#but I'm eager to see all the other WIPs in this event!
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week:
Comp titles: Gulliver’s Travels and Hadestown
The Curse of New Royston
The small town of New Royston is cursed: wealth correlates with physical size. 20-foot-tall Gio Violett, a sophomore recovering from a near-death experience, encounters 1-foot-tall Cricket Collins, a freshman who’s been left to fend for himself as his parents try to save up enough money to bring him out of town. Fed up with the town’s unofficial segregation, the two of them agree to try to break the curse.
But the closer they get to their goal, the more they uncover the town’s gruesome history. Danger stems from the least likely places, from political conspiracies to supernatural forces, from the shady figure that seems to always be on Gio’s heels to the reason why Cricket’s parents left in the first place; soon, it becomes clear that their, and their friends’, lives and livelihoods depend on breaking the curse.
Family, both blood and found
History, discovery, and retellings
Current Stage in Writing Process
Currently on third draft, ironing out scenes and fixing grammar, spelling, and tone.
WIP-Relevant Links
Sideblog is @new-royston-cursebreakers
Content Warnings
Violence (asphyxiation, blood, gore, amputation, burn wounds, assault, child abuse, police violence)
Discrimination (classism, ableism, queerphobia, ageism)
Strong Language
Mentally-disturbing content (dissociation, unreality, paranoia, claustrophobia, anxiety, trauma, brain injury)
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hushed-chorus · 5 months
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Hi everyone! I’m climbing out of my cave and scheduling this in advance to spread the good word about vampire angst. Because, as anyone who’s read my blog title knows, I am a fiend for vampire angst, and there is some cracking vampire angst in this fandom.
Here's a selection of fics that dive into the tasty vampire stuff, especially ones that come with a serving of ‘this sucks actually’. I love all of these, but I’m sure I’ve forgotten or missed other great fics, so please feel free to reblog with your own recs!
Also, since these fics all deal with how being a vampire sucks, I’d recommend checking the tags before diving in.
The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch by @monbons
I am asking you all, please, hop on board and join me in reading along with this WIP. Monbons has a wonderful writing style; well-paced and impactful. She’s made some inspired choices in this AU. Angsty, clever, and so, so engrossing. Tasty angst so far, and we still have many chapters to go!
burning pitch by stainedglassflood
Lamb is a character who really fascinates me. This ficlet imagines a conversation Baz and Lamb would have if Lamb discovered Baz was a mage under less bloody circumstance. This short and sweet fic is something of a hidden gem, and I’ll cry forever that this is a 600 word fic, not a 60k one.
Crowding out the Bad (with Good) by twigs_in_my_hair
Another WIP, and if you are a fan of lore, this is one for you. This AU involves Simon trying to improve his diet with the help of nutritionist (and reluctant vampire) Baz. Twigs devotes so much to exploring Baz’s feelings about his vampirism, and how it has left marks on his life, behaviour, etc. And, of course, there's a lovely bit of slow burn Snowbaz along the way!
Joy and Trust by @bookish-bogwitch
Bogwitch constantly surprises and impresses me with her range. This short (400 words), sweet and heartbreaking ficlet sees Baz receiving a Visiting during the events of Carry On. I love it so much.
Proof of Life by @roomwithanopenfire
What if Natasha Pitch survived the vampire attack, but Baz still got Turned? What would that mean for Baz and the World of Mages? In this WIP, it means a Baz who is even more angsty about being a vampire than he already is in canon—and with good reason. Added bonus is the consideration for the wider canon divergence. What would Watford be like if Natasha is still headmistress but Davy is the Mage? Very intriguing fic so far, especially now we’ve landed in eighth year!
This is where it ends by LakeWitch
The least Baz-focused on the bunch, this fic is about the Mage taking Old Family children prisoner for leverage and the aftermath. It sees Baz hit his lowest point (gave me the big good sads), and then follows how he and Simon recover from all they’ve been through. Love it. 
A Record of You and I by Sip_of_your_soul
Argh. I just can’t. This one hurt so good. Want to die a little inside for fun? Read this.
Thanks everyone, I'm eager to see any recs you wanna make! Tags below the cut!
@artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @cutestkilla
@ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
@ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission
@nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @shrekgogurt
@theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @valeffelees
@j-nipper-95 @rimeswithpurple @wellbelesbian @imagineacoolusername
@youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @supercutedinosaurs @alexalexinii
@bookish-bogwitch @cosmicalart @bazzybelle @theotherhufflepuff
@that-disabled-princess @prettygoododds @mooncello @noblecorgi @roomwithanopenfire
@emeryhall @monbons
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Prompt 31 of this OTP prompt list! I've got ideas for quite a few of them, but if there's one you're particularly eager to see, just lemme know ^_^ I wanna try to write a little Steddie everyday, whether that's a ficlet here or working on the Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins WIP lol
Prompt: “Why’d you— why’d you do that?” “B-Because I promised you I’d do anything to keep you safe.” 
When Steve had realized they were really going after Vecna this time, about to walk into his lair and fuck him up, he'd made a promise to himself. He was going to do everything in his power to keep everyone safe, especially Eddie and Dustin, especially when their final plan made those two the demobat distraction.
Steve has also learned over his past few Upside Down adventures to trust his gut. Going through some life-threatening scenarios tends to strengthen his intuition for danger and general Bad Events. So, when he's following Nancy and Robin to the Creel house and feels a horrible stirring in his stomach (something beyond anxiety and fear and stale bread sitting wrong), he stops.
"I'm going back," he says.
"What?" Nancy asks, spinning on her heel.
Robin, meanwhile, meets his gaze. A silent conversation passes between them through looks and half-gestures and a singular grunt from Robin at the end. Their entire conversation can be boiled down to, simply, "I've got a bad feeling."
Interestingly, going through Russian torture together makes people trust each other's bad feelings.
"Okay," Robin says, nodding once before looking at Nancy. "It's not like we need him anyway. I think we're pretty kick-ass on our own."
"But the plan," Nancy protests, her brows furrowing as Steve realizes she's more upset over the change in plan than she is his leaving them.
Steve places a hand on her shoulder, smiles reassuringly, and says, "Don't worry, Nance. You'll kick Creel's ass, I'll make sure Thing One and Thing Two don't get themselves killed, and we'll all go out for pizza when this is over."
Nancy stares at him for a few seconds before sighing. "Okay. Don't die."
"Wasn't planning on it."
Steve can see the trailer before he gets to it, and he can see the demobats creating a fucked up storm cloud as they stream off in one direction, and he can't hear any of the music that should be playing. The demobats seem determined to reach something that's running away, and Steve gets a sinking feeling in his chest.
He knows it isn't Dustin. Eddie wouldn't let Dustin put himself in danger like that unless it was over his dead body, and there's no way Dustin would let Eddie die unless he happened to be out of sight. Which it seems he is now, and Steve knows things must have Gone Bad to get to this point.
Steve shoots across the Upside Down, racing to reach the demobat swarm. Their screeching fills his ears, echoing and bouncing around his head as he gets closer, and he can start to hear Eddie screaming, too. The words are muffled and covered by the demobats, but he has no doubt Eddie is calling them some insulting name and embracing his Ozzie Moment.
When he's a few feet away from the edge of the swarm, Steve starts swinging with reckless abandon. He takes out demobats as quickly as he can, trying to ignore the grime and viscera that layers on top of itself and his skin as he goes. The demobats get more than a few bites in, and more than a few tails lash at his ankles and wrists and whatever else they can find, but Eddie's screams that grow increasingly more terrified spur Steve on.
After an eternity of faceless bats and black blood and his arms screaming from the exertion of constantly swinging his bat, Steve finally gets to the center of the storm. In the eye, he finds Eddie on the ground, a tail wrapped around his neck and demobats descending on his sides, and Steve sees red.
He doesn't actually process any of his actions. He only knows that one second he's watching Eddie become a demobat main course, and the next he's standing over Eddie, decapitating demobats, yanking them away, slamming them into the ground, swinging his bat at the ones that dare to get closer.
Adrenaline and desperation are the only things keeping Steve going for what could be seconds or hours or days; he really can't tell. His focus has tunneled to only allow his brain to think about protecting Eddie and killing flying demon rats. Even when he hears Eddie screaming his name and grabbing his leg, Steve can't spare a moment to think about him beyond "Eddie would be easier to protect if he didn't move around."
Steve doesn't kill the entire swarm. There are too many, and he's only one man. But he does hold them off until...until something calls them away. One second he's feeling overwhelmed--his heart beating out of his chest and his vision blurring red from the blood dripping down his forehead--and the next, the demobats are screeching one last time before shooting off into the sky.
He would pay attention to where they go, but Steve can only take long enough to confirm that they're gone before he's collapsing. He doesn't hit the ground. Instead, Steve hits Eddie, who had stood up at some point only to fall to his ass once more from Steve's unexpected weight.
Holy fuck, Steve just wants to nap. And he's halfway to closing his eyes and slipping into sweet, sweet oblivion when he hears Eddie, his voice absolutely wrecked from screaming and brimming with some emotion Steve can't place right now, ask him, "Why'd you---why'd you do that?! You could have died!"
"So could you," Steve manages, forcing his eyes to focus long enough on Eddie to realize he's literally being cradled in the guy's arms right now. It's surprisingly comfortable, and he can hear Eddie's rapid heartbeat from this position. "Besides, I promised to keep you safe."
"No, you didn't!" Eddie squawks, and Steve makes a mental note to mock him for it later. "I would've remembered that, Steve!"
Steve huffs a weak laugh, stifles a yawn, and lets his head fall onto Eddie's shoulder. He'll think about Eddie not calling him by some ridiculous nickname later. "To myself. Promised to keep everyone safe. 'specially you, Eds," he says, flashing a faint smile that's probably only more worrying because of the blood staining his teeth.
Eddie looks ready to say more, but Steve weakly and clumsily covers his mouth. "Just so you know, I'm passing out now," he says, his body and brain finally calling it a day once he gets the warning out.
Later, when he wakes up in the hospital, Steve will have to deal with several lectures from several people about how he shouldn't have been so reckless. He'll get to turn it around later by pointing out that Eddie would have definitely died without him.
Steve will also have to deal with Eddie staying behind and shooting him the saddest puppy-eye pout he's ever seen. It will devolve into an argument about how Steve would do it again, how Eddie didn't enjoy thinking he was dead, and how they both think the other is incredibly stupid. That argument will end with a spur-of-the-moment and intense kiss that's interrupted by Steve's heart monitor going out of control, leaving them both blushing and overwhelmed as a nurse rushes in and...and holding hands with tiny, amazed smiles as they stare at each other after the nurse leaves.
But that's all in the future. For now, Steve lets his eyes slip shut, comfortable in Eddie's arms and reasonably assured that Eddie won't go risking his life when he has to make sure Steve gets out safe.
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nichoskittycorner · 1 year
Halloween surprise (A K smut)
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>> Going to a Halloween party leads to a very eventful night (A werewolf K smut drabble(?))
>> Werewolf!K, knotting, unprotected sex, breeding kink, strangers having sex
A/N: Oh okay so NOW my brain wants to work but it's still not my WIP list… 
> It was Halloween night and of course, you had to dress to impress for a party you were invited to. Sure you could've been modest but what's the fun in that? Skimpy and sexy all the way!
> When you arrived with your friends, you instantly melted into the party scene and had a blast 
> All eyes on you and your fabulous costume- and you loved the attention 
> Guys tried talking to you but it was almost like a game to see how fast they would shy away or you would reject them. That was until one.
> A tall man, looking rather fuzzy with a pair of wolf-like ears on his head approached you. His eyes focused on you like you were next meal just waiting to be caught
> He was the perfect mix of cute but sexy, drawing you in. You started to talk to him but couldn't bring yourself to shoo him away. If anything, you got closer
> You kept the intros short before the flirting started. "I'm Y/n, and you?" "Call me K~," Said with all the suave and grace a sexy werewolf could muster as he kissed your hand
> Pushing your chest against him, batting your eyelashes, even running your hands up and down his sculpted chest. Settling it on his belt, ever so slowly inching it down to his crotch area
> He gave you a little smirk before taking your hand and rushing off to a room upstairs
> Shutting the door and locking it before pulling you into a heated kiss and laying you on the bed
> Hands and lips exploring and taking in every bit of each other without a second thought 
> Pushing your legs open, his fingers started to play with your panties- making the already wet spot grow
> Moaning and grinding your hips against the little contact asking for more, and thankfully, he would provide
> Wasting no time, he pushed the rest of your dress up and took your panties off, tossing them aside before diving in and eating you out
> His lips and tongue focused on massaging your clit as he inserted a finger into your wet cunt, soon adding another and pumping them with ease 
> Your back arched and lewd pleasure-filled noises fell from your lips, even though you tried to bite them back 
> "Don't try to be quiet now pretty, not when you were talking so much downstairs" 
> As he continued to work your body, you knew your orgasm was building, ready for the release as you made a mess but suddenly it was gone- K pulling before placing a kiss on your forehead 
> "You're quite eager. But I'd prefer if I made you cum on my cock yeah?" 
> It was probably the horny desperation that made you nod 
> Not a minute sooner and his pants were down and he had slipped inside your cunt, pounding into you and making your head spin. Moving his hips with expert precision, hitting your spot, and wrapping your legs around his hips
> His lips connected with the exposed skin of your neck, ensuring to leave marks as he held you down by your hips
> A low growl leaves his body in between the kisses on your skin. His grip getting stronger as he started to leak precum 
> You could feel your orgasm building again, ready to clench down and release your juices all over him, head thrown back and your attempts to keep quiet long forgotten 
> Just as you came, your body erupting in pleasure you moaned out his name, letting him continue to fuck you until he reached his own high
> But you started to feel something strange, part of him was swelling, making it harder for him to thrust in and out, restoring to shallow ruts deeper into your hole
> "K? What is that, are you okay?" You were only met with a moan-like growl sound from him 
> "Don't worry baby, just gonna stuff you full of cum. Make you carry my pups and you'll be mine" 
> You didn't have time to ask him more questions as he came deep inside you, shaking and stuttering as he painted your walls 
> He was breathing heavily and pulled you into a kiss, lacing your hands together and laying his head into the crook of your neck, placing lazy kisses on the skin 
> You were enjoying the contact but still a bit riled up from this odd predicament as he still was inside you and not moving. Any attempts ended with no progress 
> "Might want to get comfy mate, we're gonna be here for a while." 
> Mate… and he mentioned pups earlier… Taking a hand, you touched his fluffy wolf ears, only to have them twitch in response
> They were real?!  And it all made sense, especially as he chuckled and pulled you closer to him. "That's right baby, the ears aren't just for show. And picking you was no accident" 
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suzyq31 · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @nodirectionhome-ao3! I almost feel unworthy as I really am not writing much now and feeling a lot of conflict about how to move forward in fandom, but it's still fun to have a chance to chat about what I am writing (even if it's slow).
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends
Maybe Tomorrow: The epilogue is all that's left! This is a hard story to categorize, but essentially Harry and Hermione are fixing up Potter Manor the first Christmas after the war, on Christmas Eve they wake up to find themselves seemingly in the future, or some possible alternate reality. Friends to lovers, time travel, domestic fluff and plenty of angst thrown in.
Untitled James and Lily. A one shot sitting in my drafts. Mischief and games, and a first kiss. Possibly going to connect it to At The Beginning.
Found. I've actually pulled this from Ao3 and it's become a personal project instead. It's a spin off from my Seasons Series. Second generation, original character, coming back from the dead and other fun stuff. Harry/Hermione.
Iris. Another project I'm unsure of. It's still online, but may take it down in future to also write for myself instead of an audience. It's the first long story I ever attempted, and was a tad ambitious with it. Harry and Hermione. Hidden child, post war, angsty as hell. And a mystery plot that is slowly driving me insane as I try to weave in the appropriate clues.
Don't really know at this point. @bettertoflee and I have lost steam on In Between which is supposed to be a steamy, fake dating, 8th year Harmony. Life is just hectic and neither of us are feeling overly motivated. I have several vague James and Lily ideas floating in my brain, as well as a few original short stories I'd like to experiment with...but lately writing has been a chore and my creative muse feels depleted!
As you can see the theme is that I have all these Harry and Hermione WIPS, yet no will to work on them, or at least continue posting (sigh). And I would like to write more James and Lily, yet keep freezing. So fun times all around!
Upcoming Scenes, Events, Details
So it's just the epilogue left. One detail is that so far it's only one scene and not very long, but still, I am so excited to finally wrap this up and reveal some stuff. It's probably the story that has meant the most to me on a personal level, and it feels so good to have finished something that I worked hard on and am proud of.
There is a kiss that I am very eager to write. Plus some group dynamics that I'm having fun experimenting with.
Now that I'm not writing this for an audience there has been some freedom with being able to let go of certain details and it feels great to just jump around and have fun with it. I'm working on a scene of a cute "first" date that makes me all fluttery ❤️ Also Ron will be making another appearance soon, and I do love writing him.
There are some cute scenes I'm excited to write, but they are a ways away and I don't want to say too much. I will say there is a kiss that I am also very excited to write in this one to! Let's just see if I ever get through all the "mystery" bits.
Well, if we could summon the energy/ability, there is a smut scene in In Between that I know I'm eager to write, or read, who knows which of us will make it happen 👀 I would also very much like it if my desire to write would come back as I keep getting snippets of Jily banter in my head that would be good to get down.
Not sure if anyone will be interested in reading any of this, but yes a glimpse at the chaos of my writing life (at least fandom wise).
Anyone who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged! But will also add a few that I am curious about! @glitterwitch1 @myst867 @annonymouslyblonde
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bluegreenamber · 2 months
Critter Gen Week 2024 - Day 6: Storytelling (WIP)
Full fics for Days 1, 2, 4, & 5 can be found on my Ao3 here
Hiya again folks! I'm back for Day 6 of @critter-genfic-events's Critter Gen Week 2024 with another WIP sneak peek for a different upcoming multi-chapter fic. WIP is under the cut (only content warning for this one is alcohol use), and I hope you enjoy this snippet!
“Alright, my little sweethearts,” Eselmyr rasps as her song ends. “Gather round for the final bedtime story for tonight. Some of y’all may know this classic history of our four wonderful kingdoms.” She pauses for a moment to gauge her growing audience’s reactions and smiles at the mostly blank—or entirely drunk—faces staring up at her. “But for those who don’t, let’s take a wider look at the world outside this cozy little tavern room.”
If it had been Zedd or Kent or even Dr. Dranzel, there would have been some musical accompaniment from their respective instruments, and they might have insisted on dousing some of the lights to set the mood. Eselmyr doesn’t need any of that to enrapture every ear nearby. 
“Once upon a time,” she begins, “there was a land divided into four kingdoms. The four rulers of these kingdoms separated each kingdom by the natural boundaries of the land.”
Immediately, Bobby knows that she’s launching into the version of the story geared less towards children and more towards the drunken adults that gather around the stage. For the children’s version, she simplifies a lot of the language and themes, but Bobby prefers this version, as it makes him feel a bit more mature as well for understanding it all. 
Eselmyr continues, “One kingdom was composed of emerald isles surrounded by crystal blue seas, and the ruler of those isles took no official titles, as they were a sailor as common as any other who proved their worth in a bout of prowess and skill. Another kingdom was a desert kingdom whose citizens were no strangers to hardship, and their ruler—who took on the title of emperor and empress—was imbued with the power of the barren earth below and the scorching sun above. Another kingdom was filled with colorful forests and wildlife whose denizens worshipped the land’s natural magic, and their ruler rose to the title of high priest as the most devout and blessed cleric. The final kingdom loomed high above the others in a range of wintry mountains, and the ruler took on a similarly tall title as high lord.”
One patron falls over in his seat, snoring, and many look eager to follow his example. Eselmyr glances over her crowd—and Bobby can see the appraising look in her eye that tells him that she’s trying to gauge how much longer of a story the audience can tolerate, what version to continue on with—but doesn’t stop her story.
“Although the four kingdoms had their conflicts with one another over the centuries, there was peace amongst them more often than not, and they were strongest when they could band together. Many of you may know the story of the skybound city, in which the high priest of the forest assisted the ruler of the isles in preventing his predecessor from taking one of the islands out of the sea and into the air. Or perhaps, the story of the cult of the red moon, in which the high lord of the cold mountains aided the emperor and empress of the desert with a rising religious threat. 
“Now, the four kingdoms that stand today have gone through many changes and challenges from those that were originally claimed by their four respective rulers. Today, we thrive in a time of peace, and may the rulers and the powers that have decided them fit to rule bless us with a continuation of that peace.”
There’s a drowsy round of applause at the end of this shorter version of the story, with Bobby being by far the most enthusiastic. Eselmyr gives a humble bow while Zedd weaves through the crowd with the tipping hat in hand. With the show over, the tavern’s patron stumble away, either upstairs to the inn rooms or outside to return to their homes for the night. And then, it’s just the Troupe and Bobby left with the bartender downstairs.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
I'm curious about any of these, with any of your boys:
😈 💀 ♦️
Ooooohhhhhh this should be fun! Throwing this one under a "read more" cut as well in the event it gets too lengthy!
😈 what relationship does your oc have with Lilia?
Copper: Friendly, I would expect! I don't know how much they'd interact, but given Copper starts dating Kalim and Kalim is eager for Copper to meet his friends, including his clubmates, we both know how that goes! I imagine if opportunity arose and he got enough of a sense of who Lilia is as a person, Copper might turn to Lilia for advice as a trusted adult.
Wei Renqiao: I think between you and me musing, you probably know the answer by now that WRQ has a lot of respect for Lilia, which guides the majority of their interactions. I do think Lilia unsettles him a little, but WRQ knows he can trust him within a certain degree, and does so (especially where a certain dullahan may be concerned~.)
Chrysanthos: why do I get the feeling they'd be trolling buddies? I feel like they'd get along as well as a lit match and gasoline. The chaos energy would be unmatched. Most people probably don't want them in a room together for that reason.
💀 what relationship does your oc have with Sam?
Copper: I answered that one here!
Wei Renqiao: I can see him being a regular customer, and appreciating Sam quite a bit. The two have probably exchanged some conversations with one another regarding their cultures (especially when WRQ is shopping for specific things he would require,) so Sam appreciates him as a repeat customer who gets special orders and WRQ appreciates Sam being willing to get those special orders and respecting his requests.
Chrysanthos: GOOD BUDDIES. While I'm still sort of turning it over in my head and deciding on how it works and how it came about in the first place, I'm pretty sure these two were classmates at NRC and kept in touch since.
♦️ what relationship does your oc have with Cater?
Copper: Cater confuses him to no end. Even without the way Cater talks and acts, I feel like Copper's skill for reading other people hits a wall with Cater. He probably catches on quick that a lot of Cater's demeanor that he displays is an act, and I also wouldn't be shocked if Copper also eventually clocks why Cater acts that way. He just sees it as confusing; why would you keep people who clearly want you in their lives at arm's length the way Cater does, for the reasons he does? And while Cater is probably his normal polite and perky self around Copper, I can see him not being thrilled at all that Copper eventually sees through him and tends to respond accordingly, because we know from canon Cater does not like being read that way. I'm not sure whether or not they'd ever have a discussion about it, but I can't see it being a comfortable talk that makes decent progress at all.
Wei Renqiao: He tolerates Cater. He gets why Idia's overwhelmed by him, and he can somewhat relate, but he insists on staying polite. He's also very firm though about speaking up if Cater crosses any of his personal boundaries. I'm not sure what Cater thinks of him at all.
Chrysanthos: If you don't think Chrys doesn't troll Cater or casually call out his social media addiction, you're wrong. Chrys has NO qualms about that. He wouldn't be terribly mean, but he's also the most likely to just casually throw out there that Cater's behavior smacks of personal insecurity. Can't see Cater being thrilled about that, but Chrys is also the kind of guy who would soften that blow by pointing out that if chasing clout and attention on social media would fill the gaping hole in Cater's heart, it would have done so by now. Maybe he needs to consider another avenue of seeking affirmation and acceptance. Chrys would leave it at that, and unlike Copper, I can see this response actually allowing Cater to make some progress.
(WIP) Taglist: @thehollowwriter
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van-yangyin · 11 months
First of all I want to thank you all for warm reception I've had in my first Simblreen event and Sims event in general, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. 💗🍬🍭
I don't think I will be able to finish anything else in time for today and tomorrow, and I don't want to get to level of getting so overwhelmed that I put all projects aside and never finish them.
So I thought that the best thing to do is not to put any more pressure on myself and do what I have without giving myself such a short deadline. In fact I'm quite proud that I was able to get everything done in my first weekend on time as I set out to do. (Yeah, my goals are always too high which can go very well or terribly wrong. 😆)
My asks will continue open with porchlights to give treat I have been giving since yesterday until I'll close it that will be tomorrow. I want to enjoy the rest of Simblreen with you and not be dependent on other things. And after finish Simblreen I will upload treat I'm giving and my others non released treats. So I hope you are having a
Happy Simblreen! 🎃
Below this cut line I'm going to show you some (not all) of the second weekend's treats (some still as wips), there are TW of head replacement and eye in other places, so if you are uncomfortable with this type of things don't open. Well, or don't open in general if you don't want to have spoilers and love surprises!
First of all is TUB-S3 that will be a hair for all ages (those tubes have given me a lot of headaches, and are still giving me a lot of headaches with the other ages 🙃) still a wip in CAS, shadow map is left:
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srs a pain in ass:
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With two more secrets I won't say so you'll see when I'll release this set.
Then I have this one, an accessory for suits (or whatever) like the one of My weeding stories:
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I don't know if you ever played Arc Twilight of Spirits (I done it and I love it), but yeah if you know, when I make something related with eyes this game is always in my mind 😆 who knows knows why (side note: my fav chara was and is Darc 😋)
And then this one that I showed before but in wireframe, this one will have a non TW version but what will be you will have to find out 🤭:
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I hope that even if you didn't have it as a surprise in second weekend of Simblreen choosing a number as I wanted, you like it anyway. Even if it's not Halloween anymore until next year, personally I don't care because I usually have Spooky Season in my mind all year long. I hope you like this new stage in which I'm trying even more new things between commissions, illustrations and personal projects. Seriously I'm eager to try make new things! ❤️
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For the WIP Game! (I went and updated the original post so it has links to all the answers, if folks want to check those out. Sometimes my brain good!)
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe asked me about the WIP called Will suck dick for books! 😆😆 I did not anticipate that folks would ask about works in fandoms they are not familiar with but I am LIVING FOR IT~~
I'm also going to go ahead and tag @fatalfangirl here because (methinks??) you have partaken of the Haikyuu. Going to also tag @thewesterndoor because YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID lolol jkjk who got me into Haikyuu and whose Take/Ukai fics I ADORE.
Fandom background: Haikyuu!! is an earnest and hilarious volleyball anime where everyone is gay and chaotic and loveable. It's SO SO GOOD and like all sports anime, it is not necessarily just about sport but about FEELINGS~
Pairing background: Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin
Takeda (Take-chan): looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, English teacher, glasses nerd, his superpower is bowing at like 1000 km/h, head coach but he knows nothing about volleyball at the beginning of the series (he just stepped in to fill a void b/c he a good human), cries easily, tries to use poetry to motivate high school athletes, terrifyingly good at holding his liquor, in my headcanon he's a beast in the sack
Ukai: looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll, Reformed Gangster Vibes, in his late 20s but his energy is always Kids Get Off My Lawn, lightweight, easily manipulated by cute English teacher into coaching a high school volleyball team even though he has full time jobs running a convenience store and helping out w/ the family farm because (in this fic) he's Weak for Dat Ass
The fic: a canon-adjacent and canon-compliant take on (some of) the events in the series, but focused on the relationship between Takeda/Ukai, these baby adults who have somehow accidentally co-adopted 14 chaotic teens.
There's fake dating, nerding out about books, soft boyfriends being super soft and domestic, dating/married even if they don't realize it, and a backstory involving writing your phone number in the back of a book, lending it to a hot stranger, and somehow running into them seven years later.
U want a snippet? here's a snippet. I has lots of snippets. (This bad boy is sitting at like 75% in my drafts folder):
"Look, are you going to buy something or not?"
"Are you going to coach the boys' volleyball team?"
"No. You should try a meat bun, they're pretty good." 
The Nice New Teacher buys a pizzaman, which is kind of adorable. "I'll come back," he says, but it's hard for him to sound threatening around a mouthful of steamed bun. 
And another, a little later on:
Keishin's gotten used to being accosted by the Nice New Teacher every few days, so he's a little weirded out by a sudden radio silence. In that time, he reviews the store inventory, decides to implement a new organization system for the frozen foods, and even washes the windows. It's a slow couple of days, okay? 
He literally just finishes throwing GunGun bars at a couple of punks from the volleyball team - the one with the shaved head catches the protein bar in his teeth, what the hell is Take-chan teaching them - when the store phone starts ringing. 
"Lo, Sakanoshita Market." 
"Ukai-kun!" Take-chan exclaims. He sounds breathless and excited, as if he's been eager to talk to Keishin all day, which is kinda adorable and - weird, Keishin corrects himself, weird, and not adorable, and definitely not a little bit charming. 
"You again," Keishin sighs, as if he's got about fifty million other things that he could be doing with his time, instead of re-reading One Piece. 
And then later, after Keishin's ass is well and truly Trapped:
"Er, thanks," Takeda says, flushing.  "I, ah, as you can see, I… I have a lot of books." 
"Do I need to stage an intervention, Sensei?" 
Takeda scratches the back of his head. "My mother was a librarian," he says, laughing a little. "So I come by it honestly." 
Keishin finds himself squinting at a silver flask resting between a bunch of cookbooks. There's writing on it in English, in fancy Gothic lettering, and he manages to just make out Will suck d- before Takeda suddenly materializes there, his smile very bright. 
"Hope you don't mind red pepper, there's a lot of it in the yakisoba!" Takeda says, his voice a bit higher than usual. "We should eat!"
THANK YOU for letting me blather about this fic in a fandom other than Carry On, LOLOLOL!!! It's so fun to come back to this and definitely makes me excited to FINALLY FINISH AT SOME POINT THIS YEAR RAWR~
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shanaraharlyah · 6 months
OOoh I just saw the WIP folder post (and hi!!)
I'll pick DAI Trespasser! ⭐
Always good to see you @fantasy-art-room! ☺️ I wasn't sure how busy you were at the moment but figured I'd tag you in case you were around!
Previous ask I answered was also about the Trespasser WIP, so I will link that one, but also give you a little bit more and another snippet.
Another part of this WIP was trying to explain my view of Teagan's role in Trespasser through additional interaction with Kartaelin. Many people really hated on him in Trespasser and while I think Bioware did him dirty by not giving him a unique model (recycling the mayor of Crestwood instead), I look at it as he's just doing his job. A job he's not particularly fond of, but the king or queen sent him to relay Fereldens point of view and wishes, and that is what he's doing. I've debated on whether this should follow my Ysmeria canon of Origins or Sarovanya's, as each one would make for different dialogue and connection between Teagan and Lavellan. I haven't written the Ys version yet as I wrote this before her run, so this excerpt is following Mahariel wardens world state.
"Don't worry, Inquisitor, I'm not here to harass you or accuse you of anything," declared the Ferelden noble, straightening up and turning to face him. "I wanted to apologize for coming off so abrasively earlier this week. I am not typically one to accuse allies of ill will and I am not proud of my accusations. But you must understand, I grew up in a time when Orlais ruled over Ferelden and abused its people terribly. My people. My father died fighting to reclaim the throne from the Orlesians when I was just a small boy. Then, during the Fifth Blight, Teryn Loghain, who had been a war hero during the Orlesian occupation and instrumental in retaking the throne from Orlais, conspired to usurp the throne himself, quitting the field at Ostagar and leaving our king to perish. With the help of the Hero of Ferelden, myself and others who had seen through Loghain's treachery, we finally restored the throne to my nephew Alistair. So, you can understand my concern about the Inquisitions forces situated at our border with your hands in Orlesian politics and other outside influences among your ranks."
"I do understand, my Lord, and assure you, we've never had designs on the throne or the lands of Ferelden or Orlais," Kartaelin answered, placing his hand on Teagan's shoulder sympathetically. "I built this organization along with my colleagues in order to stop Corypheus and help rebuild what he'd destroyed at the conclave. Our foundation was built on doing what is right for all of our peoples during this crisis. I never for a moment imagined how far reaching our network and duties would become." He allowed his hand to slip from the Arl's shoulder, "If I'm completely honest with you, when I'd first arrived here at the council I was ready to disband the Inquisition. We'd accomplished what we'd set out to do, and, though there is still work to be done to right injustices and rebuild, there will always be work of this nature regardless of whether the Inquisition exists or not. And, honestly, I'm tired. We've done much good these past three years, but I need time to rest for once, time for me. Is that selfish, my Lord?"
"I dare say we all need rest and relaxation sometimes. But you mean to tell me, you've not taken any time for yourself in three years!?" Teagan was truly surprised by this admission. He had no shortage of work himself with running an arling and assisting King Alistair, but always made sure to take time for himself and his family. "No wonder you were eager to agree with me when we first met."
Kartaelin gave him a sad smile, "I suppose there may have been a day here or there, but I have always felt a strong obligation to my duties and the people of Thedas. As much as I desire a reprieve, the events of this past week convinced me that our services will be necessary again, but also that we truly do need more oversight. I would be grateful for your help and support in this, Arl Teagan."
"Redcliffe never forgets her saviors and allies, Inquisitor Lavellan. I would be glad to remain an ally and support you as I can."
"I'm glad to hear it," the elf replied with a nod. "As you are aware, Josephine handles most of our correspondence and work with our allies. Don't hesitate to reach out to her with anything you need help with or any suggestions. We are grateful for your help and guidance during this transitional period."
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WIP Wednesday Game
Mid-afternoon but not to late to jump in!
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Filenames (Yes, I know these didn't change. I'm not writing very fast right now)
Chrissy Woke Up Ch 4
Steddie Bang Fic (Editing rather than writing but very necessary!)
A2 Knotting
Cis Woman Eddie
He's All That
Snippet: A2 Knotting **Warning: This is an explicit snippet from an omegaverse fic. I normally don't share explicit on stuff like this, but this is mostly what I've written this week tbh.
With the door closed and Steve’s clothing off, his scent began to cloud the air and Eddie’s mind. Even before Steve’s hands had reached for his pants and the omega’s knees hit the ground, Eddie found himself fully hard.
“Can I suck you off?” Steve asked. His breathing had become labored in the time it took to get Eddie’s clothing off. He seemed desperate for it.
“For a little while,” Eddie relented, partially because he was afraid Steve would cry if he said no and partially because he couldn’t imagine not getting those lips around him when the opportunity presented itself. “Don’t make me cum, big boy.” The nickname slipped out before he could help himself. “I suspect I’ll need the stamina when you really get into it.”
Steve whined but looked pleased. He braced one hand on Eddie’s thigh and used the other to take his prize.
It knocked the breath from Eddie’s lungs to feel those fingers curl around him. When an eager mouth swallowed him down, Eddie let out a choked off yell. “Fuck,” he managed to get out. His hands landed in Steve’s hair. He hadn’t consciously reached for it.
Steve looked up at him with big eyes, all innocence despite his mouth stretched wide around Eddie’s cock. His tongue continued to swirl along the underside, all but licking his own hand in his eagerness.
“You think you’re good at this, don’t you?” Eddie grumbled, only gasping a little. He twisted his fingers tighter into Steve’s hair, not missing the way his omega’s eyes fluttered.
No. The omega. Not his. Steve wasn’t his.
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hollyethecurious · 3 years
Hi! I absolutely love your fanfics and I was wondering what you’re planning next now you finished “The Duke And His Swan” I’m very curious :))
Thank you, Nonny! I'm thrilled you enjoy my works, and I really appreciate you coming by to tell me so! 💗
Now that The Duke and His Swan is complete, I am concentrating my efforts on finishing my mob fic, In the Company of Demons, and getting my cssns fic whipped into shape now that the event has officially kicked off.
I'm debating switching itcod to a weekly updating schedule now that I no longer have a fic to alternate with it, but worry about running out of banked chapters and making y'all wait for updates. If I updated it weekly and stayed on track, then I'd have it all done and completely posted before my cssns fic drops in August, which would be nice.
Beyond that, I have an 1800s Prison AU I've been working on for probably about a year now that I'm hoping to have ready to post this fall. I am also working on part one of a fic I plan to post late August/early September titled Pan Says that readers will be able to send me prompts for after it drops, and I am really looking forward to see what y'all send me in response. 😏
There's a few other things in the wip folder, but the ones mentioned above are what I'm focusing on at the moment. All of that is just a broad overview, so feel free to send me another Ask if there's anything you'd like specifics on. I'm always eager to chat about my works, and thanks again for asking!!
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Curious? Come Ask Me!
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Secret Relationship
Still Into You by @cherrysprite
As well as Theo knows Liam, he somehow hadn't figured out that their band's hit song was about him until he was basically punched in the face with it.
[Mature / 3.9k / complete]
A Perfect Match by @xsophie2x
In this world, the first words your soulmate will say to you are written on your wrist. Theo, who's always been eager to find his soulmate, didn't expect this surprising turn of events. Liam, who hasn't been actively looking for his soulmate, is in for an equally big surprise and reluctant to see how it will work out. But maybe surprising, isn't such a bad thing.
[NR / 35k / complete]
Acceptance Is What We Seek by @manonisamelon
Liam's parents divorced when he was a kid, his dad moved to New York and Liam usually go spend some time with him there every summer holidays. This year Theo is coming with him, giving the two boyfriends the opportunity for a much deserved holiday. It is also the year where Liam will finally come out to his dad. There is only one problem. Liam isn't so sure his dad will take the news kindly.
[Mature / 12.1k / complete]
Anachrony by @glittercake
[anachrony- a discrepancy between the order of events in a story and the order in which they are presented in the plot]
Ever wonder why, after a group of hunters shot Theo’s truck up, there were no bullet holes or broken glass in later scenes? Or how a homeless boy could afford to fix it? The answer is that it happened afterwards, not during. And here’s how.
[Gen / 7.4k / complete]
The Components Of Sunshine by @glittercake
The story about Theo's struggle with the darkness within, the battle between the blood hungry coyote and the sympathetic wolf. His want for love and light weighed against his need for power. This is Theo's quest for sunshine in a world that has always been dark for him.
[Explicit / 21.9k / wip]
You Still Care by @DarkAngelGirl13
When Theo gets hurt by Mr. Douglas while he tries not to destroy the barrier he realizes that Liam still cares about him.
[Explicit / 11.9k / complete]
The Reckless And The Brave by @purplehoodiesandleatherjackets
When Agent Liam Dunbar, the CIA’s golden boy, goes dark on a mission, it’s up to Theo Raeken, an agent who has been benched for reckless behavior, to rescue not only the agency’s best player, but the man that he loves. With only tech whiz Mason Hewitt by his side, Theo goes into the Argentinian jungle, unsure of what dangers await him in a risky, uncertain, and perhaps most challenging of all, unsanctioned rescue mission.
[TeenUp / 7.3k /complete]
I'm tired of being your secret by @louis_wife505
Liam and Theo hide their relationship from the pack.
Theo is done with hiding.
Liam can't win.
[NR / 979 / complete]
In The Pit by @extrasteps
An illegal “dog” fighting ring that pits supernaturals against each other for money and both Liam and Theo are “dogs” that have different owners and have to fight each other but then behind the scenes wherever they keep them there is secret, soft romance that leads to rebellion and liberation.
[Mature / 6.7k / complete]
One Big Fat Secret by @flyrobin
Basically what the title says.
[NR / 1.9k / complete]
It started in Paris by @flyrobin
Theo and Liam have been in a secret relationship for a while and now people are starting to find out.
Set a few years after the Finale.
Inspired by some things that happened on the show Friends.
[NR / 3.4k / complete]
The One Where Everyone Finds Out by @dunraeken
Liam and Theo have been dating for a couple of months, but the pack doesn't know. This is how they found out.
[Gen / 3.8k /complete]
Liam's Boyfriend by @flyrobin
Liam told the pack he would bring his boyfriend to the next pack meeting. Too bad Stiles is a difficult person.
[NR / 2.1k / complete]
Don't let them see you cry by @tabbytabbytabby
The pack comes back to town for the summer and Theo is having a hard time being around them because he knows a lot of them still don't trust him. Liam finally calls them on it.
[TeenUp / 1.5k / complete]
Trials Of Love by @volsungar-the-mighty
Liam and Theo have been in a secret relationship for the past few years. Liam wants to tell everyone. Theo doesnt.
They get into quite the argument over it.
[TeenUp / 4k / complete]
Saturday Nights by @flyrobin
There was a time when Liam could remember things being better. He was happier. Every Saturday, his dad would take the day off work just to help him practice LaCrosse. And Every Saturday night his mom would make dinner for the three of them. They’d stay up late playing games with each other and go to bed all happy because of all the fun they’d had.
But things changed.
[Gen / 1.4k / complete]
Liam's Trick Gone Wrong by @endraking
Liam has a plan to get away from the parties and get back Theo for always sneaking up on him. It doesn't go the way he expects.
[TeenUp / 1.5k / complete]
Blizzard by @flyrobin
Trapped in Peter's cabin in Washington due to a massive Blizzard sweeping the mountains, the pack makes the best of there time away from Beacon Hills. They play games and try new foods. Even Theo and Liam get a little time all to themselves. But, of course, there always has to be some kind of drama with the pack, doesn't there?
[TeenUp / 2.9k / complete]
Dirty Little Secret by @flyrobin
Liam had to come out and tell everyone his dirty little secret.
[TeenUp / 1.3k / complete]
It's a secret by @bookwyrm07
“Who are these guys or girls you're hooking up with anyway? I never even see you dance with anyone,” Mason asked, and wrapped his arms around around Corey's waist.
“Oh!” Corey bounced a little, “I bet he's been hooking up with the same person. Like every time he slips out, and whenever we have a date he says he has plans. I bet he's got a fuck buddy.”
[Mature / 2k / complete]
Smoking Hot by @li0nh34rt
Liam and Theo keep their relationship a secret until an unexpected event leads to even more unexpected events.
(Very ominous.)
[Gen / 1.6k / complete]
I'll Hate The Goodbye by @purplehoodiesandleatherjackets
In a world where you can get a device implanted on your wrist that will count down to the exact second you will meet your soulmate, a lot of the guessing is taken out of the love game. For Liam Dunbar, a devout believer in the Timers, however, it’s more complicated. He got his Timer when he was 14 years old, but 10 years later, it’s still blank, and he’s starting to feel desperate. When he meets a ruggedly handsome bartender who thinks the Timer’s are nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy, and refuses to ever get one, Liam finds his world, and his search for his soulmate, turned upside down.
[TeenUp / 5.9k / complete]
(Not so) Blind Date by @volsungar-the-mighty
Theo agrees to go on a blind date that Corey set up for him, despite his on going (and so far, secret) relationship with his room mate Liam. Things go... better than he thought.
[Mature / 8k / complete]
Five Times They Were Almost Caught And One Time They Were by @voidsterek
Everyone realizes that Liam is acting weird. He hasn't been paying much attention, he's been slacking off in school, and he skips out on practice.
They all notice small things but decide not to comment on them.
[Gen / 2.1k / complete]
Unholy by @lovelylittlegrim
Liam can't keep himself from wanting Theo even though he really, really shouldn’t. Theo doesn’t seem to mind though, he loves secretly pulling Liam into rooms to make him beg for it. Especially, when there’s the chance of being caught.
[Explicit / 39.9k / wip]
Rivals by @mskristinamay
Like, they don’t even play the same sports, but both teams don’t take the other really serious and they constantly prank each other and make fun of each other. Theo, captain of the Football team, and Liam, captain of the Lacrosse team, and they both claim they can’t stand each other and it would be all so easy if it weren’t for the fact that both find their counterpart more than just attractive and maybe one of their screaming matches on the field ends with them furiously making out under the shower after everybody else is gone.
[NR / 89.9k / complete]
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turtlepated · 4 years
Pate I'm drunk I want PateDew HCs pleeeeease
Oh are you now? Lol, well I will do my best to provide! 
Let's see... PateDew is pretty open-ended so hows about I hit you with the half-formed vaguely self-insert WIP that’s been sitting in my Google Docs for weeks now: 
You’d been stressed out at work lately, stressed enough that two days simply wasn’t enough time to fully decompress. So when a couple of your coworkers invited you out for drinks after work, you decided to tag along. Why not? 
The Roadhouse bar was a bit more… rustic than you’d expected for a bunch of office workers like yourselves, but it seemed like the perfect place to lose yourself and unwind for an evening. It was loud, both from the rowdy patrons and the jukebox in the corner, smelled strongly of cigarette smoke and cheap booze and greasy food. Not somewhere you’d ordinarily venture on your own, but it was a nice enough distraction. 
After a couple beers you had a pleasant buzz going. Somebody at the jukebox set Don’t Stop Believin’ to playing and a cheer went up. Grinning widely you swayed back and forth in time to the piano overture and belted along to the first verse about the “lonely girl livin’ in a lonely world”, emboldened by the alcohol and the giggling of your colleagues. 
You spun around, startled, when another voice chimed in just as loudly behind you, picking it up with the “city boy, born and raised in south Detroit”, meeting a pair of brown eyes barely discernible under a mop of messy brown curls. 
And that was how you first met Dewey Finn, both of you belting along to the Journey favorite while other patrons booed and shushed you, pelting you with peanut shells while you both just laughed. 
It didn’t take long to learn pretty much all there was to know about Dewey Finn: he was easy going, funny and energetic and sweet, practically lived at the Roadhouse, and he loved rock music more than anything else. Even when sitting down he was always tapping his foot or thumping his hand against his knee, keeping rhythm with the song playing in his head. 
The two of you were fast friends and the Roadhouse became a regular watering hole for you. Dewey was fun and fascinating, so passionate about whatever topic happened to be under discussion that you couldn’t help getting excited right along with him. 
You bonded quickest over your overlapping tastes in music. While Dewey considered himself more of a purist (classic rock being the pinnacle of human achievement as far as he was concerned), few things seemed to thrill him more than sharing his music with you. The two of you sat across from one another in “your” booth at the Roadhouse, tipsy and giggly, having swapped phones to compare playlists. As expected, Dewey’s phone was full to bursting with AC/DC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, Guns n Roses, Rolling Stones. 
“Oh my God,” he laughed, turning your phone around to show you the screen. “Are you serious?” You flushed, embarrassed, covering your face with one hand. 
“Okay, look,” you began. “I didn’t get to have a Britney phase when I was a kid because I didn’t have any money to buy albums! And by the time I did Britney was considered cringey and I was too young to know that there’s no such thing as cringe! So I have to have my Britney phase now!” 
Your rebuttal only made Dewey laugh harder, his cheeks rosy and his eyes glittering both from the mirth and the drinks. He held up his hands in mock surrender. “Ah, I’m only messin’ with you! Though I’m impressed that you had like a whole defense just ready to go!” He turned his head, glancing around conspiratorially before leaning towards you over the tabletop, crooking a finger at you invitingly. Giggling, you folded your arms and leaned in on your elbows. 
“Not like Britney needs a defense,” he admitted, grinning, rapping the flat of his palm on the table between you to keep the beat as he started singing. “My loneliness is killin’ me!”
Without missing a step you chimed right in, “And I, I must confess, I still believe!” By the time you got to “Hit me, baby, one more time!” you were both almost incoherent from a fit of laughter, ignoring the vocal annoyance of the other regulars seated around you. 
Looking back, you considered that to be the moment you fell in love with Dewey Finn. 
If you were honest with yourself, that moment was probably when the two of you first sang along with Steve Perry, but you couldn’t help feeling a little silly and even cliched. The whole “love at first sight” schtick. 
In an ideal world, you could simply pluck up your courage and come right out and tell him how you felt. In an ideal world, he would tell you he felt the same way. The two of you might even exchange a tender kiss, if the romance in movies was anything to go on. 
But the world was not ideal. 
He did eventually tell you about the bizarre circumstances that led to his current job, which he so clearly loved and talked about constantly. Hearing the whole surreal tale, from start to finish, was a rollercoaster of subterfuge and deceit, plus a dash of identity theft and sprinkled with heartfelt personal growth. You joked with him that he ought to sell the story to a producer, get a movie deal. Jack Black would make a very believable Dewey Finn, you said, and he snorted into his drink. 
So many unexpected things had come about for him as a result of his improbable plan; not just a job but a career, one that he was passionate about, that excited him every day! Reveling in the talent of his students, their eagerness to learn and explore, seeing them progress and get better and better… It was a feeling that he’d only ever experienced before when playing a show, but now he got to feel it almost every day! In his wildest dreams, he’d never have even thought of where he was now in order to have wished for it. If the kids, his amazing, talented, face-shredding students had come as a shock, then their uptight, pencil-skirted, no-nonsense, secret rocker principal had thrown him for the biggest loop. 
It wasn’t until after the two of you had been friends for awhile (and after Dewey had thrown back a couple shots of tequila on top of his two and a half pints of beer) that he told you about Rosalie Mullins beyond “she’s my boss. Sort of.” 
Even Dewey was willing to concede that he took her out for drinks initially as a ploy to get her to agree to let him take his “class” to the band competition. The kiss that followed their conversation at the Roadhouse had been impulsive on his part, he hadn’t even thought about it at the time, there had been more pressing matters on his mind. In the aftermath of his unmasking; between the threats of arrest and homelessness, his adolescent band rallying his spirits and delivering a powerhouse performance; so many highs and lows in such a short expanse of time, it wasn’t until Rosalie Mullins grabbed his face afterwards and kissed him that it even dawned on him that there might be something to it. 
They’d gone out after things returned to normal, but after a few months of on-again-off-again they decided they were better as friends, as colleagues. Or rather, Dewey admitted a tad bitterly after finishing a third pint and another shot of tequila, Rose had decided they weren’t a good fit romantically and didn’t want to jeopardize their working relationship. 
“I really liked her, though,” he said with a sigh, slumping in the bench seat across from you and toying with the empty shot glass. “Smart, classy, beautiful.” You sat with your arms folded on the tabletop, trying not to let it show that each word struck you like a knife in the heart, wanting to be supportive in the midst of his disappointment because that’s what friends did for one another. Regardless of what you were feeling, it was clear he was still carrying a torch for the principal and when he showed you pictures he had kept on his phone you could see why. 
She truly was very pretty, very put -together, as stark a contrast as she could be in her perfectly tailored blazers and skirts to you in your jeans and T-shirts. You couldn’t help but feel ridiculous and petty, jealous of a woman you didn’t know, had never even spoken to just because the man you loved was still hung up on her. 
It didn’t matter anyway, because whatever your feelings may be, Dewey obviously didn’t feel the same about you, not when his heart was still set on Miss Mullins. 
You put it out of your mind, willfully ignoring it because at least you could still be his friend. No matter how heartsick it made you when his laugh or his smile made your heart swell and you wanted so much to kiss him but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t do that, it would ruin everything. 
As the weeks passed it got… maybe not easier to bear, but you grew used to the gnawing ache inside and you learned to ignore it. You barely even noticed it anymore. Things began to change when Dewey left you a very boisterous and excited voicemail, telling you to meet him at the Roadhouse after work because he had “huge, unbelievable, amazing news!” You had no idea what he could be talking about but whatever it was he met you at the door, practically bouncing like a puppy. 
In between corralling him into a booth and placing your drink orders with the waitress, you finally got him to calm down enough to tell you what he had to say. 
“Every year the country club crowd throws this big charity fundraiser for the city, and since a lot of em are Horace Green parents or alums, this year the school is hosting the charity and School of Rock is lined up to play the whole event! Isn’t that awesome?!” 
You beamed at him, his elation contagious. In the year since their formation and debut, Horace Green’s official student band (led by their music coach, Dewey Finn) had garnered a fair bit of publicity with their electrifying performance at the battle of the bands competition. Despite losing the contest, they had been the unequivocal crowd favorite and the school had enjoyed some very positive press in the midst of their growing popularity. 
But a gig like this would elevate the band to a whole new level, Dewey animatedly explained. You couldn’t help getting swept up in his mounting excitement, almost giddy to see him so wholeheartedly invested in the project. Naturally, you offered to be of whatever help you could to help him pull off such an important show. The band deserved it, and so did he. And if it meant you’d be seeing a whole lot more of Mr. Finn in the coming weeks, well… that would just be a bonus. 
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I totally forgot to submit anything for this Friday, but I wanted to pop in to say it has been a joy to read all of these wondrous details others have told you about! Thank you all for sharing your splendid work with the world, and never stop doing so! And thank you for hosting this event! 💖
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You are so kind, thank you lovely! ♥
I had no idea so many people were eager to share their WIPs!
Given how popular the concept is (and how complicated timezones can be!), I'm considering expanding on the idea and turning it into a full sideblog dedicated to just sharing WIP content! Then people don't have to wait until Friday and they can share at any time!
I've been thrilled to see so many people supporting each other! I've seen a few authors reach out to each other and connect over the excerpts they've shared here and I'm SO HAPPY people are being encouraging! :D
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