#but also reminding myself of a story i wanna tell tomorrow
numetaljackdog · 1 year
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 21 - Brains and Brawn
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Miyazaki: Alright, we’ll now take a 20-minute break.
Miyazaki: The first of the contents was focused on physical expression, however…
Miyazaki: For the second part, you’ll all be divided into several groups to discuss role studies based on your assigned scripts.
Miyazaki: At the end, I’ll ask each group to actually perform what they’ve come up with. Good luck.
Participant A: Aghh~ That was harsh…
Participant B: I’m so tired… And we’ve still got the second half left…
Participant A: I don’t think my body can take it…
Kumon: Haagh~ I used my whole body there~!
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Muku: This sort of reminds me of running for the track team.
Kumon: Same! It’s kinda nostalgic and fun!
Muku: Banri-san said that the workshop aimed at directors that they went to was also pretty tough, but this one aimed at actors seems to be more physically demanding.
Kumon: I’m pretty confident in my physical strength, so I’ll do my best!
Muku: Yeah, let’s do our best together! I’m sure Kazu-kun and Tenma-kun are giving it their all overseas this morning.
Kumon: Alri~ght, we’re not gonna lose to them~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: I was pretty confident in my physical strength, but my legs are definitely wobbly…
Kumon: I used up all my brain cells and I’m starving~...
Muku: This is making me realize all over again that acting is something that takes both a lot of physical and mental energy.
Kumon: Yeah. I’m gonna pass right out tonight.
Muku: Same here. Let’s review a little of what we did today before we go to bed to prepare for tomorrow.
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Kumon: Yeah!
Muku: Still, you did a really great job during the first part with the physical expression, Kyu-chan.
Kumon: I am pretty good at moving my body~. But you did such a good job during the second part with the role study discussion, Muku!
Kumon: You were reading into things that people didn’t even notice and I was like “Oh, I getcha~.”!
Muku: Ehehe, thanks. Let’s do our best tomorrow too.
Kumon: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Juza: Welcome home.
Kumon: Nii-chan, we’re home!
Muku: We’re home, Ju-chan.
Juza: Dinner’s ready. Tsuzuru-san made braised pork cubes today.
Kumon: Woohoo! I’m gonna get tons of seconds!
Juza: Oh, ‘n I got some chocolates from the store I’ve had my eye on for a while. Wanna have it for dessert?
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Muku: Wah, really? I’d love to. Maybe it’s because I used my head a lot, but I’ve had a huge craving for something sweet. I can’t wait!
Juza: Seems like ya worked hard today. Tell me about it later.
Kumon: Yeah! We’re tired, but we had a lotta fun!
Muku: We learned a lot.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kumon: Ahh~ I’m exhausted~! Maybe it was a bit much to practice on my own after the workshop…
Kumon: But it’s been a crazy intense week~. Thanks to Muku, I was able to review everything. It was really fulfilling.
Kumon: And then, I’m gonna surprise everyone by practicing everything by myself until they get back~!
Kumon: Ow, ow, ow… I’m gonna have the stretch and give myself a massage carefully today.
*Phone buzzes*
Kumon: Oh, it’s Yamaguchi.
Kumon: Hello?
Yamaguchi: “Are you free to talk right now?”
Kumon: Yeah! What’s up?
Yamaguchi: “Nothing really, we’ve both just been so busy lately and haven’t been able to talk much, so I was just wondering how you’ve been doing.”
Kumon: I’ve been good~, I’ve been going to this workshop ‘n stuff. I’ve been really exhausted ‘cause I’ve had to use my body a lot~. What about you, Yamaguchi?
Yamaguchi: “I’ve been getting a damn good workout on my college baseball team. It’s pretty rough ‘cause our matches go on for some time.”
Kumon: I’ll give you a massage next time we see each other!
Yamaguchi: “Oh yeah, you have always been good at that sorta thing, Kumon. You were always reading lots of books and learning from coaches ‘n stuff.”
Kumon: It’s really interesting because it’s useful and informative to learn about how your body works and how to avoid injuries, y’know?
Yamaguchi: “Actors are always moving around during performances ‘n stuff, so it must be pretty hard, right? Why dontcha do that for the people in your troupe too?”
Yamaguchi: “It’s kinda the same thing since it’s a physical activity, and you’d also be likely to prevent injuries too.”
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Kumon: You’re right…! I never thought about it like that before. Maybe I’ll look into massages for actors some more!
Yamaguchi: “Good luck. I’ll also be coming to see your next performance, y’know.”
Kumon: Good luck with your match, too, Yamaguchi!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 21: Brain And Brawn
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Miyazaki: Well then, we shall take a twenty-minute break here.
Miyazaki: The first part was mostly focused on physical expression.
Miyazaki: Next, we will have you split into groups and discuss role-building based on the script you will be given.
Miyazaki: At the end, we will have all groups actually perform. I look forward to seeing the results.
Participant A: Agh~ This is too much…
Participant B: I’m so tired… And there’s more to go…
Participant A: I can’t keep myself standing anymore…
Kumon: Whew~ I worked up a sweat~!
Muku: This kinda reminds me of track and field club training.
Kumon: Same! It’s kinda nostalgic, so I’m having fun!
Muku: Banri-san did say that even though the directors' workshop he participated in was tough, the one for actors is much more physically demanding.
Kumon: We’ve got the stamina for it, I think we’ve got this!
Muku: Yup, let’s do our best! Kazu-kun and Tenma-kun must also be working hard abroad as we speak.
Kumon: Alriiight, we’re not losing to them~!
Muku: I was pretty confident in my physical stamina, but my legs won’t stop shaking now.
Kumon: I used up all my brain cells and got hungry~...
Muku: This really reminded me that acting needs you to use both your brain and your body to the fullest.
Kumon: Yeah. I think I’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight.
Muku: Definitely. Let’s review a bit of what we did today to prepare for tomorrow before we go to bed.
Kumon: You’re right!
Muku: By the way, Kyu-chan, you did amazing in the physical expressions for the first part.
Kumon: I’m good at using my body~ But, Muku, you were so good at the second part’s discussion for the role-building!
Kumon: You could point out things no one else had noticed, and I kept being like, “I see~”!
Muku: Ehehe, thanks. Let’s do our best tomorrow too.
Kumon: Yeah!
Juza: Welcome back.
Kumon: We’re back, Nii-chan!
Muku: We’re back, Ju-chan.
Juza: The food’s ready. Tsuzuru-san made simmered pork today.
Kumon: Yay! I’ll get lots of refills!
Juza: Also, I got chocolates from that shop we’ve been eyeing, if you wanna have dessert.
Muku: Really? I’m so happy. I think I used my head a bit too much, because I’ve been craving something sweet. I can’t wait!
Juza: Looks like you worked hard. Tell me about it later.
Kumon: Okay! We got tired, but it was fun!
Muku: We learned lots.
Kumon: Ah~ I’m beat~ Maybe practicing by myself after the workshop was a bit too much…
Kumon: But this has been a super intense week~ Muku being with me made reviewing much more helpful, so it felt pretty satisfying.
Kumon: All that’s left is to practice by myself whenever I can, and give everyone some whiplash with how much I’ve grown when they get back~!
Kumon: Owowow… Some thorough stretching and a good massage would be so good right about now…
[Phone vibrating]
Kumon: Oh, it’s Yamaguchi.
[Kumon picks up]
Kumon: Hello?
Yamaguchi: “Ah, is now a good time?”
Kumon: Yup! Something wrong?
Yamaguchi: “Nah, we’ve just both been busy and haven’t talked much, so I was wondering what you’re up to.”
Kumon: Listen to this~ I’ve been going to a workshop, and it’s so physically demanding that I’m beat. What about you?
Yamaguchi: “I’m using up all my juice on uni baseball practice. We have a bunch of consecutive matches lined up, so it’s gonna be rough.”
Kumon: I’ll give you a massage next time we hang!
Yamaguchi: “Oh yeah, you’re good at this stuff, aren’t ya Kumon? You read lots of books and had the coach teach you.”
Kumon: I learned how my body works and how to prevent injuries, it was really interesting and useful.
Yamaguchi: “Actors also have to move around a lot during performances, so it’s pretty tough for you all too, right? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to do this to your troupemates too?”
Yamaguchi: “You guys also exert your bodies, so this would be good to prevent injuries.”
Kumon: I see…! You’re right. I’ll look a lil more into massages for actors!
Yamaguchi: “Good luck. I’ll come see your next play too.”
Kumon: Good luck at your matches too, Yamaguchi!
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archandshri · 6 months
22nd March ‘24 - [arch] Mad About Munch, Warm-up sketches and daaarknesss???
Good evening, Shri! I forgot that it is Friday, but at the beginning of writing this, I have an hour and 27 minutes until Friday is over, so I WILL be on time!
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Wow, like a lot has happened? But I also don’t have tons to show for it. (it’s because I’m working on cool secret project that I’m not allowed to talk about which is fun!)
Stuff i have been doing
Museums :0!!!! I have been travelling and in my old age apparently, I like old art now???
Gathering a lot of reference images - photos, but also general inspiration
Finally organising my digital space a bit! I backed up like 3 years' worth of Procreate images and cleared out half my iPad
Getting some of my sketchbooks, especially comic development, digitised and onto Google Slides! I follow a similar process to when I was at uni still, with a huge PowerPoint for a project that contains reference images, inspiration, plot bullet points, and links to google docs where I write the scripts, development sketches and finals. It makes it super easy to go back to important parts of the development and be reminded of things I might have lost in the development process
Warm-up sketches because you bullied me into it (affectionate)
Continuing to explore colour
2 things I would like to tell you more about: 1) Edvard Munch!!!!!! If you ever get the chance to visit the Munch Museum in Oslo, do it!! I hadn’t seen a whole museum dedicated to one guy before, but seeing so much of his work in one place, in person really helped me understand it better. They also had a fantastic audio tour to rent that made it super accessible. I had just come from thinking about colour last week and becoming more comfortable with darker colours, and I had been thinking about personality and narrative in settings and backgrounds - both of which he does really well. In particular, The Sick Child, Eye in Eye, and The Sun stood out to me.
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2) Play. AGAIN!!!!! I feel like I’m constantly having to fight myself, reminding myself to let go, play around, and explore without the expectation of a final outcome. You told me to try some 20 min warm-up and cool-down sketches - which I’ve been doing and has been going great! They’re not all perfect and aren’t supposed to be, but I’ve also had some really fun outcomes that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I also feel like I’m getting more of a grip on colour :0
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Plus, I’ve found that I haven’t wanted to post my terrible sketches or even my better ones?? Which has been nice to make without the need for sharing. However, I have found myself craving a final image to share with all of Tumblr and Instagram, thinking of possible images that would do well on those platforms. I think there is a small part of me that wants to create those because it would be fun, but I think it’s mostly to fix the number-shaped hole :/ Hank Green made a good video which mentioned the fact that platforms are EXTRA BAD with teaching creators to be addicted to them, even more so than consumers. Video here. It’s good.
I was listening to the Imp and Skizz podcast earlier (Episode - Rendog pt 1), it’s a great podcast, they chat about Hermitcraft a bit but mostly about what being alive is like and being a creator, I really recommend them too. Anyway, Skizz said he was once told to ‘create videos that he wanted to watch.’ And I think it’s a good approach to have when creating. What do I wanna see/ read?
I would love to chat to you about the balance between dark tones and silliness in storytelling too, but it is 11pm and I do have to get up early tomorrow. Plus, I’m not sure I have enough thoughts yet. But for now, it’s left me thinking: what do I want to make? Am I campable of silliness in stories? I want to tell stories with an undertone of darkness, that discusses difficult themes, but how to we do that while keeping it entertaining and not just Too Much(™)?
I dunno, just thoughts I’ve been having. I wanna get them down, even if I don’t have any solutions yet. In the meantime, please accept these sketchbook pages in lieu of philosophical answers. 
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Thank you for listening to my rambles once again!
Love <3 Archie
Ps. I saw Frozen the musical and it was Very Sibling, and I cried. It made me think of you and I think you would like it (it’s only a bit different to the film but it makes such a difference omg)
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coqvttes · 7 months
my love if you want my attention or to summon me just say my name!!!! (three times like beetlejuice) i will literally run to talk to you, also the fact that we telepathically called for each other enough to send in anons again? magical, a true bond.
i lovee cigs after sex, the mood they create for their songs ugh, its amazing. these last days ive listening to a lot of tv girl, mitski and laufey, my holy trinity. and about poor things, girl when i tell you i watched that with my brother and came out shocked, i mean it. the story and takeaway are great but too much sex in my opinion, i think it dumbs down a big part of bella’s arc. but still, YOU HAVE TO WATCH ANATOMY OF A FALL. i need you to see the lawyer and tell me your thoughts because ive been down bad for him and his little french accent for months now. and about the requests they will be coming, tomorrow or next week, who knows? youll have to wait >:). ilyy <3
☆*:.。. sofi nonnie .。.:*☆
yes poor things was definitely a heavy movie to watch. it surprised me and grossed me out a lot but the point of the movie was definitely amazing!! i really wanted to watch anatomy of a fall in the cinemas but i didn’t get the chance to so i’ve been planing to watch it online. and thank u for reminding me i really wanna watch it!!! i’ll let u know abt the lawyer but it sounds very enticing sofi 🤭💕
and u better send in those requests or i’m keeping the lawyer to myself x
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
since i have nothing else to post right now…
here’s the last of colby’s tweets from 2020.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
added bonus: if they have a * next to them, that means it’s been deleted
Oct. 1 - love doing things for myself
Oct. 4 - i’m in so much pain. sos
fan: u ok?
poison oak. everywhere …. everywhere.
Oct. 5 - i like the simple things
Oct. 7 - less is more
Oct. 10 - i wanna make you happy
how am i so busy during the day but still manage to find 2 hours to mindlessly scroll through tik tok? i can’t be the only one
Oct. 14 - i care too much
Oct. 15 - somehow it wasn’t enough
(i hate this man so much lmao)
Oct. 19 - Justin Bieber’s new song made me tear up, that dudes been through so much. no one could even imagine what that’s like.. achieving everything and being in the biggest spotlight at such a young age.
Oct. 20 - @/samgolbach: less than 6 months ago i broke my back. and i decided to take that as a challenge to get healthy again. and today i ran the fastest mile i’ve ever run. so yes, i might be an idiot but i’m a determined idiot 🤘🏼🏃🏼
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 that’s an insane accomplishment ! i remember when it was a struggle to stand up out of bed
new day, same cycle
Oct. 21 - my mom is texting me all the young pictures of me and it’s bringing me memories i didn’t know i had
Oct. 25 - panic attacks late at night are the worst
Nov. 1 - @/colbybrockscar: reminder that it’s no nut November!!! @/ColbyBrock doesn’t even have to try. He’s got this shit in the bag. It probs comes out like baby powder if he tries
did my car just roast me ?
Nov. 4 - this is scary
cuties! all 3 of you! (reply to fan in merch with friend and cat)
Nov. 6 - @/GracynCarr: I can’t believe the audacity of a high school tweet to pop up on my timeline lmao.. miss u tho @/ColbyBrock :)
hope you're well xx
Nov. 8 - so much talent thank youu love (reply to fan's art)
fan: Um. So I tweeted this to you before but alot has also changed since then sooo wanted to say thank you 🖤 🖤 @/ColbyBrock
proud of you, and good luck with your dreams darlin 🖤 you can accomplish anything with the right mindset and hard work. i believe in ya
time flies, and i’m so scared of losing my youth. it’s inevitable i know, but damn makes you wanna cherish every moment you got
Nov. 11 - i hate when nothing is wrong but nothing feels right
Nov. 12 - the person who makes you forget about the rest of the world
Nov. 13 - today marks 6 years since we posted our first YT video on the MAIN S&C account .. 🖤 what a wild ride
Nov. 14 - promise you i’m a good waste of time
Nov. 15 - @/katstuartmusic: “sunday is my funday” - colby brock 2020
fan: Colby u get drunk off of one white claw
fight me
other fan: my money is on mags
round house kicks to the face don’t feel too good
(is it bad that i like when colby gets weirdly violent with us sksksks)
Nov. 16 - the Why Dont We dudes are some of the nicest people in LA
*Nov. 17 - @/gabytriana: It’s out! Sam and Colby were so much fun to work with, and despite what Colby said, I did not hate him when we first met! 😆 Both he and Sam are super kind, smart, generous entertainers who know how to tell a good story! I love them both!! Happy Book Birthday, @/samandcolby
hahaha thank youu so much for all the hard work ! so excited it’s finally here
(interestingly enough, colby didn't delete his tweet… gaby did)
Nov. 19 - went to a Pyschic Reader tonight. my mind is blown. im not a skeptic anymore, video coming tomorrow
fan: Get ready for religious people to freak out
the psychic i talked to was religious, i’m not sure how but i think the two concepts can exist at the same time
Nov. 21 - hard to trust
fan: @/ColbyBrock hey, i love u lots
love you 🖤
Nov. 23 - fan: imagine if @/ColbyBrock responded to this
could you imagine
Nov. 24 - fan: lmao okay so my friend put this together when I FINALLY received Colby's reaper merch yesterday and I had to laugh, I am actually stupid. But I thought it was a lil funny so y'all can see it too then xx
hahahha love it. thank you. you’re not a sack of potatoes in my eyes
Nov. 27 - happy b day @/SamGolbach you know this and imma save the sappy shit for your big 25th bday but i wouldn’t be here without you. you’re the most intelligent, deep thinking dude i’ve ever met and i feel pretty damn lucky to be able to call you a business partner AND best friend
Nov. 28 - take it easy
Nov. 30 - should i hop back on tik tok?
Dec. 2 - @/aaron_doh: At least I got a photo shoot out of it 😄
whaaat. dude i wish you a speedy recovery
Dec. 3 - it’s hard to move on
Dec. 5 - a nice escape is all i need
welp. i guess i’m a lightweight
Dec. 9 - miss you
Dec. 14 - all the baggage that comes with me
Dec. 15 - been workin hard for you , announcement tomorrow
fan: omg are you pregaganant
how'd you know
@/samandcolby: announcement tomorrow… 2021 will be the best year of our lives (and probably most difficult)
fan: are we getting married?? is that why?
i hate how having anxiety makes me nauseous. it’s the worst feeling
Dec. 16 - it’s all about living in the moment and making every. second. count.
fan: yeah @/ColbyBrock how much are you charging for tattoos…
free for you
Dec. 18 - big tool pic but i’ve been workin hard
@/mannymua733: we absolutely do not mind
(god damn… this pic is still so good lol)
also cold weather always makes me want a special someone to spend time with. cuddle buddy is neeeeeded
fan: okay but can we just take a second to appreciate how hard colby’s been working in the gym because dayum
thank you sweeeetheart
yoo i love you guys 🥺
Dec. 20 - got tatted last night and i barely remember
how i feel this morning (pic of him floating)
fan: you’ve seen elf on the shelf… but have you seen cole in a hole? (@/ColbyBrock)
i’m mad i laughed at this
Dec. 23 - why’d ya have to change on me
so bittersweet saying goodbye to my childhood home of 18 years… i’ll only be back to kansas to visit and sleep in hotels from now on. strange feeling, but so happy for my mom and dad for taking a chance and moving
it’s like i don’t have a real “home” anymore. since i move so much anyways it’s hard to find a spot to actually call home
fan: i just want to say that colby has helped me through so much this year. i had a tough year as many others did but you’ve seriously have helped me through so much. i love you so so much @/ColbyBrock
awh that’s why i make videos in the first place. for people like you
Dec. 24 - addicted to you
my mom and i are the weirdest duo on the planet when we’re together i swear
fan: Make a video with her for Christmas
my whole family despises being on camera 💔
Dec. 25 - fan: momma brock is the sweetest ever
she’s my favorite woman in the world
Merry Christmas friends ! 🖤
i wish i could have face tats for like one week but it doesn’t really work like that huh
Dec. 26 - everyone’s battling their own demons
Dec. 28 - fan: Colby drinking wine but he's such a lightweight that he's probably drunk, lmao @/ColbyBrock
fan: the vibes are fucking ethereal i’m guessing @/ColbyBrock
you got it
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kabannoneko · 1 year
Game Thoughts - Little Inferno by Tomorrow Corporation
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To be honest, I only wanted to play this game cause it looked silly. But as I soon found out, it was silly, yes, but it wasn't completely so! (Or rather, that's not all it is.) And I like it! - Gure
What's It About?
So, you play as a guy who's gotten himself a brand new "Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace", which is basically a fireplace that can burn a lot of different things, even a bomb… and even a mini sun. Woooooow…
But why, you ask?
Well… For self-entertainment! And also cause it's very cold outside, for some reason, as you're supposed to find out in the story. To be fair, you'll find out pretty early anyway, so it's not too much of a spoiler.
I didn't think it would have that much of a story, not gonna lie, but yeah, there's a story, apparently! And they did a good job telling that story through dialogue from the characters other than yourself.
lol and there's also the item descriptions! That dark humor really is something… I'm gonna have to tell you all that they're not shy about showing and describing certain objects that might trigger/disturb people.
I do like how they tell you bits and pieces of the story through letters from the other characters, and I really find it amazing that it all comes together in the end. Like, questions that you may have as a player get answered, but it's not like they tell it to you in one go… you go out and talk to the characters involved.
Probably won't say any more, but remember that even though you're "by yourself" in the game, you're certainly not alone.
First thing that comes to mind is that everything looks pretty whimsical, even though some of those things aren't really what you would wanna see, like syringes… bombs… meds… It kind of reminds me of something like The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride. I like it.
The music fits the game pretty well, and there are a lot of little noises that the items make that I really like. Really keeps the game from being too tedious when it comes to waiting for items to get delivered.
The volume starts pretty loud, however, and there's no way to reduce it in-game. And that pretty much means that you have to use your computer system's volume mixer so you can set it right. Also, for some reason, it gets a copyright notice when we upload it. Thankfully, it's not a strike or anything like that.
The game pretty much has two parts to it, basically. The first part has you buying stuff through catalogs provided to you, waiting to get them, and then burning them in the fireplace to get money as well as get combos. Some item combinations are obvious, but some really take some thinking and some knowledge of things (to be honest, I had to look at a guide for a few of them.) This was the part that got me to play it, but apparently, it's more than that.
The second part has you walk around and talk to people and stuff. Not gonna lie, just saying that doesn't really do it justice lol. Basically, what happens is that some of the loose ends get tied… I can't really talk about it so much, cause I think it's better just to experience the whole thing.
Either way… There's not much I can consider bad, except maybe for the parts where I have to wait a lot during the first part (especially since I didn't know the items Sugar Plumps sends you aren't too important at all lol). Like, if you were playing by myself, maybe you wouldn't mind it as much, but if there's people watching you play, I would suggest that you have something to talk about.
This is a pretty nice, surprisingly deep(?) game that provides you the fun of burning things down (which you shouldn't really do that freely IRL lol) and gently and lovingly reminds you that there's a whole wide world out there. It can be a little on the short side, considering you can actually finish it in a single sitting, but I think the story's worth it.
You can get it on Steam. (There's a Christmas-themed (or is it Santa-themed) DLC too, by the way.)
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causenessus · 1 month
hi loveliness! (i’m calling you that now because it suits you) HOW ARE U?? good evening afternoon or morning! i hope you’ve been well and i hope you’ve eaten! tomorrow i’m driving back home and it’ll take like two days so my next checkup might be really early or really late (SORRY IN ADVANCE !!) but today i’m going to a concert so ill probably be back home really late and be tired asf LOL but im so excited for it !! i can’t wait to tell you about it tomorrow
IM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR EATING !! it makes me feel happy that i actually have an impact on your life ! ik some days get busy and long but it’s always good to eat and take care of yourself, heal the body and mind!! BAGELS ARE GOOD BUT MAKE SURE YOURE EATING ACTUAL MEALS! which i’m kind of a hypocrite because last night i had instant noodles for “dinner” kind of BUT BUT I HAD LIKE A BIG LATE LUNCH WITH MY FAMILY SO IT DOESNT COUNT !! i would consider that a snack even LOL but youuu! you! (points) make sure you eat actual meals love !! sorry this just reminds me of a story but i remember like one time i was late for school so i skipped breakfast but during class my stomach was like RUMBLING AND I WAS SO EMBARRASSED BECAUSE LIKE the teacher would be yap yap yapping and then suddenly you hear the most preposterous god awful sound (my stomach) and i had to pretend i didn’t wanna die right then and there LOL so definitely definitely eat or you’ll suffer the same fate as me </3(threateningly)(with love)(always with love)
PLS MY EARLY SHIFTS AND WEIRD DOUBLE SHIFTS ARE SO TERRIBLY FUNNY LOL but omg what do you do for work if you don’t mind me asking like do you build frames because THATS SO COOL women in stem moment LOL but omg i hope your finger is okay?? WHY IS SOMETHING HECTIC ALWAYS HAPPENING AT YOUR JOB this is like a total sitcom office type job scenarios right here but but omg omg mango anon on a plane?? flying over to ness?? mango anon and ness meetup?? (I WISH I COULD INSERT PHOTOS BUT WE WOULD BE LIKE THAT ONE MEME THATS LIKE the vibes me and gang bring to the function) no but literally i would definitely just trail around you at work like a dog like i would 100% have no idea what’s going on but i would just smile and nod and be happy just to be there LOL
YOU KNOW WHAT TECH DAYS IS REAL LIKE I WAS ALSO PART OF TECH LOL but i wasn’t like THAT type of tech in the crew i was the sounds person so id be more more background but omg soulmates? twin flames? tech crew gang??? i kinda miss tech days even though it was kind of toxic LOL like i remember my teacher was like ok practice with the cast goes until 6:30 but she kept us until like 8 like IS THAG EVEN LEGAL?? who knows though my high school was definitely not… not it (if you know what i mean)
THE LORE DROP IS CRAZY?? i get what you mean by the attachment issue thing because I GET IT I GET IT but like you’re such a likeable person like IDK YOURE JUST SO SWEET AND GENUINE ITS HARD NOT TO LIKE YOU(sorry if that sounds weird but to me it’s like)(i expect a LOT of people to like you because you radiate good energy and you’re always so sweet) BUT I GET IT AND PLS THE ICK FROM THE ATTACHMENT ISSUES?? i 100% get it because when i notice myself being too attached to someone im like okayyyyy okay mango anon back it up here back it uppp LOL because like i don’t wanna be so reliant on someone else so i always have to remind myself to chill a bit, BUT ID LOVE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT YOUR WORK AND DRAMATIC LOVE LIFE LIKE I LIVE FOR THE ROMCOMS!!
i hope tonight is a better night for you !! i hope it isn’t sucky again because you deserve the best :( I LOVE YOU TOO NESS SORRY I DIDNT KNOW WHERE TO PUT THIS PART BUT I <3 NESS thank u for always taking the time to answer these long long asks LOL but i really enjoy talking to you !! make sure you eat and take care of yourself and have a good day!! xoxoxo
AAAAAA PLEASE I AM CRYING OVER THE NAME /POS THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 i am okay!!! very brain dead and just peroifbbjk but it's okay!! and aa definitely do not worry about missing a few check ins but thank you for telling me so i don't get too sad and miss u without knowing what's going on </33 be safe driving back AND I HOPE YOUR CONCERT GOES WELL AND YOU HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!
BUT AAA thank you thank you </3 unfortunately i literally survived on almond butter bagels today but it was NOT my fault. like today was just not good lmaoaoao i ate breakfast and then drove home to eat lunch (first almond butter bagel) between classes and then had to go to work (i bought a random california roll or something on the way there that ig counts as well!!) but i literally got home at 10 pm and just could not be bothered to cook 😭😭😭 i've just been working this entire week and i work this weekend too so i'm just trying to get by!!!! i will take care of myself though BUT PLEASE THE WAY YOU DESCRIBED YOUR TEACHER YAPPING AND THEN THE PREPOSTEROUS SOUND 😭😭😭 I LAUGHED SO HARD it reminds me of this one time i was forced (idk how else to explain this but just trust me i had to??? LMAO) to eat carrots in my french class....BUT CARROTS ARE SO LOUD BRO I LITERALLY WANTED TO KMS EVERYTIME I BIT INTO THE CARROT LIKE I'M NOT GOING TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE BUT OMG BRO IT WAS A SILENT CLASSROOM AND THEN THERE'S ME CRYING EATING CARROTS LIKE A LITERAL RABBIT
but anway. AAA YES!! WOMEN IN STEM!! yes i build frames sometimes or we get them sent to my work and then i will actually frame things and cut glass and just put that all together it's very fun!! i've framed things like a real cool pixies poster, cool art, confiscated prison shanks, someone tried to get us to frame black coral (which it is highly illegal to be in possession of) so yk!!! maybe it's just a curse at my workplace!! i have NO idea wtf is wrong with my workplace but we could DEFINITELY BE A SITCOM SHOW LMAOO AND AAA OMG YES NESS AND MANGO ANON MEETUP!!! I WOULD LITERALLY CRY /POS AND JUMP WITH JOY PLEASE AND LITERALLY OMG YOU DID TECH TOO??????? AND YOU WERE SODIFIUHWLJBEKJRFLEPRIO;GWENK (you were sound except i keyboard smashed halfway through)
MANGO ANON. WE WERE MEANT TO BE. LITERAL SOULMATES I TELL YOU!!!! BC I MEAN IG IDK HOW OTHER DEPARTMENTS ARE BUT LIKE I FEEL LIKE YOU ALWAYS HAVE A LIGHT KID - SOUND KID DUO YK?????? AND THAT'S YOU AND ME AAAA THAT'S LITERALLY SO COOL THOUGH I ADMIRE SOUND PEOPLE SO MUCH BECAUSE IT'S JUST TOO MANY CABLES AND THINGS FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF I NEVER UNDERSTOOD IT 😭😭 but yes it is also such a toxic and dramatic environment like ALL the time okay another lore drop my junior year i was literally fighting for my life because basically i had just been passed the torch down from our goddess light board op senior (so i was now in charge of everything regarding lights and basically the light board op) BUT this sophomore with a superiority complex also wanted the job and would literally fight me for it like he DEMANDED to be head of lights once for this student directed play and he had been asked to do the show before me so he got first pick and i was like "i mean okay chill idrc" but the bad thing is he just did not know what he was doing 😭 and i tried to be nice and be like "hey. we can split the job. if you want to be board op for the play and musical that's chill. i'll do it for the other play." AND IDK WHY I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE THE ENTIRE DEPARTMENT HATED HIM AND LIKE I TOLD MY TECH DIRECTOR THE PLAN AND HE WAS LIKE "HELL NO I AM NOT LETTING THAT KID OPERATE THE BOARD YOU'RE DOING THAT" so i ended up being board op...the entire year which i don't feel bad about!! but that was like the biggest drama moment of my life and i'm still not over it i am typing in passionate rage rn can u tell /hj
BUT AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 I REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT YOU'RE SO SWEET!! i always attract weird men unfortunately...i will spill this all to u mango anon do not worry your pretty head <3 maybe we'll start with skater boy tm (imagine i subscripted that i'm too lazy rn) or the boy who thought i liked him and asked me to homecoming....BUT YOU'RE LITERALLY SO SWEET AND CARING TOO I KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED BY SO MANY AS WELL!!! and honestly lots of people suck </3 so if they DON'T love you?? well that's an easy fix i'll just beat the life out of them <3 (said with love. for u. not those people. i promise i'm nice!!!)
AND THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS SENDING THESE LONG ASKS!! AND READING MY EVEN LONGER ANSWERS <3 tonight was okay!!! i hope you had a good day <3 and talking to you has DEFINITELY made it better so thank you and i love you so much as always mango anon <3 PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!! AND EAT AND DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND I HOPE YOU DON'T FEEL TOO SICK AS YOU DRIVE BACK HOME!!
0 notes
8.24.23 Thursday
12:11 am
Strange who put it here... What is the plan of Uncle Jun to kill us here?? Why??? Bolo like in Lipa Batangas Massacre??
Who got the rituals and a change of spirit angels???
Can Uncle Jun will be able to hold his sanity here?
I need help here probably Uncle Jun will kill us...
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12:38 am
Hmm...What is inside of Uncle Jun?
But the food is sponsored by Uncle Jun lunch and dinner... Coz I can't shoulder everything now,angels...
I have analyzation... Why, this Cavite wanted to hurt my ego this is different story on my family here and separated from my job life...
I don't know what to do angels... I need to keep a job and I need money and it is not enough these days.. My needs, my baby-John's, my collagen on my feet and down there... I know I have to share coz this is my life now... I'm so tight now my personal budgeting and I have to keep the job in Iqor angels...
I have to pay on my friend Ely even a lil... I will also support him as my friend... Probably, what happened on Ely on his helping method on me was a blessing in disguise to be a friend of brother Rodel of wave 468! Probably, God wants me to be closer on brother Rodel... Probably, coincidence... Hmm... I'm also here at his back as his friend... But I'm still tight on my budgeting these days,angels...
1:21 am
I hope I can save money for my collagen and travel someday... I told Mia I really wanna go to Ilocos to visit their sand dunes but I also wish to travel in Dubai for the sand dunes as well and camel and donkey... Coz after we ate in Jollibee all my wavemates with our coaches Melai and John, while walking going back to our room Mia and I just had a chit-chat about our personal lives like her own family and my dream vacation or things that they usually do on their leisure time.
Still, thinking of my "Red Pouch"... Who took it? I have so many problems in my head... Bills, family character like who took my "Red Pouch"? What is the motive? Stuff like that...
On the other side... It was funny awhile ago in our classroom when Champi and Coach John had their role playing, thank God I was able to control myself not to laugh coz seeing their face and hearing them talking in English, it was funny coz they look like a zombie and their beauty is fading but still fighting in life... In my comic strip over my head these people are funny coz they look super wasted and still keep on talking in English. It was really funny angels, that all of us there will be a "living dead"...
I'm thinking if we're gonna have our movie the wave 468 and the rest of Iqor... Probably,the title is "The fight of the Living Dead or The last blow of the Living Dead or The last days of the Living Dead" it can be on 3 series, angels...
10:02 am
Still,waiting for Uncle DD for the bridging money for water bill... I don't have extra for myself and for John... I need soap here and shampoo.... The water bill is due today so I have to pay it... They will cut it angels today or this late afternoon...
I'm not relax everyday and I still have my sciatica or S-bones pain or priformis or pelvic pain...
Still, having windblow trap and I still feel self-pity.
10:17 am
I will explain something that I can't explain today...
1:18 pm
Spit on them those customer service and fat boy in Dasmarinas Water...
I asked nicely yesterday and I paid full today then they will tell me that probably it will be cut. Spit on them! SPIT ON THEM TODAY!
I went there yesterday and super bow on customer service that please can I pay the 1 month first for us not to have an interruption on water service they didn't allow me that fat bad ass boy... So, yesterday I was calmed and said ohkay will pay tomorrow coz it will be our due date.
Then I went today and talked to the non-sense Cavite Customer Service ( spit on them) I asked nicely if they have control on their employees not to cut us coz we paid it already in full... Coz they must have a reminder or control on their employees even on the field...
This will be a reimbursement some percentage,waiting for Uncle DD...
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michael-ss0718 · 2 years
Our Yesterday's Escape...
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Woahh~ what a traumatic ride. Although I was spoiled early on with its ending, I never thought I would go through those heart-wrenching and sorrowful experiences just because I was prepared and long expected them. I guess, I'm totally wrong...
This is one of the most memorable story I have ever read this year. I mean, isn't it obvious? it made me revive my Tumblr account and finally write another piece of my story after almost a year because I was completely swept away by how memorable, inspirational and heartbreaking this is.
I would like to always remember this story as something that marked a change for me; something that extremely influenced and inspired me to move forward with life and continue striving for myself. So as I look back I would know that it once ignited a fire inside of me to be who I will become in the future.
It was both an inspiration and traumatic experience for me. It made me realize all sorts of things, made me reminisce, hope, love, forgive, appreciate and re-evaluate everything in life... and it also provided me so much heartbreaks, pains, guilt, worries, sorrow, agony, disappointments and repentance—I would never thought that this story can make me feel all these in a span of 1 whole day. I was able to finish it in 1 day and I will forever be grateful for spending my day on this, cause it helped me survive whatever i'm going through right now. So, thank you!
I'm probably ending it here because I'm running out of words and ideas to write. Haha. I always love writing but I also knew that I suck with it. Nonetheless, I am very thrilled whenever I got to express myself by writing whatever I have in mind and finally seeing it visible in a context once transcribed using words... It is my forever joy and fulfillment.
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Finally, I just wanna tell my future self that... We made it this far with the help of a lot of things, a lot of people and it would never be possible without all of them. So live and enjoy life to the fullest. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, falling and getting all bruised and scarred because that's part of the process of life. Just go with the flow and you shall arrive at the final destination with a genuine smile plastered on your face. Simply because you know you did great and didn't regret a single thing along the way.
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P.S. I'm painfully reminded Papa... I miss you so much and I will love you forever and beyond. I'll remember you through our 'yesterdays' and the day shall come when I will finally meet you to enjoy our 'tomorrows' till then I will make sure to enjoy my 'todays'.
I will always love you, my greatest supporter!
From your beloved Son,
09.29.22 - 02:35AM - WEDNESDAY
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minahoeshi · 3 years
you were loved the most of all.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader | break-up angst
summary: You should've known that when Ushijima Wakatoshi found it easy to fall in love with you, it might be even easier for him to fall out of it. But who expects the worst when it comes to loving someone as seemingly perfect as him, anyway?
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Chapter 1 of 2
Chapter 2 of 2
He said it was easy to fall in love with you. He said he didn’t know when exactly, at which place, nor for what reason. Simply one day, Ushijima Wakatoshi found himself looking at you with the epiphany that maybe there’s something more meant to happen between you and him. There you stood before him that day, the person he could promise love to. (And there he stood before you that moment, the boy whose promises you found yourself believing in no matter what.)
So maybe that’s why it was even easier for him to fall out of love. When he told you he was no longer in love with you, it didn’t matter to you to ask when exactly, at which place, or for what reason. Even the universe itself is meant to fizzle out one day along with the death of the stars. Just one more person drifting away from you like a lone planet with no real orbit shouldn’t leave you broken. You are used to this. You won’t fall apart.
But you break anyway.
It was snowing outside when he decided to tell you to end things now before it hurts both of you even further. Not that the snow has anything to do with the coldness creeping up your chest threatening to spill out of you in endless sobs. You were glad, though. That at the very least, he remained honest with his feelings. He never left you guessing. Every time, he never forgets to tell you what’s on his mind. His honesty is something he thought was necessary.
“I understand, don’t worry. Thank you for telling me right away. I know you’re also considering me–” you tell him and choke up. There are tears running down your face but you’re not worried about that. Wakatoshi never let you mask your emotions around him. For the longest time, he reminded you to feel free to be completely bare with him. All the good and the bad, he said. Don’t be afraid to show them to me. I will always understand.
He steps closer and puts you between his arms. You feel his chin on top of your head as you lean your face into his chest. You’re sobbing now. “I’ll be fine, Toshi. We’ll be fine.”
He kisses the top of your head and lets you stay in his arms for minutes. “I loved you then, and I love you still. It’s just that they’re no longer the same kind. I will stay if you ask me to, okay? Anything you want.”
This only makes you cry harder. He’s always been too good. And even in breaking your heart, he’s too good. You want him to hold on. You want to ask him to stay with you for years and years. Even with a different kind of love, you’ll let him be as long he’s close by. But someone like him who has dreams beyond yourself shouldn’t ever be with someone like you who still lacks certainty toward anything.
“Just for tonight,” you ask, still crying. “Can I stay?”
“of course,” he replies. Anytime you want. Anything you want. It has always been this way.
Because humans are creatures of routines and familiarity, you spend that night the way you usually do when you’re at his place. You cook dinner with him and eat on the dining table, sharing stories and laughter. You keep adding food to his plate and he smiles as you giggle at everything you find funny.
It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.
You clean the kitchen and stay in the living room. He leans on the couch as you lay down with your head on his lap. You keep talking and laughing. He goes along, sometimes adding things to make you laugh even more, sometimes simply agreeing, sometimes asking questions. You keep it loud and light, afraid of the silence. Inside you, it’s so heavy, your heart might just fall off. This will be the last, you tell yourself. You want to be happy for now. While he’s still here.
"Do me a favor, okay?" You tell him as you're nearing slumber. "Let me leave first tomorrow. Maybe stay in bed, maybe pretend you're asleep. But tomorrow, don't get out of the room until I've left the house." Your voice shakes, feeling yourself wanting to sob.
"I don't want to wake up to another empty bed but I don't want to see your face when I wake up too," you curl into him even further. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry I still don't really know what to do. And I know you wake up pretty early and you know, do stuff, but just for tomorrow, please?"
Wakatoshi didn't really understand why. He originally planned on cooking breakfast for you and taking you to the train station. He would watch you board the train and he'd make sure to smile at you as he waves. You always waved back. That's how it works. Even after fights, and even after especially bad nights, you'd still do the same. Watching you leave with a smile was how you both knew you'd still be fine the days after. That nothing much can affect your relationship. For years, this has been the routine.
But tomorrow, he knows he has to give way. He knows what he said hurt you. It would be wrong of him to do what he wants simply because he's used to.
Tomorrow's the last, he realises. And then if you want, he'd never see you again.
You wake up pretty early. The sky is a calm shade of blue, the world outside still waking up. You check the time on your phone and find it's 6 AM. Last night, you slept with your back on him. The sight before you is the other end of his bedroom and you notice just how much of yourself you've managed to leave around his place. Pieces of just one other person in his life, scattered in places around his world pretending that’s just where they belong. You didn't mind leaving things behind back then. You never really thought of the day that you might’ve to take back all of them. Just how does one pick up parts of themselves when they thought they’ve finally found a place for them to stay?
But as you stand up, you conclude that when things end, traces shouldn’t be left behind. He didn’t decide to break up only to be reminded of you even after you’re no longer close to him. So you go and pick every little thing that's yours. Even your jacket and sweaters and a few pairs pyjamas in his closet. You'll just take his things from your place too and hand it to Tendou's shop. Coming back here won’t do you any good. Him coming to your place instead wouldn’t either.
Collecting all your things, even the ones you can't use anymore, you leave the bedroom and enter the living room. You don't have many belongings here aside from some DVDs and books. You only take the books and leave the rest for him. You've always preferred reading anyway.
Setting your bag and things aside on the sofa, you go ahead and wash yourself in the bathroom and bring your toothbrush and some other products with you when you're done. You then head to the kitchen to cook him something light to eat for breakfast . You knew you didn't have to. He knows how to cook. It has always been him cooking breakfast for you. When you could, you’d rather stay in bed until the very moment you must start preparing to go to uni or work. But you did anyway. He's probably in his bed, awake. He has never been a heavy sleeper. With all the moving you did around his room, he was bound to wake up if he wasn't already.
You make him a simple omelette and write a small message on top of it with ketchup. "Good luck with practice today!"
You've already cleaned everything you used, preferring to wash and set utensils as soon as you're done with them. That way, when you're sitting down to eat, there won't be any cluster around to distract you.
You put the ketchup down and decide that should be enough. You'll stop here. You should go now.
Ushijima is sitting on his bed. He's been awake since 5 AM when he usually goes on his run. It isn't the first time he chose to stay with you instead of going out, but he can't help but feel heavy this time. He stayed in for you. But as the minutes pass by, it seems that he simply cannot find the courage to sit up and face you.
He wants to sink into his bed.
There's knock on the door followed by sentences uttered softly. "Toshi, I'm going now. There's breakfast on the table. Make sure to eat before you go."
There goes the heavy feeling again. Maybe if this keeps up, he might just actually sink and never get back up.
You've done that a few times. Leaving while he's still in the room. You don't even open the door. You simply knock and tell him you're about to go, always reminding him to eat before he goes too.
But this will be the last, he thinks. If you leave now, will he never see you again?
chapter 2 will be up soon not rly sure when tho. (it's up now the link is at the top)
also, im not entirely sure but i think i didnt use any pronouns or gendered nouns for this except "girl" in the 1st paragraph which i erased just now? if i'm right, then i hope everyone reading this get to feel as though theyre rly the person in the story. unless ofc u dont want that bc this isnt the happiest ushitoshi x reader fic u can find🥲. but thanks for reading!!!! m so sorry for typos nd other errors as well. i kinda cant read my own writings bc sometimes doing so makes me wanna smack myself in the head and never write again nd i hate that so now im leaving my mistakes to the gods nd hope they love me enough or smth. but yes thank u sm again for reading!!!!
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eclipixels · 3 years
Saving Kaneki from going on that date with Rize
The first time I had met him was at the school library. He had stumbled into my life, quite literally stumbled. He had tripped and fallen on top of me, knocking over most of the books from the fantasy section.
There he was, all shy with shining silver eyes and dark hair. He groaned and rubbed his head before immediately standing up and apologising, running back to an orange haired boy whom I assumed was his friend.
The next day, a Monday, it was going back to classes again. Most people were taking a break from everything and just going out since it was the weekend but I stayed in and read some fanfiction to release some stress. Dazai is good and all but sometimes you just need a brain break from all the high vocabulary and just read some cheesy love story written by a delusional 16 year old.
I had arrived to class early since it's nice when it's all silent and nobody is here. I sighed before taking out my textbooks and reading Sen Takatsuki's newest novel. I rested my chin on my palm as I engrossed myself into the pages of the book.
Suddenly, I noticed something from the corner of my eye, there was someone else here. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was the boy from the library yesterday.
He had 2 cups of coffee in his hand with one nervously held out towards me. I was a bit shocked since nobody had ever done a gesture like that to me before so I froze for a second before accepting the warm beverage.
"I'm really sorry I ran into you yesterday, I really didn't mean to, it was an accident and I didn't know where I was going, and um, I'm Kaneki Ken."
"It's alright. I didn't mind and you didn't have to get me this but thank you." I smiled politely.
"You're welcome and it really was no trouble. It's the least I could do to excuse my clumsiness." He shyly spoke.
"Would you like to sit down?" I asked as I noticed he was still standing in front of me.
"O-oh sure!" His eyes widened. He sat down next to me and pulled out his textbooks, mimicking the actions I had done prior to him arriving.
"Hey, is that Takatsuki's newest novel? How'd you get that? I didn't think it'd be out 'till next week!" The smile that lit up his face was something I'd never get used to and unbeknownst to me, would be the one I would slowly fall in love with.
"Oh, most shops have already had them shipped to them and are keeping them in storage until next week. A bookstore owner I know really well managed to sneak one out for me." I explained.
"Aw, no way! You're so lucky! Do you mind if I borrow it? I promise I'll give it back to you by tomorrow!" He exclaimed and I can swear I think I saw sparkles in his eyes.
"Um, Here, you can take it now since I finished it earlier in the morning." I handed the book to him.
Thus was the start of our friendship. Even though he was often busy with school more than me, (since he took more complex classes) he still had time to spend with me. It'd be small things from sitting silently next to me and doing his school work while I read any book that he had recommended to just going out for ice cream together in a nearby park.
Everyday he would seem to bring me a beverage whether it'd be my favorite coffee or something else. If he couldn't meet with me, he'd always have it delivered to my doorstep. It became a tradition for us.
Soon enough, I had met the orange haired boy that I had seen with Kaneki the day that I first met him and not long after had we also become friends.
Somehow, Hide and Kaneki managed to get me out of my apartment and took me out to get lunch with them. The three of us had become quite close.
Although I enjoyed my friendship with both of them, it had seemed that I had fallen in love with the dark haired boy and might I say fallen really hard. Like, cupid got drunk and shot me in the back, sending me flying into Kaneki's heart, face first into his adorableness.
His eyes told stories that I found familiarity in. It held the same gleam of a painful past, the same feeling I found in mine. It didn't take long for me to accept the fact that I had drowned myself in his aura, becoming truly, madly deep in love with Kaneki Ken.
Unfortunately Hide had figured this out and of course he tried to get me to confess and after what felt like centuries of persuading, he finally got me to go and confess.
Well, that was before now. Now, he had come to me with pitiful eyes, telling me that Kaneki had fallen for a shy, purple haired woman that he had met in a coffee shop, and that he had asked her out on a bit of a date, and that she had said yes. I couldn't process what was even coming out of his mouth.
Kaneki asking out a stranger? Impossible–
–But.. after awhile I looked up at Hide and saw that he still had the same downcast look on his face. I knew then that he wasn't lying, and that he was serious. I guess that Kaneki does not feel the same way I do. we'll, obviously he didn't. I felt myself go numb as I was being pulled into a hug by Hide but I didn't respond. He kept apologizing over and over again, telling me that Kaneki is an idiot to have chosen a stranger over the the girl who was there for him through the difficult times and shared almost everything with each other but, in my eyes, I was just the girl who was foolishly in love with a boy who would never look at her the way she looked at him.
Hide went on about how Kaneki must have been crazy not to like me back, and that kaneki and I were perfect for one another, and that Kaneki was just making a mistake but everything that came out of his mouth just felt like lies that only reminded me more and more of the reality, stomping harder on my already shattered heart.
Hide decided to take me to get some food to cheer me up. It wouldn't work but I accepted his kind request since I can at least try to get my mind off of it.
"Don't worry about it, Y/n! We're gonna have the bestest day you've ever experienced!" Hide exclaimed determined.
"Give it your best shot." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Just wait and see Y/n, it'll be fun. Now let's go!" Hide shouted.
Once we had arrived, Hide's face looked distraught and he immediately said we should go somewhere else. I found that very weird and out of the ordinary for him. That's when I noticed him staring at something and I followed his gaze only to be met with the shattering view.
"Oh." I muttered.
"That's why" he let out a sigh. "I'm sorry." He apologized.
There was Kaneki, across the street with a tall long purple haired girl who I assumed was the girl who he asked out.
"What do you mean? That doesn't matter to me. Let's just go inside anyway." I lied straight through my teeth, doing my best to seem unbothered by it.
"Are you sure? You don't seem like you're okay." Hide asked with worried eyes, concern evident on his face.
"No no, I'm fine" but my tone contradicted my words.
"Look y/n, you're hurt and upset but you don't have to force yourself to do this-" Hide gripped my shoulder only to be interrupted by my voice.
"I said it's okay, Hide. C'mon, I can handle this." I smiled.
I don't know why I'm doing this but it can't get any worse, can it?
Shit.. yes, yes it can and it's happening right now.
Kaneki sees us and makes his way over. His expression was shocked to say the least.
"Y/n? What're you doing here?" Kaneki asked.
"Oh um, Hide and I just decided to get some food." I stumbled the words out.
"..with Hide?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yea." I pressed my lips together and rocked on my heels.
"Huh, interesting." He hummed. "Are you two out on a date?" His expression changed to bitter.
"Wait what? No way." I laughed, actually finding it funny he would think that. Even Hide snickered.
"oh.." He muttered.
"So, who's that?" I chocked out, referring to the violet haired girl.
"This is Rize." He introduced.
"Well it was nice to meet you! Excuse me I have to go now." I ran to the bathroom. Fuuuuuck that was so embarrassing. I wanna cry and scream at the same time.
I could overhear Hide and Kaneki still talking. I focused to hear a bit clearer and I immediately clasped my hands over my mouth as I heard Hide passive aggressively say, "Have fun on your date while y/n and I hang out and have fun all day. Bye Ken!"
Hide huffed before sitting down next to me. "Someone looks pissed." I mumbled.
"Who wouldn't I be pissed? God, he's so fucking dense. This is like when your two favorite characters who you ship don't end up together and one of them ends up with some other bitch." He ran his hand through his hair sighing.
"What did you say to him?" I asked.
"You'd scold me if I told you so I'm not telling you. Ugh, I can't believe I'm best friends with such a-" I stopped him mid sentence.
"Let it go, Hide." I put a hand on his shoulder.
"I won't talk about it anymore but I'm not letting it go." He huffed.
"Whatever but, did you notice something weird about her?" I asked.
"Uh, not really. What do you mean by weird?" He asked.
"Bro, I swear there's something fucking weird about that girl!" I exclaimed.
"She doesn't seem weird.. I just think he's ways out of her league." He explained.
"No no, there's just something.. I don't know. She gives off weird vibes." I stirred the straw in my drink.
"Hm, are you sure you aren't acting like this because.." Hide trailed off, smirking.
"I just care about him, it's not about how I feel and- stuff for him, y'know? It's not about that. I'm just worried about him." I expressed my concerns trying to not include my feelings into the equation.
"Call it whatever you want but you're jealous." He snickered.
"I've got an idea!" I exclaimed.
"Oh no-" He widened his eyes.
"I'll go with them!" I said.
"I don't think they'd let you." He furrowed his brows.
"I'll just sit at another table so they won't see me."
"I PROMISE I won't ever do it again. Just this one time and if everything goes ok I'll never do it again." I put my hands together before Hide sighed in response.
I sat at a table far away from them but enough for me to see. They were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
Kaneki was mostly likely rambling on about his favorite books. He's so cute when he makes those little gestures. Honestly, he could talk about where hot dogs come from and I'd still drool over how adorable he is.
Seggsy lesbian bitch- I mean Rize on the other hand was just doing the debby ryan and not even eating anything. That's kinda suspicious. Is she a vampire or something? Holy shit what if she's a ghoul?!
I almost didn't notice them leaving but I somehow catched up to where they were going. It was already a but dark out. They came to a stop and Kaneki was blushing furiously.
Oh no
They leaned in..
Are they going to kiss? I don't think I can bear to watch that.
What happened next almost gave me a heart attack. She opened her mouth and was about to bite his shoulder. My fight or flight response immediately activated and before I knew it, I grabbed Kaneki's hand and ran.. His eyes widened in pure shock.
From the corner of my eye, I could see in the reflection of weird tentacles coming out of her as she wailed and chased after us. I didn't notice at first but soon enough I felt the blood trickle down my leg.
She managed to cut my leg. I wasn't that good at running and the gash made it even worse. I felt my legs giving out and I collapsed onto the concrete sidewalk. Everything felt kind of foggy and I barely remember what's even happening right now but I could feel that Kaneki somehow managed to carry me on his back and he ran to the nearest public area.
"Y/n! You're bleeding! We need to get you to the hospital right now!" Kaneki said as he frantically looked for his phone.
"Are you okay? Did she bite you?" I asked.
"No, I'm fine! You're the one hurt right now! Why are you worrying about me?" I could see the fear and concern in his eyes. For some reason I felt guilty for it but I felt warm inside knowing he cared.
"I'll be fine, it's just a cut. She was going to eat you! What was going to happen if she did?" I squeezed his hand.
"I'm okay now, aren't I? Thanks to you." He smiled, wiping away splattered blood from my cheek.
"You're welcome, Kaneki-san"
"I called Hide to come so he can help take you to the hospital to get your wound treated." He assured me.
"Its not a big deal." I tried to pretend I wasn't in extreme pain.
"It is" He sternly voiced.
"It's not" I spoke with the same tone.
"Don't argue back. I owe it to you after you saved my life."
"Fine but only because you said so."
After we arrived at the hospital, the doctor said it was just a small gnash, nothing severe. They patched me up and Kaneki insisted on coming along with me.
"You didn't have to come with me, Ken. I can manage on my own." I said as we entered my apartment.
"Oh and also, what're you doing?" I asked as he tugged on my jacket trying to get it off which he somehow managed to do.
"Y/n, you're my friend and you saved my life, I already told you I owe you." He sighed hanging up our coats.
"A friend, huh?" I smiled sadly. Back to pain it was again. Heartbreak isn't a hobby for me, it's a lifestyle. :')
"Y-yeah, well you're my friend aren't you?" He peered at me with doe eyes.
"Kaneki I really need to tell you something." I blurted.
"What is it?" He gulped.
"I.." I started but choked up.
"Uh?" He stepped closer. Dammit why is this so difficult.
"I love you." I whispered averting my eyes away. I couldn't dare to look at his face. After a moment of silence I looked up to see.. nobody? Where'd he go?
"Kaneki?? Where are you?" I shouted. Did he leave? Wow, couldn't he at least say it that he doesn't like me. I suddenly tripped over something and fell onto the floor, thankfully on top of a rug.
I groaned feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen from landing on something underneath. I slowly get up and look to see Kaneki. Kaneki. On the floor. wut.
"Eh? What the-???" I yelled in confusion. "Why are you on the God damn floor??" I frantically shouted.
"And are you crying? And texting Hide?" I ask seeing his lit up phone screen.
"N-no" He sniffled, turning his head so I couldn't see.
"Why are you crying, though?" I raised an eyebrow, wiping his tears with my thumb.
"It's just that I never thought you'd ever like me. Do you know h-how long I've had feelings for you?" He teared up even more.
"Why are you getting emotional?" I held his hand tighter.
"Oh my bananas y/n, I'm crying tears of joy! I'm so happy you like me back! I just thought you'd never like me back, that's why I went out with Rize to try and forget these feelings." He looked away from me with pink tinted cheeks feeling shameful.
"Kaneki! Why didn't you say anything?" I scolded light heartedly.
"You know I'm shy. How come you didn't?" He scrunched his nose.  Adorable.
"Well I was! In fact I was planning on confessing on the day you asked that girl out" I glanced down while frowning, having a sour taste in my mouth.
"Y/n.. do you want to go out on a date with me?" He looked up at me.
"Of course I do and I wanted to be the one to ask!" I crossed my arms.
"Beat you to it." He smiled.
"Can I at least pick the date?" I asked.
"Errr sure but I want to go on a book date 'cause Hide said they're lame and I wanna prove him wrong." He narrowed his eyes.
"Sure." I sigh.
"Thank you, Y/n!" He launched himself at me, hugging me tightly.
"What for?" I laughed hugging him back.
"For saving me and for agreeing to going on a date with me" He whispered.
"I didn't have a choice when it came to liking you though, how could I not?" I replied back.
"May we.. stay like this." He requested while staring up at me with sparking glossy doe eyes. I gazed at his soft pink face and planted a cheste kiss on his cheek causing his breath to hitch.
The moment was innocent, delicate and serene... until Kaneki's phone dinged with a notification of a text from Hide. Y/n made a mental note to ask what he texted Hide behind her couch while Kaneki made a mental note to ask how the hell did she show up at the right moment when Rize tried to eat him.
—But only Hide knows the answer to those questions 💅
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: no fic-related news but i did get my first dose of the covid vaccine today so that’s exciting! GET VAXXED, PEOPLE! SPENCER WOULD WANT YOU TO!!
Chapter 20
“Hey Hotch,” Spencer knocked on his boss’s door.
Spencer got in extra early today to have his meeting with Hotch and hopefully tie up all the loose ends in his paperwork.
“Reid, come in,” Hotch gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and talking with Y/N and I think my time at the BAU is coming to an end,” Spencer said.
“I see,” Hotch leaned back in his chair, “Well, I think it goes without saying that you would certainly be missed. But, I’m not going to try to convince you to stay because I feel like this is a good decision for you...one I probably should have made myself if we’re being completely honest.”
“You made it work though, Jack loves his superhero dad,” Spencer reassured him, “I just can’t keep missing stuff after already missing six years. It’s too much and I certainly can’t focus on cases when I’m desperately wishing I was somewhere else.”
“How about this? We put you on temporary unpaid leave for a year. Then, you can either choose to come back or quit for good. This will give you plenty of family time and then you’ll see if you’re ever ready to return or not. It’s up to you. Also, if I just put you on leave, it can start as early as tomorrow. Instead of you just quitting and then having to put your two weeks in and be called away on more cases.”
“That sounds great, Hotch. Thank you so much for your understanding. If I don’t come back, it was a pleasure working with you. But I’m sure I will see you around at Rossi’s dinner parties,” Spencer grinned.
Hotch and Spencer hugged before pulling away to see the rest of the team filing into the bullpen.
“I guess I have to tell them,” Spencer sighed, knowing they would be a little disappointed at the sudden news.
“Hey guys, I have an announcement,” Spencer walked out of Hotch’s office.
“You have another secret daughter?” Derek joked.
“Y/N is pregnant?” Penelope guessed.
“You’re engaged?” Emily asked.
“Um no to all, I know this is a bit sudden and I apologize for that but effective tomorrow, I will be taking a year long leave from the BAU which may turn permanent,” Spencer spoke softly.
Silence filled the room.
“It’s not that I don’t love this job or you guys. You all know you are my best friends but I just really need to be home with my family right now,” Spencer explained.
Derek was the first to walk up to Spencer, “We’re gonna miss you around here, kid.”
He pulled Spencer in for a hug, ruffling up his hair.
Penelope was next in line to hug Spencer with a tissue already dabbing at her eyes.
“I hate to see you go, Boy Wonder, but I know it’s what’s best for you,” she said.
“I think Jo may be an even stricter boss than Hotch,” Rossi teased.
“She does have a tendency to get grumpy when she isn’t allowed to have ice cream for dinner,” Spencer laughed lightly, wiping the tears that were forming from his eyes.
“Please don’t ever stop talking. I know we tease you but I truly am going to miss your rambles,” Emily whispered.
“I’m just a phone call away,” he promised.
“You deserve this. Do not feel bad,” JJ reminded him.
He nodded in acknowledgement, his voice getting caught in the lump in his throat.
“We need a cake!” Penelope exclaimed, “I will not have the Good Doctor’s last day be cakeless especially with that sweet tooth of his.”
“On it,” Derek said, grabbing his keys.
“Decorations too! See if Party City has a Happy Retirement section!” she shouted after him.
“You’ve got it, baby girl,” Derek replied.
Spencer returned home in the evening with a cardboard box full of his belongings that once resided on his desk. 7 years of his career packed into one box. It seemed sad to him that such a big chapter of his life was closing.
But then, he walked inside. You and Jo had karaoke up on the TV screen. You both were currently in the middle of Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Jo even had her baseball cap on backwards to complete the look.
“If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends. If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is,” Jo sang.
Then you jumped in, “So, here's a story from A to Z. You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully. We got Em in the place who likes it in your face. You got G like MC who likes it on a
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady. And as for me, ha you'll see.”
“Slam your bodies down and wind it all around,” you both sang.
You turned around to see Spencer standing there and you let out a yelp.
“Oh no, please continue. Don’t stop on my account,” he grinned.
“Daddy!” Jo jumped up into his arms.
He moved Jo to his hip as you approached.
“Hi, love,” you greeted him with a kiss.
He was no longer sad. This was the right choice. This is where he belonged.
“Shhh” is the first thing you heard as you awoke followed by the quiet rattling of dishes.
“Jo, no!” you heard Spencer whisper-shout, “I said not until Mommy wakes up.”
“I’m up,” you muttered into your pillow.
You turned to the side of your bed to see Jo standing there with a tray of food and Spencer behind her with a bouquet of flowers.
You smiled softly.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” they both cheered.
“Thank you, my loves,” you gave them both kisses, accepting the tray from Jo as Spencer set the flower vase down on your bedside table.
The food on the tray consisted of a mug of coffee, a cup of orange juice, bacon, a bowl of blueberries, and a big chocolate chip pancake with sliced strawberries for the eyes and nose and a whipped cream smile.
“Very artistic,” you grinned.
Spencer returned next to you in bed, getting under the covers. He was wearing a plain gray fitted t-shirt, flannel PJ pants, and his glasses.
“Jo, you can go get your present for Mommy while she eats,” he suggested.
Once Jo left the room to go retrieve her gift, you planted a much messier kiss on Spencer’s lips.
“Not that I’m complaining but what was that for?” he smirked.
“You know how sexy I told you those glasses make you look,” you stated, taking a bite of a strip of bacon.
“I’ll keep them on all day then as part of your gift,” he smiled.
Jo crawled on to the bed with a wrapped box and an envelope taped to it. The card was clearly homemade by Jo and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Look at this beautiful artwork!” you exclaimed, opening the card.
Inside was a gift card for a spa downtown surrounded by Jo’s doodles.
“JJ said that place was really nice. There’s enough on there for you and a friend to get a full day of pampering,” Spencer said.
“Well, that’s good that she likes it because I will probably bring her along as my fellow mom. Thank you both,” you smiled.
Jo pushed the wrapped box towards you. You opened it to find a multi-colored beaded necklace.
“I made it for you, Mommy,” Jo beamed as you put it on over your head.
“That is so very thoughtful of you,” you kissed her forehead, “It fits me perfectly and you even included my favorite color.”
“I planned a picnic for today but if you would rather stay home and relax all day, I totally get it. Jo and I can go to the park and you can have some peace and quiet,” Spencer offered.
“Are you kidding me? It’s called Mother’s Day, I want to spend some time with the little girl who made me the luckiest one in the entire world,” you smiled.
“Picnic, it is then. I’ll get Jo all dressed and the bag packed. Here, let me take that,” Spencer left the room, balancing Jo on one hip and your tray of dirty dishes on the other.
You were really going to have to bring your all for Father’s Day next month.
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writingsoftheghost · 3 years
Analogince get together story
Logan and Roman had been together for awhile, and they loved their relationship. But...when Virgil started joining the group more and more, the pair couldn’t help but let their attention wander.
It’s not that they loved each other any less, they just...both liked Virgil too. Roman felt bad about it, that is until Logan brought it up.
“I’m sorry!” Roman cries, “I didn’t mean to-”
Logan holds up a hand, “I’m not angry, Roman. Quite the opposite, actually, I’ve also found myself”-he coughs slightly, a red tint dusting across his cheeks- “Captivated by Virgil.”
Roman grins, “Really?”
“Yes, I have to say I find him quite endearing. Do you think it’s at all possible for him to engage in a romantic relationship with us?” He cocks his head to the side, a thoughtful scowl on his face.
Roman nods excitedly, “Oh, I think it’s possible.”
Virgil was sitting on the couch, when Roman decided to strike first.
“Hey, Hot Topic.” Roman plops down next to Virgil on the couch, closer than he’d ever sat before.
Virgil looks up from his phone for a second rolling his eyes slightly, “Aw, you think I’m hot.” 
“Mm-hmm,” Roman nods. Virgil nearly chokes. “What are you up to?” The prince continues smoothly.
“I...um-nothing?” The anxious side answers. 
“Well, that doesn’t sound very fun,” Roman purses his lips in a half pout, “What do you say we watch a movie?
Virgil shrugs, beginning to regain his composure, “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Roman nods, he looks at Virgil for way too long and the anxious side can feel his face heating up again, “Why don’t you choose a movie?”
Virgil shrugs, “You can pick, we should invite Logan, though.” He’s hoping he doesn’t come across as desperate as he actually is. He knows bringing the prince’s boyfriend into the mix would take most attention away from him.
“That’s a lovely idea, I’m sure he’d love to join us.” Roman disappears for a brief period of time, returning with a smiling Logan.
“Hello, Virgil. How are you?” He smiles at Virgil warmly. 
“Good. Do you want to pick the movie?”
Logan hums, “Roman and I would rather have you pick.”
Virgil looks at them both strangely, but he picks out a movie, nonetheless.
Twenty minutes into the movie, Virgil notices both Roman and Logan glancing over at him periodically.
He tugs at his sleeves anxiously, had he done something wrong? They were acting weird. 
He wanted to leave the room now, it felt too tense and it was making it hard to focus on the movie.
He makes a small show out of glancing at the clock, “Oh, I should probably get to bed...” He glances at them, hoping he sounds convincing. His heart drops when he sees Logan’s brow furrow.
“You don’t usually go to bed this early, is everything alright?
Virgil tries to mask the massive breath he sucks in, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t sleep great last night. I’m gonna try to make up for it tonight.”
Logan’s frown deepens and Roman’s face falls too, nevertheless they let him go.
“Goodnight, Vee,” Roman calls up the stairs, “See you tomorrow.”
The couple turn to each other as soon as they hear the door to Virgil’s room shut.
Time for plan B.
Logan packs a simple lunch pack, he smiles as he makes Virgil’s favorite finger foods. This plan was much more practical, he told himself.
Roman has left to ask Virgil to “hang out” for the day, Logan hopes he’d be able to convince him, he seemed uneasy the other night during their movie. Roman and Logan spent the last day coming up with this plan, as simple as it was, they thought it would work, Virgil preferred things to be simple after all. He and Logan were alike in that regard.
Logan smiles softly at the thought, however, he was quickly pulled back to reality by the sound of Virgil and Roman approaching.
“Im sure you and Logan would have more fun without me,” Virgil was saying.
“Nonsense, Logan and I both wish for you to join us.”
“Unless you really don’t want to,” Logan interrupts the pair as he steps into the living room.
“I...” Virgil’s eyes fall on the basket of food, “What did you two have planned?”
“We were just gonna go have a quiet lunch in the imagination,” Logan explains.
“And you two,” Virgil looks between the couple, confused, “Want me to come with you?”
Logan nods, “We would greatly appreciate your company.”
Virgil takes a deep breath, “Okay, I guess, as long as you’re both sure.” He glances at both of them, searching for any hint of malice or dislike, he felt bad about ruining their alone time, why would they want him to join them?
Roman smiles at him softly, “It’ll be fun, Virgil. The fresh air will be good for you.”
Virgil shrugs, “I don’t need fresh air, Princey.”
Logan grabs their lunch and Roman’s hand, “Are you both ready to go?”
Roman nods enthusiastically, “Been ready for hours! You take forever to make food!”
Logan rolls his eyes, “I like things to be done well, Roman, sometimes that takes a little extra time.”
Roman huffs, “You need anything before we leave, Virge?”
Virgil shrugs, “I don’t know, do I need to bring anything?”
“I wouldn’t think so, I’ve packed and prepared for just about everything that we’d need,” Logan assures.
“Okay,” Virgil mumbles, “‘Guess Im ready.”
“Wonderful!” Before Logan can stop him Roman reaches out and grabs Virgil’s hand.
Virgil flinches, but doesn’t pull away fully, he tries not to let Roman see the look of shock and confusion on his face.
Roman loosens his grip on Virgil’s hand slightly, worried he may have upset him, but then Virgil gives a soft squeeze and then, just like that, they’re holding hands, and Roman is leading the way to the imagination with the biggest smile he thinks he’s ever had.
Logan and Roman had already scouted the area they were going to eat at, a nice open field, perfect for easing a certain side’s parano-vigilance. The field contained a total of six trees, so it wasn’t like there could be anything lurking in the shadows.
Logan laid out a soft blanket, one with a texture that they knew Virgil liked, under the biggest tree.
Virgil sat himself on the edge of the blanket furthest from Logan and Roman. It was a big enough blanket for the distance to be noticeable, it made Logan worry that Virgil didn’t want to be there with them.
He had expected Virgil to be a little suspicious, even a little distant, at least at first, Logan knew this would be strange to him, he doubted the socially distant trait had ever been courted before.
“Virgil?” He asks in a calm tone, “Would you like some juice?” He’d been careful to avoid caffeine, knowing it could potentially highten Virgil’s anxiety.
Virgil shrugs, “I guess.”
Logan takes out the bottle of grape juice and the glasses he’d packed carefully earlier that day. When he offers Virgil a glass, he realizes that either he will have to move, or Virgil will have to move, go bridge the distance across the blanket.
Virgil makes the decision rather quickly, darting over and taking the glass from Logan, “Thank you.” He starts to shuffle back to his corner when Roman stops him.
“Why don’t you sit in the middle, Vee? That way you can reach the food?”
Virgil looks to the ground, “Didn’t want to invade your space.”
Logan frowns when he notices the hesitancy in the other’s voice, as if he isn’t sure he’s wanted. Which Logan couldn’t help but groan internally at, they’d invited him and he still feels like an intruder, anxiety truly was devoid of any logic.
“Virgil,” he holds out his hand towards the other in invitation, “You know we want you here, don’t you?”
Virgil won’t look at him, Logan sighs, “You’re more than welcome, here. We invited you, why would we invite you if we wanted you to just sit by yourself quietly? Hm?”
Virgil shrugs, “Dunno,” he mumbles.
“Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable, stormcloud?” Roman interjects in a gentle tone, he’s aware of the tension in the way Virgil’s sitting now.
“I’m sorry,” Virgil says shakily, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“It’s alright,” Roman whispers, “You wanna go back? I’m sorry we pressured you to come.”
Virgil shakes his head firmly, “I wanna stay, I just…don’t want to be in the way. It kinda feels like I’m intruding on a date, why was I the only person you invited? You know Patton loves outdoor lunches.”
“We know, Virgil, we just…” Logan looks at Roman, Roman gives a small head shake and Logan sighs, “We just wanted to spend time with you. We didn’t mean to make you feel awkward, we’re sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, I don’t know why I’m being so weird about it, but,” and he slowly slides his hand into Logan’s open one on the blanket, “I think I’ll be okay, now.”
“Are you sure? It really isn’t a problem if you want to go home?” Roman assures.
Virgil nods his head, “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Logan smiles and squeezes his hand softly, they all know Virgil likes physical reassurance sometimes, and they’re glad he’s started accepting, and even asking for it on occasion. Patton has to remind himself constantly that Virgil has to be the one to initiate it, however.
Roman pulls out plates and food from the pack, Virgil tries to give Logan back his hand, but he’s quickly stopped, “Please don’t let go until you’re ready, okay?” Logan smiles at him, “My right hand is fully capable of doing this alone, I promise.”
Roman hands him a plate and asks Virgil what he’d like.
They eat comfortably, Virgil relaxes enough to let go of Logan’s hand, but moves closer to him and Roman anyway. Virgil talks about Halloween coming up and Logan tells him that he’s already put horror movies into the schedule for that month.
When they finish their food they continue to sit there and talk quietly. A soft breeze blowing through the field making the place even more peaceful. They were all enjoying a moment of quiet when…
Roman sits up and stares at a blushing Virgil in shock.
The emo side ducks his head, “Shut up, Pri-hic!-ncey,” he says in an attempt at a growl.
Roman smirks, “Is there a problem, Virgil? You seem to be having a bit of trouble.”
Logan giggles, “You don’t need to be embarrassed about the hiccups, Virgil. Everyone gets them.”
“I don’t—hic—have the hiccups!” He grumbles.
Roman laughs and Logan laughs, Virgil glares at them both for a moment, but he can’t hold it for very long before he’s laughing too.
“Stop laughing at me!” He shouts between giggles.
“I don’t think,” Roman wheezes, “I’ve ever seen you hiccup before.”
“Shut—hic—up!” Virgil shoves him off the blanket with a laugh.
Roman sits back on the blanket, “Gosh, you’re adorable.”
Virgil and Logan both freeze, Virgil glancing nervously at Logan, Logan and Roman both looking at him, horrified at the thought that they’d just blown it.
“I—uh—”Virgil is still staring at Logan, a look of fear in his voice. Virgil looks at him, the face of logic not giving him any ideas as to what he’s supposed to do. He shakes his head, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, Virgil,” Logan says softly.
Roman sucks in a harsh breath, understanding the apology as a gentle rejection.
They sit in awkward silence for an eternity.
“Perhaps it’s…time we head back?” Logan suggests in a quiet tone.
Virgil’s heart drops as he decidedly believes Logan hates him now. “Yeah-Yeah, sure.”
They walk back in silence. Virgil stuffs his hands in his pockets to hide their shaking. Roman and Logan keep glancing at him, both taking his silence as a sign of discomfort.
They allow him to go to his room, wincing at the sound of his door shutting softly, not even a slam.
“I ruined it,” Roman whispers sadly.
Logan shakes his head, “We still have a chance, Love.”
Roman shakes his head, “He wouldn’t even look at me.”
“He couldn’t stop looking to me,” Logan whispers back, “I didn’t know what to say, I chose a cowards way out. I fled.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” Roman places a hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry I messed this up.”
“You didn’t mess anything up,” Logan wraps his arms around Roman’s neck and kisses a tear sliding down his cheek. “We should give him some space, we can check back in tomorrow.”
Roman nods and allows Logan to lead him to bed, not really believing any of the logical side’s attempts to reassure him.
Virgil stays in his room through breakfast. Roman liked him. He should be happy! He likes Roman! But…he likes Logan too, and he’d never wanted to get between them like this.
Logan told him it was alright, Virgil took that to mean that he didn’t really blame him, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t upset. He can only imagine the fight he and Roman probably had last night.
Virgil’s heart skips a beat when he thinks about the two of them breaking up.
He didn’t know what he did to ever catch Creativity’s attention but he wished he hadn’t done it. He felt truly awful for doing this to them.
“Kiddo,” there’s a knock at his bedroom door, “You need to eat lunch, it’s almost 1:30.” Patton sounds worried, Virgil hasn’t locked himself in his room like this since he ducked out.
“I’m not hungry, Pat. I’ll eat later.”
Patton frowns, “Virge?” He asks hesitantly. “Is everything okay? You know you can talk to me if you need to?”
“I’m fine, Pops.”
Patton isn’t convinced, “Hey…you don’t have to talk about it, but if you don’t want to be by yourself you can come to my room? Might help to be somewhere else for awhile?”
Virgil sighs, “you sure?”
“Of course.”
Virgil opens the door and Patton gives him a sad smile, “come on, I’ll get you something to eat and some tea.”
Virgil nods, “Thank you.”
Patton sits down on his bed next to Virgil, passing him a sandwich and some chips.
“I messed up,” Virgil whispers as he takes a chip.
Patton looks at him in surprise, “What did you mess up, Virge?”
“Logan and Roman, I messed up their relationship. They’re fighting and it’s all my fault.”
Patton scoots closer, “I didn’t know they were fighting. How is it your fault, honey?”
“I just…I don’t know why, they invited me out to lunch with them, and it…it was weird! But then it wasn’t, and it was nice, but…Roman called me adorable and I…I like him, but he’s Logan’s boyfriend and I never wanted to hurt Logan because I like him too and I just… Logan probably hates me now, and Roman and Logan might break up and it’ll be all my fault and there’s no way I can ever make it up to him!” Virgil’s breathless when he finishes. He doesn’t know when he started crying.
Patton shakes his head, he remembers when Logan and Roman told him they liked Virgil. When Logan had asked him what Virgil’s favorite foods were. How Patton made them both promise they would be patient and gentle with Virgil’s already shot nerves.
He can’t help but be a little upset with them for letting Virgil wallow in this all day. He pushes that feeling aside, and decides to help his three hopeless friends out.
“Virge, I can assure you, Roman and Lo are gonna be just fine. But I think you should go talk to them about this. I think there might’ve been a bit of a mix up.”
Virgil cocks his head, “What do you mean?”
Patton shakes his head again, “They’re not fighting, kiddo. I promise, just go talk to them.”
“But I—”
“Trust me.”
And with that Patton is nudging him towards the door and Virgil’s in the hall.
He glances worriedly back at the father figure.
“They’re in Logan’s room last I saw.” Patton shuts the door.
Virgil feels a slight sting of betrayal at having been abandoned to face the pair alone, but he approaches the door anyway.
He stands there for two and a half minutes before knocking.
“What is it?” Logan calls through the door.
“It’s—um—it’s me, I think maybe I need to—”
The door swings open, “Virgil?”
The logical side looks as if he hasn’t slept well, Roman is standing behind him in a similar state. Virgil can just barely see the whiteboard on the back wall covered in incomprehensible diagrams and cluster graphs.
“Hey…” he gives a weird little half wave for some reason he doesn’t understand.
“Are you…alright?” Roman asks hesitantly.
“Me?” Virgil asks in confusion, “Are you two okay?”
Logan nods, “We’re dreadfully sorry, we didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that, we—”
“I got carried away, Virgil. I’m sorry,” Roman cuts Logan off.
“You couldn’t help yourself, I shouldn’t have chosen such an intimate activity for us,” Logan defends his boyfriend.
“No, this is my fault. I’m the one that put the pressure on him.”
“Love, I should’ve planned for this. I know you can’t help yourself when it comes to your feelings.”
“You can’t plan for everything. I should’ve—”
“Hold on a second!” Virgil interrupts, “Did I miss something? What are you two arguing over?”
“It doesn’t matter, Virgil,” Logan composes himself, “We both apologize for making you uncomfortable. It was not our intention, regardless, we understand if you do not wish to go on anymore dates with us”
Virgil stares at him in complete in total confusion. “Dates?”
Roman’s eyes widen, “Surely you’re aware of what we’ve been doing. We took you to a romantic lunch! We’ve been flirting with you constantly! What did you think was happening?”
Virgil looks at Logan, the logical side gives a small smile and a nod. “I thought,” Virgil starts, “I don’t know, I guess I just thought we were hanging out, and then I guess I thought Roman was hitting on me. I didn’t realize Logan was.”
“So that’s why you acted so upset,” Roman mumbles.
“Ah, I see. My advances are less…direct,” Logan explains sheepishly.
Virgil nods, “Yeah I got that now, but I thought…that I’d ruined your relationship! That I’d broken you up or something! Oh my god I hardly slept at all last night!”
Logan winces sympathetically, “We didn’t either, but we’re very sorry for distressing you.”
“It’s fine,” Virgil shrugs it off. “But you guys…both of you…want to date me?”
“Of course, if you’d allow us,” Logan smiles, “We both find you quite endearing. Would you be willing to let us continue to romance you?”
“Logan, you make it sound so formal,” roman laughs, but he has an excited gleam in his eye, “You wanna date us, Virgil? You can say no, it’s okay, but if the answer is yes we’d both be delighted to have you as our boyfriend.”
Virgil can’t help it, he’s skeptical, this feels too much like something he’d dream up, he looks both of them in the face, hunting for any sign of a joke or a lie. There isn’t any, just encouraging smiles.
“Yeah, I’d…I’d like that a whole lot.”
He’s quickly wrapped in two pairs of arms, happy laughter filling his ears.
@idont-freaking-know @aceawkwardunicorn @cute-and-angsty-princess @emo--nightmaree @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @katlikethesword @tranquil-space-ninja @book-limerence
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sanguine-tenshi · 3 years
I just finished Inazuma and I have words
TL;DR: Hate the story, mixed on characters, love the design and tired of being treated like a 4-year-old with a learning disability.
Let’s start with what I like.
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Inazuma is absolutely beautiful. I’ll admit Inazuma hits a lot of aesthetic points for me. All the islands are different enough to feel unique but they still look like they are a part of the same land. There are a lot of secrets to discover through just exploring. Each island has a world quest to help it (make it less hostile towards you) so it very much feels like you are saving Inazuma from itself.
The puzzles are alright.
I like the cubes that rotate, I always put in the effort to figure them out properly.
Hate the ones that don’t rotate, they just aren’t engaging enough for me, so I just hit them at random and hope for the best.
The glowing floor tiles were fun, once you actually realized what they wanted you to do. A little bit too easy if I’m honest.
The electro compass isn’t really much of a puzzle, more of a fetch the nearest electrograna quest.
Those little pillars that require an electro connection are kinda boring to me, again not much of a puzzle, the hardest part is finding both pillars.
I love the new electro seelie, kinda hard to follow the jittery thing in certain parts but they make a nice contrast to the regular seelies.
I’m very much mixed on characters.
Yoimiya is adorable. She is so bright and bubbly. What little game play we had with her was fun and I love her over the top style of fighting. Kinda disappointed she’s another pyro archer but I do admit it fits her character well. It was also wonderful seeing her just settle down and be quiet, just be a part of that moment that obviously meant a lot to her. It’s always nice to see that bubbly, energetic character have that one quiet thing, ya know. Kinda funny it’s fireworks, of all things, for her.
Gorou I like, from what little we’ve seen of him. My man killed a dude with his thighs so I’m down. I do find it kinda ridiculous that a resistance general has his whole damn belly exposed. There is also something about his voice that just does not fit. I cannot for the life of me put my finger on what exactly it is. Could be the tone itself, could be just voice acting. It sort of feels like the VA is trying to sound deeper than he actually does.
Sangonomiya Kokomi, mixed. I like her design, she looks like some sort of mystical priestess. Again something about the voice is jarring. I expected her to sound sort of airy, like she isn’t 100% present, like she’s seeing something we can’t. TBH she reminds me of Luna from HP for some reason. 
Yae Miko, I was interested because of her design. She sounds very arrogant and up her own ass, which would have been fine...if she hadn’t given us that god-awful line. “...I have high hopes for you, child. Don’t disappoint me.” Dear lord I wanted to punt her off the mountain. Or fucking what! Also she’s some bigshot priestess of the Sacred Sakura and yet she can’t do her damn job properly. Why couldn’t her arrogant ass come down from her high perch and cleanse the stupid roots? Why did the traveler have to do that shit?
Baal looks dead inside. Booba sword is overrated, get a life. I want a remach! And no cutscene shenanigans this time!
Kujou Sara seems like one of those ‘honor above all else’ characters. Those are either hit or miss with me. You have my attention for now. Also what are those shoes woman?! I’d rather you wear those leg-killing, needle point stilettoes instead of those Wish gag shoes. How in the name of all that is holy can you run in those?!
Thoma, I like him. At first I thought we were gonna get another Childe incident, but Thoma is too much of a innocent puppy to pull anything that horrible. To me he fits a fox a lot better than Childe does. Childe is a dingo and I stand behind that.
Kamisato Ayaka...hate her. At first I was neutral on her. Nothing about her design really spoke to me, but I was willing to wait and see. But then miHoYo started to violently push her friendship at us. We are totally friends now, this is the first time you see my face, but we are so totally friends now. And during her story quest everyone was like “Ah, you are so good Ayaka. You are so nice Ayaka. You are so perfect Ayaka. We all love you so much Ayaka. And oh, how could a mere merchant like myself...” Ew, go away. This is the first time I’m actively not pulling on a character banner. Normally I pull even if I’m not particularly interested in a character, because you never know how good their gameplay is until you take them out in the map. But I think I’ll be skipping this one. No thanks.
And now, the worst part, the story.
We’ve been hearing about the situation in Inazuma for a long time. There has been also a lot of talk about how hard it is to get there. About the wall of thunderclouds that surround the islands. So to have it cut to black and then voila Inazuma, feel just so cheap.
I was expecting something. An animation. A struggle. A quest. A minigame. At least show us the horrible weather! Something! Anything!
Hell if they wanted to be assholes about it they could have made it so that if the player fails at this point the ship is damaged, you return to Liyue and have to wait until tomorrow for the ship to be repaired. No Inazuma for today. That sure as hell would have raised the stakes.
The next complaint I have is with Yurika, the 2 milion mora processing fee girl. Later on Thoma mentions that the agency people see the fees as easy money, so her attitude doesn’t make much sense. After all someone like her would want to extract as much money as she can, but you still want the people to be able to pay that.
So it would make more sense to me if she was overly friendly and asked way too many questions. She’d need to get a much information as she can and after all the previous hostility people would be very open with her. So she’d be able to quickly find out why someone is here, what they are selling and roughly how much money they’d be able to pay. A merchant selling expensive silk would have more many than a regular ore merchant. So she’d be able to extract as much money as she could.
“I know this is a lot of money, especially for something so simple, but there is nothing I can do about it. I’m so very sorry.” And people wouldn’t say anything bad to her because she’s the first friendly face they see in Inazuma.
The stealth mission was just god-awful and I hope we never have to do that nonsense again.
Getting off of Ritou was a bit janky at the end, Chisato should have had a better reason for coming along. But I’m honestly just glad we didn’t get out the usual way...getting stuffed in a crate and smuggled out.
As a side note, I’m getting really tired of characters overexplaining things to me, especially Paimon. Dear lord, not everything has to be said, you can leave me to come to my own conclusions and solutions. Just please, who cares if a few player struggle for a bit, you don’t have to hold my hand through the whole thing.
Ayaka’s three were...ugh. It was basic emotional manipulation. Oh no this guy forgot about the love of his life and he’s been waiting for decades. And oh how sad this guy was so good and he helped these people so much but now he can’t remember. And oh the tragedy this guy forgot his life goal and is now hunted by the demons of the past. Oh the humanity! 
And it did not work. Know why? Because I have no emotional investment in any of these people, in this land. What is happening to the vision bearers in Inazuma is tragic, true, but that doesn’t make me want to overthrow the government. I don’t live here. I just got here. I wanna ask a question or two and then move on. None of this concerns me.
I was so happy when the traveler just flat out refused to start a revolution. And then we had to go and meet some people and immediately I knew this was going to be some oh noes the tragedy moments and then we would agree to help them.
It’s so forced.
Wanna know what would have been better?
Just as we are leaving the Kamisato estate Thoma catches up with us. And he tells us he gets it. We are an outsider and this doesn’t concern us. He was hopeful but he expected the denial. We shouldn’t hold it against Ayaka.
He joins us as a guide because he knows of the people we have to meet.
And so as we help these three we also get to know Thoma. We find out he was an outsider too. He got in just before the worst of it started and then he was stuck in Inazuma. He lost someone to the Vision Hunt. They slowly lost their mind after loosing their vision, their ambition too closely tied to their personality to continue without it (what is happening to Domon hits a little too close to home and he has to walk away, this is where we hear the story of the one he lost). And the same would have happened to him if the Kamisatos hadn't taken him in. He owes them his vision, his sanity and his life.
So this rebellion is personal for him.
At the end of the three wishes the atmosphere is somber. We tell him we understand why Ayaka fights, why he fights. We know that this is all wrong, that it should be stopped...but not by us. We came here to get a lead on our brother. And rebellion isn’t an overnight affaire and we can’t loose so much time in Inazuma.
And yeah, he expected as much. He just asks that we let Ayaka down gently. It’d be a shame if someone as idealistic and hopeful as her lost their spark.
And so we are gentle but firm with Ayaka. She looks like she wants to argue with us but Thoma shakes his head at her. So she sighs and tells us that a promise is a promise. We should come to the Komore Teahouse in a few days and she’ll have a plan for us to meet with the Shogun.
Now we can still have a character story quest with Yoimiya and we can still somehow get involved with helping Master Masakatsu, but it’s through Yoimiya instead of Ayaka.
And instead of a character story quest with Ayaka we have one with Thoma. Hell, give him a whole damn hangout event even.
You can probably guess why I’m pushing the friendship with Thoma so much.
Because. He. Gets. Kidnapped. For. The. 100th. Vision. Ceremony. 
And that would have been the perfect emotional in to get us involved in the rebellion. After all we just saw what happens to people who have their visions taken away and we are not letting that happen to Thoma, someone we just got close to.
So Baal makes it personal for us as well.
I have a few more minor complaints.
Aoi is stupid for asking for compensation after she tells us everything we needed to know because, ya know, we could have just walked away. We should have.
The whole stupid misunderstanding about the value Kurosawa’s sword holds. Kinda obvious he meant emotional value instead of monetary.
The suspicious amount of visionless NPCs and by that I mean this is the first time we have NPCs with vision. This wouldn’t have been a problem if we’ve seen NPCs with visions in Mond and Liyue.
The whole rebellion camp bit feels incredibly rushed. We just sort of lollygag over there and then there is a fight (against Sara and her stupid shoes).
Don’t make us fight Baal just to force us to lose. It would have been better if we were forced to retreat, because Thoma was injured, because there are too many soldiers for us to handle on our own. Hell, you can have a funny scene where we straight up jump off a cliff with Thoma clinging onto us and screaming bloody murder until he realizes we are slowly gliding away and he’s not about to plummet to his death.
The Sakura cleansing quest should have been voice acted.
The Mirror Maiden and Pyro Agent are totally on a date, I will not be told otherwise.
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egcdeath · 3 years
Since you said we can send in request😄 how about a bachelor party for Steve and reader. Full of fun and romance.
bottoms up
summary: steve tells you all about his wild bachelor party. 
word count: 1.2k 
warnings: excessive drinking, terrible decisions, fluff, basically a crack fic, i barely use dialogue tags in this so you’re just gonna have to guess who’s talking
author’s note: this was supposed to be a drabble. 
you can find my drabble masterlist here and my regular masterlist here <3
It had been a long, exhausting weekend of celebration. Of course, it was exhausting in the best way possible, but between the extensive spa days, bar hopping, and seeing more male strippers in one night than you'd seen in the entirety of your life, you were really looking forward to curling up in bed with your fiancée.
It seemed Steve was feeling similarly to you, as he was already pajama clad and sprawled across your bed by the time you arrived home.
You quickly freshened up and joined him on the mattress, slipping under your duvet and cuddling up to Steve.
“How was your weekend?” Steve asked, rubbing circles on your back.
“Exhausting. I could probably sleep for years.”
He chuckled softly at your statement, “well, don’t do that. Wanna talk about it?”
“I’ll tell you over breakfast tomorrow. I don’t think I have the energy to come up with the words right now,” you aimlessly played with the hem of his shirt. “What about you guys? Why don’t you tell me a bachelor party bedtime story?”
“It was… a lot. I almost called you several times. Let’s just say that Sam... stopped me.”
“That bad, eh? Tell me everything,” you gushed.
“Well we were supposed to go camping. I don’t know who decided that was a good idea. Actually I do, it was Thor. It took about half an hour before Tony was starting arguments with everyone. I think he was getting moody about having to be in the outdoors away from all his tech, and something about how bachelor parties aren’t supposed to be like this. We didn’t even get to dinner before he insisted that we find a nice hotel to stay at for the night, and go to a club.”
“You guys don’t really seem like campers anyway. What happened after that?”
“I was getting there before you interrupted me.”
“There was a natural lull in your story.”
“Whatever. So we pack everything up and go back out to town. There was some boujee ass hotel Tony knew about and took us there, but there were no rooms. So he was like ‘make room’ and the staff told him that they would try but they just needed a minute. So Buck suggested that we go to the hotel bar, and we did. The only problem is that alcohol doesn’t have the same effect on some of us that it does with others, so Thor had to break out the Asgardian mead. And he had a lot of it.”
“Oh no, I feel like this is not going in a good direction.”
“You’re absolutely right, because one second I’m sitting in a hotel bar, and the next I was half conscious on a private jet.”
“Steve! You did not black out. That’s not very responsible of you.”
“I was peer pressured! Besides, I don’t think I did anything too bad. Did you not get super drunk for at least one night?”
You pondered the question for a moment, “hmm. Go on.”
“So I wake up on a private jet, not like a Quinjet, but like, a real plane. No idea where I am or where we’re going. Sam is the most sober among us by the time I’m awake, but still pretty drunk. Keep in mind I’m also a little out of it. I ask him where we’re going, and he told me Las Vegas. At this point I’m not surprised, but I want to call you to let you know that I’m no longer in New York, and I start to take my phone out of my pocket to call you, and he flips his shit. He grabs my phone and dunks it in a glass of water, and starts saying that if I use the phone on the flight, our flight will crash.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope. Now I’m phoneless, but I’m not really mad. Honestly, I thought it was funny in the moment. My memory’s a little blurry, but I feel like we laughed ‘till we landed.”
“Please tell me that the crazy events end here.”
“Oh, Sweetheart,” Steve chuckled.
“Christ, Steve.”
“So we get off the plane and at this point, I realize that Bruce must’ve left before we boarded. I don’t even blame him. This trip probably would’ve made me Hulk-out too. Anyway, we take an Uber to our hotel. Our poor Uber driver, he was so starstruck and excited to have Avengers in his car, but like, everyone was completely out of it. And to make things worse, Bucky threw up in the back.”
“No,” you gasped.
“Yeah. It’s only a matter of time before tabloids get ahold of that. Remind me to call our PR person in the morning.”
“Got it.”
“We finally get to this hotel, and I guess at some point while I was blacked out, Tony had booked us some penthouse suite at one of those really nice hotels. I can’t really remember how we got up there, but I know it was a struggle. I was just glad to be able to go to sleep in a real bed. By the time I wake up, I desperately need an Advil and a call home. Unfortunately, I can’t have either, since everyone starts insisting that the best way to beat a hangover is to drink more. To be fair, I slept in pretty late. So it’s kind of a reasonable time to drink now. If you consider time zone differences. That aside, I’m sipping on a beer when there’s a knock on the door-“
“I feel like I’ve heard enough of this story.”
“That’s fair.”
“But I’d also like to hear more. But this is stressing me out.”
“I made it back in one piece, what more do you want from me?”
“I want you to get a new friend group,” you whined.
“Is it bad that I want the same for myself?”
“I think that’s perfectly reasonable.”
“Okay, so back to the knock on the door. I’m getting a little nervous, because I specifically told the guys no strippers. That was just a can of worms I didn’t want to open. And I think there’s gonna be a stripper at the door, but nope. Who opens the door? Fucking Loki. I don’t know why they came, or how they found us, but they were ready to party. Suffice it to say I do not remember the majority of that day. All I can say is that there was way too much gambling happening, and if I found out that Tony is filing for bankruptcy, I would not be surprised.”
“That is… wow.”
“I’ll give you one more thing before you go to sleep. Someone got married to a stranger. They’re gonna get it annulled but.. I did attend a wedding ceremony where an Elvis impersonator was the officiant,” Steve leaned over to his bedside table and turned off the lamp that was dimly illuminating the room. “Goodnight.”
“You are such an asshole! You don’t get to leave me on a cliffhanger like that.”
“I need you to be excited and engaged for when I finish my story tomorrow!”
“Fair,” you huffed and snuggled closer to your fiancée.
“Was it Sam?” you asked after a moment of silence.
Steve quietly laughed at you instead of responding.
“Nope. It was definitely Bucky. I’m right, right?” you pressed.
More silence from Steve.
“No way. Thor?”
His snickers became louder at this, and you gasped.
“I said I’ll tell you in the morning.”
“I don’t like when you keep secrets from me,” you prompted, trying to guilt trip your partner.
“Fine. It was Thor. But that’s all you’re getting from me for now.”
“Oh my god. Why wasn’t my bachelorette party as exciting as yours?”
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