#but I've been studying for a test so aah
good-beanswrites · 1 year
Heyo!! :D uhh I was just thinking about prompts!! I have two that I've just been thinking of! You can do one or the other, I don't mind ^^ Yuno with Blanket (if you havent done that yet :o) and Muu and Yuno with Honesty :D
Thank you so much :D!! Your writing is so funky I love reading it, it's like my daily newspaper abejfncjcn
Hi Mug :D thank you so much aah!! I really loved these combos, that's so sweet for both of them ;-; Here's Yuno and Blanket -- something lighthearted from the beginning of t1, with a bit of her unfortunate people-pleasing habits.
“Requests are in!” Mikoto’s voice sang from down the corridor. The prisoners perked up from where they’d been lazing about. One would have thought he'd announced a jailbreak with the amount of energy that rippled through the room. Yuno leapt to her feet.
"You seem excited," Kazui chuckled as he stood. "What are you getting?"
She suddenly felt a twinge of shame for her reaction. Things weren’t bad in Milgram by any means, but the atmosphere was beginning to creep under her skin now and then. There was an old comfort she’d been dreaming of the past few weeks. It felt embarrassing to say to someone as concerned with his maturity as Kazui. 
"Oh, nothing much,” she said. “Just something that reminds me of home, like the cigarettes you ordered." She didn’t know him well enough to say so, but she was secretly grateful for his request. The smell of smoke was familiar to her as well. "But mostly it's something new around here -- isn't the whole thing exciting?" 
It was the first time they’d received a delivery, and everyone was eager to see if they got what they ordered. Though Yuno found the system surprising, it made sense. Milgram allowed more unique freedoms than a normal prison, given it also inflicted more unique restraints. 
She joined the group heading down the hall, all chattering in anticipation. 
"Yuno!" Mahiru waved her over. The woman had talked about the products and creams she'd requested, in the hope of keeping up her skincare routine. Yuno would be following suit soon, though she wanted those things to keep herself feeling refreshed rather than looking a certain way. There was no one here to impress. With her looks, that was.
Mahiru’s eyes gleamed. "What did you order?"
Yuno knew she wouldn't satisfy her appetite for gossip as much as Shidou testing his luck with medical supplies or Amane’s taste in high-level study materials had. 
"Something real cute~" was all she needed to say to get her giggling. 
Es instructed them to line up in front of their room to distribute everything. Yuno found her place behind Haruka. 
"Hey, hey! What are you getting?" She wasn't immune from that same gossipy curiosity…
His cheeks immediately reddened. "Uh, well, I h-hope I can get some c-candy. It -- I mean, it's kiddish, I know."
"Don't worry, some might think my request is childish, haha! Plus, I think Muu ordered sweets, too."
This seemed to calm him a bit as he walked ahead. Fuuta nudged her from behind.
"Oi, what did you ask for?"
She'd overheard him and Kotoko discussing what would likely be caught as a tool to escape, and knew her answer would disappoint him.
The bright smile she’d given Haruka angled into a more jaded smirk. "Eh, just something to get me through the night, you know? A practical comfort."
Fuuta grunted, respecting the choice. 
Her attention returned to the front of the line, where Haruka was returning with loose treats spilling from his hands. She took his place in Es' doorway.
"Prisoner 002," Es scanned a piece of paper. "For you… ah,” They read it again. “Just a blanket? Was that all?" 
She beamed. "Yup! Just a blanket." 
“You strike me as the kind to ask for a lot…”
“Mmm, you’ve read me well, Warden! Not this time, though. Gotta start small, then see what I can weasel out of you!” She winked. As usual, Es pretended to be unimpressed. Yuno knew she was wearing them down, bit by bit.
She offered a bouncy bow as Es handed it over. She hadn’t given many specifications, but it certainly looked as big and fluffy as she had hoped. Milgram had gone with pink -- the same shade as some of her uniform accents. 
The prisoners' excitement died down fairly quickly afterwards. Amane began reading in silence. Kazui retreated to the smoking room alone, though Shidou and Mikoto promised to join him after the next round of requests. Haruka had nearly finished eating all of his candy by nightfall. Kotoko sat by herself to jot things down in her new notebook. Yuno’s good mood lasted much later. 
Once the bell had rung and silence fell onto the prison, she could feel the usual chill start to creep into her cell. It had gripped her with fear the first few nights -- that unshakable coldness that reminded her why she was here in the first place. Sometimes, when her body jolted her awake with the feeling of falling, she'd blame it on the temperature rather than a universal human experience. It brought up too many painful memories to be something so ordinary, after all.
But not tonight. 
Tonight there would be no falling, and no chill. No stepping into bed with enough skin showing to make her shiver. No more crafted conversations or flashing certain expressions.
A goofy grin spread across her cheeks. Yuno unfolded the blanket with a flourish. She swept it around her body, then flopped down on her bedding. With nothing more to worry about, she sank into the cushy blob.
‘Just a blanket’ her ass. This was the warmest she’d felt in a very long time.
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yellowisacat · 1 year
Kid : [He hastily backs up a few steps, Visibly pretty shook] Uh.. Fine, I guess? [A bit spooked from your sudden enthusiasm]
Nugget : [Jumps back and hits his head on a wall.] WH- Nugget does NOT appreciate the Loud Stranger freighting him, Now Shoo. Nugget will be late.
Lily : (Eep!-) O-Oh, you're an asker..? Ah.. well, aside from testing, I'm doing alright, thank you for asking. But, Uhm, I'd appreciate it if you didn't sneak up like on anyone else.. [Slightly Scared]
Cindy : [Screams and smacks you away before you could say anything.] Where did you come from, creep?! Oh.. you're one of those askers, God, I hate this stupid program!! [She Huffs Angrily] I've been just fine, that's all you need, right? Now go away!
Buggs : H- [Reflexes Kick in and You Got Punched, Ouch.]
Monty : Ah- Don't sneak up on people like that..! [Sigh] Well, I'm doing alright, my projects have been developing nicely and testing has been a breeze.
Jerome : [Small Shriek] O-Oh, you're an asker..? Ouh.. [Really Embarrassed] Ahem, I'm doing good.. Thanks I guess.? (Ugh..)
Billy : [Jolts a bit] Um, Hi? You're an asker right? Let's see, uhm.. I'm doing pretty goood, though all these tests are pretty stressful, y'know?
Felix : Oh- [Bit Spooked] My word! Has no one taught you to never startle anyone..?! Oh, an asker.. I suppose I can answer your question. I've been just fine, AppleSoft has been releasing their finest products lately, and I've been very productive at work.
Ted : Aah-!! Oh, you're an asker? How am I doing? Well, I'm a little stressed, that's for sure.. testing has been rough and studying has been grueling.. but, look on the bright side! Summer is right after all of these tests~!
Carla : Eh-?! Jesus, kid! Where did you come from?? Ah, an asker?-- Oh. Well, you asked me how I'm doing, right? Well, tests are going okay, and I've had a few..plans for next year in highschool. (She menacingly chuckled to herself)
Penny : Ah? Hello there! I'm doing just fine! Summer is just around the corner, People are thriving through the weeks, It's getting warmer, what's not to love?
Ozzy : GyAHhAh--!! DON'T- Sneak up on me!! What's do you want from me?? ( You Ask How He's Doing ) Jeez, that's all..? Well, not so good since you almost gave me a heart attack!! And this testing period is stupid.. I just want it to be summer already...(Insert Ozzy Rants)
Madison : [Karate Chops Your Head Before You Could Say Anything] HOoooohmygod! Are you okay?! I'msososososorry-!! [She drags you to the nurse.]
Alice : (Not Very Phased) Eh? Oh, Hello! I'm doing good, testing is very stressful though, especially English.. Math is hard too..
Ron : HwOauhjesus- [Stumbles back] Uh, hi? Sorry, you scared me dude! How am I doing? Ah, well, I'm feeling pretty happy that summer is coming close, me and my dad are going to..[He continues to walk around with you and talk about your summer plans, you both became friends.]
Don't sneak up in people 👆👉
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d-cockroach-blog · 7 years
I want your HCs about the generals!
YES so this is gonna be long.
- Comes from a large, but very poor family
- Her father was galra, and he loved his wife and kids very much and was a good dad and husband. Alas, he was a low-ranking soldier in the empire and died in battle, leaving his wife and ten kids behind.
- Ezor herself is a middle child, but often acted as the older one because her eldest siblings were not supportive and left the home when they came of age and never came back. Ezor is very bitter towards them.
- Often had to take odd jobs to support her family, mainly in retail and entertainment (where she honed her skills as a gymnast). These jobs (and pressure from being a good older sister) forced her to put on a “mask” of positivism and hide her actual feelings.
- After a number of years in this system she met Lotor who offered her a job as one of his generals after seeing her preform. She initially declined as she didn’t want to abandon her family like her older siblings while also harboring resentment towards the empire for her father’s death.
- Lotor eventually proved himself to be honest and she joined the generals after talking it over with her mother and younger siblings.
- Ezor makes a habit to this day of sending money home and face-timing her family when she has the time.
- Her non-galra species can reproduce  sexually and asexually, so one of Ezor’s younger sisters is actually am asexual clone of their mother. Because the sister a product of asexual reproduction, she grew up faster than Ezor and looks older than her.
- Said sister has clone daughters of her own and Ezor loves her nieces very much and sends them presents everytime Lotor’s squad stops at a new place.
- Ezor herself cannot reproduce asexually because of her galra genes, (but she doesn’t mind at all, she’s not ready for kids).
- When Ezor first joined Lotor’s squad she didn’t tell the other generals that she could turn invisible (Lotor knew because he saw her performance) and often played tricks on them (like moving their stuff, stealing little things like their toothbrush). Zethrid never figured it out until Lotor made a plan that required Ezor to spy and use her invisibility powers. You can image Zethrid’s rage.
- Her blindness is congenital. In fact, her non-galra species naturally don’t have eyes and communicate through telepathy.
- The other generals and Lotor don’t know much about her past, or even her age for that matter.
- She was an experiment at one point, and was infused with quintessence that turned her telepathy from simple communication to mind-control abilities.
- She met Lotor when he went to “visit” the lab in question. He originally wanted to steal some of the information they’ve gathered there. He learned of her powers and asked if she wanted to join to which she agreed.
-  Her tail is strong enough to pick up Zethrid, and can pick up Acxa and Ezor simultaneously. She has picked up her friends on occasion (this bothers Acxa more than anyone as it disrupts her while she works).
- Not surprisingly, is the only one who Kova would not bite if she tries to give him a bath.
- Loves audio books and always gets a new one when the group goes to a city with a bookstore. Her favorite genre is classical fantasy.
- Is unnaturally good at space bowling and Zethrid considers her her personal rival.
- is the daugther of a wealthy commander, but illegitimate. And as such was hidden away when growing up.
- Her mother died when she was young, and thus Zethrid has little connect to her non-galra species.
- She was raised by her father learning to fight, and he expected her to become a soldier of the empire. He also didn’t wanted to be publically associated with her. She became a gladiator fighter instead.
- Not only did Zethrid ignore her fathers’ desires she actively declared her parentage live in front of all the spectators.
- Despite being a gladiator, she refused to fight anyone who would obviously lose to her (someone like Matt, for example). It was out of mercy, but she would publically word it as it were an insult to her might. 
- Received a lot of hate from racist people on account of her mixed heritage, and the aforementioned refusals.
- Was the first general Lotor recruited before he was  exiled, when he was forced to go see a match of her’s with Zarkon.
- She loves playing with Kova, and is one of the only people besides Narti who could brush him without protest from Kova himself.
- Is actually well-eductaed, and knows a lot about weapon creation and mechanics. She is well versed in history and math as well.
- besides gladiator fights Zethrid is champ at space bowling and has gone pro in the past. Almost always gets perfect games and get really upset if she gets a spare.
- Is the quintessential nerd, knows a lot of things over a variety of topics. Her main love, however, is chemistry. Once was a in a bad mood for a week because they named a newly-discovered element after the creator and not after the fact that it resembled peanut butter (No one except Narti figured out why she was so upset).
- She knows the space periodic table (over 400 elements) by heart and can recite it normally, by individual rows and columns, by order of electronegativity and metallic character. She is currently working on memorizing all the atomic masses.
- Doesn’t really know what her non-galra species is, but after meeting Keith and Hunk she has a vague idea that it might be human.
- Is the only general who actually has a menstrual cycle, which is a major inconvenience to her. Since galra don’t get periods she thought she was dying when had her first one. (Ezor also freaked out when she heard that Acxa bleeds for a week once a month every month).
- Was an orphan and has vague memories of her mother. Doesn’t like talking about her past.
- Grew up in a combination orphanage + boarding school, where she received her early education and exposure to science, and was often bullied because of mixed-race and the fact that she was actually real smart and also real small. Has self-esteem issues as a result.
- She accidentally (well it was kinda an accident) spilled hydrofluoric acid* on one of her bullies who was also her lab partner, when he “jokingly” tried to stick her head under a fume hood filled with NO2** gas. She got in deep trouble as a result, and was actually scheduled to be sent to the druids for “correction” when Lotor visited the school. He had heard of her talent and was interested in recruiting her. She joined immediately.
- Is a touch starved individual, and while she outwardly acts like she hates physical affection, she loves it when her friends hug her.
- Often falls asleep on her desk. Like it’s a regular thing. The other generals or Lotor have to carry her back to her room. Ezor often doodles on her face. Kova has actually sat on her face and slept as well.
- wears night glasses. While most galra can see in the dark and in very dim settings Acxa cannot. So when the squad go out at night she wears these big things that sit on her face. They make her look like a nerd.
- was a test-tube baby where Haggar experimented with combining her genes with Zarkon’s.
- Haggar didn’t expect him to survive past infancy, as he was often a sickly infant (and later child).
- gets real bad hay fever and hates it when he has to go to a planet that has a lot of greenery. Also allergic to space cockroaches for some reason.
- Has the sweetest genuine smile, it’s very lopsided and cute and makes him look quite earnest. Very few people have seen it though, these people being the generals.
- Is closer (very loose usage of the term) to Haggar than Zarkon. Is pretty confident that she wouldn’t use him as a test subject for her experiments.
- was actually born intersex, but presents as male. Unrelated, but he is also asexual and doesn’t really have an interest in romance currently.
- Has ocular albinism and bright lights hurts his eyes. Really terrible eyesight overall, and gets cross-eyed a lot.
- Initially studied psychology so could actually try to understand his parents. (He still doesn’t).
*hydrofluoric acid is one of the most corrosive acids known. It leaves real deep burns that go through the bone. Inhalation can give you a heart attack. (Acxa’s bully was didn’t die though, and it wasn’t a bad spill).
**NO2 - nitrogen dioxide is a very poisonous gas and can cause respiratory emergencies
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Deuce Spade Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 1
"I really hate that."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Lounge]
Deuce: x + y = 5, 3x - 3y = 9 …Hrrrm?
Ace: It's such a pain that our school gives us so much non-magical homework too.
Deuce: x is… 6y… Hrrrnnn???
Ace: Eh, I get that we can't live in the modern world relying on just magic, but c'mon.
Deuce: Aah, you're so distracting! Shut up, Ace! Do your homework already!
Ace: I mean, I've already finished this week's homework. Are you even making progress?
Deuce: I've finished………about two problems.
Ace: Huuh? Two problems? At that rate, it'll be impossible to finish the 30-page workbook before the week ends.
Ace: We've got the Unbirthday Party this weekend, too. If you attend without turning in your homework, the Dorm Leader'll make sure it's off with your head.
Deuce: I know that. That's why I'm trying to focus…
Cater: Heeey, it's the first years, heeey~Look how studious you guys are, working so hard on your homework.
Ace: Cater-senpai, can't you teach Deuce how to do his math homework?
Ace: It's been two hours and he's only solved two problems. Ain't that terrible?
Cater: Eeh? I'm not really good at math either~
Cater: Well, I guess it's my duty as an upperclassman to help out the younger students. Especially since whenever someone gets a failing grade, Riddle-kun gets all ragey.
Cater: Now you just tell your big brother what you don't understand ♪
Deuce: Uuuh, it's on system of equations… why are there two equations lined up like this?
Cater: Eh? You learned this in middle school… right?
Deuce: I learned… this… probably… maybe.
Ace: Wow, so that's where you're hung up!? That's so bad! Ahahahahaha!
Deuce: …
Cater: Hey, hey, Ace-chan, you're laughing too much.
Riddle: What are you all so excited about?
Ace: Oop, here comes the demon Dorm leader
Ace: You might lose your head for getting stuck on such an easy problem~
Deuce: Uhh…
Riddle: Oh? It's not often that I see Cater helping people with their studies.
Cater: It's math homework and Deuce-chan is having trouble understanding systems of equations.
Riddle: What? That’s the absolute basics.
Deuce: U-uhh, I'm so sorry! But I am doing my best!
Riddle: I understand. Wait a moment.
Deuce: So please don't take off my hea… wait, what?
Riddle: ―This is for you.
Deuce: Is this a math textbook? It's really worn-out…
Riddle: This is the one I used to use. It teaches how to solve system of equation problems with extremely simple explanations.
Riddle: Now, stop staring off into space and sit up in your chair. I'll teach it to you.
Deuce: Y-yes!
Ace: Huuh~? I totally thought that the Dorm Leader would get all pissed off and say "Off with your head!"
Cater: Riddle-kun might be very strict when it comes to the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, but that doesn't mean he just get angry over every little thing.
Cater: He also very patiently and nicely taught me too, you know ♪
Ace: Woow― Surprising.
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Deuce: I-I did it… I solved it! The answer is x = 4!
Riddle: Correct. Now, do you see how easy it is once you've learned the method to solve it?
Deuce: Thank you very much! It's all thanks to you for teaching it to me in such an understandable way.
Riddle: I'll give you those textbooks. You should study properly from the basics.
Riddle: If you miss the submission deadline for this assignment, or you fail your test…
Deuce: Yes! It'll be off with my head!
Riddle: …
Cater: Deuce-chan, shouldn't it be "I'll do my best to not lose my head"?
Deuce: Ah! I'll do my best!
Riddle: Make sure you complete your assignment before this weekend's Unbirthday party!
Riddle: Then, with that I'll take my leave.
Deuce: Rosehearts-ryōchō is pretty scary but… he's also amazing.
Deuce: He's at the top of his class in both his studies and magic. And above everything else, he's an honor student who follows the rules.
Ace: Yeah, but then there's the fact that when he flips his switch he's gets out of control.
Cater: Ace-chan, let's read the room a little~
Deuce: (Rosehearts-ryōchō must have been studying all the while I was skipping school and foolling around)
Deuce: From now on, I'll also study a lot…
Deuce: One day, I'll be a great model student like the Dorm Leader!
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Request by Anonymous.
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beomeli · 3 years
That Invisible || C.BG
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Warning: none
Genre: angst, wingwoman, unrequited love, heartbreak
Non-idol!Beomgyu x fem!Reader
A quiet sigh escaped your lips. Your delicate finger slightly tapping on the wooden table impatiently. Listening intently to the loud chatting inside the warm and cozy café. The once warm coffee was now cold, the cup half empty.
Suddenly, the bell rang indicating that someone opened the door. You turned your head towards it, seeing a panting Beomgyu. His eyes scanning the entire café before seeing you, a small smile forming on his lips along with concerning eyes. quickly he made his way towards the table, taking a seat across from you.
"I am so, so sorry!" He said as he continued panting, it was obvious he was stressed. Even his red cheeks indicated it.
"Seriously, again?" You said, visibly upset by his action. You had waited for almost an hour, contemplated on leaving multiple times, but you knew you couldn't.
"I woke up late and the bus driver was so slow due to the weather-" he kept going on a long rant about his misfortunate morning.
"Next time just, give me a call.. okay?" You said, trying to calm him down. You knew he was sincerely sorry, Beomgyu has always been a very sensitive and sincere person. But the annoyance was still there, knowing that he could commit the worst crime possible, and you'll still love him.
He let out a loud sigh,
"It won't happen again, I promise" his soft, warm hand was now on top of yours, giving you a reassuring and familiar touch. His long fingers stroking yours.
You looked up at him and gave him a nod, along with a sweet smile.
"Okay.." was all that needed to be said.
Exiting the café, the two of you made your way towards your school. First period was around 30 minutes away and the walk at hand was about 20 minutes. Which gave you time to talk even more.
"Oh no, I forgot about Mr. Lim's assignment!" Beomgyu suddenly blurted out, you scoffed at his forgetful manner.
"Why are you acting like this has never happened before? You always forget assignments!" You said teasingly as you lightly pushed his shoulder.
"Ah shut up." he shot back, along with a chuckle. His smile was sweet, showing of those cute faint dimples of his. You couldn't help but stare at him, Giving him a big smile back. He was always making your heart flutter, especially when you were all alone. But it was just a mere crush, nothing that would be noticed, or answered. You knew him from the back of your hand, and you knew he never saw anything more than a friend in you. All his past relationships, crushes and girl talk proved it. And all you could do was pretend, neglecting the fact that you had strong feelings for him, and supporting him even though it tore you open. It made you mad and hurt on the inside. But you couldn't be mad at him, he was all too sweet and loving for you to be mad. You were only mad at yourself for being so stupid and idiotic. Falling for someone you had zero chance with is the definition of stupidity, and still you fell into that pit.
"Sure sure..." was all you could say as you looked into the pavement, crossing your arms.
It was quiet for a bit, comfortable silence. Since it was still considered late morning, cars and people were walking around, either to their jobs, maybe they had lunch time. But still it felt like there was only you two alone. All you could hear was your own soft heartbeat, along with his quiet hums. It was this aura that you always felt around Beomgyu. His warm and soft smiles along with his sweet demeanor. You wished to stay like this forever.
But the feeling got cut short when he started a sentence you most definitely didn't want to hear.
"By the way, you know this girl I've been talking about right?" With those words, the whole world became a loud mess, and the comfortable aura that you had created quickly turned to uneasiness. you knew that this conversation was bound to happen.
He had mentioned her before, saying how beautiful and nice she was. And when you realized who it actually was, your world fell even more. The girl he was talking about was your friend. well, kind of. And to his credit he was right. She wasn't the stereotypical mean girl, but the total opposite. Being very friendly and sincere. And as much as you hated to admit it, she perfectly reflected Beomgyu’s type. You wished you had the priveledge of hating her, wished that she was mean and unworthy. But she wasn't. She was your friend, and she was perfect for him, everything you weren't. Of course this didn't mean you exactly supported her in this situation. but you knew that you had to support Beomgyu. That's what true best friends are for.
“Yeah, what about her..?”
You pretended to sound interested, but you knew what was coming, you’d had this conversation too often.
“Aah.. this is a bit embarrassing..”
He scratched the back of his head a bit, looking down at the pavement, he was evidently embarrassed.
“Come one, what is it?”
“I know I ask you this all the time, so don’t get angry at me!”
Here it comes,
“Could you maybe help me out? You know, to get together with her?”
There you had it, at this point you weren’t even surprised. You were used to that phrase. Expecting it almost every time a conversation erupted.
“I mean I really like her so..” he trailed off, slightly swaying back and forward, anticipating your response.
You sighed, you did this towards yourself. And now you knew that there wasn’t anything to help you out if this situation.
“Sure! I’ll help you two get together..” your tone fell as each words passed, your eyes averting towards the ground, trying to avoid anymore eye contact. Beomgyu on the other hand, didn’t notice the sudden shift in behavior. His happiness occupying his mind too much.
“Thank you so much Y/N! You’re the best!” He jumped in excitement before giving you a tight hug of appreciation. His arms softly curling around your waist and his strength lifting you up lightly above the ground. If this was any other hug, you would gladly embrace yourself in his touch and gladly lean onto him. But this wasn’t like any other hug, not after you just had the worst conversation there is.
You knew that being a people-pleaser would lead to situations like these. And sadly, these situations came all too often. It seemed like Beomgyu loved finding new girls that he seemed to be “so in love with..” and then date them for a couple of months before moving on. Almost asking for help every single time. You were tired of the same pattern repeating itself everytime, and even though you were used to his begging for help, it never got easier to handle it. You've tried moving in multiple times, first boyfriends, then small dating and even hook-ups. Everything trying to fill your desires, but it never worked,
All you had in your mind was Beomgyu.
"Miss Y/L/N, I want to talk to you please." Mr Lim said as he leaned over his table slightly, signaling for you to come up to him. You watched as all the students left the classroom, before you took your books and walked towards his table.
"Yes Mr Lim.." you said, slightly shaking in your voice. You knew this was bad news, the look in his eyes said it all.
"Recently, things hasn't gone so well for you, you flunked your two past tests." He started, before placing your two latest tests onto the table. Both being marked with a big red F. It was almost cringeworthy seeing the heartbreaking results.
"You've always been our top student, what is the reasoning behind this?" He asked, his tone a bit harsh.
You thought for a moment, trying to find your words. In reality, work had been a real pain. And it didn't help that your mentality was at breaking point thanks to Beomgyu. He has been wandering your mind endlessly due to all the help you’d given him.
"I've just had a lot going on recently." You answered, knowing that the answer at hand was far from what he wanted to hear. He let out a dissatisfied sigh before leaning back against his chair.
"Well this isn't acceptable.." he looked at the papers once more before crossing his arms, it was obvious he was thinking about what to say next. And your heart quickened, fearing the worst.
"You’ll have to do better in the next test! Or else your grade will drop dramatically which I assume you would be very displeased with.”
“Study well for the next test, You may leave." Quickly you nodded before exiting the classroom in a panicked state. You were a bit relieved that he let you off the hook, but still disappointed about the fact that your grades had been dropping dramatically. You cursed yourself once more.
You tried easing of your mind as you made your way towards your locker. Students were chatting, laughing and walking around. Suddenly you felt a soft touch on you back, you turned around and there he was. The reason for your downfall.
"Hey!" As soon as you heard his voice and saw that beautiful smile you couldn't help but smile back.
"What did Mr Lim say?" He asked, leaning against the lockers next to yours. Quickly you opened your locker, taking out your books for the next class.
"To be honest, I don't know how to tell you this.." you were obviously embarrassed about your dropping grades, you've always, as Mr Lim said, been in top of your class. And these news would be the start of endless and endless teasing from not only Beomgyu, but everyone.
"Come on... tell me, tell me!" He begged as he leaned closer to you. Playfully you pushed him back giving off an sarcastic eye roll. He let out a small chuckle before continuing to bother you.
“It’s nothing.” You turned to your locker, digging out the book for your next class. As a thought came to your mind. You glanced back at Beomgyu who was still leaning onto the locker, a small pout on his lips as he was visibly dissatisfied with your answer. You hesitated a bit, but decided to go with the decision.
“Actually.. could you maybe help me study a bit?” He turned his head quickly towards you, a bit surprised by the sudden question for help.
“To the physics tests you mean?”
“Yep..” you shrugged a bit, trying to sound confident.
He hesitated a bit, not really knowing that to say. You figured he was surprised that the supposed A-student suddenly needed his help. Sure, he wasn’t doing bad at school, you just did better.
He lightly and slowly nodded his head.
“Well.. I guess I could, Friday?”
“That would be great!” You gave him a appreciated smile, which he gladly reciprocated.
“Alright, that’s settled then.”
You were happy, you’d actually get to spend more time with Beomgyu, all the while you got your homework and studying done. It was perfect. You’d look forward to Fridays more than usual.
"Alright then, well I got to go, I'll text you later!" Was all he said before he jokingly pushed your shoulder and walked off towards his classroom. A small sigh escaped your lips, and you found yourself watching Beomgyu walking away. Like many times before.
However, your smile faltered when you noticed that you weren’t the only one eyeing him. A couple of lockers away, stood the girl that Beomgyu had fallen for. Watching him walk away intently and having the same loving gaze as you. Not even hiding the smile plastered on her face as she saw his figure disappear. Clenching her books harder around her chest as if she was holding her breath, like the tiniest sound would alert him and make him turn to look at her. You’d found yourself in that situation many times before, The only difference was that, he chose to appreciate her love. Not yours.
Before you knew it, questions and approval was all you heard from Beomgyu. Him constantly asking what to say and how to charm his lover. It was weird, you’d helped him so many times before, so why couldn’t he remember the former suggestions you’d given him. It was like his mind went on a total reset each time. He wasn’t dumb... for the most part. So why did you always have to be his wingwoman? it was exhausting. It felt like your entire friendship was built up due to his love concerns, even though that wasn’t entirely true. You knew he viewed you as a good friend. But your anxiety and sadness didn’t come to an end. It felt like an endless loop. And even though you wanted to get out, even though you knew this was unhealthy and absolutely tearing you apart. You couldn’t pull yourself to leave Beomgyu. He was your precious best friend, and you loved him so much. How could you just leave him? That would hurt you more. You just couldn’t.
You were at least excited over the studying sessions he’d promised. You appreciated his help. And you were mostly excited over spending more time with him.
You sat in the library, waiting for Beomgyu to arrive anytime soon. For the 10th time that minute, you checked your phone. The time was at '08:54' so you were a bit earlier than the planned time. This was of course nothing you held against since you needed more time to prepare for his arrival.
The clocked kept ticking, eventually hitting 9:15. You figured that maybe he was just running late again, you’ve been so used to that situation. Although something in the back of your head said that it might’ve been a different case this time. But you couldn’t leave, like many times before in the cafe. You never could pull yourself to leave. You always had hope for him to arrive. ‘just 10 more minutes.’ You always thought.
After about 30 minutes more you decided to take a leave. Class was about to start and you couldn’t just sit there to wait for him. He obviously wasn’t coming. You were disappointed to say the least. But what could you really do? Quickly you whipped up your phone one last time, when suddenly a text message from Beomgyu was finally received. You smiled as a small droplet of hope was evident. He was just running late, right? Well as soon as you read his message, disappointment overcame once again.
'Hey Y/N, ik it's pretty late but I'm going to have to cancel. I forgot to tell you that I planned to have breakfast with Suejin today! I'm sorry hope you haven't waited for too long, I promise I'll make it up to you!'
Your expectations were shattered, his promise was broken. And you were sad and angry at him for being so ignorant towards you. Why make a promise if you can’t keep it? You always helped him out when he needed it, but he couldn’t do the same. You felt so pathetic standing there alone and waiting for someone that never even intended to come. It was humiliating.
A part of you knew something like this would happen. You knew he didn’t prioritize you like you did to him. You were just a friend. Sure he cared about you to a certain extent, but never like he did to those girls. He knew that no matter what he did, you’d never leave him. Always fall into the same pattern of being used. You were angry to say the least, both at him, but mostly yourself. Because it was true, you would always go back to him no matter what he did. You knew that there was no end to it. You’d gotten so many signs to just leave him, to search for new friends. Every time you think ‘this is the day’.., the same thing always happen. You see those beautiful eyes and smile and you just fall right back.
This is pathetic.
Flopping onto your bed with a tired sigh, you turned towards the clock.
"It's almost midnight, dammit.." you said to yourself as you turned your head back towards the ceiling. 
Your boss had decided that today was a good day for you to overwork, and overwork you did. Supposedly, some rich costumers at the fancy bar you were working at was dining and being chatty, which led to you staying there 2 hours longer than usual, having to serve them and handling the bar. This eventually led to you missing the train, having to walk home a 1 hour walk. Finally arriving home at around 11:30 PM, which in hindsight wasn't that bad, but still you wanted to catch up on homework due to Mr. Lim's threatening talk earlier. Figuring that doing your homework no longer were and option, you tiredly moped towards your shower and thus you're now laying on your bed absolutely exhausted.
Fortunately for today though, it was a Saturday. Meaning that tomorrow you didn't have to worry about not getting enough sleep. You smiled at yourself as you laid comfortably in your warm and soft bed.
"I wonder if Beomgyu is already asleep.." you whispered to yourself, your mind wandering off. Imagining Beomgyu sleeping peacefully in his big, fancy bed. Him being all calm and cute. Probably wearing a pajamas and snuggling with a pillow like he always does.
You chuckled a bit to yourself as that image came to your head. After all this time, he still came to your mind, and you couldn’t help but have a sweet imagery of him even though he hurt you repeatedly. you’re still so awestruck by him, what did it have to take to just forget about him for once.
Your mind was brought back to reality when your phone suddenly started ringing, you checked the name on the screen.
“I guess he’s still awake..” you shrugged before answering,
“Hi” his voice sounded a bit tired, a hint of grogginess, like he’s being trying to sleep but couldn’t.
“Were you sleeping?” He hesitated on his words, like he knew you were angry at him, but you didn’t dismiss him too quickly.
“Nope, I just got home from work.”
“Okay good, so I actually called to apologize.” You lifted an eyebrow at that, which you knew he wasn’t able to see.
“Oh, why?”
He paused for a bit, trying to find the right words.
“Well.. I felt really bad for leading you on with the studying and bailing on you like that. I knew you needed my help and I promised..” he sounded so genuine and precious. Your heart melted.
“So, I’m sorry for what I did.. I understand if you’re mad at me, but I get it. I just wanted to at least apologize.”
“It’s fine, I’m not mad at you or anything.. I was disappointed sure, but it’s whatever.” You couldn’t be mad at him, it was pathetic to say the least. You felt stupid, but you just loved him too much. It was actually ridiculous, that much you knew.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.. it’s okay. Don’t worry.” You softened your tone, trying to sound genuine, which made him sigh in relief.
“Thank you.. You’re so sweet, you know that..” that was surprisingly flattering, Beomgyu has given you compliments before but, you still became surprised at his sudden sweet words. You couldn’t hold yourself from smiling at his words.
It was quiet for a bit, and slight shuffling could be heard from his end, but soon enough he spoke up again.
“So.. I have to tell you something.” He started, sounding very excited over what to say next.
“Sure, what is it?” You answered, smiling over the phone.
“Okay so.. Suejin actually broke up with me.” Your eyes widened at that, they broke up already? That was the shortest relationship Beomgyu has ever had, maybe he had finally realized... that..
“What? Oh- I’m so sorry.” Obviously you really weren’t sorry, instead you were happy that the conversation was through the phone because you knew you couldn’t hide the smile plastered on your face. But he didn’t need to know that.
“Well, it’s okay because the same day I got a message from Soo-ah and she asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with her!” Your smile faltered as soon as he said those words. What did you expect? That he’d confess? You felt embarrassed for even thinking that.
“Oh...” you couldn’t even hide your disappointment anymore, and you were sure that Beomgyu noticed. But he didn’t care.
Instead he continued,
“So, I told her yes! I was actually a bit sad over Suejin but Soo-ah is so much more pretty and funnier!” You could hear him chuckle a bit over the phone, you on the other hand held in your tears.
“Yeah, you’re totally right.” You tried sounding enthusiastic and happy for him, but as each words passed it ended in a flat tone and a quiet sigh.
“Since we’re going to the movies, do you have any tips on what i should wear and how to make a move?” As said, you never felt surprised anymore when he asked for your help. You had just accepted that that’s all you’re good for. You were nothing but his wingwoman.
As you looked down onto your phone, a droplet lightly hit the screen. Giving off a small sound of impact. Before you knew it, one more hit the phone again. And then one more. You felt your cheeks heat up as tears continuously fell down. Forming a streak that wouldn’t end anytime soon. Tiny sobbing escaped your lips as you tried holding yourself back, you didn’t want him to hear.
You were so disappointed at yourself for falling into the same cycle again. But you knew that leaving Beomgyu was not an option, you loved him too much. Whether you liked it or not. In the end, you just had to accept that your feelings for him would never get reciprocated, that his oblivious matter would stay the same. You were just a friend to him, nothing more, nothing less.
You were just that invisible.
Hellooo! Em here, hope you liked this ff haha. God I write sooo much angst and unrequited love this is embarrassing :,)
I actually rewrote this like 3 times, since it’s my first request I figured that I would try to make it reach the person in questions expectations. I hope I did haha.
Also I were suppose to post Yeonjun first but I finished this one quicker.
Sorry for taking so long, senior year is harder than I thought.
I’ll see you later, bye🥰
This work belongs to @Beomeli on tumblr. Please do not trace or copy my work ©
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