#but also sibling (like vod in Mando'a)
martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Bout to make myself look like a real doofus, but when I first got into other people’s Kalluzeb content, I was clueless to the fact that Sasha is a nickname for Alexsandr, so I assumed it was a fanon Lasat word for ‘dear’ or ‘darling’ or something along those lines. I’m pretty sure I didn’t realize I was wrong until I looked on Wookiepedia to see if it was maybe a canon/canon-inspired word, and there was zip on the Lasat language. Then it occurred to me it was probably a nickname so I googled “Is Sasha a nickname for Alexsandr?” and I finally understood.
Anyway, can we come up with a fanon word in Lasat for ‘darling’ or ‘dear’? Because fics that use Mando’a have really spoiled me, there are so many cute pet names and ways of referring to your various people, and I need words like that in Lasat.
(Also, writers who have Zeb call him Sasha, ILY, I will lie down in the street so you don’t have to walk through puddles and ruin your shoes/the hems of your pants if you’re short, I want to give you all of my high-fives and hugs if you don’t mind, it’s literally the cutest softest nickname for him e v e r and it melts me)
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gertrudethegardenia · 2 years
reblog is you're part of the ✨learning a whole ass fictional language through fanfiction ✨ gang
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sailorkamino · 1 year
the force and plants (tech's pov)
wildflower masterlist
relationships: twi'lek!jedi!reader x tech [gn, neurodivergent reader, can be platonic or romantic]
word count: 1.9k
summary: You and Tech can talk for hours about your shared interests and curiosities. On your first mission to Felucia you go on a nature walk and explain how you perceive each batcher in the force.
warnings: tech and reader are neurodivergent, brief insecurities, mentioned sensory overload, tech worries his info dumping is annoying, reader befriends a snake, dehumanization/mistreatment of clones
mando'a translations: vod- sibling, ori'vod- older sibling
ryl translations: nerra- brother
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Tech has never met anyone that shared his thirst for knowledge, then he got a jedi.
When you mention liking plants he tells you every fact he knows. When you fire back with plants he’s never even heard of he stares at you in shock. Later he uses his datapad to confirm everything you told him is correct. He doesn't sleep that night. Too busy researching.
The next day he sees the lockscreen on your own datapad. It’s you, a Kel Dor jedi, and a clone trooper with a gigantic white wolf. You notice his stare and smile. “Did you know loth wolves are force sensitive?” No, he did not know that. He asks you multiple questions about the force and the jedi. He knows Hunter told him not to interrogate you but he can’t help himself and you don’t seem to mind.
“I read that jedi can heal with the force. How does that work, sir?”
“Well first you use the force to assess the injury, feel how much damage is done and envision what needs to be fixed. Then you use the living force to speed up the natural healing process.”
“Can you read minds?”
“Yes but not in the way that you think. I don’t hear verbal thoughts, it’s more like feelings and intentions.”
“What is the force like?”
“It’s like a comm in the back of my mind, constantly flicking through channels. The volume changes but it never turns off.” Without meaning to his face screws up. That sounds completely overwhelming. He thinks about Hunter hiding under his blankets, whimpering from sensory overload after a hard training session. He frowns worryingly.
You smile as if sensing his concern. You probably can. “I know it sounds like a lot but once you’re used to the background music, you can’t live without it.”
You also enjoy mechanics but oddly enough you talk about droids like they're living beings. You confess that when you first joined the order, later than most and unable to speak a word of basic, you had a hard time making friends. You spent a lot of time with droids. Tech can relate.
Then you’re excitedly pulling him to your temporary quarters on Kamino, saying you have something to show him. “When my master found out I was joining a unit without an official medic he got me Pup.”
“She’s an AZI series surgical assistant droid!”
He shouldn’t be surprised you’ve named your droid. And gave it pronouns. You never use CT numbers when referring to clones. If they don’t have a name yet you call them vod or nerra or even an affectionate name like dear one. But never by a number.
You even show him the inner workings of your lightsaber, all though Tech is a bit distracted by the fact the parts are all levitating. The way you explain your weapon as it’s a part of you reminds him of Crosshair.
You both have an interest in foreign languages and cultures. Tech explains that growing up the bad batch were completely isolated from other clones and most trainers. The little mando’a they do know they learnt from their ori’vod, 99.
Your conversations become a mix of languages the others fail to keep up with: Basic, Ryl, Dai Bendu, Mando’a, and even Huttese. You’re practically fluent thanks to past undercover work and Tech finds the crass language interesting. The insults are most creative.
When he sits in the pilot seat of the marauder for the first time you’re beside him with a smirk, “modify anything you want, just tell me how to use it.” He has never been given so much creative freedom before and it makes his mind buzz with ideas. When he tests how fast the ship can go his brothers scream but you grin in the co pilot's seat. Tech finds he quite enjoys your company.
Your first mission takes you to Felucia. It’s a success. The locals invite the you all to a feast that night but until then you have some free time. Tech wonders if you would be interested in helping him with those modifications you mentioned. Just then you enter the ship.
“I’m going to do some exploring if anyone wants to come. A local told me a lot of flowers are blooming right now.”
Tech’s head snaps up at your offer. Being raised on Kamino he has no real life experience with plants. It sounds most fascinating. He tells you so. You grin, bid goodbye to the rest of the batch, and the two of you are off.
He’s excitedly telling you about the medicinal properties of a neon colored flower when he spares a glance at you, his words trailing off awkwardly. Your back is to him as you kneel in the grass. Apparently the ground is more interesting than him.
The dismissal stings a bit but he tries to ignore it. He should be used to this kind of reaction by now. But… he learnt all this for you. He thought you liked plants. Maybe he’s the problem?
“Why’d you stop?”
The question makes him pause. He wasn’t expecting that. Maybe you’re pretending to care about his lecture to spare his feelings. Yes, that makes sense. From what he’s observed you care a great deal about other’s feelings.
“Apologies, general. I have the tendency to ramble.”
“I know.” You state neutrally. He gulps, feeling his ears redden in shame. Then you’re standing and turning to face him in one swift movement, a comforting smile on your lips. “I like it.”
For a moment he’s speechless. A feeling Tech is not used to. “Pardon?”
Then he notices something bright blue-green curled around your bare arm. Because you didn’t want to wear any armor for a nature walk. He has so many questions.
“I like talking to you. I always learn something new.” You calmly pet what Tech now recognizes as some kind of snake. “Your brothers don’t mind your talking either.”
He stares at you in shock. An odd warm, fluttery feeling blooms in his chest. Maybe he’s ill. You notice his stare and offer a shrug, like you soothe insecurities while adopting unknown creatures all the time. Maybe you do.
“This little guy was chilly so I offered him some body heat.”
You say it like that explains everything. Tech still has so many questions. “How could you tell he was uncomfortable?” He finally asks.
“In the force,” you answer plainly. “I can form emotional connections with animals. He's so calm because he can sense I want to help him.”
Okay. So you can communicate with animals. He’s adding that to his notes as soon as possible. Tech continues to stare at the colorful reptile. Where has he seen that scale pattern before? He made sure to research Felucia before their arrival so it’s reasonable to assume the snake popped up, but what is it’s name?
Tech frowns as he turns on his trusty datapad. He hates not knowing things. But before he can even open the app he remembers. Feluican tree viper. Venomous. He looks at your serene face in alarm.
“Don’t worry, Tech. He won’t hurt me,” you soothe, meeting his shocked gaze with a small smile. “I can feel your concern.”
He’s still put off by the venomous reptile wrapped around your flesh but he has to admit, it’s fascinating. He raises his datapad to take a pic. You wordlessly move the animal closer. “Thank you, sir.”
“You don’t have to call me that off missions.”
He hums noncommittally. The viper flicks out an orange tongue just as he snaps the holopic. “Do animals feel different than humans in the force?” He asks curiously.
“Mhmm it depends. All living things have a presence but creatures and plants are more... shallow." You give him a playful look, “I can recognize familiar signatures. I would never confuse you with a snake.”
“Do clones feel different from one another?”
“Of course they do!” You answer immediately, as if the question is ridiculous. “I could tell you apart blindfolded.”
He recalls a time the two of you were working on your droid when without looking up you greeted Crosshair who had entered the room. Tech didn’t think that much of it at the time. Growing up with a brother who can hear heartbeats and recognize scents he’s used to that kind of behavior. But now he’s curious.
“How do you perceive me?”
“You feel like… a tuned up engine.” Your eyes widen in alarm at your own words, the snake suddenly becoming restless against you. Tech is confused by your sudden change in demeanor. And slightly worried about the venomous reptile. If you get agitated while sharing an emotional connection with a creature, how will they react? For the first time in Tech life, he doesn't want to learn.
"Not in an inhuman way!” You splutter. “Your mind is just… a lot of working parts coming together. Is that rude?”
Tech has never been good at social cues but he is genuinely baffled now. Nothing about your explanation seemed snide or backhanded. “How would that be rude? It sounds like a fitting description.”
You take a calming breath as the viper slithers torwards your chest in an almost sympathetic way, small head resting over your heart. It's seemed to relax thankfully. It's almost like it's trying to comfort you? Fascinating. Your voice is meek when you answer, “well, some nat-borns treat clones like droids. I don’t want you to think I’m like that.”
Tech is caught off guard. Not only do you care about his emotions, you care what he thinks of you? That should be obvious. Why would he go on a nature walk with someone who views him as subhuman? Who doesn't respect him? He’s never been good at expressing himself so he just focuses on being honest. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t enjoy your presence. You have given me no reason to doubt your character.”
Your smile is gentle but meaningful. He awkwardly pushes up his goggles. Not one for emotional conversations he reverts to his comfort zone, researching. “What about my brothers?”
You hum thoughtfully as you bend down, allowing your snake friend to slither into the brush. You notice some fire colored flowers and plop onto the ground to get a closer look.
“Hunter is like… A calm forest.” You say, plucking a few of the plants. “Wrecker is fireworks.” You begin to tie the stems together with nimble fingers. “Crosshair is the air before a storm.”
Tech finds all your descriptions fitting. He's efficient. Hunter is steady. Wrecker is free spirited. Crosshair is harsh. That only leaves one member. “What about you?” He asks.
“How are you perceived by fellow jedi?”
“Well it changes from person to person but I’ve been told I’m bright and warm.” You explain as you stand. “My master once called me a shooting star.”
You suddenly thrust the hoop of flowers towards Tech. “It’s a necklace!” You explain proudly. He observes your innocent happiness as he dons the creation. He finds it hard to accept you’re the same warrior who took out 50+ battle droids only hours ago.
“Thank you, gen–” he cuts himself off, recalling your preferred nickname. “Thank you, Blossom.”
You positively beam. Tech is not force sensitive, nor does he understand the mystical energy field, yet he finds himself agreeing with your master’s assessment. You are indeed a shooting star.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Clone Dialect
"That's not how you use that word..." Xabe frowned as she tentatively pointed out what had been bothering her for a while now.
It's not like it was all that important a detail, really, but she'd come to understand that the clones were Mandalorian by birthright and not much else. They had their own heavily-militaristic culture and seemed to not really have that big of a grasp of the language itself.
Sure, they seemed fluent enough in certain phrases. The amount of spar challenges that started off with a taunting 'Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?' were enumerable and fairly endearing. But some words they used fairly commonly didn't seem like they were understood correctly.
'Vod'ika' was one of them.
Fox paused, seeming caught off guard by her statement. He watched her with his tired yet unbearably attentive eye. There was a spark of something there. Not judgement. Not anger. An emotion she couldn't put a name to. One full of passion.
But Fox never spoke harshly and he certainly wouldn't start now. Instead sighing and setting down his tools to focus his attention entirely on her.
"What word?" He asks patiently.
"Vod'ika." She responds calmly. "The way you use it... It seems you should be using kih'vod instead. It means younger sibling."
"Uh-uh..." He lazily scratched under his chin, watching her with an impassive expression. "I know what kih'vod means. Just as I know what ori'vod and vod'ika means."
"Then why not use kih'vod when addressing your younger siblings?" Xabe asked out of genuine curiosity. If he knew then why did he use the term incorrectly?
"Because vod'ika means to me something different than it means to you..." Fox responded with a tired smile. "Where we came from, Mando'a was only taught to the most elite. And even then it was very limited grammatically wise... Most clones never got to hear a lick of it until the Alphas, Nulls and Commandos began to revolt silently against Prime and all of those who kept us isolated. We created our own culture, our own language, with what little we could learn of other tidbits of language we could scrounge up."
Xabe listened with interest, eyes wide at realizing her mistake. Fox seemed to take it in kind, smiling at her like he would smile at a doe-eyed ik'aad.
"In Mando'a, perhaps vod'ika is not the correct term for me to call my younger siblings... But in Vod'Mando'a it is not only the correct term but also reserved for batch and battalion only." Fox looked out towards the well, where the others were collecting water. He smiled fondly as he watched them mess around and splash each other whenever they could. They were enjoying their freedom. "Ours is a lonesome and likely dying dialect... But it is ours and no one can tell us how to use it. We follow our own rules."
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 14: Holding back tears/"I said I'm fine."
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Notes: Bear with me. I hate dialogue. Also no beta reader we die like Mayday.
Mando'a used: Cyara: Love. Vod: Sibling
Summary: An unwanted visitor comes to the planet the 212th is on. After being separated from the others Cody and Obi-wan talk.
Obi-wan knew something was wrong when his commander and him had been separated from the others. What was worse was Darth Maul's looming presence. He wanted, more than anything, to keep his soldiers safe. Unfortunately the sith would have other plans.
    Cody followed Obi-wan closely. They had gotten lost before, got separated from the others before. Why this time was so different, he didn't know. Obi-wan wasn't outwardly panicked but the man saw right through him. Cody tried to assure him that everything was going to be fine but he didn't seem convinced.
It felt like the two were wandering around aimlessly. Time passed and suddenly Obi-wan felt a disturbance in the force. Fear. Fear was followed by pain and death. It was familiar as in war it practically surrounded him.
Tears started to gather in his eyes. Once more Obi-wan had failed to protect the people he cared about. He failed to protect them over and over. Qui-gon, Satine, all the innocents that got caught in the crossover were gone and maybe if he had been stronger he could have saved them.
Obi-wan's pace started to quicken; not that he hadn't already been walking quickly. Cody took a few larger steps to get in front of the other. "What's going on?" He demanded. "We've been separated from the battalion before, what's nothing you.?" He came off rather harsh, though it wasn't attended to be that way.
Then he saw the tears that Obi-wan tried to keep from escaping his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." The Jedi pushed past the clone.
"No you're not. W-"
"I said I'm fine!" For the first time Obi-wan snapped at him. The man stopped walking.
"No you're not." Cody remanded calm. "What's going on? What are you not telling me?"
"Maul" he whispered, "it's Maul. I know I'm not supposed to be, but I'm scared, Cody; I'm scared of him. I can't save them, I've never been able to save them from him." Obi-wan started to walk again. "That doesn't mean I won't try." A few tears crawled their way out of his eyes.
Cody wasn't sure what to say. "Cyara, we'll find them. It'll be okay." Words slowly formed, "it's not your fault."
"He's here to hurt me Cody. Not physically. He already found some of the men."
Cody's fear rose. He loved his vods. "We find Maul. I'm not sure what to do from there but we have to do something." The clone was almost walking faster than Obi-wan now.
"Just try to stay close."
The two would walk to find Maul. Rather it was their last fight together they didn't know. Both were terrified, for the path in front of them was unknown. Whatever it was, they would face it together.
They wouldn't find Maul. The message had been delivered. No where was safe. The commanding officers helped the injured. The Jedi informed the council that someone else would have to be sent to the planet.
Tears would border his eyes once more, not brave enough to move any closer. They would betray him if they moved any closer. The Jedi are supposed to care for everything, but this would be different. His emotion needed to stay known to him and him only.
After the call he still couldn't let the tears fall. Obi-wan's men needed a strong leader. He walked out of the woods to the clearing the soldiers rested in. Now to take care of the aftermath of a man's hatred.
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