#but also I’m worried I’m being too rash and I wouldn’t be able to handle myself
xgoldenlatiasx · 5 months
man I Hated public school but I wish someone could’ve been able to tell me how much getting homeschooled in high school would’ve completely and utterly fucked me over
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medicallymercury · 7 months
Haunted (24/02/24)
I feel ill and tired but I watched the episode when I woke up, so.
I know I normally post this after the episode airs but I'm not worried about spoiling anything because all my discussion of the actual episode is below a cut. Just don't read below the cut if you haven't watched yet. Also, I'm only talking about what I can be bothered to write up (so I’m extremely focused on a few characters) because I'm really very tired and my brain is melty.
Is that really it for Paige? It felt like a pretty un-final final episode. Whether that's actually goodbye or not, PAIGE DESERVED BETTER, she's been treated like a side character in another person's life (yes, I know that person is my fave but I get to give him preferential treatment, the writers probably shouldn't) since the start of AHOV but she at least should've been the absolute focus of this episode, not the love triangle. Maybe Barriers set my standards for final episodes too high with how well they handled Sah’s exit.
The patient plot they had going on with Paige and Jodie didn’t feel like it made sense for the two of them as much as it might’ve made sense for Sah and Teddy during the original iteration of the love triangle. Like, since when are Paige and Jodie comparable to ’rush into a burning building’ friends?
I’m sure there could’ve been a way to make Teddy and Jodie interesting, I still wouldn’t have like shipped them or anything but I might’ve accepted them in the same way I accepted Teddy/Paige happening immediately after I thought we were finally getting our Sah/Teddy storyline in With a Bullet, but they have not done it and I want them to break up immediately.
The crowd's reaction to the explosion sounds like an obvious and very silly added-in sound effect and that isn't a complaint because I found it funny. Also the explosion-y scenes we saw today only represent half the explosion-y scenes in the trailer.
Jan and Teddy can have one scene together and I will love every second of it. Di Botcher and Milo Clarke play them so well, they've got the dynamic on point and I just love them so much. I completely believe, as Jan is dragging Teddy away from running into a burning building, that she has been been putting up with him for 24 years. As silly as that can be, I also think it really adds to their storylines (when they get them...), being able to believe that Jan has known Teddy his whole life fuels the I-need-to-lie-down feeing I get any time I think about Teddy and Jan when Teddy was younger.
I’m interested in Tariq. It must be hard to introduce a new main character who already has a relationship with another main character because you have to really hit the ground running, it's probably why the Holbyverse is so full of estranged families. But they did it well with Jan and Teddy and I hope they do it with Rash and Tariq too.
I think I like Siobhan but in the sense that when I was giving my non-Casualty friends the weekly Casualty update, the overwhelming response to "there's a new clinical nurse manager and she's older" was "GIRLFRIEND FOR JAN??????" which I doubt will happen but it's a brilliant suggestion.
She’s what the ED needs, though. Everything is exploding all the time and she has shown up to try and stop that a bit and I love her for it.
With the Harry and Mel stuff: Stevie will be obviously fucking right and they’ll (Charlie and FAITH) all be like “omg Stevie is overreacting fr” IS SHE???? hhhhhhhh… SIOBHAN KNOWS SHE’S RIGHT THOUGH (I’m happier with how this stuff has been this week, actually, just because the show isn’t also treating her like she’s unreasonable anymore)
I’m sure other stuff, important plot stuff, happened but I've not got much brain power left for words so I'm leaving it here.
OH, WAIT, YEAH. “Must have a hell of a bromance going on to go back in there." Theodore, my love, you got shot for your best friend, though that wasn't really a 'bromance' situation, was it? Aughshsh... I miss them and the get-a-room-losers way they used to stare at each other so much.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Use All of Me (P.10)
Title: Use All Of Me (Part Ten) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Steve Rogers. The Avengers are heroes saving the world but in this AU, they are also permitted by the powers in charge to have less than favorable business underneath their guise of mere superheroes. Steve and Tony are at the helm, keeping their empire’s wealth in check, both devious and perilous if crossed. Steve takes a liking to the reader at a party and it may be her undoing to her autonomy choosing to go home with him. Words: 2,259 Warnings: Dark AF, angst, emotional/mental abuse, smut, breeding, death
Part Nine || Part Eleven || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
“I gotta run,” Natasha informed Wanda quietly, pulling her aside.
“Is there a problem?” Wanda asked concerned.
“Not yet.”
“Okay?” Wanda said, cocking an eyebrow.
Natasha was not going to give her anything else at the moment before she talked to Steve. “It’s fine. Don’t let Y/N worry about me being gone. Help her enjoy the party.”
“Alright,” Wanda responded, and Natasha nodded, before turning on her heel and walking off quickly to make sure to be out of the house before Y/N and Natalie emerged from the bathroom.
On her way out the door to her car, Natasha texted Steve.
I’m on my way to Tony’s. Don’t leave until I get there.
Is there something wrong?
Not immediate. I’ll be there soon.
<> <> <>
Natalie pulled away from you after a while – she had to have let you cry for a good few minutes – and wiped at your tears. “Here,” she said gently, leaving you to go towards the linen cupboard. She pulled out a washcloth and grabbed a small handful of toilet paper too. You thanked her, sniffling, wiping at your tears before using the tissue to blow your nose. You were sure you looked cute with snot hanging out there.
“Look. What can you do? Realistically?” Natalie asked you quietly.
Your shoulders slumped and you whispered, “Nothing.”
“No, not nothing, Y/N. You can hold your chin up,” Natalie told you, her fingers pushing your chin up as she spoke. She paused before asking, “Are you willing to leave the babies behind?”
Chewing on your bottom lip, you pondered for a few seconds. You ended up shaking your head. “I… I thought so when this first all started out. But how can I leave two babies behind? They would financially be well taken care of, yes. But… I just can’t,” you said breathing shakily. “I don’t know if I could live with myself.”
“Well, I was only asking because I wondered if you did… if you thought Steve would leave you be. Even if you ran off.”
You shook your head again, giving a humorless laugh. “No, I don’t think Steve would leave me be. Bryce said he didn’t think Steve would kill me if I ran away. Which to me insinuates he would hurt or kill anyone else who tried to help me. I am hard pressed to believe that he wouldn’t want to kill me though. He’s not a man to wound, especially emotionally. Everyone talks to me like I’m… his property. That I’m carrying his property too.”
Solemnly, Natalie told you, “Some people treat others that way. That’s obsession, not love.”
“Or they’re all just misogynistic fucks. I mean… Pepper even told me that she dealt with it with Tony! He threatened to shoot me a couple weeks ago, by the way.”
“Excuse me?” Natalie demanded, staring at you in absolute shock.
There was a sharp knock at the door.
“Y/N?” Miriam called from outside the door. “Are you alright?”
“Yes. I’ll be out in a second,” you called back. To Natalie, you whispered, “Shit, we have been in for a long while.”
Natalie grasped your shoulders, “You go out there. I’m going to go upstairs and pack you a bag.”
“What?” you asked flabbergasted.
“You heard me. My cousin has a cabin in New Hampshire. I’m going to take you there and then we can figure out what we are going to do next.”
“I—” you tried to argue but Natalie shushed you.
“Go out there. Be with them.”
“Natalie, I can’t,” you hissed, thinking of Wanda and Natasha out in the living room. “You just told me I didn’t have a plan! Plus, Tony’s got technology everywhere and Steve won’t let me go. Did you miss me saying he would ki—”
“If we leave during this party while everyone is distracted, Y/N, they won’t know which direction we went.”
“Your license plate—”
Natalie covered your mouth and said, “We need to stop arguing about this and just do it. I’m not going to leave here without you. It has to be now.”
She stared deep into your eyes, challenging you to argue with her. You knew you were not going to be able to convince her to drop this idea, not with the fire burning in her eyes.
When she knew you were not going to say anything more, her hand fell. You swallowed thickly and turned to the mirror, wiping at your eyes one more time. “Good thing we already took pictures,” you muttered before going to the door and throwing it open.
Miriam’s brow creased seeing Natalie in there with you but you looped arms with her before she could say anything. “Sorry, I just needed to get some stress out. Poor Natalie had to endure that.” You threw a look over your shoulder at Natalie who was slow to leave the bathroom, mouthing her a thanks.
Your heart was pounding in anticipation.
<> <> <>
Natalie waited until Miriam and Y/N were out of sight before turning and going towards the entrance hall to the stairs leading upstairs. Quietly, she made her way up the stairs and searched around the second floor, looking for their bedroom.
There was a note on a door handle she passed by and she hesitated.
Don’t open until after you open your gifts. Love you, Steve.
Curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door, thinking it was possibly their bedroom and Steve had left her something on their bed. Behind the door though laid the nursery. She swallowed sharply seeing balloons attached to the crib, no doubt a gift Steve had left in surprise for Y/N. It was oak grey, matching the dresser.
Quickly closing the door, Natalie continued on, trying to not think about the cameras that she was more than likely being filmed on right now and what Y/N had warned her about Steve’s wrath. Getting her friend to safety was more important than worrying about the what-ifs.
<> <> <>
Finding Natasha gone quelled your nausea slightly but not entirely. One less Avenger on the premises was cause for you to be more hopeful about Nataile’s rash plan working. Especially since Bryce was in the theater room, engrossed in a Michael Bay-esque film.
You grasped Yua’s arm as the group merged towards the patio where the cake was waiting and another few yard games. You asked her quietly, “You came with Natalie, right?”
“Mhm,” Yua affirmed, holding your arm back.
“When you two leave, I am going with you.”
“Not so loud,” you whispered to her. “You just… if you don’t want to get involved, then get a ride home with Miriam. Please.”
“’Involved’? Y/N, what is going on?” Yua asked, stopping you and making you face her.
You leaned in and whispered, “I’m leaving. Natalie is taking me. She’s packing me a bag – hopefully getting herself some clothes too.” You were being vague, worrying still about the security cameras. “There is a lot of risk. Now, think about it. I need to go cut my cake and act normal.”
Without another word, you left her there, moving towards the table where the rest of the ladies were gushing over how beautiful the cake was.
<> <> <>
Steve was on Natasha as soon as she pulled up and got out of the car.
“Can we go inside?” she asked, staring up at him.
It did not seem like he wanted to wait because he rolled his eyes but stepped back and she moved around him, him on her heels.
“What happened?” Steve demanded as he followed her through the front door.
“Where’s Tony?”
“Why am I being dragged into this?” Tony drawled as she walked in from the hallway. He was on the couch in front of the flatscreen, arms sprawled along the back of the couch.
“Because it’s your man too.”
Tony was interested suddenly, sitting up straighter. Steve stood off to the side of the couch, waiting impatiently for Natasha to get to the point.
She met his eyes and asked seriously, “Has Bryce talked to you? About Y/N asking him for help to leave?”
Steve’s face pinched. “No,” he said sharply. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh boy,” Tony breathed out, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I heard her. Talking to her friend, Natalie, in the bathroom. I was outside and doing some rounds to get some air. Thought it was a little weird they were both in the bathroom. So, I got near the bushes and heard them talking about it. Y/N was going on about how she feels trapped—” Steve’s jaw clenched at this, not going unnoticed by Natasha. But she kept speaking anyway. “And how she wants it to work with you but doesn’t think you’ll ever let her breathe and have her own space. Said she knows Natalie warned her about you, but you were too sweet, and she didn’t care about the warning.”
Steve scoffed, hands coming to his hips. He sucked at his teeth, shaking his head.
“So, what about Bryce?” Tony asked impatiently.
“She said she asked Bryce to help her leave Steve,” Natasha explained. “And he wouldn’t help her and made her promise she wouldn’t try to leave. But it sounded like she had another plan. Something about taking a train and stealing someone’s ticket at the station so she wouldn’t be on camera at the ticket counter – presumably so you wouldn’t know where she was going. She said something outlandish about living at a church and taking them up on hospitality and working for them to make up for it. Which, Natalie to her credit, told her that was a dumb plan. And Y/N agreed. But she wanted Natalie in the bathroom with her to use her phone, again presumably, so you couldn’t see the search in her phone.” Natasha caught Steve’s eyes again and told him firmly, “When you said she was rattled when this all first started, she hasn’t settled, Steve. She’s a mess of nerves. And she definitely sounds like she’s willing to be impulsive and reckless about it.”
It was silent in the room, Steve’s fingers digging into his hips. His jaw was clenched so tightly Natasha thought of him cracking his teeth.
“That little, conniving bitch!” Steve growled, his hands falling to his sides and he began storming towards the hallway.
Natasha stepped in his path and he stopped, rearing up to glower at her, his fists clenched at his sides.
“Move, Nat,” Steve warned her in a dangerous voice.
“I came here specifically to tell you so you would not lose your shit in the middle of a party,” Natasha told Steve firmly. “So, can you do me a favor and respect that? Cool out and think?”
“I don’t think this warrants me cooling off and giving Y/N any sense of calm,” Steve returned, his voice rising. “She was going to leave me and take my children away from me, Nat!”
Tony chimed in from behind Steve, “I think the problem here is Bryce not telling you,” Steve craned his head to look back at him. Tony looked right pissed off, rivaling Steve. “Woman is hormonal, standing on shaky ground emotionally. Bryce has his head on right – or at least we thought he did. Him agreeing to not help her is working in his favor but he shouldn’t keep that shit to himself. He should have told you the moment it happened. Just making her promise to not do something isn’t going to do shit, especially if she’s promising him. What is he to her? Her bodyguard? Whoopee fucking doo.” Tony shook his head. “No, that’s fucked up. He had a duty to tell you.”
Steve’s cell phone rang interrupting the conversation, and he swore under his breath, pulling it out of his back pocket. He furrowed down at it before answering tightly, “Wanda?”
Natasha took a step closer, trying to hear her on the other end of the phone. Steve’s face fell for a moment, like the air had gotten kicked out of him.
He recovered quickly, demanding furiously, “What the hell do you mean she’s not there?”
Tony was standing now, at attention. He was watching Steve nervously, thinking of a super soldier losing his shit and breaking shit in his house.
“How long?” Steve shouted, losing his temper. He shook his head furiously and snarled, “Twenty minutes doesn’t give them long to get anywhere. And why were you doing dishes? Where the hell was Bryce—never mind. You know what. Just stay there. Have Bryce and the security check the grounds again.”
He hung up, holding his cell in his hands tightly. Steve was trembling with rage, his hand threatening to crush his phone. Tony and Natasha were silent, waiting for him to react. He breathed in deeply, over exaggerated, turning on his heel to walk towards the counter. He placed his phone down, gingerly despite his anger. His hands planted, his fingertips digging into the counter like he wanted to tear chunks off.
“If she is not there…” he trailed off. Exhaling, he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. His hands came up behind his hand, trying to stop himself from breaking Tony’s countertop in half with his fist.
“The train stations,” Natasha suggested, keeping her voice steady.
A few more deep breaths and Steve had the calm about him to say, “Someone else needs to drive because I’ll probably rip that goddamn steering wheel off.”
Tags: @imsonick , @alexakeyloveloki, @kvzctam, @ironlady1993, @taintedgenre, @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @roxyfan14-blog 
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Tumblr media
A Rock Band!OT7 x Reader drabble
Hello, I know I’ve been gone for a while but work and school have been killing, not to mention the holidays are coming up. Anyway, I listened to the BE album (a soothing masterpiece) and then today after work I took a four hour nap and was struck with inspiration. So here you go a rock band OT7 au. Also the picture above started it all. Hope you enjoy!!
Trigger Warning: The following story contains mentions of manipulation and abusive acts. The behavior and mindset of the characters in this will be incredibly yandere and toxic. This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
“...And in other news members of rock band BTS find themselves amid controversy after a video is taken of a member after a concert, who many believe to be the group’s oldest Kim Seokjin alias ‘Pretty boy,’ embracing and kissing their manager as other group members watch on…”
             When YN awoke the first time she didn’t pay much attention to her state of undress beyond noticing the robe she was wearing didn’t offer much warmth. Whilst her sleep-addled mind searched for a blanket across the bed - Hoseok usually tucked them under the pillows - YN picked up on the loud sound of a K-Drama playing the background. She surmised Jimin must’ve stayed in, while the others went out to drink or eat dinner. Her search yielded no results and she was so exhausted that she simply fell back asleep.
 “Long time fans of the band will be able to tell you that the group’s manager YN YLN has been someone of a polarizing figure. While many love and support her for taking care of the boys and managing their busy schedule. Other fans have been quick to point out how close they are bond is and worry that the ex-dance champion may be using the boys to her own advantage...”
             The second time she woke up, YN was immediately more aware of her surroundings. The drama was still playing on in the back, though she wasn’t sure it was the same one, as the door muffled most of the voices. On the bedside table, she found a bottle of water and her night bag which let her know that it was pretty late. Still far too lethargic to comprehend doing more than one thing at a time YN chugged the water down, removed her makeup, cleansed her skin, before finally heading to the bathroom. It was once she took off the robe and sat down that YN surmised she had probably fallen asleep in the car and the boys had carried her into the hotel room. Jungkook likely being the one to undress her and bring her the stuff. She could only hope they had taken the back entrance because YN didn’t need more headlines happening especially not now.
           It was once she washed her hands, redressing in the robe, and stepped back out that she was able to notice something was off. The television could still be heard, but it was unusual for Jimin to not have checked up on her at least once. He likely thought she was too exhausted and needed her rest. It was true, though the concert had been a success the impromptus of it had left YN with less than twenty-four hours to prepare for a half-hour set at the venue down the street of the latest city they were at. She even had to lend a hand to staff to load up all the devices and props, by the end her back had been killing her so much that Namjoon had given her something for pain relief.
           The general haziness felt could likely be attributed to the muscle relaxer she had taken. Suddenly, right before she was about to jump back into bed a thought occurred to her. Oh shit! It’s probably the third already. I have to call mom and confirm the tickets. Immediately a pang of guilt shot through her core as she thought about her last conversation with the boys. It hadn’t gone smoothly - YN never thought it would have - they had been friends for such a long time and though YN had been with them through all the ups and downs of fame, she felt it was time to sort her own path. They had helped put her back on her feet after her accident and had even offered her to be their manager. In the beginning, no one could have expected how big they would become. YN mainly accepted take her mind off her pre-maturely finished career and as a way to repay them for everything. Now five years later, they were at the top of the world and YN had just been offered a teaching position in the most respected dance institute in the country.
           Their time had come to an end and though YN had wished for the transition to be smoother and less hurried, she also knew the boys had a tendency to be...possessive. Life hadn’t been fair to them and though fame had given them so much it had also taken things they weren’t prepared to lose. Perhaps the fault lied on YN, she had after all allowed herself to become their safe space. Artists can be a bit obsessive - YN too was near right addicted to her craft at her prime - so she had let the seven men cling on to her so they wouldn’t go looking for that high in other places or things. At the time she hadn’t thought anything of it. As their friend and manager, it was her responsibility to care for them and ensure they could live as normally as was allowed.
           It didn’t mean that a fight wouldn’t occur. Didn’t mean that she wouldn’t be accused of betraying them, abandoning them, despising them even if it couldn’t be farther from the truth. They were all reckless as well; harsh, abrasive, and downright machiavellian when they felt cornered. The fight after the show had been an anticipated one, though not a predictable one. They so often switched roles between them: the instigator, mediator, bystander, judge, jury, friend, and foe. Tonight however they constantly switched not allowing YN to even properly explain herself before frustration, exhaustion, and the onset of the medication forced her to call it quits. Not before Seokjin had kissed her though - but that was something she would dwell on when the morning rolled around.
           For now, YN focused on scouring the room and searching for her phone, she had it on her in the car so there was no reason for it not to be there. The analog clock that typically displayed the time and date was gone, so YN turned on the television hoping to find a newscasting that displayed the time and date. She scrolled through channels until she saw an image of her flash on the screen, a picture of her from her last showcase.
           “Sources had told reporters that YN had been offered a coveted position at Seoul’s Seogsa Dance Academy where she was to begin teaching courses this coming semester. It seems after much deliberation YN has decided to reject the school’s offer. Could her relationship with the band’s oldest and lead guitarist be behind it?”
             A barely audible “What?” left YN’s lips. Her mind racing as she tried to process everything she had just heard in the last minute. Relationship? What relationship? I’m not dating Seokjin! Even if I were, I would never reject… YN bolted straight out of bed and to the bedroom door, shaking the doorknob furiously but being unable to open the door. No. They wouldn’t do this. They wouldn’t. “Guys! Guys, open the door. Please open the door.” YN began to pound on the wooden door, begging for an exit. Maybe it was her imagination, but she swore the television on the other side got louder. In an instant, the entirety of the conversation came to the forefront of her mind.
           “What do you mean you’re leaving? You can’t leave you made a promise!”
           “Let’s just hear YN out. I’m sure she has a good reason for keeping this from us.”
           “I’m way too worn out for this conversation.”
           “Teaching position? Are you even in the state to be able to dance for so long?”
           “YN, are you certain you aren’t rushing into this? Is there another reason you’re being so rash?”
           “I just think you haven’t thought this out, sweetheart. You can barely handle a few boxes, I don’t think your body can handle dancing for hours on end every single day without harm.”
           “We’re your friends YN. We’re just thinking of what’s best for you.”
           “Clearly though we don’t matter enough to consider us in this decision. Do you know how much trouble this is going to be? What it’ll look like? You’re feeding us to the sharks and you don’t give a shit.”
YN slid down to her knees, tears streaming down her face as her voice became hoarse after crying for so long. “Please let me out! Please! I’m sorry just let me out!” After hours of imploring, she picked up the small ‘click’ of the lock and heard the creak of the door as it opened to show all seven men staring down at her. Smiles on their face accompanied by dark hooded eyes bridled with sadistic glee.  
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (9)
In Which Plagg cuts the Umbilical Cord
Howdy folks! Thanks for the patience! I like to pretend I’m regular with uploads, but we all know that’s not true. And for a little while, it’s going to be worse. I had a gallbladder attack this week, and I have to wait about a month to get it out. In the meantime, I get sick pretty easily from most foods. So I’ve kind of put writing on the backburner. 
Oh, I’m also planning a wedding!
Thanks for understanding and not sending demands for updates!
FF.net | Ao3 
Adrien was feeling pretty darn good, all things considered. 
Ladybug, or Marinette rather, had been so adamant for so long that no one could know their identities. It was a mantra he stuck to, though he desperately wished to know her outside the mask. 
With Nino in on the secret, it felt more liberating than he expected. All night, he told Nino stories of his terrible excuses and narrow misses of getting caught. 
“I don’t know how I didn’t catch it sooner.” Nino had said, hindsight being 20/20 and all that. 
And Adrien admitted that he felt dumb for not realizing Nino was Carapace sooner. So Nino’s guilt was lessened a bit by that. 
While the boys talked, Plagg stayed rather neutral. He didn’t divulge any more of his plans or prepare them for what was to come. 
Because he couldn’t. Plagg was preparing for several different outcomes, all hindered on many overlapping factors. He just had to hope for the best for now and not stress Adrien out. 
The kid deserved to enjoy his first sleepover.
Being an ancient being, Plagg’s passive perception was relatively high. He noticed things and had an awareness that surpassed most other entities on the planet. 
Though, he rarely acted on anything he noticed, since he could phase out of most danger.  It mostly kept him from being seen by people who weren’t supposed to see him. 
However, alarm bells were currently going off like crazy inside his—or Adrien’s—head. 
Lila was hovering just a bit too closely for comfort. 
Though she was usually the main attraction in a conversation, she wasn’t very good at spying. She hovered, just at the edge of the circle, throwing out plenty of ‘oh, don’t mind me’s, but keeping her eye trained on him. She even followed them when they went out for lunch. Far enough away that no one would notice, mind you, but there none the less. 
Lila was not Gabriel’s muse. She was his stooge. His little puppet. His meat camera. 
As long as Lila was around, Gabriel was aware of every action he took. Who knew what kind of bull shittery she’d pull if he did something remotely different. 
But what exactly was she watching for? Just reporting his change in behavior? 
Had Gabriel suspected too much? 
It was high time Plagg put the next phase of his plan into action. 
But first, he needed to throw Lila off the trail. 
It was after class, and everyone was packing their stuff up and discussing how the weekend had gone. 
This seemed like the perfect opportunity. 
“Hey guys! I taught Lila how to play Magic at the last photoshoot! Anyone want to play with her?” 
The words were like fresh blood in a tank of sharks. Lila was grabbed and sat down at a desk, as she tried to come up with an excuse to leave. 
“Oh, I’d uhh...I’d love to play. But my mom has a doctor appointment after school and she wanted me home...” 
“Oh Lila, it’s okay,” said Plagg. “Don’t feel bad about skipping our study session. This is your chance to really bond with the boys in our class!” 
Lila just sent him a tight lipped smile. 
“Okay, Kim, let Lila use your deck.” 
“What? No! ‘Soul Sisters’ is perfectly crafted and only an expert can really unlock its true potential.” 
Alix swiped the deck from his hand. “Yeah, you build a deck with all the tig-bitty angel wifus. It’s great. Take a break, horn dog.” She slammed the deck down in front of a traumatized Lila. 
Max was her partner. “Don’t worry, we’ll go slow and I’ll explain everything as we go along.” 
Plagg smiled to himself, watching as the boys, and even some girls, crowded around to watch. 
He then caught Marinette’s eye and gestured out to the hall. There was no way Lila could stealthily maneuver her way over to him without drawing the attention of all their classmates. 
In the hall, Plagg took Marinette’s hand and led her away, into a secluded corner of the upper floor. Hopefully, Lila wouldn’t spot them if she tried to do something rash. 
“Is everything okay, Adrien?” Marinette asked, her face tinged pink. 
“Not...not completely. Lila was following and eavesdropping on me all day.” 
Marinette gasped, covering her mouth. “That’s sick!” 
“Yes, I agree. I’m not quite sure what she was looking for, but I’m fairly certain she’s spying for my father.” 
Marinette squeezed his arm. “I’m so sorry, Adrien. If I knew how to help...” 
“I should be the one apologizing.” He said, genuine sadness in his voice. He had hoped solving Adrien’s problems would have helped Marinette out, but he worried it would be the opposite. 
“What do you have to apologize for?”
He took her hands, holding them delicately in his own. “I told you that I made a deal with her to get you back into school. But…”
She whispered. “Adrien...” 
He touched her face, ever so gently, laying the charm on thick. “Marinette, I care about you so much, and if I could avoid this I would, but...” 
“But what?” 
“Lila’s made it clear that she’s taking this feud I’m having with my father personally. She’s going to take whatever chance she can get to go back on our agreement. She’s going to go after you again.” He shook his head, conjuring tears into his eyes. “I can’t bear to see you hurt by her!” 
“Oh Adrien!” She gasped, before throwing her arms around him. “Please don’t cry. I can handle her, honest.” 
“I have a plan in motion,” he clarified, squeezing her. “She won’t get away with her lies and harassment for much longer. I just need you to be strong.” 
“Whatever you need, just let me know. You don’t have to do this alone.” 
“I know. Thank you, Marinette. Now, I have to go before Lila escapes my trap.” 
Her smile was genuine and full of gratitude. “I’ll see you tomorrow then! Bye!” 
Eager to take what head way he could get, Plagg pressed a kiss to Marinette’s cheek before hurrying away. 
He missed her squealing and dancing after he turned his back. 
“I really dislike that sausage-haired cretin.” Plagg muttered as he walked home. “It’s one thing to lie to get attention, but for her to spy on us all day? Talk about creepy!”
“Thank you for warning Marinette,” Adrien said as he floated by his shoulder. “I agree that Lila is looking for any opportunity to go back to bullying her. I think with the warning, she’ll be able to come up with some way to protect herself.” 
“Nothing against your lady’s ability to find solutions, since that is her job as Ladybug, but I don’t know what kind of back up plan she can have against a compulsive liar. Why is every adult in Paris so gullible?” 
“I have a theory,” Adrien suggested. “They aren’t gullible. They just see a pretty young girl crying and they just go along with whatever she says to make it stop. They just assume she’s exaggerating or something.” 
“Good observation,” Plagg commended. “I agree.”  
“But I think we should put off worrying about Lila for a bit and focus on my father. He hasn’t seen you since Friday morning when you serenaded him. I can’t imagine he’s going to be happy to see you.” 
“Adrien, we’ve been over this. I can handle a grown ass adult throwing a temper tantrum. There’s only two things he hasn’t tried yet, and they’re both pretty extreme. I don’t know if he has it in him. I called his bluff before, anyways.” 
“What two things?” 
“Having me arrested...or getting violent. I dared him to hit me and he swore he never would. I just can’t imagine he was telling the truth.” 
“Are you trying to drive him to it?”
“I’m trying to drive him to a place of ‘I give up, what do you want’? Hopefully we can talk, and he’ll come to see you aren’t a child anymore. As much as I think your dear old dad is capable of being a butt head, I think he’s also capable of understanding. He is a successful businessman after all. Business doesn’t come without a little mercy.” 
“That’s a...way to look at it...” 
At that point, they reached the mansion, and Adrien returned to the pocket. 
Plagg decided not to ring the doorbell, and instead climbed the wall. 
He strolled very nonchalantly up to the front door, and entered, slamming the door shut behind him. 
Then he waited three seconds. 
“Adrien!” Gabriel rushed out of his office. “I didn’t expect you home already.” 
“Because Lila didn’t text you with my location?” 
Gabriel just stared, slightly wide-eyed and pale. 
Caught red handed. 
“She is spying on me for you, right? This isn’t just her stalking me on her own. She’s not smart enough for that.” 
“So what? You don’t know how to communicate with me so you go to the only person in my class that I not only dislike, but has a record of compulsive lying? Seriously? You thought that was your best option?” 
“You do not get to lecture me about my choices!” Gabriel barked. 
But Plagg just shook his head. “You make no sense to me.”
“My decisions and actions don’t have to make sense to you. You are my child, and you will obey me! Do you understand?” 
Plagg just gave him a patient smile. Arguing with him never went anywhere, because Gabriel always turned his ears off the second Adrien said something he didn’t want to hear. 
Which was anything that wasn’t “yes sir.”
“I understand what you want. But I can’t give it to you. You haven’t listened to what I’ve said. You’re so caught up in injustice, that you haven’t seen how your yelling has affected me. I’m just pulling farther and farther away. Do you want to lose me for good? Is that what you want? Because that’s the road you’re heading down. I’m 15 now. Three years of this, and I could easily move away and never speak to you again after how badly you’ve treated me.” 
“I do not treat you badly! Have you ever gone without food? Without a soft bed? Without clothes or showers? No! You have it better than most people in this city.” 
“You’re right, I should be without want or need. But you’ve severely neglected my heart. Gabriel, I’m lonely, and sad. I’m disappointed every time you break a promise. I can go anywhere and have food and shelter and whatever, but only you can give me the love of my father.” 
Gabriel was silent at this, staring at his son, his lips in a firm line. 
“So I’m going to go. I’m staying with some friends for a while. Just to give you a taste of what it’s like without me. If you like it, then, when I’m 18, I’ll leave, and never come back.” 
Gabriel looked to the ground, but found himself unable to say anything. Plagg ascended the stairs, and went into Adrien’s room. 
“I don’t want to leave…” Adrien said, quietly. “I’d rather stay and…” 
“And do nothing?”
Adrien looked away. 
“Look,” said Plagg, directing his chin up. “Your father is a hard nut to crack. We just have to push harder and harder. Do you still trust me?”
“What choice do I have?”
“It’s going to be okay, kid.” He rubbed his thumb over his whiskers. “I promise.” 
He packed up his duffel that he had taken for his sleepover, and came back down the stairs. 
Gabriel was right where he left him. “So, you’re going? Just like that?” 
“At this point, I think it’s for the best. Just for a little while. Give us both some perspective.” 
“You’ll regret it,” he warned. 
“Maybe. But what’s there to learn from if I don’t make mistakes?” 
Gabriel didn’t stop him as he walked out the door. 
After he left, Nathalie emerged from the office. “Your son is surprisingly mature for his age.” 
“No, he’s stubborn. Just like his mother. I give him three days before he comes crawling back.” 
“And if he doesn’t?” 
“Then I’ll make him come back.” 
Chat Noir bounded over rooftops at sunset. He had a destination in mind, and getting spotted by Lila or one of Gabriel’s other goons would ruin it all. 
After traveling in circles, he finally reached the Lahiffe house and stopped on the fire escape outside Nino’s room. 
Nino looked up at the sound. “Oh dude!” 
“Nino Lahiffe, the time has come.” Said Plagg in his ancient voice. “This is the Miraculous of the Dude.” He opened his hand to show a single Hersey’s kiss. “You will use it for the greater bro-kind, and let me crash here for the foreseeable future, as I have run away from home.” 
“Dude...” Nino took it reverently. “I will fulfill my sacred oath...but you should probably come in through the front door, and we should kind of explain this to my mom, or she’s going to wonder how you got in the house.” 
“True. Meet you downstairs in five!” 
Marinette laid in her bed, eyes trained to the sky through the sky-light, hands clutching a pillow tightly to her chest. 
She sighed.
The sound made Tikki roll her eyes. She knew Plagg was hamming it up, but did he have to be so…charming?! 
“Tikki…” Marinette announced, after mooning for over an hour. “I think…I think I can tell him tomorrow.” 
The words were music to her ears! Finally! “You can do it Marinette!” 
Then a shadow passed Marinette’s face as the worst past through her mind. “But what if he hasn’t been earnest? What if the way he’s been acting has just been to get back at his father or Lila?” 
Tikki almost groaned. “Marinette, Adrien loves you. He really really loves you! The way he pulled you aside today and warned you about what was going to happen with Lila? He didn’t do that for anyone but you. That was real care! The longer you beat around the bush, the more you’re putting off your own happiness. And you don’t want that, do you?”
Marinette sat up, resolve hardening. “Tomorrow then. I’ll tell him tomorrow, and get my happily ever after.”
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Four
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Chapter Four: A Trip To Jakku
Series Masterlist
Plot: One week after Poe and Reader’s evening together, they’re called into a meeting regarding the map to Luke Skywalker.
Warnings: Angst, angst galore and a tiny bit of language.
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: PHEW. We’ve arrived at TFA and I’m so excited. Do any other writers ever spend so much time writing something that you’re simultaneously proud of and also hate? Cause that’s how I feel about this lol. We also get to spend some time with BB-8 and I decided to write dialogue for him because I’ve always wondered what droids are saying. I apologize for any typos, my hands are doing better at typing but they’re not perfect yet. ENJOY!!
One week later
Clearly the galaxy had taken pity on me and decided to throw me a bone. I had been buried in work for the past week leaving me very little time to dwell on my problems. Reports came flying in from various missions and I was in several meetings each day. Me, my mother and a few higher-ups even had to take a two day trip to Mon Calamari for a meeting with their monarchy. All in all, I was pleased to be back in the thick of my job.
Poe and I were as normal as we could be after the night we’d spent together. We hadn’t seen much of each other due to work, but when we were together there was very noticeable tension between us. I caught myself stealing glances at him when he was in the room, ducking my head quickly if he turned in my direction. He seemed to look at me with a newfound intensity in his dark brown eyes that would send a shiver down my spine. Whatever had changed that night seemed to be affecting both of us.
After a late meeting one day with Lieutenant Connix, I was able to escape the command center for a break. As I walked through the halls, I tugged at the collar of my dark green commander’s uniform. It was the most uncomfortable outfit anyone in the galaxy could have the misfortune of wearing. I’d never pulled the ‘General’s Daughter’ card to gain special privilege, but I’d tried to convince my mom several times to let me wear something different. I made a mental note to try asking her one more time...
Too busy scratching my neck, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and bumped into something. I looked down to see a familiar orange and white droid looking up at me,
“Bee, I’m so sorry! You okay?” I asked, kneeling to the ground.
I’m okay, don’t worry.
“Well, I’m still sorry. Where’re you headed?”
I was sent to come get you. The General needs to see you right away.
I furrowed my brows, “Okay, she didn’t say anything when I saw her this morning.”
She said it’s a new development.
“Oh, lead the way then!”
I rose from the ground and walked side by side with the droid, wondering why he was coming to get me when he was Poe’s droid. If my mother needed to see me, she usually sent 3PO.
We arrived quickly at one of the smaller meeting rooms and I knocked on the door softly.
“Come in.” I heard my mother’s voice call.
BB-8 and I both entered, me shutting the door behind us. I turned to see my mother sitting at the small table with Poe sitting across from her.
“Sit down, Commander,” my mother instructed, noticing the confused expression on my face.
I awkwardly sat down next to Poe, knowing it had been a few days since we’d talked. He gave me a smile and a wink, nonetheless and I relaxed into my seat.
“Commander Solo, Commander Dameron,” my mother began in her most serious tone of voice, “The information that I am about to tell you is beyond confidential. You are not to speak a word of this meeting to anyone else. The only people that are to know about what is said in this room are the three of us and BB-8.”
“Understood, General.” Poe and I replied in unison, BB-8 also letting out a beep of agreement.
She sighed, “We have made contact with Lor San Tekka and he has confirmed that he is in possession of the map we’ve been looking for.”
My jaw dropped slightly, this was it. It was happening. I looked over to Poe who gave me a toothy grin before looking back to my mother.
“That being said, we have very little time to move before the First Order inevitably learns of this also. I’m dispatching you both to Jakku to retrieve the map.”
Internally, I breathed a sigh of relief that I was being sent. I was worried that my mother would see my going on this mission as an issue and-
“However, Commander Solo, your presence on this paticular mission is conditional.”
Spoke too soon.
“How so?”
Leia sighed and folded her hands together on the table, “Due to your personal attachment to the item in question, it is a possibility that your judgement could become clouded. It goes without saying that there is no room for mistake with this. Therefore,” she glanced over at Poe briefly, “even though you are both equally ranked, Commander Dameron will be leading this mission.”
I tilted my head slightly, opening my mouth to say something but never finding the words needed to express what I felt. Instead the only thing I could get out was,


Leia looked down for a second before facing me, “In times like these, we cannot afford to take any risks and placing someone with a personal stake in a mission in charge is a risk. This is not an insult to you, Commander, you are a valuable asset to this mission.”
I could practically feel Poe tense up next to me, clearly he knew that I wasn’t going to take the news well. And how was I supposed to take it? What we were going to retrieve had to do with my family and I wasn’t even put in charge of it?

I folded my hands, matching my mother’s diplomatic position involuntarily, and forced a fake smile on my face,
“Well, to be frank, General, I don’t agree with the choice. I believe I’m perfecty capable of handling myself and keeping my emotions in check,” my voice was dripping with bitterness, “I would never let a personal interest get in the way of the Resistance’s goal. However, if you believe that Commander Dameron is more suited in leading the mission, then that is your decision. I will, of course, play any part I can in this operation.”
Poe had a hand to his temple by the end of my speech, while my mother simply kept her eyes locked with mine in a silent standoff.
“Is that all, Commander?” She finally asked, her tone firm, letting me know that the discussion was over.
I conceded, sitting back in my chair with my hands in my lap, “Yes, General.”
“Alright, the two of you leave in an hour. Because of the severity of this mission, there will not be any communications allowed so don’t bother packing them. Commander Solo, there will be a ship waiting for you to take. I will personally see the both of you off in the hanger.”
“Yes, General.” Poe answered, for the both of us as I stayed silent.
“Meeting adjourned,” Leia stated, the three of us standing and BB-8 rolling closer to join us. I left the room first, making a beeline for my quarters with no interest of speaking to anyone.
Once I got into my room, I let my tears flow freely as I leaned against the door. I was frustrated with my mother for not trusting me enough to be in charge of the mission. But more importantly, I was mad at myself because she was 100% right in making the call. My emotions couldn’t be kept in check when it came to my family and there was a considerable chance they would cloud my judgement. I would make some rash, impulsive decision and jeopardize the whole thing.
After a few minutes of crying into my hands, I wiped them on my uniform and dried my eyes. I had less than an hour to get into mission mode, to forget everything I was feeling and focus on what was at stake. I took a deep breath, knowing exactly what I needed to do to ensure I was present.
I walked to the center of the room, dropped to the floor and crossed my legs. My hands found my knees and gripped them gently, I closed my eyes and leaned into the familiar feeling. I focused on the Force, picturing it moving all around me and anchoring me to the ground. I pictured it flowing through me, into the deepest darkest parts of me that no one knew about. I pictured my anger, my sadness, my frustration, and allowed it to wrap around them like a tight embrace to keep someome from moving.
Just like that, I felt at peace.
Opening my eyes and taking a breath, I slowly rose from the ground and walked to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of tan pants, a white tee shirt, my dark brown leather jacket and a matching colored pair of combat boots. I changed quickly, knowing that my meditation had taken longer than I’d thought. I clipped a holster belt to my waist and placed my blaster inside the main holster.
Knowing that I’d regret not taking it, I reached over to my desk drawer and grasped my lightsaber. I hadn’t picked it up in a week since my last training session, too afraid of having another flashback. I had zero intention of using it today, and I probably wouldn’t need it, but I wanted extra protection should the worst happen. I’d long ago installed a holster clip inside each of my jackets to hold the lightsaber and I never went on a mission without it. I begrudgingly secured it and as soon as I felt it familiarly hit my side, I felt eased.
“Stupid....thing,” I grumbled, staring down at the inanimate object.
A knock at the door interrupted me from insulting any more of my weapons. It was too forceful to be my mother and I doubted she wanted to speak to me. I pressed the button to open the door and found Poe on the other side.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, I gestured for him to come in and he entered. I closed the door and turned to Poe, who was standing in thee middle of the room with his hands on his hips. He wore a similar outfit to mine, though his shirt had a deeper neck line that showed off a peak of his toned chest. He’d tried to tame his curls best he could, but one or two still fell loose.
It was wildly unfair that someone could look so distractingly perfect all the time.
“Look,” he began, “I know it doesn’t help, but I didn’t know anything about any of this before the meeting.”
I shrugged, “It helps and it doesn’t help. But I am sorry that you had to see me act like such a child.”
“Y/n, I completely understand why you’d want to be in charge of this mission,” he said, his tone sincere, “But if we’re being honest you-“

”I could do something because it has to do with my family. Unfortunately, I agree.”
Poe’s lip curled up a little, “Well, I was gonna be a little nicer about it but yeah, that’s a possibility.”

I chuckled and took a few small steps towards him, crossing my arms, “No need to be nice, I was unreasonable. Sometimes I’m just so desperate to piece my family back together, I’d run headfirst into battle just for a shot at it.”
Poe simply listened, his brown eyes clouded with sadness, he knew all about the meaning of family. He’d lost his mother at such a young age, but she still meant he world to him.
“I’m not going to pretend like I’ve been in your shoes, Y/n, but I do know one thing. The passion and drive you have when it comes to your family,” he walked towards me and placed his hands on my arms, “They’re some of your best qualities, and they’re what make you such a good leader. Reel in your impulsiveness, but don’t be afraid to tap into that part of yourself.”
I smiled softly, placing my hands on top of his warm ones, before cocking my head to the side.
“I’m sorry, did I just hear you tell me to reel in my impulsiveness?

Poe rolled his eyes and took his hands off my arms, “Here we go...”
“The Poe Dameron,” I said between laughs, “Instructing someone not to be impulsive?”
“And I stand by what I said,” he replied, his hands going to his hips.
“And I think you’re full of shit.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Is that any way to speak to your Commander?”
Smirking, and taking a step closer towards him, I decided to be exactly what he’d just told me not to be,
“I stand by what I said.” I said softly, watching his eyes darken as I stared him down.
Poe’s jaw clenched, and I could sense his entire body had just gone tense. I realized just how close I’d moved towards him, our bodies were practically touching. The tension I’d felt between us the past week was back, but this time it was electric. Rather than duck my head, like I usually would, I firmly held his gaze with no intention of breaking first.
“Something wrong, Commander?” I asked, innocent as could be. I’d never seen Poe as speechless as he was at the moment, and something inside me was happy that I had so much of an effect on him.
His pupils blown and his pink lips parted slightly, he gave a coy smile,
“None whatsoever, sweetheart.”
Was it normal in a friendship to want to press your friend up against a wall and kiss them senseless?
Because if not, I was completely screwed.
The only thing that prevented that from happening was the sudden banging at my door. Both Poe and I jumped slightly, the heated moment broken and the noise bringing us back to reality. Turning and pressing the button, the door opened to reaveal BB-8 waiting patiently.
“What’s up, buddy?” Poe asked from behind me,
The General’s in the hanger, it’s time to go.
“Right,” I nodded, “We’re right behind you.”
The droid beeped once in acknowledgement and I turned to Poe, who had come to stand next to me. He looked like he was shaking himself from the same stupor I was, coming back to focus on the issues at hand.
He exhaled loudly and clapped his hand on my shoulder,
I sighed, shifting my thoughts from these new feelings towards Poe and reminding myself we were heading back into war,
Leia was waiting for us in the hanger, in between Poe’s X-Wing and a beat up A-Wing for me. BB-8 had sped ahead of us in the halls and was already loading himself into his spot in the X-Wing.
“General,” Poe greeted as we approached her, “Commander Solo and I are all set.”
“Good,” she replied, the mechanics are finishing flight checks on your ships.”
“All set, General,” the mechanics responded as if on cue.
I met my mother’s gaze, knowing I had to talk to her before we left. Poe sensed the mood and mumbled something about checking on BB-8. Standing in front of her with my head hung, I felt like a child remorseful for something they’d done.
“I may have an apology to make.”

”That’s entirely up to you. Just remember I have the power to demote you if you don’t,” she replied with a playful smile.
I laughed under my breath and took her hands in mine, “I’m sorry for how I acted, I still have a lot to learn.”
She placed both her hands on my cheeks and pulled me down to press our foreheads together. I clung to her arms and tried to soak in the moment, knowing there was a chance I wouldn’t see her again. It was a risk with every mission, but this one was different. This was more dangerous than anything the Resistance had ever pulled off before. And the whole thing rested on Poe and I.
My mother kissed my forehead before capturing me in a hug, I tried not to let any tears fall but failed. As she pulled away, I dried my eyes quickly and squeezed her hand, 

“I love you.”
“I love you too, darling.”
Smiling warmly, I broke contact with her and walked over to the ship I’d be using. I usually flew an A-Wing when on missions so I was familiar with the controls. I climbed into the cockpit and got adjusted in my seat before placing the pilot’s helmet on my head and looking over to Poe,
“You good, Dameron?”

“All good, Solo,” he confirmed, looking at me through his own helmet and giving me a thumbs up.
“Commanders,” my mother said before we powered up the ships, “May the Force be with you both.”
I smiled and saluted her before pressing the button and the ship coming alive. I flipped on the comms so me and Poe could communicate till we arrived at Jakku.
“Poe, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear, sweetheart. Who’s leaving the hanger first?”
“You’re in charge, Commander. Make the call.”

“I’m making the call that I like it when you call me Commander.”

I rolled my eyes, “Poe, save the galaxy now, flirt later.”
He groaned jokingly, “Fine, I’m leaving first.”

“Right behind you,” I confirmed, Poe had programmed the coordinates into my ship while I’d said goodbye to my mother. I took the controls in my hands and lifted off the ground, seeing that Poe was already out of the hanger waiting for me above base. I left the building and flew up to meet him,
“Ready for lightspeed?” He asked over the comms.
“Ready when you are,” I answered.
We flew a little further from base and then just like that, we were off.
The flight wasn’t too long or harsh, and any trip we didn’t run into First Order patrol ships was a good one.
Poe and I didn’t end up speaking for the duration in case the First Order were scanning comms. If ever I needed to hear his voice, it was then. As we travelled, I’d begun to get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I sensed that something terrible was coming our way, but I couldn’t determine what. I’d often had premonitions in the past few years, but they’d increased significantly recently and it was starting to worry me. It was like my powers were beginning to grow stronger.
“Alright, coming into the atmosphere.” Poe’s voice came on the comms, taking me away from my thoughts.
“Copy that,” I answered.
It was almost dawn on Jakku, but it was still dark. Sneaking in and out in the dark made the mission feel even more dangerous, my nerves only rose.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” I mumbled to myself.
We were nearing the village, preparing to land outside of it. Poe and I flew side by side, zeroing in on a good spot and slowing down as we descended. There was something about the way Poe flew that even under the most dangerous of circumstances, he was completely at ease when flying. It was almost reassuring, almost.
We landed easily a few hundred yards from the village and I powered the A-Wing down. I removed my helmet and smoothed down my hair, blowing out a deep breath as my eyes scanned the quiet village. Whatever we were about to walk into, I hoped no harm came to the villagers. They didn’t ask for us coming into their homes and bringing the war with us.
I got out of the ship and met the sandy ground, turning to see Poe and BB-8 doing the same. BB-8 beeped something about liking the sand and for a few seconds, I simply enjoyed the sight of him rolling back and forth.
“Any idea what this guy looks like?” Poe asked, while closing the cockpit to the ship.
“Yeah, I met him once, it’s been a while though.” I replied, trying to steady my voice.
“Hey,” he said, stepping closer to me, “You good?”
I sighed, turned to Poe and said “I will be, as soon as we get the map and get the hell home.”
Poe smiled and grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently before nodding his head towards our destination,
“Then let’s go. If we make it back in time, I’ll take you for another flight.”
I squeezed back before letting go hesitantly, “Deal.”
We headed into the village with BB-8 close behind us. There were a few villagers up this early, already starting their day. We walked up to one of them who was already walking towards us,
“May I help you?”

”Yes,” I began, “We’re looking for Lor San Tekka.”
The man nodded and gestured for us to follow him, he began leading us towards one of the many tents.
“BB-8, stay outside and keep watch.” Poe ordered as his droid beeped his confirmation. The villager pushed back the flap of the tent and Poe and I entered to be greeted by a white haired man,
“Commander, welcome.”
Poe shook his hand, “Sir, it’s an honor.”

Lor San Tekka turned to me and smiled, “Commander Solo, it is wonderful to see you again.”
He wrapped me in a warm hug, “It’s been too long, I’m glad to see you’re well.”
“Come,” he invited us, “Sit.”
Poe and I both took seats next to a firepit that was burning as Lor sat opposite us,
“We must be quick, time is a luxury that cannot be afforded dring war.”
He reached into his robes, pulled out a small leather sack and handed it to Poe. I breathed a visible sigh of relief, we’d actually gotten it. I could practically hear my mother’s sigh of relief as Poe and I handed the drive to her.
“This will begin to make things right,” Lor said, covering Poe’s hand with his other, “I've traveled too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force.”
I nodded solemnly, though the word ‘Jedi’ always made me tense up. As far as Force users went there were the Sith, there were the Jedi and then there was me. I didn’t fit either of those titles.
“Well, because of you now we have a chance. The General's been after this for a long time.” Poe replied, holding the sack up with a confident smile.
“‘The General.’” Lor repeated with a knowing grin, “To me, she's royalty.”
“That she is, sir. On behalf of her and the entire Resistance, thank you for helping us.” I stated.
Before any of us could open our mouths, BB-8 came bursting into the tent beeping frantically,
First Order, they’re coming!
I turned to Poe, the same worried expression on my face was mirrored on his. He looked to Lor San Tekka,
“We’ve got company.”
The three of us raced outside, Poe raising a pair of quadnoculars he had around his neck to the sky. He didn’t need them, I could see the lights of enemy ships approaching us.
“You have to hide.” Poe said to Lor, we turned to him in unison and I reached out to touch his arm,
“If the First Order finds out that it was you who gave us the map, unimaginable horrors await you.”
“Commander, I knew the risks when I got in contact with the General. You have to leave. Go!”
Poe looked to me, conflicted about leaving him there to probably die, but knowing what would happen if we didn’t get the drive back.
I nodded to Poe before turning to Lor, “Thank you.”
He pushed my hand off his arm and me, Poe and BB-8 ran like hell towards our ships. They were parked behind a few large rocks so we had a bit of covering, though not much. The transports were already landing in the village and I could hear blaster fire ringing through the air. The distant sounds of Stormtroopers calling orders out caused us to run faster.
“Come on, BB-8! Hurry!” Poe yelled as we made it to our ships.
“We gotta haul ass,” I exclaimed as I opened the cockpit and jumped in. I powered it up and looked over to Poe and BB -8 who were doing the same. My stomach was churning at the thought of not making it out alive with the drive in hand. That was not an option.
Suddenly, I felt a blast hit my ship and throw me forward a little. 

I jumped out of the cockpit and kept low, running to the back of the ship and examining the damage.
It was completely fried.
“You too?” Poe yelled over, in the same position I was in. BB-8 had already gotten out of his spot in the X-Wing and was by Poe. A shot was fired in between us and two Stomtroopers came charging toward us. Poe and I raised our blasters and took them on with one fatal shot each.
“What do we do?” I asked, running different scenarios through my head as I could tell Poe was as well. “Poe, we have to get out of here!”

”No,” he replied, taking my hand and pressing the drive into it, “You have to.”

My eyes widened as I processed what he meant, “What?!”

”Take BB-8 and get out of here, someone needs to get that map back to base. I’m gonna stay and take out as many as I can.”
“You’re insane if you think I’m leaving you here. You’re coming with us!”
“Y/n, I can’t leave the village helpless like this,” Poe said, gesturing to the village that had now caught on fire. The villagers screams could be heard for miles, I had the same urge to stay and defend them.
“Then send BB-8, I’m staying with you!’ I pushed, panic rising in my body at the thought of leaving Poe behind.
“NO! I won’t let anything happen to you, and that means you getting as far away from here as possible!” Poe yelled, desperation flooding his voice.
Tears flooded my eyes, I knew I wouldn’t be able to argue with him. He wouldn’t let me, just like he wouldn’t let any harm come to me. I reached up to touch his cheek, he leaned into my touch, shutting his eyes at the contact. His lips brushed my palm, sending a chill down my spine. He pulled me in by the back of my neck to press his forehead against mine. We stood there only for a brief second, but I wished with everything in me we could have stayed like that forever. He pulled back and wiped a stray tear from my face,
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.”

I nodded with a small sob as he bent down to talk to BB-8,
“You keep her safe, you hear me? You keep her and the drive safe.”
BB-8 beeped an ‘I will’ and rolled himself to my side, looking up at me.
Poe turned to me and his mouth opened to say something, when another ship began to land near the other transports.
My blood went cold. My heart began to race. It was like the entire world froze.
My brother was here.
Poe knew only one person in the galaxy could make me freeze like that,
“Y/n, get out of here now!”

”No, Poe, if he’s here I can’t leave you! Don’t make me leave you!” I shouted, grabbing onto his arms and trying to pull him the direction BB-8 and I would head.
“Y/n,” he took hold of my arms, “Get out of here right now, that’s an order!”
I sobbed and knew he wasn’t going to back down now. I had no choice but to leave him behind. BB-8 beeped at me and I looked down at him, knowing that we needed to go now or else we didn’t stand a chance.
Meeting Poe’s chocolate brown eyes, filled with tears of his own, I hesitantly let go of him and took off running with BB-8. I couldn’t look back at him or else I knew I’d do the exact thing my mother had been afraid I’d do. All I could do was weep as we ran through the sand, clinging to the sack containing the only shred of hope I had in the moment.
I didn’t know how long we’d been running, or rolling, but it seemed like nobody was trailing us. At some point I stopped and took a minute to catch my breath. Sitting down in the sand, I began crying again. Not only had I left Poe on his own when I should have just told him to screw himself and stayed, but my brother had arrived. What would happen if Poe was caught? What if he was captured? I knew what the First Order could do, but worse, I knew what my brother was capable of.
BB-8 rolled next to me and hesitantly bumped against my leg,
Do you think Poe will be okay?
I put a hand on the droid’s body and drew him to my side,

”Yeah, he will. Somehow.”
After a moment of wallowing in my fears, I dried my eyes and stood up. Until Poe rejoined us, it was up to the two of us to get the map back to base safely, and I wasn’t going to let the Resistance down. I wasn’t going to let Poe down either.
“C’mon, Bee. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
A/N: Don’t hate me for the angst 🙈 Unfortunately we won’t be seeing Poe for a while, but he’ll still be present between BB-8 and the Reader’s conversations.
As far as updates go, I’ll still try for one a week but a family member of mine has just been diagnosed with cancer. I��m having a hard time with it so I may a couple days late with updates. As always, let me know if you want to be tagged!
Taglist: @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @springfox04 @constantdisgrace @holybatflapexpert @seninjakitey @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet @leilei-draws @eternal-fandoms @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @imaginecrushes
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omigiry · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫
Miya Atsumu
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synopsis: Crown prince Atsumu needs to decide who will he pick to be the official crown princess, but the lady he wants is facing her own dilemma.
Royalty AU
POV: Third person (she/her)
wc: 4.1K
ry’s notes: for plot convenience i did not put any love rivals. it was already long without it, even though i have contemplated whether i’d put one or not, but i ended up not to. hope you enjoooy ~~  ♡ ♡ ♡
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Sweat drops on (y/n)’s forehead as she swung her sword to attack the dummy in front of her. The moon serves as her light along three lamp posts on the training ground. She could feel her arms getting tired from the weight of the sword. She tried handling the swords the knight usually uses, but she couldn’t do it if her brother, Kita Shinsuke, or her father was around; they did not allow her since she is still a lady. 
“It’s dangerous for a lady to be out at this hour.” A familiar voice said.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the crown prince making his way towards her.
“And why is the prince strolling around at this hour of the night too?” 
“I needed some fresh air.” Atsumu said and leaned on the dummy. They knew each other ever since they were little because of the loyalty of (y/n)’s family lineage to the throne. His father is the head of the first squadron of the royal family and his brother will be the one taking over.
The king has taken a liking towards (y/n) as he watches her grow up into a wonderful lady. Both of the family have agreed for her to be the crown princess and betrothed to Atsumu since he was the oldest among the twins. After hearing this news on her 8th birthday, she doesn’t know how to react. An 8 year old doesn't know what she wants to be yet so she followed along. As (y/n) grew up she admired the swordsmanship of his father and brother and wanted to be a knight herself as well. 
At the age of 10 she talked to her family about what she wanted. Her mother almost fainted when she told them that she wanted to be a knight. Her mother dotes on her that she doesn’t want her hands to be rough through hard labor. On the other hand Shinsuke and her father were swelling with joy, but her father couldn’t help but worry as well since she was the youngest and only daughter of the family. Not only that, the crown princess couldn’t be a knight. 
They couldn’t stop her, so they had allowed her to practice basic swordsmanship. She practiced together with Atsumu and Osamu with her brother supervising. Sometimes she would practice with the first squadron and she was babied by all of them, they were treating her with extra care as if she was glass. 
“What brings you here? You know if my father and Shinsuke saw you on our grounds they would not hesitate to chase you away even if you’re the prince.” She said as she put the sword back in its scabbard.
“Do they even know you’re here? I’d bet you just sneak around at night too.”
“Touché” (y/n) said and glared at him. She went closer to him and both of them sat at the ground. Despite what their parents had arranged, they remained good friends to each other. Though it mostly consists of sarcastic and snarky exchanges in every conversation they had, they did share deep conversations once in a while when one of them is bothered. 
“You’re turning 18 already.” Atsumu pointed out. When (y/n) told his father that she wanted to be a knight, it honestly gave the king a headache. Nevertheless, being able to see (y/n)’s passion and also leadership skills during her training made the king to not easily give up on the lady. She was the perfect queen for the kingdom in the future. 
“Yes. Is the king still thinking on who to crown as the princess?”
“Every night.” Atsumu would be lying if he said that he didn’t want (y/n) to be his princess. “Why did you want to be a knight?”
“I want to fight as well, I do not want to be protected. I want to protect the people I care about.” There were other females who are knights as well, so it wasn’t against the law of the kingdom, the only hindrance is that she’s to be crowned. By her proclamation of wanting to be a knight the Aristocrats and Imperialists had a long meeting regarding the matter. The best decision was to have candidates for the position of crown princess. 
“Don’t you have a meeting with some of the candidates tomorrow?” She asked. She was also scheduled to have tea with him giving equal chances to talk with the prince, but she had an advantage since she grew up with the prince. 
Atsumu sighed as he thought about the busy schedule ahead. “Yeah, it’s honestly tiring.”
“Osamu has it worse than you. Especially trying to cover for you when you sneak out.” 
“Hey! I cover for him too.” 
“Sure you do.” She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. 
“You wound me, my lady.” He clutched his left chest and acted as if he was stabbed in the heart. 
“I’m honestly concerned for the future of the kingdom on the day of your coronation as king.” 
“Then be my queen if you’re that concerned.” 
“Nice try, but try again.” It was normal for Atsumu to be flirty towards her, thinking that it was only a joke. She would always brush off every flirty comment that came out of his mouth, but she doesn’t mind it at all since she was used to it. 
“Well, it’s getting late. I should go back now before my father and Shinsuke notice that I’m gone.” She stood up and brushed off the dirt from her pants and Atsumu followed.
“Good night, my lady.” 
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(y/n) was roaming around the palace ground as she waited for her turn to be alone with the prince for their afternoon tea. Suddenly, she was pulled into the corner of the hallways and pressed against the wall with a hand cupping her mouth. She saw Atsumu towering over her figure as he looked around if anyone was there. 
(y/n) glared at him for his rash actions. 
When Atsumu made sure that no one was there, he removed his hand and smiled sheepishly at him. 
“Did you sneak out again?” (y/n) said, crossing her arms together and raising an eyebrow at him. 
“I was getting bored. All of them didn’t talk much, I could tell that they’re trying to put a good image in hopes I’ll choose them.” 
“Atsumu, you need to take this seriously. Your coming of age birthday celebration is only a month away.”
“I am taking this seriously, I already made my decision.” 
(y/n) was surprised that he already had decided, as far as she knows this is only the third time meeting every candidate. “That’s good then.” She simply said. Am I out of the choices?
“Aren’t you curious on who I picked?” Atsumu chided, noticing the change of expression. 
“No, it’s your life so it doesn’t affect me.” 
“But your opinion matters. I want to know, from a lady’s perspective, if the one I picked is perfect.” He tested the waters to see if her mood will change again.
“No one is perfect, Atsumu. All of us make mistakes and have flaws.”
He dismissed her comment and described the lady of his choice. “Well, she’s strong, wise, she’s clothed in dignity. She takes pride in her family name, and she will do everything to protect the ones she loves. She might be timid on the outside, but once that wall breaks she’s playful and charming.” 
“Sounds like a great lady.” She simply stated, turning her back to him. “You should return now. I’ll be meeting Shinsuke.” 
She walked away from him not looking back. Atsumu leaned on the wall as he watched her, a smile forming on his lips. Well, this is intriguing. 
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She wouldn’t admit that she felt a little jealous when Atsumu talked about the girl he chose. Whatever it is, it won’t affect her, but she couldn’t deny that she felt aggravated when he talked about her. 
The little voice in her head tells her that she’s already in love with the prince.
No way. Me? In love with him? 
Her face morphs into a frown as she dwells in the idea of her being in love with Atsumu. It’s not that she hates him, they grew up together so she tolerates his presence. It’s just that the way he’d always act so playful and carefree towards her made her feel things she doesn’t know how to address. 
He would always do something unexpected. Like that one time she almost fell out of balance when they were training, he’d used his body to take the impact as she fell to the ground. Or that one time when she sprained her wrist from excessive training that she’d hidden from her family, he was the one who aided her. 
No, I won’t say I’m in love with him. She denied one more time, but the smile on her face says otherwise as she reminisces the time they spent together when they were younger. 
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“(y/n)?” Shinsuke knocked on his sister’s door and called out to her. She was turning 18 tomorrow and she needs to make a decision if she’ll be a knight or officially be the crown princess. 
“Come in!”
Shinsuke entered and saw his sister doing paperwork. When she turned 16 she became a squire and she’s been in charge with reports. 
“How are you?” 
“I’m doing fine.” 
“Have you made a decision?” 
(y/n) let an audible sigh as she placed down her pen and looked at her brother. 
“Do you like Prince Atsumu?” At the question (y/n) bowed her head down. “I know you take pride in our family name and want to be a knight like us, but if your feelings for Atsumu weigh more, you know what to do.” She hates it when Shinsuke reads her like an open book. 
“I know. I really love what I’m doing and I have made a name for myself, I’m not just someone who is the prince’s soon to be princess.” All her life she had been molded to be a lady fit for the throne, even if she was training as a knight. Everyone already knows that she was favored. 
Shinsuke sat at her bed and she followed him. “We’re really proud of your achievements and how you grew up. Whatever you choose, we will gladly support you. You also don’t have to worry about us, you have a reliable big brother right here.” 
(y/n) leaned on his shoulder, enjoying the comfort her brother brings. Being the youngest, she would see how her father and brother protects the family and honor, and how her mother handles her business as well. It also means that she grew up being pampered, it felt like she doesn’t have a role in the family, always being the one they guard. She doesn’t want to look meek in the eyes of others. 
“Thank you, Shinsuke.” They’d talk until (y/n) felt sleepy, updating each other about their recent things that had happened between them. 
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Atsumu was up all night. (y/n) was turning 18 tomorrow, and if she’s still undecided he might talk to his father to give it some more time until his coming of age party. He doesn’t even mind if he waits for another year. Whenever (y/n)’s ready to decide and whatever her choice is, he is willing to wait. 
It’s just that the circumstances don't allow them. If he wasn’t the crown prince it wouldn’t be that hard. He tried to convince Osamu to be the one to take up the crown when he learned that (y/n) wants to be a knight. 
The only good thing about her being a knight is that she would be in the castle more often. But if she chose to be his princess it would be better, since she would be staying at the castle to learn more about the kingdom. 
He stared at the ceiling as he formulates a series of plans for whatever possible situations that could happen tomorrow. 
Atsumu didn’t know when he started falling in love with her, but all he could remember was when he held her hand and he didn't want to let it go. He wanted to keep her hands soft and delicate, he doesn’t want to let her experience the hardships.
You could rely on me to protect you and your family. You don’t have to do it yourself.
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On the day of (y/n)’s birthday, Atsumu was stunned by her dazzling appearance. His father has gifted her a head dress that she wore almost identical to the crown, clearly showing how she was still the first choice among the other candidates. In his opinion the whole getting to know other potential crown princesses was really pointless when clearly he and his father was already certain who rightfully deserves it.
“May I have a dance with the most beautiful lady among us commoners?” Atsumu bowed and held out his hand.
“I’m surprised you can call yourself a commoner.” (y/n) jested. She took his hand and Atsumu led them to the middle of the ballroom, he wanted to show her off. 
“You look wonderful.” He complimented as they swayed together. The years of practice of dancing made it easier for them to talk. 
“Thanks.” She simply replied and smiled at him.
“Why don’t we just run away and ignore our responsibilities?” Atsumu suggested.
“As if you could even do so.” Atsumu may have a playful character who loves to sneak around but he takes his position seriously and brings results beyond expectations. 
“Is that a challenge, my lady?”
(y/n) quirked her eyebrow. “What if it is?”
“As if you could leave your loved ones behind.” 
After the party, the King called for a private meeting with her. She already knows what they would talk about. 
“Have you made your decision yet, young lady?” 
“I’m sorry, your highness but --” She wasn’t able to finish the sentence when the door opened and Atsumu came barging in. The king was clearly not pleased at Atsumu’s sudden entrance. 
“Father, please extend the time given. After all, the final decision would happen on my coming of age birthday.” He pleaded. The king gave his son a stern look clearly implying that he will face consequences for intruding. “Please, father. Just a few more weeks. Whatever her decision might be, I’ll respect it.”
(y/n) looked at Atsumu and saw desperation in his eyes. She was confused, she thought that he had already chosen someone. Why was he extending her time?
“Lady (y/n)?” The king turned to her waiting for her response.
“If the Prince wishes so, then I will agree.” She said. She didn’t know why she said that, but she felt relieved when Atsumu requested for extension on her behalf. 
“Very well. By Atsumu’s coming of age banquet, you should have your decision already. We cannot prolong this any longer.”
(y/n) bowed down and pardoned herself for the trouble, then the king dismissed her saying that he would like to talk with his son in private.
After that meeting, (y/n) was avoiding Atsumu in the castle grounds for days. She has come to terms that she was indeed in love with him, maybe this was the reason why she was purposefully avoiding his usual routes. I won’t give him the pleasure of finding out that I’m in love with him, he’d probably wouldn’t let it pass by easily. 
Atsumu’s banquet was only three days away. He’s been in a bitter mood when (y/n) would avoid him. You think you’re slick? If you’re avoiding me then I’ll just have to see you myself then. He planned to sneak out again late at night and visit her. 
“Where are you going at this time again?” Osamu asked when he caught Atsumu carefully walking down the hallways. 
“Be quiet.” Atsumu said. “I’m going to visit my lady tonight.”
Osamu gave him a disapproving look. “If Shinsuke caught you he won’t hesitate to hit you even though you’re the crown prince.” 
“That’s why I’m sneaking in.”
“I’m amazed at how stupid your ideas can get at some point.” Osamu sighed and felt a coming headache. He knows that he couldn’t stop his brother no matter what. Besides he also wants (y/n) to be part of the family. Though he wouldn’t say to Atsumu that he’s willing to cover up for him.
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Now that Atsumu was in her family’s home, he doesn’t know where to start looking. He expected to see her at the training grounds but she wasn’t there. He hoped that she wasn’t in her room, that would make the situation hard, but he would still think of ways to see her even if that was the case. 
As he walked around the south area of their house, he finally spotted her in the garden sitting next to a tree. He cautiously moved closer to her hoping that she wouldn’t notice him.
When he was close enough, (y/n) quickly turned around with a small dagger in her hand pointing it close to his neck. Atsumu almost yelled at her sudden defensive stance, his eyes widened and cold sweat formed in his forehead.
(y/n) was clearly surprised when she realized it was Atsumu. “What the hell are you doing here?” she gritted as she dropped the dagger. 
“What are you doing with a dagger?” Atsumu hissed back at her.
“For self-defense, for situations just like what you did a few seconds ago.” Atsumu couldn’t reply back to her response, it was his fault either way. 
“I came here to see you, you’ve been avoiding me.” He said. He sat down and leaned on the tree.
“Well, it’s getting late. I’ll go back inside now.” (y/n) said and was about to walk away when Atsumu grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her to sit next to him.
“No, you’re not getting away this time.” He acted on impulse and wrapped his arms around her. “Though it may be disrespectful for me to act like this, but no way you’re going to escape.”
“Alright, I won’t go anywhere, so you better let go now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Slowly, Atsumu removed his embrace already missing the feel of it. 
“Care to tell me why you’re avoiding me?” 
“I wasn’t.” (y/n) denied and tried her best not to meet his eyes, but Atsumu was persistent as he leaned down and tilted his head to catch a glimpse of it. “I just got busy, that’s all.”
“Liar.” He claimed. “Look me in the eye, my lady.” 
(y/n) slowly shifts her gaze to meet his. Once it did, Atsumu gave her a wide smile where his eyes crinkle into slits. “There we go. Now tell me, why are you ignoring me?” 
She let out a sigh. Atsumu can be very persistent if he really wanted to know and would not give up until he got an answer. “It’s kinda unfair for the other noble ladies. I always get more chances to be with you since we grew up together.” Excuses.
“You’re not really going to tell me honestly? Fine. I’ll not push the subject.” Atsumu said.
How can he see through me like that? Am I getting easy to read?
“But.” He continued. “Stay with me for a little while. I miss talking with you.” 
(y/n) nodded and relaxed herself. It was silent for some time, both of them just gazing at the starry night above them. She could feel Atsumu’s peaceful breathing next to her. It was a comforting atmosphere. 
“You know. I always wonder what it feels like to be just a noble or even a commoner. No responsibilities whatsoever, I could easily marry the girl I want, no sneaking out at this hour.” Atsumu started to ramble, breaking the silence.
She turned to him, bracing her knees closer to her chest and rested her chin on top of it. “Well, I think it’s not much of a difference. Sure the responsibilities would be different. But we still have a role to play. Also, love doesn’t come easy, there would always be sacrifices you have to make and obstacles ahead.” 
“Hmm. You got a point. Life, in general, isn’t easy.” 
“Do you not want to be the King?”
“I had thought about it, but as I grew up I learned to appreciate the role.” 
They continued to talk about random topics, from serious to something funny. Atsumu was so carefree that it was also affecting (y/n), whenever he laughed she would also laugh. And maybe it was because of the moment they were sharing right now, or maybe it was how beautiful the night sky is, maybe it was how Atsumu’s eyes sparkled under the moonlight, she just found herself leaning closer and kissed his cheeks. Atsumu had stopped laughing when he felt the feather light kiss she did.
Registering what she had done, she immediately pulled back and blinked away in surprise. Atsumu turned to her and looked into her eyes, mirroring her expression. 
“(y/n)?” His voice was a whisper but it was loud in her ears like it was echoing. She felt her cheeks heats up and blood was rushing through her head. 
“I, it’s getting late. I gotta go now.” She stuttered and quickly stood up. 
Atsumu was quick to act and grabbed a hold of her hands once again. “What did that kiss mean? You just don’t go kissing someone, (y/n).” He interrogated. 
She hid her face by looking to the other side, hoping that her hair would mask her expression well. 
“Do you love me, my lady?” He asked as he took a step closer to her, squeezing her hand hoping that she would get the message and look at him. 
“No…” She replied, but her tone was unsure.
“You seem to have formed a habit of lying. That’s not good.” He teased. The shade of pink in her cheeks, how she was not trying to pull away, how she was acting shy and flustered all of the sudden, was enough of a sign for Atsumu to know. 
“I love you, my lady. Only you.” Atsumu said and kissed her hand before he let go of it. “You should go home now. I’ll see you in two days.” 
As he was walking away, he was slowing down to hear if she'd say something. Though there might already be a distance between them, he would not miss the sound of her voice even if it was only a whisper in the air. 
“I love you too.”
Atsumu felt his heart swell in joy. He tried to hold himself back from running to her and to spin her around as he declared his love for her again and again. 
“Good night, my princess.”
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“So, did you make a decision already?” The king asked again. He ordered them to meet before the banquet started. 
“Yes, your majesty.” 
“Care to tell me now?” 
“I love being a knight.” She paused, she suddenly felt shy about telling her out loud. When she and her family talked about it, it was honestly harder than the first time she was holding a real sword. But it felt nice to be honest towards her feelings, everything felt clearer. “But I love Atsumu more, that I’m willing to give up being a knight.” She finally said, every word that left her mouth gets quieter.
“I’m happy to welcome you in the family, I know it was unfair for the other noble ladies, but I have always favored you from the very beginning. I’m sure you can still use your skills you learned as a knight some day.” He gave her a fatherly smile that she hasn’t seen in so long, he would always smile at her like that when she was a little kid.
The king dismissed her and she bowed down in return. 
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Atsumu asked (y/n) to dance, his smile couldn’t be contained. It wasn’t because of the banquet, or the people that had greeted him, or the gifts he received, it was because of the lady he’s holding right now. 
“My princess.” Atsumu lovingly said. 
“Shut up. It’s not yet officially announced.” She said and glared at him. 
“Well we could always whisper in the air our declaration of love.” 
“Speak one more time, and I’ll change my mind.”
“You can’t do that. Father already knows, so you can’t just take back what you said to him.”
 She rolled her eyes at him and did not reply. He pulled her closer to him and continued to lead her in the dance. His eyes transfixed on hers and she averted her gaze, feeling embarrassed at how he looked at her. 
Atsumu tuned out the rest of the crowd as he only focused on her, everything felt complete. It was worth the agonizing wait.
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
Always - Captain Rex x Reader (Maybe - Part 2)
Ahahahaha... back at it again *finger guns* I wanted to work on a series but this has been in my head and it won’t leave so... I went with it.
A little bit of AUing about where Rex went after the clone wars ended cause that’s just who i am. I made up the battle the reader is in during the beginning, cause *plot*. Okay this a/n is too long let’s just jump in.
Sorry this one is long, it kinda just flowed out of me. Hope you like it!
This is a part 2 to Maybe, so I recommend reading that first. Link can be found here.
taglist: @stevensfondue @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky cause they requested in the comments- probably wouldn’t have written this if they hadn’t requested so hope you two like it :)
Y/n: Your name.
You kept a steady hand on the gunship handle as you and your men hurdled towards the surface of Ajan Kloss. The ship rocked as it dodged shots from Separatist cannons, some of them barely missing the sides. One shot was too close, and the explosion from it knocked one of your troops out of the LAAT/i- Rocket, was his name. He was a good friend of yours.
You shook the thoughts away, remembering to keep your mind in the present. No good would come out of getting distracted in battle; you had too much experience with that (a sore breakup being the cause) and you weren’t interested in it happening again.
“General!” You glanced up at Commander Blaze, your second. “The droids are too close! We won’t be able to make it to the landing site at this rate!”
“We’ll have to land farther back,” you went closer to the cockpit, using the Force to steady yourself. “Rush! We’re gonna have to touch down sooner than we thought. Land at coordinates,” you paused, remembering the holomap of the planet. “1137-4265!”
The pilot, Rush, nodded. “Got it, General! Hold on, this is gonna be a rough landing!”
You barely grabbed onto the handle before the LAAT/i tipped downwards, taking a steeper course to reach the (now closer) landing point. Your mind unconsciously went to another time, when you were in a situation much like this.
The gunship sped towards the ground of Geonosis, making this your second time in a battle here. You weren’t excited to be going back. But if the Separatists were building a factory here, something had to be done about it.
“General, you might want to hold on… I have a feeling this ship’s about to get unsteady.” You grinned at Rex, who was turned towards you, and you knew that under the helmet he was giving you a look for not grabbing the handles.
“Is that a challenge, Rex?” You always were one to make things… interesting, as you called it.
Others called it being unnecessarily reckless, but to each their own.
He shook his head, rocking a bit as the LAAT/i swerved. You narrowly avoided falling over in the cramped ship. “‘Course not, Sir. I just don’t feel like dealing with a missing general today.”
“Is that so? Well, I promise I won’t go missing. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to be subdued today. After all, the fun is in the risk.” Still, though, you reached up and gripped the handle, just to be safe.
“Why did I have to get stuck with the adrenaline-junkie Jedi?” He muttered more to himself than you.
“Oh, come on. We make things entertaining,” you teased. “You love us.”
You felt something change in his Force signature when you said that, a feeling you couldn’t place. Not a bad one, but it was uneasy- secretive. But also… warm? You couldn’t see his face under the helmet, and you didn’t know what you’d find there if you could.  
Just then, the ship tilted sharply, and you practically went over the side, if not for an arm grabbing yours. Your hold on the handle had relaxed during your banter with Rex.
Speaking of him, he was gently but hurriedly pulling you back in the ship, grabbing the attention of your Co-General.
“Y/n! Be careful!” Anakin yelled over the blasts outside.
“Sorry!” You held the hand grip on the ceiling stronger than before. No matter how rash you seemed, you really didn’t want to fall out of the LAAT/i. You looked back at Rex, who was tilting his head as if to say ‘I told you so’.
“Yeah, yeah, you warned me. I’ll be careful.” You winked at your Captain, and you sensed that strange feeling flicker in his Force signature again.
Four days later, your fighter had been brought down to the surface of the jungle planet, along with more tanks, troops, and cannons. There had been reports of droids massing on Ajan Kloss, and they had been right. When you arrived, the numbers of enemies on the planet had been bigger than reported. Luckily, however, there weren’t many casualties in the battles that had taken place in the last few days.
You sat in your tent, mulling over your data pad. There were reports of many battles, including the recent one over Coruscant.
Apparently there was another siege going on- on Mandalore, of all places. At first, you had no idea why there would be a campaign there. It was a peaceful world in neutral space.
Until you remembered… Maul’s rise to power. And the death of Duchess Kryze. It was still jarring to think of it. Maul’s return was so sudden- Mandalore was just Mandalore, a reformed planet of peace. Until it wasn’t. The planet had become something much different following the death of its rightful ruler.
You wondered who was leading the siege. The company number, the 332nd, wasn’t one you recognized. Then again, these days, there were so many battalions, it was likely you just hadn’t noticed it before.
Then you saw…
332nd company
Commanding officer(s): Clone Commander CT-7567 “Rex”
Second-in-command: Advisor Ahsoka Tano
You didn’t bother reading the rest. Rex? And Ahsoka? You hadn’t seen her since her trial all those months ago. It still hurt to think of her, a young girl you thought of as your little sister (yes, you had grown apart following your leaving the 501st. But you had been together for so long, it was inevitable that the Togruta felt like family. And you still saw each other sometimes on Coruscant or on a joint mission, and you still cared about her as much as you did before).
The same could be said for someone else. Someone whose name you tried to forget. Someone who… who stabbed at your heart when their face entered your mind. Who made your stomach flutter, who made you cry, someone you loved deeply- no matter how much time passed.
You couldn’t… you couldn’t think of him right now. There was planning to do.
But Force, you hoped he was safe.
The Force was screaming. With pain, and betrayal, and hurt. So much hurt.
Bonds you had were snapping one by one, being severed quickly by something… strange. And painful. And every time a life force was extinguished, it was as if you were them; so many shots hitting you, phantom burns on your skin. And you didn’t know why; were they dying? How? Why?
You grabbed at your chest, stumbling. The Jedi… they were… no. Please, no.
What is going on? How could this be happening?
It hurts. Stop. Stop. Stop.
You fell on one knee, your face scrunching in pain. You wanted it to go away. You wanted it all to go away. This can’t be happening, please, let it stop, let it STOP, STOP-
Your troops… they were acting strange. Their force signatures felt… off, you realized. As you shakily stood up, trying to regain your footing, you looked around at them all. Your thoughts raced.
The force is unbalanced, what is going on, why are they DYING-
You saw your commander out of the corner of your eye. Normally, Blaze was very diligent about the health of the troops, and that included you. Usually he’d be forcing you to the medic tent if he saw you like this. But now…
You watched in shock as he raised his blaster toward you. Turning around, you saw the other men do the same.
Wait, what? No, stop, why, this is wrong… wrongwrongwrong something is WRONG-
“B-Blaze,” your voice faltered. “What… what are you doing?”
“Quiet, traitor.”
And the clones opened fire.
“Anakin? What’s wrong?” You stared worriedly at the comm, the holographic form of your friend wavering a bit through the unsteady connection. You saw the dark circles under his eyes, they had grown in the time you’d been apart.
“Something’s happened. It’s not good. Really not good.”
Your brow furrowed. “Okay. What is it?” He didn’t answer at first, worrying you. “Ani?” You hadn’t used the nickname since you were children, when you were nothing more than Initiates, when there wasn’t a war.
“It’s Fives.”
Fives. You hadn’t seen him in a long time. But back in the 501st, he was one of your closest friends. You realized you hadn’t been comming him enough, something you’d have to work on. “What about him?”
“He’s… he’s dead, Y/n.”
“W-what? How? Why?”
Anakin sighed. “I don’t really know. It happened so fast. Something about chips, and a plot… he went insane. Tried to kill the Chancellor.”
It was like the wind was knocked out of you. The Fives you knew, your friend, wouldn’t… he wouldn’t. You ran your hand over your face as sadness filled you.
“How did-” you fiddled with your hands. “How did Rex take it?”
“Not good,” Anakin said softly. “He was there, when it happened. We both were. He held Fives as he died.”
“Oh, no…” Your lip quivered. How you wished you could’ve been there. For Rex.
For Fives.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I know you and Fives were close.”
You nodded. “I should… I should go. Lots to do.” Anakin opened his mouth to say something, but you ended the call before he could.
In the solace of your quarters, you quietly let the tears fall.
You slumped over in your chair as you entered hyperspace. You vaguely remembered setting the navicomputer to Dantooine, but it felt like a dream.
Actually, the entire last hour felt like a dream.
You remembered your men, the ones you trusted with your life, raising their weapons at you. Calling you a traitor. And firing.
You remembered drawing your lightsaber and dodging, heading for your fighter.
You remembered sprinting. And cursing. Adrenaline taking over. And shots grazing your skin, three ringing true. You checked over your body, at the wounds. Those would have to be taken care of soon.
You remembered taking off, flying as fast as your ship could go. Docking with the hyperdrive ring that you stationed in the atmosphere. And then…
Well, now you watched as the bright blue stars whizzed by.
The Force was still in pain. It wasn’t screaming anymore, but wounded. Deeply wounded, like someone had slashed at it with a lightsaber. A chasm of pain was flowing through it, because of-
No. They couldn’t be-
Couldn’t be-
The clones-
The pain-
The betrayal-
What is happening?
What happened to them?
Why? Why? WHY?
And in your fighter, you screamed.
Dantooine was peaceful.
Peace… peace seemed unattainable, but it was something you were happy to chase after.
No matter how long it took, no matter how alone you were, you wanted to find peace.
About six months after you arrived on Dantooine, you searched the Force. It was the first time you could truly bear opening yourself up to it. Before, it had still been reeling with the deaths -murders- of your people, and the agony had been so heavy that you couldn’t open up to the Force for more than a few minutes, sometimes seconds, at a time.
This time, even though it still hurt, you probed the Force around you. Trying, hoping, to find someone you knew who was still alive. You wanted, needed, to find someone to reach out to. The solitude of being a fugitive was getting to you.
Yes, there were many clones to be found, but they…
They weren’t an option. Not anymore.
(Blaze, your remarkable commander, was in the hands of the Galactic Empire. He was one of your closest friends, once. Until-)
You wondered, in those harrowing months, what had happened to your beloved Captain. Was he still out there, was he part of the Empire, or dead-
Maybe it’d be better if he was… then I’d know he wasn’t one of their puppets-
Y/n, how could you think that?!
Why did it have to come to this?
As you delicately explored the force, shying away from the split bonds (they burned when you touched them), you wondered-
Maybe, if he was alive, what if your bond was still there?
You wanted to find out. After all, you realized, I never did want to live without him. I don’t think I can anymore.
That wasn’t the Jedi way.
But the Jedi-
They were gone.
“Rex, I- I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/n. We’re in this together. Always.”
The thread of your bond with him had frayed a bit, but it was still there. A bond that came from loving someone so deeply wouldn’t have gone away in a few months of separation.
Not when you still loved him so.
Even if he was-
If he was-
If he-
If he was one of them, an Imperial- well, you didn’t care. You had to see him again. If he came here with a squadron and terminated you, a traitorous Jedi… you weren’t sure if you cared.
If the last thing you saw was him, that would be enough. A dark thought, yes, but then again, all your thoughts had been a little dark lately.
You tugged on the thread. Gathering your strength, you sent a message. Come find me, love.
Dantooine. I’m here. Coordinates 2247-3656.
I love you. I always have. I always will.
Come find me.
A week went by.
So you tried again.
Dantooine. I’m still here. 2247-3656.
Come find me. Please.
I love you.
Again and again, for weeks.
Come find me, Rex.
I’m alive.
Dantooine. 2247-3656.
After two months of this went by, you decided to try one last time.
Dantooine. 2247-3656.
I’ll be here, love. Always.
Another month went by before it happened.
You lived on a small farm, and you were in the fields when the engines of a ship filled your ears.
Seeing as your farm was significantly far from others, you knew that whoever it was had to be here for you.
And suddenly, a presence you hadn’t felt in much too long was filling your senses.
He came.
You watched, frozen, as he approached. You hadn’t really seen each other since your separation, almost two years ago. You hadn’t had a real conversation since then, either. Holo or otherwise.
But that didn’t matter.
Snapping out of your daze, you ran to him with tears in your eyes. Crashing into his arms, you sobbed as he held you.
“I wasn’t sure if it was real, I thought I was going crazy- I’m so happy you’re alive,” He said softly.  
“I never stopped. Loving you, I mean. I- I never want- to let you go again,” You choked out.
You felt him hold you tighter. “Me too. I love you, Y/n. We’re in this together.”
Pulling back slightly, you traced his cheekbone as you whispered, “Always.”
There were dark times ahead. But with him by your side, you would get through it.
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sourbat · 4 years
“do you want me to give you advice or do you just want me to listen?” magtok or ship if your choice
This got a little self-indulgent. 
and yes, it’s magtok
After their shared meeting, the psychiatrist requested that Toki leave, and Magnus stay behind for a little while longer. Neither had any reason to believe the news was bad, but when Magnus does leave the small office some five minutes later, looking a little worse for wear, Toki assumes some misgiving had occurred. Bad news? Failure to meet certain goal posts?  An increase in dosage?
After a few handshakes, the required talks with the nurse scheduling the next appointment, it’s a quiet ride down the elevator, with Magnus reading the overview of his meeting in absolute silence. Toki clicks his tongue against his teeth, testing the tone and Magnus’ overall mood. The older man never voices a single complaint the ride down, and continues keeping to himself the walk to the car.
Toki refuses for the ride home to be silent, and immediately snuffs any chance of Magnus spending the next several minutes driving and moping in silence. The keys go into the ignition, and Toki stops him and asks if there is anything he can do to help Magnus. He makes sure not to guess the source of the problem, point a finger or ask any additional questions.
The question hangs above their heads. Toki waits for Magnus’ response, mentally preparing himself for the worse, only to have Magnus drop the keys he had readied for the ignition, and quietly announces that his psychiatrist wants him to consider dropping the mood suppressants.
“She wants you off the suppresscants?” Toki says aloud, taking in the news one word at a time. He falls into the passenger seat, eyes agape and staring out towards the parking lot.
“Yeah.” Magnus squeezes the keys in his hand. “Since my dosage is already so low, she wants me to–”    
“Oh, Magnus, this ams such great news!” Toki reaches over to Magnus’ side, pulling him into an awkward, but loving embrace. He rubs his face against a tuft of brown waves, smiling at the tickle.
Toki waited for this day. Magnus worked so hard trying to get better. They’d been to so many sessions. Even on the best of days, Toki knows Magnus didn’t look forward to the trips. He could be in a good mood going in, but the sessions always prove to be stressful, cathartic to the point of it being emotionally overwhelming at times. It isn’t easy.
Manus wriggles underneath him. “You’re really excited about this?”
“Yeps!” Toki happily announces. “You gets to get offs another medicines!”
Satisfied, Toki relinquishes his hold on Magnus and drops back to his seat, but not before picking up the stapled, folded sheets detailing the information of their recent visit. He flips through the pages, stopping at the second to the last where he reads the summary and doctor’s suggestion. There it is, clear as day. The good news. Drop the suppressants to see if Magnus can rely solely on learned techniques and his own hindsight to keep himself in check. It’s real. This is real. It has been such a long time coming, but it’s finally here.
And isn't this one of the pills Magnus couldn’t mix with alcohol? Toki’s eyes glisten with excitement and possibilities. He thinks of the new and old activities he can reintroduce to Magnus, once he is clear, cleansed of this old prescription and off the blasted pills. They can go out and drink more, and Magnus can get drunk again! Maybe Magnus can take other things, too, and Toki wouldn’t have to worry about it getting in the way of decision making, Magnus making rash decisions, or Magnus going from one extreme to the-
Toki notices how quiet it’s gotten, and when he turns and checks on Magnus, sees that he is still fiddling with the keys. His eyes shift between the collective sheets in Toki’s hands, and the many keys and chains he entangles with his busy hands.
“Ims there something wrongs?” Toki asks, not quite catching on to Magnus’ silence. 
A frown. “Nothing,” he answers, still eyeing the keys. “Just…didn’t think you’d get so excited.”
Toki folds the sheets messily on top one another. “You ams getting off the medicaskons. Beens a long times since that happens.”
It’s been over a year since dropping another medication. Toki remembers it clear as day. Like now, Toki had been just as excited, but so had Magnus. They’d both been so relieved to know there was one less thing holding Magnus together.
Why isn’t Magnus happy right now?
Toki’s hand crushes the sheets. “Magnus?”
Magnus grips the wheel. “Toki, I don’t think I–”
The leather groans under his hold. Toki grits his teeth against the sound. A nasty weight piles in his stomach the second Magnus tears away from the window to meet him.
His stare lets Toki know it’s dread.
“I don’t think I want to get off the suppressants,” Magnus announces, voice unwavering, but it’s clear he’s upset. Toki can hear the sharp cadence, the hidden snap that was already gathering on the defense.  “I… don’t want to stop taking them.”
Toki’s silent. He stares at Magnus, watches his expression turn from nervous to dejected at what Toki assumes is his own disappointed expression. Toki can feel it reach into every fiber of his being. The shock. The sudden turn of events. He must look so surprised, he thinks, but can’t bring himself to check in the mirror. He can’t even get himself to look away from Magnus who keeps eyeing him, waiting for a change, a smile, a supportive line. Anything.
Toki’s head fills with questions. He tries reaching for one, the most obvious “but why nots,” but as he parts his lips, Magnus jerks in seat.
“Like, I know you’re really excited” he says, voice picking up volume and a distinct uncontrolled shakiness. Magnus smiles when he says it, too, though Toki can detect its inauthenticity the second Magnus tries offering it to him. “I was, too. But then she kept talking about the cleansing period, and the initial swings, and I don’t know, man.”
Magnus hands leave the wheel and start swinging, moving with frantic words and expressions that carve deep into Toki. He sees Magnus shake, go pale as he fights to defend a decision Toki cannot comprehend. The fake smile leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
“I know it’s been a while, and I know I see it all through black and white, but I don’t want to say or do anything like I remember,” Magnus says through the silent strain. Toki blinks, witnessing past acts of blind or misdirected rage. He sees Magnus hiding under the covers for days, only leaving to use the restroom or rehydrate. He watches Magnus right now, shaking his head at himself, disbelieving his own strength. “I don’t want to snap at people. I don’t want to feel like I’m choking on my own thoughts.”
There’s anger sitting at the edge of every word. Toki hears it lingering, feels its weight settle around him, but never aimed directly at him.
Magnus coughs false laughter. “Am I overreacting? You think I’m overreacting, don’t you?” He points a finger at himself.  “I’m doing it again, aren’t I? I’m being stupid, making this more than what it has to be…”
He falls into his seat, hands dragging across his face. Fingers get caught in his hair, curl and writhe and purposely get tangled. Toki stops it with a hand resting on top of Magnus' leg. The simple gesture is enough for Magnus to fix himself up, though avoids looking in Toki’s direction until he’s able to tolerate his own reflection in the rearview. 
“I’m over-fucking-thinking it, again.” He sighs. Toki squeezes Magnus’ thigh, calling for his attention. It takes a few seconds for Magnus to relax, for shoulder ease into place and frown shift into a defeated grin, before he finally secedes. He stares solemnly at Toki. “I need to stop doing that. I really should’ve just asked you from the start, huh?”
The hand shifts from the thigh to Magnus’ hand. 
Toki peers close. “Do you wants me to gives you advice or does you just wants me to listen?” 
There’s a pin that burrows into his chest when he utters it, because he knows it’s far from what he wants to tell Magnus. But it’s what the man needs to hear, and once it's out there, Toki sees Magnus’ chest heave, and eyes go dark before being covered with his sleeve.
“…I don’t want to be angry all the time,” Magnus confesses. The answer doesn’t immediately surprise Toki, but the fear riddled in Magnus’ eyes, the dread in his voice keeps Toki alert and listening. “I don’t want to feel like I need to look over my shoulder. I don’t want to hurt you. I know you think I won’t, but I can’t shake this feeling I’ll do something awful if I don’t keep myself in check. I know you trust me, but I don’t know if I’m quite there yet, with you. You trust me, but… I’ve done it to you on meds, and now she wants me off of them? What if say something I can’t take back?” 
The pin pushes further inward. It hurts because all Toki can hear is how much Magnus thinks about him, how considerate he’s trying to be. It’s so sweet. How nice of him, but he was being so mean to himself in the process. That also hurt, because Toki knows Magnus is better than he thinks. He’s stronger than he gives himself credit for. And it hurts the most because it means the day hasn’t yet arrived, and Toki is going to have to wait a little longer for it to come.
Toki pulls in his lips, fighting past a sigh as he fishes for the right words. They come sooner than predicted, and with them, a gentle warmth. Acceptance. “If you don’t think you ams ready, then you ams not ready. I trusts you. And when you ams, we can celebrates then, okays?”
There’s a smile near the end, and when it forms, the pain lessens. Toki feels it spread across his face, and with it the sense that he still needs to reel Magnus back to him. 
He goes for the shoulder. “You okays?”
A despondent frown. “You’re not upset?”
There’s no point in lying to Magnus, not after being so blatantly disappointed after hearing the news. He can handle the truth, Toki thinks, and the more he dwells on it, the more Toki realizes it’s better they both hear.
“I knows I was exciteds about you drinkins and havins fun with me, but we does that anyways,” Toki starts cautiously, and watches as Magnus gives a short, but confirming nod. He tucks his hands between his legs. “And you said you don’t trusts yourskelves, so…Toki will just have to works on that. Helps out my bestest friend believes in himself more.”
He looks up hopefully at Magnus. Toki unbuckles his seatbelt, leaves his seat and takes Magnus into an embrace.
“This ams your therapy,” he says, and feels Magnus’ arms fold around him. “You gets to decides when you ams ready, not me.”
Magnus shuts his eyes. A sharp intake of breath. “Thank you.”
The words hit just right, because once Toki hears it, the pain starts to vanish. They remain that way for some time, with Magnus selfishly pulling Toki as close as their limited space will allow, and Toki listening in on the occasional sniff, the skip of a rapid heartbeat desperately working to convince itself this wasn’t a failure, but something else.
Eventually, the discomfort of his potion forces Toki to part with Magnus sooner than preferred. He catches a relieved sigh once he does, but notices Magnus wiping his face once he does return to his seat. The man hasn’t quite recovered yet.
Toki spots the keys resting between Magnus’ legs. He swallows.
“Wants me to drive?”
Eyes still closed, Magnus stubbornly shakes his head. “You hate driving.”
Toki openly challenges the remark with a slight drop of his voice. “Do you wants me to drive us homes?” 
The steering wheel groans, and Magnus’s head sinks against the growing silence. 
Eyes open, and tears fall. “Yeah…”
Smiling, Toki reaches for the keys.
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You Deserve a Love...Chapter 9
Damian Wayne x reader
Tag: @slowlydrowningme @hhhellish
Link to Inspo Post: Post
Summary: Questions, questions, only one could shock you quite like this
Word Count: 1626
You woke slowly, something that’d become more and more common in the several last several months since your relationship with Damian became more serious. Your personal favorite mornings were exactly like this: slow morning, waking naturally, snuggled up in the arms of the man you loved, in a bed that felt like it was the size of your entire bedroom back at your apartment. The gentle hand running through your hair told you that Damian was awake and also enjoying the lazy atmosphere.
“G’morning,” you muttered, palm running up the length of his back as you hugged him close.
“Good morning, habibati.”
Oh, the things that sleep-rough voice of his did to you.
“Sleep well?”
“I always do when I’m with you.”
There was a pause. “Then why don’t we make it permanent?”
You could feel your eyebrows scrunch up as you leaned back enough to look at him. “Care to run that by me again?”
He moved to press a kiss to the underside of your jaw. “We hate being apart, I love you more than anything, and you have never backed down when I’ve told you the truth about me. Even Father’s other wards cannot say the same about their paramours. Be with me forever.”
He looked a little startled when you jerked forward to press a hard kiss to his lips before answering. “Yes,” you breathed. “A bazillion times yes.”
A rare, broad grin spread across his face. “So how do you want to do this?”
“How have we done everything else? Act then tell. Though I suppose they’re gonna freak if we just do it.”
“Do you really care?”
“Not really.”
“Exactly as I thought.” A sweet kiss was graced to your forehead. “Then we will spend the day making preparations. What do you need to accomplish?”
“Assuming we’re going on a trip, I’ll need to pack and get my cat to someone who can watch him.
“We are. We can take him at the same time we take Pennyworth and Titus.”
“Pet bonding,” you laughed. “Here's hoping they get along.”
“Moving into a new apartment shouldn’t be too difficult,” Damian mused. “A moving company should be able to get everything packed and here by tonight.”
“Fair point. I love you, but I’d rather not live with your dad, and Titus won’t fit at my place. Wow, they really are gonna throw a fit when they catch wind of this . . .”
“You like seeing them squirm.”
A sadistic grin made itself present on your face. “Yep! But we should probably get up. Apparently we’ve got a lot to do today.”
Eight hours later, flights and lodging were booked, a (shockingly large) penthouse was bought, everything was at least in your new home, and the pets were getting along surprisingly well. Exhausted, you flopped onto the bed (the only piece of furniture that was actually setup) face-first. You only enjoyed the peace for a few brief moments before a heavy weight settled on your back.
“What--” a look over your shoulder answered that question before it fully left your mouth. Titus had dubbed you as his bed, and was now pressing you into the mattress. “Comfy there?” you chuckled. The presence of the man-sized dog did bring to light an issue that you hadn’t considered before. “Hey, D?”
“Yes?” he called from across the apartment. Just how muffled the sound was really drove home the scale of your new home.
“We’re gonna need a bigger bed! Mine isn’t big enough for the big baby!”
“We can look into that when we get back.” Now his voice was much closer. And there he was, smiling from the doorway at the sight of the two of you lounging. “Jason agreed to take care of them while we’re gone. He will be setting up and staying in the guest room.”
“He ask where we’re going?”
“I told him the truth; he will run interference for us. Keep Grayson and Olivia from getting too nosey. Drake and Gordon will likely respect our wishes for privacy on our trip.”
“We’ll be lucky if they don’t realize we moved.”
“I would expect nothing less--”
“From the family of Batman, I know,” you rolled your eyes. There was a certain tightness in the set of your fiance’s shoulders that made you frown. “What’s wrong?”
“My father knows. He called after I talked to Todd.”
Referring to Jason by his last name, not a great sign considering how much closer they’d gotten in the last few months. “What did he say?”
“He has . . . differing opinions about romantic attachments than the rest of us. He views them as an--”
“Unnecessary risk. I remember.”
That opinion had proven to be quite the issue in the early days of your relationship. Bruce’s unwavering view about how dangerous it could be to have such attachments nearly drove Damian to cut his ties with you altogether. One of the only ways you’d gotten his (in the loosest definition of the term) was to have Damian start teaching you self-defense, and even then he only admitted that you helped temper Damian’s ego. Nothing more. Alfred was the one that made you welcome at the manor when you crashed there with Damian.
“He was surprisingly in favor of it,” only his green eyes showed his shock.
You blinked in surprise. “What?”
“He said his gift would be to help make any changes to this place we wanted.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Why do I feel like Alfred talked down his initial reaction?”
“Because I wouldn’t love you if you were an idiot.”
“Gotta be smart to keep up with a family of detectives, I guess,” you smiled. “Love you too, baby.” You blew a kiss in his direction. “So now that we’ve got your dad’s approval, is there anything else we need to worry about before we leave?”
“Jason will be by in the morning to stay, we’re all packed, people think you are busy this week, making you unavailable, we will pick out rings when we get there . . .” Gently, he pulled on Titus’s collar to guide his off of you. “I can only think of one more thing.”
“Hmm?” you hummed at the question as he pulled you into a seated position.
From his pocket, he pulled out a small velvet box. 
Your heart skipped a few beats. “Damian, you didn’t . . .” Your eyes flicked up to his face to see that he once again had that smile that only aided in the newfound arrhythmia in your chest.
“Technically, it was Pennyworth--the man, not the cat--that helped me decide. Well, him and Jason.”
“When did you have the time? I was with you all day!”
“Two weeks ago.”
You blinked blankly, once again stunned.
“Habibati, you know I’m not one to make rash decisions--Are you crying?”  He laughed a little. “You haven’t even seen it yet!”
“Shut up! It’s your fault for being so sweet!” The gesture was rough as you moved to wipe your tears.
Jason snickered when he saw the post you just made on your Instagram. It was sure to send the rest of the group into a tizzy, and it was his job to fend off their questions. He was looking forward to that part. He jumped at every opportunity to mess with his makeshift little family. They may have made up for the most part, but he had to get his kicks somehow.
It was a picture that could have been posted at literally any time because it was such a normal image. It showed a pair of hands holding each other; anyone could guess that it was you and Damian. Jason was amused to note that your hand was carefully turned to hide the ring he knew to be there. His littlest brother was driving (his Mercedes judging by the emblem on the steering wheel.) And that’s all there was. There was a vague sense of normalcy to it that made it such a precious picture.
The caption was what made it a bit strange: [@therealwayne and I are unplugging for a spell. We’ll see you all on the flipside]
Already, there was a comment from Cass, [What?! You guys just got back from the LAST trip!!]
Then Jason’s phone went off. That was fast.
Of course it was Dick in the massive group chat they had made a while ago. [Where are you guys going?!]
Steph: [Yeah, I didn’t even get to see you!]
Huffing a sigh, Jason typed, [They’re not going to answer, guys. They said they were going radio silent ‘til they get back, and their plane took off ten minutes ago]
[Wait, you KNEW they were leaving?!], Tim.
[No fair!], that would be Olivia.
[They needed someone to watch the children, and I’ve got the space] They didn’t need to know that he was staying at their place.
[And you’re their favorite] Jason could practically see Dick’s pouting face.
[Maybe that’s because I don’t constantly give them shit, Dickiebird]
[They just want some space, guys] Jason was serious now. [Just let them be alone for a bit. They haven’t really had that since we met her.]
Barbara: [I hadn’t thought of it like that . . .]
[Exactly. Now, I’ve got a gigantic mutt to walk. All of you, leave them alone.]
That was a bit of a lie since Titus was perfectly content to lay on top of Jason as he lay on the couch, but Jason did want to lavish the Dane with attention. He’d spent the first thirty minutes after their departure sitting by the front door waiting for Damian to come back, and Jason’s heart just couldn’t handle seeing him stay that sad.
“They’ll be back before you know it, buddy,” he promised with a few head scritches.
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Welcome to the back (Part 5)
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Thank you so much for all your sweet feedback!
This chapter deals a little more with Lila’s manipulations and their first effects, and both Chat Noir And Felix make a move. With varying degrees of success.
Also, Felix would literally die for Maman Cheng’s Quiche.
- - -
Lila was fuming when she arrived at home.
“Who does he think he is?!”, she spit out between clenched teeth. “He had zero proof!”
And not only had her attempt to win Felix over failed, Hawkmoth hadn’t even sent an Akuma for her! That, or this goddamn beetle had caught it before it had reached her.
“What a dutiful little bug, aren’t you, Ladybug?”, she seethed on. “Always looking out for butterflies. Well, newsflash: you aren’t perfect! And as soon as you let one of them slip through, Volpina is going to kick your ass!”
That brought her thoughts to another pain in her butt and she threw her phone away in frustration. If it weren’t for that pigtailed goody two shoes, Felix would be writing poems of admiration for Lila by now. All these beautiful words, lost because that stupid Marinette couldn’t leave Felix alone. He was unreachable for her now!
Taking a deep breath, Lila tried to calm down.
Don’t do anything rash. We’ve come so far.
She still had Adrien wrapped around her finger. That boy was so eager to believe her, he threw all reason away for some pretty fairy tale. And as long as his father was with her, she had Adrien handled.
Still. Loosing her chance with Felix had... hurt her. She hadn’t realized she’d looked forward to their relationship that much.
Sighing she fell on her bed and grabbed her phone, going through his poems. She’d pictured how everything would go from the moment she’d looked through his bag. He would’ve been smitten with her writing, her poetry resonating with his. Once they were on their date at the Eiffel Tower, he wouldn’t have been able to deny how pretty she looked with the sunset illuminating her face, the wind in her hair... He would’ve intertwined his soft, slender fingers with hers and confessed how connected he felt to her. She would’ve blushed and told him to stop, but he would’ve written her a poem about his feelings for her and kissed her hand. Then they would’ve kissed, just as the sun disappeared and the lights at the tower went on. The rest of the evening, they would have talked about their shared affinity for words and tales, how they both could spin their audiences in webs of emotion and wonder - even though they used different mediums to accomplish that. He would’ve realized that they were the only ones that understood each other, that they were made for each other, that they were soulmates. How they were better than these silly children in their class.
She groaned and turned her phone off, not bearing to see his pretty poems now.
It was all Marinette’s fault! She’d stolen that future from her and Felix!
Lila froze.
Wait a second.
Since when did she give up that easily?! This was Marinette she was talking about! That girl didn’t have enough brain cells to walk properly! She was no opponent for her, Lila Rossi, the cunning Volpina! She was the Queen of Lies, the Master of Manipulation, Gaslighting and Illusions! If she wanted Felix, she’d get Felix!
With renewed determination, she got in front of her computer. She had some research to do!
“There you are, Chaton!” Ladybug greeted her partner. She was still smiling from her encounter with Felix, and determined that this patrol would go smoothly. Chat Noir replied with his usual smirk.
“If you don’t look energized today, My Lady! Happy to see me?”
She chuckled and landed next to him, on the rooftops next to the Seine.
“Come on, Kitty! This city doesn’t patrol itself, you know?”
“Actually, can we wait a few more minutes?” her partner asked with surprising seriousness. “I wanted to talk to you.”
She wanted to refuse - she still had to catch up on her missed history lesson, time was precious - but the pleading look in his big green eyes made her weak.
“Alright” she sighed. “But only shortly! What is it, Kitty?”
He hummed.
“You always call me these pet names. It’s so cute!”
“Chat. Focus.”
“Right! Uh, my dad is... the owner of a business, you know? Famous and renowned across France. He always has to look super professional, or his investors run over to his rivals.”
“Okay?” Ladybug tried to follow, unsure where this was supposed to go.
“You kind of remind me of him, sometimes! You’re both smart, and very serious about your work, and usually too busy.”
She didn’t know if he wanted to compliment or insult her.
“Anyway, my mom and I are very similar, he always says. She used to work for him, as a model. And when they fell in love, my dad was a bit worried a relationship with one of his coworkers might look unprofessional. ‘What would everyone say?’, and so on.”
“And then?”
He shrugged.
“Nothing. They got married and it worked out fine. No problems whatsoever.”
Chat looked at her, obviously expecting something, so she added: “That’s... a very sweet story. Your parents sound very lucky.”
He beamed.
“Yeah! And luck is just our thing, right?”
“Uh, yes” she agreed carefully. What did they have to do with his parents. “But why are you telling me this?”
“I just wanted to let you know... I understand how important it is for you to look professional. And that I support you, always. You don’t have to worry.”
“Thanks?” She was positively confused now. “I don’t think anybody doubts our professionalism, but... that’s reassuring.”
“You’re welcome.”
He probably meant well, even though she didn’t understand what he was playing at. So when he closed his eyes and leaned in, her mind had yet to catch up. Only when he was actually pressing his lips on hers, it clicked.
She slapped him. Hard.
“Ow! What the-“
“Oh no, that’s my line, Chat! What the fuck?!”, she hissed out, wiping her mouth with her wrist. Chat looked up, his face shifting from shock to betrayal.
“I-I thought-“
“You thought what?! You can just kiss me out of the blue after I repeatedly told you I’m not in love with you?! What don’t you get about that?”
If he looked hurt, she didn’t care. She was tired of this, tired of his advances. For once in her life, she wanted him to listen and understand her!
“I- someone told me you were worried that-“
“Why are you so quick to listen to some bystander, but refuse to hear my very! Clear! Answer!”
“Your answer isn’t clear at all!”, Chat Noir yelled back, getting to his feet. “You say you don’t love me, but you’re acting like you do! You call me pet names, you flirt with me, you kiss me all the time! So either you enjoy leading me on, or you’re lying to both of us about your true feelings!”
“Aaaargh!”, she groaned in frustration, clasping her hands above her head, “You’re impossible!”
“No, I’m simply making my feelings very clear for you! We are partners, and we’re supposed to be honest with each other!”
She tore her hair. He was so stubborn, so obstinate that that he could do no wrong. She wanted to scream.
“Chat, I honestly don’t want you to kiss me.” she tried to keep it simple, lowering her voice to prevent herself from lashing out. But Chat certainly didn’t help at that.
“That’s okay! We can just hold hands, if you want to. Or go for Ice cream.”
“No! I don’t want any of that! Kwamis above!”
“Then what do you want?!
If she didn’t get out of here, she’d do something stupid. Slap him again, probably.
“Leave me alone, Chat.”, she pressed out, her voice breaking.
“What? We’re partners! You- We need each other!”
“I’ll handle patrol from now on.”, she ordered, leaving no room for discussion. “Until you can accept that I don’t reciprocate your feelings, we should only work together when necessary.”
She swallowed, throwing her yo-yo.
“Please, Chat.”
Then she was off, disappearing behind the buildings of Paris. Leaving a stunned, upset Cat behind. It took him a while before he could move, and even longer before he reached his home. Detransforming had never felt so draining to him.
“What the everloving Fluff were you thinking?” Plagg raged as soon as the ring set him free. Adrien groaned.
“Not now, Plagg. I really don’t feel up to this now.”
“You don’t feel up to this?” Plagg snarled incredulously. “I don’t feel up to this! I don’t feel up to anything! Ever! And even I can’t let you do something like this!”
“How should I have known she’d react like this?” the boy defended himself. “Lila said-“
“Volpina-Girl! You know she doesn’t like Ladybug! But somehow you thought her love advice is more credible than the answer Ladybug has been giving you for months!”
“But she’s Ladybug! And I’m her Black Cat! We’re completing each other.”
Plagg shook his head.
“Right now, you overgrown airhead, you are about to loose even the most platonic part of her feelings for you. It’s simple: that or nothing, Kiddo.”
Where Ladybug was lonelier than ever, Marinette was soaring high. After Alya apologized for not believing in her innocence regarding the poems, the others soon followed - much to Lila’s dismay. And the compulsive liar got even angrier after seeing how much closer Marinette and Felix were becoming. Marinette found that she didn’t care.
Felix was... odd. He spoke clear and directly, not caring if he sounded rude. He didn’t like warm temperatures, preferring to hide on the shady yard. He listened to classical music, but had beaten Marinette more than once at Freestyle Clash 2.
(“Rap is poetry as well!”, he had defended himself when she teased him about it.)
He also didn’t like crowds, or people in general. But whenever Marinette was chatting with her classmates, she found him listening attentively, even if his eyes were glued to his book. While he didn’t want to be actively involved, he wasn’t antisocial either.
And to be honest, she appreciated his silent company more than ever when her other friends became... overwhelming. Being around Felix was easy. His mere presence was calming, as if everything was in control.
“Girl, are you there? ‘Cause if I’m not losing my senses you’re staring at Mister Icecold instead of Sunshine Boy.”
Marinette blinked, pulled back into the real world. Alya was looking at her expectantly, eyebrows raised so high they almost vanished beneath her hair.
“I didn’t!”, Marinette insisted, but Alya rolled her eyes.
“Come on, you’ve been hanging out with him and him alone for the past week! What’s up with that?”
“Nothing! I just really like Felix, that’s all. You know I have a crush on Adrien.”
Alya’s eyes were scrutinizing but playful.
“Hm... If you say so?” She chuckled. “I should be glad. Frosty is kind of scaring me, actually. He’s so rude!”
Marinette huffed with arms akimbo.
“He’s just... honest! And hasn’t been around people much. He doesn’t mean to be rude, he just doesn’t want to lie for politeness’ sake either.”
“I don’t mean that. At least, not only that. He’s been glaring at Lila whenever she tries to speak with him.”
Marinette sighed. They’d talked this over at least a dozen times already, and while Marinette didn’t call Lila a Liar openly anymore, she did like to give hints. Which Alya successfully ignored.
“Just... let’s get to class. I don’t want to be late again.”
While Felix hated nothing more than talking during the lessons (“It’s disrespectful!”) he did communicate from time to time. Over the course of the week, they had developed an intricate language of stolen glances and discreet expressions that was comprehensible to them alone.
When Marinette fell into her seat next to him and replied “present” upon hearing her name from Mme Bustier, he gave her a concerned look from her to Alya.
Everything okay with you two?
Marinette shrugged and rolled her eyes.
Just the usual disagreement.
He huffed, concentrating on the lesson, but not without nudging her leg with his knee. His gesture for showing support.
“Before we continue with Napoleon, let me make an announcement.”, Mme Bustier caught her class’s attention. “Since you’ve all been so eager and hardworking during Monsieur Agreste’s bowler hat contest, I’ve been looking for another opportunity to let your creativity run free.”
She smiled at the front row.
“Since Lila has so generously helped me out, You now have the chance to participate in a competition called “Journalism Junior”, hosted by Alec Cataldi and Nadja Chamack.”
The class cheered and Alya high fived Lila, who smiled as Adrien patted her on the shoulder. A sharp pang in Marinette’s chest made her look away.
“If you want to enter the competition, you’ll have to create a report on something that greatly impacted you, until next Friday,” Mme Bustier continued. “It can be about your greatest inspirations or fears, a problem you want to draw attention to or something you want to support. Copying is as always,” a sharp glance at Chloé and Sabrina, “strictly forbidden! This is about an honest and genuine insight into Paris’ youth, so be true to yourselves!”
As soon as Mme Bustier finished, the class was alive with the buzz of excited students.
“Journalism! Not really my specialty, but sounds interesting.”, Marinette beamed at her gloomy neighbor. “I think I’ll do something about fashion! Or baking? Or media design?”
Felix only huffed and Marinette stilled.
“Is... everything okay?”
He blinked and straightened himself.
“Yes, of course. Journalism just isn’t my cup of tea.”
He leaned his head sideways.
“You should do something about fashion. You’re talking about it constantly, and I’ve seen your room. If something has an impact on you, it’s designing.”
“You’re right!”, she agreed, already thinking about what sketches she should work with. “Oh, will you do the report on your poems? No, wait, they’re personal. Your music then? I’ve heard you play the violin in the art room, it’s magical!”
Felix’ cheeks appeared a bit more saturated for a moment, almost as if he were blushing, but it disappeared when he shook his head.
“I won’t participate at all.”, he clarified sternly. “I’ve had enough people trying to peak into my life. But I’ll help you with yours. You’re horrible with deadlines.”
“True”, she grimaced. “But I don’t get why the behavior of other journalists should keep you from trying something out yourself!”
His fingers twitched, betraying that this was about something entirely else. A bit gentler she added: “Are you sure you don’t want to do something of your own? It’s different if other people try to drag your personal life into the limelight, or if you willingly share something on your own terms.”
“Hm...”, he murmured, before giving her one of his rare smiles. “You are exceptionally smart, Marinette. I appreciate your advice.”
She rolled her eyes. He could’ve as well written her a thank you letter, as formal as he was.
“Thanks. But don’t think I haven’t noticed you’re deflecting!”
She backed down anyway. Felix obviously didn’t want to share his thought process with her, but hopefully, he just needed some time.
Or maybe she was just misinterpreting his behavior and blowing things out of proportion. Wouldn’t be the first time for her.
Felix might not look the part, but he did think about what Marinette had said. She was right, of course. There was a difference between someone stealing his secrets, and himself sharing them. But to him it had always been technical at best, a mere incongruence in terminology.
Insisting on being involved in Mum’s company from an early age on had put him in the spotlight far more than he’d anticipated, then. When he took up modeling – the only way to help he was given, his mother didn’t want him to “waste his childhood with adults work” – he’d become a minor celebrity basically overnight. It hadn’t gotten better when he grew up.
He’d always felt like some sort of public property, a puppet for others to project onto, or a fancy building people went sightseeing for on weekends. More than once his mother had to hire security people to ensure he had some semblance of peace outside, without being bothered by fans or paparazzi. His father’s position and... attitude certainly hadn’t helped to give him some personal space. So, at one point... he’d simply stopped going amongst people. And he didn’t mind that!
But the week he’d spent with Marinette, or even Aurore and Marc, had made him realize that while he could be on his own... he didn’t want to, anymore. Not always at least. They were so... generous with everything, sharing help or stories or simply their company with him. Especially Marinette, without ever expecting anything in return.
He wanted to return something, though. Anything to let her know he appreciated her. To make her smile the way she drew out his own.
So when school was over, he waited for her to pack up her things and get ready to go.
“You wouldn’t happen to be free this afternoon?”, he asked quietly. There where a few other students left in the room, Rossi and Agreste among them, and while he’d never concern himself enough with them to whisper, he wouldn’t push his luck either. This afternoon should go as smoothly as possible.
Marinette smiled and nodded.
“Sure! Want to come over for lunch again? Maman made Quiche.”
He saw Adrien perk up four rows further, and Felix himself found his determination waver. The Dupain-Cheng Quiche was a work of high culinary art, as he’d learned the last time he’d visited Marinette. But no! He had to stay strong! This was for Marinette!
“Actually, I’d hoped you came back home with me for lunch.”
He fidgeted a little, which was odd for him since it usually annoyed him on other people.
“It’s as you said, I should try to share things willingly, on my own terms, and you... make me feel like it can’t be that hard.”
Her smile was replaced by a look of surprise and he mentally kicked himself.
“You don’t have to! It was just an idea, but it doesn’t have to be today. Or ever.”
Why would she want to have lunch with him if her parents were already culinary deities? His mere invitation after tasting their creations was an affront to their craft.
To his relief, however, Marinette didn’t seem to mind his proposal.
“I’d love to come over! I’ll just have to call my parents before.”
She gave him one of her playful smirks that usually came before reading him.
“You actually listened to me? I’m impressed!”
His slight pang of disappointment that he wouldn’t get his beloved Quiche today was drowned out by his happiness to enjoy her company a bit longer. When she turned away to call her parents, he realized he should probably give his mother a heads up as well. He sighed. Mum would be over the moon once she heard he was bringing a friend over.
What had he done?
Lila was prepared. She was cool. She was completely fine with Felix asking the walking mess named Marinette out for lunch. And the pen she’d snapped would’ve broken anyway, she was sure.
Not that it mattered. Pigtails could revel in his attention all day, for all she cared. It wouldn’t last.
“Madame Bustier?”, she called the teacher as soon as the other students were gone.
“Lila! Is something the matter?”, the woman asked her new official favorite student. “I hope you didn’t mind that I thanked you in front of the class. I didn’t want to put you in the spotlights so unprompted, but you were a great help and that should be acknowledged.”
Lila smiled modestly.
“Oh, I don’t mind. I just like to help out.”
Herself, first and foremost. The contest was merely a puzzle piece in her scheme.
“Speaking of that,” she continued, “I wanted to ask for a small favor, if it’s no problem.”
“Of course, Lila. What is it?”
“It’s Marinette.” she began, putting on a sheepish face. “We didn’t have the best start, and her behavior last week when I proposed to change the seating again... I think she still holds some sort of grudge against me.”
She paused for a moment, to let the hint settle before she continued.
“I wanted to help her out a bit, so we can become friends! She’s always so busy as class rep, and I fear that the contest might add some weight to her load.”
“That’s so sweet of you! What were you thinking about?”
She had Bustier wrapped around her finger, now.
“Well, I obviously can’t help her with her report.” she mused out loud. “I don’t want to influence her in any way, so she doesn’t get disqualified for copying something by accident. So I hoped I could help her with her class rep duties! Usually, Alya does that, but she’s so passionate about her report and I don’t want to distract her.”
“Very considerate!”, she praised. “What duties would you like to take over for now?”
Now came the important part.
“Oh, Kim has been sick for a while now.” she reminded her. “I wanted to bring him some of the work we did, and inform him about the contest. And the swimming team asked Marinette to bring him the bag he forgot last time. Would it be alright if you gave me his address?”
She seemed to think for a moment before searching for a list in her bag.
“Usually, I’m not allowed to give out personal information.”, the teacher confessed. “But I think in this case, we can call it an exception, don’t we?”
“Of course”, Lila agreed dutifully as she skimmed the list Bustier held out to her. LeChien, Kim... there. And directly above: Leanne, Felix. Smiling, she typed the address into her phone. Felix’ address, of course. Max was already bringing Kim his homework, and the forgotten bag was a lie.
“Thank you so much, Madame!”, Lila said genuinely when she put her phone away and walked towards the door. “Oh, one last thing! Would you maybe... not tell Marinette I asked for this? I want to surprise her.”
“Don’t worry!”, Bustier said cluelessly. “I‘ll forget you asked me for anything.”
“You are the best, Madame! Good bye!”
She didn’t her her teacher’s reply, she was already out of the door. Her phone was on and she pulled up the pictures she’d taken of Felix’ calendar.
He was meticulous when it came to organizing his day, and she was more than grateful for it. He would be home by now, and lunch with his mother would last until 15 o’clock. He’d made a note not to disturb her from 15 to 16 o’clock, since Madame Leanne was in a meeting. From 16 to 18 o’clock, he’d be busy with his violin lessons.
But before her plan could be set in motion, she had another little tale to spin.
“Nino!”, she called when Adrien’s best friend came into her sight. “Wait for me!”
He was alone when she reached him. This was almost too easy.
“Wow, everything alright, dudette?” Nino asked, concerned that she’d hurried so much to catch up to him. “You look kinda rushed.”
She smiled and waved it off.
“I’ll be meeting Jagged Stone soon, and I don’t want to be late. I showed him your latest tape by the way, and he was really impressed.”
“Yeah! But I really have to hurry now. Could you maybe tell Adrien from me that he doesn’t need to worry. You know, because of the Marinette thing.”
Nino frowned.
“Wait a sec. Marinette thing? Is she or Adrien in trouble?”
Surprised Lila put her hand over her mouth.
“Oh no, he didn’t tell you? Oh, I messed up! I’m so sorry!”
“What did you mess up? C’mon, I’m not telling anyone.”
She looked from side to side, as if worried others might overhear.
“I’m sure he meant to tell you.” she started secretively. “It’s just that... he’s been worried about Marinette. He thought she acted so weirdly over my proposal that Felix should sit with us in the front, that maybe she doesn’t like him. He thinks Marinette is ignoring, or outright bullying Felix.”
“What? I mean, that dude is giving me the creeps, but Marinette is super close with him.”
She forced a smile.
“You’re right, I noticed that too! But, you know, Adrien has been isolated so long... he just doesn’t know how to read the atmosphere, you know?”
“Yeah, he’s kinda oblivious.”
“I just wanted him to stop worrying so much. He was really concerned when he thought Felix and Marinette might not get along.”
Nino gave her a thumbs up.
“Don’t worry about him, I’ll soothe his nerves. You go meet Jagged Stone!”
“Thank you so much!”, she said, and meant every word. He was really useful, even though he made her cringe. “Oh, but maybe don’t tell him you heard this from me. He didn’t tell anyone else, and I don’t want him to think he can’t trust me.”
“Sure thing, dudette!”
“Bye-bye, then! And thank you!”
Lila smiled as she ran off. Everything was fitting perfectly together. The best tool to keep Marinette away from Felix was her crush on Adrien. The best way to use her crush was his dislike of Felix, and his assumption he knew what was best for his friends. The closer he thought them to be, the more he’d try to spread his animosity towards Felix onto Marinette, who’d do everything to please him.
Now Lila only had to wait.
- - -
I’m happy over every reblog, Part 5 is on its way. Here’s the tag list:
@crazycookie13o @a-6-yearold-inside @sinfulfoxbeast @kuroko26 @sternsneeze @zeyheartstaylor @elliecake5 @kristycocopop @yamadochie @sofmimis @enigmaticagitator @offically-over-it @earth-demon @juhavs @omgelisahagemanuniverse @owllover132 @kaydenth3gayden @janaikam @mewwitch
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chiefnooniensingh · 4 years
it’s in our blood, in our veins (a The Old Guard one-shot)
Rating: G Pairings: JoexNicky and Joe&Booker Characters: Joe, Booker, Nicky, Nile Summary: Over the shared worry for one of their own, Booker and Joe hash it out, a year after the Merrick debacle. A/n: I need this family back together so I fucking wrote it. Also on: ao3
This had never happened before, to any of them. The team was huddled in a hospital waiting room, looking around nervously, aware of the cameras that were hung up everywhere, but they’d be damned if they were leaving. Nile was the only one who looked remotely put together, her immortality still so new that she hasn’t forgotten what it was like to be wounded, in need of professional care.
Nicky was handling it the worst of them all. He was pacing through the waiting room, continually running his hands through his hair as he muttered about what if’s and we should have’s. For once, Joe was unable to get him to calm down. Because Andy was in the hospital, gravely injured and fighting for her increasingly shortening life, and there was nothing any of them could do.
Joe knew his love and Andy had an incredibly special relationship, not unlike brother and sister. She and Nicky were the most attuned to each other of all, barring Joe himself. In battle, Andy and Nicky were the level-headed strategists (until it became time to bring hellfire), while Joe and Booker had always been the rash, impulsive ones. Andy and Nicky shared a love for baklava unparalleled even by Joe’s own. When Joe and Booker would split off to watch a game, Andy and Nicky would sit together, pouring over books, laughing over tv shows they would watch together, or sparring.
Joe was worried as hell but seeing his love so distraught brought him even more pain than his worry did. He felt absolutely useless, unable to soothe his Nicky and unable to heal Andy. Joe kept flexing his hands, which were itching to do something, anything. “Nicky, please,” he tried once again. “Nicolò, amore mio…”
“It’s Andy,” Nicky croaked, sounding for all the world as if it had been him who got shot in the chest.
Joe stood up and halted Nicky’s frantic pacing by taking hold of his arms. “I know, my heart, I know,” he said, then hugged him close to his chest. “But, sweetheart, you are driving me absolutely insane with your pacing.” He kept his tone just shy of teasing, knowing that Nicky would pick up on the lack of heat behind his words.
Nicky sighed and wrapped his arms around Joe’s frame, burying his nose in his shoulder. “Scusi,” he said softly, “I’m just so worried.”
“So am I, Nicky, so am I,” Joe muttered, then pulled back to kiss his Nicky’s forehead. “It’ll be okay.”
“Yes, it will,” Nile said, from her spot against the wall. She looked worried and anxious but had the most faith in Andy’s chances of survival. “She’s strong, guys. And this hospital is the best at what they do. She’ll pull through, I’m sure of it.” Nicky and Joe smiled at her, but while Joe took his seat again, Nicky still couldn’t stand still, and he went over to the coffee machine to get them more terrible hospital coffee.
Joe looked across from him and felt a surge of emotion as his eyes locked with the man who had brought them here. Booker. It had been nigh on a year since they’d last seen each other, since they’d banished him, but here he was, looking apprehensive and scared and worried. He’d been too late to warn them of the attack but had helped them fight their way out of it. The revelation that Quynh was not only alive and freed from the bottom of the ocean, but also hell-bent on destroying as much of Andy’s life as she possibly could, had shook the entire team. Andy had gotten a glimpse of her during the fight, and in that moment of distraction, had taken a bullet straight to the chest.
And now here they were. Joe and Booker in an intense stare-off while also worried out of their minds for their oldest friend.
A year was nothing to them. Like an hour to mortals. Joe was still pissed off as hell at the man whom he used to call his brother, the man who had betrayed them, had put Nicky in danger. If Joe hadn’t been strapped to a medical bed, he was sure he would’ve ended Booker’s life right there when he first learned of the betrayal. Their exhaustion, both physical and emotional, had prevented him from doing it after they’d reached a safe house. Joe now felt that urge to snap Booker’s goddamn neck again.
“Just say what you want to say, man,” Booker said, breaking Joe from his thoughts. Nile looked up from staring at her knees and Nicky turned sharply, his eyes on Joe. Joe read the warning in his eyes but knew he wouldn’t be able to heed it.
For a moment, Joe said nothing. Then the dam burst. “I am so angry at you, Booker,” he said in a low voice, and Nicky closed his eyes briefly. But Joe focused his attention on Booker instead, who looked miserable as hell. “Why?”
Booker shook his head. “I never meant for it to get so far, I just wanted…”
“You just wanted it to end!” Joe spit, jumping up, too charged to sit down any longer. Booker stayed in his chair and couldn’t meet his eyes. “So you sold us out to a sadistic maniac for the chance of relief, knowing full well how much pain you were going to put us through!”
“You don’t know what it’s like, Joe!” Booker said, and Joe could hear tears threatening in his voice. Joe would feel sorry, but he could still hear Nicky’s pained groans as that woman did her sick experiments on him. “You and Nicky, you always had each other, meanwhile I just had the memories of those who loved me, dead, while I continued to live!”
“But you had us, Booker! We were your family, too! We loved you, too! You threw us away like we were nothing!” Joe yelled.
Booker rose now, too. Apparently Joe had struck a chord. “And what would happen if Nicky were to die right now, huh? Would you stick around?”
It was a thought too horrible to process, and Joe shook his head to clear the image from his brain. The thought of Nicky dying without him… “I wouldn’t betray my family,” he said quietly. At that moment, he felt Nicky come up beside him, squeeze his hand for a second, then moved off to the side. Joe felt a rush of absolute love for this man, who knew Joe had been on the bring of absolutely falling apart and gave him the reassurance that they were both alive.
Booker shook his head, tears now visible in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” Booker said, and it startled Joe. This hadn’t been a conversation heading anywhere near an apology, yet the Frenchman was looking more miserable than ever. “I never meant for any of you to get hurt, I swear. I was so blinded by my grief and pain that I didn’t see…didn’t know…”
“What,” Joe said, almost astonished, “that we love you?”
Booker nodded, tears falling in earnest now, and he fell back in his seat, burying his head in his hands. Nile was about to get up, join him and comfort him, but Nicky put a hand on her shoulder. This was something Booker and Joe had to work through themselves. Joe stared at Booker, mouth agape as the weight of what Booker had just said crashed over him. He hadn’t known… Stumbling backwards, Joe’s back hit the wall and he slid down it, still trying to process. “How could I have been so blind…” Joe muttered, and Booker looked up, surprised to see all the anger having drained out of Joe. “All those times you made those self-depreciating jokes, jokes about ‘misery loves company’…I thought you were just joking, but it was real, wasn’t it?” He looked up at Book, his best friend, his brother, who he was now seeing in a completely different light. It was like the last 200 years were being rewritten in his mind. “Book, why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve been there for you…”
Booker shrugged, wiping furiously at his eyes, trying to stem the flow. “I didn’t want to come between you and Nicky, you two were always so happy…”
“So you let us believe you were fine, meanwhile you were just dying a little bit more inside every day?” Joe put his head in his hands and felt tears burning in his own eyes now as well. “How did I miss it, Book? What did I do wrong?”
“What?” Booker said, his head snapping up to look straight into Joe’s eyes. The Frenchman and the Egyptian stared at each other, seeing each other differently, but really seeing each other for the first time. “Joe, you couldn’t have done anything…”
Joe shook his head and jumped up, starting to pace, trying to understand the new host of emotions he was feeling. Anger was there, sure, but it wasn’t directed at Booker anymore. It was directed at himself. “Jesus, I’ve been so blind. I considered you my best friend, my brother, even. What Nicky and Andy have, that’s what I thought you and I had…but now I see that I have been the worst brother you could’ve had. I should’ve seen, I should’ve known!” Joe dropped to his knees in front of Booker, who looked like he was about to either laugh or cry uncontrollably. “Book, I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”
Booker let out a watery laugh. “Me forgive you?”
“I called you my brother, considered myself yours, yet I completely ignored all the signs that you were in pain. I missed every part of it. And somehow I made you belief you couldn’t come to me, couldn’t confide in me, with your pain, your loneliness. I should’ve been the one to be there for you, but instead I was the one who made you think you were alone…that is a crime far worse than yours.” Joe felt the tears spilling over and could feel Nicky restraining himself from coming over and either hugging or punching the pair of them. Nile was staring at them, open-mouthed.
“Can you ever forgive me for betraying you?”
“It is already done,” Joe said, and simultaneously the two men stood up and wrapped each other in a bear hug. Joe felt his anger drain away as the bond the two of them had had, seemed to mend between them. Joe still felt the pang of anger, but he understood now. And pushing Booker away now would only result in more pain for both of them.
“Y’all need some therapy,” Nile said, which broke the silence as Nicky burst into laughter, and even Joe and Booker managed to laugh. “No, seriously, nobody noticing Booker was clinically depressed for 200 years is a problem.”
Joe laughed, but nodded his head as well, because he knew. He knew it was a problem, a problem they needed to fix very soon. Booker released Joe and went over to Nicky. Joe watched, intrigued, as his other half watched with open and kind eyes as Booker stood in front of him. “Nicky, I’ve apologized to Joe, and I feel like I also owe you an apology. What that woman did to you, and Joe…I never thought they would go that far. I am so sorry, and I’ll do whatever it takes to win back your trust.”
Nicky gave him a small smile. “It might take a while to win back all of my trust, but saving our asses today has brought you a lot closer. I just hope in the future you will tell us when you are in pain.”
Booker nodded. “I’ll try.”
“Then I forgive you,” Nicky said, and he wrapped Booker in one of his signature hugs that would solve all the world’s problems, Joe knew, if he could just hug everyone.
“Nile,” Booker continued, but Nile cut across him, “Nah, I don’t need your apology, I need your ass in therapy.” Then she hugged him, too, because she’d never been that angry at him to begin with. They all laughed, and soon they were wrapped in a group hug, Joe and Nicky holding hands on Booker’s back. Joe felt something in him heal that he hadn’t realized was broken. His family was back together.
“Family of Andy Smith?”
They all broke apart hastily as a doctor entered the waiting room, who looked slightly bemused at the touching scene in front of her. She had no idea the amount of pain and anger had been worked through in the past half hour, and Joe smirked slightly, revelling once again in the fact that there was so much information they all held, without anybody knowing it. It gave him a sense of power. “Yes,” Booker said quickly, stepping forward, “that’s us.”
“She’s out of surgery, awake, and asking for you.”
A feeling of absolute relief washed over them all, and they hugged again before following the doctor out of the waiting room. Before they left, Nicky grabbed Joe’s arm and held him back. Joe looked at his love questioningly, but Nicky just pressed his lips to Joe’s in a tender, loving kiss, into which Joe immediately melted. “I’m proud of you,” Nicky said softly, touching his forehead to Joe’s. Joe brushed his nose against Nicky’s and kissed him again, because one kiss was just never enough for him. “Let’s go see Andy.”
Joe nodded, linked his hand with Nicky’s and together they walked to Andy’s room.
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carsontheleft · 4 years
One sentimental moment
Summary: Gwilym and Ben know each other through an app and set up strict boundaries for their relationship - sex only, no feelings. When Gwil is hurt, Ben needs to figure out what he really wants.
Pairing: GwilxBen
Comment: I want to dedicate this to you, @laminy. I realize that this piece of writing is not really worthy of being dedicated to someone of your talent, but I wanted to do it since it were your stories that got me into writing again after quite some time. ITBASM means so much to me, really, Rami and Joe’s place in London, the flat in Aber, the boys and their cats feel like family, like home to me. I can reread the series a million times and still not be bored, I always cry with them, laugh with them, want to hit them over the head when they’re being stupid. And your snippets are glorious! You manage to answer a range of various prompts and every single one of them is so well-crafted, so full of feelings, I’ve actually turned on the notifications for your blog so I’ll never miss a post. If this is wildly inappropriate, if you don‘t like this one-shot at all, please feel free to ignore it. This is just something I wanted to say (and yes, I totally missed the deadline from the Appreciate the Queen Creators Day...). This blog has like 2 followers but I wanted to get this out here. I hope I can show my appreciation this way, because your writing (and subsequently you?) just mean so much to me. I hope you can somehow enjoy this <3
When Ben’s phone rings he’s on his way to the hospital. The caller ID says Sex on LEGS and he has to bite down on his lower lip not to laugh. It’s what Gwilym described himself as on the app they met on and frankly, he’s not wrong.
“Hey Gwil.”
“Ben”, Gwil just says, his voice is deep and rough, sounding like he just woke up and it sends tingles down Ben’s spine, settling right into his crotch. “Listen, uh, I’m sorry but I won’t be able to make it tonight.”
That isn’t what Ben has hoped for. He thought Gwil is calling him to set the mood for their, well not date exactly, but their date. He is an expert at driving Ben to edge and leaving him hanging there for the rest of the day until they finally met up in the evening.
“Yeah, I- I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up to you, I promise – ugh”, there’s a rustling of sheets in the background and Gwil groans slightly.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. It’s just a cold, Ben, I’m okay, it’s just a bit… not sexy.”
Ben can see him scrunching his nose, frustrated about his inelegant choice of words and has to stifle his laughter again. He also has to hold back on the offer to come over and look after Gwil for a bit.
What they’re having isn’t like that. It’s not a relationship, they’re not dating, it’s just sex for the sake of it. Mind-blowing good sex. The best sex Ben’s ever had. But nothing more. They’re probably not even friends. Ben knows what kind of rope Gwil prefers to use, but not his favorite movie. He knows the size of condoms he needs, but not if he’s still friends with his mates from uni.
Ben made himself swear to not get hung up about it. They even have a contract about the nature of their arrangement that clearly states that, if one should catch feelings for the other, he’s to tell immediately.
But Ben doesn’t have feelings for Gwil. He just likes him in a regular way, only with the bonus that he loves Gwil when he gives Ben orgasms that make him feel like the world is exploding. And he just doesn’t want him to feel bad. Like a normal, decent person does with their acquaintances.
So, no feelings.
“Okay, alright. Then feel better soon. How ‘bout you just text me when you’re better and we can set up a date or something?”, Ben cringes a little, that sounds like he’s talking to some random dude from Ebay that wants to buy his old TV.
“I’ll do that. Have a nice day, Ben.”
“Yeah, you too. See ya!”
He hangs up and fights the urge to bash his phone through his skull. Smooth, Jones, real smooth.
 His cancelled date dampens Ben’s mood a bit when he visits one of his mates, who’s fallen down a ladder and managed to crack what seems like all of his ribs. But he’s trying not to let it show, tries to stuff it away and tells himself he’ll just have a cozy night in with a movie and some popcorn.
He’s leaving the hospital again when he spots a familiar figure limping down the street in front of him. It’s a bit embarrassing but no understatement to say that Ben would recognize the shape of this back, the long, slim legs and the warm hazel colored hair just about anywhere.
“Gwil?”, he calls running up to him and only now fully realizing that Gwil is using crutches, has a brace on his left knee and sports a generally disheveled look.
It takes Ben standing in front of him for Gwil to finally look up from his task of navigating himself through the busy street.
“Huh- Ben! Wha-What are you doing here?”
“What am I- Jesus, Gwil, why didn’t you tell me you were in the hospital?!”, Ben can’t stop himself from fretting, not with the way Gwilym looks. Angry red scabs are coating the right side of his face, just like his knuckles. The jacket he usually wears for running is torn up. There’s a flush to his face that indicates he really shouldn’t be out on the streets alone with whatever’s in his system.
“Well, I’m not. At the hospital, I mean”, the taller man indicates at the street with one of his crutches as clearly not the hospital, and stumbles forward when his legs don’t quite hold his weight.
Ben immediately steps forward to steady him with a tight grip on his shoulders, whereas Gwil tries for a dopey grin but winces when it painfully pulls at his road rash.
“Oh my god”, Ben mutters to himself. This is not okay, Gwil really shouldn’t be on his own right now. Fuck not caring, fuck this, them, being something akin a business partnership, this is more serious.
“Is someone picking you up?”
“I pointed at a guy and told the nurse he’s my roommate and here to pick me up.”
“And they just believed that? Without seeing you walk out together?”
Gwil shrugs and then hisses.
“She was busy”, he takes a deep breath and seems to sober up a bit. “But I can get home on my own, don’t worry Ben. It’s not long with the tube.”
“I know”, Ben frowns at him, then makes a decision. “I’ll take you home.”
“You don’t need to-“
“Consider it a service to myself, okay? ‘Cause I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight not knowing you made it home in one piece.”
Ben just plows over Gwil, because this aspect of him, this ‘I-don’t-want-to-inconvenience-you’-thing, that he knows and that he can handle.
Gwil is surprisingly quiet, so Ben doesn’t waste any time and flags down a taxi and carefully maneuvers Gwil into it.
“How did this happen anyway?”, he asks after he’s given Gwil’s address to the driver.
“A cyclist ran me down yesterday morning. Ran a red light and right into me.”
“Shit, mate”, Ben bites his tongue, cursing his sheer stupidity. ‘Shit, mate’? Really? How much of an insensitive prick can one be?
Gwil doesn’t seem to notice his inner struggles, he’s closed his eyes, relaxing against the head rest.
“So, what did the doctors say?”
“That I’ve been lucky, he could’ve pushed me against another car or something. So it’s just scabs and bruises. They might operate on the knee, they wanted to see if it heals on its own first. Apparently, I’m young and fit enough for that to happen. Doesn’t feel like it at the moment”, Gwil scoffs. He’s kept his eyes closed while talking and Ben debates if he should let him sleep.
“Looks like it.”
He leaves it at that. Gwil dozes for the remainder of the drive while Ben keeps a watchful eye on him. It’s different to see him like this, soft and unguarded, for once not in full control of his surroundings.
But Ben doesn’t mind. Sure, having Gwil in control during sex, being able to let himself be completely at his mercy is nice, exhilarating even, but he finds he likes this too. Inside of him flutters the urge to care, to protect, something he would never have associated with Gwil, but it’s there and it nearly burns through the insides of Ben.
The taxi comes to a stop and Gwil startles awake, begins to look for his wallet or phone or anything to pay with, but Ben hands a few bills to the driver and climbs out of the car to help the other man getting out.
“So, ah, thanks for the ride, appreciate it. But please, don’t let me keep you, you were probably busy before you stumbled over me.”
“Actually, I’m not, took a few days off.”
There’s a moment of awkward silence and Ben can see the cogs turning in Gwil’s head as he figures out that Ben took time off to prepare for the evening they had planned and to recuperate from it.
His face turns apologetic and Ben uses his chance to butt in.
“Why don’t I help you settle in? Just get you comfortable with a cup of tea, you look like you need one.”
“I-“, Gwil is surprised by Ben’s sudden resolve and determination. “That’d be nice, thanks.”
 Ben knows Gwil’s flat, technically. He’s been inside multiple times; he knows the cracks on the ceiling of his bedroom and the feeling of his sheets. The dark blue towels are familiar to him and he knows that there’s a toothbrush in the mirror cabinet if he wants to use one.
But being in Gwil’s kitchen in daylight, looking for tea and mugs, it’s something else entirely. Somehow it fleshes Gwil more out, makes him more of a person, a real person. Not that he hasn’t been before, but there is a difference between knowing someone as the person that ties you to the bedpost and seeing the person’s collection of destination mugs.
It takes a bit of the mystery away, but Ben really doesn’t mind that. It may paint a whole other picture of Gwil, but he’d be lying if he didn’t find it endearing.
When the tea is done, Ben returns to Gwil who’s sitting on his sofa and looking uncomfortable.
“Here’s your tea. I’m not sure how you like it.”
“Thanks.” His smile is tight and there are some lines around his eyes that betray how much he’s hurting sitting up like this. Before Gwil’s struggle to reach the milk on the coffee table draws out, Ben intervenes.
“Here, let me.”
He adds a splash of milk and hands the tea over to Gwil.
“You know, you really don’t need to do this. I can get by on my own, there’s no reason you should feel obligated to take care of me, I don’t expect this from our relationship”, Gwil says after some quiet minutes where they just sipped their drinks. On second thought he adds: “And I’m not sure if that came up during the negotiation, but I’m not really a fan this playing doctor thing, or up for it, so-“
“Jeez, Gwil, it’s not like that!”, Ben cuts in before Gwil has the chance to make this even more awkward. It hurts bit to know that Gwil sees their relationship just as sex and not more of a personal connection, but Ben deems that his own fault. He wanted sex without the added trouble of a relationship, and he got just that.
“Am I not allowed to be a decent human being and to make sure you’re alright?”, Gwil doesn’t seem convinced at all, so Ben decides, in a moment of some sort of mental blackout obviously, to go all in.
“I like you, okay? As a person with a character and not just with a great dick. And I don’t like the thought of you hurting and being on your own. You’ve taken great care of me these last weeks, I don’t think I’ve thanked you for that, so just let me take care you! Even if it’s in a different way.”
Gwilym says nothing to that. For some minutes that might as well stretch out into hours he just stares as Ben as if he just declared that the earth is flat and is breaking apart. It makes Ben so uncomfortable that he considers to either wave a hand in front of Gwil’s face to make sure he hasn’t checked out mentally or to just leave, this apartment, the city, the country, change his name, grow a beard and work as goat farmer on an isolated island in Greece.
“You do.”
“You do thank me. Every time you orgasm. It’s a bit weird, actually.”
Ben blushes, honest to god blushes and the plans for the goat farm seem to be a really good idea.
“I, uh- I’m sorry? I didn’t know that. I just… yeah.”
“It’s sweet. And I’m sorry if I offended you, it’s just- I’ve been doing this a while now and the anonymity of the app lets some people forget their manners. Or decency. It’s…”, he sighs, and Ben can feel it in every inch of his body. “It’s generally safer not to expect anything. I’m beginning to think I might be the wrong person for ‘just sex’ after all.”
Okay, no. Ben’s gotta put a stop to this, it’s not fair to the both of them. They need to have this talk when they’re both in full possession of their mental capabilities and not doped up and/or in pain.
“Hey, we don’t need to talk about this right now. How about I’ll help you out of these clothes and into something more comfortable so you can rest?”
 Gwil is soft and pliable, which makes changing his clothes easy, although his pants are a bit tricky. Ben needs to remove the brace, get the tight running pants off, the brace back on and only then he can stick Gwil’s ridiculously long legs into a pair of soft pyjama pants.
“You’re good at this”, Gwil remarks once they’re done in the bathroom and hobbling to his bedroom. He’s panting and a drop of sweat makes it slowly down his temple.
“I was training to be a nurse.”
Ben grunts a little when Gwil has to lean almost his whole on Ben in order to lower himself down on his bed.
“Why did you stop?”
“I couldn’t draw the line between the person and the patient”, Ben shrugs and rearranges Gwil’s pillows for him to lay down comfortably. “It was so hard to draw blood from kids. Even harder when someone didn’t make it. I loved it but I figured my job shouldn’t leave me crying almost every night.”
“Mhh”, Gwil hums, his eyes already closed when Ben covers him with the blanket. “Thanks, Ben.”
“Get some rest, Gwil.”
 Upon waking, Gwil isn’t too sure of his surroundings. He’s in his own bed, yes, but there are noises outside, some clanking and a rushing. It takes some time until he realizes it’s someone in his kitchen making tea. But-
Oh shit.
Oh no.
Gwil shoots up and doubles over immediately when his body screams at him in pain by the sudden movement. His groan is guttural, but that’s not even on the forefront of his mind, there’s Ben. Ben, who stumbled over him at the hospital, took him home and put him to bed. Ben, who, apparently, is currently in his kitchen making tea.
This is not okay, far from it, really. This goes against everything they agreed upon in their contract.
“You’re up!”
The blonde needs only a second before he knows what’s going on.
“When I made the tea, I noticed your cupboards were pretty empty, so I went out to get some groceries. Just the essentials”, he holds up his hands, well, the one hand not holding a mug.
“You didn’t need to do that.”
“I know”, Ben sits down on his bed and looks at Gwil, a steely resolve in his eyes that Gwil hasn’t seen before, “But a thank you should be enough to make up for it.”
“Thank you.”
It’s more of a mechanic response, because what Gwil actually wants to do is insisting that he’s fine, that Ben really didn’t need to get him groceries, that he can get by on his own. But Ben seems to have another idea.
“Listen, I know what you want to say. Me being here with you like this is violating the contract and not the nature of our agreement. But I don’t fucking care. If me taking care of you means we can’t have sex anymore, fine. Well, not fine, obviously, but okay, I’ll take it. There’s nothing that could make me just leave you alone like this. If you’ll have me, of course.”
Gwil is not sure what to say. Ben just said a lot of words and his sleep- and pain-addled brain is a bit slow on the uptake.
“Is there anyone you could call? Who’d come over for bit?”, Ben asks softly.
“No, not really”, Gwil doesn’t know why he’s ashamed of that but he can’t bring himself to meet Ben’s eyes. “My family doesn’t live here, and my friends, I don’t really- I wouldn’t want-“
“To bother them? You’re a moron, Gwilym Lee”, despite his words, Ben smiles at him. He reaches up and brushes a strand of hair out Gwil’s face. He can’t help but lean into the soft touch.
“Are you okay with me staying here with you?”
And he really is, much to his own surprise. He likes Ben like this. In a soft sweater, with a mug in his hands. He might like him like this even more than he likes him naked.
“Do you want some painkillers?”
“Yes, please.”
Ben places the mug on the bedside table and opens the drawer to pull out a bottle of pills. He smirks at Gwil.
“I might not know how where you keep your sugar, but I do know where your painkillers are. And I’m okay with learning that other stuff.”
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dafodilion · 4 years
okay so like, this might be lowkey controversial but, for the time being i’m not mad with The Letter For The King. Do i think certain things could have been handled better? Absolutely. But it’s definitely set up for another season at least. Tiuri’s mom hasn’t been seen since like, ep 2 or 3, The Queen had the black eyes that they haven’t explored yet, Lavinia hasn’t found the road, and Iona and Jaro’s strange acquantanceship is just starting.
I’m definitely upset about the death but I want to see what the show writers do with it. If it’s kept through the story and used as a source of inspiration/determination and not completely forgotten about then its one thing but if it is completely forgotten then it begs the question of why the character was introduced in the first place if they were only going to die.
This got long so analysis under the cut
I know a lot of people are upset that Tiuri was teased as the hero but it turned out to be Lavinia who had magic and I just have to say that Tiuri is definitely the protagonist in this story. It is completely centered around him. Not only does he tick most of the ‘hero’ boxes from Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, he’s also the one we establish the emotional connection with first. I think that’s a part of why a lot of people are upset about the magic thing. He was designated ‘special dude’ in the first few episodes and then everyone finds out that there’s nothing supernatural about him. But what I think a lot of people are forgetting is that the thing that makes Tiuri the hero/protagonist in TLFTK is that he chose to be. He made the choice to help the old man at the chapel door. He’s also a kid. They all are. And save for Lavinia, they likely haven’t had much agency in a lot of their choices because they’re kids. They’re only just starting to be baby adults. So Tiuri chose to go help and that lead to him travelling across the continent.
Another part is the race thing. I’m not going to comment on this too much, not because I don’t think it’s there, I think it is to an extant, but more because I don’t want to make any rash judgments on the writers who had six episodes to tell a story that could very easily have been cut back from ten which is the usual netflix original s1 episode count. They also address that Tiuri does endure certain racist attitudes from other characters through the series. This in mind i’m really hoping that there is some nuance going into the writing that we’ll be able to see in future seasons.
Tiuri also has a questionable Lineage. His home was a victim of genocide and his and his Mother are, for all that we know, some of the few who are left. He doesn’t know who his biological father was. It was teased that his father was a Shaman and while I want to believe that, the information was given when we still thought that he had magic. It’s also shown that Shaman is used as a gender neutral term and I’ll get to that later. His mother tells him not to worry about who his father was and it could be that she was trying to get him to accept Sir Tiuri as his father and that it really doesn’t matter, or it could be that she said it for complicated plot reasons.
Speaking of parents, we have Lavinia. Lavinia’s character is interesting. She was introduced as a self-serving and very ambitious noble/princess who wants to help her people in a sustainable way. Her father is shown to see a quick fix and try to take it. Lavinia wants to find the road that ran from two kingdoms directly through her town(?). She’s done the research and the math and the planning. She just needs to go do it. That’s her goal. Then we’re introduced to the idea of her mother. We know almost nothing about her mother other than she’s gone. There’s mysterious circumstances there that have yet to be explored but they’re set up to be major plot points in the future. Also, just a side note about the magic, we only know of three cultures in TLFTK when there could easily be hundreds of cultures around the world. For there to only be one with magic would be bad world building and just on the detail we’re getting for future season set ups I want to say that the world building wouldn’t be that bad but I could be wrong.
I mentioned the gender neutral term used for Shaman and it being used to describe a magic user. For the time being, and until we get more info on the world building and term usage for the Netflix series because it apparently does differ wildly from the source material, I’m inclined to believe that Lavinia is a Shaman. So was(is?) Prince Veridian. Lavinia’s mother could have been the Shaman being talked about when Prince Veridian was interrogating the Shaman in the village. Now I’m not trying to say that Lavinia could be a woc in this world, I’m just saying that we don’t really know a whole lot about the magic being used and it’s cultural significance throughout the world, and that what we do know is incredibly limited.
Now, names are important for characters not only to distinguish them to readers but the also tell something about the characters. The name Lavinia also belonged to the wife of Aeneus who in Roman mythology was a survivor of Troy and son of Aphrodite and is an ancestor to Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome. One part of her story that her hair catches fire as an omen promising good things for her people and bad things for the latins. This is similar to how Lavinia in TLFTK almost looks to be on fire as ‘the light’ in the battle scene in e6. This is so interesting just from a meta standpoint so I wanted to point it out. I haven’t read the book or the sequel so I don’t know anything about the source material but from a writing perspective that’s a hell of a derivitave. Side note, Tiuri could possibly be derived from Turi meaning ‘of Thor’ or Tiri meaning ‘swift one’ from persian mythology or ‘outsider’ in ijaw, and these are theoretical, it could just be a name. The meanings do come from behindthename and babynames so the meanings could be entirely wrong.
Now Iona. I lover her character and I can’t wait to see more of her. She’s competent, knows what she does and doesn’t know, she can work in a group or independently, takes charge, and can kick ass. She’s also a kid, which is super important. We don’t know much about her history other than her parents are dead and that she’s likely lived a pretty rough life to be somewhat proficient in thievery, survival skills, sleight of hand, and ‘bar speak’ for lack of a better term. Past this we don’t really know much about her, or the rest of the characters for that matter. We have six plot based episodes and that’s it, so from here it’s gonna be less character analysis and more general analysis.
I think that she’s being set up as a foil to Tiuri. A foil is one character who contrasts another. They’re not necessarily opposites. One of the reasons I think this is so is because of how competent Iona is and how incompetent Tiuri is. She goes off with an adult who now(?) has no real ties to anyone, but he’s following her. (This would seem creepy but I see it more as an exasperated adult accidentally adopted an ambitious kid and now feels obligated to make sure they don’t get themselves killed.) Tiuri ends the series belonging to the knighthood. Speaking of the knighthood, this was the one thing that Iona was sure she would get and Tiuri was sure he wouldn’t. She had the confidence and skill to match and Tiuri was just kind of. There.
Now, we know so little of the characters mentioned above and even less of Foldo, Guissipo, and Piak, but they are intrinsically connected to eachother.
Its implied that they grew up together. Piak knows that Foldo tells good stories. So the three of them know each other and that makes the little romance between Foldo and Guissipo a bit more believable once that is realized. Like I said earlier, I really want to know what the show writers deal with Guissipo’s death and how it affects Foldo and Piak. I don’t really expect it to hit Tiuri or Lavinia so hard, maybe Iona if she knows, but it should definitely hit Foldo and Piak. I really hope that in the future, it’s addressed how they both grieve individually and together.
I think the only other character that I really wanna talk about is Queen Alianor. She has Tiuri’s mother and had black eyes, but she also knighted all of the boys. i really want to see what they do with that only because I don’t know what could happen.
Anyway this was more of a ‘okay people are mad about a lot of things and while I know and can agree with why, we don’t really have a lot of information as to what is planned especially with only 6 episodes adding up to less than 300 minutes and a story that could have been so much longer.’ I know that it has issues and that the show has hit certain pitfalls. I know. But I want to hope that there was a reason behind what they’ve done and with more time we’ll get to see those reasons.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 years
Jason Voorhees x Reader || Oneshot
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Title: I Wouldn't Fit In That World Anymore. I Want This One
·         This is post FVSJ and also links to the comic where Bubba and Jason meet ^^
·         I just really wanted some Jason hugs today!! 
Plot: Lots and lots of Jason fluff. A liiitle angst concerning a ‘normal life’, but the reader wants Jason. So really it just makes way for more fluff! 
Warnings: None that I can think of
 “So, um… Jason?” Okay, enough of this. I can’t just sit here and weave a basket with Jason sitting right across from me, and not say it anymore. It’s a skill, to be able to guilt trip someone without even knowing it, without even the ability to speak, but Jason has it. He looks up from his carving, which is starting to look a bit like a fish now. I look back down at my basket-in-progress and run a hand over the prickly, smooth strands. We like creative, hands-on activities, we do. “So, um… “Ah, repetition. Intelligent. “The other day… well, you know how I told you a guy was annoying me lately? Talking to me a lot at work and trying to tag along with me to work outings and shopping trips I told him about?”
Of course, he remembers and makes a nodding movement, focused on me. I look back down at the basket again. “Well, he uh… I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before, he always sits way too close to me but I just figured he had personal space issues, you know? Like Bubba. But.” I take a deep breath in through my nose, slowly. Raising my shoulders high and look disapprovingly at my basket. “It turns out he liked me… as, more then a friend. You know.” Like how you feel about me. But, of course I don’t need to say that. He’s intelligent, he knows. You can tell by the way he stills even more then he already was, with his not-breathing and all. He doesn’t freak out or anything though, doesn’t move to get up and pick up his machete, or clench his fists. He waits for more information from me, and I’m thankful for it. “And he asked me out.”
I peak up at him to see his reaction, hoping to not catch his gaze because then I know I’ll panic and start talking nonsense and in this situation, which is telling a killer that loves you that someone else tried something with you, would be a huge mistake. With Jason, its much better to be clear and simple. And repetitive. “I said no. I didn’t want to be with him, because he’s nothing like you and I love you. Not that anyone, even a carbon copy could beat you out, at all. But… I said no. I didn’t have any interest. I love you. I just thought you might want to know, cuz we’re in a… a mature, relationship and all.”
His stiffness goes away after a few more agonising moments of silence, and staring-into-eyes and he turns back to his carving. After brushing away some dust with his thumb, he looks back up at me and nods, lifting the awkwardness from the air, but not from my heart. I still have more to say… but I’m still debating saying it. For a few more minutes, maybe an hour, we go back to what we were doing. Him creating, me methodically weaving the straw and planning out what I would say, if I said it.
As he gets up, having finished his fish and put in the ground between us so he can stare at it for a little longer, deciding if it needed anymore touches or maybe imagining it being a real fish, or maybe thinking something completely separate from sea life because who knows what goes through Jason Voorhees’ mind, I move and nearly call him back to say what I was planning. I even let go of the basket and reach for his hand, but I stop myself a millisecond later and jolt back to an awkward position holding the finished handle of my creation. My heart beating fast and hard in my chest.
I want to be honest with him… and I do trust him. I trust him with my life, and my random thoughts, and so much more… But above all I trust his loyalty… that often times is in the middle of a Venn diagram of loyalty and possession. I know, if I tell him this last part that’s been on my mind, there is a good 70 percent chance that he’ll take it the wrong way and do something rash, like when he went to Manhatten. He’s capable of anything, really, and that is what I’m afraid of.
Or… well, that’s 50 percent of what I’m logically worried about. The other half of me is more concerned with his feelings. It would kill me to hurt them. Jason’s like a huge puppy and telling him this might be like kicking this giant puppy.
Deciding to wait and think on it for a little bit more, at least until my heart stops beating so fast that my fingers shake and my skin goes pale, Jason safely makes it to the kindling and starts cutting it up for the fire later tonight.
When its about 7, and the fire is lit and bright in the front yard-or… what I call the front yard. Really, it’s the clearing in front of his cabin, - and finally push myself towards him to say it. I leave the cabin and find him on the porch, watching the flames. They dance in his eyes, and I interrupt his thoughts by sitting comfortably, sideways in his lap and leaning my head onto his shoulder. Immediately he looks down, assesses the situation silently and moves his arms to make me more comfortable. I sigh. “So, you remember what I told you earlier?”
I feel him nod, above me. But instead of looking at each other, we look at the fire. Its so hot that even from here I can feel it, and its so bright that the orange light touches our forms. “There was more that I wanted to tell you. Because… well, I like to tell you things. And because you deserve to know.” I turn to wrap my arms securely around him and press my face into his jacket, probably alerting him to the fact that this new thing might be bad but I don’t care. I definitely don’t look up when I feel him look down at the top of my head. “I thought about saying yes.” I whisper. “For a moment, I pictured a life with him. Or, really, any normal guy with a… a nine to five job and a tie who wants 2.5 kids and a picket fence.” He’s so nice to cuddle. So round and strong and cuddly. It makes this easier to push out. “How I could… I could say yes, and still get what I thought I would get all my life before meeting you. A normal family, with people like me. To raise a baby the way I always said I would, not like my parents. And for a second it… it was exciting. I even half wanted it.”
He goes stiff again, and I nearly panic again. I want to tell him immediately that I’m kidding, its all a joke! I would never want anything apart from this life here with you, I’m sorry!! But again, I know panicking would be a bad idea. And I’m past blabbering in the face of danger, at this point. Being in love with a monster.
“But then the moment passed over me, Jason.” Its nice to say his name. Makes everything feel right. Puts it all in perspective. This is Jason. He’s the reason I transformed my life into this, and I wouldn’t take back that decision for anything. He is everything. “Second of all, I realised: I met freaking Leatherface, and he’s the most adorable pseudo-cousin-in-law a girl could ask for. I fought Freddy Fucking Krueger. I’m in love with you so much I’m beyond repair. I wouldn’t fit in that dream life anymore. In no universe would it be enough next to this.” I’ve met the darkness, and I could never go back. It’s weird, I’ve never been more comfortable anywhere. “But the first thought that came to me, stopping me in my tracks was you, of course. What else, honestly.” I tighten my grip on him, and feel his big hand slowly touch my back, nearly the width of my back. “I couldn’t live without you.”
“I never understood what people meant when they described their partners as their worlds before but during this moment, I figured it out. I realised that that is how I was feeling about you. I didn’t even know it. But you are, you’re my world. And that is as complicated and as simple as that.”
He doesn’t utilise a moment this time, and just hugs me to his body, enwrapping me in his arms and his chest entirely and leaning forward so his knocks against my head gently. I take this as a ‘I feel the same’, and giggle, enjoying our cuddle.
“Oh, sweetheart. I made a whole little speech there. I serenaded you, do you feel overwhelmed??” I slightly tease, but my grip back on him is too tight I’m sure, for him to take me seriously. He still sighs heavily into my shoulder though, making me giggle.
I give him a little kiss of the closest bit of skin available to me, the side of his head and secure my arms around him again, settling into this, smiling. I guess we’re making a night of it now. 
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
We Are A Family-Part 32
Title: We Are A Family. Pairings: Steve x tony, Peter x Wade, Nat x Clint, Sam x Bucky. Part: 32/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slowburn. Summary: When Nat comes into the avengers tower with baby Peter Parker, the avengers didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. But now that Peter is here,Steve and Tony both feel protective over him. It doesn’t help that Peter hates everyone other than Steve and tony. But as Steve and tony raise Peter, they start to fall for one another. Will this superfamily work out or will it all turn to hell? A/N: sorry for the angst lol
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31
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Tony went to therapy and most days had to drag Steve to come with him. They were both struggling with coming to terms with the loss of their son. They were both struggling for different reasons. Tony because his son had died in his arms, Steve because he thought he should have been able to do something to prevent this.
“but how is the relationship between the two of you?” the therapist asked and Tony glanced over to Steve.
“It’s been good, but hard.” Steve said and Tony nodded.
“Why hard?” Steve glanced to Tony who gave Steve a gentle smile.
“Well, before Peter,” Steve swallowed and Tony took Steve’s hand. “We hated each other, and then we adopted him and uh, fell in love.” Tony nodded along, the therapist took note of something on her stupid clipboard. A part of Tony hated therapy, but he knew the benefit of going was worth sitting through these sessions. Even on the days where he felt like no progress had been made, like they weren’t getting anywhere. But the nightmares were becoming less frequent and his panic attacks weren’t lasting as long, so maybe things were improving.
“so without Peter…” she trailed off and Tony glanced out the window, wishing for this session to be over. at first all they talked about with their therapist was Peter, mourning and grieving, and they still were. But Tony hated talking about Pete, it was too painful on days like today.
“There’s no routine for us to fall back into, our old routine involved our son and now we don’t-“ Steve cut himself off and took a deep and calming breath and Tony squeezed Steve’s hand. A lump formed in his throat and he didn’t trust himself to speak without crying.
“have you considered adopting another child? There were plenty of children who lost their parents in the snap as it’s called.” Tony’s head snapped towards her, she smiled sympathetically and this time it was Steve’s turn to squeeze Tony’s hand.
“I’m not sure that we’re in the right place to take on a child.” Steve said and Tony nodded in agreement. He wouldn’t replace Peter, no fucking way.
“well I think it would be worth consideration.” Tony nodded politely, but had no intention with following through with it.
Steve was worried about Tony who was looking at the therapist like she’d grown a three extra heads.
“Thank you, we’ll think about it. another thing is, I don’t know what to call Tony.” Steve admitted and now Tony looked at Steve like he’d grown three extra heads.
“Huh?” Tony asked and Steve took a deep breath, he did that a lot nowadays. Took deep breaths to calm himself down so he didn’t say or do anything stupid or rash. Every day he and Natasha worked on their plan, determined to bring everyone back. Nat had employed several people to help, people who could look over the universe and throughout space for another solution, but they hadn’t found anything. And with each therapy session, Steve grew more frustrated.
“Well, when we meet new people…” Steve trailed off and Tony’s brows furrowed. He was so adorable when he looked like that. With wide eyes and brows drawn together that formed a little crease in his forehead. Not to mention the little pout he made.
“I still don’t get it Steve.” Tony said and Steve bit his lip, carefully choosing his next words.
“Well what are we doing exactly? We got divorced and-“
“You were brainwashed Steve.”
“But we still signed a legal document. So do I call you my boyfriend, ex-husband, husband, fiancé?” Tony leaned back into the seat and his face rearranged to his deep thinking face. The therapist took notes.
“So you want a label Steve?” The therapist asked and Steve shrugged.
“Yeah, I guess so. I just want to know where we stand and what this is exactly.” Tony bit his lip and Steve’s stomach flipped. If he could, he’d go back to being Tony’s husband in a heartbeat. But that may not be an option anymore, Tony might not be ready to make that commitment again. Yes they had said they were sorry and all was supposedly forgiven and understood and they both had said I love you, but that didn’t necessarily mean Tony wanted to get married again.
“Tones?” Steve asked after a long silence had filled the room. Tony’s eyes met Steve’s and his face softened, Steve wasn’t sure if that was a good sign. God, how was it after everything they’d been through-how could Tony still make Steve so nervous?
“I just wasn’t expecting that, I don’t know.” Steve nodded, unsure what that meant exactly.
“Would you like to get married again?” the therapist asked and Steve looked down at their hands. He wished he’d brought this up in private rather than in therapy.
Tony felt like he was a deer caught in headlights. What did he say? He didn’t know what was the right response here. Steve was looking at their hands and his breaths were deep and even. But Tony could practically feel the anxiety rolling off of him. If he took too long to answer, it would look like a no. but Tony didn’t want to say no, but he didn’t want to say yes either.
“Umm…” he trailed off as he searched for the words to explain himself.
“You know what, we don’t have to do this now, I have to meet Nat.” Steve pulled his hand free and practically ran from the room, Tony’s mouth fell open. Seriously? Did he really think that Tony was about to reject him?
“Tony?” the therapist asked and Tony turned back to her.
“I want to do it, I just always pictured Peter there if we did get married again. I guess it’s just another adjustment I need to make. It’s fine, I’ll talk to him.” Then Tony stood up and also left, they only had five minutes left of their appointment anyway. But by the time Tony got outside, Steve was long gone.
“Dammit Steven.” Tony grumbled but there was no one other than the secretary in the hallway to hear him.
The meeting with Natasha was as unsuccessful as all the other meetings had been. Steve walked around New York for an extra two hours before his feet carried him back home. He was nervous, and knew he’d upset Tony. He shouldn’t have walked out like that. But god, he was making a fool of himself. He was expecting too much, asking too much and he hadn’t been able to handle Tony’s rejection. But then again, Tony hadn’t said no. he hadn’t said anything really, just umm. Steve hadn’t given him the opportunity to say anything else. He hadn’t wanted to be rejected, but he had caught Tony off guard. When he let himself into the avengers compound it was quiet, empty. The lights were all off.
“Hello?” he called out just on the off chance that someone was hiding out in their room. But no one answered. He made his way to the kitchen and found a note waiting for him. It was Tony’s handwriting, and there was just an address. But Steve recognised it instantly, their old apartment. He pulled out his phone and called Tony.
“Steven.” Tony said and Steve’s stomach dropped.
“I know I shouldn’t have bailed, I’m sorry, but why do you want me to go to the apartment?” Steve asked and grabbed his keys.
“just get your ass over there, alright?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“ill see you soon.” And then Tony hung up. Dammit. Steve moved to the garage, each step he took made his stomach twist and churn in a new and different way. Tony was going to kill him. God, he was an idiot, he’d gotten a second chance and he’d ruined it. there was nothing else he could do now, he’d lost Tony.
Tony was nervous as he stood in the candlelit room. He anxiously waited for Steve to show up and his heart pounded in his chest, what if Steve didn’t come? What if Steve rejected him? How was he still so uncertain about their relationship, even after all these years?
“Tony?” he heard after a knock at the door. Tony took a deep and steadying breath and then Steve opened the door.
“Hey Stevie.” Tony said as Steve took in the scene before him; the empty apartment filled with lit candles, Tony in a suit in the middle of it all, on one knee and heart in his throat.
“Tones?” he asked and Tony smiled gently as Steve shut the door behind him.
“When someone asks you who I am, I don’t want their to be any uncertainty. I want you to be able to say I’m your husband, I want you to look at me and know that we are married, I don’t want their to be any confusion here. I don’t want it to be easy for one of us to ever walk away. I want us to be married again.” There it was, Tony’s heart out on the line. Yet again, and Steve could break it once again if he wanted. But Steve’s face just softened and he dropped to his knees, pulling Tony into a tight hug.
“I love you.” Steve whispered and Tony relaxed in Steve’s arms.
“Thank god.” He mumbled against Steve’s chest.
“I thought you were calling me over to dump me.” Steve admitted and Tony laughed.
“As if I could dump you.”
“After everything I’ve done?”
“We’ve been over that Steve, it wasn’t your fault.”
“it was still me, even if it was him, it was still me.”
“Do you understand how stupid you sound when you say that?” Tony asked and Steve snorted. But even though they’d agreed to get remarried, there was a heaviness in Steve’s chest.
“I have to tell you something.” Steve admitted and Tony quirked a brow.
“What?” but Steve couldn’t meet Tony’s eyes. He’d be angry, for Steve lying. For keeping a secret so huge. But Steve didn’t want to lie to Tony if they were getting remarried, he couldn’t keep this a secret.
“Nat and I, we’ve been working on bringing everyone back.” At that, Tony pulled out of Steve’s arms.
“just because thanos destroyed the stones doesn’t mean they’re gone. their energy still exists, we just have to find it and learn how to harness it.”
“And then what?” Tony snapped and Steve suddenly felt defensive. He hadn’t expected Tony to be happy, but he also hadn’t expected so much anger.
“And then we’d bring everyone back. We’d bring Peter back.” Steve just wanted Tony to understand, wanted Tony to stop looking at him with so much anger.
“And what if it doesn’t work? What if it’s just one wild goose chase huh?” Tony asked and Steve shook his head.
“it’s not.”
“then what leads do you have. What proof?” tony was near hysterical and Steve winced, this had been a mistake but there was no going back now.
“none so far, but we’re working on it.”
“No, you’re not.” Tony shook his head and Steve frowned.
“I can’t let you spend the rest of your life searching for him. You can’t chase a ghost for the rest of your life.”
“Don’t you want Peter back?”
“Of course I do! There’s nothing more that I could ever possibly want other than for Peter to be alive. But just because I want it doesn’t mean it’s something I can have. And I can’t let you chase this for the rest of your life. I won’t watch you lose yourself in this.” Steve was taken aback by that. Tony was furious but Steve couldn’t back down. He couldn’t let this go.
“I can’t just go on knowing that I should have been there.”
“is that what this is about?” Tony asked and Steve looked away, clenched his jaw.
“I should have been there.”
“But you weren’t. we lost and a lot of people died, including our son. But you can’t just bring him back, that option died when Thanos destroyed the stones.” Steve shook his head.
“That might be something you’re willing to accept, but not me. I have to keep fighting for our son.” Steve’s eyes met Tony’s and the scene that had originally seemed romantic now seemed like a nightmare.
“Steve we have to learn to let him go, we can’t just pretend like he’s going to walk through the door and come home from school at any moment. He’s gone and I miss him every fucking day, but I can’t let you do this.”
“You can’t stop me from doing this.” Steve said and the room fell silent. Steve hated this but he knew where this argument was going. He’d have to choose between saving Peter and losing Tony. How the hell was he supposed to choose between the two people that he loved the most in this world? Between his husband and his son?
“So that’s it then?” Tony asked, not voicing the ultimatum that he was giving Steve.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Steve whispered and Tony squeezed his eyes shut.
“Then give this up, let it go and we can learn to move on.” Tony pleaded but Steve shook his head.
“I can’t do that.” And so they stood there, taking one another in, like it was the last time they ever would.
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