#but also Dangit you made me like more ships
sos-smp-headcanons · 5 months
Ok enough of mogjuice. Enough of Mythicalswamp!!(/J lol im never getting tired of them) Lets talk about Scwhip!
Now that Scott, Eloise and Ori are in the blacklist of not reviving. The entire server (for now atleast) will not waste ANY coins on them and fWhip for now is fine by him... But... Scott is on that list he can't just NOT revive him. If Scott needs him. He is going to help even if he needs to beg the fates for more coins. Even if he needs to give his body away for them more times that he would like. He isn't letting Scott go first. He can't... He just can't - Ghostie anon
Fwhip makes an offhand claim that Scott’s always there in every server he’s in. Not having him there would feel odd! But he’s not fooling anyone, not even himself.
He can’t stand the thought of not being able to go across and visit Scott’s home, to bother him while he’s cooking or for the man to show up unannounced while he tends to the ravager ranch. Scott’s too important to him, and he will break the rules that the Fates set if it means keeping him around.
The Fates are not pleased with their vessel, but they are not the types of beings who would enact punishment on mortals. They realize that human emotion and attachments are more complex than those of themselves. They’ll let him get away with it this time, if only it means keeping him happy. Fwhip’s growing on them.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
I am loving billy adopting Conner !! 💖 ty for feeding us always with your DC content!! it's always unique and I very much appreciate the fact you love so many blorbo's (especially my batgirls who never get any screentime or rights within fics coughhh)
Thank you! I try to at least name-drop characters who are important to the specific blorbos I'm writing about/obsessing on, especially when they'd logically be relevant, even if I'm not majorly including them in the fic du jour. I feel like it rounds out the world and characters more and also it's just like . . . there was this thing where, for example, I used to read a lot of Steve/Tony fics back in the day and SO many people just NEVER mentoned Rhodey EVER, and it made me LEGIT INSANE, lol. So like, I try not to do that to people myself? It's just weird and jarring and ANNOYING, dangit!
Like I understand wanting to tell a ship-focused story, for example, but when you're 50k deep in a plot-heavy Stony fic and nobody's even throwaway-line MENTIONED Rhodey . . . . . . like COME ON, PEOPLE. And like, I feel similarly about for example Timkon that forgets Steph or Tana or other relationships ever happened even when it's clearly taking place AFTER those relationships had happened.
Also I still really wanna write some Cass/Kon sooooo . . . 👀
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mewtwoandme · 3 years
Dangit, all this talk about newtwo being in a relationship or not being in one makes me wanna make a partner for Vuruuka (yes I'm calling her Vuruuka now) also what made you come up with Gwen and her.being a gardevoir? Did you worry about it being a gardevoir due to the...well.....*immense amount of questionable content* surrounding gardevoir and did you have any other ideas on what pokemon Gwen could've been?
Ohhhh boy....I feel a rant incoming XD
Honestly? I like the Mewtwo x Gardevoir ship, I prefer it over the other Mewtwo ships, the rest either didn't fit with the relationship dynamics I wanted, like some ship Mewtwo with Newtwo or Mew but I see them more like his siblings than love interests. While other ships were just not appealing at all. At the start I even considered the Mewtwo x OC, which would've put him and Lakota together but I decided I didn't wanna go that route and chose to make Guinevere (Gwen)
Yes...unfortunately I am aware of the overly sexualized "fanart" if you want to call it that, that surrounds gardevoir (all of it might as well be called p**norgraphy) But here's where I'm gonna be real with y'all, yes I don't draw Gwen like the standard gardevoir, obviously. I gave her "additional parts" true, but do it draw them huge and out of proportion? No. Do I draw her in any skimpy/sexy clothing other than the natural dress gardevoirs have? No. I feel that I have given her a decent image. I've had only one incident with someone regarding how she looked and that I overly sexualized her, saying she was disgusting and I was too for drawing her that way, yada yada. But no, once I came up with Gwen I knew she was going to be a gardevoir, cause that's what I wanted and I stuck to it regardless if I got hate for it. If people don't like her they know to just scroll past art with her in it...if they don't know enough to do that much well than they lack that common sense I guess XD
But I haven't had an issue since that happened and the majority of you guys seem to love her anyway so I feel like Gwen has established herself enough in my AU to where you all know what her character is like, you know her personality, and as far as her looks you guys think she's beautiful. Otherwise I would've gotten more hate by now I'd think lol
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robinpixels · 2 years
OH you also ship Varga/Aloy and Lis/GAIA? Twinsies! Haha, coming out of HZD I was worried I'd be the only one shipping Aloy with Varga but I'm glad to be wrong :')
AAAAAAAA??? HELLO YES I DO!! I've drawn them a few times together before but mainly on my AU side askblog :'3 There's a lot of Gaia/Lis there as well
I know there are characters much more likely to be paired w Aloy than Varga but dangit their short interaction really sold it for me--Aloy pulling out dangerous weaponry like flowers bc they made this cute blacksmith girl so happy and Varga inviting her on hunts with her almost bashfully, it's adorable. I'm very fond of Varga as her own character too.
And the GAIA/Lis is just...how do I explain, man. They're the mothership. I heard Sylens say "What are you talking about, you have two mothers" back in HZD and I never looked back since. Seeing how much Lis trusted GAIA and how much GAIA still loves and misses her to the present day...damn.
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 4 years
Were there any episodes in season 3 where you felt they could've been written better? I'm only asking because I had some ideas I wanted to share with people about fixing them since, to me, the season started becoming a mess around The Phantom and the Sorceress. And the episodes don't need to be outright bad, there could just be parts in it you didn't like.
Oof. I've been a bit loud and obnoxious about certain episodes for sure 😅 I'll try to briefly sum up a few.
Also I'm just gonna say, some of these are just I don't like what they did rather than any huge fundamental problems like the finale.
Also disclaimer. This is not an attack on anyone who likes these episodes! Nobody has to agree with me! If you like these episodes cool! Glad you got something out of it! This is just Tombs being a nit pick loud mouth.
Rumble for Ragnarok
I can't complain too much about this one as it was still entertaining. Norse is part of my heritage and I'm a fan of the mythology which was on full display this episode. My only real issue this episode is that the message gets a little lost at least on me. And then two is I think out of all the episodes this one is the one that could absolutely be thrown out without losing anything really important. Trade this episode for something different. Something more important.
The Forbidden Fountain of the Forever Glades
Scrooge's behavior and leaving Webby in the jungle was painful to watch. (Much as I don't like the finale twist, the twist actually makes this episode worse.) [Also so much for Goldie's "fresh start" when in Split Sword of Swanstitine later showed she once again attempted to double cross Scrooge. Yeah. Fresh start. Totallyyyy.] Goldie is a fun character and I can't hate her too much. The episode has its merits and definitely still think this episode should be around but Scrooge's behavior here really kills me. Thankfully at the end he does better but ugh. It's low on the overall ranking for me based on how he behaves and treats Webby.
New Gods on the Block
I actually really love this episode but Storkules was pissing me off too much 😂 Nit pick for sure. I love this himbo but got dangit he was making me so mad. I get it was kinda important for the overall plot but come on we got so little Donsy content that it was frustrating that he was so intrusive.
The First Adventure
Nit picking again. I think it's kinda random how in the span of a few hours a hard ass like Scrooge went from "my obnoxious niece and nephew" to "my heirs and beloved family." I guess it's possible but not a fan of that kind of writing. For me it would make more sense that they had several adventures or at least more time with them before they became "his heirs" in his eyes. Extreme nit picking on my part though, the episode isn't bad at all really. Also no Hortense and Quackmore. Yes they were named. (Or she was) No we never got to see them. Rude! This was actually a really good episode though overall again I just have some minor nit picks.
The Fight for Castle McDuck
Okay this one is also kind of a nit pick but it's more like based on the episode's timing. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that Webby "Knower of all things Clan McDuck" has no idea that a family of Scots fights a lot. I can somewhat forgive it though as she's young and isn't as familiar with this side of the family in the flesh. But it's so weird how this late into the show we're seeing this?? I think I would have liked this episode more if it had popped up earlier into season 3 rather than so late? It just was a kinda weird episode and not the most enjoyable but the timing I think made it worse. Also the no mention of Hortense again. Referring to Matilda as the youngest when that's supposed to be Hortense? It's really not the worst episode. It just feels a bit off to me and again to me mostly the timing of it. Could have been better, could have been worse.
How Santa Stole Christmas
This episode is actually worse for me than the finale. Literally I consider this episode the worst in the series. I just hate it!!!
I hate that this episode was about Scrooge and Santa. I really don't give a fuck why Scrooge hates Santa and this story in no way compelled me. (Also why was Scrooge and Santa's dialog weirdly shippy??? Thanks to this episode got another huge NOtp, "scranta" is gross, sorry, hate it. Absolutely cannot board that ship at all, I have the tag blocked.) I see absolutely no reason why this was the story we got when there was literally an option to follow up The Last Christmas now that Della was finally home????? MISSED OPPORTUNITY!!! I hate the weird crazy ass capitalist message going on throughout the episode, I get Scrooge is a capitalist himself but he didn't change from this episode? He walked away from Jennifer's obvious poverty life and went "ah as long as she's happy" instead of I don't know, maybe a message about helping the less fortunate??
Look maybe I'm just bitter from my own life. I've lived in extreme poverty my whole life. My parents home has literally looked so much liked the ruined place Jennifer lived in during the episode. And I live in Alaska so I KNOW COLD. I know how it feels to go cold for days on end, no food, no water, nothing. Extreme poverty. Scrooge could have done something. He wasn't like Donald who doesn't have much either. He's a freaking billionaire. He could have helped. And instead the message he walked away with is "if you're happy life is fine" or something. Whatever the message that was supposed to be from this episode is completely lost on me because all I see is a miserable rich old miser who hates letting kids have fun and won't help someone in need. Absolute garbage episode. I really wish they had instead just followed up on The Last Christmas. Or had some kind of family centric episode at least! I seriously fucking hate this episode so much. I would legit erase this episode if I could it is the WORST.
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker
Nit pick again. Didn't love what they did with Kit. Okay I get the idea he grew up to idolize Baloo so he turned out more like him. It...wasn't great. Didn't like that much at all. Felt like they just tried to shove Kit into a DT87/DWD Launchpad mold. I didn't love that Baloo and Kit's relationship was mentioned weirdly casually? Like Kit called himself Baloo's sidekick??? Except in Talespin Kit calls him Papa Bear??? Also great, got another tag to block from this episode, the delkit ship. Not a fan, thanks.
Kinda weird for me with this episode I didn't really catch the meaning of it. To me it felt like the message was "defy expectations...by meeting them." It didn't really click and I kinda hated it for that plus the weird characterization of Kit. Actually I was on Twitter and someone was complaining about this episode and I responded in agreement and then FRANK REPLIED TO US 😅😅😅. Frank explained that the point was more of "if you're good at something, don't give it up" rather than "you can do anything you set your mind to" type message that appears a lot in kids media. (Also Frank please don't look at me when I'm criticizing the show 😂😂😂😂😭 I promise overall I do love it I'm just a loud mouth when I don't like something some times 😅)
After Frank explained that it did click a little better and I can see the message a bit more clearly. But I'm still not really in love with this episode like I wanted to be. I freaking love Talespin so that was a bummer. But as I've said a dozen times. I'm mostly nit picking my personal opinion.
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck
Another one I wanted to like more than I actually did. And mostly this boils down to Louie having to apologize to Doofus when Doofus is the one who's like some wild sociopath or something. I get it Louie hasn't been completely innocent towards Doofus. He did try to use him and con him but Doofus flat out has tried to hold him captive and torture and even kill him. Doofus' sins outweigh Louie's. Louie having to apologize to prevent the tension and all just...feels like victim blaming? This one is harder for me to describe why I don't like it and I think others have explained it better than me. I think it could have been better if Louie AND Doofus both apologized and agreed to start over and let what happened between them before be water under the bridge. At least this way they're equals? Maybe it wouldn't have been the best fix but I feel it would have been better than Canon. This one I don't want to call a nit pick. This one feels like there is something fundamentally wrong with it but I struggle to explain. Mostly other than that though I think the episode was fine. A little weird that the karma court scale needed to be told the villains hearts rather than able to just know them (mostly looking at the Ma Beagle one here) but that part is more nit pick.
And finally...The Last Adventure
I have things I love about it. The individual character moments. The references and call backs. The music. This finale was clearly made with love and care.
But that damn Webby clone daughter thing twist changes things. I know some people say it doesn't but to me it does! I feel it messed with the family dynamic and the characters in a needless way. I feel it didn't add anything to but rather did take away from. I don't wanna say too much on it as there's already been so much talk on it so in keeping it brief- not a fan, didn't like, why the hell, no.
The thing with Bradford kinda threw me off too. His logic and insistence on not being a villain made him so interesting. He was truly a villain to rival Scrooge. Then in my opinion he was pushed into a weird middle ground. He didn't feel like he completely abandoned what he previously stood on but also didn't go full villain either? I get a villain like Bradford isn't easy. The writers have to truly bring their all for someone like him. But Bradford suddenly getting armor and the Split Sword and becoming a battling giant was kinda ????? inducing. Threw me for a bit of a loop. I probably need to watch this episode a few more times before I finally settle on where I sit with the Bradford thing but at least at this time I just feel kinda mixed on it. Maybe I missed something there.
Other nit picks from the finale. Donald's writing was a little weird, he sounded like he was going on vacation but then Della said he was moving out and Donald talked like "well you have the boys and Uncle Scrooge..." it just really sounds like he's leaving the family?????????? Especially at a time like this? Rude! I mean yes somebody please get this man a vacation but the writing here left me kinda confused and there is no reason Donald would ever just leave and act like "oh well their mom is back so my work here is done." Nope. DADnald for life.
Lena and Webby never getting shown to have made up after their fight. I imagine the giving June and May the friendship bracelets kinda implies it but come on. Even just a hug would have been good. Also...why are they giving up their friendship bracelets??? Confused, not a fan.
And also...in addition to the Clone twist, I really don't love that April, May, and June were all clones instead of Daisy's nieces. I really wanted to get to see them in the show and now I just feel like thanks I hate it! I admire the guts to make a twist like this and all but I really hate it.
Overall please let me say I LOVE Ducktales. The show as a whole to me is a huge important thing I love. This isn't an attack on anyone who likes these episodes. I am just once again being loud and obnoxious with my own opinions and nit picks and things I just would have liked to see or not see.
no idea if any of this rambling answers your question Anon but here you go. Hope it works.
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ryttu3k · 3 years
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Oh boy, let's see! Three bingos, mostly negative ones left. Try and pick ones to fit those, if you want! Here are my thoughts below the cut.
PerfectWorldShipping (Sycamore/Lysandre, Pokemon): I'm conflicted about it. Yeah, seriously. See I goddamn love them but there are so many conditions on there (gameverse only and not anime, only in verses where Lysandre is redeemed/redeemable, et cetera) that I can't just go blindly sadhfkj over them. Seriously.
IsshuShipping (Hilbert/N, Pokemon): I like it platonically. I know XD;; I actually did use to ship the hell out of this, but I've since got to the point where their relationship is probably a lot healthier if it's platonic?
FerrisWheelShipping (Hilda/N, Pokemon): Fandom ruined them. Why are there so many doe-eyed helpless Hildas. W h y. Otherwise it'd be the same as Isshu.
Best Enemies (Doctor/Master, Doctor Who): I'm sending them to superhell. Like I goddamn love them absolutely my OTP but oh goodness they kind of deserve superhell XD
Beckett/Sascha/Ilias, VtM: They make me unwell (aka I'm gone for them). I made this OT3 and now I'm gonna cry over them.
Jan/Sascha, VtM: I'm open to it. I feel they could bond well over shitty sires and wanting to make an actual change?
Theo Bell/Beckett, VtM: It's okay/I'm neutral. Haven't really considered it but yeah, there's potential there!
Beckett/Anatole/Lucita, VtM: I really need this to be canon. I mean it IS canon but I need them to just say "yeah they love each other and it's canon and there's nothing you can do about it". They love each other!!
LaCroix/Bach, VtM: Dig the vibes, but not the ship itself. Like I can get the concept, but it's not my thing.
Lucita/Fatima, VtM: I want to kiss them. More correctly I want them to kiss each other. Good shit.
Nodsquadshipping - already answered!
Pragueshipping (Theo/Jan, VtM): Would read fic about it. Definite potential there, seriously.
Spock/Kirk, Star Trek: Relationship goals. They are married. They are the ship.
Link/Sheik/Zelda, Legend of Zelda: *slaps roof* This ship can fit so much projection in it. ...So yeah I definitely worked out some Gender Feelings via Sheik and Zelda XD;;
Ilias/Sascha, VtM: OTP. I reserved this slot for them because they're so in love and I cry and look at them and this got me a first bingo!
Ilias/Sascha/Beckett/Anatole/Lucita/Fatime polycule extraordinare, VtM: I love them! They all love each other dangit.
Gideon/Harrow, Locked Tomb Trilogy: The impact/their story is more interesting than the ship itself. Okay I'm struggling to find spots I haven't used yet lmao. Basically they love each other and their relationship is absolutely important but the relationship can take many forms and also I'd rather see them both start to heal properly before starting anything.
Link/Sidon, Legend of Zelda: I'd die for them. The wholesomeness ;_; Second bingo!
Julian Sim/Lettow Kaminsky, VtM: I like it in theory. Mostly because in practice they'd murder each other. And third bingo!
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 9 Safe Harbor
Out at Sea
We start this week on the recently commandeered La Fondue, milk raining down on our exhausted and injured PCs who are still reeling from Stilton’s betrayal. Most of Annabelle’s crew are even more badly injured so the PCs are forced to help sail the ship in a group skill check which 4/6 of them pass for a group pass. The gang watches the surviving enemy ships sail away and Jet considers blasting them with canons but the La Fondue doesn’t have artillery. Jet also asks Annabelle if maybe, now that they’ve saved all of their lives, they can break protocol and bring them to Candia instead of the Dairy Islands, a question she doesn’t answer at the moment.
(Edit: Wait! I should have called this section Sweet Life on Deck! Dangit! They better be on a boat again so I can use it!)
Most of the group start to fall asleep, understandable considering they’re living through the longest day of their lives, but Theo takes a second to talk to Cumulous first. He asks about Cumulous’s backstory and learns that the Spinning Star monks used to be able to teleport all over the place with teleportation circles made by Lazuli but, without her around to tend to them, they’ve been breaking down and are now unstable and dangerous to use. Him using one to get to them was a big risk and he really only made it because he’s one of the strongest monks. Additionally, as alluded to before, Candia being at war with the Concord released him from certain vows which allowed him to join the fight. They also bond over being the #1 and #2 Archmage Lazuli stans (or actually maybe #2 and #3 as we’ll find out soon) and Cumulous who is either really into magical weapons in general or magical weapons made by Lazli or a little of both gets emotional over Battlepop like he did over Sourscratch a scene before. 
The next day, there’s a funeral for the one sailor Annabelle lost in the fight. Ruby ties the milk-silk handkerchief from Primsy to her collar in solidarity. Speaking of, Primsy shows up--still injured from the attempt on her life--and invites everyone not to tea, but to a parlay. Clearly affected by the recent events, she declares that she doesn’t recognize the excommunication of Amethar and questions the church’s position on witchcraft considering all the witchcraft her Candian allies used to save her. She’s also pretty chill about the whole Stilton thing considering.
Primsy says she’ll help them but first wants them to fill in the gaps in Brie’s brief letter. Amethar explains about how he was excommunicated for still officially being married to Katherine Ghee. During an aside to this conversation, he drops what I naively thought was going to be the headline news from this episode: Caramelinda was engaged to someone else before marrying Amethar--Lazuli! It was for political reasons in part but also a love match and when Lazuli died, she ended up getting married to Amethar to at least maintain the alliance. Anyway, Ruby asks if Cara knew about Ghee and Amethar says no one knew except Jack, Belford (the priest), and Ghee herself (plus his sisters but they’re all dead). Annabelle and Primsy question whether Amethar didn’t try to have the marriage annulled and he says that he did right after the war but she couldn’t be found. Annabelle says that there are a lot of little islands she could have run to in the aftermath of the war (a smart move considering the target that would be on her back) and says that Dairy ships have a better chance at finding Ghee if she’s still around so she’ll help arrange that.  
They have a little convo-detour about various plot points:
Primsy asks how the Pontifex knew to ask Jack about Ghee in the first place. Ruby and Jet suggest she used magic or maybe found something in the files Ciabatta claimed had no Candian secrets. 
Annabelle questions the fact that Plumbeline would name Ciabatta as the successor right before having to swear on the Book of Leaves. That seems to indicate that either she’s not working with the Pontifex or the Pontifex wanted to specifically and publicly rule out Ciabatta as a possible candidate. 
Also, we learn that ex-communicating Amethar doesn’t take away his right to rule as Emperor. The Pontifex doesn’t have that authority, at least not on paper. But, as Ruby points out, she effectively has the authority by power. Still, if they can get the Book of Leaves and confirm Amethar was named emperor, that’s a huge point in their favor because he obviously wouldn’t declare war on Candia as emperor so the war would be without proper authorization and a violation of the Concord pact. 
Theo and Amethar speculate that the Pontifex doesn’t actually want to name a new emperor and want to just “provisionally” (but really indefinitely) fill the power vacuum herself.  
Anyway, Primsy reaffirms that the Dairy Islands are with Candia all the way and they continue to sail. They have 18 days before they land and Jet uses that time to finally read the rest of her banned book. You’ll remember that she already read about the first thing--the Profidian Heresy--which was an old, now heretical belief of certain members of the church that the Hungry One was as strong as the Bulb. We get a little bit of new info on that: One person who believed that doctrine and was later killed for it was a Veduit Priest (fight me Brennan) named Bartholomew Brocolpatch who was a mentor to a young Belizabeth Brassica. 
Onto the second term--the Ramsian Doctrine (did not clock the Gordon Ramsay reference until it was mentioned on Adventuring Party). It is a full, end times, Revelations, Ragnarok type thing. Ruby helps with this because she speaks Bulbosi (which is like Candian Celestial or church speak). Basically what it says is that the Bulb can’t win until the Hungry One devours the world and the Hungry One won’t devour unhealthy souls (Ruby translates “healthy” from the Bulbosi phrases “farm to table” and “locally sourced”) so in order to bring about the end of days, there needs to be a destruction of all the trash people or, phrased differently because the word for people and food is the same in Bulbosi--the junk food.
Even knowing what happens later in this episode, this still might be the thing I'm most mad at Brennan about.
Cumulous later calls a meeting of all the Candians and drops a little more exposition on them. He says that the reason that Candia has magic and the other kingdoms largely don’t is because his order of monks curates and tends to the magic of the realm while other kingdoms neglect their sources of magic. He also says that the church’s power comes from others not having it. After Ruby mentions that she sees Lazuli on a semi-regular basis through her magic, Cumulous drops the bombshell that his power comes from the Hungry One--though he doesn’t worship them. It’s just like a power source. They also discuss Jet’s research on the end of days stuff and Jet thinks maybe the move is to spread as much junk food as possible to delay the apocalypse.  
After a long time out at sea, the gang arrives at Port Syrup at the mouth of the Cola River. As they sail in, they see three sunk Imperial warships and that the port is heavily defended. Clearly they got the memo. And we quickly see who gave it to them when Brie and Manta Ray Jack run up to meet them! Amethar is super happy to see his friends alive and they also confirm that Cal made it out and so did basically everyone except the Swirlies (RIP). The Jawbreaker castle--Castle Many-Licks--is under siege but it’s very hard to break into and it seems like most of the rest of Candia is doing OK.
Brie thanks Ruby for her help in finding Manta Ray Jack and then confirms Amethar/Theo’s suspicions that the Pontifex is ruling in the absence of an emperor (she says that until Candia is back in the Concord, technically, there can be no emperor). He also swears to duel Liam who truly cannot stop putting his foot in his mouth (this time about the church and a *very* confusing..complement?), after the war.
Amethar and Cumulous have a quick aside where Cumulous once again says that his mission is more to protect the magic of Candia than them specifically. It just so happens that, right now, those two things are pretty aligned.
As they make their way back to Castle Candy (w/ their Dairy Island friends), the citizens are pretty stoked to see them so it seems that war with the Concord has not lessened the populace’s love for their king. They take a pit stop and get a war update. The mountains are full of Imperial soldiers and random marauders plus there are reports of “Long Live the Queen” written in Imperial soldier blood on the side of a mountain which isn’t ominous at all. Also, there’s a call for all the help they can get to defend Castle Candy because an army from Comida is coming. Ruby tries and succeeds in communing with Lazuli who sends her a vision: to help Castle Many Licks troop-wise, they’d have to leave Port Syrup defenseless basically which would be a huge strategic loss. Meanwhile, the army coming to Castle Candy is full of discord so there’s a better chance at being able to muster (not mustard) troops there and be successful. The Dairy peeps say they’ll help as well and leave for Lacramore--except for Brie who holds down the fort in Port Syrup and Jack who goes with them to Castle Candy.
They make it there, at like 4am and Carmelinda is there to meet them, full weeping in relief at her daughters’ safe return. Cal is also there (with fancy new pants) and very happy to see Amethar. Caramelinda is less happy to see Amethar and you can clearly feel the tense conversation they’re gearing up for. The girls want to stay but Cara lays down the mom hammer and starts lecturing them. They all try to stealth away (non-daughters included) but Cara goes Full Mom and hits a Nat 20 to eyes-on-the-back-of-her-head notice. She stomps her foot and traps them all in caramel, demanding they all stop messing around and go to bed. Theo Messages her to give a quick word in favor of the girls and their maturity and battle prowess which Cara acknowledges.                   
Cal gets acquainted with Cumulous while Amethar follows Cara into their chambers for a convo that had me feeling like *I* was in trouble. She’s emotionally overwhelmed in a kind of understated and detached way as she talks to Amethar--she’s again openly weeping but not really about him. She doesn’t expect much from him. Him never telling her and hoping the problem would go away like a child makes sense. But his sisters knew which means Lazuli knew and never told her which hurts a whole lot more because, “Lazuli I loved with all my heart and this is just politics.” Ow. Amethar promises he’s going to do better. She doesn’t seem convinced as she leaves the room.      
Later (Note: I’m not 100% clear on the timeline since Siobhan says when they wake up but it seems like it’s still dark in the next scene), Ruby takes the “For Candia” note from Lapin and brings the rest of the PCs to the Sugar Plum Fairy’s standing stones to have a little funeral. Liam finds a peppermint seed and puts it down for Preston. Cumulous is also there and has the urge to meditate while everyone goes back to the castle.
Rocks Fall 
Ruby and Jet see, as their mom walks out of her study, a piece of tearaway lingerie in her desk as she locks the door behind her. And it’s not Jet’s. You know the girls gotta investigate that and Ruby, of course, gets a Nat 20 to pick the lock. In fact she doesn’t have to pick it. She approaches it with an air of mischief and it yields to her, opening without her even having to break out her thieves' tools. They find a letter from Lazi Fierce (interesting name choice) of Lazi Fierce Lingerie who apparently has been spying on them for their mom since they were little (which is funny considering she seemed outraged about their buying lingerie in ep 1). The letter also cryptically refers to something she’s keeping hidden in the attic of her shop and that she needs to leave and she doesn’t know when she’ll be back so if Cara needs it, she should go get it. Much like Siobhan/Adaine stealing that book in S1 of Fantasy High, there is no way the girls were gonna get that info and *not* follow up on it. They grab Liam and go.
With a 25, Ruby easily picks the lock and...we cut to Cumulous. 
As he’s meditating, the Sugar Plum Fairy appears to him in a traditional, cutesy form. Cumulous sees through the glamour and asks what she wants. She says she wants the magic of Candia safe, same as him and says she would owe him a boon if he brought the royal family (who she needs safe) to the Great Stone Candy Mountain. She says there’s safety there for them and Candia’s magic. Maybe not in the way Lazuli planned but this is a better plan. Cumulous says he’ll think about it.
Calroy finds Amethar and takes him to the ramparts of the castle to have a guy chat and also talk strategy. As they get up there, Amethar sees that there’s a ton of soldiers in tents out in the fields. And then he feels a knife in his back. Brennan asks for 3 Con saves.
Water dagger.
He takes 34 points of damage (about half his HP) and is paralyzed as Cal starts to monologue about how he’s always hated Amethar for being so lucky. Fifth in line and somehow makes it to the throne while he’s stuck having to wheel and deal for everything he has. He reveals that he had Rococoa killed when she found out he was selling weapons to Cersians AND that the tents in the field aren’t all Candian tents. Some of them are Ceresians. He got Stilton interested in Primsy. He set up the cheese ambush. He worked with Alfredi to get the water daggers to Kerradin. He told the Pontifex about Ghee (he was in that conversation you’ll remember). He *also* says that, in her younger days, the Pontifex had Citrina (who he claims to have actually liked) killed in the street by Vegetanian knights. 
“I wonder if they’ll call you Amethar the Unfallen after this.”
Boom, Amethar is sent over the castle walls. 
Jet, Ruby, and Liam are in the attic and they see a gleam of golden light from a chest where something is clearly being held. Brennan makes everyone roll Initiative as they walk in and Liam sees four shapes in the room move, all masked, dressed in black, and holding water-steel daggers.  
Ally scrambles for combat dice--because this is a STORY episode what is HAPPENING--and attacks for, in total, 67 damage to one guy who smells of sourdough and does not drop. He hides and Ally, in a burst of realization, puts together that it must have been Ciabatta, something confirmed by Brennan’s coy smile as he rolls a million dice.
Emily and Siobhan hold hands and brace for whatever’s coming. 
Ruby is hit by a dagger and Jet, it seems, is hit by two (since she takes 6 saving throws to Ruby’s 3). Ruby takes 49 damage (down to THREE) and Jet takes 53+51, dropping her and poisoning her. She has to make a death save with disadvantage (bc of the poison) which she passes.   
Ruby wants to stay and fight but Liam and Jet insist she run so, visibly distraught, she casts Invisibility on herself and runs for Theo. Liam casts Rope Trick, grabs Jet, and brings her into a little pocket dimension with him. Ciabatta takes off his mask and tells his men to find them and they say, “Yes Imperator.” They leave. We’re out of combat.
But Jet still has death saves to make.
Nat 1.
That’s two fails.
Liam tries to make a DC 15 medicine check to stabilize her or at least give advantage but fails.
She rolls again.
Nat 1.
As she lays in the Rope Trick, bleeding out, Liam trying his best to stanch the wound, Jet feels a glow on her Locket of the Sweetest Heart. Ruby feels the glow as she sprints over the bridge back to the castle and as she reaches the other side, the glow extinguishes.    
“Tell Ruby I love her,” Jet says to Liam, not from her body, but standing above her body. “And tell her she did the right thing.”
The spirit of her aunt Rococoa shows up to ferry her to the other side.
“Good job soldier. You got her home. Ruby’s gonna be alright. Work’s not over. There’s plenty we can do from this side. You ready?” Oh, hell yeah she is.
Which brings us to Theo who is in the castle, looking for other knights, when he finds Sir Toby in his room, butchered. The door is slammed and locked shut behind him by some of Cal’s men who taunt him about eating Toby’s corpse to survive. But Theo isn’t just a brawn guy. He’s the ward of Archmage Lazuli. He casts Knock and the door flies open.                    
Cumulous hears shouting from the castle and runs towards it immediately.
And Amethar is still falling.
Brennan says he has the time to make 3 checks to come out of paralysis. He comes out of paralysis on his first turn and, as is mechanically useful and narratively appropriate, goes into a rage. As he falls he thinks about Ruby doing that slick aerial arrow shooting last ep and Jet stabbing that dude with him during the ambush. He sees a point of light across town cross the bridge and go out and he *knows* Jet is dead. If he wasn’t raging before, he’s raging now. He falls and takes 72 points of damage, halved to 36. He’s still up. Amethar the Unfallen, yet again. 
The sounds of war erupt and that’s where we end our ep.
Safe harbor my ass. 
In Memoriam
Oh, Jet.
I’ve known this was something I was going to have to write for ages now. I’m honestly only surprised this wasn’t the first one. Jet has had a date with the Grim Reaper for ages now and it was just down to confirming the date and time.
The moment she said, “I go on top of the carriage and lay myself perfectly to protect Ruby,” she might as well have started picking flowers for her grave. Her willingness to throw herself in harm’s way to protect anyone she held in any regard without the slightest hesitation was always going to be her downfall. A noble end to be sure, but still an end. And it sucks that, if she had to die, she didn’t die in a blaze of glory in battle, but she made the most of her senseless death. She died, telling Ruby to run, wishing she could have done more to save her, telling Liam to make sure she knows that she’s loved and that she didn’t abandon her, she did the right thing. Not a single thought for herself, only for her sister. 
Jet, who never wanted to be queen and now never will be.
Jet who longed for war and fell right on the cusp on the biggest one in years.
Jet who was forced by circumstances to step up and did so every time. 
I didn’t include her last exchange with Rococoa in the recap because I wanted to use those lines here. 
Her aunt says, “I have bad news. If you thought the adventure was gonna end, it’s not.”
“Well,” Jet replies with a slight smile, “if you thought the adventurer was gonna die, she definitely fucking wasn’t.”
The Bastard Jet Rocks. RIP.
1 Million Years Dungeon 
That damn cake bastard and his stupid fancy pants. I KNEW it I KNEW it I hate that I’m right but I KNEW IT.
Not that it was a crazy puzzle as a viewer. In a story like this there *has* to be a traitor to the king and for someone to be a traitor, they first have to be a friend. And Cal has been *real* friendly.  Brennan thought he could throw us off the scent by saying that Cal was is his DMNPC, as if we don’t already know he’s the enemy. That’s just more evidence for the pile baby! I SEE YOU VILLAIN. 
But damn if it didn’t still hurt when it happened. After what he’d just been through? That’s just insult to injury, or vice versa I suppose. And in a story ep???? Brennan?????
Wild that he waited 20 years to off this dude and then monologued his entire plan and didn’t wait to make sure Amethar--the famously Unfallen--was dead though.
Anyway, absolute BASTARD MAN (and not in the cool Jet way). I need him DEAD and I need that to happen ASAP.
(Also, this is more on Brennan but full-circling Lou’s “shit/piss” running joke with a MURDER ATTEMPT? That’s an extra year dungeon my guy.)
Sunnyside Up
“You’ve struck me. Why have you done this? It was wee and gentle but you've struck me nonetheless.” I love Primsy with my whole heart. 
The “slam down big style” line was, like, moderately funny when I first heard it but every repetition in and out of game made it exponentially funnier. 
“If we have to follow the rules, you have to follow the rules!” 
“Everyone needs to stop making sworn enemies. We already have enough.”
“I sentence you to death.”/“No let him do it.” and then his, “Later.” So good. 
It didn’t *end* funny but I maintain that that the, “There’s a *war* going on,” back and forth between Jet and Ruby was gold. 
This isn’t actually from the episode but everyone roasting Brennan with full lies when he gets up to use the bathroom in the Adventuring Party is one of the funniest things Dropout has ever put out. Also, Murph taking Brenna’s cookie story and Murphing it is very good. Just watch this week’s AP, even if you don’t usually. 
Things I’m Concerned About
Going into this battle ep, Ruby has THREE HP and Amethar has FIFTEEN. Like I know Rococoa said Ruby would be OK but I hope that has some mechanical effect because IDK ABOUT THAT.
Is Lady Donetta w/ Cal or was she just a pawn, like Primsy?
Also, idk if this matters but I can’t shake the thought that Cal murdered the Swirlies. Like it’s very probable that they just suck but the thought struck me. 
Don’t love that it seems like Cal is going right for Cara this ep. Hopefully Theo (who Big Brained on that clutch Knock) can help her out and, if not, it looks like she has some skills of her own. I’m pulling for her. 
How out the window is the format? Like, I’ve been concerned about a random combat ambush for a while now--partially because of the genre and partially because of how story heavy the tourney ep was. Things have been bleeding through already and now, at the halfway point, it seems like a plausible time for Brennan to fully throw the rulebook out the window and be like, “Game’s changed y’all.” They didn’t roll for initiative at the end of last ep. I wonder if that’s logistical or somehow relevant (like, are they going *right* into combat or not).
AHHHHHHH, OK, Jet’s death. As much as I felt it coming, ouch. And not just ouch for me Ouch for everyone. I am so worried about how this is going to break Ruby specifically. Like, poor Cara--she *just* got her daughter back only for her to die in her old stomping grounds because of a letter *she* had--poor Amethar--he’s outlived his firstborn who he saw safely through battle and loved more than anyone besides his other daughter, just like he outlived all his sisters--but Ruby? This is going to CRUSH her. She egged on the sneaking out. She ran instead of staying to try and help (correct move but total guilt trip). She’s never been alone before. I know we’ve all been kinda tense for whatever that, “Family is vulnerable,” line from Siobhan in the trailer is but man I’m *so* much more tense now. I wonder if she’s gonna take a class tweak like Liam did (I know he had more of a reason for it but still curious). 
(Also, Theo who’s whole purpose in life is protect the Rocks family having Jet die and Amethar almost die in one night? RIP to that dude’s mental health.)
Note: I recognize that there’s a theory floating around that Cara set up what happened as an ambush and is evil but I refuse to consider that and if that makes me boo boo the fool in two episodes, so be it.
Seriously though, Concerned about whatever that “Long Live the Queen” stuff is. Like it could be referring to Cara but it could be referring to someone else entirely. Either way, sketchy.   
Lol also the health food-pocalypse. That’s a thing. Extremely wild that that’s not even close to the headline of this episode. 
I may have trusted Lapin by the end but I do *not* trust the Sugar Plum Fairy. Whatever’s going on with her and Cumulous? Do not vibe. 
Ciabatta better be toast by the end of this show. This isn’t a concern. This is my Denny’s order. Toasted Ciabatta with a side of dice I can pour down Brennan’s throat.
Five More Things
So, Emily’s new character. I have two thoughts. One (and this was suggested to me by @buck92) is that she’s playing the Queen’s Champion--Ser Amanda Maillard who’s been mentioned twice--once in the first episode by Theo and Sir Toby and once this episode as part of the war effort (leading troops south). A named character doing important things but with no art sounds like a possible backup PC. Also, Emily getting to play this cool knight who Murph’s character is slightly jealous of would be A Dynamic. The other strong possibility is the Sugar-free chocolate warlock Brennan mentioned in episode 1 when they were on the way to Comida. I thought they were gonna get jumped by that character and they weren’t which makes me think that’s a PC too. It would also make Emily 3 for 3 on warlocks! 
RIP to all of us who made the Bread Wedding joke before the season started. We were right, but at what cost. 
Ruby talking about how it doesn’t matter what she does because she’s not next in line and then having Jet suddenly die and instantly becoming crown princess has painfully Big Amethar Energy. 
Also, a nat 20 to break in and find the letter and then two Nat 1 death saves? The dice REALLY wanted Jet dead. Addendum: Almost forgot! Liam *just* learned Twinspeak! Like, off. What a narrative hand-off having that happen right before Jet died. It was like written in the stars.
It’s just a little moment but I loved Cara including Liam in her lecture with a little, “You are included, Liam.” 
One More Thing!
This has been circulated a bunch already but I still wanted to shout out this very good video edit by @breadddie! It hit me real hard man. 
Also, I don’t think I can link this properly without tumblr getting mad at me but this animatic with Amethar’s Fall set to What’s Up Danger on Twitter is excellent!
Edit: Here’s a link to an ask where I link to the animatic! Novatank is the artist’s @ btw. 
91 notes · View notes
thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #221: ... New Blood!
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July, 1982
A semi-famous somewhat imitated cover!
Can you guess ahead of time which two will be joining the Avengers?
No cheating.
Actually, what’s funny is that I can imagine a Young Bendis looking at this cover, seeing Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Wolverine all in a row like that and whispering to himself ‘one day... one day...’
Spider-Woman is even on this! This is almost the roster meme that Bendis would have selected his team out of.
Just as soon as he cleared the way by killing off Ant-Man and Hawkeye.
Anyway, I like the cute touch that there’s just a completely blank square for Sue Storm. And is she really still going by Invisible Girl at this point?
-google- Ah, Invisible Woman is still a few years off.
And at risk of spoiling, I like the cover pretending that Rom (Space Knight) could feasibly join the Avengers. Although that would have made a hilarious mess when the rights lapsed. A whole swathe of Avengers comics unavailable.
So, where are we at?
Last times on Avengers: Captain America decided that the Avengers had become too unwieldy. They’d settled into a filler rut and Cap wanted them to be lean and mean.
So the old order changeith’d! And Moondragon meddled, causing half of the old team to quit. But Cap got his lean team of himself, Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket, and Tigra.
And then Yellowjacket Hank Pym had an ‘attempted murder out of insecurity’ breakdown and tried to murder his friends and was a very bad husband to Wasp as well.
So Yellowjacket was out and Wasp took some personal time.
It was just Cap, Thor, Iron Man, and Tigra. And then Tigra quit.
Wasp rejoined but the trim team of six had become anemic at four and after some space mishaps, its finally time to try to do something about that.
As Iron Man declares in title-of-the-issue font they need some ... NEW BLOOD!
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And Wasp declares ‘yes we all know that already we’ve just been putting it off.’
(And they finally got the big meeting table back from the cleaners or wherever its been. Thank goodness)
But the question that Chairperson Wasp poses the team is should they re-induct some ex-members or go looking for some truly new blood?
Thor is brooding on the recent events, where Moondragon manipulated the Avengers previous roster shakeup and later when Moondragon took over a planet and got Thor to fight his friends.
So Thor’s point, by way of dwelling, is that they should be careful with who they choose.
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Thor: “Thus can no action, no thought made by any of us in the last weeks be truly, absolutely claimed as our own. Not even... mine.”
There we go. There’s that good Moondragon induced paranoia I was hoping for.
And character wise, I do like that there’s fallout from the Ba-Bani misadventure. Whether being forced to fight his friends or being made to fall in love with Moondragon or being convinced to side with her plan to bring mandatory peace to the universe. Thor has been affected by what happened.
Cap suggests that they clear the slate and just judge potential members on their current qualifications.
So what qualifications should potential Avengers have?
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Captain America: “Compatibility. Someone who can work in a team.”
Iron Man: “And technical expertise. Perhaps someone good with weaponry.”
Thor: “We’ve enough strength, methinks. But courage is important. Aye, and a noble heart.”
Wasp: “Well, I know exactly what this group needs. More girls!”
Good suggestions. All good suggestions. But very good suggestion from Wasp.
I know that two women on one team is the low bar that Avengers tends to reach but you know what’s worse? One women on one team. And you know what’s better? Three.
Think about it.
The meeting gets cut short because Jan has to go do Jan things like show off fashion at the Tavern on the Green but she tells the others to figure out who they’d like as new Avengers and then they’ll all decide at their meeting next week.
As the Avengers all head off, Captain America mentions to Iron Man that hey remember how Hawkeye used to be an Avenger all the time? Weren’t those good times? He worked well on the team, was real into being an Avenger.
Iron Man agrees that sure is a Thought but flies off thinking more about Jan’s suggestion to have more women on the team, albeit probably for less than pure reasons.
Thor meanwhile doesn’t have anywhere to be so sits down in the sitting room and reads a Time magazine.
Jarvis brings Thor some mead and Thor asks who Jarvis would enlist for the Avengers if Jarvis was given the choice.
Jarvis is surprised to be asked but does his best to speak off the cuff.
Jarvis: “Why, I - I really hadn’t given it much thought! But since you ask, I feel that some of the best Avengers have started as the most unlikely candidates. For example, those with strongly individual, independent natures seem to have worked out surprisingly well.”
You’re a good guy, Jarvis.
And you’ve got a good point. Since the Avengers were pretty much everyone who wasn’t on a team jammed onto a team together, the Avengers kind of have as foundation strongly individual independent superheroes managing to do a teamwork anyway.
And Thor just so happens to be reading the Time magazine that has a picture of Spider-Man on the front (along with “Friend or Menace?”) and thinks huh individual and independent??
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Oh boy!
Spider-Man going to be offered a spot on the Avengers? Is it 2005 already?
Goofs aside, this is an interesting callback maybe.
All the way back in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3 (November, 1966) which I didn’t cover but probably should have if this was a more comprehensive Avengers blog but then I may have died under the enormity of the task.
Uh, that sentence got away from me.
Anyway, in that Spider-Man Annual, the Avengers debate whether to recruit Spider-Man for their team. Thor is the one there to find Spider-Man and bring him to the mansion. The Avengers decide to test him and (after Spider-Man tries to beat up the entire team because that’s what Spider-Man thinks proving himself is) they send him to bring the Hulk back with him.
He finds the Hulk and fights the Hulk but Hulk turns back to Bruce Banner and Spider-Man feels bad for Bruce and doesn’t want to turn him over to the Avengers (not knowing that they want to help Hulk). So he comes back and says welp couldn’t find him guess I’m not Avengers material byyyyyye.
The other Avengers go huh I guess he wasn’t Avengers material but Thor seemed to suspect what had really happened.
So my rambling point is that its appropriate that Thor again thinks to recruit Spider-Man for the Avengers because of that previous story.
Later in the day, Iron Man calls Captain America.
Although as Cap points out they know each other’s civilian name now so why be formal?
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Iron Man: “Captain America? This is Iron Man.”
Captain America: “Hey, Tony, let’s make it ‘Steve,’ okay? I’m off duty.”
So Tony “Iron Man” Stark has managed to stop thinking about more woman on the Avengers and has actually started to think about having Hawkeye back on the Avengers and has to admit, it sounds good to him!
So Captain Steve says they should go together tomorrow and see what Hawkeye thinks.
This is a nice sequence.
Its nice to see how the two learning each other’s identity plays out like this. Tony trying to stick to how they’ve known each other and Steve making a not subtle overture for them to become more familiar.
This is probably good shipping fodder, I realize!
But it is also good friendshipping fodder. It can be both.
Elsewhere and meanwhile, at the Van Dyne residence, Janet puts her own recruitment drive into... drive?
She’s invited every super-heroine in the country she can think of to brunch but she has no idea how to get a hold of She-Hulk.
Not even her state of the art computer system can find her! Granted, the state of the art computer system is for analyzing fashion forecasts and not news reports about She-Hulk sightings.
So Jan decides that if you want a She-Hulk you’ve got to spend a little green.
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She has her assistant take out a bunch of full-page ads in all of the major west coast newspapers. And heck, buy a bunch of commercial time too!
Jan is going to do some I Want You (to Join the Avengers) ads!
She is ludicrously wealthy.
I went and checked and her original inheritance was ‘only’ three million dollars but the way that she throws around money I’m pretty sure she has managed to get some lucrative investments. That or she’s just super good at being a fashionista.
Granted, blowing a bunch of money for a chance to have brunch with She-Hulk is a pretty good reason to blow a bunch of money.
Later, as twilight comes, Thor is flying around Central Park because he has no idea how to find Spider-Man but hears that he’s often around “the meadow-lands called Central Park” and happens upon three goofuses who just robbed a pawnshop.
These goofuses are such goofuses that one of them is wearing groucho glasses as a disguise. Another one is wearing a clown mask.
Which, like a moth to fire, aggros Spider-Man just to mock the guy.
I’m pretty sure rather than flying around aimlessly, the best way to find Spider-Man is to create the perfect quip opportunity.
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A clown: “I’m gonna kiss every dime o’ my share -- just as soon as we get to the hideout so’s I can take off this stupid mask!”
Spider-Man, suddenly: “Aw, c’mon, Bunky, leave it on! I’ve always wanted to bust a bozo who looks like a bozo!”
Groucho: “S-s-spider-Man!”
S-s-spider-Man: “But enough of this clowning! Wanna give up?”
Dangit, Peter. Good wordplay.
But before can catch these thieves just like flies, down came the rain and washed the spider out.
A sudden, inexplicable (cough cough Thor) localized storm tosses around the thieves until they surrender.
After the police lead away the goofus thieves, Spider-Man comes dripping wet and with a bone to pick.
Spider-Man: “Do you have any idea what it’s like running around in wet tights?”
Thor is like sorry bro but I’ve come to talk so Spider-Man agrees but they’ll need to go off somewhere private because the press is honing in on him to ask him bonkers questions about whether he came in a flying saucer.
I think they’re thinking of a certain emissary of hell.
That darn press!
Spider-Man and Thor relocate to a high rooftop for their talk.
Spider-Man: “Now, Goldilocks, what’s your beef?”
Thor: “Thy protective demeanor is unneeded, my friend. I have no ‘beef’ -- only a proposal. The Avengers are seeking new members, and I wouldst offer thee such position.”
Spider-Man: “You... Thor... want me as an Avenger?
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Spider-Man is still not sure if it would work out (reflecting on Spider-Man Annual #3) but he’s also really flattered by the offer. And presumably how the offer wasn’t accompanied by “BUT FIRST YOU MUST PASS OUR TEST!”
So he can’t just accept the offer off-hand but he’s definitely going to think about it.
Even if you don’t join the team, even just being considered is an honor.
The twilight turns into night turns into day, and Cap and Iron Man show up in Hawkeye’s place of business to bug him.
Don’t know if you remember but Hawkeye has a cushy job as head of security for Cross Technological Enterprises. And he actually does take the job seriously which is why he’s a little concerned, at least for his professional pride, that Cap and Iron Man got past his guards.
Cap: “Avengers priority -- never leave home without it. In fact, we’ve come to offer it to you.”
Smooth. Smooth, Cap.
Although I do like that they can just march up to the guards of this company and go ‘hey let us in we’re avengers’ and its not even a ‘ok i’ll clear it with head of security hawkeye’ its ‘yeah sure go right in and do you want any paperclips?’
Anyway, Hawkeye has his pride so he tells Cap not to expect him to come crawling back after the Avengers booted him out (actually Gyrich because Gyrich wanted the Avengers to have some ding dang diversity. Its weirdly the least assholeish thing he’s ever done although he approached it very much in an asshole way).
Point being, they kicked Hawkeye out and he has a new super cool job now.
Iron Man takes this show of wounded pride in wounded stride, just asking that Hawkeye consider it and let them know when he makes a decision.
But Hawkeye doubts he’ll decide to come back to the Avengers because he’s got a good thing in this steady, respectable paying job which comes with job security and respect!
And then, suddenly struck by the realization that he, Hawkeye, is turning down a drama implosion like the Avengers to do the adult thing?? Hawkeye doesn’t like what he’s become.
And he stares in horror at the trappings of power and respectability. The sex and the drugs.
Or a Playboy magazine and a personalized coffee cup, at least.
And he decides to give Iron Man his answer right then and there.
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Which, of course, involves shooting arrows. This is Hawkeye we’re talking about.
What’s amazing is that we’ll learn later this issue that he’s going to keep his security job and do Avengers on top of that (and in fairness most of the Avengers don’t have Avengers as their only thing). But he just shot an arrow through a glass door in his place of employment.
But you don’t hire Hawkeye if you don’t expect that kind of thing so I can see why it wouldn’t impact his job.
So that’s Hawkeye as a YES and Spider-Man as a ‘I’ll get back to you.’ And as the weekend arrives, it’s time for Janet van Dyne’s superheroine brunch.
And on the hill above the van Dyne house, its our old pal Fabian Stankowicz.
Remember? The Mechano-Marauder? Built a robot suit to beat up the Avengers, none of them took him that seriously? Iron Man beat him up solo without trying very hard and then got angry about Hank Pym?
Anyway, he’s back, somehow, and he’s salty about the less than dignified experience he had in issue 217. But this time, he has a new plan!
Fabian Stankowicz: “They laughed at me! Mocked me! But I’ll show the Avengers that the Mechano-Marauder is not to be toyed with! I’ll attack their weakest member when the others aren’t around! She’ll be helpless! *Heh-heh-heh*”
Well. Good luck with that, my dude.
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Sue Storm-Richards, the Invisible Girl, arrives and Jan introduces her to the other prospective Avengers: Dazzler, Spider-Woman, and Black Widow.
All good candidates, really.
Especially Dazzler.
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Well, Beast left and Tigra left so somebody needs to be the new funny person.
Apparently, Spider-Woman doesn’t like puns because she immediately starts getting catty with Dazzler.
Spider-Woman: “Nice going, Blaire! You’re showing all the polish and poise of a real pro!”
Dazzler: “Oh? And I suppose crawling on walls like some yucky insect is ‘professional’?”
Spider-Woman: “I sting, too”
I guess, they have some history in Dazzler’s own book that didn’t go over well. Black Widow has to lean over and tell them to cut the shit out for Jan’s sake.
But then the last invited guest shows up.
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She saw the ads and she’s come for the free food!
Outside, Jan’s chauffeur Mr. Carrothers sits on the limo taking a smoke break and reflecting how good he has it working for the Wasp. Good pay, casual hours. The most he can complain about is that it gets a little boring sometimes.
That’s probably tempting fate because the All-New All-Different Mechano-Marauder stomps up to the house. Remember how Fabian threw the limo last time? Mr. Carrothers remembers.
He panics and runs into the house and tries to warn the assembled heroes.
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And yet.
They didn’t really leap to action, huh? I mean, I get it. Brunch.
Even after the robot fist has punched through Wasp’s frankly ludicrous window and kidnapped Dazzler, Wasp is more annoyed than anything.
Wasp: “Fabian Stankowicz, you get that thing out of my living room!”
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And then has to explain to her guests that Fabian is some chump that Iron Man beat up and that he wants to make a name for himself by defeating the Avengers. And Sue is like ah yes I understand completely.
But chump or not, Black Widow decides that they should rescue Dazzler.
Dazzler: “I don’t think I need saving, folks! This guy’s just holding, not squeezing!”
And so much for the brunch bunch taking this any amount of serious.
Sue just puts up a quick invisible dome to keep Fabian from getting to the rest of them which the Mechano-Marauder instantly bonks into and bangs on impotently demanding that they let him in.
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Careful, Fabian.
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You’re memeing yourself.
Dazzler saves herself when she gets tired of being carried around. She does her Dazzler thing with the bright pulse of light, blinding Fabian.
He drops Dazzler but she’s caught by She-Hulk.
The blinded Mechano-Marauder drives around blindly, thinking “These women aren’t even Avengers! They can’t beat me!”
Alas, Dazzler decides the same decision she decided in #211, that she’s a singer, not a fighter.
And Sue also decides to head off, saying that she’s too busy with the Fantastic Four anyway.
But can we talk about the sheer audacity that Jan had of trying to poach Sue from the Fantastic Four to the Avengers? The nerve! The verve!
So that’s two of her candidates declining but that still leaves Spider-Woman, Black Widow, and She-Hulk.
And unfortunately for Mechano-Marauder, the first two are the two that have decided to kick his ass a little for entertainment reasons.
Spider-Woman’s venom blast damages one of the giant robot fists and Black Widow swings around Hoth-style and trips the Mechano-Marauder into the ornamental pond.
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Alas, after literally dunking a giant robot into a pond, both Spider-Woman and Black Widow turn down the offer to join the Avengers.
Black Widow has private business that are keeping her busy. And Spider-Woman doesn’t even offer an excuse.
In fairness, she has her own solo book over in California and that’s a heck of a commute. I’m actually impressed that she came all this way for brunch.
Fabian is fed up with being treated as an after-thought in his own fight scene and bursts out of the pond, yelling how he’s going to destroy them all!
All.... uh, two that’s left at this point. Yup, he sure is going to destroy all two of them.
She-Hulk has been fairly low-key this whole story, especially for She-Hulk. I’m pretty sure she came to the brunch just for the food and she hasn’t reacted much to Fabian, even when the others were. She caught Dazzler but she hasn’t had much to say since arriving. She’s mostly been standing with her hands on her hips, watching things play out.
But I guess she’s gotten tired of Fabian. Or maybe it falls to her as the last guest.
She tells him to shut up and breaks his robot suit with one punch.
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Fabian has one last trick up his Mechano-Marauder sleeve but its a dumb one.
His ejector seat is actually a backup robot suit. Annnd, its so heavy that it sinks into the ground. Trapping him.
Good job, Fabian.
She-Hulk goes to give him one more punch but Wasp stops her. Because she wants a shot at him.
And wow! What a shot!
At full not small size she crosses the streams to focus her bio-power stings into one concentrated beam and blows a hole in Fabian’s escape suit.
I’ve talked before about how Wasp’s pew pew stings have seemingly gotten souped up under Shooter and I think this is another good example. I mean, she’s not blowing up a house but combining the blasts to do precision boring is another cool application we haven’t seen before.
Anyway, now Wasp goes teeny and flies into the hole she made and up into the helmet to blast Fabian in the face. So hard his helmet flies off.
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Wasp: “That’ll teach ‘im for ruining my party!”
And that’s that for brunch.
Days later, Jarvis calls the State Department to request official clearance for two new members.
And we see part of the process of that. Interesting if you’re interested in the logistics of an officially recognized superhero team.
I guess what’s interesting is that Henry Peter Gyrich is still part of the process.
You’d think he’d have been replaced or something after the Avengers very publicly embarrassed him and got emancipated from him. I guess he keeps doing the necessary liaison stuff without ever talking to them.
The requests for the two new members cross Gyrich’s desk and he takes it to the White House where the request gets signed by Ronald Reagan.
(The two new members are Hawkeye and She-Hulk by the by. We see it on the paperwork. Guess Spider-Man is still thinking it over.)
Anyway, I guess its interesting that new Avengers are a matter that goes all the way up to the president.
God, I’m glad that for the modern team, Cap told the US government to fuck off because I don’t want to even think about that still being a thing.
The next day after the paperwork is signed, Hawkeye is on his way to Avengers Mansion in a cab. He’s reading a Time magazine about the change in the Avengers’ roster and reflecting that it’ll be hard to hold down two jobs but worth it because he’s missed the adventure.
Check out the Time magazine though.
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The cover of this comic book issue is in-universe the cover of Time magazine! That’s neat.
But Hawkeye’s cab is suddenly cut off by a pink Cadillac.
And Hawkeye being Hawkeye doesn’t just grumble and go about his day. He commits assault. Because this is Hawkeye.
The guy that Cap and Iron Man wanted back for being a good team-player.
So he gets out of the cab and shoots the pink Cadillac with an EMP arrow that fries the car’s electrical system.
Really abusing that Avengers Priority Status already, huh, Hawkeye?
The one mistake he made is that the pink Cadillac belongs to She-Hulk. She in fact earned it by doing a car commercial for Wacky Willie’s Wheels-And-Deals so you might imagine she’s fond of it.
So she picks up the cab with Hawkeye in it and leans it against a lightpole.
And then she picks up the Cadillac on her shoulder and walks off with it.
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She-Hulk knows how to make a lasting impression, I’ll say that.
But soon after he gets down from the taxi and stops in at an ER to make sure he’s not concussed, Hawkeye arrives at Avengers Mansion to rejoin the team.
Hawkeye: “Okay, folks, life can go on -- Hawkeye’s here!”
Iron Man: “And it’s about time! We were starting to get worried. What happened?”
Hawkeye: “Oh, nothin’ much -- not ‘til some freaky Amazon tried to play dominoes with my taxi!”
She-Hulk, lurking silhouetted by the window: “‘Amazon’, eh? I don’t suppose it could have been -- a green Amazon?”
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That is a powerful energy you have there, She-Hulk. Powerful energy and a power move in a power suit.
And that’s how Hawkeye’s day was ruined. Also how the two new additions to the team start with bad blood.
Conflict! We gotta have it!
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Wasp: “Hawkeye, She-Hulk. I’d like to officially welcome you both. From now on -- you’re one of us. We’re one of you. And we’re all -- THE AVENGERS!”
Jan’s trying a new thing where she kisses every new member. And they both have to bend down a little for her.
Also, another new Wasp costume! Wasp gonna Wasp!
This is another good, light-hearted decompression issue. The Moondragon two-parter had some yuks but also mind-control sex and Drax’s brain melting. So this time Wasp throws a brunch and Cap and Iron Man help Hawkeye escape the drudgery of an adult job.
There’s a lot of what could have been with Wasp’s guest list. What if she could convince Sue Storm to take a break from the Fantastic Four to try being on the Avengers.
She’ll join later, in the Worst Roster but she’ll join with Reed. I’m thinking more of a thing where Sue gets some time away from the family. I don’t think it could last long and it would need the Avengers and FF writer to be on the same page but I think it could be interesting - Sue getting to be on a team where she doesn’t have to be the adult in the room and doesn’t have to work alongside the family.
It’s a similar reason to why I’d like to see adult Cyclops join the Avengers. He’s so tied in with X-stuff and being the leader of X-stuff that I want to take him out of that context and see a new side of him.
Spider-Woman and Black Widow also could have been interesting. They’ll both become Avengers later. I don’t know that Dazzler ever did and she presents interesting opportunities.
The Avengers have had Wonder Man who was also trying to break into acting while being an Avenger. So Dazzler trying to pursue her singing career might just be a retread of that but what if she were more successful and was a celebrity on the team.
The Avengers kind of are celebrities but I think it’d be a different feel if they had a famous (disco) singer on the team.
Interesting stuff (for me) to think about, anyway.
Something else to talk about is the creative credits. Jim Shooter is credited for plotting but Dave Michelinie as writer. And looking ahead, Shooter is not going to be the solo writer again in the near future.
I think we’re getting to the point where Shooter’s going to be too busy with EIC duties to keep up writing the Avengers. He’s going to get plotting credits for a few more issues, probably loose threads he’s handing to other writers.
So the second Shooter run is going to end soon. Shame. Very much a shame. It wasn’t a very long run but he put a lot of energy and humor into the book.
Next time: Egghead’s back and he’s bringing a new Masters of Evil. Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve had them and they’re supposed to be the Avengers’ evil opposite team.
And Egghead is the not very impressive criminal mastermind who couldn’t beat Hank Pym so instead framed him for crime. Hopefully the new Masters rise above that level of menace.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I’m bringing you the She-Hulk content you crave. I assume. I took a poll and one out of one person said ‘this is the She-Hulk content I crave’ and I extrapolated from that. Also you should like and reblog because She-Hulk would want you to.
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reynaruina · 5 years
Hi! I've been looking around at people's iz art, and I notice that some people have good art, but they say zadr shippers and supporters dni, and I just feel like when I see it, it's like 'Dangit! I can't like their art, bc if I do, they'll track me down and block me!' I feel like it's unfair that they're wanting to leave us out just bc of something we like. Just a little rant, but is it ok if u can provide some feedback or advice? Please and thank you!
Eh, I super get you and yeah, honestly the intent behind those of trying to police in what way we interact with media seems a little silly to me (I mean, even if I don’t reblog a picture of them when they’re together it doesn’t make me stop shipping them in my mind, y’know?). I personally don’t like to go around taking bait like that and if the artist just doesn’t want their art to be displayed on the blog of a particular type of person then fine, I myself can respect it even if I don’t think it’s reasonable for them to put something out on the Internet of all places and expect to have any control over how people interact with what they’ve made. 
I feel like as a creator and especially an artist, if they ever plan on getting anywhere in the art world, they’re gonna have to get used early to have people grab what they’ve made and interpret it their own way, that’s just how people interact with art. It reminds me of how, when someone gets hired by Disney to make like a children’s cartoon, one of the first things they get exposed to is of pornographic illustrations of other Disney cartoons and they basically tell the creator “you’re gonna have to be ok with people doing this with your characters, because it’s gonna happen and you’re gonna have a bad time if you can’t  cope with it”. It’s simply just a thing we humans do, we see characters we like and we pair them up/ sex em’ up.
And hey! being open to different interpretations of your work could also be a chance to gain a new perspective and maybe help you evolve your craft, and closing yourself to it just because you don’t particularly appreciate a certain perspective feels like doing yourself more damage than good. It’s basically sending your audience the message that “I inherently don’t appreciate some of you!” and that’s honestly not a very good attitude to have over something as trivial as shipping, you don’t need to outspokenly attempt to police how others view fiction to have an opinion and a stance on it. If you personally don’t like a ship that’s fine, but if you make art of the characters having people ship them just comes with the territory and the sooner you learn to live with that reality the better of a time you’ll have posting your art publicly in general.. 
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Pokémon Retold: Hidden Grottos - Something More
Hil wrestles with guilt over what Reshiram did to one of the Shadow Triad. Also lots of Hil/N fluff. I’m not sorry.
Timeline: ~10 months after Black 2
Setting: Unova
Notes: Fluff. All the fluff. I'm really not sorry. Though there is some minor blood mention (mostly through recollections of the battle aboard the Frigate from Black 2). Also, I realized like 4k words in that uh, it didn't make a lot of sense for neither of them to have their pokémon out, since Hil likes to let his team out while he sleeps and N kinda isn't a huge fan of Poké Balls, but… I really don't wanna potentially ruin the flow by going in and adding little addendums about their pokémon here and there. So just imagine Noodle is in there somewhere and N's Zoroark is probably out of its Poké Ball too lol. It's fluff, dangit, I'm sorry! Lol I started writing this at 12am and could not stop (it's currently 4am. Aaaaa)
Characters: Hilbert (Hil), N, Reshiram
Prerequisite Reading: Black, Black 2
The scent of blood was heavy on the air and the breeze lashed his face, bitterly cold to the point it felt like daggers digging into his skin, and strong enough to blow him away. Hil gritted his teeth and dug his shoes into the wooden deck below him, but when he looked up, all he could see was the battered, broken Plasma Frigate ahead of him, Reshiram divebombing it again and again with Fusion Flares. Yet, there was nobody else aboard the crumbling ship… Feeling like something sticky was covering his hands, Hil flicked his wrists and then gasped at the red fluid that was slung to the deck. Shakily turning over his palms to look at them, he blanched at the thick, scarlet coating over his hands. Then, Reshiram landed in front of him, and a powerful gust of wind knocked him to his stomach.
Immediately, the biting cold was gone and the pain from hitting the ground seemed much more real. Groaning, he leaned up and blinked fervently as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the hotel room, discovering he was laying against the tiled floor and cocooned in thrashed blankets. He dazedly tried to unravel himself, turning over, but jumped when N scrambled over to him. In his grogginess from having woken up so suddenly, he had almost forgotten N was even there… He gave N an apologetic, almost nervous smile for that, even though he knew it wasn't like N could have known.
"Hil, are you alright?" N asked fretfully as he cautiously leaned over to help him out of the blankets. "What happened…?"
"Yeah, sorry," Hil mumbled as he grasped N's hand, leaning on him as he unfolded his legs to stand up. He winced at N's second question. Sighing, he pondered what to say. The truth? He knew what the nightmare had been about.
Every now and then, he'd have some variation of the same setup. He would be aboard the Plasma Frigate, alone, with Reshiram somehow involved. Sometimes, she would fiercely roar in his face and that would wake him up; sometimes, she'd land in front of him with a person's broken body in her jaws. The nightmares were always gory and unpleasant, and somehow, he would always wake up knowing exactly what they were getting at… Though, he supposed that wasn't so strange. Even in his waking hours, he'd sometimes think back to the Shadow Triad member that had informed him the Plasma Frigate had been a decoy, and how Reshiram had callously then dispatched him.
In the wake of the events aboard the Frigate, cleanup efforts resulted in bodies getting recovered from the ship. Among them had been that Shadow Triad member (the other two, along with Dr. Colress and Rosa, had never been found despite their best efforts in searching over Unova). If he were honest, it disturbed Hil on a haunting level that man had been killed while trying to assist him, not to mention how part of him was convinced the Shadow Triad didn't mean any harm to begin with and were somehow victims as well in all of it. After all, despite telling him that they couldn't let him kill Ghetsis, they had reassured him that Ghetsis wouldn't survive their encounter, nonetheless (though they had yet to locate his body, and Hil doubted they ever would). Every time he thought of that chilling, final encounter with the remaining brothers, a tremor of guilt would crawl up his spine. While one of them had lain dead and mangled aboard the Frigate, his brothers had assisted Hil one, final time, coyly finding a loophole in Ghetsis' control… Had they even known…? If they did, would they have even had the capacity to care?
Regardless, he had wanted to talk to Reshiram, to understand why she had chosen to murder that one so coldly, but frustratingly enough, he had found it impossible to communicate with her following that fateful battle in the Giant Chasm. She didn't seem upset with him and could stay out of her Light Stone form for as long as she pleased nowadays, but he just couldn't… talk to her like he had during their battle with Ghetsis and Kyurem. It was absolutely maddening! Part of him thought N could have helped him, but…
How could he have expressed all of that to N? N, who had been held captive by the Shadow Triad as well as Ghetsis to the point that he grew restless and upset staying in one place too long? In fact, they were currently staying at a hotel in Hoenn, quite the distance from Unova, because of N's need for new sights and smells. They had a few more days slated out before they would return to Unova to complete the tasks that had surely been piling up for them. It was a tense routine they had started to fall into following Hil's realization that N had felt trapped at the Pokémon League. That he hadn't even realized he was allowed to leave it.
"Hil?" N pressed softly when Hil didn't answer, wrenching him from his stupor. "What's wrong…?"
Hil sucked in a fast breath and sat down on the (now blanketless) bed behind him. No, he couldn't talk to N about that. N had been through so much more than he possibly could have ever hoped to understand, and what if he were hurt by Hil showing pity for his previous captors? "Sorry," he mumbled, "It was nothing. Just a dumb nightmare. Didn't make any sense." That sounded pathetic even to me. I can see Reshiram rolling her eyes at me now for how see-through that lie was.
Shuffling away, N crossed his arms, and an awkward silence started to build. Hil's heart pounded more and more as it stretched on, until he snatched the blankets from the floor and tossed them back on his twin bed. He didn't bother rearranging them, but he just wanted something, anything to break this miserable silence, something to send N away so he could go back to—
"You've been having a lot of nightmares," N interrupted his thoughts. Freezing briefly, Hil then licked his suddenly clammy lips and locked his stare on N. He still wore that off-white bandage around his head, hiding his missing eye from sight, but Hil had learned to read his expressions expertly in the time they had spent together since then. Right then, N had a sour, almost cagy, expression, one that radiated… disappointment? Hil didn't know what to make of that. All he knew was that he wanted N to go back to bed, so he could go back to bed, and forget all about this awkward conversation, wherever it was headed. He tensed slightly as N kept speaking. "I may have just one eye now, but I am not blind to how you clearly do not want to talk to me about this, whatever it is… I don't blame you for having nightmares. There are countless experiences I know you've been through that could cause them." N shifted his weight from side to side and his hands slowly dropped to his sides. "But… I don't understand why you don't want to talk to me about them… You have told me so much. I have told you so much… You have helped me whenever I have fought with nightmares. Especially if I ever woke in a fashion much like you just did. So… why do you not want to tell me?"
Feeling like a Deerling in headlights at N's blunt, yet respectful questioning, Hil's mouth fell open but no words came out. He didn't know what to say to that… "It's just… nothing I want to worry you about," he responded lamely at last, feeling his stomach twist into anxious knots. No longer able to meet N's single eye, Hil looked at his fidgeting hands and then pulled his feet to the bed, intending to curl back up and tell N he was tired. Just as he went to open his mouth to say so, however, N cut him off.
"I have spent a lot of my life with others deciding what I was allowed to know or not. Do you intend to do that as well?" he asked matter-of-factly, with the mildest inflection of annoyance. When Hil looked up at him this time, the corner of N's lips twitched with a hint of well-restrained frustration, and then he moved to sit down on the bed next to Hil. His movements were stiff and almost… cautious. Almost instinctively, Hil maneuvered so that he was sitting upright on the edge of the bed again, maintaining that distance between himself and N. Although N hadn't been able to explain to him exactly why, Hil knew that the other could be finicky about close contact with people. Sometimes, he found it comforting, and would welcome hugs or at least tolerate being near others, while there were other times where N would bristle at contact and would, quite vocally, ask to not be touched. Over time, Hil had learned to pick up on the subtle differences in N's movements to know when was or wasn't a good time to approach him—and now was definitely not one of those times, based on the tension in his form and the way he was averting his gaze.
Not that Hil could blame him. Shame made his cheeks burn red as he heard N's question, and his hands immediately fidgeted more, starting to shake slightly. Damn his anxiety. "N… no," Hil weakly mumbled through uncooperative lips. "I don't… I'm not trying to… trick you, or anything…"
"Yet, you were lying to me… were you not?"
Exasperated, Hil groaned and hung his head. "When you put it like that, it sounds so much worse than what it is!"
N sounded a little more frustrated then. "So, what is it, then? If it's not that bad, why is it such a secret?"
"People are allowed to not tell others things sometimes, N," Hil defensively retorted before he stopped to think. Almost right away, he cringed at the snappiness in his tone. Also since he and N had become the Consuls of Unova, he had come to understand that N had a very direct way of communicating. He didn't understand nuances or social cues that well, and the concepts of insinuations or passive-aggression were lost on him. So, he knew that N couldn't have possibly meant to suggest he didn't deserve privacy, and most likely wouldn't have understood his snippy reply in the slightest. Turning a worried look to N, he was proven correct by how the other looked utterly stunned.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Hil blubbered in a panic, covering his face. "Look… I'm… I'm sorry. It was a nightmare about the Plasma Frigate. You know how I said Reshiram… Reshiram killed one of the Shadow Triad in front of me? Every now and then, I just… I just feel so bad about it. I feel so bad for him, and for his two brothers, and I know that's stupid because they helped keep you a prisoner in that madhouse of Ghetsis', and that's why I didn't want to talk about it, because you don't need to feel pity for people who helped abuse you, and—"
"Hil," N interjected gently, finally bringing Hil's anxious run-on sentence to an end. With something Hil swore was a twinge of amusement, N asked, "Is that really it?"
Daring to move his fingers to cautiously eye the other through the gaps between them, Hil swallowed hard. "Um… yeah, that's… that's pretty much it…"
Giving a relieved sigh, the tension in N's form left with the very air he exhaled. "I really thought it would be something so much worse," he chuckled lightly. Shaking his head, making his messy, green hair fan out over his shoulders, he turned a sad smile on Hil. "Hil, I don't hold anything against the Shadow Triad… They were just as used as I was." His smile dissipated as he curled his lips slightly in disgust. "Even when I was little… I knew that something was… incorrect with them. Even with the limited group of people I was allowed around, I could tell they didn't behave like others… For a while, I'll admit, that made me like them a lot. I felt like they might understand me, because I didn't feel like I fit in with other humans well, either. Of course, I learned that they didn't get me, and that they really didn't understand much of anything and were just obedient, but… I really liked them when I was little." N almost wistfully tilted his head and closed his eyes. "Ghetsis… did not name them… I thought that was really sad when I was young. All humans in the stories I had read or that I had met had names, so I thought it was only fitting they should have one, too." He laughed. "I asked them what they would like to be called."
Relaxing at N's unexpectedly sympathetic reaction, Hil lowered his hands from his face and scooted closer to the other. Still trembling thanks to the close call with a panic attack a moment ago, he tenderly quavered, "So… What did they say?"
"That they didn't understand," N snickered. Taking a deep breath, he added, "I tried to explain a few times, but they still didn't get it. Like the entirely uncreative person I am, I dubbed them Quiet, Whisper, and Loud…" There was a short pause. "I never called them that around anyone else, though, and quit calling them it altogether once I was older… By the time I was finally allowed out of… there… I'm sad to admit that I saw them as… Ghetsis wanted me to… Tools to serve Team Plasma's purpose. I didn't mean to view them that way…" He shook his head vigorously and then pulled himself farther onto the bed, daring to move a hand forward to clasp it over one of Hil's against the mattress, making Hil freeze and his breath hitch. "I am not upset with you for feeling bad about what happened to Whisper, Hil…"
Genuinely smiling back at him, Hil felt emotion rising in his throat some. Biting his lower lip to try to fight it off, he nodded. "Thank you…" Even though that's not it… Hil wanted to banish that thought so badly. He didn't want to get into the messiness of how he felt frustrated about failing to communicate with Reshiram. This bittersweet, reminiscent discussion was something he wanted to cling to, maybe steer the conversation into another exchange of their radically different childhoods, laughing and grinning about the good times (however few there were) and wincing and comforting one another over the bad times. Yet, his mouth felt like lead as N's earlier words rang in his head, reminding him he wasn't being honest.
"You can tell me stuff, too, you know," N whispered, as if guessing what Hil was thinking. He squeezed Hil's hand slightly. Face still a little red, Hil slowly turned his hand over and clasped his (admittedly somewhat sweaty) palm to N's hand, intertwining his fingers with N's. "I know you have, ah… helped and saved me often in the past," N started gingerly, "but Hil, when I apologized for you having to save me again… I think I perhaps conveyed myself poorly."
Blinking confusedly, Hil cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean…?" Although Hil could tell this was important for N to talk about, he had to admit, remembering the way N had apologized to him after he had dealt with Ghetsis back in the Giant Chasm was heartbreaking. It had pained him so deeply, for N to be there, bleeding out, and still apologizing to him… Just the memory made Hil's jaw clench and it took everything in his power to keep from tightening his grasp on N's hand. Nobody had a way of bringing out that furious, almost feverish desire to protect in him quite like N could.
"I was not feeling bad for myself," N explained. "At least, I don't think so… I was sorry because I had not been as strong as I could be… You have such a way of catching me in my moments of weakness," he snorted, "that I think you have mistaken me for someone far weaker and frailer."
"What? No, not at all," Hil defended himself a little too quickly, and a little too squeakily. N's smile vanished and he gave Hil such a pointed look with that single, gray eye. Shrinking under just that look, Hil squirmed, laughing halfheartedly. "Right… sorry, go on…"
"That's exactly what I'm talking about," N sighed. "Hil, I'm not going to shatter to pieces if you talk to me more. I don't need safeguarding. I'm not a prince locked in a tower anymore. Ghetsis is gone. We lead Unova together. First and foremost, many people rely on us now… And I fear what may become of those that rely on you… or care for you"—N flicked his gaze to the side—"if you refuse to talk to me… or, er, anyone, about what is upsetting or bothering you…"
For as reserved as his words sounded and as subtle as his body language was, Hil caught on immediately to the way N was subversively admitting to caring about him, to worrying about him. In one swift moment, all Hil's anxiety was traded in for a rush of warmth that made the almost goofy, happy smile on his face grow even broader. Not to mention, the very sentiment in his words might have made him melt all on their own. Together. They led Unova together… and Hil had apparently made N feel excluded and worried by keeping his thoughts and feelings to himself. As quickly as the gust of warmth had come, it started to ebb, and he gnawed his lower lip again, dropping his gaze to the bed. "I'm sorry, N," Hil murmured, "I never meant to treat you like… like…" Oh, Arceus, how could he have explained? It was N. Hil didn't know what it was about him, but the idea of hurting N or of him being in harm's way made him want to coil around the other like a protective mother Beartic. He had seen N undergo so much, and he had so nearly lost him once before… it was so hard not to inadvertently treat him like a glass statue… Emotion choking his words somewhat, Hil whimpered, "I just… I want to keep you safe…"
"I am safe," N said simply, tugging on Hil's hand a little. "I am safe with you. You have made it clear time and time again that I am safe with you, that you do not intend to harm me… but, Hil?"
Almost reluctantly, N said, "I… want to help you, too. I want to keep you safe, too… And you bottling yourself up and never really coming to me with stuff to talk about… I dislike that more than if you would simply talk about it… Even if some of it maybe is uncomfortable…" Breaking the tension with a slight laugh, he raised his visible brow at Hil. "Am I making any sense…?"
He was making perfect sense, and as guilty as Hil felt for making N feel like he was being coddled, his heart was swimming on fuzzy feelings that honestly made it difficult to consider the guilt or anxiety anymore. Again, he recognized the situation as a potentially romantic one, and yet again, calling it that would have felt insulting. Perhaps it was the fact that N still didn't have a fantastic grasp of what a romantic relationship was, but the way N described the way he wanted to care for Hil just sounded so wholesome and… Hil cherished it so much. It left him feeling so full in a way only N could seem to do. "Yeah, you are," Hil finally replied, grinning almost giddily. "You're right… You're right. It's not fair to you for me to hold back and decide for you what you can't or… can't handle. We're in this together." Casting a look at his bag across the room, hanging on the back of the hotel's door, Hil gestured toward it with a nod. "So, here goes… I wanted to talk to Reshiram so I could ask her why she… killed, that member of the Shadow Triad… I mean, Whisper." N might have quit calling them by their names a long time ago, but Hil suddenly found the idea of continually referring to the deceased brother namelessly unpleasant. "But I haven't been able to talk to her at all since the Giant Chasm… She hasn't been upset with me, or anything, I don't think, just…"
"Oh, is that what you want to do?" N perked up, a delighted smile spreading across his face. "I, um… I didn't know you were actually interested in honing that skill further…"
Practically gaping at him, Hil incredulously chuckled and asked, "Why on Earth wouldn't I want to learn to do that more? Hello, I'd get to talk to a legendary pokémon! Not to mention how much easier it'd be to tell Noodle to get off my shoulders whenever his brain scrambles and he thinks he's a Servine again…"
Giggling back at him, N's cheeks were dusted a rosy pink in embarrassment, something that hit Hil with another pang of warmth, only this time it hit more like a truck and less like a gentle wave. Almost like a yearning ache. "I just… I had it beaten into my head for so long that talking to pokémon was taboo and strange and humans hated it…" N still sounded amused, but there was quite the raw undertone to it. "I suppose I just figured you weren't interested since you never talked about it ever again… and I didn't want to bring it up in case it… did upset you…"
"Are you kidding?" Hil abruptly flopped down closer to N, never letting go of his hand as he did (in fact, he brought it against his chest as he sat down again, and it took everything in his power to exercise the self-control it took not to kiss it, as even he recognized in his giddy state that might have been pressing his luck). "Your whole thing with talking to pokémon is awesome. That is so nothing to be ashamed of!" Smirking a little, he taunted, "I've even heard Nathan complain about how he wishes he could do that, and you know Mister Man doesn't show envy." Rolling his eyes, Hil mocked Nathan's gruffer, throatier voice and said, "Since, y'know, he's a tough guy and all that. He 'doesn't need any help!'"
Covering his mouth, Hil could tell N was trying not to laugh, but an ugly snort betrayed his amusement and his face flushed an even darker red. Gathering his composure, he straightened his back out and, with a hint of pride that pleased Hil to hear, mused, "Well… It's a little late right now, but I would be happy to try to help you and Reshiram tomorrow… I suppose I could just talk to her for you, though, and that would also get you your answer."
Hil didn't even ponder that. "No… I wanna know how…" A little teasingly, he added, "I wanna see the world through your eyes, man. Er… Eye?"
"That should not be funny, and yet I feel like laughing," N almost pouted.
"I think that kind of humor is 'irony,'" Hil laughed.
"Mm. I think you do that one a lot."
Shrugging, Hil smirked, "Yeah, that, bad puns, and just all around terrible jokes are kind of my thing. Hey, maybe soon you'll understand why Cheren groans all the time at me!" Pausing to blink, Hil tossed his head back. "Oh, no. Soon you'll understand why Cheren groans all the time at me, and then you'll start doing it, too, 'cause you'll start to get why all my jokes are so bad."
There was a long silence before N, nervously despite the amusement lacing his voice, tried to coyly say, "W-well… maybe bad jokes are funny in their own way."
Oh, my Arceus, I'm gonna die. Is he trying to flirt? Yep, I'm just gonna die now, right here. His heart felt like it was going to explode. Deciding he had to end this before that actually happened or he somehow ruined this moment, Hil awkwardly let go of N's hand and hopped up off the bed. "Haha, you think so, huh? Well… we should probably get some sleep before tomorrow, at any rate," Hil yawned.
"This is your bed," N blankly said. "Why did you get up?"
"That," Hil pointed at him, "is a very good question." He sat back down, but N didn't get up. After a few uncertain seconds like that, Hil not-so-smoothly questioned, "So… ah… you gonna…?"
"Um…" N clasped his hands together over his lap and stared squarely down at them. "May I stay in your bed for… now…? I know it is a little small…" He swallowed hard. "But I want to… ah… be with you in case you have more nightmares like… that… It looked painful when you hit the floor like that…"
He almost couldn't believe his ears and felt a little silly for the way he beamed stupidly back at N as soon as he said that. "I'd love that, N…" He felt so warm all over, tingly and beyond joyful, to the point his hands felt jittery. He quickly realized they were jittery as he and N worked to fix the bedspread, and then took a few minutes to try to find a comfortable position for each of them in the bed.
Ultimately, Hil found himself pressed against N, with the other winding an arm around him protectively (to 'keep him from falling off the bed again,' in N's words), both sharing the same pillow. Despite how comfortable and lovely it all was, though, it ironically made the idea of falling asleep laughable. Hil had nervously questioned N at first if he was sure about it, only to have the other reassure him he was fine, and then he had even admitted it was a lot nicer than he had been expecting. Deciding to just take it as the compliment it was meant to be at face value, Hil's pride had swelled and he had nestled into the other's hold.
It was a long, long time before he fell asleep and boy, was he exhausted the next day as N hauled him out to the forest to assist him in learning to speak to Reshiram, but it had been more than worth it. He had no idea what to consider himself as N as, but honestly? That was fine by him. They were whatever they were, undefined and unrestricted by labels, and happy that way, learning slowly but surely about one another at their own slow, comfortable pace.
He'd have had it no other way.
My school decided to have mercy and ISN'T charging me an arm and a leg despite me not actually living on campus! So while I'm still leaving the P*treon up as a tip jar/for commissions, I don't feel like I have to lump my fanfiction work under the "gets posted to P*treon 2 weeks before everywhere else" rule!
I am so happy! I'll admit that I was really sad about the P*treon deal because I HATE waiting to post my works here to you guys. I get so much fun out of sharing my stuff or even just seeing all my work together under my name under my account. I'll be updating my Tumblr and the actual P*treon page to reflect this change soon. So no 2 weeks of going dark for me bb woo~!
In other news, if this oneshot is chock full of errors, that's because I basically wrote it in a fluff-brained fervor. I'm very gay and so is Hil and - yknow what, sue me, lol.
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norcumii · 5 years
yet another sequels rewrite
UGH. I have absolutely no stamina anymore. Ok, so this might be an unholy mess especially with as little sleep I’ve managed lately, nevermind the headcold, but here we go. I want it out of my system, dangit.
Also, apologies, you can see where I got caught up in the banter and a character hogs the screen when they’re meant to be more on the sidekick level of prominence. I should fix it, but I enjoy razzing the character too much, so. Er. Sorry?
(and then you can see about halfway through my energy levels just died and the rest is handwaving. THAT one I’m sorry for.)
Episode 7: The Legacy of Skywalker
This begins much like canon, with Poe and BB-8 getting vital intel from random old guy in the desert – it’s not about Luke Skywalker, it’s about what the First Order plans. Finn doesn’t shoot, and no Dark Side figure romping around – though Phasma IS there, and she kicks serious ass and is generally terrifying. Poe is captured, Phasma questions him, sends him off to an actual interrogation cell.
We cut to a small smuggler vessel, sleek but not top of the line, has seen some wear and tear. Inside, Kylo Ren is having just another day as a smuggler kvetching with his crew – none of them want to deliver goods to Jakku, but damn the pay is decent (and stars know business has been thin lately – something’s been riling up the smuggling underground, though no one can point to what exactly). Kylo is tall, favors dark clothes, maybe has a helmet for when going into battle but not around the ship (very similar to that of the bounty hunter Boushh). His crew are Rose and Paige Tico, mechanic and gunner respectively. The sisters aren’t happy he wants to make the delivery on his own, but he’s determined – he needs them to come to the rescue if things do go badly. Someone has a bad feeling about this, but fine, whatever. Kylo ends with a cocky grin and a swagger as he pulls on the helmet and straps on probably more guns than are necessary (attentive audience members will note there is nothing REMOTELY like a lightsaber to his gear).
Meanwhile, Finn and Poe – tortured by a familiar style of interrogation bot – escape, and crash, and Finn presumes Poe is dead. He ends up meeting up with Rey, desert scavenger, and her new friend BB-8 who recognizes his jacket. In the background, we can see Kylo delivering a pallet of goods, bargaining with the locals, etc. Then the First Order swoops in, blowing shit up. The crowd scatters, Finn and Rey hauling each other to the parked ships. They run towards the closest – only to have it blow up before they get there.
The audience sees Kylo shrieking “My ship!” and gawping at the explosion, and about to be shot down (he was doing a damn good job fighting his way to the escape vehicles before then). Rey and Finn grab this idiot and drag him towards the nearest ship, aka a battered old Millennium Falcon. He shuts down a little as they sprint aboard, Finn dives towards the gunner turret while Rey works to get them the hell out of there. Things happen much like canon, though things break down in the fight. Kylo finally shakes off the shock of losing his ship and almost dying, and sprints towards maintenance to Deal With Things (by now the audience STILL doesn’t know who he is, but there should be the suspicion that he’s tied into this – he’s too familiar with things). The Falcon escapes into hyper, and Kylo is very angry about having to leave his crew behind, as is Rey about leaving in the first place.
We swap back to Kylo’s crew, waiting for word from him. As they’re scanning frequencies, they pick up a Resistance SOS. The sisters are exchanging looks, clearly not happy about this. “Aw man. Kylo won’t like this.” “I don’t like it, nevermind Kylo. Wait, play that on repeat, was that – Paige. Paige, that’s Poe Dameron’s ID squawk.” They share agonized looks, then Paige quietly says, “You know the Generals wouldn’t send him out if it wasn’t important.” “...shit. Kylo is gonna be so pissed.”
They rescue Poe, only to reveal the ladies are undercover Resistance agents, don’t tell Kylo, he cannot know. Meanwhile, they’ve gotten a space!E-mail/text from Kylo, he’s off planet and trying to get back they should get safe then contact him. So they’re off to take Poe to the Resistance.
Back on the Falcon, things break down again, dumping them back into normal space. A very crankry Kylo starts repairs, he and Rey get a bit snippy about how one does this, he’s being territorial until pushed then he’s all “you know what? Fine! You do it your way, see if I care!” Finn just wants to deliver BB-8 to the Resistance, guys, please stop this. Kylo is very against going to the Resistance for any damn reason at all. He just wants to get back to his ship, and off this stinking bucket of bolts! Rey...is speculating about Han Solo, and other legends (all of which make Kylo hunch his shoulders and be all disdainful). She wants to help Finn and BB-8, but she HAS to get back to Jakku.
They get tractored by a Resistance corvette, then boarded by Chewbacca and General Han Organa, who wants to know WTF is going on here, he hasn’t seen the Falcon in forever, not since Lando disappeared with it. And – wait. WAIT. WHO IS THE TALL SKINNY SMUGGLER IN BACK, SLINKING AROUND TRYING NOT TO BE NOTICED? WTF BEN?
(Rey and Finn: Who’s Ben? “That – that would be me, guys.” “I thought you were Kylo Ren!” Han rolls his eyes, looking embarrassed. “You’re really calling yourself that? Still? You came up with that when you were five.” Kylo gets a stubborn look and glares right back. “Hey, you know what, maybe I could’ve just named myself after the family cat, would that’ve made you happier?” Han has an agonized look. “Your mother named it after a land walker!” “And you’re complaining about Kylo Ren?? It’s not like anyone else in the family is any better! That was AT-AT the third, she has burdened at least two other animals with that ridiculous–” Finn: “Excuse me, but could we possibly save this argument for later?”)
Saved from more embarrassing family moments by the First Order attacking (unrelated to the Jakku mess, should emphasize how the First Order is getting up to more and more shit in the galay), Vice Admiral Holdo aboard the ship tells them to go, she’s got this. Off the Falcon goes to Maz Kanata’s. 
We finally see the leadership of the First Order - a cloaked figure at the head of the table (maybe a holopresence?); Hux; Phasma; another cloaked figure, slouching and apparently uninterested in what’s going on. Something something ominous plans, the Resistance is the last bastion against us, the Republic is corrupt and just as bad as its predecessors, burn away the past and let new life grow forth as we dictate it, to create something new and glorious (and altogether creepy as fuck). 
Back on the Falcon, Han and Kylo are Not Speaking To Each Other, but Han is answering basic questions about how the First Order’s been up to shenanigans, clearly someone’s paying off politicians and/or controlling them, they tried working within the system but that finally became a clear dead end so here they are. Grumbling about Luke being off on a mission and Lando’s been missing for awhile, it’s been rough. *MEANINGFUL NOT-QUITE-A-GLARE AT KYLO, who is still totally ignoring this* They’re headed to Takodana, which should be a solid neutral location - they can contact the Resistance there, then send everyone on their way. (He’s totally keeping the Falcon, though. It was his first!)
Things on Takodana go very similar to canon. The group splinters some, Rey finds the lightsaber, visions of vague betrayal, glimpses of Order 66, hints of the Big Four meeting. The First Order attacks (again) much to everyone’s shock because this is Neutral, how dare. Han and Chewie get captured instead of Rey. Leia shows up, invites them back to Resistance HQ, Kylo is...torn. He goes along with. 
Reuniting with Poe, Kylo sees the Tico sisters being far chummier with the locals than they should be, realizes his mother had spies watching him, HOW DARE, he is an ADULT why are they LIKE THIS--
“You can yell at me all you want later, but right now we have data to decrypt and a rescue to plan, especially if you want to yell at your father in person too. It was his idea.” (It was, but Leia is THE head honcho, and she was the one who had to approve it.)
Data is from a spy, most of it has insane good encryption, but what they can make out is a HQ and something about Lando (??!?). They have coordinates, Finn has intel, so off they go for a rescue.
Since travel time is a thing, we need to see actual interaction with the new heroes. The new trio sparring, talking, hanging out playing space chess. Kylo is the awkward older brother figure who totally does not know how to fit in but somehow does a little anyways (note: these moments should be in the minority. He’s a side character, not a main). Getting to know and hang out with Rose, Paige, and Connix. Leia holds regular lightsaber classes for all interested (Finn’s a natural, Rey’s interested but prefers her staff, and Poe’s been doing this for years (Kylo is almost aggressively absent)). Folks keep stumbling over Rey in the hydroponics (look, there’s an AMAZING montage here, ok?). 
The focus should be on Rey, Finn, and Poe: Poe digs these two; Finn’s reactions to going back; Rey grappling with how she left but at the same time she’s got people around and she likes them, wants more of this.
At some point, Rey - who’s been trying to get ANY and all intel on her parents or family who might just not know where she is, corners Kylo with Finn, Poe, and BB-8’s help. It’s honestly distressing to her that he has all these things and he just...left. He left family. Just...how could he?
He doesn’t blow them off, instead sits down and is visibly pushing himself to speak. “My family...is a lot. My uncle’s a galaxy renowned Jedi, the Jedi, the man who killed the Emperor and reforged a millennia old Order. Mom’s been an outstanding politician since she was a teenager, the Rebel leader, last Princess of Alderaan, the woman who built up the new Republic and kept it together though sheer willpower. Oh yeah, AND a Jedi, too. Dad’s a war hero, and while the criminal underworld sometimes says different, he’s got the rep of some amazing criminal mastermind with a heart of gold. My grandfather was Anakin Skywalker, one of the last great Jedi, General, hero of the Clone Wars - and Darth Vader, everyone’s worst nightmare.” He looks at Rey and Finn. “You two are at the opposite end of things. You’re figuring yourselves out from the ground up. Nobody’s shoulders to stand on, and hell, that’s hard. I get it.
“But for me…. My family – the names, the history – it all has such weight to it. All this legacy. I’m not anything like any of them, and I’ll never have the skills or power that any one of them do. Hell, what’s even left for me to be good at?” Poe opens his mouth, it’s possibly an old debate between them. Kylo waves it off. “I know, I know. ‘Find something. Make something.’” He makes a face at Poe, who makes one back. He turns back to Rey and Finn. “You’ve never had anyone’s shoulders to stand on. I’ve never been Ben Organa and not in several very large shadows. I didn’t know how else to find myself, and no, I still don’t know who that is, sorry.”
Finn makes a face. “So, what, we all ought to just give up because someone’s already been the best at things?”
“Hell no. That’s my problem, not yours. Besides, you’re not in those shadows. If you want to pick up that legacy, if you’re willing and able to shoulder that burden, more power to you. It’s not for me, though. Be Jedi, be smugglers, be heroes.” Grins at Poe. “Be the best damn pilots in the galaxy. Whatever.” He pauses and smirks. “Probably not the villains, though. Galaxy’s got enough of those.” 
Leia leads the rescue team, there needs to be serious callbacks to RotJ and her saving Han then. The First Order is surprised at being attacked directly, but rallies, lots of fighting, Resistance doing well. 
Phasma leads a mixed group of “specialty troopers” which encounters Finn, Rey, Kylo, and...danggit, probably not Poe. I want to include Poe, but he’s probably air support. During the flight, when the Resistance is getting the clear upper hand, Phasma motions to the specialists, who all pull lightsabers. It’s not a total flip to the Order’s advantage, but they’re using the Force and suddenly Finn and Rey are having to tap into powers they’ve only experimented with, and meanwhile everyone’s playing keepaway. Finn probably has Luke’s old lightsaber, Rey is ALWAYS dangerous. Eventually Phasma pulls out a lightsaber and does one of those scary Force throws so it’s spinny glowy blade of DOOM heading right towards the center of the normal Resistance troops, away from a very busy Rey and Finn who don’t even see it - 
And Kylo reaches out and Force pulls it to himself, swings it around, and makes a face. “I hate these things.” (It shows. He’s adequate with it, but Phasma has another lightsaber and is kicking his ass. This should also be the first time he EVER shows any hint of being Force sensitive, and that includes he should never be pulling some Han Solo bullseye shots without looking shenanigans.)
Han and Chewie’s rescue party is fighting their way out, and then things cut to an officer running into central HQ, telling the two cloaked figures that no really, they need to evacuate, NOW, there’s too great a likelihood that the whole place is going to come down. 
Head-Honcho-Cloaked-Figure [who I now desperately want to call Head Honcho inna Poncho, but I shall try to refrain] turns to Casual-slouchy-stance-cloaked-figure. “I think it’s time to reveal the Second Order, don’t you?”
The second figure shrugs, like it’s no big deal to them, and pulls out a datapad to punch in some things. “Signal sent.”
And across the battlefield, Resistance fighters start to turn. A bunch of them are using stun blasts, but in the air there’s no such mercies. I keep playing with the notion that Holdo’s ship just up and leaves the system (and let’s face it, with the potential for an Ackbar who’s swapped sides cackling “It’s a trap!” like “and you fools have fallen into it!” appeals, then sure, him too.) Paige, wherever she is, is also one of the turncoats. And down in that messy cluster with Finn and Rey, Kylo Ren pauses, then turns and strikes down several of the Resistance fighters he just saved.
At this point, people decide it is LEAVING TIME. Rey and Finn are presumably Most Distraught, there’s some kind of retreating fight between them and Ren-and-Phasma-and-her-troopers. 
It’s not quite a rout. Not quite. There’s a lot of blood spilt on the ships they retreat onto, though. People just turned, for no reason anyone could figure. (Later, someone analyzes comm traffic, and finds another encrypted signal they can’t interpret.)
Our Heroes are Not Happy, for all that ok, they achieved some pretty significant mission goals. By the time they get back to base, everyone’s caught up with everyone else. Losses - in both senses - were significant. Finn took a nasty blow to the back, but given time he should be ok. Whether that means back to functioning as before, or he now needs some kind of mobility device AND THAT IS NOT SOME HUGE TRAGEDY, I leave up to the viewer. (In the latter case, damn well ought to later on show a number of Resistance members in similar circumstances, because representation and let’s face it, should be happening ANYWAYS regardless.)
They all get back to base to find that during the time they were away, a number of folks did the turncoat thing, but thankfully nothing too important blew up. Also, Luke finally got back from his mission. He greets the crew, and introduces them to what he went to fetch: a new medic named Kix, who had been working with some space pirates. (LET DANIEL LOGAN PLAY CLONES, DAMMIT.) They don’t know why things went strange, but they might have a few ideas.
General notes because I’ve reached the end of my patience with this plunnie, in no particular order:
I cannot emphasize enough that Kylo Ren is not, and NEVER is, the main villain here. He’s on par at MOST with Phasma, as we saw her in canon Episode 7 and 8. Quite possibly less.
It may or may not be relevant, but Rose and Paige were never sent out with the primary mission to babysit him (the man is THIRTY, for the love of GODS). He was honestly just a useful cover for them to travel around a lot, make contacts, and courier stuff. (He thought they kept making deals on the side, whatevs, not his problem.)
The person in charge of the First Order was once a Jedi (probably a padawan?) who escaped the purge, gave in to the dark side, and decided fuck the Empire and the Emperor, and what they did to us - AND fuck the Republic, too! (And that’s why they have the whole “burn down the past” attitude.)
There’s technically three “Orders”: the First order is the public face, the stormtroopers and the battleships. The Second Order is the hidden agents, some actually turned, but many with control chips like what was used on the clones. The Third Order is a group of Dark Force users, building their bullshit upon old sith books and those Jedi books they’ve decided to repurpose (and that way you can tie in the books of ancient Jedi Bullshit that were almost burned in canon). 
Hux is in charge of First Order, Phasma the Third, DJ in charge of Second - he’s the reason there keep being encrypted stuff the Resistance can’t read. They go looking for someone who can slice into this stuff, and naturally this sketchy as hell guy has a reputation for being able to crack these things. No one really quite twigs to him being the likely culprit as to creating them. Or at least, that opinion gets drowned out somehow. 
Finn was being groomed to be part of the Third Order. He did not realize this.
Kix helps suss out the chips and ways to try to deal with them.
Without much useful detail, my brain supplied Episode 8: The Fall of the Republic; and Episode 9: The Resilience of Hope. Make of that what you will?
I think this would mean 8 would be about the chips, while across the galaxy assorted sleeper agents would be taking out relevant political targets, and causing general unrest to take down the Republic. It should be about the small victories, not the large ones - this person rescued here, that life skill learned over there - even as the First Order keeps making successful powergrabs. 
9 would be more about finding roots. Lando - who’s been spying within the Order, finally surfaces with intel (what intel is a very good question I do not have an answer to). I get the feeling Kylo would die somewhere in here - if so, it absolutely should not be the pivot point of either the battle OR the war, no more than Paige’s death was in canon. (Meanwhile, it’d be nice if Paige could be saved.)
No, the person behind everything is not connected to “something greater,” they remain a random padawan from the old Jedi who managed to survive.
I think that’s all I’ve got, tagging @dragonhoardsbookz for their interest, and many thanks to @dharmaavocado for egging me on and being a kind voice of reason. <3
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chouetteffraie · 5 years
Just Shy of Decadent [Dazatsu Halloween Week - Day 1]
So, it’s still the 24th for me, but the mods gave the all clear to start posting and I’m a little excited so.... :discord eyes emoji:
 I like to think of it as a spiritual successor to my previous vamp fic The Art of Decadence but you don’t have to read that one to understand anything here. I just didn’t like the vampire au ending without romance because I want my boys to be HAPPY dangit
Also, fair warning: my version of vampires are 1. Sexy and 2. Basically follow Sims logic. What can I say, I love hot vampires
Anyway I hope you enjoy this! This is actually my first time participating in a ship week (I was always too busy to do the other ones) so I’m super excited!!
Also have this lil meme I made because I think I’m funny and I’m bad at writing horror
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Without further ado, here’s my day 1 entry! (Placed under a read more because it got kinda long)
Day 1- vampire // “It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night."
Atsushi was leaving. Dazai didn’t like that one bit.
Every day he gained more space in his dresser drawers, more free hangars in his closet, and the small backpack slowly swelled as more clothes were cleaned and packed away. While he sat in bed and watched the dusky night sky slowly bleed out for the morning sun to rise, waiting for Atsushi to return home and collapse into bed, Dazai often stared at the pack as if it were an intruder, gaze pointed and hostile. If Atsushi noticed these glares when he finally stumbled in the door, shaking his head at Dazai’s offered neck and falling on the sheets, he never commented on them.
That was another thing Dazai noticed and detested. Why, all of a sudden, was Atsushi refusing his blood? Dazai could tell he wasn't feeding properly lately, with his outings getting more frequent and how exhausted he looked all the time, yet he was refusing his own supply of food every night. In fact, he was running away from his personal food source- why was that? 
Not every vampire had access to a human stupid enough to offer their blood freely. Atsushi was lucky to have such an offer. Really, Dazai thought, scoffing under his breath, he should be more grateful! After all, Dazai did take the boy in and feed him for months now.
His thinking was backwards, he knew. For somebody to want a vampire to drink from them was...unconventional. But what could he say? He liked the pinprick of Atsushi's fangs piercing through his neck and Atsushi's soft lips closing securely over the area. They weren't exactly warm, but they were comforting as he placed them gently beside his wound and refused to let a single drop go to waste. Dazai liked this part of him being needed and so cautiously taken care of, as if each drop were precious. The lightheaded rush he got when Atsushi drank his fill excited him almost like he was teetering on the brink of death with only Atsushi's gentle hands leaning him back on a pillow to save him. He knew Atsushi would never let him fall, so he allowed himself to indulge in being what Atsushi craved.
Hearing it play back in his head, Dazai couldn't help but agree with the dubious look that normally showed on Atsushi's face as he saw how much Dazai enjoyed volunteering his blood. He was a bit unusual, he supposed. It didn't matter much. Dazai was never one for conventions, anyway.
Sleepy footsteps in the main room of his apartment caught his attention, a near-silent click signaling Atsushi’s arrival. Dazai could hear him stumble clumsily as he toed off his shoes and trudged to their shared bed, a quiet grumble slipping out about the trouble he had that night.The mattress dipped a few moments later and a solid weight fell beside him, not providing any warmth but drawing Dazai closer all the same. An exasperated sigh seemed to echo in the otherwise silent apartment as Atsushi braced himself for the oncoming back and forth.
“Hungry?” Dazai asked, offering a smile so devious it put Atsushi’s own fanged grin to shame. Atsushi shook his head and pointedly turned away, making sure Dazai got the message that he was not interested in feeding. Refusing to give up, Dazai bent and nuzzled his own face gently into Atsushi’s neck, putting on a pout he couldn’t see. “C’mon, Atsushi-kun, you’ve worked so hard...give yourself a break.”
“I’ll be okay,” Atsushi insisted, making no move to push Dazai away. “I don’t need to feed every day, and I’ll get more soon enough.”
Dazai frowned at that. “Ah, about that…” He trailed off, tightening his hold on Atsushi. Barely tilting his head, Atsushi peered at Dazai through one half-lidded eye. “How long will you be gone? I’ll miss my roommate when he’s on his vacation.”
Atsushi stiffened, turning his head so his face was burrowed in the pillow. The arms underneath it clutched it tighter, tight enough that Dazai would worry Atsushi was trying to smother himself if he needed to breathe. After a moment, Atsushi relaxed himself before saying, “I wouldn’t wait for me, Dazai-san.”
“What’s that? I couldn’t hear you, the pillow is muffling your voice,” Dazai proclaimed, trying to pry Atsushi’s face away. He had no such luck and let out a ghost of a sigh. “It almost sounds like you’re telling me that this is goodbye.”
Again, Atsushi was silent, yet Dazai could nearly hear him sift through his words carefully to find the right ones. The longer Atsushi took to choose the more apprehensive Dazai felt, his stomach churning and his face soon twisting into a grimace. When Atsushi began to speak, though, his words were awfully bland and curt. “Well, I have to find food somewhere.”
“Yes, I understand that,” Dazai responded, pressing his nose to the spot Atsushi’s pulse should be. As dense as ever, Atsushi paid no mind and continued.
“And the people here are sharp. They’ll have figured me out soon.”
“Hmm, that does sound like trouble,” Dazai hummed before trying to cuddle up even closer. He was a step below desperate, the kind of gnawing feeling that made him want to yell at Atsushi and tell him that he was here and willing to be used. 
Let me be what you crave, he pleaded internally. Or am I not human enough for you?
Atsushi sighed before turning in Dazai’s grasp so he was facing him. “I feel like you aren’t taking this seriously, Dazai-san.” When he spoke, the moonlight glimmered against one of his fangs, pale and alluring. When he shut his mouth, Dazai felt the resentment bubble up for a brief moment. Quit leading me on, Atsushi-kun. Such a tease.
Allowing his expression to lift, Dazai merely shrugged. “You’re right,” he answered instead, listening to Atsushi’s groan before shutting his eyes. He knew Atsushi wouldn’t be sleeping tonight- the hunger pains normally kept him up, and although Dazai never let him know, Atsushi was too restless to allow him any sleep. This way, though, he had an excuse to keep his grip on Atsushi tight, keeping the boy close before he was chased away by the rotten people in the city below.
The bag was packed tighter until eventually it looked as if it would burst. Atsushi started lingering in the middle of rooms, small. fond smiles on his face. The times Dazai caught him, he’d hold himself back, watching from a safe distance as Atsushi prepared himself to turn to the next chapter of his life. The thought of being a secondary character, never to be mentioned again, left a bitter taste in Dazai’s mouth. He gritted his teeth every time.
One morning, Dazai was pulling on his vest, the golden light streaming in through the windows and telling Dazai that he was at least an hour late to work. Atsushi sat up in their bed, sleepily watching him as if he thought Dazai couldn’t see him in the mirror. Without turning around, Dazai asked, “Are you enjoying yourself over there, Atsushi-kun?”
“Hmmm?” Atsushi asked, dazed.
“Oh, nothing. It’s just that, normally, people prefer to watch others remove their clothes. Or is that backward for vampires, too?”
The comment took half a second to get through to Atsushi, but once it did, he was a sputtering mess. After fumbling around, hands reaching for something and finding no purchase, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his head. “What- that’s- inappropriate, and-”
A deep chuckle interrupted his stammering. Atsushi peered over the blanket at Dazai, who was now looking at him over his shoulder. “Well, how am I supposed to know about vampiric fantasies?”
“That is not what was going on just now,” Atsushi insisted. Dazai only gave him a dubious look before moving to swing his long coat over his shoulders. When he walked past Atsushi, he grabbed the edges of the blanket and pulled it over Atsushi’s now-exposed feet, looking up to meet his eyes once more. He stood there, stooped down and captivated in that violet-gold sea, before he was hit with the gut-wrenching reminder that Atsushi was days away from leaving one night and never returning. What made things worse was that Atsushi didn’t tell him when he was planning to leave, and the fear of starting an eternity of coming home to an empty apartment was almost more than Dazai could take.
He considered sitting on the edge of the bed and forcing Atsushi to hear him out, convince him to stay. However, he knew how it would play out: Atsushi would smile and nod before telling him not to worry and reminding him how late for work he was. He was becoming an expert at brushing Dazai off gently, something Dazai didn’t know he’d be proud if it was him who served as his teacher.
Instead, Dazai cleared his throat and patted Atsushi’s leg awkwardly before turning to leave, hoping he’d be in the same spot when he got back.
Dazai came home early that night to find Atsushi getting ready to head out for the night. In the pale moonlight, Dazai noticed how sickly he looked. Atsushi was no longer a ferocious creature of the night with fangs ready to hunt; instead, he looked tired and weak. He looked surprisingly human, weary from a day’s work. 
But by the human definition, Dazai was useless, a waste. To a vampire he was needed, a renewable food source with an appetite to be reminded of his own terrifying mortality. If Atsushi was no more human than he, well...Dazai didn’t like to dwell on the what-ifs, especially when they involved Atsushi ditching him for anybody else. 
Atsushi gave him a weak smile as he tried to brush past him and venture onto the street, but Dazai stopped him by grabbing his shoulders firmly. Carefully he guided Atsushi back to the couch, pushing him down on the cushion and removing his jacket and vest. Atsushi watched, confused, before he tried to stand back up. Dazai grabbed his wrist with one hand and used the other to unbutton the top of his shirt, pulling one shoulder down to expose more skin. Dazai watched Atsushi pull his bottom lip between his teeth, eyeing the newly exposed flesh. When Dazai tugged on his wrist he didn’t put up a fight, though he didn’t move any closer to Dazai’s shoulder like he surely wanted to.
“Go ahead,” Dazai invited, tilting his head. “You need your strength. I can tell.”
Cautiously, Atsushi leaned forward and placed his own hands on Dazai’s shoulders as his hands dropped from Atsushi’s. Casting a weary glance at Dazai, Atsushi leaned forward and gently pierced his skin, right on the pulse point where Dazai was beginning to notice two small dots regretfully fading away. Dazai raised a hand to rest on Atsushi’s waist as he waited for him to drink his fill- for a moment, he hoped Atsushi would nearly drink him dry so he could use that to guilt him into staying. However, Atsushi abruptly pulled away, wiping his mouth hastily and looking away in shame.
“H-hey, what’s-” Dazai started, jolted out of is dizzy daydream before it really began.
“I don’t want anymore,” Atsushi answered, shutting his eyes tightly.His hands withdrew from Dazai’s shoulders- Dazai only pressed firmer against Atsushi’s waist. Voice shaky, breathy even, Atsushi added, “Thank you for feeding me.”
Slowly, Dazai scanned Atsushi in the dark, a frown slowly dragging the corners of his mouth. “But you’ve barely had any, Atsushi.”
“I have enough reserved, thank you.”
The shortness behind his words sent the dread in Dazai’s stomach fluttering, and he tried to push Atsushi closer to him in response, offering his neck again. Atsushi stiffened, trying to resist Dazai without being rude and battling the emptiness in his core that Dazai’s blood had begun to fill. “C’mon, Atsushi,” Dazai tried to coax, reaching his other hand to brush Atsushi’s hair to the side. “Just let me do something useful before you leave-”
A sharp cry echoed in the otherwise silent apartment as Atsushi shoved Dazai off of him. Bewildered dual-toned eyes watched Dazai for his reaction, staring into a gaze as confused as his own. Before long, he slanted his eyes and clenched his fists, nearly growling before he finally broke the quiet between them.
“Would you quit saying that?” With a harshness Dazai didn’t realize Atsushi had, Atsushi tried to hold Dazai in a contemptuous gaze before tears pushed their way to the surface. “You’ve told me a million times how all you’re trying to do is ‘be useful’ to me and I just wish you’d quit selling yourself short! Besides,” he paused for a moment, holding back a sniffle. “I don’t want to leave you thinking I left because you didn’t serve a purpose for me, or something.”
Stunned into silence, Dazai watched Atsushi bring up a hand to wipe at the few tears that managed to fall. Inspecting his hand, Atsushi let out a gentle laugh at his own expense before his gaze trailed down to the threads on the couch. He picked at one aimlessly, hoping to avoid eye contact, suddenly embarrassed.
A bittersweet smile stretched across Dazai’s face, looking more like a grimace to Atsushi. “Why would you keep me around if I were useless, then? You can’t tell me having a personal blood bank wasn’t convenient.”
“I didn’t keep you around for convenience,” Atsushi persisted, venom dripping from his tone as if the idea were abhorrent. So like him, Dazai thought. How human of him to think so. “I wasn’t even the one who kept you around- you were keeping me.”
“If I remember correctly, I’ve been nothing but supportive of your decision to drop everything and run,” Dazai countered. 
“Well, maybe,” Atsushi responded, back to picking at threads on the couch. “But...you were the one going through all the trouble. Hiding a vampire, offering your blood after every bad night.I need to leave, Dazai-san, before I cause anybody else any more trouble.”
Dazai merely nodded, turning his head to stare at the wall in front of him. He wanted to tell Atsushi that running wasn’t the answer he needed- that he could stay and work things out, that a life of hiding out at night with Atsushi and keeping him happy and fed sounded just fine to Dazai- but he knew that he was the last person to give such advice. After a pause, Atsushi let out a scorned laugh, turning to see what interesting thing had caught Dazai’s attention and unsurprised to find nothing there.
“What trouble do you think you’ve caused me, Atsushi-kun?” Dazai mused just as Atsushi opened his mouth. Any defeatist remark Atsushi had ready fell flat and he drew his knees to his chest, curling in on himself as if he were trying to disappear.
“I just said,” he answered, voice muffled as he hid his face in his knees. For a brief moment, the air in the dusky apartment was stagnant, a stark contrast to the thoughts bouncing through both men’s heads. A bitter stalemate between the two loomed behind them, threatening them with the future neither of them wanted yet providing no reasonable escape. Atsushi wasn’t ready to let go of his fear- with his knees curled up to hide him from the world, he barely looked ready to acknowledge it. Dazai thought the same could be said for his pride; should he let go of that, he worried he’d fall deeper and deeper into decadence, allowing the love he so desperately craved to tear down the walls he meticulously built and wreak havoc on his very being.
But he was proven wrong when he realized how close he was to losing Atsushi for good. So, with no other option, he swallowed the lump in his throat, taking his parasitic pride with it.
Atsushi heard him move before he felt him, the rustling of the trench coat Dazai didn’t have time to removed breaking the silence before the couch dipped beneath his weight. A hand gently fell on Atsushi’s knees, warm and comforting. Atsushi could practically feel the blood rushing beneath Dazai’s skin; after all this time of dealing with the man’s suicidal tendencies and dangerous mission, he had learned to use it as a reassurance that he was alive and safe and here. Bracing himself, Atsushi carefully looked up at Dazai with wide eyes.
They were drier than Dazai expected, though they were just as conflicted as he thought they might be. With a sigh, Dazai turned and gave Atsushi the smile he normally used to cheer him up. He felt a softness that was normally never there, and judging by the way the belligerence subsided behind his ametrine eyes, the gesture didn’t go unnoticed.
Comforting another was a foreign action to Dazai. He spent his time observing the rest of humanity, watching from afar. He did the understanding, yet he was never understood. That barrier was almost always in front of him, a one-way mirror of isolation that prevented him from learning how to make that connection. Now, he resented this as he burrowed in his mind for words of solace that wouldn’t leave himself feeling stripped bare and vulnerable.
“Atsushi-kun,” he started, not wanting Atsushi to think he had nothing to say and was merely waxing confidante, “Have I made you feel unwelcome?”
Atsushi sniffled and looked away. “Of course not, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome. You’ve been to kind to me...I need to leave before I leech off of you even more.”
“I’m not a kind man, Atsushi, and I’m not quite sure where you got that idea,” Dazai admitted. He averted his gaze. “I used you to feel more human, and all it did was help me realize that in that subject you would always surpass me, despite being fundamentally…” Trailing off, Dazai snuck a look at Atsushi’s face, pleased to see he was merely looking on in interest and not sadness. With another sigh, Dazai continued. “The point is, I didn’t bring you in with selfless intent. I thought you could help me fill a hole I didn’t know how to fill.”
Deep in thought, Atsushi hummed before nodding. His chin hit his knees a few times before he said, “I kind of liked it. Being needed, that is.”
“So you knew?”
“You could say that. I had my suspicions.”
Like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Dazai watched Atsushi with wide eyes, his mouth agape. Atsushi chuckled and slowly lowered his legs, swinging them back over the end of the couch to avoid kicking Dazai. After a moment’s thought, he leaned down to rest his head gingerly against Dazai’s shoulder. His voice small, Atsushi asked, “Did I help at all? Did I help you fill the hole?”
Dazai leaned his own head down so it was resting on Atsushi’s, silver hair tickling his cheek. HIs hand clutched at his chest as if he could feel his heart for any patches and he resisted the urge to hum in contemplation. “I don’t know,” he started. When Atsushi’s shoulders slumped, Dazai quickly added, “But I think it’d get bigger if you left.”
When Atsushi made no effort to move, Dazai resolved to sit still until the end of time, determined to keep Atsushi next to him. Too soon the boy stirred, however, and Dazai nearly spoke his protests when Atsushi asked, “Can I make a request, then?” 
Dazai didn’t know how to say he would willingly die for Atsushi, so he nodded dumbly instead. With a soft smile, Atsushi asked, “Can we start this again? Do it over, only this time we stop trying to use each other. Is that...okay?” 
There was a sparkling hope in Atsushi’s eyes- no, in his entire being, sparking off his fingers like fireworks and threatening to light Dazai up with him. It was all Dazai could do to not sweep Atsushi off his feet and make a million promises he wasn’t sure he could keep- though he knew he’d damn well try. Dazai managed to hold himself back, save for the goofy smile that spread across his face. It felt too big and awkward, foreign to his lips. If he didn’t know any better, he’d worry his face would crack. Yet it drew out a similar grin from Atsushi, and Dazai decided that, if that were to happen, it would be for a noble cause.
Not wanting to ignore Atsushi, Dazai finally nodded. His voice came out softer than he anticipated, barely above a whisper. “It’d be...more than okay,” he said, as if his pleasure in the idea were a sacred secret. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Dazai may be terribly decadent, but he wasn’t foolish enough to let such a wondrous opportunity slip between his fingers. He beckoned Atsushi closer, allowing them both one last indulgence before the real work began. This time, when Atsushi slowly drew away, he kept him locked in his grasp.
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darkzeruda1214 · 5 years
Kairi deserved better.
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Oh, boy this is going to spark up some debates.
Now I want to CLARIFY before I start.
I DO NOT. Under any circumstance hate. Or dislike Kairi. Personally I think she was one of the few characters that actually have an interesting background and has a lot of potential as a character. And I really do like Kairi, but I think the rest of the fandom can agree with me.
She. Was. Done. Dirty.
Seriously. Does anyone in the development team even like or want her in the series?!
This girl deserves better. As well as give her some spotlight and some much needed personality!
*Canon Kairi is just really... unjust. The fandom does a much a better job portraying her character! (TAKE NOTES NOMURA Dangit! You could learn a few things from the fans!)
Time to get to the topic, (also thanks for my cousin for allowing me to use their exact words for this argument).
So after finishing KH3 I was left unsatisfied and just plainly angry at the ending. And after what happened to Kairi, there’s nothing more than I want is for her to get some redemption because what happened to her is utter bullshit. One of the things that really pissed me off was how they handled her.
And yes, I’m talking about the final battle, but one thing I think many people tend to overlook is her treatment in the trailers.
Now I know some of you are confused by what I mean. But the trailers really deceived fans about what Kairi was going to offer. A lot of fans speculated, argued and theorized that Kairi was FINALLY bulk up and be ready to fight. She was finally going to be useful.
Now to be fair she isn’t and act totally useless. I mean she did save Sora during the Final World arc. (But you know, Square totally missed an opportunity that could have given Kairi more substance, but that’s for a totally separate debate for another time).
The trailers made it seem that Kairi was going to be part of the final battle. Now that part wasn’t a lie, but they clearly only gave her the spotlight for a couple of scenes, she’s a party member for the first part of the battle and then that’s it. We don’t even have her throughout the ENTIRE battle. She’s just cast away, because PLOT!
Utter. Bull.  
But another thing that really degraded her character as a whole is the lack of personality.
Kairi used to be a snarky and sarcastic character in KH1. And I really enjoyed what kind of character she used to be during my second play through.
(Though I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t have any attachments to any of the character -not including Disney exclusive characters- in my first playthrough until later on in the story. Riku was the only one I was more intrigued about).
Back to Kairi, even with the few seconds she was in, she had something that made her feel like fleshed out character. Not by much, but there was something. And all of that was nearly taken away in KH2, now some of you are probably ready to argue that KH2 was her best version. I’m incline to disagree, now while Kairi was mostly asleep in KH1, she had more personality in the first game compared to the second. Because in the second game, she becomes less sarcastic and more bold when it came around action.
This is where I feel Kairi started to fall as a character and more as a plot device. Because as we all know it, she get’s captured. At least in the first game she had purpose and a reason to be there.
In KH2 she had absolutely no reason to be there.
As much as I hate to say this. Her character direction fails in the second installment, because the only time she’s relevant (not including Naminé) is the Roxas telepathy conversation and the bottle scene. After that, the only way to keep her in there is by having. Her. Get. Captured. 
She’s ‘the fire’ that keeps Sora going. And at that point she’s only there as a plot device for Sora. Who he himself wouldn’t be relevant either had it not been for the Keyblade and for Roxas. But since he’s the playable character he’s obviously important. But… the same can’t be said for our Princess of Heart. While they managed to keep something in for Kairi in the second game, it was completely tossed out entirely in KH3. Honestly, the only thing I got from her is that she's heavily infatuated/in love with Sora (which isn't a bad thing, it's just that’s ALL her character had to offer in the third installment). And just in general I think her development went in the wrong way.
So we finally get to the title of the rant.
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me and that's fine. Since we all have the right to our opinion, and to disagree and agree.
But I think she didn't need to have a Keyblade.
Or at least in the way how the writers decided to give it to her.
Reason I say that? She didn't even EARN her Keyblade. Yeah, I said it. 
She didn’t earn it, Riku gave it to her like a gift card. Like: here, it's yours. (It’s pink. So I don’t want it. It matches your clothes though).
That’s it.
They just handed her a Keyblade. That it. She didn’t even have to WORK FOR IT. (Not even a joke since the franchise is handing those things like lollipops) Now. If they had allowed her to manifest it. I dunno, actually EARN it, like how Sora and Roxas did. (Heck, even Riku got it, off screen, but he still got his). And addressing the Wayfinder’s Keyblades, it’s pretty obvious since they were training to be masters at the time. And don’t even get me started on Union X and Ven.
But Kairi was just given the damn thing like a kid given candy. Not through some rigorous trial of heart, mind or soul. Not through battling. No. Just handed one. 
I mean yeah sure you could argue her coming to another world could work for her favor, after all she traveled from one world to another. Being brave to help out Sora despite being in danger herself. But again, she’s just given the Keyblade by Riku. Not by her own power. She’s just gifted THE DAMN THING!!!!
I’m sorry. But I don’t think that’s how KEYBLADES WORK!
Look at Axel/Lea! He manifested the Keyblade in his hand! Sora’s appeared to him at first, but then he earned it after showing that his heart is strong and his power is through friendship. 
Roxas earned Kingdom Key through Sora, but later he earned his own Keyblades after his strong promises and from battling. One from defeating Xion and the other from the sworn promises.
And it’s no doubt Riku got his from all the hard work of fighting the darkness and helping Sora in his journey. 
But Kairi. Didn’t.  This pisses me off.
Honestly... at this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised that the writers (actually I think I want to blame Nomura for this) don’t like Kairi. If they don’t even bother to put any effort in making Kairi a fighter. Why on earth did they have to give her a Keyblade?  
Again. If they allowed her to manifest it, or let her go through a small trial of some sort like everyone else, or test the power of her heart then I wouldn’t be arguing this topic.
I’m not saying it’s intently bad that they gave her a key. I’m saying the way how they did is simply lazy writing and makes Kairi look useless.
Because of her Keyblade, I think that’s the reason why a lot of people wanted her to fight. And honestly, I feel that was the wrong direction to grow her character.
I can name a good number of cartoon, game and anime characters who don't have ANY fighting experience but are still amazing characters.
And I think that’s a problem in pop culture in general. What most fans of any series don't realize, is that well-written female characters aren't just those who kick butt and shoot stuff.
They don't have to be a badass to be a good character!
And I think that's what really screwed Kairi over in the end. (That and what Nomura did to her). But the moment they decided to give her a Keyblade to fight, it really tipped her off badly.
So going back to the trailers, since I clearly forgot to remind myself, the trailers really made it look like Kairi was finally going to be able to help in physical part of the battle.
They emphasizing so much on her training, that it made it seem like Kairi was going to be a stronger character "physically.” But… once the game was released, there wasn't anything to back it up all that “training.” In fact we didn‘t even get to see her and Axel train at all.
And to me that was a shallow move. The only thing the trailers served was a cheap extension to encourage people to buy the game. I think they tried really hard to sell the game by releasing too many trailers too early in the year that not only spoiled the story, but made fans wait even longer for a game that didn't even feel complete.
All that’s left is the Re:Mind trailer. (Edit ReMind fixed her character. About DAMN TIME!)
But that's just my opinion, if you don't agree with me, that's fine I respect your opinion. I don't mind at all Kairi having a Keyblade or learning how to fight. But I don't think that's what she needed in order to be a good character. She really needs a fleshed out personality and some interests/hobbies outside of simply being in love with Sora.
No hate to Sokai ship. It's a good couple, just... was poorly executed in cannon. Fandom works have better stories and delve into the relationship and characters (better than Nomura ever could write) I'm sorry. But I'm still bitter to what he thought would be a good thing to add in KH3 especially after how many years fans waited the game's release.
*I know there are other reasons as to why Kairi looks and is treated as a bad character. But her poor development discussion has been overdone so many times that it’s practically common knowledge for any Kingdom Hearts fan.   But again that's me.
I really needed to get that out of my system.
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cometcrystal · 5 years
super kids pair dynamics
note that when i say “pair” i dont mean Ship Pairing its just every possible duo in this group, minus jack jack, because everyone other than vi and dash’s dynamic w him is “you are baby”
just so this has some semblance of organization, it’s gonna go in alphabetical order. so chance > dash > gigi > rose > tony > victor > violet. i’d do minny but i think i’ll leave that to ramon and em to decide since she’s their character and they’d know her better than i do!
chance & dash - obvious but theyre Boyfriends once theyre older. at present in canon they just have baby crushes on each other but neither has realized it yet. they share a brain cell, and i mean that in both the Dumbass way and in the “their minds are so in sync its crazy” way. they name their children by mashing their own names together. that’s their wavelength
chance & gigi - they get along pretty well i think. gigi uses some of his morphs as inspiration for new gadgets, like lizard-esque wall climbing gloves & shoes. he likes to sit and watch her work sometimes 
chance & rose - barely know each other. their super suits are both green i guess
chance & tony - while chance is chaos enough for dash, he’s also got a more reserved side, and it comes out when he talks with his in-law-in-law tony. they are both dating a parr and that says enough. they probably watch the same tv shows
chance & victor - doesn’t really like the guy. he eventually slightly warms up to him but he’s the one victor targeted in the first place, so he’s always gonna be on the defense around him. for a while, anyway. victor proves himself eventually and the two are never exactly close, but chance knows victor’s upbringing was Bad
chance & violet - they have kind of a sarcastic relationship. he is able to safely snark to her without getting called a wiseass. when he’s in-morph she’ll tease him by being like “prove you’re chance do a trick”. best siblings-in-law ever
dash & gigi - they get on each other’s nerves just a little bit but not too bad. he’s always willing to be the guinea pig for when she needs to test smth and she both respects and fears his gusto. she teaches him some judo moves upon request
dash & rose - they don’t know each other very well either. i dont think rose and the younger kids are very close at all
dash & tony - dash instantly thinks tony is the coolest person in the world the moment tony calls him “buddy” and he will butt in during his sister’s dates to be like “hey tony hows your day been”. tony thinks dash is a funny kid and humors him but also tries to end the convo quickly so he and vi wont try and kill each other. once dash finds out tony’s an empath hes constantly like “hey what number am i thinking of”
dash & victor - is one of the first people, along with gigi, to be on the side of “let’s give victor a chance”, surprisingly. he hasn’t forgotten what he pulled on chance but he’s also like “his dad was killed by syndrome. that can’t be easy” and kinda sorta feels a connection to how victor lashed out. victor doesn’t take dash seriously at first but seeing dash in battle one (1) time turned him around bc dangit the kid’s clever
dash & violet - chaos siblings supreme. ive already talked at length before about how much these two love each other and how they’d die for each other in an instant so i won’t get too deep into it, but they know each other better than anyone else does. they share the same trauma and they work together in hero work near-seamlessly, despite how much they bicker in their everyday life
gigi & rose - softd for each other. rose needs someone who’s super understanding (lol) about the super thing, since she’s so skittish and defensive about it, and gigi’s had a toe in the super world her whole life bc of lucius. they have nice quiet convos while doing diff stuff in the same room and also theyre girlfriends. the only time the phrase “soft uwu wlw” is allowed
gigi & tony - “the only people violet parr is soft for” squad unite. they have a two-person book club where they #stan jane eyre and they also share turtlenecks bc theyre the same size. they try and pair up as partners in science class whenever possible
gigi & victor - supported victor’s second chance early on, partly because she had almost no hand in what he did other than being kidnapped. she’s sympathetic to him mostly on a hunch. she might invite him to her and tony’s book club later and introduce him to gothic literature. he thinks she’s suspiciously nice to him and is slightly defensive around her at first
gigi & violet - the definition of wlw solidarity. ride or fucking die. see the adventures of violet and dash book 2 for the love jewelry they made for each other. when vi’s not fighting crime with her usual partner dash, she almost always teams up w gigi
rose & tony - they have drama class together and have a light-hearted friendship. one day during an improv exercise in class one of them messed a sentence up and started laughing and the other joined and the teacher had to intervene bc they couldnt stop giggling. when she gets anxious and tony senses it he puts a hand on her shoulder and she appreciates it
rose & victor - these two have an unlikely bond because of their weird and stressful family situations. in general, she opens up a little bit before he does, and sorta relates to his closed-off-ness. so it’s either her or gigi that usually offers him an extra cookie or w/e at first
rose & violet - had a crush on her when they first met bc shes a fuckin lesbian. violet was immediately rose’s wingwoman when she met gigi tho. they probably have philosophical debates when they hang out, which is usually taking a walk through the park or going to the zoo
tony & victor - tony’s actually ends up being victor’s closest friend. since he’s an empath he can tell that victor’s being sincere when he eventually says he’s sorry to the others, and besides rose, tony’s the one that’s the furthest removed from what happens in the books. so he’s kind to victor, and victor’s not as defensive around him cause he figures his kid’s a wimp and couldn’t lie about trying to get me arrested if he tried. but yeah this is probably the person victor gets along best with
tony & violet - this is another dynamic i’ve talked about at length before but the TLDR is that he’s constantly amazed by her even before he finds out she’s a super, and him being the most “normal” one out of all the kids is comforting to violet. i hesitate to be like “she likes feeling normal” but she does like feeling grounded and loved by someone she can just relax and take a break from Super Stuff with. they’re each other’s superheroes
violet & victor - she’s the most Sus of him when he comes back, and he’s not exactly keen on her either. she only agrees to give him a second chance because of what tony says in his favor. but after working with each other for a long time, they both respect and trust each other. like when theyre adults, if you asked either of them about the other, theyd be like “i’d defend them in battle, and i know they’d do the same for me”
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puppy-the-mask · 5 years
You ever create AUs of your own self-insert fantasies? Hahahaha...
So I made an AU for my Epithet inserts... I call it the ‘Crypt!AU’
Basically one of the twins absorbed the other in the womb- like ya do- anyways the parents named her Lilith, which is a really pretty name!
But not to the parents, it’s got Symbolism!
There’s a myth about a lady named Lilith who apparently was supposed to be Adam’s first wife but refused to ‘lie under him’ and voluntarily walked out of Eden- which what a fucking power move! She was like ‘fuck no I’m not below you nor am I gonna sleep with you- bye bitch’- which apparently later on she’d represent lust and sexual desire??? Doesn’t make sense but I skimmed a bit
ANYWAYS! They’re basically calling her a demon that represents a heap of bad things cause she absorbed her sister and they wanted twins dangit! Also Lillies are the flower of death, sybolizing spirits gaining purity/innocence after death or something like that. So more death but better context! So she doesn’t mind so much when her friends call her that for short
Not that she has any cause ya girl’s INSCRIBED!!! And her epithet it ‘Crypt’
She makes Crypts (like how Percy makes her buildings but she only has 1)
And In her crypts are skeletons, and depending on how big it is, Lots of skeletons (‘skeletons are cool’ is my multiversal constant, if an alternate me doesn’t like them then she ain’t a me plain and simple)
Cause Crypts are used for 3 things, burying dead, storage, and apparently religious ceremonies? Idk what to do with that one honestly BUT I DO FOR THE OTHER TWO!
She can store things in her crypt, or summon skeletons to the material plane. It’s cool cause at first they were mindless but she kept summoning the same ones cause she got attatched and the thought of experiencing something with one only for it to stop existing after hurt her heart, so basically she accidentally gave them autonomy. She has 2 that have been with her since day 1 and she loves them dearly, crypts are where you bury important family members and stuff after all! She also has a hoard of animal skeletons, she feeds the town’s strays and so once they’re family they appear in her crypt after death. Those have the most sentience, since they had previous lives. She also tends to find strays on their last legs- comforting them and welcoming them to her family so they aren’t alone in their final moments. Then she buries them and they can decide if they’ll stay in the crypt, move in and reincarnate, or just move on/ stick around in the afterlife.
When it was discovered that she could conjure skeletons her already shaky reputation plummeted and everyone was afraid, there were even random rumors saying they were all victims of her murders which- she’s like 5 when this starts so wtf people??? She’s in your sight like all the time????? Anyways she only has 1 friend and that’s Chief (cause he’s also here and a living person) cause his epithet also makes him a outcast!
Things stayed like this- her regularly being sent to Eclipses house to learn how to be an upstanding citizen (really cause the parents are assholes who think they need to cleanse the house every week of their daughter’s ‘inherent evil’) she feed lots of strays here and even taught herself how to sew and make clothes for her skele-fam who liked to be discernible from one another to people other than her. Things come to a head when she’s about 11 and the family cat dies unexpectedly, they come home to find the cat dead and the mom is hysteric, she’s cradling the body when Lily feels a gentle but insistent, desperate nudge in the back of her head that tells her someone wants out of the crypt so she relents and lets the cat say it’s goodbyes. But when it rubbed against her and purred (or did the skeleton cat equivalent which is light bone rattling) the mother was disgusted and remarked it was devil magic and all that Jazz- condemning lily and ‘that thing!’
She was shipped off to Eclipse’s at the end of the day, having to pack as much as possible cause she was now banned from the house. The cat had lived a long healthy life and even though things were tense between the human family members they all loved and adored the cat, so it’s form had 2 tails (cause I’m a sucker). Initially it was going to watch over the family as a spirit but after the fiasco decided to stay in the crypt with lily and the others.
But sadly, word spreads and after 3 years of eclipse and her roomies trying their best they can’t give her the help/ life she needs. So she ends up getting adopted and moving a couples cities over. The fun thing is, Chief has been living with Eclipse too- cause he’s a runaway and the local neusance, but he was old enough to emancipate himself when she moved and found a place that was renting a stones throw away!
Some other fun facts;
-Lilith is selectively mute, all her crypt-mates learning asl with her so she doesn’t have to use a dry erase board 24/7
-I have a crossover idea with my CasSwap Bois, where they met online while the brothers were going through old PlayStation games and tried out online mode. And it just so happens that she moves to Ebott, it still takes like 5 years for them to start planning a meet up and realizing that ‘holy shit we’re practically neighbors!’ But wholesome ideas nonetheless
-Apparently Crypt and Catacomb are similies, eventually she can create a whole creepy-ass labrinth that she can set her skeles loose in (like the catacombs under Paris), and since she uses her epithet like all the time she’d be able to use stronger powers relatively fast cause training.
~someone catches her using an abandoned cemetery to summon her crypt and put a stray’s soul to rest? Labyrinth full of fog to confuse them and then suddenly everything’s gone and they’re still where they were (don’t know if she’d make a legit labrynth or an illusion of one, like you could wander for hours but then when she takes it awa you were just walking in circles in the same room)
-someone started a ghost legend about her random crypt appearances at the cemetery (she only makes a big ornate one for the whole respectful ceremonial vibe of a stray’s last moments/moving on, always in a cemetery/graveyard cause it takes a little less stamina there)
-she’s awkward so when someone catches her doing her thing she tells them to just call her ‘Stray’, cause like why would she tell them her actual name in this situation????
-this got longer then I thought
-OH YEAH ALSO! Apparently another Lilith thing was the thought that she murders kids so, that might’ve added to the wonky rep and rumors about the poor kid
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mzminola · 5 years
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High School Elspeth is attempting to be goth. Pencil eyeliner is her nemesis but liquid is actually pretty fun. She does not find any of these clothes comfortable but dangit, she likes the Look.
College Elspeth has confirmed she likes purple, discovered she likes pink, and took a gap year to work in a national park halfway across the country, during which time she took down a drug-running ring with her coworker Darkwind.
“But what if we took the Valdemar characters and shoved their plot into the contemporary Psychic Powers Experiments universe that the Pern Rock Band Au takes place in? What if we tried to translate the pseudo-medieval Romantic Fantasy political shit to a modern American city? How does that even work?”
Anyway this is the One Canon Valdemar Character I’ve both shoved into this genre-shift tube and made in the dollmaker. It’s Elspeth. She’s probably called something else in this verse. Her mom is the Mayor of Haven, a large city that’s a commercial shipping hub and university town, where the city government and university administration have all been made up of the same twenty families for the past hundred-fifty or two-hundred years. There’s a lot of nepotism, and a lot of “we will give our citizens the best damn infrastructure & social supports we can, also we’ll fight the mob. Which mob? All of them. Corporations too, fuck your tax breaks. What, you’re gonna take your factory & all the jobs & leave? Have fun shipping your products without our ports & railroads, suckers.”
The kind of town where a Young Single Mother (From The Right Family) can get elected Mayor, but not treat her daughter’s autism & dyslexia as anything other than a Family Embarrassment. Elspeth had to fight like hell to get officially diagnosed at around the same time she fought to attend high school instead of continuing with homeschooling. Mayor Mom claims the homeschooling was to “protect” Elspeth, and she may genuinely believe that, but dang did she not communicate that well. Or, like, ever, until the fights to enroll started.
Do I think canon Elspeth is any variety of neurodivergent? No, it’s been too long since I read her trilogy to say, and I don’t remember picking up anything like that when I read the books she’s a more minor character in. I don’t think she isn’t for sure, either it’s just been awhile. BUT this is an AU with no Magical Horses, and we need something for her mom and other adults to Handle Poorly and dismiss as “brattiness”, and also I Want More Disabled Characters Especially When How Lackey Handled Disability In The First Mags Quintet Bugged Me So Much. Elspeth also has a lot of “fuck your expectations for me” that makes this feel like a good fit to me.
Also I just want her to be. Anyway.
In high school Elspeth attempts to go goth. She’s very bad at it, and it’s an extremely necessary part of figuring out what she likes wearing out of the house, because previously if it wasn’t Comfy Loungewear Time it was Be Forced Into Nice Clothes For Political Appearances & Fancy Dinners and that didn’t go well for anyone. Technically she didn’t “need” to go goth for Outside The House Clothes, because Herald University has two private schools associated with it (middle and high) that have a uniform. The uniform is not pictured in the grey image above. That’s what she wears on Free Dress days.
Oh, yeah. The private schools. Herald University’s formerly-secret Extra Sensory Perception Research Program uses them to collect potentially psychic kids and offer their parents reduced tuition if they let ‘em run experiments. Kinda like Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, but with less superhero teams, though just as much “if you have gifts you’re obliged to use them to help others regardless of your own comfort and safety”. College students are also offered reduced tuition if they let the University do shit with their powers, which is a somewhat less sketchy situation.
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