#anyways im SUPER excited about this interview though
rosymiel · 5 months
scratch that about getting a job, i rescinded my acceptance of the job offer because it wasn’t enough hours. now two days later i just secured an interview with something relevant to my field, is full time, and pays $10 more an hour
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silbeni · 6 months
Brewing an alt timeline w Ryoma in the Rohan live action
#idek if duwang gang exists in that universe even so#its a lot more ryohan focused#in da lore Ryohan gets art block and starts to live in squalor#izumi visits him and shes like damn you live like this and either she sends a house keepers or he does#he gets a list of candidates and Ryoma is in that list#shes notably less qualified than anyone else and she got there by recommendation#blah blah blah Rohan starts interviewing the potential housekeepers and he doesnt like any of them until ryoma#Rohan tries to read Ryoma but it activates gadzooks and starts making him into tape instead#eventually Ryo gets gadzooks to stop and theyre super apologetic#but Rohans like. THIS IS THE ONE (thinking he can get inspiration from them)#i believe thus spoke rohan kishibe rohan (live action) doesn't knows about other stand users#so this would be exciting for him. ryoma would be so confused to be accepted but thankful bc they really needed that job#their relationship starts out distant and professional but morphs into something more casual as time goes on#to the point ryoma is essentially just being paid to be his friend skabs they still try to do work but he doesn't require that of them#ryoma feels bad not working.. like shes just being a leech#around this time ryoma gets upgraded to working 24/7 there so they basically live together#rahh im just thinking of cute stuff now <3 Rohan gets sick and hes a huge drama queen about it. ryoma doesn't mind pampering him though#but of course there are also evils. thinking of an episode plot where a creature attached like. a time bomb to Ryoma. paranormal stuff#saw trap ish? blow yourself up or i explode all of morioh type thing. (or wherever the heck they live)#not sure if rohan lives in morioh in that universe yeah#Anyway gn
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artemisbarnowl · 2 years
So my bestie in Cyber (a different section of the same org) who is a team leader gave me some excellent goss (he gets regular intel from their big boss, and their team is so much smaller so the gap between position levels is much smaller. He also just loves to share internal politics) about the hiring process behind the round i was just a part of and i dont even know how to spill because its so public service you wouldnt believe.
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wheresarizona · 2 months
hiii!! happy Thursday to you, i miss your writing babe! ive been following LTL ever since you started and like you, im sure, am obsessed with cielito and javi and NEED the part two- or is it part three? to their wedding. in no way am i trying to rush you, i totallh understand the writing process and your life outside of writing, you are a busy gal and i love it. but, as a small ask, i was wondering if you had a date that it might come out? if not, no pressure, but im sure so many people would love to know when youre posting again because we love you so much and your writing. ❤️❤️
Hey! 🥰🥰🥰
It’s def part 3 of 3, and it better stay part 3 of 3, because I wanna get to the wedding night boning already! There’s a bubble bath and champagne!! 😭😭😭
I’m putting the rest under the cut:
Anyways, so, my bad for not having the chapter ready in July, but in my defense, I could not have anticipated how much the Gladiator II trailer would put me in a chokehold for Marcus Acacius—which, that series I’m low key thinking about turning into an original story because I had an idea and lost my damn mind about it. I’ve been working on the second one shot in that ‘verse because I have zero self-control.
Since your ask is really sweet, I’ll get back to work on LTL, and honestly, I just jumped back in, and am having a great time with super-horny-for-his-wife Javi.
Also, I am hella fucking busy in my IRL. I got a final offer for that job I wanted today, and about cried when I saw they actually took my experience into account, and want to pay me what I’m worth. 😭😭😭 That’s never happened before. The thing, though, is there’s this other job I’d prefer that I have an interview for next Friday that pays EVEN BETTER and would be wayyy more exciting, so I’m hoping that goes well. They’re both jobs with the same government, so I now have an idea of what I’m looking at for salary.
I know you asked for a timeframe, and I gotta be real with you, I have no idea, BUT I’ll put all my focus on LTL, and Marcus on the back burner.
Again, I’m sorry for how long it’s taking. This chapter was fighting me which is why I’ve been avoiding it. Lmfaoooo
Thank you for the lovely ask. 🥰🥰🥰
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absolutelybifurious · 1 month
finally got to read the second chapter of your pacific rim au and even though it wasnt confirmed it was eddie getting interviewed just the way buck was reacting had me immediately like ok that’s eddie lol like oh look it’s my good friend love at first sight buck hiiii love at first sight buck also “sex complicates drift compatibility” i said oh i’m sure anyway pacific rim is one of my favorite “shut off my brain and veg out” movies so im super excited to follow along as its updated !!
buck being down bad for eddie whether its confirmed or not is a hallmark of my writing
anyways thanks for this ask tho i have almost 30k written of this au and trying to space out posting but i love ppl talking about it bc YES sex complicates drift compatibilitys going to be a THING
these two idiots are gonna do the most bc they are IN LOVE
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bbboar · 2 years
@boogerwookiesugarcookie asked me to answer ALL of the end of year asks so here we go! Thanks Naja!
Going to put it under a readmore bcs long
1.Song of the year? Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine So nice of Miss Florence to make a song thats not only a bop but also specifically the theme song for my oc Hydrangea
2.Album of the year? I don't listen to many full albums but for me it would have to be a tie between Give me the Future by Bastille and Impera by Ghost 3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Ghost 4.Movie of the year? Everything Everywhere All At Once! Like i don't even need to think about it. Unlike anything ive ever seen, so interesting and heartwearming. Excellent performances and costuming 5.TV show of the year? Oh man this one is touh bcs i had 3 shows ive been obsessed with this year…. Our Flag Means Death, Severance or Interview with the Vampire 6.Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Not defined the year but the best ep of anything ive seen this year was the the season finale ep of Severance. It was so excellent at keeping up the tension for the entirety of the ep. I was pacing and yelling and restless for the full length of it. Just amazing storytelling of everything coming to a head and the editing...my god!!!
7.Favorite actor of the year? I don't care that much about actors to have a fave of the year 8.Game of the year? I was a teenage exocolonist. Just finished my 4rth playthrough and i think i may have 2 more in me bc i want to see different outcomes/choices 9.Best month for you this year? Idk they sorta all blend into one? But December is when i have 2 weeks off work and also the weather is beautiful and sunny so im going to say that and not think about it too much.
10.Something that made you cry this year? A friend was never available to see me despite my multiple attempts to meet up and even though i didnt mind for a lot of it, eventually it started hurting my feelings. 11.Something you want to do again next year? Go on a mini vacation. I took a week off work to visit friends in Tasmania and i think i would be nice to visit some other place next year as well. 12.Talk about a new friend you made this year? I think we'd chatted a little on twitter and also possibly met irl once? But anyway yeah i formally met and befiended the partner of a friend and we rly got along! 13.How was your birthday this year? I went to this super expensive viking themed restaurant ive wanted to go to since 2019! Food, drinks, service, all excellent. I was dressed to the nines in my sequin dress and after i went for a little night walk around the city. It was gr8! 14.Favorite book you read this year? A nobleman's guide to scandals and shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee. The Montague siblings series is such easy reading for me so i had a fun time! 15.What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Forgetting to take my acne medication but i also took steps to prevent that so were good now 16.Post a picture from the beginning of the year Actually the first pic i took in 2022
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17.Post a picture from the end of the year
Food from yesterday (27/12/22)
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18.A memorable meal this year? Oh i already mentioned my birthday dinner so instead ill mention the brunch i made for my friends when i visited them in Tasmania.I was going to make eggs, bacon, homemade flatbread and some other stuff but my time management was off and it took me sooo long to make everything.In the end it was more like a lunch than brunch^^; But everyone was so patient with me and in the end the food was yummy and everyone liked it and we played dnd and had a great time :) 19.What’re you excited about for next year? Going to be getting a new phone and also....idk i havent made any big plans but i look forward to the little moments of joy and indulgence that will come. 20.What’s something you learned this year? Im sure theres life stuff i learned but what im psyched about is learning how to make scones. Its so freakin easy!!! 21.What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? After living here for about a year,i decided to finally put shit up on the walls of my room.Paintings and fairy lights and i plan on having a little colection of magpie prints too.It rly lifted my mood and brightened up the space. 22.Favorite place you visited this year? Oh man i was just stoked to visit Tasmania and see friends! I need to travel more bcs i love seeing new places. 23.If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Do not catastrophise when someone upsets you. Just sleep on it and then act. People sometimes are stupid and thoughtless,not secretly malicious. 24.Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I usually have a few and some years i end up completing them, other years i dont. This year my only resolution is to comment on people's art more. Thats fucken it. 25.Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. Many actually bcs aside from various ocs, i run some trp games where i make 10+ npcs for. I guess one would be Winnie an npc i made for a game who i put so little thought in. Like i needed a character to fullfill a certain role so i recycled an old oc design and gave her like 2 personalty traits. Then though as we played, we all ended up liking her way more than id planned so anyway now she's in the queue to be an upcoming pc for a dnd campaign (with a slight redesign)
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cracka1604 · 4 months
my arm hurts - C
hey, its cracka back at it again, on the tumblr, i be living.
tomorrow im playing baseball with some friends of mine, i am quite excited yet scared. i have decided this is the first time im publicly going out in 'feminine' clothing, i've held off on this for a while, and im using "its a joke, thought it would be funny" as an excuse for the past week so i guess im writing it off as that. on top of that i havent played baseball in years, im probably rusty as fuck, but who cares, having fun is all that matters. i'll probably still bawl my eyes out afterwards anyways.
feeling a little blue
i dont know what it is lately, but i havent been feeling the best, especially after my mental breakdown last night. i want to do things less, im super fucking exhausted, and im back into the shitty habit of cutting, so much so im tearing up my old clothes and staining my phone red again. i wish i wasnt scared to reach out to others, i feel like i'll make someone sad, or worry about me too much. im scared of disappointing others or scaring them, i dont want people to worry about me. but for some reason at the same time i do, im so fucking weird.
loud music
i love loud music, especially bass heavy music. the thumping kicks and screeching vocals, or the chill melodic thumps and rhymes of some shitty hyperpop kid. whatever it is i enjoy it, especially if its extremely loud and scratchy sounding guitar... fuck im a sucker for that stuff. i've recently got back into listening to music while doing just about anything and damn i love it i love music maybe i love it too much
job issues
i feel like i should talk about my troubles with getting a job. i have recently started applying to local places that are quite straight forward jobs, like a cashier, or cook, just basic shit like that. so far i have applied to ~5 or 6 and i have not even been considered at any of them. the thing is, the interviewers face is quite normal, until he looks near the bottom of my resume, which contains my mental illnesses, because i thought i should let them know, its a nice gesture, right? apparently not, i guess i am seen as more of an issue than an asset to companies, from what i've heard you dont *need* those on your resume so i'll probably remove them when i try to get a job again, because honestly fuck those companies that i cant list, they're all dicks. yeah if you guys are reading this fuck you. you guys are cool though, i love you all, i appreciate you for reading this over and out past the grain fields cracka.
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chihirostanpage · 2 years
so about this time last year i asked this guy i had a crush on out on a date and he said yes, we went out and had a good time and we made plans to go bowling a couple weeks later. the day of im super excited and i spend the whole day prettying myself up, doing my hair, picking out cologne, plucking my eyebrows, the whole nine yards. come time for our date, we meet up and he tells me its not working out and we should see other people, which fine whatever shit happens. trouble is though wed already reserved the lane so we decided to bowl anyways, and he hadnt bothered dressing up at all so i was there bowling for two hours dressed like im going to a job interview with a man who looked like he had just gotten out of bed. so no ive been mainly focusing on myself for a while.
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key-to-my-heart · 3 years
hey hi hello! i haven’t really been active on tumblr but i wanted to get back into the swing of being active and posting often. so.
i decided i will take note of some of my predictions, hopes, wishes etc. for Season 2 of Rainbow High!
so i kinda wanna just cover the things we canonically have seen aka specific events and drama that has gotten introduced
- The New Roommates / Series 3 Girls
i feel like we will definitely see more of them within the coming episodes. rainbow high literally advertised the new teams as like… i think the second or third teaser for the new season
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it’s interesting to me because. this makes me think of What The Runway Project is? what could it possibly be? i believe i made a post about this in the past but the main theory (and theory i believe the most in) would be a Stage Production of sorts. i mean… it makes sense!
the twins are both Performing Arts focus and are definitely the antags this season. so why wouldn’t they cause trouble in regard to a stage play? plus, bella is back. she’s literally a set designer! we have never seen her do any set designing (other than making a sketch) so it would be fun to see that! if river were to get more focus this season, he would definitely have an outlet to channel his Performing Arts creativity! plus… Daria is a song writer so like. imagine if we were to get music out of that? please. the possibilities are endless.
im also eager to see the series 3 girls dynamics. like are the rest of the girls (gabriella, georgia, emmy and daphne) all roomed together? do they get along? will they all be just as dramatic as stella, sheryl and daria’s dynamic?
but anyway. whatever the drama and the semester project is, the new teammates definitely seem to be playing a crucial role in this season.
- The Twins
i’m actually really eager to see more of them. i feel like not enough people are talking about them? season 2 is actually really interesting so far…. maybe more so than season 1… and i feel like we are going to have to thank the twins for that at some point lol
like. idek what they’re planning on doing but. i’m excited to see what it is! they’ll probably be involved in the semester project or at least causing problems to all of the roommates and teams. they’ll definitely have something going on with bella. and it seems that they have a good bond with karma (after the KWK we got). so maybe they’ll have input in any potential drama with Karma. which leads me to
- Karma VS. Violet
so. this drama has been teased at for like. ever. for what feels like forever.
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this moment in Karma’s bio PLUS the commentary about violet from her and the twins in the recent KWK episode. but anyway. i’m actually super interested in whatever this drama could be??? like. why is karma watching.
we know violet adores karma, she really wants to have her in the vi life. so i’m sure she basically looks up to her! but like. will karma actually genuinely be nice with violet? keep a distance? make remarks like she did in her recent vlog? i don’t know. idk what to expect. of course it’ll have to do with vlogging or something.
- Bella
ok so there is a few things to note with bella. i’m still interested in if bella will accept to do an interview with Karma for her vlog? if so, i wonder how that would go. and i wonder how violet would feel about it. like the very last time bella was featured in vi’s vlog was on a bad note (even though they made up) but like. idk AAA
also i’m wondering how bella is gonna handle being back to rainbow high. because so far it seems she’s having trouble fitting in. will the key to her fitting in be Jade? will Jade help her figure everything out? or would it be someone else?
as much as i’d love Jade to be the reason Bella starts to feel more at home, i also love the other idea of Amaya being the reason bella feels comfortable again. Amaya was once the new girl (and of course in an awkward position because she was essentially a replacement for bella’s spot in the runway group) but. she didn’t fit in. she had to find her place at rainbow high… and it took her until the runway show to be able to truly feel comfortable.
and like. i’ve been rooting for bella/amaya dynamic for awhile now. i see a lot of potential in this duo. we know they somewhat have tension. i mean. bella had a really awkward confrontation with amaya and that was rly their first and last conversation. sure they’ve been around each other like in the music video, at the end of s1, and when bella walked into the girls dorm s2ep2 but like. that’s it.
SO ANYWAY. what i’m trying to get at is that these two definitely need to become friends. i mean. they have a LOT in common. i was talking about the new girl situation because i feel like they can relate in that way. they both had an awkward entrance into rainbow high and could bond over that. it took amaya awhile to feel at home at rainbow high… so maybe she could become friends with bella and help her feel at home! they’re both very determined leader types. they’re really passionate and! they have the same friend group! so why not become friends?
- Jade and Bella
of course i will wonder about these two! i have no clue what to expect with them. the fandom and myself are really really really wanting to see these two become a canon sapphic couple. i really want to see this happen! and mga knows this. mga knows we want to see jella happen. i mean, they literally snatched the ship name from us and plastered it into their vlogs. so they KNOW
anyway. these two are literally going through it rn. the way jade’s eyes lit up when she saw bella was back at rh. and now both of them are looking for each other and worried about each other. jade thinking bella is mad at her rn? please. i will sob. they are really holding off this jella reunion but i hope it’s for a good reason. i just want them to talk and have a good reunion… a hug……. happy tears, happy smiles…………..a love confession…
- Amaya
so i don’t really have much to say here but i’m just wondering about amaya this season. she’s definitely been advertised so much to the point that she essentially became like. THE main focus in season 1. this peeved some people but personally i loved amaya being like a sort of main character figure. she didn’t really take attention away from the other characters but also had that energy of being a main character anyway.
my point is, though, idk how she will play out in this season? like is she going to be as much of a main character as the main 6 are…. or will she play a bigger role? i have no clue. it seems bella is going to have a key focus this season, which makes sense, but it still just makes me wonder about amaya’s role this season
- Colin
i just hope this man does not get a development arc. i know some people want him to…. but i just. i don’t. i don’t understand. the point of him existing was to show that cheating is wrong and to display girl power. by teaching that skyler didn’t need a man to prove her worth. that she is her own person. her own strength! i really hope that colin and bella don’t have anything omfg.
- Winter Break
i’m really. REALLY excited for the winter break arc. it’s about time we get to see some backgrounds outside of rainbow high! plus the animated tidbits of ruby, sky, and violet in their wb outfits in the wb commercial was everything.
i’m so excited to see their new hairstyles, to see them with their snow gear and more. omg. of course i think the twins will be involved in this arc someone. krystal briefly mentioned the twins’ family having a ski lodge. and then of course we see sunny with her skis so like. yea!! i just wonder how these episodes would play out. or episode. but anyway like… will they just vibe? or will there be a problem of sorts? if it’s winter break then it probably won’t tie into school or like projects or anything like that
- Kia Hart
i’m actually hoping kia gets some focus this season. like. what is she going to do? is she going to pair another couple together? (if so, please be jella. okay wait seriously what if she is the key to reuniting jade and bella together… anyway) i just hope to see more of her and possibly more of her and krystal together haha. but kia just vibes so far, it would be lovely to get more of her!
- The A’s
so ainsley is finally beginning to get some attention! i really hope we continue to get more of her as well as avery, and aidan of course! we did get a bunch of content of aidan but you can never have enough honestly.
but i just wonder about how the A’s will be this season. like will they do anything significant? are bella and avery going to remain close? what is going on!!!
- The Malibu Line
so we literally know nothing about this except
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but i still wonder like. if we will get to see anything about it at any point during the web series. perhaps it would be more of a summer thing. but it definitely means something if Bella is in it! (also i’m just generally excited for her new doll. omfg.)
- The Rock Line
so we also know almost nothing about this except
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saw someone discuss that the music being heard during s2ep2 could be in regards to the rock battle. honestly. what if this is some sort of project? battle of bands or something? that would be cool lol. anyway i’m intrigued for this line mainly because of all the clothing leaks we have been getting omg.
- The Slumber Party Line
we have known about this for a little while (with the theory of the baby blue girl being in it) but i’m just curious as to who the characters are and if they will be in the web series at all.
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- Jett Dawson
okay so. this is a big one. jett being a collector doll, i feel like she’ll definitely play a crucial role in the series. so like. who will she be to the main characters? it says she’s generally nice. why was she giving that look to the girls after their runway performance? IDK! i have no clue what to expect with her. i feel like the expectations i had for amaya (before we knew anything about her) will be put into jett because. the vibes i got from amaya ever since we just had her doll… i am also kind of getting from jett. so i’m eager!
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requiem2007 · 2 years
im a criminology/psychology major and i'd love to hear about ur thesis!!
Oh my god, it took me like, 3 weeks to answer this ask I am so sorry!
My thesis is about lesbian sex in prisons, effectively. My interest in this is two-fold:
(1) I'm a big believer in the human right to have sex and act sexually, and the way prisons restrict incarcerated peoples' ability to express themselves sexually adds to the overall dehumanization of people in the incarceration system.
(2) The idea of "gay for the stay" (or, the way straight people will frequently have queer sexual relations in prisons) is super fascinating to me! I think it's interesting that so many people find queerness completely acceptable in incarcerated settings, even if they wouldn't approve of it in the outside world. It's also interesting that sex is one of the biggest forms of currency in prisons, even though it also functions as a form of passion. This is a dichotomy I'm super excited to explore.
I'm really excited to dive into the majority of research this summer! I'll be interviewing various prison officials about how policy is created and enforced around sex in prisons, and I'll also be building a (hopefully publically available) digital archive of incarcerated voices discussing the act of sex in prisons.
Thanks so much for asking about it! It's basically on my mind 24/7 and everybody else is definitely tired of me saying the same things over and over again!
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userholland · 3 years
I saw a viral tweet someone did about Tom and it said that he needs to do a rom com because no one is taking his career seriously anyway, and the poster really meant it with no ill intent, I believe she deleted it once people started getting mean (when I saw it, it had over 100k likes 😬) but what she meant is that people don't see him outside of spiderman at all, and doing these action movies aren't helping. Cherry wasn't horrible but the Russo fuxked that up with bad writing and weird editing. I saw a discussion somewhere that tom is kind of trying to do a tom cruise route but also trying to do these dark roles that he isn't really suited for. Someone mentioned he should be trying to go the tom Hanks route and I think that is spot on! Tom Hanks doesn't do villains or dark roles, but he is an awards winning, beloved actor. I do really think tom should do a proper British role or a period piece. I am excited for the fred Astaire role because I do think it will really turn a corner for him and get him on track with the type of roles he probably will succeed at! He is a great great actor and I think the musicals/period pieces/British films/dramas that aren't super dark are where he is going to thrive.
totally get what you mean & agree ! yes i think he's a great actor and has a lot of range / skills but he keeps doing either adaptations of books, media or people and ik hollywood only has so many ideas but it would be nice to see him in an original role in maybe a romcom or british drama 😭 like what ive seen with cherry, chaos walking, and uncharted is that it has a lot of criticism from people who read the book and played the game so they obvi have stronger opinions once something they thoroughly enjoyed previously is now made into a movie. (and they take it so personally sometimes like)
he plays so many american roles with his baby face and he cries at least (1) time in all his movies like give us something simple and cute to digest thomas. we dont care if its award winning or not, thats just a plus for him
i think tom's acting abilites definitely shine through regardless of how shit the movie was directed, but yeah i think a lot of people always know him for spider-man. but hes super proud of that role but now that it kind of came to a close (with little info abt 3 more movies), its sort like ok that was his rise to fame, now give him good movies y'all. i was watching a talk show interview he did and even though it was for uncharted.... they talked about spider-man which was lowkey annoying. hopefully the fred astaire biopic works out but ik there's a lot of controversy with that as well as the crowded room /:
tdatt remains top tier if im honest 🧍🏻‍♀️
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monte-charlo · 2 years
I definitely agree with the tags i saw you posted about seb saying that f1 is ready for a gay driver bc its actually like theyre not at all and will not be for a very long time. Like sorry saying that almost puts even more pressure on queer drivers and the media for hunting one out too. Like sure, im glad people are talking about queerness in sport bc thats important but we should be talking about why there’s no out athletes instead of staying we need out athletes 🙃 anyways thats my two cents from a closeted athlete.
Hey! Omg firstly, sorry for responding so late 😭 i turned of notifs for notes and now i also don’t get notifs for asks for some stupid reason 🙈
Thoughts below to spare anyone from the discourse
But yes! I think its totally possible to be super excited about the Seb interview, and glad that he did it and spoke out, while also feeling a little weird about that one specific quote.
Unless he himself plans on coming out as anything other than cishet, he has nothing to lose by saying f1 is ready for an out athlete and that queer athletes should come out to push the bar for acceptance in sport, which i think is a very unfair stance to take, especially as an lgbtq individual that has not come out at work or even to my family, because I’m scared of the consequences and I don’t have the whole worlds attention to deal with.
Overall the interview is super positive and great and I don’t want to discredit his actions though
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Too Loud (Request)
Jake Gyllenhaal x Teen!Co-Star!Reader
Genre: Fluff, teeny angst ?
Request Description: Um can i request but when you have the time tho Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader,where the reader is super shy and quiet,but one day in a premier,jake found out that they have major crackhead energy,and he is surprised cuz they thought they were shy but no that's not the case after all. Hope is okay
Warnings: slight insecurity, CURSING, very brief mention of underage drinking
(A/N): i love this request, bc i can personally relate to having a very different personality depending on who i’m with. :) also i realize that i dont know how premieres work lmao im a pleb
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“Are you ready for the premiere?” Jake asked and you nodded at him, smiling. You were very excited to see the movie and talk to the fans. Your stylist had spent hours on your face and hair, and you felt gorgeous. “Tell me if you feel overwhelmed or anything, with the interviews.”
You smiled at Jake’s sweetness, although you didn’t think you’d be overwhelmed. You were actually quite a people person, but you couldn’t blame Jake for not seeing that. The truth is, you were a big fan, and his presence had intimidated you. But around seemingly everyone else, you were an outgoing and happy person. 
“Thank you,” you answered, voice small, because either way you were grateful for his offer. 
The two of you and everyone else in the cast stepped out onto the red carpet in your fancy clothes, smiling at the dozens upon dozens of cameras. Interviewers stood as close as they could, microphones reaching for you from a wall of cameras. The fans screamed as each of you came out, and you smiled brightly. 
“Y/n!” an interviewer yelled, and you nodded at her and stepped over to her microphone. “You look gorgeous tonight!” 
“Thank you, you’re not lookin’ so bad yourself!” you yelled over the loud roars and yells of fans. 
“So, your character is quite an interesting one. Do you have any traits that you share with her?” The interviewer asked, flashing a pearly smile, and pointing her microphone back at you.
“Oh, I mean she is absolutely fucking demented, so we definitely share that!” you joked and the interviewer as well as the camera man laughed. 
“Did you bring at date tonight?” She then asked, and you cringed. 
“Do you know how old I am, lady? My date is my mom,” the others laughed at your response and you nodded respectfully to them, before ending the interview to continue down the carpet. 
You continued like that, smiling and happy to make the people laugh. You were satisfied with your interactions, feeling that your jokes and answers were well received. 
Throughout the night though, you noticed Jake looking at you every once in a while. When you caught his gaze, he seemed confused. You didn’t really understand why, and just ignored it, figuring you would probably talk about whatever he was wondering about later. 
And you certainly did, because a couple of hours into the night, right before the movie would start, you sneaked into the ladies’ bathroom. As you were entering, you felt a hand on your lower arm, and you shrieked, turning around to hit whoever was attacking you. 
You spun around and was face to face with Jake Gyllenhaal. You sighed in relief, putting your hand on your heart. 
“Jesus, you-you scared me,” you mumbled, biting back a ‘this is the ladies’ bathroom, you fuckin’ weirdo!’. Judging by his facial expression, Jake wasn’t amused by this, and pulled you further into the bathroom. You followed in confusion. 
“Sorry to pull you away like this, it’s just.. Are you okay? Have you had anything to drink?”
“To drink?” you repeated accusingly. Jake grimaced and shrugged. 
“I don’t know, it’s just I’ve never seen you this.. Outgoing?” he said, and everything immediately clicked. Your mouth made an ‘o’ shape, and you nodded. 
“Uh, well, I am a very outgoing person,” you stated and Jake’s instant reaction was to scoff. None of you laughed, and Jake realized you were being serious. 
“Wait, what? No you’re not! You’re the literal definition of shy!” He argued, swinging with his arms. 
“I’m not, it’s just.. Around certain people I’m just very shy,” you said quietly, your energy not quite matching Jake’s. He still didn’t look convinced, in fact, you had probably confused him more. 
“Well, why are you shy around me? Aren’t you comfortable? Did I do something?” You could hear how Jake’s mind raced to figure out what he had done wrong, when in truth it was nothing. It was your own doing and you blushed when you realized you had to tell him. 
“Jake. You didn’t do anything, okay? It’s just, I’ve been told in the past that I’m too loud and I talk too much.. And I was very nervous to meet you, because you’re an actor I really admire..” you watched Jake’s eyes soften at your confession, “And I didn’t want to annoy you, so I just shut up.”
“Y/n...” he mumbled and before you could react, he grabbed you and pulled you into a hug. His arms wrapped around you tightly. You smiled softly, before wrapping your arms around him as well. 
“You don’t need to be quiet with me, okay? You won’t annoy me,” his voice was warm and almost regretful. You felt so calm and warm in his embrace, you closed your eyes and savored it. 
“Alright then, I won’t. But don’t come complaining to me, when I start sassing you,” you said and pulled away, and Jake laughed because he’d never heard you talk like that to him. 
“You won’t be able to sass me, don’t you worry,” Jake grinned.
“Sure, sure. Anyway, get out of the ladies’ bathroom, you fucking pervert!” 
Jake, of course, got out of there, because in truth he hadn’t really considered that you were actually entering the bathroom to use it. He was satisfied with your conversation. 
Although, he was sad that you’d held so much of yourself back out of nervousness, he thought now was a better time than ever to really get to know. Because Jake really appreciated you as a friend. And if you were wondering, he never ever got tired of your talking or your weird and explosive energy, it only made him appreciate you more. 
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calciferstims · 2 years
ohh its fine, dont worry! but, doesnt tumblr do that automatically nowadays? put posts under a cut? i seen posts being put under a cut, but granted, idk if they do it themselves or nah lol.
yoooo legit same here!! i wasnt sure what it was about at all before i began watching it, i do like going into some stuff completely blind, having no idea whats it about and so on. i feel like it makes stuff more funny to watch? ayo if you into pirate stuff, idk if you into watching anime though, but if you lowkey are you may like it hahah. its actually really funny.
yall, i was watching so much anime these past days being sick that i legit have burnt tf outta them lol...now im just barely getting through one episode of any im watching and im like "ehhhh...thats gonna have to be it for today. maybe even for tomorrow" lmao. all i been watching is, seriously the fucking youtube shorts. its an evil cycle though, bc i'll go into it thinking "just one, this one that im clicking im gonna watch" and then the scrolling begins, until its the semi same videos popping up then i'll quit.
i agree, and i aint no fan, but i wanna know what the hell happened. whole set too uncomfy to release what happened lmaoo 😂
oh my god what a coincidence lmfao. "french izzy cant hurt you" LMFAOOO. 😂 what the hell was just witnessed LMFAOOO WHAT WAS THAT?? it sounded like all he made was some strange noises and then ohzzee OHHHZZZZEEE!!
absolutely wild to think someone being given a whole ass ship at the age of 17, thats crazy! i lowkey do wonder, bc im dumb lmfao fr i am, how does people know that people like this existed way back then. like what are the 'proofs' or whatever of them having existed. like how do they know their names too. not to be a creep but i lowkey thought you was like 18. SORRY IF THAT WAS WEIRD TO SAY. 😳
yea! they legit be puking out all these kinds of emojis but NO CAPY??? illegal! CRIMINALITY EVEN!
oh? do tell me what you'd think he could do worse lmfao, im curious... 😳 LMFAOOO you legit speak of him like you know him in person! plot twist: yall related and he is your uncle. 😳😳 hahaha jkjk!
what if you sent in some suggestions of what he could do, and the crew working on it was like "oh my...these are some good ideas lettuce try them out!" 😂
hope you have a good day! ~🐨
HIII NONNY boy oh boy did I go through an Event on the izzy hands front lmaoooo but let’s get to that in a minute shhsghs
ohh yeah I forgot that tumblr cuts off long posts now bc I’m pretty sure I just turned that feature off lmao
aw burnout’s no fun!! :( especially with something you like that much. just take it easy I think 😌 don’t push yourself to watch anything yknow
and yeah it’s crazy to think about pirating at that age!!! to answer your question I think most of our solid information about people back then is based on like surviving documents and stuff (like I’m pretty sure I found something that had a court trial involving Israel Hands?? Idk) but there’s also a lot from like, random books about pirates, which we can’t even be sure about the validity of those sources 🤔 it’s interesting to think about. but like I figure a lot of that stuff is passed down through fancy tales and stories especially when it comes to the really famous pirates. like, israel hands wasn’t that big but he did work under blackbeard, so 🤷
and don’t worry about it 😅 I’m not 18 yet sadly but you’re only a year off on that one so. no big deal lmao
anyways yeah but ON THE TOPIC OF THE DADDY THING AND CON LMAOOO so I was lowkey (highkey) freaking out recently because there was a convention :O Con O’Neill and another actor from OFMD appeared at a comic con and did a panel and I lost my MIIND lmao 😂😂 it was the first time I’ve ever gotten to hear Con really talk about Izzy since he hasn’t done any interviews for ofmd and it was super exciting!!! Plus I’m just hyperfixated on Con too so it was like. CAL HYPERFIXATION EVENT EXTREME MODE GHSHSHHS I was bouncing off the walls
he did actually talk about the daddy bit!! 😂 turns out it was indeed improvised by him on the spot and he didn’t even really register that he was doing it until he heard the words come out of his mouth GHSHSHJSJS. he then proceeded to full on growl ‘daddy’ into the mic bc he’s insane like that sggsgshsb
he also joked about taking his shirt off REPEATEDLY during the whole thing so like. I feel like that just answers your questions about this man lmaooo he’s so funny to me
I think he knows how obsessed people are with him at this point and it’s just given him FAR too much power. If he was that crazy in ofmd season 1 WITHOUT a rabid fanbase behind him I cannot fucking wait to see how insane and hilarious he could be in season 2 with all this added confidence.
but yeah there was soooo much going on that day gshsggsvs the pictures were hysterical and he said some stuff about Izzy that just made me want to laugh and cry and go insane,, I was actually thinking like damn where is my anon friend I must talk to them!!! 😂😂
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here is my insane lil man with his fellow actor ^^^ sghshhs I’m obsessed with them
really hope you’re doing well!!!!! also forgot to say this but I think just going into a show without knowing anything ab it is so funny 😂 especially with anime like who knows WHAT is gonna happen lmaoo
thank u for chatting again!!
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cloudykaii · 4 years
pairing: bts x eighth member!reader [platonic]
summary:  omg i just real some of your eight member scenarios and eveerything was so good!! i wasnt into eight member things before but now.. im super in! 😭 can you do a scenario about compilation of the members little caring act on stage, backstage, when theres camera or not, something like that to the eight members?? if you make it then i would be so delighted. than you !!
warnings: none, it’s just really fluff :( some of it might not make sense, but i really love this
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A lot of things could be said about your brothers. Each and every one of them had their moments and mistakes, just like you did. Some people would call them rude, or selfish amongst other things, but the one thing they could never say, is that they didn’t care about you. ARMY pointed it out all the time; they even had compilations of moments the eight of you cared for each other, but your favorite were the ones titled things like: “six minutes of proof that bts’ world revolves around y/n.”
Jin jumped as your head fell against his bicep. You were at an afterparty for an awards show the eight of you had been asked to present at. The music wasn’t too loud- you used to joke that it was because everyone knew rich people liked to brag. You had no idea where the rest of your brothers were but you and Jin had been perched on the oddly comfortable sofa as he socialized. He could feel your hairpins digging into his shoulder. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” You didn’t answer and he moved slightly so that he could reach across and tap your arm, but you moved with him. He felt your even breathing and sighed. You still had around two hours left before they could leave. 
One of the girls he had been talking to chuckled as you gave a tiny shiver in your sleep. “She must be tired.”
He smiled at her before slipping off his blazer to cover you with it. “She works hard, sometimes I think she works harder than the rest of us,” he chuckled, pulling you closer so that he could make sure she was comfortable. 
No one knows how a fan account had that video trending on twitter under the hashtag #BabyY/N three days later. 
One bad thing about being the only girl in an idol group, is that sometimes you get the least amount of consideration. Not because they didn’t respect you or anything like that, it’s just that after styling for seven boys, you think sometimes the staff tends to forget you are not a guy, or maybe they had never seen a girl in real life.
Or at least that’s what the short dress you were wearing had you feeling like. It’s not like it wasn’t pretty, a black skirt and connected by a thin, white lacy strip that wrapped around your abdomen. It was gorgeous, and the silky ribbon of a choker around your neck made it look even better, but it was just.. so short. 
You powered through like a trooper, despite the fear in the back of your mind that you were flashing the entire audience while you danced. The minute the song stopped and everyone moved to get a drink of water, Yoongi was taking his jacket off and tying it around your waist. 
Not speaking into the mic, you let him do as he wanted but asked, “Are you even allowed to do that? Won’t the stylist say something about how you ruined her outfit?”
Tightening the knot of material, he rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck what the stylist has to say right now. Not only is your outfit not okay, but it’s obviously making you uncomfortable. You can wear this until the next outfit change.”
“Thank you,” you hugged him briefly, glad he had your back. 
There was a time where you guys were recording a live during a long break while at practice. Fans talked about it for ages afterwards. Taehyung sat against one of the mirrors, holding his phone, while Jimin was in the picture beside him. 
“Basically, that’s it. We haven’t really-”
“Y/N, stop running around, you’re going to hurt yourself!” Jimin’s voice cut in, making the other man look over. 
“What is she doing?”
Jimin huffed, “I have no idea, but she’s going to- Y/N, at least t- no actually come here, I’ll do it for you.”
And when you bounced into the view of the camera, only for all the fans to see Jimin pulling your foot to him so he could tie your shoe. “Be careful this time, even if you’re playing tag.”
Jeongguk laughed at the camera, the comments being ridiculous. He was doing a live, answering questions about the embarrassing moments he chose to talk about. “No, it was funny! He fell, but then he tried to play it off by doing pushups, but he feel while trying to do that, so-”
He heard the door open in the background, and the camera saw him turn to the side just before he let out an “oomf.” The side profile of your face was visible to the viewers as you moved to curl against him on the bed. You rubbed your eyes sleepily, and he frowned. “It’s really late, you’re supposed to be asleep.”
You mumbled, “I was, but then I got scared and woke up. I didn’t want to be alone.” He pouted at that. You tended to have nightmares whenever you were stressed, and since he was the one who found out about them first, he was usually the person you ran to. 
“Do you wanna sleep in here?” He asked softly. Everyone tuned in could hear everything, but your brother barely remembered that he was even recording as he fussed over you. You nodded, already drifting off on his shoulder. He smiled down at you before turning back to the camera. He read the many comments of everyone cooing over you. “Yeah, she’s alright. I’ll tell her to tell you guys herself tomorrow. Anyways..” 
Of course, there were incidents that were more serious. 
The sun was setting, which made the perfect picture for the shoot you guys were about to do. The rooftop everyone was on was beautiful and stone, the kind of background you saw in movies. The sun seemed to glitter, and the wind made everything sway until the lake’s seemingly glittering waves caught your eye. “Whoa,” you gasped, moving closer to get a look.
You waved off Taehyung’s warning. “I’ll be careful! I just want to get a closer look!” You walked back over to the edge, admiring the way the sun sparkled on the water. You subconsciously leaned closer, moving your body a little too far against the thin railing, but before you could topple over, a hand grabbed the back of your jacket with a tight grip, yanking you back until you were a good distance away from the railing. 
Your back hit someone else’s and you recognized Taehyung as you turned to see him. He stared down at you. “I said be careful!” 
“I’m sorry,” you said a little shakily. Taehyung sighed before pulling you back into a hug. “Having a little sister is so hard, you’re not leaving my sight for the rest of the day.”
Another moment fans loved to talk about actually happened at a fansign. You smiled brightly as the next fan came up to you, following the line. “Hello!” you greeted happily. 
Something about this girl threw you off though, and the look in her eyes had you unintentionally leaning away from her. You couldn’t decipher it, but when nothing happened, you told yourself you were just overthinking it. She was probably just excited to meet what could have been her favorite artist group, right? 
You stood by Hoseok as the fansign ended, moving to follow him out of then venue. He chuckled as he looked at you. “You have that look.”
You wrinkled your nose. “What look?” 
“The one that says you’re hungry,” he teased, poking you in the stomach, making you whine. “Well, maybe-”
“Y/N!” You turned around, cutting yourself off mid sentence, to see the fan from earlier. “I found you.” Her smile was a little too bright as she reached for you, only for Hoseok to push you behind him as you stuttered out, “I’m sorry, we really have to go.” 
You moved to attempt to leave after that, but her demeanor quickly changed. Her face changed from too happy and delighted, to dark and angry. Her eyes narrowed, and she reached for you more aggressively this time. “Don’t be son ungrateful,” she squeezed your wrist painfully and you cried out as security finally made their way over. 
Hoseok immediately pulled you to him, looking at the rapidly forming bruise on your wrist. Even though at the moment, it was just a large red mark, his face still tightened. “This never should have happened,” he cursed when he noticed tears in your eyes. 
He pulled you into a hug as he waited for the rest of your brothers to show up. “It won’t happen again,” he promised you. 
The moment that was probably the most talked about, was when a talk show host felt the need to ask you how it felt. Namjoon shared a glance with you. 
“Excuse me?” you asked timidly, straightening up. 
The interviewer turned to you. “Oh, you speak English! I was just asking how it felt to be so similar to a child all the time.” The man’s tone of voice didn’t even change, but the idea that he had expected Namjoon to translate this to you, and now casually asked you as if there was nothing wrong with the question. “You know, they’re always taking care of you, it makes it seem like you can’t do anything by yourself. Does it ever irritate you?”
You tried laughing it off, the chuckle leaving your lips as you ticked a strand of hair behind your ear awkwardly. “Not really. They’re not doing anything to be condescending, and I know that.”
“Do you feel like that is because you need their help?”
“That’s enough,” Namjoon cut in, his jaw clenched as he slid forward a little in his seat as if to help get his point across. “Y/N is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. We pitch in to check on her because we love and care about her, and she does the same for us. She is not a child but a grown woman who we love and care about enough to make sure she’s okay and gets the nice treatment she deserves. With all due respect, if you insult our sister again, we will be forced to cut this short.”
You looked over to him, offering a silent thank you as the interviewer coughed, trying to recover. The bad news was that this interview was live, so he really couldn’t do anything but sit there and realized he had just embarrassed himself. 
Honestly, what else is there to say? You loved and cared about your brothers, and they loved and cherished you. 
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webearbros · 4 years
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“Our boys have had quite the lifestyle changes and have grown a lot, but they are still the same bears we know and love! To put it simply, the blog is going to be having a big time skip to some time after the movie!”
Hi y’all! as you can tell my momentum with the blog has really stopped in its tracks, and I super lost steam for what I was doing. :’( I’m really sorry! i truly wanted to continue and finish, but with the pressure of art school + real life it just was not happening.
I can either try to force myself to wrap up, or just outright tell you what bit of plot was planned and answer a few little things here and there about how the last arc was planned to be wrapped up.
Though, since forcing myself to continue clearly hasn’t worked i’ll just let you in on the plot, because honestly? if i tried to keep forcing the blog in this direction the blog would just end up dead. So if you want the planned conclusion to the last arc its under the read more.
Anyway, I hope you look forward to the “Future Bears Askblogverse!” I am much more pumped to work on this blog again with this new idea. I hope you’ll stay along as I try this new direction! New inspiration should be a much healthier way to stay motivated for this! <3
The studio Grizz had wandered to actually indeed was the area Nom Nom was attending an event as a guest star! We would have found him upstairs in one of the dressing room talking with Farmer about how an employee called in sick.
Also The “Mr. Allen” mentioned by the guy unloading movie set supplies from the truck is actually Farmer! (he has a last name wow!) It was why Grizz was easily directed to where he needed to be.
The bit of plot that was planned was just confusion between Nom Nom and Grizz about why the other was here at the studio. Grizz thought Nom Nom wasn’t supposed to work today, and expressed confusion about him not taking time off work to visit his doctor. 
However, Nom Nom was confused because:
1) He thought Grizz already knew he was working today? and...
2) he would have realized at first glance the askers are the same people who ticked him off at his last photoshoot! He was more concerned that maybe now they were following/bugging Grizz now because of an association to him. (oops he cares!)
As it turns out it was a misunderstanding.
Nom Nom didn’t know Grizz just had a blog with overly excited followers and was reassured that the bear wasn’t in any kind of issue. Secondly he had sent Grizz an IM that morning saying something came up that made him reschedule.
Remember how reaaallyyy sleepy Grizz was that morning before the arcs even started? He forgot to check his computer, and totally missed the memo.
Also! Nom Nom was not skipping, or avoiding meeting with Dr. Shauna! He just pushed it back a bit because this interview could help smooth over the upset that resulted from him being grouchy at the photoshoot and taking a 5 which disrupted the schedule badly. (callback to his first appearance)
So long story short, Grizz hung around for a bit to encourage Nom Nom before the interview. During that time they would have answered a few questions from askers too.
Once the interview had concluded, Nom Nom hesitantly offered Grizz a ride back to the cave since it was late. Plus that “they needed to cross the bridge anyway to get to the estate, and it was on the route, so like whatever its fine.”
and sooo Grizz got a ride! Once back at the cave, and now waving at the limo that is now driving away he is finally finally home.
He knocks at Pandas door and strangely doesn’t receive an answer? He would have opened the door a crack to see Panda just went to sleep early for some reason?
 Not questioning it he then just plays a videogame while he waits for Ice bear to come home safely. Which you see at the end of Ice bear’s arc.
The ultimate conclusion of the arcs is all the bears indeed had a long day, but it was a day well spent! Grizz and Ice both fall asleep on the couch after a fun evening playing mario kart together :)
That is all. Thanks for reading if you’re somehow still here after that wall of text wow! ^^” I hope you enjoyed and will stick around for where I take the blog next. Hopefully we should have lots of fun.
Thanks for being awesome, I wish y’all the best. Cheers! ^^
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