#but also damien... hiiiii
notthatalex · 9 months
I'm always spreading my agenda. Always on the grindset
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Some more thoughts in the tags if you want to hear me ramble for way too long about smosh games content
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 year
It’s not something that really bothers me anymore but thinking once more about how Wow some of(a lot of) the people I chose to surround myself with in high school and early college,,,, like. Extremely not good to me. And other people. But the more I reflect on like. Discovering that I’m autistic and feeling truly like myself for perhaps the first time ever… I deserved better. I also GOT better, both in the sense of the people in my life now and also got better mentally. But sometimes there’s a part of your brain that probably never will get over the “wow you really were just fucking MEAN to me. and still called me one of your best friends.” anger that comes along with the healing+moving on. We love the anger that springs from being protective towards your younger self.
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elisacaleisa · 10 days
Expanding on my Morgan and Huxley being brothers HC so have some silly dialogues (only):
Color codes: Huxley (Green), Morgan (Blue), Damien (red)
"Morgan! Hey there, Morgan! Hey bro! Hi! Hiiiii! Hi Morgan! Morgaaaan! Morgan!" (stimming, while he lifts him up and hugs tight like a bear, very ecstatic)
"Good morning to you too, Huxley." (smiles, absolutely calm, used to his bear hugs, doesn't react much physically but is very happy too)
"Morgan, have you seen my booooyyyyfriend yet?"
"Hm? Boyfriend?" (confused)
"Uh... Yeah?" (also confused)
"What's the matter?" (PANIC)
"When we called, I thought you said husband."
"Oh Huxley." (sigh of relief)
"I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't at that stage yet." (such a calm smile, SUCH A TEASE /lh)
"mmmmhmhmhmh...." (tries to hide his giggle, but the blush gives it away)
"its finally nice to meet you, Damien. Huxley talks about nothing else but you. Can't say i didn't see that coming." (he is a little smug)
"ah, well, thank you?"
"you're welcome. Of course, it's natural, he is a much happier person when he finally can show and share how big his heart is. And when it's with you, he sees nothing but a happy future. That's all i wish for him and if you will be able to give each other that, then that's all you need."
"oh wow..."
"there there, Damien. You're both are doing great."
"by the way, mamas were asking where you gonna visit them again. I was thinking perhaps this sunday? Should be a clear day, just slow car rides. I can already smell the pumpkin pie."
"are you gonna be there too? You have to be, bro! You cannot miss on the pie."
"haha, yes! A lunch with a bro! Awesome!"
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I finished the main bright sessions storyline! (I’m going to start the AM archives tomorrow)
And I absolutely loved it but it felt kind of unfinished? I guess that’s what the other two seasons are for but especially with Damian. Like I get that some people cannot do good no matter how hard we try but I really believed in him and it is so heartbreaking to see his character arc end like this. I hope I get to hear more of him in the AM archives but I don’t think so :(
I did like how real the story and the characters felt! My favourites were Caleb, he made so much progress and learned so much!, and Damien because he’s such an interesting character and I genuinely felt sorry for him all the time (I do not excuse his actions in any way though, that was all horrible)
If I could have any of the “powers” I’d think I’d want to feel peoples emotions. I’d really love that (which power would you like?)
I know you’re on low energy rn and you don’t have to answer right away but I just wanted to let you know my thoughts!!
Good night!!! :D
(I really really enjoyed the show if you couldn’t tell yet, thank you for recommending it!!)
(Also Julia Morizawa’s acting was amazing, as always and I really liked Caleb’s voice!)
EEEEEE!!!!!!! ITS SO GOOOOD!!!!! THAT WAS ALSO SO FAST!!!!! I stopped just before the am archives cause ive heard jt gets more horror-y, and the college tapes were also a bit too suspenseful for my liking...
Yeah, I get what you mean.... I really want to know where everyone ended up.... I think that the last two series do explain that maybe?
YES!!!! I felt so sorry for him but also like, he made some Choices that were not good, and he could have easily not chosen to do those things. Ough caleb is just the best!!!
I think I'd most want sam's, but caleb's would probably fit my personality a bit more!
YES!! Shjwjejejeje its so goooood.........
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The Big Friend Group at McDonald’s at 3am
The Plastics did NOT want to be here. but Cady dragged them along anyway.
Regina and Gretchen sit at a table and sip matching strawberry shakes.
Kevin and Janis decide to try the Grimace shake. They sit at the table next to Regina and Gretchen and everyone crowds around them and chants “GRIMACE GRIMACE GRIMACE GRIMACE” obviously nothing happened but Kevin pretends to fall off his chair. They leave early together to go film the tiktok.
Marwan and Tyler also try the shake but they just bug Kevin until he lets them have a sip instead of getting their own. Marwan drops to the floor and starts screaming and Tyler just stands there and stares into Cady’s soul. She is horrified.
Eventually they get bored and chase each other through the playground✨
Damien stands in the playground room and films them yelling things like “you’re doing great sweetie!” And “Smile for the camera Honey!” Like a soccer mom
Cady and Aaron sit with Karen laughing their asses off as they take pictures of Regina and Gretchen on Snapchat and send them with things like “I see y’all” or “hiiiii”
Karen and Aaron get into a debate about whether or not McDonalds Chicken Nuggets are actual chicken or not. (Karen thinks no, Aaron means yes)
Gretchen and Regina get bored and walk into the playground. Regina stands on one of the tables and Gretchen sits next to her laughing as Regina yells insults at them (ie; FALL or TRIP)
Damien gets bored of filming and tells them “IM LEAVING YOU WITH AUNTIE REGINA. BYE BITCHES” and then promptly walks straight into the door before opening it, mumbling “move im gay”
Marwan and Tyler take this opportunity to come off the playground and sit down next to Regina whining “WERE HUNGRYYYYYYYYYY”
Gretchen gets them food
Janis and Kevin get back covered in purple shake
They drag Damien and Marwan over to the counter to interview an employee for the video
Cady sits in a booth with Karen and pose for Gretchen’s instagram
Everyone starts getting tired so the night begins to come to a close
they end up back at Damien’s place.
Janis showers upstairs and Kevin downstairs because they’re both still covered in purple shake.
Cady sits listening to Aaron infodump while Tyler falls asleep leaning against him.
Damien braids Karen’s hair and they chat about movies or something
Marwan watches the office bloopers with Gretchen
and Regina just kinda sits there and wonders how she got here before eventually drifting off with her head in Gretchen’s lap
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okkk north star (17x08) comments below the cut
damien is supposed to be this scary dude but like... does he ever kill? because so far we've only seen jade kill right?! (i mean actually see on screen)
rossi and jill GOING AT IT lmao (also, yeah I agree with JJ, Rossi wouldn't say anything, but Gideon would yeah)
OUCH, blaming him for Gideon's death is lowwwwwww (like really really low)
jill leaked it????????? oh jill that was naive
Rossi is such a gentleman, like, we know the man has a reputation of being a whore and yet, everytime we see him actually love someone (Emma, Jill,....) it ends up with him never really going to bed with those women lmao
ohh Rossi baby I feel you with the right person wrong timing thing; it fucking sucks
hiiiii rebecca girl how u doing???
that tattoo looks ugly af lmao damien you suck at this
see my girl jade is out there doing everything
I like this change we got with JJ and Luke being more out in the field; being the "brute force" of the team... I kinda like feel like it suits JJ to be in this position (also I think it's a bit of a parallel with how Emily/Derek used to be, that kind of sibling relationship)
of course the files were empty;
We're supposed to hate them, but like I don't hate Jade at all, I'm more interested to see where her character is going then anything else. Damien though, I don't give a fuck about him, also I kinda think he's manipulating Jade somehow (idk don't ask me I just don't like the guy)
still hate tyler sorry (not sorry)
yeah Jill is in danger, that I knew it was going to happen.
I don't know if I buy the damien not knowing/buying into voit's story (i don't trust that guy)
why is tyler interogating a person? like.... come onnnnnn, rebecca couldn't get garcia and jj on it?! someone else, anyoneeee???
oh at least Tara was on it;
Jill offering herself as bait is bound to go wrong (very wrong)
ohhh Rossi finally getting that kiss. My man is so messed over it I wanna hug him
THEY LEFT HER ALONE???? come onnnnn they're not this dumb wtf they know they attack at night
Rossi gets really dumb with a kiss which I relate. I also get dumb around pretty women
OH THE CABIN, that's where she went
ohh he killed his foster dad? that's really sad
OMGGGGGG jade no
that was so sad, but also.... I kinda thought he was going to off himself in the cabin
oh I like the choice of having her running in the beginning of the episode, and then her running at the end of it.
because she heard it didn't she? she knows what he knows
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purrloin-punk · 11 months
ppl have liek pinned posts on here n stuff so ill make one ig. might be useful.
most of the IMPORTANT info is HERE
you can send MAIL and ask me stuff HERE
i also have my trainer card if THATS anything. yanno
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i just kinda post whenever, because its MY page so ill just do whatever
[ hiiiii shadow, its meeeeee /ref anyways hi im copy pasting this from info page !! :) its ya boy from @trainer-damien and @celebi-of-ilex, new blog yayaya :) anyways same general rules apply n stuff:
no nsfw, anyone can interact (Black/White blogs encouraged get over here :grabby_hands:), ask box open forever and ever and unprompted interactions 100% welcome! if u wanna plot stuff dm me on main @draconic-distress aaand thats it blog 3 lets gooooo :D ]
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angelogistics · 3 years
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gamer cuddles in between matches <3 <3 
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lost-in-gardener · 2 years
[damien turns up at Finn’s apartment, opting to wait for them to invite him in, even though he could enter if he wishes. Death has hardly put a dent in the years of etiquette drilled into him in his lifetime. no amount of power he’s inherited from the entity is match for his own perceived manners]
[however, he has been out of commission since meeting Finn, and isn’t sure how long he’s been gone, hoping that the entity hasn’t spend too long a time in his body that Finn would start worrying about him]
[he waits for Finn with a hint of anxiety]
- @entityofthevoid
(hiiiii :D)
[Finn had been nervously pacing back and forth in their home, looking over their scarce notes and jumping slightly at the knock on their door. Who knew that there was so little research done on entities like this?]
[Well, it was also because she wasn't fully sure about what this entity actually was, but... well, maybe that could change. They hoped that Damien could give them a bit more information on what this thing was and how it worked. She hurried over to the door, opening it and letting out a relieved sigh at the sight of Damien.]
"Oh, thank god- come on in."
[They stepped aside, motioning for him to enter the apartment.]
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
hiiiii! wanna ask... Since today is National Mr. Paul Petscop Day.... if u had any petscop videos or blogs or Anything u'd like to recommend!! i figure today of all days is a good day for me to check it out in depth more like ive been meaning to!!! if not thats fine too tho! ^_^
Omg hi damien. its a national petscop holiday.. i'm happy to link you a couple resources i generally give people who want to dive in a little more!
Petscop's uploads are chopped up and out of order -- this hypothetical chronological order might help clear up some confusion about timeline stuff - not strictly canon but i have very few complaints about it, i think its a nice place to start : )
the comprehensive progress document is the best place to go for specific questions you have the table of contents is very helpful for looking things up - its like the petscop encyclopedia lol
Olivers plot retrospective ! extremely thorough and concise!! has a lot of answers but doesnt leave much out so if you want to figure out your own interpretation all by yourself i wouldnt reccomend it (its extremely good though)
i'm told nightmare masterclass's videos on scop are pretty good -- issue is most of them are outdated as they released as the series went along, and they're also really long. i havent watched them myself but that might be a good option if you're looking for a long form walkthrough of petscop (and it might be interersting to see the theories people had when it was coming out lol)
beyond that i always jsut reccomend rewatching it! generally i think the more time someone spends with petscop, the better they're able to draw their own conclusions about what read of the story resonates with them the most n_n
it's not a whole lot but hopefully that helps : ) feel free to let me know if you have any questions no matter how minute, im happy to explain the evidence that exists for things and what my take on those things are always n_n
hope you have an awesoem dayyy♪
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enderwalk · 3 years
Who is damien? Is that a streamer?
fuck i said id answer this when i woke up so im just queueing it but im sorry htis is just really funny. no damien isnt a streamer hes @sunflowerseraph and also 🐏 in my tags <3 i talk abt him a lot though hiiiii dames if you're reading this
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lenalvthor · 4 years
Hiiiii I have a question about the HSAU! We know where Ava, Sara, Ray, and Zari we’re going to college, but what about the others? Specifically I want to know what Nora’s up to. I love the fic, I’ve read it so many times! I also love the new one!!
thank u so much we still fucking adore getting messages abt the hsau even if I am rarely on tumblr and v slack on replying to this stuff! but I will always always always love hsau nora with my whole heart so this ask is the best thing to get 
nora darhk studies sociology and psychology with later focus on childhood development at a community college (near MIT of course, bc she and ray are Soulmates). she ends up going into social work and when the some of the gang - including ava and sara - end up drifting back to star city in the years after college, she and ava end up working on a project that is instituting kind of reformative action on parts of the city that had been debilitated by damien darhk’s criminal ring. ava works on stuff to do with policy and stuff while nora is one of several social workers on the project! 
ray and nora are the second out of the gang to get married (ava & sara are the first) a few years out of college (robert sharpe walks nora down the aisle). they have two kids - leo (hehe) and ada palmer, but while ava and sara have kids relatively young, nora is quite apprehensive with her family history so they finally start trying for their oldest child (leo) only after sara and ava have their third and final kid (a girl named lizzie, and ray and nora are her godparents). 
as nora gets older, she worries about whether she’ll turn out like either of her parents - neither of which is a great way to turn out, obviously. but she’s stronger than them both and having ray, and ava, and ava’s family, and the legends keeps her on track and she thrives and ends up being happy in a way she never ever thought she would be able to. (in conclusion, we would die for nora darhk in every universe so thank u v much for this ask 💞)
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imagines-mon-blog · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons for dating Slayer?
OOOOH THIS IS A GOOD ONE, the request took me by surprise as the SLAYER WOULD TAKE YOU, hope you enjoy… I write requests as if you, the reader, is the partner so that it feels more personal!
The slayer/Aaravi:
You are sitting next to Vera and Damien and you feel something under the table moving your feet probably to get your attention, you hunch down over and take a look and realise its the SLAYER!
You are met her by her big green eyes and don’t know to scream of terror or to look at her beautiful eyes for hours, honestly you have never been this close to her and  it might have been an accident but damn are they pretty
She is here to attack Damien but she somehow confused you with him, which gave him enough time to escape. You figure probably wants to hunt you down now, but she sights exasperated and sits next to you. She rants about how no one ever takes her seriously, and honestly you know its true
You two go to prom together and when you arrive you see the Slayer in the most beautiful dress you could ever imagine, a dark green color that compliments her eyes.
Once on a date you went to dinner and the Slayer took out her collection of ancient knives, you spent hours of talking how to murder someone with the extenuating force of fashionable weaponry
You both love to go on road trips throwing knives at every tree you pass by, and enjoy the night thinking of the perfect way to annihilate someone, rhetorically speaking of course…maybe.
She could be hard on the outside, but in the inside is just a soft soul (probably condemned) that is enjoying life one kill at a time
HIIIII Mod Vicky here! I will also add a bit of headcanons myself. But this is Mod Yellows post ahh hi
She loves scaring their partner by surprise by jump-hugging them out of nowhere, and just laughs it off after, and then she just keeps chit chatting.
She loves that their partner does take her seriously with all that she tells them, she usually is looked over and she is so happy to have someone who she can talk to and knows that will actually listen
She loves to show them the new fightings techniques she has learnt and can spend ages talking to them about all the weapons she loves
They love watching action movies together, specially the ones with superheroes, she just tells them how she loved the movie or hated it even
They love how excitable she is and how passionate she can be about the things she likes, and due to her nature she loves giving them gifts out of nowhere.
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mfackenthal · 6 years
Perfect Match was amazing. I haven't pressed End book because I'm going to replay this weekend and save Rowan and let Harley die. Did you romance all love interest or just two or three or one? Did tou save Rowan and Harley?
*Spoiler Alert*
Hiiiii Nonny!!!
I 100% agree, I loved Perfect Match!  I romanced pretty much everyone I could! #thot #noshame I also chose to save Harley.  Please come back and let me know what happens if you let Rowan live.  I think I’ll eventually replay, but not right away.  I also wonder what is different if I only romance one love interest instead of essentially all of them.  I both love and hate that there were no consequences of being #thot.  I love that I didn’t have to choose and everyone just accepted that my love knew no bounds.  On the other hand, I always miss the drama of people wishing I would choose.  But then I don’t want to choose ... lol. 
How about you?  Did you romance one, all, or some?  Who did you love most?  Who would you choose if you had to choose? 
When given the free opportunity to choose I always chose Damien. It really is always Damien.
As always, thanks for stopping by!
Also, have you started The Heist yet?  I am already all in and can’t wait to take that little brat down.
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franklyshipping · 7 years
Damien!! Was also here HELLO
HIIIII how're you doing my sweet, beautiful, handsome, intelligent, talented gentleman? 😆😆💜💜💜
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