#but damn if the soundtrack wasn't amazing
jezebelgoldstone · 1 year
RRR (2022, dir S. S. Rajamouli)
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things i am not now and likely never will get over from RRR
queer? platonic? queerplatonic? who gives a shit no matter what it was it was AWESOME
Colonialism Is Bad Actually: The Musical
the symbolism. holy shit. every BIT of it was absolutely amazing.
wow all the mains in this movie are just, really hot? my poor lil pan heart had a rough time with this one ngl
the fact that someone (likely many someones) watched this movie about Colonialism Is Bad Actually and said 'you know what let's dub this whole thing into Hindi and English and then not give an option to watch it with the original Telugu dialogue' sure was,,,,,,,,, A Choice
by which i mean the actual song-and-dance numbers as well as the like story soundtrack all of it is going on my playlist asap
listen the spirk-behind-glass scene is awful. spock and kirk can't even touch. they can hear. they can see. but they cannot touch. and i in my sweet ignorant bliss thought that was as bad as it could get.
tonight i learned that holding someone in your arms through the bars of their cell is so much worse
I watched it on Netflix but i looked it up on a few other ahem websites and on EVERY SINGLE ONE Telugu audio wasn't even an option.
there was not one single chance to tie things together or make a connection or do a setup/payoff or callback that was not taken. not a single one.
everything about this movie is 100% Extra
in short: this movie is a masterclass
aaaaaand the rest below a cut because WOW i have a lot to say actually
which brings me to the dancing oh my gods. not sure i've ever seen such enthusiastic dancing in anything in my entire life. seriously by the final number i was exhausted just watching them
in general, this movie is: stunning
also this was kinda hilarious because i watched it in hindi [the least disorienting option] and they kept SAYING "ram" but in the subs it was always fuckin RAJU so like. again with the Choices. like seriously what was the thought process there. WAS there a thought process.
i ADORED jenny. with my whole entire heart. she is one of the very BEST examples of Ignorance Is A Privilege and also At What Point Does Ignorance Become Malicious that i have ever ever seen. i loooooooooved it. i mean i hated it a whole lot while it was happening but also i am SO GLAD that now rather than trying to explain all of this to people i can just tell them to watch this movie and then sit them down and be like, so what are your thoughts on jenny's culpability in literally everything?
oh and how you can be a kind person and still do atrocities! like jenny is so sweet and so kind and you just like her so much and yet. and yet.
t h e s y m b o l i s m
i cannot remember the last time i saw a movie so visually stunning. the cinematography is breathtaking. pause on just about any random frame and it could be a movie poster or hanging in an art gallery or what have you.
they also dubbed all the lines that were actually in english? i mean i get it for the characters who spent most of the movie speaking Telugu because you'd need their voices to stay the same through the whole movie yeah fine whatever. but like. they dubbed all the ENGLISH characters, too? like literally dubbed them from english into english??? the dialogue matched their mouths except the timing was veeeery sliiiiiiiightly off but it SOUNDED really obviously dubbed??? Y THO???
Malli. Malli honey i love you. i'm just realizing i don't know if that's your actual name gods damn it. but whatever your name is child i love you.
and did i mention that everyone in this movie is beautiful? like. seriously. Ram and Bheem especially holy SHIT.
Physics Does Not Work Like That And I Do Not Care Because That Was AWESOME: The Musical
oooohhhhh they re-recorded and dubbed the fucking SONGS too. i am so pissed about this y'all i can't even tell you.
oh i want to do a whole entire post that's even longer than this one about the symbolism. hell i could probably do a whole entire post just on the fire/water symbolism even without everything else. It was AMAZING.
okay ram is fire and bheem is water and ram's people go to a valley on the shores of a river and the river is in literally every shot of the village and just ram BEING fire but water being a place of HOME and SAFETY for ram
i'm not crying shut up
ooooooohhhhhhh and people holding hands right before they part. oh that hurts. all of those hurt so bad.
how every single time people held hands when they parted they always held on till the last possible second EXCEPT FOR RAM'S MOM.
she lifts her hand away from him and then pulls back and it was devastating
Predators Do Not Work Like That But I Do Not Care Because That Was Awesome And Also They Ate A Bunch Of Colonizing Cops: Queercoded Edition (ACAB)
bheem with his arms spread and rope or chains around his wrists or in his hands. i just. the way it flipped back and forth from 'he has the power' to 'he is helpless' to 'he should be helpless and isn't' was just. breathtaking.
okay listen this movie would've been good no matter what but like. they really are just SO beautiful. and. when ram. with like the long hair. and. beard. and like. you know? like. his. his hair. his general. everything. um.
literally at the most emotionally inappropriate moment i literally thought about that whole 'i saw a man so beautiful i started crying' thing and like that almost literally happened literally
Why There Can't Be Any Such Thing As Good Cops: The Romance (ACAB)
and like here's the thing i'm not sure i would've even NOTICED this had it not been for the linguistic chauvinism with the audio and everything but like both of them were hindu and a lot of the symbolism though awesome was also really strongly hindu and i just i don't know nearly enough about hindutva to have any kind of opinion BUT i also feel like maaaaaaaybe there was something a little uncomfy about some of this
oh no wait the suspenders dance. that might've actually been the best part. yeah.
oh all the british actors did SUCH a good job being so eminently punchable
throw cheetahs at each other! and snakes! somehow have upper body strength greater than the force exerted by a 800+ lb tiger lunging! throw those motorcycles! punch through those walls without breaking your fingers! use herbal paste to heal broken bones in a matter of a minutes! break solid stone with nothing but the strength of your shoulders and gay love! i am so here for all of this!!!
Throw Rocks Marble Pillars Live Tigers Cops At Cops: The Movie (ACAB)
i love that jenny felt bad for the poor little girl who got kidnapped enslaved and imprisoned so she. bought her a dress and a toy.
you know, to make her feel better about the whole 'being kidnapped enslaved and imprisoned' thing.
instead of doing, i don't know know, literally anything else. like even just saying to her aunt 'hey this makes me sad' or something. #solidarity.
the violence was violent and the romance was sweet
okay so during the fight at the midpoint like i know that by the end of it ram and bheem are literal fire and water BUT ALSO. Ram enters the scene in a flaming carriage and from that point forward the fountain is in pretty much every shot of bheem. just sayin.
love that lachu (or whatever his name really is) told ram that there was no cure. like yes! you go man! ram may be so beautiful that in forty minutes i'm going to be in tears but that's no reason to tell a cop the truth about anything! you lie to that cop man!
i know other people got hit in the head with tree branches too but STILL
honestly i really like that ram and bheem were, well, ram and bheem. but i mean im glad they weren't like ram and lakshman or bheem and arjun or something. not even just because that would've been brotherly like i'm glad they weren't arjun and krishna or something either. i liked that their names weren't from the same story. i liked it better this way and i can't even articulate why.
i am never ever ever going to get over the progression of part of bheem's introduction being something going wrong and him holding two ropes (he has all the power) with his arms spread and that being used to show us how incredibly strong he is -> something going wrong and bheem with ropes around his wrists (he shouldn't have any power at all) holding his arms spread and that being used to show how incredibly strong he is in a completely different way
like every time there were ropes or chains in bheem's hands or around his wrists it meant something, and it was a beat in the rhythm of a discernable arc, but now i can't remember all of them gdi
oooohhhhh there was SO much more symbolism i wanted to talk about but it's so late that i have a headache and this post is so long my computer's lagging like two sentences behind so i should stop and go to bed. sigh.
just go watch this movie, okay? pleae? I cannot IMAGINE who would've read this whole thing,m but if you did, just watch it, all rigth? (and if you happen to know of any site - ANY site - where i can watch it in FUKIN TELUGU kindly drop a link please and thank)
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terranoctis · 5 months
I played Hades II a fair bit yesterday during my breaks and free time for Supergiant Games' technical test of the game. Part of me wants to keep playing today, but I got stuff to do and I do want to keep up the excitement for the early access. I wrote a rough, kind of unedited essay about it before I went to sleep last night though below, mostly for me to have record of my memories in written form. Some spoiler-y screenshots and random thoughts/analyses below if you want to read more. I mean it--there are spoilers and the most random long tangents because I like to analyze. (I do recommend playing first if you have a chance to)
First thing I'll say is that the game is pretty phenomenal and so damn fun. The experience reminds me of when I played Hades for the first time in their initial Early Access of the game years ago. Longtime Supergiant Games fan here (since Transistor release)! I remember running into a bug then and reporting it when I froze in-game, but I have not run into any noticeable bugs at all yet for Hades II. I've done some reports for minor bugs, but extremely minor ones that I actually feel bad for even reporting and adding to their list of messages to go through. Supergiant has their QA down, truly. I have so much respect for them and how they've developed the game. Darren Korb did an amazing job on the music again. It has that iconic Hades sound with the strings (that is not a guitar, I forget what it's called) while also being its own distinct soundtrack.
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The 4th wall banter moments between Melinoë and Homer (who is revealed as narrator!) have been one of my favorite things about the story/narration execution. Her being cognizant of Homer does make it so there are rather funny moments, but also brings up the question of how that might shape the narrative later on. I'm so curious!
When I first started the game, I had a funny moment where I died almost instantly in the second room because I was testing out Melinoe's skillset and ran out of MP (?) and then got slapped because I wasn't actually doing damage when trying to use her bigger skills, heh. It did take me some time to get used to it, but Mel's skills and cast abilities are so much fun to use when utilized well. Her cast and its ability to hold your enemies for a time is one of the best upgrades to combat, in my opinion. For all I love the first Hades, I remember having to dash like crazy to escape exploding carts coming after me if I didn't have a good boon to mitigate or avoid that. With the cast for Melinoë, it'll change that to placing strategically some casts that can hold quick enemies or enemies that are very dangerous if they get close to you (wailers in this game are one such enemy). In terms of boons, Demeter's, Hestia's, and Apollo's have been some of my favorites. Aphrodite also has a phenomenal one for casts that will gather your enemies into your cast, making it an ideal combination with some devastating other boons that can easily damage groups of enemies all at once. Hephaestus also has a pretty fun one where I think he can explode in a certain proximity with your special or attack, I forget. I do wonder if they'll have to rebalance some of these boons because there are certain ones I can annihilate enemies with--but then again, maybe that is needed for later sections of the game.
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The numerous references to the moon in the game are a nice nod to Melinoë's lore in Greek mythology and poetry too. Though she's more associated with being a goddess of ghosts (I find it a nice touch you can salute shades you meet in the Crossroads because of this) and nightmares (I don't think it's a coincidence Hypnos is the only other survivor of Hades' inner sanctum), Melinoë has at some point been referenced as a moon goddess as well of the underworld. Selene is the moon goddess and Artemis has also become known as a goddess of the moon in mythology in addition to being the goddess of the hunt. So that connection between the three and the friendship they share in the game is pretty cool in that regard (Selene calls you the "Silver Sisters.")
Having Artemis become your friend in Hades II, something akin to a friendly rivalry like Thanatos was to Zagreus, is such a fun story--and then you have Selene added into that mix as well. From the few runs I've done, I've gathered that Artemis and Hermes are the first of the Olympus gods who knew of Melinoë's existence in her youth as Hecate's pupil. She helped Hecate hide the truth of Melinoës survival (at least from the Olympus gods)--and when Melinoë was ready, it was only then that Artemis leaked through Apollo that Hades' daughter was coming to fight Chronos and had survived the fall of Hades. So the boons you get are because the twins, Artemis and Apollo, played a role in connecting you to Olympus for the fight against Chronos. There seems to be more in this background that I'm curious to learn about. Just from their banter, it's clear Artemis has spent much time with Melinoë and Selene in some form. I don't know if they have duo boons in this game (or boon-hex? Selene gives you a hex), but I'm curious to see what these two's duo boon(s) would be if they have them.
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The game also does that thing the first game did so well of shifting the world as you progress and have changes in the relationships about you. Nemesis is one of the new characters in Hades II who doesn't seem to like you very much initially, but with your dialogue with Odysseus nearby, you get the sense that it wasn't always this way. When you gift her a nectar, Melinoë subtly starts calling her "Nem," and you can tell the two of them are very slowly mending whatever it is they have (Odysseus chuckles nearby probably seeing the progress). You also meet Doom Incarnate (Moros) and have to unlock having him at the Crossroads by invoking him, which is also pretty fun in terms of letting you slowly do more runs and experience the world more in order to gather enough "resources" to call him. It allows a natural progression of characterization and getting to know the people around Melinoë, in my opinion.
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Dora's also one of my favorite character already. There's something so funny about Melinoë encouraging Dora as she tries to scare and haunt her as a proper ghost, but then also rather touching that she just accepts that Dora just likes to hang out in her room and not go out much. I love Arachne too, and how she's just chillin' like, I'm bored and alone and just spinning webs, so here Melinoë, have some clothes I made.
This game makes me love it as much as I loved the first one. In some ways, in terms of how they executed establishing background and connections between Melinoë and her companions (Odysseus' calls her a "little goddess" as a child! Hecate plays hide-and-go-seek with her!), I think they've started out much stronger than they did in the first game. And this one already starts with a sort of high-stakes situation from the get-go. Melinoë's entire family has been taken by Chronos and she grew up apart from them. The game does well of letting you step into the world even if you haven't played the first one--and playing on your affection for Hades, Persephone, and Zagreus if you did. After all, considering how hard you worked as Zagreus to bring back together that family in the first game, the second game logically comes back with a vengeance with Melinoë at the loss of such a family and a need for vengeance against Chronos for ruining it. The world feels familiar, yet the cast of characters are so different.
And the designs of all the new gods! And the new designs for the old gods! They're all extremely well-done. I've been a longtime fan of the artists for the characters and the environments. They've done stellar jobs on it again for this one, and there's more touches to icons and designs of the UI I like too. The dialogue log is one of my favorite things too, as someone who might miss a piece of dialogue here and there when I take off my headphones. The voice acting in this game is also a whole notch up from the previous game. Not to knock anyone from the first Hades, since I think they did a great job, but I do feel like the voices have been more professionally recorded this time around. Or something about it is a little more polished. Kudos to Supergiant for another game that's an A+ in my book thus far. Ahh!
I could keep going, but honestly, I think it's best to have people experience the game in Early Access. I mostly just wanted a record for myself to look back on for being a small part of Hades II's journey and share some of my excitement and the random analyses I had. It'll be fun for me to look back on how I read some things and how I felt when the finished version of the game comes out eventually.
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ALRIGHT!I JUST WATCHED THE MIRACULOUS MOVIE AND I HAVE THOUGHTS! There will be spoilers ahead, so tread carefully
A list, in no particular order, just how they pop up in my head:
The animation was STUNNING! Just, props to the animators, I enjoyed the movie visually SO MUCH! From the use of colours and lighting, to the way they used all of that to upgrade the characters: it was absolute perfection. (though some of those close up shots of Hawkmoth were A Lot. But that was probably the point)
The absolute chaotic energy that both Tikki and Plagg (but mostly Tikki, cuz unfortunately. there wasn't a whole lot of Plagg, which I understand due to time, even if it is sad) is FANTASTIC! I adore Chaotic Tikki so much. She has my whole heart! That little scene of Tikki pushing Marinette's hand to Adrien's? Lovely. Tikki explaining absolutely nothing to Marinette when they first meet? Perfection. Just. Give me more Chaotic Tikki, please!
The soundtrack? WONDERFUL! I kinda knew it was a musical, I think, but I completely forgot, so when Marinette sang those first few notes, I had to catch up a lil, but DAMN I was excited! (sad we didn't get Ce Mur Qui Nous Separe (I don't know the english name oops), but it was still fun!)
On that note: Adrian having the most Disney Princess I Want song in the movie is just perfect. No other words needed. Best choice they could have made there.
ALSO on that note: Marinette's singing voice? BEAUTIFUL! It fits so well! I just couldn't help but enjoy her songs, if only for that.
BUT I didn't have to, because the music itself, without the lyrics was just so well done!
Slightly less good: The hawkmoth song was missing some flavor, in my opinion. It started out, and I was EXCITED cuz it started so HARD and then it didn'treally deliver, I think. It kind of kept in the same range and didn't really go up, ya know?
I really REALLY liked Marinette and Chloe's relationship. The way Marinette fired shots back at Chloe, and they actually seemed to be becoming more frennemies? Amazing. I wish we would've gotten more of that in the tv show, considering earlier seasons Chloe and her character developpement, but I really enjoyed it here, in the movie
I'm happy we got to see Gabriel and Adrian actually confronting each other. Both Adrian standing up to his dad (although the timing was a little off, more on that later), AND Gabriel finding out his son is Chat Noir and the resulting Crisis. At least there was some emotional pay off there! (looking at you, season 5 finale)
NOW on the timing thing: There just wasn't enough time. I understand that they wanted to do the superhero origin story for people who aren't familiar with the show but do go to see the movie, but I feel like they just didn't have the necessary time to create the emotional tension needed for the end scene to actually hit as hard as it could have. We got to see a hint of Adrian and Gabriel's relationship, and what was shown was great! But if we had gotten a little more of that perspective and tension, it would've felt better to watch Adrian stand up to Gabe and his parenting skills. And consequently, enjoyed more of the end scene with them figuring out each others identities. Genuinely, I was happy we got at least some pay off there, but it felt too easy. (which again, makes sense due to the limited time, but I feel like they should have made choice: either the Big End Fight with Hawkmoth, OR the Origin Story. And since they did kind of set up a possible sequel, I feel like the choice could have been made)
With the feeling of too easy: I had the same feeling of Marinette and her finding confidence in herself and Ladybug AT THE END! The sudden change during the montage, I liked and felt like it made sens, since we then, during the big battle, get Marinette's insecurities over only being confident when she's Ladybug and all that. That is wonderful and so in line with the core of who Marinette is as character, no matter what version of her we get, that I love it very much. I would have enjoyed a liiiiitle more time with the Angst, but it's allright!
MOSTLY CUZ: that scene where she's dragging Cat Noir's unconcious body onto the debris of the Eiffel Tower, and she goes 'Don't. Touch. Him.' through tears and with a broken voice? AMAZING! When I tell you I Went FERAL! My children! absolutely STUNNING
The actual fight of the end battle? Marinette surrounded by flame and a Paris that is falling apart? Ladybug in Hell, essentially? GORGEOUS! Cat Noir running up the Eiffel Tower to fight Hawkmoth? Stunning! The Eiffel Tower slowly collapsing, as Ladybug watches and cannot Do Anything to stop it? HEARTWRENCHING!
Marinette revealing herself to Adrian at the ball? AMAZING SCENE! (although i laughed and had to utter 'Real Subtle, Marinette' when I saw the ladybug wings on the back of the dress, which was, againg, stunning). The way the scene was framed like the rejection scene? WONDERFUL!
The glitter on Chat Noir's mask? I loved it! Such a fun little detail we don't get in the show!
Did not like the Plagg farting scene. Just. No thanks. It's cheap comedy and that runtime could have been spent better, with a better characterisation of PLagg and his relationship with Adrian. But whatever, it's fine.
So yeah, that was an incomplete list of my thoughts on the movie! Overall I really enjoyed it! I really liked this version of the characters and their relationships. They feel a lot more genuine and real in comparison to the tv show, in some ways. I had so much fun watching it, and will probably go a second time, to see how it'll feel like on a rewatch. And just to enjoy the vibes. I do hope we get a sequel, because I am Curious. And would love more Natalie content.
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4th-make-quail · 2 months
It's so funny watching advent children now. When it first came out in Japan, my bff got a burned copy off his friend with very very bad fansubs on it, and we watched it with a giant tub of mackies honeycomb ice cream each. I had no idea Sephiroth was gonna come back, and I didn't pick up on the clues because pre-complete version combined with VERY bad fansubs meant it wasn't obvious at all lmao. The amount I SHRIEKED when OWA started playing, holy shit. Those first notes hit and I went fucking mental lmao
It's also amazing how much this film has held up, too imo. The graphics in the bluray complete version are absolutely gorgeous still, the soundtrack is fucking amazing and the action scenes are so damn cool. I feel like a lot of people dislike AC for the characterisation of certain characters, Cloud especially, but it remains one of my biggest comfort films of all time, even now!
Maybe I'm biased because I had such good times on the lifestream forums when it was just out, like babby's first active fandom (outside of pokemon ofc) I guess!
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not-goldy · 11 months
I'm on a break but I had to jump in real quick on this
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Gonna ignore everything you said bout Jungkook- cos it's not necessary. You don't have to go there. He's my bias too so you can understand why I find it offensive when you guys make derogatory comments about him. Like I'm not gonna clap for you or side with you for putting dirt on his name like be fucking for real.
There's a difference between being objective, giving constructive criticism of a person and just plain hating on someone and I'm sorry if you like Jungkook a little bit some of these comments won't fly out of your mouth nor would you entertain them.
And if you wanna get sensible words out of me avoid the triggers is all I be saying. Don't trigger me and then act discombobulated when I act crazy.
But I like what you said about Jimin....
I've been applauding Jimin's supporters since face cos yall pulled your weight and got him where he and the company hadn't contemplated going- let's get that very straight.
I said in my previous post I don't think like crazy was created specifically for a western audience. Nor was it intended to be as huge as it was.
It wasn't even his lead single yet it's his number one single💀
PJMS did too much and got him a number one on BB. BB DID NOT SEE IT COMING. THEY WOULD HAVE MOVED THE GOAL POST I TELL YA.
Yall did too much pushing his tracks to the top of charts. Yall acted as if it was a BTS come back like calm down 🤭
PJMs are soo extra🤭
But don't stop you doing amazing sweetie
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They set the bar for Jimin to the high heavens. And we are hungry and wild for his success. It's cool but damn yalls appetite 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I don't think that is a bad thing. It just goes to show people are ready to support Jimin and take him to a level never seen before.
His next come back is gonna be 🔥 🔥
I mean the moment they got friends on a Marvel project I knew the Western industry thought he was on to something with his unique voice and all. Then they got him on Fast and Furious and lemme tell you that's some huge marks on his portfolio.
The portfolio this man is building is crazy!
I get all flustered and tingly thinking about what else he's gonna do and where he's gonna end up next in his career. He might have to move to Los Angeles soon cos he seem to have a place in Hollywood too the movie industry loves him🙂
If you wanna talk about the west then yea without a doubt, he is the one member who has a footing in with producers ready to work with him to make songs for their movies.
Fuck, I have a sense he's gonna cameo in a few Hollywood movies soon and he's gonna get booked to work on more soundtracks and OS for Hollywood. DAMN, IF THAT HAPPENS 😌😌😌😌😌😌
You guys need to relax, be patient and watch him.
Just watch him and don't jinx it up for him I swear to God! Yall be blocking your own blessings with unnecessary rants sometimes🙄
He's on the right track with his career. I genuinely believe that.
And I hope when he's finally ready with a predominantly English Album intended for the western market that hybe will move heaven and earth to give him the extra push and support he needs.
And there's something about Jimin yall not realizing... those who know know.
I mean, Jimin even said it himself. he wanted an MV for every track and they shot him down....
And I know they shot him down, perhaps because they didn't think it was necessary for something they didn't intend to go all in on????
which is understandable but.....
We Libras are like that.
One time I set out to write a paper for a friends blog and it was supposed to be quick short and easy, but I decided to throw in a few references here and there to make it more academic and well researched- but I had to make sure it was accurate references so I hit the library. Before I knew it, I was calling up professors here and there and going all in I ended up with a 300 page dissertation and my friend couldn't use it for her blog so decided to keep it for her dissertation- so I told her I could work on a proper dissertation for her....
She said she was told she was too ambitious when she submitted it💀😬
When I get asked out for a spontaneous night out, I drive by the store to pick a new outfit and end up getting a pedicure manicure lashes silk press facials, bleach, exfoliate my butt- all for a girls night out.
Don't invite me for a sleep over cos this would be me- literally
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We don't do casual so well and always end up going the extra mile and over doing things.
Oh you're sad? Don't worry. A text won't do. I'll call to check on you, email you, make a blog for you, drive by your home in the middle of the night, move into your home, get married to you, have your children, dig my own grave and bury myself next to you cos I never know how much affection is enough 😭💀
I dare you to ask me a simple question- I'll go on and on and try to cover every base and every aspect. One lecturer told me, you are brilliant Goldy but learn to limit yourself and limit the scope when answering questions- yes, I was always the student who never finished a paper on time and always run out of time cos I had so much to say and everything I had to say felt important😭😭😭😭😭
If you listen to Jimin, it wasn't even intended for set me free to be as big as it turned out to be💀💀💀
As amazing of a voice as he has, he had to request for voice training just to make sure he was on track- when I tell yall, sometimes his "shortcomings" are all in his head bless his heart😭🥲
How many times did Jungkook and Yoongi say they had to reassure him he had a great singing voice and yet those were the times he kept insisting he wanted voice training😔
Sometimes we see flaws in ourselves others don't see. Most times those flaws are as imaginary as could be. And yet we obsess over those perceived flaws and even worse, we try to fix them....
If you're someone like that sometimes it may appear all everyone does around you is shoot you down and try to bring you down- but in reality, they'd just be the ones keeping you tethered so the perfectionist or dysmophia in you don't drive you over the edge.
Not saying Jimin struggles with dysmophia of all sorts..... but he lowkey give off vibes if you know what I mean💀
All these comments about him being the triple A guy when it comes to effort, the hyungs using him as inspiration to work hard, the whole Kpop industry making him out to be the "rookie Bible" lowkey stems from over ambitiousness and innate dissatisfaction with the barest minimum- but sometimes that's all that you need to do. The barest minimum.
It took me a while to understand this and feel comfortable with lecturers and people around me telling me I'm enough and don't need to do too much all the time to feel good enough or accomplished.
One time I scored a B+ on a paper, I cut myself for not working hard enough. After bleeding it out of my system I gathered the courage to confront the teacher only to find out she had my grades mixed with someone else's 😭😭😭😭💀
I spent so much time in the study room at boarding school people called me the study room freak and I kid you not I got an award for it😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm much much better now and can let my grammar errors fly without feeling a need to read through my writings a gazillion times. It's the Marijuana but still. It feels good to not care about anything anymore 😌
He's said he's working on his perfectionism and isn't consumed by it anymore but lowkey lowkey- we love him regardless 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Bottom line, we shouldn't confuse what happened with Face with what's happening with Jungkook.
Jimin's entanglement with the West wasn't intended at all in my opinion. It just happened. He had had Vibe and I think they just rode on the waves of the publicity from that for Set me free and Later like Crazy.
Thus he made more money spending less on advertising and marketing- comparatively speaking.
Then you have the youngest who had to sacrifice and go last after everyone- bare in mind who ever went first with their Solo had the most organic publicity because it was a new phase and all attention was on BTS since they announced a hiatus and going solo.
With little effort, that person was guaranteed to back some coins 🪙
The one to go last is relatively disadvantaged because he loses that organic attention and would require a lot of publicity to sell- but if he happens to be Jungkook then they would need to do just a little lifting because again- Golden Maknae. But imagine if Hobi were to go last- like some of yall wouldn't even care at all lets be honest which is not fair to Hobi but also the sad reality.
If I were Jungkook or Tae I wouldn't agree to go last at all don't give a fuck it's everyone for themselves💀
See this is why I wanted them all to release their albums at once. Hybe would be over stretched but then everyone would shut the fuck up. 😒
It may appear to most that the company didn't put in much effort to promote Jimin and- I understand these sentiments. I do. I just don't think it's a fair objective assessment of the situation💀
It's easy to say this wasn't treated well or that wasn't treated well when all you focused on is your bias. And I think sometimes equity prevails over equality because in as much as some went ahead of others, some already had kicked started their publicity with other collabs, some had been allotted more of the spending budget, some had high productions or low productions, they all can't get equal treatment.
Jungkook's launch is very much deliberate and well strategized too for the last debut. They took the lessons from the others launch and are trying to cover every base. He went last and so Hybe just had to make sure he went out with a bang. It be like that.
Every has to bag their coins somehow and that's all that matters.
Now that phase one is done. I can't wait to find out what they have install for phase two- I hope it's not gonna be crickets cos they all in Jail or military or whatever 😭💀
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tsukidrama · 11 months
aot finale thoughts:
- hehe Annie 🙈
- very well done visually, the animators did an absolutely amazing job. the pacing was done better with animation imo, i think a lot of the issues i had with the way the story was executed was improved on
- however i do still think that the whole "Ymir loved the king" / "Mikasa was the one who changed the founder's mind" thing is dumb
- enjoyed the music massively and especially when it was the original WIT soundtrack 🥹
- the manga really dragged Eren through the mud so i'm glad to see that he wasn't done quite so horrendously dirty
- YELENA CRUMBS! she was having a terrible time in that camp but she got remembered by the writers, fuck yes!
- lmfao also jeanrei moment lowkey being one of the most romantic part of the episode??
- Falco tackling Gabi was soo damn cute
- loved Annie and her dad hugging but wished they had gotten at least the whole screen and maybe another 1 second
- same with all of the warrior kids hugging their parents
- Levi seeing the ghosts of everyone who died cries sobs
- wheelchair Levi handing out candy to refugee children.... fuck i need a minute
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fluffypichu876 · 24 days
alright, so i have finally beaten final fantasy 15! (took me only 120-ish hours for that) and boy let me tell you these final chapters are absolute rollercoaters xD
like damn talk about tonal shift. pretty much every final fantasy does that mid- to late-game but wow, in 15 shit goes downhill really fast.
chapter 14 was amazing, and although it did break my heart and leave me a shadow of my former self (that ending HURT), it was emotional in a good way.
that bossfight against the kings of yore was the highlight of the chapter to me. it really solidified the ff15 party as one of the best in the franchise (at least for me. the guys have some of the best synergy.). it was so badass and honestly better than the final boss himself. and hey, what do you mean it wasn't in the original release?
yeah, i love this game sincerely to bits, but it's veeeery noticeable just how rushed and underdeveloped it is in multiple aspects. even the windows/royal edition can't totally remedy that fact, and that makes me very sad. this game had so much potential to be one of the best ff's ever!
anyways, uh here's my certificate of completion. games don't often give you these xD
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(yeah level 99 may have been a little overkill. not my fault that the cactuar timed quests give so much exp!)
and since i beat the game on day 31 (kinda fitting), i did have the opportunity to fight the dread behemoth and his pal tyraneant just in time to not have to wait until the end of october. let's just say that this was the true final bossfight at the end of the day xD
(unfortunately for them, i had way too many elixirs and mega-potions on my inventory, hehe)
also, may i draw some attention to the amazing soundtrack that this game has? can't be a good final fantasy game without some great music! there are many great tracks from yoko shimomura here, but apocalysis aquarius in particular has been stuck in my head for a good while. it's very very good.
so, final thoughts: final fantasy 15 may be unfinished and deeply flawed, but it is a pretty good experience if you vibe with it. and honestly, "roadtrip with the boys" should be an entire video game genre.
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unholydeukae · 3 months
Okay, let's be honest - this comeback is amazing (aside from the fact that Siyeon is not part of the promotions; but I wish her all the best and that she gets better again asap!).
Justice might easily be my new favourite title track, I absolutely love this song. It's super catchy, the melody is great and the rap flows seamlessly with the general vibe without feeling like it's out of place. Since I'm a rock-/metal girl, I'm also very satisfied with the stronger rock sound. The first part of the prechorus that Gahmidong sing is immaculate, then the second part of the prechorus that sounds like marching towards a fight; it really works well to transition into the chorus. Especially the "fighting" prechorus also reminds me of league of legends songs, like warriors. In general, I really like how they worked with dynamics. For example in Maison, it's all pretty much one beat and volume most of the time but in Justice, it builds up and down, there are parts where the instrumental is really light and then others where it's really strong and intense. It feels like a lot of thought went into the creation and elaboration of that song and that makes me very happy.
StΦmp! is also really cool, it reminded me a bit of Shatter in the way that the chorus and the verses are really different. The prechorus flows so sweetly and sounds so nice and then the chorus hits with a nearly metal sound, it's like an invitation to join and sing with them. In case you've heard of them, Amaranthe has a similar "electronic metal" style and StΦmp really made me think of their music. I also had to think about how it could be a great soundtrack for a Barbie movie (in a very positive way), where it provides a really strong "we can do it together" music, like in the 3 Musketeers or something. My sister said she could also see it being played in a club or something.
2 Rings has a bit of a country rock vibe which I really enjoy as well. That was the song where I wasn't really sure if I'd like it after listening to the highlight medley, but damn, it wasn't a disappointment. A good friend said it made her think of a Halestorm album from 2015, and I (as a rock/metal person) think it's great that Dreamcatcher's vibes become rockier again and even remind of rock/metal bands. The part in the (pre)chorus where the melody goes down in steps also sounds a bit Måneskin-ish which I think is great.
Admittedly, I haven't listened to Fireflies that much yet because I'm not usually the type to overly enjoy the ballads, but it's not a bad song at all of course! I might give more of my thought process about this song once I've listened to it a few more times.
What really surprised me is that the Intro is so long - nearly 4 minutes! I think that's the longest intro/outro/skit they ever included in an album and I love it. It's a whole instrumental song that really makes a great prequel for the other songs.
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chokherbalii · 3 months
kdramas i watched this month and what i think about them :
• hometown cha cha cha : this drama deserves a 5/5 rating for acting, plot, cinematography, script. this is a wonderful, comfort watch. you just cannot have enough of it in one watch. you NEED to rewatch it. (other dramas like this : i'll go to you when the weather is fine, soundtrack #1, welcome to samdalri, midnight romance in hagwon)
• taxi driver 1 : my friend suggested this to me. i love this. first of all let me talk about the female leads. OHMYGOD. this is basically about a taxi organisation who are also a secret organisation to fight crimes. i love the concept. (other dramas to watch if you liked this : a shop for killers, extraordinary attorney woo, wonderful world)
• see you in my 19th life : bro this drama had so much potential but idrk i'd give it a 3/5 maybe for the plot. i loved the acting. but the plot literally had so much potential to be better but it just felt off. (other dramas to watch if you liked this : a time called you, twinkling watermelon, 18 again, seasons of blossom, good day to be a dog, born again, goblin, midnight photo studio, destined with you, while you were sleeping)
• escape of the 7 + resurrection : kim soon-ok (writer) and joo dong-min (dir) slayed as always. like bro i literally felt so empty after watching penthouse. i HAD to watch this. the best thing i love about penthouse and this series is how the portray the characters. they're neither good nor bad. and i love how in the end they choose the ‘good’ side of them. plus, the plot twists had me dying. (other dramas like this : penthouse : war in life, pandora : beneath the paradise, lies hidden in your garden, mouse, born evil, cafe minamdang)
• born again : this drama is an absolute masterpiece. but. yes, BUT. the direction and cinematography was so weak like some of the scenes didn't even make sense. 5/5 for acting, plot. but the script could have been better. i mean honestly the plot is amazing. JUST AMAZING. there hasn't ever been anything like this drama. the actors absolutely devored but the direction bro. it was so ehe :(
• the atypical family : i started watching this because like it was being really popular in social media but i ended up binging it. it was amazing. like so good. this literally tells us why we DON'T need superpowers. like the concept of psychological disorders linked with their superpowers were really an amazing idea.
• hierarchy : wt actual fvck was this??? because i had SO MUCH hopes and excitement for this drama and it ended up being what — a 2/5? maybe. i liked the acting, but it wasn't a mystery drama at all. it was TOO westernised and it was just bland. just straight up bland. like bro a mystery/thriller set in highschool has so much potential to be good. eg : the pyramid game. IT WAS JUST A GOD DAMN MASTERPIECE.
• heartbeat : my blood boils everytime i remember this drama is literally THE MOST underrated drama of all time. if you need a good cry please watch it. it was just — WOW. like wow. i am literally at loss of words. idk. from the starting to the ending it was just WOW.
• midnight romance in hagwon : it is currently an ongoing drama. anyway, this is like one of those comfort dramas one goes to rewatch everytime they're down. it is just so cozy, and cute and amazing. i love it <3
• mouse : this. THIS. this altered my brain chemistry. dude wth was this????? this was just on another level. like after penthouse and escape of the 7, this is something one should definitely watch to fill the void in their heart. i cried so much bro this was so sad, and engaging and sometimes funny at the same time. i went through all the five stages of grief while watching it.
• highschool return of a gangster : this drama was STRAIGHTWASHED. ofc. why would they even show representation???? anyway i watched it because i loved the first episode but i hated the ending man. i hated it.
• hansel and gretel (movie) : literally deserves all the awards. you know what i mean. 5/5 for everything.
• destined with you : started watching it yesterday and im already halfway through. i love this bro. it is so funny ohmygod. and i absolutely love past lives and reincarnation tropes so this is a win-win!!
+ some jmovies i watched :
• monster : ion think i need to say something about this.
• re/member : loved this. 5/5 for everything. i loved the plot, especially how ‘loneliness brings people together to fight against the evil - which is literally their own loneliness’. i wish there was a part 2 of this movie tbh.
• the forbidden play : this shit messed with my head so bad, i literally had nightmares and couldn't sleep. no because this was horrendous. literally wtf???
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firagasoap · 5 months
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I wasn't expecting too much from Stellar Blade, but damn this game is good! Character designs on point, great soundtrack, and amazing combat. Story is basic but still interesting... overall, this game is a gem. It feels very different compared to most action type games released in the last decade.. different in a really good way.
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lv-iceprince · 2 months
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ahh! oh my god hi! i had the best time doing this ship for you, i got carried away but honestly. i can't see you with anyone else and i had to get deep into and inject this with as many vibes as I could.
thank you so much for being patient and giving me the opportunity to do this for you! you're so amazing keep being awesome please and thank you!
also since this is a ship and i normally do a random member i just went with jake. but if you ever wanted a similar thing with sunghoon where it wasn't so much a ship but the whole moodboard, music and aesthetic kind of love story snippet things i can always do one for you and just have it under a more generalised different title since I want to start doing similar things with aesthetics and songs but it's more along the line of music based drabbles. the point is i totally wanted to just give you jake for this one but again i am open to writing something more specific to sunghoon if people want that, it wouldn't be ship related though.
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Honestly, the energy in this ship is so vibrant and so damn addictive. This 100% prefaces your entire relationship. There is something so beautiful about your connection with Jake, the allure of it all with a dash of something that teeters on the edge of danger in the most sensual way. Maybe you won't ever be in dangerous situations around Jake but there is always something that feels like you are living life in the most exciting way. He has a habit of pulling you into his charm, it's so strange. He might be the most nerdiest guy you have ever met until he removes his glasses.
I see the playlist you sent in as the soundtrack for your entire relationship with Jake. Each one holds a memory or a moment in time that progressed your relationship forward, mini anniversaries of sorts.
DAHLIA- (G)I-DLE: That moment when you realised that the love you felt for Jake was unlike anything you had ever felt before. He was caught, suspended in your mind and you wanted to be on the tip of his tongue. He became more than a schoolgirl crush, he was the realest thing you could ever hold in your hands. It was also the start of you waking up early to wait outside of his house, wanting to be the first person to see his messy hair, to hear his husky morning voice. He was the boy who struggled to be attentive and wake up in the morning but each day he sees you there he is fully attentive. You make him feel more himself, he blooms in your presence.
Sofia- Clairo: Warm summer nights sitting on his roof, his flannel shirt wrapped around your quite bare body. Even if it's tempting to let your mind drift back to what you had done a mere ten minutes ago, you decide to stay in the moment. You felt like you were about to drift off into the night sky, but ironically, you were yanked back down into reality at the sight of Jake admiring the stars wishing he could float up there too. You assumed that something like this would feel more formal, more transactional in some sense as if you were now gifted with maturity but you still felt giggly and young. Being there with Jake felt right.
Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)- TXT: Being winded by Jake was nothing new, you liked the feeling of having your breath leave your lungs, but not like this. You knew Jake was a rugby boy but regardless, you hadn't expected to be on the ground practically winded after he tackled you. Despite what it looked like you couldn't claim that Jake had been rough with you, he had been so gentle, his arms guarding the middle of your back as you tumbled to the ground together. The reason behind your breathlessness was the fact that he was on top of you, panting and grinning like a loser. When you had tried to awkwardly wriggle out of his grasp Jake pulled you back in "Just one more minute and I'll be good y/n".
Don't Know What To Do- BLACKPINK: Jake made the most mundane things feel like an adventure, his Mum had left him with a list of chores that he had to get done by that evening. Instead of running to his car and speeding off to the first place he had to go, the car shuddered and came to a stop outside of your house. He had sent you a one worded text yet you knew exactly what he wanted from you
Almost skipping out to his car you were greeted with a hug and a passionate kiss on the lips. The next thing you know he's strapping you into your seat like the passenger princess you are, taking extra time to trail a line of kisses over your clavicle before taking his seat beside you. "So here's the thing I have some things to do but I thought you'd be so bored without me today, you know, killing two birds with one stone. But more than that, I think we're overdue for a good date. So what do you say we run around town like a couple of losers?"
Like Crazy (English Version)-Jimin: He couldn't help but feel like a bit of a burden to you, you didn't have to come along to this party, he could see it in your eyes, all that was unsaid, you would rather be elsewhere. The words of his friends were leaking through one ear and out the next as he took in your form, marvelling at the blue lights dancing on his little fairy. With a flurry of words and a hand up to stop Jay in his tracks Jake approaches you. In his head it's like one of those coming of age movies, the music beating with his heart as he comes to stop in front of you. He smiles at you, a knowing smile "I couldn't help but notice you looking at me from across the room, I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind me asking for a dance." You had to roll your eyes at Jake, despite dating he was never over using that pickup line. Instead of denying him you take his hand and lead him towards the centre of the room.
I Wanna Be Yours- Arctic Monkeys: Both of you held a deep secret, not that anyone would really be surprised, but it was something that was sacred to you. Jake Sim was a good guy, even if this was the case he was actually a walking contradiction. He didn't mean to be but there were parts of him that yearned to grow up, by day he was the studious boy who kept to himself and on late nights and weekends he was just Jake. You had fallen for his boyish charm, so for some time he held back on taking a drag of a cigarette or voicing his more suggestive thoughts, he kept those reserved for his friends. But for some reason he had a change of heart. After dating you he wanted you to see him in all of his vulnerability even if that meant seeing how conflicted he was. Through the smoke of his cigarette you saw the perfect partner, you had wanted to grow with Jake, both of you exploring life and the passionate love that came with it.
The love you share with Jake is the most energetic, the most innocent, the kindest, the most lustful and every other emotion and feeling in between. This type of thing isn't for everybody but there is freedom in letting yourself be in love with Jake and living in the moment. You know he is your forever, but all both of you care about is being in his arms in the deep blue right now.
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~your song~
~shufflemancy reading~
I tried to find love
In someone else too many times
But I hope you know I mean it (mean it)
When I tell you you're the one that was on my mind,
When I look at you
In your eyes (your eyes)
I see there's something burning inside you (inside you)
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noildoof · 12 days
Hello Ive seen that ur into a lot of like "obscure" media and was wondering what anime, cartoons and comics u were into or what u'd recommend , Im very curious , love your art!!!!!
There's a lot, tbh I'm not even sure where to start, but let's see...
Angel's Egg isn't really that obscure anymore, but at the time I first watched it and got obsessed, it was. I still consider it to be a masterpiece and my favorite movie of all time, tied with Alien.
If you're over 18, I highly recommend Malice@Doll. It's a surreal, disturbing 3D anime that moves a lot like stop-motion. It has a lot of parallels to the Biblical story of the garden of Eden, with humans in the role of an absent God and machines doing the same things they've always done because... well, that's what they were made to do. They don't have free will. There's a lot of really interesting stuff to think about - the tradeoff of innocence for knowledge, trading an immortal mechanical body that can't feel for a flesh one that can feel pleasure but also pain. Again though, this anime gets pretty disturbing, and although it's not meant to be arousing it does have sexual content. It's not appropriate for minors.
My favorite bad anime is The Humanoid. It's very campy and one of the most 80's anime I've ever seen. The characters (mostly Alan) talk a lot about coffee, for some reason. Enough that you can make a drinking game out of it. The soundtrack is actually really good, I have it on vinyl.
Go watch Chargeman Ken right now. I mean it. Each episode is only 5 minutes long, so you have no excuse not to. You'll understand why I'm recommending this anime once you've watched it, it simply has to be seen to be believed. My favorite episodes are Dynamite in the Brain and When the Cuckoo Clock Strikes 3.
A lot of people seem to hate Bounty Dog, but I will unironically defend this anime to the death. I think it's good, or at least perfectly serviceable for a 90's direct-to-video anime. It has a weird piss-yellow color palette though, and it's not a filter - those are the actual colors used in the paint, I would know having cels from this.
This is very particular to my tastes (people who know me will understand why), but I binged Brigadoon not long ago and loved it. It's a very strange series in a way that's kind of hard to describe. Fundamentally, it's about a relationship between a girl and a mecha that develops into a romance, so I guess it's shoujo. But it's also an action series. And a comedy series. And a drama series. And a horror series at times. It defies genre categorization in a way I don't see very often. The closest thing I can compare it to is The Ancient Magus's Bride, as the relationship between Marin and Melan is pretty similar. With Dr. Seuss and Evangelion thrown into a blender.
Cool World is... not a good movie. At all. But damn, are those backgrounds nice. It has a particular "look" to it that is awesome as fuck, I just wish the actual story wasn't so stupid. I implore the people who say dumb shit like "Hazbin Hotel is just "SEX! LAUGH NOW!"" to watch Cool World, because that is literally what Cool World is. It's pretty to look at, but the entire plot and all the jokes are just "Don't have sex with cartoon characters---- OHHHH he just had sex with the cartoon character." But if you can get past the painfully unfunny "comedy" and stupid nonsensical plot, it's very nice to look at and has a great soundtrack.
... that got really long-winded, damn. Here's some other recommendations:
Weathering Continent (also an untranslated light novel series) Laughing Target (also a manga) Mermaid Forest (also a manga) Mermaid's Scar (also a manga) Curse of Kazuo Umezu (also a manga, untranslated) California Crisis Twinkle Nora Rock Me (so bad it's amazing, also an untranslated manga) Nayuta (also a manga, untranslated) King of Thorn (also a manga) Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage (also a manga, but not fully translated) Dragon's Heaven (also a manga, untranslated) Lily-C.A.T. Magnetic Rose (not really that obscure but it's a masterpiece) They Were 11 (also a manga, dunno if it was translated) E.Y.E.S. of Mars Iblard Time Venus Wars (also a manga)
Eko Eko Azarak (haven't seen much of it but I like what I've seen) Any of Rumiko Takahashi's short stories Black Jack (definitely not obscure if you're an oldtaku like me) Anything by Kazuo Umezu, especially Drifting Classroom
The Banshee Chapter Space Mutiny (watch the Mystery Science Theater version) Yellow Brick Road
Mary (Scissor Sisters music video) Daicon IV (anime Electric Light Orchestra music video) Apollo 20 hoax videos Cybersix (Argentine animated series) Skydoll (Italian comic, adult-only) Yoko Tsuno (Belgian comic)
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kitty-pilled-gamma · 21 days
ok so here's my complete review of the Hapcha movie
it was a blast. breathtaking fighting scenes, likeable guest characters, amazing soundtrack, it was all good!
Tsumugi and Megumi make a kinda cute pair of friends and idk why but they remind me of Miyuki and Niko? might be me just being crazy. btw Tsumugi also has a great story to me - wasn't expecting Precure of all things to include a child getting paraplegic as a story point, but life just has it's surprises sometimes
I would complain about the fact that only Lovely got the power up in the movie (it's something I dislike when only the main character got a super ultra epic form and the rest just kinda watches .... yes I'm talking about you Doki Doki and Happiness Charge finale) but to be fair, she deserves the protagonism in this movie, she was the first person to know about the truth behind the Doll Kingdom and all that so yeah
overall a really great movie, it isn't the best Precure movie but it still has the Precure magic in it
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darkskarth · 1 month
The Forever Session - Vol.1 The boys are back, and so am I
It's been a while, hasn't it? I am not sure how this will go but for those who enjoyed my funny post about my favorite band here's one about their last album.
I will give a small opinion on every new version (spoiler: they are all amazing) but first a quick glance at the setlist in general; At first, I was a bit dubious about the songs from "Nothing Personal" since we already got a new version of them on the 10 year anniversary of that album. After hearing them, they made so much sense. I hoped we would see some from "Put Up Or Shut Up" but I enjoyed how they switched the order of Dear Maria and Lost In Stereo since they usually open with the latter and end with the other.
Dear Maria, Count Me In: Obviously She is here. It's a grand idea to open with it, setting the tone on what to expect from the album. Crazy vocals, and a nostalgic yet fresh sound.
Coffee Shop Soundtrack: I love this song. Rian goes super hard on the drums, and I love it! The End? 'Waiting for something' STOP. Wow!
Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't: Love this version, a bit more pop-ish, but still has the same vibe we are getting from the whole album; you can hear a bit of the synth (?) sounds they tried from the original "Nothing Personal" so it has a good recall. They (obviously) kept the iconic stutter of D-D-Damned at the end of the song: perfection.
Six Feet Under The Stars: Another song I love from their early album. I realized that Alex's vocals were way less defined (obviously since they were still developing their sounds and all), and these versions of the songs from "So Wrong, It's Right" are way crispier. The backup vocals are insane: some are very similar to the old ones, while other are brand new.
Weightless: Do I need to say anything about this? Same as DMCMI, old vibes but new at the same time.
Poppin' Champagne: I'll admit this wasn't one of my favorite songs, but this version? Very good, I think I understood the lyrics for the first time lmao (I couldn't really understand what was sung and was too lazy to look it up).
Jasey Rae: I feel like everyone loves Jasey Rae (me too). This is an insane rendition of the song so I don't have much to say. Love it!
Lost In Stereo: Love that they switched the position of this song since it usually is the one played first during concerts (pretty sure they often open with LIS). I feel like this might be the weakest of all the songs in here. I prefer both older renditions of Lost In Stereo. I still like the song.
Remembering Sunday: They teased it. We waited for it. They delivered it. Jack tricked us with the "what the hell" comment and I fell for it. I was ready to hear Avril sing one of my favorite songs. When they released the pre-save and I saw 'Lisa Gaskarth' in there I was shocked. Is Lisa a trained singer? Because the way she killed Juliet Simms' part is incredible. I was not expecting that. I was listening to it in the car and forgot how roundabout worked for a moment. A new all-time favorite!
There it is. My useless review of this insane album. I had a blast writing this even if it was difficult as hell; I haven't used my English writing skills in a while and had to check multiple times what I was typing ahahahah. I know I'll have this on repeat for weeks and I'll be obnoxious about it lmao. hope to hear about you sooner this time. Until then Stay Safe, Be Kind, and remember, Somebody loves you.  ☀️💕
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optimisticaudience · 4 months
My Top 10 Unhinged Movie Recommendations
This isn't top 10 favorite movies. This is my top 10 movies to recommend when I want to make sure that person NEVER asks me for recs again. When I want to go nuclear in my weird shit(TM) this is what I go with, in ascending order. 10. Freaks by Todd Browning
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I love showing this to people. Folks are like "oh hey is this a horror movie?" and then I show it to them. It's not a horror movie, unless Normies are the horror. I love sitting in a room where people slowly realize this isn't a horror moive, but a well done domestic drama. It's just a drama where the cast doesn't look like hollywood stars. It's a god damn masterpiece about a man who is forsaking this family to find mainstream acceptance and how his family fights to save him despite everything. 10/10 Masterpiece. Some folks question whether or not it is exploitative that Todd Browning made this movie. I've made sure the guy is dead so no matter what he's not going to make money either way.
9. The very beginning and very end of Streets of Fire.
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Patrick Willems was right about this. Watch the first bit and then skip to the end to get a dramatic epic of rock music, motorcycles, and Wilhem Defoe fighting in a sledgehammer duel. Beautiful movie. Then people request to see the full movie, the fools. I show the full movie because they know not what they do. Then they don't like it. I told them this at the beginning. There are no sledgehammer fights in the middle of the movie. Why watch this if it's not a musical number or hammer time?
8. The Dark Crystal's bootleg director's cut
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Cowards watch movies in languages they understand. Sometimes they use subtitles to pretend they are open to new experiences. Watch a god damn movie in a fictional language that no one speaks, you plebians. No subtitles, no explanations. Just watch the movie and have a great experience seeing the puppets portray the story using body language. Expand your horizons. It wasn't made on drugs, it just was made with more courage than you or I will ever have. Get fucking weird before you die.
7. Harry Potter and the Deadly Weapons
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The last one was a bootleg reconstructing a lost film. This bootleg creates a new movie. Harry Potter with GUNS. It starts with an old guy shooting out all the lights in a street, and keeps on going from there. You want to see true cinema? Watch Emma Watson shoot Neville Longbottom in the face.
6. Lo
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Romance is dead. There was a romance here. But it got killed and dragged to hell. This man is trying to summon love from hell. All he summons is ham and also overly dramatic soundtrack. Most of the movie is two actors sitting in the dark being assholes to each other. They actually have amazing chemistry. The Demon, Lo, is amazing and my scrungly blorbo or whatever the fuck people say. It's also a musical.
5. The Man From Earth
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This is actually just a good movie. It's like what if a movie was also a bunch of smug people's podcast. However, they all are used to being smug and podcasting as most of them are from Star Trek. Beautiful and wonderful performances about a bunch of nerds arguing about a caveman Buddhist Jesus. It's a palate cleanser for what else is in store.
4. Existenz
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People like to talk about Cronenberg and how shocking Videodrome is or something like that. Thing is people don't talk about this weird shit as much. David Cronenberg is a gamer and he made the ultimate gamer movie: where the scary stuff is physical contact and metaphors for sex. Watch people graft new orfices on to shove gaming consoles into them. What if the matrix had a gun that shoots teeth? Yeah it doesn't have the gunfingerpenis from other cronengerg movies. However it does have a game controller made of asymmetrical nipples.
3. Lair of the White Worm
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Scottish Snake Vampires. That's actually pretty cool and sounds great. Hugh Grant and the Doctor from Doctor Who have a bromance. Why is it on here? Because the director was too horny. Random nudity is the most tame and normal part of this movie. I am not against the human body being used in art. I also think people shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies.
Except this director. He ends the movie with Hugh Grant lifting up Peter Capaldi's kilt and Capaldi bites him. Want to make movie night uncomfortable for everyone? Show this. Porn is less horny.
2. Wizards
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This movie has so many great bits. The thing is you know about the great bits because no one wants to watch the whole thing. Imagine a movie with all the issues of Lair of the White Worm, while also made by a man who is by volume 80% cocaine, 10% rivalry with R. Crumb, and 10% mommy issues. Then have Mark Hamil show up for like five minutes. Then turn it into a commentary on fascist propaganda. It's the greatest artistic achievement in making movies that will make no one happy at movie night.
Possession (uncut version)
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This is the nuclear option. If i don't want people to talk to me ever again, I'll show them this movie. You want to see a film made by the most Divorced man ever? Sure let's watch this. Elon Musk wishes he was this movie, but he, like everyone who sees this film, is a coward. The fucked up film that was banned in the UK for decades tells us the truly greatest fear of men: A version of the man who is a better husband than they are, especially if it's a living pile of raw viscera that is better at satisfying their spouse in bed.
No one i've shown this movie to has talked to me afterwards. I use it like pest control folks used DDT back in the day. Ironically, the movie has the same effect on Condor eggs. One day, however, i will show this to someone and they will like it. In that case, I will have three options:
-The person will be my new best friend.
-The person will be a cinderella-glass-slipper true love fit for me.
-This person will kill me in the next 24 hours.
All three of these will be true. The person who fits this will inherit my social media accounts, and be cursed with them until they complete this cycle again with someone else.
Anyways thank you for liking and subscribing to my Ted Talk.
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Ello! I'm Cyrus, and welcome to my blog! This is a side blog to post art and Thoughts™.
☆○°•°○☆ Read First! ☆○°•°○☆
@spacewasnotagoodidea is my main blog! It is 99.9% reblogs (hence why I made this blog) so go there if you want to see me go crazy over fictional characters :>)
@ask-the-metallics is my ask blog for my AvA OCs! There's nothing there yet (so please ask me questions). There is an into post, though!
☆○°•°○☆ About Me! ☆○°•°○☆
Names: Cyrus and Tea (nicknames welcome)
Pronouns: She/They
Age: Miner (Thats all you get >:>)
My labels: Demi-Girl, Lesbian, AroAce
Other things: I get unseasonably obsessed with things, Like to do art, has undiagnosed something, I'm bad at summaries and have been here for almost 2 years now!
☆○°•°○☆ Fandoms! ☆○°•°○☆
More or less from most obsessed to least obsessed: Animation vs Series, Henry Stickmin do you see a pattern?, The Magnus Archives/Protocol, The Mistome Museum, Generation Loss, Shorts Wars, Ranboo Live, Cookie Run, Slimecicle, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Ace Attorney, Hermitcraft, Doug Doug, The Amazing Digital Circus, In ___ With Markiplier, The Stanley Parable, Welcome to Night Vale, ULTRAKILL, Dream smp.
Damn that's a lot
☆○°•°○☆ Art Stuff! ☆○°•°○☆
I'm doing Art Fight this year! When I get all my stuff done, that will be my pined post. But till then (and after), this will be pined.
I am taking doodle requests (Unless stated otherwise)! I will try to get to them quickly but the Horrors™ might get to me first.
☆○°•°○☆ Music Stuff! ☆○°•°○☆
I'll do art for most of my fandoms except for the following (I'm bad/don't wanna): Shorts Wars, Cookie Run, Stardew Valley, Ace Attorney, The Amazing Digital Circus, Doug Doug, The Stanley Parable, Welcome to Night Vale, ULTRAKILL, The Mistome Museum and Dream smp.
My music taste can be split like this: 30% Indie, 35% Nerd Core, 25% Soundtracks and lyric-liss songs, 8% Japanese Songs, and 2% Sad stuff.
I also make playlists!
"Thank you" (Generation Loss)
"And I fell in love Instantly" (WTNV)
"I can't lose you, _nala" (CyberAttack (an AvA au)
A Playlist that Reminds me of Captain (In Space with Markiplier)
My current Favorites!
☆○°•°○☆ AUs! ☆○°•°○☆
Way of the Wind Au (AvA) - Four fatality wounded teens wind up in front of the Wind God's temple are able to mutter out one last prayer before collapsing on it's front steps
My OCs Au (AvA)- A small gang of meet a new member (and friend)
Zombie Au (AvA) - There is a zombie apocalypse on the canvas but everything's fineeee, as long as we don't talk about Florida.
☆○°•°○☆ Tags! ☆○°•°○☆
Magical Girl Au (AvA) - [I'm not to sure how to explain it but it's like kid show magical girl show. It's sweet tho] Coming soon!
Bendy and the Ink Machine Au (AvA) - Very much just "What if the BATIM characters were also AvA?" so it's simple.
Hear the Stars Wispers (Charlie Slimecicle) - Charlie's new job is doing numbers on his mental health. Maybe there was a reason this place was abandoned for a few months. (Inspired by his Voices of the Void stream)
Break the 4th Wall (AvA) - Yellow's machine didn't break; more like did something it wasn't supposed to do. Something that lead to Kaori to frantically call her husband. Today's going to be a long day. (The sticks end up in the real world and Alan was just trying to get groceries.)
Main TADC Au (AvA) - Today hasn't been fun. First someone broke into his house. Then said person knock them out. And now he was here, in this circus place. He doesn't even know how he got there. Worst of all, he might have a concussion; he can't remember his name. (Alan in The Amazing Digital Circus)
Second TADC Au (AvG) - Look, they were just trying to film a video and now they're stuck. They were just trying to play Minecraft and for some reason it didn't work! Why are they in a circus?? (Alan and DJ in The Amazing Digital Circus)
The Amazing Animated Circus (AvA) - "What if the TADC characters were also AvA?"
A Different Path (AvA) - I throw Alan back to like a month before chosen's creation. What will he do? (Inspired by @/i3utterflyeffect's Untitled-3 Au)
Also feel free to ask about my head-cannons! (This goes of all fandoms!)
#Baps you cutely - Reblogs
#Space Rambles - Text posts
#Art Fight - Art Fight stuff!
#My Art - Art
#Asks - Ask responses
#Doodles - Doodles responses
#Way of the Wind AU #WotW AU - Au stuff
#Zomble AU - Au stuff
#The Metallics #AvA OCs - AvA OC stuff
Fandom specific tag are the same as they are across tumblr :3
#Magical Girl AU - Au stuff
#BATIMxAVA - Bendy and the Ink Machine Au
#Hear the Stars Wispers AU #HSW AU - Au stuff!
#Break the 4th Wall AU #BT4W AU - Au stuff!
#Main TADC AU - Au stuff!
#Second TADC AU - Au stuff!
#The Amazing Animated Circus AU #TAAC AU - Au Stuff!
#A Different Path AU #ADP AU - Au stuff!
#My OCs - All my OCs!
#Extra Extra! - Stuff that doesn't fit under anything else.
☆○°•°○☆ Banners! ☆○°•°○☆
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