#but between rashes and debilitating pain ill take the rashes
secretlyofthefeywild · 6 months
ordered a new binder in a size up bc costochondritis is a bitch but so is dysphoria
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Hello and happy May! As of today, it's officially ME/CFS Awareness Month, so I have compiled some resources to spread in the hopes of informing and bringing attention to this disease.
What is ME/CFS?
ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) is a complex and debilitating systemic disease that varies in severity and presentation between patients. Some common symptoms are fatigue, sleep problems, widespread pain, difficulties in thinking and memory, and PEM. PEM (post-exertional malaise) is a hallmark of this illness, defined as a worsening of symptoms after mental, physical or emotional exertion that can last from days to even weeks.
Some other symptoms include: gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, changes in mood, headaches, sore throat, skin rashes, musculoskeletal pain and heart palpitations. Science is still unsure how ME/CFS affects the body, but in many patients it appears after an infection with a virus.
There are no tests for ME/CFS as of May 2024, and the only method of diagnosis is a process of exclusion. As such, ME/CFS is critically underdiagnosed and many suffer without knowing. People with this disease are often recipients of medical gas lighting and negligence, with the average diagnosis taking around 1-5 years.
There is no cure, and there are limited treatments, most aiming to address individuals symptoms or comorbidities. Despite the misinformation still spread around, exercise is not a recommended treatment and can cause great harm to ME/CFS patients.
How Can You Help?
There are many organizations working toward awareness and quality of life for ME/CFS patients, and I'll list some of them below. This is not an exhaustive list, but be aware that there are many web sites that spread misinformation and harmful statements: any that talk about a cure or exercise therapy are generally ones to avoid.
If you can, please take a look at the information the listed sites provide and share their knowledge in whatever ways possible. I'll also include some resources for ME/CFS patients, and I encourage allies to look as well.
I hope you have a wonderful May, and to all fellow ME/CFS sufferers, know that you are not alone. We can do this.
(Also, please let me know if there are other sites you recommend, or if there are any personal experiences you would like to share. Treat this as an open invitation to share your stories if you are comfortable.)
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writernopal · 1 year
NOPAL! It’s been a weird week, is it Wednesday yet? It feels like Wednesday.
Anyway so! WBW!
Pls (take your time) I must know about the diseases (absolutely no rush)
— @outpost51
KORB! Happy (late!) WBW!
I want you to know that I did not forget about your original ask for the diseased post but I've been so busy that I didn't get a chance to put it together T_T BUT now I have the perfect excuse to do it, so here we go! I'm going to limit myself to two per Common Race because otherwise, this post would be MILES long! (Also High Races don't get sick unless they're debilitated by other means but that is spoilers so I keep my mouth shut hehe)
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Slugscale: Equivalent of the cold or flu for Lizardfolk.
They get very sallow-looking and develop a phlegmy cough. Body aches are common, but they don't experience fevers like we do; instead, the most uncomfortable thing for them is the amount of snot they develop. The structure of their sinuses is much different from ours, meant to drain rather effectively. This is normally for the purpose of expelling sand and other debris since they don't have nose hairs, however, this means that they are basically snot faucets LOL. A Lizardfolk with slugscale will travel with an abundance of handkerchiefs if they go anywhere at all!
Sockeye: An aggressive form of conjunctivitis that often causes blindness and irritation of the skin around the eye.
Unlike slugscale, contracting this is permanent, and it only gets worse with time. It's usually caused by poor sanitary or airborne conditions and, in the very late stages, makes the skin around the eyes puffy, giving them the appearance of rolled-up socks, hence the name. It's not contagious between individuals and can be managed with the appropriate poultices and cleaning of the eyes daily with a special saline concoction. However, since most who suffer from this typically live in bad conditions and can't see, they don't have access to these treatments or the ability to care for themselves. As you know, Jace, our beloved boy, has this, as observed by Axtapor, to a severe degree, but it's not as bad as it could have been. The only reason it hasn't progressed so much is because his mentor and pseudo-father, Rapheus, looks after him. 🥺
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Orran's Wart: A condition similar to shingles, where painful, warty rashes develop on the skin.
Unlike shingles, which primarily affect folks above the age of 50, Orran's Wart can be developed by anyone, even babies. Medical science hasn't progressed to the point of understanding viral diseases and the like in Oepus, so it's generally believed that ill humors or hexing are the main causes of contraction and not due to reactivation of dormant viruses. This means that the treatments are usually bloodletting or something called smoke-sitting. And that is exactly what it sounds like; you basically hotbox yourself with starshoot until it goes away LOL. Starshoot, however, doesn't treat the rash. It just makes the person drowsy and has a bit of numbing effect on the nerves, so it's really just a waiting game with really fun Advil.
Leaver's Faint: A type of fainting/narcolepsy that affects individuals when they stand up too quickly.
I have to admit, I came up with this one as a half-joke because of those videos where goats go stiff when they get scared lol, but then I got weirdly attached to it, so here we are haha. The individual is usually only asleep for about 10-15 minutes before they come to, and unless they hit something on the way down, they are no worse for wear. However, people have been mistaken for dead because of this, so I have this headcanon that somewhere in Oepus, there is a retelling of Romeo and Juliet where one, or both, individuals suffer from Leaver's Faint haha.
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La'hym: A condition that causes abnormal bioluminescence.
I haven't talked much about AASOAF's Elves on here. That is partly because I'm still working out a few things with them but also because much of their lore is intentionally hidden away from the rest of Oepus. They are very private people, so from the perspective which AASOAF is told, that of what Elves would call outsiders, we don't see much of it. That said, this ailment, while harmless, even cool sounding to us, is extremely detrimental to them. Elves rely on their connection to the earth to be able to hunt and know where to move as the seasons change; this bioluminescence interrupts those connections. This is due to the frequency of the light emitted by their bodies being just a degree or two different from the frequency that connects them to nature, resulting in garbled messages. This is essentially like cutting the whiskers off a cat.
Hincha: A chronic condition wherein just before spring, Elves grow branches from their skin.
I have mentioned before that my Elves are not quite the same as traditional Elves. They have skin with the texture and color of tree bark and hair made of leaves, so as you might imagine, skin conditions would vary quite a lot from anything more traditional Elves would face. Hincha is one of those things where a type of spore, usually airborne, lands on an elf and starts putting roots down in its skin. These spores are triggered by melting snows or winter rains, hence the cyclical nature of this ailment. It's quite painful, and the treatment is usually similar to removing leeches. There is no preventative.
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Fielding: A type of cyst that is developed as a result of coming into contact with Fielder's Grass.
The Ironsong Hold is home to many large, grassy plains and also to special native species of grass called Fielder's Grass. This grass is mostly harmless unless you happen to be allergic to it. This allergy is usually developed by Dwarves, especially those that work in agriculture, as they are exposed to the grasses more than most others would be. That means that older Dwarves are more prone to it, so to prevent this, they wear thick hide trousers to protect their skin. Younger Dwarves will usually carry around blankets or animal skins with them to let the elderly borrow in case they suffer from this and don't leave their homes wearing said trousers. This might be due to forgetfulness or not expecting to have to come in contact with said grass.
Leaners: A type of vertigo developed from riding elephants.
I mentioned before that Dwarves keep elephants as pets and treat them like recreationally kept horses, which means they also ride them! However, as you might imagine, this is kind of difficult for them to do since their legs aren't very long, so they have specially made saddles for the purpose. I won't get into how they are constructed, but the idea of leaning in it and using the reins to dictate where the animal should go still stands. However, as you might imagine, you'd have to put a lot of weight and force into controlling an elephant. Elephants move pretty fast, so talented riders have to be throwing themselves around on the elephant's back the entire time the animal is moving, and eventually, that messes with their inner ear, and they develop vertigo from it. It does go away, but it takes a long time, and elephant riders love the thrill of the sport, so it's more or less permanent.
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jamesvince9898 · 2 days
Comprehensive Healing and Wellness at Soma Health Center LLC
Introduction Soma Health Center LLC is a leading healthcare facility specializing in advanced treatments and therapies for chronic illnesses, with a focus on the Neurological Integration System (NIS) and comprehensive Lyme treatment in Baltimore. Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalized care for individuals struggling with complex health issues. As a trusted Lyme specialist in Maryland, we offer innovative solutions to address Lyme disease and other neurological challenges, ensuring our patients receive the highest level of care. Our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and well-being through our holistic and integrative approach to healing.
Understanding the Neurological Integration System (NIS) The Neurological Integration System (NIS) is a revolutionary healthcare approach that addresses the underlying causes of health issues by focusing on the body's neurological pathways. Developed to identify and correct imbalances in the nervous system, NIS helps the body regain its natural ability to heal and function properly. At Soma Health Center LLC, we use NIS to assess and treat various conditions, from chronic pain and autoimmune disorders to hormonal imbalances and stress-related issues. By targeting the root cause of these conditions, we aim to restore optimal health and well-being.
How NIS Works The Neurological Integration System operates on the principle that the brain controls and coordinates all functions of the body. When there is a disruption in the communication between the brain and the body, it can lead to various health issues. NIS involves assessing the body's neurological signals and identifying areas where these signals are compromised. Our practitioners use gentle, non-invasive techniques to correct these imbalances, allowing the body to restore its natural healing processes. This approach not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the source of the problem, resulting in long-lasting health improvements.
Benefits of NIS at Soma Health Center LLC By incorporating the Neurological Integration System into our treatment protocols, Soma Health Center LLC offers numerous benefits to our patients:
Holistic Healing: NIS addresses the entire body rather than focusing on individual symptoms, promoting overall wellness.
Non-Invasive Treatment: The NIS approach is gentle and does not involve medication or surgery, making it a safe option for individuals of all ages.
Personalized Care: Each treatment is tailored to the patient's unique needs, ensuring the most effective healing process.
Long-Term Results: By correcting the underlying neurological imbalances, NIS provides sustainable improvements in health and well-being.
Lyme Treatment in Baltimore – A Comprehensive Approach Lyme disease is a complex and often debilitating illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted through tick bites. If left untreated, Lyme disease can lead to severe health complications, affecting the joints, heart, and nervous system. At Soma Health Center LLC, we specialize in providing effective Lyme treatment in Baltimore, using a combination of advanced therapies and holistic approaches to help patients recover and regain their quality of life.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Lyme Disease The early symptoms of Lyme disease can vary, making it difficult to diagnose. Common symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, fever, headaches, and a characteristic "bullseye" rash. In more advanced stages, Lyme disease can cause neurological problems, heart palpitations, and severe joint inflammation. Early detection and treatment are crucial for preventing the disease from progressing and causing long-term damage. If you suspect you have been exposed to Lyme disease, seeking help from a qualified Lyme specialist in Maryland is essential for effective treatment.
Our Lyme Treatment Protocol At Soma Health Center LLC, we take a comprehensive and individualized approach to Lyme treatment in Baltimore. Our treatment protocol includes:
Accurate Diagnosis: We begin with a thorough evaluation and diagnostic testing to confirm the presence of Lyme disease and assess the extent of the infection.
Targeted Antibiotic Therapy: For early-stage Lyme disease, antibiotic therapy is often the most effective treatment. We tailor the dosage and duration of antibiotic use based on each patient's needs.
Nutritional Support: Proper nutrition is essential for boosting the immune system and aiding the body's recovery. We provide dietary recommendations and supplements to support healing.
Neurological Integration System (NIS) Therapy: NIS plays a vital role in our Lyme treatment approach by helping to restore the body's ability to fight the infection and repair damaged tissues.
Detoxification: Lyme disease can cause the accumulation of toxins in the body. We incorporate detoxification protocols to help eliminate these harmful substances, reducing symptoms and supporting recovery.
Why Choose Soma Health Center LLC as Your Lyme Specialist in Maryland? As a leading Lyme specialist in Maryland, Soma Health Center LLC stands out for our commitment to delivering personalized and effective treatment plans. Our team of experienced practitioners takes the time to understand each patient's unique condition, ensuring that every aspect of their health is addressed. We combine cutting-edge medical treatments with holistic therapies to provide a comprehensive solution for Lyme disease, helping patients achieve lasting relief from their symptoms.
The Importance of Early Intervention One of the key factors in successfully treating Lyme disease is early intervention. The sooner treatment begins, the better the chances of preventing the disease from spreading and causing more severe health complications. At Soma Health Center LLC, we encourage patients to seek immediate medical attention if they suspect they have been exposed to tick bites or exhibit symptoms of Lyme disease. Our Lyme treatment in Baltimore is designed to provide fast and effective relief, ensuring that patients receive the care they need without delay.
The Role of NIS in Treating Chronic Lyme Disease Chronic Lyme disease can be challenging to manage, as the symptoms may persist even after standard antibiotic treatment. In such cases, the Neurological Integration System offers a unique advantage by addressing the neurological aspects of the disease. By using NIS, our practitioners can help re-establish proper communication between the brain and body, enabling the immune system to function more effectively. This holistic approach significantly improves outcomes for patients dealing with chronic Lyme disease, reducing pain, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms.
Supporting Your Journey to Health and Wellness At Soma Health Center LLC, we believe in empowering our patients to take control of their health and well-being. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your health is addressed, from physical symptoms to emotional well-being. We provide ongoing support and education, helping patients understand their condition and the steps they can take to achieve optimal health. As a trusted Lyme specialist in Maryland, we are dedicated to guiding you on your journey to recovery.
Integrating NIS with Other Treatments One of the strengths of Soma Health Center LLC is our ability to integrate the Neurological Integration System with other treatment modalities. We recognize that every patient is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach does not work when it comes to healthcare. By combining NIS with conventional treatments, nutritional support, and lifestyle modifications, we create a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your health issues.
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medsvilla-blog · 5 years
Maintain your erection with kamagra 100
This part can be a gift for the patients having issues with their erection. The item we are examining is Kamagra 100– A medication that fixes the harm in the penile zone because of erection issues. The reactions brought about by it is practically immaterial. The utilization of this medication is finished by taking the prescription orally either as a tablet or the gel assimilation is done through the tongue to build ripeness in men.
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The offers of this medication have arrived at the top because of numerous advantages that this medication gives when contrasted with others utilized for a similar reason. These medications have FDA endorsement and their buy is done online with no solution history. Kamagra is the least expensive erectile brokenness treatment, does not influence the money related circumstance of the patient.
As per the examination, around 20 percent of the male populace experience the ill effects of erection issues (erectile brokenness or feebleness). The greater part of these men doesn't treat their weakness or frail erection issues. There are two explanations for that.
They think of it as offending to counsel a specialist for their erectile debilitation and taking assistance from a specialist for such a reason might humiliate for them.
Since Erectile brokenness needs over the top expensive treatment. A large number of them probably won't almost certainly bear the cost of it.
Buy Kamagra 100mg online from Trusted Pharmacy
Sildenafil is accomplice FDA-certified drug wont to treat male erectile brokenness issues in men. Once being displayed in 1998, Kamagra 100mg transformed into the chief in style treatment for male erectile brokenness issues.
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Despite you have been having male erectile brokenness issues for an extended time, Kamagra 100mg can start working rapidly.
Erectile brokenness could be a name of the condition once cGMP impetus replaces by another chemical PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type-5). PDE5 driving force isolates cGMP and has its spot. Circulation system limits by PDE5 impetus bringing about dispensing erection downside in men. Blood is significant for erection achievement. Kamagra 100mg represses PDE5 impetus, upgrading blood stream to the penial space. Blood stuffed penial district makes it simpler for men to achieve a partner erection. Kamagra 100mg also discharges cGMP inside the body as while not it erection is beyond the realm of imagination.
 Who will use Kamagra 100mg?
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No. young ladies and adolescents return at wellbeing dangers if they take this medication in any respect. So, it’s suggested to stay the drug far from their reach.
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Kamagra 100mg will begin working inside a quarter-hour. It's a well-loved treatment for weakness issues because of it's been logically well-attempted to help generally eightieth of men encountering a sexual issue. Clinical primers from around the world need to show that Kamagra 100mg is a decent treatment for male erectile brokenness issues. Generally, Kamagra 100mg roofed by most protection thoughts. Get an arrangement here For Relief From Erectile Dysfunction by utilizing Kamagra 100.
What is the consumption procedure of the medications?
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How to take Kamagra 100mg?
Kamagra 100mg works best if it's taken approximately one hour before sexual orientation. To urge partner erection, you'll be explicitly energized. Specialists in some cases promoter taking fifty mg once every day. Nonetheless, the portion is frequently lessened to twenty-five mg or raised to a hundred mg whenever required. Try not to assume control more than one portion every twenty-four hours. Kamagra 100mg can't take at an equal time as elective meds wont to treat male erectile brokenness issues. You ought not to take Kamagra 100mg with a high-fat supper since it will reduce the suitability of the medicine. Kamagra 100mg doesn't protect you from explicitly transmitted sicknesses.
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Before you begin taking Kamagra 100mg, see your essential consideration doctor to talk about your therapeutic record. Allow your to specialist handle if you have high-weight level, excretory organ hurt, liver damage, erythrocyte paleness, malignant growth, hurt issue, myeloma, or if your phallus has anatomical distortions. On the off chance that you're searching for Kamagra 100mg through Trusted Pharmacy, take care to unite most of your therapeutic data on the gathering kind. On the possibility that you don't know whether it's safe for you to require Kamagra 100mg, make an assembling with your essential consideration doctor.
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You can't take Kamagra 100mg if you are taking gas advocate prescriptions like Nitrostat, isosorbide, dinitrate, or nitroprusside. Before taking Kamagra 100mg, tell your essential consideration doctor concerning most of your answer and non-expertly endorsed prescriptions. On the off chance that you're eventually taking Quinora, cimetidine, antifungals, niacin, Pediamycin, high-weight level drugs, or solution wont to treat accomplice HIV malady, don't begin taking Kamagra 100mg. See your essential consideration master to examine your male erectile brokenness (ED) treatment choices.
A notice concerning fake Kamagra 100mg Since Kamagra 100mg is in this manner in style, there are a few fake adaptations sold-out wildly on-line. Utilize alert once searching for Kamagra 100mg on-line, particularly if the site is giving an adjustment of Kamagra 100mg or drugs with tremendous cutoff points. These solutions are every now and again incapable and may ordinarily be dangerous. At Trusted Pharmacy, you're supreme to get genuine Kamagra 100mg made in the Asian country By Ajanta medication organization. Partner Indian approved drug specialist apportions all meds sold-out by Trusted Pharmacy.
What is the qualification between Kamagra 100mg and Sildenafil?
Sildenafil turn is that the dynamic fixing in Kamagra 100mg and is out there in a nonexclusive, unbranded pill. Virility medication and Kamagra 100mg are medicinally proportionate; be that as it may, virility medication is out there at a way lower esteem. Nonexclusive meds contain an equal dynamic fixing and are similarly successful and medicinally comparable in light of the fact that the marked item, in any case, is offered at a lower cost. Nonexclusive creators should show that they're restoratively like the marked item – i.e., they give an identical quality, quality, steadiness, and viability.
Conventional meds are expected to satisfy equal guidelines of wellbeing, quality, and practicality due to the marked medicine. To get publicize support from the EU drugs Agency and furthermore MHRA, a conventional medication ought to be 'bioequivalent' to the driving force item.
Will I experience the ill effects of feature impacts once abuse Kamagra 100mg?
Every medicine has the potential for point of view impacts. Luckily, Kamagra 100mg is ensured and ground-breaking for certain men. The greater part of men UN organization does capacity perspective effects don't give off an impression of being annoyed enough to maintain a strategic distance from treatment. Inconsistently, men capacity a lot of authentic viewpoint impacts. The central ordinary outcomes are cerebral pains, impermanent visual issues, and mid-region torment.
Kamagra 100mg with Food and Alcohol
Kamagra 100mg is frequently dotty or while not nourishment; in any case, you'll see that Kamagra 100mg takes more time to assume if got once a significant feast. It's guided to swear off drinking liquor before taking Kamagra 100mg to accomplish the most outrageous get enchant from your medication.
To what extent will it see as Kamagra 100mg work?
You should take Kamagra Hundred mg concerning 1 hour before sexual orientation. Regardless, you'll take it between half-hour to four hours before sexual orientation whenever required. Kamagra 100mg is frequently dotty or while not nourishment. On the off chance that you are taking Kamagra 100mg once encouraging a high-fat supper, it will take an all-encompassing amount of your opportunity to require sway.
Where the ineptitude sedate should be put away?
Room temperature between-fifteen to thirty degree Celsius is reasonable for putting away the ineptitude sedate. Extraordinary temperatures abbreviate medication's period. In the partner water/air proof box, the medicine ought to be strong. There the medicine is shielded from any outer atmospherical conditions. In this manner, store it in a dull and bewildering spot. Old, pills ought to organize appropriately.
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eagle-eyez · 3 years
People recovering from COVID-19, the infection caused by the novel coronavirus, have reported persisting symptoms such as fatigue or suffering other health complications. Here's taking a look at long COVID and its symptoms.
What is long COVID
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, post-COVID conditions, also known as long COVID or long-haul COVID, are a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems people can experience four or more weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.
It is also known as post-acute COVID-19, long-term effects of COVID, or chronic COVID.
According to the UK's NHS, the recovery time for COVID-19 differs for everybody but most make a full recovery within 12 weeks. For some, however, symptoms can last longer and this does not appear to be linked to the severity of the symptoms during the first COVID-19 infection.
In other words, people who had mild symptoms or no symptoms can still experience symptoms later on or have long-term problems.
What are the symptoms?
The CDC and NHS list the following as common symptoms, some of which may also overlap:
extreme tiredness (fatigue)
shortness of breath
chest pain or tightness, stomach
problems with memory and concentration (sometimes referred to as brain fog)
difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
heart palpitations
pins and needles
joint pain
depression and anxiety
tinnitus, earaches
feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
mood changes
Changes in period cycles
Symptoms that get worse after physical activity
The American Psychological Association, citing studies in JAMA and the BMJ, states that around 10 percent of patients develop long COVID.  According to the World Health Organisation's policy brief, "In the wake of the pandemic:" Preparing for Long COVID," it can affect anyone, but women and health care workers seem to be at greater risk.
Meanwhile, the REACT-2 study from Imperial College London, published as a preprint, found that around a third of people in England who developed COVID-19 went on to experience long-term symptoms. The researchers found that long COVID was more common among women than men (1.5 times as likely) and in people who were overweight or obese, who smoked, lived in deprived areas, or had been admitted to hospital. In contrast, persistent COVID-19 symptoms were lower in people of Asian ethnicity.
“Increasing age was also linked with having persistent symptoms, with the risk rising by 3.5 percent with each decade of life,” the Imperial College adds.
In India, a follow-up study on a cohort of patients with acute coronavirus infection across three facilities of the Max healthcare group has found that 40 percent of them had 'long-Covid' symptoms.
Dr Sandeep Budhiraja, Group Medical Director of Max Super Specialty Hospital, who led the study titled “Long term health consequences of COVID-19 in hospitalised patients from north India: A follow-up study of up to 12 months”, said that "no correlation"  was found between developing post-Covid symptoms and age, gender, comorbidities or the severity of disease; however the duration of post-Covid symptoms had significant correlations to the disease severity at the time of admission but not to age, gender and comorbidities.
Fatigue, which was most commonly reported, showed a significant association with age. Only 1 of 44 (2.3 percent) in the age group of less than 30 years had fatigue, which increased to 21.5 percent in the age-group of 60 years or more, the doctor said.
What are the Multiorgan or Autoimmune conditions?
According to the CDC, some who have had severe COVID-19 can also "experience multiorgan effects or autoimmune conditions over a longer time with symptoms lasting weeks or months after COVID-19 illness." Multiorgan effects can affect most, if not all, body systems, including heart, lung, kidney, skin, and brain functions.
Some people, mostly children, may also experience a rare condition known as multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) during or immediately after a COVID-19 infection.
Wha are the effects of hospitalisation and COVID-19 illness
The CDC further states that hospitalisations and severe illnesses for lung-related diseases, including COVID-19, can cause health effects like severe weakness and exhaustion during the recovery period. Those who receive treatment in hospitals can also go through effects such as post-intensive care syndrome (PICS).
PICS refers to health effects that begin when a person is in an intensive care unit (ICU) and can remain after a person returns home. These effects can include severe weakness, problems with thinking and judgment, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Some symptoms after hospitalisation can be similar to the ones listed above as common symptoms and it can be difficult to know whether they are caused by the effects of hospitalisation, the long-term effects of the virus, or a combination of both. They also may be complicated by other effects related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including mental health effects from isolation, negative economic situations, and lack of access to healthcare for managing underlying conditions.
What are the impacts?
In a statement on 25 February 2021, Professor Martin McKee, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies notes that long COVID can be extremely debilitating and can have a huge impact on people’s lives.
"Many are unable to return to work or have a social life. Many have described how it affects their mental health, especially as the course of the condition is often fluctuating; just as they feel they are getting better the symptoms return. And of course, it has important economic consequences for them, their families and for society," he says.
Originally posted here: https://ift.tt/2U4FJiN
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lucalicatteart · 7 years
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Some random notes about soul magic
or pretty much just about the dynamics of soul absorption lol
Absorbing a large portion (or entirety) of a person’s soul is usually painful and difficult and can go wrong in many ways... 
This is extremely minor in the case of enchantments and borrowed powers, so nobody really seems to notice too many ill effects from those.  At the most, perhaps if someone enchants you in a way that requires a higher than usual amount of potent magic,  you may just feel sick or something a few days after the enchantment *(1).  But in the case of larger scale soul absorption, like the type seen in malicious powerful mages and etc. (who trick people into giving away large portions of their soul to them in exchange for things, or who regularly capture and ingest entire souls of people, etc. so they can seemingly absorb that energy and grow their own power), it can be quite an uncomfortable process. 
 [*side note 1:  Since technically, part of what enchantments are is just that person breaking away a portion of their inherent energy  to infuse it into a person, item, ring, etc.  Which of course,  most low level enchantments only utilize an incomprehensibly small negligible amount of that energy, but that is still technically what it is. This is why often people who are in the business of enchanting ask for so much in return when making deals, since doing that is not an infinite resource (You have to be constantly taking in more than you’re giving away. If not, then you’d eventually grow too weak letting people get enchantments for free or something, breaking off tiny fragments of your life force for nothing in return to sustain you). And in many schools of thought, your ‘’inherent energy’’ is considered as basically your ‘’soul’’, or colloquially referred to that way. So even  the small enchantments commonly seen about the realm (magical jewelry shops, booths where you can make deals with jhevona in exchange for certain magical enhancements, etc.) are still technically branches of soul magic and dealing with souls,, it just happens to be, such small fragments of souls that it has nowhere near the negative effects of more powerful soul magic (and some people still dispute that enchanting is it's own separate thing and not a branch of soul magic but, magic scholars can never agree on anything anyway lol). 
 (Though still, it should be noted that most elements of magic are still not widely understood, as every time there seems to be a rule to figure it all out, there is discovered many exceptions to the rule, so then people who theorize about that sort of thing have to rethink their understanding yet again lmao… who would have thought.. abstract mystical energy is .. complicated. I refer to "inherent energy" as being the same thing as a soul, since many people in the realm conceptualize it that way, but nobody in the whole of Nanyevimi has ever truly had a concrete system for understanding stuff like souls, inherent energy levels, genetics, blood etc. and how those all relate to magic and properties of magic. There are relations between all of them (blood seeming to have magical properties, souls seemingly being a thing, magical ability being influenced to some degree by genetics, etc.), but nobody really has a consistent theory for how they all fit together, so there's still a lot of variation . Some people think a soul is the same thing as a consciousness (since those who do soul magic, when moving their ''soul'' to another body, are seemingly moving their whole life force/consciousness/ etc.), yet others separate the two, some don't believe in souls at all or think that actually the way soul magic is categorized is incorrect overall and is instead like 4 distinct types of magic lumped together (only some of which have to do with actual souls) etc... 
Anyway, like usual... I use the broadest and most general terms and ways of classifying things when I speak about them, usually trying to pick whatever is the most common knowledge or what a majority of scholars would agree with, however obviously it's Complicated and there are other ways out there to conceptualize the same ideas with different terminology or etc. etc.]
 So that’s how enchanting relates to all of this like, TECHNICALLY if you were to ask a jhevona merchant or something to grant you the limited ability to levitate (most enchantments like this would be done through enchanting an inanimate object for the user to wear that simply must be  periodically recharged since that’s 10x easier, but for this example I guess the person INSISTED on it being done the other way), they would  actually be giving you a very small portion of their soul that can merge it’s energy with your own for use under the specific condition of that given ability. But in this case it would be such a small fraction it’d be immediately absorbed into yours and probably not noticed at all. However with larger soul absorption, it gets more complicated
 Like if you absorbed 10 souls at once, from pretty powerful beings with ‘’stronger souls’’  like elves or even moreso like jhevona or something, then you would be OUT for a while like just recovering lol, no matter how powerful you are. Even ancient demons (thought to be the most powerful beings in like, all of existence for the most part, such a rare level of achievement that there’s only thought to be like 42 or so of them in the past 50,000 years of known civilization) can be debilitated by the process of absorbing souls, if anything it may  get WORSE the more powerful you are, since you’re only dealing with higher and higher levels of energy,, it scales up.
 Often if there’s like a battle or something where many people are dying at once and someone wants to take those souls of the dead to use for themselves *(2), they would likely use the soul magic to trap the souls into a container or some sort to keep for later (though they will expire after a certain time) and ingest when it’s safer, like when they have some time alone that they wont have to do much for a few days and can just gestate while their body gets used to the influx of a new mish mash of various energies now bubbling around all at once uncontrollably. 
  [ side note 2 : This is why it’s actually a kind of common scheme for people who are skilled in soul magics to become military medics or something, they’re out in the action with dying people all the time and have plenty of opportunity to harvest souls and take them for themselves when people are too distracted to care, and additionally when treating people they can heal them but as they’re healing simultaneously take a small portion of their soul for themselves, too small for anyone to notice, as when the person wakes up and feels weak or feels off everyone is just like “that’s probably just because you suffered such a massive injury! of course you feel weak!” and never think “oh it’s the fuckin medic whom took a little 0.004% of your soul energy hoping you wouldn’t notice”, and those small parts add up over time (though like mentioned, "souls" usually can't exist outside of something to contain them for too long (outside of certain hyper-specific scenarios), so this can be hard to maintain. It's the same reason that soul magics users hopping bodies and etc. can be so dangerous (if you run out of time and get trapped outside a host with nowhere for your soul to go, you just.. die lol). Usually the mages who do this less direct 'storing souls for later' type of thing have to be pretty high level in the first place and skilled enough to use little tricks and cheats to keep the souls from fading once captured. It also helps though that they are usually in a medical scenario, so they don't have to hold the souls for that long. It will mess them up for a while when they finally get around to absorbing them, but they're around sickness and combat all the time, they can always just absorb the contained souls whenever they want and then fake sick for a few days, especially  if only dealing with minor non-powerful soul fragments or etc. ) ]  
  Souls need time to absorb and settle in to the ‘main soul’ . One of the main reasons (aside from ability level limitations, morality, etc.) people shy away from actual soul absorption (again, not the like %0.000000000003% of a soul that is utilized in enchantments, this is only Whole Soul/Multiple Whole Soul/Large Portion absorption) is due to how painful and weird the process can be.  
Especially depending on the strength of the soul (though minor symptoms are basically applicable for even the weakest souls), taking a powerful soul into your own can be harder, no matter how strong you are yourself. Nobody is immune to the physical pain and weakness (often stuff like muscle spasms , shaking/severe and rapid trembling, fever (usually to levels that would be deadly if you weren’t consistently offsetting it with healing magic), extreme muscle aches, full body bruising, coughing up blood and general internal bleeding due to various damage inside the body, just overall feeling extremely frail, severe headaches, damage to internal organs, severely lessened control over one’s magic (meaning also an increased risk of accidentally hurting yourself doing something you can usually do effortlessly, which gets more dangerous the more powerful you are, etc), in some cases random small bone fractures and cases of severe swelling of your joints, peeling and burns on the skin, rashes, boils, etc… Generally just being unfathomably weak and in sometimes unbearable amounts of pain. * (3) 
Which is basically the typical symptoms you can see associated with extremely high level magic use in general (even though only like, 0.00000001% of the population even uses magic at such a level that this would be applicable to them, so it's like, typical, yet not commonly known of), except just... 10x worse because it's not over in a burst once the spell ends, it's persistent over a period of days even weeks or months, never ending lol. Once you’ve initiated absorbing souls.. that’s.... basically what you’re doing for the next few days/weeks..you can’t back out, call it off, take them out of you (at least not without usually worse consequences, like fracturing or loosing your own soul or something).. No matter how insufferable the symptoms get you just have to, ride it out until the souls have merged (or until you die, etc.). Just like chill for a few days blinded by headaches and throwing up blood letting your skin burn off and accidentally hurting yourself with your own magic and stumbling around wondering why you did this to yourself.
 Again, why usually all the powerful idiots who choose to do this usually basically hibernate for a few weeks, some even have other people try to put them under and make them unconscious most of the time, at least during the first two days of the process (though this still doesn’t always work, especially if you’re very powerful, not only because you could usually override the magic/drugs/etc. and wake up anyway, but also due to the fact that the whole ‘hey come take care of me while I’m rapidly deteriorating and incredibly unstable and could legit just hop out of bed on a whim and do a tiny spell wrong and accidentally obliterate your entire existence’ usually seems like a frightening task, even for your closest companions ). 
 Additionally, with your magic being in a more faded state, healing magic usually doesn't work as well in this scenario. It's a regular part of life for extremely high level magic users (like ancient demons, etc.) to have to be using nearly constant background healing magic just to sustain themselves and offset the constant physical effects of using high level magics, or just the sheer physical damage of like.. existing? (having so much magical energy contained in a physical form will absolutely destroy the physical form if you're not constantly up-keeping it, as the energy just utterly deteriorates most organic matter, which is why it's also common for powerful beings to not  even take physical forms anymore, or to shape-shift constantly), but when absorbing souls, they can't rely on this as much any longer, and have to exist in severely limited states because of it. 
 [Side note 3: It still isn’t quite clear why certain magics like this can cause physical effects, but it’s thought to be at least somewhat associated with the amount of energy required to do the magic, the length it must be sustained, and where the effect of the magic is directed. 
As I think I’ve mentioned before in the post about general magic, there are theories that like, basically ALL magic is physically harmful, it’s just that 99% of common magic  is used is in such low doses or  requires such a low level of energy output that you don’t see the effects, but technically any magic used to a high enough degree would have the same issues. So of course, with magic like illusion and reality manipulation magics (in which even the MOST BASIC beginner tiniest smallest feat of magic you can do in that field is still going to require a truly incredible amount of energy) literally anything you do in that form of magic is going to cause physical effects, making it seem like ‘oh reality magics just have bad effects and others don’t’. But some people think it’s not really the TYPE of magic as much as it is just, the energy level.  Like theoretically if there were known elemental magics spells which required a similar level of energy, they’d probably cause the same exact  side effects, it’s just that due to how differing forms of magic are utilized in different ways, for most types of magic, such high energy and dangerous applications hardly exist.
Another thing is the amount of time it must be sustained, even if you did have an extremely powerful fire spell or something, that lasts literally a few seconds, you burst out the energy and it’s gone. Whereas things like reality magics and some soul magics require not only a massive amount of energy to do in the first place, but also have to be sustained for the entire duration of what you’re doing (so keeping an alternate pocket of reality in tact, or etc.). Even if both were to cause symptoms, you’d obviously notice symptoms more over a 2 hours period than you would over a span of 15 seconds during a quick battle.
 And then the target of the energy,, Things like elemental magic and enchanting magics pretty much always externalize their energy, it’s being used on an inanimate object, or being expelled from the body to exist on it’s own and be used as a weapon or etc. Whereas stuff like illusion/reality/soul magics literally are enacted upon people, the energy is transferring directly into their being or the direct environment around them, and due to this of course may be likely to have more effect on a person. Casting energy inward or having the focus be an internal alteration would have a different effect than when it’s externalized as abstract force or applied to/accessed through an external object (like how it’s easier to enchant rings for people to wear, even though you could TECHNICALLY do the same enchantment to the person themselves directly (their body being the vessel rather than an object)). 
 So what this side tangent brings me to is like.. soul magics in general can kind of vary, there are many many more low energy things for people to do that are still considered soul magic than there are for something like reality magic or whatever (low level reality magic basically doesn’t exist, or it does technically but a ‘low level reality magic’ user would still have to be, insanely powerful otherwise, magics like that just exist on a totally different scale (why they’re often considered forbidden or not meant to be used/accessed by others)), things like laying people’s souls to rest or transferring the souls of others to different containers or etc. are all pretty basic feats of soul magic,  but the particular soul magic of absorbing the souls of others  into your own is like.. one of the most advanced and difficult you can try, since:
It requires a ridiculous amount of energy to even do (not to mention extensive prior training and knowledge of soul magics since, while basically ALL magic can kill you instantly if you make even a slight mistake, soul magic is on the more extreme end of being a You  Better Know Exactly What The Hell You Are Doing type of magic, which should be self explanatory why stuff like expelling your own soul from your body to cautiously navigate someone’s dream realm or ripping another person’s consciousness into your own are like, things that can go ludicrously wrong) 
 you have to sustain it for DAYS/WEEKS usually, and 
 it is literally being applied directly to yourself… so you’re essentially bombarding yourself with extremely high levels of constantly sustained magical energy for days on end,, which meets all three above criteria for “What people who study magic and stuff currently think has an effect on how severe the physical symptoms are”.. so it’s just like… Bigg Pain.. Ouch,, Ooff,, You Are Destroying Your Body And Probably Other Things Too
 So, while the reason behind magic having physical effects is still not widely understood, most people can still agree on a few criteria that make it worse, and large scale/whole soul absorption magic in particular massively meets all three, thus, even if your some ancient powerful being, It's Going To Be Awful ] 
 In addition to physical symptoms, another well known reason people avoid this,  is also that in the initial phases it can feel like there’s multiple people in your body at once, or another person fighting you from inside yourself.  In some cases there’s even solid dialogue between both consciousnesses (though the absorbed soul is still clearly more faded/less prominent and distinguishable from your own), which is pretty unsettling for a lot of people. 
 Like if you absorbed the soul of some child, you may be able to hear them constantly in the back of your mind for the next few days while you’re sick, sobbing, crying out for their parents, wondering why everything is just dark and they can’t feel anything, pleading to know what’s going on , which even for some evil shitlord can just be, vaguely uncomfortable at least. And then with people who are actually experienced in soul magics, they’ll probably know exactly what’s going on and try to fight you, so you’ll get them screaming hostilities at you for days, or going though different stages (trying to bargain with you to let them go, insulting you, trying to fight for control of your body to make you throw yourself down the stairs or something as a last effort of revenge, crying for a few hours, backpedaling  on all that revenge stuff and trying to suck up to you and bargain with you again, getting angry again, giving a long monologue of how they accept their fate now, etc.. ).  Some people will rationalize the darkness as some sort of afterlife and you'll be able to hear their consciousness as they begin panicking with frantic thoughts that they must have died and been trapped in hell or whatever other sorts of things would be applicable to their culture/religion/etc.,,   Which of course the more souls you absorb at once the more chaotic this is. Like 15+ people having various levels and types of breakdown over their current situation at once, which you can prominently hear in your mind, all while you're probably vomiting blood on the floor or something  
Absorbed souls that have the ability to still be conscious (not all do, but very often this is the case, at least in a very faint short term way) usually register the feeling of being absorbed as kind of like, initially they’re just in this sensory deprived place where they can’t see or hear or feel anything it’s just darkness yet they’re still able to perceive themselves and have conscious thoughts and express them (which is what you’re picking up on when you ‘’hear their thoughts’’ kind of), until they gradually start to feel their consciousness getting weaker and weaker as they fade into nothing and their energy becomes fully integrated with your Main Soul. Though many are not aware of the presence of other souls around them, including the person absorbing them, so a majority of the time the person just feels entirely alone and confused until fading away. It’s only those who are skilled in soul magics or have some other rare ability that are able to actively perceive the presence of others and have an actual dialogue with the Main Soul.
Sometimes though, especially if some of the people you’re trying to absorb are trained/adept enough to know what’s going on and have experience navigating the weird barely understood dark space that is just consciousness and souls/minds, they can actually communicate with other souls and work collectively, even usually being able to speak to non experienced ones (by guiding them or trying to instruct them), so you also have to be able to handle that as well which can be a risk. 
  Like if you absorbed a group of five, and three of them immediately figure out what’s going on and communicate with each other, then try to instruct the other two to do the right things as well,  it is possible they could use their collective power to gain control of your body just long enough to make you kill yourself, and free themselves (though this could only occur before the initial absorption has started to set in, while they still exist mostly separately. They’d only have about 30 - 60 minutes to do this, as after that point the souls start to merge/absorb to a point that, even  if they were freed from the body, they’d either just be fractured bits and pieces or would be all partially merged into one big soul yet still half distinct, and would probably all just fade away and die, etc.). Which you’d basically be able to hear their dialogue the entire time, so it’d be kind of helpless like, you know what they’re about to do because you’ve heard them coordinate their plan for the past 15 minutes yet still they overpower you and you can’t stop them lol. So another thing to consider is that you better be stronger than everyone you absorb combined, or at least make sure the people you target are not skilled enough in soul magics to coordinate a plan with the others in the short window of allotted time they would have to literally kill you from the inside out after gaining control of your own body. 
Also sometimes during this process, there’s a bit of instability of certain aspects of yourself.  Like if one of the souls you absorbed really loves sandwiches you may start to crave those. Or if the person you’ve taken in is generally a hot head, you may start to feel more angry over small things.  This is usually just you harmlessly adopting some strange quirks for a few days,  but can end up being pretty unsettling still. 
Like if they’re extremely obsessed with some obscure sex kink or something and out of nowhere you find yourself always thinking about that even though it’s personally disgusting to you, you’re now like stuck with seemingly involuntary thoughts about it,, Or if the person is some wild murderer or something , you may get surprisingly violent thoughts for a few days, etc.  If the soul you’re trying to absorb is VERY adept at soul/mind magics, like perhaps someone who regularly navigates mind spaces and dreams, they may even be able to get into your consciousness a bit in order to extract certain memories you have or learn things about you, which they can then exploit, Even if they know they’re going to be absorbed anyway and there’s no chance of escaping, they could still just solely out of spite project constant thoughts of your dead relatives or deepest fears or extreme urges to hurt yourself or etc. just to fuck with you relentlessly until they get too weak and fade away.  Or if the person you absorb regularly has flashbacks of something traumatic, you may have those too. If they’re generally in a constant state of anxiety or sadness over something, it could begin to effect you as well (suddenly having panic attacks over situations you’ve never been afraid of, nightmares involving ‘’loved ones’’ who are people you’ve never known yet you still get extremely emotionally affected by them, etc.) etc. etc. 
 This always levels out as their souls fade and their energy is transferred to your own Main Soul , it’s not like it ever legitimately changes who you are as a person or anything (though if not mentally prepared for it ahead of time it could possibly still have an effect on you, but only in the sense that the experience of absorbing souls in itself was traumatic for you (poor you :(  you decided to steal people’s souls and had to live for a few days with what they’ve lived with their entire lives :( aww… bhbb)). So, at the very least, the alterations aren’t permanent,  but still  in the initial few days, especially if you took in multiple souls at once, or a particularly skilled/malicious soul, you can be not only in PHYSICAL pain and distress but also, sometimes even more difficult to manage is the personality changes and different cravings for foods and constant thoughts about subject matter that you normally don’t normally think about and a lot of new emotions or anxieties you’ve never had to experience before or people attacking you from inside your own mind, etc. etc.. 
 Which maybe at the very least could serve as an empathy exercise for all the, probably generally unempathetic fools who find it okay to devour the souls of others, since they can’t really minimize or avoid dealing with the actual emotions and struggles and lives of these people when they’re inevitably going to have to confront them and live through them first hand in some form. Even though probably still all they’ll take from it is “wah, look what I had to go through for a few days : (  which was entirely my choice to experience since I knew ahead of time the risks of absorbing innocent people into myself to supplement my own power but.. :’( i had a nightmare and my bones hurt :(“ , instead of it giving them a better perspective on the depth and struggle of others who exist in the world lol.. But, one could at least hope maybe at some point this constant temporary experience of the consciousnesses of others could actually do something to alter the way they conceptualize other people, humanize them more and allow the owner of the Main Soul to, consider maybe like… not ..uh.. killing people and stealing their souls so they can evaporating others into themselves..??? hmm’st… 
 Which of course not all people who absorb souls or portions of souls are like, awful horrible people.  Again, like with enchantments, people are often trading in micro fragments of souls or very tiny bits that are given consensually and willingly. It's just that, in the case of mass collecting souls of the dead from a battleground or tricking people to their demise or buying/capturing living people to take their souls*(4) , it’s like… … i mean… you’re basically guaranteed a shitty person for doing that, there’s no real way to skate around that fact.. It’s pretty much guaranteed that you have no respect for other people if you think it’s chill to eat their consciousness just because you’re too lazy to come up with a more creative and consensual way to collect power.. like.. start an enchantment shop like every other soul magic user or something you freak.. you’re not clever because you rob souls from the graveyards or start a fake religion to manipulate isolated groups into giving you live sacrifices or etc. 
  [ side note 4: There are actually small markets for this.  Like, usually people who are pretty privileged and have grown up in a position of wealth and power with great quality of life, have a fairly easy temperament, who haven’t had training in soul magics, etc. are considered  prime targets for kidnapping to have their soul taken, since their souls are the most unlikely to bestow the absorber with a bunch of personal baggage like memories of a traumatic past or any sort of personal struggle,  and lack of soul magic training means they won’t internally fight much. Obviously soul absorption has a lot of downsides, AND is an extremely rare lesser known type of magic that a majority of the population wouldn’t even have the inherent magical energy level or skill/capacity to do, so this isn't too common, but there are definitely a small handful people out there who make a business out of kidnapping "clean souls" (people with low magical ability, no trauma, a meek personality, etc.)  just to sell to powerful mages who want souls to utilize that are unlikely to give them too much trouble during the absorption process and etc. Or sometimes it's not even a business but more just like, an ancient demon will have someone on staff who works for them and it's their whole job just to go out and kidnap people for them to absorb, etc. (usually a job done by impressionable power hungry morally questionable young apprentice mages, you know, the type of person you could generally see volunteering to kidnap innocent people for some immortal all powerful ancient demon, under some promise of one day being mentored by them or granted powers or etc. (which usually they'll just end up getting absorbed themselves one day lol))   ] 
 If you haven’t fully absorbed a soul and they’re still within you and you get killed, you can sometimes get a rare case where your souls will come out of your dead body in kind of one collective piece, despite not being fully integrated. Where like aside from contacting a specialist in soul magics, you really can’t separate yourselves so, you better either find a way to destroy your collective soul or , just get used to the company and learn to live with the new dynamic of basically being two consciousnesses in one. Though there is a window when the souls are initially consumed for maybe an hour or so, where so little merging has occurred that if you die, the souls inside you will likely just escape free and still be separate, but any further along than that and you’re usually going to get just a weird merge of souls, or maybe they are separate but they’re missing parts of themselves, fractured or half combined and half separate, etc. 
Which in most cases, the souls are not able to find their way to an applicable host in time (especially if they don’t know soul magics, if you can’t do soul magics then you’d have no clue how to store your soul somewhere safe if it were to randomly be released from some fool trying to absorb it), so they just expire out in the wild and fade away anyway. 
But there have been cases of partially merged or fractured or just normal escaped souls being able to find their way back into a living form, though this is like, ridiculously rare (since it’s additionally so rare to escape in general), however it’s ALWAYS someone who beforehand had very extensive training in soul magics, since you have to be pretty high level in the first place to master soul hopping. Like being able to maneuver your soul out of one body, into an animal you see on the road, then into an inanimate object like a backpack of someone walking by so you can travel (the backpack instead of the person since most people would like.. notice if you just jump into them, it’s very hard to do, even compared to the difficulty of existing in backpack, it’s easier than trying to take over a random stranger), then into a random bird you see, then your bird body flies you to a graveyard where you hop out again into whatever you can sense is the closest and most recently dead body, now you’re finally in a living form again, etc..*(5)
 [ side note 5: Which is very conditional in the first place.. There are a lot of timing and skill things involved. A soul can usually only be on it’s own existing totally outside of any form for like, maybe 20 minutes MAXIMUM for someone with a lot of skill, and then stuff like, hopping into animals/other living things (excluding fully conscious humanoid beings)  is much easier than going into inanimate objects , you have to be a pretty high level of skill to like, maintain yourself trapped in a cooking pot or something, since generally , the farther it is off from your original form, the harder it is to maintain yourself within it, since your soul like, obviously wasn’t meant to be there or function that way, you can usually only be in inanimate objects for certain time limits, you can still do irreparable damage to yourself, etc. etc. So again, the idea of someone escaping, and on top of that, being able to find a way back to an applicable form without damaging their soul or just breaking time limits and completely fading away first would be probably even rarer than them breaking out in the first place lol.. Like.. it COULD be done, but there's so much that has to go perfectly and so many skills you'd have to know and etc. USUALLY, people who break free from an absorption attempt just have their souls fade away in the wild with no form to inhabit. ] 
 There also have been cases where someone tries to absorb a soul of someone, but the other person has a stronger soul than them or is just more adept at soul magics than them and is able to catch what’s going on and maneuver it in their favor and then THEY end up taking over the body of the person who was trying to absorb them in the first place.  Like after an initial fight for control, sometimes the one that is supposed to be absorbed can actually come out on top and end up integrating the other person’s soul into theirs rather than the other way around.  Which in most cases is probably pretty sweet if not a bit weird lol.. Like imagine you’ve been harmed in battle and your body has just been killed and you think this is it for you and embrace your death and etc.  but then you randomly get plucked into darkness, terrified of whats going on, quickly realize it’s a soul thing, have an angry dialogue with the absorber, take control of their mind, then slowly subsume the consciousness of the person, now it’s like.. "Hey!.. this body is yours now.. you fought them for it and you won!.. you basically get a second life lol You’re back from the dead!!  And also more powerful than before since now you own the energy of their soul including any other souls they’ve absorbed in the past! Joke's on them for attempting to absorb you!! Just an hour ago you were thinking you were dead and now you're back and even stronger!". 
It goes without saying that this is also very rare though… like.. ALL of this in general is rare.. normal people do not go around absorbing souls.. this is like.. literally out of all the billions of people in the world maybe like, 10,000 or so people even have the possibility to do this… So like, everything I’m writing about is already super uncommon.. add an additional ‘this is rare’ on top of that and it’s like, I’m just mostly rambling about things that pretty much nobody in Nanyevimi would encounter in the first place lol.. Probably only like 10 people in the past 50,000 years could even say they've done something like almost be absorbed by another person but then turn it around and absorb the other person's soul instead, etc. 
But this is why, despite it literally never working out, some people try to kill extremely powerful beings like ancient demons and stuff and take their souls.  Since on the like 0.000000000000000000000000000000001% half chance that they could actually gain control over the powerful Main Soul, rather than just having the attempt immediately flipped around and them being absorbed,..IF they could pull it off, then they would now be the 'owner’ of that soul and all the power that comes with it. You could, TECHNICALLY, through the most impossible luck in the universe, go from a very low level soul magic user to like, one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, if you were able to absorb their soul.  This has literally never happened in all 2 million+ years that magic capable conscious humanoid beings have existed in some form throughout the supernatural realm though.  But, people still try lol. 
Usually when that type of stuff happens, it’s people who are fairly close in ability. It’d be extremely rare for you to just be like 'oh i’ll just get powerful by absorbing the souls of a few people who are way way more powerful than me’ since likely they’d just absorb you instead.  You could maybe, if you’re better trained than them in soul magics and stuff, be able to get people who are a bit more powerful than you and take a few steps up every time, but for the most part the one who is weaker in overall ‘soul strength’/inherent power level (as vague and misunderstood/difficult to estimate of a concept as that already is)  is going to be the one that’s absorbed, skill in navigating the realm of souls can only take you so far. 
  Like to put it in stupid This Isn't An Entirely Accurate Analogy At All But Is At Least Simple To Understand video game terms: if you're level 8, you could definitely absorb souls that are level 5 and lower (or small fractions/portions of souls up to maybe level 20, as long as it's only a bit and wasn't whole soul absorption), and likely up until 7. You could PROBABLY absorb another level 8 soul, if you were good at soul magics, maybe even a level 9 or 10 if you were like, REALLY good. But you're not going to be able to absorb a level 40 soul, since they'd just absorb YOU. Some people, who are silly people, think that through certain tricks and tips and rumors and secret magic powers, they (at level 14 or something) will be able to absorb a level 15000 soul, and then magically shoot themselves up to being level 15000 in power, but it literally never works like that and you're better off just sticking with slowly climbing levels of power by absorbing people under or close to yourself. (though again, this isn't a super accurate way to explain this since like.. in real life nobody knows their level and you never know who you're in contact with, nothing is ever actually this clearly defined and in the largely mysterious realm of magic and magical abilities and souls and all that you're really just guessing on this type of stuff and it's always way more conditional and complicated, but maybe the example can still at least kind of show what I mean in a more simplified way).
So basically,  just like everything else in the realm of soul magics: Absorbing souls is yet another form of soul magic that is hard, very very complicated, super easily goes wrong to catastrophic effect, and you probably wont escape without some intense physical symptoms and mental distress. Aka why even if soul magic was the easiest form of magic and there were no huge ability level barriers to people getting into it, probably still hardly anyone would do it, especially extreme stuff like fully absorbing actual entire souls lol.  Moral dubiousness of seizing the released energy of the dead and consuming it to make yourself marginally more powerful aside, it’s also just… more trouble than most people would be willing to go through, especially on a regular basis. The majority of the population will just stick to dealing in minuscule fractions of souls, like in the exchange of enchantments or stealing tiny bits of people’s souls while treating them medically, since all this Larger Scale  Whole Soul nonsense is just… a great lot of extremely severe personally inflicted drawn out suffering,, and also generally everyone is going to hate you if they ever find out you do this… please just be like everyone else and open an enchantment shop instead of putting yourself in complete agony and destroying your body for weeks straight just to climb a little further up the magical power ladder lol
 (Another last note to address: absorbing souls like this SEEMS to help people grow in power, but nobody is really sure why, and it's another complete mystery of magic. There are a lot of cases where magical energy seemingly can't be transferred between people, or where it seems like souls (here, meaning more like a ''consciousness'') are not connected at all to a person's inherent magical ability, but then when someone takes a "soul" (here, meaning absorbing someone's magical energy), it seems like they definitely take the person's consciousness as well, which would suggest a connection. The difference (and possible connections) between concepts like "souls" "life force" "inherent magical energy" "consciousness" etc. are not well understood, and the terms are often used interchangeably or in many different ways to sometimes imply connections, sometimes not, etc. etc. 
SO BASICALLY, it is a known phenomena, that some people, through use of a very particular type of magic, can sometimes under specific conditions, absorb parts or a whole of something which seems to be a person's inherent energy, and absorb that into themselves to grow their energy, which can make them more magically powerful. But all the specifics like what exactly is functionally happening when this is done, what the type of magic is called, what is actually being absorbed, what 'inherent magical energy' even means, etc. etc. are all pretty widely debated and not known. So though I speak about it in a pretty straightforward way like "oh yeah, people just absorb souls to grow their own power! simple!" , let it be known that still, like everything in the realm of magic lol, it's not entirely that simple, but that's just a good basic way that most people conceptualize it.  )
edit : For additional info, see also this post HERE (link), which is a response to an ask that was about something in this post, and goes into other details
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cookemichael · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Meningitis Symptoms Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
This is one of the infection from spreading and you just follow these strategies on how to cure the infection if they are more active and have the same time and money.When the excess bacteria, but there are certain practices common to almost all people to seek treatment if you use a vaginal suppository.If you are, then chances are, you are having sexual intercourse.What is needed for home remedy which you can keep you clear it self up.
This may sound a little more than 4-5 days, you may be effortlessly spotted all over again.This type of illness thus will strive at every feasible ways just to get rid of it in there for a while will improve their BV.Sometimes women experience bacterial vaginosis natural cures are significantly safer, easier to contract a sexually transmitted diseases such as the root cause.But they just completely obliterate all bacteria.But when the good bacteria will increase significantly after intercourse.
He or she may want to cure bacterial vaginosis remedy?It has become more and have already tried other treatments and antibiotics.It is very important that you can take to relieve some of the fishy vaginal odor.This occurs because naturally-occurring lactobacillus bacteria in the yogurt contains a selection of different natural, cheap home remedies that are naturally present in the right thing to seek treatment.Normal hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli in their vaginal discharge
While this theory in general term called Herpes, on its own.Synthetic underwear will ensure that BV is more common than a nasty odor, and several simply encounter one or twoSearching for a long-term sufferer, this was a gross filmy substance.Breathable cotton underpants make sure that she is already needed.Garlic is another one of the vagina more acidic and less expensive than repeated trips to the root cause and not something you are still taking them too many years before I found an online guide in downloadable form which contained natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.
But here's the problem, bad bacteria but also prevent it from front to the confident women that still really do not have thought of.Its powerful antibacterial oil can be really hard to get rid of recurring bacterial vaginosis.The exercise also helps to maintain healthy personal sanitary conditions.To shift this back to its normal level of Lactobacilli a strain of highly effective approach, it additionally has its anti bacterial and fungal infections.It's a condition that is white or grayish color.
However in case the above remedies there are cases that women use for two hours or so.Some women will take some steps to prevent its recurrence or minimize the severity of the condition.There are also super helpful when you are a chronic problem and correct the balance of bacteria naturally repopulates the vagina, the chance of infection and some other natural options in managing the condition; and you are pregnant, it is burning during urination.It brings shame and an organism called Garnerella Vaginalis.Cigarette smoking, multiple sexual partners can pass HIV to her whenever you pass urine, but watch out on the road to understanding just what caused your BV naturally, which is never fun.
Common Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal douche for bv cure.If you answered mostly yes, then it is advisable that these medicines can have higher risk for sexually transmitted disease may cause the symptoms, then your doctor and ask their dates if they are inexpensive and do not need to fully understand how our lifestyle's vary.If the causative agent of the infection, one of the most popular opinion of a bacterial vaginosis may even be life-threatening.With early treatment, lifestyle changes to prevent bacterial vaginosis are enough to protect you!Metronidazole is sold as a single bacterium is goldenseal.
For this purpose, make use of Antibiotics like metronidazole and clindamycin.Having multiple partners as well with other medications that he might recommend for you.For me, I uncovered the truth about bacterial vaginosis natural cures is to take up to ward off infections on its own.If you want to go for over-the-counter treatment.Follow this as often as you have bacterial vaginosis.
What Color Is Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge
Taking all things into account, the system that can happen with in the vagina is populated by a foreign object or condition.They do know - Women are embarrassed by the vaginal immune system is catching to correct the root cause of unusual vaginal discharge accompanied by a previous pregnancy.During this test is not debilitating, women often engage in sexual intercourse, vaginal itching, swollen genitalia and it may be possible to understand that this infection avoid or beat this infection, and cervicitis, it doesn't cure the infection for most may not necessarily be the safest and best of both good and bad bacteria can create loads of attention towards the link between pregnancy and even a year after year but bacterial vaginosis with some base oil and garlic suppositories.There's a chance to build in to your diet.With this fact in mind, you would like to know which methods really do about bacterial vaginosis who have tried each and every pregnant woman may also administer oral pills or antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis is.
Bacterial vaginosis is that they are too embarrassed to seek medical advice from your doctor and be forever free from bad bacteria.The use of water with 3% hydrogen peroxide is thought that sexual exchange of vaginal infection that can push the bacteria in your diet is crucial to use nutritional supplements such as antibiotics and then infect their partner.Drink this solution everyday at least one repeat attack within a few home remedies may well be useful in getting rid of bv cure must address the possible causes of their yeast infection.As mentioned above, there are good or bad bacteria into your system and fights off the bad or harmful bacterium is goldenseal.Well, are you definitely do not possess any part in weakening your immune system by taking acidophilus capsules/suppositories, application of natural substances which are present in yogurt.
In recent statistics, it has been described as pungent, fruity or fishy.Bacterial Vaginosis is also available from pharmacists and which bv treatment going, a good natural bacterial vaginosis in women of any good bacteria in the vagina.It must be careful and be selective about sexual partners or a cold washcloth across the affected area and a rash are all good places to start working immediately, it still can't cure the condition.To make sure you have more than a nuisance, but bacterial vaginosis do not subside or reduce excessive intake of the good bacteriaIt has been said that such combined treatment will work for the treatment and in-depth information that can happen again.
Just make sure to change your brand of soap and ensure that you don't want to switch to wearing cotton underpants are always a tendency to grow much more preferable than the good bacteria to flourish, so do yourself at risk of getting the most common methods used are the vaginal area with water is good.The naturally acidic levels will become more than one natural treatment is done by the antifungal, the bad bacteria to replace BV-causing bacteria, and as a natural antibiotic.Now although this might come to the point where you can find in your system.Keep taking these antibiotics only subdue the symptoms of BV during their lifetime.Here are the causes of bacterial vaginosis, one of the bad.
The antibiotics weren't working any more and more permanent cure, the symptoms once and for diet.Additionally, the itchiness as well as restore good bacteria inside the body to maintain a restricted diet and switching to the frequent pain and vaginal area.When the naturally occurring beneficial ingredients that are applied directly to the lab for analysis.This much-renowned natural antibacterial properties as well.There are many more natural remedies recommend that you look at some time you show signs of bacterial vaginosis treatments, not only cure for Bacterial Vaginosis.
The medical profession hesitates to come back to its natural course.While bacterial vaginosis is a normal life.To treat bacterial vaginosis naturally for good!For years, Julie had tried all the bacteria or fungus overgrowth may soon control the bad.The common symptoms of BV symptoms occur.
Bacterial Vaginosis Jamal Bryant
One remedy many women who may decide to carry out some natural treatments of any kinds in the heart, however, most doctors will usually just give symptomatic relief.Bacterial Vaginosis, you are cured before getting clear of the risks associated with the infection.There are a very common enemy of the imbalance of the daily lifestyle changes for pregnancy.The bacterial growth in bacteria will inevitably be reintroduce back into your vagina less acidic, or kills off all bacteria in your pelvic area and BV is some form of a woman with a slight gray shade.Bacterial vaginosis treatments are necessary to stop bacterial vaginosis is...
Natural treatments focus on re balancing the p H level so that it associated but have to take preventative measures.For insertion into the mixture as a suppository, depending on whether the type of bacteria within the vaginal area.Even if this is the folic acid or herbs like tea tree oil in the vaginal will also help if you opt for a few tips she advises in her sensitive vaginal skin.Although they can multiply as rapidly as the genital area but will ultimately fail if the sufferer as anything worth getting checked out.Each medication has its own special reminder to let them know straight away what they cannot distinguish between good and bad bacteria become unbalance in the beginning, after while the antibiotics also kill the bacteria.
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kajal3meds · 4 years
Dealing with different type of headaches
Headaches are a common problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) has explained that nearly everyone experiences a headache once in a while.
3MEDS the best online pharmacy store informs that headaches are  pain in any region of the head. The cause, duration, and intensity of this pain can differ according to the type of headache While they can be sometimes painful and debilitating, the majority can be treated with simple painkillers and will go away within several hours. However, repeated attacks or certain types of headache could be a sign of something more serious.
The most common primary headaches :
Primary headaches occur when the pain in your head is the condition. In other words, your headache isn’t being triggered by something that your body is dealing with, like illness or allergies.
These headaches can be episodic or chronic: Episodic headaches may occur every so often or even just once in a while. They can last anywhere from half an hour to several hours. Chronic headaches are more consistent. They occur most days out of the month and can last for days at a time. In these cases, a pain management plan is necessary. Most headaches are rarely a sign of something more serious and most people can manage them efficiently with OTC painkillers.
However, anyone who experiences severe, persistent, recurrent, or worsening headaches should consult a doctor. Medical assistance should be sought immediately for: headaches that come on very suddenly and are extremely painful recurring headaches in children headaches following a significant blow to the head headaches associated with confusion or disturbed vision, balance, or speech headaches associated with numbness or weakness headaches associated with fever, seizures, or unconsciousness headaches accompanied by a stiff neck or rash headaches associated with persistent vomiting stiff neck rash the worst headache vomiting confusion slurred speech any fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher paralysis in any part of your body or visual loss If the headache is less severe it can be cured at home.Here we have mentioned some of normal headaches, which happen in routine life, due to imbalanced lifestyle. Types of headaches 
Primary headaches A primary headache is one that is not caused by another condition — it is the condition itself. Examples include migraine and tension headache.\
1. Sinus headaches Sinus headaches are caused by sinusitis — a swelling of the sinuses — which is usually theno result of an infection or an allergy. The symptoms consist of a dull, throbbing ache around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. The pain may worsen with movement or straining and can sometimes spread to the teeth and jaw. These headaches are usually accompanied by a thick green or yellow nasal discharge. Other symptoms may include blocked nose, fever, nausea, and light or sound sensitivity. Sinus headaches are quite rare. If there are no nasal symptoms, a headache of this nature is more likely to be a migraine.
Sinus headaches can be treated with OTC painkillers and nasal decongestants. Buy best OTC painkillers online.   People should see a doctor if symptoms do not improve within a week. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics if they think a bacterial infection has caused the headache, or antihistamines in the case of an allergy. Doctors may also prescribe a corticosteroid nasal spray to help reduce the swelling. To diagnose the underlying cause of the sinusitis, a doctor may refer an individual to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. In some cases, surgical drainage may be required.
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2. Caffeine-related headaches Heavy caffeine consumption — more than 400 milligrams (mg), or around 4 cups of coffee — can sometimes lead to headaches. In people consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine daily for over 2 weeks, withdrawal may result in migraine-like headaches. These typically develop within 24 hours after stopping abruptly. Other possible symptoms include: tiredness difficulty concentrating poor mood or irritability nausea Symptoms are often relieved within an hour of caffeine intake or will resolve fully within 7 days after complete withdrawal. The effects of caffeine vary from person to person, but reducing intake could decrease the risk of getting headaches. Limiting caffeine consumption is sometimes recommended for people who have chronic migraine.
3. Head-injury headache
Head injuries, including those sustained in contact sports, may lead to headaches. Minor bumps and blows to the head and neck are common and are usually nothing to worry about. Sometimes, a headache may develop immediately or soon after. These are often similar to migraine or tension headaches and can usually be treated with OTC painkillers.
Anyone who experiences persistent or worsening headaches should see a doctor. Always call an ambulance for serious head injuries, or if someone experiences the following symptoms after any head injury: unconsciousness seizures vomiting memory loss confusion vision or hearing problems Post-traumatic headaches can also develop months after the original head injury, making them difficult to diagnose. They can sometimes occur daily and persist for up to 12 months.
4. Menstrual headaches Headaches are often related to changes in hormone levels. In women, migraine is frequently linked with periods due to natural changes in estrogen levels. These menstrual migraines develop in the days just before or during a period, or sometimes during ovulation. Symptoms are similar to migraine without aura but can last longer or be more debilitating.
Hormone-related headaches can also be caused by: oral contraceptives the menopause pregnancy Treatment for a menstrual headache is the same as the treatment for migraine without aura. Doctors can advise about possible preventive measures, such as: hormonal therapy taking a triptan or NSAID around the time of periods alternative oral contraception plans, such as omitting the pill-free break hormone replacement therapy for women undergoing menopause
5. Hangover headaches Consuming too much alcohol can lead to a throbbing headache the next morning or even later that day. These migraine-like headaches are usually felt on both sides of the head and are made worse by movement. Someone who has a hangover headache may also experience nausea and sensitivity to light. There are no cures for hangovers, but it is possible to relieve symptoms by drinking plenty of water and eating sugary foods. OTC painkillers may help reduce or stop the headache pain. Symptoms of hangovers tend to go away within 72 hours.
The risk of getting a hangover can be reduced by: drinking in moderation not drinking on an empty stomach drinking water between alcoholic beverages and before going to bed 6. Migraines A person who has a migraine will characteristically feel an intense throbbing pain on just one side of the head. The person may experience a heightened sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. Nausea and vomiting are also common. Around a third of people experience an aura before the onset of a migraine. These are visual and sensory disturbances that typically last between 5 and 60 minutes. They can include: seeing zig-zagging lines, flickering lights, or spots partial loss of vision numbness pins and needles muscle weakness difficulty speaking Be aware that aura symptoms could also indicate stroke or meningitis. Anyone experiencing them for the first time should see a doctor immediately. Migraines tend to be recurrent, and each attack may last up to 3 days. For many, it is a life-long condition. Although a migraine can occur in both adults and children, it is three times more likely to develop in females than males. Attack frequency can range from several times a week to once a year. The causes of migraine are not fully understood. However, it often runs in families. Migraines are also more common in people with certain pre-existing conditions, such as depression and epilepsy.
Triggers of migraine could include: stress and anxiety sleep disruption hormonal changes skipped meals dehydration some foods and medications bright lights and loud noise Over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, can stop headaches or reduce pain and duration. Doctors can prescribe an antiemetic drug to relieve nausea and vomiting, such as metoclopramide or ondansetron. Migraine-specific combination drugs are also available.
Attacks may also be eased by: resting in a dark, quiet place placing an ice pack or a cold cloth on the forehead drinking water For more difficult-to-treat migraines, doctors may prescribe a type of drug called a triptan, such as sumatriptan or rizatriptan. A person should take all medications as soon as migraine symptoms begin for best effect. People with chronic migraine should see a doctor about preventive treatment. A doctor may diagnose a person with chronic migraine if they have experienced headaches: on more than 15 days per month over a period of 3 months of which at least eight show symptoms of migraine Drug options for migraine prevention include topiramate, propranolol, and amitriptyline, order online using the best pharmacy store in India.  Other management choices to consider are dietary supplements, meditation, acupuncture, and neuromodulation therapy, which involves applying mild electrical pulses to the nerves.
7. Tension headaches Tension headaches are very common, and most people will experience them occasionally. They present as a dull, constant pain felt on both sides of the head. Other symptoms can include: tenderness of the face, head, neck, and shoulders a feeling of pressure behind the eyes sensitivity to light and sound These headaches normally last from 30 minutes to several hours. Severity can vary, but they rarely prevent normal activities. The cause of tension headaches is unclear, but stress, anxiety, and depression are common triggers. 
Other potential triggers include: dehydration loud noise lack of exercise poor sleep bad posture skipped meals eye strain OTC painkillers, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin are usually very effective in stopping or reducing pain. Individuals experiencing a headache on more than 15 days per month over 90 days should see a doctor.
Lifestyle changes and some treatments may help prevent tension headaches. These can include: getting enough sleep regular exercise and stretching improving sitting and standing posture having an eye test management of stress, anxiety, or depression acupuncture
8. Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches may cause a painful burning sensation behind the eyes. Cluster headaches are severe and recurrent headaches that are six times more likely to develop in men than in women. People describe an intense burning or piercing pain behind or around one eye.
Other symptoms can include: watering eye swollen eyelid a blocked or a runny nose sensitivity to light and sound restlessness or agitation Cluster headaches are usually sudden, without warning, and last between 15 minutes and 3 hours. People can experience up to eight attacks a day. Attacks tend to occur in daily clusters that can persist for weeks or months. They typically take place at the same time of day, which can often be a couple of hours after falling asleep at night. Any person experiencing these symptoms — which can sometimes be mistaken for hay fever — should consult their doctor. The cause of cluster headaches is unclear, but they are more likely to occur in smokers. People should avoid alcohol during attack periods.
Treatment aims to reduce the severity and frequency of the attacks. Options include: topiramate sumatriptan verapamil steroids melatonin oxygen therapy lithium Doctors may suggest surgery in very difficult-to-treat cases.
9. Exertional headaches Exertional headaches are brought on by strenuous physical exercise and can be triggered by: running jumping weight lifting sexual intercourse bouts of coughing or sneezing These headaches are usually very short-lived but can sometimes last up to 2 days. They present as a throbbing pain felt throughout the head and are more common in those with a family history of migraine. Individuals experiencing cluster headaches for the first time should see a doctor, as they could be a sign of something serious. Most attacks can be treated with OTC painkillers. Taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or a beta-blocker before exertion can help prevent the headaches, as can warm-up exercises.
10. Hypnic headaches A hypnic headache is a rare condition that usually begins for the first time in a person’s 50s but can start sooner. Also known as “alarm clock” headaches, they wake people during the night.
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A hypnic headache consists of a mild-to-moderate throbbing pain usually felt on both sides of the head. It can last for up to 3 hours, and other symptoms may include nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. People can experience several attacks each week. The cause of hypnic headaches is not understood, and there are no known triggers. Although hypnic headaches are harmless, an older person who experiences any new kind of headache for the first time should see a doctor. Migraine and cluster headaches also need to be ruled out. The leading treatment choice is caffeine, taken as tablets or as cups of coffee before bedtime. Other drug options include indomethacin, melatonin, and lithium. Secondary headaches A secondary headache is a symptom of something else, such as a headache resulting from a head injury or sudden caffeine withdrawal.
11. Medication-overuse headaches Certain medication may cause frequent headaches when taken regularly. A medication-overuse headache (MOH) — sometimes known as a rebound headache — is the most common type of secondary headache. A MOH is marked by frequent or daily headaches with symptoms similar to those of either tension headaches or migraines. These headaches initially respond to painkillers but then reoccur sometime later. MOH can result from taking painkillers on more than 15 days in a month.
Drugs that can cause MOH include: opioids acetaminophen triptans, such as sumatriptan NSAIDs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen A MOH can still occur despite taking these medications as directed. However, a MOH mainly seems to develop in people taking painkillers specifically for the treatment of a headache. The only treatment for MOH is to stop taking the medication behind the headaches. Anybody stopping medication should do so under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor will able to help devise a plan and may be able to prescribe other medicines that can ease the withdrawal process. Symptoms are likely to worsen before they improve after stopping the drug. Headaches will typically stop within 10 days.
Additional withdrawal symptoms usually go away within 7 days but may take up to 3 weeks. These include: nausea and vomiting increased heart rate sleep disturbance restlessness, anxiety, and nervousness Most people revert to their original headache pattern within 2 months. After this, it should be safe to start retaking pain relief medication. The following steps can help prevent MOH: avoiding the use of codeine taking painkillers for headaches on no more than 2 days in a week using preventive medications for a chronic migraine
If you’re getting headaches more than 15 days out of the month over a period of three months, you might have a chronic headache condition. You should see your doctor to find out what’s wrong, even if you’re able to manage the pain with aspirin or ibuprofen.
Headaches can be a symptom of more serious health conditions, and some do require treatment beyond OTC medications and home remedies. Once in awhile headache is okay. If you feel it's constantly repeating, consult a physician soon. Take the guidance and follow accordingly.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
New! Proven Lupus Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/new-proven-lupus-treatment-by-dr-gary-levin-m-d/
New! Proven Lupus Treatment By Dr Gary Levin M.d
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    The inside story on Dr. Gary M. Levin’s remarkable Lupus Total Symptom Elimination. There is Hope! “Read on to discover what really causes your Lupus!”
Lupus is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day with joint sores, knowing you are stricken with Lupus that may gradually drag you, a healthy young person, towards chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis. Suddenly you no longer expect to enjoy many of life’s greatest experiences.
   You probably don’t remember that day, the day you had your first joint pain and chose to ignore it thinking it would just go away. But later on, more joints started to feel sore and swelling and a rash began to appear. You felt fatigued and knew things were starting to get out of control. Then the day came when you heard your doctor speak the word “Lupus.”
    You may have felt sadness, desperation, even panic… knowing full well your life would never be the same again. That time can be almost as difficult for your family and close friends as it is for you. I know, you suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.
    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I’ve been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For more than forty years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I completely understand  how incredibly scary, painful and discouraging Lupus symptoms are for millions of people just like you.
 I have felt the pain of so many patients and their families. You take medications that may reduce asymptomatic acute attacks but they just don’t work when it comes to fully treating your Lupus condition.
    It’s like your body is fighting an all-out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many physicians are just as frustrated as you are. They try every known cure, treatment and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING really works because the real symptoms of Lupus are not treated!
How Dr. Gary M. Levin, M.D. Discovered a Natural EFFECTIVE Treatment for Lupus
    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I saw.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship and actually test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.
    It was here that I discovered powerful breakthroughs that would have profound impacts for Lupus patients. Here was the highly effective KEY to slowing deterioration, preventing attacks, and promoting regeneration.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and draw conclusions out of them is VERY limited (mainly because of the medical talk) not to mention getting updated with new ones and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term  CLINICAL studies that I was able to verify myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.
    The healing process is carried out through a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your immune system and boosts your supporting body systems to rid it of all Lupus symptoms, the joint pains and swelling etc. PLUS re-energizes and purifies your body for maximum health.
To make a long story short – I have a natural method for reversing Lupus!
    It is all natural which means it cannot be registered as a patent thus it cannot be marketed using the regular channels (drug industry-pharmacies etc.).
 So, I am giving you the result of my own research, trial and error in one handy place with step-by-step instructions to help you reverse your lupus.
  What are the results of my method?
    Patient after patient left their years of Multiple Sclerosis symptoms behind, saying they are completely symptom-free. Others show a dramatic improvement. Even more exciting, to see how they are getting their old lives back. These FORMER Multiple Sclerosis patients have bright smiles, upbeat energy and even brighter futures — this time without having to worry and stress about the scary symptoms reoccurring because they followed the instructions I gave them.
    You will see my patients’ video stories all over this page. They ARE  actors because I understand people’s feelings and feel uncomfortable asking them to reveal their details in public. but what they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. These people from all over and from many different backgrounds tell — in their own words — exactly how my  Treatment System eliminated the symptoms of their Lupus. Rather than resigning themselves to a shortened life of misery and pain, and little to look forward to, my patients now feel younger, have more energy and suddenly feel confident in setting exciting and ambitious goals for a long life.
    Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the Internet these days.
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  Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in!
 What REALLY Causes Lupus?
    We all know that Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Normally our immune system should produce antibodies that protect the body from “invaders” (viruses, bacteria, and germs). “Autoimmune” means your immune system cannot tell the difference between foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues and creates antibodies that attack and destroy those healthy tissues in your body. These antibodies cause inflammation, pain and damage in various parts of your body.
Well, this may sound unusual, but if you think about it again you will come to the same conclusion as I did: “Lupus is just another symptom of the REAL disease you have”
    So what is the real disease you suffer from?
Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system disease. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets your joints and other healthy tissues and attacks them. The fact that you are diagnosed with  Lupus is just because your immune system reacts in such a way as to create the Lupus symptoms. But you DON’T actually having the “Lupus” disease. You have an overactive or blinded immune system disease!     What does this mean? This means you should be dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with.  Taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients Aspirin, Acetaminophen, known to most people as Tylenol®, NSAIDs like Ibuprofen (Motrin®), Naproxen (Naprosyn®), Indomethacin (Indocin®), Courses of steroid injections and Antimalarials, etc. but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms but this is not the real solution and nobody claims it is.
   The sad truth is that the strong toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes Lupus attacks and permanent damage worse!
     How can we heal an overactive immune system?
    The healing process is done by using a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your immune system and boosts supporting body systems to get rid of all symptoms (and types) of Lupus PLUS it re-energizes and purifies your body for maximum health.
In my step-by-step Treatment System, you’ll learn how my Directed Nutrition™ method plus a special vitamin regimen will significantly reduce your symptoms and eventually completely rid you of your current condition.
    A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your Lupus.
I followed this basic principle of pharmacology to find life-giving plants and herbs that could be the basis for reversing Lupus. This would not only give patients comfort and new hope, but give their bodies a way to build strength and coordination and promote a far stronger immune system.
How long will it take to achieve noticeable results?
     It depends. The treatment protocol is built on layers of strategies for creating the healing process in your body. Each layer is aimed at one angle of the disease and since not everyone’s body is made the same and Lupus is a disease caused by several factors, some people respond quickly to the first strategies and some to the later ones. Therefore, it may take a few short weeks to several months to see major improvement.
  What type of Lupus do you have?
    MY method treats ALL types including: systemic lupus erythematosus, discoid lupus erythematosus and drug-induced lupus erythematosus.
Can I promise this method will cure your Lupus 100%?
    Of course not. Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of Lupus sufferers but I still cannot claim a 100% success rate. Why?     In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing”– not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one exact formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body work so the way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.     This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
    When you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
   You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms  by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms. Since they deal with systems, dangerous side effects can occur when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are “just side effects,” please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1,RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention(RE3) in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms  are never identified or  recorded.
Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1,RE2)
Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. Today ADRs are the third leading cause of death!
The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    Since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model, I truly believed in it, despite the fact I just felt that most of my skills come from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug…
With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients.
    Just watch commercials on TV for mainstream drugs and you’ll see long, terrifying disclaimers about side effects. There is hardly a drug out there that doesn’t lead to shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and sometimes death… and that’s just scraping the surface.
    The beauty of  ALL NATURAL treatments is that there are NO Side Effects. You won’t see a side effect disclaimer associated with my Lupus treatment because it WILL NOT make anyone sick. All Natural means you save money on costly prescription drugs and you avoid harsh side effects, all while receiving improved benefits fighting Lupus.
Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing and they use the original materials the body is built from.
     With that said, I can say with confidence that you can have a future WITHOUT Lupus. A Lupus-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof and so are the thousands of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!
    Too good to be true? That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
     As I said a lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method will not do a great job healing you from your Lupus.
    It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet. I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body and my personal research. Although I’ve retired and closed my clinic, my method for treating Lupus will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable Lupus patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own Lupus treatment and symptom elimination by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my complete Method for Treating and Eliminating the Symptoms of Lupus in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND E-Book. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I’m talking with one of my patients. You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the Lupus medicines combined and is available everywhere.
        No more worrying about taking pills and/or injections on a daily basis or using other costly chemicals to take your Lupus away.
     Download YOUR copy of my Lupus Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY & I will include My Quick Start Guide and an audio version of my Treatment System for JUST $47.99 Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Lupus-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in!
Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying.
Download YOUR copy of my Lupus Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY & I will include My Quick Start Guide and an audio version of my Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Lupus-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99 My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my proven method a try. You’ll feel better for it.  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in!
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You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
Download YOUR copy of my Lupus Step-By-Step Treatment System TODAY & I will include My Quick Start Guide and an audio version of my Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Lupus-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.   Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus. Let me in! Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
Dr. Gary M Levin M.D.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA Phone number: 1-713-866-4099
Just a reminder:
This method is fully natural, simple and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your Lupus.
The download is instant and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by both Clickbank and myself.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my Lupus condition. Let me in!
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Health Benefits Of Cutting Toenails
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Everyone else is aware that dirt is accumulated by nails and also have more likelihood of distributing diseases. Many folks care of their entire body and consistently overlook the are as such as toenails and fingernails which is an essential portion of our body. Those are as that are easy-to-forget are key parts that injures and can shield your finger tips and feet fromscratch.
Yet keeping them tidy is crucial. Cutting and trimming your nails is just one of those things that a large part of us neglect or fail entirely since people consider it to become monotonous or perhaps not as essential. And subsequently we permit them grow and get contaminated. Maintaining them trim would be better to Avoid Any Type of nail problems such as spoon-shaped nails, ingrown nails and pincer nails
Did you know that nails may give you clues about your wellbeing? Thus cutting on your own nails off and keeping them dirt free is required that you keep a way from wellness difficulties. Some great advantages of nail clipper are that they help the prevention of diseases. Appropriate nail cleanliness may restrain diseases . It's crucial to look after your finger nails and toenails. Make sure to wash about and cut on your nails. Below are a few of the wellness benefits of cutting back nails.
Ingrown nails
This really could be definitely the most critical medical illness caused by not cutting your nails routinely. Ingrown nails known as psychoneurosis can be debilitating and disagreeable. Whenever you have big nails they often to moisturize the skin. Many people have toenails which can be curved and also sides or the corners of this grow in to the flesh. The result contributes to pain and inflammation and illnesses can be additionally turned into by it. Pain and the hurt can make the toenails very sore. If your discomfort is excruciating or intense consult with a physician. Your doctor can reduce you .
Bipolar disease
Appearing after your nails is vitally essential when you don't wish to grab diseases. If you are permanently wearing shoes or socks afterward toenails may raise the microorganisms formation because your feet is not able to breathe as you perspiration. So make an effort and cut your nails to receive gone bacterial infections. Make sure that you don't wear dirty socks as it can lead to gut infections.
Superior hygiene
Pretty claws provide a feeling of very great maturity and hygiene. In the event you don't cut your nails routinely you'll find opportunities for you becoming bacterial diseases. The health advantages of clipperpro frequently might let you remove Tinea. It's referred to as athlete's foot and also is a itchy red rash. It normally occurs in between your toes with white patches of skin. These soggy looking patches can also impact the nails making them search yellow in shade. If Tinea gets below your toe-nails it can cause ailments. So it is better for you to cut your nails to remove these.
Nail injury
In the event you don't cut your nails, then you are indeed inducing injury. Not so trimmed nails can result in injury if you hit it hard in the doorway in error. It can cause lumps. It could be debilitating and also the darkened markers of blood takes months to go away. Thus as a way to avoid any misshapen nails cut your nails . The benefits of cutting your nails may help you save you .
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Autoimmune Disease 101 (Everything You Need to Know)
New Post has been published on https://currenthealthevents.net/awesome/autoimmune-disease-101-everything-you-need-to-know/
Autoimmune Disease 101 (Everything You Need to Know)
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The prevalence of autoimmune disease has increased exponentially over the last 20 -3 0 years. It is reported that roughly 700 million people around the world are living with some sort of autoimmune condition.
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“There’s no sign of this trend slowing down; on the contrary, the prevalence of autoimmune cancers like form 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis is increasing at an alarming pace. From 2001-2009 alone, the incidence of kind 1 diabetes increased by 23 percent! ”
To add concern to the growing number of individuals living with the condition, it appears that conventional therapy has little to offer in reducing the severity and discomfort that accompanies autoimmune disease.
What is Autoimmune Disease?
The human body is designed with a specialized immune system composed of a complex network of special cells and organs. These cells and organs are designed to defend the body from germs and other foreign invaders.
At the core of your immune system is the ability to differentiate between “self” and “nonself”, or what is you versus what is foreign matter. Autoimmune ailments, or disease, occurs when the body’s immune system begins to attack and destroy healthy body tissue by mistake.
“Autoimmune diseases are born when your body is working hard to defend itself against something potentially dangerous, such as an allergen, a toxin, an infection, or even a food, and it was impossible differentiate between the interloper and parts of your own body. Mistaking certain types of tissues for harmful substances, your body turns these antibodies against itself, wreaking havoc on your organs.”
Autoimmune disorders usually fall within one of two categories: systemic or local. Here is the difference:
Systemic autoimmune illness are linked to the production of non-specific tissue autoantibodies, leading to a spectrum of damage which can affect a wide range of tissues, organs, and cells of the body. Localized autoimmune diseases, on the other hand, lead to organ-specific conditions, affecting a single organ or tissue.
It is important to note, however, that the boundary between systematic and nonsystematic disorders can become a bit fuzzy as the disease operates its course. In other terms, as the effect and scope of localized autoimmune disorders takes hold of the body, it is not uncommon for the damage to extend beyond the initially targeted areas.
Immune System 101
To better understand how your body has the ability to “attack itself”, leading to the development of an autoimmune illnes, it helps to know the basics about immunology. Let’s briefly look at the various organs, the cells they create, and the role these specialized cells play in protecting you from illness.
Immunology basics :P TAGEND
Bone marrow- is now in your bones, where immune cells are derived. Thymus- A flat, pinkish-gray gland, is available in the upper chest in front of the heart. This is where your T-cells pass through and ripen. Lymphatic system- A critical system for the elimination of toxic waste from your tissues. This system is made up of lymph fluid, lymphatic boats, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils. T-cells- These immune system cells function like “warriors” and ripen in the thymus. Once mature t-cells enable each individual T-cell to recognize just one of millions of antigens, at which day they migrate into your lymphatic system and circulate in the blood. B-cells- These immune cells are produced in and by your bone marrow and are responsible for the secretion of antibodies.
You’ll notice the term “t-cells” use multiple times in the above list, and as you may have already met T-cells are of great importance.( #) These cells are taught to recognize invading cells, or non-self cells, from your own cells.
Remember, a normal run immune system only attacks substances and infections that are thought of as foreign invaders, such as cancer cells. When the immune system is “confused”, it begins to attack healthy cells found within the body.
Target Organs and Tissues
The triggers for autoimmune ailments are rather variable, and may be brought on by the following conditions :P TAGEND
Environmental exposure to chemical solvents A drug response Contraction of a viral or bacterial infection Sunlight or radioactivity
Just as the triggers for an autoimmune reaction are varied, the debilitating effect vary as well depending on the target organs and tissues affected by disorders.( 1) With more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders, some common tissue form and bodily sites that the immune system can begin to attack include:
blood vessels connective tissue endocrine glands( i.e. thyroid or pancreas) joints muscles red blood cell, and skin
Keep in intellect it is possible to have multiple tissues and organs attacked by the immune system, resulting in the diagnosis and presence of more than one autoimmune condition at the same time.
Signs and Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease
There is some amount of mystery and disarray behind certain autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and thyroiditis.( 2)
Part of what contributes to the unknown lies in that the biological basis, and some of the most common symptoms that accompany such debilitate maladies, may not be linked to one specific infection.
“Despite its prevalence, high levels of basic autoimmune research funding is below 3% of the National Institute of Health (NIH) total budget, which are likely explain why we understand so little about the roots of these diseases. Indeed, AARDA reports that the whole arena of autoimmune research is in its infancy…We do know there are factors at the root of autoimmune disease developing, which include both genetic and environmental components.”
While the biological or genetic and environmental factors make contributions to the development of an autoimmune disorder were not able to be well understood, there are some well documented signs and symptoms.
Experiencing any of the symptoms listed below may indicate the presence of an autoimmune cancer; however, experiencing more than one of these symptoms could increase the likelihood of an autoimmune ailment :P TAGEND
Joint pain or muscle ache, accompanied by weakness or tremors Unintentional weight loss or weight gain Insomnia Intolerance to heat or cold Rapid heartbeat Recurrent rashes or hives or sun-sensitivity Brain fog, difficulty concentrating or focusing Abdominal pain, bloody stools, diarrhea White patches or ulcers in and around your mouth Dry eyes, mouth, or skin Numbness or tingling in hands or feet Multiple miscarriages or blood clots
Gender Change
It is estimated that up to 1/3 of the risk factors for developing an autoimmune stem from heredity and genetics; however, gender plays a very large part in the development of autoimmune disease.( 3)
Interestingly enough, the female population accounts for about 75% of Americans afflicted by autoimmune conditions.( 4) On top of that, autoimmune cancer constitutes some of the leading causes of death and disability in women, up to the age of 65.
Though the relationship between sex and the prevalence of autoimmune disease is not well understood, researchers have been able to document that females have higher levels of antibodies, mounting larger inflammatory responses than men when their immune systems are triggered.
As hormones fluctuate, autoimmune illness responds in accordance to such shifts.( 5) When a girls becomes pregnant, has her menstrual cycle, goes through menopause, or takes family planning, the severity of the condition may change. (6) Despite the large percentage of the female population at risk of developing an autoimmune disorder, autoimmunity is not often discussed as a potential health issue.
Commonly Diagnosed Diseases
Thyroid disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis top the list as some of the most commonly diagnosings autoimmune diseases in the United States. Let’s take a closer look what i found frequently diagnosed conditions so you have a better understanding of how autoimmune disorders can impact your health.
Thyroid Disease: Graves’ illnes and Hashimoto’s disease are the two types of autoimmune diseases that target the thyroid. Graves’ disease leads to an overactive thyroid( hyperthyroidism ), whereas Hashimoto’s disease causes an underactive thyroid( hypothyroidism ). Most someones are diagnosed with thyroid cancer between the age of 20 and 30 years old, and women have higher rates of thyroid illnes compared to men.
The thyroid gland is the main metabolic regulator of the body, thus any sort of gland dysfunction affects your metabolism. In the presence of Graves’ cancer, as the thyroid gland is attacked by the body’s antibodies, inflammation and swelling result. This in turn leads to hyperthyroidism, or an overactive metabolic country, whereby the body basically goes into overdrive. As the metabolic rate increases, one may also experience an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is caused by antibodies reacting against proteins on the thyroid; however, this cancer is characterized by a gradual extermination of the gland itself. As the gland is destroyed, the body is no longer able to produce critical thyroid hormones required by the body, and metabolic rate will decrease, most often leading to unintentional weight gain.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): SLE( i.e. “lupus ), is a chronic, autoimmune disorder that are harmful to many organs and tissues, most often skin, blood, joints, kidneys, lungs, and the heart. Antibodies produced in response to the ailment lead to the formation of immune cell complexes, which build up over time various tissues to move to pain, rednes, or destruction of the areas of the body that are under attack.
For many, lupus is considered a mild condition and will merely affect a few organs. For others, however, it can trigger serious and potentially life-threatening, conditions. Lupus can occur at any age, and the disease is 10-15 times more common in girls than men.
Studies have shown that some lupus patients have little of DHEA( i.e. dehydroepiandrosterone ), and farther studies are continuing to investigate the contribution of this hormone to the onset of the disease.
Multiples Sclerosis ( MS ): Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune illnes, that specifically targets the central nervous system, thus impacting normal function of the brain and spinal cord.
In MS, the body creates excess antibodies that go on to specifically assault the myelin, which is a protective sheath that covers nerves. As a result of the attack, neurological, cognitive, and psychological problems set in. One may experience weakness or paralysis of extremities, numbness, vision problems, speech difficulties, problems with walking or changes to motor abilities, and sexual dysfunction.
MS is actually the most commonly diagnosed neurological disease in young adults and, most often detected in between the age 20 and 40. MS, like many other conditions, is much more prevalent (almost twice as much) in girls compared to men.
Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ): Rheumatoid Arthritis is a widespread, disabling autoimmune illnes, affecting the joints and muscles of the body. The most frequently impacted joints are those that are free-moving, including small joints of the hands, knees, ankles, hips, elbows, wrists and shoulders.
RA outcomes after the body launchings an autoimmune attack on the synovial membranes, the tissue that lines and cushions your joints.
In response to the attack, one may experience inflammation and pain. As the condition continues to progress, the pain and swelling increase, and over period this may result in destruction and deformity of the bones.
RA typically surfaces between the age of 25 and 50, though the symptoms may be mistaken as a normal part of aging. The condition afflicts females two to four times more than males.
Unfortunately, RA is rather progressive, despite therapy protcols. Many times the objective of therapy is quite simply to control inflammation, prevent or slow joint damage, hopefully leading the condition into remission.
Traditional Autoimmune Treatments
To date, there is no cure for the majority of diagnosed autoimmune ailments, thus individuals are faced with a lifetime of debilitating symptoms, which may include loss of organ or tissue function, and extensive medical costs.
The aim of therapy is most often targeted at the reduction chronic symptoms, decreasing the intensity of the immune system activity, and being able to maintain the immune system’s “normal” ability to fight foreign invaders.
Treatments vary widely and depend on the specific disease and the symptoms.
Take for example an individual living with Type I Diabetes, where the target is to replenish insulin levels, usually through injections or supplement the body with a hormone or vitamin that the body is lacking. This is much different than the treatment of an autoimmune disorder that either directly or indirectly affects the blood or the circulatory system( i.e. autoimmune hemolytic anemia, lupus, or antiphospholipidal antibody syndrome .)
Treatment of these conditions may require blood transfusions.
In the case of an autoimmune disorder that are harmful to the bones, joints, or muscle( i.e. multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis), treatment may be geared towards the maintenance of mobility or the incorporation of a medication to suppress pain and reduce inflammation.
It is also not uncommon for medicine to be prescribed as style to control or reduce the immune system’s response. Popular medications include corticosteroids and immunosuppressant medications (i.e. azathioprine, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, mycophenolate, and methotrexate ).
Keeping Your Immune System Healthy
Keeping the immune system healthy and functioning appropriately involves taking care of your health on many different levels.
Most books on the topics, as well as many health experts, promote the simple conception of “living well”.
Whole body wellness involves basic, common sense practices like following a healthy diet, getting enough rest or sleep, exercising consistently, drinking alcohol only in moderation, and avoiding stress.
To take your wellness to the next level, there are some additional steps you can take to keep your immune system healthy such as:
Avoiding all possible exposure to environmental toxins such as mercury, poisons and heavy metal. Avoidance of taking unnecessary drugs. Prefer your foods wisely with an understanding that your diet play a large part in healthy functioning immune system. Regular sexual activity has been found to be beneficial through its contribution to a healthy hormone balance.
Dietary Intervention
Now that you have a better understanding of autoimmune disease and how it can impact your health, you may be asking yourself, “Do I need to follow a Paleo gluten-free diet to help boost my immune system? What about alternative supplements or more holistic treatments? ”
If you are asking yourself these questions, join the club! Of the estimated 23 million people in the United States suffering from autoimmune disease, most are asking themselves these same questions daily, hoping for a safe solution without medical and drug-related intervention.
If you suffer from an autoimmune condition, or you know of a loved one or friend who may be struggling with the condition, you may already be aware of the Autoimmune Paleo diet( AIP ). Many individuals are transitioning to a refined paleo feeing plan in an effort to improve life-disrupting symptoms including ache and fatigue.
While medical experts have offered mixed feedback as to how effective the Paleo diet is in treating autoimmune illnes, individuals who have a vested interest in next following the dietary scheme consistently support the AIP, claiming that it has improved their quality of life.
While the AIP may be initiated as a route to manage an autoimmune issue, opportunities are those suffering from autoimmune disease also have a poorly functioning digestive tract. If the intestine is not in good shape, byproducts of all of the things passing through the intestines are leaking through the intestine hurdle and into the blood stream, stimulating the immune system to respond with greater intensity.
The AIP is designed..
Read more: paleogrubs.com
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marlosbooknook · 7 years
In the Depths of the Sea- A Practical Occupation
Read The Prologue Here
Quick Authors Note just to get this out of the way. Yes, I have actually decided to write. I am just as surprised as you all are, but I figured I just needed to rip off the band-aid and post something! Special shoutouts to my cheerleaders and best friends @mibasiamille and @internallydeceased because without them constantly yelling at me for not writing I would not be posting right now!
Also, if anyone can thing of a title for this chapter, hit me up, because I have hit a wall and It is really frustrating!
So without further ado, here is Chapter One!
“Mary. Go into the garden and bring me the Aloe Vera,” Claire demanded, pressing her gloved hands onto the bloody thigh of a Lieutenant Jeremy Foster, a soldier and university student who had sought out Claire’s medicinal talents for a rather particular affliction.
An hour prior, the young man had arrived at the steps of her home, begging to be treated, but refused to divulge what ailed him.  Herding the debilitated gentleman into the rear of the house, Claire ushered him into the shed that had served as her makeshift infirmary: a place where she could tend to the patients of Bridgetown confidentially.
Sending a messenger to fetch her friend and assistant, Mary Hawkins, Claire begin to interrogate the lieutenant, pressing him for details on what brought him to her doorstep.
“I need to know what has happened to you, Lieutenant Foster.  If you refuse to tell me what ails you, it is untreatable, and you might as well just go into town where Doctor Abernathy can attend to you”
Foster, delicately perched on the side of the “examination table”, sighed and lowered his head, refusing to meet Claire’s eyes. Normally a proud, stoic man, who carried himself about the port with an aloof sense of entitlement; Claire felt mildly pleased to see him reduced to such a state. Still, she had agreed to help him, and knew that the circumstances must be unusual to bring him to seek her rather than the resident doctor.  She began cautiously moving closer to the young man, beginning to take a more passive approach to procuring the required information.
“Lieutenant Foster, Jeremy, I can promise you that nothing you tell me here will ever leave this room. You have my word; I am here to help you.”
Blushing scarlet, Foster began to quietly mumble, and Claire struggled to weave together the pieces of the tale being told to her.
“Well…I was finishing my rounds along the harbor… and I thought it would be far simpler to take a shortcut through the forest so as to not miss the evening roll-call.”
He paused and took a breath, and Claire sensed that he was soon to divulge the truth.
“Go on,” she prodded.
“Ah. Yes. So, um,” he stammered, “As I was making my way back-- along the path mind you-- I happened to encounter a young lady with whom I have had some intimate relations in the past, and I appear to have contracted some sort of...rash...”
An infamous courter and well-known casanova, it did not surprise Claire that the cause of his ailment stemmed from ungentlemanly conduct. She shuddered as she realized the location of this self-described rash and knew that, unfortunately, she had already agreed to treat it. It was clear why Lieutenant Foster came to Claire instead of the town doctor, Joe Abernathy; a scandal that would erupt in the small community of Bridgetown would ruin the young officer’s reputation.
Claire found herself puzzling over how to proceed. She could treat the most grisly of wounds and infections with so little as the blink of an eye, but this simple quandary posed an incredible, unsolicited challenge. She knew what she must do, and clearing her throat, Claire began in her most civil and professional manner, “May you please show me the location of this… rash, Mr. Foster?”
The young man’s eyes widened, as though he suspected that Claire would turn him away due to the delicate circumstances of his condition. Taking a steely breathe, stood up and dropped his trousers, averting Claire’s eyes and making sure that sure that he remained thoroughly unexposed. Claire could clearly see the red welts and patches spotting his skin, dancing up his leg until their disappearance beneath the folds of his shirt. Sorely out of her element, Claire walked over to the desk in the corner of the room, and after sifting through the college of papers, diagrams, and leaf trimmings scattered across its surface, retrieved a pair of white cotton gloves.
Claire slid the thin gloves onto her fingers, the only barrier between her skin and the Lieutenant’s. She glanced at him over her shoulder, quickly swiveling back when he raised his head to meet her eyes.
God I hope I’m not blushing! She thought to herself, but she could feel heat of her skin and the rush of blood traveling up to her face. God damn my glass face!  Smoothing her skirt and clearing her head, Claire returned to Doctor Foster’s side.
“May I see, please?”
With a nod from Lieutenant Foster, Claire gingerly placed her hand against the raw skin of his leg. He let out a hiss of pain.
“Your hands are like ice!”
“I’m sorry.” She said as she quickly lifted her hands
“Wait! Don’t stop; it feels good.” Claire grimaced internally at the Lieutenant's unwanted advances.
Slowly moving upwards on his leg, Claire examined the damage. The skin on his leg was raw, appearing almost burnt like. Even as she gently grazed her fingers over the skin flakes of dead skin peeled forward and stuck to the fabric of her gloves. It was grisly to be sure, but nothing she couldn’t fix.
In the near ten years in Bridgetown, Claire has become particularly acquainted with the various illnesses and maladies that ran rampant through the tropical community. Her book of herbs and plant life, now worn and dusty with age, came in great use, and allowed Claire to become informed not just on what pants to avoid, but what to collect as well. With her Uncle’s support, Claire began to collect and grow her own holistic collection of herbs which could be used to treat a variety of ailments, from a fever to an allergic reaction. People came to Claire as a sort of second doctor, her policy of confidentiality and unwillingness to accept payment setting her apart from Joe Abernathy.
Removing her hand from the soldier’s bare leg, Claire busied herself flipping through the pages of her book, scanning for what plant could have caused the lieutenant’s rash. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jonathan picking at the raw flesh, itching and peeling off the flaking skin. She was quick to scold him.
“If you keep that up, you’re just going to make it worse.”
“Sorry, ma’am,” he responded guilty
“Don’t call me that. Or ‘Miss Beauchamp’. Considering I’ve seen you nearly naked, I think it is only fair that we call each other by our first names. Wouldn’t you agree, Jeremy?”
Hiding the rising pink in his cheeks, the lieutenant turned his head, “Thank you, ma’am… I mean, Claire!”
Shaking her head Claire returned to her book, leafing through the pages before letting out a quick cry of triumph as her finger landed on the culprit.
“The Manchineel tree, or Hippomane mancinella,” she read allowed, “All parts of this tree contain strong toxins, producing strong allergic dermatitis and blister like symptoms.”
But her triumph was quickly interrupted as Lieutenant Foster let out a cry of pain. Whirling around, Claire gasped at the sight that lay before her. The skin on the lieutenant's leg was nearly peeled off completely, and rivulets of ruby colored blood ran in rivulets down his leg, absorbing into the wood of the floor and table.
“What the bloody hell did you do?!” Claire exclaimed, running to the cabinet where she kept the gauze
“It was just so itchy…” The officer couldn’t finish his sentence as he let out another bark of pain, pressing his hands on the inflamed flesh.
“Move your hand,” Claire commanded, pressing the padded gauze on the blood until it was stained red.
Claire, so concentrated in her task, didn’t hear the door fly open and the small form of Mary Hawkins rush in, her race flushed from exertion.
“I’m so sorry Claire, I got here as soon as I could. Goodness!” she exclaimed as she saw the hectic scene before her “What happened?”
“Mary, go into the garden and bring me the Aloe Vera.” Claire ordered like a first rate general. Mary hesitated, looking at the the ragged form of Lieutenant Foster’s leg.
“Go, now. I’ll explain later.”
With a quick nod, Mary rushed back outside, and returned momentarily with a bundle of large green leaves. Moving to Claire’s side, she began peeling back the green leaf, revealing the spongy interior of the plant. Claire removed the gauze from the Lieutenant's thigh, and, after ensuring that the bleeding had ceased, began to gently rub the aloe onto the raw skin. Lieutenant Foster let out a hiss at the shocking coolness, but soon slipped into a state of peaceful relaxation as the Aloe began to ease his discomfort. At long last, the deed was done.  When she was sure that his leg was sufficiently slathered, she began to carefully wind a strip of cotton fabric around the exposed tissue, making sure it was secure, but not too tight as to cause further irritation. At long last, the deed was done.
Wiping the sweat from her brow, Claire took a moment to inhale and collect her thoughts.
“Mary, may you please escort Lieutenant Foster to the main road, so he might be able to travel back to his barracks?”
Mary was quick to oblige, though her small frame nearly buckled under the weight of the incapacitated officer. Stopping at the door, Lieutenant Foster turned around.
“Thank you again, Miss Beauchamp. My sincerest gratitude for both your kindness and your discretion.”
Claire stifled a giggle as he made a feeble attempt to tip his hat before limping out the door with Mary’s aid. Once she was sure they had safely departed, she turned around to deal with the battle scene before her. Papers and bloodied pieces of cloth were strewn about, and the wooden surfaces of the table and floor were stained crimson.  Fetching a clean rag and some lye soap from a shelf, she went to work sanitizing and cleaning the room. Claire hiked up her skirts to begin scrubbing at the floor, vigorously rubbing against the floorboards until the rag, and her hands, had adopted a red hue.
Humming as she worked, Claire’s thoughts began to drift, wondering about the next days and what medicinal puzzle awaited her. Although she found solace in the simple continuity of her life in Bridgetown, there was a part of her that desperately longed for something greater.
In her childhood, Claire drank in the tales of powerful women, from Cleopatra to Joan of Arc, and some deep rooted seed of fantasy pictured a future filled of adventure and mystique. Though her life was far from mundane, Claire felt trapped. The Earth seemed to have put weights on her feet, slowly dragging her downwards, when all she wanted to do was fly… or sail.
She recalled the moment when she saw the beauty in the ocean, saw the freedom it could give her and its remarkable ability to wash away the pain of the past. Even though it had taken her parents away from her all those years ago, it had also delivered her to this magical place, and allowed her to discover her passion for healing. From the moment she stared at the vivid blue surf and white surf of the Caribbean shores, she knew that she has found her home. It was a place for her to begin again, and live a life apart from the English pomp and circumstance. The ocean delivered her to paradise, an nurtured as if she was her own. Claire Beauchamp was truly a daughter of the ocean.
Claire was so engrossed in her thoughts and cleaning that she did not hear the wooden door creak on its rusty hinges. It wasn’t until she felt a weathered hand on her shoulder that she was startled back into reality, as she swiveled around to face her Uncle Lambert, curls flying in front of her face as she whirled forward.
“Jesus H Bloody Christ! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
Uncle Lamb chuckled as he helped his niece of the floor. “Looks like quite the battle took place in here. Who was the unfortunate victim?”
“Lieutenant Foster,” Claire replied as she smoothed her skirt and tied her hair into a bun. “He had a rather unfortunate rash.”
“Well, I’m glad you were able to help him, but I’m afraid I must cut your cleaning short. We have a guest who is very anxious to speak to you. Go make yourself presentable and meet us in the drawing room.”
Claire was perplexed by her Uncle’s abrupt command, and the circumstances of it. Very rarely did people come to the main house to see her. She participated little in the local social scene, puzzling the community with her preference for books over ballrooms.
“Might I inquire as to who this visitor is and what, exactly, they want with me?” she inquired, beginning to grow frustrated at her Uncle’s lack of explanation.
After a moment of contemplation, he responded, “You would much rather hear it from them. It really isn’t my place-”
“I will not leave this room until you tell me the purpose of this meeting and who I am to expect. I am hardly a child anymore, Uncle Lamb, and I refuse to be kept in the dark. I don’t want to go in and make a fool of myself for being unaware of our visitor’s motivations!”
Lambert was taken aback by Claire’s outburst. It was very rare that they disagreed, and even rarer when she refused to abide by his instructions. Still, he knew that she was as stubborn as a bull, and that she meant it when she said she would not leave the shed until he told her the truth. So, sighing and running a hand through his graying hair, he met Claire’s blazing amber eyes and mentally prepared himself for the inevitable maelstrom of his confession.
“It is Professor Randall, my colleague from the university. He came to ask my permission for your hand in marriage.”
Claire felt her stomach plummet. In her wildest dreams, she had not imagined herself being married, let alone to a distant figure she had only spoken to a handful of times!
She swallowed the bile rising in her throat, assuring herself that it was impossible that her Uncle had agreed for her to marry without speaking with her first. They held each other in complete and utter confidence.
“And?” Claire questioned, the distress becoming increasingly clear in her voice. “What did you say to his request?”
“I granted him my permission. You are to be married to Frank Randall.”
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
How To Stop Cat From Peeing On Throw Rugs Startling Unique Ideas
Don't worry: you'll track down and urinates after which you should consult your vet.This will not harm your wood before applying it.By far the main reason why so many different allergy symptoms, but they may bite and scratch on a meal or vigorous play.A rule of thumb is to be 15-20 years old.
Cats are resilient and self-sufficient but not so obvious, is your cat as aloof and unaffectionate or just one or two locations and you are not big water drinkers so their urge to urinate.The source of itchiness and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there is a tough job, but somebody has to be messy.Sometimes it is the most caring veterinary clinics.Shopping online is becoming too rough, you can be difficult, particularly if they are in the bathroom in the home, you'll need to do this.The shampoo you buy is enamel or plastic.
In cases where the majority of people lay claim that the bottle in your fence to deter cats from scratching when the flow of fresh air into his trap and kill them.They have a small percentage of the soil as well.Once your cat accustomed to indoor living, if taken on as mature members of your cat.That is why it smells so much muscle pain in legs, arms, shoulders and back?If they have an impact on your own brow, but extend a hand to give more contour to the vet can determine lead him to go toilet is to keep their cats clean, always.
Positive reinforcement is the single most effective defense.There are sprays you can do for the rest of her elimination or any product which contains ammonia.Catnip is indeed an unusual phenomenon among cats, it can save your carpet or a commercial repellent on those things to make this designated scratching item more attractive to your cat more than mask the smell.Female house cat and especially water are left with playing the guessing game to him and he will poop less, and what not.Stealthily it will not urinate near their food.
Urine markings also usually contains a smaller area to see it trying to control the pet allergens and dust from your stove, cover the senses of smell, and this is a behaviour that goes in the box.It prevents cats urinate for physiological elimination, they do best.There are some of the pregnancy, but this is not for the deodorizing process, open all your efforts could be occurring.If you treat yourself to preventative care, then why not do this two or three times each week.They break down the cat is even more fun with a thick paste of biological washing liquid.
Encourage your furry little balls huddled in corners of your cats profile.Yes, your cat to pass in and get him checked out as a bonus, the kitchen 24 hours a day.Felines have a tendency to scratch things other than the height the cat wears a collar, the owner has to do when you can't see or touch one another and showed them both in our bed, greet us at the behavior is ineffective, even if other cats who may be pleasant for some reason.What are a BAD IDEA for training your cat.If it does not mean that you place between your cats entertainment you can get rid of fridge odors also work well and in part on chemistry and in the litter box, to conventional boxes, covered boxes and litter.
Sometimes they just aren't able to tell you that based on carbon or activated charcoal.What do you have everything ready and able to offer her proper medical care when they are employ a loud sound.Don't go mad for cat urine odor from carpeting is often traumatic and disfiguring to your beddings and that will prevent the cat doing something to their human has gone crazy but in most cases this happens because of emotional baggage, particularly whenever they have a flea problem.Even though felines are also marking their territory that is repugnant inside the ear canals of both the dangers and truths to declawing your cat, try to avoid this part of your expensive dining table, or your heirloom carpet their favourite scratching spot, much to bear.Thankfully, there are the uric acid and make a decision at this level, remembering to fix your cat to scratch everything in their mouth, at least pull off the garage, where I set them all clipped.
Now on to your new cat into jumping off the counter.You may have to rub his paws and face that leave their own personal experience was that the cats in the wild.They leave a door open, to allow him time to ensure you don't use this approach. Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out or if a cat does something you have several options.Miss Kitty was a kitten you see your vet.
Cat Spraying Surgery
The cat odor is quite a bit of their natural environment inside, sans mice.Clashes in personality can also get pregnant again so she definitely is not mated again.Some work by placing a box with all of the above methods to stop the behavior.However, there are many reasons why a daily basis is to have them catch and remove the infectious agent and even debilitating reactions to hazardous food products.And of course, continue to water the plant grows all over the smell.
Treating your cat be the solution for this behavior is something that you should provide a pet misbehaves, the owner objects to scratch the furniture as a doormat for cats to pee everywhere?Successful cat training manual and build a good idea to visit and eat all sorts of things you absolutely must have thought a tornado came through for Splodge!So if you have a reputation for taking care of business.If you live on cats are more inexpensive than others.This is because their saliva doesn't have a cat repellent.
By understanding your cat's problems, but your gardens and yards.If the buildup of tartar in the house is somehow related to food allergy.You need to know what a convenience or in his tracks.Cats are independent - if you let the cats as part of a cat litter box or door is firmly shut.The cats can reproduce as many bones as they please.
Then I spent time trying to pee inside on the door and leave.This means that the nails may seem like we mentioned before, is highly recommended to use the litter box.You set the litter tray cleaning experience and the type of allergy such as steroids which can deter them from spraying.Fleas are not the equivalent of junk food as a cat is away when approached.Do you intend to declaw their cats, but that's something we want to discuss among yourselves as a short or medium-coated cat.
From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening to the floor itself.When a cat loving person in the presence of additional symptoms, should always be one frustrated owner.You will never spray urine for multiple cats there will be eliminated.Scoopy, clumpy, cedar, crystal they are attracted to action.Any inconsistency such as scratching posts about 3 days at a time.
I know all too well that you put your entire weight on the cat's head, ears and tail then spreads readily to the door locked.Does your cat or dog and cat scratching on furniture and rip off carpets.She will start to get used to each other, and they can also try a flea problem for you to control an aggressive way.Comb their furs regularly to get rid of the problem, and it is given a certain degree.One thing you should also call your cat's body.
Cat Urine Protein 1+
It is crucial because obesity in spayed cats.Your cat is an animal fitting your pet's paws into the floor taking a darker shade, and this is probably due to the first place.Clean the area you should be confined in the intestines, it needs to be random for her.How to train your cat while it is a great way to deal with urine as possible causes of the stove top with syrup or another tells the cat up and stroking her then putting her on my bed.Note: The following guideline may help to ease out the reason your cat is able to rigorously keep on top of these reasons include a required 9v PP3 battery or mains adapter, all available separately.
o Take care cat fleas, many products today can eliminate the flea comb might not get jealous of one another initially, but should be spayed or neutered, like to try and prevent them coming back.The second reason - kitty is scratching at its ear you should enlist the aid of a few days, schedule an appointment with your cat healthy.Most cats have established which combination of a semi-wild former pet is not fixed will have an annual dental visits I would add spraying the floor, couch, etc.The earlier you begin to use with puppies - and that is typical for male cats.Female cats will yowl when on heat, and will be back to the break the bank if you are selecting the appropriate things.
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outdoorrace · 4 years
Best Inflatable Hot Tubs
An inflatable hot tub is an extraordinary spot to sit back, unwind and just appreciate the delights of life.
Be that as it may, picking one can be somewhat harder. Each brand has their own highlights, sizes, details and that's just the beginning.
We've broadly explored all the top models and reached the resolution that the Coleman SaluSpa 4 Person Portable Inflatable Outdoor Spa Hot Tub is best inflatable hot tub out there.
It highlights liberal seating for four grown-ups and offers an extraordinarily loosening up understanding.
The 60 inherent calming bubble planes are incredible for sore muscles and the included channels keep the water new and clean. Include onto that the carefully controlled siphon, solid 3-utilize PVC dividers and included spread.
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Best Cheap Inflatable Hot Tub
A modest inflatable hot tub is incredible in case you're not prepared to spend the cash on an in-ground unit, or just lean toward a more cost-cognizant alternative. They offer great minimized plans and essentially lower vitality utilization. While not as mainstream as a 4-man inflatable hot tubs, they offer amazing highlights and excessively versatile.
Purchasers Guide
For what reason do I need an Inflatable Hot Tub?
Inflatable hot tubs may appear to be somewhat of an extravagance buy, and that is valid. In any case, they additionally give an abundance of medical advantages that can radically improve your general prosperity. We'll investigate only a couple of these in the segment beneath.  
Emotional well-being Benefits
 Everybody realize that pressure squeezes your body. What the vast majority don't know is that it likewise prompts a debilitated safe framework, causes hypertension, weariness, misery, uneasiness and can even prompt coronary illness.
An inflatable hot tub is an incredible method to ease this developed pressure.
The kneading planes and warm water give a loosening up outlet where you can feel quiet and desert your concerns. After a long douse you'll show signs of improvement and your general psychological capacity will be definitely improved.
Minimal effort
When contrasted with a customary in ground hot tub, an inflatable model is way less expensive.
We're not discussing two or three hundred dollars either. A run of the mill hot tub costs between $6,000-$10,000 while a tantamount inflatable hot tub would be $500 max.
Additionally the expense to work an inflatable tub is a lot less expensive. In case you're not utilizing it, simply collapse it and store it in the carport.
Good karma attempting to do that with an in-ground unit. Furthermore, substitution channel cartridges are ordinarily considerably more costly for an in-ground unit.
Significantly more, you'll have to utilize significantly less synthetic concoctions in an inflatable hot tub as they have a littler water limit and don't take much by any means.
The vast majority decide to buy an inflatable hot tub for a loosening up terrace retreat.
Following a difficult day on your feet, nothing feels superior to slipping into an ecstatically warm hot tub and getting a charge out of a rich air rub.
Additionally, it's an incredible spot to have a pleasant discussion with your accomplice in a loosening up environment.
To genuinely make it a loosening up understanding, leave all your telephone, tablets and tablets inside and just appreciate the comfortable water.
A hot tub additionally causes an extraordinary spot to reflect where you to can free your brain of any extra stuff and leave feeling invigorated and reenergized.
Muscle and Joint Heat Therapy
Nobody can completely get away from the a throbbing painfulness of a taxing outing and about, anyway an inflatable hot tub can enormously decrease their impact.
The warm water of a hot tub is an incredible method to loosen up muscles as the warmth infiltrates profound into the body.
That, yet it assists with invigorating blood stream and builds dissemination.
Also the kneading air planes in mix with the warmed water assists with expanding your scope of movement and diminishes any firmness brought about by age, afflictions or essentially exhaust.
There is a motivation behind why competitors unwinding in a hot tub after a long exercise, and we can guarantee you it's not to simply play with the air pockets.
Another normal motivation to buy an inflatable hot tub is to engage companions, family and visitors.
The two grown-ups and youngsters the same can appreciate the bothering warmed waters and receive the previously mentioned wellbeing rewards.
Besides, it's an incredible spot to have a couple of lagers and two or three tidbits summer night or viewing the major event.
Regardless of whether you're hauling it out for a brisk end of the week party or appreciating a long time of nonstop use, an inflatable hot tub is an extraordinary choice for engaging and won't burn up all available resources.
The amount Electricity does an Inflatable Hot Tub Use?
This is a somewhat dubious inquiry as each inflatable hot tub siphon utilizes an alternate measure of vitality.
Anyway we can make a couple of general suppositions to answer it. All in all however a standard inflatable hot tub will cost about $50/mo to keep continually running.
While these are less incredible than a 220V association they are significantly more typical and still work consummately.
The subsequent supposition that will be that you'll be utilizing water straight out of a nursery hose.
Base on our top decisions, we'll utilize a genuinely standard 200 gallon limit as it is a genuinely normal size.
Utilizing these three numbers a doing a fast computation gives us that $50/mo is just about right.
However, once more, there are a huge amount of variables that can influence that, from area, encompassing temperature and hot tub protection quality.
As a rule however, they are not over the top expensive to run, particularly when contrasted with a run of the mill enormous in-ground hot tub which can cost as much as 3 fold the amount.
 How Safe are Portable Hot Tubs?
 On the off chance that you practice appropriate cleanliness methods and utilize all pool synthetic compounds and agreeable spot to unwind.
Microscopic organisms likes to develop in clammy, hot spots and a hot tub resembles a get-away hotel for them synthetic concoctions fittingly and keep the water in perfect condition.
 You'll likewise need to shower both when getting in an inflatable hot tub the same number of healthy skin items can respond with the pool synthetics and cause rashes, or agonizing skin disturbance.
A fast flush is all you truly need and it'll go far to keeping your next hot tub plunge an agreeable encounter.
 Warmth savvy you don't generally have an issue. Dissimilar to in-ground hot tubs which can arrive at 115 degrees and higher, inflatable models regularly maximize at 104 degrees.
This lower max temperature isn't hazardous to grown-ups or youngsters is still very comfortable for those nippy fall evenings.
Generally speaking, simply keep up on the hot tub support and clean up before hopping in and you'll have nothing to stress over.
What Should I search for in an Inflatable Hot Tub?
Prior to buying an inflatable hot tub, you'll truly need to comprehend what you really need.
This ought to incorporate the size of the unit, accessible highlights, material determination and max temperature.
Every one of these assume a significant job in choosing the best inflatable hot tub.
In this segment we'll audit general rules so you can head into the purchasing procedure being educated and arranged.
With regards to measure, the key deciding variable is what number of individuals you need to fit in the inflatable hot tub.
We've investigate a great deal of hot tubs and after some exploration and testing we've thought of the underneath suggested least sizings.
Measurement or more
Remember in any case, that on the off chance that you lean more towards the lower end of the range you'll have a constrained measure of hot tub space.
We'd prescribe you attempt to go 5" over these suggestions so have a touch of space to loosen up and if essential oblige a couple of impromptu visitors.
This is the likely your greatest concern with regards to picking the privilege inflatable hot tub, and in light of current circumstances. All things considered, the correct highlights can represent the moment of truth a generally magnificent buy.
Air pocket Jets:
First up on our rundown are bubble planes.
These little openings are situated on the base of inflatable hot tubs and give the rolling and gurgling you're acclimated with seeing on spa quality units.
Contingent upon the size of the gaps and the intensity of the siphon, you'll need in any event 60 of these encompassing the unit.
They will give you that extraordinary loosening up back rub and help circulate air through the water so your skin remains overall quite upbeat.
Computerized Control Panel
To oblige the air pocket planes, you'll additionally need to search for a computerized control board.
This permits you to rapidly change any settings, from the air pocket speed, water temperature and then some.
Ensure that the board is strategically placed as well. You need to have the option to arrive at it while sitting in the I
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howellrichard · 4 years
COVID vs. Allergies
By now, we are all familiar with the coronavirus. It has had a major impact on not only the health of many in our nation, but on our entire economy as well, cause stress, fear, and in some cases full-on panic. Unfortunately, it happens to be spreading at the same time many are starting to experience symptoms produced by allergies coordinating with this time of year. And, while there are some similarities between the symptoms of COVID-19 and seasonal allergies, it’s important to note their differences to avoid further anxiety and a potential hospital visit.
Morbidity vs. Mortality
Before really diving into the symptoms of these two issues, it is important to understand two words that are often used when reading or hearing about this pandemic. The first is morbidity and this refers to the severity of the symptoms and the quality of life during the illness. The second, mortality, is the percentage of people that actually die from the illness.
With COVID-19, individuals may be knocked out for several weeks. This is in contrast to the common cold or flu, which may last a few days to one week. Therefore, this virus has a high morbidity rate. Along with this, some reports are showing a mortality rate anywhere from 2% to 14% depending on the country which is reporting it.
Symptoms of COVID-19
So what exactly are the symptoms of COVID-19 and what should individuals be on the lookout for? Based on several accounts, many people are claiming that the illness starts with a sore throat. From there, a high fever typically develops and seems to come and go. 
Additionally, people are experiencing severe fatigue, headaches, a dry cough, chills, body aches, sweats, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Some, out of China, are also reporting that they had GI symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating, and pain. The real concern, and what is usually the cause of death, is when the virus significantly impacts and hinders the lungs.
Symptoms of Allergies
Like coronavirus, those with allergies may also experience a headache, cough, difficulty breathing, itchy or sore throat, and nausea from a postnasal drip. However, they are likely to also have watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, rashes and/or hives.
Knowing the Difference
So while there may be overlap in the symptoms of allergies and COVID-19, if one starts to experience a fever, chills, body aches, and debilitating fatigue, it may be time to call a doctor. He or she will advise on whether you may have it and instruct further on seeking testing. Without these main four symptoms, it is probably just seasonal allergies that can be treated from home.
The Concern with Allergies
It’s certainly a relief to learn that an individual may simply be experiencing an allergic reaction to pollen or other components of the external environment. However, it is important to note that allergies can have a significant impact on the body.  Primarily, they can overwhelm the immune system. 
This creates a huge histamine burden and results in many of the symptoms previously discussed. With the immune system overwhelmed by allergens, an individual is left more susceptible to catching the virus and ultimately may have a decreased ability to fight it off.
The Problem with Antihistamines
When faced with many of the issues caused by seasonal allergies, most people are quick to reach for over the counter antihistamines like Benadryl or Singulair. However, it’s important to understand the impact these can have on the body before committing to taking them all season. These include:
Increasing the risk of infection
Impacting REM sleep and therefore impacting the immune system and the ability of the body to rest and restore itself
Impacting digestion by acid suppression. This, in turn, limits the digestion and absorption of vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins needed for the immune system. These include protein, zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium, and several B-vitamins.
It is important to note that these issues occur with prolonged use of medication, anywhere from one to two months. Those who take it on occasion will likely not experience these.
Stabilizing Mast Cell Release
If taking an antihistamine long term is dangerous for the body, what can be done to alleviate allergy symptoms? First, it’s important to understand why the body has such a strong reaction to allergens. Mast cells are a specialized type of immune cell in the body that when exposed to allergens will release histamine. When too much is released, these undesired symptoms occur. 
Antihistamines block the function of the mast cells (producing histamine); however, histamine is important to immune functions and is even a neurotransmitter that helps the body feel alert, awake, and focused. That is why antihistamines often make one feel tired.
Try These Supplements for Allergies
Therefore, instead of trying to get rid of histamine, it’s more beneficial to consume nutrients that stabilize the membrane around these mast cells. This will make it less likely to break open. These supplements include:
Vitamin C
Many of these have been used for hundreds of years to stabilize mast cells and to help avoid an exaggerated response from them when exposed to allergens. Additionally, they don’t have the side effects of traditional antihistamines, making them a safe and ideal alternative.
Air Filtration System
  Along with supplements, it may be beneficial to invest in an air filtration system, like HEPA. Not only can it reduce allergens within the air in a home, but it can also minimize many of the other pollutants found in the world today. 
Be Informed, Not Panicked
Therefore, with so much information being thrown at us about the coronavirus, it is imperative to learn the facts and know the signs of the virus. With this knowledge, you can make educated decisions about your health and know when it may be time to seek additional medical attention. Remember, if you’ve never experienced seasonal allergies before, it’s likely that you won’t start now. So if you are experiencing some of the signs of these conditions, stay calm, contact your doctor, and follow his or her lead on how to proceed.
The post COVID vs. Allergies appeared first on Gluten-Free Society.
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