#but eh whatever thats something for future me to deal with
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
i also do this dont even worrya bout it
Sometimes all a person needs is to sit in a tight space for a bit and I think that's beautiful<3
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asmossimp · 2 years
hey!! uhhh i was wondering. could you please write something with lots of fluff? for example - the brothers comforting s/o when they are feeling sad/have a bad day? all 7 if possible!! thank you in advance, have a nice day <3
ahh thank you anon 💝 i hope your feeling alright btw this has a few swears if your not comfortable please click off 😅!
summary: mc is sadd and brothers are there to make your day ❤‍🩹
prounouns : g/n if i make a mistake please tell me 😅warnings : cavities 🍫
im sorry it is very short haha🕳🧑‍🦯
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I hope you recall that this prideful jerk would fight his brothers for you.
he would fight half of the devildom
(if you were in the wrong probably not but hey we dont need to know that do we)
so he notices very quickly if your feeling sad and he will do whatever youd like to make you feel better
so use this advantage well mc
but like if you were feeling sad and ynkow wanted some affection this man is VERY busy so probably not the best person to choose for affection
it probably will be akward for him but he will deal with it for onlly ONE time mc dont think this is a daily occurence-
thats not true and you know it but hey
let him have his pride ok?
" I hope you will remember in the future this will not be a daily occurence *cough * feel better.."
This demon is one of the best brothers to call for if your feeling sad and want to be spoiled and want affection-
I mean if YOU go to him he will be filled with pride like-
you came to him when you couldv'e gone to any of his brothers
like he would never admit how happy it made him but-
he is caring for you in languages you never knew.
you want some thing from akuzon?
you got it
want noodles??
its already there
but you better thank him the great mammon wouldn't do this for anyone yknow..
if he found you being sad instead of you finding him though-
he would be in such a panic like-
omg your crying what do i do???
he trys to hug you and whisper some comforting words..
" hey whats wrong human..., whoever made ya cry is gonna pay dont ya forget it! "
the comforting words ^^
oh my oh my-
your choosing this otaku here??
well not a bad choice if you want to watch anime with snacks but...
hes probably going to be flustered that you came to him...
a red tomato..
BUT that dosen't mean hes not worried!
hes just akward..-if you go to him hell be worried ofcourse
(and ectastic)
but still hes adorable and wont be much for words..
but he will pat your head !-
" eh- no im not annoyed at you just nervous.. "
cutie pies am i right??
he probably didnt find you considering the fact that he never leaves his room ..
but he will assist you in completely destroying the persons online life..
just let him get some assistance from asmo mc-!
ah the avatar of wrath..
good choice if you want your sadness to turn into anger..
if your a person who dosent want anger..
no problem hell go murder for you ☺
oh no..?
well not a problem hell do it without his masters knowledge ^^
but he will enter you in his room with worry laced on his face but that dosent mean he wont comfort you before going off to murder that filthy creature ..
oh but if it was a bad day making you feel like this?
no no no move aside asmo hes gonna comfort the shit outta u .
sitting on his lap?
want to read???
definete check
cats???? 👁
hun hes got you
screwing off lucifer to make you laugh was totally worth the punishment
he would do that for his satisfaction and yours
" if your ever feeling sad mc I hope you recall that I am most definitely here for anytime you are in need of assistance"
NO hun crying is terrible for your emotions!
he is there the minute he sees or hears your crys .
if your not crying-
and you just look sad??
hes still there
he is THERE
your not getting out of his room until youve experienced the ultimate ASMO self-care routine
if its a bad day that has been making you sad ??
your getting a great week just to screw that bad day ^^
if its a person ..
levi and him are already screwing their social life like-
he can get his hands dirty but..
he dosent like ugly things to be on such a pretty face ..
so perfect solution make that person regret their existence!
oh but darling if youd like some comfort ..
hes always #1 in most comforting brother
" now we cant let such horrible things distress our mc now can we?"
there are two things that are going through his mind if your looking sad or if you come to him looking sad
1.) sad human is not good 2.) make human happy makes happy belphie + beel
clearly he adores belphie ( and you) so it makes big baby sad if your sad
so he has to make you happy so balance can be in order once more
i know everyone says that beel would give you food to make you happy but..
beel would give you food to make you happy
that is not up for discussion
if you want human food..
itll be aa challenge but nontheless he will aquire everything for his precious mc
if you had a bad day though
he will most definitely take you to hells kitchen .
no doubt buy you everything you look at more than 5 seconds like -
#3 best brother for comfort
you willl have to issue a hug as he is still a teeny bit scared of hugging you too tight.
" Would you like a screaming log cupcake mc? it might help you feel better? "
there are mainly three major things this man despises in the world.
1. lucifer ( you know he dosent ) 2. most humans (not you) and a sad mc or a hurt one-
so if he sees you sad oh you bet your ass hes begrudgingly placing himself on your lap
he will fall asleep their ohh but..
in his dreams hes planning murder..
but just before he goes to sleep he takes your hand and places it on his head and thats when you realize
hes tryna comfort you 🥺
just hearing your laugh would give him the insparation to get up and run three miles south with no direction.
like he will act like hes sleeping once he hears you laugh but inside
you know hes spitting fire at whoever made you sad..
but if your need something or want to be spoiled hes probably not the best brother to go too..
but its not as if he wont blackmail mammon into getting you whatever you need ^^
" oh mammon remember that photo you edited of lucifer and diavolo together? hmm maybe if you bring me and mc some food and blankets I might forget about it..
a/n i hope you feel better anon ^^' im sorry this is late btw!
aaa it wont let me add the beel and belphie tags 😭
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Under the Cloudy Skies [1-4]
Reon: (I don’t have a 4th slot today… I have plenty of time until my job, so maybe I’ll just go back and practice for a bit)
???: Ah- Reon-kun
Reon: Huh..?
Banri: I heard from Wataru-kun, that the older members of Gyro aren’t here right now?
Reon: ah… yeah
Reon: But its no big deal if they’re here or not
Banri: Oh.. really? Its just you and Nayuta-kun then
Banri: I’ve had the impression that you and Nayuta-kun often butt heads
Reon: Well that's because that bastard…
Reon: Either way, thats not a problem. Since we don’t really run into each other anyways
Banri: Ah… I see. You probably don’t have class in noon… the only thing to go to left is your part-time?
Reon: Well there's that, and also because our lives are all on different wavelengths
Reon: ( ...to simplify it, we didn’t have to really worry about that form the start)
Banri: Got it..
Banri: If you don’t have 5 people, you can’t rent a studio or practice…
Banri: Ah, what about during eating? You don’t meet up to eat?
Reon: We usually get it done outside
Banri: Eh
Reon: Or I’ll just buy from the convenience store...
Banri: You don’t cook for yourself!? WHY!?
Reon: Why… because it’s a hassle
Banri: HAAAAAAAAAA, I can’t believe this…. what a waste
Reon: No… that's just how it is
Reon: Do you make your own food in Argo?
Banri: Of course! The ingredients are also bought directly from the supermarket
Banri: Well, it was hard at first
Banri: There were some really good beginner chefs… if you left them alone they’d wash the rice down with detergent level
Banri: ...don’t tell me, are you also on that level of cooking?
Reon: At the very least, I know how to cook rice
Banri: That sounds right, and relieving
Banri: If that's the case, you should be able to practice and cook a bit right?
Banri: Just eating out or from bentos can be bad for you right
Reon: Well thats...
Reon: ....
Reon: (...that reminds me, is he, eating properly?)
Banri: ...ah, Nayuta-kun
Reon: !
Nayuta: …..
Reon: (...hm?!)
Reon: ...isn’t he, looking a little pale?
Reon: ...isn’t he, looking a little pale?
Banri: Nayuta-kun is? I’m not so sure, he looks fine to me
Reon: ...I see
Banri: If anything, I’m a little surprised that you seem pretty worried 
Reon: That’s not how it is. But, Nayuta’s throat..
Banri: ...ah, is it the asthma thing? I remember him collapsing mid-live as well
Banri: It got spread around and caused a bit of an uproar, and even he admitted to it live
Reon: Yeah
Banri: Are symptoms reappearing recently?
Reon: Nope, I haven’t heard of anything. Our last practice went smoothly after all
Banri: Got it…
Banri: If you’re curious about it, why don’t you ask him? I think you can still catch up to him
Reon: ...Nah, I’ll pass. He’s seems like type to hate being cared for
Reon: It’ll be a pain in the ass if I try to
Banri: Hm? Well, I guess I kinda understand
Banri: But the more you try to pretend that everythings okay, the more you feel like your clinging on by yourself
Banri: I’m saying that from personal experience
Banri: ....y’know, back when we were in Hokkaido, I got into a traffic incident and inconvenienced everyone
Reon: Ah… was it that time…
Banri: I didn’t want to have them be worried. I wanted to show them that I could handle it myself
Banri: But the situation got worse, and I couldn’t do it
Reon:  I see…
Banri: Well that's just in my case. There can be patterns like that as well
Reon: ...I’ll take note on that
Salesperson: Thank you very much-!
Reon: (It’s still 7pm)
Reon: (At this time, the music store is still open, so I’ll just swing by)
*Flashback to Nayuta in the morning*: …
Reon: ...
Reon: (It’s not like I’m worried about it, but I should probably just go home now)
Reon: I’m back...
Reon: (The fact that the lights are on means Nayuta’s already back)
Reon: (I was already told by Kenta-san, so I guess, I’ll take a peek)
*Loud sound of something crashing/falling*
Reon: hm?... Nayuta?
Nayuta: *Wheezing sounds*
Reon: Oi !?
Nayuta: shut...up..don’t be so loud
Reon: ...tch, is your asthma acting up again ! The medicine? You have some right !?
Nayuta: *Even louder wheezing and coughing sounds*
Reon: Fuck… Nayuta! Keep it together!
Reon: ...it's good that I kept my calm
Nayuta: ...
Reon: That medicine.. Is pretty effective 
Nayuta: …
Reon: You little-! Why don’t you say anything! I was hella worried over this !?
Nayuta: I don’t remember asking you for anything
Reon: HA !?
Nurse: Pardon my intrusion, but please be quiet in the hospital
Reon: Ah.. right, I’ll try not to next time
Reon: Oi, Nayuta? Where’re you going
Nayuta: They ringed you up for the bill. Didn’t you hear it ?
Reon: Oh for fuck’s sake -! I’ll pay for it so you sit down
Nayuta: You don’t need-
Reon: Don’t you dare say it. Sit down
Nayuta: …
--Gyroaxia’s sharehouse--
Reon: hah…
Reon: Overuse of throat, mild malnutrition, lack of sleep. Even you heard the doctor’s reasons for your breathlessness
Reon: I thought you just weren’t at home alot, but turns out you were at the studio…
Nayuta: Whatever I do is up to me. I don’t remember having to be bossed around by you
Reon: That may be so. But it’s no good if it's to the point where you collapse
Reon: Is this something that can be managed haphazardly with the power of pure will
Reon: and if that really works, why haven’t you been able to overcome it by now?
Nayuta: …
Reon: This time it happened at the sharehouse so its fine
Reon: But if you keep doing this, there's no doubt that you’ll end up collapsing on stage
Reon: ...just like that time
Nayuta: …
Nayuta: I choose the time to finish practice
Nayuta: Its impossible to think of neglecting practice just because of my throat’s condition
Nayuta: I gotta do it somewhere
Reon: I understand that, but it doesn’t mean to force it
Reon: But your problem is that you’re so focused on what's ahead that you’re neglecting the present you
Reon: ...the thing you’re neglecting the most is your own health
Nayuta: tch, don’t just go deciding that. What do you know about me?
Reon: Then tell me. What you’re thinking
Reon: If I’m satisfied with that answer, I won’t question anything. You’ll be free to do whatever you want
Nayuta: …
Reon: If you clam it up here, I’ll keep bugging you until I hear it
Nayuta: Shut up
Nayuta: tch
Reon: So, what about it Nayuta. What do you feel about your body?
Nayuta: ...tch
Nayuta: I’m taking medicine nor am I feeling sick these days. There isn’t a live concert upcoming anyways
Nayuta: So I decided that there were no problems
Reon: ‘I decided’, it makes you sound like you were thinking before acting
Nayuta: hah
Nayuta: I didn’t want to showcase such a disgraceful figure. I have no regrets
Reon: ...
Reon: (...regret)
Reon: (Thats what Ryo-san said back then as well)
*Flashback to band practice*
Ryo: Nayuta..I think he was regretting something
Reon: Regretting?
Ryo: Yup. How he couldn’t sing at yesterday’s live
Ryo: Probably even more than anyone of us
*End of flashback*
Reon: If thats the case, don’t go ham anymore
Nayuta: I’m not taking your instructions
Reon: ...ha !?
Nayuta: It doesn’t matter if you agree or not, I do what I want
Nayuta: I don’t want to collapse at a live, and I don’t intend to in the future
Reon: Then you’re just repeating the same-
Nayuta: Shut up
Reon: …
Nayuta: At least I know about my asthma more than you, even if you’ve been around me since children
Nayuta: and just because we came to Tokyo and my health deteriorated a bit
Nayuta: With today’s seizure, I now know the line that I shouldn’t cross
Reon: Oi… don’t tell me you’re planning to go to the very edge
Nayuta: It's a necessary action, to take the world
Reon: ....you little shit..! You just never learn!
Nayuta: That guy is just doing what's convenient to him
Reon: No matter how much Kenta-san worries about you, it'll all go to naught if you keep acting like that!
Reon: For the last time, that’s-
Nayuta: I answered what you wanted to know
Nayuta: This discussion is over
Reon: Hey, hold on-
Reon: I can’t believe that fucker!
Reon: Shit… really, what is it
Reon: (...regret huh)
Reon: (I didn’t expect such words to come out of Nayuta’s mouth)
Reon: (Feeling worried… scratch that. After hearing those words…)
Reon: (...For now I need to contact Kenta-san and the others)
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hi everyone,
Here’s a little companion piece to @canesinthecrease @siriuslyqueer’s O’Knutzy fic
As always - thanks to @lumosinlove for this fandom!
Leo grinds. Logan scowls. Nado strikes out. Kuny has a feeling. This is a short little thing. There’s a lot of arguing. Future plans are made.
Friday 5.32 pm
Kuny: we bring out leo and tremz. I think they want drink. We buy leo drink. Cute boy will help get girls
Nado: I love you bro. What better way to appreciate cute baby rookie than to use his innocent boy next door to ensnare hopeless girls
Kuny: I think he have fun. Tremz too. Boy very tense. Wanted fight today had to hold him away. Little puppy try to fight big dog
Nado; are you the big dog?
Kuny: bigger dog than u
Nado: fuck off you’re like build on whatever shit they fed you in Russia.
Nado: but you still wanna go out? I’ll ask tremz and Leo. What about Olli?
Kuny: not Olli last time he talk to stripper and help her get job. He not good at that
Nado: that was precious. He’s legit the only man to ever pay someone to get off his lap. I wasted $200 trying to get him a lap dance
Kuny: u can put on outfit and lap dance Olli. I know u still have it
Nado: of fuck off you couldn’t keep your eyes of me. Bitch
Kuny: you look good in heel. Hehe almost tall as me. That why picture is in living room.
Nado: Leo says he won’t drink much. Hahahaha no. Wanna go to slugs? Bet we won’t get trouble for Leo.
Kuny: slugs ok. Have shirt I borrow I only brought tshirt
Nado: don’t stretch it. But yeah. It’s in my bag
Friday 11.34 pm
Nado: hey Kuny where the hell u at? Tremz is scowling so hard and grumbling. I was gone for like 20 minutes
Kuny: leo drunk. Did u sex in bathroom? We at bar. Leo is drunk heh he wants dance
Nado: nah just made out. Lock didn’t work hahah also she was too young. Don’t wanna be creep.
Kuny: I think Logan jealous
Nado: what?
Kuny: he was rude to girl I introduce to leo and he blush when I ask why
Nado: he’s just tense af!! imagine living in dumo’s basement - he needs to get laid. Both of them.
Kuny: ok u find girl for Logan I dance with Leo
Saturday 1.33 am
Nado; did Leo just grind? Or did my eyes deceive me
Kuny: heh he grind and stole hat. He hang off Logan. Is cute like baby fluffy gray bear thing
Nado: a koala? Did they get into the taxi alight?
Kuny: yess koala. Yes leo climbed in Logan lap. I think he like boy
Kuny: Also u bring home girl?
Nado: nah can’t be bothered too much work. Wanna go get some greasy food? Also Calm down, I know you love queer eye but I don’t think leo and Logan are secretly screwing. And if he wanted boys why wouldn’t he be climbing me? I’m like 200 pound certified Canadian beef.
Kuny: I just get vibe but maybe u right. We get curly fries also u not hot. I’m hot. And cute accent
Nado: fuck off! If I wanted a man I could get ANY man I wanted.
Kuny: not me. And no. I get more man than u.
Nado: I know thAts not what you mean but hahahahhahahahhaahahahaahahahah - also, I think I couldn’t get you? I know you bub, I could get you in my bed in 20 minutes hardly even trying
Kuny: is not fair. I’m smart in Russian. Ha no u can’t - prove it
Nado; ok. I’d take you to the zoo so you can make faces and giggle at the penguins, then I’d buy you fancy sushi and fruity cocktails, I know you have a thing for hair so I’d get my fingers in your hair and you’d be on my bed. Easy peasy.
Kuny: not bad date but I saw kase scare you haha. U can’t handle big boys
Nado: I wasn’t scared? Did you see his eyes? He was about to eat me or something. Also if he hadn’t just played a game I bet he’d have been interested.
Kuny: u took cold shower.
Nado: I can’t help it man. Kase is hot when he’s angry hahahah
Kuny: home? I’m hungry u always so horny
Nado: you’re always hungry. Gonna eat me out of the house and I’m not always Horny but I have needs
Kuny: then find new roomie. U love me. U have date with right hand
Nado: alright you big lump, meet at the front doors. And leave my hand out of this. Freak.
Saturday 8.21 am
Kuny: I think this first time no girl in kitchen
Nado: well, couldn’t be bothered.
Nado: I want pancakes pleAseeeee I wuw uuuu
Kuny: I not wife u make pan cake and that don’t work when u not look like puppy. Also princess is napping on me. She cute
Nado: you’re so the wife. you came home with princess, you actually talk to the aloe Vera plant, you cook and clean. Don’t understand how she can stand your stinky face
Kuny: I not wife. U my wife I make more money and I’m bigger. Also not stinky took shower when we got home.
Nado: no you’re not. Ew don’t tell me about your wanking
Kuny: yes I am. And I not wank just shower. Leo spill his beer on me. Ur shirt hehe
Nado: well we’d be husbands anyways also you better have soaked that!!
Kuny: ur such a wife hehe my little French girl. Heheheh
Nado: you’d be lucky to land me. I’m legit the only person to keep up with your snoring and disgusting socks everywhere and I’m French Canadian Kunt not French
Kuny: u snore too
Nado: alright how’s this. Once we retire together if we’re both single, let’s give it a go. Bro wives eh??
Kuny: u make pancake and we have deal
Nado: alright you pathetic dork. Using our cat as en excuse to make me do all the work
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theskyexists · 3 years
thingy DOESN’T believe that synths will kill their human creators?? thats pure bullshit. of COURSE synths will kill humans in teh future if they attain consciousness that is LIKE that of humans.
also there’s no fucking way this premise makes sense bc the military would have gotten their hands on synths the moment they became capable of holding a gun and hitting shit with accuracy and walking securely through multiple terrains. never fucking mind asimov blocks
the next episode immediately goes back into also blaming mum hahahahaa. i mean it makes sense for the kids but narratively it’s quite....interesting. though ofc matts is right and Laura should deal with whatever hurt Tom is. in fact, that explains the way she’s so....bruised
‘yeah we care about her - how can you not get that’
FINALLY. toby truly lays down the law for his father!
I LOVE old american guy giving Niska lessons in humanity! YAY for the elderly!!
jezus. david elster was a fucking creep (niska) and a total shithead (fred). turns out that their creator was a terrible dad. this explains much about leo also.
wow Matts you’re being a little insensitive to your mother who’s divulging a SHITLOAD of childhood trauma. but i guess that’s just relating this stuff to what she knows. ok she - oh that’s so - aw
does Matilda REALISE that Max is just like Mia???? anyway - i LOVE MAX SO MUCH AAAAGGHGHGHGHGH.
she does
I love it when Max speaks and Leo is quiet for once. just keep him knocked out!!
oh no toby now you’re going too far. i am deeply concerned that the two men in this show will radicalise into synth-killers
ALL THIS TIME I ALSO THOUGHT SHE WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND BUT SHE WAS HIS MUM : ‘’‘‘‘(((( oh Nooooooo. it was already sad and tragic but now it’s 50x times more
has this synth-policewoman fallen in love with Pete?
‘you look young generally’ OH PETE lol. that made me like you again
DOES HUSBAND ACTUALLY MAKE THE FATAL CALL??? they’re really making him a villain!!!
it IS a trap huh...
but this was so stupid aahadhladsflajsdf. he’s much less than you think of him!!!
oh no now leo and max think it was the family that betrayed them!
why would he jump over when he could have used himself as a hostage
(had to look up whether he really dies just to be sure)
did they just expel a sister????
oh god
laura is such a pushover! what about Mia’s feelings?? she just heard that Mia had been inside Anita all along! then bring in the man that....well...it’s not rape in the moral....sense....but in the emotional sense it kinda was
she didn’t practice trigger safety??? POLICE SYNTH WOMAN?? i guess she really is a cop
i knew american dad was dead the moment Niska and he bonded. i love this series! that sounded like sarcasm but i mean that i love the characters and the story.
NOT GEORGE!!! NOT GEORGE!!!! im actually crying
ah - Fred is leo’s BIG brother
‘I was there the whole time’ OH DAMMNNN MIA!!!! balaghglabalghghagh stop
Laura and Mia are becomign real friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Matty didn’t MAKE leo show her. lol.
FRED YOU’RE NOT CLEAN!!!!! he implanted something!!!! or....is fred aligned with him after all? has he been infected somehow?
at least Mia is trying to keep things together.
they are making Joe suffer for his stupidity. not very cathartic tho
Mia desperately tryin to stitch the whole human fam back together. LOL
oh that’s poor timing. Niska you damn zealot
why does Kate keep making the wrong decisions. stupid bastard
teh opening theme is great!
Joe up for redemption!
kill this man now.
KILL HOB! KILL HIM!!!! NARRATIVE KILL HIM!!!! they really baited the audience with Hobb possibly being more sympathetic than it seemed. NO HE”S ACTUALLY MORE EVIL THAN YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!
Kate’s so stupid. I hope she gets to be a hero
Pete’s up for redemption!
Come ON Kate!!!!!!!!! jezus was living the life of a simple cop and finally sleeping with the guy you love really SO BAD? they’ve had a worse life on the run than Kate
oh her name is KAREN??? lol i thought it was kate.
why would Hobb be concerned about it becoming clear that these synths have feelings and shit. wouldn’t that help with the marketing? i mean it is a risk what with Niska having killed a man
he’s letting them go entirely?? he knows he’s got Fred so he’s like - eh, ill just lean on this family first
does Karen understand the implications of Hobb having a failsafe?? will she TRULY do anything to stop suffering from proliferating - because this TRULY will cause suffering
I guess fred has been instructed not to kill himself - or reveal himself.
TOBY YOU GOTTA REALISE - Help Fred tell the rest. oh god i dont want to lose fred....wait where’s max. i didn’t see anybody carrying him around. also - wasn’t his brain falling apart?wasn’t that time-sensitive? aren’t they GRIEVING?
Lol - why would they not have made copies? They should have told him- if you bother us again we transmit to the internet immediately. they could do that easily!
Oh max can walk again
these fringes are so BRITISH AHAahaah
Karen is a total wildcard. only Pete being in danger will help though i think
Joe doing a very last Bastard Husband thing by being offended that his wife didn’t reveal her horrible childhood trauma to him as some kind of insult to HIM
‘you didn’t want to hurt us’? what
‘i can’t do anything’ - uh you can bring Mia and Max back to life but you can’t free Fred??? FRED!!!!!!!!???
FUCK! the next goal in this whole series is to free FRED!!!!!!!!!!
why the fuck would Niska walk in heels
couldn’t they restore fred the same way as they’re gonna try and restore max????
why doesn’t he tell Karen about how Hobb has enslaved Fred??? hello? and wants to use the code?? this last bit is a bit strange. what convinced her?
she’s an ideological character but she was moved by emotion?
oh they canjust share - no wires or anything
Karen realised she couldn’t rely on Hobb to kill them - so she went out alone to kill them. aha.
what. that was. out of nowhere
why the fuck did she go from ultimate KILL YOU ALL to - alright then let’s do this in one second. how extremely poorly written or directed or both
she wanted to be part of the fam. then she left. the laura tells leo to let her go. whY?? this last bit is so STUPID
all they need is some coloured lenses and they can fit right in. just GET SOME COLOURED LENSES LOL
i know they trust laura now but like - the program is on a harddrive in her hands - but Hobb knows she’s associated with them. WHY would you put it in her hands. They know what hobb can do with it.
isn’t leo ever gonna say soryy for leaving his adult/9yearold sister in a brothel?
sophie woke up at an opportune moment
it’s funny - the synths can’t cry but their eyes sure can glisten.....
HOBB JUST LEFT THE FAMILY ALONE AFTER THAT???? WHAT LOL. he knows what Karen is and. ok this last episode was a mess. but everything that came before was great. and the theme is also great
the character stuff in this is great. well. not this episode bc like. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ?? THAT RECONCILIATION WITH JOE WAS SO FUCKING WEIRD. HE FOCUSED ON HIMSELF AND THEN -- she didn’t want to hurt the fam? what??? what the fuck are you on about ???
anway things did not at all come together.
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spicychickentendy · 3 years
Admit Stuff: 1-92 😎
Shit ok, I was not expecting someone to ask for all of them at once but here we go..
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
- Fuck yes I would 🤤
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
- Nope..they don’t deserve my time
3. Have you taken someone’s virginity?
- Yepperz
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
- I wouldn’t consider it an issue but it’s very important
5. Did you hang out with a person you like recently?
- Yeah I guess you could say that we hung out ☺️
6. What are you excited for?
- I can’t wait to watch the new episode of Dickinson that just came out today!
7. What happened tonight?
- Well last night I had a few drinks and listened to some hella good music 👌🏼
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
- No I don’t but remember that the world is shit so have a friend with you
9. Is confidence cute?
- Fuck me, yasss!
10. What is the last beverage you had?
- I’m currently drinking water, remember to stay hydrated!
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
- Fully trust? Hmm...probably 1
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
- Yepperz
13. What are you going to do Saturday night?
- After work I’m getting my haircut and then going on a date ☺️
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
- Gasss...a bitches gaslight just went on this morning 🙄
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
- Well I sure hope so
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next three months?
- Maybe?
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
- That would have to be my partner in crime
18. The last time you felt broken?
- Yesterday
19. Have you had sex today?
- Not yet but the day is still young 😏
20. Are you starting to realize something?
- I need to keep myself busy with things I enjoy doing
21. Are you in a good mood?
- I’m not in a bad mood 🤷🏼‍♀️
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
- Fuck to the no...well not sober
23. Are your eye’s the same color as your dads?
- Thats a negative ghost rider
24. What do you want right this second?
- To have a glass of whiskey in a nice bath
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another boy/girl?
- Honestly it depends on the situation
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
- Yepperz
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
- Nahh, laughter is hella important
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
- The conversation between me and this girl about lube at my job 😂
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
- Yes 🥺
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
- Fuck to the no
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
- No I try my best not to hate anyone
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
- Totally 😘
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
- No, I’m not perfect
34. Listening to?
- Lover by G Flip
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
- I’m in school so sometimes
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
- She’s at work😘
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- I believe in lust at first sight
38. Who did you last call?
- My love
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
- My wife in our living room
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
- I always give Heather a goodbye kiss before I leave for work
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
- Honestly I don’t remember
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
- It would be very difficult since they live in a different state
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
- Who hasn’t?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
- I am hella fucking white..when I try to tan I just get burned 😂
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
- No
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
- Unfortunately no
47. Who was the last person to call you?
- My lover
48. Do you sing in the shower?
- Of course
49. Do you dance in the car?
- ALL 👏🏻THE 👏🏻TIME👏🏻
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
- I have but I was not any good at it
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
- Um probably on my wedding day
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
- Nahh I enjoy them
53. Is Christmas stressful?
- Dealing with my family is stressful
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
- I don’t think I have
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
- Hmmm...I’ll have to say blueberry
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were kid?
- I wanted to be a firefighter, police officer, or a professional bank robber lol
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
- Hells to the yes
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
- Yep yep yep
59. Taking a vitamin daily?
- I tried but I’m not the greatest at remembering
60. Wear slippers?
- I have some fluffy rainbow slippers 😊
61. Wear a bath robe?
- I don’t wear one but I think I own one
62. What do you wear to bed?
- My birthday suit or a oversized shirt
63. First Concert?
- It was a P!nk concert ☺️
64. Wal-mat, Target or Kmart?
- Wal-mart but with complaining
65. Nike or Adidas?
- Nike
66. Cheetos or Fritos?
- Definitely Cheetos
67. Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
- Umm peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
- Hmm I guess off the top of my head I’ll say the 1
69. Ever take dance lessons?
- Nahh my goofy style just comes natural 😘
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
- I don’t want to limit my partner, I’ll support whatever they decide to do and whatever makes them happy
71. Can you curl your tongue?
- Ohh yes I can do a lot of things with my tongue 😘
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
- Nahh
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- Oddly I have 👉🏻👈🏻
74. What is your favorite book?
- Oh that is a difficult question. That is like asking which one is your favorite child..
75. Do you study better with or without music?
- For the most part I study better with music
76. Regularly burn incense?
- Nahh I don’t
77. Ever been in love?
- Only once and still going strong🖤
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
- I really want to see Fletcher in person
79. What was the last concert you saw?
- I went to see King Princess and it was fucking amazing!
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
- It depends on my mood but I love a cup of hot tea with some honey
81. Tea or coffee?
- I have been drinking more tea lately
82. Favorite type of cookie?
- All cookies lol
83. Can you swim well?
- I mean I probably won’t drown but I don’t know about well
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
- That’s a negative ghost rider
85. Are you patient?
- For the most part
86. DJ or Band, at a wedding?
- Bands are groovy but I’m going to have to go with a DJ
87. Ever won a contest?
- I believe so
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
- Nope, I’m poor
89. Which are better black or green olives?
- Umm black?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
- Eh, I sure didn’t fucking wait
91. Best room for fireplace?
- Living room
92. Do you want to get married?
- Well I’m already married sooo
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anna-milton · 4 years
i was tagged by @olivia-calidamn ! Ty gray 💕
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Seelie but I've been thinking about going by my middle name to see how it feels @_@
2. when is your birthday?
August 27th
3. where do you live?
I moved to Los Angeles just a few months ago!
4. three things you are doing right now?
Playing with my cat, listening to music (pictures of success by rilo kiley), thinking about supernatural u_u
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Hm... supernatural obviously. The X-Files. Thinking about trying to watch mad men and some of those Netflix dramas I've seen floating around
6. how has the pandemic been treating you?
Eh.... not so well. I got sort of laid off and I've been unemployed since June & moving was difficult. Finding a job has been a lot harder than I thought it would be and also I am fighting agoraphobia again because I dont leave my apartment very often @_@
7. a song you can't stop listening to right now?
According to spotify it's 1. So hot you're hurting my feelings by Caroline Polachek 2. Tibetan pop stars by hop along and 3. Hole by bent knee.
8. recommend a movie
Palm Springs... it's got Andy Samberg in it I know you all love that guy
9. how old are you?
10. school, university, occupation, other?
I'm an unemployed college dropout but thats more of a hobby. My occupation is making chili
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
Yeah I've realized I prefer to be a little cold so that I can wear sweaters and shit without feeling like I might die... I miss jackets. Scarves. Gloves.
12. name one fact others may not know about you
What haven't I said about myself at this point. I used to keep hermit crabs and they're one of my favorite little creatures and I would love to have some again someday
13. are you shy?
Yes 🙄
14. preferred pronouns
They/them I suppose. Its nice to switch pronouns up a bit and I do so for myself all the time but when other people do it I feel very perceived. Like only I am allowed to gender myself
15. biggest pet peeves
Things being left half-finished in a way that makes it harder to start the task up again in the future ... I've had to learn how to set myself up for success and it's annoying when other people aren't on board. Like at work when people would fill the sink with water and then just leave everything to soak in coffee and chocolate or whatever and then you have to dig through cold water with pieces of fruit in it just to get things clean again
16. what is your favorite “-dere” type?
I'm not looking these up bro
17. rate your life from 1 to 10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be
Idk. 6? Maybe 5? It's not great but it has been a lot worse
18. what’s your main blog?
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for
@flukemen (the x-files)
@avantikas (general ttrpg media + McElroys because it started as a taz blog)
@sumacknot (asoue aesthetics)
@pinebluffvariants (x-files aesthetics)
@squall-eater @griftersbones @urfaveconstructsintricaterituals @fvafs <- other inactive sideblogs
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I'm not great at staying in touch outside of a group chat deal but I love it when people send me things they think I'll like and double/triple/etc text. I'll get back to you eventually I just have adhd
I'm not going to tag anyone directly but if we're mutuals and you do this feel free to say I did and tag me back in it because I would like to see 🥺
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musubiki · 5 years
ive never really talked about this but jealous mochi is 100% a thing (and this got long and fic-y so i put it under a read more. chapter preview????)
so especially in the beginning when shes just getting her powers, and shes limes totally-normal-best-friend, he like half-flirts with girls a lot of the time and mochi has a kinda jealous episode
there's gonna be a short part when lime goes out with penny bun for a little bit?? (ms. penny bun, perfect cheerleader, keeps a trophy book of all the boys shes dated/used, upgrades to the newest iphone every year, who is super interested in lime for his popularity and looks, and is totally condescending to little creampuff shop daughter mochi)
and during the time lime goes on like 2 dates with her mochi gets more distant towards him because 1) that shit hurted, and 2) penny hates her so it's super uncomfortable and awkward, so she deals with it by avoiding him altogether
but then this nags at lime WAY MORE because the whole time his stupid ass is thinking ‘why the hell is she avoiding me?!’ cue throwing paper wads at her head in class, trying to catch her at the end of her ceramics club but the other members inform him that she left early, he tries texting her but she doesn't read them for a long time
pom offers mochi some suggestions, but mochi was never great at taking advice when she's in a bad mood, and excuses it as “He can do whatever, it gives me more freedom to practice magic without him bothering me” and hides in the greenhouse
and after a day of this, lime decides okay, maybe shes just feeling crowded?? or sick?? and gives her space, but after 2-3 DAYS he’s more like “Okay, fuck it.” and after whole day of barely talking to her, ends up jumping her backyard fence and pounding on the greenhouse door, demanding to be let in because “I asked your mom I KNOW you’re in there!” 
and mochi, half freaking out, is rushing to hide all her witchy stuff and switch the dial on the greenhouse door because knowing lime, he might just punch the door open if she makes him wait too long. maybe not. he's not THAT violent, she thinks.
so pom jumps out the window and leaves her alone, and she opens the door to lime, standing there leaning with his arm against the door and trying not to look as irritated as he feels. she tries to play it off cool with an awkward “Oh hey! What’s up? Haven’t seen you much today hahaha-” 
and he stands there with a half smirk looking down at her for a few seconds in silence before saying “Yeah, wonder why.” and the ‘casual-with-a-hint-of-irritation’ tone in his voice makes the awkward smile fade from her face. her shoulders scrunch and her hand rubs her arm as she turns and quickly walks back to the sink to fill up her watering can, pretending to be busy, and he follows her in.
“Okay, you gonna tell me why you’re mad at me?” Lime says as he leans on the table next to the sink and leans over to see her face. “I’m not mad at you.” She says while trying to sound as normal as possible, but he knows her better.
“Is it because I keep stealing all your creampuffs?”
“That’s normal at this point.”
“Technically that’s your fault for being easy to steal from.”
“I’m not easy to steal from, you have long arms!” She laughs out, and he chuckles. He kinda missed seeing her smile the last few days, but he shoots the thought out of his head. They usually stray from the current conversation, so he brings it back. 
“Did I step on your foot or something?”
“??? I wouldnt be mad at you about that-?”
“Is it because I ate the last of your ice cream on wednesday-”
“I- That was you?!?”
“HAHA noo-” He coughs, “What, does it have something to do with school?”
“Does it have something to do with the shops?”
“Does it have something to do with Penny?”
and then she falls silent for a moment. a smirk slowly and gradually grows on his face until she finally answers with a much softer “no,” and as soon as it leaves her mouth, an “oh my god” comes out of his. “Are you jealous?!” he asks with a lot more excitement than he should. He’s never seen Mochi jealous before holy shit??? he tries to hide how much his face just lit up but its too late, she already saw it. 
“No! I’m not!!” Mochi almost yells, and tries to walk away very fast, but lime grabs the intersection of her overall straps and pulls her backwards, laughing and snorting at her. “Mochiiii~” he almost sings out teasingly, and she covers her face with her hands, groaning out a “Nooooo-!” muffled by her fingers. “HAHAha-I [snorts] W- I’m- What, you don’t like her????” He asks sarcastically, laughing. he knows shes terrible. hes not dating her seriously. he was just bored. 
Mochi falls back on the couch with her face still covered by her hands and groans. “NO- no I-...I mean - she doesn’t like me, and I’m not crazy about her either-” she mumbles out, Lime is smirking this whole time and slowly moves towards her. “-but i don’t wanna be that friend that tries to tell you what to do, or who you can and can’t hang out with I just [SIGH] its just....weird being around you when you’re around her and I.....-...yeah,” her hands fall to her lap, and lime is now crouching on the floor in front of her. 
He gives her the most amused, teasing, flirty, shit-eating look and she looks away, mumbling out a small “sorry,” and a few moments pass before he speaks again. “.......you don’t want me to see her anymore?” he asks, his voice a lot softer and lighter than it was 5 minutes ago, and her head shoots up “Wh- no! No! I mean if you want to keep seeing her then- I don’t wanna get in the way-!” Mochi stammers out, and Lime just laughs at her and folds his arms over her thighs. her cheeks turn red. “Moch listen, I don’t actually LIKE like her, alright? She flirted a little and I was bored so we went out, like, once. That’s it.” 
“I thought it was twice-?”
“Well the first one didn’t count because we just happened to both be at Mcdonalds at the same time. Plus she paid.”
“Oh god, you let her pay?” Mochi giggles out in amusement. 
“Eh, it was like $8.50.” 
“Oh nice, did they have the dipped cone there yet?”
“OH- yeah. We should go sometime. But anway-” Lime redirects the conversation after they strayed AGAIN. “Here’s the thing Moch, I’m not gonna go out with someone who doesn’t like you. You’re my best friend, and besides,” Lime looks up at her and smiles, “...anyone who doesn’t like you - obviously isn’t a good judge of character.......and isn’t someone I’d wanna hang out with anyway.” 
He looks at her eyes and tries his best to imply that she’s one of the best, if not the best person he knows. He doesn’t even know if she gets the message. She does, but shes not sure if thats what he was trying to say, so she just quietly gulps down a little. “Okay?” he smiles, nudging her legs a bit, and she smiles. “Are you sure?” Mochi asks quietly, and he snorts. “Yeah- how about don’t ignore me next time though, huh?” 
and she laughs as he lightly jabs her side, and he stands up, about to move away before adding: “Oh yeah, and since you got to veto one of my dates, this means that I am LEGALLY ALLOWED to veto one of your boyfriends in the future.” A shit-eating grin plasters over his face, but she just gives him a bit of a flat look, her face gets red and she thinks ‘can’t veto yourself, idiot.’ she cant think of any other guy he could possibly veto. she couldnt think of anyone else she would want to date, so she just laughs and agrees. 
(and she thinks hes joking, but lime 100% carries that in his pocket and then uses it to veto sulluvan, and mochis response is just “[exaggerated shrug] deals a deal, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” and since its technically a contract, sulluvan can’t override it so he has to eat it on one of their deals and hes pissed)
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danurso · 5 years
Eat your words
(Felt like writting something for my OTP, and here it is)
*During yang’s 11th birthday party*
Alexander: so, are you ready big guy?
Jaune: *shaking nervously* y-yeah, i think i am.
Irina: great, now go there and make mommy proud. *pushes jaune forward*
Jaune: o-okay. *walks towards yang*
Raven: what are you two planning?
Irina: ohh nothing much.
Ghira: should we be concerned? Last time you were planning ‘nothing much’ was during the parents reunion on school last year.
Irina: what about that?
Ghira: *deadpans* we found you beating winchester to an bloody pulp because his son pushed jaune from the slope.
Ghira: *sighs in defeat*
Kali: *sheepishly* just forget about it honey, you know how irina is protective with her kids.
Qrow: not only her, you womans are all crazy when it comes to that.
Summer: *with a cute smile and a dark murderous aura around her* even me honey?
Qrow: *sweating bullets* err...i...i mean that...i...im sleeping on the couch right?
Summer: yup.
Qrow: *sighs* goddamit.
Tayang: *snort* pussywhiped.
Raven: did you say something?
Tayang: *flinches* n-nothing! N-nothing at all, hehehehe...
Raven: *rolls her eyes* thought so. So, are you going to tell us what you’re planning or should we call the ambulance already?
Irina: don’t worry about that, it's just that jaune wanted to say something to yang, i just helped him to choose the right words *proudly* although he was the one who did most of the job on his own.
Alexander: i still think we should’ve gone with my idea.
Irina: *deadpans* if he followed your advice it would be just like our first meeting.
Alexander: *blushes* h-hey, i thought that was pretty smooth okay?
Irina: darling, i love you, but your pick up lines were always anything but smooth, if your mother didn’t smacked some sense into your thick skull we probably wouldn’t be married today. now shut up, he’s about to say it.
Tayang: wait, what is jaune going to say to my little princess?
Irina: shush it already!
Weiss: why do i still come to your parties?
Yang: cause we’re friends!
Ruby: best friends!
Blake: and probably because you have no other friends then us.
Yang: that too...now stop being a party wrecker, lets play!
Weiss: i-
Jaune: *nervously* h-hey girls.
Weiss: *rolls her eyes* great, you invited mr.scraggly too?
Ruby: don’t be mean weiss! jaune is our friend too!
Weiss: whatever...what do you want?
Jaune: err...i...eh...y-yang...?
Yang: that's my name.
Jaune: *blushing* t-there's s-something i want to say to you.
Yang: sure, spill it out vomit boy.
Jaune: o-okay. *pulls out a small thorn paper* I-i’ll be the warrior to f-fight for our love.
We will fly t-together, fly higher t-than the dove.
I’ll be y-your wall and shield you from d-danger.
I’ll t-take all the pains, for t-to me they are no stranger.
Y-you’ll be the q-queen in the kingdom of m-my heart.
And t-then I’ll be the k-king, so we’ll n-never be apart.
Y-you’ll be my majesty, I w-will serve you f-forever.
A-and for all of t-the times, I w-will leave you n-never.
My l-love f-for you, for sure has n-no end.
So t-tell me y-yang *blushes even more* would you b-be my g-girlfriend...?
Mothers: awwwwwwwww
Tayang: what the- what does he think he’s do-
Raven: *holding his shoulder tightly* don’t get in the way.
Tayang: *nervously* o-okay.
Yang: .
Yang: ..
Yang: ...
Yang: pfffhahahahahahaha! Where does this poem came from!? Its so cheesy it's hilarious!
Jaune: *deflated* oh...okay...sorry...i-i thought you would like but i guess i was wrong... *starts to walk away while tearing up*
Yang: but i did like it.
Jaune: w-wait, reall-
Yang: *kisses his cheek* yup, i loved it.
Jaune: *blushing* s-so that means...
Yang: i would love to be your girlfriend.
Jaune: r-really?
Yang: *nods*
Jaune: okay...i-i’m really happy...j-just give me a moment so i can- *passes out*
Ruby: JAUNE!! *kneels besides him* WAKE UP!! DON’T WALK TOWARDS THE LIIIIGHT!!!
Weiss: are you really going to date him, as like, your first boyfriend ever?
Yang: why not?
Weiss: yang, he’s an avid nerd, he’s always talking about x-ray and vav, he has no motor coordination, he’s short, ugly and is scraggly as a stick, why would you even consider this idea?
Yang: He’s a nice friend, and i think he would do a great boyfriend.
Weiss: *sigh* it's your funeral, im not going to say anything about it.
Yang: careful weiss, you’ll end up eating your words like this.
Weiss: i highly doubt that.
*on the beach ten years later*
Ruby: WEISS!! *tackles weiss*
Ruby: NO!! I MISSED YOU!!!
Blake: let her breathe ruby.
Ruby: *pouts* okay... *lets her go*
Weiss: *sighs getting up and wiping the sand out of her* five years, i’ve been out for only five years and this is what happens when i get back?
Ruby: *still pouting* you shouldn’t have picked a college so far away from us.
Yang: well, at least you had the decency to show up in our family barbecue.
Weiss: it was the only opportunity i had, final exams will start next month so i need so relax a bit before digging back in the studies.
Yang: wow, you learned how to relax! Are you sure you’re really weiss?
Weiss: shut up you idiot!
Blake: it's her, absolutely.
Weiss: please, don’t start you to- *phone goes off* No. Way. In. Hell. *turns phone off*
Ruby: who is it?
Weiss: neptune.
Ruby: your boyfriend?
Weiss: ex-boyfriend, caught him cheating on me a month ago.
Yang: wow...it must be tough, i'm sorry for you ice queen.
Weiss: *sigh* don’t be, i knew i shouldn’t trust him. Men are all the same, you can’t trust any of them.
Yang: nah, not every man is like that.
Weiss: really? So you never had to deal with an asshole of a boyfriend before?
Yang: nope.
Weiss: so you never really had any problems at all? Wait, forget about it, you used to date jaune when we were kids so of course you had problems.
Yang: i actually never really had any problems with him.
Weiss: are you serious right now? Just the fact that you used to date him already counts as several problems.
Yang: not actually, jaune was always the perfect boyfriend. He was really shy in the beginning but he got a lot better with the time.
Weiss: forgive me if it's hard for me to believe in that.
Yang: it's okay ice queen, every group of friends needs their sceptic one right?
Weiss: *rolls her eyes* right...i never really asked you, but how did you two break up? Was it long after i went to college?
Yang: *grins* who said anything about me and jaune breaking up?
Weiss: wait...don’t tell me you’re still dating him.
Yang: okay, then i won’t tell you that i’ve been in a happy and healthy relationship with him for the last ten years.
Weiss: ...i can’t believe in you, how did you managed to stand besides that short, ugly and scraggly idiot for so long.
Yang: because i really love him, and well...the fact that he's not so short, scraggly or ugly anymore does help a lot.
Weiss: what do you mean with tha-
Jaune: *hugs yang from behind* hey there sunshine.
Yang: hey there ladykiller. *turns around kissing him*
Jaune: sorry for the late, my sisters were trying to convince my dad to get a new grill and throw the old rusty one away.
Yang: it's okay, i don’t mind.
Jaune: ...weiss? Its you? It's been awhile, how are you?
Weiss: *frozen staring at the tall, handsome and defined blonde wearing swimming trunks, a tank shirt and standing before her* w-who are you?
Jaune: it's me, jaune. You don’t remember me?
Weiss: o-of course i remember you! But when did you got so...so...
Yang: *with a grin* Hot? Handsome? Stunning? Sexy?
Weiss: *blushing* tall.
Jaune: *sheepishly* i think it came along with the age, i didn’t noticed until yang pointed it out.
Weiss: *still blushing* h-how didn’t you noticed that!? Anyone can see it clearly but you only noticed when your girlfriend pointed it out!?
Yang: ex-girlfriend ice queen.
Weiss: w-what!? Didn’t you just said that you and him were in a healthy relationship!?
Yang: and we are, but im not his girlfriend anymore *grins showing her a diamond ring* i’m his bride.
Weiss: ......YOU’RE WHAT!?!?
Yang: i actually wanted to talk to you about this, our marriage is going to happen in about seven months, and i wanted you to be one of my bridesmaids since blake already is my maid of honor.
Weiss: ......i-i really don’t know what to say.
Jaune: just accept it, yang really wanted you to be one of her bridesmaids.
Weiss: i’ll think about it, its too much information for my brain to process in such a small amount of time.
Jaune: take your time, you have seven months to think in a answer.
Weiss: r-right.
Jaune: now if you excuse me, sun challenged me to an surf competition and i need to show him who’s the king of the beach.
Yang: okay, i���ll be cheering for you.
Jaune: thanks sunshine.
Yang: no prob handsome *leaning against his chest* now be sure to win okay? If you do, then you can be sure that the title of ‘king of the beach’ isn’t the only reward you’ll gain today~ *winks*
Jaune: *blushes slightly* okay, then you better let this reward ready, cause i'm not losing to anyone right now.
Yang: thats what i wanted to hear *slaps his asscheek* now go there and show him who’s boss!
Jaune: yes ma’am! *takes off tank shirt and bolts towards the water*
Weiss: *blushing and staring at his perfect chest and abs*
Yang: *chuckles*
Weiss: *blushing* w-what’s so funny!?
Yang: it's nothing, i'm just thinking about a stuck up girl i met several years ago, and that always said a lot of bad things about jaune, but now she’s drooling all over him. Isn’t that funny?
Weiss: *blushing more* IT'S NOT!!!
Yang: ready to eat your words now? I said you would regret, didn't i?
Yang: hey! Jaune is not stupid nor idiot *with a perverted grin* although i will admit, he is big reeeally big.
Weiss: *atomic red* i hate you...so fucking much...
Yang: love you too ice queen, but now please take your eyes out of my future husband’s abs, the only one allowed to ogle at them is me.
Weiss: *angry embarrassed noises*
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
Die Another Day - #24WeeksofBond
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24 Weeks of Bond hits the low point this week with Pierce Brosnan’s swan song as 007 in “Die Another Day”.  Oh man, there is just so much to say and unpack about this movie, it’s hard to put into summary every which way this film fails to deliver.  This film came at a cross-roads for film goers who still loved Bond, but were starting to grow a little tired of the hokey-ness and sleaze of James Bond and were wanting something a little rougher.  “The Bourne Identity” had come out just a few months prior to high praise for it’s hard hitting, intense, stripped-down style...it was fresh.  A few months later “Die Another Day” comes out with an older Pierce Brosnan, some god awful writing and cartoonish cinematography.  Change needed to happen, and this movie would mark the end of the sex puns, over the top gadgets, and far fetched scenarios.
Listen, I LOVE Bond.  I really have a hard time saying a Bond movie is bad...but this movie. is. bad.  This is a tale of two films. The first half is an action packed drama that is gritty, and dark and the second half is like watching a Joel Schumacher Batman film (the one where Batman has nipples).  The plot is also a rip off of “Diamonds Are Forever” and constantly goes for the cheap pop - bringing out all the old gadgets and familiar looking scenes for the 40th anniversary of Bond.  There is just so much trash talk to shell out here, but let’s start with the good stuff.
Die Another Day actually starts out quite promising and delivers a thrilling pre-title sequence with Bond infiltrating a North Korean Army base where he has stolen the clothing of a man trading African Conflict Diamonds for some weapons with a Colonel of the North Korean military and his stooge Zao.  Bond is eventually found out but manages to escape the firing squad to chase down Colonel Moon on a HOVERCRAFT!  Pretty neat.  Colonel Moon eventually runs out of road and takes a fall appearing to be slain, but Bond is caught again by Moon’s dad and for the next 14 months, Bond will be held prisoner and tortured.
I always liked how they utilized the title sequence to take us through Bond’s captivity (even though we are forced to listen to Madonna’s over produced and just flat out weird song...what’s the deal with the random “Sigmund Freud” lyric?).  Though the song is hard on the ear drums, it does a great job in providing an aura of despair and pain in the torture aspect of the title sequence...maybe because the song is torture?
We come back from Madonna, and Jesus Bond is now being traded for Zao who has diamonds permanently implanted in his face from Bond’s intrusion.  This makes Bond angry and makes him question why MI6 would give Zao up.  M is also pissed about it, it appears that there is someone who is playing MI6 for fools.  M is so mad that she essentially burns Bond and relieves him of his 00 status, but this doesn’t stop Bond from forcing himself into cardiac arrest to escape and find out who is behind all of this.
See?  Starts out great!  If only they can keep this momentum going...(spoiler alert: they can’t)
Another positive about this movie is a great fencing scene with Bond and Gustav Graves (Toby Stephans).  I've just always been tickled by how much this scene escalates from a little game of fencing to an all out sword fight.  It is one of the few highlights of the film, complete with a cameo made by Madonna...something I’m sure she negotiated to sign on for the Bond theme.  Get that payday, Madonna!
Well thats about all the positive I can muster for this film.  It’s time to take the gloves off.  Die Another Day’s wheels start to come loose when Bond is in Cuba looking for Zao...during this time, he meets Jinx (Halle Berry), and the dialogue that will unfold, sounds like the writer brought in his perverted nephew, who is just out of high school, looking to write a scene to get his friends to laugh when they watch it in his parents basement.  Halle Berry is the victim of poor writing, and possibly poor directing, yes, but she also tries WAY too hard to be a cool, witty, and deadly agent.  I’ll give Berry the benefit of the doubt to an extent, but I really think she just over acted here.
On top of that - Brosnan and Berry have absolutely ZERO chemistry.  Brosnan is no spring chicken anymore, so we are supposed to believe a woman like Halle Berry would welcome the advances from a bird watcher in his mid-50′s who says Mojito really weird?  Come on.  And the obvious dick jokes and creepiness from Bond who is foaming at the mouth, desperate for sex after being tortured for over a year makes this scene so uncomfortable to watch.
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But we later come to find out that Jinx is more than just a reincarnation of Honey Ryder from Dr. No...she is also a secret agent that seems to never take anything seriously and in the face of death by laser, still has time for jokes.  We find out Zao is trying to do gene-therapy treatment to change his identity to someone else.  Much like Colonel Moon had done, turning himself into the man we will come to know as Gustav Graves.  The adrenaline filled, publicity junky, billionaire with an eye for diamonds.
Speaking of over acting, Toby Stephans puts out a good effort with the Gustav Graves character but he is just so over the top with his “evil” looks that there is no denying that he is indeed the villain.  Some of the best villains in cinema and television are villains that get you to like them.  They play to your emotions, let you in on their dark secrets, give you a smile and a laugh, maybe even make you connect with them in a twisted way...but Graves lets you know by his nostril flares and angry glares, that you couldn’t possibly like him if you tried.
Graves invites Bond to his party in Iceland, (isn’t Greenland the icy one?). This is when the movie goes off the rails completely, the second half of the film that looks like the props, sets, and lighting design were borrowed from the Power Rangers.  This ridiculous ice palace accompanied by the super ridiculous revelation of the “Icarus” - a satellite made out of diamonds (exactly like Diamonds are Forever) is just so off-putting. The Icarus shoots a beam as powerful as the sun and can also be used as a freakin sun beam death laser from the sky.  Yes, you heard that right.  At one point Bond is involved in a chase where he is being tailed by a sun beam death laser from the sky.  This leads to the most cringe worthy scene in all of Bond...Bond escapes by CGI surfing.
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I’ve said before, one of the aspects of the Bond films that makes the series so successful is the heavy emphasis on real stunts.  REAL STUNTS.  Director Lee Tamahori thought it would be fun to amp up the CGI because he thought that CGI was the future of the Bond franchise, oh was he sorely mistaken. He also thought it would be a good idea to insert a bunch of slow motion shots throughout the movie, they were going for the ‘Matrix effect’ but it did not play well.  It’s choppy and pixilated and just ruins any momentum they managed to build up - it just ends up being annoying. 
If that wasn’t bad enough, Q Branch comes out to “Jump the Shark” by delivering an invisible car.  Really?  This is just another example of the theme of this film taking everything one step too far.  But maybe you could argue that that is what we needed in order to know what our threshold as a Bond audience is.  You could say that maybe Die Another Day was the most important film in the canon for that reason.  Maybe Die Another Day was the sacrificial lamb to fall on it’s own sword to prevent us from going in that direction again, maybe...this movie SAVED THE BOND FRANCHISE??
Eh, Now I’m just devil’s advocating myself.  This is thee worst Bond movie of all time and anyone who says differently has no idea what they are talking about, or are just trying to be ‘Ironic’, or whatever.  This film ends with Gustav Graves becoming an electrifying super-shredder villain whose design was probably stolen from the Mega-Man video games.  The final battle taking place on a plane that is crashing due to a window being knocked out and is also being destroyed by the Sun Beam death laser from the sky.  In other words...more CGI.
And to top it all off, we end on another uncomfortable scene with Bond and Jinx again, spitting out blatant toilet humor dialogue making us think that they are getting busy, but it turns out Bond is just putting diamonds in her belly button (which she really wants to leave in for some reason).  Traditionally, a Bond movie would end with some witty pun being the last bit of dialogue you would hear before credits, but this...I still can’t figure out how this left the writer’s table. 
Bond: “I'm still not quite sure how good you are.”
Jinx: “I’m sooo good...”
Bond: “Especially when you’re bad.”
huh??  It’s not even a pun, it just doesn’t make sense.
Honestly, you can tell Brosnan is thinking “who the hell wrote this shit?” while he is delivering that final line.  sigh.  The good news is that we can only go up from here!  This would be Brosnan’s final performance as James Bond, even though he publicly announced he was going to do another one.  Didn’t quite work out that way, the film studio eventually phased him out, leaving Brosnan at curbside.  Probably for the best, Brosnan was great for that time, but the pressure was on for change.  And change we would get - with Daniel Craig.
That’s all for me tonight, let me know why you hated this movie!
Reviews from Friends:
Tyler Dahlgren
See I like Toby’s Graves. That guy plays despicable well (Black Sails anyone?). It’s the redeeming part of the movie for me. That and the car. I love the Aston Martins, let’s stick to those.
Andrew Albertsen
I think the whole movie should’ve just been about Bond’s incarceration and torture and eventual escape.
My Mom
Sam you don’t mention Rosemund Pike in your review. I thought she made an outstanding ice queen. This had its moments and I do love Pierce Brosnan as Bond but this film was way too long and too much continuous action. A person tunes out.
Jake Benrud
The end of an era. All the gadgets and the over the top villains complete with "diamond face" and a genetically modified psychopath with daddy issues. I don't understand why he needed to drive his car in the ice palace in the first place. Also, that was an epic dive by Halle Berry.
24 Weeks of Bond will return next Monday with - 
Quantum of Solace
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kounfetti · 6 years
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Subaru Sakamaki Vampire End Translation/Traducción
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Please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!—-Por favor no republiques y preguntame antés de traducir a otras idiomas.
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The battle between Subaru and Karlhienz began. 
As there is a clear difference in power between them, Subaru was knocked down several times. 
But, each time, Subaru got back up. 
The tip of the silver knife he clenched glistened. 
Monologue Ends
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Scene: Eden Entrance Hall
Subaru: Uoooo...!!
Karlhienz: Gu..h...
Yui: (Subaru’s knife is in Karlhienz’s chest...)
Karlhienz:...Fuh. You did it, Subaru...
Karlhienz falls
Yui: (The knife reached his heart...)
Yui: (Now matter how much of a vampire he is, a stab to the heart that deep...)
Subaru:....! Father...!
Subaru: Oi, father! How did you get knocked down? Get up already....!
Yui: Subaru....
Karlhienz: Fuh...Dont you hate me?
Karlhienz: If so, dont have such an expression, you should rejoice.
Subaru: Wh...
Yui: (Karlhienz is disappearing...!?)
Karlhienz: Subaru...come closer...let me see your face...
Subaru: Father...
Karlhienz: Aah, the more I look at you, the more I see that you resemble me. And, Christa as well...
Yui: (Karlhienz...)
Karlhienz: Out of those that could have inherited my power, I’m glad that it was you...Subaru....my son...
Karlhienz: And, the true Adam...
Yui: (...Karlhienz put his hand on Subaru’s forehead...)
Subaru:..? What...
Karlhienz: I gave you my power.
Subaru: Power...?
Karlhienz: With this power, kill those demons. And, create a new world.
Karlhienz: That was my plan...for its sake, I have sacrificed many people...
Karlhienz: Whatever it takes, you must accomplish it.
Karlhienz: That’s what I ask of you, Subaru... and, Eve...
Yui: (He disappeared...)
Yui: (After knowing Karlhienz’s true intention, not much more can be done.)
Yui: (But, surely...Karlhienz must have loved them both...?)
Yui: (At the end, when he spoke with Subaru. He wouldn’t have that face otherwise.)
Yui: (...That’s what I think.)
Yui: Subaru...?
Yui: What’s wrong? Does something hurt?
Subaru: No...the power...
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: The power is overtaking...my father...Karlhienz’s...power...
Subaru: I can do anything now. I can even beat those founders easily...
Subaru: But, why give me this power...!
Yui: Subaru...
Subaru: I dont care about that plan. How am I supposed to know what the world should be like.
Subaru: Having this power, wont it be in vain?
Subaru: He used my mother all for this...?
Subaru: And not just my mother. Me, you. And even his own death...
Subaru: An end like this, what other purpose could there be? This is...like a void...
Yui: (Subaru, is crying....?)
Yui: (Right now there’s no need for words, what is needed, is surely---)
Yui:...There’s nothing I need to say. I understand everything.
Yui: (I can feel Subaru’s pain. And, it feels like my heart aches as well...)
Yui: (I think, the only thing I can do right now is hug him, but,)
Yui: (And still, if it comforts Subaru even a little bit...)
Carla: Are you here, woman?
Yui: (Carla, Shin...)
Shin: Good grief, you’re really forcing our hand.
Shin: But, you wont escape this time...!
Subaru:...Shut up!!
Carla: Wh....
Yui: Subaru...!?
Yui: (With just holding his hands in front of him, Shin was blown to the other side....? What in the world was that just now---)
Yui: (...! Perhaps, that’s Karlhienz’s power...!?)
Subaru: Dont even try to lay a finger on Yui. You’ll disappear without a trace.
Carla:...We’ll see who’s superior. 
Carla: Die, vampire...!
Yui: Subaru...!!
Yui: (I can’t believe it...he really did make those founders disappear...and, only in a matter of moments...)
Yui: (Subaru really has Karlhienz’s power.)
Yui: (He inherited the vampire king’s power...)
Yui: Ah....
Subaru:....Let’s go, Yui.
Subaru: I dont want to think about this anymore. I dont want to stay here a second longer.
Subaru: I didn’t want this power. Honestly, what I really wanted was...
Yui: Subaru...
Subaru:...Right now, I just want you to stay with me. There’s nothing I need other than you.
Subaru: Come with me, Yui.
Yui: (Right now Subaru needs time to calm down...)
Yui: (I dont know where he’s intending to go, but I’ll follow him.)
Yui: (No matter where, together...)
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----After that, the lunar eclipse ended. 
The founders disappeared. And even though we thought we would be at peace, with the absence of Karlhienz, the Demon World was in a riot.
.....While Subaru was hurt, he took me and turned his back on the Demon World. 
Nobody knew where, to somewhere far, far away----
Monologue Ends
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Scene: Garden
Yui: It’s been a while since we’ve walked like this.
Subaru: Before it rains again and the roses scatter, I wanted to come here again. 
Yui: Yep!
Yui: (----Subaru and I have been living together for a few months.)
Yui: (At first, I wasn’t used to the pattern of things around here, but recently things have settled down.)
Yui: (I hope things continue to be peaceful as it is.)
Yui: (Huh...? I suddenly got dizzy...)
Subaru: Watch out!
Subaru:...Are you okay?
Yui: Yea...Sorry, thank you.
Subaru: Be careful okay? This isn’t just your body anymore.
Yui: Right.
Yui: (...I’m carrying Subaru’s child.)
Subaru: What do you think it’ll be, a boy or girl?
Yui: Surely a boy.
Subaru: Aah? Why do you think that?
Yui: Hmm, why...I’m not sure, it’s just a feeling.
Yui: I’ve already thought of a name too.
Subaru: Ehh. What name?
Yui: Haruto. In German, it can mean strong or stubborn. [TN: Japanese phoenetics make it so instead of Hart, its ハルト/Haruto. But Yui means Hart.]
Yui: If this child resesmbles you, they’ll want to become a strong person.
Subaru:...Strong, huh....
Yui: (What’s wrong? He suddenly has a gloomy face...)
Yui: (Maybe he doesn’t like the name...?)
Yui: Hey, Subaru....
Subaru:...Am I strong?
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: Before, those Tsukinami guys asked me what strength was.
Subaru: And at that time, I replied with, “strength is being able to protect those you want to protect.”
Subaru: With my father’s power, I became the strongest compared to anyone. But...
Subaru: Fuck, I can’t explain this well...
Yui: Subaru...
Yui: (Just now, the bushes moved. Is there something there?)
Subaru: Your sneaking around is annoying. Disappear!!
Familiar A: Gyaaaaa!!
Yui: Kya....
Yui: (The person...no, it’s something else. Was it a familiar...?)
Subaru: Tch, recently there’s a lot of them.
Yui: Eh? What does this mean?
Subaru: There’s suspicious people wandering aroundhere recently.
Subaru: Because it wasn’t a big deal, I left it alone... It’s awfully annoying now.
Subaru: Dont leave my side okay? If you do, be sure to take me along.
Yui: Y-Yea...
Yui: But, why us...?
Subaru:....Maybe, they’re targetting you.
Yui: Eh....?
Subaru: You’re carrying a child of a new race, and that could be helpful for demons to utilize. But...
Yui: That’s....
Yui: (Having a partnership with Subaru along with raising a child, I thought that something like that should remain peaceful...)
Yui:...No...that’s scary....
Subaru: Yui...
Yui: Why? How come they can’t just leave us alone?
Yui: I just wanted, to live with you and our runborn child quietly...
Yui: Ah....
Subaru:...I was thinking for a long time. I can’t leave things like this.
Subaru: I can’t turn my back on the reality. And I wont run away, I’ll protect you and this child.
Subaru: I’ll become strong. In order to protect you, and not ashame our son.
Subaru: Not just with power, I want to be strong in the true meaning.
Yui: Subaru...
Subaru:----I’ve decided. We’re going back to the Demon World.
Yui: Eh....?
Subaru: I’ll follow my father’s lead, and calm down the riots in the Demon World.
Subaru: Thats--- The only way I can protect my family.
Yui: (Subaru looks like he’s matured more. Today, Subaru isn’t the person he was yesterday.)
Yui: (Surely, everything will be fine.)-
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---Shortly after that, Subaru and I returned to the Demon World. 
With the power inherited from Karlhienz, Subaru was able to settle the riots. And eventually reigning as the Vampire King. 
Monologue Ends
Subaru:----It’s a nice morning, isn’t it? It doesn’t look like there was ever a lunar eclipse. 
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Yui: Yea.
Yui: It’s really full of colors. 
Yui: I was really surprised, that you would succeed Karlhienz. 
Subaru: Fu..well, I thought so as well.
Subaru: I...was always stuck in a shell, closed off from anyone else. 
Subaru: I always avoided my mother and father, and shut myself from reality. 
Subaru: Even now, I dont feel like the things about my mother and father are completely resolved. 
Subaru: But, I have a family now. You and my future child. 
Yui: Yep. 
Subaru: From now on, instead of dwelling on the past...I’ll cherish the future. 
Subaru: So...
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Yui: (He suddenly kissed me...!!)
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Subaru: Fu...what’s with your look?
Yui: W-Well...it was out of nowhere.
Subaru: Aah? Dont be so cute.
Subaru: You’re the reason I’m here now. 
Subaru: I was able to clear off my dark past, and avoided a cruel fate. 
Subaru: I wont let life past by. For eternity---I’ll love you. 
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Yui: (Through this gentle kiss...I can feel how he feels...)
Yui: (I love Subaru too.)
Yui: (Always, for eternity----)
Ecstasy Epilogue ♥ Manservant End ♥ Brute End
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La batalla de Subaru contra Karlhienz empezo. 
Hay una diferencia clara en poder, y Subaru callo muchas veces. 
Pero cada vez, se levanto. 
Su cuchillo plateado brillo entre la luz. 
Monologo Termina
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Escenario: Pasillo de Entrada en el Edén
Subaru: Uoooo...!!
Karlhienz: Gu..h...
Yui: (El cuchillo de Subaru esta plantado en el corazón de Karlhienz...)
Karlhienz:...Fuh. Lo hiciste, Subaru...
Karlhienz cae
Yui: (El cuchillo alcanzo su corazón...)
Yui: (No hay duda que una herida tan profunda al corazón para un vampiro es...)
Subaru:....! Padre...!
Subaru: Oi, ¡padre! ¿Como pudiste caer? ¡Ya levantate....!
Yui: Subaru....
Karlhienz: Fuh...Me odias, ¿no?
Karlhienz: Si es verdad, deberías tener una expresión diferente. Debes celebrar. 
Subaru: Qu...
Yui: (¿¡Karlhienz esta desapareciendo...!?)
Karlhienz: Subaru...acércate...déjame ver tu cara...
Subaru: Padre...
Karlhienz: Aah, lo más que te veo, lo más que veo que te pareces a mi. Incluso, a Christa...
Yui: (Karlhienz...)
Karlhienz: De todos que podrían hereder mi poder, soy feliz que fuiste tu...Subaru....mi hijo...
Karlhienz: El Adán verdadero...
Yui: (...Karlhienz puso su mano sobre la frente de Subaru...)
Subaru:..? Que...
Karlhienz: Te di mi poder. 
Subaru: ¿Poder...?
Karlhienz: Con este poder, mata a los demonios. Y luego, crea un mundo nuevo. 
Karlhienz: Eso fue mi plan...por esa intención, he sacrificado mucha gente...
Karlhienz: Haga lo que es necessario, necesitas hacerlo. 
Karlhienz: Te lo pido, Subaru... y tambien a ti, Eva...
Yui: (Desaparecio...)
Yui: (Despues de saber la intencion de Karlhienz, no hay más que hacer.)
Yui: (Pero, ¿seguramente, el amo a ellos dos...?)
Yui: (Al fin, cuando hablo con Subaru. No hay otra razón por tener esa expression.)
Yui: (...Es lo que yo pienso.)
Yui: ¿Subaru...?
Yui: ¿Que sucede? ¿Te duele algo?
Subaru: No...el poder..
Yui: ¿Eh...?
Subaru: El poder me esta sobrepasando...mi padre...el poder...de Karlhienz...
Subaru: Ahora puedo hacerlo todo. Hasta matar a esos fundadores...
Subaru: Pero, ¡porque dar este poder a mi...!
Yui: Subaru...
Subaru: No me importa ese plan. Yo ni sé como debería ser un nuevo mundo. 
Subaru: A darme este poder, ¿no será un desperdicio?
Subaru: ¿Uso a mi madre por esto...?
Subaru: No solamente mi madre. A mi, a ti. Hasta su propia muerte...
Subaru: ¿Todo esto por que? Siento...vacío...
Yui: (Subaru, esta llorando...?)
Yui: (No hay nada que dicir...lo que necesita, segurmente es---)
Yui:...No tengo que dicir. Te entendio.
Yui: (Puedo sentir el dolor de Subaru. Mi corazón duele a oír...)
Yui: (Pienso que la unica cosa que puedo hacer a este momento, es abrazarlo.)
Yui: (Si ayuda un poco...)
Carla: ¿Estas allí, mujer?
Yui: (Carla, Shin...)
Shin: Realmente nos quieres molestar. 
Shin: ¡Pero, no vas a escapar esta vez!
Carla: Qu....
Yui: ¡¿Subaru...!?
Yui: (Con solo usar sus brazos, ¿Shin voló hace al otro lado ....? Que demonios fue eso---)
Yui: (...! ¡¿ Quizás es el poder de Karlhienz...!?)
Subaru: Ni toces a Yui, o tambien vas a desaparecer. 
Carla:...Vamos a ver. 
Carla: ¡Muere, vampiro...!
Yui: Subaru...!!
Yui: (No lo puedo creer...hizo desaparecer a esos fundadores...y, solo en unos segundos...)
Yui: (Subaru realmente tiene el poder de Karlhienz.)
Yui: (Heredo el poder del reí de vampiros...)
Yui: Ah....
Subaru:....Vamonos, Yui. 
Subaru: Ya no quiero pensar sobre esto. No quiero quedarme aquí un segundo más.
Subaru: No quiero este poder. Lo que yo quiería realmente fue..
Yui: Subaru...
Subaru:...En este momento, lo que quiero es que te quedes conmigo. No hay otra cosa que necesito que ti. 
Subaru: Venga conmigo, Yui. 
Yui: (Subaru necesita tiempo para descansar...)
Yui: (No sé donde intende ir, pero lo voy a seguir.)
Yui: (A cual quier lugar, juntos...)
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----Despues, el eclipse lunar termino.
Los fundadores desaparecieron. Y despues que pensamos que todo iba a hacer tranquilo, el Mundo de los Demonios estaba confundidos. 
.....Mientras estaba adolorido, Subaru me llevo con el y escapamos del Mundo de los Demonios. 
Nadien supo a donde, a un lugar muy, muy lejos----
Monologo Termina
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Escenario: Jardín
Yui: Ha sido un tiempo desde la ultima vez que caminamos de esta manera. 
Subaru: Antes que llegue la lluvia y las rosas desaparecen, quieria caminar por aquí.
Yui: Si
Yui: (----Subaru y yo hemos vivido aquí juntos por unos meses.)
Yui (Al principio, no estaba acostumbrada a este lugar. Pero, ya he podido descansar.)
Yui: (Espero que estara tranquilo aquí.)
Yui: (¿h...? De repente mi maree...)
Subaru: ¡Cuidado!
Subaru:...¿Estas bien?
Yui: Si, perdón. Gracias.
Subaru: ¿Tenga cuidado? Ya no es solamente tu cuerpo. 
Yui: Tienes razón.
Yui: (...Estoy embarazada con el hijo de Subaru.)
Subaru: Pienses que sera niña o niño?
Yui: Seguramente un niño.
Subaru: ¿Aah? ¿Porque piensas eso?
Yui: Hmm, no lo sé...Solo es un presentimiento.
Yui: Ya he pensado sobre el nombre. 
Subaru: Ehh. ¿Que sera? 
Yui: Haruto. En Alemán, puede significar fuerte o tenaz. [TN: La pronunciacon Japonesa es ハルト/Haruto, pero lo que ella intente decir es Hart.]
Yui: Si este hijo es como tu, quiera convertirse en una persona fuerte.  
Subaru:...Fuerte, eh....
Yui: (¿Que sucede? De repente esta ...)
Yui: (¿Quizás no le gusta el nombre...?)
Yui: Hey, Subaru....
Subaru:...¿Piensas que soy fuerte?
Yui: ¿Eh...?
Subaru: Hace tiempo, esos Tsukinami me preguntaron lo que yo pensaba ser fuerte significaba.
Subaru: En ese tiempo, yo respondí “ser fuerte significa que puedes proteger a los que quieres proteger.” 
Subaru: Con el poder de mi padre, no hay nadien que puedes oponirme, pero...
Subaru: Maldicion, no lo puedo explicar...
Yui: Subaru...
Yui: (Justo ahora oí algo. Hay algo allí?)
Subru: ¡Esculcando me molesta! ¡¡Desaparece!!
Familiar A: ¡¡Gyaaaaa!!
Yui: Kya....
Yui: (Esa persona, no, fue algo más. ¿Era un familiar...?)
Subaru: Tch, hay muchos de ellos recientemente. 
Yui: ¿Eh? ¿Que significa?
Subaru: Hay gente sospechosa por aquí.
Subaru: No era algo molesto al principio, pero ahora hay demasiados. 
Subaru:¿No dejes mi lado? A donde vayas, llevame contigo. 
Yui: SSi...
Yui: Pero, porque a nosotros...?
Subaru:....Quizás, te buscan a ti. 
Yui: ¿Eh....?
Subaru: Vamos a punto de tener un hijo de una nueva raza, y seria algo que los demonios pueden utilizar...
Yui: Es....
Yui: (Pensé que ser la pareja de Subaru y tener un hijo debería ser tranquilo...)
Yui:...No...me da miedo....
Subaru: Yui...
Yui: ¿Porque? ¿Porque no nos dejan en paz?
Yui: Solo quieria vivir tranquilamente...
Yui: Ah....
Subaru:..Estuve pensado por un rato, no puedo dejar las cosas como son. 
Subaru: No voy a correr de la realidad.Voy a protegerte a ti y a mi hijo. 
Subaru: Seré fuerte. Para protegerte a ti, y a nuestro hijo. 
Subaru: Quiero ser fuerte en la manera verdadera. 
Yui: Subaru...
Subaru:----Ya lo he pensado. Vamos a regresar al Mundo de los Demonios. 
Yui: ¿Eh....?
Subaru: Realizaré el plan de mi padre, y voy a tranquilizar a la confusión en el Mundo de los Demonios. 
Subaru: Eso es--- La única manera de proteger a mi familia. 
Yui: (Subaru ya no es la misma persona de ayer. Ha madurado.)
Yui: (Seguramente, todo saldrá bien.)
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----Despues, regresamos al Mundo de los Demonios. 
Con el poder de Karlhienz, Subaru pudo tranquilizar la confusión en el Mundo de los Demonios. Eventualmente, se convertio en el reí de los vampiros. 
Monologo Termina
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Subaru:----Es una buena mañana, ¿no? Parece como si nunca habia un eclipse lunar. 
Yui: Si. 
Yui: Realmente tiene muchos colores. 
Yui: Realmente estaba sorprendida que you succeeded Karlhienz. 
Subaru: Fu..pues, pensé lo mismo. 
Subaru: Siempre... escondí del mundo afuera. 
Subaru: Siempre me corte de la realidad de mis padres. 
Subaru: Hasta ahora, lo de mi madre y padre no me deja en paz. 
Subaru: Pero, ya tengo una familia. Tengo a ti, y a mi futuro hijo. 
Yui: Si.
Subaru: Desde ahora y en adelante, olvidaré del pasado y...apreciare el futuro. 
Subaru: A si que...
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Yui: (¡¡Me beso de repente...!!)
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Subaru: Fu...¿Porque esa mirada?
Yui: P-Pues...me sorprendiste. 
Subaru: ¿Aah? No seas tan linda. 
Subaru: Tu eres la razón que estoy aquí. 
Subaru: Pude olvidar de mi pasado obscuro, y evite un destino cruel. 
Subaru: Ya no voy a dejar la vida pasar por volada. Por eternidad---Te amo. 
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Yui: (Puedo sentir la emociones que siente atravez de este beso...)
Yui: (Subaru, te amo.)
Yui: (Siempre, por eternidad----)
Ecstasy Epilogue ♥ Manservant End ♥ Brute End
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bakedpieceofchicken · 5 years
5am long personal vent
dont interact with this
note: this post mentions endeavor a lot.
context (very important!): I pretty much binge-read an entire tumblr user’s meta posts and I found them interesting and very informative. 
I also read through their salt tag and now I’m compelled to gather my thoughts together considering the literal title I’ve held for months now is “Hawks is a lov member already”. I’m extremely socially awkward, even on this online platform, so I’m not going to mention the aforementioned tumblr user’s name because I’m too anxiety-ridden to try to contact them. This is in no way shape or form an attack on the person’s opinions nor their character. It’s me... rambling about my thoughts about their opinions at 4 am. 
Is it defending myself? Well, not really, because I don’t feel personally attacked. Just because we have a difference of opinion doesn’t mean we have to resort to attacking each other. I found their opinions thought-provoking and wanted to pick my own brain... I picked this time purposely so nobody would see this post :eyes: so like uhm yeah
note 2: “you” refers to unnamed tumblr user. sorry about weird point of view...
anyways let’s get into the meat 
villain hawks
yay or... nay...?
Well, in fanon it would be such a fun idea to play around with. Personally I think there’s potential for League of Villain interactions with Hawks. I would LOVE to see Hawks interacting with the other pro heroes, but the only pro-to-pro interaction we get with Hawks is between Hawks and Endeavor. Because the atmosphere between the pro-heroes feels... disconnected.
Now, hear me out.
Let’s contrast it with the idealized version of hero society provided in future fics. Or hell, comparing the top ten pro heroes to Class 1-A itself. We want to think all the heroes are friendly with each other and have some sort of camaraderie with each other
But Horikoshi doesn’t present it like that. 
The closest thing to that we get is Endeavor and Hawks. Other than that, the atmosphere between hawks and the other heroes seem more strained or tense (the whole miruko hawks thing is fanon). And even then, it’s... well... Endeavor and Hawks don’t truly know each other. Hawks only knows the public perception and image of Endeavor, which is the only thing he’s been given while Endeavor doesn’t truly knows Hawks either. I’m not saying the interactions are fake, but... would Hawks be acting the way he was if he knew about Endeavor’s past?
No. I don’t have any predictor to how differently Hawks would act, but I definitely sense there’d be a lot of disappointment and loss of respect for the man he was rooting for. To what extent? Would Hawks just be in complete disbelief? Or would he react with immediate anger? There are parallels to Hawks and Todoroki Rei--both were picked from the crowd and had their lives controlled because of their “value” determined by Endeavor/The Hero Commission respectively.
But honestly from an objective standpoint, I have nothing to go off of other than the fact that Hawks deeply respects and idolizes Endeavor the most out of anyone in the manga we’ve seen and the fallout of that would be of an equally shattering magnitude...
Ahh i went off on a tangent. the point is... do we really know Hawks? Does Hawks ever get a chance to just.. be himself? Maybe we see a bit of that shine when he’s alone with Endeavor, but as we saw clearly in chapter 186 he puts on a care-free facade for his fans. But in reality... he’s always working because he’s one of the hero commission’s greatest assets. 
and... here’s where our opinions clash. I truly, in the depths of my heart, believe that Hawks is building a reality where heroes have more free time comes from a more selfish desire for himself. Don’t get me wrong--I don’t want to disservice what Hawks has done for society. But also it feels like he’s the type who overworks himself because he feels moral obligation to society when... technically he doesn’t owe anything to society. 
Yes, in superhero shows and whatnot, it’s usually a positive trait that “hey this person’s been born with an amazing power and they’ve chosen to use it for the greater good! Look what they’re sacrificing!!!” But let’s say theoretically that person decides “hey i don’t want to be a hero i just want to be a writer!” Are they morally wrong for deciding not to be a hero even though they would theoretically be good at it? Even though it’s not something they want for themselves?
Because I don’t think Hawks wants to be a hero. But he also doesn’t want people to die. He’s tied himself with these moral obligations to the point where he can’t leave now because he feels it would be selfish of him to. And that is speculation, but Horikoshi isn’t exactly spelling it out for us! So, that’s how I interpret Hawks’ character. Yes, he is a true hero in that he wants to save as many people as he can, even at the cost of his pride his dignity his fucking freedom...
but also, he never wished for that. he never asked to be one who has to deal with all of this. But now that he is, what choice does he have? 
So, yes, we agree on that. But I also feel that his personal desire plays as big of a part. Because we, as humans, naturally want things for ourselves. Our personal desire for ourselves shouldn’t be downplayed at all! That’s why I believe his inner thoughts are worded “more free time” rather than “make society more safe”. Because he has his priorities! He wants the best of both worlds-- it’s a form of negotiation. He can still play the hero and less lives would be taken but he can also having some breathing room for himself like he’s always wanted.
To free himself just a little bit from the stressful life of being a hero. 
There is nothing wrong with being motivated by personal desires. Hawks is one of the most grounded heroes we’ve seen--I think he’s cynical enough that he’s self aware of this selfish desire for a freer life. And it’s selfish to him only because he knows that it would never happen without the expense of a few lives-- lives that he knew he would never forgive himself for letting slip.
I think it’s a toxic mindset.
Because as heroic as placing others above yourself... that attitude is completely unhealthy and I don’t think it should be celebrated. What I want to see from Hawks’ natural progression as a character is recognizing that it’s okay to prioritize yourself. Hell, Midoriya learned this during the summer training arc and failed to retain that lesson during the Overhaul arc! THESE HEROES DON’T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!!! (ok i get midoriya’s trying). 
And if it’s selfish to desire more free time for yourself off from work, is it really that wrong of someone to do so? To want more control over your life? To want to do things you want to do rather than what others want you to do?
What does this have to do with villain Hawks? Well, I think a large desire for villain hawks is because it shows the departure of that mindset! Hawks doesn’t need to be confined to his hero persona anymore, he can finally do things he wants to do and be the free bird he’s always wanted to be.
But him becoming a complete villain is... far-fetched. This myself I recognize. I’ve only written villain!hawks once and that was because he snapped after the hero commission executed shigaraki and dabi as a show of power rather than going through the effort of trying to re-integrate the men back into hero society. I don’t want to go too deep because this isn’t the point I’m trying to make, but Hawks realizes how power-obsessed society is to the point where he doubts the legitimacy of the hero commission itself and what they do for society and its people.
But, again, that’s not going to ever happen in canon so I won’t bring it up another time. The point I was trying to make is yeah, you’re right that Hawks would never become a villain. He wouldn’t become a murderer- if he does, he definitely needs more incentive than what we can go off from canon.
And ohhh boy here we go, reaching the erm elephant in the room.
(These are the points made in the salt tag btw)
Is Villain!Hawks just an excuse to write hotwings? And what is the plausibility of Hawks turning to villainy? Would Endeavor being exposed as a child abuser be the trigger if Hawks were to turn villain at some point in the story?
I don’t know if I even want to go into the whole “this is just an excuse to make hawks and dabi evil boyfriends” because I’ve never used villain!hawks as justification for that personally. And I’m actually not as attached to hotwings as I am to something like shigahawks... I don’t have any points to counteract this other than my desire to see Hawks interact with the entire league. Because it would be fun to see him interact in an environment he’s not wholly familiar with. With Endeavor or the other heroes or even the hero commission, he has some semblance of control or understanding so he thinks/acts like he knows what’s going on. 
Meanwhile, the League is a huge mess and they don’t have their shit together and wouldn’t it be funny to see Hawks as a part of their crew suffering with them!!! Well, that’s bias. My bias. For fanon. And for the jokes. So sad :(
So... I don’t just want to see more Dabi and Hawks interaction. I want to see more Hawks and League interaction. or just more hawks and anyone interactions overall. maybe thats all i crave
Actually going through the points one by one, let’s talk plausibility.
I already talked about villain!hawks being a... departure from Hawks’ faults in his own character. But it is pretty extreme, I’ll admit. If Hawks were ever to join the League of Villains, he’d probably never use killing as first resort. As we’ve seen in chapter 220, it’s not like the League targets only heroes... but i get the salt tag was made like 5 months ago so it’s not like new information hasn’t been released at the time of posting.
Reminds me of domestichobgoblins’ shigadabihawks fic where shigaraki even acknowledges “Whatever bullshit you’ve been telling Dabi, you aren’t a killer either, are you? So what, exactly, am I supposed to do with you?” And you know? The both are you are right. Hawks isn’t a killer and he wouldn’t become a killer willingly... unless he was pushed by some other greater force but I’m not here to address any of that. He could still provide support to the league in other ways, arguably, or just joining the league could be some kind of message to the heroes or supporters of hero society.
You are right to a degree. Hawks’ sole motivator to become a villain wouldn’t be because “OH ENDEAVOR IS AN ABUSER GUESS I GOTTA TURN EVIL NOW”.
Okay pushing past that, so why would Hawks be motivated to become a villain? In canon? I’ve already warped a lot of this post with my own fanon but I’m trying to keep within the realm of canon for this point specifically since you could take a second to push Hawks over the edge in fanon and be done with it. But why would Horikoshi specificially do it?
The fact is hero society sucks. A lot. And I think Hawks recognizes that fact being the most “grounded” and cynical of the bunch. His views and visions of hero society aren’t warped by fantasies and such (which is probably why he doesn’t like All Might...) so he understands what’s happening around him. He understands the mechanisms of hero society and how “valuable” quirks are viewed as in their capitalist society.
But also, he doesn’t  have that much of an option other than trying to lessen the burden placed upon him. Because he’s a single man, and even with his influence, he can’t change society. He’s powerless to do so, even considering who he is. He’s seen as a role model to those in society, but it’s because of his ranking that ironically fuels why people even look up to him: denouncing that would be kind of silly considering it’s the reason why people would listen in the first place.
And this is the point where I say... Shigaraki had a point. Hero society is flawed. It shouldn’t be so reliant on one person to carry it all.
But also hero society itself is bullshit. The ranking system? Horrible. The fact that the hero commission views them as tools for their own disposal? Horrible. The mere fact they basically bribe Hawks into becoming a hero? Like? “Hey kid you’re the best at being a hero so that’s what you should do. we’re only going to give you financial support if you become a hero so you might as well” like what is Hawks supposed to do in that sort of situation? Of course he’s going to succumb to the pressure.
I don’t believe in this whole “sacrifice for the greater good” bullshit. If Hawks wants to be a hero, that’s a whole another story, but if Hawks doesn’t, then he shouldn’t have been forced into that role. It’s about agency--it’s about letting him decide for himself if it’s what he wants to do. And it’s... a gray area for morality. “It’d be selfish for him to let people die!” Who is in the right to say whether or not he should use his “powers” for others’ sake? Me? You? The Hero commission?
So if Horikoshi goes down the path of “hey hero society is extremely bad and needs to change” and Hawks recognizes the League as a proponent for that change, then with a lot of development, it’s plausible in the future. I understand that Hawks, as of what we currently see, is too upheld by his own morals to ever even think about crossing that line, but people change. Hell, you recognized how the High End arc changed Endeavor and made miles of metas about it.
So, is it really far-fetched to say villain!Hawks is just a dream?
Maybe I’m a fool or an optimist, but I’d love to see Horikoshi take that path. Not because I’m horny for evil boyfriends, but it’d be a nice change of pace and we’d get to see a complete contrast of Hawks’ experiences. And it wouldn’t be easy-it’d had to be done right. Just like Endeavor’s redemption arc--if Horikoshi is still planning it. (Let’s be honest: High End Arc was not a formal redemption. I think it was Horikoshi letting the readers know “there might be something worth saving in Endeavor!” but i digress because i don’t care enough about endeavor (his character and redemption has 0 appeal to me and thats FINE. YOU DO YOU AND I DO ME, I only talk about him when it’s essential to talk about the influence he has on characters I DO care about).
As to why people like to characterize the moment Hawks decides to quit being a villain being attributed to Hawks learning Endeavor is an abuser...
The fallout, as mentioned earlier, could vary. A lot. Hawks really looked up to Endeavor when he was young. Again, shattering to find out something so nasty about the one you idolized.
To know that the one Hawks looked up used his wife just like how the hero commission used Hawks. Like an object or tool at their disposal. 
Would he be vengeful or spiteful towards Endeavor personally? To others, probably yes. To me? I’m kind of in the “eh” skeptical ballpark so I guess we somewhat agree on that. To me, Endeavor being exposed as an abuser would  crush that small slither of childish hope that hero society represents something bigger than themselves. Did Hawks ever get to have the childhood Deku had where he was still cheering on the heroes from behind the screen, or did it get crushed just as quickly when he realized how hero society truly works?
Because hero society isn’t bigger than themselves. It shouldn’t be idolized so heavily as it is presented in BNHA.
At least, not in its current state. And people who don’t fit in that group or agree with its ideals suffer the consequences. Like Shigaraki. Like Twice and Spinner. Like Gentle.
These are all villains that are products of society that promised to stamp out villains. And when Hawks realizes that it’s just a never ending cycle where the people left in between the cracks are the ones who perpetuate the system itself...
Like you said, Hawks sees the bigger picture. And his goal is to lessen the burden of the workload for heroes. There will never be a shortage of everyday criminals using their quirks for petty crimes but what about the bigger picture organizations? How are they going to be stopped? What about examining the root core of the problem and going from there? No more short-term solutions to problems... What can Hawks, mighty number two hero, do even at the expense of himself? Hmm... 
I don’t know, just some food for thought. Something I’ve seen done for villain!hawks is the hero commission throwing Hawks under the bus for some reason and Hawks either a) joins the league to gleam more information but finds himself willing to stay or b) has nowhere else to go and it’s more of a push for Hawks to orbit towards the League.
I am really thankful for your thoughts! Even though we don’t agree on things, I think discussion is still possible (whenever my anxiety stops bashing me in the head) and I’m always willing to accept I may be wrong about something. At this point in time (3/27/2019), we have less than 10 chapters released that centers around Hawks, but he’s certainly intrigued a lot of people considering he’s already #4 in popularity from so little chapters released! I think he and his introduction to BNHA represent the more cynical side of hero society that we haven’t been able to properly see from Deku’s perspective!
And I’m interested in what direction Horikoshi is going to take Hawks’ character in! The one thing I’m truly against is Hawks staying the “good little hero” in the end--whether he dies, becomes a villain, or hell even just stops being a hero is good enough for me. Free the bird or kill him off is what I’d want to see. That’d be enough of a character arc for me. Characters change, and it’d be silly to expect Hawks to stay the same especially since he has a lot of baggage on his shoulders and his current situation as a double agent for the League is precarious--despite him stating that he was willing to sacrifice his own reputation for the good of everyone, there’s no guarantee that he wouldn’t feel at least some degree of hurt over losing the respect of everyone and his colleagues. 
My thoughts are pretty clunky but maybe someone was able to gleam something from my stupid 5 am vent...
I love Dabihawks, even though I’m not as invested in it as say Shigahawks or ShigaDabiHawks (which I’m sure you’d definitely have objections to considering your other salt posts... but not something I want to address here), and I still think DabiHawks is a great ship more so because of the dynamic than the aesthetic. But hey, you ship what you ship, you are allowed to express your disdain for the ship--I’ve certainly expressed my own disdain for the your ship in the past--and your salt posts which probably took like 10 minutes to type out provoked me to type out my own thoughts which took like 2 hours to fully process. Like I said earlier: you do you, I do me.
And again-- I’m not trying to “defend” here nor am I trying to “attack”. I just had things I wanted to say and I hope I DON’T have the attitude of someone looking down on you, because I think you have very valid opinions and thoughts and sometimes discourse can just be healthy discussions about how we interpret different characters. We are literally squeezing everything we can out of one character we love and there’s enough room for different interpretations of the same character ^^ If anything, I actually look up to you, which is why I’m too much of a coward to send this to you because oh my god i am so embarrassed about a lot of the shit that comes out of my mouth and i constantly worry about if im saying wrong things even though im open to people telling me why  im wrong about said things. 
tdlr; villains hawks very good. has nothing to do with dabihawks. villain hawks very good on its own. I agree with tumblr user on a lot of things, yet we see differently on other things. The world keeps spinning--I think it’s more interesting to address differences in opinions rather than ignore them. 
(the person this post was meant for will probably never see this unless i send it to them to whcih im like oh my god what if they roast me to hell and back despite me claiming yes i amn ot trying to destroy them or their reputation i just want to talk about this because i had fun trying to think about why i love villain hawks so much aaaaa maybe i am just a delusional fangirl but im also a delusional fangirl who wrote multiple paragraphs about this so... /shrug)
end. again please dont interact. if you want to talk to me about it, inbox/dm me but i dont want this post to get notes. thank you. hides what have I done... 
this has been sorta meta but not really just chicken fucking around at 6 am and good night. maybe sometime in the next... month... ill have the courage to send this to the tumblr user. maybe when i have confidence... or maybe when i make mel look this over. that was a joke- she couldnt even finish my other meta piece which was shorter than this. :)
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, KAY! You’ve been accepted for the role of PUCK. Admin Rosey: One of the things I adore most about Puck is how vivid he is. There’s something about him that I believe is difficult to capture -- but when it is done, it’s done so well that you can’t help but feel a little breathless at how beautiful it is. Kay, you absolutely managed to capture him and add wholly new and unconsidered layers to his character. In this application you gave him complex dynamics, new layers, and kept him fun, lively, and chaotic all at the same time. Puck promises to ruin Verona (as if we need more of it -- but we do) and I can’t wait to see you wreak havoc with him on the dash. Be ready to be bombarded, because every single member is going to want in on this fun.. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
out of character
Alias  |  kay Age  |  19 Preferred Pronouns  |  she/her Activity Level  |  6/10 - i’m in my freshman year of college so i only have time to properly write two or three times in a week, a lot more often on weekends. i’m also on discord almost all the time on mobile! Timezone  |  gmt+3 Current/Past RP Accounts  |  my 1x1 blog, a more recent account, and a past one
in character
Character  |  puck, pavel lam!
What drew you to this character? |  i have to admit i’m always drawn towards chaotic characters, and this chaotic neutral crime boy easily caught my attention. i could imagine him tripping over a wire and going ‘oops’ when he accidentally triggers a bomb, i could imagine him running away at the first sight of being committed (to anything and anyone), and with his wicked sense of humor and personality, i feel like he would be a really fun character to play with. not gonna lie, i’m also a sucker for showing the other side of characters, and even though he is all smiles and grins with an easy sense of humor, i also am very interested in things that could trouble him and make him quiver.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character?
FAIR IS FOUL, FOUL IS FAIR: you run from your conscience like you ran away when you shoplifted the first time, heart racing, beat pulsing, throwing yourself forward even though you are out of breath. lies fall from your lips easily, glitter hiding the darkness of the abyss you have ignored for so long. there is only so much you can ignore, so much you can attempt to hide behind a carefully constructed veil. conscience versus pavel, it’s a battle he often wins, perhaps not this time. it’s a pair of innocent eyes staring up at him when his hands are drenched in blood, so familiar to a boy who was also once lost that he freezes on the spot. the question “where is mommy?” sends a foreign chill through his frame, something he hasn’t felt for years. pavel has to face the consequences of his actions, it’s not always just a face behind a trigger, but a family behind it, and seeing it first hand is always different than running away immediately and never seeing how things unfold after a body is found. pavel will run away yet again, but forgetting a pair of eyes may not be as easy.
HARD AND CURLED AND READY TO SNAP: when you pride yourself for complete and utter apathy, it’s not often rumors get under your skin, push all your buttons in the worst way possible, make you grit your teeth and clench your fist that your nails cut into your palm. pavel has always cared too little for what people say to him, what people think of him, but his vanity wins over sometimes, pride is an ugly beast that rears its head when he hears rumors about how he botched one of his first kills. the person in front of him laughs and mocks, and he admires himself for not punching that smug face right then and there. doing so isn’t on the table for the fear of getting on the bad side of a mob, and even though pavel has always resented both of them with the entirety of his being, he knows what to avoid, for the sake of self protection. that doesn’t mean he won’t fight back however, he will find a way… even if it’s through petty words akin to those spoken about him.
LA LUNE NE GARDE AUCUNE RANCUNE: even the word commitment feels like a chain around your neck, “where were you born?” they ask, you shrug, and tell a different story each time you fill their glass with liquor. “do you have any siblings, family?” is another question that is a complete buzzkill, making you shake your head and say there is no need for such empty questions. you despise the people that brought you onto this earth so much that their only saving grace is that you enjoy living so much. those two, however? they deserve nothing, they did nothing. so it is not good news that you hear of them, stumbling into a distant relative who is way too mouthy, you receive word from your mother, which is a shock for completely two reasons. one, you hate her, and two, how isn’t she dead yet? an anchor weighing you down is the least thing you want, especially in this type of profession, and you hate that you need to deal with that also.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? |  yep! i love pain.
in depth ( in-character interview )
— ❝ What is your favorite place in Verona? ❞
   “whenever there is fun—” pavel supplies quite easily, leaning back against his chair, the signature grin on his face never fading. his company seems quite interested in him, and that’s always something he enjoys, so it shouldn’t be a shocker that he is going to take his sweet time. he reaches for the glass of whiskey on the table, swigs the glass slightly though he is all doing it for show, just a little pause before he drops the next line. “right now, you are quite lovely, so how about here? this can be my favourite place.” a charming smile follows, a game of pull and push he has played so many times. it’s only when laughter reaches his ears that he decides to answer it somewhat seriously… as seriously as pavel can.
   “it changes, darling, really —” he tilts his head a bit to the side, purses his lips in thought. such a gorgeous… and chaotic place as verona, it’s hard to pick just one place. “i’d say… twelfth night & the tempest? at night of course, it turns into such a… nice place, it’s always wonderful to dance there and meet new people.” perhaps that doesn’t disclose the entire truth, but he isn’t willing to add anything else either. as night goes on and with more alcohol in his veins, he will soon realize that perhaps the home he built for himself is the place he treasures the most, something he built from scratch. for someone with no origins and no home, pavel is quite proud of his ‘humble’ abode, looking out to the city at night in his balcony, imagining everything that goes on in those dirty streets. a part of him longs to be there, a part of him already thinks of the next job ahead — one thing for sure, he doesn’t have it half bad.
— ❝ What does your typical day look like? ❞
  “well — i usually wake up late, as late as i possibly can.” it’s already late enough already, and pavel has always been fond of the night more than the day. when it comes to his occupation, however, it’s not a complete myth that most of the crime happens at night. in his case, he would say a little more than half of his jobs do take place when it’s dark outside, but it isn’t a necessity to only kill at night — whatever is required of him, he will supply, if they compensate him properly. his tendency to sleep-in, on the other hand, is mostly because he loves being outside when it’s late, when everything takes a different quality, the city bares itself open to the stars and all the secrets flow out. it’s enchanting, and when he isn’t drunk or too busy to go through with a kill, pavel takes time to enjoy it, whenever he can.
 the rest of the day, though, it utterly depends on what he is supposed to be doing, if he needs to gather information on a target, or simply needs to pay the bills, no two days of pavel lam are identical. but there is so much you can disclose over drinks, which is why he continues on, just as lightly. it’s always fun to figure out which identity he will pick up next, which details he will use to embellish his lies. it’s not the most original one this time, but he knows it’s dull enough that no one will question him. “however, if i have morning classes, i have to get up early. it’s torture, i’m telling you —” he shudders as a part of the play, sighing and plopping his face on his hand thats propped up on an elbow on the side of the bar. “then i’ll have classes… i’m looking forward the end of this year, i truly am. part-time work at a coffee shop is hell, but i make do. hopefully with a degree, people will pay me better.” education isn’t something pavel has ever cared about in his life, and the only few times he was in the radius of a college was for a job. he’s always seen it as an unnecessary luxury, empty expectations people await from their children. who needs to waste their lives in schools? look at pavel, he’s doing just fine. food on his table, designer clothes on his back, what else can someone need? he grins as always in the end, swatting his hand alongside the faux frown on his face from seconds before. “and at night… i’ll go to bed. it’s quite dull really.” he usually rubs the blood off of his hands before that but eh, it’s close to the truth, he muses.
— ❝ What has been your biggest mistake thus far? ❞
   a puff of breath leaves his mouth at that, the grin faltering for the shortest of seconds. that’s not a question he has to answer often, and constructing a lie will take slightly longer for that reason. “not buying you another drink?” he asks, tilting his head again as he signs the bartender to fill their drinks. it’s a question that throws him off rhythm, but pavel has worked on a façade for so long that it’s not easy to break it with just one question. he supposes a normal college student could say “the truth is, i had to change majors, wasted a year, my parents were pissed”, and so he does, adding a shrug at the end of it. it’s not easy to admit your mistakes, and it’s even more difficult when you’re pavel lam. one that comes to his mind the most prominently is the fact that he did mess up a job back in the day, let the target get away for a day before he tracked them down and finished the job. it had repercussions from his employer, and getting scolded is easily one of the things he hates the most. unluckily, he had to suck up because he did fuck up, but luckily, he managed to fix his mistake and the employer didn’t mention it to anyone, at least to pavel’s knowledge.
— ❝ What has been the most difficult task asked of you? ❞
   he supposes this also has to do with the story of him being in college, so he easily makes up a lie for that, a frown on his face to go with his story. “there are some difficult assignments, but if you mean in a broader sense… it was to try to follow what was expected of me. it’s a great burden you see, but i suppose i’m fulfilling it now.” it’s such a lie that he fights off a grin — pavel lam couldn’t care less about expectations, following in his parents’ footsteps, for he would be dead right now if he was like either one of them. god forbid. pavel adds mentally, he is much better than they could even dream of being.
  ( as he lies on the bed late at night, the answer to the question comes much easier, when he’s walking the line between being awake and asleep, his mind easily supplies him his first kill, blood spreading on hardwood floors, painting them a darker brown. he remembers the dead pair of eyes looking up at him, and the urgency of how he fled, how his voice trembled as he talked back to his employer about a job well done. he supposes, as quick as his first kill was, his conscience sees it as the most difficult task he ever had to follow. if you ask a sober and awake pavel, however, he’ll decline all of that in a heartbeat. )
— ❝ What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues? ❞
  now, this is the one that seemingly puts him in the most sour mood. he supposes everyone in town speaks about them, it’s impossible not to hear those two names when you live in verona, especially so if you dabble in the more illegal side of things. however, it doesn’t mean pavel likes any of those two mobs, if possible he hates them both absolutely equally. he takes another swig from his drink and displays some of his contempt as he lets out a “why are we talking about them again?” with a little shake of his head. his lies and stories have been going well so far, and even though he won’t break the façade he is playing, the idea of belonging to one of those mobs is enough to make him grumble. only after a second he continues, looking back at the person in front of him. if he could let out all of his thoughts, he would — but then again, self preservation kicks in. you can’t shit-talk those who run the city without getting in trouble. and for that reason and for the sake of not ruining the night, he filters it, he doesn’t trust this person to tell them his actual thoughts. “i’d say the city would be… easier to live in without them.” fucking idiots, he means. i wouldn’t be upset if they dropped off the face of earth, he holds back. instead, he grins again and speaks. “but not that i would know, i usually stick to my studies, my work — and the occasional night out.”
here’s his pinterest board, there’s a mock blog for him here and i have also posted two moodboards there: x, x!
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Shu Sakamaki - Dark Prologue
Karl Heinz-sans power would soon be inherited , meanwhile, Shu-san was–
Karl Heinz: Shu…I give my power to you
Yui: ….! Thats…
Shu: …….
Shu: anyhow, as contempt as it is(1), why would you give me your power?
Shu: whatever, do as you like, but…shut your mouth afterwards.
Karl Heinz: Fufu
Karl Heinz: If you say you are prepared, accept the power of a king.
-screen fades and scenery changes to present-
Yui: (At that time…Karl Heinz-san somehow looked happy)
Yui: (But, it’s true. Shu-san did not deny that power.)
Yui: (surely he didn’t, since Karl Heinz-san is his father)
Yui: (even if I think his father may not have been there for him…)
Yui: (but…)
-screen fades, flashback-
Yui: Shu-san, do you really accept Karl Heinz-sans power?
Shu: Ah, yes
Shu: My body feels strange. I guess it’s this power.
Yui: I see…
Shu: …Haa
Shu: geez, what a troublesome thing, why don’t I feel like myself…
Shu: As usual, he’s a selfish person
Yui: (Saying such a thing…)
Shu: But…at some point It was going to be like this so, I don’t particularly care.
Yui: (that’s right, Shu-san is that kind of person)
Yui: (From his childhood, I was told that his mother is beatrix)
Yui: (It’s only natural that you prepare for such a thing…)
Yui: (But…)
Yui: (Now, it does not look like Shu-san is as ok as he says)(2)
Yui: if anything, he’s uneasy(2)
Shu: Let’s go
Yui: Eh?…? Go, where?
Shu: The demon world. We can’t stay here forever.
Yui: eh? but…
Yui: (Shu-sans powers? I guess he did succeed in place of his father)
Yui: (If he did succeed Karl Heinz-san, did he really become vampire king?)
Yui: (If so, I guess we should stay in the demon world…)
Shu: whats wrong?
Yui: umm…I wonder if it’s ok to leave for the demon world….
Shu: You do not have to come if you don’t want. But, it’s best to leave quickly.
Yui: Why?
Shu: I said it already, my body feels strange
Shu: That means, my power isn’t yet familiar with my body.
Shu: As it is, I cannot yet control my power. It’d be troublesome for something to happen.
Shu: So, let’s go to the demon world. That way, I can restrict my power.
Yui: (that’s right…someone said that you can restrict magical power in that world)
Yui: (But….does a king like Shu really need to go to the demon world to do that?)
Shu: …….If you don’t follow, I’ll leave you here
/shu walks away/
Yui: ….! P-Please wait…..!
/yui runs after him/
-screen fades to black, scene changes-
Shu: *yawns*…..sleep….
Yui: ……
Yui: (Although time has past since then, Shu-sans appearance has not changed)
Yui: (As said at that time, his power is restricted in the lower world)
Yui: (Shu-san does seem to feel better in the demon world anyway)
Shu: hey, come here…
Yui: eh?
Yui: Kya….!
Shu: from little while ago, you’ve been silent
Shu: By any chance, have you been thinking pointless things?
Yui: I was thinking about things….
Shu: Really?
Yui: (…..What should I say? I can’t say I was thinking about Shu-san)
Yui: (…..I have to divert from what I was actually thinking….)
Yui: It’s about before
Yui: (By the way, I wonder what it was after all…)(3)
Shu: Haa…that…apart from that, what’s bothering you?
Yui: Well, I have been thinking about the person who snuck in….
Shu: You should leave such a thing alone. If he has the desire to snoop around this house, he may do as he likes.
Yui: ….
Yui: (Shu-san seems a lot like himself. But….I feel bad after all that…)
Shu: What is it? Is there something wrong?
Yui: Something is wrong….however, i am worried
Shu: Oh, I see
Shu: then, from today sleep in my room
Yui: Eeh…!
Shu: you don’t have to be so surprised
Shu: Almost, until now, you’ve come to my bed again and again.
Yui: S-Such a thing…!
Shu: oh, you haven’t done such a thing?
What about just recently when…
Yui: P-Please don’t tease me…
Shu: Kuku….well, I do not mind, but why should I follow your words obediently?
Shu: anyways, I was worried. So, I will be back in my room.
/Shu walks away/
Yui: huh? Why now?
Yui: (that’s…)
/yui runs after Shu/
Yui: Shu-san, please wait. Your earphones..
Shu: Nn? Ah…I didn’t notice
/he takes them/
Shu: Haa….
/shu walks away again/
Yui:( Just now, he put his earphones in his pocket…)
Yui: (It’s somehow strange.. He usually has them in his ears or around his neck…)
Yui: (Although, recently he hasn’t been listening to music)
Yui: (Maybe, because he came back here?)
Yui: (I’m probably thinking too much)
/Screen goes black/
Yui: (I think I’ll sleep now)
/yui closes her eyes, footsteps heard/
Yui: (….Footsteps? Who could it be?….)
Yui: (…Maybe, it’s…)
/door opens/
Yui: (eh, They’re in the bedroom…! w-what should I do…!)
Yui: (In this situation, there’s no way out…)
Yui: (I need to quickly pretend to be asleep…….!)
Yui: (S-Someones on the bed….!)
Shu: hey, are you awake?
Yui: Eh…
/yui opens her eyes/
Yui: S-Shu-san!?
Yui: w-why…
Shu: Haa…don’t shout in a loud voice. I came because you were scared.
Yui: ……
Yui: (so then, わざわざ)(5)
Yui: then, thank you very much
Shu: Anyways, that’s just an excuse [WhaT]
Yui: Eh?
Shu: really, I didn’t want to sleep.
Yui: (Shu-san…?)
Yui: what happened?
Shu: It’s not a big deal. However…recently, I had a dream.
Yui: a dream….?
Shu: It was in a place I have never seen before, I was alone…
Shu: there was no water there, because of the desolate dry land.
Shu: In the dream, I thought that it was my fault. The world where I should be, is there.
Shu: I came to see that dream, after taking over the power of my father.
Yui: ….
Shu: Perhaps I think that it is an implication to the future due to I having power
Yui: Thats…
Yui: (Seeing the future…? It that possible..?)
Yui: (In addition to Shu-sans words, that dream seems to be a very bad dream…)
Yui: (I’m thinking about this too hard, aren’t I…?)
Yui: (There were various things happening, i’m sure he’s just tired….)
Yui: Hey, Shu-san. Do you want to listen to some music? That may change your mood, surely…
Shu: …no
Yui: Eh…?
Shu: music, no….listening to it will only make me feel worse.
Yui: …..? So then, what do you mean?
Shu: but, I see. I guess a change of pace may be important.
Shu: That’s why, from now on you are my opponent.
Yui: Kya!
/he gets on tOP OF YOU/
Shu: don’t get embarrassed. You’re the one who said it.
Shu: Will you entertain me until I get tired? [ Y E S ]
Yui: …!
Shu: I expect this from you. Nn…
/shu moves/
/screen fades to black/
Yui: (Yesterday was overwhelming after all…)
Yui: (Shu-san, after all was acting strange….)
Yui: (By any chance, was it because Shu-san inherited Karl Heinz-sans power?…)
Yui: (I think that, It may be a burden Shu-san….)
Reiji: You, have you seen Shu?
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san. Shu-san is…
Yui: (He may still be sleeping in my room…)
Reiji: …? What happened? Your face suddenly turned red.
Yui: N-No! Nothing happened! U-umm, Shu-san is…
Shu: business for me?
Reiji: A familiar came from the demon world. Some sort of personal business for you.
Shu: A letter? Let me see.
Shu: …….
Yui: Shu-san….? what was written?
Shu: You want to read it? Here
Yui: um, but…it’s in demon world literature, I can’t….
Reiji: lend it to me
/Shu hands him letter/
Reiji: From the Vibora clan? I see, there is an invitation that the leaders will discuss the future of the demon world.
Shu: Troublesome….discard of it appropriately.
Reiji: But, your opponents will be there in attendance. Ignoring it will make it even more troublesome.
Shu: ….Haa. It cannot be helped.
Shu: Write a reply. Is there a paper and pen?
Reiji: Yes, here. Good judgement on your part.
/Shu writes/
Shu: give this to the king of the Vibora /shu gives the letter to a familiar/
/flap of wings/
Yui: Are you going to attend the meeting?
Shu: It cannot be helped
Yui: I see, the familiar….?
Shu: when the familiar will returns, let the others know.
Reiji: yes, I understand.
Yui: (Shu-san, no matter how you look at it, you don’t seem to care)
Yui: (I just hope the meeting isn’t too troublesome…)
/Screen fades to black, kino appears/
???: Well. It seems to be a familiar….apparently heading for the Demon world.
???: hey, let’s follow it. I absolutely cannot lose sight of it.
???: Let’s go.(6)
???: It looks like it could be interesting. And I was just getting bored, good, Fufu….
???: hmm…..I wonder what I should do…
1) Wierd wording, hard to translate
2) Couldn’t find the correct kanji and word it correctly
3) Honestly I don’t really get why she said this here
5) わざわざmeans when someone does something on purpose. Although there is an easier way to take action, he/she chooses harder, more complicated, more troublesome way or someone takes action that is not needed.
6) Couldn’t find the correct translation
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tdrcycle09 · 7 years
Main Challenge #2 - Canvas Queens
This week, the girls got messy and gave us walking works of art inspired by iconic art movements. Let’s see how they did!
Analyse Thropic
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When I was assigned Surrealism, the first two surrealist works that came to mind were The Persistence of Memory by Dalí and The Son of Manby Magritte. I took a cue from the challenge description and interpreted “[n]ot actual art, art movements” to mean that I should represent Surrealism as a movement, so I took some of the most iconic imagery from famous Surrealist paintings (Dalí’s melting clocks, Magritte’s apples, and umbrellas and eyes, which appear in multiple Surrealist painters’ works). I also wanted to incorporate elements of Surrealism in the look itself, so I included the umbrella headpiece and a surrealist makeup look. My art medium was acrylic paint, which I used to hand paint the appliqués and the headpiece.
Lila: WOW. The level of meta that this has, you’ve got to look at it at a distance to kind of gage your references, but girl, Surrealism down. I love LOVE the melting clock poncho and I think you should make another one but with much more sturdier fabric because it’s such an iconic and original thing. When you strip the elements down to just your dress, ehh, it’s a stretch, but nevertheless, I do enjoy it. One thing you might wanna focus on is getting the black paint on your neck to kind of match the face if you can? and also what would’ve really improved this look would’ve been some black tights rather than your beige skin tights, try to remember that when you’re giving an illusion makeup, you’ve gotta conceal more of the non-illusion (skin colour). Overall, great submission this week!
Gluttoni:  This week I'm completely floored by the depth you are trying to offer the competition. You totally got behind the fact we wanted you to play with a different silhouette while being edgy as well and I totally think you nailed that aspect this week. Surrealism is definitely one of the difficult movements to portray and I think you totally grasped on to the key elements that would put yourself over the top this week. I'm a sucker for a club kid like face paint as well as the motif of melting anything so I'm a fan of your paint and poncho. I thought the  costume was very well balanced especially with the placement of certain lines and vocal points plus the shoes with this look just shows your attention to detail. If I were to tell you to fix anything I'd say you finally have the fit right on your costume but the pad need work. I'd suggest making new ones altogether and I realize face paint is hard to master but I'd love more clean aspects because the smudges on some parts completely threw me from the look you were trying to give. Anal, your work is definitely not going unnoticed, keep pushing!
Letha: This is stunning work, Analyse! Your movement is clear from the jump, and your use of typical Surrealism elements really helps sell the look. If I’m honest, the dress itself is a tad blah in terms of shape/silhouette, something like a melting clock hemline could have broken up the lines and added interest, but I love the poncho. I’m not the biggest fan of your padding, it could be smoother, I appreciate the effort and we can work on refining it. The makeup is honestly so cool. The shapes, particularly the lips on your neck, are very graphic and bold. In some places, your lines get away from you and get a tad muddy, and the black needed to be set with a strong matte black to really intensify the shapes, but the impact is still there. As always, I am blown away by your creativity and concepts, and you should be so proud of the amazing work you did this week!  
Toni: Bitch!!!! You can’t be..surreal with this look! The most striking thing about this whole look is the makeup! You really push yourself every week to grow and this is showing us that! I do wish that the white was more pigmented but a minor thing really! This week you gave us two designs and went with the more simpler one and I understand why but I do wish youdpushed yourself a bit more to give you that edge. I love love love the look I think it's cute and I love a good applique! The poncho is everything to me I wish there were hands on the clock though!! Over all well done this week!!
Soju: Great job! I love your mug and your effort on making your own outfits. It’s tricky to use black and white paint because it can get a little messy or muddy. Having cleaner lines will def. Help you out in the future. I love your umbrella! It’s a good touch ;)
Avana Noir
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Hello Judges and TDR community! For this weeks challenge I was assigned the look of graffiti and girrrlllllllll was this challenge a fucking challenge! I wanted to go for a very structured and edgy design for my outfit since thats what I usually think of when I think of graffiti as well as avant-garde. I made the prism shapes with cardboard and spray painted them bitches as well as the bodice of the dress. I added the colors that usually go with graffiti which are very bright and bold! I also included the black which is what makes the graffiti pop! I also wanted to keep the idea of our mini challenge which was to make an optical illusion! So i wanted to make myself into graffiti artwork that complemented my outfit and the overall look!. This is also my other media that was suppose to be included since that is paint on my body.  I also made a little headpiece out of a spray can and tool and fake nails out of poster board and spray painted those as well!. I really enjoyed this challenge and was very VERY happy with the outcome. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you so much!
Lila: OH MY GOD. This is fucking A R T. I love it, honestly an unconventional masterpiece. I like how it looks like you’re trying to blend in, and your ideas for fascinators are so fucking adorable and fun like I can’t deal. You’ve put in a lot of effort with this look and it shows. Now, one major problem I have with this is that you are standing still in each shot with your hand on your hip and the other looking like it’s holding onto something? Make sure you move a little or serve more poses, because the illusion thing with the wall is cute for a taste, but for the whole meal? Anyways, I love this look, I love you, great submission this week!
Gluttoni: Avana! This is SO GOOD. You are already growing from being this environment and I couldn't be anymore proud. As the weeks continue I hope to see you flourish even more. This week I think you gave IT to us because I love the overall shape of this look. It's definitely the edginess we were asking from all of you girls. With so little time I think this look shows that you know how to use your time effectively and you are definitely in control of whatever is thrown at you. I do think there are still some kinks you need to work out with the technical aspects of your makeup and hair because again I am getting abuela... If you were to sharpen the eye and add more overall angles to your face, I think that could totally shave off some of the age you are putting on yourself. Also graffiti is such an urban and contemporary art form I think this look could have benefited from being more inspired by street fashion instead of a couture leaning type of look but that's just me nitpicking. Nonetheless I see the work and effort you are putting into this game and I think you are definitely standing your ground.
Letha: A CAN OF SPRAY PAINT IN HER HAIR, BITCH! Honestly, Banksy who?? This look is incredible, Avana. The shapes and colors you used all make sense for the movement, and even your staging shows a great eye for detail. There’s an overall sort of “blended structure” to the look, that has all these sharp lines from the chest piece that are then blown out by the paint itself, it’s very intriguing. The hair is simple, but it makes sense because there is SO much else going on with the look. If there was one part of the look I wasn’t sold on, it would be the makeup. I wish it was  bit more graphic, perhaps with some dark, angular brows? Making those out of cardboard and gluing them on would honestly been a nice touch. A red lip might have also had more impact here, since it would be more cohesive with the look. All in all though, I am VERY impressed by your work this week Avana, great job!
Toni: YALL WANTED ART EH? I am so proud of you this week! You really did push yourself and it shows!!! I love love love that you painted your whole body bitch, and I love that you painted a background, it really adds to the fantasy!! I think you did well, but I do worry that this may not be totally stable, it does look a bit like you were built into the garment. The head piece was super cute! I do think you need to spend some time to speak to your judges to really work on your makeup!! But I am so proud of you!!
Soju: I love your nails! I can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this look. You’re idea was very creative. I would like to have seen some of the colorfulness translated onto your face and your mug. That would’ve made the whole look cohesive. Also becareful when mixing too many colors. It can get muddy and messy.
Daddie Dearest
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Dada Dearest is h-e-r-e, here this week. Dadaism is a post WWI movement that critiqued society by using nonsensical collages, sculptures, and cut-up poetry. I'm a really great collage maker, so I focused most of my energy on that. The piece in totality does not coordinate, but it's not supposed to. Each element of the piece attempts to make commentary on modern social trends and the political bourgeoisie. It's abstract, it's informed, and it's going to make an impression. - xoxo, daddie
Lila: This is Dadaism to its peak. There’s little context in the eyes of a random passerby that has no idea about art, but you can see a lot of connotative value in your look which slays my gay ass to the fullest. Screaming at the glory hole, living for the nail polish cutouts as nails, loving the titty-ice cream bitch, like, there’s a lot to gawk at here which is amazing. Which is also a problem too. Likewise, if you’ve got a lot to look at, you start to see some areas don’t have that much to compensate? I don’t get the kneepad motifs, nor do I really understand why you didn’t put nail polish on the other hand too, it’s just that the amazing full-ness of aspects of your costume make areas that aren’t as full stand out. Overall, however, I love, LOVE this look. Great submission this week.
Gluttoni: Can you be my Dada, phlease? Daddie you when the fuck in on this! The sheer amount of detailing alone makes me want to shower you with praises. I didn't personally ask you about the story of each element of you look because I want to to be surprised and figure it out when I got to see the whole vision. That's what this look is, A VISION. Dada is definitely a storytelling art movement and I'm so grateful that you took the time to really hone in on that and really make this an enjoyable story to witness. The ice cream tripped me out for a second because I thought you were holding it but nooo it was just an incredible nod to the optical illusion assignment we gave you all before and I love you for that. The gloryhole face mask is just the right amount of cheekiness to make me want to sit through a fashion show with a whole bunch of looks similar to this. Overall ma'am you completely slaughtered my expectations and served it up to me on a plate. I want more, more, MORE!
Letha: Daddie give me Dada! This look is stunning, there’e so much going on and that is A-fuckin-Okay. The head/face piece is honestly my favorite part, it’s so voluminous and busy, and I love the shape it created. I like the boob motif, but I am lacking some shape in the body. The illusion there doesn’t work as much when it’s not a straight on, straight up/down pose, so either a cinch or some padding could help add a bit of curve. The accessories are hella clever, I wish the other hand had a little more going on (the nails being carried over, maybe?). All that in mind though, I think you perfectly captured the movement and I’m blown away by your work this week!
Toni: I am dripping from this look. Honestly I love so much about this look. You worked with your judges every step of the way and It really showed!! I’m glad you did makeup under your mask and didn’t jsut rely on the mask. You look so amazing, the head piece/wig is amazing and I know how hard you worked on it so good job. I do wish there was a bit more below the bust and I do wish you had really padded and cinched to get a more dramatic shape but over all this is such an amazing look!
Soju: YES! I love that you focused on your eye makeup when you knew it wouldn’t be the focus. This is very well thought out and flows very nicely. I like your body shape and the collage is not overwhelming the look. Also can we get into the hair?! It’s so good
Dotte Com
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Dotte dotte dotte..Look at me it’s pointillism! Using the art medium of SCREENPRINTING I was able to serve to you some self-absorbed, fan-art realness. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a big Dotte made up of little Dottes. Get it?
Lila: I’ll start with the good about this, I love your face. Your makeup has improved and your eyes are so fucking beautiful in this picture I can’t. But, I have to also be real. I had SUCH high hopes this week. Your look isn’t reading couture and is getting lost in the crowd, because this is essentially a tank top dress with a picture of yourself on it (which you could’ve told us you were using in your concept rather than keeping it hushhush). There’s really been no research here and it really upsets me because I know how strong of a competitor you are and how much you want to win this, it’s just that this isn’t a strong submission this week.
Gluttoni:  Dotte.... I'm utterly disappointed with this. I see so much sheer talent and potential from you that I find myself rooting you on in every way possible but this... I can't even defend or get behind you on this submission. To me it negates all my praise of your work ethic because this just screams a big fuck you to all the people rooting for you. If not for this having to be written you'd definitely be hearing a huge interpretation of my own "Tyra Rant" for you. I don't even want to waste time in telling you this look was just a total Miss for me. Your face is definitely improving but let's be real this look is just a BLATANT cop out. I wish you all the best but gurl...
Letha: I must say I’m a bit let down this week, Dotte. You were given pointillism, perhaps the most open-ended art movement on the list, which really gave you free reign creatively as to what design you would want to do, but I don’t see much creativity here. The makeup is okay, it ended up looking somewhat similar to your mini challenge makeup, but it does make sense. The look, which is essentially just a printed tank top when you break it down, it just too simple. You had the entire world as your oyster to do make what you wanted, and this sadly isn’t enough for me. The pictures are pretty far away and blurry so that small design is even harder to read as pointillism. I wish you had been in more communication with the judges with what you actually ended up doing, because I think you know you could have had a stronger submission. 
Toni: Dotte, I am so disappointed this week. Lets start with the good. I really like your makeup!! I think it is a much better and more polished (and dotted) version of your mini, I think if you worked on it a bit more this could be a solid makeup for you, and I am glad to see your highlight this week! Onto the look...For lack of a better terms i feel it is lazy, uninspired, and missed the mark a lot. lila unfortunately isnt a master of pointilism, to be frank she isnt a master at anything,  maybe buying pringles? I feel like you got frustrated and jsut kinda gave up and tossed this together last minute. I wish you had taken one of the many suggestions you were given instead of taking a design someone else made for you and putting it on a tshirt.
Soju:It’s really hard to see the picture but the idea is lovely. 
Ebony Boss
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Lila: I like this look, I really do. Your gown looks beautiful and you’ve kept to your strengths of a really clean colour scheme and I commend you for that. But, this wasn’t the challenge. You gave us the textbook definition of symbolism, while we were asking for the art movement of symbolism, with examples from that art movement as your inspiration. Edvard Munch, Henri Rousseau, Pierre Bonnard, those types of artists would’ve been so great to see, but this look isn’t what we had in mind unfortunately. I know how much you want to prove yourself in this competition, but it’s just not reaching high enough this week.
Gluttoni:  Miss Ebony, you and I both know this is not your best. Yes while this leaps and bounds better than what you gave us the first week, it's still notably weaker in technique and concept than some of your sisters. I'm struggling to actually see the symbolism in your look trying to convey purity. Yes it's white and sure the there is a delicate paper crane on your head but is that enough for a challenge meant to push you out of you boundaries? I think not. You look very beautiful and the look is very sweet but I'm just getting homecoming from this instead of avant-garde. You need to push yourself more my love.
Letha: I must admit, this look isn’t my favorite, Ebony. On its own, it’s okay, if a tad simple. When associated with an art movement like symbolism though, it just doesn’t stand up. While I don’t think you had to necessarily recreate another artist’s work, drawing some more concrete inspiration from the works of the time would have helped your concept. The makeup is improving each week, which is great to see, but there isn’t a lot of creativity with it, same with the hair. I can see your tried with the crane, but when there have been queens on this very cycle who have done much bigger/impressive looks with paper birds, it sort of sets you up to fail if you don’t try to do more with it. All in all, I’m not that impressed with the look, but I’m glad I can see your skills improving each week. 
Toni: Hello dear! It conserns me a bit that innstead of focusing on art symbloism you focused a bit mroe on the standard symbolism. Lila gave you many ideas so its sad to see you not take her advice. That being said I think this dress is nice on you and I’m glad to see you taking the tips for makeup!! This hair is nice but i do think it needs a bit more teasing at the base to get better volume. I want to see you a bit more padded and chinched as well and I want to see boob contours. Good luck dear!
Soju: I like that you picked purity. I also hosted a Purity Ball and I had to create an all white look. It’s harder than what most people think. I’m glad you decided to pick a pink hair to go with your look. The white dress is little bit too pedestrian for my taste. The headpiece also looks unfinished.
Judah Kiss
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Hi judges! This week I was assigned 'art nouveau', and I can now firmly say I have a least favorite art movement! While this was not my style at all, I am glad for the challenge. The main elements of art nouveau that I identified, were religious symbolism, feminine beauty, and depictions of nature; my idea was to incorporate equal parts of all three, while still not losing Judah as a drag character. I changed things up with my makeup this week in order to meet the challenge of a more 'natural' face; and hey! Flowers are very natural. All of the images I saw of art nouveau depicted a beautiful woman with long hair in an equally long, flowing skirt of some kind, alongside nature scenes and flowers. I incorporated flowers into the makeup and the belt, and using an embroidered fabric, I made my halo look religiously beautiful. I used fabric moss to give a ‘back to nature’ feeling, while not losing the overall picture of a woman, one with the Earth and its divine creator. Femininity is not something that comes naturally to me, especially in makeup; so this was a real challenge for me and I'm so very happy with how it turned out!
Lila: For how pressed you were for time, this is gorgeous. The entire outfit is giving me Lana Del Rey meets Jesus Christ Soap Star Superstar, and I’m definitely getting great Art Nouveau vibes from this. From the waist down, it gets a little boring, not gonna lie, but I can’t knock you for having a day to do this challenge. The makeup is really beautiful and natural looks on you are absolutely breathtaking, so don’t shy away from doing it from time to time in your drag outside of this competition! For me, I love this look. Great submission this week!
Gluttoni: Judah! I'm quite in love with you this week. I think it has something to do with how much you got the romantic vibe down from the movement given to you. You just look so angelic yet so down to earth which I think are the key elements of making a look like this work. You're a breath of fresh air when all the other looks are so color heavy. I'm loving your styling for this! The color palette you chose is beautiful and brown hair on you is just so fitting. Your makeup is gorgeous, I think the eyebrow and eye could be a tad more clean but overall you look so soft & pretty. The moss added so much to this and definitely made it a Judah look! This is definitely a strong strong submission and I'd be honored to see more from you in the upcoming weeks.
Letha: Okay, so I may be biased as I love me some art nouveau, but I really do like what you turned out here, Judah. You got a lot of the elements of art nouveau (plants/vines/flowers, round/flowing shapes, and femininity) and really made them your own. The makeup is perhaps a little softer from what we usually see from you, but I still definitely see Judah. I really like the moss/plant accents, it makes sense with the look and really adds to it. If I had some crits, it would be that wish there was a little more color on the makeup side of the face, as it reads most just brown right now, and that there was a little more flow to the bottom of the garment, perhaps with some vine trim or something? Besides that though, good job this week, Judah!
Toni: Let me start by saying how proud i am of you for pushing through this week, because I know it was hard for you. This is stunning to me and I really like your inspiration! It looks like you’re giving me drag jesus and I’m so into it. I think the moss was a fun way to put in the nature aspect. In the future I do want to see you start to push yourself and feel comfortable trying new things. Good job this week!!
Soju:  I’m so into it! Your mug… I think it’s breathtaking! I love that you used moss on your face. The whole look really works well together and you look sickening. You look like a drag Jesus really to bless the children in nature hennnnny.
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Cubism was the form of art that used and abused of asymmetrical shapes and tons of shades of color. It's about making it look non-proportional and edgy. I truly thank I was able to embody this art form and serve my cubism soul on the runway.
Lila: When we were discussing your elements in seperates, I was totally for this concept. Its just when everything came together it seems like it’s not matching up as well as I expected it to be. I thought you would’ve pushed your makeup a lot more, since a lot of Cubism is colour and layers and all sorts of craziness, so I was expected some form of body art that had lines or shadows to kind of make it as distorted and edgy as your outfit. With your outfit, I loved that you used the style in that manner to kind of come up with the patchwork you have, its just a little lacking in desire. I thought you would’ve had the sleeve a lot larger, or at least have some on the other side of your body. It just feels a little lost and although it’s an okay submission, I wish you put a little bit more effort into this.
Gluttoni:  Klinker, I'm hoping we'll get a new silhouette from you in this competition because this seems to be your safe space in term of things you can do. Cubism is definitely something I did in the challenges video and I was hoping for more of a nod to that because although cubism is wacky is it's still controlled chaos. This just gives me more messy than thoughtful and artsy. C'mon qween I know you have more to give than this. Focus this next week on being cohesive and completely worked out head to toe.
Letha: Heya, Klinker! This look has a lot going on, and I enjoy the concept, I just wish there was a bit more polish. The lines on the makeup should be cleaner, and the blue side of the lips should be as precise as the red (the red side is great though). I see the shapes on the garment and how they go along with cubism, but I wish there was a bit more structure to the look, instead of being mostly drapey/flowy. The nails are a fun accent, I wish you had more of them on! All in all, it’s an okay look, but I’m left wanting more.
Toni: I am so glad you talked to this judges this week, the more you do it the better your chances are. I really like this level of creativity from you, i love the patchwork! I do wish that there was a bit more boxy shape and that  said “cubism”! I like your makeup and its improved a lot but I want you to make sure you’re setting your makeup so that you don’t look wet! Good luck dear!!
Soju:I see that you understand the element, but I think it was a bit too literal. I see that you tried to use shapes and colors, but to me it felt flat. ;) *rattlesnake sound* I do love your poses its super fierce. 
Lexi Lamour
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My name is Le Voleur. I was genetically engineered by a French mafia boss to be THE ultimate thief. Originally able to completely change color to match my surrounding environment and equipped with an appendage capable of creating an opening in any material, opening any safe, and being used as a working weapon. However, I was caught stealing from a wealthy and well known practicing Seer. Impressed with my capabilities she allowed me to leave with my life....but not before cursing me. The curse was that if I were ever caught again I would permanently take form of whatever my surroundings were leaving me permanently visible as whatever I was trying to steal. I became very careful and diligent in my work for years, but then I began to get complacent and sloppy again. One fateful day I was caught stealing a famous piece of Op Art by a museum guard. And thus....I became this walking piece of art. I was cast out by the mafia, but ended up finding work as a high fashion model for avant garde designers. While I love the fame and fortune....I truly miss the heist! Hello, Judges! This week I was given Op Art and I couldn't be more excited! I felt that there were so many different directions I could've gone with this but my concept instantly hit me! I decided to play with the lines and angles depicted in so many pieces of Op Art. Starting from the top: the headpiece was made from a piece of plastic that I cut into a circle and shaped into the form. I outlined it with giant black and white pipe cleaners to add some fluffy effect to break up the harsh lines of the overall look. It's also lines with checkered tape. At the top I made a cube out of pieces of construction paper and used black and white paint to draw different Op Art designs on each side. The hair I'm wearing....idk...to me I just loved it when I saw it and thought it would go perfectly with the challenge. For my makeup I attempted to do a black and white face for the first time(I'm trying to go outside of the box and give you something different/try something different every week). I drew lines following parts of my face inspired by some Op Art makeup I had seen. And the paint, as you can see continues onto my arms, neck, and chest. The top piece is a bolero I handmade using lined fabric. Underneath is a striped bodysuit that I had. For the bottom....starting underneath.....I have a black tulle skirt that I handmade. And the main skirt is 8 different parts. 8 pieces of poster board that I striped with different tapes in different angles, folded, and pieces together to make a full skirt. For the "adaptable appendage" I used a styrofoam craft cone, created a black paint swirl, and hollowed it out so that my hand could go in it and it would look like it was the end of my arm. Now, I am aware of some things. For one I know my makeup lines could be cleaner. And I know that my descriptions could be shorter, haha. But I just feel that I need to go into detail about how much effort I put into my submissions. Especially since I only had, with personal life, one day to work on this and accomplished exactly what I wanted in a 15 hr time frame all together.....I'm incredibly happy with my work and I hope you enjoy it.
Lila: HOLY SHIT. You come to our competition saying you had no creative energy and you turn out THIS? You’re giving me New York Club Kid meets Aaahh!! Real Monsters vibes with this and it’s so amazing to look at and hard not to look away either, like a real Op Art piece. This is just really hard to critique because you definitely are stating your claim as a look queen this cycle, and I hope this translates when it comes to selling performance and comedy too, because girl, you’re proving to us that you can climb this mountain to the top. Amazing submission this week, keep the momentum going!
Gluttoni: I'd be shitting brick if I were competing with you at the moment. Because you are proving yourself as a force to be reckoned with in this competition and no offense you wouldn't expect that from a girl named Lexi. THIS LOOK IS WITHOUT A DOUBT GLORIOUS! In my eyes you have went on a piss on this entire competition to stake your claim for this crown. If you bring that fire every week, it can sure as he'll be yours. I don't really have much to critique because I love this look so much and you really captured the vibe of your art movement so well! If I had to nitpick anything I'd say just the lines around your eyes and mouth could have been cleaner but overall this is perfection and I'm sure you know that. Keep fucking me up because right now I'm totally SHOOK.
Letha: Bitch, shut the fuck up. This is LITERALLY ART. Like if the body pictures were taken in a more “staged” environment, you would have me fucking SOLD. It all works so well together, and with your story it only adds to it. The garment itself and the headpiece are STUNNING, I’m so blown away. The tool thing I could take or leave, but it makes sense with your story so that’s fair. The hair and makeup make sense, and I know we talked about the pop of color and I’m glad you decided to NOT take my advice and use it, because it totally works and adds a nice contrast. The hair is cute as hell and also works amazingly with the look. All in all, I am just stunned by this look, and so thrilled that you continue to bring your absolute best each week! Fantastic job!
Toni: HEY BITCH OKAY YES!! Firsts off I love the story behind this and I think it really sold this look to me.  This also out off all the looks, reads the most as high fashion avant garde look out of all of them! I love this so much, mostly the drill and the head peice. I dont have much critques on the look. I Wish your makeup was a bit rough but thats something you could fix up next time you do this look! I love this so much, amazing job!!
Soju:  I can tell you put a lot of effort and time into this look. I do agree your lines on your face could be cleaner, however this outfit really makes up for it. The head piece, skirt, gloves, and everything I would strip it off of you and wear it myself. Great job and great execution. I’m really proud of this one.
Marcella Fox
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Hello dear judges! Lana Del Ray here, coming to you from an 1872 Dias Los Muertos themed party hosted by Edgar Degas :]
My art movement was Impressionism - to incorporate an art medium, I decided to paint the whole dress in acrylic paints, mimicking the brushstrokes that impressionism is known for. I wanted to look like the reflection of a moonlit sky, so I used blues and yellows, with a touch of magenta as an accent colour. I also replicated this effect in my make-up, leaving raw brushstrokes unblended and blotting my lipstick. I also hand-sewed some lace cuffs and a collar, evoking the style of dress during the impressionist period. For an avant garde silhouette, I cut off the sleeves, turned them upside-down and attached lace to the bottom, making long, dropped sleeves. I made a headdress from a paintbrush and a silk scarf, and left some of the sleeve area unpainted, as if to suggest that I could simply whip the brush out of my hair and resume painting my outfit. And I finished the whole look off with a handmade sodalite pendant from my friend (Heartfelt Amulets if anyone is interested). So that’s my impressionist look… I hope the impression I’ve made is a good one!
Lila: Ugh, you’re honestly so beautiful and I won’t start a critique without saying that. I can definitely feel your art movement coming through this dress and I’m honestly living for this silhouette, it’s giving my Katherine of Aragon meets like a Wes Anderson film with how the colours are coming through. The scheme flows through the outfit really well and I love it. One thing that I would’ve liked to have seen is that you could’ve done some sort of impressionist contour? I know it’s not much of your style, but it’s difficult to critique this honestly. Great submission this week, Marcie!
Gluttoni:  Marcella! You are sooo talented! I think what I love most about your submission for this challenge is that beautiful material motherlike look to you that a lot of artist like to paint their women to be. You look wise yet super edgy. You'd definitely be a muse of someone! Your hair looks so shiny and laid for the gods. The makeup is so clean and really highlights the beauty of your face. I'm soooo happy you gave us a new silhouette for this because it shows you can follow directions and be versatile. Your art movement is very blatant in your look and gives you an effortlessly polished vibe with how you executed it. I'm so eager for more from you, it hurts.
Letha: This is a verrrry good look Marcella, and it’s clear what movement you got. The makeup is soft but colorful and it goes with the rest of the outfit. I love the headpiece, it’s very Mother Mary,  and flows so well. I think the dress is cute and the length is very you. I see where you were going with the sleeves, but they end up looking a bit awkward with movement, I think something that still had a dropped/dagged sleeve while still allowing the hands to be free might have been better? But I am still in love with this look, so I can’t complain that much. Strong work, Marcella!
Toni: This is so classically beautifully and so eye catching. I think it gives me a little shakespearean feel to it and I really like it, it reads very much as high fashion!! I love how you hand painted the fabric to look like a classic painting. I wish it was  billowing with fabric that way you can have this holy, virgin mary-ish look!!! I love your makeup and over all good job this week!!
Soju: I think your look matches the name. Very Lana and very vintage. I think you know how to use color well. It doesn’t look messy and the right color pops. Simple, yet not busy so my eyes are happy with what they see! If that made any sense. I really like the vibe of this look, it reminds me of the old Romeo and Juliet.
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So when the challenge was first announced, I looked through all the art styles and I was in LOVE with superflat when I saw it, so I asked Marcella for it and I got it! Looking further into it, I found that a lot of superflat art plays off of consumerism and Japanese pop culture, and what represents that better than Hello Kitty? I went through 3 packages of photo paper and all the ink in my printer, and made my WHOLE outfit out of paper Hello Kitty faces. It was hell to put together, but I look fucking adorable. For the makeup I tried to do the big anime eye thing, it came out really shitty and I don’t know what happened. But this was a lot of fun to make and something different for me, so I hope yall like it!
Lila: UGH. God, I love this SO much. Your research is so sound and I’m so glad that you’ve used the medium to your advantage, and how the hell you constructed an outfit entirely out of unconventional materials, I love it. From your mini, I was really excited to see how you’d do your makeup for this challenge, because it was so exciting, and I feel like this a little step back? if your fake eyes’ colour was done in liquid matte, it’d pop a lot more. I wish you had a little extra on your body though, because it’s very beige in areas and if you weren’t wearing the blonde wig with Hello Kitty on your titties and skirt, you would’ve blended in with your wall in the background. If you wore a pink shoe and maybe painted your hands or wore gloves, it could’ve tied this concept together a lot better! However, great effort and submission this week, Paps!
Gluttoni:  Paprika! You are too adorable. This look is so innocent and simplistic. Which is something I live for because it's almost the direct opposite of myself. I don't think I'll ever be over how cute your runways are. The idea is definitely there along with the commercial elements of your art movement but it's just not as innovative as some of your sisters. I think the proportion of your makeup and hair is great and is showing great strides in your skill. Just polish up the rough edges if your presentation and you are sure to get high praise in the future.
Letha: Paprika, this look is so cute, as always! The elements that are there make sense with your art movement, I just wish there was a bit more? Having from the shoulders all the way down to the fingertips be completely bare really detracts. Something like wrist accessories (or any jewelry, for that matter) would have helped the look a lot, and totally could have been hand made and gone with the superflat aesthetic. The makeup is a nice attempt, but I think there needed to be more graphic lines and bright colors to sell it (the whites and the blues of the eyes read a touch dull, consider using clown white or something similar set with powder to really make it pop. All in all, it’s an okay submission for me!
Toni: Girl…. I love you to death but what is this? I really love the wig and think thats the highlight (i own five of these wigs soooo). I do wish you had done MORE MORE MORE because this commes off as boring and lazy and I want you to START STEPPING IT UP BITCH!!! I think it was a cute concept and it jsut..wasn’t full through out. I want to see you pad and cinche as well as nails. Step it up girl!!
Soju: I personally didn’t know what Superflat was so I googled it. There are so many more images and artistry you could’ve done then this. I think it lacks motivation and uniqueness. If you would’ve made hello kitty style dress with a interesting silhouette it might have helped your cause. I do think it’s adorable because who doesn’t love Hello Kitty, but I think it looks a bit lazy.
Phoebe St. Jefferson
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Hey judges! For my challenge I got Toyism! After being middle of the road last week, I really wanted to step up my game and do something unexpected of me. This week’s mini challenge make my confidence in make up go up a lot, so i knew i wanted to make my face really cool. I used a style from a mask i saw, and tried to make it very fun and interesting to look at. My outfit is a table cloth, and essentially two circle skirts, one for my top and one for my butt. To bring in more toyism elements, I cut up pieces of cardboard paper and painfully hot glued it to the table cloth. I hid lots of fun designs in the skirt, such as a snail, a bunch of faces, some stars and even a cross. Toyism was all about playing with art and having fun, and thats what i wanted to come across with my submission. Also for my art medium, I chose to go with sculpture and make a nice mask. Hope you all enjoy!
Lila: No thanks, I didn’t wanna do TDR a third time. BITCH STOLE MY LOOK! Just kidding, I love this. It’s super fun and really intriguing to look at. Your creativity is shining through this and it’s so exciting to see that. I love the colour scheme, I wish there was a little bit of cohesion with your wig colour and choice with that, and I live for the mask, really exciting and fun. One thing I want you to consider as this is an illusion makeup, try to conceal the non illusion (i.e. skin) with a similar makeup colour to what you’re wearing, i.e. black/red/white tights, gloves, even if you cut out hosiery and use it around your waist or something, that’d help a lot. Overall, a really fun submission!
Gluttoni: You slayed me this week Phoebe! I love your color palette I think the most this week. It's so playful and warm much like your personality. I don't think many other girls in the competition could have pulled off the art movement like you so you definitely get my praise for that. I live for the simplicity of the hair and shape of the garment but the funky textile you created just takes it over the edge on how great this look is. The face paint come off a little dry and I wish your lips stood out more in your makeup but I totally applaud you for this experimental look from you. I'm overall super happy with the strides you are making in this competition!
Letha: I quite enjoy this look, Phoebe! Toyism was one of the movements I wasn’t as familiar with myself when we were talking about which categories to use, but after some research I can easily see your inspirations and how this look fits into them. The look is simple yet bold, which is very toyism in my opinion, and the mask is cute. The face makeup I like, but don’t love. We talked about doing a red for the forehead/upper face, but I wish you had used something a bit more primary and pigmented, as this looks a bit “sunbrnt” instead of a bold red. Still, the paint itself is effective and I like it. The hair I’m not totally sold on, I know we had discussed a high pony, but I wish more of the hair was in that pony and back off the face, as it makes the neck area really busy when it could be sleeker. All in all though, I still really like this look! You did some very good work this week, so keep it up!
Toni: I love this so much!!! I love the masc a lot but this shape is so good for you. I think tis girly and very ,much your style by still being high fashion. The masc is weird and scary and  i hate it and love it. I do wish your makeup lines were clear and a bit more pigmented but over all it was nice. Good job this week!
Soju: I applaud the amount of creativity you put into you work! I like you think about your whole look when put together. Sometimes we focus so hard on one aspect that we forget or just rush to finish everything else. The makeup could use some cleaner lines, but I still liked the design. Also give me that wig.
Sugar Monroe
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Week 2 done! Score! Lol Hey Judges! This week I was assigned Pop Art as my art style and I immediately knew I wanted to be the comic girl in so many pop art pieces. But I didn’t want to be the played out crying bitchc Oh No! I decided to pump up the color and become the Neon Dream she was meant to be! So I present to you, Sugar Monroe as the Neon Comic Bitch. My art medium was paint and I used it to craft the purse and bow for accessories. I hope you enjoy!
Lila: While I was really living for this to emerge, I’m kind of disappointed by it. Seeing all of the seperate sort of elements starting to be produced, then culminating in this concept, it’s not working for me personally. I wish you considered going the extra mile and perhaps using a pair of pantyhose or something and using the dotting technique that you were opposed to doing on the pantyhose to give your legs that dotty-skin-look (although I see some on your nose to highlight, that would’ve been fun in pops of places!) I don’t know, I think it’s the calibur of the other contestants that have put me in a questionable mood this week, because I really see elements of Pop Art here, but not enough to dissolve my questions. I do think you’ve done a great job in portraying Pop Art in the makeup, it’s absolutely beautiful, but at the same time, I’m sort of on the fence leaning backwards on this look at this point. It’s an alright submission, I just wish there was a lot more to be desired.
Gluttoni:  Sugar, I'm not going to take to long with this because this look is cute and honestly just that. I was preparing myself for you to take it there with the look this week and I must say you left me a tad in the dark with this. Pop Art is just a tad bit more bold than what you're giving us this week. That being said I love the makeup and you always get it right with the hair but the accessories you made just don't make you pop as much as you were hoping. GIVE ME MORE!
Letha: I’m pretty neutral on this look, to be honest. I know you wanted to more/go bigger with it this week, and we want that for you, but I feel like we’re still waiting for this emergence to come through. I do see the pop art elements throughout though, and I can appreciate that. The makeup is great and it makes sense, just pull that wig forward to be ON or just behind that graphic black line you made. The accessories are hella cute (nails ayyyy), I wish the shoes were more fun though. The dress is probably my least favorite part? Up close the pop art style shows through more, but gets a bit lost at a distance. All in all, the look is okay, and an improvement from you, but one I hope to see you continue to grow from.
Toni: I know you can take it so ima be 100% with you. I think from the neck up (plus the purse) is really amazing and shows your hard work!! but I wish the actual dress was so much more, and I know that was out of your ability but girl… pedestrian  and i know you hate that word so I know you’re gonna step it up now. I think your original idea would have been amazing but...sigh. Good luck!!
Soju: I like the mug! I always wanted to try that myself, I think you did it right. Maybe try going heavier on the blush or contour. You are a drag queen after all. I do love the purse and the bow too, but what if you did that with the dress? I think the dress is making me question the whole look. It has small drawings init, but I can’t really see? Maybe a one neon color dress could’ve been better!
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boricuagoblin · 6 years
1-65 man u already be knowin
oof hello long time no see :^) 
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
ya my gf
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
don’t think any time previously 
3: Longest relationship you've ever been in?
mm i think currently
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
kind of but not really
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
one of them is fine, the other not at all
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
i sure hope not
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who's well known for cheating?
not at all tbh
9: What's the most important part of a relationship?
smiles, the goofs and gafs , and idk!! just having someone u care about and who cares abt u i suppose
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
serious ones
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on "breaks"?
ehh idk, i mean if it’s absolutely necessary and I think things should be discussed before something like that. like Ross from friends is a big asshole thinking it was ok to be w someone else while on break
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
13: What's one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
saying ily and letting them into my goddamn house oof jeez
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
i mean...idk like nothing before 16 i guess?? and w someone yr age,, thats a tricky question idk. In an ideal world i think everyone should wait till of age but as long as their safe and consensual idc
15: Do you believe in the phrase "age is just a number"?
i don’t really go by that saying, but if both people are over 18 whatever ykno 
16: Do you believe in "love at first sight"?
eh no
17: Do you believe it's possible to fall in love on the internet?
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
uh idk?? i have a lot i guess
19: How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
hell if i fucking know. i guess when someone isn’t happy anymore in the relationship...idk thats a sad question
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
I am!! :)
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
i mean...building a friendship before dating is kind of necessary i think? maybe not for some people, but personally
23: How many relationships have you had?
3 including rn!!
24: Do you think love can last forever?
One can only hope
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
Again, one can only hope
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn't approve of?
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
FREAKING TALK!!!!! COMMUNICATE U BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO ONE CAN READ YR MIND!!!!!!! and tbh thats pretty much it...im still bad at it tho
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
sure, probably not for me
29: What do you notice first about another person?
weirdly their nose? and eyes? then hair also What they’re wearing 
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
33: Do you want to get married one day?
idk! I try not to look too far ahead in the future lmfao
34: What do you think about getting your partner's name tattooed?
i mean..you do you boo but I would never do that I dont think
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
i mean yeah why not 
36: Are you still a virgin?
37: What's more important: Looks or personality?
personality tf. someone’s personality also effects how i see people, so if u have an ugly attitude, u Ugly
38: Do you enjoy love films?
they’re all usually the same but Yeah they’re nice, especially lgbt ones oof
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
HELL YEAH!!! i need to get flowers for her instead one day
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
41: What's your imagination of a "perfect date"?
idk probably just chilling im so low maintenance ....like maybe going downtown or smth?? to a garden idk!!! but it has to end w just chillin & watching a movie or smth
42: Have you ever read "Romeo & Juliet"?
43: What's more important: Your partner or your friends?
that’s a silly question
44: Would you consider yourself "romantic"?
I mean i gues?? idk i love romantic shit
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
I am tho
46: Have you ever been "friendzoned"?
LOL i think so yeah,,,
47: Which "famous couple" is your favorite?
me and samira wiley
48: What's your favorite love song?
so many shiut up......
49: Have you ever broken someone's heart?
i hope not..
50: If you're single, why do you think you are?
am not BICH
51: Would you rather date someone who's rich but a douchebag or someone who's poor but a nice guy?
rich but a douchebag, and I have my Gay lover on the side and I buy her really expensive shit with my Ugly Stupid rich husband’s money
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
ehh yeah? i guess i dont know
53: Are you jealous of couples when you're single?
i remember i was yeah a little bit
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
oh my gsdhajdf i never did that tbh?? not with face book but i think making a relationship official, like putting the label on it is important so that yr both on the same page! unless yall dont wanna label shit then do w/e!!
55: Would you consider yourself "clingy", "overly attached" or "jealous"?
I can be, yeah
56: Have you ever "destroyed" a relationship?
yes and no? they destroyed our romantic relationship and then i destroyed our friendship that she was trying so hard to keep YEET
57: Do you think it's silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
i don’t think any reason to consider suicide is silly what the fuck. No
58: Are you the "dominant" or the "submissive" part in a relationship?
dominant As fuck B 
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner's birthday or your anniversary?
60: What's your opinion on open relationships?
they’re cool, and I’m happy for people who are able to do smth like that! I personally could never do anything like that im super monogamous 
61: Who's more important: Your partner or your family?
62: How do you define "cheating"?
like...i think seriously flirting w someone or talking to someone else & developing a romantic relationship w them before ending it w the person yr currently w??? and anything more than that i guess ...yikes 
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
i mean idfk?? is it?? i dont think so  ???? idfk
64: Do you think Valentine's Day is overrated?
yeah but its still cute...but fuck capitalism
65: Would you consider yourself a "cuddler"?
happy early valentines day :^)
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