#but based on the job it’s one of two offices for medical practices
rosymiel · 5 months
scratch that about getting a job, i rescinded my acceptance of the job offer because it wasn’t enough hours. now two days later i just secured an interview with something relevant to my field, is full time, and pays $10 more an hour
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jmtorres · 4 days
i just saw a post about how we just have to "live with" covid and wanting more protections from our government is unreasonable because we'll never wipe it out, it jumps species and is in all sorts of animal populations (like, true ok) so why even try to
and apparently the argument was aimed at people (who I haven't seen in the wild) who are arguing we should still be in lockdown. and i have mixed feelings about the idea of extended lockdown or attenuating isolations; but my main feeling at this point is not that the government should keep us apart but that the government should be trying to make it safer for us to be together
things the government could/should be doing about covid:
we know that ventilation/air movement helps a shitton. we should be incentivizing upgrades to ventilation systems in all public buildings with shit like rebates or tax deductions, while phasing in eventual legal requirements. (and uh. it has occurred to me that the US might actually be doing this sideways by there's currently this decade enormous tax incentives in re energy efficient upgrades for slowing climate change and you know. energy efficient hvac does tend to improve ventilation. extra point to biden here.)
mandatory paid sick leave so workers aren't under social or economic pressure to work when sick
passing out RT-LAMP tests like metrix that actually work instead of the rapid antigen tests that have become less and less reliable as the virus mutates
i don't know how you'd write this law but like 95% or more of computer-based work can be done remotely and companies should not be allowed to force people to return to the office. I know there's people who want to be back in person and I'm not saying they should be forced to stay home but ffs I know of at least two people CLOSE to me who worked remotely before the pandemic and at some point their workplaces tried to tell them they weren't allowed to do that anymore despite the pre-existing contracts. stop canceling remote work for people that want, need, or prefer it.
for that matter, every college lecture that was an online class during covid should still be offered as an online class, there is no reason to force students into auditoriums in person. you got the communications infrastructure up and running, why are you tearing it down. give people the OPTION. it increases accessibility for everyone!
covid vaccine immunity lasts about four months. this should be well-publicized and everyone should be able to re-up for free every four months. "every year, like the flu vaccine" is demonstrably not often enough. actually "for free" isn't good enough start handing out $10 gift cards you will be shocked at how many people who are resistant to the idea of vaccines will fold for $10 a shot
are there already laws on the books about masks in medical settings that some medical professionals are blatantly ignoring because they forgot what best practices were before the plague and they're 'tired of masking'? if not, pass laws. if so, fucking enforce them
oh another incentives for upgrades phasing into legal requirements thing: brass doorknobs and railings over stainless steel or whatever. microbes do not survive on brass surfaces
i mean. i know this one sounds too extreme to a lot of people but. UBI.
most if not all of these measures will prevent or ameliorate other pandemics of different diseases that may arise in the future. and just. generally improve our health and quality of life for other reasons.
I haven't felt safe to go to a concert since 2020. Maybe if I knew a venue was legally required to have ventilation to a certain standard and that none of the ticket takers and ushers were on the job sick to avoid risking loss of paycheck or job, and knew a larger percentage of the crowd had up to date vaccinations--maybe if any or all that, I might ever feel comfortable going to a show again.
wouldn't it be nice if those of us who have been disabled, by covid or other conditions, had accessible remote options but also occasionally felt safe enough to interact with and participate in wider society?
one of the arguments on the post I saw was how isolation was massively psychologically damaging and various strata of society were affected in all sorts of ways, from undersocialized kids to increased depression in--well across the board, I think. and here's the thing: WE KNOW. PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS, LONG COVID OR OTHERWISE, KNOW ISOLATION SUCKS REAL BAD. because we, both for our own health and due to disability ostracism, are still isolating and isolated more than most.
what are you as individuals or societies, what are our governments, doing to help make it safe and accessible to rejoin you????
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jerzwriter · 28 days
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This series tells the story of how Tobias and Casey's second child, Brooke Vivian Carrick, came to be. In this second installment, Tobias and Casey let a couple of their friends in on their plans just before they celebrate a memorable Valentine's Day.
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias x Casey Carrick (F!MC) Characters: Sienna Trinh, Jackie Varma, Vivian Carrick (F!OC) Rating: Teen Words: 1,600 Summary: See above. A/N: This little series will be a few (?) short stories leading up to Brooke Carrick's birth on August 30th.
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Sienna burst into the Diagnostic Team’s office, still shivering from commuting to work during a brutal Boston winter. ��That’s it,” she said. “I’m applying for a job at UCLA Medical Center. I cannot do another winter here.”
Casey glanced up from her laptop, a sly grin spreading on her face. “Oh no, you’re not. Sure, the winters are tough, but you know what Boston has?” She gestured between herself and Jackie, who had also stopped by. “Us. Boston has us. You're not going to find friends like us in L.A.”
Sienna sighed as she took off her coat, stretching her back. “You’re right. I know, you’re right.”
“No, she’s not!” Jackie retorted. “You and I can go to L.A., and we’ll see Casey twice a year for girls’ weekends. Problem solved. We’d be fine.”
“Gee! Thanks, Jackie,” Casey replied. “I can just feel the love.”
“Speaking of girls’ weekends,” Sienna continued. “Should we book Smith Rock for March? I’d love to get out there before tourist season begins.”
Casey scrunched her nose. “For someone complaining about the cold, I don’t think you’d enjoy rock climbing and kayaking in Oregon in March.”
“I don’t think I would, either,” Jackie agreed.
At that moment, Tobias sauntered into the room, and Casey smiled tenderly when he placed a kiss atop her head.
“What’s this about rock climbing and kayaking?” he asked.
“Girls’ weekend,” Casey replied. “Though I Sienna might be rock climbing solo if Aurora can't make it. But I’m down for kayaking.”
Tobias sat next to his wife and gave her a knowing look as he bit into an apple. “Maybe hold off on that.”
Jackie’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow! Casey, tell me you’re not turning into one of those wives who lets her husband tell her what to do! Are you?”
“Of course not!” Casey retorted. “The only place he's allowed to boss me around is in bed."
Tobias chuckled contently as Sienna and Jackie gagged.
“Ignore us,” Casey laughed. “Mr. Eternal Optimist here thinks he has super sperm or something.”
“Uh, before I run out of here and lose my breakfast... what?” Jackie cringed.  
Casey glanced at Tobias, who gave her a nod.
“We’re trying for another baby,” Casey beamed.
“Oh my God, Casey!” Sienna exclaimed, running over to hug her friend. “That’s amazing news.”
Jackie, still seated, looked puzzled. “Uh, but didn’t you just have one?”
“Jackie! Samantha was born nearly two years ago. Besides, it takes the average person six months to conceive, so based on my calculations, I’ll be pregnant by June. Our new baby would be born next spring when Sammy is three, it’s perfect! And I can go on the girl’s trip in March, to boot!”
“Only one flaw in that plan, sweetheart,” Tobias chimed in. “I’m not average. You’re not average. We’re not average. Our little bambina will be on board much sooner than that.”
Casey rolled her eyes. “You still leaving, Jackie? I might join you!”
“You’re not going anywhere,” Tobias smirked, sliding his arm around his wife. “In fact, I think we should get some practice in right here.”
Sienna grabbed Jackie’s hand, pulling her toward the door. “Aaaand on that note, we’re out!”
As the women left, Tobias pulled Casey close. “Told you I could get rid of them,” he murmured with a playful growl.
“You’re incorrigible.”
“Maybe,” he said, tapping her nose with his finger. “But you love me.”
“I do.”
Valentine’s Day, 2025
Already dressed for their date, Casey wobbled toward their bed as she slipped on her diamond stud earrings. She took a deep breath. Tobias had been looking forward to this evening for weeks. Valentine’s Day was his thing; he loved turning up the romance, and he was so proud of himself for getting a reservation at Mistral. She didn’t have the heart to tell him she couldn’t go.
A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and her mother-in-law, Vivian, stepped inside. She was babysitting Sammy tonight, and her granddaughter needed her elephant plushie, which had been left on Tobias and Casey’s bed. But one look at Casey and concern spread on Vivian’s face.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” she asked. “You look absolutely peaked.”
Casey glanced up sadly. “I feel awful, Vivian. I think I caught that stomach bug Tobias had last week.”
“Oh my!” Vivian replied. “Then you need to tell Tobias and stay home to get some rest! I’ll stay and watch Samantha; this way, at least you two can spend the night alone.”
“With Tobias taking care of me? Hell of a romantic Valentine’s Day,” Casey groaned.
“Well, the fortunate part is that you two just brim with romance every day of the year. You don’t need a Hallmark holiday to celebrate that.”
“You’re right,” Casey said with a wan smile. “Can you send Tobias up?”
Moments later, Tobias burst through the bedroom door, worry etched on his face. “Baby, what’s going on?” He asked, placing a hand on her forehead.
“I think I caught the stomach bug you had last week.”
“Yeah, but I was burning up, and you don’t seem to have a fever. Did you eat anything that might disagree with you?”
“Eat?” Casey chuckled weakly. “I've barely eaten. My stomach has been off for days.”
Tobias paused, a realization dawning in his eyes. “Casey, are you… late?”
“Late?” she repeated, almost stunned by the question. She mumbled to herself, counting on her fingers. “I haven’t been keeping track as well as normal with everything going on, but if I am, it’s only by a few days.”
Tobias’s eyebrows lifted.  
“No!” Casey insisted. “It’s entirely too soon! That’s impossible.”
“Casey. Baby girl, let’s go back in time,” he teased. “Pretend you’re in college; no, let’s go all the way back to high school. High school biology class.” He stood up and cleared his throat. “All right, Miss MacTavish, I assume you read chapter 2. So, can you tell the class how babies are made?”
“Tobias,” she laughed with a shake of her head.
“Excuse me? That’s Mr. Carrick to you, young lady. Now, unless you want to admit that you didn't do your homework, tell the class how babies are made.”
“Babies are made through unprotected sex, Mr. Carrick,” she giggled.
“OK, I'm gonna switch back to husband mode now, or this is gonna get real weird real fast,” he smirked. “Now, about how many times do we have unprotected sex per week?”
“Five to seven times more than the average American couple,” she sighed. “Depending on the study, of course.”
Tobias grinned at her silently, then finally said, “I’ll go buy a test.”
“But our dinner plans,” she protested.
“Do you really want to eat, baby?”
She looked at him, her complexion turning green just thinking about being in a crowded restaurant surrounded by the smell of food. “You’re right. Go buy a test.”
“Buy two,” she called after him as he reached the door. “Maybe three. I like to be sure.”
He turned back and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight and kissing her forehead. “This could be it,” he smiled. “This could really be it.”
“Well, if it is, I won’t feel guilty about being too tired to shop for a Valentine’s Day gift for you this week.”
Tobias handed her a nightgown with a smile. “Get changed and get under the covers. I’ll tell Ma I’m running out to get you medicine. We don’t need her to know what’s happening just yet. I’ll be right back.”
Tobias and Casey locked the door to their en suite bathroom. Tobias opened the first box and handed the plastic test trip to Casey.
“OK, time to pee on this,” he instructed with a grin.
Casey stifled a laugh. “If you’d told me we’d be celebrating Valentine’s Day with you ordering me to pee on something, I would’ve thought you had a new kink... not this.”
“Good point,” he chuckled. “But let’s get to it, and I’ll set the timer.”
They sat on the bed, hands clasped as they waited. “This feels so different from the first time I took a pregnancy test,” Casey mused. “I was all alone and so scared. I didn’t know how you’d react, and I was barely an attending... I couldn’t imagine it all working out.”  
“And look at us now,” Tobias said, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Do you think we’re ready for this?” she asked. “Two children, two demanding careers....”
“We are,” he nodded confidently. “Honey, don’t you know by now? There’s nothing we can’t handle together.”
They shared a tender kiss, disappointed when it was interrupted by the timer.  
“Oh boy,” Casey sighed. “Ready for this?”
“Very much so!”
They walked into the bathroom and picked up the first test. Tobias pumped his fist and whispered, “Yes!” while Casey let out a squeal.
“OK, OK, OK,” Casey cautioned, trying to keep her excitement in check. “Let’s check the others... that’s just one test.”
They checked tests number two and three, which had the same results. Casey turned to Tobias, simply beaming. “Looks like you’re going to be a daddy again! And not in the kinky way we roleplay every other weekend.”
Tobias lifted her in his arms, chucking as he spun her around. “Do I tell you enough how much I love you? How perfect you are for me?”
“You do,” she smiled. “But considering I’m about to grow another baby for you, you can tell me again... every day of this pregnancy... and beyond.”
He kissed her again, only for her to pull back suddenly as a wave of nausea hit. Tobias sat by her side, lovingly rubbing her back. When she finally sat up, her hair was a mess, and her face looked tired, but she still managed a weak smile.
“You’re so beautiful,” Tobias said, his eyes full of admiration.
Casey let out a chuckle. “This isn’t my best look.”
“Oh, yes, it is,” he said, holding her close. “We’re going to have another baby!”
“Yes, we are,” she grinned. “Happy Valentine’s Day, love!”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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slowd1ving · 3 months
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It's just you against fate. Unfortunately, it's hell-bent towards pairing you with the most annoying person in existence ever. Medical Researcher/Field Doctor reader, GN but he is used exactly 1 time warnings: nsfw, violence, tension (resolved), degradation wrote this for my friend a while back so it's not my usual style ;; lowkey clueless abt medical stuff so I'm sorry if that's obvious... this would've done numbers here if I actually posted this when itsv came out but as you can tell I just could not be asked if you've seen this before, it was posted to ao3 like a year ago by yours truly!!! wc: 7.5k
Maybe it’s fate playing a silly little prank on you when you don’t see Jessica waiting for you at the abandoned Alchemax you’re investigating. Maybe she’s late? You shift from side to side, wishing you brought your insulating suit to combat the frigid wind sweeping through the clearing where you stand. 
“Jess?” you hesitantly call out, even though you know it’s utterly foolish to do so when you haven’t even surveyed the surroundings. You can’t help but feel a pang of worry at her absence; it’s only the rustling leaves that answer your call. 
“You’re late.” it’s not Jessica’s voice that sounds out from the shadows of the Alchemax entrance. As your eyes struggle to make out who exactly spoke, he steps out into the weak rays of sun. It’s… Miguel? What the fuck is he doing here? Rarely do you ever see him, since the medical research facility is practically a gazillion miles away from his office-cave. 
“Sorry,” you try to inject some sincerity into your tone since he’s your superior, but it’s proving difficult when you’re literally on time . You slowly push open the creaky revolving door (which is ridiculously heavy, but you refuse to let him see your struggle). 
“While you were taking your sweet time,” Miguel pauses to shoulder the door open with practised ease, ignoring your exasperated sigh. “I already surveyed the building for you.” 
Literally nobody asked. You bite back the retort, feeling your face contort into a very impolite expression. Don’t lose your job. 
“Thank you,” you force out, surveying the entrance hall with a critical eye and an infrared detector scope. No signs of biological life here, it seems. It’s unusually quiet; normally these facilities are crawling with anomalies and other beings, which is why this is a job for two. 
“Where’s Jessica?” you ask offhandedly, following Miguel up the emergency stairs. You don’t want to make conversation with this standoffish man, but anything beats the very awkward feeling in the air. “Have you kidnapped her or something?” 
“A comedian,” you can hear him mutter under his breath in annoyance. He doesn’t turn to face you. “She sent me to work with you, since she had something urgent come up back in her home world.”
So she hasn’t just left you for the fun of it. Cool. You don’t say anything in response, choosing to run the objectives of your mission through your mind instead. Find the DNA lab, grab some spider-DNA, then do the same in the pathogen department. Back at base, they’ll be used to drive forward immunity research you’ve been conducting with your colleague. 
“The first stop is here,” Miguel informs you curtly, pointing to the frosted glass door in the middle of the corridor. You wordlessly move to gather your specimens, noting how the room is unexpectedly in great condition. The samples are all fresh too, dating only a month back. Great. It’s unusual, but you’ll take it. It’s the same with the virus specimens you’ve managed to get - the Alchemax was probably abandoned very recently. 
“Done,” you don’t see the point in trying to be amiable when Miguel clearly isn’t. We’re never going to be buddies. 
It’s a very pleasant week that flies past without you seeing him. Even though you’re permanently part of the team, you’re rarely ever assigned an active combat mission since you’re one of the few medics available in the facility. Seriously, why are there so few medical Spiders? Regardless, your line of work means that you won’t be in contact with Miguel any time soon. Or so you hope. But fate likes its silly little jokes. 
“They sent you for backup?” the question flies out of Miguel’s mouth when you step out of the portal into the dimly lit streets of Earth-152. A symphony of police sirens and rain splashing onto the pavement is heard in the background; it’s a fitting orchestra for this annoying scene. 
“Is there a problem?” your fist clenches around the strap of your medic bag as you fight to keep your frustration at a simmer. It’s not often that you’re called in for backup to tackle such a large-scale anomaly (see: never ), but you’re good with combat and injuries. Objectively, you’re an exemplary ally to have when fighting - is this fool denying that? “Or can I do my job?”
“He’s just worried because it’s a big operation,” Jess interjects from behind you. What a relief. She elbows him from where she sits astride her motorcycle, looking pointedly at him. “ Aren’t you?”
He doesn’t say anything as he turns to look at his wristband, which currently projects what appears to be a map of the area. You ignore the slight, turning to face Jess with your brows furrowed. “Any updates?” 
“The target should be appearing within the next few minutes,” she quickly pulls up her own projections to show you a blurry photo of the target. “We’re capturing him alive and heading back to headquarters. Target’s particularly strong, so be careful.”
“Right,” your affirmation is interrupted by incessant red blinking from the map hologram. Your breath catches in your throat at the tantalising prospect of finally fighting. Two streets away. You follow Jess out of the alleyway into the blaring lights of the city, feeling the neon lights soak into your very being . Warm summer rain sluices away all your wariness before your webs propel you to the side of a glass skyscraper. 
The target’s nowhere to be found on the roof of the building he’s supposed to be on. Frustration makes itself palpable in the air and you can’t help but feel the dawning horror of apprehension. What’s going on? 
“Ambush!” your mouth forms the warning just as you spot several clones of the target emerging on the roof of the building. You’re not sure if Miguel or Jess heard your cry of shock, but you can’t check on either of them as the clones of the target start surrounding you. You can’t afford that; your webs are laced with a potent tranquilizer that makes quick work of those in your immediate vicinity. It’s not enough - the hordes that emerge from your peripherals are surrounding you anyway. 
“I’ll take care of these,” Jess’ motorcycle makes quick work of a good portion of the clones - they disintegrate pretty rapidly when hit with the heavy vehicle. “Miguel’s on track to find the main body. It’ll go faster if you also look for it.”
“Right,” you know Jess will be fine; her motorcycle and quick wits will let her tackle this crowd with ease. Find the main body. Your gut tells you it’s not going to be far away. In fact, your senses are urging you to check out the derelict factory a few blocks away. And who are you to ignore them? 
“Where are you, where are you,” you mumble to yourself as you swing towards the building. Its imposing structure almost halts you in your tracks, but you know something is lurking within. The angry clouds swirling above don’t make the situation any less menacing, but you ignore the unfortunate weather. No use in shaking in your boots because of some clouds.  
Luckily, there’s a row of windows in the shadows of the factory by the roof; it’s an easy objective to lithely creep up the side of the building. There. Concealed within the shadows of rusty machinery is your target, leaning against the wall in a too-casual manner. Before he can spot you, you crawl down until you’re not in view - there, you immediately fire out a call to Miguel from your watch. It’s the first time you’ve ever done so, but the situation calls for it. 
“What do you want?” his little hologram’s mask is indented with a sharp annoyance. You should’ve just handled this yourself. 
“I’ve found the target,” you retort with whatever venom you can muster. The two of you are colleagues, for fuck’s sake; there’s no use dismissing others like that in the first place. “You can see my location, right?”
“I’ll be there as soon as I finish off this one,” from what you can see, he appears to be fighting a different enemy, judging from the sharp slashing you can faintly make in the background. “Stay exactly where you are until I arrive. Don’t engage in combat.”
“Sure, sarge,” you end the call with your annoyance slowly brimming over the edge. Who knows how long it’ll be before he finishes off that other enemy? You peer back into the factory, intending to continue your little reconnaissance. Your blood runs cold at the view down below. There’s nobody there, not a whisper of a soul down in the depths of those shadows. 
“Looking for me?” you almost jump out of your skin when a cheerful voice calls out from below. It’s the target, who’s somehow managed to make his way to the side of the factory you’re currently balanced on. 
“Don’t do that,” you spring down to the ground so you can come face to face with the target, clutching your bag to your side. The orders not to engage are still fresh in your mind, but you can’t exactly ignore the situation, can you?
“So, uh,” you begin, noticing the way he leans into the space between you two slightly. Diffuse the situation. Stay calm. His suit is almost as dark as the night itself, and it catches your eye with how it thrums like shaken ink. “Any chance you’ll give up peacefully?”
You already know the answer when he laughs mirthfully, with his head thrown back in sharp amusement. You can almost taste the forceful no that’s about to leave his lips. 
“You’re funny,” his razor-edged smile lacks any sort of laughter as he regains his composure. You brace yourself. “But no.”
And you’re ready, ready for the swift kick that comes flying your way. You easily move out of the way, while quickly slinging a web his way - it only scrapes by his upper arm, unfortunately, but it still has the potential to affect him somewhat. Concentrate. The fight will only last a few minutes at worst; it’s absolutely crucial to keep a clear mind. 
You alternate between throwing calculated jabs and webs designed to trap opponents to create a perfect feint and secure yourself an opening. One second. One second to carefully strike a tranquilizer web directly at the shirt under his suit. You don’t want to touch whatever makes up that shifting suit. What is it?
That question is answered immediately as clones start emerging from its shadows. Shit. You can see why the guy’s taking so long to be captured; it’s incredibly troublesome when he’s got a whole legion of clones available. 
You don’t hesitate. 
Steeling yourself, you fire a tranquilizer web straight at him while sending a kick to his side so he evades it right into your line of fire. The web lands on his cheek, which is an excellent target for the tranquilizer to work its wondrous magic. He’s out cold within a second or so. Perfect . It leaves you with plenty of time to ponder how you’re going to explain to Miguel that you’ve (unintentionally!) disobeyed orders within the humongous timespan of ten seconds. 
He doesn’t keep you waiting long. 
“What did you think I meant when I said to not engage?” Miguel’s annoyance seeps into the air when he sees you standing over the unconscious clone-man. 
“It was self-defense,” you argue, holding your hands up in mock-surrender. He’s clearly sceptical with the way his eyes swivel from the knocked-out target on the floor back to you. “Play it back on the watch!”
“Jessica, he’s been apprehended,” Miguel speaks into his watch briefly, before putting his arm back down. It's an uncomfortable feeling; you don’t think you’ve ever been the subject of such an intense, scrutinising glare. 
“You did take out the trouble,” he finally admits grudgingly; it feels like somewhat of an accomplishment. Somewhat. “Do a better job of following orders next time.”
You fight the urge to mutter expletives under your breath. 
It’s the same song and dance for the next month; fate can’t help but assign you as backup to Miguel’s missions, though it’s strictly limited to medic duties in case someone fucks up. It’s unpleasant - his criticisms of your actions slowly wear down your absolutely bottomless patience like coarse-grit sandpaper pretty quickly. 
You wouldn’t call the next mission a fuck up; it can only really be described as an absolute calamity when you step out into the mayhem. It’s an incessant cacophony of blaring sirens and pure carnage - from what you can gather, a gaping abyss is swallowing the buildings above where it’s situated. It’s a disaster. 
It’s not really a surprise then, when Miguel forces his way onto the hologram projection on your watch to move you elsewhere, your nerves are frayed. 
“Shut the fuck up,” you spit out, scribbling out a list of equipment for an unfortunate intern to bring from the medical facility. You pray what you carry is enough to quench the insatiable hunger of injuries. “Let me do my goddamn job for once.”
You hang up; etiquette be damned in this haze of smoke and debris. Thankfully, there’s no fatalities recorded after the sinkhole is stabilised. On the other hand, the infirmary is going to be very lively for the next week. The movement of your hands can only be described as frenzied with how efficiently you patch up the countless injuries on site - there’s an ever growing mountain of sanguine gauze building up beside you. 
It’s only a few hours later that you’re finally allowed a reprieve. You trudge back to the medical facility where one of your few colleagues who’s actually finished training is running around haggardly to care for the incoming patients. 
“Can you patch up O’Hara?” he nervously asks you, while you feel your bones wither away. You meet his pleading gaze impassively. “He’s been refusing medical treatment from any of the available interns, and you’re the only one who doesn’t crack under that pressure.”
You want to say no. Your mind’s practically begging you to refuse so you can have him out of mind for some time. But looking upon that pathetically pitiful countenance of your colleague, your resolve softens. This man will wilt like a goddamn cabbage if Miguel so much as exhales sharply. 
“Fine,” you concede with a look of defeat; it’s almost horrendous with how quickly he beams at you. 
“After, your shift’s over,” he calls out after you as you grab some ointment, gauze and other essentials. You’re unclear as to how Miguel was injured exactly, but your gut tells you it’s probably just some shallow injuries if he hasn’t been coerced by Jess into coming to the infirmary. Just do the job. You should’ve kept your Spidersuit on below your regular clothes; yet the prospect of sinking into bed right after you treat your last patient far outweighs the vulnerability you feel. 
It’s not exactly a short walk to where Miguel’s room is situated, but the concept of time is one that’s chased away by the sinking feeling in your stomach. It goes by too fast. You really should’ve just refused. Here goes nothing.
Surely you’ll be turned away immediately after you knock? Surely you’ll be able to go back to your own room and forget this ever happened? Surely fate will smile down upon you for once?
Fate truly is a fickle being. 
Your knock on his door is almost immediately answered by an exasperated “ Come in.” You suppress your own exasperated groan as you recognize Miguel’s voice. Cradling the bag of medical supplies in your arm, you shove the door open with your shoulder. It’s dark - which you’d expect - but it still takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the sight-
Rapid heartbeats resound in the back of your head as you make out Miguel’s dim figure sitting on the edge of his bed. His suit is rolled up around his waist, leaving his torso completely bare. Your blood is practically beating up your veins with how quickly it races around your body. What the everloving fuck . The resounding question you have is answered by the dim glow of a syringe in his hands - it’s not exactly a secret that Miguel’s not just a human bitten by a radioactive spider, but it’s the first time you’ve ever witnessed a tangible instant of it.
“It’s you,” he doesn’t move to cover up with a scandalous gasp, but rather stares you down impassively. Who was he expecting? “What do you want?”
“To dress those wounds like I’ve been told to,” you stare right back at him, refusing to let your eyes be cowed into avoiding that gaze. You don’t budge, you don’t shift from foot to foot; your stance is staunchly planted onto the floor of his room. You can faintly see some nasty-looking gashes that look like they were caused by debris, as well as shallow lacerations that were undoubtedly made by a weapon. 
“I’m fine,” he dismisses you, but you can see the shiny skin surrounding some of the injuries. You can’t even feel the resentment that you would normally - if that becomes infected, it’s not your problem. 
“Those might get infected,” you point out, though you don’t really know what’s prompting you to argue in favour of spending more time with him. “I’ll be done in less than ten minutes.”
You suppose that noncommittal grunt is a concession to your superior logic. He stares at you wordlessly as you approach him; he’s rarely ever seen you without your mask and suit, you realise. Silence. Well, it would be silent if it weren’t for your heart desperately pounding away, so much so that you swear even he can hear it. You carefully put your bag down onto the floor. 
He doesn’t hiss or pull away as the antiseptic-covered cloth runs over the gashes; the imperceptible stare that’s on you is disconcerting, to say the very least. He’s cold to touch, even through the thin disposable gloves you’ve donned. It doesn’t fully hit you that you’re touching Miguel’s shoulders and upper chest without getting your head bitten off. Absolutely shocking. 
Those gashes beneath his collarbone aren’t as nasty as they looked underneath all the dried blood - he’s not going to need any stitches, so you can just slap gauze and medical tape over those bad boys and let the platelets do their job. It’s getting increasingly hard to concentrate on the next set of injuries when you can feel the warm air of his breathing near your neck. Shit . Your eyes hone in on what your hands are doing; it’s not enough to distract you from his burning gaze on you. 
“The front’s done,” you pull back, only now noticing you’ve been standing between his goddamn legs . It’s a miracle your voice doesn’t shake at the revelation, but you’re sure that he can hear the deafening way your heart is beating. Say something.  Anything. The silence is all too unnerving. 
“There’s some cuts on my back as well,” he finally says after you’ve surveyed your work and start opening your bag to find the bio-waste disposal bags. You pause. You suppress the urge to rub your hands together maniacally. 
“Alright, turn around,” you laugh internally at the absurdity of the situation - he does nothing but spout frustration at you, yet there are no complaints or criticisms escaping him as he turns around obediently. It’s not a full turn; the angle of his turned back invites you to take a seat beside him on the mattress. Woah there. 
You wait a second or so before realising that, yes, he’s waiting for you to sit down and isn’t actually going to bite your head off for doing so. It’s extremely surreal to sink into the firm mattress beside him; you doubt anyone’s made it this far in this goddamn cave . It’s even more surreal feeling the wisps of body heat brushing against you from the thighs still covered in his Spidersuit: a sharp contrast to his cool torso. 
Be professional. Your eyes skim over the various scrapes littering his shoulders, and fortunately, all of them just need a quick wipedown and a plaster. It’s a lot easier to daub the antiseptic on without his gaze on him; that is, until you become slightly enraptured by the way his muscles tense (almost imperceptibly) at the sting of the antiseptic. You’re not as smooth as you wish, fumbling the packet of plasters while you revel in the fact his gaze is elsewhere. 
“Almost done,” you reassure him after he tenses up slightly after you brush your fingers over your handiwork on his lower spine. Can he feel the way your pulse is absolutely electrified right now? You don’t even like him, but the proximity might just send you into cardiac arrest. 
“It’s fine,” his tone is slightly strained. You raise your eyebrows, but ultimately ignore it in favour of patching up those last few cuts. 
“Done,” you try not to sound too regretful. You hate the way your heart’s beating more and more rapidly; it takes everything in you to quickly gather your materials and stand up from the bed.  
“Thanks,” the begrudging gratitude that comes out from him forces you to look back at him wordlessly. You take the time to search his face with your eyes, noting the slight sheen of sweat on his face. Is he…
“Are you running a fever?” the question escapes your lips as you move closer, whilst the medical supplies are unceremoniously dumped onto a side table. Your hand carefully places itself on his forehead (paying no heed to the very close proximity of his teeth). There’s no actual heat radiating from him, but the way he’s currently looking at you with that half-lidded gaze is making you feel like the delirious one. Why isn’t he saying anything?  
Say something.
The back of your hand slowly moves away from his face, but you freeze as your wrist is grasped by his hand. What is he… His skin is cold, but the prickles left behind on your wrist are burning and spreading all over your body. You’re not breathing; you’re waiting for his next move. 
“You are so frustrating,” he says through gritted teeth - though it lacks any of the usual bite that’s present. He speaks! You can feel his little angry exhale on your hand from where he’s holding it near his face. You still haven’t moved away, instead choosing to observe the way his facial muscles contort into an expression of fervid displeasure. “To think you’d have such an effect..”
The last part is muttered under his breath, as if you weren’t the intended recipient, but you hear it clear as day. What effect? The heavy implication creeps up inside your mind; it wriggles its way through the cracks in your composure. Surely he didn’t mean it that way, right? Surely you’re just annoying? You can feel your breathing get more shallow as his gaze flickers back up to your face - it searches ravenously, focusing on each feature as if it were a long awaited oasis in the arid desert. 
His hand lets go carefully - it’s so unlike his usual brash movements that you almost laugh. Yet, once you’re free from his hold, you don’t make any move to leave again; it’s truly a strange magnetic effect you’re enveloped in. The carmine glow of monitors in the corner of the room is the only weak illumination in the room (it’s making the situation feel way too intimate in your opinion). 
“Do you want me to stay?” your words escape your lips in a hushed voice. You can’t help but feel the addictive thrum of confidence pulse through your veins, your very capillaries . Maybe the unidentifiable emotion roiling within his eyes isn’t an avid dislike of you? You don’t know why you offered. You’re not sure if you even want to know. Still, you can’t help but feel prickles of curiosity at whatever’s making him so flustered. 
Do you know the implications of your offer?
“Do I want you to stay..” his repetition of your question might’ve seemed mocking at any other time, yet the unusual hushed cadence begs to differ. Anticipation. That’s what’s keeping you rooted in place for fear of disturbing this unfolding scene. You’ve never seen him like this - it’s a delicate balance your heart is begging for you not to destroy. 
“After I let you put your hands all over me, and you’re asking if I want you to stay?” he leans slightly closer towards you - you’re extremely glad he’s still sitting and not absolutely looming over you like the tower he is. You can feel your erratic heartbeat pulsate through your entire being at his words. It’s getting incredibly hard to think when anticipation in your stomach gives in to the rising swell of desire. 
“You’re yet to be put in your place, and you’re asking if I want you to stay?” you feel a shiver run through your body at his proximity, yet you’re the one leaning into him now. You’re so close you can feel his breath fan over your neck; it’s the only part of his body that’s remotely warm, so much so that it’s absolutely scorching you. Or maybe it’s the white-hot blood you can feel blossoming on your face. 
His cold hand ghosts over your chin, tilting your face down with nothing more than a brush of his thumb. Please. Your breath catches in your throat as you watch the muscles of his face contort into a slight smile. 
“Do you want this?” his brows furrow slightly. A question. Your veins already thrum with the answer. 
“ Yes ,” you respond, feeling both your brain and heart work together to cheer you on for once. This better not be a dream . You can see the flash of teeth as he smiles, before you’re roughly pulled onto his lap. It’s actually comfortable to straddle his thighs, you note, but you can’t exactly focus on that anymore when he draws you into a searing kiss. 
He tastes of the coppery tang of blood. It’s the first thing you notice as he slots his mouth against yours. The second thing you notice is how impatient he is, probing at your lip with his fangs while simultaneously pressing you up closer and closer until you’re practically melting into him. You don’t miss a beat; you snake your hands into his hair until they’re buried in the thick brown waves. Your fingers slightly pull at the back, and he lets out a small groan into your mouth at the sensation. 
Sharp fangs graze your lower lip ever so slightly, but the pain is immediately alleviated by his tongue running over the cut. He’s sucking on it - evidently, there’s some blood left behind (or maybe even traces of the venom coursing through those fangs). His little pleased hum reverberates within you; you find yourself being flustered more by that than the way he’s rubbing circles into your thigh with his thumb. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he says in a low voice after the two of you pull apart for air. The string of saliva connecting your lips to his is tinted a rich sanguine; the bridge linking the two of you is entrancing, right before it breaks. His words set your very veins ablaze. 
“ Please ,” you don’t even know what you’re pleading for , only that the pace is far too slow for your liking. It seems he feels the same way, since his face dips lower so his mouth can settle on your neck. He’s careful not to fully sink his teeth into your skin, instead choosing to lightly skim them over your pulse points to elicit small gasps out of you. Your hands grasp and twist so he’s pressed closer and closer into you. It’s strange - you never thought that he’d be the one to coax such a reaction out of you. 
“Desperate, aren’t we?” you can feel the infuriating bastard curl his lips upwards as he sucks marks you know aren’t going to fade for days into the side of your neck. The mocking lilt of his question makes all the blood rush straight down - it’s unfair how unbearable he’s being. Your nails are no doubt leaving marks of their own as you let your hands roam the vast expanse of his back. 
Almost involuntarily, your hips move to gain a semblance of any relief, any friction, but the firm grip of his hand on your thigh prevents you from doing even that. You hiss as his sharp nails dig into the skin (if you get tetanus you’re officially suing). 
“What a pathetic little slut,” he coos into your ear; he can definitely hear the way your breath hitches at his harsh tone. You can’t even bring yourself to respond. “Getting turned on from a few kisses?” 
Fuck . 
You can’t even deny it; instead, you turn your head to the side as if you can escape his prying eyes with your embarrassment. It’s futile. You know he can feel your racing pulse against his lips as he once again presses them to the side of your jaw to coax small sounds out of you. 
“I bet you could get off with just my thigh like the filth you are,” his words drip condescendingly, but you can barely hear him over the pounding heartbeat in the back of your head. You furiously bite back the whine that’s emerging from your throat from his fleeting touches. “Will you?” 
“Fuck, Miguel,” you choke out as he moves one of his legs away so you’re completely pressed against his thigh. 
“Get yourself off,” he utters, seemingly bored, but you both know he’s anything but from the way his eyes gaze intently at you. “But first..”
A quick, experimental swipe of his claw-like nails leaves your plain shirt neatly cleaved in two. So impatient . You can’t say that you’ll miss it, but still. You pull the shirt off, until your torso is just as exposed as his. His gaze sweeps over you ravenously. Then, he leans back onto the bed with his elbows propping him up so he can enjoy the show. What a bastard . 
You bite back a groan as your hips stutter forward; the friction is already causing that sensation in your stomach to build up, even if it’s barely anything. It’s probably due Miguel’s eyes raking over you with tightly restrained desire. You don’t miss the way his eyelids lower and he looks away for a brief instant as you keep your eyes trained right on him. The tightness of your pants does absolute miracles to fill your mind with a pleasure-induced haze, so much so that you’re leaning forward and putting your hands on the curves of his waist (as if they were handlebars) to steady yourself. 
You can go slow without losing out on the mind-numbing friction you’re experiencing - the absolute pressure is slowly driving you to that brink without you having to even try. Still, you can’t help but feel a small gnawing trickle of disappointment; will this end this soon? You push it out of your mind as you continue moving against his thigh - that haze you’re in is too powerful to worry too much about the what-ifs. You succumb to the pleasure, slowly, but surely. 
It’s almost comical as that pleasant haze is snatched away. Even with heightened reflexes, you barely process the swiftness with which Miguel sits up and somehow manoeuvres you so your back is sinking into the sheets of his bed. You can’t help but cry out in disappointment. 
“You thought I’d let you fall apart so easily?” he’s practically purring with that vexing smile on his face - you almost prefer his permanent scowl to this smug expression. Still, being manhandled by him makes your heart drum louder than ever in your ears. “After your constant misconduct ? Open your mouth, whore.”
You open your mouth obediently, and he lets out a pleased hum. You instinctively know what he’s about to do, so it’s not a surprise when he lets a thick string of spit fall into your mouth. You swallow, noticing how his eyes trace over your throat with barely suppressed lust. 
“ Please ,” you choke out, helpless with your wrists pinned to either side of your head. You can hear a dry little chuckle sound out from him. 
“Speak up,” he leans in closer to practically spit the words out. A slight shiver runs through you when his breath ghosts over your ear. “What does the little slut want me to do to him?” 
It’s so utterly laughable; his words make you so goddamn pliant in his hands. 
“I want you in me,” you don’t miss how his body tenses at your bold request. The curve of his throat bobs when he swallows thickly. 
“I’m going to ruin you,” he promises quietly. His head dips low to trail a path down your chest with his mouth - you know you’ll be absolutely covered in marks by the time he’s done with you, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. You revel in his touch. You lean into him like a goddamn moth to flame. 
With a swift tug, he pulls down the elastic band of your pants (you thank whatever’s above that they’re spared the same treatment as your shirt). You’re left shivering as his mouth travels to mark up your thighs - he’s practically burning bruises into you at this point. 
Dim red lighting washes over every sharp crevice and line on his face. The sight before you eases the frustration building at the agonizingly slow pace he’s setting. More . It’s as if he’s heard your silent plea; before you know it, one of his fingers slips past your underwear and enters you, coated in what feels to be lube. Fuck . A drawn out string of muttered expletives escapes your lips as he continues at his slow pace. 
“Are you frustrated?” he mocks, resting the side of his head on your inner thigh as he languidly moves his finger. That prick knows it’s not enough; he’s inviting you to beg for it. It’s humiliating, but you can’t bring yourself to care as desperation pools in your stomach. 
“Faster, please -” your words cut off with a strangled moan as he pushes another finger in easily. Your hand desperately grasps his hair to ground yourself, earning a reverberating groan against your inner thigh. Fervently, you pray those walls of his are soundproof; the obscene noises coming from both your mouth and between your legs fill up the room quickly. 
His composure seems to be rapidly slipping as well, judging by how his enthralled gaze is focused on how you’re taking his fingers. His chest is rising and falling erratically, and his eyes flicker between your lowered eyes and where you’re pulling him in greedily. As soon as you increase in volume, he pulls his fingers out, leaving you so unbearably empty . 
The next thing you notice is the neon red ropes that buzz with static energy trussing your wrists up - it can only be his handiwork, though you’ve never been this close to those unusual red webs. You don’t question it; instead, you’re rapt watching Miguel, who’s hooking his fingers around the bunched up material around his waist, and pulling it down ever so slowly as if he’s putting on a show for you. Maybe he is , considering his eyes are right on you and watching your expression with an underlying smugness as you take the sight in. 
He’s blocking out the vermillion glow of those monitors, practically towering over you and making you swallow nervously thinking about how exactly you’re going to take him. That worry pushes its way into the back of your mind as you decide you don’t particularly care when he’s haloed by that lighting as if he were an angel.
He looks like he’s relishing your reaction when he pulls his underwear off; after all, he’s suppressing that dry, mirthful laugh at your widened stare. You can’t help it - he’s massive . You’re enraptured by the small hiss he lets out at the coldness of the lube as he pumps himself, knowing very well he’s just as entertained as you. 
“Scared you won’t be able to take it?” he challenges, parting your legs easily with the faintest pressure of his claws digging into your thighs. His pupils are completely blown out with lust; they’re honed in on you completely as if he were hunting you down. “Like you weren’t desperately fucking yourself on my fingers a minute ago?”
He cages you easily: too easily. You’re so malleable for him already, and he hasn’t even begun. Your wrists are starting to feel deliciously numb from the low buzz of his crimson web, and you can feel your breathing start to accelerate. 
“ Please , Miguel,” whatever scraps of dignity remaining in you aren’t enough to stop you from begging him to do anything . “I can take it.”
And whatever self-control he’s been displaying (hardly any) up to this point swiftly dissipates as he leans in to swallow the moan that emerges when he finally puts the tip in. He’s still moving all too slowly, but the stretch is making up for it. A low whine escapes your throat as he presses in, and you’re teetering between pain and pleasure. 
“Thought you said you could take it,” he lets out an amused exhale into your mouth, not going any deeper to accustom you to the burn. “And I’m only halfway.”
You rock your hips into his and revel in his groans, prompting him to slowly bottom out. Holy fuck . It’s enough to make your mind blur with a foggy haze at the absolute fullness he’s causing. He’s clearly enjoying himself, or at least, his expression is contorted into one of sharp amusement. 
“Faster,” you urge him on. He can feel your wanting in every arrhythmic breath you take. 
“So desperate,” he groans out as you roll your hips to generate any friction. His chest dips down until it’s pressing up against your bound wrists, only adding to that sharp pressure building in your stomach. “I bet you just want to be used like a degenerate toy.”
Please . 
He doesn’t allow you time for thought at all when he starts moving; his pace is unrelenting and brutal, forcing noises so obscene out of you that you’re praying for whatever next-door neighbour he might have. The snap of his hips into yours is slowly building up that aching pleasure, and your back slowly arches so he can target that particular spot better.
You’re very rapidly unravelling, even more so when he bites down into your shoulder. The pain coursing through your veins swiftly devolves into pleasure. You can already taste the blissful wave that’s steadily approaching you. 
His movements become more sloppy as he becomes more vocal at the way you’re taking him. It’s incredibly attractive to watch that carnal desire overtake him. 
“Look at you, taking me so well,” he praises, digging into the sides of your shoulders with his claws. It goes straight to your pleasure-addled mind, even more so when you hear the wet sounds of skin on skin resounding through the room. “Like a personal fucktoy, don’t you think?”
You can’t even say anything in response, wrapping your legs tightly around him so he can reach even deeper than he has. The overwhelming urge to let go is building up quickly in your stomach, and that heat is climbing all over your skin and mind. 
"Fuck, I’m gonna-” you choke out as Miguel angles your hips down with one hand, pressing into just the right spot. He swallows your cries as your mind goes completely blank with pleasure, still moving into you as you reach that climax. His movements draw that euphoric state out for as long as possible, before the waves of pleasure become overwhelming for your fatigued mind. 
“Miguel-” your whine is broken off as he moves into an upright position, digging his claws into your hips as he keeps moving against them. 
“You didn’t think we were done, did you?” he asks mockingly, wiping up a tear leaking from your eye with the rough pad of his thumb. You succumb to the touch, taking him in all his entirety. Your gaze trails from the frustrated lines on his face, lower, to the rivulets of your cum splattered on his lower abdomen, and finally to where he’s staring, completely enraptured. The breath in your throat hitches as you observe the bulge in your stomach fading and reappearing in time with his thrusts. “I’m not stopping until you fulfil your purpose.”
You feel a trickle of trepidation as he pulls back so only the tip remains in you. 
“What are you-” you trail off, noticing the way his lips curl in anticipation. Oh god . Surely, he won’t-
“Getting myself off,” his lethal smile is the most foreboding one you’ve ever seen, before he slams his hips into yours. It hits that sweet spot instantly and you cry out pathetically. He’s got you seeing the very galaxies with how numbed your mind feels. Distantly, you can feel tears of pleasure swimming down the sides of your face, and his own groans of pleasure. 
He pulls back again, leaving you empty once more, and repeats his earlier motion. You’re practically broken over his dick, but the waves of pleasure aren’t letting up any time soon. It seems the sensations are also getting to him; his powerful movements are slowly becoming sloppier by the second. 
“Want me to cum in you, like the slut you are?” Miguel groans out, coming more and more undone. His question makes you tighten around him, which earns you another breathy exhale. “Getting turned on by the very thought of me breeding you?” 
“ Fuck , yes,” you cry out involuntarily. You can feel your heartbeat pulsing its rapid beat in your stomach as he fills you up again and again. His grip on your thighs is slipping as he messily fucks into you. Obscene squelching noises fill up the room, but you’re too far gone again to care if the whole goddamn building hears the two of you. 
You can feel him desperately trying to maintain any sort of grip of control as his hips snap into yours fervently. Over and over, he repeats your name in a chorus as if it’s his lifeline. That aching feeling in your stomach is slowly returning, ardently wanting him to continue his unforgiving pace. 
With a start, you realise the binds on your wrists have dissolved due to his wavering concentration. Immediately, your hands wind their way around his back to steady yourself, scratching harsh marks into the muscles. He lets out a wanton groan at the sharp sensation; his breaths are coming faster and faster, and you know he’s close. 
Your fingers thread upwards through his hair to pull him into you. He breathlessly kisses you, though it’s more a desperate clash of teeth than anything. His lips part slightly in pleasure and he stiffens minutely. Got him . 
You swallow all the noises he’s making, feeling hot spurts of his cum paint your insides. He doesn’t stop moving ; it’s as if he’s making sure not a single drop is wasted. He rides out the high by pulling you ever closer to press against his body. The shuddering halt of his hips against yours lets you know the fatigue’s taken over him, but he doesn’t stop kissing you, and he doesn’t pull out either. 
The salty taste of sweat is prominent on your tongue when you drag it across the skin of his neck, leaving your own marks as a petty form of revenge. He lets out a sharp exhale, but doesn’t protest as he lets you roll him over so that you’re lying on top of him, connected nonetheless. The movement makes him whine , on the other hand, which you know you’re never going to forget. 
“Fuck,” you mumble against his skin, feeling him shift to gaze down upon your head that’s propped on his chest. “You are so lucky I don’t have any shifts tomorrow.”
Your head moves up and down on his chest as he lets out a tired laugh. Wincing, you prop yourself up on your palms so you can sit up and pull yourself off him. He groans lightly at the change, but you attempt to ignore it. 
Carefully, you rise to your knees with a pang of regret at the loss of him in you. When you look at him, he’s visibly entranced by the combined rivulets of fluids streaming from between your legs, as if he’s asking if he really did all that. 
“You can, uh, use my shower,” he offers, sounding extremely unapologetic. “And stay the night if you want.”
You don’t respond immediately, instead choosing to lean into his touch as he rubs small circles into your thighs. A pressing question emerges in your mind, however. 
“Do you always sleep with your doctors?”  
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mamamittens · 9 months
Well, my event is done, all I've got left is updating my current fics, two secret projects, and... That's about it. No idea when I'll get on that, tbh, headed right up to the second busiest time of year for work so that'll be fun.
It feels weird not having an event hanging over my head lol but hopefully it just means I can take my time catching up on the stuff I've put to the side for my event. Might do one for Valentine's Day, like another date night thing. That'll be fun, but that's FUTURE me's problem. Not sure if I'll do another half and half event cause it was like pulling teeth getting those art pieces done. Not nearly enough practice for backgrounds.
Now onto sleepy time OC thoughts!
So, considering there are two islands, one of which is basically idyllic summer wonders, why would Nikia live on the winter one? She certainly wasn't born over there.
So the local economy for the summer Isle is mostly tourist based. A lot of spas, tours on/off water, and agriculture. Health based too since it's a more 'health based' retreat. Her mom is a doctor who works at one of the spas for delicate health issues such as advanced aging, physical therapy, and mental wellness. Her brother part time masseuse and therapist.
The thing about Nikia is that she... Does not like people. Like, being around them all the time. She can handle the occasional crowd and event but day in and day out? Absolutely not. No interest in the medical field either though she picked up a few habits such as cleanliness and being a slight germaphobe.
So already she would rather live on the less populated island.
Once she conquers her fear of heights (mostly), she gains a love for flight. And despite not really liking people, she still likes to help if she can. So once her father figure established what's essentially a local guard/militia she showed interest. Not in the offensive area like a police officer but in emergency rescue due to her advantage with flight capable wings. As well as the devil fruit. In a pinch she also can take care of slavers hiding or trying to sneak off the island with captives, though it's not her favorite part. She doesn't take killing lightly, but does insist on getting it over with swiftly. Whether that's actual hunting or taking out criminals on her island.
The fact that she's sensitive to cold everywhere but her wings is a non-issue for her because, if she does her job right, she won't be in it long.
In and out is her motto. The less time it takes to complete a job the better for everyone.
The fact that her winter lodge is out of the way and receives few visitors is a nice bonus.
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oliviaphleb · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Phlebotomist Salaries: What You Need to Know About the Salary Range in 2021
Title: The Ultimate ​Guide to Phlebotomist Salaries: What⁤ You Need to Know About the Salary Range in 2021
Introduction: If you are ⁣considering a career as a phlebotomist, one of the crucial factors to ‌consider is the salary range. Phlebotomists play a vital role in ‍healthcare settings by drawing blood samples for medical tests, ⁤transfusions, donations, research,⁣ or blood⁤ donations.⁤ In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what you need to know⁣ about ⁣phlebotomist salaries in⁤ 2021, including‌ the⁢ average‌ salary range, ‍factors ‌that affect⁢ salary, benefits, and practical ⁣tips for maximizing your earning potential in this field.
Average ‍Phlebotomist Salary Range in 2021: The salary of​ a phlebotomist can vary depending on ⁢factors such‍ as ⁤location, experience, certifications, and‍ employer. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for phlebotomists in May 2020​ was ⁣$36,480. However,⁢ the salary range can vary‌ from $29,640 to⁤ $47,780⁣ or higher, depending on ⁤the specific circumstances.
Factors Affecting Phlebotomist Salaries: Several factors can influence⁣ the salary of a phlebotomist. Some of the key factors​ include:
1. Experience:‍ Phlebotomists with more years of experience typically earn higher salaries than those who are just starting in the field. 2. Certification: ⁤Obtaining certification from organizations⁤ such as the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP)‌ or the National⁤ Healthcareer Association (NHA) can ​lead to higher salary opportunities. 3.‌ Location: Salaries for phlebotomists can‍ vary significantly based on ⁢the cost ‌of⁣ living ⁤in different regions. For example, phlebotomists in metropolitan areas‍ may earn higher salaries than ‌those​ in ⁣rural locations. 4. Employer: The type of employer can also impact‍ salary, with‍ phlebotomists working‌ in ⁤hospitals or diagnostic laboratories often earning more than those working in physicians’ offices ⁢or blood donation centers.
Benefits and Practical ⁢Tips: In‍ addition ‍to a⁢ competitive​ salary, phlebotomists may also receive benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid⁤ time off, and continuing education⁢ opportunities. To maximize ⁢your earning ⁢potential‍ as a phlebotomist, consider the following practical tips:
– Pursue advanced certifications to increase your skills and marketability. – Network with other healthcare professionals to explore ​job opportunities‌ in different settings. – Update your resume ⁣regularly and prepare for job interviews to showcase⁤ your knowledge and experience.
Case ⁢Studies: Here ‍are two case studies to illustrate the salary range for phlebotomists⁣ in different scenarios:
Case Study 1: Emily is a‍ certified phlebotomist with three⁣ years of experience ​working in a⁣ hospital in New York City. She earns an annual salary of $45,000, plus benefits such ⁢as health insurance and ‌paid time off. Case Study 2: Alex is a recent graduate with no prior‍ experience who ⁤works‌ in ​a‌ small medical clinic in ‌a‌ rural ‍area. He earns a salary of $30,000 per ⁤year and⁢ is pursuing additional certifications to increase his ‌earning ⁣potential.
Conclusion: Navigating the salary landscape as a phlebotomist in ⁢2021 requires a combination of experience, certifications, and strategic career decisions. By‍ understanding the ​factors that influence⁤ salaries, pursuing professional development ⁣opportunities, and staying informed about⁣ industry trends, you can ⁢position yourself for success ⁤in⁤ this rewarding healthcare field. Remember‌ to consider the valuable benefits and practical ⁢tips provided⁤ in this guide⁢ to maximize your earning potential as a phlebotomist.
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thedaltonalta · 2 months
Promoting Wellness
At The Dalton by Alta, promoting wellness through fitness and exercise is a top priority. Residents of the two and one bedroom apartments for rent in Dalton can enjoy convenient access to an all-hours fitness center equipped with free weights and cardio machines. The tranquil yoga room offers a serene space for yoga enthusiasts to practice mindfulness and flexibility. Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, helping to reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, and boost mood. By providing state-of-the-art fitness facilities, The Dalton by Alta encourages residents to lead active lifestyles and achieve their fitness goals conveniently within their community. Embrace a healthier lifestyle and enjoy the benefits of fitness at The Dalton by Alta.
The Economy of Dalton, Georgia
The economy of Dalton, Georgia, is strong and diverse, supported by a mix of industries, which helps keep the town thriving and provides opportunities for its residents. The town is known as the "Carpet Capital of the World" because many carpet and flooring companies are based there. These companies provide lots of jobs for local residents. Besides the carpet industry, Dalton has a growing manufacturing sector and many small businesses. The town's economy also benefits from agriculture, with local farms producing crops and livestock. Dalton has a lower cost of living compared to many other places, making it affordable for families and individuals.
Chief Vann House Historic Site in Dalton, GA
The Chief Vann House Historic Site is a special place in Dalton, Georgia. It is the home of Chief James Vann, a Cherokee leader, built in 1804. The house is big and beautiful, showing how wealthy and important Vann was. You can tour the house and see original furniture, decorations, and tools from the early 1800s. There are also guided tours where you can learn about the history of the Cherokee people and their lives before they were forced to move west on the Trail of Tears. The site includes lovely gardens and a visitor center with more information and exhibits. It's a great place to learn about Cherokee history and see a well-preserved historic home.
AdventHealth Medical Group Opens Cardiology Office Location in Dalton
Healthcare, like cardiology, is very important in communities because it helps people stay healthy and live longer lives. Cardiology focuses on the heart and blood vessels, which are crucial for our bodies to work properly. Doctors in cardiology help prevent and treat problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. By having good cardiology care in a community, people can get regular check-ups and tests to catch problems early. This means they can get treatment sooner, which often leads to better outcomes and healthier lives. Access to cardiology also helps communities grow stronger because healthy people can work, go to school, and enjoy life without being held back by health issues.
Link to map
Chief Vann House Historic Site 82 GA-225, Chatsworth, GA 30705, United States Head north on GA-225 N 1.4 mi Turn left onto US-76 W 5.2 mi Continue straight onto GA-52 W/E Walnut Ave 0.5 mi Turn right onto Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 3.0 mi Continue onto W Waugh St Pass by Krystal (on the left) 0.4 mi Turn left 161 ft Turn left Destination will be on the right 16 ft The Dalton by Alta 501 W Waugh St, Dalton, GA 30720, United States
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amymedbiller · 3 months
Opening the Potential of Home Based Medical Billing Jobs: Everything You Need to Know
Unlocking the Potential of Home Based Medical Billing Jobs: Everything You Need‍ to Know
In ⁣recent years, remote work has become increasingly popular across various industries, including healthcare. Home based⁣ medical billing jobs are one such opportunity that⁤ offers‌ a flexible⁢ and rewarding​ career path for individuals‌ looking to work from the comfort of their own ⁤homes. In this article, we will delve into the world of home based medical billing jobs, exploring everything you⁢ need to know to unlock their full potential.
**What is Medical Billing?**
Medical billing is the process of submitting ⁣and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for​ services rendered ​by healthcare providers.⁣ Medical billers are responsible⁢ for ensuring that ⁢healthcare providers are compensated accurately and timely for the ‌services they⁣ provide.
**Benefits of Home Based⁣ Medical Billing Jobs**
1. Flexibility: One of the primary ⁣benefits of home based‌ medical billing jobs⁢ is the flexibility they ‍offer.⁤ Working from home ⁣allows you to ⁤set your own hours and ‍create a‍ schedule that works best for you.
2. Cost Savings: By working from home, you ‍can⁣ save ⁢money on⁣ commuting expenses, work attire, and ‍dining out.⁣ This can result in significant cost savings over time.
3. Work-Life Balance: Home ⁢based ‌medical billing jobs allow you to ​spend more time with your⁢ family and pursue hobbies and interests outside⁤ of work. This can ‍lead to ‍improved overall well-being and⁣ job satisfaction.
**Practical Tips for Success in‍ Home⁤ Based Medical Billing Jobs**
1. Invest in the ‌right tools: Make⁢ sure you have access to reliable internet, billing software, and a⁢ dedicated ​workspace to ensure optimal⁤ productivity.
2.⁢ Stay organized: Develop a system for keeping track of ​patient records, insurance claims,⁢ and payments to prevent errors and delays​ in the billing‌ process.
3. Stay up-to-date on ⁣industry trends: The field ‍of medical ⁣billing is constantly evolving, so ‍it’s important ​to stay informed about changes‍ in regulations, coding guidelines, and industry best practices.
**Case Study: Sarah’s Success Story**
Sarah, a single mother of⁢ two, decided to pursue a career in home based medical billing to have more flexibility and⁢ control over her schedule. By enrolling in ​an ‍online medical‌ billing​ course and gaining⁣ hands-on ‌experience through‍ an internship, Sarah was able to secure a remote ​billing job with​ a local healthcare ‍provider. Today, she enjoys ​a stable​ income, work-life balance, and the ability to work from anywhere.
**Firsthand Experience: ‍My​ Journey into ⁣Home Based Medical Billing**
As someone who transitioned from a traditional​ office job to a home based⁢ medical billing role, I ‌can attest to the many benefits of remote work.⁣ The flexibility and autonomy ⁢that come‍ with working from home have allowed me to achieve a better work-life balance and ​pursue my ⁣passion for healthcare administration.
home based medical billing jobs offer a unique opportunity for individuals seeking‌ a rewarding and flexible​ career path in the‍ healthcare industry. By following the ​tips ​outlined in this article ​and ⁢learning from​ the success stories of ​others, ‌you can unlock the full potential ⁣of home based medical billing jobs and embark ⁢on‌ a fulfilling career from the comfort of ‌your own home.
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themomsandthecity · 3 months
When You're Self-Employed, Determining Maternity Leave Is a Double-Edged Sword
It's no secret that being a working mother in the United States is difficult. And while most maternity leave policies tend to be pretty straightforward, albeit inadequate, when you're self-employed, it becomes a choose-your-own-adventure situation, and freedom can be a double-edged sword: the flexibility of designing your own leave helps tremendously, but figuring out how to get paid and actually take time off requires planning, support, and research. The length of one's parental leave typically depends on the coverage provided by an employer, in line with state requirements. Self-employed expecting parents get to determine their own leaves, but this can mean they also forgo some additional protections, like a guaranteed paycheck. According to parental leave consultant Linzay Davis, a maternity leave should ideally allow the parent to focus on their health and recovery, while also bonding with their child. "What your line of work is, what your pay looks like, and what your recovery is like makes a big difference in what leave looks like," she says. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advocates for at least eight weeks of fully paid parental leave. --- Experts Featured in This Article Linzay Davis is the founder of the parental leave consulting firm The Park. Jocelyn Frye is the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families. --- Davis says a helpful leave needs to comprise two components: wage replacement and health insurance. There are typically three routes to get these: through your employer, under national law, or under state policies. When you run your own business, it's difficult to fully take time off if you rely on yourself for income. Unlike other countries with similarly developed economies, the US doesn't have any form of nationally-mandated paid leave. Many private companies offer paid parental leave, although Davis says the terms vary and are totally up to the employer. The only law on the books is the Family and Medical Leave Act, a 1993 law that guarantees workers job protections and up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year after a birth or adoption. This legislation is a starting point, but its specific eligibility requirements mean it doesn't protect everyone. Some people rely on short-term disability or paid leave offered by their state. And 13 states, such as California and New Jersey, plus the District of Columbia, offer some sort of paid parental leave programs, but these also aren't universal. Recent legislative attempts to close these gaps and enact universal paid leave haven't successfully advanced within Congress. "There isn't a national mandate that requires an employer to provide paid family or medical leave," says Jocelyn Frye, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group that focuses on these issues. "The FMLA gives you something and it's important, but it's only one step in terms of where we need to be." Running your own business means you often can't entirely take time off during leave, or end up taking shorter leave. New Jersey-based therapist Christine M. Valentín, LCSW, runs her own therapy practice and took leave for a planned pregnancy in 2016. "I'm a planner by nature, so everything I started doing once I did get pregnant revolved around setting my life up so it was easier to manage," she tells PS. This involved working closely with each client to figure out how much support they needed from her, and making plans for them to seek other care if necessary while she was out. Valentín works out of both New Jersey and New York, but her health insurance only covered her in one state, so she stopped in-person appointments and switched to telehealth one month before her due date at the end of October. She also cut down on her commute by giving up her physical office in Manhattan. Valentín saw clients up until two weeks before her delivery, and took leave from… https://www.popsugar.com/family/maternity-leave-self-employed-49371540?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Unlock Your Future: Enroll in the Top Nursing Course in Ranchi Today
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Nurses form a major workforce in the healthcare industry. Nursing in India is one of the most high-demand jobs in the country. Across the country, lots of educational institutes impart nursing as courses at both graduate and postgraduate levels. One of the top nursing college in Ranchi to pursue nursing courses is Usha Martin University. It was established in 2012. It is one of the leading private universities in the state of Jharkhand. The nursing department in the university includes nursing courses like BSc Nursing and General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM). The main purpose of the course is to prepare individuals to become competent and compassionate healthcare professionals who can provide quality care to patients across various settings.
List of Nursing Courses:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing):
B.Sc Nursing is a four-year undergraduate program for medical students. The course aims to equip students to become future nurses and contribute significantly to the medical field by emphasizing nursing and medicine as its core duties. It is a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge.
General Nursing And Midwifery (GNM):
It is a 3 years diploma-level course aimed at preparing students to become competent nurses who can provide comprehensive healthcare to individuals, families, and communities. This GNM diploma in nursing course is a perfect combination of theoretical and practical training. Extensive training programs help students to use clinical methodologies during their course of work.
Nursing Programs Learning Outcome: 
The candidates are well-prepared to provide safe, competent, and compassionate care to patients.
The candidates, after pursuing the course, demonstrate clinical competence in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care across the lifespan and in various healthcare settings.
Critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making, problem-solving, and evidence-based practice to deliver high-quality patient care are what candidates gain after completing the course.
Reasons To Choose UMU for Nursing Courses: 
Indian Nursing Council approves the courses imparted.
The courses are a perfect blend of theoretical and practical knowledge.
Various workshops, seminars, and guest lectures are conducted so as to keep students updated on the course.
The university offers placement assistance to students. Students are placed across top hospitals in the country.
Nursing Programs Eligibility Criteria:
B.Sc Nursing- To be eligible for BSc Nursing, candidates need to have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English. A minimum of 50% marks is required in 10+2. The candidate must have been 17 years of age as of 31st December of the admitting year. The maximum age limit is 35.
General Nursing And Midwifery (GNM) – To be eligible for admission, candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English. A minimum of 50% marks is required in 10+2.
Admission Alert For Nursing Courses:
The nursing course admission 2024 is currently ongoing. Candidates willing to apply can download the form online or collect it from the university campus and its selected branch offices. They need to click the “APPLY ONLINE” link on the website for online downloading. The registration fee can be paid online or offline. The application form must be sent either in person or through registered post/ speed post/ courier. Once the application form is received, the candidates will be informed within 7 days working days about the process of admission.
Career Scope after Nursing Course:
B.Sc Nursing and GNM are two of the two prominent nursing courses imparted by many colleges and universities across the country. The courses prepare the students for various roles in the healthcare sector. Both the courses offer various career opportunities in the healthcare sector. While B.Sc Nursing provides a broader scope and the potential for higher positions and specialization, GNM offers quicker entry into the workforce with substantial career prospects.
BSc Nursing – It is an undergraduate course that provides nursing education. The career opportunities include Staff Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Public Health Nurse, Military Nurse, etc.
GNM – It is a diploma course focused on providing basic nursing and midwifery education. The career opportunities include Staff Nurse, Midwife, Community Health worker, Nursing Assistant, industrial Nurse, etc.
Pursuing nursing course in Ranchi at UMU offers a mix of quality education, practical training, and career development opportunities. The university ensures that students acquire the necessary skills to begin their nursing careers.
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dankusner · 4 months
Gregory Antollino —  March 28, 2022
Re: Instagram photo by Gregory Antollino • Mar 25, 2022 at 8:24 PM
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Instagram instagram.com/Marcellit0
Twitter twitter.com/civilrightslwyr
Photography gregshots.com
Legal services antollino.com
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Judge Scolds Atty For 'Hostile' Court Messages, Limits Access
A New York federal magistrate judge admonished a solo practitioner for sending multiple emails and leaving a voicemail with the court that were "disrespectful, hostile, and largely unrelated to the substance of" a case by a group of health workers accusing a staffing company of profiteering from the COVID-19 pandemic and putting them at needless risk.
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U.S. Magistrate Judge Ona T. Wang did not identify the plaintiffs' lawyer in her order on Monday. 
But the attorney is Gregory Antollino, who fired back in a filing Tuesday morning, arguing that Judge Wang's order limiting his contact with the court "attacks me publicly" and did not "allow me to respond in kind."
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Antollino, who's representing a group of nurses or nurse practitioners who brought the underlying case in April 2020 against Krucial Staffing LLC and its CEO, also asked the judge for permission to file a two-page letter in which the attorney plans to ask for Judge Wang's recusal.
He said the jurist's characterization of his communications to the court was done "in an ad hominem manner" that "not only violated your rules but showed an appearance of impropriety."
By Khorri Atkinson ·
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November 23, 2021, 4:34 PM EST
A New York federal magistrate judge admonished a solo practitioner for sending multiple emails and leaving a voicemail with the court that were "disrespectful, hostile, and largely unrelated to the substance…
a case by a group of health workers accusing a staffing compan
Allen et al v. Krucial Staffing, LLC et al
Case Number: 1:20-cv-02859
Crises nurses for-temporary-hire join battle on coronavirus front lines Published July 23, 2020 EDINBURG, Texas — Visiting nurse Gabriel Leyva, 34, second from left, of Downey helps treat a COVID-19 patient in Edinburg, Texas, where hospitalizations and deaths have spiked this month. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
Crisis nurse Catrina Rugar was in full protective gear, checking a ventilated patient at a new COVID-19 unit in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, when a doctor stopped to ask how old the man was: 40.
“They keep getting younger,” Rugar said.
Doctor and nurse bemoaned how people in Florida and Texas were ignoring pandemic restrictions.
“No one’s seeing us drown in patients,” Rugar said.
Rugar is part of an army of thousands of nurses and other medical staff, including some from Southern California, who were deployed first to New York City at the start of the pandemic, then to south Texas this month to battle the virus.
Contracted by staffing agencies that set up temporary offices in Rio Grande Valley hotels, registered nurses are paid $95 an hour ($142 an hour for overtime) plus travel expenses to work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week for months at a time (nurse practitioner jobs pay more).
“You thought NYC was the biggest activation in American history with 4,500 medical professionals? So did we,” the Krucial Staffing agency said in a job posting on Facebook last week seeking nurses and other medical staff. “Our operations have moved to the great state of Texas. We are on track to eclipse that number.”
Catrina Rugar, 34, a traveling nurse from Florida, responded first to hospitals in New York, then Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, where she was treating COVID-19 patients in Edinburg last week. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
A lawsuit filed by seven former Krucial nurses in New York this spring alleges they were forced to work without sufficient protective equipment and to perform work beyond their scope of training, putting them and their patients in danger.
When they complained, they said they were fired.
“Based on information from many former Krucial nurses — not just my clients — Krucial’s practices risk people’s lives by sending in unqualified nurses who are attracted to the high pay,” said Gregory Antollino, a New York-based attorney representing the nurses in their lawsuit.
Krucial Staffing, based in Overland Park, Kan., released a statement Friday saying it “vehemently denies the claims asserted in that lawsuit. We fully intend to defend our company from these false allegations.”
Rugar, who worked for Krucial at the 530-bed DHR Health in Edinburg, said the hospital was better prepared than those she staffed early in the pandemic in Harlem and the Bronx.
But the Texas facility was still in crisis, she said, forced to cope with shortages of equipment and personnel amid a seemingly endless stream of critically ill patients.
One of the women on a ventilator she cared for last week had already lost her husband to COVID-19.
This week charter buses and vans ferried nurses from valley hospitals to hotels, where staff placed “Healthcare heroes” signs on their doors, thank-you banners in lobbies and ear plugs at the front desks for those on the night shift. At morning and evening shift change, nurses in scrubs and pink respirator masks arrived in groups. Some asked hotel staff for trash bags to carry their soiled scrubs; others for deliveries. Some had ordered protective equipment such as gas masks in advance, unsure what conditions they would face in COVID units.
Hotel halls were lined with their clogs and sneakers, which they left outside to avoid contaminating their rooms.
Traveling nurses staying at hotels around McAllen, Texas, take buses to local hospital to work in the COVID-19 units. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
“We just have to try our best,” said Rugar, 34, who has worked as an emergency room nurse for a decade. “We’re making progress.”
Rugar, who lives in Crystal River, Fla., said she was skeptical about the pandemic when she arrived in New York, but quickly realized the severity of the risk and was “a changed person” when she left 39 days later.
She gets frustrated when she sees people refusing to wear face coverings and practice social distancing or calling the pandemic a hoax.
Her husband and brother are nursing assistants temporarily assigned to a different south Texas hospital.
But Rugar said even her Cuban American family back in Florida had their doubts.
“There’s people saying, ‘Oh, the media’s lying. The numbers are fake.’ There’s a lack of trust,” she said, until people get infected. “Then they want all the help they can get.”
She planned to return to Florida this week with her husband and brother to quarantine for two weeks, then continue working at COVID units there.
Working with Rugar on the COVID-19 team in Texas was contract nurse Gabriel Leyva.
When the pandemic began, Leyva, 34, a single father raising a 7-year-old, was only a few months out of nursing school at Cerritos College, working at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in his native Downey.
“I didn’t know what I was getting into,” he said.
Nurses Catrina Rugar, Hannah Woodward and Veronica Gomez treat a COVID-19 patient in Edinburg, Texas. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
He said his parents worried about his safety when he left for a six-week assignment in New York.
“One of the things my dad asked me was, ‘What assets do you have set aside for your daughter if you die?’” he said.
But Leyva said he’s learned how to safely work as part of ever-evolving teams to treat the coronavirus.
“It’s nurses from all over the nation coming together to overcome this virus,” he said. “You learn to adapt quick. It’s something I’m learning with each deployment.”
One of his friends from nursing school is also deployed in Texas, Jaime Zamora, 30, of Santa Fe Springs.
Zamora had just graduated in February when the pandemic started, and he said he went straight to New York because “I wanted to find a way to help.”
In New York, he worked the day shift on a psychiatric medical unit full of COVID-19 patients at Bellevue Hospital.
Leyva worked night shift.
In the evenings at shift change, their spirits lifted when residents of an adjacent apartment building would open their windows and clap.
That doesn’t happen in Texas, and after three weeks Zamora said he often feels drained, emotionally and physically.
He’s seeing more people infecting their loved ones.
“I’m constantly arranging FaceTime calls with entire families. I’ve seen many brothers and sisters crying. It’s a family disease,” he said.
A nursing job’s waiting for Zamora at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. But he plans to stay in Texas for at least another week, maybe two.
“That’s what I became a nurse for: to help,” he said. “I’m working every single day until it’s time to go home.”
Greg S. Antollino
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Frank E. Antollino Obituary
Frank Antollino, 80, of Branford, CT passed away peacefully while surrounded by loved ones on Friday, September 8, 2023 after a valiant battle against a long illness. Born in New Haven, he was the son of the late Ernest & Rose Antollino. He grew up in the Cove area of New Haven, attending Nathan Hale School and eventually Notre Dame High School prior to the family moving to Branford. He spent time working for his father Ernest and his many uncles at their Golden Crest Ice Cream plant during his high school and college summers. He attended Providence College and then onto Suffolk Law School in Boston. Upon graduation, Frank was initially a prosecutor in New Haven for a short time until he and his late law partner of 50 years, Charles “Chuck” Angelo, opened their private practice together. He was a well-known attorney in the greater New Haven area, well respected, and sought after by many. He worked as an attorney up until he became ill as the law was one of his joys in life, along with making and eating authentic Italian food like his mother Rose made, enjoying his wife Charlene’s expert home cooking, and taking past trips to NYC and Newport, RI with her. He was also an avid NY Giants fan, but also looked forward to watching most football games. Holiday celebrations will always be remembered and cherished as a time to spend with family and to enjoy delicious food together. He was predeceased by his parents and his two beloved sons, Christopher and Gregory “Scott” Antollino.
He is survived by his loving wife of 40 years, Charlene Antollino of Branford, his daughter, Robin Antollino-Bukoski of Worcester, MA, his sister, Roberta Antollino of Branford, and his three grandchildren, Ryan, Dylan, and Jillian Bukoski. He also leaves behind two stepsons Scott (Danielle) Craig of Wallingford, CT and Damon (Amy) Golia of Mathis, Texas along with his bonus granddaughters Alyssa, Briana and Caitlyn.
We would like to thank the very special nurses who took extra good care of Frank on the 7-5 Unit at Yale New Haven Hospital.
A memorial service will be held at the W. S. Clancy Memorial Funeral Home, 244 North Main Street, Branford on Thursday, September 14th with 5-7pm calling hours and at 7pm will be a Celebration of Life.
In lieu of flowers ,, it would be appreciated that memorial donations may be made to a charity of your choice. 
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, and other officials in the Biden Administration to stop an unlawful attempt to redefine federal law through agency guidance.
This lawsuit is Attorney General Paxton’s 75th legal action against the Biden Administration.
On April 29, the EEOC issued guidance that would redefine the meaning of “sex” in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to require employer accommodations for bathroom usage, dress code compliance, and pronoun usage in the workplace based on “gender identity” rather than biological sex.
However, doing so directly flouts a prior ruling Texas won stopping a substantially similar guidance issued by the EEOC in 2022.
According to that ruling, the agency lacked any authority to mandate a reinterpretation of the law and the court vacated the guidance in its entirety.
The court also issued a binding declaratory judgment between Texas and EEOC that Title VII did not require employer accommodations for bathroom usage, dress code compliance, and pronoun usage to be according to “gender identity” rather than biological sex — which the Biden Administration did not even appeal.
The renewed attempt by the Biden Administration to remake Title VII through agency action contradicts the previous ruling and is clearly unlawful.
Attorney General Paxton has asked the court to enforce its declaratory judgment, vacate the illegal guidance from April 29, and grant injunctive relief preventing the Biden Administration from issuing further guidance and other resources that are “contrary to law.”
“Yet again the Biden Administration is trying to circumvent the democratic process by issuing sweeping mandates from the desks of bureaucrats that would fundamentally reshape American law,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Texas will not stand by while Biden ignores court orders forbidding such actions and will we hold the federal government accountable at every turn.”
Re: Instagram photo by Gregory Antollino • Mar 25, 2022 at 8:24 PM https://www.passengersjournal.com/volume-2-issue-6-visual-art
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A note from the artist:
This is an image I took of Sylvia Rivera at the corner of 12th Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Gay Pride 1993. She was a Stonewall Survivor and wore her banner with pride. Her outfit is completely together for a blinging hot day.
What’s going on in her mind?
Is it just an unflattering picture that makes Sylvia seem confused? (Please forgive the photographer; Pride is busy, even a kilometer from Christopher Street. The sun was not in my favor.)
Nevertheless, suspending disbelief and judging from her gaze, which I shot from a lower angle, I see fear; I see rage; I see a person unaccepted not only by society, but the bougie onlookers who had no idea what she had done for the Queer Struggle.
I thank Passenger’s Journal for taking this, even the scan of a photo – one I probably printed at CVS – which was not quite right: too dark and overexposed. I found the negative just a month ago, having forgotten that I had submitted this. Then I misplaced the negative, along with another important shot, the one that leads all of the photos on my hobbyist website. Then, Manolo Salas, an editor with Tony Vaccaro Studio, rescanned the negative and let in light. I didn’t know of Sylvia Rivera in 1993, and only realized I had taken this shot, after rewatching “The Death and Life of Marsh P. Johnson,” by David France. Sylvia’s struggle, in my opinion, is the thematic heart of that story. Then I just happened to be looking though albums and there she was.
It's been a tough couple of years for us all. We were already trapped by the pandemic. Because we couldn’t travel, it made me feel doubly secluded. I’m by nature an explorer always looking for something new to record. In life, I am (mostly) satisfied practicing law, but during the worst of the pandemic I needed to retravel to places I had been and, in doing so, I regained some optimism.
In Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, No. 17-1618 (S. Ct. June 15, 2020),[1] the Supreme Court held that firing individuals because of their sexual orientation or transgender status violates Title VII’s prohibition on discrimination because of sex.
The Court reached its holding by focusing on the plain text of Title VII.
As the Court explained, “discrimination based on homosexuality or transgender status necessarily entails discrimination based on sex; the first cannot happen without the second.”
For example, if an employer fires an employee because she is a woman who is married to a woman, but would not do the same to a man married to a woman, the employer is taking an action because of the employee’s sex because the action would not have taken place but for the employee being a woman.
Similarly, if an employer fires an employee because that person was identified as male at birth but uses feminine pronouns and identifies as a female, the employer is taking action against the individual because of sex since the action would not have been taken but for the fact the employee was originally identified as male.
The Court also noted that its decision did not address various religious liberty issues, such as the First Amendment, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and exemptions Title VII provides for religious employers
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ghoulietta42 · 9 months
Need people to play DnD or Lancer or Fallout 2d20 or Dark Heresy 1st edition with. I hyper focused on them so much I have access to almost all the rules for them and generally I just want people TwT
(Feel free to click away here if you don't want a whole story thingy)
Because I'm already talking about it, I'll share some stuffs. Here is a dramatized version of one of my characters :D
Von Karma sits up in bed. He's still sleepy, but it's his birthday. He drags himself to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, looks at his stark silver hair, brushes at it a bit, and smiles at the mirror. It's important that he affirms himself, or he'll get sad again. He gets dressed, leaves his room, and goes across the manor to his study. His drawings are strewn about, a few books on the practice of ancient law and order. He starts messing about with his little computers, trying to get his AI buddies to work. He sets them to argue about something he read in the books, a court case. He has them fill in the blanks for fun, and they try to put in a show. He smiles, content to be spending his 18th birthday with his two friends.
With the crackling of the PA system, he gets called to his Overseers office. The guy that's been his father stand in his whole life.
The overseer shows him a document. The document outlines that Karma has been basically created to pilot mechanical suits for wars that a corporate entity is fighting for the highest bidder. He's told that this is the end of his life in the manor, and now he can go see the stars and meet people, as long as he helps out his family.
He accepts. He's scared of hurting people, but his Overseer says that his genetic base means that he'll get over that fear soon, and that his first job won't be combat. He nods.
He's told to go to the medical room and get a few shots so that he doesn't get sick. He obliges, sitting in the room as a machine draws blood from him and injects him with various medicines. It's always known what's best.
A few days later, He enters his first suit. it's a large, chunky mech with a giant cannon he picked out on the top. As he sits down, he looks down at his ai chip, and plugs it in. His friends pop up on the display, and help him learn about the functions in the mech.
He smiles as one of his friends plays Funky Town for him to help him soothe his nerves.
Then the drop starts. Hurtles to the world below, thrusters barely keeping him stable.
Objective: Find and reclaim Device
As his mech lands on ground, he looks around. It's a desolate place. Ruins. As he walks towards the objective he's been given, he hears the sound of gunshots rattling somewhere ahead. As he pilots the mech closer, he sees a mech fighting down by some sort of outpost. The outpost is a roughly made structure. A mech is fighting out front, swinging large blades at the robots. Other people are firing down at the swarm from the walks. He can tell they've used their mech to move cars and scrap to make walls.
The people seem to be fighting off a swarm of small robots, but they're failing. Getting picked off. Karma moves the mech forward and starts to help, using the sheer mass of the shield and a combat arm weapon to help destroy the swarm. When it's over, he comes out of his machine to meet these people.
He meets a few people. Not many of them made it here. Preston, Guill, Jane, Trudy, they're all that's left.
He talks about his mission here, how he thinks he was sent down to help them. Asks if they have found some sort of device here that seemed weird or important. They bring him to a basement where they've holed up. Inside, he sees a large a squarish box with a keypad and screen. They apparently were just going to scrap it. He thanks them.
He has never been around people in this way. He shares some food with them from his kit, talks to them, learns about them.
Preston was a farmer mostly, but the recent swarms of robots made him flee his farm with his farm equipment, a mech suit, and he came here where he knew there was concrete walls and a basement.
Guill didn't talk much, but he had a distinct jacket on, some sort of blazer that makes him part of the local law enforcement. Or well, did make him.
Jane was from off planet. She had come here to get some things she had to ferry back to her world. Basically a suit case full of data sticks. She laughs about how she threw it at a robot when it came for her, and never went back for it. It seemed almost silly now, that it was so important.
Trudy was young, maybe highschool years. She didn't look well. her clothes didn't fit, like she had taken them from somewhere. She told Karma that she had been in the hospital, recovering from a disease that she had. She finally was told she was going to pull through, but a week later, everyone was gone.
They turned in for the night, Karma taking the chance to get a bit of rest. He slept nice for once. The fear of these robots was lessened by these people being around.
When he woke up the next morning, he talked a bit more with these people, even talked about how his corporation is supposed to do some disaster relief. Maybe he can get them help, a rescue even. He heads to the device on the table, and interacts with the key pad the way he was told.
There's a flash of light. Burning like he's never felt before for just a second.
The Overseer presses the switch on his desk after seeing the display go blank.
"Do you have them ready?"
The voice crackles to life on the other side.
"Yes, sir. We have three on standby already, and multiple more growing as we speak. The blood sample took well to the process."
"Good. Bring me the next boy then."
Von Karma sits up in bed. He's still sleepy, but it's his birthday.
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jobijesr · 10 months
Puravive Weight Loss Reviews [Real Customer Views] Can You Trust Official Website Claims or Bogus Benefits?
Puravive, made to act as an encouraging sign for those attempting to get in shape, is a landmark to the force of nature. Considered the main result of its sort, its uniqueness comes from its unadulterated and totally regular fixings, basically the same as what nature planned for a solid method for getting in shape. Puravive's fundamental fixings are an extraordinary mix of 8 strong tropical supplements and plant-based synthetic substances. The logically demonstrated capacity of this combination to expand how much earthy colored fat in the body, a fundamental partner in the battle against overweight, separates it from the opposition.
This equation's all-normal responsibility is exhibited by the way that every fixing is obtained from nature. Puravive relieves fears with respect to quality and wellbeing for people who have them. The blend is additionally totally plant-based, Puravive Weight Loss, and observably absent any trace of any horrible incidental effects. This ensures that individuals might remember Puravive for their standard everyday practice without agonizing over fixation or negative incidental effects. It's not difficult to-swallow container shape and easy to understand configuration ensure an issue free encounter for the client.
Also, the truly positive reaction it has gotten from its client base validates the two its cost and viability. Puravive frequently remunerates its clients with engaging motivating forces, limits, and exceptional offers, adding to its fascination and making the way to a superior self both rewarding and congenial.
A group of specialists have painstakingly chosen the strong mix of Puravive determined to assist every one of the individuals who experience issues Puravive Reviews offset with their body weight. The enhancement definition depends on research showing that one of the primary drivers of an unequal muscle versus fat ratio is a low level of brown fat tissue. To battle this, they consolidated different natural mixtures that have been displayed in examinations to build the level of brown fat tissue in the body normally. Puravive is made in a GMP ensured office, sticks to a severe veggie lover diet, and makes no known side impacts.
Picking Puravive for sound weight reduction is grounded in strong logical proof and supports from clinical specialists and specialists all around the world. The flood in Puravive audits and client tributes aggregately avows its adequacy in conveying substantial outcomes. Ongoing logical revelations, exemplified by a noteworthy report led by German Researchers and distributed in Nature Medication, distinguished low degrees of Brown Fat Tissue Puravive Weight Loss Reviewsas a typical characteristic in overweight people. Alternately, thin people showed elevated degrees of BAT, testing regular convictions about the job of earthy colored fat.
Brown Fat Tissue, frequently misconstrued as fat, is, truth be told, a powerful fat eliminator. Loaded with mitochondria, it resolutely changes over calories from fat stores and food consumption into unadulterated energy. Notwithstanding its little extent in body weight, BAT can wreck to multiple times a larger number of calories than some other cell, making it a critical figure compelling weight the board. Puravive, figured out considering this logical leap forward, looks to streamline BAT levels, giving an establishment to significant weight reduction and metabolic upgrade. Clinically approved to raise BAT levels, Puravive is becoming basic, particularly for those matured 50 or more, encouraging an experimentally embraced pathway to life span and unmatched wellbeing. As clear in a plenty of Puravive surveys and tributes, clients are encountering genuine advantages that highlight the item's viability in improving wellbeing and weight the board objectives.
Puravive Weight Lossis a multi-layered try impacted by different elements, with hereditary qualities frequently assuming a critical part. At the point when hereditary qualities add to weight difficulties, they can be impervious to change. Nonetheless, it's inside our control to deal with the parts of weight that can be impacted. One viable way to deal with handling this intricacy is through a diverse item like PuraVive diet pills.
PuraVive is a weight reduction recipe masterfully created from premium normal fixings. It actually targets difficult fat layers, changing them into an energy source urgent for supporting different physical processes. While it may not be a new participant to the market, PuraVive encountered a significant flood in fame inside its underlying month of send off, a pattern that proceeds unabated. As indicated by the authority site, its ability to improve brown fat tissue Puravive Weight Lossinside the body, an idea not well known. By the by, in the event that PuraVive satisfies its commitments, it very well may be a beam of expectation for people who might have lost trust in their capacity to shed those additional pounds.
Finding an answer for weight the executives that fits consistently into a bustling way of life is a valuable find. PuraVive's extraordinary methodology and spotlight on upgrading earthy colored fat levels offer a fascinating way for those looking for a powerful weight reduction arrangement.
In this complete PuraVive audit, we will investigate the extraordinary highlights that move trust in this enhancement. We'll dive into the meaning of brown fat tissue, or earthy colored fat, with regards to weight reduction.
Puravive has been presented as an extreme assistance for weight watchers. It is for each and every individual who has taken a stab at everything except neglected to get more fit or the weight appears to be stuck. The regular fixings inside this equation assist with getting to the fat cells without any problem. Along these lines, breaking and setting the energy free from fat cells becomes conceivable. Subsequently, the body begins to thin down, and there is a noticeable change in weight, as well.
Despite the fact that there are many weight reduction dietary enhancements accessible, each offering a 'novel' approach, you want to assess them to know their reality. The commitments these organizations make are Puravive Weight Loss, and they give no logical thinking to it. It raises a doubt that the item is only a misuse of cash. Luckily, Puravive has an alternate technique.
PuraVive weight reduction equation accompanies total data, including what is inside it, subtleties on the assembling system, advantages, assumptions, and client audits, all suitable on the authority site. You can find out about measurement rules, what to do and what to keep away from while taking it for a protected encounter.
As it is a dietary enhancement, it arrives in a simple to-swallow container structure. Puravive Weight Loss Reviews containers in each jug, and the day to day portion is just a single case with a glass of water. All in all, how can one container of Puravive fixings assist you with shedding this difficult fat collected throughout the long term? Continue perusing to find out.
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susanperezu · 10 months
Puravive Weight Loss Reviews [Real Customer Views] Can You Trust Official Website Claims or Bogus Benefits?
Puravive, made to act as an encouraging sign for those attempting to get in shape, is a landmark to the force of nature. Considered the main result of its sort, its uniqueness comes from its unadulterated and totally regular fixings, basically the same as what nature planned for a solid method for getting in shape. Puravive's fundamental fixings are an extraordinary mix of 8 strong tropical supplements and plant-based synthetic substances. The logically demonstrated capacity of this combination to expand how much earthy colored fat in the body, a fundamental partner in the battle against overweight, separates it from the opposition.
This equation's all-normal responsibility is exhibited by the way that every fixing is obtained from nature. Puravive relieves fears with respect to quality and wellbeing for people who have them. The blend is additionally totally plant-based, Puravive Weight Loss, and observably absent any trace of any horrible incidental effects. This ensures that individuals might remember Puravive for their standard everyday practice without agonizing over fixation or negative incidental effects. It's not difficult to-swallow container shape and easy to understand configuration ensure an issue free encounter for the client.
Also, the truly positive reaction it has gotten from its client base validates the two its cost and viability. Puravive frequently remunerates its clients with engaging motivating forces, limits, and exceptional offers, adding to its fascination and making the way to a superior self both rewarding and congenial.
A group of specialists have painstakingly chosen the strong mix of Puravive determined to assist every one of the individuals who experience issues Puravive Reviews offset with their body weight. The enhancement definition depends on research showing that one of the primary drivers of an unequal muscle versus fat ratio is a low level of brown fat tissue. To battle this, they consolidated different natural mixtures that have been displayed in examinations to build the level of brown fat tissue in the body normally. Puravive is made in a GMP ensured office, sticks to a severe veggie lover diet, and makes no known side impacts.
Picking Puravive for sound weight reduction is grounded in strong logical proof and supports from clinical specialists and specialists all around the world. The flood in Puravive audits and client tributes aggregately avows its adequacy in conveying substantial outcomes. Ongoing logical revelations, exemplified by a noteworthy report led by German Researchers and distributed in Nature Medication, distinguished low degrees of Brown Fat Tissue Puravive Weight Loss Reviewsas a typical characteristic in overweight people. Alternately, thin people showed elevated degrees of BAT, testing regular convictions about the job of earthy colored fat.
Brown Fat Tissue, frequently misconstrued as fat, is, truth be told, a powerful fat eliminator. Loaded with mitochondria, it resolutely changes over calories from fat stores and food consumption into unadulterated energy. Notwithstanding its little extent in body weight, BAT can wreck to multiple times a larger number of calories than some other cell, making it a critical figure compelling weight the board. Puravive, figured out considering this logical leap forward, looks to streamline BAT levels, giving an establishment to significant weight reduction and metabolic upgrade. Clinically approved to raise BAT levels, Puravive is becoming basic, particularly for those matured 50 or more, encouraging an experimentally embraced pathway to life span and unmatched wellbeing. As clear in a plenty of Puravive surveys and tributes, clients are encountering genuine advantages that highlight the item's viability in improving wellbeing and weight the board objectives.
Puravive Weight Lossis a multi-layered try impacted by different elements, with hereditary qualities frequently assuming a critical part. At the point when hereditary qualities add to weight difficulties, they can be impervious to change. Nonetheless, it's inside our control to deal with the parts of weight that can be impacted. One viable way to deal with handling this intricacy is through a diverse item like PuraVive diet pills.
PuraVive is a weight reduction recipe masterfully created from premium normal fixings. It actually targets difficult fat layers, changing them into an energy source urgent for supporting different physical processes. While it may not be a new participant to the market, PuraVive encountered a significant flood in fame inside its underlying month of send off, a pattern that proceeds unabated. As indicated by the authority site, its ability to improve brown fat tissue Puravive Weight Lossinside the body, an idea not well known. By the by, in the event that PuraVive satisfies its commitments, it very well may be a beam of expectation for people who might have lost trust in their capacity to shed those additional pounds.
Finding an answer for weight the executives that fits consistently into a bustling way of life is a valuable find. PuraVive's extraordinary methodology and spotlight on upgrading earthy colored fat levels offer a fascinating way for those looking for a powerful weight reduction arrangement.
In this complete PuraVive audit, we will investigate the extraordinary highlights that move trust in this enhancement. We'll dive into the meaning of brown fat tissue, or earthy colored fat, with regards to weight reduction.
Puravive has been presented as an extreme assistance for weight watchers. It is for each and every individual who has taken a stab at everything except neglected to get more fit or the weight appears to be stuck. The regular fixings inside this equation assist with getting to the fat cells without any problem. Along these lines, breaking and setting the energy free from fat cells becomes conceivable. Subsequently, the body begins to thin down, and there is a noticeable change in weight, as well.
Despite the fact that there are many weight reduction dietary enhancements accessible, each offering a 'novel' approach, you want to assess them to know their reality. The commitments these organizations make are Puravive Weight Loss, and they give no logical thinking to it. It raises a doubt that the item is only a misuse of cash. Luckily, Puravive has an alternate technique.
PuraVive weight reduction equation accompanies total data, including what is inside it, subtleties on the assembling system, advantages, assumptions, and client audits, all suitable on the authority site. You can find out about measurement rules, what to do and what to keep away from while taking it for a protected encounter.
As it is a dietary enhancement, it arrives in a simple to-swallow container structure. Puravive Weight Loss Reviews containers in each jug, and the day to day portion is just a single case with a glass of water. All in all, how can one container of Puravive fixings assist you with shedding this difficult fat collected throughout the long term? Continue perusing to find out.
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puraviveweightloss2 · 11 months
Puravive Weight Loss Reviews [Real Customer Views] Can You Trust Official Website Claims or Bogus Benefits?
Puravive, made to act as an encouraging sign for those attempting to get in shape, is a landmark to the force of nature. Considered the main result of its sort, its uniqueness comes from its unadulterated and totally regular fixings, basically the same as what nature planned for a solid method for getting in shape. Puravive's fundamental fixings are an extraordinary mix of 8 strong tropical supplements and plant-based synthetic substances. The logically demonstrated capacity of this combination to expand how much earthy colored fat in the body, a fundamental partner in the battle against overweight, separates it from the opposition.
This equation's all-normal responsibility is exhibited by the way that every fixing is obtained from nature. Puravive relieves fears with respect to quality and wellbeing for people who have them. The blend is additionally totally plant-based, Puravive Weight Loss, and observably absent any trace of any horrible incidental effects. This ensures that individuals might remember Puravive for their standard everyday practice without agonizing over fixation or negative incidental effects. It's not difficult to-swallow container shape and easy to understand configuration ensure an issue free encounter for the client.
Also, the truly positive reaction it has gotten from its client base validates the two its cost and viability. Puravive frequently remunerates its clients with engaging motivating forces, limits, and exceptional offers, adding to its fascination and making the way to a superior self both rewarding and congenial.
A group of specialists have painstakingly chosen the strong mix of Puravive determined to assist every one of the individuals who experience issues Puravive Reviews offset with their body weight. The enhancement definition depends on research showing that one of the primary drivers of an unequal muscle versus fat ratio is a low level of brown fat tissue. To battle this, they consolidated different natural mixtures that have been displayed in examinations to build the level of brown fat tissue in the body normally. Puravive is made in a GMP ensured office, sticks to a severe veggie lover diet, and makes no known side impacts.
Picking Puravive for sound weight reduction is grounded in strong logical proof and supports from clinical specialists and specialists all around the world. The flood in Puravive audits and client tributes aggregately avows its adequacy in conveying substantial outcomes. Ongoing logical revelations, exemplified by a noteworthy report led by German Researchers and distributed in Nature Medication, distinguished low degrees of Brown Fat Tissue Puravive Weight Loss Reviewsas a typical characteristic in overweight people. Alternately, thin people showed elevated degrees of BAT, testing regular convictions about the job of earthy colored fat.
Brown Fat Tissue, frequently misconstrued as fat, is, truth be told, a powerful fat eliminator. Loaded with mitochondria, it resolutely changes over calories from fat stores and food consumption into unadulterated energy. Notwithstanding its little extent in body weight, BAT can wreck to multiple times a larger number of calories than some other cell, making it a critical figure compelling weight the board. Puravive, figured out considering this logical leap forward, looks to streamline BAT levels, giving an establishment to significant weight reduction and metabolic upgrade. Clinically approved to raise BAT levels, Puravive is becoming basic, particularly for those matured 50 or more, encouraging an experimentally embraced pathway to life span and unmatched wellbeing. As clear in a plenty of Puravive surveys and tributes, clients are encountering genuine advantages that highlight the item's viability in improving wellbeing and weight the board objectives.
Puravive Weight Lossis a multi-layered try impacted by different elements, with hereditary qualities frequently assuming a critical part. At the point when hereditary qualities add to weight difficulties, they can be impervious to change. Nonetheless, it's inside our control to deal with the parts of weight that can be impacted. One viable way to deal with handling this intricacy is through a diverse item like PuraVive diet pills.
PuraVive is a weight reduction recipe masterfully created from premium normal fixings. It actually targets difficult fat layers, changing them into an energy source urgent for supporting different physical processes. While it may not be a new participant to the market, PuraVive encountered a significant flood in fame inside its underlying month of send off, a pattern that proceeds unabated. As indicated by the authority site, its ability to improve brown fat tissue Puravive Weight Lossinside the body, an idea not well known. By the by, in the event that PuraVive satisfies its commitments, it very well may be a beam of expectation for people who might have lost trust in their capacity to shed those additional pounds.
Finding an answer for weight the executives that fits consistently into a bustling way of life is a valuable find. PuraVive's extraordinary methodology and spotlight on upgrading earthy colored fat levels offer a fascinating way for those looking for a powerful weight reduction arrangement.
In this complete PuraVive audit, we will investigate the extraordinary highlights that move trust in this enhancement. We'll dive into the meaning of brown fat tissue, or earthy colored fat, with regards to weight reduction.
Puravive has been presented as an extreme assistance for weight watchers. It is for each and every individual who has taken a stab at everything except neglected to get more fit or the weight appears to be stuck. The regular fixings inside this equation assist with getting to the fat cells without any problem. Along these lines, breaking and setting the energy free from fat cells becomes conceivable. Subsequently, the body begins to thin down, and there is a noticeable change in weight, as well.
Despite the fact that there are many weight reduction dietary enhancements accessible, each offering a 'novel' approach, you want to assess them to know their reality. The commitments these organizations make are Puravive Weight Loss, and they give no logical thinking to it. It raises a doubt that the item is only a misuse of cash. Luckily, Puravive has an alternate technique.
PuraVive weight reduction equation accompanies total data, including what is inside it, subtleties on the assembling system, advantages, assumptions, and client audits, all suitable on the authority site. You can find out about measurement rules, what to do and what to keep away from while taking it for a protected encounter.
As it is a dietary enhancement, it arrives in a simple to-swallow container structure. Puravive Weight Loss Reviews containers in each jug, and the day to day portion is just a single case with a glass of water. All in all, how can one container of Puravive fixings assist you with shedding this difficult fat collected throughout the long term? Continue perusing to find out.
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marjaystuff · 1 year
Interview with Allison Ashley
Would You Rather (2022)
The Roommate Pact (2023)
Mira Pub.
Allison Ashley’s two books, Would You Rather and The Roommate Pact show how friends can be supportive and love each other in different ways.  These books show that as love grows so does the intimacy as well as finding a soul mate.
Would You Rather has the heroine, Mia, given an opportunity to pursue her education and find her dream job.  The problem is that she needs her job because she needs health insurance.  She has a kidney disease and is awaiting a transplant.  Noah, a friend since the age of seven suggests they get married, in name only so she can study full-time and go on his insurance.  Although it takes some convincing, she agrees.  What will happen with this marriage of convenience and will the relationship grow into something more.
The other book in the series The Roommate Pact is also a friend to lovers’ story but with more humor, great banter, and a fabulous plot. Graham, the hero, and Claire, the heroine, agree that if they are still single by the time, they’re forty, they’ll take the proverbial plunge together and get married.  But after a few glasses of wine, Claire changes the rules to being hookup buddies now.  The attraction was there, the tension between them was there and their first kiss turned passionate quickly. But life got in the way.  Graham was seriously injured in a rock-climbing accident. He needs ER Nurse Claire’s help to heal. She’ll do whatever it takes to nurse her good friend back to health, even if it means moving into Graham’s bed and putting up with his little dog, who hates her. There are many emotional moments as Graham struggles with his recovery and Claire is struggling with her past. Will the tragedies interfere with the relationship that is forming between the two?
Both books are heartwarming sweet stories, with readers laughing and crying along with the characters.  
Elise Cooper: Are these a series?
Allison Ashley:  I am a science nerd with an artsy reading and music side to me. I am kind of an anomaly. For now, the series will be just with these two books. They are stand-alone but in the same world. I enjoy writing friends to lovers’ stories. The first book has Mia and Noah as lifelong friends, while in the second book Claire and Graham are just friends. 
EC:  Would you write a book with the roommate Reagan?
AA:  I am somebody who writes with the characters coming alive for me and they just pop out.  Reagan is a little young for me to write.  I am not sure I can write a twenty-five-year old’s story.   I want to write as I know, and I am turning forty so I am not sure I can use the younger generations terminology.  
EC:  In the first book, Would You Rather how did you get the idea for the story?
AA: I wanted to write a story that included marriages of convenience. Being in the medical field I have seen where some are unable to afford a certain medicine.  They either have insurance restrictions or do not even have insurance.  This prompted me to think what if they married because they needed health insurance. I loosely based Mia’s condition on someone that was treated for a kidney condition at the Cancer Center I worked at. It is relatively pricey for a chronic kidney condition.  I wanted to write a story with these issues.
EC:  How did you come up with the scenes where Noah and Mia played practical jokes on each other?
AA: It came from several different places.  I wanted to portray their deep friendship and the comfort level where they can be just silly.  I remembered my first year as an oncology resident where I shared this tiny office with five co-residents.  We were stressed and worked long hours. We would mess with each other’s desks.  One time I literally turned everything on my neighbor’s desk upside down.  This spurred the idea.  I also goggled some of the ideas put into the story. I also put them questioning each other, ‘would you rather.’  They bring these questions up to deflate a situation and a way to tip toe or test their feelings regarding a relationship.
EC:  How would you describe Noah?
AA: Serious, someone who does not like change, compulsive, thinker, calm, gentle, observant, discipline, and a protractor. He is also thoughtful, kind, quiet, introspective, and adventurous.  He was greatly affected by his brother’s death. He is the embodiment of the saying, ‘still waters run deep.’ He is very stoic who does not let his emotions show. These features intensified after his brother died. 
EC:  How would you describe Mia?
AA:  Sweet, genuine, charming, mischievous, and feels guilty that her illness has affected those she loves. Through her I was able to show how certain drug companies have support programs, but there are other things that are not covered. She is a little bit of a dichotomy. She always makes new friends everywhere she goes but then she also has introspective times.   
EC:  The role of her kidney disease?
AA:  She has a chronic life-long condition, something that is impacting her. She had to learn to allow those close to her to take care of her.  She tried to avoid that because of the hardship it presented. She had to work through the feelings since she did not want to disrupt people’s lives or be a burden on them.  I put this quote, “The thing we fear most has the greatest reward.”  Having the kidney disease, brought about a traumatic incident regarding her parents. She was shocked. She used it to push her parents away because she feels guilty for what they did on her behalf.
EC:  What about the relationship?
AA:  Around Mia he seems to allow his emotions to be freer. They tease each other a lot but will do anything for each other. They can be jealous and intimate. They have an intense relationship. They went from a friendship to an intimate relationship, going from 0 to 60 quickly, a whole new level. Mia would not let herself think about her feelings, while Noah acknowledged his first. They knew everything about each other.
EC:  In the second book, The Roommate Pact, the dog, Gertrude the dog, was a common thread for the main characters?
AA:  She can be cute, cuddly, and sweet but has another side toward the heroine, Claire. She can be possessive of the hero, Graham, and domineering. She is a complete daddy’s girl and does not like to share with anyone else. 
EC:  How would you describe Claire?
AA:  Opinionated, hare-working, strong willed, outspoken, direct, loyal, compassionate, and independent.  
EC: How would you describe Graham?
AA:  As the story goes on, he has a big arc.  In the beginning he is a playboy who avoids commitment, superficial, outgoing, and adventurous.  Then he becomes very kind and caring. He always put up a front while growing up. When he could not speak because of an accident he found the ability to show Claire his true person.
EC:  What about the relationship?
AA:  They had a physical attraction, competitive, irritated each other, and enjoyed a lot of the same interests. Their personalities are very similar, which causes them to rub each other the wrong way sometimes. The accident of her father affected the relationship. She has a fear of something happening because Graham is a first responder.  This part is personal, because it is something I know very well, since my husband is a first responder. Claire watched her mother live in fear over worrying that something could happen to Claire’s dad. 
EC:  Next book?
AA: I am working on a book that has a science side, and a love triangle.  A girl had a stem cell transplant and is attracted to the boyfriend of the girl who saved her life. Another book I am thinking of writing is an opposite attracts book about a woman who works at the medical examiner’s office, based on my neighbor. My agent is negotiating with different publishers. 
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