#but also just having faith they'll be together again. and just missing her because that's her best friend!!!someone who knows her real name
scionshtola · 1 month
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i miss you more than anything (x)
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bonefall · 6 months
Is Crowfeather's parenting and abuse of Breeze going to be any different and/or handled differently by other cats in BB? Thinking about his honor title being for Feathertail and... ugh this poor woman having to watch a cat who named himself for his love for her be so horrible to his own kin after she's torn from hers so soon. She should get to come down and knock some sense into him, if that's even possible
I haven't been able to get into BB!Feathertail yet, but she's fascinating honestly. I like the vibe that Feather x Crow is like this cosmically doomed ship, destined to torpedo itself time and time again for various reasons, and that's the foundation of them in BB.
They were NEVER going to work. Crowfoot has a ton of issues he's working through. Feathertail values herself too much to allow him to mistreat her in the meanwhile. If Feathertail never died, the breakup would have been good for him. He REALLY needed it, actually. Calm, funny, easygoing Feathertail just laying their problems on the table, why she doesn't want a relationship, but still spinning it in that way-of-hers that softens a hard blow.
It wouldn't have fixed him overnight, of course. It just would have been a spark. Paws on a better, happier path. Not a lover in another Clan, but a friend, if he took her words to heart.
But she's dead. She died horribly. And her memory is this perfect fantasy for the magical, flawless love they could have had, an impossible standard Crowfeather viciously holds all of his future lovers to. So as a spirit guide, with all her eloquence, she'd say to him, "That's not very cash money of you."
But anyway, on Breeze's abuse.
For one, I absolutely would want to make sure to stress Breeze's good qualities sooner and harder, and explicitly make them friends at certain points.
The Tribe Journey in particular, where there's a lot of opportunities to get him away from Crowfeather. By the end of it, I would want to include a poignant moment where they have one final nice moment together, before Crowfeather barks for him, and it's gone.
(and, also, add a couple of cats who help The Three discuss their complicated emotions towards seeing their bully being abused.)
I would also actually remove the way that the cats of WindClan "look to" Crowfeather on how Breezepelt should be treated, particularly from Crowfeather's Trial. I feel it misses the point and ends up saying that Breezepelt could NEVER get the social approval he craves unless his abusive dad CHOSE to stop mistreating him.
Like!! FUCK no!!! You do NOT need the approval of a guy who NEVER would have given it without 3 different women and Onestar screaming it into his ear!
Instead, I'd stress how the Clan was beginning to turn on him as soon as his problems escalated into active reckless endangerment. His abuse was causing his social alienation by making his behavior worse and worse.
That seems like a minor change, but it's one of my bigger complaints. ALL of WindClan shouldn't be looking to an abusive parent to model how they'll react to his son. PLEASE let the cats have their own unique social opinions.
One of Breezepelt's adult defenders is Brushblaze. I will be picking more-- but there's always going to be some cats in his corner besides Nightcloud and Heathertail (and Harestar of course who is poly with Heather and Breeze in BB.)
(though Pro-Breeze cats are in the minority unfortunately.)
MOST of the Dark Forest trainees from WindClan were personal friends of Breezepelt. Harespring, Sunstrike, Furzepelt, and Antpelt all came into the training because of him.
All that said, not much else is different about the setup of Breezepelt's childhood abuse! It's a part of canon I think is good and I would like to stay relatively faithful to it.
His arc also continues into BB!AVoS. Continued distrust of him after fighting for the Dark Forest, misplacing his anger onto Harespring when he manages to take deputyship, and Dishonor Titles from Onestar end up causing him and his friends to feel so rejected that they join The Kin.
Its message, that they are "The Kin that the Clans abandoned" appeals to over a dozen cats from other Clans who are shunned for various reasons. HalfClan cats, codebreakers, and Dark Forest trainees alike all come together, because BB!The Kin is mostly comprised of Clan cats, particularly ones from SkyClan, NOT rogues.
There's about 6 or so non-Clanborn cats in The Kin; Rain, Raven, Flame, Dragonfly, Roach, Nettle. If I end up keeping Silt, Thistle, or any of the 7-10 unnamed cats, they'll get shuffled to be Clanborn.
(Max, Loki, and Zelda are cut. Many of Zelda's roles are being absorbed by Dragonfly, who is remaining with Violetshine after The Kin disbands)
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blushydrangea · 4 days
so curious on your thoughts on the latest shenanigans lol, also missing your nymphia thoughts in general 💗
it's been a while. cracks knuckles.
(under a read more because it's quite long!)
a lot of things happened since my last time answering an ask about ✈️🍌, even claims that they were long gone apparently. the taiwan trip was so sweet and i'm happy they spent time together & with mirage, something i love about this cast is that they always find opportunities to hang out with each other in different combos, their bond is so cute! i'm curious about the music they're working on, although it seems like we won't get to hear it for a while 😭.
kissgate (that's what i'm calling it lmao) soured my feelings a little bit, because we shouldn't be attacking real people for not acting according to our headcanons. it was sad that plane had to explain herself on twitter, and it's good that the girlies still interact normally after that but i honestly wouldn't blame them if that caused for them to hide their friendship a bit more. still i'm 110% sure they'll never lose what they have, it seems to be something important for both of them and that they wouldn't let go of 🩷.
the drought reminded me of early march (i believe...) when they didn't talk for two weeks (!), i think most people weren't here for it and that is why a bunch of you freaked out. don't worry if it happens again, ✈️🍌 are fine, have some faith in them!
THE PAST DAYS WERE WILDDD. we got bratty nymphia demanding plane's full attention, nymphia with morphine which goes so well with my seven stages fantasy, and planymphia being super sweet with each other 🥺 it was a great moment for the enjoyers, both of them looked so goooood and nymph is like a vocaloid come to life in that cute outfit. their whole live on morphine's ig was absolutely wild & i'm sure a lot of people have shared their thoughts already and i don't wanna repeat them, so i'll just say that the forehead kiss was very important to me <3 and very seven stages. i love winning!
onto nymphia thoughts since you mentioned that!
1) she seems so exhausted and it breaks my heart. nymphia appears to be the type of person who gets more energy from being around her close friends, so she was happier with the s16 cast, but when she's alone it's sad to watch how tired she is. she also mentioned not sleeping in her ig story. i hope the princess can find some time to rest and take care of herself, she deserves it :(
2) on a lighter note... HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME LA GRANDE DAME IS A BANANA BELIEVER– she liked two!!!! nymphia tweets!!! and commented "oui" on a team nymphia post!!!!! if you were around here in 2022 you'd know how obsessed with lgd i was then, so i'm sure she did this for me 🤧. the pretty & silly fashion girl liking the other pretty & silly fashion girl makes so much sense <3 they follow each other too and now i need a dada and nymphia encounter. pls someone book them both for something. PLEASE. i need to see nymphia look tiny next to her.
that's all i have! even though i've been dethroned lol it's still nice to know someone cares enough about my thoughts to shoot me an ask through my inactivity. i love fandom 🥰
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theangrypokemaniac · 1 year
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Thank you for your kind words, @iloitse, and your thoughts, with which I agree.
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I also see Brock with Suzie. When I used to plan out my own region, it finished with them together.
To me she's the one girl receptive to his attention, perhaps not in a loving sense, at least not yet, but no other lady ever treated him so well.
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Vulpix will always connect them, meaning Brock has a lasting relationship with Suzie, and a reason to find her again.
If Suzie handed Vulpix over within hours of meeting Brock, in that short period she'd recognized him as a kind, caring young man worthy of her trust, someone to keep Vulpix safe, and he did, repaying her faith in him.
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That's the sort of lad any girl wants to marry, and, as Vulpix is one of my favourite Pokémon, both can own it if they're together, which is my main motivation.
Vulpix for everyone!
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I understand Tracey's true dream being to meet Professor Oak, but that's almost more useless than aiming to be an artist.
Drawing is dull viewing, but it keeps him occupied, and may lead to a career, but what did he want from Oak?
Yes, you've seen him. Very nice. And what are you intending to do now?
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If I think of it too much, it gives me the idea Tracey naturally assumed Oak would be so impressed he'd take him on immediately, and so he needn't plan further into future than that, which brings me back to his arrogance.
As for getting there, the only direct progress he makes is in three epidodes:
• The Lost Lapras, his introduction, by encountering Ash and Misty.
• A Tents Situation, his penultimate appearance, when he meets Oak.
• The Rivalry Revival, his exit, when he becomes an assistant.
Between the first and final two, there's a hole of nothingness.
I suppose each step he takes puts him closer, but plot-wise, it's an abstact quest of no use at this exact moment.
This wish of his won't motivate him into any action in individual episodes, nor does it affect how he behaves throughout.
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He should've had a task in the meantime that combined both interests, if say Oak directly asked him to make detailed illustrations of all the tropical Pokémon varieties.
As in, he must purposely go out and find them, not just the few he sees passing through.
There'd then be scenes when Tracey led the team, racing off into the woods as he's heard rumours of oddly-coloured Pokémon on the island, having to traverse caves and cliffs to find it, and maybe the Pokémon wants a favour before it complies, leading to another search.
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It might encourage him to colour the sketches in for a change.
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As a trope, 'The Quiet One' works, but not so much in a trio. There's too few members for it to be a recognizable role.
It looks more like you're not doing enough.
I'm not certain it's what Tracey's supposed to be either, because he speaks often, but just doesn't say anything memorable.
Usually 'The Quiet One' is portrayed as sensitive, emotionally intelligent and highly perceptive, spotting the tiny details the loud mouths miss.
They'll sit on their own, or stare silently out to sea, in picturesque scenes absorbing their surroundings.
Whilst watching Pokémon encompasses this, I doubt he was deliberately designed to fill the spiritual or philosophical model, but that's the best interpretation of a flat, undeveloped personality.
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He certainly doesn't behave as The Quiet One when he has the major part in the story, so given the show credit for making a calm, laidback yet deep character, isn't something I can do.
It's so ridiculous. These writers put effort into creating Tracey, and cared enough to include him in the series, and then never took it further.
As soon as he was in, they gave up!
If however I accepted him as intentionally reserved, perhaps to counter the wilder edges of Ash and Misty, we still come back to Brock.
Tracey as The Quiet One would only ever be well-received had he been there from the outset, his relaxed, or withdrawn attitude given greater focus and serving as integrel to its beginnings.
By coming in late, no one will ever judge him on his own terms, or for himself.
He'll be held up beside Brock, and found to be not as interesting, and the longer the comparison persists, the less consideration he'll get, until fans lock him out of their minds and feel nothing but resentment.
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With regards to Pokéshipping, Tracey was seen as an obstacle to any theoretical romantic moments simply by being there.
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When Pokémon started, shipping as a concept, plus the surrounding fandom 'culture' didn't yet exist, as least not fully, and the only fellow fans available for discussion were those you knew in real life, which limited the sharing of ideas.
Therefore, children watching the very first episode weren't conditioned to see everything in terms of pairings, obsessively analysing each scene for clues etc.
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By the time Pokéshipping began, Brock was already there, so part of it, in a sense, and the ship fitted around him.
Whilst Tracey is also the 'third wheel', and technically, any allowances shippers made for Brock could also work for him, it will always come back to the ill-feeling Tracey provoked.
What people overlook or ignore in their friends they will hate in their enemies.
It's not particularly rational, but then human nature isn't rational.
Some fans take against Ash and Misty. Some dislike Team Rocket. But no one hates Brock. He holds both sides of the divide together.
Therefore, Pokéshippers will accept him, as he was there almost from day one, but not Tracey, as he's not built into the foundations, neither of the anime nor the ship.
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The writers didn't help matters by hinting at what might have been, fully knowing they'd never deliver.
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At the close of Pokéball Peril, as soon as Brock's gone, Team Rocket tease Ash and Misty as 'lovebirds', as if that's the obvious conclusion to them being alone.
A lot of shippers at home, still smarting at losing Brock, might've got over it had this continued, in that, whilst missed, Brock's absence is tolerable if it leads to more focus on Ash and Misty as characters, and greater detail on their emotions and thoughts, especially for each other.
Then Brock leaving means something, and can be justified as crucial to the coming story arc, but adding a replacement erases all that potential.
Removing Brock is pointless if we 'need' three Twerps, thus the writers squandered the opportunity to go in a new direction, which is, frustratingly, straight after they implied the opposite.
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I forgot to say before that Tracey is also hindered by his and the Orange League's perceived lack of legitimacy.
Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, Delia, Oak, Joy and Jenny all come from the games.
Jessie and James, whilst not specifically featured, represent the villains of Red and Blue, which is a necessary invention as there were no named Team Rocket members besides Giovanni.
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Pokémon Yellow had also come out by then, retroactively adding them to the game world, so that's alright.
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Tracey however was the first main character to exist inside the anime alone, so not someone we were eager to see onscreen.
Back then, the branches of Pokémon: games, cartoon, cards, manga and merchandise, were much more connected and cross-referenced than they are now, and for the anime to adapt the game was considered very important.
When Tracey, with no roots in Red and Blue, comes in, and takes the place of Brock, who does, there was a feeling he hadn't 'earnt' his right to be there.
Who do you think you are, coming over here and acting like you belong?
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The Orange Islands aren't a bad series compared to what follows, but when judged only by Kanto, it marked a step away from the original purpose of animating the game, and that wasn't a popular move.
We 'knew' the Indigo League as players. We'd walked through the towns, battled there, and been the hero, but this place, this brand-new, never-before-mentioned archipelago, with little relevance to the mainland, held no such significance.
It's a bonus round before Johto, as if not worthy in itself, merely a stop-gap edition, just to have something, anything even, to keep the kids occupied until the real stuff arrives.
It didn't seem to matter as much because of all of the above, and the sleepy, drifting tone of wandering the seas, sailing wherever the currents go, amplified that.
If it doesn't care, why should we?
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Brock experienced blizzards, deserts, shipwrecks and eruptions like a proper adventurer.
He'd been through it all with Ash and Misty as a true companion.
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Tracey meanwhile, had really nothing but blue seas, clean beaches and fruit groves to worry about.
Overall, and visually, it's just one long summer holiday for him, with no hardship to test his mettle.
How could we even tell if he was worth our investment, when we never saw him deal with serious situations?
It's another circle: no one likes Tracey, because they associate him with the 'false' Orange League, and no one likes the Orange League, as that's the one with Tracey.
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Hating him is a very time-specific reaction.
You need to have been a child then, watching Pokémon in order, with no knowledge of what's to come, to feel it.
I wouldn't expect any fan outside that to join in if it's not part of their experience.
My younger self would never forgive me for mellowing with age, but then, when innocent enough to think Tracey was the worst thing that could ever happen to Pokémon, I didn't realise how lucky I was.
Because he most certainly isn't.
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cutetokuness · 2 years
I just realized sitting here doing my job that now I have time to write/edit my fanfics and while I have fics I need to edit and post (and stories I have to finish writing) I, like many OOO fans, have a different way I wanted the OOO movie to go that didn't make me lose faith in humanity and I may write a fic about it...or just post this who knows.
Anyways I thought it would be interesting if in his search to resurrect Ankh Eiji was the one who accidentally resurrected the old king and the other Greeed (also I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe Eiji, the guy that was implied to be better than the original King at being OOO would lose to the original King while they're both OOO adding that little girl wasn't the good idea the writer thought it was. Also why are the Greeed with the King for like zero reason did I miss something? I think they of all people would need a reason to team up with the King and play nice with him). This would be a better explanation for why Ankh was healed rather than "I wanted it enough as a dying wish" you mean to tell me Eiji never wanted Ankh back enough before that some random magic couldn't have done it then before he dies? I don't believe that, sorry.
Anyways the King steals the majority of the medals from Eiji and gets the other Greed to join him by promising them their medals if they cooperate leaving Eiji with a fixed core medal, the few other cores he was able to protect, and a bad wound from the King's surprise attack when he resurrected and stole the medals. Then he has to go find his friends at the resturant, get his injuries taken care of, and get some cell medals from Kougami (cause you KNOW that man has a secret stash of them) and then they go to stop the King's tyranny that he's spreading across Tokyo.
We learn later that the wound was worse than originally thought, except for Date who found it weird how after a nap and some stitches that the wound Eiji had was feeling well enough to continue fighting. Once Ankh is resurrected he gets in Eiji's face asking who he is and why is he wearing Eiji's face which Hina and the others try and pull him away until Date also questions it saying it should have been impossible for Eiji to just get up after getting back with that wound. Sure the adrenaline got him home in time to get medical attention but adrenaline doesn't last this long. Then we find out that Kougami made those new medals based on Eiji and Goda pulled an Ankh with a hurt Eiji.
Shingo and Ankh are conflicted about this because Shingo knows what that's like even though he likes Ankh he knows Ankh used to be different and this Goda character could be just like the old Ankh and Ankh fears the same. Ankh now realizes how Hina felt when she didn't know if her brother would ever get his body back from him. He's afraid of losing the person dearest to him. They decide to work with him in hopes he is more like Eijo than not since he's based on Eiji's desires but they're still keeping a close eye on him.
Cut to the Greeed coming together to discuss the predicament of basically being the King's tools again. The Greeed decide that they'll lure the King and OOO into a fight where they will attack the King when he and OOO are in mid-combat. Once they're plans in motion they don't realize two things 1) they're so caught up in their plan they don't realize Goda is controlling Eiji, they may feel somethings off but again they don't know Goda exists and 2) that Ankh is back as well, they think he needs Shingo like before and since they see him (Shingo) on the battlefield they think they have nothing to worry about.
Well as we all know their plan goes side ways cause Ankh is around. When they attack the King from behind they reach out to grab their flying medals only for Ankh to collect the majority of them and fly back to Goda who he still doesn't trust and he gives him some of the combos to beat the other Greeed and collects the remaining medals.
Then it goes on like the movie. Goda releases Eiji's body and steals the medals that he can from Ankh's medal holder, Ankh takes hold of him by becoming his arm form and controlling Eiji's body. He gets the power up, they beat Goda, and Eiji and Ankh have to stay as one for a little while while Eiji heals but eventually after a month or so of healing up we see Eiji and Ankh as two separate people deciding on what they should do next. Go on a few more adventures? Settle down for a bit and catch up with their friends? It doesnt matter, because after all, they have all the time in the world now.
...this was MUCH longer than I thought it was going to be but guys...I love OOO and it deserved better, my boys deserved better. 😤
I wrote this all pretty quick so please ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes. I'll probably fix them later...maybe...who knows.
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saintobio · 2 years
tw: miscarriage, pcos, pregnancy
mmmm i really spent time thinking about this over and over again and i feel that sometimes it just makes sense but there are times it doesn't?
i think everyone at one point has thought of this theory? HAHA. so. gojo, utahime and pregnancy.
in the early chapters, gojo and utahime joked about babies and giving sachiro a little sister. this is a parallel to the mrs zenin joke toji and yn had in sn right? well, they almost got married in the end anyways so... im guessing this is foreshadowing the fact that utahime and gojo will do the deed and miraculously she got pregnant. but toji and yn didn't get married, so the mrs zenin joke didn't really become true, which means the pregnancy won't happen right? maybe a scare? but i don't think you're the type to repeat the same scene, like gojo & sera in sn. of course, if we consider your answers to the asks, like "half-sibling"/your 🤐 to someone asking if there's pregnancy in sy/"never know where blinding rage can takes you" to the ask about gojo impregnating sera as revenge and the possibility of this happening again in sy, then there's a bigger possibility this will happen. HOWEVER
if this does happen, i think it will happen more on the last chapter or epilogue? where everything has settled down and gojoyn decided to go on their separate ways. in the end, gojohime are happy together and married.
in a way, im similar to yn where i can be understanding but if the ending is gojoyn endgame, and if i put myself in yn shoes, i don't think i can get back together my ex who is not only my baby daddy, but my close friend's baby daddy? sure i will be happy for my close friend of course (since utahime has pcos and she always wanted a family) but wouldn't that be so awkward? and messy? i don't think it's right that gojo accidentally impregnate her and then leave her for yn in the end (but will still take care of her, in a platonic way, and care for the child as well.... but ouch). im sure yn has limits of how much she can understand and stomach gojo's past mistakes :/ i don't even see how utahime can stay being yn's close friend (i guess they'll drift apart because of this).
there's also another possibility that utahime got pregnant but she miscarried in the end. it's a very cruel thing for her to experience this, however, the reality is that people with pcos are at a higher risk of miscarriage then those who don't. if gojohime is endgame, this is a challenge that's going to test their relationship. this also can be a theory relating to two out of the four pictures hinting at the ending (rain + we're here but lonely). however, if gojoyn is endgame, i would honestly feel more bad for her than happy for gojoyn. imagine you got pregnant, miscarried, and then now your lover leaves you for his ex, who is your close friend btw. that sucks and i feel that it's gonna undo (a little bit) whatever character development gojo is going to have in sy (which is: he intentionally/unintentionally makes mistakes that affect others long-term just because he wants to pursue his own goals/happiness).
of course these are just my thoughts and even if the pregnancy scenario (whoever it is) does happen midway of sy, i have faith you can pull this off (no idea how but i believe u can do it!!). again i wanna reiterate (so u don't take it the wrong way) that these are my thoughts and me theorising of the possibility of gojo getting utahime pregnant, im not pressuring or criticising you! (-:
thank u for reading my ramblings!! >< have a good day/night ((-:
btw... since we're on the topic of pregnancy, is gojo's breeding kink going to show up in sy again )': maybe in the last few chaps/epilogue or smth....... i kinda miss it BYEEE
oh that’s a very interesting take :0 it’s the first time someone pointed this out and i’m amazed. hmmm i can’t really say much about this, but this definitely puts things into perspective! maybe a few other readers would be interested to read this theory :)
yeah gojo’s breeding kink is still there gahaha just kept hidden like a lion in a cage.
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indelibleevidence · 3 years
Practical (tag to 2x08)
Author’s Note: I’m still not entirely convinced this is worth sharing, but here it is: my interpretation of Kurt’s thought process when it came to realising Jane is still his friend, and should come to his stupid party.
This wasn't the first time Kurt Weller had been taken captive, but it was the first situation where none of his team knew where he'd been taken. The first time he'd been without backup, with a frightened civilian to protect, and very little idea of how to get out of this.
He had faith that Patterson would come through for him, and send help—if anyone could track down the weapons dealers' hideout, it would be her. And even though he'd left Jane on the dock with four million dollars' worth of untraceable cash, he didn't even entertain the idea that she'd take it and run. She wasn't perfect, but that wasn't who she was. Or at least, it wasn't anymore.
His people would back him up. All he had to do was watch, wait, and work on these restraints tying him to the chair. His wrists were abraded and sore, but he was slowly beginning to make headway with the knots.
Just out of reach, Dr. Chen was silently testing her own bonds. Jane had spoken Chinese to her, when they'd first seen her being hauled out of the trunk of the car, and Chen had responded in the same language. Mercifully, she also spoke English, which meant Kurt could involve her in his escape attempt. They'd already conferred a little, in hushed tones, but a guard was stationed just outside the cell, making it a risky proposition to move their chairs closer together, to work on each others' restraints.
He lost his grip on the knot he was working on, and grunted with pain as the rope slipped against his raw skin. Chen glanced over at him.
"Who was the woman?" she asked.
Kurt didn't think she was talking about Lynn Burton. "Which woman?"
"The one who told me everything would be all right."
Despite their situation, Kurt couldn't help but smile a little. That was Jane—taking a moment to comfort someone in distress, no matter the danger. "My partner, at the FBI. I sent her for backup. If we can get out of this cell, I think she'll have people on the way to help us."
"But she doesn't know where the boat took us. They had a radar jammer."
"My people are smart. They'll figure it out."
"I hope so." Chen fell silent again.
Kurt continued to work on the ropes, his thoughts turning back to that moment by the dock. Jane had tried to make him go for backup instead, insisting that she was just being practical. That he had a baby on the way, a family to worry about, but she had nobody, so she'd take the risk and go on the boat.
She'd spoken with a touch of wry self-deprecation, but no self-pity. She hadn't been playing for sympathy—the situation had been time-sensitive, and she'd known it. If he hadn't tricked her into looping around the building to attack an enemy who didn't exist, she'd have put the entire Sandstorm mission at risk by endangering her life.
If something happened to me, no one would miss me.
If he was being honest with himself, her words had taken him aback, shifted his entire perspective for the couple of seconds before he'd decided on a course of action.
He swallowed the urge to laugh at himself. Sure, Weller. You were just worried about Sandstorm.
Still working on the knots, turning his face from Chen for as much privacy as the moment could give him, he allowed himself to dive into the possibility. Before now, he'd never allowed himself to imagine Jane's death, recoiling from the idea with immediate mental reassurances that it would never happen, that she was tough enough and smart enough to handle whatever life threw at her.
Part of that denial was because he hadn't been able to face the idea of Taylor's death, but while he'd hung on to the idea that Jane was Taylor for as long as he could, now he'd been forced to accept the truth.
He imagined it now. Jane Doe—who'd betrayed them all, who'd broken his heart, whose pre-ZIP self had cruelly exploited his personal tragedy for her own ends—dead in this cell, tied to the chair he now occupied.
No one would miss me.
He imagined working the tattoo cases without her, attempting to put together enough intel on Sandstorm to bring them down. Seeing close-ups of her skin on Patterson's screens every day, and knowing that photographs were all that remained. Holding his newborn child and knowing that, if not for Jane, Allie would have lost the baby.
God, it hurt. He hadn't wanted to admit it, amidst the anger and grief of the past few months, but he'd been glad to have her back on the team, at least during the field missions. It was easier to work within a team of four than three, and he and Jane had always had each other's backs in dangerous situations.
He'd been too stubborn to admit, even to himself, that he'd missed her—but he had. He'd told Tasha—within Jane's earshot, even though that part had been an accident—that he didn't want to be in the same room as Jane, and it had been true. But that was because when she was there, he breathed easier—and how could he feel that way, without betraying Mayfair's memory, and Taylor's?
And if he hadn't been willing to face that, how could Jane know that he felt it? That he cared about more than the mission, that he needed to know that she was safe?
Even after everything that had happened, he still wanted to protect Jane Doe. Not Taylor, but Jane.
She thought that he hated her, and accepted that without a fight. She wearily carried the weight of the team's grudges—though after what the CIA had done to her, and the position she now found herself in, he didn't know how she stood it.
I'm just being practical...
Now that he thought about it, she'd been throwing herself into danger a lot lately. She'd never been hesitant to put herself in harm's way, but these days she was downright reckless, as though her life meant nothing to her—as though she was willing to sacrifice everything to atone for her mistakes.
In his mind's eye, he saw her casting aside her weapon, then walking towards a volatile, armed teenage girl, her hands in the air and a gentle tone to her voice. Running towards him with desperate determination, Allie's full weight on her shoulders, leaving herself vulnerable to gunfire to save lives that were vitally important to him. Staggering away from him with a fresh bullet wound in her side, getting behind the wheel of a car when she needed a damn hospital, all to sell her cover story to Sandstorm.
He recalled the resignation on her face when she'd been summoned back by Roman, unsure whether or not her cover was blown. I could be walking into my own execution. Yet when he'd tried to offer her an out, she'd refused it. Since she'd learned her true identity, she'd faced her responsibilities head on, and he had to give her credit for that.
She did everything he asked of her, endured the team's verbal jabs with little resistance, threw herself into the line of fire time and again.
Now, out of nowhere, her first words to him after her statement under the polygraph came back to him. I thought I was protecting you.
She'd screwed up, but so had he, letting his hopes and biases lead him, when he should have investigated more thoroughly. And even though she'd been misguided and a little selfish, she wasn't psychic. She'd done what she thought was best—and it had blown up in all of their faces.
He shrugged off the uneasy thought that Nas had told him that exact same thing about her bad choices at the NSA. That was a whole different issue.
If Jane had died before this case, she would have died believing she wouldn't be mourned.
This morning, she had fought to keep the pain from her face as she'd realised he was having a party, and everyone was invited except for her. It wasn't that he'd explicitly told anyone to exclude her—more that his anger and hurt wouldn't let him extend the invitation, even though it seemed petty now. When Zapata had asked if Jane was coming, with Reade silently looking on, Kurt had hesitated, then shaken his head. Even though she'd put her life at risk to save his baby's, he'd been repelled by the idea.
He'd last let her into his home under such different circumstances. She'd sat at his dinner table, conversed with his sister and played board games with his nephew, been welcomed into his family as Taylor Shaw. No one else would ever have gotten so close to him. But all the while, Taylor had been nothing but neglected bones and decay, denied a proper burial not once, but twice, because he couldn't bring himself to let the world know she was dead. That he'd failed. That he'd been deceived by his father, by Sandstorm, and by the woman he couldn't get out of his mind.
It all just hurt too much to untangle, so when Tasha had asked, he'd said no. And that had led to Jane believing she didn't matter to any of them. Yet after this morning's fresh rejection, she'd tried to throw herself into danger so that he wouldn't have to, because she perceived his life as being worth more than hers.
He owed her an apology.
He owed her so much more than that.
And she was still the same person she'd always been, the person he'd—
Muffled footsteps drew closer, and both he and Chen stiffened, exchanging alarmed glances.
Pulling apart his feelings about Jane could wait. If they got out of here alive, he'd tell her she still mattered to him, that he still considered her a friend. But for now, he had to focus, and hope that help was on the way.
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goatpaste · 3 years
AU set to "SIX" from the Six musical where Appledusk had mates in all the clans because that is just how shitty he is- Extra song link sksksksks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTvRNwslYxA
He had Reedshine in Riverclan, Mapleshade in Thunderclan, three in Windclan because Windclan's territory is so large that it was easy to avoid being seen by anyone, and one in Shadowclan.
Mapleshade was pregnant this time when she is exiled from Thunderclan. She panics trying to think of where to go, and she can feel that Frecklewish and a patrol are following her to make sure she leaves. Desperate and thinking Appledusk is faithful, she starts to cross the river. There was no wave when she first crossed, but the storm was so bad that even trees were being tipped in the wind. One with loose roots fell a little ways from her and caused a wave that almost drowns her before she is saved by two Riverclan toms. Appledusk is not on the patrol. Mapleshade has a permanent scar from the rocks, on the side of her head. Luckily, she got away without any physical brain damage.
Reedshine was horrified to find out about his cheating and asked if Thunderclan is where he's constantly sneaking off to. This is where he pathetically admits and apologizes, that he has multiple mates. He claims that when Reedshine was found to be pregnant, he began meeting with Mapleshade. He got annoyed with her because she was quite emotional, Thunderclan had just lost Birchface, Flowerpaw, and their old medicine cat, all of which Mapleshade was very close to considering she had no living biological family. -- He never told her that he was the one to kill Birchface, and Thunderclan thought it was best for her at that point to not find out when they returned from the battle without them, so she never knew until now.
Darkstar is disgusted and demands that he tell Maple and Reed the names of these other cats. So he does.
Darkstar and Reedshine were always close friends, Reedshine having always wanted kits and helped take care of Perchkit when Darkstar had him. The leader offers Mapleshade a place in Riverclan, even if she only wants it until she's healed, and then decides to leave to live a calmer life, and offers to exile Appledusk if Reedshine wishes it.
Reedshine says no as Mapleshade shyly turns down the kind offer, and steps closer to the Thunderclan queen, resting a paw gently on her freezing shoulder.
"I love my clan, and I love my Clanmates and you, Darkstar.. but Appledusk can stay if you would want him to." She glances down at Mapleshade and gives an encouraging smile. "We're leaving. Both of us, together. Where we can raise our kits together and give them a life free of battles and fear."
Mapleshade agrees, suddenly feeling a little less freezing at Reedshine's presence.
They stay there until morning, Mapleshade feels warmer and Reedshine and her say goodbye to everyone before they leave. Reedshine is told by her Clanmates that they'll miss her, and they wish both of them good luck. Darkstar escorts them to the border. "I suppose I won't see you again, so I'll congratulate you on your kits now. I know both of you will make fine mothers."
They're crossing through Fourtrees when Reedshine, ever optimistic, gets an idea. They'll visit all the clans, find out who these other cats are, and ask if they'd like to join them! She tells a rather cautious Mapleshade that if these other cats get found out, then their leaders may exile them anyway, and they couldn't let that happen when it's all Appledusk's fault!
They visit Shadowclan first, as Windclan is where they can leave clan territory to find their own far away.
At first, Shadowclan is hostile, but they calm down when both of them swear they mean no harm and see that they're both expecting kits. They explain when the leader calls the clan together, and Appledusk's shadowclan mate is shocked. Shadowclan's leader reprimands her for having a halfclan relationship, and when other cats also begin calling her a traitor, she agrees to leave with them.
The trio heads to Windclan, where they do the same thing, saying they mean no harm and explain what happened with Appledusk. The three she-cats he had been seeing are shocked that he would do such a thing, saying that he had told them he'd loved them and that he would do anything for them. The two she-cats talk it over for a while and decide that they will leave with the other three.
The group travels, bonding into one little family on their journey and looking out for each other, each using their clan ability to find them all food and help each other out until they find a place to call home, an open windclan-like field with flowers and a river and a small wooded shady area, the smell of rabbits and prey is strong in the air and hostile cats are nowhere to be found. The group decides it's perfect.
One of the Windclan trio has knowledge as a medicine cat, as they find out on the journey when she tells them a story of when she spent moons in the medicine den helping out because of an accident where she almost died from a wound in battle.
Soon enough, Reedshine and Mapleshade have their kits, and the litters grow up seeing each other as siblings, with all of the others being just as motherly toward them as queens helping each other in the clans.
After settling in, they talk about Appledusk, and now they tell the story for laughs, finding it hilarious that the tom screwed up so badly and knew it the entire time, but ended up making all of them so happy in their little group together when he pushed too far with his secret.
dont got a lot to add on, this does seem neat
i was also thinking near the end in an AU like this it be a little fun having maple and reed becoming the start of The Sisters
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annoyingwarriorsfan · 3 years
AU set to "SIX" from the Six musical where Appledusk had mates in all the clans because that is just how shitty he is-
He had Reedshine in Riverclan, Mapleshade in Thunderclan, three in Windclan because Windclan's territory is so large that is was easy to avoid being seen by anyone, and one in Shadowclan.
Mapleshade was pregnant this time when she is exiled from Thunderclan. She panics trying to think of where to go, and she can feel that Frecklewish and a patrol are following her to make sure she leaves. Desperate and thinking Appledusk is faithful, she starts to cross the river. There was no wave when she first crossed, but the storm was so bad that even trees where being tipped in the wind. One with loose roots fell a little ways from her and caused a wave that almost drowns her before she is saved by two Riverclan toms. Appledusk is not on the patrol. Mapleshade has a permanent scar from the rocks, on the side of her head. Luckily, she got away without any physical brain damage.
Reedshine was horrified to find out about his cheating, and asked if Thunderclan is where he's constantly sneaking off to. This is where he pathetically admits and apologizes, that he has multiple mates. He claims that when Reedshine was found to be pregnant, he began meeting with Mapleshade. He got annoyed with her because she was quite emotional, Thunderclan had just lost Birchface, Flowerpaw and their old medicine cat, all of which Mapleshade was very close to considering she had no living biological family. -- He never told her that he was the one to kill Birchface, and Thunderclan thought it was best for her at that point to not find out when they returned from the battle without them.
Darkstar is disgusted and demands that he tell Maple and Reed the names of these other cats. So he does.
Darkstar and Reedshine were always rather close friends, Reedshine having always wanted kits and helped take care of Perchkit when Darkstar had him. The leaders offers Mapleshade a place in Riverclan, even if she only wants it until she's healed and then decides to leave to live a calmer life, and offers to exile Appledusk if Reedshine wishes it.
Reedshine says no as Mapleshade shyly turns down the kind offer, and steps closer to the Thunderclan queen, resting a paw gently on her freezing shoulder.
"I love my clan, and I love my Clanmates and you, Darkstar.. but Appledusk can stay if you would want him to." She glances down to Mapleshade and gives an encouraging smile. "We're leaving. Both of us, together. Where we can raise our kits together and give them a life free of battles and fights."
Mapleshade agrees, suddenly feeling a little less freezing at Reedshine's presence.
They stay there until morning, Mapleshade feels warmer and Reedshine and her say goodbye to everyone before they leave. Reedshine is told by her Clanmates that they'll miss her, and they wish both of them good luck. Darkstar escorts them to the border. "I suppose I won't see you again, so I'll congratulate you on your kits now. I know both of you will make fine mothers."
They're crossing through Fourtrees when Reedshine, ever optimistic, gets an idea. They'll visit all the clans and find out who these other cats are, and ask if they'd like to join them! She tells a rather cautious Mapleshade that if these other cats get found out, then their leaders may exile them anyway, and they couldn't let that happen when it's all Appledusk's fault!
They visit Shadowclan first, as Windclan is where they can leave clan territory to find their own far away.
At first, Shadowclan is hostile, but they calm down when both of them swear they mean no harm and see that they're both expecting kits. They explain when the leader calls the clan together, and Appledusk's shadowclan mate is shocked. Shadowclan's leader reprimands her for having a halfclan relationship, and when other cats also begin calling her a traitor, she agrees to leave with them.
The trio heads to Windclan, where they do the same thing, saying they mean no harm and explain what happened with Appledusk. The two she-cats he had been seeing are shocked that he would do such a thing, saying that he had told them he'd loved them and that he would do anything for them. The two she-cats talk it over for awhile and after that, decide that they will leave with the other three.
The group travels, bonding into one little family on their journey and looking out for each other, each using their clan ability to find them all food and help each other out, until they find a place to call home, an open windclan-like field with flowers and a river and a small wooded shady area, the smell of rabbits and prey is strong in the air and hostile cats are nowhere to be found. The group decides it's perfect.
One of the Windclan pair has knowledge as a medicine cat, as they find out on the journey when she tells them a story of when she spent moons in the medicine den helping out because of an accident where she almost died from a wound in battle.
Soon enough, Reedshine and Mapleshade have their kits, and the litters grow up seeing each other as siblings, with all of the others being just as motherly toward them as they queens helping each other in the clans.
After settling in, they talk about Appledusk, and now they tell the story for laughs, finding it hilarious that the tom screwed up so badly and knew it the entire time, but ended up making all of them so happy in their little group together when he pushed too far with his secret.
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tuancore · 4 years
Lost You (Part 14) :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader
Genre- Angst
Summary- It's your choices and actions which made you miserable.
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You could feel your entire world collapsing before you, oxygen leaving your lungs, suffocating you to death. It was a horrible feeling, your body was crying for oxygen to let you live, but you had absolute no reason to. As much as it killed you inside you were going to meet ends by killing yourself from outside as well.
As soon as your eyes shut close, you felt yourself falling into some sort of black hole, getting sucked from within. Thats it, you are going to leave everything behind and rest in piece, you thought.
The doctors operated on you restlessly for hours, Jinyoung stood outside the operation theatre his face already pale and puffy from crying. All he prayed was for you to be safe and to come back to life, To him, To your love, To where you belonged.
The doctors were finally done operating on you after two and a half hours.
"Doctor, how's she? She's fine right? Nothing happened to her right—" Jinyoung clouded the doctors with multiple questions his fingers intertwined together. Exhaling a short breath, they replied "Mr. Park, we managed to save her..but if she—".
"If she what doctor?" He shouted impatiently, "You See.....Mr. Park we have to wait till she gains consciousness until then we can't say anything clearly, let's just hope for the best, now if you excuse me" The doctor excused himself leaving Jinyoung behind, crying to himself.
BamBam approached him, embracing Jinyoung in his arms, rubbing his back, "Hyung, Noona will wake up soon. Don't worry, she's the strongest".
"But BamBam what if she never wakes up, what if I lose her?" Jinyoung panicked, grabbing his hairs harshly "I can't lose her Bam, I can't, how will I even breathe seeing her in this condition?".
"Hyung, Hyung....please calm down, nothing bad will happen, have some faith in her, she won't leave you", BamBam tried to assure him, "If anything she loves you, she'll not go anywhere leaving me, leaving you, any of us".
And just like that it's been two months and you still haven't opened your eyes. Seeing your lifeless form before his eyes were burning and eating Jinyoung alive, he felt so helpless for the first time in his life, even if he gave up all his money and his soul he won't be able to wake you up. All he was required to do was pray and wait for a new day to bring the possibility of you waking up.
"Oppa..." The voice made Jinyoung turn his head around, while he sat beside your ward bed on a barstool holding onto your cold hands securingly, "Minyoung, You here? Not having work today?".
"I do have work but I wanted to visit Unnie first, that's all" She smiled, staring at you, "Oppa, I just hope she wakes up soon, it's been so long. It's kind of hard to not have her around and I want you to be healthy Oppa, you're neither eating nor sleeping properly. Do you think unnie will be happy seeing you like this?".
"Yeah, you're right...." He turned to face you, his heart hurting everytime to see your hands getting pierced with syringes and that oxygen mask which was keeping you stable, " But Minyoung, I'm healthy don't worry, as long as she's by my side, I'll be okay ".
"Where's BamBam?" Minyoung asked, "I thought he would be here".
"BamBam? He hasn't visited for two to three days, anyways why are you asking about him?" Jinyoung asked back, raising his brows in curiosity.
"Stop with that suspicious upfront" Minyoung laughed hitting Jinyoung's shoulders playfully, "Lisa unnie was worried about him, he hasn't been answering her phone calls".
"Lisa hmm, there's nothing to be worried about he's busy with things at the studio, tell her not to care about that dork that much. Yugyeom is there with him" Jinyoung laughed, "Oppa if he's with Yugyeom it's 110% confirm that they'll cause some trouble, for you all to wrap up later, it's so casual for Lisa unnie to get worried".
"I know, I know. Salute to Lisa for bearing with BamBam's annoying ass" Jinyoung grinned, at the thought of Lisa always running after BamBam with the amount of headache he gives her.
"Aigoo it's already, 11:47. I guess I'll be on my way to the clinic, see you Oppa" She hugged Jinyoung gently, then after facing you again, "Unnie wake up soon, we're all missing you a lot".
"Please baby, please come back to me, with every passing second, I'm losing a part of myself" He sniffed, reminiscing the times you both have spent together, "Remember baby you always scolded me for not helping in household chores, and that one day you'll leave me if I didn't start being a good boyfriend, helping you with those. I'm sorry...." He sobbed kissing your knuckles, "I'll do whatever you'll ask me to, I promise. I'll do the dishes, I'll do the laundry, I'll clean the washroom. Anything, I'll keep you like the princess you are....all you have to do is come back to me. Please....I love you. Please".
"Bam the hell are you doing?" Lisa growled through her phone, making her boyfriend shudder in fear, "I'm sorry Lili baby I was busy".
"Busy? What kind of busy? That you haven't answered my calls for three days, not even a single message", she continued ranting while BamBam bit his bottom lips nervously, glancing at Yugyeom every now and then who was busy drinking his chocolate milk, "Baby...I'm just busy at the studio with some mixtapes, it's been exhausting lately. I promise I'll call you from now onwards, don't worry too much, hmmm?".
Sighing loudly, Lisa mumbled "Okay, take care, by the way Bam".
"Yes Lili?".
"Just go and visit the hospital, Minyoung told me that Jinyoung's condition is also worsening, it's not good for his health", She explained, tone laced with concern, "Lisa, hyung hasn't been himself since the day Noona— I'll spare myself some time and go there".
"Sounds good, and one more thing. I'm coming back in five days" Lisa contained herself from squealing. BamBam's face lit up at the news, clutching his phone tight he grinned widely, "OMG! Finally! You've been stuck at Rosé's place for three weeks now, that's enough for her".
"Yeah, but it's definitely not enough. I'm cutting my visit short because my childish boyfriend is being a nut".
"Hey! What do you mean by a nut? I'm the coolest you know so it's definitely you who's a nut" He bragged, dabbing again. Yugyeom let out a scoff walking out of the room.
"And I'm the hottest okay" She chuckled lightly, "Yeah yeah a very hot nut though, Lisa come back soon I miss you", he muttered lovingly.
"I miss you more Bamie".
The work and everything started getting the best out of Jinyoung, he was ditching meals and sleep continuously. He ran from office to hospital and then from hospital to office without any fixed schedule. Everyone requested him to get some rest at home, Yugyeom and BamBam even suggested that they will keep an eye on you. But Jinyoung was not satisfied with any of that, if he wants to be with you, Then he will be with you. His words were solidified in concrete.
Except for today, everyone planned on not letting Jinyoung step inside your ward until and unless he attends today's meeting. The investor was giving up a huge amount for the project and Jinyoung's company can't miss on this.
"You guys sure that this will convince Sir to attend the meeting?" A blonde lean boy one of Jinyoung's employees asked, chewing his fingertips, "Of course! Hyunjin don't worry. Noona means the world to Jinyoung hyung, he'll even walk to the moon just for her sake, so chill", Yugyeom encouraged Hyunjin who was still not so sure.
"Please hyungs do anything, but please please convince Sir to lead on this meeting. He has been rescheduling this meeting for weeks and I don't think that the investor himself have that much patience" Hyunjin explained desperately, "I do understand that he's here for ma'am he cares for her, he loves her but job is also important. Please convince hi—".
"Shut up! He will go with you, just stop with your blabbering" BamBam shouted, irritated hearing Hyunjin's pleadings since then.
BamBam and Yugyeom proceeded with their plan by locking your room's door from inside not letting Jinyoung in, "Hyung! You'll get to see her after the meeting only!" BamBam shouted from inside holding onto the knob tightly.
"BamBam that's not fair! You can't do this I swear I'll break the door if you don't open it!" Jinyoung snarled from outside banging on the wood. "Stop banging loudly, Do you want Noona to get disturbed?" BamBam's words made Jinyoung stop and sigh in defeat, "Fine I'll go....".
"Good choice, so we'll be waiting for you right here after few hours...." BamBam smiled waving a bye from the little glass hole in the door, "Few hours" Jinyoung repeated sadly not wanting to leave you even for a second.
"After you Sir" Hyunjin spoke for the first time after Jinyoung's arrival. He nodded after capturing your form, grabbing the file from Hyunjin's grasp walking towards the exit flipping through the pages, with Hyunjin following behind.
Yugyeom and BamBam passed a thumbs up towards Hyunjin, mouthing "Told you".
Unlocking the door, BamBam and Yugyeom plopped themselves on the couch. Both of them already tired from sweating day and night at the studio, but they knew that someone has to look after Jinyoung because he has completely lost himself.
Suddenly your heart rate monitor started to beep sending a panic wave through BamBam and Yugyeom. They jumped to their feet running to examine you, your breathing was highly unstable even though you had the oxygen mask.
BamBam stayed with you while Yugyeom rushed outside to call a doctor to check on your not so good seeming state. Your chest heaved up and down due to your erratic breathing, your lungs suffocating you.
"Noona... Noona...." He called out desperately, "Nothing will happen to you Noona...", BamBam pulled out his phone ready to dial Jinyoung's number but stopped at the thought of Jinyoung being in the meeting.
"Doctor please...do something it looks like she's getting short of breath" Yugyeom barged in along with the doctor, she immediately stood beside you, checking your pulse rate and heart rate.
She injected you with some medicine, then again leveling the monitors after awhile your breathing was back to normal. BamBam and Yugyeom almost had a cardiac arrest, if it wasn't for the doctor to have you stable again.
"What was happening to her?" BamBam asked the doctor, "She's fine right?".
"Don't worry she's good, and I think she'll wake up soon" She smiled at both of them, before walking away.
"Gyeomie...." BamBam whispered facing him. Yugyeom nodded with a smile, "Yes yes I heard, Noona we're waiting".
Your head started throbbing with pain, almost unbearable, you tried opening your eyes but squinted them with the ache, tears filling your eyes. You heard someone calling your name voice laced with shear panic.
"Noona!" With the last call out, you opened your eyes, panting and sweating heavily as if you've ran a marathon, "Calm down, calm down..... Everything is okay, you're okay. Slow down, breathe in, breathe out".
"BamBam...." You whispered, through the mask. Later catching the proper rhythm of breath, still with your head throbbing you managed to rotate your eyes across the room. Hospital.
"I didn't die?" You mumbled which was audible enough for BamBam and Yugyeom to hear. "Noona, stop saying things like that. You're safe and sound. Nothing happened to you by god's grace", Yugyeom snapped, shaking his head.
You didn't dare to ask about Jinyoung, not that he has left your mind or heart, but the slightest thought of him pained your heart, neither did Yugyeom or BamBam were bothered enough to bring Jinyoung up.
Later the doctors performed few tests on you to make sure everything was normal. Fortunately the reports were declared normal and that if you wish you can get back home as soon as possible.
"Shouldn't we call Jinyoung hyung and let him know about her?" Yugyeom asked BamBam, "We should but not now, he's still in the meeting and if we informed him right now, he'll leave that meeting in between and hurry here, which we don't want..." BamBam explained, waiting for doctors to shift you back to your ward.
Thanks to the medicines, due to which your headache completely vanished, you still felt light headed almost floating in the sky, legs wobbly, breathing heavily. The doctor handed you a pair of clothes for you to change from that hospital gown.
"This...." You asked the doctor confused about the clothes which you were certain belonged to you, hesitantly taking the dress from her hand. "The young man who's with you kept these clothes just in case and see it was fruitful", You nodded your head mind thinking about BamBam since he was the one with you meanwhile the doctor clearly referred to Jinyoung.
"You can walk..." Yugyeom uttered examining you from head to toe as you walked with the doctor. "Of course I can, I didn't break my legs".
"So wanna go home?" The doctor asked you with a humble smile, "If you want you can, I'll just arrange the discharge papers".
"Will it be okay to take her so soon, like she just woke up?" BamBam asked worriedly. "Everything is fine, you can take her home. She'll get proper rest at home".
Sitting at the backseat of BamBam's car you stared outside of the window, it was already evening with the sun almost setting while BamBam sat on the driver's nseat with Yugyeom beside him.
"Noona Jinyoung hyung isn't at home, he's busy in some meeting, so no one would be at home, if you want I can take you—" Cutting BamBam in the midway, you sighed in frustration, "I don't want to hear anything about Jinyoung Bam! Just take me somewhere else but not to him".
Yugyeom and BamBam locked eyes in eternal confusion and shock, "What do you mean by not to him?".
"I just don't want to see his face, I don't wanna go back to him".
"But Noona he—".
BamBam held Yugyeom's arms shushing him, "So I'll take you to Youngjae's place then...".
Eyes widening you shrieked loudly, "Youngjae's place? BamBam have you both completely lost it. Why would I want to go to that bastard's place, he's the reason why me and Jinyoung are having problems".
"What do you mean?" Yugyeom cut in curtly.
"I know Youngjae is the one responsible for mine and Jinyoung's relationship to end so brutally!" You snarled clenching your fists, your nails almost digging into your palm's flesh.
"I know you both knew this, then why would you want to take me to his place?", You asserted your pitch rising with every word.
"Because he's your bestfriend" Yugyeom and BamBam announced in unison. Your face falling at their words, pondering over it, a sharp pain shot through your head making you groan in pain.
Part 13 // Part 14 // Part 15
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Part 13: Reversal
It could've been the fact that the bras were sensible and ordinary like something you'd buy from Dillard's, but something told you this store wasn't the one. "Excuse me, um, Pam? What do you think of this," you squint raising a full-cupped champagne pink satin bra to the female employee. She tosses her orangish hair, studying the the underwire.
"A special night," you smile, "Not saying that anything is going to happen, but if it does.." you pause realizing how hopeful you sound. "I'm just trying to prepare myself for the possibility that maybe..," you chuckle, "Ughh, neverm-"
"Oh hun, if you're this shy about sex, you're not ready. Save it for your honeymoon and dodge the bullet.. while ya still can," she whispers and her southern accent is so thick you can hear the yeehaw. It's slower than you're used to.
"Honeymoon," you scoff, "Yeah sure, as soon as I locate a decent male who's faithful and actually wants a relationship." She nods and you comtinue, "They're like unicorns. My best friend is the closest thing to it, but our relationship is confusing and there's a lot of people involved. He's honest about it, but still. I need what I need.
"You're a one horse girl," she nods.
"Exactly! And he's so irritating, petty, and bossy, not to mention immature, and a habitual smartass. He's literally an asshole," you scowl recounting the things he's done to piss you off. "He's infuriating," you seethe before releasing the most annoyingly hopeless sigh. "...I think I love him."
"Sounds like my second husband," she mutters, lost in thought. Her light blue eyes peer off as if recalling an pleasant moment from the past. "Ralph. Hell on earth to live with but when he passed, I missed that old bastard.
"I'm sorry," you say respectfully lowering your head to offer your condolences.
"Don't be," she leans in, "I poisoned him. Snake cheated on me with my sister, Debbie. Still, other than the infidelity and the mess he left through the house, he was a peach." You nod, unsure of how to respond and she writes her name and number on a card. "You know what, honey, take my info and keep in touch. I hope this man doesn't cheat on you like Ralph did me, but if anything should happen.. You call Pamela. We'll make it look like an accident," she winks, tapping your chin like a white auntie.
You've yet to buy anything. You aren't in a shopping mood and as you wander through various stores, feelings up fabrics.. it all looks like a blur of color. Suddenly, you spot a couple of black women walking together with large bags in their hands. They seem to be your age and they're dressed in hip, trendy styles. An idea hits you and immediately your feet move in their direction.
"Hi... i'm sorry this is like really weird, but would you two mind lending me some fashion advice since you two look stunning?" You're still not willing to let Erik convince you that you're tacky. You simply don't go the extra mile, choosing comfort and simplicity. Theres a difference.
"Umm.. sure," the one with the top knot stares quizzically while the one with the short twists is visibly flattered by your comment. "We can help.. what's your budget look like," Top Knot asks and you know Erik is good for whatever you spend, but you still want to spend reasonably. He's not an ATM and if it was your money.. tuh. "I need several outfits including shoes and lingerie and they need to look amazing. I will splurge on the cost if it's worth it." You pull out his card and their eyes light up. "That's a black card," the one with short twists points, stating the obvious.
"It's my friend's. He wants me to look nice," you say returning the card to where you had it.
"Friend.. Right. Why does this friend want you to buy lingerie," Twists asks, her expression knowing. You nod knowing that they have you pegged. "Issa sugar daddy," Top Knot screeches.
For a second you go mute, and though you don't want to say too much about the nature of your relationship, you feel the need to explain yourself. "He's not my sugar daddy! We do have an arrangement, but it's not--"
"Don't care," Twists shrugs, "It's not that deep. You want the lingerie?" It was that simple.
From store to store and from floor to floor, you're pulled and pushed through the mall by these two women who are having the time of their lives, it seems, playing dress up with you as the living doll. You've been stripped down and redressed with clothes of all dollar points thrown at you more times than you care to count! By this time, you've learned that their names are Ava and Toni and they've been friends for a year. They're also really nice, but that could be because of the money.. Maybe, maybe not.. Food at the Japanese Grill is on you regardless as a thank you.
"So more on the sugar daddy," Ava, the topknot, prods once you all get your food.
"He's not my sugar daddy! ..Honestly, I feel like we're on the verge of something. I like him.. a lot. I know he likes me. Not exclusively, but he does."
"So he's disloyal," she asks, "Commitment issues?"
"Not really. He's honest about everything he does, it's in the open. I knew it before we started anything."
"What's the issue then, like, why are you hesitant," Toni asks, gesturing to the area surrounding you.
"Fear. Insecurity. Stupidity," you shrug. The list goes on. "Although the longer I'm around him the more I see that he can be trusted. It's irrational what I'm doing, but it's like I can't stop. I withdraw almost every time he comes near me."
"You need to stop otherthinking yourself out of dick and let him bless you is what it sounds like. Do you not want him," Ava asks.
"No, I do. I really do," you admit. "I literally think about it- HIM all the time." Oh God.. they smile catching your faux pas. Now you have to explain again. "...If you saw him you'd understand."
"Do you have a picture," Toni grins. You remember the photo you snapped when he was peacefully asleep in his bed.
"Damn," Toni takes the phone, staring closely. "Yeah you TRIPPIN trippin. Give him to me," Ava says grabbing the phone. It's attack of the thirst.
"He looks better in person," you grin.
"He got friends? Shid, keep in touch, we want an update."
After a peptalk, they saved your number and when you parted ways, you knew you were going back to that hotel room equipped with the tools that would make Erik eat his heart out.. and maybe something else too, crossing your fingers.
"Stop here and park behind this building," Erik muttered, gesturing with his chin to an abandoned property that Rell pulled into and parked the car behind.
"What now," Rell sighed turning off the car.
"You keep an eye out for activity. We keep contact with Sawyer and wait till sundown to light the place up. Which RV did he say the target was in," Erik groaned reclining in his chair. He was all too happy to catch up on some much needed rest.
"He couldn't get close enough to tell without blowing his cover."
Erik sighed, rubbing his face down to his beard in irritation. Did he have to think of everything? "Tell Sawyer to put on a fuckin headband, get a dog, and chase it into the RV park. Then scope the place and if he looks suspicious.. say he's searching for his lost dog, Shakespeare or some stupid shit. White people are weird, they do questionable shit all the time. They'll believe it because they're used to it."
"...Kill? That's the dumbest plan you've ever come up with, bruh. You gone send a yankee and an innocent animal into a den of redneck hell to get shot up like a junkie."
"..the fuck up," Erik gritted staring Rell down. "Tell him do it."
Sundown came too soon ending Erik's rest, but he opened his eyes ready to go with more energy. According to Sawyer, the target was in the second to last RV across from the wooden cross sprouting from the ground across the field. Sawyer had watched the park for hours and the man hadn't left. There was barking in the background.
"I can't believe that stupid shit worked," Rell mumbled shaking his head, incredulous.
"It's 'cause you black, Rell. We don't have the luxury of ignorance when it comes to our safety. Suspicion is engraved in us as a survival reflex... Let's move in."
The car returned to the road. Only Erik could convince Rell to drive straight through the small park. Rell was scared, but Erik wished a milk faced bitch would try to shoot at him. It'd be the last thing they did. "Let's do this," Erik whispered walking off toward the specified RV. He knocked on the door like a neighbor asking for sugar would. No answer came. He tried to peer inside the windows. No luck, but Sawyer said he was in there.
Something didn't sit right. It was too quiet. His spidey senses were tingling. He put his ear to the door and listening carefully. Tick tick tick tick. Speeding toward the car, he jumped in. "LET'S GO," he yelled slamming the door and looking back toward the exit. Rell swerved around almost flipping the car on its side to get out of the park.
They barely escaped. The specified RV exploded and in a chain reaction, every trailer exploded. The entire park was on fire when they left the area. It was a setup. Erik was pissed. He hit the dashboard with almost enough strength to send the airbag flying. He was angry at himself and angrier at the situation. How could he have fucked that up so badly? It didn't make sense... and then suddenly.. it did. He didn't blink, pulling together the pieces.
"Who sent Sawyer," Erik asked cooly looking ahead.
"What you mean? We crossed paths. Sawyer is CIA.The target killed two CIA agents in a military grade weapons trade gone bad, they sent Sawyer to kill him."
"But you don't have a name," Erik asked.
"Yeah, wait.. He was brought in by... Shit...," Rell paused. "FUCK!"
Erik nodded, understanding. Rell had been fed a lie from Sawyer, assuming it to be the truth. It still wasn't clear how, but Sawyer was likely involved with the target.. and somehow also able to get in contact with Rell.
"I didn't know, I swear," Rell rushes, eyes wide, "Kill, nigga I wouldn't do you dirty." Erik nodded before whipping his gun and shooting him twice in the temple causing the car to spiral. He guided the car letting it crash so that he could climb out leaving Rell's body behind. Grabbing his weapons, he shook off the impact and began running at top speed in the direction of another city.
"Guess we'll never know," he sighed as he stuck to the shadows. He was stealthy and knew how to stay out of the open, running where darkness and shadows were the heaviest. He ran like a nigga waiting to be flashed in Get Out.. from the explosive scene in the small town of Vidor to Beaumont to China about 25 miles out before calling up an uber to get him back to Houston.
Erik hadn't called so you texted him to see if he was doing okay and he texted that he was held up with work, but he was doing fine and not to wait up. That meant no sexy time and no lingerie tonight. You decided you'd ask him about how things went with his job whenever he returned and in the meantime, you hung up your new outfits, put away your shoes, and folded your lingerie into a drawer. You used your own card to go to one of the restaurants downstairs to order some dessert before retiring to the room and making a cup of coffee. It felt good to hang with Erik all morning and shop all day and then go to dinner with people you didn't work with. You'd been missing friendship, or at least the illusion of it, in your life. But today those two girls.. Ava and Toni.. and even Pamela from earlier.. they provided that sought after feeling... A feeling of not being alone in the world. You look to your phone seeing two new messages from two unknown numbers.
Hey girl it's Ava
Here's my number - Toni
Sitting on the bed with your ridiculously large slice of rich triple chocolate cake, you reply casually while flipping through channels watching whatever's on. You flip past the news reports of a large explosion in Vidor, Texas in favor of watching the Law & Order reruns, Riverdale, etc. It's no firestick, but you are chilling in a large bed in a nice hotel in Houston so there's really no need to complain. With that said, you feel a little restless. You text Erik again.
You: I went shopping like you suggested. Made two potential non-nigga friends. They helped me shop.
His reply is immediate and it surprises you.
Erik: Be safe. Don't go anywhere alone with them or alone period.
Erik: Happy for you.
Smiling, you hit him back.
You: I'm in the room eating cake.
To your shock, he calls.
Erik got to the hotel quicker than he thought he would, seeing red everywhere he looked.. Angry at himself, the situation, Rell.. He'd lost time, resources, his cleanup man, the target's trail.. and now he had two colonizers to locate and kill. His pride made him refuse to accept defeat. No. He'd find both of them eventually. He had to. This was his money and reputation on the line. He was so angry at the way things played out that he could kill and everyone who made eye contact with him in the hotel lobby made him wanna snap. Evil was on his mind and everyone around him looked like an enemy, except for Y/N. She'd kept texting him through the day to check on him and her presence was a constant reminder that he couldn't snap and go chasing after the targets for weeks like a relentless bloodhound. Not when he had her to take care of. Since he'd met her he'd tried to stay close to her. That's why Rell was such a huge help when he'd put his tracker skills to work or hire one. But now he was dead.
He responded to Y/N's texts ultimately calling her and of course they got into it. It seemed so silly.. the shit they argued about. Inconsequential, petty, pointless, and lighthearted. Though she was actually pissing him off a little, he was feeling a shift in his mood as if the darkness was lifting. Every time she spoke, he felt himself get lighter. He liked arguing with her. It was fun.
"Babygirl, why the fuck would you eat cake when you're about to sleep? Does that make any goddamn sense to you?" He cut off her response, "Hush. Do you know that when you eat a lot of sugar before bed, your blood sugar spikes and then crashes while your body releases hormones to try and bring the levels back under control?The swing in hormones and blood sugar levels can fuck up your sleep or even give you nightmares so go buy some water bottles and drink two."
"Not at $3.50 for one regular sized bottle," she laughed. "This hotel can get over on some other patron. I will walk to a Walgreens or CVS if I have to.. but tomorrow."
"Biiitch...," he dragged and he could see her raise your eyebrow through the phone. He wanted to see her reaction in person. He never used that word with her.
"Excuse you? You wanna run that by me again," she asked and he grinned feeling almost giddy. He hid the humor in his voice.
"Just buy the damn water and drink it, Y/N. I will give you ten dollars.. cheap muhfucka.."
"It's the principle," she stressed. "I could buy a 24-pack of water for about $10."
"BUY THE FUCKIN WATER," he yelled and she hung up on him. She hung up. She knew how much that irritated him. But it was cool. He turned around at the elevator to head to the gift shop. He had something for her.
Not fifteen minutes later do you hear the door click and see Erik storm in. He throws three water bottles at you in the bed and you flinch, yelling at him for almost knocking the last half of your cake off your lap and all over the bed.
He grabs the plastic container from you, closing it and snatches the covers from your legs jerking you out of the bed and across his lap, face up, where he cradles you like an infant. Cracking open one of the waters, he tilts the bottle to your lips wetting your chin and your grey t-shirt in the process. "Drink," he orders forcefully, his eyes on your face as you glare up at him.
"Get that out my face," you fight, pushing the water bottle in a move that soaks you and it's cold as the air hits it. He pushes the bottle back to your mouth holding it firmly where you can't move without it following.
"Drink or drown," he says holding your head still. With much irritation you're forced to drink until the bottle is empty and your stomach swells. "Good girl," he says opening the next one, "Open up." He forces your head back so that you chug the bottle gulp by gulp until it's empty. "You gone sleep well tonight because of me," he gloats.
"Fuck you," you grunt before the final bottle is attacking your face. Once you're free, you pull off your soaked shirt and put it in a bag meant for your used clothes. He snatches your leftover cake from the bed and from the corner of your eye you see him plop down and dig into it like he didn't just assault you for doing the exact same thing.
"I already have issues sleeping," he says with a mouthful of chocolate, reading your mind. "Nice bra," he adds.
"Shut up," you gripe climbing back into the bed with a different shirt on to lay down.
"Show me what you bought."
"You don't deserve to see it tonight. I might let you see tomorrow." Snuggling comfortably into your pillow on your side of the bed with your eyes closed, you feel his stare through your eyelids and when you hear the cake container close, you sneak a peak. Before you can move, he pushes you hard out the bed and you roll falling to the floor with a shriek. You all but jump to collect yourself from the floor. "Why are you so violent!"
"You ain't seen violent. Show me what you got, I won't ask again." He reopens the cake while you head to the small closet to pull a few of the outfits and lay them out over the bed.
"I need to see them on you," he says ignoring you and the outfits you laid out, preoccupied with the sweet chocolate cake. It has chocolate pieces shaped like tiny Hershey's kisses. "...To see if you need to take anything back. Put em on."
"Ugggggggghhhhh," you groan already having done the try-ons in the mall. Still, you take the first outfit into the bathroom. He pauses and his eyes go wide when you come out in the first ensemble, a black thigh-length lace dress with sheer lace sleeves and sheer cutouts in the bodice. Strappy black heels set it off and seeing his stuck expression, you do a spin pausing momentarily so that he can watch your booty. Ava and Toni both said it made your butt look great. They were right because that's exactly where his eyes fall. He's definitely shook. "Do I need to ask if you like it," you smirk and his eyes hesitantly flicker to yours, but then fall down to your titties which are sitting since you changed bras. His hand subconsciously finds his junk over the blanket and then moves as if it didn't just happen.
"Shit," he chuckles humorlessly.. still staring. "You should probably change.. back into something comfortable.. if you don't want something to happen to you tonight..."
His bottom lip looks extra heavy as it hangs until he picks it up to lick it. Something about that tongue.. It just does things to you. With a mild shiver, you walk to the drawer pulling one of the lingerie pieces you bought. You feel like pushing the envelope. Hopefully you'll get some head tonight! And if he liked the dress? Oh boy... You're laughing in your mind as you sneak it into the bathroom, his eyes trying to peek to see what you've got. When you reappear, his eyes are already trained on the door, waiting with the cake forgotten. It's not a second before he looks away, rubbing his face in his hand. He leaps to sit on the edge of the bed facing away, his face in his palms and you're thoroughly confused.
"You like?" Nothing. "Is that... a yes or a no...," you ask waiting for him to lather you with his attention. He won't even look. You have on a black and emerald green satin and lace bustier set with a black garter belt holding up sheer black thigh high stockings and the same black heels. "Erik," you call waiting on an answer. "ERIK."
"Gimme a minute, shit."
You stand there awkwardly waiting as the tv plays in the background until finally, he stands and walks slowly around the bed to stand in front of you. He's still looking down and not directly at you. "Whoa," you shout as his arm snakes between your thighs and you're hoisted sideways into the air by your thigh. He drops you onto the bed and as you bounce, he's still between your thighs pulling and ripping the lace of the panties. You're highkey pissed at this point because not only did you just buy them at his request.. they were costly and he hadn't even given his opinion. You push him attempting to slide away and sit up but he grips your thick calf pulling you right back down.
"You a fuckin tease.. Knowing damn well you ain't tryna get fucked tonight. What you want? Huh?" He pulls on your legs pushing back your thighs. "You want this tongue? Say it."
"I want that tongue," you whisper holding your own legs back. You'd been prepping and thinking about it all day. If you were honest... since the first time he did it. You just didn't have the courage to ask.
"Oh shit," he whispers awed and humored all at once. "My babygirl getting bold. You staring at my lips like you want something," he says licking his lips and his dimples pop.. something you'll never get tired of seeing. "Daddy can't hear you, babygirl. What you want?" You sigh. You're horny and you can't hide it nor do you want to.
"Please eat my pussy, daddy," you say a bit louder. He grins, his face dropping between your thighs. You feel his tongue trace your inner thighs and make its way to trace your outer lips before landing a kiss on your clit that's getting more and more swollen from stimulation and anticipation. You ask him again, a little louder. Speading you wide, he rubs his face all over your pussy and you moan feeling his mustache and beard prick at your flesh. You can hear him groan into your entrance, inhaling deeply and exhaling. Then he sits up calmly with a mellow look in his dark eyes.
"No," he says simply. He rolls over and turns the bedside light off before folding himself into his side of the bed. "Take that shit off before I fuck you into this mattress," he mutters. "Goodnight."
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caranfindel · 5 years
Recap/review 14.18: “Absence”
THEN: I am a Winchester! Which means I do awful and wonderful things! Like saving Sam (Saaaaaammmm!!!) and torturing Nick and doing Something Bad to Mary! And possibly losing my soul! Whoopsie!
NOW: Sam and Dean are just getting back to the bunker after the events of the previous episode. I assume they've given Donatello a ride home (which, as we've established, is x hours away), but maybe they stuck him in a cab like they did with Claire that one time. Maybe they found a car for him back at the abandoned warehouse. Sam drops his bag on the map table and they both start calling for Jack and Mary, but aren't too terribly concerned about them not being there. "They probably just stopped for a bite on the way back," Dean hypothesizes, when they settle in the library with a couple of beers. Um. Jack zapped them to Nick's cabin, didn't he? So what is on the "way back?" Are they going to zap to a McDonald's first? What is important is that Sam is still wearing that orange plaid shirt. And they're both pretty unperturbed, even for them, about what just happened.
Here's to another miraculous Sam Winchester survival. Gotta say, man, if Jack hadn't have healed you... you know, lately, it feels like we'd be up the creek without that kid. I mean, first he takes care of Michael, and then Nick...
I know, and he even got the blood out of my new orange plaid shirt, which means I can keep wearing it for this entire episode.
Yeah, I been meaning to talk to you about that. You've been adding a lot of orange to your wardrobe lately.
Just this shirt and that one jacket.
It's more orange than anyone needs. Sure, it fits you great, but so does that red and black plaid. Why don't you wear that shirt some more? Or that solid black shirt you have?
Sorry, but you know I'm a Texas fan. You're just going to have to put up with the orange.
At least I think that's how the conversation went. I could be remembering wrong.
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I'm just saying. It's a lot of orange.
The point is, Dean appreciates Jack and recognizes everything he's done for them. Dean pulls out his phone to call her and they hear a buzzing, which is her phone, on the map table, right to Sam's bag. Sam, I know you're recently back from the dead (or near-dead) but it does seem like you would have noticed the phone there. (Also, how close is the library to war room? This makes it look like the map table is practically in the library.) Her keys are next to her her phone, and it's not until this very moment that I realize they didn't know she and Jack zapped to the cabin - they must have thought she and Jack drove there. Because obviously they didn't have a lot of conversation about it. Even though they had a long drive back and it does seem like Sam would have called his mother and asked how their end went.
Anyway. They're perturbed now. Sam tries to call Jack and we see him, staring, ignoring Sam's call.
Title card! (ha ha, I forgot we were still in the Now.)
The guys are making phone calls to all their contacts, and Sam reports Rowena has a spell that might be able to track Jack down. Oh, I love that Sam calls Rowena for help. LOVE IT. Dean gets a call from Cas and gives him the scoop. "Were they together?" Cas asks. “Alone?" Cas looks more Cassy than usual, and then tells Dean about the snake. "I don't think Jack is well, Dean," he says. Dean hangs up on him, which seems kind of rude, but neither he nor Sam act like the snake story is particularly significant. Then Sam gets the brilliant idea to track Jack's phone. (Sidebar: Should Cas be able to use his angelic powers to locate Mary and/or Jack? Discuss.)
Sam fires up the phone tracking website and expositions that they should be able to track him as long as his phone has power. (Listen, guys. You need Find My Friends. Best parent app EVER. It locates him in Nepal, but then he immediately appears in Peru. "Jack's flying," Sam says.
Eventually Jack tires of Paris and Lima and Madagascar and and flops to the ground back at the Cabin of Death, next to Nick's stolen truck. He pulls out his phone, revealing a low battery (so much for that plan, Sam) and several missed calls and messages from the rest of TFW 2.0. He has some flashbacks to happier times with Mary, and then in the background we notice someone standing on the porch of the cabin. They're wearing jeans, and their face is hidden in the darkness, and I'm open to the possibility that Jack actually zapped Mary somewhere instead of killing her (and according to the 14.17 poll, some of you are also open to this), so for a second I think it's going to be Mary standing there. But no.
On the TV:
Hmm. Guess again. Hello, son.
At my house:
Sorry. I'm just really tired of him.
So, after Jack left to do more important things (Saaaaaaammmmmm!!!!), Lucifer made it back into the world? I mean, this is awful, but it would mean Lucifer is the Big Bad instead of Nick, so... not ALL awful? But it's not Lucifer either - "I'm your subconscious, or whatever," he says. Oh god, it's Hallucifer. Jack has his own version of Hallucifer, JUST LIKE HIS PRIMARY DAD. He's here to help, allegedly, though he doesn't seem all that helpful. "Buddy, you killed Mary Winchester. You cannot come back from that, and you know it." Well. I guess she's officially dead, then. Or is she? Where's the body? I mean, Hallucifer is just Jack's subconscious. So if Jack thinks he killed Mary, so does Hallucifer. That doesn't make it so. Jack tells Hallucifer that it was an accident, and he's all, sure, tell Sam and Dean that, I'm sure they'll understand. (It's funny because it's not true!)
Cut to the Winchesters, driving through the night. Sam expositions that Cas will meet them at the cabin (how do any of them even know where this cabin is?) and speculates that maybe Lucifer is behind whatever happened, not Jack. And maybe Jack thought he was being kind when he killed the snake. Because Sam is grasping for anything that exonerates his son (sob!). But Dean's not accepting it and doesn't want to talk about it. Then Sam's laptop or tablet or whatever he's using beeps with notification that Jack's signal has been lost. Uh oh. (So I guess that's how they found the cabin?) Oooh, yes, we actually get confirmation that it's in Longton "KA" (which doesn't exist and I suspect is supposed to be KS, SERIOUSLY, GUYS).
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Longton KANSAS is 4.5 hours from Lebanon. In case anyone but me is curious.
When they get to the cabin, there's no sign of Jack or Mary or Hallucifer. Just the stolen truck. Sam goes inside and Dean looks outside and oh, who's going to be the one to find the body? First I'm sure it's going to be Sam, because there's a lumpy pile of blankets on the bed, but it must just be blankets, and Sam doesn't even look under them. He does find a body, but it's Nick, not Mary. And then I'm sure it's going to be Dean, because he comes across something disturbing outside and ignores Sam's calls. But what he found is... well, it's hard to see what it is in the dark. Apparently it's a blast zone. A big one.
Cas is sitting in his truck somewhere, having his own warm and fuzzy Mary flashback where she eats a candy bar after a hunt without washing her hands and refuses to let Cas heal her because she's still a little bit afraid of him. He tells her that, no matter what other things there are to deal with, Sam and Dean are glad she's here. "Finally they don't have to be so alone." Wow, that's a dumb thing to say. Mary agrees with me and says "Castiel, they were never alone. And if they were, me being here wouldn't fix that, since I'm always off doing other things." That's how I remember it, anyway. Reverie over, Cas gets out of the truck to face the music - he's at the Cabin of Death.
Inside, Sam is covering Nick's body. He and Dean have some concerned conversation about whether Nick deserved whatever Jack did to him and conclude that Jack must have made it as painful as possible or otherwise killed him in some inappropriate way. And there are very good, valid reasons for them to come to this conclusion. I mean, I can't think of them right now, after watching the episode twice and ruminating for several hours, but I'm sure something will come to me very soon. Let me just go check my Tumblr feed again. I bet they're there.
(Seriously. Nick looks like he was burned out by an angel. That's all.)
They're surprised when Cas walks in, because they didn't hear his giant truck or see his headlights in the dark Cabin of Death. They tell him they haven't found anything except the blast site that looks like something "angelic, but bigger." Dean theorizes that it could have been Lucifer, but Sam points out that Jack said he took care of Lucifer, and I'm not sure why they've reversed their positions. Because in the car, Sam was the one who thought it might have been Lucifer. Script mix-up? Someone brought Jensen the wrong pages? Anyway. Dean says "If he did something to her, if she is... then you're dead to me." Pointing as Cas, because Cas knew something was wrong with Jack. Well, that hardly seems fair. When he first told you the snake story, Dean, you didn't think it meant anything at all. But NOW, all of a sudden, it was some ironclad harbinger of doom?
"I was scared. I believed in Jack for so long. I believed that he was good. I knew that he would be good for the world. He was good for us. My faith in him, it never wavered, and then I saw what he did. It wasn't malice, it wasn't evil, it was like Jack saw a problem and he solved it, with that snake. What he did wasn't bad. It was the absence of good, and I saw that in him. But we were a family and I didn't want to lose that..."
And I'm going to stop here, because this is the most important part of Cas's speech. This is the core issue. Jack's not bad, he just might not be good either. He thought he was doing the right thing. And he's family. Is any of this familiar, Dean? Any of it at all? Cas also says that he wanted to "fix it" on his own, so he left and didn't tell anyone. Neither brother asks how he thought he was going to fix it, but I guess they'll get the story of the failed faux Samulet someday. Right now we just have Sam looking sad and guilty and Dean looking angry and guilty but mostly angry.
Sam's phone rings - it's Rowena. She says she was unable to scry Jack because "his energy is too unstable; it's like looking at the sun." And as for Mary? "I don't know what happened, or where she is, but I can tell you with certainty - Mary Winchester is no longer on this earth." At this point, I'm still ready to accept that she's been zapped to a different dimension. I mean, there's no body. But TFW accepts it as her being dead, and Dean starts throwing furniture and Sam is despondent and flinchy (and hoo boy, I love that combination.)
So what do we do?
What do we always do when we lose one of our own?
Bad things. Very bad things. He declares "we fight to bring them back." And they will call on Rowena, because "she's got the Book of the Damned; she's resurrected herself more times than we can count." (Not to quibble, but we've only seen her resurrected twice. You yourself have been resurrected more times than that, Dean.) He orders Cas to go to Heaven and find Mary, and orders Sam to tell Rowena they're on their way. Mmmm, angry bossy Dean. I like that combination too.
Another thing I like about this scene is that it's one of those times when Sam turns into the little brother. When he looks at Dean and asks "what do we do," because that's how this works.
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So much to like.
We go to Rowena's place, and if you're wondering where she lives and how far it is from the Cabin of Death, you're not alone. She's working away on her spell, though it sounds like she says cumin so maybe it's actually a chili recipe, when someone bangs on her door. "That was fast," she says. But when she answers the door... oh god, it's Jack, and for the first time in this episode I actually feel some concern. DO NOT HURT HER, JACK. (Rowena, I apologize for not appreciating you when you first arrived on the scene. I adore you now and you must remain.)
She pretends she doesn't know what happened, asking if he's well and telling him 2/3 of his dads are looking for him. He admits he accidentally killed Mary by just thinking it for a second and oh, imagine how horrible that would be, if the awful things that popped into your mind for one second actually came to pass. Or maybe I have more intrusive thoughts than y'all do. Anyway. "I need to undo it," he says. "You need to help me undo it." She explains that the magic she normally uses has to be in place before you die, so he suggest the book (I adore the way she says book) and she tells him about the spell. It requires "enormous power" but simple ingredients that could probably be found in the bunker.
Someone bangs on the door again - it's Dean. Jack accuses her of stalling, but they only talked for like 90 seconds, so, okay. She asks him to talk to his "kin," but he grabs her arm. Sam kicks the door in (with hair in his face and yes it is hot) but it's too late - Jack has zapped her out.
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Sadly, I have not found a gif yet, so this will have to do.
Cut to Cas at the Stairway to Heaven, calling for Naomi. No one responds.
Jack and Rowena appear in the bunker, and he pulls her along, but happens to notice some gouges in the floor. And now we get another flashback. Mary is trying to teach him how to handle a knife, and he keeps dropping it on the floor. She's all sweet and supportive and blah blah blah, and Jack says Dean will kill him for gouging the floor when they get him back, so this must be during the Michael!Dean period. Mary pulls the table over to cover the damaged floor, but who is that in the background? It's bearded Sam! Oh, long lost Beard of Despair! How I've missed you! (Is it fake? Is it real? Was this a deleted scene? Or did they plan for what was coming, and film this before he shaved it off? Does Jared just grow a beard that quickly? I DO NOT CARE.)
He feels bad for not being there for Jack while he was busy looking for Dean, and then he apologizes for complaining to her. But she's relieved not to be the only one with "parental guilt." Because they went through so much without her, and then things were "complicated" when she got back. "I'm just saying, parenting is always a struggle. You always feel like you're failing, but then you look at them, and somehow, they're amazing. Somehow, they're literally the bravest, kindest, most heroic men on the planet." Well, this is true. Very true. And I'm glad she's giving Sam the praise and validation he SO deserves but come on, Mary. What do you know about parenting? You did it for four years. When did you feel like you were failing six-month-old Sam?
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Fade to Sam. Interesting that Jack's warm fuzzy flashback turned into Sam's. (It's because Sam is his primary dad! It is known!) They're still at Rowena's, and Dean is still ranting about Cas not telling them about the snake. EVEN THOUGH DEAN DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THE SNAKE WHEN CAS FIRST TOLD HIM.
Cas, Cas should have told us. As soon as he saw Jack going Dahmer on his stupid snake, he should have told us.
Dean, it wasn't just Cas. We knew Jack was dangerous. We always knew. Long before he killed Michael. You more than anyone. I mean, from the very beginning you knew. But, you know, we fell for him, because he had a good heart and a good soul. And then, he didn't. And that's on me, too, by the way. I mean, I'm the one that made the call to bring him back. He didn't ask for that. I decided for him. And you warned me.
Oooh. Sam. No. Because:
1) Dean didn't KNOW from the very beginning. He was, in fact, WRONG at the very beginning, when he thought Jack was evil. Jack was not evil, and you insisted on giving him a chance, and YOU WERE RIGHT. Jack becoming "evil" in the future (and he's not even EVIL, he's just naive and untrained and too powerful for his own good) wasn't anything Dean predicted.
b) Dean didn't exactly fight very hard to stop Sam from bringing Jack back. Seems like most of his concern was that it wouldn't work, not that it was a bad idea in and of itself.
Then Sam says "You know, after Maggie and the other hunters died, I just left. I just dumped Jack on Cas and left." Well, I'm not a big fan of "Maggie and the other hunters" (reminds me too much of "Sting and the Police" and I don't know why Maggie - or Sting - were so damn special that they deserved to be singled out as the only ones in the group with a name), but I also don't have any memory of Sam leaving after Michael killed the other hunters. And when he did, he wanted to take Jack, but Dean wouldn't let him. But Sam says he knew something was going to happen and he's wallowing in guilt. Dean admits that he also knew there was a risk, because of what Donatello told him about not being sure. Well, thank Chuck for that. I'm glad Dean's not letting Sam shoulder all the blame for something that wasn't his fault.
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Angry Dean and sad Sam, two things I adore.
Back at the bunker, Rowena is gathering her cumin and other ingredients. Jack's getting impatient, and she tells him that she could have fought him, but she didn't. "Because you want the same thing the boys want. That I want." This is a beautiful, beautiful moment, with Rowena wanting what "the boys" want, but it's interrupted by Hallucifer, who doesn't even know why Jack is doing any of this. "To ease your guilt? But you don't have guilt any more, do you, Jack? Admit it. You don't feel anything any more." Well. Everything Hallucifer says comes from Jack's head, so what do we think about this? Does Jack really not feel anything any more? I disagree. If he didn't feel anything, if he didn't want Mary back, if he didn't care about forgiveness, why would he even bother? So I think our boy does feel something. Rowena is disturbed by Jack talking to his hallucination, but she carries on and finishes the spell. They have everything they need except the body. Oh.
Stairway to Heaven. Cas isn't going anywhere until Naomi talks to him. Someone finally shows up, but it's Duma.
Where's Naomi?
Well, I'd tell you it's none of your business, but you already know it's none of your business. Naomi just gets paid more than I do, and we've already got all the regular guest stars in this episode, so we had to cut some corners.
At least that's how I remember it. She tells him Mary is at peace in "a special Heaven" and "is complete" and he should just let her be.
Jack takes Rowena to the Cabin of Death, but Mary's body isn't there. He thinks she should be able to complete the spell anyway, but she says she can't. He wants to do it himself, but she says he's in no shape, and "disposition affects execution." She tells him that whatever he brings back won't be Mary, and refuses to help him and OH I'M CONCERNED FOR HER AND HE REACHES OUT AND PUSHES HER and she just ends up being shoved back into her apartment. WHEW. She calls Sam and tells him what Jack is doing, and that it won't work because there's no body, and Jack has snapped and they need to stop him." Necromancy is a delicate art, unpredictable under ideal circumstances. In his state, I fear your boy will bring back something terrible." WELL, THAT'S ENCOURAGING. (Also, Rowena is hilarious in this scene.)
Jack sits in the corpse-less blast zone and performs the ritual and a huge swirling purple cloud appears overhead and I'm thinking, is this our out? Is Jack going to summon something awful, something that can be the Big Bad so he doesn't have to? Please? He notices the Impala nearby, and uses his powers to stop it in its tracks. Luckily it's just right outside the cabin. Sam and Dean run toward him, and we see him looking down at whatever he has summoned, but he doesn't look happy about it. Neither do the Winchesters. "It didn't work," he says, before zapping out.
Oh, the thing he brought back is Mary. Well, Mary's corpse, apparently. Dean holds her and finds her still dead, and he's sad and we get his flashback, which is just Mary leaning on him, asleep in the car, and then Sam comes and holds Dean as he holds Mary and everybody's sad, we're all sad, so terribly terribly sad and we get a crane shot and it's a very lovely scene but I can't help thinking um, correct me if I'm wrong, but we do have that missing piece now, right?
Jack ends up at some industrial kind of place, where Hallucifer tells him there's no going back. "Cas, Sam, Dean, they're never going to trust you again. And you know what that means. You can never trust THEM." And oh, this is Jack's head telling him that. Poor baby.
Bunker. Sam has his box of treasures and he's looking at the few remaining family photos. He looks up, full of hope, when Cas comes in. But Cas tells him Mary is in Heaven and at peace. Dean shows up in time to hear this, and asks if he's just going to take Duma's word for it, because she's a known liar and also might possibly be that dude from The Empty. He says no, he actually saw Mary's Heaven, and we see her door with the dates 1954-1983 and 2016-2019 on it, which of course begs the question of what Sam and Dean's doors are going to look like.
He says he saw her with John (way to bury the lede, Cas), and they're full of joy. But was it really John? Haven't we established that most people are in their own individual Heavens, and if she has a John, it's just an avatar? I mean, John's name wasn't on the door. And I expect Dean, at least, to insist they try to bring her back anyway. But Sam says Rowena told him that what Jack brought back was just an empty replica, "incapable of holding life." (I mean, I feel like that sometimes.) "So what are we supposed to do now?" he asks. And again, Sam is looking to Dean to lead them through this, and yet he's got to know what they SHOULD do. He's got to be thinking of Mary, safe and happy in Heaven, and of ripping someone (anyone, no one in particular, right Sam?) away from that and forcing them to continue on Earth just because you can't be without them. He's got to be thinking of that.
"What we always do," Dean says. And the last time he said that, in this very episode, it meant we do something awful, we throw our own lives away or make some horrible bargain or damn the world in order to bring her back. But this time, it just means that we give her a hunter's funeral. And Sam doesn't look like he was ready for that after all.
So Mary gets a very dramatic pyre, and a montage? Did anyone else get a montage? Ellen, Jo, Bobby, Kevin, Crowley? JOHN? ANYONE? A FREAKING MONTAGE? NO. Grrr. Cas tries to get closer to Dean and Sam puts out a hand and stops him. Also, Sam burns a photo of her and I don't know why.
And finally, we cut to the library table where Sam and Dean carved their initials and we see they are joined by a M.W. Um. What about John? Didn't he get to carve his intials? (NO. Those are only for people who get a montage.)
Also, now that I'm going back to get screencaps, it doesn't look like her intials were there at the beginning of the episode. So she didn't carve them, one of the guys did. And not Dad's? Cold, boys.
You know, last week, like, five or ten minutes before the end of the episode, I thought if Jack hadn't cemented his place in Dean's heart already, he's certainly there now. Because he saved Sam. No matter what else Jack did or is doing or will do, he saved Sam. And I want someone to point that out. I want Sam to say "no, I'm not ready to give up on him, and you realize the only reason I'm here to argue with you is because Jack saved me, right? And if he is soulless, he lost it by saving our asses, right?" (Is this because I watched "Clip Show" a couple of days ago and watched Sam frantically try to soothe Sarah as she died from Crowley's handiwork, and I want Jack to get the same kind of second chance that Crowley got? Maybe.) Now, I realize killing Mary is more awful than anything Crowley (or any other enemy-turned-frenemy) has done to them. But it was an accident. And HE SAVED SAM'S LIFE. Come on. That counts for something.
(Sidebar: We also learned, in that scene back in season 8, that Crowley's mother was a witch. {blows a big wet kiss to the Continuity Fairy})
So, how do I feel about Mary being gone? Here's the deal. This show, at its heart, is about two (or three) men who have a giant bleeding Mary Winchester-sized hole in their lives. Filling that hole does not make for good television. And the Show tried to make her interesting and edgy by playing against what we thought we knew about her (she can't cook! she can't stay away from hunting! she sleeps with both Arthur Ketch and New Bobby!), it tried to make her both a source of conflict and a source of comfort, and ultimately (as far as I'm concerned) it just failed. She was so much more effective as that siren song of the impossible apple pie life. I said earlier and I'll repeat it here... the fact that they had to retcon all of these warm fuzzy flashbacks, instead of using actual clips, just shows how shallow these relationships were. There wasn't anything real to fall back on. And the way they spend these two episodes trying to make us care? It had the opposite effect on me. I'm glad to be shed of her.
But maybe that's just me. Maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder. We shall see. Come on and tell me what you think, and remember, no spoilers in the comments, please!
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distrackles · 5 years
Resistance: Part 3
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Dean Winchester x OFC
Detest /verb/: dislike intensely
- B o -
I woke up the next morning with my body completely disregarding the pillow boundary I had created the night before. My nose was smashed right up against Dean's shoulder and my hand was balled up on his chest. I slowly lifted my head, and looked at his sleeping face. Even in a deep slumber, his facial expression was troubled and guarded. The crusted blood on his temple that I somehow forgot to make him wash off did not add any softness to his hard features. As soon as I remove my forearm from his chest, his eyes blink open. I should have tried to pretend that I wasn't just studying his face, or I should have at least pretended that I had also just woken up, but I didn't. In fact, I didn't even look away or speak at first.
Dean swipes his tongue over his lips before he lazily smiles. "Mornin'."
"Morning." I breathe out and attempt to plaster the annoyed facade I have targeted towards him. A majority of the warmth leaves the bed and exposes my body briefly into the colder air when Dean leaves the bed. I remain in my spot for a few more minutes, my mind was in awe that it got a full nights sleep.
When I get downstairs, I have already gotten dressed for the day and fixed my hair. Dean is cooking breakfast as Riley sips coffee, and Sam is sitting at our kitchen table with his laptop on in front of him. I immediately go towards the steaming coffee pot which required me to squeeze myself between Dean's back and the counter. After I pour the coffee into my cup and leave it black, I make a face at the bacon that is sizzling and spewing grease in the pan.
"Oh, please don't tell me you're one of those health freaks too." Dean groans, and Riley laughs at him.
"Sorry, I would hate to die of a heart attack after all I have been through, seems a little anti-climatic." I reply and take a seat at the table across from Sam. Dean exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, making a point of stuffing bacon into his mouth in a detesting manner. Sam takes our suddenly small looking mug into his hand and downs the rest of his coffee. He proceeded to announce to his brother that he found another case not too far away. And he also adds that they'll just go ahead and head home afterwards since it is down that way.
I almost thought I might possibly feel a little bit of disappointment when he finished talking. I don't know if it was because something in me enjoyed having new faces around. Maybe it was because I was gonna miss having a chance at another full nights sleep. Or it was the gut feeling that it wasn't a good time for them to be leaving. I never voiced my thoughts that I had during this moment, because I knew they would never listen to that kind of thing. It takes them less than ten minutes for Dean to quit eating, and for Sam to pack up his computer and jackets that Riley washed for them. Riley also walks them both out to the car, I catch her kiss Sam's cheek while Dean wasn't watching before both men get into the vehicle. The pit in my stomach only grows stronger as I watch them drive away.
It began with the screaming of the name "Sammy" before the visual of Sam Winchester trapped with long sharp clawed fingers wrapping around his throat interrupted the blackness. The image pulsates and the fluorescent green eyes over the Winchester's shoulder become suddenly noticeable. He seemed to be out of breath and his hand is twitching against the werewolf's filthy one. Every small flinching move of Sam's finger would cause the wolf to tear his claws further into the skin of his throat.
"Dean, don't!" said Sam, trying to be stern in his breathless state. After another pulse, Dean's livid and tense face appears. I could see Dean lunging for the creature that has his little brother at his mercy. Before the older brother could play out his attack another werewolf, out of nowhere, appeared. The monster took him down from the side before Dean even saw it coming. I felt like I was there with them, I wanted to scream, run to them, do something! It felt as if Dean was staring directly at me as the wolf tore into his stomach and then his cheek. Actually he was staring directly at me, and I could honestly swear he was mouthing my name with no sound.
I spun around to see if he was looking at anything behind me, and I wanted to fall to my knees. There laid Sam, neck torn to shreds, and a gaping hole in his chest where his heart should be. It was as if someone had turned the volume back on in my ears because I could finally hear Dean yelling. He was yelling for his brother even though he was being brutally injured at the same time. I wished so badly that I was able to take a step towards either of the men, but my mind had me planted in one spot. Once I had managed to make some steps, no matter how much I quickened my pace, Dean seemed to get farther and farther away from me.
He began shaking his head as he noticed me running towards him, everything had gone silent again. It didn't make me stop moving though. The thing that did stop me had no distinct face, they were something I saw a lot. I was pinned to the endlessly ebony colored environment, Dean still feverishly shaking his head. My airway felt like it was inclosing on it's self and I began to scramble at nothing. My vision got blurrier every time I blinked, but I could tell that Dean's fighting had weakened.
The last thing I could remember was a moment of clarity when I looked at Dean's bloody, dead expression before I heard another voice scream my name.
"Bo! Wake up!" Mine and Riley's heads almost clashed into each other's when I jerked awake. She has a reflex for moments like this where she automatically moves her's away as soon as my eyes open.  "What happened this time." She asks softly.
I suck in a shaky breath, pushing my flyaway hairs off my forehead. "I don't know, I've never had them feel so real before."
"Who was it?" Riley questioned, as she rested her steady hand over my trembling ones.
"I was watching Sam and Dean get attacked by werewolves, and I just couldn't save them no matter how hard I tried." I reply, sniffling. Riley nods slowly, it sounded like a normal nightmare for someone like me to have. "Riley, this one was different...it's hard for me to even believe it didn't actually happen."
"I'm sure they are totally fine, your mind probably just turned the thought of them hunting something as simple as werewolves into a horror show from the lack of sleep."  She tries to reassure me, but I still had the inkling that something wasn't good about this. I go to protest against her claim just as she shushes me. "I'll stay in here, try and sleep again." She commands, and then get herself comfortable beside me.
I huff and lay back down, when I close my eyes all I can picture is the look on Dean's face as he yelled for me and his brother. Then the image of Sam's lifeless, and heartless, body on the ground. As I laid there and relived that horrible nightmare, I tried to have a little bit of faith in someone out there who may have been listening. I hoped that those guys actually made it out of that hunt with only a scratch, or two. The thought of calling Sam or Dean also crossed my mind, but I also had too much pride to let Dean think I cared if they, in fact, were just fine.
"I can feel you over thinking this." Riley grumbles from beside me. I roll my closed eyes and turn my back to her. Before I can even think about trying to sleep again, there is a pounding at the front door downstairs. We both sit up and make our way down there together. Riley peaks through the peephole before she curses under her breath.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I have never seen her whip that door open so fast, and I wish she had been able to do it faster after I see what lies on the other side.
A broken looking Sam, and a bloody and beaten Dean leaning into him. Riley quickly lets them in and gets Sam to put Dean on the couch, she then glances at me and gives me the "why are our lives like this" look. I start springing into action when Sam is slicing away at Dean's layers of clothing, as he tries to show us where he knows the injuries are. Quickly threading a needle, I get on my knees beside the couch and start stitching up his wound, as Dean goes in and out of consciousness with Riley pouring alcohol on the slashes in his stomach. I vaguely register the small trying-to-be-postive sentences that Sam is trying to convince his older brother about.
Once the stitching becomes the only job left, Riley takes the rubbing alcohol and starts assessing Sam's needs. Dean lets out a loud pained groan at one particular stitch that I put through him.
"Sorry, I'm sorry." I stumble out words, apologizing for the pain and because I never spoke up before they left for this hunt. If I could have truly just tried to stop them, I could have stopped this from happening. If me and Riley would have followed them like Riley had suggested earlier, we could have helped. But we didn't do any of those things, and now here I am sewing up a man I met just days ago, his blood all over  my hands and probably the couch.
"Okay, you're pieced back together, here is your reward." I put the bottle of whiskey that is with our first aid materials to his lips and lets him drink as much as he desires. As soon as the liquid is down his throat, I can see him use his last bit of determination as he drops his head back.
I stand up, giving Dean one last look to make sure I had not missed anything, and go to wash myself off. I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut tight for a moment, as the nightmare scenes coming flooding back to me when I see the blood washing down the drain.
Looking at Dean's bloody, dead expression. Him yelling my name, shaking his head violently to stop me from coming to him. Seeing and hearing the pain in his voice as he screamed for his little brother to be okay. Not being able to help them. Watching the aftermath of both Winchester brothers dead, and not coming back.
"Bo. Are you done?" I snap out of my daze when Riley asks if I can get out of the way so she can get a shower set up for Sam. I nod, moving out of the way, and go to the living room. Dean is officially passed out on the couch, I take his shredded clothes and toss them away, making it so at least there was a minimal amount of blood left around him.
I take a silent seat in the recliner across from the couch, and close my eyes, feeling more relaxed, and more like I had the night before. Secure, and at a peace of mind, knowing that they were both okay without knowing why that was so important to me.  I fall asleep in a cramped balled up position on that chair, slightly registering the sound a shower starting, and a quiet snore from the man across from me.
Ugh, this was short, but I rather it be a quality short chapter than a long forced chapter, so oh well.
Thanks for reading!
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
🏡 Chas & Royal: BB (Hackman/Stiller)
Turns out to be recent.
They're they're visiting a dead relative and it's a real one that's what he died a while ago years ago what is for this war over technology and they didn't pick it up because it was over this war and he did lose to Dave and arn it was afterwards. The Sounders played by BG who is treated like a son by Arn the one date announced that she is not a real son and that he was treated his son because he couldn't do anything with c a a I also miss number from his perspective not our son I said and took it like this well he's kind of a cheap suit and I'm not saying it's because of my kind we'll see and your arrogant as hell so he fell and was falling and came up with us last minute plan because of that conversation. Slot if you say stupid things to us as Dan has said all morning and he was freezing up by Terry and it was sent to the office because Terry is tired of hearing about it the others called in about him too and said he's bothering you and bothering him and bothering him is given the same weird stuff back it doesn't weird about no it does it has an effect on him it makes them freeze up and make some CDs and make some stop and think and make some cry the circle think about something these people kind of simple in the bottom of shadows is hard to do that you say start noticing it what what he was doing was a lot more than that the saying I'm going to stab you I have a glove on the cover it up little send me say this someone already stabbed you is there say this I can't stand to do people keep saying that to you all this garbage this morning we said we're going to kill you because you won't shut up and we want to sleep and stuff and we don't want you passed through this with your kill you so we can that's why we do that a lot too you're bigger of the enemy you're a Satanist it doesn't matter if you're alive if you did a spinner you don't understand it at all, you're speaking you're speaking to us Olympus as if you're one of us because you're a dumbass and we're killing you because you won't shut up no one speaks to us that way he never does ever never talk to her that way the losers okay you keep saying it and we don't accept it at all because you're not us and we keep killing you and you won't shut your mouth you're going to die until you never come back you piece of s***. I'm in Jesus a George George and Deanna bow they have a plan and it's not the greatest it's better than yours you got to go up there and ruin it as you do every plan because your pieces of s***.
Max heard laughing because of what he said second you said used to run everything analog cable has pieces of s*** this retarded people we're going to go up there and ruin one of the most masterful recuperation I've ever seen in my life I've never seen people like this ever again stuff is the biggest bastard on do the korok seeds it's unbelievable but you have faith in these idiots she'll never make it you cannot have faith and that which does not work in the way that you think it does you know I want a y a y a y and what they say is here have a z a y a k and l and a pee and then you have to stop and say I said three things they're all wise what's the problem here and they'll go I don't know we have to have a k and a p in there every single time and it means something what's corned beef they're always running around asking what you're doing and you told him already what are you doing the show us we don't want to hear from them niggars of yours.
He started laughing hilariously he said this is ridiculous they're so awful they're not even human and it's not because of like what he looks like him most of the time it's because of a dumb plan their plan is inhuman it's so dumb it's obnoxious what's a f****** a****** like this game Dev he's doing an act and he thinks nobody knows it they know it's an act I know it's an ax Mike those it's an act Justin those it's an axe dickhole Shawn Moses today is it there's trying to shovel this ask and it tonight thinking to myself what exactly is your ax for the piece of s*** you want me not to have food so I'm going to stick a fairy up your ass and I got rid of the line and leave the room that's how you get rid of you cuz I want you not to have a way out you faget go to say we hate you he is so because his what are you but I'm using you as food for Cajun ever senior food how do you like a loser see the s*** to try to incite me doesn't mean anything we are an F student everything you do you do is a failure have a huge motorcycle company and I made a huge motorcycle covers it's bigger than all the motorcycle companies on Earth and sales throughout the entire existence of motorcycles it's all based on the name of the motorcycle I gave you because I worked on it and has nothing to do with you to puke ass b**** father who I made.
You take yourself so seriously and I'm going to get rid of you and I'm going to order it now I don't want to see you here to endanger me any further I don't want you here Sunday or Monday how are you out of here now and just like Thor said I want teams in here that have a killer instinct to get rid of you until you don't come back in other people's names so easy way to head detective a 911 went after other clans like some sort of idiot would after all these clans and not making a you went after Mac and he was doing the collecting and incorrect way and you just huge ass whole way while with your buddy cork.
Zues Hera
No I said a lot of it up front there but we're going to put a lawsuit together and yes you damn what you did last night and yesterday against our son and we're going to ask these guys to help go gives you to take whatever you have their social security will assign it, and of course your father out of the treasury it's starting to work because he decides to blow your brains out which is one way of paying us because you're a pain in the ass same as Sean everyday every night this s*** and you don't pay attention to he's the one doing it so going after him too and we can do the same thing and Sue for everything is worse if it's just social security cuz we've Frozen all your accounts like we have then he's going to attach your social security it will have two people lives fraud against social security you'll save all the time and let's kill everyone of you we don't have to do that because he needs this kind of heat now
Thor Freya
0 notes
pamiedrawnic-acid · 6 years
Re:Zero Review
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Borrowed photo
Ola! It's been a while since I made a review and I think this is the 4th time that I'll be reviewing an anime. Oh well, me reviewing something means this show is really amazing cause I got a lot of beautiful things to say about it. Yes, I only want to review things I've found beautiful because it's really not in my nature to rant about something since it's really tiring and I hate negative thoughts! 😆
Well, let's get down to the business, first things first, what's with Re:zero?
Re:zero or starting life in another world is what exactly the title tells us about. It's a story of a typical shut in guy who suddenly got into another world, with this story a game-like world, set in a medieval era, where magics were not a very unusual thing and where humans and humanoids live together. Fortunately, our protagonist, Subaru, was very fond of playing games so he had already an idea on how to start or how to literally "play the game." Such a generic story isn't it? It's supposed to be but it's actually not.
Normally, in such stories, the protagonist is supposed to have an unknown ability that will only be released when the situation calls for it. Most of the time it would later on revealed that the protagonist in an important part of the world, either a part of the royal blood, a saviour, a god etc. Also in some stories, there would even have a character who would appear in front of the protagonist and explain whatever is happening. Likewise with how Subaru expected it, I was also expecting for the same thing. However, what happened was really unexpected.
[SPOILERS ALERT] He died but then he was reset to his last save point; literally like a game. The difference was, he would not know where or when was his save point unless he would die and be reset. Also, this ability of him do not allow him to have any choice. Once he died, he would automatically go back and complete his mission, which he still needed to figure out. The only rule is that, he would die over and over unless he could solve the mystery or found the "happy ending." Thus, "quitting" was not an option.
At first I thought that it was such a very convenient ability. At least you'll have another chance, not just once but as many as you want until you find the happy ending. But as I moved to each episodes and as the story goes deeper I've realized that NO it's not very convenient.
Subaru can reset from death thus, if there was something not good happening with his life, with his friends or even with the kingdom, which would result to their deaths, then he was the only one who could change it. Imagine the pressure and the burden that he was carrying?!
Subaru did not have any choice but to go over and over into an ugly situation not until he could find the solution
Have you tried solving a math problem that needed you to go over from the scratch because you know somehere in between you made a mistake but can't find it so you have to do it again? Or a science experiment that ended in a bad result so you need to go back to procedure 1? A project, a drawing, or anything~ anything that you were doing but did not go well so you have no other choice but to do it again, over and over, not to mention that your only option was to finish it. Frustrating isn't it? Imagine how frustrated, irritated, desperate and tired Subaru was? Not to mention all the time he needed to go back just to witness the death/s of the people around him.
Lastly, [SPOILERS ALERT] Subaru's ability was actually a cursed from some witch, which he couldn't tell to anyone because everytime he tried to, the witch would squeezed his heart to the point that he could almost die. Out of desperation, he actually tried to tell it to someone but that someone died. Imagine how difficult it was for Subaru to face everything alone? No one could understand him not because he didn't want them to but because he COULDN'T. (cursed that witch I definitely wanted to tear her apart! 👹)
I've read a lot of comments from somewhere on how people disliked Subaru because he was a helpless, hopeless, useless boy. Because he did not have any special power or because he was weak. Well, after all he had been through, is he still useless?
Yes, he showed us the time when he almost quit even resorting into running away because he had failed so many times and thought that there was no other choice but to leave. He showed us his frustrations, desperations, helplesness and weaknesses, that he actually admitted and you hated. Well, on the other side of the note, I commend the writer for doing a great job because I believed that, that really what he wanted you to feel. Congratulations! You've been his victim! 🙊 Going back, Subaru really became a hateful character those times but if you are going to watch the anime and try to put your feet into Subaru's you will understand me or perhaps him.
He was disheartened for who knows how many times. He was fighting all by himself. Despite of having his friends and allies who supported him with his actions and especially to those who gave him courage and moral supports, no one really knows what he was going through. He was all ALONE. But still at the end of the day he would always proved to us how strong he was; mentally and emotionally, and that, stories only ends once you've reached the happy ending so life's goes on until you became happy! Quitting was never an option!
The only downside I've seen with him is that [MAJOR SPOILER] when he did not choose Rem despite of all the things she had done for him and even asked her to help her save Emilia, the woman he trully love. He was such a cruel man, a fact that actually Rem accepted and even told him outloud which he actually agreed with. However, despite of that, I still believed that he only showed how faithful he was to the woman he love. For me he was a man of word who knows how to fulfill his promises.
I'm sorry for defending Subaru so much but I really like how his character was made in this story. Everything, including his downsides, just fell rightly into the plot and that was something you wouldn't find mostly in the animes now a days. Another thing is that, I really liked how he could accept his own flaws but would still do something to compensate with it and not to be a burden to all the powerful people around him. He was the weakest but he was also the embodiment of willpower and unending hope which made him the strongest!
Story wise, as I've said, it was a very typical but was also different at the same time. It actually gave me the feeling that it was something that I've seen before but actually I haven't. I think it's because of how the story was narrated by using the main character. The writer was actually succesful in making me experience what the main character is going through, as if I am Subaru himself. Both of us learned things about the realm at the same time. Both of us believed that some things will happen, like on a typical story, but then will hit us the least that we have expected, as if both Subaru and I were played by fate. For example is what I have said from above, when Subaru first arrived on the kingdom and he thought that since he was summoned in a different world he would definitely have a super power, which made me believed also, but he actually never had. He also remained as an outsider, someone who do not hold so much of a power, a weak human with no special fighting ability except for his naturally strong body and an incredible amount of willpower. He was not revealed as a saviour but he made himself as the saviour of the kingdom. In the end, his journey to the other world actually made him a better man; wiser and stronger mentally and emotionally.
Overall, this story was very unique on its own way. Every seconds of each 25 episodes was worth watching as you wouldn't want to missed any sudden heart attack moments and important information that will be necessary for the future. It was actually a dark story that gets a little bit of depressing but would lighten up in the end. It's a complete pack of action, drama, suspense, mystery, romance and comedy with a bonus of life lessons and words of encouragement. YOU DON'T QUIT, YOU ONLY CHANGE YOUR PLAN and STORIES ALWAYS ENDS WITH HAPPY ENDING; It's not yet the end if it's not happy.
I can actually give this series a 10/10 score if not because of the hanging questions they left after the last episode. I hope this would be answered on the next season (if there will be!). I've heard that there will be an OVA but I don't think it will be enough to tackle everything and give the story a solid conclusion. This is the kind of anime that worth having more season! Anyway whether they'll decide to give it a season 2 or not I will still recognize this anime as one of the best I've watch for being unique and unpredictable as well as for having a well constructed story and characters.
Rating: 9/10 - highly recommended
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