#protective Katsuki
marimeeko · 17 days
I wanted to find that preview image of Katsuki framed in red with a furious expression to support my thesis but I can't find that rn. (The one regarding Aoyama and how he "wants a few good blasts at him to be even for everything that happened to him because of the LOV targeting them" )
Thesis: assuming a Quirkless Izuku ending, and a BKDK Agency ending, imagine if someone ever disrespected Izuku for being Quirkless, or called him washed up after winning the war.
Vague statements like "I hear their agency hires the most Quirkless population of any agency! How strange!" are one thing, but when it's personal about Izuku...
Something like, "Why is he in such a prominent Hero position with no Quirk? Couldn't Dynamight do more with a Hero Partner who still has a Quirk?", or "it's such a pity he has no Quirks, he was so amazing before!" or "I hate to say it about the guy but what if he's holding Dynamight back...?"
And Katsukis head just SNAPPING towards that person, that expression of fury on his face.
"What the FUCK did you just say?"
Katsuki making sure that NO ONE disrespects Izuku for having no Quirk, ever again.
Imagine his reaction to the media trying to get a juicy "where are they now???" story off of them, and the inevitable "Deku is Quirkless" shit show of questions...
Paparazzi stopping them on the street asking if there's any way OFA can come back, and they can see him in the field again "in his former glory", and "what are you doing now that you've been forced to retire from Herowork??"
Katsuki flinging himself between them and a stuttering Izuku, grabbing the mic and yelling "Does he look like he has fucking retired?! His glory is just fine!! Fuck off!"
Izuku being surprised at first, but in a way endeared. Moreover, appreciates how efficient Katsuki is at shutting down the media vultures that still swarm the two of them even years after the battle. It takes a lot of the mental and emotional load off of him when Katsuki comes at them barking instead of him having to compose the best, most polite statement for them that they don't deserve anyway, Katsukis Hard NO is a breath of fresh air.
"I can't believe I used to fucking sound like these morons..." Katsuki would complain in a hushed tone, fully aware that he used to sound a bit worse, in fact. His thumb traces back and forth over Izuku's hand, squeezing just lightly, as if to non-verbally say, "I'm still sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" to him.
And Izuku would just softly laugh and squeeze back, telling him that it was all ok.
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iamfrankie99 · 2 years
Oh, He’s Back
by TheMoonIs
21k 4ch
Summary: The war has ended and class 1-A is now in their third year when Izuku gets a call from a very unwelcome person. His father is back in town to fuck his life up once again. In addition to that, the pining between our favourite duo is reaching new, undiscovered hights, and the tension is palpable. Something has to give. The question is: will Izuku be able to stop Katsuki from committing murder?
Frankie’s comment: Oh my GOODNESS!!! This definitely goes into my top 10 😍😍 It’s been a while since I’ve read such an amazing fic and definitely the first after chapter 362 fucked up my life and broke my heart into smithereens. These boys are the incarnation of the “I would die for you, I would kill for you and I will love you until the end of days”💚🧡 Let’s see, here we have lots of drama, a fucking asshole, deserved violence, angry (hot) Izuku, protective Katsuki, loads of pining, blind trust, undying love and a healthy dose of smut. I would say this fic is really damn close to perfection😂🧡💚
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chiosblog · 1 year
Reckless 💥
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seagreenstardust · 3 months
“When toxic behavior is portrayed as romantic, it’s problematic. When problematic behavior is portrayed as a character flaw for a character to work through, it’s good storytelling.”
Katsuki Bakugou, my friends.
His behavior was problematic but never once portrayed as romantic at the same time. Katsuki said and did awful abusive things, and he also chose to be better when he was given the chance. If you’re still hung up on chapter 1 Katsuki now then I don’t think you’ve been reading the same story I have.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not shipping Izuku with an irredeemable abuser. I’m shipping him with his most important person. His narrative foil. His childhood friend who made awful mistakes and then made it right when he saw he was wrong. The person Izuku looks up to and strives to emulate, despite their past struggles.
Bakudeku is so good because of how flawed these boys are, and how hard they’ve worked to get over it, and how much they matter to each other after it all
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aitchhdee · 11 months
Bakugou, who is deaf on one side of his ear always sleeps on that side, so his good ear is facing upwards so he can hear and be alarmed if something is up. He either sleeps on his back or on the side where he can't hear with his good ear free. The only times he sleeps with his deaf ear facing up is with the people he trusts and feels safe. That shows his vulnerable side.
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katsuizu-stuff · 6 months
Y’all I was rewatching the second MHA movie and holy heck I just noticed that Katsuki is so protective of Izuku this man has his arm in front of Izuku
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smtere · 2 months
-> mha getting into an argument w their s/o:
includes : bakugo, midoriya and todoroki
(a/n) just a reminder that if you've had an argument with someone you care about a lot recently you shouldn't beat yourself up about it - its ok to have arguments with the people you love and whether your in the right or the wrong it always feels better to try and forgive ! <3 I hope everyone reading has a nice day / night and remember to keep smiling !
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bakugo : it was an accident but he doesn't want to admit it since he's a stubborn bastard. wouldn't snap out of it until he sees his (s/o) in danger or hurt and would instantly go in to protective mode cause he actually cares about them deep inside despite not showing it. then when he and his (s/o) are in bed and he thinks they’re asleep he’ll whisper a ‘i love you’ and apologise - would never actually admit it to them if they were conscious.
midoriya : ok, epitome of ABSOULUTE CUTIE - first person to admit he is wrong, would apologise profusely and pampers his (s/o) non stop. he feels so bad that his (s/o) can’t be mad at him for long cause I mean, have you seen him. his s/o would have to reassure him for months after the argument that they forgive him as he is definitely going to be feeling guilty for a while.
todoroki : would apologise the next morning and feels so bad cause he feels like he's turning into his father. hugs his (s/o) tightly, scared that they are going to leave. after a lot of reassurance he feels slightly better, his (s/o) having to tell him over and over that it is ok to have fights as couples and that it was perfectly normal to disagree with each other - its what makes us all human.
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a/n : sorry this is so short, but let me know if you want me to do any other characters or a different scenario! requests are always open <3
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hatsunevita · 18 days
if we don’t get a post-war moment of inko and bakugo talking by deku’s bed and inko asking bakugo to keep looking after her son cuz she knows katsuki’s the only one who can keep him safe, and bakugo agreeing and smiling with determination cuz there is literally no way he’s NOT gonna protect the nerd. if we don’t see a scene like that then horikoshi obviously just forgot to add it to the final draft because i know this WILL happen.
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edgyleans · 3 days
Quirkless!Izuku who has a Dynamight-themed keychain hanging off of his phone, a Dynamight-themed pop socket on the back that just partially covers a picture of Dynamight that can't be found anywhere online...
He wears Dynamight merch near-daily, the pieces are always too big for him as if they're not his own. He always has to scoop the sleeves of the hoodies or sweaters he wears up to use his hands, but it doesn't stop him from wearing the clothes.
To the average person, he just looks like an obsessed fanboy. He's known online as a stalker because he's always somewhere in Dynamight's vicinity. Paparazzi have caught him close to the hero's house before. He always seems to get lucky too, winning various giveaways and even having a few interactions with Dynamight online. Fans hated him.
One day, Dynamight finally attends a convention and of course, Izuku is spotted there with a VIP pass that includes a meet and greet.
People are obnoxiously rude to him, whispering about him in the queue for the meet and greet but it doesn't seem to phase him. One of the volunteers assisting with the meet and greet is clearly a Dynamight fan and recognises Izuku, they refuse to let him go into the room with him alone (though Dynamights security is there, so not really alone).
They're shocked to see Dynamight's attitude do a 180 when Izuku walks in. Dynamight actually approaches him, a cheesy smile on his face as he pulls him into a hug. They're ushered out by security before they can see anymore.
The story gets out, people accuse Izuku of using a quirk on Dynamight that forces him to be nice to him. He hadn't acted that way to any other fans, he'd just been as polite as he needed to be.
Dynamight's panel is suddenly cancelled and there's uproar. People are blaming Izuku, who conveniently hadn't been spotted in a while.
Then there's a tweet from Dynamight's official Twitter account, an account that's rarely used.
'Leave Izuku the fuck alone, never doing another con again for you ungrateful fucks bullying my HUSBAND. He doesn't even have a stupid quirk to quirk me with, idiots, but that's what makes him perfect. Fuck off.'
The post had pictures attached, of Izuku and Katsuki together at various points in their lives. The most notable one was recent, including a scar Katsuki had only received a month ago, it was a mirror selfie, Izuku standing in front of Katsuki with the phone partially blocking his face. Both of them were holding their hands out, showing off the rings on their fingers.
The tweet gets deleted an hour later, Dynamight's PR team were scrambling to cover it up but the damage was done. It was broadcast on the news within the hour, on the front page of various newspapers the next day.
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go-ninja-go · 9 months
watching mha season 3 when the villains attack the camp is wild
you have this kid Deku saves who he helps to realise that heroes aren't that bad, then the villain he's fighting reveals their plan and then the only thing playing in Deku's head is "SAVE KACCHAN".
like, my guy hears a gunshot at one point and his first thought is "Kacchan you better be okay".
then he finds Shoji and Tokoyami and enlists them to the Kacchan Protection Squad. with all of them proceeding to find Todoroki and Kacchan who then help Dark Shadow to calm down. not to mention they're just looking after a guy™.
fast forward a bit, they run into Tsu and Ochaco who point out that Kacchan isn't behind them and Deku's just like what
like, he realises Kacchan isn't there and the look of horror on his face. my poor guy.
they come across the villain who took Kacchan and Deku's like "GIVE HIM BACK". he's already pissed at the villain and protective of Kacchan, then they realise he also got Tokoyami and it all just doubles. Deku gets even more pissed and protective of his friends, all to the point where Todoroki has to actually tell him to calm down.
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iamfrankie99 · 2 years
Just One Day
by Astranger015 (Wattpad)
Summary: Katsuki gets in trouble with the law in one of his attempts of catching his absent parents’ attention, and ends up with a bunch of community service hours at a hospital. There, he meets a boy who seems to be volunteer, and they become friends…the thing is: Izuku never leaves the hospital.
Frankie’s comment: Ok, so, I cried so hard for this. Like so hard. But it’s totally worth it I promise and it has a happy ending!!! (Don’t let it fool you, it really does, you just need to read till the end). This fic kinda feels like it could be a Nicholas Sparks work, but again with a happy ending. Oh, yeah, Inko seems super strict in this but she is actually just traumatised, so don’t hate her too much. Cuz I did. Enjoy the love🧡💚
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seagreenstardust · 24 days
No matter what happens in canon, bkdk are soulmates.
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shutit-haha · 9 months
Rocker Bakugo/Manager reader
Rocker Bakugo who everyone labels as cocky but you simply say arrogant. There's videos that have gone viral of you correcting people during interviews saying he's only like this because he knows what he can do. This is how you gain your popularity as his manager.
"Now you're quite cocky aren't you?" The grey haired man leans forward onto his desk.
"No, he's not." You speak up from where you sit next to Bakugo on the dark green sofa.
"But he is," the man corrects you.
"No, he's not." You've taken on a more stern tone, "anytime Katsuki has ever told me 'I don't need you to teach me' he goes and proves that in fact he doesn't need my assistance. He's very talented and has been since a surprisingly young age, do I wish he was nicer yes, every one does. He's arrogant only because he's aware of how talented he is." The interview was cut short after that, security escorting your crew out. This is how you accidently make your mark.
Rocker Bakugo who has a ton of groupies but doesn't really care. As his career starts to rocket, he appears more and more in public with hickeys on his shoulders and chest. At first there's speculation of it being from wild fan, however it's all from you. Gotta make your claim on your drummer boy.
Rocker Bakugo who sits you on his lap and tries to teach you how to play the drums. He wraps his hands around yours, has you pick your favorite song and the two of you learn it together. When ever he has free time (which includes the five minutes he has before showtime) he'll sit you down and have you practice.
"Let's see," he pulls you down onto him.
"I'm not there yet," you're all bashful and shy like the other fan girls. You're not really musically inclined, you dabble sure but negotiation's are your world.
"Yeah you are, come on play." He doesn't grab onto your hands this time, forcing you to play on your own.
"How was that," you're eager for his validation.
"Certified drummer baby, might take my job."
"Don't gaslight."
"'M not."
One day he pulls you on stage for an encore. He gets up from his stool, sits you down instead and has the whole band play your favorite song as a live concert.
Rocker Bakugo who plays dumb when you're talking about laws and contracts. You know full well he understands what you're talking about. When everything was young; your relationship, careers, and ages, the two of you went to get your degrees together.
He'd help you study and was one of the top of your class. You both walked the stage together. Fast forward and his degrees just sitting there in his studio while his eye candy of a manager takes care of everything for him.
"What's that," he ask interrupting you when you use a 'big legal word.'
"Katsuki," you whine.
"What? I'm fuckin' confused explain it to me."
"You understand, I know you understand."
"Brain's melted from all those guitar riffs love, nothing in here but music notes."
"Kat," you swat at him.
"Alright fine, like when that sexy voice of yours explains it to me."
"We're not in college anymore."
"Wasn't that long ago."
Rocker Bakugo who slays at guitar hero and has the drum version. When he's pissed he plays, you come home and find him just jamming the fuck out. He's broken the game once or twice it's a pain in the ass to pay. The damn rich boy even owns the arcade version, bakusquad comes over and plays it all the time.
Rocker Bakugo who has to have your validation. (We all know he has an inferiority complex.) Who gets off stage all sweaty and shit, has that smug ass grin on his face. Still without fail always finds you and is like "how'd I do?"
"Sexy as fuck."
"Yeah," he's breathing heavily in your neck. His arms are limp by his sides, muscles sore.
"Yeah," you push his hair out of his face.
Rocker Bakugo who had everyone convinced you were just some girl. You were always with him, even when recording most people kind of just assumed you were some accessory. You always love the reactions you get when you're introduced as his manager.
Rocker Bakugo who people assume doesn't actually love you. The two of you always appear standoff-ish and scary. However this is only because you're always on alert when the two of you are with new people. You're polite but that bubbly personality of yours completely fizzles away. You're his no bullshitting manager and nothing else during those times, all work mode. There's a rule about no PDA as a way to keep up your image and reputation.
It's such a huge contrast from how the two of you are on livestreams and what not.
Rocker Bakugo who low-key has a mommy/daddy kink, and loves your praise. You're unafraid of telling him when's messed up or needs to rehearse something again. And well your boyfriend's learned to swallow your critique. This means that when he does do something perfect the first time he expects you to hang it up on the fridge.
"Again," you're leaning up against the wall on the opposite side of the room. The darkness of the rest of the space makes you seem barely there, you're like a phantom.
"Again," he growls back at you. The rest of the group is watching with open eyes weary of what is going to happen next.
"Are your muscles cramping?"
"Are you hungry?"
"No," his voice gets louder.
"No," and louder.
"Am I overworking you then?"
"no," and louder.
"Well then do you think you can play it right this time?" Your words make everyone in the room wince, except for your boyfriend. His jaws clenched biting the words he so desperately wants to shout.
"Yeah," he barks at you.
"Good," you lean back against the wall adjusting your shoulders for comfort. "Again."
Rocker Bakugo who fights with you sometimes. "What kind of contract is that," he snarls at you.
"Katsuki what you're asking me for doesn't exist."
"Then make it happen."
"It doesn't work like that, this is difficult."
"It always is."
"Oh don't give me that, you know damn well this is hard. Actually I bet you don't, I bet you haven't even looked at it." You scoff shaking your head, "you're bitching to me about something you know nothing about."
"Bullshit," he spats.
"Yeah ok."
"And what was that shit during practice," his hand is flat on your desk. Your study smells like him and you're not quite sure how you feel about that. It's like he's invaded your space.
"That shirt during practice was me trying to make you better."
"Yeah right," he sneers putting his other hand down on the desk.
"Not everyone's got it out for you Katsuki." You rise from your seat so that you may now stand behind your desk. "You know what Dyna-mighT I can just pack up and leave. I mean you wouldn't want to sleep next to a greedy traitor." You walk out from behind your desk, "you poor fucking cash cow," you glare at him. "I loved you before all of this, when we were broke fucking high school kids."
"Not true."
"Yeah because your mommy and daddy had money to back you up." You point to yourself, "I didn't have that though. I went out on a limb because I believed in you, I took a leap of faith because I trusted the net would appear. This," you bring your finger down onto your desk, "is my income. We don't have to love each other but I am not losing this job."
"Because you made me right, you made me want I am now." He's snarling at your back, you're only a couple steps away from the door.
You snort, "you made yourself. You're really fucking smart, and your gorgeous too but FUCK do you let your insecurity get in the way. And it's my fault for making your ego bigger, this wasn't all you. Go through those records and try and tell me I haven't done some crazy shit for you. Go through documents, interviews, concerts, post, look and compare old contracts."
"Bullshit, I know people that can do better."
"Than go find them," you wave him off.
"You're just a fucking manager-"
"And you're just a fucking cash cow," you slam the door behind you.
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buttercupshands · 25 days
wait a minute
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stop it.
#bnha#bnha manga spoilers#mha spoilers#mha 423#I didn't hate this chapter before that#but now I am#because this is just cruel level of REMEMBER THIS?????#yes. I do remember this. I rewatched and reread this arc VERY recently#so... he killed Kurogiri with a punch like the one he did in USJ and again to save Izuku#I don't care honestly.#I reread this chapter and I cried again bc I REALLY refused to believe that Kurogiri died then#but he did with a death words to Shirakumo's friends and recall of old chapters#even if people want Tenko alive I doubt that Kurogiri will ever materialize again#and I'm deadly serious when I say that this is the worst part of this chapter#I worried for Kurogiri's existence ever since it was revealed that Shirakumo is in there#but that literally took FIVE YEARS TO APPEAR AGAIN HAVING AN IMPORTANT ROLE#and he left while crumbling just like Tomura's body before Katsuki hit him#and the last thing he thought about was about protecting Tomura even though he was partly Shirakumo's dead corpse appearing more and more#even Mic now understood that it's really is him in a way ending his arc from back in Tartarus with Aizawa#and you know what's worse??? TOMURA KNOWS THIS#the way he used “...........” with Kurogiri's name while the page literally showed his black smoke disappearing was heartbreaking before#it's worse now#like... okay he's dying too and he doesn't even know if spinner is ALIVE or not and he saw Kurogiri disappear#all while protecting him from harm one last time#AND WE STILL HAVE NO FUCKING FLASHBACKS OF HIS TIME WITH TOMURA OUTSIDE OF WHAT WE HAD IN MANGA#I'm getting more and more furious by the minute HAHA#I need to find that one sketch I did way back in 2019 with them after spoilers of Kurogiri in Tartarus#I NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT NOW AND I CAN'T DRAW#I want to just curl up and cry myself to sleep like a 13 y.o that found out the bird that she looked after died while she was sleeping#kurogiri
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Bakugou’s first love who’s temper and passion matches, no, exceeds his, because you had to fight twice as hard to earn things he was given, had to fight twice as hard to get a seat at a table he was born to. His first love, who’s outcast by hero society for carrying too much anger, for being too rough, too much. 
For being Quirkless.
He never said it was love, but it was. He could feel it, knew you could too. Or at least, he hopes you could. 
So after you disappear, there’s not a single day that goes by where he doesn’t think of you, well into adulthood. Little things like the flowers in the florist shop window that are the exact color of your old car, the way the city glows after a rainstorm.
He thinks it would be easier to forget you, to not have to carry the weight around with him all the time, and he hates himself for thinking it at all. Hates that he feels burdened by your memory instead of thankful he could tell someone exactly where every mole and birthmark sat on your skin, the different colors in your eyes.
It’s that perfect memory that confirms his worst suspicion when history begins to repeat himself, a new group of villains unhappy with society rising from the ashes of the last.
You’re clearly different, but he knows you. Knows the way you move, the tilt to your voice when you’re hiding that you’re wounded.
It’s the first time that his heart is at war with his sense of duty, but he keeps quiet about his suspicion regardless, needing to confirm everything for himself before he spoke up.
It’s a thin line he’s walking, but he assures himself he won’t cross it, no matter what.
And yet, when he finally catches you, unmasked and pinned beneath him, bloody teeth bared, he finds himself lifting enough for you to escape. He wants desperately to give chase, to catch you again, but he knows it’s not so he can bring you in.
It’s that realization that wakes him up, makes him take extended leave so he can track you down. Except he doesn’t have to.
You show up at his apartment one night, covered in shadows near the open window as he comes in, absently listening to Kiri worry about him over the phone. It takes everything in him not to hang up on his friend immediately when he sees you, freezing in place.
He should be angry, should be insulted that you, a wanted villain, had the audacity to show up in his home and silently watch him, but he’s not.
Part of him believes he’s finally lost it, chasing ghosts, so he calls out your name quietly, more of a breath than real words, but he can see the way your body reacts to it immediately, and all he can feel is relief crash around him.
There’s a heavy silence for a while, and then he takes a step forward. You stiffen, and in a blink, you’re gone, the only sign you were real to begin with a note telling him to stay away.
But he doesn’t. And neither do you. He knows you follow him, can feel watchful eyes on him, even if he can’t see you right away.
And then you show up in his apartment once more, clearly ready for a fight in the middle of his kitchen. There’s a glint of a knife in your hand, and he’s careful to move slowly as he sets down his groceries, hands splayed to show you he’s unarmed, as if he couldn’t kill you with one flick of his wrist. He calls out your name again, softly, like he’s talking to a wounded animal, and you can’t help the way your heart begs you to respond, even after so many years.
You shift, hesitate, and he straightens, takes a chance, and takes a step towards you. Your hand twitches, but you don’t raise it, don’t charge him. So he takes another. And then another. And then he’s within striking range, and your eyes are hard, angry in warning, but wide, like you’re lost. 
So he steps closer. And you step back, knife falling from your hand and clattering to the floor. He presses forward until your back hits his kitchen island, and he’s leaning over you, knuckles white with the way they grip the marble. 
You look panicked, fear brewing in your gaze when he raises a hand, eyes squeezing shut so you don’t see the blow coming. 
Instead, he brushes your hair away from your face, and your eyes fly open in surprise, the large pro drinking you in, his eyes flicking over your form. 
“I thought you were dead,” 
His voice is softer than anything you’ve ever heard, rolling over you and bringing back memories long since repressed. He cups your cheek, thumb sliding over your skin as if to make sure you’re real, and you hate how good it feels, how much you’ve missed him, and then his gaze dips lower and he freezes. 
Now that’s he’s able to be close to you, breathe you in, he sees what he’s missed before, hidden under stealth suits and large hoodies. From beneath your top curl ragged scars, curving and licking up along your throat and across your shoulders, more abundant than unmarred skin.
Your breath hitches as his fingers leave your face to trace over the scars on your collarbone, his face filled with anguish. His searching takes him lower, to the collar of your shirt where he pulls away, shaky hands falling to the hem as he begins to lift it slowly. 
Your hands circle his wrist in warning, and he spares you a glance, his pretty eyes filled with silent pleas, and you give in to him, as powerless to him as you were when you were stupid kids believing you were in love. Your fingers fall away from his skin slowly to let him continue, heart hammering as you let the man you came to kill undress you. 
He hesitates, inhaling deeply, steeling himself for what he might see before he tugs the cotton upwards once more. 
His stomach twists in knots as you’re revealed to him, arching scars covering most of your torso, some clearly old, but far too many new, deep, and he can only imagine what you went through to earn such markings across your skin. 
He can hardly find those moles and beauty marks he used to be able to map perfectly, now replaced with thick and jagged lines. He looks tortured, struggling not to let it show, but you see it anyways.
You can’t help the noise that bubbles from your throat when you lift your arms for him, a fresh wound beneath your left breast pulling painfully tight with the movement, and he clenches his jaw at the sound of your whimper, brows drawn low over his eyes. 
When his palm lays flat against your stomach, measuring the expanse of your scars to his hand, the former reaching out far further, you squeeze your eyes shut and tilt your head back. 
You never wanted him to see you like this, and in that very moment, you wished you were dead like he’d assumed, rather than a broken shell of who he used to love. 
He’s silent as his hands wander, their warmth seeping into your skin and settling on your hips, fingers splayed wide. He lets out a shaky huff and you finally peel open your eyes as he drops to his knees, his breath warm over your skin, moments before his mouth presses over your flaws.
He doesn’t miss the way you inhale sharply, hazy eyes focused down at him kneeling at your feet, mouth ghosting across your body. 
He traces a path upwards, his hands keeping you grounded as you arch against him, goosebumps rising in the wake of his ministrations. He deviates from his path only once, to press a feather soft kiss against your newest wound, and you hiss, fingers flying to tangle in his hair. 
It shouldn’t hurt so much, but his mouth feels like a brand, his nose brushing along the underside of your breast, lighting a fire within you that you had assumed died long ago. He murmurs out something you don’t quite catch against your skin before he returns the drag of his mouth between your breasts, up until he’s pressing kisses against your jaw, his forehead bumping against your cheek as he shakes his head. 
He exhales shakily again, and you tilt your head ever so slightly, needing to see him, needing to see the disgust, the pity in his eyes. You need him to give you a reason to push him away, a reason to hate him so neither of you start something you can’t finish. 
But all you see is a quiet fury buried in those crimson eyes, smothered by a emotion you’ve only ever seen in those very eyes the last time you’d seen him. You’re not ready to admit what it is yet, denial flooding you even as your mind supplies the word. 
It’s like all the air rushes from your lungs, and you’re sure in that very moment, if it wasn't for his firm grip, that you’d simply crumple under the weight of your realization. 
He draws you back to him, nose bumping yours when one of his hands cups the back of your head, fingers burying themselves in your hair. He opens his mouth and immediately closes it again, breathing in sharply through his nose before he speaks again, eyes shutting. 
“I’m sorry I wasn't there to protect you.” 
And just like that, you can’t resist his pull anymore, closing the distance as the first tear rolls down your cheek. 
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