#but doesn't get implimented well in other canon
aparticularbandit · 5 months
Kyoko in DR3 looked at her impossible task - solve the murders before she and Makoto both die - and then, when forced to make a choice between save herself or save the person she loves?
Made the same choice Yui did.
And that's Yui's influence.
Pre-Black Challenge Kyoko could never. Her family creed is to put the case first, even above family (which is why Jin split - because Grandpa Kirigiri wouldn't let Kyoko go see her dying mother because they were on a case, and Mama Kirigiri died - and Jin was right for splitting, but he was wrong for leaving Kyoko there).
During DR Kirigiri, we see Kyoko making the comment that sometimes you have to let people die to solve the case, and every time she makes that claim, Yui rebukes her. No. We try and save everyone. We save as many people as we possibly can. Like them or not, we go to save them, even at the risk of our own lives.
Saving victims is the most important thing.
And we see Kyoko learning from this in vol. 6 - we maybe can't win the sniper game, but we can try to keep everyone from getting on the island. (Except there are flaws in that plan which she quickly brings up.)
Kyoko doesn't pull Makoto into her investigations because then he would be at risk from the mastermind, made most blatant when Junko bops him on the head and steals the Hope's Peak yearbooks.
Junko is playing a game with Kyoko.
Makoto becomes alibi and bait.
DR3 and Kyoko's choice to sacrifice herself to save Makoto, even though he might not be able to figure things out, is an homage to Yui and what she learned from her.
(It's also her way of saying that she's tired of other people dying for her. That she's taking the bullet this time.)
This is how you recontextualize canon.
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zwoelffarben · 2 years
Not derailing this post which is having a very serious conversation about sex, sexnormativity, and such. There's a quote I want to talk about in that @curlicuecal in the conversation says and relate it to the culture surrounding the adoption of new media:
...if you spend some time talking to people with different experiences or learning about even one culture other than your own ... It just opens your eyes to perspectives and options you never even knew existed. And suddenly you have more colors to paint with.
I believe that the major success of homestuck and (unfortunately) harry potter as well as the major failure of Jame Cameron's Avatar, and minor failure of most YA dytopia novels wit harry potter houses correlate to this New Colors Principle: If you give people new colors to paint wit, they will paint with them.
let's skip over homestuck (we'll get back to it) and (unfortunately) talk about harry potter for a moment. The four houses are arguably the biggest part of potterhead culture, and that's more than just marketing. A lot of words have been written on how the houses function in canon, forming the basis for a bad positive feedback loop that ultimately radicalizes snape, voldemort, and other syltherins to bibotry; as well as other problems with their in canon implimentations. But, the thing that made harry potter so fucking popular, aside from the factors of success largely unrelated to the book itself, was that it gave people some fancy new astrology signs by way of the hogwarts houses. They were new colors to paint with, and its unfortunately what makes it so fucking difficult to kill too, because people don't want to lose access to those colors they found meaning in (I still internally identify wit a house, cringing as I do, because I painted myself with that color, and cutting that part of myself away, despite my acceptance of its necessity is a hard and painful process I'm probably never gonna completely manage.)
By contrast, the failure of James Cameron's Avatar to form a cultural splash is because He doesn't spend enough time really rexploring the blue people's culture in a way that's understandable to a human audience. A lot of the blue people's culture exists only as either a plot device or the mystical native trope, which kinda betrays his opinions on the real-life indiginous peoples his blue people are coded as. He had the opprotunity to create some truly fascinating colors, and had he done so by cooperating with the native people he believes are a "dead end society", and all he made was puce blue.
And now back to the other end of the spectrum, to quote myself, "Homestuck is a now concluded long running web comic series written by Andrew Hussie centering around the paradox inducing shenanagains of ten humans, twenty-four trolls, a number of cerebum, and several other species; as they all quest both for personal growth and to herald the birth of a new cosmic frog multiverse which the surviviors of the narative can settle into: It’s a glorious mess." That quote comes from an essay in which I use huusian troll romance to analysize the romantic-sexual attraction of a character from a completely unrelated media.
The popularity of homestuck stems, I argue here in part, from the absolutely unhinged pallette of new colors it created. You've got astrology^2 in the classpects; you've got the trolls with their lexusi, blood heirarchy, and romance quadrants; the leprechaun have their charms (which is itself taking the piss out of troll romance quadrants), the dichotomy of the prospit and derse dreaming, the cherbum, all the various ways to conceptualize the self brought about by shenanagains in paradox spacetime. Homestuck offers some 40+ new colors to fuck around painting wit, and cringe though the execution might have sometimes been, people did enfact fuck around and paint wit 'em.
People love having new colors to play with, and culture is driven by the desire to paint, but also to discover new colors to paint with. What an excellent metaphor, that I should note was made by a person who, at time of writing, has a homestuck icon.
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muzzleroars · 2 years
oh we're talking abt akira and yaldy connection? we're talking about them?? the way i see the whole thing is that yaldabaoth is just as trapped as everyone else in the system he impliments, and a part of him actually *did* want humanity to get better, to be better. and he put akira in place to be the one to do that. akechi was set up to be part of his system as well, though- even though yaldabaoth wants in some part to actually have humanity grow, he is also the manifestation of humanity's desire to stay the same, to face his judgement, and akechi fullfils that part of it. i do agree that the deal was offered purely out of friendship with akira, through their bond akira had become a companion rather than simply a pawn in his game, seeing which side would win, so it was a last attempt to give akira something he wanted and keep him under his wings
HELL YEA all such good takes and i agree!!! i (very messily) ramble for awhile about it so!!!
yaldabaoth's game in general is pretty interesting imo, especially when you consider what reasoning he could have for playing it. because as i see it, the only plausible motivation (that isn't just petty bs lol) is that he wanted, in some way, for humanity to become better. why else go through all of that? why not just take over directly if he could? it may have been to prove something to igor about the humans he believed in (petty) or perhaps it was a way to accumulate power. after all, the more the thieves disturb the public peace (ie, make people face reality) and the more shutdowns that serve to terrify them all grow yaldabaoth's power. but that plan doesn't exactly make sense because the thieves could have failed at any time and yaldabaoth would have executed his take over then. so i think, like you said, there must have been a part of him that wanted to see what igor saw.
but ultimately, he is fixed, he wants to be right and he wants for his system to prevail because again, he is public sentiment. so he rigs the game, the exact same way the structures in place rig society against change and growth. it's baked in, it's a function not a bug, and that's how yaldabaoth operates. but while the thieves failed to change society by and large, they had a profound effect on the individuals they helped, the ones directly touched by them. and yaldabaoth is moved the exact same way, individually, by akira. he offers him the deal as the ultimate end of the fool confidant, the last gift of their social link - and as much as it's framed as a trick...well, from what we see in the bad end, akira seems pretty pleased with the arrangement. we can argue why that might be (brainwashing, manipulation...an entire au about his decline and loss of humanity MAYBE) but we actually don't know, so all we have to go on is akira's seeming satisfaction. SO TO ME the offer is genuine by what canon presents. tbh i just think in general that the relationship between akira and yaldabaoth is a unique one that can be taken in many different ways, all of which have evidence to support them. it's of course possible that akira was nothing more than a pawn, that yaldabaoth had no true attachment to him, but i think it can also easily be read that there was a genuine link like all the other confidants.
(and bc i can't fit it in anywhere ELSE - also like you mentioned, i think he is trapped in many ways. he was made for a purpose, he was created to shoulder all the burden of humanity that they became too tired to carry themselves. it may be the am bias showing again, but i think yaldabaoth is angry with how he was created, that he may be a god but he was made only to work, only to take on all the suffering humans no longer wish to endure. so i think too he did want better - he even agrees with the thieves that there is good in humanity, but it was just never enough. just look at how he sits in the depths of mementos - locked under the floor, his hands chained to the ground and his head concealed by the form humans want of him. it's. sad tbh.)
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ofbattlcs · 6 months
Getting to know Hadley: a series of random headcanons that are technically canon I suppose because she's mine and what I say goes:
For as cold and aloof as she tries to present herself, Hadley has a quick wit and a dry sense of humour. Especially when with her comrades, she will joke around quite a lot, oft in such a way that leaves one to wonder if she's for real.
Her characteristics were decided on, and then her FC was chosen - not the other way around. So please, I beg of you, it is very important to me that you remember this woman is 5ft nothing, has an adorable round face and the eyes of a puppy dog.
When her position is challenged by a subordinate or contemporary, Hadley will offer said position to them if they could beat her in combat. Her only condition is that combat must take place in front of an audience. Suffice it to say, she's never lost.
On a similar note, among her subordinates her punishments are legendary. They're said to drive good men insane. (For the record, she's never implimented such a punishment. But, she's also never quashed the rumour. Oops.)
Hadley doesn't drink much, and she'll have you believe it's because she needs to be on top of her game 24/7. In truth, she's just a really silly drunk.
With her father long gone, she doesn't really speak to her remaining family much, except for her younger sister who she talks to here and there. Regardless, she moved out to be on her own as soon as she could, and rather enjoys it that way.
Hadley is a highly pragmatic person, and doesn't have a romantic bone in her body. This can render attempted romantic gestures both pointless and kind of funny.
She actually has a terrible fear of drowning, and thusly can't swim as she simply refuses to be in the water long enough to learn.
While she isn't the settling down type and doesn't want kids of her own, I could see Hadley becoming a mentor or adopting an older child or teenager once she's matured and gotten over herself a bit.
She tends to be pretty good with kids, especially troubled ones. She talks to them just as she would adults, and many kids respond really well to that.
Hadley is the personification of acts of service. She’s not verbally or physically affectionate, and will always put her duty first - but she is the friend to call at 3am when you’re in a bind. She won’t tell you she loves you but she will hide a body, fake an alibi and bust you out of jail.
She wasn't exactly born with a deft touch, but she isn't heartless either. For someone who doesn't manage peoples' emotions well, Hadley is surprisingly talented at handling the familes of her fallen comrades. She doesn't often open up to anyone or make an effort to be gentle, but when she does, it's - well - awkward, for one thing. But also really poingnant.
Having lived by a soldier's schedule all her life, she's early to rise each morning, and sleeps as light as a feather. In fact, if a slightly squeaking door doesn't wake her, assume she's either sick or dying. That said, her favourite part of the day is actually nighttime. It's calm, peace, she's probably not being asked to do anything by anyone. She liked to just go outside and enjoy the night air.
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chemicaldd · 3 years
─ hello! well uhhh..... [🥲] I wanted to talk about my TOH headcanons and shit, for like how I write and how Y/n and Ares are placed in the AU plus; i've implimented a new magic kind so Y/n can be overpow-/j.
─ so, down below is headcanons and stuff for each TOH character, prns, sexuality, gender, k'now? i'll start with the minors then move onto the adults. I'll also add their ages, and their race. OKAY ENOUGH EXPLAINING.
warnings. swearing, because i literally love light heartidly swearing and slandering my favourite characters<3
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in the boiling isles, magic roams free. Witches and Demons live together on the corpse of a titan, who's magic seeped into how they live.
magic is used in runes, and need to be sharpened for a Witch to become strong. But, there is an ancient way, to enhance magic, but it is very dangerous and could cause said witch or person using the magic basically combusts. Only few witches can use the magic, but must use it sparingly.
you enhance a rune, by adding a larger one on top of it. Though, it usually only will cause explosions, it sometimes will work but it depends on how controlled the witches magic is.
female, she/her (doesn't mind any prns, neo-included.) ─ bisexual ─ 15, human
"THATS GAY!" / She doesn't actually have a preference, though she is all in for lgbtqia+ rep. So, she always likes to meet other lqbt people.
she's dating Amity by the time she meets Ares, she probably met Y/n after she got into Hexside, they stumbled upon Y/n helping a kid and thought they where cool so she talked to them.
her and Ares get along pretty well, since Ares is willing to help Luz with magic, since Ares does a lot of training on their own.
female, she/they ─ lesbian, asexual ─ 15, witch
"mmmmmm, yes, women." / would probably listen to old timey songs, its her kinda music. / She gets really shy and nervous whenever she has to tell people she's ace. / She probably writes and draws as a hobby.
absolutely loves it when Luz calls her, their amazing girlfriend. Similar to Luz, she met Ares around the same time Luz did. Y/n was in Hexide when the two met.
she didn't like Y/n at first, but came to liking Y/n's help at the library since the two both like children. Amity & Ares act like siblings, she personally likes to think of Ares of their older sibling.
HUNTER ? [the golden guard].
trans ; male, he/him(pronouns don't matter to him vry much) ─ aromantic, asexual ─ 16, witch
"oh fuck, oh will of the titan, please, bitch, please, don't." / MR POEM WRITER??? / genuinely doesn't know what romance is lmao. / fucking swears 24/7 when he's not in the golden guard persona.
him and Ares are best friends lol, Y/n and him met due to Ares. He was the one to get Ares to peruse becoming a guard. THESE TWOS SLEEP SCHEDULE WHERE??
Y/N L/N.
genderfluid, they/them (all/any prns) ─ pansexual ─ 16, half human, half witch
"lol, yeah, no." / the most chill teenager you'd ever see / works half time as a healer / they go to Hexside.
they represent you, so you can add whatever you want abt them, i'll be willing to change them. though in my inhitial Au, Y/n is quite chill and plans to be in the healing coven. Though, they're not the best due to being half human.
nonbinary, they/them ─ aromanticflux, asexualflux ─ 16, witch
"HA BITCH! SUCK IT!" / most chaotic one out of the three / junior palace guard / they personally dont like belos, but are willing to follow him.
its canon, they're platonically married to hunter & Y/n/lh. [fight me/j]. Literally can either be super chill, or super chaotic. They like to joke around so others will smile, they really like positivity[finding negative people triggering]. they represent the creator(person writing this).
female, she/her ─ questioning ─ 14, witch
"i'mgoingtopunchyou." / super,super calm / her and Y/n where best friends before Y/n started hanging out with the others. / still close with Y/n, Luz and Gus.
she works super hard to get into the plant coven, though she still has a few problems with Hunter and Ares and is super protective of Y/n because she sees them as her older sibling.
male, he/him ─ bisexual ─ 13, witch
"no, no, not gay enough." / probably makes a lot of gay jokes / he likes to make illusions of himself and other people when he's trying to think of situations. / might have slight dyslexia, but its just my head-canon.
him and Ares wold probably just be a comedic duo, Y/n and him wouldn't talk very much, though the two get along. He doesn't work super hard but he's getting there.
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female, she/her ─ bisexual??? ─ age who? witch
"HA, SUCK IT!" / chaotic!! / she always ends up trying to use magic, but would fail and be confused asf
she probably would get along with Ares the best, these two would cause so much chaos omg. Y/n and Luz are her kids, can't change my mind [😌].
female, she/her ─ straight??? ─ probably like 49 idk, witch
"Eda what did I say about taking my-" / mostly chill / has a terrible time reading people / WILL NOT BREAK PROMISES AT ALL
she dislikes Ares and Hunter, and Ares will absolutely make fun of and mock Lilith. she probably spends the most time with hooty.
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─ no, i will not be doing king, hooty, belos or kikimora.
─ king is my favourite but is a goddamn demon, i will not explain hooty because no, hes my favourite comedy character. ....belos and kikimora are self-explainitory.
─ give me more toh characters to do and i'll make a part two, these are just mainly the characters that are going to be writen in my stories.
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