#but boy was everyone ready to ruin their life over it; and they act like it's water under the bridge that they jumped on the wrong person
riaki · 6 months
i literally cant stop thinkin’ about highschoolbully!gojo who used to be your ride or die ‘til he started getting attention from those popular jock type guys who are always assholes to everyone. and him being.. well, him means he preens under attention no matter who it’s from, so naturally he started to gravitate towards that group and their little troop of cheerleading fangirls. and then he started distancing from you and without either of you really realizing it, you’ve slipped between the other’s fingers. but the way he acts towards you makes you think he let you fall without moving a muscle to slow you down.
soon enough, a year swings by and by the end of it he’s gone from your life, save as just another face in the gaggle of boys who make crude jokes and laugh at smart kids and pop milk cartoons during lunch just for the hell of it. but you’re minding your own business, ‘cause you’re mature enough to realize that people come and go, no matter how close you might’ve been and you think it’s unfortunate that so many memories could be thrown aside in a blink of an eye, but it makes a lot of sense when you walk past satoru and his friends bullying some random kid. you don’t know him, but you’ve heard enough to realize it’s his girlfriend satoru’s flirting with while his ‘gang’ kick at the kid. and it’s sickening, but you don’t say anything when you walk by.
and when you don’t ever see the kid afterward and catch the dark eyebags under his girlfriend’s eyes, you come to the cruel realization that satoru isn’t the boy who’d bandage the scrape on your knee you got from tripping in the playground or buy you a soda because he’s noticed your sweat when you were walking home and you don’t have any money left on you.
it’s a glass half empty, half full type of situation. on the one hand, you don’t have him anymore. on the other hand, you don’t have him anymore. that is, you lost your best friend, but you’ve also lost someone who has the potential to absolutely ruin your life. and you don’t know whether to be glad or not, so you just mind your own business even if it hurts a little when he ignores you, stops tossing paper at your head in class (unless it’s to embarrass you) and stops walking you to and from school.
but the cherry on top of the shit cake is that he doesn't get it. so when he approaches you in the library one day after satiating the need to tear pages from books and make them into paper airplanes to throw at people, he doesn't seem to understand why you try to ignore him, or put off his attempts to hold a convo. but the worst part is that he's just sleazy and clueless about it. it's like he took an eraser and wiped every single year of your friendship off the chalkboard with one fell swipe, and you wish he'd done that too to the less-than-appropriate messages he and his friends had written towards one of your classmates.
he doesn't understand why you're hesitant to talk, and that's what makes it the worst. he always thinks he's in the right, and he keeps setting you off and it sucks that he knows exactly what sets you off. "i'm an asshole? what're you talking about? really, you're in over your head. you never change." he laughs, and you ignore him, and he gets bored, and he's about to leave when he spots your wallet open next to your book, on the table. there's a polaroid peeking out, and he recognizes the tufts of white hair to be him. but there's a weird feeling in his chest, and he thinks he gets it from you, so he leaves because he thinks you're weird.
and it goes on; you practically become a nobody in satoru's eyes, because of that weird, weird feeling you give him. it's unfamiliar and he's never gotten it before and he doesn't like it. but it's unavoidable when your professor pairs you two for the end-of-term project. and of course, you're ready to do all the work, because that's how it always was between you when you were kids. but sometimes he'd surprise you by helping, and he'd show you that he was actually intelligent just to earn your praise because he liked it. but he ignored you, and you did everything, and it would've been okay if not for his friends egging him on to present your entire project when the day came and leave you with no content for a grade.
that's the first time it hits him: does he really want to do that? but it's not like it'll be the first time; you've always taken the hits for him, because you're naturally smart and you'll pick yourself back up in no time, and you get why he does it, so it'll be okay. so he agrees, and he enjoys the time he gets to spend with you through it, but the nagging weird feeling that blooms in his chest like a pesky weed only grows stronger. that's all his feelings ever seem to do around you.
but before you know it, presentation day swings around. you had coffee this morning (on his card), and you're ready enough to shoot him a small smile that sends his heart a-flutter. so you go up, feeling up to the task and ready until— he starts talking, and talking, and talking, and people don't think that he's taking your words out of your mouth because he's intelligent when he wants to make you praise him and you don't get the chance to get a word in and you notice the guys are laughing and hitting each other's shoulders to themselves in the upper rows and before you know it it's over. people are clapping but moreso they're looking at you and they're whispering— but it's terribly loud and they don't bother to hide it. they call you things that shouldn't bother you but they do anyway, because it's satoru's fault, and you're such a fool for thinking you could have it your way again.
so you leave class early, excusing yourself and ignoring the way your professor gives you a distasteful look and scribbles something next to your name. you're out the door in a second, neglecting your bags and satoru's a little lost because— didn't he just do good? people were clapping, and laughing with him and not at him, but it's attention either way so he doesn't mind. so why do you? why did you look at him like he stabbed you in the back? and his friends are calling his name, and he wishes he could chase after you and do something but he doesn't.
and it's a little sickening what they do next; one of their girls grabbed your bags and tossed it to them, and they've started rifling through it as if they own it, tearing up your shit and dumping everything onto the ground and he's kind of just... glued to the chair by his feelings. his heart feels like it's been patched together and the weird fuzzy feeling he had in his chest that's been cultivating has extinguished to be replaced with something he realizes he's only ever felt when it comes to you— guilt.
he's so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't realize his friend is silently offering him something— nudging his side to get his attention. he takes it without really realizing he moved his hand, and his silent friend with the gauges in his ears and the dark hair gets up and leaves without another word. when satoru looks down, he realizes he's been given your wallet. "the reward for betraying your baby," they call it. like all you're worth is the money in your account.
he's a little curious. that's how he's always been; asking you questions, rummaging through your stuff, laughing sheepishly and shaking it off when you caught him red-handed. so he opens it up, ignoring your sad little cards and the funny look on your license. he's looking for something, subconsciously; but he doesn't find it. there's no white tuft of hair to suggest his presence in your life; just empty black leather. nothing else.
and he doesn't see you after. or the following day. or the following weeks; weeks that turn into months that turn into the end of school and he's graduating but you're not by his side. and neither are his so called 'friends'; the only thing he has to their name is your own ruined friendship. it's a shame; he feels alone. very alone. no fuzzy weird feeling, not even that thing people call guilt. no attention to chase, and connections are ever harder to make. it shouldn'tve mattered that much, right? it was just a presentation. why wouldn't you just come back to him like you always did? were you not still friends...?
but the blood is still on his hands, and he doesn't manage to ever wash it off. guilt has a way of festering; of weighing on the heart 'till there's nothing left to feel or think but unfortunate circumstance and what could've been done differently. it just sucks that he never tried hard enough to keep you from slipping between his grasp. and now, he doesn't even have a polaroid to your friendship's name.
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
Hey, if you hadn't already done something like this, I was wondering if you'll write Eddie x Popular!Henderson!R, where they're sneaking around behind Dustin's back.... 1. Because Dustin looks up to him and they're friends and 2. She's not ready to let everyone know just yet (wanting to live in ignorant bliss just a little while longer before she falls under scrutiny for falling for "the freak").
And so, when one of her friends decides to hook her up on a date, she can't exactly refuse, so she goes along with it to shut her up, without letting Eddie know, of course. And during a game of dnd, Dustin let's it slip where you are for the night, unknowingly sending Eddie into a spiral, thinking she's cheating and that's why she wants to keep them a secret and after having an internal battle, he cuts the campaign short, surprising everyone, and he crashes her date, with hellfire in toe, demanding answers. And then everyone finds out and she explains blah blah and they live happily ever after. Sorry, this was long xx
This was so fun! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Dustin's friend
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When Dustin said he found a new friend, that was yet again years older than him, Y/N wasn't too pleased. First, it was Steve, and now a guy named Eddie. But when Y/N met Eddie for the first time, she couldn't care less about the age gap between him and her brother, all that mattered was that he was around her age and single.
Eddie still wasn't sure how he managed to get Dustin's hot popular sister to go out with him. Whatever he did, he thanked god for it because having Y/N on his lap with her tongue down his throat was his heaven.
"Missed you so much," Y/N whined, her hips moving against Eddie's as she yanked off his shirt.
"Fuck, I missed you too." Eddie moaned as Y/N sucked down his chest. She left her marks to travel south until she was just above his boxers.
"MOM WANTS YOU," Dustin screamed as he pounded on Y/N's locked door.
"Damn it," Eddie sighed and hung his head.
"BE RIGHT THERE," Y/N screamed back, she sighed and stood up. She handed Eddie his shirt with a sad smile. "Sorry, Eds."
"Fuckers are giving me blue balls. Are you sure we can't tell him? Maybe he'd stop interrupting as much." Eddie glared towards the door. He stood up and threw on his jeans.
"You know I'm not ready for all of that yet." Y/N sighed.
"Fine, I'll go home and finish the old-fashioned way." Eddie joked, smirking as he walked backward to her window, his eyes on her.
"Maybe I'll come over and join you, later." She winked. She kissed Eddie goodbye and waited for him to leave. Then she went to see what her mom wanted.
Y/N knew hiding her relationship with Eddie was hard and tiring. And she felt guilty every time she had to act like Eddie wasn't everything to her. But she was scared. She was scared to take away Dustin's friend, worried she overstepped. She was terrified it would ruin their friendship because of the bro code. And selfishly, she was scared of the damage it would do to her social life.
"I'm telling you, he has been begging me for a date with you. You are single and have no reason to say no." Chrissy whined.
"My reason to say no is that I don't want to," Y/N said, rolling her eyes as she slammed her locker shut.
She whined when Chrissy followed.
"Like you have anything going on tomorrow night, anyway?" Chrissy argued, her eyes taunting.
Y/N technically had nothing going on tomorrow, Dustin and Eddie had hellfire so both boys were busy.
"Stop thinking of an excuse and just go. Then if you hate it, I will never set you up again." Chrissy promised.
"Deal," Now Y/N could get Chrissy off her back.
"We are kicking ass today! I wish Y/N were here to see it." Dustin cheered. Y/N had spent more time watching Hellfire since she had to pick Dustin up anyway.
"Why isn't she?" Eddie asked, he prayed it sounded casual. He read ahead on his notes to look like he didn't care too much.
"On a date." Dustin shrugged, playing his next move. No one had the table had any idea that sentence sent Eddie into a panic. Sweat on his forehead as his leg shook beneath the table.
His girlfriend was on a date, with another guy.
It all made sense, she wanted him to be a secret because she was seeing someone. Dustin knew about the guy, and he couldn't know about Eddie. Because then her secret would be exposed. Like it just was.
"Where?" Eddie snapped, his angry tone had the table looking at him in seconds.
"Enzo's," Dustin said confused.
"Get in the van," Eddie snapped as he grabbed his keys.
The rest of hellfire sat confused as Eddie raced to the restaurant. He was silent but gripped the wheel until his knuckles were white. The boys followed as Eddie stormed out of the van and into the restaurant.
Eddie felt a wave of heartache flood in his chest when he saw her with him with his own eyes. She looked beautiful as she talked about something he couldn't hear.
"Why are we here? Why do you care about my sister?" Dustin asked, but Eddie already was moving.
His heavy boots hit the floor hard, and his hand slammed on the table. The couple jumped and fear showed in Y/N's eyes when Eddie leaned down to her level.
Face to face, Eddie's hard breathing smacked Y/N's face. She twiddled her thumbs nervously as she saw hellfire behind him. Her brother watching with confusion.
"Eddie, what are you doing?" She said through clenched teeth, trying to keep the conversation between them.
"Demanding why the fuck my girlfriend is on a date with another guy." Eddie snapped, his eyes dark as he glared at her. She knew he had every right to be mad, but she didn't want a scene.
She stood up, and Eddie straightened up. His eyes haven't left her, not even glancing at the stranger across from her.
"Can I please explain later? In private." She whispered, her eyes looking over Eddie's shoulder as the boys watched.
"No, I'm tired of this private shit. Explain right here, right now. Or we are done." Eddie threatened. He didn't want to break up, he wished on every star above him there was a way to make this relationship work.
"Eddie please." She whispered, her watery eyes pleading for him to back off until they could talk. "Not right now in front of everyone." Eddie tried to ignore her tears, not letting himself get sucked into her guilt trap.
"Fine, forget it. I'll see you around, Henderson." Eddie said coldly as he nodded and backed off. Y/N felt frozen in her spot as Eddie went out the door.
"Y/N?" Dustin spoke up, his hand reaching towards her.
In seconds she was running out the door.
"What is going on?" the random date asked.
"Shh man," Mike said, sliding into the booth next to him. He pointed out the window, a clear view of the couple. The boys followed, all sitting in the big booth as they stared out the window.
"I'm sorry! I got scared but please." Y/N cried as she tugged on Eddie's arm.
"Scared because you got caught. I can't believe you could do this to me. What about all that love bullshit? This is what you do when you love someone?" Eddie argued, hot tears in his eyes.
"I do love you! Nothing between us is bullshit. Chrissy was on my back for weeks about going on a date with this guy! I never agreed until she said If I went on it, she'd never do it again! I promise you I was just trying to get her off my back. I was going to tell her I hated it and finally have peace of just being with you."
"You know what else brings peace? Finally admitting to other people that you are in love with me," Eddie said sadly, "I'm tired of being your secret. I can't keep doing it."
Y/N sobbed as she reached forward and held his face in her hands.
"I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I'll tell Dustin and everyone. Please just give me a chance to make this up to you." Y/N begged, Eddie sniffled as he looked into her eyes.
"I love you too," he smiled, and Y/N felt relief in her bones. "You took a chance on me, so I'll take the chance on you."
Y/N smiled and leaned forward, Eddie met her halfway and smashed his lips on hers. His hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer.
"Oh my god!" The boys all said at once, the random date was long gone.
"Eddie and my sister?"
"Dude! Eddie is banging your sister!" Mike teased
"Is he touching her ass?" Lucas gasped as he moved closer to the window
"Oh, that is so much tongue." Gareth chuckled.
"Our boy is making out with a popular girl!" Jeff cheered, high fives all around the table, except for Dustin who sat in a state of shock.
Eddie and Y/N jumped as Dustin screamed.
"DUSTIN!" Y/N screamed as Dustin ran straight into Eddie and took him to the ground.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger
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railleriee · 5 months
Hockey Player Suguru
I'm back and hockey player suguru has a mad chokehold on me.
Info: College au, hockey player geto, fem! reader, the reader has a vagina, the reader is referred to as she/her. Lmk if you'd like me to make a more gender neutral one! Or even a part 2 :)
as always, requests are open!
warnings: nsfw, mean! geto, fuckboy! geto, sex, fucking, oral sex, fighting, mentions of blood, etc.
(lmk if I missed anything!)
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Hockey player! suguru 
Hockey player! suguru who’s the captain of the team.
Hockey player! suguru who has every girl's eyes on him. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s the college's notorious “fuck boy”.
Hockey player! suguru who has girls hanging on his big arms when he walks to class. 
Hockey player! suguru who has a girl leave his dorm room crying every night. 
Hockey player! suguru who goes through “girlfriends” faster than he makes goals. 
Hockey player! suguru who has a new girl wearing his jersey every single match. 
Hockey player! suguru who winks at said girl whenever he makes a goal. 
Hockey player! suguru who doesn’t hesitate to throw his hands on the ice. 
Hockey player! suguru who is in the penalty box more than on the actual ice. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s always beaten up and bloody after games. 
Hockey player! suguru who fucks in the locker room after matches. 
Hockey player! suguru who ruins girls for anyone else. 
Hockey player! suguru who asks, “Who are you?” the next day when the doe-eyed blonde who he fucked last night comes up to him before class. 
Hockey player! suguru who laughs in her face as tears well in her eyes. 
Hockey player! suguru who makes a 180 the moment his eyes land on your frame. 
Hockey player! suguru, who’s cockiness makes him think he’d have you all over him in seconds. 
Hockey player! suguru who stands there wide-eyed as you reject his advances. 
Hockey player! suguru who acts like it doesn’t affect him, but oh-boy it does. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s completely off his game next match. 
Hockey player! suguru who can’t get your “i’m good” out of his mind as he misses another easy shot. 
Hockey player!suguru who’s way too quick to throw a punch at his opponent. 
Hockey player! suguru who knocks the guy out cold. 
Hockey player! suguru who has his best friend, satoru, questioning his actions. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s out for the next game. 
Hockey player! suguru who gets mad when he sees you at the next match cheering for the rookie on the team. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s usually kind to his teammates begins to despise the little rookie, picking on him whenever he can. 
Hockey player! suguru who shows up to class one day only to realize you’ve transferred into the same class. 
Hockey player! suguru who makes small talk with you, even when you show your evident displeasure. 
Hockey player! suguru who begins noticing every detail about you. 
Hockey player! suguru who begins slowly bringing you your favorite snacks and drinks to class. 
Hockey player! suguru who all of the sudden needs help in the class, bothering you to tutor/help him. 
Hockey player! suguru who begins turning his life around when he thinks there's a chance he could be with you. 
Hockey player! suguru who stops inviting girls over whenever he wants. 
Hockey player! suguru who only gives his spare jersey to you. 
Hockey player! suguru who personally invites you to matches. 
Hockey player! suguru who notices everyone talking about the newfound “relationship” between the two of you going around campus. 
Hockey player! suguru who's ready to beat the shit out of his opponent who's talking unkindly about you. 
Hockey player! suguru who throws the first punch after he hears the, “I bet she’s easy, think I could hit?” 
Hockey player! suguru who glances up at you from the penalty box with a bloodied smile. 
Hockey player! suguru who takes the degrading as you patch up his bloodied fist and lip in the locker room.
Hockey player! suguru who can’t comprehend your soft hands against his rough ones. 
Hockey player! suguru who swears his heart stops when your plush lips meet his forehead before leaving the locker room. 
Hockey player! suguru who back in his dorm, touches himself to the thought of your hands being so much smaller than his.
Hockey player! suguru who still has girls throwing themselves at him, only for him to reject their advances before going to find you. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s all of a sudden too shy to ask or do anything the moment he’s in your dorm room. 
Hockey player! suguru who renames all your plushies against your pleas stating his new names are “too mean for them!”
Hockey player! suguru who’s so tense and awkward as you pick up the remote and start the movie. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s never felt serious about a girl until now. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s too afraid to wrap his arms around you even as the movie progresses. 
Hockey player! suguru whose face goes red when you lay your head on his shoulder and listens to you gush about the background lore for your favorite character. 
Hockey player! suguru who lets you convince him to stay the night, saying it's “too dangerous for him to walk home all alone at night” back to his dorm. ( It's not even 5 minutes away. ) 
Hockey player! Suguru who you convince to let you paint his nails. 
Hockey player! Suguru who ends up smearing your hard work on his nails! 
Hockey player! suguru who continues to entertain your late-night burst of energy, an hour later his makeup is done and his hair is in pigtails. 
Hockey player! suguru who watches you with pure admiration as you giggle while putting bows in his hair. 
Hockey player! suguru realized he likes you more than he thought. 
Hockey player! suguru who leans in for a kiss when you’re right in front of his face, only for you to pull away. 
Hockey player! suguru who tenses and removes himself from the situation, making his way to the bathroom. 
Hockey player! suguru who takes his hair down angrily, cursing himself out for thinking there was anything more between you two. 
Hockey player! suguru who hears a small knock on the door and a whispered “sugu’” before swinging the door open, beginning to excuse himself out of your dorm. 
Hockey player! suguru who flinches at the sensation of your soft skin grabbing his arm. 
Hockey player! suguru whose eyes widen as your lips gently touch his. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s embarrassed as you explain that you were just startled by the sudden action. 
NSFW below:
Hockey player! suguru who deepens the kiss, before pulling apart, watching as you leave towards the bed, patting the spot in front of you. 
Hockey player! suguru whose once-done nice lipstick is smudged across both his and your faces. 
Hockey player! suguru who soon has you sprawled out on the bed as he laps at your cunt. 
Hockey player! suguru who whines into your clit as you pull at his hair, he’s completely relentless, desperate to get you to finish. 
Hockey player! suguru who drinks your juices and continues to lick and suck even after you’ve finished, driving you to the brink of another orgasm before pulling away. 
Hockey player! suguru who looks up at you through long lashes and flushed cheeks, his head slowly nodding as he whips his mouth as you ask to suck him off. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s desperate to teach you how to suck him off & play with him, guiding your hand over his cock, praising your movements. 
Hockey player! suguru whose grip on your hair tightens as he comes down your throat. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s softening dick gets hard as he watches you swallow what he gave you. 
Hockey player! suguru who prioritizes your experience more than his own. 
Hockey player! suguru who loves when you beg for him to put it in :( 
Hockey player! suguru who takes his time with you, ensuring you’re as comfortable as possible. 
Hockey player! suguru who leaves love marks all over you, also allowing you to leave some on his neck. 
Hockey player! suguru who makes sure you cum before him, whimpering as you ask him to pull out. 
Hockey player! suguru who comes all over your bare chest, picking it up with his fingers and placing it on your tongue. 
Hockey player! suguru who has no idea about proper aftercare and asks you to teach him. 
Hockey player! suguru who enjoys the feeling of you playing with his hair, falling asleep to the feeling after getting the two of you cleaned up. 
Hockey player! suguru who proudly wears your hickies on his neck, a silver chain with your initial hanging from it adorned on his neck the next day. 
Hockey player! suguru who looks for you every match, always finding you in the seats he saved for you, wearing his jersey. 
Hockey player! suguru who’s fallen head over heels for you. 
Hockey player! suguru who wants to fuck in the locker room. 
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damiansgoodgirll · 5 months
hii! love ur works!! saw u were asking for jey requests so here is one :)
can I request a Jey Uso x reader fic where you guys are best friends who have crushes on each other but never act on it in fear of ruining your friendship. and sami and Kevin try to always make the two of you confess but it never happens. and you get badly injured in a match on raw and have to be taken to an ambulance and jey comforts you and goes with you to the hospital and realizes he doesn't want to lose you without telling you he loves you. and after you guys cuddle on the hospital bed and he takes care of you he just blurts it out and tells you he loves you. and you tell him you love him back and its just really cute :) and when you guys come back from the hospital sami and Kevin are happy you guys finally got together and tease you both about it!
have a great day!! <3
i loved this request 🥹🫶🏻 sorry for not including kevin tho…
jey uso x reader
mention of the judgment day x reader
‼️ a little angst, mention of injury
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don’t leave me
you had the biggest crush on jey us. everyone knew it. well, everyone except jey himself.
in your mind, he saw you like a best friend or a sister, not someone he would date. you saw the type of girls he would date and that didn’t include you.
but it didn’t matter to you. you loved being friend with him and the fact that now you were in the same feud against the judgment day together made the things a little more excited.
it was sami, seth, jey and cody against jd, dominik, damian and finn but who was against rhea? it was jey idea to have you on the team and everyone agreed. in sami’s mind it was easier for you to confess your feelings to jey if you were working together practically every day.
you and rhea were friends in real life and she knew about your crush, so the way she constantly teased you and jey on live tv was something that she was doing just to make you jealous and confess but it never worked.
something went wrong one night on raw. you and rhea were supposed to have a match against each other. you knew you weren’t going to win, not against her anyway but you didn’t care. that’s how things were supposed to be and everyone in your team knew it. you just needed to fight in order to creat a mess between your team and rhea’s.
it was supposed to be everyone against everyone and you already saw the boys walking towards your ring when the judgment day come out of nowhere and attacked your team. just like planned.
except, something went terrible wrong.
you were still in the ring with rhea. you were a little too distracted by the chaos that was coming out, from rhea screaming, the crowd screaming, jey screaming, everyone screaming, that you didn’t hear rhea behind you to finish the match between the two of you when she grabbed you and landed you on the ground.
you were distracted. you weren’t ready for that and so you didn’t prepare for the final move. and when it happened you couldn’t move from the ring.
it wasn’t the first time rhea and you competed against each other and everytime you used to smile at her when she won over you. this time you didn’t. that was when rhea knew something was wrong.
your back and neck were hurting, you felt blood coming over your ears and your head was ringing. your vision was blurry and you couldn’t hear what was happening in the arena in that moment.
rhea was terrified but she couldn’t show it. she couldn’t break character so she just took the win and went to damian who was against jey to let him know that something was wrong with you.
damian stopped beating jey the moment he ran on the ring.
everyone stopped.
the arena was on mute.
you were surrounded by medical stuff that were talking to you but you had no idea of what they were saying.
jey tried to talk to you but you couldn’t focus.
“hey hey y/n…” he panicked a little “can you hear me?” but of course you couldn’t answer “c’mon princess…talk to me…” he was about to cry, he didn’t want to break in front of everyone but he was terrified of the outcome.
everyone was worried about you. the judgment day were too - in the end, you were all great friends and seeing you like that made them hurt.
seth was about to cry when he saw you like that. he was the one who trained you when you first joined wwe, you were like a little sister to him.
jey was the one to bring you backstage and into the ambulance that was already waiting for you. the show had to go on but jey wasn’t going to be there.
the ambu rushed towards the hospital. you fainted in jey’s arms before he could get you on the ambulance and he never being that terrified in his whole life.
“please do something for her!” he kept shouting and the nurse had to move him away from your body so they could work on you.
once inside the hospital, it took a whole stuff to keep jey away from the room you’ve been taken to.
“i need to see her! you-you don’t understand…i need to see her, i need to be with her…” he almost cried. he couldn’t handle being away from you, he couldn’t handle you being hurt and in pain.
the doctors explained him that they needed to run a few more tests before they could let him see you. but it took them almost five hours for all those tests and he swore he was going crazy not knowing what was wrong with you.
seth texted him. cody texted him. basically everyone texted him and he had no idea what to say to them.
“you can see her now, she’s, well…she’s not awake yet” the doctor told jey.
“but she will wake up right?” jey almost panicked
“she hit her head very bad while in the ring…we will keep you updated” was all the doctor said before leaving jey alone.
he was terrified.
he needed you to wake up as soon as possible.
he slowly got into your room and he couldn’t handle it anymore. he started crying. he didn’t care if the doctors saw him like that. all he wanted was to hold you into his arms.
he sat next to you and got your small and fragile hand into his bigger one.
“hey beautiful…” he whispered “i know you can’t hear me right now but i need you to wake up, please, for me…i can’t live without you, i may be a little selfish but i need you in my life and i’m so fucking stupid for not telling you how much i love you…” he confessed “i wish i told you sooner…but i was scared of ruining our friendship and i can’t handle not having you in my life. y/n, you gotta wake up…please” he kept begging and he didn’t realise he fell asleep right in the chair next to you.
he was too tired to go back home and in all honesty he didn’t want to leave you.
“jey…” your raspy voice woke him up. he swore he was dreaming but he immediately sat straight when he felt your cold hand on his arm.
“oh my - hey beautiful…” he whispered “you’re awake…let me call a doctor” and with that he was out of the room.
the doctors visited you.
a few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a concussion. it could have been worse.
it wasn’t a secret that you needed to rest and that you would be away from the ring for a few months.
“you scared the shit out of me y/n…” jey said “you scared everyone in the arena…hunter is still waiting news about you…”
“i’m sorry…i guess” you didn’t know what to say. you knew your job was a dangerous job and injuries were normal.
“it’s not your fault, what matters now is that you’re awake and okay, partially okay” he joked making you laugh.
“i heard you jey…”
“what you said…do you really love me?” you asked him.
“fuck…i mean, i do but i don’t want to fuck up our friendship so if you don’t feel the same it’s okay i promise” he started mumbling when you stopped him.
“i love you too” you confessed.
“what?” he was speechless for the second time in just a few minutes.
“you heard that” you smiled.
he felt like he was dreaming “say it again please”
“i love you jey uso” you smiled.
“this is the worst and best day of my life y/n” he said making you laugh.
“you should tell the boys that i’m awake…half broken but awake” you said and jey agreed.
once the news of you being okay came out, everyone was a little calmer.
“you need to rest for a few months and honestly i can’t wait to take care of you baby” jey teased you making you blush.
that night he stayed in the hospital bed with you, afraid that you would sleep and never wake up again. he needed to have you close, he needed to know that you were safe but you knew that his arms were the safest place on earth.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Poly mc: Imagine going to the human world with bros and a bunch of little kids and teens calls poly mc the most ugly person on the street and a fatso, all while laughing.
My friend was called that, and never in my life I wanted to punch a child. They held me back and said it wasn’t worth it.
Fuck them kids and your friend is a better person than me I would’ve helped punch a child- CW: fatphobia / body shaming-
Walking around the human world with your demons is always an…adventure for lack of a better word lol-
Asmo wants to drag you into every little Beauty boutique you pass, Satan wants to take you into every bookstore, Levi the arcade or little comic book shop, Beel every restaurant or café you pass- okay, okay you get the idea, they all want to drag you off and have fun!
But on the nicer days like this~ when the sun is hidden behind some clouds and it’s not too hot, it’s always nice to just go on little walks through the local park together!
It gives the demons a new look on the human world and let’s you show off your hot boyfriends! (Even if nobody’s really looking-)
and you get some much needed human world sunshine! What could be better?-
Until you passed a group of kids at the little play set, the one started pointing and laughing, you can’t hear what the kids are saying yet.
So you crack a joke about the kids being able to tell the boys are demons “Kids can always tell these thing, you know.”
Before laughing and continuing to walk, your group is still out of earshot of the kids but Levi grumbles about kids being dumb and Satan flips them off, Lucifer slaps his hand down, almost immediately, “Satan! Act right, those are children. They don’t know any better.”
Satan grumbles something under his breath.
But all in, all your groups keeps walking getting closer to the little playground and past the laughing kids, “Hey fatso! How much money are you paying to rent these stupid models?” “You know, nobody thinks any of them are actually dating a fat pig like you right?”
To say the demons were ready to punch some children is an understatement-
“Hey, kid c’mon over here fer a minute I just wanna talk.” If the children had any sense they wouldn’t go anywhere near Mammon with that ‘smile’ on his face, Satan isn’t nearly as worry about hiding his true intentions honestly, “I don’t want to talk, I want to punch a child.” Belphie just glares at the children “Tiny humans, really don’t have any manners anymore.”
Asmo looked as if he was in shock before marching up to the children, “Listen, here you brats, because I’m going to give you the lesson your parents never did; Only bitter nasty little humans, judge each other by their looks alone, and only bitter and miserable people decide that everyone else must be. Simply because someone doesn’t fall into your idea of a beauty standard doesn’t mean they’re automatically miserable, or that they’d have to buy love. I’d say you should be you ashamed of yourself but it would be a waste of time.”
Turning on his heel Asmo walks right back over to you, loops your arm through his and starts walking away.
“Wow…it’s been awhile since I’ve seen you get that upset.“ you say a bit impressed “Oh hon, I’m so sorry you had to hear that! But I hate children like that.” He presses a quick kiss to your cheek, and keeps walking.
You turn back to see if the others are following yet, and while you can’t hear what Lucifer or Beel said you can see the childrens faces drop and the two start backing away “What are they doing?…..” you’d almost feel bad, but really the kids started it “Probably just a few empty threats, don’t worry about it sweetie~! Now what should we do when they catch up~?”
The demons aren’t going to let a few nasty kids ruin your whole day after all!!
(Tho if you do want the kids to suffer a bit more Belphie can always give them nightmares- and I’m sure Satan or Lucifer have some ‘lovely’ curses-)
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
Perfect To Love Part 14
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues, language.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 2,848
Part 13 ←→ Part 15
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Neither Alan or Allie fought Beth when she said she wasn’t going to school that morning. After all it was the day before Thanksgiving break so how much could she really be missing? So they both left for work, leaving Beth alone in her bed to stare out at the small inch of snow that covered the earth. It would probably melt and return a few times until winter completely swallowed them whole, but for now she would be heartbroken while the earth froze and for some reason that thought made her somewhat content.
Steve had called Robin in a panic, telling her that he had tried to call Beth only to be told she didn't want to talk to him. Robin had tried to call herself only for Allie to inform her of the same thing. She tried to recall ay moment, maybe something that happened at school that could make Beth shut them out, but she came up completely short. She assured Steve that it could be something else bothering her entirely and she would talk to her tomorrow. But when Beth didnt show up for school Robin found herself worrying more and more that maybe it was something that she did.
“She’s not here” Robin grumbled once she was sat in the front seat of Steve’s BMW his head on a swivel, searching each of the Escorts in the parking lot in hope to find hers.
“Something has to be wrong” Steve finally said and Robin sighed as she leaned back in the seat. She wasn’t used to being shut out.
“Obviously Steve, any clue what it could be?” she didn’t mean to sound so rude but the sarcasm and annoyance was unavoidable while she stressed about her friend.
“Not a thought” he muttered, eyes still scanning the parking lot in hopes she’d appear.
“What’d you do?” both of the teenagers jumped as Dustin appeared in the back seat of the car, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Jesus Dustin, what do you even mean?” Steve asked, a hand over his heart as he tried to calm its pace.
"Beth didn't show up to free period with me and Eddie and she would never miss school. So what did you do?" Dustin accused, pointing at Steve and ready to skin him alive for any wrong doing to his new friend.
"Nothing, I dont know. Me and Robin both called last night and her Mom said she didn't want to talk to us. We're just as confused as you" Steve defended himself but Dustin wasn’t fully convinced.
"Well we better figure it out before she goes to New York for Thanksgiving" Dustin said leaning back in the seat and buckling himself in. Confused looks plastered across both the older friends faces and Dustin almost rolled his eyes.
"She's going away?" Steve started to ask because he felt like this was something he should have known but maybe he just missed it, forgot. No way he could've forgotten.
"Look we'll worry about that later but I have a plan, drive to Beth's" Robin said and Steve obeyed, shifting the car into gear, and taking off down the roads covered in a soft layer of white snow. They all were relieved to see the Escort in the driveway but neither of her parents vehicles.
After a mostly silent ride, everyone experiencing different thoughts over this disappearing act Beth had pulled. Steve racked his brain and hated to admit that his thoughts always went back to Colin. He probably said something and ruined it, upset her, and he was fully prepared to kill him if need be. Robin worried that she got scared, scared of being with Steve, and not thinking she was good enough, and she was ready to prove her wrong. Where Dustin fully stood behind the fact the two idiots had done something whether it was intentional or not.
"So what's this masterplan?" Steve asked nervously, stomach doing somersaults over the fact she was just inside.
"This" Robin said as she grabbed a stack of books from her bag. "It's Beth work for over break, I collected it for her so I had an excuse to come here"
"Genius!" Steve praised and Dustin rolled his eyes. They were definitely both idiots.
"Look give me just a minute and then I'll give you guys a signal to join me" Robin said and they both nodded as she slipped out the car and into the cold. They watched as she stood on the porch, raising a nervous hand to ring the doorbell.
Beth groaned audibly as she heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. Quickly she tugged on a hoodie as she rushed down the stairs to see who from her mothers church group she'd have to turn away. Yet when she glanced through the peephole she was met with her twitchy and nervous friend Robin. Ex friend. "I don't want to talk to you"
"I'm not here to talk" Robin said after flinching from the response her friend had given her.
"Robin, you always have something to say" Beth sighed out, almost so quietly through the door she didn't hear it.
"Beth I have your school work, I'm worried about you, that's all" Robin counter offered and Beth pressed her forehead aginst the door wishing she would’ve just let whoever rang the doorbell go away.
"Just leave it on the porch, please" Beth said sounding a bit strangled from trying to fight off the tears that were burning to come out.
"Beth what did I do, why are you shutting me out?" Robin ignored her request and Steve and Dustin both noticed she was talking to the closed door, only assuming Beth was on the other side.
"Just leave it Robin" Beth finally cried out and Robin sighed as she leaned to set the stack of books at the foot of the door. Steve hit the steering wheel as he watched Robin retreat back to the car and jump inside to escape the cold.
"Let me try" Dustin said, pushing himself out of the back seat before Steve could ask what had happened. Dustin wrapped his arms around himself, the wind pushing his hat back slightly as he approached the door. He was about to ring the doorbell when he still heard Beth's soft cries on the other side.
"Beth, what’s wrong?" he called out and Beth gasped slightly at the sound of Dustin's voice, backing away from the door so he couldn't hear her.
"Nothing Dustin, don't worry about it, please" she called back and Dustin sighed as he tried to keep from shivering in the cold.
"We're all so worried about you" he said and Beth felt more tears burn at her eyes because choosing to leave behind Steve and Robin included everyone else including this sweet young boy who had become such a good friend to her. That thought broke her heart even more as she considered that in the friend divorce they would all get the kids she had come to know and love.
"I know Dustin, and you're the best for checking on me. I just need to be alone" and before Dustin could respond he heard her footsteps rushing up the stairs. The pair in the car watched his shoulders drop as he returned to the car himself after another failed attempt.
"That was a bust" Dustin said as he closed himself into the warmth of the vehicle. Steve's heater working over time. "She ran back upstairs before I could say anything else"
"Robin which room is hers?" Steve questioned and Robin gave him a confused look before pointing to the left window above the canopy of the porch. "I'll be back"
"Wait Steve, dont get hurt!' Robin called after him but he slammed the drivers side door shut while ignoring her. Dustin leaned forward to watch as Steve jogged up the porch. As if he had done this a hundred times before he was swigning a leg to stand on the rail. He used one of the beams to keep balance as he stood up, twisting his body to grip the edge of the canopy, and begin to pull himself up. Steve had always been strong because of swimming and basketball and now he was strong from staying in shape to fight monsters. Thankfully it came in handy as he finally got majority of his body on the canopy and he was able to walk across and face her window.
Before he tapped on the glass he saw her curled in bed, the room dark as she shook with tears and his heart broke. He wanted to know what he had done, what they could do to fix it. Giving in he tapped on the glass just to see her jump before looking at him with a tear stained face. Beth went against her better judgment and stood to open the window. Steve couldn’t help but smile as she revealed herself to him as he sat crouched out her window. "You're gonna get hurt"
"It was worth the risk" he told her and she sighed, using the sleeve of her hoodie to wipe her face clean of tears. "Can I come in?"
"I don't think you should" she responded and he tried to hide his disppoitnent in her response. Sighing he leaned closer into the window, heart accelerating at how beautiful her hazel eyes looked. So clear from the tears she had let fall. Beth wished he didn't look so handsome himself, hair fluffy and lashes covered in soft snowflakes. She wanted to kiss each one of them away.
"Why are you shutting us out?" Steve asked and Beth sighed, more tears fighting to come to her eyes. He wanted to reach out to her, hold her, but he was worried he’d scare her away.
"I stopped into Family Video yesterday" Steve gave her a confused look, clealry recalling she hadn't been there because she had work herself. Then it dawned on him that him and Robin had been talking about her at work, talking about their plan, that she had been using the back door lately. The exact one he knew you could hear crystal clear through because he had done it himself.
“Oh Beth, you don't understand-" but Beth was holding up her hand, stopping his defense because she didn't want to hear anymore bullshit from either of them.
"Did you know Colin told me he had feelings for me?” Steve was confused again as he let these words sink in. "He told me he hated himself for being attracted to me when everyone else bullied me for being ugly and do you want to know what I said to him?"
"What?" Steve whispered, never have seeing Beth this angry before. It was like he had pushed her past the sad part and now she was just frustrated.
"I told him I ended up with you because you got to know me without someone asking you too, and that made all the difference" Steve sucked in a sharp breath as she told him this, realizing that in a way they had done her wrong. The intentions were pure but maybe she was right. Maybe Steve would have never looked at her without Robin asking him too.
"Beth, please let me explain" she was shaking her head and Steve felt his heart collapse because she had already decided he wasn't worth it. Just like everyone else did.
“I don’t need an explanation Steve. I get it. Robin is your friend and maybe you have changed, it’s not your fault you can’t be attracted to me. You were just being a good friend to Robin” Beth said and Steve realized she had it all wrong. Robin may have asked him to spend time with her but falling for her was all him.
“That’s not it” he started to shake his head but the look she gave him made him stop.
“Please, I can’t be hurt by you again. Let me go” and as Steve went to open his mouth and stop her again she was sliding the window close, clicking the lock, and shutting the curtains. He let out a defeated sigh as she completley shut him out and tears began to rim his eyes. He was angry and hurt for her. He thought he had changed but maybe he didn’t because if he did he would've given Beth a chance and not just now but on that first day of freshman year.
Carefully he made his way back down the canopy and onto the porch where he jogged to his car now that he was completley frozen through. Robin and Dustin looked at him curiously as he settled in his seat, cheeks red and bitten from the cold. He took a moment to absorb the heat, keeping his eyes forward because he was pretty sure he was about to cry and he didn't want them to see that. He didn't want to be pitied because this was his karma, he deserved it for being an asshole all of those years. He was no better than his father, Tommy, Carol, or the rest of the assholes at that school.
"Well, did you see her?" Robin questioned and Steve sighed, glancing out the window to blink away the tears that came to his eyes.
"She came to Family Video yesterday" he said but it didn’t occur to Robin as quickly as it did Steve.
"No she didn't we had a dead shift, we spent majority of it putting away tapes and talking" Robin argued but Steve finally turned and gave her a pointed look.
"And what were we talking about Robin?" again she looked confused but then it dawned on her, realization covering her features.
"She thinks I made you do it, and you were pretending" Robin said and Steve nodded as she buried her face in her hands.
"Do what?" Dustin asked from the back seat but he went ignored.
"She's upet because she thinks I was using her and she's upset that you put her in that position" Steve said rubbing his hands together to regain some warmth.
"Oh God, did you try to explain that it wasn't like that?" Robin asked, heart now aching because she truly was the reason her friend was hurt and now she was no better than all those other kids that had hurt Beth all these years.
"Yeah but she didn't want to hear it. She told me Colin admitted to having feelings for her, that he hated himself for feeling that way, and she told him that the reason we ended up together is because I got to know her without someone asking me too" as Robin gasped Dustin started to piece together what exactly they were talking about.
"Robin you made Steve hang out with Beth?" Dustin whispered and they both turned back to look at him, uneasy looks on their face.
"It wasn't like that, I wanted Steve to get to know her and I figured if people saw Steve with her they'd give her a break. We planned nothing else, we swear" Robin told him and Dustin fell back into the seat with an annoyed chuckle.
"She has every right to be mad you guys, you used her. Your intentions may have been good but what if Steve didn't like her, he was pretending the whole time, and she found that out. That is so shitty of both of you. Of you doing it to her and Steve for going along" Dustin said as he began the shake his head, now angry with both of them too.
"I didn't think of it like that when we first planned it" Robin said, tears now rimming her eyes as well because she broke her best friends heart. That was all her.
"You shouldn’t of planned anything, you could've just brought her to movie night with no plan in place and hoped for the best" Dustin said now looking out the window and away from either of them. He had warned Steve not to hurt her and he loved his friends but he began to love Beth too. Now he was going to lose her because all of them were idiots.
"Let's just give her space, maybe when she gets back we can reach out again and apologize" Steve said putting the car into reverse as Robin quietly cried in the front seat. He was trying not to cry himself, driving through blurry vision because he had hurt beth whether he intended to or not and now Dustin was mad at him.
"If it's any consolation Dustin I did fall for her, whether it was intentional or not" he said as he drove in the direction of his house and Dustin just grunted in response because he knew Steve was telling the truth but that didn't change what had happened.
After all how do you convince the girl who thought she could never be loved that you really did fall for her?
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop @a-lil-bit-nuts @i-came-as-bostonian @krazyk99 @thunderstomp-and-tequila @cumslutforaemond @futuristicbirdtraveler @unholyhuntress
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spock-smokes-weed · 8 months
Re: my last post about Judge in my AU and how I imagine his relationship with Sanji.
Sanji having to deal with his narcissistic father coming back into his life right before he himself becomes a father is actually one of the first ideas I got for this AU. I think Sanji would have a massive fear of fatherhood because of who his dad is, and at the start of the story that caused conflict with him and Zoro. But his part story is all about him over coming that and him figuring out how to be a father. And it’s a massive upset to his psyche when Judge comes crashing back into his life and tries to drive a wedge between him and Zoro.
Zoro and Sanji don’t “get together” once they realize Zoro’s pregnant; they plan to just stay friends and they keep their whole “rival” personas. But over the course of the next nine months they both catch feelings and do this long slow burn pining while literally playing house together. There’s this weird space between them of “what are we to each other” and that gets worse for Sanji when Judge re-enters his life. He finds it hard to explain to this man who should be his father that he and Zoro aren’t together, but Zoro’s having his baby and is living with him.
Judge sees this and tries to seize on it. When he meets Zoro, and learns he’s having Sanji’s baby, he’s livid. Not from like a place of parental concern, like some parents might react to hearing their 22 year old son impregnated someone; but because he’s a narcissist and wants control over Sanji. Sanji having his own family with his own kids makes that a lot harder. Having someone who cares about him like Zoro, makes that a lot harder.
He immediately tries to insert himself into the situation. He makes sure to keep calling himself the baby’s “grandfather”, and insisting on the importance of family. Zoro sees through its, especially with how the longer Judge stays, the nastier he becomes to Zoro.
Now there’s also gonna be a big through line of Sanji trying to quit smoking. It’s his own kind of moral quest to devolve better habits because smoking isn’t good for babies or children to be around. But when Judge rolls into town he doesn’t give a shit about the boundaries of others. He lights up around Zoro, and Zoro gives him this look like “can you put that out? Sanji doesn’t want anyone smoking around me. He’s trying to give it up I don’t think he needs you to be doing that here.” and Judge gets into his personal space like “I’m his father, boy. Just ‘cus you spread your legs for him doesn’t mean shit. Don’t act like you can boss me around when it comes to my son.”
After that Zoro and the straw hats try to devise a plan to try to get judge to leave town, cus it’s clear he’s just trying to sink his claws back into Sanji and ruin his happiness. Everyone, even Zeff despite his promise, is ready to step in and make judge leave and never come back. But in the end Sanji does that himself when Judge finally lets slip his true intentions and feelings about Zoro.
This is all just the vibes I have for how I want this arc to go, and I’ll figure out more specifics later. But yea I just wanted to post more of my ideas :3
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Frerard fic recs part two
I have some more Frerard fic recs to share. Part one can be found here. If anyone has any recs I’d love to hear back. Please, as always these are just things I like, so they might not be to everyone's taste. I’m a bit of a fan of slow burn, pining and angst so that tends to pop up a lot. More to come as I’m reading so much lately.
This Tornado Loves You by theopteryx
1933. Frank's been on the run a long time and he's forced to stop in his old hometown. At first things are about what he expects - old friends, unpleasant memories, and a less-than-desirable home life. Everything changes one night when he stumbles on an old hedge maze hidden in the woods. It's not the hedge maze that intrigues him the most, though, but the secrets of the house hidden inside.
his ruins were beautiful by Softlyforgotten
A post-apocalyptic AU. "There's a boy in the next town," Toro says, "but people say he's crazy."
Heaven's Grief= Hell's Rain by Honestmouse
Gerard's your typical college drop out. He lives in his parent's basement. His best friend is his little brother. He has a whole truck load of shit wrong with his head and a past he doesn't want to talk about.
While Frank, on the other hand, isn't quite as average. He's a demon, hundreds of years old. He loves his job, really he does. He's on Hell's Guard, after all.
So, how hard would the world shake if the two meet?
Septicemia by Orphan_account
Gerard keeps ruining things, but he never means it. Frank keeps getting hurt, but he never feels it.
living for the knife By drunkonyou
Ten years ago Frank fell victim to a knife-wielding serial killer and not only walked away with his life, but with a set of comic-book-like abilities that he’s tried to make the best of.
Four years ago Gerard fell victim to that same killer, and not only walked away with his life, but with the inspiration to start a radio show dedicated to the man in the mask who saved him.
Growing tired of his role as New York’s resident vigilante, Frank is more than ready to retire the act — until he discovers that the man who tried to kill him has somehow escaped a life sentence and is now terrorizing Gerard live on air.
Who’s to say history doesn’t repeat itself?
Desecrated Kids by wellthisisprettyrisque (brainwitchletty)
Everyone moves into a new town and thinks it's strange. Stepping out of the car with a weird feeling tingling down the back of your neck isn't actually that unheard of, but finding that unmarked grave in the woods behind your house is.
Frank Iero wonders if his mother moved him here so he'd disappear off the face of the planet, or if she actually wants the body to be found. All he knows is that this town has some horrible things happening to it, and no one seems to care enough to lift their heads and actually see. He has no idea what's going on, and is one of the few people that wants to find out.
Luckily, Gerard is a few steps ahead of him.
24 Frames Per Second - The Belleville Fright Night Experiment of 1984 by Leandra
The 1984-Movie!AU: 1984: With new multiplexes opening up all over America, the run-down Belleville Film Palace is probably the least exciting place to work at for a teenager. Except if you’re a movie nut like projectionist Gerard and his closely knit circle of loser friends. When cocky and confident Frank joins their team as an usher, Gerard really doesn't think he'll stick around. Besides, there's something about Frank that just rubs Gerard the wrong way. Then an unforeseen event threatens the future of the movie theater and Gerard starts to questions things he's always taken for granted…
Remember Me as a Time of Day by cedarbranch
When it came to Frank's senior year of high school, he was prepared for the worst.
But he definitely wasn't prepared for a crash course on the supernatural world, a new school ruled by gossip, or a guy called Gerard with more sadness in his eyes than any living soul could take.
White Scars on the Necks of Teen Angels by wellthisisprettyrisque (brainwitchletty)
In the blazing month of April of 1958, Frank Iero considered himself a greaser punk old enough and wise enough to truly understand just how under appreciated and underestimated he was, as an eighteen year old teen writhing in the black leather world of greasers and subterraneans, freaks and reds. He could think ten more original thoughts by his first lazy jack off in the morning than half these assholes had in the whole damn school year, and Frank knew it.
On the outside, Frank was cool and aloof, and that was how he was meant to be. But inside, he was a god damn fream of a kid who had too many genius thoughts tumbling around than could be healthy. Ignorance was bliss, but Frank Iero? He was wide awake.
Gerard Way was that artsy kid that would have never caught his eye if he hadn't seen the kid walk out of the hospital covered in bruises. But now that Frank knew he existed, he couldn't look away.
I'm Just The Boy Who's Had Too Many Chances by MCRmyGeneral
Gerard knows his town. He knows his school, his classmates. He knows his family, and his dark, isolated room. He knows he's an artist, he knows he loves metal and punk music, he knows he likes horror maybe a little too much. And he knows he's gay, though he's never even whispered it out loud, not with his parents. He knows where he stands, he's got life figured out. High school, then art school, then hopefully comic book writer.
Until the cute new neighbor boy, Frank is thrown into the mix. Frnak also knows just where he stands in life; he's an impulsive little bastard that doesn't care about consequences; he just wants to have fun. Frank is the exact opposite of Gerard; he's not afraid to stand up for himself, he's loud, he's unafraid, and he's openly gay.
Gerard thought he had life all figured out. Then he met Frank. It's safe to say that Belleville, Belleville High, and most importantly, Gerard, will never be the same.
The Mess We've Made by ViciousVenin
Gerard isn't sure where his life is going. It feels like the world is shifting and changing around him and he's stuck in place, unable to move forward. But when he meets a guy at a club who tells him he's meant for something better, Gerard wants to believe him, and suddenly he's taking steps he never thought he would.
Somewhere In Neverland by chimneythunder
Gerard Way is living back at his parent’s house as a 28 year-old in recovery from alcoholism and severe depression. He’s supposed to be looking after Pete Wentz, the brattiest eight-year old he’s ever had the misfortune to meet, when Pete gets kidnapped by none other than Captain Hook and taken to Neverland. Before you can say “clap your hands if you believe in fairies”, Gerard’s been whisked off to Neverland by his old not-so-imaginary friend Peter Pan to save the kid and have some wonderful adventures of his own.
However, things are never as simple as they should be, and if Gerard ever wants to save Pete and get back home, he’s going to have to confront some very adult truths about himself, and in the meantime, he's also going to have to delve into the Peter Pan mythology and discover the truth about the boy who never grew up.
Harder Harmonies by melanch0licpumpkin WIP
Gerard finds himself trying to juggle touring nationally with his band and navigating his confusing and complicated relationship with one of his bandmates. With the band starting to make waves and gaining more attention, the idea of actual success and fame terrifies Gerard in a way he never expected, leaving him with the distinct sensation of drowning with no safe harbor in sight. He has also fallen hopelessly in love with Frank, an energetic and chaotic guitarist with a big heart and glaring commitment issues.
Nobody cares if you're losing yourself. Am I losing myself?
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bigtreefest · 2 months
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond: pick me up and sling me over your shoulder like those bags of grain pls (edit to title after watching through: Men are stupid)
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I’ve never done a complete 180° flip on characters like this in a movie before. Let’s go through it, shall we?
This movie did NOT offer subtitles, and I’d be lying if I said it was easy to understand the southern accents without them. And that’s with my keen ability to understand a Pittsburgh accent, which is arguably worse at times.
Absolutely wild, but when do I not exaggerate and say that? This is somewhat of a play-by-play of what was going through my mind as I watched.
First off, CE was to die for in the movie. I don’t know exactly what it was about it (I know exactly what it was) but I fell in love. Country accent Chris Evans is something else, but Boston accent is much better. But this is a good look, I like it.
Such a simple man with a good heart, and smart enough to get a scholarship to ole miss!? He seemed decent, and the acting was actually pretty good.
The little clueless look of mild discomfort on his face the whole time was so adorable. Any time he was at a party or visiting his mother. I also took note of the way this disappeared as soon as he was home with his dad. As soon as he was in his domain and in control. This is me commending his ability to portray that dichotomy of environments.
But fr, like, how does everyone know who he is and not say anything about him being poor?
I love the way he turned down Caroline at the dance tho. He very obviously does not want to be there, but isn’t that the point? But that statement about him being hired by Fisher struck an alarm for me. Is she almost fetishizing the poor boy?
Fishy is outta left field. It’s unfortunate she’s been forced into this kind of a life, but she’s… a lot.
Also, it’s movies like this that remind me how much the south lags in terms of modernity and stays rooted in tradition sometimes. Like, if you think about it, this takes place at a very similar time as to when Steeb was growing up in Brooklyn in cap, but like, it’s totally worlds away.
Omg, not him hinting at being an escort to make ends meet and get his mom better. He’s ready to sell his soul and body to this girl for his ma and a condition that can’t really heal.
Vinnie definitely saw the diamond in the driveway. I saw her look down when she first saw Jimmy.
Omg not Jimmy having a condom on him during that strip search. Iolllllll
Also also, not the assisted suicide. This lady on her death bed is really spitting facts. It’s a rude awakening for dear Fishy. She knows how much she loves Jimmy and knows that really should be her number one concern.
Poor thing is just peculiar and no one gets her. But to be fair, she does not make it easy.
Fishy, have fun in Europe. You deserve it. You need to get outta this town. It’s not for you. Rip. She doesn’t leave.
I JUST SQUEALED. The way he backed her up against that wall when she’s talking about the way he dresses. I’m gonna throw up. Do that to me. Please. Oop. She struck a nerve talking about his father.
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The boys in the yard absolutely suck. All boys in this movie suck.
Why does Jimmy like Vinnie so much? Everyone else very evidently does not.
Dude, tbh the postman game makes me uncomfortable. No need for all this young adult fornication is too much.
I get it’s Halloween, but these costumes and masks are fucking creepy as hell. I didn’t sign up for Fishy’s opium fever dream. She is good at playing the piano tho. Poor thing is in pain.
I FUCKING KNEW IT. Vinnie sucks. And Jimmy just slept with her!!! I’m CRYING. THIS IS SO FUCKED UP. I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT, JIMMY. I BLAME BOTH OF YOU, LITTLE BITCHES. (This was very evidently the moment of the switch-up. Little horny bastardized ruining everything. Keep it in your pants until you have the full story.) (I’m not hating on him for sleeping with Vinnie, I’m hating on him for not seeing Vinnie’s poor character sooner.)
Fisher, you’re a queen, calling Jimmy a scared little boy in the dark. Jimmy, you ARE such a stupid little boy. No way you like these people even though you say you do. Everyone here sucks. This all is making me soupy saddy in the bad way.
Not her saying Jimmy is like god to her. Fishy!!!! You know nothing of what he’s done.
He convinced Vinnie to give back the Diamond. I TOLD YOU knew that she stole it. I really don’t know what he saw in her. Sure, no shame in being poor, but she still kinda sucks
Now that Jimmy is driving Fishy home, he’s still being a little bitch. Check yourself, boy, I swear.
Ohhhhhh. He didn’t want to be with Fisher bc he thinks she can do better than him? I mean, agreed, but that’s still no excuse for your immorality.
They both know she doesn’t belong, but she’s got a lot to stay for. Use your Paris education to fix the world, girl!!!
Despite Jimmy’s amusement of Fisher at the first party and his confession at the end, she still does not get enough credit besides the one lady on her deathbed
Poor Fisher knows no one will ever love her or see her for who she truly is. This is so sad. So I guess he finally kissed her at the levee? What an unsatisfying ending. Fishy deserves the world and Jimmy is such a BOY😭🙄.
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fluffhuntress · 1 year
Request: Can I please request some yandere beta earth! Chamber x reader? (y/n) was the only last person on her team, then she meets the other world Chamber, and he was being uncomfortable with her. It was later then revealed that Chamber got some feelings towards (y/n) since the beginning. (y/n) has no counterpart in beta earth.
@oyasumimosura is the owner of this idea!
Your place is with me - Yandere! ΩChamber x Reader
Genre: yandere, slight hurt/comfort and fluff in the end
Warnings: none!
Note: Thank you for this one, I missed this lil French Boy! I'm still learning to write yandere, but I've tried my best showing some behaviors that would suit Chamber. You know, some signals, since it's their first encounter. I hope you'll enjoy it... :3
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There was no time. You had to act fast now, to save atleast yourself. No one was answering you anymore, you heard nothing, but dead silence. Everyone was gone, and it was only you on the battlefield. How could this happen? Why did this happen? Never before have you had a thought about you being the only one left alive from your team. It was beacause you believed, that could never happen, and it hurt you when you imagined this scenario.
You ran for your life, as fast as you could. There was no way, you alone could save thie situation - the spike was going to blow up any second now, so running was the only thing left for you. You were so swift, avoiding all the ruined structures and collapsed objects with no problem. Little did you know, you were followed, and you've realised that the moment you hid behind the wall, to take a breath. You wiped your forehead from the sweat, took a deep breath, ready to run further.
"And who do we have here?" You heard, suddenly, which made your hearbeat fasten. Your body froze in one place. It wasn't that hard to guess whose voice was that. French accent is... well, unique. Chamber. Was he alive? Did he really make it? Those thoughts disappeared quickly, when you've realised, that the person you've heard, was problaly from the other earth. Your team was gone - you already knew that. You just didn't want to believe it.
You sighed, redied your gun, and left the cover, pointing your gun to the man's head. "Back off" you uttered, focusing your eyes on the target.
"That's an interesting way to say hello, don't you think?" Chamber chuckled, grabbing his Headhunter. "I don't think that'll be the best idea for you" He said, as you felt someone grabbing your arms from behind, making you drop the gun.
"Hey-Hey! Don't resist, we won't hurt you" You didn't care about the word's you've just heard, fighting the strong grip around both of your arms.
"What's the point? Don't you already have me in your stupid collapsing world?" you snorted, giving up, after you've realised that you don't have the strength to unleash yourself.
"No." You heard as an answer from Chamber. His voice was straight and cold, but you didn't care about that now. What mostly cought your ear, was the fact, that the answer was "no". You softened your body, giving up. "You're coming with us... what is your name?" The gunsmith asked you, staring at you with his amber eyes.
"Y/n." you answered, stiffly, hearing the spike blow up, you released a loud sigh. "Take me or not, it's over anyways."
You were taken by the opposing squad to their base, which, well, looked exactly the same as your base on Alpha Earth. You felt a little bit uncomfortable there - it could look like your home, but it wasn't. There were so many familiar faces, yet you didn't even know one of them. Those weren't the same people you knew before, and it was hard to remember about that.
"So you don't have a counterpart, huh?" A creepy and ratteled voice hit your ears as you were walking around the corridor, waiting for someone to take you to your temporary place. And again, you perfectly knew whose voice was that.
"Yes... Omen." You gave in an answer, but there was big disappointment in your voice. You didn't want to believe in what actually happened, you hoped that it was one awful nightmare. But the moment you pinched your skin, you remembered that this was in fact real. "I have no Idea why. And I have no idea why am I even here."
"You'll be important for us" Omen said, standing in front of you. A little cold shrudder hit your back.
"Nah, there's no way I'm even stepping with one foot on the battlefield with you. Not against my people" You snorted, with a bit of anger in your voice.
"Let her be Omen." Suddenly you heard another familiar voice, for the second time today though. Chamber stood between you and Omen, giving you his typical judgmental look. "Not scaring our lamb aren't we?"
"Chamber, I don't need any-" he interrupted you, not letting you finish.
"Shu-up" he murmured, his voice as cold as before. You swallowed his words. It didn't even surprise you, that Omega Chamber would behave almost the same like the Alpha. His, or actually their person was unique and hard to understand.
"Alright, alright" Omen said, a little bit unsatisified, turned back and just went somewhere god knows where. Afterwards you thanked Chamber, with a smile on your face, which you didn't think you would experience today. Well - you thought that a smile could atleast soften the situation, that's why you smiled. Chamber looked at you, his face neutral.
"Sure..." He answered after a few seconds, like he didn't know what to say. His eyes scanned you whole, you felt like every piece of you is being judged with total precision. The Chamber you knew was a BIT judgy, but not THIS much. Well. Atleast you knew you couldn't expect much from the mirror versions of your firiends. They were your enemies after all.
"So do I pass?" you asked. Chamber rised his left eyebrow, and gave you a questionable look.
"Looked like you're judging me" you added crossing your arms.
"Uhh... You're fine. Come with me" He glanced at you and started walking through the corridor. You did as he said, and kept going right behind him.
"So, how long until you all stop being weird with me?" You asked, curious of his answer. Chamber sighed and answered you quickly.
"They don't know you. Nothing weird there" The man answered.
"And how long do I stay here?" This question seemed to be a shadow, because Chamber didn't care to answer. You were wondering what is the reason behind that. Sure, you were a stranger, but after you were taken, you deserved atleast an answer. "Hey, I asked you a question" you reminded.
Chamber turned around, troubled. "Look, you're not coming back!" He erupted, but there was also some disappointment in his voice. Both of you stopped. You could see, the man was uncomfortable having to talk with you about that. And the way he reacted, was atleast suprising for you. Was he afraid to tell you that you're staying there forever? Why?
The moment you heard his words, something inside of you broke though. These were hard to swallow - again. You weren't coming back - even if you tried to run away, you wouldn't make it alone to another world. And it wasn't a thing you wanted to think about now. Right now, you felt like a mess. You were going to stay here. And in the end, you kinda understood, the silence Chamber treated you with.
"Let's go" you sighed, and went forwards, passing the man. "This way, right?" You pointed with your finger. Chamber nodded, and guided you to your temporary room.
"We'll see you tomorrow morning on the practice, you probably know where the range is."
"Nah I've never been there" you joked, neutrally.
Chamber chuckled quiletly under his nose, turned around and started going to, you assumed, his room. "Oh, and lock the door. In case someone comes to ask you questions" He looked over his shoulder at you when he said that, and you nodded.
This night was one of the longest. You couldn't close your eye even for one second, without thinking about what happened today. What you also kept thinking about, was Vincent, whose attitute to you was confusing to say the least.
Days have been passing since you've been taken. Every night, you kept telling yourself, that it was just a dream... just a dream. Uneffectively. You also felt so troubled about Chamber, who turned out to be your assigned buddy to help you find yourself around. In the end, he was him who cought you - nothing weird that it was him who got chosen. He was helping you, and giving you a hand with watever you needed help with, but on the other hand, he seemed to feel so uncomfortable around you. Always looking at you in silence, speaking when he really had to. Like he didn't even want to be there.
Today, you woke up, tired and dehydrated. Your mouth felt so dry, like you've been drinking nothing at all. With a loud tired groan, you woke up and went to the bathroom to get some water. You drank the first glass in a second, filling up another one.
After your morning bath, you took on your training clothes and went straight to Chamber's place. The door were open - as always, he has been working with his weapons, adjusting them or experimenting. You soflty knocked, and when you didn't hear an answer, you just entered the room.
"Up for some training?" you asked, focusing your eyes on his hands which were polishing a rifle.
"Nah, I'm busy" Chamber answered, not even looking at you.
You released an dissapointed sigh. You hoped, that he among them all would be the person who would atleast show some care and will. "Guess I'm on my own there."
Only when you left the room, Chamber's eyes switched to you disappearing behind the door. He put his weapon away, sat lazily and sighed under his nose. "Just wait a little bit longer..." he murmured under his nose.
Before your practise, you went to the kitchen to grab some water.
"Training again?" You heard from Breach
"As if I had a choince not to" You murmured, unsatisfied. Yup. All you could do for the past days was to train, since there was nothing else to do for you.
Breach chuckled and supported himself on a table. "You're coming with us today, Y/n" You heart stopped just for one second. You perfectly knew what was the meaning of his words. Yet you tried to pretend not to.
"Where?" You answered with a gulp in your throat.
"We need more radianite. And you'll be in use today". God, how you didn't want to hear that.
"I'm not going anywhere" You snorted, turning your back to Breach and leaving the kitchen. You heard him then shout to you
Remember, when you thought, you wouldn't make it alone to the Alpha Eearth? Well, you were good with lies. Never in your life would you go on a fight against your friends, and while being there? There was no way you could avoid that. You looked over your shoulder to see Breach leaving the kitchen, and when you saw he was out of your sight, you went to your room as fast as possible.
Immidiately you ran over your room to take whatever could be at use, including your weapon. It was early morning, so there still was a big chance that you wouldn't be noticed untill you leave the building.
"Alright, I got this" You told yourself, attaching your weapon on your back as you left the room. The corridor was clear. You swiftly and quietly ran through it and hid in the first corner you could find to scan the area again. You could feel the stress filling you all, so you made a few deep breaths. Afterwards you left the corner, carefully watching and listening to the sounds. From the distance, you could already see the door leading to the outside. You made one last fast run, ran through the door and immidiately started to look for a place go further.
The surroundings of the building were different than the ones you were familiar with. On your left, you could see the landing area surrounded by a high fence - that wasn't a way out, so you've decided to take the right. God, how relieved you were, that you made it out without anyone noticing. Unofrtunately, you hit a blind path, and had to turn around. The moment you turned around though, you stopped. It was him, again. The relief turned into huge stress in seconds.
"It's like we've been there before" It was Chamber. He was there right in front of you - again . As if he was your shadow
"Let me go!" Momentarily you rushed to him, avoiding him as he tried to catch you. He ran after you, but the chances of him catching you were low, since you were the swift one.
Suddenly, though, you hit Chambers chest, as he teleported right in front of you, blocking the way. You looked at him, tears in your eyes. "I want to leave!!!" You shouted, angry and devastated. "I've never asked to be there. This place isn't right. I'm not right. God, even you keep avoiding me and giving me weird looks! I don't belong there, so PLEASE, let me go!" You screamed at him, and the only thing Chamber did, was wrapping you around his arms, and letting you cry.
"I'm sorry for being an ass to you..." he tightened the grip, as if he would never let you leave his arms ever again. He knew, he couldn't hide the truth any longer from you. "Look at me, Y/n" He moved your chin up with his finger. "The truth is, we think that this place is where you actually belong. That's why you're here." You looked at him, not sure what to say. You were shocked. Were you in the wrong place for your whole life? Was there something they weren't telling you on Alpha? Moreover, why was he suddenly so kind to you?
"Why did you run? What happened?" He asked you.
"Well" you sniffed "I was told I'm to go on a mission today."
Chamber's eyes narrowed. "Who? Who told you that?"
You hasitated to answer, but you've decided that nothing will come from silence now. "Breach..." You murmured.
The man sighed, putting his hand on your arm. "Aight'. Gonna beat his ass on the next practise then" You chuckled. "I'll make sure you'll be safe there, alright?" He convinced you. "And as for now, you're not going anywhere. I'll make sure."
Despite the fact, that you were shocked about the information you just recieved, you felt somehow relieved. Finally, you could feel that in fact you're not alone here. You looked at the gunsmith.
"Why are you this kind to me, after how you've been avoiding me?" You asked. Chamber looked at your face, watching every single detail on it. For a while, he didn't answer, but this time you let the silence be.
"The moment I've found you." He started "Something struck me, you know. I didn't want to release the emotions, when you've just had been through the worst in your life, probably."
You weren't sure what to say now. The only thing you did was hit your forehead on Chamber's chest. This was... well, too much for now. But it also felt somehow good after what you've heard from Chamber.
"Let's go back, alright?" He then said, you hummed and let go. Both of you went stright to the base entrance.
"You won't tell anyone, right?" You asked him, as he was walking you away to your room.
"I won't. You and your secrets are safe with me." He gave you, finally, a warm smile. "Also Brimm would kill me if he knew I almost let you run away" He chuckled.
"I'm sorry, Vincent" You sighed. "I won't run again."
"No, you won't." He gave you in an answer and you treated him with a questionable look.
"Is that a treat?"
"Ah, no! Je m'excuse" He said, embarrassed a little. Was he though?
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davyjoneslockr · 11 months
Narancia for the character game! Or, if someone else beat me to Nara, Coco Jumbo
(For this ask game)
First impression: Okay so fun fact, my partner is a huge Narancia fan, and has been since before we met (which was actually because of JJBA lol, but I digress), so before I got to Vento Aureo, I already knew quite a bit about him from their infodumping. So I went into it kinda biased, but I did really like him from the start. I thought he was cute and fun and was a good silly childish character to balance out all the depressing shit happening elsewhere.
Impression now: Hhhhhhhhh. Love this little dude. I think he’s the second-best written character in that part (behind Bucciarati) and he occupies so much of my brain at all times you have no idea. He’s cute and silly, but not innocent, and his whole story really emphasizes the tragedy of VA. I like that, on a level only comparable to Giorno, he exercises a ton of agency – not only in getting on the boat, but by disobeying Bucciarati’s orders to leave Passione alone and go home. People don’t talk enough about how, unlike the others, Narancia actually had the chance to live a normal life, but didn’t take it. Narancia effectively ruined his own life for the sake of companionship. Augh. And I sobbed so hard over his death. Still do every time I watch it. Whatever. Fantastic character I adore him
Favorite moment: That scene where he’s in the turtle with Trish, and, even though she’s trying to hide her feelings, he reads her perfectly and lays everything out in a way that shocks even her. Even though there’s a lot of jokes about Narancia’s book smarts, he’s really fucking emotionally intelligent – more than anyone else in the gang, I’d say, easily – and that’s super important. It’s the reason he was able to get on the boat when Fugo wasn’t. There’s a few moments in Purple Haze Feedback, in flashbacks, where Narancia holds the fact that he’s older over Fugo’s head, and jokingly equates age with superiority and experience or whatever. But the truth is, he actually is wiser and understands the world better than Fugo (or, really, anyone else). Genuinely love that so much.
Idea for a story: Hopping on the pre-canon train again, but I really want to write about the period after Bucciarati sends him back home to return to school, up to the point where he goes behind his back and joins the gang. Unlike everyone else, he didn’t have Bucciarati to guide him towards Polpo, nor did he likely know what a stand was before his initiation. He had to figure all that out by himself and go into it blind. I don’t see enough fanwork about that, and it’s a shame, because I think there’s a lot of really interesting stuff to theorize about there.
Unpopular opinion: Hate hate HATE it when people treat him like a toddler. Like I said, he’s not innocent, and while he can be a bit childish, the infantilization he gets from the fandom is a bit much. Every time I see someone claim he should’ve been younger than Fugo, I’m like. NO. THATS THE POINT. LIKE I SAID HE’S OLDER AND WISER AND MORE MATURE AND THAT’S IMPORTANT. Also I feel like it’s weird how people constantly portray him like a child and rag on his intelligence when it seems likely that he has a learning disorder but we’re not ready for that conversation are we.
Favorite relationship: Ohh boy where do I start. Romantically I obviously adore Naramis and I really like Naratrish as well. Friends to lovers who act as each other’s solace from the horrors of their daily life + two sides of the same coin who naturally seem to understand each other but have to work to see where their own self projection ends and the other begins. Both fantastic dynamics imo. And his relationship with Fugo drives me insane oh my goddd. They’re exes they’re best friends they hurt each other constantly they love each other so deeply they know each other so well they’ll never be able to fully understand each other. They’re soulmates but not in a romantic sense just in two people who wouldn’t be complete had the other not occupied a space in their life. Etc.
Favorite headcanon: HIS SKIRT WAS HIS MOM’S AND HE TOOK IT WHEN HE RAN AWAY FOR GOOD also when he’s older because he lives to be older shhhh he gets a little growth spurt and ends up just barely taller than Fugo smiles. Autistic ADHD icon as well :]
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final-script · 2 years
The boss's daughter | LH44
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Wolff!Reader
Sumary: Where Sir. Lewis Hamilton sneaks out with his boss's daughter.
Warnings: English is not my first language !!! mention of accidents!!
Telling your dad that you're going out with a person is usually a difficult thing. Now imagine my situation…I'm going out with someone and that someone works with my dad, I think things get a little harder. We met several years ago, but we started officially dating just over 6 months ago. Let's say we had a hard time realizing what we were feeling and then making the decision to give it a title.
And now what was costing us even more was telling Dad that Lewis and I were coming out. It wasn't for lack of opportunities, of those we had several, but for the fact that we had some fear of how he was going to react, it's stupid, I know but… with how nice everything is going, i would not like to have to leave him, nor would i want him to be in an uncomfortable situation. L- You think if I climb the podium today, can we tell you?
Y/N- Are you sure? i don't want you to have problems with dad because of my fault. We were in his motorhome having a little moment alone, before the race at Silverstone. L- I know we were only officiating 6 months ago, but I want you to know that I'm willing to take the risk for more, just tell me how you feel and I'll act on that, if we can't wait a little longer. Y/N- Really?, you're serious?, I don't want you to ruin your career for me.
Looking at him looking for something that would tell me the opposite of what I was listening to, but instead I found myself with a safe look. L- More than sure, we have known each other for several years and I think I know how to handle your father's character, plus we can say that we have Sussie on our side.
Due to a carelessness we once had, Sussie saw us kissing outside of Lewis' motorhome, luckily promised to keep our secret and help if Dad got anything stubborn. She and Angela are the only people who know about us, one because she discovered us, the other because we knew we could trust her, so we told her right from the start. Y/N- That's right and we both know Sussie can't say no.
We kept quiet for a few minutes, until I decided to talk… Y/N- It's okay… let's do it, but with one condition. Lewis looked at me attentively. - you sir , today you have to give me a podium. L- I think being able to show you to your father and the world as my girlfriend is more than the motivation I need, and I can't present myself to my father-in-law empty-handed. Our moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.
A- I wish I didn't have to bother them but…it's time to go to the garage. L- That's okay Angie, we were out anyway. To not delay, we immediately left the place. Y/N- Good luck champion, though I know you don't need it. Kiss him quickly before letting him go. As my boy was preparing, I went looking for my father as he would see the race next to him. Y/N- Hi Dad!
T- Hi honey, where were you? Y/N- Just walking around, I saw Lewis go by so I came, you think he will come up again ? T- Let's hope so, it's your career at home , so let's hope it will give you some motivation. With everything ready, the lights went out and the race started, unfortunately after a few laps there were accidents which caused the red flag, fortunately all are fine, just being taken to the hospital for caution.
After a while the race resumed its course and could be finished. Leaving Carlos Sainz's first victory in F1, Checo in second place and in third for Mercedes another podium for Lewis. In addition to being happy, for Lewis' podium, I was somewhat nervous about what could happen in a while. And I think for the first time in my life, I have no idea how my dad might react to something like this.
After the podium ceremony and interviews, my boy returned to the garage and was cheered for everyone. Y/N- You succeeded. I hugged him when I had him in front of me, when I was going to drop me from his arms, he did not let me leave, he simply separated a little our faces and kissed me in front of all, wait…IN FRONT Of ALL!!!!! T-I'm missing something?. We hear Dad's voice behind us. Y/N- Daddy I… Lewis and I…
L- We're leaving, we planned to say it soon but… He was interrupted. T- I already knew it!!, for a while, in fact, I didn't say anything, because I wanted it to come out of you. Y/N- What, all this time sneak us for nothing? Sussie laughed at our faces by her side.
T- You don't have to worry, you just have to know that, if it does harm you will be in many problems. L-Believe me I don't plan to do it. Dad smiled at us and left with Sussie to continue with some work. - So now I can kiss you freely, without fear of losing my head? Y/N- I think so.
Believe me Lewis Hamilton's lips are the best in the world.
Godfather Lando - Carlos Sainz Jr. x Reader
Baby Seb in the Paddock - Mick Schumacher x Reader
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period-of-nocturne · 6 months
So I finally read Find a Way Out
Actually I read it about two hours ago
And I'm still a mess. Like I want to die to live to cry to laugh to throw up to explode to absolutely everything at once and it won't leave me
Akito is so gorgeous, So precious so pretty so beautiful have you seen him. Have you SEEN him. Look at him. Look at this boy he's so perfect.
The flashback is the first thing that ruined me my little baby he didn't deserved that (he's fourteen his voice just broke and he has nothing but a dream why are some adults acting like huge bastards with him don't they have a life ???) but at the same time he was so beautiful
You know Ena during Blank Canvas ? And the way she knew she was falling behind everyone but took back art class nonenthless? I always thought she was so freaking cool for that.
And Akito did something similar here at Crawl Green. He knew he wasn't ready to stand there. But he did it. The way the Shinonome aren't scared to face things no matter how it hurts to get what they want always leave me speechless they look so sad and you want to hug them but at the same time they're radiating while doing so. My lil' boy was so pretty standing up there and singing until the end despite knowing how it would go. Just for that he was already better than everyone else in the room.
BUT OH MY GOD when those mf of older musicians appeared in front of him in the present. AND HOW HE EXPLODED THEM. He's so beautiful you can't understand I'm so proud of my boy I'm more proud of him than he's proud of himself. And by the way for hell's sake could he let himself be happy for like. Two minutes? Dude you're Shinonome Akito we all know you won't be satisfied by this and stop there, you could have take ten minutes to be proud of yourself I swear it wouldn't have slow you down. I swear he's such an idiot. But it's fine I'll be a kid about it for him instead because Akito Shinonome is better than you and he was always better than you because he's born perfect cry about it morons of older musicians
What else. I could draw a parallel between how Akito thought it was stupid to feel relieved right now when he's still far away from his goal and what Harumichi said to Toya in an earlier episode so I can also mention that damn I love Toya.
His dad and his boyfriend are both huge idiot for thinking that way so I love how he's able to recognize his own achievements and be happy about it. I love Toya for being the braincell Akito miss (And Akito is also the braincell Toya miss it was proved several time as well. I love them)
Also Akito are Kotaro's relationship is really cute and precious somehow. Akito and Ken as well but that isn't new (I love every interaction between those two to a point you can't understand).
Ken and Taiga talking to Akito and the parallel in the situation too. Or Akito being like Ken. Akito being like Ken. Akito is just like Ken-san I want to repeat it on loop until he dissolves in embarrassment and can't help but smile like a kid.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk sorry for going insane over Akito-related stuff it will happen again
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Until The Very End -(WITS Sequel)
A/N: None of you bitches told me today was the 26th how am I supposed to know I have to post a new chapter Anyway, HAPPY 1000TH POST!! -Danny
Words: 2,301
Previous chapter // Next chapter Listen to: 'Photograph' -by Cody Fry
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When Rose Granger-Weasley was born, they discovered Ron was the overprotective father of the whole lot. Not even Erick had acted that way with his babies. Hermione found it exasperating, but to Ron, that little girl was his firstborn, and nothing was going to stop him from keeping her safe.
If they were packed with children before, now it was definitely overwhelming. Fred had a good reason to be losing his mind over it, there was always a baby or a toddler he had to be mindful not to step on or sit on accident.
Regulus, who was the eldest child, hadn't changed much after his talk with Mel. He was a kid still, so she wasn't expecting him to change his behaviour, he was too young to grasp it all. However, he seemed a little bit uneasy about attending Hogwarts now.
Emily Flint, on the other hand, couldn't wait to go. She was determined to be as good as her father to the point of claiming she'd be a Headgirl too. She wanted to be in Slytherin like him, but Erick had advised her not to force herself into a house where she might not belong.
"You should let the hat do its work, love," He'd told her. "If you talk too soon, you'll be trapped in a house where you're not comfortable."
"Listen to your father, he should know," Mel teased him. "He became my friend out of boredom and before he knew it he was dragged into our mess."
"Yeah, worst decision of my life," he mused, kissing the top of his son's head, who was sound asleep in his arms.
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Matthew John Potter was born on January twelve, also known as Erick's birthday. Naturally, Mel and Harry asked him to be the godfather.
Erick was more than pleased, he was ready to take the boy under his wing and guide him through life. What that meant, no one knew, but Mel trusted he'd do a good job anyway.
Amy Flint was born in February of the same year, the fifth—and last of their babies, according to Anne and Erick.
Then, to everyone's surprise, Fred and Joseph decided to get married. It wasn't that they weren't expecting them to last, they'd been dating for almost a decade, but since they lived together and didn't seem to have any interest in getting married, it wasn't exactly anticipated.
Fred's wedding, in spite of what he'd promised when they were younger, was as elegant as any other, if not more. Joseph was firm on having the best of the best in every aspect, and Fred let him do his thing since he wasn't an expert at weddings.
"If it were for me, we'd just hire some bloke to marry us in our apartment and that'd be it, but Jo finds that, er, what did you call it, love? I just know it was a bad French insult to my person," he teased.
"You won't ruin my day, Weasley," Joseph replied unbothered. "I've been dreaming of this since our first year together."
"Wow, that's faith," Mel grinned.
"Oh, don't say that like you didn't dream about getting married to Glasses since you were a kid!" George exclaimed. "You probably talk to Harry once and you started to design the cake."
"She wanted me to be her best man, actually," Harry spoke from his place in the rug, he'd been playing with his twins quietly until that moment. They were starting to show signs of wanting to walk, so now they had to always be watching over them when they were awake. "She wanted to marry Prince William."
"Thank you for that, Glasses," she groaned, falling back on the couch and hiding her face behind a cushion. "I'll never hear the end of it..."
"Blimey! Princess Mel of England—has a ring to it, lady."
"To think you almost got to be Lady Dumbledore for real!" Fred chortled.
"Shut up, you two," she scowled at the twins. "It was a nice thing to imagine as a child. Either way, when I first dated Harry, I don't remember thinking about a wedding. The most I would picture was Hogsmeade dates and holding hands in front of everyone once Skeeter left us alone..."
"Skeeter's no longer a problem now, is she?" George taunted her. "You guys are disgustingly sweet in public nowadays."
"Well, Georgie, being close to dying really changes your priorities," She joked.
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"Look at this one!" Mel laughed, handing the picture to Ginny. "Look how tiny we look next to Charlie!"
The redhead laughs as she looks at the photo Mel's showing her, it's from the 1994 summer, the year of the Quidditch final, before hell broke loose. "Sweet Merlin, look at Charlie's hair!"
They're looking for old pictures of Joe and Fred for the ceremony, and Mel's the only one who has pictures of the both of them at Hogwarts. Mel looks at the images and it's been so long since she sat and look through them, that now she's able to see how much they've changed. 
Her fourteen-year-old self smiles at them, waving enthusiastically at the camera from where she's standing behind the burrow's sofa. Sitting there are Fred and George, and they're scribbling something on parchment, probably the pricelist for his inventions. Her face is much rounder than it is nowadays, though, in a year's time, Mel knows that will change. 
The trauma and growth spurt are bound to sharpen her features, but she remains innocent and sweet in that photo, forever enjoying her summer with the Weasleys and Harry, the boy she has a crush on.
As she looks through the album she starts to think about Hogwarts again, and it amazes her just how much she'd almost forgotten. The spring days sitting under that huge tree by the lake, the late night studying with her friends in the common room, and how could she forget the meal times with Fred and George making her laugh until she choked on her pumpkin juice!
It was all so long ago... a whole decade of experiences and changes, and yet all those memories came back to her as easily as a spell. Her fingers grazed around the soft features of that young Mel, so full of life, with a soul so whole and bright she could take down dementors by just standing there—not quite true, but now it felt like that had been the case—and her eyes teared up a bit.
"Mel, what's the matter?" Ginny asked worryingly.
"Sorry," she sniffed, hastily cleaning her face. "I just... I remembered how young we were when we met—it's so strange... knowing we were once that little, and at some point, I just... forgot."
Ginny looked at her with a soft and understanding smile. "It is strange, isn't it? It's hard not to forget how it felt to be that small... especially someone like you, I guess, holding all that power... hard to believe you were once a little girl, right?"
Mel stared at the picture for a while. She didn't know how badly she loved that little girl until now, and she felt guilty when she thought of the times she'd been embarrassed to have been her. Why, when little Mel had been all that was good in the world? 
She looked at herself with the same eyes her Uncle Lu had at the end of her third year at school, what a remarkable little thing she was, with eyes so smart and clever she looked like she knew more than she let on. No wonder adults were always a little on edge when she was around.
A little girl's squeal brought her back and she looked up. Harry walked into the drawing room holding Emmie's hands as she marched into the room with clumsy feet. Luna walked right after them with James still safely tucked in her arms. 
"Look at her go!" Ginny said proudly. "Hang on, Harry, don't pick her up yet!" She reached for Mel's old camera on the coffee table and turned the baby and her father. "She looks so cute!"
Mel watched as her daughter moved across the room holding tightly to Harry's fingers. He had a huge smile on his face as he encouraged his daughter to keep walking, glancing at Mel from time to time to point Emmie in her direction.
The young mother slipped off the couch and knelt to receive the toddler in her arms, which only encouraged Emmeline to walk faster. Harry almost tripped trying to keep up. Mel laughed and held one hand out for her daughter. "Come along, love, you can do it!"
Ginny took the picture then, the moment Emmeline crashed against her mother's chest and Mel fell on her butt, laughing as much as the baby. Harry helped her to sit up, smiling proudly at his daughter's accomplishment. "She's got good legs," he grinned. "Might be a good climber just like you."
Mel laughed again, cupping her daughter's cheek and beaming. "As long as she learns to not fall on her head, then it's fine."
"Dad!" Emmeline squealed, reaching her chubby little arms to try and pull Harry closer, he sat next to Mel on the rug and kissed Emmie's head, brushing her hair back. 
"What's this?" He grabbed one of the pictures and smiled at it. "Look, Mel, Emmie looks so much like you here!"
He showed her the photo, it was them on her ninth birthday, with icing on her cheek and the roundest cheeks she'd ever seen on a little girl. Harry had one arm around her shoulders and his fingers had icing the same colour as the one on her face. Little Matthew had the same bright emerald eyes as him.
"Yeah she does," Mel beamed, holding onto the toddler and kissing the top of her head. "I hope she gets to be just as happy as I was, too."
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Once a month her mother, Remus and Tonks offered to look after the twins and Matthew so she and Harry could go out with Hermione and Ron. They left Rose with Ron's parents and left to spend a whole day in London.
First, they considered going to Diagon Alley, but they didn't want to risk finding Skeeter there, she'd been trying to get a glimpse of Rose and Matthew as well as the twins, and even though they didn't have the kids with them, they didn't want to be disturbed.
So instead, they walked around the muggle city and took Ron to the movies.
"Heard Professor Sprout is planning to retire," Hermione mentioned as she grabbed a fistful of popcorn. "Might be a good idea to mention it to Neville, don't you think?"
"Doesn't he have his own apothecary near his grandma's house?"
"Yeah, but his grandma's really old now, and I mean really old," Mel pointed out. "So it'd be a good idea for him and Hannah to start thinking about their future."
"Thinking about their future?" Ron made a face. "Not like their lives revolve around Neville's grandma..."
"Oh, you know Neville only lives so out of the way to be close to her," Hermione admitted with a sigh. "I agree with Mel, that's why I mentioned Professor's Sprout possible retirement. I think, Mel," she leaned forward and gave her a careful look. "That if you talk to her, she might consider writing to Neville to ask if he's interested."
"I don't know if I even need to do that," Mel shrugged. "He was one of her best students, maybe she's already considering him to fill the spot."
"Wouldn't hurt to make sure of it," Hermione insisted.
"Been years since we went to school and you still look after him," Ron teased her, though his voice was affectionate. "He's a grown man like all of us, Mione, he can do things himself if he wants to."
Hermione sighed and shook her head. "You're right. You're right. Sorry, it's just... sometimes I think I still see him as that little boy that used to hide behind us during potions."
Mel giggled, understanding her feelings. "Lately I've been thinking about our time in school as well... the other day I had this dream that I had fallen asleep and everyone had gone to class, but I couldn't find the classrooms, it was as if the entire castle had changed it's hallways and staircases, but I was sure they looked exactly the same, it was me who'd forgotten the directions... and then I looked at myself as I passed next to a window and saw myself in that old Gryffindor uniform?" She smiled. "It felt strange to be wearing it again, even if it was a dream."
"I don't miss wearing those stupid hats," Ron scoffed. "Or the ties..."
"The ties were lovely," Hermione argued. "I liked our winter cloaks and the scarfs were really thick and warm."
"I liked how you looked in your uniform," Harry told Mel with a grin. "Especially the Quidditch one."
Mel lightly hit his shoulder and he laughed, she shook her head. "Isn't it weird that next year Regulus will attend Hogwarts? He'll be part of a house, and use the same uniform, and he'll go to the same classes we did, but it won't be like our time there at all."
"He's definitely a Gryffindor, though," Ron added.
"Yeah," responded the other three.
"I think that makes it just as exciting for us as it will be for him," Hermione said, smiling giddily. "Everything will be new to us in a way."
"Yeah, a first year with no three-headed dogs and giant games of chess," Ron smirked. "We never got to know what that was like."
"We should get him an owl for his eleventh birthday," Mel nudged Harry's arm. "He's got Padfoot, so I don't think a cat's a good idea."
"Padfoot gets along with Grey just fine," he frowned.
"Grey's an old cat, he's too tired to fight him," Mel replied humorously. "A young cat would most likely try to murder Padfoot and Padfoot would probably sit on them until they suffocated."
Harry laughed. "Fine, an owl it is."
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Next Chapter—>
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elegantkittycat · 1 year
i'm watching never let me go and i actually like it and i just checked it on mdl and no one likes it in the comments? and i wonder
i mean, nevermind, to each their own but like, i saw some ppl bringing up palm, and i dunno, guess him not being all teary-eyed over his mother's death and such and i'm like. that's trauma for you. it has like, a million faces. and what, he's known that woman for a month or so? i'm not saying that to sound heartless, but it's a complicated relationship. she's never been there for him, and this time is not by choice either. of course she grew to like him, love him even, but that's a product of circumstance rather than intent, too. she would've been perfectly fine living all of her life without his son. and said son knows that. how painful that must be? it's complicated and i think it was carefully written and well-executed. Palm practically mourns a barely stranger. from his heart and from duty at the same time. a concept and a friend more, than a mother.
the day my dad died, and after i was told through the phone i wrote a badass assignment in constitutional law. the best i ever did. i loved him dearly, don't misunderstand. his death destroyed my life and ruined practically everything in it. but you know, even after one year of it happening i don't think i had a grasp on reality much. i may even have joked some. trauma is weird as hell and Palm's reactions, his clinical attitude, his fits of depression and rage and then denial and his clinging to Nueng above anything else all rings relatable to me from my own traumas. but maybe i'm just a shitty human, who knows.
[and really this is just a side-note but Palm seems to be a guy who makes peace with bad facts of life and hardships thrown at him in a minute. he seems to accept the inevitability of suffering, of death, of lows and highs pretty easily and without much fanfare. i got a vibe from his character that he's like a deep, peaceful lake amidst the mountains. just there, calmly existing with everything. sure, when things ripple him badly he's ready to drown the offenders but it's not very personal. except in the case of Nueng.]
another one people seem to go on about, that Palm is a shitty bodyguard. i mean, yeah, really?? the whole point of the series is that he isn't a fucking bodyguard, he's just a boy who was dragged into this and fell in love, unfortunately. XD or is it just me who thinks that? i mean they point it out multiple times but idk. his dad was quite effective i think, for those what, seventeen years he protected Pipop but Palm is just a fisherboy. it is repeated like mantra throughout the show. in school they gossip about him being the son of the bodyguard forced to be around Nueng. which he technically is. Mrs. Tanya is using them both. Uncle Non's subservience and his willing sacrifices and his offering of a son Nueng's age. it's not a malicious abuse of power - it's subtle and seems justified and we're all so brainwashed alongside Uncle Non that we collectively forgot that that's a bad thing – wealthy people using us to their pleasure and convenience.... this show makes very strong points, (it seems way too subtly) imo.... and there's this strong implication in the first ep too, that Palm mostly grew up alone. he learned hard shit but his father was busy being an actual bodyguard in Bangkok, and he couldn't exactly teach his son that at the same time in some faraway village he grew up in... he must've been an absent father. of course Palm's terrible, it's a wonder he grew up to be this respectful and decent at all XD
also i'm not saying that Phuwin's and Pond's acting is the best I've seen but I don't know, tastes really do seem to differ cause i'm so uncomfortable with Chimon's acting (or presence, it's unclear at this point) omg. everyone has the hots for him and i'm just sitting here deeply uncomfortable. that's just a personal thing i guess but when i looked at his character first in this series (i never watched anything with him in it before) i thought he was fishy. and i just can't seem to shake that off. at first i thought it was the character but as it turned out he's a good guy. XD he gives me the creeps tho. idk, sorry man, i'm sure you're nice. maybe too nice. i can't believe a word he says. i'm so sorry.
oh but Perth is flawless. his is an outstanding performance and i'd love to see more of that but man if they really gonna have a series with Chimon i have to man up...
oh, and the Chopper's dad issue is a funny one too XD like, "the villain is so simple and his motivation is just money and he only talks and could've killed his sister-in-law a thousand times" etc...... i thought that was the whole point? like i seem to misunderstand everything here, but i truly genuinely thought that the villain being simple, kinda dumb and well, villain-y in a bad sorta way is intentionally disillusioned? that's why we know it's him from the get-go?! this is not supposed to be a mystery genius, this is to make us feel terrible and uncomfortable and uneasy, because that's the healthy real-life reaction to fucking criminals!? who murder their own family, no less. (i can't believe i'm saying this, being the biggest dark lord apologist in history but come on, this is not that type of fiction T_T ) he's like that because criminals are that simple sometimes?? they are big mouthed bullies sometimes? there is a reason he wasn't high up in the hierarchy and his brother looked down on him and never allowed him to manage big things?? because he's unstable, he's all talk, he's hateful, pitiful and a little dumb?? and that's a villain for you? also you wouldn't believe the LENGTHS simple people are willing to go for money... money is never an unworthy motivation, it's one of the single most important ones for criminals, business owners, bankers, bakers, kids, adults, actors and actresses', doctors, writers, your fave youtubers, moms, dads, uncles, mob bosess... you get the picture. duh.
(for me Uncle Kit's character was actually nice after the endless romanticization of criminals ~ i'm not looking at you kinn/porsche, i love you {kinda} but I'M SIDE-EYEING YOU. WTF WAS THAT AND WHY??!? SO FUCKING SICK AND TWISTED AND SORRY GIRLS but criminals are not all sweaty-sexy misunderstood and miseducated and mentally whacky and forced by their daddies but still somehow genius Vegas'?????? whatever the plural of this name is, i'm making grammar up as i go, sorry, rant over, i love you Vegas BUT WTF ~ )
all in all, i'm vibing to something entirely different than the rest. as per usual, i guess.
i especially loved Palm's mother and the difficult to swallow life lessons packed up in there. motherhood, self-love, selfishness, children, responsibilities, desires, duty, suffocation in a loving relationship, personal freedom... that was a good one. never seen that before in a thai bl either. you either have the devoted parent or the angry not so agreeable but ultimately i-love-you-and-i'm-here-for-you parent. but an absent parent by choice....... i felt like she was brilliant.
and i love Nueng's mother too. the very little we've seen of her is amazing. strong, no-nonsense but with a heart. devoted to her family, ready to kill for them but ultimately she's the one who gets almost killed. she seems the complete opposite of Palm's mother but not at the same time and i'm here for it, okay? i'm in love with that.
also i gotta admit that i haven't watched ep.11 yet but i just cracked up a little and this rant felt good to let out. sorry not sorry
and i would like to emphasize it: this post does not have an agenda to convince you to love a series that you don't enjoy or anything. we are all allowed to feel differently about everything under the sun (and above it and beyond). this is just my singular experience with a piece of media, wich provoked strong feelings and made me think about many aspects of humanity.
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Coming to this discussion 10 years after the fact but having rewatched MTV's Awkward. and reading/watching posts, tweets and video comments from way back to 2015 I find it so interesting that the general feeling was that Jenna didn't deserve Matty.
Like 10 years later we have shows like Never Have I Ever showing you not only that the popular boy/loser girl becoming a couple will innevitably NOT FIX the girl's insecurities but also in that show Devi doesn't make it one episode without having the epiphany that it's not worth it to be Paxton's secret fling. Contrasts that with Jenna lasting a whole entire season AND THEN she continues to keep it secret after break up for Matty's sake and his friendship with Jake.
And everyone understandibly criticizes Jenna for kissing another guy while dating Matty, but also, he was not as ideal. S4 explictly brings up the fact that he treated her as a booty call throughout S1. S2 has him trying to sabotage her relationship (and he never apologizes for Eva's behavior and his blindness to it ruining Jenna's pretty perfect relationship with Luke!)
Back to the subject of her insecurities, when she began to find herself in S3 he (her boyfriend!) called her new friends/interests pretentious or boring (pretty sure he does it AGAIN in S5). Its interesting to me that her S2 fantasy of "what-ifs" included Matty not allowing Sadie to bully her, and that she feels absolutely devastated from him saying he was embarassed of her in S1. S4 also shows that he always goes to her for emotional support, has jealousy for her seeing other people, but at the same time gets pissed if she intervenes too much in his life and is ready to cheat on his girl to kiss Jenna because he thinks the rules don't apply to them.
Even the S5 college clusterfuck is meh in terms of making her worse. The actors may be pushing 30 or whatever by at that stage Jenna is 19 and in her first ever internship after only one year of "finding herself as a freshman in college". Of course she won't know that a piece of her writing about her HS boyfriend will be twisted by editorial intervention for more clicks! And as Matty admits, HE was the inmature one in their college break-up , and very much an asshole about it. How was she to know he was devastatingly depressed over their break-up when he shouted he didn't want her love and that if she was against him transfering to her school then he would just walk out??
This is in no way hate to Matty. He's one of the dreamiest leading men I have ever seen in a teen drama. He is a good friend and great boyfriend most of the time ("making you happy makes me happy", seriously? SWOON), and boy do I love his honest yearning to be Jenna's hero.
I don't think they're toxic to the limit tbh. They're good friends to each other and never necessarily act in attempt to hurt or manipulate each other, they just really loved each other and had a real hard time letting go. Their will they won't they was messy enough to be interesting (most of the time anyways, even if S4-S5 weren't as good) without being the most toxic of that era of teen shows (seriously? Glee, Gossip Girl, 90210, etc had way worse Core Ships).
As Sadie points out, it's clear Matty remains obssessed with her (and selflessly encourages her to choose herself in the series finale and that's definetly growth on his character!) and Jenna overthinks shit a lot and is awkward but its obvious she struggles to know wether she should act as his friend or to act as a respectful ex and messes up because she's young and loves him. Like overall I think the idea that they became intimate friends was sold well enough to compensate their messiest momments.
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