#but Trigun is a recent obsession...
lonelysnowyart · 2 years
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panel redraw (sort of) based off this panel vvvv
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jazzi-fizz · 2 years
Listen, listen
Knives walked so Getou could run 🫡
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hep-heptagon · 2 years
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There’s no way Vash wouldn’t shop at Hot Topic (wip)
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orcelito · 1 year
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i am certainly exhibiting some Vibes with my current discord setup
it's honestly very descriptive of my current state of mind overall, between the fire emblem and constant trigun lmfao
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oh fuck im undertaking another project as my 15 other wips cry in pain
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seasource · 1 year
tagged by @recoverdata my tender mutual 🫶
last song: minako yoshida’s twilight zone (the song! although everyone should check out the whole album too 😩)
currently watching: newest anipoke if its a show :] otherwise i’ve been watching a lot of mario maker 1/2, comp splatoon and comp vgc pokemon vids
currently obsessed with: pikmin‼️ i also am still in the splatoon trenches, i still really enjoy splatoon comp and the game itself (cannot be said the same about its community)
im kinda 2 lazy to tag mutuals so if u wanna do this just say i tagged u 🫶 good night tumblr
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kingcandyhorns · 2 years
The lads of my Tumblr icons
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chechula · 1 year
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well, little Trigun doodle...since there is so much great Trigun art on my dashboard recently ♥
(Wish there was more of this fandom 10 years ago, during my Vash-obsession, I feel old x_x)
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bridgekc · 5 months
OMGGGGG one piece is my constant obsession and Trigun is my recent obsession so them mashed together is making my neurons dance
Who would Wolfwood be? Would it be Zoro? Or Sanji?? Or Robin???
I'm gonna make a guess that Nami n Usopp are the insurance people but idk--
JULY LORE???!!!???
Sorry if that's too many questions! I really love ur au!
don’t worry, there are never too many questions 😌🙌
but i’m gonna use this ask to clarify - this au isn’t 1:1 with trigun, just in the same verse. so while ASL are clearly paralleling vash and knives, they aren’t the same characters. for example, unlike knives, sabo doesn’t hate ALL of humanity, he’s just a little extra willing to murder them. so basically same setting, different cast.
for the other crew members, i’ve got three roles figured out so far:
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plant engineer/researcher robin, saloon owner (to-be) sanji, and alcoholic bounty hunter zoro
i haven’t fully decided who’s gonna be doing what for the other characters, but i honestly love the idea of nami and usopp being the insurance girls, that just feels right 😭
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Baby Fever with Trigun Boys!
Authors Note: I’ve been so obsessed with the Trigun baby post recently it’s been filling my head with thoughts, so here’s all the Trigun boys with if they would want kids + how many kids I think they’d have! (w Livio, Razlo, and Legato because they never get enough love 💔)  
Trigger warning: hints of pocd in Legatos (his is at the very end so you can stop reading before his if it’s a sensitive subject) 
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Would Vash want kids? Yes...eventually 
•When he first thinks about having kids with you he’s over the moon excited but then the longer he thinks about it the more nervous he gets. He does want a baby but he already feels bad for dragging you along and putting you in danger, and he’s got a bit of a self loathing streak (he makes me so sad) so he’ll probably slow down and try to convince you to wait until he stops his brother to have a family
•The other thing is he’s also not even sure if it’s possible, plant and human hybrid??? it’s never been done, not that he’s not eventually down for trying
•Although once he gets it in his head that you want a baby with him he discovers a side of himself that he didn’t know existed until now, rest assured you won’t be leaving the bed anytime soon.
•If you get pregnant before Vash can stop his brother he might mope just a bit apologizing despite you not really being mad, but it doesn’t last long. Then he’s both super excited and super stressed! What do babies need? are you hot? cold? do you need him to carry you? need help reaching something? he’s there fussing over you like a mother hen
•If you get pregnant after he deals with Knives, then he’s a lot more eager right off the bat, excited to start a family after everything he’s been through (still a mother hen though)
•Vash 👏 has 👏twins 👏
•Two little girls to be exact! one for each arm, one for each parent! Double the cuteness!
• Vash is a very good dad, eager to raise his children the way he thinks Rem would want him to, plus he has you! They grow a bit faster than human children thanks to the plant genes but not nearly as fast as Vash and Nai grew up so luckily you guys get to still enjoy them being small
• As the twins grow up they are eerily similar to how Vash and Nai were as children. In fact Vash gets a bit nervous when his other little girl takes on so many personality traits of his older brother, he stresses about it a bit, not that he didn’t love Nai but he doesn’t want history to repeat itself. Luckily he has you by his side, every time he lets his thoughts run wild, he watches the way you so gently parent the twins...he takes a small breath of relief. He feels in a way...he failed his brother but this is different, this time it’ll be okay
Does he want kids? Yes  👍
•Wolfwood loves kids so it’s natural he’d want some of his own and especially if it’s with you
•Thing is slightly similar to Vash he’d be a bit reluctant to have kids right now. He’s got a lot on his plate and he also has a bit of a self loathing streak (Trigun boys x therapy) he isn’t sure he deserves to start a family with someone as good as you
•When you do start a family Nick goes from 0-100 real fast, and by that I mean he goes from being protective to guard dog mode 24/7 but can you blame him? He’s seen how dangerous the world is he’ll die before he let’s anything happen to you or his unborn child
•Your first kid is a little girl, one that grows up to be...a little too much like her father. Sarcasm is her default speech and she’s a little head strong, but very protective of her family
•Now I don’t see enough people talking about this but??? Wolfwood??? would for sure want to adopt a kid??? He grew up in an orphanage, so of course your second kid was adopted. As much as he loves your daughter he knows how much the kids at the orphanage need a good home, so you welcome in a little boy. One that's a bit timid and shy and reminds Wolfwood all too much of little Livio when he was young, safe to say it pulls on his heart strings
•The last kid is the baby! Your daughter and son are a bit older and the third was admittedly a bit of an accident, not an unwelcomed one, but not planned. Either way Nick is happy about it (plus he’s really good at taking care of babies) In all you tie off your happy little family with three kids (four if you count nick lol)
•Wolfwood is a good dad though. Also he’s the kids favorite, so expect to get jealous when after school all the kids run into his arms. Don’t expect condolences either, this man will look up at you, all the kids in his arms and give you the biggest shit eating grin too...the bastard.
Would he want kids? Yes if you take care of them lmao
•Okay so unlike Vash and Wolfwood, Knives sees himself as an apex, so he can protect you and his kids from anything, if he decides he wants kids he doesn’t feel the need to wait
•The only thing is...it’s cannon he’s got a thing for impregnation right? but you have to realize this is for Plants, plant children aren’t like human children (or in this case plant/human children?) they grown alot faster, understand alot quicker, and he’s not the most...nurturing guy in the world. 
 •So buckle up because you’ll be in charge of most the children's care! don’t worry too much though, if you ask for something he’ll provide it so you won’t ever need to stress about not having anything. 
•During the pregnancy he’s fiercely protective over you, keeping you in his private wing in a plush bed. Only letting Legato help take care of you and Conrad whos in charge of your check ups
•Now honestly I’m not sure how many kids he’d have, so I see one of two options
•option one, an only child. One that he has you raise then begins to take more under his wing as he or she grows up. A child that's, in a way, the heir of everything Nai has built, one that will grow to be as strong as their father (with hopefully a bit more care thanks to you)
•option two, lots of children. Once he sees your pregnant the first time...well he likes you like that, might as well keep you like that all the time right? Besides don’t you want to continue his legacy?
•Either way he does like love  his children, he just has a hard time showing it. He tries to show he cares though i mean you’ve seen how he is with Vash. Honestly I think it’s easier for your kids to understand their fathers affections since their half plant, gives them a better insight you know? (if you mess with them it’s literally the quickest way to die though so it’s not like that aren’t under his care still) 
Does he want children? 100% Yes!
•This man...ugh this man
•Livio 100% wants kids with you, he’s a gentle giant and a soft soul at heart. He wants nothing more than to settle down with you and have a couple little feet running around.
•This man is so patient so caring with you. He’s also a little scared he’ll hurt you once you’re pregnant I mean look at you!!! you’re so cute! waddling around all that baby weight, what if he crushes you? or bumps into you and hurts the baby? what do you mean that's not how that works?
•Despite his worries you welcome a happy healthy baby girl, who he’s still a little apprehensive about hurting at first but once you guide him through holding the little bundle of joy he’ll settle a bit
•So you have your first little girl, and after about a year you decide to try for another. You and livio decide you want to try to have one boy one girl, only thing is...you have another little girl! but that's okay! because a year after that you try again...and have another little girl. Livio accepts his fate after that.
•all jokes! Livio really does love his little girls to death, he doesn’t really care if he has a little boy or not, besides it’s endlessly hilarious to come home and see this hulk of a man surrounded by three little girls, one of which has dressed him up in a pink tutu so he can attend her royal tea party, another using her cheap kid make up to make him “the prettiest girl at the ball” while she smears eyeshadow on his face and another one yet pulling what hair he has into multiple little pig tails. 
•Now I do have one small headcannon that only applies if you are in a relationship with both Livio and Razlo. If you are in a relationship with both the boys then Razlo sees the girls as his kids but not his kids if that makes sense...as in he helps raise them as his own but he doesn’t feel like he in particular made them you know?
•Razlo will probably ask if he can try for one kid with you (if you know what I mean) and you'll end up with one more kid, your youngest and ofcourse...it’s a boy! Razlo will never let Livio live this down, he will tease Livio about this fact forever. “What like it was hard?” “Shut up Razlo” 
Does he want kids? Maybe?
•Razlos a little on the fence about kids at first. He’s spent his life training, protecting, killing. As cocky as he acts he isn’t sure he’d be a good dad.
•Once he get’s more settled into his life not constantly fighting he’ll start to consider it though, because Razlo does like kids it’s just...he spent his whole life protecting Livio he had just never really considered the fact he might one day have a family of his own
•When you’re pregnant he follows you around like a puppy, his broad form is like a large shadow keeping a watchful eye over your smaller form. Unlike Livio though he’s a little less scared of his strength, in fact he likes to use it to his advantage, why waste his gift right? so expect him to try to carry you around everywhere. Also don’t even think about lifting anything, that’s what he’s for!
•As mentioned in Livios if you are in a relationship with both Razlo and Livio then Razlo will only really try to get you pregnant once after all Livios kids born. He’s content with raising all the girls and one little boy. (Razlo also gets swept up into the parties. He puts up a bit more of a fight and complains and bit more then Livio does but he loves them so he deals with it.) 
•As for his little boy he tries to get him into more traditionally masculine things so he can have a break from playing princess but he’s actually very accepting of whatever his kids want to do. If his little boy end up liking the stuff he does? great! If he doesn’t and just wants to join his sisters? also great! I mean, he’s a little less thrilled there's now four sets of hands hastily applying lipstick to his face, but that’s life. (Jokes on him, it ends up being one of the little girls who’s a little tomboy. “papa Razlo? can we go catch bugs?” “Oh thank god yes let’s go”) 
•But!!! If you are in a relationship with just Razlo then it’s a bit different. He’ll probably end up with two kids, both boys. The first boy is alot like him, very loud, blunt, and protective. He’s also a bit of a trouble maker and it doesn’t help Razlo is a bit of a yes man which ends in both of them with their heads bowed while you scold them
•Your younger one is a bit more of a gentle soul. A lot more shy, more of an introvert and defiantly glued to you in his younger years. Razlo doesn’t 100% understand his interest as he gets older but he does try, in fact his shy nature reminds him a lot of Livio which makes him a bit protective of your youngest. in all he ends up being a great dad
Does he want kids? No.
•Now listen, you need to understand, this man did not have a good childhood, in fact he didn’t have a childhood.
•He doesn’t have any experience with kids and the way he was treated as a child...yeah he’s got a lot of trauma around the whole concept of children as a whole, and honestly it’d have to be pretty far in your relationship for him to even be willing to be physical enough with you to even have the chance to conceive a kid.    
•so no he doesn’t want kids. 
•but lets say accidents happen and somehow the two of you are a bit careless and you end up pregnant 
•oh boy are you ready? Because Legato makes me really sad. He’d be a bit distant during your pregnancy, he doesn’t really know how to feel about all this, he never imagined himself as a father and now...
•When your baby is first born (a little boy) you’re going to have to do all the care. It’s rough but honestly with his trauma? he’d be scared to death to touch his kid. He’s paranoid. He knows what he went through and he’s scared. What if he hurts his kid? What if the same thing happens to him? In reality he’d never and I mean never hurt his kid but it’s a common for this kind of paranoia in victims of the type of abuse Legato suffered.
•It’s a rough couple of first years but after some reassurance (and therapy! please get this man therapy!) He slowly comes around. No matter what though he’s protective. Like I said he knows how cruel humanity can be, and even in the first years with his paranoia he’ll be damned if anyone hurts his little boy. In fact he might go a bit over board and refuse to let anyone even touch him or pick him up besides you
•Once he settles in though...it’s not so bad. He slowly warms up to him, admittedly it’s a bit rocky at first. To your little boy Legato is a bit of a stranger living in the same house of him since Legato refuses to let himself get too close, but give it time and they’ll slowly bond.
“I’m told you like to read?” “...yeah” “maybe...I could give you some of my favorite books? would you like that?” “...okay.”
•Don’t worry!!! the two end up okay. Despite the less than ideal start, Legato gains more confidence the more he interacts with his son. Especially since they have a lot of the same interest. At the end of the day Legato realizes something, he want’s to give his kid the childhood he never got to have.
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eshtaresht · 6 months
Tag game! Tag nine people you would like to know better
I was tagged by @jaz--hands and @huginsmemory! thanks to both of ya!!
Last song: Хоровод by Операция Пластилин. it's one of my favorite bands and I'm relistening to all of their stuff rn due to spring (their music is just. very spring to me)
Favourite colour: green! many shades of green, tho mostly natural forest-y ones
Currently watching: nothing much apart from occasional stuff on youtube, but I'm listening to Milkman of St. Gaff's rn, recently finished the first season
Sweet/savoury/spicy: why must I choose one... I'm a type of beast that gets occasional cravings and all of these are on the list at some point. I got a sweet tooth and a-okay spice tolerance, but savory might be the most reliable option, can't go wrong with that one
Relationship status: blissfully maidenless :3 I'm on aro and ace spectrums so I'm not interested in pursuing any romantic relationships
Current obsession: grasping at last straws of my trigun obsession so I can finish my multi chapter fic... I'm still in the sauce it just shifted from hyperfixation to special interest. and I made a deal with myself to finish that wip before plunging into new fandoms (tho I can FEEL the next big thing for me is gonna be dungeon meshi)
out of non-fandom stuff, I recently became obsessed with filterless water tanks. I actually set one up on my desk and it's thriving! if all goes well, I can get cherry shrimp next week, which I'm super excited about (I don't plan on any fish for now, but it's full of different invertebrates that are even more interesting to me). also I got really into knitting sweaters and my current wip is almost finished
Last thing you googled: bryozoa (a type of colonial water animal, look it up, very interesting critters) because I spotted some in my tank and got exited
tagging (no pressure, as usual !!): @hollycircling @beelzebby666 @mydetheturk @madnessmadness @mutiny-huyutiny @defender-of-wilderness @whatever-you-can-give-me @corgiss @coffee-without-anesthetics
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dazaysh · 4 months
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MY GOSH it's been a whiiile, still in my dear old fandoms but this is a glimpse of what I've been up to as of late, featuring:
Tangerine the dearest! Watched Bullet Train yesterday and am still not over his departure. Literally the best character in the film (my opinion could be highly influenced by his overall coolness)
A couple of sketches of Karkat and Gamz from homestuck, which I've been rereading for a while. Might see more of them soon
A traditional drawing of a character whose I don't know shit from Vampire Hunter D., made for a friend of mine's birthday with basically dead copics borrowed from another friend. Well
Double treat of my most recent and UNHINGED obsession, Trigun. Watched everything out there, read the manga two times already and shed too many tears. Nothing else to add ig, READ IT!!
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noelles-legacy · 1 month
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Thx @choccy-milky and @karajluce for the tag<3
🎵LAST SONG- I don’t really listen to a ton of “individual” songs, I like listening to edit audio playlists. Normally if I listen to music I’m always in a certain mood, and those playlists really help me get into that zone. I also have a short attention span so the shorter edit audios really hit it for me… but if I were to actually pick a song I’d say labyrinth by miracle musical
🎨FAVORITE COLOR- dark red🩸
💿CURRENTLY WATCHING- I haven’t been watching a ton of shows recently, I don’t normally like to start new shows. I like to rewatch the ones I love or YouTube videos, mostly for background noise while I’m drawing 💀 but I can definitely list my favorites… 1998 Trigun, Castlevania, Avatar the last air bender, Neon genesis Evangelion, Sonic boom (it’s so stupid that I actually like it), and Ghost Stories eng dub (it’s iconic✨)
🎞️LAST MOVIE- Sleeping beauty, but if it means last movie I saw in theaters it would be Tarot, which me and my friend saw crazy high and don’t recommend watching it.
🍭🍟🔥SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY- sweet for sure but savory is a very close second. My ultimate weakness is ice cream and or cheesecake, and I’m not as picky when it comes to sweets. I love savory tho too, it’s hard to pass up some good ramen or fried chicken. Spicy is not even in the question, my bloodline cannot handle it 😭💀
💕RELATIONSHIP STATUS- other then all of the fictional crushes, irl me is enjoying the single life for now
🖤CURRENT OBSESSION- im going to take that as character obsessions instead lmao. Well, other than Ominis and hogwarts legacy, itachi (Naruto), Vincent valentine (final fantasy), Zelda (loz tears of the kingdom), Vash (98 Trigun), and so many more… I have phases lmao
💻LAST THING YOU GOOGLED- I’m looking for a new laptop, so it was a ton of research on that 😵‍💫
if you’re not in the list consider yourself tagged.
@the-ozzie @keri-mcberry @wrongcog @bassicallymaestra @boxdstars @lorrainmorgan @myokk @lamieboo @silvyadrakkon @siboom777
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dk-wren · 1 month
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I don't know why I did this, but here's an oversimplified chart mapping some of the anime I've watched and how I found them. And basically, a lot of the anime I've ended up watching can somehow be traced back to Buddy Daddies (which is about on par for this blog).
Several anime are missing from this chart, but I didn't feel a strong need to include them since I typically enjoyed the show, but wouldn't consider myself a fan.
Apologies for the image's poor quality. I don't know what happened when I downloaded it. I'll try to describe the chart below under a "Keep Reading" tab (and maybe add a little more commentary). Anyways, if you have questions, recommendations, or wanna comment on any of my choices, feel free to!
💜 Dakota Wren
Top right corner: Spy x Family marks the first anime my friend got me into and what launched this new interest? obsession?
Spy x Family connects to Buddy Daddies, which I found through Tumblr since people kept making comparisons between the two.
Buddy Daddies leads into a whole lotta other shows.
Biggest one is probably Trigun Stampede (and Trigun 98, which I watched after finishing Stampede). They're connected because they share VAs/Seiyuus (in both sub and dub) and have the same dynamic of golden retriever boyfriend and grumpy black cat.
A different friend first recommended Banana Fish to me, but this blonde hair/black hair dynamic that appeared in Buddy Daddies and Trigun also lead me to Banana Fish.
In terms of same Seiyuus, that is the main reason I ended up watching Yuri on Ice! and Horimiya.
I connected Buddy Daddies to SK8 the Infinity because of Tumblr recommendations, but this one's honestly a little fuzzy. I definitely learned about SK8 through Tumblr, but it could be more because of Yuri on Ice! and both shows being kinda really fruity sports animes. Matchablossom might've also been thrown in some fandom ship posts with Vashwood that I came across.
Horimiya was my entry point into the more slice of life, romance anime genre. It definitely was nice to not have to worry about big, life-altering stakes constantly looming over the protagonists, so that could be why I've been watching more anime that fall under this category.
Here you have My New Boss is Goofy, Mr. Villain's Day Off, and Cherry Magic. In a way, you could connect SK8 the Infinity to Cherry Magic because of shared VAs/Seiyuus, but I technically watched Cherry Magic before knowing who the voice actors for sub/dub were (that just became a bonus on rewatches).
And finally, yes, Buddy Daddies led me to Oshi No Ko, simply because Ayase performed the opening for Buddy Daddies, which led me to find Idol by YOASOBI. From there the plot just really grabbed my attention and after a lot recommending from my friend, I finally watched it.
In this section of I heard about it and gave it a chance after a friend strongly recommended it is Chainsaw Man, Oshi No Ko, and most recently, Apothecary Diaries.
Thanks for reading all of that! Hope you enjoyed!
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hikennosabo · 9 months
#tristampparty day 5, episode 5: child of blessing
day 5 of @tristampparty let's gooooo
our radio djs today are... show hayami!!! (aka original wolfwood) and masaya onosaka again! i'm OBSESSED with casting hayami as the religious radio dj, i love these cameos so much and clearly there was a lot of thought put into where the cameos would be. very very cool
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one thing i really think is interesting about trigun - every version of trigun - is the fact that god and religion (christianity) have such a presence but there is never confirmation one way or the other about the existence of god.
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who is Missionary Michael
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"newly"... we know they've been around for a while, though... and roberto's the guy with Information and Knowledge so i don't think he would make a mistake timeline-wise... EoM had an established presence in (or, more like an iron grip on) windmill village, so it's not like they were operating in complete secret until recently or anything like that. soooo, new relative to what?
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wind... typhoon... is this anything
wait no i'm cooking. rollo was born on a windless day -> vash met rollo when he was a baby, the photo is taken -> rollo, as we see in the flashback at the beginning of the episode, prays for wind, implying that there hasn't been any wind in a long time -> rollo runs away, meets vash again, vash makes a promise he can't keep -> rollo gets turned into monev the gale... GALE... WIND... -> vash returns, "reunites" with rollo -> monev gets killed -> the wind blows again
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this is when wolfwood notices that monev is a product of EoM... that's all he needs to know to decide what must be done.
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vash has no idea about EoM or the experiments or the village sacrificing children, BUT if he hadn't brought rollo back to the village... maybe none of this would have happened. or it could've ultimately played out the same. maybe rollo would have been found by someone else. or maybe he would have died out there in the desert. but still. another thing for vash to feel guilty about even though it wasn't really his fault.
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savior complex bouncing between him and knives like a ping pong ball
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i love the phrasing. he's not god. he's a man. as much as he positions himself as a god, he's still... very human. as loathe as he would be to admit that.
*looks at previous screenshot* i'm seeing a pattern here.
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as much as i don't like elendira ii, i think we should consider also giving little fangs to elendira i.
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SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS I DON'T LIKE. tristamp conrad is so unbelievably cruel, what the hell. don't get me wrong he's still not GOOD in the manga and he DOES bear responsibility for, y'know, resurrecting knives and all... and generally being too little too late in taking action against knives... but THIS conrad is just so. ugh. why did they do him like this...
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so the timeline would be...
20 years ago, the village was destroyed. assuming he was in the lab for 5 years (in other words, he was not let out and could have not wrecked the town during that time), would mean 25 years ago, rollo was taken and became monev. we don't know exactly how old he was at the time, let's say he was 10 for the sake of keeping it even. so ~35 years ago the photo with vash was taken, give or take.
we also don't know how many children were taken before rollo, or how often. but it was an established practice in the village which no one questioned. how long has this been going on exactly?
also just wanted to note that roberto notices the EoM banner in the house. i think that's a detail that gets forgotten because meryl finds the photo of vash right after... but remember that roberto is the one who tells us what EoM is (or rather, what their cover story is) in the first place...
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... i don't need to say anything.
actually no there is something i want to say. right after this, monev loses one of his gun... arm... gloves...? uncovering his hand underneath. and also his mask turns off. and we see his face. in other words, there's still a human under there.
wolfwood vial count: 1
wolfwood drinking a vial right before shooting monev... revealing/reinforcing his own "inhumanity" (to the audience? to himself?) right before mercy killing a fellow EoM victim...
i wonder what vash would have done had wolfwood not killed rollo. like. what was the plan. was there a plan? (probably not...) like, had rollo lived, he wouldn't have been able to live a normal life no matter how you look at it, right? wolfwood's mercy kill seems to have been not just the right call, but perhaps the only call...?
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vash asking him to wake up... foreshadowing perhaps. maybe foreshadowing livio not actually dying from a gunshot wound to the head, unlike monev. or maybe foreshadowing the words vash might say when... no. i shan't.
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speaking of livio... this is gonna come back next episode.
yeah, a lot of what wolfwood says about monev can be applied to himself and livio both. really makes you think.
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god i love that the village lights up after everything is over. it makes me think... i don't know what to make of this. like. the reason why the village kept sacrificing children to EoM was because they believed sacrifices would bring blessings. and we know the village was struggling due to a lack of wind. so was EoM preventing the wind from blowing somehow?? there's no way, right??? how would they even do that...? and why would they continue to prevent the wind from blowing in a place that got destroyed 20 years ago?? so this brings me back to the beginning of this post... does god actually exist in this universe?? did god make the wind blow??? and why now? i... i don't know!!! i don't know, man!!!
i do like the way orange adapted monev. or... adapted isn't the right word. they reimagined him from the ground up. they made him more intertwined with vash, used him as a vehicle to introduce EoM, tied him into wolfwood and vash's clash of ideals... and the episode itself is tight, self-contained. and very tragic.
we don't actually know that much about the original monev... he was imprisoned, he has a line about "the man i thought was my father"... i don't remember anything else. the main reason why the monev fight in 98/trimax is memorable is because it contains vash's diablo moment, and it's the first time we really see him seriously consider killing someone. but here, this version of monev... well, we get the opposite. vash wants to avoid killing monev - rollo - at all costs. makes me wonder if we'll get a diablo moment from vash in season 2...
there's probably more to say but i'm tired and my brain isn't working at full capacity lol i need to go to bed. see you tomorrow for episode 6!
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 9 months
prefacing this with the most recent person was quite polite about it so i'm not, like, pissed about it or anything, but people keep dunking on plantcest shippers in the tags of my bigger trigun meta and it's like...tilts my head at you. hi, i'm op! i'm a plantcest shipper.
there's this assumption i keep seeing, that i can't both be interested in analyzing the nasty, perverse aspects of a character's dynamic in a literary, objective fashion, while also writing about them kissing for fun. but really i think both are interesting ways of interacting with a text. and also, writing about them kissing is also a venue for literary analysis. because who says you can't explore the horror of a dynamic while romanticizing/sexualizing/fetishizing it? that's what i like to do.
there's also this thing with plantcest where if you write about them interacting in a romantic/sexual context you can explore, like, these really intense and overwhelming themes of obsession and grief and hatred and how love, despite it all, persists. and to me this is an equally valid and intelligent lens for analysis and artistry.
i also want to note that of the people i've met who i think really understand and grapple with the themes of trigun, and the characters, and have the most impactful and intelligent takes on the twins (knives especially), every single one was a plantcest shipper. like. i won't say every kvk shipper has interesting things to say about knives and the twins' dynamic, but of the people who do, they look the incestuous themes in the eye and decide to wrestle with them. a lot of them think those themes are sexy. which i really respect.
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