#but also Kacchan will always be Kacchan to Izuku no matter what happens between them
seagreenstardust · 1 month
Izuku “so polite I can’t even imagine calling friends by their first names even if they ask me to but I will stubbornly use Kacchan for my enemy turned rival turned friend turned ??!? until my very last dying breath” Midoriya
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Second season of My weird roommate, Midoriya Izuku!
Chapter 1 - Slow and Steady
Summary: … Maybe giving Y/N a tour around the agency right after getting together wasn’t the brightest idea. It’s still fun, though, but cuddling on the sofa would be better. (Izuku’s words, not mine.)
Y/N learns that Izuku is a big fan of PDA. Maybe it would have been a better idea to talk about their relationship before getting outed in front of the whole office in the first five minutes. Not like any of them cares, really.
Part 1 of the Agency Tour!
Warnings: Suggestive, swear words, tooth-rotting fluff
Let’s go through the happenings of the last 24 hours together.
But before that…
Let’s close the door after ourselves.
Take a deep breath.
Now scream.
“Oh my fucking god, what’s happening right now?!”
Yes. Perfect.
Now you can grin like a lunatic for the next ten minutes while you get yourself together.
You and pro hero Deku… are a thing now. For real. Okay, you haven’t technically had the ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’ talk yet, but let’s be honest, none of you want less than that, that’s quite clear.
You are also extremely proud of yourself because finally, for once in your life, you actually took the matter into your own hands and sorted your problems out yourself instead of waiting for baby Jesus to do it for you. That’s character development, ladies and gents and everyone in between! And if that’s not enough to feel like the happiest nerd in the whole world, Izuku kissed you all night and now you are getting ready to see his agency, which was your biggest dream since Deku first showed up on the TV screen.
Actually, why the heck did you never ask him to show you around anyway?
Oh yeah, you had no balls until yesterday.
Well, technically, you still don’t have any, thank god because that would be a really messed up plot twist and this fanfiction would definitely loose 90% of its audience.
Okay, let’s calm down now and start getting ready before Izuku changes his mind about loving you after seeing how late you are for everything.
You sprint out of your bedroom after 10 minutes, panting; somehow, you managed to straighten your hair and do a light make up, which is probably thanks to the fact that you didn’t need to think about the clothes that much as Izuku let you wear the random hoodie you accidentally took out of his dresser a few minutes ago.
“Did you have a sparring session with Kacchan in that room?” Izuku looks at you fondly, tiny sparkles swimming in his beautiful, pine green eyes. Melissa is probably waiting in the car already.
“I’m way too excited.” You grin while you continue panting like a madman. Izuku snorts at that, urging you to come over; you run into his arms, embracing him tightly, tiny little butterflies fluttering their wings in your chest as he hides his face in the crook of your neck like he always does, but this time, it feels different; shiver goes down your spine as you feel his breath warming up your skin, there are goosebumps all over you as Izuku leaves a tiny kiss in the crook of your neck, mumbling vehemently about how happy he is to be able to do this now and it really takes you a lot of self-control to push the hero away gently for the sake of your own sanity.
“Are you ready to go, Sweets?” Izuku smiles and moves back into your personal space, leaving tiny kisses on your cheek while he giggles like a lovesick kid having a crush for the first time.
“Hmm… fuck yes.” You grin while you pull the hero out of the flat aggressively. As you move towards the elevator you turn around and start walking backwards, just so you can see his face, because you can’t even stand not to see him for 30 seconds.
“You’ll trip and fall.” Izuku giggles and runs towards you, pulling you up into his arms right away. He then manhandles you until you end up sitting on his shoulders. You try not to tell him how hot that was. The amount of power he has in his arms is absolutely insane and his arms aren’t even the strongest parts of his body as his main weapons are his legs. You are quite sure he could explode a watermelon with them without even flinching.
“I can break a watermelon with my thighs, yes. We tried it once when we were drunk in the forest. Iida told us we can’t use knives while we’re wasted so we had find a way to open it up.”
“How much did I say out loud?” You whimper with your eyes scrunched together. Honestly, why are you like this?
“Let’s just say I’m glad you don’t see the color of my face right now.” Izuku giggles as he steps into the elevator. When you get to his car he decides to play around for a bit; he throws you up in the air and catches you mid fall, then throws you up a few more times until you can’t help but scream, terrified. He carries you bridal style to the car and when he gets to the door he decides to flex a bit more by carrying you with one arm while he opens the door for you with his other hand.
“Was this really necessary?” You pant, still clinging to his shoulders on his left side.
“Well, you said you liked it and I love to please.” Midoriya says innocently.
Don’t say it.
Don’t say it.
“Honestly, you two!” Melissa giggles. “Let’s go! Also, if you don’t want everyone to know what you’ve been up to all night, I would probably tune the lovey-dovey stuff down a notch.” She winks and this time, Izuku almost drops you on the floor.
Needless to say, you are both red as a tomato as you make your way inside the car silently.
“Oh my fucking god.” You look up at the massive building in front of you. You knew that the agency is massive, but it’s honestly something else up this close. The building itself is white but on the two top corners there are three diagonal stripes in the colors of the two hero’s outfits; Katsuki’s side is orange, dark green and black, Izuku’s side is green, silver and red. In case you are still wondering which side of the agency belongs to who there are two beautiful, metallic plates with the logo of each hero on their side; the lucky people who managed to get a tour around the agency tend to use the logo as a backdrop for their Instagram photos but it’s mostly just fellow heroes who tend to use it as the agency is almost completely off the table for civilians.
“We obviously have a back entrance, but I wanted you to see the front as it’s really hard to see it from outside, thanks to the exclusive car park in front of it.” Izuku mumbles as he puts his hands on the small of your back. “May I take a picture with you in front of the sign?” Izuku says in the most flirty way possible. Damn, this guy will be the death of you.
It only takes a shy nod for him to push you towards the massive Deku logo with his phone in his hands; he gives a quick kiss on your forehead as his phone clicks and the picture is done and… well… the final result is absolutely fucking adorable. Your face is all red and shy and there is a tiny blush on Izuku’s face as well as he leans in. There is a tiny happy smile on his face and his eyes are sparkling with affection.
“If this picture gets out, you are fucked.” You giggle as you send the picture to yourself on his phone.
“Well, I’m quite sure I’m more than capable of protecting you if that ever happens.” Izuku mumbles with dark eyes. “Also, I’m not ashamed of you. I have no reason to be.”
You will never get used to the way Izuku smiles at you. You swear he’ll give you a heart attack one day. It’s also extremely hard not to kiss him when he looks at you like you are the best thing on this whole planet.
“Let’s go in before I attack you with my mouth in front of your whole agency.” You whisper under your nose with a red face. Izuku’s blush can’t get deeper at this point. He looks like a lobster and it’s adorable.
“Yeah, I would absolutely hate that.” Izuku mumbles back as he makes his way towards the entrance, clearly thinking the opposite of what he’s saying. Well, damn.
“Deku-san!” A young girl yells from the counter by the entrance but you are too busy to freak out about how absolutely badass the inside looks like; just like the outside, the inside has two different designs; behind the main counter, there is another massive logo, but this time, instead of having the two logos next to each other, it’s half Deku and half Bakugou in one single logo and it’s sick as fuck.
If that’s not enough, the massive hall is also two different colors; Dark orange walls on Dynamight’s side, with small explosions coming out of the main logo, then dark green walls on the other side with black whip coming out of the main logo, snaking around the wall like tentacles.
There are two booths in the two corners for interviews, a waiting area with massive sofas but this is as far as a person can go if they don’t work for the agency. There are two massive stairways on the left and the right side of the hall, and by the look of it, the door only opens with fingerprints.
“The glass door is actually bulletproof.” Izuku says proudly. The young girl makes a high pitched noise for some reason.
“Deku-san, please refrain from telling insider information until the lady signed the NDA.”
“I don’t think this counts as that, Kay.” Izuku smiles at her but you can see the annoyance on his pretty little face. “Also, she’s technically family for both Katsuki and me, does she really need to sign that?”
“Deku-san, I’m quite sure even your mother had to sign it.” The lady sighs.
“So what am I signing?” You look up at Izuku questioningly.
“A non-disclosure agreement. Basically, whatever I say and whatever you see here, you are not allowed to tell anyone. Not even your friends and family.” Izuku retorts with a frown on his face. Why is he so mad about this?
“Yeah, that’s fine. Don’t be so grumpy about it. It’s common sense, really.” You say softly while your hand caresses his arms soothingly. You can feel the tension leaving his body as he nods silently, a little bit ashamed of his own sassiness.
“Yeah, sorry. I just hate to do this to you.” He sighs but takes the paperwork from Kay’s hands and moves towards the sofas to sit down with you. You go through the paperwork quickly and sign it on the bottom and Izuku leads you towards the massive staircase after putting the paperwork on the counter for Kay.
Just as the glass door closes behind you and you are far away enough from the main hall to not be seen right away… Izuku decides to turn your whole world upside down by pulling you into one of the corners, your back meeting the wall with a loud thump. His hands rest on the wall, your head right between them.
You’ve never had a heart attack before but this is how you imagine it. This shit can’t be normal.
“I imagined this so many times and I hated myself every time for being so… cheeky.” Izuku mumbles, his face blushed but so-so utterly happy it breaks your heart and puts it back together, all at the same time.
“You wanted to assault someone on the staircase? That’s not too hero-like of you.” You snicker, playing dumb. Izuku’s smile fades.
“Was I too rough?” He mumbles as he tries to pull away, but you quickly change your positions; you use all your strength to push him into the wall the same way he did to you. Izuku yelps, but it sounds more like a whine to be honest and that does some things to your body. This man will be the death of you.
“Was I too rough?” You ask with your hands on his two sides; there is no way you can reach the wall next to his head when you are a size of a hobbit compared to him.
“Is it really dirty if I say that I enjoyed it?” Izuku mutters with a red face.
“Is it really dirty to say I enjoyed it too?” You giggle into his chest.
“This conversation ends here and now.” Izuku takes a few deep breaths, his fist curling into the fabric of your hoodie at the back.
“I thought you wanted to kiss me?” You smile into his shirt, full of confidence; you did this to him. You did this, and you barely had to do anything for it. Your life is a stupid fanfiction.
“I don’t think I can stop for the next two hours if I do, Sweets.” He pants. “I mean… well… you know what I mean. I think. I don’t really know what I’m talking about anymore. I really like your confidence?”
You can’t help but laugh out loudly at that. Izuku looks at you with question marks in his eyes.
“That’s a really chivalrous way to say you like to be manhandled, Izu. Also, noted.” You wink at the hero; Izuku literally gapes at you, mouth hanging dramatically as you move further and further, ready to run if it’s needed.
“You are such a shithead.” Izuku laughs while he shakes his head. If he’s trying to fake disappointment, he’s doing a really shitty job at that.
“Language.” You giggle as you both make your way up the remaining stairs.
Deku’s agency is bustling with energy; there is music coming from the speakers on the wall, staff members running around with paperwork while the heroes lounge on the sofas in one of the corners of the massive, open space. There is another radio in the middle of the coffee table that’s connected to the police radio. The whole team perks up when they see their boss smiling, sunshine coming out of his ass when he pulls you closer protectively as the staff members and fellow heroes come closer and closer to inspect the new person.
You have so many questions about this room but the words die in your throat from the sudden attention.
“Hi.” You mumble into the space, almost hiding behind Izuku like a shy 5 year old.
“This must be the famous Sweet Pea.” One of his assistant disturbs the awkward silence with a knowing smile on her face. Izuku’s hands clench on your back, like he’s surprised by the comment.
“How did you know?” Izuku mumbles shyly.
“Well, this might be awkward for you, especially in front of her, so please forgive me for my rudeness, but your eyes shine the same way they do when you talk about her. Actually, it’s even more obnoxious now, please stop. There are lonely, single people up here who would kill to have what you have.”
“Is it that obvious?” Izuku scratches the back of his head with a small blush on his pretty little face. You have no idea what they are talking about anymore.
“Yeah, hun.” The assistant answers with a tiny chuckle and she goes back to her task. The people around you start to scatter, leaving the two of you alone, finally. Everyone was really nice and friendly but this whole thing is so overwhelming already, it was getting a bit too much for your heart.
“Before you start with your questions, let me tell you the basics about this floor.” Izu straightens up, using his best tour guide voice. You can’t help but giggle. “This room is where all the paperwork happens, even though I’m quite sure you realized that already.” He giggles. “And that corner with the massive sofa and the police radio is for all the heroes who don’t want to spend their time alone in their offices. I came up with that idea after a really mentally exhausting fight. Sitting alone in my office with no background noise was absolutely terrible. Sometimes, the silence can trigger your own negative thoughts as there is nothing to focus on, just your own voice telling you about all your flaws and how you’ll never be good enough for this job.” Izuku barely whispers the last bit of the sentence. You reach out for his hand automatically and he takes it without a second thought. “After a while, everyone started to use this space to chat around until the police radio goes off with something interesting. Obviously, this radio isn’t our main source of information, we have a 24/7 team on standby further down the hall who get to sort through missions and delegate them and we also have an emergency line which is connected to the emergency speakers and it can be heard all over the agency, even in the bathrooms. Thankfully, we haven’t had to use that one for a while.” Deku gives you a sad smile, probably remembering the last time the emergency sound blasted through the office.
It’s almost impossible not to act on your desires; on the urge to stroke his cheeks soothingly until he becomes putty in your hands, until he hides his face in the crook of your neck and a massive sigh leaves his mouth, warming up your sensitive spot until it burns, knowing you don’t need to feel ashamed anymore for liking it so much. Somehow, Izuku senses what you are trying to say, feels the protectiveness and the want, senses the sudden change in the air as you stare at the man of your dreams; his eyes get dark for only a second before they melt into a fond look, soft and pliant. It’s hot, but not burning, stinging but somehow, still soothing. Someone coughs in the background; the rest of the office starts giggling; you feel left out of the joke and so is Izuku.
“What happened?” Izuku asks politely, touching his face to see if there’s something on his mouth or on his face that makes the whole room giggle. “Is it something on my face?”
“No, no! You are all good, boss!” A blue skinned office worker answers for the team with a polite smile. “I think it’s time to show your… friend your office maybe?”
More giggles erupt in the background and Izuku is still clueless.
Your face slowly becomes redder and redder as the awkward silence continues.
“I think what they’re trying to say is that it’s time for us to continue our tour. Yeah.” You giggle awkwardly, shoving the hero towards the corridor on the right side. “Oh, look! More rooms! Exciting!”
Okay, you are doing a really shitty job at pretending you two didn’t just stop in the middle of the main office to eye-fuck each other and made the whole office laugh with your shenanigans, but you are doing your best.
“That’s the toilet.” Izuku deadpans, his face scrunched into a confused, adorable look. He’s so precious, goddammit. “Let’s go this way, I want to show you the gym, then there’s the communication room, the CCTV room, the hero offices, the cafeteria…” Izuku mumbles while he pulls you towards the furthest end of the hallway, clearly in a hurry. The deeper you two go the less people you bump into; you try to stop abruptly but it doesn’t really go the way you wanted it to; instead of him jerking to a stop you almost slip as he still manages to pull you forward even with your feet strongly planted on the floor. Sometimes, you forget how strong your… roommate?… is.
“Why are you in such a hurry, Izu? Am I bothering you? Do you want me to get out as soon as I can?” You mumble with a sad face. “If this is not the right time, we can come back later or not do this at all, Izuku, it’s fine…”
No, it’s not really fine. You want to see everything, you want to spend as much time with the hero as you can, but if it’s too much for him…
“Sweet Pea, for the love of god, I just want to get to my office so I can finally kiss you before I explode.” Izuku pants, his face flushed, but somehow still neutral. Damn, that’s boss Izuku for you, ladies and gents. “I also want to get home and cuddle. Talk about… us. I want to yell from the top of my lungs and show you off like you’re the most valuable treasure I’ve ever put my hands on. These sentences do not connect to each other at all so I guess I’m rambling nonsense again. I also said too much. Fuck.”
… and now he swears. Blimey governor, this must be the end of the world.
“Izuku, I absolutely fucking love you.” You grin while tears pool in your eyes from the sudden wave of happiness. Honestly, words can’t describe this feeling, it’s so overwhelming but so good, there is a new kind of warmth in your chest you’ve never felt before, soft and fulfilling, like the world can crumble in front of your feet but even that wouldn’t be enough to ruin the giddiness in your heart. “And you know what the best part is?”
“What?” Izuku doesn’t even try to stay out of your personal space anymore, he’s right in front of you with his hands on your hips, one palm moving up and down your sides like he can’t get enough.
“That there’s no need to hurry.” You smile at him giddily. “Because we have all our lives to do all of that. I’m not going anywhere. So let’s enjoy this moment instead of running through all the good parts, yeah? Slow…” You push yourself up to leave a tiny peck on the hero’s lips. Fuck, you still can’t believe you can do that. “And steady.” You end the sentence with another kiss, deeper, but still chaste. Izuku looks at you like he’s seeing you for the first time, eyes glimmering in the fake lighting of the windowless hallway. It’s the least romantic place in the world, but somehow, this moment couldn’t be more perfect. Izuku leans his forehead on yours while he takes a few, staggered breaths; he tries his best not to grin, but he fails miserably.
“I’ll never let you go.” He mumbles confidently and you can’t help but smile.
“You don’t need to. Not anymore.”
It feels so good to say this out loud, finally.
“I love you. Let’s do this tour properly now. I want you to have the best time of your life here.” Izuku embraces you so tightly it kinda hurts and it’s hard to breathe, but it feels way too nice for you to comment on it.
Needless to say, kissing this man out of the blue yesterday was the best decision of your life.
“Let’s go then, Deku.” You mumble happily as you two fell into a steady rhythm by each other’s side, shamelessly holding hands in the empty corridor.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Bloody hell, I thought I’ll never post again, dude! Life has been hectic, as you all know already. I’m still not sure how often I’ll be able to post but I’ll do my best!
- About all the suggestiveness in this chapter: I really hope I was able to show you how even the dirtiest conversations sound innocent from Deku’s mouth and there is a reason for that; he might have these cheeky thoughts but he’s actually a really sweet and calm lover, so if you are alarmed by all the suggestiveness, don’t worry. This is a sweet little story so even if thinks go further than a few kisses it will stay sweet. :D
- Yes, Deku’s agency is connected to Dynamight’s, there will be more info about that in the next chapter!
- I hope this long ass chapter was a good enough apology for you, guys! Have a lovely day 🥦
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! 🥦
TL: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover
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silverynight · 2 years
Comfort omega
Chapter 3
When Izuku gets home he realizes he's more tired than he initially thought, but he takes a shower anyway and starts making dinner before Aoyama arrives.
With relief, he realizes he smells like himself again; being a comfort omega usually means getting back to his apartment with different scents all over him. It's difficult when he's still at work and has to quickly clean his neck or change his t-shirt in the middle of the day before taking care of another alpha. Most of them are possessive and territorial and they're even worse when they're in a tense situation, no matter if they're aware the omega who is approaching them doesn't belong to them... or anyone for that matter.
Izuku hears a few knocks on his door before turning off the stove and welcoming his guest.
"Mon ami!" Aoyama grins from ear to ear, showing him a chocolate box and a few bags of chips. "I brought snacks!"
While Izuku starts setting up the table, Aoyama sits on the couch to choose the movie for that night, he also talks about his day. It's mostly the usual: getting to help a few civilians and pro heroes relax and feel better while the paramedics do their jobs.
Right before they start eating dinner, Izuku decides to tell his friend about Bakugo, about what happened during work...
"You ran away," Aoyama comments, startling the other omega.
"What do you mean?"
"He told you to wait and you panicked. Why?" His friend looks a little bit amused for some reason.
"I-I didn't panic!" Izuku stammers, feeling suddenly nervous. "Kacchan is not... I'm not scared of him."
For a couple of minutes, while Aoyama starts washing the dishes, there's nothing but silence between them and Izuku doesn't like it because it makes him remember what happened, it makes him think about the blond alpha.
"I didn't mean that," Aoyama says after a while, like he didn't stop talking at all. He takes Izuku's hand and leads him towards the couch. "I think you're scared because even though you haven't seen him in years until now, your relationship can never be professional; he knows you too well for that."
Izuku sighs; as usual, Aoyama is right. The problem is that he hasn't made a choice; part of him thinks the chance of seeing him again is almost nonexistent (because he's not the only comfort omega who helps pro heroes) but the truth is that if it happened once, it could happen again. Most of his co-workers are not that strict when it comes to setting boundaries with the alphas they have helped or are currently helping.
But Izuku doesn't want to risk it, sometimes closeness and hormones lead to confusion and both omegas and alphas end up heartbroken because of it.
Comfort omegas can't mate because alphas in a wild state would immediately know if the omega who's trying to help them is mated and most of them react in a bad way when they smell another alpha on them... That's why they must remain unmated and if they have decided to settle down and have pups they must quit their job immediately.
However, that doesn't mean they can't make friends or spend time with alphas in a platonic way...
Izuku could do that with Bakugo, they can try to be friends again; it's not like Izuku wants an alpha and he's sure Bakugo would never want an omega like him anyway.
They can be friends as long as Izuku never comforts him again.
"I think you should give him a chance. He said he wanted to make it up to you after all..." Aoyama mumbles, as if he's been reading his friend's mind this whole time.
"I will." Izuku nods, suddenly determined. However, his shy smile vanishes suddenly. "I don't have his number though..."
Maybe he should leave things be... Or leave it to fate.
They always arrive in vans after the conflict with the villains is over; Izuku only gets to see the aftermath of the fight and sometimes a couple of people getting patched up by the paramedics.
"What's the matter?" He asks the people next to the ambulance.
"It's pro hero Shoto; he had an argument with Endeavor and now his left side is on fire and he refuses to get help," one of the civilians explains.
"Is his father still here?" Izuku knows a little bit about the situation: Endeavor is a terrible father and pro hero Shoto hates him, not that Izuku blames him though. Besides, since they're both alphas, things usually get a lot more complicated when they see each other.
"No, the other pro hero yelled at him to get out and he did," another civilian adds. "But he hasn't calmed down."
The omega nods, before taking off his scent patches and rubbing his glands to release his scent as he starts looking for the pro hero. He spots him quickly, pacing around next to a fire hydrant (which Izuku finds a little bit funny). There are some police officers next to him (keeping their distance while looking at him with worry).
It's a good thing his hero suit is made specifically for his type of quirk (Izuku has made a few notes about it) otherwise he'd be half naked at the moment because his left side is actually on fire.
Izuku takes a couple of steps closer to the alpha (he's not afraid actually, he's helped him a couple of times already) and tries to release a calming scent.
The pro hero recognizes him immediately, even before turning around to face him.
"Good afternoon, pro hero Shoto!" Izuku grins like he doesn't feel the warmth coming from the hero due to the flames all over the left side of his body.
"Stop right there, I don't want to hurt you," the alpha mumbles, not realizing that the fire has decreased significantly already... The more Izuku gets closer the less strong it becomes.
"It's alright, alpha. I'm not afraid. I know you won't hurt me."
The omega notices the second Todoroki closes his eyes and takes a deep breath; he's always liked Izuku's scent.
"Is it okay if I hold your right hand?"
Perhaps Todoroki himself has noticed the change because he nods and reaches out to him to keep Izuku away from his left side.
"I am here," the omega mumbles sweetly, remembering the hero he used to admire the most: All Might. He knows he's not a hero, but Izuku enjoys helping people nonetheless.
"Thank you," the pro hero whispers back, shoulders finally relaxing as the flames on his head start disappearing.
"Why don't you talk to me about your sister?" He asks, moving a little bit closer to him. "You told me you were going to share her katsudon recipe with me."
Todoroki chuckles at that and starts telling him about the last time he visited his siblings. Halfway into their conversation, the fire vanishes completely.
"Can I hold you, Midoriya?"
"Of course," Izuku gets pulled into a tight hug as soon as he nods in agreement. He nuzzles against the pro hero's chest and gets a little bit surprised when the alpha almost purrs in response. "What happened?"
"The old man thought he could tell me how to do my job."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright," Todoroki smiles down at him gently. "I shouldn't have let it get to me."
Izuku squeezes his hand gently, feeling as the alpha leans closer to press his nose against his curls.
"Can I have your number?"
"Just in case I need you when I'm not working," Todoroki mumbles, scratching the right side of his face nervously. "I'll pay you, of course."
Izuku knows some of his co-workers do that already; the extra money would be great actually, although he knows it's not good to be around the same alpha a lot.
"Alright... But I'll think about it, if that's okay with you?"
"Of course."
He can smell Midoriya in the break room, but he's not a pro hero so Eijiro knows it must be coming from an alpha... Which is bad because even though Bakugo tries to control himself, Eijiro knows now Midoriya means a lot to him, which is why he gets insanely jealous when that happens.
The good thing is that Bakugo is on patrol at the moment... The bad thing is that the spring like scent comes from Todoroki, Bakugo's rival.
They don't like each other that much and Eijiro knows this could make everything a lot worse.
"Hi, Todoroki!" He grins, sitting next to him.
"Kirishima," the other pro hero nods as he keeps nibbling at his dinner.
"Uhh... If you don't mind me asking... Why do you... smell like that? I mean I think I recognize the omega's scent."
"Oh, yeah. Maybe you have met him as well," Todoroki says. "He's my comfort omega, his name is Midoriya Izuku."
Eijiro bites his bottom lip to stop himself from pointing out that comfort omegas don't belong to any alpha; perhaps Todoroki is just trying to say that Midoriya helped him recently.
"I suppose you saw him today?"
"But uhh... Why haven't you cleaned up yet? I mean isn't a bit distracting to have his scent on you still?"
"I always keep Midoriya's scent on me as long as I can, I like it, it makes me feel better."
"Right..." Eijiro looks around nervously, praying to all the gods that exist Bakugo doesn't come back soon. "So you have seen him a couple of times?"
"Yes, I think our scents are very compatible... that's why I asked for his number so he can help me when I'm not on duty as well," Todoroki explains calmly. He's usually very serious and doesn't talk much, which means that at the moment he's in a very good mood.
"Do you have his number?" Eijiro decides to ignore the part about Todoroki wanting to see Midoriya outside work in order to focus on the number. "Can you give it to me?"
"Why?" When Todoroki narrows his eyes, Eijiro realizes he won't be getting the omega's number anytime soon.
"Because I might need him too?"
"You should ask him yourself then, I don't want him to get mad at me for sharing this with someone else..."
"Come on, bro!"
"Why are you so desperate for it?"
"It's not for me! It's for Bakubro!" Eijiro blurts out, realizing his mistake a little bit too late.
"Bakugo is an aggressive alpha, I don't think I want him near Midoriya..."
"Come on, man! You know you're being unfair! Bakugo is not bad!"
"I still don't think I should be giving anyone Midoriya's number, sorry," Todoroki mumbles, before getting out of the break room.
Eijiro sighs, knowing he just screwed everything.
But he can fix it, right?
It's been a while since Izuku saw something like this; the building has completely collapsed, some people are crying, others are hurt, although most of them seem to be alright.
By the things he's heard from the police it seems the villain was apprehended, most pro heroes in the scene are taking care of the civilians and there are just a few alphas who need help. Then why is someone sitting at the top of the ruins of the building looking down in utter defeat?
"Someone is in the hospital," one of the officers tells Izuku. "A civilian. We don't know if she's going to make it."
Oh. That's why.
"Dynamight is not happy about it," says another and Izuku's heart beats in pain because he knows how Bakugo must feel right now. "I think he needs you."
The omega is not sure why they're talking to him specifically, until he realizes one policewoman was there when he comforted Bakugo the first time.
As soon as Izuku gets closer, he notices the smell of distress coming from the alpha.
He could snap at any moment.
"Dynamight?" He looks up. There's no response. He tries to release his scent, but there's still smoke around and the pro hero is too high up for him to actually smell the omega.
Izuku takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment, knowing he's going to break a couple of rules... But Bakugo needs him and there's no other way to reach him at the moment.
In the blink of an eye, the alpha jumps from the ruined building, slowing his fall with the explosions that come from his hands.
"Izuku," Bakugo says in a whisper, before pulling the omega closer as he sits on the ground to place Izuku on his lap.
"Kacchan," he mumbles, running his fingers through the blond's hair before Bakugo buries his face in the curve of his neck and takes a deep breath.
"I've missed you."
"Me too."
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greyfrey3 · 2 years
[Warning: fictional disaster]
Izuku knows what he is about to do isn’t the smartest. He’s seen the news. It’s not good, and what’s breaking is only worse. The casualty count can only go up from here.
He knows that at times like these, Kacchan wants to be left alone. He wants to soak in his misery, punch holes through walls and scream until his voice goes hoarse.
But Izuku also knows that leaving him alone is not an option.
There is no hesitation as he drops down from the skyscraper, cushioning his landing with his quirk. Though he doesn’t speak, he makes a show of announcing his presence, tapping his steel-toed boots a few times against the exposed metal beams as he walks on them.
When Izuku has a bad day, he retreats to the highest rooftop in the city. Kacchan is the opposite. There’s a structure he likes to go to, one that the construction crews haven’t finished yet. But it’s short— a mess of frames and partial walls, surrounded on all sides by taller, windowless buildings.
The key is windowless. Kacchan can’t see anyone and no one can see him.
The perfect hiding spot.
Only Izuku knows about it. Well, him and the lone patrol car that’s stationed at ground level for the night. Izuku’s not surprised when Kacchan greets him without turning around.
“Go away,” he mutters. It’s missing the usual string of profanities— not good.
“Hi, Kacchan,” Izuku calls back.
Handling the other hero when he’s upset is an art that only Izuku is master of. He knows he can’t be too gentle or Kacchan will accuse him of being patronizing. He can’t be too harsh either, or the blonde might take a swing at him.
So he sits a few feet away from him, facing the same brick wall, and dangles his feet over the fifteen story drop.
“You took out your ear piece,” he observes, eyeing the device.
“Couldn’t listen any more.”
“Ah.” He doesn’t add anything else. Just lets the silence between them breathe. It’s not easy. He wants to tell him it’ll be okay or that it isn’t his fault. But he knows after years of being together that it’s better to sit there. Quietly.
‘Just be there for me.’ Kacchan had told him once, when something similar had happened a while back. So Izuku does exactly that.
A few minutes pass. Then, “I’m going back. I just need a minute,” Kacchan declares fiercely. Izuku can hear the strain in his voice— he’s on the verge of losing his composure.
Izuku already called him out for the rest of the day. No one is expecting him to finish his patrol, but he nods anyway as if he agrees.
“You take as much time as you need. Uraraka is covering.”
No way is he going to let Kacchan go anywhere near the disaster zone again.
Kacchan swears quietly. Izuku takes it as permission to speak.
“It’s not your fault,” he asserts.
Kacchan snorts in disbelief. “Oh really? Great. I’ll make sure to tell all the grieving families that.”
Izuku frowns, brows creasing in concern.
“Quit looking at me.”
Obediently, he averts his gaze, staring at the distance that stretches between them and the ground below. It’s enough to make him a little queasy. But he’ll do anything for Kacchan. Even sit next to him on a half-finished roof while he grieves.
“Hey, Kacchan. Do you remember what you told me, after that car crash last year?” he ventures softly.
“You said: ‘no matter what you do, people are going to die. They’ll do it without your permission and always at the worst possible moment.’”
“…stupid,” Kacchan says though Izuku isn’t sure who he’s directing it towards.
So he continues, “‘You can’t save everyone, Deku. You can try, but that’s reality.’”
Kacchan doesn’t respond for a long time. He looks positively vulnerable as he sits and stares at his open, empty hands. “I could have done better.”
He closes his palm into a trembling fist. “That building. I saw that it was going to collapse.”
Izuku climbs back to his feet. He knows where this is going. Carefully, he moves towards the other hero. “You did.”
“I could have warned everyone!” he exclaims like he’s about to lose control and unleash an explosion.
“You could have.” Izuku leaves out the part where a one-second lead time wouldn’t have helped anyone.
“I’m a failure!” Kacchan growls.
Izuku knows that if he tells him he’s not, it’ll fall on deaf ears. So he does the opposite. He provokes him. “You should quit, then.”
“BULLSHIT!” Kacchan wheels on him, eyes wide and shining. “You don’t believe that!”
Izuku is close enough now that he can card his fingers through the other’s hair. So he removes one dirty glove and does exactly that. “Of course I don’t. And neither should you.”
He plays with the blonde strands, running blunt fingernails over his scalp, just like he’ll do at home later, when they’re lying in bed.
“You’re not supposed to agree with me,” Kacchan grumbles, leaning back until his head rests against Izuku’s thigh.
“You’re not supposed to talk badly about my favorite hero,” he retorts.
Kacchan sighs and grabs Izuku’s hand, pulling him closer. He brushes his lips against Izuku’s palm. They stay like that, in a slightly uncomfortable half-hug, for a while.
“Today…” Kacchan doesn’t finish.
“I know,” Izuku tells him. Days like these make you question everything. He plants a kiss against his ear and whispers, “You’re the best, Kacchan. Don’t forget.”
“Damn right.”
The light is back in Kacchan’s eyes. It’s feeble and in need of some tender care. But Izuku is just happy to see it again.
“Let’s go home.”
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makeste · 3 years
have you noticed in the latest chapter the light is gone from Izuku's eyes? The same way it was gone from Katsuki's between his rescue and Deku vs Kacchan 2 fight. Izuku is hurting inside and im sitting here wondering how long will it be til he hits breaking point
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so I’m late in answering these two asks (got them last week after 309 came out) because a certain someone had his birthday and so I was busy reading fanfic and hunting down gremlin faces, and then 310 came along and so I got distracted with that, and also I just suck at answering asks. but anyways, yes. yes to all of this, and thank you both for pointing this out. like, let’s talk about this. because this is how Deku’s eyes look normally,
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and this is him in the latest chapter.
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first of all, this is really well-played imo, because it’s all about consistency. it’s a very subtle change (or at least I thought it was lol), and the reason it’s so effective is because Horikoshi is so consistent in drawing the “normal” bright-eyed Deku look that you can’t help but notice the change when he suddenly stops. even if you can’t necessarily put your finger on exactly what’s off at first, I think most people definitely got that feeling of something being wrong. and that’s very deliberate.
so why is this important? well because a lot of people’s big fear right now is that the story is tacitly endorsing Deku’s recent choices and painting them as right/correct. namely, people are worried that this whole thing with Deku striking off on his own (because let’s be real, that’s exactly what he’s done; it doesn’t matter that All Might and the Hawksquad are accompanying him, because he’s clearly keeping his distance from them and is ready to give them the slip the moment things get bad) is going to be framed as The Right Decision Which Is Best For Everyone. and for a lot of people, that comes as a betrayal, because up until this point the series has espoused teamwork and trust as core virtues, and what Deku is doing right now is basically the opposite of that.
and this is why little details like the Despondent Eyes of Angst and Despair (or D.E.A.D. eyes for short) are so important -- because they signal to us that this is not the case. they are a very clear visual indicator that in spite of him appearing to have his shit together, Deku is very much not okay right now. like, let me just repeat that one more time: Deku is not fine. Deku is very much not fine here at all. Despondent Eyes of Angst and Despair are not just a little thing to be ignored. D.E.A.D. eyes are a dead giveaway that a character is Going Through It and is not in the right state of mind right now and needs help. but before I start spamming this post with images, let me add a read more cut.
okay, so! case in point,
Nana’s eyes normally:
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vs. Nana’s eyes when she’s talking about potentially killing her grandson in order to defeat AFO:
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Iida’s eyes normally:
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vs. Iida’s eyes when he’s plotting premeditated murder to avenge his brother:
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and again, Deku’s eyes normally:
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vs. Deku’s eyes in chapters 306 through 310:
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Deku’s eyes were still clear all the way up through chapter 305 when he was talking to the Vestiges about wanting to save Tomura. in fact, they were clear af when he was giving his speeches about that, because that light in his eyes always shines brightest when he’s speaking and acting with true conviction. it’s one of the ways the art shows us how determined he is. when Deku talks about saving people no matter what, he’s speaking straight from the heart about one of the core principles of his character, and the look in his eyes reflects that.
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now contrast that against the look in his eyes when he talks about not wanting anyone else to get hurt:
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once you see it, you can’t not see it. it’s Horikoshi’s way of showing that even though it may sound like the Same Old Deku on the surface, it absolutely is not the Deku we’ve come to know and love. something is deeply wrong. even though these might appear to be the same old convictions he’s always had -- protect everyone at all costs -- he’s gone from acting out of belief and principle to acting out of fear. he’s afraid of someone else getting hurt because of him. he’s so afraid that he’s pushing people away left and right to stop it from happening again. and that fear is holding him back, because as long as he’s holding himself apart from everyone else and trying to do it all solo, he’s making the same mistake that All Might once did. no one can bear all of that weight on their shoulders alone. AFO isn’t someone who can be defeated by any one person alone. the only way he’s ever going to be defeated is if the characters hold true to the one ideal that’s at the very core of the series: one for all. the combined strength of many, working together to overcome the selfish, arrogant, limited strength of one.
basically, this right here is why I haven’t been concerned about the story suddenly veering off the rails with this latest development. like, this isn’t Our Lord And Savior Deku being put on a pedestal and worshipped while all the other characters are shoved aside. this is Literally-Still-Just-A-Child Deku having an angst spiral while the distracted adults around him try their best to keep an eye on him but kind of suck at it because there’s too much other stuff going on that they’re also trying to deal with. All Might could be the one to help him in theory, but in practice he’s too accommodating and doesn’t really know how to say ‘no’ to this kid he loves like his own son, and right now he’s basically letting Deku walk all over him. as for the Vestiges, they’re great for helping Deku in battle, but well, how do I put this lol. basically I’m not fully sold on trusting Deku’s mental health to a bunch of angst-ridden martyrs who all died willingly in order to further the cause of taking AFO down. not really the best life coaches, there.
but you know who I do trust to finally get through to Deku and get him to see reason and start having faith in others again?
these guys.
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so yeah. tl;dr, Deku isn’t okay right now and we’re not meant to think he is. and unless I’m way off base, this is going to be a very temporary arrangement. I don’t think Deku can continue as he is right now indefinitely. saving others has been his whole thing since the very start of the manga, but like everything else, eventually it has to come full circle. and I think that very soon, it’s finally going to be his turn to be saved. luckily for him, he’s got some good (and determined) friends. and as they say, giving help that’s not asked for is part of what makes a true hero.
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rrandomtthings · 3 years
Why Bkdk is NOT toxic:
A look through their relationship throughout the series
Cw// MAJOR bnha manga spoilers
As bakudekus, we experience that “bkdk is toxic!1!” argument on a daily. It’s something that we have all just.. let sit next to us knowing that it’s always going to be there. Of course, and understandably, it bothers most of us. What many see, especially non-manga readers, isn’t what we see.
Let’s start off with what they see. In the first episode/chapter, we start off with Bakugous infamous “Swan dive off the roof” line.
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Of course, no matter how you look at it, this was a terrible thing that Bakugou said to Izuku. There is no excuse. Telling someones to kts, no matter how you may disagree and not see eye to eye, is always inexcusable (this applies to real life too!!)
Later in the chapter, Bakugou carries around a can that says “Lip Service,” which, pretty much means being all talk and not meaning actions behind the words that are being said (usually said with a negative connotation.)
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Once again, does this excuse what he said to Izuku? Absolutely not. However, this does give us insight on the future and when we find out about how Bakugou feels for Deku.
Note: As for the bullying prior to this scene, there is no proof that Bakugou continuously bullied Deku as of when this has been written.
Then, the sludge incident happened. At first glance, Deku looked horrified at the attack. However, he didn’t make any moves as he assumed that the heroes will come in and save the person. Once it was revealed to him that it was Bakugou, Izuku had his “My body moved on its own” moment and did not even hesitate to save Kacchan.
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After the sludge villain attack, it was explicitly stated that Bakugou had not bullied Deku since then.
Now, the two are in UA and it is revealed that Deku has a quirk to Bakugou. A quirk that he was told to keep its origins of a secret. However, Deku told Bkg about OFA, ignoring All Mights warnings because he felt like he could not lie to Kacchan. Despite them still having a very rocky relationship at this point in the series, Deku still felt the need to tell Kacchan about OFA. He could not lie to him. He could lie to his mom, all of UA, everyone in the world, but not to Kacchan.
Fast forward to DVK2 and they are fighting out their emotions. Here, Deku talks about how, although he hated those small parts of Bakugou that bullied him, he never let the bad outshine the good. He always looked up to Bakugou and wanted to be just like him.
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Deku compares how he sees Kacchan to All Might. His literal hero. The man who he idolizes like crazy. He felt closer and more inspired by Kacchan than All Might. Because Kacchan was always there next to him. In Dekus eyes, despite the bullying and all, he saw Kacchan as more than All Might.
Izuku expresses how he is the only one who can accept Bakugous feelings. Not because it is explicitly about the two of them, rather it’s because he is the only one willing to listen and understand where he is coming from. And Bakugou knows this too. He could have easily asked anyone else, but instead he chose Izuku. He trusted Deku enough to be vulnerable around him.
During this fight, Bakugou expresses how he always thought that Deku continuously looked down on him. And it’s because he has never seen such genuine kindness from anyone. He was always expected to get up on his own. All because of his quirk and how he was praised for being gifted with such. He always thought that Izuku had an “attitude” that he was so unfamiliar with.
Deku, during their fight, although he does not say it out loud because he thinks that it “sounds stupid,” talks about how he sees Kacchan and his image of victory. To him, when he thinks of victory, Kacchan is who comes to mind.
After this fight, they are able to start to see eye to eye and start to understand each other’s perspectives. Now that Bakugou knows about OFA, they start to work and grow together. Win to save and Save to win.
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In the JT arc there are very fun moments between the two as they start becoming more and more friendly with each other. They continue to try and one up each other, but it is much different than before. There is a lighter undertone to their words and actions. They start hanging out in the meeting room with All Might as there is also a lot of banter between the two—this is when their relationship has started to mend. Not to mention, during this arc Deku unlocks black whip all because Monoma insulted Kacchan.
Now, after the two spend so much time together with the JT and Endeavor agency arcs, the two has become much closer than they were at the beginning of the series. The two have started to mend their bond and continue to do so.
Then, the war arc.
After realizing that Shigaraki is after OFA, Deku makes the decision to follow after him. Throughout these panels, he looks absolutely terrified. Of course, why wouldn’t he be? He is about to run into a battle field all on his own, without any support and with no one knowing what he plans to do.
However, Kacchan does.
Kacchan follows Deku to Shigaraki. He claims that it’s because he has “unfinished business” with him, but, while that may be partly true, that’s not the full truth (I.e. he wants to protect Deku.)
Now, the two have reached Shigaraki and Deku is fighting against him. Bakugou tells Deku to get away from him and that he should be the last person near him. The response Bakugou gets is that no one else can defeat Shigaraki as Kacchan watches Deku in absolute fear that he will end up being terribly hurt.
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Side note: look at the terror in his eyes.. I’m gonna sob
Within this specific fight with Shigaraki, there are many heroes with the two. Some of which are Endeavor, Shouto, Rock Lock, Aizawa (injured), etc. Despite knowing that this is a child up in the air fighting Shigaraki, some (not Rock Lock, he had the right idea with questioning why children are on the battle field) look in amazement as Deku continuously breaks himself so he can try and get Shigaraki down.
However, Kacchan sees past this as he yells at the other heroes about how this is not helping Deku in the slightest and that he is going to get himself killed at the rate that he was going.
Bakugou devises a plan to try and help Deku and to get Shigaraki down as the heroes look in awe at Deku. He uses Shouto and Endeavor as they try and get up to where the two were and have Endeavor use his Prominence Burn on Shigaraki in hopes that would bring him down.
While Bakugou is flying them up to Deku, he has a flashback to a conversation with All Might.
They were training Deku with black whip. They were playing a game called “Catch a Kacchan” (I will never get over how cute this name is 😭) and they called in others to help Deku practice with quirks similar to the ones that he will eventually or has either unlocked (Uraraka for Float, Tsu for black whip, etc.)
As All Might and Bakugou watch on as Deku trains, they have a conversation.
Bakugou asks All Might why he is hiding information about the fourth user from Deku. No, he doesn’t ask, he confronts him. He confronts his childhood hero for the sake of Deku. He straight up tells All Might to stop keeping information from, knowing that this could potentially harm him.
Bakugou is upset at that point. He wishes for All Might to stop keeping secrets from them, more specifically Deku.
Then, as the two continue to talk, All Might brings up the fact that he is worried for Izuku. And Bakugou is too, to which he does not deny in any sort of way.
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Note: once again, even when they’re not on the battle field, Bakugou looks so worried for Deku. Many have speculated that him looking tired throughout this chapter (ch. 284) has to do with him continuously worrying about Izuku and thinking about their past together.
Bakugou continues the conversation as he talks about how Deku does not understand how special he is. All Might brings up the idea of atonement and questions Bakugou as to whether that is what he is doing with Deku as a way to make up for their past, to which Bakugou does not disagree upon. The conversation then ends with All Might talking about how the two will eventually get to talk this out together and allow for Bakugou to express his worries for Deku to him.
Then, the scene changes back to the battle field as Endeavor uses his Prominence Burn onto Shigaraki, only for it to fail as he got right back up due to his regeneration.
The battle continues between Deku and Shigaraki (who at this point is AFO) as he releases Quirk Activation spikes in Izukus direction.
Kacchan, seeing as Deku is about to get hurt, rushes to him in an instant.
Throughout this scene, we see Bakugous inner monologue. Here, we are shown all his regrets with his and Dekus relationship. How he completely regrets bullying him in the past. Deku are his final thoughts in a moment where he thinks he is about to die.
Kacchan had his “my body moved on its own” moment as he rushed in to save Deku.
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After Bakugou was hit, his first words to Deku were to try and calm him down and to tell him to not win this on his own.
Upon seeing Kacchan hurt, to even say that Deku went bat shit crazy would be an understatement. He was absolutely livid as we see him fight like never before.
As Deku continues to fight against Shigaraki, Shouto flies up with his fire quirk to catch Bakugou as he is falling, to which he eventually grabs Deku after him and Shigaraki separate and Izuku starts to fall.
After putting them on the ground, Shouto goes back and fight with Nejire.
As Iida had arrived at the battle field by this point, he tries to help an injured Bakugou get out of the battle field. However, Bakugou refuses as he continues to fight.
Here, it is revealed that Bakugou, just by seeing Deku almost die, has never felt so close to death in his lifetime. Not when Bakugou got kidnapped. Not when class 1A was attack at the USJ, not after he was stabbed. It was the thought of Deku dying that made him feel like he was about to die.
The need to get to Deku caused for a quirk evolution as he had to advance his quirk in that moment to be able to reach Deku.
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After the battle is done, Bakugou falls into a 2 day coma. When he wakes up, the first thing he asks is how Deku, Todoroki, Aizawa, etc. are doing.
Upon hearing that Deku is still asleep, Kacchan rushes out of bed to get to his room despite still being heavily injured. At this moment, Bakugou knew that he would not be able to talk to Deku. He just wanted to know if he was okay. He just wanted to see him.
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After having to tie him up with Tsuyus tongue, knowing that that if they tie him up with anything else he would explode it, Bakugou yells “Why am I awake while you’re still asleep?” towards Dekus room as he is being dragged away by the class.
Many have taken that line as a way of showing that Bakugou fully expected to die for Deku at that moment. And he was willing to. Seeing that his effort to protect him failed and led to Deku being in a coma only greatly upset Kacchan.
At the moment that this has been written, Deku still hasn’t woken up and Kacchan was forced back to his room.
If after reading this post you still think that bkdk is toxic because of their past, I do want you to understand that people change. We all have a past, a present, and a future. You are not who you were in your past. You are who you are in the present, and you will be someone different in the future.
Bakugou clearly regrets how he treated Deku. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. He is trying to change and mend their relationship. They are living in the present right now, not the past.
Izuku does not hold any grudge against him and even admits that he feels blessed to be able to have conversations with Kacchan.
When it comes to Bakudeku, so many only look at the first episode. Even if you’re just an anime-only, the anime has DVK2. The episode where a lot of their progression comes from.
At this point, if you still think that their relationship is toxic, then im really not sure what to tell you. If your argument is still “in the first episode...” The no. Stop. We are 300+ chapters in. These two are the main protagonists and the show literally revolves around them. They are obviously going to grow. You can’t completely ignore this growth because of what happened in the first episode. You can’t only look at the things you want to and ignore the big picture.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
kacchan, kaacchan, kaachan
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— “Your real fucking Kaa-chan is going to fuck your brains out and make sure that you can’t say that stupid fucking nickname to Bakugou without getting hard and remembering what I’m about to do to you, Deku,” you practically snarled into Izuku’s ear as you rut the silicone veined cock between his ready, supple cheeks. “Now, what’s my fucking name?”
pairing: midoriya izuku x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, mommy kink, dom!reader, sub!izuku, pegging, jealous!reader, degradation, anal fingering, begging, crying, marking and biting, best friends(?) bkdk
word count: 6,520
a/n: I have transcended. im sorry, this is now my favorite fic. im... ohhh mama, I just froth at this idea so much, please if you aren’t so utterly disgusted by mommy kink or bkdk pray you read this. p l e a s e.
kinktober day 13 main kink: pegging | kinktober masterlist
“I fucking hate them,” you growled, temples throbbing in your anger, fingers clutching your drink. “I’m going to kill Izuku and his stupid fucking Kacchan.”
You met Midoriya Izuku before high school. At the time, you had been a sweating, nervous middle schooler who was applying for Yuuei, who was sitting right next to him during the entrance exam. Despite the way your hands were shaking the entire time you were taking the test, and the way your stomach felt seconds from exiting your abdominal cavity and falling straight onto your lap, you smiled. You kept watching the green-haired boy next you continue to fanboy over the smallest of things. 
Through this, you had also met Bakugou Katsuki. You had initially thought the two of them were friends, well with the rather weird nicknames they had for each other, and then the small disgruntled comment on not being able to work together with friends. 
After being dismissed to go change out of your school uniforms, you had tapped on the green-haired boy. He was muttering a storm under his breath. He wasn’t much taller than you, and his green eyes were shot wide when you thanked him for making you less nervous. He didn’t say anything back to you, a red blush bright on his face as you wished him luck before racing off.
So on the first day of high school, on the fated orientation day, you had been surprised to see that Midoriya and Bakugou nearly fought. They weren’t friends, you quickly figured out, a small frown on your face as Aizawa-sensei dropped Bakugou from his capture weapon. It didn’t take much for you to become friends with the initially timid, but entirely confident Midoriya Izuku. The two of you were fast friends, and before long after watching countless times where Midoriya and Bakugou would be at each other's throats to only be okay within the next few hours.
It confused you entirely.
Eventually, one day on your way home together one night, you finally asked Midoriya.
Midoriya had frowned, his eyes looking out of the speeding window as he slowly explained his relationship with Bakugou to you. He explained that he and Bakugou were childhood friends, having first met when they were three years old. They had been good friends, best friends if it was possible to have one back then. Then, their quirks appeared, and Bakugou received endless praise and awe — it was a changing point in their relationship since Midoriya explained that he was a rare individual who only manifested his quirk within the last few years. So while Bakugou had never put him down for being quirkless, a single moment happened when they were about six years old, wandering in a gated woods area, and Midoriya went to see if Bakugou — who had fallen from a great height — was okay. From that moment on, something flipped inside Bakugou, and he lashed out. He smiled sadly, admitting without a lick of doubt that Bakugou was a jerk to him, a real asshole.
As if to save Bakugou from an ill opinion from you, Midoriya quickly imputed that Bakugou was still one of the lesser antagonizers he had in middle school and at the end of grade school. Most of his other classmates had been his bigger bullies. Still, because Bakugou was just different to both him and the school as a whole, the few times he antagonized Midoriya, it seemed to wave into ripples that turned into tsunami wave crashes. Midoriya had explained that he had gone too far in a single instance and that it still hurt thinking about it. He would like an apology from Bakugou but didn’t know how or if it would happen. After all, Bakugou hadn’t bullied or antagonized him at all for the last full year.
You had taken it all in, watching the small green-haired boy look both sad and determined as the metro pulled into your station.
“You still want to be friends with him, huh?” you asked, ignoring the people clambering out and in of the vehicle. 
Midoriya had looked at you with wide eyes and his teeth bitten, swollen lips pressed into a flat line, his head dropping, “Is it weird that I do?”
Chuckling, you shook your head, moving to leave the metro, “A little, you guys definitely will have to put some work into it, but hey, as long as you know that he’s done you wrong before, I think you deserve to find out if you two can make it work again.”
That had happened at the end of your first month of school.
At the end of your second year of school, you had confessed your feelings to Midoriya Izuku, who thankfully, returned your feelings.
At the end of your third year of school, you had watched with bright eyes and a great smile as your boyfriend hugged his childhood friend Bakugou Katsuki as the graduation streamers and confetti still swirled in the air. You and your entire group of female friends, who for the past two years had been trying to get both boys to confess that they were best friends with each other, seemed to have succeeded. They had obviously been friends by the end of the first year; both boys have gotten to speak on their many different feelings and thoughts at the end of the first year. But it had taken seven girls, two more years, and a late-night discussion between you and Izuku for you to figure out that no matter what happened with his relationship with his Kacchan, he would be at peace with it. He had chased him for so long, for such crazy lengths and obstacles that the moment when they found peace, he had accepted it.
But you knew what would happen if you had gotten the ever so annoying, permanent tsundere of Bakugou Katsuki to admit where the lengths of their friendship were at currently. You had guessed correctly because Izuku was absolutely sobbing as Bakugou hugged him. It could have been an awkward moment between them. The two of them never touched one another unless it was because they were roughhousing, training, or assisting one another in the middle of a fight. But your heart warmed at the sight of your boyfriend, entirely built and tall as he was now, blushing as he still does, scarred fingers and arms holding his Kacchan tight, the happy tears on his face rushing down his cheeks as Bakugou seemed to be blinking up a storm.
You have succeeded.
Best friends, you squealed internally, grabbing the girls and walking away to take some photos together. You had finally gotten them to admit that they were best friends again.
It should have made you happy, and for a while, it did make you glad to know your loving boyfriend was over the moon happy to have this small detail confirmed with him, but two years post-graduation, it was straight up annoying and made you somewhat... livid. 
It started when your classmates began to whisper about how strong you were to let Izuku and Bakugou be that close. Then reporters asked about how you felt about the Wonder Duo’s relationship outside of the field. Fans straight up saying that they liked them better than you and Izuku, fans asking if you felt lesser than Ground Zero in Pro Hero Deku’s life. At first, you had always expressed your truths, you didn’t care what others thought because you knew the truth, but they must have been annoying you for so damn long that you were beginning to feel doubtful, just the tad bit anxious. 
Izuku had asked if you wanted to go to a bar for a night of some drinking. Well, with the both of you not having work tomorrow, you had agreed. It had been a while since the two of you had been able to do anything. So a night at the bar the two of you frequented a lot was a great start to a long night the two of you were undoubtedly going to have if the lace panties under your skirt had anything to say about it. You thanked the gods of every deity every night for making your boyfriend such a stupid pervert that a single whisper of what you were wearing would have him turning red and stumbling out of the bar to get you home immediately.
Well, that was the plan.
But no, nope, nope, nope, nope.
In the middle of your flirting session with Izuku, who still could not keep up with your quick, slick tongue, his phone had rung. It wasn’t abnormal that it went off, he was an incredibly gifted hero, and with his recent sort of permanent team up with his Kacchan to form a hero duo, they were hot shit.
But it wasn’t a work call.
No, it took two seconds to figure that out because Izuku had placed his phone to his ear, his cheeks pink, and eyes sparkling as he immediately chirped out: “Kacchan! Hi!”
And just like that, your flirtatious mood had been stomped on and stabbed over into one of annoyance.
Your boyfriend was a hero otaku; that was something you knew the very moment you met him when both of you were merely fifteen. From that moment on, when your crush was formed on the excitable, blushing otaku, you knew that should you become his girlfriend, there would only be two people above you.
Midoriya Inko then All Might.
Both of those people were completely understandable.
Inko was the best mother in the world, and as Izuku’s most significant and first support system, you didn’t mind losing out to her. She was a fucking sweetheart, after all.
All Might was a slightly annoying one, but as your boyfriend's mentor and father figure, you understood. Plus, the scrawny man was also a sweetheart who flustered over Izuku almost as much as Inko did.
But, you didn’t and couldn’t believe that Bakugou ‘Kacchan’ fucking Katsuki would be challenging your place as third in the most critical person in Midoriya Izuku’s life. You wouldn’t sit idly by on it.
Taking another long, deep chug of the heavy in alcohol percentage drink in your hand, your anger seemed to be at an all-time high. 
Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan.
That stupid fucking nickname seemed to pour like liquid gold from Izuku’s mouth.
Kacchan this, Kacchan that, Kacchan yes, Kacchan no.
You knocked back yet another fucking drink, slamming the glass onto the bar counter, demanding another one as Izuku’s deep stupid voice seemed to turn airy as he laughed at something Bakugou Katsuki said. Bakugou Katsuki, who didn’t ever tell jokes because everything he said was stupidly not funny and hated being not serious even for a single second, was making your stupidly thick, built, and strong boyfriend giggle like a schoolgirl. Izuku only laughed like that around you?!
Oh, fucking, no, you realized, your back straightening, your eyes blazing into Izuku’s side profile that still illuminated the deep, intensity of his blinding happy smile. 
“Kacchaaannn!” Izuku suddenly whined, his lips pressing into a pout that wouldn’t form because of his stupid, irritatingly handsome smile. “That’s not fair!”
Growling under your breath, you grabbed the new drink presented to you by the bartender and began chugging.
Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan.
Kacchan, Kaacchan, Kaa-chan.
You spluttered, your head light and fuzzy with the inhibiting alcohol as you heard Izuku still rambling on the phone to his dumb fucking Kacchan.
‘Did he just?’ you thought, entirely unprepared for that name to whisper from his mouth.
Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan.
You stopped a broken moan from spilling from your mouth at that word. Despite the coursing alcohol in your veins and the way it typically made you hornier slower, that slightly whiny, entirely Izuku’s tone when he said what your horny brain to be interpreting as Kaa-chan, your panties became wet immediately.
“Izuku,” you breathed — almost whined — into his ear. Your chest pressed against his muscled arm—your mouth pressing open-mouthed kisses to the back of his ear before biting down on his earlobe. 
“Y-Y-Yes, y/n?” Izuku stammered, his face flushing, mind entirely lost at the feeling of your breasts pressing onto his arm and probably his stupid Kacchan’s voice in his other ear. 
“I’m wearing those panties you really, really like,” you moaned softly into his ear, your teeth nibbling on his earlobe.
You never heard Izuku hang up so quickly on his Kacchan as he downed his drink and quickly followed after you, a puppy at your heels.
The two of you made it home, mouths pressing fervently together, fingers in each other’s hair and clothes. You giggled when you managed to push your much larger boyfriend into the door the moment you both managed to enter your apartment. 
His scarred fingers had invaded the underneath of your skirt, already pressing his fingertips to the lacey fabric. He moaned against your mouth, his hands pervertedly gripping your full ass in his large, hot palms. 
“Call me Kaa-chan,” you suddenly moaned, your mouth tearing away from Izuku’s reveling in the fact that he tried to chase after your mouth. It was at moments like this that being so much smaller than your skyscraper of your boyfriend helped — the third year of high school had made your entire male classmates grow an additional near one hundred centimeters, fucking ridiculous. 
“W-What?!” Izuku spluttered, his eyes wide but still entirely glazed over with his lust.
“Kaa-chan,” you slur, the alcohol in your veins and his kisses on your lips, making your brain mush. “Call me, Kaa-chan, please!”
“I-I can’t? I’m not going to call you, Kacchan! T-That’s so weird? You don’t even look like him, and even if you did, I’m sure that would be entirely not okay! That’s Kacchan’s nickname, and for me to just use it in bed would make me think that I’m having sex with Kacchan, and I bet you’d agree about how not okay that would be! Imagine that! That would be not okay, but if there’s anything else you want me to call you in bed, although, you do have the best reactions to me whenever I call you—” Izuku rambled, his eyes searching the dark hallway for something to focus on. His face red with slight humiliation and his muttering tongue speeding so fast you could barely keep up with his sentences with your drunken brain. 
“Not Kacchan,” you roll your eyes, your hands pressed to his side, trapping him between your arms — something that was a hilarious sight. “Kaa-chan, Izuku-chan, Kaa-chan.”
You pulled away from the wall, your eyes bright with what you thought would finally be the tipping point in your biggest kink finding a spot in your sex life with Izuku.
But Izuku begins laughing, his head shaking quickly, the laughter so loud that you watch literal tears form in his eyes as he stands there. Your cunt suddenly feels dry.
“I-I can’t do that,” Izuku finally manages to press through, his hand on his stomach as small laughs still manage to breakthrough. “Oh, god, no, I can’t. I’ll always think of Kacchan when — if I call you kaa-chan.”
Your lips pressed together, anger flushing through your blood as you nod your head once.
“Y-Y/n!” Izuku bawks, his eyes wide as he quickly understood that he hurt your feelings with that outburst of his. “W-Wait, I mean—”
“No need,” you cement over, lips pursed in your shaking anger. “Give me some time alone, please.”
Izuku can only watch with wide, tearful eyes as you guide him out of your apartment, and you don’t look at him when you close the door, too afraid of what those puppy dog eyes would do to you. You needed time after being laughed at like that; your pride demanded it.
It took less than five hours for you to forgive Izuku. He had stayed in the hallway of your apartment. Sitting outside of your door, waiting for you to message him of some sort about wanting to talk. You hadn’t precisely forgiven him, just wouldn’t allow your more often than not perfect boyfriend to be trapped outside, sleeping in a terrible position on your day off. So at nearly two am, your eyes refusing to close and fall asleep, you trudged to your front door and demanded he gets in or else he’d sleep in the hallway.
Izuku had looked up at you with tired, sad eyes, and your throat tightened as you looked away with a huff. He had gotten to his feet and walked into your apartment, kissing you softly as the door closed behind the two of you. Despite you having been the one to kick him out earlier, he carried you to your room as you began to cry again. He undressed to just his boxers, and the two of you cuddled each other before the both of you fell asleep, feeling slightly better.
Although you hated to admit it, everything was back to normal the following morning.
Well, that is until the fateful day when you were straddled across Izuku’s waist, his thick, long cock stretching you out as much as it felt that first time you fucked, riding him until his hands left bruising prints on your hips. You knew what made Izuku tick, moan, and go absolutely feral in bed; you knew him so well, and if the indicating throbbing of his swollen cock had anything to say, was that he was seconds from cumming.
Again, this was a fateful day.
His work phone suddenly screeched at the nightstand, and you both screamed at the horror.
What was happening?!
Not bothering to unmount from his cock, Izuku grabbed his phone and placed it to his ear.
“Hello, Deku, speaking!”
You pouted from on top of him, still rather pleased that his cock was still firm within you, and you watched his face, ready to send the blood in his cock right back to his head and get him out the front door if it was an emergency.
“K-KACCHAN?! THIS ISN’T AN EMERGENCY!” Izuku screamed, his face pounding red as his free arm collapsed over his eyes.
You were going to kill motherfucking shithead, Bakugou Katsuki.
Your eyes narrowed, and with the fury of being cockblocked by your boyfriend's stupid best friend in a whole new way, you began to shift your hips against his cock. Your hips rising and falling as you continued to fuck Izuku, uncaring that he was on the phone.
Izuku, never having been good at being secretive, let out a strangled choke and a moan, his hand thrown over his eyes trying to get a solid hold on your hips to keep you from fucking yourself against him. He froze, his face exploding with heat the moment you forcibly clenched around his thick length, “I-I-I’m at y/n’s apartment! Kacchan! NO! We were having sex!”
Rolling your eyes, you knew he was going to blab that secret out.
“We are having sex right now, K-Kacchan!” Izuku whimpered, downright hilarious of the brick wall of a pro hero could do. “Kacchan, that’s not fair! You called on my emergency-only phone! Of course, I was going to pick up!”
Red bled into your vision as you realized that Bakugou undoubtedly was talking shit about your ability to fuck your own boyfriend. 
“Kacchan!” Izuku groaned again, but you were far past the point of being okay with this situation.
Grabbing the phone from Izuku’s hand, you slammed the phone to your ear, listening to the chortling laughter of Bakugou fucking Katsuki.
“You fucking piece of fucking shit, try calling this number again without a proper fucking emergency next time, and I’ll kill. you!” you spat into the phone, your blood boiling as the laughter on the other side of the line stopped, only for you to be met with an irritated and challenge-accepted growl of Bakugou Katsuki, who was seconds from responding back with his own threat and challenge. But you hung up, chucking the phone into the corner of the room before setting your sight on Izuku who’s eyes and pupils were blown wide.
You couldn’t even begin to process that your words had turned Izuku on; you could barely feel his throbbing, twitching cock buried deep in your womb because your inner walls held a vice, unbreakable grip on him. Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan. You had finally heard that stupid fucking nickname in bed, and still, the way it was said and who it was for wasn’t for you, and you were absolutely frothing.
“Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan,” you spit out, fury and animosity, your hips still slamming down on his cock, Izuku’s scarred hands once again reaching for your waist. “Is there any other fucking name you can ramble in bed?!”
Izuku cries out, his hips snapping up to meet yours, the echoing slap of your meeting sexes still not loud enough to tune out your angry, abhorrent thoughts. 
“N-No?!” Izuku stammers out, confusion heavy on his tongue, and you know why, but you don’t care. “I-I-I don’t! What else am I supposed to sayyyy oh my god, baby! What am I supposed to call Kacchan?!”
A cold shiver runs down your spine, and you smile slowly. You wait for green eyes to open and lock on you before your smile becomes cunning, altogether ferocious, and biting as your hand reaches out and grabs the curls at the nape of his neck. You yank on the hair towards you, watching as his neck arches, and you coo at the breathless gasp that spills from his mouth as your lips are at his ear, his cock threatening to slip out of your boiling cunt at this new angle. There’s a growl on your tone, your lips brushing against the soft cartilage of his ear. “Say Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan. Since you fucking want your damn fucking Kacchan so badly that you can’t even indulge in my little nickname, I’ll make sure to ruin the damn fucking nickname for you forever.”
You pull away, your hissing words sitting heavy in his ears as you slip off his cock and stumble to the closet for your toys. 
Izuku lets out a needy noise, his breaths pathetic gasps as he looks at you and away, unable to fully comprehend just what you were planning on doing to him.
Slamming open the closet, you grab the plastic tinted box in the closet, throwing it open and grabbing three items.
One: your pretty green harness. 
You had bought at a sex shop store you frequent whenever you were bored and alone. About six months ago, this particular sex shop had obtained rights to sell Pro Hero styled lingerie and sex toys. This harness was modeled after Izuku’s costume, and you bought it to surprise him with whenever you two got into pegging.
Two: the bottle of lube.
Also purchased from the sex shop. Apparently, it was a lube that was both super cold and hot — obviously modeled after Todoroki. It would start off as cold on the skin before warming up to temperatures that were guaranteed to make people shriek and moan like porn stars.
And last, but definitely not least, your ace up your sleeve: the strap on dildo.
At the same sex shop, they had released a limited quantity, a one-week available dildo that was nearly impossible to accept was a thing. Along their wall of many, many different shapes and sizes of dildos had sat seven limited dildos made from the cocks of pro heroes.
One of which being Ground Fucking Zero: Bakugou Katsuki.
You’re not sure what possessed you into buying it, but you did. The dildo modeled after Bakugou’s own cock was now something you possessed, something you hid from Izuku’s sight at all times. The cock was about eight, nearly nine inches, maintaining a fat, swollen head and base, with thick veins running through its length. 
The dildo itself was completely minimalist, jet black with only the Ground Zero’s logo painted to the bottom of the curve, but if you were to do this, Izuku wouldn’t know it was his best friend's cock until you were done with him. 
Throwing your legs through the harness, you turn your head to lock eyes with Izuku’s bright eyes that are taking in your every move. You fasten the ties, making them just a tad bit tight around your thighs and waist because you knew that Izuku loved seeing the divot in your skin. 
Your eyes are peering through your lashes to look at him, your frown becoming a confident, biting smirk as you attach the dildo, immediately covering your hand with the cold lube before slicking up the silicone cock. Izuku watches you with shaking thighs as you climb back onto the bed, your eyes dark, dangerous, as your fingers drag down his toned and muscled calves.
“Get on your fucking hands and knees like the fucking good boy you are,” you growl out the command, your fingernails digging into his skin. “Show your cute fucking ass to your Kaa-chan.”
Izuku let out a heavy moan as his body quickly shifted over, he got up onto his knees, but he went a step further by pressing onto his knees, letting his scarred back curve beautifully for you. 
You groan at the sight, Izuku's large, muscled ass on full display for you. His body trembles and shakes with every breath he takes and how his muscles are tight with his nervousness. His little asshole clenching and tightening at the air, undoubtedly ready to have you press the cock into him. You groan, your hand that's slick with the lube becoming warmer with the intended promise of the lube, and your grin when you grip his supple asscheeks between your hands, delighting at the way his flesh molds within your hands.
“You have such a pretty little ass, baby boy,” you moan, your index finger circling around the rim of his pert, tight hole. You lean in closer, your hot breaths spilling across his muscle that sends it spasming in its attempts to clench around nothing. “What do you want your Kaa-chan to do?”
Izuku stammers, his mouth unable to form any sort of coherent sentence as you lather your fingers in the cold lube, and without much of an introduction, you slide your slick, cold index finger into his hole. Izuku cries loudly when you move your finger inside of his ass, and you smirk at the sight of his twisted with delirium face before you. Eyes crossed, tongue hanging out as your finger dives into his ass. 
“Does this feel good, baby?” you ask, finger curling deep within his ass.
He can’t find the energy to speak, but strangled noises of approval are made, and his hips shift back onto your thrusting finger.
You enter a new finger, stretching out his tight muscle even further, your two fingers reaching a further depth and more manageable pace than you had before. You grin at the way Izuku begins to fuck himself against your fingers, his asshole looking as if it swallows your fingers as your dildo ruts against his leaking cock. Izuku's chest collapses onto the mattress when you glide your free hand against both the dildo and his cock as you continue to finger his ass — a third finger eventually joining.
“God, your ass is so fucking slutty, sweetie,” you groan, absolutely obsessed with the pink haze on Izuku’s cheeks and the growing moans. “Is your Kaa-chan making you feel good? Kaa-chan promises that she’ll protect you through everything!”
Izuku spams, a loud cry of your name as your fingernails scratch at his walls, and his hips buck further into your fingers deep in his ass before rutting back into your hand, stroking his cock. You coo at how he is clearly enjoying it, chest-thumping with how he clearly wants more, and how you intend to give him more. A sadistic smile carved onto your face as his rambling begins to take shape begins to actually have meaning behind it except the whining, pitiful cries.
“You are!” Izuku finally manages to gasp, his ass slamming back onto your curled three fingers. The lube is now hot as it can grow, and Izuku is obsessed with the heat in his ass. “You’re doing this to me, y/n!”
You freeze, fingers freezing in his ass as Izuku once again refused to call you Kaa-chan.
Well then.
Freeing your fingers from deep in his ass, your upper lip curled into a snarl as you doused the Ground Zero dildo with the ice-cold lube, your blood roaring in your ear. It just seemed that you were going to have to take that nickname by force.
Slapping the lube coated dildo between the valley of his pretty, beautiful asscheeks, you grabbed his head of curls, snapping his head back so that his ear was a lick away. “Listen to what I’m about to fucking do, I-zu-ku,” you accentuate his name, your free hand gripping his slick cock, and fisting it slowly, your grip tightening whenever he tried to rut into your grip. “Your real fucking Kaa-chan is going to fuck your brains out and make sure that you can’t say that stupid fucking nickname to Bakugou without getting hard and remembering what I’m about to do to you, Deku,” you practically snarled into Izuku’s ear. Izuku freezes for a second, deep flushed red exploding on his face before he moans loudly, face burying into the mattress as you rut the silicone veined cock between his ready, supple cheeks. “Now, what’s my fucking name?”
“Kacchan…” Deku’s mouth fumbles, unable to find that distinction even like this, but that’s okay, you got time.
“Again, Deku,” you snap, watching as a shiver slams down his spine at the nickname, and you press the head of the cold, lube coated dildo against his ready, clenching asshole.
“Kaa-aachan!” Deku moans loudly, and you press the head of the black dildo into his ass, watching as his slutty little ass swallows the head without a single problem. His back arches further, and his ass shakes as you keep him from falling further on his Kacchan’s cock.
“Are you having that much fucking trouble distinguishing who’s fucking you right now, Deku?!” you practically seethe, your fingernails digging into his firm, plump ass before beginning to drag the cockhead away.
“No!” Deku sobs, his ass pathetically following after your exiting cock. “I’m not Kaa-chan, I promise!”
Oh, the golden words you’ve been looking for.
With a widespread, near-feral grin, you slammed the whole cock within him, not stopping until you couldn’t see the black of the dildo, and your thighs were pressed against his ass. The noises that spilled from Izuku’s mouth with sinful, lewd, and made you think for a second the hot and cold lube was in your cunt. His mouth continued to speak at a speed you couldn’t understand, his ass greedily sucking the dildo in with no thought to return it.
“I-It feels so good!” Deku cries, his ass slapping backward onto your strap. “Your cock is so good!”
“Damn fucking right it is, Deku,” you laughed, hands gripping his hips and with a determined show to make sure he knew just who the superior Kaacchan was, you began to rut your hips back up again his. 
Your pace was a lot faster than Deku’s, thighs crashing against his ass with every successive pound of your hips. Deku, who’s always been so good about being responsive in bed, is crying and moaning like a bitch in heat. His moans are endless and delightfully loud, his ass slamming backward to meet your rutting hips, and you can't help but land a loud spank against his sweet ass.
“How is this feeling, Deku? Tell your Kaa-chan how your shitty little hole is feeling?” you laugh, your body leaning over his, your lips and teeth marking up his sweaty, scarred back with bites marks and hickies. “Tell your Kaa-chan how it feels to have your shitty asshole fucked like this?”
“It feels sooo good, Kaa-chan!” Deku sobs and you shiver at the power behind that stupid little nickname. “My Kaa-chan is making me feel so good, so loved! Kaa-chan’s cock is stretching my ass out so good, her cock makes my stomach and ass feel so funny, but I d-don’t want it to end!”
His back is arched, and his fingers can no longer clutch the fabric of the mattress, and it’s all overwhelming as you fuck into him faster, more demanding, with more intention to have him be yours forever.
“My precious little Deku looks so fucking cute when he’s crying for his Kaa-chan,” you pant, your thrusts becoming sloppier with your heightened pleasure, knowing just whose cock he was crying for. His stupid Kacchan could never do this. 
The raw noises of wanton pleasure rip from Deku’s throat and his ass comes down to fuck back on your strap on with greater power, faster speed. You keep up, though, you have to prove your worth, you’ll fuck his brains out until the only thing he can call you is his Kaa-chan. You grip his hips, your knees shifting as you find a new angle, a better angle as you drill the cock in faster and further in, bottoming out in him with every stroke of your bucking hips. 
“Fuck!” he screams, his knees almost wholly giving out on you as you drive against his prostate. The cock and angle you had quickly allowing you such a pleasure as you fuck into him faster. And upon the tenth slam against his prostate, Deku is shouting. “Fuck, fuck, fuck Kaa-chan!”
Drool is pouring onto the bed, and you feel on fire as Deku continues to whimper, continues to cry your name, claiming that his Kaa-chan has never made him feel this good before. Your hands move from his waist and find themselves latched onto his curls and fisting his cock again. The power that hums through your body makes you see stars as he cries at the pain of having his hair yanked backward, and having your fingers press against the head of his weeping, pre-cum drenched cock.
“Oh, poor pathetic Deku,” you snarl despite the grin on your face, sweat drips down your temple, and you laugh. “Does your pathetic fucking cock need to cum? Do you need to cum while your Kaa-chan’s cock fucks you?”
“Y-Yes Kaa-chan!” Deku screams, his tongue falling from his mouth, his eyes dazed in his hysteria. “Yes, Kaa-chan! I want to cum on your cock, please let me cum on your cock!”
Your cunt throbs from your arousal and lack of stimulus, but the apparent slick in your lips that is slowly dripping down your thighs, makes your next train of thought seem worlds apart hot. The hand in his curls fists his hair harder, snapping Deku closer, making his back arch further. The hand around his cock pinches his cock head together, a pain you had discovered that never failed to get him to cum. And your hips, the hips that drove the Ground Zero dildo further into his tight, greedy asshole, slammed viciously and barbarically into his pretty little asshole.
Deku praises your cock again, his eyes fluttering shut as he cries for his Kaa-chan’s cock, and in a blind fit of victory, your lips press against his ear and whisper to him the truth.
“I’m actually fucking you with your Kacchan’s cock,” you admit, feeling Deku go rigid beneath you. “I know you know what I’m talking about, Deku. So yes, I bought it just to fuck you with it, and look! It’s Kacchan’s cock, but it's your Kaa-chan who’s making you feel so. good. with it!”
And with one last driving slam of Kacchans cock into Deku’s slutty, needy hole, you can feel his cock spasm within your hold, and the way his ass tightens beautifully around the dildo, and he collapses with a pitiful, pathetic: “Oh my god.”
Your hand is coated in his hot, heavy load of cum. You pull away from him, and you laugh, watching as Deku moves onto his back, his eyes fluttering with a million emotions as you bring your hand to your mouth and lick his musty cum clean from your hand. 
“Now,” you cough, slipping the harness from your waist and thighs and climbing back onto his awaiting, still semi-hard cock. You moaned at the feeling of his cock hardening back within your crazy soaked cunt. “Kaa-chan wants you to suck your Kaa-chan’s tits, and then you’ll be rewarded for being. So. Good.”
His eyes swim with uncertainty before he blinks, his hips rutting up to meet your cunt, and his mouth latching onto your needy nipple.
“Anything for you, Kaa-chan.”
Due to Bakugou calling on Izuku’s emergency-only phone, Bakugou had come over with an apology dinner made for the two of you. You sat at the table, Bakugou sitting in front of you, Izuku, to your side in the square table Izuku owned. 
Bakugou was already frowning, his body language trying to hide the apparent surprise that went through him when Izuku opened the door and greeted him as ‘Bakugou-kun!’ 
Had you known his reaction would be that pathetic, you wouldn’t have bothered to accept his dinner. You would have sufficed with that moment being caught on camera instead.
But no, Izuku loved Bakugou’s cooking, and you were now sitting here, glaring at Bakugou, who was glaring right back at you.
However, you knew Bakugou wanted to understand why his childhood nickname had suddenly been abandoned, and you had strategically placed Izuku’s favorite drink near the empty seat. Closer to you than it was to Bakugou because you knew that asshole was quicker than most.
“Oh, Kaa-chan, do you mind passing me my drink?” Izuku asked before flushing at the realization of what he called you in front of Bakugou.
But Bakugou didn’t notice, how could he?
Because both of you had made for his drink, and you just managed to snatch it before Bakugou did as you watched in evil elation as Bakugou quickly placed two and two together. Handing the glass to Izuku, you smiled, as he stammered out an embarrassed thank you.
“Sorry, boys, I’m actually needed somewhere tonight,” you lie, rising to your feet as Bakugou’s eyes rage with something you can’t name but love nonetheless. “I’ll leave you two alone, I’ll be back!”
You don’t let Izuku’s embarrassed begs for you to say deter you, your fingers grabbing your boyfriend by the chin before kissing him deeply, shoving your tongue into his mouth for good measure as you look at the still, void Bakugou when you break away.
You don’t know what happens as you leave, but the way that Izuku’s less superior Kacchan snaps his name makes your toes curl with pleasure.
Oh, you really liked this.
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i-need-air · 3 years
"Dude" — Bakugou Katsuki x Reader [P.2]
Word count: 6.7k;
[ Part 1 ]; [ Masterlist ]
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The new message plastered on your phonescreen earned a small smile from you. After a couple of days of sitting together at the same table due to Mei dumping your lonely ass for her babies, Mina suggested to text just to keep in contact more often. Something you did not expect was to be thrown in a group text with her and her friends.
They were absolutely hilarious; until recently they found out you had decent grades and started asking for your assistance, bugging you to join their study sessions, adding something about Bakugou being an absolute beast whenever he tutors them.
Pinky: Aww sucks that you're not coming! You're missing out Bakugou strangling Kaminari lmfao
You rolled your eyes in amusement. Why of course he'd be doing that.
What a strange little man. He really was; just as you started sitting with them, he'd mainly mind his own business, wearing his normal resting gremlin face and poking his food as if he was practicing murder just for the sake of it. First he orders you to sit with them, then he turns into an antisocial bastard most of the times. Yet, somehow, lunch with them was delightful and you found yourself looking forward to spend time with them, hear about their amusing stories and to top it all, making fun of The Great Bakugou Katsuki turned the whole event into a whole different level of fun.
As you weren't completely oblivious, his wandering eyes were really hard to miss anyway; you'd catch his gaze from time to time and he'd look away, annoyed, grunting like the man-child he actually was. Infuriating; how your heart skipped every single time it happened and how you wanted to have those deep crimson orbs on you again and again.
One thing you did not want to do was to leave Mei to the side; whenever she couldn't hang out she would inform you and you'd find something else to entertain yourself with; in occasions you did march in her workshop and sat your royal ass down without permission. Like as you did today, sitting in silence, you enjoyed the normal machinery sounds and her focused hums as she worked with you by her side. It was calming. The much needed calmness that you craved.
It's been a couple of weeks after the glorious incident and you have been noticing how your classmates, mostly the popular ones, started giving you the stink eye; your spidey-senses very much aware that it had to be Midori's doing yet the girl was keeping a very low profile. The hairs on the back of your neck rising whenever you thought about her next step because this level of radio silence was suspicious.
Between your growing interest into the blond and the dread related to your nemesis, Mei stopped her hard work to frown at you.
"Something's on your mind?" She probed, adjusting her goggles better on her head. "You're awfully quiet~"
Through a small giggle, you nodded but took some time to answer. "I guess?"
"Let me rephrase that." She cleared her throat dramatically "Someone's on your mind?"
A sharp gasp left your lips, realization kicking in; you had Hatsume Mei's full attention for the first time ever. In the workshop. Where her babies were! About to point it out, she narrowed her eyes at you, zooming onto you.
"[Y/N]." It's all she needed to say before you looked down, mind on one person in particular, not noticing how your friend smiled fondly to herself as she placed her hands on her hips; she chuckled lightly.
"Mind sharing what's funny with the class, Mei?" You asked trying to decrypt her expression still locked on you. She shrugged and shook her head, her wild pink locks moving wildly.
"OI, WERD—" the brash voice interrupted itself in reconsideration. The owner of said voice clicked his tongue and entered her workspace with indifference, looking around. "My gauntlets fixed?" He asked, curiously checking the lone couch in the corner, then turning his glare at her.
Ignoring his question, Mei's inquisitive gaze locked on him. "Are you looking for someone?"
It was as if she pressed a Total Destruction button because even the hairs on his head spiked up more than normally as he threw her a bloodshot glare.
"I didn't mention [Y/N] at all though." she cheerily retorted, seeing his position stiffen even more.
"WHAT— WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT— WHO EVEN IS [Y/N]?!" Word-vomit took over; he was shaking at this point, panicked and cringing at his own mistake. "I'm SO FUCKING DONE with people giving me SHIT about that dumbass!" he kicked a table trying to prove a point but the girl was unimpressed.
"So you do know [Y/N]."
"YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU, GOGGLES! Fucking bothersome assholes always buttin' in—" his voice started fading into the distance as he walked out, fuming with nerves.
She blinked before screaming "What about your gauntlets?" through a smile.
"OH, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, GIVE ME—" he appeared once again, agitated.
A wave of lava filled your chest as she told you casually, even trying to copy the way he talked, making you laugh in exchange. You shouldn't feel that way, shouldn't you? It was ridiculous since he truly only insulted you and screamed in your general direction; well, it seems he screamed in every direction but it wasn't the point. The point was the warmth in your chest only gave you hope and the still functioning part of your brain begged to differ.
"He's a good guy." You whispered, suddently shy under Mei's knowing gaze.
And he called her Goggles too. You giggled fondly.
A few days later, wild gutural screams made you jolt from your desk in panic. You would've recognized that voice anywhere by now so you rushed towards the infirmary door just to find professor Aizawa and two cocoons made of his scarf behind him. His eyebrow was twitching and had a dark aura around him, eyes glowing menacingly but not directed to you.
"I'll fucking kill you—"
"But Kaccha—"
"Silence." The irritated and tired looking man said entering the room, dragging said cocoons behind him, knocking one in the door and pulling harder. You cringed, sure thinking he wasn't having a good day.
"OOF— What the shit was that?" The bundle started to shake uncontrollably which made you giggle. It stopped; halted and froze in place listening attentively as you tried to hide your laughter, trying not to annoy the teacher that seriously gave off a whole Done with life aura.
"You must be [L/N]." he pointed out, undoing one of the cocoons, a big fluffy broccoli like head appearing, big green eyes trying to focus.
"Yes, sir."
"They're beaten. Broken leg and broken rib. Can you heal them or should we wait for Recovery Girl?" The dark haired man went straight to business.
"I can handle that so no need to wait for her."
"Good. I'll leave them in your care." With a nod, he also released the blond, making him tumble and fall on his face. The poor guy groaned but bolted up with a raised fist.
"Behave." The older man said walking away, not really caring about Bakugou's heated muttering. The door shut gently and you found yourself looking at two boys; one fuming and avoiding your eyes, the other on the floor, staring up at you. His leg looked wonky so you fought back a face of discomfort before going to his aid.
"You." You pointed at Bakugou then at the bed. "Sit." A grin spread on your face as you used his words, meanwhile you leaned down to help Midoriya Izuku.
His eyes were absolutely intimidating, as if the boy tried to search within your soul as you helped him up.
"My name is [L/N] [Y/N] and I'm going to heal you today." He returned your smile with ease and nodded, his fluffy green hair shaking through the action.
"Midoriya Izuku, yes. You're pretty popular, you know?" His face went all red, taken back by the fact.
Curses could be heard behind both; your hand was supporting Midoriya's weight as he only hopped ahead with his good leg, leaded towards a bed. Shuffling sounded too, still accompanied with another round of indistinguishable curses and grunts.
When the green-haired boy was securely placed, you turned towards the other, finding him sitting on the edge of the bed furthest away from Midoriya, pouting adorably.
"So you've got a broken rib, right?"
"What's it to you?" It was his turn to be a petty little shit and copy your words, still not looking up. His leg was shaking and his posture looked uncomfortable so it was not the time to get into your usual bickering.
"Lay down." He tsk-ed sharply. "Please." You pleaded, pursing your lips at his childish attitude. He finally snapped his eyes on you, just slightly widened in what could be surprise but you couldn't tell. All that mattered was that he ended up doing what you said. Though with more huffing, as if it bothered him immensely.
"Ya happy now?" He snapped.
"Very! Now—" you're taken back yet again by the intensity of those green eyes that looked between you and Bakugou with interest. "I'm gonna have to give you an anesthesic and adjust your leg back in place before healing you—"
Like a working bee, you ran around the infirmary getting your syringe ready, a little bit too nervous as two pair of eyes burned into your back.
"Where do you know each other from, Kacchan?" Izuku asked. Even if his leg hurt like a bitch, he couldn't help but be curious about the person Kacchan has been having lunch with for the past weeks; but what type of response could you get from the one and only?
"Mind your own damned fucking business!"
You sighed, irritated but the nickname didn't fly above your head. In all means, he shouldn't be screaming. He had a broken rib and he was screeching like an idiot. Didn't it hurt to even breathe?!
"Bakugou, you need to lay low and shut up."
There wasn't any time to play around; Midoriya behaved exemplary, just barely wincing at the syringe probing his knee but did not complain at all. The polar opposite of the blond beds away.
After letting the anesthetic to take effect, you moved towards the guy that's been living rent free in your head. He looked beaten up, had a bloody nose, open-wounded knuckles and shaky hands.
"Okay, I need you to relax." You whispered, trying to lift his tank-top but he stopped your wrist.
"The fuck yOu doing?!" his voice cracked momentarily while hyperventilating.
"Dude, take slow, steady breaths. In order to heal you I need to touch the skin closer to the wound." It wasn't entirely true but not exactly a lie either. After a pause for consideration he nodded but his eyes remained wary. "You've seen me do it before! Now show me where it hurts."
You needed concentration, focus, steady hands, rock-hard abs and tanned skin— Nooooo, [Y/N]!
All your might; all of it to act nonchalant and professional, to not fucking stare like a degenerate because he was absolutely built. But you couldn't help it. You couldn't help placing your palm on his ribs gently, instead of just the tip of your fingers as you normally would've needed. His sigh of relief made you incredibly giddy, feeling accomplished and fulfilled knowing you've done a great job for him. You also couldn't help healing his most visible wounds one by one instead of doing it all together in one single touch.
Were you flustered? Definitely and his attention only made it worse. You picked one of his hands and he spasmed away but ultimately gave in with a choked grunt; then grabbed the other and channeled your energy into his body.
Your heads were tilted downwards, both staring at how his knuckles healed slowly. What neither him or you noticed was how all his scratches and bruises all over him healed too, or the prying eyes of a third wheel that was already taking notes of your quirk.
"Okay." You whispered, not really wanting to let go. Your brain screamed Dishonor! but your heart skipped a beat, then another, then exploded when you lifted your gaze.
Crimson eyes looked at you in awe, wide and never this clear. They were shining too and you couldn't help but give his strong hands a squeeze, feeling in the calloused skin of his palm and wondered which one of you was shaking... He blushed then and opened his mouth, yet his brows furrowed as his focus shifted behind you.
Oh, yeah. Your other patient.
In a heartbeat you were by Midoriya's side and got to work, chest heavy and no words coming out of you. No snappy or cheeky retorts either, just trembling hands and warm cheeks. Only with murmurs you guided him through the procedure before healing him completely.
Dizziness overtook you; the downside of your quirk and something you've been training with Recovery Girl for the whole semester.
"That was amazing, [L/N]-san! Thank you!" The boy cheered, staring down at his leg in utter disbelief. His compliment made you grin, full and proud.
"Of course it was!" Your normal self surfaced.
"Fucking woo-hoo." Nevermind. Mood dropped and your face did too.
"Well, since you've been a good patient—" you start and ruffle through your bag "You get a lollipop!" Said candy was thrown in Midoriya's lap and he stared at it baffled. Meanwhile you turned towards the bane of your existence and raised a brow, shaking another lollipop in your hand. "You don't. This one is mine because I deserve it."
His angry, stupid and scandalized expression was everything you were looking for. Did you get out of your way to buy lollipops knowing Bakugou would end up in the infirmary sooner or later? Maybe. Was it worth it?
"What the fuck does that mean, dammit— I—" words caught in his throat as he choked with air, looking at the candy in your fingers with murderous intentions. Definitely worth it.
"Thank you?" Broccoli Boy asked but started unwrapping it, probably not to insult your kindness, and the whole interaction fueled Bakugou's anger. He snapped out of the bed and so did Midoriya, but one was marching towards you while the other just wanted to run away in fear, direction Exit.
"Gimme that shit!" He tried to grab it out of your grasp, but you moved away, laughing at his face.
"Midoriya has been nice and thanked me for the healing—" at this point he was boiling. "Say Thank you, [Y/N], you're amazing and awesome and—"
"LIKE FUCKING HELL IMMA SAY THAT, DUMBASS!" he was so sweet, the guy you liked; yeah, your sudden realization hit as he looked like a tomato ready to bite your head off and the only thing you could think was how adorable and sweet he was. All gurgling in rage, spitting cussed words left and right; dreamy, he was dreamy. He caught the lollipop from your hands, his scowl turning into a full blown victorious grin. So shiny... so bright... God, he was so handsome...
You're suddently falling in his arms in slow-motion, the world around you twisting and turning with him in the center of it all. Warmth engulfed your frame as you hit the most comfortable pillow of your life. His chest.
"Oi, [Y/—" he cursed, taking no time to place you on the bed with ease. "You okay?"
"W-What happened? Is she okay?" It seemed the famous Deku decided to remain for the spectacle.
"Get lost!"
Even if you wanted to pass out, his snaps wouldn't let you and with that thought you chuckled breathlessly. "I'm fine, I just need a nap after healing this much..." you assured into the air.
"Will you be okay, [Y/N]-san?" You turned your head until you spotted him and nodded through a smile but someone else answered for you.
"I see you took matters in your own hands." The sweet, gentle voice of your mentor put you to ease but scared poor Midoriya to the core as she appeared behind him at the door. Bakugou was still hovering over you in bed, not really knowing what to do. "You should leave [L/N] rest, boys." With tiny steps she walked around, not really paying any more attention to the scene.
The blond gave you a glance and pursed his lip, analyzing the candy in his hand. Through half-lidded eyes you saw him secure it in his fist and give you a nod. At this point everything was blurry.
"Thanks... or whatever." He didn't waste any time to bolt towards the door, his broad uncovered shoulders were the last thing you saw before closing your eyes in contempt.
"Kacchan, is [Y/N]-san your—?"
"MIND YOUR GODDAM—" the door shut close, making the room tremble and you giggled like a drunk fool.
Bakugou walked with his hands in his pockets, looking around with little interest as Dunce Face and Racoon Eyes blabbered without pause to breathe. Fuck, he was exhausted and the concept of shoving food down his throat sounded fucking fantastic. His insides turned and twisted knowing you'd be meeting them soon.
"Yo, isn't that [Y/N]?" Like a flash, his head bolted in the direction Denki pointed at and before he spotted you, the blond already wanted to punch himself in the jaw. Why the fuck is he acting like that? The answer faded in his mind as the scene unfolded in front of him.
"You're such a fucking bitch, you know that, [Y/N]?" Arms crossed, you placated the poor first year that was whispering behind you.
"Wow, Midori, so original." With a dead tone and rolling eyes from you, the white haired demon only twisted her face in disgust. "My feelings are hurt."
"Who do you think you are? You're a fucking nobody, [Y/N]! You think you're doing any good here? Go kill yourself!"
"And give you the satisfaction? No, not happening, you fork-tongued lizard." Your nails looked interesting.
Her pale purple eyes got ignited and her diminute frame puffed, like a rabid little mole-rat ready to bite someone. And just like that, she took a deep breath and started yapping and barking. "YOU'RE BETTER DEAD ANYWAY, YOU WHORE! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! NOW EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT ME! ABOUT HOW YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME! DIE ALREADY!"
Sadly you didn't have any cookies on since you definitely felt like shoving one in her fanged, venomous mouth and patting her head for the effort. Your lips turned oh, so slowly into a grin, enjoying her reaction way too much.
"That's nice. Now can you like, I don't know, go back to making potions with your coven or some crap? Leave the kid alone—"
"This pathetic little shit was talking about me! ME!" her screech hurt your ears so you covered them before you turned to the kid to just see him standing there, petrified.
"Did you try to summon Satan and she appeared instea—?"
"I'M SO FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR CRAP, YOU—" she pushed you but grasped your uniform, a ripping sound following. "UGLY—" nothing prepared you to get attacked by her. "FAT—" she raised her palm. "WHORE!"
No way in hell you were going to back down, instead you clenched your jaw and got ready to block it and finish the fight. She never remotely attended to hit you in a somewhat public place as she was a careful witch, always brewing something in that rotten brain of hers and making sure to keep her sweet appearance on point for the public.
You blinked.
"That was insane!"
The scenery in front of you suddently changed with that one single blink and a tall blond mass of muscle just popped out of nowhere. It knocked the air out of your lungs for a moment and seeing him staring down at her with such hatred, holding her wrist high in the air made you feel immense relief, much to your own surprise.
Were you that tense before?
"Midori-chan, I didn't know you were this rotten." Kaminari appeared in your field of vision too but got ignored by the girl. Her only goal was to free herself from Bakugou's grip but he wouldn't bulge.
"Y-You got it all wrong, Bakugou-s-san!"
Everyone stood there silent, utterly disgusted with her attempt to even try to twist reality.
"Don't even fucking think about it." He warned and those words rumbled deep, threat held within.
"We heard it all, Midori." You shook in place, twisting to see Mina by the kid's side, patting his back. After being used to seeing her easy-going attitude it was only natural to be amazed by her somber tone and serious manner.
Why were you so relieved? kept creeping in your mind. Why?
He then threw her wrist out of his grasp and bared his teeth in her direction, globes so bloodshot scrutinizing her. He oozed rage and fury and was combusting in place. But he did not scream. Bakugou Katsuki did not scream for once when he started talking, instead he growled his words, each with care and clarity.
"If i ever fucking hear you talking like that to anyone ever again I will— fucking— break you." you could hear his teeth grit, the sound making you shiver both in terror and excitement. "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE! I BETTER NOT FUCKING SEE YOU OR HEAR ABOUT YOU EVER AGAIN!" she yelped, fluttering her tears away and scurrying so fast it could've been comical.
Bakugou then spun to study you, chest raising and falling heavily. You couldn't descypher his appearance at the moment; there was the aggravation, the outrage, the burning flame in his orbs but also... Uncertainty? Guilt? Shame? It wiped off his face before you could figure it out.
"We're taking him to talk to a professor about what happened." Mina's voice faded in the distance. He nodded at Kaminari, who was behind you, and got a nod in response plus a pair of thumbs up, and with that they were gone.
He still tried to control himself, but as soon as you parted your lips to say anything at this point, he snarled into the nothingness. "THAT FUCKING BITCH—"
"FOR HOW LONG?" he then screamed at you, malice gone but tone just as rough and loud.
"For how long what?" You said calmly while also noticing and adjusting the ripped sleeve of your uniform. He ran his palm over his face, eyeing it too.
"For how fucking long has this been going?"
"Oh, her—" there was this pressure to say it out loud, to confirm what it really was, like saying it out loud would give it weight, importance...
"Her bullshit, yeah." he didn't force it either, thankfully.
"Since we were in middle-school." you shrugged, chest and neck aching without an apparent reason. You cleared your throat.
"Stop that— Stop that fucking shit. Don't do that." He got close to you in a single step and you had to look up at him, feeling so small out of a sudden by his side. You smiled, as you taught yourself to do whenever things got tough.
"Do what?" It came out shaky, too shaky for your own taste but he was so close.
"Act like it doesn't fucking matter! Like it's no big fucking deal!" His breath fanned your face.
"I mean..." you started shrugging again but he stopped the action, palms holding your shoulders in place as he gave you a pissed off look. "It doesn't really matt—"
His fingers held you in the spot as he inspected your features with a clenched jaw and classic furrowed brow. Flames erupted in your ribcage at his words and you couldn't even breathe anymore.
You licked your lips, not sure if you could say the next words but the fact that he focused on the action too attentively gave you the push needed. "What's it to you?"
His breath hitched, fanning over your face as he stiffened. Deep crimson waved between your own orbs and your lips—
Those flames? The flames that burned your inside? They were spreading throughout your body rapidly, the epicenter at the spot where his thumb caressed your skin at the edge of your shoulder, just touching the start of your collarbone. Even through the layer of fabric you felt it, as tiny as it was, but he did not do anything, just stood there with red tinted cheeks in daze. Much like you were.
"Thank you for saving me today, Bakugou." You whispered and he just nodded, still enthralled with your lips. At least you knew he was somewhat still there with you. Involuntarily, you bit your lower lip, just a little, smiling softly, taking the smallest step towards him; the corner of his lip turned up slightly—
"[Y/N]! Director Nezu wants to talk to you too!"
The spell was broken; you yelped into him, grabbing his shirt for support and checked your surroundings. A waving hand caught your attention; Kaminari was signaling you to go to him then froze and started running away; little did you know someone was sending him a death glare.
You cleared your throat, still warm and fuzzy from head to toe and separared from the blond that caught you in his arms. Bakugou seemed to have noticed the position too because he jerked away a step back and looked completely out of place.
Ridiculous. And hilarious, looking anywhere but you and still made no attempt to move. Neither did you, instead opting to hide a giggle.
Because you felt warm, tingly, all while he was a complete gremlin, sweet in his own personalized way, in which he cared for you, he defended you.
And you're in disbelief because how come this guy, this adorable, blushing porcupine with anger issues made you feel so soft and fragile? How did you end up in this situation and how can you stay in it forever?
"What's so fucking funny, hah?" There wasn't any bite to what could've been an aggressive wording, just hidden tenderness. He fought a smile too and had the audacity to try to act annoyed. Sadly, you had to go, so you shook your head and took a step back.
Bakugou understood, so he nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"I'll see how later, ok?" You promised and he glanced at you from the corner of his eye. Now you had his ear in full view for you to see the tips reddened too. You want to melt, even coo at the sight, but you really did have to go. However, you couldn't leave without sending him a cheeky smile.
"Yeah, whatever." His jaw sinked a little in the collar of his shirt as he stomped away too.
The whole afternoon was spent talking to a counselor and to the principal himself about a problematic individual. The first year student was encouraged by your new friends to report it as they escorted him to safety and soon an internal investigation started; maybe, possibly because of you.
Why were you so relieved?
Because they listened to you. Because they believed you. Because you didn't have to prepare yourself every single morning to take verbal hits from all directions. Because you've been given a voice, unlike your old school where everything was brushed off; "It's your word against hers" and much more bullshit. No, this time was real and they proved it by listening to every single word you said.
You were dropped at your dorms just before 9 P.M. and it was too late to meet anyone at the point. But it wasn't important; the moment you landed on your bed a smile broke on your face, a few tears fell and you had the best sleep in forever.
The air changed. The aura around your class switched. Midori was clearly missing, which instantly turns a bad day into a fantastic one, but it wasn't only that. Students were called, one by one, again and again interrupting class and took hours to come back. Meanwhile the Divas in particular looked concerned, another great view to enjoy now and until the rest of time.
It was obvious why this was happening and you never felt this much peace and satisfaction. Even so, you started to feel overwhelmed because people suddently started greeting you. The people that weren't in Midori's toxic and constricted entourage.
They said your name! Without hatred! The school's goldenboy's name, Kaminari Denki, was dropped again and again too. It seems he just casually started mentioning what he witnessed the day before and you suddently felt the need to hug him tight. Gossip spread like wild fire thanks to him, after all.
Maybe you fell into a parallel universe but you couldn't bring yourself to care, you just waltzed on the hallways after the bell rang, wanting to go get some food, then hide at Mei's workshop for some recharging. Another part of you wanted to meet the explosive boy too, though.
In all honesty, it didn't matter where you ended. You were in an incredible mood.They talked to you and it was exhausting but nice!
Was this what it felt in horror movies when the demon-child with rotating head and projectile vomit was finally exorcized? Was the curse really released for good?
As you floated in the skies, high on life and what-not, you turned the corner just to run nose straight into a wall. Your brain decided to take a break for the day, it seems, and you genuinely hoped nobody saw you march head first into— It wasn't a wall, but a boy that gave you a raised brow and narrowed eyes.
"Watch where the fuck you're going, dumbass."
"Great to see you too!" you chippered, walking around him, knowing for a fact his attitude wouldn't be able to piss you off—
"What's with the idiotic expression?" Nevermind, he can go fuck himself. Yet you smiled because you're a Godsend angel and that's what winged saints do.
"Just really happy." You shrugged, walking away with ease and tried to bite a bigger smile off your face when you noticed him turning to walk with you. "What are you doing on this side of the campus?" You inquired.
"Came to walk you to lunch or whatever." Well, damn, that made you halt in surprise. He's behind you, staring out the window with disinterest but froze when he saw your dumbfounded face. "WHAT? IT WAS IN MY WAY, OK? Want me to leave? I can leave! You can fuck off—" You placated your hands and started laughing.
"No, no—" Your eyes glint. "It's really sweet of you." You said, awaiting his reaction with mischief.
He first choked on air, like one normally does, and then showed the worst allergic reaction to mere words. "SW—! THAT'S NOT— I'M NOT— YOU— I— NO—" in no time you're crackling like a deranged witch, adoring every single second of the show he was pulling. He was basically howling and your laughter actually infuriated him more.
"FUCK OFF!" Your amusement calmed down as you studied him, his puffed cheeks, red eyes avoiding you; with a few stomped steps he placed himself ahead of you but made no attempt to stand you up and go be a hermit somewhere else.
Bakugou Katsuki. Ash blond hair, broad back, pink ears... Swears like a sailor, is all bark and and all bite, except with his friends. Has a big heart...
"Something strange is happening." You find yourself saying.
"Hah?" He glances back.
"People have been acting weird." That stops him.
"They better not be fucking messin' with you—"
"No, on the contrary, they're nice to me..." you assured, voice faint as his comment repeated in your mind and your chest warmed up once again because of him.
They better not be fucking messin' with you.
"Good." He says and you can't bite your tongue.
"You're a good guy, Bakugou."
He gives you a face. "Hah? Now you fucking notice?!" But he's grinning at the end of the sentence, cocky and so full of himself and you'd lie if you said you didn't consider him incredibly handsome. Although it seems he did not get the message.
"No. I mean it for real. You really are a good guy." He grunts like he hurt himself in his own confusion, staring stupidly at you, slightly blushing. "You're gonna be such a great hero too." Mouth agape to try to answer, he just gives you plate eyes and nothing else. On the other hand you genuinely expected more explosive reactions but this seemed to have broken him for some good seconds. He stared and watched and stood there like an idiot in front of you, making you want to both bury yourself in your own embarrassment and laugh at him.
You opted to look up at the ceiling, flustered and amused, yesterday's events suddently washing over you; they never really left your thoughts but now all the feelings decided to come visit once again.
"Oi—" he better not ruin it. "Wh— The fuck you kissing my ass for?!" You breathe out, long and loud for him to understand how stupid he sounded and stalked ahead; only food could save the day he's been actively ruining and that's what you were gonna get. He followed your rushed steps with cusses and questions until he grabbed your wrist to slow your pace. "Slow down, dumbass!"
The issue was that his obnoxiously loud voice caught then attention of some students that were just minding their own business.
"Is that Bakugou Katsuki?" Earning a groan from him as if it wasn't his fault!
"—with [L/N] [Y/N]?"
"Are they holding hands?!"
"So they're really together?" You cringe in embarrassment.
"Is that a confession?!" No, no, absolutely not happening. You rush out of the scene, gut burning, the boy on your toes cursing and mumbling whatevers but you didn't reach far until he talks. At least he had the decency of stopping you at an empty spot before giving you a heart attack.
"This is when you confess— or some fucking— dumb shit like that." Even without seeing him, back turned and absolutely petrified, you heard the cocky vibration in his tone that was sprinkled with some light stuttering.
Son of a bitch. That prinkly ass cocky fuck. That absolutely handful of a sea urchin—
You checked the closest stairway, your nearest exit and pathway to your salvation but something in that attitude of his just made you shake as you covered your face and laugh.
"You're... You're the worst." You mumble in disbelief but the grin that almost broke your face got even bigger as he choked and inhaled sharply.
"Hah?! Wasn't I the fucking best a minute ago?!"
"I did not say tha—"
"Same shit!" He bites when you glanced on him through your fingers. Your skin was burning so hot it would've been mortifying if he didn't look just as rattled. The view managed to calm your nerves and spike them at the same time.
"You're the worst..." Finally uncovering your face, he takes in your grin and visibly calms his fuming yet remains just as discomposed. "—and I like you."
Still, you cover your mouth because the blond in front of you started combusting and it was glorious to watch. Hell, you felt like grabbing a snack and watching him go through all those feelings that slapped his face on repeat. First his eyes widened, the teasing from before forgotten, then his skin, already splashed with red transformed completely into the same color, so deep it in resemblance with his eyes, eyes that were reading into you intensely. He went rigid too and as time passed and passed and he did not move, the only thing left was to break him out of his misery. Yes, break him.
"This is when you say it back."
He snapped. "I— DON'T FUCKING— DON'T FUCKING MAKE ME SAY EMBARRASSING SHIT LIKE THAT!" Birds flew away in one mile radius, windows trembled, your eardrums cried for mercy and you hid your smile because even through deafening volume, Bakugou Katsuki did not deny it. A zoo totally high on crystal meth started a revolution in your insides and the feeling threatened to burst out at any moment.
This is it. This ball of emotional constipation was taking your breath away while cussing you after you confessed and all you wanted to do was to squeal... What have you become?
But you said nothing, just stared with your hand covering your mouth, taking in the boy that looked like he wanted to throw fists with you, bared teeth and all, and also simultaneously die of a stroke.
"I—" he tried, you had to give him credit because he really did try. Like a challenge, like he wasn't going to back down, he gave his best and not without looking like it killed him inside. "F—" cuss word got stuck in his throat when you couldn't help a scoff. Suddently the show comes to an end when he halts, gives you a glare and takes a deep breath. For a moment you feared he'd walk away. Oh, how wrong you were because deep down you had to know he did not back down easily.
"I like— you, too." Beautiful words came out of his mouth, looking like it physically pained him to say them. "THERE, I SAID IT! YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW?!" He howls indignantly, crossing his arms, trying to hide his clear flustered self yet it takes him one glance at you to return to his self induced stroke. "Don't fucking make that dumb fucking face—" he struggled to exist. "Don't look at me like that, dammit!"
You giggle, relieved and happy and in all honesty about to cry a tiny bit. You couldn't help it, enamored with how blissful this moment was. Bakugou stops his grunts and watches you in awe, small, minuscule grin taking over his face and he clicks his tongue, trying to fight it.
And deflects, as always.
"C'mon. Have to walk you there before you get lost or some shit like that." You breathe in and nod, even thought you were perfectly capable of walking to the cafeteria as you've done it for a year and some now.
"You'd be starving if it weren't for me." You snort and roll your eyes, but beam like a lovestruck idiot.
"Sure thing, dude." It instantly earns a grunt, then a pout, followed by grumbles and heavy feet by your side. You check on him, noticing his shrugged shoulders and tinted nose and you almost trip with your own legs because of it. He doesn't say anything for the longest time, which you didn't mind as you yourself needed some time to shoo away the butterflies and rainbows that floated all around in your very empty head. It wasn't until you almost reached the cafeteria that he stops you by the arm and looks away.
"You— You shouldn't call your boyfriend dude, dumbass."
Remember the butterflies? Now they're radioactive and fluttering around, crazed and disoriented.
"Says the one that calls me a dumbass, Bakugou." You relent, thankful he took the initiative to answer the question that lingered in the air throughout all the walk.
A wild flush takes over him and he refuses to turn toward you, just observing from the corner of his eyes.
"It's— It's Katsuki to you, dumbass." And he drags you inside without giving you a chance to process it. But when you do, you grin like mad and whisper just as you were manhandled through the door, preparing yourself for his explosive gargling and screaming and silently apologizing to everyone in your general proximity.
"Okay, Kacchan~"
Note: Thank you for reading and for any sweet mesages! I read each and every one of them and they make me so incredibly happy!! I would like to point out that the phone editor switches around paragraphs and it's very confusing. I edited some mistakes and for now it's good but I'm scared it wasn't fixed since I edited before too and I encounter the same problem again... If you find something off, could you please let me know? I want the reading to be enjoyable for everyone after all. Thank you again! 💕
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megumitski · 3 years
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hello these are the bnha fics i’ve read so far and i just made this to track them for myself. favorites are marked with a 💥! more bakudeku plus tododeku and other ships under the cut.
💥 Bluebird - EtherealBeing (53k)
Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact.
However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Let’s Be Alone Together - lalazee (3k)
Prompt: Deku being aggressively forward in his pursuit of Bakugou, and how that big oaf would react to someone else actually making the first move.
“Are you going to spend your entire life wishing you’d kissed me or are you gonna grow some balls and fucking do it?”
Bell Pepper - ticklishivories (7k)
Midoriya knew they wouldn’t talk about it. He was right. But he never thought it’d happen again.
spilling over every side - failbender (6k)
No good deed goes unpunished, not when there's a crazy lady with a complex and Lust Quirk parading around the city. By now, Katsuki should probably be used to things blowing up in his face.
be loved - bonnia (5k)
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
Leftovers - brichibi (6k)
“Did you two make up?”
That. That’s why that fight felt like it was worth it, even if, technically, Izuku can’t answer her. Have they made up? Is this making up?
He actually doesn’t know.
[Or: the house arrest fic where it is, somehow, more awkward to talk through feelings than it is to fight]
lust-drunk - theboykingofhell (8k)
The one where Bakugou tries not to lose his mind to lust, and Midoriya is the useless gay who does nothing to help that matter at all.
💥 Quiet Rapture - lalazee (261k) - inc.
That A/B/O fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
💥 A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF - kewltie (8k)
Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? - reading_raindrop (8k)
“A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!”
Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him? “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Katsuki whipped his head towards Izuku with his signature death glare as he stood up from where he picked up the fallen supplies.
“U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-”
“No. What the fuck did you just call me?”
Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would
💥 take care - Chrome (2k)
There are words to say stay safe, I’ll miss you, I love you, but Kacchan has always preferred to leave things unspoken. Izuku isn’t much with languages, but he thinks he’s figured out this one.
“Emotional constipation manifested as over-the-top housewifery?” Mina asks. Before Izuku can say that is not what he meant at all, she nods. “Yeah, I can see it.”
Just Look At Me - Colourcubify (52k) - dnf
Midoriya is completely happy with his life. Nope, not one single regret in his twenty-seven years. He especially doesn't regret running into his old childhood friend/bully after almost ten years, nor does he regret spilling coffee all over his very expensive looking suit. How nice it will be to die with no regrets. ~~~~ AKA the sugar daddy AU I meant to be a one shot, that turned into a full fledged story.
A Nest for the Best - Camellia_Sinensis (1k)
Deku’s been nesting and asking everyone in 1-A for pieces of clothing for his horde. Everyone, that is, except Katsuki. Cue the jealousy.
unforgiving - i_write_emotion (19k)
Deku is hit with a quirk that takes away his ability to forgive, and Bakugou’s world comes crashing down. Quirkless!Deku. Pro-hero!Bakugou.
@ Deku WRONG CHAT - katyastark (16k) - inc.
Deku: or! like! It doesn’t even have to be his abs! It could be anywhere else! I’m not picky!
Pinky: excuse me what
ChargeDolt: OMG
Uravity: @Deku WRONG CHAT
I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married. - InkspillsNotebook (6k)
Ta-Da!!!! I hope you all enjoy the finished product!!! I'm sorry (not sorry) I broke a lot of you when I first posted this to tumblr!!
Procrastination - capncapk (5k)
But it is still surprising to see his more-than-friend-but-also-lover-he-guesses in his office seeking attention though Izuku already turned him down.
Usually he'll get a text of 'wyd?' followed by a time and place if Izuku responds with a confirmation, and silence if he's busy.
Or slammed into the wall in the agency's shower for a quickie if no one was around, which despite his anxiety, he often acquiesces to.
While You Were Sleeping - Belkacaramelka (71k)
The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Quirkless AU based on the film; endgame BakuDeku. -- Katsuki didn’t know when the change had happened: how he had gone from asking why Todoroki chose Deku of all people, to wondering why it was Todoroki that Deku chose. Troublesome Deku, who cooed like an idiot at cats, tripped at a random catcall and sang badly. Who, despite everything, proved that it wasn’t the quirk that defined a person. Deku, who was too much, not his, and undeniably off limits to begin with.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) - vannral (16k)
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
Yes, They’re All Safe - teaandtumblr (5k)
Villains have entered UA grounds and are disposed of just as quickly, but that doesn't mean a headcount of the students doesn't need to be done. Toshinori would admit, he wasn't quite prepared for what he found in Bakugou Katsuki's room.
💥 all choked up - spicyrabbit (5k)
Bakugou Katsuki had a habit of turning away from the heard. At 16, he does this by coming to terms with wanting, desperately, to see his childhood friend cry.
💥 May I take your order, dipshit? - supercrunch (6k)
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
blooms every hour - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“It’s you, okay?!” Deku screams. “It’s you. And I know you’ll never love me back, so -” Deku wipes his eyes and straightens. “So just leave it.”
Deku has hanahaki, and Katsuki doesn't know how to save him.
all choked up - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“Deku, what the fuck are you doing?!”
Izuku asks Kacchan to help him train blackwhip. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
A Fight To The Death - iknewaman (10k)
Izuku isn’t competitive by nature, but when the blond, cocky asshole from the other table’s team gets involved he suddenly becomes hellbent on winning.
Rival Pub Quiz AU
💥 Like the Moon - osakakitty (15k)
Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Canon-verse story in which Bakugo is confused about his feelings for Midoriya, and doesn’t know what he wants. Besides a good night’s sleep.
💥 We Wear Chains on the Weekend - surveycorpsjean (35k)
Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare.
"Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways.
Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
take me out to dinner first - dynamighttiddy (3k)
“Kacchan,” Deku chides. “What’s going on?”
Katsuki takes a deep breath.
He trusts Deku with his life. He can trust him with this, too.
“Have sex with me.”
Katsuki Bakugou is one of the only virgins left in class 3-A - and with graduation just around the corner, he's desperate to change that.
💥 that ultra kind of love - dynamighttiddy (11k)
“So, uh,” Kirishima starts. “Was that your first kiss?” he whispers, almost sheepish. Katsuki’s stomach drops, and he freezes. Memories of green eyes and freckles and soft lips flash behind his eyelids. “Yeah,” he lies easily. “That was my first kiss.”
In which Bakugou pretends Kirishima is his first kiss, amongst other things.
to the moon and back - kewltie (1k)
"He gets stupid when he's drunk," Katsuki seethes in his seat as he watches Izuku croon love notes into Uraraka's throat. He’d never met a worst lightweight then Deku, who become some kind of demented affectionate monster.
💥 Bridges - supercrunch (18k)
Yaomomo sighs. “We’ve got a little bit of a situation, Bakugou. Ashi—uhm, somebody might have accidentally signed you up for that modelling gig.”
Katsuki holds up a hand. "So what you’re telling me here," he says, "is that you told Calvin Klein I would model for them. In my underwear.”
Ashido sinks behind a desk to hide. “Yes.”
(The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart.
So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.)
Crescendo - supercrunch - inc. (4k)
(Izuku's band is on their way to the top of the charts. But the real star, he thinks, is the drummer.)
Guilty Kiss - osakakitty (1k)
He could feel Midoriya's eyes on him. Even though he knew it was wrong, Bakugo still wet his lips in anticipation.
(Canon-verse) A short story about making out in a closet. It's messy, but so is their relationship.
💥 Surfaces - surveycorpsjean (25k)
Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right.
As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Classical conditioning - supercrunch (8k)
(or: how to trick a boy into going out with you.)
Alright. Maybe his idiot friends had a point, Katsuki thinks as he shoulders open the front door. His mother’s in the living room drinking coffee. Katsuki kicks off his shoes and stomps over. “Am I charming?” he demands, blocking the TV.
Mitsuki pats his cheek. “Oh, hon. Not at all.”
💥 Dance Bunny - EllaBesmirched (17k)
Katsuki Bakugou spends most week nights by himself, sitting in a corner at his local strip club and passing time until he feels tired enough to sleep. Work leaves him stressed and the new city he moved to a year ago is just different enough that he can't sleep at night and can't seem to get comfortable no matter where he is.
When he finally changes up his schedule and decides to head to the club on a Saturday night, he is instantly infatuated with a part-time dancer who can do things with his body that Katsuki didn't even know were possible. The dancer calls himself Bunny. By the second lap dance, Katsuki realizes he is in trouble.
but the entrails are the best part! - supercrunch (15k)
The boy straightens up. He’s about half a head shorter than Katsuki, face soft and youthful and sweet. He turns to look at him properly. His dark hair shines in the dying light, basket of blooms looped over one arm and mouth quirked into a tiny half-smile. The sun hits his face and makes his eyes a bright greeny-gold, just like emeralds.
Katsuki likes emeralds.
“Pretty,” he says, reaching out and picking the stranger up around the middle. He’s surprisingly heavy, although Katsuki doesn’t mind. “I like you. Come see my nest.”
The boy hits him.
He’s stronger than he looks, turns out. Katsuki drops him and falls onto his back, pain blooming across his face. Birds sing. The sky’s a lovely shade of orange, clouds floating lazily by. The boy scarpers. He leaves his basket of flowers behind, footsteps thumping on the ground and fading away as he escapes.
The sun sets. Katsuki, lying flat on his back with a bloody nose, decides he’s just fallen in love.
(You Know You’re Really) Cute - ladyhoneydarlinglove (2k)
Kirishima poses the question, who’s the cutest boy in Class 1-A? The answers kind of surprise everyone, especially Midoriya.
Everything Except - Pouler (28k)
"In retrospect, Midoriya probably should’ve realized the moment they were enveloped in a glittering pink cloud that something was about to go Very Wrong."
After an encounter with a unique villain threatens to change the nature of their partnership, Midoriya must find a way to get things back to normal between him and Todoroki. That is, if he's certain that getting 'back to normal' is what he really wants...
count your blessings, not your flaws - PitViperOfDoom (7k)
Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
Riddles in the Heart - PitViperOfDoom (19k)
The law is clear: whoever correctly answers three riddles will marry the prince, while all who fail are to be executed. The people live in fear as more challengers try and fail, and the throne grows bloodier with every passing year. But a young prince, nameless and in exile from his home, believes there may be more to this brutal challenge than meets the eye.
Of course, there's only one way to find out: ring the gong, and take the trial.
Late bloomer - Nohaljiachi (10k)
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
Burn and Breathe - PitViperOfDoom (11k)
Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own.
one string, fit for a bow - furihatachlookie (5k)
There was no magical moment that played a part in Midoriya's realization that he liked Todoroki. The thin red string that greeted him every time he looked down at his hand was an obvious factor, yes, but it wasn't love at first sight either.
It sorta just... happened over time.
fire and feelings - kagshina (8k)
“Uh…” he starts, eyes widening. “Your finger’s on fire.”
Todoroki’s face scrunches together, confused, and then he looks down, noticing the flame. Midoriya watches as shock flashes across Todoroki’s face, and then horror, and then finally settles on embarrassment as he puts out the flame.
“Shit,” Todoroki mumbles, and Midoriya’s lip curves upward.
💥 Fire in the Mountains - EllaBesmirched (168k)
“I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
The Ballad of Love and Hate - EllaBesmirched (6k)
After eight painfully long years, Katsuki finally has Izuku back. He's determined to keep him this time, and to do that, he knows there are some things he has to say.
(mis)matched - ethydium (12k)
Midoriya doesn't hate the idea of finding one's soulmate, even though he had long since given up on finding his own. And then Bakugou and Todoroki match, and while he's happy for them, his heart breaks from all the unsaid things he feels for them.
Midoriya pines and suffers his way to his own happy ending.
pillowed by love - ethydium (21k)
As a prank, Uraraka gets Midoriya a body pillow (dakimakura) with the image of Bakugou printed on it. Then another one with Todoroki's picture. Chaos ensues.
For who could learn to love a beast? - supercrunch (4k) - bakutodo
Bakugou takes a deep breath and steps out into the living room, eyes automatically adjusting to the change in light. There’s a boy hanging up his coat in the hall. He’s handsome, albeit in an annoying way, hair dyed two colours to match his heterochromia and skin pale and perfect and smooth. He looks expensive. “Bakugou.”
“That’s me,” Bakugou says. “You’re younger than I expected.”
“I’m older than I look.”
(Deku was right, damn him. Pretty boys are Bakugou's type.)
Want it All - surveycorpsjean (29k) - kiribakutododeku
“Hey, so..." Eijirou grins. "Can we ask you guys a question?"
Frankendick and the Great Acid Fiasco - EllaBesmirched (11k) - shiggyxdabi
Dabi had been intending to spend a very nice Saturday getting stoned and plotting murder, thank you very much, but when a trio of UA brats on enough L to kill a Beatle accidentally dose him and two other unsuspecting homicidal maniacs, Dabi has to change his plans a bit. Apparently no else around here knows how to trip balls and fucking enjoy it.
The Twitter - EllaBesmirched (8k) - tododenki
Shouto never really intended for anyone to find his secret Twitter account. He certainly didn't intend for Kaminari to see Shouto's thirst tweets about him. Luckily, Kaminari doesn't seem to mind.
pray you catch me - supercrunch (4k)
Katsuki pushes her shirt up to kiss her stomach. It’s silly, how it makes her heart flutter, how Izuku’s whispered I love you threatens to make her cry all over again. They’re unwrapping her from her clothes. They won’t let her hide, she thinks numbly. Won’t let her curl in on herself like she’s something dirty, Katsuki’s hands tugging off her underwear so she’s naked and exposed between them. “I,” she says breathlessly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying. I’m just being dumb.”
Izuku shushes her. Another tear trickles down her cheek and into her ear. He kisses it away, humming, brushing her bangs off her forehead so he can press his mouth between her brows. “You have every right to be upset. We’ll deal with him later. For now just let us take care of you.”
“She’ll get the message once you stop talking and fuck her,” Katsuki says, slipping his fingers into her. She clenches around him and shudders. “Gonna eat you out ‘til you forget how to move. Now put that fucking motor mouth to good use, Deku.”
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stealforreal · 3 years
Midoriya Izuku - Future kids I
Midoriya Izuku's day just got turned upside down. MIdoriya is slightly ooc, and I'm dissapointed with the quality of this work. I lost inspiration sorry, but here you go anyways.
Midoriya Izuku x f!reader
Warnings: none, maybe slight cussing
It had been a normal day, so far. Class 1-b and 1-a had a joint training session, and everyone was giving it their all. Iida was using his recipico burst against their team's opponents, giving Midoriya time to think up a new plan now that they had been discovered. They had previously planned to use Aoyama's navel laser to lure their opponents to a specific spot, before using Iida to get him away so Midoriya and Todoroki could apprehend them. The plan had unfortunately backfired, since they had captured Aoyama before Iida could get to him. The solid air user from 1-b had gotten him in his hold, and only after Todoroki had gotten him back did they realise how much the rest of the plan would fail. So now Midoriya was tasked with coming up with a new plan.
Todoroki was occupied with holding the others at bay, and Iida was running out of fuel so they wouldn’t be much help. Aoyama was on the brink of his usual stomach ache that followed with overuse, so he was also pretty useless. Even if he wanted too Midoriya knew he was out matched, a 4 v 1 would not end well for him, besides he had to look out for Monoma and his copy quirk. He was so in his head planning that he didn’t see the Copycat sneaking up on him, not before it was too late. He should have felt an impact, Monoma had pointed one of Bakugou’s explosions towards him. But the impact never came, instead he felt himself float in the air hovering over the remaining smoke from the explosion. “Don’t you dare hurt my daddy” A loud girly voice proclaimed, effectively gaining everybody nearby attention.
Turning his attention towards the girly voice, he felt himself freeze up. In the middle of their training field stood a girl around the age of 10, if he had to take a guess. But that wasn’t what caused him to freeze up, no not the fact that this young girl had somehow managed to bypass UA’s security. Which should have been impossible, considering all the improvements that had been made to it after all the villain attacks that had happened. No, what caused him to freeze up was the fact that before him stood this girl, who looked like a carbon copy of him. It seemed that way from this distance. “Who is responsible for holding Midoriya in the air?” Aizawa’s gruff voice rang out. “Oh right, I forgot about that,” The curly green haired girl exclaimed, catching the attention of the slowly increasing crowd. Slowly Midoriya could feel himself being lowered to the ground again, once his feet hit the cement the quirk that had previously held him in the air deactivated making him feel 10 times heavier.
“Who the fuck disturbed the exercise, I’m gonna kill who ever did it” a familiar angry voice yelled out, making Bakugou’s presence noticeable. Everybody was a little on edge, they had enough experience with villains to not foolishly blindly trust anybody. It didn’t matter that it was a 10 year-old girl, or that she looked like a carbon copy of the resident green haired cinnamon roll. “Man, Uncle Katsu you really were loud back in the day” This statement from the green haired girl left everyone speechless. ‘Does she have a death wish’ was the thought on most of 1-A’s minds, nobody was so casual with Bakugou because it was a serious health hazard.
Well everyone except maybe his two best friends, Kirishima and y/n. It was common knowledge in class A that Bakugou had a soft spot for his two best friends, they had honestly been shocked the first time they met her. She had walked into the classroom, blank faced, walked over to Bakugou’s table, smacked him upside the head with a book before leaving it on his desk, and walked out the door with only a quick “don’t forget it next time, Idiot”. Miraculously she had lived, and Bakugou hadn’t even begun yelling. An impressive feat in itself. Not long after Midoriya had begun noticing you around school, and found out you were a part of the support course. He came to know you a bit, his observation skills made that almost too easy. Slowly but surely he began falling in love with you, the way your hair frames your face, your sharp tongue that never held back. How you would stand up for anybody, it didn’t matter if you knew them well or not if they were in trouble you would help them.
“Hah, what was that you brat?” Bakugou’s loud yelling and heavy footsteps approaching snapped him out of his thoughts, and back to the situation at hand. “ W-wait a minute Kacchan, I’m s-sure that there is a logical explanation” He found himself saying before he could even register what happened. Midoriya was hit with an immense feeling of protectiveness, similar to when they had rescued Eri, but stronger. Without knowing he had subconsciously stepped in front of the girl, pushing her behind his back. “Don’t worry dad I can handle myself, besides it’s only uncle Katsu” she spoke up behind the protective cinnamon roll. “Explain now” Aizawa cut in before they could get side tracked again. It was like the fact she hadn’t introduced herself, only hit her now.
“ Right, allow me to introduce myself” Bowing slightly she continued. “ My name is Midoriya Izumi, I am 10 years old and from the future” Aizawa sent her a raised eyebrow, wanting an elaborated answer. “ My friend was being teased by the others in class about how he was quirkless” Izuku tensed slightly but continued listening to Izumi “ Since my friend’s parents each has a quirk related to time, his mom could speed up herself for only a couple of minutes and his dad could slow down others a bit. This made it really hard for my friend to know if he had a quirk or not, so I helped him research and test different theories. Our last one must have worked, which is time travel by the way, but I have no idea how long his quirk will last” Izumi rambled slightly, reminding them of another curly green haired individual. Difference is Izumi talked loud enough for them to hear, and a bit slower making it understandable.
“Wait, you said your name was Midoriya Izumi. Does this mean that you are Midoriya’s daughter” The ever stoic, conspiracy theory thinking, dual haired boy pointed out. “ Yep, sure am uncle Sho, Don’t tell me you don’t see the resemblance.” She stood next to Izuku hugging his waist with one arm, before continuing” I’m dad's younger copy but female, mom always says there is more wholesomeness in him than there is in her. I remember her asking dad one time why his genes were so damn strong. Luckily for her Haru looks a lot more like her, he’s her younger copy but male” The people present looked between the two Midoriyas, it was true nobody could deny that she was her fathers daughter. The only thing that was different was her eyes, they had specks of y/e/c instead of being fully emerald like Izuku’s were. Also she talks a lot, just like their classmate. They shared the same green hair, both were curly in texture and the classic Midoriya freckles. Though it seemed that she had gotten more of her mothers personality, at least they assumed so. I mean she stood up to Bakugou, without even flinching at his tone.
“Oi, squirt what’s your quirk. And quit rambling like shitty Deku” Bakugou asked, interest evident in his tone. “ Right, my quirk is called Telekinesis, so I can move stuff with my mind. It was also how I was able to keep daddy in the air” Izumi responded, puffing her chest out comically in pride. “Huh so it skipped a generation, and your quirk is stronger than my mom’s. But you also have a different approach so maybe that helps. I wonder why yours is stronger, is it because of your mothers quirk. But then again my quirk is also powerful maybe an aspect of it ties to the genes maybe that’s why your quirk is stronger than moms” The older green haired individual began mumbling on, and he probably would have continued if he hadn’t been cut off by his lowly daughter hitting him in the head. “ Daddy stop mumbling,” Izumi stated sternly.
Bakugou grinned, he liked this kid's spunk and she seemed to have a strong quirk, even if she was shitty Deku’s kid. “Oi squirt fight me” He loudly proclaimed, earning all his classmates attention. Almost everyone began yelling over each other, what the hell dude and she just a kid another one was so not manly bro. Instead of being happy her dad’s old classmates were defending her, stopping her uncle from fighting her she got annoyed. So what if she was a child, this wouldn’t be her first time fighting her dad or her uncles. Before everyone could attack Bakugou even more a voice piqued up “ Sure, if that is alright with you sensei” she directed her attention towards Mr. Aizawa.
It wasn’t rational to challenge a child to a fight, but he couldn’t deny she had a great fighting spirit in her eyes. So he allowed it, he was curious himself to see how it would end. The control she displayed earlier was phenomenal, and she was only 10 but she had a lot of potential in his book. He shooed everuýone a bit away from the hothead and the young Midoriya, and so then created a ring of sorts acting a the line of confinement.
Bakugou charged straight in with his usual right hook, only to have it swiftly caught by Izumi. She grabbed his right hand, squatted down a bit, then swiftly pushed her shoulder into his rib. The momentum of that allowed her to, even with some difficulty, flip his much larger body over her shoulder and into the ground. There was a small second of silence where Bakugou just laid on the ground in shock, a girl over 5 years younger than him just flipped him over her shoulder like it wasn’t even that hard. However Izumi didn’t give him time to think as she sent metal bars towards him. They had been fried earlier, before her arrival. Bakugou used his explosions to evade the metal projectiles, sending another one straight towards her face. Die squirt die, his colorful vocabulary re-entered the scene. She used her Telekinesis to command the explosion to change course and hit Bakugou square in the face instead. Slightly dazed Bakugou didn’t have time to move before a heel connected to his temple, effectively knocking him out.
Everyone who bore witness to this fight was shell shocked, Bakugou lost. The fight lasted only around 8 minutes before the winner of the 1 years sports festival got knocked out by a 10 year old girl. “Huh, that was easier than expected,” the panting girl exclaimed. Izuku could feel his chest swell with pride, that was his daughter. Strong and smart just like her parents. She walked over to Izuku and slumped against him “ I’m tired daddy, carry me” She looked up at him with those doe green eyes, and how could he say no to his little warrior princess. Blushing, he picked her up, and she let out a sigh of contentment. Using her quirk to command things on a molecular level, like Bakugou’s explosions always took a toll on her.
“Midoriya take Izumi to the dorms to let her rest, the rest of you come with me for our next exercise” Mr. Aizawa commanded the frozen teens and teacher. Izuku then began making his way to the dorms, asking his sleepy daughter a tornado of questions. Do you know about my quirk, how does your quirk work, how old is Haru, am I a good dad, who is your mom? Even in her sleepy state Izumi answered his questions to the best of her abilities, though she refused to reveal who her mother was.
When they arrived at the dorms he put her on the living room couch, and went to leave to grab her some old All Might merch that could fit her. Before he could leave she grabbed his cheeks rather harshly, looking him straight in the eye she said “Don’t worry about who mom is, she loves you for you so it's gonna be fine. Also don’t screw this up so I’ll still be born.” Izuku sweat dropped nervously, before getting out of her hold to go find that old merch of his.
When he returned to the living room after finding what he was looking for, he looked around only to find that it was empty. He walked over to the couch and coffee table where he found a note, picking it up and sitting down on the couch to read it. Dearest daddy, I felt tingly so I think the quirk is gonna wear off now. I just wanted to say that you are awesome and the best daddy out there, I love you so much. I’ll see you again in the future - hugs Izumi Midoriya. Izuku’s heart fell, she had only just arrived an hour or so ago and now she was gone. He didn’t get to know his daughter better like he had hoped, and he didn’t get to see her adorably dressed up in his old All Might merch. He read the note over and over again, trying to satisfy his heart. He would see her again in the future, and then it clicked. his heart swelled, yeah he would see Izumu again some day.
Yeah he would see her again when he was married and happy. Yeah he could wait for that, as long as he has too.
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
you’re both so lame
Bakugou Katsuki was roughly 16 when he realized the stakes to be the best, the top, the number one hero. It was more than having a strong quirk, physical strength, keen observational skills, smarts, or being brave – it was all these things he realized that he lacked something more. He realized that you had to have heart, compassion, something he sorely lacked.
After all, what good is a hero working for himself and not for others?
Failing his Provisional License Exam made him realize that, putting up with shitty Half-and-Half.
He could be the hero he wanted to be, but that'd put him in leagues of Endeavor, and there was no way he wanted to wind up as shitty as that old fart.
He was lacking, but he just didn't know where. No, he knew where he lacked but just didn't know how to consider them.
He wanted to be more, bigger - become a better version of himself.
Considering his shitty self, however, that seemed like a laughable and farfetched idea.
“Are you stupid or something?”
He looked up at the figure who stopped in front of him under the pouring rain, meeting your gaze - surprised, annoyed, angry, and worried, all at once. Too lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t realized that it had rained and that he was soaking.
Grabbing his hand, you forced him to his feet. “Come on, get under here.” Once under the umbrella, you practically shove it in his hand, letting him hold because he was taller. Slipping your bag in front of you, you rummaged through your things for a handkerchief. Once finding it, you wiped his wet face, grumbling under your breath. “Seriously, if you want to be number one, we can’t have you getting sick on me.”
At the sound of your voice, your mothering, he slowly came to. “Sorry,” was the most intelligent thing he could think of saying to you. Going back on your words, he found his voice again. "you remembered."
Rolling your eyes, you poked between his brows. "How could I not? It was all you could talk about." Shaking your head, now that his face was dry, you began to walk, he followed. “So, where’re ya headed?”
“Really? School break?”
It still surprises him at how easy it is to speak to you now, even after everything. And he means everything. It amazes him how natural it was to talk to you, how at ease he feels.
“Something like that.”
Humming, the two of you make your way through the wet road, waiting by the crosswalk as cars pass by, the light overhead blaring red. “Well, you’re lucky I’m heading home. I’ll just drop you off first, okay?”
Once the light blinks green, the two of you began to walk with the crowd.
Shrugging, he adjusts his hold on the umbrella, slipping his free hand into his pocket. “Yeah, alright.”
You said nothing else, and walked on, the falling rain filling in the noise.
In turn, Bakugou had little else to say with his mind riddled with his thoughts filled with insecurities and fears regarding the path he wants for himself.
At 16, he realized now how quirks were nothing more than an added bonus, they could either make or break you, depending on its usage. Like you said in middle school, there’ll always be other quirks better than yours, and nobody would give a damn about how you well you did in junior high when you get to the real world. UA was such an eye-opener. That, and you and Deku.
Now, as he turned to you, watching you hum a tune under your breath as you skipped happily on the wet ground, carmine eyes softened as he realized just how much he wanted to be someone’s hero.
“For what it’s worth…I’m working my way to the top.”
Blinking, you turned to face him, the corners of your lips lifting. “Yeah?”
Nodding, he regarded you in kind regards, feeling the darkness seep away just by the curve of your lips, the warmth in your eyes. “Had a few speed bumps to get through, first.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
Exhaling, sharply, he tilts a bit, careful to not bring the umbrella with him lest he gets you wet. “…exhausting, but no way am I fucking giving in that easy.”
“Glad to hear that then.”
At 16, he remembered that one thing he wished for the moment he got his quirk, the one person who mattered the most to him, the other person who helped propel him to the top, he finally remembered what he had to do.
Finally smiling, the best he could do anyway, you rolled your eyes at him, playfully punching his chest. “There’s the fucker, I know.”
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Being friends with someone like Midoriya Izuku is both a blessing and a curse – one, you have this sweet cinnamon roll, whose life goal was to be the best hero at his own pace whilst ensuring that people are safe and sound; then, there’s the fact that he’s disturbingly perceptive and dangerously analytical. For short, he can read you like a book.
Since you were younger, Izuku knew of your crush on Bakugou.
He was actually rooting for both of you to end up together, which was only solidified during the ‘proposal’. Dear God, that was so long ago!
Even when the blond boy turned out to be a shithead, lording over with his overgrown pride, Izuku was there to assure you that your crush is valid and that there's almost something good underneath Kacchan's pride. 
One Valentine’s day, sophomore year of middle school to be exact, with some push from your green-haired best friend, you were planning on giving Bakugou Katsuki Valentine’s chocolates. The idea intimidated you to no end, but it was a step. Your mother had helped you make them, all while teasing you throughout the process. Your dad had cried the whole time, whilst your grandparents drank tea to the tune of his wails.
You had given some pieces to Izuku, who enjoyed them much to your relief. So now, the only problem was actually giving them to the blond boy.
“B-Bakugou-kun!” a girly voiced called out, startled, you hid, back against the wall. “I-I made you chocolates! T-These are for you!”
It didn't help that you were not the only one who harbored a crush on him, in fact, half the population liked him, you had a lot of competition. Izuku would say that you had a leg against the rest, just because you were childhood friends. (To which you'd roll your eyes on because it was so fucking cliche)
"Um, um...I was hoping to give them to you! A-Also, I-I...like you! Please go out with me-"
"Like I'd go out with an extra like you," he cuts her off harshly, sadistically. "none of you are fit for someone like me." There was a whimper, followed by a dark chuckle. "And you have the gall to actually hand me these? You must be outta your mind. Double, if you think I'd ever want to be found dating an extra like you."
Though they weren't directed at you, every word said sent a painful jab to your heart, loosening the grip on your chocolates.
You should have known better that Bakugou wasn’t one for Valentine's Day, he’d either snub the gifts, burst them to bits, or pass them to his ‘friends’. Today was no different. Braving a look, you saw as he harshly took the chocolate off the girl's hands and blew them to bits, his 'friends' laughing behind him while the girl stared in horror before running off crying.
Had that been you, it could've been worst.
Bakugou Katsuki could care less about feelings or liking someone, he cared for nothing but himself.
So, instead, you gave them to Izuku, meaning he got two chocolates for Valentine’s Day.
"EH!? (Nickname), what happened!?" seeing the look in your eyes, Izuku was by your side.
“Sorry, Izuku, I couldn’t do it.” you murmur, defeatedly.
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
You could only exhale, limply leaning against him. Still worried, he wraps an around your shoulders, squeezing comfortably. Seeing the chocolate in your best friend's hands, you felt the burn in your eyes, the squeeze in your chest, remembering all that time you spent working on it only to go to waste. In a way, it was metaphorically like dealing with your feelings, this stupid one-sided crush.
“Honestly? I’m tired of this stupid crush.”
Numbness washed over you, crawling over your nerves.
Seeing the weariness in your eyes, Izuku relents his words and works on a smile. “I-I’ll give you double for White Day!”
Smiling weakly, you replied. “Thanks, Izuku, I look forward to it.”
(Unbeknownst to the both of you, a blond teen listened in, hands balled into fists, sparks going off, before stomping away angrily.)
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“Um, Aizawa-sensei, is there a reason why we’re doing night classes?”
Lazily glancing at Jirou, seeing her in gear like the rest of her classmates, who seemed tired and confused for being in the gym at 09:06 in the evening.
“Since you’ll be heroes soon, you have to keep in mind that you work around the clock. Meaning, there’s a chance that you’re more likely to work day shifts or night shifts.” His students shifted, reacting to his words.
“Well, that’s true.” Satou nods, arms crossed against his massive chest.
“Well, I work better at night, since I love to sleep in~” Kaminari says, grinning ear to ear.
“Tokoyami-chan, wouldn't you be better suited for the night?” Asui asked Tokoyami, who nodded once.
“Yes, as Dark Shadow and I have been making progress.”
“That being said, we’re only doing these night classes at random, to properly prepare yourselves. With that in mind, I’ve called for help with these classes.”
The class gasped in unison, half were excited, half were in awe. After all, it’s not every day you get outside help. Who knows who they'll meet?
As if being summoned, two figures appeared from the shadows, both sporting ninja-like costumes and donning masks - a sly kitsune on the small female, and a stoic angry-looking fox on the tall male. Together, the two bowed - holding their fists in their palms - at Aizawa, then at the class.
Standing straight, they began to take off their masks, lowering their hoods.
Midoriya and Bakugou gasped, immediately recognizing the two whose eyes glinting a dangerous yellow.
“They are from the Yoruichi dojo, they’re trained and proficient in combat, especially at night. We'll be under their care.”
"Hold up!"
“Isn’t that Midoriya and Bakugou’s childhood friend?”
You waved a two-fingered salute, rather nonchalantly. “Yo!”
“(Nickname)!” Izuku called to you, excitedly, his shock wearing off.
“What are you doing here?” Bakugou shouted, still in shock.
Tutting you folded your arms against your chest, fixing a dull look towards your childhood friends. “Weren’t you listening? Or were your explosions too loud that you’ve gone deaf?” those words were specifically directed towards Bakugou, who yelled incoherent words at you. Turning your head away, avoiding his yells, you stuck your tongue out childishly.
Beside you, your grandfather stoically took in the group before him, before his eyes fell on green and blond. “So, this is the two of you donning your heroics? Not too shabby.” Says your grandfather, the two boys stood straighter, much to the shock of their classmates, especially for Bakugou.
“Shihan!” Bakugou and Midoriya say in unison.
“Ah, the two of them straightened up!”
“Even Bakugou!”
“Just who is this old man?”
"He's the head of the Yuroichi clan," Aizawa said, hands still in his pocket. "a retired underground hero who's trained countless heroes, mastered the art of stealth and even earned the respect of several Yakuza clans for his many feats. He is simply called Shihan." Scratching at his cheek, he added. "Even I trained under him."
"That's an impressive track record," remarked Yaoyorozu, Todoroki nods beside her. "Countless heroes have been under his wing, he must be that impressive."
"Y-Yakuza clans!?" shrieked Urakaka.
"An experienced underground hero to help us further enhance our skills, as expected of UA!" Iida praised, hands moving animatedly, his classmates were careful not to get hit by them.
"He even trained Aizawa-sensei, that's so cool!" Kirishima comments, fists bumping producing a satisfying 'clack' sound.
“But, 'Shihan'? Isn’t that just a title?” Mashirao asked, confused. Beside him, Mezuo shrugged.
“Well, you get to know his name only if you’ve rightfully earned it.” You tell them, dangling against the banister, legs swinging.
“What the hell?”
“When did she get there!?”
Giggling, you drop to the ground soundlessly, landing next to Izuku to hug his arm. Shooting the blond a look, you playfully kicked his boots.
“Granddaughter,” called your old man, arms folded behind his back. “get over here.”
“Yes~” taking a step back from your friends, you flipped backward to your grandfather, landing easily into a seating pose, yellow eyes alight with mischief.
“W-Wait, sensei, you said that we’d have to train against them right?”
“Correct. The Yuroichi clan is the best martial artist you’ll find, but you won’t hear squat of them in the real world because of how good they keep their façade.” At that, you winked at your (still) gaping best friends. “That being said, within this class, you’ll see exactly how you’ll fare in the real world especially at night.”
Impassively staring out, your grandfather continued to stare down at the students of Class 2-A, his yellow eyes gleaning on each one of them whilst you rocked in place beside him.
“You may have had your work studies, internship, and last year's fiasco cut out for you, but that's still a fraction of what's to be expected of you as heroes." Some of the group fell silent at the mention of their freshmen year, a lot of things happened to them that forced them all to grow up too fast.
"Yuroichi,” Aizawa turns to you - cutting everyone's thought process, bringing them to now, you blink. “you can start out by picking the person you’d like to go against.”
Humming, you gave the class a good look, yellow eyes dancing from person to person. Izuku's detailed analysis flowed in your head, regarding each of his classmates.
Eventually, you chose Ochako, because you had been told that she’s one of the best combatants in class. Also, she had a rather interesting quirk you'd like to see with up close.
"I won't go easy on you, (Name)-chan!" the brunette says to you, fists clenched against her chest.
Nodding, the two of you walk forward to the mat, Class 2-A stood in line to watch from the side.
“Good luck, Ochako-chan! Gero~”
"Ochako-chan, let's go!!!"
“Go kick some butt, Uraraka!”
“This’ll be good! Some girl on girl action!” someone said, which was met with an angry bark and explosion soon after.
“Take your position,” says Aizawa. “everyone, keep your eyes on the two.” Lifting his hands in the air, readying. “Begin.”
Just as his hands slapped against each other, the slap resounding throughout the gym, you had Ochako pinned down to the ground, both her palms open and outstretched away from each other.
“What the hell?”
“She’s too fast!”
From his spot, your grandfather scoffed angrily, unimpressed. "Granddaughter, don't show off."
Smiling cheekily, you released the brunette and walked back to your position. "Yes, yes. Sorry~" came your breezy reply, to which he rolled his eyes at. Turning to Ochako, you offered a peace sign in apology. Rolling her shoulders, her eyes remained wide in confusion at how fast it all went down.
Aizawa, unfazed by how fast things were going, stood idle. "Alright, we'll try again. This time, play fair." He says to you, mostly. Eyes flashing red in warning, causing chills to run down your spine, your expression sours a bit.
This time though, as you both circled the training mat and settled into positions, you took a deep inhale, eyes closing. As you exhaled, your eyes slowly peeled open and revealed (e/c), much to the confusion of many - save for your grandfather, Aizawa, and your best friends.
Ochako struck first, coming at you with her hands open to take you down, but you managed to dodge easily in time, rolling on her back to land on your feet. Striking for her head, she easily deflected your attack and grabbed your arm. Anticipating this, you twisted your whole body, causing her to lose balance and trip. 
"That was so cool!"
While the class cheered, as the fight went on, two boys were especially keyed on the fight between the two females, taking note of your eyes.
Surging towards you, trying to get at you again, you stood your ground and waited. When she was within reach, you easily slipped your arm in hers and twirled around, as though you were doing the rodeo, and tossed her. Disoriented, she quickly got back to her wits, throwing punches your way, which you parried off quickly. And with your attacks, she easily dispatched your chances.
It was a rather even match.
"Wow, they're amazing..." commented Sato under his breath.
"I keep forgetting how good Uraraka is in terms of close combat." Sero seconds, just as Ochako aptly deflects your kicks.
"Yeah, but have you seen Yuroichi?" Throughout the fight, you ensured to knock away Ochako's hands - removing all chances of her using her quirk, cutting all her openings, and slipping through her defenses. "Damn, since's good."
Ochako grabbed hold of your arm, and you let her. Feeling weightless a playful smile plasters on your lips, much to her confusion, before you grabbed at her arms, throwing yourself back and using gravity to your advantage, maneuvering with her weight until you kicked her by the backs of her knees. Once again, the brunette found herself pinned to the ground. "And, dead."
"Alright, Yoruichi wins."
A series of cheers echoed behind you.
Grinning, you got off Ochako - who immediately released her quirk, and helped her up. "Thanks for the fight, Ochako~"
Despite being bruised all over, she mirrors your grin. "My pleasure, (Name)-chan! You're so cool!"
"Not as cool as you were!" you swayed a little, finding your footing. "Man, your quirk is no joke."
"Now, can anyone tell me what happened?" Aizawa turned to the class expectantly.
For a moment, there was silence, before Sero spoke up.
"Um, Yuroichi moved too fast?"
"She...well, she shifted her fighting style time to time." Mashirao added, his tail noticeable shaking excitedly.
"Oh yeah! That!" Kirishima blinked, like he had a light bulb moment, hammering a fist into his open palm. "It's like one of those characters in those fighting games!" Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari nodding in agreement.
"And because of Uraraka's fighting style, she had to be the antithesis of her to catch her off-guard." Todoroki supplemented.
Aizawa nodded - save for Kirishima's comment, at every comment. "Anything else to add?"
"She was studying Uraraka," muttered Katsuki, arms crossed against his chest. "from the moment she chose her to the moment she stepped in the mat."
"Also, with her quirk allowed her to predict exactly how she'll attack." Izuku seconds in, remembering your eyes flashing quickly from (e/c) to yellow. "However, she only used it when it suited her."
Narrowing your eyes at your childhood friends, you called out. "Hey, that's cheating! The two of you know too much!"
"No, that's true." Aizawa pointedly ignores your complaints, nodding at the two.
Grumbling under your breath, Ochako could only give you a laugh before handing you a towel. Nodding in thanks, you dropped to the ground, sitting.
"Alright, so now, you've just paid witness to what you're up against. Next, we're going to test the rest of you. Shihan," Aizawa turned to your grandfather "I believe you've made a decision?"
Your grandfather grunted. "Yes." he nods, turning to the shorter man, shoulders relaxing. "Standard Rabbit Hole exercise."
Pursuing your lips at your grandfather's words, eyes widening slightly, you hummed afterward. "Heh, okay~"
"What does that mean?" a confused Asui asked, poking at her cheek. "Gero?"
"I believe it's an exercise where a whole group is to capture one chosen person. It's a common stealth exercise that the military uses." Yaoyoruzu explained kindly.
"You heard him, your objective is to capture Yuroichi."
Half the class blinked in disbelief, eyes wide like saucers.
"Wait, all of us?"
"All of you." Shihan confirmed with a small smirk, one that sent chills down the students' spines. Aizawa mirrors his mentor's smirk, albeit it was a smaller and softer-looking one.
"The person to catch her gets a free lunch stub for a week."
Mirroring your grandfather's smirk, you hopped to your feet. "Well, this'll be fun."
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When you were younger and when your quirk first started to appear, it was rather unpleasant. Because first of all, you had your first period. You honestly thought you were going to die then and there had your mom and grandmother not been there to guide you. Second, straight after your period, you were overwhelmed by senses you started feeling - smell, sight, hearing, taste. It was all too much that you puked, nearly passing out on the spot.
It took you a while to get used to it, scared shitless at how much you could feel and sense things, and especially how more alert you these were happening at night.
At the time, Izuku was wildly concerned about how you've been losing sleep. You didn't have the heart to tell him about your quirk just yet, fearful of the power you had and how alienated Izuku would feel.
You were ever grateful to have such an amazing family to walk you through your quirk, the family's secretive history, and being a hero in your own way.
Since you were younger, you had joked that your family might have been descendants to ninjas, something your grandfather had yet to confirm or not. (Judging his dealings with Yakuza, you'd bet it was true)
Training hadn't been easy over the years since you were expected to master a great deal of martial arts. Some years later, you were forced to go through rigorous training to heighten your senses, learning when to turn them on or off. From your grandmother, you had learned to preserve energy and make use of them any time during day time, just remembering its drawback.
Quirks were always an added bonus, something that just made you special than the average man. Yet, quirks don't make you.
You learned that from your two best friends - Izuku, quirkless at birth, but proved that even without a quirk, you could still be a hero; and then Bakugou, though was gifted with an amazing quirk, if you had a shitty attitude, you were basically nothing without it.
Yellow eyes gleamed under the light, a glint of mischief playing through that mirrored the mask in your hand.
At the age of 14, you finally mastered your senses, allowing them to come on its full potential once it was dusk. Per family tradition, you were given a mask - one that helped protect you and leave enemies unaware of you using your quirk.
Now, at 17, you were seeing your quirk - quirks, as a whole - with a new set of eyes.
Donning the mask on, a loud blaring alarm rang out, signifying the start of the exercise.
The fox was ready to play.
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20 against 1 should be an intimidating feat, but you, it felt strangely exciting. That, or maybe it was the warrior in you. These kinds of things were exciting in a way. This play of cat and mouse - well, rabbit, the thrill of the chase, stealth, saboteur, ambush - you could feel your blood tingle in glee.
The object was simple: one of the twenty students had to find and capture you. Should be easy, considering they had really strong quirks and experience you sorely lacked.
But as a Yuroichi, you were always taught never to underestimate your enemy and to always make use of your environment as much as you should use your quirk, they always helped to your advantage.
5 minutes in and you were caught in what seemed to be a crossfire of students, all deadset on capturing you - for their grade or that week's worth of free lunch. Frankly, having everyone come at you all at once was adorable, yet, it was rather fool-hardy.
It made them all the more reckless.
Grunting, you felt the echolocation sound back to you, giving you an idea of the area around you and the number of students in the way. Mapping your way, you avoided grabbing hands (appendages, tapes, and acid, oh my), hopping from one's shoulder to one's head, until your foot met the wall. Kicking yourself off, you were sent back, hands grabbing a ledge before using your weight to drop the ladder a few inches.
Hanging upside down, you lazily eyed the two heroes before you who individually kinda reminded you of grapes and banana.
"We got her!"
"That lunch is mine!"
Carefully coursing through the two, whisking through the grape boy’s balls, until you were in front of them, hands moved at lightning speed striking their abdomen, sides, and inner biceps, leaving them paralyzed and down.
"I-I can't move...?" Satou flexed his fingers but to no avail.
"GAH! Bested!" Mineta's balls fall to the ground, no longer sticking and rolling off like a ball.
Sensing someone behind you, you threw yourself forward, ice barely kissing the tips of your sandaled feet, barreling on the ground before crouching.
"Mineta, Satou! Are you okay?"
"How and why are you down?"
"S-She did something to us...!"
Mismatched eyes watched you coolly, you didn't let up, stance readying. 
You felt a rush of lighting behind you, followed by iron-clad soles hopping wall to wall. Seeing the mismatched teen's shifted posture, you smirked beneath your mask. Just as hands touched your head, you grabbed hold of his wrist, striking your knuckled index finger on his arms, before tossing him to the mismatched teen, his eyes widening at the incoming body.
"(NAME)!" an explosion sounded off.
As smoke filled the area, you stilled a moment, grunting lowly before turning on your heel and rushing the opposite direction. Hopping off the ground, you leaped building to building, not stopping once even as heroes followed after your trail.
Turning on your heel, eyeing the remaining heroes, you gave a two-fingered salute before falling backward. In midair, you twirled around, dodging an incoming combo move by Ochako and Sero, using the latter's body to cushion your fall, Ochako knocked out next to him.
Suddenly, you found yourself in some open area, with the remaining class surrounding you. Beneath the mask, you were smiling - almost madly, like the fox.
Easing into a stance, you all but raised a hand, flexing your index forward as if to say, 'come at me'.
And then it all came in a blur.
Attacks came left and right, but you were in tune with your senses enough to avoid each hit that came. You moved like water, fluidly, unyielding, splashing coolly on to the other even though the hit wasn't yours.
With your whimsical and unpredictable fighting style, it made it difficult for the class to know how you'd approach each of them, using their confusion to your advantage. Moves quick as lightning struck through through the bodies, but not enough to kill just enough to bruise and leave a mark. Adrenaline spiked through your veins, making you feel alive as your body danced with quick, harried moves. Not a single wasted hit. Carefully dodged attacks. Perfectly executed moves.
You were listening. Listening to everything, commanded only by your drive to fight. It was in the family and your blood was singing with every move. Hearing. Reacting. As your grandfather had said, you had to be one with the creatures and dance the night away.
Despite being unable to use his other arm, Izuku readily deflected your attacks with Black Whip working on trying to catch you off your feet. What he forgot was how much you knew him, how much you had helped him with his Shoot Style, and just how much you had predicted his actions. Letting Black Whip capture you, you allowed yourself to be swung around. Reaching Izuku, you took advantage of the proximity and wrapped your legs around his torso, thumb, and index finger pressed together jabbed at his elbows. For extra measure, you pressed at his inner arms.
Swinging your form back, yellow eyes fell on mint and blond who were fast approaching, hopping off your now paralyzed best friend.
A great leap over, you appeared between the two powerhouses. Grabbing their wrists, you forcefully tugged, switching sides and throwing them off, before kicking down to their ankles up to their torsos. Angered, Katsuki lifted a hand, to blast you away. Apparently, Todoroki thought of the same thing. Thankfully you ducked in time, but not enough time for the boys to realize their actions, and a loud explosion sounded off. The two were incapacitated from the blast meter...and anyone caught near it.
You landed soundlessly in front of them all, a few scratches on your costume but your fox mask still smiling.
Thirty minutes later, twenty students were down, half were paralyzed, unable to move their limbs, and had to be helped up by a fellow classmate, and half had bruises on their bodies.  A smirking Shihan greeted them, next to an impassive Aizawa, eyes glinting with a strange glee. 
"All twenty of you failed to capture Yuroichi," it was a simple statement, but man did it hurt their ego. First day of sophomore year and already they failed. "I'm not going to mince on you one by one, we can do that tomorrow. For now, tell me where you went wrong."
Grunting, the group looked at each other before it was Jiro who spoke first. "W-We were caught off guard...?"
"Yuroichi was too skilled." Mezo added, holding on to one of his arms.
"That's debatable, as you all should be, too, considering what you've been through in your first year. Anything else?"
Whilst the class were discussing amongst themselves, you walked towards your grandfather, his eyes regarding you with a soft, praising mien. He didn't say it, but the look in his eyes was the highest form of praise you'll get from him. Also, he handed you a bottle of water. Gleefully, you took off your mask, grinning toothily to your old man. Rolling his eyes, he ruffled at your sweaty hair.
"She fought dirty," came Katsuki's loud statement, glaring daggers at your smiling form, a bottle of water halfway through your mouth. You offered a peace sign, chugging at your drink greedily. "she's well-adept in close-ranged combat, especially because she knows all forms of martial arts and used it to her advantage and throw the lot of us off."
Izuku turned to his friend, eyes shining, as though he took his analysis right off his head.
"Furthermore, she used the situation to her advantage." Tokoyami's voice was loud and clear, Dark Shadow - a little worst for wear, nodded beside him. 
"She's well acquainted with the night, similar to my quirk, to which she uses her full potential and take us out whilst we are unaware of her capabilities as a fighter."
"A bit of stretch, but more or less right on the money." says your grandfather, nodding at Tokoyami. "Though, a few of you did give her a run for her money."
About to protest, you recalled Todoroki's ice, Katsuki's forwardness, Izuku's many quirks with One for All, and even Hagakure and Uraraka's teamwork, shoulders shrugging as you nodded once.
"It just goes to show that some of you may have underestimated Yoruichi for the mere fact that she has a latent quirk, too bad. Lest you all forget what happened when you all dealt with Togata Mirio last year?"
Your ears perked at that, remembering Izuku talking a mile about this amazing senior of his.
"Just because someone lacks in one aspect, doesn't mean they can't compensate elsewhere. Today's exercise shows that some of you are still leagues away from fully realizing that, and some of you are yet to be a testament of being more than your quirks. You all failed today. But make no mistake, there'll be brighter days to come. Or evening."
Aizawa's roundabout way of comfort did its job, easing the moods of his students. It was easy to find how he's such an amazing father figure to the class and yourself.
"Yuroichi-san, you were so cool!"
"Ne, ne, can you tell us more of your quirk?"
“More importantly, what the hell did you do?”
"You're seriously like that one character in those video games!"
"Can you do other stuff, too?"
Suddenly, the class was on you, questions were thrown left and right - it was making you a bit dizzy. Despite their injuries, they never looked so alive. You take a cautionary step back.
“Yes, please! (Nickname), please tell us!” Izuku asked eyes lit with life, his fingers making writing gestures.
“Yeah, Mineta and Satou were fine moments ago, then they’re not!”
"Hey, don't forget about Aoyama and Kaminari!"
"Tokoyami, too! I thought they'd be toe-to-toe at least."
"Oi, give her some fucking room to breath, stupid extras!" yelled Bakugou, hands sparking in warning.
Finishing your drink, you smiled at your explosive friend in thanks. "Well, my quirk's called 'The Night One', which means that I have the senses and abilities of nocturnal animals." Some nod at that, some try to digest the information. Giggling, you continue. "It basically means that I can see like an owl, hear like a bat, move like a cat, smell like a raccoon, and the like. It's major drawback though is that I get really sleepy in the morning and dehydrated."
"Why dehydrated?"
"Well, nocturnal animals are known to move better because there's no sun and it's easier for water balance to keep the body going. In the morning, all my water reserve's used up and I constantly have to keep myself hydrated to move."
"That makes sense," comments Mezuo, Koda nodding next to him.
Somewhere, Kaminari's and Ashido's head were spinning from the mini-Biology session.
“And as for what I did to some of you lot, it’s called ‘Chi-blocking’,” you explained simply, earning mix reactions – some were intrigued, some were confused, and some seemed perplexed. “In simpler terms, hitting your pressure points." Bringing your hand up, balling them into fists but curling index finger inward exposing the second joint, your thumb then locked in behind it to support the new position. You strike at nothing, just showing how you did what you did. "Which means that by blocking these areas, I’m also blocking out your quirks. After all, my quirk’s not that great, so I’d have to compensate greatly in martial arts.”
“That was a mouthful, foolish girl.”
Rolling your eyes at your grandfather, you flipped back to return to his side.
"She's practically a ninja at this point," nods Mashirao.
"Right, right, right!?" Hagakure says excitedly, jumping up and down.
"Eh, maybe. But again, my quirk's not that impressive."
"Nonsense, your quirk's plenty amazing, (Nickname)!" says your best friend, ever so ready to assure you, eyes bright. "It's perfect for any stealth mission!"
Katsuki nods, shooting you a look. "What Deku said. Don't sell yourself short, (Name)."
Your best friends' words made you smile the most, you duck your head into your scarf-hood to hide a dopey grin. "Dorks."
"Alright, that concludes tonight's lesson. Your classes have been adjusted. Get some rest."
"Ah, geez! Would you look at the time!"
Time check: It was now 02:32 am. To you, that's practically noontime.
“Oh," you say mostly to yourself, catching the attention of your two best friends, who turned to you. "and this might be probably too late to tell you guys now, but I’ve been transferred to UA, specifically in the Heroics Department…specifically in 2-A. Your class.”
Your parents were pro-heroes alright but were good at keeping a low profile and keeping a front. Many of their friends - the Bakugous and Midoriyas, especially, were led to believe that your father worked as an IT specialist while your mother was a customer support supervisor. It was a good alibi, especially considering that they were night shift jobs.
You could understand why your grandfather, parents, and Aizawa-san, chose to remain under the spotlight to save lives. You realize that it was rather half-assed of you to throw away their legacy, despite the fact that they were okay with whatever you wanted to do with your life so long as you were happy.
But you wanted to do more. You wanted to make them proud.
"This was more or less a formal introduction."
Their eyes bulged as your words began to sink in.
"I'll be in your care now~"
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Name: (Name) Yuroichi
Quirk: The Night One | A quirk that grants the user the abilities and skills of every nocturnal creature, heightening their senses, abilities, and more but only at night. Because of its nocturnal nature, the user is rather restless and dehydrated during day time.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 5/5
Technique: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Martial Arts: 10/5
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Life at UA was…interesting. Much more interesting than how Izuku put it.
As much as you hated to leave your old school, your club, and your grandfather, you knew that it wouldn’t be fair to just hide away forever. You wanted to make something of yourself, regardless if it meant a shitload of challenges.
Thankfully, you had your best friends to keep you on your toes, making your transition to UA quite smooth.
Oh, and there was also the class, who readily took you in.
You found yourself getting along with Tokoyami, because like you, he worked well at night, and Ojiro, because he was a martial artist like you. Shoji was also an interesting character, as was Todoroki. Koda was someone you adored because he could get all the animals - especially the nocturnal ones you've been so fond of. Mostly, you hung with the boys, never really getting over your boyishness. But, you did enjoy Ochako’s company. And then there was Jirou, whom you shared a similar interest in a certain music genre. Momo made you feel like a cheap peasant, undeserving of her presence and grace. The rest of the girls were too girly for your taste but were nice enough.
Hitoshi - who had been placed in Class 2-B, was someone you'd considered a good friend. After all, you did help train him. He seemed to see you in the same regard. At times, when both of you were free or there'd be joint classes, he'd spar with you.
The struggle though was keeping up, now that you’ve mastered the way to balance out your energy. With enough water intake, you were up and about, allowing you some rest at night. Still, it was difficult to stay awake during classes. Thankfully, your teachers understood and allowed you to sleep in, your classmates – Izuku, mostly – had notes ready for you when you woke up.
After years of public school, you felt rather out of place in a prestigious school such as UA. It had a sort of elitist feel to it, especially since practically everyone was working their way to be a hero. Or a side-kick. Or a something. But, then again, it was just like every high school. You were going to make the most out of it.
“Why’re you still working, anyway? Isn’t your family loaded or something?”  Katsuki asked with a frown, fingers wrapped around his drink.
(E/c) eyes narrowed down at the blond.
“What, so I’ll mooch off them like you? Fat chance.”
Summer break finally came, you miraculously survived a semester at UA and were allowed to go home for your short vacation.
But first, you had a shift to cover.
Your two friends decided to tag along since all three of you were going to spend your breaks at Mustafu anyway.
“But didn’t your parents leave you money?” Izuku's bright green eyes turned to you, head tilted slightly.
True. A fat sum of money was left under your name when your parents died, waiting for your perusal.
“Yeah. But I just want to work, yanno?”
Truth was, working was supposed to be a distraction to help you cope with your parents’ death. After all, you had lost your closest confidant - Izuku, busy with One for All, and Bakugou had been a dead fuck at the time, they were all you had. You may have your grandparents, but it was just different when it was your parents who knew you best and all. When they died, a part of you died as well. You were left hollow, numb.
But now, things were...things were great.
"And besides, I donated some cash to my old school, specifically my old club." It kinda hurt to mention your old club, because you really enjoyed your time there and everyone was welcoming and warm (even though some gave you the stink eye because you were your grandfather's granddaughter). "They need it more than I do. I just had to make it Anonymous though."
"I'm sorry you had to leave your old club, (Nickname)."
Waving it off, you replied. "Nah, they'll be fine. Besides, they've always been plenty strong on their own." Humming in though, you shrugged then. "It does suck that it means I won't have to spar much though."
"You spar plenty in UA anyway," Katsuki scoffed, running a hand through his hair. Izuku nods furiously at this.
"You'll give Gunhead a run for this money at this rate!"
Since your transfer you were fast becoming the top (female) combatant in the class - maybe even your whole year! It also included the fact that you've had martial arts awards under your name and a family name as a sort of branding.
"Well, yeah. That, and I don't have to pretend I'm quirkless anymore." 
Both your friends reacted to that, mulling at your words. The word 'quirkless' cutting deep for both of them - all three of you, but you're all way past it now considering the path you've all decided to walk on.
"But it is nice to know that I'm free to exercise what I can do to the best of my abilities." You flex out your hands, turn them up, and gazing at your open palm, closing them to a fist.
"That's the spirit, (Nickname)!"
"Just don't let it go to your head."
"What, like you?"
"At least I'm strong."
"Fuck you, I'm plenty strong on my own, too." Turning on your heel, intent on returning to the counter. "Don't forget who beat your ass without having to use their quirk, asshole."
Katsuki sputtered on his drink, its contents flying everything much to your chagrin and joy. You couldn't help snickering.
Izuku could only laugh at you both, hashing out words at each other - words that weren't full of venom of hate, all in good fun, and just full of youthful energy. Somewhere, your manager eyed the two of you worryingly, especially at the language spewing out of your mouths.
The two stayed until the end of your shift, the three of you walking home comfortably under the night sky. Just like old times.
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When you participated in your first Sports Festival, it was during a high time when you had mastered using half the energy reserve for the daytime. Coursing through so many obstacles was not an easy feat, especially when it was a hot morning and you were losing water in your system fast. Conserving energy for a nocturnal quirk user was not easy, after all.
Countless water bottles were finished in record time, boosting your system for the remaining games.
It was only during the semi-finals (yes, for some reason you made it that far) that your body finally gave out.
Slowly blinking your eyes open, only for them to snap shut at the bright fluorescent light above you, you groaned weakly. Fabric conditioner, soft pillows, fresh-smelling sheets, - you were at the clinic. The smell was almost too much. There was an aftertaste at the back of your mouth, but couldn't put a name on what it was exactly.
"Did I lose...?" you slurred, body heavy, your mind in a haze.
Trying to recall your fight, a slight frown fixed itself on your face. Everything that happened came out blank, your mind seemingly wanting you to shut down. Then, something soft nudged between your brows, as though to smooth it out. Blinking, you realized that it was someone's thumb. Once the frown eased off, the hand hung there, unsure what to do with it, before tucking strands of wayward hair away from your face.
Slowly, everything came into focus. "Katsuki..."
"That was quite the fight you had there," he comments, voice tight. You hum, things slowly returning to mind.
"He overloaded my senses," you remember, shuddering at the memory. You had been up against a Tech Support student, who was armed with all sorts of knick-knacks. "it was horrible."
"Yeah, it was." He grumbled in response.
The student you were up against armed himself with all sorts of knick-knacks to disarm anyone, and since your quirk gave you finely tuned senses, he thought you were the perfect candidate to test out his latest works. When it happened, small sparks were dangerously coming out of Katsuki's hands. He half-tempted to jump in then and there, but couldn't out of respect for you. Izuku had to hold him back, but even he was frustrated at how one-sided the fight had seemed. The memory of you falling on your knees, senses overstimulated by the Tech student who proudly advertised his knick-knacks to spectating companies, much like Hatsume Mei's a year back, sent him roiling. But then, you had used a tactic he and Izuku never saw you do before, you took off your jacket - to which, Mineta and Kaminari excitedly watched - and wrapped it around your head, leaving you blind. The Tech Support had tried to overstimulate your senses again, but with scaringly fast reflexes, you got to him, beat him to a pulp, and knocked him out for good. "But I'm proud of you for winning that bout."
Turning to your side, you worked on a smile. "Thanks," but did you really win? You did pass out after all. Maybe it ended in a draw? "where's Izuku?" you asked instead, in the end caring very little about your match.
"Probably preparing for his match," he replied, relaxing in his seat. "He's up against Monoma."
Ah, him.
"That would've been interesting to see."
"Like Deku would lose."
Yawning, you rubbed at your eyes, realizing just how heavy your body feels, how you felt tingly all over.
"How are you feeling?" the concern was thick in his voice.
"Heavy." You reply, nosing your pillow. "Tired. Weak. Irritable? Hungry."
Unable to help himself, he laughs. 
At the sound of his laugh, a sleepy smile broke into your face. Reaching out a hand, you took his hand in yours, giving it a small squeeze. 
Unsurprisingly, his hand was much larger than yours but ever so gentle and warm to the touch. Much to your surprise, however, his hand was actually softer than it looked - despite having to blow up every goddamn time. Also, it had a sweet scent coming off of it, like burnt sugar. Nitroglycerin sweat.
"'anks for checkin' up on me, for being here..."
As much as he can, Bakugou tried not to implode then and there. His chest though? It was pounding, madly.
So instead, he held your hand tighter.
The next few minutes were filled with a gentle rumble coming from the ongoing fight, both of you were wondering how it went because it's your broccoli boy, some yelling from outside (to which he had half a mind to yell to keep their voices down), their voices softly discussing each other's earlier matches, some pointers, and Bakugou's upcoming fight.
"...Do you know who you're up against?"
"Dunno, don't care."
"Liarrrrrrrrrrrr." you dug your thumb nail into his skin, teasingly.
He barely flinched, face smug. "So what? I'll win either way."
"You are so full of shit, you know that?" Gone was the animosity and venom in those words, enough to crack a grin on the blond's face.
"At least I didn't puke all over the stadium."
"Exaggerating my case makes you look bad, just so you know." With your free hand, you weakly punched him. He caught your hand and tucked it back to your side.
His other hand holding yours the whole time.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, the door creaked open to reveal your green-haired best friend, tired-looking yet standing tall. Victorious.
"Hey, 'zuku..." you called out weakly. "Congrats."
The green-haired teen offered a small smile in return. "Hey, (Nickname), how are you feeling?"
"Better now that my boys are here," you chuckle, feeling tiredness creeping. "didja win?"
Nodding, your friend turned to the blond. "Kacchan, it's time for you to prepare."
Bakugou blinked, eyes dropping. Smiling sleepily, you tug your joined hands, carmine meeting (e/c), a happy sigh leaving your lips. "Go win some...Katsuki...'kay?"
Exhaling softly, eyelids falling close with lashes kissing the tops of your cheeks, your hold loosening in his, carmine eyes took in your sleeping frame. He stayed a few minutes, just watching you sleep. Just as he stood, he remembered your joined hands.
Unable to help himself, he raised them to his lips, kissing the back of your hand, your knuckles, and fingers.
The door shut behind him as he walked on, his best friend walking behind him. If Izuku made mention of the fact that both of you held hands, realizing that it had been like that long before he came to fetch his best friend, or that he purposedly walked out when you fell into a slumber, he made no mention of it.
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In February, you got word of your grandmother had finally come home. Excitedly, as you were granted a leave, you merrily walked on the snowy streets, practically skipping out of UA.
"Where has she been all this time?" Katsuki asked next to you, hands in his pocket. He was insistent on walking you to the station. Izuku had "other things to do", the little sneaky shit.
"Things." You reply, cryptically.
"Things." He repeated, dumbly.
"Like I'd tell you, dork." you roll your eyes at him, the snow falling all around. "And don't worry, even Izuku has no idea where my granny's been."
Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, his eyes settled on you, his jacket - that he lent you a few days back, because you're so reckless under the snow and 'how could an idiot forget their own fucking jacket?' - dwarfing your frame. 
The relationship between the two of you was a hot topic amongst students in UA. Everyone knew that you were childhood friends who had a rift and rocky relationship growing up, but now, everyone saw that something had changed. Mostly, people noted how Bakugou was especially towards you.
There was no name, no label, no nothing yet - Izuku sometimes felt like knocking both your heads together in frustration - it felt rather nice to just be in his presence and bask in this wonderful feeling. And whenever he can, he'd purposedly leave you two when you were lounging, studying, or keep people away from intervening between your supposed moment.
"How long you gonna be out?"
"Hm, two days tops. Granny brought some treats with her and I've been meaning to spar with her." you continue trekking, humming happily under your breath.
"How come I've never seen her?"
"Oh, you have. Both of you. It's just that she likes to be in the background."
He tries to think back to his childhood, trying to remember the times he spent at your place, trying to remember, but the longer he tried to ransack his memory, the more he was left with nothing. And that led him to a snowball pelted to his face.
"OI!" your laugh resounds as his rage fuels up to melt the snow.
"Bet you were trying to nail down, weren't you?"
"I can't help it! I don't remember her!"
Scoffing, you throw another snowball, which he melts easily with his quirk. "It's okay. I mean, what's to remember about you anyway? You were loud, so full of shit, a tiny, whiny, demon. The complete opposite of sweet little Izuku- hey!"
Out of nowhere, snow pelts you in the head. Katsuki smirks at you, happy to get back at you.
"Katsuki, you fucking ass!"
He sneered, bending over to build snowball and throws them. With your quirk, you easily dodge. "Fucking cheat!"
"Don't be a sore loser, Katsuki!"
Squeals and laughter fill the sidewalk, passersby avoiding the mini-snowball war between two teens lest. 
"Alright, alright, I jest! Come on!"
Catching his breath, the blond wipes his mouth with the back of his gloves. "You fucking started it."
"Don't act like you didn't have fun, Katsuki."
He liked the way his name came out of your mouth. There was just something about it that made it more special, and really acknowledge that it was his name. It was different when his parents say it.
His name means ‘victory’ and it might as well be one whenever you say his name.
"By the way," you call, cutting him off his reverie. "don't forget to ring your parents time to time, yeah?"
"Where is this coming from?"
You shrug easily adjusting your backpack strap and shaking the snow off your hair, leaving it frazzled. "All this talk about my granny made me think of families, mine, Izuku, yours." Hastily, you run a hand through it.
"My folks are fine."
"True," the train station came to view, snow continuing to fall down the sleepy city "but that doesn't mean you should stop checking up on them."
His nose scrunches, uncomfortable with the topic of coddling. "Do you talk to them?"
"Duh, what do you think?" you gave him a look, almost offended. "I talk to Auntie Inko, too. Not just my grandpa, you know."
The fact that you take the time to talk to Izuku's mom and his parents spoke plenty, seeing how fond the adults were of you. He could imagine just how close the lot of you were, remembering the many dinners you three have had and the holiday visits. Also, there was the fact that you were an orphan. 
As much as he hated his old hag nagging at him, his father's needless coddling - he was lucky to have parents like them. You didn't have that anymore.
Grumbling, he complies. "Fucking fine."
Reaching a crosswalk, the two of you stop at red, cars whisking through. Despite being damp from the top up, his quirk helped warm him just a bit. He'd have to hurry back to the dorms lest he catches a cold. The fact that he was with you, however, that made him warm - fuzzy, annoyingly warm that he could feel from his head to his toes. When the light flashed green, the two of you walk.
"You've changed." you say, he turns to find you staring at him in awe, surprise, pride in your eyes. “What are you up to?”
He feels his blood rushing to his cheeks, feels something catch in his throat, feels a flutter in his belly.
“Small things. Little things. Anything for a chance at redemption.”
“…a chance at redemption.” you repeat, testing the words.
He sighed, eyes forward. “For you, Deku, and myself.”
Bakugou Katsuki truly has grown so much since you last saw him. It made you proud, so fucking proud.
Weirded out by your silence, he turns to you, about to berate, only to freeze at the way you were glowing at him, for him.
It was reminiscent of the one he remembered from his childhood. That silly girl with dirt on her hands and fingers, leaves on her (h/c) hair, holding his hand with a flower ring she made for him. It was the one smile he could never forget, treasured, and one he'd never thought to be at the receiving end ever again.
“You’re so lame, you know that?” Sputtering, you didn’t give him a chance to explain himself before tossing him something. “Here,”
Although caught off-guard, he catches it easily. Way too easily.
He didn’t have to ask to know what it was, cheeks warming and reddening.
“Happy Valentine’s Katsuki~” giving him a two-fingered salute, you walked into the train station, smiling silly to yourself.
Looking over your shoulder, (e/c) eyes blinking curiously at him, he could very well see your cheeks were just as red.
“…expect double- no, triple on White Day!”
Snorting, the silly smile returned, only, it was aimed at him. Surprised, but honored.
“Lame ass.”
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Izuku was in the common area, furiously checking up new hero updates on his phone, a bag of chocolates shaped like All Might you had given earlier half-finished, a cup of hot cocoa sitting next to it when the front door slammed open.
“Oi, Deku!”
“Ah? Kacchan?”
The blond teen walked towards him, noticeably wet and red in the face.
Once he stood in front of him, he seemed to deflate. Scratching the back of his neck, chin tucked in, his actions very uncharacteristic of the loudmouth he’s used to making the green-haired teen worry.
“…w-what does (Name) like?”
His eyes caught on something on Kacchan's pocket, chocolates. Not just any chocolates, those were your chocolates!
Unable to help himself, Izuku combusted then and there – finally, his ship was coming to life!
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theyscreamjade · 3 years
Katsuki Bakugo
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Fluff: 🤍 Smut: 🖤 Angst: 💙 Crack: 💛
Author’s Favorite: ✨
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You’re Mine
Kasuki BakugoX Fem!Reader: After a picture gone viral and a bad breakup, Sparks reignite when Bakugo and Reader finally sees each other after a month. 🖤✨
Love At First Sight
GN S/O!: A scenario of how you’d meet Izuku, Shoto and Bakugo.🤍
Short S/O
A headcannon of Izuku, Shoto, Bakugo, Kirishima and Denki with a short S/O.🤍
Black S/O Thanksgiving
A headcannon of basically random things that happens at a normal thanksgiving 🤍💛✨
S/O with really (really) long hair
A headcannon of the boys with a lover with really (really) long hair.🤍💛
S/O With A Eating Disorder
A Headcannon of a S/O with a eating disorder. 💙🤍
Madam Thickness
A Headcannon of Bakuhoe, Shotoroni, and Kalamari with a thick S/O 🤍🖤✨
Foxy Lover
A Headcannon of Baku and Sho with a foxy S/O🤍🖤
The Lies You Told
A Headcannon after S/O’S father is dicovered to have another family.  💙🤍
Never Judge By Looks
A Headcannon with a scary-looking S/O who’s actually Chaotic and Funny. 🤍💛
Alternative S/O
What would it be like to have an alternative S/O with Shinso, Izuku, Bakugo and Shoto.🤍✨
Let’s see how Bakugo, Iida, and Shoto handle periods with their S/O. 🤍
Through My Eyes
Bakugo with a insecure S/O about her stretch marks. 🖤🤍
How did I fall for you?
Bakugo Confeses his feelings to you. 🤍
A Headcannon of Denki, Shoto, and Bakugo with a chubby, big breasted S/O 🖤🤍
Steamy Makeout
Ever wondered what would it be like to makeout with Bakugo? Or Shoto?🖤🤍
Double Whammy
A headcannon of Bakuhoe, Toshi, Todoroni and Kiripima with a Fem!S/O who was blessed a bit too much. 🤍🖤
What’s So Fucking Funny?!
A (rather small) Imagine. Bakugo’s S/O tends to laugh at all his yelling. 💛
Firsts W/ Bakugo
a mini imagine of firsts with you and your belvoved Bakugo. 🤍🖤
Call Out My Name
A snippet of what’ll be like if you were ever kidnapped by your villain father. 💙🤍
A Headcanon for Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki & Shinso when they see their Fem Reader with and without makeup? 🤍
Don’t Change Who You Are.       Part Two
S/O (who’s personality is similar to Bakugo’s) changes who they are only to be told that they’re fine just the way they are.💛🤍🖤✨
Looks Can Be Deceiving
A Headcanon for Iida, Todoroki, Bakugou & Kirishima to the reader who’s super shy at first but once they get to know them they become extrovert!!!! 🤍
a Headcanon for Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, Kirishima & Iida of a new student that has an “angel” quirk (the angel wings, a beautiful voice and obviously a beautiful personality). Like their quirk would be their voice; singing can be hypnotic.🤍✨
A headcannon of doing the dirty with these four. 🖤
You and Bakugo were so close in high school, what changed? (My dedication to a special fan~ @twddybe4r ) 🤍 ✨
A Headcannon Of Arguing with Deku, Dynamight and Shoto. 💙🤍
Severe Silence
A accident causes your hearing to go away, How will things change between you and Kiri, Deku, Baku and Iida? 💙🤍✨
When all seems lost, you can always count on Kacchan. 💙🤍✨
S/O is discovered to have a hidden smoking problem. 💙🤍
Drinking and Singing
Stay away from the eggnog next year, Dear. 💛
How does these three help you with your trauma you still face? 💙🤍
Why should bumps define you? 🤍
Southern Bell
Something about those fried foods just make these boys melt like the butter on mashed potatoes. 🤍
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Winter has many benefits and fall backs. More benefits though. 🖤🤍
Trigger Warning: Death, Panic attacks: You accidentally kill a villain during a battle..how can you cope with that feeling in by our heart? 💙🤍
Pain Of The Past
Somethings are better out in the open then kept secret. 💙🤍
Goddess In The Midst
black!fem!s/o and reacting to when her melanin is blessed by Golden hour or the Moonlight is shining hella well on her skin. 🤍
how they would handle or babysit kids  🤍 
Melanin Goddess 
South African s/o who has people saying some annoying comments to her just bc she's from Africa.  💙🤍
It’s Just An Illusion
when they have a mission with their s/o and she has this psychosomatic illusion quirk. 🤍💙✨ 
Family Drama
(originally a request.) common black folk issues.  💛
Count On Us
where their friend is manically depressed and has been forgetting to sleep, eat, shower and ,clean, and barley leaves her bedroom, she only listens to the same music on repeat and cries while lashing out on whoever bothers her.? 💙🤍 
experiencing a miscarriage with their S/O 💙✨
Black!Pro-hero y/n (who’s a bit obscured since she’s not a top ranking hero) is on patrol with her pro-hero boyfriend and suddenly you hear an excited squeal  🤍✨
All Thighs Matter 
an s/o that drops everything for them the minute they lay on her lap  🤍 ✨
Black Fetishization
falling for a Black s/o and confessing to her, only for her to be very suspicious and ask why. Turns out s/o has been in a relationship where she has been fetishized and the ex was upset that she didn't act like "what a black girl is suppose to act 🙄" and dumped her.
teenage Aizawa, Bakugo, and Shinso with a southern s/o taking them to their first Mardi Gras parade 🤍
I Want To Be Just Like You 
Hawks, Bakugo, Aizawa, and Mirio reacting to their black!fem!pro-hero crush gushing as she meets a few young (like 5-8 years old to make it cuter) black girls wearing her merch or looking at her in pure awe to see someone that looks like them is a pro-hero 🤍
Kiri, Shoto, Aizawa, and Hawks with an s/o that has not only a gorgeous smile but she also has dimples.🤍
hcs of Bakugo, Shinsou, Hawks, and Kirishima with an s/o that drops everything for them the minute they lay on her lap?🤍
Start Off With A Dice Roll
Izuku, Kiri, Mirio and Bakugou approaching a black reader who they’ve been eyeing in the club all night? 🤍✨
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izkaya · 3 years
on deku vs kacchan 3 and the way mha uses fight scenes
I think that a really distinct reason of why every “Deku VS Kacchan” match feels far heavier and different than most other fights in MHA is because it doesn’t matter who wins.
Rewatching both fights so far recently had me thinking. I opened up the clip on youtube and watched it, feet kicked back on my sofa. The video started and hummed and hawed as per usual on the remarkable development and comparison of this to their current relationship in canon. Hey, I thought to myself then. I don’t remember Deku winning in their first fight.
But I rewinded it. I watched it. I opened the wiki and I reread it. And he did.
I was obviously taken aback. I remembered most of the MHA plot, having read and watched both the anime and manga and being up to date. I could remember a vast majority of the fight scenes simply because they were my favorite parts about the anime. So why didn’t I remember the outcome of DvK1?
I eventually understood.
The thing about every fight Katsuki and Izuku have is that who wins or loses never really meant to matter.
You see, with every single fight in MHA, it was almost always a matter of who wins or loses. Villains, obviously, were meant to lose each time--and in any situation where they won, the intention was to strike fear into viewers and make them doubt the hero. The narrative of these fights were always about winning or losing because of the stakes behind them.
Eri. Kouta. Bakugou.
There was always a higher stake. Something to be won or someone to be saved.
Even with students, there was always a reason behind every win or loss. Even narratively. Deku VS. Shinsou, for example, had a stake on either end. Shinsou needed to prove himself to the hero course. He needed the validation that he could be a hero and eventually work his way into the hero course. He lost in the end anyway, because he needed that little kick to encourage him to work harder to make it in with guidance from Aizawa. Deku VS. Shinsou had Deku win because through this, he was able to realize the weight of One for All’s true nature (the vestiges breaking Shinsou’s mind control) as well as prove himself worthy in front of everyone’s eyes.
This same structure is applicable everywhere else. In Todoroki VS Bakugou 1, it was to push Bakugou into creating a rivalry and becoming invested in Todoroki’s improvement because he won ‘unfairly’ and to highlight Todoroki’s remaining inhibitions due to his past in an impactful way that eventually encouraged him to finally speak with his mom. Even in minor fights like Tokoyami vs. Yaomomo, Momo’s quick loss was needed in order to introduce and plant the beginnings of what would become her major self-doubt issues at the beginning of her character arc.
To put it simply, winning and losing was always a huge part of how MHA developed fight scenes.
So why are DvKs different?
The main reason why DvKs always feel different in comparison to every other fight scene is because, in my opinion, they aren’t actually fight scenes. At least, not in the sense that MHA uses them as.
DvKs are always built up, always lead through and hinted at through entire seasons. It was never just an arc between them, never just a Sports Festival or Final Exams or anything. Whenever a DvK battle happened, it was always something that had been festering for episodes.
In example, the first Deku VS. Kacchan. The fight happened in episode 7, and was naturally introduced because it was part of a school exercise. The tension was most obvious in the episode beforehand, viewers bracing themselves as soon as we saw that Midoriya and Bakugou would be going against each other in the first round.
But like, okay.
The tension and traces of this battle were actually lined up since the very first episode. Hear me out. In the infamous “Take a swan dive off a roof and pray you’ll have a quirk in your next life!” scene, we hear Katsuki already placing loads of doubt on Izuku’s capabilities. His respect for Deku was rooted in what he knew. And that was, Deku is quirkless and therefore cannot be his equal. Any idea that contradicted to this would mean two things:
A shift in their relationship
A shift in Bakugou’s world views
From the first episode, we are already laden with hints that Katsuki would not take lightly to knowing at all that Deku had any power. He’s stubborn and also incredibly flawed in his values, believing his assumptions about Deku’s character were correct and that he was superior to Deku in every way that ‘mattered’. When we finally get to the parts where Deku is given OfA, it snowballs more and more until by episode six, literally everyone is aware that a battle between these two is inevitable.
The subtlety of these hints meant that we as the viewers were expecting this fight, whether we consciously realized it or not.
No other fight is set up like this--excluding villain fights like the Overhaul arc, which is excusable because the set-up used in these battles were always about its stakes. In DvKs on the other hand, the stakes were practically nonexistent unless you had a huge bias for either character (obviously, in most of our cases, Deku because Bakugou wasn’t exactly winning anyone’s hearts in the first season).
Each DvK fight is less of an actual fight and more of a conversation. They’re utilized to dispel the growing tension between Midoriya and Bakugou and repair their relationship regardless of who wins or loses. Deku didn’t have to win DvK1. Either way, Katsuki still would have gone on with the knowledge that Deku had a quirk he never told him about. Either way, Katsuki would have walked away with the ultimatum that he now had to acknowledge Deku properly. Regardless of winning or losing, both Deku and Katsuki were able to leave these fights knowing something new about the other and having a conversation to dispel tension caused by misunderstandings.
DvK 2. We’ve all seen plenty of analysis posts on this episode. Did it matter that Katsuki won? Did it matter that Deku lost? Aside from that really tense final scene where they pinned each other that I’m sure all of us remember, the result of DvK 2 had no significant change on the outcome.
The fight was a conversation. It was where Izuku and Katsuki were able to see each other eye-to-eye. The tension that had been boiling--had been continuously hinted at by Kamino Ward and then the Licensing Exam Arc just like how DvK 1 was prepared for since the first episode. There was always a catalyst behind these fights that had nothing to do with the actual need to win or lose--that aspect simply inherent to both Katsuki and Deku’s wins.
Don’t get me wrong; the win or lose aspect is something that still has an effect on either of their characters, but the difference is that they aren’t the main point of each battle. This is something even Bakugou admits in DvK 2 when he tells Deku to stop overthinking their fight. 
It was never about winning or losing or strategy. It was about the intentions behind it.
Both Deku VS Kacchan fights so far have always occurred when there was a needed turning point in their relationship. Each time unsaid secrets or opinions between Izuku and Katsuki pile up, the metaphorical straw that breaks the camel’s back is another fight. They’re less of interjected conflicts and more of milestones for their relationship.
(For sure, if DvK 3 does happen in the manga, we’ll definitely be in for a surprise on how Deku and Kacchan develop next.)
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And so we begin what is probably my least favorite arc… at least in fanfics. Probably because so many just repeat what happens basically verbatim and don’t change anything. But we’ll see how actually going through it in the manga has me feeling by the end of it!
[No. 23 - Roaring Sports Festival]
We open up on the day of the sports festival, crowds of reporters waiting outside for the events to start. We see the same reporter from the day of the break-in here, along with others (though I think that some of the background faces are references?). Present Mic addresses them directly, getting deep into his radio host persona as he announces that it’s once again time for the high schoolers to ‘revel in their youth’, as it’s the UA sports festival.
We then get an awesome two-page spread:
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I just love how Katsuki’s providing the background action movie explosion. What a pal. 
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There’s a blank logo page, and then we move on to a flashback, finishing out the conversation between Izuku and Toshinori from two weeks before said Sports Festival.
Izuku slowly repeats Toshinori’s call to action (to tell the world ‘I am here!’), but isn’t sure how to go about it. Toshinori asks if Izuku knows how the Sports Festival works, which Izuku does, going into an explanation: The members of the support course, business course, general studies, and hero course are all thrown together, grouped by grade level. All the students compete in a series of preliminary competitions, whose winners move on to the main event. It’s a round-robin tournament for each grade level.
Toshinori continues his dramatic gesturing, pointing at Izuku with both hands as he confirms Izuku is exactly on point. This event is Izuku’s chance to gain mass appeal for himself. Izuku’s response?
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God, Toshinori’s a dramatic dude, I love it. I can totally buy into him being a theater nerd in his off-time… not that he’s had much of that lately, but I digress. While Toshinori’s being dramatic, Izuku descends into a muttering spree, saying he gets what Toshinori is saying, he’s just not sure he can deal with it after what the class just went through. He’s also lacking motivation to stand out, since he sort of already has All Might as a mentor, and that as he is now, it wouldn’t even occur to him to make a big showing, just like with the strength tests.
Toshinori’s response?
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Toshinori, I swear if someone walked in on that, there would be so many questions.These two were made for each other. 
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When Izuku goes to check on Toshinori, Toshinori shoots him a serious look and tells him that the slight difference between those who always aim for the top and those who don’t will come to matter in a big way once Izuku and his friends emerge into society. He tells Izuku that he understands how he feels, and that he won’t force him… but also to not forget that drive he felt when cleaning up the beach.
We fast forward a bit to the end of that same day. Ochako is hesitating in the doorway, and for good reason: an entire crowd of students is standing there and chattering right on the other side. 
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Also, while I am well aware it’s not Toga… I see you in the crowd there, messy bun girl… (narrow eyes)
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Anyways. Ochako and the rest of the class are staring right back at the crowds, with Ochako wanting to know what’s going on. Mineta realizes there’ no way out, and wants to know what the other students are there for. Katsuki replies that they’re obviously there to scope out the competition, calling Mineta a ‘small fry.’ They’re the class who survived a villain attack, so it makes sense they’d want a look before the sports festival.
(Meanwhile, Mineta freaks out and points at Katsuki in fear while staring at Izuku, who sighs and comments on how that attitude is Kacchan on a good day.)
Katsuki says there’s no point, though, then tells the ‘cannon fodder’ to move aside. Izuku is freaking out a bit, while Tenya asks Katsuki to not resort to calling those they don’t even know ‘cannon fodder.’ 
A student looms over the others as he pushes himself to the front of the crowd, saying that it’s true that they came to get a look, before commenting on Katsuki’s modesty, asking if all the kids in the hero course are like him. Katsuki is looking like he’s starting to get pissed at someone talking back to him, while Tenya and Izuku in the background are shaking their hands and heads in unison, trying to be as clear as possible that they are not siding with Katsuki.
And so we get our first introduction to a fan favorite, Shinsou Hitoshi. Boy, does he look like he needs sleep for the next month.
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Shinsou states that he’s somewhat disillusioned if this (referring to Katsuki) is what the hero class is offering. He then goes on to explain who those who didn’t make the hero course are stuck in general studies and the other tracks. There’s quite a few of them, did they know? At 1-a’s confusion, he continues on - depending on the results of the sports festival, the UA staff might consider transferring some of these non-hero course kids to the hero course. He understands the reverse is also possible for the hero students… 
Izuku jolts at that, no doubt panicking a bit at the idea of losing his spot. Shinsou keeps going, mentioning the scoping of the competition again because declaring that, for a general studies kid like him, this will be the perfect chance to knock the hero kids off their pedestals, and to consider this a declaration of war. 
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I lobe these three, so in sync. All of them are a bit freaked out at the intensity of this, which is hilarious considering how intense Ochako was at lunchtime over this whole thing. 
Tetsutetsu (though we won’t learn his name for a little while) says he’s from class 1-b next door. He’d heard that 1-a had fought some villains, and wanted to find out more, but all he’s seeing is ‘this arrogant bastard.’ The three think of Tetsu^4 as another daredevil while he states that they better not make fools of the hero course at the event. Katsuki has no fucks to give about their commentary, while the three just get progressively more stressed to be associated with him in any way.
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I love this whole page, just. They really do put up with so much because of Katsuki.
Katsuki, on his end, just starts shoving his way into the crowd. Kirishima calls him a jerk and asks what he’s doing to the rest of the class, and that thanks to him, they have a whole mob of haters now. Katsuki turns and gives Kirishima an unimpressed look, and says that he doesn’t give a crap, which has Kirishima shocked. Katsuki then says that he’s heading for the top, so why should he care?
The rest of the class is surprised and in some cases a bit moved. Kirishima is on the verge of tears as he comments on how that’s so straight-forward and manly, Tokoyami mutters about the top and how Katsuki isn’t wrong, and Sato thinks it’s well said. Kaminari is still freaking out, telling the others not to let him play them, and that all he’s doing is winning them enemies. 
Izuku has a flashback to Katsuki crying after the battle trial while declaring he’s gonna beat everyone. He calls himself an idiot as we see some of the other 1-a students waiting and talking, and then flashes back again to Ochako and Tenya’s motivations to become heroes, followed by Aizawa and Toshinori’s comments on limited time and the slight difference mattering when they emerge in society. We finally get a zoom-in on his face as he recalls Toshinori’s last words to him - the drive you felt when cleaning up the beach.
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As this is the halfway point, and the rest covers the actual day of the festival, I will call it here! Next time, we get our other declaration of war in! 
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meeko-mar · 3 years
Here's some pain;
Obviously this is way more fic fodder than an actual prediction of any sort,
What if, when Katsuki starts really going after Izuku do get through to him, and he gets Izuku pinned down...And Izuku still tries to get him to leave him alone.
What if he thinks that it will... drive Katsuki away to confess his feelings?
TW for feelings of internalized homophobia, and I guess perceived notions of homophobia?? Izuku is basically afraid of his feelings, as usual.
As part of the whole idea that he's suppressing, and sort of has internalized homophobia against his crush on Kacchan...So he assumes the logic that if he's afraid of his own feelings, Kacchan would probably be disgusted, enough to give up on him, to leave him. Or at least shatter his concentration enough for Izuku to escape. It will hurt, and it's his last resort, but if he wants Kacchan to keep his distance, he might have to just do it. Because he does love Kacchan and needs to keep him safe. (and he has tried literally everything else to get his classmates off him, to no avail)
So he screams it, right into Katsuki's face, because again, he's been pinned.
"Don't you get it?? I love you!! I always have!" He cries. "That's why I can't be near you!! My feelings are only going to get you killed!!" (he has related this to the rest of the class already, but this instance is specially for Katsuki, insert a mess of Izuku's emotions about Kacchan nearly dying for him once already)
But instead of disgust, and letting him go, Katsuki keeps a hold of him, and his eyes change. At first he is a bit blindsided, but quickly resumes his resolve.
"You...Asshole!!" Katsuki growls, also in Izuku's face. "So what, You want ME to have to Watch YOU fucking die instead cause you won't let anyone fucking help you?! Is that better? That's somehow ok?!"
"You fucking love me?? Bullshit!" (stay with me here)
"If you love me so fucking much, why don't you fucking act like it!! Why don't you think about how I feel watching you drive yourself into an early fucking grave like everyone who came before you!?"
His fists clench tighter around Izuku's tattered costume as tears start streaming down his own cheeks in the rain.
"What about how I feel about you, huh!? You think you're too good to wanna stick around long enough to find out??"
Izuku is obviously SHOOK(his ploy didn't work?? Kacchan isn't rejecting him?? Or is he?? What is happening here, he did not account for this response...)
Eventually they manage to wrangle him up. Take him home.
Katsuki hovers as he heals, making sure he doesn't bolt again. He seems to be looking at him with brand new eyes, though Izuku knows he's being considered a flight risk and thinks that might be the soul reason... but also there seems to be another new context to the look of those red eyes.
They have conversations, calmer, but they still skirt around *those feelings*, pretty awkwardly. The whole class can tell what's going on, too(I imagine that they at least heard the tail end of when Katsuki was yelling at Izuku about it)
Anyway, Izuku reluctantly...very reluctantly, agrees to work with UA and his friends. With many, many discussions that pretty much amount to Intervention and THERAPY talks with all involved(and after a lot of rest to get into a better mindset), he realizes how terribly they were worried about him, and are still worried. And eventually, that it's not fair to shut them all out when they are trained as much as he is and deciding for themselves to be involved.
He still doesn't like it, he is still terrified...He still believes/knows he's got to keep searching for AFO...but now accepts that his friends are going to try to help no matter what he says and accepts their help, accepts Katsuki's help. AM comes back and they make up, and AM ALSO tells him to make sure he's ok before taking care of everyone else again.
As Izuku slowly adapts to having a home base and becomes less of a flight-risk, Katsuki's still always lingering in the background, or acting by his side, like his right-hand man. I think once more paralleling the Second watching over Yoichi.
Izuku honestly can't tell what Katsuki actually thinks about the whole love confession, and he's actually afraid to ask and open that pandora's box again. So for a while he acts like it didn't happen. It all feels surreal and like it could have all been a panic-induced fever dream for all he knows.
But, unbeknownst to Izuku, the reason Katsuki isn't really saying anything is because he's actually kind of assessing his own feelings. He knows he cares deeply about Izuku... but is it love, is it THAT kind of love? Can he properly even return those feelings, does he deserve to?? And then again, he's ALSO questioning if Izuku was genuine about his love confession or if it was some sort of fake out to get him to leave him alone or shock him. And if it was, he'd feel really stupid and pretty hurt if he came to confess only to be rejected by Izuku. (which, might happen anyway, because Izuku's still terrified that his love is going to get Katsuki killed)
Anyway, he's read Izuku horribly wrong in the past before, so he wants to really make sure he's reading the signals right.
The kids in their class, while obviously occupied with patrols, the ongoing tension of AFO lurking out there, communicating with the Heroes and the International reinforcements, etc etc, are absolutely AGGRAVATED by these two dancing around the issue, and for not giving all of the tea-seeking kids of their group closure after that dramatic day where they had fought Izuku and the two of them had SCREAMED at each other about feelings. (again)
Like even Ochako tries to (gently) get the truth out of Izuku cause she knows how crazy it can be to have a crush when you're preoccupied with saving the world.
Maybe one night Katsuki and Izuku are out, I'm thinking high up where they can see UA grounds...Maybe the roof of the building? Perhaps doing a look-out patrol.
And they start TALKING.
Katsuki straight up starts the conversation because he knows, and we all know, that Izuku would be tight-lipped about it still. He just straight up says "So are you ever going to tell me what the hell you meant that day?"
Izuku FREEZES, but he decides he's probably avoided this for long enough...can't put it off forever.
Katsuki looks at Izuku and finds him looking so, so insecure, confused, and grimacing with a blush as he looked away.
"Oi, Deku." He startles Izuku, "Were you....Were you lying to me?"
Izuku looks so bewildered by Katsuki's new tone. There's a hint of insecurity in his voice
"Sorry--I'm sorry... I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have said it like that," Izuku fumbles with the words. "I used those words to try to push you away...I thought you'd hate me, and if I could get you to hate me, you'd let me go, and I was so scared, and it was a really really desperate strategy..." he's doing his trademark muttering by now as panic sets in.
Katsuki steps closer, eyes burning with intensity as he looms over him. "But was it a lie."
"It was the wrong moment, for the wrong reason...But..." Izuku sucks in breath and feels his heart hammering. Forces himself to meet his eyes with Katsuki's. "It wasn't a lie."
Katsuki's eyes widen, and they both kind of stall in the moment as it all settles in and the wind blows between them.
"I'm sorry," Izuku blurts, and blushes furiously, starting to turn away. "I shouldn't have pushed this on you," He's giving in to his instinct to bolt.
Katsuki catches him by the wrist. Izuku turns, and meets Katsuki's smoldering eyes again. "Don't you go running off without hearing what I think again, damn nerd. Last time it nearly got you killed."
He runs a hand through is hair and looks away, and by now is also blushing. "Dammit. I'm still trying to figure out how to be around you. I'm still trying to relearn how to be your friend...At least, a friend who's actually worth a shit."
Izuku nods quietly, they've also had their discussion on their past/Katsuki's apologies by now, so Izuku is understanding of where Katsuki's feelings are coming from.
"And...Deku, you dumbass, why would I hate you for that??" Katsuki glares. Izuku flinches a bit.
"Well I..." Izuku mumbles. "It's obvious, right? I thought you'd be grossed out... I'm not a...Neither one of us is..."
"Not what, a girl!?" Katsuki scoffs. "Since when does that fucking matter?? You don't decide what the Hell grosses me out, Deku. " Izuku looks at him, SHOCKED, but his eyes shining.
The hand that has him by the wrist squeezes just gently, and feels really warm.
Katsuki sighs, and looks downward. "As long as you're not lying to me about something like that. Don't ever fucking lie about this kinda shit."
He finally looks at Izuku again, eyes large and shining. His hand pulls Izuku forward just gently.
"I don't know...Fuck...Give me time...Okay? There's still a lot I gotta do before I can..." He cuts off, still blushing and wrestling with the emotions. but the remaining words 'before I can say it back' basically hang, unsaid, in the air between them.
"But you gotta promise me you won't go and get your stupid ass killed before I get the chance, got it, nerd?!" Katsuki adds hastily.
Izuku feels his eyes start to burn as the warmth wells up inside him, and a smile spreads across his glowing face. He laughs a bit, feeling the nerves bubbling over, paired with a sudden sort of relief. Kacchan doesn't hate him for what he said, and even might return the feeling. What a good feeling. The best thing in a while. If not all the more terrifying.
"Okay, Kacchan" Katsuki blushes at how stupidly cute it looks for the light to be returning to Izuku's eyes, and that dumb smile lighting up freckled cheeks...Something that the Katsuki of a few weeks ago would have given anything in the world to see, right there in front of him.
Feeling the urge to bring back their previous mood, Katsuki grunts some sort of quasi-insult, like, "Don't get any more weird, backwards ideas like that, Deku. I'll kick your ass."
Izuku laughs again, But then suddenly, everything is ruined; A massive jolt to his head strikes him and he suddenly withdraws his hands from Katsuki, clutching his head and doubling over.
Danger Sense.
"Deku! Hey!" Katsuki grips him by the shoulders(partially in panic that Izuku might fly off by instinct without second thought to a plan of any sort, like old habits) "What is it!?"
Katsuki's legitimately scared as Izuku sinks to his knees; Izuku's had Danger Sense pings while staying within the walls of UA to heal before(that they had to CONVINCE him not to pay attention to, or rather send one of the other students out in his stead), but nothing this obviously severe.
Little Brother, The voice rings in Izuku's head again, and his blood runs cold.
Gritting his teeth, Izuku's eyes then shoot open, and look with terror to the horizon;
"It's him...He's coming..."
sorry this was long. probably imperfect.
but I had to get it out of my head.
And then somewhere in or in the aftermath of the final battle they actually share a kiss and Katsuki says it back. It's nice.
I really think, Katsuki would probably legit have few hang-ups about being gay, his attitude is "don't fake who you are or how you feel", Mr. "can't even fake it to survive a kidnapping encounter with villains and would rather try to explode them all even though he's outnumbered". He'd be like, "what, you like boys? fine, then, what's the problem?! Like boys all you want!"
In this scenario I think he's way more concerned over if he's a worthy partner for Izuku, or if he's able to reciprocate, rather than "am I actually gay and if so what does that mean"
And as of 320, let me just say that Izuku is SO FRIGGIN SCARED, it breaks my heart. Like he's legit terrified and I think our suspicions that he was deeply deeply traumatized by the war arc are exactly on the money. the line "AFO is going to take you all away from me" while flashing back to the losses in the war including Kacchan....JUST SHOOT ME, IT MIGHT BE LESS PAINFUL.
Can't wait for the main UA kids(IE, his closer friend circles) to have their turn trying to wrangle Izuku up.
Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you liked this.
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First Kiss
Pairing: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: The safety of your uwu's. We got stuff from me writing at 3 AM, which is basically Sugar Sap Hours TM, so be warned. Also if you don't like kissing. Idk why you would keep reading if you didn't, but yeah there's some detail.
This is what I mean when I say that I am little more than a hopeless romantic.
If this is bad then that's because the last time I kissed someone was when I was six years old.
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima
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● Boy was so nervous
● Truth be told, he'd wanted to kiss you long before you started dating, but he never knew how to ask
● It had been a month or so into the relationship, and you'd begun to take notice that the two of you hadn't gone any further than hand holding
● You didn't want to pressure Izuku into something he didn't want to do, neither of you did. It was just that—you longed to feel his lips pressed against yours, and with each passing day the temptation only worsened
● One afternoon, Izuku had just gotten back from his hero training session. You had been watching with the rest of the class as he sparred against Tokoyami. After a hard fight from the both of them, Midoriya had finally come out on top and won against him
● He walked back into the observation room, still panting slightly as he adjusted his protective gloves
● You felt so proud of him. That was your boyfriend and he was a m a z i n g
● Most of the class crowded around and congratulated him as he walked in, and Aizawa sensei even gave him an approving nod
● The glow his eyes had taken on pulled you in, and, before you knew it, what was meant to be a congratulatory hug from you turned into a kiss
● It was quick, your lips barely pushing into each other before you pulled away, but it still had a massive impact
● The whole class (minus the few who had left to get ready for their turn) erupted into cheers and 'OHH!'s
● You both turned bright red and jumped apart, Izuku unable to do anything other than stand glued in place and grin sheepishly
● Once Aizawa had settled everyone down, you pulled your boyfriend towards the back of the room
● "Sorry," you apologized immediately. "I got carried away and—"
● "Why are you sorry?" Izuku asked, suddenly incredulous
● "I just wasn't sure if you were ready—"
● "Do you know how long I've wanted to kiss you?" he cut you off, keeping his voice low so prying ears wouldn't be able to listen in *AHEM, Mina and Kaminari*
● Your face flushed a whole new shade darker. "I may have an idea . . . . I've felt the same way."
● Izuku took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the side. "If you want to start now, we can."
● "I'd like that."
● He bit his lip, blushing again as he put a hand on the back of his neck. "We could do some more . . . once class is out."
● Your eyes shone, already giddily anticipating meeting Izuku in his room. "That sounds wonderful."
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● It was no secret among the Bakusquad that a certain explosive blond had taken interest in you
● It started with Mina noticing the subtle glances (*stares) he'd throw you, then she enlisted Kirishima to ask him, which only lead to a solid confirmation from Bakugou himself (and Eijirou nearly getting his face blasted off), which then was spread to Sero and Kami
● Within a matter of days, Bakugou's crush on you had simply become common knowledge to the four of them, and now they had to decide on what to do about it
● There was some teasing, of course, in the week that followed; Sero or Kaminari lightly jabbing at him with their elbows when they caught Bakugou absentmindedly watching you
● But Mina wanted more than that, and the others were quick to agree
● One afternoon when classes were over for the day, the quartet were hanging out in the common room. You happened to wander by, looking for something to do and they waved you over excitedly
● They invited you into a game of truth or dare, which they had 100% NOT started just because you walked in
● "Oh, (Y/N), just in time," Sero called out to you. No one other than you missed the way Bakugou shifted in his seat across the room at the sound of your name, back turned to the group
● So as not to seem suspicious, everyone went around a few times, playing their turn
● When everyone's eyes turned toward you for the third time, Denki finally took the opportunity to quietly dare you to go over, kiss Bakugou, and live
● Nothing much, just on the cheek if you could
● You, who were blissfully unaware of Bakugou's feelings towards you, happily accepted, already anticipating seeing the look of pure rage on his face
● You sauntered toward the gremlin boy, who was sitting on a couch across the floor, not paying any attention to the game that was going on mere feet away as he read over one of his notebooks from class
● You leaned over the back of the couch, positioning your face at a perfect angle level with his
● "Hey, Kacchan."
● His head whipped around at the name, giving you perfect access to plant your lips soundly on his cheek for a solid half second before bolting off as fast as you could
● Bakugou just sat there for a second, dumbstruck and trying to process what just happened
● Had that been you? Really you? The (Y/N) who had been stubbornly and oh so agonizingly plaguing his mind for the past two months? Kissing him on the cheek and calling him Kacchan???
● Your speedily retreating form confirmed it for him, plain as day, and he wasted no time in jumping up and vaulting over the couch to chase after you
● Your mind and heart raced in tandem as you finally heard his footsteps slapping after you, running barefoot down the hardwood floored hall
● I'mgonnadie I'mgonnadie I'mgonnadie
● You couldn't help but allow giggles to escape your lips, however, especially when you heard little popping noises behind you, signaling Bakugou was firing off tiny explosions in what you could only assume to be rage
● You began to panic as you realized his legs were longer and he was faster than you. You yelped as searing hands grabbed your shoulders and pressed you against the nearby wall, signaling your defeat
● You were uncertain as to what you should do now, having not thought so far ahead. His hands were now resting firmly on either side of you, caging you in as the both of you lightly panted from the excitement of your short chase
● You defiantly shoved down and silenced the voice in your head that was screaming that he would certainly kill you and spit on your grave, opting to instead grin smugly at his face which had curled into a bit of a snarl
● Oh, how handsome your murderer-to-be was. You couldn't help but finally notice the fact now that you had kissed death, both literally and figuratively
● "So this is how it ends," you said, straining to keep your voice steady and the smile on your face. "If it makes you feel any better, I did it on a dare. Denki's fault."
● Confusion suddenly contorted your face as you watched Katsuki's fall. "That didn't mean anything?"
● You blinked. "Uhh, should it?"
● Katsuki's carmine glare never ceased in its intensity. He harshly bit his lip before removing one of his hands from the wall to drag over his mouth; processing
● You stayed in place, mind racing as to what he might mean. Had he enjoyed it? Did he like the thought of it? Had the Bakugou Katsuki developed . . . feelings for you?
● Of course you knew Katsuki wasn't lacking in the looks department. As you made your rounds assessing all the boys in your class, just like most high school girls do, he most certainly crossed your mind as not bad
● His personality had turned you off a bit, but you knew enough about yourself by now that you were a damned sucker for a bad boy
● His red eyes, which had trailed down to the floor as his mind raced through thoughts of his own only made your face heat
● The way his lips pouted ever so slightly, already enticing you to lean back in for seconds
● No, you told yourself. Begone, thot. Thought? Ha ha. This means nothing, you're just overthinking like you always do.
● You shifted your weight between your feet a few times, trying to physically distract yourself from how close his face was to yours
● Katsuki looked back up at you, disturbed a bit by your antsy squirming
● "What do you want me to do?" you finally asked him, wanting to mull over these intrusive thoughts in the silent privacy of your room. Maybe die in a hole later. You never knew.
● "I want you to do it right this time."
● "What?"
● "If you want to, kiss me like you mean it. If not, you can always go." He kept one arm at his side, open for you to slip away from him if you so chose
● But you didn't want to choose that option. Your head spun, trying to keep up with everything that was going on around you
● It was all so fast, and yet—you loved it
● Shutting down your brain entirely, you grabbed at the back of Katsuki's head and kissed him, full on the lips
● His eyes widened in surprise, having half expected you to slide out from under him and walk away, but no, you were kissing him and it was both everything and nothing like he'd imagined and your lips were so soft and—
● He pushed back into you, fisting your hair in his hands. He was rough and unpracticed, but what he lacked in sweetness he made up for in unapologetic passion
● His teeth knocked against yours and your heart soared in excitement, warmth flooding your body in ways you'd scarcely glimpsed the feeling of
● A sudden cheer brought you both out of your heightened euphoria, Katsuki pulling away and whipping his head around so fast you nearly whimpered at the loss of his lips against yours
● You were just able to see four bodies briskly retreating around the corner, absolutely cackling as Bakugou embarked on his second chase of the day; blushing up a storm and screaming considerably louder at his friends than he had at you
● You brushed the tips of your fingers over your still hot lips, still tingly after what they'd just experienced
● Smirking to yourself, you leaned back against the wall, coming down from your adrenaline high as you attempted to slow your pounding heart back to its normal pace
● He would be back. Boys like him always were. You would talk about your status and becoming official then, but for now, you were content to listen to the echoing explosions sounding off in the other room
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● Even after a few months, Shouto was still getting used to the whole idea of 'dating'.
● You were his first s/o, so he wasn't really certain what he was meant to do
● Nevertheless, he tried everything he could think of to be a good boyfriend
● He'd of course noticed that couples kissed, and now that he had you, he wondered if you would like it and what it would feel like
● The two of you were just vibing in your room, doing homework together as you liked to
● Shouto looked up at you to find that you were concentrating on a math equation, nibbling on the end of your pencil
● Your lips suddenly looked so full and soft and enticing, and Shouto couldn't think of anything other than having them pressed against his
● He had been staring at you for quite some time, so you looked up
● "Need something, Sho?" you asked, wondering why he was looking at you like that
● "Can I ask you something?" he asked
● "Sure."
● "Would you mind if we ever . . . kissed?"
● You blinked, taken aback by the completely unexpected question
● "Uhh, like . . . right now?"
● "That would be nice."
● You blushed and smiled. "Sure."
● You moved your notebooks behind you so you could have room to sit close to each other, sliding forward until you were comfortably in front of him
● Shouto felt semi prepared. He had watched exactly five videos and read two articles on this. How hard could it be?
● He touched your cheek, looking into your eyes as he ran his thumb over your skin
● Shouto leaned in, simultaneously guiding you closer to his face
● His nose fell in place next to yours as he gently brushed his lips over your soft pink skin
● You were surprised with how well and confidently he was kissing you, blissfully unaware of his search history
● He left several little pecks against your lips before finally pressing them flush against his in a deeper kiss
● Your eyes had fluttered shut, experimentally pushing back as his lips moved against yours
● It wasn't long before your mouths had opened and your tongues were gently tapping against each other, aching to explore a foreign cavern
● It was only then that you began to notice just how warm he'd gotten—yet simultaneously cold?
● You flicked your eyes open to see that Todoroki's right side had begun to frost over slightly, his left sending waves of heat rolling onto your body
● You reluctantly pulled away, Shouto's lips cutely chasing after you for a second before he opened his eyes
● "What is it?"
● "Is this getting too intense for you?" you asked
● "Not really. Why?"
● "Your, uh, quirk."
● Shouto glanced down, only now realizing how much he'd unwittingly let it activate
● The frost patches quickly receded, and the heat abated slightly, though to say your own cheeks weren't burning in their own way would be a flat out lie
● "Sorry about that," Shouto apologized
● "It's fine," you waved off, trying to keep your giddy expression toned down
● "So did you . . . enjoy it?" he asked
● "Yeah." Your voice was breathy as you ran a hand through your hair
● Todoroki allowed himself a small smile before settling back into his seat on your bed
● "Want to do it some more later?"
● "Of course!"
● Needless to say, it wasn't long before the two of you had become total pros at kissing
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● Kirishima is a very romantic kind of guy
● He'd been thinking about kissing you for a while, but decided it would be more manly to wait for the most perfect moment possible when he could be certain that that was what you both wanted
● You'd gone on a couple of dates together, but he hadn't taken the opportunity to kiss you yet
● Finally, he couldn't get the thought out of his head, the urge to take a step further in your relationship ever-present in his mind
● He planned for it a few days in advance, making sure to get a good time for when you were both free
● It was late when he came to collect you, around eleven o'clock
● He led you outside into the night, making sure the both of you were quiet as he guided you along
● Soon enough, you reached your destination, which was simply a small blanket laid out over a patch of grass in an open area right under the stars
● You both sat down next to each other, the warm night air keeping you just at the right temperature
● Kirishima watched as the light of the stars reflected and twinkled in your eyes, and he thought he'd never seen anything so beautiful as your features lit in their glow
● You began to point out your favorite constellations, tracing the groupings of stars with your finger as you held out your hand to the night sky
● "I love them," you said, referring to the sparkling lights. "Do you ever think about just how far away they are? It's all just so magical and humbling all at once. They may look like little pinpoints of light but we're the small ones, you know?"
● Your voice was so soft in his ear as you scarcely dared to raise it above a whisper. It soothed him, making his eyelids feel comfortably heavy
● Your body pressed closer into his, leaning against him while you looked up and mused
● "They're never gone, either," you continued. "Do you ever think about that? The sun is just too bright for us to be able to see them during the day, but they're there all the same, watching over us."
● Kirishima wanted to be there for you forever, making sure you were happy and safe
● Your wide (E/C) eyes drew him in, your words making his mind swirl
● Before he knew it, his nose had brushed against your cheek, causing your head to turn at the contact
● Your nose bumped against his, and the feeling of his breath fanning over your lips caused your cheeks to warm
● "You know," he muttered, pressing his forehead to yours, "you're more beautiful than all the stars in the sky."
● Before he could close the remaining distance between you, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle
● "That was really cheesy," you remarked, closing your eyes and letting a small breathy snort leave your nose
● "Aww, what?" Eijirou pulled back a little, causing you to open your eyes again in disappointment at the lack of contact. "I meant it, it's true. And a super manly thing to say."
● You couldn't help but notice the tiny flicker of anxiety in the backs of his ruby red eyes, worried he'd done something wrong
● You couldn't resist that look, the way he pouted ever so slightly, just scarcely able to make out the outlines of his endearingly abnormally sharp teeth
● In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to feel those lips against your own, to feel what those teeth would feel like under your tongue
● "You're right," you finally said, reaching up to hold the back of his head in your hand, fallen red spikes tangling between your fingers
● You pulled him close and let your mouths move together, hesitation quickly changing to courage the longer you left each small peck
● Eijirou was quite possibly the sweetest guy you knew, but you'd never experienced anything so sweet as his kisses. There was no heat behind them, but the passion and love for you was evident all the same
● He eventually pulled away to caress your face, hand cupping your cheek with softest care
● You leaned into his touch and gazed up into his eyes; freckled by the light of the stars. Somehow, the reflections seemed even better than the real ones hung in the tapestry of the atmosphere
● Eijirou pulled you onto his lap and into his chest, where you instinctively clutched and buried your nose into the soft fabric of his t-shirt
● He hummed a little in his throat, beginning to rock back and forth ever so gently as he held you in his arms. You could hear his heart softly pounding deep within him
● His warmth lulled you to slumber, allowing you to slip into the depths of sleep without you scarcely taking notice
● Kirishima allowed you a few minutes to settle, switching between gazing into your sleeping face and back up at the stars
● He finally stood, carrying your limp form back to your room, where he laid you out on your bed and tucked you in
● He felt like he'd done well, and finally went to sleep himself, the taste of your lips still tingling on his tongue
So, uh, I was going to do Amajiki and Shinsou but I low-key ran out of time and ideas so . . . yeah. Maybe I'll do them later, but probably not. Idk. If someone asked for it I would but for now . . . probably nah.
Anyway, I really liked how these turned out! I hope you did too! My favorite is probably Bakugou's, but I also super enjoyed Kiri's.
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4
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