#but at the same time he Wrestles Bears For Fun
junowritings · 3 months
Hii!! Would it be alright if i requested the companions of your choice (bg3) and Rolan reacting to meeting tav's older brother(or just sibling if youd like to keep it gender neutral!)? I had the image of him potentially running into them all in combat and just dashing in to help tav, everyone being so confused as to who the hell this guy is, only to find out their related. I think itd be even funnier if tav and their sibling were very different, or seeing tav with their sibling brought out a very different side than their used to. Maybe tavs very polite and awkward usually, but gets super playful and competitive (and maybe loses a few braincells) around their sibling. Tysm!! - 🍒
Thank you so much for the request cherry~! I honestly have a lot of fun imagining what it would be like if Tav had any family throughout the story so this was a neat write! I had to cut a couple characters bc this got to long but I do hope it was worth the wait~!
Trouble seems to have a habit of finding this wayward band of travelers, or, more specifically Tav. Who knows what had caused it this time - tensions too high, the wrong thing pilfered from the wrong pocket, or maybe just the desire for some good old bloodshed. Swords are clashed and spells are thrown with abandon across the field of battle in a bid for coming out of this scuffle alive, commands and taunts lashed back and forth as easily as blades.
Somewhere in the midst of this chaos is their impromptu leader, doing who knows what to gods knows what. You’re grappling with your opponent, using the terrain to your advantage even as it muddies your shoes and rends holes in your armor that will need patching up later. This battle won’t last for much longer - with the entirety of your traveling party in roster you’re surprised that your opponents have even lasted this long considering the varied skill sets and questionable morals at their disposal. Still, that doesn’t mean you’re making it out unscathed. In fact, you’re mid-turn towards Shadowheart after a nasty jab to the back nearly has you tripping, the request for healing barely having left your mouth before it’s cut off with a shout…that’s not yours.
A new voice breaks through the cacophony of conflict, and there’s only a second to wonder the what’s and the why’s before someone else leaps headfirst into the fray with a shout loud enough to leave ears ringing. No one recognizes him, at least not from a glance, but he barrels into battle with all the grace of a bear as he all but slams body-first into the nearest enemy, sending them skidding through the dirt with a triumphant cry. The questions have to wait till later, burning as they are.
It’s only after the party sets about making themselves scarce from the last dregs of battle that all eyes are finally drawn back to this newcomer. Some with curiosity, intrigue; others with distrust and distaste for his sudden involvement - the question is the same on all fronts however - who is this?. Whoever he is, he seems unbothered, far more focused on pulling you to your feet. To everyone’s surprise he greets you like an old friend - a hand finding a way to your head mussing up your hair as you’re pulled into a crushing hug that has the pair of them almost tipping over back into the dirt. Laughter rings through the air as you swat at the offending hand, almost wrestling with the guy before the grip is finally relinquished and you pull yourself away.
You look…happy. Clearly you know this person, but who are they to you?
The question comes out curious, and the newcomer blinks as he turns to face your companions for the first time since his appearance.
“Who, me?” for a moment his head cocks to the side, as though the question has an obvious answer. Then he grins, an all too familiar smile stretching across his lips as he slings an arm over your shoulders, jabs a thumb in your direction and proudly declares-
“I’m their brother!”
♡A sibling you say? The information shouldn’t be too surprising, Wyll reasons; you’re bound to have had a life somewhere in this world before the nautiloid crash, just as any of your wayward companions had. A life with family, friends and familiar faces that had been present in your day to day life before the mindflayers and tadpoles. To see a fragment of that life in person however? Wyll has to admit that he’s taken a little by surprise as he didn’t expect anyone related to you to make such a…memorable entrance. Not that you hadn’t, of course.
♡ You’ve been traveling together for long enough at this point that the two of you had begun to share tales. And yet the topic of family had never come up before, if only because Wyll wasn’t sure if you would appreciate someone prying into that subject. Gods knows his own relationship with his family was…tumultuous at best, and you haven’t actively tried to force information out of him he didn’t want to share, so he’d offered you the same courtesy.
♡ Now that he’s been introduced to your brother, Wyll's curiosity inevitably gets the better of him. He’s polite as he introduces himself to your sibling, making an approving comment about his battle prowess and good timing. In return he’s met with a bright smile that reminds him so much of you and a clap on his back as your sibling introduces himself properly in kind.
♡ Your sibling is quick to invite himself back to your camp, and while there’s grumbles from the others who seem arguably mixed about the whole arrangement, Wyll is all for the idea. It’s on the trek back to this evening’s campsite that Wyll notices how you practically brighten up around your sibling, a far cry from the reserved, quiet side of you he’s grown used to. How smiles that he’s so often seen strained or overly polite melt into something softer, livelier. Even bordering on snarky as he sees the pair of you throw about witty comments like its second nature, with playful jabs of elbows and the constant knock of shoes subtly trying to trip one another as you trail ahead.
♡ It’s a reminder of simpler times, and Wyll finds himself content at the sight of you finally letting your guard down. You’ve been on edge since the very first time he saw you at the grove, to see such a stark contrast to that moment with the way you smile and laugh now brings a hope that one day he’ll see more days of your happiness than of your grief.
♡After that meeting Wyll has no more reservations asking you more about your life and family back home - what you miss and what you’re looking forward to returning to once this is all over. Of course your brother gets involved, filling you in on everything that’s happened since you were taken by the Nautiloid and how things are back home. Home. With any luck, Wyll can help you and your brother get back there one day, minus two squirming cranial stowaways.
♡ Shadowheart has a ‘oh gods there’s two of them’ moment from the second she watches you and your sibling grapple like a pair of children at the sight of one another. It doesn’t take much to fill in the gaps watching you actively cuss each other out in playful banter that would have had anyone other than close family or friends gearing up for a fight. She reasons that this person must be in the latter category, noting the similarities in your features and the similar lilt in your voices as you speak; and it’s all but confirmed once this brother of yours introduces himself.
♡ Whether you never brought them up because you felt no need or weren’t willing to share, she’s not going to exactly fault you for the decision. It’s not as though she can blame you when the majority of your relationship up until this point had been secrets, half-truths and blatant requests not to push her for more information than she’s been willing to give. 
♡ Still, it would be a lie to say that she wasn’t at least somewhat curious about your family. There comes the usual questions - who’s the oldest, what you did before this, where the two of you come from and the usual rigmarole. But Shadowheart occasionally comes in to probe at your brother's true intentions, the real questions she wants to ask. Had he come all the way out here to look for you? What had taken him so long? Surely if any other sibling had heard that their family was whisked away on a mindflayer vessel they would prepare for the worst? What are the chances that you just happened to run into your family here of all places? Thankfully by the time you all actually reach camp for the night she’s satisfied with the answers she gets enough to let your brother scarper away to catch up with you.
♡ She can’t say she didn’t expect that you were bolder than most initially thought. Sure you gave off an overly structured air tinged with an awkward demeanor, but she’s also seen that facade slip into something more coy and laid back. Shadowheart had seen it happen even more as you’d continued to bond, growing to trust the sharran and becoming more comfortable with each passing rest.
♡ But the way you interact with your brother? It’s a whole different side of you than what Shadowheart is used to seeing. She watches you brighten, grinning so hard it dimples your cheeks as you joke around with your reunited family member; and the sound of your laughter whizzes right past her tent as she watches you take off with your brother’s bed roll, tossing it to scratch and the owlbear cub with a triumphant ‘good luck getting it back!’ She notices that the mood at camp that night is significantly lighter than it’s been before that point as she comes to rest by her tent to give the camp a final once over.
♡ A memory tugs as she watches you, a distant thrum in the back of her mind as though ardent to remind her of something long since buried. It’s a nostalgic feeling - a feeling that Shadowheart can’t put a name to yet tries to chase anyway. But then comes the burn, the sharp pain of that incessant hole in her hand which flares up as though in retaliation to her pursuit. It stops her in her tracks, the familiar pain still twinging like a dwindling ember as she pushes the memory back down and rips her attention elsewhere.
♡ Lae’zel can see the braincells being lost from here with every second that you spend around your sibling. Just about the only thing that stops her from turning her blade before the introductions is the fact that for whatever reason this person seemed inclined to actually aid your group, rather than joining in for the sake of adding to the carnage. Upon the revelation that this is your sibling of all things, Lae’zel’s gaze is sharp as she glances between the pair of you; an unspoken question as she focuses in on you - is he telling the truth? She’s trusting your judgment on this.
♡ It’s a foreign sight, watching you go from a bumbling, awkward reflection of yourself to someone so bold and loud. Whatever side of you this sibling of yours seems to bring out, it distracts you from everything else of importance in favor of catching up with someone who was so very sure they’d never see you again. It should frustrate her, considering just how vital this journey is even without the imminent threat of becoming illithid. But if it does you surprisingly don’t gain her ire from it; instead she allows you this moment of reprieve, moving into step within arms reach behind the pair of you the whole way back to camp.
♡ Despite the over theatrical entrance, she’s mildly impressed at your brother’s test of skill in the battle. Brutish, and with many exploitable holes should the enemy prove smart, but it was efficient enough to cut the tide of battle. She’ll tell him as such with no reservations, and you can see the cogs turning in his head as your brother tries to figure out if that was a genuine compliment or a backhanded dressdown of his tactics. His eyes dart to you for guidance but you offer no quarter, instead giving a grin watching him struggle to discern the answer for himself.
♡ You won’t have to worry about being prodded by questions from the Githyanki as you would some of the other companions at the camp. As things stand there are far more important things to focus on regarding the task ahead than exchanging pleasantries or reminiscing. With that being said, instead of retreating to her tent as everyone settles in back at camp, Lae’zel can be found sharpening her blade a little bit closer to the campfire not far from your side as your sibling regales your companions with stories and tales, both of shared memories and of things missed since you’ve been gone. 
♡ Saying this,once your sibling starts sharing embarrassing tales of your many fumbles you hear her pause to listen. It doesn’t take much to figure out that she’s paying attention specifically because of how you react, watching you practically squirm from embarrassment at the retelling as you whine that it’s nowhere near as bad as he makes them sound. Any attempts to silence your sibling get you a firm tug at your shoulder as she keeps you rooted to her side the rest of that night, giving your sibling the go ahead to continue - the tale was just beginning to become interesting.
♡ Karlach sorely wishes that she could frame the face that you make as soon as you recognize that it’s your brother who’s come to your party’s ‘rescue’. Your whole expression lights up with an emotion she doesn’t think she’s seen in the past decade. Hope, relief - joy. You and your sibling just about crash into each other trying to hug, laughing replacing the sounds of fighting just moments ago.
♡ No sooner have you broken the hug Karlach comes forward to check out the newcomer for herself. Anyone you trust has got her full support too, so her welcome is all smiles as the tiefling joins the two of you as she introduces herself. If anyone’s going to make your brother feel welcomed into the party, Karlach is safe to say one of the very top of that list; she’s the life of the party and is willing to lend you her trust and companionship if you don’t do her wrong as you’ve learned firsthand.
♡ The moment you begin showing that side of yourself only your family is privy to, Karlach is here for it, and will actively encourage it. You’re louder, less awkward and more comfortable, and you can bet Karlach has never been more excited for that change. What she notices the most is how much lighter you seem to feel, no longer burdened by the gargantuan weight of ‘what ifs’ of what’s to come that have been plaguing you from the beginning - don’t think for a second she hasn’t noticed. 
♡ She doesn’t think she’s seen a shred of that stress or uncertainty since you’d reunited with your brother. Sure, it’s no doubt still stewing in the back of your mind along with the tadpole but seeing you let loose like she hasn’t seen before is a refreshing change of pace - like things could be really looking up from here.
♡ She wants to know how she can make you smile and act like that, and when there’s a lull in the conversation Karlach ducks in to ask your sibling exactly that. He gives her such a warm look as soon as she asks the question, as though her asking at all actually relieved him. The only answer she gets is a noncommittal shrug and reassurance that with time you’ll open up, joking that she may regret it once she sees the full brunt of how chaotic you can get. She doubts she’ll ever regret it, even as you goad him for hogging your companion’s attention and call for them to catch up.
♡Similar to Wyll, once Karlach’s seen your family for herself she’s absolutely brimming with questions about the both of you. This sparks the conversation of wanting to know more about your family, where you came from, what it’s like; it’s enough to make your head spin if you weren’t already fondly accustomed to the lively tiefling’s usual party banter. The three of you end up crowded around the fire back at camp that very evening, sharing stories over snacks you may or may not have ‘borrowed’ from the supply packs when Gale wasn’t looking.
♡ It’s a little bittersweet recalling old memories of better times when things weren’t such a tragic mess, but gods if it isn’t the best feeling on a night like this. The entire time she’s trying to commit every single moment of this night to memory, from the way the corners of your eyes crinkle when you crack up, or the way you scowl and none-too-subtly try and boot your brother when he tries to tell embarrassing stories he promised he wouldn’t. You’ve got a good family, one that’s worth fighting for. She just hopes that she’ll be here long enough to see you reunite with them proper when all of this is over.
♡ Gale sees the exact moment that you recognize who this impromptu guest is. Your face melts from confusion to surprise, before an overflow of emotions passes through your eyes and you meet your brother halfway just about knocking the two of you into the dirt in your joy. The wizard is more than happy to give you time to enjoy this reunion, and may or may not subtly step aside to avoid the splashback of mud kicked up watching the pair of you practically running circles around one another in the name of giving you space.
♡ Once things calm down enough for you to actually fill the party in on the identity of the newcomer, Gale’s surprised he didn’t notice before. There’s clear differences obviously, but seeing the two of you standing side by side as thick as thieves with those devilish grins to boot the resemblance is rather striking. He chalks it up to a detail easily missed in the throes of battle - picking out similarities between faces is an excellent way to get a blade between the ribs, and Gale’s got no such intentions of being on the receiving end of that literal jab.
♡ It’s rather entertaining watching you and your sibling interact, though you’re certainly a lot more playful and reckless than the wizard has ever seen you act before. Gale’s had no such siblings to relate the experience to, but even from just this small experience of watching how you act around him is enough of an indicator that you’re more than happy at the uncanny turn of events. 
♡ Just don’t expect the trek back to camp to be a quiet one, not that it ever is whenever you go out anywhere with Gale in the party. Gale is ever the man of questions. Too many of them actually as the three of you are still prattling by the time that your makeshift camp comes into view. Who could possibly blame him, when their usually awkward and reserved team leader has a never before disclosed sibling suddenly run right into them in what is essentially the middle of nowhere.
♡ Curiosity, as it often does, gets the better of the wizard who will quite happily waste the rest of the evening away grilling the pair of you for answers to the burning questions that he has regarding your background. If you’re willing to share, of course. Gale’s no stranger to verbally putting his foot in it if given half of the chance, but he’ll respect any refusals to queries you deem too personal for right now. If you are willing to share however get ready for what is essentially a combined sleepover outside Gale’s tent because he will keep all three of you up recounting tales until you quite literally fall asleep in your seats. When he complains in the morning for the back pains at having slept in such an awkward position, be sure to remind him that it’s what he signed up for.
♡ Gale for one is happy that you’ve been able to reunite with a family member in light of such dire circumstances. It’s not ideal when you have such heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, but hopefully having your sibling around will provide you some much needed comfort and support in a time where you arguably need it the most. And that support is more important now than ever, especially with the looming threat of everything that’s to come the second you step out of this temporary respite.
♡ This is your sibling? Really? Is Astarion’s immediate thought, and the first words out of his mouth as he gives the sibling in question a cautionary once over with a raised brow. He’s not surprised, not really. Instead, he’s more puzzled. Of course far stranger things had happened over the course of this little escapade - infant eating hags, cult worshiping goblins and of course damned mindflayers, just to name a (admittedly impressive) few instances. 
♡But what are the actual chances that of all the people to come running to your aid in the wilderness, where the only thing for a mile in each direction is woods, beasts and death, just so happens to be your sibling of all people? For a second he wonders if you’d gotten in touch with your sibling yourself - maybe called them over for help in a spot of trouble. But then he catches the way you face brightens with surprise, damn near sinking the poor sod into the dirt with how hard you grapple back to return your brother’s hug. Either you’re a damned good actor, or you’re just as surprised as the rest of them.
♡ Similar to Shadowheart, Astarion is more than a little weary of the sudden appearance. But he will outright sidle up to you on the trek back when your sibling isn’t paying attention to warn you to keep an eye on that brother of yours. There’s all manner of creatures who can wear the faces of men as easily as the clothes on your back, you’re the best person to decide whether this guy is the real deal. All said with a smile of course, though his friendly advice is only met with an eyeroll of all things as you playfully rib him for being so worried.
♡ It’s bizarre really, watching you laugh and joke with your brother. That carefree attitude and playfulness shared with inside jokes and snarky back and forth is a new look for you, though Astarion’s certainly not going to quash it. It’s an entertaining change - makes things more fun even if he could do without the mildly sickening display of a healthy family dynamic. It’s not as though Astarion can exactly relate to it, even with his own ‘siblings’, they’d all spent the better part of two centuries relentlessly undermining one another in a bid for their master’s nonexistent mercy and a taste of freedom that wouldn’t come.
♡ You hadn’t brought anything up about your background at this point - sure, Astarion knew the basics and had been working to get you to open up enough to spill more of the juicy details. But the elf had been firm in toeing the boundary of coaxing information out of you while keeping his closely guarded; an admittedly difficult feat considering with your damned politeness you’d go out of your way to direct any questions received right back at him as a matter of courtesy. You hadn’t made prying easy for him, which is most likely why it has taken so long to get a glimpse at your background - he just didn’t expect it to be in the flesh. 
♡ So when he sees the chance to pry for more information, you can bet he’ll take full advantage of the opportunity. He’s halfway through a glass listening to your brother recounting stories when he lets slip that it’s such a shame you never mentioned the sibling before - to think he’s been missing out on these stories all this time. You know what he’s up to, but your sibling falls for it hook line and sinker, dramatically falling into your side and letting gravity do the rest of the work to make you suffer.
♡ The obvious theatrics of your brother bemoaning your negligence of his memory makes the elf snort into his glass, and your groan and attempts to shove the deadweight off is only doubled when Astarion further stirs the pot about how you’d not even breathed a word about your beloved family. Why, Astarion was beginning to fear the worst for you, how relieved he is to know you’ve got such a lovely family looking out for you.
♡ The revelation comes as a surprise to the majority of the party, watching your brother proudly clapping a hand onto your shoulder as he reveals his identity to your new traveling companions. Admittedly, this is not where Rolan ever expected to be when he’d crossed paths with your merry band of misfits for the umpteenth time, and feels rather out of place. He thinks he might be the only one that this is news too, until a quick glance at the varying degrees of confusion and mild distrust reassure him that he’s definitely not the odd one out in this scenario.
♡ For a second Rolan is truly baffled. In all the times that you’ve interacted with one another, Rolan’s always seen you as painfully awkward, going out of your way to be nothing short of polite and well-mannered with varying degrees of success. He’d long grown used to it, coming to expect it by default with each and every encounter. So how is it that someone who appeared out of nowhere and seems to be such a polar opposite to everything he knows about you, be your sibling of all things?
♡ But then he recalls just how different he, Lia and Cal are and it suddenly makes a lot more sense.
♡The next thing he wonders is how you having any family at all never came up before? You’ve shared conversations before, with him less willing to indulge you on a couple of said occasions than others. Surely the topic has come up at least one time before, right?...right? 
♡ He’s never actually asked you, Rolan realizes with a startling clarity. In fact, in all the time you’ve spent traveling and running into one another, the thought of prying into your own backstory and getting overly involved in your history hadn’t really crossed his mind; at least, not enough that he’d blatantly ask without sufficient cause. He was just being polite, is what he tries to convince himself - it would be rude to go getting involved in others affairs like you’ve been doing since you’ve met him.
♡ And yet the realization nags more than it should, feeling a little guilty that of all the times you’ve gone out of your way to learn more about the wizard, he hasn’t thought to do the same for you. He especially feels it upon seeing just how differently you act around your brother; you’re louder, bolder, and aren’t afraid to look like a complete fool - had he ever seen you look that carefree before today? He hopes it’s not the last he sees of it.
♡ He’s neglected to learn more about you before, so he sets to learning now, with about as much tact as an owlbear in an antique shop. He feels too awkward outright asking you about it, so he settles for the next best thing and promptly falls in step with your brother. There’s nothing like sharing stories on the road after all - and given how earnestly the tiefling’s asking, your sibling caves and offers to give him the brief family rundown - if only for the funny stories that he’s been dying to share with anyone who even remotely knows you.
♡ The two of them bond, much to your surprise. About an hour or two into getting settled down at camp you go looking for them; only to find them sharing an already half empty bottle of spirits and shooting stories back and forth about all the wild and reckless shit their respective siblings have gotten into over the years. Rolan flashes you a grin and offers you to join them on the story telling - your brother has shared some dreadfully embarrassing tales and he’s dying to know if there’s any truth to them.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
A/N: here comes the boy NOT EDITED
Ashley Hunt HC's
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The idealized western cowboy in a modern man's body.
6'6 and wide as a barn, Ashley is an old-fashioned type of beautiful, looks like someone straight out of an Old Western.
His sandy hair has a habit of falling in his eyes when he's working so he often wears a brown leather hat he'd gotten from his Father to prevent this.
He has this habit when he's thinking where he plays with his lips, it's very distracting.
Smells and looks like he's just come running from somewhere- never unpleasant though, it's a mix of sweat and the country air.
Always has that saccharine smile on his handsome face.
Has a loud, goofy laugh, his eyes light up when he does it and his nose scrunches in the cutest way.
He's polite to everyone he meets but he is far from a pushover.
Hates bullies of any kind. Takes on the hero role whenever he's confronted with injustice.
If he sees something wrong he can't just sit by and not do something.
Which isn't hard considering this big mf hauls farm equipment around for a living, he's had to wrestle rowdy bulls into their pens before, he can take another person down easily.
Holds the door open for you every time. Don't even think about touching that handle.
His go-to look is a pair of denim Levi jeans (man's got serious cake when he's working all the strong muscles in his thighs bulge), a white tank that sits on his flesh like a second skin, if it isn't too hot he'll throw on a flannel.
Got a BAMF belt buckle as a gag gift one year but he unironically loves it.
Does this thing where he stands at his full height, stares down at you, his hat casting a dark shadow over his heated stare, both of his big, strong hands rested comfortably on the buckle, it made your knees weak every time.
Knows you have a thing for his voice so he likes to come up from behind and gently kiss just below your ear,
"Hey there Sugar Bear."
All his clothes look well-loved and worn, he don't care much for how he looks, which is ironic since the whole town calls him a pretty boy.
Looks like someone pulled him straight out of one of those sexy country man calendars.
He's a pretty confident guy, except when it comes to you, of course, then he turns into a bumbling teenager trying to talk to his crush without fumbling over his words.
Gets all red and blushy when you call him pretty. Literally has to fan himself with his hat.
You like to randomly shower him with compliments and he gets so flustered he has to stop what he's doing to kiss you.
"Good lord woman yer gonna' put me in an early grave."
For a while, you had to avoid the friendly farmer because the mere sight of him hauling hundred-pound stacks of hay like they weighed nothing had you feeling some not-so-platonic things.
Has you sweating like a sinner in church just from one well-timed boyish smile.
His wavy locks are a few different shades of dirty blonde, he's almost always wearing his hat in an effort to keep his bangs outta his eyes,
The times he took the damn thing off were your favorite cuz the way his hair fell around his face, framing it beautifully, you could really see all of his marble-carved features.
Takes his hat off inside, of course, his mama raised him right.
Works on his family's farm, he grew up working the fields with his Pa so hard work is in his blood.
When he starts something he finishes it. No matter what.
That includes pursuing you as his one and only.
Sun-kissed skin from being outside all day.
He can play the acoustic guitar and loves to sing to himself during his free time.
Voice is deep and warm.
Really good at puzzles.
Loves the idea of a big family but at the same time is so possessive of you and your attention that he battles with the idea.
Likes to draw for fun, mostly sketches and stuff is really good at it.
He likes to sketch you most of all.
Has dozens upon dozens of journals filled with your visage, he doesn't think he can ever truly capture your beauty.
Really self-sufficient if something breaks down in your house and you don't wanna spend a fortune calling some company, you called Ashley Hunt, and he never asked for anything in return either.
Whenever he goes to town people always stop him for something, be it for his help or to give him some goods as thanks, he never leaves empty-handed.
The whole town just adores him, so much so that if you ever tried to run from him, try to use the townsfolk to hide, they'd lure you into a false sense of security, convincing you they'd drive you outta town, only to hand deliver you back to Ash.
He's a protective/possessive/worshiper kinda Yandere.
The first time you meet you're just moving into your Gran's old farmhouse, he knows your Grandma well as she's the closest neighbor to his Farm, he'd been regularly helping her out with household chores or busy work whenever she asked.
The day he sees you hop out of her pick-up, he swore his heart skipped seven different beats.
Your delicious-looking form was clad in these little shorts, no doubt trying to combat that county heat. The black t-shirt you had on was rolled up at the sleeves showing off your arms, he watched them flex as you hauled a box over your shoulder like it was nothing.
His throat goes dry, sweat begins beading at his temple, and it's not the 90-degree weather, you helped your grandmother out of the car with a graceful smile and a certain kind of sweetness, the sight had a swarm of butterflies going wild in his belly.
He saw the remaining boxes stacked in the back of the truck and knew he'd found his ticket in.
You'd come back outside to the towering man at the edge of the yard, hat in hand, he'd shoot you that star-studded smile, voice sounding like melted butter.
"Hello there Miss, my name's Ashley Hunt, I'm your next-door neighbor, I just came on by to check if y'all needed a hand." He gestured towards the truck with his hat.
Then you had the nerve to shoot him that damned smile, so bright and full of life it nearly knocked him out of his socks.
He spends the rest of the day helping you move in, the conversation flowing so easily by the time you two stopped talking it was well past midnight.
He learned so much about you, just from this one convo he knows everything he needs to about you.
And you're perfect.
"I sure am sorry for keeping you up so late sweetheart." Running his hands through his hair he couldn't keep his eyes off you.
He watched you visibly light up at the pet name and couldn't fight the smirk pulling at his lips.
"Don't worry about it! I was having so much fun- again thank you so much for all your help today." You looked so sweet standing there next to him, he was a good head or so taller than you, you looked up at him with those beautiful (e/c) eyes and he had to fight the strong urge to hold you against his chest.
Knows from that night alone you're his Darling.
It's inevitable you spend time with him, as he was your closest neighbor.
He finds any and all excuses to come over in the beginning.
"This floorboard feels a little loose, I'll come by later n' fix her up."
"That window feels a bit drafty hun, why don't I get a handle on that."
Eventually, he runs out of stuff to repair and builds the courage to just ask you out for a romantic dinner at his place. He doesn't cook anything fancy, but it does taste good a real homemade meal.
He thinks long and hard about how to show you he's the one and comes up with a teeth-rottingly cute idea.
Leads you by a gentle hand out to his field where he'd prepared a soft blanket and several throw pillows, fairy lights were strung up on the fence nearest, casting a warm glow on the scene.
After you spend hours talking and giggling, you lay back against the soft blanket and stare up at the clear sky.
Well, you were busy with the stars, he was busy staring at you.
"Ain't you a pretty picture."
That night after he walks you home, just before you turn to say goodnight, cups your face in one hand, "Can I kiss you pretty girl?" And when you breathlessly nod yes, he brings his other hand to the back of your neck and softly pulls you the rest of the way in.
He kisses you the same way soldiers kiss their wives before war, takes the breath outta you both.
Loves when you do anything domestic if you cook at his place or oh my god for him? He's whipping out the ring before the plates are clear.
Or when you stay the night for the first time, he's immediately addicted to the way you feel in his arms, and literally cannot sleep without you by his side look what you've done.
His morning voice is to die for.
"G'mornin' pumpkin." He has the biggest grin on his face when he wakes up, likes to trace his fingers on your bare skin.
You put his hat on once as a goof but he freezes in place, his face is beet red and his breath gets all heavy.
"Don't move a muscle Darlin'- lemme get a good look at ya'."
"Mm mm mm- now that's a sight a man could get used to."
Sleeps naked, if you're uncomfortable with it he'd throw on some boxers but that's it.
Runs too hot for much else.
Sleeps on his stomach and likes to stare at you when he does it.
Hold his hand and he will giggle like a little kid.
He's a lot smarter than he looks so his Yandere tendencies are easy to hide.
"C'mere sweetheart, don't think we're leaving the bed yet."
He's slowly getting you used to the idea of being his housewife, just wants to take care of you.
Like I said before he's beloved by the entire town so if anyone ever tried something with you he didn't approve of (smile at you a little too hard, make you laugh, get too close for his liking) all he's gotta do is give em' that look and if they're smart enough they back right on off.
However if their self-preservation doesn't kick in at that murderous glare, he gives em' one and only one warning to stay away from what was his. It's only polite.
If they did, Ashley would be all smiles and buddy-buddy. You'd never even know something was wrong.
If they don't back down though, well that's what he keeps pigs for.
Did you know pigs can eat a whole body in like three hours? Cuz Ashley knows.
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turningbloodypages · 14 days
could you do cullens (or just emmett) x reader with aspd?
Of course! 🫶 apologies for inaccuracies, i did as much research as i could
“You know i’m good on my own… you know, it’s more the being unknown.”
The Cullens/ASPD!reader
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Though he doesn’t fully understand, he can relate to the general disregard for others
He let’s you stay close to him whenever you’re around other people, and tries his best to help regulate
You can’t really lie to him because he can read your mind, which is frustrating at times but it helps to break the habit
Your seemingly nonexistent worry about your safety tends to stress him out, but he does his best to keep you out of trouble
Distracts you by reading to you or taking you out into the woods with him
Got all your classes changed so he could keep you calm while at school
Deescalates any fights you may or may not get into
Overall just fusses over you all the time, trying to make sure you’re alright and everything
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She knew what she was getting into, and she loves you all the same
Loves to sing to you to keep you regulated
Get’s upset when you lie to her or do something to hurt her feelings, but she tries not to show it too much
Any time you get into any complications in public she simply drags you to an empty room or bathroom
Which is frustrating at first but it usually works in terms of keeping you from getting hurt
Tries to work through your impulses by taking you to do the most adrenaline boosting things she can think of
I.E cliff jumping, running as fast as possible through the woods, taking you hunting with her
She loves having fun, and would rather work through things in an exciting way than try and pretend that you don’t get impulsive
Talks you out of trouble whenever you do end up getting yourself into it
She is quite the charmer
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Like Edward, she can relate
Spends most of her time with you locked away in her room, doing something mundane like reading or watching a movie
Her approach is to just keep you from getting triggered
When you do inevitably get impulsive, she hypes you up and lets you take your frustration out
Once took you out into the woods to shoot nail guns out of trees
Let you tire yourself out and then takes you home to take care of you
Gives you a warm bath and sings you lullubies
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Would definitely take you to a rage room
Tries to make you laugh whenever you get upset
This works most of the time
Distracts you with the most ridiculous games
You’ll be about to get into a fight and he’ll go “if you can beat me to that tree i’ll take you to get ice cream”
Other honorable mentions are attempting to beat him arm wrestling (he puts up a good fight but lets you win once you tire yourself out)
Playing baseball with him and his brothers when you’ve had a hard day
Tree climbing contests
Trying to catch squirrels (surprisingly difficult for all parties involved)
Will also resort to bear hugs if necessary
You can’t punch anybody if you’re in the muddle of having being squeezed half to death
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His ability to influence emotions is a huge help
He’s able to keep you calm in most situations
When he can’t, he’s good at talking you through impulses
He understands what it feels like to have a lack of control, and he teaches you coping methods and ways to stay calm
Finds new hobbies for you guys to try together to distract from stress
Can tell when you’re lying to him, but usually doesn’t say anything
He lets you tell the truth and come to him when you’re ready
Lots of physical touch therapy
Always holding your hand whenever you go anywhere, making sure to keep you focused on him and not the crowds
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His medical background makes it easy for him to help you
He figures out what triggers you and stays prepared for any situation
Lots of talk therapy and discussing your feelings
He’s very civil when it comes to any altercation you may get into
Never gets angry with you, but makes sure to talk to you about what happened and discuss how you can cope better next time
He understands that it wont always be easy, and he’s there to support you on hard or stressful days
Never forces you to do anything your uncomfortable with
Likes to take you out to quiet places (library, hiking trails, etc) to try and help you cope better with being around others
But will gladly have a night in with you if you request
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Doesn’t understand at first why you wouldn’t enjoy being around others
But she does her research and learns how to help
Likes cooking and baking and having you help her
Will plan the most elaborate movie/cuddle nights
Loves reading to you, singing, anything you want
Reminds you that the way you feel is okay and that she’s always there to talk
Never forces you to open up, but it the best at helping when you do
She gives wonderful advice
Always makes sure that the rest of her family knows how to support you in case she’s not there
Be prepared for the most kisses
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Tries her best to get it
She knows what it feels like to not really want to be around other people, but thats the extent of her understanding
Very protective of you, even when you don’t need it
Stands up for you whenever you get into disagreements/fights, makes sure nobody gets hurt
She was never too good at talking about her feelings, so she never pushes you to do the same
Always there if you do reach out though
Would get frustrated over lying/attempted manipulation, but reminds herself that it’s not exactly your fault
Would do petty crime with you
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l-littlebird-l · 1 year
Hello, little bird🥰✨ I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to thank you once again for the masterpiece “The Blind Dance”, that was breathtaking!❤️‍🔥
If you don’t mind, I’d love to share with you some of my thoughts, they might be veeery stupid, I’m sorry in advance, that’s just what happens in my feverish brain (Ominis’ been filling my mind completely for several months🙈)
So, personally I’m into powerful and let’s say dominant Ominis hehe. What do you think about it:
Ominis and MC are friends and of course both of them have hidden feelings for each other. One day, MC appears to have a bruise on her neck from some regular fight she had. Ominis can’t see it obviously, but hears some ambiguous remarks about her neck. He gets super jealous and storms to his beloved Undercroft/dormitory/any empty classroom to let off some steam, she notices his state and follows him. And when she asks wtf with you, he bursts out. Like... slams her up against the wall, holds her neck where the bruise is and smth like “who the hell was he?!” (maybe some assumptions that it was Sebastian, cause he knows they spend a lot of time together), basically revealing his dark intimidating side a bit. There can also be insults and some parseltongue spilling of course cause this boy can’t control himself hehe. She’s outraged, trying to push him away, but he realizes how stupid he was, apologizes passionately and then.. no less passionate and possessive sex with parseltongue as well🔥
Gooods I just needed to share it with you, and maybe you will find some ideas inspiring for your incredible talent! And it’s totally fine if you find it an utter rubbish, my brain’s just not working properly when it relates to Ominis😂
Thank you again, we’re all so happy to have you in this fandom!💕
Thank you so much for your patience with this piece! I loved writing it and I had a lot of fun playing around with Ominis’ emotions. 😉 Rest assured, your prompt for this piece was amazing. Thank you so much for being my first request, and I really appreciate all the kind words you give me. The Blind Dance is one of my favorites as well. Ominis just has this way about him. 💕 You definitely piqued some ideas for later stories. Thank you again, and enjoy!
• Jealousy Is a Terrible Thing •
Ominis Gaunt x MC (Smut)
— Requests are Open —
Summary: Ominis’ jealousy flares up when Sebastian returns to the common room well past midnight, carrying your scent. The accumulation of lies and excuses reaches its breaking point, leading to a heated confrontation between you two.
Ominis is a master at finding every possible opportunity he can to get closer to you. He's like a magnet, whether that means strategically choosing the seat next to yours in class, skillfully appearing in the same hallways as you, suggesting lunch dates at The Three Broomsticks, or inviting you to join him for study sessions in a cozy corner of the library.
For him, every minute spent by your side fills his day with an unparalleled sense of happiness. It's as if the entire world around him had shifted since you entered his life. He now has something, or rather someone, to look forward to greeting every single day.
But today, however, things took an unusual turn. Ominis had hardly slept, and his mood was decidedly foul. All night, his mind had raced, tormented by the question of why Sebastian had returned to the common room so late last night, bearing the unmistakable trace of your scent. He wrestled with this enigma throughout the night, and what compounded his distress was Sebastian's blatant falsehood. Sebastian was notorious for brushing things off and fabricating the flimsiest of excuses. But that scent, Ominis recognized it all too intimately—it was unquestionably yours. A fire churned within him, a spark of jealously aflame.
As the clocks hands inched past curfew, Sebastian clandestinely slipped into the common room, his movements shrouded in secrecy. His arrival, however, didn’t go unnoticed. Ominis lifted his head from his book as he drew a deep breath, catching a tantalizing trace of your scent emanating from Sebastian's clothing.
Without missing a beat, Ominis confronted Sebastian, his voice laced with an unmistakable sharp edge. "Sebastian, you're out past curfew. What were you up to?"
Sebastian, however, was quick on his feet. He met Ominis' gaze with a feign air of innocence. "Oh, nothing much, just a late-night stroll. Clearing my head, you know."
Ominis slammed his book shut and rose from his seat, his brows knit together with irritation. "Late-night stroll? Clearing your head?" he scoffed, his voice tinted with bitterness. "Don't insult my intelligence, Sebastian. I can smell her on you."
Sebastian tried to maintain an air of nonchalance, beads of sweat formed along his forehead. "You're imagining things, Ominis. Just a bit paranoid, aren't we?"
But Ominis was having none of it. He took several steps forward, his words biting through the air. "I know the scent of her perfume, Sebastian. Don't think you can play the fool with me."
Sebastian's mask of indifference began to crack as Ominis' possessiveness pressed in on him. "Fine," he spat back, the veneer of politeness shattering. "I was with her. So what? She can choose who she spends her time with."
Ominis' patience wore thin, and his anger flared as he leaned forward. "You're playing a dangerous game, Sebastian," he growled, his jealousy unleashing. "She's mine, and you'd do well to remember that."
Sebastian, seemingly unfazed, crossed his arms with a smirk, his voice edged with false nonchalance. "Why do you care so much, Ominis? What I do with her is none of your concern."
Ominis gritted his teeth, his temper burning from within. He wanted to shout, to demand answers, but his pride kept him restrained. “Just answer the question, Sebastian. What were you doing with her?”
Sebastian leaned forward, his tone a venomous whisper. "Maybe you're just not man enough to satisfy her."
Ominis clenched his jaw, his jealousy scraping the forefront, but he couldn't bring himself to reveal the true depth of his feelings.
Sebastian leaned back, a smug grin playing on his face. "You're so possessive, Ominis. It's pathetic. She's not yours to control."
Ominis, his anger boiling over, shot back, "You're just a playboy, Sebastian. You don't understand what it means to truly care about someone."
Their words hung in the air, charged with tension and unresolved emotions. The common rooms quiet atmosphere seemed to amplify, and neither of them was ready to back down.
Sebastian's eyes narrowed, as he leaned in closer to Ominis, his voice dripping with venom. "And what would you know about caring for someone? You've never even seen her face, let alone know what it's like to be with someone like her."
Ominis couldn’t take it anymore. The frustration, the jealousy, the pain all swirled inside him like a tempest. He had been holding back, trying to maintain some semblance of control, but Sebastian’s taunts and insinuations were pushing him over the edge. A dark, sinuous whisper echoing within his head.
With furious colors, Ominis lunged at Sebastian, his control slipping away like sand through his fingers. He grabbed Sebastian’s collar, his fingers digging into the fabric as he shoved him forcefully against the wall. His face was contorted with rage as he leaned in closely.
Sebastian was caught off guard by Ominis’ sudden loss of control, despite being pinned against the wall and faced with Ominis' seething anger, he managed to taunt one last time. He grinned, though there was a nervous edge to it.
"Ominis, you're blind in more ways than one," he sneered, digging in with a final jab.
Ominis' grip on Sebastian's collar tightened, his knuckles turning white. He was on the verge of losing control completely, his anger and jealousy driving him to the brink of madness. The whisper inside, growing louder with each passing second.
As Sebastian's taunting words hit Ominis, they seemed to strike a deeper chord. Ominis' anger slowly faded, replaced by a wounded look in his eyes. He slowly released his grip on Sebastian's collar, taking a step back and facing away.
His voice, when he spoke, was filled with a poisonous blend of hurt and resignation. "Fine, Sebastian. Have it your way," he muttered, his anger now overshadowed by a sense of defeat and pain.
Sebastian held his gaze on Ominis’ back for a moment longer before breaking away, storming off to bed with Ominis' words echoing in his ears.
Left alone in the dimly lit common room, Ominis couldn't quell the burning jealousy that gripped his heart. His mind raced with turbulent thoughts, imagining what you and Sebastian were doing together. Each passing minute felt like an eternity as his possessiveness over you gnawed at him, making it impossible for him to find solace in sleep. The scent of another man, bearing traces of you, lingered in the air, a reminder that he couldn't shake off.
As the day dragged on, he found himself in the library, waiting for your arrival. The evening had been earmarked for a study session between the two of you. He positioned himself in a secluded corner of the library, setting the stage for a mental game amidst the book-lined corridors. Aware of the intricate nature of his little mind game, he knew that extracting answers required meticulous finesse. Every move, every word was a potential gambit on your friendship. His mind was a turbulent sea of unanswered questions, each wave threatening to consume his thoughts. The stakes were high, and the risks, even higher. But his determination burned in red. He needed answers, and if Sebastian wasn’t going to give them to him— then you will.
Even moments before your arrival, his mind raced with restless thoughts, the relentless curiosity within him clawing at his very core. A low grumble slipped from his lips, his fingers sinking into the pages of his book, an unsettling image flashing vividly within his thoughts.
"There you are," a familiar voice greeted him with enthusiasm, the sound of your steps weaving around the bookshelves as you plopped your stack of books on the table.
Ominis, drawn by the melody of your sweet voice, lifted his head, and his countenance transformed. His features softened, and a smile, one reserved solely for you, gently curved his lips. The crashing waves of his mind finding ease.
"So you decided to come after all," he teased, deliberately averting his gaze back to the book in his hand as his grip softens.
"Of course I'd show up, I'd never miss our study time together. It’s too precious," you playfully retorted, settling down next to him.
As you opened your books, the sound of the pages turning harmonized with the subtle waft of your scent, enveloping the space around him. That same, familiar scent, lingering in the air, stirring something within.
The library was unusually hushed, the subtle sound of his nails picking at the corners of parchment, bending them with a nervous energy. Your gaze instinctively followed the sound, an elegant dance of curiosity shifting between his fidgeting fingers and his pensive expression.
You sat there, quietly studying him for a few moments, pondering on what’s occupying his thoughts. Something about him seemed amiss, though you couldn't quite pinpoint it.
You leaned into him, your body brushing against his as your lips drew close to his ear, your voice a soft whisper. "You're not typically one to fidget with your hands. Is something on your mind, Ominis?"
Your closeness seemed to have a calculated impact, causing his demeanor to subtly shift. The sound of the parchment ceased as he turned his focus toward you, his face adorned with a serene mask of calmness. "Hmm? Oh, no. Nothings on my mind."
Your concern etched lines of worry onto your brow, still convinced that something weighed heavily on his mind, but he wasn’t budging.
"Ominis..." you hummed, your hand gently finding its place against his thigh, your voice carrying a soothing, reassuring tone. "You know you can talk to me."
In a fleeting moment, all his defenses crumbled. A lump formed in his throat, your sweet, captivating scent enveloping him like a warm embrace. The gentle brush of your hand against his thigh ignited an indescribable sensation deep within him. In that moment, he wished for time to stand still, for this instant to stretch into eternity. Just you and him, a world apart from everyone else—a world far from Sebastian. It all faded into obscurity. It was as if only the two of you existed in that space.
You couldn't help but notice how your presence seemed to have a calming effect on him. Your fingers traced a gentle, reassuring path up and down his thigh, and a soft, affectionate grin danced at the corners of your lips as you observed him intently. He looks so sweet…
In this sanctuary, Ominis felt a newfound comfort, an urge to confide in you, to lay bare everything that had tormented him, and perhaps even to express the emotions he'd kept concealed for so long. He yearned to spill it all out, to finally lay his heart on the table.
Just as he was about to speak, a subtle squeeze from your hand against his thigh brought him back to reality. His lashes faltered, and with a soft, deliberate hold, his hand grazed against yours, seemingly hesitant to speak.
His lips were parted, and for a brief moment, he seemed as if he was on the brink of saying something, but his lips drew a line. Instead, he took in a deep breath, casually flipping to the next page in his book with a flick of his wand.
"You needn’t worry about me, I'm fine," Ominis insisted, his words carefully neutral. "I just couldn’t find sleep."
You sighed, not entirely convinced by his statement, but willing to go with it. "How come?" You inquired gently, your fingers naturally gravitating toward the comforting warmth of his inner thigh.
His breath hitched for a mere second, the feeling of your hand tantalizingly close clouded his mind with your sweet, intoxicating presence.
"Sleep often seems to evade me more times than I care to count. So I opted for some light reading in the common room last night," he began, his voice steady. A momentary pause followed as he carefully considered his next words. He taps his nail against the parchment with an unsettledness. “Just as I was wrapping up on my reading, a rather… perplexing encounter held me.”
His eyes lined up with keen perception as he sensed your hand twitch in response to his words, a restrained, sly grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He knew he had you hooked.
"Oh? And… who might’ve that been?" Your words faltered, your heart beginning to race as the realization set in, that you had unwittingly walked into his cunning little trap.
"Sebastian," he stated firmly, the pretense of an unruffled countenance still in place as he smoothly turned to the next page in his book.
"S— Sebastian, huh?" You gradually withdrew your hand from his thigh, fingers curling around the contours of your book as you anxiously flipped through several pages.
"Any thoughts on why he might have been up after curfew?" He nonchalantly twirled his wand between his fingers, deliberately taking his time as he keenly detects your composure slowly unraveling beside him.
"No— not at all. Why would I have any insight?” You brought your hand to your lips, your teeth nibbling nervously at your nails as your thoughts begin to race.
"Really, now?" He leaned back, drawing in a deep breath as he meticulously assessed the situation. "I had thought you two were rather… close. Mayhaps I judged wrong," he mused, his finger idly tracing the edges of his book, waiting for your next answer.
You cleared your throat, collecting your hair in your hands as you lifted it up off your neck and sweeping it aside to cool off.
“We should get back to studying, Ominis.” You mumbled quietly, adverting your attention back to your books.
A pit formed within his midriff, an uneasy sensation coursing through him as he discerned that you had just lied to him and casually brushed aside his inquiry. Lost in his thoughts, something had sparked his attention, a faint, distant sound emanating several tables away. His ears perked as he found himself inexplicably drawn into the poison of hushed whispers and muted laughter.
"Did you see that mark on her neck?"
"Gods, what is it?"
"Isn't it obvious? It's a hickey!"
"Merlin's Beard... who do you think it was?"
"I bet you 5 Galleons it was Sebastian Sallow."
"What— no way."
"You think she's been snogging Sallow?"
"By the looks of it, she's been doing more than just snogging." The subdued group of students snickered amongst themselves.
"And…. guess what I saw last night… I saw the two of them leaving the castle after curfew."
"What, really..? That's foul... and she has the audacity to put her hands all over Gaunt— are you going to report it to the Headmaster?"
“Not yet, I’m waiting for the perfect moment.”
“You sneaky little minx.”
“She deserves it. I can’t wait to see her crumble.”
"She should be ashamed of herself...”
"Isn't one enough? Leave the rest of them for us."
“She’s such a slut.”
A flush of crimson spread across Ominis' face as his anger surged like a rising tide within. His fists clenched together in a white-knuckled grip, his imagination running wild with scenarios from last night, each one more maddening than the last. Thoughts became an impenetrable fog, clouding his usually sharp mind. His jaw clenched as he slammed his book shut, the resounding thud echoing throughout the library. He stormed out, leaving behind a wake of turbulent emotions.
Ominis could hear his heart ringing in his ears. The whole world around him fading into a distant blur as he pushed himself through the crowded halls. His nails dig into the handle of his wand as anger, frustration, and jealousy envelopes him whole. The thought of you doing something so vile with his best friend tinged his heart. He felt as if the air was sucked right out of his lungs, his own emotions strangling him.
You sat there, bewildered by his sudden outburst. Trying to make sense of what just happened, you close your books in a hurry, leaving them behind as you quickly followed suit. Your eyes glued to the back of his pristine button-up as you chased after him, deftly slipping through the turbulent sea of students and nearly stumbling over an outstretched foot.
"Om— Ominis, wait…" your voice caught as you hastily found your footing, resolutely following his swift path into an unassuming classroom, leaving behind a clear path of confused faces.
As you enter the classroom, your eyes swept across the empty space, finding no trace of Ominis. You take a hesitant step back, perplexed. Suddenly, the wooden doors behind you click shut. You quickly pivot around to find Ominis standing there, blocking the only exit out.
“Ominis…” you muttered, standing there frozen and confused as an uneasiness settled within your midriff.
His eyes almost gleamed with a shade of green, as if a dormant darkness within him had awakened. A pure-blood Gaunt, a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the snake with no eyes, now revealed itself. His once-hidden frustrations surged to the surface, directed towards you. His body burned with resentment, hands trembling at his sides.
"Tell me," he demanded, his voice low and tinged with a threatening edge, leaving no room for evasion or lies. "What were you doing with Sebastian last night?"
A sudden chill runs down your spine, as if he could actually see into your soul. You stagger back, your heart racing in response to his probing question.
"What do you mean..?" you stammered, desperately searching your mind for any little thing to grab at.
Your heart pounded in your chest, caught between the fear of angering him and the guilt of keeping the truth from him. You hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of Ominis’ words pressing down on you, but you couldn't bring yourself to admit it, not yet. The room seemed to close in and crackle with tension, clashing with your desire to protect the truth.
"I— I was…" your words faltered as Ominis took an intimidating step forward. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip, struggling to find the right words. Your tongue felt heavy, surrendering yourself to complete silence.
Suddenly, he lunges forward, his fingers wrapping around your jaw, pivoting you around, and slamming you against the closed doors. His breath brushes against your lips as he leans in, his eyes effortlessly locked onto yours.
You winced, your eyes squeezing tight from the sudden force, his hold around your jaw softening as his fingers grazed down your neck.
"You were?" He asked, his voice baring a darkness you hadn’t seen before.
"I... I was just... studying," you muttered, attempting to maintain the facade, but the heat of his body pressed against yours and his possessive hold shattered your composure.
Your mind raced, torn between your desire to protect Sebastian and the overwhelming presence of Ominis. His demeanor was suffocating, hard to resist the urge to spill the truth, but you stubbornly clung to your feeble lie.
Every word you spoke, every lie you told, was like fuel to the fire. His fingers encircled around your throat, tightening with warning. "Tell me then, what's this?" he inquired, the pads of his fingers pressing into the tender, bruised skin below your jaw.
You yelped, your hand reaching for his wrist in a desperate attempt to relieve some of the pressure. He took your hand in his, pinning it against the wooden doors. With a low, frustrated growl, he eased his grip from around your throat, his fingers still remaining over the mark.
“Speak,” he said, as if you were some pet of his to command.
You gasped, finally able to breathe, your head spinning. "Ominis, what's happened to you?" you whispered, your voice colored with confusion.
He grew tired of waiting for an answer. His mind filling in all the details on its own. He pushes your jaw to the side with his thumb as he leans into the crook of your neck, his breath scraping against your skin. His soft lips brushed across your bruise, that same dark whisper filling his head with poisoned words.
“You like this?” He growled, his lips barely transgressing against your skin.
Your voice caught in your throat as Ominis' grip tightened, preventing you from speaking.
"Have something to say, do you?" Ominis’ voice dripped with irritation at your feeble attempt to speak.
An agonizing silence enveloped the room as you nervously shook your head in response.
"I didn’t think so." He sinks his teeth into your bruise, eliciting a pained wince from your lips. The warm caress of his tongue against your skin, paired with his piercing teeth digging into your neck sent an indescribable sensation pooling between your thighs. His hand snaked from your throat and down your waistline, gripping into your hip. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as his knee stopped you from squeezing your thighs together.
He had you within his grasp, a pretty little thing trembling against the doors. In this moment, you were unequivocally his, a possession to be claimed. The air felt thick and heavy. He relished in the power he held over you, knowing he could do anything to you. It was crystal clear: You were his to mark, not Sebastian’s, his. And he intended to make that known.
"You like being a little slut for me?" He drags his lips agonizingly slow against your skin, catching your breath.
Despite the fear and the turbulent emotions, an undeniable surge of desire coursed through you. Ominis' dominance had awakened a primal longing within you, and your response was unmistakable. Your breath hitched, and your body caved into your desire, your hips arching slightly against his knee.
Ominis was acutely aware of your response. A sly smirk curled his lips as he felt the subtle shift in your body, the way you arched against his knee, the way your arm fell limp within his grasp, and the subtle wavering within your breath. It was evident of the power he held over you.
Ominis couldn’t help but taunt you further, his voice dripping with possessiveness and a hint of cruelty. “You feel that?” he whispered, pressing his knee against your damp knickers.
Overcome by lust, you found yourself writhing in place, unable to contain the fiery yearning that coursed through your veins. Your heart hammered within your chest, a relentless rhythm of anticipation and longing, each beat echoing the insatiable need for more. Every inch of your skin felt like it was burning, burning for his touch.
Ominis, consumed by his desire, pushed your thighs apart with a dominating force, making it clear who was in control. He pressed his hips into you, his hunger evident in the way he held you against the doors. There was no denying the raw and burning need he felt for you in that moment.
“You like being fucked so hard there’s bruises all over your pretty little skin?” He growled through gritted teeth, his grip around your wrist constricting. The anger in his voice sent tremors through your body, leaving you almost afraid to utter a word. A barely audible gasp escaped your trembling lips.
He couldn't fathom how you could lose your self-control so easily under such circumstances. His mind seethed with jealousy and anger. Were you always this easy to rile up? Is this what you and Sebastian do when he’s not around? Is that what you want from him? Unable to contain his rage any longer, he lashed out, slamming his hands against the wooden doors, staggering backwards.
"Is this what you want? Isn't Sebastian enough for you? You think you can go around putting your pretty little hands on guys and expect us to fuck you? You're— you’re such a..." He growled, his voice a mixture of anger and hurt.
Ominis leaned back against an empty desk, running his fingers over his jaw, a look of shame crossing his face. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he attempted to collect himself, but the damage was done. He knew he had lost control and shattered any chance of friendship that remained between the two of you. With a heavy sigh, he buried his face in his trembling hand, overwhelmed by the strangling feeling he has in his heart.
You were left speechless, your heart aching at his distress. With cautious steps, you moved towards him, your hand finding purchase against his shoulder as your thumb brushed with a soothing comfort.
"Ominis…" you whispered softly, your voice wavering with concern and immense sadness. "Please, just talk to me… What's going on with you? Why did you say such hurtful things?"
You settled down next to him, your hand gently gliding down his back. "This… this isn't like you, Ominis..." You pressed your forehead against his shoulder, wrapping your arm around his waist, embracing him from behind.
The softness within your voice melted away all his defenses. Unable to contain his turmoil any longer, he began to unravel, pouring out the torment that had consumed him. His voice quivered. It sounded like he was on the brink crying. Your embrace around him tightened, unable to bear the sound of his shuddering voice.
"Please…" your voice trembled as you pleaded in him, the agonizing prick of tears welling within your eyes.
Ominis drew in a deep breath, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. Slowly, he lifted his head from his hand, his gaze, blankly fixed upon the floor.
"It was him, wasn't it?" His voice held a note of anguish, as if he didn’t want the truth at all.
"What was him?" You asked gently, lifting your head from his shoulder and resting your chin against its curve.
He took a few moments, taking in deep, shuddering breaths as he tried to come to terms with it himself. “That bruise along your neck… It was Sebastian.”
"What?" You furrowed your eyebrows, your fingers instinctively brushing across the mark that adorned itself just below your jaw. "This?" Confusion filled your voice as your mind raced with questions. “No— Sebastian never hurt me, why would you think that?”
He leans forward, elbows resting against his knees, his hands clenching in visible disarray. "Not hurt you…" he uttered with an evident struggle in his voice. His head turns toward you as you break from the one-sided embrace. Your eyes traced along his pained face, tears glossing over. You tenderly cupped his cheek, urging him to face you.
“Ominis…” you murmured softly. “What then?”
He slowly picked his arm up, his fingers gliding over your caress with gentleness, nuzzling his cheek into your hand. This warmth was what he so desperately needed. His gaze lowered with somberness, his other hand reaching out to hold yours within your lap.
He shifted towards you, his hand falling from his cheek, finding purchase against your thigh. He appeared hesitant, at a loss for words— his mind wrangling with itself to even speak.
"That mark," he started, his head still lowered. "It was from making love, wasn't it?"
You sat there, blinking for a moment, caught off guard by his accusation. Speechless, you almost let out a baffled laugh but quickly restrained it. "Making love?" you retorted, your hand lowering from his cheek as you wrapped your fingers around his nape, drawing him in closer.
You pressed your forehead against his, gazing into his soft ocean eyes. "Listen to me, Ominis… There’s nothing going on between me and Sebastian,” you hushed, your voice filled with sincerity.
He pulls away with furrowed brows, disbelief etched across his face. You clasped your hands around his, pulling him back in. "Ominis, please… This bruise here, it was from an encounter with goblins. Sebastian and I… we snuck out of the castle last night. We wanted to have a little fun, go for a midnight adventure,” you paused briefly, a heavy sigh filling the air. “But I… I got into a little trouble. I messed up my footing and a goblin attacked me. I was exhausted. Sebastian had to carry me back to the castle… I’m so sorry, Ominis. I should’ve been honest with you… I had no idea how much this pained you."
He felt ashamed, he felt hopeless, and he felt so, so indescribably ignorant. The weight of his emotions hung heavy within the air.
“I promise you, there’s no other man out there that has my heart,” you continued softly, your words piquing his interest. Ominis slowly lifted his chin as his gaze fell upon you.
Your lips curled into a sweet smile, brushing your thumb in soothing circles over his hands. “No one else, but you.”
His lashes faltered, and that very pit within his stomach had completely vanished. He felt all the heaviness within him lifted, the venomous whispers within his head— gone, replaced by a sense of clarity and peace."No one else?" He asked softly, his voice broken.
“Ominis, I love you… I love you so much that it pains me. It pains me to see you like this. I fell in love with that very sweetness you hold so deep within your heart. You’re someone special to me…” you wavered, the weight of your confession hanging in the air, your heart pounding within your chest as the gravity of your words settled between you both like a weightless plume.
He gently withdraws his hand from your grasp, his fingers tenderly tracing along your jaw as he clasped his hand just below your ear. His soft touch sent a shiver down your spine as he tilts your head back, his thumb brushing against your cheek, pressing his longing lips against yours.
Your eyes fluttered shut, savoring the sweet taste of his affection, your lips molding together in a tender, passionate kiss. In that moment, the world around you faded into insignificance. Everything that had just transpired, gone. All that remains now is the unyielding confession of love. The kiss lingered until he finally pulled away, his lips hovering just an inch from yours.
His warm breath caressed your lower lip as he spoke in an unwavering, gentle, and remorseful tone. "I've loved you from the moment I met you, more deeply than I could ever express. I've tried to hide it, to bury it, but it's always been there… burning within me. You mean more to me than words can convey, and I can't imagine my life without you."
Ominis’ voice quivered with emotion, "I love you with everything I am, and I always will, no matter what. I love you, all that you are, my dear little bird. I’m so… so so—"
You cut him off before he sank back into his darkness, your lips locking together in a fervent embrace. His brows furrowed as his lips followed suit, firmly. The kiss deepened, a passionate, unending surge of emotion that left you both breathless. In that moment, it felt like everything had finally fallen into place, and your hearts were bound together as one.
You wanted to reassure him, to make him understand that he had nothing to worry about. Your heart belonged to him and him alone. You hooked your leg over Ominis’ hip, gently lowering yourself into his lap. He wrapped his hand around your waist with a tender embrace.
With a shared urgency, you captured his bottom lip between your teeth, eliciting soft sigh past his lips. In the midst of your heated kisses, soft whispers of, “I love you,” flowed freely between you both. It was as if those three words had become a cherished refrain, a reminder of your unwavering love for each other, and neither of you could get enough of it.
Your kisses became a sweet storm. Peppering his lips as your hands cradled his jaw, your hips moving in a rhythm of their own, swaying with the desire that coursed through your veins.
A burning sensation snapped you back to reality, a tantalizing stiffness pressing against your knickers, awakening you from the flames. You were acutely aware of the desire that had burned between you.
Unable to resist, you both tumbled against the desk, your lips still locked in a fiery embrace. The kisses turned heated, sloppy, and wet as you explored eachothers cavity with unbridled hunger. His grip around your hip tightened, pressing you firmly against his arousal, a quiet moan of pleasure escaped your lips. Desire pooled between your thighs, wetting his trousers from the friction.
With a final, lingering kiss, you gradually poised yourself up, straddling him with your hands pressed against his chest. Your cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, but something about his presence made you feel safe and unashamed. The embarrassment you anticipated seemed to melt away in his soft, gentle touch.
A sweet, contented smile graced your lips as you began to roll your hips, a gentle grind that pressed your soaked knickers against his clothed arousal, eliciting a soft, quiet hum from Ominis’ lips.
He tilted his head back with a warm moan, the sharp contour of his jaw capturing your attention. You reached for his hands, delicately intertwining your fingers with his, guiding his touch as you circled your hips. A quiet sigh of pleasure escaped your lips, filling the thick air around you.
Ominis’ lips parted, eliciting an unrestrained moan as his cock twitches beneath you. He lost full control over his hips, incapable to stop them from moving in rhythm with yours. This was everything he had ever yearned for— your sweet hands in his, the soft, quiet moans that slipped past your lips, the constant whispers of affirmation. Yet, amidst this symphony of pleasure, there was one thing he longed to hear… the sweet sound of you moaning his name.
Feeling your hands withdraw from their loving embrace and hearing the subtle rustling of fabric above him, Ominis reached out, gently clasping your hands in his once again.
"Allow me," he whispered in a tender tone, his desire to adore you evident in his gentle pale eyes.
Your hands slowly dropped as he began to unbutton your blouse with a tantalizing slowness, savoring every moment so he could etch this memory into eternity. His fingers brushed across your shoulders, unable to resist the urge to whisper with admiration, "So soft..." He slid your blouse over your shoulders, allowing it to pool around your elbows. Your fingers curled under the rim of his trousers, eagerly reciprocating the desire.
Ominis, however, wasn't met with the expected sensation of a bra strap along your shoulders. Instead, he found himself intrigued, his fingers tracing down your collarbone until they reached the supple, sensitive flesh at the curve of your breast. His feather-light touch sent a cascade of goosebumps dancing across your skin, eliciting a subtle sigh of approval from your parted lips. His large hands then enveloped your breast, gently squeezing and kneading without hesitation.
Your eyes locked onto his almost devious grin. You unhooked your fingers from under his trousers and smoothly shimmied the rest of your blouse off, your gaze then moving toward his buttoned shirt, relinquishing it’s hold. You pushed open the flaps of his shirt, your eyes feasting on the sight of his well-formed figure. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as your fingers trailed down his chest, tracing the dots that adorned his pale flesh in a playful zigzag pattern until they reached his hip. He was truly a vision of beauty, and in this moment, you couldn't fathom how he could doubt your desire for him over anyone else, even Sebastian.
"Ominis… I want you," you whispered, the words dripping with desire.
"Then take me," he dared, his expression sweet and inviting, in stark contrast to everything below.
Your cheeks blazed with a deep, rosy hue as you bit into your cheek, his words leaving you breathless with desire. With a sultry grace, you lifted yourself onto your knees, your hands working deftly to tug down his trousers and briefs just enough to reveal his hard, throbbing cock. It was much larger than you had imagined when you were grinding against him, and the sight left you speechless. Even his length was adorned with a scattering of freckles.
His hands, warm and tender, snaked up your thighs, just under your skirt, cradling them with a gentle hold. He showed incredible patience, letting you take your time and go at your own pace. You reached below you, your fingers curling around the soaked fabric that clung to your heated flesh. Pulling them aside, you wrapped your fingers around his base, slowly lowering yourself onto him.
The pink crown of his arousal glistened with pre-cum, slipping between your slick folds as you guided him into your eager core. His length squeezed into you inch by inch, eliciting a joined shudder. Ominis tightened his grip around your thighs as he felt your cunt slowly enveloping his length, drawing him deeper inside you. A hushed wince escaped your lips as he pushed you firmly against his hips.
A low, guttural curse slipped from Ominis’ tongue, the agonizing sensation of your tight cunt gripping around his cock with raw hunger.
With slow, deliberate movements, you took control, lifting your hips and sensually lowering yourself onto him, savoring every inch of his throbbing desire as it filled you completely. Finding a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure coursing through your bodies. Ominis' hands ventured further under your skirt, his fingers clasping possessively around your hips, pressing deeply into your skin as you surrendered yourself to the veil of desire.
The sensation of his pulsating cock reaching deep within you, hitting the depths of your cunt and clenching around his cock in a strangling hold. It was everything he had ever fantasized about. The tantalizing stride and rolls of your hips, the softness and warmth of your skin touching his. The labored breaths and sweet moans he elicited out of you, it felt so fucking good.
The way you rolled your hips and took his cock like it was meant for you. How your body trembled every time he hit that sensitive spot. The desperate moans escaping your lips as he started to force your movements quicker by your hips. It drove him mad, mad for you. He craved more, wanting to hear those pretty little lips of yours gasp and scream his name, and he knew exactly how to make that happen.
With a firm grip around your hips, he easily maneuvered, rolling you onto your back and positioning himself over you. With one hand supporting his weight, his other guided the underside of your thigh until it was pressed against your side.
"Ominis, wai—"
He silenced your protests with a deep, penetrating thrust that sent a loud moan spilling from your lips. His nails dug into the soft flesh of your thigh as a sly grin curled at the corners of his lips. Your slick cunt tightened around his cock as he continued with long, measured strides in and out of your slick heat, drawing a soft yelp from the depths of your throat. Your hand clutched around his forearm, anchoring yourself as he quickened his pace.
"Ah, fuck..." you winced, furrowing your brows in pleasure as he drove into you relentlessly.
A deep, guttural groan reverberated within his throat as he reveled in the tightness of your cunt. He shifted his hand from your thigh to support his weight against the desk, looming over you with a demeanor that made you feel small and trapped beneath his towering figure.
He may be blind, but Ominis was attuned to your every desire, intimately aware of what turned you on. A sly grin danced along his lips as he continued his relentless thrusts, each one hitting that sweet spot that drove you mad.
He swooped down, burying his face into the crook of your neck as his labored breaths crashed against your skin. The sweet sound of your whimpers riled something familiar within him. "You like that?" he growled against your neck.
You gasped, your nails digging into his forearm as your body shuddered from his words. A subtle sneer lathered your tender neck with hungry kisses and soft bites.
His lips trailed sensuously along your neck, planting soft, teasing kisses against your earlobe. “I know you like this,” he grunted, his hips driving into you with hard, measured thrusts that left you gasping with desperate approval. The needy whines that escaped your lips were all the affirmation he needed. His tongue traced the contours of your ear, soft nips and low growls that sent shivers down your spine.
"Oh fuck, Ominis..." you pleaded, gasping for air as he relentlessly pounded into you.
“You’re so tight…” he snarled, his voice thick with desire, peppering your ear and neck with a trail of hungry kisses and licks. His pace slowed into long, tantalizing strides, all the while bearing knowing smile.
"Ominis, please..." you whimpered softly, your nails digging further into his skin.
"Please, what?" His voice shuddered, sinking his teeth into your neck as he maintained his steady pace.
"Oh, fuck… please—"
He hummed against your skin, seemingly oblivious to your intent, relishing in the sweet desperation of your trembling voice.
"Please… fuck me harder," you exasperated, writhing beneath him.
He gripped your hip in place, preventing your movements as he continued with his slow, ruthless strides.
"What’s my name," he demanded, his voice a heated whisper against your ear.
You panted heavily, your thighs trembling at his hips, your voice a sultry plea, “Fuck me harder, Ominis…” Before you could finish the rest of his name, he slammed his hips into you with a hungry growl against your ear. You bucked your hips with an arch of your back, eliciting a yelp that echoed within the halls of the castle.
“Good girl,” he whispered, sending an intoxicating blaze of fire coursing through your body. With every forceful thrust, a torrent of pleasure surged within you, an unrelenting tempest that threatened to consume your very being. A knot of insatiable desire coiled deep within your midriff, pulling tighter with each invasion of his hips.
Sweat glistened across your entwined bodies, his movements a fevered dance of untamed lust and longing. Your nails etched fiery trails along Ominis’ back, branding him with your passion. The pain that etched along his back soon became pleasure as he lost full control of himself. The classroom echoed with a crescendo of fervent gasps and uninhibited moans.
As he surrendered to his primal desires, his voice became a sultry serenade, a soft trail of parseltongue with unbridled lust slipping from his lips like a seductive spell. He teetered on the precipice of release, the moment of climax drawing tantalizingly near with each scorching thrust.
His head hangs low, driven by an insatiable need as he plunges deep into you, his hips etching a delicious soreness into your supple flesh. Your thighs trembled against his hips, helpless to resist the throbbing sensation as he fills your needy little cunt to the brim, spewing threads of his warm, sticky desire that claimed you as his.
Exasperated curses punctuated the air, escaping your lips as your body contracts beneath his rigid thrusts. Your back arches with a deep curve, your hips locked in a drunken lust as he fills you to the rim. Ominis hovers above you, his chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath, his thoughts lost in the intoxicating haze of euphoria.
A heated warmth seeps from your defiled cunt, dribbling sensuously against the smooth wooden desk beneath you. Ominis, with a heavy and contented sigh, begins to slowly withdraw, his cock sliding out with a wet, suctioning noise that lingers in the air.
You gaze at him through half-lidded lashes, your face carrying the unmistakable weight of exhaustion, each breath labored with fire. Ominis' well-satisfied cock twitches, strings of cum dripping from his tip.
With an almost inconceivable smirk, Ominis runs his fingers through his tousled hair, his freckled cheeks flushed from exertion. “You’re mine, you know that?” He said softly, delicate beads of sweat tracing along the contours of his midriff, a captivating sight only for you to see.
You nodded obediently, with a soft, weary sigh, “I’m yours.”
He left you utterly spent, your body feeling heavy against the wooden desk. Your legs remained parted, trembling from the aftermath, as you struggled to catch your breath, your mind remained shrouded in a tantalizing fog of lingering lust.
“Ominis…” your voice wavered, still carrying the heat of the fervent moment.
A mischievous chuckle escaped his lips as he gazed at you with desire-fueled hunger. “Round two?” His suggestion hung in the air, a tempting invitation to plunge back into the depths of pleasure once more.
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menonlywrestling · 5 months
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Montana 2001
Batchelor Arthur (51), works as a delivery driver for a furniture company. He didn't do very well academically, and still lives in the town he was raised in. He always dreamed of becoming a Pro wrestler, but life got in the way and it never happened for him. He's a total pro wrestling nerd and goes to every live pro event in his county. Mostly he keeps himself to himself, and in his spare time, apart from watching wrestling, he works out in the small make shift gym in his basement. Occasionally he'll meet other men out of state, that he chats to online, for private pro wrestling bouts.
A few months ago, Jonathan (29) joined the same company, and was assigned to Arthur to help with the larger deliveries. Initially very quiet, he's starting to come out of his shell and chat a bit more when they're out in the van. Arthur isn't the most talkative either, but they're relaxed around each other a bit more now and there isn't as much awkwardness. They have some things in common. Working out, Sci fi and action movies. The gossipy receptionist at their company told Arthur that Jonathan was recently separated from his wife, and had moved to town to start over.
Arthur has become a bit infatuated with Jonathan. He's always checking him out when he's not looking, admiring his thicc, muscular body. Those eyes, those arms, the sexy Southern accent, that BIG ASS and package. He jerks off every night, imagining what Jonathan would look like in Pro gear. If he could wrestle, what would his favourite hold be? Would he be a heel or a jobber? He fantasises about them wrestling each other. About them being a tag team and winning the regional belts. About them making love in the ring after a bout.
One day, Arthur mentioned that he was going to a pro wrestling show after work. Jonathan asked if he could tag along. He had no plans. He doesn't really know anyone else in town. At the show they're having a great time. It's a Friday night, they're drinking beers and laughing. While watching the action, Arthur is impressed with Jonathan's commentary and knowledge of Pro wrestling. When he mentions this, Jonathan tells him that he wrestled Pro for a bit when he was younger, to earn some extra cash. His grandfather was a pro wrestler and taught him when he was a kid. He had a ring set up in his basement that they would practice in.
Arthur cannot believe what he's hearing. He's impressed, and incredibly turned on. He also notices that during the main event, a violent and bloody chain match between two enormous hot muscle bears, that Jonathan is trying to hide his massive hard on. Arthur questions if this is this really happening. Is he imagining this? Is this wishful thinking? Has he had too many beers? The guy's straight, after all.
After the show, Jonathan thanks Arthur for letting him tag along. He's had a great time. He says he's been feeling a bit lonely. "maybe I should start wrestling again, to get out of the house?" he says, jokingly.
As they make their way to the taxi rank, Arthur asks if he has plans for the weekend. Jonathan shrugs his shoulders "no, sir" he replies. Arthur pauses, then asks Jonathan if he'd like to come to his house tomorrow night. "We can order some pizzas, drink some beers and watch the WWF PPV on cable, if you'd like?"
J: "Sounds great, thanks, that would be cool"
A: "You know, I'm not a bad pro wrestler myself. I've been wrestling for years, on the underground scene. I was thinking that maybe, just for a bit of fun, we could have a bit of a tussle, were kinda the same size and....
Before he could finish, Jonathan says "I'll bring my gear".
To be continued?
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heartbreakprincehbk · 8 months
Lucky (Kerry Von Erich x Reader)
Words: 2401
Summary: Requested by anon! Reader isn't into Valentine's Day, but Kerry insists on giving her a surprise Valentine's Day date at home. Thanks for the request, hope y'all enjoy!
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*images from pinterest
“Any plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?” You looked up briefly in mild annoyance and had to remind yourself it wasn’t the grocery store clerk’s fault that they happened to be the third person to ask you that this week.
“No.” You said, giving a stiff smile as you gave them the cash for your items. 
“Yeah, I understand. This time of year is no fun single.” They said, continuing the conversation as they counted out your cash. You debated whether it was worth it to correct them before deciding to keep your mouth shut. “Well, have a great day anyways.” You mumbled something of the same and grabbed your groceries, purposefully looking away from the big Valentine’s display of candies and flowers on your way out of the store.
It wasn’t that you hated love, or even that you were single, it all just seemed kind of pointless. A big over-commercialized competition to make everyone feel bad as though they had to quantify their love with big expensive displays of affection. You simply believed that showing your love in other ways every other day of the year meant more than a big show one day of the year.
Besides, with Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday, you were more than certain your boyfriend, Kerry Von Erich, was going to be slamming other men into the wrestling mat. You were used to that sort of thing, and it was much worse not having him around on Christmas or Thanksgiving. It was nearly impossible to complain; you knew it bothered him more than you from the pained look in his puppy dog eyes every time he had to leave. You did your best not to make him feel any worse about it. You could handle one Valentine’s Day alone compared to those.
Kerry knew you weren’t a big fan of Valentine’s Day. The very first one you spent together, Kerry had given you a dozen roses, a giant teddy bear, and chocolates, and while you thanked him, you very quickly let him know your preferences. 
“You don’t have to spend all that money on me, it’s not a big deal.” To say he was confused was an understatement.
“Is this a test to make sure I actually still buy you gifts next Valentine’s Day?” Kerry checked. 
“No!” You giggled. “I just don’t think it’s necessary to make a big deal out of one day and waste money.” You hoped he got the message. Really, just being with Kerry was a gift of its own. 
Now, another Valentine’s Day was upon you. So far so good as you woke up with no fanfare. Kerry had already gotten up and was working out in the garage as per usual. When you finally made it downstairs to make some breakfast, Kerry made his appearance. He froze when he saw you.
“Good morning,” you greeted him. He hesitated, looking you over like you were a word puzzle he was trying to figure out. Eventually, he was able to speak. 
“Hey–oh, good morning. So hey, baby, uh…so, my mom and Mike wanted to take you to lunch today.” He explained somewhat awkwardly. You frowned a little.
“But I just saw her for lunch yesterday. She didn’t mention it.” You said. Kerry scratched his head, avoiding your gaze and giving a half-shrug.
“Yeah, uh…well, I think it was last minute. Maybe, uh…Mike’s idea.” You frowned a little. “I gotta shower and go meet Kev. My mom said she would pick you up around 1 pm.” Your frown deepened.
“Okay.” You said, smiling slightly when he pressed a kiss to the side of your head on his way out of the kitchen. 
Doris was right on time with Mike in tow. The three of you went into town to the local deli, where Mike proceeded to take much longer than normal to eat his sandwich. 
“Are you feeling okay?” You asked him. Normally, Mike inhaled his food in three seconds. He looked panicked at your question and took a big bite of his food, prolonging his response.
“I’m fine. Why?” He asked, eyes shifting. You laughed a little. “I’m not acting weird.” From the corner of your eye, you saw Doris shaking her head.
“I didn’t say you were acting weird, but I’m wondering if I need to go complain about your sandwich because normally it would have been gone by now.” You said casually, smiling as Mike’s eyes grew even more panicked.
“No, no! It’s uh, good. Really. I’m just…trying to eat slower. You know, um…avoid choking.” You were biting back a laugh. “Um. Do you have any plans tonight?”
“Mike.” Doris reprimanded. 
“It’s okay.” You said, smiling. “No, I’m just planning on catching up on cleaning and maybe I’ll treat myself to a hot bath and tea or ice cream or something. I know Kerry has his show; if it were closer I would be there.”
“You know, it’s been nice weather the last few days for February. I haven’t had to worry about the plants freezing.” Doris said suddenly with a smile. You nodded, listening pleasantly to her latest tale of trying to keep her vegetable garden alive. 
After lunch you assumed you would all go separate ways, until Mike blurted out. “Uh, Y/N, I was gonna meet Kev at the record store down the street. Do you want to come?” You frowned a little.
“I thought Kerry was meeting Kevin somewhere today?” Mike swallowed.
“Oh, uh…maybe, maybe earlier for a second, but Kev said he was free this afternoon.” 
Your mind was turning. Had Kerry lied to you? You did your best to hide your thoughts as you said goodbye to Doris and walked with Mike to the record store. 
You were positive Mike sifted through every record in that store, but you knew how much music meant to him, so you said nothing and waited patiently, flipping through a stack on your own here and there. You noticed after a while he was hanging on to an Eagles record. 
“Is that a good one?” You asked. Mike shrugged shyly.
“I’ve had my eye on it for a while.” You smiled and took it from his hands.
“My treat. Come on,” his eyes stretched wide. 
“What? Really? But Y/N, you don’t…”
“Tell me if it’s any good.” You insisted as he followed you to the checkout line. “You know, you’ve shown me some great stuff already. I always go to you if I want something new.” You smiled at the way the youngest brother averted his gaze with a bashful chuckle, his cheeks already turning red. Right as you were paying, Kevin walked in the door. 
“Hey you two. Mike, what did you find this time?” Mike excitedly showed his record to Kevin who nodded in approval, before he looked at you. “C’mon, you two. Let’s get you home, Y/N.” He seemed to be in a hurry; that made sense due to the brothers having a wrestling show a town over that night. 
You wanted to ask Kevin about Kerry, but you knew it wasn’t really Kevin’s place or fault if Kerry was lying to you. Was it possible that he had met someone else, was he using the holiday to woo some new girl, maybe a fan he had met? Suddenly, the idea of Kerry waking you up with a dozen roses sent a longing pang through your heart, but you pushed the thought away. You would simply ask Kerry later. 
For now, you focused on the moment you had with Kevin and Mike, laughing in the car together about the last time Ric Flair was in town and the less than welcoming reception he had received, and how Kevin had nearly taken the win and trying not to give into the disappointed feeling creeping up on you.
“See you boys,” you said as Kevin’s truck pulled up in front of your house. “Good luck tonight, Kev. Enjoy that record, Mike!” They both waved and you sighed a little, walking up towards the sure-to-be empty house. The sun was beginning to set ever so slightly, the sky growing more orange and casting shadows over the lawn. Now alone, you allowed yourself to feel crest-fallen. 
You pushed your key reluctantly into the lock, resigning yourself to the evening you had described earlier, only to stop once the door swayed open. In the distance, you could hear faint music playing. You listened for a moment, frowning in confusion. It was a cheesy ballad—Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time.” The lights were off, and you made your way towards the kitchen, where the music was loudest and a hint of warm light was spilling into the hallway.
“Kerry?” You called, gasping at what you saw. Kerry was standing waiting next to the dining table, fighting a big smile, his chin raised and hands behind his back. He was wearing jeans and an apron designed to look like a tuxedo with nothing underneath. The table was covered in a white table cloth and at the center was a big vase of cascading roses, along with more scattered rose petals and two dinner plates. Candles were everywhere, from the table to the kitchen counters, and even a few tea lights on the ground.
“Kerry! What is all of this?” You demanded, frozen on the spot, laughing at his apron. An overwhelming sense of happiness, love, and surprise filled you as you looked from him to the area surrounding you.
“I cooked dinner.” He explained, as if he were discussing the weather, laughing finally as you laughed.
“But why? Kerry, you should be halfway to Tyler right now for the show!” His grin widened.
“Yeah, I know. But Kev’s covering for me; he’s gonna wrestle the tag match and take my spot in the main event too.” 
“What! Why?” You repeated. Kerry laughed again as if you were missing the point and walked closer, wrapping his large arm over the top of your shoulders to pull you closer and kiss the top of your head. 
“You sure do ask a lot of questions.” He noted into your hair, making you chuckle. “Because you’re important and I love you.” He grabbed your hand and led you to the table, pulling out your chair for you to sit before sitting across from you.
“Kerry…” you breathed, looking down at the plate. It was a very impressive looking chicken Parmesan on a bed of pasta. “This looks amazing.” He smiled.
“Thank you. Just don’t look at the sink.” You giggled, imagining a mountain of dishes and utensils. “I’ve been practicing with mom the last two weeks. I think it turned out perfect this time—the first time the chicken was too tough. Anyway, I think I’ve nailed it now.” You were blown away by the effort; Kerry could cook simple and remedial dishes, but an entire entree was surprising. “Try it and tell me what you think.”
He seemed to be waiting to take a bite of his own food until you took yours. You stared at his anxious face as you took the first bite.
“Kerry, this is so good. Wow. You’re definitely gonna have to make this again.” He was back to glowing from your praise. “But, I mean, I still don’t understand why.” His smile softened.
“I know you always said you don’t want a big deal made out of Valentine’s Day and not to fuss over you, but…I can’t help it. I love you, Y/N. I want to do these things. You always said you don’t want me to buy anything, or go out anywhere, so I decided the best way to show you how much I love you is to treat you at home.” 
“And your mother and Mike? Were they in on it too?” Kerry laughed.
“I asked them to hold you up for as long as they could to give me time to decorate and cook.” Suddenly, everything made sense–Mike taking his time eating, dragging you through every corner of the record store, Doris trying to keep your mind off of Valentine’s Day, even Kevin. Suddenly you wondered how you missed all the signs. 
“And you didn’t actually go to meet Kevin.” He looked almost sheepish.
“No…I went to buy the flowers and everything else I needed. But I couldn’t tell you that.” You laughed, shaking your head at how silly your prior worries suddenly seemed. 
“I’m a little embarrassed, but…I was afraid you lied about meeting Kevin because you were meeting someone else and spending the day with them.” You admitted. Rather than getting angry or defensive or even offended, Kerry only looked confused. 
“What? I’d never do that to you, baby. I just wanted to surprise you. I’ve been trying to plan this out for weeks now, I think since Christmas.” A feeling of utter peace and contentment filled you. How lucky were you?
“Oh, Kerry…this is perfect. This is everything I could have wanted. Thank you.” You smiled, and he reached across the table to grab your hand with his much larger one. 
“No, thank you. I just wanted to make sure you were treated right on Valentine’s Day. Because I’m here, and as long as I’m here, you will be.” 
“And every other day?” You teased, laughing. Kerry grinned broadly, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles. 
“Especially every other day.” He promised. “Boy, cooking really gets you hungry.” He said as he picked up his fork again, making you laugh. “I rented a movie too for after, and maybe we can make some ice cream floats. Oh! I’ve been meaning to tell you, the funniest thing happened the other day. The last time Ric Flair came to town, he had a rough time. There was a kid chewing gum in the front row, and he didn’t like Flair, so he took the gum…” 
You listened enthusiastically to Kerry telling the story, despite the fact you had already heard the tale from Kevin. Instead, you settled into your chair and picked up your fork, focusing on the sparkle in Kerry’s eyes, the way the glow of the candles warmed his handsome features as the flames danced, the way his perfectly tousled curls framed his face. Your cozy little kitchen felt warmer than ever and so full of love that it radiated from every nook and cranny. Really, how lucky could you be?
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
hi, can u plz write domink x female reader where they win a mixed tag team match & they celebrate the win with a kiss in the ring and sex backstage?
a/n: i'm so filthy i'm sorry in advance
mentions: NSFW 18+, fem!reader, sub!reader, dom!dominik, kissing/making out, grinding, finger riding, fingering, mentions of 'clit', 'entrance', 'length', 'cock', some oral (swallowing), minor description of violence in wrestling ring, not kayfabe compliant, bilingual!dominik, teasing, slight degradation (?)
taglist (aka dominik simps): @ripleyswhore @obl1vionblackhart @auburnwrites
translations: "mi niña buena merece una recompensa." (my good girl deserves a reward); "papi, por favor?" (daddy, please?); "siempre me tomas tan bien, nena." (you always take me so good, babygirl.); "princesa, oh dios mio." (princess, oh my god.)
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"dom, tag me!" you yelled with an outstretched hand. your boyfriend, and tag partner for this match, was laid out on the mat from a particularly hard hit from his opponent. the cheers were getting louder and louder as his own hand reached out for you, but his movements were so painstakingly slow you couldn't handle it. you'd finally recovered after your own extended period of time in the ring, and now you were ready to put this match to an end.
the two of you were competing in a mixed tag team match at a live show separate from the usual televised matches. these kinds of shows were nice, because everyone got to let loose and do things they couldn't normally do on the ones that aired. you got to try new tag teams, new moves, and work out any kinks for things you planned on trying during raw or smackdown.
for this particular match, you and dominik were teamed up to compete against bianca belair and montez ford. matches at live shows didn't always match the feuds being promoted on tv and that was okay; it gave everyone a break and provided you all with the chance to fight different people.
this match was also fun, because it gave you the chance to team up with your boyfriend. the audiences knew you and dominik had a thing, but because of his on-screen 'thing' with rhea you didn't always get the opportunity to do things like this with him. luckily though, the judgement day had some days off and you and dom got to be partners for a night. it was a lot more common before he turned heel, so you cherished it when the opportunity came up to be by his side.
dominik was slowly inching closer to your outstretched hand, montez doing the same with bianca. you were practically bouncing on your feet as he got closer and closer, and before you knew it he was eventually able to make the tag. once he rolled out of the ring and you made your way inside, you and bianca went at it like it was your first time during the whole match you got a go.
fists flew, hair was pulled, and you and bianca gave one another a run for your money. she was one of your favorite people to compete with because she always pushed you to be better, but her moves most definitely were some of the most painful and you knew you were going to be sore. but eventually you were able to end the match by pinning bianca.
the crowd cheered and dominik made his way back into the ring. you smiled at him, his arms wrapping around your middle to pull you off your feet into a tight hug.
"good job, bug. that's my girl." he said into your ear, making you giggle and blush like it was the first time he'd ever complimented you. dom gently set you back down on your feet to raise your arms in victory.
what dom did next though took you slightly by surprise.
before you could even get your bearings, dominik turned you towards him one more time and pulled you into a kiss; his hands on your cheeks, your own moving to hold his waist as the crowd erupted in cheers once again. this didn't get to happen often given his current push with rhea, but when it did it always turned you into mush.
you laughed at the realization at what he'd done, and he pulled you into one more hug before leaving the ring with you.
one thing about dominik though, you knew he was going to want to celebrate.
the entire walk once you got backstage was spent with his lips on yours. you kept giggling, letting him lead you into your dressing room before he closed and locked the door. "you have no clue what you do to me." dominik mumbled against your lips.
you giggled one more time before the two of you fell onto the couch. "i didn't even do anything," you mumbled as your body adjusted itself in his lap to straddle him. "you just needed an excuse to kiss me."
dom hummed, his lips immediately making themselves at home on your neck as he started to leave kisses there. "i never need an excuse, princesa. what i do need though, is to show you that you're mine."
those words always sent shivers down your spine; this was no different, and dominik knew how it made you feel. his hands ran up and down your exposed sides from your ring gear and your hips moved in slow circles against his lap in response. you knew just as well how to drive him crazy, and you were going to give it to him. "yours..." you whispered. your hand tangled in his sweaty hair to keep him close to your skin, and he groaned as his cock twitched in response.
once his hands settled on your waist, dominik was quick to pull your gear and tights down your legs. you lifted your hips to make it a little easier for him, and once they were off his fingers made themselves at home between your legs. "oh, fuck-" you gasped softly.
dom smirked, letting you hide your face in his shoulder. "my girl, i know." he mumbled as his calloused fingers teased the sensitive bundle of nerves. "you get so excited for papi to touch you, huh?"
his words made you nod, gently kissing and biting the sensitive skin underneath his ear. "always...fuck, you're a tease." you whimpered, making him chuckle.
"not a tease, you're just impatient." he responded. dominik focused on your clit while his other finger explored your wetness just a little more until the tip settled against your entrance. "that's my girl, you just stay still." he whispered again.
"mmph-" you groaned, letting dominik touch and tease you as your hips continued to grind against his hand in hopes he'd give you more. but dominik wasn't one to give in that easily; he was going to go at his own pace and torture you until he was good and ready to give you what you wanted. his lips moved to your chest, kissing the exposed cleavage from your ring gear and letting his free hand take off your top to expose what was his.
you could feel how hard he was beneath your hips, so your hands moved to the waistband of his pants to pull them down and expose what you wanted from him. "please, daddy?" you asked. dom gave in, just this once, and let you gently pull his own pants down. you smiled at him, moving to rest your foreheads together and moaning as you finally got to grind against more than just his hand. "i need you...please?" you begged him softly.
dominik hummed and gave you another kiss as his finger finally slipped the whole way inside of you. a whimper left your lips in response and your grip on his shoulders tightened. "mi niña buena merece una recompensa." he whispered, making you gasp in response as his finger curled inside of you. dom had taught you spanish since being with him and he always pulled it out at the worst (best) times.
"o-oh my god." you mumbled against his lips. "i'm gonna...i...papi, por favor?" you asked him.
two could play at that game.
dominik groaned as you spoke his native tongue; if spanish drove you crazy, just imagine how it made him feel. he let his finger stay inside of you for just a little longer before he pulled it away and brought to your lips to suck. you reciprocated his request almost immediately and made eye contact with him the entire time. as you cleaned him up, dominik used his other hand to help you gently slide down onto his length.
"siempre me tomas tan bien, nena." he whispered as you adjusted to him. you took your time before slowly rocking your hips on dominik's lap.
your grip on dom's body tightened once again, and once his finger was out of your mouth you planted your lips to his so he could taste the remainder of you on your lips. "you always fuck me so good-" you gasped as his cock hit the same place that always drove you fucking wild.
dominik smiled against your lips and helped you continue to move up and down, sometimes moving your hips in circles, sometimes even slowing you down to be the tease he was. "my good girl, huh?" he asked softly, moving some hair from your face so he could see you. "won the match for us, hm? worked so hard, did such a good job." dom mumbled as you desperately nodded. "papi wants to see you cum like a good girl when you're ready."
that was all you needed to hear from dominik. after a few more minutes and gentle encouragement from your partner, you let loose around him and your body trembled from the rush of adrenaline in his lap. "fuck!" you gasped, moving to hide in his neck again.
dominik smirked and held you close, "that's my good girl. the best girl, princesa." he mumbled, letting you finish before sliding off of his lap. without warning, you made yourself at home on your knees in front of dominik and put your hands on his thighs.
"oh fuck, you know what that does to me chica." dominik mumbled, running a hand through your hair as you opened your mouth for him. he knew exactly what you wanted, and his free hand was already stroking his cock in anticipation.
you smirked, sticking your tongue out as you waited patiently. you never failed to do this, as you knew how wild it drove both you and dominik. "i've been so good," you reminded him. "good girls get rewards."
dominik nodded and bit his lip. it didn't take much longer before he allowed himself to finish on your tongue ust as you had a thousand times before. "princesa, oh dios mio." he mumbled.
nothing made you happier than giving your man whatever made him happy. you lived for these moments with dominik, even if they were filthy and absolutely raunchy; it meant being with him, and that's all that mattered.
dominik bit his lip as he calmed down and easily lifted you back into his arms once you swallowed, giving you a kiss that was so much gentler than the previous. "that was fun." you teased him softly and held his cheeks.
your boyfriend playfully rolled his eyes and gave you another kiss. "it's the only way to celebrate a big win." he mumbled, standing up and bringing you with him so he could hold you.
"maybe not the only way, just your way." you giggled into his chest, making dominik smirk and hug you even tighter.
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graceandtheidiotsquad · 7 months
Dumb Character Headcanons: Champion Cynthia
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I am having brainrot over the queen of sinnoh ok. I love her and her crazy family so much-! I apologize for how random some of these are-some of them I got inspiration from popular ones from, some from AUs i've seen and some I just made up on the fly-Ok, enough rambling-on with the show!
- TOTAL. MOMMA. BEAR. She just-has very motherly, protective vibes and despite being one of the most generally considered TERRIFYING CHARACTERS IN THE SERIES (and I'm mildly scared of her too!) she'd probably take you out for ice cream after battling her to celebrate a job well done, win or lose.
- Speaking of ice cream, I think this is not only a popular hc i agree with but they made it CANON In the anime that she cannot, for the life of her, decide what flavor she wants and will just stand there for 15 minutes weighing all the pros and cons and unintentionally holding up the line. I mean she'll move when she realizes and apologize PROFUSELY but still- ...But would YOU tell her to hurry up and choose?? No, I don't think so.
- Her hair is usually either down most of the time or tied up in a bun. But only for when she needs it-she doesn't care how messy it gets, she just likes being wild I suppose. Sometimes you'll find her literally wrestling one of her pokemon for fun (usually Garchomp) and her hair will be full of leaves and sticks, and not a care in the world! One of her family taught her how to tie her hair back in a bun, and though she adores them-she was quite the pain to get to stand still long enough to even TRY as a child.
- You wouldn't think it, with how classy she is-...buuuuuut she was almost a leash kid. You think she gets this intimidation factor just from being so classy and dramatic alone? No, she can be fucking FERAL when she wants to be. Sometimes the Sinnoh League will have trouble finding her to get her to report to her champion duties as she's gotten distracted and wandered off to explore some ruins somewhere in the region and never told anyone where she was going. 
- She used to and still can climb trees in seconds if left unattended. This has lead to many a heart-attack for her grandmother, watching her little baby Cynthia nearly DIE falling out of said tree, only to be completely unharmed and even LAUGHING at the experience. 
- Actually is a REALLY big fan of the wrestling/battle royale circuit. She can and will burst out singing some of the intros at the top of her lungs, much to the shock of ANYONE in the room with her. 
- She also happy dances and likes to put on music when she works. She loves piano but even she can't resist a good earworm, humming along to it as she runs around the local library or (reluctantly) winds up cooped up inside doing or cleaning up paperwork. This is implied to be canon in a spinoff game (Pokemon Masters EX if you're curious) and I totally agree that she just-cannot be bothered to clean up her office and it's almost CONSTANTLY a mess because she keeps getting distracted by new things to look at or something she hadn't seen in ages (BECAUSE of the mess) like a book and just winds up reading it all day. It's a vicious cycle!
- The reason she loves piano so much is she actually knows how to play, and is VERY Good at it! A very dear member of her family taught her when she was very young and she plays to help remember him-wherever the hell he's wandered off to now. Music connects us just as much as pokemon do, in her mind-so whenever she plays, he's right beside her again-whether physically or not. 
- She has inherited the family 'way too fucking tall' gene and that does NOT help her intimidating appearance sometimes.
- Sometimes casually speaks fluent Latin/Greek just to confuse the shit outta people. Look, she isn't usually spiteful-but even the most graceful and kind people have their limits. The same person who taught her piano taught her it-probably for that express purpose. Also several swear words. (thankfully if she ever swears, it's in said language so hardly anyone will know-)
- She grew up feeling-quite isolated from others her age because of her intense focus on studying history and battling competitively. Mostly the history thing-the battling thing probably didn't help as most kids were likely TERRIFIED of how intense she got. But-...i think that's why she loved that member of her family so much. Finally, someone who understood her...! He'd even given her the egg that would hatch into her Garchomp. (It was SUPPOSED to be a togepi, that wouldn't cause much hassle aside from the occasional accident with metronome-...but NOOOOOO, he decided to let her cause havoc. Her grandma nearly smacked him.)
- Honestly if you told her you were a demon or some supernatural shit she'd probably be more fascinated and barrage you with questions than scared. Or kick ass if you were hostile-DO. NOT. FUCK. WITH THE CHAMPION OF SINNOH.
- She may or may not be guilty of spoiling hers and other people's Pokémon with treats. She can't help it! She has a WEAKNESS for puppy dog eyes, whether it be her own Pokémon, any she's babysitting (she feels like someone who would do that if asked) Or young trainers she's taken a shine to. 
- Wound up with a heavy ass, GIGANTIC hand-me-down backpack from who-knows how many generations ago and yes, she CAN lug it around with ease. She doesn't much for her league job, but it's her go-to when it comes to adventuring or exploring.  - Speaking of the backpack-she often carries her spiritomb outside of its pokeball inside while in particularly rough areas, usually hiding inside its keystone. You never know if you'll need a pokemon for backup and don't have time to reach for one of your pokeball before things get dicey, after all-and the sight of a very angry ghost and dark type pokemon erupting from an ancient backpack is more than enough to send anyone who would likely cause trouble PACKING-looking almost as if something is being summoned right behind her! (She doesn't know why she looks so terrifying that way, but at least it means no one will cause too much trouble)
- An absolute GIRLBOSS for sure-but also very, very soft when it comes to people she loves. She'll gush and gush about her family members-especially younger ones, or trainers she's mentally adopted (and she does this a lot.) as her own 'pack', so to speak. She'll try to tone it down if it makes them uncomfortable but it's so HARD-she feels so blessed to have people who love her for who she is, as strange and beautiful and intimidating and just a little bit odd as she can be that she just HAS to spread word about how amazing they are! (She's like one of those moms who shows off photos of her kids all the time, just not in an annoying way if that makes sense?? At least she tries not to be-but once she starts rambling about them or ANYTHING it is almost impossible to get her to stop!)
- Often makes hand gestures like pointing when she speaks, especially when she gets excited. She often doesn't realize she's doing it half the time-but she always does it when taking pictures. She just-feels like her hands HAVE to be doing something!
- I will not give away the massive spoiler this ties into but she OWNS the song Blood Right by Madame Macabre. JUST-IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS FOR LEGENDS ARCEUS, JUST-BE PREPARED YOU'RE IN FOR A RIDE!
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undertheorangetree · 1 year
Our Gentle Sin
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Summary: Drunken nights lead to a new lesson. 
Warnings- MDNI 18+ NSFW. Female reader. Cunnilingus. Fingering. Mild exhibitionism. Porn without plot.
Author’s Note- This is technically a second chapter/sequel to The Inn because I had some more thoughts. Again this is only the first 600ish words. Link to the full story below!
find the series masterlist here
dividers by firefly-graphics
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The sound of raucous laughter fills the Dunholm courtyard so loudly she thinks she can hear it ringing through her ears. She sits perched on a low bearing wall next to Sihtric, occasionally snatching the mug of ale from his hand- her own long since emptied- as they watch some war game the Danes are playing. Finan has joined in, his arm wrapped around the neck of some big bearded man as he tries to take him to the ground. She cheers louder than she should, spurred on by the excitement of the others, and she slaps a hand against Sihtric's shoulder when Finan finally manages to take the Dane to the ground. They grabble for a moment while she and Sihtric shriek at him, demanding that he finish it, that he win, and they only grow louder when he does. She feels Sihtric's hand grip her arm hard as he cheers and she throws both fists in the air, whooping loudly. Finan pulls himself from the dirt, turning to join them in their victory cry from where he stands, which only makes them both cheer louder.
"Having fun?" A voice by her ear asks and she gasps, turning quickly enough that some ale sloshes from the mug and onto the ground.
Sihtric groans as half his drink is lost, but she could not care less.
"Osferth!" she all but cheers, wrapping one arm around his neck in a messy embrace. He laughs in her ear, one of his own arms coming around her waist. She pulls back, one hand still anchored around the nape of his neck, and grins. "Where were you? I was just going to come find you."
Admittedly, she may be a bit drunk, but he does not seem to mind, grinning broadly at her. There is something hazy about his eyes, however, and if she looks close enough, she thinks he may be a bit drunk as well. It wouldn't be surprising if he was, everyone in the fortress now must be at least a little drunk. "Looking for you, lady."
There is another look in his eye as well, one that she is still not entirely familiar with, that she likes to believe is reserved only for her. Longing. Want. Desire. It almost looks out of place on him, with his piety and his little crucifix, but she is in no position to judge him. Not when she feels the same way. She has begun to see it on him more often now that they have become more intimate, bedding one another but not quite. Desperate kisses and hands shoved down trousers, grinding down against one another whenever the time or circumstance allowed for it. Though the look in his eye is not yet familiar, she feels as though she is beginning to know it well.
Sihtric is trying to make it seem as though he is not staring at them. He is still facing forward, pretending to watch the wrestling, but she can see him watching them out of the corner of his eye. A small smile is tugging at the corner of his mouth and she knows that he will say something sooner rather than later. Perhaps she is drunk, but she is not so drunk that she cannot notice that.
Her fondness for Osferth, and his own for her, is no secret, but she would rather they not be forced to endure any teasing this evening. Her hand drops from Osferth's neck, taking his hands instead. "Come with me."
His grin widens when she pulls him away, half stumbling over his feet. They make their way through the crowd, half dodging drunken northmen until they have found a private stairwell within the castle. It's quiet, the sound of those outside muffled by the strong stone walls, the only light coming in through a small window near the roof, leaving a sliver of moonlight on the steps.
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Read the rest here :)
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scyllas-revenge · 2 months
I write you this letter with great difficulty. As I put my thoughts to paper I must wrestle against inner voices of temperance urging me to choose patience over haste. But how can I continue to wait, and play the inert fool, as I have done for too long now? Am I to feign indifference and watch the only thing I have ever wanted for myself slip out of reach forever? How would prudence then serve me in the resulting misery?
I would far rather endure the most grievous of battle wounds than bear another sighting of you in the company of another suitor. I have observed the men that come to call on you. Not one of them close to worthy. not one of them possibly as taken or seized by their passions as
My frustrations are assuaged only when I realize that their courtships continue to fail. One after the other I see them dismissed, perhaps only as a result of Bema heeding my unuttered prayer. Yet how long could such a blessing possibly hold? There will never be a shortage of candidates vying for the affections of one so admirable and incomparably fair. 
I know the rising threats of war have heightened the pressure upon you to marry. To find a husband who would take you into his home and under his care and ensure your safety and that of your family’s. 
Would that I had the freedom. Would that my inheritance did not press upon my shoulders a duty to serve Rohan before my own desires. I should feel honored to answer such a call, if only it did not restrain me from the summons of my heart. 
My cousin is of the opinion that duty need not stand in the way of truth. My trust in his wisdom has led me to pick up a quill, and yet I cannot seem to fully accept the righteousness of this act. Of telling you how I feel when I cannot freely act on it or give you what you deserve, which is the whole of my being. 
I think of you often and I can scarcely remember the last time I 
I have admired you for so long but I have kept silent for fear of 
If you would have me, I wish to
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Thank Bema you're the town busybody, @sotwk!
Who knew Eomer could write so elegantly? And the crossed out lines? THE CROSSED OUT LINES??? Excuse me while I run out into the night and throw rocks at his window (yes I know which room in Meduseld is his, no I'm not creepy, I'm just observant that's all) because um. Well. I have some things to talk to him about (and some other things I'd like to do to him as well) and what do you mean I could just wait until morning to talk to him, did you see the CROSSED OUT LINES??? Patience and prudence and temperance didn't serve Eomer very well, clearly, and I'm not going to make the same mistakes he did!
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(this was such a fun ask game, @sotwk! Thank you so much! You're such an amazing writer and I hope you had a lot of fun with your summer campfire ask event last month!)
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rise-my-angel · 6 months
Do you have any thoughts about Jamie and Brienne vs Jamie and Cersei? Would love to hear you speak about them cause you're so well-versed in all things GOT!! ☺️☺️
DO I EVER HAVE THOUGHTS (you've made a mistake this is so many words im so sorry I love talking about Jaime Lannister).
Jaime and Cersei are so superficially codependant on each other. In reality they know very little about who the other is in small details, and their attraction is based on a massive amount of vanity because they look so similar. But at the same time, if we're looking at Jaime, he is always the worst version of himself with Cersei.
They promote the worst in each other and it shows. Because Jaime is not that vindictive with others. He is way more honest with characters hes known for far less time then his own twin sister. He is close with Tyrion and their interactions are Jaime at his most normal. He is very himself with Catelyn to the point he confesses a strange number of things to her he doesn't for anyone else. But not Cersei.
He's closed off when he's with her. He's back to being vain and destructive and vindictive. Jaime loves the idea of being with Cersei rather then Cersei herself. He is addicted to this codependant relationship based on physical attraction to the point he ruins his own life to keep it going.
But then he is seperated from her by war. And then he meets Brienne.
Jaime, is actually not yet at his lowest when they meet but he is at the worst in terms of what his relationship with Cersei represents. When he meets Brienne he is a prisoner, chained up, filthy, stinking, probably a bit septic and quite literally covered in his own shit. He is at the opposite place which he would be with Cersei when he meets Brienne. Cersei wouldn't stick around for this version of Jaime, but Brienne has oathed to. And so their story starts at Cerseis opposite.
Then it gets interesting. Brienne is verbally combative with him and does not hesitate to push him on what she disagrees with or opposes. She is actually similar to Cersei in that shes physically close to him. But wheras Cersei is in looks alone, Brienne is in size and strength. Something that clearly peaks Jaimes interest since he switches between making fun of her size to asking things like if she wants a man strong enough to be able to wrestle with her because hes strong enough. He's interested in her for the same reason of physical, but the why is completely opposite.
Cerseis physical similarity goes no deeper. Briennes physical similarlity represents that Jaime doesnt just want more then looks, he needs more then just looks. He thrives on verbally sparring with her to the point they bond without even realizing it because theyve spoken so much.
Then Jaime inadvertantly makes a sacrifice. His hand for her honour. He makes a deal to save her from being raped and in turn his hand is cut off for his audacity of thinking making deals is how the rest of the world works. Jaimes identity shatters here.
Since like his relationship to Cersei, his identity is so superficial. Without his ability to sword fight he thinks he has nothing, just like how without their physical attraction he and Cersei, have nothing. But Brienne begins to care more. Tries to pull him out of depression and doesnt give up on him.
Then Jaime does something for Brienne hes never done for Cersei. Cersei claims Jaime would've killed Robert for hurting her, but it isn't true. We know Robert has clearly been physically abusive before considering both their reactions when he slaps her indicates he has done it before but not in front of other people. But Jaime wouldve seen the marks. He knew Cersei was physically abused. And did nothing.
Then Brienne is thrown in a bear pit with a wooden sword. And Jaime with one hand, jumps in to rescue her when he already was on his way to safety. He goes back to save her and refuses to leave without her by his side.
Now Brienne in the books is younger, but I think for their relationship dynamic I think the shows version being older works better. Beacuse now Jaime is dealing with a woman similar to his sister in age. Now he has a direct comparison on what life has turned them both into and Jaime realizes that he is full of life with Brienne.
Jaime confesses about the day he murdered the Mad King to Brienne, when hes never spoken of it before. He has never told Cersei anything like that, we know. Beacuse by then, Brienne represents everything he wishes he had with Cersei but with someone whose bond with him is the opposite of superficial or vain.
Ironically, Cersei has a version of this too. Cersei watches Margaery and Loras and is seeing what she and Jaime could have been if they did not have this toxic physical relationship with each other. Margaery and Loras love each other deeply, trust each other, protect each other and work together in harmony but without any of the hangups Cersei and Jaime have.
So when Jaime comes back and hes a different man, he tries to fit into the mold of someone he used to be and it doesnt fit him anymore. Cersei knows it, and she knows she will never actually have with Jaime what she wants.
Jaimes defining moment he could never come back from, should have been pushing Bran out that window to protect his secret relationship with Cersei. But it isn't.
It's when he sacrificed everything he didnt even really have anymore to protect Brienne in the bear pit soley because he cared about her too much to turn his back on her. That was the moment Jaime did something he could never come back from.
Jaime with Cersei is at his lowest, and with Brienne is at his highest but then when he sends Brienne away to find Sansa not knowing if theyd ever see each other again, and then he leaves to settle the remaining fights in the Riverlands, and in the books, literally burns a letter from Cersei pleading for him to come back.
Jaime has had a taste of who he is with both, and now he has to go alone for a while and figure out who he is after both of them and find out what version of Jaime Lannister was closest to who he is between them. And it's Brienne hes the most himself with, since he has literally nothing to hide from her. They started at his worst and it only got better.
He has nowhere good to go with Cersei because once the illusion of physical attraction was shattered, Jaime realized there was nothing tying him to being undyingly loyal to Cersei that mattered.
Its an interesting case of Jaime and Cersei needed each other to pretend to be whole, but Jaime and Brienne are whole without each other, and therefore are still whole when they do have each other.
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therealvinelle · 1 year
I am wondering how the Twilight canon would have been different if one of the Cullens had been a hybrid. Would this have prevented the honeymoon, or would Edward have been determined to go through with it, leading to the unexpected arrival of a hybrid baby?
You know what, let's do this.
Alice is a hybrid
Born in 1901 to a human mother who is brutally torn apart, Alice grows up in the wilderness, guided by her visions. Her visions tell her to seek out Carlisle, who at this time is alone and, in his solitude, getting closer to creating a vampire companion every day.
On meeting Alice, however, and once he is assured she is not an immortal child, he retreats from civilization to raise her.
When in 1918 Edward lays dying of the Spanish flu, Carlisle is in all likelihood not there to save him. If he somehow is, then having a child of his own makes the temptation to turn Edward much less.
Twilight doesn't happen.
Carlisle is a hybrid
Carlisle's mother dies in childbirth as she did in canon: check! This much stays the same.
Nothing else does, as Carlisle Cullen's identity and fate was formed by his father and what his father expected of him. If Cullen Sr. isn't a vampire-hunting priest, and Carlisle starts out life as a blood-drinking baby who has no concept of right or wrong, Carlisle is a different person who does not make the choices canon Carlisle did.
Twilight doesn't happen.
Edward is a hybrid
Carlisle isn't the one to turn him because Edward is already a hybrid, traipsing around eating people. He does not meet the Cullens, if he does he's not going to join their lifestyle (as the only
He is not attending high school.
If he meets Bella, he eats her.
Emmett is a hybrid
If Emmett is a hybrid, canon doesn't change because Emmett has no impact on the story.
He might even still be with Rosalie, as she could still run into him in the mountains where he's wrestling bears for fun and they hit it off with each other. Sure, babe, he'll give up human blood in exchange for a beautiful blonde wife. Fair exchange.
The Cullens assume he is a freak of nature, and it is only when Bella gives birth to Renesmee that they have a come to Jesus, "Emmett was a half-vampire the entire time!" moment.
Esme is a hybrid
Esme being a hybrid does not impact the story either, except that Carlisle is single.
(There's the option where Esme is a pregnant hybrid and Carlisle takes her in, but now we're approaching write the fic territory. And... I can imagine the Cullens somehow still ending up in Forks in 2005, with no clue that humans and vampires can conceive. Canon still happens.)
Jasper is a hybrid
Jasper hopefully makes it out of the Southern Wars territory, if not then some newborn army leader or other feeds him to the newborns. Canon is not affected by this.
Rosalie is a hybrid
Then she would be a very different person and not part of the Cullen family. Canon is not affected by this.
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Hi. I love your stories. I have an idea for a ficlet. I would love one where Randy Orton and the reader go to a haunted house and he protects the reader from all the Scary things
Aww thank you so much sis! Hope you enjoy what I did! 🙂
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Title: Haunted House Pairing: Randy Orton X Reader Summary: You and Randy decide to visit a Haunted House on Halloween night and you get so spooked he has to protect you. Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: None. Just fluff and an attempt at comedy.
NOTE: I have never done a Haunted House before, so bear with me. I hope I did this correctly.
Haunted House
“I don’t know about this,” you said, taking Randy Orton’s large hand. “I’ve never been in a haunted house before, Randy.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Randy coaxed, his bright blue eyes flashing. “It’ll be fun. Besides, you can’t go to a Halloween carnival without visiting the haunted house.”
You were both dressed up for Halloween as Han Solo and Princess Leia from the Return of the Jedi. Your costume was complete with the golden bikini and a super long clip in braid.
“Yeah but they say this house is actually haunted,” you argued. “Like, for real. That’s like deciding to pay the Amityville house a visit! Are you crazy??”
Randy chuckled, and brought your hand to his mouth, kissing it softly. “Why so scared? I’ll protect you.”
“I don’t doubt you’d try,” you replied, “But how are you going to protect me from a ghost, or worse, a poltergeist?”
He chuckled again and led you up the walkway toward the house. “It’ll be fine. If it gets too bad, we’ll find the nearest emergency exit and leave. Deal?”
You nodded reluctantly, “O-okay.”
You went through the, what used to be, white gate of the picket fence which framed the large yard and walked toward the front door. A small group of teenage girls were behind you, already giggling hysterically. 
“Somehow, I think if we’re stuck in front of them the whole time, I’m gonna be ready to climb the walls before this is over,” you remarked, with a roll of your eyes.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be more quiet when they get scared,” Randy chuckled deviously. “And I can always scare them worse than this house would.”
You nodded your agreement with a soft hum of approval.
He was telling the truth. Randy was an insanely attractive man, but he could definitely turn into a scary lunatic when he wanted to–usually when he was wrestling or filming a segment for the WWE.
You stepped up to the first step of the porch, and–
“ROAAAR!!” A Freddy Krueger leapt out from behind the open front door.
At the same time, you jumped out of your skin and your hand shot to your chest as the teenagers squealed, and Randy laughed aloud.
“This is gonna be fun,” he exclaimed.
“If you say so,” you said under your breath.
You both stepped into the house, followed by the annoying teenage girls, and you were already cringing when a goblin flew by your face, shrieking in laughter, it’s ragged clothing brushing across your cheek.
“It’s just a bunch of jump-scares,” you griped to Randy. “Can’t we just forget about this?”
“Once you enter, you don’t exit,” came the killer’s voice from the Scream films. Right behind you. You turned and immediately screamed at seeing Ghostface run at you.
“How the heck did he hear me,” you demanded. “I wasn’t talking that loud. Randy, this is freaky.”
“Relax, babe, it’s just part of the show,” Randy said, leading you forward. “I won’t let anything touch you.”
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly, letting him take your hand and lead you further into the house.
You both turned down a hallway and immediately heard a door slam in the near distance followed by a woman’s scream. You couldn’t decide if it was sound effects or if the “for real” haunted house was beginning to show its true colors.
That thought nearly sent you into a panic. “Randy, I really want out of here. Please.”
“Okay, baby, we can leave,” Randy said, turning you toward the way you’d just come. He affectionately squeezed your shoulders. “We’ll go back out the front door since we already know what is lurking there.”
You nodded as he led you, and you immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to do this.”
“No worries, babe. It’s not a big deal. I just thought since you’d never been to one that it’d be fun for you. If it’s scaring you that bad I don’t want you to do it either.”
“Sir,” an authoritative voice said from behind the two of you. You turned and saw that “Freddy Krueger” was acting as hall monitor, so to speak. “Sir, you’re not allowed to leave back through the front door. I’m afraid you have to go through the remaining haunted house to get to the actual exit.
“Please,” you started. “I’m freaked out and I just want out of here.”
“There’s only a couple of hallways to get through ma`am.”
It was surreal for Freddy Krueger to be speaking so politely to you. But polite or not you wanted out of this house and you wanted out now.
“I don’t care. I’m not going and you can’t make me,” you said feeling childish, but nonetheless justified.
“Look, Freddy,” Randy started sarcastically, popping his knuckles and clearly losing his patience. “We’re going out the front door. If you don’t like that, I don’t think there’s a lot you can do about it.”
“I can stop you from going through the door.”
Freddy was getting pretty snarky.
“And I can slap the taste out of your pizza-faced mouth,” you said in retaliation.
“Now listen,” Freddy started, pointing his finger blade at you. “I-”
“Don’t you dare point that blade at me,” you cried indignantly. You let loose and slapped him across the face.
“HEY!” Freddy was suddenly angry and latched onto your arm with his gloved hand. 
“OW,” You cried, as the metal of the glove dug into your skin. The blades were thankfully dulled down to where it didn’t actually cut you, but it still hurt.
“Okay, that’s it,” Randy said a second before driving his fist into Freddy’s face. 
Freddy was down for the count.
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Randy said, taking your hand and heading for the front door.
You both hurried through the door and were instantly out in the cool night air.
“Thank you, baby,” you said softly as you walked away from the house and headed out of the carnival toward Randy’s car.
“No one's gonna put their hands on you on my watch,” he said, as he walked you to the passenger’s side of the large SUV. “No one.”
He opened the door for you and helped you into the seat, before gently closing the door again. Then he was jogging around to the driver’s side and getting in himself.
“I love you, Randy.”
He looked over at you and smiled. “I love you too.” His dimples appeared then. “In fact I was going to do this after the haunted house, but Freddy screwed it up,” he chuckled, pulling a velvet box out of his costume’s pocket. He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. “Y/N… Would you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Randy! Yes!” You squealed the words and latched onto him kissing him passionately. “Yes,” you said again, as he placed the ring on your finger.
“I’m glad.” He said, reaching over and kissing you softly. “You’ve just made me the happiest man on earth.” He started the car as you admired your ring.
“And you’ve made me the happiest woman on earth,” you replied, gazing at him. “Let’s go home and celebrate,” he said with a wink.
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sleepytoycollection · 11 months
Funko FNAF 13.5in Freddy Figure Review
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Saw this bad boy at target's and made an impulse decision. 😎 The retail price is $32.99, but thanks to a target circle coupon I got him for $25, which ain't half bad.
So for the hell of it, here's my review of the 13.5in Freddy Fazbear doll.
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Currently there are only two characters available, Freddy and Bonnie. I hope they make make a Chica and Foxy in this size as well, as it'd be cool to have the main four as a set.
Box art is pretty simple, and kinda bland, mostly recycling game images.
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The inside box art is just the office from Fnaf 2, which is not the game this version of Freddy appears in. The Freddy on the front of the box is the wrong version too; I'm not sure why Funko always wants to use Fnaf 2 images on the merch. This isn't the only time they've done this.
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Here's the big guy out of the box. He's pretty solid, and has a good weight to him.
His mike is his only accessory, and the hat isn't removable. It had a tough time getting him to hold the mike, as he doesn't have enough space in his paw for it. The mike itself is hollow, and I had to squish it in. You can tell it's squished too, and it bothers me.
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He's technically got 14 pts of articulation, a ball joint at his neck, joints at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and even his jaw moves! But good luck getting him posed because those joints were SUPER stiff. It felt like, well, wrestling a bear heh.
I wasn't sure they were supposed to move at first, but I looked at another review and yes, they are.
Also, many of them don't go super far anyway. I don't mind too much as I don't expect an anamatronic to have a full range of movements, and it's enough to give him some personality when taking photos.
But they are wayyyyy too stiff. If they were a struggle for me, I imagine a kid would really be having a hard time getting him to move.
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Here's a Midge for scale.
Freddy's the perfect size to fit in with the dollies, which is the main reason I wanted him. It's just so fun to combine my interests.
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Speaking of combinations, here's big Fred with lil' Fred.
As you can see, it's pretty much the same sculpt, just enlarged. Looking at them together, I wish they had altered the fur texture a little for big Fred. It looks kinda off at this scale, like he has the texture of an orange instead of fleece.
Also, little Freddy has much more accurate coloring and better detailed paint. Might give big Fred a good black wash and dry brushing to match.
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...But at least big Fred doesn't fall apart.
My lil' Fred is from the first wave of figures, and he is constantly falling to pieces whenever I handle him. I don't know if Funko ever fixed this issue with later figures, but I don't often handle them because of this.
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So what's the verdict?
I like him a lot actually. There are a few annoyances, but this is exactly the kind of figure I really wanted at the height of my 2015-17 Fnaf phase. Plus he's super sturdy, mostly game accurate, and I bet a lot of kids will want him and Bonnie for Christmas.
Hopefully we'll get Chica and Foxy in this size too, maybe even Springtrap.
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midwestmade29 · 8 months
Prequel Request 💻
To Anonymous: Your idea was so cute! I loved coming up with the little moments that were shared between Christian, Adam, and Adam’s little sister. The summer part was fun to write too 😉 I hope I did your request justice🤞🏻Thanks so much for sending it in 🖤
Word count: 2,405 Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Disclaimers: Broken bone, losing virginity, sexual intercourse. Read at your own discretion.
Original Anonymous Request: “Sis! I need a prequel to the last fic! Anyway we can get something with the little moments with Adam, the Reader, and Christian as they all grew up as well as moments with The Reader and Christian that summer that they were all over each other when she was home from college?”
You'll find my original story that inspired this request here 🙂
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School had just let out for the summer and your mother took you, your older brother Adam, and his best friend Christian to get ice cream and celebrate. You practically salivated all over the counter while you watched each worker scoop out the delicious dairy onto cones and into bowls. “What the heck is that monstrosity? That looks disgusting!” Christian said to you with a scrunched-up face. His words didn’t faze you though, and you happily dug into your sweet treat covered in gummy bears, sprinkles, cookie pieces and chocolate syrup. With your mouth full, you asked Christian if he wanted a bite and his response was a fake gag.
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That same summer was when the 3 of you were outside riding your bikes, showing off different tricks each of you could do. You tried to one up your big brother and his best friend by attempting a trick you’d never done before, but it backfired immediately when you overturned your bike forcing it to land on your wrist and break it in 2 places! Adam carried you all the way home to your mom and Christian took care of your bike. Your mom rushed you to the emergency room to get x-rays, sighing in relief when the doctor said surgery wasn’t needed. Your wrist hurt, that’s for sure, but you were more focused on what color cast you were going to get to pay much attention to it! When you got home late that night, Adam was already fast asleep, and you weren’t too far behind. You were about to plop down on your bed when you noticed a Lex Luger and a Sting wrestling figure resting up against your pillow with 2 notes taped to their chests:
Dear sis, Sorry about your wrist! I hope it heals super-fast! Hopefully good old Lex can help cheer you up some. Love ya, Adam P.S.-You’re going to look so tough with your new cast!
To Y/N, You better be more careful next time! I’m letting you borrow Sting, but I want him back the minute your wrist is healed. -Christian P.S.- I’m glad you’re okay. Can’t wait to sign your cast.
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“Come on guys, don’t fight! You two are best friends! Now hug and make up, right now.” You demanded. You stood in the middle of Adam and Christian while they had their backs turned towards each other. They had been arguing over petty stuff for the last 45 minutes, and you were getting tired of hearing them go back and forth. Even though you were the youngest out of the 3 of you, you were wise beyond your years! You surprised them both with your next words, “Seriously, will the stuff you two are fighting about even matter tomorrow? Stop being dummies! You’re best friends, not enemies so act like it!” Christian stayed disgruntled with his arms crossed, refusing to be the first to say sorry, but Adam’s stance softened when he turned around and looked at you. “Wow, you opened your mouth and mom came out there for a second Y/N! But you’re right. This fight was stupid and I’m sorry Christian. Friends?” he asked while extending his hand to his best friend. Christian didn’t budge or shake Adam’s hand until you kicked him in the shin, forcing him out of the stupor he was in. Through gritted teeth he shook Adam’s hand and agreed, “Friends.”
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Christian’s feelings towards you were strictly platonic when you were kids, or so you thought. The older the two of you got, the more his feelings for you started to change. It was odd when he started being nice to you, and definitely strange when you noticed he was talking to you more than he was Adam. You just chalked it up to him sucking up to you so you would help him with his homework! You still remember the disappointed look on his face when you told him that you would be gone for nearly 2 months because you were going to be a counselor at a summer camp. “Really? 6 weeks? That won’t leave you much summer break when you get back. Are you sure you have to go?” Christian murmured. “Of course, I have to go, silly! It’s a great opportunity for me. It’s not like I won’t be having fun while I’m there too! There’s plenty of activities to do and I get to mentor kids,” you said full of excitement. You thought Christian’s next question was bizarre, even for his weird ass. “Is it a girl’s only camp?” You didn’t even bother responding to such a ridiculous question! Instead, you rolled your eyes and made your way towards your front door, Christian following behind you like a lost puppy.
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2 more years passed, you were certainly all grown up now! You were looking forward heading off to college in the fall, and the summer ahead was just prolonging your independence and your desire to explore new surroundings. One night, your mother had baked cookies and you sat at the kitchen counter devouring them. Laughter filled the air, and the conversation flowed! Out of nowhere, your mom brought up Christian, “You know that boy has it bad for you, Y/N! It’s so obvious!” The horrified look on your face made her laugh! “Christian?! As in Adam’s best friend, Christian? The one who has teased me my whole life and been a thorn in my side? There’s no way mom!” your words came out a little faster than you meant them to, and the more you spoke on the matter, you weren’t sure if you were trying to convince your mother- or yourself that Christian didn’t have feelings for you. Your mother’s words were soft as she explained herself farther, “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Y/N. The boy is smitten! He asks me about you all the time, you know? The two of you are old enough now to explore any…feelings that might be there. Better to discuss things now before it’s too late and you’re off to college.” That same night while you were lying in your bed, sleep evaded you while you continuously went over the conversation you had earlier with your mother. Her words didn’t seem so silly the more you thought about them, and they helped you realize something that you had suppressed deep inside of you for several years, you had feelings for Christian.
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“Why wasn’t I supposed to tell Adam we were meeting here, Y/N? What’s going on?” Christian asked you as he slid into the corner booth. Seeing Christian in this new light made you feel shy, even a little awkward. The conversation you had planned in your head wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought it would be! “Because if he knew the reason why I asked you to come, you’d probably end up with a broken nose and he’d lock me in my room until summer is over!” you teased. Christian looked over his shoulder, making sure the coast was clear before speaking frantically, “Okay, spill it Y/N! You’ve got me worried that my best friend might try and kill me for talking to his sister. What the heck is going on?!” That night you confessed your feelings for Christian, laying everything on the table at your local diner. You practically handed the boy your heart on a silver platter! When he didn’t respond right away, you felt yourself sink a little in the booth and your cheeks felt like they were bright red. When he finally spoke, all your worry and doubt washed away. “Was I that obvious?” he asked sheepishly. “I thought I hid my feelings pretty well. Man, your mom doesn’t miss anything does she? Anyway, I’m crazy about you Y/N! I have been for a long time. What do you say? Do you want to see where the summer takes us and really give a relationship a try?” You were beaming from his words, eagerly responding, “Yes, of course! I want nothing more, Christian.”
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Your mom helped you and Christian stay off Adam’s mind and out of his sight as your relationship continued to blossom. She made you promise her that you would tell your brother soon about you and Christian dating, but you hadn’t found the right time to break the news to him yet. Even though it felt wrong sneaking around behind your brother’s back, you were enjoying spending all your time with his best friend and getting him all to yourself! You and Christian shared your first kiss in the warm summer rain when it started to down pour while the two of you were at a concert in a local park. The kiss was something you had dreamed about ever since you could remember, and it turned out to be incredibly sweet and romantic. Most of the summer days were spent poolside to escape the heat. Christian definitely approved of your skimpy bikini while your older brother did not. Your favorite activity was one the two of you did almost every night as long as Adam was asleep or had other plans separate from yours. Christian always brought the blanket and made quick work of spreading it out on the ground so both of you could lay on it and look at the stars. You two shared several meaningful conversations, often talking about your childhood but also looking ahead and making plans for the future.
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One night, things were heating up between you and Christian as you made out underneath the blanket of stars. This spot near the pond just behind your house had become your favorite place, almost a sanctuary of peace and serenity for you and Christian. But the more his hands roamed freely on your body, leaving you a panting mess whenever he would break a kiss to come up for air, it turned into a place full of passion and desire. Christian knew you were a virgin and he never made you feel embarrassed of it or ashamed, and never forcing you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with. You had talked about taking that next step in your relationship in recent conversations, but you were hesitant. You knew it wouldn’t be Christian’s first time, him giving up that part of him a long time ago, but you still wanted it to be special for him too. “What if I’m no good at it?” you asked while your hands covered your face. Christian slowly removed them so he could look into your eyes, his words full of sincerity as he reassured you, “Giving yourself to me in that way is a gift and it’s something I don’t take lightly. No matter when- or if it happens- I know it will be beautiful. I will do my best to make sure it’s special for the both of us.”
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A week later, you made your final decision about having sex with Christian or not. When you told him you were ready, he nearly took you right then and there on your front porch! The very next night, Christian took you by the hand and led you to your favorite spot. You couldn’t believe your eyes when he parted the final tree branches, revealing a strand of lights that were strung from the tree over to the old swing. A lantern illuminated the familiar blanket on the ground that was now adorned with a few small pillows and a second blanket. The only noise that could be heard were the rustling leaves on the trees in the soft summer breeze and the sound of nature carrying on quietly all around you. Once you were comfortable on the blanket, Christian checked in with you one final time before proceeding any further, “Are you sure you want to do this, Y/N? It’s completely fine if you’ve changed your mind. I’d be more than happy to lay here with you and look at the stars.” You gave him the green light to continue, and he took his time removing your clothes. He kissed every inch of newly exposed skin as he went along, making sure to savor every part of you. You watched as he opened the condom with his teeth before sliding it down his hard length and positioning himself in between your legs. He warned you gently that it was going to hurt at first, but after a while the discomfort would go away.
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You held your breath as he inched himself inside of you, gasping when his full length was all the way in. “A-are you okay, Y/N? If it’s too much, p-please tell me and I’ll stop,” Christian said breathlessly as his slowed his movements. “No, please don’t stop. K-keep going!” you reassured him. With each thrust of his hips, the discomfort started to dissipate and was replaced with pleasure as Christian’s tip hit all the right spots. Your fingers dug into his back as waves of pure bliss crashed over your body, your tight walls squeezing around Christian and milking him of everything he had to give you. His name fell from your lips when you came, your juices coating the condom allowing Christian to slide in and out with ease. With a few final grunts, Christian found his release too, his body still pinning you against the blanket as he tried to steady his breathing. He planted tender kisses on your lips between each breath and you couldn’t help but smile. “How are you doing sweetheart? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” his words were a mere whisper as he looked into your eyes, studying your face for any kind of sign that you were okay. You couldn’t help but to burst out into a fit of giggles when you asked Christian, “That. Was. Incredible! When can we do it again?”
That wasn’t the last time the two of you had sex that summer. Your appetite for Christian was insatiable, and he was more than willing to try and cure your hunger. If you could’ve stayed in the bubble you and Christian had created around yourselves, you certainly would have. Unfortunately, September was rapidly approaching, bringing you closer to the difficult decision that you knew each of you had to make. Little did you know at the time just how much the end of summer decision was going to alter the course of your relationship afterwards.
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bokettochild · 1 month
Opera house AU
Telma's has a group of old regulars that have been coming to her bar since it opened 27 years ago. Theyre pretty much the cast of Cheers with how familiar they are with her and each other;
Rusl: ex-army, current Ordon rancher. Started visiting when he was in the Reserves, always comes by whenever he's in town. Introduced Twilight to the place and delivers Telma Ordon Cider
Renado: a general practice doctor, currently lives in Kakariko. Usually hitches a ride with Rusl to the city
Auru: university professor and Dusk's old high school teacher. Visits the most and has an endless well of amusing anecdotes about his students. Also an amazing piano player, Telma's has one that he loves playing
Shad: aspiring historian, currently works at the museum. Helped Twilight settle in due to being about his age
Ashei: wildlife ranger that works in Hebra (Wild has seen her a few times). Dresses like she's a 1760s pioneer with all the animal furs for keeping warm, has wrestled bears and tamed Tundra Rhinos
Grandpa: One of the oldest regulars and recommended Telma's to his gang. Has such a strong liver that out-drinking him has become a popular wager (his winning streak spans 15+ years)
When all of them get together, they belt out this:
I love the idea of Rusl being an ex-military man, even if it was the reserves and not active duty. I feel like the moment he learned Twi intended to head up Crown City side once he outgrew the foster system, he totally decided to help him by introducing him to some folks up there, and what better place than at his favorite bar/diner?
I see Renado being a GP from Kakariko, sure! I can see him being a quieter presence at the bar, but plays along when someone inevitably makes a joke about "is there a doctor in the house" whenever someone insults another person. he get's a kick out of that, but mostly just enjoys hanging out with people closer to his own age.
Auru being Dusk's highschool teacher though means he probably knew about all the drama going on there. He knows about Midna (when she and Twi started dating i think he probably would have been trying so hard to hold his tongue and mind his own business) but finding out that Rusl's "grandson" is actually the kid of two of his old students would blow this man's mind LOL
Shad is totally a museum worker, and trying to get a research grant. I'm seeing him like Milo from Disney's Atlantis though, and no one wants to support his research into a lost and forgotten civilization (actually, check that, why is Shad literally just Milo?!?!?!?!?!) Shad has shared his research with Twi (and thus lil Ledge) for years. I'm injecting my history nerd Legend agenda in here to say they get along like a house on fire, and Shad drags both of them (and anyone else he can) on "research missions" around Crown City. He wants to explore around the old opera house, but Lullaby won't let him LOL.
Asheii and Twilight are hiking buddies I think. For fun. I want them to be hiking buddies. Sometimes they go with Shad when he wants to look at old ruins, but most of the time they go alone because he's kinda slow/has horrid stamina. They don't do much talking, but she totally takes him along to work sometimes and they go on camping adventures every summer.
Grandpa is a new member of their group, but has been coming to the bar since before Telma acquired it. It just so happens that his biker group comes in on the same days that the others do, so they intermingle quite a bit. He and Telma joke and bicker at each other like an old married couple (they have no interest in each other) and it humors the rest of the regular crowd to no end.
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