#and why kacchan had it in his head that IZuku was supposed to be the small one and he is supposed to be the powerful one
lexithwrites · 14 days
my first ever lil bakudeku so go easy on me (teacher midoriya x pro hero bakugo)
"Okay, I think that's a good place to finish on for now. Oh! And don't forget your hero costumes guys, you have training at Ground Beta with some of the pros next, so please behave and show them respect!" Izuku smiled as his students started to pack up in front of him, ready to get out and use their Quirks after sitting through yet another one of his long, detailed ramblings. 1-B loved their homeroom teacher, they really did, but he didn't always know when to slow down and breathe when he got talking. Plus, they'd get in trouble if he took too much time and kept on talking after the first bell.
"Thank you Mr. Midoriya." A slight girl with deep green skin and a shock of blue hair said to him, standing up from her seat in the first row. Izuku blushed a little, still not entirely used to the compliments he received as a teacher, and nodded at her in thanks.
"O-Of course! Have a good day, Aiko." She nodded back at him then hurried off with her hero costume case to join her friends. Izuku watched them all head out, smiling and waving as they filtered out into the busy corridor, then slumped into his chair with a deep sigh, tugging at his tie a little. He still got anxious that he wasn't doing his best at UA as a teacher, even though Mr. Aizawa always gave him nothing but praise. Well, Izuku supposed it was just Shota now, since they were no longer student and teacher themselves but now colleagues.
Izuku tilted his head to look at where his hand was laid flat on his desk. He flexed it, watching his scars gently move as he did so, and chewed on his lower lip. He missed it, that little crackle of energy in his veins from One For All. Sometimes...sometimes he wished he could see that green lightning again, but he'd shake his head and try to forget. He couldn't focus on that anymore, he had much more important things to do. Like grade papers. He groaned, loudly. "How did Mr. Aizawa do this every day?"
"No clue, since he had me to deal with." Izuku jumped in his seat and turned his head towards that oh so familiar voice. Katsuki, or Pro Hero Dynamight since he was currently wearing the costume, was leaning on his shoulder in the doorway of the classroom; arms folded and a smirk on his lips. Izuku's eyes widened and he rushed over to him, tugging him inside before hastily shutting the door.
"What are you doing here?! Did the kids see you?"
"Nah, they'd probably beg for my autograph if they did. Or run in the opposite direction." Katsuki smiled and Izuku relaxed a little. "Aizawa asked me, I'm training with them, Mirko and Jeanist today."
"You didn't tell me that!" Izuku huffed, poking Katsuki's shoulder with a frown. "Why not?"
"Thought I'd surprise you, and I'm glad I did. You look tense as hell. Bad homeroom?"
"No." Izuku sighed and walked over to his desk again to lean on the edge. "I just...I was talking too much again."
"You say that like you hate talking, I usually can't get you to shut up." Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Did one of the kids say something?"
"No." There was a pause. "I could tell they were bored."
"Who cares? We were bored during most of Aizawa's shitty presentations and he knew that, don't take any notice of 'em. They're idiots."
"Kacchan, they're teenagers."
"Exactly, we were idiots at their age too." Katsuki snorted and walked over to where Izuku was leaning, a hand going to his waist on instinct. Once he realised what was happening, Izuku peered over Katsuki's broad shoulders to the door and swallowed.
"No one saw you?" He asked again and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Kacchan."
"I was quiet as a mouse, like I always am." He teased, squeezing Izuku's hip in a way that made him shiver. Izuku cleared his throat.
"Training isn't for another hour or so, you came early."
"Mhm." Katsuki's eyes weren't on Izuku's, they were lower down. Focused on his lips.
"You were lucky you didn't get seen by the students, they'd freak out if they saw a top five hero at UA just walking around."
"I didn't just come here for them, dumbass." Katsuki leaned a little closer, trapping Izuku between him and the desk. Naturally, Izuku spread his legs to accommodate him, and Katsuki hummed. "You'll come watch me train them, right?"
"Course I will. I wouldn't miss it." His hands went to Katsuki's biceps, resisting the urge to squeeze them, feel the muscle under his fingers. "We barely have an hour—"
"There's a lot we can do in an hour." Katsuki whispered, nose brushing Izuku's before moving to his cheek, then his jaw. "Thought this was one of your freaky fantasies?"
"I—" Izuku stumbled with his words, feeling Katsuki grin against his flushed, burning hot skin. "I was drunk when I said that! I didn't mean it!"
"Sure you didn't." He snorted and then gently grazed his lips over Izuku's pulse point. "No one's gonna come in here, are they? They're all getting ready. Come on, we have a little time."
Izuku pushed on his chest so he could see his face, and noticed how hot and bothered Katsuki looked. Izuku felt his chest bloom with emotion, with love, and he smiled. Knowing he could make Katsuki feel good, even just from this, made him feel proud. "Just kissing." Katsuki groaned but Izuku poked his cheek. "Just kissing."
"Fine. What about on your lunch break later?"
"You're insatiable!"
"I've got you," Katsuki scoffed, as if it were obvious. "Of course I am." Izuku just smiled and pulled him down against his lips.
Maybe a little more than kissing wouldn't hurt...
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silverynight · 8 months
In sickness...
Izuku is not the first to notice, but he's certainly the first one to get closer enough to Katsuki (without getting his face blasted off) to actually touch his forehead.
"You're burning!" He worries, pulling him towards the couch. "Do you want me to take you to recovery girl?"
"No," Katsuki huffs, prompting Izuku to roll his eyes at him, although it doesn't surprise him, he's always been stubborn.
"Would you let me take care of you at least?" He asks, even though he knows the answer alrea–
Instead of asking "why" or standing there in shock, Izuku brings a blanket and wraps Katsuki in it.
"Alright, I'll go to the kitchen... It won't be long, I'm going to make you soup."
Izuku is not excellent or good at cooking, but he knows how to make decent soup at least.
When he's done, he goes back to the common room, hands Katsuki the bowl and tells him not to burn his tongue.
"I'll be right back, Kacchan!"
Katsuki pouts, grabbing his arm stubbornly.
"Where do you think you're going? You're supposed to be with me all the time!"
"And I will! I just need to do something first!"
Izuku uses OFA to reach recovery girl's office quickly; he tells her what's going on and even though she insists on Izuku bringing the sick student to her office once she knows it's Katsuki she rolls her eyes, gives Izuku some pills and instructions to give to the explosive boy.
"Come on, Kacchan! You have to take these!"
At least he's finished his soup, Izuku notices, but he still shakes his head when he sees the pills.
"I don't need them!"
"Well... Then you don't need me either–"
"Fine!" Katsuki narrows his eyes. "Give them to me! But you have to stay the whole time!"
The pills make him sleepy, so Izuku ends up with Katsuki's head over his lap; he starts running his fingers through his hair absentmindedly while scrolling through his phone.
He feels relieved when he notices that Katsuki's fever is gone.
Izuku's classmates watch them with curiosity, but don't say anything or do anything because if Katsuki notices them too close to Izuku, he hisses at them.
Two days later, in which Izuku had to lead Katsuki to his own bedroom a couple of times and sometimes stay for a while, his friend looks a lot better, but he still wraps himself around Izuku whenever he can.
"I'm not feeling good," he is constantly telling Izuku, even though he doesn't have a fever anymore. "I want you to cuddle me."
Izuku does and even gives him a couple of kisses on his cheeks (he's sick so the green haired boy doesn't think too much of it) until Katsuki calms down.
"You know he's pretending to be sick just to get your undivided attention, right?" Uraraka tells him that same day right in front of Katsuki, who pulls Izuku even closer to him before growling.
"What do you mean? Of course not!"
"I'm sick too, Midoriya!" Todoroki says, coughing a couple of times. "Can you please take care of me?"
"Of course, Todoroki!"
"You lying piece of–"
Like he's not sick at all, Katsuki tackles the other boy to the ground, surprising Izuku... That's such a fast recovery!
"I'm glad Kacchan is fine again! Although I think we should pull them apart..."
"I refuse to tell you what's going on this time, Deku-kun... You're hopeless..."
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levihanskid · 2 months
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 2
Ch1 ao3 link wattpad link i'm sorry this took so long, vet school is killing me ;-; this chapter has been sitting in my drafts for so long but the latest episode made me finally do it
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The following months have been extensive for both Katsuki and Mitsuko. They tried to be consistent with their morning runs, but there were times where one or both of them would sleep in. Mostly Mitsuko, which pissed her twin a lot. After school, they would spend an hour improving their physical condition and stamina, and another hour training with their quirks. All while trying to keep up with their studies and reviewing for the entrance exam.
Ten months had passed, and the twins are now walking towards the enormous gates of UA High School. They took the written exam a few weeks ago, which was easier than they expected. Today is the day that the twins are anticipating the most, the practical exam. Mitsuko felt a mix of emotions as she looked up the school’s crest on top of the gate. She’s nervous, but at the same time she’s excited and can’t wait to put her training to use.
As they entered the school grounds, a familiar curly green hair caught her eyes. “Hey look, it’s your bff,” she nudged her brother.
From a few feet away, Midoriya Izuku stood at the middle in deep thought. Probably freaking out on the inside.
“Out of the way Deku!” Katsuki yelled.
“Kacchan! Micchan!” Izuku called in surprise.
Mitsuko visibly cringed at the nickname he used to address her and eyed the boy. “I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Move it! Or I’ll kill you!” her brother spat, unaffected by the childish nickname.
The boy immediately stepped out of the way and stuttered. “G-good morning! Let’s uh— let’s do our best!”
The twins didn’t say anything back, but she gave him a small smile before continuing to walk to the building.
“Isn’t that Bakugo? From the Sludge Villain Incident?”
“Yeah. And that’s the girl from the video. They’re twins aren’t they?”
Mitsuko is used to people murmuring about them, given that her brother is a big show off. This isn’t the first time they had people talking about something that one of them did, so she chose to ignore the whispers and looked ahead.
Inside the auditorium, they were greeted by the Voice Hero, Present mic. Mitsuko sat next to her brother, as well as Izuku who chose to be seated next to them and is currently fan boying over the pro hero at the podium. Katsuki tried telling him to shut up, but the boy kept muttering to himself and Mitsuko had to lean away from his direction to avoid getting distracted.
“As the application says, you’ll be participating in a ten minute battle in a mock city. Get ready! After this, you will head to your assigned battle center.”
She looked at her examination card, and then glanced over her brother’s.
“In other words, they’re not letting friends work together, huh?”
“You’re right,” Izuku agreed, his eyes glued to the blonde boy’s card. “We have consecutive numbers, but different centers.”
“Don’t look, want to die?” Katsuki threatened. “Tch. Now I can’t crush you, damn it.”
His last words made the curly boy move away a bit and turn his attention back to the stage.
“Makes sense,” Mitsuko whispered, her focus still on her card which displayed a letter C while her brother got A. “The exam is meant to test our individual abilities. They wouldn’t want us to tag-team.”
Present Mic continued his presentation. He went on to inform them about the types of mock villains they will be facing and that each type represents 1, 2, and 3 points each. They were also told about the gimmick villain that they’re supposed to run away from since it’s just there to cause trouble and not give points.
She played with her fingers as she tried to listen, making sure she knows every detail.
“Stop fidgeting,” her brother snapped. “It’s annoying. Why are nervous anyway?”
“I don’t know. It’s a mix between excitement and anxiety. And this orientation is taking so long,” she replied, intertwining her fingers to keep them steady.
“You’re right. We’ve heard enough, I can’t wait to crush those bots. Think you can get a hundred points?” her twin asked, still looking ahead. Although it’s obvious that he’s also starting to get restless.
“A hundred might be impossible, considering the time limit, the competition, and the fact that we won’t have any idea where the villains would be.”
“I can make it possible,” he brother scoffed. “And I’ll make sure to get the first spot.”
“Is that a challenge?” she raised a brow. “Whoever gets less points have to do the other’s chores for two weeks, then.”
Katsuki grinned at the raised stake. “Deal. Let’s show these extras how it’s done.”
Mitsuko tried containing her loud heartbeats as she stood before the door where the exam is going to take place. After the orientation, they were directed to change out of their middle school uniforms and get on the bus that would take them to their respective battle centers. She had changed into a white racerback tank top and some sweat pants.
The format of the test is very fortunate for her, since her quirk can easily be utilized. She imagined how those with quirks that only works to people would do against robots.
“Let’s do our best!” she heard an excited voice. Mitsuko looked over her shoulder to see a girl with pink hair and pink skin talking to the people around her with no tinge of awkwardness. They locked eyes for a moment.
“Huh? Why do you look familiar?” the girl looked at her with a hint of recognition.
Before she could respond, the voice of the hero Present Mic echoed through the speakers.
“Start! What are waiting for? Real fights don’t have countdowns!”
Mitsuko didn’t waste any second and ran inside the training grounds, using her quirk to propel herself forward.
She saw a couple of number 1 and 2 robots straight ahead. Without any hesitation, she pointed her palms toward them and willed her quirk out. Her forearms glowed in bright white-yellow color. The light traveled onto her hands into her palms before blasting to the direction of the robots. They exploded with the contact, leaving electric sparks and smokes.
“Nice quirk ‘ya got there,” a voice from behind commented. Mitsuko whirled around and saw a boy approaching her. He’s got blonde hair and gray eyes, but what caught her attention (in a bad way) was the annoying smug face that he has.
She didn’t reply, so the boy continued. “Must be nice having a quirk so flashy, huh?”
He tapped her on the shoulder, and a look of recognition flashed across his face for a second, before being replaced with a smirk. “Weren’t you that girl from the video? Didn’t expect you to be here after all that shit talking to those heroes.”
The smirk was one thing, but his words made Mitsuko’s blood boil. Her red pupils dilated and her right eyebrow raised as she tried to stop herself from blinding the guy. She shouldn’t be distracted right now.
Another batch of robots showed up, and she thanked the heavens for giving her an excuse to walk away from where she’s currently standing.
“Sorry, but I don’t have time for a chitchat,” she said in a monotone voice, swatting the guy’s hand away from her shoulder.
She ran to destroy the robots, but before she could stretch her hands out, quick flashes of light reached and blasted them into pieces. No, those were not just lights, they look too much like hers.
She looked back to where the lights came from, confusion clearly visible from her face.
“Whoops! Sorry for stealing points from ‘ya, but I gotta do what I gotta do, don’t ‘ya think?” it was the same blonde guy, still wearing his irritating smirk. He turned on his heel and began walking away. “I’ll be having this flashy quirk for a while, better make use of it!”
Those words confused her even more. Did he just get her quirk?
She shook her head and put her focus back on the exam. Shit. Was he trying to stall me for some reason?
The exam just started, but she could’ve gotten more points if she wasn’t standing around having a one sided conversation with that guy. She can’t afford to waste more time.
She flew around the grounds looking for more targets, blasting her quirk backwards to levitate and propel herself faster. Taking down every robot she encounters along the way as quickly as she could.
She was at 23 points, if she counted correctly, when she reached the area where a lot of the kids are gathered. Present Mic’s voice echoed through the speakers again.
“We have reached the half time!! Five minutes left before the exam ends!!!”
She saw a bunch of robots with different points surrounding the students. More people means more robots to see them as targets. Just as she figured.
Mitsuko jumped over, smirking in satisfaction as she shot her quirk out at every single robot within her sight while using her flexibility and agility to maneuver herself.
The kids stared at her in awe. “What an awesome quirk she’s got.”
“Isn’t she the girl from that one video?”
“Hey! Leave some points for us!” one of them shouted out.
She continued gathering points, keeping herself airborne using her quirk and sometimes stepping on the robots to use them to keep her momentum. She kept going, faster and quicker, not letting the others steal points from her again.
By the time her feet touched the ground, all of the robots around the area were already blown into bits. Mitsuko wiped the sweat from her forehead and tightened her ponytail. She also noticed her arms glowing a bit. She must’ve used up the stored energy in her body since it’s currently absorbing sunlight again.
“You are so cool!! Those movements were amazing! You look like you could be a great dancer!” the same pink girl ran to her with enthusiasm. Mitsuko just noticed a pair of horns protruding out from her pink curly locks.
“I don’t dance,” she replied, looking around for more robots to destroy. She realized she lost count of her points after her exhibition earlier.
“Really? You should try! The way you’re moving while fighting is awesome!”
“I came here to be a hero, not a dancer,” Mitsuko cut the girls’ blabbering. “Sorry, but I really don’t have the time to–“
The ground shook, and a loud grumbling mechanical sound cut her last sentence. She looked up to see a huge robot approaching. It’s the zero point they were supposed to run away from.
Anyone with no balls would run away from that thing, all right. She thought to herself.
“Let’s go! That’s a no-pointer!” the pink girl pulled the back of her top.
Before they could take a step back however, the robot continued to stroll through the streets, destroying the buildings and causing debris to fall down.
Talk about keeping the damage to a minimum!
People began to scatter in a panic. Everyone was pushing trying to run away.
A huge piece of the building’s wall caught Mitsuko’s attention. It was plummeting into the direction of the students, specifically the pink girl. Mitsuko didn’t even realize that the girl started running off. The girl was looking over her left shoulder, seemingly trying to call Mitsuko to join the retreat. While the debris was coming from her right side, a complete blind spot.
She hasn’t trained much to target moving objects, not to mention fast ones. So she decided not to try and shoot it while it’s falling down.
Her next action was caused by the heat of the moment. It was a crazy idea, but she prayed it would work.
Mitsuko ran towards the girl faster than the rock. When she reached her, she pushed the girl out of the way and produced the strongest energy barrier she could muster. It was a move she’s been improving for the past year. It worked against her brother’s attacks, so she’s hoping that it’ll work against the huge piece of rock.
It did. Sort of.
She was able to stop the debris without her barrier faltering, but its weight and momentum was too heavy. She couldn’t free a hand to blast the rock into pieces. Now she’s stuck holding both her hands up to maintain the barrier.
She heard the pink girl grunt from behind her, and a spray of acid splashed onto the lower part of the rock causing it to move a little. In that given moment, Mitsuko quickly released her barrier and used her quirk again to make the rock explode.
The debris was casting a shadow over her so unlike before, her arms seemed to glow brighter. The rock blew up into pieces, but her body continued to glow a little as it absorbed sunlight to compensate for the energy she just lost.
Mitsuko turned around, panting as bits of sweat began forming on her forehead. She saw the girl trying to stand on her feet, but she couldn’t seem to put weight on her left foot.
“Can you run?” Mitsuko asked.
“No, I think I sprained my ankle from falling down earlier. Why’d you have to push me so hard anyway?!” the girl exclaimed.
“Huh!?” Mitsuko’s brows furrowed. “How is that my fault?! I just saved your ass!”
They didn’t have more time to argue, because the zero-point robot was nearing their position. As much as she hated it, Mitsuko took the girl’s arm over her shoulder and began moving. The people had thinned out, the other examinees must’ve managed to run off far from where they were.
Great. That just made their situation worse, because now the only targets the robot has was the two of them. And it’s currently aiming its enormous metal hand to swat them like little flies.
Despite trying to convince herself that UA wouldn’t allow anyone to get killed for an entrance exam, Mitsuko’s wracking nerves still got the best of her.
With gritted teeth, she let go of the girl’s arms, “Take cover!” she yelled and turned around to face the giant villain. She raised her arms, still glowing from the absorption, and waited for the perfect time to blast. But before that perfect time came, she felt a sudden smack behind her head.
Anger and confusion took over her as she tried to process what just happened. Mitsuko looked around with furrowed brows and saw a guy walking past her.
The annoying blonde kid from earlier stood in front of her and threw an energy blast towards the hands of the robot. Just like their first encounter, his blast looked so much like her quirk. The villain stopped, and the boy snickered before looking back at her. “I never planned to go after the gimmick, but I thought you needed saving,” he said in an arrogant voice which made Mitsuko’s mind ring in irritation.
“YOU FUCKING COPYCAT!” she began stomping towards him.
“Oh, you finally figured it out? You’re welcome, although that’s not a very nice nickna—“
There was a loud metallic creaking sound. Mitsuko looked up, the smokes are gone so she could clearly see how right she was. The robot is still standing, not even a dent could be seen in its huge hands that is now coming down to them faster than before.
She muttered a curse before running to the right side, leaving the other two frozen in their place. When she reached the right spot, she raised her arms once again and acted as fast as she could.
She willed her quirk out, this time much stronger and concentrated than before, making her entire arms glow instead of just her forearms. The light traveled through her hands and palms before shooting out, her legs almost giving up from the shot's recoil. It hit the robot’s elbow, just as she planned. Her attack was powerful enough to pierce through its armor and cut its forearm off, stopping it from hitting the other kids.
Panting, Mitsuko then just realized that she lost track of both the time and her points. She was about to run to gather more points when Present Mic’s voice echoed once again.
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viscerax · 5 months
It wasn't often that Katsuki Bakugo stayed up late. He typically went to bed around 8:30, and he was very strict to adhere to his schedule. However, after a particularly fitful bout of attempted sleep, he figured he would bite the bullet now, and get up to make some tea to hopefully help him calm down. He enjoyed the dorms at night. They were quiet, and it left him some time to himself, something he did not get very often.
The sound of the dormitory door closing is what alerted Bakugo. It was... awfully late for anyone to be up, let alone sneaking into the dorms. Although, he supposed he wasn't one to talk. He was up as well, but he wasn't speaking out- well, in.
He peered at the door from the corner of his eye, only to see a green tuft of hair disappear past the corner and down the hall. Bakugo got up from his spot on the couch, leaving his tea pot behind to follow often who could only be Izuku.
He heard the other boy mumbling, and he couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or somebody else.
"- shhh... you can't make any noise!" Midoriya muttered into... his book bag?
Bakugo tried to strain his ears to hear more, but then Midoriya quickly whipped his head back, as if he had sensed him.
"Ah!" Midoriya shouted before using one hand to cover his own mouth, using the other to hold onto his book bag.
"Deku? What the actual fuck are you doing out this late?" Bakugo whispered-yelled. He looked Midoriya up and down and- wait. Was his book bag fucking moving?
"Kacchan! I was just uhm! Going for a walk! Yeah!" Midoriya quickly excused, but Bakugo didn't buy it for even a second, and Midoriya could tell.
Bakugo quirked an eyebrow. "A walk?"
"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Bakugo scoffed, almost offended that Izuku thought that would work on him for even a second.
"N-no! Of course not!" Midoriya quickly cleared up, although Bakugo's gaze didn't lighten.
"What are you actually doing?" Bakugo questioned again, sparing a glance to Izuku's wiggling book bag.
Midoriya let out a soft sigh. "Okay... please don't tell anyone..." Izuku hummed and ushered Bakugo to come closer. Bakugo inched forward, and peered into Izuku's bag.
"Is that a fuckin-"
"SHHH!" Midoriya quickly silenced bakugo with a hand over his mouth. Inside the bag peered a wide eyed kitten, soft and multicolored fur looking tangled and ratty.
"Why are you sneaking a kitten into the dorm?" Bakugo scolded, glancing up at Izulu and then back down to the kitten.
"He uhm... he comes around all the time. I started feeding him and then he started following me in the building and its going to rain tonight and he's such a small guy he'd probably freeze to death out there so I couldn't just leave him and so I figured I could bring him in tonight and then re-home him tommorow!" Midoriya explained in one long winded breath. Bakugo just stared for a few moments, before looking back to the kitten.
"Whats his name?" Bakugo asked, reaching a hand into the bag as the kitten gently rubbed against him. He pet it a few times, before withdrawing his hand, acting like he did not give a fuck about the very soft... very adorable kitten.
"What? Oh uhm.... its... All Meowt." Izuku whispered, and bakugo almost let out a laugh. How perfectly nerdy and creative for Izuku.
"All Meowt?" Bakugo asked, biting down a smile.
"Y-yeah. Like All Might." Midoriya explained, and Bakugo scoffed.
"Yeah, I know, nerd." The once teasing name was said with almost an endearing edge. "How are you going to keep it hidden without Aizawa finding out?"
Deku shrugged, hugging the bag close to him again. "I dunno... keep it in my dorm until I find someone who will take it...? Or maybe he'd let us keep it! He seems like the type to like cats!"
Bakugo shrugged. "Yeah, but he's also a stickler for the rules. I guess you'll find out tommorow."
"Yeah... I guess so. Well, I'm going to try and sneak him into my room. Goodnight Kacchan!"
"Goodnight De- Izuku." Bakugo bit back the old insult he used to use on Izuku, although it felt weird after calling him nothing but for the last 10 years of their life. Midoriya smiled at Bakugo in a way that made his stomach tense up, and he quickly turned around to attend to the tea he had left on the stove.
After fixing and drinking his tea, Bakugo tip-toed through the halls back to his dorm. However, on his way, he saw the light of Izuku's dorm peeking out from under his door. He figured that checking in on the kitten wouldn't do him any harm, he supposed.
He knocked quietly on Izuku's door, and heard scrambling and "Shit!" From the other side. He leaned closer to the door and cupped his hands around his mouth, whispering "It's just me, you damn nerd."
After a few long seconds, Midoriya opened the door, looking up at Bakugo.
"I wanted to see if you had gotten caught yet." Which was Bakugos way of saying he wanted to check in on All Meowt.
"O-oh! No, I haven't. Uhm- do you want to see him?" Midoriya whispered and moved to the side so Bakugo could come inside. Bakugo stepped past Izuku without answering his question, finding All Meowt curled up on Izuku's All Might comforter.
Bakugo walked over and pet the kitten on his head, which caused him to wake up, blinking sleepy eyes up at him. He stood up and rubbed against Bakugo's thigh, which prompted him to gently pick him up and hold him to his chest, a moment of gentleness he would've been more embarrassed of around anyone else. He sat on the floor, setting All Meowt in his lap. The kitten purred and curled up in Bakugo's lap.
"He seems like he likes you." Izuku chuckled, sitting next to Bakugo and petting the kitten in his lap.
"You think?" Bakugo remarked sarcastically, glancing over as Izuku scooted ever closer to him.
"Hm... no nevermind. He definitely likes me more." Izuku teased, and Bakugo rolled his eyes.
"Oh yeah, sure. Because he's curled up and purring in your lap right now, isn't he?" Bakugo scoffed.
There was a long moment of silence, although it was comfortable and natural. He wasn't sure how long it had been, but before he was aware of it, Midoriya was snoring lightly against his shoulder, and Bakugo was struggling to keep his eyes open. He told himself that he was only staying there for All Meowt, and definitely not because he may or may not have enjoyed the feeling of Izuku relying on him.
Bakugo woke up to the sound of snickers and a flash of light in his face.
"Guys! Stop! Kacchan is going to kill you all! And probably me too!" Bakugo opened his eyes to find he was laying on the floor, holding a sleeping All Meowt in his arms. He looked up and saw Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima surrounding him, snickering and taking pictures of him from all angles.
He immediately stood up, setting All Meowt down on Izuku's bed to chase after them, small explosions coming from his hand, but they were long gone.
He chased them down the halls, capturing Kirishima, and giving him a few blasts. Izuku watched from his room, trying not to smile as he held All Meowt in his hands.
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cyfics · 1 year
Title: Shoto’s Shell
Warnings: NSFW! Mistress, mentions of breeding; etc…
Pairing: Cat Hybrid! Todoroki X Reader
Pronouns: she/her AFAB
Synopsis: A chapter from my story on aO3 “Day Job”
Word count: 2K!
Note: unedited + unproof read
On aO3 as Cyfics
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You handed the boys each of their specially picked out collars and awaited their reactions! You handed the first one to Shoto “wow this is.. really beautiful, thank you Mistress.” Shoto bowed his head at you and accepted the gift “I’ve told you before Shoto! You can just call me Y/n.” You reached out and pet his head.
Shoto blushed shyly from the contact, head lowered as he continued to stare at the gift in his hands. He wasn’t sure how to feel right now but he knew that he felt good, it felt right to him for you to give him gifts and spoil him like this. “Alright Mistress Y/n.” You sighed, hopefully one day he’d learn.
“Me next me next!” Eijiro bounced in place as he awaited impatiently, you gave a small smile before holding it out to him. Eijiro snatched the crimson collar from your hands and immediately put it on himself to showcase to Katsuki! “Look at me! It’s red!” Eijiro was elated.
“Whatever shitty hair, where’s mine?” Katsuki brushed Eijiro off and bumped him as he held his hand out expectedly. “D-Don’t be impolite Kacchan..” Izuku held softly onto his bunny ears and glanced away “Whatever I’ll do what I want.
Hand the collar over lady.” You quickly chucked the collar to him so he wouldn’t be upset with you much longer.
“Camouflage?” He started to inspect it, it looked as if he thought it was distasteful “I can get you a different one if you’d like-“ you began to offer “No! I’m wearing it and it’s mine!” Katsuki shouted before quickly running off and putting it on “Very manly bro!” Eijiro shifted into his dog form and began to chase after Katsuki in the next room.
Denki sniffed at your arm to remind you he was there, you chuckled at his actions before gently passing over the special collar you got him “sweet! This is awesome, thank you Y/n!” He put it on excitedly before running away in Fox form, he probably didn’t want anyone to steal his precious shiny collar.
“And for you, Izuku.” You showed him the pretty dainty green collar from the store and his eyes went wide, his whole face brightened and he quickly took it off your hands. You watched as he put it on and immediately softened in place, it looked like he was melting. “I love it! It’s perfect! Thank you Y-Y/n!” Izuku shifted on each foot.
“Y/n, I don’t mean to be a bother but my fur coat hasn’t had a comb in a while.” Shoto crossed his arms and glanced at you, you were a bit surprised “oh I apologise Shoto! I could grab a brush for you?” You asked him. You watched as Shoto’s face darkened, he gasped softly and looked away from you “O-Of course Mistress Y/n.” He had never stammered before.
His words and even stature were all perfect so why now did he look disheartened? “Y/n! You’re making him do it himself?” Izuku looked as if he had just watched you kill someone “Am I not supposed to? I apologise Shoto I thought that you’d prefer to do it on your own!” You exclaimed “if a hybrid suggests grooming to their owner they’re trusting the owner to do it for them!” Izuku explained like a little nerd.
“It’s alright Mistress really, you don’t need to trouble yourself.” Shoto walked off to his self assigned bedroom which he hadn’t even began to decorate yet, all of his decorations continuing to sit out in the car. You ran after him feeling guilty, following close behind him up the stair way “Shoto! I didn’t mean to upset you!” You apologised.
You stood in the doorway of Shoto’s room, remembering the *only* important thing that your father had told you about his animals. If they have a self assigned space then you need to ask permission before entering, you huffed as you tried to catch your breath. Shoto was sulking with his knees against his chest under the covers.
“Shoto! Could I come in please?” It took a moment for him to respond “Yes Mistress.” You slowly made your way inside, the room was mainly empty except for his bed and dresser which also was empty. You sat on the edge of Shoto’s bed and frowned “Shoto I’m truly sorry, if you’d like I can groom your fur now?” You asked him.
“Sure..” he slowly removed his blanket off his head before crawling over and laying his head in your lap, you were quite suprised! You were sure he wanted you to groom his cat self! Shoto passed you a comb from his pocket, you weren’t sure as to where he got it but you took it from him and got to work.
You gently began to brush through his hair, his very very soft and smooth hair. You were careful as to not hurt his delicate head as you brushed any knots out, your brushing haltered for a moment when you heard a soft mewling come from under your touch. “Shoto? Are you alright?” Your question obviously flustered him.
Shoto’s face turned red and he immediately hopped up and backed up on the bed “I apologise Mistress Y/n! I didn’t mean to make such a vulgar noise in your presence!” Shoto apologised profusely “it’s alright Shoto, it was quite cute actually, come back and let me finish.” You pulled him into your arms and kept brushing him.
Every so often Shoto would mewl, hands reaching out into the air as if he was making biscuits. “Does this feel good Shoto?” You chuckled as you watched his revel in the attention “Yes Mistress!” He seemed to be getting more comfortable by the minute.
Shoto was saddened when you pulled away saying you were finished “you are?” He sat up and frowned. “I can keep patting you if you like?” You started giving him scritches from behind his ears, Shoto immediately started purring and rested his head on your shoulder.
“A-Ah Mistress. Be careful around my ears please they’re very sensitive to me.” Shoto was turning red all over now, his ears twitching under your touch. “I’m so sorry Shoto did that hurt you?” You asked with great concern “N-No, Mistress Y/n.. quite the opposite actually.” Shoto turned his head away from you bashfully.
“So it felt good?” Your eyes widened with realisation after figuring out what that meant “I’m so sorry Mistress I should’ve explained-“ you cut him off by touching his ears again. Shoto squeaked at first before relaxing into your touch and purring against you, his face nuzzled against your neck “W-Why are you..” he sighed breathlessly.
“Is this alright?” You asked him “Yes, Mistress.” Shoto nodded his head at you. You weren’t sure what was encouraging you to do this, maybe it was how cute he looked or maybe it was the fact you hadn’t been laid in months that was getting to you. “You’re such a pretty boy Shoto.” You praised him “yes, I am a pretty boy!” Shoto agreed eagerly.
Shoto sat in your lap with his knees on either side of your thighs, hands grasping your shoulders as his head resided against your neck. You felt him grow harder every moment as you were stimulating his ears “A-ah..” Shoto breathed out heavily, his hips beginning to roll against yours.
“I- I wanna breed you please..” Shoto whined. Breeding? You didn’t wanna get pregnant just yet “I’m not letting you cum inside me Shoto, if you wanna do this you’re gonna have to wear a condom.” You we’re strict telling him he couldn’t impregnate you. “Aw.. please, Mistress? I won’t ask for anything ever again!” He begged of you.
“No. Here, put this on Shoto.” Shoto was upset about it but took the condom from your fingers that you dished from out of the bottom of the mattress. Shoto eagerly started to strip for you, his top you have him coming off and onto the floor, next he started to slide down his bottoms. You watched as his tail uncurled and started swaying side to side happily.
You didn’t make Shoto wait any longer, your hands grasping at your own clothes and quickly removing them. “You’re so pretty Mistress, if there were shows for humans I’m sure you’d win them just for beauty alone.” Shoto commented as he admired your body “they do Shoto.” You smiled softly at him “You should sign up and show them this beauty..” Shoto eagerly crawled on top of you.
Your back laid up against the blankets, Shoto’s arms on either side of your head. Shoto slid his underwear off and started putting the condom on, complaining to himself about how he wanted to breed you and for you two to have little kittens together. You rolled your eyes at him light heartedly, you just couldn’t get pregnant right now.
Shoto pressed up against your entrance ready to enter but you stopped him “Shoto, you have to prep your partner first for sex! Otherwise it could seriously hurt.” You explain to him just in time. He pulls back “I apologise Mistress, I got a little ahead of myself there..” he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as he gets between your legs.
He brings his hand up and brushes his knuckles up against your hot cunt, it was radiating heat against his hand. Shoto spread out his hand and used two fingers to start rubbing at your clit in a circular motion, eyes focused on your cunt beginning to drip with slick.
You shifted on the bed, hips unable to stop moving up against his hand. Shoto continued to flick your clit for a little while, your reactions amusing him and his antics. You were just about ready to tell him off for teasing you until he slid a finger inside of you, your hole twitching against his singular finger.
“Mistress you’re very warm inside, very wet too.” Shoto commented as he started pumping the finger inside of you, figuring out pretty easily that he could effortlessly fit in another. Now he began to pump you with his two fingers, the tips of his fingers curling up and hitting against the sweetest of spots “Ah- that feels good..” you groaned.
Shoto continued to bask in your praise and continued to happily finger your eager hole, “I- I think I’m ready for you now Shoto.” You managed to get out. Shoto was happy to hear this, immediately crawling over you and placing himself between your legs up against your dripping entrance.
Shoto slid inside with ease, halting his movements for a moment to make sure you were okay before bucking his hips up against you. Shoto’s hands moved to grab at your torso, trying to move you down against him as he thrusted upwards into you. You bit down on your lip trying not to let out any loud noises, scared of the others hearing you.
“M-Mistress..” Shoto choked out as his cock was rubbing up against your warm and inviting walls. “S-Shoto, call me Y/n please.” You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kept thrusting into you “Y/n! It feels good!” Shoto mewled “I wanna cum inside of you, pump you fill of a litter of kittens!” Shoto began moving his hips against you faster.
You didn’t stop him as his began to stutter, his legs trembling a little as he released into the condom he was wearing. Shoto tiredly flipped on top of you, trying to just be as close with you as possible for the moment “Shoto, are you alright? Did you feel safe during that?” You caressed his tired head. Shoto nodded at you and looked at you through half lidded eyes “And you, Y/n?” He asked.
“I was fine. How about we clean you up and we go back down to the others hey?” You suggested. Shoto nodded his head tiredly “I can wipe you down if you just wanna have a little nap if you want Shoto?” You asked him “Yes please Y/n..” he pulled out of you and rolled onto the side of his bed.
You took the condom off of him and disposed of it, quickly getting yourself dressed before sneaking out the door to the upstairs bathroom to grab him a warm wet rag. You returned to the sleeping boy and wiped him down, covering him with the sheets before leaving again. Making sure to come up again later to leave him a bottle of water for when he awakened.
“Hey Y/n where’ve you been! We missed you!” Denki pouts “he doesn’t speak for all of us, ey Eijiro?” Katsuki crosses his arms upon seeing you “I missed you the most!” Eijiro ran over to you and jumped in your arms “Eh- Shitty hair.. Tch” Bakugou sucked his teeth.
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Something about Izuku I keep thinking about is how much he's a downright hypocrite and the only reason he isn't called out on it is because he's one for himself and not for others and at the core of it all it boils down to his pending childhood issues and the *vaguely gestures* "relationship" he and Katsuki have- I mean, just out of the top of my head:
Wants to be a strong and dependable hero but is at his weakest when he's alone.
Says to Himiko he would never hurt someone he loves but was the reason Katsuki was forced to dance with death until his own sacrifice. Hell, I'm expecting him to actually accidentally hurt Katsuki (Physically? Emotionally? You decide) next time they talk.
Wants to save people with a smile but barely cracked genuine ones during his battle with Tenko- I can think of two(?), and even then those felt more like a resignation (379 and 412 iirc) than actual smiles.
Being aware Kacchan's a jackass, fine, but the entire "Imitate the people you love/admire" themes, having an attitude when heated or absolutely Done with anyone's BS (makes sense for someone who grew up besides a kid in the Inferiority-Superiority Complex but still) and "This is a battle between All For One and One For All, you can't keep up" is still very much pot calling the kettle black (it's because his "arrogance" is rooted in selflessness and desire to be useful but that's for another day)
Deadass called All For One out for being a lonely man pretending to be a "Demon Lord" yet will not admit he himself thinks a he's just a lonely kid pretending to be a hero; and by the time he seemed to be growing out of it: Paranormal Liberation Front.
"IT'S YOUR POWER, ISN'T IT?!" Cool, nice of him to comfort Shoto and try the same with Touya, now if only he could do the same in regards to himself and OFA-
Wasn't able to connect with Tenko at all and that's why he failed but it's wild to me he'd still the one who even at surface level could relate to):
Spinner, because they're nerds who were ostracized based on Quirks/lack thereof looking for a purpose and were unable to help him because of AFO's interference;
Himiko, because they want to be like others (because they hate themselves at least a little bit) but also show love in a way others wouldn't accept and;
Touya, because they wanted to prove they could be useful to others and be heroes to the point of actively harmed themselves while using their own Quirk.
Hell, when you think about it he related to the crying child but he could've used Literally Anything from his relationship with Katsuki to try and reach Tenko, but of course he didn't, that means he'd have to think about his own issues and yet he saw Tenko's issues no wonder he didn't get the job done-
Also can we talk about him saying he relates to Ochako confronting Himiko but she actually succeeded- Or even Shoto wanting to forgive Endeavor; I keep recalling both Ch. 322 him saying he won't forgive Tenko for anything he did (understandable but still) and Tenko going "And I won't forgive anyone". Connecting these three instances are huge stretches, I know, but really, he hasn't addressed the apology he got- combined narrative punishments for empty platitudes.
Kept saying he needed to improve in his control with OFA: had to get beaten up during his internship and in the Summer Camp for that lesson to stick... Then he heard the words "Control Your Heart" and decided to Not Address It At All.
Supposed to surpass but he's really All Might's successor in every way that counts: Smile so nobody will worry, keep fighting even though you are destroying yourself, be so selfless you'll make your friends desperate enough to make you stop for your own good, hide every single thing you can about yourself, the only difference is in the bed they made: Toshinori lies in omission most of the time, and Izuku thinks he lies in white when almost every other character's in the dark, but as long as there's a dream of bright smiles in the future, who cares they're now forcefully entangled in this nightmare, right?
And these are just the examples I can think of the top of my head, there might be more, but. No wonder we've been "panicking" (let's be real his therapist already scheduled him for Ground Beta atp-) Shoto and Ochako brushed him off by accident in Chapter 425, it's the consequences of his hypocritical ass coming back to bite him-
(I am not hating on him, by the way, it's just something about him I wanted to point out. I like that aspect of his. Makes him more human. But jeez can someone call him out and make him practice what he preaches? XD)
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izvmimi · 2 years
cw: crack, suggestive but not nsfw
"Okay, we're nearing the end of the workday, so please-" with this, you clasp your hands together before readjusting the camera on the tripod "- if you're going to improvise, I am begging you to say something appropriate." A sharp glance goes in Katsuki's direction to which he grimaces in reply.
"I'm not being difficult," he insists. "I have no idea why the fuck you're complaining."
Kirishima gives him a slightly exasperated look for a moment, then takes a look at his scribbled-on notecards before tossing them across the gym out of the camera's view. Izuku, ever pleasant, laughs nervously, trying to defuse the situation. Stretching his arms over his head and smiling at his less-than-amused friend to keep the mood casual, he tries to prevent the latter from leaving.
"Kacchan, let's do this quickly so we can go home."
Katsuki grumbles something else under his breath but stays put. You thank Izuku for his cooperativeness, then re-center yourself again behind the camera.
The hardest part of making a TikTok geared towards weightlifting safety should have been keeping your panties dry while having the three hottest Pro Heroes in the business in the same room lifting weights in unnecessarily form-fitting athleticwear. But instead, despite the fact that you've had the urge to bite Dynamight's arms for the past twenty minutes, he's been pissing you off with his slightly condescending tips, and while Red Riot's sculpted back muscles will haunt your (wet) dreams for the next few nights, he can't remember what he's supposed to say for the life of him.
And Izuku is far too stiff even if you want to climb his shoulders like a squirrel up a tree.
"Okay next take!" you yell, and you try to keep your frustrated sigh to yourself.
Bakugou finds himself laying on his back under a Smith machine, and you try not to look at exactly how much weight he's lifting with ease, lest you make a less than professional sound.
Kirishima stands at the head of the bench, demonstrating the appropriate way to spot.
"Make sure to gently hover-"
"Get your hand off the weight, jackass," Bakugou hisses and Kirishima frowns.
You grit your teeth and stop the video.
The second take has Bakugou on the bench alone, slowly unracking the weight for the voice-over.
"If you can't put the weight up," he starts lowering the weight to his chest and pretending to struggle briefly, "here's a trick."
He pushes the bar up again with ease.
"Just put the weight up."
"Katsuki, I swear to God-"
"Proper squat form requires you to stand with your feet a little wider than hip width." Izuku smiles for the camera as he demonstrates, and you try to keep yourself from melting from the charm he exudes. Somewhere behind you, you can hear Bakugou snicker, probably making fun of you, but you ignore it.
"Now, make sure to drive your hips back, bending at the knees and ankles-"
Izuku lowers himself into full squat, gripping the bar tightly as he moves, making sure to keep his smile unchanged and gaze towards the camera unperturbed.
There's a point where you wonder if he's doing it on purpose, distracted by the intensity of his look, then you realize something else is wrong about this scene.
"God, Kirishima, you're entirely too close."
Kirishima is practically breathing down his neck, he's so closely pressed against his back in the attempt to save the bar, and the scene looks almost pornographic. Izuku only realizes it himself, having also been under whatever conjoint trance you were in with him, when he notices your unsettled look.
Bakugou's snickers turn into cackles in the background as Izuku takes a quick step forward and drops enough weight onto the gym floor you thank the heavens these floors are reinforced. Kirishima's face goes as red as his hair.
"You missed your chance to kiss his neck, shitty hair!" Bakugou jeers.
"This isn't that kind of video, Kacchan!"
Kirishima's segment goes nearly without a hitch, and you have to admit, he looks far too good seated doing dumbbell curls, until you remember he's giving absolutely no advice.
"Your lines!" you mouth to him.
"Oh yeah!" he says grinning. "Got excited by the pump, it's been so long since I came to the gym!"
You're not supposed to say it, you think, rubbing your face with your hand.
"Anyway, make sure you keep your upper arms stationary, and exhale as you curl each weight up to the shoulder level."
He demonstrates one curl, biceps tensing as he pauses at shoulder level.
"It's also helpful to keep your abs contracted, and exhale slowly as you lower it. Imagine you're holding in a fart in a crowded room."
"What?" Izuku exclaims suddenly from off-camera. When you give him an incredulous look, he looks sheepish.
"Shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-"
Bakugou's raucous laughter in the background finally drains the last of your patience.
"Fuck it! We're done here."
Next time you'll ask professionals. Real ones.
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dekuscheripop · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags:
Comedy, Romantic, Comedy, Drama, Slapstick, Single Parent Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Stealing of body fluids, Out of Character, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Not Mpreg but with child, there is no cheating.
Single father Katsuki.
His son is 5 and a rascal that thinks he should have a lover because "Dada looks lonely."
His son ran off one day at the mall and after a panicked search the boy came back dragging someone in his tiny hands.
"Dada this one! This one, I found you a love love."
Katsuki sees shining emerald eyes and dusting of cocoa on cheeks
Katsuki sees Deku and wants to faint.
Deku was his first love, a love since kindergarten that never came to be. Especially since Deku migrated to America after they graduated college.
So back then Katsuki took whatever he could since he couldn't have Deku's love.
His sperm.
Katsuki had so secretly stolen sperm from Deku and brought it to a surrogate to have Deku's child.
Now here was Deku back after 5 years.
He was fucked for three good reasons, so so fucked because,
1 - his child looked so happy holding Deku's hand.
2 - Seeing Deku again after a long time made him realize he was still so in love with the damn nerd.
3 - Deku is already married.
He was standing behind the ice cream booth that had 201 flavors while in his hand was the god forsaken flavor of spicy chocolate mint cream that his son loves so much. The stuffed rabbit backpack that was too small and too tight over his shoulder looked so out of place along with the ice cream on him. There were the toilet papers on his other hand too.
To be fair Katsuki did not look his best today. It's supposed to be just a trip to the mall to buy toilet paper and some ice cream as per his son's request. Just an ordinary day, supposed to be an ordinary day.
So he wore his comfortable off white t-shirt that was already baconed on the collar and sleeves and his faded khaki cargo shorts, and the finale was the gift from Kirishima, red crocs shoes on his sock feet.
In short he looked like a disaster. At least his son looked cute in his black shirt under an orange overall.
Of all the days that he isn't in his suit and tie and leather shoes it had to be the day his son dragged his wet dream back into his life.
Deku. fucking Midoriya Izuku is hand in hand with his son. Fucking Midoriya Izuku at 5’11, in a tight black turtle neck long sleeve shirt and equally tight denim jeans. His wavy green hair in an undercut.
If Katsuki thought of him as a wet dream back in college then today it's a raging flood of a fantasy!
But his libido wasn't the main problem as of now. It's the fact that his son is with his biological dad! The one who Katsuki stole his sperm from!
Plus he looks like shit infront of his long time crush for fucks sake!
Katsuki is sweating buckets.
“Dada, I found you a love love!” His son, Kiyoshi, repeated, large red eyes shining and his freckled cheeks in a light blush on how happy he is.
“Love love? Well, aren't you cute for a kidnapper?”
Katsuki's knees buckled at the sweet yet deep voice, like smooth honey whiskey going down his throat and going right down his whole body. It's been so long since he heard that voice. Why the fuck is he salivating?
“You shouldn't be giving your dada any problems, little guy.” Deku kneels in front of Kiyoshi, patting his head with his big scarred hands.
Deku hasn't seen him yet.
Maybe if he grabs his son and runs like mad he can save himself.
“Let's go say sorry to your dad now.” Deku stood up and faced him and those emerald eyes grew wide.
It was too late.
Deku saw him in all his ugly glory.
Fuck. Great tutuly dudally fuck.
“Deku.” The name slips out of his mouth easily.
“Hi. It's been so long.” Still holding Kiyohi's hand, Deku walks towards him, it was a picture scene. Green wavy hair with blonde wavy hair, green doe eyes with red doe eyes and the same flock of freckles on fair skin, hand and hand walking towards him.
It was overwhelming.
Deku was in front of him now, Katsuki felt giddy. He likes to deny the fact that he is thrilled that he was still taller than Deku by half a head.
“How have you been?” He asked, looking up at Katsuki with the happiest smile.
“I'm good.” He could only reply courtly, scared that he might blurt out something wrong. He hopes his expression was giving him away.
“Yeah I can see that.” Deku says, still not removing eye contact.
Katsuki winces at his comment. What part of him looked good damn it. If anyone looks good here it's Deku and damn does he look way too fine.
Their eyes are stuck on each other, drawn in as if they were the only ones in the world.
Time seemed to have stopped as he stared into those deep pools of liquid emerald eyes.
The small voice cut them off whatever trance they had.
Deku looks down at the small hand tugging at him. Katsuki could have sworn there was a flicker in his eyes. On edge and muscles tense, Katsuki becomes nervous. Did Deku notice? Did he figure it out?
“So this is your son?” Deku asked, bending down and lifting up the small child into his arms. Katsuki felt his heart constrict painfully just looking at them. There was something growing inside, something heavy and bitter, guilt.
“Yeah! I’m Dada’s but with no Mama! So Dada is lonely, so mister needs to be with dada so he won't be lonely!” Kiyoshi lifts his hands up in declaration in a loud voice.
“Oi brat!” Katsuki reprimanded his son, his face was burning red from embarrassment.
He takes him from Deku’s arms and scolds him but the small child just huffed.
“But it's true. Dada is lonely.”
“Where did you learn to talk back?”
The two bickered back and forth like both were like small children.
There was a melodious sound of laughter coming just beside him. Deku was laughing hard, almost hunched over holding his stomach.
“He’s definitely your son Kacchan. He’s just like you.” Straightening himself up and wiping the tears from laughter from his eyes;
Deku pats Kiyoshi’s fluffy head. Kiyoshi preens at the attention.
The weird flicker in Deku's eyes was gone, he seems to be more happy after all that laughter.
“Mister mister I like you! I think Dada will like you too so you need to-mmph.” Katsuki stops his sons from talking,
muffling his mouth gently as he could but god damn it why is his child such a loud mouth?
"Ok." He says with a drawn out voice. "It was nice seeing yah but we gotta go. This guy needs to poop. So bye." Katsuki hurriedly turns around, not caring for Kiyoshi's muffled protest
and not even looking at Deku's eyes as he tries to speed walk away from his biggest problem.
"Kacchan wait!"
Katsuki does not. He walks faster.
It should be fine. Deku would probably go back to the US soon and they won't meet up every again.
It hurts to think about it but it would be a disaster if he stayed.
"I've transferred back here for work. So I hope I'll be seeing you often, Kacchan!"
Oh fuck. Great tutuly dudally fuck.
She just wanted to enjoy her fresh hot Takoyaki. Delicious Takoyaki. Just what she wanted and just what she craved. It was the last piece.
Picking it up with her chopsticks towards her awaiting mouth. A perfect treat.
Her door flew open with a bang.
Bang went to the door and bang went over her nerves from too much coffee this morning. Up her Tokoyaki went to the ceiling and stayed there like a half disco ball of carbs and octopus meat.
The two people stare at the new decor impassively then stare at each other.
"You owe me."
"Whatever! I have a bigger problem!"
What could be more of a bigger problem than her food!
"You owe me an order of Takoyaki!"
"Alright alright! I'll buy you one later. Just listen to me!"
"No later. Now!" She was really pissed. That was her last ball with the biggest piece of octopus and the most sauce!
"Oh my god, fine. It's just at the corner anyway. Just listen, yah."
They walked out of her house. Ochaco was still angry and puffed her cheeks.
She really wanted that last price but instantly felt better at the prospect of a new batch.
"So what's this all about barging into my place?" He asked as they were about to make a turn at a corner.
There was a deep exhale and that's when Ochaco knew this wasn't just something trivial.
"He's back."
"Deku's back!" Her best friend Bakugou Katsuki almost screamed.
Stopped, frozen and wide eyed.
"Oh my god. You are fucked! And I don't mean it in the oohh ahhhh kind!"
"Shut up!"
Ohhh but how could she shut up? Katsuki was having a life crisis while Ochako… Ochaco was having the time of her life!
"I told you this was gonna bite you back in the ass!"
She had long warned him way back after Katsuki suddenly barged into her home with an ice box and eyes crazy wide.
///"I stole his sperm!"///
Damn if that didn't traumatize her. Thank heavens she vehemently refused to be the surrogate mom for his craziness.
The surrogate was someone abroad that this crazy ass rich bastard paid millions on.
But don't get her wrong, she loves Kiyoshi with all her heart but damn if she hadn't been waiting for this moment to arrive.
"I told you so."
Oh how it felt good to finally say those words. She is having a blast.
"Shut up. I thought this was never going to happen!"
Ochaco beckoned Katsuki to start walking again. He still owes Takoyaki after a.
"Pfft. Now what are you going to do? He's married already isn't he?"
"That's what I heard. Ochako I-"
Ochaco sees Katsuki turn deathly pale then to a light pink, pink, darker pink to a deep blush.
She looked straight ahead and just before the Takoyaki booth was a man so fine she wanted to sing a damn gravy tik tok song out loud.
Wait, did Katsuki just say Deku?
Her round eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets. This guy was Midoriya Izuku a.k.a. Deku.
No wonder he stole sperm from this guy! He's hot as fuck. Ochaco would too if she wasn't a full out lesbian.
"You're here for Takoyaki too? The booth is still here after all these years huh. Just like back in highschool we used to eat here often."
The Deku guy passed by Ochaco and went straight for Katsuki. It was like he didn't see him at all.
"Deku." Was all Katsuki said. Ochaco stared hard at the wobbly expression her best friend had. She wished she could take a photo but she left her phone at home. Damn.
"I didn't get to ask earlier but I was wondering if you would have dinner with me this Friday? Just to catch up on everything."
She saw how Katsuki's normal mean eyes were wide like saucers.
"You can bring Kiyoshi with you. He is so adorable."
How his brows shut up and how the normal loud and rude Katsuki was silent with his long term crush being so near. It was a disaster.
Ochaco was living for it. Her smile was so self satisfied.
"Can we Kacchan? For old times sake?"
Katsuki was about to faint. Deku grabbed his hands with his own.
"Please." And gave him the puppy dog eyes.
He was doomed.
He nodded.
He was so fucking doomed.
"Thank you Kacchan." Deku still hasn't let go of Katsuki's hand, instead he gave him a brightest purest smile.
Ochaco and Katsuki were blinded. Damn gravy so clean and delicious! Oh but this one does have a missus. Too bad.
Ochaco will just have to appreciate the disaster truck of her best friend as it is.
"Oh you have someone with you."
Deku finally notices her and all she could do was smile even though she was completely ignored just earlier.
"I'm Midoriya Izuku and you are?" Deku raised his hand to shake in introduction.
"Ah I am-"
"She's Uraraka Ochaco!"
Ochaco had pulled away and was now in front of Katsuki as he had grabbed her arms. Showing her off to Deku like some kind of livestock.
"She's Kiyoshi's mom! So she has to come with us to dinner with Kiyoshi!"
The Takoyaki vendor dropped a ball on the pavement. So did Ochako's jaw.
She was frozen but slowly her head turned behind Katsuki, her soon to be ex best friend
The guy just mouthed sorry at her.
"Oh. I see."
She turns back to the sound of Deku and froze up like a rock during winter.
His bright green eyes have turned dark all the while looking at her. What is that?!
Oh great tutuly dudally fuck.
She is going to kill Katsuki.
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
A Reason To Hate Me.
No Pairing
Character of focus is Katsuki Bakugo
Word Count: 2072
Requested: @supernerdycookietrashblrr
Request: Original Request
Warnings: Bullying, Parent Death, Bakugo hate, bad interpretation of a devil fruit
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You should have known that you couldn’t continue under the radar for too long. Your quirk wasn’t something that made you outwardly strong, in the world that you lived in you were practically quirkless. Your quirk needed to be activated by eating a certain type of mushroom, something you coined as the wakeshroom. It soon became apparent to you that you were the only person that seemed to be able to eat these mushrooms but it still had an effect on you, so when you were a child your parents kept you away from them.
That was why you sat in this classroom with your head down cycling through things that you had read 1000 times in attempts to keep attention off of you. You knew that you had failed when you felt the shadow crawl over your shoulder “What are in here you useless nerd?” Someone asked. “Nothing.” You answered softly, trying to make yourself smaller in the chair and shrink away from Bakugo. You remember a time when he didn’t even see you but you made the mistake of sticking up for Izuku one day and that turned his attention to you. Izuku often apologised but you always told him that it wasn’t his fault. “Then you're just taking up space in here?” He asked harshly as he took the paper that you had been looking at. “Still don’t get this dumbass?” “I understand-” “If you understood you won’t be hiding in here-” “Kacchan that’s enough.” Izuku’s voice sounded from the door, Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Losers flock together I guess.” He smirked before using his quirk to burn the paper that he was holding with a smirked before barging past Izuku and leaving the room. “Are you o-” “I’m fine Izuku, thanks for the help.” You mumbled as you looked out the window. “You should tell someone what’s happening.” Izuku suggested. “You mean like you did?” You asked, Izuku sighed as he stood up, he wanted to fight what you said but instead he left you be, after all what you said had hurt him a little bit.
Their descent into madness started slowly, the first thing being the death of your parents after they got caught in a villain attack and you were left alone. You attempted to continue your life applying for the hero schools around and trying to do something that would make your parents proud but when you got to the entrance exam you came across someone you wished that you would never have to see again “what the hell are you doing here?” Bakugo asked. You didn’t say anything “you know that you aren’t good enough to get into this school.” “Hey dude, that's not nice.” Someone said from somewhere in the crowd. “Mind your own business!” Bakugo yelled back. “Can’t even fight for yourself how are you supposed to protect anyone.” You shouldn’t have let it get to you, if you were able to prove him wrong then you could do anything but of course, you didn’t the moment that the exam actually started Bakugo seemed to make it his mission to take every point that you could have got and by the end you were sure that you weren’t getting into UA.
After not being accepted on any hero course, you were still accepted into UA for normal schooling, the government gave you somewhere to stay now that your parents were gone and even offered you a part time job that would help you pay for rent, food and bills. You still saw Izuku sometimes but for the most part you stayed away because that meant that you stayed away from Bakugo too. “Told you, you wouldn’t make it. At least you're where you belong with all the other extras.” You don’t know how he kept finding you, whether he was looking for you at this point. You stayed quiet but that only seemed to give him space to continue “bet your parents are real proud of you now.” You bit down on your lip hands clenching at your side, “bet they tell that lie everyday, anyone ever tell you that parents lie too?” You were sure that he didn’t know that your parents had been killed. Why would he? But that was what started a downward spiral, with no one to stop you, you started spending more time in the world that you quirk created for you, eating the wakeshroom to keep yourself there. You don’t know if the school ever noticed that you stopped attending or if anyone came looking for you because you don’t remember a lot of what happened outside of your little world until Stains grand speech and you joining the League Of Villains.
On the day that you showed up they seemed to have a healthy amount of people already following the cause but the power and atmosphere that followed you gave Shigaraki enough reason to accept you into his group. “You're the only other person my age here.” A soft female voice sounded from next to you. “So?” You asked. “I think we should be friends. My name's Himiko Toga.” She introduced herself. “(Y/N) (L/N).” You answered after a moment. “What’s your quirk, mine lets me change into anyone who’s blood I drink, obviously the more I drink the longer I can pretend to be them.” She shrugged. “My quirk allows me to make a world all of my own and the songs there help me to control what happens there.” You answered. “Woah that’s cool, can you show me?” She asked. “Maybe when we go on our first mission.” You answered.
You were kept away from the Bakugo capture mission, on your own request, admitting that he and some of the teacher may recognise you and make the mission much harder for them, you were proven right when he got back. “Hey loser, what are you doing with these guys?” He asked, you glanced at him for a second. “Is he the one that hurt you?” Toga asked. “Oh you’ve got them doing your dirty work then!?” He asked. “You being here has nothing to do with me, in fact if I was asked my opinion I would have suggested killing you.” You answered, you don’t even know where the sentence had come from but it seemed that the effects of the shrooms that you had been eating in preparation for a fight were taking effect. You watched as Bakugo’s eyes widened allowing them the chance to properly chain him to the chair, you stood from where you were sitting walking over to him slowly, knee leant on the chair between his legs as your hand latched around his throat making him look at you. “You should thank Shigaraki for what he wants to offer you, otherwise I might have indulged in my own fantasy.” “You're crazy!” He growled. “And who made me that way?” You asked softly, pushing his head back roughly as you walked away “I won’t be controlled by you anymore.”
It would be months before you see Bakugo again, he escaped the clutches of the villains with the help of All Might and the other heroes and your group never crossed paths with him for a long while. When finally did come into contact with them was during the Jaku city incident which would ultimately earn you the fear that you deserved. “(Y/N)? What are you doing!?” Bakugo asked. “Me!?” You asked “I’m protecting the only people that have ever made me feel like I’m worth something, you think that using my name would make me change my mind!?” “What about Izuku? I thought you were friends!” Bakugo yelled “Shigaraki wants to kill him!” “I know what Shigaraki wants and honestly it never bothered me, Izuku stopped caring about me a long time ago! Every opportunity he got he saved you, every time he rescues you, so many people make excuses for you, you should never have been given the chance to be a hero! You loved hurting people everywhere that you went but for some reason I was always your target. I don’t know what I did to you but you can be sure that what I do to you will give you a reason to hate me.” You promised as you glanced back at the others, with an unconscious Shigaraki there was no way to win this fight so now they needed to leave. “What are you doing, little illusionist?” Compress asked. “Make sure that you find Toga okay?” You asked. “Of course.” He nodded. “Good then you’ll know when but you have to move quickly all of you.” You ordered, it only took a second for your quirk to take effect stopping all heroes in their track as the dark song took hold of their mind long enough for them to get away, they all seemed to turn on you then, Todoroki and Bakugo being the closest to you, you hummed to the song softly as you dodged the hit moving towards Machia where you sat with your back against his shoulder “Me and you Machia, we’ll be the sacrifices today.”
“(Y/N)!” Izuku shouted, you looked over at him, an almost dead look in your eyes. “What… What are you doing?” He asked. “You know Izuku, I am happy for you, I’m happy that you got to be the hero that you always wanted but it destroyed you, your broken and battered just trying to protect everyone, to protect him the one that made everything a living hell.” You said softly as you leaned back. “Everything needs to change.” “Change?” Izuku asked. “Did I ever tell you what my quirk was capable of doing, I could rewrite the world and make it everything that I want, I never told Shgaraki about that part, I wanted to use it for one purpose.” You explained flicking your hand and knocking back Shoto and Bakugo and freezing them in place. “What are you planning?” Bakugo asked, you looked at him and smirked, you seemed to disappear, reappearing next to his frozen body. “I plan to erase you from existence, I don’t want you in the new world.” You explained “No matter how fun it would be to torture you for the rest of your miserable life.” “You think dying scares me?” Bakugo asked. “Honestly no but I just don’t care. You won’t even get the chance to be an extra.” You smirked as you pulled your arm back, a knife appearing in your hand “once I’m done with you I’ll rewrite the world.” You plunged your hand down but before it could make contact you were knocked away. “I can’t let you hurt him (Y/N).” Izuku said, your eyes widened as you looked between them. “How!? How do you keep taking everything from me!” You yelled the world around you becoming unstable as you pressed the heel of your palm against your head. “I know it’s been hard, I know things have changed but there’s still time to-” “Time to what!? Go back to the way things were, you don’t understand I don’t want to go back to the way things were, I hated it being afraid of even making a noise because he might look over and decide that I’ve annoyed him.” You interrupted. “I can’t go back to that, I can’t.” The bright world about them was starting to become darker as you curled in on yourself. “I can’t, I can’t.” You were so tightly curled that you didn’t notice the deactivation of your quirk. In fact the only thing that you felt was the sharp hit to the back of your neck as you were knocked out swiftly.
Izuku watched as you fell forward into Mirio’s arms as he easily lifted you, the villains had successfully gotten away but they had managed to stop you, maybe even getting you away from them could help you to heal. “I didn’t think that it would have made them this way.” Bakugo muttered. “That’s the problem Bakugo, back then you didn’t think and now it might be too late to fix it.” Izuku explained. “Deku-” “Kacchan, this is something that we may not be able to undo but if that’s the case does that mean that we should punish them for it?” Izuku asked. “This is just as much our fault as it was theirs.”
Request Here!!
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faulty-writes · 1 year
[ Hello my dear followers and or fans, I present to you a Katsuki Bakugou headcanon request. The lovely @ladycoleigh and I technically devised this plot together, but I hope you enjoy it. This is super long, I apologize. Don't say I don't feed you well. Happy Pride! ]
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[ Headcanons Summary: Male!Reader is a Shiketsu High School intern at Best Jeanist's office and upon meeting Katsuki things don't go so well between the two of you. As time passes, Katsuki finds himself drawn to you and you to him which causes some internal questions to rise regarding sexuality. Happy Pride y'all! ]
It was easy to recognize him from the Provisional Licensing Exam and the Sports Festival. He was an angry but powerful hero student who focused on one thing. Victory. When he didn't get it, or something didn't work his way he got a little...explosive.
"Talk to him," Best Jeanist ordered, pushing you past his agency's doors, and ignoring your panicking. Katsuki was pissed about something, and it was your job to fix it. But how were you supposed to do that? "A-are you sure about this?" Best Jeanist nodded, believing that Katsuki would relate more to a male his own age.
The first thing he said to you when confronted was, "Get away from me or I'll blast your damn face off!" You trembled, trying to break the ice. "Um, your hair looks gorgeous! Uh, you look h-handsome! B-Best Jeanist does a great job," you murmured. "Eh?" Katsuki immediately stood up and towered over you. "What the hell do you mean handsome!?" he screamed before unleashing his quirk.
"I'm sorry!" you bowed in front of Best Jeanist's desk with smoke still seeping from your ripped and tattered clothes. Your skin and hair were also burned. "Maybe he doesn't like being complimented by another man?" you suggested, glancing away. "Hm...I see," Best Jeanist replied, standing up with his hands behind his back. "Keep trying," he ordered. It would take a lot of effort to break Katsuki's stubborn nature.
To help or make things more difficult, Best Jeanist assigned Katsuki and you to patrol together. During said patrol Katsuki didn't say a word to you and wandered off alone, leaving you to your own devices. You wanted to tell Best Jeanist you refused to work with him anymore, but a small part of you felt drawn to him. You didn't know what the reason was yet.
"You acted reckless!" you screamed after Katsuki apprehended a villain. "Yeah!? And who the hell do you think you are?!" he said with a snarl. You swallowed hard when he loomed over you and stared at him longer than you should have before answering. "I'm Y/n from Shiketsu High School, I s-saw you at the Provisional Licensing Exam but, uh, we didn't talk to each other," he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, there's a reason for that!" he snapped in reply.
"I just don't get it!" You groaned and leaned over the table with your hands tangled in your hair. "Like don't get what?" Camie replied. She was one of your closest friends. "He's such a jerk but I...I think I might be attracted to him?" Camie's eyes lit up. "O.M.G. You have the hots for a guy!? Who is he?" she asked, as open or absent-minded as usual. But you weren't ready to tell her more.
"Uh, K-Kacchan, are you okay? You seem distracted an-" Izuku stumbled back when Katsuki glared at him. "I'm fine, dumbass! Leave me the hell alone!" he screamed, before turning back to his desk and trying to concentrate, but damned thoughts of you kept invading his mind.
Was it strange to think another boy was handsome? Because Katsuki was! From his striking red eyes to that wild hair and those beautiful teeth that made you melt whenever he smirked. You groaned before slamming your head against the table. Best Jeanist was walking by and noticed your strange behavior. "Hm..." He had his suspicions but couldn't confirm anything now.
"I don't think I've ever had a crush before! But..." Camie shook her head and placed her hands on your shoulders. "Like that's why we're here at the mall! Just tell me who you think is hot and like who is not!" she explained, and while you were reluctant you followed through. "So that's another guy you find totes attractive and-" she paused when you sniffled. "Huh, what's wrong?" she asked, and you shook your head internally denying your homosexuality.
"I'd like to ask what is going on between you and Y/n," Katsuki stiffened his posture in response to the question, his jaw also clenched, and his hands curled into fists. "Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" he demanded. "Nothing is going on between us damn it!" Despite his words, Best Jeanist picked up on the slight flush across Katsuki's cheeks. "Hm, I understand. Carry on with your routine," he replied, shooing him away.
"What!?" Camie screamed, snatching your phone out of your hand to get a better look at the pictures of Katsuki you had taken, as creepy as that sounded. But you couldn't help but take pictures of him. There was something so...amazing about him. "That's the angry guy from the licensing exam! I mean he's totes hot if you like him!" she commented. "I..." you sighed. "I think I do like him...I still don't know what's wrong with me, but I don't think he likes me back and-" You paused when Camie laid a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"What the hell is your problem!?" Katsuki growled, pinning you against the wall with his hand around your throat. You had no idea what you did, but he was clearly angry about something and taking it out on you. Still, being this close to the one you liked made your heart race. "W-what are you talking about?" you replied with misty eyes, feeling his grip loosen and that look of anger fade momentarily.
After pulling Katsuki's hand from your throat and dragging him back to his office, Best Jeanist said, "I am trying to run a clean and proper organization, Bakugou. Whatever personal bias you have against Y/n won't be tolerated and-" Katsuki frowned, and Best Jeanist noticed an expression he had never seen before glistening in the boy's eye. "It's not biased I..." Katsuki growled. "Damn it, I don't know, I like them or something, okay!" Best Jeanist frowned. "And this is how you show you have feelings for another?" he questioned, angering Katsuki even more.
"You totally have to make a move!" she demanded, and your cheeks flushed. "W-what!? How am I supposed to do that? I can't do that at the agency. Best Jeanist would kill me and-"she waved her hands around. "Okay, okay," she said, tapping her chin. "Like maybe we can think of something else," she suggested.
[ Part II - Fireworks Festival ]
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mudhamster · 9 months
CHWHWN: 22. December - "? ?"
"The trains suck tomorrow. Mom wants me to come today. Besides, it's supposed to snow like hell," Katsuki announced over his cup of coffee, already checking the train schedule on his cell phone. He scratched his chin and frowned, and in the next moment, the sight of a yawning, bed-haired Katsuki was burned into Izuku's memory forever. They sat at the breakfast table, just the two of them on the first day of vacation, and Izuku buttered his last wobbly slice of toast when he casually replied, "I only have a weekend ticket." "Then buy one for today." Izuku blinked at him, "Why?" "To go home?!" Katsuki replied with a look as if Izuku was stupid. Today? With Kacchan? To a completely empty apartment? Unintentionally, he looked at the small Christmas tree in the corner of the room. "I can't go," he said without further ado and then stopped for a moment, "I still have to… buy presents. I'll go… tomorrow. At noon. There'll be a train, don't worry, Kacchan." The toast crumbled under the force of the knife tip and Katsuki raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Uh-huh." He could feel Kacchan's undivided attention on him as he reached for the peanut butter between them. His neck tingled. His mouth suddenly tasted like paper. He was getting warm. "When will you be back?" he finally burst with tension, "Before or after the New Year?" Katsuki immediately reflected the question back to him, "What about you?" "I don't know yet…" "Are you going to the shrine? On New Year's?" "Uh. Um," He usually did. With his mother and their old neighbor, who was too frail to walk up the steps alone. He liked the tradition, but there were certainly more pleasant alternatives than starting his New Year as a crutch for an old woman he barely knew. The only question was which? "Maybe. I don't know yet." With a loud thump, Katsuki slammed his cup down on the table. If it hadn't been empty, the table would be caffeinated now "Why are you acting so weird?" "What do you mean?" "I can't put my finger on it," he mused, obviously annoyed, looking disparagingly at Izuku across the table, "but it annoys the hell out of me."
"Sorry Kacchan," he said honestly, meaning it with every fiber of his being. "Whatever," he mumbled, twirling the empty cup between his fingers and Izuku watched as the image on it changed in the light of the kitchen. Izuku hated lying. And it was even worse to lie to Kacchan while they sat together at the breakfast table, enjoying the most humble but fulfilling simplicity. But since the second Kacchan had told him that he was leaving today, his head had been caught in a too fast roundabout. So much was still open. If Kacchan was leaving today, there were still so many unused notes that it seemed almost impossible to open 24. However, the change in his plan also meant that they were no longer guaranteed to be in the same neighbourhood for Christmas. Sure, he could go home tomorrow and sit on the couch and do everything he usually did with his mom and wait to see if Kacchan got in touch by Christmas. But what if he didn't? He honestly didn't know what would be worse. Getting the rejection while he was sitting at home in an undecorated apartment, or while he was sitting here and at least had the space to distract himself from the disappointment by exercising? "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
His mind was overloaded, that was what was wrong. He desperately tried to bring order to the pitiful remains of his plan.
"What - what, what did you get today?" "You wanna know, huh?" but from the way Kacchan rose from his chair, Izuku knew that he wouldn't get an answer. With both hands on the backrest and an odd look that Izuku couldn't interpret, Kacchan stood behind the chair, "I'll tell you when we go to the shrine …together. Just you and me." On New Year's Day. A week after Christmas. Was he home on New Year's Day? Would he be home at all? Would his mother be home? "…oh…okay," he nodded vaguely. He would make sure that…he…and Kacchan…WHAT? Were going to the shrine together?! Just as he took a breath to express how surprised he was by this offer (hello, him and Kacchan, New Year's tradition, romantic!!), Kacchan beat him to it. "Why the hell aren't you excited?" he snapped at him, grabbing the cup and catching Izuku's perplexed look. They both started talking at the same time. "K-kacchan, I -" "We've never been -" Katsuki was the first to look away, a blush of confusion and disappointment on his face. "I'll be there!“ Izuku said, confused and overwhelmed, “I'm looking forward to it, honestly!" "Just forget it."
Kacchan stomped out of the kitchen and Izuku looked at his toast, in his mind swirling thoughts of the shrine. Of the moment when the bells rang and prayers were said and new horoscopes were drawn. His own from last year was still in the desk drawer at home. It had predicted a great change for him - and he had received it. The idea of going to the shrine with Kacchan was so strange and yet so wonderful that he didn't want to let it fail. He pulled out his phone.
Deku: I know there was no promise in the calendar. But I'll make one anyway: I'll be there for New Year's. I'll pick you up and you pick a shrine. Okay? Kacchan: … fucking fine
They would see each other again this year, regardless of whether Katsuki would ever be able to open 24.
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sapphic-agent · 11 months
Not sure if I even read the Breaking Point fic. Maybe, maybe not. But I have my own share of fics that "we can fix canon" but make worse.
There one fic I recall (the name slipped from my mind) where ofa somehow shows the class A1 all the abuse Izu endured by BK - it was all thanks to bk and Izu forced team up- and still...people did nothing.
Now think about this premise: ofa shows the abuse and people are just midly concerned.
Why is that? Why make Izu be seen as a victom and get help and support is smth so rare in this fandom?
It is rare see Ochako and his so called friends do stick up for him in fics and not be demonized. Hell, there one where class A1 finds out bk bully Izu(OH MY GOD HE TRIED TO KILL HIM...why fics make them discovery their past as if is a big plot twist?) And proceed to give a taste of his own poison.
And...."this is bad. They shouldnt do this. Poor bk"
You know, some stories talk aboht forgiviness and can be a really touching and well done thing....but those are rare, extremely so. I'm tired of "forgive them bc this is correct" let Izu hold grudges. Let Izu dont forgive bk and be in his right.
A dorama who got this right is The Glory. The mc was horrible abused and got her revenge and in no point people were "forgive them" to mc.
To conclude: this fandom seems to tnink Izu and pain are the OTP when it really isnt nor should be.
Yeah, the fandom can be... Desensitized to this issue so to speak. I think this is for two reasons.
1. So much of Bakugou's behavior is brushed off as a joke. It's easy for people to turn a blind eye to his treatment of Izuku because so much of it is glazed over by cheap laughs.
Honestly I'm pretty sure that's why people think we're so stuck in the suicide baiting in episode 1. Because that's the only moment the series ever really treats Bakugou's behavior as serious as it is. Like, yeah, that was bad, but that's far from the only thing Bakugou's ever done to Izuku. There's attacking him during the Quirk Apprehension Test, hunting him down and seriously injuring him during the Battle Trials, being purposely uncooperative and punching him during the Final Exam, coercing him into a fight after curfew and demanding information that absolutely wasn't his business, throwing his headpiece at him, attempting to forcibly draw Blackwhip out with no consideration of the consequences, etc. Mind you, everything I just listed happened at UA (a few when he was supposed to be "changing"). I would argue that a good number of these things were worse than the suicide baiting.
But they don't register in people's heads the same way because the narrative doesn't treat them the same way. So when fanfiction authors try to write these stories, they're only looking at one aspect of it while turning a blind eye to everything else. They might do a decent job addressing how Bakugou treated Izuku in Aldera, but do a piss poor job of addressing his behavior at UA.
2. Horikoshi doesn't allow Izuku to be looked at as the victim.
This wasn't always the case. We're supposed to feel bad for him in episode one. We're supposed to think that his treatment at Bakugou's hands during the Battle Trials is brutal. He was written to be the sympathetic underdog who's been given a bad hand in life and gets treated like shit because of it.
But that began to change around Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. Hori knew that Izuku had to forgive Bakugou if the viewers were going to. But there was also no way to realistically do this if he actually had a negative response to Bakugou's treatment of him. So he gave us the implication that Izuku wasn't bothered by it at all (which we know isn't true because he was extremely upset when Bakugou said what he said in episode one). He confirms this through All Might of all people, so it has to be true, right?
And most viewers will accept this at face value. Because they're looking for an out for Bakugou. They're looking for a way they can like him while not condoning a bigoted bully.
That's how I see things anyway
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silverynight · 10 months
A charming witch
Part III
He's nervous, but determined. Besides, even though it's his first time summoning a demon (if he doesn't count that one time when he was a little kid) he's come prepared for it.
Taking a deep breath, Izuku places the salt and the flowers for protection around the circle he made. In the book he just acquired says that he needs to know the symbol for the demon he's going to make a pact with.
Izuku doesn't plan to make any kind of deals with Bakugo, but he supposes that's the only reason someone would summon a demon.
He makes appear his book about demons (that his mother made him promise he wouldn't open when he was a child) silently says he's sorry to his mother and starts looking for Bakugo's symbol. Now, it's not like they have a list of names with symbols attached to them; most of the things in the book don't make sense to Izuku, but he supposes what he's looking for is the one that's assigned to the king.
But what if he's wrong? What if Ashido was joking when she talked about her boss? What if Bakugo is not the demon king?
The witch looks nervously around his room; it is dark and the candles on the floor are the only thing that help him see.
Shaking his head, Izuku decides that it's too late to step back now.
He uses a needle to make a tiny cut on his finger so he can draw the symbol with his own blood. However, before he can start, as he leans closer, a drop of blood falls from it and the symbol draws itself on the floor.
Startled and nervous, Izuku starts chanting the words for the protection spell immediately, moving a little bit away from the circle of flowers and salt.
He's not sure if it's the correct symbol or not and has no idea how or why it wrote itself.
There's an explosion in the middle of the room that doesn't react him thanks to the incantation and the next thing he knows is that the demon known as Bakugo Katsuki is in the middle of the circle.
From where Izuku is sitting, the demon looks so much taller than in his dreams. But he's wearing something that makes him look like one of those barbarians that come to the village every autumn; Izuku wonders why right before the demon hisses when he bumps into an invisible shield.
"WHY AM I..." He doesn't finish the sentence, takes a deep breath and kneels. "I'm not going to hurt you, you know?"
"I'm... not sure about that," Izuku says carefully, even though he feels like the demon is telling the truth and that he's being a little bit unfair.
"Are you alright?" Bakugo asks, trying not to look as frustrated as he feels. "Did they hurt you?"
Izuku shakes his head.
"Thanks for waking me up, Kacchan."
"You're welcome, nerd."
The last word makes him remember something else... Bakugo used to call him nerd every time he saw him. But that means he saw him a couple of times, not just once.
"Were we friends, Kacchan?"
"I'd like to think that we still are, Izuku," the demon smiles, looking a little bit sad as he places a hand on the invisible barrier.
"Why I don't remember...?" The witch starts rubbing his temples, feeling a light headache.
"I don't know, but you stopped summoning me one day and it... hurt," Bakugo looks away with a pained expression on his face. "I thought I scared you away because I tried to bite you."
"Why did you? I still don't understand," Izuku mumbles. But if he remembers correctly now, he wasn't scared then. His mother was.
Was she the one who took his memories away? Was it because of the father he never met? Was she scared he could accidentally see him too? He's not sure and there's no way to ask her now.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Bakugo takes a deep breath and blushes to the tip of his pointy ears; it's cute.
"That's how demons mark their mates. I wanted you to be my mate... it's some sort of connection... I think your people use marriage for that. Mating bites are similar."
Now it's Izuku's turn to blush and he's sure he looks like a strawberry because his mother used to tell him that.
"Oh... so you had a crush on me."
The demon rolls his eyes, takes a smear of Izuku's blood with his finger and marks his left shoulder with it.
"No, it was more than that," he tries to explain as a figure appears on his shoulder and in the middle of it the letter 'I'... to Izuku it looks like a tattoo.
"Is that my–"
"Yes, the 'I' is for Izuku," Bakugo smirks, staring at it with pride. "I knew you were the one. That's why your blood calls to me every single time; you couldn't summon any other demon no matter how much you wanted to."
"Does that mean we're soulmates?" The witch asks, feeling suddenly very shy. He likes the demon, but it's difficult for him to imagine that he's destined to be with the demon king.
"I guess you could call it that."
Izuku looks up at the demon and feels like he knows him, like he can trust him and has always felt that way about him.
"Why do you want to stay here?"
"I said I wasn't good to bite you unless you wanted to and I won't, but I want the opportunity to court you, like your people do."
The honesty takes him by surprise; Izuku blinks a couple of times before deciding that he really wants to give him a chance. Having someone in his weird little house would be good for a change.
Quickly, he removes the flowers and the salt so the demon can step away from the circle and he giggles when the first thing Bakugo does is to tackle him to the ground in a very enthusiastic hug.
"I missed you, nerd."
"I missed you too, Kacchan," Izuku says sincerely, even though he just remembers glimpses of their friendship.
They have to do a binding spell so Bakugo can stay as much as he wants, but the demon doesn't mind at all.
Later they cuddle and Izuku falls asleep in his demon's arms, which is definitely something he can get used to.
By the time Ochako returns to her best friend's little shop, her deal with Mina has expired so she comes back alone. However, she's perfectly aware of what happened to Midoriya.
"Hi!" She waves one of her hands happily as the cute green haired witch rushes to the entrance to greet her.
"Hello, Uraraka! What can I help you with today?" He asks as a very grumpy but tall barbarian gets closer to them and hisses at her. "Kacchan!"
Ochako giggles; it's not that the demon's illusion is bad, he certainly does look human, it's just that she can perfectly see through a simple charm like that one.
What surprises her is that the demon's energy feels extremely powerful and if what Mina said is true, then she's standing in front of the demon king himself.
Now, she'd be a lot more intimidated if it wasn't because said demon can't stop himself from making heart eyes at Midoriya every five minutes.
Although she's actually happy for them, they look very much in love.
"I just wanted to know how you were doing, actually," she says.
"He's perfectly fine because I'm here! He doesn't need you!"
"Kacchan, why are you being so rude to Uraraka?"
Ochako rolls her eyes before staring directly at the demon; having Midoriya around helps her feel more at ease in front of someone so powerful.
"Relax, I'm just his friend."
"Tch!" The blond demon grimaces like he doesn't care, but he does indeed relax significantly around her.
"You should let him bite you already; it's the only way he'll relax completely in front of strangers."
Midoriya blushes adorably and the demon smiles fondly at him like the besotted dork he is.
"I... I want to get married too, that's why we'll have to wait a bit for that," Midoriya mumbles, covering his own face for a couple of seconds. "And you're invited, by the way! I just don't have the invitations yet."
"It's okay, I'll wait," she chuckles, watching as the demon king pulls the green haired witch into his arms and kisses him all over the face.
It's obvious they've been living together for a while now and they're completely comfortable around each other.
"Bakugo Katsuki," the demon finally introduces himself, like he suddenly remembered that Ochako was still there.
"Uraraka Ochako, it's honestly a pleasure," she chuckles when the demon rolls his eyes and pulls Midoriya even closer.
It's certainly an unusual relationship, but a very cute one at the same time; Bakugo looks anything but kind and gentle and yet he's doing his best to make Midoriya giggle as he presses little kisses against his curls.
"Does he make you happy?" Ochako asks her friend, ignoring the irritated expression the demon throws at her.
"Very much."
"Then that's all that matters." She stops smiling for a second before adding: "But if you make him cry..."
"Same goes to you, round face!"
Yeah, she definitely likes that one for her friend.
"Keep him out of trouble."
"You and I know that's basically impossible."
"You're right..."
"I'm still here!" Midoriya pouts, prompting Ochako and Bakugo to burst into laughter.
Midoriya knows a kiss on the lips is more than enough to shut the demon up and Ochako decides to leave them alone for a while; she'll come back later.
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sugolara · 10 months
𝘼𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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On the other side and a little further behind, Katsuki and Izuku laid underneath the same car. The blonde moved the bag of guns in front of him, “Can’t we just have one day where everything is fucking peaceful.”
Izuku looked around, “Can you be quiet. They’re coming.”
Katsuki was about to reply but held his tongue when the first rotter walked by. With their hearts beating and sweat beginning to form, they quietly watched as the dozen of rotters passed by. Anxious is what they were feeling as some dead would stop then keep moving. 
As Katsuki watched one particularly rotter walking, he found it odd as their patterned like steps didn’t seem to be in a zigzag like the others. It almost seemed like it was walking as a human. It was eerie to say the least, but the blonde couldn't shrug the idea off especially with the feeling like something was disturbingly wrong.
From beside him, Izuku noticed a rotter standing still for what seemed to be like a minute then continued onward. It didn’t make Izuku feel any better as the same rotter seemed to be facing his and Katsuki’s direction. Before he could inform the blonde, the rotter followed the dozen of. 
When they were sure the coast was clear, they slid out the car and stayed in a crouching position until the dead could no longer be seen. With Izuku behind Katsuki, the male whispered, “Did you notice how one stayed behind? Do you think it just turned?”
Katsuki could already tell what he was thinking as he nodded, staring at the dead walking further away, “I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to stay on this road.”
Looking back for any dead, Izuku furrowed his brow, “Guess we’ll have to take the detour, huh?”
Katsuki let out a small scoff and beginning heading to here they last saw F/n and Shoto, “And we were so fucking close.”
When they found F/n and Shoto, they could tell that the two also had something bad to share. Shoto pointed to the dead rotter F/n had pointed out earlier, “You see that?”
Katsuki and Izuku confusingly stared at the word written on the skull, “The hell is that supposed to mean.”
F/n leaned on a car, “It means we should stay off this road. Either someone has already claimed it and they’re already watching us and this was a message, or they’ll be here any minute. I’m not too keen on finding out which it is.”
“That’s what me and Kacchan were thinking.” Izuku pointed out, “We should’ve left the second this place had no sign of death.”
“Not only that,” Katsuki added, “but these damn freaks don’t act like one.”
Shoto looked at the map then towards where the rotters headed at, “If we stay on this path we’ll be in our direction in no time, but if we take a different path, it could probably take another day.”
“We’ve got supplies to last that long.” Izuku noted. 
“The only way we’d be getting to this safehouse faster is through there.” Katsuki pointed ahead.
Shoto sighed out, “We already explained why going through there is a bad idea.”
Katsuki tapped the car F/n leaned on, “We find a damn car, hotwire it, then drive all the way there. What difference does it make if they already know we're here? We’d be able to escape with a damn car.”
Izuku agreed, “ We have guns and ammo. It doesn’t hurt to try.”
“It will be when we all die.” F/n added. 
“Look, I get we want to get there faster, but with the trees covering us they’ll have a harder time finding us.” Shoto eyed F/n, “Just like she said, we stay off the  main road.”
The blonde rolled his eyes, “We don’t even know if they’re even here.”
“We’re being cautious.” F/n fiddled with the butterfly knife. 
Finally making their decision, the group leave the freeway and enter the woods that surround it. Although they hated the idea of taking the longer way, they understood that their lives would be at stake if they dared to continue onward. 
Katsuki did make some good statements but if the car were to shut down they’d be stranded with nothing to cover them. Besides, they don’t know how many people could possibly already be watching them or even if they aren’t. 
In this world, one message is all it takes for them to fear their lives. One message could chase the course of their future. A message could ruin everything. 
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku one shots by nikkiRA
UA Students
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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All of these stories are by @aravenlikeawritingdesk
Some contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
Art work by @Milmil21229 {twitter}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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jump then fall by nikkiRA
Summary: During a storm, Class 3-A end up playing a version of the newlywed game, except Deku and Katsuki get roped into playing, even though they're not dating.
They're really good at it.
“It’s cute that you know so much about each other,” Ashido says. Bakugou curls his lip; he locks eyes with Deku, and he feels his cheeks heat up at the happy smile he gives him.
One Shot | Third Year AU
Rated - General Audiences
can this be a real thing can it by nikkiRA
Summary: His friends are all laughing when Katsuki throws himself down beside them and says, “Why the fuck do people think I’m dating Deku?”
This time last year it would probably be hard to get an answer, with no one (except possibly Kirishima) willing to be the one to poke Katsuki’s anger. Now they all burst into laughter, and Mina says, “Have you seen you and Deku?”
One Shot | Second Year AU | Post War
Rated - General Audiences
this love left a permanent mark by nikkiRA
Summary: "I get 'em too."
Izuku looks at him, but Katsuki is faced away. "About what?"
Katsuki shrugs. "Take your fucking pick. Got a lot of options." And isn't that just damn depressing. "Hey," Katsuki continues, and his voice has the forced neutrality he always gets when he cares too much and he's pretending not to. "You can stay here tonight, if you want."
One Shot | Post War
Rated - Explicit
king of hearts by nikkiRA
Summary: Bakugou gets hit by a quirk that makes hearts manifest above his head— the more hearts, the more he likes you.
He can under no circumstances let Deku see him.
One Shot | Third Year AU | Quirk Accident
Rated - Explicit
gorgeous by nikkiRA
Summary: Katsuki smirks and says, "Why d’you like my summer uniform better?"
And here's the thing— Izuku could come up with an acceptable reason, except at that moment Katsuki crosses his arms, and even in the school uniform Izuku can see the outline of his muscles, his incredibly big, incredibly strong muscles. And Izuku's very dumb, very gay brain latches onto them, and Izuku's very dumb, very loud mouth opens and says, “Arms."
One Shot | Third Year AU
Rated - Explicit
this love is a bloodbath by nikkiRA
Summary: Izuku takes a breath. "When I thought that you were dead, I thought of all the things I hadn't told you, and now it's like I have a second chance. I don't want to keep secrets from you anymore.
Katsuki swallows. His mouth is very dry. “What secrets have you been keeping?"
the truth comes out.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Research Purposes by nikkiRA
Summary: The curiosity gets to be too much for him. There were too many unknown variables. When did he start needing glasses? Izuku had been watching and taking notes on Katsuki since he first learned how to write. He needed to know for research purposes. The fact that they made Izuku horny as hell was just an unfortunate side effect.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Unravelled by nikkiRA
Summary: *spoilers for chapter 362*
The first thing Katsuki becomes aware of is the fact that he’s not dead. Or at least, he’s assuming he’s not dead, because he’s hoping being dead isn’t going to hurt this fucking much. It feels like Shigaraki had turned him into dust and some stubborn idiot had gathered up all the pieces and super glued them back together.
There’s a sniffle near him, and Katsuki opens his eyes to see the stubborn idiot in question.
One Shot | Post War
Rated - General Audiences
Someday by nikkiRA
Summary: "Bastard hit me with his quirk," his Kacchan says. "It's supposed to swap you with a version of your past self, except Aizawa erased it right in the middle, which somehow meant that this shithead got pulled through, but I didn't get sent back."
"Who're you calling a shithead?” Sixteen year old Kacchan bursts out. Kacchan smacks him on the head.
"You, shithead! Pay attention!"
One Shot | Third Year au | Quirk Accident
Rated - Teen & Up
dining in by nikkiRA
Summary: "Kacchan," Izuku says patiently. "I just squirted on your face. Tell me you love me."
Katsuki’s eyes turn hungry at the reminder. "Fuck yeah, you did,” he says leaning down to give Izuku a kiss that is mostly teeth. "I fucking love you."
One Shot | Third Year AU | Trans Deku
Rated - Explicit
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Hi! I hope this is okay but would you do what would happen if deku caught y/n and bakugou doing facials/skincare together? Sorry if this is weird
So this was a really fun scenario to write, thanks for the ask!
-Mod Kendo
Bakugou reached for the washcloth he had just placed under the hot water. Y/N repeated the same action, but recoilded when they touched the water. 
“Are you sure it’s supposed to be this hot?” they asked, shaking their lightly scalded fingers?
Bakugou picked up his washcloth without any reaction and brought it to his face, steam rising off it through the gaps between his fingers. “Of course it is. How else are you planning to open up your pores?” He then placed it over his face and took a few deep breaths, sounding almost relaxed. 
Y/N grabbed their towel, which they could now hold since it had been sitting out of the water a few moments. They raised it to their face and felt the steam as they breathed. They had to admit, Bakugou was right. The hot towel was incredibly relaxing. 
After a few moments of steaming, the two removed their hot towels, and  set them back on the counter. 
“Alright,” Bakugou said, reaching into his toiletry bag, “now its soap, another rinse, syrum, another hot towel, and lotion.” He set out various tubes and creams as he spoke. 
Y/N took out the shopping bag full of skin care products they had picked out earlier and set them on the counter in the same order as Bakugou had a moment ago, then looked over to their friend for the next steps. 
Bakugou was scrubbing his face agressively fast, bubbles from his lathered soap flying off in all directions. His hair was held out of his face by a towel, wrapped around his head and tied in the front. Y/N didn’t have time to react to the scene before they heard footsteps that abruptly stopped in the bathroom door.
A surprised voice echoed through the room. “Kacchan?” 
Izuku was winding down for the night, all that was left was to brush his teeth before bed. So he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and sleepily stumbled towards the bathroom. He heard water running but didn’t think much of it until he rounded the corner into the doorway and froze.
Globs of bubbly soap were flying around the room, flung by the angry scrubbing of the boy by the sink. Atop his head sat what looked like the unholy offspting of a blonde hedgehog and the easter bunny. 
“Kaccahn?” Izuku stammered.
Bakugou froze, every muscle clenched. He began to rotate his head like a machine in need of oil, slow, staggering, and dripping with rage. 
Izuku didn’t know how to react. On one hand, Bakugou’s face was a mask of pure rage, which spelled trouble for him. On the other hand, he could barely eep from laughing at the white bunny ears the towle formed on his head, and the white soap smeared across his face. 
“The h*ll are you looking at!?!?” Bakugou thundered.
“A-ah-… N-nothing!” Izuku stammered, stumbling backwards into the bathroom’s doorframe. 
“You think this is a d@mn joke?!?” He roared, closing in on the cowering Izuku. Froth from the soap flung off his face with each step. 
“N-no! Not at all!” Izuku wimpered, waving his hands wildly in front of him. “I- I’m just surprised is all.”
Bakugou halted his death march, looking puzzled. “Why the h*ll would you be so d@mn surprised? This is the f*cking bathroom. This is where people are supposesd to wash their gross @ss faces.”
Izuku glanced ar the towl in his hair, then to the various syrums on the counter next to the sink. “I- I know,” he began. “I just didn’t expect you to have such a…” he glanced around again, “an elaborate skin care routine.”
Bakugou huffed, grabbing Izuku by his collar and lifting him to his feet, but not letting go. Bakugou got so close to Izuku’s face that soap dripped onto his forhead. “Skincare is really f*cking important.” Bakugou growled, then tossed Izuku back to the floor. “Do you have any idea what would happen if one of my sweat glands got clogged?! It would be a disastre!” He was shouting full volume again. 
“I- I can see how that would be a problem.” Izuku replied. He wondered why he hadn’t thought of it before. With his quirk, Kacchan had to be sweating a lot more than most people, meaning he’d be more likely to break out. And a clogged pore or a problem with any of his sweat excretion would be a major problem for him in the field. It only made sense that he was incredibly dilligent about maintaining them. “I’m sorry.” He said.
“Yeah whatever.” Bakugou groaned, returning to the sink. “Just, get the H*ll out of here.”
Izuku stepped back around the corner, figuring he’d come brush his teeth later after the others left. But as he walked away, he heard the voices from inside. 
“What now?” Y/N said to Bakugou.
“I already told you; rinse, syrum, hot towel, lotion.” Bakugou snapped, as the sound of a sink turning on eminated from the room.
“Oh- I just thought- since he interupted you might want to-“ Y/N said, seemingly looking for the right words. “I thought you might want to call it a night.”
A loud smack echoed down the hall, probably Bakugou slamming his fists on the counter. “Are you deaf!?” He shouted. “I just told you. Skincare is f*cking important!”
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