#but also pandora being the reason barty started to hang out with the slytherins
lupiinist · 2 months
randomly ranting here but i love the idea that barty was a ravenclaw because just
i live and die for barty and pandora's friendship, like, you can't look at me and tell they're not besties who paint each other's nails, brush each other's hair and help each other brainstorm to use their genius brains for evil thingies
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random deep dive bc why not; Dorcas Meadowes: Dorcas Meadowes was known, not for the best reasons, not at all no, but she was known, from the minute she was put in Slytherin a target was on her back, always. A black woman, not a pure blood, in slitheryn was always trouble. Always. Starting out strong, she went to sit next to the first known Pureblood she saw, Regulus Black, who happily was seated next to his cousin Bellatrix Black, who was graduating next year. Through the years she made quite a lot of friends and quite a lot of enemies, on the quidditch field and off of it. Being a Black woman wasn’t easy, thank god she had others like her, other friends like her. Pandora & Mary. Pandora was a raven claw, but was always with the slytherins, nobody really noticed. Mary was a fierce gryfindor, friends with Lily James and Sirius, her other friends hated them, she never understood why. In second year, she looked up to Bellatrix, the most powerful wizard she knew, she didn’t look up to her because she loved Voldemort or anything like that, she looked up to her because Bellatrix used her power to get what she wanted, and she didn’t listen to men who told her it’s wrong, she had paved her own path (within the boundaries of the pure-bloods) and Dorcas wanted the same.
After she realised how Bellatrix’s view were horrible, she looked up to Alice Fortescue because she was a pure blood who also made her way, on the right side. She was powerful, though not as powerful as Bellatrix, but Dorcas admired her nonetheless. Alice was her second crush, Bellatrix her first, from when she was young Dorcas knew she liked women, but she never told anyone. Anyone.
Dorcas was always thinking about the world, the right and wrong, the more Regulus talked about Voldemort, the more she tried to debate the topic. Whenever Barty brought up the fact that Voldemort was going to win, Dorcas doubled down on him, listing reasons why he was wrong. In slytherin everybody was all about blood purity, racism, fascism and the like. And Dorcas still stuck out, fighting for the good side. She had to choose between her friends who loved her, and the cause she was fighting for. She picked the cause, ditching Evan Barty and Regulus in 5th year, opting instead to hang out with the gryfinddors when they accepted her.
It took the gryfinddors ages but she didn’t care, she had her third crush, Marlene McKinnon, in teh Gryffindor Quidditch team, her enemy on the pitch, her friend off it. She spent hours thinking of her, until she wasn’t her friend, she was her girlfriend. They told nobody, secretive as Dorcas was. Nobody knew much about her, even Marlene. Dorcas was always overthinking about what would happen if she told about her life, about her struggles and her fears. She thought that if it was said out loud it would come true. During the nights she would cry and write everything down, never spoke it, never even whispered it. Then she would burn the paper, throw it in the bin, go back to sleep. Wake up, finish the day, repeat.
War was looming among them (among US DUN DUN DUB DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DA DUNDUN) she joined the order, not because of Dumbledore no, she hated Dumbledore but she needed to fight with her friends, with her girlfriend. It was only fair to them. She went up in the ranks day by day, becoming stronger and stronger, wanting to be like Bellatrix. Wanting to be able to beat Bellatrix, she was the strongest person on the other side. She had hurt so many people and Dorcas wanted to avenge those people.
Marlene was dead, she had been killed, and Dorcas was furious. Her sense for revenge had only increased, she went after every Death Eater she saw, once she almost killed Barty, he narrowly dodged the attack. Afterwards Dorcas cried so hard, her old friend, on the complete opposite, the dark mark bright and proud on his arm. Dorcas never wanted this, she missed them but it was for the best. She continued killing the Death Eaters off, managing to kill 21.
She felt so powerful, so so powerful. She knew what she was doing was right, she was making them win. Her reign of power and amazingness did not last long however. She saw Death Eaters everywhere, around her house and everywhere she tried to go. She had to stay in the Order HQ so stay safe. She didn’t care. She tried to go straight for Voldemort, after months and mon to s, she had found him. She went up to him, narrowly dodging a killing curse, but not another one. Dying at Voldemorts hands, and she was barely remembered. Everyone who knew her thought of her as insiration. To the Order she was amazing, but was soon enough forgotten. The woman almost too strong for Voldemort. The only Black half-blood Slytherin of her time. Dorcas MOTHERFUCKING Meadowes.
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