#i think im gonna tape until it shows up so i can still go to work and class
secretlyofthefeywild · 6 months
ordered a new binder in a size up bc costochondritis is a bitch but so is dysphoria
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chucktaylors · 4 months
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This whole storyline has been consuming my brain, so im just gonna spew about it because I'm sure someone will enjoy it
I have a couple good theories/ideas, i'll just jot them down in a bulleted list before i start talking
What if Don Callis had been talking to Trent way before he turned, slowly driving him further and further and brainwashing him until her turned.
What if Orange was actually toxic/pushed the others down to get the spotlight, and so Trent finally had enough and turned, like he said, and Chuck knew and understood why Trent turned, but he was too scared to turn against Orange too, and stuttered up. Or, he was too brainwashed to turn with Trent and listen to him. In their garage match, you can see Chuck hugging Trent, and Trent begging him to stop. And then when Kris and Orange came to check on Chuck, Trent kept looking behind him while he walked out, looking almost sad
Ok now, random spew time. Rocky has been very 2 faced in this whole situation, back and forth between Trent and Orange, focusing more on himself and getting himself up, which is good. But it's very confusing to tell what side he's on at all, is he a face, is he a heel, he's kinda really just fighting to prove himself right now so theres not really much info on him so far, as i know of, but then again, I don't check up on him much.
I feel like Chuck is kinda like the glue of the group. Trent was always there because of Chuck, Orange was always there because of Chuck, and they worked together for him. But when he got injured, Orange and Trent slowly started driving apart because Trent was too hyper focused on winning the belts, and Orange didn't have a reason to care enough, given, we've never really seen these two as a solidified tag team. Chuck got injured, came back as a manager for a little at the end, but it was far too late and he couldn't save it now.
I think Trent still expects Chuck to come back like he always does, and that's definitely a great way to show the toxicity of Trent. He knows Chuck, even though he's hurt mentally and physically, will come back. And unfortunately, Chuck isn't putting up with any of it anymore. But for some reason, even after all the no's and beatings, Trent still wears "Chuck" on his wrists, and he just now changed his entrance from the "Bestfriends: Trent & Chuck".
I think it's significant, Trent joining the Don Callis Family, because, and I may be reaching, but he went from the Best Friends to the Don Callis Family. Friends to Family. It would be cool if they did a "Family comes first"/"Family before friends" type storyline with this. He could say they actually believe in him like a family, the help him like a family, blah blah blah. When really, all along, his "family" is Orange and Chuck.
I definitely think Kris and Trent know something about Orange that we don't, and I'm pretty sure it's something bad. I might be a bit biased, given I love Trent, but I feel like this could all turn out with Orange as the bad guy in the end. Right now he's showing he's going back to being a bit more sad, using his old theme, barely any effort, always paranoid for Trent. With Chuck gone and Hook doing whatever tf he's doing, Orange has no one. Orange always had at least someone all of his life, and now he has no one. He has no social skills, and he doesn't put effort into talking to people because he's so used to these people that Trent ripped away from him. It'd be cool to see maybe Orange going a bit too far too get his friends back, but ending up making it worse cause he looses his true sights.
Another small detail, I may be reaching, but on Trent's shirt, its a picture of Orange with green tape over his eyes. Green represents Truth and Growth. Maybe he's saying there's no truth in his eyes, or he's once again showing how he's grown to despise him. He can't stand to look in his eyes
Last thing, it's all about Chuck v Trent garage match. I think Dustin knew that was his last match and he wanted it to be against Greg, just like they started it. If you look at the small details of that match and compare it to the other matches of theirs in that stadium, it's so sentimental. Chuck wore a shirt with their actual names and a picture of them on it, basically showing Trent that he still cared at least a little bit right after he just broke his heart by saying no and turning against him.
I may be insane, no clue. Why is a group thats called The Best Friends causing me so much torture and pain
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michelleleewise · 2 years
The Proposal
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x female reader
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, kidnapping, knives, blood, violence (yes I added it twice to he sure), duct tape, forced restraints, torture, Amber being a whole warning....(I tried not to go too overboard, but this girl crazy)
*** please read the warnings for this one!!! Amber has gone full tilt crazy. I don't want to upset anyone so please please be cautious!!!
Summary: you wake up not knowing where you are, and try to piece everything together....
Part Seventeen-
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You slowly opened your eyes, looking up you could barely make anything out when the lights flipped on making you flinch. "Ah, your finally awake, I may have added too much." You heard Amber laughing. You tried to turn realizing you couldn't move. You looked down seeing duct tape wrapped around your stomach and legs, your arms held down to your sides. You frantically looked around at the decrepit building trying to process what was happening as Amber stepped in front of you.
"To think he chose you over me." She said looking down at you. You tried to say something realizing she had taped your mouth as well. "You aren't going anywhere so stop trying." She said walking over to a table picking up your phone and a knife. "Now, down to business." She said striding back over. "Im gonna need to know your password." She said ripping the tape off of your mouth making you scream. "Help! Someone help me!" You screamed when Amber punched your nose hard whipping your head to the side. "Shut up will you, no one can hear you. There's no one for miles." She smiled leaning down "password...now." she growled.
You gave her the password tasting the blood running from your nose watching her go through your phone. "Aaww, he's worried about you.....how sweet." She said through gritted teeth as she typed something before putting it in her pocket. "Now, where were we....oh yes...." She said taking the knife pressing it to your cheek "I must admit you are kinda pretty, but let's see if he still wants you when I'm done...." She smiled, pressing the knife into your skin making you scream. She repeated it onto the other cheek and your forehead as you tried to pull your head away. She tossed the knife aside happy with her work laughing menacingly.
"Your fucking crazy!" You yelled trying to free yourself "am i...AM I!?" She yelled picking up a crowbar from the table. "All I did was love him, AND HE LEFT ME!" She yelled slowly walking over to you. "And then you came along and ruined everything!" She yelled again pressing the crowbar into your chest. "You took him from me, and I'm taking back what's mine." She smiled lifting the bar up. You closed your eyes bracing yourself for what was about to happen as she brought it down hard on the side of your knee making you scream. "Do you think he'll come for you?" She asked swinging again "fuck!" You screamed feeling lightheaded "do you really belive he CARES about you?" She said hitting your kneecap hearing a crunch.
Tears streamed down your face as your whole body shook, the pain overwhelming you. "You...mean...nothing...to...him." She growled raising the bar above her head "p...please....s...stop." you tried, your voice weak from the screaming. "I won't stop until he's mine again" She said smiling bringing the bar down on top of your knee. Pain shot through your leg as you blacked out......
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"Don't worry baby, I'm fine."....Loki reread the message over and over...something wasn't right, you never called him "baby". He thought for a moment before deciding to respond "darling, what was your favorite color again? I wanted to pick something up for you" He typed, patiently waiting for you to respond. He needed to know what was going on. When he saw the bubbles pop up showing you were typing he leaned forward staring at the screen "you know what my favorite color is silly." You typed. He sighed trying again "I just want to make sure, now what was it? He typed tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair. "Your so forgetful sometimes....blue." you typed as he gripped the phone.
He looked at the clock seeing you should be home from school by now and jumped up grabbing his coat. He stormed out if his room heading for the elevator "brother, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Thor asked as Loki pushed the button for the elevator. "Something is wrong with her, I need to go over there." He said looking at the doors. "Is she hurt?" Thor asked coming up next to him. "I do not know, her messages don't make sense." He said looking at Thor. "Call me if you need me." Thor said gripping Loki's shoulder. "Thank you brother." Loki said stepping into the elevator. He hoped you were just messing around but he had a feeling things were not as they seemed.
Loki walked into your darkened apartment looking around "y/n, where are you?" He called recieving only silence. He switched on the lights seeing everything looked normal, nothing was out of place. He walked into the bedroom "Darling, are you..." he started seeing the bed was made but your closet looked like a bomb went off. He slowly walked in seeing all of your clothes strewn across the floor like you were searching for something. The bad feeling began nagging him again so he pulled his phone out messaging you. "darling,, where are you." He typed waiting for you to respond. He walked into the bathroom seeing everything in order there as well.
He jumped slightly when his phone went off, quickly pulling it out "Hey, I was in bed sleeping. Where are you?" He read. He felt the color leave his face knowing you were no where to be found. He swallowed hard typing back "I'm coming over, I need to see you." He was hoping whoever this was would give themselves away somehow. "I'm too tired, maybe tomorrow. Night baby." He read. "No no no.." he said quickly dialing your number hoping it was your voice on the other end and you were just upset with him. He held the phone to his ear listening as the call went straight to voicemail "fuck!" He yelled. He hung up quickly dialing Thor. "Loki, is everything alright?" Thor asked when Loki felt a lump in his throat. Looking down at his feet "she's...she isn't here Thor, I don't know where she is or whats happened." Loki said shakely feeling his eyes burn. "Tell me where you are, I'll be right there." Thor said. He told him the address before hanging up, waiting for his brother to get there....
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"God, He's gotten persistent." You vaguely heard Amber say from behind you. You slowly lifted your head, trying to block out the pain and failing miserably as she walked into view. You shook your head making sure you weren't seeing things as she turned around. She had cut her hair to your length, as well as coloring it the same color as yours. You looked down seeing her wearing your clothes, though they were a bit tight on her. "W...what...", you trailed off trying to focus when she started laughing again "Well, whatya think?" She asked holding her arms out. "I think your fucking insane." You snarked feeling her fist meet your nose again making your eyes water.
"Shut up you stupid bitch." She growled stalking away. "Loki and I will live happily ever after...and you'll die here alone like you deserve." She said wiping her hand on a cloth. "W..why are you...doing this? I was n..nice to you." You said tilting your head up to look at her "because you took him!" She yelled crossing her arms "h..he already left you...before he m..met me." You said shakely fighting back tears. "Well see, here's the thing. If he didn't want me, and he wants you..what better way to win him back then to become...you." She smiled smoothing down the front of her...your shirt. You screwed your eyes shut feeling the pain radiating through you "he's going to know....h..he will find me." You breathed leaning your head forward. "Oh...he may find you....but in what state?" She asked walking over grabbing your hair pulling your head back.
"Who would want you now hm?" She asked. "No one will ever want you again y/n." She smiled letting go of your hair. "If you know whats good for you you'll hurry up and die." She snarked walking behind you. You were about to say something when she shut the lights off, leaving you in total darkness "night y/n, pleasant dreams" She called out slamming the door. You tried to breath, feeling the tears streaming down your face, landing in your cuts making you hiss. "L..loki....please....." you said shakely trying to stop shaking, but the more you tried the worse it got.
Your chest heaved as you sobbed, leaning your head forward to keep the tears off your face. "P..please...find me..." you cried. But you had no idea where you were and no way to release yourself, even if you did you were pretty sure your kneecap was shattered. You opened your eyes, looking up into the one window you saw, seeing the moon shining in "i..I love you Loki." You whispered. leaning your head forward feeling yourself drift off, hoping he would come to you in your dreams......
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @bbmommy0902 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mcufan72 @glitterylokislut @tjellisworld @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @huntress-artemiss @yuu-chan-is-still-a-student12
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beelzmunchkin · 2 years
Valentines Day - (brothers)
A/N: pls don’t hate me, I really wanted to make a post for Valentine’s Day but Ngl it was very rushed. I hope you still like it…. Also I didn’t grammar or even spell check this, im sorry …… I was gonna write for the royals and purgatory hall (Simeon, Solomon) let me know if you think I should… hopefully not rushed
The week leading up to Valentines Day Lucifer took you to Majolish insisting on buying you a lovely outfit that would coordinate with his for the upcoming Valentine’s Day
Reserves a private area At ristorante six for a dinner for two, has three cursed blinded demons playing violins, and cellos live. They were also cursed so they couldn’t understand anything you or Lucifer said.
At dinner he pulls out the chair for you and even though he already knew what you were going to wear he compliments you.
“this color makes your eyes as ravishing as the jewels on prince Diavolos crown”
“you looks as elegant as the Devildoms most prestigious architecture. No one can ever replicate you.”
“With all the potions in all three worlds none can ever be as alluring as you are”
Feeds you dessert
After dinner, takes you to the the best rated hotel in devildom, as you walk in he hold his hands over you eyes and as he removes them you see golden flower petals that you can only recognize from diavolos personal garden shaped in a heart on the bed
He begins to gently massage your shoulder
“I saw a lot of humans like these gestures, how about you get comfortable and I run us a warm bath.”
has been avoiding you like the plague until it was February 14th
You wake up to gentle pokes on your shoulder and soft murmurs of your name
You open your eyes and see mammon there with a rose and breakfast ready for you. (Insert you favorite devildom breakfast)
During the day walks you to all your classes and has been giving you forehead kisses everytime.
The evening comes and he has the first movie you both ever watched together set in his room with all your favorite snack
Gifts you Valentine’s Day pajamas and you cuddle up to watch your movie
When the movie finishes
“hey you know I love you right? Like no amount of money can ever make me trade you.”
“If I had to choose between you and Goldie I hope you know I’d always choose you.”
“But don’t go expecting all this love hoopla everyday, this took a lot of time for this galantines day”
“You mean Valentine’s Day.” You corrected him
“Shaddup and come here darling”
Cuddles you up
Really didn’t want to participate in normie way of showing love
while you were at RAD, he spent hours coding and programming an adventure game of you two where you had to find the hidden treasure and along the way the mini games you would do, we’re all based on memories you both shared
When you came back from RAD, you went straight to his room to tell him about your day but when you knocked there was no question about who it is.
You opened the door and when you entered you see him curled up and asleep in his bathtub.
While he’s asleep you decorate his room with pictures of times you were gaming, swimming, dragging him out of his room, sleepovers and more. You cut out heart from holographic material and taped them on the sealing and the lights from Henry made it a rainbow of colors all around.
As you were hanging up the last heart you heard shifting you turn to see Levi waking up. He ears turned red, his cheeks turned red and his jaw fell in shock.
“What’s all this? Omg I remember when that happened, how long have you had these pictures. This must be so embarrassing to be seen with a worthless otaku like me”
“It’s Never embarrassing I really love hanging out with you, you’ll always be my player 1”
“I really like spending time with you even if you are a normie. Look I made a game for us. We can play anytime or if you want to play it without me you can too. I understand”
He showed you the game and the opening screen is Levi dressed as lord of shadows from TSL and you as Henry the protagonist.
The mini games were a reminiscent to the development of the relationship you and Levi shared.
As you were getting sleepy after gaming for 6 hours and went to bed Levi grabbed all the photos you had with him and saved them in his TSL novel so then it will always be somewhere safe.
He is very much hoping you want to play the game tomorrow
Being very aware of what Valentine’s Day was to most humans he was prepared. He got you a box of chocolates and roses as most books describe as the foundation of Valentine’s Day.
Of course he had to make today special, you spent the afternoon decorating safety googles for reasons he refused to disclose.
When you went out to an early dinner he pulled out your chair and spoke to you all about the history of humans celebration of Valentine’s Day. of course he was picking up on your expressions as he spoke to understand what parts you liked and disliked. He noticed how you disliked the the whole showing your significant other you loved them on this day.
He picked up on your small smiles as he told you one variation of the history how it was unjust so valentine defied authority and let lovers unite.
After dinner he took you to an area of destroyed furniture named “devils rages” he handed you your custom safety goggles and offered you weapons for the night
Hour went by of cursing the injustices of the world and as it got darker fireworks went off and you saw big heart exploding in the sky
You felt arms hug you from the side
“If I could destroy and/or rule the world with anyone it would be you”
Of course this is one of Asmos most loved holidays. But it was very different now that he had you in his life
Usually he would receive an abundance of love letters, witches, demons, and any human if they were ever around to swarm at his feet in love with him
Now that he had you in his life he didn’t want to go out and have all that attention he wanted to make this day the one day where it was just the two of you without any interruptions.
Morning began with him sharing a secluded breakfast with you. Fruits tasting like dreams on your tongue as shared them.
After breakfast you both went to get private couples massages to which soothed you straight to sleep. As you woke back up Asmo lovingly stared at you in awe
“I may be the prettiest in all realms but you definitely are quite some competition with the dreamlike hue to you features and soft lips upon you porcelain skin.”
You both return to HoL and went to his room. In there he brings out an akuzon box that was halfway open. In there you saw a pair of matching pink bracelets with hearts in them. He tied one to your wrist and you tied one onto his.
“What makes these special is that when your near me it catches you heartbeat and I can feel it in my wrist”
You feel his heart beat thumping on your wrist and it’s racing.
“ you make me lightheaded, I’ve never felt a love as genuine as yours. You Almost make me feel like I’m the one living a dream. Me the avatar of lust, isn’t that crazy”
Your heart is racing against his wrist and he smiled as he feels your heart as happy and excited as his. makes him give you the most gentle and soft hug. As if a demon shaped blanket was placed on to you.
A happy hug just between you two with no other demons and no acts from Asmo living in the love of others. Just the two of you, two hearts beating as one
Today was Valentine day but that would never stop Beelzebub from going to do his morning workout. You went to make breakfast and as you were setting up the table you felt a pair of sweaty arms lift you off the ground and spin you around
He didn’t let you finish and laid kisses all over your neck and shoulder and raced upstairs. You were left a a little dizzy but very red at the sudden affection
It was breakfast time and everyone made their way to the dining table and you hope that Beel would have noticed the heart you made in the chocolate chip pancakes for him before he engulfed his stack.
Before he sat down he gave you a heart shaped hand made card and on the inside was a picture of you two.
You didn’t get to see him until devildom history class but when you saw him he leaned his forehead against you and whispered
“Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you’re ready for dinner tonight”
“What are we having?” You said
“You’ll see”
Later that night you see a notification pop up on you D.D.D and it was a text from Beel saying “let me be your sous chef tonight I promise I’ll be good, meet me in the kitchen”
You walk into the kitchen and there you see Beel in a chefs hat and an apron that said kiss the sous chef (definitely not written by him) he stood there head held high and a bright smile and you couldn’t help but laugh just a little. You went towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You both spent your evening doing your best to make Creamed Bonnacon. Beel was only allowed one taste test as last time you were making this he ate it all before it was finished.
“You look adorable when you cook, I’m sorry I’m not the best sous chef. (Kisses you temple), I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day. Any day I get to spend with you makes me so happy and gooey, inside kind of like a malevolent lava cake. (Places his head in the crook of your neck peppering you with gentle light kisses) but sadly I could only convince Lucifer to let me cook dinner tonight because I’d be with you”
You definitely had to be the one to wake him up but this time he didn’t curse you or ignore you for disrupting his sleep.
Instead he lifted the blanket and let you in he cuddled into you and whispered “happy Valentine’s Day”
You sadly could only enjoy this moment for a short amount of time because you both had to get to RAD.
During the day you would find little heart shaped notes with drawings of you and belphie or little notes such as
“I can’t wait to snuggle you up and watch the stars later tonight”
“I got a new blanket set I would love to show you them”
“Can’t I just keep you in my dreamworld forever”
“Sometimes I wonder if I’m still dreaming when I’m with you”
You walked back with a very tired Belphie as he did his best staying awake to write you all those notes
You get back to the HoL and see Beel walking mysteriously out of the planetarium trying his best not to look suspicious.
Belphie grabbed your hand and led you to the planetarium.
As you walked in you saw a huge pillow and blanket for t instead. You crawled into the fort and inside was the song you and belphie love to stargaze with. Although you couldn’t see the stars belphie cuddled up to you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear
“You make me so happy”
“You’re the one who make me smile when I wake up”
“ You’re so imperfectly perfect for me”
“ with you I can be myself and it makes my life less dreadful”
“I love you, happy Valentine’s Day”
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go-to-the-mirror · 2 years
This is MAG 131 - Flesh. God, I'm not okay. I'm gonna try have good words today.
@a-mag-a-day hi howdy im sooo normal about this episode.
CWs for canon-atypical discussions of canon-typical self-harm & suicidal ideation.
Canon-atypical bc Jon's like "hey" *does really fucked up thing to himself* "anyway"
I'm swearing as little as I possibly can while discussing this episode /hj.
Anyway, the analysis part is at the end, but I say good words in the rambles.
[Tape clicks on.] (There’s a deep breath. The breathing intensifies, before a determined exhalation.) [Thunk.] (There’s a whimper.) [A wet ripping, as of extracting a blade from flesh.] (The Archivist makes a pained noise. Then grumbles as his breathing evens.) [The tape crackles.] (The Archivist clears his throat as a second cleaving is attempted.) [Thunk] (The Archivist whimpers again.) [Fleshy extraction and tape crackling again]
JESUS CHRIST WHY DOES IT SOUND SO LIKE- GOOD??? HEARTWRENCHING??? Well done to the editors of this episode, and Jonny for the... pained whimpers -- jesus christ -- but my heart, my soul, how am I meant to emotionally recover from that, good lord Jon put the fucking knife down.
ARCHIVIST (Pained frustration) Oh, come on… Everyone else can carve up the Archivist, but when he actually needs it…
This line this fucking line. Oh my god I love this line, I hate this line, this line lives in my brain rent free, this line is the worst and best thing to ever happen to me, this fucking line, oh my god.
Something about the lack of control, mayhaps. Like, he can be hurt by others, he's hurt by other's plenty, but he can't hurt himself, he can't cut off his own finger, he can't make his informed decision that throwing himself into the Buried with only his severed finger is better than staying above and being a monster.
MELANIE (Charged tones) Yes, the bullet was bad, right, but it didn’t make me angry. Anger is… Anger’s been all I’ve had for a very long time. Years. Maybe since… oh, I, I don’t know. But everything I’ve done, everything I pushed for was because I was angry. Angry at being passed over, being disrespected, ignored. That sort of anger, it-it powers you. Right up until it slips out and hurts someone. I hurt someone. And then one day, I suddenly have this thing that takes all that rage, and it holds it, tells me it’s right, that it’s me. It didn’t stay in my leg because of some ghostly masterplan. It stayed because I wanted it.
Right, so, I really like this line because I used to be angry all the time, because of Personal Reasons, and like... that line. Just strikes me right to me core. Anger that becomes you, or maybe you become it. Anger that you love because you love yourself (right?), but you hate because you hate yourself. Anger that feels justified, was justified, but now you're just hurting people.
God, I love this show.
ARCHIVIST Oh, th-the blade keeps going in. And… it hurts. Hurts plenty. But then it heals up. Pretty much the moment I take it out. No wound, no scar, nothing.
Jonnnn stop trying to cut your finger off to save the life of someone who you don't even like and who tried to kill you because you think it'll make Basira think you're useful, and Melanie think that you didn't deserve to die with Tim and Daisy, and Martin stop being so distant. Or just so you'll die, or something close.
God, Jon, like I get why he's doing this, and he's not an idiot but I just want... headinhands.
ARCHIVIST I mean, you'd think I'd have a better idea how to do it. All these… all these statements and… (Small laugh) You know who I need? I need the Boneturner. (Sighs) Just reach in and grab a rib. Job done.
I like how he says it, he's very funny, I like him. :3 (no way??? kris likes jon??? crazyyyy)
ARCHIVIST You’re still wearing her face.
yeah um so like Jon sort of watched helen die (?). what's this, 5 people he feels responsible for the death (?) of? christ, no fucking wonder, no fucking wonder he's like this.
ARCHIVIST We’re not people, though, are we? Not anymore.
headinhands. sure, maybe he's a monster now, an Avatar, maybe he's hurting innocent people but christ... Tim's not his fault, Daisy's not his fault, Helen's not his fault, Sasha's not his fault, the fucking bully's not his fault. Some things are his fault, yeah! He doesn't deserve to die for them! Sure, maybe you're not a person, Mr. Sims, but you're an alright monster, you're a fucking alright monster who's going above and beyond for someone who tried to kill you and you don't have to to prove to yourself and Basira and Melanie and Martin that you deserve to live.
I care him.
JARED That’s what it says on me licence. Mind you, the picture’s a bit out of date.
Every day I remember that Alex voiced Jared.
ARCHIVIST Right. But… you know if you do, you're never getting out of this place.
*guy who's only read PJO* I'm getting serious PJO vibes from this.
Like, idk? For some reason my brain thinks "Annabeth" when I hear that line.
ARCHIVIST Take something out. A bone. A rib, probably. S-Something I won’t miss.
Jon... Jon... those are IMPORTANT. oh my godd "something i won't miss" ah yes compromise the structural integrity of your skeleton before jumping in the Crush-You-To-Death dimension. Such a good idea /s
Where do you want me to start? Growing up? My folks? How ‘bout that growth spurt when I was nine? It left me taller than all the other kids. I hated them, the way they stared.
I'm actually fairly broad shouldered, and somehow taller than a lot of people, despite being pretty average height, and it always makes me feel really weird when I'm around people who're shorter and/or smaller than me. Like I'm looming over them or something. Bodies are weird. I like being tall though, it annoys my middlest sister <3
But it talked to me about bones and flesh and muscle and blood; the bits of myself I actually knew and liked.
Can't relate (transgender)
Some of my mates, the ones I helped find their proper bodies, they listened, and went to feed the hunger.
The... things in MAG 130 reminded me a lot of Jared's victims from the gym, so maybe those were his "mates."
I don’t blame people for thinking that all bones are the same, most people don’t have much experience, but it’s not true. There are good bones, and there are bad bones, and Regan Hasnain had some very good bones in her. They were solid, healthy, and they jumped at my touch. I didn’t doubt the letters again.
How the fuck did Elias know what bones were good and bad- I mean yeah probably spooky eye nonsense, but still? Asjdfsahf
ARCHIVIST That’s it? (He snorts) Hardly worth a rib.
Sorry, mate, we're doing body horror this episode, but like not in the statement... oooh sorry you had to find out this wayyyy, yeaahhhh
(The Archivist makes noises of pain.) [Extended sounds of meat and bone movement]
Here's a moment where the unofficial transcripts are absolutely superior, also here's a moment where I'm like what the hell? The sounds are so??? Disgusting?? /pos. The editors did a fantastic job on this one. And Jonny's quite good at uh... strangled sounds of pain. Jesus, Jon. oh god. it's so. YEA. /pos
Yeah. This episode right? Oh god, Jonny why. Jonny why. Like than you, yk, like 10/10, I like my fictional characters emotionally and physically damaged, but ALSO those noises of pain. They sounded. 10 out of fucking 10.
Anyway, onto the speaking with good words part.
I think a lot about Jon's Flesh mark, and The Flesh in general, because it's one of my absolute favourites of the Fears, and my favourite mark that Jon got, hands down. Because, it's not only got the surface-level, face-value, Flesh thing. You take out the ribs! That's horrifying, Jared reaching into Jon and pulling out his ribs in isolation is horrifying, but it's not in isolation. This happened with Jon's need to prove himself as useful, his belief -- that is supported by the people around him -- that his life is only worth something if he's useful.
ARCHIVIST Fine. I don’t care if you trust me, but I think I’ve proven at the very least that I’m useful. So, use me.
(MAG 133 - Dead Horse).
And The Flesh mark? He got Jared to take out his rib, he asked Jared to do grievous bodily harm to him, because he thinks his life is only worth something, that he should only be allowed to live, if he's useful. If he can "right his wrongs", if he can save Daisy.
The Flesh mark wasn't just the rib, it was his need to prove himself as useful, made manifest. And in the end, the rib didn't even work. "There wasn’t single suitable cut." He 'made himself useful' by saving Daisy, but the rib was useless. He put himself through that for nothing except serving someone else's purpose. Something to be used and ultimately to discard.
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burnedpages · 2 years
i really don't know what im suppose to do.
trust really is like a piece of paper. once its ripped, there's no completely fixing it. sure you can tape it together, but it'll never be how it once was.
it really is the principle of the situation.
if someone thinks about me before disrespecting me, that's an issue. because they didn't care enough to not do it.
if someone doesn't think about me before disrespecting me, that's also a problem. because they didn't care enough to even think about me.
when you love somebody, you could NEVER even IMAGINE giving somebody else the attention that you're suppose to give them.
no matter who it is, what the circumstances are etc...
especially when everybody saw it happen?
and it was denied denied denied until l actually left??
lied to until I left.
what else would they lie about if they lie about sum like this??
it shouldn't take me being hurt and having to walk away to be treated correctly or told the truth..
am I suppose to take the risk again?
make myself look stupid to literally everybody and possibly get hurt again in the long run??
or do I walk away and not risk it because my hearts been through too much???
still to this day, this person is posting about "my" person. the person whos SUPPOSE to be my person. talkn bout "havent heard from them today, their other girl must be acting right."
excuse me????
never in my life should I be seeing something like that.
people get nervous over a name they've never heard before, but then turn around and make me go through THIS lmao??
everything in a relationship is suppose to be reciprocated. if its not, then do they really even love you like they say they do???
probably not.
if someone is in love with you, they're suppose to not even have it in their nature to hurt you.
they're suppose to love and cherish you. show you off. make sure the whole entire world knows your love for them, and then never make it look like a lie.
we talk about the kind of love we see in the movies, and how we want that kind of love.
you can't have a healthy relationship starting off with trust being broken. I understand that you build relationships and create them.. but what if each time you go to put another layer of brick down, the base foundation starts to crack?
I cannot force someone to respect me.
I cannot force someone to love me.
I cannot force someone to prove both of those to me.
thats their job.
ive done my job, and ive done it well.
I never give anybody a reason to question me or my loyalty... so why does everybody give me a reason to question theirs???
shouldn't happen.
ive been saying the same thing for 5 years.. the next person who I end up with needs to be the last.
and theyre gonna have to prove themselves to me because of my past.
for the right person, that shouldn't be too much to ask...
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[you know why im here]
"I dunno why yer wanna see this s' bad, jus' my first game?" Casey asked, still sliding the tape into the VCR despite his reservations, "Jus' gonna be me playin' Hockey, poorly."
One would think Casey would be all up for Raph seeing his games, and in truth, he was! At least, the ones he played now they were together. Before? Casey was handsy, still is, but pretty much everything was down. He knew how Raph was going to be as soon as he witnessed everything,
"Fine fine, but yer probably gonna be bored."
Tape loaded up, clearly home recorded as the camera randomly zoomed in and out, slowly coming into focus. Recording started right when the game was beginning, Casey managing to wave to his dad before skating off into his position. All things considered, the match was pretty average. A few injuries here, a fight there. Standard Hockey game.
That was until the end. Casey's team had one and course, they were celebrating, Casey too, until a member of the opposite side skated over to Case. One would think they were about to fight, but instead, they grabbed Casey by the face, and casually kissed him, Casey not even attempting to move away or stop him - even opting to nuzzle back while caught in the moment. When the stranger skated away, the young teen could be seen, mouthing the words 'holy fuck' as their face was seen turning red.
Arms crossed, Casey looked Raph's way, an eyebrow raised. He could tell they were mad at what they just saw,
"Dude it was over six years ago!" He's quick to argue, "I didn't even know yer existed!" Fair point, "Didn't even know the guys name either," Not helping Casey, "Let it go, I aint been kissin' on the rink since we got t'gether an' yanno that."
Casually implying if they weren't together Casey would still be doing it,
"Though I will admit, yer are cute when yer all jelly Raph," Time to turn it around, "An' a way better kisser than him - so stop with the face b'fore I fix it for yer~"
| Muse Interaction
"Aw com' on I wanna see ya play Case! I wanna what ya first game was like!" Was how Raphael went on to defend his side here. Once he learned there was video of Casey's first hockey game he could help but start to bug them on wanting to see it. Why? maybe it was a boyfriend thing but Raph had learned that one of his favorite things to learn about was Casey. And well Casey loved hockey so however Raph could he wanted to take an interest in the thing that Casey loved most. He knew it was something special to them after all, cause of his mom, besides a chance to see Casey's first game? Still sounded fun to him. He seemed to finally ware him down as Casey went and grabbed the tape giving in to Raphael's wants, the turtle decided this was clearly a boyfriend benefit and was very smug about him as he smiled and gave his win one of his many little victory dances.
"I dunno why yer wanna see this s' bad, jus' my first game?"
Raph just rolled his eyes as he stopped and crossed his arms over his plastron. "Ah jus' get over it and throw the damn tape on."
"Jus' gonna be me playin' Hockey, poorly."
"Yeah what else is new?" Raph tells Casey smirking at them cause he knew how they would take his comment just now. Okay Casey was actually good at playing but he wasn't going to tell them that right now, any praise went to that big head of thier's. "Come on it can' be that bad now stop ya complin' wuss and play the damn thing. I wanna see how bad you sucked then." Was a bit werid that Casey was so against this idea. Considering they just loved being a show off when ever given the chance, jeez did Casey really play that bad in that first game? Hmm nah looking at them he kind of felt like there was something else Casey didn't want Raph seeing. Well now he just needed to watch this even more.
Once it started, the screen needed a second to focus. Reminded Raph of the cameras Donnie used, so this had to be an at home one, right? He thinks to himself, finding some odd charm to that. He may not hold Donnie's curiosity, but to an extent, all the turtles did find human stuff like a novelty. Why else would they be more than fine with scraps of trash and such to fill their home with. Soon, Casey was on screen waving at the screen. A soft little smile finds its way onto the turtle's beak. He sat and watched and yeah it was just a normal game. Clearly being recorded by someone as they kept focus on Casey mostly. Not that Raph cared much about the game in question.
It's hard to explain that he was just curious about Casey's life from before they met. Rapheal curious about how Casey was back then, how he lived, and such. It's not lole Casey was lole Raph and his brothers they weren't allowed to leave the tunnels till they turned 14 after all. Sure, they got to peek out here and there with Splinter, but they never had that same freedom as they do now. So, there was also thar added on to the turtles' curiosity. But it was all primarily on Casey. Just a curious need to know more about them, oh boy was he going to regert that though. Soon the team was cheering as they won piling in together full of excitement. It was cute.
What wasn't cute, though, was when a boy from the other team made their way over towards Casey. Lifting his brow and offering a tilt of his head. Was this what Casey didn't want him to see? What does this guy kick Casey's ass or something? Nope, in fact, this boy instead went in and planted a kiss right on to Casey. Not jsjt on the cheek or anything harmless nope right on the mouth. Maybe there was a reason Rapheal had green eyes. Because the second it happened there was a very unpleasant feeling settling into his shell. And like many emotions he wore it openly, his face feel into a clear snarl. He eyes soon burning to the screen as if the turtle could somehow topple over that other boy as he watched Casey very clearly enjoy that kiss. How they nuzzled in against them and were left red in the face to mouth out the words 'holy fuck'. Yeah Raphael knew the feeling working in him right now. Jealously, and he was no stranger to feeling jealous. Just never like this till now.
"Dude it was over six years ago!"
Raphs attetion perked at Casey's voice and seemed to bring him back to reality as he looked to them. Arms were folded over their chest, and they clearly were annoyed by Raphs reaction to the tape just now. Hmm, so this is why Casey didn't want him to watch it them. To which Raoh just rolled his eyes.
"I didn't even know yer existed!"
Was that a fair point? He guessed but kind of hurt.
"Didn't even know the guys name either,"
Did Casey think that was helping? "Oh yeah sure grea' point Case. Long before ya knew aye existed Along wit' the didn' eve' know ' em. Great ta hear ya." Shifting and physically turning away from them now shell toward them that protective instinct working in the turtle now.
"Let it go, I aint been kissin' on the rink since we got t'gether an' yanno that."
That implied if they weren't together then Casey would be doing that still? Thst Casey had been doing that the whole time Raphael had liked him? When had Casey liked Raph? Wait was he doing that when he liked April even so even when he did suddenly like Raph? That green eyed demon inside starter to stir in its sleek. It's how Raph saw it. This frecious monster that he kept caged away in his shell. Usually, its target was Leonardo. But not it seems it was started to get fed something new. And yeah Raph knew Casey was just being an idiot and unaware of what that came out as just now when they said it but they were trying to make a point. Didn't lessen the feeling in Raph right now. As he just sort of huffed to himself
"Though I will admit, yer are cute when yer all jelly Raph,"
Theres a slight blush on Raph's face peering over at Casey when they say it "Fuck off." Was Raphs response a lack of heat to his words as he turned his attetion away from them. He hated being called cute. Okay, not true. He actually kind of liked it, and the little wag if his tail would be more than enough to make that appernet.
"An' a way better kisser than him - so stop with the face b'fore I fix it for yer~"
Raph didn't really want to stew in this feeling, so when Casey did offer that slight turn of their conversation? He peered over at his boyfriend with the remark of being a better kisser than that guy from the tape. Okay, that was a good move on Casey's part. Praise the turtle and call him better. Hmm, Raph had two options here, and well, the feeling of his boyfriend's lips on his beak would feel far better than his jealously ever did. Allowing a smirk to take over his beak.
"Gonna fix it for me, eh?" He says, feeding into Casey's threat here. He turned around a bit so he could better face them. Reaching out to grabb at the collar of Casey's shirt and tugging them his way now. "That a threat or that a promise?" Leaning in to lose that gap between them as he pressed his beak, I'm against Casey's mouth. Yeah, thst helped keep his jealously at bay, as he just scooted in closer, letting himself melt in against the kiss.
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rossmccallsqueen · 2 years
HC - Having a baby with Joseph Liebgott ❤️
(I just need to state for the record that this is written for Ross McCall’s portrayal of Joseph Liebgott in Band of Brothers, not the actual person. Okay thank you pls continue)
You knew from the moment you met Joe that you wanted to have a family with him
Which was perfect because he told you he wanted a really big family
It took awhile after you started trying. It was happening for all of your friends and Joe’s friends wives but not you
Joe could see how sad you were every month when your period still came, so you agreed to stop trying for awhile and just let the universe speak for itself
And as they say it’ll happen when you least expect it because when you stopped trying was the month you found out you were pregnant and Joe was over the moon
Once he was able to tell people he would tell anyone that listened, including calling everyone from Easy to let them know that he was making good on all the little Liebgott’s he promised
You started to show pretty early on, making Joe think it was multiples
“Just because I’m a whale Joesph does not mean there’s more than one in there!”
“First of all dear I never said you were a whale Im pretty sure I called you sexy just this morning. Second, I’m just saying maybe we should ask Doc to check?”
“Okay fine, we will call the doctor!” You weren’t gonna let him win, because a mother would know if she was having twins right?
A mother would definitely know. And you knew you’d feel more kicks, which you didnt think you did but then again you felt them constantly so it was hard to tell the difference
Later that afternoon your doctor came to call, Joe letting him in right away because he wanted to be right 😂
“Alrighty what are we checking out today? You seemed fine last I saw you and you’re not due for another appointment until next month dear.”
“Joseph here thinks that there may be more than one baby in there because I’m a little bigger. Can you tell him that’s not true?”
“Let’s take a look. Sit down on the couch for me and we’ll check!” You did as told and Joe sat down next to you
You lifted up your shirt like you always did, and Doc took out his measuring tape and stethoscope
First he measured, Joe watching his every movement. You’d never paid much attention before but the look on Doc’s face after he measured.. you already knew Joe was right
“I’m just going to listen around to see if there’s more than one heartbeat okay? It might be a little cold.”
He moved around, making sure to listen to several different points around your belly, and he kept going back to two different spots
“Just tell me Doc, give it to me straight” 😂
“There’s definitely two babies in there Mrs. Liebgott. I’m afraid your husband is right!”
DANGIT not again you thought to yourself
After going back and forth with the doc to confirm it was in fact twins, including letting you listen to the stethoscope yourself to hear the heartbeats which was incredible
Joe was absolutely over the moon, he immediately called his parents to tell them that they wouldn’t just be getting one grand baby but two
A few hours later it was just you and Joe and you were laying in bed together
You were reading a book and Joe was just laying with his head in your lap rubbing your belly
He kept waiting for each baby to kick, absolutely enamored that there were two little ones in there
He absolutely loved your belly and had from the start. He loved resting his head against your bump, like he couldn’t get enough of it
He was proud of himself, and you knew he would be the best dad
“What do you think they will be? Two boys? Two girls? One of each? I don’t even care as long as they’re healthy.” You smiled, running your hand through his hair
You were only 20 weeks so you were only halfway there, and you knew Joe would dote on you even more as you continued
“I just can’t believe there will be two of them. Can we have more?” He asked, still rubbing your belly
“Slow your roll there pal, these ones need to be born first.” 😂
“I know I just can’t wait for them to get here” 🥺
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Taglist: @itstheheebiejeebies @warmommy @eugeneroehoe @vintagemol @tvserie-s-world @rogue-barnes-durin-main
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Masterlist Masterpost
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keiarchived · 4 years
Freshman Year
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stoner!Atsumu x f!innocent!reader x stoner!Suna ft stoner!Osamu
warnings: Drug (weed), gangbang, oral (giving), anal, dubcon, fucking whilst high, university!au, sex tape, cockwarming, corruption kink, sleepy writing
words: 1.8k
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To say you were inexperienced, naive and artless, they weren’t wrong. You’re the last person who would cheat on their essay and cause yet another headache to your lecturer. You’re the classic ‘goodie two shoes’ as Atsumu calls you, the same couldn’t be said about both Miya twins and Suna, however.
They are anything but good.
You should’ve listened to those whispers of warnings and rumours that made their way around the campus, how they’re the last people you’d want to get involved with despite their popularity among students. You either love them or hate them, there’s no in-between with valid reasons.
You don’t belong in their world, you know that. But it doesn’t stop Suna from wanting to strip the innocent of you. Maybe it's the way you smiled nervously at him or maybe the glare you gave Atsumu whenever he made those snarky comments, but one thing for sure is that he wants to show you what you’ve been missing.
“Suna...” It almost came out as a whine whilst your head fell back against his shoulder, dark iris swallowing those rings of colours whilst your lips parted delicately with a cute pout. “Hmm? What’s wrong?” He coo, arm resting snuggly and comfortably around your waist as he pulls you even closer to press a kiss on your temple. Chilling at the Miya’s with Suna and his friends has become a regular thing ever since your first proper encounter with him at the party, where your friend ditched you for another guy. Perhaps you should’ve seen through him before accepting his offer to keep your company that night, maybe then you could’ve avoided whatever this is between you and Suna. But would you’ve pushed him away if given the chance?
“Wan’ more...” You whimpered, earning a chuckle from the man as he peppered your cheeks with few more playful kisses before pulling away. “What do you want, princess? C’mon, use your words” Suna love to see it when you’re desperate like this in his arms, staring up at him with those bleary eyes, cheeks flustered and small hands trembling as you grasp at his jacket with wants. “Mmn... smoke... wan’ more of smoke...” You slurred between each hitched breath of yours, feeling a few pairs of eyes glued onto the both of you as Suna leaned closer after taking a drag of his blunt before letting the heavy white smoke slips past your plump lips like weightless velvet. Oh, if only you knew how alluring you are when taking every ounce of the fumes from him greedily. Close enough for both of your lips to slot together, but far away enough for a grin to tug at his lips before pulling away. “Still not used to taking it on your own hm?” Or maybe you just adore these tingles dancing against your skin every time Suna shotguns it to you, as if he’s feeding you his essence in the most sexual way possible.
“Ya babying her too much, Suna. Gonna end up spoiling her.” Atsumu wasn’t wrong, ever since his friend introduced you to an unfamiliar world of ecstasy, he has you wrapped around his fingers like a puppy on a leash. “Why not, jealous Tsumu?” You could barely listen to their conversation as a giggle slipped past your lips, Suna could still remember the time you took your first hit. Trying to copy him only for those bitter smoke tickles your throat, making you cough with tears swelling from your eyes. It was cute though, he praised you for being a good girl, done so well on your first try as he wiped away those tears before wrapping those legs around your waist to give you the fucking of your life and the rest was history.
It was Suna who got you addicted to... him.
“You bet, how come she’s always hanging off your arm when you guys aren’t even together?” Astumu scoffed as shifts from his seat, watching from the opposite sofa with a frown over his defined features. It is unfair really, how you’ve chosen Suna over anyone else. Atsumu would love to slips his arms around you once in a while too, playing with those pretty lips of yours whilst you get drunk of him instead.
Despite no strings attached between you and Suna, shaking your head no as soon as he mumbles softly under his breath, beckoning you to go sit with Atsumu but no — you didn’t want to. “Nnu...Wanna stay...” Instead, your grip tightens on the fabric of his jacket, snuggling further into him until your head is buried at the crook of his neck.
If only you’re sober enough to see the faint but taunting smug smile Suna have stretched across his lips as he shrugged at his friend, guiding you to sit properly on his lap instead with your back facing Atsumu. “Better luck next time.”
God knows how long you’ve been sitting like this, legs folded on either side of Suna’s lap as you rest against his broad shoulder. Pins and needles crawl up your numb legs, shifting with an uncomfortable whine. To think Suna would waste a perfect opportunity like this, you’d be wrong, especially when all if most of his companions are high off their heads to even notice what the two of you’re about to do. “Baby, want my cock?” Suna isn’t subtle about it either, bulge poking at your clothed core. The mention of his cock was enough to have your clouded mind runs wild, grinding against his clothes erection with an eager nod. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve cockwarm Suna in front of other souls like this, Tsumu would shuffle towards the both of your and join in occasionally. Shotgunning you with his own blunt whilst lazily as he jerks off to your moans and tangle bodies. “What happened to the sweet innocent princess we knew?
As the time you spend with Suna and the Miya twins grew, so did your confidence. Becoming more familiar with the substance than you originally were, however. It was naive of you to think you could do this properly on your own without Suna here to keep you out of trouble because you’re a big girl who knows how to take care of herself. But instead, you have taken a pretty big hit, blame Atsumu. It was his idea to lower the amount of tobacco this time around, instead of feeling the familiar high you have with Suna; this is something way stronger.
How did you end up atop of Tsumu with his cock buried deep inside your dripping cunt, you have no idea. Only remembering fragments of things he had said to you prior to this, “Suna aren’t here is he? Shame. Let me be Suna tonight for ya, baby. Ride me inside, bet I could treat ya better than ‘im, c’mon baby, don’t be shy. It’s not like he’s ya boyfrien’ or anythin’.” That’s all you could remember before a snap of Atsumu’s hips snapped you out of your thought, drawing a meal from your lips. “C’mon, baby. Don’t hide that pretty voice from me now.”
Atsumu’s little plan would’ve been a success if it wasn’t for Osamu, consider it payback. Call him selfish if you want, but seeing his twin brother knocking the breath out of your lungs sparks his jealousy. Sure he could’ve joined in easily but what’s the fun in that?
Suna has been stood by the door for a while now, watching as you desperately bounces on Atsumu’s cock and moaning his name between each of those sloppy kisses. But still, that stoic face remained unbothered, maybe a twitch here and there but nothing major, the completely opposite of what Samu thought he would do. After all, despite Suna saying he doesn’t care nor does he wants you, everyone knows how much he cares for you enough to keep you around for as long as he has. Instead, Suna approached the two of you. Yanking your head up those sweaty locks of yours whilst you could barely register the shift in his eyes, “You knew this was gonna happen didn’t you? Just wanted an excuse to fuck Tsumu.”
He wasn’t wrong, both Miya twins shares the same face and it is hared to ignore their handsome features after all.
Osamu was dumbfounded when Suna positioned himself behind you instead, not only did he not have a good go at Tsumu but at the end decide to join too before prepping your rear end the best way he can before inching in, frowning as he does. “Fuck... just as I expected. You’re so fucking, right baby”
Neither one of them paid attention to Samu before Suna caught him palming at his jeans, only then did he come closer with his cock freed with one hand whilst the other holding a phone and hit record. You should see the way your lips parts whenever you’re close or the complete fucked our expression that suits you so well, no worries though; Samu will keep a good record seeing as how well you take all three of them together with Samu’s cock lodge deeply down your throat, stuffing you full with all ends.
At least this time you are not the only one who’s slurring nonsense as you came, Tsumu was the first one to pump you full of his cum first then it was Samu and lastly Suna. Showering you in praises and kisses before the younger Miya twin decides to take up the aftercare duty upon himself since Tsumu has already blacked out and Suna doesn’t look that far off either with the remaining blunt in his hand.
Samu is the gentlest of them all, washing you carefully as though you’re a glass doll. Having you put on one of his shirts and setting you on the kitchen counter whilst he cooks, earning small nods and hums from you whenever he asks you a question. Samu’s surprise you even managed to hold yourself this well before finally crashing against his shoulder, it was a struggle to get you to eat some food and drink some water but he did anyway.
Only for Suna to snatch you away again with a wave of his hand and a pat on his lap, you practically scrambled out from Samu’s arms and into Suna’s chest. Snuggling comfortably against him with a content smile on your face.
At the end of the day, you are Suna’s precious little princess. He’s the one who shown how to roll a joint, how to smoke from a bong and be a little rebellious. The Miyas twins could hook up with you as many times as they want, but he knows you’d be running back to him as soon as it is over.
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Tag list: @m-mortimer @selfishwitch @sleepyrintaro @cxnicalsweetheart
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tangledstarlight · 4 years
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...i said i was going to make it and well, here we are i guess. im so sorry for this.
Carlos Molina’s to Guide to Ghost Hood (title subject to change) 
welcome to the 1st edition, maybe i’ll make a 2nd if i get inspired enough but also, this is such a mess already i don’t think the world needs a part 2 dfghg
Link to the power point is in the first reblog. (i’d highly recommend watching it for the full experience dfgh)
Link to ao3 also in the first reblog. 
below the cut is the accompanying fic and description of the rules/guide.
The tape recorder lets out a low buzzing sound as Carlos presses a button on the side and stands it up between them on the dining room table. Julie shoots an amused glance at Reggie who’s taken up residence in the chair next to him, the two of them flipping open notebooks and clutching pencils. 
“Where did you even find a tape recorder?” She wonders, stretching out a finger to touch the silver rectangle only for her hand to be swatted away by Reggie.
“Found it in a box of moms stuff and dad said we could order some tapes from amazon,” Carlos replies matter of factly, straightening up in his chair once he seems to have found the page he was looking for. “Right. Let's start off easy, shall we?” 
He looks at her expectantly and Julie rolls her eyes, waving a hand at the two of them, “Lets.” 
“Question one,” Carlos taps his pencil at the top of his page before squinting at her, “Did you conduct any séance related activities before the ghosts showed up?” 
Julie blinks at him, wondering if he’s joking but the pair of them just look back at her, heads both slightly tilted and it’s at that moment that she realises how serious they’re going to be about this. It was going to be a long afternoon of questioning apparently. 
“No, I didn’t conduct any séance related activities. I just put on their CD and they y’know, fell out of the sky.” 
“Interesting, interesting,” Carlos mutters as he looks at Reggie’s notebook as the older boy writes her answer down, underlines something and taps it with his pencil that makes Carlos let out a small hm. “So you don’t know anything about the dark room? Didn’t make any wishes?” 
“No,” Julie shakes her head, watches Reggie write something else down and tilt his notebook to Carlos. It’s weird, watching them communicate like that, like they’ve created a shorthand between them and don’t even require her presence to have a conversation. Which is obviously true because they’ve clearly discussed all this beforehand. 
“You walked through Luke right? What did that feel like to you?” Reggie’s question catches her off guard and she looks between them, but Carlos is already looking at her, waiting for her answer. 
“It was um cold? But also not. I--” she frowns, trying to think back to that first night in the kitchen when she’d turned around and walked through him. Back when she’s barely known any of them and was more annoyed by their presence then comforted. “It was weird. The first few seconds after I walked through him I just felt cold but then it was like a rush of warmth? You know when you get one of those random shivers that runs through your whole body? It feels all weird and tingly but also kinda nice? Like that.” 
“Did it feel like you got a feel of Luke?” Carlos asks and Julie shrugs, a slight blush on her cheeks and somehow, despite the fact they can’t see each other, the two of them share a look. 
“What’s the next question,” anything to move off the topic of walking through Luke and how it felt. 
“Oh Julie is gonna be so pissed at you guys,” Alex mutters but makes no move to step in and stop the ‘experiment’ currently going on. He watches as Reggie tries to put a hand on Carlos’ shoulder, fingers phasing through the younger boy's jacket with a frown. 
“She won't be pissed if it works,” is all Reggie says, face morphing into one of concentration as he slowly lowers his hand on to Carlos’ shoulder again. 
For his part, Carlos bounces slightly on his toes, eyes fixed on the notebook in Alex’s hand in case they need to tell him something. And okay, Alex might not fully agree with the way the two of them are going about this whole thing, but he can’t say he’s not on board with it. Their whole stint as ghosts has been nothing but confusion after confusion that not even Willie has answers for. Does he think Reggie and Carlos are going to uncover some fundamental thing that makes them the way they are? Probably not. Will they maybe get him some kind of answer? God he hopes so. 
Especially since there’s been small moments in the last few weeks where Ray and Carlos have been able to hear them even without them playing music or Julie nearby. Which had scared all of them. Thought it was nothing compared to Ray’s reaction when he’d apparently walked into the kitchen to find Julie and Luke hugging, only for him to vanish when they suddenly let go. It was a hell of a way to find out they could be seen if they were touching her. 
“Oh!” Carlos suddenly exclaims, head whipping to look at his shoulder where Reggie’s hand is resting solidly on the fabric of the jacket. Alex feels his eyes widen a fraction and watches Reggie’s smile widen as he squeezes slightly on Carlos’ shoulder. “Oh my god! I can feel that!” 
“Holy shit,” Alex whispers, grip on the pencil in his fingers growing. 
“Hey! I heard that too! Quick! Write it down! 30 minutes and- and however many attempts it took!” Carlos grins, face turning towards him and Alex doesn’t even have time to feel guilty about swearing before he’s scribbling in Reggie’s notebook.
“Thanks again for taking me,” Carlos says as he pulls his seat belt across his chest and clicks it in, eyes drifting from his tia in the front seat to the little notebook resting on the back seat and the pencil that’s hovering just a few inches off the paper. Subtly he sees it tap on the page, once, twice, and he bites down on his grin, tucking his hands under his thighs to stop from bouncing in his seat. They’re ready. 
“Of course mijo,” Victoria smiles over at him as she turns on the engine, fingers already messing with the buttons on the radio to find her favourite station. “I have to say I’m impressed. Planning ahead for your dad's birthday.” 
“Mhm,” he agrees, his eyes on the notebook that he can just see in the rearview mirror. The pencils resting between the creases in the pages and he holds his breath as the radio jumps to a different station. 
Victoria frowns slightly, her eyes darting from the road to the radio and back, hand reaching out to change it back. When it jumps to another station. And another. Carlos feels his eyes widen a little, legs bouncing on top of his hands as he watches the radio cycle through station after station, only lingers for a few seconds on each before moving on. 
Finally it stops, the words of Despacito ringing through the car and it’s lucky they’re at a red light he thinks, because when Victoria tries to change it it jumps right back. 
“What the f-” she starts, the furrow between her brows growing deeper and the knuckles on her hand that’s still gripping the wheel turning white. 
“Can we leave it? I like this song,” he looks over at her with a smile, blinking in what he hopes is a completely innocent way. He’s pretty sure she’s too distracted by the radio to question it. 
“Sure, sure,” she mutters, not even looking at him, eyes going from the road to the radio. 
The song ends and from the corner of his eye he can see the pencil in the back moving, Reggie or Willie writing something down and he has to stop himself from turning around to see what it is. Instead he watches as tia starts changing the radio station again, her fingers never leaving the touch screen as if that was the problem. But the second she lands on her favourite 80’s classics station and is moving her fingers away it changes. Skipping through stations again until Despacito is once again filling the car. 
It’s probably lucky that they’re at another red light and that there’s no one behind them because her eyes widen and she’s suddenly saying words in Spanish that he knows he shouldn’t know and is pulling over to the side of the road. 
“We have to get out! The car is being possessed! Out, out Carlos! Come on!” Her seat belt is off and her door is open before Carlos even has a chance to process what’s happening. The notebook from the back is pushed in front of his face and he tilts his head a little to side to read Reggie’s familiar handwriting, 
Too far? 
“Maybe,” he whispers back, taking the notebook out of the ghost's hand as he starts to get out of the car, plucking the pencil out of the metal spirals and making a note about not pushing tia in a moving vehicle and to wait until after they’ve gone shopping first. 
She’s got her phone pressed to ear when he joins her on the sidewalk, pacing up and down. Carlos is pretty sure there’s going to be a family dinner story time in their near future. 
Luke watches as Carlos sets his tape recorder up, idly plucking out a half finished tune on his guitar in order to be seen and heard. He doesn’t really get the other boys interest in figuring out their ghostly state of being. The same way he doesn’t really care about finding answers to all of Alex’s questions. 
They ate some bad street dogs. They died. Julie brought them back and then she saved them a second time. They can play music and sometimes be seen. He already has all the answers he needs and it’s two words: Julie Molina. 
Would it be nice to know what the black room was? Sure. Did he sometimes wonder why they could be seen but other ghosts couldn't? Sometimes. Did he want answers? Only if someone was going to give them to him without having to do the work. Was he going to sit here and answer all of Carlos’ questions because it was important to him and to the others? Fuck yeah he was. 
“Does that think pick up our voices even if we’re not playing and not near Julie?” He nods at the recorder on the table after Carlos hits a button. 
“Yeah! It’s so cool too. You sound like, all static-y and I have to listen really hard sometimes because your voices fade in and out but they’re there!” 
Okay, Luke can admit that is pretty cool, “That’s wicked. Maybe we should start using that to communicate instead of writing.” He was really sick of people commenting on his handwriting. 
“Dude that’s genius! It would be like leaving each other voice notes!” He gestures in the air with his pencil the same way Julie does when she’s realised the issue with a verse and Luke smiles softly. He doesn’t know what voice notes are, but he’s glad he could contribute to the communication issue. 
“What questions have you got for me then little dude?” He raises an eyebrow at Carlos as he flips through his notebook. 
When he’d first knocked Alex down Willie never thought it would lead to him sitting in the Molina’s family living room, a whiteboard resting on his knees as a twelve year old shows him bar graphs and pie charts of information on ghosts. 
There was probably some kind of domino-butterfly effect going on that had led him here. But he’s too busy trying to fit all his know ghost knowledge onto a whiteboard so Carlos can fill in the gaps in his knowledge. 
Over the years Willie has met a lot of lifers, has interacted with a handful at the HGC but he’s never met a family like the Molina’s. Who found out ghosts were real and instead of running, or trying to profit off of them, had just...welcomed them into the family. Arms wide and hearts open. 
And more than that, here was Carlos trying to get answers to questions that none of them really had an answer too. 
“Black room, yes or no?” Carlos asks, holding up a flash card and a clothes peg, ready to add it to the line of string stretching across the room. It was already littered with other cards in an order that Willie really didn’t understand but seemed to make perfect sense to the younger boy and Reggie. 
Not for me, or anyone I asked at the club, he scribbles down, turning to the board around. 
“Just like we thought,” he nods to himself, taking two steps to the left and reaching up to attach the card, “An anomaly.” he whispers it to himself and Willie has to bite his lip to stop from smiling before remembering that Carlos can’t actually see him. 
“Hey,” Alex’s voice from the doorway drags his gaze away from the lifer and the smile he’d been trying to stop spreads across his face, “How’s it going?”
“I don’t think we’re even half way through,” he chuckles, gesturing with one hand at the stack of flashcards and the charts he hasn’t even seen yet. “Do you understand this system?” 
The exasperated laugh that leaves Alex’s lips is answer enough before he’s even shaking his head, strands of blonde hair dipping into his eyes and Willie wants to reach to move away, “Not a clue. They’ve tried to explain it to us but it makes zero sense to anyone but them.”  
“Hey, Alex, stop distracting him, we’re working here!” Carlos’ voice makes him jump, head turning back to where he’s standing with his arms crossed and shaking his head in disappointment in the vague direction of where Alex is standing. 
“Wait, can he see you?” Willie frowns, mind trying to remember if he knew this or not. 
“No, he’s just really good at sensing us these days,” Alex sighs, but there’s a fond look in his eyes as he looks at Carlos, “He says it’s his ghost powers kicking in from how often he hangs out with Reggie and from all the failed teleportation experiments.” 
“The failed what now?” 
“Oh, you’ll find out. I think it’s section 7?” Alex grins, pushing off from where he’d been leaning against the doorway and waving.
Willie turns back to Carlos feeling a little more confused than he had minutes ago but also much more intrigued about teleportation experiments. And if he could help get some answers for any of the many questions Alex had, that was cool too.
Carlos Molina’s Guide to Ghosting. So you became a ghost, huh?
 (working title, subject to change)
By Carlos Molina, with special thanks to Reggie Peters and Willie Skateboard. 
1st Edition. 
Dedicated to Alex Mercer, so he can stop asking so many questions. We’re working on it buddy.
1. Tangibility 
They can walk through anything (except my sister now, reasons still unclear). 
Works especially well with walls, doors and locked vaults (see exhibit a) 
When they walk through people it “allows them to get a feel for the person” – Reggie Peters. “It’s weird” – Alex Mercer. No comment from Luke Patterson as he was too busy staring at Julie. 
2. Souls
Objects can be attached to their souls. 
Still unclear if it has to be an object that they were close to in life, or if they can attach their souls to any object once a ghost. 
Experiments with Reggie Peters are still ongoing. Updates will follow.
3. Being Seen
Can be seen by “lifers*” when they play music with Julie. 
This is the first rule which only applies to our ghosts. 
They can be heard when they play music without Julie. This is also unclear as to why, working theory is “Our music is just so awesome it transcends deaths!” – Luke Patterson.
Mr Willie Skateboard was quick to point out it’s “weird” and “ghosts aren’t supposed to be seen by lifers.”
4. Touching
Our ghosts can now touch Julie. The biggest change in their afterlife. 
Still no explanation for it. Experiments are ongoing (see exhibit b) 
Have witnessed Julie hugging the air many times only for Alex or Willie to appear. Same with hand holding. (see exhibit c for dads reaction) 
5. Magic
Some ghosts have powers and abilities. 
Willie* can control different types of technology. Appears to work best with cars. This we believe correlates with who a ghost dies. 
In our expedition to test his skills he skipped through 15 different radio stations of Tia’s car until he found one playing despacito. Test was a success. Tia does think her car is haunted now however.
6. ???
There was a dark room. 
All other ghosts interviewed had never heard of it before. 
All our ghosts agreed it was weird and creepy. 
We are choosing to pretend it didn’t happen. 
Working theory: a hole in time that they fell through. Must find a way to test.
7. Teleporting
part 1)
Ghosts can teleport wherever they want in the world. 
Only the most powerful can teleport a lifer with them (will keep attempting)
part b) 
Our ghosts can pinpoint Julie’s exact location wherever she may be in the world. 
Will be helpful if she is ever kidnapped, Julie however wishes they would stop using said power to find her in gym class.
“I already have find my friend activated” – Flynn had to say on the matter. 
part c) 
Julie can summon the boys to her if she concentrates hard enough. Came in handy when an evil magician tried to kidnap them.
Also possibly how they escaped the dark room, no way to prove or deny this as dad won’t let me eat a bad hotdog to become a ghost.
Working theory: magic of music and family 
See Exhibit d 
See Exhibit e  
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tparker48 · 3 years
"Your task is simple noobie, sneak into our opponent's team and get intel on who to look out for. And do not get caught, we won't be able to reach you in there" his captain said.
"Understood, I'll be in and out before you know it" the tiny would crawl underneath the gap of locker room doors as he walking into the area. The tiles slightly pale as the air smelled of old sweat. Carefully, he made his way toward one of the lockers as he climbed the hole along the panel to the top. Thankfully he picked one that wasn't too noisy as his shoes hit latched on the ends.
He climbed all the way to the top as he perched himself upon an edge as he heard the doors begin to open. Each of the players would shift themselves into the area the sound of cleats and banging shoulder pads came closer. As they came into view, the little would duck a little as he readied his camera.
"Man was that an interesting skrim match. I swear that shoulder nearly knock me off my feet"
"Heh, you that heavy dude. You're almost light as a feather. But speaking of feet, mine are nearly killing me with that running we've been doing"
"Man, they must be really packin this year" the little guy said holding his camera. listening amongst the crowd of players as each conversed with one another. At the same time, he would begin to take pictures from his phone as he scanned and snapped each number and player they see. But there was a particularly bunch that caught his attention the sound of ruckus echoed through the lockers. A hoard of players would begin to swarm the locker doors as each got ready to change from there gear.
"Good work boys, freshen up and get ready for the game tomorrow. And sure to plenty of rest" the coach said among them. The little guy tried to take a picture of him, but sea of players would keep him out of frame before losing him. But a sudden ruckus would soon to turn up below him as the two players were caught in an argument.
"Next time you decide to catch the ball 27, make sure you can actually catch" he heard from below. He held his camera over the edge as he took pictures at the two.
"Get off my case 60! You're the one who threw it too far"
"Not my fault you can't catch think faster than you. Psh, might as well stick to line"
"Ooo note, players 27 and 60 have no coordination. This'll be usueful for tomorrow" the little guy said.
"I'll show you who should stick to line back" one of the players would tackle into the other as they were sent into the locker. Its startled the little guy at first as he continued taking pictures. At that point, the commotion would be to get attraction as the other players would start to gather around.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They echoed through the locker room.
"Ooo ho ho, now this this is some useful info. Just let them go at take picture and numbers. Simpl-"
"Hey 26! Brace yourself!" Number 60 would go in for a tackle as the both the players crashed into the locker. The force behind it would shake the frame as it distorted the little guy's balance. Before he could get his footing back, he fell of the lockers as he tumbled to the ground
"Please land somewhere soft! Please land somewhere soft!" The little yelled as he fell to the ground. His vision constantly turning before becoming dark with a white surface in front of him. He blinked his eyes for a moment as he slowly got up and looked at the surface. A cushioned pad would be underneath him as he gave a deep sigh of relief. He soon began to stand back to his feet as the as it went to get off and pat himself down. "Oh Thank goodness,for a second there i thought i was gonna land somewhere wor-..." standing on the bench, the little guy started to look up as pillars of players towered around the table. Each of them peering down at the little guy standing in the center of the table.
"What's a little guy doing in here?"
"I don't know, but he picked the place to snoop around. Probably stealing something".
"Let me at em, i'll show him something he can snoop into"
"Eheh, now now guys. Let's not be too hasty. I um...i can explain" the little guy says backing into the pad. The players getting even more closer to the table.
"Now now boys, that's no way to treat a little. Allow me.." The team captain would push a few players aside as the he stood at the front of the table. Moving himself a little closer as his hair blocked the light overhead. "Apologies for them, they tend to get a little roudy when they see someone smaller than them. What's brings you here little one? Never seen someone the of football around here"
"I-I....**ahem** im simply passing through. Heard some commmotion and...decided to look into it. Didn't want to cause any attention"
"Cause the attention huh? Well you certainly are beyond that point" the team captain soon saw a glare from his vision as he looked to the little camera in the pile. The little guy froze for a bit as two finger rose over head a picked it up. "Hmph! Passing through huh? Looks to me like you were taking pictures" he eyed the camera for a bit before seeing a symbol from another university. "Ah i see, so the they're snooping on us huh? We got ourselves a spy boys!" The team captain held up the camera into the air as many squinted at it, but their gaze soon turned downward as the furrowed their look down at the little guy.
"W-what no! I wasn't spying at all. Just hear me out-"
"Sorry little one, evidence spells clear as day. So the other team wasn't to know more about us huh? Heh, well then lets give them what they ask for. Boys? Form a line" with an echoed chuckle, the would line themselves, behind the captain as he stood in front of the table.
"Gah!" The little guy would try and hop off the table, but a thumb would rest on his legs.
"Ah ah ah, can't have you running off just yet. And to make sure you don't" the captain would pull out a patch of tape as he laid it across the little guy's legs.
"Hey! Wha-what are you doing!"
Giving you the info you wanted" the captain would turn his back towards the little guy on table as he unfastened his pants. Pulling them down, his round glutes would stick out partially as he hover the crack over.
"Th-this is insane, what if your coach comes back and sees you doing this?" The little would pry at the tape, but he wasn't able to get a good hold.
"The coach's gone for today, which means its just you and us. And we hehe, have a very special gift for your data" the captain would soon drop to the table as his ass planted ontop of the little guy. He felt his cheeks spread a little as the sound of little muffles echoed from underneath.
The little guy's world would be dark, but the warm smell still remained as he pushed his hands between the ass crack. With each push, he could feel the hairs along the cracks length and in between it, the hole clenching at him as he bucked against it. "Hey! This isn't funny, get...off of me!".
"Sure thing. But first, your gift" as the captain sat down firmly onto the table, he would soon begin to spread his left cheek away from the other as the wall of ass planted ontop of the little guy. The sound of churning echoed above him before the hole he pushed against began to open up, before the little knew it, a warm scent escaped from inside as his nose scrunched at the smell of it.
"There go, fresh data just for you. I hope you like it"
"Augh! Come on, seriously. Get off me alrea-" before the little could finish, a rush of hot air burst into him as the smell followed behind it. The captain would feel the seat begin to warm as he chuckled to himself. Feeling the little hands underneath pounding against his. Ass as released another one. At that point, the little guy's eyes would begin to water as a second rush of air blew into him.
About a few more seconds passed before the captain began to stand back up. But not before rubbing his ass in place as the sound of grunts sounded underneath. "Aah, now i feel much better. Been holding that in since practice".
"You...are a bastard you know!" The little guy coughed.
"Heh, such harsh little words for a squirt. I do hope a little gas didn't get the better of you"
"Peh, hardly"
"Good, cause the rest of the of the team want to give you some data too" the two of them looked to the other players as they looked at the little guy with eager anticipation. "He's all yours boys. Oh and, do be sure to drop him off at the other team's place".
"With pleasure" one of the players behind him said as he stood forward. Peering down at the little as the captain went out. His shadow casted over the little guy as a little smirk came across his face.
"Ehehe..please rethink about this" the little said sweating.
"Oh i've thought of it alright" the player would seperate his legs apart as he moved them along the length of the table until his ass hovered over the little guy's head. Pulling his pants down, he spread both cheeks apart as he as aligned it with his face. "I'd hold your breath if I were you" as the player said that, his ass would move closer as the area darkened. As it sat to the table, it would plant down on his shoulders. Leaving his face to be in the center as his hole winked against his cheeks. "Unlike the captain, i like to have things much close and personal against my hole"
The little guy would feel the force of his hole mush into him as its wrinkled skin still had a little sweat in between. He tried kicking his legs from behind to get his attention, but he only received a firm press from the hole above as it slowly moved in place. As it did, the hole would begin to open up as the as a fart came out in firm bursts. The hole clamping back onto to his face each time as the farts ringed through his ears.
"Grgh! Stop it already!"
"Sorry squirt, i ain't stoppin til every bubble inside me is out and blown into you" the player sat down a little more as the hole covered over the side of the little guy's face "so sit tight". Mire churns would echo from inside him as the table once again started to feel warm. The warm smell following behind as it resonated strongly underneath him.
Another few seconds passed as the players farts soon stopped. As it started to get up, he poked a finger against the back of the little guy's head as he felt him slide off against it. "Thanks for the release squirt".
"Hah....hah...please, no more farts for lord sakes"
"Quit your whining but mat, you got the rest of us to tend to" a bigger players would step into the light as the towered over head. He also spread his ass apart as he hovered overhead. "Now just keep your head juust like that for.." As the the big player casted overhead, the little guys vision would soon go dark.
An hour later:
The other team would just now be finishing up practice as each went to change there gear. Some of them talking amongst each other while others went and trained a bit more. Suddenly, they heard a flurry of knocks on the enterance of the locker as a shadow showed up before disappearing.
"Hmm, wonder who that could be" one the players went to go open the open, but found no one outside. The only thing standing there was as small twisting jar. "Hmm, there's a note" bringing it inside, he read it to the other players as the sound stared puzzled at it. "Here is your data. Be sure to get it cleaned up. Winky face? The hell does that mean?" As the player said, they soon heard loud bangs coming from the jar as the one them slowly went to open it. Untwisting the lid, they were all met with a foul smell as a jock would stored inside. Along with the little guy as he popped out of it gasping for fresh air.
"Holy crap! What the hell happened?"
"The smells, so..so many smells. Who'd think that many players could smell that bad" the little said climbing out.
"They, what do you mean?"
"I'll tell you later. For now im just gonna...lay here for a while" the little guy would sprawl onto the table as he shut his eyes in defeat. Leaving the other players confused as they looked back at the tired tiny.
"Dang, they must've really did a number on you" his captain said.
"Ugh, you have no idea"
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hrina · 2 years
fr you people on tumblr are so brainwashed sometimes. the way you act like it's ALWAYS the man's fault. it's scary how you guys shut yourself out to evidence when it's the woman who's at fault. i watched large chunks of the trial and there's nothing that can convince me that amber heard DIDN'T defame johnny with malicious intent. you guys want to go around praising women and "believing women" and of course we should. but there are also times when you have to think critically for a moment and parse the evidence. if after watching the trial and being presented with all the evidence you still think amber heard was sexually/physically abused as she claimed... i don't know what to tell you except to brush up on your critical thinking skills. you need to realize that there are some people who WILL lie, who WILL try to defame others to propel themselves up. you need to watch amber's testimony vs johnny's. don't just run with verdict if you haven't seen the evidence and heard what the lawyers were arguing for. if you're still on amber's side, pls go listen to the tape recordings of her ADMITTING to hitting johnny depp (there are multiple ones), then go look up the "evidence" she presented of photographs where she claims johnny "whacked" her multiple time while wearing large rings. images are not consistent with her claims, and they have been be edited. then go look up talk shows she appeared on and places she's been photographed in and tell me she was "whacked." and no, makeup will not cover swelling or severe bruising. then go through all the witness statements and tell me they're all lying. managers, cops, deskman, friends, makeup artists -- they're ALL lying for johnny depp? go watch them and tell me what you think of amber heard verbally abusing johnny in public. and yes, the claim of sexual assault was defamation. if she was assaulted as badly as she claimed on so many different occasions, she would have needed hospitalization. someone would have noticed. for being such a public figure, photographs would picked up bruises, scratches, etc. but there isn't, except that one photograph TMZ took of her at the courthouse, who knew to show up there and which side of her face to photograph because she or her team alerted them. (btw that bruise showed up mysteriously and was gone the next day.) also, you're putting blame on the jury, who has to go through hours of deliberation and mounds of evidence. if you weren't there, or you didn't watch the trial, how dare you claim that the verdict was unfair or incorrect. and btw, they awarded amber $2 million for waldman's statement, which i find more than fair. and before you go off on me, IM A WOMAN. i'd withheld my judgment until i heard from both sides in the trial. all evidence suggests that johnny had not been physically or sexually abusive to amber.by denouncing this verdict so vehemently, you realize that it's unfair to the MEN who don't come forward with domestic abuse. it's a two-way street. Women are more likely to be abused, but that doesn't mean that men aren't. if all you heard is the media coverage and the shit amber spewed, of course you're gonna side with her. but i'm gonna fault you on bad logic if you didn't consider the evidence. you can't pick and choose who you listen to. just cause amber's a woman doesn't automatically make her a victim.
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binunus · 4 years
injury | cha eunwoo
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a/n ~im a simp for eunwoo, you’re a simp for eunwoo, let’s be simps for eunwoo~
LMFAO anyway this is the first week w/o true beauty and yes as much as suho’s character was a bit toxic, he was end game and that’s it !! also eunwoo bb worked so hard :’) no one can deny eunwoo’s superb acting skills alright !! and if they do they boutta catch these hands. so here’s a cute little something of basketball player!eunwoo bc im in love with him
pls watch handsome tigers or this tik tok if you wanna indulge in basketball player!eunwoo bc everyone should at least once in their life
→ pairing: basketball player!eunwoo x athletic trainer!reader
→ genre: fluff, lil angst
→ word count: 5.1k ________________________________________________
Your POV
One thing you didn’t expect when you applied to be a student athletic trainer for the university basketball team was to end up dating one of their star players, but here you were: holding hands with Cha Eunwoo–the starting shooting guard–as you two walked into the basketball court. 
He gave you a smile and a kiss to the cheek before going off to join his teammates in stretching. You let out a content sigh, watching as he happily greeted the other basketball players, and then went over to the other student trainers. 
Usually, you wouldn’t have much to do since the boys were just practicing, but there was someone new joining today, so you and the other trainers had to give her a little rundown on what she signed up for. 
“-mostly we just tape up and ice the guys if they have an injury or a muscle strain, but yeah that should be about it. Simple, right?”
The new girl nodded, eyes trained on the court as the team just started their warmups. “Who’s that? Number 97 is hot–”
“And dating y/n.” One of the male trainers, and yours and Eunwoo’s close friend, Rocky said, narrowing his eyes at the new girl as he rested his elbow on your shoulder. “So don’t even think of any ideas to–”
“Rocky,” You scolded hitting his stomach, “Don’t be rude.”
The girl gave you a once over, an uncomfortable smile on your face, as her eyes met yours. “Ah...well, you must have an amazing personality, y/n!”
You were taken aback, did she just call you ugly? You forced a laugh, trying your best not to quip back at her. Rocky, though, had no restraints, “Clearly a better one than yours.”
Before the new girl could respond, the head trainer called her over, a huge sigh of relief coming from you. Rocky clicked his tongue as he stared at her back, “She’s not going to last long with us. I don’t get why you’re so timid when others are clearly insulting you, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes at him. When it came to your friends, it was definitely Rocky and Myungjun who were not afraid to be bold about what they were thinking. “Eunwoo and I have been dating for more than a year now, you don’t think I’m used to people always saying that my boyfriend is out of my league? I just try to ignore it now Rocky c’mon, I know how Eunwoo feels about me and that’s enough.” 
“Damn hyung’s handsome face.” The younger male shook his head. You chuckled, the two of you taking a seat on the bench and conversing as the basketball practice went on. During water breaks, Eunwoo would come over to where you and Rocky were sitting, chatting it up with you two in brief increments before resuming practice. He would always pucker his lips up for a peck before leaving, which you would definitely grant and Rocky would pretend to be disgusted.
By the end of their practice, you managed to successfully avoid the new girl, waiting outside the locker room like you always do after bidding Rocky goodbye. Eunwoo smiled once he saw you, immediately draping his arm around your shoulders as he kissed your temple in greeting. “Baby, I’m hungry.”
“Mmm, you want to eat out or order in?” You asked looking up at him.
“Order in, I’m tired.” He said, the two of you already making your way to his car.
As soon as you two arrived back at Eunwoo’s apartment, he immediately plopped down on the couch. You chuckled, lightly smacking his butt, “Baby, go take a shower first, you’re sweaty.”
“Wanna take one with me?” He asked blinking his big beautiful eyes at you. You grinned, the offer was tempting, but you already took a shower earlier today and you wanted to order this food as soon as possible. Eunwoo pouted as you shook your head in rejection, getting up to go the bathroom looking like a kicked puppy. 
You turned on the television to whatever variety show was on at the moment, barely paying attention as you were looking through the food delivery app on your phone. You turned your head as Bin walked out of his bedroom, no doubt having just woken up from a nap.
“Oh? You guys are back.” He said sleepily, waving to you.
“Binnie, we’re ordering for dinner, do you want something?” You asked offering him your phone, a laugh leaving you at the boost of energy he received from the word ‘dinner’
“You know a way to man’s heart, y/n.” Bin said jokingly as he started looking through the menu. “By the way, Rocky texted me about that new trainer–rude ass bitch.”
“God you guys spread gossip faster than girls.” You said amused, “I told him earlier, I’m used to people saying stuff like that. It’s whatever.”
“I guess, but you know how sad Eunwoo will be if he finds out this is still going on?” Bin said handing you your phone back. “We’ve been telling you this since the beginning, don’t let other people’s opinions get to you. You’re attractive, y/n! And to Eunwoo, you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
You smiled, touched by his words of comfort, “Thanks Binnie, ah where would me and Eunwoo be without all of your guys’ support?”
“Nowhere because he wouldn’t have had the balls to confess to you if it wasn’t for us.” He scoffed heading to the bathroom.
“Change your mind, baby?”
“You better stay in the shower! I don’t wanna see your dick while I’m peeing.”
You laughed at their interaction, your attention shifting to the television as you patiently waited for your food and company. Within 30 minutes, the three of you were happily stuffing yourselves full with the takeout, talking up a storm while watching tv. You leaned back against the couch when you felt your stomach capacity maxed out, hands perched on your belly as you groaned, “I can’t eat anymore.”
They looked at you in amusement, Bin laughing while Eunwoo rested his hand on your knee, a fond smile on his face as he told you he’ll finish up your leftovers. The two boys then got engrossed in their own conversation of sorts, you listening quietly to the side as the food coma started to kick in. Somewhere in the midst of their conversation, you settled behind Eunwoo, legs draped next to his body as you snaked your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. He hummed, still chewing on his food as he took one of your hands and squeezed it. 
You started to zone out, their dialogue beginning to sound like a bunch of nonsensical noise. Bin looked over to where you were laying, “I think y/n’s about to knock out.” 
Your boyfriend turned his body to get a glimpse of you, grinning as you whined from the shift in movement. He changed your positions so that you were leaning next to his side, his arm around your waist as you rested your head on his shoulder. “Food coma?”
You nodded, snuggling into his side to get comfortable. Bin watched the two of you with a smile, scooping up the last of his food before clapping his hands, “Well! you guys being all cuddly is making me miss my bub...so see you lovebirds tomorrow!”
You snort, eyes still closed as you respond to him, “Aren’t they hanging out with Eunbi right now? I saw it earlier on their Instagram story.”
He shrugs, gathering up the trash, “I’m going to crash their hangout because I want to cuddle too. Have fun you two, good night sweet dreams, use protection...or not, be a little spicy!”
Eunwoo rolls his eyes as he picks up a throw pillow and chucks it at his roommate, “Alright bye Binnie.”
It takes all but five minutes before Bin leaves the apartment. The moment you two were alone, Eunwoo immediately tightened his hold, practically pulling you onto his lap as he laid you both down on the couch, spooning you from behind. You let out a smile, hands on top of his as he kissed your shoulder, “You ran a lot today baby, are your legs okay?”
He cutely nods his head, his chin lightly digging into your skin, “My calves are a bit tight, but I’ll probably just roll them out at the gym tomorrow.”
You hummed, rubbing his arm, “Do you want me to massage your legs?”
“It’s okay baby, we’re both tired. I’ll just do it tomorrow.” He said, not wanting to move from the couch any time soon. You chuckled, turning around so that you faced him, your eyes finally blinking open, “If you wait until tomorrow, your calves are gonna be stiff and sore, you might get a muscle cramp. C’mon baby.”
He kissed your nose in response, “You were literally about to knock out from a food coma five minutes ago.”
“The feeling comes and goes,” You grinned, moving to stand up from the couch. Eunwoo pouted at your absence, but followed your movement anyway, taking your hand as you led him to his bedroom. He obediently laid face down on his bed, waiting as you searched his room for the roller stick. “Can we cuddle after?”
“Yes,” You laughed, giving him a kiss before you sat down next to his legs. “Baby, this is your perk for dating an athletic trainer. I need to make sure you’re in tip top shape.”
“But rolling calves always hurt.” Eunwoo whined, already wincing as you started to apply pressure under the back of his knee. You tried to be gentle at first before really going in with stretching his calf muscles, “that’s because your calves are the tensest muscles in the body, they’re put under a lot of strain and pressure from walking and running so it hurts when you try to relax them.”
“I love when you talk medical to me,” He sighs dreamily. You roll your eyes, pressing down hard on the meat of his calves. You felt bad when Eunwoo started letting out complaints of pain, trying to talk him through it and distract him from the pressure on his legs. “Ow ow baby! It hurts!”
“I know I know, almost done baby, I promise.” You said gently, rolling the stick thoroughly over both calves a couple more times, trying to get rid of all the deep knots that accumulated in his muscles. After deciding that he’s suffered through enough with the stick, you put it to the side and began kneading the heels of your palms through his skin, stimulating his muscles gently after the harsh rolling session. Your hands slowly moved north until they landed on his shoulders, briefly massaging the knots out in his neck as well. You ended up laying next to him, cooing cutely as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “all done.”
Your boyfriend smiled, pulling you into his chest as he kissed your forehead, “thank you baby.”
“You better not ask any of the other trainers to do this for you,” You pouted, a little bubble of jealousy coming up from the earlier situation at the gym. “Except Rocky, maybe.”
Eunwoo scoffed, running his hands through your hair as he met your eyes, “I would much rather have you give me a massage than Rocky. And hey, you better not offer this treatment to the other guys too or I’ll get jealous. You’re my trainer.” 
“Deal.” You grinned hugging him tightly, all feelings of jealousy quenched.
Game days always had a specific schedule to be followed. In the morning, you two were free to do whatever you pleased, but it always ended up with the two of you procrastinating in bed until 11 am. Eunwoo always ate a high-protein high-calorie meal whenever he had games and today’s lunch was no different. After eating, the two of you began to get ready, which included showering and getting dressed.
Today you wore a simple set of jeans a black crop top, finishing your look with the university sports quarter zip, which you were required to wear for every game. After tying your hair up, you turned to your boyfriend who was just starting to dress himself. You took a seat on his bed, marveling at how attractive he looked as he slipped on his jersey and shorts. “I’ll never get over seeing you in your uniform, baby.”
He grinned, placing his arms on either side of your body as he hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. You expected it to be short and sweet, but Eunwoo had different ideas, lips still working against yours as your back gave in, laying down on the bed. You whined as one of his hands took place on your waist, rubbing at the exposed skin, “Mm, baby, we have to leave soon.”
“I know,” he said moving his lips down your jaw, “I just wanted to kiss you.”
“You can kiss me all you want after your game.” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso in a hug. He nodded, face buried in your neck as he dug his hands under your body, hugging you tightly. You hummed, caressing his hair soothingly, “Are you nervous?”
“A little, I’m always nervous before a game, baby.” Eunwoo said pressing a kiss to your collarbone, “You’ll cheer me on, right?”
“Always,” You said patting his back, “C’mon, we should start heading out soon.”
He nodded, reluctantly getting off of you and pulling your body up with him. You offered your boyfriend a cheerful smile, reaching up to fix the bangs out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks, shaking his face in between your hands, “You’re going to do amazing today baby, as always.”
Eunwoo smiled at your action, pecking your lips again before the two of you did a last-minute search around his room for your belongings. After getting all that you needed, the two of you bid Bin goodbye, telling the swimmer that you’ll see him at the court later. You took your place in the driver’s seat, wanting Eunwoo to just relax for the short drive to the gymnasium. You dropped him off at the entrance first before going to find parking, having Eunwoo arrive early was more important than your arrival anyway. 
As soon as you walked into the court, the players were already doing their stretches, your boyfriend in the midst of them all. You glanced at him briefly before greeting the other trainers, the group of you having a quick pre-game discussion of roles before being dismissed to do your own things. 
You actively try to avoid the new girl as the time draws closer to the start of the game, not wanting your energy to get dampered. By now, the other team has already arrived and the stands were slowly starting to fill up. You were seated calmly behind the bench, trying to pass the time on your phone, before your boyfriend took the space next to you, hand automatically going on top of your knee. “You ready?”
“As much as I can be,” He grinned rubbing your kneecap, “Wanna come with me to fill up my water bottle?”
You nod, you weren’t doing anything anyway. The male immediately drapes his arm over your shoulders as the two of you walk to the water station, the two of you already getting excited about your dinner plans after the game. The rest of your friends would be joining you, no doubt, as you already spotted them near the front of the student seating. 
You were in such a good mood, anticipating the start of what was going to be a good game. Your university was going against their rivals, so expectations for both teams were high. You and Eunwoo were leisurely walking back to the court, he still had a couple more minutes before he needed to join his team. 
“Hey, you’re Eunwoo, right? I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Hana, the new student trainer. You’re really good at playing!” The girl said walking up to the two of you. You immediately felt your body stiffen at her appearance, trying not to let it show to your boyfriend. He gives the new girl a polite smile, “Ah thank you.”
“If you need anything, I’ll be more than happy to help you.” She said batting her eyelashes sweetly at him. You pursed your lips tightly, jealousy easily building up inside of you. Eunwoo only laughed awkwardly, “I appreciate it, but y/n’s got everything handled when it comes to me, right baby?”
You nod, trying your hardest not to punch Hana in the face at her blatant attempt to flirt with your boyfriend right in front of you. Eunwoo noticed your discomfort immediately, removing his hand from where it was interlocked with yours before slipping it around your waist, squeezing the skin gently. “Well, it was nice meeting you Hana, but I should go back to the team...I’ll look at you when I need good luck, baby, hm?”
You manage to crack a smile, a little laugh leaving you when he puckered his lips out for a kiss. You step on your tiptoes, granting his wish quickly, before pushing him out towards the court. You turn towards Hana and give her a forced smile before searching for Rocky. 
You weren’t surprised to find him in the bleachers, sitting and chatting amongst your group of friends. You go and join them with a light feeling in your chest, greeting the other four of them with hugs.
“How are you doing y/n? You excited?” Jinjin asked as you take a seat next to him.
“Yeah! I mean the guys have a really good chance of winning this one, it’s gonna be a good game.” You smiled clasping your hands together. Rocky only scoffed as he pointed at you, “Bitch, I saw Hana approaching you and Eunwoo hyung, spill.”
You throw the younger male a joking glare, “Nothing gets past you, huh?”
Bin immediately cringed at her name, hand palming his forehead, “Oh God, what did she do?”
You shrugged passively, “She just introduced herself to him and said that if he needed anything, she’ll gladly help him or whatever.”
The boys groaned in response, Sanha reaching over Jinjin to tap your leg, “And? What did hyung say?”
“He let her down gently and said that he goes to me if he needs anything–”
“As he should!” Myungjun said indignantly, crossing his arms in annoyance. Jinjin only nodded, “Good boy.”
“If she even tries to homewreck y/n, just say the word and I’ll scream at her!” Myungjun said in all seriousness. You laugh at his claim, “thanks guys, but I think Eunwoo made it pretty obvious to her so it’s fine.”
The youngest sighed giving you a pout, “You’re too nice, y/n.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Rocky said agreeing with Sanha, “If I was you and someone was flirting with my partner, I’d clock them right in the face.”
“Hey, I wanted to–”
“You should have,” Bin sighed, “What a shame, maybe next time.”
“I usually don’t advocate for violence, but I’d turn a blind eye for this, y/n.” Jinjin agreed. You rolled your eyes at them, “You know, as much as I love to sit here and get lectured, Rocky and I have to go down to the trainer section.”
“We’ll see you guys later!” Rocky said as the two of you stand to go to the bench, taking your seats with the other trainers–and as far away from Hana as you could. 
The game was already intense from the tip-off, both sides in a tight match to get a starting lead. The cheers from the stands were just as heightened, giving energy to both sides during baskets or free throws. Their plays started to get rougher from the beginning of the second half, more and more fouls getting called on both teams. 
You and the trainers were busy as well, assessing each player during substitutions and icing whenever they came back to the bench. By the third quarter, your team established a good six-point lead, the energy of your section high from Eunwoo’s back-to-back 3 pointers. 
You could distinctly hear Myungjun’s scream as he shouted Eunwoo’s name, a laugh coming from the bench at his volume. You hid your face in Rocky’s back, second hand embarrassment coming from the two of you at your friends’ loud cheering tactics.
You even spotted Eunwoo letting out a smile as both sides prepared for a free throw, your boyfriend giving a thumbs up to the guys in acknowledgement. His gaze then shifted onto you, your cheeks flushing as he shot you a heart-fluttering wink, a smile gluing itself onto your face.
You watched with pride as his concentration zeroed back in on the game, his team playing impeccable defense as they raced to your side of the court. After a couple back and forth relays, your team was on offense, trying to calm down the tensions as they strategized their next play.
It all happened so fast. The opponents stole the ball from your point guard, commencing a fast break. Eunwoo sped across court, the defense of your team depending on him and another player. 
He followed the instructions of his teammate well, placing his body in front of the opponent as he tried to defend your team’s basket. Unfortunately, the momentum of the other player was too much, both players roughly colliding and falling on the court. 
You gasped in horror, immediately standing up from your seat as the referee blew the whistle to stop the play. Your teeth dug into your lower lip in worry as Eunwoo remained on the floor, clutching his waist in pain as some players and the referees surrounded him. The head trainer jogged onto the court, kneeling in front of Eunwoo to ask if he was okay. 
The gymnasium was quiet, looking on to the scene that was unfolding in the center of the floor. Slowly, the trainer helped Eunwoo stand up, your boyfriend leaning his weight on the male as he limped off to the side, the coach substituting in the other shooting guard in place of Eunwoo. Both sides started clapping in respect, as they always do when someone gets injured during a play. 
The head trainer looked to the group of you, “someone help me with Eunwoo.”
Before you could even respond, Hana beat you to the chase raising her hand, “I can help.”
“y/n,” Eunwoo said, eyes only on you. The head trainer looks between you and Hana, sighing, “Decide amongst yourselves, and fast.”
“It’ll give me more experience-”
“No, I want y/n.” Eunwoo said seriously, not even giving her a chance. The head trainer ushers you over, your feet finally taking a step with the help of Rocky pushing you forward. You accidentally shove Hana out of your way as you approach Eunwoo and the trainer, taking some of your boyfriend’s weight as the three of you walk to the locker room.
Once in the locker room, the head trainer immediately started assessing Eunwoo’s waist, trying to determine whether he needed to be sent to the hospital for a scan. Quickly and quietly, you follow the trainer’s lead, offering your assistance when he needed it. All the while, you hold Eunwoo’s hand as your boyfriend was trying not to think of the pain in his lower back.
“Do you think you can walk, Eunwoo?”
“I don’t know, there’s a sharp pain in my waist if I try to turn my body.” Eunwoo said attempting to rotate his upper half.
“No no no, don’t move. Let’s get you to the hospital to make sure there isn’t anything broken.” He sighed taking out his phone to call the medical team, “y/n, I’m sure you’ll be accompanying your boyfriend. Text me Eunwoo’s updates, okay?”
You nodded, briefly leaving Eunwoo’s side to gather both his and your things. Within the next five minutes, a group of EMTs entered the locker room, lifting Eunwoo onto a stretcher and rolling him to an ambulance, you following closely behind. 
You didn’t say much on the way too the hospital, your mind too preoccupied with worry and thinking about the worst-possible scenario for your boyfriend. Even when you arrived at the hospital, Eunwoo was immediately whisked away to get some scans and X-rays done, you being escorted to the waiting room in the meantime. It seemed like forever until a nurse approached you, leading you to the room where Eunwoo was being held. 
You let out a sigh upon seeing him, almost being moved to tears as he offered you a smile, “You’re smiling? Cha Eunwoo, I oughta–”
“Baby, I’m okay.” He chuckled lightly, hand outstretched to meet yours. You frowned, putting both of your bags down to the side as you took a seat by his bedside, “Are you okay? What did the doctor say? I need to update the trainer and your coach too.”
“Nothing’s broken,” He said first, attempting to ease some of your anxiety. “The doctor said I had a nasty fall that bruised my coccyx so there’s a lot of inflammation to the area. They gave me some pain medication so I don’t really feel anything right now, but I should be discharged tomorrow. And then he gave me a referral to a chiropractor who I’ll see in about two days. But baby, I’m okay, promise.”
“You can’t play though,” You said softly, hands fiddling with his fingers, “I feel like I’m more upset than you.”
“I played hard today so I don’t regret anything.” He said simply, “it sucks that I couldn’t finish the game, but injuries are a part of being an athlete, you know that baby. Besides, from what the doctor said, I shouldn’t be out for too long, maybe just a game or two. I told him I’m in especially good hands because you’re gonna take care of me.”
You said nothing, still not fully believing that he’s taking this situation so well. “Baby...give me a smile, hm? I’ll feel much better if I see you smiling.”
Mustering up the brightest smile that you could, you finally looked up at his face. His features only softened, knowing that you were trying your best to stay strong for him, “Are you still worried?”
“Baby, you’re in the hospital.” You said as if stating the obvious, “How could I not be worried?” 
“You’re so cute being all worried about me,” He teased squeezing your hand. You scoffed, finally easing up a little at his flirting. “You laughed! I heard you laugh just now!”
“You’re annoying,” You said as you took out your phone to give the head trainer updates on Eunwoo’s condition. After you pressed send, you immediately received a call from Sanha, “Hello?”
“Is Eunwoo hyung okay?!” “Is he dying?!” “Eunwoo no he’s too young to die!”
You flinched at their loud volume, turning your phone on speaker so that you and Eunwoo could both respond to their chatter. “Guys, he’s not dying.”
“I’m okay,” He laughed taking your phone. “Hold on, did we win?”
“Are you fucking serious? That’s what you wanna know?!” Myungjun scolded into the phone. You chuckled, the guys talking over each other again as they announced they were on the way to the hospital. “They never said if we won or not.”
“I guess you’ll find out when they arrive.” You said, patting his cheek as you stood, removing your sweater. “Do you want some water, baby? I could go get some.”
He shook his head, puckering up his lips for something else. “Please? I’m injured.”
“You’re going to use this to your advantage, aren’t you?” You asked leaning down to grant him a quick kiss. “Maybe.”
After handing Eunwoo his phone, you went to the bathroom for a little bit before coming back and taking a seat on the hospital bed that he so highly encouraged. “If we get scolded by the nurse, I’m blaming it on you.”
“It’s not like you’re laying in bed with me, baby. We’ll be fine.” He said putting his hand on your thigh. He rubbed your cloth of your jeans gently, thinking to himself as you responded to messages on your phone. “Baby, you know I love you, right?”
You made a sound of confusion, looking up from your phone and meeting his eyes, “Hm? Of course I do. I love you too. Why, all of a sudden?”
“Just, when Hana was talking to us earlier and when she volunteered to try and help, I could see that you were uncomfortable.” Eunwoo said gently, “It annoyed me too, to be honest. Like what else did I need to do to show that I’m dating you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” You said stroking his hair, “I’m used to people thinking that they can steal you away just because they’re prettier than me or more handsome than me or whatever. It doesn’t bother me that much anymore, baby––and it shouldn’t bother you too.”
“That’s so fucked up, y/n, how can that not bother me?” He frowned. “You are the most attractive person in my eyes, baby. If anyone pulls this shit again, I swear I won’t let it slide.”
“I know,” You said quietly, kissing his cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Eunwoo said, “I don’t want you to ever forget that y/n, you’re mine and no one can do anything to change that.”
“Mmm, I’m lucky that you and the guys always defend me, aren’t I?” You lightly smiled, “God, you have no idea how many times Rocky cursed Hana out in the past week.”
“As he should,” Eunwoo nodded kissing the back of your hand, “see, this is why they’re my friends.”
“Speaking of our friends.” You said looking at the door, “I can hear them coming.”
Your boyfriend chuckled, both of your attentions at the door, which shortly was opened by five boisterous guys. The sound in the hospital room suddenly increasing tenfold at their appearance, all five of them crowding and fussing around the bed. You giggled, sharing a look with Eunwoo as the guys started talking all at once. He grinned, listening until the end of their rambles. Although he was injured, Eunwoo noticed that he couldn’t be feeling any happier. He had no doubt that he would have a speedy recovery, especially if you and his best friends were right by his side. _______________________________________
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willowisbunger · 3 years
God Im Sorry (A tapeworm clef fanfic)
Before we begin. This is all for jokes. I am so sorry for anyone who has to read this. Its also just a draft and will be complete at some point. For now enjoy what little I give you.
You find yourself resting on the couch of your dearly beloveds bed quarters. You scroll through your phone looking fondly at old text messages of when you and your husband to be's first text messages. All the ridiculous nicknames you two exchanged, all the flirting, photos, and various other things you two have sent to each other over the years. You couldn't help but giggle. You find it hard to believe this all started cause you decided to help some weird blonde guy with a ukulele out with his broken leg.
You two have been dating for almost 8 years and two months ago, the man, Dr. Alto Clef. He took you on a date. Just a nice simple stroll around the woods, which ended in a nice picnic by a river. In which you saw the man you have fallen head over heels for, get down on one knee and began plucking at the strings of his ukulele. Singing a sweet melody like a song bird in the spring, before pulling out a wedding ring and asking those simple words of "will you marry me". Your heart flutters with glee as you chuckle. You feel giddy and so over joyed with happiness. Right as your giggle fit calmed down you heard the front door open, and there stood your beloved. With a wide grin on his face as he held some folders in his hands. He had a doctors appointment that day since he had been feeling strange. With his face showing his usual bright beaming smile and his three beautiful eyes showing their usual mischievous gleam, it was clear that he was in more than perfect shape.
"Heya there pumpkin. I'm home. And I've got some great news." He spoke in a raspy slightly southern voice. At first it was grating on ya, but now its like all your favorite songs combine into one incredible tune. "Welcome home sweetheart!" You chirped as you ran up to your beloved teddy bear to give him a quick peck to the lips as you hugged him close, "What's the good news teddy? I can tell from that big dumb grin of yours ya got somethin real good to tell me. What did the doctor say?" You said as you affectionately pinched his cheeks causing him to laugh as he took both your hands to hold. "Well besides me being fit as a bull. Looks like I'm gonna be eating for two from now on."
You blinked and tilted your head in confusion, slowly processing the information as you stepped back a lil. "How? Babe I never top and we always use protection. Who-" "Oh no pumpkin. I ain't pregnant" He interrupted, chuckling as he ruffled your hair. "I got a tape worm. The doc took some sonograms of my stomach to see if there were any issues and yeah, there's a lil fella in there. Look." The blonde handed you the folder, which you opened and began reading through and your face turned pale at the sight of the tape worm in the photo of an ultra sound. You gagged a lil as you shoved the folder back into clefs arm. "Babe that's not okay!!!! That's a parasite!!!! Its gonna just keep reproducing and shit and its gonna fuck up your insides." You said quite loudly, usually you were quiet but this, this was making you quite distressed. Your fiancés face turned from a smile to a disappointed frown "I thought you would've liked clef junior....".
You stood baffled at the situation before you. Your dearly beloved, just, accepting and seeming to be happy about the fact he has a god damn TAPE WORM living inside of him. You've seen some shit in your days working for the foundation. A sheet of music that makes people go bonkers and try to bleed, Kondraki -clefs ex- ridding on god damn 682, and other shit that would boggle anyone's mind. But this. THIS RIGHT HERE. Just.... Leaves you speechless. "Pumpkin?" the third eyed man spoke in a concerned tone, which rarely came from him. "Are you okay?" You held your head in your hands as you sat back down on the plush couch and just took a deep breathe, and just as quickly as you sat down you sprung back up, grabbing your jacket and zipping it up. "Babe.... I just.... I need a moment.... I'll be out for awhile.... This is just, strange even for you and I need a moment to think about this." You sped walk past your -potentially ex- husband to be to the door. You shut the door, seeing Clef's face look uncharacteristically sad at you. It hurt you a little to leave your teddy bear like that, but you still needed time to just, think and process this whole situation.
You leave the housing area for researchers and quickly the site as well. You hail a cab and as soon as you enter the bright yellow vehicle you tell the faceless driver to "Take me to the nearest motel." Which he happily complied especially with the hefty tip you gave him. You just, Needed awhile to think and god knows how long that could be so you may as well rent out a room away from that hell site foundation to have a clear mind. After all who knows what might happen. Fucking Dr. Bright could tell you to give it a chance and raise the worm together with your teddy bear or some shit. You never know with this job and the people you worked with. While in your thoughts you rented out a room, room 105. Great another reminder of your hell job, even though it was just the simple numbers of 0 and 5 you can't help but be reminded of your faceless higher ups and the fact you work for them.
You found your room and quickly made your way inside to flop down on the bed, beforehand making sure to put up the "Do not disturb" sign and locking it. You burried your face into the hard cheap pillows of this motel, missing the one you had back at your place with its soft textures and the scent of your beloved.... Which once again brought you back to the worm. That fucking worm. Why the hell was your husband so keen on keeping it? He's at least some form of scientist he should know that tape worms are a dangerous parasite that affect your health. You stare up at the popcorn ceiling just, trying to wrap your head around WHY. Why would your partner; your future husband; the one who knows everything about you and you know everything about them.... just why are they keeping the tape worm?
You of course knew the stuff your teddy was known for, sleeping with that statue after a date, killing a dangerous reality bending child, father to 166 (who you were honestly happy to take in as your new step daughter). Out of everything. The tape worm makes you break. Makes you rethink your relationship with the man you've been dating for years at this point. All you can do at this moment is sigh, hearing the phone in your coat pocket buzz. You pull it out and set it to "do not disturb" as you set the device aside on a night stand. "Maybe I should sleep it off. Maybe I'll have a clearer mind then...." You say to yourself as you threw your coat off and roll onto your side. Feeling uncomfortable in your current clothes but you didn't pack a bag so, you just ignore the discomfort until eventually.... You drift off to sleep. The shallow hum of power surging through the building and the busy city outside envelop you as you feel unconsciousness take over.
While in your state of unconsciousness you hear a silky smooth, deep yet gentle voice speak to  you. "Y/N... Y/N its time to wake up Y/N". You slowly awoke, opening your groggy eyes, what laid before you, you didn't know. They had a handsome chiseled face, comparable to the statues found in ancient Greece with even a similar tone of white marble. They had thick luxurious hair that went down to their waste, rippling muscles that went down both torso and back.... They were ungodly white though. And didn't have legs. You stared at the bottom half and slowly processed what you were looking at..... A fucking tapeworm man. A fucking humanoid tape worm what the fuck. "Im going back to bed" You said as you laid on your side, and tried to ignore the hallucination.
The tapeworm creature, slid over you just to get to the side you were facing. You shivered feeling it’s disgusting body wiggle about. You close your eyes tightly as you did your best to ignore it. You could feel yourself holding back even more shivers as you felt their cold hands touch your face. “Y/n…. Look at me…. I just want to talk.” “And I just want to be left alone and not think about tapeworm men trying to seduce me while I’m contemplating breaking up my engagement.”
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bakusdumptruck · 4 years
Bakusquad Crack Post
Sup bitches 🤩how’s your day been? hope its been good! Anywayyy i was listening to a “Rolling joints with Sero Hanta” playlist and this popped up in my mind sooo here’s a little Bakusquad scenario 😏
Pairing: aged up Bakusquad x GN Y/n
Warnings: Use of marijuana, swearing, injuries
Summary: A smoke session with the babes turned into a chaotic mess 
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Ights sluts lets get into it 😈
Sero Hanta is the stoner of the group. Period. 
He taught everyone how to roll up just incase he was too high to function and wanted to smoke more
One night he texted the gc asking if everyone wanted to have a smoke sesh before they had to study for exams 
You all agreed and went over to his dorm together
All except Bakugou.
He called all of you “idiots” and “dumbasses” for getting faded before studying, but all Sero had to say for him to come was
“Ight bakubro, if you can’t handle it you could’ve said that instead of making excuses 🤷🏻‍♂️”
Bakugou showed up within 5 minutes.
Once everyone was together, tape boy had everything set up
There were 4 joints lined up, hella snacks, drinks, video games, and movies
He even had the LED a n d Galaxy lights on
Lordy it was gonna be a long ass night
You know how I said Sero is the stoner? yup uhuh he got the MF GAS.
The rotation was Bakugou, Kiri, You, Mina, Denki, then Sero
You all have a high tolerance so after you saw Bakugou coughing up a fucking lung, yall knew you were in trouble
Everyone coughed... except Sero. He just busted a lung laughing💀
So the joint is finished and you’re all feeling fuzzy
yes you’re high, BUT its not enough to get you guys staring at the wall thinking about space and aliens
Just high enough where time is slowed down and your body feels light
Denki randomly shouted to play video games and everyone agreed
Guess what you’re playing 👀
Ju-on. The fucking grudge game. 
Why did Denki choose this game? oh he just wanted to see if it’d be a scarier experience if you’re all faded
It was 😃
Kiri volunteered to play the first stage to show off his Manliness 😤
So there he goes walking into the abandoned building 
yall know how you can use another wii remote to trigger jumpscares? 
yeahhhh Kiri didn’t know about it... and Bakugou was in charge of that
Everyone was chillin, lowkey feeling at edge to prepare themselves for anything about to pop up
Here comes the scene where he opens the door and scary bitch is on the other side waiting to grab him 
K: “Uhhhh this doesn’t feel right... am I supposed to go this way?
B: “No shit dumbass, its telling you go that way isn’t it? What are you scared or something 😏 I thought you were too manly for this game”
K: “I-I’m not scared... just making s-sure.”
M: “Hehe you’re stuttering kiri”
K: “...I’m just cold”
Right before he grabbed the door handle (I kinda forgot how the game went oops 😅) bakubitch tiggered a jumpscare
K: “Okay here I g- what the fuck 😃”
It didn’t work.
K: “Oh that wasn’t too bad! The games gonna have to try harder if it wants to scare m- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS THAT”
Scary bitch popped up outta no where and grabbed him
Kiri accidentally punched Denki in the face 🙃
yeahhh so thats how the game ended 😭
Denki was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell just happened and why everyone was laughing at him
D: *in his head* “I just got punched square in the face 😃 and they’re laughing at me 😃 This is fine. 😃”
K: “B-bro are you okay 😭 iM sorry AHAsh its- its just everyone was screaming and AhahhAHAHA IM SORRY 😭”
Sero let him start the second rotation as an apology for laughing instead of checking up on him 
Honestly yall don’t know if you can go on to the third
Everyone was hella faded at this point
Eyes red, dry mouths, and hungry stomachs
Mina ordered TacoBell knowing everyone was gonna want to eat more than the snacks and you all sat on the floor munching away
You all started talking about stupid stuff:
S: “So like... what happens when we get scared half to death twice”
M: “👁👄👁”
B: “👁👄👁”
D: “👁👄👁”
Y: “👁👄👁”
K: “👁👄👁”
D: “I’ve been scared half to death multiple times... im fucking immortal.”
After a few more high conversations Mina suggests to make tiktoks 
Have yall seen the tiktok where Mina and Y/n do the trend where they wink at the camera and all the boys are watching and Baku comes up to kiss Y/n? 
yup you do that BUT
When Bakugou grabbed your cheeks and went in for the kiss he missed and fell flat on his face 💀
*Cue everyone falling on their asses crying*
Best believe the tiktok went viral 🤩
After the third joint yall decided that the room was too suffocating and went out for a walk 
It didn’t seem like a bad idea... until you all got outside
Denki and Sero were singing “Milkshake” at the top of their lungs while wall twerking on the trees
Kiri and Bakugo were racing to see who’s the fastest but kept tripping over their own feet
You and Mina were recording everything those dumbasses were doing.
All of a sudden yall found yourselves in a clear area a bit far from the dorms
Bakugou laid in the grass staring up at the stars and you all joined getting into a little cuddle pile
At this point the effects of the joints hit at once and everyone was out of their heads
They felt like their spirits were floating out of their bodies
M: “...did you guys hear that”
All: “yes”
M: “should we go check it out?”
B: “Hell yeah. What if it’s a villain? I bet I can beat their ass in less than a second”
Y: “First, thats literally impossible. Second, We can barely fucking move. How do you expect us to fight a villain 🙂”
A Nomu popped up in front of you
D: “Uhhh aye Bakubro... you think you can beat his ass in less than a second?”
Y/n: *shoots up on their feet then falls over immediately* “DAMNIT I CAN’T STAND UP STRAIGHT WHAT DO WE DO”
Everyone started to use their quirks
Sero shot tape to the nomu
Denki sent 1 millions volts
Mina just kept shooting acid out
Kiri hardened up and threw punches like his life depend on it
Bakugou was screaming “die” and kept exploding shit
and You were also using your quirk to the best of your ability
K: *heavy breathing* “guys... i think we got it”
B: “Ofc we did... we literally went bat shit crazy on it”
When the smoke cleared it was still standing in front of you guys... unharmed...
you all started running back to the dorms
well, tried running back to the dorms
Everyone was bumping into each other and tripping
Denki ended up facetiming Aizawa in hopes that he would help
A: “Denki, its 4am what do you w-”
A: “... did you say you were high?”
The nomu caught him.
A: “Denki... Kaminari... hello?... *sigh* you guys are gonna be the death of me.”
You all ended up getting knocked out by the nomus and taken to the League of Villains hideout 
B: “...Never thought i’d be here again”
S: “ I still have the last joint in my pocket... ya’ll wanna smoke?”
Dabi and Shiggy stared at him like he was crazy but agreed anyway 🤪who’s gonna pass up a free joint? not them. 
So everyone got high again and chilled until the Pro Hero’s saved your asses :)
Oh and also don’t think Aizawa let you guys off the hook. 
You all got house arrest and extra BRUTAL lessons for the next 2 months 
The End :)
Yeahhh idk what this was but I hope you all enjoyed it!! I really wanted to write something angsty but as I was writing I couldn’t take myself seriously and ended up making jokes 😭
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 3 years
I missed my full recap last game because I was at the game watching LIVE but I’d feel weird if I didn’t keep it going, SO IM GONNA DO IT. Even though I am le tired
USWNT v Jamaica
Franch - I love her with my whole heart. She didn’t have to do too much. I’ll take it. I’m glad she’s back in camp
Abby - like I said before. Weirdly shaky. Not bad. Just more bobbling of the ball and back on her heels? I have no idea.
Tierna - so calm. So composed. COOL AS A CUCUMBER. The center backs didn’t have to do too much but I’d say she did enough to make her case as to why she should be playing more.
Sonnett - I talked her up all first half and then the second was pretty meh. She seemed to get in her own head after the defensive error which is a bummer. But as far as defenders go, she was doing the most running. Truly end line to end line. I thought she linked up with Rose and Midge SO well. And her and Kristie have a good passing connection as well. OH. And she had some nice crosses
Crystal - what can I say besides solid fucking half because Crystal Dunn is a consistently AMAZING player. Her one perfectly timed slide in the box was 😍
Lindsey - I mean, I’d prefer if she wasn’t the holding mid because it’s a more boring position for her. But she’s p damn good at it. Her passes were slightly off today but still solid game. Its just annoying knowing what she could be doing if she didn’t have to hang back so much
Cat - a quieter game for her. Would have preferred her at forward personally, but she didn’t have a bad game. Just not a stand out one. She had some crafty passing in and around the box that hit some deflections but the idea was THERE.
Rose. Oh sweet Rose. She was KILLING it until she went down. Despite only being in 30 minutes, the impact she had. I mean, come on. Hope she’s okay and stays healthy. The towel girl business is not for her. **side note, Lalas was blaming that one reckless foul on Sonnett but it was DEF Rose. She WRECKED that girl 😬
Sam - Sammy came right in, no warm up and was SO. GOOD. She is totally in her element and after listening to her talk about her being an alternate in 2016 and now being such a key player for this Olympics is so crazy. She deserves this. She was alllll over the field and her vision to get that assist to Alex. Perfection.
Kristie - so so happy to see her go in. Her corners and free kicks are lethal. She wasn’t as quick and sharp as we’ve gotten used to but I’m fully okay blaming the late game and all of that fucking tape holding her hamstring in place. There were a few near sister connection goals which would have been sweet. And when she screamed for that one ball from Sonnett and it came just a touch late and off... coulda shoulda woulda been a goal
Andi - wish she had more minutes. She keeps getting called in and there’s not a lot of time to see what she can do. I thought she played physical and solid for the time she was in
Carli - scored that goal! She sure did that! It was a sick set up and a beautiful ball in from Rose and she was in the perfect spot. Good for Grandma!
Alex - not a lot to say. She let that one ball roll through and had a good opportunity. And her finish was awesome! But I forgot she was out there most of the second half oops
Lynn - honestly didn’t get much of an opportunity to do things because the ball just wasn’t on her side. She was instrumental to getting Sam the ball for the assist to Alex so big positive there. Didn’t get to see speedy runs from her. But tbh, after sitting in the bench and coming in after 10 pm, I don’t blame her for being tired
Sophia - did fine. I think she’s an amazing player. Has she settled into international level pace? Not yet. She has moments of brilliance but I swear to god she watches and waits for the ball to come to her and when it gets intercepted I just about lose my mind.
Christen didn’t have an overly eventful game. But when she had the ball, she was making a difference. Drawing the PK so strategically, tucking her shoulder underneath to make sure she was in front of the defender so it was an actual push? Genius. And the assist to Midge? And those were just the goal opportunities moments for her. She’s just the best.
And MIDGE. She’s making damn fucking sure Vlatko has her on that roster for Tokyo holy shit. The work on offense to keep and shield the ball, to work with her mid and defender to open things up, the crosses, the runs, the GOAL. This is Midge’s best national team showing so far for sure. It was beautiful to watch. And defense was uneventful but she held it down there too. YOU JUST LOVE TO SEE IT
I’m gonna go pass out now. Can’t wait for Wednesday
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