#but after quirklessness and the creek incident
gentrychild · 2 years
If the ask game is still open:
AU where Izuku really was tricking Bakugo for ten years.
1 - You would think it was in retaliation for the creek incident but it's actually because Katsuki burned Izuku's All Might card so Izuku had the very reasonable reaction of deciding to fuck with him for the next ten years. Because in this house, we love and respect Petty Izuku.
2 - Not only did he convince everyone in Aldera to pretend to bully him, including the teachers, but he also make tests every three weeks so Katsuki would have the possibility not to act like an ass, and the whole thing would have been revealed as a secret test of character. Even the Sludge villain thing was a test designed by Izuku.
3 - I cannot stress enough that the whole Aldera experience was fun for Izuku. There was a secret group chat in which Bakugou wasn't invited. Izuku and his classmates went to karaokes and parties after school. The whole ruse almost fell apart because of a sport festival where Izuku's classmates forgot to be mean to him. And it started with "Hey, do you want to mess with Kacchan?" and EVERYONE answered "Yes, he is kind of an asshole, we would love nothing more than to mess with him, just send us pictures when he realizes his whole life has been a lie."
4 - Izuku springs that on him during the first hero lesson, with the consequences you know from reading One Lie For A Good Cause. The whole video is sent to everyone in Aldera, and half of Mustafu because so many people were on it, you wouldn't believe it.
5 - However, once Katsuki is out of his rage coma, he points out that it's highly suspicious that Izuku got All Might's exact quirk, so late, and that he breaks his bones like he just got it. Slowly, he discovers the OFA secret, gets in the meetings, and so on.
+ 1 - During the meeting where All Might talks about Nana and Bakugou laughs at Deku for having a bunch of sub par quirk, Izuku's phone rings because of an alert. On the screen, you can read "It's been exactly ten years." Izuku turns towards Katsuki and say "Oh, Kacchan, did you really believe I was quirkless this whole time?" and reveals that the whole OFA thing is bullshit. He does have a quirk; Transfer. He was given All Might's quirk because he was looking for a successor.
+ 2 - Katsuki never gets a clear answer as if Kamino was also one of Izuku's "tests".
Goji is referencing this FIC, just so you know.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
AU where the creek incident went different. Bakugou hit his head and it’s Izuku’s intervention what saves his life.
1- head wounds bleed a lot, scary for a kid so the others panic, while he just keeps saying he's fine and just tired with a headache, Izuku says that's probably a concussion and he's not allowed to sleep until Izuku drags him out of the woods and asks the nearest adult to call an ambulance
2- Bakugou is a proud kid so he absolutely protests when the other kids say Izuku saved his life, pointing out that it was the doctors who did that, don't erase their hard work you idiot.... But ugh, fine, Deku helped and he'd make a good EMT, maybe can manage that when they play hero agency
3- Izuku like, kinda actually likes the idea? He always sees it as wanting to be a hero and an EMT and isn't happy that everyone says he really only can do the latter and should focus on that. Really takes the joy out of it for him... But at least he's helping people, so he decides to give it a shot at the hero school entrance exam- UA being the only one within commuting distance to allow quirkless applicants- and then if it doesn't work, go for EMT.
4- He ends up getting into the general course, though when his homeroom teacher Plasmix hears his career goals the first week, he actually encourages it, telling Izuku he got a few rescue points during the entrance exam and that's a great sign, even if it wasn't enough for heroics. Izuku can't believe it, asking to know more, and Plasmix tells him about possible transfers into the hero course. Then his teacher gets paged and suddenly has to run off.
5- Izuku doesn't know why until he's walking home with Bakugou. (Bakugou: we're not walking together we're just headed the same direction) He mentions transferring in and Bakugou exasperatedly asks when he'll give it up- heroics is dangerous! The class of third years got attacked by villains during training today, that's why why all the hero teachers got called in! Izuku can help plenty of people as an EMT and he'd probably barely make it, crybaby he is, he isn't cut out to be a hero and he'd have a quirk if he was supposed to be one! (Bakugou is venting some of the stress of suddenly having competition on him.) Izuku points out a real hero thinks he should give a try, and asks if Bakugou actually would rather have died than have Izuku save his life. They don't walk home together after that, both training and preparing for the SF in their own ways.
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meeko-mar · 2 years
(spoilers for recent manga chapters)Thought:
While ShigAFO is bearing down on Bakugou again, wanting to get rid of BK before his control over Tenko slips again (and assuming he does so even after the Big 3's interruption and amajiki's current play)
We have Bakugou clearly seeing him in that one panel of 361(and he is still sparking)
We get Bakugou's perspective once again. He flashes back to the very first time he'd ever met Izuku with his mom and Inko. The two moms introduce and want their kids to play together. Izuku is of course smaller and much more sensitive than Katsuki, Mitsuki brings this up and tells Katsuki,
"Hey, watch out for Inko's kid, okay? Protect him!" Or something to that effect.
And little Katsuki looks over at this tiny, nervous, freckled boy with enormous green eyes, who's being encouraged out of his initial shyness by Inko, looks back at his mom with a huffy little "Fine..."
Of course, as we all know, Katsuki doesn't live up to this much beyond this point, but that's kind of how they're introduced. Izuku quickly slips into "kacchan sugoi" mode and continues to live there for eternity, meanwhile Kacchan takes this as his first inclination, one of the formative notes of him being special, that "YEAH, I'm the powerful one. I'm the HERO and IZUKU is the one who needs protecting." and so it shapes their relationship. Until Izuku starts showing HIS heroic side that Kacchan takes as a threat to HIS OWN power and heroics and resorts to his bully tactics for the rest of their childhood--- thus their entire relationship from there on out getting fucked up.
Flash back to Katsuki in the battle, recalling all this, and remembering his original, very distant promise of protecting Izuku, looking out for him.
And it has just been sinking in about how AFO just told him in so many words that HE was going to be brutally killed and shown to Izuku as a means to HURT Izuku.
And that being the final motivation he needs to get up and start moving again.
Because even though it was just such a little thing that his mom said to him when he was just a tiny, Quirkless little kid, he knows he made a promise and he should have kept it all these years...But he didn't. But he's going to keep living and KEEPING that promise. Like hell is AFO going to hurt Izuku while he's around. He knows now that Izuku is more than capable of protecting and saving, but he also knows, intimately well, that Izuku NEVER PROTECTS HIMSELF.
Thus his Quirk evolves, Izuku shows back up and we get a team up we've been waiting for, etc etc
(once again I state I just really want to see how exactly these two first met)
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gojifan97 · 2 years
Role-reversal AU where Bakugō is the one born Quirkless & Izuku is the one gifted with a flashy, powerful Quirk. But their personalities are the same just like canon.
Everyone fawned over Bakugo when they were young, since he was a prodigy at everything. Therefore, learning he was quirkless, and that Deku had a strong quirk twas a serious blow to his ego.
Since he still received his mom's fiery temper and intense personality, this leads him to swear he'd become the world's first quirkless hero and upstage all the other people at their school.
His friendship with Izuku fractures over the creek incident, though for opposite reasons. This time he wants to prove himself and sees Izuku helping him as him being unfairly propped up. He doesn't bully Izuku, but he's also not friends.
This lasts about a week before he forces Izuku to fight him. Izuku doesn't want to at first, he doesn't want to be a bully, but Bakugo forces his hand.
Izuku tries to apologize after winning, but Bakugo punches him, tells him not to dare do that, and he'd win next time. Izuku thinks this means Kacchan wants to be friends again!
Bakugo goes to any dojo or training place that'll take him to learn how to fight. He also learns a bit about making gadgetry, dance, and any other skill that'll help him become a hero.
Izuku is much more outgoing and confident in this AU. He also does more extracurriculars since he's not worried about others, but he's still primarily a hero fanboy.
He has suck-ups following him. Izuku even thinks they're his friends, but he still has an offputting feeling around them. He much prefers Kacchan. His willingness to cuss Izuku off is quite refreshing (nobody can understand why).
After he lost their fight, Bakugo began playing with Izuku again (to scout the enemy of course). Izuku and him soon become rivals. Nobody is quite sure if they're friends or enemies. Izuku says the former, Bakugo says the latter. Izuku thinks Kacchan's joking. He is the only one to do so.
This conversation happens.
Extra: So...what is you guys' relationship?
Izuku and Katsuki (simultaneous): Best friends/Worst enemies.
Katsuki is actually kind of protective toward Izuku. He warned Izuku that his "friends" didn't care about him, and once even scared away a girl he knew only wanted to be with Izuku for social clout.
He claims this is because he hates those pathetic weasels more than he hates Izuku.
Izuku believes it's because they're good friends.
Izuku and him constantly fight. Izuku always wins, unless he fights without his quirk. At first Katsuki thought he wanted to fight quirkless out of pity, but Izuku explained he actually wants to be a better Hero, which Katsuki appreciated.
At UA, Izuku gets OFA from AM, who thought he was the perfect choice after seeing him save an innocent without thinking. Bakugo is the only other person in the know. When Izuku explained it, his only reaction was:
Katsuki: Offer it to me, and I murder you.
All Might assumes the two are standard Shonen rivals and lets them train together. However, sometimes he wonders if they're quite as good of friends as Izuku believes.
Katsuki fights with the same style as canon thanks to some explosive gauntlets made by a friend he made in an inventing camp: Mei Hatsumei. Nobody's sure if they're legal, but they never ask.
Only Nezu knows, and he's not telling.
Izuku's dad is AFO. His "quirk" is actually the original Blackwhip, stolen off of Lariat's corpse. Izuku wasn't naturally quirkless though. His real quirk is All for One.
He is very happy to rob Nomu blind. And Bakugo is happy to help as long as he gets to blow something up!
(Oh, and Izuku was right all along. They are friends. Bakugo was just in denial)
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
AU where Bakugou remained friends with Izuku!
Bakugou had two choices when Midoriya offered him a helping hand up from the creek: assume this was a personal attack on him and his abilities and hold a grudge over it for over a decade, or not do that. He chooses the latter.
Midoriya has a much better time growing up since Bakugou is the cool kid all the teachers love so while a lot of them look down on Midoriya, they won't do much more than sneer or shoot disapproving glances because the one person who tired to do worse Incurred The Wrath Of Bakugou Katsuki and everyone learned their lesson
There is no Sludge Villain Incident. Midoriya and Bakugou don't stay after school so the Villain gets caught without being able to attack anyone
Bakugou puts a lot of time and effort into training and improving, and Midoriya gets pulled into this, so he's fairly physically capable himself.
Midoriya barely gets into UA Quirkless, but he does it. He's assigned to Vlad King's class, catching the eye of the newest UA teacher in the process.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 20 BKDK Moments (So Far)
by mysterylover123
Warning, anime onlys: I’ll be mentioning Manga stuff, though only 2 of them are all that spoiler-y
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3.19 “RUSH!” Provisional License Exam Arc
What Happens: Bakugo asks Midoriya if he’s made ‘that borrowed power’ his own, complimenting him indirectly by saying that of course he passed. Deku gets super excited at being complimented by him.
Why I like it: For all the shit they throw at one another early on, BK & DK do really look up to/respect each other. They won’t admit it easily, but scenes like this (and a later scene in Chapter 194, where Deku compliments Kacchan and he too reacts extremely) showcase that respect. I love it. Also, Kacchan knows Deku’s AM’s inheritor already.
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Chapter 168 “The Strange Tale of Aoyama” Interlude arcs
What happens. Post Internship arc, Bakugo asks Deku if he’s gotten any better since they last talked. Deku says no, and Bakugo reminds him that he said he’d surpass him. This prompts Deku to work harder.
Why I like it: Ideal RivalShipping is about two characters pushing each other to be their best selves. Bakugo is great at getting Deku to try harder, just as Deku prompts his best self.
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Backstory flashback, multiple times. Mostly Battle Trial Arc
What happens: Baby Deku and Kacchan walk through the woods together, talking about quirks, before DK is found to be quirkless. This is one of many scenes of Baby Deku and Kacchan being casual friends.
Why I like it: I love the cute scenes of them as kids, where they seem to be actual friends and hang out together, bonding over All-Might and quirks and heroes. I hope we get to see them hang out like that again as adults some day.
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Chapter 217: End of joint Training Arc
What Happens: Kacchan joins in the AM and Deku talks (for the 2nd time) to discuss what’s happening with OFA. He also works with Deku on trying to master his new ability.
Why I like it: Bakugo is instantly able to help Deku zero in on the information he needs up joining the secret OFA talks, in a way that AM wasn’t able to. He makes a great partner for Deku here, getting right to the point and refusing to waste time.
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Hero-Killer Arc, 2.14-2.19
What Happens: Deku is trying to master OFA. He thinks about how he wants to move, and uses Kacchan’s moves as his model. He’s able to discover Full Cowling like this, which lets him fight Stain and do well in the race - and everyone notices (Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugo) that he’s moving like Kacchan.
Why I like it: Deku has lots of moments where he thinks “What would Kacchan do” or tries to model himself on the guy. He admires the crap out of him - but not in the blind way he tries to imitate AM, or Ochaco tries to imitate Deku, or Iida Ingenium. Because Deku doesn’t hero-worship Baku, but sees his flaws, he’s able to imitate him without losing himself.
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Battle Trial Arc, 1.07-1.08
What happens: Midoriya and Uraraka are pitted against Kacchan and Iida in mock battle. Midoriya goes on and on and on about how awesome Kacchan is and how much he wants to beat him - first in a speech to Uraraka, later telling Bakugo to his face.
Why I like it: Deku really looks up to Kacchan, and even at their most adversarial, he still talks about him in positive terms and speaks of him as a cool guy he wants to surpass. Deku doing this is also good for Bakugo, since he’s able to acknowledge his flaws and strengths without kissing his ass like his sidekicks in middle school; Deku beating him upsets his pride and sets off his Character Development.
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3.17 Class 1-A, License Exam Arc
What Happens: Aizawa meta’s about his class with Ms Joke, explaining that Deku and Kacchan are the center of every Class A incident, and despite not getting along, their presence elevates everyone else up.
Why I like it: The staff of UA seem to ship BKDK. They teamed them up to fight AM and encourage them to get along. Aizawa sees clearly how each one inspires everyone else. This speech groups them together as a duo who act in tandem. Twin Stars.
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2.24 “Katsuki Bakugo origin” Flashback
What happens. Baby Kacchan fights off a bunch of older kids, even though he’s in tears. Baby Deku watches him from afar and looks deeply impressed.
Why I like it: Deku seems to have admired Kacchan since he was really, really young. I’m not sure when this scene takes place, but Deku’s big smile and wide, shining eyes when watching Bakugo seem like a mark of affection and love to me.
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3.23 Deku vs Kacchan Part 2
What happens: Post Fight, under house arrest alone, Deku and Kacchan have a very civil conversation, where depending on the translation either Deku brings up Shoot style and asks for advice, or Kacchan offers it on his own. Ends with Deku smiling.
Why I like it: Post-DVK2, they immediately establish that they’re now capable of talking to each other in civil terms. Kacchan gives Deku civil advice, and despite saying ‘it pissed me off’, the whole exchange is beautifully positive.
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1.12 All Might USJ Arc
What happens: Deku jumps in to save Al Might and is nearly killed by Kurogiri. At the last second Kacchan saves him by taking down Kurogiri. Also Later Kacchan is nearly killed and Deku screams in horror.
Why I like it: Bakugo doesn’t have a ton of scenes where he saves Deku, but the few times he does save someone/show concern for them, it’s usually him. This is Baku’s first save, and though he phrases it in rude terms, he still does it. Actions> words.
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Chapter 202, joint Training Arc
What Happens: Deku and AM go off to talk OFA. Kacchan refuses to be left out and joins them voluntarily. Noticing Deku is upset he encourages him in his own way, which AM observes. Once Deku smiles, Kacchan goes back to being his abrasive self.
Why I Like it: Baku is newly nicer (in his Tsundere way) after DVK2. He’s actually able to be kind to Deku and encouraging. This is similar to the advice the OFA users give Deku later, which helps him actually use the power. OFA Co-conspirators FTW.
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3.11-3.12 US of Smash
What Happens: Post All Might’s fight, Kacchan notices Deku’s tears and AM’s words, and puts the pieces together. He asks AM about Deku and when he’s shot down he remains quiet and brooding.
Why I like it: Bakugo changes forever in this section of the story. He realizes the truth about Deku. He blames himself for ending AM. He asks about Deku and shows awareness that something’s up with him. It’s all very self-aware and sweet.
(#8-2, examples of super-mega-ultra concern for each other)
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3.04-3.10 Training Camp and Hideout Raid Arcs
What Happens: While fighting Muscular, Deku learns that Kacchan is in danger. He goes psycho Madman Deku mode for the whole Training Camp Arc, refusing to pause or rest until he’s saved Kacchan. He falls apart when Kacchan is taken, then immediately goes off to save him again even though he could die.
Why I like it. Deku likes saving people in general, but when someone threatens Kacchan, he goes crazy in a way he doesn’t for anyone else. He spends this whole arc hopped up on “Must save Kacchan” juice and keeps pushing and going no matter what. He cares about the guy, no two ways about it.
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3.07 “What a Twist!”
What happens: Bakugo is captured by villains. He’s being dragged through the portal and Deku comes barreling towards him with two broken arms, fully prepared to jump through the portal and die just to save him. Bakugo tells him not to and Deku listens.
Why I like it: Though this arc is filled with Deku being crazy protective of Baku, Baku gets his own fair share in right here. He tells Deku not to basically die protecting him, and Deku listens. Baku basically saves his life here, at the expense of his own.
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Backstory flashback repeated a lot.
What happens: Baby Kacchan slips and falls into a creek. Baby Deku goes down to help him up and asks if he’s ok. This offends Baby Kacchan’s pride.
Why I like it: Bakugo probably never had anyone treat him like a fallible human being until Deku came along. Everyone told him he was amazing and could never be hurt - but Deku doesn’t. That bruises his ego at first, but in reality it’s exactly what he needs: Someone who cares about him and will protect him, while still admiring him. (Plus this scene is cute).
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Chapter 210, Joint Training Arc
What Happens: In an effort to piss Deku off and get him to talk, Monoma using Shinso’s power taunts him about Bakugo, saying that Bakugo shouldn’t be able to smile since he destroyed All Might. Deku’s new quirk goes PsychoBerserker out of control in response.
Why I like it: Deku’s power-ups are often connected with Baku in some way. Like many superpowers, OFA seems to be fueled by emotions. So targeting Bakugo brings out Deku’s greatest powers. In this case, though, it’s not a villain trying to hurt him. It’s someone insulting him. And that means Deku will defend Kacchan’s honor and feelings as well as his safety.
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1.08 “Bakugo’s Start Line”
What Happens: Post Battle Trial Arc, Bakugo is in emotional freeful. Deku notices and chases after him, telling him for no goddamn good reason that he has an inherited power. Kacchan doesn’t believe him and instead pours his heart out to him, crying and promising to beat him.
Why I like it: Buncha reasons. 1) Deku ditches all his lovely friends, including Ochaco, to go comfort Kacchan. Even in the same way Ochaco just ditched Kaminari. 2) Deku tells Kacchan about OFA. He won’t tell anyone else, he just decided comforting Kacchan was more important than his entire reason for being here. 3) Kacchan cries in front of Deku and tells him how he feels insecure. He doesn’t do that in front of anyone else. 4) Warm lighting, deep eye contact, and the beginning of a beautiful rivalry.
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2.24 “Katsuki Bakugo Origin”
What happens: Deku and Kacchan work together to fight AM, after a nasty fight. Deku calls Kacchan out for not being himself. Kacchan sacrifices his body to make sure Deku can escape. Deku socks AM in the face to protect Kacchan. They win.
Why I like it: For a moment that started out so dark (sock to the face), this one gets sweet fast. On Deku’s side: He reprimands Kacchan for not acting like himself, compliments his can-do- attitude, and works together with him, overcoming his fear; he finds the strength to punch AM in the face to save Kacchan, with a callback to ep 2. Kacchan’s strength helps Deku win. On Kacchan’s side: He works with Deku to win, giving him his gauntlet, and sacrifices his safety so Deku can get out, even sounding kinda concerned for him when he gets in danger. They showcase what a great team they could/will make when they work together.
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Chapter 1/Episode 2: Izuku Midoriya Origin/What it Takes to be a Hero
What happens: Deku, in a fit of depression, sees the monster AM saved him from suffocating some kid. He’s freaking out till he sees that it’s Kacchan. He runs into deadly danger to save Kacchan, inspiring AM to save them both.
Why I like it: Because this moment changed Deku’s entire life and Kacchan’s as well. Deku’s legs ‘move’ before he can think. And it’s explicitly because it’s Kacchan in danger; he doesn’t move until he sees Kacchan’s terrified eyes. Kacchan also shows concern for Deku, telling him to get away (he didn’t say that to the pros trying to save him) so he doesn’t die. This is another scene that follows up on an awful fight between the two, and changes both lives forever. Saving Kacchan gets Deku OFA. Being saved by Deku opens Kacchan to his humility for the first time and stops him from hassling Deku. Plus, just a super-snippy moment to me.
BONUS: Anime only, OPS & EDS
OP 1: The Day
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Deku and Kacchan are surrounded by the romantic cherry blossom trees.
OP 3: Sora Ni Utaeba
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Deku and Kacchan brooding on each other.
ED 3: Datte Atashi No Hiro 
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Admitted by the writer to be about Deku’s feelings for Kacchan. Fantasy Deku with his hand over his heart watching Kacchan. BKDK teaming up in Fantasy AU to beat All Might as they look each other deeply in the eyes.
2.24 OG
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Anime-only Kabe-Don scene.
OP 4: Odd Future
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Deku’s head bows when Kacchan is stolen.
ED 4: Update
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“Cause I love, cause I love, cause I love being with you.” While they watch the stars together.
OP 5: Make My Story
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2 halves, one whole.
#1. Deku vs Kacchan Part 2
Chapter 116-121/Episodes 3.22-3.23
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“It’s about your quirk…If your way of looking at him was right, does that mean my admiration was wrong?”
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“No matter how many times I pushed you away, you always keep coming back!”
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“We never talked about our real feelings…”
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“Why was I the reason for All Might’s end?”
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“The only one who can receive Kacchan’s feelings is me.”
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“To me, you were an amazing, inspiring person, who was much closer to me than All Might. That’s why I kept chasing after you” (is it me or does this sound exactly like Hinata’s love confession to Naruto in the Invasion of Pein arc?)
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“This is gross, so I can’t tell you, but…you’re my image of victory.”
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“If the two of you recognize each other, and honestly raise each other up, you can become the best heroes, who both win and rescue.”
What Happens: Deku and Kacchan tell each other how they really feel. Through a fight because Shonen.
Why I like it: AM himself says it. They’re perfectly matched. They need each other to become the greatest heroes. Kacchan knows he can only talk to Deku about how he’s feeling; nobody else can receive his feelings. Deku loves and admires Kacchan as his friend, not his Great Hero like AM. It’s just perfect.
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Bakugou’s Fear of Mediocrity and Human Weakness
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It’s interesting to see Bakugou’s inner thought process here as he prepares to fight this villain (from the 1st chapter of the spin-off tie-in manga to the Heroes: Rising movie, “Deku & Bakugo: Rising”), especially knowing what we know now about Bakugou and his fears about him not actually being as great as he thinks he is.
For one, the line about “[m]ost of the top heroes show[ing] signs of greatness even as students” echoes the line Bakugou says in the very first chapter of the manga proper:
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Both monologues get across similar messages, but I think the one from the spin-off is a little more revealing/blatant, especially with the line “I’m not just a normal middle schooler. I’ll show them I’m different and rise to the top.” This line from the spin-off suggests that Bakugou doesn’t quite think he’s unique from the rest of his peers yet, and that he’s desperate to use this chance to finally prove himself to everybody. Meanwhile, the line from the manga makes him seem more confident in himself, that he’s sure that he’ll be the only one to succeed, while simultaneously disparaging the rest of his classmates. Of course, his words contradict his actions here: Bakugou isn’t as confident in this outcome as he seems, since he goes out of his way to discourage Deku from applying to U.A. because he actually feels threatened by him. Bakugou being the only one to get into U.A. would be a way of him validating his belief (read: hope) that he’s the best after all. Additionally, Bakugou goes on about being the first and only hero/U.A. student originating from Aldera, which, in theory, would be an easy accomplishment, since the middle school is supposedly devoid of any promising hero applicants. This achievement of him being the only one to succeed would also make him seem all the more impressive and exceptional—a unique case, so to speak. His goal should be guaranteed... if it wasn’t for Deku.
So both scenes carry the same idea, but Bakugou is a little more honest to himself in his head (makes sense, naturally). There’s this kind of sad, desperate urgency I get from the spin-off that I don’t get from the manga. It’s just a weird train of thought to have when hunting down a villain, that he’s using this opportunity to prove to everyone (and himself) he’s the great prodigy they made him out to be his whole life. Even though he still needs to reassure himself that he’s not ordinary and is actually “different.”
This whole idea of Bakugou wanting to rise above everyone else stems from this fear of mediocrity. It calls to mind how the literal translation of “Quirk” from Japanese means “Individuality” (the word “quirk” itself also implies some unique trait). This means that your Quirk is essentially what makes you, you. It's what makes you stand out among everyone else. Because Bakugou does place a lot of faith in his Quirk getting him to the top, distinguishing him as someone special. 
The interesting thing is that Bakugou initially wasn’t really aware that he was just more naturally adept—sans Quirk—than other kids his age growing up. The way he comes off in his childhood flashbacks in the manga make him seem more naive, not really understanding why everyone else just can’t as easily grasp the skills he masters so easily:
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(I would argue that even current Bakugou doesn’t notice his other good qualities/talents as much, which is probably why it’s so easy for him to twist them into something bad or forget them entirely, and instead fixate solely on his Quirk. This is especially important when it comes to Heroism as a career, and his need to take more things than just raw power into consideration).
The theory that he’s just “better than everyone else” doesn’t fully cement until he gets his Quirk. With this, Bakugou seems to think of himself as someone almost godly or invincible, as someone almost more than just... human. Which is why I think he’s so averse to any suggestion that he has any weaknesses—it’s a reminder that he’s indeed human after all. He’s mortal and fallible and need help sometimes. And being human brings him back down to the level of everyone else, but perhaps even further beneath them, which is exemplified in the infamous creek scene where Deku tries to help Bakugou. And again when Deku tries to save him from the sludge villain. And repeated other instances throughout their lives. Because if Deku, someone who doesn’t even have a Quirk or anything that makes him special, is somehow is able to do something for him, then what does that make Bakugou? If Quirkless Deku is somehow better than Quirk-holder Bakugou, then Bakugou’s power—which is something he built his self-esteem around—essentially means nothing in comparison. Bakugou ends up being just like everyone else, but worse: someone so weak that they need help from a “worthless Deku.”
Another important thing to note is that part of why Bakugou neglects to think of himself as human is because most people never really treated him as such. For one, everybody almost exclusively praised him for his superficial or material strengths that it gave him the idea that he was perfect and had no flaws. In turn, he carries himself this way around others, thus perpetuating how everybody else sees him: as someone who never needs help. I could write a whole other essay on its own of how many times people in the BNHA universe assume that Bakugou doesn’t need help, or that he’s stronger than he actually is. The time the heroes left him to fend off the sludge villain is but one example. Even when Bakugou fell off that log as a child, his other friends disregarded the possibility that he might be hurt, because he’s “strong.” In terms of emotional need, nobody, not even his parents, suspected that Bakugou was still suffering emotionally from the Kamino incident, and that he wasn’t handling it as well as everyone thought he was (Talk about a poker face! For someone so outwardly expressive, it’s stunning to see how well he hides his suffering. The greatest hint we get is him being unusually quiet). All Might even points out his failure to recognize this. As much as Bakugou is responsible for his own actions, others have failed him repeatedly too.
I know I said that “people failing to recognize when Bakugou needs help” could be another post on its own, but I want to point out one scene (or rather two) in particular that showcase how much Bakugou really does need emotional and physical help sometimes.
For one, when All Might and the rescue operation break into the LoV’s hideout to retrieve Bakugou, All Might’s first priority is to verbally comfort/reassure him, as per Nana Shimura’s adage to not only save a person’s life, but their heart/spirit as well. He gives the whole “We are here” line and tells Bakugou he’s okay...
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Though he outwardly denies it, the truth of the matter is, Bakugou really was in trouble and needed their help, and he truly was scared. This is clear enough by his initial reaction, which he quickly covers up with a defensive response immediately afterwards. I can’t say for sure whether All Might’s words made him feel much better, but I assume it must have given him at least a little peace of mind.
A similar thing happens when Deku and company pull Bakugou out of the following fight. Again, Bakugou is initially grateful to the team because he really did need their assistance to escape the battle grounds. Though he goes back to grumbling and arguing with Iida immediately after, and denies their part in saving him after they’ve fully escaped, his grateful/relieved, perhaps lightly disapproving smile when grabbing Kirishima’s hand reveals his true feelings.
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On a somewhat different note, when Bakugou is having issues, people address them in a poor and/or dehumanizing manner: see the way he was chained and muzzled at the end of the Sports Festival. And not to get too much into the Mitsuki discourse, but the way she tries to curb her son’s behavior does not seem to help either.
Because Bakugou is so ingrained in this mentality that he’s supposed to be invulnerable, he isn’t able to interpret basic human concern properly when it’s shown to him, notably when it’s one of the few people who ever treated him like a human being: Deku. Not only that, but Deku knew Bakugou before he got his Quirk, and admired him for his other traits as well, such as his confidence and determination. But Deku never blindly idolized his friend either: he notes several times (to other people) Bakugou’s bad qualities too. The distinction here is that Deku never paints Bakugou as a lesser or bad person for it. Instead, he accepts who Bakugou is as a whole, while still acknowledging him as someone worth looking up to.
An investment in being the best is fine and all on its own, but not when it starts to infest other aspects of your life, especially socially. Bakugou’s antisocial tendencies are probably mostly due to him just deeming activities that don’t allow him to prove himself as a waste of time, but I also feel that some of it is due to his fear of appearing as a normal human being—as someone who sometimes just wants to spend time with his friends purely for the sake of enjoying their company. As someone who needs other people. I think this also kind of applies to his inability to be emotionally vulnerable around others, as well as to accept acts of kindness and affection. It’s what makes him human. This is why Bakugou only comes to Deku when he needs to open up—because Deku is one of the few people who knows him for everything he is, who recognizes him as a flawed individual. And again, Deku never looks down on him for anything (despite Bakugou’s former belief). Not even when Bakugou cries.
All this really comes down to is Bakugou accepting other people’s help and relying more on collaboration than just taking on enemies solo. I think having him participate in other, non-combative activities, such as playing in a band in the School Festival Arc, is a good way to ease him into this methodology. Also, since it seems to be a trend at this point, it’d be nice to see him be hugged at least once without making a face. Though I do think it’s at least good that people are being more attentive to his emotional needs, whether it be in praising him (when it’s warranted), or comforting him (even if he thinks he doesn’t need it). Like yeah, I highly doubt Bakugou will ever be much of a touchy-feely person.  But at the very least, he needs to know that other people care about him as a human being, and that this concern doesn’t make him any less of a talented, powerful individual.
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gojifan97 · 3 years
Au, Izuku has digimons as his quirk. Like one day, he wakes up to see a cute creature on the day of his 4th birthday and a watch on his lamp counter.
Ooh! A fun one! Let me see...
It's not really a quirk, it's an actual Digimon. Izuku has the basics explained to him but continues to say it’s a quirk to everyone else. His partner Digimon would probably be either Pataman, Guilmon or Terriermon. He quickly learns what his digimon partner's abilities are and how to use his Digivice thanks to his analytical nature.
Inko is confused after the doctor diagnosed Izuku as quirkless, but nevertheless happy for her son. She takes Izuku and his Digimon out for dinner at a fun restaurant the day it arrives, then the next day takes him to a different doctor for examination. Said doctor is confused since all signs indicate Izuku should be quirkless, but writes it off as Izuku being an anomaly.
Katsuki doesn't think Izuku is as worthless since he has a “quirk”, but still looks down on him and mocks said "quirk" for being weak. Their friendship still breaks down after the creek incident, but this time when Izuku steps in to stop Katsuki from picking on other kids, his Digimon helps him to fight and win. After that Katsuki comes to respect Izuku as an actual peer and rival. Izuku is then able to restrain Katsuki's worst impulses, but never shares the true source of his "quirk" out of fear Katsuki would ditch him if he found out.
When he's 10 Izuku goes on an adventure in the digital world with several other kids, successfully saving it from certain doom. This and other adventures make him and his partner gain tons of experience, making both far more skilled.
At some point all of Class A gets sucked into the digital world. Izuku quickly takes the lead and it becomes clear VERY fast he knows way more than he should. When prodded Izuku admits the truth. Most of them take it well, but Katsuki is betrayed at first. Fortunately he gets over it after a little time and talking with his newfound partner digimon.
Eri has a partner digimon. It's Gatomon, who helps save her from Overhaul. Tomura's is Wormmon, who he meets shortly before the death of his family. After he’s taken in by All for One, Wormmon became the only thing Tomura truly cared for, despite his constant attempts to get Tomura to turn his back on Sensei. All for One for his part hates Wormmon and would prefer him dead, though he knows doing it in a way Tomura could trace back to him would be a bad idea, and Wormmon is smart enough to avoid situations where AFO can do it more discreetly.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Season 1 Episode 7 “Deku vs Kacchan”
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Here. We. Go!
Backstory time. (I guess this episode is all about Deku and Kacchan, BTW, so no corner this time. Too much stuff would be in there). Deku recounts their past together. The phrasing is different in different translations. I like how honest Deku is about his rival’s character - how he’s not necessarily “good” or “evil”, but became kind of an asshole after developing his quirk. Also, cute!
More below the cut
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Poor Iida, BTW. Saddled with the Worst Teammate Ever. (at least right now. Contrast point: JTA Bakugou)
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Though Deku isn’t much better! Sure, get rid of Uraraka! it’s not like you’re fighting a powerful opponent or anything! Not like that Zero G couldn’t solve this problem easily! (You just really wanna mono y mono him, don’t you Deku?)
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Deku being strategic! (Why isn’t Bakugou considered captured then and there? All Might said! Capture tape! Shouldn’t that have…oh never mind, who cares. Fight!) 
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Here we have the explanation as to why Deku tells Kacchan about his quirk: Kacchan thinks Deku’s been lying to him. And the thing is, he…well, has. Not his whole life, but he has lied to his mom, and presumably via sin of omission, to everyone in his middle school (and UA), including Bakugou. Which Deku is fine with - for everyone else. Because it’s All Might’s secret, and it’s understandable, and Bakugou later reprimands him for telling even him. But that’s the thing. Deku doesn’t feel comfortable lying to Bakugou, and Bakugou alone. For some reason.
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Yes, he has a good, rational explanation of why he didn’t work with Uraraka and let her go off to fight Iida. But he immediately undercuts it by reminding us that he does, in fact, wish to fight Kacchan himself. Again, why Filler!Deku is so scared of meeting Kacchan’s challenges head-on when he’s been fully committed to being his rival since Episode7/Chapter 9 is beyond me.
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I kinda like how Bakugou has no Tragic Backstory or reason to be the way he is beyond being told his whole life that he’s better than everyone else. It’s such a perfect deconstruction of that Main Hero mindset - you see this same setup in so many other stories, where the Chosen One hero is told from a young age that he’s Destined for Greatness or whatever. And he’s always a perfect cinnamon roll. Instead of the kind of person that treatment would really create. Basically, someone like Bakugou.
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More adorable/mean flashbacks. (It’s like watching South Park. They’re so mean but the art style is so cute!) I like how Deku, even LilDeku, doesn’t take shit from Kacchan. He talks back. And he never stops following him around.
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Ah, the defining moments. Deku is declared Quirkless and therefore worthless (somebody hug him!) Then the creek incident. This scene is so cute, and it starts this big  visual motif throughout the series pertaining to these two: Deku’s outstretched hand. (one translation I heard of “The Day” translates the line right before they fight in the OP as “reach out and finally take my hand”, which is perfect). But yes, there is this long buildup for Bakugou to one day cast aside that pride, realize that Deku just wants to help him, and Take. That. Hand.
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Iidaraka! This scene is so hilariously funny. If I wasn’t already in love with this series before, this moment  clinched it. Iida pretending to be a villain, complete with monologuing (I bet the dub was intentionally referencing The Incredibles there.) Cute Iichaco moment here, I love how he cracks her up. (Though Iida also makes the mistake of taking it too easy on her here. He doesn’t go for the knockout punch and loses for it. Thankfully a certain hothead does not make that same mistake in the sports festival.)
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This freaked me out hard the first time I saw it. It’s such a hit. Like damn, how is Deku even alive now? The way it’s animated is so brutal! Though there is an explanation for the giant gauntlets and Bakugou’s quirk that makes a ton of sense here though; Hori even explained how his parents’ quirks made the power later on! It’s all so well thought out. 
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So again, this also freaked me out the first time around. He looks fucking crazy (And I loooove crazy characters. Deku the Absolute Madman and Bakugou’s crazyface are a big part of why I watch this series). But later on this gets a callback when All Might is talking about Bakugou “smiling in the face of a wall”, compiled with his smile when facing Uraraka and All Might. So this puts Deku on the same level as those two, the only two opponents Bakugou truly respects. Well, well. :) 
BTW the second of the two manga chapters this episode is based on is called “Breaking Bakugou”. Just a funny bit of trivia. 
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Uraraka’s main character flaw at this point, her general lackadaisacal attitude and lack of willingness to just jump in and take initiative, shows up in this arc, and she makes her first step towards overcoming it. She’s inspired by how much Deku wants to win to Go Plus Ultra. I think Uraraka is a character who tends to mold herself after the people around her (her parents, Deku, even Bakugou post Sports Fest briefly), hence why Toga is her Evil Counterpart. This is her flaw, that she doesn’t quite know who she is outside of copying others, and what she needs to overcome. 
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We get some comedy as Bakugou gets jealous of Deku ignoring him again. Notice me you damn nerd! You idiot baka! 
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Kirishima’s first impressions of Bakugou are all so terrible. It’s hilarious in hindsight since they end up BFFs, but he really thought Bakugou was a reckless asshole the first time around. Also Todoroki’s first line is talking about how Bakugou is smarter than he looks. So let’s enjoy some of my personal headcanon, namely that if Kiri has a crush on a member of Wonder Duo it’s actually Deku, and for Todoroki it’s actually Bakugou. Yes, the reverse of what everyone else thinks.
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This fight is so damn brutal. Bakugou pays Deku back in kind for bodyslamming him. Of course, I loved that Deku was planning something that whole time (I knew, first time around, when his dialogue with Uraraka was muted, that he had a plan up his sleeve. And what a plan it is!). But still, watching him get beaten up this badly is hard to see.
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Now the big buildup moment. Deku confesses the truth: He wants to beat Kacchan because he thinks Kacchan is amazing. Bakugou thinks Deku is looking down on him, which is such a weird way to twist Midoriya’s behavior - but makes sense if Bakugou, deep down, knows that Deku totally can. And Deku, he just wants to surpass him. As he puts it later on, his image of Victory. 
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YOU SAY RUN. Drink! As an aside, All Might has a very interesting role in the whole Deku vs Kacchan thing. Not only is he the reason for their conflict (each idolize him/wanna be like him in different ways), he also perpetuates it willingly here by not stopping the fight. And he does so because he wants to support Deku. Which is interesting. All Might has some perception into Midoriya, and he comments here that this is the most pumped up he’s seen Deku. Bakugou brings that out in Midoriya, and that’s why All Might is, overall, rather supportive of them mending their friendship, ending up as Wonder Duo, the best heroes who Win and Rescue. Because Deku needs that  challenge in his life to amp him up. To keep him going. 
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And now Deku’s plan. I’m not sure if the Entrance Exam bit counts, because at the time he didn’t know how badly his body would be effed up, but this time he does. So I’m calling it: The first instance of Absolute Madman Deku. My favorite Deku moments are always these bits, where he does something so crazy and brilliant and self-destructive that it shouldn’t work, but because he’s also clever, it totally does. And with Uraraka’s teamwork, the Hero Team wins! 
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We end on a moment between Deku and Kacchan, where Deku (pulling the first of his true Crazy Eyes faces) tells Kacchan that he was not, in fact, looking down on him, and only holding back because he’d be hurt. And the anime adds, from the Manga, Kacchan looking kind of shocked about what he’s seeing, maybe even a little guilty/horrified by Deku hurting himself. What an ending!
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So the first time around, after watching the first four eps day-by-day at work, I had a weekend where I binged through the rest of Season 1, so my first impressions of the rest of the season aren’t as clear to me as those first few episodes. In hindsight, I think this is one of the best episodes of Season 1, and one of the first that really started fleshing out these characters into the complex little tragic heroes they are today. It’s all just glimpses of the surface; little to indicate how much is really lying beneath. But it’s important, nonetheless, as an early indicator. 
Best Girl of the Episode: Mina Ashido!
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Ranker: Favorite BNHA Fights (So Far)
10. Deku vs Kacchan 1
This is my favorite fight of S1. I love the strategy that Deku uses. 
9. Deku vs Muscular
So hard to watch. So much pain. The tears the joy. Everything.
8. Todoroki and Momo vs Aizawa
Momo needs more fights. But she and Todoroki make a great tag team.
7. Deku and Kacchan vs All Might
As do Wonder Duo. Fighting All Might is just cool. Character Development!
6. Deku vs Overhaul
Season 4 is going to be Lit.
5. Hero Killer Stain vs UA Students
Such a multilayered fight. Three great fighters  vs one unstoppable villain.
4. Uraraka vs Bakugou
Absolutely astounding. Full of surprises and emotional and cool.
3. Deku vs Todoroki
An absolute tearjerker and unbelievably brutal. Cannot watch without getting nervous.
2. Deku vs Kacchan Part 2
Partly the animation, which is so beautiful it should be in the Louvre. But also the fight itself. Of course. Strategy, emotion, Deku and Kacchan. 
Hon Mention: The Movie’s Class A and All Might vs Metal Villain, All Might vs Nomu, Todoroki vs Bakugou, all the Beta Sports Fest fights, Jiro and Koda vs Present mic, Tetsu and Kendo vs Mustard, Deku vs Gentle and La Brava, Endeavor vs high End.
1. All Might vs All for One
4 words. “Now it’s your turn.”
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