#but at some point it becomes fucking abhorrent
lune-redd · 5 months
Hello, it's Lelly.
As you may know, I have recently deactivated my Twitter account. A lot of people are speculating I left because I was being harassed for drawing my older depiction of Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls as chubby. However... that's not the direct reason I left. In fact, I didn't really see much of the comments of folks on there getting riled up about it as I muted the tweet the morning I saw that it blew up. I was only merely aware of it all by being told about it from friends, with there being some other users on the site making other really fuckin' stupid comments about my art.
This does however lead into why I actually left Twitter, and it's because of Twitter's overall toxic nature. Overtime, I've really gotten sick of how absolutely revolting Twitter has become to experience. The site is basically built around dunk culture and doom scrolling. You know that one tweet of someone making an example of Twitter's utter stupidity by using pancakes and waffles as an example?
I bring this up because I think this fits my point about how Twitter has this thing of assuming the absolute worst about the most insignificant things, even the most innocuous. The "Bubbles obesity" comments weren't the only stupid comments that came out of that post. I also got a quote retweet that I was "forcefully feminizing Buttercup", even though the whole fucking point of that drawing was to depict a usually tough character in an unusual situation for her. I have also gotten stupid comments on other drawings though, like the one where Mitch pushes Buttercup down for trying to look taller than she is and I got called a misogynist for it, though I'm pretty sure that one was bait (Twitter users have a tough time figuring out what is and isn't bait, it's dunk culture that I'm about to talk about really doesn't help this).
The site's dunk culture is also really fuckin' bad. Quote retweets are a disease, as unlike Tumblr's reblog comments, quote retweets count as a different post. Someone disagrees with you? Show your audience how stupid they are on your page! Hey, are you trying not to see the most abhorrent racist statement imaginable? Well TOO BAD FUCK YOU here's a le epic own giving them all the attention in the world even though one of the most common internet rules are DON'T FEED THE FUCKIN' TROLLS YOU IDIOT. Oh hey, are you trying to explain how you prefer a certain artistic choice over another in something you like? Well you're a deranged ungrateful whiny nitpicker, get owned!
I've seen so many of my friends be belittled for simply discussing their artistic preferences of things they're passionate about. I had a friend who said he prefers the original Crash Bandicoot design over his redesigned look in Crash 4, and had legitimate reasons for why he felt that way (even if he didn't really explain them clearly), and he got dunked for it which made me mad. I'm sick and tired of it all. The reaction to my art is only a mere example of the shit I despise about that site.
I had been planning on leaving Twitter for quite some time, as my follower count was growing nearer and nearer to 10K. I had planned on leaving after 10K followers because that amount was wayyyy too fuckin big for me to handle. I'm a young and growing lad, and I felt it wouldn't be good for my mental sanity to handle all that, so I dipped. The amount of attention I've been getting is simultaneously both wonderful and extremely overwhelming. Even the explosion of new followers and asks on here is quite the load! (Seriously, calm the fuck down y'all) I am very grateful for all the supportive asks I've gotten even though I won't be able to answer them all, thank you all so very much.
tl;dr I didn't leave Twitter because I was being harassed or anything, but rather because of the site's overall toxic and belittling environment.
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psychotrenny · 11 months
It’s fucking insane to me how normal Yankee Liberals are about Hawaii. As in like the way they just treat it as an unremarkable fact that their nation controls the island. Like the annexation of Hawaii wasn’t just any old example of Settler-Colonialism, the subjugation of a decentralised non-urbanised people that could be just dismissed as mere “tribes” or what have you. Not to say that such forms of “typical” Settler Colonialism are any less abhorrent or disgusting, just easier to justify from a Liberal point of view. Easier to claim that they weren’t *really* using the land properly or that they were an hopelessly and eternally backwards who only really benefitted from their conquest or that they were doomed and dying anyway and their fate was a mere tragic inevitability not worth dwelling on or… Point is all these arguments are all wrong and stupid and cruel but they can serve well enough to downplay or justify such atrocities in the eyes of Imperial Core Liberals.
But like with Hawaii you don’t have that. The Kingdom of Hawai’i was a sovereign state that was internationally recognised as such by the Great Powers of Europe even at the very height of Western Imperialism. Literacy rates were high and compulsory education was introduced in 1841 (pre-dating the US by 77 years), healthcare was given to all Hawai’ian subjects free of charge, Christianity was dominant (so even the most ardent Imperialist couldn’t claim that the people were in the thrall of some “barbaric superstition” that necessitated the “civilising influence” of empire) and it had a well-developed Capitalist economy dominated by Sugar production.  Like even if we take the Western model of statehood as the be all end all of what separates the civilised from the savage (to be clear hear you really fucking shouldn’t, but many people do so for a second that’s the frame of reference we’ll employ) then Hawai’i was very much unambiguously the former.  But that didn’t stop the US from shamelessly interfering it’s politics Indeed those aformentioned markers of Western-Style “civilisation” and “development” came with the price of allow US missionaries and investors to settler in the islands and become very wealthy and influential. For decades the US used the threat of force to influence the policy decisions of the kingdom, going as far as to regularly send warships in a classic display of “gunboat diplomacy”. In 1887 a US settler militia called the First Honolulu Rifles staged a coup where they forced Kalākaua to accept a new Constitution that heavily favoured the interests of USamerican settlers who had grown very wealthy through their investment in sugar production on the island.  It stripped the Monarchy of much of its power and introducing requirements for voting that heavily favoured US settlers; re-introducing wealth/property requirements that were now higher than even, allowing resident aliens to vote and just outright banning any Asian immigrants from voting (which at that point had as much to do with plain racial hatred as it did to any acting threat they might have posed). This wasn’t enough for the Yanks and 6 years later a group of 13 US settlers known as the “Committee of Safety” outright overthrew the newly crowned Queen Liliʻuokalani when she refused to co-operate. It existed briefly as an “Independent” USamerican dominated republic before the US government decided to official annex it in 1898 (similar to what you saw with Texas or California).
While incredibly controversial at the time due to both strategic concerns with the annexation of ultramarine territories and some level of outrage at the shameless take-over of a sovereign nation (hence the time gap between the coup and the actual annexation), nowadays Yanks enjoy their control over the island without the slightest care in the world. They even turned it into a tourist destination, a heavily romanticised one that not only receives many millions of visitors every year but is constantly mentioned in the popular culture the US then proceeds to export all over the world, literally revelling in their land that is by literally any definition (even the most nakedly pro-imperialist) stolen. The land itself is severely exploited to the point of significant ecological damage, the indigenous peoples too are exploited as many of them live in poverty while US investors grow wealthy from their land and labour. Even their very culture is stolen and monetised, the most marketable parts bastardised into cheap kitsch and the rest of it left to rot, only kept alive through over a century of continued resistance from the indigenous peoples. It’s a very common story of course, but I think it stands out with how utterly ghoulish it is even under the most Liberal of consistently applied worldviews. It would be like if in say 2007 someone set up Disneyland in Bagdad. And yet by the vast majority of the US (and by extension the vassals states whose view of the situation is filtered through the lens of US media and propaganda) it isn’t seen that way. Hawaii is just the 50th state, the only state outside North America and in the tropics (hahaha ain’t that a neat little fact. Geography is so fun J), an island paradise perfect to visit with the whole family and yet still as American as Apple Pie. Even many self-described “progressives” talk about it in this way, at most mentioning the plight of the indigenous Hawaiians with minimal though as to how this situation came about. Like while the story of Hawaii is far from unique; even in terms of the US doing colonialism to Westernised peoples you examples such as the ethnic cleansing of the Five Civilised Tribes from the Eastern USA, it still stands out to me with the sheer level of international recognition and Western-style development that the Kingdom of Hawai’i possessed. Like it’s just such an obvious example of the naked greed at the heart of the USamerican empire, and how utterly bullshit talk of a “civilising mission” and “spreading democracy” is. No matter what they may claim, no matter what excuses they may trot out, Imperialist rapacity has no limits.
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angelfoxx · 1 year
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ❝ A DIFFERENT NAME. ❞
…what they (endearingly) call you.
FEATURING: simon “ghost” riley, john “soap” mactavish, keegan p russ
WARNINGS: suggestive + mild nsfw. mild. also implied fem!reader for keegan’s part
NOTE/S: i love keegan so fucking much i want to plant my face between his legs and mash my face into his lap
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✦ For a while, nothing. The progression is your callsign, to your last name, and then to your first name, and then it kind of stops there, because that’s a lot.
✦ At some point, probably when you two are casually working together — not on the field but just back at base, maybe you’re doing chores or something of the like — maybe he’s feeling a little sappy, or maybe he’s just a little tired, but either way, he’s not gatekeeping his words. He’s not watching himself.
✦ You pass him a mug of tea, and he takes it with a grunt and “thanks, love.”
✦ Absolute fucking silence.
✦ He stumbles into a short apology, and you almost fall over yourself trying to tell him that it’s okay and actually it’s really endearing and you really like being called that. He actually argues against you, cites safety as one of the reasons that he can’t call you that and get used to calling you that — and then, at some point, he runs out of rebuttals and all that’s left is the fact that you want him to keep calling you that.
✦ It takes him a long time to get comfortable with it, but over time, “love” becomes his new nickname of choice for you. At some point, he seems to say it more than he addresses you by your actual name. In public, he doesn’t usually call for you by name, and if he does, it’s your last name or maybe your first name. In private, he eventually almost solely refers to you as love. He also does it excessively. “G’morning, love. You tired, love? That one’s yours, love.” Et cetera.
✦ Because he’s the way he is, chances are you’re being called by a nickname more than you’re being called by your name. And not necessarily, like, lovey-dovey ones.
✦ He’ll call you by your callsign on missions, right? And then you get back to base afterward and you’re both still sweaty and gross and he’ll come over and clap you on the back and go “that’s how it’s fuckin’ done, sugartits!” and you get to respond in kind by calling him whatever stupid nickname you can think of. “Dickweed” makes him laugh.
✦ At some point in the relationship, though, you guys don’t just fuck around 24/7. To be clear, the stupid nicknames are always going to stick around and the entire base knows that the two of you seem to be in a headlock over who can come up with the worse one, but as time goes on, there are genuine sweet ones thrown in.
✦ “Baby” is his favorite. Horrendously basic considering that he mashes words up for the most abhorrent nicknames he can make up, but he seems to like the simple shortness of it. It slips off of his tongue so nicely and it seems like, while his stupid nicknames make him laugh, “baby” makes him smile like an idiot.
✦ He’s most prone to using it in private (it’s deliciously low and gravelly when he’s got his eyes lidded and mouth curved into a wicked smirk and he’s knelt so casually between your legs) or in public. Especially if it’s a night where everyone is training or gaming. Any sort of situation in which you can beat someone else, he’s calling you by it. “Get ‘im, baby!” “Fuck ‘im up, baby.” Things like that. If/when you win in sparring matches or poker or whatever the fuck else, he’s very prone to celebrating on your behalf and referring to you as “my fuckin’ baby/girl/boy”.
✦ this man could call me whatever the fuck he wants and i’d go weak in the knees. he could call me shitbrains in that sexy fucking voice of his and id be like yes yes shitbrains is me that’s me can I choke on your dick sir can i gargle your balls can i
✦ He really likes to call you by your last name. He makes a point out of using it as much as he can. If you have a callsign, he usually disregards it and just continues to call you by your last name. If you ask him about it, he’ll play dumb. and he’ll be biting back a smirk and then you’ll get on your knees and suck him off cause why haven’t you started doing that already
✦ Eventually, though, he might feel inclined to tease you. He’s obviously not opposed to doing the dirty work for the Ghosts — he’ll climb through sewers, stake out in muddy creeks, et cetera. If you make a comment about those environments to him, he’s prone to laughing at you and then, god damn the man, he’ll tease. “Not good enough for you, princess?”
✦ You sort of freeze up. He notices your hesitation and briefly thinks it’s because he’s possibly incurred a friendly fight but no, it’s because of that fucking name. Keegan’s blessed with the ability to fluster you very easily and so him calling you fucking princess has you sort of stumbling over yourself.
✦ He tortures you with it. Tortures you. He calls you princess or doll (because both make you sound little and weak, and he loves trying to get under your skin) when there are other people almost within earshot. He knows they can’t hear him — he’s insanely perceptive. You don’t know that, though, and so when you’re gearing up for a mission and he stoops down on his walk by and tells you that “you got a smudge on your cheek, princess”, he almost cackles upon your eyes going wide and your response being to immediately scold him for it. He’ll keep it coolly professional on public comms, but he’s tormenting you with it when you’re face-to-face or on a channel exclusive to the two of you.
✦ He tortures you with it in the best way. He does. Because he’s calling you princess while you two are working and he’s calling you princess when he’s looking to get a rise out of you but he’s also calling you princess when he’s got you bound so expertly in his private barracks and he’s also calling you princess when you’re straddling him in the driver’s seat of one of the repossessed armored cars and—
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Ok but like… can you do some yandere NSFW könig headcanons? Like if you disobeyed him and you were crying and scared of the punishment but he has to do it but he’s super horny I’m sorry ignore if it’s too thirsty I’m down bad 😩😩😩
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You, me, everyone lol. Thank you guys for being down bad for this anxious bad boy, I love him too ♥
Rated Lemon, 18+
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♡ If you put huge body mass, anxiety, and social awkwardness in one man, you cannot expect him not to absolutely simp for his darling in any and all ways possible to mankind. Of course, he tries so hard to make you like him and gain your favor until you finally cave in and comply with him asking you to come to him for cuddles. König didn't know he'd get a massive boner the moment you straddle his hips either, but well... now it's there, and he's biting his lip to the point of drawing blood, ready to fall to his knees, begging you not to abandon him once you notice and jump off him. If you don't notice it right away, mistaking the boner for his muscled thighs, you'll probably find out about it from his heavy panting and strangled breaths as he barely lasts a few seconds before cumming in his pants. He's so fucking ashamed and still so fucking hard afterward that it's painful.
♡ I know the real question is: Does he whimper? And tl;dr: He whimpers. It's such a glorious, stammering mess when his cock gets the tiniest bit of attention. König thanks, moans, praises, and then thanks you some more for the opportunity to fuck you, disregarding if you were on board before he started his merciless thrusts or not. Up to climax, he is all but praising the lord for how beautiful, amazing, and enhancing his life you are, and how tight, warm, wet, and well you're taking him. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you. Only to then, abruptly, grow quiet, breath halting as his body tenses, a strangled squeak escaping him as his cock pulses inside you, ready to release all this pressure that has built up for years. It might become a problem that he can't shut up in further sessions because he's downright annoying as he goes on and on while you're trying to reach your own orgasm somehow through the awful experience. But if you demand it from him, König will do his damn best, sounding like a miserable squeaky toy every time he thrusts into you and isn't allowed to say something. It's this hard for him to stay quiet.
♡ He's a huge premature ejaculator with too much stamina. No matter the reason you two are fucking—be it out of emotions overcoming you two or because he can't take it anymore and takes you out of uncontrollable need—König is all but over the moon over every touch or breath against his cock. If there's any warmth to plunge into (mouth/pussy/ass), he's cumming from the slightest stimulation, like a lick or his tip sliding in, only to then get a real taste as his hips move on their own, driving his cock deep inside with no restraints and his jizz as the lubricant. There's no holding back once he's inside you either, as he keeps plowing through both of you continuously reaching climax until he's finally satisfied. However, he still cums more times than you do, filling you up to the brim. I blame it on his lack of real-life experience, so over time and training, König, too, will last a little longer. Though this also means there really isn't a way to tease him for the first year of being caught up with him. König just cums from everything you do once he had a taste of you, even if it's just something like you having nothing clean to wear and putting on his shirt. The stains everywhere are abhorrent.
♡ I do totally believe that König's darling is likely his first and last relationship despite the... situation you two have with him kidnapping you and now using you as a cumdumpster as well. So he's still quite inexperienced, BUT he works incredibly hard to please you regardless. There are surprisingly a lot of tutorials these days on how to please your partner, and König is all too happy to try them on you. Making you cum ultimately also makes him cum, but he's genuinely doing it for you first and foremost, and it elates and motivates him to see you shivering and climaxing right in front of his eyes. There's something so satisfying in knowing he can do this to you, and it almost makes König believe if he keeps going, you'll fall in love with him at some point. He's too delusional to know when to stop or listen to you begging him to accept it when you say no. Once he starts fulfilling his desires, there's no way anyone can stop him. It's like fucking you becomes his second way of breathing.
♡ König probably wouldn't use sex as a harsh punishment. However, he really hates arguing with you (it upsets his anxiety badly), so if he finds out that he can stop arguments with his cock or fingers, there's a very high chance he'll use them against you. Listening to your gurgles or moans is like heaven after the hell every argument is for him, so he'd rather 'punish' you by facefucking you or fry your brain by having you hang from his thick fingers until you're a drooling mess. It's a charming way to stop unnecessary bouts of emotions, and once he learns to keep himself more in check, he'll be happy to leave you behind to go about his day after making sure you can't form any coherent thoughts anymore that would cause more arguing. It's like he resetting you back to more peaceful times, and it works well for him.
♡ While König doesn't like anything that can potentially harm you (he believes that sex should be nice and loving and a wonderful experience for you both while he forces you to take him like an animal), he does have his fair share of kinks. He's totally on board with trying everything once as long as it's between the two of you since he really doesn't like sharing you with anyone. His favorites will always be kinks that mark you in some way, be it covering you in cum, biting, scratching, leaving hickies, painting your inside whites (and all the kinks that support this), and watching it drip out of you as if that means you belong to him now. He also loves all kinds of things that enhance the experience, like groping, toys (though he gets childishly jealous of them), forcing you to roleplay (authority kink in both ways, baby!), foreplay sessions, etc. And when he does realize he might have worn you out, König will simply resort to using your worn underwear or getting off between your thighs to finish his session alone. Nothing compares to being inside you, but it's a pleasant alternative every once in a while.
♡ His curiosity, however, has led to a few reprehensible times, too, especially when it comes to applying his strength. His hands are just a bit too big when they wrap around your throat, and had he not snapped out of it, he might have snapped you. The same goes for being so lost in fucking you that he doesn't realize he's accidentally ramming you into the headboard or slamming you into a wall. Sometimes he won't realize he's squeezing the air out of your lungs with his weight on top of you. Occasionally, these things happen, and they ruin the mood for both of you. Worn out by PTSD, things become increasingly dangerous as he remembers moments from the battlefield, even though you are in front of him. It feels like he's trying to crush you with his arms until you panic and scream his name to pull him back to reality and out of the memories of him killing soldiers with his bare hands. König is so devastated whenever he does things like this, trying to get you comfortable by holding you and coddling you even though you want nothing more but to get away from him. He'll cry and apologize so much that the rest of the day is ruined, and he can never forgive himself for confusing you with a damn bastard on the battlefield. No matter how much you struggle, you won't be able to get out of his hold now either, as he needs to feel you as close as possible to know you're okay while he goes through a full-blown anxiety attack over what he did. But hey! At least you're alive... barely.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Can I request for Taehoon and Seongjoon NSFW??👀👀👀
Black Anon
Here's a cookie for you 🍪
Hi black anon! Thanks for the cookie and the ask! Taehoon came (heh) pretty easily but Seongjun will be in a part 2 unfortunately.
Seong Taehoon x Reader: NSFW hc
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This guy just screams pretty. Pretty eyes, pretty lashes, pretty lips, pretty skin. You know where this is going.
You bet he's got a pretty dick too.
Good god does he know how to use it. You would never have guessed he was so inexperienced, but you've seen how abhorrent and prickly his personality can be at first. A deterrent for anyone that even tries to get close and in his pants.
And his moans? The prettiest, bar none. And he will blush furiously in the afterglow if you tell him and call you cringe for even saying something like that. Though if anything, he'll take that into consideration and might be a bit louder next time too.
The best is when Taehoon is fucking you, and the orgasm catches him unexpectedly. Like a rupture of a dam. He lets out the prettiest, sluttiest groan you have ever heard. Especially if he has to cut himself off from degrading you.
Oh yeah, degradation? He has a thing for that. It didn't actually start off as anything conscious. Just Taehoon being Taehoon. Awfully mean and condescending, that includes when you're in the middle of sex too. And then when he felt how wet you got and your walls clench around him as he berates you? Guess this is a thing now.
However, the words aren't too harsh. For him to even sleep with you, he has to like you a fucking lot. Taehoon does not do casual.
So yes. He will degrade you and prod enough with his words that some stuff sting in a good way (like the first rush of cold air after he spanks your ass), but nothing over the line or that crosses your boundaries.
Mr. Live However You Want likes to to fuck you anywhere, any place, assuming you're ok with it.
More than anything though, he wants to fuck you in the Taekwondo studio. Just imagining you bent over on the mats in his favourite place makes him a little feral.
And don't worry, it'll definitely happen at some point. Unfortunately for Taehoon that the days after that event, practicing with his dad standing right there also makes his brain malfunction.
Hansu being in the same spot where Taehoon has railed you as you're screaming out, drawing waves of pleasure with his tongue and fingers. Gross. Yeah the studio does a 180 and becomes a turn off.
It never happens again. But he does have a soft spot for that corner when he fucked you up against the wall, and the mat by the sandbag where you held on for dear life as he took you from behind.
Surprisingly sweet and thoughtful with aftercare. Doesn't need you to even ask. Taehoon is very efficient. Here's a towel, here's some water. Pulls you into his arms after you're both cleaned up. Silently observing you and checking over to make sure he didn't hurt you or go too far.
Think about it though, why wouldn't Taehoon be thoughful with aftercare. You just let him do that to you.
And, as mentioned, he likes you a lot to be even in bed with you. Probably has no qualms telling you he loves you mid sex. Just don't throw it back in his face, or he will be the sulkiest motherfucker ever and it will be a long time until you hear those words again.
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 10 months
Specifically the support team with a tall fem! Reader! (To be detailed like 6'0ft and over 6'0 if in heels)
Just admit you people have mommy issues. I cannot take this ask seriously lord please help me.
Tall Fem!reader with the TF2 Support mercs
Warning: mildly NSFW. why are you doing this to me. I’m a gay cis dude irl
- Fucking short circuits. Think brock levels of simping from pokemon. Maybe not outwardly but on the inside he’s promising you the world. Wishes to be your little step tool. Every time you play rough with him he becomes a submissive little shit. Goes “oowwww :(((“ when he’d otherwise not. Other Mercs are outstanded on how fast you humbled him. Regardless of your relationship with him he’ll ask you if you could be his mother figure because his current mother is.. Well I mean she’s dead. This is entirely non-sexual.
- 50 points if goth girl and 100 points if trans girl. He’s into men and nonbinary folk too but whenever it’s a girl, it’s always mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry.
- Gets oddly soft with you and nobody else. Becomes clingy and desperate for your attention to the extent of protecting you on the battlefield and overall showing off with his shots. Becomes more awkward than he usually would. Stumbles over his words and panics when speaking to you. You find it cute.
- “Ah! Yes! the new person. Hello little fräulein!” He immediately turned around and waved to greet you the first time… Before slowly realizing your head was higher than his shoulders and trailed his eyes upward. Meeting your gaze with awkward silence. He had bent down suspecting an innocent, small and adorable woman and so had to immediately stand up and straighten his posture. A majority of girls from his village were abhorrently short.
- “Ah… I see…” He turns away and fixes his glasses. Going back to whatever the hell math he was jotting on his chalkboard. You could vaguely make out it was some sort of failsafe for in case the medigun failed to deploy charge. You were more intrigued over the fact you were taller than this man. You leaned over his head to check your height— Which made him nervous of course.
- “Must you be so nosey? Hah! Relax. It’s not a shrink ray or anything!” He joked. You didn’t know if you should be offended by that or that or not. “Of course, mind you, I do know how to make that. But I don’t have the time nor resources sadly. Then again, everybody must be shrunken to you.” Medic then proceeds to suppress his mild attraction to you; instead opting to tear you to shreds with his sick roasts about your height. Wow, somebody’s insecure.
- BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!! Heterosexual beams primed. Neurons activated. Eyes bulge out of head awooga awooooga
- ONE single glance of you is all it takes and his seduction skills become second nature. The next day you find roses on the end table next to your bed. With a letter, written in flawless english incursive about meeting you on the roof of the base after sunset. The letter even had hints of his sweet smelling cologne on it. Talk about overkill.
- Well you see him there and he’s there, leaning against the railing with his suit unbuttoned. His tie hanging loose on his neck and treating himself to a glass of wine. “Ah, pardon me mademoiselle, I’m afraid the deserts of this country are a bit.. Harsh on me sometimes.” You have never seen such a cheesy display in your entire life. There’s even a picnic table there with candles and dinner. You almost wanted to dropkick him because of how disgustingly sweet this was. Yuck.
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hamletthedane · 2 months
Don't have to answer if you don't want, but why is going to law school a bad idea?
Law school is really fun! Being a lawyer is not.
CW Network Parody Song sums up the points pretty well, but here’s the longer version:
It’s a very stressful and very unpleasant job, no matter what area of law you go into
Seriously, being a lawyer means your entire job is to get yelled at for 9-12 hours every day, and having to be brave enough to stand your ground and yell right back. Yes, even if you do [x area of law] - and yes, even if you never see the inside of a courtroom. It’s a very mean and very aggressive profession.
You’ll be so deep in student debt, the only people who attend your funeral will be your creditors.
Law actually pays really poorly in comparison to the amount of work you do + your student loans. Almost every other profession requiring a degree pays MUCH better per hour than law.
The job market notoriously really sucks. It’s very hard to get a good job as a lawyer, even if you go to a great law school. It’s a crazy hustle culture with new grads searching for months and often fighting for scraps.
Due to ~21st century efficiency~ you’re expected to have a work-product and billed hour output that is basically impossible to achieve. You’ll agonize over every hour you don’t spend working, and then agonize some more about your billables. I, along with several peers, have been admitted to the hospital before due to extreme stress and exhaustion making us dangerously ill.
At least a fourth of the people I know who did everything right - went to a fancy high-ranked school, passed the bar, and got an excellent job right out of school - stopped practicing within the first three years because they were so miserable. In other law schools, it’s probably at least a third of the school.
Unsurprisingly, we have the highest suicide rate of any profession per capita - by a very wide margin. And let’s not talk about the alcoholism issue (something like 85% of attorneys)
To enjoy and be successful in the legal profession, you have to be someone who really, REALLY, *REALLY* needs to win at everything. Even in transactional law - you’re always trying to beat someone and “win” at the deal. And so you’ll inevitably become a bit of a dick, even if you don’t want to be. It’s not like morally abhorrent or anything, but you have to accept that you’ll eventually become a little insufferable to be around.
…and I say all of that as somebody who genuinely loves my job and loves being a lawyer. And who practices in a relatively lowkey, low-stress field of law, working for some of my favorite people on the planet.
Now, if you read all of that and said “fuck you! That’s all totally worth the feeling of winning a case/achieving an outcome and sticking it to the man!” then congrats - you’re the rare person who probably should go to law school.
Otherwise: you have only one life. Please spend it doing literally any other profession.
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stormsbourne · 2 months
The most baffling thing about the Kotaku article, besides spewing out typical Edelstan talking points, is how it thinks Claude wants the "status quo" and has an "us vs them" mindset. I'm sorry, but what?! Have they actually played the game?
it doesn't make any sense for dimitri either, who says time and again that he finds the current system abhorrent and wants to cultivate an era where the strong aren't able to easily prey on the weak who can't defend themselves. the entire point of fe3h is that it's four different takes on what needs fixing in a fucked up world. some of the takes are wrong and some are ill-informed, but every "lead character" of each route (edelgard, claude, dimitri, and rhea) have a different view on what fodlan really needs to become a better place.
and in regards to saying edelgard is the only right one, or even the most right one, I think it's just a western thing to view conquest as inherently productive and I think it's an instinct we should interrogate! not to mention that fire emblem is traditionally about either recovering conquered land or defending your home, eventually taking the fight to the invaders but only because you got invaded first. so crimson flower is trying to tell us something by nature of it being a route where you are doing conquest. you are on the side of the initiator. all of the lords in 3h pull from very distinct archetypes (dimitri is a combination of a classic lord and the swordsman/nobleman with a dark past, your ravens and such; claude is a combination of the wyvern riding noble/prince -- often villainous -- and the wandering/itinerant prince like lewyn or joshua). edelgard pulls from the red emperor, an exclusively villainous archetype very, very strongly and has little else to her.
all of this is also without getting into that japanese game writers are just going to have a very different outlook on this shit than online western leftists in their 20s. I find it happens with a lot of non-american media specifically, where people have a hard time understanding, say, japan's relationship with the aesthetics of christianity or catholicism, because they've got the american viewpoint on those religions and what they mean embedded so deeply that it doesn't occur to them.
anyway I don't know how anyone playing through cf watches dedue Do That on tailtean plains while a dour war march plays, and thinks to themselves, yeah, I'm the good guy here
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cypionate60mg · 7 months
is forcemasc a response to sissy hypno? or something far different?
This is an important question with a long answer.
I don't know if I understand your distinction between "response" and "something far different", because I'd say both can be true. I'm also not quite sure what you mean by "response". I'm going to assume you mean that forcemasc is informed by the aesthetic precedents of sissy hypno.
First, let's clarify that sissy hypno is technically a subcategory of forced feminization, but has grown large enough to effect other porn genres in its own unique way. So, overall, sure, the disjointed genre of forcemasc is a response to forcefem, at the very least. And maybe also to sissy hypno. Mostly because its existence can't be ignored. Even if a forcemasc creator doesn't know about sissy hypno, its complicated presence is still felt in their work.
Sissy hypno claims that watching women get fucked by faceless masculine men will inevitably turn you into a woman, among other things. There's also particular iterations of it that lean deep into the hypno, encouraging the listener or viewer to compartmentalize these desires to get fucked and be feminine into an alter ego. In other cases, they command you to let your 'normal' self be taken over completely by your 'shadow self'. To let your desires become your identity for everybody to see. There's a unique shade of public humiliation. This anxiety that the porn you watch can be seen in the way you look.
I'm not an expert on how trans women and transfems feel about forcefem, especially sissy hypno, but I do know it's very complicated. Some of them used it to excavate their transness, and others find it to be abhorrent and disgusting. They're all entitled to their opinions, and that's a conversation I really don't feel comfortable entering.
Sissy hypno also leaves a particularly bad taste in people's mouths because of how its aesthetic elements were incorporated into gooning. Masturbating your life away until you're a manifestation of porn itself, which often includes becoming a masturbatory object for your 'goon buds'. Do you see what's happening here? The subordination of trans women, specifically, turns them into a fetishistic symbol of porn itself. They have come to represent the corruption of pornography and the failure of modern masculinity. The message is: if one fails to become or remain a man, then they are the plaything of men.
And let's be incredibly clear, this isn't based in any truth. TW/TFs, even those who participate in these fetishes, are not destined to be fleshlights. Their bodies aren't proof of their degeneracy, and their sexual dimensions are not inherently pornographic. But they are having to untangle themselves from that every single day. Any time they want intimacy, they have to navigate around this massive ideological snare.
So, your question, I'll answer it for myself, only. Is forcemasc a response? Yes, and it's intentional. I'm interested in porn that purports to transform its viewer. When you watch it, it fucks you.
So I found it interesting that trans men/transmascs were partaking in sissy hypno and forcefem. And, relatedly, some circles of TM/TMs express desires to be trans women. I'm not going to unpack that right now. Simply because it really deserves its own long post, complete with nuance. But I will say it in some ways points to a fear that sexual attractiveness cannot cohabitate with transness unless in a very particular body. And don't be mistaken, TW/TFs experience that fear too.
I don't really see how a Pinterest board of beautiful 'gender envy' men is all that different from a sissy-hypno flavored porn feed. Except for the fact that it's not explicitly pornographic. It's a particular practice of vibes-based masturbatory transition inspo collaging that all sorts of trans people partake in. We only see it associated with TM/TMs, because everybody unfairly accuses TW/TFs of only caring about aesthetics for perverse reasons.
I won't speak for others. For my attempt at forcemasc, I wanted to come at it from a different angle. How do we flip the script without just lazily making a masculinized copy of sissy hypno? Or avoid merely casting a trans filter on cis gay masculinization fetish? We have to respond, like you said, to not only sissy hypno but all sorts of other pre-existing porn genres. And the conventions apart from porn.
Here's my thought process. What if by becoming a man, you become a plaything for others? What if being masculinized brings you closer together with other people? What if a life of masculinity is possible without the subordination of femininity? Even seemingly more impossible, how do we express complicated feelings about our own feminine histories, gesture to the transphobic messaging about HRT that we receive, and fetishize our masculinization, all in one thoughtful package?
TM/TMs have a hard time envisioning where they might fit in the larger schema of desire, especially in relation to cis men. I think this is probably why so many fixate on 'roachification' and incel-type characters. (God, this could be its own long post.) I want to believe that forcemasc could be an alternative to our community's fetishization of and assimilation to male loneliness.
We're all (jacking off) in this together.
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venvellan · 1 year
i remembered that the whole plot around skyrim vampires was that they were trying to Kill the Sun Forever and i cannot stop thinking about it. the fact that this effort was masterminded by harkon, who was already the most powerful type of vampire you could be and by proxy the LEAST threatened by the sun. and how fucking buck wild it is that he thought it was a good idea?? and then i thought about it vs bg3 cazador and i know this is incredibly niche i just NEED to talk about it
Sun Gone Forever is both so much ballsier and infinitely more stupid than cazador, and there's not one single positive thing to say about that man. if cazador was a harkon-level skyrim vampire he'd more or less have everything he could want, bar like, killing and taking molag bal's place, if that's possible. he wouldn't think to Destroy The SUN because worst case some vampires start acting up and he just chucks them out a window. he doesn't take sun damage at all. they could, if they're stuck out there and don't feed, but he's not in any personal danger. if only cazador knew that he could just become a skyrim vampire to chill on his porch.
trying to PERMA-KILL the SUN is just so abhorrently brainless. harkon look at me. all life depends on the sun. you will run out of blood bags near immediately. you are functionally immortal and you've had so much time to come up with a less dumbass plan, but i'd bet real tamriel money that your research consists of stick figure doodles in your diary.
at this point in this text post i've started digging into elder scrolls lore about the three(3!?) different strains of vampirism and i wasn't trying to get this deep into it, but what i've learned says that harkon would definitely already be at the top of the vampyramid. he can't turn the entire world into vampires because there'd be nothing left to feed on, he can't KILL THE SUN BECAUSE. i don't need to say it again. of course i know he fails miserably even if you side with him. the sun was never in danger. but he WANTED it gone forever and he spent most of that questline patting himself on the back for being so so cool and smart.
skyrim vampires are fucking spoiled is what i'm saying. and harkon is the stupidest motherfucker northside of skyrim. oaughh the sun is bright and annoying hiss hiss. i myself have thought the same and i'm not a vampire, you ungrateful slut. and for cazador to be out-done by a man THIS stupid. harkon has everything you want and he's the sorriest excuse of a vampire villain ever. embarrassing. i hope they're both suffering immeasurably in vampire turbo superhell
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obsessivevoidkitten · 9 months
Ok first of all, let me address this. I wasn’t being disrespectful when I said “fucked up stories.” It was a theory.
Second of all, I don’t need your followers insulting me when I never insulted them.
Third of all, you’re still trying to justify that it’s okay to write about rape which is what I’m trying to point out, that’s not okay.
Fourth of all, Most of the people who are defending you are only doing it because they don’t realize how disgusting that is and could possibly fetishize these writings which is what I’m trying to say.
Fifthly, I don’t need you calling me an asshole when I never called you out of your name!! I’m trying to be respectful when you’re just insulting me with no valid respond.
Sixth, I don’t need your followers saying anything about me because of their opinion!! I’m not speaking to them I’m speaking to you.
Seventh, it was just a theory when I said you could be lying about being sexually assaulted, I’m not accusing you of it. But a lot of men and women fake such things so I did include that not to make you angry, but I pointed it out because it is very a common occurrence that happens.
Have a good day, and I don’t need anymore insults im asking for a response??
Maybe don't be an asshole and you won't get called one?
You made a public inbox submission so of course people can respond publicly. It's insane to think otherwise.
Espousing a theory that someone is faking sexual assault is abhorrent unless you have evidence that can prove it.
I just love that you are ignoring my response and pretending that I didn't give one. I gave you a very clear response. Anyone, regardless of whether or not they have been assaulted, can engage with reading or writing rape fantasy content. It doesn't hurt anyone! It doesnt cause people to become rapists or put themselves in a position to be rape. It isn't morally wrong. Get over it.
There was a larger and more recent study than the one in the article I linked to previously. It found, in regard to being forced into a sexual encounter:
61% of self-identified women had fantasized about this before, while 24% said they fantasized about it often.
54% of self-identified men had fantasized about this before, while 11.5% said they fantasized about it often.
68% of non-binary participants had fantasized about this before, while 31% said they fantasized about it often.
Persons with a history of sexual victimization were more likely to report forced sex fantasies. This finding was somewhat surprising to me because it is contradictory to previous research, which found no link between sexual history and forced sex fantasies. However, most studies finding no linkage were based on small college student samples, whereas my sample was larger and more diverse (age range of 18-87). Thus, sampling differences may partly explain the discrepancy. That said, it’s important to note that this association was small, which means that not everyone who has a history of sexual victimization has forced sex fantasies, and that not everyone with these fantasies has a history of victimization. That said, what I suspect is going on here is that forced sex fantasies may be a way that some people with a history of victimization try to take control of a previous experience over which they had no control because, in these fantasies, it is the fantasizer who is in control.
If you don't agree with the science then I guess I am sorry your feelings don't align with research.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
i lowkey disagree w u on ur position on fictional ships and certain portrayals of topics such as incest and pedophilia, but oh my fucking god to have the fucking. AUDACITY to accuse someone of real life pedophila and incest because they MENTIONED being NEUTRAL on a certain topic?? like you didnt even say you think fictional incest is cool and rad or wtvr u afaik (which. even if u did that ask would Still be abhorrent) but ur explicitly Neutral and are VERY carful to tag shit and i just. 1/2
cut for length and also sensitive topics
i cannot fucking imagine accusing someone of such a horrid act with such conviction bc u SLightly DIsagree on a topic. jfc. i block tags and if ur conversations ever drive me over the edge id Unfollow. im so so sorry people are such fucking assholes man. i hope people gain some sense abt these topics im so sorry
yeah no i completely respect your opinion. and i do know where it's coming from. to tell you the truth (basic decency of tagging triggers aside), i DO find most of those fanon portrayals to be cheap and uncalled for a good majority of the time, at least from a literary standpoint. things like dating a minor or your own sibling have serious implications on a character's moral code and interpersonal dynamics where most characters would... not fucking do that! and the moment you don't engage with those implications, it becomes either incredibly ooc or altogether shallow. some people act like a topic being problematic makes it inherently complex and rich, when it can be as tropey and flat as any other "safe" topic. being problematic doesn't make you interesting etc. my point isn't arguing over literary value, it's more like... there's people behaving horribly and cruelly towards the AUTHORS, and making disgusting assumptions like the one that was made against me, all because of fiction you can always filter out at the end of the day (assuming basic tagging etiquette is respected ofc) and like. that's too far. nobody deserves to be treated like this.
not to mention, the "incest fiction recs"/"pro incest posts" those freaks mentioned were literally 1) me gushing about revolutionary girl utena, a deeply feminist and self-aware series that unpacks the misogyny behind anime incest tropes by treating that abuse REALISTICALLY as patriarchal manipulation from a male relative and showing how the female victim suffers and emancipates herself from it and 2) me being annoyed that hs showed one of its characters suffering from csa without acknowledging it AS abuse, even when it would've been not just the morally decent thing to do, but also a genuinely good addition to his character arc (apparently it does do that in the endstory, but i didn't know it at the time). those are both posts about realistic, condemning, and well-thought depictions of incestuous abuse in fiction—which is the only way i ever enjoy the topic btw—but that didn't stop these people from deciding i had an incest fetish and harassing me for weeks on end to the point of accusing me of sexually abusing my teenage brother. like you said, it would be a ghoulish way to treat someone even if their assumption had been right (and it wasn't), but it's like they saw the topic being mentioned and that fact alone was unforgivable, regardless of context. and this crap happens to people all the time! if that's not fucking stupid i don't know what is
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ficks-of-fancy2 · 12 hours
MHA is a nightmare and my personal punching bag
A lot of people like to say that MHA is bad. But a large sum of the fandom has largely ignored the actually problems with the story and characters as a whole. The problems that have been applauded despite the gaping flaws. So let's discus.
Where do I start? My Hero Academia is the single most horrible show I have watched for some time. It's good points are far and few between the shit show of it's story and characters. So it's small problems first. It's over sexualizaton of it the teens in it's cast is just abhorrent and I hold similar sentiments for the fandom in some cases. The villains frankly get too much attention, with one crazy man's ideology pulling all the weight of their missguided motive. Or everything being a direct result of one delusional man's puppeteering. Not to mention the overall demonization of mental illness and inherently flawed take of forgiving your abusers.
Midoriya and All Might is a toxic relationship. Sorry about the whiplash, allow me to explain. From the start we get to see Midoriya as a victim of Bakugo's almost constant abuse, but also his love of All Might. The idyllic and 'perfect' hero he aspires to be and is convenient to. Izuku Midoriya is All Might's convenient child because Midoriya is too blinded by his idol worship to see that All Might is using him to continue his battles, slowly grooming Midoriya into the next him. All Might is the last oasis in the desert of his life and Midoriya has none of the tools necessary to leave, All Might wont let him leave. And he goes unchallenged by the story for lifting up Midoriya's suicidal tendencies by preying on his need for validation through action. All Might is using Midoriya to desperately cling to his golden years and that is actively detrimental to Midoriya's growth as a character.
If I may compare Izuku to another similar character, and I shall. Mahiru Shirota is one of the protagonists of Servamp, a character driven manga about servant vampires or Servamps and their masters or Eves. Mahiru is the eve of sloth, his Servamp, Kuro or Sleepy Ash. Mahiru at the start of the story is almost identical to Midoriya through out mha, Mahiru is a convenient child for everyone in the story. He doesn't voice his objection or opinions beyond what you would expect from a kid like him. He aims to please and is almost suicidal in his pursuit of validation. But were Midoriya stagnates, Mahiru blooms, he grows to be more selfish and loving thanks to the logical end point of that stagnant arc, Kuro. Kuro was killed by sloth, his willingness to take the blame for a crime he didn't commit for the sake of his village. His selflessness and the inherent selfish need of external validation was no different than suicide. But were Kuro and Mahiru grow, Midoriya just doesn't, he rots on the vine and fails to become anything. His lack of growth makes him come off as winey and pathetic or just boring because he doesn't change for the better. His stint of vigilantism is just every adult in his life telling him that sacrificing himself is how he will atone for his inherited burden. For the sin of All Might's sloth for what Yagi and the other holders allowed to fester in the dark.
Bakugo Katsuki is... a good premise with bad execution. Bakugo's entire arc is learning to not be a fucking asshole, simple in premise and absolute horse shit in execution. From the word go, Bakugo is shown to be an abuser. Midoriya's abuser to be precise. Going so far as to actively tell Midoriya to kill himself. Now, Bakugo's abuse is born from a place of projection, Bakugo is a narcissist, not in the traditional sense, but more in a way that makes him unable to empathize with positive emotion in relation to himself and others. He is the center of the world, but at the same time he thinks of himself as worthless without his strength, unable to exist with the knowledge that he isn't the best of the best. Bakugo's arc ends far too late. Bakugo's arc should had started after the sports festival at his interaction with Best Jeanist leading to an apology tour and ended during the culture festival, his payoff during the fight against AFO Shigaraki and the vigilante Deku arc. Bonus points if Midoriya doesn't forgive him at first, leading to Bakugo working to regain that trust in more tangible ways. Have Bakugo seek towards empathy.
Ochako Uraraka isn't a character, not a well made one at least. To be fair this is something most of the cast suffers from. If it isn't the main protagonists or antagonists, the writer doesn't care. Uraraka is just the love interest without any depth of character beyond that. People like to pretend there is more going on, but I just don't see it. All of her 'growth' is motivated by her obsessive and honestly one sided love for Midoriya, a love that is only returned when Midoriya and she are looking for something to fill the void. It's toxic and terribly familiar to his and All Might's relationship. Midoriya is constantly put into the role of savior to all of these characters that don't in turn assist in his growth.
Speaking of Midoriya's role of savior, we have finally arrived at the L.O.V. The League of Villains is a good premise for an exploration of the inner politics of a world where 20% of the world lacks a unique superpower (that's still a lot BTW). Or to dive into the segregation of those with detrimental, uncontrollable, or 'villainous' quirks. The bigotry towards mutagenic quirks. Or an actual exploration of the inherent flaws of a society that has put a price tag on altruism, something more than senseless slaughter spearheaded by manchilds and mass murderers. The L.O.V deserved to be something more than the flawed argument of some fanatical lack of worthiness and some vague notion that rebellion against a already broken system is a problem. It's stupid, The League of Villains had potential to be actually interesting, but it was made into anarchy for the sake of it never even attempting to offer a solution to a system broken for those already in power.
Yet somehow we have missed the biggest point of what a hero is. A hero is a person who does what they can to save people who are hurt, broken, or lost. Even when they are the 'villains' or more plainly the mentally ill and those rejected by society. Somehow we have forgotten or ignored all of the Wake the Deads, the For the Man Who Has Everythings, the Flash And Substances, and the Epilogues. All the stories that told us that sometimes the best thing to do is be there for people. Being a hero isn't about fighting. It's just about being there. For the people, all of the people. But also understanding that some people can't be helped. People like Baby Doll and Shigaraki, Dabi and All For One, people to far gone or too hurt to help. Toga and Twice just needed help they weren't given. It is what was born of the legacy of All Might, peace and complacency, a smile hiding everyone else's tears. Every single crime committed by Shigaraki and the L.O.V is the direct fault of All Might. Because he refused to see the people he was fighting as what they were. Evil is often relative because to an ant a boot is evil. Rarely in the world does true evil exist and often it is taught or held in those who believe themselves without betters or equals.
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certifiablyinsanez · 3 months
My boomer mother told me once, “we thought we would change the world too”. And she isn’t wrong. Boomers were forefront of the hippie counterculture, the anti-war front for the slaughter in Vietnam, were home to the Gay Liberation Front, Stonewall, the Civil Rights Era, and the entire second wave of feminism that fought for our right for abortion, contraception and the right to self determination. They were the people that perished in the AIDS Epidemic and the ones who took care of those afflicted. When you look at the historic track record, boomers would seem to be our natural allies rather than those we are in constant conflict with.
This is something Gen Z needs to keep in mind, not for the future, but right now. Gen Z is often convinced that we are the generation who is gonna save the world. But I can say with confidence that this is not the case. Not only would that sentiment disregard historical precedent, it also allows us to disregard the ugly truth of what we are rapidly becoming. Gen Z is reactionary as hell. You’ll tell someone “we should have love for our fellow people” and some fucking keyboard warrior will say something stupid like “eVEn pEdO’s???”.
I never thought I would complain about cancel culture, but here I am. Because people can’t seem to differentiate between holding people accountable for reprehensible behavior versus having a whole “guilty before proven innocent” mentality. We all grew up in an imperialist, colonial society. White supremacy has not left a single inch of the earth untouched. Every single person has done something wrong in their lives; it’s a feature of the times we live in. It’s a feature of being a human person period. I’ve seen people harass an artist who has been extremely vocal about Palestine and has used their platform for donations and attention and people were in arms about something distasteful he did in like 2002. Be so ffr guys.
I see European Gen Zers saying the most abhorrent things about Romani people. They still actively call them a slur, and when called out they always reply “that’s just what they are”. Some brag about how desensitized they are to gore or sexual content because they were so young when they were exposed. I still remember kids at lunch trying to convince me to watch an ISIS beheading video and couldn’t conceive why I refused to watch it. I’m gonna say it.
So many of yall are just as apathetic and narcissistic as boomers, if not more so. Because boomers pretend, but yall are brutally honest about it. Sure a whole bunch of us believe in liberation and see how shitty capitalism is, but a good chunk are also so extremely far right that even my boomer republican father would balk at the things they readily say. I actually have had conversations with my dad as his queer communist child and I think we had more agreements than these right-wingers in my own generation.
This trend is enormously widespread with Gen Alpha but Gen Z isn’t clear of it either. The inability to fortify their own mental understanding using concise, accurate, and vetted information. In the 14 years I’ve interacted in fandom spaces (where this happens all the time), I’ve never seen such a trend as now where a singular person will just pull something out of their ass and people all over the internet just readily agree. People believe photoshopped photos every day. We make fun of old people for believing everything on the internet, but we’re equally guilty.
Listen I can go on for ages, but let me make my point clear here. We are quickly becoming the very thing we all hated most, and I’m sick of the mass facade that we aren’t.
End of rant.
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eluxcastar · 1 year
Alright, I gotta ask-
Arlecchino with a sassy/Fiesty s.o? I MUST KNOW
Arlecchino with a feisty s/o
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: it’s exactly what’s written on the tin as usual with these things but also wtf am I doing send help
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, reader is honestly kind of a gremlin
୨୧﹑words :: 487
MORE ARLECCHINO omg so I saw this and like immediately knew I would love it and yes it was sent in april but I'm slow and now burning through my requests. simps this is not the food I promised, but is it food I am delivering hot and fresh because yes
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Arlecchino would thoroughly enjoy your sass as he sees it as complementary to her, and you never really stray too far stance-wise. It's kind of funny to watch you berate other people for their incompetence to the point she borderline encourages it, often asking if you'd like to explain instead just to see how you'll put it.
You're not meek and impressionable either, which she likes. You would never just go along with something for the sake of others if you disagree, and your attitude toward defending your ideals rather than becoming a flatter doormat is attractive to her.
You are bold, you are unabashed, and by god, maybe you need a bit of shame because why do you do like half of the things you do but also, oh god, please never stop.
It's like idolising someone and also thinking, "Oh my god that's so stupid, I love it". You can be as clever as you want, but if you can't hold your tongue, she simultaneously loves it and wishes you would be a little more tactful about when to make some bark because what if you can't back it up with a helping of bite. Half of the time, you're like so funny to her, and she respects the work put into always giving your best quips and demanding the respect you want.
Arlecchino may be kinda worried tho, but she's there to back you up most of the time. She wouldn't be surprised if you pissed someone off and ended up in a ditch somewhere, but it's ok because she's not gonna let that slide. They're gonna get their comeuppance for that. Getting away with it? Absolutely not. It doesn't matter if you probably were doing the equivalent of poking a sleeping bear with a stick and probably deserved it a little bit.
On that note, if you ask someone if they deserve something that happened to them just because you don't like them, she might have to make a tally because it's like the #1 way she identifies that someone made you slightly annoyed. It's your tell, in a way.
Also, you two are like, not that dissimilar because she has her own sassy side and absolutely uses it you're just absolutely abhorrent by comparison because you don't even bother hiding it you just do it. She does love that for you tho so it's fine if it suits you, you should keep doing that.
She's right by your side bullying the fuck out of Childe just because you can, and he's there, but just a little around others, she's like that one picture of the two people with one holding the leash and the other like >:) You are the metaphorical leash kid of the dynamic. She's gotta reign you in a little sometimes because even though she would 100% avenge your death, she'd rather you not die in the first place yk.
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prettycottonmouthlamia · 11 months
"What's the issue, it's just an ad?" Oh how you've become dull. Where is your anger? Where is your rage?
I get on the most basic of basic of levels why we've become like this. Advertising has literally been a part of our lives for as long as I've been alive, and honestly let's just put "the Reagan era" as a convenient turning point because if there is anything unnatural and unholy that's a part of our society at this point it comes from that demonic spawn.
I cannot personally tell you how much I am sick of all of it. I am so sick and fucking tired of having every minute of every day being a constant battle against the endless cavalcade of advertisements. You couldn't escape it on TV, you couldn't escape it in magazines, you couldn't go to the store without having things shoved in your fucking face by billboards and fliers and signage. But even that, on some fucking level, was bearable. How little we knew as we grumbled about how magazines were becoming 65% ads by volume how much worse it would get.
Advertisement on the modern internet has become a sprawling web of massive privacy violations as every bit of your online existence is wrapped up, bundled, and sold to some morally bankrupt corporation so that the CEO of Google can fucking jack off in a bathtub made of whatever ephemeral tech fratboy abomination has come out of Silicon Valley this week. You cannot escape the targeted ads, you cannot escape the ads that fucking jumpscare you, you cannot escape the ads that are 15 minutes long because they're designed to ambush people who are too busy to quickly skip the ad, you cannot avoid the constant deluge of sponsorships and paid promotions. Everyone is trying to fucking sell you something, whether its a shitty product or a shitty subscription service or a nightmare mental health service designed in the cenobite dimension or even worse than all of that, Prager fucking U.
The fact that adblocks exist is the only saving grace of the internet period. Adblocks literally keep the internet from falling apart in the same way TV and magazines did. They are the only way the average person can survived being seen as an endless fucking consumer, because having the ability to say "No, you cannot beam advertisements into my fucking brain 24/7" is basically our one big act of resistance at this point. So when Google tries to give me shit for it, when Amazon throws a hissyfit because you don't want ads interrupting a stream for two and a half minutes at a time, when websites guilt you over having an ad blocker? When they tell you that you should just accept being a good little shit?
Yeah that just inspires a lot of fucking rage in me. I hope one day we all collectively decide this is inhumane and abhorrent and fucking rip the tendons out of the knees of the advertising industry.
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