#but equally as determined and fierce and ready to go
theloveinc · 2 years
OMGGG IM SO HAPPY YOU DO ok ok yk how you were just talking about old widow(is that just for women?)bakugo? when you said grumpy grandpa and sunshine grandma(something like that) it reminded me of…EVELYN AND GEORGE
and us being so sweet and telling the kids all the sweet things he’s ever done for us they either don’t believe a word you say or they believe you and tease him with all the information but yea just a thought😁
also this is my first time talking to you so hiii
FIRST TIME??? WEEEEE HI, HOW ARE YOU and thanks so much for stopping by! many hugs to you!!!
Evelyn and George!you + Bakugo is such a Thought... I'm honestly kinda 😳 because George never actually grew on me (probs cuz it's been so long since I've gotten his scenes or my hearts were never high enough oops)....... but I admit this is berry cute to think about.
Being old sweethearts who settled down in the countryside after retirement, wanting to spend your the rest of your days in a cute little house + enjoying town life.
AND I LOVE THE IDEA OF no one believing you about Bakugo being a sweetie pie🥺🥺🥺 ... all the always kids coming round whenever you make cookies to tell you that you're crazy for marrying such a downer... and Bakugo just shouting from another room in the house asdjfjkasd. But of course they see it eventually, when he starts taking in strays, fixing bikes, or everyone meets the grandson you practically raised👀 and he's so nice.
THEN they really go to town making fun of him hehehe tho we all know old man Bakugo loves the attention and it just makes you laugh to see him blush or stutter out thanks you when kids bring him fresh, wild onions!!!
LMAO THOUGH you know what's also kind of a funny thought (and I think someone was mentioning this on here the other day)... Jodi + Ken!you + Bakugo..................... not that I wanna copy or take pleasure in the angst (I do)... but grumpy ass Bakugo coming home to you after a long time @ war or work and the whole town going nuts thinking he's super mean LMAOOO.
Anyway. Love this and love you, anon! Hope my thoughts were an entertaining add on<333
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its-avalon-08 · 14 days
HI! i know you are on brk, so do write this whenever you want, take all the rest you need carlos x norris!sister
age gap of about 3 years
angry lando, secret dating, angst then fluff
im backkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! im so thankful for all of the adorable messages, thank sm for the support, without you i would not be able to do this! p.s get ready for post spams because your girl had too much ready!!!!
give me a chance (cs55)
✦ pairing - carlos sainz x norris!sister!reader
✦ genre - angst, fluffy ending
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The tension in the motorhome kitchen was thicker than the stale coffee Carlos was reheating. You, Lando's younger sister by three years, fiddled with your phone, stealing nervous glances at Carlos. He nursed his mug, a self-conscious hand brushing over the small, purple mark blossoming on his neck. It mirrored the one blooming on yours – a secret souvenir from a stolen kiss in Monaco the previous weekend.
"We should be more careful," you whispered, pushing the stray tendril of hair that kept escaping your ponytail back behind your ear.
"Yeah," Carlos agreed, his voice low. "But seeing you in that dress..." He trailed off, a blush creeping up his neck.
A laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it. The memory of you slipping into the tiny hotel balcony, the twinkling lights of Monte Carlo sprawling beneath you, still sent shivers down your spine. Just as Carlos leaned in for another kiss, the door swung open and Lando burst in, interrupting your stolen moment.
"There you two are! Let's go, debrief's about to start."
Relief washed over you, momentarily eclipsing the disappointment. Keeping your relationship with Carlos a secret had been stressful, but Lando finding out was your worst nightmare. He was fiercely protective of you, the age gap somehow making him feel more like a brother than a sibling. He'd never approve of you dating a teammate, especially someone older.
The following days were a tightrope walk. Stolen glances across the paddock, whispered jokes in between briefs, unsupervised moments – it was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.
Then came this morning. Lando had been glued to his phone all breakfast, oblivious to the way your hand instinctively brushed against Carlos's under the table. But just as your fingers intertwined, Lando looked up, his gaze landing right on your neck. His eyes widened, then flickered to Carlos, who was sporting a matching mark.
The silence stretched, thick with dawning realization.
"What the…" Lando finally sputtered, his voice a strangled whisper.
Then, a volcano erupted.
"Y/N! Carlos!" Lando slammed his phone on the table, the clatter echoing off the metal walls. "What is this?!"
"Lando, it's not what—" you began, but he cut you off.
"Don't you dare lie to me!" His voice was laced with a fury you'd never heard before. "You two? Since when?"
Carlos opened his mouth to speak, but Lando wasn't done.
"I can't believe this! You, Carlos? You're supposed to be like family!"
"Lando, please," you pleaded, standing up. "We can explain."
"There's nothing to explain!" He threw his hands up in the air. "This is a disaster! You know I wouldn't have approved!"
"That's exactly why we didn't tell you," Carlos said, his voice surprisingly steady. "We were afraid of this reaction."
"Afraid? You should be ashamed!" Lando glared at both of you. "This is unprofessional. This makes things awkward. This messes with everything!"
And with that, he stormed out of the motorhome, slamming the door behind him with a force that rattled the entire vehicle.
You looked at Carlos, his expression mirroring your own – a mix of guilt, fear, and a stubborn determination to fight for what you had. You knew this wouldn't be easy, but one thing was clear – the secret was out. And the real race for your relationship had just begun.
The slam of the door echoed through the motorhome like a thunderclap, leaving behind a silence that vibrated with tension. You stared at the empty doorway, tears stinging your eyes. They spilled over unchecked, tracing a warm path down your cheeks.
Carlos reached out a hand, hovering hesitantly in the air before settling on your shoulder. "Y/N," he said softly, his voice laced with concern.
You turned to face him, tears blurring your vision. "What have we done?" you choked out, the question a ragged whisper.
Carlos flinched. "We… we just tried to be happy," he defended, his voice strained.
"But look at what it's done," you sobbed, gesturing towards the doorway. "Lando's furious. This is exactly what we were afraid of."
"We can talk to him," Carlos insisted, his jaw set. "Explain things better."
"Explain what, Carlos?" you snapped, a spark of anger igniting through your despair. "That we broke his trust? That we jeopardized everything for a few stolen moments?"
The anger in your voice seemed to take Carlos aback. He recoiled slightly, the hurt flickering in his eyes a fresh wound.
"That's not fair, Y/N," he said, his voice low. "We both knew the risks. We both wanted this."
"Maybe I shouldn't have," you mumbled, the words tasting like ash in your mouth.
The weight of your words hung heavy in the air. Carlos's eyes widened, a flicker of pain crossing his features. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
"Maybe this whole thing was a mistake," you said, your voice cracking. "Maybe we should have just—"
You couldn't finish the sentence. The regret in your voice, the implication that you wished you'd never let things go this far, ripped through Carlos like a punch to the gut. He felt a lump form in his throat, his own tears threatening to spill.
"Y/N," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't say that."
But you were already shaking your head, tears streaming down your face. "I can't do this anymore, Carlos," you said, your voice breaking. "This is tearing everything apart."
Without another word, Carlos turned and walked away. His broad shoulders slumped, his steps heavy with unspoken hurt. He didn't look back at you, and as the door to his room slammed shut with a dull thud, you sank to the floor, the weight of your words crashing down on you like a tidal wave. You had just broken his heart, and in that moment, you weren't sure if you had broken yours too.
Regret, a bitter taste on your tongue, pushed you to find Lando. You found him on the balcony, overlooking the bustling racetrack, a world away from the storm brewing inside you. The sight of him, usually your confidant, now felt daunting.
Taking a deep breath, you approached him hesitantly. "Lando," you choked out, hating how shaky your voice sounded.
He turned, surprise flickering across his face before it settled into a guarded expression. "Y/N," he said simply, offering no invitation to sit.
You stood awkwardly, fiddling with your fingers. "Lando, I…" The words stuck in your throat. "I messed up. Big time."
The anger you'd seen in him earlier had morphed into a wary curiosity. He crossed his arms, waiting for you to continue.
Taking another deep breath, you launched into a monologue, your voice trembling. "It started with his eyes, Lando, the way they crinkle when he smiles. And his smile, oh God, his smile makes my heart skip a beat. And then there are his hugs… warm and safe, like a place I can always go home to. And his kisses," you whispered, the memory sending shivers down your spine, "like fireworks, Lando, exploding with a kind of magic I've never felt before."
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision. "I love him, Lando. I never knew I could love someone like I love Carlos."
As you spoke, a figure appeared in the doorway, frozen in place. It was Carlos, his face a mask of pain, each word a fresh blow to his heart. But he couldn't tear himself away. He needed to hear it all.
You continued, your voice thick with emotion. "I panicked, Lando. I thought this would ruin everything, for you, for the team. But all I see is broken trust and a pain I caused the man I…" Your voice broke, a sob escaping your lips.
Lando watched you silently, his initial anger replaced by a flicker of understanding. He took a slow step towards you, his expression unreadable.
Then, to your surprise, he pulled you into a tight embrace. You buried your face in his shoulder, your tears soaking into his shirt.
"Hey," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "It's okay. You love him, I get it."
He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. "Just… promise you'll take care of each other. And promise me you won't keep things from me again."
A choked laugh escaped your lips. "I promise, Lando. I promise everything."
Suddenly, you felt a warm presence behind you. A tear slipped down your cheek as you turned to see Carlos standing there, his eyes red-rimmed, a tear tracing a similar path down his own face.
He didn't say a word. He simply walked towards you and pulled you into his arms, his embrace a silent promise. You buried your face in his chest, tears streaming down as the weight of the last few hours lifted.
Lando stepped back, a small smile playing on his lips. He watched for a moment, his heart heavy but strangely at peace. "Alright, lovebirds," he said, his voice gruff. "Let's not turn this balcony into a waterfall."
You both pulled away slightly, but Carlos kept his arm wrapped around you, his touch a warm anchor. You looked up at him, his eyes glistening.
"Thank you, Lando," Carlos said, his voice thick with emotion.
"Just don't break her heart," Lando warned, a hint of his usual playful banter returning. "She's the only sister I've got."
Carlos nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on you. "I won't," he vowed, his voice a husky whisper.
And you, nestled in Carlos's embrace, knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you wouldn't face them alone. You had love, forgiveness, and a newfound understanding – a foundation strong enough to weather any storm.
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imloyaltoscoups · 1 month
i'm ready | yoon jeonghan
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After seven long years, you finally find yourself in a place of true peace and contentment. The journey to this point hasn't been easy - the scars of heartbreak and betrayal ran deep, and it took time to heal and rebuild yourself.
But you did it. You persevered through the nightmares, finding strength in your own resilience and determination. With each passing day, you focused on your own growth and development, pouring your energy into your studies and your personal pursuits.
Completing your PhD was a milestone, a testament to your dedication and perseverance. It wasn't just an academic achievement: it was a symbol of your triumph over adversity, a tangible reminder of how far you've come since the pain of your past.
Along the way, you learned valuable lessons about self-love and self-care. You realized the importance of prioritizing your own needs and desires, of carving out space for yourself in a world that often demands so much of us.
The first years were undoubtedly the hardest. You struggled to find your footing, grappling with the weight of your emotions and the uncertainty of starting over. You were cautious with those who approached, wary of opening yourself up to the possibility of hurt once again.
But with time, you learned to trust yourself again. You rediscovered your worth and your strength, and you refused to let the pain of your past define you. You learned to allocate love and care for yourself, recognizing that you are deserving of the same kindness and compassion that you so freely gave to others.
You pause mid-packing, taken aback by your friend's unexpected enthusiasm. They shake the ticket with excitement, their smile infectious despite your initial reluctance.
"Y/N!!! We're going to Koreaaaa!" they exclaim, their voice filled with enthusiasm.
You hesitate, the memories of your past trip to Korea still lingering in the corners of your mind. The thought of returning to the place where so much heartache had occurred fills you with a sense of apprehension.
But before you can voice your concerns, your friend speaks up again, their tone resolute. "You're okay now, right? So it's okay to visit that country again. And besides, who knows when we'll have the chance to see our friends first ever exhibit. If you're worried of bumping with that piece of shit. Don't worry—I'll give him a piece of my mind. Maybe even a punch and a chokeslam for good measure!... I should have been with you when you went there" she pouted.
Their words catch you off guard, but you can't help but laugh at their fierce loyalty. Despite your reservations, their unwavering support gives you a glimmer of courage.
"Alright," you say, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "This is for our girl."
With a newfound sense of determination, you resume packing, knowing that this trip will be different from the last. Armed with the support of your friend and the strength you've gained from overcoming your past, you're ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. And who knows? Maybe this time, Korea will hold new memories of joy and adventure, rather than pain and heartache.
As you arrive at the exhibit of your best friend, you're filled with a sense of pride and excitement. You rush forward and envelop her in a big hug, a smile spreading across your face.
"Congratulations queen, you did it!" you exclaim, squeezing her tightly. "I'm so proud of you for pursuing your dream of being an artist. Look at the crowd!"
She returns the hug with equal enthusiasm, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without you guys. You two kept on pushing me to do this and here we are."
She then shows you around the exhibit, pointing out each piece with pride, you can't help but marvel at her talent and creativity. Each painting tells a story, a reflection of her passion and dedication to her craft.
As you admire her work, she offers you two a glass of champagne, a gesture of celebration for this momentous occasion.
"Cheers to you and your incredible talent," you say, raising your glass in a toast. "May your art continue to inspire and captivate audiences around the world."
She clinks her glass against yours, a wide smile lighting up her face. "Thank you, and cheers to our friendship. I'm so grateful to have you two by my side."
Together, you three sip your champagne and continue to explore the exhibit, basking in the joy of this special moment shared between friends. And as you revel in the beauty of her art and the warmth of her friendship, you know that this is a memory you'll cherish for years to come.
Time pass by and your best friend excuses herself to greet other visitors, you nod understandingly, letting her immerse herself in the moment. Beside you, your other friend suddenly excuses herself to rushed off to the bathroom, leaving you alone amidst the bustling gallery.
As you scroll through the gallery, admiring the artwork, a familiar voice calls out your name. You turn around and are surprised to see Jeonghan standing there, holding a glass of champagne. To your own surprise, you feel no shock or hurt at his presence. Instead, you feel a sense of calm and resolution.
"Hi," he says, his voice tentative as he approaches you. "How are you?"
You offer him a small smile. "I'm doing better than ever," you reply confidently. "I got my PhD and now I'm planning on doing my residency."
Jeonghan's eyes light up with genuine pride. "That's amazing," he says, offering his congratulations. "I always knew you would achieve great things."
You exchange conversation for a while, catching up on each other's lives. Eventually, Jeonghan takes a deep breath and admits once again that he is truly sorry for the pain he caused in the past.
You nod, feeling a sense of closure wash over you. "I've forgiven you," you say simply.
His eyes widen with hope, and for a moment, you see the flicker of longing in his gaze. But before he can say anything else, a commotion interrupts the moment.
A little kid comes running towards you, calling you "mama." You glance down and see your baby boy, and you can't help but smile as you scoop him up into your arms.
"Where's Papa?" you ask, and just then, a voice responds—a man carrying your one-year-old daughter.
Jeonghan stands frozen, his eyes wide with disbelief as he takes in the sight of your family. You introduce your husband to him, and as you do, your baby boy innocently asks who the man you're talking to is.
"He's one of the singers mommy used to love," you reply gently, trying to keep the atmosphere light.
Jeonghan introduces himself to your family, his emotions held back as he struggles to maintain his composure. But as the moment stretches on, you can see the glass in his hand trembling, a silent testament to the storm of emotions raging within him.
"Mama, can we look for Tatie?" your baby boy asks, his eyes wide with curiosity.
You smile down at him and give a nod. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go find her," you reply, your heart swelling with love for your children.
Turning to Jeonghan, you offer a polite smile. "It was nice meeting you again," you say sincerely.
Your baby boy tugs at your hand, eager to leave. "Goodbye, Uncle!" he chirps before running off with your husband and daughter.
Jeonghan watches them go, his face a mixture of shock and sadness. You offer him a sympathetic smile before turning away to search for your best friend.
As you walk with your husband by your side, his arm wrapped around you protectively, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. You lean into him, grateful for his unwavering support and patience.
"Thank you for being so patient love," you murmur, pressing a quick peck to his cheek.
He smiles down at you, his eyes filled with warmth. "You're very brave, you know that," he says simply, his voice filled with admiration.
You feel a surge of gratitude for the life you've built together, for the love and happiness that surrounds you. And as you continue to search for your best friends, you realize that maybe visiting Korea isn't so bad after all, especially when you have your family by your side.
In that moment, you realize that the greatest revenge you can provide to Jeonghan is finding your own happiness without him. And as you find your own people who cherish and support you, you know that you've already won.
part 1, part 2
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....... ≿━━━━༺JEONGHAN༻━━━━≾ .......
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ahqkas · 5 days
A funny little request of gf!reader who had a lot of brothers so she always had gotten into play fights with them. Soon into the future mattheo challenged her to an arm wrestle only to be completely stumped at her beating him.
STRONGER THAN ALL MY MEN ; mattheo riddle
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© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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GROWING UP IN A HOUSE FULL OF BROTHERS, YOU HAD ALWAYS BEEN BROUGHT INTO A WORLD OF PLAYFUL ROUGHHOUSING AND FRIENDLY COMPETITIONS. You were no stranger to the feel of a playful punch, the exhilaration of a well-executed tackle, or the strategic maneuvering needed to win an important wrestling match. It was in this home that you had gotten your strength and resilience, learning to hold your own and even come out on top more often than not. Your brothers had instilled in you a sense of fierce competitiveness, one that you carried into every aspect of your life.
So when Mattheo, with his cocky grin and challenging eyes, proposed an arm-wrestling match, you couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. You had grown to love Mattheo's confidence and his restless spirit, but this was an arena where you felt particularly confident. You accepted his challenge with a smirk, a glint of determination in your eyes.
The two of you found a sturdy table in the common room, drawing the curious gazes of a few fellow students. Mattheo rolled up his sleeves, exposing his muscular forearms, and settled into his chair, his expression one of easy confidence. You took your seat opposite him, rolling up your own sleeves and revealing arms that, while not as bulky, were lean and defined from years of spirited competition with your brothers.
"Ready to be beaten by a girl?" you teased, arching an eyebrow as you clasped his hand.
"We'll see about that," Mattheo shot back, his grin widening. His eyes sparkled with amusement, but there was also a flicker of genuine curiosity. He was used to being strong, to winning physical fights with ease. The thought of you beating him was both surprising and strangely thrilling.
Lorenzo, who had been observing the scene from a distance, decided to take on the role of referee. With a dramatic flourish, he placed his hands on top of yours and Mattheo's clasped hands, looking between the two of you with a twinkle in his eye. "On my count," he announced. "Three, two, one . . . go!"
The initial push was intense. Mattheo's strength was evident, his muscles tensing as he applied pressure. But you met his force with equal determination, your grip steady and your arm unwavering. The crowd around you leaned in, eyes wide with anticipation.
As the seconds ticked by, it became clear that this was not going to be an easy win for Mattheo. His brow furrowed in concentration, a bead of sweat forming at his temple. You could feel his surprise through the subtle shifts in his grip, the way his eyes flicked to yours, searching for some sign of strain. But you held his gaze steadily, your arm a pillar of strength.
Gradually, you began to gain the upper hand. It was a slow, inexorable push, your arm moving inch by inch as you leveraged the years of playful battles with your brothers. The crowd around you erupted in cheers and gasps as you edged closer to victory. Mattheo's expression shifted from confident to incredulous, then to something close to admiration.
With one final, decisive push, you slammed his hand down onto the table. The room exploded in applause and laughter, the sound reverberating off the stone walls. Mattheo stared at his defeated hand for a moment, then looked up at you with a mixture of shock and respect.
"You . . . you actually beat me," he said, a grin breaking across his face.
"I told you," you replied, your own grin widening. "Growing up with a bunch of brothers has its advantages."
Mattheo shook his head, still smiling. "You're incredible, you know that?"
You shrugged playfully, though you couldn't hide the pride in your eyes. "Just don't forget it next time you decide to challenge me."
He reached across the table and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I won't. And I have to admit, I kind of like this side of you."
As the crowd began to disperse, leaving the two of you alone at the table, you felt a warmth spread through you. It wasn't just the victory that made you feel good; it was the way Mattheo looked at you, with genuine admiration and love.
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mustainegf · 12 days
02!James tutoring you guitar and he has to sit behind you to show you something and he gets hard ....
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I took a deep breath, my heart racing with anticipation. Today was my guitar lesson with James, my incredibly talented and equally attractive tutor.
I had been taking lessons with him for a few months now, and my skills had improved dramatically under his guidance.
But it wasn’t just his teaching that kept me coming back, it was the way he made me feel. There was undeniable chemistry between us.
I walked into the small tutoring room, my guitar case slung over my shoulder. James was already there, tuning his guitar.
He looked up and smiled as I entered, his dark eyes lighting up.
“Hey there,” he said, his voice smooth and warm. “Ready for today’s lesson?”
I nodded, feeling a flutter of excitement in my belly. “Definitely. What are we working on today?”
James gestured for me to sit down, and I settled onto the cushioned stool in front of him. He pulled up a chair behind me, close enough that I could feel the heat of his body. The room was small and intimate.
“Today, I want to focus on fingerpicking,” he said, his breath tickling my ear as he leaned in to adjust my hand position on the guitar. “It’s all about precision and control.”
I tried to focus on his instructions, but it was hard to concentrate with him so close. His hands were warm and strong as they guided mine, his fingers brushing against my skin.
I could feel my pulse quicken, my breath coming a little faster.
James shifted closer, his chest pressing against my back as he demonstrated the fingerpicking pattern.
I could feel the firmness of his body, the strength in his arms. I found myself leaning back into him, craving more of his touch.
As we continued, I felt something hard press against my lower back. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but then it became more pronounced. I realized with a thrill that he was getting hard.
A wicked idea formed in my mind. I shifted slightly, nudging my butt back to rub against his stiffening cock. It was a subtle movement, almost accidental, but the reaction was immediate.
James’s breath hitched, and I could feel the tension in his body.
I continued to tease him, pretending to focus on the lesson while subtly pressing back against him.
His arousal grew harder, and I could feel his cock straining against his jeans. I couldn’t help but smile.
After a minute or so, James cleared his throat, his voice strained. “Are you doing that on purpose?”
I looked up at him innocently, my heart pounding. “Doing what?”
His eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against my ear. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
The air between us crackled with tension, and I felt a rush of desire. “Maybe I am,” I whispered, my voice trembling with excitement.
But then James’s hands tightened on my waist, and he turned me to face him. His eyes were filled with a mix of lust and determination.
“Do you have any idea how bad I wanna ruin you?” he said, his voice low and rough. “But once we start, there’s no going back.”
I nodded, my body aching with the thought of seeing his cock bare. “I want it too, James. Please.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. He pulled me into a fierce kiss, his lips crashing against mine with a desperation that matched my own.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.
James’s hands roamed my body, sliding under my shirt to caress my bare skin. I moaned into his mouth, my body arching against him.
He broke the kiss, his eyes blazing with desire. “Strip. Now,” he commanded, his voice rough and demanding.
I hurried to obey, pulling off my shirt and unbuttoning my jeans. James watched me with a predatory gaze, his own hands quickly working to remove his own clothes.
When we were both bare, he pulled me back to him, his hands gripping my hips.
I looked down, practically ogling at his cock, it stood tall in attention, one of two thick veins running up his girthy length.it was definitely going to be a stretch.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he growled, his eyes raking over my body. “And you’re mine. All mine.”
He lifted me onto the small desk in the corner of the room, spreading my legs wide. I could feel the cool air against my heated skin.
He stared at my glistening slick, just throbbing for him.
James positioned himself between my thighs, his cock brushing against my entrance.
“You’re so wet for me, baby,” he said, his voice filled with awe and lust. “Do you want this? Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes,” I breathed, my voice trembling with need. “Please, James. I need you.”
He didn’t need any more encouragement. With a powerful thrust, he entered me, filling me completely.
It was overwhelming, and I cried out in pain and pleasure, my nails digging into his shoulders.
James immediately paused, concern flashing in his eyes. He brushed a strand of hair from my face, his touch gentle.
“You’re doing so good, I know it’s a tight fit, baby. But you’re doing so good,” he murmured, his voice soothing. “You’re taking me so well. Just breathe.”
I nodded, trying to relax, the initial pain slowly giving way to a more intense pleasure. James kissed me softly, his hands caressing my hair. “That’s it, baby. You’re amazing.”
His praise and tenderness helped me adjust to his size, and soon the pain was replaced by a deep, burning desire.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, urging him to move. “I’m okay,” I whispered. “I want more.”
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he groaned, his hands gripping my hips as he began to move. “Even better than I thought.”
I could feel every inch of him, his member stretching and filling me more than anything ever. It was intense, and building with each movement.
“Oh, James,” I moaned, my head falling back. “Yes, just like that.”
He increased his pace, his hips twitching more urgently and demanding. The desk creaked beneath us, and the sound of our bodies coming together filled the room.
“You’re such a good girl,” he growled, his voice rough with desire. “Taking my cock so well. You like it, don’t you? You like being fucked hard.”
“Yes,” I gasped, my body arching in pleasure. “I love it. Don’t stop.”
His hands moved to my breasts, squeezing and caressing as he pounded into me. The dual sensations were killing me, and I felt myself getting closer to cumming. James’s dirty words and the animalistic way he took me only added.
“You’re mine,” he said, his voice filled with possessive desire. “All mine.”
“Yes, yes, yesss,” I cried out, my body trembling.
With one final, powerful thrust, he sent me into a frenzy. I cried out his name, my body convulsing.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum…” James followed second after, shuddering as he pumped his seed inside me.
We both shook as we caught our breath.
James gently pulled out of me, his touch tender as he helped me down from the desk.
“I’ve got to take you to my place, baby. Then we can really have fun. How’s that sound hm?” He smiled, giving me a quick kiss. “Mmm, I like that,” I sighed running my hands down his chest.
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ceilidho · 8 months
Soap is Puppy coded - desperate for attention, always ready to please, intelligent but never directly seen because of their snippy and playful ways, territorial with food but will share if he loves you enough, will hump you any chance he gets
Price is Bear coded - foodie at heart, is fierce and protective to you, has the brain cell among the group, will go out and get food for you if needed, his body gives cuddle bear but mind in breeding season
Gaz is Magpie coded - mates for life (once he has you you can never leave now), territorial if need be, extremely caring and attentive to your needs, sees something shiny or uniquely you he buys it immediately
Ghost is Octopus coded (hear me out) - determined, extremely intelligent even if they don’t vocally showcase it, will protect you (and possible offspring) until death, equally as caring even though he has a hard time expressing, the strong limbs
this but imo Ghost is cat coded......hangs out in the same room with out just out of reach to show affection. if you touch him though, he leaves.
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aleksanderscult · 5 months
A follow up to my other question; if we had a sun summoner (basically an entirely different person than Alina) that really was the strong-willed person who wanted to stand by his side and take part in his fight for the Grisha, what do you think he would have wanted that to look like? (And i mean beyond the fold-plot part of the show because we know the plot of s&b and how she messed everything up.) Do you think he would’ve ever allowed the sun summoner to act as a soldier as he had? I think I have a hard time imagining an Aleksander that would allow the sun summoner to go out and be in any possible danger without him present which sounds incredibly limiting to what they’d actually be able to do. I can’t imagine them being allowed to make very many political moves if he got his ruler/queen without his say so and approval, (especially not alina because every political move or even thought she had was actively stupid or the opposite of helpful) so I struggled to understand what he would’ve wanted and expected from them post-expanding the fold. Would a sun summoner with military experience or political experience like himself be able to ever convince him to let them go on military missions by themselves without him? I’m basically trying to understand what we could’ve had he would’ve been like. What would he actually be like if he had gotten the strong-willed, empathetic, political savvy with a functioning brain kind of sun summoner and what Aleksander wanted…and deserved. So much of the character we saw with Aleksander was who he had to be when dealing with someone like Alina, who just couldn’t think for herself, didn’t want to, had no political understanding on the most basic of levels, and didn’t have a spine for practically anything. This isn’t an anti-alina ask, i’m just wondering what type of Aleksander we could’ve gotten with the type of person i described above and what he would’ve wanted from them and allowed them to do. I’m really curious as to what he could’ve been like and truthfully what he had in mind because I struggle to picture what he actually wanted or what he would’ve done had he gotten the type of summoner he deserved
Okay, let's pretend that he got the Sun Summoner that he truly wanted and dreamed of (as you said).
First of all, he would take his time to figure her out. Her views and opinion about him and the Grisha persecution (just like he did with Alina in S&B). Let's say that she passed the test here. Let's say that he found her logical, strong, determined and fierce.
The next stop would be for Aleksander to trust her. He doesn't trust someone easily and he would have to make sure that this girl is worthy of his own thoughts and plans. That would take some time and it would depend on how trustworthy and honest that Sun Summoner would be. Let's say that in time she passed this test too.
The next problem we have is that Aleksander is a controlling person. He wants to have the upper hand on things like ruling, taking military decisions etc. In the beginning, I imagine her taking her with him wherever he would go. Both because he would want to keep her close and out of his desire to teach her things. Like "Look how I'm handling things. Look what needs to be done. Observe and learn". Because I kinda doubt he would ever find a Sun Summoner all ready and knowledgeable about matters of the state like he is.
That's why trust is important for him. Because he would have to make sure that she can be counted on for important things and she wouldn't turn against him or usurp him.
I don't believe that in the beginning he would let her take full control of the kingdom or even an equal stand with him, but! If he saw her ready to fight and take part in wars he would take her with him in the battlefield and, in time after seeing her getting stronger and stronger, he would let her go by herself. Like "We've got a situation on the northern borders. Take one hundred men with you, finish them off and come back." And that's because it would be impossible for him to be everywhere at once. He couldn't be both in the battlefield with the Sun Summoner AND stay on the throne and deal with other, ruling matters. Sooner or later they would have to split and he would be forced to let her go and let her do something by herself. It's inevitable and Aleksander would know that. Sometimes they would need to share the responsibilities. Sometimes Aleksander would have to go to Fjerda to deal with some drüskelle while his Sun Summoner would have to stay in Os Alta because an important meeting with some Kerch ambassadors must take place and other things like that.
Now, about the ruling matter. Yes, he would make her his Queen but for how much liberty and freedom he would allow her to have in making decisions by herself is a debatable matter in this fandom.
Here's my own opinion of it:
In the beginning, if she would try to make a decision by herself, he wouldn't like it. Because he's not used to have others take major decisions (having the King rule him in S&B doesn't count here because in that occasion Aleksander had no other option but to obey him). So, in the first years, it would be kinda difficult for him to get used to it. He would probably not let her decisions be put into action. Like "don't overreach yourself, okay. I'm in charge here".
But! (and this is important)
I don't find Aleksander to be that kind of person who gets crazy feral if his Queen disagrees with a decision of his. If his Sun Summoner spoke reasonably about her disagreement, if she was calm and logical with her own reasons of why she finds his verdict wrong, he would listen to her.
Alina in R&R had said to him that "We would be equals until I disagreed with you. Then you would do to me what you did to Genya."
I disagree. I don't see him that way. Just like I said, if her own argument is spoken in a calm, reasonable manner and in a respectable, honest way, he would actually listen to her. He wouldn't be "OH MY GOD YOU ARGUE AGAINST ME!! DUNGEONS NOW!!"
It's all about the way she'll say it and what is the reason of their argument.
With Alina it was different because she spoke out against him for a matter of high importance: his fight against the Grisha persecution and, of course, Alina's character didn't know shit about politics, wars and what needed to be done.
So, in conclusion, in matters of warfare he would allow her to go by herself if he deemed her powerful and capable to go by herself without getting killed or captured easily and having the right knowledge in fights and strategy.
And in matter of ruling, it would be strange for him if she started and taking decisions by herself from the first week and he probably wouldn't like it. But as the years would go by, I think that not only he would allow her to have a saying but also he would ask for her advice (YES YOU HEARD ME RIGHT).
(oh and about your question if he would allow her to become a soldier: yes. Mainly because all Grisha become soldiers and the Darkling is a man that believes in having fighting skills. Let's not forget how he was teaching Grisha to learn hand-in-hand combat apart from developing their Grisha powers. Plus, I don't imagine him wanting someone that sits on the couch everyday. As much as he would fear for her life sometimes, he would want her to be a fighter)
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yxlnst · 17 days
Elysium's Embrace: A Journey of Love and Adventure
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idol!Jeonghan x reader!y/n
🎀 Summary 🎀 : Jeonghan and you wake up in a video game, face challenges together, and grow closer, ultimately returning to reality united.
🧸 Word Count 🧸 : 1,285
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the city as you and Jeonghan sat in your living room, controllers in hand. You had both been obsessed with the new virtual reality game, "Elysium," an open-world adventure where players could explore vast lands, fight mythical creatures, and complete various quests.
"Alright, let's tackle this last mission before calling it a night," Jeonghan said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "We need to find the Crystal of Eternity to level up our characters."
You nodded, equally excited. "Let's do this!"
Hours passed as you navigated through dense forests, fought off dangerous beasts, and solved intricate puzzles. Finally, you reached the ancient temple where the Crystal of Eternity was said to be hidden.
"Here it is," Jeonghan whispered, his character reaching out to grab the glowing crystal.
As soon as he touched it, a blinding light enveloped both of your characters. You felt a strange sensation, like you were being pulled into the screen. The world around you spun, and everything went black.
When you opened your eyes, you found yourself lying on a grassy field, the scent of wildflowers filling the air. You sat up, disoriented, and looked around. The landscape was eerily familiar.
"Is this... Elysium?" you whispered to yourself.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Jeonghan's voice came from behind you.
You turned to see him standing there, looking just as confused as you felt. "Jeonghan, what happened? Where are we?"
He looked around, his eyes wide with realization. "I think... I think we're inside the game."
You both stared at each other in disbelief. How was this possible? One moment you were playing a video game in your living room, and the next you were actually inside it.
"We need to find out what's going on," Jeonghan said, his voice determined. "Let's explore the area and see if we can find any clues."
You nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement. Together, you started walking through the lush landscape, taking in the vibrant colors and surreal beauty of Elysium. It was like stepping into a dream.
As you walked, you noticed that your surroundings were incredibly detailed, far more than any video game you had ever played. The trees rustled in the wind, birds chirped overhead, and you could even feel the soft grass beneath your feet.
"We need to be careful," Jeonghan said, glancing around warily. "This world may look beautiful, but it's filled with dangers."
You both knew the game well, having spent countless hours playing it. You understood that while Elysium was a place of wonder, it was also home to fierce monsters and treacherous terrain.
As you ventured deeper into the forest, you heard a rustling noise behind you. You turned to see a group of goblins emerging from the underbrush, their eyes gleaming with malice.
"Get ready!" Jeonghan shouted, drawing his sword.
You reached for your weapon, realizing with a start that you had the same equipment and abilities as your character in the game. You unsheathed your sword and stood back-to-back with Jeonghan, ready to face the goblins.
The battle was intense, but you and Jeonghan fought with skill and precision, just as you had in the game. The goblins were tough, but you managed to defeat them, your adrenaline pumping as you stood victorious.
"That was close," you said, panting. "But we did it."
Jeonghan nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "We need to find a safe place to rest and figure out our next move."
You continued your journey, eventually coming across a small village nestled in a valley. The villagers looked at you with curiosity as you approached, their expressions wary but not unfriendly.
"Excuse me," Jeonghan said to an elderly man sitting by a well. "Can you tell us where we are?"
The man looked at you both with a hint of suspicion. "You are in the village of Eldoria. Who are you, and where do you come from?"
You exchanged a glance with Jeonghan, unsure of how much to reveal. "We're travelers," you said cautiously. "We're trying to find our way back home."
The man's expression softened. "Well, travelers, you are welcome here. But beware, these lands are dangerous, and not all who come here find their way back."
You thanked the man and decided to stay in the village for the night. The villagers were kind, offering you food and shelter. As you sat by the fire in a cozy cottage, you and Jeonghan discussed your situation.
"We need to find the Crystal of Eternity," Jeonghan said. "It's the only way to get back to our world."
You nodded in agreement. "But we need to be careful. We don't know what other dangers await us."
The next morning, you set out with renewed determination. You knew that the journey ahead would be difficult, but you were ready to face whatever challenges came your way.
As you traveled through the vast lands of Elysium, you encountered various characters and creatures, each with their own stories and quests. Some helped you, while others tried to hinder your progress. But through it all, you and Jeonghan grew closer, your bond strengthening with each passing day.
One evening, as you sat by a campfire under the stars, Jeonghan turned to you, his eyes filled with a warmth that made your heart flutter.
"Y/n, I know this isn't how we planned to spend our time together, but... I'm glad we're in this together. I don't know what I would do without you."
You smiled, feeling a rush of emotions. "I feel the same way, Jeonghan. This journey has shown me how strong we are together. I wouldn't want to face this with anyone else."
As the days turned into weeks, you and Jeonghan continued your quest to find the Crystal of Eternity. You faced countless challenges and dangers, but your determination never wavered.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you reached the ancient temple where the crystal was said to be hidden. It was a grand structure, its walls adorned with intricate carvings and glowing runes.
"We're here," Jeonghan said, his voice filled with awe.
You nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Let's find that crystal and get back home."
You entered the temple, navigating through its labyrinthine halls and solving complex puzzles. The air was thick with tension, and you could feel the weight of your journey bearing down on you.
At last, you reached the inner sanctum, where the Crystal of Eternity lay on a pedestal, glowing with an ethereal light. You approached it cautiously, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Are you ready?" Jeonghan asked, his hand reaching out to yours.
You took his hand, feeling a sense of calm wash over you. "I'm ready."
Together, you reached out and touched the crystal. A blinding light enveloped you once more, and you felt a strange sensation, like you were being pulled back to reality.
When you opened your eyes, you were back in your living room, the familiar sounds and smells of home surrounding you. You looked at Jeonghan, who was still holding your hand, a look of wonder on his face.
"We're back," he said, his voice filled with relief and joy.
You smiled, tears of happiness streaming down your face. "We did it, Jeonghan. We made it back."
He pulled you into a tight embrace, his warmth and presence reassuring you that everything was real. "I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for being my strength and my hope."
As you held each other, you realized that your adventure in Elysium had changed you both. You had faced unimaginable dangers and challenges, but you had emerged stronger and more united than ever.
From that day forward, you and Jeonghan cherished every moment together, knowing that no matter what obstacles came your way, you would always have each other. Your love had been tested in the most extraordinary way, and it had triumphed, shining brighter than ever.
And as you looked into Jeonghan's eyes, you knew that your journey together was only just beginning.
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someone-took-lost · 6 months
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here they be! the redesigns of my cast from my in the works comic, gatekey. for those who don’t know, gatekey is a story about witches who destroy monstrous creatures called sprites. and along the way, they pave the path for a new tomorrow for the upcoming generations. and while doing so, they uncover many secrets about their society in which they seek to change or learn more about.
and now, meeting our cast members… from the left to right~
grimoire of rosebone valley (she/her)
the curious human from a small city in the valley, grim is a wizard who seeks to bring the world of magic to her fellow humans who seem to despise it. she’s an ambitious little spark, who has a fiery streak that might burn you on the way out. and albeit, a little arrogant and short sighted--grim does seek to better the world around her. she‘s just eager, and has difficulty seeing the other side of the issues. so at times, she can get caught up in her own head. but she swears that one day, she’s gonna show ‘em all what’s what! and that magic is the way of the future!
the lockheart witch (she/they)
with a stink-eye that even the thickest of heads would notice, lock is the dark loner of the group. she’s quick to distrust, and very protective of what she deems hers. and her alone--which tends to be a lot of things. lock is a determined witchling who just loves fiercely, and has a strong entitlement to the idea of equality. but unfortunately, due to events out of her control, lock has had a hard time being able to measure up to and with her fellow witches. and this has stirred a bit of an inferiority complex that she struggles to keep under control most times. she is a studious little witch, and a brilliant one at that, but her goals can have a tendency to get in the way of what means the most to her.
the gatekey witch (she/her)
our lead, our shining star, our brightest flame. key is the pillar of hope and optimism of those around her. she’s an excitable witchling, who dreams of becoming the strongest of them all. and to one day stand among her peers at white tower, the capital of witch society. and she’s ready to do whatever it takes to get there! but despite her bright eyes and even brighter spirit, key does have a habit of not thinking things through. and though she does believe in everyone to do the right thing, her naïveté tends to cause her to realize things a bit too late. she’s a bit of a troublemaker, but hecate above, she is going to make her way to her dreams! with her friends at her side, and a fist full of ass kicking--key will sure as the havens above that she will take on anything that challenges her!
the harvest moon witch (he/they/she)
self proclaimed “cool guy” harvey is the laid back, easy going witch of coven 3 who seems to find more reasons to not care than to ever come up with a reason to care. in fact, he’s spent more time napping in the shade than ever in the library. harvey is the challenge to his friend, key’s ideals, and seeks to mess in every possible way with those he cares about because,,, well. it’s just fun, ya know? harvey’s spent a lot of his life not caring, and it seems he’s going to spend even more of his time that way. as he readjusts his shades, and leans against the wall. but perhaps, that competitive spirit, and affinity for cunning will bring him a reason to try someday? who knows. but for now, i think it’s rest time-
the huntsman witch (they/them)
shadow of the executioner, fang of white tower, child of the whiteout. the huntsman witch,,,really likes reading and petting dogs. oh yes, this intimidating little guy i promise is in no way any sort of threat to--honestly, anyone really. unless ordered to, hunter is a gentle spirit, who adores dogs and reading. but tends to have trouble telling anyone about it. they’re extremely shy, and prefer to not say anything, as they feel there isn’t a lot for them they feel needs to be said from them. and even then when they do feel as though they’d like to say something,,,there never seems to be anyone willing to listen. but that’s okay! they’re okay with just listening in the end, ya know? sweet little guy with a hardened, trained, and sharpened exterior.
and that’s all of my little guys for my original comic!! let me know if any of you have questions, and i shall answer to the best of my ability. <3
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fratboykate · 1 year
No! Papi! Don’t look at the buzz cut, look at me *dangles pocket watch in a hypnotizing motion* repeat after me: you neeeed to give us bgau 5yrs after snippet. Flo’s hair is still attached to her head. Everything will be fine
But also Netflix needs to get their shit in gear. Good luck bending them to your will
Y'all are so ridiculous lmao. Here's 2.5k words that are probably equal parts angst and domesticity. This is five years post divorce.
Yelena sits at a high-end restaurant, sharing her table with a captivating black woman whose radiant smile and crown of ebony curls exude a natural beauty. Their laughter fills the air, a reflection of the deep intimacy and ease that comes with dating for over a year.
With her effortless charm and resilience, Monica Rambeau instantly captured Yelena's heart. The subtle lines on her face tell a story of strength forged through life's trials. What binds these two together goes beyond words. Yelena and Monica share a profound understanding of each other's pain and trauma, an unspoken connection that weaves their lives together. They both carry the weight of loss, have walked the path of military service, and possess a disciplined nature. Yelena's enigmatic allure and sharp intellect fits in perfect harmony with Monica's indomitable spirit and boundless compassion for others. Yelena, often guarded, finds solace in Monica's unwavering support, while Monica draws strength from Yelena's fierce loyalty. They innately understand each other's pain and trauma, creating an unspoken bond that allows them to build a fulfilling life. Together, they’ve envisioned years overflowing with love and commitment. Yelena and Monica have decided to embrace the long haul, fully invested in creating a future, and ready to weather any storm that comes their way.
Yelena takes a delicate sip of her vodka sour, the liquid tang dancing on her tongue, and she can't help but burst into laughter at the absurdity that came out of her partner’s mouth.
"Nic, you did not say that to a four-star general. I don't believe you."
"He was so stunned he didn't even know how to respond."
"And you still walked away with the case assignment?"
"Absolutely. Once he realized I had him cornered, he had no choice but to give in."
Their laughter fills the air, their connection crackling with energy and warmth. But the moment is interrupted when Yelena's phone buzzes in her pocket, pulling her attention away. She retrieves it, glancing at the urgent text message that flashes across the screen: "Emergency at the Bishop property."
"Sorry," Yelena apologizes, her focus shifting entirely to her phone as she begins to type a response.
“Everything okay?” her girlfriend asks, concern etching her features.
A reply message pops up, and Yelena's skin drains of color. Swiftly, she rises from her seat, retrieves her wallet, and drops a few hundred in cash on the table.
"One of Kate's crazies broke into the house while she was there.”
"Oh my god! Is she okay?"
"I don't know. I need to go handle this."
"Yeah. Yeah, of course," Monica replies, her worry evident.
Leaning in, Yelena gently presses her lips against her girlfriend's, a tender farewell.
"I'll be home as soon as I can."
Monica cups Yelena’s face with her hand and delicately caresses her cheek with her thumb.  
"Please be safe."
Yelena steals one final kiss before rushing to the door. 
The flashing red and blue lights of patrol cars cast an eerie glow, reflecting off the sleek facade of the mansion. They pulse with a sense of urgency as a few dozen members of Yelena's security team and police remain scattered around the premises. Yelena arrives quickly enough that they haven't even driven the intruder away yet. Her eyes lock onto the disheveled figure in the back of the patrol car, his face marked with bruises and tears mixing with snot as they stream down his cheeks.
Yelena's steps boom against the driveway's paving bricks with a determined cadence, underscoring the fury simmering within her. She marches purposefully towards the spot where Clint Barton, the man responsible for overseeing the night shifts, engages in conversation with another guard. The sheer intensity radiating from Yelena is palpable, causing the other bodyguard to grimace, excuse himself, and hastily retreat from the impending storm.
"What the hell happened?" Yelena demands, her voice tight with anger.
"I'm not sure. It looks like the guy broke in through the back, near the guest house.”
"What do you mean you're not sure? Check the damn footage."
"Ma'am, that camera has been down for over a week. Records say we put in the repair request, but the techs haven’t come yet.”
An irate growl builds in Yelena's throat.
"So we have a blind spot, and instead of assigning someone to cover it until it's fixed, you simply left it unattended?"
"No, ma'am. Kaplan has been back there for days, but he went on his lunch break."
"And no one replaced him?"
"We're down two men today, so we didn't have the bodies. There's a flu going around. Richards and Lang called out sick."
“Then you call the office and you have them pull from somewhere else! We have guys on call for this specific reason. You don't leave this property or team short. EVER. Am I clear?"
"Yes, ma'am. I did try to..."
Yelena's focus is abruptly shattered as another body collides into hers with unyielding force. Even before she lays eyes on Kate, she catches a whiff of that familiar perfume, stirring unwanted nostalgia and longing inside her. It's been far too long since they've been this close, yet the effect remains undeniable.
Kate clings to Yelena with a desperate grip, seeking comfort and security in her arms. The blonde adjusts her position within Kate’s arms, turning to face the younger woman directly. Their eyes lock. The instant blue and green meet, it’s as if a dam has burst and a torrent of sobs spills from Kate's trembling form, the weight of her emotions breaking through the surface.
"Hey…Hey…You okay?" Yelena's voice is tinged with concern, her gaze searching for answers.
“I heard your voice. Inside. I heard it…You came.” Kate manages to utter between tears, her voice filled with relief and vulnerability.
“Of course I came. Of course.” Kate's grip tightens around Yelena. Yelena responds by enveloping the brunette in her arms, holding her closer with tender strength. "Is Eli on his way?"
Kate's head shakes against Yelena's chest, tears staining the fabric of her shirt.
"He's in Edinburgh. He's on set, shooting the sequel to his stupid alien movie until June.”
Yelena lets out a sigh.
"I'm calling in more bodies, at least until he comes back. You'll be safe."
Kate looks up at Yelena.
"Can you stay?" Kate asks, her voice soft and small. “Please."
Yelena hesitates for a moment while surveying Kate’s distressed face. With a resolute nod, Yelena reaches out and tenderly takes Kate's hand in her own, their fingers involuntarily intertwining as if guided by an invisible force. Neither of them notices the subtle gesture, too consumed by the moment's graveness and the need to protect and be protected.
With their hands entwined, they move forward, stepping across the entryway and into the house's safety.
Yelena steps inside the house, her first time crossing its threshold in five long years. Memories of joy, pleasure, and heartache rush back. It looks different now, the decor changed, but familiar elements still evoke a bittersweet sense of nostalgia. The space is both foreign and strangely familiar, leaving Yelena with conflicting emotions. She's somehow trapped in a paradox. She feels a sense of displacement, like a visitor in her own past, yet there’s also an undeniable feeling that she somehow belongs here, even after all this time.
As Kate settles on the couch, her body curled up protectively, Yelena gracefully lowers herself to a squat, positioning herself at eye level with the younger woman. Their eyes meet, and Yelena's concern deepens.
"Are you okay?"
"I turned around and he was...there."
Kate’s voice trembles as she responds. Yelena shakes her head almost imperceptibly, regret and guilt shadowing her expression.
"Kate, I'm so sorry. This should've never happened. It's my fault. I haven't been checking in on your team enough. I dropped the ball. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." Kate's response is immediate, her voice filled with conviction as she counters Yelena's self-blame.
"It is. I take full responsibility, and if you decide to find other security options, I completely understand."
A soft sigh escapes Kate's lips, and she reaches out to gently touch Yelena's arm.
"I'm not sure how many times you're going to make me say this, but I’ll say it again…you're the only person I trust with this.” Kate’s words carry a reassuring sincerity that resonates deeply with Yelena.
"A guy just broke into your house under my watch."
"Not yours. Not specifically."
"You know what I mean."
Yelena's attention drifts towards the kitchen, her eyes catching the telltale signs of a panicked struggle. The scene sends a surge of rage coursing through her veins. She clenches her fists, her jaw tightening as she imagines the terrifying encounter that took place in this very spot.
The remnants of a halfway-finished meal sit abandoned on the counter, a stark reminder of the interrupted peace and normalcy that once filled the room. The scattered utensils and overturned chairs bear witness to the chaotic confrontation between Kate and the intruder. Yelena's mind races, trying to piece together the sequence of events that unfolded, her protective instincts sharpening.
"Were you making dinner?” Kate nods. "I'll make you something."
"It's fine. I'm not hungry anymore."
Yelena refuses to accept Kate's dismissal.
"Something small. Tell me what you want. I’ll make it for you."
The faintest of smiles tugs at the corner of Kate's lips, but her refusal remains steadfast.
“Yel, I’m really not hungry."
They both fail to register the intimacy of the nickname Kate used. Yelena looks at Kate with concern, her brow furrowing slightly and leans closer.
"That chicken strawberry salad you like?” Yelena suggests, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “You always have stuff around to make that."
A small chuckle escapes Kate's lips offering momentary respite from the tension that hangs in the air.
"That's what I was making."
Yelena's smirk widens into a playful grin as their eyes lock in a lingering stare.
"You're nothing if not a creature of habit, Kate Bishop. I have to make a call first and then I'll get on it. Okay?"
With a silent nod, Kate accepts Yelena's offer. Yelena rises, her movements purposeful, and takes a step back, turning towards the living room and kitchen meeting point in the open floor plan. She retrieves her phone from her pocket, her fingers moving swiftly to dial a familiar number. Her voice remains steady and focused as she brings the phone to her ear, masking the underlying emotions.
"Hey...yeah. Yeah. Things are fine...mostly. Yeah...No. I'm probably not coming home tonight. I have to...I have to stay...I'm sorry. There's a lot to deal with over here. I'll make it up to you...I know. I love you too. Bye."
When Yelena turns, Kate's energy feels different, almost palpably so. The call catches her off guard and her previously softened demeanor shifts. At that moment, her body tenses up, and her expression becomes guarded. The realization that Yelena has a partner, someone she didn't even know existed, hits Kate like a punch to the gut. It leaves her feeling unsettled, a mixture of surprise, confusion, and maybe even a hint of betrayal.
"I didn't know you were with someone. I don't want to make it awkward or get you in trouble or...I don't know."
Yelena thought she had walked away far enough for Kate not to overhear her, but her voice must have carried more than she anticipated. Yelena's lips subtly curl upwards as her eyes meet Kate’s.
"You're not."
"You can go. I don't want to keep you from...anything."
Yelena shakes her head as she removes her blazer. In a familiar motion, she neatly drapes it over the back of a nearby breakfast stool, a ritual ingrained in their shared history. It's a small, seemingly insignificant moment, yet it carries a weight of familiarity and comfort between them. The sight evokes memories of countless evenings spent together around that same kitchen island, engaged in deep conversations that stretched late into the night. During those quiet moments, their connection blossomed as they shared their dreams, fears, and secrets with one another. The kitchen became a sanctuary, a space where they could be completely forthcoming and vulnerable, finding serenity in each other's presence. The years now seem to fade away, transporting them back to a time when their lives seamlessly merged into one. Despite the circumstances and the distance that has grown between them, it’s evident that old habits die hard for these two.
"She's used to it. You're not the only one of my clients who has a crisis every so often."
"And I think I should also say ‘congratulations’." Yelena points at the giant engagement ring on Kate's hand. "That's an impressive rock.”
"I designed it."
"Wouldn't expect anything else."
Kate's gaze drifts downward, fixated on her thighs. After a moment of silence, she finally speaks.
"I guess we both found our people."
It's easier to say this than to admit the weight of the secret that Kate carries. Merely a week ago, Kate called off her engagement with Eli before he left to shoot his latest film project. The ring on her finger remains, a constant reminder of another failed relationship. It’s a symbol of a shattered commitment she's not yet ready to confront. It's easier to keep it on, avoiding the questions and judgment that would follow its removal.
"I guess we did...I'll make you some food."
Kate nods in gratitude, silently thanking Yelena for the familiar tradition of the blonde making food for the younger woman in moments of turmoil. As Yelena skillfully maneuvers around the kitchen, Kate watches her with a hint of admiration. The clatter of utensils, the sizzle of ingredients, and the rhythmic sounds of Yelena’s cooking fill the air, creating a soothing soundtrack that drowns out the worries of the world. This cocoon of domesticity temporarily shields them from the chaos and uncertainty that looms just beyond the door.
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jk-190811 · 1 day
Melodies of the Heart - JJK
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Genre: romance, angst
Pairing: Idol JK x Idol y/n
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks
Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Rivalry
You are a rising star in the world of music, having just debuted as a solo artist. Your talent and charisma have quickly made you a fan favorite, but you've also attracted some fierce competition. Among them is none other than Jungkook from BTS, the golden maknae known for his incredible talent and charm.The rivalry between you and Jungkook becomes the talk of the industry. The media hypes up every interaction, every glance, and every word exchanged between you two. Your fans and his are constantly at odds, each side defending their favorite fiercely. Yet, despite the apparent animosity, there's an undeniable spark whenever you're together.One day, both of you are invited to collaborate on a high-stakes music project, a duet that could define both of your careers. The pressure is immense, and so is the tension. The studio is a battleground, with every note and lyric charged with your unresolved feelings.The first day of recording is especially tough. Jungkook arrives at the studio before you, tuning his guitar and going over the sheet music. As you enter, the room seems to electrify with the presence of both your energies.He looks up, his dark eyes meeting yours with a mix of challenge and curiosity. "Ready to do this?" he asks, his voice cool but his gaze intense.You nod, determined not to let him see how much he affects you. "Let's make some magic," you reply, equally resolved.The first few hours are tense, filled with professional politeness and underlying competition. But as the day progresses, something shifts. The music starts to bring out emotions neither of you expected, bridging the gap between you.During a break, Jungkook hands you a bottle of water, his expression softening. "You have an amazing voice," he admits quietly, catching you off guard."Thanks," you respond, feeling a surprising warmth at his compliment. "You're not so bad yourself."As the days go by, the studio sessions become less about rivalry and more about mutual respect and growing admiration. The barrier between you slowly crumbles, replaced by something deeper and more profound.One evening, after a particularly moving recording session, you both find yourselves alone in the studio. The lights are dim, and the city lights twinkle outside the large windows. Jungkook sits at the piano, playing a soft melody. You join him, singing along softly. The moment is intimate, the music weaving a connection between your hearts.He stops playing and looks at you, his eyes filled with emotion. "I never expected this," he says softly, reaching out to take your hand. "But I'm glad it happened."You smile, squeezing his hand gently. "Me too."
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xxstoneybolognexx · 6 months
It had been two hundred years since the Sacred Forest stood strong and proud, its towering trees reaching high into the sky and its lush greenery untouched by the hands of man. What was once a small kingdom had now grown into a powerful Empire, with its capital city glittering in the distance as a testament to the might and wealth of the land.
One sunny day, two children were playing in the Forest, their laughter echoing through the trees. As they ran and played, one of the children tripped and tumbled down a steep hill, crying out in pain as they landed, their leg twisted at an unnatural angle. The other child, filled with panic, raced back to the village to seek help.
As the injured child lay in the Forest, fear and pain coursing through them, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Wolfie, a mysterious and reclusive figure who was said to have a deep bond with the Forest. He approached the child, his eyes filled with compassion, and assured them that he was here to help. With gentle hands, he bandaged the child's leg and lifted them onto his back, promising to take them back to the village.
However, when they arrived at the village, the villagers were filled with anger and suspicion at the sight of Wolfie. They began to hurl stones at him, accusing him of being a dangerous creature that should not be allowed near their children. Hurt by their betrayal, Wolfie fled back into the Forest, his heart heavy with sorrow.
The news of Wolfie's supposed attack on the child spread quickly to the capital, where the Empire's leader, a fierce and unforgiving ruler, made the decision to send fifty troops to hunt down and kill Wolfie. As the troops approached the Forest, Wolfie knew that his time was running short. Desperate to protect the only place he had ever called home, he sought out the fairy of the Forest and begged for immortality.
The fairy, with a sad smile, granted Wolfie's wish but in exchange for his eternal loyalty to the Forest. Wolfie accepted without hesitation, vowing to dedicate his life to keeping the Forest safe from harm. As the troops entered the Forest, Wolfie stood before them, a lone figure filled with determination and a fierce protectiveness for his home.
"I think you're looking for me," Wolfie said quietly as the troops drew their swords. In a swift and brutal attack, Wolfie unleashed his fury upon the soldiers, his fangs flashing in the dappled sunlight as he tore through their ranks with a savage ferocity. The Forest echoed with the screams of battle, and the nearby villages trembled in fear as they heard the sounds of war in the distance.
In the aftermath, the decapitated head of the Empire's king was displayed on a stick for all to see, a chilling warning to any who dared to threaten the sanctity of the Forest. Ten years passed, and the child who had been saved by Wolfie had grown into a wise and compassionate ruler, determined to bring peace and harmony to the land.
The new king, now eighteen and ready to rule, set out to make amends with the Forest. He rode to the edge of the forbidden woods, calling out to Wolfie with a mixture of trepidation and hope. As Wolfie emerged from the shadows, the king offered a gesture of peace, knowing that they needed the Forest as much as the Forest needed them.
Upon seeing the crown on the king's head, Wolfie hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching and sniffing the king's hand. Then, with a surprising display of trust, Wolfie dropped to the ground and offered his belly, a sign of submission and acceptance. From that day forward, the king declared that the Empire and the Forest were to be equals, with both sides free to come and go as they pleased.
And so, the Sacred Forest stood strong and proud once more, its heart beating in harmony with the land that surrounded it. And Wolfie, the guardian of the Forest, continued to watch over its secrets and wonders, a loyal friend and protector for all time.
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rhaellatyrell · 1 year
4 | The Game Begins
Joffrey Baratheon x Semi OC!Reader
(Y/n) Beaumont
Warnings: none
Words: 1425
"Do you think Joffrey will like me?"
Sansa was currently sat with her mother behind her braiding her hair, getting ready for the feast. (Y/n) was sat by a makeshift vanity not too far away, braiding her own hair and adjusting her outfit. She couldn't help the small pang of jealousy within her at the news of Sansa's potential betrothal to the Prince, not that she voiced this to her friend.
"What if he think's I'm ugly?" The redhead added.
"Then he is the stupidest prince that ever lived." Assured Catelyn as Sansa lifted a mirror up to her face.
"He's so handsome." She gushed, "Even (Y/n) thinks so, and she never thinks anyone is handsome. It's annoying. This is the only time we can talk about a boy."
Catelyn let out a small laugh while (Y/n) shot a glare at her friend, "Well," the woman began, "If (Y/n) thinks so then he must be."
There was a short silence.
"When would we be married? Soon? Or do we have to wait?" Sansa's naivety caused (Y/n) to sigh and giggle to herself as she stood, making her way to the door.
"Lady Stark, I believe my father wishes to speak with me, thank you for your assistance in getting ready." She said in her soft voice, Catelyn returning it with a smile, "Of course, my dear, we'll see you at the feast."
"I'll save you a seat next to me!" Sansa beamed, "Although Bran may insist on sitting beside you, also." She huffed and (Y/n) giggled once again, "Sounds perfect." The Beaumont replied, leaving the room. She could still hear Sansa's pleas through the door while she made her way to her father's temporary chambers.
Finally reaching said chambers, she rapped on the door and waited for his permission to enter. Upon getting it, she opened the door and immediately noticed her father's agitated expression.
"Father? What's troubling you?" She asked, concerned.
He looked conflicted, deciding whether or not to tell his daughter of his worries.
"You know I want you to have everything, right? You deserve nothing but the best."
(Y/n) nodded, still confused.
"But sometimes, we have to fight for what we deserve, in ways that aren't favourable."
Cutting her father off, (Y/n) placed a hand on his arm, "What are you trying to say?"
He took a deep breath, "You should be betrothed to Joffrey, not Sansa."
"You should be Queen. You are destined for it. I just know it."
(Y/n) blinked rapidly, trying to process everything, "But what if I-"
Marcus took his daughters face in his hands, "I. Know. It." He looked into her eyes, "Take what you deserve. Do you want to be the prey? Or the hunter? If you let Sansa take this from you - should she need to, she will dispose of you, she will use you, she will ruin you. Do you want to be ruined or do the ruining? Be used or use? You must do the disposing, otherwise you will be eaten, swallowed, engulfed by King's Landing."
(Y/n) felt a burning sensation in her chest, one of equal parts fear and determination.
"Is that what you want?"
She paused before speaking in a steady voice, "No."
"So," Her father stepped back, straightening his clothing and adjusting the sword on his hip, "What are you going to do about it?"
His daughter matched his fierce gaze and stood tall, "I'm going to take what I deserve."
The feast was alive with laughter and warmth, music permeating the room with even more joy, not a single scowl in sight, aside from the one sullying the face of the Queen as she watched her husband flounce about unabashedly with the many women of the hall. (Y/n), as promised, was sat in between Sansa and the Little Lord, who was currently, very kindly, 'fixing' one of her braids - which, in his mind, was just an excuse for him to touch her soft hair and avoid having to talk to people he didn’t know; a win-win situation.
"There you go!" He said happily, gently resting the braid over her shoulder.
"Thank you, my little love." Grinned (Y/n), allowing Bran a sneaky sip of her wine in thanks, causing a wide smile to grace his face.
Sansa spoke up, "You shouldn't let him drink." She reprimanded, but (Y/n) only laughed, "Let the boy live a little, you never know when your life could end, so why shouldn't we indulge in life's gifts? Wine being a rather significant one." She giggled, the alcohol taking a toll on her humour and temperament for the better.
"Here, here, Beaumont!" Robert bellowed from behind them, patting Bran rather hard on the back, causing the small boy to splutter and cough as he tried to take a large gulp of (Y/n)'s wine. She rubbed his back soothingly whilst holding back a laugh.
"Come," Said Sansa, grabbing her friend's hand and standing, "Let's introduce ourselves to the Queen!"
They made their way over to the head table, standing in front of Cersei with Catelyn on her right.
"Hello, Little Dove." Said Cersei as Sansa stood into view, the redhead smiled at her excitedly.
(Y/n), who had been checking on Bran for a moment, followed close behind, causing Cersei to cock her head and smile once again, "And you, My Angel, I've been meaning to catch you." She leant forwards and took (Y/n)'s hand in her's, "How is your mother? I do miss her dearly."
"She's wonderful, Your Grace, and she misses you more, I'm sure."
"You are such the image of her; a true beauty." Cersei turned to Sansa, "As are you, Little Dove."
Sansa looked at (Y/n) before smiling in thanks at the Queen.
"How old are you?" The Queen asked the Stark girl.
"Thirteen, Your Grace."
"And you, Angel?"
“Fourteen, almost fifteen.” (Y/n) smiled.
Cersei nodded before looking to Sansa once more, “Have you bled yet?”
Sansa became immediately flustered, shooting a look to her mother for support before shaking her head, “No, Your Grace.”
(Y/n) knew why Cersei had asked, she was well aware of the ‘requirements’ of a woman to marry. She reflected upon what her father had said, perhaps this was an opportunity, but she needed to be subtle.
“A blessing in disguise, I assure you, Sansa.” She laughed and gently brushed a hand on her friend’s arm, “Bleeding once a moon is no fun to a young woman, I find myself ailed with it terribly most moons.”
Cersei’s gaze shifted and the corner of her lips quirked upwards briefly, “You bleed, My Angel?”
“Oh, yes, My Grace.” Affirmed (Y/n), also carefully adjusting the way she addressed the Queen in a more affectionate way, “As troublesome as it may be, it allows for the greatest gift a woman can give, a child is more precious than anything.”
A twinkle of familiarity found its way into the Queen’s eye as she smiled, “Indeed.” She thought for a moment, “Would you like children?”
“Of course, My Grace.” (Y/n) answered in a way to imply such a fact was obvious, “I hope to be the mother of warriors, of lords, and knights - nothing less.”
She could feel Sansa’s gaze into the side of her head, but she kept her gaze steady on the Queen opposite her.
Cersei narrowed her eyes and smirked, “What about more than that?”
(Y/n) furrowed her brows, “More?”
“Kings. Would you mother Kings, if you could?”
(Y/n) wondered if this may be a test of loyalty, would she mother Kings only to threaten the crown? Or was Cersei exploring other possible paths for her sons. Due to the glimmer in the Queen’s eye and doting smile, the Beaumont girl took a gamble and assumed the latter.
“It would be an honour.”
There was a silence, tense but promising for (Y/n), fearful for Sansa and Catelyn, and intriguing for Cersei.
Eventually, she returned her attention to Sansa, “Your dress, did you make it?”
Sansa nodded enthusiastically and Cersei smiled, “Such a talent. You must make something for me.”
With a curt nod, Sansa left the table, yet (Y/n) stayed behind momentarily as Cersei called out to her.
"Do give your mother my love."
"I will, My Grace."
And with that, just as her friend had done, (Y/n) left the table, a smirk growing on her face. She had entered The Game.
“Do give your mother my love.”
“I will, My Grace.”
And with that, just as her friend had done, (Y/n) left the table, a smirk growing on her face. She had entered The Game.
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wordsvomit101 · 3 months
8. Sparing
(1 year after the death of Mr and Mrs Lee)
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There is a brilliant orange light of the setting sun coming through the large windows and illuminating the inside of the dojang.
A few students prepared to wrap up class to go home. Some students sat along the edge of the padded floor chatting among themselves, their muscles still slightly sore from the day's training. Some practice their forms more.
In the center of the dojang, a large empty space had been cleared, surrounded by expectant students.
"It's only a practice sparing so do not push it, both of you", his coach said as she gave Minhyeok and the other boy a stern gaze, which was different from her usual friendly eyes. He can understand why his mother had complete faith in this woman to guide him, she exuded an aura of authority that demanded respect but with a discipline that hard to find anywhere.
"Yes, Sabom-nim", Minhyeok and the boy obediently answered as they got to their position in the middle of the dojang. Facing his opponent, his heart pound in his chest, and his uniform feel unusually tighter on his skin. This is his first sparring against an equal after putting his training in taekwondo for 5 years in pursuit of baseball.
It was unfortunate that his middle school didn't have a baseball club. He whine to Raon about it so much that she got pissed off and pinched him with more strength than usual. She told his mom about it later and he was registered in the town dojang that one of his mom's friends, the instructor, owned.
"I'm glad they did it", he thought before directing his focus back to the present time.
The air crackled with anticipation from onlookers as they bowed to each other, their movements quick and fluid.
Jin Changmin, the other boy, is a budding young martial artist of the same age as Minhyeok. He has been a student at the dojang for a significant amount of time, having started his training over a year ago, and has progressed to the purple belt even before Minhyeok joined. 
Changmin, with his experience and training, has a slight edge over Minhyeok in terms of overall proficiency. He is also infamous for being an unbeatable brute in their division and ruthless in never going easy on anyone.
"Get ready", As the instructor raised her arm up, Minhyeok's body tensed up like a coiled spring. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the body language of the other boy. Minhyeok's heart pounded in his chest, and his palms began to sweat. He knew that this was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for.
Changmin's face was set in a stoic expression, his gaze unwavering and full of self-assurance. His posture was impeccable, every muscle in his body taut and poised. Not a single flaw could be detected in his stance, his tall figure commands attention from others.
"This will be tough", but it would also be a great learning experience for him from a peer. Yet, he couldn't contain the excitement running through his veins.
Changmin was a natural athlete, with an uncharitable grace that made it seem like he could win any sport he tried. He was the kind of person who could walk onto a basketball court and immediately start draining three-pointers, or step onto a soccer field and score a hat-trick. Changmin's athleticism was so impressive that it was almost unfair, and everyone who knew him couldn't help but root for him.
He wants to experience how Changmin would effortlessly win against others but also ruin the boy's win streaks. People wouldn't need to dig much to learn of his competitiveness.
"Start!", in the hushed silence of the dojang, the instructor's crisp command cut through the air, breaking the pregnant pause.
With trained reflexes, Minhyeok and Changmin lunged at each other, their fists and feet clashing in a fierce dance of motion.
Minhyeok blazed with determination, launched a fast kick towards Changmin's head. Changmin, with feline agility, dodged the blow and countered with a sweeping kick that nearly knocked Minhyeok off his feet but he immediately pushed the other boy back with a low kick.
The room echoed with the rhythmic thudding of feet against mats. The difference between them is evident, Minhyeok's five-year hiatus from taekwondo was shown in his initial struggle against Changmin's precise, practiced movements. 
Minhyeok's brain worked on overdrive to analyze his sparing partner's fighting styles, and his muscle memory came flooding back, guiding his every move to block and grit his teeth from the impact of Changmin's hits.
Changmin, for his part, was relentless in his offense, his body a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches. Too good for his current level.
"He easily overwhelmed his opponent from the start and drove them to the corner, but", Minhyeok dodged a kick to his face and deflected a punch at his torso, "He became more rapid and showed more opening on his left side and shoulder the longer this got"
Now knowing the patterns, he swiftly makes a counterattack.
Undeterred, Changmin pressed forward, his kicks growing more powerful with each exchange while covering his weakness with his speed. But Minhyeok was finally a step ahead, dodging and weaving with ease.
The spectators held their breath as the two young combatants clashed. If he looked, he would see their instructor watching with a keen eye, nodding in approval with a smug grin on her face.
But he is in a trance, Minhyeok's kicks, swift and precise, found their mark with alarming accuracy, while Changmin countered with a relentless barrage of punches that almost seemed like they sent ripples through the air. 
"He's become slightly sluggish... I need the moment to surprise him"
The match was a flurry of offense and defense, each boy matching the other's skill and growing respect for each other. It seemed like he got the privilege to see Changmin's rare smiling, almost manic face, and his techniques become less perfect and more free. It suits the boy more, but he will think about it later.
In the end, it was Minhyeok's quick thinking and high stamina that gave him the edge. He feinted to the left, then pivoted and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to Changmin's side. Changmin was caught off guard and stumbled backward, giving Minhyeok the opening he needed to land a final, decisive blow.
"The match was over", the cool voice of the instructor cut in as his hand clutched near Changmin’s left torso, "Good job, now go to the side to rest"
They did, they somehow carried each other to the side of the dojang where they left their water bottles. Panting in exertion, Minhyeok and Changmin sat side by side, quenching their thirst with cool water, other students giving them a moment on their own.
"...", it was peaceful, as if the earlier fight was just a fever dream that Raon often told him about. However, the silence was broken by the boy beside him.
"Yeah?", he was not sure what the other wanted to say but he wanted his hope of Changmin asking to become spar partners to be right. He has been trying to get to know the boy for 3 weeks. His attempts have been pitiful until now.
"Let's spar more from now on", Changmin only glanced back at him stoically, his posture relaxed, and expecting him to agree.
Minhyeok smiled brightly at him, "Sure, no take back ok?", he doubted the other would go back on his words.
Changmin only scoffed at him and they didn't say anything further while watching other students' sparing. Yet, within that hushed interlude, a subtle recognition bloomed, a shared camaraderie forged in the crucible of their earlier match.
End notes:
Dojang in Korean typically refers to a "training hall" or "studio." It's commonly used in the context of martial arts, such as taekwondo, judo, or hapkido, to denote the place where practitioners gather for training sessions and classes. It's a central space for learning and practicing various martial arts techniques, forms (poomsae), and sparring.
"Sabom-nim" is a term used in Korean martial arts, such as taekwondo, to address the instructor or master. It's a respectful title used by students to refer to their instructor, similar to calling them "master" or "teacher" in English. The sabom-nim is typically an experienced practitioner who guides and mentors students in their martial arts journey, providing instruction, discipline, and leadership within the dojang (training hall).
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svenwall20 · 11 months
The Sun in Astrology
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🌞 The Sun Placement in Astrology: A Guide 🌞
Hey there, astro-enthusiasts! Let's talk about that shining ball of fire in the sky—the Sun, baby! 🌞✨ When it comes to astrology, the Sun placement in your birth chart plays a major role in shaping your personality, ego, and overall vibe. So grab your cosmic shades and let's dive in!
🌟 Sun in Aries: Alright, fiery folks, this one's for you! With the Sun in Aries, you're a fearless trailblazer, always ready to take on new challenges. Your boldness and passion are your superpowers, and you embrace life with unyielding enthusiasm. You thrive on adventure, and boredom is your worst enemy!
🌟 Sun in Taurus: Hey, grounded beauties! When the Sun is in Taurus, you're all about that comfort and stability. You have an appreciation for the finer things in life, and you work hard to manifest abundance. Patient and reliable, you're like a rock, offering support and loyalty to those lucky enough to be in your inner circle.
🌟 Sun in Gemini: Time to put on your mental acrobatics cap, Gemini darlings! With the Sun in Gemini, you're a social butterfly and a quick-witted conversationalist. Your mind is always buzzing with ideas, and you have a natural curiosity that fuels your thirst for knowledge. Variety is your spice of life, and you're a master of adaptability.
🌟 Sun in Cancer: Ah, sweet and sensitive souls, the Sun in Cancer shines down on you with warmth and emotional depth. Family and home are your sanctuaries, and you possess an innate nurturing nature. Intuitive and empathetic, you have an uncanny ability to read people's emotions. Remember to take care of yourself too, dear Cancerian!
🌟 Sun in Leo: Hear that roar? It's the Sun in Leo, bringing out your inner lion or lioness! With an abundance of confidence and charisma, you're the life of the party and the center of attention. Your creative flair shines bright, and you have a natural leadership quality that inspires others. Go ahead and strut your stuff, fierce Leo!
🌟 Sun in Virgo: Hey there, practical perfectionists! When the Sun is in Virgo, you excel at attention to detail and have an eye for efficiency. You're a problem-solver extraordinaire and have a natural inclination towards service and helping others. While you're hard on yourself, remember to embrace your flaws and give yourself some self-love.
🌟 Sun in Libra: Balancing acts, anyone? With the Sun in Libra, you have a harmonious and diplomatic nature. You thrive in relationships, valuing fairness and equality. The arts and aesthetics captivate your soul, and you have an eye for beauty. Finding balance within yourself is key, dear Libra, so remember to make time for self-care.
🌟 Sun in Scorpio: Time to embrace your intensity, Scorpio warriors! When the Sun is in Scorpio, you possess incredible depth and emotional power. Your intuition is razor-sharp, and you're not afraid to delve into the mysteries of life. You radiate sensuality, and your magnetic presence draws others to you like moths to a flame.
🌟 Sun in Sagittarius: Adventure awaits, my wanderlust-filled friends! With the Sun in Sagittarius, you're a free-spirited explorer, always seeking new horizons. Your optimism and love for learning make you a natural philosopher. You value your independence and crave intellectual stimulation. Keep chasing those dreams, Sagittarius!
🌟 Sun in Capricorn: Hello, ambitious souls! When the Sun is in Capricorn, you're a goal-oriented go-getter. You're a master of self-discipline and have the determination to climb any mountain in your path. While you strive for success, don't forget to take breaks and enjoy the journey. Your steadfastness will lead you to great heights!
🌟 Sun in Aquarius: Embrace your eccentricity, Aquarius dreamers! With the Sun in Aquarius, you're a unique individual who thrives on innovation and humanitarian causes. Your mind is ahead of its time, and you're a natural rebel against the status quo. Embrace your quirkiness and let your individuality shine brightly.
🌟 Sun in Pisces: Dive into the depths of your imagination, dear Pisceans! With the Sun in Pisces, you're a dreamy and intuitive soul. Your compassion knows no bounds, and you possess a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Creativity flows through your veins, and you have a natural talent for healing and comforting others.
Remember, lovelies, astrology is a beautiful tool for self-discovery and understanding, but it's just a piece of the cosmic puzzle. Embrace the complexities of your unique Sun placement, and let it guide you on your journey of personal growth and self-acceptance. Keep shining bright, my celestial darlings! ✨🌟
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linettefox · 6 months
So I made a random spinner with a bunch of Precure characters and a second with a bunch of locations so I'm going to be using those to randomize fights and practice my writing skills.
I also randomized who was in the audience and the times of day. The first match is between...
Cure Coral VS Cure Rosetta (By Rin)
The smell of sweets fills the air with the stars shining down on Ichigozaka Park, following this scent, we make our way to a crowd of thirteen people cheering and booing for the upcoming battle. On one end we have a veteran Precure who wishes to teach the student a few things, Yotsuba Alice thrusts her lovely commune forward in determination as yellow light envelops her body and releases a combat-ready Cure Rosetta who promptly introduces herself with an applaud following from the onlookers.
Opposing her fierce stare is a shy girl who eases her nerves with a deep breath, excitement deep in her eyes as she prepares to learn from her senior. Her heart kuru ring comes off and is inserted into the tropical pact spawning purple light to change Suzumura Sango into the nervous but ready Cure Coral with an equal amount of applause from the other veteran cures and former villains in the audience.
The audience consists of whoever could make it out tonight, the first being the serious Minazuki Karen who seems to be prepared to play referee for the fighters. Behind her sits Kurokawa Ellen who is busy eating sweets with the girlfriends Kotozume Yukari and Kenjou Akira. At a separate table, Hiramitsu Hinata runs away to join Ellen’s group while a trio consisting of Hanasaki Tsubomi, Hino Akane, and Hikawa Iona questions the villain Cobraja why he is even there. Beside Karen sits Hishikawa Rikka who is cheering for her friend Alice as the three final arrivals Hanami Kotoha, Kujou Hikari and Dark Rouge of all people sit with Karen and Rikka. All are set with treats freshly made from the KiraKira Patisserie where they are currently, with all the details now in view we can move on to the actual fight between DokiDoki member Cure Rosetta versus Tropical-Rouge member Cure Coral.
“On the count of three,” The referee says clearly so the whole room can hear. “3… 2… 1… Start!”
At the sound of Karen’s voice, the opposing forces are immediately bulleting towards the purple and yellow spawning X and clover-shaped shields respectively, the defensive moves being utilized to push against the other. Light reflecting in the eyes creates a sparkle of desperation in Coral’s face as her shield begins to break, before it can be defeated she despawns it herself and throws a punch landing it hard to crack another clover shield. Her second fist is soon caught by Rosetta who uses a large amount of strength to lift and throw her into a wall. This does not deter Coral who is already back on her feet sending and dodging an even amount of attacks to and from her current enemy. While Coral proceeds to emote exaggeratedly to every hit made Rosetta, despite having a few distinct faces of her own, seems more calm with simple smiles and frowns to portray her thoughts. Their differences and their similarities make them both even in strength but unique in tactics. It is clear Rosetta is much more trained and strong, seeming to use a few martial arts-type moves while Coral’s attacks are weaker but she does appear more agile and less planned. The latter could be a bad thing but her lack of real strategy makes her more unpredictable and actually manages to throw the opponent off quite a bit.
“Let’s go, Coral!” Half of the room cheers as Rosetta’s fist collides with her X shield, the purple removes the shield and counters some punches with her own.
“Go for it Rosetta!!” The other half of the room shouts as Coral uses the Heart Rouge Rod weapon to begin performing her signature move Mokomoko Coral Diffusion. Rosetta attempts to shield but is too late and falls over.
“Tsubomi you can’t cheer for both,” At one point Akane is overheard saying while the Rosetta counters with Rosetta Balloon. The two attacks clash and stand against each other, pushing intensely.
“But I want both of them to win!” Tsubomi responds nervously as she shields her eyes from the light of the attacks.
“They will both fail at this rate, too bad they aren’t me,” Cobraja is distracted by a reflection of himself.
“Oh, you shut up…” Iona rolls her eyes at the comment before standing up. “You got this Rosetta!!” At the cry, the attacks push through throwing both to the ground but Coral is sent more intensely she attempts to shield once more but with a final attack Rosetta wins the fight causing the crowd to go wild. Tsubomi rushes over to help up the now-transformed Sango who smiles at Rosetta who has also lost her transformation.
“Guess I still need more practice,” Sango laughs a bit as her former opponent steps forward to offer a handshake. The two showed good sportsmanship, and neither of them was disappointed by the outcome.
“There is always round two anyways,” Alice smiles back as they shake and the KiraPati girls appear to serve celebratory cake to everyone at the party. As the night goes on the group continues to bond with the sight of their next round on the horizon.
The sun is slowly rising into the sky above an ordinary middle school located in the city of Sukoyaka. No students are anywhere inside the classrooms except for a group from various other towns that have gathered once more to see a follow-up fight between veteran-era Yotsuba Alice versus newer generation Suzumura Sango who stand facing each other once more. The same thirteen audience members have gathered once more but mix and match more with their friends and the two random villains here to witness the next battle.
Rikka has taken charge of being the referee this time and she stands with a clipboard ready, adjusting her glasses. Kotoha, Tsubomi, and Hikari are sleeping in the corner together with Akane yawning as she stands next to Iona and Hinata, the latter having her phone out to record this time. At a desk, Ellen sits up straight as Dark Rouge asks her about her past and redemption arc with Cobraja eavesdropping nearby. Finally, we have Akira and Yukari who sit with Karen. Before their eyes stand the opposing sides once more transforming into Cure Rosetta and Cure Coral respectively.
“3… 2… 1… Go!” Rikka lets them begin the match and since they have already been spared once they make it a point to prepare for the moves they had to take last time. Their shields collide again but this time move more fluidly as instead of using them as a defense they become weapons, blasting the other over and over again. The shields light up every collision until eventually their light shatters, in the absence of shields the two jump forward onto desks and leap forward to strike the other with punches and kicks. The power of their punching and countering is so grand many of the classroom’s items fly every which way causing the audience to have to dodge the projectiles.
“You got this Coral!!” Akane encourages as Hinata gets closer to her phone screen, making sure it catches the part when Rosetta grabs a fist to throw but this time Coral uses her heels to grip the ground and instead of hitting a wall she can smirk, and kick the opponent into the desk below.
“I did it!” Coral is shocked by her power as she lands securely on the floor. This is no time to celebrate as Rosetta bounces back with a punch in the face. The two go back and forth like last time, the crowd split on who they cheer for like last time. As their fists and shields go against each other the opponents have memories in their minds. Rosetta remembers always being kind of scared of her strength, ever since she beat up a group of bullies in high school it was always a fear she would lose it again and take a fight too far. Thanks to becoming Precure and encouragement from her friends she has learned to move past it, she is now able to stand on her two feet once more to defend herself whether it is a battle with the forces of evil or a chance to train a newer cure she could now do it proudly and properly gauge the amount of strength needed to defeat Coral without causing any serious injuries.
Meanwhile, in the mind of Coral, she remembers never really knowing what she wanted to do, she always just blended in with the background, and although she had hobbies none of them felt like a forever thing for her. Since becoming Precure she has found a sense of purpose and with encouragement from Manatsu and the others, she knows now it's okay not to know the future. She doesn’t have to be anyone else but Sango and all she has to do in life is what she loves. At the end of both flashbacks, we return to a fierce back and forth where the two have made their way into the hallway just beyond the classroom door. All the others gather trying to see what is happening as Rosetta Reflection is used to block an oncoming Mokomoko Coral Diffusion. Cure Coral’s attack pushes fiercely against the shield until it lights up the entire hall to reveal Rosetta on the ground as the loser.
“I did it!!” Coral cheers excitedly, surprised by the victory as she helps Rosetta up. “Thank you so much for the good fight.”
“Yeah, we will have to have a tiebreaker, won’t we?” The now-transformed Alice looks over to Rikka and Karen who nod. The group looks around at the mess they made from the fight. “Sorry Hinata,” Alice apologizes to the only one who actually goes to the school.
“Oh, who cares!? That was awesome!!” Hinata is watching the recording before posting it to Curesta. Akane is peeking over her shoulder to make sure she doesn’t leak their secret identities or anything.
“We should start cleaning this up,” Karen gestures to all the knocked-over desks and school stuff the group agrees, starting to pick up after themselves as the idea of a tiebreaker settles into their minds.
The moon places itself in the direct center of the sky above the floating islands, marking midnight for Skyland as not just the returning thirteen spectators but the whole of the city now curiously watching as the final fight to crown a victor readies itself. Tsubomi, Kotoha, Hikari, Dark Rouge, Akane, and Karen now have a flag to cheer for Sango who transforms into Coral already drawing her weapon. Akira, Rikka, Cobraja, Ellen, Iona, and Hinata have a matching flag to cheer for Cure Rosetta who has a matched determined stance. Yukari stands in the center to play referee, her hand rises with three fingers.
“3, 2, 1, let us begin,” She curtseys as the two dashes in front of her, starting a battle right in the middle of the street. Rosetta counters a few swings from the Heart Rouge Rod, catching it with her arm before sending it away from her torso. Both are more matched than ever, both having remembered the movements of the other from the last time. This series of fights has done its job of training the two cures very well as the two appear even more stronger than both times before. Rosetta dodges to the left as Coral uses her finisher, with the surprise of the dodge she charges to try and hit the opponent directly. The sound of punches and kicks fills the air and the crowd is going crazy. Coral slides backward as Rosetta’s attack hits her shield, the shield begins to crack but luckily she jumps away before Rosetta can win. The two charge and fists meet, and they clash in a final go before finally smoke clears as one of them falls Rosetta has lost not just another match but the whole game. Coral stands up to the cheers of the audience hands at her chest as her surprised expression looks around at everyone.
“That was fun,” Alice holds out a hand to shake, no hard feelings as the two smile at each other. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, you are a Precure after all.”
“Thank you, you are so strong!” Sango compliments them and the group of thirteen walk off to celebrate such a great show and probably get some sleep. As the night rages on and the sun begins to creep up from its hiding spot the experience gained from such an event lingers in their minds as they prepare to go home and tell their friends of the outcomes.
Idk how accurate I got them, I've never used them in a fic before and am rusty on their lore. Anyway, that was all stay tuned for the next one, bye!
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