#buddi chucky x reader
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Need me a locket like this but with 15-20 slots for all the slutty little blorbos I love.
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cherryrainn · 7 months
If this is too triggering it's ok to skip 💜, so headcanons of Teenage reader asleep and she has a terrible nightmare of chucky killing her but chucky wakes her up and asks her what's wrong and she's to scared to tell him, so like angst to fluff platonic please, also chucky from the show please
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; pairing ; chucky x fem! teen! reader (platonic)
; note ; not triggering at all! thank you for your ask
; warnings ; nightmares
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you're sprawled out on your bed, snoozing away, when suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a nightmare.
chucky, your doll buddy, is on a rampage, and you're the main target.
he's slashing through the air, laughing maniacally, and you're running for your life.
just as chucky's about to deliver the final stab, you jolt awake with a scream.
you look to your side and chucky's on your bed, looking at you like you're crazy or something
"fuck happened?"
however, the concern in his eyes betrays the gruff exterior.
you're too scared to form proper sentences, so you just stare at him like a deer caught in headlights.
what if he gets angry? what if he really does want to harm you?
chucky, surprisingly, seems genuinely concerned.
"well? come on."
after a deep breath, you spill the details of your nightmare, careful not to accuse him directly.
chucky's eyes widen, and for a moment, he looks almost sympathetic.
"sheesh. you really dreamt that stuff?"
as you nod, he lets out a sigh, moving over and sitting down right beside you.
"listen, i ain't gonna hurt you, ever. i'm not wasting my time offing my favorite kid."
you can't help but crack a tiny smile.
maybe having a killer doll as a roommate isn't all bad.
chucky pats your head in a bizarrely comforting way.
"now get some shut-eye, and remember, i got your back."
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peydawgz · 4 years
Could you do Chucky, both original and Buddi, and any other slashers of your choosing, with a digital artist s/o? Specifically, them watching their s/o get frustrated when it crashes or gets accidentally deleted, corrupted files, that magic. Maybe even closing the window himself for attention, only to accidentally delete all of their progress?
(I’m sorry I’m super late on this one; I’ve been gone for quite a while huh? I’m gonna get through some of these requests because I’m feelin the slasher love with halloween season coming around the corner! So I’m back!! This ask is rlly inspiring me bc I’ve been going through this rn :( my BRAND NEW tablet keeps glitching and fucking up my art.)
Digital Artist x Various Slashers (Buddi! Chucky, 88′ Chucky, Michael Myers)
Buddi! Chucky
     One hand on the keyboard, the other gripping your pen stylus tightly, you began to get frustrated with your current art piece. A mix of unmotivation, anger, and your tablet keeps crashing was all adding to your growing frustration. Your Buddi doll, on the other hand, was sitting patiently beside you up on your desk, watching you get angrier and angrier.       Was your computer making you upset? You looked like you were on the verge of tears because of it! “When can we play again?” Chucky asked politely, a creepy little smile appearing on his face. “I- I don’t know, Chucky! Look, I’m kind of busy right now.” You exclaimed as your computer decided to erase your entire drawing once again.      With your angry response, Chucky looked down sadly, folding his little hands in his lap. Your computer seemed to be making you very upset, and so he decided to take it into his own hands; you should stop drawing and pay attention to him! He usually makes you happy, right? Chucky was connected to all of your devices, including your Kaslan computer. He raised his finger, and with it, your computer did a hard shut down, turning off your tablet and your computer with it.      That did not seem to make you happy like he thought. Not at all. Instead, you threw your hands up in anger and shoved your tablet onto your keyboard and put your head in your hands. “FUCK! I can’t do ANYTHING!” You yelled into your palms. Chucky crawled up into your lap, tugging at your shirt. “You can play with me?” He suggested innocently.       “Chucky, did you...?” You started, looking from him to the computer. He looked down with guilt. “I thought it would make you happy...” He mumbled. You saw his intentions were at least good, even if they were interrupting your illustration. Maybe you did need to take a break. The files were deleted, but your progress didn’t come too far anyways. It was alright, you could restart. You were only on the sketch anyways.      “Alright, Chucky, we can play now. I have to get back to work soon, though, okay? No more shutting my stuff down, please. You were lucky this time, but that’s very important to me.” You set him down and held his hand, leading him to your room to get dressed.       You took him to get a new outfit from Zedmart and let him pick out a new accessory. In return, he suggested ice cream to cheer you up!
88′ Chucky
     Chucky is very... forceful with his actions. As you sit there at your desk, fists clenched and jaw tightened, he couldn’t help but feel a little bad for you. Your art was quite important to you, and it didn’t seem to be going right at the moment. You were working on a commission, and couldn’t seem to be able to open up the file you saved from the day before. That was your lineart and base coloring- what the hell were you gonna do if you couldn’t get it open? You were too stubborn to just start over again.      Chucky came up behind you. “Look, babe, if you can’t get it working then just let it go. Why don’t we do something else?” He said suggestively. “Maybe later. This is important.” You mumbled, turning away from him and violently clicking on the file, even though many messages popped up saying there was an error.       “I’m just saying that if you-” Chucky started, trying to be calm but he was already beginning to get stubborn with you. “I said later.” You just grumbled, interrupting him. “Well, if you’re gonna be like that.” He said to himself, and pushed a chair to the edge of the desk. You were too sucked into your own issue that you didn’t notice him.       Chucky walked over the desk and pressed the delete button, then closed the top laptop- facing you. “Look- I’ve tried to be patient, but you gotta chill out! Maybe some alone time with me...?” He leaned close, being very evocative. You pushed your palm into his face, pushing him back. “You just fucking deleted all of my shit!” You said, face red with anger. “Well, it wasn’t opening anyways! Just start over it’s not that hard, right? You’re an artist, it can’t be that fucking hard!” He raised his voice at you, and you flinched. “Chucky, it doesn’t work like that, I-” You looked down and spaced out, tears forming in your eyes.       Chucky immediately felt bad about raising his voice at you. “Hey, babe, I’m sorry... I didn’t know...” You started crying. “Hey, hey, it’s gonna be alright.” He crawled into your lap and pushed your hair from your face. “You’re the best artist I know! I know ya can do it again, even better this time!” He said, giving you a gentle rub on the shoulder. “Maybe first, let’s take a break. I- We don’t gotta do anything like that, let’s just hang out and cuddle?” He suggested, knowing he hated it but trying to make you feel better nonetheless.      You gave him a little smile. “I guess you’re right. Maybe I do need a break. But don’t try that funny shit again with me!” You glared at him, and your evening was full of comforting snuggles, and he even tried to make you tea/coffee afterwards while you draw!
Michael Myers
     Michael has no patience. He does everything on his own time and nobody gets in his way. So when he was in the mood for attention and you were doing something else; he was not going to have it. You sat there, angry that your computer kept crashing and restarting, causing your progress to be deleted each time. It was an old laptop, you probably needed a new one. You were trying to finish the sketch, but your laptop just wasn’t feeling up to it today whatsoever.       Michael walked up behind you, and let out a huff of air, letting you know that he was home. “Hello, darling. I’m a little busy right now.” You murmured, getting upset again as you couldn’t open the application you draw on. Michael watched behind you inquisitively for a moment, catching onto what was making you angry. He placed his chin on top of your head, letting out another huff.      “Hun, I’m not really in the mood.” You replied, and that made him upset. Not in the mood? You were his! You couldn’t just not be in the mood for giving him attention! He stood up straight and continued to hover around you, watching you for another five minutes, giving you the time to change your mind.       When you continued, he decided to take it upon himself and press the power button on the computer-- right as you were finally getting it to work! You gasped, and looked up at him. “Michael! I was in the middle of something! Can’t you just wait?” You asked, obviously very upset. He just tilted his head at you, thinking you were very cute when you were upset with him. He didn’t feel a hint of regret, and instead hoisted you up and carried you off to your room, you were still upset but there was no use making a big fuss out of it. There was no fighting with Michael.      He laid you down and sat beside you. He grabbed your hand and took off his mask, placing your hand on top of his head, nestled in his hair. You liked to pet his hair, he usually wouldn’t have it but he sort of enjoyed it. You just sighed and pet his hair, pulling him down to lay beside you whilst you continued to run your fingers through his locks. “Please don’t do that again. I appreciate the break, but please don’t. I give you your time when you go do the things you like? Let me have mine. I love you.” You sighed softly and kissed his cheek. He gave you a small huff in return and kissed your cheek back.      Later on, when you were drawing again, he let you have your time and patiently sat beside you and watched. You showed him how you color, and let him pick one out for the background. He of course picked red.
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xredskullxx · 4 years
and that’s on my teratophilia
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tinalbion · 5 years
Got some fluffy headcanons on Buddi (2019!Chucky) with his human who‘s in college and struggling? Please summer semester is kicking my ass-
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Fluffy headcanons coming right up, my lovely anon! I know this is late but I am hoping everything was worth it after the semester, and I hoped you kicked ass instead!
Buddi!Chucky Fluffy Headcanons:
If you explain to him that you can’t play with him as much, he’ll understand after you tell him it’s for school. Of course, he’ll be completely bummed out because it means less time spent with you, but he gets it. Learning is important!
After a few weeks of coming home completely exhausted, Chucky notices how distant you become as you struggle to stay awake and finish projects. At first, he wants to help you by finding whatever he can around the house to help you out. It’s sweet, but also it doesn’t really help you out as much as you wish it did. 
When you're finally at your wit's end and trying to keep your cool, you can't help but speak to a friend on the phone about how you're THIS close to a meltdown, which Chucky overhears this conversation and takes it into consideration. 
When you saw him next after you finished up a thesis, you were in the kitchen fixing a drink for yourself when Chucky appeared behind you with a small paper bag, smiling. "Hey Y/N, I made you this sandwich!" He indeed made you a delicious sandwich, your favorite, in fact.
You were surprised but also relieved that it wasn't another of his usual odd things he would give to you, but you were thankful. "Aww thanks, pal, you didn't have to do that."
"I overheard your phone call," he would say sadly, "you sounded sad so I wanted to help you. I heard you were having a tough time in school. I'm here to help! I'm your buddy!" 
As the days continued and your schoolwork had increased, Chucky was always ready to help, or he would even just sit on your bed next to you and play your favorite music as you attempted to focus. Seeing how much he cared about you and wanted to help you out, it made things easier on you.
When you would fall asleep at your desk while working, he would quietly pull your plush blanket over you and make sure you were comfortable. You would wake up to sweet messages cheering you on with a cold glass of orange juice, and even a pillow placed under your head. 
The last thing Chucky wants is to see you upset, so he even goes out of his way to try and tag along -which he successfully did one time, and you almost were caught with him in your bag. That would have been embarrassing, but he assured you he only wanted to make sure you would be okay through the day! Anyone who would upset you would pay the price- NO, CHUCKY. That's not how this works.
Thankful for the dolls slightly misguided but "heart is definitely in the right place" feelings for you and your well being, you just have a chat with him to explain the importance of him staying home, but you happily accepted his help if he was willing to give it without the violence, of course. You couldn't afford to go to jail on murder charges.
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bloodfart666 · 5 years
Shameless Buddi smut
Another request from one of those wonderful people on discord.
Buddi x fem!reader
You laid calm and relaxed on your bed. Breathing deeply, and with your eyes closed you enjoyed the cool feel of the freshly washed cotton sheets. The fan on the ceiling blew a gentle cascade on your naked skin, still damp from the shower you had just taken. In the darkness you let your mind wonder. Mostly emotions flickered throughout. Warmth, kindness, someone who cared about you. But one vision stood out in your mind. Those eyes. The most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. Deep and large and blue and kind.
Your lonely heart latched on to this image, nurtured by it, and your body reacted in kind. You moved your hands up to cup and massage your breasts, kneading them, and stimulating your nipples. Biting your lip, you groaned as you reached a finger to your lips to moisten one then slowly slid that hand down your abdomen to your moist and glistening sex.
As you pleasured yourself you didn’t notice the lumimous blue eyes watching you from the doorway. And didn’t notice as the small intruder walked silently over to your bed.
Light tugging on the sheets as the doll climbed up alerted you to his presence. You startled, attempting to cover yourself. Buddi's arm shot out, his hand grasping your wrist in a gentle but steel like grip.
“Buddi….” You breathed, feeling embarrassment and shame blushing your cheeks crimson.
He laid a small cool finger on your lips to still them. “Shhhhhh Y/N.” He trailed the fingers of this hand along your jaw bone to your ear to grasp your earlobe squeezing it gently between his fingers before tracing the lines of your ear. His other hand reached to tug the sheet out of your hand.
You focused on his eyes. The intense burning blue was something deep and unfathomable.
Slowly Buddi used both hands to push your upper body back into the mattress climbing up to straddle your chest underneath your breasts. His stare never left your eyes as he gave a firm command. “Do not move Y/N.”
His gaze left yours and settled on your breasts. His hands reached to tweak and twist your nipples.
Your face contorted in pleasure at the feeling and of the vision of him.
“Look at how beautiful you are.” The doll leaned forward. Your heart thundered as he placed his hand over it. He watched you for awhile with his hand on your heart then leaned forward to kiss you. It was gentle and chaste.
Then Buddi crawled off your lap and slowly made his way down your body trailing his fingers and hands over your skin, placing kisses on every flaw he could see. Every bump, jiggle, mole, and mark. As he reached your thigh juncture he gently pushed your thighs apart and settled between them.
You flushed all over, your vision getting blurry at him gazing at your sex. “So beautiful.” He murmured.
He then slid his fingers into your slit caressing up and down lightly before massaging and molding your clit. You had no idea how you were supposed to keep still. Your muscles tensed and jerked. Your thighs quivered around him.
Then he jumped up, almost in a hurry, almost impatient. Keeping intense eye contact, he reached up to slowly unsnap his suspenders. First one, then the other. Kicking them off he placed his body over you and crouched to enter you.
Crying out, you simply could no longer obey his command. Your hips bucked, once, and sharply. You pushed yourself up to an elbow, then reached down to touch his angelic face as he pumped into you, reaching down to thumb your clit quite quickly.
Tucking strands of his red hair behind his ear you trailed your index finger to his lips. Turning his face he nuzzled your palm and then nipped your finger, pressing his teeth gently into the flesh there. The feeling of this sent electric bolts throughout your body and, coupled with the intense feeling of him inside you as well as his loving clitoral ministrations you threw your head back and came undone, crying his name.
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sweeney-bell · 5 years
Meeting 2019 Chucky
After the carnage at the Buddi 2 premiere, Zedmart was, of course, hiring! But who'd want to work there anyway? Well... You did. Not because you wanted too! But because you were desperate. Bills and rent were piling up plus Zedmart was promising to pay a little extra if you ignored the past. So here you are now, working the night shift.
It was around midnight, the store was getting ready to close. You walked over to the front door locking it when you turned around there was a buddi doll sitting at the counter. His legs hanging over the edge as he swung them back and forth with his hands resting in his lap. He was looking down like he was a lost child
”Holy shit”
”Hi I'm Chucky. Wanna be my buddy?”
”Uh... sure Chucky.”
You aren't 100% sure on why you took him home that night. But you did. (You blame his puppy dog eyes)
The first couple of days, you were tense. But eventually you sorta warmed up. He'd follow you around your apartment like a lost puppy. When you had to leave for work he’d stand by the door waiting patiently for your return.
One day, after coming back from a particular exhausting shift Chucky decided to make you a gift. On a scrap of paper, he had drawn a picture of you and him as stick figures holding hands.
That's the day your heart officially melted.
(Apology in advance! I'm sorry I know it's super short and really messy but I wanted to try and get back into writing. So yeah... Thanks for reading my garbage!)
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sweettooth-87 · 5 years
Buddie (aka chucky 2019) romantic headcanon
This headcanon is for an idea that came to my mind about buddie.
BTW the s/o is over 18 and buddie doesn't have an age since he's not neither human or organic.
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It was morning when he stopped charging. He took the charger off his neck and off the contact then noticed that s/o wasn't there and on his night stand was a note that said 'Gone to work be at home by 4 pm. Be nice and remember that we will go to get you stuff after I arrive. With love S/o~'
He blushed thinking of them and noticed that they had putted one of their shirts on him. He was a doll and so didn't need any pijamas to go to sleep but they put one of theirs probably when they leave to work. He putted the collar close to his nose and smelled the fragrance it was like flowers and fruits their favorite perfume. It smells so nice I love their smell it makes my circuits bolt with love. I hope they never stop buying it.ʼ he stood there a few minutes smeeling his beloveds shirt then went to start his day and hoping his honeys work would end up early to finally have them for all of himself.
I know small imagine but it's the bets I could do to write it down. If you liked it pleas ehit reblog and like and maybe I will upload more of these bit who knows.
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stumacherstan · 5 years
Chucky x Reader
You took him to the movie theatre with you, you got weird stares but you didn’t care. You guys were gonna watch Toy Story 4 Together.
Oh bad idea.
Chucky kept panicking as you hiccuped and tears kept falling down your face. Chucky didn’t understand why you were crying throughout the movie or why you were shaking at the end, trying to keep quiet. Chucky just kept asking questions when you guys got in the car. The movie was sad, but it was worrying him and you weren’t saying anything.
When you guys got home, you just held him and sobbed. He played the Buddi Song very loudly for you, which made you just hold him tighter. It took you a bit but you calmed down and started laughing.
“Okay, I’m sorry! To be fair, I grew up with those movies and it hurt me emotionally for it to end that way. But I’m happy that it ended that way. I’m okay. It just hurt and I’m gonna cry about it for the rest of my life.”
“O-oh okay. I’m glad you’re okay now! I’m sorry that I couldn’t do anything.”
“It’s not you! Just stay with me and I’ll be okay forever.”
“I won’t ever leave you! I love you!”
“I love you too Chucky!” You hugged him with everything inch of love you could. You kissed his forehead. “I won’t leave you either.”
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x (fem) Childhood Friend!Reader Part 1
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Word Count 5 K 
Relationships: (platonical) child!Andy Barclay x child!Reader. 
Characters: child!Andy Barclay, child!Reader, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray. 
Warnings: Rewriting of the first film taking a few detours, a mix of characterizations between Child’s Play 1 Chucky and Curse!Charles Lee Ray. Explaining why the Pierce family was never mentioned before Curse, I imagined Child's Play 1 Chucky thought he killed Sarah and Nica.
Summary: The birthday sleepover of your best friend and neighbor ends up abruptly after his babysitter suffers an accident. Attributing it to a local boogeyman, you try to convince Andy of investigating the matter like a Scooby Doo mystery untill you realize you may have stepped into something worse when his talking doll admits the guilt.
Notes: This is going to be a two parts childhood friends to lovers story. Kinda like in IT, part one is about Andy and the reader facing Chucky as kids and part 2 will follow their reunion as adults. 
Tags: @losersclubisms​​
Karen almost forgot to tell Maggie that you were coming over for a sleepover, only children invited to Andy’s birthday because you were his only friend. Finding out at the last hour that there were actually two children to babysit was not a nice surprise, but you two were frankly adorable. It was pretty easy to notice you were lonely kids watching too much television, craving for playing buddies and being very happy at any chance you had around each other. 
The one year and months of difference in your ages didn’t become an obstacle for your bonding, but played out a separation on school time because you were still in kindergarten. Andy didn’t mind that and you would tag along with him on any game.  
It was heartwarming and heartbreaking to see you share excitement over the possibility of finding new companions. Andy introduced you to his new toy friend with the purest joy, as if he was truly introducing a third party to your little group for play dates. You confidently activated his catchphrase, remarking that your cousins taught you how because they had two dolls like that one, then proceeded to ramble about your unborn sibling and how you all would be playing together once the baby would be old enough to follow you. The circumstantial babysitter got the impression that Chucky was making you feel a bit jealous, as if you feared Andy could be forgetting you for paying too much attention to him, but she also had some unusual fun observing your exaggerated mannerisms. 
At some given moment you were playing in separate areas of the place: Andy and Chucky were constructor workers, a blue helmet of the Good Guy brand on the doll’s head as the kid was teaching him how to use the hammer and blocks of wood. Meanwhile, remaining close to her as she handled the cake leftovers in the kitchen, you were the waiting wife ironing the back of a jacket with a pink toy iron 
“ I wonder when my husband will come back home?” You commented to her as if Maggie was another housewife from the fictional neighborhood. “ Andy is never late for dinner, I bet this is on Chucky. Since he is here he barely looks at me.” 
She seriously wondered where did you hear that from. Soap operas? Married with Children? The mindless repetition of things you saw being included in your games made you sound like a little child actor, which was definitely a bit lovely. 
The boy only pretended that he didn’t hear you, talking to Chucky as if they were at work. Since neither of you really understood what you were saying, he would just look at you and laugh at the mention of his name. Then, he would whisper secretively to the doll and that would make your acting escalate. 
“ Maggie… Am I not attractive anymore? He is always going out with his new friend, he doesn't care if I am here.” 
Peggy Bundy venting to her neighbor Marcy. Seeing a four to be five girl enacting that shouldn’t be funny, but it was. The part of her that was a bit horrified made Maggie remember it was bedtime, to which she told you both to get ready.  
That simple action made Andy come up with an odd complaint. 
“ Aunt Maggie, Chucky wants to watch the 9’ o clock news.”
The occurrence amused her. 
“ Sure, he does.” 
You abandoned the spiteful character, not needing it outside of the game, and sweetly tried to comfort the doll into understanding why he shouldn’t ask that. 
“ It is too scary, Chucky. Mommy and daddy were watching the news and they were speaking of this very bad man that sends people to heaven. They don’t know his face, just like the boogeyman, and daddy said that if I am bad he is gonna come to get me.” 
The only adult there found your tale disturbing. 
“ That is a very bad joke, but I am sure your dad was just kidding.” 
“ Don’t worry, (y/n). Chucky is brave and I am a big boy.” Your friend comforted you. “ Tell me when it is scary and I’m going to cover you like this” 
He covered your eyes with his hands and you two laughed. 
Maggie picked Andy up and turned off the tv. While obediently following them you were supposed to pick up Chucky, but you didn’t rush to do it immediately as the boy would have expected. You didn’t want to do it because the doll said something really rude to you for picking the side of Andy’s aunt. You weren’t sure of what being a little bitch meant, but you didn’t like it. 
While waiting your turn to brush your teeth, you were unpacking your sleeping bag in your friend's bedroom when you saw Chucky rush to the living room to turn on the tv. If there was one thing you learned quickly about him, it was that he didn't like when things wouldn't go his way and he didn't mind getting you all in trouble for his mischief. 
Maggie found you trying to stop him and that made her think you did it, no matter how many times you told her it was Chucky. Even though Andy backed up your story, she wouldn't believe any of you. She got angry, thinking that you were being bad.
 You weren't, Chucky was, but maybe that wouldn't stop the man of the news from coming after you. The room was dark and your sleeping bag wouldn't let you cover all the way to your head, it wouldn't let you hide. 
" Andy, Andy!!" You cried out for your friend's help. " Your aunt thinks we were bad... What if he comes to get us??" 
He didn't answer, but another voice did. 
" I'm going to handle that, just shut the fuck up you annoying little bitch." 
That didn't make you calm down, Chucky was making everything worse. He wasn't in the mood to pretend niceness and the fact that he was struggling to get out from Andy's covers didn't help. 
The pathetic sobbing was exasperating him, you were terrified. 
" You can't, the Lake Man will come because you turned on the tv. " 
When you spoke about that before he was too into his own concerns to pay real attention, but then he had nothing else distracting him from the realization. 
He threw a happy, but bone chilling cackle that nearly woke Andy up. 
" .... Are you scared of the Lakeshore Strangler?" He asked you, trying so hard to fight the satisfaction in his voice. Never before it occurred to him that he could be some child's boogeyman. 
" Why don't you tell me what you heard about him? 
The news report you saw was from before the cops identified him. The name Charles Lee Ray meant shit to you, but you were scared of him as some faceless evil. 
Excellent news: scared children were easier to manipulate. From then he identified you as the weak element of the duo.
" Take the freaking covers away from me if you want to live." 
Maybe he got too excited about causing fear in you. For an instant, he forgot that you didn't know he was the Strangler. 
" Listen, (y/n). I can't protect you if I am stuck here and that is what my friend Andy wants me to do. Get me out and i am going to keep watch in case the Lake Man shows up." 
" What if we are asleep and he gets to you first?"
" Bitch I am immortal!" Chucky bragged, too full of himself. " This body is made of plastic, I don't have lungs. That means i can't be strangled to death, but you can, so GET ME OUT" 
The slight elevation on his voice volume, product of the annoyance, finally woke up Andy for real. Hearing you speaking with Chucky got him excited, you were his best friends and he wanted you to get along. 
Feeling you pulling the doll out made him stare at you with some happy pride. 
" I told you he would look after us. " 
The empty spot Chucky left ended up occupied by you. Andy allowed you to jump into his bed and you rushed to hide underneath the covers. 
" Don't. " The boy stopped you. " I will not let anything bad come to you, I promise." 
He kissed your forehead and you hugged him. 
" I love you, Andy. You are my best friend in the whole world." 
" I love you too... and I bet Chucky loves you. Don't you, Chucky?" 
" Sure, kiddo.Whatever you say, just go back to sleep. "
A nice detective took you back to your apartment that night because something horrible happened to Maggie while you were asleep. You told him that it had to be the Lake Man, but he didn't believe you. Your mom explained to him what you were talking about and he said that was impossible because he took him down. You didn't believe that, boogeymans can't be killed. 
Hugging your mom and talking to your sister in her belly, you repeated the same promise Andy did to you. The detective playfully asked you, as many adults before did, how you were so sure she was going to be a girl. You just did, it didn't matter how many times your dad claimed the baby was going to be a boy because he wanted so. No one would convince you otherwise. 
Picking up your Scooby Doo plushie as your protector for the rest of the night helped you start imagining the situation as an episode of your favorite show and that made you feel a bit better. That man didn't believe you because cops never do at first. Every time the gang stumbles with a mystery they do things on their own, being told that they are just kids. 
At that moment you were just like Shaggy: very scared and hugging Scooby because you weren't feeling brave enough to face the monster. Andy, your brave friend, was like Fred. He would be coming up with a plan to catch the bad guy. There had to be a masked man, maybe someone wanted to scare you all into leaving the building because they wanted to buy it and they invented the Lake Man. Maybe all the persons that were thought gone would reappear somewhere, even Aunt Maggie.
' And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your toys. ' The villain would say after you would unmask him while revisiting his spooky plan. The toys were the dogs: you had Scooby and Chucky was like Scrappy Doo because he was tiny, feisty and disobedient. 
Maybe a bit scary too, he said a lot of bad words. No other Good Guy you saw before spoke like him. You wanted to like Chucky, but he scared you. There was something in his voice that made you feel wrong, hearing him in the dark made you want to cry. Andy was older than you, maybe that was why he didn't got scared as easily as you. That was why you felt you couldn't tell him, you feared he would think you were too little to play with him. Chucky frightened you, but thinking that Andy could want to stop being friends with you because you didn't like him scared you more. 
The next time you saw them was at your apartment and then you were ready. Scooby and your Mystery Machine car toy were placed in front of the tv and you were going to watch the old episodes your mom recorded for you. 
She didn't notice anything strange, just the two of you whispering things to each other while watching. Chucky laughed weird again once, but she couldn't hear because she was bussy doing something else.
From all the funny things happening in all the episodes you watched, the Chant of Manba Wanga was the only thing Chucky seemed to have found funny. It wasn't, not for you at least, because it was clearly meant to be a scary moment. His creepy laugh made you jump towards Andy, grabbing his arm tightly as if you were begging for protection. You were as scared as Shaggy and Scooby were when Mamba Wanga was casting his voodoo curse on Layla and your fear only encouraged Chucky's bad behavior. He was having fun scaring you, probably thought Andy would find it funny. 
By the end of the episode, when all the persons touched by the curse and assumed disappeared were found, you spoke to your friend about your own mystery. You told him that maybe the Lake Man was like Mamba Wanga, the Green Ghost or the Black Knight, that all you had to do was solve the mystery. 
" We have to find the masked man, that will make Maggie come back. " 
Chucky looked at the boy, waiting for him to crush your hope. 
" (y/n), there is no mystery. it wasn't the Lake Man, Chucky did it. " 
 You didn't know what to think anymore. 
" My bad, the bitch is gone. " The doll admitted to you without hesitation. " You know, I noticed your dad is a real asshole, since he came back from work all he does is bitching because you are watching cartoons. He was the one who scared you with that thing on the news, right? But he doesn't listen to you and I don't think he really cares. I bet your dumb mom thinks that baby is going to save the marriage, but that dude doesn't feel shit for her. " 
He shouldn't have said that to you, but he couldn't help himself. Chucky got to know your family and found out you were like a dysfunctional photocopy of the Pierces. Cute talky little girl, pregnant mom: the main flaw on the picture was your daddy. It was very easy to see that he was an emotionally distant husband who wouldn't win the father of the year award anyways. Everything Sarah's husband did right, your papa seemed to do wrong. He was more a manchild than a family man, someone who you weren't seeking for support or protection. 
" ... Wouldn't it be nice if he would be gone too?"
Dead father jokes were upsetting for Andy too, so he had to stop. Yet, deep down, he wanted you to say yes just to deviate from his path a little and kill that man off. Two deaths in the same building would have dragged too much attention, the only thing that saved your father was Chucky's own convenience. He couldn't indulge in killing him, not if that would be an obstacle for his personal revenge on the people who screwed him over in life.
You both were seeking explanations on his part, starting to get suspicious about him. 
"Chucky, why did you kill Aunt Maggie?" Andy straightfoldy confronted him once you were all in the safety of your room. 
" I told you: she was a real bitch and got what she deserved." 
That didn't seem to be enough for you. 
"Or maybe you are just bad." You exclaimed, still hurt because you heard him say he wanted to kill your dad. 
It wasn't the time and place to get into mentoring, but Chucky saw himself forced to explain his attitude somehow. Otherwise, he would have been done manipulating you. 
" Sometimes violence can be really fun." 
Two clueless little children stared at him like he just said the weirdest thing they ever heard. "  
" I don't understand." 
" It's like in cartoons, like Tom and Jerry. Isn't it fun to see the cat getting hurt chazing the mouse?
You nodded in agreement and he seemed pleased with that. 
" It's funny cause Jerry is tiny and he always wins." 
" ... But Tom wants to eat Jerry. " Andy replicated. " What did Aunt Maggie do to you?
"Being a pain in my ass." 
" If she was annoying you, you could have called Andy's mom. Or get the big dog, the muscled Bulldog. Do you have one of those, Chucky?" 
Mindless talking with little kids was the most exasperating thing ever, neither of you were able to deliver one goddamn sensical reply. 
" No, but I have voodoo doll friends." 
Your eyes opened wide in amazement.The intrigue made him feel flattered once more.
Dumb innocent children completely unaware of how he would have to make them witness a real voodoo ritual very soon. 
When Chucky got the bad news about his doll body and assumed immortality you were the first thought element of his plan. The second kid he revealed himself to, also not his preferred choice for a new body, but he knew your fear could be useful to him. Either as a collaborator or a good bait, getting you on board was the easiest way to Andy. The little boy was protective over you, the even more little girl he befriended: he would cooperate thinking he would be saving you that way. 
He knew you were not going to put any resistance against him and Karen made that part even easier. While asking you about everything you knew of him in her desperate search for information, she accidentally revealed to you ahead that he was the Lakeshore Strangler.  It made him feel a bit disappointed because he was stripped from the pleasure of coming out to you as your great fear by himself.
Andy was the big boy: he was the brave, the strong, the smart. In the course of those moments you were thinking of him as your hero. He WAS your hero, without him you were just like Shaggy hiding behind furniture to avoid the monster without noticing that his long trembling legs would tell his position. It was funny in the cartoons, not in real life. You loved Shaggy, he was your favorite in the gang, but you wished you could be brave for once.The doctors took Andy away and you were alone, you had to be brave for him. 
Mommy had to go out for some grocery shopping and you begged her not to leave, but she said you would be causing more mess outside than inside. Surely it was because of that time you got lost in a Wallmart after you left her side searching for the toys section, or the fact that you were used to asking for things that would catch your attention. It wouldn't be the first time you would stay at home watching tv, that's why she didn't see the problem. 
You promised you would be good, you wouldn't leave her side or ask for anything, but you needed to go with her. In a hopeless attempt to make her understand, you screamed that Chucky was going to kill you. It didn't work and you stayed alone, a bad feeling telling you that he was going to come for you soon. 
Pacing around the place to check on every exit, you were singing to yourself the ' Scooby Doo! Where Are You?' song to feel less lonely. 
" If we can count on you, Scooby Doo. I know we'll catch that villain. "  
Pathetic child, he thought while hearing you as he was sneaking in. Your shaky voice was music for his ears, he could feel you were about to cry. 
" Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We got some work to do now." Your song began again. " Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We need some help from you now. " 
A very noisy cackle took away any hope. 
" That dog ain't gonna help you, kid." 
You froze and tears began to fall. 
" No one is going to help you, all you have is helping me find Andy. " 
The magic of friendship, like in My Little Pony, gave you a bit of strength to talk back. 
" NEVER! You want to hurt him, you never wanted to be his friend. HE IS MY FRIEND!!!" 
Even to pretend you weren't scared you were overdramatic, Chucky was very fed up with you. 
" LISTEN TO ME, LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" He yelled at you, threatening you with his knife. " Offering to kill your dad was me being nice... DO YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT I CAN DO WHEN ANGRY?" 
There was no reply, so he held you at knifepoint while keeping his threatening ramble. 
" If you don't do exactly as I say, there will be no more Mr Good Guy. You are going to go last, first I'm going to make you watch as I kill your mom. " 
Sliding the weapon slowly, he enacted the threat pointing it against your tummy. 
Your sister. 
" Ríght here, (y/n). I'm gonna stab again and again and again until there will be nothing left. It wouldn't be the first time i do it." 
Vengeful memories were coming back to him. Since he didn't have to hide anymore, there was no point in not enjoying the moment. 
"I'm gonna tell you a story: once upon a time, a cunt thought she could fuck with me and that's how she and the little parasite growing inside her ended. That's how fucked up shit can get if i am angry. Is that what you want, Barbie? "  
You nodded negatively in visible panic as your hopeless sobbing became more intense. 
The name slipped out of his mouth before he could control his phrasing, you were just like her. Perhaps that was why he loved your fear: it flattered him even more through the memories attached to the comparison. Losing time was worthy in order to have you as his traumatized unwilling hostage. Not only was it convenient for his plan to get Andy's body, part of him enjoyed projecting about the Pierce that got away through you. 
Despite being severely terrified, your childish mind was still able to come up with coping mechanisms. You almost ruin his mood because at some point of the way you had a cute dumb grin and he heard you giggling, as if a warm thought would be making you ignore the stress. 
The monster was kidnapping you to get to your friend, just like it regularly happened to Daphne on Scooby Doo. 
You were like Daphne, even if you were as scared as Shaggy.  
Smart as Velma and brave as Fred, Andy didn't fall for Chucky's tricks so easily. You escaped from  the doll together, getting away from the place where your friend was locked. The chaze wasn't funny like in the cartoons, but you felt so much better because  he was alright and he was with you. 
You would follow him anywhere, but you didn't want to go back to your apartment building knowing Chucky would go there after you. Andy was insisting on going back to his home, reminding you to hurry up, but you weren't convinced of the plan. 
The fear of what could happen to your mom and your unborn sister paralized you. Hiding in an alley and forcing him to do so, you refused to give one single step more.
" Chucky will get them. " You tried to explain to him between sobs. "... My sister, he said..." 
Andy cut you off while trapping you in a comforting hug. 
" It doesn't matter, I will not let him do it... but you have to help me. " 
He sounded like a hero to you, so brave and you were so scared. 
" I can't, Andy. I will make it worse. I am not brave like you, he knows it." 
You made him smile: did you really think he was brave? He was scared too, he cried in fear just like you did but you didn't see him. If he wasn't crying then, that was because he wasn't alone in that dark room anymore and you were with him.  
" What if we make you brave?" 
Andy showed you some smashed cookies he had in his pocket, a secret gift from one of the nurses at the hospital. 
" Scooby Snacks make Shaggy and Scooby brave. " 
You smiled at his offering, then opened your mouth to let him feed you the scrumbles of cookies as if he was feeding you with courage. 
" Scooby Dooby Doo!!" You cheered to later kiss his cheek while your lips were still stained by scrumbles.
The innocent trick worked and you were feeling so much better, but it wasn't just because of some special power on the cookies. 
It was the support of your friend that made you feel strong enough to keep up. 
" I love you, (y/n). You are my true best friend."
Preparing on his home got you following Andy's lead as if it would be one of Fred's plans. Once you secured the entrances you both hid in his closet to wait. He searched through his toys looking for weapons and when you saw him picking up a baseball bat you figured out he wasn't going to stay still for long. 
" Don't go, stay!!!! Don't let him find you!!" 
His following action was one of the purest acts of love you experienced over the course of your life. It settled a mark of an impact then impossible to imaginate. 
" Wait here. I'll keep you safe, I promised you." 
Andy closed the door behind him, leaving the hiding spot to do his stand against Chucky. You hesitated, doubtful of disobeying his command, but you got out after him as soon as you heard noises making you guess he was in danger. 
Too late, he was laying on the floor. 
" ANDY WAKE UP!!!" You yelled and rushed to shake him. " WAKE UP, PLEASE. WAKE UP!!!!" 
Chucky was there and he could have killed you easily, but you didn't care. 
Right before pulling you away he got to witness your last desperate attempt to save Andy. 
A kiss, a children's interpretation of how one should be. You barely posed your lips against your friend's hoping he would wake up like Snow White or the Sleeping Beauty. 
" DO YOU REALLY THOUGHT THAT WOULD WORK???" The doll mocked you. " I do the magic here ... AND THIS AIN'T A FUCKING FAIRYTALE!!!!"
Chucky laid one hand on top of Andy's forehead, then he began to recite some really odd words. It sounded to you like the Chant of Mamba Wanga, only more complicated. Was he going to curse Andy? Did he want to make him disappear like in the Scooby Doo episode? 
The gestures made you fear something even worse, but you didn't get enough time to react. Mrs Barclay and the nice detective came to your rescue. It was the beginning of a hard fight worthy of nightmares, but your friend woke up being still him. Andy burned Chucky alive, but not even that seemed to stop him. Only after the cop shot in the heart did he stay still, but that didn't mean you both got any peace. Neither Andy or you got convinced that Chucky could be completely gone. 
That was the reasoning behind the hardest choice of your life, that you were forced to take as little kids. Even with the support of three adults who saw him, no one believed Chucky was alive and he killed all those people. If you would have followed Andy's story, they would have taken you away and there would have been no one to look after your unborn sibling. If he would ever come back, nothing would have stopped Chucky from getting to fulfill the promise he made to you. 
You lied, but the boy wasn't mad at you because he knew why you did it. You two understood each other better than anyone, he saw it in your eyes with just one look. 
Andy told the truth because someone had to, but that couldn't be you. He sacrificed himself for you one last time, letting his life be ruined so you could keep yours because you had to protect your sister. 
She was born on that January, the nerves of your mom caused an early birth. A girl, just like you predicted. 
At least he got to meet her before the doctors took his mom and he was taken away. 
" I will tell her about you. Even if dad doesn't want me to, I will." You promised him, tears falling from your eyes because you knew what was coming. 
You sneaked a little goodbye gift. It was a friendship bracelet that you were making for his birthday but didn't get to finish on time back then.
Andy began to cry, hugging you as if he refused to accept reality as much as you did. 
" I don't want to leave! "
" I'm so sorry. I didn't want to... I don't want to lose you."
" You are my best friend." It was his way of saying that he forgave you. " You will always be. " 
" You will always be with me." Was your equal reply. " I will never forget you, Andy. "  
 You never did, that painful separation left a hole in your heart that never healed. Even if he left forgiving you, it was you who was never able to forgive yourself. You cried in his absence, you called him in dreams. From your fifth birthday and for years to come during your childhood, you reserved one of your three wishes to ask for him to be happy.  
Even after losing hope of seeing him again, all you wanted was for him to be happy somewhere else.
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spookiekewchie · 3 years
spookie coochie👻
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—got a spooky twat, for your appetite...
Characters: Syd (London) x woc!reader
Summary: The one where things get a little crazy between you and Syd.
Word Count: 2.3k+
Warnings: general language warnings, drugs, murder, use of a ghostface mask, unprotected sex (use protection yall), high sex, girl on top, slapping, scratching, knife play, choking, squirting
A/N: DAY TWENTY ONE OF KINKTOBER! It's literally inspired by the song Spookie Coochie by DOECHII. Special thanks to @olyvoyl for telling me to write this for Syd. The divider is by @firefly-graphics
DO NOT repost or translate my work anywhere. Reblogs are always welcome, and let me know that you enjoy my fics.
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There’s loud music playing, drugs and drinking in abundance, you laugh as you walk past someone dressed as the wicked witch of the west who’s making out with the Bride of Chucky. A loud pounding on the front door pulls you away from the mind boggling sigh. Opening it has your smile dropping instantly. “Oh let me guess, Tweedledee and Tweedledum?” You say when you see who’s standing on the other side. The two men roll their eyes, clearly unamused.
“Ha ha, look you know what we’re here for, don’t waste our time.” The shorter haired one says, stepping forward to start barging his way in. You shake your head, and try to close the door only for his booted foot to stop you.
“You heard what I said last time you sad sacks showed up without my fucking money. I’m not giving you bums shit until you pay me for the last time.” You snap at the two junkies that are barging into your little costume party. They’re Syd’s friends and you’ve told him more than once not to invite them around anymore until they paid you what they owed you. The two men chuckle to themselves, looking you over as if you’re all talk and no threat. That just pisses you off even more, and you yank the Ghostface mask up to your hairline so that they can see your harsh glare. That just makes them look at you like you’re a piece of meat, and you huff. You know what you look like, knee high boots, short skirt, fishnets, a black corset that has your cleavage on full display. It’s sexy Ghostface, and right now you don’t look like much of a killer.
“Yeah we heard you, but I think we all know that we can take whatever we want from you sugar.” The stocky well built one speaks, Brock you think his name is and you grip the hunting knife in your hand tighter. You may not look like much of a threat right now, but the knife in your hands is very real and you’re just itching to slit a throat right now.
“Brock, get out. I’m not dealing to you or Scarface here.” You snap, and the one you remember is named Rollins bristles at the mocking nickname. You barely get a chance to bask in your cheap shot when Brock slams you against a wall and the party that’s going on comes to an abrupt halt. You can see a couple of your guys gearing up to intervene and you wave them off while keeping your dark gaze on Brock and his glowering friend.
“That was rude, now how about you stop being a stingy bitch and give me and my buddy here what we came from. We know you have some on you, where is it?” He demands, groping at you as he searches for a baggie of something, anything. Brock doesn’t care, he’s just chasing a high and you know he’s unfocused and desperate. It’s something you can use to your advantage.
You simper up at the man, batting your lashes and running your free hand down his chest. “You’re right, I’m being rude. Come with me to the bedroom and I’ll make it up to you.” You look over at Rollins who’s still looking grim, but you can see the flash of interest in his eyes. “Both of you.” You add, licking your lips and just like you have both men on the hook.
Brock lets out a laugh, releasing your throat and giving you a slap on the ass as you begin to walk away. “Syd know his girl is such an easy whore?” Rollins grunts out, and you set your jaw in an effort to keep yourself from snapping at the two of them. You’ve got plans for them, and while murder may be the nuclear option, it’s the quickest way to get your point across.
“What Syd doesn’t know won’t him.” You reply, smirking to yourself as they let you lead them to the privacy of your bedroom and as soon as the door closes behind you, you slit Rollins' throat first, turning around so quickly that neither him or Brock register the movement until it’s too late. He crumples to the ground, clutching his neck as if he can stop the blood. Brock curses at you, lunging in your direction only to feel the hunting knife sink into his chest.
“Crazy bitch…” Are his last words, and you yank the knife out of his chest with a grunt. He’s right, you are a crazy bitch and he should have known better than to try and fuck with you. You’re about to call your guys into the room to move the bodies into the bathroom when you hear the sound of someone’s panicked breathing. You spin around on your heels, coming face to face with a shocked and freaking out Syd. Precious Syd, your favorite customer, your favorite lay, and you really don’t want to have to kill him too if he can’t keep his shit together. You have to think fast, and the only thing you can think to do is drop the bloody knife onto the bed so he doesn’t freak out even more when you start walking his way. “My friends!” He shouts, sounding frantic. “You killed my fucking friends! What the fuck!”
“Your friends owed me money, and they attacked me. They got what they deserved.” You tell him with a tired sigh. Syd words his mouth like he wants to say something else, but nothing comes out. You mutter to yourself in frustration, you can’t even enjoy the adrenaline rush that getting rid of Rollins and Brock gives you.
Looking over at Syd, you can tell he doesn’t know what to do, he knows Brock and Rollins are bad news, and he can only assume that they deserved it but actually seeing you kill two men, two men who he called friends, with no remorse or hesitation has him about to go into a tailspin. “Syd, baby. Calm down, you’re gonna hyperventilate if you keep that up.” You tell him, and he shakes his head like he’s trying to get the image of the two dead bodies out of his head. You reach into your cleavage, and pull out a baggie of white powder, and shake it in front of Syd’s face. That gets his attention, and you smile sweetly at him, opening the baggie and pouring out a messy line against the swell of your cleavage. His eyes follow your movements, and you see him take half a step before hesitating. “It’s okay, baby. You need this, it’ll help you calm down.”
Syd nods at your urging, closing the distance and bending down to snort at the line of coke on your breast. You watch as the effects take over, the euphoria makes him relax and he encourages you to take a bump yourself and while you normally don’t bother with the coke you decide you can indulge just this once. You scoop out a small amount with your nail, bringing it up to your nose and inhaling it with a groan. Closing the baggie you slip it back in your corset and reach for Syd, pulling him in for a kiss as the effects start to take you over as well. “Fuck, Syd. You’re a bad influence on me.” You tease, smiling when you hear him laugh. Thank god for drugs, you think. You turn yourselves so his back is to the bed, and the bodies of Brock and Rollins are out of his line of sight, then you push him down and fumble with his belt and jeans until you can pull them and his boxers down in one pull. You climb on top of him, throwing a leg over his hips to straddle him. You drag yourself over his length, feeling him growing harder against your sex as your slick starts to coat him.
“Shit, c’mon don’t tease me.” He whines, head pressing back against the bed, eyes squeezed shut. You throw your head back with a giggle before reaching up to pull the Ghostface back down with one hand, while you grip him and line him up with your entrance with the other. You lower yourself, letting the blunt head of his cock push into your entrance. You hiss at the initial stretch, hips squirming as your body adjusts to him. When it does, you sink down on him cursing at how full he leaves you feeling. Syd opens his eyes then, looking up to see you with the Ghostface mask on and he gasps in shock, moaning a second later when he feels you rolling your hips against him. “Oh fuck—shitshitshit…” You can seem him losing it, no doubt the sight of the mask of a killer from a slasher flick is fucking with his high mind. It’s a little mean but you can’t help but fuck with him a bit more.
“What’s your favorite scary movie, Syd?” You ask, dropping your voice an octave as you rock yourself up to the tip of his cock just to drop your hips and take him deep. Syd stutters, clearly stuck between pleasure, confusion, and fear when he sees you leaning forward to grab the bloody knife from the bed. You cut through the fabric of his shirt, shredding it in two to expose the man’s bare chest. The tip of the hunting knife teases against his skin, and Syd goes still when you begin to drag it slowly up his body. Syd’s so far gone that he doesn’t even realize he’s moaning, or the fact that when you press the knife to his throat that it makes his cock twitch. He doesn’t even care right now that the knife still has the blood of two other men on it, all he cares about is how good it feels to have you riding him while your tight walls squeeze around him.
Sex with Syd is always good, but right now you feel like you’re floating, like you’ve got fire in your veins and its just heightening every sensation until it has your head spinning. There’s also the adrenaline rush from earlier that makes you feel like you’re vibrating and it makes you want to chase another rush of euphoria.
You pull the baggie from your cleavage again, watching as Syd disregards the knife and presses harder against his throat. You laugh, pulling it away so you can pour out another line for him to snort off of your breasts. He groans and falls back against the bed, letting you pour out a line for yourself against his collarbone. “Shit babe, you feel sooooo good.” You moan, dragging the edge of the knife up your thigh as you circle your hips. You’re so wet that you’re dripping and you can hear the wet schlick schlick schlick of your cunt around his cock every time you lift and drop your hips to fuck yourself on him. Syd’s hands frame your hips, and you reach out to leave a slap against his cheek that makes him moan and thrust his hips up into you just as you bring your hips back down. “Fuck...you like that?” You give him another slap and he reacts the same way, gripping your hips tight enough to bruise.
“Fuck, that’s it. Use me, make yourself cum all over me.” He pleads, fingers digging into your hips as he rocks his hips up to meet you each time you drop onto him. You’re so loud, crying out and moaning for him that if it wasn’t for the loud music blasting just outside the bedroom door you’re sure all your guests would be able to hear you right now. You drop the knife, hands bracing against Syd’s chest and dragging down to leave red streaks in their wake. He bucks into you harder, almost knocking you off balance if it weren’t for his tight grip keeping you there. You can feel the pressure building, every time you drop down on him the coil tightens more and more until it finally snaps and you’re cumming hard and grinding yourself against his cock. Syd moves a hand from your hips to slide under the cowl of the Ghostface mask so that he can wrap it around your throat and squeeze. You feel him holding you in place, his hips snapping up to hammer his cock into your fluttering cunt.
“Fuckfuckfuck...Syd! Don’t stop!” You can feel yourself being pushed to another climax, and Syd doesn’t let up until he has you squirting for him when you do cum again. Your nails rake over his chest, and you know he’ll be wearing your marks for a few days with how deep your nails have sunk into him. “Cum for me, baby.” You demand with a breathy moan, voice tight from how he’s squeezing his hand around your throat. Syd cums a second later, the sound of you begging for his cum being the thing to send him over. For a second you wish you had your phone on you to capture his pretty mouth hanging open as he feels his orgasm wash over him. His spend coats your walls, and he gives you a couple thrusts after the fact to make sure he fucks it deep into you before he pulls out and lets you roll to the side and lay next to him.
You breathe heavily, reaching up to rip the mask off and toss it aside with a laugh. Syd pants next to you, chest heaving as he stares up at the ceiling in a stupor. You know he’ll be coming down soon, and you’ll have to deal with the inevitable fuss he’s going to make about his very annoying and very dead friends. Until then you’re more than happy to bask in the afterglow.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Finally Home
Jax Teller x Reader
“Abel, please eat your veggies” You sighed looking over shoulder at the 5 year old who was pushing his carrots around his plate.
“Don’t like them” He muttered.
“Since when buddy, you ate them the other day” You said softly.
You knew exactly why he was playing up, he missed his daddy. He was still too young to understand why his daddy disappeared for weeks on end sometimes.
This run had been the longest run so far, it had been a month and a half since Jax had been home and honestly you was exhausted, as well as looking after Abel and Thomas, you also was helping out at Teller-Morrow.
“I want Daddy” He huffed pushing his plate to the middle of the table.
“I know baby, I know and he will be home soon I promise” You sighed in defeat as you placed the plate of mash potato you was feeding Thomas down and pulled your phone out.
You knew Jax was on his way home today but didn’t know exactly what time he would be home.
Hitting dial on his number, it just rang and rang until it went to answerphone. Dropping your phone on the table with a sigh, you needed Jax to get home soon because you just needed a break.
Abel was just about to say something but the familiar rumble of Jax’s Dyna stopped him, a huge smile appearing on his face as he clambered off the chair, running to the front door, you would have gone to greet your husband but Thomas was getting fussy because he wanted his food.
“There’s my little monster” Jax chuckled followed by the sound of your son laughing his little head off. “You been good for mummy?”
“Yes daddy” Abel said proudly making you scoff.
A couple of moments later Jax walked into the kitchen with Abel sat happily on his shoulders.
“Mummy can I have pudding now please” He asked sweetly.
“Eat your carrots first” You nodded as Jax placed Abel back on the chair.
“I don’t like them” He huffed.
“Come on buddy listen to your mummy” Jax said crouching next to his son stealing a carrot off his plate, “Carrots are awesome, do you know why?”
“No” Abel said hanging off Jax’s every word.
“Because they help you see in the dark, that’s why daddy eats them so he can see when he is riding his bike at night”
And with that Abel ate his carrots.
“Hey beautiful” Jax whispered wrapping his arms around your shoulders, kissing the side of your head.
“I’m glad you are home” You whispered leaning back into him.
“So am I babygirl”
Soon enough it was bath time for the kids, you had just finished washing the pots and was going to head upstairs when Jax stopped you.
“I got it darlin’ you just get a glass of wine and chill out” He smiled kissing you softly.
Orders where orders and you wasn’t going to turn down a chance to breathe.
The sounds of laughter filled the house and it warmed your heart, Jax was so good with the kids and it was like he was a different person when he was home, his kutte hanging in the hall way, inside the walls of the house he was a family man, not much talk of the club happened as he wanted to cherish the time with his family rather than stress about the club.
You had to laugh when Jax came down from putting the boys to bed, absolutely soaked.
“I might have well got in the blooming bath with them” He chuckled pulling his shirt off before flopping on the sofa, pulling you into his arms.
“Good run” You asked as you snuggled into your husband’s bare chest.
“Actually yeah, we manged to sort the beef out with the Mayans and things are going to change baby” He whispered as he flicked through the channels on the TV trying to find something to watch.
“That’s good then” You mumbled as you ran your hands against Jax’s chest.
“I don’t tell you enough but you are doing amazing” He whispered kissing your head “I know how hard the long runs are when it’s just you and the boys”
“I manage” You laughed softly “I may have palmed them off to Unser and Chucky a couple of times just so I could sleep”
Jax finally settled on a movie to watch but you honestly had no idea what was happening, you was so tired you couldn’t focus, and from the warmth of being snuggled up to Jax you felt your eyes getting heavy and soon drifted off to sleep.
Jax couldn’t help but smile as soft snores left your lips, running his hand over your head he decided that an early night was needed, he saw how exhausted you was from looking after the two younger Teller boys and in all honesty he was tired to, he rode all day nonstop just to get home to his family.
“Babygirl” He whispered gently nudging you awake”
“Hmmm” You mumbled snuggling into him even more.
““Come on, baby, up to bed.” Jax whispered nudging you again but again you didn’t move, laughing slightly he managed to gently move you so he could stand.
After checking all the windows and doors were locked downstairs, he scooped you up in his arms and carried you up to bed.
Pulling one of his shirts out the draw, he managed to half wake you up so he could get you out of your jeans and his hoodie and slip his shirt over you before you snuggled down in bed.
Before he stripped off he quietly went into the boys rooms placing a soft kiss on their head before switching all the lights of, soon enough he had stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed.
As soon as he had laid down, you rolled over snuggling into your husband’s side.
“Sweet dreams Princess” Jax whispered placing one final kiss on your head before he soon fell asleep, with his amazing wife and the love of his life, securely wrapped in his arms.
He was finally home.
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peydawgz · 5 years
Friends Till The End || Chucky (2019) x Reader
for @slasher-piss !
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              You were a ZedMart employee, fresh out of high school and just moved out of your old home. You’d moved into your own apartment, alone and happy. You were saving up money to go to college or find some sort of higher education. You watched Karen take home the defective doll, and you were happy as it was going to a better home than in the dumpster behind Kaslan’s factory. You loved the Buddi dolls! You didn’t have the money to afford one yourself, and you didn’t think that your coworker would let two of the dolls slide. What was your good reason anyways? Karen had her son, and you just wanted a friend to fill your lonely home.
               Now, as you cowered in the storage room of the ZedMart you worked at, you thoroughly wondered if you would be making it out of here alive. The obviously mistreated and defective doll had gone crazy, obsessing over the young male that he belonged to. Your breath shook, caught in the back of your throat as you watched Karen raise into the air, hung by the neck. Andy struggled to release her as he stood on top of the shelves, knees shaking as he held out the saw-blade. The Buddi doll sprung out and all three of them fell. Now you stood on your knees as Andy grabbed the blade, running and then straddling the doll between his thighs, threatening to shut him down for good.
               You weren’t sure when your legs gave away to your brain, but you were sure of what you were doing. You’d seen enough. The doll was obviously mistreated, and defective or not you wanted to show him what a good owner was before someone might take him away from you. You screamed out, “Don’t!” As you ran up to the boy and the doll. Andy’s head jerked up and his hand faltered, lowering the blade. You were breathing heavily, sweat rolling down your face and your blue ZedMart vest ripped. “Please. Let me take him. You’ve got your mother, just go.” You said, tears rolling down your face. The poor thing just wanted Andy to be happy.
               Andy started to get up, dropping his weapon and then running to his mother to free her. Nobody asked why you wanted the thing, but nonetheless you reached down and scooped him into your arms, holding him to your chest and giving him a small squeeze. “It’s okay.” You hummed and then turned on your heel, leaving the bloodied building with a newfound friend.
               You leaned down into your car on the passenger side, setting down the Buddi with gentle hands and buckling him in. “Everything is gonna be alright now, darling.” You said softly, petting his hair out of his face for him, and he shot you a quick, shaky smile. “Thank you.” Was all he could say, obviously confused by your kind actions. Usually he was the one to make people happy; nobody ever made him feel happy before? As you went around and got into your side of the car, he kept his deep blue eyes on you. You were so soft… much nicer than Andy and his friends had treated him.
               Into the night you drove, the streetlights making your face light up and your hair look hazy. Your eyes looked a little misty. “What is your name?” He said softly, his hands placed in his lap as he fiddled with the fabric of his pants. “I’m Y/N.” You replied, eyes on the road, but a soft smile as you glanced down at his tiny form. “My name is Chucky! Thank you, [Mr/Ms/Mx] Y/N, again.” He said, looking down like he did something wrong as was getting scolded, a sad look on his face. “It’s just Y/N, little dude. Hey, everything is gonna be better now.” You said, pulling into your driveway and parking. “Ready to see your new home, Chuck?”
               The little robot crawled into your arms with no hesitation as you unbuckled him. You lead him into your home with a small chuckle, turning on the lights and setting him down. After you showed him around the house, you sat on the couch with him in your lap and facing you with big, excited eyes. He was a curious little guy, always ready to see what was around the next corner. “Would you like me to wash you up? I think I need a shower anyways.” You asked, eyeing his dirty, burned, and bloody clothes. He nodded slowly, as if afraid to accept your offer. You sat him on the edge of the tub, washing his little clothes and letting him walk around in one of your shirts. You wiped the smudges off of his face with a wet rag and then washed his hair for him, brushing out his ginger locks. “There you are! Don’t you look handsome!” You laughed as he stood there, looking so small in your shirt. But he shot you a confident smile nonetheless. “Now I’ve got to shower. Mind if you step out for a bit?” You asked, setting him outside the door.
               After you finished your shower, you stepped out, only to realize that you hadn’t brought a towel in with you. “Shit…” You muttered, and leaned out the door. “Hey Chucky?” You called out, only to hear a tiny, “Down here, Y/N!” And you looked down, seeing him standing in front of the door. How cute! He’d waited for you! “Would you mind getting me a towel from the closet in the hallway, hun?” You asked, and he happily wandered off. As he opened the closet and peered in, his eyes flashed red.
“No… No, not the closet again! I don’t like the closet!”
“You’ve been bad, Chucky!”
“I only wanted to make you happy, Andy!”
              The tiny voice played back in his memory files as he stared at the darkness of the inside. He started to shake, his eyebrows turning up and his mouth turning into a frown. No more closet. He quickly grabbed the towel and ran as fast as he could back to you. He handed it to you, whimpering. “Thank you, little dude! H…. Hey what’s wrong?” You asked wrapping the towel around yourself quickly and then leaning down. He instantly clung to you, digging his tiny plastic fingers into your skin as he made small crying noises. “P—Please don’t make m—me go to the closet again, Y/N. I hate the clos—set.” He kept glitching out, his body shaking violently.
               “Hey, little man. It’s all gonna be okay. No more closets, I promise.” You shushed him, rubbing his back and through his hair. You waited for him to quiet down a bit before setting him down on the sink. “Let me get dressed, okay? No peeking.” You gave his nose a soft boop, then put on your clothing. After putting his clothes into the dryer and then leading Chucky into your room, you set him down on the bed and pulled back the covers. “You fine with sleeping in my shirt tonight? I’ll have your clothes back in the morning.” You asked, and he nodded happily, enjoying the huge shirt quite a bit actually. “Time for bed, little dude.” You sighed, turning off the lights and then laying him down beside you.
               After moments of laying there with your eyes closed, you opened them to find Chucky watching you. “Y/N, was I bad today?” He asked, eyes full of hope and concern. He so badly wanted to be good for you. “Chucky of course you weren’t!” You reassured him, brushing back his red hair for him. Moments later, he asked another question. “Are you my new best friend?” That question was asked with a small spike of sadness, yet still hopeful. “Yes, till the end like the song says, hun.” You chuckled. “….C—Could you…. H—Hold me?” He questioned, afraid that he did something wrong. You were quiet, which scared him for a good moment, and then you wrapped an arm around him slowly, reaching around his middle and holding him to your chest, his head nuzzled into your chin. He softly hummed the Buddi song into your shirt, muffled by the fabric against him.
“Friends till the end, Y/N.”
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begin again - part four
Jax Teller x female!Reader
Summary: After the return of her abusive ex-boyfriend, the reader plots her escape
Word count: 2,9k words
Warnings: bad language, alludes to the death of a minor character, physical & verbal abuse & kinda angsty
Author's note: Enjoy the fourth installment and all feedback is welcome! :)
If you’re in an abusive relationship or you suspect that someone you know is being abused, speak up and reach out to the correct people!
Beta read by @crucifixedbitch
You examine your face in the mirror, pleased with the job you’ve done to conceal the marks left by B/N. Last night was brutal and you would do anything to erase it from your memory. To never have it happen again.
“Toots!” A loud pounding sounds on the bathroom door, “Come on, sweetheart, we’ve got to go.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I-I’ll be there in a second.” Moving quickly, you pack your makeup back into your cosmetic bag. “I just need to grab my bag.”
“Five minutes, okay?” he sounds irritated with you. “We’ll wait outside.”
With a shaking hand, you zip the bag closed and leave the bathroom for the bedroom. Your handbag is on the bed but your phone’s not on its usual spot at your bedside table and you just know B/N has something to do with its disappearance. And you know that it’ll be a while before you see it again. You’re so upset, it brings tears to your eyes but there’s no time for them. He’s waiting for you and being late will lead to trouble.
S/N and B/N are on the small patch of grass outside the house, kicking around a ball.
“You gotta kick the ball to me, okay kid? You gotta kick it hard.”
S/N scurries towards the ball and kicks it so hard, it zooms between B/N’s open legs and bounces off of the fence. They both cheer from excitement, and S/N runs straight into B/N’s open arms.
“That was amazing, buddy!”
You clap your hands, drawing their attention to you.
“Did you see that, Mommy?”
“I did, ace, and it was so good.” You walk over to join them on the grass, “Hey, sweet boy.”
You haven’t seen your son all morning. You lift him off the ground and hug him to your chest, it feels good to hold him so close to you, and for the second time in the last five minutes, you feel you might cry. The three of you make your way over to B/N’s rental SUV parked on the small driveway.
“Mommy, are you feeling cold?”
You briefly glance over to B/N who’s prepping the baby car seat. “A little. Mommy’s not feeling too well.”
“Do you need chicken soup?”
You chuckle and press a kiss to his forehead, “Will you help me make it when we get back?”
He pinky promises you to. You hand him over to B/N who buckles him into the car seat. It’s not his intention, but you can’t help but feel humiliated by S/N’s question. A turtleneck and jeans in the dead of the summer in Charming, California? That’s sure to raise suspicions.
“Baby, do you not think I should stay behind?”
B/N turns in his seat, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why?”
Pointing at your turtle neck, you explain, “It’s going to draw attention. It’s summer and I’m dressed for winter.”
“And you care what these people think of you?”
Yes, a lot. It’s your fucking hometown, of course, you care! You want to scream at him, claw at his face, but you’re weak. Pathetic. You can’t even muster the courage to get away from him.
“Sweetheart, no one’s going to be looking at you. Trust me.”
“Don’t ruin this outing by being so self-obsessed.” He starts the car’s engine and backs out of the driveway, “Do you want to listen to some music, buddy?”
Today’s your last day in Charming, B/N’s orders. Later on today, you’ll embark on a five-day road trip back to North Carolina. The idea of being trapped in the car with B/N has you regretting every decision you have made in your life that has led you to this point. Forty fucking hours? The car just isn’t big enough and no amount of eagerness from S/N can change your mind.
“When we get back, I need to see Mabel.”
Mabel’s a friendly neighbor who lives down the street from your mother’s. She moved to Charming a few months before your escape to Charlotte, and since your return, she has been a great help.
“Who’s Mabel?”
“She lives down the road.”
“Why do you need to see her?”
To use her phone to call Jax. “I want to give all my mother’s old furniture to charity. She offered to help me organize it.” It’s a believable lie, “It shouldn’t take more than ten minutes.”
After a dragged-out silence, he murmurs a soft ‘okay’ and warns you not to do anything stupid. “I might not be able to stop myself this time around.”
The chilling part is that it’s not an empty threat. You look back at S/N who’s softly singing along to ‘Old MacDonald Had A Farm’, gazing out the car window. Leaving Charming was a decision you made for his sake, to protect him from his father’s world. To give him a shot at a normal childhood, to raise him away from gangs and violence. Instead, you found yourself in the clutches of a wicked man who will one day kill you.
“Mommy, will we see Abel before we leave?”
“No,” B/N responds before you can.
God, you fucking hate him. Your feelings towards him are violent, and you’ve got to come out of the car before you act recklessly.
“Stop the car.” You unbuckle your seatbelt prompting the seatbelt alarm to go off. “Stop the car, B/N, now!”
He pulls into the empty parking space in front of a bridal shop. You frantically open the car door and stumble out of the vehicle, gasping for air. So glad to have distance from the devil you call your boyfriend.
“Toots, what’s wrong?”
You take a step away from him, needing the space. “I need to breathe, B/N.”
That upsets him. “What are you trying to do? Huh? Get in the fucking car so I can drive to the grocery store.”
You pace around in a circle on the sidewalk, contemplating your next move. You can’t run off, B/N could easily catch you and S/N’s still in the car. You can’t leave him, even though you know B/N would never harm him. He loves him too much. Think, think, think! You have a moment of clarity when you look across the street and see who you believe to be Bobby Munson sitting at an ice cream shop. What are the odds?
“Ice cream and candy!” You spin to look at B/N who’s shooting daggers at you. “I want ice cream and we need candy for the road trip, don’t we?”
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
You walk back to the car to open S/N’s door and start unbuckling him from his car seat. “D’you want ice cream, ace?”
His face lights up. “Ice cream! Ice cream!” he chants.
“Alright. Come on.” You shut the car door, S/N clutched tightly in your arms, “It’s just a small pit stop. Do you want any?”
B/N looks furious but there isn’t much he can do to you out in the open. He’s starting towards you when his work phone starts ringing. He has to take the call and so he tells you to go ahead, he’ll meet you inside the shop. You flash him a smile and make your way to Scoops & Sweets. Now that you’re closer, you’re certain it’s Bobby, and he’s standing behind the counter with his arm in a sling, drinking beer.
“Y/N?” His stony expression morphs into a smile, “Hi, sweetheart.”
“Hi, Bobby.” For the first time in the last 12 hours, you feel safe. “I thought it was you.”
“Who’s the kid?”
“This is S/N,” you look proudly at your son. “Say hello to Bobby, ace?”
Bashful, he waves awkwardly at Bobby before concealing his face in the crook of your neck. You casually look over your shoulder to check if B/N’s still on his call before you turn back to Bobby.
“Bobby, is there a phone I can use? I want to call Jax, there’s something I want to tell him, and my phone’s broken.”
He looks out the window to B/N who’s pacing next to the rental. “Why didn’t you ask your friend to use his phone?”
“He doesn’t like to share.”
Bobby looks back at you. “Jax’s upstairs. Come, I’ll take you up to him. Bring the kid.”
Bobby calls for Chuckie who emerges from what you assume to be the staff break room. When you last saw Chuckie, he had fingers.
“What happened to your fingers?”
“Chinese cut them off,” he holds up his prosthetic hands. “These were a gift from Gemma.”
You regret asking. Bobby orders him to keep watch of the shop and starts leading you towards the flight of stairs.
“Uh Chuckie, a man will come in here looking for me. Could you tell him I went into the bathroom?”
Chuckie nods and you continue on your way with Bobby.
“Is this the new clubhouse?”
“Somethin’ like that.” Bobby leads you and S/N down a short hallway and stops in front of a closed door. He knocks once before he opens it, “Visitor for Jax Teller.”
The men in the room, consisting of Jax, Chibs, Tig, Happy, and Juice, all turn to the door. From their expressions, you’d swear they’ve just seen a ghost. You might as well be a ghost.
Jax raises off his chair and crosses the space to join you at the door. “Is everything okay?”
“Hi, boys. I’m sorry for interrupting your meeting,” suddenly, coming to Jax seems like a bad idea. But B/N. You put S/N on the ground. “I just wanted to see you before we leave this afternoon.”
Jax scowls.
“We’re headed back home to North Carolina. Driving.” You throw your arms around your ex, wincing at the discomfort you feel at the contact. “I’m so glad I could see you again.”
He returns your hug, holding you flush against him and you don’t care that you’re in pain. You’re vaguely aware of the fact that the bottom hem of your sweater’s risen, probably exposing the bruises on your lower back. There’s a pang of pain in your heart when he releases you. The tears blur your vision. God, you hate that you’re so emotional today.
“How are you getting home?”
“B/N arrived last night, he’s waiting for us downstairs.” Probably impatient and suspicious. “We should probably get going.”
Downstairs, B/N’s at the counter listening to Chuckie recount the time he had his fingers cut off by Lin’s men. S/N leaps out of your arms and runs over to B/N.
“Here’s your candy.” Chuckie slides two bags of candy to you, “Don’t worry about paying, it’s on the house.”
You smile at him. “Thank you.”
B/N snatches the candy from the counter and the three of you make your way out of the shop. It’s a short trip to the grocery store and luckily for you, there aren’t a lot of people buying groceries whilst you’re there. The tension from earlier has subsided, and the ride back to your mother’s house is a sing-along with S/N leading you. You’re helping B/N unload the bag of groceries from the car when you spot a familiar van at the end of your street.
“When will you go to Mabel’s?”
“After lunch,” you start unpacking the groceries, “I’m sure you boys are hungry.”
“Starving.” He leans over to press a kiss to the side of your head, “I’ll have a beer with my lunch.”
He leaves you in the kitchen to join S/N who’s building Lego in the living room. You’ve just finished laying all the lunch ingredients on the counter when you hear the thunderous roar of a motorcycle outside your house. Shortly after, a knock sounds.
“I’ll get it,” you call from the kitchen.
Unfortunately, B/N beats you to the door. He angrily signals for you to go back into the kitchen.
“Do as you’re fucking told,” he warns through gritted teeth. “Go back to the kitchen.”
You open your mouth to protest but he marches over to you, grabbing your arm harshly, and drags you through the kitchen to the laundry nook.
“You’re hurting me!” you complain, struggling in his firm grip.
The sound of the back of his hand connecting with your cheek bounces off the walls of the small space. You forcefully shove him away from you and try to escape but he hooks a strong arm around your waist and hauls you back into the nook.
“Let go of me!” you claw at his arms and the pain causes him to release you.
“You little bitch!”
He lunges towards you but you’re quicker than him. You grab the first item in your reach which happens to be an iron and whack him on the head with enough force to make him cry out from the pain. You dash past him and run to open the front door at the same time Jax is about to shoot at the door.
His scowl deepens at your disheveled appearance. “Where is he?”
“In the laundry nook. I hit him on the head but he’s still conscious.”
“Where is the kid?”
S/N! You run into the living room, your eyes frantically searching around the space for your little boy. His Legos are strewn on the floor but there’s no sight of him. “S/N?”
He’s behind the couch. You find him curled up, his eyes closed and his hands covering his ears.
“My baby.” You scoop him in your arms and carry him towards the front door. “Jax?”
He calls back from the kitchen and tells you to go outside. “Rat’s got the van out front.”
“But Jax–”
You rush out of the house, S/N cradled in your arms. You’ve just stepped onto the patch of grass when you hear grunts coming from the house. Ratboy meets you at the gate and takes S/N from your shaking hands to carry to the van. He helps you into the vehicle before he climbs into the driver’s seat.
“Where are you taking us?”
S/N and Abel are asleep in Jax’s old bedroom and you’re sitting at Gemma’s dining table staring blankly into space. If you had been told a week ago that you’d be seeking asylum at Gemma Teller’s home, you wouldn’t have believed it. You replay the last twenty-four hours in your head, you’re somewhat in disbelief of all that’s happened.
Gemma places a gentle hand on your shoulder, drawing you back to reality. “Here you go sweetheart,” she places a steaming mug of herbal tea in front of you, “it should help calm your nerves.”
“Thank you.” You place both of your shaking hands on the mug, watching as Gemma takes her place across the table from you. “Have you heard anything from Jax?”
“No,” she reaches for the box of cigarettes on the table. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
You nod, your eyes dropping to the mug. “Did he… did he tell you why he had Ratboy bring me here?”
“Psycho boyfriend,” she takes a pull from the lit cigarette. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
The shame brings fresh tears springing to your eyes. It makes it worse to know that this time around, S/N was awake to hear it all. You feel like you’ve failed him, exposed him to the very thing you vowed to protect him from when you left Charming all those years ago.
“What do I tell S/N?”
“Nothing,” she stubs out the cigarette in the ashtray. “You shouldn’t worry yourself with that right now. You should try get some sleep, you can worry about that tomorrow morning.”
“I don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep tonight.” You take a small sip of the hot tea and sigh, “This is all my fault.”
“Sweetheart, no.”
“It is and now I’ve gone and gotten Jax involved in this mess.” The frustration is eating at you, “I just–”
You’re cut off by the kitchen door opening. Jax’s back. Thank the heavens! Gemma rushes over to greet him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Are you okay, baby?”
“I’m fine, Mom.”
Joining you at the table, Jax pulls you into him and tenderly strokes your back. All your fears and concerns are alleviated once you’re in his arms.
“Did he hurt you?”
He chuckles and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You shouldn’t be worrying yourself with that.”
“I can’t help it,” you laugh through your tears.
“You should get some rest.”
“All my stuff is back at my mom’s.” The thought of returning to the scene of last night’s brutality has you shuddering. You pull away from Jax and roughly dry your tears. “I don’t… I can’t–”
Jax pulls you back into him, holding you tighter than before, and gently rocks you. “He’ll never hurt you again.”
Guilt. You feel a tremendous amount of guilt. Is he dead? Possibly, and your guilt deepens when you recognize a small part of you overjoyed by the possibility. He deserves it. How could you even think that? No one deserves to die — not even B/N.
“How are you going to get rid of the body?”
He doesn’t respond to your question, instead, he tells you that he’ll get Rat to bring yours and S/N’s bags to Gemma’s.
“Jax, don’t leave,” you plead, the surge of panic hits you like a freight train and has you fisting the hem of his shirt. “Stay.”
He presses a kiss to your covered shoulder. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere,” he assures you.
tag list:
@princesssterek @derangedcupcake @furiouscopshepherduniversity @crucifixedbitch @holl2712 @sweet--catrastrophe @marvelsmylife @brittjulianne97 @few-proud-emotonal @zozebo @lovinnholland @adaydreamaway08
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bubba-writes · 4 years
╔═════ ∘◦ ✰ミ ◦∘ ══════╗
now playing: tongue tied
0:01 ❍─────── 4:15 ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
╚═════ ∘◦ ミ✰ ◦∘ ═════╝
im charlie, but you can call me bubba as a nickname if you'd like!
i write for the dream smp, sally face, slashers, undertale/undertale aus, south park, homestuck, and possibly creepypasta. ill also be writing bnha when i finish it and death note once i rewatch it. (its been a while haha)
• ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── •
here are the x reader characters i write for:
dream smp:
dream ♫
georgenotfound ♪
sapnap ♫
tommyinnit {PLATONIC ONLY} ♪
ranboo {PLATONIC ONLY} ♫
jschlatt/glatt ♪
technoblade {PLATONIC ONLY} ♫
philza {PLATONIC ONLY} ♪
quackity ♫
karl jacobs ♪
badboyhalo ♫
wilbur soot/ghostbur ♪
sally face:
sal fisher ♫
undertale + aus:
classic {undertale sans} ♫
red {underfell sans} ♪
error {errortale sans} ♫
blue {underswap sans} ♪
honey {underswap papyrus} ♫
axe {horrortale sans} ♪
tatters {horrortale sans} ♫
fresh {underfresh sans} ♪
lust {lusttale sans} ♫
billy lenz {black christmas 1974}♪
brahms heelshire {the boy 2016} ♫
leslie vernon {behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon 2007} ♪
vincent sinclair {house of wax 2005} ♫
bubba sawyer {the texas chainsaw massacre 1974/the texas chainsaw massacre 2 1986} ♪
thomas hewitt {the texas chainsaw massacre 2003} ♫
chucky {child's play all movies} ♪
buddi/chucky {child's play 2019} ♫
south park {aged up unless platonic}:
kenny mccormick ♪
butters stotch {ill also do trans girl!butters and genderfluid!butters :] } ♫
jimmy valmer ♪
tweek tweak ♫
craig tucker ♪
homestuck (aged up):
john egbert ♫
dave strider ♪
karkat vantas ♫
eridan ampora ♪
sollux captor ♫
nepeta leijon ♪
tavros nitram ♫
gamzee makara ♪
• ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── •
i also write ships!
ships that i write:
dream smp:
dreamnotfound {dream x george} ♫
sapnotfound {sapnap x george} ♪
dreamnotnap {dream x sapnap} ♫
sleepy boys inc. (PLATONIC ONLY) ♪
skephalo {skeppy x badboyhalo} ♫
karlnapity {karl x sapnap x quackity} ♪
karlnap {karl x sapnap} ♫
karlity {karl x quackity} ♪
sally face:
salvis {sal x travis} ♫
undertale + aus:
bloodlust {horror!sans x lust!sans} ♪
horrorberry {horror!sans x swap!sans} ♫
kustard {classic!sans x fell!sans} ♪
cherryberry {fell! sans x swap! sans} ♫
errorberry {error!sans x swap!sans} ♪
bad sanses poly {horror x nightmare x killer x dust (x error x cross possibly?)} ♫
lenzshire {billy lenz x brahms heelshire} ♫
south park {aged up unless platonic}:
bunny {butters x kenny} ♪
kyman {kyle x cartman} ♫
creek {tweek x craig} ♪
(maybe) tyde {clyde x token} ♫
davekat {dave x karkat} ♪
erisol {eridan x sollux} ♫
PB&J {tavros x gamzee} ♪
johnkat {john x karkat} ♫
johndave {john x dave} ♪
• ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── •
please dont request smut. i am a minor.
i will not romanticize things like self harm, depression, anxiety, or anything else.
all x reader stories/headcanons will be gender neutral/non-binary, unless requested.
i will write specifics for x readers, such as "winged!reader" or "trans male!reader", for example!
most of my writing will be bullet fics/headcanons! im not a very talented writer in all honesty, and i feel more comfortable keeping things short.
trigger warnings will be put at the beginning of the post, as well as tagged at the bottom. if you're an anon/requester and you have a trigger that wasnt tagged on accident/a "strange" trigger, send me a message! i will make sure that everyone is comfortable here :]
you can request platonic or romantic for any character, other than ones that say {PLATONIC ONLY} which you can only request platonic fics of. you can also request headcanons/scenarios for multiple characters separately as well as ships x readers.
for mcyts/dream smp people, i will not do the real people, only their characters.
im dyslexic please bear with me on the spelling lmao.
i don't really like to write for female readers because i feel like us lads and non-binary lily pads need some more fics for us (my boyfriend came up with that joke lmaoaoao), but you can request it and ill probably do it anyway.
if theres a character/pairing that you think i forgot/you would like to see thats not on this list then feel free to let me know! if im uncomfortable with it ill tell you. dont be worried about bothering me, most of the time im on tumblr anyway and ill most likely respond fairly quickly.
• ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── •
♫ don't be afraid to send asks! id love to have anons and others on this blog! ♫
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sweettooth-87 · 5 years
I will always love you my dear buddy
He knew this day would come but he didn't want it to be this soon. At leats to him it was too soon.
His sons and daughter where there by their sad alongside their grandchildren. Everyone was just calm by the side of his beloved. They took him in a embrace and put him on their lap - you know my dear buddi If I could go back in time where we meet I would do the same that I did in this life. I love you and I'll be waiting for you. Your truly the best friend I ever had. I love you my dear husband - then they hugged him as close as they could to their chest and peacefully died with him in their arms.
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