#but c'mon benny c
hunn1e-bunn1e · 5 months
I see asks are open , I'm still kind of new to this app , hope this is within the rules ...
(is Tokyo revengers still open ? )
I want to ask if you can do a Tokyo revengers with that tiktok - you know the one where that guy comes into the kitchen and shouted at his s/o "*bitch what's for dinner*" ...
Specifically with > ran
Hope I was specific enough
: 💐
( xmreader )
Bonten Haitani Ran - Bitch What's For Dinner TikTok With Male Reader
I went with the Bonten version of Ran since you didn't specify, I hope that's okay. I couldn't decide how I wanted the reader to react to Ran's dumbassery, so I ended up making three different scenes that go three different ways. As for my reaction, if my nonexistent boyfriend were to do this, I would cry; I'm a very sensitive soul, you know. —Benny🐰 @acabis
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Ran grinned mischievously as he prepared to record; sending a glance over his shoulder to see [Name] cooking on the stovetop from the kitchen doorway. Pressing Record, he quietly cleared his throat and positioned his phone to where he and they were both in the frame.
"Hey Bitch, what's for dinner?"  
He raised his voice; calling out to them from his place on the sofa.
Scene 1: 
[Name] immediately pauses in his movements; brows raising and eyes blinking rapidly. Slowly he turns his head towards the doorway and stares into the back of Ran's head.
"We WERE having Hawaiian chicken and grilled pineapple on buttery white rice with a side of sweet potato fries and a homemade dipping sauce. And I WAS going to pack the leftovers for your lunch tomorrow."  
He softly says as he continues to stare a hole into his lover's skull.
The Bonten executive raises a brow, smirking a bit at the h/c-ette's somewhat lacking reaction.
"What's with the past tense?"  
He inquired; finally turning his head around to look at the other.
[Name] smiled softly; eyes turning up into crescents. His expression would've been gentle and inviting if it weren't for the rancid aura that seemed to hover around him. Ran let out a nervous chuckle; quickly developing a thin sheen of sweat.
"Ran. Honey. Sweetie. Darling. Do you REALLY think that I'm going to feed you after that?"  
The e/c-eyed man speaks in a honeyed voice; the underlying venom incredibly clear.
The purple-haired man lets out a scoff in exasperation; the still recording phone now limply held in his hand.
"Baby, C'mon, I wasn't being serious. It's just a TikTok trend, that's it. I swear. I can even show it to you."  
Ran explained, gesturing to the phone in his hands.
The smile previously spread on [Name]'s face immediately fades into a blank expression upon hearing his lover's words. He stares a the violet-eyed man in silence for a few seconds.
"You called me a bitch... for TikTok?" 
He pauses for a bit before continuing,
"You know, I WAS only going to make you sleep on the sofa, but now I think you should go to your brother's place instead lest you want to get smothered in your sleep tonight."  
Ran sighed in defeat; ending the recording and tossing his phone onto the cushion beside him. He stood from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen gently wrapping his arms around [Name]'s waist and pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder. The Bonten executive swayed the two of them back and forth as his presence was ignored by the other.
"Baby... I'm sorry, I should've told you beforehand. Forgive me?"  
Ran purred into his lover's shoulder; rubbing gentle circles into their hips with his thumbs.
[Name] humphed but leaned back into the violet-eyed man's chest in silent forgiveness.
Scene 2: 
[Name] takes a deep breath in and looks into the living room from his place in front of the stove. He spots the phone in Ran's hand almost immediately and understands what's happening. The h/c-ette walks into the living room and stands behind the sofa; leaning on the back of it and resting his forearm on the top of the backrest.
"You recording a video for TikTok, Baby?"  
[Name] asks; running his fingers through the violet-eyed man's parted fringe.
Ran gives him an affirmative hum; readjusting the camera on the other's face. The h/c-ette nods and presses a kiss to his cheek before walking back into the kitchen to continue cooking.
"Oh, by the way, honey; when you're done with that, you can order yourself some take-out; I'm inviting Rindou over to eat your portion."  
[Name] absentmindedly calls from the kitchen; hands preoccupied with folding butter into a bowl of white rice.
"Wha-! Why does HE get MY portion!? That's not fair!"  
Ran whines from the sofa; turning his upper body around to look at his lover and slinging his arm over the backrest.
"Rin gets it because he's not a grown man trying to get attention from strangers by calling me a bitch and on TikTok no less."  
[Name] hums as he turns on the small countertop grill with one hand and dials Rindou's number with the other.
Ran groans and ends the recording; already knowing well that his lover is being serious about giving away his portion. He lets out a resigned sigh and sulkily dials the number for his favorite restaurant.
Scene 3: 
Ran screeches; clutching his head after a pot was hurled at him and smacked into the back of it.
His phone, which he was previously holding, was now across the room as it slid across the floor when he dropped it from the impact. The Bonten executive turns around and looks at a seething [Name] who lifted another pot, ready to beam it off his skull as he did with the first.
"WAIT! WAIT! I'm sorry! Don't throw it!"  
The purple-haired man pleads, only to quickly duck in front of the sofa to avoid the second flying pot.
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"What If?"
Canon x OC, CW: zombies, gore/blood, canon typical violence
AN: this been in my head for a while, "what if Catherine met Leon during the Raccoon outbreak?"
Catherine's footsteps echoed loudly as she ran down the dimly lit alley, pushing trash cans behind her. She hoped to the higher powers that it would slow those things shuffling after her.
It happened so sudden. Catherine had just finished getting ready for a date. A blond guy named Benny, who she met while grocery shopping. They both were reaching for the last box of Hamburger Helper and got to talking. Dinner and a movie sounded great! Catherine returned to her small apartment to shower, relax and eventually get dressed--green blazer with black buttons, grey polo shirt, loafers and khaki pants. She brushed her hair, deciding not to braid it.
But during the drive, Benny swerved to avoid hitting some people wandering the street, appearing to be drunk. He stopped his car and got out.
"Wait here," Benny had said.
Catherine shrugged and pulled out a compact mirror to check herself. A loud scream and what she could identify as a squelching sound made her drop it. Gathering her things she exited the car, walking in the direction Benny had gone.
The people Benny managed to not hit were all hunched and crowded around him, Benny twitching and jerking as they tore chunks of flesh from his body.
They were eating him alive.
Catherine staggered back as one the group, a bald man in a torn suit, blood and bits of guts dripping from his mouth, looked up, and began to stumble and stagger towards her, moaning. A few others began to follow, arms outstretched and moaning in unison. Their skin was grey and eyes were either bloodshot or an eerie, milky white.
Struggling to form any sense of what was happening, Catherine turned and ran back to the car, hopping into the driver's seat and sped off. As she got closer to downtown, she could see crashed cars, fires spreading and the wails of police and ambulance sirens.
She had to stop at an overturned truck engulfed in flames. She looked around for something, any semblance of life.
"Is anyone out there?!" she called out, to no response.
She spotted a pay phone that somehow escaped the fire and damage. Frantically pulling a few coins from her purse, she inserted them and dialed the emergency number.
"C-C'mon, pick up...Plea-please?" she stammered, looking around nervously.
The phone rang seven times, and Catherine heard familiar moans and pained groaning coming closer.
She dropped the phone as two women approached, their lips nearly peeled off, one missing an eye and the other was on fire lurched towards her.
Nearly out of breath, Catherine took a left at a fork and reached the end of the alley, only to find a barrier of abandoned cars blocking the way. But they weren't ablaze. Maybe she could climb over them.
Slowly and carefully she climbed on the hood and then the roof of a Robin's egg blue car, looking to survey the area. Just a few yards away stood a large building with a small courtyard behind a metal gate.
R.P.D, displayed in large letters.
"The station..." Catherine murmured.
No one has answered her phone call, but she knew she couldn't go back.
She gasped as she heard loud thumping coming from the car she stood on. Jumping down to the other side, her eyes widened in horror as more people appeared from the shadows, the one in the car crawling on his belly, gnarled fingers reaching to grab her ankle.
Catherine sprinted to the large gate, left slightly ajar. With all her strength she pushed it open, ran through the courtyard and into the building.
The main hall was empty. Just a messy front desk and broken computer.
"Hello? Anyone?" Catherine yelled, "Please, I need help!"
Wiping away heavy tears, Catherine saw a few paths she could take. Taking out her last quarter, she sighed.
"Heads, I go this way, tails the other way," she spoke aloud as she flipped the coin.
The coin was heads.
"To the West I go..."
The corridor was a gruesome sight. She passed by pools of blood, broken glass and rotting hands reaching through the boarded up windows. She has to stop and hold back from vomiting--on the floor was a man in a bloodied police uniform, missing his head. Nearby the corpse of a four legged, skinless creature lay in the corner, upon closer inspection it didn't have eyes.
Oh god, is that a brain?
The hall reeked of blood, but Catherine could catch hints of a burnt smell. Like gunpowder.
"Hell's bells..." Catherine murmured to herself, "What is happening...?"
A loud crash behind her forced her to stand and nearly fall backwards.
One of the people outside had managed to break one of the windows, a man with raven black hair wearing a sports jersey and shorts, who immediately made a beeline for Catherine, groaning and gurgling.
She turned and ran, feeling pain and heat shooting through her legs. She practically shoulder tackled the nearest door, entering a room full of desks, cabinets and a whiteboard at the back. From the brief glimpse the nameplate she caught on the wall outside: Operations Room.
Catherine didn't know what exactly she tripped on, but her legs gave way and she skidded into a bookshelf, which wobbled and fell over, its weight knocking the wind out of her.
Unable to move, Catherine swore she heard loud gunshots as the world blurred and faded away.
*blink, blink*
Catherine moaned, blinking rapidly. Someone was calling her? It sounded like a man's voice.
The heavy weight of the bookshelf had disappeared, though she felt as if she was hit by a bus.
When her eyes focused, she looked down to see a warm hand holding hers, the other on her shoulder. She was lying on the floor just a few feet away from the bookshelf, the desks all pushed aside from the center of the room.
The voice called out again. "Thank god...hey...you alright...?"
Catherine tried to stand, but the hands stopped her. Looking up, she saw a fair skinned man in full uniform kneeling beside her, his blue eyes filled with worry.
"Whoa, easy...easy," he said, lightly nodding his head, making the fringe of his hair sway back and forth.
"... Officer...?" Catherine whispered, blinking and shaking her head.
The man nodded, "Yeah. Kennedy. Leon Kennedy. What's your name, Miss?"
"I'm...My name's Catherine," she replied, "I tried calling here, got chased by the people outside but... what's going on...?"
"Was a mess when I got here..." Leon answered while helping her stand. "Just total chaos. But I intend to get to bottom of this."
Catherine nodded, looking down sheepishly. "This is probably asking for a lot...but can I come with you? Please...I just don't want to be alone..."
Leon thought for a moment and gave her an affirmative nod. "Stay close, ok?"
Catherine took his hand again feeling its warmth, relieved.
"Thank you."
@mishwanders @squashfics @resident-mercie @notrattus @the-resident-vampire @likesugarandcyanide
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fluffcember Day 04: An Ill-Conceived Attempt
Fandom: Ojamajo Doremi
Shipping: Aiko/Momoko
Genre: Humor & Fluff
Length: 1309 words
[Ao3 Link]
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Aiko did feel like small child again. But who could hold it against her? In her entire life she had never seen this much snow! And, sure, the entire thing about the blizzard should suck, especially as the temperatures were quite literally far beneath freezing. But the snow! Oh! The snow was so amazing!
Sure, they had gone out to entertain the kids - Beth's little niece and nephew – for a while, but really: Those kids had to beat Aiko to the top of the hill first.
“Aiko!” Momoko shouted somewhere long below her.
“Aiko!” the two kids echoed, the girl sniffling a bit.
But Aiko just grinned. She would give the sled back to the kids after she had one ride. But those kids had sledded for almost an hour now and really, that inner child in Aiko, who had grown up in Japan without much snow to speak of, just wanted to try this out.
The hill they were sledding on was not far from the house of Beth's sister's family in Massachusetts. Really, in the middle of nowhere, a good chunk away from the coastline at least. But that was what made it perfect as it actually had hills and not a lot of people around getting in the way.
With a wide grin on her lips, Aiko positioned herself on the sled and grinned towards Momoko, who buried her face in her hands. And sure, they had not sled from this far up before. But so far only the kids had been using the sled and Aiko was not kid anymore, was she? She was a student in her final year of university – and a gold medalist at the Olympic games at that. A bit of sledding wouldn't kill her.
So she gave the sled a bit of a thrust, before quickly hurtling down the hill that was quite steep up here. “Yiha!” she screamed, both her arms in the air.
A grave mistake, as it turned out, as the snow was hiding the roots of the trees quite perfectly. Somehow vats got tangled against something like that. Roots or maybe a small rock. Whatever it was: The sled came to a sudden – real sudden – halt. Had Aiko done the sensible adult thing and held on to the sled at least, well, she might've stayed on top, but instead she was catapulted of. Before she knew it, she was rolling down the hill, before a tree ever so kindly stopped her.
Next thing she knew, she heard screaming. Two kinds of screaming to be precise. The screaming of a crying child – and Momoko's worried shouts. “Aiko? Aiko?”
Aiko brought her arms underneath her torso, pushing herself up. Somehow her head hurt and she did not quite know why. She tasted blood, too. “Ouch,” she muttered in Japanese.
Then Momoko was by her side. “Geez. Aiko. What are you doing?” She was speaking perfect English as always. “That was so stupid!”
Aiko spat out the blood that had been pooling in her mouth, making Momoko gasp.
“Are you okay? You still have all your teeth?”
Carefully Aiko checked with her tongue, but yeah, it seemed that all her teeth where still in position. “I am fine,” she managed and was not even sure whether she had used Japanese or English in this case.
“You most certainly do not look fine,” Momoko chided, before sighing and getting up. “It's alright, Maria. It's alright. Aiko is fine.”
Maria was the aforementioned niece of Beth. The daughter of Beth's older brother, Martin. She and the boy, Bennie, where just a year apart – and as Momoko's parents were currently in China, Martin and his wife Miriam had graciously offered for Momoko and Aiko to spend Christmas with them.
Christmas was over, of course. But their flight back to New York had been delayed thanks to the storm.
Somehow Aiko managed to get herself onto her feet. She was entirely covered with snow. of course. Even her black hair was hanging with it. And as some of it melted in her body heat, she started to feel the cold for real. (It was about -20°C!)
“C'mon,” Momoko said, gripping the still crying girl by the shoulder. “We'll go back home and have mommy look at the stupid idiot Aiko.”
And really, Aiko had to give it to her. Maybe her plan had been a bit idiotic. But fun, most certainly fun.
A bit later Miriam had taken a look at Aiko. While she was a nurse at a vet, she knew enough about medicine to have a good look at her. “Quite fittingly,” Momoko had noted, “after all she is pretty much a donkey.” At this Beth had laughed and even the children had joined in, who were in a way better mood after having had some cookies.
In the end Miriam's professional opinion had been: Aiko had bit her lip during the fall and had also gotten herself a nasty bump on her forehead. The thick winter clothing had thankfully cushioned her body from any further fall damage, of course.
So now Aiko was lying in the guest room she was sharing with Momoko, watching Netflix. There was a stupid Christmas romcom, that felt just right for her hurting head.
Yeah, this was probably the gods telling her something. As even with the cool pack, the bump on her forehead would not go down.
Those American Christmas romcoms all were the same, she felt. Always something about a dude or a gal returning to her small town for Christmas, some drama happening, them walking into their love interest (who was of the opposite gender, of course) and in the end they would kiss under a Christmas tree.
Aiko had mentally already checked out, being annoyed she could not watch any anime here.
It was already dark outside (no wonder, it was winter after all), when someone knocked on the door. “Yeah?” Aiko muttered.
To her surprise it was Momoko. Not that it did surprise her that Momoko was checking on her, only that… “Ya don't need'tcha knock,” Aiko said in Japanese. “It's yar room, too.”
“I wasn't sure you were sleeping,” Momoko replied with a smile. She was carrying a tablet with some food on it. It smelled good - but Miriam's and Beth's cooking had been really tasty either way.
“Ya brought me dinner,” Aiko noted with a smile. She sat up, ignoring the movie in the background.
“Of course I did. You shouldn't move so much for now.”
“Ah, c'mon, it's just a little bump, that's all.” Still, Aiko was thankful as her stomach started rumbling. By the looks of it, it was some sort of stew. She could make out sweet potato - which was a great start, given Aiko's love of the vegetable.
Putting the tablet on the night stand between the beds, she started eating, only to notice Momoko's gaze after a while.
“What's't?” Aiko asked, making the other girl sigh.
“You really should be more careful,” she replied.
“Ah, I'm fine,” Aiko reassured, before stuffing her face again.
“But what if you weren't? You know how far away the next hospital is?”
That was a good point. After all they really were in the middle of nowhere. So, yeah, this did seem like bad place to actually suffer a concussion or something. “I'm sorry,” she muttered and got up to sit down beside Momoko on the other bed. Carefully she put her hand over that of her girlfriend and smiled at her. “Sometimes… I just wanna be a kid again, y'know?”
Momoko managed a smirk. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Aiko replied. “And, I mean. The snow is pretty awesome, y'know?”
“I guess so,” Momoko said. “Just… Don't you get yourself killed on my watch, okay?”
Aiko gave a melodramatic sigh, before leaning over to kiss her cheek. “Okay.”
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elvislover69 · 2 years
S: that remembers me of the time Benny accidentally fell face first into brahmin shit!
B; baby, c'mon.... Don't tell everyone 'bout that
C: I'm going to remember this always....
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A, C, L, V,
A: Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Already answered here!
C: A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Silus-Lieutenant Boyd. C'mon, I can't believe some folks actually said there's sexual tension between the two, where is it?? XD
I'm just imagining the scene, but with Boyd thinking "oh my god, he's just explained how he's a totally deranged individual who'd love to see me with a collar around my neck. If only I could punch his face till all his teeth fall off... Alright I've made up my mind, I desire him carnally now". Just ewww...
L: Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Uhm. I admit Benny's got a point in stealing the Platinum Chil from Mr. House and his plan was quite well-thought-out, with Emily Ortal programming Yes Man and all. But what a shame, we survived and upset his apple cart :D
V: Which character do you relate to most?
Answered in a previous ask!
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
Rebel Without A Cause-Ch 5
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As soon as the lights go down, Dean is scrambling to get off stage. He had noticed during their last set that one of the crew members had approached the girl in the audience and spoke with her before she smiled brightly and followed him out of the crowd.
Dean had watched her dance and sway the whole night and was anxious to see just how many positions he could get her lean, limber body in. He couldn't wait to sink into her, her legs around his head.
Walking into the green room, there are a few other girls loitering around but the brunette that had taken over his mind is sitting on the couch in the corner, off to herself.
'Even better,' he thought with a smirk. He loved turning good girls bad and shy girls into sex-crazed maniacs. The payoff always surpasses his wildest dreams.
He approaches her slowly, like a wild animal. As he steps up to the sofa, she looks up from her hands.
"H-hi," she stutters "I'm Cayla, with a C."
"Well, hello Cayla with a C. I'm Dean."
She giggles as she continues looking up at him. "I know."
He sits on the sofa beside her and the scent of her perfume permeates his nostrils, lavender with just a hint of vanilla. He hums at the fragrance. "So, how'd you like the show?"
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After some meaningful, to her, conversation and Dean plying her with copious amounts of liquor, he swoops in for the kill.
"Wanna take this conversation somewhere more private?" he asks, licking his lips. He sees her follow the path of his tongue with her eyes before she nods in agreement.
Like a rocket, Dean is off the couch and holds a hand out to help her up. Once she is standing, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and nudges her toward the door. After she exits, he turns around and meets Benny's eyes. In silent conversation, they deduce that in a half hour Benny would join them. Dean joins Cayla in the hall and re-positions his arm around her shoulders. "Shall we?"
As they approach the door, Cayla stiffens under Dean's embrace. His fingers had trailed down over her shoulder and were playfully tracing the edge of her bra cup.
"Uh, D-Dean?" she speaks and looks up at him demurely.
"Yea baby?" Dean smiles down at her.
"I, uh….I've never done this before."
Dean cocks a brow as he stares down at her. 'Oh. Oh, a virgin?' he thinks to himself.
"It's alright. I'll be easy. Your first time-" he begins but her laughter interrupts him.
"God, no! I'm not saying I've never had sex before. Hell, I'm 23 years old. I'm not a virgin, not in this day and age," she pauses as she works through a blush. "I've never had a threesome before. I saw that look you gave your drummer. He's going to join us,  isn't he?"
Dean was taken aback by her bold, but not wrong, assumption.
"Well, sweetheart. That was the plan but if you'd rather not, I can just tell him…"
"No," she cuts him off again. "I just wanted to let you know, ya know, that it's my first ménage à trios."
Dean sighs in relief. These after-concert rendezvous were never meant to be a one-on-one tryst. They were all involved somehow, whether it was the whole band or just a couple of them. Dean hadn't had sex with just one person in so long, he wasn't sure if he could enjoy it. Yes, sex was enjoyable to Dean but knowing that there were others to pick up the slack was comforting to him.
Not since his ex, Lisa, had he only slept with one person and she had always criticized and belittled his attempts at making it special and memorable.  'Didn't last long enough' and 'his dick just didn't hit the right spots for her to have a good orgasm' were two of her main complaints. So when they broke up and the band began to get recognized, Dean swore he'd always have "backup" and that's how he and Benny began tag teaming girls after gigs. They'd only just recently told the other members of the band and the orgies began. No other chick would ever again leave Dean Winchester's bed unsatisfied but instead, completely satiated. 
Bringing his attention back to the girl under his arm, he smiled down at her. "Don't worry. We'll be gentle. Why don't we-" he paises as he slides the card to unlock the door."-take this inside." She smiles anxiously and walks through into the room.
By the time Benny lets himself into the room, Dean and Cayla are down to their skivvies and making out on the bed. He closes the door quietly and stands there, watching. He can already tell the girl's g-string is ruined, just by how drenched it is. His cock jumps in his trousers. Her pink pert little nipples are exposed and Dean pinches one as he lavishes the other with his tongue and teeth. The moans she let out are straight from a porno and he has to rub his palm over his twitching member.
"God damn brotha.  She sure sounds like she's enjoying herself," Benny speaks up, finally letting his presence be known. Dean and Cayla both look toward him and smile.  
"And we haven't even got to the good part yet," Dean grins lasciviously. "We were waiting on you." Dean rolls Cayla's nipple between his thumb and forefinger, provoking her to moan again. "Ain't even got to her pussy yet and she's so receptive." He leans down to her and nibbles at her jaw. "That pussy's nice and wet ain't it? Ready to take a big dick."
"Mmhmm," Cayla whimpers as she turns her head so Dean can continue his path down her neck. 
"You gonna watch or jump in?" Dean mumbles against her shoulder and suckles the skin there, leaving a mark. One thing Dean does is mark them as a souvenir, a reminder of the night. 
Benny jerks his clothing off and accompanies them on the bed. He leans down and lick his tongue over the nipple Dean had been toying with. The bud hardening even more under his ministrations. 
Cayla is the first one to be completely unclothed, with two men pawing and groping at her. She lays there completely exposed and feeling vulnerable as the two bigger men look down at her. 
"Can't wait to sink my dick into that sweet cunt," Dean murmurs to his friend, his eyes never leaving her quivering pussy.  "You want that doll? Wanna feel this fat cock filling you up?" He asks as he rubs his palm over his tight boxers. There is already a wet stain on the front of them, from the precum leaking out of the tip. 
"Yes!" Cayla mewls as she wriggles on the bed, squeezing her thighs seeking friction.
Dean grabs her ankle and jerks her legs apart. "Nope, wanna see that pussy before I devour it.  Spread ‘them baby."
Cayla obliges by spreading her legs and reaches down to pull apart her folds. She sees the glint in Dean's eyes as he takes in how wet she is.
"Fuuuuck! I gotta taste that now,``he says as he falls to the bed between her legs and pushes his face into her cunt. The sounds of him slurping and drinking down her juices fill the room. Her head rolls back on the pillow as Dean continues to prod her with his tongue.
Benny comes to the head of the bed and bends down to her ear. "He's good wit' 'is mouth ain't he? Bet that pussy is feeling real good right about now."
Cayla's eyes pop open and she looks up at the bearded man. She nods her assent as her eyes roll back into her head when Dean slips a finger inside her. "Oh my god!" she exclaims, out of breath. "That feels awesome."
Benny laughs as he stands back up and pulls his briefs down. He kneels near her head and says,  "Well come on little lady. Why don’tcha make me feel awesome too." 
Cayla turns her head and is met with his dick in her face. She slips her tongue through her lips and licks the beads of precum there.
"Oh c'mon now suga'," Benny whines. "I know you can do better than that."
Cayla smiles up at him before opening her lips and letting him slide onto her tongue. She hollows her cheeks and sucks as he slides in deeper. 
Benny starts thrusting into her mouth, the tip hitting the back of her throat as Dean continues eating her out earnestly.
In her sex-riddled mind, Cayla thinks she hears a door open and it is only confirmed when a woman's voice is heard. 
"Ya know, a little warning would've been nice."
Neither Benny or Dean halt their assault but Cayla worriedly looks toward the sound. There standing in the room is the band's keyboard player and the guitar player. The woman stands there with her arms crossed over her chest and a hip cocked out but with a sly grin on her face; the man beside her seems more interested in her than the antics on the bed. He is kissing up and down her neck and pawing at her pants.
Cayla tries to pull away from her two partners but Dean tightens his grip around her thighs and pulls her back onto his face while Benny lays a gentle hand on the top of her head, prompting her to keep sucking. "Tha's jus' Meg and Cas. They'll be joining us in a minute."
Cayla briefly wonders how that will work, but quickly shakes off her doubts as she goes back to the task at hand. 
Cayla bounces when Meg flops onto the bed, causing Benny's prick to invade her throat. She tries to control her gag reflex but still chokes a bit.
"Sorry Sweetie, " Meg apologizes. "My angel can get eager when he knows he's getting laid." 
Cayla takes her mouth off Benny and looks at the woman on the bed beside her. Meg is a petite little thing, Cayla observes. Umber-colored hair frames her round face, her eyes are so brown the pupils are almost black and her cheeks are flushed, but that might be from the foreplay. 
Meg smiles at Cayla and gives her a wink. "It's okay. I won't let anything bad happen.  You trust me?”
And for some odd reason, Cayla does. She trusts and believes what the naked woman beside her on the bed says. 
Meg looks down her own body at Dean and then over to Cas, who are now on their knees between their respective women's legs looking at them ravishingly.
"Boys," Meg beckons playfully.  "It's not nice to eavesdrop when there’s pussies to be eaten and fucked. Get to it!" She demands with a snap of her fingers and pointing back and forth between their two cunts.
Dean and Cas both groan but fall to their elbows and get to work. Tsking, Benny grabs Cayla's attention and she promptly wraps her lips back around his length.
Cayla is getting into being eaten out while blowing Benny when she feels a dainty,  soft finger on her nipple. She glances down to see Meg running her fingertip around the areola before going across the bud.
"This okay?" Meg whispers as she plays. "You got such pretty little tits. Makes me wanna suck on them."
Cayla whimpers and Meg sits up on her elbows,  bending down and laving her tongue across Cayla's breast. "Mmm, you taste good. Hey Dean-o," Meg beckons. "I want to taste that pussy. Come up here and kiss me."
Dean sits back on his haunches and leans forward, over Cayla's body and kisses his keyboardist fervently. They both moan and Cayla can feel Dean rutting his still covered dick against her folds. The sight of Dean kissing Meg, letting her lick the juices from his mouth,  Cas busy feasting between Meg's legs and Dean's rock hard member rubbing against her clit causes spasms to start in Cayla's body. She reaches up and wrap her hand around Benny and begins pumping as she bobs.
"Oh, fuck. I think that turns our little Cher on," Benny groans. "She is going ta town."
Dean and Meg part and Meg flops back on the bed. "I was right. She is sweet. Delicious!" Meg mewls.
Dean crawls off the bed and sheds his boxers, his cock standing proudly up against his stomach. He wraps a hand around it and pumps himself as he watches the foursome on the bed. 'Definitely a night to remember,' he thinks before he rejoins them and sinks his dick into Cayla's wet but snug pussy.
The sensation of Cayla's walls squeezing him tight causes Dean to hiss and begin pumping into her at a furious pace. He had planned to go slow, ease her into it but the way her body was gripping onto him made him wild. He could feel every time his tip hit her cervix. Grabbing her hips, he pushed in deep, enamored with the feel of her. He hadn't had a pussy that tight in a long while; made him wonder if she had lied about being experienced.
A wail of his brother’s name breaks through his thoughts and he looks over to see Sam on the sofa with a hot little pussy bouncing on his dick. He smiles at the thought that his brother isn’t feeling left out of the ordeal and looks back down at the limber little thing underneath him, stuffed full with his dick and happily sucking on Benny while Meg lay beside her mewling as Cas  proceeds to ravish her. 
Watching all this happen and hearing Cayla's moans of pleasure mixed in with Meg's, Benny's and his own grunts turns Dean on like he can't believe. Wanting the chick to be satisfied, Dean reaches down and begins rubbing her clit. Her moans get louder and then Benny cries out in ecstasy, filling her mouth with his release. Dean watches as Cayla swallows it all down and licks the excess from Benny's rapidly deflating dick. 
Benny climbs off the bed and disappears while the others go about their endeavors. Dean falls to his hands, palms down beside Cayla's head. His green eyes meet her blue ones and they share a smile. 
"Clarence baby," Meg cries. "Get up here and fuck me as good as Dean is this hot little thing."
As Cas crawls up his wife's body, Dean bends down to kiss Cayla who turns her head away. He quirks an eyebrow in question.
"I can't. I taste like his cum," she tells him, tilting her chin toward where Benny had been. Dean laughs a full body laugh. 
"Sweetheart, we've all tasted Benny's cum," he tells her and her eyes widen. "But I bet it'll taste divine mixed with you," he whispers as he captures her lips. And he was right. The flavor of Benny's cum is still strong on her tongue and, mixed with the essence of Cayla, it drives him insane. He begins thrusting vigorously into her as he continues licking into her mouth.
Cas and Meg eventually finish and exit the room, Sam and his hot little number also disappear sometime, leaving Dean and Cayla. Not wanting to be left alone, Dean pulls out and furiously pumps himself until he shoots ropes and ropes of cum across her used body. 
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The next morning Dean wakes to a killer hangover, a sore body and a "Thanks for the four orgasms" note along with Cayla's name and number on the pillow next to him. He smiles at the memory as he crumples the paper and tosses it in the wastebasket. 
@pink1031​ @spnbaby-67​ @winecatsandpizza​ @joseyrw​ @kricketc28​ @tftumblin​ @markofdean79​ @sandlee44​ @tmnt-bucklover​
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amarauder · 6 years
green with envy {benny rodriguez}
prompt; "you can't just waltz in here and –"
"i would've died for you. i think that gives me leeway for a little waltzing."
word count;
warning; none, maybe a few minor cursewords
a/n; this is a terrible imagine. I'm so sorry, I really don't feel like I captured Benny's personality right in this peice. But I've been working on this for far too long and if I hav to write anymore on this stupid story then I'm going to scream.
                                     "You jump, I jump. Remember?"
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The tennis ball shot back to the other side of the court and the opposing member of the team Y/N was playing, missed. Cheers and Screams of happiness from the h/c haired girl's team bounced around the tennis court. Y/N laughed as everyone on the court crowded her and thumped her on the back.
"Wow, Y/N, you're so good!"
"So when are you going to become a professional?"
"Golly, I wish I was as good as you!"
Y/N grinned at all her friends and thanked them, "Give her space girls! Giver her space!" Y/N looked up to see her coach beaming at her.
"I'm sure glad I recruited you on the team!"
"Me too, Mrs.Gillfird. Me too." Y/n smiled and looked at the stands. She saw her younger brother, Tommy and her Mother cheering at the stands. But one face sparked her curiosity.
'What was Phillip doing here?' The last time she checked, he hated her guts.
An hour later, Y/N was heading over to the malt shop across the street from her high school; Valley High School.
"Hey, Y/N." Nancy grinned, "What are you thinking about?" Nancy had bright red hair that was quite curly and was currently styled into perfect ringlets inside her ponytail. Nancy had light hazel eyes, that reminded her of Benny's eyes constantly. Nancy was the type of girl who could be all innocent and cherry then break your nose in a spilt-second.
"Nothin' much, Nanc." (pronounced Nance with a silent e)
The truth was Y/N was thinking about Benny Rodriguez, her ex-best friend. The pair of them had gotten into a huge fight when Y/N didn't tell him that she was moving to the East Side until the day before. It had been about a year since that event had occurred and it was understandment to stay she missed him. God, her heart ached to see him again.
"She's probably thinking about Phillips." Sarah grinned mischievously. Sarah was a petite girl, with dark black hair that was pin straight, paired with blue eyes. Sarah was one of those girls who had a heart bigger than god and a personality bigger than life. Y/N felt that she was the closest to Sarah out of the four girls.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Trust me, Phillip feels nothing for me except for maybe a lot of hatred."
"Well, don't look now, but he's coming out this way." Mary grinned, Mary was very tall. She was around 5'11 and had short blonde hair that went about midway from her chin to her shoulders. She green eyes that seemed to match the grass in spring. She was the shyest of the group. Mary was one of those girls who everyone knew how gorgeous she was, except for her.
Sure enough, all three girls did the exact opposite of what Mary had told them to do. Phillip was coming this way and strangely was looking directly at Y/N. She met eye contact with the idiot and watched as a giant smirk grew on his stupid face.
"Ugh," Y/N crinkled her nose up and started to quicken her pace, "Let's go into Roger's, quickly."
The bell rung on the door of Roger's Milky Way and the quadruplet quickly all piled into an empty booth. It was quite packed inside the Diner, this place was the prime hangout place for all Valley kids.
This Magic Moment played softly in the background, as they picked up the menus and started teasing Y/N about how Phillips was making goo-goo eyes at her.
"Y/N, he's so dreamy," Nancy smiled, "He's an amazing baseball player."
At that comment, she snorted, "Trust me, I know better...a lot better actually."
Sarah raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes in a teasing manner, "Oh yeah, who?"
"Benny 'the jet' Rodriguez."
The three girls rolled their eyes and groaned, "Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if this guy exists, all you do is talk about how in love with him you are! We've never actually met him."
"I can't happen but to overhear your conversation, n/n. So, who is the lucky guy?" Y/n turned around to see straight into Phillip's eyes. They were the color of mud.
"Hmm, funny." The h/c haired girl snapped, "Last time I've heard, it's rude to interrupt, Phillips."
"She's in love with this imaginary guy names Benny 'the jet' Rodriguez."
Phillips' eyes grew huge, "You like him?"
"No! I do not!"
"He exists?" Nancy asked, shocked.
"Yes, he does. He sucks at baseball."
Y/N laughed, but then stopped when she realized no one else was laughing, "Wait, I thought that was a joke."
Phillips ignored that comment, "So, L/n, I can help you get over Rodriguez if you help me get over you."
Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to reject him when he said, "Just remember, I wouldn't hang onto him so long. You know he hates you more than me now, don't you? What the hell did you do to him?"
"Shut your trap, you idiot! Mind your own business! I will never ever go out with you! You need to stoop down back to your league, chump." Y/N paused to catch her breath, but then smirked as an idea quickly formed in he head, "Tell you what, the day you stop playing baseball like a girl, is the day I'll go out with you." The h/c haired girl sassed and used Ham's line.
"You are a girl!' He threw his hands up in outrage.
"Ya, but at least I don't play like one. C'mon, Phillips, we both know I can beat your ass. Do you really want a girl that can do that?" Y/n made a mock concerning face.
"I think it's hot as hell, L/n. Why don't you just go out with me? The rest of your gang is going steady with mine? Why don't we just make it official?"
"I'm standing my grounds, Phillips. Not until you stop playing like a girl." Y/N raised her eyebrows at him.
It was starting to get dark outside, so Y/N decided to start heading home, "I'm going to go home, I'm really tired."
Sarah smiled, "I might head out with you too."
"Okay, Sarah, let's agitate the gravel."
"Let me just grab my sweater." Y/n wrapped her own sweater around her tennis outfit; which consisted of a white collared shirt with her school logo printed on her left breast and a white pleated tennis skirt with a navy blue stripe at the bottom. Her Varsity Sweater was Nazy Blue and it was possibly her favorite thing to wear.
They waved at the two girls and shivered at the night's cold air, "Jeepers, it's cold." Sarah whispered.
"I know, I just want it to be Summer already."
"At least it's not Winter."
"Oh, please. We don't even have a Winter."
Sarah laughed, "True. Why won't you go out with Phillips."
"You don't understand. My old gang, before I moved here and met you all... We were enemies with theirs. I was so different then. I was practically a boy. I wore overalls all the time or jeans and a baseball jersey. I looked like a badly groomed boy. Anyway, we were the best baseball team out there. But they would constantly terrorize us. This one time, they threw a rock through Benny's window and it almost hit his Mother. Golly, t think that was the scariest for me. The worst part was, Mr.Rodriguez had died 5 years ago from that day. So, I was there comforting Benny..." Y/N trailed off as she started to recall the horrendous memory, "That's one of the main reasons why I won't go out with him."
Silence settled between them, "How long ago was it?"
"What?" Y/N asked confusedly.
"When did they throw the rock?"
"About three-fourish years ago...I think."
"As much as I don't want to say this, it needs to be said. I will never ever think that what Phillip did was right. Ever. I love you, Y/N. You're my best friend. But you need to get your head out of the past. If Benny and your squad missed you as much as you miss them, then they would have visited you by now and it's been almost a year now. You need to get over him. You don't have to go out with Phillips, but everyone deserves a second chance. You were the one who taught me that, Y/n. Now, you need to go do it reciprocate it."
Y/N bit her lip and looked down at her white sneakers, "I know, I do... I'll go tell Phillips tomorrow. But if he does anything that I don't like, then I'll drop him."
The next day was Saturday. Y/n got dressed in a red dress paired with a blue scarf tied around her neck and white heels. A knock on her door interrupted her morning breakfast.
"I'll get it!" Y/N hollered to her Mother who was currently doing the dishes.
Y/N opened the door and saw Phillips standing there, "Phillip? What are you doing here?"
Phillip smiled shyly at Y/N which only caused Y/N to be more confused. Phillip was never nervous. Even when he knew her and the boys were going to beat his toushie.
"Umm, I-I wanted to show you something."
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed but she nodded, "Alright, let me just put my dish away and let my Mother know I'm gone. You can come in if you'd like." She mentioned with her hand.
Phillip laughed nervously, "Good, I was scared you were going to let me bake in this heat."
Y/N gasped in fake horror, "In 70-degree weather! Why I would never do such a thing!" {a/n; that's cold for California. lol, I'm so spoiled}
The two surprisingly made great conversation despite their differences, but what shocked Y/N the most was how much she was enjoying herself.
Y/N shut the door to her house and followed Phillip to their bikes that were leaned against the wall, "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Y/N started to whine, "I hate surprises."
"Sucks for you," Phillip said and hopped on his bike. "Now, hurry up. We've got things to do, places to see, people to meet."
Y/N laughed, "Since when have you ever liked people."
"Oh, I like people. Just not your old friends."
"Because we were better at you at baseball."
"Yes, exactly-...Wait! No!" Phillip started to stumble over his words as Y/N almost fell off her bike from laughing so hard.
The two started to slow at the top of the hill, Y/N couldn't see the top of it and it was driving her mad. "Where are you taking me?!?"
Phillip laughed at her impatience, "Would you relax?"
"No. Now tell me!" Y/N exclaimed annoyed, but her anger was shortlived as the two finally made it to their destination. The place was beautiful. The gorgeous field was a lush green and was spotted with pink and reds from flowerbeds. Butterflies and birds twittered around through the hunter green trees. Y/N couldn't speak. She was in such awe of everything around her, she just looked around with her jaw slightly ajar.
"Do you like it?" Phillip asked a small smile dancing on his lips as he watched Y/N's facial expressions.
"How did you find this place? This is nothing like I'ver ever seen before, especially here."
Phillip smiled shyly and put his hands in his pockets, "My Father and I used to come here a lot."
"Used? If I knew about this place sooner, I would be here all day, every day."
Phillip kept smiling but shrugged, "We just grew apart, I guess."
"Oh." Y/N nodded along like she was understanding everything he was saying, but in reality, she was entranced by the meadow she was surrounded by.
An hour later, Y/N felt guilty for how she and the gang had treated Phillip. He was most likely one of the sweetest boys she's met in a while. He didn't try anything with her and had shown her around with the most upright respect she's gotten in a while.
As the pair were watching the stars and lying on the blanket that Phillip had brought for their eventful picnic and 'baseball' game; that he had supposedly won.
"Hmm?" He hummed in reply.
"Umm," Y/N sat up slightly causing Phillip's eyebrows to furrow and for him to also sit up, "I was just wondering why you're suddenly being nice to me."
Phillip groaned and put his head in his hands, "Truth is... I've always had the biggest crush on you. I've just never known how to show it."
Y/N felt a ball of stress release in her chest, "Oh," Y/N laughed, "Good."
"Good? I've treated you like shit."
"No, good, as in you also like me."
Phillip's eyebrows shot up, "Also like?"
"Ya, well, wasn't this a date?"
"Princess, this was a way for me to show you that I was a good person. My dates are going to be much better than this. Golly, if you become my girl, I'll spoil you so much."
Y/N blushed, "I don't need to be spoiled. I already have plenty."
"I think you deserve everything."
Y/N didn't know what to say after that, so she kissed him.
Within the next week, Philip and Y/N were inspirable. They went on dates almost every day and kissed many times. It was finally Summer Time and the couple were beyond ready for the warmth to bloom over them.
Y/N's doorbell rang and she blushed but hurried down the stairs, "Hey Mom! I'm going out!"
"Who with, honey?"
Y/N gulped, she knew her Mother was starting to get suspicious. Y/N and Sarah hung out every day, but Sarah would never ring the doorbell, she would just let herself in and shout, "Everyone! I'm home!"
It drove her Mother crazy, but Y/N always felt that her Mother secretly liked it, even if she would never admit it.
"Umm, I'm going out with Sarah and some friends." Now, that wasn't a complete lie. She was going out with Sarah, but they weren't all just friends. They were both going steady with the guys.
"Who are the guys?"
"Yes, honey, the two boys standing next to Sarah?"
Y/N groaned silently, "Well, there's Johnny and Phillips."
"Phillips? Boy, I haven't heard that name in a while. I thought you didn't like each other."
Y/N gulped and decided to tell the truth, "We're jacketed, Mama."
"Jacketed? Oh, sweetheart, why didn't you tell me? It's rude to him and I for us not too meet."
"Sorry, Mama. I'm still new at this."
"I know, honey. Now let the poor boy in."
"Alright, Mama."  Y/N opened the door and plastered a fake smile on, "Hey, Phillip? Would you want to come in? My Mama wants to meet you."
Phillip looked surprised but nodded anyway, "Alright."
"Johnny and I are going to hit the gravel. We'll see you both later." Sarah grinned at her boyfriend, who smiled right back.
"Okay, bye, Sarah."
Y/N showed Phillip around the house, hoping to stall, so Y/N could think of a quick way for her Mother not to talk too much. Mrs.L/N was a known chatterbox. You could never get the woman to stop talking. Although, Y/N and her closest friends thought it was endearing occasionally. Many others thought it was quite annoying and she often used to get teased from it.
Phillip smirked teasingly, "When are you going to introduce me to your Mother? She's not a troll is she?"
Y/N smiled slightly from his joke, "Something like that."
Phillip's brows furrowed and he flung his arm around her and squeezed the girl around him, "Hey, I've heard the rumors about your Mother and personally I don't care. I'm dating a chatterbox myself."
"I'm a chatterbox?"
"Yes, you are. But you know what? People like it. After all, you're a queen."
"I'm not that popular."
"Umm, excuse me, you are our Sophmore President, Tennis Captain, and you won Homecoming Queen last year. I think you are the top Queen."
Y/n blushed, "You always know what to say."
"I know, I do." He smirked, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.
"Now, I'm starting to regret saying that."
He chuckled, "No you don't."
"Yes, I do."
"Y/N! I want to meet your suitor! Get down here!"
"I'm coming, Mama!"
The pair raced down the stairs to meet an impatient but beautiful looking woman, whose eyes softened at the sight of her daughter and Phillip.
"Phillip, this is my Mama. Mama, this is Phillips."
"It's sure nice to finally meet you, Mrs.L/N."
"And me you, Phillips. Although, I've heard plenty about you. So much, it's like I already know you."
"Really?" Phillip smirked as her eyes widened and she blushed scarlet. Y/N's stomach growled uncomfortably and she glared daggers at her Mother and wondered when she would be done torturing poor Phillips.
"Hey, Paulie?"
"What's up, Babe?"
"Mom, Phillips and I should really be going."
"Okay, you make sure you don't lose this one, Y/N. He's a real keeper."
"Okay, Mama."
"Phillip make sure you come around for dinner sometime. I'd love to have you over again."
"Alright, Mrs. L/N."
Y/N's Mother opened her mouth to say something again, but Y/N beat her to it, "Bye Mom."
Y/N hurriedly shut the door and sighed, "Sorry about that."
Phillip laughed, "Don't worry about it. I like your Mom. Say, look at the time. Do you want to head to Rosie's Diner?"
"That sounds great." Y/N grinned but stopped short.
"Isn't that on the other side of town? That's a long bike ride, Phillips."
"Good thing we won't have to ride. I got my own flip top."
Y/N's jaw dropped in surprise, "Golly. That's one tuff mustang."
"Tell me about it, Baby. Hop in."
Y/N smiled and admired the car, "It's gorgeous."
Phillip smiled and started the car up, The radio turned on and Y/N squealed, "This is my favorite song!"
Phillip laughed, "This song?"
"Yes, Then he kissed me!" Y/N sang along to the song.
Phillip smiled and put the top back causing Y/N to shout with laughter as her hair flew crazily with the wind. Phillip looked over at her in awe, he swore he had never seen anything so beautiful before in his life. She was an angel descended from heaven.
"You're gorgeous." Phillip smiled and glanced over at her.
Y/N didn't hear she just kept screaming and laughing.
Y/N went to unbuckle her seat belt, but Phillip quickly scolded her, "NO! No! Y/N you could get really hurt. Plus, we have like five minutes until we're there."
Y/N looked surprised, "Usually it takes me like 15 to 20 minutes."
"It has been you've just been so busy yelling and screamin'" Phillip laughed.
"Oh, oops." Y/N smiled sheepishly.
"Don't say oops. I thought it was cute."
Y/N giggled but couldn't help but feel guilty. She liked Phillips, but Benny will always be her first love. Unfortunately, for Y/N, you never get over your first love.
"Hey, daydreamer, we're here." Y/N got her head out of the clouds and took in the place they were at. Y/N's grin widened immensely. This had to be one of her favorite places on Earth. Rosie's Diner was one wild jig. Her old gang and herself had many old but fond memories here.
"Why'd you take me here? It's so far, compared to all the other diners." Y/N asked.
Phillips shrugged, "I knew you grew up with this one. I thought you'd enjoy the change of scenery."
Y/N nodded but she couldn't convince her mind that he was telling the truth. The doorbell rang as they stepped into the diner. Phillip went to talk to the hostess as Y/N quickly scanned the tables and everything around her.
"They can't be here. God, please don't let them be here." Thankfully, they weren't here. The hostess lead them over to their table and sat them down.
"I'll be back to order for drinks." She smiled.
Y/N grinned back, "Thank you..." Y/N glanced at her name tag, "Sally."
"My pleasure."
Y/N smiled at Phillip and took his hand, "Thank you for being so thoughtful this past week. I'm so sorry I treated you that way before. If only I had-"
"Hey, hey. I acted like a jerk. It was only right for you to hate me. Plus, It's not like I stopped when we got older. I just hit on you all the time. Which sometimes, can be worse."
Y/N laughed, "Tell me about it."
A small voice interrupted their conversation, "Y/N?"
Y/N looked over to see squints gaping at her wide-eyed. Y/N copied the gang's look and looked around for Benny. After not finding the attractive boy, she relaxed.
She cracked an uneasy smile, "Hey gang." The boys all rushed over for a hug.
"Hey, girly, where've ya been?"
"Hey, girly, where've ya been?"
"Shut up, Timmy!"
"Aww, Bertram you got glasses!"
"Yeah, yeah, he sure did Y/N!"
"We really missed you, Y/N." Kenny said while hugging her tightly.
"I missed you so much. You don't even know, Ken."
"Aww, I don't get a hug from my favorite girl?"
"Come here, Hammy."
"Ugh, you know I hate that name."
"Why do you think I use it?"
"Just because you're finally visiting us, I'll drop my sassiness."
Y/N fake gasped and clinked a glass cup and spoon together, "Everyone! Everyone! Ham said he's going to stop being sassy!"
Everyone gasped causing Ham to growl, "Whatever!"
Everyone gasped again, "Ham, are you feeling alright? When's the last time you've said whatever?"
Ham rolled his eyes at everyone's antics.
"Who're you?" Y/N looked in the back to see a small boy holding a baseball glove, looking quite confused.
"This is Y/N L/N. She's been on our baseball team ever since... we can all remember."
"Yeah, yeah," yeah yeah said, "She's also Benny's secret lover. Benny and Y/N are on the hook more than Squints and Wendy Peffercorn!"
"Then why is she with Phillips?"
A growing silence made Y/N shiver, the boys were looking at her like she had betrayed them.
Ham suddenly grinned and punched Y/N in the arm, "You sly dog. You were luring Phillips over here to us, so we could give him a knuckle sandwich."
The boys started to get rowdy again, but Y/n closed her eyes, "No, I wasn't. Phillips and I are going steady."
"What about Benny?"
Y/N laughed, "He didn't tell you? Hmm, funny, Why don't you go ask him? He's coming out now."
Y/N froze as she registered what she had just said, Y/N made eye contact with Benny. She felt her body go numb and the world seemed to stop spinning. Benny smiled at her which made her insides melt. If it was possible Benny had gotten hotter. He was taller and more muscular, but still had those kind, sparkling eyes which she loved.
"Hey, Rodriguez!" Phillips shouted.
"Uh oh." Y/N whispered.
"Hey, Y/N." Ham whispered, "We should get you outta here, before things get messy, ya?"
Y/N sighed, "I'd love too, but I have to make sure things don't get messy."
"Things are going to get messy, Y/N. Benny's a jealous guy. Especially with you because he's so in love with you. Now, you finally show up with Phillips-"
"Benny told me to never show my face again. So, I'm truly sorry that I show up with Phillips."
"So that's why you haven't visited me."
Y/N's eyes softened, "Oh, god, Ham, I've wanted to see you for so long. Personally, without Phillips."
"So, you don't like Phillips."
"No, I do. You would too if you got to know him."
Ham laughed, "Oh, that wasn't a joke."
"No, it wasn't. So, Squints is still in love with Wendy Peffercorn?"
"What guy isn't, Y/N? If they're not in love with her, then they're in love with you."
Y/N's eyebrows raised, "I don't think so Ham."
"It's true. Benny's in love with you and he doesn't even take a second glance at Wendy. She's one hot fox."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Of course, she's one hot fox."
"Hey, nosebleed! She loves me!" Benny pushed Phillips who was glaring daggers at Benny.
"She's mine!" Phillips threw a punch.
Y/N quickly stood up just in time for them to wrestle on the ground, Y/N ran toward them and attempted to get Phillips off of Benny. Phillips accidentally elbowed the poor girl in the eye. She screeched and fell down. Benny pushed Phillips off of him and ran to Y/N's aid.
"Y/N! Y/N, are you alright?"
"I'm fine."
The manager came over to Benny and the gang and Phillips, he rested a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Here's an ice pack. I think it would be best if you guys could leave quietly."
"Alright, Mr.Flowebed, we understand. I'm sorry we caused trouble in your diner." Y/N apologized and took the ice pack.
"It's alright, sweetheart. I already kicked the other guy out."
Y/N groaned she had completely forgotten about Phillips. "Thank you, Mr.Flowerbed. Let's go boys."
Y/n was about to stand up when Benny swept her off her feet. She laughed, "Benny, what are you doing?"
"Carrying you. You're badly injured, Ms.L/N."
Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled, she didn't feel like mentioning that the only thing hurting was her eye. Y/N snuggled against Benny's side and felt like closing her eyes. It was pretty late, almost dinner time. The sun was starting to set and Y/N felt calmer than she's felt in a long time.
A sharp voice cut off her calming thoughts, "Y/N! Let's go!" Y/N felt herself being lowered to the ground and her eyes focused in on a very angry Phillips. Phillips grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her forcefully over to the car.
Y/N waved to her gang and caught one shout from Ham, "Come back Loser!"
"What did you say!" Phillips marched over to them.
"I said 'Come back Loser!', it was directed toward Y/N, but I can understand why you'd think it was for you with 'loser' in the sentence and all."
Phillips laughed darkly, "Didn't know you knew what a sentence was, Ham."
"Didn't know you knew how to play baseball, Phillips. I mean swinging a bat around is not the same as playing."
"I don't care about Baseball, Ham. What I do care about is Y/n. She's mine, Rodriguez, whether you like it or not."
Benny looked at him calmly, "She's not a thing, Phillips."
For some reason, that made Phillips angrier, "Then stop treating her like a thing Rodriguez."
Benny punched Phillips square in the nose, they were on to each other again. Y/N's eyes widened, she was about to get out of the car again when the boys pulled them apart.
"Get out of here, Phillips!" Ham spat and shoved him away from the gang causing him to stumble and fall.
"How about we settle this once and for all, Rodriguez. We play baseball in my field, tomorrow at 3 o'clock, sharp. Winner gets Y/N. Deal?"
Benny glared at the hand in front of him, "The Loser also has to leave Y/N and the winner alone and respect her decision."
"Deal." They shook on it.
The next day, Y/N was a nervous wreck. She hadn't slept at all that night, she had called Sarah at least 5 times in the last hour, and everything seemed to be getting worse.
The dumb baseball game was in about a half-hour and Y/N decided to grab her sweater and start heading over to the pitch. Y/N personally didn't see the point of this game. Shouldn't she be the one to be able to decide?
God knows who she'd choose. It was Benny, it's always been, Benny. If Phillip hadn't told her to "Fuck off. It's all your fault you slut," then maybe she'd have put up more of a fight for who she wanted to stay with.
"Hey, Mama! I'm going to head over to the baseball game!"
"Okay, sweetie. Be back by the time the lampposts are on!"
"Will do, Mama!"
Y/N locked her front door and was about to walk over to her bike when she tripped over something. Y/N groaned, her stockings were ripped.
"Damn it!"
"Y/N! Language!"
"Sorry, Mama!" Y/N looked over to see what she tripped over. It was a huge bouquet of flowers and chocolate.
"What on Earth?" Y/N touched the flowers gently. They were positively the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen. No, not beautiful, beautiful was a poor and boring word to describe those flowers.
Spontaneously Breathtaking.
"Do you like them?" Y/N turned around to see a guilty looking Phillip standing on her second porch step looking mighty awkward.
"Yes, I love them. Where'd you get them?"
Phillip smiled, "Our special place."
Y/N smiled, she quickly got off the ground and playfully glared at him, "I'm still mad at you, so the chocolates better be the best chocolates I've ever had or you're in trouble."
Phillip smirked, "What kind of trouble?"
"No kisses for a week." Y/N deadpanned while trying to hold in her laughter at his reaction.
"WHAT?!?! Y/N, sweetie, don't you think that's a little harsh?"
"You called me a slut. Need I say more?"
"No, I think I'm good."
"That's what I thought. I'm going to put these flowers in a vase and then we can head to the game together."
"What about the chocolates?"
"I'm bringing them to the game."
"So, you're not going to try them now? You're going to make me wait?"
"Oh, honey, you are going to wait a very long time."
Phillip whimpered but opened the door for Y/N hoping to get some sort of reaction out of her. He didn't get one.
They had won. Phillip had won.
"How the hell did that happen?" Y/N whispered to herself in her hands. She had been pretending to be happy about it all of yesterday and now almost all morning, but all she wanted to do was find Benny and kiss him. She knew she had a high chance of marrying Phillip, especially with her Mother still alive.
"Hey, babe, you alright?" Y/N looked up to see Phillip drinking some water and leaning against the batting cage that Y/N was currently sat in.
"I'm fine. I don't understand why I'm not allowed why I can't play with you guys."
"Because I don't want you to get hurt sweetheart."
Y/N stood up angrily, "Bullshit. You won't let me play because you're embarrassed by me playing in front of your friends."
"Hey, baby, that's not true."
"Don't you baby me." Y/N spat and stomped out of the batting cage.
"Where are you going?"
"I don't know. Away from here."
"Okay, come back when you cool off." Phillip shouted and got ready to batter up.
When she was out of sight from the boys. She started to run, Y/N didn't know where the hell she was going, but it was away from her disgusting pig of a boyfriend and his gross friends. She shivered, gawking at herself.
"How did I get here?" Y/N was tough, she was one of the toughest girls in LA. However, she was one of the sweetest also. It was merely a matter of how you judged.
Y/N walked along a random path, she had gotten a ride from Phillips and didn't bring her bike. A loud car drove past her and Y/N almost jumped from the music. She wanted to curse at it but held it back.
Y/n sighed and kicked a pebble that was sitting innocently on the ground. "Sorry, little pebble."
"Hey! Y/N! Watcha' doin' talking to a pebble?" Y/N looked up to see Ham grinning up at her inside a van.
"Hello, sweetie. What are you doing walking alone? Do you need a ride?"
Y/N smiled, she hadn't seen Mrs.Rodriguez in a whole year.
"I think she's good, Mom," Benny said. Y/N gulped, she knew Benny was mad at her but there was no other choice. She needed a ride home.
"Actually, Mrs.Rodriguez, if it's no trouble. I do need a ride home." Y/n looked up guiltily.
"It's no trouble dearie, hop right in." Mrs.Rodriguez gestured.
"Thank you, Mrs.Rodriguez." Y/N said politely before getting in the car. Surprisingly, the boys didn't really care about yesterday's events. The only one who was being stony towards her was Benny, but Y/N understood his reasons.
The boys and she joked around till they were almost at her house, "Why were you walking home?" Mrs. Rodriguez asked.
Y/N sighed, "Phillips was acting like a jerk." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Benny stiffen and all the boys hide their smiles.
"Benny tells me the two of you are jacketed, yes?"
"Correct." Y/N sighed.
"Do you see anything more than just going steady with him?"
Y/N wrinkled her nose at the thought and was about to reply when Mrs.Rodriguez did it for her, "I'm going to take that wrinkled nose as a no."
Y/N giggled lightly and the boys finally let out their laughter that they had been holding in for way too long.
"Boys, boys, calm down now. I know you want Benny and Y/N to get together but that's no reason to laugh at Phillips"
Y/N's eyes widened at Mrs.Rodriguez comment and she quickly looked down to attempt to hide her blush. Everyone laughed at Benny's and Y/N's very obvious blush.
"Y/N, would you like to join us at the lake?"
Y/N grinned, "I'd love to Mrs.Rodriguez. Do you mind if I just grab my suit?"
"Sure, sweetie."  
Y/N went into the house and grabbed her suit and threw it on before rushing downstairs again. Y/N locked her front door again but stopped short when she saw Mrs.Rodriguez and her Mother chatting it up. Y/N started to giggle lightly at the boys annoyed expressions. The whole gang knew how long it was going to take for their conversation to end.
"Heya, Mama." Y/n  kissed her Mother's cheek and hopped into the van.
"This is going to take a long time." y/n said and looked out the window. Surprisingly, it didn't take that long.
"Alright, bye M/n! We need to catch up!"
"Definitely! I'll see you kiddos later!" Y/N's mother headed back inside.
The trip to the lake was rather uneventful, Benny still wouldn't talk to Y/N even after her comment on Phillips. It frustrated her like no other.
Y/N hopped over a rock and was giggling with Yeah, Yeah, "So squints is really in love with Wendy?"
"Oh, yeah. He even kissed her!"
Y/N gasped and burst into laughter, "Did he kidnap her?"
"Nah Nah, he purposely drowned and then when she performed CPR on her, he gave her the tongue."
"Wow, didn't know he had it in him."
"Yeah, yeah... Hey, Squints!" Alan shouted squints looked over, "How was necking with Wendy Peffercorn?"
Squints groaned as the boys and Y/N all laughed, "Shut up idiots. Y/N and I are the only ones who've kissed something other than your Mother's asses!"
Y/N gasped, "Squints! Language!"
Squints blushed and drew something in the dirt with his shoe, "Sorry, Y/N."
Y/N smiled and ruffled his hair, "It's all good, Squints. Golly, you've sure changed."
"Hey, Gang! We're here!" Benny shouted as his Mother set down the picnic basket.
"Far out!"
Y/N grabbed her PB and Marshmellow Fluff sandwich {a/n; if you don't know what that is, I pity you immensly} and sat down next to Benny and Ham.
"So, Y/n what's necking with Phillip like?" The boys all sniggered at Ham's question.
Y/N shrugged, "Nothing special."
"Aww, c'mon Y/n you've got to give us something more than that." Bertram teased.
Y/N stuck her tongue out at the bespectacled boy but continued on, "I've had better. He needs to keep his tongue shoved down his own mouth, not mine."
"Eww." The boys all shouted and clamped their hands over their ears. Y/N smirked, she got them. No more talking about make out sessions with Phillips.
   "Cannon Ball!" Ham shouted and hopped into the water, shortly followed by everyone else. They all played in the water for about two hours before Mrs.Rodriguez announced a suggestion.
"Hey, guys! Do you want to go on a hike?" She asked everyone and looked at the clear sky.
There was a collective amount of 'no's' or 'I want to go in the water, Mrs.Rodriguez.' However, after Mrs.Rodriguez death glare everyone was on their feet except for Benny and Y/N who she'd forced into staying.
The second they all left, things went from awkward between Y/N and Benny to God Awful, kill me now awkward.
 Y/N got out of the water and started to dry off. She drying her legs when she heard an annoyed cough behind her.
"What?" Y/N snapped, she was tired of Benny's rude behavior.
"Why didn't you come back?"
Y/N laughed, "You'd think you would remember, wouldn't you?"
"No! I don't Y/N!" Benny stepped closer to her.
"You told me to never show my face in this town ever again!"
Benny looked down guiltily, "Why'd you date Phillips?"
"Because he cares about me."
Benny's anger flared up, "No, he doesn't. He doesn't care about anyone but himself."
"Maybe if you gave him a chance then you would-"
Y/N felt tears spring up, so she did what she thought was best. She smacked Benny Rodriguez hard, "Guess, what Rodriguez! I'm the smartest in my damn grade! I have honors roll as a sophomore! I won the Science Fair twice in a row. But the smartest thing I think I've ever done was follow your advice and not talking to you for a whole freaking year."
"Y/N, Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Honest." Benny went in for a hug, but she only pushed him away. Benny wrapped his wet self around Y/N to get her to laugh but she only pushed him away again.
Benny groaned but knew he had to go to extreme measures for this. Benny picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
"Benny, NO!"
"Benny, YES!" He threw Y/N in, then jumped in right after her.
Y/N surfaced quickly and glared at Benny, she was so frustrated with him! God, he was so annoying. Y/N was almost out of the lake when she felt her body being pulled back in by her arm. {a/n; i am so sorry this is the cheesiest thing ever}
Y/n surfaced the second time in Benny's arms, "Damn it! God, I hate...mmph." Benny kissed her. The creases in Y/N's forehead from her frustration slowly melted away along with everything else until it was just her and Benny.
Y/N quickly broke away from the kiss in shock. Her eyes were wide and her lips were slightly parted with slowly evening breaths flowing out. "Benny," she started, but all she could say was his name. His name seemed to be the only thing running through her brain; it seemed to be a mantra pulsing around her brain.
"Y/n," Benny gulped nervously, he knew it was time to spill his guts out no matter how she reacted, "I love you. I have for a while now. Even though you never noticed, when you left I would go out and look for you. I-I just needed to hear your voice. God, if I spent any more time away from you it was going to drive me insane. Anyway, I know that I made the deal with Phillips about not messing with your relationship with him. But, I know he doesn't treat you right. I know I could do so much better. Even if he has more money than me, Y/N. I know he would spoil you with gifts. But I would spoil you with my love and I know you feel that's more important. So please, please take me instead. Take me back."
Y/N was frozen, her heart was pounding painfully in her chest, her mind was going haywire begging her to say what she wanted too. But all she could do was gape at him like a blind fish.
Seconds ticked by, seconds that turned into minutes, which lead to Benny whispering, "So what do you say?"
Y/N's mind betrayed her heart, she ran away as fast as she could.
Y/N's heart felt heavy in her chest as she ran, a little while away Y/N stopped to rest but only got blown over by someone. Thankfully, she didn't fall over, she just stumbled a little.
Someone spun her around by her shoulders and grabbed onto her arms, "Tell me you don't love me."
Y/N's eyes widened, "Let me go, Benny."
Benny didn't let go. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me."
Benny felt Y/N's arms tremble in his hands, but she looked him the eyes anyway, "I-I don't lo..I don't love you, Benjamin Rodriguez."
Benny forced his eyes shut and tried one last move, he had to get her with this one. He kissed her. He kissed her hard and long and passionately and lovingly.
Without opening his eyes, he broke the kiss and rested his head on her forehead, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me."
Benny opened his eyes just in time to see Y/N open hers, "I-I can't, Benny."
"Thank God."
They kissed again.
A week later, Y/N's arm was wrapped around Phillips as they entered the dance she's been working really hard on. Y/N's Mother was a member of the Valley Country Club. The Country Club was hosting a public free event to try and gather more members and Y/N was partly in charge of it.
"Hey, babe? I was talking to you. Are you alright?" Phillips waved a hand in front of her.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just worried about the event." Y/N's mind was nowhere near the event that was taking place. Instead, it was wondering why the hell she rejected Benny.
It was the next morning after her and Benny's get together and Y/N was curling her lashes when a doorbell rang throughout the house.
"I'll get it!" Y/N's Mother hollered to her.
"Oh, Hello Benny. What a lovely surprise. Come in." Y/N almost ripped out her lashes in shock. Phillips was supposed to be here in five minutes. The poor girl was already running late for a date and she didn't need any distractions at the moment.
Y/N heard a knock on her bedroom door and hastily pulled a random shirt over herself and opened up the door with messy wet hair and close to no makeup.
"Hey, Y/N. I got you these," He held out a bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you, Benny. Listen about last night..." Y/N trailed off. She needed to end it quickly, like ripping off a band-aid. "I need to stay with Phillips, I really hope you understand."
Y/N quickly closed the door in his face and cringed into her hands. God, what was she doing? She was probably the stupidest girl alive.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Now, I need to gather up the final contestants of the annual Valley Pagent! We have Sarah Berman, Daisy Sparks, Nancy Parker and last but certainly not least Y/N L/N."
Y/N stumbled up to the stage with Sarah holding her hand tightly, "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine."
"Oh, shit. Benny's here." Nancy whispered to them.
"Really? I didn't notice." Y/N whispered sarcastically.
"So, that's why you're freaking out."
"I'm fine!" Y/N whispered harshly and shook off their grips on her. She shut her eyes and took in a deep breath. Y/N scanned the room to look for Phillip and her Mother. The H/C haired girl found her Mother, but Phillip seemed to be missing.
"And the Pagent Award goes to... Y/N L/N!" The man sang and held out a sash with a bouquet of flowers. "And final words to everyone."
"Thank you for voting for me, I really appreciate it and I hope you like the event and have an amazing Fourth!" Y/N smiled and wondered how the hell she could be doing this right now. Her head was spinning violently and she just needed to get out from all the stares it was overwhelming.
The second Y/N was let off the stage she raced to the girl's bathroom. Sarah, Nancy, and Mary were all running after her, worried about their friend.
"Y/N Wait!"
"What's wrong?"
"How the hell do you run so fast in heels?"
Y/N threw the door open and quickly ran over to the sink. Y/N heard the door slam open then noises from their shoes hitting the tile. The h/c haired girl quickly splashed water on her face and calmed herself down.
"Y/N are you alright?" Someone asked behind her.
"Yes, I'm fine. I just needed to get away from everyone for a second." Y/N said and looked at herself in the mirror.
"Then don't look behind you," Sarah grumbled. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and her eyes shifted to the left. She screamed. Phillips and Sherry Williams were holding each other in a compromising position looking at her terrified.
Y/N whipped around her, her emotions running wild. At first, she felt so mad she wanted to smack the shit out of him, but the realized she felt relieved. She was so relieved that she could break up with him.
"You know what?" Y/N laughed, "I don't even care. I wanted to smack the shit out of you five seconds ago. But honestly, I just want to thank you."
"Thank me?" Phillips asked, his eyes searching her as if making sure she was alright.
"Yes, thank you so much for showing me that Benny has always been the right one." With that said, Y/N walked out of the bathroom and headed over to the dance with a newfound confidence inside her.
"Hey, Y/N." Sarah smiled, "Thank goodness you dropped him. He was getting on my nerves."
Y/N burst out laughing, "Honestly, me too."
"Hey! Y/N!" A very high voice said behind her, "Let's get out of here, shall we?"
Y/N felt two pairs of hands guiding her over to the doors of the country club and heard whispers behind her.
"Wait, I need to find Ben..." Y/N found Benny alright. He was kissing Sherry. "That Bitch! What the hell is her problem?"
Y/N felt tears prickle her eyes, so she did what she did best. She ran for it.
Y/N woke up with a dry mouth and a pounding headache. The girls had slept over at Y/N's house and all shared gallons of cookie dough ice cream and watched Splendor in the Grass over and over again.
Y/N had to admit that was the most romantic and saddest movie of all time. {a/n; hey! they didn't have the notebook yet!}
"Hey! Y/N! Wake up, Sweetheart!" Y/N's Mother popped her head through the crack in the door.
"I'm already awake, Mama." Y/N's voice cracked as she saw her Mother's worried face.
"Honey, what happened?" Mrs.L/N walked over to Y/N and brought her into a warm embrace. Y/N tried to explain everything, but even she knew it sounded like a load of codswallop. No one could hear a word she was saying with her sobbing.
"Alright, alright honey. This calls for a major break up kit, doesn't it?"
Y/N hiccuped, "The Biggest."
"I'll call Sarah up and have her come over while I'm gone. I'm going to go get chocolate and ice cream and all those goodies. I'll be right back."
Y/N nodded and hugged her Teddy Bear tightly. She cried and cried into the stuffed animal until her Mother came back in.
"I'm going to go get everything at the Grocery Store. Sarah will be here in five. Will you be okay till then?"
"I'll be okay, Mama. It's only a breakup."
"A very messy one at that." Y/N's Mother kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. Y/N sighed to herself and willed her eyes not to cry for another ten minutes.
She looked around for something to do when she heard the car start signaling her Mom was gone. Y/N groaned into her pillow and just sat there for a while.
Y/N felt the bed dip and looked up. It was Benny. She rubbed her eyes quickly to make sure she wasn't dreaming. When she realized she wasn't she grabbed her pillow and hit him with it as hard as she could. "What are you doing here? You can't just waltz in here and-"
"I would've died for you. I think that gives me a little leeway for waltzing." Benny raised his eyebrows at her.
Y/N glared at him but didn't say anything, especially when he kissed her.
                                            Eleven Years Later
"Honey! Mails here!" Y/N shouted as she stirred some cake batter. Benny smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek before sticking his finger into the batter.
"Benny! What did I say about eating the cake batter!"
"Since when have I ever listened to you?"
Y/N put her hands on her hips, "When I'm a pregnant lady with raging hormones. Now, go get the mail!"
"Alright, alright. I'm getting it! But since I'm being such a generous husband, do I get a reward for getting the mail?"
"BENJAMIN RODRIGUEZ! DON'T MAKE ME SMACK YOU!" Y/N shouted and smiled satisfactorily when she heard the screen door slam.
"Bills. Bills. Bills and more Bills. Let's guess the next one? Bil-. Nope, not bills."
"Well, that's a shocker." Y/N said and threw the cake batter into the oven and dusted her hands off on her apron.
"It's a Wedding Invitation."
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, almost everyone in her family and Benny's family had gotten married already... or were dead. "Who's it from?"
Benny burst out laughing, "It's fro Squints and Wendy Peffercorn. Do you remember her?"
Y/N's eyes widened, "No way. Squints got the girl."
Benny put the invitation down and walked over to Y/N. "I also got the girl."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "You will really do anything for a kiss, won't you?"
"No, I'm just showing you my love."
Y/N gave him a look which he caved into, "Fine, but I really do love you Y/N."
Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around Benny's torso, "I know. I love you so much, Benjamin."
Benny gave Y/N an Eskimo kiss, "You know I hate when you call me that."
"That's why I do it." Y/N kissed Benny this time on the lips.
"I'm so glad you both could come." Squints said, "The whole gangs here! Even Ham!"
Y/N smiled and laced her hands through Benny's, "We wouldn't miss it, Squints. So, you really did get the dream girl, eh?"
"Yes, I did. I can see Rodriguez did too...Whew, And you two got busy."
Benny rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Squints. You're just jealous."
"Mmm, no. Not really." Squints grinned, "Now, go say hi to the gang, I need to go meet Wendy for the First Dance."
"Bye, Squinty."
"Bye Rodriguez, Y/N, and baby Rodriguez."
An hour later, Y/N took another sip of water and watched the sunset. The peace and quiet was so nice. She hadn't had it in quite a long time. Ever since Y/N had broken the news to Benny, he was constantly hovering over her, making sure she was alright an comfortable at all times. When he wasn't with her, he made sure Smalls was. Which was quite exhausting.
Loud shouts made Y/N groan into her glass of water. One by one the gang started to pile around her, Ham sat to her left, Yeah Yeah to her right, and Benny pressing behind her. Y/n smiled and closed her eyes as she leaned against Benny.
"Hey, babe. You look gorgeous tonight." Benny stamped a kiss next to her collarbone.
"Thank you, love. You look pretty nice too."
"Hey! Lovebirds! What are you going to name the baby?" Ham asked, knowing he shattered the moment.
Benny glared at Ham and playfully pushed him, "Thanks for ruining the moment, man."
Ham put his hands up in surrender, "The baby better be named after me, Rodriguez."
"Oh, please we all know it's going to be named after me." Yeah yeah disagreed.
"Hell, no. It's me." Squints said.
Everyone turned to look at Squints, "What are you doing out here?"
"You really think I was going to let you all have your fun without me?" Squints raised his eyebrows at everyone.
"I'm thinking we should name the baby after Benny or my Father." Y/N said and reached back to run her hands through Benny's hair. Benny hummed happily into Y/N's neck and drew circles on her swelled tummy.
"I like that idea, baby."
"The baby's going to be so loved, Ben."
"Well, obviously, he has like 10 uncles."
"Shut up, Ham."
Y/N giggled at the gang's antics and cuddled into Benny more. She took a quick whiff of his jacket when she felt something wet flow through her legs. She quickly sat up straight, "Benny! I think my water just broke!"
Word Count: 9017
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Another August thing
[So I'm having the characters refer to August as "they/them" because writers have used "they/them" to refer to singular people for forever and in my previous August story, August tells everyone that they don't really care for "he" or "she" (like it feels wrong/weird) and also before I even knew what nonbinary was, I would refer to singular people as "they/them", so it's not uncommon.]
So this is a continuation of my last August story, but more a few weeks after the events. August has already been selling for a while. 
Warnings: violence
August counted the money they received from selling papers. They counted 65 cents and shoved the money in their pocket. They could feel a cool mist in the air, signaling that it was getting ready to rain, so they started heading back to the lodging house quickly. They were passing an alley when they felt a creepy sensation on the back of their neck. They knew that they were being followed. When they went to turn around, they were hit in the face and fell to the ground.
"Did you think that you could get away with humiliating us?" One of the voices said.
It was the Delancey brothers.
August tried to get up, but they felt a foot slam into their side, knocking the breath out of them. They tried yelling for help, but another blow kept them from making a sound. They felt the kicks coming from every direction, and they knew that there was no way to get help. When the attack subsided, August slowly got their breath back. "I was wrong to call you two halfwits, okay?" They carefully propped themselves up. "I gave you too much credit." They saw a shoe swing into their face and their vision went black.
"Where's August?" Romeo asked, pacing around the room. He looked out of the window of the lodging house, looking at the pouring rain. "It’s been hours. They're usually back by now. Do you think something happened?"
Jack shrugged his shoulders. "I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't be back." Jack thought harder before coming to a sickening realization. "Oh, my God."
"What?" Romeo asked, panicked.
"What if they crossed the Delanceys?"
Romeo looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 11:30. We're not supposed to be out now, and not past midnight, even if we do get a pass."
Jack bit his thumb nail. "Let's go to Kloppman and see if he can give us a pass to go find August."
Romeo nodded and followed Jack to Mr. Kloppman's desk. "Excuse us, Mr. Kloppman, our friend August hasn't gotten back yet, and we have reason to believe that something happened. Can you give us a pass to go out so we can find 'em?"
Mr. Kloppman thought for a second before nodding. "I would suggest hurrying up." He handed them a pass before going back to his work.
Romeo and Jack rushed downstairs and out of the door. They went up and down the streets calling for August in the cold downpour.
Romeo was looking in every alley he passed, calling to his friend. "August!" He began to lose hope until he heard a faint groaning coming from ahead. He hurried to the noise and saw August curled in a ball, their clothes ripped almost to shreds, and their lips blue. He ran to them and lifted their head. "August? Can you hear me?"
August tried to speak, but all they could do was cough and groan. They nodded softly and shivered from being in the cold rain.
Romeo lifted August slowly, trying not to hurt them. "Jack! I found them! I'm heading back!" He struggled to hold them, but he kept his grip until he got to the door of the lodging house. He knocked on the door with his foot, hoping that someone would hear it.
The door opened to reveal Mush, who's eyes were wide. "Oh, my God. What happened?"
"The Delanceys," Romeo answered snidely as he walked through the door. He placed August on a table and tried to keep them sitting up, realizing that they went unconscious again. "August?" He turned to Mush. "Get some towels and some dry clothes. Hurry."
Mush ran to the washroom as Jack entered through the door.
"Where were they?" Jack asked.
"In an alley," Romeo answered. He pushed August's hair back and felt their pulse. "Their pulse is kinda weak, but I think that warming them up will help." He heard Mush running back down the stairs and took the towels and clothes from him. "Help me get them out of the wet clothes." He felt sick to his stomach seeing the torn fabric, knowing that it was the Delanceys that did it.. The bruises on August's torso were even worse. It made him furious.
Once the dry clothes were on August, Romeo wrapped the towels around their shoulders to warm them up. "C'mon, August. Wake up."
It took a few minutes, but August woke back up. They looked around at Romeo, Jack, and Mush. "Wh-what happened? How did I get here?"
"The Delanceys worked you over pretty good," Jack said. "You had a lot of bruising. It started raining a few hours ago, and we found you in an alley. Brought you back. Your skin is really cold."
August looked down. "What h-h-happened to m-my clothes?"
"Torn," Romeo replied. "They were shreds." He lowered his voice. "Do you remember anything that happened?"
August tried to think a minute before shaking their head. "I-I think I remember them c-cornering me. I remember th-them kicking me, b-but then I blacked out. I-I can't remember anything else." August tried to sit up a little more. "I think they may have took my money."
"How much did you make?" Jack asked.
"Uh...'bout 65?"
"If the Delanceys have their own money, why take money from a newsie?"
"Because they're pricks," Mush said. "They won't get away with this."
"Not much we can do," Romeo said. "Weasel is their uncle. Even if we can prove it, nothing's going to happen."
"I didn't mean that," Mush said. "Screw officials. We're taking care of it our way."
"It's f-fine, guys," August said. "I d-don't want you to fight my battles for me."
"Hell, no," Jack said. "If we give in, they win!"
"No." August groaned, still shivering. "I-if we fight, we give th-them what they want. They want us to f-f-fight back. If we fight, they win."
Romeo put his hand on August's. "They beat you up, took your money, and left you in an alley on the coldest, rainiest day in July. Your clothes are torn, your lips are blue, your skin is like ice, and you're shaking like crazy. You'd probably be close to dead if we didn't find you until morning. This deserves payback. If it's a fight that they want, then it's a fight they'll get."
"S-seriously, leave it alone." August leaned back and rested their head on the table. "Please don't s-start anything."
"We're not starting anything," Mush said. "They're the ones that started it, and it wasn't even when they beat you up. They've been harassing us for a while. They took it too far this time."
"I think we should let August rest," Jack said, trying to end the conversation. "Someone needs to help August up the stairs and stay with them to make sure they're okay."
"I'll do it," Romeo said. He helped August stand and led them up the stairs. He led them to the bed and sat them down. "I'll go pay for you since you don't have your money. I'll be right back." He ran off to the desk.
August lay on their side and curled into a ball under their sheet. They tried to close their eyes, but all they could see was the shoe coming at their face. They could feel every blow again, as if it was happening at that very moment. They opened their eyes and tried to hold back tears.
"August?" Romeo said softly. "What is it?"
"I-I...." August couldn't speak. They didn't know they were hyperventilating until they became lightheaded. They tried to control their breathing before speaking. "I c-can't...sleep. I close my eyes and I just see...I feel...them attacking me."
Romeo knelt on the floor beside August's bed. "You're okay, okay? Nothing can happen to you in here. You're safe." He saw August put their head down. "We can sell together if you want. That way you don't have to deal with the Delanceys alone. Does that sound good?"
August nodded and smiled. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, August." Romeo sat on the bed by August's and lay on his side so he could keep an eye on his friend. It made him angry that August had to go through that. He wished so badly to go after the Delanceys, but if August didn't want to escalate the confrontation, he wasn't going to. It would probably just make it worse for them all. He rested his head on his pillow and tried to stay awake, at least for August's sake.
I will give you a shout out in my next August story (which will be a continuation of this) if you can guess why I chose to make it take place in July :)
TAG LIST (message/inbox me if you want to be added):
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annashipper · 7 years
I-Luv-Benny-C Submission
BC’s solo pap walk could be a stop-gap measure that puts him back in the public eye while PR figures out how to stage a family outing with 2 Pilos and a Weirdo.  All they need is a blond toddler from central casting and a pram. Y'all know that’s coming, right? And oh look, it’s the Apple Watch again! Take your seats and grab some popcorn.
If they don’t rock a family pap walk pretty soon, how do we interpret Bendy being papped alone?  AND. LOOKING. SO. FINE.  His hair..OMG.  Just when I was sadly losing interest in him, we get these gorgeous pics.  C'mon PR, show us a family pap walk real quick; otherwise, we COULD get the message that BC is now a party-of-one on the prowl.
I find it fascinating that the DM tries to spin a convincing story about BC as a 2nd time father around a few pics of him by himself out on the street.  PR is using the press to shoehorn now and the heavy lifting just looks derpy.  Someone just happened to catch him out on the street as he took a well-needed break from diaper duty - give me a fucking break.  Where the hell is Weirdo?  Has she gone AWOL? Is she demanding more money for Pilo # 2?
And a big fat facepalm on the factual error stating that BC and TH worked together on the Hollow Crown in 2012 with BC as Richard III?  What was the intern who wrote this piece smoking?
I’m gonna be 100% honest and say I don’t expect much in the way of pram pap walks @i-luv-benny-c.  Not because it would be hard to get two appropriately aged children, a pram and Weirdo to walk around London (especially since the children’s faces would have to be blurred anyway, and they wouldn’t even have to be cast that carefully).  
I base my assumption that we’re not gonna get a double pram pap walk on the fact that no one’s confirmed Pilo 2.0′s birth yet.  They also seem to have learnt they can’t make pap walks between the Dismals look realistic enough to shut the naysayers (that’s us by the way) up.  If they hadn’t realised this, we would have seen a whole lot more of Weirdo looking unrealistically pregnant since October, no?
Anyway, he’s filming again in London today, and he’s looking great while doing it:
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I’ll take work pics over ill-conceived pap walks every single day of the week, thank you very much   :o)
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mellowbutdramatic · 8 years
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by: @coffee-and-kpop
(Thank you so much by the way 😊)
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better:) Nickname(s): I have quite a few. Lyssa/Lyss, Goochie/Gooch, Pumpkin, Toad, Cindy, Milly, Melyss, Mel(s). 
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini ♊️
Height: 5′8
Time right now: 4:18am (as I’m typing this). 5:47am (when I’m finally ready to post it). 
Last thing I googled: how to reply to comment on tumblr (so they’re notified about it - I gave up before I found out though. Oh well). 
Favorite band: BTS, Coleman Hell, The Script, ACDC, Supertramp, Imagine Dragons, Hedley, (+others). 
Favorite solo artists: Adele, Ed Sheeran, Frank Sinatra, Jay Park, (+more that I can’t think of)
Song stuck in my head: Currently Mangú by Becky G (which I’m pretty sure I’m not even getting right because I don’t know Spanish but the beat definitely is catchy). Last movie I watched: Fast & Furious 6 / Furious 6 (currently on right now too, I’ve been sleeping with it on for pretty much the past week). 
Last tv show I watched: Well technically it was Criminal Minds however we own that on DVD, so the last TV show I watched was 2 Broke Girls. 
When I created my blog: I can’t remember. Last year sometime???
What kind of stuff do you post: KPOP (mainly BTS), Zodiac, Aesthetic Photos, MoodBoards, +Other Fandom Stuff & Shows I like. 
When did your blog reach its peak: Not there yet. 
Do you have any other blogs: Yeah one, but I don’t really use it. 
Do you get asks often: No, I’d like to though. 
Why you chose your url: I liked the sound/look of it. 
Following: A lot (2,144). 
Posts: 6,213
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff. 
Pokemon team: N/A. 
Favorite colors: Forest/Dark Green, Dark Shades of Blue, Periwinkle Blue, Pastel Colours, Shades of Grey (not a reference to the movies/books), and Shades of Brown. 
Average hours of sleep: Anywhere from 3-12. 
Lucky numbers: I don’t know if I have one, my favourite number however is 14. 
Favorite characters: All of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S characters (Oh especially Phoebe and Joey though. Ross does kind of piss me off sometimes), all of the Supernatural characters (Although Sam can get on my nerves, I’m still mad about him hating on Benny. I mean yes I get it your pissed at your brother for killing your friend from years ago, I was pissed at Dean for that, but c'mon hating on Benny won’t help), Reid from Criminal Minds, Pretty much any character Vin Diesel plays (him in The Pacifier was awesome). 
What are you wearing right now: Pyjama shorts and a tank top (I’m supposed to be sleeping)
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 if its a comforter, 2 or 3 if they’re smaller blankets, 0-1 if it’s warm/hot. 
Dream job: I’ve had many, currently though possibly something to do with working at a zoo, aquarium, or wildlife sanctuary. 
Dream trip: I’d love to go to Scotland or Germany (+plus a bunch of other places), however as of right now I’d just like to get off the island I live on for a day or two, or even just out of this city.
I tag: @jeojahyungnim @philophobia999 @jimins-left-nipple @c-loudv @miniirae @hoshistarlight @mellie-etc @notchunochu @sweetdemonsoul @mey-ryuu @koreanpopsexual @kizzxxx08 @strawhat-loser @kingnamjoons @sugakookie @katachana @psygamare @gukiee @pumpkin-meat @auroradiamondis
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when-reality-is-dull · 10 years
When I go to see this masterpiece of a film
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All I will think about and compare it to is this
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