Please stop it with the gendered clothing :') This is the post I want to be remembered for
#12: TPN musicals AU part 2
Date: May 20th 2021 A GREAT POST I can't stretch enough how happy I am with those character-song associations. I hope I have time to make a part 3 in the future!!
#13: TPN Drive folder
Date: May 30th 2021 This was born as a way for me to have all the tpn extra contents easily accessible, but I'm happy to have shared it with people- I hope it will turn out to be useful to others too!
#14: TPN s2 recolorings
Date: Jun 12th 2021 A more diverse children cast is good for the soul :')
That's it, this year was really fun!! Thank you to everyone who supported me through it, I can't express how grateful I am for all the kindness and validation I received. Here's to many more months in the fandom!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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peydawgz · 4 years
Could you do Chucky, both original and Buddi, and any other slashers of your choosing, with a digital artist s/o? Specifically, them watching their s/o get frustrated when it crashes or gets accidentally deleted, corrupted files, that magic. Maybe even closing the window himself for attention, only to accidentally delete all of their progress?
(I’m sorry I’m super late on this one; I’ve been gone for quite a while huh? I’m gonna get through some of these requests because I’m feelin the slasher love with halloween season coming around the corner! So I’m back!! This ask is rlly inspiring me bc I’ve been going through this rn :( my BRAND NEW tablet keeps glitching and fucking up my art.)
Digital Artist x Various Slashers (Buddi! Chucky, 88′ Chucky, Michael Myers)
Buddi! Chucky
     One hand on the keyboard, the other gripping your pen stylus tightly, you began to get frustrated with your current art piece. A mix of unmotivation, anger, and your tablet keeps crashing was all adding to your growing frustration. Your Buddi doll, on the other hand, was sitting patiently beside you up on your desk, watching you get angrier and angrier.       Was your computer making you upset? You looked like you were on the verge of tears because of it! “When can we play again?” Chucky asked politely, a creepy little smile appearing on his face. “I- I don’t know, Chucky! Look, I’m kind of busy right now.” You exclaimed as your computer decided to erase your entire drawing once again.      With your angry response, Chucky looked down sadly, folding his little hands in his lap. Your computer seemed to be making you very upset, and so he decided to take it into his own hands; you should stop drawing and pay attention to him! He usually makes you happy, right? Chucky was connected to all of your devices, including your Kaslan computer. He raised his finger, and with it, your computer did a hard shut down, turning off your tablet and your computer with it.      That did not seem to make you happy like he thought. Not at all. Instead, you threw your hands up in anger and shoved your tablet onto your keyboard and put your head in your hands. “FUCK! I can’t do ANYTHING!” You yelled into your palms. Chucky crawled up into your lap, tugging at your shirt. “You can play with me?” He suggested innocently.       “Chucky, did you...?” You started, looking from him to the computer. He looked down with guilt. “I thought it would make you happy...” He mumbled. You saw his intentions were at least good, even if they were interrupting your illustration. Maybe you did need to take a break. The files were deleted, but your progress didn’t come too far anyways. It was alright, you could restart. You were only on the sketch anyways.      “Alright, Chucky, we can play now. I have to get back to work soon, though, okay? No more shutting my stuff down, please. You were lucky this time, but that’s very important to me.” You set him down and held his hand, leading him to your room to get dressed.       You took him to get a new outfit from Zedmart and let him pick out a new accessory. In return, he suggested ice cream to cheer you up!
88′ Chucky
     Chucky is very... forceful with his actions. As you sit there at your desk, fists clenched and jaw tightened, he couldn’t help but feel a little bad for you. Your art was quite important to you, and it didn’t seem to be going right at the moment. You were working on a commission, and couldn’t seem to be able to open up the file you saved from the day before. That was your lineart and base coloring- what the hell were you gonna do if you couldn’t get it open? You were too stubborn to just start over again.      Chucky came up behind you. “Look, babe, if you can’t get it working then just let it go. Why don’t we do something else?” He said suggestively. “Maybe later. This is important.” You mumbled, turning away from him and violently clicking on the file, even though many messages popped up saying there was an error.       “I’m just saying that if you-” Chucky started, trying to be calm but he was already beginning to get stubborn with you. “I said later.” You just grumbled, interrupting him. “Well, if you’re gonna be like that.” He said to himself, and pushed a chair to the edge of the desk. You were too sucked into your own issue that you didn’t notice him.       Chucky walked over the desk and pressed the delete button, then closed the top laptop- facing you. “Look- I’ve tried to be patient, but you gotta chill out! Maybe some alone time with me...?” He leaned close, being very evocative. You pushed your palm into his face, pushing him back. “You just fucking deleted all of my shit!” You said, face red with anger. “Well, it wasn’t opening anyways! Just start over it’s not that hard, right? You’re an artist, it can’t be that fucking hard!” He raised his voice at you, and you flinched. “Chucky, it doesn’t work like that, I-” You looked down and spaced out, tears forming in your eyes.       Chucky immediately felt bad about raising his voice at you. “Hey, babe, I’m sorry... I didn’t know...” You started crying. “Hey, hey, it’s gonna be alright.” He crawled into your lap and pushed your hair from your face. “You’re the best artist I know! I know ya can do it again, even better this time!” He said, giving you a gentle rub on the shoulder. “Maybe first, let’s take a break. I- We don’t gotta do anything like that, let’s just hang out and cuddle?” He suggested, knowing he hated it but trying to make you feel better nonetheless.      You gave him a little smile. “I guess you’re right. Maybe I do need a break. But don’t try that funny shit again with me!” You glared at him, and your evening was full of comforting snuggles, and he even tried to make you tea/coffee afterwards while you draw!
Michael Myers
     Michael has no patience. He does everything on his own time and nobody gets in his way. So when he was in the mood for attention and you were doing something else; he was not going to have it. You sat there, angry that your computer kept crashing and restarting, causing your progress to be deleted each time. It was an old laptop, you probably needed a new one. You were trying to finish the sketch, but your laptop just wasn’t feeling up to it today whatsoever.       Michael walked up behind you, and let out a huff of air, letting you know that he was home. “Hello, darling. I’m a little busy right now.” You murmured, getting upset again as you couldn’t open the application you draw on. Michael watched behind you inquisitively for a moment, catching onto what was making you angry. He placed his chin on top of your head, letting out another huff.      “Hun, I’m not really in the mood.” You replied, and that made him upset. Not in the mood? You were his! You couldn’t just not be in the mood for giving him attention! He stood up straight and continued to hover around you, watching you for another five minutes, giving you the time to change your mind.       When you continued, he decided to take it upon himself and press the power button on the computer-- right as you were finally getting it to work! You gasped, and looked up at him. “Michael! I was in the middle of something! Can’t you just wait?” You asked, obviously very upset. He just tilted his head at you, thinking you were very cute when you were upset with him. He didn’t feel a hint of regret, and instead hoisted you up and carried you off to your room, you were still upset but there was no use making a big fuss out of it. There was no fighting with Michael.      He laid you down and sat beside you. He grabbed your hand and took off his mask, placing your hand on top of his head, nestled in his hair. You liked to pet his hair, he usually wouldn’t have it but he sort of enjoyed it. You just sighed and pet his hair, pulling him down to lay beside you whilst you continued to run your fingers through his locks. “Please don’t do that again. I appreciate the break, but please don’t. I give you your time when you go do the things you like? Let me have mine. I love you.” You sighed softly and kissed his cheek. He gave you a small huff in return and kissed your cheek back.      Later on, when you were drawing again, he let you have your time and patiently sat beside you and watched. You showed him how you color, and let him pick one out for the background. He of course picked red.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
Madness draws: Behind the Scenes of the latest Farin&Bela pencil drawing.
Aka the one that’s also my icon, even when that was a big risk to take because normally I start hating the photos I have once drawn, especially if I have failed miserably. This is how the drawing itself turned out:
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ATTENTION: The original post about that drawing, with better image, behind this link.
This post is solely about the process itself with lots of pictures and also plenty of gifs, because I promised to do one if people would like to see that and I got some comments saying that they’re looking forward for that. So, here’s now that post!
For starters I have to apologize for the terrible quality that is the photos. I used my phone camera only and never thought about posting them, I just took them as a reference for myself and to show the progress to a friend and only after finishing the drawing I noticed that the angle of the camera causes a huge impact on the perspective of the drawing, so I sometimes might have done useless work when I thought some perspective was wrong when it was actually the photo that was wrong and not my work! I mean, take a look at these photos of the finished piece:
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You see that? I realized this when I took maybe the second photo of the Farin sheet and looked at it and couldn’t believe my eyes because I didn’t remember drawing his torsto THAT small! And then I looked at the drawing and was like “wtf???” because it looked nothing like in the photo and then it hit me...
Also, another thing that I learn was that I might need to pay more attention to the perspective of the whole thing also because when I draw, I sit at the table so I am constantly seeing the drawing from my perspective instead of looking at it from above so that’s probably also going to affect the way I draw. I try to keep that in mind in the future so I can avoid redrawing things again and again just because my perspective is different than the reference photo’s.
Also the giant forehead of Farin’s in the photo on the right might have caused me to laugh a bit too much but anyway, let’s continue~ Or more like: let’s start for real this time.
Here’s the reference photo to y’all:
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What I did in photoshop was to draw a line between them to see how I can divide the photo on two A4 papers. I had been thinking about this photo for some time already because it’s one of my favorites (but now I just feel cringy looking at it after I have drawn it... goddamnit!), and I got this idea that I could try drawing it on two papers in case I fuck up so I can start over or try again without having to do twice the work! Which was actually a good decision because this was the first version of Farin:
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And it was awful. I also realized I had never drawn Farin’s face from he front. I have drawn him before from the side a few times but maybe once it came out actually good so that was why I decided to do the 2 paper method - because I knew it was not going to be an easy job! Bela is relatively easy to draw so I knew already that I would not have too many problems with that one.
I struggled with Farin’s eyes the most, at first.
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It took me a while to figure out how to do that white line in his lower lid. Keep in mind that this was my first face portrait in over 10 years so I was very, very rusty and I just didn’t remember how to draw like anything anymore. (The photo is tilted because Bela’s face is a bit tilted and my hand can’t draw anything that is not straight [lol] so I have to rotate the photo in order to even draw the sketch of Bela’s eyes.)
So I took my sketchbook and tried to do some eyes...
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I was still struggling so much here until I remembered about blending. And I didn’t have my hopes high but grabbed the eyeshadow applicators (my fave tool for blending) anyway, and switched to my other sketchbook in case the paper was the issue and:
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Blending. It was all about blending! So with that in mind, I realized I can continue and I don’t need to do these in my old way, everything doesn’t have to have a lineart done but some of the job is done not with the pencils but with the eraser.
Anyhow, the previous Farin looked really bad and was too big as well so I just discarded that and started a new sheet because the old lines were not coming off properly anymore. I don’t remember if this is the old face or new but I think this might still be the old one:
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Yes it definitely is the old because look at those lines! This is the new sheet:
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And in the photo you can see one of my pencils - I use Derwent Graphic pencils, it’s a 12 pencil set with very soft pencils, starting with H, F and HB and ending to 9B. With this one I used F, HB, B, 2B, 5B, 7B and 9B. The white pencil is actually my new love aka the eraser pencil Koh-I-Noor Hardmuth. It’s amazing, I recommend! I just didn’t order 10 new ones this other day. I actually used about 1,5 full eraser pencils on this drawing alone so that’s why 10.
Here’s a “little” gif of the process on Farin:
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I felt crazy when I went for the shirt, and I felt like I was going crazy MEANWHILE drawing it but in the end I did it and I’m super proud of it!
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Below is the reference photo, it was pain in the ass to follow all those lines with my eyes and try to find what was I drawing and where was I but I think I did good. That was a fun challenge.
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Okay so, when I was done with the new lineart, I decided to go for the shading and blending because that’s what really makes the drawings to pop. I started with the left (his right, my left) side of Farin’s face because I’m right-handed, and in the first photo I had done just the left (right) eye and mouth and nose, but in the second there’s also the other eye done already:
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Keep in mind this was not the last time I drew the eyes. Not even close.
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Something was off with the right (left) eye so I had to do that one again and I noticed that when you blend but haven’t erased and cleaned it yet, it looks like a black eye :DDD So here’s the before and after images of that cleaning. (Cleaning = I draw, blend, erase, draw and blend more when needed and then erase again, and repeat this as many times as I need until it starts to look ready to my eye.)
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So here Farin was “finished” but if you still remember the final piece or compare it to it, you might notice it looks quite different. And you’re right. But more about that later, because at this point I started to work on Bela.
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It actually started really well - I also had to do the whole lineart again because it did not match the size of “finished” Farin. I don’t remember if this is the first or second eye but when I had drawn his eye for the first time, I noticed it was not in line with Farin so I had to redraw it. A gif of the progress:
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What’s that brown paper I’m using, you may ask? Well I noticed that people have some sort of paper on top of their art to keep it from smudging and I have no clue what that is so here’s my poor artist recommendation: baking paper! I tested it and it works (if you just remember to keep it under your hand, that is...) so that is, in fact, baking paper! :DD
I have drawn Bela’s face a few times before and he’s just so much easier to draw. In fact I used 4-5 days on Farin but I managed to start and finish (this version of) Bela just in one day. And that means that out of 12 hours (because I literally used the whole day for drawing) I used maybe like... 5h or something on Bela. That’s how much easier he really is to draw.
I don’t know wtf is wrong with Farin’s face but he’s extremely difficult to draw and I’m not the only one who has been saying this. I guess he just looks so regular but still unique enough to be difficult to draw. Bela then again has features that are very unique and very... caricature-like? I mean that just by drawing his nose or chin you can make a comic book Bela look exactly like himself, and with more realistic style his eyes already do a lot, but Farin’s really the opposite. My comic book version of Farin is literally the most basic version I can draw, it’s how I draw those characters and the only thing that makes him look himself is the hair, and his nose in a side profile. So I think that’s why it’s so difficult to draw him because he doesn’t look too regular but still regular enough to make is a very challenging task to do properly.
So yeah, the same day as I started working on Bela, I was also “finished” with the drawing:
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Also look at how different it looks like from this perspective:
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With the reference photo open in photoshop and I don’t understand how Bela looks more like himself in my drawing than in the photo. Also when I showed the WIP to my brother, he said that I somehow had succeeded at making Farin look more like Farin than what he does in the photo even. It’s weird.
But we were still far from finished. I was going to use the fixative on this soon but it just kept snowing the whole week so I couldn’t so every time I walked past the drawings, I stopped to fix this and that. For days I kept telling myself “I’m done, I can’t do more than this, I can’t do better than this.” and considered the drawing finished but still kept fixing things. Every time I was “done” with the other drawing, I saw something to fix in the other one and once that was done, I felt like the first one wasn’t as good and had to fix something from it too. And that led to a cycle where the other drawing was always better than the other and the worse one needed to be fixed. In the end I was hating the whole process and myself and my skills and I was already ready to abandon this whole thing and call it a day and never ever show it to anyone “because I cannot draw”. The photo above, here’s a list of things I redrew after that:
Bela’s eyes, the right (left) one at least twice.
Bela’s nose.
Bela’s mouth a couple of times.
Farin’s eyes x588045028520
And a list of things I kept fixing and fixing:
Bela’s chin.
Bela’s neck shadows.
Bela’s hairline.
Farin’s whole face was tilted so I tried to fix that.
Farin’s face was too wide, which meant also partially redrawing the ear.
Farin’s hair was too long and wide too.
Farin’s nose.
Farin’s mouth might be the only thing I drew only once and I’m actually still extremely proud of how it came to be. I did the lips solely with blending so that was super exciting to notice how I can use it for drawing and don’t need the pencils for everything!
During Bela’s eyes and nose and mouth especially I was hating myself so much and I felt like I was taking the risk of ruining the whole thing and a few times I was certain that was what I had just done too, until I somehow was able to save it again. But because of that, I wasn’t able to make Bela’s mouth any lighter anymore, the color wasn’t just coming off the paper so had to use what was there and make it look like it’s how it’s supposed to be, too.
Here’s a gif about those changes on Bela - the first one has the old eyes and nose, the others have minor changed on the nose and mouth:
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(The blacks probably don’t get any blacker in reality, I did add more color to it all the time but mainly it’s just the lighting and my phone camera changing the brightness.)
I did the final details on his nose without even using the reference photo anymore. The photo didn’t seem to make any sense anymore at all so I was just using my mechanical pencil and the blending tool and eraser to make is look better. To my eye it looked more like a very flat nose with a big tip of the nose and he doesn’t have a flat nose and I tried to get rid of that illusion. I still feel like it makes him look bit weird but I’m not entirely sure how. Maybe it was because of my improvisation, idk...
So, Bela was then finally finished for the last time. In the Farin piece his left (right) eye had been bugging me the whole time and I didn’t want to touch it but still I felt like I have to do something about it because it was bugging me way too much. I then figured I could draw the eye line by line and take a photo of it each time to see if it looks right already or not, maybe I could then avoid doing all the phases before I was sure what to think about it. I mean, now the only way to see if it was correct was to draw e.g. an eye from start to finish, I couldn’t see from just the lineart or unblended eye if it was in the right spot etc. And here’s that progress on a gif:
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The gif about only the eye would look so nice if Tumblr didn’t make the gifs so HUGE - this one is actually only 300px or 400px or something:
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Apparently I also wasn’t happy with the other eye because:
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But good thing is: I really enjoy drawing eyes. I love seeing them to “come alive”, my favorite part was to eraser a bit of the color on the iris to make them look like they are actually shiny! It feels like something so small to do and yet it makes a huge impact on the drawing!
And here’s yet another gif of the whole Farin sheet with all of the changes, including the last changes that made his head narrower, and less tilted and more in line. Look at the left side of his head especially to see that:
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I can also see his nose changing between the first few photos. I keep forgetting about that but yeah, I also fixed that a little at some point.
And last but not least, the whole drawing in some sort of a timelapse gif:
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Last two are the same but just a photo and the scan of the finished drawing. I still keep seeing things I would do differently but no can do, I already used fixative on it, also to keep myself from obsessing with it any more :D And to use it as a study of some sort. I have never been able to draw a perfect pencil drawing and this isn’t one either. I probably never can draw perfect drawings from references.
I do enjoy the whole shading and blending process, so much so that when I was editing these photos, I just wanted to start drawing something so bad but I also figured that I start to lose motivation when I get to the point where everything should be finished but I just can’t make it perfect. Like the current WIP I have, all I should do is to get the proportions and perspective and the lines of their faces correctly and I would be ready but it feels more like a superpower some people possess and I’m not one of those. I don’t know what is it but I just feel that I cannot see. I don’t know how to explain it, but I can’t see what I try to do and somehow keep drawing everything the wrong way. Just like in this post’s drawing too. There’s still things that are wrong and I know what it is but I don’t know how to solve it. My hands just don’t listen to me and they can’t do what I think they should. I also think the reason I cannot draw perfect copies of photos is because you can always see my “handprint” in them. If I copy a photo, it will look like a photo and not like a drawing made by me. So I believe that in my drawing there’s always a part of me visible and I’m not entirely sure if it’s a good thing or not. On bad days it’s not a good thing, obviously. On good days? Well I guess it’s good then because it just means I have my own style which I really should appreciate. But I wish I had my style only when I want it to be visible, but I can’t control it. Just like I cannot write text by hand that would look like it was written with a computer, so I guess I should just try to get used to it, no matter how much it’d bug me sometimes.
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zichqec · 3 years
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Outfit Friday #53
The final one! This is a redraw of the first one! But I was having an off day when I drew the first one so it’s not a totally fair comparison XD Wow this has been a journey! Here’s a gif of all of them together, I’ll put some ramblings under the cut.
Also, if you’re struggling to come up with outfit ideas, you can feel free to use my Outfit Friday gallery as inspiration! I know I will be XD
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So, when I started Outfit Friday, the goal was to learn to come up with new types of outfits, instead of drawing all my characters in sweaters and hoodies. And it was a great success! I’ve gotten pretty comfortable drawing casual clothes, and I have a better understanding of clothes in general. Even skirts and dresses, though I still hate them.
Some of these pieces I don’t love, because they were days when drawing just would not work correctly, but I pushed through anyways and I’m proud of never missing a day! There were a couple times I almost forgot because it just slipped my mind, and people had to remind me, but I still managed to get them all done on time.
So, what’d I learn as I went along? A couple of things. First of all, seams are like the most important thing. Seriously, go and look at actual clothing, and pay special attention to the seams and where they’re placed, and how some pieces of clothing use the seams for decoration! Learning how important seams are was a game changer for me. Once I figured out seams, every drawing from then on had them.
Next, folds. I always knew I needed to learn to draw folds, but all of the advice out there was “look at real clothes and how it lays” which is honestly the least helpful thing I’ve read, personally, because I would look at clothes and my eyes would get overwhelmed by all the colors and patterns and just not knowing what I was looking for. Also, my style isn't super realistic; I don't want everything covered in folds, so which ones are actually important? Instead, what I’ve learned, is think about where the character’s body would bend, because that’s where the clothes are going to bunch up a little. Knees and elbows are the most obvious. Are the shoulders raised? There’s gonna be some cloth bunched up between the shoulders and the neck. Also, around the hips is good too. Depending on what type of pants your character is wearing, how low they are, and what shoes they’re wearing, it might bunch around the ankles, too! The same goes for the wrists, depending on what kind of sleeves your character is wearing. In general: if it’s an area that twists and moves a lot as the character moves around, it’s going to have folds. And don’t be afraid to let your folds influence the lineart a little! It makes drawing limbs easier tbh because it breaks up what would be long, straight lines. Note: you should also make your seams follow your folds! It looks awesome, and really makes it look more like clothing.
As for color, I don’t think my coloring changed that much since I started. I try to use mostly desaturated colors, and I try to reuse one or two colors in small areas if it works for the piece. For example, I might draw gray pants, and then use that same gray for the gray of the buttons on a shirt, or the bracelet the character is wearing. I think I’m getting better at making it blend in a little better, at least.
As far as patterns and stuff on clothing goes, I upgraded to Sai2 this year, and the scatter brush has been AMAZING for that stuff. I also learned that I love plaid, and I should definitely draw it more often. I know I didn’t really get into too many detailed patterns, but... honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever be bothered to do that XD That’s a lot of work for a look I don’t even like.
I thought accessories were going to be really important, but as it turns out, they really weren’t. They can add a lot to a piece for sure, but most of these ended up not having accessories and I like them that way.
And finally... I learned that like 50% of outfits have jeans. Sometimes colored jeans, but holy cow jeans are so common everywhere you guys, at least where I live. Colored jeans look really nice though, and are a fun way to spice things up! I should definitely do that more.
Anyways, that’s all I have to say about outfit design. If you’re struggling to come up with outfits to draw, I suggest going to your local thrift store and taking a look around! That helped me a lot in the first few days to just get an idea what to even do.
On to the next challenge, which is starting in a couple days. Hoping it’ll be as successful as this one was!
Also, as thanks for making it this far down, here’s a faster gif of all of them together
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mistytpednaem · 3 years
So, what’s up with Another Me?
Honestly, I tried to draft this post, but the mental block made me decide to just go for it stream-of-consciousness style. Which I hope doesn’t bode poorly or anything. But here goes!
The Past and the Present
As you may know, I’ve been at this for a while now! Since 2014, in fact. In that time, I’ve gotten through the prologue and... most of chapter one (fun fact: I do have the entirety of this story mapped out! We are transitioning into what should be the final scene of this chapter. Originally, I wanted to make this post - or something along these lines - once I finished the chapter, but I figured since the year was about to end I’d be better off doing it now).
Now, let’s not mince words: that is a long time. I have six chapters total (not counting the prologue) mapped out for this comic, and there is more I’d like to do beyond it (what I like to call Arc 2, or, as you may or may not know:  The Part Where My Pet Character Marco Evangelisti Actually Shows Up). If I keep going at the current pace, I will probably not be done within my lifetime. So, if I’m aware of this, what gives?
... I mean, damn. There’s a lot I could point to; I was finishing my degree until 2016, and I suppose that takes something out of you. I have unreasonably high expectations for myself, as the people closest to me know. “2020 was a bad year for everyone,” I tell myself, before I also go on to say, “but even though updates slowed down even more this year, it’s not like they’ve been particularly speedy for the past couple of years, and I haven’t had that bad of a year anyway, so that’s a shoddy excuse.” And then some semblance of reasonable thought comes over me and reminds me my grandfather had a stroke in March of last year and passed away in early June of this year, and I’m like “I mean, okay, I guess I’ve been through SOME things.”
But lighthearted reflections aside, there are more actionable problems I have identified - such as, in an overarching sense, my attitude. My friends made me realise this some time late last year, and while I’ve been trying to work on it, I have to admit I’ve made very little progress: at some point, I developed a seriously unhealthy relationship with my art. Here is how my workflow has tended to go:
Start scripting update. I have a small readership, but that’s okay; I am grateful for every suggestion, I can work with this, and I AM building towards something that excites me.
Script done, regardless of insecurities. It’s time to start working on the actual panels. This sketch didn’t come out exactly the way I intended, but hopefully it still works (alternatively: this sketch looks promising! I am excited about this sketch. Sometimes, I do feel happy with my sketches).
Oh dear. I was hoping the lineart would help a little (alternatively: oh dear. the lineart completely ruined this perfectly fine sketch). Maybe it’ll still look alright with colour?
Oh no. I hate it, actually. I suppose I’m too sloppy; I should be more careful next time. 
(Repeat for however many panels i have planned for an update, typically with mounting guilt the longer I take on each one, because I keep taking longer and longer and, to my eyes, there is no improvement.)
Well, as my friends keep reminding me, done is better than perfect. Let’s post it!
The update is posted to a small readership and a quiet response, which, again, is okay, but leaves me wanting for feedback that I cannot get because I am reluctant to spread the word for several reasons, one of them being that I’ve convinced myself my work isn’t good enough.
Rinse and repeat, with the process continuing to be slow - if not turning exponentially slower - because apparently when things make you feel bad your brain starts wanting to protect you from them.
Apologies if this is a little harsh, but it is genuinely the most sincere breakdown of The Whole Deal that I can produce.
The good news is there are things I can do about this! Not easy things, granted, as they tie deeply into a lot of the recurring neuroses in my life, but in theory, the more I embrace imperfection, and the less I worry, the faster I should be able to work, and I should start getting some serotonin out of the whole thing again. In theory. This is not the only issue, however, and I have good and bad news about the other issue I’ve identified:
I don’t think the forum adventure format is working in its current shape.
It’s not about the suggestions - I love working with suggestions! Reader interaction is fun, it’s already shaped a good number of things and I hope it continues to do so. It’s more of a matter of visibility. Tragically, forums are not the most In Vogue things these days, and that reflects itself in, well, poor visibility. I’ve tried to remedy this by allowing suggestions through MSPFA, Tumblr and Twitter as well, but honestly, it hasn’t helped much. I think I’ve only gotten one or two suggestions through MSPFA? And don’t get me wrong, I’m sure this is in great part because of my passive role in getting the word out! But it’s all contributing towards this strange, shrinking spiral of a feedback loop.
The good news is that, since I have identified this problem, there should be an actionable solution. The bad news is I’m not quite sure what form that solution should take just yet.
The Future
Whew, that was a lot. So, what’s in store for 2021 and beyond?
Well, er, like I’ve implied, I’m a little unsure. But that’s my default state of existence, so let’s go over what I think.
When I finish chapter one, I would like to find a proper hosting place for AM. As I said, I don’t think the forum thing is quite working out, and MSPFA is a wonderful website, but I feel AM has little to do with most of the content on it beyond the second-person narration and the script-style dialogues. Whether that means a change in format is needed along with the change in hosting, I’m not sure; I would like to keep the whole “one panel per page with text underneath it” deal, which... should be doable on most places, but in this current year, I’m frankly not sure how it would come across, haha.
(I’m also not sure what this hosting place should be, mind you; potentially a wordpress blog with a layout tailored for comics, but drawing isn’t actually my day job, so I’m not sure how viable paying for a domain name might be. Or hosting, for that matter, should I need it - but imgur has been friendly enough of an image host so far.)
What I do know is that I want to keep the suggestions, even though I’m not entirely sure how well that will work without a forum structure. Comments on a post, perhaps? Maybe. But we can’t forget that this doesn’t solve one of the other big issues, which is my reluctance to advertise. And there’s still, you know, my unhealthy, unreasonably high standards affecting my entire workflow.
... But that all kind of comes back to one thing, doesn’t it? The fear of taking the plunge? That’s what I need to overcome. Plans are a good first step, but they mean nothing if I don’t act on them. Which is part of the reason I’m talking about all this - so people can hold me to my plans.
(Plus, like, offer feedback and opinions. That’s very valuable too.)
This whole Future section is a whole lot more uncertain than, I think, even I hoped for when I started writing this post. But I hope what I’m trying to say comes across in some kind of way - not just in the sense of this being elucidating (which, don’t get me wrong, hopefully it is!), but also as far as conveying my feelings to my friends and readers is concerned.
I’m going to keep trying, and I know I’m a little lacking in the Doing department, but now you all know what’s been on my mind. Thank you all for the support, stay safe in These Trying Times, and hopefully we can all keep growing together.
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tessmontyart · 3 years
2020 year in review
It’s funny, last year I never actually got around to doing one of these. I didn’t think it was overly interesting. Oh 2019, how I miss you so 😭Such an innocent time ....
I’ll do a quick recap, cause hey no-one but me reads these anyway. 2019 was a glorious time. I went to Italy for the first time, went on an awesome Hunter Valley trip with my friends, had a 100th birthday celebration for my pop, I got to see the show I worked on air on TV, we saw the Lano and Woodley apartment in Melbourne .... Good times!
I didn’t give a rats about being unemployed and took matters into my own hands by making loads of new merch and selling at the most conventions I’ve ever been to. I tabled at Sydney Supanova, Adelaide Avcon, Sydney SMASH, Coffs Nexus Con, Sydney Oz Comic Con and Brisbane Supanova! I did so much travelling and events, it became my full time job. It was exhausting, but it was loads of fun, it paid the bills nicely, and it was wonderful to meet followers and mutuals in person.
My partner was very invested in counting up the numbers of what was selling and what wasn’t, and taking note of what was inconvenient with my setup and how to make it better. He even made a powerpoint presentation on what I could focus on for 2020, what kind of merch I could focus on and adding more conventions to my list. We were both excited about the idea of trying out Armageddon in New Zealand, which would have been my first overseas convention!
Cue 2020.
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It started off uneasy. There were still bushfires everywhere and smoke hanging around, but I was optimistic they would die soon and the rest of the year would be fine. I booked a bunch of conventions early as usual. Got a whole bunch of new things made and ordered for the first convention of the year, Melbourne Supanova in early April. Some Acrylic charms didn’t make it in time because of COVID, but I thought that’s ok I still have a whole years worth of conventions to sell them at!
COVID-19 was just a spooky mysterious thing that was happening overseas at that point. I think there might have been 1 case in Australia, so all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was sold out, but we were still able to do our usual travelling for the event. Little did I know, Melbourne Supanova was the first and last event I could do in 2020.
COVID hit Australia hard, Melbourne especially. There were lockdowns, quarantines, planes were grounded, airmail was halted, the cases kept multiplying, rules kept changing and changing and it was all so new and such a headache. Seeing every single convention I had booked cancel one after the other was hard to process. This was my main source of income in 2019 and now it’s up and vanished. Everyone were losing their jobs too, so the idea of getting a new job was completely out the window. 
I tried to cheer myself up by drawing ‘Toilet Paper Chan’, my new magical girl character who has the ability to summon toilet paper in a time of need 😅
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I made it into a Draw This In Your Style challenge, seeing as everyone was bored out of their minds in quarantine I hoped it was something people could pass the time and have fun making. 
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(here’s a handful of my favourites) I had a few entries which were all very adorable, but I admit not as many people joined as I expected. I don’t blame them though, this whole pandemic was very soul sucking and demotivating, especially hearing the constant stream of bad news when it all started.
I also made some lineart of a cute Easter girl, encouraging people to colour her in if they are bored in quarantine.
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That was really fun, and I planned to do more, perhaps whole colouring books for a small price to download. 
Then, out of nowhere, my friend from the last animation studio I worked at in 2018 contacted me. “Hey Tess, are you looking for work?”
“Um .... yes?”
Work? In 2020? What?
It turns out the animation industry is one of the only industries that are doing fine in the pandemic. Literally the only change is that animators have to work from home instead of at a studio. If you have the animation software and an internet connection you have everything you need.
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So my good friend had recently scored this job for a studio which outsources all their animation for their animated TV series. The role is just fixing up any animation errors inhouse to minimize the amount of back-and-fourth between studios. It doesn’t sound like much but it became too big a job for just one dude to handle, so he contacted me and 2 of my other animation friends to help out. We had a ball!
It was loads of fun, and the contract lasted the whole year! 
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It wasn’t just fixing up errors either, I got to animate walking/ running / jumping / flying cycles for the overseas animators to use, which was great practice for me, and we even had a whole episode to ourselves to animate from scratch which I really enjoyed.
And then ... the year just flew by, because I was busy working the whole time. It was really quite surreal!
There were a few highlights, such as being a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding and organising her hens party, which is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
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(Hens Party - it was yellow themed (her favourite colour) and High Tea.. it was adorable!)
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(The bridesmaids and the bride on the Wedding Day)
Unfortunately there were some lowlights too ... This was the last year I got to see my aunt. 
She was the craziest, funniest aunt, and still far too young to go. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be the same without her.
As always, drawing is the only way I cope with anything. My family chose a plain wooden casket, encouraging everybody to write a message or draw something on it, before it would be sent to the crematorium. I drew Spotty, her awesome horse I remember from my childhood, surrounded by her favourite flowers. Monty draw Mingus, her awesome ferret we also remember from our childhood.
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That wasn’t the only bad news either. Pat’s Grandpa passed away later in the year, and a handful of my friends had relatives who either passed away or were diagnosed with cancer or some other horrible life threatening disease. A musician who collaborated with favourite artist collaborated passed as well, and even though I didn’t know him personally, it was still horribly devastating. Not to mention all my friends/relatives pets who didn’t make it through 2020. There was just so much loss this year, and I’m still grieving my cousin and my friend’s mum who both passed last year, it’s getting harder and harder to cope. It’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about who the next person will be because I haven’t finished grieving the last ... 
All I can say is I hope 2021 is a little kinder when it comes to my loved ones. The small light at the end of the tunnel is; any suicidal thoughts I used to have frequently have all completely vanished, because I’ve been faced with the reality of it all. You really don’t realise how many people love you, people you don’t even know.
That was very dark, but it’s definitely something I needed to get off my chest.
Lets go back to a much lighter note. 
More highlights: 
🌻Animal Crossing New Horizons came out this year! I used to play Wild World back in the day so it was wonderfully nostalgic, and me and Pat have made the cutest little town with all our favourite villagers. It’s a nice way to escape from it all ^_^
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(Monty’s island when we started)
🌻Speaking of games, the brand new Crash Bandicoot came out this year too! It was actually jaw droppingly amazing seeing all the awesome new ideas and mechanics they came up with while still keeping it classicly Crash. I loved it and I’m so excited to see if they give Spyro the same treatment!
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🌻2020 brought about new and interesting ways to still enjoy Live entertainment. Lano and Woodley did a Zoom show which was absolutely hilarious, and Lights did an amazing online Dead End show which had me so pumped!
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🌻Pat and I continued our anniversary High Tea tradition, this time trying it out at the Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains!
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🌻Speaking of Pat, his sister got married this year too, despite the pandemic. Congratulations!
🌻Pat randomly bought a Miku figure for himself, out of the blue, completely unravelling years of unnecessary ‘shame’ I’ve inherited caused by a pushy mother and a crappy ex. I used to love figure collecting but was convinced by certain judgy people that it was stupid and I needed to sell them all. I kept my very favourites in a cupboard ‘just incase they increase in value’. But now I can finally display them all again knowing Pat loves them just as much as I do!
We also added a ton more to the collection to make up for lost time (and because there’s SO MANY CUTE MIKUS NOWADAYS)
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It’s a bit messy because we recently got new ones and need to make more space for them. The shelf with the Vocaloid nendoroids were my original ones hidden away in the cupboard, the rest we got this year ^_^ They make me so happy!
🌻Speaking of Pat unlocking things I’ve always wanted to do in the past: I am now planning to revive my old OCs Yui and Lotto! They were just characters of mine back in the day, but since I’m not good writing I never really came up with a story for them. But with Pat’s writer wisdom and my kawaii art style, I’m now planning a webcomic featuring the two cuties ^_^ It’s still in the very early planning stages but I’m super excited, and forever grateful for Pat, for believing in me ;w;
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🌻This year I drew 31 more Owl City songs in copic markers, to go towards my ongoing project to draw every song! I’m actually getting quite close to my goal now which is exciting! 
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🌻This year I went to a Drive-In movie theatre for the first time to see the new Bill and Tedd movie, it was glorious and now I wanted to try more drive-ins. Going out to see a movie on a big screen *without* being able to hear smart-asses or screaming babies? Yes please!!
🌻How could I forget, this was the year my idol noticed me!! Lights shared and retweeted my Deadend fanart! Life = made.
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What to to look forward to in 2021:
This is the first New Year where I actually have an idea of how 2021 will go! I managed to secure another animation job at a new studio starting January, ending January 2022 😊So thats the financial security for this year sorted! :P
As for general goals for 2021;
I’m hoping to have a decent plan, concept art, chapter ideas and hopefully even a script done for my new webcomic! I also wanted to make some cute simple animations of the characters just because c:
I’d also like to just do more of my own animation in general ... I animate every day for work but I never get to do my own animated projects. It will be hard with a full time job, so maybe this can be a 2022 goal ... but hopefully I can do at least one little animation of my own!
I suppose another goal is to make a social media accounts for my animation, too. Even if I don’t fulfil my goal, I still would like a page to showcase everything I’ve done so far.
And if all else fails .... Another goal is to draw more Miku. It’s crazy that I love her this much and haven’t drawn any fanart!
I think I’ll leave it there because I’m babbling now. 😅
I’ve done so many of these now o_o
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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jayfrost-designs · 4 years
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Originally I wasn't going to make a new ref sheet for Spotfur since she already got one recently, buuuuuuuuuuut then the announcement for the upcoming novella Spotfur's Rebellion and the gorgeous new cover art we got of her got me all hyped up, and looking back on my Spotfur design I wasn't as happy with it as I thought I was. So screw it, here's a brand new Spotfur design to celebrate the announcement for her novella. 
On her wiki page, Spotfur is not given any physical description beyond coloration and pattern. I used the taller Frostfur lineart for her with her mom's tufted-out cheeks, but she's bulkier and a bit fluffier, and on the taller side. Gave her a few scars, since her involvement in the rebellion so far and the title for her novella indicate a pretty badass personality. For her pattern, Spotfur is described as a gray-and-white spotted tabby she-cat. She has lovely blue eyes on the new cover for A Warrior's Choice, so I gave her a lighter shade of her mom's blue eyes here. She's a lighter shade of her mom's gray pelt, with her own unique spotted tabby pattern (since she hasn't got any spotted tabbies in her family), face markings pulled from both of her parents, and a new set of white markings. Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out (way more than her old sheet), and I'm super hyped for her new novella.
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Flowers for Yikes!
Steve stands outside of…Atomic Midnight Tattoos…preparing for his demise. He breathes in, then out, and opens the door of the parlour. As he walks inside, he is greeted with a smile by a lady that looks suspiciously like Connie Marble. “Hi, welcome in! Do you have an appointment with one of our artists?” Steve reaches the counter and says “I-I don’t, sorry.” He’s never been to a tattoo parlour before. He doesn’t know the procedures; he’s only aware of the pain factor from stories his friends have shared. “No need to apologise, it’s alright. I’ll ask and see if any of our artists have free time for a flash tattoo appointment. Be right back.”
Steve waits for a second, looking around the parlour with it’s red on (darker) red damask wallpaper, and the wooden baseboards and door frames painted black. He admires the chrome chandelier above him and especially loves the exotic plants decorating some corners of the shop. When “Connie” returns, Steve stops his prying and gives her a hopeful look.
“Hurricane Bill isn’t busy at the moment. Would you like to see examples of his work? Or just book now..?”
Hurricane Bill? What kind of fucking name is that? “No, it’s alright. We can just book now. It’s…it’s not a big deal of a tattoo, so I’m sure Bill’s skills will do.” He hates that the last part rhymed a little.
The lady in red chuckles behind her hand and tells Steve to fill out a release form while his tattoo artist prepares and sets up his work station.
As Steve returns the release form, he hears the sound of rubber soles approaching on his left.
Steve turns quickly to see the owner of the boots, and time suddenly stops. 
A chuckle.
“Yeah, it’s me…don’t cream your pants.” Billy winks at Steve.
“Oh god…” Steve’s face flushes and he covers it with his pale hands.
“What are you doing here?” (‘Connie’ leaves to the back, giving these two idiots some space.)
“Well…what do you think?” One hand remains on Steve’s face.
“I never expected to meet you here…”
“What? I can’t get a tattoo?”
“No, I mean I never expected to see you in CALIFORNIA.” Billy holds his arms across his chest.
“Oh…well Robin and I just opened business here and-”
“Woah! Wait, wait…come into my room and you can tell me all about it while I sketch, yeah?”
And so Billy leads Steve into his “studio” and closes the door behind them. Billy gestures for Steve to sit on the dentist-looking chair, and Billy takes a seat on a rolling chair next to him, quickly fetching for his sketchbook. The room is small, but looks efficient and organised. There’s many drawers; hygienic products and ink on some shelves; a sink; a few photos framed over the eggplant painted walls; and some potted succulents scattered here and there. There’s also a small bookcase that catches Steve’s eye, and a fancy lamp on one of the corners.
“So, what are you looking to get tattooed today?” Billy grabs a pencil from his desk.
“Well…” Steve starts nervously. “I kind of lost a bet and-” 
“Oh no.” Billy lowers the sketchpad to his lap.
A beat.
“I have to get ‘DINGUS’ tattooed and…” Steve trails off, a shade redder than he was before.
“Like…the word DINGUS…on your dingus?” Billy teases with a smirk plastered on his face as he ties his hair back into a bun.
“What? No! That would be…inappropriate.” And there Steve goes placing his hands to his face again. 
Billy doesn’t say anything and just waits for Steve to tell him more about this horror-piece of a tattoo idea.
“It…it has to be a tramp stamp.” he says in a very wonky, very unsure tone and looks down the whole time, obviously embarrassed.
“Oh…ok, no. I’m not doing that. That makes me uncomfortable.” Billy gets up and puts his sketchpad away. He seems tormented by the situation and Steve just “What? What do you mean? It’s just-”
“Steve, I don’t care if you lost a bet.” He looks back at Steve. “Hell, is your friend…Robin?” Steve nods once. “Is Robin at least paying for the tattoo?”
“Well, no, I lost the bet so I-” 
“No, fuck that shit. I’m not fucking up your beautiful body that way.” He begins to remove his jacket. “Do you trust me?”
“What? N-not really …I haven’t seen you in years its-”
“Wow…ouch.” Another beat. “No here-” Billy takes Steve’s left arm and places it over Steve’s head. “Just trust me. Keep your arm here for me. I’m going to lower the upper part of the chair…just sit still.” Billy fiddles with the bottom of the chair and Steve would be lying if he said he wasn’t panicking a little. Suddenly Billy grabs at his shoulders and gently brings Steve’s head down on the chair. He gives him a pillow to lay his pretty head on and Steve is still nervous…but also, Billy just fucking called him beautiful. He doesn’t know what to expect anymore, but he also doesn’t want to get up and leave. As scared as Steve feels in the moment…he’s also immensely curious to see what Billy is up to.
Billy gets some sharpies and a disposable razor from one of his many drawers. He presses play on his boombox and Kashmir by Led Zeppelin begins to play from the speakers just audible enough to be comfortable. Billy then shaves the back of Steve’s forearm, and then starts free-handing some design on his arm. Steve can see nothing; he’s not allowed to. He only feels the smooth tip of the markers making delicate lines on his skin, and it almost feels…seductive. 
“So tell me about this business of yours. I’m intrigued.” Billy asks while he continues to mark Steve’s arm.
Steve actually smiles at that…Billy’s interest makes him feel more at ease. “It’s a flower business! It’s actually right across the street from this shop.”
“Oh, no way! That’s you guys? We saw the establishment come to life little by little. It looks like a very homey shop. Congrats.”
“Thank you! We’re very proud of it. Robin and I just opened last week and so far everyone’s been so nice and supportive.”
“Is Robin your girlfriend?” Billy asks nonchalantly, but with a hint of worry at the VERY back of his voice.
“Noooo.” Steve says with an almost brooding tone. “Robin is my best friend and nothing more than that…”
Billy scoffs at that statement and tries to lighten the mood after Steve’s tone. “Hmm…yeah sure…because friends can’t be real best friends unless they make you get tramp stamps across the street. Is she cackling over there, or how come she didn’t come witness the glory of her suggestions?”
“Well she went out of her way to restock some flowers today…she’s expecting the tramp stamp when she arrives and now…I don’t know what to tell her.”
“That’s alright. I can talk to her if you’d like…” Billy scribbles at the bottom of Steve’s forearm. “I won’t miss adding DINGUS on this fucker anyways.” He continues sketching.“So why flowers?”
“Well, I’ve always been very attracted to flowers…they’re just so pretty, and plants are SO interesting! Robin has also told me I have an eye for detail. Flower arrangements are a great way to combine my skill and passion.”
“That’s admirable. Say…do you think I can swing by your shop, and request a special bouquet for my girlfriend after our session?” Billy smiles, even if Steve can’t see it.
“Sure!”Steve tries to sound enthusiastic, but waits a little before adding with another brooding tone“…you have a girlfriend?”
Billy chuckles. “Nah! Mag is my best friend. She has a girlfriend though! And I’m pretty sure they’d love to have some flowers in the apartment. It’s been a while…”
“Huh…funny how both of our best friends are lesbians.” Steve makes a remark, and Billy rolls his eyes but manages to crack a laugh anyways.
“Hmm…yeah, a little weird. Alright, I’m done sketching and-NO! No no…you can’t look!” And Steve pouts a little when Billy grabs and keeps his arm over his head.
Billy then starts to prep the tattoo machine. He grabs some black latex gloves and brings his small table with ink caps closer. “Alright Stevie, I’m coming in. Are you ready?”
But Steve is still stuck at the fact that Billy just called him Stevie. “Umm…” and then he catches on. “Ready…yeah, sure. Let’s do this.”
“Alright. Remember to just keep breathing, and if it gets too uncomfortable…count to 10, focus on your breathing, or talk to me! I want to make this a comfortable experience for you. Wait…is this your first tattoo?” Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd washes over the sudden silence.
“It…it is.” Steve’s eyes narrow a little at the corners.
“Oh wow…a virgin amongst us. Well, it’s a pleasure to be your first.” Billy winks at Steve as he cuts some paper towels from the roll. “Okay here we go.” And Billy’s needle starts buzzing and comes in contact with Steve’s arm. He drags the machine across, and Steve feels a ticklish kind of pain. He’d heard people compare the pain to cat scratches, but Steve’s never been scratched by a cat…He begins to think it might not be as painful as people make it out to be?
“Why don’t you tell me more…I want to catch up with your life. What have you even been up to?” And Steve is touched by Billy’s generous gesture to learn about his life. So they talk through the session, learning what things have changed and what has remained the same since high school; and it almost feels surreal that they’re able to talk as if they’d just seen each other yesterday. Getting the lineart done was a breeze, and the random moments of silence were brief. Somewhere down the line though, Billy feels a ragged breath coming from Steve the third time he comes in to apply colour.
“C’mon, Steve…deep breaths now.” The room tenses a little, and in the air you only hear Steve’s panting, followed by Billy’s constant “I’m sorry” mumbles and “breathe, breathe” or “You’re doing great!” but Steve still seems in discomfort. “Would you like a break? I can give you 5 minutes if you need them.”
Steve seems in a bit of a daze, and he doesn’t give Billy a reply, so he gets worried. He places his machine down and removes his latex gloves to fetch Steve a cup of water. 
“Can I trust that you won’t peek at your tattoo?” Billy asks in a delicate voice, and gets nothing but a soft nod from Steve. Billy takes this opportunity to flip his mixtape over, and goes outside the room for the water. When he returns, Steve has kept his left arm over his head like a good boy. He also has placed his right arm over his soft tummy and brought his legs up, dirtying up the chair with his sneakers. Steve looks comfortable and so inviting with that pair of forest green shorts, making Billy’s heart skip a beat.
“Is the water for me? Hellooo…”
Steve’s sudden preppier tone brings Billy back to, and he apologises nervously. “Sorry, you…you’re too distracting with your handsome face and… your… everything.”
Steve isn’t taken aback by the comments anymore. He’s getting more and more comfortable around Billy, and so he puts his right arm out to take the water from him. Steve takes a few gulps and Billy presses play on his mixtape before getting a fresh pair of latex gloves. “We’re about halfway through…do you think you can take some more pokes for me?” Steve holds the paper cup between his teeth, no hand required.
“Okaaaay” he mumbles through the cup in a childish tone that makes Billy smile.
“Hey…I know what will take your mind off the pain. Why don’t you tell me about your favourite flowers?”
And so Steve lightens up and starts to tell Billy about Cyclamens, Hydrangeas, and Gazanias. Of how much he adores Daffodils, Gardenias and Lilies the best. He doesn’t miss mentioning how much he loves the colour of Lilacs and Caucasian pincushions, as well as his current obsession with adding Baby’s-Breath to every arrangement he makes.
Billy doesn’t fail to chime in about his love of Delphiniums, Irises and Penny Blacks…
“I also like those, ummm…what do they call them? Ace of Spades?”
“Oh! The ones with all the tiny buds in deep red?” Steve still holds the empty paper cup in his right hand. “That’s a good pick! You probably would also like Passifloras.”
“What are those?”
“The crazy purple ones with-…geez, I don’t know how to describe them. Maybe I should just show you?”
“I would like that very much!” It almost felt like Steve was no longer in pain! So they continue talking and they both comment on the amazingness of succulents; they agree that water lilies are great and that magnolias are precious flowers that should definitely be in the flower arrangement for Billy’s best friends back in his apartment. At some point Steve sheds a few tears because apparently flowers make him very happy…and Billy thinks he might be mixing his emotions with the pain of his pokes…but he can’t help to find Steve crying over flowers to be extremely endearing, and it makes him smirk like crazy.
When Billy is done, he sprays water on Steve’s arm and wipes away with a paper towel, like…twice too many times, Steve thinks, because honestly…that shit stings!
“Okay champ, you can have a look now!” Billy says enthusiastically as Veterans of the Psychic War by Blue Öyster Cult nears its end.
He helps Steve get up from the chair, and guides him to the mirror on the wall. Steve is extremely nervous; what if Billy just did some crazy, but very meticulous lettering work for the word DINGUS all across the back of his forearm? He did say the word dingus would be there…he just didn’t want to make it into a tramp stamp…apparently. But throughout this journey Steve realised that he’d gained an immense trust in Billy. 
Billy, who had once beat the living daylights out of his face, now made him feel so safe and comfortable throughout the pain of this tattoo…he couldn’t possibly have fucked-
Steve stands in front of the mirror, gasping into his right hand. He has no words…he’s frozen. Billy stares at Steve, then at the tattoo, and back to Steve.
Steve brings his left arm across his chest and glides his eyes over the neo-traditional dagger that decorates his arm. He traces his gaze from the tip of the blade to the handle…and marvels at the sight of the flowers wrapped on the handle, gracing near his elbow. Billy notices Steve looking at the flowers; their deep purple shade making a lovely contrast on Steve’s skin tone, and says,
“I wanted to make a homage to your new flower business, and Orchids are my favourite flowers so I…” he drops his comment at the sight of tears in Steve’s eyes.
“Oh, Steve please don’t cry. You’re being a baby, just-” Steve has now enveloped Billy in a tight hug, and he doesn’t know what to say. Billy just eases into the hug and pats Steve’s back. He’s very glad to see Steve is content with the outcome of his work. Above all, he’s also secretly VERY glad to see Steve again.
Back at the front counter, Steve complains that Robin will punch him because the word DINGUS is only a shade darker than the stems of the Orchid; and SOOOO TINY.
“Just send her over to punch me. Guess I’m to blame for not respecting the bet.” They both giggle nervously and stand timidly around. Parting is such sweet sorrow…and neither one of them knows how to break that ice.
“So…” Steve finally begins again. “How much do I owe you?”
Billy chuckles a little. “Oh, right. Well, how about you pay for my dinner? I half-assed your original tattoo design anyways.”
“Oh…no, I insist. What you did is so beautiful…I must pay full price.”
“Right…” Billy says assertively. “Pay for my very expensive dinner at the fanciest, most overpriced restaurant we can find, and we can call it even Steven” And they both just burst out laughing.
“Alright, it’s a date then.” Steve smiles, and Billy flutters his eyelashes at him, leaning forward and placing his arms on the counter.
“Can I get my private tour of your flower shop now, pretty boy?” Billy winks at Steve and that makes him blush like crazy. In his flushed panic, he looks down and catches a glimpse of Billy’s arms on the counter. He notices a dagger tattoo on the back of his right forearm, and Steve melts for a second.
The next time he sees Billy inside his flower shop again, there’s a pair of white lilies adorning the handle of his dagger, making Steve melt twofold. Lilies are Steve’s favourite flower.
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youwerelikeanangel · 4 years
Hello Finn, I hope you're well! I love your embroidery, I think your work is absolutely gorgeous! I wanted to ask you how you got into it, and how did you learn to do all those cute designs. Did you follow any tutorials, or did you come up with them on your own? (I'm asking because I would like to start embroidery too!) have a nice day 🌈
oh hiii!!!! thank you so so much, you're so sweet! I always wanted to do embroidery and when quarantine came I was in need of a hobby that wasn't just jigsaw puzzling, so I got some supplies and now I have so many, I don't know where to put them all 😌
and. Well wjjsnxnd. I'm bad at following directions lmao so what I did was:
I learned a few basics, such as a few stitches that are easy, there are a ton of great videos on YouTube. I started with like one or two videos that explained the basics. Then I just kinda went from there skaksnnd sometimes, I google specific stitches or watch videos on them, I also own a book about embroidery, which also has a lot of patterns in it! I never used them though so far dkskskxn
But! I can recommend DMC, they have tons of free patterns which are really pretty as well! I have done only two, because I usually do all my patterns myself. Flowers are quite easy to draw and then turn into a pattern, even for me, someone who cannot draw stick figures. I look through Pinterest so much nowadays, for inspiration. Such as song lyrics, paintings, flower drawings, anything that'll get me inspired.
Some other patterns are things like letters, these I just put in word and print them out! And then, this is something I only gotten recently into, is doing lineart, so I'm taking a picture (e.g. of Louis) and I'm just tracing in it on my tablet and erase the background then, so I only have my black lines which are my pattern then. I recently embroidery Kiki from a Ghibli movie with this "technique". For putting the pattern onto your fabric, there are different methods. First, pencils: must be out- washable so I don't leave any stains!
Then, you can either just draw onto the fabric directly, I do that with flower stuff when it's not too intricate.
Or you put your pattern on a paper, stick it to a window and hold your (light coloured) fabric over it and then you trace it. Or you create a lightbox with a tablet or phone and a picture frame+ glass. Or you buy some paper that will transfer the pattern (I have never bought this because it's very expensive and I'd only to that for things with very much detail)
One of the best things I can recommend: buying an embroidery kit on Etsy, support some artists. My favourite artist is NellyMakesEmbroidery, she's so sweet! Her designs are amazing, I have a planet kit, and she gives so so much embroidery thread so that's really good
If you have any more questions or anything, just come talk to me! I hope I could help 💞💘🧡🍁😌
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areyousanta · 4 years
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I made a self-analysis of my art progress over the past five years. I feel like I’m at a point where my progress has kinda flat-lined and I want to go through what was my most popular each year and point out what I like and what I don’t like/what I improved on.
This is mainly for my own use so putting the meat of this under the cut.
Also going on a little hiatus for who knows how long because my head is not on straight and I need to take time and get out of my head and this fog.
First year with a tablet. Well, first few months at least. I think I got this tablet around October/November. I think the main thing I like about this is the colorr! The oranges and reds in his hair just make it look so vibrant and inviting. Definitely feel like I need to expand on my color usage and be more carefree about it like in this pic.
I have a whole list of things I don’t like but I’m not gonna get into them since...well this was my first arting experience and I loved every minute of learning the program and using the tablet. So I don’t wanna throw shade on those memories. Mainly, linearttt needs some workk.
Alright here we go. So first thing, THE POSE?!? I honestly am still shocked at how well I pulled off that pose. Yeah the anatomy is wonky, but I feel like I executed it well.
The shading bugs me the most. I was so concerned with having harsh lines in the shading that I blurred everything out. I feel like this makes it lose it’s depth! Yes it looks soft, but I am a HUGE fan of shading that has a rough, painted, look?? Idk how to describe it. 
Also the avoidance at doing anything with Roy’s face or anything below both of their shoulders annoys me.
That is probably my main regret about me doing art at this time. It always had to be PERFECT. If I ever drew something and it started seeming like it wasn’t going to turn out how I liked, I pretty much rage-quit and shut down. I still do this now, but I try and hold out a little longer and work on fixing it before I give up. Unfortunately, giving up on a drawing happens more often than I’d like to admit. And, it’s not just giving up, its giving up and DELETING the whole drawing because I get so mad at myself. This is why you all rarely see me post sketchy sketches. I really need to try and kick this habit.
Idk what it is about this drawing. The shading! The lineart! His hair! That AUTOMAIL OMFG. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to recreate this and nothing seems to compare in my mind.
Nothing to critique. I still love it all.
God this one seems like I literally did it yesterday.
This is where I feel like my progress began to stall out. Most of my stuff now still looks like this and idk how that makes me feel.
This is right about the time I started doing my lineart this way. I used to refer to it as my “soft lines” as I labeled it in my old commissions posts. Now its my standard way to do lineart and I love it so much. I really like the variation of line weight on this and the hatching!! I need to work on incorporating this into future pieces. 
Also I remember I did this weird technique of shading on an overlay layer with odd colors?? I think I used like green and red on this one and I still really like how it turned out so I may try that again. 
THIS ONE idk what it is about it but I have a love/hate relationship with this one. I love the fact that I did a (sort of) full-body pose and it actually turned out okay! Also the colors and lineart look super dope and work welll!
I hate the hands and the face though. Hands because...well they’re hands and were crafted by satan himself to torture artists with their wonkiness. The fact just looks weird to me. I’m not super comfortable with doing profiles and I always feel like they turn out really strange looking. I’ve looked at a million different profile tutorials, traced over pictures, and Still. Can’t. Do. It. 
However, looking from the one from 2015 to this one, I am amazed I have come this far. 
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 20th-July 26th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 20th, 2020 to July 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta.
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Featured Comment:
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta~! (http://ring-spell.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until July 26th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Feather J. Fern
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I like how it seems lighthearted at first, but knowing Artem it's going to drop the ball on us really soon haha.(edited)
Also I always love how the backgrounds are, they look great.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Hahah, it's a shame I didn't get one more update up XD Thank you so much, Feather~!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
well, the CTP is gonna run for the rest of the week...
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I can't finish the next 8 pages by then XD
My guess is they'll be up the week after next
For the beginning, I'm with Feather and I like how quickly the comic transitions from just lalala happy school to oh wait there's weird shit going on. I really like stories where the status quo is quickly ripped out from under your feet. My favorite moment in the comic so far is probably the most recent scene when we get to see Lyall's apartment and ya know, Claire starts dropping all these bombshells on us. The scene is the epitome of "Well that escalated quickly" and its just loaded with so much info to unpack. My favorite character right now is Claire. One because she seems the most sensible and mysterious, and two because I love Claire's hair so much and I'm so jealous and want such floof beautiful hair. ;3; As for characters I like see interacting the most, probably Claire and Lyall and they have some really good banter and a relationship, insofar, that's just kind of hilarious in its brutal honesty. A close second for me is Claire and Tasha as it quickly switches from happy smiles to probably most likely to have a catfight in the hallway.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Catfight in the hallway, lolol. Makes me want to draw them dressed like cat girls XD
No not that sort of catfight
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
comic turns into a catgirl fetish comic
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
1. I like how the first word is Zenchav which was the title of the comic this is a hard reboot of XD 2. My favorite moment was Lyall sticking his hands up Damon's shirt XD I really like how it was drawn and it's the most Lyall thing ever to do. 3. My favorite character overall is Damon, although it's probably Lyall at this point in the story. But I like them all of course XD 4. Damon and anybody, lol. I like when I get to draw him XD 5. I've been trying out a new shading style with this since I almost exclusively just hard shaded before, so it's nice to be branching out a bit and trying some new things. The Intro page is probably my favorite atm.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Theory: Lyall sticking his cold hands up Damon's shirt is how he drains Damon's energy, because secretly he's the witch.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh no! XD that would be a twist!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh snap!
Hmmm, so we ship Claire and Tasha then?
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I don't not ship Tasha and Claire >v>
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Drew that picture of them
We should indeed all suspect Lyall. I mean no parents, lives alone, yet somehow affords everything? That's witchery.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
How does he afford all that stuff
does he sell drugs on the side or something XD it is suspicious
1. I'll mostly echo everyone else here in terms of the start seems pretty straightforward and makes one wonder how the teaser page fits into it all. I'll add a remark on the subtle details of world building, like you've got your digital alarm... and dude straight up has a TAIL, and it's like, no comment, that's normal too.
2. Favourite moment was probably recruiting Claire into the cosplay skit. It's like, hello new person, oh you want to associate with us? Then you need the proper accessories, and Claire's all 'Um, I'm not sure... prop weapons? Uh, okay then...' Cosplay is a force to be reckoned with. (nods)
3. Fave character... yeah, may have to echo Rebel here and go with Claire. Possibly because she's the first chapter name, and like the reader is coming into this new situation, so can get behind her trying to figure it out... but also because I'm big on the time/space bureau stuff and that sounds like a cool job to get.
Damon has a cool cane and has the mysterious ailment afflicting his cosplay though, so he's my fave guy at the moment. (Werewolf blood? Moon thing? Dunno.)
4. I honestly do like the Tasha/Claire interactions the most, because each of them seems to have something to hide, and so you're kind of wondering if and when one of them might slip up. The other girl interrupting with the paint was classic, and I felt it helped break tension. The ship picture (which I imagine won't show in the log) is kind of representative of that with the chessboard too, like they're making moves against the other (though I'm not yet convinced that one is a witch, could be a setup).
Of course, I'm very biased towards the yuri, so grain of salt for my opinions and all. And while the ship was a humour comment at first, I think I'm more into it after seeing a "catfight" could play out.
All that said, the Lyall/Damon interactions are equally good. Lyall's perversion sometimes saying the quiet part out loud.
5. I recognize the art style, have read some of the work before (under different name). Always find the hair impressive, like here you get the impression of each individual strand except that's not actually what's drawn... you can still see the neat ears, Claire having some strands that fall in front of her too. The shading is really good too, like definitely shades of grey, not just black and white.
Kind of echoing the author there, but I can see it.
I'm so bad with themes and need to charge computer, will be back later. o.o
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I love all this input Math, thank you ;3;/
@mathtans You have no idea how happy I am that someone noticed the tail that nobody seemed to comment on.
What I like about the art is how clean and crisp everything is cause mmmm that sexy lineart you can just paint bucket when needed. <3 I like that the comic explores the idea of having someone you've known your entire life possibly be evil. Cause it opens up a lot of questions. Like should you doubt? Should you trust? And at which point have you hit the point of betrayal? So I'm glad we'll get to see a bit of this tackled as Lyall and Claire look for evidence. As for the overall story, I like that there's just lots of questions going on. It's a theorists dream. But I find the more mysteries a comic has, the more engaging it is. Because even when you know the answer, it's interesting everytime to see the characters reach that answer. As for the comic's strengths, see the above and the art. It's super pretty and clean to look at, has some fantastic emotive faces during the more comedic moments, and there's just lots to theorize and look forward too. ;3;
Now I will proceed to weep as someone who beta read the script and actually can't theorize cause I just know .
Others may have noticed but not been sure what to say? (Does the tail turn into the cane?)
6. Ok, themes... could be a theme of belonging in there. Like Claire being accepted into the group, like Lyall wondering if she's only talking to him to get to Damon, that sort of thing? Then there's the idea Rebel raised of thinking you know someone but not necessarily knowing them.
Of course, there's also credibility, like maybe Claire is simply an escaped mental patient with really good hacking skills to get herself in the school and apartment. Because that's quite the tale she spins. (Though Lyall had heard of the organization? Or he's pranking her, bit hard to know for sure.)
7/8. The story's been setting up a number of things in the background, I feel. Which can be a strength, as we're learning more character items first. Though Claire's latest revelation I'm really jazzed about, because the idea of time travel (times when demons weren't supposed to be) and personification (Earth as a female entity) are right up my alley. So that's cool.
Also Lyall apparently has a strange aura to go with Tasha's strange energy? Maybe the witch is jumping bodies. Maybe we should ship Lyall/Tasha.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh my gosh, loving these ideas!
I don't want to give spoilers but I think I'll answer the tail thing cause I never really meant for it to be a mystery It's just tucked into his pants when he's in public is all. That's why he's wearing the track suit for the school and not the standard school uniform, cause the pants are looser.
although it turning into the cane could have been hella cool(edited)
now I'm a little bummed I never thought of that
But the cane has other purposes
I didn't really think it was a big mystery, and that explanation makes sense. (So I suppose it could be not normal, only normal for Damon's friends... demon prejudice otherwise?) Ok, so the cane is where he hides his stimulants to keep awake until the full moon.
Comic Tea Party
9. What are your theories about Damon’s past? Why is he concerned about when the full moon is? Additionally, what do you think was meant about Damon and Xerfonos being the same age but not being twins?
10. Do you think Claire is right that Tasha is the witch Cadence? If so, how will she prove it? If not, who else could it be? Also, what might this all have to do with Tasha’s concern about Claire being the mysterious Draco’s student?
11. What do you think Cadence ultimately wants from Damon? Why would this compel the Earth, and by extension Apus, to protect him? Also, even if the characters find Cadence, can she actually be stopped?
12. Why do you think Lyall reacted so strangely to Claire mentioning Apus, and why do you think he’s so sure Apus wouldn’t care about protecting Damon? Do you think Lyall can trust Claire even for the long term?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
9. I mean, Damon seems to be a demon, but he's cool with being in our world, so... maybe he was born of a human/demon pairing? Or he was adopted by humans when he was a baby and simply given the same birthday as Xerfonos. I'm guessing the full moon has more significance than merely to werewolves (unless Damon needs to bite a werewolf to regain strength idk) and so it would help him.
I will say that initially the "same age" thing didn't phase me because there's more than 9 months in a year, plenty of time for having a second kid born in the same year. But now that I'm debating the adoption angle, maybe there's more to it.
They're not twins... they're TRIPLETS! Dun dun dun. Anyway.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
they could also just not be twins due to a date technicality like one was born right before midnight and one was born right after
but yeah the adoption angle would explain a lot
10. I don't think she's right about Tasha, or if she's right, not in the way she thinks. Because we've seen some from Tasha's perspective and she didn't seem to be the person in charge of whatever. In terms of proof, I guess she could see if Tasha would cosplay as a witch? And if the shoe fits? But yeah, maybe the witch is jumping between people like I mentioned earlier, or is not actually there yet, like APUS got the date wrong or something. Maybe Tasha's also trying to protect Damon from the witch (hence trying to give him that new name) but it's a rival organization?
I mean, technically still twins in that case, just not having the same birthday. (If Feb 29th enters into it, it gets even weirder.)
Actually, why wouldn't Claire use Damon's given name? Maybe her organization doesn't know everything it thinks it does?
Anyway, just had time for some random thoughts. Back later tonight.
11. Cadence may just want him to keep living so that she can keep siphoning off energy. (Thus perhaps APUS wants him dead, it's not about protection?!) Or maybe Cadence wants a sweet cosplay. (Probably not.) Of course, it might be that if she's a free floating witch, she wants his body. Maybe she can't be stopped, but could be redirected?
The Earth aspect is one I haven't really been able to figure out yet. (Are pavonis a type of pasta?) But maybe there's a destiny or something that Damon needs to fulfil first.
12. Lyall could have been pranking, but maybe he knows a different organization like that... or maybe that's the name of some mystery file on his computer that he hasn't been able to open because the Cadence inside him hasn't revealed the password, oooh. I think Lyall can trust Claire (assuming she's not a raving lunatic) and she might even need him to provide better cover (she didn't seem to even know what apartment she was in)... but that's short term. Long term is another question, if she starts getting Apus directives saying to do things he wouldn't agree with.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
This is all so interesting ;3;
Pavonis as a type of pasta, lolol
I'm glad it's more interesting than rambly.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Nah, I love it XD I'm afraid I'd give spoilers if I said anymore lmao
My theories about Damon's past are that he's a werewolf. And that something about being a werewolf has changed how he ages compared to Xerfonos - thus why they're the same age but not twins. Granted I guess they could also just be half brothers who have a shared father who said, "Man I should knock two girls up at once." But werewolf sounds more interesting. No I think we've established Lyall is clearly the witch. He is too suspicious. Tasha probably is a super secret agent or something, hence the suspicion. Maybe Apus is into some shady shit that Tasha knows about, especially Draco, so she doesn't want them jumping in on everything. As for how proof, she won't. Cadence will reveal she's Lyall when the most damage can be caused and Claire will weep her career as a detective is through. Cadence might just think Damon is hot. Although I think Damon has a grand destiny ahead of him, and Cadence wants to interfere with that destiny while also bulking up on some of that tasty werewolf energy. Also, can Cadence be stopped? Probably. But definitely not by these chumps right now. XD Lyall reacted strangely cause that was the Cadence in him going oh shit and kind of taking over. And sure, Lyall can trust Claire to never figure out its him. Sorry Claire, you hot, but clearly aren't noticing some stuff.
I hadn't considered the "same father different mothers" angle. O.o Maybe it was a sperm donation sort of thing though?
As to Claire, maybe Tasha will be nice enough to buy Claire ice cream and give her snuggles once she realizes the error of her ways.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Tasha and Claire will get to snuggling at some point I'm sure XD
The same father with different mothers sounds most probable
of what's been mentioned at least
I mean, time travel could also be involved. What with Apus.
Maybe Claire is Damon's daughter and she's trying to protect her own existence.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Maybe Claire is Xerfonos' mother
Wait, I don't think that'd work out lmao
Daughter would be way more probable
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I look forward to getting a bit further into the story XD it's still pretty early on atm and there's a lot of really good scenes later. I don't feel like we've really gotten to know Damon yet either
I am looking forward to seeing people's theories as the story continues and pieces fall into place. It will be interesting to see the routes people take with the ideas of what the answers are going to be. My final words are just read the comic. O_O
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I didn't end up having any brain power to write responses over the week, but I really enjoyed Ring Spell. Damon and his brother are cuties, Claire seems very capable, and I can't wait to find out what Tasha's motives are. I'm real excited to see how the themes of magical marital vows come to the forefront :3
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you~!
Busy weekend was busy. Looking forward to seeing how the Apus thing fits in, like is Claire even from their time period? Will Lyall spill all the secrets? Will the ships happen? I'm so behind in all my reading but I've flagged it to check back when I can.
There was also the bit at the start implying knowing people from other lives, but the time travel possibilities make that weird. And I guess there's also the question of whether a Ring will have a Spell on it. Like, maybe the witch doesn't know she's the witch while she's wearing a ring? Or they have to get her to wear a ring? Here I am guessing again. ^^
14. To conclude, all the best with it, looks like a good setup. I do enjoy the art style too.
Also I guess congrats on being the finale CTP? Nice that you got it in there. Good initiative.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you so much Math~!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Ring Spell this week! Please also give a special thank you to Artem Ficta for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Ring Spell, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://ring-spell.com/
Artem Ficta’s Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/artemficta
Artem Ficta’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtemFicta
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espytalks · 4 years
ive been drawing for quite a while. and looking through my old art, i found ive been drawing online for a whole flippin decade. wow.
so here’s 10 drawings ive done over the last 10 years, with commentary. it’s a long one, though, so be careful.
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I had to dig through my deviantart for these first two. This pikachu is the first thing i ever posted online! i remember drawing this in ms paint with a mouse. i remember being very proud of this, and in a way, i still think it’s cute. it has a “drawing my kid done that i hung on a fridge’ vibe. 
i didn’t do much around this time. i barely knew how the internet worked, and i mainly read instead of drawing. i did some pokemon sprite edits though, for some reason. i remember really liking doing that.
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i’m pretty sure i drew this mew in gimp. also with a mouse, because i had no idea tablets existed. ive always been super into pokemon, and around this time i think i was watching a lot of mickey mouse cartoons? it’d explain the weird style. 
i’m impressed with the shading, though. i did the best with what i knew, and what i could figure out on my own. not pictured is the hundreds of mickey sketches i did around this time, or the self insert oc i made lol.
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2012: oh no it’s pony time. i spent about 5 years drawing primarily these things. kinda wish i hadn’t in hindsight, but ah well.
i had this program on my ds that i could draw and post my art on, and i was using it a lot around this time. a lot of my art has this sketchy look to it, because of that. i remember i had quite a few followers on it, or at least i think i did. i dunno if that website still exists, or if anyone even uses it anymore.
but anyways, this drawing is super cute. ya can’t go wrong with a sleeping pone. i forgot the cutie mark, tho. i always forget minor important details like that. either that or i drew her as a filly. can’t remember.
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2013: yeah, i think this as vent art? can’t remember, but i drew it on that same program. i put a lot of effort into the perspective. this was based on my room at the time, btw.
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2014: i believe this was for a new artist’s training grounds on eqd. i must’ve had a tablet by now, cause i can see tapering in the lineart. it was a big deal for me, and it sucks that i can’t remember what the first ting i drew with it was. i think it was some sketches.
but you can definitely see some improvement by now. i was really getting used to drawing this one thing. but a lot of people following me seemed to like my art back then. it was called cute, and expressive and cartoony. 
i think this was around the time i was at my best, as far as notes and interaction goes. 
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2015: *megalovania intensifies*
i was super into undertale at the time. and 2014-15 was when i started to try and draw other things aside from ponies. you cal tell my poses and anatomy is mega awkward and kinda bad here, but this was a major improvement for me. 
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2016: i was a fan of steven universe since it first aired, but i very rarely drew fanart for it. but as i was getting more comfortable with drawing peole, i got more ambitious with the characters i tried to draw.
i also from around this point on tried to get better at traditional art. and i think this was the first inktober i tried, but i don’t think it was the first i finished.
i really liked this drawing. and i may or may not have a wip redraw of this going on right now. wish me luck!
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this is my favorite drawing. i peaked here and i will never be as good and pure as this single icon i did. it’s purple, he’s happy, it’s PASTEL AND SPARKES!!!!
i also got super into bendy and the ink machine this year, which sparked a renewed interest in trying to improve in drawing, and also led me to create my favorite oc ever.
i think i improved a lot around this time. my shapes and anatomy became cleaner and more consistent. on a technical level, i think this is where i started getting really good as an artist.
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2018: i don’t think i improved a lot this year. i honestly feel like ive stagnated since then, and depression hasn’t helped. 
it’s a tough choice between this and the hollow knight drawing for best drawing of the year, but this is my personal favorite. sorry, mm, but mickey will always win out in my opinion. i know ya liked the other one though, and it’s also really good. 
i like how this turned out, and i’m so glad it’s got the most notes of anything else ive drawn. it’s pretty, and i love the style. this is how i wish i drew all the time.
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2019: and finally we have this.
i don’t care how poorly this did. i was proud of myself for doing this. it’s cute and pretty and i like it. I created a vague story where she’s a little astronomer who’s like, caged for some reason, but now she’s free.
in hindsight, i think i coulda done a lot better, but i still like it. it’s one of my favorites that ive done this year. i wish i drew more this year, but the last few months ive been super depressed. it’s been hard to want to draw anything, and i feel so uncreative and mediocre. 
i’m hoping next year i’ll be better, and i’ll have stuff in my personal life more sorted out, and i won’t feel as bad.
this was nice, though. i’m glad i looked through my old art. maybe i’ll figure out what i’m missing, and get back on track. and maybe i’ll finish these wips i have going on lol. we’ll see.
happy new year, everyone. and may this next decade be even better for us all as creators, and as people.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 14-20 July 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Unchain Utopia (Ch. 8-13) https://archiveofourown.org/works/19717810/chapters/46896790
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Zechs Merquise/Reader
Characters: Zechs Merquise, Relena Peacecraft
Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Summer of Zechs, Summer of Zechs 2019, Sexual Content, Lime, Drama, Family
Summary: When unexpected political roles are pushed upon you and your husband, you find your life turned upside down. The challenge is far greater than anything you have encountered before, but also leads to new insights. And who knows, you might even find the ultimate happiness there.
Beneath (Ch. 10) https://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/186326980629/beneath-10
They’d been under the lake. Not deep enough for any kind of pressure concerns, but Heero was absolutely sure he’d have felt some kind of repercussion from the approach, however slow, of such a large vessel. He wasn’t even sure a vessel of this size could have fit in the lake, but then, he admitted, he wasn’t sure that it had.  
From Duo’s bubble, Heero had stepped into what seemed like an airlock to him, but it was long, well lit, and clean on some kind of storybook-movie kind of level, like things just weren’t like that in real life.
Mandatory Leave https://archiveofourown.org/works/19825453
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love
Series: Part 9 of Sev’s Commission Run 2019
Summary: “Yo,” Duo greeted him, breezing past into Heero’s apartment. “Figured you’d be as out-of-sorts as I am. Probably more, really, cause I’m not the kinda guy who’s not gonna enjoy a few days on the D-L, you know, so I figured I’d come help you out.”
Heero and Duo are assigned mandatory leave after a slew of missions. Duo decides Heero needs some guidance as to how to enjoy it. Heero decides he needs to do something about Duo.
Fanart/Gunpla/Photo Manips:
Custom Build: DM 1/100 Tallgeese III + LED uni, gunpla
MODELER: 最后的月牙天冲
Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell
Heero Yuy, photo edit
Trowa Barton, photo edit
Heero Yuy, photo edit
Heero and Duo, stickers
Hilde and Duo near a lighthouse.
MG Gundam the Origin RX-78-2 and MG Anime Version Wing Gundam, gunpla
Quatre Raberba Winner
Heavyarms coming to Bandi gunpla!
Wing Gundam HYC (unarmored)
Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing hates Autism Speaks!
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Heero Yuy, Mercurius
WuFei taking out a guard.
Duo Maxwell, screencap
Small take from the end of an episode.
Fandom Discourse:
Quatre & Heero
Mariamaia & Trowa
Relena, Quatre, Sally, Noin, and Heero
Duo Maxwell
Duo, Mariemaia, & WuFei
WuFei, Quatre, Heero, Trowa, & Duo
WuFei, Duo, & Heero
Heero Yuy
Quatre & Heero
Duo & Heero
Noin & Duo
Quatre, Iria, & Zayeed
Where they all stand in a Bar Fight.
WuFei & Trowa
Calendar Events:
Gundam Wingo is a go!
Come and sign up for a card here: https://gundam-wing-bingo.tumblr.com/post/185466400076/gundam-wing-bingo
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, July 26th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/186422282550/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-july
For those going to Pillowfort, find us here.
If anyone has ideas for prompts, PLEASE send them in! Our ask box is always open.
In need of Fall and Winter prompts!
Gundam Wing Unorthodox Undercover Work Mini Bang
Sign-ups are open!
An update! https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/186338370655/unorthodox-undercover-work-mini-bang
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