#but even after getting up i had to remind myself several times to get ready for work
minkyutie · 11 months
almost forgot i had to go to work today 💀
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Oh So Sweet
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Summary: Although married off at age three and ten and sent away from Kings Landing, you never forgot your first love.
Word count: 2.7K
Content warnings: Bad parenting? Some self doubt and sadness, and also fluffy flufness.
Little author's note/disclaimer: (feel free to skip this)
I haven't written anything properly in years, which means I am very very very rusty. I essentially wrote this as bit of challenge to myself and I know it is not my greatest work, but I'm still proud of it.
So I hope you will like this! Feedback is welcomed and very appreciated <3
Happy reading!
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Six years, that is how long you had been gone from King’s Landing and now you were back to celebrate Jacaerys Velaryon’s 20th name day. You had come as a representative from your husband’s house. He was currently indisposed due to some nasty fever and was too unwell to make the journey, and although you wouldn't admit it aloud you were all too happy to journey alone. Eager to see the man again whom you had loved since childhood.
Your husband was an insufferable swine four times your senior who had essentially trapped you in his estate after your marriage. Not allowing you to leave unless he were to breathe down your neck, it infuriated you.
However this specific name day celebration invitation had urged you specifically to attend, therefore you could not refuse or you would risk the fury of the royal household. Their fury was not one you wished to invoke.
Although it had been six years it felt as though little had changed in the Red Keep, much still looked the same. The same Targaryen heraldry hung the walls and decorated the castle, reminding you with every step you took to whom this place belonged. In case you forgot the dragons screeches outside. Years ago your father had been a member of Viserys I’s small council and had taken your mother and you with him to reside in the Red Keep.
It had allowed you to grow up with the royal children, and in that time you had grown partially fascinated with the eldest son of princess Rhaenyra. You had grown so close to him, the both of you were practically inseparable. Close in age and proximity, it was no wonder you were such good friends. He would take you to see Vermax and promise to take you flying to wherever you wanted to go. Every time he would train, he wanted you there and every time he won, he wanted you to be the first to congratulate him. You told him legends and stories of heroes and warriors of old. 
On your tenth name day the two of you had snuck out of the party to the Godswood, it is there under the glowing moon you were discussing the future when Jacaerys had let something slip. “I want to marry you,” he had whispered in a soft voice, almost as if he hadn’t meant to speak it out loud. In response you took his hand in yours as you whispered back “I want that too.”
By the time you were three and ten your mother had discussed a potential engagement between your two houses with Rhaenyra, who hadn’t seemed opposed to it. However, this discussion between the two of them had angered your father. He didn’t want his only daughter to marry a, what in his eyes looked like, a “bastard”. It prompted him to marry you off as soon as possible.Not even two months later you were wed to some lord in the Reach far away from King's landing. It was a sad ceremony and it resulted in a sad marriage.
Early in the evening a knock at your door roused you from your sleep, the handmaidens from earlier had come back to help you get ready. They carried several boxes each revealing a different dress, in various different shades.
“What are these?” You asked as you examined the fabrics up close, they all looked to be of highest quality but you recognised none of them, they were not gowns you had taken with you.
“Courtesy from prince Jacaerys my lady,” one of the handmaidens replied, her answer leaving you shocked. Jacaerys bought you these gowns? Your heart fluttered at the thought and you couldn’t keep your smile at bay. You looked through the many options, there were dresses in shades of purple, pink, red, green.
There was even a gown in the signature black and red of the Targaryen’s, no doubt intentional from him. After a while you settled on one, the fabric feeling soft against your fingers and you had a feeling Jacaerys would be pleased with your choice.
“I choose this one.” You turned to your handmaidens, they nodded and helped you with undressing and then helped you put on the new gown. Afterwards you sat at your vanity as one of the handmaidens did your hair and the others put the other gowns back into their respective boxes. It didn’t take long before you were ready, your hair beautifully done and all the gowns put away, meaning it was now time to make your way to the throne room to join the others in the celebrations. 
The throne room looked amazing, there were tables laid out with food and wine, a large chandelier illuminating the room alongside the various candle holders. Nobles from all over Westeros were gathered here today and were mingling amongst each other. You hadn’t seen a scene so grand since the wedding of prince Aegon to princess Helaena, and even then it had not been so grand. Your arrival was announced by a courtier and as you descended the stairs you looked to the Iron throne.
Rhaenyra Targaryen sat on the throne looking as regal as you remembered her, on her left stood Alicent Hightower with her three children. You were slightly surprised the four of them attended the celebrations especially after the usurpation attempt. Although it was a short lived attempt it was still a shock for the entire realm and you were relieved to see that they all seemed to be on decent terms with each other.
King-consort Daemon stood on the right side of the queen alongside his two daughters and his two youngest stepsons. You almost didn’t recognize Joffrey, he had been so very young when you last saw him, too young for him to remember. With a pang to your heart you made your way to where they served wine and asked for a cup.
The servant handed you your cup and as you were taking your first sip the crow dispersed, the servant who had just a few moments ago announced your arrival now announced the arrival of the guest of honour. “Prince Jacaerys Velaryon of House Velaryon and House Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne.” Your eyes immediately darted up to where he stood and as you laid your eyes upon him, your breath left you. 
Jacaerys Velaryon stood in the entrance to the throne room dorning targaryen red and black, standing tall and proud. His brown curls framing his face and making him look all the more handsome. You watched him make his way through the crowd as applause followed, echoing in the large room. You felt your lungs constrict, he looked so handsome, he looked even better than how you had imagined him all these years.
It almost felt as though the Gods were taunting you. It felt unfair, so so unfair. You drank more of the wine, letting the alcohol flow through you in an effort to feel more at ease. However it had much the opposite effect.
The crown prince gave a short speech in which he thanked everyone for coming and wished everyone a pleasant evening. For a short moment you could have sworn your eyes locked but you could not be sure.
Soon the crowd made way for the crown prince and Baela Targaryen, who were going to be the first to dance as was custom. You knew it was illogical but a bitter part of you thought that it should have been you, you in his arms dancing and laughing. It should have been you standing by his side, touching his arm, caressing his face.
You drank more of your wine, before long your cup was empty and the dance had ended with applause from the attendees. The band started a new number as the prince and princess disappeared in the crowd, other dancers swarmed the floor and you felt it to be in your best interest to find some fresh air. No one was paying attention to you as you slipped through the doors, at least, that’s what you thought. 
There was a small balcony not far from the throne room, it overlooked the water and the crashing waves hid any sound from the party. You leaned against the rails as you tried to hold back tears. All these years being locked away in an estate of a man you didn’t love, with no one to keep you company.
Just for you to return to where you had longed to be and feel equally out of place. It hurt, it hurt a lot. The angry waves crashing against the shore mimicked your own frustration, you were so engrossed in watching the waves and their endless assault against the shore, you did not hear the footsteps approaching. 
“I hope you’re not planning on jumping.”
You turned around faster than light could reach earth, the voice sounded so familiar yet deeper and more mature. Your breath caught in your throat
“Jace?” You whispered to the man in front of you, convinced you were dreaming. He looked even more magnificent up close, full lips and strong brows and fair skin. Jacaerys smiled at you before stepping closer. “Yes Y/n,” his hand reached out to touch your cheek and you instinctively leaned into the touch, closing your eyes. “It’s me.”
His hand wiped away the tear that escaped your eye, and as you opened your eyes again he stood so much closer. “I missed you,” you spoke as he stepped closer. “I missed you too.” His arms encircled you and you were pulled in a strong embrace “I missed you so much.”
He buried his face in your hair as he cradled you against his frame. You stood there for a while, clinging to him as though he were to disappear if you let go. The waves continued to crash against the shore, the nobles continued dancing and the music kept playing, regardless of everything at that moment it felt as though time stood still, just for the two of you.
However, you knew this wasn’t appropriate. If anyone saw you two, it would damage both your reputations, yours more than his. You retreated your hand and put it on his chest, intent on pushing him away, although you knew it would be futile.
It was you who pulled away first, although you couldn't go far. Jacaerys’ training paid off because you could not escape his arms even if you had earnestly tried. You looked into his eyes, now it was your turn to cradle his face. He turned his face slightly sideways before planting a soft kiss to your palm, a content smile gracing his face.
“We can’t Jace.” His eyes opened as pressed you closer to him. “Why not?” “It’s improper.” He laughed in response. “Why?” You slapped his chest softly  in jest, and looked at him. “Because I’m married, Jace, so we really really shouldn’t continue.” Instead of pulling away as well, he cupped your face and lowered his own face so he could look deep into your eyes.
 “I don’t care,” was all he said before his lips met yours. It felt odd to be finally kissing the man you had pined after for so long, it felt like a gift from the heavens, and it was gift you were going to cherish forevermore.
He left your lips briefly to whisper something only for you to hear, “I love you.” Before you could respond, his lips went back to yours and his hands cradled your face to prevent you from leaving. The kiss was sweet, sweeter than anything on this earth. Sweeter than the cakes in the banquet hall, sweeter than any fruit you had ever tasted. It was so sweet, you knew you would be addicted before long.
His hands left your face and travelled down to your back, pulling you closer to him. The kiss felt heavenly, his lips soft against your own, it was like life was brought back into you. You kissed back with vigour, your hands reaching for his neck where they crossed over one another.
Jace was quick to deepen the kiss, tugging you closer to him as if he was planning on devouring you. Your heart was racing a mile per minute, and you couldn’t help but let your hands travel. On instinct they found their way into his soft, brown curls. A soft moan escaped him as you lightly tugged on the curls, at this you smiled. In response Jace gathered your skirts and hoisted you up so you were seated on the balcony, your legs crossed behind his back on instinct. His hands travelled up and down your sides, almost tugging at the fabric so hard it would rip.
You pushed against his chest when it felt as though you were going to pass out, you needed to breathe as did he. He parted to let you breathe, and he let his head fall to your forehead. A bright smile on his face as his chest fell up and down in quick succession, mirroring your own. It was he who broke the silence between the two of you after a few moments. 
“Never leave again,” he whispered as he started trailing kisses from your cheeks to your neck, and as you opened your mouth to reply, he sucked on a specifically sensitive spot on your neck. A moan escaped your lips as a result and you could feel his smile widen against your skin. You giggled softly, “I won’t.”
He continued to lavish your neck with kisses as he did so, you could hear loud footsteps approaching, and a variety voices talking over one another. If they passed by and saw you in this position with the heir to the throne, you didn’t want to think about what was to ensue. 
“Jace-” your hands tugged on his hair, which resulted in a gorgeous moan escaping his beautiful lips -” Jace, we should stop,” you said, hand caressing the curls you had tugged on. He grumbled before raising his head, and you let your hands fall to his shoulders. “Why do you want to stop,” he asked, “did I do something wrong?”
You shook your head, “We’re too exposed, anyone could walk in on us.” You glanced to the hallway and now it seemed that Jacaerys heard the same voices that you had heard moments prior, however now they were growing ever closer. He helped you down from your position and straightened his tunic.
“We should continue this elsewhere.” At this you let out a giggle, “bold of you to assume we will continue.” The puppy eyes he threw at you in response were enough to make almost any person swoon and fall for his ploy, but you needed to remain strong. “Jace I’m serious, I am married, continuing this would be most unwise.”
He took your hand in his, and looked you in the eyes, “I promise you this." His thumb stroked over your knuckles as he continued, "I will have your marriage annulled. I will beg my mother to do it and then-” he placed your hands on his chest, ”then we can marry, as was always the plan.” You smiled at him and softly caressed his chest. “I would like that.”
The voices in the distance disappeared and emboldened you to give him a small peck. “I should return to my room now.” He nodded in return, “I shall escort you.” You shook your head with a smile. “You should entertain your guests. They will wonder where you are.” He sighed, because he knew you were right. “Very well then. I shall see you on the morrow.” You smiled and nodded before departing to your chambers.
Once at your chambers you noticed something sitting on your vanity, a small raven scroll. Upon closer inspection it appeared the letter was sealed with the crest of your husband’s house. You opened the scroll and dropped it as soon as you read its content. You followed to scroll in its descent on the floor, shocked breaths falling from your lips. The content from the scroll laid bare for all to see. 
Dear lady Y/n
It is with great sadness that we inform you that your husband has succumbed to his fever, passing away in the late hours of yesterday eve. We pray for you well being and eagerly await your return.
With regards
Maester Tansen
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jayden-killer · 7 months
Greediest man in the Stone World.
summary: you've just being awaken by your old friend and classmate, Senku, in a whole new human era. But, who's this young guy claiming you as his? a/n: waahh, i sincerly apologise if i disappeared...again. i literally forgot my tumblr writing page, and life took a.. strange turn of events(?) kinda. i hope this first ryusui one shot will make me forgive!!!
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Dark. And then... a golden beam of light passed through my eyes, blinding me. My muscles began to melt. I felt them sore, as if I had slept in an uncomfortable position all night. Or maybe, for three thousand and fifty years. This was what was brought back to me when I woke up from that sleep I thought was eternal. The first thing my eyes noticed when they hatched was a blinding sun. There was so much green. So much vegetation was not seen even in the well-preserved jungles. Then, a group of boys with familiar and unfamiliar faces. My eyes met his.
I uttered that name in a subtle tone of voice, and the boy did nothing but address to me that mischievous grin of his own.
"Yoh, Y/N...we need your help".
[ Time skip...(*ゝω・)ノ ]
"So... you need my dexterity in putting these little pieces together so you can build, um... Repeat it, thank you".
"An oxygen tank" Senku rest, without even thinking of getting that smirk off his face.
His attitude hadn’t disappeared after 3,500 years. Not even when he claimed in front of a professor that their speeches were meaningless.
Here we go again...
Between a sigh and the other I immediately set to work, while in the distance I heard Senku arguing with what seemed to be his colleague.
Just in the middle of my work I felt someone touching my shoulder gently. A delicate touch, like that of a… "Child?" The girl in question wore a watermelon helmet on her head, with lenses inserted in the two holes that created a space for the eyes. She made a sound of wonder, her hands to her mouth.
"So, you are new here!" With a confused look I lowered myself to her level, able to have a face-to-face conversation with the little creature. " I suppose so..? And you are...?" That little girl who didn’t immediately show her intentions and courage was pretty to say the least. "Suika wanted to welcome you to the Science Team!" she said clearly, now showing me her hand to shake her. I took her, and with a kind smile, I accepted her request. "How kind of you! Since I am now a new addition to your team, can I have the honor to meet my future colleagues and companions?"
Little Suika nodded happily, running in the opposite direction where I was working. Heck. Maybe it was me who was no longer a child like her, but Suika seemed really fast in the race, not giving me a chance to keep up. I didn’t know where he was taking me; we passed through several huts, erected on wooden structures, running as if someone was after us.
The only one chasing her was me. Looking back to see if we’d actually drifted apart, my foot tripped on a double-sized rock. The collision with the stone made me lose my balance; I was ready to crash on the dirty ground and have some bruises all over my face for a few days. Only that never happened. In the instant that I was about to feel my face against the damp soil, two arms wrapped my waists not too strong, but with determination, preventing me from slipping a second time. I didn’t even realize I closed my eyes. "It’s not even the first day you’re back here on Earth, and you were destined to get hurt. Pff, not very convenient for our team, huh?"
A moment later my eyes sprang to meet his, and those eyes reminded me of an autumn now close to winter. " Well, lady killer, now you might as well put me down. I’m not meant to be your princess." I said authoritatively. His powerful arms let go of my body, and with a little thump my butt bounced off the ground.
What an idiot!
Not only was he now laughing at me with a fat laugh, as if I had just said the funniest joke on Earth, but he didn’t even deign to preseed himself! The blond slightly lowered his head, as I was still on the ground, and with an energetic voice he replied: "Not yet", later going in the opposite direction, with firm step. Oh, what kind of weird I had in front…
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
"Become mine! With all my Drago you would become the luckiest woman in the world!"
Somebody kill me...
It had been two months since I had made my unexpected (better to say, unlucky) acquaintance with blondie, who had the name of Ryusui Nanami. With his egocentrism and sheer avarice, he had proved to be one of the most promising members of the Kingdom of Science so far, with great skills for navigation. Apparently he came from one of the wealthiest families in Japan, and he certainly had not lost the habit of being indulged in everything, even after 3,500 years. And since our first meeting, he hasn’t stopped trying once. On every occasion he would give me his flirtations comments (sometimes shabby), he would become handsy, or he would try to buy me with his stupid Drago.
I was not one of those women who was so easily deceived, especially if a situation was about money. He thought I would give in so easily. I was so determined to prove to him the opposite, during these months, that this would give him up. With a gesture of the hand, I pushed him away. " I’m sorry, Ryusui. As I’ve explained many times before, I’m not interested." I took a dramatic break. ".. to you."
He whined loudly like a little baby, fogetting his money behind to get close to me. "You’re making a mistake!" "I have made many mistakes in my life," I answered sharply. "Then add another to your long list." I nailed him down with my sharp look, sketching a tight smile. Nothing to do. That man would never wave the white flag in the sky. However, it was becoming a nuisance, and having it close to me like a fin was starting to run out. For the worse. I had only one idea that could have saved me in that instant, from a near future in which he was no longer clinging to me like an octopus: make him believe he had a chance with me. A bold idea; nevertheless, it had to be tried. Either it will make it or break it. "Maybe, in the future, you might have a chance…" I implied in a vague tone, already heading somewhere, any, to get him off my back. I could swear to see his eyes shining remarkably with hope, and a new fire, fueled by determination.
He snapped his fingers, his iconic gesture that everyone, by now, had learned to recognize, and if he did, it was because he decided to do something. There were no roads back. "HA-HA!" His laughter seemed to flow throughout the Ishigami village. Even Senku and Chrome turned to us, with confused scowls, to see what was so funny at the time. But Ryusui found nothing amusing in this situation, except a challenge to complete.
"So be it! I’ll show you how much I’m willing to change your mind. Anything to get the chance to become yours!"
Though I did not turn to look at him, once again, his muscular arms clasped my waists, turning my body to meet his. Face to face. "You, damned Nanami, what do you want now?!" That gesture had taken me by surprise, because he was not used to come so near me, but with his cheeky smile, he kissed me on both the cheeks. A quick gesture that made me blush remarkably in my face, almost to feel it burn under the palms of my hands. "What the f...?!" "You don’t know it, but you’re already mine!"
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kjupchurch-xx · 2 months
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I’m doing random one shots/imagines on Hugh Jackman on WattPad. I’m new to Tumblr, so I may not always post them here. You can enjoy these on my WattPad as well, my profile is under @kjupchurch
✨ Remarkable ✨
August 5th, 2024
                      Los Angeles, California
           ✨This contains SMUT✨
I yawned while stretching out into the California king sized bed, feeling the soft mattress swallow my body. Over the last several months, Hugh and I have been staying in Ryan Reynolds guest home for the filming and now press from Deadpool & Wolverine. As much as I was enjoying LA, I missed my own bed. I missed our home in NYC.
Hugh and I have been together for the past eight months. Had you told me last August that one year from now I'd be in California, or that a bunch of A-List celebrities would know I'd exist, I would've never believed you. I was an ordinary, normal 25-year-old girl from the East Coast when I'd met Hugh. He was freshly separated from his wife of 27 years, Deborra-Lee Furness at the time.
Sometimes I still have to pinch myself to remind me that I'm not in some sort of weird dream.
I looked down feeling my phone vibrate from a text. I sleepily smiled as I saw his name pop up.
Hugh 💋: Hey Love, Noldsy and I are getting ready to pull up at the house. Are you awake?
Me: I'm up. I'll see you soon. 😘
I must've fallen asleep shortly after seeing the text because I awoke to the sound of the bedroom door opening. I could smell his cologne and he was nowhere near me yet. He always smelled heavenly.
"Hey, Love. I'm back." He said, in his thick Australian accent that leaves me weak in the knees every time I hear it.
I sleepily smiled, "Hey, baby. How was it?" I asked, pulling myself up to sit up in the large bed.
He pressed a soft kiss against my lips, "Awesome as always. It was only missing you."
I chuckled as he pulled away, "I'm sorry, Love. I'm still exhausted from the interviews earlier. I'm still not used to this go, go, go thing."
He smiled, pulling his shirt off, heading in the direction of the bathroom, "I know. You'll get used to it soon enough, babe. I'm gonna hop in the shower, would you like to join me?" He asked while turning back to face me.
I lazily got out of the bed smirking at him, following suit, "Is that even a real question? Do I want to join you?"
He chuckled hearing the sarcasm in my words, whilst shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, you never know. I have to pinch myself sometimes because I'm wondering what a beautiful gal like you would want with some old bloke like me."
I rolled my eyes as we entered the bathroom, flipping the dim setting lights on. "Shut up. I have to pinch myself considering you like older women and I'm..." I began jokingly counting on my fingers, "Like 30 years younger than you."
It was now his turn to roll his eyes. He laughed almost embarrassingly, "Shut it. You see how that turned out. I figured I needed to expand my horizons."
I noticed his gaze dropping to my breasts as I removed the t-shirt I had on, revealing no bra underneath. I couldn't help myself as my eyes trailed to his cut abs. How this man was about to be 56 years old blows my mind daily. I slowly pulled off my underwear as I heard him turn the faucet for the shower on shortly before removing his shoes, black jeans and his boxer briefs.
He slowly walked closer towards me and grasped both of my cheeks, pulling me closer towards him while looking into my eyes. His hazel eyes burning through my green ones, causing me to look down. Even after eight months of being with this beautiful man, his presence still made me somewhat shy at times.
His voice softened barely above a whisper, "I missed you so much, Love." I felt his thumb begin caressing my cheek and couldn't escape the smile appearing on my lips.
I whispered back, "You have no idea how much I missed you." I briefly looked up to see the sweet smile appearing on his face.
"Come on now, don't be shy, baby." He said with a smirk, placing a small kiss on my forehead.
The blush appearing on my cheeks was practically burning my skin. Hugh grabbed my arm, pulling me into the shower with him. Thankfully, Ryan's guest house has a massive shower, so there would be no fighting over who gets the water while the other person freezes to death in the corner waiting their turn.
The feeling of the water cascading down our skin feels indescribable. After the jam packed week we've had, it feels phenomenal. I was shaken from my thoughts as I felt two strong arms wrap around me.
"You're quiet, you okay, love?" He asked softly, looking down at me.
He towers me, me being 5'0 and him being 6'2. It certainly has its perks.
I nodded, "I'm okay, I'm just exhausted." I said with a small chuckle.
The sound of his chuckles filled my ears, "I am too. We've got another full day of it tomorrow."
I nodded, pressing a soft kiss on his peck muscle, "I know."
There are so many things that I want to do, but I'm genuinely exhausted and I'm sure that he is as well with the hectic schedule he's been running on. I'm shaken from my thoughts as I feel a poking sensation pressing against my abdomen, right near my belly button. I smirked, "Really?"
He chuckled with a small shrug of his shoulders, "I'm sorry babe, I'm holdin' your naked body, it's just a natural reaction."
As tired as I am, he turns me on so much that resisting the temptation is almost impossible. I slowly ran my hand down his chest, towards his abs and let my fingers caress his happy trail. I could feel the poking sensation grow harder as my hand inches towards his waistline as he let out a small chuckle. I looked up, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss as my fingers trailed past the happy trail, grabbing his hard member. I could feel him produce a low moan against my lips.
Our tongues danced for dominance as I slowly stroked him. He quickly pushed us towards the shower wall, pinning my back against the hard slick tile. I could feel him nibbling on my bottom lip as my hand began stroking quicker. I broke the kiss and began placing kisses on his neck. I could feel him throw his head back in pleasure while moans escaped his lips. I trailed wet kisses down his chest, sinking to the floor to run my tongue down his chiseled abs.
I maintained eye contact with him as I quickly replaced my hand that was on his now throbbing cock with my mouth. He looked down at me whilst biting his bottom lip, taking a deep breath through his nose.
"Oh, Baby." He moaned, caressing my chin pulling it upwards forcing me to hold my eye contact as my lips traced over the tip of his cock. I felt his hand move towards the back of my head as he began thrusting into my mouth.
He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me back up to kiss him. He placed his hands under my ass cheeks and lifted me up, holding me against the shower wall, never breaking the kiss. I felt the tip of his cock brush against my entrance, sending shockwaves through my core.
Against my lips, he spoke seductively, "Look at me, baby." As he slowly entered me, I gasped at his size. He was big. He was well endowed, and well over 6 inches long. Even after eight months, it still takes me a minute to adjust.
After giving me a minute to regain my composure, he began slamming into me while my cries of pleasure filled the dimly lit room. He smirked at me, "That's my good girl. Cum for me."
The sound of his husky Australian voice sent me over the edge. I sank my nails into his back as I felt my orgasm fast approaching.
He bit my lip, "I want you to cum for me." He growled, thrusting at a quicker pace.
There's no way Ryan and Blake hadn't ever overheard us. Even in a guest house, we tend to get very loud.
As he slammed into me one last time, I felt myself melt into him as my orgasm ravage my body. I felt him throbbing as he came deep inside me. He sat me down on my feet and grinned at me cheekily while kissing my forehead.
"Now we really do need a shower." I said chuckling, grabbing my loofa and soap.
Once we finished showering, I followed Hugh into the joining bedroom and collapsed back into the bed. He collapsed next to me, pulling me into his arms. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent of his body wash.
"I missed you today." I mumbled, twirling my fingers in his chest hair.
"I missed you too, love. Loads." He said softly.
I felt him shift under me so he could look down at me, "Why are you so quiet today, babe? This is not like you. What's wrong?"
I sighed, "I've just been in my head today. Nothing too crazy, I promise."
He began running his fingers through my hair, "Tell me what's bothering you."
Chuckling I said, "I don't know. This is all just... crazy."
He looked at me knowingly with a slight smirk in his expression, "What is?"
"You. Me. California. Movie premiers. All of it. One year ago, I was a normal person that went to work at a job I hated every day. I lived in a small town. Now I'm in bed with Wolverine. How does this even happen?" I said laughing.
He positioned himself upwards on his elbows, causing me to lift up and look at him. He almost couldn't wipe the cheeky smile off his face.
I chuckled, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked throwing my hands up in defeat.
He shook his head, still not moving the smile from his lips, "A year ago, I didn't imagine my life would be like this either."
I playfully rolled my eyes, "Is that a good thing?"
He nodded, "A very good thing. I fell for you because you're the most remarkable person I've ever met." He leaned in to kiss me softly.
"You're in my bed because I realized I'm incapable of being away from you." He placed another soft kiss on my lips.
"And you're so damn beautiful. You make me feel like the luckiest bloke in the world. Almost like I won the jackpot on a Scratchy." He smirked, giving me a small chuckle followed by another peck on the lips.
I smiled, laughing "You're ridiculous. And we call them scratch-offs." I said jokingly.
He playfully held his chest as if he were offended, "Hey, I'm an Australian. We say things less complicated than you guys do here."
I playfully rolled my eyes again, "Whatever, Hugh Ackerman."
His face erupted into laughter, "Let's have a cuddle and get some sleep, love." He said softly while pulling me into his arms.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
love love LOVE your mary & Delilah fics! was wondering if you could do one where little delilah is brought to a match and she sees mary interacting with young fans who are about her age and gets a little jealous and clingy because that’s HER MAMA
part of the a date to remember universe
my mama II m.earps x reader
"okay which one lilah? purple, black or green?" you questioned, holding up the choices and doing a little dance making your daughter giggle. "i wanna dress myself today please." she informed crossing her arms over her chest with a determined nod.
"okay baby. but its cold, so dress warm!" you chuckled, hanging the jumpers back up and moving to sit down. "no mummy, by myself!" she pointed to the door and hurried over, pushing at your legs.
"okay okay! god i thought i'd get a few more years before i got kicked out of your room, this hurts lilah." you gasped dramatically as she shoved you from her room, only met with a door slammed in your face.
"was that-" you turned around and nodded to your wife. "she wants to dress herself today." you informed with a chuckle, moving into your wifes waiting arms which wrapped around you.
"we've told her she isn't allowed to grow up right?" "nearly every day since was born my love, she just does not want to listen."
"delilah grace earps are you done now?" you called out with a sigh, leaning against the wall by her door which you'd tried to open several times only met with a yell and it pushed closed again, your daughter firmly stating she wasn't ready and you weren't allowed to see until she was.
mary had already been picked up as to not be late for warm ups and you shook your head as you checked the time again already knowing the two of you would be stuck in traffic and miss kick off if you didn't leave soon.
"okay lilah we have to go, i'm coming in." you warned, though before you could even grab the handle the door it flew open and a bundle of colour and blonde hair came tumbling out.
"do you like it!" your daughter beamed, bouncing happily as you bit your bottom lip taking in her choice of outfit.
she had on a pair of black and white light up custom trainers alessia had gotten her for her birthday, pale yellow nike joggers with a pair of green man united kit shorts over the top. on her top half she on a bright purple hoodie with an orange lionesses jersey that was far too big for her with toone on the back and a bright red man united beanie on her head, with its matching scarf tied around her hips like a makeshift belt.
"well...i'm not going to lose you in the crowd, thats for certain." you smiled, knowing no matter what you said or tried there wasn't a chance you'd be getting your daughter changed without a fight and missing the game.
"you don't wanna wear mama's jersey lilah?" you tried, knowing your wife would kick off and ella would be absolutely insufferable in your daughters current choice. "nope! aunty el was sad last time i saw her so i thought this would make her happy, cause you and mama always say orange is a happy colour!" she grinned and your heart melted.
the last time she had seen her favourite aunt and godmother was after a particularly rowdy team night out where both had wound up crashing the night at your place, mary their designated driver and apparently a key influence in just how many shots they'd downed which you'd told her off for afterwards.
the two had wound up crying crocodile tears as mary and you both disallowed them to see delilah, trying to remind it was hours after her bedtime and the two of them were very drunk. which had in turn woken your daughter who'd come to investigate, not understanding why she wasn't allowed to say hello to either of her favourite people.
mary had practically needed to sit on top of both your adopted daughters to stop them racing after you, reminding them over and over that your four year old didn't need to see them in their current intoxicated state and they could see her in the morning.
"we do say that don't we." you agreed with her words, shaking your head in amusement but giving in, not wanting to squash the independence you and mary were trying to instill in her.
"at least you listened about the cold and did lots of layers babe, now time to go!"
you sent polite smiles to the strange looks you received walking your daughter through old trafford, meeting up with marys mum and wordlessly shaking your head at her questioning stare as she scooped up her granddaughter and the three of you made your way to your seats.
normally marys siblings and father would be in attendance but all had fallen ill with a stomach bug so you laughed at the way your mother in law was so relieved to be surrounded by 'healthy non whinging human beings'.
"do you like my outfit nanna?" your daughter chirped for the third time in the hour as you waved to your wife who was very clearly looking around stressed that she'd not spotted you, sighing in relief once she had.
"don't ask!" you mouthed to her perplexed look toward your daughter stood up in your lap furiously waving her and her team mates down. "els!" you cupped your hands over your mouth to gain the midfielders attention as she began to walk off the pitch after warm ups.
maya heard you and grinned before tapping ellas shoulder and gesturing toward you as you spun delilah around to show her last name plastered on your daughters back as her face lit up and you laughed as she raced right over to jump on your wifes back and no doubt lay into her about it.
now delilah was older she'd become a different sort of handful to take to marys games. gone were the earmuffs, dummy and baby blanket she'd needed to settle previously, where she'd often sleep the whole way through happily budled up in someones arms.
nowadays as your mothers both liked to remind you two she was just like you and mary had been as kids, a little unstoppable bundle of energy who often required distraction or bribery of some sort to sit still for prolonged periods of time.
which is how you found yourself racing off midway through the first half to sort out some food, having left in such a rush you'd completely forgotten the bag of snacks and toys you normally carted along with you whenever you left the house with delilah in tow.
thankfully with her grandma more than happy to listen to her chatter and answer her millions of questions you made it through the entire match without a single issue.
the problems started when the game finished and julie had needed to rush off to get back to the family, catching mary quickly before ducking off and leaving you and delilah to patiently wait your turn.
it would seem patience today though was not on delilahs agenda.
"i wanna see mama now!" the girl whined, wriggling furiously to try and yank her hand out of your grip as you sighed and took a deep breath. "mama's just saying hi to some people first baby, thats part of her work!" you tried to explain, even offering her an ice cream as a last minute ditch to distract her but it was to no use.
not even alessia could capture her attention for more than a few minutes as your daughter grew more and more fussy and inpatient the more time passed.
"go! it'll be fine." you forced a smile toward your wifes team mates who'd all taken turns trying to distract delilah as the two of you stood in the tunnel, mary signing autographs and taking photos with a larger crowd than normal.
"wanna go kick a ball tiny?" millie offered in a last ditch effort and that seemed to work as your daughter nodded eagerly and latched onto the taller girls leg, her giggles echoing around as millie zoomed off back onto the pitch.
you kept her in sight as you followed after them, hanging on the sidelines and waving to a few fans who called out your name, mary glancing over apologetically as you sent her a smile and a nod assuring it was fine.
but that tiny lapse in attention was all it took for delilah to break away from millie, maya and ella, sprinting off toward mary who had her back turned and ignoring the older girls calls after her which gained your focus back toward them.
intercepting her you scooped delilah up into your arms and sat her on your hip. "no! i wanna see mama!” you winced as she smacked your chest a few times and pushed away ella who'd appeared to try and help, and you could tell from the wobble of her bottom lip that she was a few moments away from a meltdown.
"hey lilah, look at me please." you dropped to your knees and stood her on her feet, your hands on her shoulders stopping her from running off. "we don't hit people, okay? i know you're having some really big feelings and you miss mama but-" you started, yelping as your daughter suddenly scratched at your hand, racing away toward mary.
"delilah grace!" you called after her, mary looking up a second too late as her daughter barreled into her. "my mama! mine!" she snarled at a young girl who mary was trying to take a picture with as the keeper quickly picked her up and apologised to the fan and her dad right as delilah started to scream.
apologizing to the crowd still awaiting her attention mary hurried back toward you, the two of you falling into step as you made your way into the tunnel and down the hall toward the change rooms. "lilah baby-" you started as her screams turned into sobs and she buried her face in marys neck.
"no, get off!" the girl snapped again scratching your hand as you inhaled sharply and paused, catching your wifes eye who nodded in understanding as you stayed outside and she dissapeared into the change rooms to try and calm your daughter down.
"hey, you alright?" you glanced up to meet concerned blue eyes and nodded, exhaling deeply as the taller girl pulled you into a hug. "thanks less." you mumbled as she rubbed your back, assuring over and over that you were the best mum ever.
promising her you were okay but that you'd need a raincheck on dinner plans you all had tonight both her and ella gave you another long hug and headed off to see their families.
with another deep breath you headed into the change rooms, only a few of the girls remaining as you spotted mary by her cubby. you caught her eye again and raised an eyebrow as she nodded, your daughter still tightly wrapped around her.
"lilah what do we need to say to mummy please?" mary started quietly, bouncing her knee up and down gently to gain your daughters attention as she pulled her head out of marys neck.
"im very sorry for scratching and yelling mummy." the girl apologised softly, climbing off marys lap and moving into yours, warmth flooding your body as she hugged you tightly and you kissed the top of her head.
you melted even further as your daughter grabbed your hand, carefully kissing over where she'd scratched you before clambering right back into marys lap.
"i'll shower at home, or else little miss is gonna wind up soaked." mary chuckled, gesturing to the way your daughter clung onto her like a monkey, refusing to loosen her grip as you took your wifes bag for her and the three of you waved goodbye to the few girls left and headed for the carpark.
"mama in the back with me!" delilah ordered with a frown once you reached the car, mary having gained a lift with alessia this morning meaning she at least didn't need to drive herself back.
"okay baby, just this once." mary gave in clearly picking up that delilah was being abnormally clingy after seeing her interacting with other kids, something the two of you would need to speak with her about another time.
and for the rest of that night it was the same story, your daughter refusing not to have some part of her in contact with mary at all times. so much so that she'd stayed in the bathroom while your wife showered, insisting you sit with her as well as she held marys hand through the shower door making you smile in amusement.
"my mama." was all that seemed to be repeated, the possessiveness also something new but a conversation for another day as mary waved off your concerns, too thrilled with having your daughters full focus and attention all night.
"oh for god sakes." you'd chuckled later that night at the sight before you. your wife having spent an abnormal amount of time putting delilah to bed you'd wandered up to check in, only to find her dead asleep in the tiny single bed belonging to your daughter, long limbs hanging off the sides with delilah curled into her still very much so awake.
"sh! mama is very tired mummy." delilah warned as you entered the room. "you should be asleep little miss, not mama!" you reminded quietly as she gave you a cheeky smile looking far too much like her other mother and held up the book which was previously laid open on marys chest.
"one more story, please?"
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sebscore · 1 year
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pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!reader 
warnings: reference to his iconic 'imagine' tweet. talk about having kids. talk of not wanting an unpresent father. swearing.
author's note: this post by @allkindfangirl inspired me to write this and I hope she enjoys it :) 
• • • • • • •
''Aunt Y/N, can you braid my hair, please?'' Willow walked up to the breakfast table, holding her pink hairbrush. 
The woman put her drink down, smiling down at the young girl. ''Of course, honey,'' she slid her chair back and got up, ''we'll do it inside so I can get ready myself.'' Y/N stuck out her hand and Willow swiftly took it. 
''Willow, what do you say to her?'' Her mother glanced at her, trying to look stern. The small girl huffed, seemingly embarrassed by her mother's reminder of having manners. ''Thank you, Y/N.'' The slight frown turned into a toothy grin as she looked up at her uncle's girlfriend. 
''You're welcome, Willow.'' Y/N chuckled, winking at Lewis who smiled at the pair. A skipping Willow dragged her inside the vacation home and made their way towards the bathroom. 
The rest of the family watched them leave with loving eyes, endeared by the interaction. ''Willow is obsessed with her.'' Nicola stated, looking at her brother. 
Her sister nodded her head. ''I know,'' she agreed, ''her hair needs to be like Y/N's, her clothes need to be like Y/N's- it's all I'm hearing these days.'' She sighed, not out of annoyance or agitation, but out of happiness that Willow had found a role-model in her brother's partner. 
''That's adorable,'' Lewis giggled, ''Y/N also loves her and Kaiden- always talking about how such good kids they are and wanting to buy them stuff.'' He told his family, recalling the times they had gone shopping and Y/N would see certain items that reminded her of the two kids. 
''It's very sweet.'' Anthony commented, the smile on Lewis' face bringing one to his own. 
Carmen scratched her voice. ''The little ones were very excited to see the two of you again. They were even naming all the things you could do together.'' The weeks leading up to the family vacation, Willow and Kaiden had been telling their grandmother's ear off about how much they were looking forward to it. 
''We were excited as well, it's been a while since we've all spent time like this together.'' Lewis answered, his heart melting at the thought of his niece and nephew being all giddy about seeing him and Y/N again. 
The other family members agreed. ''Yes, thank you so much for organising this, Lu.'' Samantha thanked him, sending an appreciative smile his way. 
''No, you don't have to thank me! It's my pleasure.'' He brushed her words off, growing shy. 
A comfortable silence fell upon them, bathing in the family time and the beautiful sight of the morning glow in Bali. That didn't last long, though. 
The loud voice of Kaiden cut through the peace and the sound of someone landing in the pool interrupted the tranquillity of the moment. Lewis' brother-in-law quickly followed after his son and everyone went back to either eating or getting themselves ready for the activities of the day. 
''Nice braid, Willow.'' Lewis complimented his niece as she walked past him to go outside with her new hair, a braid with several flower accessories attached. 
''I know, Y/N did it.'' She told her uncle in a 'duh'-tone. 
Lewis simply laughed and walked to their room, finding his girlfriend changing into a beautiful spring dress. ''Hey, beauty.'' He kissed her cheek, admiring her in the mirror. 
''Hi, honey.'' Y/N smiled at him, adjusting the straps on her shoulders. 
''I just ran into miss Willow who had a beautiful braid in her hair.'' He grinned, grabbing his swimming trunks from his suitcase. ''I told her it looked nice and she just went ''I know, Y/N did it' with a little attitude, it was the funniest thing.'' He recalled the interaction with his niece, chuckling to himself. 
''I wonder where she gets that sassy attitude from.'' Y/N smirked, glancing at her boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. 
Lewis took off his infamous Senna shirt and threw it at her, the woman smoothly catching it. ''I have no idea what you're talking about, darling.'' He pretended, sheepishly smiling. 
''Oh, Mister 'Imagine' doesn't know what I'm talking about, huh?'' Y/N lightly mocked him, folding his shirt and laying it on one of the chairs. 
The Mercedes driver took off his shorts and boxers, switching them for his swimming wear. ''Anyway,'' he changed the topic, making her laugh, ''we were just talking about how well you and the little ones get along.'' A fond smile found its way to his face, remembering the conversation he had earlier. 
''Really? That's cute, Lew.'' A few years ago it would have freaked her out if she knew his family had been talking about her, but a loving bond had bloomed over the course of her relationship with Lewis and now she considered them family as well. 
''Yeah,'' he walked up behind her, trapping her in a back hug, ''it made me think about something.'' 
''About what?'' Y/N looked at him through the mirror. 
''About us having our own kids.'' 
The sudden mention surprised her, her eyebrows raised and eyes widened. They had discussed it before, but some time had passed between that last conversation and now. ''Oh.'' 
''I know we said we would continue the discussion when it's my last F1 season, but I just couldn't help but think about it when you walked away with Willow.'' Lewis confessed, a dreamy look in his eyes. 
''I understand,'' she smiled, ''you'd be a great dad, Lewis.'' 
Sometimes it was hard to ignore the warm feeling she got when she saw Lewis with kids, it made her daydream about her future with the Formula One star. Y/N was okay with waiting until Lewis was ready to retire, though. She wanted a present father for her children- not one that was away most of the time and missed all the important milestones in their children's life. 
''And you will be the most amazing mother.'' He pressed a kiss to her temple, reveling in the feeling of having the love of his life in his arms. 
''Sir Uncle and Aunt Y/N sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes baby. In a baby carriage!'' Kaiden and Willow chorused, yelling the popular playground nursery rhyme through the house. 
The couple laughed at the comedic interruption, pulling away from one another. ''Maybe it's not that bad to wait a few years, I'm not ready for that yet.'' Lewis joked, grabbing a towel and his phone. 
''Dream on, honey.'' Y/N teased, walking to their bathroom and taking the sunscreen from one of the cabinets. 
Lewis stuck his head through the bathroom door, a smirk playing on his lips. ''I do have a wild imagination.'' He winked, referring to his own song with Christina Aguilera. 
''Fuck off, XNDA,'' she tried throwing a discarded towel at him, ''I like Kendrick more, anyway.''
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aperrywilliams · 5 months
It Was Horrible Until It Wasn't (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Part 1: If Anything I Find It Educative
Part 2: It Was Horrible Until It Wasn’t
Part 3: Douchebag Falls Short in This Case
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader.
Summary: Reader comes up to her apartment after Spencer walks her home from the diner, where they spend the last couple of hours. She is still processing the night and wonders if they will meet again. Another fortuitous event makes that happen. In which terms they will part ways again?
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: Mention of guns (tests to carry a gun). Mention to Reader's ex. Some strong words? IDK what else. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: I got very excited after your reactions and comments to "If Anything, I Find it Educative." So this is kind of part two, from Reader's perspective. I'm not convinced about a series yet, even if I have some ideas. What would you like to see if it happens?
Reader's POV
As I open the door, a bunch of cardboard boxes scattered on the floor greets me. That reminds me that I haven't unpacked all my things yet.
I've only been living here for two weeks, and I'm still getting used to the idea that this is my new home. 
It doesn't feel like it yet. 
But the boxes will be a problem for tomorrow. Now, I only want to take off these high heels and this fancy dress and call it a night - a pretty eventful night.
Not only did I have to confront my ex with his new girlfriend, but I also had to pretend I was okay with it. But how did I expect to do that? Did I genuinely think two months would be enough to be outside again to prove I got myself up? 
How naive of me.
I make a beeline to my bedroom, not even bothering to look at the rest of the apartment.
Again, it's tomorrow's problem.
Retreating my phone from my purse, I plug it to charge over my bedside table as I strip from my clothes and go to the bathroom to do my nightly routine.
The entire time, my mind doesn't stop wandering. At some point, it settles on the girl I helped from choking. It was a total coincidence for me to be there. I only approached the bar for another drink when I heard that man rambling. I don't know why my ear perked up, but it did. When I look to find the voice's source, my eyes land on the man and the girl by his side.
He was talking as if the world would end if he didn't, and the girl only eyed him from head to toe, clearly not giving a damn what he was saying. I kept subtly listening to them while sipping my drink. The guy's voice had something enchanting. I would have heard him talk for hours if it were from me. It was a bad thing his interlocutor wasn't so receptive, and when she occasionally said something, it was a flirting remark that only made him uncomfortable. 
What a shame.
When I noticed her fighting to breathe, swatting her hands in desperation, and the poor guy froze on the spot, I knew I needed to do something.
I didn't think much of it and wrapped my arms around her torso to help her. It worked. The oyster she choked with flew into the air, and she could breathe again.
But the next thing I knew, her palm connected to the man's cheek.
The poor guy seemed so confused, and the people talking around didn't help either. What a shitty situation. And as the good citizen I am, I tried to do something about it, only to get lashed out by the same woman I just saved from choking.
Fuck it. 
Seeing the people's attention returned to them, I walked away. That wasn't my fight in the first place.
Returning from the bathroom, I hear my phone ding. It's a text from my friend Andie.
Andie: How did the gala turn out? Did you see him? He was with her, right?
Andie had insisted on me not going to the gala, although I repeated to her several times that it was okay, that nothing would happen, and that I couldn't hide forever.
Me: You were right. I wasn't ready.
It's a defeat I must recognize. I wasn't prepared to see them.
Andie: My girl, I'm so sorry. It must have been awful for you.
It was, but it doesn't mean the night was a disaster.
Me: It was horrible until it wasn't. I can tell you more tomorrow. Now, I only want to go to bed.
Andie: You have me a bit confused here, but okay. I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight; I love you.
I return my phone to the charger and slip under the covers.
It was horrible until it wasn't.
I keep thinking about that. And a smile tugs the corner of my lips. Since Spencer - the guy who got slapped by the oyster-choked girl - approached me at the terrace, the night wasn't that awful anymore.
Who would have thought I would end my night in a diner, dressed to the nines and spouting details of my messy life to a stranger?
Monday morning comes faster than I wanted. 
I spent my Sunday mostly unpacking boxes and tidying my apartment, and now, with a coffee in hand, I cross the hall to my office on the third floor of the FBI building in Quantico.
Some colleagues greet me as I pass by. I return them with a polite smile. I saw a couple of them at the gala on Saturday. I only hope they didn't notice the wreck I was that night.
On my desk, a pile of hundreds of manila folders are waiting for me.
This Monday will be a blast.
Dutifully, I reach for the first folder to start my work, as my ear perks up to two colleagues' conversation about the gala.
"Did you see them? Those hot chicks from Counterterrorism?" a male colleague says to another.
"Yeah. I heard one of them was hitting on Reid from the BAU. What a waste!" The other adds.
"And the lucky bastard wasn't able to take her home. His nerdy charm didn't even help him with that."
The mention of the BAU brings Spencer to my mind again. And I realize I don't even know his last name. 
I don't think I need to know, but I can't stop my fingers from typing 'Spencer FBI BAU' on my computer.
My findings make the conversation between my colleagues intriguing. They were precisely talking about Spencer, Spencer Reid, and the girl with him at the gala. Clearly, the incident did not go unnoticed.
I don't like the tone they refer to him, either. I do not know the guy well, but I'm sure he's way better than any of the men at the venue that night.
Are you hearing yourself (Y/N)? That kind of blind trust put you in this situation with your ex in the first place.
I shouldn't grant credibility so fast, but honestly? Spencer seems to be everything but a threat. The things he said, the way he spoke. Anyway, I should stop thinking about that if I want to finish some work. Yeah, that's what I need to do.
Drowning out the noise, I return to the opened folder and continue working.
Some would ask how a task as monotonous as the one I'm doing now could be appealing to someone. The appeal for me comes from how everything fits in the right places and serves a purpose. That's enough for me, even if some people don't understand it.
My ex didn't. And as him, many others.
I'm still fighting to ease the effects their judgments had on me.
Around lunchtime, stopping the papers review, I pick up my phone to check my messages. Yesterday, I promised Andie I would have lunch with her today, so I'm checking for her confirmation and a place to meet.
Just in time, a text comes. She is free right now and suggests a restaurant just outside the building.
"Hey, girl! I'm glad you made it," she greets me as I spot her on one of the tables.
"Of course. I promised I would."
Lunchtime is only one hour, so we order quickly and go straight to the matter.
"I can't believe the son of the bitch decided to go and show off his new conquest," Andie huffs.
"Not that new, considering she has been sleeping with him in what used to be my bed at least a month before I discovered it," I correct with an annoyed look.
It's good to say these things without crying my eyes out anymore.
I tell Andie more details about how it went to share a space packed with mutuals around us and try to stay composed.
"But at some point, I just couldn't. So I retracted to the bar. I only wanted to grab a drink and be alone."
Andie nods in understanding.
"I don't blame you. So you were at the bar when you crossed to the girl to whom you did Heimlich?"
Yesterday, by phone, I told Andie the main facts regarding that, and after laughing for a solid five minutes about the whole ordeal, she made me promise to reveal more details in our lunch meeting.
That's why I'm describing what happened piece by piece.
"She slapped the guy? And she yelled at you? What a bitch! But I don't understand why he apologized on her behalf."
"Honestly? I didn't understand it, but it made sense after talking with him. The guy felt responsible, even if it wasn't related to him. It was the fact that someone had to do the right thing," I explain, with my eyes fixed on my water glass, recalling Spencer's words from that night. 
I can't help but feel some fondness for his genuine worry. Andie raises an eyebrow and hums.
"The guy made a good impression on you, I see."
Andie's tone is teasing, and I know exactly where she is heading.
"Come on, don't start with that," I warn her. I'm not thoroughly annoyed, but I'm not in the mood for teasing. Andie scoffs.
"I'm just saying it's good to know there are men out there that give hopes up. That's all!"
"Sure," I mumble, not very convinced by her explanation.
The rest of our lunch follows a similar tone. When I finish telling Andie about Spencer walking me home, I know she is biting her tongue to say something to taunt me, but she holds back and opts for a question.
"Do you think you'll see him again?"
I ponder my answer. I don't know, although I remember Spencer asking, 'See you around?'
That doesn't mean we agreed to see each other again, even if I said, 'Sure, why not?' 
Did Spencer mean that? Did he want to see me again?
"I don't know. Maybe. We both work in this building, so there are chances, I guess," I shrug. Andie narrows her eyes.
"But do you want to?"
That's a question I don't know how to answer, so I take some seconds to think about it.
"Let's say I'm not opposed to the idea."
A reply that could be an understatement. But not I'm telling Andie that.
She doesn't press on the matter, though. And I'm grateful she doesn't.
Now it's time to go back to work. We walk out of the restaurant to our building and separate ways at the elevator. Andie continues to the eighth floor when I hop off on the third.
Returning to my desk, I continue checking the folders piled on my desk, and my mind only focuses on that, knowing if I don't, there is no chance of getting this stack finished.
A good thing about the week progressing is nobody talking anymore about the damn gala. It's been a nightmare since Monday when everyone had to mention something about it. That included comments about me facing my ex there. 
Of course, it was public knowledge I was dating an agent of the Criminal Investigative Division. Also, it became public knowledge he cheated on me with his current girlfriend from Counterterrorism.
But finally, it is Thursday, and everything seems to have returned to normal, so much so that the amount of work has increased exponentially. That's why I'm still at the office at seven pm.
I only assume it's time to go home when my boss pokes out of his office and calls for Andrew, one of our coworkers who distributes files and memos to the other departments.
I turn around, and it's only me at this hour. My boss notices the vacant office and is now talking to me.
"I guess I have to ask you to do this. Can you go to the sixth and drop this to Aaron Hotchner's office? I would have waited until tomorrow for Andrew, but this must be at his desk today."
I don't think I have a choice, so I pick the folder, promising to drop it before going home.
With my coat and purse, I grab the folder and stroll to the elevator.
I have been working here for four years and know every financial detail of each Quantico department, but I still need to recognize all department locations in this facility. So, floors are just floors, except the eight where Andie works.
Arriving at my destination, I walk into a bullpen, where I can see a lot of desks and offices. And just like my floor, it is almost empty. Anyway, I see one of the offices with lights on. My instinct tells me that's the place I'm looking for, and the plaque at the door confirms my suspicions: SSA Aaron Hotchner.
"Come in," a voice comes from the office when I knock.
Peeking inside, a stern-looking man is glancing in my direction. "Can I help you?" he asks with a slight frown.
"Yes, sir. I'm with the Finance Division, and my boss asked me to bring this to you," I explain as I reach out to hand him the folder. When he grabs it, realization washes over the man.
"Of course. Thank you very much-" Agent Hotchner trails off.
"(Y/L/N)," I supply, knowing he wants my last name.
"Thank you very much, Agent (Y/L/N)."
Everyone in the finance and administrative department refers to each other only by last name. We use the 'agent' thing mainly with those who do the fieldwork, and we are used to that.
"You're welcome, Agent Hotchner," I smile politely, ready to leave the man's office. He nods approvingly.
"Hotch, sorry for interrupting you, but I'm ready with my report. I thought you wanted it-"
A man talks, entering abruptly at the office. He stops in his tracks when he sees Agent Hotchner isn't alone.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were with someone. I can come back later," he apologizes.
Wait. I know that voice. 
I turn, and I see Spencer standing there. His eyes meet mine, and I feel my cheeks burn. He doesn't say anything but doesn't tear his eyes from mine.
I don't know how many seconds pass, but it's enough for Agent Hotchner to intervene.
"Reid?" he calls Spencer's attention.
"The report. It's okay; you can give it to me," he tells Spencer, not without subtly bouncing his gaze between us.
"Oh. Okay." Spencer approaches Hotchner's desk, but he still directs glances at me. I want to say hi to him properly, but it doesn't feel okay knowing the man in front of us is undoubtedly his boss. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. So, I take that as my cue to leave.
"If you excuse me," I tell Agent Hotchner, signaling my departure. Spencer looks at me, and I give him a subtle smile.
"Of course. Thank you again, Agent (Y/L/N)."
"To you, sir. Have a good evening."
I walk down the stairs to the open bullpen and toward the elevator.
Before I can push the go-down button, a voice calls my name. It's Spencer's.
"(Y/N), wait!"
I turn and see him trotting towards me.
"Hi!" he says once we are face to face.
Now I feel bad. Spencer comes here to say hi, and I didn't greet him properly just two minutes ago. 
"Spencer, hi. I'm sorry, I should have said something there, but I didn't know if you wanted him to know- I mean, I supposed he was your boss, and I-"
What's wrong with me? 
Why can't I explain myself without stumbling with my words?
"No. No. Don't apologize. It's okay. I should have told you something, too. But I didn't expect to see you here."
"Me neither. My boss sent me here instead of one of my coworkers, who left early. I didn't know this was the BAU floor. What a coincidence, uh?" I play cool, shifting my weight from one foot to another. Spencer nods in agreement.
"Totally. It's good to see you, though. I hoped we could cross paths again."
Isn't it weird that his words have produced a funny tingle in my stomach right now?
"Is that so?" I half-breath, noticing his cheeks turn a shade of pink.
"Yes. I mean, I truly enjoyed talking to you that night," he sheepishly admits.
I more than enjoyed it, Spencer.
"Yeah, me too."
Silence sets between us. And it's time to make a decision. I could say I go home and leave him with a lukewarm 'See you around,' or say I'm leaving, but before doing so, give Spencer my number so we can talk soon. Or...
"Are you busy right now? I'm heading home now, but if you can and want, we can go for a coffee."
Wow (Y/N). Very smooth. I like you smooth.
Spencer's eyes widened, and I wondered for a second if my offer was too straightforward.
"If you have plans, it's okay. We don't have to," I relent.
"Oh, no. I don't. And I would love to go for a coffee with you," Spencer hastens to say. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Sure! If you wait for me just a second, I'll pick my things from my desk, and we can go."
This time, it's my turn to pick the place.
It's a small coffee shop in the middle of Virginia, just mid-way between Quantico and my apartment.
As we get on the train, I ask Spencer about Agent Hotchner.
"Hotch? Well, he has been at the unit for twelve years now. Gideon, a former agent, told me once he didn't expect Hotch to last long in the BAU. But he proved him wrong. Indeed, Gideon left, and Hotch stayed. Honestly, I can't picture the BAU with another unit chief."
There is a fondness when Spencer talks about Hotchner. I can tell he sees him more than as a superior.
"What about yours?"
Now is my turn to talk about my boss.
"Agent Williams? He is a bureaucrat from head to toe. He had just transferred from another administrative department when I joined the financial division four years ago. At that time, he had ten years working with the FBI. The guy is a genius but lacks social skills. I'm not judging him; I'm a bit like him. But in his position, he needs to make politics, which involves talking and convincing people."
The conversation with Spencer flows so well and easily that I'm as impressed as I was the night of the gala. 
When we reach the coffee shop, we sit facing each other. After ordering our coffee, we start talking about our coworkers.
"So Garcia is our technical analyst. I have to say she is like the team's heart. Besides her outstanding skills, her compassion and care are something out of this world," Spencer admits, and again, I feel the fondness in his voice.
"She seems very special," I add. Spencer nods.
"Very. I don't know what it's like to have a sister, but if I had one, I would have liked someone like her.
So he doesn't have a sister. Does he have brothers, though? We have yet to talk about our families, so this is the first piece of information I get about it.
"What about the guy who came to check what was happening with your girl at the gala?" I ask, and Spencer scoff.
"First of all, Ashley isn't my girl. I think she made it pretty clear that night. And secondly, the guy in question is Morgan, the culprit of why I was with Ashley in the first place."
That's interesting. I want to know more about that.
"How is that?" I ask, sipping my coffee.
Spencer tells me how Morgan insisted they talk to the girls - Ashley and her friends - and how he reluctantly followed him.
I'm about to make a not-so-kind remark when Spencer gets ahead of me.
"I know it may seem like he is a thoughtless person, but he truly means well. I can't entirely agree with his tactics most of the time, but he's right when he tells me I should enjoy more and work less."
"It's safe to say you weren't 'enjoying' that much there," I quip, air-quoting the word 'enjoying.' Spencer chuckles.
"Yeah. Honestly? I have more fun when Morgan kicks doors down in our field chases than when he tries to play wingman for me."
What? Kick doors down?
"Wait a minute. Are you telling me that the FBI had to spend thousands of dollars in repairs for third parties last year because of him?"
I know I'm being dramatic. It's impossible that just one agent destroyed that amount of dollars by kicking doors. But still.
Spencer's eyes widen.
"What? No! I mean, yes. He does that, but thousands of dollars? Last time I checked, doors are not that expensive."
I roll my eyes. That's not the point.
"Okay. I know it's not only Agent Morgan's doing, but did you know the buro's budget had increased by 4% last year due to refunds for field operations? And did you know 70% of that increase refers to agents shattering private property?"
Now, I sound like my boss. Great. I became what I swore to destroy.
Spencer looks at me with amusement. I narrow my eyes to him. "What?"
He clears his throat. "Oh. No, nothing. It's just - well, it's fascinating to hear you talking about - uh - numbers."
I can't help but snort. "Come on, how fascinating that can be?"
Spencer grins. "If anything, I find it educative," he parrots my words from that night, and we fall into a fit of laughs.
"Yeah?" I muse after the laughter subsides. Spencer nods, still a smile gracing his face.
Gosh, that smile.
"Well, I can talk about numbers all day. But I'm sure you don't want me to 'fascinate' you that much."
Spencer hums, faking be pondering his options.
"Don't tempt me. I like to know and talk about everything. But before returning to numbers, I want to ask about your coworkers. I already talked much about mine."
Even if there is not much to say, indulging him with an answer is only fair.
"What can I say? In my area, there are three: Anthony, Leah, and me. We were four then, but Andie was promoted to the eighth floor a year ago. Anthony is a good guy, a little inexperienced, but very eager to learn. We don't have a very close relationship, but he's my protegee at work. Leah is very clever and has enough experience, but sometimes she is not present, making things a little tense between us. Andie is rightfully my friend. We got to the bureau simultaneously, and although she doesn't work with us anymore, we are very close."
Spencer is looking at me with full attention. It's odd to talk about this kind of thing with someone. I don't like to talk about my bonds in general. It makes me feel vulnerable. But for a reason that I still don't get, with Spencer, it feels right.
It's night already, and we are in our third coffee.
"Do you usually drink this amount of coffee daily at this hour? I try to cut off my dosis after lunch, but sometimes I just can't," I point as I stir the spoon on my coffee. Spencer hums.
"I drink a lot of it at any time of the day, every day. It's worse when we are on cases because that shitty coffee at the precincts should not even be called coffee," he scoffs, pouring half of the sugar pot into his cup.
I have already noticed the amount of sugar Spencer has used in his two previous coffees; this third is not the exception.
"I'm sorry, but I have to ask," I say as my eyes dart to his sweet liquid. He follows my line of sight and chuckles.
"I love coffee, but I don't like its bitterness. I know it doesn't make sense, but for me it does."
"Fair enough."
After that, our conversation stumbles to lousy sleep habits.
"Ray hated it. Even once, he told me I purposely got up in the middle of the night to annoy him."
Spencer's brow furrows.
"Ray is your ex?"
Shit. I don't realize I'm talking about him.
Why do I have to mention him? I hate how ingrained he is still in my life.
"Yeah, Raymond. No wonder why things didn't work out between us," I try to joke because I don't want to cry about it anymore.
"An example of a man," Spencer follows my lead, and I'm grateful he doesn't look at me like people usually do when I talk about it. There is no pity. There is no that look saying, 'Oh, poor girl who got cheated on.' It's like a whole understanding. It doesn't make me feel like a failure. And that's a change—a good one.
I chuckle. "Hell, he is."
It's getting late, and it's time to part ways, even if I don't want it. Hours pass quickly with such good company.
"We should get going. It's late," I point as I glance at my phone. Spencer nods in acknowledgment, signaling the waitress to get the check. He is about to fish his wallet when I stop him.
"No. Don't do that. I invited you."
Spencer scoffs, opening his wallet nonetheless. 
"No way. You invited me the other night. You can do it next time."
Next time, uh? I want to say something teasing, but the waitress returns with our check.
We are outside the coffee shop now. I adjust my coat as Spencer does the same with his suit jacket. The night is chilly, and the contrast with the warmth of the coffee shop is evident.
"Can I walk you home?" He offers. I have my doubts about that. It's not that I don't like the idea; I just don't want to use more of his time.
"You don't have to. Really," I shake my head.
"Please? You already said it. It's pretty late," he insists, looking at me with dog puppy eyes. 
Why is he doing that? He is testing my resolve.
"You know I can take care of myself, right? I'm a certificated FBI agent. I can't carry a gun, but sure I could manage," I argue in a teasing tone. Spencer chuckles.
"I know you are. And I'm sure you could. Even though, why no to prolong our evening for fifteen minutes long?" I raise an eyebrow.
"So you really like my company, uh?" 
I'm sure I see a blush creeping his cheeks, and it's endearing.
"I like your company. I thought I made it pretty clear the other night?" he probes. And I don't know how to respond to that.
The truth is quite curious. Teasing Spencer seems so natural sometimes, but now I don't know what to say.
I decide not to say anything and nod, motioning for us to start walking.
Spencer follows me, and we walk in silence for the first block. Then, I feel the need to continue our conversation. I want these fifteen minutes to be as good as the previous two hours.
"Did you know that I used to carry a gun? Although it took me three failed tests to do so."
Spencer looks at me, surprised. I take that as my cue to tell that story.
Once I tell him how I finally managed to pass my shooting test, he starts telling me how he also failed his test a couple of times.
"So you saved your boss life shooting an unsub?" Spencer nods.
"But I really aimed to his leg, not his head," he adds, and we burst into a fit of laughter.
Without realizing it, we are already in front of my building. The laughter subsides when we notice where we are.
I clear my throat. "Well. Uh-thank you. Again," I say, referring to him walking me home.
"No need," Spencer says. "I had a good time today," he adds, smiling. 
I can't help but feel my cheeks burn. Spencer casts his eyes to the ground.
"Me too," I admit, biting my bottom lip. "I - uh."
Why am I so nervous right now? Just say what you want to say!
"I - uh. I'd really like to do this again. I mean, you know, maybe next time could be something planned?"
Spencer's eyes flick to mine. I would say he didn't expect me to say that.
"I would love that," he says, keeping eye contact. And for a moment, I think the breath leaves my lungs. Those eyes are something I didn't see in my life before. I can't describe it, but it's enough to make me speechless.
"I guess it's here when I ask for your number?" Spencer's voice is the one that brings me out of the trance.
I chuckle, mid-embarrassed by my absorption moment. I gesture for him to give me the phone. Spencer does it, and I advert his piercing gaze to focus on typing my number. Once done, I return the device with a playful smile. Jeez, I feel like a damn teenager.
A snort leaves Spencer's lips when he sees the name I used for my contact.
"Really?" He asks. I nod, chuckling.
"It's safe to say you won't forget who I am," I confirm.
"Bet I won't."
"Good. Now I'm going to come up," I gesture to the building. "Good night, Spencer."
"Good night, (Y/N)."
I turn to enter the building, and although I can't see him, I feel him standing there in the cold night until I disappear into the elevator.
Once I cross the threshold of my apartment, a ding comes from my phone. Frowning, I pick it up.
Unknown number: Are you free on Saturday at midday? We could go to lunch. Let me know. Good night. SR.
I bit my lower lip. And after typing a reply, I start my night routine before bed.
Oh, boy. What are you getting into (Y/N)? 
Whatever it is, it feels so good.
Next -> Part 3: Douchebag Falls Short in This Case
A/N 2: As always, I'm excited to know your thoughts about this one!
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers
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I remember standing in the bathroom of my Church’s Youth Group meeting at fifteen, hands pushing back my chest to try and imagine an alternative world where it didn’t fill out.
I remember telling my girlfriend at the time how I wanted a reduction, how my back pain was getting worse… but specifically leaving out the fact that my chest felt foreign and detached.
I remember my mom obsessively commenting on my long hair, never letting a day go by where I wasn’t reminded of how beautiful and healthy it was… how my long hair was a gift.
I remember the panic in middle gym class when the group was separated between boys and girls, my heart torn between the two before I even had the words or courage to understand why.
I remember cutting my hair, how many taunts and comments were made. “Such a shame,” I’d be told over and over from girls who envied the length I had freed myself from.
I remember watching the only openly out transgender kid having to walk half a mile across campus to change in the nurse’s office for gym class, only getting to participate in gym for ten minutes before he was forced to walk back to change in time for his next class. I remember how horribly he was treated by my peers, who called it his “walk of shame,” and promising myself that I’d never let myself be put in that position.
But most of all, I remember looking in the mirror after several weeks of isolating quarantine. The sting of my church’s rejection still fresh and the abandonment I felt from God. I remember begging to be fixed, to have this suffocating, confusing feeling torn out of the body that was supposed to be mine. I remember tracing over every little arbitrary gender rule, tearing through my closet of leggings, dresses, and skirts, unable to find a single article of clothing that actually felt like mine. I remember the bittersweet feeling of finishing a theatrical production, saying goodbye to the character I was expected to embody, and feeling that same nostalgia for the girl in the mirror before me. I remember suffocating out any piece of me that didn’t suit her role, the expectations people had for her, and feeling as though her very existence contrasted my ability to live. I remember how my life wasn’t my own, rather countless strings pulling me to dance and dress and act the part they all expected me to play. I remember the night I realized that stage was supposed to be mine.
I’ve been on testosterone for two years, and I get top surgery in 5 days. Though I remember the sacrifices I made for her character to thrive, I no longer find myself grieving who she could have been. Instead, I see a clear stage, ready for whatever set I build, whatever story I wish to portray. For the first time in a long time, the mirror in front of me no longer shows the girl I gave up 18 years for… but the person they were always meant to grow into. Though I now face my own version of the walk to the nurse’s office, I see now that his choice was one of bravery, not shame. He represented a courage I had not yet found, and planted a seed in me that knew all of this was arbitrary and pointless. Because he had chosen himself to be visible, I would eventually go on to set my weights down and join his stride. I don’t know where he is now, and I don’t know what lays in his walk… but I’m forever grateful he was bold enough to show himself for people like me.
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kesujo · 3 months
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Tags: girlxgirlxgirl, double penetration This is a continuation of 'Secrets', but it's not required to have read it to understand this. (Also, this is randomly first person POV)
Being busy is both a blessing and a curse.
On one hand, one gets stressed out. One's work starts to seep into one's private life, and finds themselves unable to enjoy the hobbies they used to enjoy. Even the more … intimate ones.
On the other hand, once a break arrives, relaxing felt much better. And after almost two straight months of busywork, many overnight shifts, and several all-nighters, we all were soo ready for a vacation.
“Why are your suitcases so small?” I asked, eyeing Tiffany’s and Taeyeon’s suitcases. Or rather, their suitcase. “I mean, we are staying at that house for a week, right?”
“Oh, this will be enough, don’t worry,” Tiffany said, closing the cover to the suitcase.
I, for some reason, was suddenly reminded of a few months back, when Tiffany and Taeyeon first proposed to ‘let me in on their secret’. “Ok, well I’m just about done packing too, so I’ll be down in a few,” I said, turning around, half to do what I told them I was going to do, half to hide the blush that was creeping onto my cheeks.
Whenever I thought about it, it seemed weird. I mean, who wouldn’t find having sex with your housemates on a semi-regular basis weird? Still, no matter how weird it seemed, it was undeniable that it always felt good. I was just glad that it didn’t affect our relationships at all.
Recently, actually, I found myself missing our normal night activities due to how busy we’ve all been. Every time I have had those thoughts, though, I had to stop myself; despite how frequently it happened, I still didn’t seem to be used to the idea. After all, both Taeyeon and Tiffany are gorgeous, and just knowing about our nightly activities made me feel … fortunate? Was that weird? I sighed and shook my head, clearing my thoughts.
I took a few minutes to finish packing and to calm myself down before going back downstairs, carefully carrying my suitcase down the steps. A few minutes later, after packing the car (which took like half a minute), we drove off.
It was only about a two-hour drive before we reached our destination. When we got there though, I could just about feel my eyes widen.
It was a huge two-story house with a lawn that could probably fit half a football field. On the other side of the house, I could just about make out tiled floor lined up against the grass and the tip for a pair of handrails to what I could only guess was a pool. “Wow, this is so big! How did you get this place?” I asked, looking around as much as I could through the window of the car.
“Ah, I just got lucky,” Taeyeon said dismissively. That made me a little suspicious, but I trusted Taeyeon enough to not question her. “The more important thing is that no one else is allowed near here, so we have this whole place to ourselves,” Taeyeon said as she pulled up to the front of the house.
“Really? Is there a lot to do here?” I inquired, stepping out of the car.
Tiffany, who was seated in the passenger seat, got out along with Taeyeon. “You’ll know when you get inside,” Tiffany said, heading towards the trunk.
Once again, I was reminded of that one night a few months ago, when Taeyeon and Tiffany. I felt my face grow hot again and averted my gaze from the other two. What was wrong with me?
After settling down and exploring the house a little bit (which, turns out, does have a pool in the backyard, equipped with a few lounge chairs a few mini-tables to put drinks on), Taeyeon set out to the kitchen to make dinner. When I suggested that I help, Taeyeon insisted that she do it alone, saying that she wanted to make dinner a surprise.
So with that, Tiffany and I took the time to explore the house. After going upstairs to check out the bedrooms, Tiffany excitedly squealed at how soft the bed looked and jumped into one. After only about a minute or so, Tiffany fell asleep, so I decided to leave her sleep and come back to wake her up when dinner was ready.
After exploring the rest of the second floor, I walked back downstairs, aimlessly walking around. Eventually, having nothing else to do, I found myself heading back to the kitchen.
“Taeyeon? Do you want help?” I asked, entering the room.
I froze as soon as I saw her. My heart suddenly started racing, and my breathing grew ragged. “Oh, you’re here Sica,” she said nonchalantly, turning around.
She was completely naked, save for an apron draped across her front. The cloth just barely covered her crotch, leaving her perfectly shaven, slim, milky white legs for show.
She smiled gently at me, as if nothing was wrong. “What’s wrong, Sica?” she asked, stepping towards me.
“U-Um, … why are you—” I was cut off as I felt a pair of arms snake around my sides and embrace me. I gasped as I felt what seemed like Tiffany’s bare breasts press against my back.
“Remember when you asked what there is to do here?” Tiffany said softly, almost breathing into my ear. I shivered as I felt her warm hands crawling under my shirt. “Here’s our answer: we’re allowed to do anything, but as long as it’s just us three on this property, none of us are not allowed to cover ourselves with anything,” she said, pulling my shirt up. I instinctively raised my arms, allowing Tiffany to pull off the shirt I was wearing.
“Wait! What?” I stammered. Tiffany slid her hands underneath my bra; I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes as I felt Tiffany’s hand being pushed against my skin by my bra.
“Of course, there are a few exceptions; if anyone comes over, we’re all allowed to put clothes on, or if you ever have to deal with heat, then you can use the apron that Taeyeon is using, but only the apron,” Tiffany continued, reaching back around to undo my bra strap.
“A-Ah…” I gasped as I felt my breasts spring free from my bra.
“Go on, open your eyes,” Tiffany said, her alluring, husky voice. I shuddered as Tiffany’s hands found the hem of my jeans. “Don’t you want to watch Taeyeon’s cute ass as she cooks?”
I opened my eyes just in time to see Taeyeon glance back at me. When she met my gaze, she grinned playfully and shook her ass. If I said that the action didn’t turn me on, I would be dead wrong.
When Tiffany had finished stripping me, she stepped away from me, releasing her embrace on me. “If we ever catch you cheating, we’re going to have to punish you, ok?” Tiffany said, slapping my butt lightly.
“Ok,” I breathed out, finally regaining control of my body.
“Sica, come here,” Taeyeon said, still standing in front of the stove. I obediently walked up to her, trying really hard not to stare at her bare ass. “Could you just stay here and accompany me?” she asked, turning to face me for a brief second. I held my breath as she did, fully aware that I was stark naked, but she turned back to the stove shortly after.
“Yeah, sure,” I replied, walking up to her and standing slightly behind her to her right. “So what’s for dinner?”
“Pasta with alfredo sauce,” Taeyeon replied. I peered into the pot, but something caught the corner of my eye.
When I saw it, I instantly regretted my decision.
The apron itself was designed to cover nothing more than her front. The string that tied it together was probably meant to tie around the midriff of a person’s body, but because of Taeyeon’s rather short figure, it was tied just above her butt, the thin string hanging loose right between her butt cheeks, almost as if framing the pair of beautiful mounds of flesh.
That wasn’t the thing that caught my eye though; because the apron was designed the way it was, the cloth followed the shape of Taeyeon’s body, protruding a bit at her breasts before gradually falling back down to cover the rest of the front of her body. However, the apron did an extremely poor job of protecting the side of her body; that is to say, I had complete vision of her sideboob.
“Like what you see?”
Taeyeon’s voice startled me, and it was only then did I realize I was staring at it. “A-Ah, I’m sorry,” I stammered, tearing my gaze away from her.
Taeyeon giggled. “It’s fine. Can you help me carry the pasta to the dining table?” she asked, scooping the last of the sauce into a plate.
“Yeah,” I said, grabbing the bigger plate. “Wait, why are there only two plates?” I asked.
“You’ll see,” Taeyeon asked, taking the apron off and setting it on a hook before grabbing the smaller plate. “Let’s go,” she said, patting my bare butt cheeks with her free hand. I flushed a little at the contact; all this time not having sex seemed to have caused me to regain sensitivity to these intimate actions.
I followed her, making sure to keep my eyes on the plate instead of Taeyeon. However, carrying the plate proved to be a little bit more troublesome than I expected.
Because I wasn’t wearing anything, my boobs bounced a little with every step I took, meaning that I had to keep the plate a good distance in front of me, or else I risked smearing the pasta or dropping the plate.
“Sica, are you ok?” I heard Taeyeon’s voice calling from the dining room.
“Yeah, I’m almost there,” I replied, entering the room.
The mahogany table draped in a white cloth was an average size, enough to seat 6 people. It was rectangular shaped but rounded at the edges, with the smaller side facing the entrance of the room. However, as I walked in, I noticed that there were only two seats located at each end of the table, with Tiffany happily sitting in at the far end.
“You’re over there, Sica,” Taeyeon said, turning around from the chair right in front of the open entrance. She must have noticed the way I was holding the plate, as she started giggling when she saw me. “Ah, I didn’t even think about that. Sorry for making you take the bigger plate,” she said, trying her best to regain her posture.
“I-It’s ok,” I replied. I shuffled over to Tiffany; feeling her gaze from the front and Taeyeon’s from the back only made me flush even more as I kept my eyes trained on the plate of pasta, finally reaching Tiffany and setting it down in front of her.
“Here, Jessi,” Tiffany cut me off and answered my question immediately, patting the chair she was sitting on.
I glanced down at where she was patting, almost as an automatic reaction, and when I did, I gasped once again.
Tiffany had a thick, pink strap-on dildo fastened to her waist, pointed straight at the ceiling. “Wh-What…” I trailed off. My heart raced against my chest, almost to the point of hurting; however, it was partially because I was scared and worried—the large majority of me was feeling extremely turned on at the situation.
Tiffany smiled in reaction to me. “Right here,” she repeated, patting her seat again. “I bet this will be your first time eating while having a dildo stuffed inside your pussy,” she said, grinning mischievously, tapping the rubber tool. I could feel my nether regions respond to Tiffany’s dirty talk, but I still couldn’t bring myself to move.
“We aren’t going to start eating without you Sica,” Taeyeon’s voice chimed in from the other side of the table.
“Ar-…You’re not kidding, right?” I asked cautiously.
Tiffany shook her head. “Of course not. Come here,” she said, beckoning me with her hand. “I’ll feed you, don’t worry,” she said.
Seeing no alternative, I took a few breaths and nodded, taking careful steps towards her.
Tiffany pushed her chair back a bit more to make space for me. I felt myself slow down a bit as I neared it, eyeing the thick pseudo-cock. Will that even fit inside me anymore?
Those thoughts were blown into a blur as Tiffany grabbed my waist and pulled me towards her. “You can go as slowly as you need to,” she said as soon as I situated myself in front of her.
I nodded and took a few more deep breaths. When I felt Tiffany’s hands grip my butt cheeks and pull them apart, I bit my lip as I felt the cool, crisp air-conditioned air make contact with my unshaven vaginal opening.
Slowly and surely, I lowered myself, allowing Tiffany’s hands to guide me. When the tip of the phallic object made contact with my vagina, I bit my lip, quickly taking in a breath before lowering myself further on it.
“Ah,” I moaned involuntarily as I felt the strap-on enter me. I closed my eyes and pushed myself further down, feeling my vaginal walls stretch around the rubber shaft.
“That’s it, good girl,” Tiffany cooed, using one hand to rub my thighs while the other massaged my boobs.
“Ah, ah, … Aah fuck,” I moaned incessantly as the dildo continued to stretch my insides. I placed my hands on Tiffany’s legs, slowly working my way down the shaft. Every time the toy advanced deeper into my core, I could feel its walls stretching, trying its best to welcome the guest. I let out the occasional moan as pleasure coursed through my body; after a few minutes, with Tiffany continuing to urge me on while rubbing my thighs and boobs, I finally felt my ass make contact with Tiffany’s skin.
“Good job, Jessi,” Tiffany complimented me, using both hands to pat my legs. When I opened my eyes, I realized that Tiffany must have pushed the chair forward without me realizing as the plate was already right in front of me. Unsure of where to move my hands, I kept them planted on Tiffany’s thighs. I was vaguely aware of Tiffany’s breasts pressed against my back, but the sensation was mostly drowned out by the feeling of the thick member plugging my pussy.
Tiffany reached forward, unintentionally pushing the dildo further in me. I gasped, biting my lip once again.
As she grabbed the fork, I looked across the table to see Taeyeon’s gaze locked onto me, and seeing her facial expression made it very evident that she was extremely turned on by what just happened. I felt my face heat up again and diverted my gaze.
It was then I felt something warm touch my lips. “Open up, Jessi,” Tiffany said, hovering a fork full of pasta noodles in front of me. I obeyed and let Tiffany feed me the forkful of food.
“Wait, shouldn’t I be feeding both of us? I’m closer to the plate,” I told Tiffany as she fed herself. Tiffany reached forward again, repeating the same action and drawing out the same response from me.
Tiffany put the fork down, and after she finished chewing, she replied, “It’s not convenient for you to reach backwards. Plus, it would be such a waste of a dildo if I only stuffed it inside of you without even moving it a little bit,” she replied, reaching forward again.
This time, she caught me by surprise; when the dildo was pushed inside me again, I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. Right after this, I felt Tiffany kiss my jawline, whispering, “Let’s see who gives in first; you, or me.”
I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes to take a few breaths to calm my aroused state as I felt my competitive side awaken. Soon after, I felt the same warm feeling on my lips. I opened my mouth, but instead of feeling the pasta inside my mouth, I suddenly felt the sauce-covered pasta noodles on my breasts.
“Ah, sorry,” Tiffany said, leaning forward to place the fork down before using her hands to pick up the strands of noodles. I could tell by the motion of her hand that she was eating the noodles that she picked off my boobs.
“It’s ok,” I replied, trying my best to control my voice as I reached up and helped her pick the noodles off myself. As I was about to put the noodles on the napkin next to the plate, Tiffany grabbed my wrist and guided my hand to her mouth. I bit my lip once again as I felt Tiffany’s lips close around my fingers, her tongue guiding the noodles into her mouth before pulling my hand out.
“Wouldn’t want to waste perfectly good food,” Tiffany told me after she had finished chewing, proceeding to resume picking the food off me as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.
I hesitantly nodded and continued to help Tiffany pick the noodles off my breasts until nothing but bits and pieces of sauce remained. “That kind of looks sexy; kind of like you have cum splattered on your boobs,” Tiffany commented, reaching forward again.
Once again, I was caught off guard by her comment and let out a moan.
It was after we had only a few forkfuls left of pasta that I finally cracked.
After the nth time Tiffany leaned forward, pushing the fake dick inside me once again, I let out a throaty growl and gripped Tiffany’s legs tightly, grinding my ass against Tiffany’s crotch, desperate for more action.
Tiffany dropped the fork and placed her hands on my inner thighs, grinding against me in response. “You lose,” Tiffany whispered against my ear, planting kisses all along my jawline and neck.
“I don’t care,” I replied, breathing heavily as I felt the rubber cock shift around inside my pussy, stretching it even further. “Fuck, just fuck me already,” I said, using Tiffany’s legs as leverage to ride her.
“Will do, princess,” she replied, moving her hands up to my boobs as she began to pump the fake cock inside me.
“A-Ah!” I closed my eyes tightly as Tiffany’s dildo started thrusting inside of me, sliding against my slick vaginal walls. “Shit! Ah … ah, Tiff …”
“Fuck Jessi, you’re so fucking sexy when you’re riding my dick like this,” Tiffany said, massaging my boobs as she continued to piston the shaft inside me.
I felt myself only grow hotter as I heard her.
“Ah, can you guys be quiet? I’m actually going to start masturbating right here if you guys make me any hornier,” I heard Taeyeon whine from across the table.
Remembering that Taeyeon was in the room with us, I felt my face flush; however, I didn’t even slow down as I started to feel a familiar sensation.
However, after a few minutes, Tiffany wrapped her legs around mine and pinned me to the chair, stopping all motion.
“Wha—Why?” I whined. The sudden stop in activity, combined with how horny I was feeling, caused me to feel extremely frustrated; I tried to fight against Tiffany’s hold, but it only caused a slight rattling sound.
“Let’s make a deal first. For every forkful of pasta you eat, we’ll continue for about a minute,” Tiffany offered.
I nodded hastily, taking a few breaths to try to calm myself back down. Tiffany once again leaned forward, gathered up the noodles at what seemed like a painstakingly slow pace, and fed herself before feeding me.
“Finish chewing first,” Tiffany told me. “I’ll verify myself once you tell me you’re done.”
At that moment, I was feeling so impatient and aroused that I could barely taste the pasta or the sauce. After swallowing the last bit of pasta, I informed her that I was done.
She then turned my head with her hand and leaned forward, planting her lips onto mine. She then proceeded to push her tongue into my already open mouth, exploring it briefly before breaking contact.
“Good girl,” she said as soon as she pulled away, smiling.
I immediately took the chance to resume, using Tiffany’s legs as leverage as I continued to ride her.
Before what seemed like hardly any time at all, Tiffany stopped me again.
This continued three more times, until Tiffany scrapped the last bits and pieces of the pasta into my mouth.
With the meal finished, Tiffany impatiently pushed the plate to the side, nearly causing it to fall off the table, before standing up, dildo still inside of me, and bent me over the table.
I moaned loudly as she resumed pistoning the fake dick into my pussy, the new position granting her greater freedom to thrust harder and faster.
“Ah fuck Tiff!” I moaned, gripping the sides of the table as she fucked me relentlessly.
“You like that, huh? You like the feeling of my dick filling up your pussy? You like it when I’m fucking your pussy like this, don’t you?” Tiffany growled, giving my butt cheeks a few sharp slaps.
“Ah … ah … ah …” I continuously moaned as I felt the shaft continuously push itself in and out of my core, feeling the table shake ever so slightly from the force of Tiffany’s thrusts.
After a few minutes, I felt the build up start to overwhelm me. “Tiffany, I’m going to cum,” I warned her in a warbled voice as she continued her assault on my nether regions.
This further encouraged her, causing her to bring one hand to our connection and rub my clit. In about a minute, the pleasure overwhelmed me. “A-Ah!” I screamed, the additional stimulation pushing me over the edge as I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. I felt myself pulsate on Tiffany’s strap-on, a wave of my juices staining the dildo and Tiffany’s legs.
I rode my orgasm out for the next half minute before sighing in relief, resting on the table with all my stamina drained, not even caring that my breasts being pushed against the table was somewhat uncomfortable.
“Can you go clean the dishes while I go help Taeyeon?” Tiffany said. “You can join us when you’re done,” she finished, patting my butt lightly before pulling the dildo out. I groaned softly as I felt the shaft slide against my vaginal walls before completely breaking contact with it.
I laid on the table, catching my breath until I heard Taeyeon moan. Oh, Taeyeon must have gotten horny from watching us, huh? I thought, feeling my face get warm once again. It was then that I completely registered what she said.
“Ah, Fany,” Taeyeon’s drawn out moan, along with my sudden realization, caused me to stand up straight, pushing myself off the table.
“Tae—Tae, aaah,” Tiffany’s accompanying moan piqued my interest; I knew I would regret it, but I couldn’t help myself. I looked in the direction of the living room, which was where their voices were coming from, and found Tiffany and Taeyeon sharing what was probably a two-sided strap-on dildo, with Tiffany wearing it.
I tore myself away from the hot scene and found the strength to stand up. I took a second to steady myself before carrying the dishes and silverware to the kitchen. Luckily, there was enough wall in between the kitchen and living room that they were significantly quieter than in the dining room; unluckily, I could still hear the two fucking and only felt my lust grow.
“Tiff—Fany, aah fuck,” Taeyeon moaned once again as I stepped out of the kitchen.
“Mm, you like it when I fuck you like that huh?” Tiffany asked, hands placed securely onto Taeyeon’s hips while she thrusted wildly into her. Even from this distance, I could see the amount of cum that was leaking onto Taeyeon’s crotch and legs.
“Yes, I love it soo much,” she replied, clearly clouded by lust.
Taeyeon was on her hands and knees, sticking her ass in the air to allow Tiffany easy access to her pussy as Tiffany continuously humped Taeyeon, occasionally creating the wet clapping sound of flesh against flesh.
Watching the scene before me rapidly returned my stamina to me, and before I knew it, I was in the living room. “Jessi, you’re here,” Tiffany noted, glancing over at me, “Tae, were you frustrated before, during dinner?” she inquired, stopping her thrusting.
I picked up a barely audible whine from Taeyeon as she turned her head around, nodding while using her best puppy dog eyes.
“Well, you’re about to get all the attention you could want,” Tiffany informed her, giving her ass a couple of encouraging slaps. “Jessi, you see the other strap-on two sided dildo on the couch over there?” Tiffany asked, motioning to the couch behind her.
“Yeah,” I said, spotting the blue sex toy.
“Put it on and join us,” she told me. I didn’t hesitate to grab the toy and push one end into myself, groaning as I felt the shaft enter me.
I made sure the shaft was bent in the proper direction before turning to face the pair.
Tiffany, who was underneath Taeyeon, was rubbing the rubber cock against her labia lips. Taeyeon was laying on top of Tiffany, face up with her legs spread wide open, allowing me easy visibility of her well shaven vagina. When she turned her head upwards to see me, her eyes just about popped when she noticed the dildo I was wearing.
“Oh, you’re going to—oh my god, I don’t think I can take both,” Taeyeon said, nervously shifting.
Tiffany wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s waist. “Didn’t you want attention, though?” she asked, placing her head just to the left of Taeyeon’s. I continued advancing, breathing deeply as I felt the dildo shift inside me with every step I took.
“Isn’t this too much?” she asked, eyes showing a mixture of both fear and excitement.
“It’s ok, I lubed you up already,” Tiffany reminded her.
“But still … I don’t know—ah, fuck,” Taeyeon moaned loudly as Tiffany pushed the dildo into Taeyeon’s asshole.
I quickly closed the gap and situated my legs perpendicular to Taeyeon’s, quickly lubricating the shaft with Taeyeon’s honey before plunging into her pussy with the fake dick.
“AAH, FUCK!” Taeyeon screamed, arching her back as the second dildo entered her.
“Jessi, just lay on top of Taeyeon, I’ll be fine,” Tiffany said, voice strained from the effort she was putting into fucking Taeyeon’s ass.
I acquiesced, bringing my knees onto the carpet so that I was semi-bending over Taeyeon and lowered myself on top of her. Our boobs pressed against each other as I found Taeyeon’s lips with my own.
I placed my hands on Taeyeon’s waist, right above Tiffany’s, as I relentlessly thrusted into her. I could feel Tiffany’s simultaneous, mismatched thrusts as Taeyeon shook in response to both Tiffany’s and my own furious thrusts.
“MM, MM,” Taeyeon screamed continuously, her hands gripping my arms tightly.
The continuous shaking from both Taeyeon and Tiffany also helped the dildo inside of me shift around, causing it to push itself in and out, although with considerable less force.
In just about a minute or two, that final scream barely gave us a heads up as Taeyeon shook furiously, pumping out stream after stream of cum that splattered onto the blue shaft, her legs, my legs, and even my waist.
Neither of us slowed down, even after Taeyeon had finished riding out her orgasm.
I broke our lip lock, next aiming for her breasts.
“Fuck, I just came, I can’t—ah—ah!” Taeyeon moaned as I lightly sucked on her nipple, bringing my left hand up to massage the other breast. “Pull out, I can’t take much more, oh fuck … please—please pull out,” she begged, although her body betrayed her as she immediately moaned afterwards.
“Just admit it, you love having our dicks inside you at the same time, Taeyeon,” Tiffany said, “Admit that you love being fucked in both holes at once while sandwiched in between two sexy women.”
“I—… I need a break, please, I’m … I’m—ah, FUCK,” Taeyeon moaned as I felt Tiffany significantly pick up her pace.
“I’m close,” Tiffany warned us.
“Ah, Tiff—” I moaned in response to Tiffany’s increased aggression, feeling the dildo stuffed inside of me thrash inside of me more wildly as a result.
“Admit you love being fucked in both holes at once,” Tiffany repeated, reaching around and grabbing my butt cheeks with both her hands.
I gasped at the unexpected contact, pushing the shaft extra deep into Taeyeon.
“FUCK! Yes, I love being fucked like this! Oh, fuck, I’m going to cum again!” Taeyeon screamed, panting heavily.
I felt Tiffany’s hand on my vagina, running along it as if searching for something. When she finally settled on my clitoris, her fingers started working on it furiously, pinching and rubbing it.
“Tiff—!” I moaned loudly, thrusting harder and harder into Taeyeon’s pussy as I felt the tension start to build up again.
Only about a minute later, Taeyeon let out another scream of ecstasy as her body once again shook with pleasure, depositing her honey onto the rubber dick, occasionally splattering my legs.
Tiffany followed soon after, shaking so furiously that I felt her vibrating through Taeyeon.
As she came, Tiffany gave my clit one last, hard pinch before letting go. This, combined with the dildo thrashing inside of me as a byproduct of Tiffany’s orgasm, was enough to send me over the edge. I let out a squeal as I shook furiously against the fake cock, causing the dildo to thrash about wildly inside of Taeyeon as I rode out my orgasm.
When I was finished, I let out a big sigh, resting my head on Taeyeon’s soft breasts, not having the strength to remove the dildo inside of her or me. She gently stroked my hair, brushing the loose strands of hair away from my face.
“Wow Taeyeon, you really are something,” I commented, my hands lazily resting on the carpeted floor.
She giggled in response to that. “Yah, and whose fault is that?” she said, lightly flicking my forehead.
“Hey, don’t blame me,” I said, turning my head to look at her and pout.
“You’re right,” she said, patting my head again, “It’s Tiffany’s fault, isn’t it?”
“I mean, you were basically begging for it, weren’t you?” Tiffany chimed in from underneath both of us.
Taeyeon mouthed to me the words ‘tonight’, motioning at Tiffany before responding, “I wasn’t asking for it to be this intense, though.”
“Oh well, you still liked it, didn’t you?” Tiffany asked. I could hear from a soft, but sharp slapping sound that Tiffany slapped Taeyeon’s ass after her accusation.
“Yeah,” Taeyeon responded lazily, leaning her head onto Tiffany’s shoulder.
“By the way, you guys didn’t happen to spike my food with something, did you?” I asked, still too lazy to bother moving from my current position.
“Well it’s a good thing we did, because you seemed like you weren’t ready for sex at all,” Tiffany noted.
After a few minutes, the three of us regained enough strength to get up, cleaning the sex toys before putting them away.
“Tomorrow, I think we should use the pool,” Tiffany said, walking towards the stairs.
“Meet up at 1:30 right outside her room, ok? I’ll get the toys,” Taeyeon whispered to me.
“What do you two think?”
Tiffany turned around, but by that time, we had already straightened ourselves up. “Yeah, that sounds good,” Taeyeon said.
Later that night, at around 1:30 AM, I got up out of my bed and carefully walked out of my room.
But before I even reached my door, I felt a pair of hands grab my arms. Before I could even react, another pair grabbed my legs and together, they hoisted me up.
I squealed as I felt myself carried and dumped back onto my bed.
“Taeyeon? Tiffany?” I asked as I felt another body join the bed with me. The blinds to my room were suddenly opened, allowing the moonlight to pour in.
There Tiffany was, straddling my waist with her knees, absolutely stunning in her beauty as the moonlight perfectly curved around her boobs and ass, accenting her already sinfully sexy body even more. “Taeyeon, what…?” I said, looking over at Taeyeon.
Seeing her absolutely stunned me as well. The way the moonlight hit her body, softly curving around her breasts and illuminating her smooth, milky-white skin, and the way a single strand of hair fell loose, casting a single shadow on her otherwise flawless face was a simply breathtaking sight.
“Sorry, but the idea of ganging up on you just seemed much more appealing to me,” she said, smiling innocently. I pouted, Taeyeon simply responding by letting out a chuckle.
My legs were gently resting against Tiffany’s, spread open enough to allow Tiffany’s fingers easy access. Tiffany seized the opportunity and lowered herself onto me, capturing my lips for her own while using her right hand to tease my entrance.
“Mmm,” I sighed in contentment, feeling a wave of pleasure course through me.
I borrowed Taeyeon’s razor to shave my pubic hair before heading to bed, which only allowed Tiffany easier access to my pussy lips. Every time she used her thumb to flick my clit, I moaned loudly and bucked my hips, causing the bed to emit a rattling sound.
After a few minutes of Tiffany’s ministrations, I felt myself leak with my juices, staining the area around my labia lips and inner thighs with the wet substance. Tiffany broke our lip lock and retracted her finger, saying, “Your turn Taeyeon.”
I turned my head curiously towards the window, but didn’t find Taeyeon there. Confused, I looked to the other side and gasped, feeling my eyes widen with shock.
Attached to Taeyeon was the thickest, longest dildo I’ve ever seen; it was a purple strap-on dildo almost 2.5 inches in diameter and probably at least 8 inches in length. Seeing that monster of a dildo caused a swirl of emotions to rise up inside of me; fear, anxiety, and nervousness with hints of excitement and wonder.
“Come here,” Taeyeon said, making a ‘come-hither’ motion with her fingers. I obeyed, climbing off the bed and walked towards Taeyeon.
As soon as I got within her range, she pulled me towards her. I squealed as I tumbled into her arms, but by the time I found my footing, Taeyeon’s hands were already parting my butt cheeks.
“W-Will that even fit inside me?” I asked nervously, feeling the rubber tip poke at my entrance.
“One way to find out,” she said, plunging it into me.
“UUGGH,” I groaned, feeling the rubber shaft push my pussy lips wide open, stretching its walls, slowly but surely sliding up and further into my vagina.
After about half a minute, Taeyeon stopped, letting me adjust to the size before pulling out a bit and immediately thrusting back up.
“FUCK!” I screamed, once again feeling the sex toy pushed further up my core.
“God you’re so fucking tight, Sica-yah,” Taeyeon said in a strained voice, gripping my hips tightly.
“Taeyeon, I’m ready,” I heard Tiffany from behind me.
No, no way can I take any more, this is already the biggest thing I’ve ever taken, I thought anxiously as Taeyeon carefully guided the both of us onto the ground, making sure to keep the dildo inside of me.
“It’ll feel amazing, I promise,” Taeyeon whispered as soon as she was laying flat on the floor with me on top of her, facing her.
I had my hands planted on either side of Taeyeon’s head, as laying completely against her would probably become uncomfortable. “Fany, you can start lubing her up as I finish this,” she said, bringing her hands down to our connection and carefully rubbing my labia lips.
“Aah,” I groaned, feeling a mixture of pleasure from Taeyeon’s hands, anxiety from the dildo that was plugging my vaginal canal, and pain as my pussy worked overtime to try and accommodate the fake cock.
A few seconds later, I felt a strangely cool, yet incredibly smooth substance make contact with my love hole. “Aah—aah,” I gasped, feeling Tiffany’s finger, coated with the substance, enter the smaller hole.
“Ssh, don’t worry about that,” Taeyeon cooed, patting my butt cheeks. “Just focus on one thing at a time,” she told me, returning her fingers to my spread out pussy lips.
I shuddered as I felt her fingers once again make contact with the sensitive skin.
“I-It’s too big…” I whimpered, wincing as I felt my vaginal walls continue to tightly hug the rubber member. “Taeyeon-ah, I—I—ah!”
I let out another moan as the dildo forced itself just a bit further inside of me.
“You’re doing great, princess,” Taeyeon said, kissing my cheek. Her gentle words seemed a bit paradoxical, given the fact that she was currently forcing a monster of a dildo inside of me.
“Huhhh … huhhh,” I panted heavily, wincing every time Taeyeon forced the dildo further. After a couple of minutes, I had finally taken in the whole thing as signified by my ass making contact with Taeyeon’s waist.
“Good girl. You did really well, my princess,” Taeyeon complimented me again, rubbing my butt cheeks and giving them a couple of affectionate pats.
By that point, the pain had started to fade away and pleasure had started to take over. I could feel a strange tension in my lower parts as my pussy walls hugged the enormous fake dick tightly; honestly, it was hard to believe that the monster of a dildo was actually inside of me.
“Jessi, this is not going to hurt, ok?” I suddenly heard Tiffany say. I knew what she was talking about when I felt the tip off the pseudo-cock prod at my anus; I instantly felt myself tense up a bit, feeling my vaginal walls grip Taeyeon’s dildo even more tightly
“Jessi, it’s ok, I’ve lubricated both you ass and the dildo. I promise it won’t hurt if you just trust me and relax, ok?” Tiffany reassured me, patting my butt cheeks.
I took a deep breath and nodded; it was a little challenging to relax with my pussy filled to the brim with Taeyeon’s dildo, but after about a minute, I managed to relax myself enough to give Tiffany permission to enter my other hole.
I involuntarily gasped as I felt the slick rubber tip of Tiffany’s strap-on prod at my second entrance, and without even a warning, Tiffany slid the second cock into my backdoor.
“Uuggh,” I let out a drawn-out moan as I felt Tiffany’s dildo slide into my anus. I could feel the toy slowly sliding along the walls of my anus until it finally accommodated the whole thing.
Almost as soon as that happened, they both started thrusting.
“AAH! OH, FUCK!” I screamed, feeling myself shake both in response to their thrusts and to the waves of pleasure flowing through my body. “OH MY GOD, FUCK—fuck I feel so full,” I said, panting heavily. “Fuck, I’m such a slut for enjoying this,” I breathed out.
It was like I lost control of my body as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into me. I was merciless as the two of them fucked me over and over in harmony; as Taeyeon pulled back, Tiffany would thrust, and as she would pull back, Taeyeon would thrust.
I eventually found Taeyeon’s lips and hastily met them, sloppily yet passionately kissing her.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy like this Jess,” Tiffany said, slapping my butt and giving my clit a pinch.
I squealed against Taeyeon’s lips in response, feeling myself convulse as I felt my impending orgasm oncoming.
“Seeing you getting mercilessly fucked in both holes at the same time is so fucking sexy,” Tiffany continued, saying her words in an almost predatory fashion, “Just watching our dicks pounding you is almost enough to make me cum,” she continued, giving my clit another pinch.
I let out another high-pitched squeal, feeling myself convulse once again; my orgasm rocked my body, causing me to spasm against Taeyeon.
After I had finished riding out my orgasm, Taeyeon released the lip lock and brought her hands up to my boobs, leading one into her mouth while massaging the other. Tiffany took the liberty to use one hand to massage my butt cheeks and rub my clit while the other gripped my head. I felt my head turn and almost immediately after leaving Taeyeon’s lip lock, I felt Tiffany’s capture me.
 The room was soon filled with nothing but my incessant moans, grunts from the other two as they continuously fucked me, and the occasional slap from contact between my ass and their waist.
It didn’t seem to take long at all before I felt my second orgasm coming. I mumbled against Tiffany’s lips to relay the message to her, who seemed to receive it well as she responded to this by using her hand solely to rub my clit.
About a minute later, the sensation overwhelmed me as I felt the tension suddenly release. “AAH!” I broke the kiss to let out a scream as my second orgasm rock my body.
After about a minute, when my body finally subsided, I felt myself drained of energy once again, collapsing onto Taeyeon.
“You did so well Jessica,” Taeyeon said, patting my head.
“Mm,” I groaned in response, trying my best to catch my breath.
The two eventually retracted their dildos from inside of me. I let out a heavy sigh as they unstopped my pussy, causing me to shudder slightly as a bit more of my juices trickled out of it.
They carefully put me onto the bed, laying me on the side so that I was facing away from the window, making sure to place the covers on top of me before tackling each other. It didn’t take them long to get into a 69 position with Tiffany on the floor.
After a few minutes of hearing nothing but licking sounds, muffled moans, shuffling, and eventually the ecstatic screams, signaling the climax of the two, I eventually felt another weight onto the bed.
“Put this on, Jessi,” Tiffany said, securing the harness for yet another strap on for me. I didn’t complain, mostly because I didn’t have the strength to, and let the pseudo-cock hang from my crotch.
I heard a short groan followed by the slick sound of another vagina being penetrated. I opened my eyes to see Taeyeon crawl into bed in front of me. When we made eye contact, she smiled warmly, patting my shoulders. “Good job Jessi, we were really impressed with you today,” she said, turning around so that her back was facing me.
I chuckled. “Thanks,” I said, not even noticing Taeyeon grabbing my dildo until it made contact with her butt cheeks.
“Ah, can you help me a bit?” Taeyeon asked, turning her head around to look at me. “Can you just guide it?”
“What? Why?” I asked. However, my question was very soon answer as I felt another weight on behind me. Assuming it was Tiffany, I turned around my head to look just in time to see her crawl underneath the blanket. “Tiff?”
She didn’t answer me, instead spreading my butt cheeks and sliding what was probably one of those two-sided strap-ons back inside of me. “Ah—uugh,” I moaned, feeling my pussy lips being parted once again, the shaft sliding back inside of me.
“We just wanted to test this out. Go ahead and put your strap on inside of Taeyeon and then we’ll sleep,” she said.
I winced as the strap on shifted inside of me while Tiffany situated herself, wrapping her arms around me, pressing her boobs into my back, and settling her head into the crook of my neck.
I acquiesced, using my hands to grab the shaft before carefully parting Taeyeon’s labia lips with the sex toy, pushing it until it was completely buried inside of her.
Taeyeon let out a contented sigh as I wrapped my arms around her waist, wrapping my legs around hers and resting my head on the pillow, blanketed by Taeyeon’s silky, sweet smelling hair.
“Good night,” Taeyeon said, covering my hands with her own.
“Good night,” the two of us chimed in response. And for the first time that night, the house fell into a silence as we all drifted to sleep.
Tbh, I technically do have a part 3 in drafts, but it's been in my drafts for like 8 years xD if I feel so compelled, I may go back to it :D
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ask-caine · 5 months
ok ok what’s yours and moons love story. Beginning to end
It's a bit of a crazy story, actually!
We originally met online through TADC, when she messaged all the Caine accounts she could find for a shitpost "wedding" thing. We ended up hitting it off and talking about random things for a while. It started with my random fact about Kentucky marriage laws and how a couple used them to get married by cocaine bear (hence the below picture)
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We ended up learning about a shared interest in plague doctors, as well as discussing several very random topics. Anyways, she invited all the Caines to a discord server, and I ended up being the only one who actually showed up. We would end up talking for hours upon hours day after day there. It was genuinely shocking how much we had in common.
At this point, I had been kinda been picking up on some of the flirtatious undertones behind some of the things she was saying, but I wasn't 100% sure about it yet and was still kinda testing the waters. I'd heard the term love at first sight, and looking back on it, that's pretty much what it felt like. I had been developing a crush on her up to this point, and I kept thinking about her as I was getting ready for bed. I had to keep stopping myself from falling head over heels, reminding myself we barely even knew each other and telling myself "no, she's just being nice. Don't be weird, there's nothing behind this, she's just being friendly."
...As it turned out, she wanted to be a little more than friends... Given my feelings up to this point, I was a little overwhelmed when she told me. I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts, to process everything (hence her jokes about me pulling a Caine and running away). But I liked her, too, and was willing to try a long-distance relationship. So, that's what we did.
It was only a few days after we first got together officially that I told her I loved her. It just felt right. Apparently I caught both of us off-guard with it, since she was sure that she'd be the one who would've said it first. ...We both dived in a little too headfirst from there. From my side of things, it was just so exciting and exhilerating to have this feeling I'd been searching for all my life, and I wanted more of it. We took a step back and both agreed to try and take things at a more reasonable pace from here on out.
We ended up learning a lot about each other. It was like we were the same person, split apart and put in two entirely different situations but turning out the same way anyway. ...This similarity became concerning when we realized we both had the same last name, as well as the fact that we both had Scottish ancestry. But, one family search check later, we confirmed that we are not, in fact, related. Just another insane coincidence that further proves that we were made for each other...
We shared a lot with each other. Our interests, hobbies, ideals, feelings on various topics. Our experiences throughout life, good and bad. The darkest parts of us. Every day, we grew closer. There was no denying that there was something special between us.
That isn't to say everything was perfect. We both still had a lot to learn about ourselves and about each other. There were ups and downs. Things were far from easy. There was a lot of avoidable pain both ways. As time went on, we started to become a little more distant...
Eventually, the stress of life and school and worries and everything going on got to be too much, and she called for us to take a break from the relationship. This hurt, of course... But, taking a break and being done are very different things. I was okay with taking a break, since we would still hang out and such sometimes, just not as romantically.
But, that still wasn't enough. Everything continued to be really stressful, and she felt like she wasn't a net positive in my life and was dragging me down (though the truth was exactly the opposite). So, she decided to fully end the relationship. Which... Really hurt me. Badly.
I kind of fell into a depressive state for a while. I had opened myself up like never before, let myself be more vulnerable than at any point in my life. I had finally found love, the one thing I'd truly wanted all my life, the only thing I've ever needed, and then it was just taken right away. The one thing I feared more than anything else in the world had come to pass.
We would still talk occasionally, but not like before. I already hurt so much, and just talking with her without being able to say the love I still felt was torture for me. So, I distanced myself a bit. I dealt with things on my own. I learned a lot about myself as I came to terms with how things had ended up.
Eventually, I started to feel a little more okay. I knew I could never stop loving her, so I decided to try and turn that love from romantic to platonic and still try to be a friend. Because while I may have lost her, she didn't want me out of her life completely. I could make do as just friends.
But, when I started to come back and we started to talk more again, she realized how much she had been missing me while we were apart. She figured out that some of the things she'd been feeling had been more than she'd realized. She learned that she actually was happier when we were together, and that she still really enjoyed being with me.
So, she began to give little hints again, like before. And, again, I picked up on them, but I didn't want to believe them 100% because of how much I'd been hurt last time. I told myself that she was just showing platonic love, the same way I was. Things would never be the same again. They couldn't be. If I was good for her before, she wouldn't have left...
It was actually Randy who got us actually talking again, first on our blogs, and then regarding what we were being sent. This eventually led to us talking just in general, about all sorts of things... Including what had happened between us. It was emotional, but we both came out of it feeling better about things.
That said, it took until this post before I realized she still loved me and that it was okay to love her back, the way I'd been holding in all this time. We had a heartfelt reunion, though we weren't officially dating again just yet. It still took me a while after that to fully accept everything and let down my guard again, after how much I was still hurting from last time...
But I didn't like the feeling of keeping her away. Of having a barrier between us. I desperately craved that deep, personal connection of love with her again. So, I opened my heart up again. And I'm so incredibly grateful that I did.
Soon after that point, Randy showed up and all those shenanigans ensued. But they only managed to get us talking more about things and uniting against it, which actually brought us even closer together. So, I guess if one good thing's come out of that dumpster fire of stress and stupidity, it's that.
Things have been absolutely wonderful since we got back together. We both learned a lot about ourselves in our time apart, and things have been much better between us. The rocky, uncertain road from before the break had smoothed over. And we fell so much deeper in love the second time.
Add in the stress of the past several weeks, with all the Tumblr drama with these blogs and the hiatus and everything (which I'm not getting into because you can see all that for yourself by looking through our blogs), and you're caught up to the present day. Life is still very stressful for us both, but a lot less so than when we first got together. We understand ourselves and each other so much better, which helps us make less mistakes and treat each other more tenderly and personally in the ways that we need most.
As for the future, immediately after finishing school, I plan to find work and save up to visit her in Canada sometime in the summer. After that is a little hazy at the moment, but we'll figure out our lives and put together a plan to find stable jobs and create a good life for ourselves up there.
And that's it, that's our story. From when we met all the way to the present day. You said beginning to end, but I'm afraid there is no end to our love. The story's still being written. Our lives are still being lived. I hope to be able to add to this years into the future, when we're living together and when we start our own family. But it might still take a while to reach that point.
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writingstoraes · 2 years
hair tie 🎀
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: imagine/drabble (fluff)
notes: my first drabble! not proofread and not revised so please expect errors hehehe please lmk what u think by replying or messaging and if u wanna be part of my taglist! <3 google translated french!
about: you didn't pay no mind when charles randomly asked for one of your hair ties. one car ride later, you find out why.
"Amour, can I have one of your hair ties please?" Charles softly says, gently shaking you awake from your slumber. Due to your half-asleep state, you didn't bother to question him why and quickly pointed to the dresser, where a thin, black hair tie is found on its surface.
"As-tu quelque chose d'autre? Quelque chose qui en un regard, je sais que c'est le tien," Do you have anything else? Something that in one look, I know it's yours.
Prying your eyes open once again, you decide to position yourself to sit on the bed to give Charles a knowing look.
"What do you mean? Do you want a scrunchie?"
"What's that?"
"The thick one that looks like ruffles."
"Oh no." He replies, rifling through your dresser drawers. "Maybe something a little less high profile."
Before you can mutter anything, the Monegasquè exclaims as he finds something he liked after absolutely destroying the organized drawers: a red hair tie with a small black ribbon.
Clearly with a motive on his mind, Charles quickly picks up the hair tie and proceeds outside to his car. You didn't pay it any mind, you had a lot of hair ties anyway, most of it scattered around the room and even in your purses. You just assumed he used it to tie something; used it like it was a rubber band.
You and Charles made plans to visit his family today which can explain why he was up and about getting ready for the drive. The drive up to his family home is about two hours and it has been a habit of his to prep the car every time you had to go somewhere. While he was in the garage, you got up and made breakfast, all the food on the table in pairs of two's.
As you sit through breakfast, you already had enough caffeine in your system to be sober for the morning, not that you were drunk, just sleepy. Being in the right state of mind, you give in to curiosity and ask him why he needed a hair tie in the first place, up to why he needed to choose one he liked.
"Ce n'est rien," It's nothing.
You didn't pry anymore, it was just a hair tie after all. If you know him well, he probably did use it to tie something or replace something he broke while fixing the car. After breakfast, the two of you went on like clockwork to get ready for the drive up to his family's house. Being all dressed up and ready, Charles opens the passenger seat door for you and you were off.
Halfway through the drive and several songs sang in the car later, your eyes dart towards a very familiar hair tie. The red hair tie with a black ribbon was wrapped around the car's gear shifter, much to your surprise when you thought he only used it to tie something or mend something he'd clumsily broke.
"Ah, so this is where you used my hair tie," you tell Charles, who returned a sheepish smile.
"You are cute in your own ways, do you know that?" you stifle a giggle, waiting for him to respond. "Can I ask why is that there?"
"Why? Do you want it back? I'm sorry, I have my reason I promise." He replies, voice laced with guilt.
"No, baby I just... want to know what it's for."
You were fine with not knowing actually. You're sure Charles had his reasons. Maybe he liked the ribbon or the red reminded him of Ferrari. Maybe he thought his spectacular sports car was so manly it needed a splash of ribbon. The thing is, Charles has his antics, something you've grown to love over the years. In your eyes, this hair tie situation is mundane to say the least.
"Fine but you have to promise you won't laugh." Charles says, eyes kept strictly on the road.
"Je promets." I promise.
"It's a reminder." He says in a low and soft voice.
"I put it there to remind myself that I have to drive safe because you're waiting for me at home," Charles continues, and you swear you could just melt right there. "Okay I know it sounds cheesy and sappy and that an F1 driver knows how to drive safe but it's a nice reminder."
"Charles, you drive cars at 300 km/h," you laugh, gaining a chuckle from him.
"I know. It's just a good reminder to be extra safe every time I'm in a car because there's someone waiting for me at home. It's for when I lose my cool on the road so I can be reminded to stay calm and avoid road rage. It's for when I drive cars at the speed of light but I take my cautions because I look forward to seeing you, always."
"Je veux toujours être en sécurité pour que tu ne t'inquiètes pas pour moi," I want to always be safe so you don't worry about me.
Charles pauses and turns to look at you, quite lovingly, spending the 30 seconds of the red light awaiting your response. It is safe to say you were out of words, because you never knew a gesture as simple as this could make your heart swell ten times its size. All because of a hair tie.
"I love you so so so much, you hair tie stealer." you smile as his free hand trails up your thigh to capture your hand as he kisses the back of it. "But for what it's worth, I will always worry about you."
"That I know. But treat the hair tie as an immunity charm."
tagging: @slytherheign <333 hope u r doing well mwah
notes: my first imagine (written)! im still working on writing dialogues cause its the part i find the hardest :// lmk what u think! will be posting ig imagines tomorrow hehe that or a very angsty charles imagine based on midnight rain by taylor 🫠
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Hii can u do something fluff with daemon being in love with his grandchild. His daughter with Rhea Royce have a baby that look just like daemon and he can keep his eye of the baby.
A/N: I hope you like it! It's totally alright!
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x daughter!Reader
summary: daemon being in love with his grandchild. His daughter with Rhea Royce have a baby that look just like daemon and he can keep his eye of the baby.
Word count: 2,1K
Warnings: Fluff
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"How are you feeling?" Rhaenyra, your stepmother, asked kindly. You rubbed your grown belly with a soft smile. This was your first child and everything was all new to you but you loved every minute of it.
"I feel bloated and my feet hurt along with my back but that has not weakened my excitement" You answered. Rhaenyra laughed at your words. Being Daemon's eldest daughter and with a couple of years in between you and your sisters you were already married while they remained betrothed. You were married to your cousin Aemond a couple of years back, it was not an easy marriage nor was it out of love which id why it took you several years to conceive, Aemond and you took time warming up to each other before giving this marriage a real chance hence the babe in your belly.
"You remind me of myself when I was swollen with Jace" She patted your hand atop you belly. A smile grew on your face at the feeling of your child moving around in your belly trying to find a comfortable position inside.
"I just hope they are healthy, the maester said I have passed my due date and it worries me" Your heart filled with worry. Aemond held you bights back as you cried fearing for your child saying that he will be by your side no matter what and he would do anything in his power to ensure your and your child's safety.
"Tis normal with the first pregnancy" Rhaenyra tried assuring you. You gave her a wary smile, breath shaking and hands beginning to tremble.
"Thank you" You were grateful for her support. She may have not been your mother but she and Laena before her both embraced you as if you were their own and loved you as such as well.
That night you were more at ease when getting ready for bed with a little more discomfort than usual, however you had a smile and your mood had lifted. You spent the day with Rhaenyra and your sisters before going to the yard and watched your father and husband have a friendly spar which ended with your father wining. Lastly your entire family had supper together showing a united front and supported you with the many laughs and conversations circling around, even Aegon was on his best behaviour.
"You look happy, wife" Aemond pointed out as he slid into his side of the bed which seemed to grow smaller and smaller in the passed couple of moons. You fixed the pillows behind your back still feeling uncomfortable before leaning back against them.
"I am, spending the day with you all made me feel at ease" Your hands wrapped around your middle rubbing soothing circles to lull your child into a slumber so you could sleep yourself.
"It gives me comfort that this child will have a loving family if I were pass during labour" Your eyes filled with tears. You turned to look at Aemond by your side.
"Do not say that, you will live to see him or her grow and present them with many siblings as well" Aemond reached over to rub your bulging your stomach as well. It was after a couple of second of silence you felt a rush of water between your legs a sharp sting in your belly making you gasp.
"What is the matter?" Aemond pushed himself into a sitting position to look at you. He withdrew his hand fearing he was the cause of your pain.
"I think it is time" You responded. It was a couple of minutes later when a second rush of pain hit. There was time before it would be time to push, the maester had informed you of the steps during labour.
"I will call the maester" Aemond pushed the comforter to the side with the intend to leave the bed but you latched yourself to his arm before he could.
"Promise me first" You whimpered. Aemond's eyes filled with confusion.
"Promise me that this child will have a happy life if I were to die" You repeated. You watched as Aemond gulped looking between your eyes with his own worry.
"You will not" His voice was weak. He did not utter a singular word as your tightened your grip when a new contraction hit you.
"Promise me" You yelled shaking his arm. Your other arm was trying to sooth the tensed muscles of your stomach.
"I promise" He pushed your hand off gently and moved to the doors. You leaned back against the pillows content with the promise he made.
You did not know how many different feelings coursed through your body as you awaited the maesters arrival. Happiness, you were going to become a mother and you were going to make Aemond a father, and in public you were finally doing your duty. Excited, you were going to meet the being you and Aemond created from your love and passion, you were going to get to hold the small person who has lived inside of you for many moons now. Fear, you feared the pain and dying, you did not want to leave your child motherless. Anger, angry that Aemond did this to you and had the audacity to leave you in your room alone in so much pain.
"Aemond! Get back here!" You yelled. Aemond turned to look at you shocked as the guard stationed at your door sprinted down the corridor to bring the maester. Your face was already turning red and small beads of sweat were growing on your hairline.
"My love?" he tilted his head to the side confused. You let out an anguished yell clutching your stomach even harder. He moved without thinking to your side to help adjust you.
"Do not touch me you cunt! This is happening because of you" You pushed his hands away harshly. Aemond was taken aback by your harsh words, you have never spoken like this to him even when you were sparring, you were Rhae Royce's daughter after and it would be a shock if you did not know how to wield a sword.
"You fucker had to get your prick wet" You slapped his shoulder with all your strength which was painful. Aemond coughed with pain and shock moving away from the bed fearing your wrath and strength.
"Come back here you cunt "You hissed, your pupils were dilated and it was like you were going to be breathing fire any second, a true dragon.
In that moment the maester walked in followed by some midwives and Queen Alicent. She could see the horror on Aemond's face but his face paled when the maester moved the blanket off your lap to show your nightgown already soaked with blood some clear water.
"Her waters have already broken but seeing as the princess was not in any pain prior I believe this will be an easy birth" The maester sounded joyed. Alicent shared a tight smile with him knowing that labour was going to still hurt.
"Easy birth my ass!" You yelled attempting to kick him the face but one of the midwives stopped you by holding your leg.
"We need to wait a while until your body is ready to deliver" The maester explained. You let out an annoyed huff turning to glare at Aemond who was frozen to the side.
"This is all your fault" You gritted your teeth. Aemond looked at his mother for help but she only shrugged.
It was several hours later when your baby was finally born during the hour of the nightingale, dawn was only an hour or two away at this point. It was a healthy son and he announced his arrival by screaming his head off the second he slipped out of you and did not stop until he was placed in your arms.
"Oh my darling" You cried holding the bloodied child close to your chest. He had tufts of white-blonde hair like his father unlike your dark brown hair like your mother. You turned to look at Aemond still frozen in the same spot and held out your hand for him to take and he finally found the courage to step closer to you.
"Look at our son, is he not the most beautiful child?" You asked. You leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead before handing him to his father. Aemond's hand were shaking but he forced them to be steady when the most precious thing in his life was placed in them.
"Yes, the most beautiful child" He was mesmerised by the sight that greeted him. wide purple eyes and full cheeks.
"Looks just like Prince Daemon" One of the midwives pointed out as she helped pack some of the things the maester had brought with him. Alicent leaned closer to look at her grandchild and to your surprise a look close to disgust grew on her face.
"Yes as if you fucked your own father and birthed his son" She shivered at the thought of such a queer relationship.
"Mother!" Aemond explained shocked by the suggestion and that she even let her imagination run so wild, he knew you were faithful. This kind of relationship was queer even for the Targaryens.
"Where is my grandchild" The glaring contest was interrupted by your father strutting in with a huge smile on his face. Rhaenyra was hot on his tail moving to sit on your other side.
"Are you alright?" She asked running a hand through your sweat soaked hair with no problem or even feeling disgust unlike Alicent who at some point could not bare looking at you.
"I am alright" You assured her. Aemond handed your son to your father gently. Your father tsked as he bounced the small babe in his arms.
"A beautiful boy" he chuckled looking at you. You were grateful to have your father here to experience such a moment with you, your first moments with your child, the moment you became a mother.
"What will you name him?" Rhaenyra asked curiously. Aemond turned to look at you watching as you grinned, eyes glued at the babe in your father's arms, you were glowing like any new mother.
"Daemon" Aemond said. Your father's head snapped up to look at your husband.
"Yes?" He cocked his eyebrows confused. You gasped when you finally understood why your husband had uttered that name.
"We will name him Daemon, as it was pointed out he looks like a spitting image of his grandsire so it is only fair he is named after him as well" Aemond explained. Your father had a genuine smile on his face as he turned his gaze back to his grandchild.
"Welcome little Daemon" He laughed alongside you all. Alicent rolled her eyes taking her leave quietly.
By the third moon of your son's birth your father had asked you to move to Dragonstone at least a thousand times leaving you no choice but to agree for his sake. Aemond was happy to pack his things and leave the stinking city of King's Landing. You traveled on dragonback with Daemon strapped securely to your body and his dragonling that had hatched days after his birth was with Aemond.
Your father completely ignored your presence at the welcoming and went straight to his grandchild. Aemond laughed as you pouted now arms empty of your child and your father ignoring your existence. Of course later on your father made it up to you when Daemon was asleep.
The more Daemon grew the more he resembled your father as if he truly was his own child, he had the same forehead, nose and lips and even the eye shape. Aemond did not care for his son's looks and loved him nonetheless but rumours stills circled that you had been unfaithful to your husband with your own father but Aemond was quick to shut them down.
By the time Daemon was two you were pregnant yet again which excited the toddler. Daemon followed after his grandsire like a lost puppy most of his awake time. Your father did not grow tired of it and he never would. He would keep your son close by even during council meetings. He would take him with him to the training yard to make him watch until he was of age to sword fight himself. To say your father was obsessed with your son was an understatement. Even you birthed your second born, another son, Daemon remained your father's favourite and he was not ashamed of it.
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
Camp Crystal Lake: Chapter 1
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone. 
Every town in North America has a ghost story. Some are well kept secrets, and others are so notorious that the sins of those tales have spread far and wide, to every dark corner of the earth. Crystal Lake was a sterling example of such a place. It had a typical sounding name, really, for a fresh body of water in the middle of the New England woods. But the stories surrounding the area were anything but typical.
As a young child, I remember hearing his name being said on the playgrounds at school. Jason. It didn’t take me long to insert myself into conversations in an attempt to hear the details of whatever version of the story the older kids were spreading. Back then it didn’t matter if they were fact or fiction. I stayed up late, wide eyed staring at every dark corner of my bedroom after hearing tales of Jason Voorhees. Now, at 22 years old and about to enter the summer as a counselor at Camp Crystal Lake, those distant, childish memories made me grin; though when my rusty, Jeep Wrangler bounced down the uneven road past the wooden Camp Crystal Lake sign, the hairs rose just a bit on the back of my neck.
“I thought you outgrew superstition,” I said quietly to myself as a song ended on my playlist, leaving me in a few extra seconds of silence to take in the wooded surroundings.
Jason Voorhees. The name still creeped everyone out. Yes, there had been a tragedy that happened decades earlier. Jason Voorhees was real; but after several attacks on counselors and residents alike, a boy named Tommy Jarvis managed to put Jason to rest permanently.
I shuddered and reminded myself that that was decades ago. I wasn’t even alive when it all happened. And this new camp wasn’t anywhere near the original location of the attacks on that Friday the 13th back in the 80’s.
I saw a pale yellow VW Bug parked up ahead next to a blue Ford pickup truck. On the opposite side of the truck was a Bronco with about as much rust as my Jeep. I began to wonder what my coworkers would be like. Would they be my age? Younger? Older? Local? I was about to find out.
I parked in the clearing beside the VW and stared out at the lake a few hundred yards away. There was a small beach with a towering, white lifeguard stand in the center and a wooden raft floating too not far from the patch of sand. If nothing else, it would be a great summer gig with a view. The campers wouldn’t be here for several weeks and I knew getting the place ready would call for some physical labor. I never minded hands-on work, and I was sure it would give us all time to bond.
When I exited the vehicle, a breeze hit me from the water and I shuddered, despite the temperatures nearing eighty degrees on the late June afternoon. My eyes scanned the trees on all sides and I suddenly wondered where everyone was. I let farfetched ‘what-ifs’ filter through my mind for a second before smirking to myself.
Grow up, I scolded myself lightheartedly. The imaginative part of me still enjoyed the folklore, no matter how juvenile it felt.
I popped open the back of the Jeep and reached in to grab my suitcase, an oversized gym bag and a backpack that housed the majority of my clothes. I had a few stray boxes with makeup and hair products, among other toiletries, though I decided I’d come back for them later.
Again, I took in my surroundings. For some reason I half-expected to see a group of young people out-and-about in the immediate area upon arrival. The silence was beginning to hit my psyche harder than I’d like to admit, and so I stared up at an oversized cabin with wooden paneling and headed in that direction.
A hammock swung empty on a giant front porch that was littered with chairs and small tables in between. Above them hung metal lighting fixtures, some of which were swinging in the summer breeze.
And then I heard a sound I could only compare to clicking. It was like a clock, almost. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
I set my suitcase down near the bottom step and shrugged the gym bag off my shoulder so it rested beside it, leaving my backpack on. And then I followed the sound.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
What is that?
I swallowed hard as the noise grew louder. It stopped for a second and then there was a louder noise. A faint bang. And then a pause. Another bang.
What the hell is that?
I rounded the side of the two-story cabin and peeked my head around to see if I could get a glimpse of whatever, or whoever, was responsible for the sound. Visions of Jason Voorhees and his menacing hockey mask left my mind immediately when the truth revealed itself.
A muscular man in a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows swung an ax, connecting with a giant log of wood. It split into two, sending little shards flying into the air. He wiped his forehead with his arm and then reached for another.
I wasn’t sure if I should tiptoe back to the front porch or interrupt him, but my mind was made up by default when he slowly turned in my direction. When he smiled beneath a mustache, I blushed and glanced at the open area of his chest where a few buttons were undone.
“Hello.” He gave a wave and wiped sweat off his forehead again before removing a pair of work gloves.
I raised my hand and swallowed hard. “Hi.”
The man approached and extended an arm in my direction. I stared down at his hand for a second before joining mine to his in a handshake. Our eyes met and I felt my eyebrows raise unwillingly.
“I’m Joel Miller,” he introduced himself, slightly out of breath. “I did the phone interview with you back in March and a second one in April. (Y/N), right?”
“Yeah.” I nodded and cleared my throat with a smile.
“I’m the camp director,” he informed me with a nod.
“Nice to meet you.” My hand was still in his and finally they parted.
Joel nodded in agreement. “I’m just finishing up here. I think we have one more person to arrive today before the rest come in the middle of the week. You can get yourself settled in whatever room is still available and I’ll be in in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” I nodded, “Thank you.”
“Thank you.”
When he smiled again I might as well have turned to stone. Who knew my boss for the summer would be such a.. hunk.
Well shit. It’s thirty seconds into the summer and I’m already crushing on my boss. I added, what a lovely predicament.
@cattt777 @gissellec1
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girlthingmaddie · 7 months
Remote control toys are an experience to say the least :D My Owner decided she wanted to play with me, but since I lives soooo far away (40 whole minutes) it was time to finally try the Lovense stuff I got forever ago.
After I got ready and all, She ordered me set it up so she could control it whenever. Of course, I would have done that anyways, She owns my body, every part of my being, of course She gets to control me whenever she wants :)
After a little bit of manual control, She sent a 5 minute pattern, it was so much fun, I was squirming in my seat trying so desperately to orgasm, or even just find a little more pleasure. It took a while of being a whimpering, moaning mess, but I did orgasm, though the cage stopped it from being too pleasurable :) by the end of the five minutes, I was begging Owner to stop the pattern, to let me have a break.
A little while after the pattern ended, She asked me if I wanted some more. I begged and pleaded for more. I was still so pent up and needy, I desperately hoped that more would help.
It would not.
She sent a 17 minute pattern, and ordered me to the floor. I was on all fours for all of several seconds before my arms and legs were too weak and shaking too much to hold myself up. Curled up on my nice soft carpet, surrounded by clothes and plushies, I writhed and shuddered with pleasure, unable to stop, unable to get a break. I begged Her to let me cum, again and again, counting out how many times. Eight. Times. I came over and over, each time, begging Her to let me off the edge and to spill over into that bliss. I remember asking how long it had been, and being denied an answer, only being told it'd be over when it was over. Once my torture was finally over, She reminded me that that was only 17 minutes, and that there were some that were hours long. My fucked-out puppybrain was so excited by that, ideas were swirling in my head. But those are stories for another day soon to come, I imagine :)
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silentglassbreak · 7 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
Just having a lovely good time with this. We are getting there, I swear it. 😘 (I promise there’s method to my madness.) Also HEAVILY recommend listening to the chapter song title - especially toward the end of this chapter. Levitate by Sleep Token.
Warnings: No smut today. But I fucking cried writing this chapter, and I hope you do too (I'm so sadistic). Sadness. Graphic descriptions of vomiting and overall being sick. Fluffy, heartache chapter. OH and graphic depictions of violence and blood (in a dream setting, don't stress).
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86 @thisbicc @knivesforapro @diabolicdiatonics
Part 7 - Levitate
At what point do you start drawing lines in the sand? I asked myself that question over and over the past several weeks since the party. Who was fucking with who anymore? I'm certain neither of us really knew the answer.
Mileena was still seeing Justin, our mishap in the bathroom on the 4th being unspoken of again. It never happened. I kept trying to remind myself of that, each time I saw her, the only times our paths crossing being during pick-ups and drop-offs of Addison.
I had fully expected her to become scarce, but to my surprise, she was letting business go on as usual. Even being around more often. Part of me wanted to hope that meant she was slowly inching her way back to me, some undying need inside of her not being capable of keeping a distance. That thought was shut down, however, when Nick mentioned that he was asked to go on a double date with her, Laura, and the Ken doll (my favorite nickname for him).
That came about two weeks after the party, and I just shrugged it off, assuming that meant Mileena had truly forgotten about the bathroom, or was forcing herself to.
Still, she showed up, sometimes spending half an hour or more at the house when dropping off Addie, making small talk with me, once in a while even flirting. It was casual, comfortable, and for some reason, it didn't bother me to know that she was likely fucking that other guy. Something in my gut just told me to be patient. Good things come to those who wait.
So that is exactly what I did. I gave her room to exist, letting myself exist somewhere near her being good enough for me most days. In all honesty, the lack of pushing made some space for a very good friendship that we never gave the chance to grow before. Sure, the attraction was clear, but she started telling me things; things that I didn't get to hear before.
'Nick and Laura are gag-worthy. It's honestly kind of annoying.'
'I'm going to go back to work soon. I got a job offer, but the last two years off have been so heavenly.'
'I miss Washington. We need to take Addie up there to visit Dad.'
She kept throwing that word around. We. I never wanted to bring it up. Never wanted to spook her. Rather, I stood there and listened to her most times, smiling softly at her, loving the way the light filled her eyes when she was excited, or she came in close for a hug whenever she was sad. I took every second. I accepted it graciously, happy to exist.
Today, however, was not a good day. Today, I felt like a bin of hot, rancid, putrid garbage. We were stood in the green room of a venue in Buena Park, getting ready for a pop-up show, when I felt an overwhelming sense of nausea hit me. All day, I had felt off, but had brushed it off as the heat, stress from the show, and exhaustion hitting me all at once. I had slept most of the day, working to get myself out of the funk, trying like hell to prepare for the show, but I couldn't shake it.
Now, feeling my insides threatening to make their way out, my eyes darted around the room frantically, eyes falling on a nearby trash can. I bolted for it, collapsing onto my knees before emptying everything in my stomach into the bin, heaving painfully.
After successfully spitting out the last of the vomit, I sat back on my heels, trying to breathe deeply. My episode had caught Jolly's eye, and he ran over, face cringing at the sight.
"Dude, what the fuck?" I pointed at a stack of napkins on the table behind him, and he handed me a few. I wiped my mouth.
"I don't know, man. I was good, and then I just had to hurl." I was trying to determine if I was done puking, my stomach still rolling around.
"Eat something bad?" Nick had joined us now, hands in his pockets.
"Fuck, man, no idea. I guess." I shrugged, tossing the napkins in the can.
"Do we need to cancel? If so, we need to let Matt know now." Jolly's voice was concerned.
I shook my head. "Nah, I'm good. I just need a minute."
"You sure?" Nick raised a brow at me, and I stood up.
"Yeah. You guys got any gum?"
Four songs. I made it that far. I worked so hard, swallowing all of the saliva building in my mouth, keeping my face even. But as soon as we hit Glass Houses, and I had to start screaming, I had to run off stage, emptying my stomach once again into a trash can off of the side. I had thrown my mic hastily on the stage, making it clear that my abrupt exit wasn't planned.
Jolly, still vigorously playing the music, repeating the same riff, stepped off to the side and gave me a glance. I was kneeling, gagging dryly into the can. I saw him motion for everyone to stop. The music and lights cut sharp, and I leaned my head on the cool rim of the metal can, breathing heavily.
Folio stood over me. "Noah?" I looked up at him.
"I can't. I'm so fucking sorry."
He was shaking his head. "No, bro. You're fucking sick."
My body was covered in a slick, disgusting sweat, but I was still shivering profusely. "I'm freezing, dude."
Folio looked up. "Uh, hang on." He jogged off to the side of the stage, returning with my coat that I had discarded after the first track. "Here."
I stood up and pulled it on, not feeling much relief, my skin screaming as the fabric brushed over it. I took a moment to calm my body before walking back out to the stage, the crowd cheering as I did.
I picked up my discarded microphone and waved. "Well," I put a hand on my hip and huffed a laugh out. "I'm so sorry about that, guys."
The crowd cheered for me, but I was still fighting the feeling of another impending puking spell.
"So, I think I'm sick." I chuckled, and I saw the guys shaking their heads, smiling. Nick was already taking his bass off, and Jolly was walking over next to me. "I'm so sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to finish the show tonight, folks."
It was met with cries of sadness, and I frowned. "We're so sorry." Jolly's voice came through his own mic. "But we will schedule a make-up show. We've just got to keep this guy away from the gas station sushi."
Nick and Folio laughed with the crowd, but I just gagged, pressing it back down. Jolly slapped me hard on the back, which made me flinch.
"We're going to get this guy into bed, guys. But, before we go, we thank you all for being here!" Jolly hollered, and the crowd cheered.
"And can we give it up for Noah, guys?!" Nick hollered out, causing the venue to erupt. I just gave an embarrassed nod and began stalking off stage, feeling another wave oncoming.
Nick drove me home last night, walking me inside to make sure I got into bed properly. I only managed to get my pants, shoes, and shirt off before I folded into bed.
"Alright, bro, I've set a bowl on the nightstand, in case you don't make it, and I've got a water bottle next to you." But I was already half asleep when he left.
I was awoken to the doorbell going off, and I groaned, my back muscles screaming at me, and my stomach rolling inside me when I swung my legs off the bed. My head pounded hard at the sensation of sitting up. I felt truly horrific.
I stepped downstairs slowly, my body aching with each drop of my feet. I rubbed at my eyes against the sunlight, opening the front door.
Mileena stood in front of me, grocery bags in hand, and staring brightly at me, her faced etched with worry.
My eyes widened when I realized. "Oh, fuck! It's Sunday!"
She shook her head. "Oh no, I didn't bring Addie. I didn't want to risk giving her the plague."
I rolled my eyes as she walked past me into the house, closing the door behind her. "Then why are you here? Don't you not want to get it?"
She waved me off, heading for the kitchen. "I'll be fine."
She was back after a second, and I hadn't moved from where I stood by the door, focusing on staying upright as the room started to spin. Her eyes examined my face, a look of sympathy on hers.
"Oh Noah," She rubbed a hand on my shoulder. "you look like shit."
I smirked, my eyes nearly closed. "Thank you for noticing, I feel like it too."
I yawned, stopping it short when I felt as though I may gag again.
"How'd you know I was sick?"
"Nick called Laura last night. Told us about the show. I almost came over then, but Nick said you knocked out pretty quick."
I opened my eyes, then, giving her an inquisitive look. "So, you're here because...?"
She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "To make sure you don't die?"
Leena was trying so hard to be convincing, but I still smiled playfully at her. "Oh sure. You're just here cause you couldn't stand the thought of not seeing me."
She rolled her eyes at me, smacking a hand gently on my chest, which made me whine, rubbing the spot. My skin was so sensitive.
I saw her face flinch, realizing I was tender. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry." Her fingers rubbed the spot she hit, but I wiggled away, the contact uncomfortable.
She then pressed her palm to my chest, scrunching her brows. "Jesus, Noah." Mileena grabbed my face and pulled me down, pressing her lips to my forehead - something she always did when checking for a temperature. "Fuck Noah! You're burning up!"
Scurrying into the kitchen, then back to me in a flash, she had the thermometer in her hand, brushing it across my forehead. Everything was happening in slow motion for me, the room still threatening to turn on it's side at any given moment.
"Fuck! 104.9 degrees!" I just nodded dryly, not fazed. "Noah, you may need to go to a doctor."
I groaned, walking over to the couch and sitting slowly. "I just want to sleep."
She followed me, pulling my legs up to stretch on the couch. Her hands grabbed the blanket I kept on the back of it, stretching it out over me. "Fine, but I'm staying with you a while. I don't like that fever."
I scoffed. "I'm not too fond of it, myself."
She grabbed the remote and turned the television on. "What do you want to watch?"
I moaned, absolutely suffering. "Don't care. Whatever you want."
She took up space on the other end of the sectional, tucking her feet underneath her and scanning to Hulu.
"Just nothing about food." I felt my face begin to turn green, and she noticed. She ran to the bathroom, grabbing the trash and placing it near my head on the floor. "Thanks, babe."
I watched her still, glancing at me, wanting to correct me. It was a reflex that I hadn't meant to say, but in my current state, I couldn't find the willpower to care.
She must've known, because she just turned up her lips, and softened her eyes. "Of course."
I let my eyes fall closed, my head calming while I heard the opening to Grey's Anatomy play.
I woke up to a lurch in my stomach, my eyes flying open, and my hand instinctively grabbing the trash, retching hard into it. Not much had come out, mostly bile, as I hadn't held down anything for about thirty-six hours. I opened my eyes, bleary with involuntary tears, and saw the end of the couch empty, but the TV still playing.
"Oh, Noah!" Her feet tapped the floor softly as she ran into the living room.
She circled the coffee table, and sat next to me on the couch, her hand rubbing small circles on my back. Setting the can down, I leaned back on the couch, fighting to get air in my lungs.
"What the fuck?" I grit through my teeth. Her hand was now on top of mine, her thumb massaging into the tattoos on my skin.
"I know. Must be a bad bug."
I leaned down, grabbing the edges of the bag in the can, preparing to get rid of it. Her hands came in, shooing mine away.
"I'll get this. Go brush your teeth."
I stood, running a hand through my sweat-soaked hair, and realized I was still in just my boxers. It hadn't even occurred to me, too sick to realize how gross I must look.
"Sorry you have to see me like this."
She snorted, tying the bag up. "Noah, you watched me give birth. I think we're okay."
I smiled at her tiredly. "You don't have to stay. What about Addie?"
She walked to the front door, slipping on my slides so she could walk outside to the can. "Uncle Jolly and Uncle Folio took her out for the day. Laura told me to stay as long as you need."
I was sick, exhausted, and half-dead, but I couldn't help what came tumbling out of me.
"And what if I never let you leave?"
Her hand hovered over the door knob, her neck twisting so she could look at me, a sad expression on her face. "Go brush your teeth. Your breath is rank."
I smiled. It wasn't a 'no' or a 'shut up', so it was progress.
"I think I'm going to shower, actually."
She just nodded before disappearing outside to dispose of the garbage.
I climbed the stairs carefully, lightheaded. I walked straight into the bathroom, turning the water to scalding, and stripped off my underwear. I glanced in the mirror, cringing at the sight. My eyes held dark, grey circles around them, my hair was visibly greasy, and my lips were pale and chapped.
Real sexy, Sebastian.
While I waited for the water to get hot enough to melt my skin, I brushed my teeth, working hard not to gag again. Once I spit the last of the toothpaste out, I stepped into the hot water and took a moment to adjust. I had a feeling my fever had broken, as my skin didn't hurt quite so badly.
I took time to scrub my body, letting my body calm as I felt the previous day rinse off of me. I quickly washed my hair, not even bothering with conditioning or anything extra. Then, I just stood there, letting the warm water wash over my back, my forehead leaning against the cool tile, zoning out while I breathed deeply.
"Hey." I heard her voice, which I didn't react to. "You alive in there?"
I flipped the handle, turning the water off. My hand grabbed the towel on the hook, pulling it in and wrapping it around my waist before opening the curtain. She stood in the doorway, and I heard her inhale a sharp gasp when her eyes caught me standing, my hair dripping down my face. I flipped it back and eyed her.
"I feel like death."
Her eyes were blown wide, and her lips parted slightly, not responding. Normally, I'd be taking full advantage of the moment. However, I was sure my stomach couldn't handle any sudden movents.
"I, uh," She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "I brought some Zofran. We need to get you to hold something down."
I stepped out of the shower, sighing. "If you think it'll help."
She held a hand out, a small white pill in the palm. I walked over, picking up the tablet and holding it on front of me.
"How do I know you're not drugging me?"
She pursed her lips, smirking. "You don't."
I shrugged nonchalantly, and dry swallowed it.
Standing inches from her, smiling mischievously. "How's my breath?"
Leena grinned earnestly, then. "Better." She lifted a hand to the back of my neck, pulling my forehead down to her lips again. She hummed in approval. "That's better too. Now c'mon," She tugged at my wrist, pulling me out of the bathroom. "let's get you dressed and into bed."
I took note of the sweats, underwear, and t-shirt laid out on the bed. I also noticed the blanket being fresh.
"I changed the sheets for you. They were still damp from you sweating all night. I set up the trash can next to the bed, water on the nightstand. You need to drink it." She was using her Mom voice now, which had me staring at her, amused. "When you're ready to try eating, I've got Saltines, cheese, and a few different soups."
Eyes boring into her, I couldn't help but grin. "I appreciate you, Mileena."
The look on her face told me she was not troubled by any of her efforts. "You know I don't mind." She scanned the room, and began turning around. "I'll let you get dressed."
"Are you leaving?"
She stared at me, her eyes sparkling. "Do you want me to?"
A tinge of red crept up my neck, suddenly shy. "I mean, no?" Breathing out a chuckle, I picked up the underwear, letting the towel drop. Her eyes only flashed down to me for a split second, her throat swallowing hard. "But I get if you need to get back to Addison."
She squeezed her eyes shut. "No," She had her lips held tight together. "I checked in with Laura. Addie's fine. She said I can stay however long."
I nodded. "I've got pants on now." My words were lighthearted, finding humor in the fact that she was trying to preserve my modesty, as if she hadn't seen it all before.
"I figured I'd start disinfecting the living room while you napped."
I sat down hard on the bed, slipping the shirt over my head and wincing, the sensitivity coming back.
"Or, you could watch TV with me."
She stared at me, as if I was insane. "Is that such a good idea?"
I leaned back, pulling myself under the comforter and sinking down into the mattress.
"I mean, if you don't want to catch this crap, I don't blame you."
Sitting next to me on the edge of the bed, she laid a hand on my stomach softly. "I told you I'm not worried about that."
I laughed. "Well, you don't have to worry about me trying to come onto you. I get nauseas just breathing. I couldn't imagine what having sex would do."
She let out a hard cackle, smiling with all of her teeth. It was a nice sight to see, even on the brink of death.
"Well," I could tell she was weighing her options. "I guess it's fine. Mind if I borrow some pants? Jeans aren't exactly comfortable."
I just gestured to the dresser. She knew where to find everything. She slipped a pair of joggers out of the drawer, stepping into the closet to change. After, she came over to the bed, her side, and sat on top of the blankets, pushing her pillow up against the headboard, and flipped the TV on.
"Still no requests?" I just shook my head. She started Supernatural, picking up where her and I had left off on the last season, sitting back and watching the screen intently.
After a few minutes, I rolled onto my side, facing her, in a desperate attempt to ease the hard ache in my diaphragm. My body felt sore from dry heaving and the virus that crept through my veins. Eventually, I grew frustrated with the uneasiness each position had me in, growling.
"Come on." She motioned for me to scoot closer, pulling her legs under the covers and half-laying on the pillow. I moved myself to lay my head on her stomach, arm draped over her middle. Her fingers began running through my hair, nails scraping gently over my scalp the way she knew would have me snoozing quickly.
I buried my nose into her shirt, breathing easily. "Hey Leena?"
"Hmm?" She was into the show, but I still couldn't help myself.
"How would Justin feel about us just cuddling?" I smiled, reminiscing of the first time we cuddled on her couch, two years ago.
She snorted, clearly remembering exactly what I was referring to.
"He'll live. You may not. Priorities."
"So I take priority, huh?" My voice was slightly muffled against her, but I was warm all over thinking about it.
"You're the father of my child, Noah. And my best friend. Of course you do."
My hand squeezed her side in a sad attempt for a hug. She gripped my hair a touch tighter at the root, earning her an appreciative moan from me. So fucking relaxing.
"You should get some sleep."
"Are you and him still...a thing?"
I felt her chest heave. "Is that really a good conversation for right now?"
I raised an eyebrow she couldn't see. "We're best friends, right? Just pretend I'm Laura or something."
She laughed at that. "No can do, babe. Laura's prettier than you."
I waved a finger in the air in front of us. "Nuh-uh."
Her body shook with laughter.
"Ah Noah, insufferable as always."
I could only hum at her, my arm falling back to her side.
"You can tell me, Leena. I won't get mad."
Her voice was careful. "Kind of."
"What does that mean?"
"It means exactly that, Noah. Kind of." She sighed. "I like him, but..." She trailed off.
"But what? He’s not as dreamy as you had originally expected?" I smirked at my words, which came out in my voice.
But her words were somber.
"He's not you."
My face fell, processing what she had said.
"Yeah." Her fingers pet my hair softly now, smoothing it down. "Get some sleep, babe. I'll be here."
Even with the firecrackers exploding inside of my chest, the overwhelming exhaustion was taking over, blurring my vision. Sleep overtook me quickly, my eyes closing while her hands soothed me into oblivion.
"I don't love you, Noah. I don't think I ever did."
"She's never going to be with you again."
I pulled at the metal shackles around my wrists and ankles, screaming at the top of my lungs behind the leather bound around my mouth. My skin burned from all over, unable to breathe in enough air to fight any harder.
"This is how you die, Noah. Alone. No happiness. No dignity. No family. You're pathetic." Leena was stood inches from my face, Justin just behind her, staring wickedly.
"She's mine now, bitch."
The veins in my neck strained as I tried to bite down on the bind in my mouth, my flesh bleeding as I pulled against the steel holding them to the table I laid on.
Justin picked up an instrument off of the tray, a long, razor-like blade that looked medieval.
"You deserve this, Noah. For being such a fucking failure." The laugh that pressed out of her was maniacal, bouncing off the hard walls of the dark room. "Addison will never have to see how fucking sad and horrid her father was."
Justin stepped over to me, using one hand to rip the tank top I wore. I pulled harder as he lowered the blade over my stomach.
He smiled at me. "I hope you didn't pay much for these tats, dude, cause they're about to come off."
My eyes bulged, my chest heaving as I shook my head hysterically.
The blade sunk deep into my skin, a sharp, piercing burning flashing over me as I watched the blood pouring out of me.
My screams were wet and desperate, tears flowing down the sides of my face into my hair. I stared at Mileena, begging her to stop this, but she just smiled at me, her yes dark.
"Oh Noah! You're doing great!" Her words were all venom, and I couldn't breathe now, a weight pressing on my chest. I looked up to see Justin pressing his palm down as he dug the blade in deeper, piercing my organs.
Blood pooled in my throat, and I tried spitting it, only for it to fall back down into my mouth, making me choke.
"Noah!" Mileena clapped, smiling wildly. "C'mon Noah!"
"Noah! Noah, wake up!" I felt my body shaking. "Babe! Wake up, honey!"
I startled, my eyes snapping open, and sat up abruptly. My eyes scanned for the trash can, grabbing it and lifting it into my lap, violently throwing up into the bag. I could feel the tears coming out of eyes, and I lifted my head, my body still shaking with sobs.
"Baby," Her hand was on the back of my neck, her voice calm in my ear. "it's okay. Let it out."
Heaving again, I ejected any stomach contents I had before taking a few deep, hard breaths.
"Done?" After a few seconds, I nodded. "Okay, let me take this."
She grabbed the can and stood off the bed, walking back into the bathroom. Returning with toilet paper in her hand, she tore some and handed it to me to wipe my face.
She crawled into my lap, pulling my face into her chest, as I cried hard.
Usually, I try to be masculine about it, crying quietly, privately. However, I was still so shaken by the nightmare, that I let myself wrap my arms around her, wetting her shirt with my hot tears.
She shushed me, rubbing calming circles on my back until I was able to breathe evenly again.
"Bad dream, huh?" I only nodded in response, unable to speak. "Yeah, fever dreams are the worst."
After several long moments, I shifted so she could scoot off of me, standing and heading into the bathroom, running my toothbrush over my tongue and teeth again, washing the taste of stomach acid out of my mouth.
I came back to the bed, pulling her back into me.
"I'm sorry."
We were laid together, tangled on top of the blankets, and she giggled.
"Don't apologize for having a bad dream. You can't control that."
"It was so bad."
She reached a hand up under my shirt, splaying her fingers out on my chest. "Sounded like it. You started screaming."
"Ugh, I'm sorry."
Rather than lecturing me again for apologizing, she just hummed.
"I've got you, babe."
I noticed Supernatural was still on. "How long was I out?"
"About two hours. I think I dozed off a little, too." She traced my skin with a fingertip. "You think you want to try munching some crackers? You're dry heaving so bad because you don't have anything to throw up."
I sighed hard. "I guess."
Another hour, and I was sitting up on the bed, breaking the crackers into four and taking at least fifteen minutes to eat each one. My stomach didn't like it, but needed it. I had earned a love/hate relationship with a sleeve of Saltines, and that's just fitting for my whole fucking life, isn't it?
Mileena was eating a sandwich she had ordered from her favorite spot, pulling pickle slices off of it and popping them in her mouth. We both watched the screen intently, making odd and end comments about the movie we watched.
"This isn't nearly as good as the first one." She spoke around her bite of food.
I shook my head. "Nah. The first Nun was actually a little creepy." I pointed at the TV. "This one is kind of boring, actually.
"Agreed." Leena popped another pickle in her mouth.
I smirked at her. "I still don't get that. Why not just eat them on the sandwich?"
She stuck her tongue out, a perfect round pickle slice sat in the center, and crossed her eyes at me. I stuck my fingers out to pinch her tongue, but she sucked it back in quickly, giggling at me.
Although my stomach still hurt, and wasn't pleased that I had filled it with six crackers and a half of a water bottle, I felt a slight energy surge, so I didn't want to try falling back asleep yet. Not after my last nap. I shuddered at the thought.
Her eyes fell on me, noticing my shiver. "You want to talk about the dream?"
I shook my head, looking down at the cracker I was breaking. "It's fading anyway."
Mileena raised an eyebrow at me. "Mkay, well you let me know if you change your mind." She turned her attention back to the movie.
"What time do you have to go?"
She stood off the bed, balling up the paper from her sandwich, and tossing it in the trash can. "I called Laura after you woke up, and she told me I was fine to stay over if needed. Addie has been really good today, and tomorrow her and Nick are taking the baby to the aquarium."
Expressionless, I tried not to let the hope swell too much in my chest.
Still, I croaked out. "Slumber party?"
She laughed, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door. "Oh sure! We can paint nails and have a pillow fight!" She hollered from behind the door.
"I'm into it!" I yelled back.
"Yeah, well I'm all yours, then."
I smiled triumphantly. If I had known this was how to keep her around, I would've been licking doorknobs ages ago.
She returned, perching back on the bed. Her eyes glanced over to me comfortably, a smooth smile on her face.
"Leena?" She looked back at me over her shoulder. "Seriously, have you told him you're here?"
Her face fell, her gaze dropping to the remote in her hand. "I haven't."
I huffed, leaning back. "Maybe you shouldn't."
Her eyes looked up at me from under her lashes. "Can I be honest with you, Noah?"
My face twisted into a frown. "I expect nothing less."
She turned completely, facing me, and her legs crossed underneath her.
"I'm not good at this." She gestured between us.
I raised a brow. "What do you mean?" I looked over to the nightstand and down at my crackers. "Being a doctor? Could've fooled me."
She rolled her eyes, smiling. "No, dork." She looked back down out her hands. "Being broken up."
My head leaned back against the headboard. "Ah."
"I just," She pressed her lips together. "I miss you. And that makes it so hard, because I know you miss me too. You tell me all the time."
I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest. "I do."
"I want to be with you all the time. I think about it all day, every day."
I wouldn't dare interrupt, despite the increasing surge I had to kiss her, touch her, hold her. Anything.
"I damn near talk myself into coming home every day, Noah." Her eyes were getting wetter, and I just wanted to press my lips to her forehead. "But then I remember. Being alone."
My heart twitched.
"I don't know. Justin is...good." Ouch. Didn't need to know that. "He has a good job. He likes me, so much." She rolled her eyes. "He's good-looking, funny. He likes everyone. He respects the hell out of you." Shocking, truly. The feeling wasn't at all mutual.
"But," Her hands fell flat on the bed, a deep breath filling her. "I don't feel what I do when I'm with you."
My face was curious. "And that is?"
"Alive." She stood up then, beginning to pace back and forth in front of the bed. My eyes followed her every move.
"Noah, I spent a long fucking time just...breathing." She stopped, eyes boring into me. "But then I met you, and I felt like something inside me woke up. Like I had been on autopilot, but then, suddenly, I was driving again. At a hundred miles an hour."
I smirked.
"Even now, after all this time, I feel so drawn to you. Like a magnet, or gravity? Maybe that's the same thing, I have no fucking clue."
"It's not. Continue."
She narrowed her eyes at me, but continued pacing. "Either way. I can't find that feeling with him."
She sat on the bed then, right next to me.
"It's like that feeling of being on a roller coaster, when your blood is on fire, and your heart is racing? But then you get off of it? And everything goes back to normal? Do you know what I mean?"
"I do."
"The second I left your hotel room that night, it was like I stepped off the coaster. And for a while, I loved that. It was relieving, not knowing when it was going to drop. It was nice to know that I finally had control." A tear rolled down her cheek. "But then...I hated it. I felt like I was at a standstill."
I lifted my hand, wiping the tear from her cheek, using the other to rest on her shoulder.
"But every time I saw you," Her voice cracked, wet. "it was like I was awake again; alive."
She shook, a cry breaking through her. I pulled her, then, bringing her in close to me. I held one arm around her body, locking her in close to my chest. My other holding the back of her neck, squeezing gently to comfort her as she cried.
"I got you, Leena." I whispered in her ear. "I'm right here."
Her hands gripped my shirt tight, legs pulled up underneath her.
"Babe," I pulled her up so I could look into her eyes. "I know this is so hard. But it's truly whatever you want. Whenever."
I pulled her back down.
"I'm always here, just for you."
She laughed then, a sarcastic sound. "Noah, I can't ask you to sit around and wait for me to figure my shit out."
"You don't have to."
This made her cry harder, and I squeezed her tight.
"I love you Mileena. More than life itself."
Her voice was strained. "God, I love you so much, Noah." She cried between her words. "I miss you so much it hurts."
I felt my own tears brewing. "I know. I do too." I inhaled hard, trying to hold my own hurt back behind my hard exterior. "Every day. Every moment."
"Can we just pretend for today? Can we just act like nothing ever happened? And be us? Please, I'm so fucking tired. I just need one fucking day." Her hands were pulling at me, desperate to get closer.
I wrapped both arms around her in a tight grip.
"Of course we can, baby." I spoke into her hair. "Anything you want, my love."
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ashleysmessyjourney · 2 years
17 Months Messing Update: I Wore a Butt Plug to Christmas Dinner
I had held a poll on my Twitter asking if I should wear a butt plug to Christmas dinner. Needless to say, the results were overwhelmingly positive. While my followers had voted that I wear a large one, the one I had selected didn’t stay in all that well when I walked so I went with my next best option: the large Doc Johnson silicone plug. Its traditional shape made it simple to wear, and as it slipped inside of me to be held for the next few hours, I gradually grew accustomed to the weight and feeling of the plug nestled in between my butt cheeks. Even though I didn’t acknowledge it at the time, I felt comforted that I wouldn’t have to deal with any messy diapers at my family dinner because the plug would protect me.
In order to ensure that I had no messy accidents at dinner, I had been careful of what I ate in the few days leading up to the event, and in the hours before the event, I cleaned myself out with a few enemas. I prefer using the bag that you hang up on something with a long hose that goes inside you because I can just use water to clean me out. There’s something comforting about letting out a stream of water into my diaper in that manner because it gently reminds me that if I manage to hold on for even a couple of minutes, my strength will eventually falter and dwindle until I have no choice but to stop holding back the flood. Feeling helpless as I give in to my body’s needs and to the safety of my diaper really gets me going, especially as a comforting warmth weighs down the back of my diaper and makes it sag.
I prayed I wouldn’t have to feel that same sensation at my family’s dinner.
Before I left for my family’s Christmas dinner, I used a lube shooter to put a lot of lube inside my butt; if I had only lubed the toy before I pushed it in, it would have felt rather dry and would feel a bit uncomfortable after a bit. This method ensures that I remain comfortable at all times. When I arrived at the house, I made sure I looked presentable, that the back of my leggings and hoodie combo wasn’t covered in baby powder, and that my diaper was ready to go. I rubbed in the tapes for what felt like the tenth time in the last thirty minutes, almost as if it was a tool to reassure myself.
My family doesn’t know that I wear diapers all the time and I would prefer to keep it that way. I’ve always worn BetterDry around them and anyone else I don’t want to be in the know because they always start off so thin and discreet and that’s what I chose to wear that day. I can’t imagine what my parents would say if they found out that I was wearing a diaper, much less that I’ve been wearing them for several years at this point. 
Even though my family doesn’t come from much, my mother always likes to throw the biggest and bestest dinners on the holidays much like her mother did and her mother before her. I offered to help, knowing that it would put me at risk, but she declined as always; I know she takes great pride in doing it all herself. Dinner was nice. Everyone had a grand time, including me. I’ve worn around my family on countless occasions; either they don’t know or they aren’t saying anything about my diapers. Frankly, either of those options are good in my book. 
I tried to sit as much as I could because it helped me hide the ever-growing poof of my diaper. The drinks flowed just like they do every holiday at my parent’s house though I kept it to a minimum knowing that if I had a few drinks, I wouldn’t be able to drive for a while and I’d be walking with a waddle in no time at all. As the night wore on, I felt my inner thighs get pushed apart, little by little until it was really obvious to me that I needed to leave or change my diaper. I wanted to play it safe so I said my goodbyes and drove home.
When I got home, I hopped into bed and played with myself in my soggy diaper, teasing myself with my vibrator as I rewarded myself for accomplishing what I set out to do. I felt so naughty wearing my pink plug around my family, talking to them normally as if I didn’t have 5 inches of silicone up my ass for hours on end.  You can add more time onto this timer by sending me books, diapers, and other gifts from my wishlist. Everything listed has a comment next to it that says how much time is added, too. Any support would be greatly appreciated!
Current ending time: April 19, 2025
Total Days Remaining as of January 6, 2023: 834 days which is 27.8 months which is also 2.28 years.
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