#but even that actually sounds even more against theodred
dalleyan · 1 year
Elfwine Chronicles (new LoTR stories, Horse Lords posted, 12-31-22)
Lothiriel and Dariel discover a new talent in their husbands.  (Fluff)
 Horse Lords  -  (Dec, 25 IV)
Dariel followed her mother-in-law into her bedchamber, the two still chatting about their visit to the marketplace.  As they set their parcels on the bed and began sorting out what belonged to each of them, they were startled at what sounded like a whinny coming from the nursery. Or more specifically, the sound of a human attempting to whinny like a horse.  There was much childish giggling accompanying this, in addition to a lot of scuffling sounds, and the two looked at each other in puzzlement.
From long experience, Lothiriel knew she would want to investigate what was taking place in the nursery, so she signaled for Dariel to follow her to the door of the adjoining room. Softly she cracked it open and peeked inside, then had to hold back a snort of laughter.  Regaining control of herself, she waved the younger woman forward to get a look, and Dariel was also forced to clap her hand over her mouth to smother her amused response. 
Adjusting their position so they could both watch, they gazed in at the sight of their husbands, down on all fours, and playing ‘horse’ to their respective toddlers.  But these were not just fathers playing with their children, these were horse lords – king and future king of the land of the horse masters.
Their version of horse included rearing up – gently, of course, so the child did not slip off – pawing the ground, and thundering about the room in true war horse fashion. Although the boys, Theodred and Arawine, were still too young to appreciate such things, the two manly horses were even charging at one another as if their riders were in battle on horseback. Each had placed a length of rope through their mouths to act as a bit, and they chomped furiously at it and tugged in eagerness for action.  In short, the two were giving a very good imitation of their own mounts they rode almost daily.
Likely much of the nuance of their performance as horses was lost on their not-quite three-year-old sons, but it was clear that each father was trying to outdo the other in being the better horse.  Lothiriel and Dariel watched only a few minutes more before they could no longer contain themselves and collapsed against each other, laughing til the tears flowed.
Eventually, the two men heard the sound of laughter above their own ferocious snorting and whinnying, and looked up sheepishly at their wives.  The boys, upon seeing their mothers, quickly lost interest in riding their horsies and slid off to run for some maternal attention, and the two men dropped over on their fannies, to gaze abashedly at their wives.
Hugging her son close, Lothiriel commented to Dariel, “Do you suppose I should send down to the stables and have a hand come deal with these horses?”
Dariel nodded solemnly.  “I should think so.  Look how hot and sweaty they are.  They will need to be bathed and brushed before they are fed and stabled for the night.”
Unable to restrain their laughter, the two broke up again and both men flushed red.  Then, with a devilish glint in his eye, Eomer swiftly rose and moved to nuzzle his wife’s neck, snuffling and nudging as Firefoot would. Loud enough for both women to hear, he suggested, “This stallion has just gotten warmed up.  Are you sure you would not like to make use of him?”
It was Lothiriel’s turn to flush red, but Elfwine, who was actually rather embarrassed about witnessing such intimacy by his parents, rose and followed suit, giving Dariel similar treatment and making the same offer.  The result was identical to Lothiriel’s reaction, and the men found they had effectively turned the tables on their teasing wives.
Just then Dariel sniffed and leaned closer to her son.  At the same time, Lothiriel was also noticing that special telltale fragrance.  With a wicked grin, she plunked her son into her husband’s arms and replied, “We will consider your offers while the two of you change your sons’ diapers!”
Dariel immediately copied her actions and the two scurried back into the bedchamber and closed the door. For just a moment, they stood quietly before they finally caught one another’s eye.  That was all it took to overwhelm them with laughter once more. Truly life in the house of Eomer was never boring!
<i>THE END</i>
 also on AO3:
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lesbiansforboromir · 3 years
I read Theoden as being driven by shame, to be honest. He pretty explicitly rides out intending to die. If he doesn’t mention his son’s death or his failures as a king it’s because he’s desperate to expiate his shame over both, but the Rohirrim are not an introspective culture so I think it makes sense for him to not talk about it.
But the rohirrim aren't a NON-introspective culture either, and Theoden's actions are indeed motivated by shame because we know that! He tells us he feels guilt, he verbally regrets a lot, he verbally grieves Boromir! The absence of Theodred in his grief and guilt is incredibly noticeable. Especially in the moment where Saruman is trying to persuade him to turn to his side and Eomer steps forward and calls to Theoden 'What about the Westfold, what about Hama, what about Theodred, your son, whom Saruman assassinated'
And then Theoden speaks to Saruman and he says 'we will have peace, when you answer for the burning of the westfold, for the children who lie dead there, for hama whose body they hewed at the gate even after he was dead'. He purposefully leaves out Theodred!
And then there's him passing Theodred's cairn, they go through the fords of isen, Theodred's burial mound is in the centre and Theoden points out the other dead men that are now buried here who fought the battle Theodred lead, the battle that killed him! And Theoden says nothing, not in even in a quiet or thoughtfully silent way, he speaks about the soldiers, but he says nothing about Theodred. And I cannot find and explanation for this that ends with Theoden being a reasonably good father to Theodred. Or at least, that he is a good man who valued Theodred.
He is actually more sympathetic and mournful about Grima's loss than he is about Theodred's, even after knowing the misery he personally put Eowyn through. He misses Grima, he worries about him, he would eagerly forgive him if Grima asked it of him.
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rosa-berberifolia · 4 years
The Long Haul|LOTR x Reader|Eomer x Reader - Part 2
A/N: Part 2 of maybe...4? 5? 4? 5? Not sure. Again, the last time I reader the books was like a decade ago, so please dont be upset with me when things arent canon.
Warnings: blackish magicy type stuff kinda, violence, and everything that entails, mentions of death.
Word count: 2200 +\- 100
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You met with Lord Elrond and other members of his council, and a Hobbit named Frodo presented the one ring. Among the group of people at the meeting there were two people that you knew and trusted. Aragorn, and Gandalf the Grey. When they volunteered to be a part of the group to help destroy the ring, you immediately jumped to join as well, wanting to protect your friends.
You became rather close with all members of the group. Especially Legolas and Gimli. They, along with Aragorn and yourself had become separated from the rest of the group after the deaths of Gandalf and Boromir. You mourned for your friends, but knew that Merry and Pippin needed saving. So you let Frodo and Sam go while you four went after the Urukhai that captured the other two hobbits. 
The next time you saw Eomer, you didn’t realize it was him until it was too late. You were too far off to get to him before he left. A group of men on horses traveled passed your group. Aragorn signaled for you to stay back and attack from afar should the situation call for it.
You were so far away, perched on a rock that when Eomer took off his helmet you didn’t have a good view of his face, and only recognized him by his voice towards the end of the conversation between him and Aragorn. You only recognized him went he went to get back on his horse and he and his men rode north.
The disappointment that flooded you was insurmountable. You secretly dreamed of seeing him again. Of feeling his lips on yours again. Even though you knew he was a lord and had no business being with someone like you. You still dreamed of such things.
Aragorn had returned from battle, bloodied and bruised, but also, with news of impending doom. You followed Gandalf to the stables. You knew he planned to ride north to try to find Eomer and his men. But even though he was a wizard, the chances of him finding Eomer and convincing him to come were small, given how Eomer had described a white wizard - no doubt Sauraman - Eomer probably wouldn’t believe a word out of Gandalf’s mouth. But perhaps if he saw you there, and you vouched for Gandalf? Maybe then Eomer would believe and they would reach Helm’s Deep in time. Gandalf agreed and in a moment you were behind him on Shadowfax.
“Eomer, we must ride south to Helm’s Deep to aid your Uncle.” Gandalf said.
“And why would I believe the cunning white wizard who sends men to attack the lands of Rohan?” Eomer asked aggressively. 
Then you leaped from the back of Gandalf’s horse. You immediately saw Eomer’s face change from defensive to surprised and then to hurt. The look confused you. What had you done...or not done since your last meeting.
“If you don’t believe him then believe me, Eomer.” You declared as you started closer to him. Eomer dismounted from his horse and took off his helmet. He started walking towards you with a foul glare in his eye. It stabbed you in the heart to see him look at you this way. Though perhaps it was better that he come to dislike you and leave you be than for the two of you to catch feelings for one another. You tried to push these thoughts aside. It was better in the long run and there were more pressing matters to attend to.
“Your Uncle is well again, Eomer. Grima has been expelled from Rohan. And ten thousand orcs march towards Helm’s Deep and your defenseless people. Don’t tell me you would leave them to this horrible fate?” Your voice grew quieter as you became closer to Eomer, so that only he could hear.
“I tried to find you.” Eomer said coldly as he reached you. Is that why he was so cruelly looking at you? 
“I-I’ve been away.” You said as if it wasn’t obvious.”I’ve been on an important mission.” You gazed apologetically at Eomer and he tried to judge whether or not you actually meant it. You weren’t sure what he had chosen. After a moment he turned around and started walking back towards his horse. Then he stopped and looked back at you and motioned for you to join him.
“Rohirrim!” He started to address his men. “We ride for Helm’s Deep, and to battle!” He said, putting on his helmet. You came to where he was and he got on his horse and held out his hand for you. You took it and he pulled you up to sit behind him.
“Why were you trying to find me?” You asked quietly during a break for the horses.
“Theodred. My cousin.” Eomer looked sadly at the ground. “He was wounded in a battle with orcs. I tried to find you so you might be able to heal him.” Then he looked up at you. His eyes were full of hurt and anger. “I could not find you.”
You sighed and gathered your thoughts before you replied. “I was called upon by Lord Elrond. The One Ring has been found.” 
Eomer’s face shot up in surprise. A look of almost hope dawned his features. “Where is it?” he asked.
“It is being taken to Mordor to be destroyed.”
“By who?”
You had to pause to laugh a little. The whole thing being explained to someone else sounded ridiculous. Two hobbits against the world? Yikes. “Their names are Frodo and Sam.” You said deciding to save the whole hobbits bit for a later time. Then you were interrupted by one of Eomer’s men.
“My Lord. We should continue.” The man said. Eomer turned his head and nodded to the man before turning back to you.
“And you were accompanying them?”  He asked getting up. You followed.
“Yes, but we were separated. I am with the three you found the other day. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.”
“Why did I not see you there?”
“I was farther back on perch in case something went wrong.”
Before you got onto the horse again Eomer stopped you, turning towards you. He sighed and looked down at you. He sweetly ran the back of his hand against your hair. “I had missed you.” He said quietly under his breathe. The smile that erupted onto your face was embarrassingly large. You looked down to try to conceal the blush that crept onto your cheeks. Biting your lip you look back at him.
“I have missed you too.” You confessed. It was Eomer’s turn to smile and blush. The two of you grew closer and closer together until your lips were mere centimeters apart.
“Eomer! Y/n!” Gandalf got your attention from the other side of your horse. “We must leave at once if we are to make it!”
You and Eomer giggled at Gandalf’s timing. You pulled away and got on the horse and rode towards Helm’s Deep.
You were just on the other side of Helm’s Deep. You could hear the clattering and clanking of swords and the grunting of men, elf, and orc who fought. You grew nervous.
“Y/n,” Eomer started to say to you as Gandalf gave a rousing speech to the men. “You should stay behind. Its not safe for a lady.”
“Then I guess its a good thing I’m not a lady.” You said with a hint of amusement in your tone. Then Gandalf came towards you. 
“Get ready Y/n. We will need your help if we are to win this.” He stated. You jumped off of the horse and walk a way in front of the men.
You knew exactly what you could do to help them. But it would mean using your black magic. And if you were to use that, it would much easier for your father to sense where you were. But you supposed you would have to use it sooner or later. And sooner or later your father was going to figure out where you are. It would be worth it if you could do anything to help stop Sauran and Sauraman.
“Funnel the horses through my sigil.” You said before turning to look at Eomer again. He did not know of your lineage, but he was sure to learn in a moment. You were certain that once he saw how dark you actually were he would no longer want you. And while it hurt thinking that you would never feel his touch again, you knew that you would have to sacrifice some of the things you wanted if we were to win this war. And in your head you knew that it could never be between you two either because he was a Lord and you were from scum. You put all of this behind you and you focused on casting the dark spells you needed to.
“Avo alnej, startok.”[1] You said as you held your arm up to the sky. In a tiny flash of lightning and a boom of thunder, a crow appeared and landed on your arm. Then you quickly grabbed it by the neck. In your other hand you unsheathed your dagger.
“May latob kibum maprog ulub.”[2] Another spell left your lips, and you drove your knife into the crow’s belly and you drug it down. You put the knife away and then used the crow’s blood to draw a sigil on the ground. You made it large so that a few horses could go through at a time. When you were finished you stood just outside of the sigil and held crow up to the sky and the sigil you had drawn started to glow.
“Baj it zahal.”[3] You declared with the crow held high. With your arms still in the air you looked at Eomer. He had a look of horror on his face. He watched you with offensive concern. It nearly killed you. At least you could do this for him. You looked to Gandalf and nodded.
“Everyone must go through this sigil. Both man and beast. Do it now!” He demanded and looked at Eomer. Eomer looked to his men and nodded, signaling that they should do as the wizard said. And so they did.
The battle had ended and not a Rohirrim was lost. Unfortunately the other people of Rohan had been massacred. At the end you immediately went to help the healers. After you were able to find all of the things you needed for a dark healing spell, and Gandalf and the King talked the people there into letting you cast a dark spell, you got to work readying a space for it.
“Would you ever have told me that you were a fell beast, or were you going to keep me under your spell?” Eomer’s angry voice resonated in the room you were preparing. You thought that something like this might happen. You were kind of hoping that maybe he would just shun you and not come yelling at you. No such luck. It took a second for you to process what had just happened.
“You never asked me what I am.” You replied bluntly. Why should he get to be made at you? It’s not like you lied to him. He never asked. “And I never put you under a spell.” You clarified with hostility.
He looked bewildered for a moment at your stony attitude before he set a glare at you, then shaking his head and leaving. Eomer closed the door loudly behind himself.
“It was all she ever knew. And she has been making up for her mistakes. Don’t be too hard on her.” Aragorn stated to Eomer as he made to go down the hallway. Eomer cocked his head in question. “She’s saved my life more times than I’d care to admit.” Aragorn added and then walked down the opposite direction from where Eomer was going.
Days later and the people of Rohan were leaving Helm’s Deep and making their way back to Edoras. You were walking beside a cart pulling people’s things. Eomer was walking as well having given his horse to help the elderly and sick. He caught your attention when he came up behind you.
“I owe you an apology.” His deep voice carried in the wind making you look back. You stopped and furrowed your eyebrows at him. “And I suppose if I had such a secret, I wouldn’t have shared it either.” You started walking again when he was beside you.
“I’m trying to be better.” You said smally. “I’m trying to make up for the things that I’ve done.”
“There is no need to explain.” Eomer said with an almost guilty face and his gaze glanced over to where Aragorn and Eowyn walked together. You sighed in a defeated manner and shook your head. Of course it was Aragorn who gave him details about you.
Shyly you looked back up to him, judging his sincerity.
“I am sorry for yelling at you.” He stated calmly. It made you smile a little. And then he smiled back at you, a small, sheepish smile. You were so enthralled with him that you hand’t notice him move his hand. So when you felt his skin on yours, and then the gentle squeeze of his fingers entwined with yours, it made you jump. And your jump made him chuckle. 
When you didn’t pull away his smile grew. He said nothing. He raised your hand in his to his lips and he placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. You blushed while he put your hands back down. Just because you could never end up with him doesn’t mean that for now you can’t hold his hand for a little bit, right?
[1] To me, crow
[2] May your life protect theirs
[3] Make it so
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Eomer ~ Broken Crown
Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons
600 Followers Song Request Challenge!
Requested by Anon.
Yeah, it’s angst guys.
It was hard growing up on the plains of Rohan, not just because of the work in tending horses or farmlands, but also because, at times, food was scarce or threats arrived on the doorstep that no one ever expected it.
You used to sit and watch the soldiers ride by, used to wonder what their lives would be like and how different it would be to yours.
But then you grew older, wiser, more bitter at the world, the death of your mother and father hitting you hard and the demand for more horses hit you even harder.
When the prince himself came with the command, you were less than impressed and told him so, but instead, you were reprimanded by his second in command, his cousin if you weren’t mistaken, both too young to know what all this was really like.
Your disdain meant little to them, you were just expected to provide, thus furthering your anger towards them.
When rumour eventually reached you of corruption within the kingdom, you simply laughed, unsurprised.
Then further rumour persisted of uruk-hai in the lands, making you worried for your people, about those stuck out in the lands like you, and you did something that you never thought you’d have to.
You pulled out your father’s sword.
You were no fool, you knew what war was like, had been told enough about it, had seen some of the results of it, and it was something that you would have preferred to avoid at all in your lifetime.
But with the sounds of war, you knew that there was little choice.
Keeping your best horse, you let the others free or got those you could on them, sending them as far away as you possibly could.
Then you brought them time.
You could ride and you could fight, keeping yourself moving through the uruk-hai, knowing if you stopped too much, it increased your chances of getting hit.
There was screaming and blood and fire and it didn’t seem to take long before you thought your lands were unrecognisable.
In your moment of distraction, a blade sunk into your leg and spooked your horse as you cried out, who was quick to bolt, you just managing to hold on, another hand resting on the wound in your leg.
You weren’t sure how long your horse carried you, all you knew was that things slowly faded to black.
There were voices, all fuzzy, blurred, and you stirred restlessly, a hand resting on your shoulder making panic flare through you.
“Easy, easy,” A voice spoke, sounding oddly familiar.  “You were wounded, you need to be still.  We don’t know how long you were on your horse, but be glad it was us that found you and the uruk-hai.”
You fought to open your eyes, a bleary figure of a soldier above you, your vision not clearing, no matter how much you fought it.  “How…how…”
“We don’t know,” They spoke softly.  “But you are safe for the moment Y/N.  Please, rest.”
Not wanting to fight against the pain, you let yourself drift back into darkness.
The smell of food woke you up with time and you struggle awake, a dull throb still in your leg as you opened your eyes, blinking at the small camp set up, Rohirim soldiers moving about.
“We were wondering when you would wake.”  A soldier joins you, handing you a bowl of food, which you cautiously take.  “Your leg is healing well, but you do need to eat.”
You struggled to sit up straight, wincing at your leg a little before looking at the soldier, realising it was the same one from earlier and why you knew him.
“Lord Eomer,” You said, your voice a little hoarse, making you frown.  “And here I was thinking you’d be more invested in being at home.”
Eomer’s look told you everything that you needed to know.  He remembered you, remembered the clash that the two of had, still thought the same of you now as you did then, but was willing to work past it.
“Even if I was welcome at home, I’d still be out here patrolling.”  He said.  “And what that means to you, I do not particularly care at this stage.  It simply matters that you are safe, that we have not lost everyone.”
You bit down the distaste wanting to threaten to overtake your mouth and ate a spoonful of food instead.
Eomer sighs.  “Clearly reports have not reached you so far out. We are at war with Isengard and Theodred…Theodred is dead.”
Your back straightened, looking at him seriously.  “Dead? So the King is without an heir?”
You might have had an issue with the ruling class, but that did not mean you wanted anyone dead.
Eomer nods slowly.  “My sister and I can take the place, if the King so desires it, but right now, the war is more pressing.”  He falls silent for a moment, before looking over your leg. “You were very brave in what you did, putting yourself at risk like that.”
“We all do what we must.” You said quietly.  “If I had to have died to make sure that as many got out as possible, I would have done so.”
“You are a true warrior,” He said quietly.  “And if I ever treated you differently, I am sorry.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer, getting back to his feet and taking his leave.
It was almost a blur being around the soldiers, of having to travel each day, your horse and you both well taken care of, usually by Eomer the most, who seemed very concerned about your well being, although if there was fight, they left you behind, your leg still taking time to heal.
You refused to sit out when the White Wizard approached you about Helms Deep though, much to the disagreeance of Eomer.
“These are my people and I have sat back long enough,” You said firmly.  “And heir to the throne or no, I am going to fight with you.”
So you got armoured and you joined them in battle that day, charging down the hill towards the uruk-hai threatening your home.
You knew though, as soon as a blow hit you, that nothing good would come from it.
It hurt to breath, your body feeling broken, and for the first time, fear actually gripped you.
You couldn’t believe that it was Eomer that found you like this, after everything you had disdained about life, thinking that the upper class was not worth your time, it seemed that it was to be one that would be with you on your death bed.
Hands carefully removed your helmet and Eomer swam into focus, his expression worried and terrified. “You are going to be alright.”
Despite the pain you were in, you chuckled.  “I…don’t think I will.”
His expression grows grim. “You can’t think like that.”  He looks you over and you can tell that he is unsure of where to start, but his hands rest over a wound, making you drew in a deep breath.  “I should have never let you ride out with us, not with a wound still healing and not with the sheer numbers we were up against.”
“But-oh.”  You let out a low hiss of pain, your eyes watering, emotions overwhelming you.  “My heart was flawed, I knew my weakness.”  You managed to move your arm, which felt so heavy.  “So hold my hand, consign me not to darkness.”
Eomer takes your hand without hesitation, covered in your blood as it was.  “Don’t you dare give up Y/N.  We still need you here.”
You close your eyes, focusing on his hand in yours.  “No…I need to go…”
Words seemed to jumble together, but you could understand the break in his voice, and it seemed to try and make sense of what he said before you faded.
“I need you here. Stay with me Y/N.  I will help you through this, I promise.”
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demisewrites · 4 years
teh lewd between ael and leiron ewe
aelrindel presses himself against lieron, not wanting to break away from him. not that lieron wanted to either. this was much better than any dream he had of this moment. even with tear-streaked cheeks, it is much sweeter than any kiss he’s ever received. the back of leiron’s legs hits the bed and they both go tumbling down. 
“o-oh, ouch... ael, you-” lieron gets cut off by another deep kiss from aelrindel. he shifts, fully straddling his lap. he moans quietly, pleased at feeling lieron growing hard underneath him. 
“wait, ael,” lieron tilts his head to the side, breaking away from the kiss with a gasp, “we don’t have to if you don’t...” it’s hard to focus when ael is biting and licking at his neck. “...don’t want to... fuck...,” he groans lowly. 
aelrindel grinds his hips down against lieron, smirking against his neck as he gets another low moan from him. “you clearly want to. and i clearly want to.” he pauses then sits up suddenly, all playfulness gone away.
“...you... do want to... don’t you...?” he asks nervously.
“no! i mean, yes! i do! fuck, of course i want to. i was just... i don’t want you to feel like you need to because of me,” lieron gives him a crooked smile, “we can always go back to your friend. we only go as far as you want to.”
“...you’re giving us mixed signals, darling.”
dander flashes a grin. “don’t worry, ael is still here~ we’re a two-for-one deal.”
“we’re just very confused...”
“so, darling, we want to~ but we don’t know if you actually want to. tell us. all. of. your. desires~” dander nips lieron’s neck playfully, and giggles as he makes him groan in pleasure. 
“...you. fuck... all of you...” at this point, lieron is taking a gamble at telling them what he wants, but he’s waited for 50 years for this chance. 
their icy blue eyes soften with emotion. they gasp lightly and press their lips against his once more. their kisses turn more passionate and deeper, grinding their hips down harder, moaning and groaning against each other.
“...what else? what else have you imagined with me...?” aelrindel murmurs in between kisses. what hasn’t he imagined with aelrindel...
“...you riding me... usually...” lieron admits. aelrindel shudders lightly, the admission going straight to his dick. he kisses lieron one more time before straighten up, looking at him with half-lidded eyes. “help me out of these...?” he tugs at his clothes. lieron thinks he’s died and gone to heaven.
lieron sits up slightly, helping aelrindel out of his shirt, kissing and nipping at the now bare, smooth chest in front of him. ael mewls, back curving forward to meet each kiss. lieron’s rough hands brush against his pierced nipples, making his hips buck and moans loudly. lieron shudders and leans down to lick and suck at the sensitive areas, making aelrindel cry out. the pleasure he felt was immeasureable. “lieron...” he breathes out.
he tosses ael’s shirt off to the side, taking a moment to gaze at the pale elf’s chest. he notices the large scar across his chest, and his anger spikes, thinking that *he* inflicted it on his dear aelrindel. lieron kisses the scar lightly before returning to lick and suck on his nipples, wanting to make ael forget everything about *him*. 
 aelrindel moans sweetly and feels himself beginning to leak with precum. dander wants to rush it, but aelrindel wants to savor it, even if they both want to just ride lieron until they’re both exhausted. the thought of *him* is completely non-existent. only lieron, and lieron alone fills his mind.
he whines softly, wanting his pants off. lieron unbuttons and unzips his tight leather pants, dick springing out as dander “conveniently” forgot to wear underwear. lieron softly chuckles as aelrindel’s face turns bright red.  “haven’t seen this in a long time...” lieron teases before rubbing the tip. aelrindel whines louder, bucking his hips.
“lieron,” aelrindel pants. he wants more. but... old memories of being punished for asking for certain things begin to surface. 
touch me. taste me. savor me.
“tell me what you want...” lieron softly says, caressing his face. “anything and everything... just tell me...”
“touch... taste... everything... i want it all” aelrindel whispers back. 
lieron growls lightly, taking ael’s request as permission to explore his body entirely. he shudders as ael cries out, every sensation feeling brand new and pleasant. they only gave each other handjobs and experimental kisses when they were younger, but this... gods, how much lieron wanted this. how long lieron has wanted to run his hands across aelrindel’s milky white chest, to make him writhe and shudder in pleasure. he wanted him to himself... but he knew he couldn’t contain the whirlwind that was aelrindel and dander. 
“...hold on for a sec... i need to take off your trousers,” lieron pants. aelrindel shudder. lieron didn’t mean it as a command, but it still causes him to comply, slowly rolling over and spreading his legs for easy removal. 
“fuck... aelrindel... you’re so... fucking beautiful...” he murmurs, rolling over to lay on top of the pale elf. aelrindel closes his eyes. “...no, i’m... i’m not,” he feels the tears pricking at his eyes. to his surprise. lieron peppers kisses on his face.
“you always were... and you always will be, to me...” lieron murmurs, kissing his forehead. aelrindel shudders, this time from the onslaught of emotions. 
“...lieron, if you don’t take us now, we will be deeply disappointed.”
he jerks in surprise. “aelly won’t say, so i will, darling. there’s another who loves me unconditionally,” dander murmurs, uncharacteristically quiet, “but you, you love aelly unconditionally. and that’s what we want for him.
“...i’ve always loved you... but... i was never good enough...”
“...no, i was just an idiot...:
lieron nips his neck, making aelrindel yelp. “never an idiot. let me take care of you...” he shudders and nods.
lieron helps him out of his pants, now fully naked. his scarred body in full view. his dick twitching, expectedly, waiting.
he groans, dick twitching. “gods, aelrindel... you’re so... beautiful. lieron shifts and takes him completely into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. ael whines, eyes fluttering. “lieron... fuck....”
he watches all of his reactions, and the ones that hold the most promise, he repeats the motion. he glances back into his pale blue eyes, sucking and licking deeply at his cock. aelrindel cries out and moans loudly, unsure of how much more he can take. his eyes are half-lidded, ass completely ready to take lieron’s dick. 
“...fuck, lieron, fuck us... fuck me... just... take us. right now. “ they moan. 
usually, this is when his dreams would end. straightening his back and quickly removing his own clothes, lieron is relieved to find aelrindel still there, looking at him with lust and... shoving two fingers into himself, a catlike grin on his face as he starts preparing himself for lieron. aelrindel moans softly, pumping his fingers in and out, spreading his legs wider to give lieron a good view of him fucking himself. he definitely thinks he’s died and gone to heaven.
“ enjoying the show? we can’t do this on our own, darling~” dander mewls, “bet you’d feel much better than our own hand~” their breath hitches excitedly as they feel lieron remove their hand and feel his thicker fingers prodding their entrance. they groan in pleasure as the fingers enter, bucking their hips to get him to go deeper.
his other hand trails up their leg and massages the inner thigh as he wriggles and prods, making sure to prepare them fully. aelrindel arches his back and lets out a sweet moan as he feels lieron brush against his prostrate. he bucks his hips into his fingers a few times before breathing out a quiet “wait.” 
“...lay down. you wanted me to ride you.” lieron shivers, dick twitching in anticipation. 
he feels his heart ready to burst out of his chest as he lays back down on the bed, aelrindel moving to straddle him. he hovers over, getting into position, then slowly sinks himself onto lieron’s dick, gasping and moaning as he feels himself getting filled. lieron tries his best to not start rutting into ael, letting him take his time, but, fuck, it felt so good. he throws his head back, groaning lowly. 
ael waits for a moment before starting to bounce up and down, placing his palms on lieron’s muscular chest to steady himself. he closes his eyes, mewling and moaning as he rides lieron to his heart’s content. he feels his rough hands grip his hips tightly. he knows lieron is trying to hold back. he leans back a bit to give him a better view of his dick entering in and out of him. 
“you don’t have to hold back... i told you i wanted all of you.”
he nearly wails out a moan when lieron snaps his hips up into aelrindel, dick weeping with precum. “fuck, ael...” lieron grunts, thrusting up into him. ael tries to meet his thrusts, heat beginning to quickly build up inside of him. the sound of flesh slapping and their loud moans beginning to fill the room. 
“l-lieron...! fuck, yes...!” ael cries out, the pleasure too great. they should have done this ages ago. lieron growls, losing all restraint and focusing on making aelrindel cry out his name even more.
ael starts to chant lieron’s name as if it were a prayer, growing closer and closer to the edge. he thinks it’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. his beautiful ael, cheeks flushed and eyes half-lidded with lust, moaning out his name in bliss. he feels ael clench faster around him before ael screams out one last time, dick spurting out his release onto lieron’s chest.
that sight alone causes lieron to thrust up into ael deeply and roughly, cumming deep inside of the smaller elf. aelrindel whimpers softly, slumping down onto lieron’s chest, not caring about the sticky mess between them. they pant heavily, staring dazed at each other before ael shifts closer to kiss lieron deeply once more. lieron sighs into the kiss, wrapping his arms around ael. 
theodred can wait. they can go for one more round...
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lesbiansforboromir · 5 years
Ok I’ve been thinking about “Boromir Lives Succession Crisis” fic all day and I would love your Opinion on how best to achieve the first half of that clause. I feel like there’s basically 3 options 1) Faramir goes on the quest instead 2) Frodo successfully slips off unnoticed and Boromir doesn’t confront him and the party isn’t split when the orcs attack 3) Everything happens as in the book but Boromir isn’t shot (1/2)
(2/2) I’m kind of leaning towards either 1 or 3. 1 because I think it would strengthen Boromir’s claim and pretty much eliminate any bond he developed with Aragorn over the quest, making him more likely to contest the claim, and it has the possibility for good Fari drama. 3 is probably more straightforward but gets real hairy in sorting out the specifics, as well deciding at what point Boromir’s opinion on Aragorn would change etc. Curious how you would handle it!
👀👀👀 I stan you specifically for letting me talk about this- OK SO. 
I have played out each one of these possibilities with @emynarnens so many times that this is the only thing I’m qualified to do now. So to start off!
I don’t think I would recommend #1. Boromir’s effect on Aragorn is a pretty vital piece of Character development for him. Viggo Mortensen actually mentions it but we can see it in the Books too, Aragorn goes from considering the men of Rohan corruptible and weak willed to agreeing with Boromir that he does not believe they gave in too Sauron’s bribery. Essentially Boromir challenges Aragorn to rethink his attitude to humanity, both in others and within himself. Faramir is far too enamoured with the idea of Aragorn’s nobility and royalty and I don’t think he would challenge him in the same way, or at all really. 
#2 and 3 do create issues in terms of the general plot of merry and pippin needing to be with the ents, but if Boromir doesn’t feel he betrayed the fellowship and committed a grievous crime he would perhaps feel a stronger sense of self worth and therefore is certainly shot but doesn’t quite die. Too wounded to stop the Hobbits from being taken, but not dead. Although I would also say that Boromir’s momentary madness and loss of control and the guilt he feels afterwards is also an important piece of character development for him, even if he dies immediately afterwards. He realises he sacrificed too much of his own integrity and lost too much hope in his single minded drive to defend Gondor. His sacrifice for two hobbits, who are just his friends, brings back some of that care and concern the Ring’s influence had worn away. 
But have no fear! I wouldn’t call it necessary to take away any of what happened there. Remember in the books Boromir was not just pierced by three arrows, he was pierced by VERY many, and Pippin tells us Boromir was still up and fighting when he lost consciousness. Indeed, just before Pippin blacked out, he saw Boromir pluck a shaft from his side and continue with the battle, so reasonably the change simply could be ‘he wasn’t shot as much’. Obviously adhrenaline can keep you going and all that but these books are anything if medically sound and Boromir is just Like That. Wounded but not dead is a valid sacrifice and keeps the beats of the narrative intact. 
I would also recommend this because there needs to be some reason Denethor believes his eldest son dead. It is a vital contribution to the darkness that eventually drives him to suicide and means you don’t have to work around Denethor also being alive when you’re talking about the whole issue with the coronation. Denethor can have witnessed a glimpse of Boromir’s fate through the Palantir, and then Faramir perhaps does find Boromir’s horn cloven in the river and Denethor takes this as proof of death in his darker state of mind. 
With this in mind it’s also kind of necessary to have the hunters actually leave a wounded Boromir where he is and believe he will not survive. (I’d recommend this also just for the jab you can have Boromir give along the lines of, “What are you all waiting for? Will you compose a song for my funeral? The hobbits are getting further from you at every moment, go!” Because good god you three it’s enough to question how much you really care about your hobbit friends) 
AND another thing is that this still allows Aragorn his indecision, whether to go with Frodo or rescue the Hobbits, which is also characterful and important. AND it reinforces Boromir’s love of the hobbits, demanding the three hunters leave him there to die in order to save them as he was unable too. There’s still a repentant sacrifice there. 
But anyway the point is if Boromir is alive and perhaps found ‘dying but still with a chance’ by a company of Eored, then I would suggest he is forced to recover somewhere secluded throughout the events of Helms Deep. This is to make sure Pippin and Gandalf still think he is dead by the time they leave for Minas Tirith. It’s a shame because that would be cool for him to be involved, but if Pippin knows Boromir is alive then it’s unlikely that he wouldn’t tell Denethor that and, as I’ve said, Denethor’s grief is important. 
If you really wanted Boromir at the battle at Helm’s Deep, you could go along the route of Denethor not believing Pippin, but that’s a stretch. I suppose you could also consider that the shock of it has already taken it’s toll on Denethor and even if he hears Boromir is alive, it’s done it’s job by the time Denethor believes Faramir will die and the City will be taken. 
(Unless you do wanna contend with Denethor being alive which I also like but that does take away from the narrative simplicity of it just being about Boromir and Aragorn’s conflict and the complex emotions surrounding it. Denethor does not believe Aragorn should be king and it’s unreasonable to think Boromir would go against his father in this case so it detracts from the indecision somewhat. But I would say Denethor being dead is the better option just for this specific idea.)
As far as worrying about whether Boromir would contest Aragorn’s claim goes, I wouldn’t worry about that. Boromir never once accepts the idea of Aragorn as his King. Certainly they are friends, they work well together, he likes him, but his responsibility to his people and the laws of Gondor and his Father’s wisdom and wishes (especially now he’s dead) would supersede any personal connection they have. And really the best case Aragorn has for being worthy of the throne is ‘It was in a Prophecy and also people like me’ so Boromir has plenty of reason to be like… suspicious about Aragorn’s aptitude. 
I think having them as friends adds some interesting emotional elements to it actually, the balance of friendship vs responsibility. You mentioned Boromir’s opinion of Aragorn changing, but the truth is it never does. Boromir essentially ignores the fact that Aragorn is asking for the Throne for the entire book and just accepts him as a man who’s willing to give aide to Gondor. Which is all Boromir really cares about at the time, not really expecting any of them to live long enough for this to be a problem. The conflict between him and Aragorn about the kingship is manufactured by the film entirely. 
In the end the probability is that Aragorn would become king, Aragorn did a good job at becoming heroic and he does seem to have burst out of nowhere and saved everyone. Even the Lords are for it, it appears. I think the eventual crux of it would be the kinds of requests, clauses and checks Boromir would demand Aragorn agree too. How they should change the nature of a King’s rule to fit in with this more egalitarian society Gondor’s grown into. Boromir would also ensure Aragorn went through the proper channels, that a council of Lords was held and his Kingship debated and voted on, make the whole thing something everyone participates in and understands. 
You mentioned Faramir drama too but we’ll get that in SPADES when he’s fighting with his brother over his treatment of Aragorn. Faramir really is thoroughly taken in by Aragorn’s mystique and his reaction to him is to cast off any and all tradition and agree to his coronation on the spot. This could also be because Aragorn saves his and Eowyn’s life, but still he and Boromir will have some serious issues, perhaps for the first time in their relationship so that’d be super fun to explore.
I’d suggest absolutely nothing changes except for the severity of Boromir’s wounds. Aragorn still finds him, he still begs Aragorn to save Minas Tirith. The only difference is he verbally tells Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to leave him and save Merry and Pippin and he is alive when they go though they do not expect him to recover. 
He is found by some Eored and taken to a nearby Rohir settlement (In LOTRO it’s a small town called Walstow and the Thane is a little plagued by the Uruks running around so it could also be a kind of mini adventure for Boromir with helping them repel attacks and eventually being able to evacuate to Dunharrow?) But whatever happens, he doesn’t rejoin his friends until after Pippin and Gandalf leave for Minas Tirith. 
I know everything I just said but like… forget it for a moment because I have a second suggestion that absolutely flounces every one of the points I just made but I like it because I’m a sap. 
Gandalf slips up and tells them all on Caradhras that he doesn’t know the password into Moria. 
Aragorn: “What?! Then why are we even discussing it? Boromir’s right, we should risk the Gap of Rohan, at least we will not be so enclosed.”
Gandalf: “I can figure the password out when we get there!”
Aragorn: “Tosh! We could be discovered, pursued or killed long before you rattle through every possible way inside. Nope! The Gap of Rohan it is!”
And then they make their way down south and oh wow! Here’s the Prince of Rohan and he has an entire camp of loyal soldiers who could defend this little party. 
And Theodred exclaims ‘here is Boromir! My (love, partner, boy) friend! I, of course, trust him and his fellows. Let me just finish this skirmish- whoops! That was a close one thanks Boromir, who I love, for being here to save me from that Orc or I would have been dead! Wouldn’t that be terrible? Anyway we are still losing here so let me and Erkenbrand and Grimbold all escort you to safety.’ 
‘Oh? Your two young Hobbit friends left in the night did they? How strange, I hope they come to no harm but I suppose we shall all have to focus on defending Helms Deep for now. I’m very glad I’m here with you Boromir, to be a friendly face who knows when you are acting strangely and remind you of your humanity and softer side, you didn’t seem to be doing very well in the midst of these very strange and not particularly empathetic friends of yours!’
… Your choice of course ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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