#but damn I'm really sick of it
esmiara · 1 year
Love confess-...oh!
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Kind of a "sequel" to this, but it's really just about that one scene in fifteen.
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kcthelazyartist · 1 day
I can't believe I forgot to mention how damn non-straight it is that the ring Ford got went black after the diner scene in my Fiddauthor evidence post.
I could probably do a quick analysis of this scene if I wanted to because it is one of the most queer scenes in the book and has so many implications about Ford's character
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Al: What’s the deal between you and Commodus?
Apollo: ...he might be my ex..?
Apollo: My ex. That I killed. Because he was a dictator.
Al: And I thought getting broken up from beyond the grave was bad.
Meg: You two are hopeless.
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blackstarchanx3new · 6 days
I think people need to be re-educated on the block button being a feature I can use for whatever the fuck I want.
if I don't like you, I can block you.
End of story. I don't need to justify my use of it to you. There's NOTHING against site policy you can't just "Block for no reason"
So even if I WAS doing that, there's technically no real issue to be found there...
I can use it literally for whatever I want.
No, I don't need to tell you WHY.
You aren't entitled to that reason or me NOT BLOCKING YOU.
You're not entitled to see my work.
Yeah might be surprising to learn, you're not entitled to see someone's stuff JUST CAUSE YOU LIKE IT.
If you think that's toxic, because I exude my boundaries, then that is your problem.
Having DNI lists don't work and would just have people doing shit to piss me off on purpose.
but here's a rundown of stuff I typically block for I guess:
If you piss me off, or make me upset, I don't wanna see you. Making me UNCOMFROTABLE with how you talk to me is so common and normalized. If you do it on repeat I won't want you to keep doing it.
If you ship IRL people, get the fuck out of my face you disgusting creep.
If you like H\azbin Hotel or v\ivzipop I think you're gross. Straight up. I kept this to myself for awhile but it really gives me the fucking ick and I want nothing to do with you. That fandom is ass deep in gross shit and I don't wanna be near it. And bringing it up terrifies me.
Honestly since this is the FS fandom: having terrible/creepy/weird takes makes me not want you looking at my shit because I think you're a weirdo. (Weird racist shit, weird hateful shit ex)
If you were rude/mean to my girlfriend you're not on my good side. Reasonably so I'd think.
I leave people alone when I notice they've block me. I NEVER get that kind of curtesy back.
I'm sick of being labeled "toxic" for not wanting to deal or be around people I have no interest in being near. That's YOUR PROBLEM! :D
You don't have to "be afraid" of me blocking you if you just act normal.
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Okay, okay. I've seen several very anti-Threshold-Day takes floating around in the last year and I'm kinda getting sick of it.
Regardless of how you feel about Threshold as an episode - be that the quality of the ep, the storyline, the themes, whatever - Threshold Day isn't really about Threshold itself. I mean, yes, it is a day celebrating that episode, but the actual point of Threshold Day is community. It's a day where people band together to make memes and tell jokes and overall have fun. It's a day where you send random salamanders to your friends and go "omg tommy p???" It's a day where you appreciate the cool art and fics people make and leave encouraging comments. It's a day for Fun. Everyone gets to be in on a giant inside joke and enjoy that feeling. Everyone gets to commit to the bit. Not to sound all "here's the real meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown," but, in a very serious and literal sense, that's what Threshold Day is really about. Community.
And it's okay not to enjoy the episode! It's okay not to want to participate in the fun! Seriously, it's OKAY. You don't have to join in! But when you sit there and go "I cannot fathom how all these people like this episode and they're all wrong to be making memes and celebrating" you're missing the point and you start to ruin the very harmless fun everyone else is having. You are not on a moral high-ground for not enjoying a meme or a dumb internet holiday. You are *especially* not on a moral high-ground when you try to make other people feel bad for enjoying something that, again, is so incredibly harmless and ultimately about having fun as a community.
Again: it is fine to not enjoy Threshold. But I see so many posts throughout the year where people seem to be flaunting the fact that they are not like everyone else and hate the episode, the holiday, whatever. I see people talking about how much they wish Threshold Day would go away and it's really, really not cool. Your horse is not higher than mine for not being down to clown with your mutuals, your friends, about a silly Star Trek episode.
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swampybogg · 17 hours
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callie-flower · 3 days
"proship dni" this, "comship dni" that, "neutral dni" unfortunately the people you don't like are still human and deserve comfort. my fucking god shut the hell up you're just as annoying as they are and protest WAY too much about it. go unlearn your purity morality shit
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poisonedspider · 4 months
the people standing up for you are lying. you play angel way to nice. he isnt this soft uwu twink. theres a reason you keep asking for threads and no one is giving them to you. delete youre blog. youre the worst angel in the fandom.
Bleh, I wasn't going to post this, but I am terrible at NOT responding to anons because I want to be sassy. So here I am, being sassy. *Stares at my 200 things in the queue and 99 drafts.* Oh yeah. Huh. Sure seems like people don't want to write with me. Mhmm. Right. I'm asking for threads because I just love writing and love this fandom and want to create more. Not because I'm suffering.
Also the irony that I agree he isn't this soft uwu twink. If you think my Angie doesn't have sass, you haven't been looking at all my threads. He literally told someone in one thread that he "doesn't sleep with ugly." He just had his Husk send him a picture in which his response was, "Did that baby get dropped on its head too many times? Or hit by a mack truck?" Angel has attitude. Look at literally every thread I have with a Vox or an Alastor.
But he has also been changing. Oh my goodness it's almost like that's his entire character arc in the show. He's going to be soft (especially towards Husk, c'mon, have you SEEN THE SOFT LOOKS HE GIVES THAT FUCKER SINCE LOSER BABY), he's soft towards Charlie, he's soft towards Niffty. He's kind, and has a huge heart, and is showing it more now because he feels comfortable to do so. And if you're asking why he's nice and 'baby' to Valentino, then I am going to one day type up a full damn essay about victims of abuse, love-bombing, why people stay in domestic violence relationships, why people act the way they do, etc. But that won't be happening now, because I have to go pack for my vacation. In which I won't be wasting my time thinking about anons like you. *Blows kiss.*
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kagooleo · 1 year
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only have time for some quick doodles but I’ve been doodling some of the king ohger fellers while i'm at work!
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elitehoe · 3 months
I could get real nasty about the fact that young black talent in aew that have so much aura, character, and skills constantly get stuck in stories with the charisma and momentum killer.
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catchyhuh · 1 year
If you'd be willing to share: Thoughts on Fujiko x Lupin?
WILLING? I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR A MEDICAL EXCUSE TO DO SO now you want thoughts or you want thoughts because i’m passionate about these bitches and their dynamic.
but first thing's first look at this :)
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for starters, i’m a firm believer that fujiko does love him. it’s just that, like i’ve said before, she doesn’t express it normally? people love the “aloof cool guy who’s only sort of soft with his love interest” trope all the time and she’s just the girl version of that!! i’m sick of people insisting they want mean girlfriends and then blanching when they see lupin blushing over a woman being sarcastic with him. get it together guys!!
the reality is that if you really look at their relationship throughout the series, lupin is rarely, if ever, actually upset by her frequent betrayal. it’s not… totally manipulation if you know it's coming and seem to expect it every time. clearly, lupin has a particular fondness for people who understand he’s somehow a genius AND stupid as hell and get giddy over expensive rocks. and speaking of jesus christ give jigen a break lupy he’s gonna burst a blood vessel if he finds out you gave fujiko the third insanely valuable cursed artifact of the month. what do you MEAN it’s possessed you. AGAIN??
fujiko just. is weird about things. you know? she just gets silly with it. it makes sense: if you've used affection as nothing more than a tool for most of your life, you'd show sincere love differently. if fujiko didn’t really love lupin, why would she come back to him? why would she turn to him, SINCERELY turn to him, when she could get help from any other pitiful little man trailing her heels? oh god mamo remember mamo? fujiko gave up immortality bc he couldn’t come along with her. she gave up living in her prime forever all because it wouldn’t be the same without her weird little boyfriend. amour!
i can refute any claim a Hater makes. any and all. “fujiko is selfish” points you to the other characters “lupin only likes her for her looks” well it’s obviously a factor i mean look at her. but when doing dirty work for other hot babes has threatened his life even barely he taps out and calls out the woman like "wtf i couldve died" and yet he continues to fawn over fujiko, ESPECIALLY when she does some cool murder shit. he met fujiko’s ancestor in that elusiveness of the fog special or w/e it was called and specifically said “she even has her toughness heart emoji" or some shit! “fujiko is materialistic” points you to the other characters “fujiko wasn’t bothered by the thought of lupin dying in alcatraz connection” neither was goemon they know he fakes this shit all the time. and in fact when they really DID think lupin was dead in missed by a dollar it took fujiko a whole second to break out of her shock that lupin was alive and she immediately laughed and hugged him so tight he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel! “lupin’s just stupid when it comes to her” points you to the other ch
i keep saying i’m gonna make a compilation of all the times they actually express love as the average joe gets it but. not today. nay
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some-pers0n · 3 months
Every once in a while I think about the ship I've been obsessed over for close to two years now and feel like I'm ascending to another plane of reality. Like sometimes you just encounter a ship that hits every single mark and is perfect in every regard and you're left stunned how something like that can even exist
#Anyways I'mma put the actual inane ramblings in the tags#Medic and Engie make me so ill every time I think about them for a while I feel like tearing into things and biting people and throwing up#How something like that can exist completely defies me#I don't know how something that perfect can exist#I'm typically a multi-shipper and while I still kinda am I honest to god don't really care to write other ships#Not cause they ain't good (they are pretty damn good) but because Engiemedic is just on another level#Like dammnnn!! that's why I've spent so long writing a fic about them!#I can't fathom it honestly how characters like that can exist#They're like a slightly warped reflection of themselves#They're both intelligent mentally ill lunatics with no morals whatsoever#The only thing is that Engie is marginally better at hiding it#If you go into headcanon territory than WHOO!! OHH DAMNNN#Like what gets me the most about Engiemedic is how they're so similar#They think and exist on the same wavelength#In tune with each other. Their neurons braided like wires#If I start talking about how the machine and the flesh are not opposites but rather one in the same we gonna be here all day#I just can't...believe the ship exists#Like man how does this happen#You want humour? Goofy wacky experiments and silliness of them violating several conventions#You want angst? Hell yeah they've got plenty of it#Fluff? Buddy I start wailing and sobbing if they accidentally brush hands while working on stuff#I could write about them for ages and not get bored they can fit in every circumstance#They make me SICK they make me CRAZY I love them so so much#They would do anything for each other#I look at what they have and I can feel like I understand what love is#I need to write more oneshots and minifics about them they're so flexiable and fun#Can't wait to do parallels with them in these upcoming chapters#Either way GODDDDD I love these two so much I could go on for hours about them#especially if I'm allowed to talk about headcanons#sp-rambles
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
guess what ! doodles . again
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edgar , nny and devi belong to johnen vasquez (even if i only drew nny and devi at the bottom)
scriabin by zarla-s
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werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
The worst part about a big controversy involving someone on the internet is when you constantly get recommended videos about it, even when you're actively clicking "Not Interested" on them.
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spotlightstudios · 2 months
Ohoho, I love getting ready to leave the house for months at a time and hearing my parents talk about putting down our cats. Very enriching and not at all stressing me tf out.
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secretsimpleness · 1 year
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I've got problems with whomever designed Thane's fingers. Thane, Shepard / Mass Effect 2 (c) Bioware
Anyone remember that poll I posted in July? I shall share the results:
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I did manage to produce two comics during my summer holiday but both were for Dragon Age, haha ha.... So there were delays for our second winner. But here it is! Thanks to those who voted :)
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