#but also because there's nothing wrong with writing characters who are terrible people and stay terrible - like Obadiah
starcchild · 1 year
((question: I realize I can make carterio canon for Carter's main verse as well as the ikau by saying she and Quentin were together while she was in college, but then they broke up pre-aou or just after. Do y'all think that could be something that'd work or just leave it as an alt-main during iw/eg?
#ground control (ooc)#((I'm at a stall with the rewrite rn because I'm weighing out some ideas I've had before but either got rid of (for some reason)#or placing more importance to (like including her lessons with music and art when she was younger)#and I'm trying to figure out a way to make a summarized version since I feel like I'm getting too detailed#but after that is where I'm debating on if I should leave as is or make some changes#and I feel like it could work with carterio - though I'd make adjustments according to his character#and I'd probably finally watch ffh again to get a better feel lol#but I figured I'd ask since I'm on the fence about this and don't really have a strong feeling either way#so other opinions would help! and again I'd make adjustments to the situation if I go this way although it's still gonna be toxic#because Quentin is a toxic person imo - he's absolutely interesting as a character and I love that he's a diva lol#but also because there's nothing wrong with writing characters who are terrible people and stay terrible - like Obadiah#but also it's fun exploring other ideas like that one anon had for the ikau au of carterio!#plus it'd actually give Carter more incentive to not say anything about their relationship to Tony#since I'm sure Quentin would've also dated her then to try and increase his chances getting a job at SI#and she wouldn't want to ruin that/take away that chance from him despite him hurting her#I will say I actually might go with them dating in college in the ikau before breaking up and then getting back together like I have now#but anyway - I'm gonna stop rambling bc I know there's a tag limit dsfghkjdfshj#I'll sleep on it and think about it a bit more - but I'd love y'all's two cents!))
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saintobio · 2 months
Omg ok ok hello! I had this huge rant in my head about sy and sn so pls feel free to ignore it, but I love your writing so much and it gives me some STRONG FEELINGS. First of all it surprised me that I like the way you write y/n cuz she doesn't become a "bitch" after the whole deal with Gojo and have some elaborate revenge plan, but she is also not a goody two shoes (even if she stayed with Gojo earlier but she had a lot of external pressure to stay in the marriage). Not that those tropes are necessarily bad but it's just more realistic this way. She's just a person who has been deeply hurt and is trying to do right by others. Even if she has made big mistakes, she still wants to make up for them cuz she's not completely in the right either. Also getting bashed by everyone for trying to make amends/ not following their advice regarding you own life; while very triggering for me (lol) is also just such a natural reaction. Not right, just natural. When things get out of people's hands and they want to blame someone for it, they often go for the one who is actually trying and won't retaliate if for nothing than to just keep the peace. Also wanting people to understand your side of the situation yet feeling undeserving of it at the same time because of your mistakes is UGHHH I feel like you do that so well! It's amazing but genuinely heartbreaking to see how far Satoru has come as a person too. Also when he thinks about how he wants to be a better person for Akemi IT MADE ME WANT TO PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL... cuz WHY COULDN'T HE BE LIKE THAT FOR US!!! At the same time we have moved on without him, so if we are allowed that luxury then why isn't he? It's just so ANGSTY AND SO SO GOOD! Because we love Satoru we always will but he had a chance and he fricked it over terribly! So it would be idiotic to go back to him but at the same time the heart yearns for him. This is a side tangent but whenever any character says "this is not like you", "you have changed, this isn't how you'd act" makes me so MAD lol (maybe bc I am triggered?) But these guys WATCHED MY GIRL GO THROUGH SOME HORRIFIC SHIT AND STILL EXPECT HER TO NOT BE PERMANANTLY AND IRREVERSIBLY CHANGED???!! ;-;; IDK what they want from her oof >.< I do think Akemi is a shitty friend but I can't bring myself to hate her completely. Seeing them together is so ANGER INDUCING AAAAA (and her wanting a family with him is fine BUT THIS EARLY?!JUST AFTER ADMITTING YOU FEEL "SORRY" FOR BETRAYING US?! IT MAKES ME WANNA HURL HER TRHOUGH CONCRETE) but at the same time Satoru and Akemi both deserve someone who can love them. It feels hypocritical to be angry when we ourselves told him to move on and find someone who can love him the way he deserves. It's just very very shitty it had to be them. Sera is also such an interesting character. She has a lot of traits that I admire a lot. Her resourcefulness and complete and utter pride/confidence and being unashamed to ask for things/ stand up for herself (even when she is wrong) is something I wish I had sometimes. Still wanna stick her head through a toilet tho and yet when a person who slept with a married man can see the bloody violation of girls' code that is sleeping with your bff's EX HUSBAND oh BOY you should KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I have no strong feelings for Toji (cuz I don't like him much anyways but that's just personal bias XD )but I do think his anger and frustration is well founded especially since he runs over whenever the reader needs him. He's so supportive and invested and honestly he deserves someone who can give that back to him. It's kinda sad but then again I don't like him much to begin with lol.
All in all I hate how much I love this series and love to hate these characters and take out my repressed anger on them cuz I can't do that irl. This series is my Roman Empire lol. It's so painful, yet so beautiful and it makes you FEEL so many things and yet hold out hope for things to become better. I love this, love you and your writing- ok mwah bye bye (and thank you if you read this rant put together by my post nap, barely coherent brain) I have so much more that I want to say. I can write essays about this series and how it uses so many technically "cliche" tropes but it is anything but cliche . Truly some of the best angst I have read like ever!
oh wow !! i don’t even know what to say, this feels like such a comprehensive review of the sy series sdksks but i think many readers could definitely relate with some of ur points here :D this is such a nice perspective to read, thank you so much for sharing and tysm for reading sn/sy aaaaa i’m happy u enjoy the angst as much as i do <3
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caseylicious · 2 years
Two Sides of a Story.
Request: Can you write an angsty Rise!Donnie x FEM!Reader? Where the reader doesn't know how Donnie feels about a relationship. She also has like a terrible self esteem, so she hides her feelings behind witty banter. But it gets overwhelming sometimes.
Summary: Reader has feelings for Donnie, however has a terrible self-esteem. What happens during one of their heated argument, she accidentally reveals her feelings?
Character: Donnie.
Reader: FEMALE
Relationship: CRUSH! (No established romantic relationship.)
Warning: Heavy Argument, Bad Self esteem, Angst if, of course you're not into that.
Words: 1444 (with the hcs and oneshots)
A/N: Thank you for being my first request! (Even though I have accidentally answered it unfinished) I remembered the majority of the request! So yay!! ALSO thank you for the angst dear! Please know that I love you even if you aren't perfect.
Also, I have no clue if you wanted headcanons or a Oneshot, so why not? Let's just do both! I'm in a good mood after all. I WILL BE WRITING A PART 2 OMG <; 3 Please Enjoy 💐
[ If you have any constructive criticism or corrections for any of my English do let me know! :) ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
This wasn't right. You having a crush on Donnie out of all people? You really thought feelings like this wouldn't appear around him. You thought it was going to be another little "He's Attractive, that's all." But oohh no... You just had to find him comforting to be around. It really started when you were staying over to get help for your project; and who better to get advice than the science man himself? Donnie!
So there you both were, him leaning over to check over all of your math. It wasn't until he complimented your work that your heart all of a sudden fluttered. It felt strange, wrong. Not because he was a mutated turtle, no! It was just.. you were nothing like him. At all.
Did you look at yourself? Your face didn't look right, Your curves are non-existent. Have you heard your voice, it just didn't sound.. right. Nothing about you was right. And you sobbed over those factors of yourself every single night. But, your feelings are stronger than your own thoughts. You couldn't stop your heart from fluttering and stomach from twisting, yet you somehow "knew" that he wasn't interested in you. Nor in any romantic relationship, especially with you.
So, the only thing you could do to defend yourself? Was to have a whole different identity around him. But you knew he could see through your defenses. Which made him curious and confused.
But no. You chose to have an argument about your attitude around yourself. It made Donnie's brothers concerned, especially since you both have gotten along really well. They knew he didn't like social interaction, so watching you and him bicker; back and forth? They knew something had to change, and April had a plan.
"Guys, how long can we keep listening to them argue?" April crossed her arms, leaning against a pole. Leo sighed as Mikey had a frown.
"It's hurting them both..." He bit his lip a little, trying to find the words to their situation. "How long until one of them breaks?" Raph thought to himself, trying to get "Mental Raph" to help in their problem. Leo let out a groan, clearly annoyed. "Why can't they just tell each other they like each other? And just like- I don't know. Make out?"
The group stared at Leo, Aprils' brows furrowed together. "I know Raph doesn't have the best ideas, but Leo. What the heck?"
"Well, what can WE do? It's not like Y/N is going to stop with Donnie. Do you think she enjoys arguing with him?" April was going to argue with Leo, before Raph stopped them. "Guys, why are they even arguing anyways? They totally like each other... I mean it's obvious." Mikey looked up to the ceiling for a while... "You hear anything, Mikey?" The youngest brother smiled, "Doctor Feelings has an idea." The others curious, soon began to listen in...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
💜 Donnie
He didn't expect himself to get along with someone like you! Especially since you were such an attractive girl in his eyes.
He liked how you listened to all of his rants about his new inventions. How you were so patient whenever he focused on his own things...
You were just perfect.
In fact, you bring him a moment of peace whenever you're around. It's one of the reasons he had a crush on you. But being dull as a brick; he couldn't recognize you felt the same way.
Which was why he was very confused on why you suddenly changed how you acted. Was it something to do with him?
Was he being weird?? Were you beginning to become bored of him and his inventions?
He needed answers.
It was only one question, he thought you'd respond with an answer he could understand.
But you reacted in a way, that he never expected.
"Why? You have a problem with how I act?"
"Well, no... but I'm confused what's with the sudden attitude."
"It's not like you'd understand."
"Excuse me?"
And that's how your bickering began.
If that's how you were going to act? Fine, he can play that game too.
He was just hurt forcing himself to argue with you, it was to protect his own feelings...
Under his stoic expression, was him overthinking.
Did you hate him?
Was what he said too harsh?
But his logical part of him always powered his emotions.
Well, she chose to start this.
I'm not going to let her treat me like that.
He over all just wanted to talk with you. He wanted things to return to how they were.
Can things please return to how it was?
While he was working on his own project alone, Mikey chose to invade his room.
"Heyy Donnie, You've been working pretty hard. Let's hang out! Y'know?"
Donnie, giving it some thought. He needed a distraction from you.
"Sure. Where you plan on taking us?"
"Oho, You'll see Don!"
He should've asked even further, but chose to trust his younger brother.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
You were laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. It was getting bad again. The bad thoughts were taking over your head, and they just kept getting worse. Before things could got worse, you received a text by April. "Urghh..." You slowly rolled to your side. Lazily grabbing your phone opening the text.
<;( Y/N, want to get some pizza? We haven't had a girls' night in like forever! )
You thought to yourself for a while... Should you really go? You weren't feeling the best, but there was no food in the fridge.. You smiled to yourself. Beginning to type.
( Yeah. Why not? I don't have any food at all! LOL )>
April's and Mikey's plan was into the works, receiving the text from Mikey that Donnie was on the move. You and Donnie had no clue of you both having to talk out your problems.
You quickly went down the stairs of your apartment to see April. You could see she had a mischievous smile. "What's with the smile?" You poked her face a little, as she moved your hand away from her face. "Well, I'm... just excited to see you girl!" You were suspicious of what she was planning, but you shrugged it off. "Aww. How sweet." You both walked down the streets of New York, under the moonlight. You loved New York for the night sky. Even if the traffic makes it unbearable. It was dark, starry, and purple... Oh. Just like Donnie...
As you both arrived to the pizzeria, your eyes widened. Right in front of you... Was Mikey and Donnie. He was as confused and shocked as you were. "Come and sit down Y/N! We ordered your favorite!" Hesitant; April helped you sit down. You were sitting in front of Donnie, this wasn't good.
"Well... Y/N, how was your day?" He smiled taking a slice for himself. You gulped, stuttering a bit. "...I- it was fine." Donnie was getting irritated in this situation. You were clearly uncomfortable with him being around you. He should've seen his brothers and April plan a stunt like this from a mile away. If they planned on making you both talk, then fine. You were going to tell him why you were acting so weird.
"Mmm- D. You good-?"
"Why are you acting so weird whenever I'm around Y/N?"
You could feel your throat break, but you couldn't break now. "Are you still bothered by how I act, Don?" His sharpie-brows furrowed. "Yes, indeed I am. I just want things to go back to normal!" Mikey looked at Donnie, worried. "D-donnie calm do-"
"You're always concerned on whether or not I'm acting normal!"
"I am, NOT! You just chose to act like this all of a sudden, and I deserve an answer." He glared into your eyes.
"Well, why are you SO concerned then?! It's none of your business anyway!!"
"Y/N calm down-"
"Because I'm worried about you- It's as if, you don't care about me. As if you suddenly see me as a monster!"
"I- i don't see you as a monster Donnie-" "Then why? Why are you all of a sudden like this?!-" "Because I love you Donnie!! God fucking damn it!!" Your voice broke, as the table was filled with silence. Donnie was shocked to your answer.
God. Fucking. Damn. It...
You bit your bottom lip, as tears fell down your eyes. Looking at Donnie. Hurt. All of your insecurities attacking you at once, you ran.
"Y/N! Wait!" Donnie quickly stood up, watching as you ran.
You began to sob, running away from him.
Now he knows what a pathetic girl you are...
[ To be Continued... ]
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erstwhilesparrow · 6 months
realizing after writing this post that i forgot! to talk about! scott's "dying of natural causes" thing! right, mind the cut, i like talking a lot.
particularly annoyed i forgot to bring this up because i do think it's another instance of [characters saying things that are more telling about their relationships and characterization than about the world itself] and i want to pick it apart a bit even if it amounts to nothing new at the end. the thing scott says specifically is, after sparrow declares himself a sculk hybrid, "are you though? like, you made yourself this, right? [...] i became a lightmancer because i died of natural causes and then came back as it [...]"
"right," i said immediately to myself when i was first watching. "the extremely natural cause of a lava trap that someone put down around fwhip's waystone. very natural."
it's kind of bullshit, right? how do you differentiate between scott's "natural cause" and being cut in half or drilled open or having your circuits flooded with water? what, if you put a cage around yourself it doesn't count anymore? i don't think there's any meaningful physical difference between the ways sparrow died and the ways other people on the server have died, and even if there's some metaphysical thing going on here about the intent one has going into their death, i don't think scott has any more a clue how this whole "die and you're a new hybrid" works than anyone else. sparrow asked, way back when they first met, how it happened, scott didn't have an answer, and he seems like the sort with better things to do than investigate or be bothered by that.
regardless, i think the question of whether scott is stating something actually true about the world is maybe the least interesting part of what he's saying here. i willing to believe that this is something he believes is true! i also believe it is way more interesting to consider this from the angle of... how it's pushing all of sparrow's Wild Insecurity buttons? sparrow has shown himself multiple times to be really touchy about how much worth he has as a person/hybrid. i don't think scott is bumping up against that stuff deliberately, but he is bumping into it, and i can imagine how it hurts.
from the moment he decides to visit scott and through that whole long and terrible journey, sparrow is clinging so tight to the belief that scott will know what to do, scott can help him, scott is his friend and will explain what's going on and make things okay. sparrow's bewildered at being a million blocks away from home, and hungry, and terrified at realizing what he might be able and willing to do to others. he's utterly alone. it sucks! he's having a bad time! and then he makes it to scott's place, propelled by the hope that his friend will help him, and there's scott, who is looking at him funny and saying things like that?
well. like i said, i don't think scott is pushing sparrow's buttons on purpose. but he's also not helping. he is in fact digging into the insecurities and fears sparrow's been struggling with this whole time, and he's removed the sculk sparrow left, and he's a whole new guy who doesn't seem to want to visit or assist or understand sparrow's situation at all. sparrow built scott up so much in his head, and now that scott's actually here and behaving, yeah, like a concerned friend, but a concerned friend who has no idea what the fuck sparrow's going through, it's so easy to feel betrayed by that, isn't it? scott, especially when he's talking about the sculk he removed, keeps saying things that sparrow interprets as, like, no one wants to visit you, you're not a real hybrid, you should just stay down in the deep dark. etc. and scott's not saying those things, if anything he's just trying to have a conversation with his friend, but you can see how things start cracking apart, right? how it's that thing that happens all the time, where people say just slightly the wrong thing and it strikes a nerve they didn't even know was there, and no one mentions it but the pressure keeps building until one person snaps at another and it becomes a whole argument that itself becomes an awful, miserable fight and then it just-- doesn't get better, after?
and it's upsetting from scott's perspective too! consider: your friend shows up on your doorstep and is visibly having a bad time. you want to help and catch up -- he is your friend. something's happening to him that he doesn't understand, and he's evidently turning to you for support; you try talking to him about it. but he's irritable too, getting worked up about things you say and do for reasons you can't quite grasp, and you'd like to try making sense of the situation with him, like, hey, i see you're struggling with this thing we have in common, here's a way we're different, maybe that's what's causing your problems, and maybe because you're confused and kind of nervous and your friend is being weirdly aggro at you and you're not actually a saint, it takes on a tinge of hey, maybe something's wrong with you, actually. why are you having this problem when i'm clearly not? why can't this problem be solvable so we can be okay again?
and then your friend pulls a knife on you, and you really don't know what to do. both of you on the back foot. the argument spirals from there.
it doesn't ultimately matter whether scott's right about the whole 'dying of natural causes' thing, i suppose. just him saying it is (1) telling about what scott's default assumptions about hybrids are and how scott understands himself, which shows you the fault along which his relationship to sparrow falls apart, and (2) really fun for making sparrow reveal how he feels about himself and his own hybrid-ness. scott can be entirely wrong about this thing and it still works. scott can be entirely wrong about this thing and it's actually maybe more interesting to me if he is! it adds interesting flavour to their relationship if this is just a belief he's been holding onto this whole time despite also simultaneously caring a good deal about sparrow, or if it's a theory he cobbles together in the moment in an effort to make sense of the directions sparrow keeps taking this conversation they're having. isn't it interesting? if this whole thing falls apart because he blurted out the wrong thing at the wrong time and it wasn't even true in the end.
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 1 year
There’s something that has been irking me in the past few months... /That/ part of the fandom (that mostly was NOT here when the manga was still published weekly and when it got cancelled by SJ) changed the narrative about our reaction to the ending.
Now it’s all ‘omg mean IR shippers who are bitter over their ship not being canon!! They are terrible people!!!’ and calling us us bullies when no, you weren’t there back then where there were daily d*ath th*ats and rude asks sent to us... Not to mention we were mainly angry at the way the ending was so rushed and poorly written. We didn’t even know whether I//sshin, R//yuken, G//rimmjow (AGAIN), U//rahara and Y//oruichi were still alive or not because it was never said IN THE MANGA (because we only got an answer in light novels years later but majority of people only read the manga, not the novels that are semi-canon at best). We were angry over U//rahara’s “forgive me, K//urosaki, K//uchiki, for leaving everything to you” was somehow forgotten and the final fight with I//chigo, R//ukia and U//ryuu (who had THE silver arrow) VS Y//hwach never happened. We were angry because C//had ended up fighting for profits (profesionnal boxing) and U//ryuu ended up alone (again), overworked and working as a doctor just like his father and that go against their character arcs. We were angry because there was a whole arc and hints in the final arc clearly showing how I//chigo didn’t fit in the human world anymore and yet stayed there in the end. We were angry because the Sokyoku, the symbol of S//oul S//ociety’s old ways and injustice that I//chigo destroyed, was REBUILT. We were angry because M//ayuri was still a Captain and not in jail for his crimes. We were angry because we loved and cared for the story and the ending went against the main and side characters’ arcs and against the s//hinigami’s new ideals represented by I//chigo and R//ukia. And yes, we were angry for the pairings too because it was so badly written but most of us were fine with an open ending or IR and ISH ending but the new ‘IR would be nothing without anime filler moments’ argument is so ridiculous because even if you only look at the manga, IR was great, developed and made sense. Weirdly enough, the ones repeatedly shouting that filler “argument” aren’t saying a word about R//ukia’s scenes getting changed/deleted in the anime rn despite being the deuteragonist as if her erasure hadn’t been bad enough in the manga vers. of the final arc (same for B//yakuya scenes to a lesser extent)... But yes, our anger is mainly aimed at how poorly written the ending was, not only shipping-wise but in general. And now it’s irritating to see new fans act as if criticism that were there for a decade is not allowed towards the story or the mangaka.
While I’m watching the anime so far and I’m happy with the added scenes (especially the ones with U//ryuu concerning his heritage and the conflict he feels over the whole situation), I must say I don’t like how they deleted R//ukia scenes and B//yakuya scenes on purpose. I prefer the old characters designs as well and though and color palettes are now closer to the manga’s, the body proportions often look wrong (B//yakuya’s face, U//ryuu’s jaw to mention only a few exemples) and the lighting is horrible. I’m watching because I want to see EBTR, R//ukia’s bankai, U//nohana’s true self etc. but I do understand why fans who were in the fandom back then aren’t watching the anime or simply left the fandom given how we’re being treated and how some people are changing the narrative.
(And before my words get twisted... There’s nothing wrong with being a new fan, just don’t make up a new version as to why we dislike the ending/how we react(ed) to it. The criticism towards the writing is also more than fair and has existed even before the last arc even started.)
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sarah-cam · 9 months
Why do you hate Jeremiah so much/think Conrad is the better brother? Btw this isn't trolling, I'm genuinely curious for your opinion! 😊
oh boy this is a loaded question 😂 i am purely a watcher of the show, i have not read the books — and honestly, jenny han has literally said that the show is how she would write the story today vs over ten years ago when the books came out, so take with that what you will (also here's jelly vs bonrad)
i want to start this off by just saying i don't HATE jeremiah (i know i say that i do a lot but that's mostly just me being funny and i won't apologize for that 💅🏼) and while i honestly don't like him right now, i don't think he's a bad person and lbr all of these characters could benefit from some self-improvement via therapy. i'm also going to refrain from labeling any characters/relationships as "toxic" or "abusive" because frankly i think people (usually tiktok girlies that are clearly chronically online) overuse and misuse the term so that it's lost all meaning, and i'm not a psychiatrist 🤷🏻‍♀️ this is simply my interpretation and analysis of a tv show that i enjoy watching
if you love jeremiah, all power to ya!! i'm not going to tell you that you need "professional help" or to "reevaluate yourself" (like some people love to tell random strangers on the internet). these are fictional characters — they are quite literally not real and if you like some, cool. if you don't like some, cool. if you disagree with my interpretations, cool!! i genuinely do not care as long as you mind your business and stay in your lane
i'm going to say right off the bat that the biggest reason i prefer conrad is simply that i gravitate towards that kind of character, i don't know why but it's just a common theme among my faves
going into season two, i was/am team conrad but i honestly loved jeremiah!! that quickly changed and honestly when i rewatched season one, i saw the same behaviors and didn't like him as much. also, none of my criticism of jeremiah is meant to say that conrad is perfect and has never done anything wrong (even though he IS perfect and has NEVER done anything wrong 😜)
most of the issues i have with jeremiah all come back to one thing: his feelings of inadequacy and jealousy when it comes to conrad
manipulative: when he sees belly and conrad about to kiss, he sabotages it with the fireworks, then tries to play it off as an accident and like he didn't see them when conrad mentions it. at this point, he knows that belly has always had a crush on conrad but now he knows to a degree that it's reciprocated. he then proceeds to go out of his way to sabotage them, like when he goes to nicole and gets her to invite conrad to that music festival (which, also not cool to play nicole like that), though i will admit that conrad self-sabotaging ruining things with belly had nothing to do with jeremiah
guilt-tripping: this sort of goes hand-in-hand with being manipulative. on MULTIPLE occasions, he purposefully makes belly feel uncomfortable and guilty for simply being happy with conrad. some examples:
thanksgiving — she drops conrad's hand after jere stares at them from across the table, they separate and she intentionally steps away from conrad when jere walks into the room, he tells conrad to "warn him" when belly is literally just going to be there
road trip to brown — he is passive aggressive in the car ("we don't talk about you"), he gives her the biggest eye roll/side-eye when trusky mentions conrad being depressed over the break up, he makes her feel terrible about "not being there for him" even though he was literally the one ignoring her when she said she had been reaching out multiple times. i understand that they are best friends and he was also struggling, there's no doubt about that, but she is ONE PERSON (who is also struggling, mind you) and OF COURSE she is going to be there for her BOYFRIEND
everything since then — multiple times throughout the rest of the season, he gives belly dirty looks any time she merely breathes in the direction of conrad, he interrupts them anytime they're talking (like in the party store) with a nasty look/tone, he goes to belly after her fight with laurel to be "supportive" and then shuts her down when she tries to talk about her feelings simply because she brings up conrad (which was very relevant to the conversation so like??), he gives belly a dirty look when conrad GIVES HER A SWEATSHIRT BECAUSE SHE WAS CHILLY. she is immediately uncomfortable and self-conscious of her actions every single time, even when SHE'S NOT EVEN DATING CONRAD ANYMORE and none of the interactions were explicitly "romantic"
playing the victim: again, goes hand-in-hand with my previous points. not only did he know that belly has always had a crush on conrad, but he literally watched them almost kiss. then the next night, he tells belly he likes her and they kiss. then when she later tells him that she kissed conrad, he acts like he had no idea that she liked conrad and was completely deceived (this is not me saying that belly didn't do him dirty — she did!! and i DO truly feel bad for him, but they weren't dating and he knew full well that she was rejected by conrad immediately before they proceeded to get together) and throws the fact that his "mom has cancer" in her face to make her feel like a bad person. i get that he was upset, rightfully so, but that was still messed up. conrad also did NOTHING WRONG here!! he had no idea that jeremiah liked belly or that they kissed when he kissed her, was not angry when belly told him about kissing jere, asked her who she wanted to be with, and then respected her decision to not date in order to spare jere's feelings. jeremiah acting all pissy towards conrad was not deserved. i understand him being annoyed when conrad asked him for his blessing, but if he truly cared about them, he would want them to be happy together instead of spending the next few months pouting and ignoring them
jealousy: all of this comes back to the fact that he is extremely jealous of conrad. having an older sister, i get it — i sympathize with always being compared, feeling like they're better at everything, and trying to live up to that. he feels like conrad is better at everything and is everyone's first choice (which... he is 😬) but like... that's a YOU problem. conrad didn't do anything to him!!
the conrad of it all: he constantly talks shit about conrad and doesn't even try to understand where he's coming from, which i understand to an extent because he is justifiably hurt, but calling conrad the selfish one is literally LAUGHABLE. even though he may have been misguided, everything conrad did was to try to protect jeremiah from pain. he has had an immense amount of pressure put on him by his father (and others) to be the perfect one that is always looking out for and protecting the younger ones. he suffered in silence for months after finding out about susannah's cancer/adam cheating, both to give susannah the last perfect summer she wanted and to protect jere from everything. same thing with the house — he thought that he could handle it by himself and that it would be protecting the rest of them to do it by himself. he had to deal with all of the guilt of not being able to be there for susannah as much as he wanted because of college, and he literally had a panic attack at the thought of leaving jeremiah to go to stanford. jeremiah constantly bringing up that belly and conrad broke up (when it's none of his damn business and he even admitted he didn't know what happened between them) ESPECIALLY in regard to conrad not being around when susannah was sick because HE WAS AT SCHOOL and "always with belly" is so fucked up. everyone was struggling and doing their best, including jeremiah, and that was just not cool. belly's actions ("not being there for jeremiah") are not conrad's fault.
because of his jealousy towards literally every single thing conrad says or does, he doesn't care that belly makes conrad happy (and vice versa), he gives absolutely zero consideration to conrad's feelings when deciding to go after belly (also neither does belly but that's a whole other post). conrad has now apologized to both belly and jeremiah on multiple occasions and started doing some serious self-reflection. jeremiah has not apologized ONCE for the shit he’s said and done.
i have said it before and i stand by it: conrad wants belly to be happy while jeremiah only wants belly to be happy if it's with him
(and no, his conversation with conrad in the finale doesn't change my mind because i simply didn't believe him)
IN CONCLUSION, people are entitled to their wrong opinions but conrad fisher remains superior now and forever and he deserves so much better and no i don't take questions or criticism because i'm right
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letters-to-rosie · 3 months
My one oneshot of all time is impossible. 
There are three. Well there are more but I forced myself to stick to three. I'm terrible with choices
'Affection in all the wrong places' by LeBenj 
“You need to stop showing up here,” Ekko says as he unlatches his bedroom window with a loud click.
Without looking at him, Jinx’s lips perk with a hint of a smile. “You need to stop letting me in.”
It's soft and hopeful, with an undertone of hurt, and I love it. 
‘What's broken can still mend’ by MidnightLightHowlite
He hates her as much as she loves him, for nothing good ever happened to people who loved her back. But he cares, and that's different because people who hate you but also care will not forget, because they will forget a kindness but not a curse. People remember curses, remember misfortune if only to avoid it, and she's enough of a sin to be unforgivable.
“You’ve been surviving for so long.” He brings her knuckles to his nose and takes in the gunpowder. When his eyes meet hers they’re frozen. “But have you truly been alive?
So many gems in this fic. It hurts just right. Learning to live and complicated baggage and hope (I might have a thing for that) 
And last one 
‘Why’ by PenguiniShipsIt
‘That's all everyone wanted to do these days. Blow up. Beat everyone up. Hurt someone. End someone.
It got tiring to a point that he'd rather wreck himself than hear everyone around him already wrecked.
And he got what he wanted at the sight of her on his couch. Again.
"Hey." He shook her by the shoulder. "What the hell, Jinx? Is this what we're doing, now? You're just gonna stay here when it—"
She's burning.’
Caring despite all the rightful hesitations, a bit of ridiculousness, and from Ekkos's perspective, an incredulous situation makes for such a good read.
okay I have been super tired, so this took me like 3 days to write lol but we're so back baby here we go!
going one by one:
Affection in all the wrong places is very cute! I like the concept of things having eventually calmed down years later and Ekko and Jinx being able to relate to each other without the mediation of the conflict we see in the show. in some ways it also reminded me of one of my fics, with the whole "years later" thing, and I just think it's fun to see how different authors interpret similar ideas 😊
for What's broken can still mend, I think I actually read this one before I had my account?? I read a lot of CaitVi back then lol but I was just starting to get interested in timebomb. yet the summary sounds familiar...
but anyway, on to the thoughts! this is such a small thing but I love the idea that Vi comes to the Firelight base and plays with kids. I love it so much I might steal it for the end of revolution lol (with credit, naturally). and Ekko deciding not to kill her? wild lol, just wild. a little curious about why then, but hey, it felt very poetic and we can never be mad at that haha also was surprised at how it ended, but I was happy to see that Vi and Jinx made up, because who knows how canon will go 🥲
and for Why!
I feel like I've figured out your pattern lol you like fics where after the events of canon things chill out and Jinx goes to Ekko. and then implied/actual sex haha
the top author's note on this one is so fucking funny lol
I do enjoy Ekko being a bit of a dork here. the first fic I wrote with him in it has him telling bad science jokes lol. but he's also so sassy here which is how he became my favorite Arcane character in the first place, so we love to see that too.
He loved the way she swallowed. around here is when he started to get really terrible and I was so down for it lol. AND it's reciprocal! I like that playfulness coming out with them. you can feel how much they're into each other, and that along with how they're not saying everything (which I feel like is also a commonality between these 3 fics). since this is the longest of the 3 by a good bit, it really comes through, and I like in particular how Jinx is really torn up about the idea of loving him while Ekko is eventually able to convince himself to stop holding back, even though he's still afraid she'll hurt him.
She had seen what happened to people she loved and loved her back.
Not Ekko. Not chubby-cheeked, pouty-faced, sad-eyed, Ekko who hovered around her when she was sick and injured, who tended a nice little garden of friends and firelights, who zipped through the fissures like one of those masked heroes in barbershop stories.
yeahhhhhh this is good shit lol
“Are you aware of any reason she might threaten your safety?”
Yes. I edged her six times and came in her twice.
the end to this one is also really interesting. I would say it's my favorite of the 3. I like how the tension between Ekko and Caitlyn and Vi plays out, though I'm wary of the Firelights being legitimated by Piltover (though Ekko is, too, which is why I love him lol). it's interesting to see them inhabit this space created by all the tension in the world around them. and then, of course, Jinx comes back. more bittersweet than the first 2, but in a way I enjoyed a lot
thank you for sharing! 🥰
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sweetainwen · 2 years
ɴᴏ ᴇᴠɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ [JJK]
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Summary: he is just protecting his life, his hope. It is not his fault what happened because there is nothing against him. Without evidence, there is no culprit.
Pairings: yandere husband!Jungkook x wife!OC (you can think of her as Y/N)
Genre: 1988!au, arranged marriage!au, forced marriage!au, yandere!au, smut
Disclaimer: this story is fictional, so each character is not as described in it.
Warning: obsession, manipulation, age gap(OC is older than Jungkook, 6 years older), mention of homophobia, homophobic behaviour and thoughts, OC is lesbian, indirect mention of emotional abuse, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (OC on pills), shower sex, sub!Jungkook
Word count: 2.7k+
A/N: i think i like the 80s and 90s a lot, it’s the second time I set my ff in that time o: i wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up writing another one like this but i hope it’s not a problem and that you will like it lol
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The apartment was quiet, only the running water from the bathroom echoed within the walls of it until the shower glass door was opened, causing the young man to awaken from the warmth that had engulfed him.
She was him turn around and give her his beautiful bunny smile, not knowing the turmoil she was currently feeling.
“Hey, I thought you were staying at her place tonight.” his sweet, husky voice was already coaxing her to break into tears. “why are you here?” And she did. A salty drop fell, her lower lip quivering, causing him to worry and grab her face with his hands, “What happened? Why are you crying?”
“She left,” she sobbed. “Her neighbor said she left! I can’t find her anywhere! There’s no trace of her!”
She should have known better.
She should have realized that this time, too, she should not have any expectations. Her experiences must have helped her understand that people like her were not accepted in this world.
So why was she hoping for something she could not have?
Because she was a human, too. Cha Yeona was a human being with feelings.
She wanted to be loved like anyone else. And she could get hurt by awful words like any other person.
But that didn’t matter, because she was a lesbian. She went against nature, so they thought they could have a say in bringing her to the right path.
Her parents were the first in this.
She never expected that such a painful scene would unfold before her eyes after she expressed what she felt, never expected a slap from her mother and looks of disgust and disappointment from both her and her father, because it was something that never happened.
They were so kind, understanding, supporting her in everything and giving advice when they noticed something that was perhaps best avoided, and she was their only and precious daughter, but she was terribly wrong.
From that moment on, all hell broke loose.
Her every single movement would be controlled, and freedom only a distant memory. However, she’d still manage to fool their eyes and enjoy what she desired, even if the consequences would leave emotional scars.
But the straw that broke the camel's back was their consent to an arranged marriage, a forced one. She was furious, completely crushed, and broken by their uncaring behavior.
And when they had revealed to her that they had also discovered her plan to leave behind that toxic and hypocritical family by saving money over the years, her world had fallen apart even more.
She wanted a new identity, a new life, but it was all over.
And that was when Jeon Jungkook came into the picture.
The young man who had accepted the arranged marriage, a few years younger but who seemed to have experienced more than he was letting others see, and also the same man who had proposed a deal to her.
It was he who had contacted her, asking her to meet out of their parents' reach to discuss the matter. And it was there that she was completely taken aback by his behavior.
She had thought she should be confronted with a spoiled bratty child with only money and corrupt morals on his mind, but she had realized otherwise.
She had expressly said that she was attracted to women, marriage was just her parents' way of rectifying her, yet he had remained calm, composed, showing a gentle smile. And the proposal came, unexpectedly. He had asked her to marry him, but she could still go on with her life. In return he wanted her to be his real wife until she could find the right person.
To say she had been confused was an understatement.
"I can see other women but at the same time be your wife?” She crossed her arms, her brow furrowed at the words that came out of his mouth, laying back on her chair, “Isn’t… Isn't that like having affairs? Why this deal?"
"Why?” He gave her a soft smile, intertwining his fingers on the table, “I just sense... a connection. And I don't want to lose it.”
She just blinked.
The most positively strange encounter she had ever had. She was grateful for it, though, because since that time she had been able to breathe that breeze of freedom that had been forcibly taken away from her.
She could truly be herself with him, and the connection he had felt, she now felt it as well.
Jeon Jungkook was the most caring, sweet and unprejudiced person she had ever had the chance to meet. He was the exact living representation of everything she had always longed for in someone.
That was why, when she had met this young woman – Eunji – who had stolen her heart, two years after their marriage, she had told Jungkook right away.
How they had first met while jogging and then met again in a gay bar. How they had common interests and had become friends. And how they had then decided to get to know each other better in a romantic way.
The radiant smile he had given her filled her heart with even more joy.
The woman was aware of how they had married, so she did not have to fear having a possibly betrayed husband after her.
If things had gone well, she would have introduced her to Jungkook.
She had never felt so happy before, but it was all too good to be true.
She had started to stop answering her calls and not show up for the appointment scheduled days before, causing her to worry and drive to her apartment. However, she was not responding there either, because she was gone, vanished, and there was no visible trace of where she had gone.
Pain and anger erupted again, causing more tears to fall down her face, the sobs almost taking her breath away.
She should have known better.
“Hey, my camellia, don’t cry for someone who is not worth it,” Jungkook murmured, his thumbs running over those salty drops. “As I always tell you, there is nothing wrong with you. You don't need to change anything about yourself, much less belittle yourself for a nobody like her. It’s her loss, not yours. You are my lovely, beautiful camellia.”
Their gazes were locked on each other. Yeona's sobs had subsided as their lips almost touched, their foreheads against one another. Hearts beating in unison.
She traced one of his cheeks with her fingertips, then his neck, and collarbone, before pulling his body against hers more and smashing her lips onto his.
He spun her around in his arms and pressed her against the wall, darting his tongue in and out of her mouth, exploring her one again.
The water touched each part of them along with his hands gripping her hips as his thumbs rubbed against her skin. His hips going up and down against hers to make her feel his desire.
His lips moved to her neck and she tilted her head to give him more access and he took the opportunity to mark her with open-mouthed kisses, his fingers playing with her nipples.
“My camellia, baby,” he whispered against her ear, raspy, deep, causing goosebumps to rise on her naked body.
She moaned, hands caressing his pecs up to his shoulders, slowly.
Jungkook pull his head away from her so that he could look at her, and smirked when he noticed her pleased expression.
He chuckled, “You love it when I call you that, huh?” He trailed a hand down, his fingers finding her folds, his cock throbbing at the feeling of her wetness. “You’re so wet for me, baby…” he teased, a glint in his eyes and a smug smile on his face.
Her grip on his hair was immediate, bringing his head back as he felt her other fingers stroking his cock.
“You’re no different, baby boy,” she said, sliding her hand down to squeeze his balls, hot and heavy with cum, playing with them.
Jungkook whined as he tortured his bottom lip with bites, his erratic breathing dying in his throat as she ran the tip of her index finger over the head in circular motions, beginning her torturous dance that drove him mad.
His hips began to thrust for more friction, pressing himself more against her as he leaned his forehead on her shoulder. Legs shaking and the known pleasure building in his abdomen.
He stopped her by blocking her hand, not wanting to come that way, but she placed her hand on his instead and kept up her pace.
His breath hitched again, surprised by this and Yeona smirked.
“Ngh- Please…”
“Please what, baby?”
She went on with her hand helping his hand touch himself, before moving it away, playing with the head once more, and pumping his shaft up and down.
“Please, please, please- I… not now. I want to-“ he bellowed into the crook of her neck, arms around her neck to steady himself.
“You what? You want to fuck me?”
“Yes, yes!”
“You want to cum inside me? You want to fuck me raw?”
Shivers ran down his spine, “Oh- oh, fuck- yes, yes! I want to feel you. I want to feel you so bad.”
She stopped, making him breathe again, “Then fuck me.”
He moved his head away from her shoulder to look at her, eyes wide open. She had never let him go raw, so her word really shocked him. And he wasn't going to let this occasion of being able to feel her bare. Completely bare.
His heartbeats quickened and his cock throbbed.
With his one hand, he made her wrap one of her legs around his waist. He pushed himself inside, their breaths hitching as his cock streched her inner walls.
He moved in and out in a slow but deep manner, both feeling completely lost in that new feeling. Their gazes met, chests heaving up and down.
She kissed him, biting and sucking his lower lip gently. He then swept his tongue between her lips, tangling and tinkling his tongue with hers as he slammed into her with fervor.
The sound of the water dripping down muffled by their moans, groans and the sound of their skin clapping.
He closed his eyes, overwhelmed, “You feel fucking amazing, noona.”
Her hands were pulling at his hair again, making him whine, “Yeah? You like it? Fucking me raw?”
“So so much-“
One hand pulled at his hair more while the fingers of the other went to his earlobe, stroking it, breath erratic, “What a good boy, answering my every question.”
He whimpered, fastening his thrusts at her words as he nestled his face into the crook of her neck; one arm now around her waist while the other supported himself on the wall, squeezing her closer between the shower wall and himself.
He rolled his hips back and forth with more speed, causing her to gasp but was blocked by his lips, which again began to devour her.
Her clawing at his back as he pushed deeper and deeper, louder groans echoing in the room.
“Noona- I’m-“
“Yes, cum, baby, cum with me, please.”
It only took a few more trusts for them to let out moans of pleasure, bodies shuddering and shrinking before releasing the tension.
As they caught their breath, Jungkook rested his head on her shoulder, slowly letting her leg go.
And when Yeona was able to see his orbs again, she saw the stars flickering in them. Looking at her with the utmost admiration, trust, love.
He smiled lazily as he caressed her cheeks, placing a soft kiss on her lips, “I love you, my camillia.”
Her lips trembled, feeling each and every of his emotions in those few but important words.
She wrapped her arms around him, holding him closer, “I love you too, baby.”
She was not alone. She had Jungkook.
The only one who did not treat her badly, the only one who respected her opinions and desires, the only one who really made her understand what it meant to be truly loved.
He was evidence of true love and affection.
He was her pivot person. He was enough.
“Thank you so much, Jungkook. For everything. You don’t know how much you help me.”
He ran his fingers through her hair, rubbing his cheek on her head, “You don’t have to thank me. I’m here for you. And I’ll always be. You can be sure of that.”
A smirk tugged at his lips, euphoria glimmering in his orbs and his grip on her tightening.
The feeling of victory was so intoxicating. He could very well get drunk on it.
It had only taken a couple of casual encounters with her parents for them to take a liking to him. Helping with something, chatting in a kind and respectful manner, showing himself capable of solving issues in a simple but effective way.
He almost laughed at how desperate the two of them were to find someone to fix their daughter up with, not knowing what they were missing. They had made his job easier.
They had made it possible to have her in his arms.
He had managed to sneak into the life of the person he had met years before, who had changed his life for the better, giving him hope.
He was just a teenager in those days. A teenager with pressures for good grades and a responsibility saddled by his parents for a future that was not even close to what he wanted.
Everything had been planned for him.
He’d vent his anger by yelling and kicking trees in a small hidden place with a pond surrounded by trees. And it was there that he had met Cha Yeona, still in her university years, who had told him not to mistreat nature. Starting a friendship where she’d encourage him to face things head-on and not run away from them.
“See? You were able to stand up to me,” she remarked with a grin after taunting him to get that reaction, pulling her legs toward her chest and resting her chin on her knees, mischievous eyes looking at him proudly. “Your emotions can speak, use your voice to express them. It makes you stronger.”
He just looked at her, shocked.
She was a ray of light intruding into the darkness. A vital support that was hard to leave. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes that sparkled even in the daytime.
And he had fallen into that love trap.
But when she had stopped showing up, he was completely destroyed by it. Those two years he had spent with her were the only thing left.
Anger and pain were the things he had felt. And he had decided that he would look for her. So he had taken action, even following the plan devised by his parents for his future.
The more power he had, the more control there was.
And when he had finally managed to find her, he had discovered that she had forgotten about him.
His heart had shrunk from betrayal.
It was understandable, though. He had grown up, became a man. More muscles and sharp features.
But he had also found out why she had stopped seeing him and that had brought a different point of view. Her parents after finding out she was a lesbian. It had been a surprise to him, too, but he didn't care.
He loved her; she was his life.
And it certainly wasn't going to be just any woman who would take her away from him.
It wouldn't have been difficult to observe her habits and then just happen to be in the same place she often frequented at the same time – every time – and show a behavior that gave the impression that it was something different from what she knew, insinuating doubt after doubt.
Exploiting the insecurities of a person who was not considered a normal part of life because of their different sexuality. Disappointments and betrayals making their decisions more hasty and irrational.
Like disappearing from sight without any esplanations.
Like a coward.
But it was not his fault. There was no clear evidence of his involvement. They were just coincidences. Planned coincidences.
That, of course, no one would ever know.
Because if there was no evidence, no criminal was blamed.
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ashleyfanfic · 10 months
"Stay A Thousand Years"
Is a fun little choral version of Jon and Dany's love song "Truth" from Game of Thrones. Oh, why did he write it? Cause he felt like it and it went with what could have been with their epic love story and BECAUSE THEY FUCKING DESERVED IT. Oh, don't think it's that important that this little version ended up being release? Did you know he also did a special one for Jaime and Brienne that was never released because Jon and Dany's was more epic?
You will never convince me that everyone involved with that show knew Dany was going down a dark path. NEVER! Yeah, some of the actors have to justify it to be settled into their role and live with the fact that they were part of one of the greatest television spectacles of all time that epically crashed and burned for bad storytelling and "subverting expectations". Guys, they literally tried to justify her death by saying "she killed slavers and we all cheered". TYRION SAID THIS! Yes we all fucking cheered. She killed people who enslaved other people. She killed bad people. Her brother was abusive to her and threatened to cut her child out and leave it for Drogo if he didn't get what he wanted. He was crazy and would have been a terrible ruler. But no, we should take the way he died and the way she let him die as her madness.
So, let's flip the coin and look at the perennial fanboy favorite, Stannis Baratheon. Let's see, who were the people we saw Stannis kill? Like, actually kill. Well, he sacrificed his brother and law to the lord of light. He tried to kill Gendry but used his blood to help along the deaths of Joffrey, Robb, and Balon Greyjoy. Granted, Joffrey and Balon were pieces of shit. But Robb, for all his faults and stupidity, looked to be a not horrible king. Then, in the biggest douche bag move of all the douche bag moves on the show, Stannis had his daughter burned alive out of religious zealotry. To help him win a battle that it was clear he wasn't going to win. His sweet, precious, intelligent daughter who loved him and him. You want to talk about characters on this show who did nothing wrong, look no further than Shireen Baratheon. But Stannis okayed her being cooked over a fire like a hot dog.
My long and winding point goes back to this: the villain arch of Daenerys didn't make sense then, it doesn't make sense now, and it will never make sense. Some of these actors get really into their roles and they mean a lot to them. They have to find some way to justify their actions in order to be able to make it come across on the screen believably. Which is what I think Kit's deal is, cause when he's actually made to talk about it with a fan or even in from of Emilia, he's not so set on Jon made the right decision. In fact, from the clips that were released of his chat with the fan over that zoom call or whatever, he's firmly in the Jon and Dany Together Forever club. He agrees that it made all the sense in the world for them to be together. Because it does. They are the alpha and omega, fire and ice, the true love story of that show. Their characters and their coming from nothing and into the front of the story is what it's fucking about. It's called Song of Ice and Fire. Not Ice and his shitty cousin he thought was his sister (don't even get me started on the destruction done to Arya and Sansa in those final seasons, or God forbid, Jaime Lannister).
I wish we could all agree that no matter what narrative anyone in the cast or crew want to try to pin on it, the final season failed so epically bad that a lot of things happened: a petition was started to redo the entire last season (which had no chance of going anywhere but 1.4 million is a lot of people), Kit Harington checked himself into rehab (there were signs during filming that he might not have been doing so great and God bless him he didn't deserve the emotional torture those two writer asshats did to him all the time), COUNTLESS celebrities all made it very public that they were with Daenerys, the ending was stupid, and she and Jon should have ruled the seven kingdoms, and the best, the piece that really tells you how badly they fucked it up, Dan and Dave were removed from having anything to do with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Honestly, none of us should have trusted them when one half of that due made the Wolverine Origin movie and made Deadpool silent. He's the merc with the mouth. You do not silence Deadpool.
If you really think the ending of that show settles with everyone ok, then tell me why Kit Harington is trying so very hard to get a show with Jon Snow started. He hates the ending his character had even though he said it made sense to him at the time. If it did that, baby, why you trying so hard to bring Jon Snow back?
And then you have the people at HBO. If you think that your favorite is the face of that show, I will out right laugh at you and call you a moron to your face. Aside from the dragons, DAENERYS is the face of Game of Thrones. Not Sansa, not Tyrion, not Jon, Arya, or Bran. No, the face is Daenerys because she was epic. There was no other character on that show like her. She is the one that TRULY brought magic into that world. Not only did she have the dragons, but she had been proven to be impervious to fire. That was shown before she was gifted the eggs. There was something special about her in her first scene.
Which brings me back to Ramin and his love for Daenerys. Do you know how many songs he's done for Daenerys? A LOT. "Mhysa" for one. He even admitted in an interview once that he liked writing music for her and her scenes. Of course he did. That's where all the magic was. He also says that he wrote the love song for Jon and Dany backwards, doing the large sweeping song of their love scene and then going backwards and doing the softer tones of them just bonding. But then, to find out that he'd written this other song, this "Stay A Thousand Years" based off Dany's line in the first episode of the final season to represent their love for one another and how epic it COULD HAVE BEEN. They were the point.
I'll bring you back to my brother's point he makes all the time: if Jon's purpose for being brought back wasn't to kill the Night King, then what was the point? There are scenes shot with Emilia where she is clearly wearing a baby bump tummy. Perhaps the true plan, what should have happened, was Dany being pregnant by Jon (otherwise why have Tyrion bring it up in Season 7 and then Jon basically "Hold my beer" to her if that wasn't going to be the point?). But you know what you probably couldn't do and get away with it, just have everyone kind of go along with it? Have Jon kill a pregnant Daenerys. You think people complained about Jon killing Dany now? There is no way they could have done that which means their ending of turning Dany mad and Jon having to put her down like a rabid dog wouldn't have worked. And what wouldn't it have worked? Because like the ending we got, it made no sense. Honestly, the worst thing that ever happened to Daenerys is actually meeting and listening to Tyrion. Her life went to shit after that happened.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
So I'm relatively new to the fandom, and during my stay in this rabbit hole, that is, Clexa, I've got a few questions that I'm hoping you could answer :)
Why is everyone here pro-Lexa? Like don't get me wrong I absolutely love Lexa as a character and Alycia is a queen, but why all the hate towards some of the other characters, like Bellamy? I've never watched The 100 the whole way through (literally exited outta the show the second Lexa died), even then, it's been years since I watched it. Did I miss something while I was binge-watching, or was my teenage brain at the time just too immature to realize he was a total jackass..? Also, it's not just Bellamy, I've also seen hate for Bob, the actor who plays him. Which brings me to another question: does this fandom not like Eliza? I always see so much support when Alycia has an upcoming project or is posting Instagram updates but nothing for Eliza? Again, no judgment for the Alycia love because I completely understand why everyone here is head over heels in love with that girl but I just wanted to know, has Eliza ever done anything wrong? Or have I just conveniently only stumbled upon Alycia stans on this app?
Anyway, a totally unrelated note but since I'm here… may I just say ma'am, your writing is the bomb diggity. Like the perfect blend of humor, sexiness, angst, and fluff, THE GODDAMN FLUFF. Genius, you're a genius, like a mad scientist of Clexa fanfic. Hope you keep doing what you're doing, my friend. Take your time though, and don't listen to those ignorant anons that are crawling around yelling "wHy ArE yOu TaKiNg So LoNg To UpDaTe?" Thank you for writing for the Clexa fandom! ❤️
First I wanna say thank you for the sweet words and reading, that means so much to me 🥹💕 not to be a nerd but I screenshot that for one of my worse imposter syndrome days lol
Long post so you can read under the cut. Long time clexas you can just skip if you want because honestly I got annoyed all over again just typing it and you know it all already 🥴
Now right off the top, you don't have to hate Bellamy if you don't want to. It's not like that's a prereq for being a clexa, so if you like him, like him and don't worry about what anyone says. He's a fictional character so anyone who gets intense over someone liking him I think needs to take a walk.
But the reason why a lot of Clexas, myself included, hate him is somewhat of a two part answer. The main reason being is that his character is trash 😅. I mean I'm not gonna dissect every little bit of canon but the main points for me at least, since I can't speak for anyone else, are that he was constantly fucking up literally everything. He gets to earth, proclaims "tHeRe aRe nO RuLeS" and then,,, immediately declares himself the leader and starts forcing people to follow what he says. He literally almost let Clarke fall into a pit of spikes, tried to handcuff her and keep her hostage "for her own good", he spearheaded the whole thing with taking off their wristbands, HE BACKED PIKE, participated in the massacre of a peaceful army sent to protect skaikru, he constantly shamed and blamed Clarke for everything that ever went wrong even when a lot of that stuff was either the best solution in a bad situation OR was an indirect fallout from something fucked up that skaikru had done. The sweaty little fucker was always trying to control/manipulate Clarke and skaikru and his own damn sister despite the fact that everything he ever planned himself turning out to be: A Terrible Idea. Basically the dude sucked but was held up on spindles of glorification as being this heroic uwu soft boy that wasn't actually supported by any one damn thing in canon when you actually look at it objectively. And I'm sure I'm even forgetting stuff. The dude just sucked.
Agian, that's my own two cents.
The other reason being, it's rollover from having to deal with blarks. Their constant harassment and shoving their fanon, non-existent ship down everyone's throat, while being entitled little brats throwing tantrums about them not happening at every turn has led from what probably would've been just a mild distaste for a character for most into loathing even the name. Understand I'm not saying the word harassment lightly. They were awful for years. Death threats and homophobia, spamming inboxes with hateful messages and sending awful pictures/memes etc. One even sent EJT a dick pic with Blark written on their penis. They sent memes non-stop about Lexa dying when people were still reeling from it. I'm not saying all Blarks are bad because they're not, but there was enough harassment and viciousness from a large enough and loud enough faction that at a certain point it becomes a blanket feeling of animosity toward the entire ship and everything that follows it.
As for disliking EJT. In reality, she used to be the fandom favorite. I mean she was our girl because she used to champion us and was hilarious about it. Go look up old cons and interviews with her. She was funny and great. Once upon a time E was our biggest cheerleader and dealt with A Lot of abuse and harassment from The Other fandom for it. I'm talking body shaming, slut shaming, comments about her intelligence, sexual harassment and trolling her about her boyfriends and very descriptive messages about how they wanted her to harm herself. The list goes on. And no one, especially not Bob who was the golden boy for The Other fandom, ever said a word in her defense. Never told his fans to stop or that he condemned it. Ever. Not once. That never sat well with clexas, but you can't control what other people do.
We had her back anyway. So, it was whatever. Gross, but whatever.
And then she married Bob. Which, and Blarks cannot seem to wrap their heads around this fact, literally no cared about. She could've just married him and kept being the same person and no one would've cared. In fact, the way this fandom loved her, at first everyone was like hmmm weird and sudden but good for her I guess! Be happy!
But then Bob's ex came forward with very serious allegations about her past relationship with him. She released a statement that you can easily find online and from that it painted a very dark picture of things that involved both him and EJT. As I'm someone who believes victims, I have no reason not to believe her, and since the very bizarre (non) rebuttal that EJT posted in reply made zero sense, that was that. It changed the lens of how a lot of people started looking at her.
Which leads me to the charities.
Hear a collective Clexa sigh.
They're a saga in themselves, but to sum it up as short as possible, EJT had been a part of a children's organization for YEARS that she herself helped set up. Clexas raised a lot of money for this charity through fundraising and selling fanart and we really cared about it. And literally within months of them being married, he became involved in it, and then shortly thereafter, magically they both had to "step away from it" for dubiously explained reasons. (Which, if you read his ex's statement, logical deduction of what probably actually happened will make more sense than what they claimed, and not in a good way.) Sensibly, they started recieving backlash from supporters because, again a lot of people had been helping this charity for years and all of a sudden she was just gone from it and all the projects were halted. I'm not blaming solely her for anything but to just cut and run like she did was sus to say the least.
So to steer away from that shitshow, they started another charity. With a bunch of right-wing MAGA nuts. Yeah. They weren't open or transparent about anything, no records of where any of the money was going, iirc no real legitimate charity registration/tax documentation that anyone could find (and in the US that's all public info sooooooo). It was a total clusterfuck that people started calling them out on from the start. At first they tried to ignore it and just keep collecting money by doing these ridiculous cameos as cash grabs, but just like the first charity, after a while (and a lot of initially unaccounted for money being raised) the poor little darlings just had to "step away for mental health reasons."
Which I would accept and support wholeheartedly because mental health is extremely serious... except funnily, they didn't stop doing the cameos. They kept doing those and charging their fans money to listen to them blather on about made up ~behind the scenes info~ about Blark stuff and it being super secretly canon but for a million reasons that they don't know and can't name, stopped it from happening. Claims of love scenes and kisses that have never been backed up by evidence (like a script) or corroborated by a single person involved in the show. But it's totally true guys, just trust them bro. So yeah, they've kept doing all that. Just... not giving the money they're charging for the cameos to their "charity."
So that's the meat of it, I might be forgetting things and smudging some finer details because it's been a long while ago, but I think you can get the gist. People don't like Bob because he was an ass to fans and EJT herself before them even getting married. He's said ableist things and quoted racists trying to sound smart and never once apologized for anything. He's been accused of abuse in his personal life and has never addressed it, only made his wife write a terrible fanfiction-esque response to appease his ardent followers. And frankly, she pissed off her fans. Once she married him, she completely flipped her personality from a funny charity doing, body positivity leading, cheerleading about "Clexa are soulmates" and "Lexa is the love of Clarke's life" girl, to doing personal cash grabs constantly while spewing all this made up Blark garbage that directly contradicts things they've both said in the past to please her faithful paying cameo fans (read his fans).
It's all left a lot of people with a bad taste in their mouth, to say the least.
And ya best believe if Alycia does some crazy shit, I'll turn on her too 🤷‍♀️ but honestly I'm not too worried about that cuz the girl is a cryptid who you literally can't pay to go to cons or do cameos
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gunsli-01 · 7 months
for milgram oc ask game ages 11 and 16 and questions 4, 8, 10, 11
Oh, yay!
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4. Do they view their murder(s) and justifiable?
Jester is a pretty simple and straightforward person. He tends to view anything as justifiable. He takes things from every angle and isn't the quickest to anger. In a Milgram AU he'd be a bit of a frightening case because he simply could justify anything and feel nothing about doing it. In his regular canon this is beneficial.
Yet it'd make him the worse sort of person in Milgram. His whole stance would be similar to Yuno's.
"The fact I'm here and this is happening is proof enough that what I did needed to occur. You seriously think I'd get myself into this much trouble for what- Fun? If I didn't have to do it, I wouldn't have and the fact that I needed to is justification enough. There's really no need to talk about it any further than that."
Would be his only mindset about it and he would view someone else judging his behavior as a waste of his time. He's a pretty chill kid for the most part but incredibly picky about who he talks to and the opinions he allows to hold weight to him.
So, he'd probably be a standoffish prisoner if he were amongst a bunch of strangers. Not because they're murderers. Simply put he just has no interest in forming connections he doesn't want to and being forced to be around a bunch of people is the best way to make him not want to.
8. What do the voices of the outside world tell them?
"You're a really selfish person." "How could someone like you have the audacity to call yourself anyone's friend let alone theirs'." "A terrible person." "I'd feel sorry for you, but I know what happened to the last person who did that." "It must be hard..." "You seem to miss them deeply." "It gets better." "You did what you had to." "The situation was just all wrong." "I hope you feel better."
10. What is their image color?
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Amaranth Purple- Amaranth would also be the flower most prominent in his birthday art.
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It can represent immortality and means
"Unfading Affection" or "Everlasting Love" when given as gifts. Here's some facts about it.
11. What reoccurring themes present themselves throughout their music videos?
A lot of allusions to travel, small almost suffocatingly so rooms in large houses, superficial acts of communication that lead to increased loneliness, and a disdain for the genuine.
(I'm so fucking sorry i misread sixteen as twenty-six and I have no real explaination as to how outside of it's late and I was tired. So, now you get three ocs. I'm just adding this here to avoid confusion.)
Ah this next one may be a bit of a copout of an answer given that they are the age you asked for in real time but in their canon they're only nineteen. Hope that isn't a bother. Especially since I don't get to talk about them often. Despite them being one of my personal favorite characters to write.
His actual story is under reconstruction, and I haven't gotten to touch his character in a while as a result. technically it's being merged with another story.
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Though if he did wind up in Milgram, he definitely would not be his age in canon which is why I went with his age by the current year when it comes to a Milgram au. Jester on the other hand would fuck up that young.
4. Do they view their murder(s) and justifiable?
"I didn't mean it, I didn't- mean it. This isn't the solution I wanted."
No. He does not. However, the problem was successfully solved. No one was satisfied though.
8. What do the voices of the outside world tell them?
"Your life is fucked up." "That's scary." "You deserve to stay in there." "This is just sad." "That's not how family is supposed to behave." "I don't know how to feel about this." "I want to forgive you but I also think it's safer if you stay in Milgram as long as they're not killing people at the end of this." "I'd say get therapy but that was part of the problem in this case." "Yes king dissociate harder. Reality is flawed." "In a unique twist of fate everyone here was so wrong that we've gone straight to a neutral outcome." "Those people kind of deserved it." "After a point a solution becomes a problem somehow you reached that point at birth." "Everything that could have gone wrong here went wrong. Good job team. Pack it up we can stop having things occur for this man now."
10. What is their image color?
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Because I brought up a flower for Jester, I feel bad not bringing up one for Leyton.
His flower would be Azaleas.
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Azaleas tend to mean Temperence and are used to remind people to take it easy.
"While azaleas represent passion, they also symbolize temperance. In other words, the plant reminds us of our ability to practice moderation — even when it comes to those things and people we love the most. You can still live a life full of love, romance, beauty, passion, and abundance while remaining level-headed and avoiding overindulgence. Self-control is a must-have in order to achieve stability and groundedness in your life. All things in moderation." X
They've also been related to family.
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Something that generally makes them fit Leyton nicely.
11. What reoccurring themes present themselves throughout their music videos?
Persistence, distortion, power imbalances, responsibility, existentialism (primarily focusing on the right one has to exist and repaying those who made it possible for them to exist without question when asked), familial duty, housing, fiscal stability. Depending on his current mindset sibling relationships.
I'd love to hear your opinion on them. I love all my ocs dearly. Even though they're all a bit fucked up.
Goes up to reread ask to see if I answered correctly-
Oh, fuck you said sixteen! Damn it how did I read twenty-six. I'm sorry it's late and I'm still sick. So, I guess you're getting three ocs because it would be a waste to erase all that.
So, say hello to one of the specialist of girls,
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4. Do they view their murder(s) and justifiable?
"Ha-ha, what a funny question. Do things people do need a reason or to be justifiable? It's such a immature way of looking at things... Guard, are you sure you're up for this sort of job? Not everything needs or has a justification you know. Besides even if I did have one that wouldn't make my actions any less objectively bad. Sorry, I'll stop teasing. Since I got what I wanted I'd say it was justified."
Yes, but no, but yes. If the ends justify the means then yeah she guesses what she did was justifiable but she also really has zero inclination to justify it. She's just an outcome based person.
8. What do the voices of the outside world tell them?
"You're not sorry at all!" "Your hair is super cute!" "How can you still be having a good time after doing all that." "Do you even feel empathy?" "You had way too much free time." "Well being raised like that what should we expect." "It's not bad to focus on one's own needs but..." "How exactly did you get what you wanted here this is a terrible outcome? It's a surpise you still have friends. I couldn't imagine speaking to anyone who did this ever again." "You plan to just go back and what pretend you didn't do all that?!" "YOU STILL HAVE AN ACTING CAREER BITCH! HOW?! I LOSE JOBS FOR JUST BREATHING WRONG AND YOU'RE STILL EMPLOYED!" "This is gonna be bad to say but I'm ultimately just impressed at the level of thought put into this at this point. I mean instead of being normal you truly went fuck it I'll escalate this further. Really went we can be insane together." "How the fuck is he not here- oh wait... Yeah, he's the victim." "I know voting innocent isn't going to make her better but she had me at 'Dead and gone- Oh she's crazy my love's eternal but you'll fade quickly'. I'm not fixing this I want her to get worse actually." "She's soooo normal." "This is what he would've wanted." "Toxic heteronormativity sweep!" "What you and your victim had was special. You both made each other so much worse and I have no doubt there's a universe in which he's here instead of you."
(Side note there is. If being worse was a contact sport James and Luna would be the worlds best team even though they're actually shown to be quite reasonable in their respective canons. They're both really susceptible to living in extremes. The only thing that leveled these two out was putting them in a polyamorous relationship with the nearest individual with a moral compass. However in a Milgram au one of them must be dead for the other to be here and they never spoke to that third person.)
10. What is their image color?
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Her flower is Orchid the white variety mainly.
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11. What reoccurring themes present themselves throughout their music videos?
The sun (in it's many forms but mainly sunlight), lack of presence, authenticity, boredom, extreme thrill seeking behavior, the feeling that there's only one opinion that matters and it's not the audience's or hers, contentment, memories.
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dufrau · 1 year
I am a real life person asking for your thoughts on Nancy Wheeler. Any thoughts on Nancy Wheeler. Every thought about Nancy Wheeler (I really just like talking about Nancy Wheeler)
Oh MAN. I dont even know where to start. I have so many thoughts and opinions and feelings about Nancy Wheeler I don't even know how to approach a question this open. You might as well ask me about the earth!
She has become such a real person in my brain that there are very few things that I think are set in stone about her. Sometimes I ask myself, when im writing, "What would Nancy say here?" or "What would she do?" "How would she react?" and I decide on something that I believe to be true but a lot of the time there is an almost opposite answer that I think could also be true.
What is constant? (this got lonnng have a readmore)
Well first of all I am a doomsday prepper Nancy truther. Not necessarily full on prepper to the extent she is in my TLOU au but I think she carries forward a need to be/feel prepared for things to go terribly wrong. I play it for a laugh sometimes, cans of beans in her purse and the trunk of her car full of random gear etc. But I think she is a person with a go-bag always packed, who always knows her emergency exits, who is always a little bit too alert and is at least a little bit exhausted at all times. I think she has guns and as much as i joke about her being the only person i trust with all these guns tbh she is probably a little twitchy and she probably should not have guns! (but i will continue to write her with guns)
I think she carries an immense weight of guilt and self-doubt which makes her absolute balls-to-the-wall pursuit of the things she believes are right and necessary so interesting by contrast. Her choices get people killed and she never forgives herself for any of it but she keeps making choices in the absence of anybody else who will do it. And I think she enjoys it on some level, or thrives in it, almost as much as she hates it. I think she will be LOST if they ever actually win. I think she will fight with everything she has to survive but i dont think, subconsciously, she really expects to and I dont think she is prepared to be a person who is not fighting anything.
I think she is LOYAL. And I think it's wild that her haters think the opposite. Its another very interesting contrast, the way she explicitly wants to reject societal norms and expectations but also the way she doesn't want to hurt people so she lets herself get trapped into them anyway. I have no interest in the "did she cheat on steve" conversation, i think the more important thing for her character is that she gets back together with steve and stays with him way longer than she wants to. Part of that is obviously about Barb but part of it I think is that she sees goodness in him and feel guilty about not having seen it sooner. And she's doing the same with Jonathan, who it seems like has been avoiding her calls and refusing to visit and just giving her nothing but she holds onto that relationship I think out of loyalty because he is a good person even if he's being a shitty boyfriend right now and even if that relationship has run its course. (these are not anti thoughts about steve or jonathan btw these are all teenagers in teenage relationships nobody is a villain here)
I think she hates surprises. Which makes sense because every surprise in Hawkins tends to be a bad surprise. But Robin is a whole fucking surprise and isnt THAT something. A thing I see in that ship that I love so much is that Robin keeps Nancy off balance in a way she usually hates, but she doesnt hate it at all from Robin. The very existence of Robin makes Nancy ask questions where normally she would just plow ahead. I think that discomfort is healthy for her and I think, after whatever you want to put them through to get there, she knows it.
I think Nancy would go straight for the eyeballs in a fight. I think she is biting off ears and ripping off fingers and poking their fucking eyes out because she is tiny and she knows it and she is not bothering throwing punches (though if she can elbow you in the nose she is going to to that too.)
I think one million more things about Nancy Wheeler but this post is so long already lol.
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7 8 10 12 16 17 18 GO MAD WITH POWER
OMG YES THENK YOU (from this ask game)
What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Look, I know why you asked this one & I’ll give you the answer you’re expecting, because it’s the truth.
Garak. I used to be much, much more interested in him & now I barely care. It is incredible how different fanon Garak is from canon Garak - he’s almost unrecognisable, in fact - & I’m not sure exactly why people aren’t interested in canon Garak. Do we really need yet another sad old man who did nothing wrong & has bad self-esteem? Why not engage with what the show gave us, which is a torturer who is nostalgic of the days when he had power over people he still thinks of as inferior to him (see the Bajoran conference he goes to, which I am tired of seeing used a funny joke: it isn’t funny), and who has to contend with what he did while living in new circumstances? Isn’t his journey from season 1 Garak to season 7 Garak much more interesting then?
It’s okay to not want to write about some things, for all sorts of reasons. It’s okay. What I find grating is when a general refusal to engage with certain themes ends up twisting a compelling character into a bland cardboard cutout. And it becomes downright offensive when people start joking around about torture or about Garak’s attitude towards Bajorans & the occupation of Bajor. I cannot stress this enough: Garak isn’t a poor smol bean who’s never done anything wrong! He is a dangerous man who is also a bigot & who has done & still does terrible things!
I follow a few people who have takes about Garak that I find genuinely compelling but otherwise I’ve been really put off by the general attitude about him. He is not what fandom makes him out to be. He just isn’t.
I happily rewatch The Wire though. If I pretend I never read any of those posts, I enjoy it immensely.
Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
“Ben Sisko is a difficult character to write”. This is not true. Ben Sisko is as difficult to write as any other character you’ve never written before, & once you sit down & actually do it you’ll find that he’s as easy to write as any other character you’ve learned to write.
Worst part of fanon
The way in which Garashir scenes have been so overinflated that they take up all the space in fanon - which they do not in canon.
I’ll explain. Looking at the fandom (which, because of the sheer size of Garashir, is barely distinguishable from it) you’d think that Garashir interact a lot more than they do. The way people talk about the show warps the actual space Garak & Bashir take up in it, to the point where the inner main cast (which I consider to be Ben Sisko, Kira Nerys & Jadzia Dax) take up an almost secondary role. I’ll point out here that while Alexander Siddig is part of the main cast (Julian Bashir being, to me, part of the outer main cast), Andrew Robinson is a guest star on DS9 & that Garak has less interactions with Bashir than Sisko does. Which - of course he does!
I don’t like the way DS9 has become “the gay lizard show” because it literally isn’t, & I wish that the entire main arcs of the show (Bajor, the Dominion War, the Emissary arc) weren’t completely sidelined by fanon.
I’m thinking of those geography maps where each country’s size is determined by population & where some countries look bloated while others are all tiny and pinched together - that’s what I mean. Some parts of canon (the Garashir parts) are huge in fanon while the rest is all tiny & all but disappears.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Amsha Bashir. She is unpopular because people don’t understand her.
AMSHA: You don't know. You've never had a child. You don't know what it's like to watch your son. To watch him fall a little further behind every day. You know he's trying, but something's holding him back. You don't know what it's like to stay up every night worrying that maybe it's your fault. Maybe you did something wrong during the pregnancy, maybe you weren't careful enough, or maybe there's something wrong with you. Maybe you passed on a genetic defect without even knowing it. 
AMSHA: No, this is important. You can condemn us for what we did. You can say it's illegal or immoral or whatever you want to say, but you have to understand that we didn't do it because we were ashamed, but because you were our son and we loved you. 
I’ve seen a lot of people explain why this is her trying to manipulate Julian or attempting to shift the blame away from herself, but I don’t see why we’re trying so hard to explain why this can’t be what she honestly believes - doesn’t it make sense that she, as a mother, would think this way? React this way? Why can’t this be the truth? Things are complicated. They often are.
By trying to simplify Julian’s feelings about her (because I do think that he genuinely loves his mother!) we’re denying Amsha the space to have conflicted feelings about what she & her husband did & what led them to such drastic action.  Presumably they didn’t just wake up one day & decided to have their son augmented, so how did that happen? How did they hear of it, who helped them organise it, who helped them with the forged school files?
I am not saying that what they did was good. I am saying that Amsha is a more complex character than people give her credit for, & I think it's a shame that a lot of people don't see that.
you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Weyoun jokes. Specifically the ones referencing the fact that they’re clones & that imply that they’re basically all interchangeable, & that violence basically has no impact on any of them. I don’t know why people like those posts - they’re gross, they’re always weird, & they’re not even funny! Think about what you’re saying when you reblog/post these!
there should be more of this type of fic/art
There should be more Ben Sisko/Kasidy Yates fic & there should be more Ben Sisko/Kasidy Yates art. These two are a canon couple. There are 98 fics in their AO3 tag. Ben Sisko is the only Trek captain to have gotten married onscreen & yet - but then I suppose, given that out of 12,590 works in the DS9 tag, there are less than 700 works that center a romantic/sexual relationship involving Ben Sisko, the literal main character of the show, it makes sense. *sigh emoji*
it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
… Bajor. An almost unlimited sandbox in itself because we know next to nothing about it - about its history, its culture(s), its geography, its politics, its language - & yet Bajoran worldbuilding is much harder to come by than Cardassian worldbuilding. Even Bajoran faith(s?) is only sketched out in the show - there is so much to be said here! & so many different ways to go about it. Bajor is one of the show’s main characters!
“Post-Canon Cardassia” is a canonical tag on AO3, but “Post-Canon Bajor” isn’t - typing “post-canon bajor” on AO3 conjures up a grand total of 59 works, against 506 in the “post-canon Cardassia” tag. The prevalence of Garashir fics is probably part of it, but ever since the show aired there seems to have been a bias towards Cardassia among fans (see the producers asking the writers to stop writing episodes about Bajor because they weren’t doing well with the fans). Now, we know that this is a thing & there is an easy way to fix it: get interested in Bajor! Think about it, write about it. You can literally make shit up. It’s fun! I promise!
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koreposion · 1 year
Horror is so gender in a morally complex way because the truth of the matter is that I hate fics that are like "The rest of the AUs hate Horror and Sugar" because that simply wouldn't be true
Red would understand Horror's need to make sure everyone stays alive as long as they can because him and his brother are victims of circumstance. Blue wouldn't fault either of them because he knows that protecting the monsters of the underground would be his priority and Horror had taken that role for himself because their leader is unjust. Sans would see the reasons why the monsters of the underground turned to eating humans and wouldn't think that they're terrible because of it. Because he himself made that choice because Horrortale is just a different timeline where the underground starves and monsters start to die, because their supposed savoir left then to rot.
People villainize Horror because he's antagonistic but that doesn't mean he's evil or wrong. If the choice was DIE or LIVE you think that someone who cares so much for their fellow people would let them die when they have a chance to live? The fact that they take lives is horrible, but it's a truth of their world and not once has Horror shunned away from how terrible it is.
Because if they could eat other monster's bodies they would because someone giving themselves up is better than taking a life yourself. Survival movies go into the moral dilemma all the time! "Should we just kill our fellows to eat, or do we eat them once they've gone." And if they aren't shit human beings they tend to just wait. Because someone will die, and that is just a sad sad truth.
When people write fics and go "Horror is bad because his AU is bad. And he's a blood thirsty monster who kills humans." That's just wrong because canonically he hasn't even TASTED human because he can't stand the thought of doing so but he lets everyone else eat so they starve less.
This fandom gets on my fuckin nerves because it's full of people who want to write a character with a savior complex. Reader fics are dredge most of the time because the reader forgives Horror or some dumb shit like that. Your forgiveness changes nothing, they made their choices to survive! You are not a better person for forgiving them of wrongs they had the right to commit because of circumstance. You are not a better person for not fearing them because they came from a bad place. You're just an idiot who has never known the hardship of STARVING yourself so others can eat because it has never been your reality. It's frustrating and unbearable to read sometimes.
So anyways don't take what I said in this post too seriously I just have a passion for a character I think is widely mischaracterized because people lack of understanding of hardships. You can make Horror whatever you want if that makes you happy, I'll also make Horror whatever makes me happy.
I'm not here to fight on the internet just make a statement about something that bothers me and something I love.
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you sound extremely white…. especially in your posts defending Gil and blaming shit on Lagoona, like….
your posts only convinced me even more that those two shouldn’t be together.
girls shouldn’t have to put up with racism for the sake of a guy and implying that lagoona should just go “that sucks 😢” whenever gil mentions his parent’s racism? Like wtf how is that a better lesson for kids than her wanting her boyfriend to stand up for himself? and if protecting lagoona from racism is oh so terrible for gil, just…. have them break up ffs. don’t encourage kids to stay in relationships like that where one has to endure racism for the other cus otherwise the person with racist parents gets punished.
Like, way to make it POC’s fault for racist parents being abusive to their kids? “it’s all lagoona’s fault cus she forced gil to take a stand against racism even tho his parents would punish him” like wow. you truly sound very white.
let’s also not gloss over the fact that you called Lagoona a bitch at one point for crying when Frankie asked her about boys. or you calling Draculaura a cow at one point too like wtf??? so maybe lay off the gendered insults for girls??? before jumping to the defense of a character POC dislike and who’s flaws you excuse as trauma cus you see yourself in him.
I'm gonna put this answer under a cut because some folks get cranky when I make long posts, even though there is a feature in your settings that can auto trim long posts, I get blamed anyways... it's easier to blame the person than to address the problem directly isn't it?... hey! that's kinda what happens to Gil! let's discuss.
Saying someone sounds white based off text and nothing else. 🚩🚩🚩
I'm Puerto Rican, thanks for asking. But I blamed shit on Lagoona because, some stuff was her fault, specifically stuff that put Gil directly in harms way. Maybe your cool with dumping your personal baggage on a disabled 16 year old but I'm not and no one should.
My posts were never written to prove that Gil and Lagoona are meant to be together, perfect for each other OR even good together, you're confusing me with a shipper, at most I've stated Gil is decent boyfriend material and I stand by that. The entire reason I write them is to prove Gil is an innocent and defend him from slander that this annoyingly prevalent sub-section of the fandom has been spreading that has absolutely NO basis in canon, if you read my posts like you claim to you'd have known that. I'm not really sure WHY Gil has become the fandom punching bag, Maybe it's because he's less masculine than the other MH guys? is it because he's Asian coded? is it because he needs a device to breathe? Maybe it's some unholy combination of homophobia, racism and ableism. fuck if I know, so I went looking: I watched hundreds of webisodes, days worth of movies and countless pages of teen wank in diaries so that y'all didn't have to and I put it in an easily digestible format but I guess that wasn't good enough for you hmm?
Girls shouldn't have to put up with racism for the sake of a guy. you're completely correct and I don't think I ever made that claim. UNFORTUNATELY saltwater people DO face racism in the G1 Monster High universe and Lagoona would face that same racism regardless if she was dating Gil or not. The racism isn't radiating from Gil, Lagoona says herself there is a long standing system of oppression against saltwater monsters which I covered here.
Also don't put words in my mouth, it's poor form- especially in a text based forum where people can go back and re-read everything we both said. I never once implied "that lagoona should just go “that sucks 😢” whenever gil mentions his parent’s racism" I said it was wrong of her to force him to tell his parents that he was seeing her, especially when she knew they had a threat hanging over his head. Also Gil doesn't just go around mentioning his parents are racist, it's just a fact that exists in this universe and when he IS forced to talk about it, it's always spoken with great shame. Like when he tried to dump Lagoona during the Gloom Beach arc, Y'all think they should have broken up? well here you go. Gil tried to break things off with Lagoona before they were even officially dating, he knew it was painful and tried to spare her. But she likes him and he likes her, so obviously that didn't work.
Gil DID stand up for himself, A LOT. I documented it WELL with pictures, links and colored words for emphasis! I practically spoon fed it to the reader from a silver platter, a child could understand it. If you read my review well enough to understand it to the point that you have a problem with it that you just HAD to tell me about, you'd know that. But clearly you gave my review as much attention as you gave canon because here is what happened in canon again since I don't think you listened the first time it aired or when I said it. In Episode 24 Gil defends Lagoona against Mr. Hack's bigoted statement that Sea Monsters are bad parents, they weren't even dating at that point they were just classmates. He defends Lagoona directly again in Volume 2 where he speaks directly to his parents (Probably his Father?) On the phone in front of Lagoona. THAT phone call? got him sent to a Boarding school far away as punishment for defying his parents wishes and wanting to be with Lagoona and he was there for the entire summer and half of the next school year. They are still TECHNICALLY not dating by this point they are just hanging out and into each other - even without the reward of Lagoona, Gil STILL stood up for her, got punished for it and came back for more because he directly defends Lagoona to his racist parents AGAIN in Volume 3 where Lagoona isn't there, it's just him and his parents so you know how he feels is genuine and not performative, there's a whole episode about it called "Defending your Lagoona" ... I didn't even need to write what I did, the episode should have been enough proof but clearly no one pays attention to either canon or context because some key component of understanding clearly got lost in translation. I'm gonna ASSUME that most of y'all just haven't watched G1 in literally 9 years and have FORGOTTEN the subtle things that make Gil a good kid, it's like y'all watched the first half of skull shores and were like "Wow, Gil is a piece of shit!" - without finishing the movie to know that he saved everyone in the end. People cite Gil being "wishy washy" or "spineless" as reasons why they don't like him, but the shit this kid has been though? He could be getting flogged off screen like Jesus in "the Passion of the Christ" for defying his parents for all we know: he's scared of his parents for a reason but he has been ALWAYS loyal to Lagoona and he stood up to Mr. Hack, Farnum and his own parents for her... the kids spine is made of iron. Some of y'all can't get your man to take a shower for you meanwhile Gil is out here chewing bigots a new one for Lagoona.
Rebelling against your parents prejudice and wrong beliefs to live a life that makes you happy is a GREAT message for kids to learn.
"if protecting lagoona from racism is oh so terrible for gil, just…. have them break up ffs. don’t encourage kids to stay in relationships like that where one has to endure racism for the other cus otherwise the person with racist parents gets punished."
Do you want to watch a show where they are constantly pining for each other because they can't be together? Because I don't... If I wanted to torture myself with love that is there but also isn't there I'd watch Miraculous. Lagoona also never endured any racism directly at the hands of the Webbers, she was just told not to date their son and they didn't even tell her themselves, Gil was always the messenger and he softened the blow as much as he possibly could. while it sucks that she keeps getting bad news it's not really quite the same as experiencing it first hand. But any story-line where the racists get what they want is a bad story-line.
"Like, way to make it POC’s fault for racist parents being abusive to their kids?"
... Did you seriously just try to tell me that G1 Lagoona is a person of color. Blonde haired, green eyed, beach waved hair, light skinned, tiny nosed, Australian, voiced by a white woman, Lagoona... is a person of color... I'm not saying that any of these traits in of themselves automatically makes G1 Lagoona white OR that people of color can't have any of these traits. I'm just saying that all of them PLUS how she's handled in the show with her privileged Yacht owning parents AND the sheer nerd rage from fans at her being Latina in G3 and thus "no longer white" are things that make her white. I know many people have head-canons that shes Aboriginal and that would be fantastic if it was true. But let us not give Mattel too much credit to think that far ahead. for all intents and purposes, G1 Lagoona is white.
HOWEVER, what she is going through IS a common struggle among people of color and I think Mattel did this intentionally to avoid torturing an actual person of color. Little brown kids get subjected to racism enough, they don't need to watch the cartoon mermaid go through it too. or maybe now I'm the one giving Mattel too much credit they probably just wanted to show "Look! white people have it tough too!"... Honestly? this whole allegory would have worked better if Lagoona was a dude and Gil was gay. None of you would have dared to force Gil out of the closet if Lagoona was a dude and his parents were homophobic, but for some reason because it's racism and not homophobia it's okay!? to put Gil at risk!? Would y'all be like "Maybe if Gil just wasn't into men he wouldn't have these problems!" being homeless because of being gay and being homeless because of racism is STILL being homeless, he gets disowned either way.... Make it make sense folks, because it doesn't. Didn't an actor recently get forced out of the closet and it was widely regarded as an awful thing? So why are we so gung-ho to make Gil tell his racist parents he's dating a girl he knows they won't like? Would you do that to him if he was gay and wanted a boyfriend? probably fuckin' not.
I never said everything was Lagoona's fault she is ALSO young and still learning, but somethings were - like him getting sent to boarding school. I realize that Lagoona is a fandom darling and most of y'all's precious little meow meow but she was wrong for that. And I don't hate that, I LIKE that we get flawed characters! Do I love it? No! she was wrong! BUT I LIKE that she was wrong, part of being young and learning is screwing up and making mistakes! we deserve complex characters who aren't perfect in every way. Being pushy and assertive is part of what makes Lagoona a compelling character - but it got someone hurt in this instance and she should learn from that... THAT is good writing... and it's one of the rare instances of good writing we get with these two but I'll get to that in a minute.
"let’s also not gloss over the fact that you called Lagoona a bitch at one point for crying when Frankie asked her about boys."
Once again putting words into my mouth, By making this statement it LOOKS like you read Page 2 of my media analysis but did you though? because context is SUPER important. I did not call Lagoona a bitch for crying, I called her a bitch for being mean to Frankie. Frankie went to Lagoona whose supposed to be their friend for advice but instead Lagoona made it all about her and was then sarcastic to Frankie's plight because her problem is worse and She's aiming for the gold medal of the Pain Olympics. I hate the pain olympics, there are no winners, only losers.
"you calling Draculaura a cow at one point too like wtf??? so maybe lay off the gendered insults for girls???"
And why DID I call Draculaura a cow?... Was it because she was cheating on her black boyfriend with a white guy? 3 seconds after he walked off screen!? because I'm pretty sure it was because she was cheating. once AGAIN we are in a situation where context is important! In the exact same page just discussed I took an entire sidebar to explain why Draculaura was being a cow. I have absolutely zero respect for cheaters and I could have (and should have) called her a lot worse. I'd also like to say that as far as insults for girls go? Cow is fairly mild I could have called her another C word that is frequently used against girls but I went with cow to keep it classy~. also side note: there are male cows, I think they're called Steers... but it's still a cow. Anyways I don't think you really care what I call Draculaura, I think you're now just trying to paint me out as some type of misogynist... which, just proves you don't follow me or know anything about what I preach here you're just mad that I defended a boy whom you're assuming is white.
"before jumping to the defense of a character POC dislike and who’s flaws you excuse as trauma cus you see yourself in him."
UHM... I don't recall reading anywhere that Gil is disliked by POC specifically!?!?! I can't track the barometrics of Monster High tumblr... In fact from what I can gather if TikTok & Twitter are anything to go by most of the people who are hating on Gil are overwhelmingly white... but at the same time I'm not polling anybody either. But just for the record I'm Latine and my friend who helps me out with MH & Gil lore, @peppapigvevo isn't white either... Sooo if your point is that POC are the ones who don't like Gil... I'm here to tell you that POC are also the ones defending him.
But Gil canonically doesn't really have a ton of flaws and the tiny ones he does have stem from him being young and inexperienced, frankly I wish he had more, it would give people a legit reason to hate on him instead of their reasoning now which boils down to: "His parents are racist and even though HE isn't racist I'm gonna blame him anyways because someone on social media told me to and I haven't watched the show in a decade so my memory of the lore is fuzzy at best but I saw Lagoona cry once so Gil MUST be the bad guy!." Which... Y'all are expecting perfection from Gil and that's a ridiculous standard for anyone to live up to let alone a 16 year old boy. But I'm not like... making up trauma for Gil, based on how much he fears his parents THAT is a trauma response that they have instilled in him, it's there I didn't invent it. healthy normal kids don't fear their parents the way Gil fears his, I can only assume he is afraid because they have given him a reason to be afraid. a statement I have also said, several times, in my posts that you claim to have read and take issue with.
Was Gil and Lagoona's relationship written extremely well? No. But do I think Mattel should have never touched the issue of racism in their show? also No! it took a lot of guts to put a story about prejudice in a kids cartoon and MH is for little kids, their target demographic is 6-11yr olds, obviously MH skews a bit older, otherwise none of us would be here. But I'm glad they covered this topic, I don't much care for shows that shy away from scary issues or talk to kids like they're stupid because kids aren't stupid, they're little proto humans who learn things way faster than we do and we should treat them as such. Not only did they touch the topic they did so with a main character and they didn't sugar coat it! we saw the pain Lagoona AND Gil went through because of his parents racism. Touching this topic at all is huge, was it perfectly handled? absolutely not! they never actually resolved the issue, Gil's parents never learned a lesson, got comeuppance or accepted Lagoona, Gil never got to date the girl he likes with family approval there was always something looming in the background. which is... fine?... things aren't always wrapped up nice and pretty with a bow in real life, sometimes things are messy. However, one thing that bothered everyone, including me was towards the end of G1 the writers didn't really know what to do with Lagoona and Gil so they just kinda... rehashed the same fight 3 or 5 times... it happened in the webisodes, diaries and the movies. and that's sloppy on the writers part, the same fight being milked for drama isn't Gil's fault and shouldn't be blamed on him... but it is. Gil is just the messenger and y'all shot him on sight.
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However, that wasn't the end. Gil and Lagoona may not have got the fairy tale ending some people think they deserve or the tragic breakup that other people think they deserve but they did get closure. Gil's Mansters diary takes place after the events of 13 wishes and his parents wrote out a list of chores for him to do while they are out on a trip and before he goes to stay with Deuce for the weekend and the last thing he SAYS they put on the list is as follows:
"+ Don't date Lagoona. They didn't actually write that. I just know what they're thinking. Actually, we don't really talk about that directly very much anymore. We kind of just agree to disagree, especially since Lagoona was wished into a freshwater monster and back again. I think they saw how miserable I was during that whole time, and I believe it made some kind of an impact.. hopefully."
and that was how the saga of Gil, Lagoona & The Webbers ended. Not with a roar but with a whisper. It's also canonical proof in his own words that Gil was, in fact miserable during 13 wishes just in case anyone doubted it after my review.
It's not a happy ending or a sad ending it's not even a peaceful ending. it's an uneasy cease fire... which is good enough? I suppose. Gil's parents love him enough to let it go (after both Lagoona and he endured great personal struggles), They know he's dating Lagoona and he knows they don't like that, Lagoona knows they don't like it, I'm sure Lagoona isn't welcome over for dinners or anything but the issue has been dropped. Gil and Lagoona can finally date, no strings attached.
I'm sure that's not the ending you would have written, my very grumpy anon. But relationships are complex and sometimes the solutions to their problems are complex too but love finds a way to triumph over bigotry.
And that is a message that we could all learn from.
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I think a better ending for Steve Rogers would have been...
Him living with Sharon at the beginning of Infinity wars like initially planned, with her getting dusted and him reasonably being distraught about losing her and his friends.
He could still go back for just the dance with Peggy, but instead of staying, he sits down with her to have a discussion about their lives and families: his found one and the life he was making with the woman he'd come to love in the future, and her husband and kids that she was happy to have and be with in the past. Maybe even with them subtly teasing about their missed chance and perhaps getting a turn for it to work out in a different universe or lifetime, but not this one, because they were happy with they way their lives turned out.
The discussion could end with him asking for her blessing to be with Sharon, and admitting that the woman he now loves is her niece, and that he never got to talk to her about it but that he really does care for her. Peggy would happily give her blessing, maybe surprised but glad he'd found happiness and was making someone she would come to love just as happy as her own husband made her. Then giving him shovel talk to protect her niece or else.
That way, they would have shown both of them getting definitive closure to move on with their lives, while honoring the development of all three characters and the arcs they had been leading, along with the goals they had.
It seems misplaced and kind of messed up that Steve would forget about the woman he'd been actively pursuing and had a solid chance with, an entire whole human being person, just to jump at being with someone that he had missed his chance with but had also moved on with her life, told him to move on with his, and that she had been happy and only wanted the same for him.
It feels incredibly disrespectful to every character involved that he just disregards everything she discussed with him while she was older, ignores that she had a family of her own, treats her niece terribly by pursuing her and then 'changing his mind' as if women are interchangeable, and that Peggy would be okay with all of this and want to be with him after the fact, assuming he told her. And if he didn't, then that just makes him an even bigger jerk.
This ending wasn't thought out at all, especially with the previous narratives in place and the initial plans that they kept changing just to meet the expectations of extremely toxic fandom misogyny, and the people who hated Sharon Carter just for existing, when she'd done nothing wrong, and neither had Steve in pursuing her romantically.
It gets worse because the way fans treated Emily VanCamp in turn, over fictional characters sex lives no less, was just awful and so messed up and uncalled for.
This ending was based off a fan theory, and meant to be 'fan service', but fan fiction is free and shouldn't be affecting canon, nor should people be made to pay for writing so lazy, ideas are directly stolen from fandom, fan theories, or fan fiction, whether some like it or not.
Steve wouldn't have forgotten Sharon or treated her like that. Peggy wouldn't have wanted him to forget her precious baby niece who she would have loved and cherished far more than a missed chance at romance, especially when she had moved on and lived her life.
The ending we should have gotten for Steve, Peggy, and Sharon would have been best if the above mentioned or something similar were done, finishing off with Steve coming back to the present and getting down on one knee when he finally sees Sharon again. You know why. And he'd still be ready and able to toss the shield over to Sam, still working to help his friends behind the scenes, and Evans could still leave with the door open for new stories that don't focus on Steve but keep his character and message consistent, with a chance for cameos even.
Plus the opportunity for an Agent 13 movie that could have even included her great aunt who would have inspired and encouraged her.
Instead, fans were made to pay for a poor, no thought, cop out fan fiction theory, stolen directly from fan discourse on Reddit. And Steve got turned into Joe Biden, which no one asked for nor deserved to have injected into their brains.
The fans of Peggy, 'Steggy', and even other ships, who collectively bullied Emily for playing Sharon, contemplating getting her to commit suicide, a real life human being, just to get the 'character' written out! The same fans that relentlessly went after the fans of Sharon with the same if not worse attitude, were rewarded for terrible misbehavior that Disney should have worked to shut down before it could begin, not fuel the hate train by encouraging and promoting the actress who started and practically campaigned on it.
After claiming she'd play Sharon, and that if she did, it would be 'true love'. But if she doesn't play Sharon, then and only then is it 'disgusting' and 'disrespectful' and 'incestuous'.
It was never any of those things...
But those were her words, pulled from her interviews. Because apparently, Sharon was only worth something if 'Hayley Atwell' was the one playing her.
It take two seconds to verify what she did, the things she said, how long she did it for (several years following the casting of Emily), and how often (almost every interview).
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
She hurt real people, caused real pain and cyberbullying so bad, Emily did interviews on how much hate she was getting, and it still didn't stop. Human lives were held in the balance and I'm sorry if people find being told the truth 'annoying' but a life should never be worth less than a fictional story, entertainment, or self gratification, to anyone, for any reason.
And it is a very different animal when the actions of fictional characters, or storyline decisions, start to spill into real life and affect real people, as opposed to fictional people.
Maybe I'm in the minority, maybe I always will be. But what I see is something wrong being made out to be something right, and if Captain America taught me anything, it wasn't to bully others or accept them getting bullied.
So I throb with righteousness for Sharon Carter, Emily VanCamp, and the fans who got the short stick for no reason. She deserves nothing but love and justice for everything that happened.
"You move."
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