#but ONLY with Nenny!!
thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Flightless Bird | eighteen | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“Mommy! Hurry up!” Wren said, dragging Jose behind her, “Auntie Nat twell her!” 
Natasha only laughed and walked next to Jose. They were on their way from the parking lot to the tarmac for the airshow. Jake was set to be flying and Wren was begging to go see it. Although, Jose tried to normally stay away from Airshows in general just in case someone certain was there. 
“So, I have some news,” Nat whispered to Jose. 
Natasha just smiled and twisted her wedding ring, something Jose noticed the female pilot did when she was a little anxious. Her and Jake got married two years prior in a small ceremony on the beach. Not to big and fussy, as both of them wanted simple friends and family. A certain Blue Angels pilot was not able to attend, so Coyote was Jake’s best man while Jose was the maid of honor, with little baby Wren as a little flower girl. It was beautiful and simple and perfect. 
“You can’t tell anyone yet,” Phoenix stated, “But I’m pregnant.”
Jose stopped in her tracks, much to Wren’s dismay who let out a little wail and tried with all of her might to pull her mom forward. 
“Oh my god, Nat!”
“Are you mad? I know you-”
“Mad? Oh my god no, I’m so happy for you!” Jose exclaimed, hugging the other woman, “Does Jake know yet?”
Natasha shook her head, “No I haven’t found the time to tell him yet.”
“How far along?”
“Six weeks? I think? I have a doctors appointment next week to confirm,” She explained, “But I’m so scared to tell Jake. We’ve talked about kids, but not yet.”
“Well, I’m assuming you weren’t using anything?” Jose asked carefully. 
“We weren’t trying,” Nat swore, “But we weren’t not trying.”
Jose couldn’t help but laugh. That sounded like the most Jake and Natasha thing. 
“I want Gampa Mav and Nenny,” Wren whined, snapping the two women out of their hug. 
“Okay, let’s go munchkin.”
Wren was dressed in little combat boots, one of the flight jackets that Jose bought for her before she was born, and a pink tutu. She looked like a little combat princess as she strutted in front of Jose and Nat. 
For a nearly four year old, she had a lot of personality. Maybe too much for her own good. But Jose loved her daughter with all of her heart. There wasn’t a thing in this world that she wouldn’t do for her.  
“Thank you for coming today,” Nat nudged Jose with her shoulder, “I know it means a lot to Jake to have you guys here for this.”
Jake was set to be a part of a super important Legacy flight, one of the only f-18 pilots chosen. He couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks prior. Jose wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen him so excited for something related to work before. 
“We couldn’t miss it,” Jose shrugged, “Wren wouldn’t let me.”
“Mama we see Unca Yake?” Wren asked. 
Jose couldn’t help but smile at the way that Wren said Uncle Jake. They were still working on her speech, but the little munchkin was getting better and better every day. 
“Yeah sweetheart, we’ll see him soon, I promise,” Jose replied, “But let’s find Gampa Mav and Nenny first, okay?” 
She nodded enthusiastically and wiggled a little in Jose’s arms. Little Florence loved Maverick and Penny, now lovingly known and Gampa Mav and Nenny. They stepped right into the role of grandparents to Wren without a second thought. They were there to support Wren and Jose with no questions asked, even after Jose forced Braldey to leave. 
They never once asked what happened between the two of them. Instead they just loved Jose and her little daughter with all of their hearts. 
“Gampa Mav!” Wren wiggled out of Jose’s arms and took off running towards the older pilot, “Nenny! Auntie ‘Melia!”
“Shit,” Jose cursed, chasing after her little girl. 
Wren jumped into Mav’s arms, hugging the older man as tightly as she could. Mav laughed and hugged her back, not seeming to notice the fact that the little girl ran off without her mother. Penny was a little more attentive and scowled at the little girl as best as she could. 
“Wren, what have I told you?” Jose was out of breath as soon as she reached them, “You need to stay with me!” 
“But I saw Gampa Mav and Nenny.” The little girl blinked up at her mother, not seeming to understand. 
“You can’t run off-”
“Mav! There you are!” 
Jose froze. She didn’t dare turn to look at the source of the voice. A noise escaped her, sounding like a small wounded animal. She didn’t even check to see if they were going to be here today. Normally she checked every air show, but Jake was so excited that she was going to come and bring Wren.
“Bradley,” Mav said, handing Wren over to Phoenix who finally caught up, “Didn’t expect to see you until later.”
“I had a second and saw you guys over here.”
Wren looked at Bradley with wide eyes. He was in his blue and gold flight suit, looking like a hero in his own way. Wren was mesmerized by any pilots. She loved planes, and the people that flew them. 
“You fwy pwanes?” 
Bradley was stunned for a second. He finally realized who was standing next to Mav and Penny. She looked so different, and yet exactly the same. Her hair was longer, and she was thinner than he’d ever seen her. So much so it made him wonder if she was eating enough. But he didn’t have the right to worry about Josephine Wilson anymore, not when she kicked him out of her life. 
“I uh-” He cleared his throat and directed his attention to the little girl in Phoenix’s arms. 
Somehow it hadn’t occurred to him that this was the little baby he once loved with all of his heart. She was so much bigger, with wide eyes that mirrored her mother’s. She looked just like Jose. There’s no way that wasn’t her daughter. It made him want to cry. He loved her like a daughter and he missed out on so much of her life. 
“Yeah, I do,” Bradley smiled at the little girl, forcing down the emotions. He leaned down so he was eye level with her, “See that blue and yellow plane over there?” he pointed down the way a little to where all of the Blue Angels were lined up, “That one is mine.”
“Woah,” She replied, “Auntie Nat can we go see?”
Nat carefully looked over at Jose, who still hadn’t allowed herself to look over at Bradley. Jose nodded quickly, watching as Nat along with Mav, Penny, and Amelia made their way towards the row of planes. 
Jose swallowed the thick lump in her throat. She felt like she could cry. She always did her best to avoid Bradley at any event that the Blue Angels could be at. Jake always understood. He hated it, but he understood. She wanted to be mad at him for not warning her that he would be here today. She felt tricked and like her heart was going to explode.
She closed her eyes and licked her dry lips before opening her eyes and turning to face him, “Hi Bradley.”
“It’s good to see you,” He said slowly, carefully even. 
“Yeah, um, you too,” She replied, “You look good.”
“I am. Pensacola has been good for me,” He replied, voice sounding like gravel. 
She nodded. She wasn’t sure what she expected him to say. What do you even say in a situation like this? How is she supposed to do this? How was she supposed to face Bradley, when all she wanted to do was be held by him again? She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. She wanted him more than she could dare to put into words. 
“You look…nice,” Bradley had to force the words out. He wanted nothing more than to hold her. 
“Try keeping up with a three year old, see how you look,” She responded quickly. 
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I genuinely meant you look nice.”
She looked down at her little sundress and sighed. She hated this feeling between them. This rift, the distance…whatever it was. She wanted to feel close to him again. But she didn’t know how she could ever feel close like she used to. 
“She’s gotten so big,” Bradley was looking over his shoulder now, looking towards Wren, “She was so tiny when I left.”
“Bradley about what I-”
“Bradshaw! Time to get ready.”
His eyes closed as he took a deep breath. His shoulders squared before his eyes opened again and he was back to being Rooster. He forced a smile and held out his hand for Jose to shake. How do you even shake hands with the man you’re still madly in love with?
“Nice to see you again, Josephine. Look for me in the skies.”
She wanted to say more. Wanted to beg for his forgiveness. Wanted to beg for him…just for him to give her a second chance. But he was gone before she had the chance. He disappeared into the crowd of people like a leaf disappears in the wind. 
Jose was still holding her breath when Natasha came back to stand next to her, “Mav has Wren. Are you okay?”
Jose’s eyes started to water, “I didn’t realize how much I missed him. And then he’s right here and I can’t say any of the things that I want.”
“You’ll get your chance,” Natasha assured her, “Now c’mon, Jake is up next. Don’t want to miss him.”
Later that night, Jose was sitting in her bed alone. Wren was staying with Jake and Natasha tonight, so the house was silent. Jose didn’t quite know what to do with herself. So she poured a big glass of wine and settled in. What she didn’t expect was her phone pinging at eleven, with a text from a number she never expected to see again. 
She found herself scurrying out of the bed and fumbling her way to the front door. Her breath was ragged as she threw the door open to reveal Bradley standing there. He looked too good to be true. 
“Hey,” She said stupidly. 
Bradley was on her in an instant, hands cradling her face, “Tell me you don’t want this.”
“I-” She took a second, “I want you. I always have.”
Then he was kissing her like she was the only thing that mattered in the whole world.
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argyrocratie · 9 months
"In Italy, there was considerable dissension between Britain and the United States over the nature of the provisional government. The British, considering themselves to have the paramount interest in Italy, claimed the right to play the dominant role in organizing the new government; FDR refused to concede this. But both Western Allies agreed that the Left should not be allowed to fill the gap left by the collapse of Mussolini’s regime and gradually retreating German occupation forces in the north; despite the publicly stated goal of “defascistization,” both British and American officers found it far easier in practice “to leave existing officeholders at their posts,” and the British (soon imitated by the Americans) used “the existing administrative system, including the police.” Only the socialists were strongly in favor of totally purging fascists from the administration, and even the Communist Party was “lukewarm” on the subject.[149]
The primary dispute between the Western Allies concerned Churchill’s desire to establish a reactionary regime under King Victor Emmanuel III and Marshal Badoglio (a fascist collaborator until 1943), as the “sole barrier to ‘rampant Bolshevism’.”[150] Immediately following Roosevelt’s March 1944 demand that Badoglio be removed because of his unpopularity, Stalin came to Churchill’s aid by recognizing Badoglio’s government; shortly thereafter the Communist Party announced its intent to participate in the government with no conditions.[151]
Occupation authorities banned electoral activity “during the period of military government,” and the military authorities complied with Badoglio’s request “to censor all criticism of the king, the government, and the army.”[152]
Italian antifascist forces and their base of public support were predictably dissatisfied with this arrangement. Badoglio and Victor Emmanuel
were universally regarded as remnants of the equally widely hated fascist order. From the moment they signed the “long surrender,” until the end of the year, opposition to the Badoglio government grew in intensity as part of the sustained political crisis that characterized Italian politics for the next two years.[154]
With the backing of Stalin and the Comintern, PCI leader Togliatti was able to enforce a non-revolutionary and cooperativist line over the objections of a much more radical rank and file. However, he did not purge the Party’s mass membership of dissidents — a policy that left it ideologically quite diverse and laid the way for the future emergence of Eurocommunism.[155]
When the Allies entered Rome in June 1944, the Committee of National Liberation refused to accept Badoglio as head of government. Churchill was furious, and — joined by Stalin — raised the issue of whether this was even legal under the terms of the surrender. But the new prime minister, Bonomi — former head of the Committee of National Liberation and a moderate constitutional monarchist — excluded Badoglio from the Cabinet, with the approval of the United States.[156]
Pietro Nenni’s Socialist Party and the leftist Action Party both soon became disaffected from the Bonomi government over its lackadaisical approach to defascistization, although the Communist Party remained neutral. Meanwhile the United States finally and unambiguously won the competition for influence in Italy, as Bonomi developed closer ties with Roosevelt and expressed his desire to be integrated into Washington’s vision of a postwar economic order.[157]
When Allied forces reached Rome, leftist antifascist partisans got considerably harsher treatment than fascist military and police forces had received in the south.
To the Allied soldiers reaching the Rome region the experience was strange indeed. Armed Italians, often in red shirts, waving revolutionary banners, greeted them, frequently after they had set up their own local administrations. The Allied armies pushed some Partisans aside, and even threatened them with the firing squad; they arrested many and threw them into prisons. “The problem is a novel one and is bound to be met with in further intensity the further north the advance goes,” one political officer reported in June, and whether these men were elected or not, Anglo-American officers decided, the Partisans would have to place themselves under occupation authority. The basic policy urged “tact and sympathy” but the Partisans were to surrender their arms; if possible, employment was to be found for former “patriots,” as the military authorities preferred calling them. Indeed, the Occupation followed the carrot and stick policy, those Partisans refusing to hand in arms facing prison, those cooperating being given special food rations and, if available, jobs, though not usually in the army and rarely in the police. Unemployed, the Partisan was a “menace,” armed a danger: “One thinks of the troubles of Yugoslavia and Greece in this connection,” one regional commander observed to his colleagues.[158]
The Western Allies also faced the problem of how to deal with CLNAI partisans in the north, which was considerably more complicated because they were more numerous, and were directly engaged in combat with German forces.
The problem of the Resistance, the Western leaders understood by the end of summer 1944, was not in controlling that small part of it liberated in the Rome area, but in reducing the potential danger that the very much larger groups still on Nazi-held territory posed.[159]
The partisans had organized a strike wave in the industrial cities in late 1943, in summer 1944 were tying down a sizeable German combat force, and considered themselves the legitimate governing authority in the region.[160] The British and Americans greatly feared that, in the event the German occupation forces withdrew, leftist partisans would take over the northern cities before Anglo-American military forces could move in. While the Communist Party was willing to appease the Western Allies, the socialists threatened to create a socialist separatist regime in the north after German withdrawal — a position that contributed greatly to their popularity compared to the communists.[161]
Throughout the summer [the Allies] sharply reduced the quantity of arms dropped to the Resistance, which had never been substantial in the first place. For purely military reasons — the Resistance was tying down as many as fourteen Axis divisions at one time — the Anglo-American authorities renewed sending in a somewhat greater quantity at the end of September, but OSS agents in Partisan territory were able to have non-Communist Partisans receive first priority. Then, when the Allied military decided the Italian campaign had gone as far as it might for the winter and should not detract from the war in Western Europe, it was possible to regard the problem of the Resistance as mainly political. With constant references to Greece, Yugoslavia, and the threat of Bolshevism everywhere, the military authorities embarked on a Resistance policy that was both military and political in its dimensions. On November 13, General Alexander, Supreme Allied Commander in the Mediterranean, broadcast a message to the Resistance urging them, in light of winter conditions, not to engage in large-scale military operations, to save their supplies and await orders, and restrict their activities to smaller operations. To the Germans it was a notice that the Allies would not initiate a winter campaign, freeing the Nazis for other tasks, including greater efforts in wiping out the Partisans. The Resistance was demoralized and significantly only the Communist leaders in the north attempted to paint the best possible face on Alexander’s message. The Germans and fascists were now in a position to consolidate their power, and a widespread hunt resulted in an unprecedented elimination of Resistance leaders and members. Defections, death, and reprisals were everywhere.[162]
Allen Dulles, Swiss director of the OSS, actually entered into clandestine negotiations with the Nazi occupation forces and secured their agreement not to surrender to the CLNAI, and to maintain essential services and law and order until they could surrender to arriving Anglo-American forces.[163]
Despite this betrayal, German units disintegrated from low morale; armed workers took over the major northern cities and occupied the factories in April 1945, and then handed over control to the CLNAI. Ignoring the commands of communist leaders, partisans engaged in mass reprisals — including summary execution — of fascists.[164]
The Bonomi government itself never directly addressed or resolved the status of the area under CLNAI political control, preferring to treat CLNAI as “the directing organization of the Resistance in the north.” The Socialist Party and Action Party, however, hoped to leave them in territorial control as “the basis of a reconstructed political order” centered on workers’ councils.[165]
Togliatti helped salvage the situation for the Allies by refusing to side with the Socialists, and insisting on national unity — thus sabotaging the ability of the CLNAI to pursue regional separatism on their own.[166]
Finally, on December 7, the CLNAI signed an agreement — the Protocols of Rome — with humiliating terms:
In return for the promise of financial subsidies, food, clothing, and arms, the CLNAI agreed to subordinate itself to the Supreme Allied Commander, not to appoint a military head of the CLNAI unacceptable to him, to hand over power to the Allied military government upon its arrival in the north, and to follow the orders of the military government before and after liberation…. The Allies obtained assurances from the Resistance that it would not create a revolution.[167]
When Allied forces reached areas of CLNAI control, they removed them from power, and revoked all decrees.[168]
-Kevin Carson, "The Undeclared Condominium: The USSR As Partner in a Conservative World Order" (2023)
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trixie-troubleby · 1 year
okay y’all SO here’s the deets! We’re starting with the Latibaer plays! I’m only doing songs with sung lyrics (there are a few songs that are just backing for scenes so those aren’t included). (Also I don’t have the Icelandic alphabet on my phone so anglicized versions of the names lmao sorryyyy).
ALSO I’m tagging everything as Lazytown Song Showdown in case you want to block/follow the tag!
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If you need reminders for what these songs sound like here are playlists with all the tunes!
And finally the polls themselves!
AFRAM Round 1:
Littu a Thetta vs Ollu er lokid
Stina Simolina vs Eyrun Eydsluklo
Siggi Saeti vs Maggi Mjol
Halla Hrekkjusvub vs Loggagid
Goggi Mega vs Nenni Niski
Alveg Ein vs Lykiloridid
Lifid er Svo Lett vs Hvar Er Eg Nu
Glaumbaejargengid vs Snuum Bokum Saman
Allt i Lagi Latabae vs Eg a Godan Vin
Aldrei Gleyma Bvi vs Megabæt
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merryflamingo · 1 year
What the hell is up with ofmd !??
I never got the chance to watch the series (legally of course, and I refuse to pirate a series, even if it's about pirates) and season 2 has just been released. I know for a fact that I am in no state to watch it at the moment - unless season 2 is the final season - because I'm still processing the gay angels drama and I can only deal with one hyper fixation at a time.
When people described it as 'A series with gay pirates' I legitimately thought 'Yeah, maybe there's a gay couple or two in the show.'
Que nenni !
Every time I open Tumblr I keep seeing clips and gif sets of pirates kissing and declaring their love to each other, except it's a different character every time and it's always so dramatic and over-the-top. It's genuinely one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.
Understand that, from my point of view, it looks like Captain Shakespeare and the crew of the Caspartine went on an adventure and stuff happened. And it looks AMAZING !
I'm not trying to offend anyone here, just saying that when you don't have any idea of what the story is about, you can divide the posts in 2 categories : the funny/crazy/romantic/light and cute stuff and the wtf/heavy/depressing/agonizing and stressful stuff.
To whoever reads this and watch this show, I hope you're okay and your otp is/are okay too.
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gregor-samsung · 5 months
" They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real house that would be ours for always so we wouldn't have to move each year. And our house would have running water and pipes that worked. And inside it would have real stairs, not hallway stairs, but stairs inside like the houses on TV. And we'd have a basement and at least three washrooms so when we took a bath we wouldn't have to tell everybody. Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed. But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all. It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in. There is no front yard, only four little elms the city planted by the curb. Out back is a small garage for the car we don't own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side. There are stairs in our house, but they're ordinary hallway stairs, and the house has only one washroom. Everybody has to share a bedroom—Mama and Papa, Carlos and Kiki, me and Nenny. Once when we were living on Loomis, a nun from my school passed by and saw me playing out front. The laundromat downstairs had been boarded up because it had been robbed two days before and the owner had painted on the wood YES WE'RE OPEN so as not to lose business. Where do you live? she asked. There, I said pointing up to the third floor. You live there? There. I had to look to where she pointed—the third floor, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn't fall out. You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There. I lived there. I nodded. I knew then I had to have a house. A real house. One I could point to. But this isn't it. The house on Mango Street isn't it. For the time being, Mama says. Temporary, says Papa. But I know how those things go. "
Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street; 1st edition: Arte Público Press, Houston (TX), USA, 1984.
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based off your recent post about anti-propoganda (which i agree, totally sucks btw. if your choice is so good, why do you have to crap on the other one?) i was wondering, why don't you like the hunger games? i personally haven't read the other book that was on the poll, but i just looked at the summary and it looks super cool!! i'll have to add it to my list
if this is a bad question/makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete it! i'm just curious, i'm not trying to be mean or anything. have a good day!! :)
Hi ! Thank you for the question ! As long as they're respectful, I don't think there are bad questions, at worst it would be a question I'd rather not answer and it wouldn't make it a bad question at all.
There are several reasons making me against anti-propaganda : people don't know the media they criticize and assume inaccurate things and manage to spread misinformation that way, it can hurt people's feelings when it's quite virulent, it's always easier to criticize than to praise, it encourages harrassment and can create a negative atmosphere and tensions around the polls while people declare which media in a poll is the shittiest.
About The Hunger Games, it's mostly personal but not only.
Just so we're clear, I don't hate the books.
Spoilers ahead.
Bear in mind, I was about 12 when I read the first book. I think I was 13 when I read the last one, since I'm pretty sure it was a while before the first movie came out
I loved the first two books when I read them. I was reading them at the same time as a friend and it was a lot of fun to compare our impressions and screaming at each other through texts as we get emotional about the parts the other had already reached.
It was one of those books I read at night while I should have been asleep, keeping an ear out for my parents so my book didn't get kidnapped by the authorities
One of the complaint I have -which I didn't really have then because I was a white kid and not as sensibilised to the big issue of POC rep in mainstream media- is this :
There are two characters who are explicitely dark skinned in the books (it's been a long time so I may be wrong about one but I believe he was)
Both die in the first book. I know many characters die in Hunger Games, that's kinda the point, but I still don't think it was necessary.
The movies casted a Black actor for another character (I don't think the character's race was mentioned in the books, my bad if I'm wrong).
Well, I'm sure you'd find it conforting to find out he survived the 1st part of the trilogy.
He dies in the 2nd part, actually.
That's my biggest non personal issue with THG. I haven't actively looked into it, but I've never seen it mentioned in popular posts
The rest is more about personal taste.
I was romance-repulsed when I was in my early teens, to the point I avoided mushy covers and saccharine titles but I would also put a book back if there was the slightest hint of romance, knowing that if it appeared in the summary, it'd be very much likely to be splatered all over the pages. "girl meets a mysterious boy" had me running for the hills every damn time, no matter how much I liked the rest of the summary.
There wasn't the slightest hint of a mysterious boy in the summary so I was convinced it'd be safe and there'd be at worse a very secondary romance subplot.
Que nenni, cher ami. I really didn't expect the romance to be so centerfront and it annoyed the hell out of me because it was predictable af (you didn't even get the element of surprise, which would have made their relationship at least slightly more interesting and redeemable for little me) and I found Peeta very, very boring from the start. Even Arya and Eragon's relationship felt more interesting to me, and while I liked both characters, I was very much not into their romance
(Looks like it's unpopular opinions day. I can't say if I hated Peeta's guts on the spot because I knew a romance with the heroine was coming or because I really thought he was that boring, which is a book character's greatest crime. This isn't really antipropaganda. Peeta's not in the polls. As far as I can tell his name is a corruption of Peter)
I don't blame Suzanne Collins or the books. She didn't do the marketing and her only fault here was to have written a series too compelling for me to put it down despite my grudge against amatonormativity being thrown in my face all the time.
I ignored the budding romance the best I could and kept reading. I enjoyed reading the books. My friend did too. She was #teamgale. I was #teamidon'twantanyromanceinthesebookspleasejustmakethemallfriendsorsomething We had great times criticizing Peeta's every move. The good old days. (Yes I'll stop talking about the poor guy, I think you got the message. Look I'm sorry if you love Peeta like 90% of the fandom, I just don't)
So yes, I managed to mostly not feel too concerned about the most boring romance I've ever read by then (if it's any consolation, I didn't read romances so that's a rather bland statement) and rolling my eyes at the "real or not real" stuff. I'm sorry but I found the inevitability of their relationship quite irritating (which means it probably was great forshadowing for anyone without aro tendencies)
Nevertheless, I was young and had hope.
More seriously, the 1st two books were nice enough. The third...
It felt messier to me. I couldn't decide if it was something the author wanted us to feel as we got closer to the end and signifiant losses impacted Katniss' judgement or if I've grown out of love with the writing style.
Some of Katniss' decisions in her grief were quite questionable but we were meant to question them (well I hope so) so I was mostly fine with it. Mostly. I also felt like she made unnecessary 360° shifts on some occasions
Full disclaimer : I'm not a fan of third books of mainstream dystopia trilogies aimed at teens (i didn't think the Maze Runner and Divergent had satisfying endings -okay I do think the latter was not as good as the others too but that's a personal opinion- for example). I struggled with Endgame's 2nd book and I can say the same with the Lorien Legacies and found Partials' 2nd book disappointing. So, I'm more of a first book type of girl when it's about sf for teens
Well I think I've turned around the bush for a sufficient time so let's get to the part that made me slam the book shut and go to bed instead of rereading passages I liked.
The controversial ending.
Yes, we knew it was coming from the start.
It was gutting nevertheless.
Now I'm a bit older, I get that Peeta didn't bully Katniss into having kids but the formulation made me feel sick at the time.
That wasn't my issue, really.
My issue was I read the epilogue and felt like it was a trap, with Katniss having to resume her life surrounded by mementos of the Games, instead of being allowed to run away and start anew somewhere nobody would have ever known her or looked for her, so she could heal in peace. I thought she deserved that. It felt for me like she'd been robbed of a second chance at life.
That's one thing. The other is a lot more personal and gave me even more grief.
I've fooled myself into thinking that maybe for once a book was aimed at me. As someone not interested into romance at all, I'd hope the heroine might be like me.
Despite all the clues to Peeta being written as her love interest, I've hoped that in the end she wouldn't pick any of the boys. That she'd be tired of them and decide she was better alone romantically speaking. That the heroine would get her happy ending and it'd have nothing to do with a -bland, may I add- love interest (especially a male one, when all 9th graders know that boys have cooties, duh)
That was a very bittersweet ending to me, because I saw too much of myself into Katniss and that I was at an age I was trying to figure out what my life would look like and the answer seemed to be "get a boyfriend like everyone else" and it felt like a betrayal. I was so, so angry about the ending.
So yes I have a quite complicated relationship with the books, but while I think the POC rep could definitely have been better dealt with, the rest is on kid me for not having her expectations met. I can't really blame Collins for not having written the "amatonormativity doesn't have to be the only/right ending/answer ; there are other ways etc." rep I so desperately needed as a questioning teen.
Ah and I didn't like the first movie (and have decided to not watch the others), which is why I don't necessarily used pics in the polls but I probably will for the main bracket. I wasn't a fan of the casting or decors or of the adaptation work to be honest but to each their own and I've seen much worse.
THG isn't a bad series in itself. I have issues with it that probably have roots into systemic racism and also just me getting my heart broken
As for the Wayfarers series (The Long Way To a Small Angry Planet is the first book), it is lovely ! A great soft sci-fi feel good space opera series with queer, disability and POC rep
I hope I've satisfied your curiosity here because that was quite a rant, op
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hrshl-hlms · 7 months
The Irregulars
Due to the original reason for my listing every single Sherlock Holmes derivated work, I do have to take an interest in the details of those. I also am a Sherlock Holmes enthusiaste, so I also do read, watch and listen to those derivates.
And this includes some of the ones I haven't many great things about.
The better way to know how to feel about a media and criticise it, is to dive into it and make your own thoughts about it. Which is why I watched The Irregulars.
The Irregulars is a 2021 Netflix show, and as such, it falls under the system of 8 episodes for 1 seasons (before, obviously, being cancelled after this sole season).
A first misconception I had was that it was solely a crime drama and mystery show (due to the Netflix and Wikipedia listing) and it is a certain shock when you notice that actually, it is also a fantasy show. But well, I have watched The Empire of Corpses and read Les Étranges Sœurs Wilcox so once the first shock of being corrected within five minutes of my research, I wasn't distraught by the supernatural and paranormal being associated to the Holmes universe.
On the wikipedia page, we can learn that not only the creator of this series (and writer of the episodes) is Tom Bidwell, who, during an interview, said:
Sherlock Holmes [in Conan Doyle's books] had a group of street kids he’d use to help him gather clues, so our series is what if Sherlock was a drug addict and a delinquent and the kids solve the whole case whilst he takes credit
This, in my opinion, is a very interesting idea.
While it does suggest that Watson is basically also taking advantages of children to write and publish those stories, it does open the door for many questions, but also many opportunities to talk about drug addictions. (I am thinking about Elementary, among other things)
Bidwell had been pitching it for ten years at the moment of the interview (in 2018), and such a long time of polish can only mean that he has worked on it and it will hold together nicely.
But que nenni.
(I will come to that)
We therefore start the series knowing that our dear Watson and Holmes will be most likely morally grey, but also that we will see a lot of the Irregulars, which are, as stated, an important part of the investigations when it's about finding a person in London.
And as we debute with the presentation of the characters, we are hit in the face with this important fact: This show is so aimed at teenagers.
So, I will not judge the acting, as everyone need to start somewhere and we all know about Netflix and its choices in budgets. I will, however, judge the music choices.
Because the electronic music? It breaks everything.
Throughout the show, we have bits of electro popping out, breaking entirely with the rest of the music style and making it stand out so much that every time it came up, it was the only thing I could focus on.
Some bits seemed to try to show the youthfulness of the characters, while others seemed... unnecessary.
Another thing that makes you notice it's for teenagers is the mild swearing and sexual allusions.
Fine. I'm aroace. This sets me off every single time, whether it's for teenagers of for adults. But the first episodes are the ones with the most swearings and allusions, as if it was trying to fit with the current wave of "let's add swearing everywhere". It calms down later on, using swears and swearing more normally.
The rest of the series is intersting in itself, but not a hit. And it would be difficult for it to be, since between the strange choice of music and the trying of including the paranormal the way it is (one person being misteriously gifted while the others are not) and the overall vibe just... brings me flashback of Stranger Things.
We therefore follow the Netflix "diversed teen groups with the GIRL being special and they try to fix the paranormal shits happening".
But I digress.
Of the teenagers, they all fit nicely in their group and their relations are real, despite the weird obligation to have a romance thing in every show where a man and a woman of the same age are interacting.
The prince thing was also a really hilarious trope to slap in this series with the whole "weak and broken prince falls for poor girl".
And the different paranormal cases? They are good in themselves. We see the lowest of the low face the harshness of London and its class system.
The perpetrators are not treated as purely evil. They might not be treated with full compassion either, but we do have the chance to see their point of view and their reasons for doing such deeds. All that while continuing the overall plot.
It's not really something that I was expecting, but I guess I've seen too many USAmerican shows.
But this is a nice thing to have, especially considering the novels, which also had a parts where we learn the history and reasons behind the actions of the perpetrators.
This is, however, the closest we get from the original works.
"But Hershel, Bidwell said that the series would follow the idea of Holmes being a drug addict and the Irregulars being the actual detectives. You haven't talked about Holmes yet."
The reason is because Holmes doesn't fully show up until episode 4 (or something).
The only person we see at first is a very twisted Watson, stalking the kids, before being asking (forcing) them to work for him.
As it turns out, Watson and Holmes used to work together, but again, the drug problem. Watson is therefore left to fend for himself AND for Holmes and is struggling to investigate on his own.
Which is extremely weird, since a very easily noticeable thing with the first case (the one with the babies) is that all the babies were born on the same day. How did Watson manage not to notice such easy information? Not just that but it is said that Holmes has been in the pit for 15 years. How did Watson managed to keep up with things and to survive that long if he can't notice something that obvious?
This was a huge part of my thinking "what the heck did they do with Watson?"
This is also where I noticed that Bidwell followed his idea... in a peculiar manner.
One would think that it was like that since the beginning. Or that the irregulars would be doing that willingly like they do in the books. Or maybe that they would report bit by bit and properly. BUT...
Watson is really strange.
Of the characters, I feel like they really wanted to present us is clear morally grey characters, to the point where they kept the essential of the characters but changed them almost to the core.
We have Lestrade who is extremely against the paranormal, to the point of treating Jesse like an object and a tool to reach his goals.
We have Mrs Hudson who's a sort evil landlady. She doesn't live at 221B and instead own many houses in London. I do not know how much landlords from the victorian era were similar to the ones nowadays, but she feels like a parallel to it.
We have Mycroft, which I actually like, compared to the others. Even Holmes and Watson. I like the overhanging PTSD/anxiety and the resulting very slight speech impediment. I also liked how he talked about Sherlock, the way you see the big brother coming out, especially with his hate towards Watson.
Which brings Sherlock and Watson.
Sherlock is... something. To say the least.
Bidwell is unfortunately following in the understanding of many writers of Sherlock Holmes, or he might've been cut short by the Doyle Estate.
He depicts Sherlock as someone arrogant, sure of himself but bordeline on the "absolutely sure", he also seem to like having a public.
While I do understand the thought of having people like Holmes instead of what he says in the books (something about people finding it annoying after a while for him to present his deductions), it makes him out of character.
We also have the extremelly annoying straight take of him getting enamoured with a woman and having Watson mention how Holmes used to say that emotions were something trivial and not useless/hindering to him.
And the point that annoyed me above all: how they constantly repeat to Holmes how brilliant he is.
Holmes is already doing that, and they continue to enable him, making him more annoying.
And this is where Watson come in. (I will not talk about Alice. She's the straight plot tool in this series. (in my opinion))
Maybe you've heard about it, but people were saying that in this show, Watson was in love with Holmes. Unrequired, yes, but in love.
Gay Watson? Heck yeah!
Well, it turns out that no. Here's why.
In most of the flashbacks we see with him and Holmes, Watson is manipulative.
He canalises Holmes, but he also refuses thing in his stead and somewhat controls his schedule. For the case with Edith Dubois, he pushes her aside and tell her to come back at a later time because he doesn't want Holmes to get in another case.
Watson says himself that he is the one who brought Holmes' brilliancy out to the world. He says that he saw how brilliant and great Holmes was and that thanks to him canalising him and writing about him, he managed to make him famous and greater, but also himself in the same process.
And that's the core of their relationship.
Through what Watson tells, it sounds like Holmes is incapable of taking care of himself and that in order for him to thrive he needs Watson. All the while, Holmes doesn't seem to notice Watson.
And this is what bring Watson to do dumb shit such as opening the rip the first time around (while, again, manipulating people to get to his goals).
After the closing of the rip and the start of Holmes falling into a pit of despair and grief and depression, Watson continues to take care of him, seemingly continuing to investigate and write about him as if he still was able to function.
We also have the moment when he tells Beatrice (or was it Jesse) that the reason why he did all that was because he loved Sherlock.
And you might tell me "here you have it! black on white! Watson is gay for Holmes!" but I don't see it like that.
Up to that point, I never once thought that Watson was doing that because he truly loved Sherlock.
What I see Watson ass is someone who stumbled upon a man in which he saw potential and then tapped into it. Then the potential, as he rightfully saw, was great and it brough both of them fame and money. And Watson was glad about it, but he already was a bit annoyed at Sherlock's impulses (and most likely always has been).
What I see is a manipulative man who reached greatness and became obsessed with his tool to fame and riches. He is dependent of Holmes. If Holmes doesn't do cases, or is great at those cases, then he can't write about it and he doesn't get recognition or money. So he manipulates everything around them in order to reach success. But the entirety of his plan can be easily thwarted if Holmes loses interest in him, and he feels like it was the case when Holmes met Alice and then when she decided to leave London; which is why he finally lead him to the "possible" location of the rip (which, again, he had opened himself and therefore knew very well where it was since the beginning).
So, the way I see it, Watson is not in love with Holmes. He's in a fucked up dependency and is trying really hard to show to Holmes that he too is dependent on him and not just himself on Holmes.
And in the case where the writers had in reality decided that Watson was deeply in love with Holmes? Well it's a really fucked up writing.
So, overall (even though I'm sure I've missed points), this series was okay.
The teens (and protagonists) are well written, and we see proper growth throughout the show, which is better than what a lot of shows try to do.
The story itself is nice, showing us morally grey characters but also to feel for the perpretators even if at time they seem to be holding us by the hand to show us what critical thinking is (but this is a teen show so...).
I am a bit annoyed at the main villain being black and be against the white girl, only for his end to be... yeah.
I'm also annoyed at the depictions of the canon characters, even if I do have to say that the drug addiction part was well done (or at least properly, I would need the point of view of someone who had faced that in order to properly know).
But I'm mostly annoyed at what they did with the relationship between Holmes and Watson.
Leo is based on the actual fucking prince Leopold, which was 30 in 1884.
The earliest story of Watson if from 1881.
Which means that Leopold should not fucking be 17 in the series since it's been established that Watson has been writing before the first rip incident, which was 15 years prior. Which means that the story takes place in AT LEAST 1896.
But well... they apparently really badly wanted to use a prince and not just another posh guy.
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sodibun · 1 year
The warm and inviting atmosphere seeping from beneath the doors of Club Euphoria are enough to deter Nenni as a church may a lifelong sinner. She leans instead against the wall beside the door, her hair sticking to the bricks behind her. There are better places to go than outside a club at four in the morning, but she has yet to find them. She has yet to find a home in this place that actually feels like home.
The closest she gets is with a drink in hand and a cigarette caught between her fingers. The doors to the club swing open and a tall figure emerges, the light all thrown behind him thus he walks out as a mass of darkness cast against the flickering streetlamps. Nenni adjusts her glasses. She looks up, only casually, to catch a glimpse of the stranger, before she spies the familiar burst of colour she recognises as a lit cigarette.
" Hey. "
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She says, her voice breaking the otherwise-quiet of the street. She pops her own cigarette between her teeth, a gesture to encourage the sharing of whatever sparked his smoke. She tilts her head skyward still, taking note of that looming frame above but not at all perturbed by his presence. Should she be?
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afc-agitprop · 1 year
If holding leaves, El nenny will be the last wenger signing left😥 and he probably leaves next year too. It's only fitting that we finally get the arsene statue after 5 years. I have a feeling this season will be one of closure and full transition to the Arteta era. Of course, it will be fitting if we can close it off with the league or champions league trophy.
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Igor(21) and his sister Nenny(11), as well as Oracle, the Sword of Knowing.
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Igor works full time at a small cafe in the hundredfold city of New Verkefrin while also interning at a demon hunting firm. He hopes to one day make enough money to support his sister through university while easing his mother's final years. He often only gets a few hours of sleep, and very rarely takes days off. This only changes when a new responsibility is placed upon him: fulfilling destiny.
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hatari-translations · 2 years
Daughters of Reykjavík - Thirsty Hoes - transcript/translation
Requested by anon! As usual I am not the best at transcribing half-slurred rap, but I found some lyrics to cross-reference parts of it with.
Icelandic lyrics
Bland'essum rækjum í mæjónes, tek þær og smyr þær á kex, yo Munnurinn fullur af gulli alveg eins og ég komi frá Mexíkó Munurinn á okkur stór Ég fæ mér demanta, þú færð þér bjór Ég var í kirkjukór, nú er ég mella og fæ ekki nóg Bei og ég saman í klíku Bei og ég á hótelsvítu rúðurnar blautar af hita bei og ég liggjandi löðrandi í svita Förum heim beint eftir show Fílum að tak'etta slow Hann einn má kalla mig hó Hann einn má kalla mig hó Dísa nikkar á að velja lömb úr crowdi mar Píurnar fremst öskra "Leystu mig til ???" Búin að meika það, þarf ekki að meika fake-ass bitches að leika mig Búin að biðja um blóð, risaslóð síðan ég kom út úr Reykjavík Only to(?) jiggle my brain, jiggle my phones, jiggle my chain Hide in the closet while bitch making rain days This is some Snakes on a Plane shit Main shrimp in the game lips Dripping and you wanna taste it You want it, you gotta say it Say my name, bitch
Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes
(Já, ég er búin að reyna að hringja í hana, sko.) (Já, oft.) (Ég get prófað aftur.)
Ég hringi (Emmsjé) Heyr'ekki (Emmsjé?) Hvar ertu? (Er hér) Hvar er það bitch, þarf að hafa þig með í kvöld Ég hef ekki séð eftir neinu sem ég gerði síðan ég fædddist (true) Ég nenni ekki að tala um það hvernig hann kyssir og hverju hann klæddist (þúrt) búin að vera að gera nóg vinna í að gera þetta show Þú sýnir mér kannski smá í nótt en hringjum þá fyrst í Röggu Hólm Hvað finnst þér um það? Hringi og hringi en fæ ekkert svar svo hringirðu í mig og segir mér að það sé enginn stemmari á þessum stað Uh what Víruð stemmning vírað lið, víra mig við þig víruð á vel við, fer svo uppá svið og hvað og hvað spitta í mækinn horfi á fólkið með dæturnar á bakvið mig og svo er ég horfin ekki reyna að tala við mig ekki horfa svona á mig ekki dæma stelpuna ég bara get ekki fólkið Ert'að höndl'etta bít Ert'að höndl'etta dýr Ert'að höndl'etta líf Ert'að höndl'etta frík sem að starir svona á þig sem að dæmir þig og glottir rækju beint í kokteil þamba djöfull er ég montin
Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes
Ég er að fíla mig hérna Ég tek upp vodkaflöskuna Helli upp í aðdáendurna Sorrí Max færð ekki sopa Ég má þetta allt Ég á þetta allt, já Við gerðum þetta allt sjálfar, já fokk ég datt mar sjá þetta mar ó! Ó damn, hvað er ég að gera hér Ó damn, taka á móti verðlaunum ??? eins og að ég geti montað mig Átt ekki ??? Nenni ekki að borga svo að þú munt fara niður á mig Er oft að taka, bara að slugsa, nenni bara að vera ??? En ég er svo dugleg, alltaf bara að vinna og vinna Er aðeins að vinna en síðan að sigra eins og ég geri alltaf Hættir ekki að tala, hó Á svo flottum skala, vó Þótt það sé ennþá nítjándi eða sé heima sofandi eða sé bara í dvala, ha Löngu búin að gleyma (gleyma) hvort þú varst að reyna (reyna) Bankaðu upp á aftur, hó Ég er ekki heima Upptekin að fara á ???, er að hafa áhrif Slepptu því að kalla á mig Karlar vilja fá smá á sig Þú veist hvernig við rúllum Þú veist hvernig við rúllum Þú veist hvernig við rúllum Þiggðu ekki far meðan ég sigli skútum
Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Þessi rækjukokteill gerir okkur thirsty hoes
Transcription notes
I found lyrics on Google that looked official, which seemed mostly accurate but unfortunately were missing some substantial sections of the song. I did my best transcribing the missing bits but some lines I couldn't really make heads or tails of. It's entirely possible some of those bits are nonsense.
English translation
Mixing these shrimp into mayo, take them and spread them on crackers, yo My mouth full of gold like I've come out of Mexico The difference between us is big I buy diamonds, you buy a beer I was in a church choir, now I'm a whore who can't get enough Bae and I together in a clique Bae and I in a hotel suite Windows wet with heat Bae and I lying covered with sweat We go home straight after a show Like to take it slow Only he can call me ho Only he can call me ho Dísa nods to picking victims from a crowd, man The gals in front yell "Release me to ???" I've made it, don't need to put up with fake-ass bitches playing me Already asked for blood, a huge trail since I came out of Reykjavík Hide in the closet while bitch making rain days This is some Snakes on a Plane shit Main shrimp in the game lips Dripping and you wanna taste it You want it, you gotta say it Say my name, bitch
Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes
(Yeah, I tried to call her.) (Yeah, many times.) (I can try again.)
I call (Emcee) Can't hear (Emcee?) Where are you? (I'm here) Where is it bitch, I need to take you with me tonight I haven't regretted anything I've done since I was born (true) I can't be bothered to talk about how he kisses and what he was wearing (you've) been doing enough working on making this show Maybe you'll show me a bit tonight but first let's call Ragga Hólm What do you think about that? Calling and calling and getting no answer then you call me and tell me that the vibe is dull in this place Uh what Wired atmosphere, wired people, wiring myself to you wired is appropriate, then get up o nteh stage and what and what spit into the mic and look at the people with the daughters behind me and then I'm gone don't try to talk to me don't look at me like that don't judge the girl I just couldn't with the people Are you handling this beat Are you handling this beast Are you handling this life Are you handling this freak that stares at you like that, that judges you and smirks shrimp straight into a cocktail and chug and I'm fucking bragging
Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes
I like this place I pick up the vodka bottle Pour it into the fans' mouths Sorry, Max, you're not getting any I'm allowed to do it all I own it all, yes We did it all ourselves yes Fuck, I fell, man Look at this bruise, oh! Oh, damn, what am I doing here Oh, damn, receiving a prize ??? like I can brag Don't have ??? Can't be bothered to pay, so you'll go down on me I'm often taking, just procrastinating, only bother to be ??? But I'm so hardworking, always just working and working A little bit of work and then winning like I always do Won't stop talking, ho On such a grand scale, whoa Even though it's still the nineteenth or home sleeping or just hibernating, ha Forgot long ago (forgot) whether you were trying (trying) Knock on the door again, ho I'm not at home Busy going to ???, being an influence Skip yelling for me Guys want stuff on them You know how we roll You know how we roll You know how we roll Don't accept a ride while I sail boats
Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes Thirsty hoes (thirsty) Thirsty hoes (thirsty) This shrimp cocktail makes us thirsty hoes
Translation notes
Again, really don't know about the transcription of some of this.
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becaexists · 2 years
Volta Family Headcanons
Before I post the fic tomorrow (technically today but y'know), I would like to present my Volta family headcanons! Some of them are a bit silly, while others are what I'm using as canon in the universe of my fics (yes I'm going to write more than one), so enjoy!
First of all, names, ages (as of September 2022), birthdays and star signs: Raphael, 45, June 9th, Gemini Angelo, 42, September 1st, Virgo (this is canon info and what I'm basing everything else off of) Seraphina, 39, July 27th, Leo Evangeline, 32, May 8th, Taurus Michael, 28, November 7th, Scorpio
Heights: Raphael is 6'0, Angelo is 6'2, Seraphina is 5'10, Evangeline is 5'5, and Michael is 6'5 Here is a visual comparison of them all in age order
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Nicknames for each other: Raphael - Raphe/Rafe; Angelo - Angel, Angel Major; Seraphina - Phin, Sera, Sienna (middle name), Nenna, Nenny; Evangeline - Eva, Angel Minor; Michael - Micha
Childhood: Angelo and Phin were close as teenagers and used to watch romcoms together before their father began to subject them both to worse and worse experiments; Raphe helped around when Eva was born, but by the time Micha was born, he was sick from experiments to the point he could barely move, so Phin had to take care of them both as well as comfort her older brothers as their mother was unable to function and their father was too focused on experimenting on the eldest two; When their father would force Angelo to attack Raphael, Seraphina would attempt to restrain him, screaming at him to stop; Raphael left home at 20, Angelo left 18 to study bioengineering, Phin left on her 17th birthday to become a model and later actress in the UK, changing her name to Sienna Voltaire, Eva and Micha left when they were 19 and 16 to go live with their sister before moving back to the states once they had recovered.
Recent events: Seraphina is the only one to marry and settle down, and Angelo was the only one of her siblings that attended her wedding; Seraphina has two kids, Lucia(7) and Cassius(6 months), and three dogs, Lady (Border terrier), Oliver (large terrier and greyhound mix), and Angel(blonde rescue collie); Evangeline followed in her sister's footsteps, becoming an actress and later a playwright after returning to the US; Michael works as a video game programmer and 3D animator, as well as teaching computer science for free online; Angelo and Phin have monthly calls where they check in on one another, Angelo is the only uncle actively in her kids' lives.
Podcast: Phin and Raphael listen to the podcast when they can, Eva listens to it but tries to skip over Angelo's parts, Micha does not know it exists but if he did, he would listen to it while he worked
That's all of them for now! Reminder this all my personal headcanon apart from what has been said in the show, if you have any differences in opinion on what the Volta siblings are like please share them with me, I love speculating (and talking about Angelo)
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00:00 Djandji Tak Bertepi [Why](Lyrics: Rachman A.) - Nenny Triana 03:39 Hong Kong Diwaktu Malam [Swang² Tui²](Lyrics: Rachman A.) - Wiwien Soedjono 05:50 Pintaku - Jetty Dharsono 08:24 Enak Sekarang (Benjamin S.) - Benjamin S. 10:26 Kenangan Abadi [I Nan Wang](Lyrics: A. Rianto) - Lucie Elias 13:03 Maafkan Daku Kekasih (A. Usman) - W. Soedjono & Mus D.S. 15:39 Dimana Kekasihku [Wo Tsi Nie Tso Yu](Lyrics: Rachman A.) - Lies Embarsari 18:18 Susanti [Only You](Lyrics: Rachman A.) - Mus D.S. 21:27 Putri Tudjuh - Instrumentalia 24:31 Hari Ini (Helmizan) - Netty Jusuf 26:45 Ratapan Ibu Tiri (Mashabi/Kondi) - Nenny Triana
0 notes
isolaradiale · 1 year
Lost in Space #53
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of July!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Helios (CONDO 423)
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III (HOUSE 105)
Fandaniel (HOUSE 110)
Nenni Ymir (OC) (HOUSE 119)
Warrior of Light (Dancer - Eira Arai) (HOUSE 103)
Claude von Riegan (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (CONDO 424)
Aether (Abyss Prince) (APARTMENT 316)
Il Dottore (CONDO 426)
Kaedehara Kazuha (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Belial (CONDO 408)
Guel Jeturk (TOWNHOUSE 208)
Jing Yuan (HOUSE 120)
Chain Sumeragi (APARTMENT 315)
Ganondorf (Wind Waker) (HOUSE 124)
Loki Laufeyson (CONDO 420)
Albedo (APARTMENT 309)
Curiosity Sphere (A.I.PERTURE, City of Glass)
Ayin (CONDO 404)
Gregor (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Hokma (TOWNHOUSE 222)
Vergilius (HOUSE 125)
Murr Hart (APARTMENT 310)
Owen (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Rustica Ferucci (CONDO 423)
Shinya Kogami (HOUSE 117)
Adam Taurus (Adam’s Manor, Cotes)
Lie Ren (APARTMENT 317)
Ashton Anchors (Ashton Anchor’s Home, Cotes)
Jasper (Jasper’s Lair, Mistwood)
Marisa Kirisame (APARTMENT 302)
Adelaide “Red”’ (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Vanitas (APARTMENT 317)
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espeze · 1 year
Nenni the bookshelf gonk gives his thoughts on the Lotr books, please have mercy Tolkien fans, he's only a little gonk
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felixvalerius · 7 years
♯ Our muses wake up in each others arms after accidentally falling asleep. (Nennius)
Felix had not realized how exhausted he’d been last night. He had gotten home late from an already long shift, and of course he found himself in bed with Nennius. It was what Felix most looked forward to coming home. For it was the first time there was someone there, that Valerius didn’t loathe. For once in his life, he wanted to be home. He wanted to be with this person. No longer was he looking for excuses to stay in his office -- which was the case when he was with his wife. No longer did he dread coming home, and all that would he would be forced to endure the moment he stepped through the door. No. Such emotions were of the past, because Nennius . . . made him feel differently. Words more felt than verbally expressed.  So when Felix slowly opened his eyes, feeling the light of the sun through the curtain, he froze. 
His arms were around Nennius, and the other was tucked into them against his chest, with his own arms around Felix. They were in Felix’s bed. So, that was three things that had never happened before -- especially as Valerius had once told Nennius that he did not cuddle. The first, they had fallen asleep together through the night. The second, they had their arms around each other. The third . . . Felix found himself not wanting to move. He watched his lover sleep soundly, this odd, sensation seemingly impossible to fight off. Even though every past experience had taught him that instinct was to pull away. But Felix didn’t. Instead, he stayed in the exact same position, and closed his eyes again, not yet ready to part from Nennius. And perhaps, not even quite ready for Nennius to know . . . just how incredible this felt for Felix. 
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