#but also yay for jester and fjord being back !!!
hazelcephalopod · 2 years
Less good opinions on the Renunion (I did overall like it, but I want to share the uh tea? Is that it? Anyway I want to complain. Just a lil)
Alternatively just skip to the tl;dr.
I wish they would just wave more? I’m here for the RP and we got some ok RP, but the TP thing was… a little tedious. I’d have let Jester use a higher spell slot to get the crew to Nicodranus personally. It’s a two shot, stretch the standard rules a bit ya know?
Also I’d like if these were explicitly waving the resurrection ritual. I… it’s not a deal breaker but especially for the epilogue it’s a bummer to worry these character could now die for this.
Those are my constructive criticisms, wait I have one more. I swear it’s relevant. Just… I know that long form storytelling but I suspect Caleb/Essek is still in the building of their slow burn. And for a one shot? I’d prefer we’d skipped to slightly more between them tbh. Like… it’s not actually that important. But it would be really nice. Because, we did get to see that relationship start and they clearly were developing into some tbh more -and explicitly would in the future based on the prologue. But, I’d have liked to see it have developed more. And I’ll eat my words if we see more impart two but yea.
Ok probably at the even less constructive portion now. It was a bit slow. I really enjoyed the beginning. And the middle was decent but it did drag somewhat. However I did tecongnjze that the Mighty Nein had a lot or spells, and a lot of access to spells. Quick aside, without Caduceus they have a noticeable less amount of healing, Jester tries her best but it’s her and Fjord (a half caster at best) covering 95% of heals. Back to the point, I did notice they were… adjusting to relearning these characters, their abilities, and their spells. So, I do recognize that slows things down a little. That said, they did pretty damn well in combat.
I think though, overall, these sort of epilogues are always going to be a two sided coin for me. One the one hand, yay we get to see them again. Awesome. Amazing. On the other, oh no they are in fucking danger and also have to usually focus on some fight. Truly, I kinda, just wanna see then chill? Which I get, that even when they are sorta NOC’s they could still be in danger, but it feels more distant then; also that latter… I should probably go read some fanfic to fill that void. But-
Again tho. I did really enjoy it. It was funny, ridiculous, peak Mighty Nein. I think ultimately what I’m really annoyed about is it’s only two parts and I want more! I care less about Uk’otoa and more about these characters, and now that’s reignited and what am I supposed to do? Fanfiction is fine and all but it’s not canon! Will Caleb connect better with people and find more happiness, Will Fjord grow into being a leader, Will Beau be able to find more enjoyment and fullfillment in her life/work, can Veth continue to find happiness and stability, Will Kingsley finally steal his own ship and crew?! I wanna know!
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cadaceus · 5 years
I finished watching Critical Role, Campaign 2, Episode 30: “The Journey Home.” It had some really touching character moments that made me sad, but it also had some of the classic humor that comes with this wonderful party!
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- Jester: “Where’s Molly? Is he waiting upstairs?” / Beau, gently: “He... didn’t make it.” / Jester: “To this dungeon? Because he’s waiting upstairs?” Can everyone please stop breaking my heart, it’s still shattered enough as is 
- Sam, reading the letter (from Lorenzo? to Lorenzo?): “Queen-pillar? Quen’pilar? Is that a month?” / Matt: “It’s a month.” / Laura/Jester: “Yeah, we know that month!” Why was that whole exchange so relatable sdfghjk
- Laura accidentally hitting the envelope and making it fly towards Taliesin, who examines it carefully and curiously while in character as Clay, is such a good character detail and I love it
- Fjord: “I want to keep Molly with us, though. With me.” Oof, so it’s missing Molly hours already
- Who am I kidding, it’s always missing Molly hours
- Everyone glancing at the letter Keg wrote Beau the morning after and immediately bursting into peals of laughter is honestly a sequence of art sdfghjkl
- The portrait of Mollymauk at 1:47:07 was beautiful, all the fanart is, but that one really stood out to me this time around!
- I attached a screenshot below of where I apparently paused last night before going to bed and ???? asdfghjk is everyone okay over there
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- Fjord digging himself into an even deeper hole while trying to convince the guards to let them bring the cart in.... good luck sir
- Jester: “Shady deals happening over here!” / Caduceus: “Is that what it is? Ah, I’ve never seen one before :D” I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Protect Him!’
- Oh no it’s Molly’s grave...oh no :((( 
- Jester my baby girl.... getting down on her knees, her little goodbye to Molly, her fond yet sad smile when Beau says that she still has Molly’s deck of cards (and Matt letting Taliesin choose what card she pulled!) this is all so much and I am so very sad
- That was even more painful than I anticipated, I knew that Yasha would be so mournful over the death of her friend but her turning and leaving into the storm... darling please return
- Sometimes Taliesin comes up with such beautiful and/or deep quotes and sentiments, and casting Decompose on Molly’s body before saying: “I made the earth remember him” is one of those times
- Caleb putting his hand on Beau’s shoulder like he does when he needs the physical support but this time it’s because he needs the emotional support as Molly’s grave fades into the distance...…………….. :(((((
- Matt quietly saying “I should be better about being a human being” is way too relatable for me
- Caduceus happily saying in the Gentleman “I have no idea what’s going on right now” pls I love him
- Caleb saying to Fjord: “You cannot blame yourself when you are taken advantage of.” and the ramifications that has based on his backstory and his difficulty accepting that within himself... please let this be a bit of a recovery story for Caleb, please let him heal from the trauma just a little, please keep him safe...
- Liam: “I’d like to keep talking to Travis about swallowing whole, long swords...” / Travis: “Well I didn’t really swallow the last one, it just kind of absorbed--” / Liam: “Yeah, keep telling yourself that, big guy.” How is Laura not dying at this innuendo
- This was a really character-driven/character-based episode which was nice because we got to see a lot of the dynamics there--exploring new ones, exploring old ones, and reestablishing the wonderful chaos that is the Mighty Nein <3
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cardinaldaughter · 3 years
I started watching Critical Role in March of 2018. I immediately became hooked on the show, and it served as a great distraction from the fact that I was still deep in mourning over the death of my best friend who died the year before, at age 30, senselessly. I was also dealing with a major remodel that was going way worse than my husband and I anticipated (we were doing it all ourself), and my cat Finn was suffering from some medical condition that meant a lot of vet trips and medicine and surgery. My mental health was hanging by a thread when I started this show as a means of escape.
I immediately got attached to Molly. I loved the air of mystery around his character, the utter bullshit he fed people until he offered to help them, how flamboyant he was... I was just drawn to him.
Then in June or July, I can’t remember, episode 26 aired. And I watched in horror as my favorite member of the Mighty Nein was senselessly taken from us. It was heartbreaking, but it was also fiction. But it had also been my escape from this exact kind of pain, so it hit irrationally harder than it should have. I watched this show for fun, damn it! not to be reminded of the loss I’d been trying to escape from.
Then in August, Finn died. He was only 2. I did everything I could to save that sweet boy, but it wasn’t enough. And I felt that loss so deeply, and coupled with the fact that I was STILL grieving over my best friend, still overwhelmed by a remodel that was taking up what remaining concentration I had- I couldn’t even fully enjoy CR because there was a bitter and senseless death lingering there, and it just felt awful.
Fast forward to last night. I’ve accepted Finn’s death and know I did everything I could. It’s still senseless, it still hurts, but I’m okay. I still miss my best friend, but I am not in quite such a horrible headspace anymore. It’s still not fair- to quote my favorite wizard NPC- but I’m healing. And so because I’d been working to make peace with my real life losses, I went into this episode just happy to be along for the ride, and knew that the dice would do what they willed. CR was fun again, the sting of Molly’s death dulled by time and healing from real life grief.
So the ritual failed (with a Nat 1!) and I was okay. Because, like Fjord said, that’s life. People die, and it isn’t fair, but we try to heal and move on and grow from the ashes of that broken heart. But then Taliesin stepped in and did what he does, and suddenly that character I loved so much was breathing again. And I just broke down. And it had nothing to do with “yay my fave fictional character is back!” But because I realized why, up until that episode, I’d been so desperate to have Molly back:
I would give anything to be able to bring back Tori. And Finn. And my aunt who died when I was 9 that I loved like a second mother. I would give anything to have the chance the Mighty Nein had in that moment. They brought back Jester; they brought back Caleb. They brought back Molly- they did the impossible.
But I don’t have that power. That’s not how this world works. We love, and we lose, and we grieve, and we try to pull ourselves back together in the aftermath of that, and move on. But in this game? They can get their friend back. They can bend time, and nature, and reality itself, and they can pour love into their friend, and they can see him live again.
And after losing my best friend, after losing the cat that I felt/feel so much guilt over not being able to save- seeing a happy ending like this feels so cathartic for me. So relieving. So freeing. It’s just a story, but that’s the power of stories. They can move you in ways you didn’t know you could be moved. And for someone who has experienced so much loss in her life starting at age 7 and never seeming to let up, with death after death- from this past year, with the pandemic and all the sickness and death and fear that has surrounded us... the Mighty Nein getting their friend back just feels so damn good. Taliesin was right. They earned this. We earned this.
It’s about damn time for a happy ending.
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captainsspnanon · 3 years
C2E26 - Found & Lost - rewatch/reaction
(this is a critical role reaction ms. I only see the tags after I read the post and I don’t use xkit :P)
This episode is almost five hours long noooooo……. I don’t know if I’m going to have the attention span for this!  And I don’t want to take a week to watch the episode in chunks, especially because I want to do my Molly wrap up….  (hindsight….yeah, it took about a week, oh well)
(also hindsight, this post got LONG despite not getting too much into the Molly death. OOOPS.  Hindsight from like an hour or so later, this post is SO SO FUCKING LONG I’m sorry!!  I ramble so MUCH)
The most annoying thing so far about starting this episode is that at some point I was at about an hour into it, and so anytime I bring the episode up, it automatically starts at an hour in and I have to keep bringing it back to the beginning.  DON’T DO THIS TO ME PLS.
BLUE LIGHTING IN THE STUDIO it looks to much better imo
...Matt has a tiny speck of glitter below his lip. This will probably distract me way too much.  Also, hello FLIES.  You’ll be around for a bit!
I really like the voice that Marisha does in this bit.  I -think- it’s the Transatlantic accent that used to be used all the time in the US, but I’m honestly not sure.
The good news is that the glitter isn’t visible once they’re all on screen.  The bad news is that I’m probably going to be distracted this episode by being thirsty for Liam.
I forgot how terrible their rolls were for the investigation!  No kidding they’re not even gonna know that Jester and Fjord are missing XD
NATURAL TWENTY and frumpkin will never be useful at perception checks ever again  (I only somewhat kid, but I adore frumpkin anyway)
KEEEEEGGGGGG!!!!! I love Keg I love Keg so hard!!!  (also I totally thought we also got Nila this episode, but I guess not.  Sumalee has done on screen work, so she’s probably who Matt was referring to in regards to scheduling)  (also Ashly is adorable and for some reason I can just TOTALLY see her as Keg, despite describing someone who is physically in a very different structure than herself.  Also ALSO yay for letting hair go gray naturally and showing off that it can look damn good!  [granted that’s totally an assumption and maybe she dyes it])
I thiiink this may be my favorite introduction to a guest PC in both campaigns.  Not favorite guest PC, that goes to Sprigg, but favorite pure chaos of the meeting.
Yup, still not a fan of Molly making choices that other people have already made their own (Nott introducing herself as Jeff and then Molly immediately telling her true name anyway).
First abandonment of mounts!!!  ...awww, now I miss the moorbounders.
Not much to say during the Ankheg battle aside from one – oops foreshadowing Molly’s death, and two – as someone who is not really familiar with all rules of DnD, especially for a lot of classes, it seems like dual wielding is always the best choice for melee because you get three attacks per round.  Does dual wield have less damage than not? There’s got to be some advantage for NOT dual wielding, otherwise it seems like it would always be a handicap to not be.  YAY FOR NOT KNOWING SHIT.
Yes, I’m one of the viewers who watches but does not play.  Granted, I am trying to play, but I am really reluctant to just join a random online group so am trying to find in person people to play with.  And of course since I’m having a rough time, but several people who would be interested in at least trying out a one shot, I need to DM it.   Yeeeeyyyy……
Matt is so excited to have the lights changing for battle and rest, oh just you wait!! It’s gonna get EVEN BETTER.
Also they keep talking about healing and potions and oh dear the foreshadowing.  It never gets as bad as the Vax foreshadowing was (because OMG that Vax foreshadowing was constant and heavy!), but it’s still there.
I wonder if they ever use the sac of acid/venom they collected.  Can’t remember it. Also, first Keg is aroused!  And it wasn’t even for combat!
Oh, they just become ‘vials of acid’, not anything specific.  WAIT.  Beau gets one. IS THIS WHAT SHE USES TO SLOWLY KILL THE GUARD ON TOP OF THE SANATORIUM?????
Yeah, so they DO meet the Firbolg family!  But not Nila.  Well, I got some of it right.
Lol at Matt trying to make this sound as creepy and evil and foreboding as possible when it’s just a woman giving a boy soup.
Yes, they did call out short rest.  Glad Matt allows it, they mentioned it several times.
Alright, I’m gonna be kinda gushy for a second.  Liam is FANTASTIC at his physical embodiment of his PCs even when he is not ‘actively’ RPing. While I’m already forgetting a lot of C1, I remember feeling that Vax just listening to someone looked very different than Caleb listening to someone, and Caleb listening to someone looks very different that his C3 PC listening to someone.  And it’s very subtle.  And I saw online people being so complementary to Liam for scratching his arms as Caleb and how IC it was (this is back during my first watch), and I was like, the dude probably just has itchy arms and incorporated that into the character, but then I didn’t see Vax scratch his arms.  I didn’t see C3 PC scratch his arms.  I didn’t see various one shot PCs scratch their arms either.  So I went from really appreciating a lot but assuming it was standard Liam RP to being REALLY impressed by his physicality.  And it is something which I feel that only Matt really gets into to that degree?  Like, Matt is FANTASTIC at physical embodiment and keeping in it.  I feel like Marisha and Laura are tied next on the list, but they also easily break the embodiment during note taking or funny moments, whereas I feel like Matt and Liam are able to keep from breaking more often.  Travis I think is next on my list, followed by Taliesin and Ashley, and ending at Sam.  Sam is a fantastic RPer for sure, and obviously amazing at improv, but Scanlan’s listening face, Nott’s listening face, and his C3 PC’s listening face I feel all just end up looking like Sam listening.  THIS IS HARDLY A BAD THING. Honestly, it’s what I’d expect from everyone!  Active RP when the PCs are talking or in a scene, but the player’s expressions during narrative moments or descriptions.  But this episode is just reminding me of how many of these guys are so thoroughly invested and also trained to be actively in the moment, even when they’re not doing anything.
In hindsight, they say a variation of ‘making my way’ a LOT.  They haven’t started the running bit yet, but it’s in my head every time, and holy crap is it a verbal crutch for a lot of them! XD
Molly actually references tea way more than I thought he did!  It gives me a little half-giggle every time, considering how Cad’s thing ended up being the tea.  (I have a sneaking suspicious that Taliesin just really likes tea, not that I can blame him!)
I find it entertaining that even now, about half a year or so into the second campaign, and Liam accidentally slips into Vax for a moment.  
Nott and Keg are best combination, omg
See, with all of Molly’s lying at this point, especially to the crew, I honestly can’t tell if he’s doing another lying about the royalty scam so that he can hear Beau’s story, or if he’s actually opening up a bit and starting to be truthful.  It honestly can go either way, but this is a problem with a character who lies all the time.  If you’re not constantly insight checking, then how are you to know?  And considering that this ends up essentially making Kingsley?  Yeah. I’m not upset about it, but I just want to know if it was intended to be true or not.  And I feel like finding out now or during the wrapup would almost lead it to the risk of possibly being retconned if Taliesin wanted there to be some sort of poeticness to it.
It is interesting and kinda poignant that Beau and Molly did start finally opening up to each other right before he died.  Like, even if Molly was lying about the story, what he said about how he felt about his past matches with what he said under the Zone of Truth spell, and it SEEMED to be an honest story.  This moment is really more about how it ended up impacting Beau, but had Molly not died it would have been an interesting start of a change in the relationship.
OOOOF.   FUCKING OOOOF.  Okay, this soliloquy from Caleb hits a LOT different after the wrap up.  The first time I watched it, I enjoyed it but I also kinda felt that it was just a bit too self-indulgent?  Like, yeah, okay, good to know how Caleb feels, but Liam isn’t gonna just go have him walk off.  EXCEPT LIAM WAS SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING IT!!!!!!!! During the wrap up (and I think during Talks later on), Liam talks about he was genuinely thinking of having Caleb leave MULTIPLE times, and was already discussing it with Matt and how it could work.  So this right here???  THIS IS GENUINELY LIAM CONSIDERING!!!!!   And how HARD would this scene have fucking hit if he ended up deciding that Caleb WOULD leave and a few episodes later (maybe once Travis and Laura were back?) Caleb skips out and a new PC comes in!!!!  Or if the Trent sub-plot came in after this arc, Liam 100% shared how if Trent came in sooner Caleb was more likely to return to his old ways and end up becoming an antagonist!!!!    And with all that knowledge, this scene hits FUCKING HARD omg.  AND NONE OF THE OTHER PLAYERS KNEW.  Oh god, would it have been as much of a betrayal as Scanlan/Tary?  I don’t think so, at least not PC-wise.  But TABLE-wise???  I think it would have been as much of a ‘betrayal’ as Sam did, even though the PCs weren’t together as long.
Once again, the Suggestion from Caleb reads a lot scarier in hindsight, it’s easy to see Bren peeking through in that moment, guaranteeing getting the information they need no matter the cost.   (also why am I okay with this and not Molly using spells?  Again, it’s because Caleb’s is on NPCs or guest PCs, whereas Molly is on PCs.  It’s protagonist centered morality which I’m fine with that view during DnD campaigns)
I almost want to see a compilation video off all the times Caleb goes Bren, but it’s somewhat subjective and would probably be difficult as hell to make. (also super time consuming)
Also, I really like Matt’s decision here to give Ashly a bunch of information about the slavers and have it be WRONG.  It very much makes sense of what Keg would know!  I also like how the reaction to spells such as Charm Person, Suggestion, etc, all seem to have different reactions depending on the player they are impacting, because each player interprets it differently.  It adds a personal flavor it it that I really appreciate.
Huh, we don’t have much longer with Molly.   Does Molly not try to take the gun from Nott telling her that she’s not responsible?  Did I make this up?? I swear it happened, this is the instance I was referring to when I was annoyed at Taliesin rather than Molly, because just because you made Percy doesn’t mean you can prevent anyone else from using a gun.  But it’s not happening.  Did Caduceus do it???  *checks critrole transcripts*  OH HEY apparently I only needed to wait 17 minutes XD  WELL NO NEED TO REACT TO IT LIVE I already explained my feelings here XD
While I have no problems with how the combat itself played out (that sounds bad.  NOT referring to the death, but to the strategy), I’ve seen people complain that Nott should have been involved in the combat and not trying to free people from the cages, and that’s why Molly died. What I’ll say to that is that MOLLY is the one who repeatedly suggests that Nott free people from the cages.  Like, REPEATEDLY. It’s the focus of Molly’s planning!  So it’s not the same situation as when Sam leaned into the RP of Nott being scared and not going through the water leading to them being down a player in the fight.  Instead, this was something that had been decided tactically beforehand, and unfortunately just ended up playing out to a rough ending.
God, this is like the ONE OF TWO TIMES that the Nein is good at planning shit, and it all turns out pretty much worse can scenario.  Well, I guess they kill one of the baddies I think.  The only other good planning is with the Intuit charges to take down most of the Tomb Takers.  At least – that’s what I remember!  It’ll be fun to see if any other good planning moments come up that I just can’t remember!
Huh, I was wondering why Liam was being weird about Taliesin suggesting Fireball.  It wasn’t like, Caleb backstory weird.  So I looked it up.  It’s episode 26.  Caleb doesn’t get or use Fireball until episode 32. So I guess he’s in the weird aspect of trying to RP as Caleb who doesn’t know what Molly is referring to when Molly is telling Caleb to use Fireball, also Liam maybe feeling the whole fact of that he likes to RP at least his first use of a spell, so even if he did have Fireball maybe he would have wanted to RP the moment of Caleb using it for the first time versus the team magically already knowing he had it?  OR MAYBE I’M READING TOO MUCH INTO IT.  I have mixed feelings about this moment for what I recognize are utterly bullshit reasons.  I really love Liam’s RP, Caleb’s my favorite PC, I’m not big on Molly, so rather than just brush off a moment at the table where I can’t even know what’s going on because it’s all facial expressions, instead I’m reading too much into it and getting ‘protective’ over Liam.   ….at least I recognize that I’m being dumb as shit for this?
LOL Caleb actually tells Beau that he doesn’t know Fireball when she brings it up too, but I missed it because the main conversation is with Keg and Nott while the Empire Kids are muttering in the background.
...I said I wasn’t gonna talk about the gun bit, but I am just a tiny bit.  ONE – I love that they end up staring directly at Matt during the bit like ‘DAAAAAAD’.  Two – I’m sure Sam was fine with it, but hoo boy yeah does it annoy me.  I dunno, it just seems like bad Table etiquette?  Like, don’t be a dick about your friend’s loot.  At least I’m consistent with this, I don’t like hearing about rogues stealing from other party members and similar things.  ...at least inter-party.  Guests are a different thing XD That’s something I appreciate with Nott.  Even with her big confession of “I’VE STOLEN FROM ALL OF YOU” towards the end of the campaign, she really hasn’t?  Like, she ‘stole’ a ring from Jester (who had her eyes closed and let her), and the biggest thing is she tried to steal Fjord’s academy letter. Maybe I’ve forgotten, but I legit don’t remember her stealing anything else from the party.  (again, not counting shakaste and guests)   Bah, looking at the wiki didn’t help.  ANYHOW it’s just a personal preference thing for table play, but it’s something that I’m sure was fine at their table.
Beau running through the plan twice almost has the same type energy as when she was putting together the stuff with Lucien and the Tomb Takers!
AAAAA they’re teasing Matt about having a map available and Marisha says ‘he’s a witch Sam, you know this’ and Sam says ‘can he float’ NO NOT YET BUT WAIT TIL HOT BOI
Also I mentioned it early, but fuuuuck there are a lot of little foreshadowing moments during this episode.  Mostly because they’re going into a super tough fight, so they always tend to joke about them all dying ANYWAY, but always hits harder when it happens.
Huh, they still have the map compass and the initiative tracker.  The compass maybe they used throughout but it’s just so unobtrusive that I didn’t notice it?  Also I feel like they don’t tend to say directions, but I may have forgotten.  The tracker I KNOW will go at some point.
Oh shit I forgot that it’s snowing or about to be snowing when Molly dies and the after bit.  That’s super beautiful and poignant, but also just one more thing of things seeming like planned when it’s pure coincidence.
I’m surprised how many times they reference Clarota.  Like, it was a decent NPC, but he didn’t feel all THAT memorable to me?  I wonder if it’s because maybe it was the first NPC they had where they had befriended him and then he turned on them?  Or since it was the very start of the stream that he’s more memorable because the starting of the stream is memorable?  Or maybe I’m just not invested in an NPC that they are super into.  *shrugs*
Wait.  Okay, so Matt’s bringing the Shepards on to the map now, and Marisha goes ‘those look like our dead horses!’, clearly a joke because of the minis, but that REMINDED ME.  They should have three horses during this ambush!!  Like, we can assume that the party hitched them further up the road to be hidden, but it was just completely forgotten from the entire planning throughout.
Fuuuck, I forgot how clutch that Slow spell was!  4 of 6 failed!  Druid and Lorenzo still up.  I wonder how differently this fight would have gone had they gotten slowed too?
LOL they’re talking about how they’re still proud of having Vorugal fight the Yenk.  This ALL went over my head entirely during the first watch! Talking about Umbrasyl too…  this is why I don’t mind watching C2 first though, because by the time I got around to watching C1, I’d forgotten this shit anyway!
I understand why Ashly is making the narrative decision that she is doing, not sure how I feel about it.  Kinda the same mixed feelings that I had when Sam sat out a combat for RP.  Molly’s already pretty damn injured at this point, so I’m not even sure if her making these choices had any difference in how the combat would have played out.  Paying close attention to this now out of curiosity.  Okay, her first attack would have missed regardless of the disadvantage, judging by Sam and Taliesin’s faces on her first roll.  And her second attack she’s shaking her head again after the first roll.  So her first round of combat done WITHOUT her self-imposed penalties would still have missed both attacks.  The only thing that could be brought into question would be if she would still attack Protto or someone else if she wasn’t doing the ‘fear’ aspect of it.  Lorenzo’s already prepping cone of cold, so would not have changed for her attacking him.  And based on her RP of it, she may have gone for Protto regardless?
OOOOOO I forgot Slow got dispelled!!!
41 cold damage. Caleb could have legit died this battle if he was any closer holy shit.  I forgot how actually terrible this battle was
oh FUCK when dwelma goes down and marisha is planning what to do, taliesin say to hit dwelma while she’s down and help her bleed out.  OH THE FUCKING FORESHADOWING OUCH (also his hp counter is showing 14, but I think it’s only actually 4 right now?  These counters are so useless)
Yup, ‘cause now Molly goes down.  It’s odd, because it feels very anticlimatic? But it’s also a case of it only feels that way ‘cause I knew it was coming, both times.  If I was watching this live?  Fucking shocking.  (also also, yup.  Ashly playing Keg at full disadvantage did literally nothing to impact the fight one way or the other.  It would have played out the same if she hadn’t gone for it because of poor die rolls, and because Lorenzo, even from the beginning, made it kinda clear that he would attack her ally to punish her, rather than attack her directly.) (also also also, Matt changed blood maledict again.  Here it was two at level five and three at level nine, current balance is two at level six and three at level thirteen)
There will be lots of thoughts about Molly and resurrection and Taliesin’s initial thoughts and stuff in my wrap up, not going to go into any of it here.
I didn’t notice it the first time around, but Matt’s voice is audibly shaking when he’s asking for Molly’s last words.  And now after Molly is dead and Matt has to continue the combat??? I really didn’t see how hard this must have been for him at the time.
I’ve now seen the behind the scenes photo of Taliesin holding Dani from when he went offstage.  Honestly, regardless of my feelings for Molly, now and even first time around, I felt HORRIBLE for Taliesin!  Especially with knowing just how long he planned this PC for, and as much as the backstory didn’t exist, I’m sure he thought for ages about those two years that he did know, how it would have worked, the relationships he would have formed, scams he would have pulled, etc. etc.  And what’s even WORSE is knowing that Taliesin and Liam were on deadline crunch for an art book, and so he couldn’t even really take proper time to himself to mourn!  And it IS mourning.
I’m kind of glad that the two permanent deaths we’ve had so far have been with players who were more experienced with DnD.  Liam played in high school and then had been DMing for his kids at home even during C1, and Taliesin of course had been playing for ages.  It doesn’t make it any better, but it almost sort of kind of does?  Just...almost better equipped for it, in a way.  And Vax’s death was at the very end of a campaign, so for a death to occur early campaign?  Taliesin was honestly probably the best one for it to happen to.  Marisha I think could have worked as well, because I know she was playing DnD before the homegame started, so she’s in the top three of most experienced at the table.  UGH I JUST FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM, even though this was yeaaars ago now!!!  And we know he comes back (kind of, eventually) and before that becomes the second best antagonist of the campaign!!!  But I still feel so awful for Taliesin for this moment.
Though I also suppose for any CHARACTER for this to have happened to, it’s also for the best?  At least thinking of players and their backstories, Molly had the least ….  I don’t want to say ‘developed’, but I can’t think of a better term.  He was a PC who was impacted by his backstory the least, has the least interest in it.  Not sure how it would have turned out with Lucien hunting down Molly’s body, but he was the most disinterested.  I mean, if Nott had died, we’d never have found out about Veth.  If Fjord had died, we’d never have Uk’otoa (at least not to the same level).  Beau’s backstory is tiny little drips and drabs out, we know nothing about Yasha, Caleb we have about half the story.  I guess Jester, technically, because she didn’t really have a big GOAL aside from find her dad and see the world?
I cannot understand what Liam mutters to Marisha before he leaves the table.  I know she asks for some more booze, but I just can’t make out what he said. I’ve read comments before that he maybe was doing a quick check in on Taliesin to make sure he was okay.  It’s a very nice thought, so I’m hoping that it’s true.  ...but Liam also does seem to have the smallest bladder, so it could have been that too.
Nothing to break the tension like Marisha saying Keg instead of Lorenzo, and then saying Beau instead of Molly.  Nice little giggle!
I hate the fact that after Matt called the session, they have to literally take a moment to tell the fans not to flip the fuck out on the players for not playing to perfection.  Watching live for C3, I get to see that yeah...there’s a part of this fanbase that’s just fucking NUTS.
Oh the video stutters right at the end.  :(  And little lol at Matt saying they have one fucking villain now for the campaign.  Oh matt.  You thought you could keep lorenzo alive.  LOL  (it’s okay, Lucien as the villain works out super well!)
Next post – my Mollymauk breakdown.  No clue when this will come out, I have a lot to write about, and I didn’t want to start it with partial information so I waited until this episode is done.  I’ll still write it soon though, because I’m not going to let myself watch the next episode until I’m done!!  (just gotta figure out if I’m going to watch Talks before or after the write up.  ...probably before, I think.)
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Ok, I finished episode 141 of campaign 2 of Critical Role. There be spoilers below.
First off, I cried when Matt started crying at the end. And everyone was crying and you could feel the love everybody had for each other. It was beautiful and sweet and ugh.
Ok, Trent got the perfect ending. That motherfucker didn't deserve to be seen as this mastermind of a villain or as a ruthless mage devoted to the ideals he espoused at any cost. Fuck that guy. Also, holy fuck seeing Caduceus angry. Damn.
I'm really happy that everybody got closure. Jester and Fjord adventuring with their crew and Vandren is awesome. I also like to think that Artagan pops in from time to time and is like, hey wanna see a place? And Jester is like fuck yeah, grabbing Fjord's hand and bamfing away even while he's trying to ask questions.
Also Fjord. He's grown into the man he wanted to be, not who he thought others thought he should he. He's grown in confidence, just like all the rest of them. And it was wonderful he got to see Vandren again, got some answers, and got to sail with him again. He has a home now that nobody can take away from him.
Beau and Yasha had beautiful endings. Seeing Beau grow from the angry, closed off woman into the Expositor and significant other she became was great. And she didn't lose her personality along the way. She can still be abrasive, still a bit of an asshole. But underneath it, she is kind, compassionate, and just. The same can be said for Yasha. Kingsley calling her Love when he was first resurrected is so accurate. Yasha is love incarnate and I'm so happy she has someone to love who loves her in return. And getting closure with Zuala, saying goodbye and giving her the flowers 🥺
I'm happy Veth survived and made it home. She's grown so much as a person, is more confident and sure of herself. She knows her worth now, something I think Yeza might have seen all along, even if he didn't know everything she was capable of. I also love the idea of a baby adventurer summer camp. I want all of the m9 to be guest counselors hehe.
Caduceus also got to go home and that was beautiful. I think so many adventuring stories focus on leaving and changing and moving away from where you started. It's nice to see one where the character grows and changes but still does go back home.
Okay, I have to be honest. Kingsley grew on me. I realized, in the day since I watched the first half, that we really didn't get Molly back. The body might have been healed and resurrected, the soul shard brought back, but it's not Molly. And, thinking back on it, I should have expected that. Taliesin has made it clear that he considered Molly gone. Even when Caduceus had the chance to res him, he chose not to. So it makes sense, in hindsight, for Kingsley to exist. Yes, maybe he was Molly. And I like the idea of Kingsley calling Molly his brother. But that's not who came back. He's enough like Molly for it to be bittersweet but different enough that I can appreciate him for himself. (Also I have a type when it comes to fictional characters)
And last, because he's my favorite, Caleb. It feels rather appropriate that he and Beau worked to take down Trent and, eventually, the rest of the Assembly. Working towards the better future he was always taught to work for, to help the Empire he was raised to have loyalty to. He is the kind of man who should be teaching the next generations of mages. For so many reasons. It's the perfect place for him. Also, I'm thrilled he and Essek did indeed get together. There's something beautiful in two wounded, lonely people finding love and acceptance in each other. And when they went to Aeor and decided not to change the past, I was so proud of them. Though, I have to admit, I think Caleb's plan was pretty damn good in regards to not changing the timeline a whole lot. But even one life creates ripples, two even more. And though I, like Liam, love me some angst, I also like to have it end in fluff. So I like to think that, when thinks get too dangerous for Essek and his illusions and other identities fails, he uses the transformation spell. I think that these two wizards learning their limits and not changing the past is very good but changing your situation in the present is perfectly acceptable. I could see Essek choosing to become a half elf or human in order to hide. Because who would expect him to give up centuries of life, on the run as it may be, for much shorter decades? (Also lifespan angst makes me sad) But Liam and Matt told a beautiful story and I can't fault them for it. I just like to imagine a slightly different set of circumstances that is happier for me (yay headcanons) Though I'm still secretly thinking that transformation spell is gonna come into play in a one shot in the future.
I also have questions. Well, one major one. Was Matt throwing in a campaign 3 plot hook with Kingsley's story and seeing the black chains breaking and hearing a primal scream before he got resurrected? Because that immediately screamed Tharizdun to me but none of the rest of the cast reacted. I even looked specifically at Marisha because she was putting all the dots together earlier but she didn't seem to react. Am I reading too much into it thinking it was a reference to Tharizdun and not just the city being freed?
Overall, it was lovely. A beautiful ending that made me cry. I've been so happy to nerd out with these nerdy ass voice actors about their dnd characters. I can't wait to see what comes next
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Check in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 139
1. Nobody dies in the potential battle against Lucien/the Somnovem? I will be fine with temporary unconciousness but please nobody actually dies? Will they even fight? What was going on with the cliffhanger? I have so many questions!
Hey nobody died! Nobody even went unconscious. Can't believe we have a part 2 to this epic boss fight. This showdown is awesome! At least we know what will happen next episode.
2. The group uses their new eye powers for something (group telepathy will be hilarious, especially accidental) or just in general goof off with their new eyes.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
3. Beau or Caleb discover more new eye functions that we have not seen before (antimagic cone anyone? Does the eye location have any meaning? Lucien’s was also on the chest right?)
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now. If the locations mean anything, so far it's not revealed.
4. We get to see more of the party members’ new powers/abilities since they levelled up and got a long rest! Let’s gooo.
MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH thanks Cad. It's a new power we haven't seen before! Caleb knows gravity fissure now, apparently! Fjord and Veth also considered using new abilities before the break. Jester used contagion on Lucien! It was a nice try.
5. They get some sort of contact with/update from the material plane (i.e. their family, Yussa, or anybody else I guess just not Trent please), it’s been a while I wonder what’s going on over there. Has Jester’s parent trap succeeded fully yet? Has the assembly been investigated yet? Has Yussa figured out what the Nein did with his emergency exit gift? How are Yeza and Luc doing in the crime bar? Is the Dynasty looking into Essek? So many possibilities.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
6. The M9 succeed in stopping the city from going to the material plane and find a way to potentially destroy it by the end of the episode.
It appears that them plane shifting the crest away actually does ensure that the city cannot return to the material plane, that's great news! Also, I assume destroying Lucien would be a good first step to destroying the city.
7. Beau and Yasha continue to fight like the power couple they are and to indulge in PDA in the flesh horror city (because why not). Bonus: we find out Yasha’s plans for Beau’s red cape/the cape is used by Beau in the episode.
The discussion between Beau, Yasha and Veth LMAO. Oh NO Yasha is fighting Beau again - that natural 1 though! The miss! Another natural 1! The power of love!!!! Yasha also used the battle cry to protect Beau!
8. Fjord and Jester continue to be domestic and supportive of each other in these trying times because they are great. Bonus: more Sprinkle/Artagan mentions or interactions.
Jester and Fjord starting strong with the dirty/natural 20's! Also "I'd rather you wear it" "Fjord, it's so expensive!" They are so cute. Ayy Sprinkle/Artagan both got fed the Heroes' Feast! The excitement over the ring finally working lol. "Imma cast it at 4th level" lol Jester really tried her best to remove his slow and it worked!
9. Obligatory wish for Essek’s fancy dunamancy or magical items (Bonus: STILL hoping to see more high-damage AOE offensive spells that Essek has never cast because of the party placement, dark star anybody?).
The trapped haste spell MmmMm. GRAVITY FISSURE YAY hot spell flavour is hot. THANK YOU for that dispel magic on Yasha Essek you are the best. Nice magic missile but he is out in the open oh nO he is charmed oh no is he going to dark star the party?? Wheww thank you Caleb for the dispel, at fifth level too! He was so going to dark star Lucien if Cad was not pulled.
10. Obligatory wish for Caleb’s polymorph spell on himself or a party member. Actually, let’s expand to any party member’s polymorph! Give me those sweet polymorph interactions.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
11. The party tries to reach Lucien by mentioning Molly and Lucien actually having a physical reaction to their words.
Wow that was a physical reaction alright, definitely to Jester and Caleb's mention of Molly's name. Jester's song also had an effect. Everybody is trying yay! Well, it was worth a try. BEAU'S bonus action Gustuv talk made him lose a legendary action WOW. Fjord's, Caleb's attempt also succeeded. In round 2, Beau removed 1 legendary action, followed by Jester
12. Obligatory wish for Essek’s room in the tower (it will stay until it happens).
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
13. Obligatory wish for Cad being a MVP in and out of combat because he always is.
CAD what a good pep talk I love you. Path to the grave and also the reaction war caster blight, very nice.
14. I NEED MORE RP PLEASE like last week’s high intensity combat was fun but I miss one-on-one conversations give them to me thank you. Longer conversations are even better.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now, however there was a lot of Molly RP involved.
15. Everybody being super freaked out/creeped out by the terrible flesh city thanks to Matt’s wonderfully detailed and awesome descriptions.
The damaged state of the city, how it leans towards Lucien's cocoon thing and Lucien's transformation... OH NO the stalks not the tentacle stalks.
16.  At least one of the party members get mind-influenced/charmed by some effect during the combat (well at least Caleb’s got mind blank and Veth got intellect fortress, but I would be surprised if there was no mind shenanigans).
Well, I knew it would happen. Gaudius, the eye of longing/love that did not affect Beau DID charm Yasha with a failed wis save and Yasha attacked Beau, again. However thanks to Essek it didn't last long!
17. Somebody check in a bit on Essek’s mental state because he is clearly not entirely desensitized as seen from last episode. At least he got a full rest so physically he is fine (just squishy, like wizards are).
Hey Essek got to open up a little bit before their final fight, so that was great.
18. Caleb uses more fire or his customized spells or just any cool spells in general I guess because what’s sexier than wizards NOTHING I’m still hyped from last week.
Gravity fissure already?? Sweet max damage, despite the save! Caleb you can literally just copy any spell you see cast can't you, high int wizard I love you. Also the use of that potion and the scroll were pretty smart too.
19. We learn more about Lucien’s motives and what he is actually trying to do, or more about the Somnovem’s different? motives because I was very confused last episode. Lucien wants to “parent” the Somnovem by bombing them with 10 intuit charges, like okay are you sure you are not trying to kill them? Then again, if that doesn’t severely damage the Somnovem I don’t know what will.
Well we now know that Lucien has all the Somnovem power inside himself now and is still very much wanting to bring back the city - at least he can't right now because of the threshold crest they got rid of last session. This clarifies a lot. I guess the "parenting" was to weaken the Somnovem for him to absorb them all into himself?
20. Obligatory wish for everyone to remain relatively happy and alive by the end of the episode except Lucien, and the episode ends on a terrifying cliffhanger as always.
I mean, should have known that Lucien cannot be killed in 1 session. Otherwise though, what an episode! What a session! Absolutely amazing.
ESSEK IS MAKING A JOKE LMAO I can't with this man, he is also giving everybody spells/gifts, cute - I guess wizards all have the save love language.
CALEB IS ABOVE 100 HP thank you Jester for that 17 roll from Heroes' Feast! I knew you'd do it. The feast was so crucial in their combat too, what a queen. Caleb always be covering his friends in his anti-aberration cone, and burning Lucien's legendary reactions. Great moves.
Veth are you... horny for Lucien??? LMAO
OH NO Gaudius on Essek this is the alternative Essek bossfight timeline OH NO but at the same time YES the angst- oh nvm Caleb thanks lol.
Extra - combat notes for my record:
Saves minus # eyes
Elatis - Excitement, pulling the target 120 ft towards Lucien + eye.
Ira - Rage, fireball effect AOE damage.
Fastidan - Disgust (wilting dull green) necrotic damage
Luctus - Grief (Dex save), slow spell effect.
Timorei - fear effect, but negated by Heroes' feast immunity.
Culpasi - guilt (Con save) disadvantage on saving throws +...
Miramus - (wis save)
Vigilan - the eye that moves/emanates the anti-magic cone
Gaudius - (wis save) charm effect
WHAT A FIGHT! I can't wait for part 2 and hopefully that's Lucien's final form. I did not think that the Molly influence will have such a profound effect, but I sure am glad it did! Everyone was so amazing in this combat, I love it all.
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callioope · 3 years
Thoughts on Critical Role Campaign 2 Episode 133 below the cut!
Post-Battle Capeleb Scene
Me to spouse as I was pressing play: “I apologize ahead of time for any squealing this episode may cause.”
Cut to Capeleb picking up Essek after the battle! All King Kong style!!! Shoving him in front of the two clerics like “Heal him!!!” ahhhh that definitely got a squeal ... incidentally just as my husband was starting a call... oops. 
Bonus: Caduceus being like “dude I wanna heal you too”
Bonus 2: everyone like “Caleb you can put him down” Caleb: nO *puts Essek on his back* i mean caleb knows better than anyone you gotta protect the squishy wizard
Bonus 3!: Jester’s comment about “He doesn’t think clearly when he’s an animal.” and Essek’s “Evidently!” lol 
Let the Cleric Rest!
Okay earlier in the episode, when Laura was insistent on “guys we need to start our long rest ASAP,” I felt that in my bones. I play a cleric in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign I’m in, and we spent 3 or 4 sessions stuck in a dungeon filled with poison gas where we took 1d6 poison damage every hour. So no long rests there. Top that off with the fact that we’ve been in the Chultan jungle even longer, and we don’t get long rests unless we can find and secure a very safe location, and the pain of being a spellcaster and not getting a long rest is REAL.
And then no one was acknowledging her at first! Yeah later Fjord and Beau were like “yeah yeah we agree” but she had to say it so many times!!! And I kept shouting at my screen “listen to Laura Bailey!!!” thinking “my dudes you can do ALL of this talking and planning while you rest pleeeeze get that rest it” because I play a cleric too and running out of a spells is a thing.
Of course, having finished the episode/in hindsight, I’m actually not sure if the even had a full 8 hours from the moment Jester finished her Commune with Artagan to the moment the Tomb Takers arrived, but still. I feel so bad for Laura right now knowing she only has ONE SPELL SLOT left and they’re going up against the Lucien and Cree. She’s clever so I’m sure she’ll think of something but that just is a really sucky feeling going into any battle knowing you don’t have a lot of slots left, let alone The Super Scary Big Battle ahead. soo. yeah. Gonna be worrying about that all week through the end of the next episode. 
Also side note but jeez poor Laura rolling two one’s on that Heroes Feast. She needs to cleanse her dice or buy new ones altogether. she has the WORST luck with rolls.
IT!!! FINALY!!! HAPPENED!!!! I have been longing for Essek to see the Tower since episode 124 if not longer and at last! It was wonderful. AND CALEB SHOWED HIM THE NINTH FLOOR!!! amazing. fantastic. and what a talk. what a talk. ughh yes. they didn’t really have much time in the Tower outside of the Heroes Feast and the long rest but i’m sooooo glad Caleb got the chance to give the tour and they could talk. YAY!
Pursuing Lucien & Cree
Does anyone have any ideas of what they can do here? UGHH i wanna speculate on the best strategy for them (just because I find it to be a fun thought exercise). Like digging through the collapsed tunnel might take too long? Although we have no idea how long Lucien and Cree need. Hopefully the lack of the rest of the 3 Tomb Takers slows them down somewhat but who even knows at this point. I’ve been wondering if there are any teleportation spells that might work -- but Essek’s teleport is way too high to risk in Aeor right? Wonder if there’s any spells to magically clear the rubble? I’m stumped on this one. Super excited to see what they do but in the meantime while I have to wait would love to ponder this puzzle.
Fjord & the Rangers
not super wanting to like dive into intense discourse about this but like. I did have thoughts so here goes. I don’t blame Fjord for making the decision that he did, he had to make a spilt second decision and it seemed very in character for him to choose what he did. It did seem like he was trying to stall to help his party members get more rest, and it makes sense that he’d want to do that, BUT. here’s the thing. Battles in DND only take a minute or so TOPS. There’ s no way the battle itself would slow down the TT. If you’re hoping to delay the TT, you gotta hope the rangers can do enough damage to force them to at least take a short rest if not a long one. That’d only give an hour and that’s still not enough for the long rest the M9 need. 
ALL THAT SAID!!! I think there’s a very good chance that whatever that battle did helped lower the TT’s HP enough so that the traps the M9 laid could finish off the three members it did. So I don’t think it was in vain. Worth it as a delay tactic? Ehh not really. Worth it to hurt the TT? Yes.
And while I do think that Fjord and Essek knew the chances were high they were sending the rangers to their Doom (a) I think the rangers being here in Aeor know that’s an everyday possibility to begin with, and (b) I still think there’s a chance they might have been able to survive/flee. Maybe the TT decided to push past them and fled from the skirmish themselves? Yes it’s possible everyone (including Dagen T_T) fell during that battle, but I don’t think that’s set in stone. 
Also I don’t think the TT would think it’s weird to come across the rangers, they likely already knew they were there. And another thing -- even if they were like “Hmm rangers coincidentally by the entrance we were going to use?” Look they know the M9 became unscryable AND were trying to stop them. I honestly think the TT knew to be on the lookout for TM9 no matter what. And in hindsight -- which obvs Fjord did not have but we know now -- Lucien way underestimated them bc hey, despite everything, the trap still worked. Like, very much of what the M9 was trying to do during this whole arc was keep their cards close to their chest so Lucien would underestimate them. They really did lay the groundwork for that when they were traveling with them. Yeah technically they sort of revealed some of their hand during the Gelidon fight buuut they also ran from the TT limping later that day. So. Yeah. Anyways. 
I’m rambling now and gotta go start dinner. But those are my initial thoughts!!!! Happy to engage in polite discourse. Main things I love talking about are theories for what happens next!!! and also hello, this is my first like, big post in the tag although I’ve already posted a few times in the shadowgast tag. 
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Okay. Today was the first time i got to watch critical role live in full. Here are my thoughts: (written as i am watching)
-sam Shaving his head
-matt calling them vox machina in the beginning
-the rest of the cast taking control of yashas enemies
-yasha rolling a nat 1 on the first roll of the night
-sam asking for a backstory for an elemental that popped into existence ten seconds ago
-girlfriend storms! yeah!
-travis getting exited for everything and anything yasha does
-rage beyond death is so awesome
-yasha protects!
-beau immediately noticing yasha laying down beside her
-you're so wet
-wensworth (is that how you write it?) is safe. thank god!
-time is wierd
-jester going behind fjords back to scry on vandran
-vandran reading tusk love
-laura counting the sending words herself is adorable
-this hot spring is a troll
-no more eyes! Yes!
-jester feeling guilty is also adorable
-of All the Things jester told him the one thing Fjord can't believe is that vandran was reading tusk love
-fjord is right it is hard to stay mad at jester (or any naked woman for that matter)
-are we really considering working with Trent?!?
-travis hypnotizing everyone with his pecs
-nervous essek
-clay family hug (+necklace)
-are you sure? No but i'm gonna do it anyway
-the one and only time that find the path is useful
-marching order? That's never good
-i can fly for a minute. That's not as long as an hour.
-yep that's totally how boulder, parchment, shears works
-austrian storm? really?
-getting pumped full of d4s? Sounds uncomfortable
-stealth check? What's out there?
-how many different giant owls are there?
-fjords instant regret about messaging vandran again
-i'm prepared to die. NO DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!!!
-jester promising to haunt everyone if she dies
-definitely delete my browser-history if i die. (Same ashley... same)
-okay, enough! Stop talking about dying!
-no new eyes again. yay
-shit essek really is nervous
-so we're really going with the "trent is the lesser of two evils" route here
-not gonna lie after this discussion i was actually kinda hoping that persuassion would work
-yeah essek take off your shirt!
-yes Sam that is how women do that. How did you know.
-more sending shenaningans
-i didn't know humans could turn that paticular shade of pink
-shit Astrid stop being so confusing. I want to know what's going on
-aww essek is so happy they trust him
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Critical Role 2x62 Thoughts:
First move: have a rager lol
Beau/Jester’s room being connected to Yasha’s is going to be very helpful for Xhorhas booty calls
Detect Vibes
The entire party coming up with ways to make secret doors in their house triggered by books lol
Caduceus just places a massive tree on a very not-stable tower lol
“The tree will be the sunlight for other things”
Everyone getting all sappy over Jester painting a flower mural for Yasha, rightfully so, that shit is  cute
I don’t remember Fjord being this paranoid before... is it because he’s temporarily lost his powers? Also, is Fjord’s Falcin still at the inn they were staying at under the mattress? lol
Yeza is such a cute little nerd lol
Caleb about to have an aneurysm over this Astrid letter lol
Caleb  is going to  murder Nott and Jester lol
This entire conversation has my dying  😂
Beau asking Caleb if she’s in love with Nott 😂
Beau, Yasha, and Fjord going to the library together... they were Team Fish Market before they were Team Fish Market
Travis having Fjord give up 500+ gold to get Yasha her bracers because he knows when Ashley leaves, he has to play Yasha.
The Mighty Nein really are those neighbors lol
Essek really is an entirely different person before he’s found out as the traitor compared to after. Imagine what we could have accomplished in Aeor with pre-negotiation Essek
Beau doing so well before she had to name the drink lol
Caleb calling Fjord out on his fake voice 😤
Marisha always looks so conflicted whenever she’s sitting between Travis and Liam during a Caleb and Fjord confrontation
There’s never going to be a TPK because Sprinkle will never die
Sprinkles has brought pure chaos on this episode lmao
Beau wanting to scry on Professor Thaddeus to figure out where he is 😂
“Does it have a back entrance?” - Beau “The Goblin?” - Jester, because of course that’s where her mind goes
Fjord is the worst flirter lmao
Fjord is really into this 😂
Beau found her drugs 👀
Jester’s House of Sexy Times and Sweets 😂
Yay Shakaste is going to bring Luc to Nicodronas
I want to be an assassin in the next campaign. 
Damn... Caleb was being trained to be an assassin... that’s pretty badass lol
“You will always be an assassin to me”
Am I the only one that doesn’t like Dairon? Like, I know she comes through for Beau in later episodes with Zeenoth, but up until that point, I don’t know, not really vibing. 
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occidentalavian · 5 years
The Mighty Nein at Level 10.
Despite what it may seem, its actually been a while since the Mighty Nein have leveled up. They’ve spent that past 12 episodes at level 9, the longest amount of time between leveling (tied for the time spent at level 5)! Having just completed a dungeon crawl, I expect some leveling up on the horizon, so here’s what we have to expect, assuming nobody multi-classes!
At 10th level, Beau gains another ki point (up to 10 now), and her Unarmored Movement increases by another +5, bringing her total speed to 50 ft. She also gains Purity of Body, making her immune to all disease, poison damage, and the poisoned condition!
Caduceus and Jester
At 10th level, both Caduceus and Jester learn another cantrip (Laura’s been wanting Guidance or a while now!), and gain a second 5th-level spell slot. They also both get Divine Intervention, giving them a 10% chance to ask Melora or the Traveler to intervene on their behalf each day (waiting a week if the intervention is successful).
At 10th level, Caleb learns another cantrip, two wizard spells of his choice, and gains a second 5th-level spell slot. Being a Transmuter also gives him Shapechanger, allowing him to cast Polymorph on himself without expending a spell slot once per short or long rest. When he does so, he can become any beast of CR 1 or lower. This includes things like a Giant Eagle (yay flight!), a Deinonychus (these dinos have a nasty multiattack), a Giant Toad (he can eat people??), or if he’s feeling evil, a Giant Vulture (these things are lawful evil by nature apparently?).
At 10th level, Fjord learns another cantrip. As a Hexblade, Fjord also gains Armor of Hexes. If the target of his Hexblade’s Curse hits him with an attack, he can use a reaction to roll a d6, and if he rolls a 4, 5, or 6 (50% chance), the attack instead misses. Even if it was a critical hit!!
At 10th level, Nott gets an extra Ability Score Improvement, which of course she could instead use to get a Feat (given her growing interest in guns, she may take Matt’s Firearm Specialist feat, or she may want to use the whip they just found to make Sneak Attacks, so she could instead take Weapon Master to gain proficiency with it). As an Arcane Trickster, she also learns another cantrip, a wizard spell from the enchantment or illusion schools, and gains a third 2nd-level spell slot. As a goblin, her Fury of the Small bonus damage also increases to +10.
At 10th level, Yasha’s path as a Zealot grants her Zealous Presence. Once per long rest, she can use a bonus action to unleash a battle cry, granting up to 10 other creatures advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the start of her next turn. Let’s hope the next time we see her, she’ll be back on the Mighty Nein’s side!
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Yay we’re back!
Crew definitely knew, there was a whole conversation with Fjord
Henry Crabgrass
"Uh, consent please"
This is so funny
Can Henry Crabgrass be the first plant-life member of the M9 just because his voice was so funny
Jester being so upset about her clothes is just so funny
Fjord can’t not touch
He broke
"You should go ahead and give me a whisper because I rolled a 12" lol Ashley
"I think we should get the armor, you’re our only healer."
Oh jeeze I hope they didn’t get Pumat in trouble too
Oh poor Yeza
No no you should def share with Beau
Do it Yasha
Jester is the best wingman
"Are you implying that she should get in the end with me?"
Jester is me
"She makes me really nervous" alsksks
"She’s taken me by surprise. Like I, I... I don’t know. I don’t know what it all means, but..."
"She’s a wonderful person."
"She’s wonderful. She’s..."
"She’s warm gooey on the inside."
"She is."
Awwww Yashaaaaaa
This is so cute and sweet
God would you two please TALK already
Yasha hiding behind her hair alsksks
Just do it baby girl you’ll be so happy
"I wanna kiss her so bad" AHHHHHH
no baby don’t feel bad
Yes Jester you tell her
Yes PLEASE go to the source
I’m crying omg
Oh no this is so bad I’m laughing so hard
God they’re such disasters I’m crying
I can’t wait for them to finally shnuggle
Oh my god what did she DO to poor Yeza??
Guys please xD
They just sicced this woman who obviously very much upset and left a mark on Yeza on Pumat and if she hurts him I’m def gonna vote they kill her idec
Y’all shouldn’t tell him like what if someone tries to find out where y’all are through him
Yussah is back to being Mr Grumpy Wizard he will NOT be alright with that
Oh nooooo
Pumat buddyyyyyy :(
Poor guy
I’m gonna stab her don’t talk to him like that!! >:(
Oh thank god Veth was so chill about the flask
I hope Pumat gets a looooong nap
I don’t remember Beau having the original flask
Yussah’s goblin is so nice
Cold cold cooooood place
Midnight Hammer oh that’s a COOL name
Fuck I forgot what happened to Fjord last time they were out on the ocean yes
Oath of the open sea NICE I LOVE THAT
I hope when all this is over one or all of them retire to be pirates with Fjord as the captain
Oh I thought it was gonna be a monster
What if they find a dodecahedron on this ship
Oh dang, point of exhaustion from the chill
Also listen “staff and wing marshmallows snuggling” Jester ships it harder than ALL of us
Clicking sound
Don’t like
The offended look on Taliesin’s face when Matt says the Wildmom can’t hear his prayers xD
Clicking oh no
“Swirling... glowing... buttons...”
Oh fuck
I always immediately panic because I worry about Fjord and now I’m not wrong because FUCK
he broke the amber necklace fuck
Fuck fuck fuck
Like at least it’s not after Fjord but if they get the eye that’s BAD
They need to take that shit somewhere FAR inland
Fuck fuck fuck she’s still going for Fjord fuck
Gdi somebody please let Fjord just have peace on the ocean again
Oh thank god Nat20 for strength for Fjord
Seriously tho he loves the ocean so much let him enjoy it in peace again
Fucking hell Matt that’s an even worse cliffhanger than last time!!!
I’m dying omgggggg
This is gonna be so great
Something has to be done about that orb tho because if U’kotoa gets it it’s gonna be really bad
Anyway can’t wait for next week now
Started with Henry Crabgrass and look at where we are now
Is it Thursday yet?
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sparring-spirals · 5 years
I’m finally rewatching episode 85 properly! (aka not in gifs/shitposts/clips) I’m also putting off watching 86 because I don’t know if I’m ready for the return of Yasha yet. Some fun notes I have for the first half of the ep:
- good god they really got shanked while shopping, i had forgotten. “I’m never gonna feel safe anywhere again.” yeah laura thats fair. 
- Pumat, panicked: “This really isn’t a normal day!”. Caduceus: “I mean. .. ..  for us it kind of is...”
- “Have you ever heard of the Chained Oblivion?” “Haha yeah. ................wait are you serious?” “Yep.” “Does she not look serious?” (cue laura, making faces)
- oh i didn’t remember that this episode is like 50% Daddy Issues tm
- “what do i do if he says [you’re not my child i disavow you]??” nott: “I don’t know! I’ve never been in this situation!” yeah nott, because your wonderful parents travis and ashley would NEVER do that to you.
(dropping more under the cut for the sake of not flooding dashes)
- beau: *talking about the one personal conversation she’s had with her dad* nott, still trying to prove a point: and were you disguised as your mom. beau: “n- no. i cant do that.” 
- “So lets all just walk in as the Ruby of the Sea-”
- wow this conversation (watches nott hand the gentleman a hankerchief)... could be going worse- “about the fact that you’re my dad!” “INSIGHT CHECK” ohp there we go.
- The M9 walking around/talking to anyone: “hello! perfectly inconspicuous! also yeah we’re being hunted by a horrifying eldritch creature/cult, lol. its super bad. hey where are you going? Why do you look so worried all of a sudden?”
- “Running into the maws of terrible black devouring gods-” *The Mighty Nein, thinking about the time they Literally Jumped Into The Mouth Of A Fucking Huge Monster* “I mean.”
- Jester is so upset after the Ruby of the Sea thing failed :( But god, Fjord leaning on her on one side and Beau leaning on the other. Those three. <3
- Beau: “My dad didn’t want me either.” Jester, through tears: “Fuck them.” Beau: “Fuck them!” god, my fucking heart. this also makes the scene in the bar for 93 way more painful.
- “He only trafficks humans sometimes!”
- Yall! how did i miss all of this! theres so much love for jester this ep! aaaaaaaa! Caleb sitting down with her too <3 Caduceus talking to the gentleman about it!
- Okay the conversation between Beau and Nott is just as hilarious and stunning as it was the first time. notts secret! the “you’re into caleb? you have a crush on ME???” “im trustworthy! look at this face!” “YOU TELL EVERYBODY EVERYTHING!”
- Also, Beau has such “god do not talk about my SIBLING to me like that” vibes when nott is talking about caleb i adore it.
- Also, travis’s face/matthews face. INCREDIBLE.
- can someone make a compilation of the extremely unconvincing “YEAH OF COURSE” from the M9.
- *drunkenly* i could be her ~beacon~.
- this isnt a comment this is me remembering i never got to go back and reblog all the episode 85 stuff. i can finally do that once i finish this episode! yay!
- i can’t believe harassing The Gentleman into admitting his love for marion worked. my thoughts on this conversation probably should have their own post, for the sake of keeping this one lighthearted.
- but like. damn. damn.
- “Its so easy to get caught up in drugs and alcohol and men and women and your own little game of kingpin, but when I saw you, all of that changed.” 
Jester, who doesn’t drink, do drugs, or sleep around, gets her entertainment from masterminding chaos and not running an underground crime scene: “wow.”
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conceptstage · 5 years
What’s Mine is Yours
Beau huffed in annoyance and threw herself back to lay her head on Jester’s lap in the back of the cart. “This is bullshit!” she called, closing her eyes. “What’s taking so fucking long?”
Jester giggled and pat her head, leaning over the side of the cart as best she could without jostling Beau too much to look ahead of them. There were seven carts ahead of them, between them and the gate back into the Empire from the Menagerie Coast. “It looks like they’re being super extra careful with checking everybody. Caduceus, can you see?”
Caduceus, in the front seat, squinted his eyes and hummed thoughtfully. He moved forward with the line when it shifted and turned back to smile at her over his shoulder. “I believe they’re taking names.”
Caleb frowned, his brows furrowed cautiously in the middle. “Names? They did not do that last time.”
Fjord was next to Cad in the front seat and leaned forward to prop his elbows on his knees. “Maybe they’re just being more cautious, what with the war heating up.”
Beau hummed and sat back up, leaning over the side of the cart to get a better look. “And what we did couldn’t have helped. They’re probably really concerned about some of their intelligence being leaked now.” They continued moving up the line slowly, getting more and more tense with each yard, until they were next in line.
“We should get out,” Jester said. “Make it easy for them so we can move on super super quick.”
Beau groaned but followed her out the back of the cart, leaning against it with her arms crossed over her chest. Only Caduceus and Fjord stayed on the front seat, gently encouraging the horses along when it came to their turn. Caleb stood in front of her and she saw the same nervous, paranoid tension in his shoulders as she felt in her own. This entire situation felt ominous, like she was waiting for a shoe to drop but she couldn’t see the shoe at all.
The guard looked up from his clipboard and sighed. “Business?”
“Travelling to Zadash,” Fjord said, smiling smoothly. “To visit family.”
He didn’t seem overly interested in their answer or in asking more questions. “Name?” He asked, jotting something down.
Caleb spoke up first. “Caleb Widogast,” he said, crossing his arms nervously over his chest and shifting in his new coat.
The guard didn’t look up at him and gestured for them to continue. “Name.”
Beau was next, it seemed. She cleared her throat. “Beauregard.”
The man paused and finally looked up at her, his expression annoyed. “Last name too.”
When she was asked about it later, she would say that she panicked. If her last name started showing up in government records her parents might be able to figure out her movements and she really didn’t want them to have access to that kind of information about her. But, honestly, the family name had come to her so easily that she didn’t even have time to panic until after.
“Widogast,” she said, wincing. She could feel Caleb’s eyes on her but she didn’t look.
The man nodded and sighed, looking back at his board. “Name,” he asked Jester.
“Jester Widogast!” Jester said, smiling brightly. “We’re all siblings.”
The guard frowned and looked them all over with a raised eyebrow and Fjord blushed slightly, clearing his throat. “Different mothers. I’m Fjord. Fjord W-Widogast.”
“Nott Widogast!” Nott said, hiding slightly behind Jester’s leg and covered once again my her bandages and hood.
“I’m Caduceus Clay,” said Caduceus, looking lost and confused by what was happening but smiling kindly nonetheless.
Caleb curled in tighter on himself and cleared his throat. “He’s a family friend.”
“Sure,” the guard said, caring just enough that he would probably tell the story of the strange and varied Widogast family over drinks tonight but not enough to ask any questions. “Move along.”
“Thank you very much,” Caduceus said, waiting just long enough for the others to all climb back into the back of the cart before moving the horses forward through the gate.
Caleb waited until they were several yards ahead of the gate before getting Beau’s attention. “Some warning would have been appreciated. If he were paying more attention he might have seen the surprised look on my face and not believed you.”
“Shut up,” Beau mumbled, sinking down against the wall of the cart and avoiding his eyes.
“I like it!” Jester said, cheerily. “It’s like we’re a real family! Can we do it again, Caleb? Can we be the Widogast family?”
Caleb gave her a small, somewhat reluctant smile. “I suppose. It is a fake name, I do not have the right to demand that no one else use it.”
“No, man, it’s your fucking name, fake or not,” Beau said, feeling frustrated at herself. “I shouldn’t of- I don’t know. Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” Caleb insisted. “You can use it. It would feel like we were a real family.”
Jester cheered and she and Nott grinned widely at each other. “Yay! We’re a family! The Widogasts! We need to get one of those wreaths for our front door at the Xhorhaus that just like a ‘W’ with flowers around it.”
Nott frowned. “No, those are tacky.”
“They’re so cute!”
Beau blocked them out and leaned closer to Caleb, clearing her throat awkwardly as they debated loudly behind them. “Seriously, Caleb… I’m sorry. It just came out. I was put on the spot, I panicked.”
Caleb sighed and shook his head. “You called us a family when you were speaking to Dairon, and you were right. My name is your name, anytime you want it.” Beau still felt a little awkward but also happy as she moved back into her own space, crossing her arms and relaxing back against the side of the cart.
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pagerunner-j · 6 years
Random Q&A highlights (I will probably forget half of them and have to come to this later, but it’s a start):
- Liam got a question from someone named Trent, and promptly bolted from the stage. Then he got a question from someone named Caleb, asking why he picked the name. He wouldn’t answer. “Check back in a year.”
- Marisha, upon being asked what inspired her to make Beau LGBTQ: basically, it felt like what the character would want and who she is. She also pointed out that roleplay also lets you explore other facets of your personality or other experiences. (“Hey, I had fun in college.” Audience member: “Woo!” Marisha: “Yay, college!”)
- Jeater says the Traveler likes peach cobbler for some reason. Also rhubarb pie, and cupcakes with strawberry frosting, and cookies with sprinkles. Because sprinkles are important.
- Yes, Laura answered the pastry question entirely in character. Don’t @ me.
- Ashley. Just, y’know, Ashley.
- She does have a one-shot idea, by the way. And is terrified. But I wanna seeeee.
- Also, she was wearing fun buns.
- Everyone is nervous more than a little about trying to play their old characters and remembering the mechanics. Which my phone tried to render as “the name Janice.” I don’t see why Janice is relevant here, phone.
- Gil is in the house. Specifically, the back of the house. Specifically, so he can bolt immediately for the door and get a head start if Marisha decides the dice have fucked her.
- Laura claims she has a system for picking the best dice. Sam called her out on her bullshit. Laura: “Yeah, it’s the pretty ones.”
- Teensy quarter-elves tidbit: the twins came first.
- Upon being asked if having had a baby now, Laura has any second thoughts about Vex having lots of kids...and there were immediately jokes involving things like the locket and the bag of holding. Or the bag of colding. Or, more practically, babysitters. Besides, “Elves live a long time, so...we could stretch it out.”
- Someone also asked about a hypothetical child of Fjord and Jester, and which god would get the kid. Travis is convinced it’s Uk’otoa (Uk’otoa, etc.) Laura, in character: the Traveler is everywhere! So unless he was born under the _sea_...
- And when asked what color he’d be: “He can be my little aquamarine!”
- Someone asked Taliesin about what kinds of tea you’d get from VM or the M9. He answered for VM. Breakfast tea for Percy, floral for Keyleth, herbal sleepytime tea for Grog, green for Pike, “arsenic tea, at this point” for Vex (pfft), something spicy (pfft again) for Scanlan (e.g. chai), and Vax...well, Vax is a moot point, he’s not there. (“I’ve thought too much about this.”)
- Yes, we ended up singing Happy Birthday to Taliesin.
- On going back to level 20 and being super powerful: well, Taliesin’s back to being freaked out about how many attacks he has, Marisha is back to the spell list of doom (“no WONDER Keyleth was always anxious!”) but also pretty psyched about the shapechanges and the whole level 20 druids are OP af... (Liam: “A brass dragon is pretty hot.”)
- Meanwile, Laura: “I have TWO arrows.”
- ...and Matt has piles and piles and piles of minis for wildshape, just in case.
- Question for Travis: after 20 years, can Grog read chapter books now? Travis: Nope. He makes up the stories as he goes, and turns the pages WAY too fast.
And there were other things but my brain is toast, I’m tired of typing with my thumbs, and the game is soon. Probably won’t post much about that. But this will be very fun to see.
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captainsspnanon · 3 years
C2E14 - Fleeting Memories
More campaign two because I’m sick and sad!  Wooo!
*cuddles under blankets and considers making soup*
Huh, short episode! 3:15, which means more realistically just about three hours excluding the break.
And no Laura, which confirms that they meet the Gentleman this episode!  ...which was kind of obvious because of how the last episode ended, but WHATEVER.
This welcome back Ashley bit is actually giving me feels. XD
ALSO yay for the nat 1 charity push!!!
I love Matt’s ‘don’t you dare’ face and then they still silly string him.  AS IT SHOULD BE
LOL at Taliesin talking about the guns coming back to haunt him.
Molly is so panicked!  Props to Taliesin for the RP, this is fantastic!
Also Caleb totally recognized SOMETHING about the spell-splitter lady from the captial.
Holy shit. Hindsight, Matt really is telling all the story!  We’ve got the Tomb Taker’s individual names, AND the named group! and Vess (not being directly named), we’ve got Lucien dying two years ago, we’ve got the actual tome in question taken by Vess.  GODDAMN Matt!!  You really do just throw all the things out there, and then we don’t get it until 80 sessions later!!
Well, to be fair, there probably were Critters who figured stuff out right away. Starting live with C3 I’m seeing just how much speculating and theorizing starts right off the bat!  Apparently with C2 there were theories about Caleb being a werewolf after the first session???? This is WILD.
Wait, part of the same order?  The Claret Order???  Which is just barely touched on at the end, but I believe is in the books???
Oh man, I am SUPER impressed by Molly/Taliesin here!  The half answers and vague replies make JUST enough sense to work, but at at the same time give nothing! And Taliesin couldn’t have know, he didn’t know his backstory!! Just so fucking impressive
And everyone poking and prodding for more answers because they’re under the (reasonable) assumption that Molly knows this!
LOL poor Matt is like I have no clue what Jester would do, meanwhile Laura talks about how she would have instantly started to chat with him about being blue, and might look for rings on his fingers.  It would be hysterical if she was there and would have started guessing that he was her father right away.
GODDAMN BEAU YOU ARE SO DAMN GOOD “no, Demedan was - *clumsy* with his information” GODDAMN I LOVE YOU
It is so interesting to see how the Gentleman behaves this early on, especially compared to AwkardDad!Gentleman that we get later!  I forgot how he really was the perfect blend of charming and intimidating!
Hmmm, I wonder why Cree wouldn’t already have had Lucien’s blood, considering that was basically her talisman for casting, as I understand it.  Well, she also doesn’t appear as obsessive here, so maybe that only started after she brought Lucien back.
Is Sam uncomfortable with this?  Or Nott?  It’s actually hard to tell, I think it might be Sam.
Oh man, how hard this must have been for Caleb!  I wonder if the amulet would still prevent the scrying with blood?
Interesting RP choice from Liam, I think?  Or possible legit nervous habit.  He’s twisting his wedding band.  Doesn’t really work for Caleb as we have no indicator that Caleb wears rings, but possibly a short hand for fiddling with, I don’t know, a wire from the components pouch, or his amulet?  Or I’m reading into this too much and it’s just Liam twisting his ring out of character.
Fjord winning really is amazing, and it’s all just luck.  I love it so much, and it’s 100% unpredictable how it could have played out.
Props to Matt for having the main suspects for the High Richter being Molly and Beau. He doesn’t take a side one way or another in the argument that the party had with Caleb (and rightfully so, let the PCs do what the PCs do!), but with this he adds just a touch of ‘you know you were highly suspicious too’.  Nothing accusatory, nothing even going ‘Beau and Molly were Wrong’ (because again, it’s a PC fight not something for the DM to get involved with), but just a hint of ‘you were seen too, fyi’.  I like it!  It’s a small thing, and it certainly doesn’t UNDO the fight, nor the points that either side had for it.  Just added another little complication into the basket.
15 years working… as The Gentleman?  Or just in the crime market?  ‘Cause Jester’s older than 15!  Hmmm….wish I could remember what he told Jester. AH WELL WILL FIND OUT IN LIKE 100 EPISODES OR SO.
First off, full fucking props to Nott for challenging the Gentleman and picking a good way to do so.  Second, props to Matt for having the Gentleman be totally for it and delighted.  Lastly, FUCKING PROPS TO THE GENTLEMAN FOR DRINKING THE VIAL OF ACID way to get EVERYONE’S respect.
*tries to find the thing that spooked Travis*  Looks like maybe something fell from the light/microphone rigging and knocked a die?
Ugh, I really love Fjord/Travis being the face.  I miss that he took more of a back seat later in the campaign with Beau and Caleb being the face for intense stuff, and Jester and Nott being the face for the less intense stuff. I admit, I just really like smooth talkers in the right situations, and I feel like he covers that so well for the party.  IC, and then just OOC because I really like the way Travis says things.
Interesting, Molly checked to see if Cree had any eyes!  Subtly so, but by Tal tapping his cheek and neck/shoulder area.  That makes sense, it was the only marking that Molly had and was aware of, and it’s the only backstory thing that Tal knows is a thing that he chose.
Lol at Fjord giving the party that failed shit when Travis would be yelping each time. You can almost see it on his face, that conflict of ‘PC toughs it out….NOMATTNOGHOSTSPLEASE…..no man I’m cool, fuck you’
Beau is such as ass and I love her so much for it.
“visit the city” Matt you little shit
Also did we ever find out if the ritual actually failed and why?  I can’t remember! Because Lucien DID die!  Molly was a fragment that somehow came back, but we never really find out why either, right?
Oooof, as soon as Molly implies that one of the Tomb Takers had turned Cree was like wtf no I don’t believe you anymore.  He was doing so well before that!
…..I was not a Widofjord shipper and I think maybe I slowly might be becoming one? Like WOOF that scene where Caleb asks Fjord about the gambling and calculated risks?  THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AS HOT AS IT WAS.
Sam trolling Ashley so hard for not having a detailed reason for Yasha’s disappearances while Ashley was off Blindspotting.
Wait, did they not know Yasha was from Xhorhas???  I could have sworn it came up before. DOWNSIDES OF REWATCHES, not realizing when is the ‘first’ of something if I’m not looking for it.
Year and a half?  I thought she’d only been in the Empire for six months?  Was that something she told Trent?  MEMORY.  I DO NOT HAVE IT.
I kinda miss Beau being a fuckboi.
All this back and forth over the Xhorhasian blade and I don’t think anyone ever uses it.  Yasha gets the Magician’s Judge in this upcoming encounter, and Fjord gets the Summer Dancer after Molly dies, I think.
Oh man, Fjord started fucking with Nott way earlier than I remember him doing so.
“Important note! Laura Bailey has texted in that she hates us all”
Zone of Truth!!! Which is very needed.  Now granted, Molly saying that his first memory was the dirt and then having to correct it to vague memory and being told about it?  I don’t consider that a big deal.  He was flavoring the truth, essentially.  But it’s very interesting to know from Taliesin himself that he didn’t want to share all the things that get shared in this scene.  Which I don’t care, Molly needed to spill.  And I’m glad that he was forced to, because he as a character just LIES SO MUCH, and now???  He still wanted to lie NOW???  Now that everything was here and he acknowledged that it was dangerous?
Oh man, Nott pressing the ‘past life’ bit has soooo many more feels to it with all the Veth backstory.  MY HEART.
Also, Liam is doing a good job making sure to avoid questions to Caleb.  And I say Liam, because it’s him interjecting with the texts from Laura/Jester, and with that plus Caleb’s actual interrogation skills coming slightly into play, he’s managing to avoid any questions to him.
Fuuuuuck you Liam. Beau says “just because you know the past doesn’t mean you have to be beholden to it” AND THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE.  The tiny eyeybrow raise and the scoff.  STOP BREAKING MY HEART.
Seriously, Liam and Laura are the best with breaking my heart in a campaign.
...wait did Caleb just dissociate???  After Beau’s comment and the scoff, he starts just furrowing his brow and looking straight forward, until suddenly after a comment Molly says, he gives a little jolt and starts paying attention again.  LIAM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.  Master of fucking subtleties.
Oddly, this aspect of Molly had me even more against him in first watch through.  I was very much ‘if you don’t care about your past then why should I care or be invested in you as a character’.  I can still understand my way of thinking with that, but I don’t feel that way now.  And that’s heavily in part of the fact that I understand how Taliesin plays now.  When I was first watching, it was also my first time watching any of Critical Role, and I thought that Molly’s dismissiveness meant that Taliesin would actively avoid anything plot related to Molly, and would brush it off and just move on – something that would be really boring and annoying for a viewer. After seeing Cad and Percy, I can look at this and know that Molly may not have it impact him super emotionally (MAYBE), but Taliesin would still be involved with the plot and involved with everything. And even if Molly ‘brushed it off’, he would still have IMPACT with it, regardless of how the impact took.  SORRY FOR DOUBTING YOU, TAL.  I DIDN’T KNOW BETTER.
Hmmm...when Jester asks about the fortune tellings and he says he sometimes has a tickle in the back of his mind, the phrasing is just peculiar enough that I’m wondering if he’s taking a truth (tickle in the mind) and implying that it means an actual fortune.  Because I’m like 90% sure that’s what he just did.  And I seriously hate that Molly KEEPS FUCKING LYING.  Like, I legit don’t think he stops lying, and it annoys me.
I like how Caleb takes a moment to clarify that while he does not shave his butt, his butt isn’t hairy anyway so.
Good scene all around!  Though I do wonder about how Molly saying that he left every town better than he found it worked under the truth spell.  Like, that just feels like a statement that can’t be said truthfully, especially by a con artist?  If you’re conning someone, you might think they deserve it, but you don’t know how you could be hurting them or hurting someone else through them.  I dunno, it’s a good statement, but I feel like it shouldn’t have been under the truth spell.  Like, how did they leave Trostenwald better than they found it?  Alfield, sure.  Zadash, maybe if you want to consider the political thing a positive turn.  But they didn’t do anything to better Trostenwald aside from clean up their own mess, which isn’t ‘better than he found it’.  In fact, they literally killed four people just by being there.  And fixed nothing.  And improved nothing.  Does performing a single show make up for four lives?  I doubt it.  Though maybe it’s just that Molly believed it therefore he could say it?  SPELL TECHNICALITIES.  ...and I’m thinking waaay too much on this, I know that.  I wouldn’t be so hung up on it except for the fact that due to the logic of the world I think we’re supposed to believe it’s 100% true, which I am not really a fan of?
Once again, Molly being a dick by calling Nott ‘frightfully ignorant’ when she professes her own beliefs but says she respects Molly’s view.  Fuck off Molly.  Stop attacking people when you disagree with them. ...And then he literally threatens Nott by saying maybe Lucien killed goblins!!  With a LOOK on his face.  What the fuck Molly?!?!?
Oh huh, I guess Fjord does attune to this blade.  Is this the one that he swallows though? I thought that was the Summers Dance.  
I’m appreciating Yasha a lot more now that I’m more aware of Ashley’s range as well.  Granted, I really enjoyed Yasha, but not until the second half once Blindspot ended and she was there full time.  I’m getting her a lot more now early game because of that prior experience.
Aaaand I now get the whole ‘dagger that comes back to you’ joke
lol wingman Caleb
I feel kinda bad that Beau was never able to become proficient with the darts.  One of the few things where I could see a rule-of-cool rule bending to allow them to be considered monk weapons, but I also understand why not. Then again, I also feel like cat Frumpkin should have been allowed darkvision.
She calls him Grog! *heart*
I love it so much when they are upset when Matt ends the game and beg for more time. IT GIVES ME WARM FUZZIES.
I know that Soft exists.  I like the descriptor of things feeling Soft!  It’s just not a word that’s part of my vocabulary so I don’t think to use it when it would apply.  I should probably start using it.
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fivegoldpieces · 5 years
okay let’s get this late liveblog post started
marisha and travis wearing those glasses while sitting right next to each other is honestly killing me right now please im so weak
what is this ad oh my god 
how the hell do they have time to do this im
rotting meat fjord, i don’t know how much that will help but okay
Beau: “Everyone is fucking bailing on me, and I ain’t got shit” 
Jester: “I’m a leaf! I’m a leaf but I’m still with you”
beaujester held hands i am perFecTLY FINE this is FINE IM FINE this is okay im good im good imajfdklasjdfasjkfk HANDS
Fjord is a bottom Confirmed
the image of 6ft caduceus holding onto an eagle is fuckn amazing
i have to say the sound of matt shaking the dice as fjord falls sounds ominous as fuck
caduceus talking to fjord on the ground reminds me of the skyrim scene for some reason
can beau saying “i follow jester” be a thing
jester saying sorry to fjord 😭
beau and caleb going to the nest to get loot together hell yeah
oh damn that’s a lot of gold in a nest
beau getting the silk clothes for jester
“c’mon man get back in the cloak”
beau arguing with caleb as an eagle fucking sends
omg bless that one spell slot
damn jester really loves using command
this tense atmosphere with the roc omfg
 im not saying beau is married to jester now because of the rings but she definitely is
nott is drunk i can tell
omg jester trying to snatch the flask and putting it into the haversack
beau proposed to yasha with that ring omg rights for beauyasha shippers
omg beau and yasha are married ugh wlw rights
i wonder how fjord feels about the orcs they’re fighting
marisha really works those sunglasses ugh someone draw beau in them
their true rivals are toya and the roc
awww poor jester is exhausted
i don’t trust that tower at all
o fuck it’s a xhorhasian hupperdook but without the fun civilians
persuasion checks scare the crap out of me ngl
“be quiet, do your work, and leave” honestly applies to a lot of places
beau, to jester: “you were pretty awesome actually”
me: fucking dead on the ground because of these two blue gfs
omg pls the leaf costume
things escape from the tower? a prison?
oh fuck temples to betrayer gods
this is some grey warden darkspawn shit omg
marion read jester a book about demons as a child lmfao
oh god what’s jester gonna do to that sign
bless on beau and fjord and jester ugh i love my og trio crumbs
the traveler’s voice being described as disembodied honestly creeps me out
oban wan kenobi
omfg what is up with that incense lmao
oh the joys of haggling i cant do that lol
omg not at nott thinking yasha did it
ok but nott and her alcoholism is gonna be the new spice
nott possibly fusing with frumpkin sends
i love cats ah
let fjord and caduceus be goddess buddies
praying to the wildmother is literally a way to deal with anxiety attacks
fjord’s fixation on the fact that the dream with the wildmother felt good says a lot
mountain with no snow in front of a salt flat? oh my
god i fuckn love fjord and caduceus talking
it’s the fuckn ocean im gonna fucking cry im 
omg let’s go three wlws bc bi/closeted lesbian jester is Real and no one can take that away from me
jester trying to wingman so hard lmfao
jester saying “that’s what i’m here for” rings a bell in my mind but i don’t know what exactly - something about her view of her worth in the group which would be interesting to explore
omg nott about to confront yasha
and fjord now oh and caduceus
oh boy cold turkey is not gonna be fun
omg m9 please don’t enable the alcoholism
maybe use that bottle to wean her off 
everyone calls jester jessie now ugh thank you nott for starting it and beau for always using it
god i love brjeaus so much
lmfao fjord tryna be buff
oh god what is this sending gonna sound like
how is she supposed to look for the hidden entrance if it’s hidden
oh god they’re gonna go down the tunnel aren’t they
the way travis and marisha burst into song fuckn nerds
no plans we die like adventurers
i can be a freak i can i can be a freak every day of every week
o fuck yea goggles are cool
holy fuck 25 gold BUT HE DOES IT ANYWAY
fjord just one black coffee-ed nott lmfao
huh nothing for locate creature but locate object worked
uh “until the world ends”?? that does not sound good 
oban is floating i know
hol on i  need several moments
oh? an idea?
the way yasha prays to the stormlord is kind of endearing in a way to me
ashley is so nervous omg like travis was
this tunnel mad creepy i don’t like this
okay but i wonder if that tunnel collapsed because of someone 
beau and jester keeping track of the wall ugh my crumb
omfg fjord you can’t just eldritch blast in a tunnel that’s had a cave in before just shake him
oh it’s abyssal? defaced by celestial creatures?
god they’re such musical nerds
oh boy they’re sending nott in i hope she doesn’t get hurt
angel sculptures?
ugh cats should have darkvisio
oh my god this is so creepy it’s like 4am matthew please
this place is so gd creepy matt please end it oh my god
the music is not helping at all
oh god the fact that the statues were sitting is even creepier
i really don’t like this omg it’s so creepy
oh god she touched it
oh god they both touched it
oh i really do not like this omfg
what if someone dragged a body in oh god this is terrifying
break one open lol
oh geez they really are gonna go in
earthy rotten sulfuric smell does not sound good at all
“you guys know what to do” oh boy
oh three yashas are a dream
closing it off with yasha as annie amazing
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