coachbeards · 3 months
I feel like I was looking for gay Ted content of any kind and has only vaguely considered BeardTed but stumbling on your blog fully sold me on them as a pair, high quality posts from you and deep Beard understanding 🙏
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thank you so much!!!!! i'm a devout beardted stan, and i just think there's sooooooo much there. thirty years worth of love and history! it's my job on the internet to be a little too obsessed with these coaches 💙
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nimuetheseawitch · 3 months
B N X :3
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Gosh, there are so many. But the most recent one is Hangster (Hangman/Rooster) from Top Gun: Maverick. I was not interested in it, even though it's the main pairing in the fandom, but @hero-in-waiting kept sending me really good fic recs, and I have fully succumbed.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Oh man, do I even have a main fandom anymore? I think by the numbers it's still probably MASH for tumblr, but now I'm deeply in Top Gun, but also still pretty into Stargate? Since I've only been reading Top Gun fic for a bit though, I guess I'll pick that. I'm not a good judge of what's happening in other fandoms right now.
Carole Bradshaw. I want her influence, her presence, and just more of her in general.
Really solid platonic bonds. There are some great fics out there that did into that, but I still want more. Give me Javy and Jake with a confusingly affectionate deep friendship. Give me more Carole and Mav friendship. Show them navigating their changing friendship after Goose's death as they try to raise Bradley together. Give me ride or die Halo and Omaha. There's so much friendship potential, and I want to see it all!
Macheresin. Javy and Jake are great as friends (see above), but I adore them as a slash pairing. Need more of it.
Important note: I did not include femslash in this list because there are honestly so few female characters, and I think people are doing a pretty good job considering how little we get to work with. But I always want more femslash, regardless of fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Fake Dating. I love love love fake dating. It has a lot of potential to go a whole lot of ways, and it's just so fun. Shoutout to letters/epistolary stories too; that would be my favorite, but it's kind of more a literary device than a trope.
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dustbunny105 · 1 year
Anode/Lug, 7,9, and 12!
7.)  What do they like most about one another?
Lug likes Anode's adventurousness and boldness, in spite of the trouble it gets them into-- in a way, because of the trouble it gets them into. Lug is the kind of person who doesn't even need to be bitten before she gets shy and she admires as much as she is bewildered by Anode's ability to be bitten again and again and keep chasing her ambitions anyway (one obvious case notwithstanding). For all that she tries to act as the voice of reason between the two, being with Anode makes her feel brave and even powerful.
As for Anode... Hm. I suppose the cynical way to put it would be that she likes that Lug puts up with her antics. That Lug looks at her, sees exactly what she is, and still sees her as someone worth putting in work for. Lug's steadfast loyalty does mean the world to her. What she really admires is that Lug can look at a bad situation for what it is, openly-- and loudly-- call it out for what it is, and still get out there and do her part to get them through it. For all her false bravado, nothing is as reassuring to Anode in the field as Lug being there beside her.
9.)  What is the most common cause of conflict between them?
Even after conceding that the time has come to settle down, Anode gets that adventuring itch; this is a bot who suffers from acute fomo, desperately needs at least the occasional reminder that she can still do the thing and chafes under long-term routine. Lug, meanwhile, for all that she has some (begrudgingly) fond memories of their adventures, is perfectly content to stay in one place and work a "real" job.
(Yes, I do headcanon that Anode joins Alieron's crew and Lug becomes an instructor alongside Arcee, why do you ask?)
12.)  What is each partner’s favorite kind of date?
Anode enjoys big events like festivals, places the two of them can get a little lost together. Lug, on the other hand, prefers more intimate affairs, something that centers just the two of them. Their favorite compromise is going big and finding a private place for themselves away from the crowd, not always but usually by way of trespassing.
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thelatecaptainpierce · 5 months
46, 47, 48 :3
Thank you! <3
46. Favorite one of the swamp rats’ out of uniform outfits and/or articles of clothing? Definitely the Hawaiian shirts, especially Hawk's blue one and Trapper's yellow one. (I have a yellow one myself and it looks nothing like Trapper's but I wear it for him <3)
47. What quirk does your favorite character have that you find most endearing? Obvious pick but Hawkeye's flamboyance is so important and I love him for it.
48. What episode are you showing to your friend as a first impression to get them into mash (pilot barred)? I know a lot of people pick lighter ones for this but I feel like my friends would be more interested in ones that take a darker turn. So I'm gonna pick The Late Captain Pierce because I think it eases you in slowly with a kind of silly-sounding premise until it becomes increasingly serious and existential, so you kind of get the best of both worlds.
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drpierceandmrhyde · 5 months
15 & 20
Thank you!
15. Pick a theme song for one of the characters. Why do you think that song suits them?
I've actually made a Hawkeye playlist (shameless plug, but please note I haven't updated it in 2-3 years). If I had to pick one song from the playlist as the Hawkeye Pierce song, I might pick "The Jester" by Badflower. I also think the line "Is every last soul just fucking me over?" captures some essence of Hawkeye's anger. I think that sometimes when he is especially angry or in the midst of a manic episode or mental health crisis he may feel like everyone and everything is stacked against him.
Other lines from the song that remind me of him:
And I was draped in golden velvet / Bathing in applause / While I was jumping through the rings
Just say you want me, just say you need me
Lord, I live to entertain / All my pride is in my praise
If any chord that I could strum / Made me feel less like a man / I'd slam my finger in the doorway / And shatter all the bones / So I could never strum again
20. Who would win in a fight, the character you deeply love or the character you cannot fucking stand (this does not have to be a main character) (I will be realistic I promise. No bias 😒😒)
In a fight between Hawkeye and Potter, I'm afraid to say Potter would likely win. He is more physically fit, and he is scary when he is in a bad mood. I think he would do a real number on Hawkeye. And then I would have to kill Potter in retaliation
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terrainofheartfelt · 6 months
29 and 19 :)
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? I really had fun writing serenessa a few weeks ago, I'd like to write more of them. they've turned from rarepair to endgame in my heart, tbh.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I am quite proud of this one line from my latest datefic:
Like cold glass doused in hot water, Dan feels brittle, like one false move will crack him open.
ao3 wrapped!
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askaniritual · 7 months
Scott Summers, Vash, and Spock character opinions?
ooooooo a 3 for 1!!
this is a real study in Jordan's Blorbos Through the Ages lmfaooo apparently i zeroed in on the highly emotionally repressed characters who feel like they are fundamentally different from those around them due to the circumstances of their birth and just fuckin ran with it
i feel bad because i feel like this lineup makes it seem like i dont have any opinions abt spock but tbh!! i do think hes a compelling character and i also do think most ppl who r fans understand what makes him compelling
anyway scott vash and spock r all characters where i think theyre putting up a really intense front all the time, and so i do think a lot of the times in fandom ppl kind of tend to like. take the front at face value? and in doing so lose some nuance in the character. i also think theyre all characters who tend to hold ppl at arms length rather than risk appearing as less than perfect for even a single second
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scottxlogan · 2 years
19 and 30 for AO3 wrapped!
Thanks for these! I appreciate the asks :)
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Hmm...that’s a good question. I guess I would have to say that I’m going eventually try something with Bruce and Scott because I was assigned that on my bingo card for the Scott Summers Bingo. I’m not quite sure where I will go with it as I enjoy their friendship in a Scott/Tony fic I’d been writing, but that’s something I think I’d be eager to explore in the future :)  30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? I think my biggest surprise was learning that all fandoms are not created equal. Coming from the X-Men/Scogan fandom and stepping into the Avengers side of Marvel I’ve seen some drastic changes between the two fandoms, which has been accompanied by some ups and downs in first of all dealing with fandom and second in the style/type of stories each fandom enjoys. What works in one fandom in terms of themes and ideas beautifully is just something that doesn’t feel right in the other. Having been part of such a smaller fandom for so long I was really blown away by all the changes in the crossing over into the Avengers fandom. That being said I want to give a special shoutout to @winterironwhims, @just-fandomthings, @onekisstotakewithme,  @gayspacesprinkles,  @buckybarnesbingo, @tonystarkbingo and the @starkbucksbingo for not only welcoming me, but guiding me in a lot of ways into the fandom. Before this year I never joined any type of bingo before and those bingos I mentioned are so welcoming and wonderful that if anyone would like to take part in something like that I highly recommend them in the future. I’ve met a lot of people through fandom through the years, but to those mentioned above I just want to give an extra shoutout because they helped me .
Thanks again for the asks :)
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wellnoe · 10 months
Scott Summers and/or Tabitha Smith! :3
tabby is another one where my reading habits come back to bite me unfortunately:
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i encountered tabby in x-factor! and then the only x-force i've ever read was rahne of terra, which is actually a wolverine graphic novel ig, and that was bc it was one of 3 graphic novels my mom owned. i am on vague terms with tabby is what i'm saying.
i really like her! i think she's really fun and i like to sketch her. she's like. a really good kind of annoying teenager i think. i love her grandiosity, i love her insecurities. i really like her friendship with rictor!! none of which is really conveyed in this bingo.
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infinityactual · 2 years
going for.... sergeant johnson & sam-034 for the character bingo!
You and @rescue-ram both asked about Avery, so here u go:
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I don't think about Avery much, even though I just LOVE him. I think he got done dirty by the creators, even his one sec scene in Contact Harvest felt shoehorned in there for the sake of giving him a sex scene.
I would have loved to get more content of him that covered his experiences in ORION, basically the only info we have on that is that Johnson was part of it. I feel like he was John levels of Shitlord during those years.
As for Sam-034:
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I may have only written like 2 things about him, but he is CONSTANTLY in my head. Poor boy probably has motion sickness by now as much as he's been rotating in my skull.
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lungthief · 2 years
Aufidius for character ask meme?
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bites him bites him bites hi
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shiveringsoldier · 1 month
5, 7, 24 for Tommy Shelby :3
Thank you!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I actually have a Spotify playlist for songs that I could see on the Peaky Blinders soundtrack. One song that reminds me of Tommy specifically is “Glory” by Jamie N Commons. The themes of not being who you once were, hate, and right vs. wrong feel very appropriate for him
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Unfortunately, I am largely a Tommy hater and strongly disagree with just about everything the fandom says/does when it comes to him. But I do appreciate the small number of fans who recognize the love he has for Grace and how profoundly her death destroys him. It just sucks that a lot of those fans also hate Lizzie for no reason.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
He reminds me loosely of Walter White. They’re both pathologically ambitious. They have sympathetic motivations at first (Walter’s lung cancer and Tommy’s borderline-debilitating PTSD) before they start doing increasingly indefensible things. They don’t care about harming family members/loved ones for the sake of personal gain despite claiming they’re doing everything for their family. And they are awful people whom their fandoms idolize for reasons beyond my comprehension.
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narrie · 1 year
You can see El standing by Louis for about one minute during the footage of the CCME festival! The way I squeaked when I recognized her 😭
anonymous said: Eleanor actually is kinda seen in the documentary during the scene where Louis is kissing Freddie backstage before his La show you can see her in the background , you can’t see her head only her body
wild eleanor sightings 😭 god i really wanna know if she was in it before they broke up and it's one of the things we lost in the fire
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dustbunny105 · 1 year
For WIP game: "hands"
Hey, sorry I took so long to answer this! I forgot that it was supposed to be just the sentence the word appears in and I agonized over choosing an occurrence of the word-- of which it turns out my WIPs have many-- where I could easily clip a context-inclusive excerpt, which is how I usually play this kind of game. And which is also how I played this game, because I didn't agonize for nothing.
Though she liked to think that she would never admit it out loud, Lug had long accepted the fact that she would follow Anode anywhere. A sewer system for a race of gelatinous organics, however, was pushing her to the furthest reaches of her tolerance.
“You want to go in there,” she said very slowly-- very calmly, she rather thought. She dared try to look more deeply into the hole that Anode had uncovered. “You want me to go in there.”
“Well, want is a very strong word for it,” Anode said, shrugging off the whole thing like she was trying to convince Lug where to go on holiday. “But here’s a stronger word for it-- need. We need to go in there.”
“I think ‘we’ is the strong word here.”
Anode gasped, both hands fluttering up to her chest as though to catch her falling spark. “You would rather that I go down there by myself? In the dark and the wet?”
“In the stink,” Lug muttered.
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redladydeath · 2 months
Ngl the idea of the Vees just like fucking yoinking Nifty after Alastor either dies or fucks off into the ether is very darkly funny to me.
They probably wouldn’t even ask the hotel and Nifty would gladly go with them because she likes Vox and she’s really enamored with Val (in a way that manages to make even him uncomfortable).
They just… have a Nifty now.
They have shared custody with the hotel crew. The hazbins love Niffty and don’t want her in the hands of the Vees of all people (especially Angel), but… she is a grown woman and is capable of making her own choices, even if those choices are pretty inexplicable. They don’t seem to be taking advantage of her in any way other than not paying her for her labor, but they didn’t do that either, so…????
Alternately, it’s consensual kidnapping-for-consensual kidnapping. Alastor takes Vox, they take Niffty. At least they won’t be arrogant enough to put her in a shitty commercial that advertises where she is for everyone to see.
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 5 months
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Bheem works to rescue the best friend he wrongly believed had betrayed him, in the masterpiece of bromantic cinema that is RRR.
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