#but clearly I got carried away
ohello0 · 5 months
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Instead of the usual size and color scheme I decided to use up some scrap trans yarn I still had after some other projects, I’m so happy with how this came out!
Thank you to @gigginox for helping me pick out the name Lenny! If anyone wants to see me make the Traditional Blahaj(tm) lemme know ☺️
The other children will be revealed in due time
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cianluujpeg · 5 months
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surfer lance!!!
bonus gay yearning under the cut
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vrronica-sawyer · 5 months
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polygun morning routine
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khaopybara · 19 days
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❝Okay, I believe you're cute.❞
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deku-verde · 2 years
“Is This A Date?” Part 2
(part 1)
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the end~
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dylanconrique · 8 months
they were literally in middle school!!!!! why'd they have to go and do all of that?!??!??!?!!!!?!???!!!!!!! 😩😩
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
"Sanuso week-" wrong! Sanuso "commit to a very specific prompt to the point of losing your mind and writing 232 pages about Sanji and Usopp falling in love in a disney jane austen shakespearian game of thrones type of way" week !!
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What Valentine-y skills does Poe possess? Is he poetic? Flowers, singing? picnic?
It's a galaxy far, far away, but a girl can dream...
Hope your day was lovely!
aaaaaah thank you so much for sending this in! i'm sorry i'm answering this a day late, i had to work late yesterday 🥲
OKAY SO. i feel like poe is the kind of person who would put in so much effort into making the ones he loves feel special on a day like valentine's day...however, i also kind of love the idea that he is kind of terrible some of the things he tries? lol. like, maybe he can sing, and he knows you love when he sings, so he tries to write you a song (he's pretty good at coming up with those inspirational speeches so, why not, right?) and maybe it's just...awful. he works so hard on it though, puts all his love for you into it, and ultimately you just can't help but appreciate his efforts. 😆
at the end of the day, i feel like he is better at showing you how much he cares for you more so than telling you. which is maybe why something like flowers and/or a picnic might work out better for him. he seems like the kind of person who pays close attention to people, especially those he cares for, so he knows all your favorite things without you having to tell him. i also think he'd love sharing something with you that's his, that means something to him, maybe a favorite place or a dish from his homeworld. he's a sentimental one, our flyboy. ❤️
i'm envisioning a picnic somewhere with just the two of you, somewhere that either is important to one or both of you (maybe it's where he likes to go to clear his head, or maybe it's where you first kissed). he'd give you your favorite flowers, prepare all the food himself, making sure to include every single one of your favorites. maybe he'd also include one of his favorite dishes from yavin iv, one his dad used to make for his mom (and later, when he got a little older, poe as well) on special occasions. maybe he also gives you a gift and maybe he made it by hand, just for you, or maybe it's just something you needed or wanted that he knows you'll never ask anyone for. whatever he ends up doing though, he'll make sure you know just how special and loved you are by him 🥹❤️
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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I thought it would be funny to do a breaking bad AU
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reinvent-and-believe · 11 months
trick or treat!!! roy/jamie #12 !
12. musical 🥰
“The musical My Fair Lady,” Beard says, not lowering his book, “is based on the 1913 play Pygmalion by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, which is in turn based on the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion.” “So?” “Pygmalion—” Beard’s looking at him from over his book now with that nonplussed stare—“sculpts a statue he finds so perfect that he falls in love with his creation.” Roy finds himself glancing back through the doorway just as Jamie pulls off his shirt, pausing to fix his hair in the mirror before he opens the locker to grab his kit. When Roy turns around, Beard’s buried in his book again. “Right.” Roy frowns and shuts the door.
read it on ao3 :)
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siickgirlreads · 2 years
Cant get him out of my head so here’s this
warnings ig? : mentions reader wearing a bra
convincing xavier to give you your first stick and poke tattoo, he finally gives in on the condition that he gets to pick the tattoo and the placement. you trust xavier not to tattoo anything too crazy on you so you agree and when the time comes he asks you to meet him in his art shed after school.
when you get there you see that he’s cleared off enough table space you to lie down on it, complete with a towel covering it and another one rolled up acting as a pillow. you hop up on the table and look over and see he has a couple needles and mini cups of ink.
“where’d you get needles on such short notice?” you ask curious, “Wednesday. she had extra unused ones left over from her parents birthday gift” he responds “of course she did” you laughed slightly as a comfortable silence, minus the music he has playing in the background, takes over while he finishes getting everything organized. eventually he tells you to lay on your side and lift your shirt slightly. you’re like ??? because first of all the ribs is a moderately painful place to get a first tattoo and secondly that’s a very intimate place to get a tattoo, especially from xavier.
you look at him, eyes widening a bit and he just tells you to trust the process. “what if the pain is to much?” “you’re more than welcome to hold my hand if you need to” he’s such a flirt.
you do as he says and lay on the table, facing away from him obviously because you knew your warm face and neck would’ve been a dead give away to how much his proximity was affecting you. you jump slightly as he places a cool alcohol pad on your side and wipes the area he’s gonna be working on. he sits down on a stool and asks you if you’re ready and you breathe in deeply and nod bracing yourself for the pain.
you gasp as his none dominant hand slides across your stomach making goosebumps rise and he chuckles a bit holding you steady while the hand holding the needle sits in it’s starting place pinky out and rubbing against the underside of your bra to keep his hand from being shaky, so he says. you’re hyper aware of every move he makes and are tempted to break the tension by joking about how he’s not wearing gloves. you’d run the risk of him actually getting up to find gloves though and you quite like the rough feeling of his fingertips sliding over your skin as you breathe in and out. so you settle for closing you eyes and trying not to tremble as he starts poking your skin repeatedly, etching a piece of his art onto you forever.
it’s hard to hold a conversation with xavier when he’s deep into his artistic mode so you just enjoy the chase atlantic playlist he has playing while becoming numb to the feeling of a needle being stabbed into you continuously. he checks in with you often to make sure you’re still okay before he eventually finishes and leans away to grab a mirror so you can see the tattoo fully.
it’s the bud of a flower that has not yet bloomed. you look at him in confusion hundred of questions running through your mind about why he choose this as a tattoo. before you can get a single question out though he raises his hand and the flower bud blooms into a beautiful red spider lily, your favorite. you stare at him on shock as you didn’t know his artwork cold move on anything other that paper. you have the sneaky suspicion he didn’t either seeing as his expression basically mirrors yours.
“Xavier, what would’ve happened if that little trick of yours didn’t work?”
“… i would’ve owed you a very big apology.”
now every time he greets you or says goodbye, he runs his hand up your side to make the flower bloom. it’s a cute little secret you guys share :))
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way-too-cool-raybot · 8 months
Had an discussion with my friend about this so;
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theyoungprinceling · 12 days
@alchemic-elric // not  just  a  scratch,  reverse  ed probably took some hit for him trying to protect him as he do
The good news is that the rogue soldiers, alchemists, or whatever they were, are taken care of. Ling doesn't know what they were and he doesn't really care. What matters is that the Rogue Whatevers won't be posing a problem for the city anymore, courtesy of the hard work he and Ed did to make that happen. Job well done, right?
Ling's learning the opposite when he invades Ed's room, because he never simply asks, always just waltzes in, and he sees him sitting surrounded by medical supplies trying to patch a wound on his abdomen. Ling's mind immediately goes back to a couple hours ago to figure out where it went wrong.
Ling took it upon himself to join Ed on a mission his superiors gave him, despite Ed's insistence for Ling not to join him. He figured Ed didn't want him there not because he was worried about his health, but rather because it was none of Ling's business. And he was right, it wasn't Ling's business. Most things in Amestris weren't but when it came to Ed, Ling made it his business. Besides, he overheard there were four Rogue Whatevers. He wasn't being talked out of joining after hearing that.
The closest thing to a plan they devised was to drive the Rogue Whatevers out of the city to avoid any costly damage and citizens getting hurt. That was achieved successfully, no problems there. With that taken care of, they could fight freely without any worries of innocents getting involved. And the fight to neutralize them had been going well, just some scrapes here and there but nothing alarming.
Then Ling had the reckless idea to use one of his bombs to speed things up a bit. He settled on a smoke bomb because that was the one thing that wouldn't cause injury to himself or Ed, but would still be a hinderance to their enemies. Although it would also make it difficult for the duo to see, Ling could sense the enemies and he felt sure Ed's instinct could help him. It had before, right? Besides, they had already been winning, it wasn't going to take much more.
"It was my bomb, wasn't it?" Ling guesses as he closes the door. "I didn't give much of a warning that I was going to use one."
He can't think of what else it could've been. While he was preparing the bomb, he wouldn't be surprised if one of the Rogue Whatevers tried to come at him, and he would be even less surprised if Ed took a hit for him. His attention had been on the bomb more so than his surroundings, after all. He wanted it to be done right and was hyper focused on it. In that short period of time, Ling suspects that's where Ed's injury came from.
It's odd, though. Ling doesn't remember seeing any serious injuries on Ed after the smoke cleared and all was said and done. Even getting back to the city he didn't notice anything. Looking back on it some more, though, he realizes that Ed had been moving a bit slower compared to before.
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He steps closer and sighs. "Do you need help with that? It's the least I could do."
[Secret injury meme]
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Do you think it was firm in a bad way?
Noooo 😂😂😂 omg! He is allowed to touch her there always (which is why his hand went there) but she’s not very risky when it comes to sexy activities in public so naturally she was like…. Honey not here lol
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Smiley Ash @ The Feeling of Falling Upwards
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woodentrain · 1 year
Observe: this is the face of a man who does not want to spend his day selling/changing/collecting money for water filters
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For the love of god woman just give me my money and stop with the water filter crap
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